(ilass. Book >^^Hif / ¥~f9 a' i L'^^-^Ct^-'^'Z,^^^' C<^- THE LOCAL HISTORY OF : BiiNliOGTOK, 1860—1883. The Militarg Histori] of the Coiintij, BY HON. HI LAND HALL, GOV., M. C. WITH PAPKRS ON BENNINGTON BATTLE, CATAMOUNT TAVER> POST-OFFICE, VILLAGE STRIFES IN THE TOWN OF BENNINGTO FROM 1784 TO 1^83, AND BEENNINGTON FREE LIBRARY. El With the Biographij of Govenor^Hall FROM THE Fji^HLY AND OTHERS: AND FURTHER ACTION IX REGARD TO The Bennington Monument IN WHICH HE TOOK A PROMINENT PART. BY HNERY^D. HALL, ESQ. WITH BENNINGTON VILLAGE! BENNINGTON, NORTH BP:NNINGT0N. ' ' ' REN>,T^'GTON CENTRE, AND THEIR INDUSTRIES. ABBY MARIA HE ME NW AY, Editor. \\ [ NO. 29 NEWBURY AVE. ] CHICAGO : •^/f^6 •or THE MILITARY HISTORY AND CENSUS OF BENNINGTON COUNTY, BY HON. HILAND HALL, LL.D. THE COUNTY OF BENNINGTON BY HON. HILAND HALL. Notices of the County prior to 1860 are found in Volume I at pages 121 and 250-253. POPULATION. At page 251 is a table showing the population of each of the towns in the county, at the dates when the census was taken up to and including the cen- sus of 1860. Below is a like table of the population of the same towns by the census of 1860, 1870, 1880, as follows: Bennington Co.— 1860— 1870— 1880. Arlington, —1146—1636—1532, gain 386. Bennington, —4302—5760—6333, gain 2031. Dorset, —2090—2195—2005, loss 85. Glastenbury, — 47 — 119— 241, gain 194. Landgrove, — 320 — 302 — 266, loss 74. Manchester, —1688—1897—1928, gain 240. Peru, — 556, gain 13. Pownal, —1733—1705—2015, gain 282. Eeadsborough, — 929— 828— 745, loss 184. Rupert, —1103—1017— 957, loss 146. Sandgate, — 805— 705— 681. loss 124. Searsbnrg — 263— 235— i'.!2. loss 31. Shaftsbury, —1937—2027—1887, loss 50. Stamford, — 760— 633— 726, loss 34. Sunderland, — 567 — 553 — 655, gain 88. Winhall, — 741— 842— 721, loss 20. Woodford, — 379— 371— 487, gain 108. —19443-21325-21947 B}' this table it will be seen that the population of the county for the twen- ty years from 1860 to 1880 has in- creased from 19.443 to 21.947, being a gain of 2.504 and that in general there has been a slight decrease iii the towns which are almost exclusively devoted to agricultural pursuits : while the gain in numbers has been in those VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. engaged in manufactures and lumber- at Lexington. The enthusiasm for sus-^ ing, viz: in Arlington, Bennington, j taining the government of the Union Glastenbury, Manchester, Pownal, was intense. Sunderland and Woodford. The large percentage of increase in Glasteubui'V is attributed to the construction of the Glastenbury railroad of about 9 miles in length from Bennington up into the mountain regions, from which lumber and charcoal have been more cheaply transported to the South and East than formerly. BENNINGTON COUNTY IN THE WAR FOR THE UNION. The patriotic ardor ^^ hich pervaded the North on the fall of Fort Sumpter and the consequent call of the President- of April 15th 1861, for 75.000 volunteers was as earnest and active in the town and countj^ of Bentiington in its de- termination to suppress the rebellion and preserve the Union, as in any part of the country. In Bennington, the flag of the stars and stripes, the symbol and representative of love of Country and of the Union, was at once suspended acrost the streets and displayed on public buildings and pri- vate dwellings. THE FIRST WAK-MEETING. A public meeting was held on the evening of the 19th of April, filling the largest hall in town, that was at- tended and addressed by men of both political parties. During the meeting- news came of the massacre, on the morning of that day, of Massachusetts men on their way at the call of the President for the defense of the Capitol, The Star Spangled Banner was sung and stirring resolutions were unani- mously passed to take thef most ener- getic measures to raise men for that purpose. Similar patriotic action was taken by other towns of the Count}\ The Govenorof the State had prompt- called an extra session of the Legisla- ture which met on the 23d of April and enacted laws for raising, organiz- ing and equipping as volunteers, or by drafting, if found necessary, such num- ber of regiments as might be required by the General Government ; and also made provisions for paying the non- commissioned officers and privates who should enter the service, $7 per month beyond the usual pay allowed by the United States. To meet the immediate call of the President, ten companies of already organized militia in differ- ent towns of the State were mustered into the service of the United States on the 2d. of Ma}' for three months, which constituted the First Vermont Regiment in the War for the Union. The com- panies were from the following towns, viz: Compan}- A., S wanton, Franklin Co. Co. B., Woodstock, Windsor Co. Co. C, St. Albans, Franklin Co. Co. D., Bradford, Orange Co. Co. E.,' Cavendish, Windsor Co. Co. F., Northfield, WashingtonCo. Co. G., Brandon, Rutland Co. Co. H., Burlington, Chittenden Co. Co. L, Middlebur}', Addison Co, Co, K,, Rutland, Rutland Co. by a mob of Secessionists at Baltimore. The day was recalled as the anniver- ; The regiment was under the command sar}' of the murdering assault on the of Col. J. W, Phelps and consisted of Revolutionary patriots by the Brittish ' .780 men. BENNINGTON, THE SECOND REGIMENT FOR THREE YEARS SERVICE. A full company of volunteers for permanent service was speedily recruit- ed in Bennington, a list of the names of which, both officers and men with the towns from which they came will be found in the first volume of this Gaz- etteer at page 259. This company of which the com- missioned officers were: James H. Walbridge, Captain and Newton Stone and William H. Cady, lieutenants, was the first company, raised in the State for the three years service, and ac- cordingly became Company A of the Regiment. The Regiment was mustered into the U, S. service, June 20, 1861, and continued in the service more than four years, until July loth 1865 when the regiment was mustered out. The term of the men who had first enlisted had expired before that time and their places had been supplied by second enlistments of the same men in pai-t, but largely by new recruits, so that the majority of the men, both offi- cers and privates of which the regiment had been originally composed was prob- ably, from this cause in connection \yith the various casualties incident to so long a service, no longer members of it. This remark applies with slowly decreasing effect to the subsequently raised regiments for the three years service. All the troops hereafter mentioned were for three years, except the loth and 14th regiments which were for 9 months only. The following is a Roster of the Field, Staff and Company Officers from the County of Bennington of the SECOND VERMONT REGIMENT of Volunteers, it being a list of their names, the towns of their residence, their age, the dates, ranks and compa- nies in which they began service, with those of their several promotions and the dates and manner of the termina- tion of their service ; compiled from the Reports of the Adjutant General of the State, A'ol. 3 for 1866. JAMES H. WALBRIDGE of Bennington, age 34, entered the ser- vice as Captain, Co. A, May 14, 1861 ; Major, May 21. 1862; Lieut. Col. Jan. 8, 1863 ; Colonel Feb. 9, 1863 ; resigned, Apr. 1, 1864. NEWTON STONE of Bennington, age 23, entered the ser- vice as 1st Lieut., Co. A May 14, 1861 ; Capt. Co. I, Jan. 22, 1862; Major, Jan. 8, 1863; Lieut. Col. Feb. 9, 1863; Colonel, Apr 2, 1864; killed at the battle of the Wilderness, Va. Maj' 5, 1864. His remains were brought to Bennington and interred in the old Centre buiying-groand, where an ap- propriate monument is erected to his memory. GUILFORD S. LADD of Bennington, age 30, entered the ser- vice, June 11, 1861, resigned, July 17, 1862. WILLIA5I H. CADY of Bennington, age 24, entered the service as 2d Lieut., Co. A, May 14, 1861 ; Lst Lieut.. Co. A, Jan. 22, 1862; Capt., May 21. 1862 ; wounded at the Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864; mus- tered out of service, June 29, 1864. He died at Bennington, February 24, 1879. VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. PRATT ST'^>NE of Readsboro', age 26, entered the service as private, Co. A, May 20, 1861 ; Serg't., Nov. 1, 1861 : Ist Sergt, Oct. U, 1862 ; wounded, May 3, 1863, rc-enlisted, Dec. 21, 1863; 1st Lieut., Co. D, Jane 20, 1864; Capt., Dec. 24. 1864; resigned, June 9, 1865. EUGENE O. COLE of Shaftsbury. age 27, private, Co. A. entered service, May 7, 1861 ; Serg't, June 20, 1861 ; Isl Sergt., Sept. 14, 1861 ; 2d Lieut. Co. A, May 21, 1862 ; 1st Lieut., Oct. 17, 1862; mustered out of service, June 29, 1864. ( See Fifth Regiment.) EDWARD W^. APPLET*' N of Bennington, age 23, entered the ser- vice as private, Co. A, JMay, 14, 1861 ; 1st Sergt. June 20, 1861; 2d Lieut., Co. H, Sept 12, 1861 ; 1st Lieut., Co. B, Jan. 25,1862; discharged for dis- ability, Sept. 25, 1862. OTIS V. ESTES of Bennington, age 25, private, Co. A, May 7, 1861: Sergt., June 20, 1861 ; 1st Sergt. May 21, 1862; 2d Lieut, October 17, 1862; wounded, May 12, 1864; mustered out May 25, 1864. BURR T. COLE of Shaftsbury, age 19, private. Co. A, September 15, 1862 ; wounded, May 6, 1864; Corporel, December 1, 1864; 1st Sergt., Feb. 7, 1865; 2d Lieut , June 7, 1865: mustered out as 1st Sergt. July 21, 1865. CHARLES M. BLISS of Woodford, age 34, entered the ser- vice as private, Co. A, May 7, 1861 ; Sergt., June 20, 1861 ; 2d Lieut., Sept. 2, 1861. Honorably discharged, Octo- ber 4. 1862. RUSSELL FISK of Bennington, age 36, private, Co. A, Dec. 1, 1863 ; Sergt. Major, Feb. 7, 1865; 2d Lieut., June 7, 1865; mus- tered out as Sergt. Major, July 15, 1865. This Regiment was in 28 engage- ments. THE FOURTH REGIMENT. The three years company A of the 4th regiment was recruited at Bennington, of which John E. Pratt was captain, Abel K. Parsons and Gideon H. Bur- ton lieutenants. A list of both the offi- cers and men with the towns from which they came will be found in Vol. 1 of this Gazetteer at page 260. This company with the regiment was mus- tered into service Sept. 26, 1861 and mustered out, July 13, 1865. Roster of the Field, Staff and Company Officers, john e. pratt of Bennington age 26, entered the ser- vice as Capt., Co. A. Aug. 27, 1861 ; Major Apr. 30, 1864 ; Lieut. Col., Mar. 14, 1865; mustered out July 13, 1865. He died, in Bennington, Oct. 7, 1882. JOHN H. CUSHMAN of Bennington, age 32, Quartei master, Aug. 10, 1861 ; mustered into service, Sept. 21, 1861 ; resigned, Jan'y. 24, 1863 ; died in Bennington, 187- HENRY T. CUSHMAN of Bennington, age 18, enlisted as Reg. Qt. M. Sergt., Mar. 1862, commission- ed, Jan. 29, 1863; mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864. HOWARD C. CHAPIN of Readsboro', age 20, private, Co. A, Aug. 13, 1861, Corp. ; Sept., 21, 1861, Sergt. ; 2d Lieut., Co. B, Aug. 1, 1862; 1st Lieut., Co. F, BENNINGTON. ^ Apr. 1, 1863; Capt., May 5, 1864; mustered out, July 13, 1865. ABEL K. PARSONS of Bennington, age 32, 1st Lieut., Aug. 27, 1861 ; mastered into service, Sept. 21, 1861; Killed in action at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. GIDEON H. BURTOX of Bennington, age 23, 2d Lieut., Co. A, Aug. 27, 1861 ; 1st Lieut., July 17, 1862 ; resigned, Feb. 14, 1863. NATHAN A. SMITH of Shaftsbmy, age 19, private, Co. A., Sept. 2, 1861 ; Corp., July 31, 1863 ; re- enlisted, Dec. 15, 1863 ; wounded, May 5, 1864; Sergt., Sept. 21, 1864 ; Reg't. Qt. M. Sergt., Feb. 4, 1865 ; 2d Lieut., Feb. 27, 1865; mustered out July 13, 1865. This Regiment was in twenty-six engagements. THE FIFTH REGIMENT. The 3 years Company E of the Fifth Regiment was recruited at Manchester and with the regiment was mustered into service, Sept. 16, 1861, and mus- tered out, June 29, 1865. Roster vf the Field, Staff and Com- pany Officers from Bennington Co. CHARLES p. DUDLEY of Manchester, age 26, Capt., Co. E, SAMUEL C. BURNHAM of Manchester, age 22, 2d Lieut., Co. E, Aug. 30,1861; 1st Lieut., Co. E, July 24, 1862; Capt., Oct. 6, 1862; re- signed, Feb. 17, 1863. GEORGE H. SESSIONS of Manchester, age 21, enlisted in the Vet. Res. Corps. Sept. 16, 1863; trans- ferred into Co. — May 7, 1864; 1st Lieut., Co. L July 25, 1864; Capt., Co. E., Nov. 10. 1864: mustered out, June 29. 1865. WARREN R. DUNTON of Dorset, age 22, private, Co. E, Aug. 14, 1861 ; 1st Sergt., Sep. 16, 1861 ; 2d Lieut.. Co. F, June 21. 1862; transfer- red to Co. C, July 9, 1862; 1st Lieut. Co. B, Nov. 22, 1862. Honorably dis- charged, Mar. 31, 1863, for wounds in action at Fredricksburgh, Va., Dec. 14, 1862, JEROME GLEASON uf Manchester, age 28, private, Co. E, Sept. 27; 1861 ; Corp. ; Sergt. ; 1st Sergt.; — re-enhsted, Dec. 15, 1863; 1st Lieut., Nov. 10,1864; wounded May 5, 1864. Honorably discharged June 2, 1865, for disability. J<^SHUA A. SHATTUCK of Winhall, age 19, private Co. E., Dec. 8, 1863; wounded June 3, 1864; Corp. Oct. 24, 1864: Sergt., Dec. 16, 1864; 2d Lieut., June 4, 1865 ; mus- Aug. 30, 1861; Major, Oct. 6, 1862 ; tered out of service as Sergt. June 29, Lieut. Col., May 6, 1864 ; died, May 21, 1864, of wounds received at the battle of the Wilderness, May 10, 1864. EUGENE O. COLE of Bennington, age 31, appointed Maj- or, Dec. 26, 1864; Brevet Lieut. Col., Apr. 2, 1865, for gallantry in the battle of Petersburgh. Va., Apr. 2, 1865; Lieut. Col.. June 9, 1864; mustered out as Major, June 29, 1865 1865. This Regiment was in twenty-five engagements. FIRST CAVELRY REGIMENT- THREE YEARS. The next Company that was enlist- ed in the County of Bennington, was Co. G. of the First Cavelry Regiment, which was mainly recruited at Ben- nington. The regiment was mustered 10 THE VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. into the service, Nov. 19, 1861, and mustered out Aug. 9, 1865. Roster of Field, Staff and Company Officers from Bennington County. william d. collins. of Beimingtoii, age 37, Major, Nov., 1, 1861; mustered, Nov. 19, 1861 ; re- signed, May 7, 1863. JAMES A. SHELDON. of Rupert, age 39, Capt., Oct. 18, 1861 ; resigned. Mar. 12, 1862. ALVAH R. HASWELL of Bennington, age 19, private, Co. G, Oct. 2, 1861 ; Sergt., Dec. 24, 1862; wovmded, Sept. 13, 1863 ; re-enlisted Dec. 30, 1863 ; 1st Lieut., Co. G, Nov. 19, 1864; Capt., Co. G, May 9, 1865 ; transferred to Co. E, June 21, 1865, by reason of consolidation of the regi- ment; mustered out of service, Aug. 9 ; 1865. GEORGE H. BEjVN of Pownal, age 34, 1st Lieut., Co. G, Oct. 18, 1861; Capt., Apr. 10 1862; dismissed the service, Apr. 28, 1863. FRANK RAY of Bennington, age 23, private, Co. G, Sept. 26,1861; 1st Sergt., Nov., 19, 1861 ; 1st Lieut., Co. G, Oct. 4, 1862; Capt., Co. G, Apr. 28, 1863; wounded. May 11, 1864; killed in ac- tion at Mount Olive, Va., Oct. 9, 1864. DENNIS M. BLACKMER of Bennington, age 22, 2d Lieut. Co G, Oct. 18, 1861; 1st Lieut., Apr. 10' 1862; resigned, July 18, 1862. FREDERICK W. COOK of Manchester, age 22, private, Co. G, Sept. 28, 1861: Co. Com. Sergt., July 19, 1863; re-enlisted, Dec. 30. 1863; 2d Lieut., Co. G, Nov. 19,1864; 1st Lieut., May 9, 1865; mustered out, June 21, 18G5. This Regiment was in seventy- three engagements. THE SEVENTH REGIMENT— THREE YEARS. Few men of the Seventh Regiment were from Bennington. There is a re- cord of only two officers which is as follows : ARNOLD P. W^AIT of Dorset, age 26, private, Co. D Dec. 11, 1861 ; Corp., July 12, 1862; Sergt. Oct. 1 1862 ; 1st Sergt., May 1. 1863 ; re-enlisted, Feb. 16, 1864; 1st Lieut., Feb. 28, 1865. Honorably discharged Aug.- 13, 1865, for disability. GEORGE BROWN of Rupert, age 25. Sergt., Major, Feb. 12, 1862; 2d Lieut-, Co. E, Aug, 28, 1862 ; i.st Lieut., Dec. 9, 1862. Dis- honorably dismissed the service, Dec. 23, 1864, for habitual intoxication and being a worthless, inefficient officer. This Regiment was in five engage- ments. THE EIGHTH REGIMENT ;— THREE YEARS. Of this Eighth Regiment there is a record of only one officer from the County, as follows : IIYMENIUS A. DAVIS of Landgrove, age 18, private, Co. H, Dec, 23„ 1861; Corp, Feb. 18, 1862; Sergt., re-enlisted, Jan. 5, 1864 ; 1st Sergt. April 12, 1864 ; 2d Lieut., Mar. 3, 1865; mustered out of service, June 28, 1865. This Regiment was in seven engage- ments. THE TENTH REGIMENT;— THREE YEARS. Company E of the Tenth Regiment was recruited at Bennington, of which Madison E. Winslow was the first cap- tain. The regiment was musteied in. BENNINGTON. 11 service, Sept. 1, 1862 and mustered ont Jane 29,1865. Roster ok the Officeks fuom Bennington County, alonzo b. valentine of Bennington, age 32, Qt. M., July 31, 1862; promoted Capt. and Com. of subsistence U. S. Vols., March 2, 1 804; promoted to Brevet Major, Jane 28, 1865 for meritorious services; left the army on account of the close of the war. MERRIT BARHEU of Pownal, age 26, Co. E, 1st. Lieut. Aug. 7, 1862, appointed Capt. and A A. G. U.S. Vols., December 31, 1864; Brevet Major, Oct. 19, 1804, for gallantry in every action since Ma}' 5, 1864, and particularly at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864 ;— now, 1883, in the regular army of the United States with the rank of Major. SAMUEL GREER of Dorset, age 22, private, Co. C, •Aug. 5, 1862, Corp., Sept. 25, 1863; Sergt., July 23, 1864; Avounded, Oct. 19, 1864; 2d Lieut., Co. C, Dec. 19, 1864; 1st Lieut , Feb. 9, 1865; muster- tere'd out of service, June 22, 1865. WALTER GRAHAM of Arlington, age 21, private, Co. E, July 19, 1862; Corp., Nov. 29, 1802; Sergt., Dec. 27, 1862; 1st Sergt., Dec. 31,1862; 2d Lieut., June 15, 1865; mustered out as 1st Sergt., June 22, 1865. This Regiment was in thirteen en- agements. THE SECOND REGIMENT OF U. S.' SHARP SHOOTERS. THREE YEARS. Company H of this Regiment was mustered into the service, Dec. 31, 1861, and mustered out, Dec. 31, 1864. A portion of this company was from Bennington Count3^ The record of the otRcers from the County is as follows : GILBERT HART of Dorset, age 34, Capt., Co, H, .Dec. 24, 1861; resigned, Aug. 13, 1862. WILLIAM NEWELL of Dorset, age 35, private, Co. H, Nov. 1, 1861; 1st Sergt, Dec. 31, 1861 ;2d Lieut., Dec. 1, 1862; Capt. May 18, 1864. Homn-abl}' discharged, as 2d Lieut., Oct. 17, 1864, for wound received in action before Petersburgh, Va., June 21, 1864. This Regiment was in 24 engagements. FIRST BATTERY OF LIGHT ARTILLERY. — three years. This Battery, or at least a portion of it, was recruited at South Shaftsbu- ry ; was mustered into service, Feb. 18, 1862, and mustered out, Aug. 10, 1864. The record of its officers is as follows : GEORGE W. DUNCAN of Shaftsbury, age 45, Capt., Jan. 15, 1826 ; resigned, Feb. 11, 1863. EDWARD RICE of Shaftsbury, age 23, 2d Lieut., Jan. 15,1862; 1st Lieut., Feb. 13, 1863; mustered out, Aug. 10, 1864. THOMAS READE of Shaftsbury, age 21, private, Dec. 1, 1861; Qt. M., Sergt., Feb. 18, 1862; 2d Lieut., July 14, 1862: 1st. Lieut., Feb. 14, 1863; resigned, Dec. 14, 1863. This Battery was in 4 engagements. NINE MONTHS' MEN. A Brigade of Volunteers for nine months' service under the anthority of the United States was raised in Ver- mont in the fall of 1862, consisting of 12 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Field Regiments, amounting in the whole to 4840 men, the regiments be- ing numbered the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th. These troops served in Virginia until Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, when they were all marched to Gettysburgh where the 13th, 14th and 16th took part in the battles of the 2d and 3d of July 1863. The other two regiments having been detached from Gen. Stannard's Brigade by Gen. Reynolds "to guard the Corps wagon-train in the rear." The Twelth Regiment, - nike months. This Regiment was raised in other parts of the State than in Bennington County; mustered into the service, Oct. 4, 1862, and out, July 14, 1863. It had but one officer from Benning- ton County, whose record is as follows : BENJAMIN F. KETCHUM of Manchester, age 28, Surgeon, Sept. 19, 1862; mustered in, Oct. 4, 1862; mustered out, July 14, 1863. Fourteenth Regiment. nine months. Company A of this Regiment was recruited at Bennington, and Company C at Manchester. The Regiment was mustered into service, Oct 21, 1862, and musteied out, July 30, 1863. Roster of the Field, Staff and Com- pany Officers from Bennington Co. nathaniel b. hall of Bennington, age 36, Major, Sept. 25, 1862; mustered out of service, July 30, 1863. HARRISON PRINDLE. of Manchester, age 23, Adjutant, Oct. 8, 1862 ; mustered out, July 30, 1863. CHARLES FIELD of Dorset, age 36, Quartermaster, Oct. 8, 1862; mustered out, July 30, 1863. ransom o. gore of Bennington, age 28, Capt. Co, A, Aug 27, 1862; mustered out, July 30, 1863. JOSIAH B, MUNSON of Manchester, age 26, Capt., Co. C, Aug. 28, 1862; mustered out, July 30? 1863. WILLIAM H. MUNN of Shaftsbury, age 24, 1st Lieut., Co. K, Sept. 18, 1862; Capt., Feb. 15, 1863; mustered out, Jnly 30, 1863. EDWARD N. THAYER of Bennington, age 28, 1st Lieut., Aug. 27, 1862; mustered out, July 30, 1863. NATHAN L, ANDREW of Arlington, age 33, 1st Lieut., Co. C, Aug. 20, 1862; mustered out of service, July 30, 1863. CHARLES ALBRO of Bennington, age 22, 2d Lieut., Co. A, Aug. 27, 1862; mustered out, July 30, 1863. HENRY D. YOUNG of Manchester, age 25, 2d Lieut., Co. C, Aug. 28. 1862; mustered out, July 30, 1863. LEWIS P. FULLER of Stamford, age 45, 2d Lieut., Co. K, Sept. 18, 1862; resigned, March 9, 1863. This Regiment was in the battle of Gettysburgh, July 2d and 3d, 1863. The Sixteenth Regiment,- nine months. No part of this Regiment was re- cruited in Bennington County. It was mustered into service, Oct. 23, 1862, and out, Aug. 10, 1863. There was but one officer frgm the Connty, whose services were as follows : J BENNINGTON. 13 IRA W. THOMAS of Readsborough, age 22, 2d Lieut., Co. T, Sept., 20, 1862 ; resigned, Jan, 13 1863. This Regiment was in the battle of Gettysburgh, July 2d and 3d, 1863. SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT. The 17th Regiment was the latest corps of troops that was raised in the State for the suppression of the rebel- lion, the men being mustered by com- panies during the first half of the year 1864. Many of the officers and some of its men had served in the 9 months' regiments. The Regiment was mus- tered out, July 14, 1865. The Roster of Officers from Ben- iNNGTON County is as follows : GEORGE HICKS of Bennington, age 23, 2d Lieut., Co. F, Apr. 9 1864; Brevet Capt., July 6, 1864, for gallant and meritorious ser- vice in charge near Shand's house, Va. ; killed in action, July 30, 1864. Cap- tain's commission dated Nov. 1 1864. CHARLES A. WATSON of Dorset, age 19, private, Co. E, Mar. 15, 1864;Sergt., Apr. 12, 1864; wounded, June 26, 1864; 2d Lieut. Jidy 10, 1865; mustered out as 1st Sergt., Co. E, July 14, 1865. This Regiment was in thirteen en- gagements, i Staff Officers at LrAge. The two officers named below though not reported by the Adjutant General, are believed to have served as follows : GEORGE D. HARRINGTON of Bennington, age — , entered the service as commissary of subsistence. May 3, 1862; promoted to rank of Major, Mar. 13, 1865, and on same date to Lieut., Col., July 24 1865; promoted to the rank of Colonel, - stationed most of the time at Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio; discharged in the autumn of 1865. He died in Wash- ington City, Mar. 13, 1879. ALBERT "WALKER of Bennington, age 49, entered the service as Commissaryof subsistence, with rank of Captain, Nov. 18, 1862; resigned after the close of the war June 1865. NUMBER OF MEN FROM BENNINGTON 0OUNTY. The following is a statement of the number of men furnished by each town of the Coimty in answer to calls for troops from April 1861 to Sept, 30, 1865, and the United States enrollment of each town : Arlington, 126 enrolled: furnished 129- surplus 3. Bennington, 344 enrol'd : f urnish'd 358- surplus 14. Dorset, 121 enrolled: furnished 121. Glastenbuiy, enrolled 12 : furnished 12. Landgrove, 34 enrolled : furnished 34. Manchester, 150 enrol'd : furnish'd 156- surplus 6. Peru, 43 enrolled : furnished 42- deficient 1. Pownal, 109 enrolled : furnished 113- surplus 4. Readsboro, 75 enrolled: furnished 78- surplus 3. Rupert, 86 enrolled ; furnished 92- surplus 6 ; Saudgate, 57 enrolled : furnished 60 surplus 3. Searsburg, 20 enrolled : furnished 20. Shaftsbury, 142 enrol'd: furnish'd 147- surplus 5. Stamford, 53 enrolled : furnished 53. 14 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Sunderlancl, 5 1 enrolled: furnished 53. surplus 2 . Winhall, 73 enrolled : furnished 76- surplus 3. Woodford, 29 enrolled: furnished 30- surplus 1. Total: enrolled 1525, surplus 50, defi- cient 1, furnished 1574. THE BATTLE OF BENNINGTON. August 16, 1777. BY EON NIL AND BALL. INTRODUCTORY In the following account of the Battle of Bennington, only the leading facts are attempted to be given, nu- merous interesting and exciting inci- dents being necessarily omitted. In order to have a just appreciation of the battle and its consequences, it is necessary to call to mind the condi- tion of country and of the State at the time of its occurrence. The campaign of 1776 inthe North ern department had been disastrous to the American arms. After sutFering severe losses our forces had been driven from Canada in great distress, and the enemy by the destruction of the Amer- ican flotilla had obtained full command of the waters of Lake Champlain. Great numbers of troops were arriv- ing at Quebec from Europe, and a fearful invasion was expected at the opening of the lake in the spring. To meet such an invasion extensive works had been erected at Ticonderoga, on which great reliance was placed. But they were defective in arrangement, and but partially manned, and on the approach of Gen. Burgoyne with a powerful army, Gen. St. Clair found they would be wholly untenable, and felt compelled to abandon them. The rear guard of his retreating army, un- der the command of Col. Seth Warner, was overtaken the next day, July 7, 1777, at Hubbardtou, by alarge body of the enemy, and after a brave resist- ance, during which many were killed and wounded on both sides, was over- powered by numbers and obliged to give way. The greater poi'tion of St. Clair's force succeeded in forming a junction with Gen. Schuyler at Fort Edward, while the remnant of Colonel Warner's regiment, about 140 strong, took post at Manchester. Burgoyne's army, numbering about 9,000 men was equipped and furnished with every war-like material that wealth and skill could supply, and con- sisted mostl}' of British and German veterans, with bodies of Canadians and tories, and a formidable horde of Indi- ans. Its commander expected to make a triumphant march to Albany, there to be met by an army from New York, and thus by obtaining the control of the Hudson River, and cutiiug off New England from the other states, to com- plete the conquest of the countr}' for the King. He had already issued a flaming proclamation, threatening de- - struction to the lives and property of all who slioald oppose him, but prom- ising protection and security to those who should give him their adhesion, and offering payment "in solid coin" for all provisions that should be brought to his camp. On the 10th of July, having reached Skenesbough, (White- hall) he issued another proclamation in which he directed "the inhabitants of Castleton, Hubbardton, Rutland, Tin- mouth, Pawlet, Wells and Granville, with the neighboring districts ; also the districts bordering on White Creek, (Salem) Camden, Cambridge, &c.," to BENNINGTON. 