uQutnot ^ocut^ of ^tttjcrica. CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION AND LIST OF MEMBERS Organized April 12, 1883. Incorporated June 12, 1885. / / :xx0uewat Society of America. CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION AND LIST OF MEMBERS Organized April 12, 1883. Incorporated yiine 12^ 1885. NEW YORK: Published by the Society, 1887. ^'^^fV <^ CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF THE Huguenot Society of America. State of New York, City and County of New York, ss.: >, John Jay, Edward F. De Lancey, Ashbel G. Ver- MiLYE, Louis Mesier, Peter W. Gallaudet, Benjamin F. De Costa, Abram Du Bois, Josiah H. Gautier, Alfred V. Wittmeyer, Morey Hale Bartow, Charles W. Maury, Charles A. Briggs, and Chauncey M. Depew, being persons of full age, citizens of the United States, and residents within the State of New York, and being desirous of associating our- selves as a Society and Corporation for Historical and Literary purposes, and the promotion and maintenance of a Library with special reference to the history of the Huguenots in America, pursuant to the Act of the Legislature of the State OF New York, entitled "An Act for the incorporation of benevolent, charitable, scientific and missionary societies," passed April 12, 1848, being Chapter 319 of the Laws of that State of that year and the several Amendments thereof, including the Amendatory Act passed June 15, 1881, being Chapter 526 of the Laws of said State for that year, and the Act passed May i8, 1883, being Chapter 446 of the Laws of said State for that year, §01 ItCVCblJ, according to the provisions of said Statute, certify AND state: First. — That the name or title by which the said Society shall be known in law is the "HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA." Second. — That the particular business and objects of said Society are the promotion of Historical and Literary purposes, and the forming and maintenance of a Library with a view to preserve and perpetuate the history and promote the principles and virtues of the Huguenots. Thii-d. — That the number of Trustees to manage the said Society shall be nine, and their names for the first year of its existence are John Jay, Edward F. De Lancey, Alfred V. Witt- meyer, Josiah H. Gautier, Benjamin F. De Costa, Abram Du Bois, Peter W. Gallaudet, Chauncey M. Depew, and Morey Hale Bartow. Fourth. — That the business of said Society is to be conducted in the City and County of New York. §W XWltlXjess tuIxeVCOt, We have hereunto, and to a duplicate hereof, subscribed our names on this twelfth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five. (Sd.) John Jay, Edward F. De Lancev, A. G. Vermilye, Louis Mesier, P. W. Gallaudet, B. F. De Costa, Abram Du Bois, J. H. Gautier, Alfred V. Wittmeyer, Morey Hale Bartow, Charles W. Maury, C. A. Briggs, Chauncey M. Depew. State of New York, City and County of New York, ss. On this t.velfth day of June, A.D. 1885, before me personally came and appeared John Jay, Edward F. De Lancey, Ashbel G. Vermilye, Louis Mesier, Peter W. Gallaudet, Benjamin F. De Costa, Abram Du Bois, Josiah H. Gautier, Alfred V. Witt- meyer, Morey Hale Bartow, Charles W, Maury, and Charles A. Briggs, to me personally known and known to me to be twelve 6 of the individuals mentioned and described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the uses and purposes therein merrtioned. Saml. Hoff, Comr. of Deeds, N. Y. City and Co. State of New York, City and County of New York, ss.: On this thirteenth day of June, A.D. 1885, before me per- sonally came and appeared Chauncey M. Depew, to me person- ally known and known to me to be one of the individuals men- tioned and described in and who executed the foregoing instru- ment, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Saml. Hoff, Comr. of Deeds, N. Y. City