.00 .P7 67th Congress \ SENATE /Document - Session J \ No. 8 3fi 952 .S83 Copy 1 THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE ADDRESS TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES Adopted at the January Session OF Dail Eireann, 1921 2|~ZU^?5" PRESENTED BY MR. BORAH May 2, 1921. — Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^ THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. To the elected Representatives of the people of the United States oj America: We, the elected representatives of Ireland, recognizing in you the elected Representatives in Congress of the people of the United States of America, our brethren in the common effort to hasten the day when the nations may dwell together in justice and in harmony, have the honor to greet and to address you. 1. We feel certain that the struggle of our people — the people of Ireland — against the aggression of England is not passing unob- served by you. We covet your esteem as we would value your sympathy and support and fearful least you be misled by the wide- spread, persistent, and insidious propaganda of falsehood through which England seeks to create prejudice against us — distorting the character of the contest, we hasten to lay before you facts, so that correctly informed you may be able to judge justly. 2. The nation which we represent enjoyed for over a thousand years the life of an independent sovereign State among the States of Europe. Then a neighboring nation — England — which had received the benefits of civilization and education first from our hands, lost to gratitude and honor and burning with lust for our possessions, burst in upon us as a conscienceless invader, and through the course of many generations strove to subvert our polity, annihilate our language and our culture, suppress our industry, ruin our agriculture, steal our trade and our commerce, deprive us of the advantages of our geographical position, cut us off from our ancient intercourse with other peoples, rob our revenues, and erase our name from the roll of nations. 3. Failing to achieve these ends after centuries of criminal effort, this nation entered into solemn treaties acknowledging our national independence and contracting to respect it for all time, but this meant merely until our national defenses were dismantled. Then treaties and contracts were treated as scraps of paper and the compact treacherously and bloodily violated. 4. All the resources of a powerful and ruthless tyranny have been employed since in a desperate attempt to utterly destroy us as a nation. In the course of little over a century we have been robbed of wealth amounting to an empire's ransom, whilst within living mem- ory a population of eight and a half millions which, with the normal rate of increase, would have given us to-day a population of some seventeen millions, has been reduced by enemy acts to four millions — a crime unique among civilized nations. Our island is surpassingly fertile, generously endowed by nature with every advantage and facility for industry, for trade, and for commerce, capable of support- ing in happiness and prosperity twenty millions of souls, yet only last year it was publicly declared by the official head of the usurping • 3 4 THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. English Government that it was the considered pohcy of that Govern- ment to banish from our country the young and strong — the flower of the four millions that yet remain. 5. The Irish people have consistently resisted this infamous tyranny to the utmost of their power. Almost every generation has witnessed at least one armed uprising, and when the people were too weak to resist in arms they never ceased to make clear their hatred of the rule of the foreigner. Their oppressor's declara- tions that the national sentiment of Ireland is guilty of "disloyalty" to English rule has been a constant acknowledgment of this attitude. The attitude and the desire of the present generation has been made manifest beyond question. 6. On December 14, 1918, mindful of the principles professed by the Government of England during the Great War and seeing in the application of these principles a ready and a just means of arriving at a peaceful and final settlement of their own centuried struggle, the Irish people declared by an overwhelming majority at the polls for an independent Irish republic. 7. Acting on the mandate thus expressly given by this national plebiscite, carried out under the forms and laws prescribed by Eng- land herself, the people's elected representatives assembled on Janu- ary 21, 1919, formally proclaimed the nation's independence and declared the republic of Ireland duly established. 