15 send ten persons or more from each township to meet Col. Skeene at Cas- tleton on the 15th, who would commu- uicate conditions upon which the per- sons and properties of the disobedient might 3^et be spared." The proclama- tion concluded with the following bar- barous threat : "This fail not under the pain of military execution." To a large portion of the frontier in- habitants, Burgoyne's army appeared irresistable. If he should let loose his horde of savages upon them which in his first proclamation he said amounted to thousands, there would seem to be no escape for them. Great numbers from those towns, and some from towns still further to the south, repaired to Col. Skene and taking the oath of allegiance to the Crown, some from choice and some from supposed necessity, received written protections for their security. Of these many took up arms against their country and joined the invading army. But the more patriotic portion of the inhabitants scorning submission to the invaders, abandoned their homes to the mercy of the enemy, and taking with them such of their effects as they were able to transport fled to the south, some stopping in Bennington, but most of them going on to their friends in Berkhire Co. and Connecticut. Berk- shire county in the language of a cou- semporary, 'was burdened with these fu- gitives.' Nearly all of the territory be- tween Bennington and the route of Burgoyne towards the Hudson and Al- bany was thus made in effect an ene- my's country, and Beunington became a frontier town. Prior to the Revolution the territory of Vermont was known by the name of The New Hampshire Grants, over which the Sfovernment of New York claimed jurisdiction and also the title of its lands. This claim was disputed by its inhabitants, who after a long and severe controversy, had by a conven- tion of the deligates held at "Westmin- ster on the 17th of January, 1777, de- clared the territory an independent State. At the time of the evacuation of Ticonderoga b}' St. Clair a subse- quent convention of the new State was in session at Windsor, engaged in the work of framing its new constitution of government ; and the abandonment of that post left the families of many of its members in immediate peril. At the news of this alarming event the constitution was somewhat hurriedlj' adopted, and having appointed a Coun- cil of Safety to manage the affairs of the State until the regular government could be put in operation, the cimven- tion adjourned. The Council of Safety thus constituted met first at Mancheser, but soon ad- journed to Bennington, where it con- tinued in permanent session through- out the year, adopting and carrying in- to effect the most energetic measures for protecting the State against its for- eign, as well as its domestic enemies. Pressing messages having been sent to New Hampshire and Massachusetts for aid, such of the militia as could be gath- ered were called out to strengthen the force of Col. Warner at Manchester, where an attack was apprehended. A permanent force to patrol the frontiers and to guard against any covert out- break of the tories in their midst, was indispensable; and to provide means for maintaining such a force and to meet their other expenses in defending the State, the Council ordered the property of those of their inhabitants that had joined the enemy to be sequestered 16 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. and sold. A proper fund being thus secured, a regiment of Rangers was organized under the command of Col. Samuel Herrick, which did valuable service to the State and country. New Hampshire responded nobly to- the call of the Vermont Council, The Assembly at once ordered a large por- tion of their militia to be organized into a brigade and placed under the command of General John Stark. He had served with credit and honor in the previous French war and as Colo- nel at Bunker Hill, and in Canada, and under "Washington at Trenton, and Princeton, but Congress had pro- moted junior officers over him, and he had resigned his commission and re- tired from the service, though he re- tained the same patriotic ardor as be- fore. He was reluctant to be placed un- der officers he had < mtranked and there was also at the time a very general dis- trust in New England of Gen. Schuyler who was in command of the Northern department ; for which reasons General Stark's written instructions were of a discretionary character. He was di- rected "to repair to Charleston, No. 4 and when the troops were collected there "to take the command of them and march into the State of Vermont, and there act in conjunction Avith the troops of that State, or any other of the States, or of the United States, or seperatly, as it should appear expe- dient to him, for the protection of the people or the annoyance of the enemy." Crossing the Green Mountain from Charleston with the greater part of his command. Stark reached Manchester on the 7th of August, where he met Gen. Lincoln, who had been sent from Stillwater by Gen. Schuyler to con- duct his militia to the west bank of the Hudson. Stark communicated his instructions and declined obedience on the ground of the dangerous condition in Avhich it would leave the people of Vermont, and because he believed Bur- goyne would be more embarassed in his opertions by his remaining on his left, than by his joining the army in front. But for this refusal of Stark, which was founded on the sovujde.st military view of the state of affairs, Bennington would have been in a measure defence- less, and would, doubtless, have fallen a prey to the enemy. At Manchester, Stark found that a considerably large body of the enemy which for some time had been at Cas- tleton, threatening Manchester and to cross over to Connecticut River, had marched to the Hudson. He, with his force, passed on to Bennington, where he arrived on the 9th. He was accom- panied by Col. "Warner, whose conti- nental regiment was left at Manchester under the command of Lieut. Colonel Samuel Safford. At Bennington, Gen. Stark encamped for a few days, col- lecting information in regard to the position and the designs of the enemy, and consulting with the Council of Safety, and with Col. "Warner relative to future operations . The progress of Burgoyne towards Albany had been so retarded by the natural dfficulties of the route, and the obstructions thrown in his way by the Americans, that it was nearly a month after his departure from Ticonderoga before he reached the Hudson River. Here he found himself so deficient in provisions, and also in cattle and car- riages for transportation that he was mnch embarrassed about the means for advancing farther. Learning that the articles he most needed had been col- BENNINGTON. 17 lected at Benuington as a convenient depot to snpply the American forces, he resolved to seize them for the use of his own army. For this service Lieut. Col. Baume ■was selected. Bargoyne in his letter to the English Ministry states the force under his command to have consisted of 200 dismounted dragoons, "Captain Frazer's marksmen, (called, also, Ran- gers) which were the only British, all the Canadian vlounteers, a party of Provincials, (Col. Peter's corps of to- nes,) 100 Indians and two light pieces of cannon, the whole detachment a- mounting to about 500 men." There is no doubt this number is too small by several hundred. The German official accounts give the number of the troops of Baume at 374 instead of 200 ; and of the British, Canadians and Tories, the prisoners taken in the action, a- mounted to 230, as will be seen here- after, which would swell Baume's force to over 600, without rckoning those who were killed in battle and the man}' who escaped b}' flight. There can be little doubt that the number of men brought into action by Baume exceed- ed 700, besides his 100 Indians. Col. Skene, at the request of Burgoyne, had accompanied the expedition that the German Commander might have the benifit of his better knowlege of the country and of his supposed in- fluence with its people. PREPARING FOR THE BATTLE. Baume set off with his force on the 13th of August, and arrived the same day at Cambridge, 16 miles from Ben- nington. Early the next morning, he reached Sancoick, a small settlement near the mouth of the White Creek branch of the Walloomsac river, about half a mile below the present village of North Hoosick. Here he found a party of Americans in possession of a mill which they abandond on his approach, and in the mill, on the head of a barrel, he wrote Burgoyne an account of his progress, informing him that "by five prisoners taken here they agree that 1500 to 1800 men are at Bennington, hut are supposed to leave at our ap- proach." They did leave on his approach, but not in the direction he had anticipated. The old mill at ^ ancoick is still stand- ing and in use by John Burke, the present owner, and is about 8 miles from Bennington. Gen. Stark on the 13th had receiv- ed information from scouts that a par- ty of Indians were at Cambridge, and he sent Lieut Col. Gregg of his brig- ade with 200 men to stop their prog- ress, but during the night, he was ad- vised that a large body of troops with artillery were in the rear of the Indi- ans and that they were advancing to- wards Bennington. He immediately sent to Manchester for Col. Warner's continental regiment, and also for the neighboring militia to rally to his support. On the morning of the 1 4th he assem- bled his brigade, and in company with Cols. Warner, Williams, Herrick and Brush went out to meet the enemy. He had marched about five miles when he met Gregg on his retreat from San- coick and the enemy in close pursuit. Stark drew up his men in order of battle, but Baume halted in a com- manding position, and the ground occu- pied by Stark, being unfavorable for a general attack, he fell back about a mile and encamped. His encampment was in the north-west part of Benn- ington, on the farm formerly owned 18 BENNINGTON. by Paul M. Henry, on the Hill, upon which a dwelling has lately been erected by Lewis Northonse, the present pro- prietor. Tlie Walloomsac river is a branch of the Hoosick, fordable in most places, liaving in general a westerly course, but which after passing Stark's en- campment runs in a northern direction for half a mile, then westerl}' for a mile and a half, where it turns suddenly to the south and pursues that course for three-quarters of aiuile or more. Here on the Avest side of the river, Baume halted and made his arrangements for defense. On tlie top of a thickly wood- ed hill which rises abruptly three or four hundred feet from the west bank of the stream, he posted the greater part of his Germans under liis own immediate command. This position was west of the sudden bend in the stream, and Baume's front to the east was well secured against an attack by the precipitous ascent of the hill on that side, which impracticable ascent extended from his camp for half a mile along the bank of the river to the bridge at the southern foot of the hill, over which the road from Bennington to Sancoick, and Cambi idge passed. On the top of this hill Baume prepared en- trenchments of earth and logs to resist attacks from the west and on his flanks. For the defense of the important pass at the bridge, Baume caused a strong breast-work to be thrown up on the high bank of the river, on which was mounted one of his cannon, in charge of a body of German Grena- diers. Two small breast works were also erected on opposite sides of the road, near the west end of the bridge which were manned by Frazer's marks- men ; and the position was still further strengthened by posting all the Cana- dians in log huts which were standing near the bridge on both sides of the river. This point is where the river is now crossed by the covered railroad bridge, about three miles from North Bennington on the route to Troy. Baume on his way from the Hudson, and at his encampment had been joined b}" a considerable number of tories, many of them under the lead of Col. Francis Pfister, a half pay British officer of wealth and extensive influence who occupied an imposing residence erected by him on the west bank of the Hoo- sick, near what is now known as Hoo- sick Corners. These with most of Peter's corps of loyalists Avere posted on a hill east of ihe stream 40 or 50 rods to the south-east of the bridge. Here, strong works of defense were erected, known as the "Tory Breast- work," and of Avhich Col. Pfister is understood to have been placed i[i command. On its right was a sharp ravine and both flanks would have the protection of ball and grape from the cannon at the bridge. The other cannon in charge of Gei-man grena- diers, supported by some tories, ap- pears to have been placed further to the Avest in a cleared field, near the road. It was on a hillside which OA^er- looked and commanded the approaches to the bridge and to the tory encamp, meat, and also to the south flank of Baume's encampment. It may have been moved nearer to Baume's position during the engagement. (The several positions of Baume's forces are shown by the plan in Burgoj'ne's account of his expedition, of Avhich a copy on a re- duced scale isgiA'en in the "Memorials of a Century by the Rev. Isaac Jen- nings, and another still smaller is found BENNINGTON. 19 in Lossing's Field Book of the Revolu- lution. The top of the map is west and upon it the tories are designated as '•American Vohuiteers," the British marksmen as "Rangers," the Ameri- cans as ,, Bodies of the enemy." All others except the "Canadians," are Germans, the ' 'Chasseures" being Ger- man marksmen. On Burgoyne's map the Walloomsac is called the Hoosick.) The encampments of the two hostile bodies, though little more than two miles apart Avere entirely hidden from the sight of each other by a heavily wooded, intervening hill. The force under General Stark was composed of the greater part of his brigade of New Hampshire militia, a small number of Vermont militia from the east side of the mountain, under Col. William Williams, Avho had been stationed at Manchester, Col. Herrick's corps of Rangers then forming, the State militia from Bennington and its vicinity under Col. Nathaniel Brush, and on the morning of the 16th Stark was joined by Col. Simonds and some militia from Berkshire County (Mass.) His whole force might perhaps have numbered about 1600. On the night of the 14th after ascer- taining the position of the enem}', Staik called a council, consisting of the leading members of the Council of Safety as well as of Cols. Warner and Herrick and other military officers, in whifh a plan for attacking the enemy was discussed and adopted, and it was agreed that the attack should be made the next morning. But the 15th was so excessively rainy as to prevent any at- tempt at a general action. Scouts were however sent out some of which were engaged in suf^cessful skirmishes. THK BATTLE The morning of the 16th was bright and clear and Stark prepared for the at- tack in accordance with the lAan pre- viously agreed upon. Col. Nichols with 200 of the New Hampshire troops, to which a reinforcement of 100 was afterward added, was detach- ed to make a wide circuit to the north of Baume's post, and come round up- on the rear of his left, and Col, Her- rick with 300 men, composed of his Rangers and Col. Brush's militia, was to make a like wide southern circuit to the rear of his right, the two parties to meet and make a joint attack upon his entrenchments. Cols. Hubbard and Stickney with 300 men of Stark's brig- ade, were ordered to the enemy's ex- treme right. While these three detach- ments were gaining their assigned posi- tions, the enemy was amused by a threatened attack on his front. About thi'ee o'clock in the afternoon firing was commenced by the party un- der Nichol's which was the signal for a general assault. It Avas immediately followed by the detachment under Herrick, and by that of Hubbard and Stickney, while Stark, himself with his reserve of New Hampshire men and the Berkshire and some Vermont miltia, in the face of the enemy's can- non, assailed the Tory breast- work and the pass at the bridge in front. The en- gagement thus became general and "las- ted" says Stark in his report t(> Gates, "two hours, and was the hottest, I ev- er saw — it represented one continued clap of thunder." The Indians alarm- ed at the prospect of being enclosed between the parties of Nichols and Her- rick, fled at the beginning of the fight, but Baume with his Germans and all others under his command, having the 20 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. advantage of their position behind en- trenchments, which the rain of the 15th had given them ample time to e- rect and make strong, fought with gi'eat resolution and bravery, but they were overpowered by their militia as- sailants and either fled or surrendered prisoners of war. The battle being ended and the pris- oners sent off to Bennington under a proper guard, the militia dispersed to look over the field and collect plunder, but very soon intelligence was brought that a large, additional force from the British army was approaching, and within the distance of two miles. This body of men was under the command of Col. Breyman and consisted, be- sides 22 officers of 620 rank and file, all Germans, with two pieces of can- non, which Burgoyne on hearing that the force " at Bennington was greater than had been expected, had dispatch- ed to reinforce Banme. The rain of the preceding day and the heaviness of the roads had delayed Breyman's arri- val until the victory over the men he had been sent to aid had been accom- plished. The victors were however in great confusion, and it appeared diffi- cult to stop the progress of the new enemy. Happily at this juncture, AVar- ner's regiment of about 140 men which had been delayed by the rain, in its march from Manchester, came up fresh under Lieut. Col. Saflfbrd and took its position in front, serving as a rallying point for the scattered militia. Breyman advanced with his two brass field pieces up the road with wings of infantry on each side of it, occasionly firing his cannon to clear the way, the Americans slowly retiring before him. When a considerable body of the mili- tia had been collected a stand was made (about 40 or 50 rods east of the pres- ent Walloomsac depot) and Breyman's force brought to a halt. Here he was attacked in front and flanks, a most deadly fire being poured into his ranks from a wooded hill on his left. The action was very severe and continued till after sunset, when many of Brey- man's men being killed and wounded and his artillery horses shot down, he abandoned his cannon and fled. Gen. Stark pursued his flying forces till the approaching darkness rendered it nec- essary to draw oflT his men to prevent their firing upon each other. "With one hour more of daylight," says Stark in his official report, "we should have captured the whole body." EFFECTS OF THE BATTLE. Among the trophies of this day's victories, were four brass field pieces, twelve brass drums, 250 sabres, four ammunition wagons, several hundred stand of arms, and 658 prisoners, and 207 were left dead on the field. The whole loss of the enemy could not have been much less than 900 men. Some of the contemporaneous accounts make the number still larger. Of the prison- ers, 30 of them were officers, 37 Brit- ish soldiers, 398 Hessians, 38 Canadi- ans, and 155tories. Col. Baume was mortally wounded and taken prisoner as was also Col. Pfister, the comman- der of the tory entretichmeut. Both were taken about a mile to a house in the town of Shaftsbury, which a few years ago was still standing opposite the present paper-mill of Charles E. Welling, known as 'the Baume house,' in whicli they both died within a day or two afterwards. The loss of the Americans in both engagements was about 30 killed and 40 wounded. BENNINGTON. 21 This victory, in Avhich undisciplined husbandmen with their hunting guns without bayonets, bravely stormed en- ti'enchments manned by legular troops and defended by cannon , is justly styl- ed by Baiicroft as "one of the most bril- iant and eventful of the war." The loss of the enemy in men and material was severely felt. But the consequences were otherwise still more important. - By inspiring confidence on the one side, and depressing the spirits of the other, the current of succeses was at once turned from the British to the Amer- ican arms. The fate of Burgoyne and his army was in effect sealed at Bennington, and his final capture well assured. General Washington, on being informed of the event, considered it as deciding the fate of Burgoyne, and dismissed all anxie- ty about his invasion. Its effect upon the enemy was most disheartening. — Madame Riedesel, Avife of the com- manding general of the German troops who accompanied her husband through the campaign, says in her memoirs, thai by Baume's failure "the army was pre- vented from advancing, while the ene- my, recovering suddenly from deprss- ion, increased their numbers daily. "'- Burgoyne, himself, though he struggled on for a few weeks longer, was ev- idently disheartened. Four days after Baume's defeat, after preparing a dis spatch to the British minister for the public ear, he wrote him another letter marked Private, dated "Camp near Sar- atoga, Aug. 20. 1777," in which he gave quite a gloomy account of his affairs, treating the failure of the expedition to Bennington as his great misfortune, in which he says of it, that, "Had I succeeded, I should have formed a junction with St. Leger and been now before Albany." After speaking dis- paragingly of the tories, he says : "The great bulk of the country is uu- doubtedl}^ with the Congress," and of the Vermonters, he bitterly adds, "the Hampshire Grants in particular, a coun- try impeopled and almost luiknown in the last war, now abounds in the most active and most rebellious race on the continent, and hangs like a gathering storm on my left." To General Stark should be assign- ed the highest meed of praise for the victory ; but he was nobly aided by the skill and valor of both his officers and men. and they are all with him entitled to the lasting gratitude of their country. Of his officers, Col. Warner is undoubt- edly entitled to special credit. Warner was a colonel in the Continental army, had acquired a high reputation as a mil- itary leader, by his services in Canada and at Hubbardton, and he had long been a resident of Bennington and was familiarly acquainted with the ground occupied by the posts of the enemy and their approaches- He was Stark's chief adviser in planning the attack on the enemy, he went into the action by his side and was his active associate in the first engagement, as well as in repel- ling the attack of Breyman's reinforce- ment. Dr. Thachor in his contempo- rary Military Journal says "Stark as- sisted by Warner matured his plans for the battle." and Stark, himself in his letter to Gates after speaking in the highest texjaxs of the daring brave- ry of the officers and soldiers under his command says, "Col. Warner's superi- or skill in the action was of extraord- inary service to me." Gordon also in his history speaks highly of the services of Col. Warner and those of Col. Her- rick of the Verniont Rangers. Other officers and men deserve notice for their meritorious exertions in gaining VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. n the victory, but the space allowed for this article Avill not permit it. There are also numerous interesting incidents connected with the battle that must for the like reason be omitted. It has been only possable to give the leading facts. General Stark from his arrival at Manchester acted in concert with the Vermont Council of Safety and receiv- ed their earnest countenance and sup- port in all his movements which were- duly appreciated by him as is shown by a publication in the Connecticut "Cou- rant'' over his own signature in which he passed on the Council a high eulo- gium for their patriotic exertions and services. When the Congress at Philadephia was informed of Gen. Stark's declin- ing to move his force from Manches- ter to the west side of the Hudson, as before mentioned, a resolve was passed disapproving of it. But after the wis- dom of his conduct in that respect had been demonstrated by his victory and its fortunate effect on the campaign, they came tardily to the determination to do him full justice by approving his patriotic services and restoring him to his merited rank in the arm}'. On the 4th day of October, 1777, Congress unanimously passed the fol- lowing resolution: "Resolved: That the thanks of Congress be presented to Gen. Stark of The New Hampshire Militia, and the Officers and troops under his com- mand, for their brave and successful attack upon, and signal victory over the Enemy in their lines at Bennington; and that Brigadier Stark be appoint- ed Brigadier General in the Army of the United States Two weeks after the passage of this resolution by Congress, on the 17th of October, the event, which Stark's Victory at Bennington had clearly foreshadowed, and made certain, — was accomplished b}" the surrender of Burgoyne and his army as prisoners of war, to the Amei'ican forces at Saratoga. THE OLD CATAMOUNT TAVERN AT BENNINGTON, VT. On the 30th of March 1871, the old "Catamount Tavern" House,- which had long been the most notable relic of early times in the Centre Village of Bennington, Vermont, was burnt to the ground. It had been unoccupied for a short time and the origin of the fire is unknown. The house which was in a tolerable state of preservation, had been built over a hundred years ; hav- ing been erected by Captain Stephen Fay, a year or two prior to 1770. It was a wooden building, about 44 feet by 34, two stories high, having two high chimneys with high fire-places in each story, besides which, there was a very large fire-place in the cellar or base- ment, part of which was used as a wash-room, and cook-room as occasion required. The two chimne}' s are now standing, (Autumn of 1871) exhibiting their spa- cious fire-places with heavy, iron cranes in those of the lower stoi-y and base- ment. On the marble mantle of one of the fire-places the words "council KOOM," appear, cut there in early times. On the top of the high sign-post be- fore the front door, was placed the stuffed skin of a catamount, from which came the name of the house, though in early days, it was in accordance with the custom of the time more gen- (CATAMOUNT TAVERN AT BEXNINGTON, VT. On the top of the high sign-post before the front door, was pluced the stuffed skin of a catamount from which came the name of the house, though in early days, it was in accordance with the custom of the time, more generally called Landlord Fay's. P'^ge 22. The tall sign-post was 25 feet f j om the ground ; the catamount on the top, stood "with large teeth grinning towards New York. — page 25. BENNINGTON. 25 erally spoken of as "Landlord Fay's.' During the period of the early set- tlement of the State, the honse was a great resort for travelers and emigrants, and it was also widely known as the Head Quarters of the settlers in their contest with the New York land claim- ants. It was the home of Ethan Allen for several years from 1770, when he first came to the "New Hampshire Grants," as Vermont was then called. The settlers held their lands under grants from New Hampshire, to which the territory was supposed to belong; but in 1764, the King, by an order in Council placed them under the juris- diction of New York. Whereupon the Govenor of that Province declared their titles to be void, and regranted their lands to speculators, who recov- ered judgement in the New York courts against the settlers, and sent their sheriffs and posses to execute them, who were resisted by the occupants and forcibly prevented from obtaining pos- session. This controversy raged for years, and the settlers appointed com- mittees of safety before whom offend- ers against the integrity of their titles, styled "Yorkers," were brought for trial. On conviction they were vari- ously punished, sometimes by banish- ment from the territory, and sometimes by whipping on the naked back, a mode of punishment for crime then in com- mon use throughout the country. The latter punishmen in allusion to the great seal of the Govenor of New Hampshire, affixed to their charter titles, and to the instnmient with which it was common- ly inflicted, the settlers humorously called ''the application of the beach seal." Another mode of punishmet was devised for one offender, residing with- in their own limits : One Dr. Samuel Adams of Arlington, who had held his lands under a New Hampshire charter, suddenly became an open advocate of the New York title, advising his neigh- bors to purchase it. This tended to weaken the opposition to New York by producing division among the settlers, and he was repeatedly an arned to de- sist from such discourse, but he persist- ed in his offensive language, and arm- ing himself with pistols and other weapons threatened death to any one who should molest him. What follow- ed is related in the language of a con- temporary : The Doctor was soon ta- ken by surprise and carried (15 miles) to the Green Mountain (Landlord Fay's ) tavern, tit Bennington, where the committee heard his defense, and then ordered him to be tied in an arm- chair and hoisted up to the sign- (a catamount skin stuffed, sitting upon the sign-post, 25 feet from the ground, with large teeth, looking and grinning toward New York) and there to hang two hours in sight of the people, as a punishment merited by his enmity to the rights and liberty of the inhabitants of the New Hampshire Grants. The judgement was executed to the no small merriment of a large concourse of the people. The Doctor was let down and dis- missed by the committee with an ad- monition to go and sin no more. The mild and exemplary disgrace had a sal- utary effect on the Doctor and many others." Dr. Adams, on Burgoyne's invasion, became a violent tory and fled to Canada, from which he never returned. When Sir Wm. Trj'on, Govenor of New York in 1771, issued a procla- mation offering a reward of £ 20 each for the apprehension of Ethan Allen, 26 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Remember Baker, and Robert Cochran for their riotous opposition to the New York government, they retaliated by publishing over their names a counter proclamation offering a reward of £15 for James Duane and <;^10 for John Kemp, their two leading land-claiming antagonists, styling them "those com- mon disturbers of the public peace," the rewards so made paj^able on their being brought to "Landlord Fay's at Bennington. The following is a copy of the proc- lamaiion: ^^ £ 25 Reward ! Whereas James Duane and John Kemp of New York, have by their menaces and threats greatly disturbed the public peace and repose of the hon- est peasants of Bennington, and the settlements to the northward, which peasants are now and ever have been in the peace of God and the King, and patriotic and liege subjects of George III. Any person that will apprehend those common disturbers, viz: James Duane, and John Kemp, and bring them to Landlord Fay's at Bennington, shall have £15 reward for James Duane and £ 10 for John Kemp, paid by Ethan Allen, Remember Baker, Robert Cochran. Dated Poultney, Feb'y 5, 1772. Colonel Ethan Allen was sojourning at the "Catamount Tavern" in the spring of 1775 and from the "Council Room" of that house went forth his order of May 3d, for mustering the Green Mountain Boys for the capture of Ticonderoga, which was effected seven days afterwards "in the name of the great Jehovah and the Continental Congress." In this noted tavern house, sat the Vermont Council of Safery during the trying campaign of 1777, guiding and directing the patriotic exertioQS of the Green Mountain Boys to stem the tor- rent of Burgoyne's invasion ; and here " also. Stark and Warner, with the aid of the Council, planned the famous attack on Baume's entrenchments, where was won the brilliant victoiy of Bennington, which turned the current of success from the British to the American arms and was followed in a few weeks [ as told in the preceding pages,] bj^ the capture of Burgoyne and his arm}^ at Saratoga. Captain Fay, the proprietor of the house had five sous in the battle of Bennington, one of Avhom was killed. On being told that one of his sons had fallen in the light, the venerable patri- ot through his deep grirf "thanked God that he had a son that was willing to die for his country." Here in 1778 was tried and condemn- ed one David Redding, a traitor and spy ; and in a field in front of the house a gallows had been erected and a gi-eat crowd had assembled to see him exe- cuted. But on the morning fixed for the execution, the Goveilor and Coun- cil granted him a reprieve for one week, for the reason that he had been tried by a jury of six, while by the common law there ought to have been twelve. The multitude, who had as well as the six jurors condemned the traitor, were clamorous at their disa- pointment, and violence was seriousl}' apprehended, whereupon Col. Ethan Allen, who had just returned from his long English captivity mounted a stump and waving his hat and exclaiming: "•Attention, the whole ! — proceeded to announce the reasons v/hich produced the reprieve ; advised the multitude to THE COUNCIL KOOM HEARTH OF THE Old Catamount Tavern. At this fireside, sat, Ethan Allen, the night before he sent forth his summons for the Green Mountain Boys to muster for the capture of Tieonderoga. page 26. BENNINGTON. 