and Co. I hereby approve the within certificate and consent that the same be filed. Dated June 13, 1885. • George P. Andrews, Justice of the Supreme Court. State of New York, y ss. : Office of the Secretary of Stiite, I have compared the preceding with the original Certificate of Incorporation of "HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA," with acknowledgment thereto annexed, filed and recorded in this office on the thirteenth day of June, 18S5, and do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of the said original. Witness my hand and the seal of office of the Secretary of State, at the City of Albany, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. Frederick Cook, Secretary of State. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1887-88. President : Hon. JOHN JAY. Vice-President for Neiu York : Edward F. De Lancey, Esq. Vice-President for St at eft Island : Hon. Chauncey M. Depew. Vice-President for New Rochelle : Henry M. Lester, Esq. Vice-President for New Pa It 3 : A. T. Clearwater, Esq. Vice-President for Boston : Hon. Robert C. Winthrop. Vice-President for New Oxford : Richard Olney, Esq. Vice-President for Narragaftsett : William Ely, Esq. Vice-President for New Jersey . Rev. D. D. Demarest, D.D. Vice-President for Delaware : Hon. Thomas F. Bayard. Vice-President for Pentisylvania : Charles M. Du Puy, Esq. Vice-President for South Carolina . Daniel Ravenel, Esq. Secretary : Rev. A. V. WiTTMEYER. Treasurer : P. W. Gallaudet, Esq. Acting Librarian and Curator : Rev. a. V. Wittmeyer. Executive Committee : JOSIAH H. Gautier, M.D., Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D., Frederic J. De Peyster, Esq., Henry W. Bookstaver, Esq., Rev. a. G. Vermilye. And the President. Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian and Curator of the Society, ex-officio. MEMBERS. Hon. Mem., Honorary Member. Life Mem., Life Member. * Deceased. '^'"''V-^ Name, Elect ton. 1883, Aborn, Robert W., 1885, Allen, Miss Candace, 1885, Allen, Mrs. E. Teulon, 1885, Allen, Charles Bernon, 1883, Ames, Mrs. Helen M., . 1885, Ames, Gen. William, 1885, Arnaud, Rev. E., Hon. Mem. 1883, Atterbury, Rev. W. W., . Residence. New York, N. Y. , Providence, R. I. Northboro, Mass. . New London, Conn. New York, N. Y. . Providence, R. I. Crest, Drome, France. . New York, N. Y. 12 B 'ear of Election. [883 t883 1883 [885 Bacot, J. Vacher, . . . Jersey City, N. J. Bacot, R. C, . . . . . Jersey City, N. J. Baird, Prof. Henry M., . . New York, N. Y, *Baird, Rev. Chas. W Rye, N. Y. Baker, Guy Ellis, . . . Albany, N. Y. Balch, Thos. Willing, Life Mem., . Philadelphia, Pa. Ballou, George Wm New York, N. Y. Banta, Theodore M., . . . New York, N. Y. Bartow, Morey Hale, Hon. Mem., New York, N. Y. Barbour, Wm. D., . . . . New York, N. Y. Bayles, Mrs. George, . , . Orange, N. J. Bayles, Francis Seguine, . . Orange, N. J. Bayles, Catherine Seguine, . Orange, N. J. Bayard, Hon. Thos. F., Hon. Mem., . Washington, D. C. Bayard, Edward, M.D., . . New York, N. Y? Benjamin, W. Romayne, . . . New York, N. Y. Bodine, Mordaunt, . . . New York, N. Y. Bontecou, Fredk. T New York, N. Y. Bonnet, Mons. Jules, Hon. Mem., Paris, France. BOOKSTAVER, Henry W., . . New York, N. Y. BouviER, Miss Mary H., . . Warwick, N. Y, 13 Election ■ 1885, BowDOiN, Geo. S., Life Mem., , 1886, Brez, J. D., 1885, Briggs, Prof. Chas, A., D.D., . 1884, Brown, Joseph O., ... 1885, Browning, A. Giraud, Hon. Mem., 1885, BuDD, Mrs. M. Hardenburg, 1885. BuDD, W. Hardenburg, . 1883, Bull, Chas. S., M.D Residence. . New York, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. . New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. . London, Eng. New York, N. Y. . New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 1885, Cannon, Col. Le Grand, 1885, Carrington, Mrs. Candace C. 1883, Charlier, Elie, 1^83, Charlier, Elie Stacy, 1884, Clarkson, Banyer, 1883, Clearwater, A. T., . 