8. This legitimate application of the principle of national self- determiination, this peaceful and orderly exercise of their moral and democratic right by the Irish people, was met by the British Govern- ment with an immediate and murderous exercise of brutal force. Troops and engines of destruction that for four years had been en- gaged on the Continent of Europe in the cause of the rights of small nations, it was said, and the fundamental principles of democracy, were rushed to Ireland and used to trample on those very rights and to strangle that very principle in the name of which they had been enrolled and employed. 9. The reign of intensified military terrorism that was thus insti- tuted, although rigorously persisted in, did not intimidate the voters at the ensuing municipal and rural elections for local governing bodies. The homes of the people were raided systematically by day and by night, individual electors were murdered by bayonet and bullet, men were taken by the thousand and dragged off to English jails, the fears of the women and children were mercilessly play^ed upon, but the terror failed. The year, instead of weakening, in- creased the strength of the Irish people's determination, and the republican representation showed an increase of 15 p6r cent on the previous elections though the system of ''proportional representa- tion" had been applied with the express design of reducing it. 10. To this further peaceful and constitutional action on our part, the foreign usurping Government, replied with a still fiercer and more vicious brutality. 11. The national, political, cultural, and industrial associations of the people were proscribed, and membership deemed a crime. The right of public assembly was abolished and the press gagged. The elected representatives of the nation were declared a criminal body. All of their number with two exceptions were seized from time to time and imprisoned in English jails where two have already met their deaths. THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. 5 12. For over two years the people of Ireland bore patiently these ever-increasing burdens and persecutions without committing a single act of violence, either in self-defense or in reprisal. In that period, thousands were torn from their homes and cast into prison, many died as a result of prison treatment, and seven unarmed citizens were willfully murdered by the armed agents of the English Government, which openly incited the murders and encouraged the murderers with rewards and promotion. 13. But this patience of the people at last became exhausted. Abandoned, as it seemed, by the world, they turned to defend them- selves as best they could. The British Government then put aside every restraint of civilization and deliberately resolved to proceed without regard for life or property. So vile was the policy projected that their regular troops could not be relied upon to carry it out. The ex-convict from the jails, however, and the degenerate back from the trenches, in whose breast the savagery of the late war had ex- tinguished the last sparks of humanity, could be depended upon to have few qualms in dealing with their victims, and to cause little embarrassment to those in high authority amongst their employers by any nice regard for nominal discipline. A special force of these fiends was accordingly embodied. Allured by the prospect of an easy prey and unlimited loot, they were gathered together from every corner of Britain, and operating with the whole British Army in their rear as a cover and a protection, they were let loose upon an un- armed and defenseless populace. 14. An orgy of murder and robbery began. Neither age nor sex nor profession was respected. Old men of 80 and little children of 8, sick and crippled boys, mothers and wives, even anointed ministers of God, were indiscriminately murdered — the breadwinner before the eyes of his family and the mother with the child at her breast at the cottage door. Houses, offices, workshops, factories and creameries were plundered and destroyed. Towns and villages were sacked and burned down. The home of the farmer and the home of the artisan, the shop, the store, the office were looted and given to the flames. 15. Whole districts were devastated and the produce destroyed in the hope of famishing the population. Individual citizens were held up at the point of the revolver or bayonet and robbed on the public streets, and wlule these outrages were being perpetrated every act of self-defense on the part of tfie victims was advertised by English propagandists as a crime, and the murderers and robbers proclaimed champions of law and order. 