29 depart peaceably to their habitations, and to return on the daj' fixed by the Goveuor and Council, adding with an oath, "You shall see somebody hung at all events, for if Redding is not then hung, I will be hung myself !" Upon which the uproar ceased and the crowd dispersed. Redding being again tried and convicted by a jury of twelve was hung on the day to which his reprieve had been granted, in accordance with Allen's prediction. The children of Captain Fay were numerous and respectable, and several of them have been prominent in the affairs of the State of Vermont. He died in 1781, and the house, not many years afterwards became a private dwel- ling for two of his sons, in succession, then for a grandson, and then finally for a great- grandson, John Fay, Esq, who died Feb. 25, 1856. HILAND HALL. BENNINGTON— HISTORICAL. Annals of Post-Office, Court-House AND Village Strifes in the Town of Bennington from 1784 to 1884. The old Village of Bennington, like many others in New England was built on high gi'ound. The north and south road through the State passed over it, which in few years became a thorough fare for much travel between Connect- icut and western Massachusetts and the new lands to the northward. The sum- mit of the hill at the north end of the village was 100 feet higher than the more level land at the other end. Its two extremities were about three quar- ters of a mUe apart and were hidden from each other bj^ the southern brow of the upper hill, from which there was a steep descent to a slight valley before reaching the other end of the village. That this village had two ecds should be b<.»rne in mind, as many of the occurrences to be mentioned here- after will be found to hinge in some de- gi'ee on that fact. Tliese two ends or parts were in common language dis- tinguished from each other as the "Up- hill" and "Down-hill." The road from Albany, leading to and acix)ss the Green Mountain ran through the lower port of the village, but wasveiy little used until sometime in the present centur}' when it gi'adual- ly became a through route from Albany to Boston and other places east of the mountains on which road, as well as that to the northward, well patronized stages were run. the meeting-house was built in the lower part of the vil- lage, about 17G5, and in 1780, an academy building, called CLIO hall was erected on the present site of the meeting-house, in which a successful high school was kept until it wa-s burnt in 1803. In 1781, when a building for court-house and jail was requu'ed, it had been erected on the summit of the hill near the present residence of A. M. Huling. In 1783, Anthony Haswell came from Massachusetts and began the pub- lication of the VERMONT gazette on the Upper-hill, and for many years it was the only newspaper printed in the State on the west side of the mount- ain. Its publication was continued weekl}', with brief inteiTuptions, nearly all the time b}' Mr. Haswell or some of his descendants until about 1850 when 30 THE VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. it was discontinued. For a few months in 1797, the paper took the name of the "Tablet of the Times," in 1806, that of the "Epitome of the World," and afterwards from 1808 to 1816, that of the "Green Mountain Farmer," when it resumed its first name, under which it Avas continued until it ceased to exist, as before stated. From 1777 to 1791, Vermont exer cised full authority in its civil aflairs as an independent vState, being unac- knowledged, both by the other states and the Continental Congress, In 1784, its Legislature passed an act establish- ing FIVE POST-OFFICES IN THE STATE, viz : at Bennington, Rutland, Brattle- boro, Windsor aad Newbury, allowing post-riders three pence per mile for travel between Bennington and Brattle- boro and two pence on the other routes. They were to account to the postmas- ters and to be paid from postages and their other receipts. They distributed the Bennington and the Windsor news- papers to their subscribers along the routes they traveled. Under this act ANTHONY HASWELL was commissioned postmaster general by Gov. Thomas Chittenden, Mar. 10, 1784, and it is probable that DAVID RUSSELL, who was partner of Mr. Haswell in the publication of the Gazette, acted as the Bennington postmaster. He was ap- pointed to that office on the admission of the State into the Union, and held it from Aug. 25, 1791 till 1797, when under the presidency of the elder Adams he was appointed collector of customs for the district of Vermont and he then removed to Burlington. He was suc- ceeded as postmaster by MICAH J. LYMAN, father of our late deacon, George Ly- man, and held the office from October 1.. 1797 till 1808. The post-office was kept in the printing office by Mr. Rus- sell, and by Dr. Lyman in his drug- store next south the residence of the late John S. Robinson, on the upper hill. Each section of Bennington Village had its hotels, aud merchants' stores, and mechanics' shops ; the two sections not unnalurall}' came in competition with each other in business and for public favor. Was there ever a village whose two ends did not '' This rivalry sometimes produced unpleasant feelings and sharp controversies, and it became not the less active when it was found . during the presidenc}'' of John Adams, that the men of the two sections were in general of opposite parties in politics. UP-HILL AND DOWN HILL POLITICS. Nearly all of the Down-hill people, among whom were the Dewey's the Swifts and Tichenors, were Federalists, while those of Upper-hill, comprising the Robinsons, the Fays, Haswellsand others, were ante-Federalists aud friends of iVIr. Jefferson, who was soon to be- come president. They took upon them- selves the name of Republicans, dis- claiming that of Democrats, which from the excesses that had recently been com- mitted under it during the French Rev- olution, was unpopular, not to say odious. Tiie Federalists however dubbed the Republicans with the name of Demo- crats by way of reproach, aud the Re- publicans retorted by calling them aris- tocrats and monarchists. In order to a proper understanding of the various changes that have taken place in our postmasters, and in their BENNINGTON, 31 movements from place to place, some preliminary statement of the party re- lations of the men of t)je town with the different administrations of the gen- ei".'d government, seems necessary. — ^ Mr. Tichenor, a native of New Jersey, whose conrtly manners and fascinating conversation had acquired for him the' familiar title of the "Jersey sleek," and whose great personal popvdarity had enabled him to obtain ten success- ive elections of govern )r, up to the year 1808, Avhile the other State officers were generally chosen by the Republi- cans, and also a majority of the legis- lature, was the acknowledged leader of the Federalists ; while Jonathan Rob- inson, who was chief judge of the su- preme court from 1801 to 1808, and was then chosen a senator in Congress to fill a vacancy and held the office by another election till 1815, occupied a like leadership of the Repblicans. He and Govenor Tichenor Avere both able men and shi-ewd politicians, and each of them exercised an important, and frequently, a controlling influence over their respective parties through- out the State. Judge Robinson being senator during President Mad- ison's administration and having his friendl}^ confidence, had the principal control of his patronage throughout the State, which was quite large during the three years war with England that ter- minated in 1815. From 1808 to 1813, the Republi- cans were generally in a majority in the town, and Were able to choose mem- bers of that party to the assembly though the elections were often very spirited and close. But during the war with England when the times were hard and taxes high, the Federal candidates were chosen, and at theelectioi\ iii 1813 and 1814 the Federal Govenor andothr er state officers were also elected. The Legislature of 1814, also chose Gove- nor Tichenor United States Senator to succeed Judge Robinson. On the return of peace with Eng- land the Federalists, from the alledged unpatriotic conduct of their prominent leaders during the war, became very unpopular. The Federalists, in fact ceas- ed to exist as a national party after 1816, and the old party lin«s soon be- came so obliterated in most, if not, all the states, that the period of some eiffht or ten years from that date has not inappropriately been styled 'The era of good feeling.' Mr. Monroe, who suc- ceeded Mr. Madison, was the only can- didate for the presidency for his sec- ond term in 1820, and received all the votes of the electors of all the states, with the exception of one vote out of the seven from New Hampshire, which single vote was cast by a crotch- ety elector for John Quincy Adams. — At the next presidential election in 1824 there were four candidates, all Repub- licans: John Quincy Adams, "VVm. H. Crawford, Andrew Jackson and Henry Claj', when their being no choice by the electors. Mr. Adams was chosen by the House of Representatives. Mr. Adams had been supported bj^ the Re- publicans of Vermont, including those of Bennington. Prior to the next pres- idential election most of the friends of Crawford and Jackson united with oth- ers in oposition to the administration of Mr. Adams, claiming for themselves the name of the Democratic party ;and the the supporters of jNIr. Adams took for themselves that of the National Re- publican party, for which a few years afterwards that of the Whig party Avas substituted. The Democratic part}' thus j formed has continued to the present time. In 1828, Jackson, the candidate 32 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. of that party was elected president over Adams, Vermont choosing electors, who voted again for Adams. The State, and also the town and countj^ were almost unanimous for Adams : but the Gazette, representing most of the old Eopublicans of Bennington Hill occupied a hesitating position in regard \ in the vicinity of the Court House. — to the two candidates with an evident | During the latter portion of his term leaning in favor of Jackson. After liis j ^f office the increase of other parts of election it gave his administration its I the town had tended to weaken the Up- his time in a room south of and adjoin- ing the State Arms tavern, opposit ethe Court House. Mr. Haswell held the office over 20 years, from June 6, 1813, to Nov. 1, 1833, keeping it the greatest part of the time at different places on the Hill active support, and ever afterwards its like support to the Democratic par- ty. In 1832, Jackson was again elect- ed president and in 1836, Martin Van Buren, both bj^ the Democratic party, but in 1840, Gen. Harrison, the Whig candidate, was chosen over Mr. Van Buren. This statement of the names and po- litical positions of the presidents seems necessary to a proper understanding of the questions arising in regard to the • appointments of the several postmasters in the town and the location of the post-offices. From this it will be seen that the old Republicans of the Upper Hill, having been continually in politi- cal accord with all the presidents from Jefferson in 1801 to Harrison in 1841, would naturally exercise the control in the selection of postmasters and in determining the places where the office should be kept. Micah J. Lyman, who was a Feder; alist, had held the office of Bennington postmaster from 1797 until Nov. 20. 1808, when he was succeeded by Oi'sa- rans C. Merrill, a Republican. Mr. Mer- rill was son-in-law of Senator Robin- son and he held the office until he be- came a Lieut. Colonel in the army in 1813, when William Haswell was ap- per Hill as its convenient business cen- tre and to favor the claims of the Low- er Hill and of the people to the east- ward of it. BENNINGTON BANK 1828. In 1828, these claims were par- tially recognized by the erection of the building for the then recently char- tered bank about mid-waj' between the two ends of the Old Village. The building is still standing on the brow of the Upper Hill over-looking the Down Hill portion and is on the upper corner of the side road that leads to- wards the northeast part of the town, opposite the house of Gen. David Rob- inson, now that of his grandson, Geo W. Robinson. NORTH BENNINGTON POST-OFICE. During the same year ( 1828, ) a new post-office had been established at North Bennington, which supplied a portion of the north-west part of the town with mail facilities and withdrew some business from the main office. There had also been growing up lor several years a new village — EAST BENNINGTON in tbe valley, from one to two miles east of the old Centre meeting-house, and its people and others living further pointed his successor. The nffi.-e had to the eastward were beginning to com- been kept by Mr. Merrill for most of ] plain that they were required to go BENNINGTON, 33 up the steep meeting-honse hill aud half a mile up another hard hill to obtain their mail matter, when they insisted that more than half the revenue of the oflfice came from them. Mr. Haswell doubtless felt the force of this claim, for in 1 830, he had a small building erect- ed on the lower corner of the before mentioned side road, south of and op- posite the bank, thus somewhat short- ening the distance of travel for the low- er hill and the eastern people. In this building, Mr. Haswell kept the office for the remainder of his term, having a young man, Asahel Hyde, since a successful business man at St. Albans, for his intelligent and gentlemanly clerk. In November 1833, Henry Kellogg succeeded Mr. Haswell as postmaster, and he held the office until the spring of 1841, for over seven years. He continued to keep the office for several years in the same building in which it had been left by Mr. Haswell, where a youth then pursuing his studies, Edwin H. Chapiu, was his genial and scholarly clerk, and who was afterwards the Rev. Dr. Chapin, the distinguished pidpit orator, Avho died in New York City, Dec. 26, 1880, at the age of 66. EAST BENNINGTON POST-OFFICE. The efforts of the East Village people to have the post-office brought nearer to them continued to increase with their population, and the mail contractors on the Albany and Brattleboro route complained of the unnecessary delay and hardship of being compelled to drive their stages away from their route up a heavy hill in order to deliver and receive their mails: and by the year 1839, the pressure became too strong to be longer resisted, and the office was removed down the hill to the Scott store where it was kept for the residue of Mr Kellogg's term. Whether this removal was made by special order of the department, or by leave asked by Mr. Kellogg, has not been ascertained. General Harrison having been elect- ed president over Mr. Van Buren, was . inaugurated Mar. 4, 1841, but died the 4th of April, following, being in office but a single mouth, and was succeeded by John Tyler, the Vice President, though the Whigs had been accustom- ed to declaim against ''the spoils sys- tem of removing minor officers on the change of administrations, which had been first put in active operation by the Democrats, on the accession of President Jackson yet thej^ were gen- erally quite willing when opportunity offered to follow the example of their opponents. In accordance with this system, David Love became post-mas- ter, May 8, 1841, and held the office until the winter of 1843, when he was succeeded by John C. Haswell. Mr. Love kept the office during his term in the Scott store. There was no objec- tion to Mr. Love or Mr. Kellogg as postmasters, other than that each of them when removed was charged with the offense of belonging to the wrong po- litical party. The practice of changing the minor officers of the government on the access of a new administration, though often condemned as fraught with many great evils has been contin- ued to the present time (Feb. 1883.) An attempt has recently been made by an act of Cougi-ess to correct the de- moralizing effects of the scramble for office under this "spoils system," and to ensure appointments of the minor officers in the departments at Wash- ington and in other large public offices of the country without reference to their politics, but with sole regard to 34 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. fitness. Whether it will he successful can best be determined by experiment. Mr. Tyler had not been long in of- fice before he became flattered with the idea that if he should abandon the par- ty that had elected him and oppose its measures, he could by the use of his government patronage, with the aid of the Democrats, form for himself a per- sonal party that would nominate and elect him to the presidency for anoth- er term. The "State Banner," which was founded as a Whig paper and was pub- lished in Bennington. (East village) did not follow Tyler in his revolt, but ad- hered to the mass of the Whigs of whom Henry Clay and others were the prominent leaders. But John C. Has" well, the publisher of the Gazette, in common with other Democratic edi- tors, readily gave him aid in his hostil- ities to the Whig party, and Mr Has- weU by his active efforts with his paper in that direction, so ingratiated himself into the favor of his administration, he had little difficulty in obtaining the of- fice of post-master in the place of Mr. Love, whom he succeeded Feb. 3, 1843. Soon after he became postmaster, Mr. Haswell found he could obtain a more lucrative position in the general post-office at Washington and went to that city, leaving the Bennington of- fice in the care of Edward Rice, who became post- master, July 12, 1844, and served till Feb. 23, 1847, when he resigned and was succeeded by Mr. Haswell who again became postmaster. When Mr. Haswell had been first appointed post-master, he had pur- chased the Hall and Southworth law of- fice, which stood on the side hill just above the residence of the late A. B. Gardner and during his time kept the of- fice there. In the fall of 1841, the new road which entered the Centre Village from the East Village, north of the Truman Squire house, had been op- ened which made it much easier for trav- el than the steep, old road by the meet- ing-honse, and rendered the side hill of- fice quite as convenient for the East Village people as the Scott store, and it became still more convenient when Mr. Rice caused the building to be drawn down the hill to the corner of the new road, opposite the Squire house, which he did soon after his ap- pointment. A few months before Mr. Rice left the post-office, the rivalry between the East Village and the Old Village which had continually been gi'owing warmer, was suddenly brought to a high fever heat. The first Court House which had been built at an early day on the Up- per Hill, had been destroyed by fire in May 1809, and a second one that had been erected near the site of the former one was now, Oct. 28, 1846, also burn- ed to the gi'ound. The East Village had been on a steady increase for quite a number of years, while the Old Village, at the best, could only be said to be at a stand-still. Ten years prior to 1846, four new churches had been organized in the East Village, viz : a Baptist, an Episcopal, a Con- gregationalist and Methodist, each of which had erected substantial church buildings. New streets were opened and occupied by dwellings, stores, shops, iron foundries and manufactu- ring and mechanical works of various kinds moved by water-power, until the new village had become more than double in population and business to that of the old. There was also an unmistakable tendencj'^ towards a con- tinued»increase of the new village and BENNINGTON. 35 a decrease of the old. Under these Village by the name of East Benning- circumstauces it was to be expected i ton of which Gen. Henry Robinson that au earnest and persistent effort would be made for the erection of the Court House in the- New Village. In order to determine the place where the new county buildings should be erect- ed, application was made to the Leg- islature then in session, and by an act of Nov. 2d, 184(i, after providing for a tax for erecting the buildings, Eben- ezerN. Briggs of Brandon, Abishai Stoddard of Grafton and Caleb B. Har- rington of Middietown were constitut- ed a committee to designate the place where it should be built. Tne commit- tee met in the town the January follow- ing and spent several days there, dur- ing which time there was an abund- ance of bntton-holing and feasting of the committee and also a public hearing of the claimants in the old Centre meeting-house, which was crowded with anxious listeners, the claims of the East Village being advocated by A. P. Lyman and Win. Southworth, and that of the Upper, or in default of, that of the Lower Hill bj^ John S. Robinson and Pierpoint Isham. But contrary to the hopes and expecta- tions of the New Village, the majority of the committee against the opinion of Mr. Stoddard, decided in favor of the Old Village and directed that the buildings should be erected to the north of the old meeting-house between the north-west corner of the old bni'ying ground and the house of the late Tru- man Squire. Thus the Court House was appointed postmaster, Jan. 13, 1844, but which was discontinued May 28, 1846, for the alleged reason that it was nearer the main office than the reg- ulations of the department allowed.- He is said to have kept the office a part of the time in a small building near the stoi-e of Wills and Fairbanks and a part of the time in that store, now known as the Godfre}^ store When Mr. Haswell left Bennington for Wash- ington as above stated, he sold his printing material to one of his brothers and Mr. Bushnell, by whom under the firm of Haswell and Bushnell the Ga- zette was published until February, 1847, when he returned to Bennington and became the owner again of the printing establishment. On the 23d of that month, he was appointed post- master as Mr Rice's successor, and yery soon after removed the press and Gazette from the Hill to the East Village. Mr. Haswell soon after, ei- ther in March or April, supposing that he had authority from Washington through Mr. Brown, the assistant post- master general, to change the location of the office, caused it to be removed to the East Village. He was the own- er of the small building in which it had been kept by Mr Rice on the Squire corner, and had it moved about a mile down the hill and placed on the corner, of Main and South streets, op- posite what is now the Putnam house. To effect the removal, the building was was anchored where if not then quite I placed on timbers, serving as runners out of place, was sure to be so very and drawn by oxen. It went quite soon j smoothly" down the hill about one-third During the period in which J. C. ^of the way, btit when it came to the Haswell under his first appointment and j level groimd it dragged hard, so that Mr. Rice were postmasters, ancAVof- j the team had to be increased to eight fice had been provided for the East or ten yoke of oxen. With these under 36 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. the direction of the famous teamster, Dickerman A. Rider, and his skillful handling of his ox-goad the removal was finallj accomplished. The acces- sion of the main post-office, which they had long desired was the occasion of re- joicing to the East Village people, who looked upon it as some compensation for the late denial of their just claim to the site for the new court-house. Bells were rung and hundreds of the inhab- itantants turned out to witness and cheer on the removal of the buildmg, the dramatic appearance of which was much heightened by the stopping of the stages at the moving office to deliver and receive their mails, and the receipt and delivery of letters to and from it. The rejoicing, however, was not of long continuance. David Robinson, John S. Robinson, and Benj. F. Fay, representatives of the old Bennington Hill Democracy, a few days after tlie removal went to "Washington to protest against the act, and demanded the re- turn of the post-office to the Hill and the removal of the post-mas^ter. On their arrival at Washington, Cave Johnson, the post-master general under President Polk, sent Mr. HasweU a despatch, who immediately repaired to that city where the matter was discuss- ed pro and con in the department with the result that Mr, HasweU should re- main as post-master, but that the office should at once be returned from the East to the Hill Village. The removal of the Gazette bj^ Mr. HasweU to the East VUlage caused gi-eat commotion and strife in the De- mocracy of tht town and county. A new press and type were soon obtain- ed and another paper started on the HUl, which also assumed the name of the Vermont Gazette, each of the two, claiming to be the genuine continu- ation of the original of the previous century, and each the "Simon pure" representative of the Democratic par- ty. Bitter crimination and recrimina- tion followed. But Mr. HasweU being continued as post-master, aU mail mat- ter for both newspapers passed through his hands, and the papers bemg of the same name, it is not surprising, that controversies should arise in regard to which newspaper some of the letters and packages were intended to be sent. Complaints were made and continued by the publishers of the Hill Gazette that matter designed for them was im- properly retained by Mr. HasweU for himself. The natural remedy for the difficult}' was for the department to appoint a new postmaster not interest- ed in either paper, which was accord- ingly done, Jan. 28, 1848, when Henry KeUogg became Mr. HaswelFs success- or. It seems that Mr. HasweU was not found guilty of dishonest intentions, for he was on the same day appointed postmaster for East Bennington, and he held the office for several months afterwards. The. strife between the two newspa- pers continued until September 1849, when Messrs. Aiken & Lull, the pro- prietors, of the Hill paper purchased the establishment of Mr. HasweU who removed to San Francisco, Cal., where he still resides The Hill Gazette, however, was found to be jinprofitable and was discontinued, after a year's father struggle in October 1850. During this term of Mr. Haswell's postmastership, from May 1847 to Jan- uary 1848, when Mr. Kellogg became his successor, he occupied the building which had been previously used by his brother William for the post-office, on the corner opposite the old bank. It was now drawn down to the Squh'e BENNINGTON, 37 corner to the place from which the for- mer building had been removed and there again used for the purpose for which it had originally been erected This building was deeded to Sarah, wife of Zeuas Jones, Aug. 14, 1849, and by hhn removed south of the meet- ing-house and occupied as a dwelling.