1883, Cobb, Mrs. Cornelia, . 1883, Cond6, Swits, . 1883, Cortelyou, L. v., M.D., 1885, Coutant, Richard B., M.D., 1885, Coutant, Jas. L., New York, N. Y. Providence, R. L New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Kingston, N. Y. Yonkers, N. Y. Oswego, N. Y. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Tarrytown, N. Y. New Rochelle, N. Y. 14 '^^''"^y Name. Election. 1885, CowELL, E. R. Epinet, . 1885, Craighead, Rev. J. G., D.D., Residence. Detroit, Mich. Washington, D. C. D 1884, Davis, George T 1883, De Costa, Rev. B. F., D.D., 1885, De Forest, Henry G 1885, De Forest, Robert W., . 1883, De Lancey, Edward F., 1883, De Lancey, Wm. Heathcote, . 1884, De Lano, Geo. W., 1887, De la Grange, S. McCrea, 1883, De Peyster, Frederick J., Life Mem., 1884, De Peyster, Gen. J. Watts, Life Mem., 1883, De Puy, Rev. Ephraim, 1885, De Richmond, Mons. L., Hon. Mem., 1885, De Schickler, Mons. le Baron Ferdinand, Hon. Mem., 1885, *De Saussure, Gen. W. G., 1885, De Schweinitz, Rt. Rev. Edmund, New Rochelle, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New Brighton, S. L, N. Y. La Rochelle, France. Paris, France. Charleston, S. C. Bethlehem, Pa. 15 i'enr of Election. I Namf. 1883, Demarest, Rev. G, L., . 1883. Demarest, David D., D.D., 1883, Depew, Chauncey M., . 1884, Dey, John Henry, 1885, Dot), Mrs. Caroline B., . 1885, Du Bois, Wm. a.. Life Mem., . 1884, Du Bois, George, 1883, Du Bois, Dr. Abram, Life Mem. 1883, Du Bois, Dr. John C, 1886, DuMONT, John B., . 1883, Du PuY, Chas. M., 1883, DuPuY, Herbert, . 1883, DusENBURY, Miss Mary, . 1886, Dyer, Hon. Elisha, 1885, Dyer, Gen. Elisha, Jr., . Residence. Manchester, N. H. New Brunswick, N. J. New York, N. Y. Pelham Manor, N. Y. Hoboken, N. J. New York, N. Y. Utica, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Hudson, N. Y. Plainfield, N. J. Bridgeport, Conn. Pittsburgh, Pa. Claremont, N. Y. Providence, R. L Providence, R. L 1884, Eckard, Rev. L. W., Life Mem., . Abington, Pa. 1885, Ely, Mrs. Anna C. A Providence, R. L 1884, Ely, Wm., Life Mem Providence, R. L 1885, Ely, Wm. D., Providence, R. L 16 F ear of Election. Name. Residence. , Faber, Reginald S., M. A., Life Mem., London, Eng. ' , Flagg, W. J., New York, N. Y. , Flagg, Rev. Octavus Edward, New York, N. Y. , Flandreau, Felix E Brooklyn, N. Y. „ Frizzell, W. H., Life Mem., . . Boston, Mass. 883, Gallaudet, E. M., LL.D., 883, Gallaudet, P. W., . . . 883, Gallaudet, Thos., D.D., . 883, Gautier, J. H., M.D., Life Mem., . 884, Gautier, Dudley G., 8S4, Gautier, Chas. E., . . , 884, *Gautier, Thos. B., . 885, GouRDiN, Robert N., . 885, Greene, Thos. L., . 5, Guerrant, Rev. Edward O., D.D. 5, GuiON, Mrs. A., . . . 3, GuiON, Rev. Wm. B 3, Gurnee, Walter S., Life Mem., . Wasliington, D. C. New York, N. Y. . New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. . New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. . New York, N. Y. Charleston, S. C. New York, N. Y. . Mt. Sterling, Ky. Barnwell, S. C. . Waukesha, Wis. New York, N. Y. 17 H 1883, Hague, Rev. Wm., D.D., 1883, Hawkins, Mrs. Genl. John P., Residence. Cambridge, Mass. Omaha, Neb. Jay, Hon. John, Life Mem., Jay, Col. Wm Jones, Mrs. H. Cazenove, Jones, Wallace Thaxter, Jouet, Cavalier H., New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. s New York, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Roselle, N. J. 1885 1885 1884 Lamb, Mrs. Martha J., Lambden, Mrs. Martha L., Lambden, Eugene, Lamoroux, Prof. Wendell, Lancey, James, , New York, N. Y. New Rochelle, N. Y. New Rochelle, N. Y. Schenectady, N. Y. Newark, N. J. 18 ear Elect. of 'Oil. 883 885 884^ Lanneau, J. B., .... Layard, Sir Henry, Hon. Mem., Le Boutillier, John, . Le Boutillier, Thomas, . Le Boutillier, Mrs. Margaret, Le Boutillier, Wm. Guitton, M.D. Le Boutillier, Clement, Le Conte, Prof. Joseph, . Le Count, Henry M., . Lefevre, Ralph Le Fevre, Rev. James, . Lester, Henry M., Life Mem., . LocKwooD, Howard, LoRiLLARD, Pierre, LuQUER, Rev. Lea, . . . . Residence. iNew York, N. Y. London, Eng. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y, Berkeley, Cal. New Rochelle, N. Y. New Paltz, N. Y. Middlebush, N. J. New Rochelle, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Bedford, N. Y. M 1885, Mallett, Percy Smith, 1884, Marquand, Henry G., 1883, Marseilles, Chas., New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Exeter, N. H. 19 ^J^r,?-^ Name. Klection. 1885, Mason, Sarah Joy 1883, *Matthews, Mrs. C. M. G., 1884, Maury, Miss Mary H., 1884, Maury, C. W., 1884, Mesier, Louis, 1883, Morris, John E 1883, *M0REY, Luther, .... 1883, MoTTET, Rev. Henry, . 1883, MoTTET, Frederic, .... 1885, Mount, Miss Charlotte, Life Mem., 1885, Mount, Miss Susan, Life Mem., 1886, Mulford, Rev. Henry Du Bois, 1885, MuNSON, Mrs. Cornelia C, Residence. New York, N. Y. New York. N. Y. Morristown, N. J. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Hartford, Conn. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Franklin Park, N. J. Utica, N. Y. N 1887, Neely, Miss Flora Bevier, New York, N. Y. o 1884, Olney, Peter B New York, N. Y. 1884, Olney, Mrs. Mary Sigourney, . New York, N, Y. 1885, Olney, Richard, .... Boston, Mass. 20 P Year of Election. Name. 1887, Perot, Joseph S., 1883, Perrine, H. D 1884, Perry, Rt. Rev. Wm. Stevens, 1885, Potter, Thos. M., M.D., 1885, Potter, Miss Mary E., 1885, Potter, James B.M., Jr., 1885, Potter, William H., 1886, Prevost, S. Mallett, , 1883, PUMPELLY, J. C, . 1885, PuMPELLY, Mrs. Margaret L., Residence. . Germantown, Pa. New York, N. Y. . Davenport, la. Kingston, R. I. . Kingston, R. I. Kingston, R. I. . Kingston, R. I. New York, N. Y. . Morristown, N. J. Morristown, N. J. 1884, QuiNTARD, Rt. Rev. C. T., Hon. Mem., Sewanee, Tenn. 1883, OuiNTARD, George W., 1885, QuiNTARD, George W., . 1884, QuiNTARD, Theodore F., 1885, QuiNTARD, James W., 1885, QuiNTARD, Edward A., Jr., Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y. South Norwalk, Conn. New York, N. Y. Batopiles, Chihuahua, Max. 21 R Year of »r r./ J- Name. Election. 1885, Rapelye, Henry Staples, Residence. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. [885, Ravenel, Daniel, .... Charleston, S. C. 1884, *R0BERTS0N, Rt. Rev. C. F., . . St. Louis, Mo. • 1885, Rogers, Benjamin T., . . . Brooklyn, N. Y. 1885, Russell, Mrs. Hope Brown, Life Mem., Providence, R. 1. 1885, Rylance, Mrs. Frances Lamar, . New York, N. Y. 883 884 885 Secor, Ambrose T., . . Seguine, Miss Hattie M., Sell, Dr. E. H. M., Life Mem., Sellew, Dr. Frederic S., Sellew, Timothy Gibson, . Smith, Miss Laurastine C, . Stevens, Mrs. Paran, Life Mem., Stevenson, Richard W., Stimson, Mrs. Julia A., Stride, Edward E., . Ridley Park, Del. Co., Pa. . Rossville, S. L, N. Y. Allentown, Pa. . New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. . Newark, N. J. New York, N. Y. . New York, N. Y. Englewood, N. J. . Wimbledon, England, 22 ^^.Z-"-^ Name. Residence, n lection. 1 887, Thomas,William Grasett, Life Mem., Philadelphia, Pa. 1883, TOURTELLOT, J. O. A., M.D., . . Fall River, Mass. 1885, Turner, Samuel Epes, . . Cambridge, Mass. 1883, TuRNURE, Lawrence, . . . New York, N. Y. 884, Valleau, Theo. B., 884. Valleau, Wm. R., 883, Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Wm. P. 883, Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, 883, Vermilye, Rev. A. J., D.D., . 883, Vermilye, Rev. Thos. E., D.D, 883, Vermilye, Jacob D., 884, Vincent, Rev. Boyd, 884, Vincent, Rev. J. H., D.D., . 886, VouTE, J. O., Jersey City, N. J. . Philadelphia, Pa. Rye, N. Y. . Rye, N. Y. Englewood, N. J. . New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. . Pittsburgh, Pa. Plainfield, N. J. . New York, N, Y. 23 W K