16. At the present moment these abominations continue unabated. The English Government's jails are being filled with our countrymen, some of whom have been murdered therein, and others put to the torture. New capital offenses are being created. The simple pos- session of firearms is a charge on which several Irishmen have been executed. Prominent citizens are carried as hostages by English troops in their military expeditions against our people, and their fives forfeit if the unit with which they are traveling be molested. The elected representatives of the nation, the mayors and the presidents of our municipal and urban councils, the chairmen of our county and rural councils — all the chief officers on whom devolve the direction of national and local administration are made objects of special attack, the uniform purpose being to prevent constructive legislation, and 6 THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. to bring our domestic public affairs into chaos. Such, for example, was the purpose that lately prompted the murder of one lord mayor of Cork, the imprisoimient till death of another lord mayor of Cork, and the imprisonment until his health was permanently impaired of the lord mayor of Dublin. 17. This demoniacal war upon our community is being waged with no other provocation than our insistence on our national right, and our faithful adherence to a principle which even the demon's masters themselves have pretended to serve. 18. The Irish people claim no more than their right as a nation to determine freely for themselves how they shall be governed. We, their official spokesmen — their elected parliament and government call mankind to witness that our people have ever been ready to welcome peace with England on that just basis. 19. On no other basis is peace possible. We shall not surrender our national right — nor will force compel us. Our cause is the common cause of humankind. To that cause we have pledged ourselves and our people to remain faithful unto death. You, the representatives of a sister nation, can not, we feel, be insensible to the issue. Adopted at the January session of Dail Eireann, 1921. (Signed :) Eamon de Valera, president, deputy for East Clare and East Mayo; Arthur Griffith, deputy for East Cavan and Northwest Tyrone; James Lennon, deputy for Carlow County; PaiJ Galligan, deputy for West Cavan; Brian O'Higgins, deputy for West Clare; J. J. Walsh, deputy for Cork City; Liam de Roiste, deputy for Cork City; P. O'Keeffe, deputy for North Cork; T. Hunter, deputy for North East Cork; David Kent, deputy for East Cork; John Hayes, deputy for West Cork; Michael Collins, deputy for South Cork; Joseph O'Doherty, deputy for North Donegal; Joseph Sweeney, deputy for West Donegal; P. J. Ward, deputy for South Donegal; li. J. Mul- cahy, deputy for Clontarf, Dublin City; John T O'Kelly, deputy for College Green, Dublin City Philip Shanahan, deputy for Harbour, Dublin City Joseph McGrath, deputy for St. James, Dublin City Michael Staines, deputy for St. Michans, Dublin City; Thomas Kelly, deputy for St. Stephens Green, Dublin City; Constance de Markieviz, deputy for St. Patricks, Dublin City; Eoin MacNeill, deputy for National University and Derry City; Frank Lawless, deput}^ for North County Dublin; George Gavan Duffy, deputy for South County Dublin; Desmond Fitzgerald, deputy for Pembroke, County Dublin; John O'Mahony, deputy for South Fermanagh; Padruig O'Maille, deputy for Connemara, County Galway; Brian Cusack, deput}^ for North Galway; Liam Mellowes, deputy for East Galway and North Meath; Francis Fahy, deputy for South Galway; J. Crowley, deputy for North" Kerry; Austin Stack, deputy for West Kerry; Fionan Lynch, deputy for THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. 1 South Kerry; Piaras Beaslai, deputy for East Kerry; Daniel Bucklev, deputy for North Kildare; Art O'Connor, deputy for South Kildare; W. T. Cosgrave, deputy for North Kilkenny; James O'Mara, deputy for South Kilkenny; Patrick McCartan, deputy for Offaly (Kings County) ; James N. Dolan, deputy for Leitrim County; M. P. Colivet, deputy for Limerick City; Cornelius Collins, deputy for West Limerick; Richard Hayes, deputy for East Limerick; Joseph McGuinness, deputy for Longford County; J. J. O'Kelly, deputy for Louth County; J. Crowley, deputy for North Mayo; Joseph McBride, deputy for West Mayo; William Sears, deputy for South Mayo; E. J. Duggan, deputy for South Meath; Ernest Blythe, deputy for North Monaghan; John MacEntee,^ deputy for South Monaghan; Kevin O'Higgins, deputy for Leix (Queens County) ; George Noble Count Plunkett, deputy for North Roscom- mon; Henry Boland, deputy for South Roscommon; J. J. Clancy, deputy for North Sligo; Alex McCabe, deputy for South Sligo; Joseph McDonagh, deputy for North Tipperary; James A, Burke, deputy for Middle Tipperary; P. J. Moloney, deputy for South