- Mr. Kellogg after his appointment in Januarj^ 1848, was post-master until July 1849. This was about a month prior to the sale of the latter building to Mrs. Jones, and it is believed it was occupied by Mr. Kellogg until he ceased to hold the main office and became post-master for Bennington Centre, after which this business was kept in his law-office building. A few months after the inaugura- tion of General Taylor, who had been elected president bj^ the Whigs in 1848, A. P. Lj'man in bshalf of the people of the East Village went to Washington, taking with him sworn evidence of the great preponderance in pouplation and business of the East Village over the Old, and of the ad- vantages to the town and vicinity of having the post-office remove^ there obtained an order making the East Village the location for the Benning- ton office, and appointing Horace L. White, post-master. Judge Jacob Col, lamer of Vermont was then post-mas- ter general, butit was said he hesita- ted about acting in the matter, and the evidence was submitted to the pers- onal examination of the President, who promptly directed the change to be made. Mr. White's commission bore date, July 12th 1849, and he was post- master until after Mr. Pierce became president, when he was succeeded by Truman Huling. Mr. White kept the of- fice in the small buildins on the cor- ner, east of and opposite the Putnam hou.se. On the appointment of Mr White and the removal of the main of- fice, the East Village became and has continued to be known as Bennington. On the removal of the post-office Mr Kellogg was retained as postmas- ter at the Branch in the Old Vil- lage designated as West Bennington, but on application of its inhabitants was two weeks afterwards changed to Bennington Centre by which it has continued to be known since July 27, 1849. He was post-master until suc- ceeded by John Hicks, Dec 16, 1850, and kept it where before stated. During the period that Mr. Kellogg held the main office at Bennington, Geo. B. Praitice succeeded Mr. Has- wellas post-master at East Bennington.* His appointment was made. Aug. 17, 1848, and he was post-master until the East Village became Bennington on the appointment of Mr, White when the of- fice was discontinued He kept the of- fice in the store of Wills & Fairbanks, now the Godfrey store. Apr 30, 1853, soon after Mr. Pierce became president, Truman Huling was appointed pqjjt-master in place of Mr. White, and continued until April 1857, during which time he kept his post-of- fice at the book-store of Almon Eddy, in the Adams block, opposite the pres- ent Court House. Apr. 7, 1857, wheu Mr. Buchanan be- came president, John R. Gates was appointed post-master and continued until April 18G1, keeping tlie business in a building on Main street, nearly opposite the Methodist church. Apr. 9, 1861, J. I. C. Cook, who had become publisher of the "Benning- ton Banner, was appointed post-master 38 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. and held the appointment during the administrations of Liucohi, Johnson and Grant until Apr. 22, 1872, when he was succeeded by Thomas J. Tiffa- ny, still, post-master (1883.) The of- fice was kept by Mr. Cook near the corner of Main and North streets, and also by Mr Tiffany until the spring of 1882, when it was removed to the Free Library building. » AT BENNIKGTON CENTRE. Since the removal of the main post-of- fice to the East Village, the following have been post-masters, viz: Henry Kellogg, as bofore stated ; John Hicks, Dec. 16, 1850, under the administration of President Taylor, keeping the of- fice in his harness-shop near the Wal- loomsac house ; Alfred Robinson, Dec. 28, 1853, and Geo. W. Robinson, Mar. 21, 1859, under the administrations of Presidents Pierce and Buchanan, and Charles R. Sanford under that of Pres- ident Lincoln, April 9, 1861, who is still postmaster (1883), and whose of- fice has been kept in the Sanford store. AT NORTH BENNINGTON. The following is a list of the succes- sive postmasters at Noith Bennington with the dates of their appointments: Daniel Loomis, Nov. 18, 1828 ; Charles S. Wright, Oct. 11, 1833: Wm. E. Hawks, Apr. 1, 1839: Hiram R. Haswell, Apr. 20, 1855 : Chas. E. Houghton, Mar. 28, 1856 : Chas. E. Welling, Jan. 4, 1864 : Milo C. Huling, Sept. 5, 1866 : Chas. E. Welling, Sept. 17, 1866: ^Chas. M. Colvin, Dec. 20, 1875 : — who still remains postmaster — 1883. THE BENNINGTON COURT HOUSE. One other matter connected with the County buildings remains to be stated. The Court House which had been erect- ed in the Old Village, in compliance with the descision of the committee un- der the act of 1846, and which had been built of brick, had been destroyed by fire on the morning of March 26, 1869. But now the population and business of the new Village of Ben- nington had increased to four or five times that of the old. It had been con- nected for years with the outside world by railroad and was the place of the main postotiice. It had become so decid- edly the centre of the business of the town and county, the county clerk had found it necessary for the accommo- dation of the bar and of the public to keep an open office in that village with the current books and papers of the County and Supreme courts. This had been done with the consent of the coun- ty judges and it fortunately saved from destruction the most important records of both those courts, and in conse- quence much less loss and inconven- ience Avas occasioned by the fire than would otherwise have happened. The probate records were in the court-house but were preserved from destruction in its fire-proof safe. No attempt was made to retain the court-house in its former location, bnt a portion of the people of the County were desirous of having the County buildings in one cential place, where all the records should ^ kept, and all the courts held, instead of at the two ends of the County. The Legislature, therefore, by act of Nov. 15, 1869 after laying a tax on the County for the expense of erecting pi'oper buildings provided for the sub- mission of the question whether there should be one or two sets of such build- ings to the legal voters of the County in their town-meetings to be held on the last Tuesday of the following Februa- ry. Such of the voters as desired only BENNINGTON 39 one set of buildings were to designate should have been made on high ground on their ballots the town or village in which thay wished them erected. If there should be a majority of the vo- ters for any single place, the buildings and for two generations it was the most suitable place for it. It was a conspicu- ous and commanding position among the new settlements, ai\d from the were to be erected there, but if other- } character and ability of its inhabitants wise, they were to be placed in the Village of Bennington . By the provis- ions of the same act a committee con- sisting of Henry W. Putnam of Ben- nington, Samuel M. West of Arling- ton, and Augustus G-. Clark of Man- chester, were appointed to s-uperintend their erection in conformity to the re- sult of the vofe thus provided for. The majority being in favor of the continu- ance of the two county shires, the committee proceeded to erect the pres- ent court-house and jail in Bennington Village, which was done at a cost to the county of $ 30.000. The buil ding is of brick, and beside the court room contains the county clerk's office, the probate office and the jail and jailor's residence. Both the county clerk's and the probate office are provided with fire-proof vaults. The jail has seven cells for the confinement of males and one off the residence of the jailor for females. After the burning of the court-house at the Centre, until the new building it soon became conspicuous from a distance. It was known at New York Cit}' as the head quarters of the defenders oi the titles under the grants of New Hampshire, as their defiant stronghold against the land jobbing and land rob- bing government of its colony. To that government it was a "city set on a hill that would not be hid ;" and when its loidly Govenor sent his sheriff with hundreds of followers, to take posses- sion for the cit}' speculators of the farms of two of its inhabitants, was found quite ready and able to protect them ; and did in fact with a pi'oper show of resolution and musketry easily persuade the city dignatary with his famed posse comitatus to return hurried- ly back to Albany relieved of all incli- nation to embark again in a simUar expedition. Bennington Hill was alike conspicu- ous in its resistance to the oppressive measures of the British crown. A few davs after the shedding of the first was completed, the courts were held ' American blood at Lexington, it fur- in the hall of the Bennington Free j nished the commander and was the Library. | place of muster for the men of the Ihe rivalries and controversies which | ^^«"' Hampshire Grants who on the have been mentioned in the foregoing i ^^^h of May, 1775, captured the for- account are such as would naturally arise among intelligent and order loving people having different, local interests, and there seems no reason to question the sincerit}^ or the integrety of pur- pose of any of the contending parties. In the midst of the forest it was natural tress of Ticonderoga for the "Conti- nental Congress" and also in the name of a still higher power. At a later period of the Revolution, the men of Bennington were no less conspicuous in defense of their country when Burgoyne, on his triumphant that the first settlement of the town I march toward Albany, sent a large 40 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. body of his veterans to seize Benning- ton and the public stores gathered there, they were not permitted to cross ihe threshold of the town, but were met on its borders and most of them cap- tured or slain. The only visit any of them were permitted to make the town was as prisoners of war. This first suc- cessful resistance to the invasion inflic- ed a blow which secured the captixre of the Invader and that ot his whole army at Saratoga, a few weeks after- wards. A Monument. The early inhabitants of the town of which the Old Village was the nucleus and centre, has given to it a history of which the present generation may well be proud. Their recent, earnest exertions to raise a creditable monu- ment to the memory of the brave men from New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, who together achieved the victory of the 16th of August 1777 ; a monument which is to have its found- ation on the site of the old store-house which was sought to be captured by Burgoyne, and on the summit of the highest, centre hill, overlooking a rich surrounding country, may be taken as an indication that the patriotic deeds of the fathers are not unappreciated by their sons. PROGRESSIVE CHANGES. But the merits and fame of our ear- ly inhabitants, however great, could not secure their work from the power- ful effect of progressive changes in the business and employments of men.- founded at a time when agriculture constituted the chief and almost the only business of life. It was found quite inappropriate to a period when a majority of its people became engag- ed in other pursuits. The streams and the more level land in the valleys fur- nished water-power and numerous oth- er facilities for manufacturing and its attendant industries, with which the Hill could not long hope to compete. — The substitution of the New Villege for the Old, as its business centre, could not be successfully resisted. — The change was inevitable. HILAND HALL. Page 31 : read General Harrison was elected by Whigs over Van Buren. Omission.— Ed. BENNINGTON FREE LIBRARY. In 1865 a Free Library was estab- lished in Bennington by the joint ac- tion of Seth B. Hunt and Trenor W. Park. — Though full biographies of these respected donors of the library, are expected for this work from other hands, a few words in respect to them is deemed proper here. — Mr. Hunt was born Bennington, February 1811, and died in NewYork City, April 20, 1880. — Mr Park was born in Wood- ford, adjoining Bennington, Dec. 8, 1823, and died at sea on his way from New York to the Isthmus of Panama. Dec 13, 1882. Both of them spent their early and much of their later lives in Bennington; both by their own efforts and industry had been suc- cessful in business, and both had long been liberal in their contributions to religious, educational and charitable objects. The donors purchased an unfinished, commodious, brick building, situated in a central place in the village, and fit- ted it up for the use of the library. — The building is two stOi'ies in height, the upper story containing a library room and a reading-ioom, a large hall for lectures and public meetings with BENNINGTON. 41 an entrance ro«)m attached, all well provided with tables, shelves and other suitable furniture. The lower story is divided into rooms for offices and stores. The library contained at first about — carefully selected volumes of standard works, and has since, from its annual increase and other sources been largely increased. The original cost of the whole to the donors was about $10,000, of which each shared equally. The times and conditons on which the library was given are specified in a deed of trust from the donors to Hiland Hall, Benjamin R. Sears, Dan- iel Mc' Cowen, Thomas J. Tiffany and John v. Hall, which terms and condi- tions are as follows : First In order to perpetuate the trust it is provided that in case of the death, resignation, or removal from the town of Bennington, of any one of the trus- tees the fifth part of the premises con- veyed shall revert in the residue of them, which fifth part they are requir- ed to convey to such person as they shall name as their associate trustee. by the trustees for public meetings and lectures and other assemblies of people under such regulations as they might prescribe, and the other parts of the building not suitable for the use of the library and reading room might be rent- ed for such purposes as said trustees might choose, the proceeds of all rents to be appropriated for the payment of taxes, expenses of insurance and prop- er repairs and improvements and for the care of the library, reading room and building, -the residue to be applied to the increase of the library." Fourthly "The said trustees may com- mit the care and management of the library, reading room and building to the Association already formed, for taking charge thereof, or'^to any other association hereafter to be formed or to individuals in their discretion, and shall have power to resume the charge of the same whenever in their opinion the objects of the trust would thereby be promoted." Fitfhly The building, furniture and library are to be at all times kept weU Secondly. The trustees, their survivors ^^'"^"^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^'''''^^^' ^°^ '"' S^^'^ ^^■ and successors are to permit the prem-iP''^"' ^°^^ "^^^ be rebuilt by them in ises to be occupied and kept for a li- i case of destruction by fire." brary for the free use without compen- sation of the inhabitants of the town of Bennington and its immediate vi- cinity, and to which a reading room maybe attached, and under such regu- lations for the safe keeping of the books and papers and the proper care Sixthly The trustees are so to man- age the trust as always to prevent its becoming of a sectarian character, no preference being allowed to one com- munion, denomination or belief over another, and the said five trastees may execute all their services and perform and return of such books as may be ta- all their duties by a majority of their ken from the library for reading as may from time to time be approved by said trustees." number." It was also further provided in the deed that if the trustees should attempt Thirdly It was provided that the \ to divert the property thereby convey- large room on the second floor should ' ed or the proceeds thereof, from the "forever be set apart for a public hall purposes and objects of the trust or to and might from time to time be rented | permit it to be done by others to whom VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. 42 they might commit the charge of it, or suffer the property to run to waste and decay, then the deed was to be null and void, and the property and its proceeds was to revert and become invested in the said donors and their heirs the same as if the conveyance had never been made. A Young Men's Association, such as had been mentioned in the deed of trust, having been organized, the inaug- uration and formal presentation of the institution took place at a gathering of the inhabitants of the town in the hall of the library building on the evening of the 23d of June U{r T l of trust, which bore date on that day was publicly read, and interesting and ap- propriate addresses were made both by Mr. Hunt and Mr. Park on their pur- poses and expectations in founding the library, to which thankful responses were made by Hiland Hall, in behalf of the trustees, and by the Rev. Wm. S. Apsey, President of The You eg Men's Association for their generous and most valuable donation. Other prominent citizens, also, joined with them in expressing the grateful ac- knowledgements of the inhabitants of the town for the unsolicited liberality of the respected donors. The number of desirable volumes in the library has continued to increase under the care of the Young Men's Association until the present number exceeds 3000, and the reading room is supplied with such newspapers and pe- riodicals as the needs of those who frequent it seem to require. The means by which the additions to the library have been made are from the rent of the library property and some dona- tions from Mr. Hunt, Mr. Park and others. The latest money donation was from Mr. Park of $1000 for the pur- chase of new books, which has in part been expended for that purpose, large- ly to supply the place of books that had bceome so much worn as to be un- fit for further library use, but leaving a portion of it for farther expenditure. HII.AND HALL. BENNINGTON VILLAGES AND THEIR INDUSTRIES, by henry d. hall, esq. Bennington. The Village of Bennington has changed, perhaps, more than any oth- er part of the town since the notice of it given in the Gazetteer, — Benning- ton County, No. II, page 136, about twenty -six years since. Favorably situated with reference to water-power, nearly all of its advan- tages have been improved and the in- dustries which have developed have quite largely increased its population and material wealth. This is manifested from the number and more extensive mills, shops, dwellings and churches which have been erected within the nearly three decades just passed, and which it is the object of this article to notice to some extent. It lies in the valley through which run the streams which unite in forming the historic "Walumscoick" river or as it is now called Waloomsac, — the Pownal, the Roaring branch from Wood- ford and the Furnace brook from Shaftsbury, — the waters of the first two, giving the most available water- power. At the south-west, about two miles distant, is Mount Anthony, 2505 feet high, and at the north- east, nearly the BENNINGTON. 43 same distance is Bald Mountain, 3125 ft. high, both aiFovdiug the eye of the in- habitant or visitor by their imposing elevation and beautiful scener}^, de- light and satisfaction. It has nearly 4000 of the 3000 inhabitants now in the town of Bennington, and has con- tained since the burning of the Court House in Bennington Centre in 1869, the Court House, County Clerk's office and jail for the Southern Shire of the County. BENNINGTON NEWSPAPERS. The Bennington Banner, a weekly newspaper, is published by Charles A. Pierce and is a continuation of the State Banner established by Enoch Davis in 1841. There is a job printing office connected with it the motive power for which as well as for all printing pur- poses, is supplied by the village water- works, and also, a book bindery. The Bennington Reformer, J, H. Livingston, editor and publisher, is a Democratic organ published here and has reached its twelveth volume. BENNINGTON GRADED SCHOOL. There was a special act by the legis- lature of 1870, procured for the ''Ben- nington Graded School District," and the district was organized, Nov. 9, of the same year, and a building of brick of dimensions, adequate and with all the moden improvements in furuiture, seats, ventillation etc., was erected in a central part of the village, suitable for the accomodotion of twelve grades of scholars, numbering 500 pupils or more, at cost of about $50,000. It proves well adapted for the purpose for which it was built, and is probably second to none in the State, in all its appointments. THE HARLEM EXTENSION. About 1867, a rail-road was con- structed from Bennington, south, call- ed the Harlem Extension, to Chatham, N. Y. to connect with the Harlem rail- road, making a continuous line from Montreal, Canada to New York. For a while through trains were run t6 the great convenience ot traveling, and of cars carrying milk and produce to New York, thus promoting the interests of the different tOM ns on the line ; but af- ter a time a different regime followed and it is only at intervals that there are accommodating connections to New Y''ork. This road was constructed to a large extent, by the issuing of bonds by the several towns on the line, and the endeavor to get rid of paying them has resulted in outside parties, as litiga- tion has progressed and the status of the road in law has changed from time to time, to purchase and control it for a season ; and it is now run as the New York, Rutland and Montreal Railwa}'-, having a depot in the village, necessi- tating the transfer of passengers, bag- gage and much of the freight, passing- through the town, to and from the Ben- nington and Rutland Railway, and as earlj' called in the Gazetteer, the Western Vermont Rail Road. THE SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHITRGH . The second Congregational Church edifice was destroyed by fire, Aug. 11, 1864, and in about a year, a chapel was erected which now constitutes the room for Sabbath school purposes. The main church building was completed in 1773 and is connected to the chapel with a parlor and other rooms for social conve- neiences. A parsonage was built in 1883, on the north end of the church grounds of brick, as are also the cJuirch and chapel, which fills out the entire block. The pastors since the organiza- tion have been Revs. Arctas Loomis, 44 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. C. H. Hubbard, C. B. Hurlbert, E. G. Reed, F. J. Mundy and C. C. Kimball D. D. Dr. Kimball Avas installed in August 1884. The present Baptist church is of brick and was erected in 1878, the old church having been taken down to make i-oom for one larger. There is a parsonage connected with it, but is not upon the church grounds. The pastors since the previous notice in the Gazet- teer have been Revs. W. S. Apsey, S. K. Dexter, R. M. Luther, G. C. Bald- win, Jr. and Z. Martin. THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH is of stone and has been remodelled and enlarged within a few j^ears, so as to make it a commodious and fine edi- fice. A parsonage was erected in 1883, on the corner of School and Pleasant streets, which is in keeping with the other church propert5^ The present pastor is Rev. T. C. Potter. ST. Peter's episcopal church which is of brick has been recently im- proved and beautified, answering well the need of this growing society. There has been withiT\ a short time a new rec- tory built upon the church grounds. — The rectors have been since Rev. Di". Manser, Revs. Phillips, Bliss, Jones, Graves and A.J. Barrow. THE FRENCH CATHOLIC CHURCH was organized in 1880. This society occupied a room in Noyes block until 1 882, when a suitable church of wood was built on School street, where servi- ces are regularly held . There are two National Banks of 8100.000 capital, each. The 1st Na- tional Bank of Bennington, L. R. Graves, President, Geo. F. Graves, cashier. The Bennington County Na- tional Bank, Charles Thatcher, Presi- dent, Clement S. Cone, cashier. MANUFACTURES. There have been some new kinds of industries sustained and a considerable increase in some of the kinds which have for a long periorl been carried on here. THE BENNINGTON MACHINE WORKS are the outgrowth of the two mould- ing furnaces in the lower part of the vil- lage, which have been discontinued. Olin Scott, the present proprietor, erected these works in 1865, consisting of a large foundiy and machine ihops, where gunpowder and paper macliine- ry of all kinds are a specialty, while other machine work usually done at such establishments is also carried on. THE KNITTING INTEREST was characterized in 1861. as Factories, employing two Knitting Factories, employing fifty hands in and about the mills, and out- side the mills 150 more." This branch has developed into much larger propor- tions, giving employment to more than four times as many now. H. E. Bradford & Co's hosiery .and knitting mill was established in 1858, and is situated on upper Main street. It was destroyed by fire in 1865, and a new one erected soon after. An acci- dent occured at this mill in January 1874, which resulted in the death of nine persons. It was supposed the ex- plosion was the result of the igniting of gas which had generated beneatli the building from a leakage in the tank con- taining gasoline for the lighting of the mill. Geo. Rockwood ct Co's knitting mill is at the east end of the village on Main street, and was erected on or near the site of the old oil mill of Rockwood & Colvin. BENNINGTON. 45 The old mill for the manufacture of Unseed oil and oil meal will be remem- bered by many as being quite noted, and was before rail-roads were so com- mon, the place where flax seed from this vitMuity and neighboring towns in the State of New York was brought and the manufactured oil and meal was taken in large quantities across the mountains into New Hampshire and Massachusetts with teams. THE VALENTINF. KNimNG MILLS. Thekuittinsmill of A. B. ^'alentine, one of the largest in town, was burned in the fall of 1882. It was rebuilt in part in 1883. It has been operated by a com- pany of young men, formerly in the em- ploy of Mr. Valentine, who have made a nice class of goods, finding a ready sale in the market. It is situated in the heart of the village, a little off of Pleas- ant street. He converted a building, formerly' used by his father, Joel Val- entine, as a cardu)g factory, into this knitting mill in 1866, by remodelling and enlarging it, and had made pre- vious to the fire large additions from, time to time. At this writing the mill has been wholly rebuilt and enlarged, and in its tower has been placed a first clais town clock, giving excellent time to the whole village. Mr. Valentine is now interested in the operation of this mill, and two of the old company, Moore and Puffer, are to prosecute the same line of business in a new mill e- rected by Mr. Valentine, and leased by them, on the opposite side of the stream. The main building is three sto- ries high upon a foundation at least 100X40 ft. RIBBED KNITTING MACHINE WOUKS. Tiffany & Cooper came into this vil- lage several years since and staited bu- siness in a small way, in the manufac- ture of ribbed knitting machines for knitting in a peculiar way, the wristlets and anklets for shirts and drawers. The success of this machine which was followed by another for knitting full fashioned goods, shirts and drawers in a single piece so that when seamed up they will be adapted and fashioned to the form, necessitated the enlargement of their works, and they reaped a rich reward for their industry and enter- prise. This firm is now dissolved, its members prosecuting, seperatel}', the manufacture of these machines. TIFFANV KNITTING MILL,-OK FILL FASHIONED GOODS. Tiffany Brothers have a mill for knitting the full fashioned goods above mentioned, which has recently been enlarged to keep pace with the demand for their product, in whicli they also manufacture cut goods. CO'iPEk's SI'UING NEEDLE MACHINE W<.