Tipperary; Cathal Brugha, deputy for Waterford County; Laurence Ginnell, deputy for Westmeath County; James Ryan, deputy for South Wexford; Robert C. Barton, deputy for West Wicklow; John R. Etchingham, deputy for East Wicklow. Appendixes. Every assertion in the foregoing address is founded upon facts. The^f olio wing appendixes are intended to cover the more vital. Appendix A. DEMOCRATIC FOUNDATION OF THE REPUBLIC. [Address, pars. 6, 7, and 9.] I. The National Plebiscite. GENERAL ELECTION, 1918. In December, 1918, a general election for parliamentary candidates was held in every constituency in Ireland. The result of that election was that— Of the total 101 representatives elected on the popular franchise (that is, excluding the privileged and duplicated university vote).i The Republicans secured .- - -. %"";•" i""" 1 '^^ The Irish Parliamentary Party, who wete self-determinationists and did not oppose the idea of a republic as such, but deemed it at the moment unattainable, secured „^ The official Unionists secured '^^ The Independent Unionists secured " 1 There were 4 University seats: The National University returned 1 RepubUcan; the DubUn University returned 2 Unionists; the Belfast University returned 1 Unionist. 8 THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. Thus the Republican representatives won in a majority of 2^ to 1 over all other parties. The self-determinationists (Republicans and Parliamentarians together) secured a majority of nearly 3^ to 1 over those in favor of union with England. Of the total popular vote of 1,519,894, only 311, 210, that is a bare 20 per cent, were cast for union wdth England. BY PROVINCES. In the Province of Leinster, of its 27 members, every one elected with one excep- tion — and he by a majority of only 54 votes in a poll of 14,766 — was a Republican. In the Province of Munster, of its 24 members, every one elected with one excep- tion — and he a self-determinationist — was a Republican. In the Pro\dnce of Connaught, of its 13 members, every one elected was a Republican. In the Province of Ulster, of its 37 members, 20 were official Unionists, and 2 Inde- pendent Unionists. The remaining 15 opposed the connection with England, 10 being Republicans and 5 Parliamentary Nationalists, and so self-determinationists. BY COUNTIES. Ireland is divided into 32 counties. In not one of these counties did the Unionists secure the entire representation. In only four did they poll a majority. On the other hand, the Republicans, who polled a majority in 27 counties, secured the entire representation in 24. Of the six Irish boroughs, not one returned an entirely Unionist representation. In only one of the six is the Unionist representation a majority, whereas four of the Irish boroughs returned an entirely Republican representation. The Province of Ulster, the attitude of which is so much misrepresented by English propaganda, has nine counties. In five of these counties the Republicans and self- determinationists combined polled a majority; in three they secured the entire repre- sentation. In no county, even in Ulster, did the Unionists secure the entire representation, and they obtained a majority in only four. Outside Antrim County, 14 of the mem- bers elected for Ulster were opposed to the British connection and only 10 in favor of that connection. In Antrim County alone, which includes the city of Belfast, did the Unionists secure anything approaching a homogeneous predominance. That county was allotted as many as 13 representatives. Of these, 12 were Unionists, so that over one-half of the total popular Unionist representation in Ireland came from a single county. This extraordinary degree of unanimity of opinion was registered by the Irish people despite active interference and aggression on the part of the English forces, both preceding and during the election. As can be seen by these figures, the pro-English minority in Ireland is relatively less than the minority in Schleswdg-Holstein who voted for union with Germany. Many of the newly established Republics in Europe contain larger minorities in favor of a continuance of their political relationships of union with the Central Empires than the minority in Ireland in favor of union with England. The present coalition government of England was elected by what is regarded as an almost unprecedented majority, yet the republican government of Ireland can show as the basis of its right a far greater relative majority. The Coalitionists, includ- ing the Independent Unionists and the National Democratic Party, secured a vote of only 39.7 per cent of the total British register, whereas the Irish Republicans secured 50.2 per cent of the total Irish register. That there was no ambiguity about the issue put to the electors is admitted gen- erally and borne witness to by the Irish Unionist Alliance — that is, the pro-English Party in Ireland. In a statement on the 1918 elections this body officially states: "The general election of December, 1918, was the first occasion when the numerical strength of Sinn Fein could be officially known, for they contested all the constitu- encies against the sitting home-rule members. They stood boldly on the issue of an Irish republic, free from all connections with England, and on that issue swept the Home Rule Party out of existence." THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. 