>KKS. Charles Cooper has for years been engaged in making machine spring nee- dles, a business, requiring much skill, and is annually placing on the market five or six millions of the difierent styles rei)erat- ert at present, and are manufacturing yarn, ■which is sold and shippe, 18S7. BENNINGTON. to Bennington as more convenient for the larger portion of the congregation. The Soldiers' Home. ' liY IIENKY 1). HAIX, ESQ. The patriotism of the people of Vermont did not die out with the termination of the rebellion. It has since shown itself in s^^mpathy for the soldier and his family in many ways ; often in acts of kindness in a more tangible form than merely the saying "be ye warmed and filled, de- part in peace," as well as in substantial encouragement in carrying on their G. A. R. organizations in which there is so much interest, and which have been of such great assistance to many of their comrades. It has now selected a way of showing its interest more fit- tingly and systematically, in the es- tablishment of a Soldiers' Home for 51 It is beautifully situated on the north side of the Village of Bennington, about one half mde from the Court House and Post office, and in sight of the gi'oundupon which the Battle Mon- ument is being erected. The premises had been purchased by the late Hon. T. W. Park with the idea of making it a "Home for children and old la- dies," by setting apart a sufficient en- dowment fund for the necessarj^ ex- penses, but whose sudden death occur- red before the consummation of his most cherished plans, though he pro- cured the act of incorporation to be passed by the legislature for carrying out this purpose, with the above title a few months before his death.* The home had been used for farming pur- poses, and in the summer for the ac- commodation of "fresh air children" from New York mitil it was made over "deserving soldiers and sailors and such \ to the State. (* 1 8.52,— page 40. ) of their families as the trustees may j Connected with, the i:.stitution are deem proper;"— thus giving a practical | ^^^^^^^ .^OO acres of arable land with a recooiiitiou of the debt of oblifration to those now living, who with the great number that gave up their lives, are deserving of lasting gratitude. The act of incorporation for an insti- tution of this kind was approved with permission to hold property obtained by gift, parohase or otherwise to the amount of $200,000, Nov. 24, 1884, and an appropriation c»f $10,000 was made for the \ise of such home b^' the same legislature. A committee was aj)i)()inted to select a suitable place and propositions were made by towns competing for its loca- tion, in dfferent parts of the State, but the offer of the "Trenor Park Home for Destitute Children and Women" — for this i)urposc was accepted and the property made over to the State in the wintei- of 1880 and 7. main building well and permanently built 50x45 feet, three stories high, including the attic which is high and completely finished, with ells and other necessary additions. Ii was construct- ed with the modern improvements and the s^'stera of sewerage is most perfect . The barns and out-buildings ai-e large and commodious, having been built with wise reference to fitness and conveni- ence. The fountain, which sends a stream of water into the air 198. feet, is supplied by springs from the mount- ain, with a fall of more than 300 feet and the grove containing a beautiful fish-pond with carnage drives through it adds greatly to the beauty of the level acres, used for meadow and planting land which adjoin it. The Bennington Banner of August IHtli and 2oth savs : 52 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. "It was fortunate indeed that the muster of State troops and the laying of the corner stone of the monument took place in such close proximity to the Home. These events gave op])Ortu- nity to the thousands of patriotic peo- ple visiting the town to also inspect the Home, the very valuable property and its vast and beautiful surroundings — Few people it is to be presumed, went to Bennington for the purpose of visit- ing the Home, but when there, few went away without improving their op- portunity. Exclamations of favorable surprise were upon every lip. "The present condition and future prospects of the Home are all that could be desired, and all can join in express. ing the opinion that th« institution is an honor to the State." "The Home will be filled gradually to its capacity as fast as the same can be done judiciously, regard being fii-st had to relieve the tgwns from persons chargeable upon them." "Considerable has been written and said concerning- the establishment of the Home at Bennington, and of the extent of the property and its many conveienences, bui to be able to under- stand the whole nothing can take the place of personal observation. The property was formerly the palatial res- idence of Mr. Seth B. Hunt, a pros- perous Bennington manufacturer, who had spared no expense to improve, beautify and adorn it. ''the soldiers' home delivered. At n o'clock, Aug. 16th the for- malities atrending the dedication of tlie Vermont Soldiers' Home took place. The Govenors of Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, and most of the military geusts, together with the militia officers and many, old soldiers assembled at the Soldiers' Home, where after music. Gen, Wm. "Wells, chairman of the board of trus- tees, called the assemblage to order and introduced Col. Z. M. Mansur, who in behalf of the board, addressed Gove- nor Ormsbee, and formally delivered the property to the State of Vermont. He gave a history of its acquisition and adaptation and bespoke for it the protecting care of the State. Govenor Ormsbee accepted for the State the noble gift from the heirs of the late Hon. T. W. Park and the work of the trustees in expending upon it the State's appropriation, and said that so far as his influence could go, it svould be given to promote a constant interest in the grateful benevolence thus entered upon. Senator Edmunds was then called out . . . He praised the site audits beau- tiful surroundings and expressed his pleasure that Vermont had provided a home for the increasing number of her gallant but unfotunate sons who helped to save the country in its hour of peril and are now with the advance of years finding themselves unable to battle with the hardships of life. He congratulated the veterans and the State upon the good fortune and good management which had attended the founding of the Home and hoped the State would make its capacity equal to the needs that may arise. Ex Govenor Pingree followed him and spoke of the lively appreciation that lo3^al Vermont has always had of her heroes. She recognizes, but for them, we should not to-day have a great and free counti y that is the pride and praise of all people. To them the peo- ple owe a debt that never can be paid ; and the least that the public can do is to BENNINGTON. 53 see that their sufferings are made as liglit as possible. This ended the speaking, but in conversation, Govs. Ames and Sawyer spoke of the beauty of the Home and the remarkable econo- my with which it had been secured and adapted. It was learned from the trustees that about 50 applications have been made for admission to it, but it will accom- date only 38 residents, and the next legislature will have to be asked for an appropriation for additional quarters. The A'eterans and the trustees spoke with eqnal praise of Superintendent and Mrs. Coffey." The officers of the Home are Wm. Wells of Burlington, president; P. P. Pitkin of Montpelier, treasurer; C. C. Kinsman of Rutland, secretarj' ; and Ca])t. R. J. Coffey, surperintendent. It was prepared for inmates in the spring of 1887, and there were on its delivery, as above, to the State, fifteen veterans availing themselves of its comforts and privileges. THIC NAMES OF THE FIRST FIFTEEN : George E. Wood, Co. E., 2d Reg. age 60, residence Randolph, admitted. May 18, 1887. Hobart J. Marr, Co. I, 13th Reg., age 43, residence Bratttleboro, admit- ted, May 23, 1887. George C. Chase, Co. E., 3d Reg., age 65, residence Montpelier, admited May 24, 1887, Increase B. Whitney, Co. A., 4th Reg. age t^9- residence Readsboro, admitted May 25, 1887. William Mattison. Co. I., 2d Reg., age 66, residence Shaftsbury, admit- ted. May 26, 1887. John F. Colby, Co. H., 4th Reg. age 72, residence Danville, admitted May 27, 1887. Chester Derby, Co. A., 7th Reg., age 66, residence Burlington, admitted June 9th, 1887. Isaac Porter, Co. F., 14th Regiment, age 54, residence, Danby, admitted June 10.1887. Wm. M. Deparr,. Co. B., 1st Cav. age 55, residence Swanton, admitted, June 23, 1887. Alphonzo Chapleau, Co. C. 2d Reg., age 44, residence Burlington, admitted July 18, 1887. Joseph Demar, Co. E., 5th Reg., age 48, residence Manchester, admitted July 20, 1887. Thomas O'Brien, Co. M., 1st Cav., age 55, residence Barre, admitted, July 21, 1887. Josiah Haley, Co. A., 14th Regiment, age 73, residence Pownal, admitted, Aug. 1, 1887. Lewis N. Beemau, Co. I, 6th Reg., age 49, residence Swanton, admitted, Aug. 16, 1887. There is certainly just reason for satis- faction and pride on the part of the State and gratulation to those who are enjoy- ing and the greater number who may enjo3' in the future, the benefits of this humane institution, founded in patriot- ism and affection. THE SOLDIER DEAD In Bennington Cemetery. Capt. W. H. Cady and privates, Nelson C. Bradford, Frederick Hupf, Charles C. Harris, Henry M. Harris, Calvin Hathaway, George B. Plumb, Co. A. 2d Vt. Vols. ; Private, Charles Willis, Co. C. 2d Vt. Vol.— Col. John E. Pratt, Maj. J. H. Cushman 4th Vt. Vols.; Sergts. Wm. A. Comar, Alonzo Bigelow, privates Henry G. Loveland, George H. Lillie, I. N. Morton, H. N. Woodworth, Lyman Greeuslet, Co. A 4th Vt. Vols. ; Priv. O. B. Sprague. Co. 54 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. E. 10th Vt. Vol.— Lieut. E. N. Thay el- and privates Charles Godfrey, Reuben Benjamin, George Fradenburg, Co. A 14th Vt. Vol. Private Foster S. Prouty Co. H. 14th Vt. Vol.— Sergeant &. B. Norton, Priv. Albert L Merchant, Co. F. 17th Vt. Vol.— Private Charles M. Norton, 1st Vt. Battery.— Private A. H. Norton, nn assigned recruit. — Priv. Oscar L. Gates, Com. Dep'tof Ohio. — Privs. Henry Moulds, Albert Kimball, 2d Vt. Battery.— Priv. N. H. Slade. Co. G. 1st N.H. Cavalry.— Priv. Frank V. Blake, 49 Mass. Vol.— Priv. James Nelson, U. S. Navy— Sergt. Wm. H. Morse, Co. I, 57th N. Y. Vol.— Priv. S. Maurer, Co. A, 149th N. Y. Vol.— Priv. Geo. B. Whitney. Mass. Vol. — Private John Walsh, Co. A, 14th Vt.— Private Edward Norton, 2d Vt. Band. Bugler G. W. Semple, (buried at Ware- house Point, Ct.) Ira Harris, Cavalry. Priv. Olney Fuller, buried at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., Co. C 169th N. Y. Vol.— Privates C. E. Morse, Co. E, 10th Vt. Charles Phillips and Fred. A. Wilder. In the Catholic Cemetery. Privates: Charles Wood, U. S. N.— John Grace, Michael W., Murphy, 2d Vt. Battery ; Edward Grace, Ned Griflfin, John Dygnam, 2d, Co. A, 2d Vt. Vol. ; John Dyiigam, 1st, Michael Carrigan, Co. A, 14th Vt. Vol. ; Rich- ard Donovan, Michael Ryan, Patrick Howe, Vt. Vols. ; T. Dempsey (buried at Albany, N. Y.,) Co. A, 2d Vt. Vol. Edward Gnnshannon. 1st Vt. Batterj'. In Bennington Centre Ce:metery. Captain Frank^Ray, Company G 1st Vermont Cavalry — privates Daniel M. Russell, E. A, Armstrong, Co. G 1st Vt. Cav. — Col. Newton Stone and priv- ates PMward A. Seldon, John Kehoe, B. S. Potter, Co. A, 2d A't. Vols.— Privates Bradford S. Downs, Wallace B. Cutting, Co. A, 4th Vt. Vols; Priv- ate JohnH. Crosier, Co. C, 4th Vt.Vol. Privates Fred Ray, M. J. Allen, Frank Fairbrothers, James Atwood, Co. A. 14th Vt. Vols. ; Private Edw'd Miller, Co. H. 1 4th Vt. Vol.— Capi. George Hicks, Co. F, 17th Vt, Vol.— Private Edwin Joy, 1st Vt. Battery — Privates Leander G. Northrop, Surgeon R. H. Green. U. S. Navy ; Colonel Henry R. Seldon, U. S. Army. — Private James H. Cowden, 37th Mass. Vol. — Private Charles Dietel, Co. G. 35tli N. Y.— Colonel George D. Harrington. In the North Bennington Cemetery. Linus M. Towsley, Co. A, 2d Vt. — John Minot, Adelbert A. Towsley, Co. xi, 4th Vt — Jesse Bates, 2d Vt. Batte- ry ;—N. BruflTee, N. Y. Battery; — Dennis Boweu, Co. E, 21st N. Y. Cav. Lieut. Thos. Hall, 2d N. Y. Vet. Cav. George Coon, Co. K. 30th N. Y. Vol. ; Thomas Lyons, Mass. Vol. In Hinsdville Cemetery. Privates A. P. Howard, G. L Edgertou, Henry Holmes, Chas. Stewart, Dwight Riddle, 1st Vt. Bat'y; Lyman Russell, Co. G. 1st Vt. Cavalry; Private Wales Puffer, 169thN. Y. In Chapel Cemetery. Privates Abel Babcock, Henry Warn, 2d Vt. Batteiy ; Jesse Potter, 125th N. Y. ; Parley Hill, DoAvns. In Towsley Cejmetery. Albert Wallius, Co. A, 14th Vt. MEMORIAL ORATORS : Whc> have delivered Addresses at Benuiugtttn on "Decoration Y>iiy." 1870: Major N. B. Hall; 1871: Rev. C. H. Hubbard; 1877: Rev. G. G. Jones ; 1878: Hon. W. C. Dunton ; 1880: Rev. R.M.Luther: 1881 : M. D. Jump; BENNINGTON. 1883: Sergt. TVarren Oibbs. 1884: Rev. W. W Foster, Jr. 1885: Rev. S.M. Williams; 1880 Gen. Azel Ames; 1887: Rev. Hem'v (Tordon. Bennington Battlk IMonument. bv henry d. hall esq. [With selections from Gov. Hall's published papers and the Bennington Banner.] The importance of the Battle of Bennington as the pivotal event upon which the tide of arms turned in the Revolutionary struggle between the Colonies and the Mother Country', has become more and more apparent as the years have rolled by . The recurring an- niversary has been celebrated and the deeds of its actors have been rehears- ed t(> the multitudes gathering to per- petuate the day, by the patriot orator and statesman in language both instruct- ing and inspiring. In addition to its observance as specially for patriotic commemoration of the battle, it has been used as the day for political con- ventions by the different parties in their strife for governmental control, as well as for religious, temperance and other commendable purposes, and the patri- otism exhibited on the memorable 16th of August 1777, has been held up by each as worthy the imitation of every one, and a share in it as the heirloom of all lovers of the glorious instiutions of our country. The celebrating of the one hundredth anniversary of the battle had been advocated for years and as early as August 1875, the veterans of the late rebellion at a reunion at Brat- tleboro, among them, Col. J. H. Wal- bridge, "voted to adjourn to meet in Bennington during the week of August 1877." Maj. J. H. Cushman "in a sj)eech at the Officers Reunion at 8t Albans, October 14th of the same year, warml}^ endorsed the project." This action with the interest developed by agitation of the subject by citizens of Bennington and vicinity soon awaken- ed such enthusiasm with reference to it, that in October a call was made in a village paper for a meeting for the purpose "of forming a TOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY to aid in preparing for the centennial anniversary of the Battle of Benning- ton." It was heartily responded to and the "Bennington Historical Socie- ty" formed with the following list of officers : "The president was Hon. Hiland Hall. Among the Vice presidents were the Rev. Isaac Jennings, Seth B. Hunt, Trenor W. Park. Rev. C. H. Hubbard, A. B. Gardner, Heniy G. Root, Dr. Benj. F. Morgan, Thos. White, Henry W. Putnam, Hiram Bingham, H. E. Bradford and David F. Squires. The corresponding secretar}' was Chas. M. Bliss ; the recording secretary, Merritt B. Morgan and the treasurer, Daniel McEown. The Board of Directors were A. B, Valentine, A. Robinson, Jas. H. Walbridge, C.E. Dewey, Ew'd Kings- ley, A. J. Mattison, J. V. D. S. Mer- rill, C. R. Sanford, H. T. Cushman, Asapah P. Childs, Geo. A. Wood, Oliu Scott, J. Halsey Cushman, George W. Robinson, Milo C. Huliog, L. P. Nor- ton, A. C. Hubbell, E. O. Cole, Ed. S. Chandler, L. F. Abbott, William E. Hawks, 'id, O. D. Adams and the pres- ident of the society, its past presidents, secretaries and the chairman of all its cther States. "An account of the proceedings of the week of the Centennial is given in :i semi official work by the Association, undone by C. S. Forbes of St. Albans, both ot which have been published. — • The whole expense of the celebration was over Si 4.000." It was estimated that over thirty thousand persons were in attendance on anniversary day. Annual and special meetings of the Association were held and important business transacted; but one subject of commanding interest held its place — that of securing a suitable design for the monument. design of Prof. Weir was by the com- mittee of design reccommended to the board. The board of diiectors at this time were Hon. Geo. D. Robinson, gove- nor of Massachusetts; Hon. Samuel W. Hall, govenor of New Hampshire, Hon. Samuel E. Pingree, govenor of Vermont, ex-officio members of the board, and Hon. Benj. F. Prescott, ex-govenor of New Hampshire; Hon. Edward J. Phelps, L.L. D., professor of law in Yale college ; Gen. John G. McCuUough, Hon. Henry G. Root, Maj. A. B. Valentine, Samuel B. San- ford, Esq., and Rev. Isaac Jennings. The committee of design at this time were Hon. BL J. Phelps, soon after ap- pointed our minister to England, chair- man; Hon, Alexander H. Rice, L.h. D., ex-governor of Massachusetts; Hon. Benj, F. Prescott, ex-governor of New Hampshire and president of the Association. The author of the de- sign adopted, John F. Weir, professor of painting and design in Yale college, was present at the above meeting — in New York, Dec. 2, 1884, the report of the committee (>f design was accepted, and a resolution was passed unanimous- ly adopting said design, and also in ac- coi dance with the resohition every mem- ber of the board, including the Gov- ernors of Massachusetts, New Hamp- shire and Vermont, ex-officio members, gave their individual vote in writing, and within the time that the meeting was kept open for the purpose, for the Weir design." This design, whith was mainly sculptural and of small dimensions was a great disappointment to the people of Bennington who had contem- plated the erection of a structure of On Dec. 2. 1884, at a meeting of the ! magnitude and grandeur properly typi- ■directors, held in New York Cit3% the ' fying the historical importance of the 58 THE VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Bennington victory which in accord- ance with the historian Bancroft they had always feh to have been "one of the most briUiaut and eventful of the war" of the Revolution. Ihe design consisted of five life like bronze stat- ues, in Revolutionary costume, the commanding figui'e 15 feet in height, standing on the top of a rough gran- ite shaft 20 feet square at the base and 45 feet high, the four other figures be- ing at the corners of the base 8 feet iu height. They accordingly looked upon the proposed structure as tending to degrade rather than honor their patri- otic ancestoi's who had helped to achieve the victory. The opposition to the design of the directors was so strongly manifested at the January meeting, 1885, that the qnestion of its adoption was not moved and its consideration was postponed to the semi animal meeting to be held the following August. Gov. Hall who was spending the winter in Springfield and unable to attend the meeting had writ- ten a spirited letter to the treasurer of the Association to be read in the meet- ing, briefly, but earnestly, protesting against the adoption of the design. It was not found necessary to use the let- ter at the meeting, but it was publish- ed the next day in the Bennington Ban- ner and extensivel^'^ circulated. Previous to the August meeting, the Bennington Historical Societ}' took measures through a committee of its members to have a desigi: for a conspic- uous monument prepared, and on its approval by a larger advisory rommit- tee from the stares of Vermont, Msssa-' chusetts and New Hampshire to be presented to the Association for their adoption in lieu of that of the board of directors. Early in June, Gov. Hall addressed an open letter to his fellow members of the Association in which he set forth his objection atconsiderble length to the design, claiming and insisting it was not only altogether inappropriate, but that it was not in any just sense a com- pliance with the terms, or spirit of the act of incorporation which declared its purpose to be "for erecting and maintaining a suitable monument com- memorative of the achievements of Gen. John Stark and the patriot sol- diers of Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts at the decisive bat- tle of Bennington fought August IGth, 1777." The report of the committee of de- sign discarded all existing monuments of magnitude and grandeur, both an- cient and modern, including those in this countr}- of Bunker Hill and Wash- ington, as unworthy of being followed, assigning as the reason for such con- demnation that they were speechless, and did not tell any story of the event to be commemorated, but left its de- scription to be ascertained from some other source. To overcome this supposed fault the committee resorted to an alleged story telling power of sculpture in bronze stat- ues that the monument might properly describe the battle, forgeting or over- looking the well known truth that sculp- ture had no original power of speech, but like painting could illusti'ate and emphasize to the eye such facts onlj'^ as were already known, and that without such previous knowledge sculpture was equally dumb with their condemned monumental shaft. But the artistic language of the pro- posed design would be found to give no special account of the battle by BENNINGTON. 59 which it could be distinguished from j the way made clear for the adoption of any other Revokitionary engagement. None of the sculptured figures be- fore mentioned purported to typif}^ any of the officers or soldiers engaged in the battle. That on the top of the monument was not to be a portrait like- ness of Gen. Stark, but was only to be a t3'pe of "a Revohuionar}' leader," the other four figures to use the lan- guage of the committee were declared ' not to be poi'traits of individuals but types of the time and tlie event" intend- ed to represent "the farmer and the artizan turning, from their avocations to take up arms to resist invasion, the woman of the time sheltering her child from the coming storm and the minis- ter of religion invoking the divine benediction." Such a structure might be a fair type of what would occur at any active resistance to invasion, but it would have no special relation to the victory of Bennington, and would be just as applicable to a dozen other revolution- ary enaas^ements. whether small or the larger and commanding one coin- ciding with the views of Govenor Hall. The subject was fully canvassed. Sen- ators W.M. P>arts of New York, Jus- tin S. Morrill and Hon, E. P. Walton of V^ermont and Prof. A. L, Perry of Massachusetts with others taking part in the discussion ; and the larger design reccommended by the committee of the Historical Society was adopted Ijy unanimous vote. The annual meeting was held the fol- lowing Jan. 13, (1886)"when the com- mittee styled a 'working committee,' appointed Aug. 12, 1885, consisting of C. M. Bliss, Geo. W Robinson, M. C. Huling, John V. Hall and J. T. Shurt- leflT was continued with its same duties and powers. Early in 188G the working committee secured the approval of the design by the President of the United States and at length, subsequent!}'', the payment of the appropriation of $40,000 by Congress was effected. The moneys of the three States, were released on gi-eat, successful or othewise as that the basis of the contract with Mr. Ward of Bennington. In all of them there [ for a monument 300 feet high. would be seen the Revolutionary lead- er, the farmer and the artszan turning to take up arms, the woman sheltering her child and the minister invoking the At a special meeting, Aug. 5, 1886 it was unanimously "Resolved that the monument be located in the centre of the highway on the crest of the hill, as divine blessing. The design thus being nearly opposite the site of the Conti merely a type of an ordinary occur- ance in the war of the Revolution, could not in any sense be considered as commemorative of the achievement of Gen. Stark and his patriot soldiers at the victory of Bennington. At the meeting in August, a very large number of the members being present the report which had been sub- mitted in January reccommending the smaller design, was withdrawn, and nental store house as practicable." also unanimously "Resolved that the work- ing committee raised in 1885 be em- powered in co-operation with the board of dii'ectors to proceed at once to la}^ tlie foundation the of monument of the design already adopted with full pow- er to make contracts and cause the erec- tion and completion of the monument." At a meeting held Jan. 12, 1887, the working committee, at their request, GO VERMOKT were relieved and full powers given the board of directors of the Association to make contracts and build the monu- ment after the design approved by the Association, and to transact all business ]'elatin<2: to matters of the Association HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. invitation to the Grand Lodge of Free andacceptedMasonsof Vermont to par. ticipatein the laying of the corner stone of the monument." The invitation was accepted b}'^ the Grand Lodge aivd due notice given the board of directors. On June loth 1887, a formal resolution At a meeting held b}' the directors, April 12, J. Y. Hall, president pro tern I was passed '-inviting the Hon. Benj F. and Rev. Isaac Jennings, secretary, a 1 Prescott, Ex-Govenor of New Hamp- buiiding committee consisting of H. G. Root, A. B. Valentine, and Milo C. Huling was appointed, also a finance committee, viz : John G. McCullough, John V. Hall, and J. T. Shurtleff. The work of these committees was now pushed forward with vigor, and soon a contract was made with Contractor W. H.Ward of Lowell, Mass. for building "a monument not less than 300 feet high and substantially in accordance with the 'Rinn plan' at a cost of $75,000." By an act of the legislature in 1886, commissioners were appointed to se- cure the site selected for the monument with proper surroundings by the pur- chase of lands and the remoA^al of build- ings, and in section 6; a sum not to ex- ceed $10,000 was appropriated for this purpose. The report of the commission states that "there is no question but that the acqusition of a part, or all thereof ,■ ju An \ ■ i„o,-..,i 1^ " Ur,t- ,' .„ 16th, as had also Fuller Battery, Capt (le the 40 acres) IS (lesn-able, but o\v- _.