9 II. Confirmatory Plebiscitk. LOCAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS, 1920. More than a year after the national plebiscite the elections for local governing bodies were held. The national issue was again the dominant one, and as the elec- tions were carried out on the basis of proportional representation, the results are a trustworthy index of the popular sentiment. Per cent. Of the city and urban councils 77. Of the rural district councils 88. 4 Of the boards of guardians 89. 6 Of the county councils 87. 9 were carried in favor of the republic, give allegiance to Dail Eireann (the national assembly) and carry out its decrees. The present British prime minister admitted in the House of Commons in April, 1920— "If you ask the people of Ireland what they would accept, by an emphatic majority they would say: 'We want independence and an Irish republic' There is absolutely no doubt about that. The elected representatives of Ireland now by a clear, definite majority have declared in favor of independence." Appendix B. DEPOPULATION OF IRELAND. [Address, par. 4.] The depopulation of Ireland during the last three-quarters of a century is without parallel anywhere in the civilized world. The following table indicates: 1. The growth of Ireland's population during a comparatively peaceful period, although one marked by frequent famines and increasing emigration. 2. The striking depopulation of a later period in which famine and emigration were intensified and accompanied by coercion and eviction. Total population and population per square mile. England and Wales. Scotland. Ireland. Year. Total population. Population per square mile. Total population. Population per square mile. Total population. Population per square mile. 1801 8, 892, 536 12,000,236 15,914,148 16,739,136 17,927,609 22, 712, 266 36,070,492 152 206 272 287 308 392 618 1,608,420 2,091,521 2,620,184 2,742,167 2,888,742 3,360,018 4,760,904 54 70 88 92 97 113 160 5,395,456 6,801,827 8,175,124 8,295,061 6,552,385 5,412,377 4,390,219 166 1821 209 1841 251 1845 255 1851 201 1871 167 1911 13f Thus we see that — In the period 1801 to 1911 whilst the population of England and Wales was more than quadrupled, and that of Scotland trebled, the population of Ireland was reduced one-fifth. In the period 1845 to 1911 whilst the population of England and Wales was more than doubled, and that of Scotland almost doubled, the population of Ireland was reduced by one-half. To appreciate how unique this appalling record is, one has only to study in compari- son the population statistics over the same period of the subject nations on the Euro- pean continent. The liberation of these nations from the oppression of alien rule was deemed a worthy objective in the great World War. 10 THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. Austrian Poland: 1846 4, 461, 400 1913 (increase. 84 per cent) 8, 211, 770 Ireland : 1846 ■ 8, 287, 848 1913 (decrease, 47 per cent) 4, 379, 076 Prussian Poland: 1855 1, 392, 636 1910 (increase, 50 per cent) 2, 099, 831 Ireland : 1855 6,014,665 1910 (decrease, 27 per cent) 4, 385, 421 Russian Poland: 1871 '. 6, 193, 710 1915 (increase, 97 per cent) 12, 247, 600 Ireland : 1871 5, 398, 179 1915 (decrease, 19.7 per cent) 4, 337, 000 Bohemia: 1831 3, 900, 000 1913 (increase, 75 per cent) - 6, 860, 000 Ireland : 1831 7, 767, 401 1913 (decrease, 43 per cent) 4, 379, 076 Finland : 1850 1, 636, 915 1914 (increase, 99 per cent) 3, 269, 401 Ireland : 1850 6, 877, 849 1914 (decrease, 36 per cent) 4, 381, 398 Esthonia : 1856 293, 559 1915 (increase, 54 per cent) 512, 500 Ireland : 1856 5, 972, 851 1915 (decrease, 27 per cent) 4, 337, 000 The misrule of these nations has been a byword, yet had Ireland fared under British rule as well as these nations under their oppressors her present population would be about four times what it is. Had Ireland fared as well as Austrian Poland under the Hapsburgs, for example, her population in 1913 would have been not 4,379,076 but 15,257,888. The destruction of Ireland's population is even .greater than the above would show, for, with the exception of Holland, the birth rate in Ireland is the highest in Europe, as is proved by the following table issued in the year 1910 by the statistical department of the GoA'ernment of Bavaria: — The birth rate — Legitimate births (per 1,000 tvomen). Country. 