„„., ,. ,, . shire and President of the Bennington Battle Monument Association, to act as president of the day on the occasion of laying the corner stone ot' the monument." THE LAYING OF THE CORNER 8T0NE of the BENNINGTON BATTLE MONUMENT. Tuesday, August 16th 1887 will become historical as the daj"^ on which was impressively laid the Corner Stone of the towering Monument for the e- rection of which so much of thought, money and labor had been bestowed by those who for 3'ears had this grand object in view. The First Brigade, Vermont Nation- al Guards, Brig. Gen. W. L. Green- leaf commanding had been in camp up- on the grounds attached to the Soldiers Home for several days previous tc» the ing to expense only about 12 acres were actually reported as now neces- sary. At a meeting of the board of direc- tors of the Association, June 4, 1887, it was voted "to invite the citizens of Bennington to meet them at Library hall and join them in arrangements for the celebration of the la3'ing of the corner stone of the monument on the 16th of Angust next.' It was also voted "•that the board of directors extend an Levi K. Fuller commandiag, and had by their daily drill and evolutions call- ed out the praises and encomiums of hundreds who had from day to day come from the town and vicinity to wit- ness them. We quote from the Bennington Banner : "The 16th day of August 1777, 1877 and 1888 mark three important and e- veutful epochs in the history of Ben- nington. One hundred and ten years BENNIN ago the victory won for freedom and against British oppression by the patri- otic Benningtonians under Col. War- ner and allies from Massachusetts and New Hampshire, all under Gen. John Stark, was most potential in turning the tide of war in favor of the young Republic. The celebration ten years ago of the Centennial of the Battle of Bennington was a most memorable oc- casion. The laying- of the corner stone of the Battle Monument to-da;v' has also been a notable event. The weather was pleasant and fulty 30.000 people were in town as spectators of, or par- ticipants in, the celebration." '•The day was ushered in by the ringing of bells and a volley from Ful- ler Battery, encamped here. There were clouds mingled with the sunshine but no rain or other circumstances to mar the comfort of the occasion. — The incoming trains from all directions brought crowds of people into town. The Sir Knights in their showy and symbolic dress, the visiting militJiry, the G. A. R. and the Odd Fellows soon made our streets alive with organised bodies who were to make up the par- 1 ade of the afternoon. The various del- igations were met at the depots and es- corted to their respective headquarters which had been provided at the halls of the organizations to which each be- longed. The Govenors and their staflTs were the geustsof the Association and were entertained at the Putnam. The visiting military companies were the geusts of the citizc))s of Bennington. They were cordially received and hos- pitably entertained. As these all came into the town an inkling was obtained of what the afternoon's procession would be like. The evolutions of the Sir Knights, the marching and move- ments of the o2d Separate Company GTON. ^ 61 of the New York National Guard, the fine appearance of the Berkshire Boys (both the cadets and Canton Colfax), to- gether with what could be witnessed of our own uniformed troops and socie- ties, all these seemed to take up the attention of the assembled thousands and kept them in good nature while anticipation was heightened in conse- quence. govkknor's d.vy. At ten o'clock the formalities of Govenor's Day in Camp Col. Seth Warner occurred. The brigade was re- viewed by Govewor Ormsbee. Com- mander in Chief. In this pleasant du- ty, he was accompanied by Govenors Sawyer of New Hampshire and Ames of Massachusetts, who had arrived just in time to participate. The three Gove- nors were attended as the^' inspected the Brigade by General Grcenleaf and his full staff as well as by their own. — This as well as the review took place on the parade ground, the point of ob- servation of the Govenors and geusts being to the east of the Soldiers Home. Among those mvited by Govenor Ormsbee as geusts (25 in all) were Sen- ator Edmunds, Ex-Govenors Holbrook, Fairbanks, Barstow and Pingree of Vermont, State Treasurer Dubois, Sec- retary of State Porter and Com. ¥.. T. AVoodward, representing the Govern- ment, and several.of our prominent cit- izens, members of the Monument As- sociation and the Editors of the local papers. Govenor's Day this year was one of great brilliancy, owing not only to the fine appearance and discipline of the Brigade, but also to the presence of dis- tinguished citizens and the overshad- owing importance of what was to fol- low. The very great improvement in 62 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. the bearing of the Vermont National Guard after a few days in camp was never more noticeable than on this oc- business on the line of march and streets upon which the formations were made, being one line of flags and other casion. As the troops passed in review decorations. On Pleasant street, the the breast of all Vermonters swelled residence of Hon. A, B. Valentine, with pride as they heard the compli- ments showered upon them b)^ visitors from other States. As the Bannei- said in the beginning of these historic e- vents : "The Green Mountain Boys of 1887 will take rank with those of 1861 and 1777, although each must pass in- to renowa in their respective spheres." THE PROCESSION. Precisely at the hour announced the grand procession formed. The Troy Times special places the number in line at 3.500 and the number of Masons in town at 1.000. The Chief Marshall, Col. Hooker, and Gen. Greenleaf had agreed that the head of the column " ((;ol. Julius J- Estey, Commanding First Regi. Start atone o'clock. Nothing could ment; Maj. George H. Bond, Commanding headquarters of Govnor Ormsbee, dis- played a large flag tastefully hung in festoons. The waving of plumes, the flashing of swords, the glitter of shoul- der straps and gilt accoutrements pre- sented a pleasing spectacle. Time and space will not admit of an itemized report of the other and elaborate dec- orations." The Procession : Chief Marshal - Col. George W. Hooker, and Stall'. First Regiment Military Band. First Brigade, V. N. G. Brig.-Gen. William L, Greenleaf Commanding. have been seen in the streets at that hour but a dense mass of people and mounted aids moving liere and there. At camp much the same order of things was apparent. Gen. Greenleaf, Col. Estey and Maj. Bond were cooly issuing their orders and awaiting the signal. When however the lines did move, the streets were cleared as if by magic, and the long and imposing col- umn passed in review of thousands lin- ing both sides of the streets until the site of the monument Avas reached. There was no delay or break an}' where and the pi'ocession was as well seen within a few rods of starting as farther Provisional Battallion . Grand Army of the Republic. Capt. p. T. Blodgett, Department Commander, Bennington Battle Monument Association and Committee. His Excellency Ebenezer J. Ormsbee, Governor of Vermont, and Staff. Representative of the United States Government and Staff. Hon. Benjamin F. Prescott, President of the Day. Hon .John W. Stewart, Orator of the Day. His Excellency 'charles H. Sawyer, down. It is safe to say that no finer line j Govenor of New Hampsliire and Staff was ever seen in Vermont. Perhaps, there have been larger nrnnbers, at the Centennial in 1877, for instance, but none more imposing and beautiful. The town presented a holyday appear- ance, nearly every house and place of His Excellency Oliver Ames, Govenor of Massachusetts and Staff Judges of the Vermont Supreme Court. Hon. Hoyt H. Wheeler, United States District Judge. BENNINGTON, 63 Visiting Military Organizations. Civil Officers. Federal Officers. Other Civic Organizations. Canton Bennington I. (). O. F. Ciipt. Xoniiiin M. I'uftVr, with Invited Chevaliers, MASOXJC DIVISION. Right Worshipful Thomas S. Miller, Depnty Grand INIarshall. Band. Templar P^scort. (Taft Cointnaiulcry No. 8, Eminent G. S. Maltison, Commander.) Master Masons. Knights Templar. Eminent ,Iolm R. Pillinff, Grand Capt-General. Grand Commaiidery of Vermont, Knights Templar. Right Eminent Deles M. Bacon, Grand Commander. Right Worshipful Harley G. Sheldon, Grand Marshal. Grand Lodge of Vermont. Most Worshipful "\^'m. Russell Burleigh, Grand Master of New Hampshire. Most Worshipful Henry Endicott, Grand Master of Massachusetts. Most Woishipfnl Alfred A. Hall, Grand Master of Vermont. Fuller Tiattery. Capt. Levi K. Fuller, Commanding:. PRELIMINARY TO THK CEREMONIES. As the Fuller Battery reached Main street in Bennington Centre, it dashed rapidly np to the site of the old Conti- nentinal storehouse where it unlimber- ed and fired a salute of thirteen guns, which announced the formal opening of the corner stoi\e exercises. Seated on the speaker's stand around the monu- ment were Ex Govenor B. Y. Prescott of New Hampshire, President of the Bennington Battle Association., Gov. Oliver Ames of Massachusetts, Gov. C. H. Sawyer of New Hampshire, and Gov. E. J. Orinsbcc;, Senator Georire F. Pxlmunds, Congressman John W. vStew- art, orator of the day, and Congress- man William W. Grout. A second stand was occupied by the staffs of the three govenors and such well- known Vermonters as Horace Fairbanks, Ex Gov., Samuel E. Pingree, Ex Gov., JohnL. Barstow, Ex Gov., Frederick Holbrook, Ex Gov., Col. B. B. Small- ey. Gen. Wm. Wells, Judge H. H. Powers, Judge J, W. Rowell, Colonel Franklin Fairbanks, State Treasurer Dubois, Secretary of State Porter, Sec- retar}' of Finance Page, Gen. P. P. Pitkin, Col. John C. Stearns, Hon. James K. Batchelder, Gen. T. S. Peck, Gen. William H. Gilmoro, Col. Albert Clarke, Col. F. S. Stranahan, Col. Wm. A. Crombie, Col. D. K. Hall, Col S. M. Mansur, Col. R. E. Hathorn. Col. De May. Interstate Commissioner, A, F. Walker, Hon. Warren Gibbs, Honora- ble Daniel Roberts, Hon. B. D. Har- ris, Gen. H. K. Ide, and Col. T. C. Fletcher. Upon this stand were also seated the members of the IMonnraent Asso> nation's Board of Directors, the Building and special committees. The platform occupied by the Grand Lodge and Grand C'ommandry was sit- uated just south of the corner stone. — This stone is 7 feet long, 3 feet wide and 2 feet 7 inches thick and will weigh more thau 5 tons. The receptacle with- in it is 2 feet long, 1 foot wide and 8 inches deep. Within this receptacle was placed a copi)er box and in the box were placed the articles as read by the Grand Secretary and enumerated be- 64 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. low.-!— Another stand had been erected just to the right of the second stand, on the south-east corner and upon this the monument committee had provided am- ple accommodations for the press, the First Regiment baud and the vocalists of Bennington and Lerkshire men. After the discoursing of vocal and instrumental music by the singers and bands and prayer there followed the ceremony in Masonic order, the box within it containing the following : Holy Bible, Gov. Hall's Early History of Vermont, Rev. Isaac Jeimings Me- morials of a Century, Rev. Isaac Jen- nings' Historical Account relating to the Battle Monument, Manuscript copy of the contract for the erection of the monument; Biographical Ene^'^clopedia of the 19th century, \'ermoijt; copies Bennington Banner, newspaper ; copies Bennington Reformer, newspaper ; oth- er Vermont uen'spapers, Troy and New York newspapers. Printed laws relat- ing to Monument, Battle .)f Benning- ton and Vermont Ceutennial : Forbes' Vermont Centennial, History of Odd Fellowship, Report of Masonic Grand Lodge of Vermont, 1887; Official pro- gramme of laying corner stone, Aug. 16th, 1887; Masonic ceremonies, lay- ing cornerstone, Vermont, Centennial, Memurial Medal, Bank notes of the Banks in Bennington, Copper coins, Brigade order and roster, regimental order from Adjutant General's office for muster of 1887. Of the above the medal was contrib- uted by Dr. C. P. Thayer of Boston Mass.; copper coins by Thomas S. Mil- ler of St. Albans and Mrs. S. M. Sib- ley. She also presented the Farmer's Almanac. The History of Odd Fellow- ship was written by H. L. Stillson and donated for this purpose by Vermont Grand Lodge. Copy of the Banner contained cut of monument and Record History written by Chas. M. Bliss. The rite being concluded. Most Worshipful Alfrid A. Hall, Grand Mas- tei- of Vermont in behalf of the order, in an eloquent speech presented the monument to Gov. Ormsbee for the State, as "a tribate of Americans to American valor, and of Vermont to Vermont patriotism." The address of Gov. E. J. Ormsbee was full of interest, a portion of which was as follows : "And now, Sn-, in the name of the State of Vermont, I receive this work so auspiciously begun, from yonr hands. I thus receive it, not alone for the State of Vermont, but also for and in behalf of our sister commonwealths, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, who have made such liberal contribu- tion to the cause in memory of their sons who have sealed the cause of free- dom and liberty with their blood ; and for and in behalf of the General Gov- ernment which has by more than liber- al aid espoused the cause here com- memorated, and thereby given to it a National character, and securing to all of her sixty millions of people a com- mon property and interest in this otl- ering to patriotism, this monument to the bravery and heroism of the never to be forgotten Allen, Stark, Warner and their brave and devoted followers. And I should be remiss in acting my pleasure if not in the performance of my duty, should I fail to here and now, to make an entitled recognition of our obligation to and to pay just trib- ute of thankfulness to our sister States and the United States, for the interest manifested in and for the material aid furnished to this undertaking and there- BENNINGTON. 65 tore as the Executive of the State of Vermont, and in behalf of her people 1 tender to them through their honored und lionorabie representatives, who have so nobly come to ns this day to pay further devotion by their presence and to give increased value to the gifts that iiad preceded them, our warmest thanks. And having thns accepted the well laid foundation work of this monu- ment to both valor and patriotism, from your hands, I now transfer it to the Bennington Battle Monument Associ- ation for completion. Gentlemen of the Association; Upon you is now conferred a great respon- sibility. You are the chosen, trusted, servants of the State upon whom now rests the dut}^ of taking up this work and carrying it on to completion. In the performance of your duties you are not alone the servants of Vermont, bat also the custodians and trustees of the General Govei'nment, the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts, and the State of New Hampshire. The honor and good faith of the State is pledged that this work shall proceed without delay, that it shall be completed as it has been begun, with stability and en- during qualities ; this honor and good faith is also, in your keeping. We ex- pect tliat yon will give to this under- taking your individual and collective care and watchfulness and that under your supervision and du'ection the work will go on from base to apex, un- til we shall see before ns completed and wholly fiinisheverigu republic to be known as A'^ermont. And as the ad- vancing summer's sun unbound the icy fetters, and loosed the hold of the Arctic King on the Gieen Mountain slopes and fertile valleys of the new- born State, so the coming season wit- nessed the form and sceptre of royalty (0 THE VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE wave and disappear, while edicts from the King were scorned as chaff. Mid- summer came, and the pioneers and patriots of the New Hampshire Grants assembled at Windsor and adopted a constitution for the new republic. — These were the victories of peace, even while the tramp of red coated regulars and the thunders of English artillery were heard within her borders. Six weeks later these same Gi'een Moun- tain Boys, fresh from the farms and meadows, came down to Bennington with hunting gun and powder-horn, undisciplined and unused to war, to battle for the right to life, and liberty the pursuit of happiness, and in defense of theii' constitution and new born free- dom, against the flower of the English army. It is gratifying to recall the fact that at Bennington, "the flag that wav- ed a hundred years," — the stai's and stripes, received its baptism of fire, and was carried to victory for the first time on land. It was a worthy initiation of the national emblem that to-da}' is honored the wide world over. Pago 17 : The Bennington Centennial being commemorative of the greatest military achievement of the Green Mountain Boj^s of the days of Allen and ^Varner, it was highly appropriate that the descendants in arms of those patriotic sires — the National Guard of Vermont, should muster c>n this ground made historic on the Centenni.al anni- versary of that battle. Although no clash of arms from contending forces would again resound through this beau- tiful valley, yet the "pomp and pano- pl}' of war" that martialed here as con- servators of peace, was in striking contrast to the militia of 1777 that con- tested royal troops with flint locks, and in home-spun dress. Instead of the midnight call bv courier, the martial note of warning came to the National Guard from the printing press in COL. peck's order. Head Quarters First Regiment, Burlington, Vt. .July*. 16, 1887. 1. This Regiment will go into camp at Bcd- nington, Vt. ,on the morning of Saturday, Au- gust II, 1887, for eight (8) days. 2. This camp will be known as Camp Stark. C&c.) "As the white canopied field of Camp Stark came into view with Mount An- thony's green slopes for a back-ground, the siglit was refreshing to the military. An advance guard from each company had pitched the tents and put things in fine order for their comrades, now marching up to camp. "The ground selected for the milita- ry encampments, and for the public exercises to take place on, was excep- tionally beautiful in its location, and picturesque in its surrounding scenery. The forum is a fifty-acre field, sloping down from the wooded side of Mount Anthonj' in billowy ridges toward the valleys where lies the village with its white houses like flakes of foam on a sea of green foliage. All around, save to the westward, are the steep slopes of the Green Mountains with dark cloud- shadows floating along their sides. — The grounds are some half a mile from the depot, between the centre and low- er vilhiges- The smooth and lawnlike surface of the meadow, free from either stone or bush, presented a charming scene, bordered by the pretty camps of the National Guard and veteran soldiers, the rows of tents looking as white as snow drifts on the velvet green of the field. To the south of "Camp P]than Allen" was erected the banquet tent, 410 feet in length by 50 wide. * * * west of the banquet tent BENNINGTON. 71 were two pavillions running parallel, 150 feet long and 35 where the veteran soldiers took their meals. * * Head- quarter tents foi" the Presidents and Govenors * * On one side of the field 700 feet of track laid for the accommo- dation of the train of 18 Pullman cars which conveyed the Govenor, Coun- cil and Legislature of Massachusetts." "His Excellency Horace Fairbanks, Govenor and Commander in Chief, came to Bennington Satiu'da^' ; his staff came Monday [For names see Forbes, page 24.] The Staff were dressed in a fine, new uniform of black with gokl trimming." THE Ci:NTP:Ni\IAL SUNDAY "was spent in peace and rest at camp, broken only by guard mount in the morning and dress parade at sunset. — Morning and evening prayer was ob- served bp the Chaplin, Eev. D. C. Rob- erts, at his headquarters, and were con- tinued daih' through the muster. In the churches of Bennington the services were of a patriotic Christian character, no less than eight clerg^'men preaching at once on war and its glories when waged in the cause of freedom. At St. Peter's the First Regiment Chaplin took his text from one of the victorious Psalms; at the Second Congregational, Burgoyne's invasion was hardly veiled by a line from lasiah; at the First Church, the words of tlie mild St. John headed a sermon preached under the flaunting flags of all nations ; at the Methodist, "Liberty" was the theme ; at the Baptist, -'He is my fortress," was the text ; and so the round of the churches was made by the newly a- roused spirit of one hundred years ago. It was a fitting opening of the week of the reminiscent warfare, like the prayer before battle ; and with the red, white and l)lue in flags, and bunting. gracefully draped around the pulpits and depending from ceilings, with bo- quets of choice flowers adding to the beauty of the decorations, the places of worship seemed to preach eloquent ser- mons in their very appearance. In the afternoon the Chaplain of the Regi- ment held a church service in the large banquet tent near the veterans' camp. The Regiment attended in a body. The singing was very fine. The Chaplain preached an eloquent discourse on — "Work and Soldiery." A service of song, or praise meeting was held at the First Congregational Church after- wards, which was largely attended. — The dress parade at six o'clock Sunday evening drew thousands of spectators to the review ground. The scene was a brilliant one to the assembled mul- titude, as standing at the lower edge of the green slope the National Guard were viewed as they came marching from camp into line, their gray coats and white pants, with banners waving and gun-barrels glistening with their precision of movement making a fine display." "The first "boys in blue" to airive were Col. George W. Hooker's Wind- ham County veterans, who came march- ing up to Camp Ethan Allen with ban- ners fljing and bands of music play- ing. They wdre brown and dust cov- ered by their march over the moun- tain. The story of their march was as follows : The Brattleboro Cornet Band struck up a lively air as they lead Col. Hook- er and his splendidly equipped Staff with a portion of the Windham Coun- ty veterans' battallion Benningtonward from Brattleboro Monday morning, in the presence of a large crowd of Brat- tleborians. Ladies waved their hand- kerchiefs, men displayed flags, [etc.] 72 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. The march through Marlboro, Wil- mington, Searsbnrg and Woodford was made the occasion for a perfect ovation to the old veterans. The entire popu- lace, men and women, old and young, turning out en mass", to salute and "God speed" the 18G1 defenders of firesides and homes." The Colonel's Staff comprised the first representative men of Windham County : Col. D. D. Wheeler, Gen. W. W. Lynde, Maj. H. R. Chase, Col. N. C. Sawyer. Majors R. M. Gould, B.R. Jenne, [etc. etc., Forbes, p. 26.] The numerous, distinguished Staff— a fitting front for the brave "old vets," who with perfect step, stead}^ tread and patriotc ardor followed their file leaders. "The fighting boys" of old Windham, in blue shirts, black pants, black hats, headed by their leadei-s made a fine ap- pearance. The Brattleboro, Rocking- ham, Vernon, Dummerston, Putney, Newfane, Townshend, Wardsboro, Do- ver, Londonderry and Wilmington vet- erans are merged in this grand bat- tallion, They were followed before sundown by other battallions and soon the camp was occupied. THE cp:ntennial day OF VERmONX's INDEPENDENCE was opened at Bennington, August 15, 1887, at sunrise. The booming of the cannon of Fuller's Battery awoke the echoes among the surrounding hills, and the church bells rang out a peal of joy. The uniformed militia of Ver- mont New Hampshire and Connecti- cut and the army of veterans in Camp Ethan were early astir, and at half past nine marched to the foot of County St. where the procession was formed un- der the direction of A. B. Valentine, of Benninojton." i "The duty of escorting the State offi- cials and other civ'l dignitaries fell to the First Regiment, National Guards i of Vermont, a splendid body of men I 700 strong. * * Then came the Gov- j enor of this State, the Executive Com- mittee of Bennington Battle Monument Association, the Vermont Centennial I Commission and invited geusts in four- I teen carriages. The f" econd Division was headed by the Putnum Phalanx of Hartford, Ct. in theier picturesque uniform of the Revolutionary period, followed by the New Hampshire troops : Amoskeag vet- erans, Major Wallace; Portsmouth Heavy Artillery ; State Capital Guards of Concord ; Hinsdale Guards ; Man- chester War Veterans, escortirg the State officials of New Hampshire : Gov- enor Prescott, Ex-Govs. Harriman and Smyth ; Gen. Nat Head, the Executive Council and State officers ; Rev. Na- thaniel Bouton, State Historian ; Ma- son W. Tappan, Atty. Gen., Gen. Ira Cross; [etc.] the Legislature of New Hampshire — some 150 members; and the City Government of Manchester. The Third Division, under Colonel Hooker of Brattleboro, with an impos- ing Staff' of mounted officers, was the crowning featui'e of the procession, composed as it was of the war veterans of Vermont in their everyday attire, rough and ready for duty in the hour of their country's danger. The Fii'St Brigade embraced the southern county battalions numbei'ed about X'SO men ; the second, Col. Butterfield, 300 strong ; the Third, Col. Tracy from Rutland and Addison Counties, 125 men ; and the Fourth, made up of the yeoman- ry of Washington, Orange, Lamoille. Orleans, Essex and Caledonia counties. 700 strong; total about 1300 men. BENNINGTON. 73 "At 9.30. the procession which had been formed upon the streets near the depot, becan the line of march through the beautiful village. Every available seat upon the sidewalks, house-tops and limbs of trees was occupied by specta- tors. The waving- of Hags, the huzzas from the crowd, and the hearty wel- come poiu-ed from old and young were ackowledged by the veterans in oft-re- peated cheers for the ladies and ])atri- otic decorations. Along School, Main, Silver, South and other streets, the completed and tasteful displays were almost innumerable. Upon every hand were to be seen flags of all nations, and arches bearing patriotic mottoes. The music from bands playing old-fash- ioned tunes as the pageant moved along resounded through the sides of the surrounding mountains. Tins was the most imposing proces- sion ever seen in Vermont. It was over three miles in length, numberd at :i fair estimate 40.000 people, and was witnessed by 25.000 people. The no- ticeable parts of the procession were the marching of the First Regiment, N. G. of Vermont ; the appearance of ARRIVAL AT CAMP STARK. When the head of the column reach- ed the entrance to Camp Stark, an im- mense throng were there to welcome it. Govenor Fairbanks who occupied a ladeau, drawn by four maguificent horses, was welcomed. The barouche conveying Gen. Banks, Hon. Frothing- hani, Geo. B. Loring, and Hon. W. H. H. Bingham, was received with loud cheers. Also, the barouche conveying Govenor Connor of Maine and Gener- al Cilley." The Chief Marshall and Staff escort- ed His Excellency Horace, Fairbanks, Vermont's Centennial Govenor and all distinguished geusts to the place assign- ed them. * * The Orator's tent was nearly filled when the distinguished geusts arrived. * * Hon. Wm. M. Evarts came in advance of the Presi- dential party, from his Windsor resi- dence ; Govenor Fairbanks ; Ex-Gove- nors Hall, Fletcher. Stewart, Smith ; Senators Edmunds and Morrill; Hon- erables L. P. Poland, E. W. Stoughton ; Govenors Prescott, Connor, Van Zandt ; Generals Hawley, Banks and Kobin- son; with some fifty other prominent the Putnam Phalanx, composed of an men occupied seats on the platform elderly, solid class of men of Hartford, and the soldierly appearance of the New Hampshire troops and the Ver- mont veterans. These latter drew cheer after cheer, and the enthusiasm reach- ed its climax when a body of 300 with a banner inscribed "Spunky Lamoille,'' made its appearance. When the veter- ans passed the triumphal arch, hearty cheers were given. An attractive fea- ture, alsc), of the procession were the Amoskeag Veterans, who were as en- thusiastically cheered by the citizens as were the home troops. Hon. E. J. Phelps, President of the Vermont Centennial Commission and of the day, introduced Rev. Isaac Jen- nings, who offered the opening j)rayer. President Phelps then made an elo- quent address to the invited geusts. — He stated that the State of Vermont commemorated the one hundredth an- niversary of her birth and the happy and prosperous tei-mination of the first century of her existence as an indepen- dent State. To-morrow they would signalize one of the most important victories of the Revolution. To-day was devoted to the victories not less 74 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. renowned — not less fruitful — the vic- tories of peace. (Applause.) To all assembled there, whether as friends or strangers, to the distinguished guests, to all the children of Vermont, from near or far, gathered to honor the cen- tennial birthday of their native land, he was charged to extend a kindly, a courteous, a generous welcome. (Ap- plause.) Richer States might tender more splendid hospitalities, more im- posing ceremonies — theirs were plain and simple as hefitted the habits of their people. The day was consecrated to the memories of the men who have laid broad and deep foudations of free in- stitutions. Not only were they tliere to honor tha leaders, but the rank and file, who unheralded and unknown, gave to the State the best they had. Without their virtue and patriotism the master spirits would have planned and toiled in vain. That noble race have passed away, and some of their imme- diate descendants were among their welcome geusts. The speaker, after paying an eloquent tribute to the valoi of the sons of Vermont, concluded a- mid enthusiastic plaudits. Mrs. Julia C. R. Dorr's fair poem, Vermont, followed the address, finely read by Professor T. W, Churchill of Andover[Mass.] ; then the able orator of the da}^ Hon. Daniel C. Roberts of Burlington ; alter which brief ad- dresses were made by Gens. Hawley and Banks; Ex-Govs. Harriman, Con- nor, Van Zandt, and others; letters were read from the Gov. Gen. of Can- ada, John G. Whittier, Gen. Sheridan, George Wm. Curtis, Rev. Dr. Chapin and others ; the literary exercises heing intei'mingled with music by the Band of Winooskie and the Fisherville, (N. H.) Band." Such was the glor}' of the day of the victories of peace. KVK HEFORE THE SECOND DAY. About half past three, the 1st Reg. N. G. Vt., Col. Peck, and the N. H. militia forming a brigade. Gen. J.M. Clough, commanding, marched down from Camp Stark, bands playing, col- ors flying, and were drawn in line at the depot to receive the President. At Troy the President was met by Colonel George A. Merrill. Vermont Cen. Com. and Col. Harrington, who went down from Bennington ir. the morning . At Hoosack Junction, Adj. Gen. Peck greeted the President and in behalf of the Govenor welcomed him to the State. At North Benning- ton, when the train pulled up at the station there were hundreds of people who came down from distant points back of the railroad to welcome the Chief Magistrate. At 3.40, the long whistle announced the approach of the train at Benning- ton. The train stopped in front of the depot. The President stepped out upon the platform accompanied by Govenor Fairbanks and passed to an open ba- rouche drawn l>y four spirited horses. The troops saluted the President, who rose with uncovered head and ac- knowledged the greeting. Men cheer- ed, ladies waved their handkerchiefs ; the crowds were enthusiastic. Follow- ing the President came Mrs. Hayes and Miss Waite, escorted by Cols. Merrill and Harrington ; Atty. Gen. Devens, Secretary McCrary, Postmaster Gener- al Key, Mr. Webb C. Hayes and the gentlemen, accompanying the Piesi- dent, all of Avhom entered carriages in waiting, which fell into line between the Vermont troops and New Hamp- shire militia. The column moved through River, North and Main streets to Bennengton Centre, and halted at BENNINGTON. 75 the residence of Rev. Mr. Tibbets, who entertained the President during his stay in Bennington. About 9 o' clock, p. m. the President accomi^anied by Govenor Fairbanks, arrived at the Walloomsac House and in the brilliantly lighted parlors sur- rounded by a detail of the National Guard, Col. Harrington, Aid, took po- sition to receive the people. The Ran- som Guard Band struck up a lively air, outside, the hotel and the impatient visitors from without were admitted. For two hours an almost endless crowd of people, old and young, rich and poor, crippled and infirm, passed be- fore the President, heartily shaking his hand, while from without fireworks could be seen illuminating the heavens in almost every direction." — "Very many private residences were illumi- nated throughout the town." All was joyance. "It was nearly midnight when the distinguished visitors left for their abodes. Out of thirty thousand visitors that day, ten thousand people slumbered within the precincts of Ben- nington, while the neighboring towns were full. MORNING OF THE BATTLE ANNIVERSARY. "While darkness yet shrouded the historic Village of Bennington, a dis- Knight, with about 200 of the legisla- ture escorted by Boston Cadet Corps, the Governor's Body Guard for more than a hundred years ; with their splen- did band of 26 pieces. The thunder of artillery reverbera- ted through the valley of the Waloom- sack at sunrise — from the four cannon taken from the British, fired by the Portsmouth artillery. The bells joined their voices . * * * Tibbets Corps of Troy, veteran soldiers, accompanied by Boring's celebrated Band arrived ear- ly in the day ;" and the Burleigh Corps from Whitehall in time for the grand procession. "Governor Fairbanks with a retinue of carriages drove from his headquar- ters on the cetnennial field out to the Mt. Anthony home of the American President. * * On the open grounds which make the pleasant little park be- tween the Waloomsac Hvuse and the old burial grounds where heroes and Hessians have slept for a century side by side. Col. Peck's full Regiment of the National Guard of the State were in line, with arms at "present" to receive the Nation's Executive. There can be no better pageant produced in imagination thao the march of the mil- itary escort accompanied by their dis- tinguished party, civic and military, tinguished geusts, from the historic from the old Bay State, arrived by spe- cial Pullman train at the Centennial grounds. On the IGth of Aug. 1777, this grand old Commonwealth was also at Bennington, — three hundred of her sturdy, Berkshire mountain patriots «came up" while the Vermonters "came down," — as Sheridan did at AVinches- ter — and drove back the invaders. — Massachusetts has a grateful remem- brance of that great victory. Governor Rice sent his representative, Lt. Gov. street of "Old Bennington Hill" down the hillside highway to the village in the Waloomsac valley where the cav- alcade of thousands of soldiers, veter- ans and citizens were forming. * * — Chief Marshall Valentine "had massed in divisions" five thousand and more soldiers, citizens, bands, batteries and organizations, on fobt, mounted and in carriages, who were to form the grand- est cavalcade that ever passed through a New England city or village." 76 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. For a minute description of the grand procession, see Forbes' book, pages 47, 45, 46, 47, 48. "From the depot the procession com- menced its triumphal march through Bennington Main street. Over the street the fe^toonry of every descrip- tion, triumphant ar(rhes, mottoes of welcome and the emblazonment of gorgeous and patriotic display met the marching thousands along its whole length. Nearly every house was dec- orated ; every portico and every veran- dah was filled with welcoming geusts, scattering boquets andwaving handker- chiefs. * * President Hayes rode with Govenor Fairbanks, * * his reception in Vermont, and his ride in the pro- cession partook of the nature of a tri- umph ; enthusiasm ran wild, deafening cheers greeted him in a continuous roll along the entire route. As the day before, the crowd -n as thickest at the grand arch, the cheers most deafening. * * There were 3000 veterans in line to-day ; as each company passed the tri- umphal arch the people raised their hats. Col. Hooker riding at the head of the Windham County Battallion, and Col. R. V. Randall in command of "Spunky Lamoille" veterans, drew at- tention second only to the Presidential party. Many officers in the service during the Rebellion were recognized and loudly applauded as they passed by. The Legislature of Vermont and New Hampshire walked the entire dis- tance traversed by the procession which called out many reminisences concern- ing the men who came on foot to the same spot a hundred years ago. When the procession arrived at the centennial field it pkssed in review be- fore the President. Ihe President wel- comed the procession, * * he congrat- felicitous beginning and progress of this centennial occasion. * * * Mr. Key and Mr. McCrary were introduced by the President and spoke briefly ; the President then introduced a grand-daughter and two great-grand- daugi iters of Gen. Stark, and Mr. Ev- arts introduced Mrs. Hayes ; and after were speeches, poems, music and toasts. The venerable Rev. Allen of North Woodstock, Ct., grandson of fighting Parson Allen," opened with prayer and the welcome address was by Gov- enor Fairbanks, as follows : "Mr. President, and Ladies and Gen- tlemen: — It is well, and we are glad that this memorable occasion should be- honored by the presence of citizens and the chief executive officers of so many of our States, and especially by the President of the United States and his Cabinet. The heroic deeds of the hun- dred years ago were not done to a- chieve the independence or liberty of any one colony or State, but to achieve- the liberties of America. Fellow citi- zens of this great Republic and patriot soldiers, lovers of human rights and liberties, in behalf of the State of Ver- mont, I bid you a most hearty and cordial welcome to these commemora- tive services and hallowed associations^ well, will it be if from them we catck and carry away in some measure the same patriotic devotion to all freedom, which inspired those brilliant heroes- on yonder battle field, one hundred years ago." Gov. Fairbanks was followed by the Orator of the Day, President S. C. Bartlett of Dartmouth College. [For extract see Forbes p. 53, for full ad- dress, official record by the Bennington ulated the State of Vermont upon the | Battle Monument Association.] After BENNINaTON. 77 the oration came the poem of William Cullen Bryant and short speeches by the President and his Cabinet. THE BA.NQUKT: — Plates laid under a series of tents in form of a (ireek cross for 3500 persons; tables loaded with meats, fruits, delicacies ; ornamented with boqiiets of brilliant flowers, — decorated with flags, — bunting, a huge American ensign over the presidential seat. President and party entered at 3.25: The President escorting Mrs. Gov. Fairbanks, Mrs. Hayes attend- ed by Gov, Van Zandt of Rhode Is- land; E. J. Phelps, P^sq.. Pres, Ben. Bat. Monu. Asso., presiding ; receiv- ing, later, from President Hayes the compliment "for dignity, grace, culture and admirable wit, he excelled any presiding officer that he had ever met. The dinner was abundant and enjoy- able ; the tables were waited on by young ladies, their badge of office a pretty ribon on which was inscribed "Mollie Stark." President Phelps lead with a brief opening speech, to the point, and read a letter of Lord Dnfferin of Canada, of regret not to be there ; a band played an English national anthem. Mr. Evarts followed Mr. Phelps. — He "closed his spieech by referring to the fact that had been brought to the notice of the people by a distinguished writer (Artemas Ward) who had de- clared himself wilHng to sacrifice o:^ the altar of his country all of his wife's relations, but John Stark went farther than that for, he declared himself will- ing to sacrifice his wife's .husband." (Laughter.)", Goveuor Prescott of New Hamp- shire followed, who spoke at length. "We come," he said, "with full numbers to this centenniil occasion." Then, Hon. W. Stoughton, of New York : "If the men who fought Bennington Battle could have looked forward to this day and seen them- selves enthroned in the affections of forty millions of people, they would have felt that all the sacrifices, all the slain, all that went to secure a victory that was dear to them on that field, was well repaid by this day." Govenor Fairbanks, Senator Edmonds, Postmaster General Key, Atty. Gen- eral Devens made short speeches. Mr. Phelps then said in the abscence of the Treasurer of the United States, who was probably like the king in the nursery song, "busy counting out his mone}^" and getting ready for specia payment, he would call upon one who was fit to be treasurer. Senator Justin S. Morrill, and Mr. Morrill responded : "I have always pitied one who was so " unfortunate as not to be born in Ver- mont, and, especially, those not having a share in Bennington Battle. I trust that we s'hall all rally to every call as to the sound of the trumpet which calls us lo commemorate these virtues of the people of our States." Speeches were also made by Thomas Allen of St. Louis, Lieut. Gov. Kice of Massachusetts and President Bartt- lett of Dartmouth College, and letters were read from the Govenor of Texas, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennesee, Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Indiania and North Carolina; Gen. (JarfieJdof Ohio and some thirtj' others. It was past six p. m. when the bai:quet concluded by the rendering of a volunteer poem entitled "Parson Allen's Ride," by Wallace Bruce of Poughkeepsie. After the banquet the Boston Corps, Thos. F, Edmunds, commanding, held a dress parade on the review grounds. 78 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. their precision of movement was ad- mired by thousands. As soon as the dusk of night favored, camps Ethan Allen and Stark were illuminated by fires and torchlights, interspersed with thousands of Chine&e lanterns, calci- um lights, transparencies, etc. etc. ;the camps of the veteran, Fuller's Buttery, the Estey, Park and Ransom Guard brilliant in the extreme ; and Hooker.s headquarters was the object of uni- versal admiration, [n addition to the 500 Chinese lanterns, pyramsds of light, and display of transparencies, which were the especially admired fea- ture of the camp illuminations. Di- rectly in front of the officers tents and parallel with the color lines, the trian- gular transparenciences, stretching to the fartherest camp location were the likenesses of Washington, Lincoln, Grant, Hayes, Stark, Ethan Allen, Evarts, Devens, Custar, Sedgewick, Sheridan, Sherman, Generals Baldy Smith and Brooks. The evening was a very brilliant one in Bennington Village, every house was thrown open and nearly every house was illuminated with Chi- nese lanterns, transparencies, and pat- riotic devices. The midnight hour proclaimed from the church tower did not put a quietus on citizen or soldier. Illuminations and fireworks greeted theearly dawn of Friday, as if pro- testing against the innovation of an- other day on a great anniversary occa- sion which had been so proud an one for Vermont ; so replete with historic associations, and so fittingly and suc- cessfully commemorated for the past twenty-four hours. During the night and early morning the veterans broke camp, Col. Hook- er and his Windham County boys be- ing the first to take up the line of march for "the seat of peace" at Brattleboro. At Camp Stark the usnal routine of duties to 11 a. m. when Fuller's Light Battery was reviewed by the Governor and hip Staff" who expressed the liveliest satis fation with the Battery. They lefl for home at noon. At 2 p. m. took place the annual re- view and inspection of the First Reg- iment, the National Guards of Ver- mont, Col. Peck commanding, by Gov. Fairbanks and his Staff, and the Colo- nel was highly complimented b}' the Governor on the increasing excellence the regiment was attaining year after year under his management and con- trol. At the conclusion the Regiment held their dail}'^ dress parade before the Governor Friday evening, * * wit- nessed and loudl}' applauded by a great concourse of people. Companies F 1 and G broke camp at an eafiy hour Saturday, so as to hit the morning train to their homes ; and the rest of the regiment left on a special train at 10 a. m. [Thus far from Forbes. And it is due to the memory of the late Rev. Dr. Chapin of New York, who wrote years since to us that he* sometimes felt al- most as if he were a Verraonter ; that the happiest years of his life were in Vermont, to inscribe here his tribute to Bennington Battle delivered on the steps of old Clio Hall when a student there, Aug. 16, 1837. "Bennington Battle." by edward h. chapin. They came up at the battle's sound, , Stern, iron-hearted men, Thej' heard it as it thrilled along The stream-side and the glen ; The dim, old m^ountains echoed hack That summons, wild and strong, BENNINGTON. 79 And the greenwood depths were stirred As with a triumph song. Tliey came as br.ave men ever come, To stand, to light, to die ; No thought of tear was in tlie lieart, No quailing in the eye ; If the lip faltered, 'twas with prayer, Amid those gathering bands. For the sure rifle kept its poise In strong, untrembling hands. They came up at the battle sound To Old Waloomsack height, Behind them were their fields of toil With harvest promise white ; Before them those who sought to wrest Their hallowed birthright, dear. While through their ranks went feariessly Their leader's woi-ds of cheer. My men there are our Freedom's foes, And shall they stand or fall ? Ye have your weapons in your hands, Ye know your duty all ; For we tliis day will triumph o'er The minions of the crown, Or Molly Stark's a widowed one Ere yondei^sun goes down. One thought of Heaven, one thought of home One thought of hearth and shrine. Then i ock-like stood they in their might, Before the glitternig line. A moment, and each keen eye paused The coming foe to mark, Then downward to his barrel glanced And strife was wild and dark. ****** 'Tis sixty years ago; and where Are those brave yeomen now? The clods are heavy on the breast. And dust is on the brow ; A few still linger with dimmed eyes. And time-bleached locks of gray. But they are passing one by one. To their deep rest away. The triumph of that conflict hour With them will not depart, The memory of that old red field Is fresh within the heart. 'Twill live on very mountain side, 'Twill breathe in every glen. And linger by the sepulchre Where sleep those mighty men: It needs no monumental-pile To tell each storied na^e. The fair green hills rise proudly up To consecrate their fame ; True to their trust, Waloomsac long The rcord bright shall bear Of those who came up at the battle sound And fought for freedom there. A PORTRAIT OF GEN. STARK, THE HERO OF THE BENNINGTON BATTLE, which has just come in from Spring- field, Mass., from Mr Clogston, from Mr. P^astman, "Sons of Vermont," for the 'Papers of Bennington Battle' in the Gazetteer. Thanks from the lit- tle office in Chicago : The Sons of Vermont do not lose their loyalty in the old Bay State, or in the Granate State. Welcome to valor ! If any man ever had a right to a picture in Vermont History it is John Stark. — right here where he struck us will we place him, — that brave face in the glow of the Bennington Battle by Street. — See, just over in the midst of Street's Battle. THE BATTLE OF BENNINGTON. Bv Alfred C. Street. From Harper. Famous the deeds by our fathers done! List to the Battle of Bennington ! Stalwart in body and lion in heart. The heroes that bore in that battle a part. Oft did mj' grandsire tell the strife Till the winter stoims with the sounds gi-ew rife. The wind shrieked wild with tones of fear. The hail was the musketry smiting my ear. And the rusty old king's arm seemed to call From the bi-oad moose antlers against tli' wall. 'Twas at the close of a summer's day, (One stormy night, I thus heard him say.) All through the hours from early morn , Had I been working in the com ; And now I watched in the sunset glow The shadows longer and stronger grow. 80 VER^IONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Leagues of forest that liid the day, Swept from my cabin of logs away. And naught ol tidings e'er touelied my ear From the world lying dimly at distant sphere. I watched, as I said, by my cabin door. The sundown creeping the clearing o'er. A hawk was rounding a pine near by, Rousing the echoes with hoarsest cry. A deer was grazing down toward the brink Of the beaver dam brook f ir his sunset drink My sire was leaving the lot on the hill; Of threescore and ten, but vigorous still ; The household song of my wife rang free, Blent with my baby boy's frolic glee. All was contentment without alloy ; I blessed the dear God in my grateful jo y. What was the figure that just then broke Out from the shadow of .a skirting oak? Hurried his footsteps and wild his air. Surely Hans Boorne was approaching there : "Rouse thee, John Arnold!" he panted quick. Swift were his gestures, his breath came thick — Thick with his haste, and he sank below; "Rouse thee, John Arnold, the foe, the foe!" We sat us down in the plumy brake And he told how Burgoyne had come up the Lake, Taken old Ti, and with two-fo'.d might Won Hubbardton's desperate stand-up fight. And now was coming with bow and spear. To bring captivity far and near. As deep I listened my veins grew hot. And a battle field rushes o'er the sylvan spot The kine-bell changed to a weapon's clank, The rows of rye to the serried rank; A-ud full in the midst was John Arnold s tread. With no fear in heart, but war's tever instead. Where shots blazed reddest his way he took, And his arm waxed weary with blows he strook. And I sprang to my feet with a ringing cry, "Hans Boorne, John Arnold will do or die;" I took the king's arm, the rust I cleared. Till its barrel like silver, smooth shining appeared ; And left to my father the rifle, to slay The venison or panther chance prowling that way. I clasped to my bosom my boy and wife. Then pointed my way toward the i-egion ot strife. Three days did I tramp by the moss on the bark. Three nights did my camp-fire jewel the dark. At last as the morning was beaming I won The beautiful meadows of Bennington. The little Walloomsack rippled along, Giving the wilderness song for song; And hasty trampling of men was there. The flag of my country high streaming in air. Olci itark was galloping to and fro. Wherever he hastened out-burst a glow : "There stand the red-coats! we'll smite them well And drive back the hounds to their kennels in hell. "None but cowards will slink away! Sons of the brave sires will fight to-day ! For victory s banner shall fly o'er me Or Molly Stark's a widow, said he." A shout rolled upward of fierce acclaim ; Each bosom burning with patriot flame, As blinked in the distance the i"ed-coat ranks Our torrent of frenzy boiled o\%r its banks; And we shook with our firing the valley's green lap ; It was like one continuous thunder-clap. We stormed the heights where the Hessians stood. And made them red with their rascal blood. Not a cannon did give us aid As on us their deadliest batteries plaj'ed. We swept the fierce Indian, a yelping pack— And sneaking Tory as leaves in our track. We beat them once and tlien Brej'man up bore ; Brave railed the foe and they fought us once more. But all in yain, for bold Warner too, Bore up, and for us, and we charged anew. Bear-skin helmet and plumed cap fell, Volley met volley, j^ell mixed with yell. The musket ball hissed and the rifle ball sang. And the screech of the cannon ball deafening rang. I saw through the black smoke the red-coats reel, And my heart at the brave sight grew harder than steel. BENNINGTON. 83 My trusty, old king's arm waxed heavy and hot, And still I poured without stint my shot. My wife seemed saying "John Arnold, flglit on!" And 1 heard through the conflict the voice of my sou. Still Stark went galloping up and down, '•Fight, fight the base red-coats, mean slaves of a crown!" "Fight, fight, my brave fellows, said he. Or Molly, I tell ye, a widow shall be !" With a shout that shook the sunset sky, We dashed right on— it was conquer or die. Where Stark's ej^e glittered, there withered our foes. For there fell the might of our fearfulest blows. Tiie little Waloomsack blushed with red, And hushed its song for 'twas filled with dead. And when night darkened, the air about, Shook with our victory's thundering shout. Cannon and banners and swords and guns, And captives were tribute to Freedom's sons. With the leader of all, bold Baum, who died, As we rolled the loud cheers in our conquer- ing pride. Old Stark up-towered among us still,, "And Moll's no widow!" laughed he with a will. And so, my boy, was the grim figlit won, Such was the Battle of Bennington. HON. HILAND HALL, BY HENRY D. HALL, ESQ. Nathaniel Hall, the father of Hiland Hall, was a quiet, thrifty farmer and his wife. Abigail(Hubbard) Hall, a worthy and true help-meet. The emigrant an- cestors of both were Enj^lish, John Hall of the father and George Hubbard of the mother, alter being over fifteen years at Boston and Hartford, in 1850, became large landholders, and the first settlers of Middletown, Ct. In the old graveyard there may still be found the tombstones ot some of their early de- scendants. Nathaniel Hall was deacon of the old Baptist church at Bennington. He and his wife were both worthy and es- teemed members of the church and re- spected members of society. Dea. Nathaniel Hall came to Ben- nington in 1 779. He was married to Abigail Hubbard at Norfolk, Ct., Oct. 12, 1794. Their children were: HILAND, the oldest, subject of this sketch. Phebe, died, 1860, aged 63. Abigail, died, 1884, aged 85. Nathaniel, died, 1846, aged 46. Anna, died, 1869, aged 65. Laura, died, 1854, aged 48. Polly, the youngest, died in 1870, aged 62 years ; all having married and leaving descendants. Dea. Nathaniel Hall died in 1^89, aged 86 years, and his wife in 1846, aged 78 years. The early education of hiland hall was in the common schools of his neigh- borlKXid, and the better part of a three months term, one fall at the Academy, in Granville, N. Y., which he would probably have rounded out, had he not been sick before the close of the term, the only sickness of his youthful da^'s of which the writer remembers to have heard him speak, though he has heard him tell his children how his good moth- er getting her chilhdren ready Sunday morning, and he making the excuse of not feeling well to stay at home, would seize the ''picra bottle" and a table- spoon, and he would conclude to tiy to go to church. The sermons were in those days, two on every Sabbath, each at least, an hour or more in length. The youth of Hiland Hall was spent ou his father's farm in Bennington. — 84 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. The following incident connected with his early schooling is from a memorandum by himself. In the adjoining town of Shaftsbu- ry, about a mile from my father's there "was a Baptist meeting-house, and also, a school-house in which schools were usually kept about three months in the •winter by maleteacheis, and about as long in summer by females, for instruc- tion in reading, writing and arithmetic, and for years no other branches had been taught. The teachers had general- ly been taken from the neighborhood, but "when I was nine or ten years old, a winter teacher from abroad was em- ployed who on examining the progress I had made in those branches, told me, I was forward enough to study gram- mar and advised me to do it. I had little idea what he meant by it, but sup- posed it would be right, and was will- ing to undertake it. He found another scholar, a girl fifteen or sixteen years old, who was spending the winter with her uncle the Baptist minister, who wished also to pursue the study. The teacher said it would be necessary to have a bool?^ and gave me a memoran- dum of the title "Alexander's English Grammar," which was soon obtained at Troy, by my father who was going there with a load of wheat. The gi'ammar was about the size of Web- ster's spelling-book and bound in boards like it ; and we began the study. That branch of learning was new to the school-children and excited their atten- tion and curiosity, and they went home to their parents full of information a- bout the jargon of hard words that had been rattled off by the teacher and his two learners, such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs and others that they could jiot understand. This jumble of unmeaning words it was argued by some of the parents would greatly dis- turb the studies of the other scholars, and the question was raised, whether such teaching should be allowed in the school. There had been some dissatis- faction in the district at the employ- ment of the stranger in preference to a local teacher who had applied for the place, and he with his friends seized upon this matter as the means of get- ting rid of a rival. They called a school meeting where the question of allow- ing grammar to be taught in the school was discussed. The minister with one or two others favored grammar, but the majority was against it, and it was voted that grammar should not be taught in the school, and that the teacher should be dismissed. It went abroad that it was also voted that no teacher should be employed that understood grammar, but that was not true ; no such vote as that was taken. The truth was disgraceful enough without this needless addition. The whole proceeding was, however, favorable to the progress of instruction in the district. The reaction of feel- ing by the pressure from without was irresistible. The opponents of gram- mar, themselves, became ashamed of what they had done, and the next year a teacher who was thought to be well qualified as a grammarian was employ- ed, grammar was taught without objec- tion and no other ante-grammar out- break was afterwards heard of." He read when quite young all the books that he could find or borrow in the vicinity, his preference being for history and biography. Mr. Hall, early in life, became in- terested in politics, favoring the Repub- lican party. At eighteen; he was active in the formation of the "Sons of Lib- erty," a society of the young men of BENNINGTON. 85 1 Bennington for a vigorous prosecution of the war with P^ngland — 1812. He was one of the committee to draft tlie constitution of the Society and took a great interest in its meetings at which political questions were discussed. It continued in active life until after the war. Among the patriotic acts of this so- ciety was the procuring from the ladies of the vicinity 158 pairs of mittens and 42 pairs of socks, which were in Jan. 1814. presented to the 11th Regiment of U. S. soldiers which had been large- ly recruited in Vermont, and was then stationed ai Plattsburg, N. Y. The Society existed during the war. Its record book, over 60 pages of fools- cap size, is well preserved. Its last record is an account of its celebration of the Fourth of July 1815 ; at which there were an address, procession, din- ner and 1 8 toasts, the number then of the States in the Union. In 1824, 1828, Mr. Hall voted with the Republican party. In 1828, his party took the name of National Re- publican, which name was changed afterwards to Whig, to which part3' Mr. Hall belonged till in 1856, it was merged in the new Republican party, a name under which he begun his politi- cal life. He studied law and was admitted to the Bennington Count}^ Bar, Decem- ber, 1819. He established himself in practice in his native town, which he represented in the Legislature in 1827. He was Clerk of the Supreme and County Court for Bennington County, in 1828 ; was elected the State Attor- ney for the County in 1829, for which he was re-elected for the next three years. Of a generous disposition, easily turned aside when c(>llecting his own bills, thinking but little of money for its own sake, but using it freely for the necessary comfort of his fami- ly, at this time increasing in numbers ; and by answering calls of the needy and unfortunate, — a distinctive trait of his kindly character, an inability to turns away those who appealed for help, al- though he hardly knew where the next dollar was to come from ; resulting in early becoming involved in his pecu- niary relations, and for years living in a home heavily mortgaged, but which he was enabled to clear up in middle life, having never settled a debt at less than 100 cents on a dollar. And another trait which tended to lessen his yearly income was the con- scientious e?cpression to his clients of his opinion of their cases, that pre- vented or stayed a prosecution that m some hands would have brought return fees, adding much to the income of an attorne}' ; but gave confidence to those for whom he was engaged, as they nev- er had reason to fear he would be tam- pered with by opposite council, or their cases in any way be jeopardized by him for want of integrity. And the opinion obtained to quite an extent, that the side he was engaged on would prevail from the inherent jus- tice it was undoubtedly possessed of. In January 1833, he was chosen a representative in Congress to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. Jonathan Hunt, and took his seat the 2l8t of that month, daring the ex- traordinary excitement growing out of Mr. Calhoun's South Carolina nullifica- tion ordinance, and witnessed the fail- ure of that first serious effort at dis- union. S6 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. At the same election, Mr. Hall was chosen a member to the 23d Congress, which commenced, December 1834. — The district then comprised the coun- ties of Bennington and Windham with seven towns in Windsor County, viz : Audover, Baltimore, Cavendish, Ches- ter, Ludlow, Springfield and Weston. This district, he represented in Con- gress for ten successive years, receiv- ing as a National Republican and Whig, five different elections by large majori- ties. His congressional service termi- nated. Mar. 3, 1843, he having de- clined being longer a candidate. In Congress, Mr. Hall was a work- ing rather than a talking member, but occasionally made political speeches ; — among tht^m one in 1834, against Gen- eral Jackson's removal of the govern- ment deposites from the United States Bank, and another in 1836 in favor of the distribution of the proceeds of the public lands among the states, which measure was in effect consummated at that session in the distribution of sur- plus revenue, by which nearly $ 700. 000 were received by the State of Ver- mont and added to the school funds of the towDS of the state. Both of these speeches were pamphleted and exten- sively circulated, and the former was reprinted in New York prior to the suc- ceeding state election as a campaign document. CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE SERVICE. But the speaking of Mr. Hall in Con- gress was in general of a business char- acter, to influence the votes of mem- bers on pending questions. His work on committees, first on that of the post- office and post-roads, after on revolu- tionary claims, was onerous and severe, I his printed reports covering several vol- 1 iimes of public documents. In 1836, j while a member of the post-office, he presented a minority report in opposi- tion to the message of the President and report of the Post-Master-Gener- al which had reccommended the enact- ment of a law making it a penal ofience to transmit by mail into any of the Southern states, printed matter against the institution of slavery, termed "in- cendiary publications." * * Showing the great difficulty and danger of such legislation, the report of Mr. Hall took the ground that it would be an infringe- ment of the liberty of the press, and a violation of the constitution, which had conferred no power on Congress to look into publications and prescribe what opinions should and what should not be admitted into the mails, or be the subject of mail transmission. The report was signed by Mr. Hall and the Hon. George N. Briggs, afterwards the Governor of Massachusetts, but as the majority of the committee failed to make their report, it did not become a public document. It was however in*in- ted in the National Intelligencer at Washington, in New York and other papers. Mr. Hall's services were especially important in committees and also in debate, in exposing wasteful and ex- travagant expenditui-es. While on the postoffice committee, he took an active and prominent part in framing and procuring the passage of the act of Ju- ly 2d 1836 which made a radical change in the organization of the post-office department and provided an effectual system for the settlement of its compli- cated accounts by which an alarming series of frauds that had caused a very great drain on the treasury was broken up, and an honest and economical ad- ministration of its affairs iraugurated and secured. BENNINGTON. 87 MEETING VIRGINIA CONGRESS CLAIMS. His successful efforts in relation to onf; class of claims deserves a more particular notice, as well, for the large amount involved, as for the powerful influence and bitter opposition he Avas •obliged to overcome in exposing tLeir unfounded and fraudulent character. For several years there had been passing through congress with little op- position, numerous claims founded on alleged promises of the legislature of Virginia, or of the Continental Con- gress, to Virginia olficers of the Rev- olutionary army some of them denom- inated Commutation Claims, some half pay and some bounty-land claims, but all depending upon similar evidence to sustain them. In satisfaction of these claims there had already been drawn from the treasury over three millions, nearly all of which had been paid for supposed services of deceased Virginia officers, and still, were pending before "congiess claims to the amount of more than another million, and their number and amount were continually increas- ing. By a patient and laborious exam- ination of the Revolutionary archieves in the depa«'tment at Washington, with some information he derived from the public records at Richmond, he became satisfied that the great mass of the claims already paid was unfounded and those that were still pending were, if possable, still more worthless. In order to bring the subject fully before con- gress, he obtained the appointment of a select committee of which he was made chairman. He prepared a report unfavorable to the claims, which Avas approved by the committee and pre- sented to the House, Feb. 27, 1839, with the usual motion that it be laid on the table and printed. Contrary to the uniform jjractice in such cases, the printing the report was vehemently op- posed by the Virginia deligation. Af- ter obstructing the action of the House during the morning hour of that day, by dilatory motions and debate, they found the members impatient to order the printing under the previous ques- ion, upon which, as a last resort, Mr. Wise of Virginia called for the read- ing of the report, which by strict rule he had a right to require before voting upon it. The reading of the report was commenced and was continued through the morning hours of Feb. ibth and Mar. 1st, within two days of the close of the session, when the pressure of other bn.'-iness prevented its being fin- ished. Wise's unexampled hostile call for Mr, the reading had its designed effect of smothering the report for that con- gress. The next session of Congress, Mr. Hall became a member of the commit- tee of Revolutionary claims, and soon afterward its chairman. Apr. 24, 1840, he made a report from that committee on the bounty land and commutation claims of the Virginians, similar to tl e one which had been suppressed at the close of the previous congress, which showed by authentic documentary ev- idence that every one of those allow- ances was unfounded. The efforts of the Virginians to obtain Revolutionary allowances, especially for officers hour- ties under an old law of their state, being still continued. Mr. Stanly of North Carolina, June 10, 1842, offered a resolution directing the committee of Revolutionary claims to examine and report on their validity, which resolu- tion he afterward modified b}' substi- tuting a select committee for that on Revolutionarv claims. This was done 88 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. on complaint that Mr. Hall, the chair- man of the standing committee, was unreasonably and unjustly prejudiced and would not give the claimants a fair hearing. On the 16th of June, Mr. Hall, having obtained the floor spoke an hour in vindication of his course in regard to the claims, showing by un- doubted documentary evidence thai they were all, collectively and individu- ally, either wholly fraudulent or clear- ly unfounded on any Revolutionary service to sustain them; and he closed his remarks by presenting a list of the names of 64 claimants, whose claims amounted to over $200,000, and com- prised all of the latest of those claims that had been reccommeuded for pay- ment by the Executive of Virginia, and were included in the bill then pending in the House. He said every one of them was bad, and offered to abandon his opposition to the claims if any member would satisfy the House that any single claim was well founded. His remarks were commented upon by many of the Vir- ginians, and among them Messrs. Gog- gin, Goode and Gilmer, in speeches of an hour each, which were all highly laudatory of the patriotism of Virgini- ans and her Revolutionary heroism, but none of them ventured any attempt to show the validity of a single claim. The speech of Mr. Gilmer in partic- ular was of an aggressive and extreme- ly personal character towards Mr. Hall, and was sharply replied to by him, in which his attacks were effectually re- pelled. Whereupon, Mr. Hall made a further exposure of the claims and showed that Mr. Gilmer, who had been governor of Virginia, had originated them by inducing the legislature of the state to reccommeud their payment by congress when they were well known to be entirely worthless ; that he had as agent of the half-pay claimants, whose claims weie equally invalid, first pre sented them to congress, and that he was by a law of the state entitled to one per cent, on all that should be paid by the United States, on which he had already received over $12,000, and was entitled to a like allowance on all future payments. This debate occupi- ed the morning hours of several days, and having the numerous delegation of Virginia on one side and a single member from another state on the oth- er and being in a great degree of a personal character, attracted very gen- eral attention. The vindication of Mr. Hall, which was full and complete, and overwhelming to his assailiints, was lis- tened to with unusual interest, and was also the subject of general newspaper notice and comment. Ex-president Adams, who was a member of the House at the time, men- tions the debate in his diary as follows : '^June 16th 1 842. Stanly moved the appointment of a select committee to investigate the expenditure on account of Virginia Military Bounty land war- rants from which sprang up a debate, and'Hiland Hall opened a hideous sink of corruption until he was arrested by the expiration of the morning hour. June 21st. Gilmer growled an hour against Hall for detecting and expos- ing a multitude of gross frauds perpe- trated in the claims relating to the Vir- ginia land warrants. "June 22d. Goggin scolded an hour against Hiland Hall, and W. O. Goode took the floor to follow him. June 24th. W. O. Goode followed the Virginia pack against Hall. James Cooper moved the previous question, but withdrew it at the request of Mr. Hall, to give him opportunit}" to reply to the Virginia vituperation. BENNINGTON- 89 June 25th. Hiland Hall took the morning hour to flay Gilmer and the Virginia Military land warrants." This thorough exix)sure of these claims, and the marked rebuff of their champions, followed as it soon after was by a full history and condemna- tion of them in detail in a report by Mr. Stanly's select committee, opera- ted as a final extinguisher of them. — Mr. Hall was a member of the select committee, and the report had by di- get'erals. On full examination of the statutes Mr. Hall came to the conclu- sion that judicial authority nad been designedly conferred on the accounting officers as a check upon lavish expen- ditures in the departments, and it was as much their duty to disallow claims not sanctioned by a law, as it was of a court of justice. The question being one of importance, the opinion of the Comptrollor was published in pamphlet and it is understood has since been ac- rection of the committee, been prepar- ! cepted and followed in the several de ed and made to the House by him. ** ******** For an account of the claims and correspondence in full, see report No. 485, second session, 27th Congress. — It is believed there were few or no fur- ther allowances by the department. Mr. Hall was Bank Commissioner of Vermont for four ^jears from 1843, Judge of the Supreme Court for the like period until 1850. when he was appointed Second Comptrollor of the United States Treasury, his duties be- ing to revise and "finally adjust" all accounts with the government of offi- cers and others in the War and Navy departments after they had been stated and passed upon by the second, third and fourth auditors. A claim came before hitn founded on an expenditure that had been ordered by the head of a department whicli he thought was ille- gal, and the question arose whether he had authority to reject it. It was in- sisted in behalf of the claimant that the Secretary being his superior ofiicer and representing the President, the comptrollor was bound by his approval and had no power to disallow it. In support of this doctrine a labored writ- ten ai'gument was presented, and it appeared to be sanctioned by the pub- lished opinion of three former attorney partments, as a just expusition of the law on the subject, and recently a sec- ond edition of the same has been print- ed for the use of the Departments. In 1851, at the solicitation of Presi- dent Fillmore, he accepted the office of Land Commissioner for California, his associates being Gen. James Wilson of New Hampshire and Judge Harry I. Thornton of Alabama. The duties of the commission were to adjust the claims to land under the treaty of Mex- ico, the titles of the owners as recog- nized by the Mexican laws having been guaranteed to them by that treaty. Mr. Hall was chairman of the commission and had charge of its funds, which he disbursed for its necessary expendi- tures which amounted to several hun- dred thousand dollars ; all of which was duly accounted for at the Treasu- ry Department. The contested land claims brought into full use the fitting qualifications which his habits of thought and inves- tigation through life had develoi^ed. Among the cases brought before this commission many of which were of great importance was the famous Mariposa claim of Gen. J. C. Free- mont, involving millions of dollars, and in the adjustment and settlement of which the application of law involved. 90 THE VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE included almost without exception all , to this assumed action of the court was points that would be liable to arise in I ^^ follows: the adjucation of similar claims. The "With a strong habitual reverence for opiniou of the commissioners was in Judicial authority, when exercised with this case written by Mr. Hall, and the points were so fully and clearly eluci- dated, that many eminent jurists have written him expressing their admira- tion of the document. On the accession of President Pierce, new commissioners were appointed, and Mr, Hall at the solicitation of hi'? son- in-law, Trenor W. Park of the firm of Halleck, Peachy, Billings and Park, then a prominent law firm in San Fran- cisco, remained with them for a time as general adviser, and to assist in the preparation of briefs and other impor- tant law papers. In the spring of 1854, he returned to Vermont, and resuming his residence on the farm in Benning- ton on which he was born, retired from the further practice of his profession. Mr. Hall was a member of the con- vention which met at Philadelphia in 1856 and gave the Republican Party a national character, by nominating candidates for the presidency and vice presidency. In 1858 and 1859 he was elected Governor of the State by that party by a large majority. The Governor in his first message besides calling the attention of the leg- islature to the local affairs of the State, spoke in decided condemnation of the then recent attempt of the majority in its appropriate sphere for the de- termination ( f individual rights, I con- fess, I have not a high regard for it, when sought to be extended to politi- cal questions. The history of our par- ent country furnishes many examples of judges, learned and eminent, whose extra judicial opinions were sought and obtained by the government for the purpose of crushing out the rising spir- it of liberty among the people. Indeed for the character of the judicial ermine it is to be lamented, that judges of dis- tinguished legal attainments have often been found giving countenance to op- pression and wrong by ingenious and lanciful constructions and that English liberty has been fixed upon its present firm foundations, not by the aid of ju- dicial efforts, but by overcoming them. There is reason to hope that the extra- judicial opinions of the judges in the Dred Scott case, contrary as they are to the plain language of the constitution, to the facts of history and to the dic- tates of common humanity, will meet the fate which lias attended those of- the judges of the parent country, and that liberty will be established in spite of them." In his last message in 1859, he thus announces his determination to retire of the judges of the Supreme Court of i from further public service the United States, in furtherance of the wishes of President Bucahnau and his 'In closing this ray last annual mes- sage, I cannot withhold the expression advisers to fasten upon the country by j of my grateful thanks to the freemen judicial sanction the new and extra- 1 of the State for the confidence which ordinary doctrine that the constitution they have on all occasions so j,enerous- itself legalized slavery in the territories I ly manifested towards me ; and I beg and that congress consequently had no • to assure them that in retiring from power to prevent its introduction. — ' public lifo at the end of the present The language of the message in regard political year, I shall carry with me BENNINGTON. 91 the warmtst and most heartfelt wishes for the continual prosperity of the State, and for the welfare and happiness of its people." He, however, consented to act as one of the commissioners to the fruit- less "Peace Congress" which on tlie call of Virginia assembled in Wash- ington in Februaiy 1861, on the eve of the Rebellion, and was chairman of the delegation from Vermont. On the breaking out of tlie Rebellion in 1861, he felt it his duty to do all in his power to uphold the integrity and unity of the government, and his time, energies and means, to a large extent, were from the first devoted to aid in crushing it. He at once favored the speedy for- warding of men, and assisted in the formation of companies, volunteering assistance to some families which would be left behind in needy circumstances, drawing the pay ; taking care of money coming from or being sent to soldiers, and when bounties were paid, in the placing in the safest manner such moTi- ey that it should best meet the wants of the enlisting party ; all showing a deep interest in the preservation of the Union, the value of which in his esti- mation was increased, no doubt, by inti- mate association for a long period in Congress with such statesmen as Web- ster, Clay, Adams, Giddings, Stevens and a host of others, when the doctrine of nullifiction or disunion was being advocated by Calhoun and his associ- ates, that slaver}^ and state rights might be sustained and perpetuated. His anx- iety continued during the war and not until the surrender at Appomattox Court House, did lie feel that his oi the vigilence of uny other man should in the least relax. One of his sons, Nathaniel B., "was Major of the 14th Regiment of Volun- teers, and in the Battle of Gettysburg. He sent substitutes for four other sons and himself when the need for men seemed imminent, and the bounty had reached $ 400. each, besides the State pay and bounty. In American history, Mr. llnll had a deep interest, and especially in that connected with the territory and State of Vermont. He was for 6 3^ ears from 1859, Pres- ident of the Vermont Historical Socie- ty and was afterwards active in the- preparation and the arrangement ot materials for the two published volumes of its collection, and in otherwise pro- moting its usefulness and success. — He has read several papers at meetings of the Society which have been publish-^ ed, among them, one in 1869, in vindi- cation of Col. Ethan Allen as the hero of Ticonderoga, in refutation of an attempt made in the Galaxy Magazine to rob him ol' that honor. He has contributed papers to the Nevv York Historical Magazine, to the Vermont Historical Gazetteer, to the Philadelphia Historical Record, and al- so to the New England Historic Gene- ological Register. His contribution to the Vermont Gazetteer, made in 1860, being a summary history of his native town, Bennington. In 1860 he also read before the New York Historical Society a paper show- ing "Why the inhabitants of Vermont disclaimed the jurisdiction of New York, and estjiblished a separate gov- ernment." In 1868, his "Early History of Vermont," a work of over 500 pages was published by J. Munsill, Albany,, in which the controversy of its early 52 'VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. inhabitants with New York, and their struggle for the establishment of their state independence, as well as their valuable services in the cause of their common country during the Revolu- tionary war, are largely treated, and the necessity of their separation from the government of New York, in or- der to maintain the title to their land and preserve their liberty is very free- ly shown. Govenor Hall was very prominent in his exertions to have a suitable cele- bration of the Battle of Bennington •and for the erection of a creditable monument to the heroes of the victory, and in securing for both the favorable action of the state Jegislature, and also in subsequently promoting their suc- cessful accomplishment. A few months before the celebration in 1877, he pre- pared a clear and full description of the battle with an account of its important ■consequences which was extensivel}' published in newspapers and pamphlets, a copy of which has a place in the offi- cial account of the Centennial Cele- ''j ration. The University of Vermont in 1859 -eonfered on him the degree of L L. D. He was a life member and Vice Presi- dent for Vermont of the New PZngland Historic Geneological Society, honora- Ty member of the Buffalo and corres- ponding member of [the New 'York Historical .'•ocieties. THE GOVEROR's FAMILY. HiLAND HALL of Bennington and TROLLY TUTTLE DAVIS of Rockingham, Vermont were married in 1818. Children and grandchildren : M. Carter Hall, born March 7th, 1820, married Sophia B. Deming, Apr. 20, 1844, died, June 15, 1881. His •children were Frances Helen, who left a son and daughter ; Samuel Baker, who has four suns ; and Sophia Deming. Eliza Davis Hall, born August 29, 1821, married Adin Thayer, Jr., Nov. 29, 1842, died, Aug. 10, 1843. Henry Davis Hall, born May 5, 1823, married Caroline E» Thatcher, March 24, 1847; his children, Eliza Davis, who has four sons and one daughter ; Charles Henry ; Caroline T., who has three sons and one daughter; Hiland, who left one son ; and William Carrol. Hiland Hubbard Hall, born Jan. 19, 1825, married Jane A. Waters, Sep. 19, 1849, died, Dec. 9 1851, Nathaniel B. Hall, born, September 2, 1826, married Martha B. Rouse, Feb. 25, 1850; his children: Harriett Bostwick, who has three sons; Hiland; Harry R. who has one daughter ; Dolly. Laura V. Hall, born, Jan. 27, 1828, married Trenor W. Park, December 15, 1846, died, June 21, 1875; her children: PJiza Hall, who has one son and three daughters ; Laura H., who has one son and one daughter; and Trenor Luther. John V. Hall, born, Feb. 10, 1831, married Nelly E. Lyman, Sep. 5, 1860 ; his children : Florence, who has one daughter; and Edward J. He married 2d, Lucinda R. Holley, Dec. 30, 1880. Charles Hall, born, Nov. 18, 1832, married JaneE. Cady, September 1856, child. Laura v., who has one daughter; He married, 2d, Mina Phillips ; chil- dren : Trenor Park, Mary Densy and Charles H. The Golden Wedding of the HON. MR. & MRS. HILAND HALL was celebrated at North Bennington, October 27, 1868, from 2 to 5, P. M. Golden Wedding Geusts, about three hundred present : An early teacher of . BENNINGTON. 93 Mr. Hall, aged 85 years; two whe obtained. It made him the president and remarkably suc- cessful chief manager of the Vermont 98 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Historical Society for so many years. It gave him prestige and authority with historical socities elsewhere; notably, those of Boston, New Ytu'k, and "Washington. His keen eye saw and his instinctive judgement comprehended the connec- tion between the past, the present and the future ; between principles adopted and their effect o:i the character and life of the community, the common- wealth and the nation for generations and ages to come. With the practised understanding and tlie patient and per- severing interest of the true scholar, he studied the past. He possessed a true and absorbing interest in our leading men; in our solemn public crises; in our heroic undertakings ; in our grand achievements ; in our sericnts public questions and controversies and mo- mentous issues. We have felt justified in classing our illustrious fellow-citizen with the gi'eat men of our i evolutionary period, who helped and did so much to make our National history. There is another re- semblance, as it is marked, to two of them, aiamely, in that his life was pro- tracted to an extreme old age which was passed in much happiness and -'.om- fort. The words used concerning them in this respect could be applied with propriety to the closing years of Gov- ernor Hall. Says Sir. Webster, respect- ing Mr. Jefferson or Mr. Adams, true alike : "From the time of his final retire- ment from public life, Mr. Jefferson lived as became a wise man surrounded by his affectionate friends, his ardor in the pursuit of knowledge undiminish- ed. With uncommon health and un- broken spirits he was able to enjoy largely tlie rational pleasures of life. and to partake of that public prosperi- ty which he had so much contributed to produce. There was that in tliem which office did not give and which the relinquish- ment of office did not and could not take aAvay. In their retirement in the midst of their fellow citizens, they en- joyed as high regard and esteem as when filling the most important places of public trust." We need not say how beautiful and appropriate tliese words of Mr. Web- ster are if taken out of their immedi- ate connection in which he used them and applied to Hiland Hall. This it is that is the sad thought of his death, it has removed one whose long life up to its prime and far beyond was the fitting itself more and moie for the invalua- ble tasks imposed upon it. But we bow without one complaining word to the over-ruling behests of an all wise and all righteous God, and desire hum- bly to record our gratitude for the re- markable preservation of the faculties of our friend — for the bright close of his life's day, whose sun went down