1876-1885 1886-1895 1896-1905 Country. 1876-1885 1886-1895 1896-1905 German Empire — 268 273 276 267 288 266 246 234 248 239 167 258 265 263 250 259 248 250 224 249 230 150 243 250 259 216 262 251 England and Wales. Scotland 250 271 250 264 293 244 240 262 229 255 245 236 286 235 231 259 235 246 237 203 235 Bavaria . Ireland 264 Saxony Belgium 213 Wurtemburg Baden Holland 272 Denmark Sweden 217 Austria . . ... Hungary Norway Italy 232 Portugal Finland Servia 259 France 234 This conclusion is confirmed by the Report of the Proceedings of the London Statis- tical Society (1906), with the addition that: "Ireland, * * * among all countries from which figures can be obtained, shows an increased fertility." THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. 11 Apparently, however, the British Government are not satisfied with the destruction the}^ have already wrought. Lord French, the chief representative of that Govern- ment, revealed the official mind and the policy it was intended to pursue when in an interview with the special correspondent of Le Journal, Paris, on January 23, 1920, he said : "The main cause of the trouble is that during the last five years emigration has practically ceased. There are here 100,000 to 200,000 young men between the ages of 18 and 25 Avho in normal times would have expatriated themselves." On this plane alone English rule in Ireland stands condemned. John Stuart Mill, an Englishman, in his Principles of Political Economy, says: "The land of Ireland, like the land of every other country, belongs to the people who inhabit it * * * and when the inhabitants of a country leave it 'en masse' because a Government does not leave them room to live, that Government is already judged and condemned." Appendix C. DESTRUCTION OF WEALTH AND FINANCIAL ROBBERY. [Address, par. 4.1 (a) Overtaxation. In 1896 a commission set up by the British Government reported that Ireland had been taxed since the year 1800 by at least £2,750,000 per year over and above the con- tribution fixed bv the act of union. (See Report of Financial Relations Commission, Blue Book, C. 8262.) In 1896 the Irish revenue contributed was £8,034,000. For the year ending March 31, 1920, the revenue contributed was £50,615,000. England has, therefore, since she discovered Ireland was overtaxed, multiplied the collection of taxes in Ireland six times over. The following table shows how Ireland's taxation was increased since England annexed the Irish exchequer at the close of the Napoleonic Wars: Revenue per head. Ireland. Encland. Year ending Jan. 5, 1820... Year ending Mar. 31, 1920. £ s.d. 15 5 11 10 7 £ s.d. 3 13 21 19 3 Increase: Ireland, fourteenfold; England, fivefold. The following table shows Irish revenue and expenditure during the past five years and the surplus remaining in England's hands after deducting Irish expendi- ture (see British Official Returns, White Paper No. 163 of 1919, and Nos. 239 and 245 of 1920): Year ending Mar. 31— Revenue. Expendi- ture. .Surplus. 1916 £17,929,000 23, 766, 500 26,865,000 37, 275, 000 50, 615, 000 £12, .597, 000 12,686,000 13,002,000 22, 161, 500 29,221,000 £5, ,332, 000 1917 11,080,500 1918 13,863,000 1919 15,113,500 1920 21,394,000 A great deal of the expenditure on alleged Irish services is really paid out to English manufacturers to whom are allotted all the contracts for supplies for Irish services. In addition, England pockets the whole of the surplus. The figures for expenditure also include such items as (for 1920) £3,296,000 for that portion of the army of occupa- tion known as the police force; £379,500 for the English law courts in the country; £23,000 for the English lord lieutenant; £42,500 for the English chief secretary in 12 THE STRUGGLE OF THE lEISH PEOPLE. Ireland; £328,500 for Enslish prisons in Ireland; .£315,000 for public offices and insti- tutions situated in England; £39,000 for universities and schools in Great Britain; and much of the remainder on the 50 extravagant and irresponsible boards which England has set up to govern the country in England's interests. (6) Surplus War Taxation. Over and aliove the overtaxation of £2,750,000 per annum Ireland has paid in the last six years a sum of £102,033,000 for the war to free small nations. That money was spent in English munition factories and to raise and equip huge armies, one of which is now used as an army of occupation in Ireland to murder liberty. The figures are: Revenue conlrihided. Year ending Mar. 31 — 1915 £12, 389, 500 1916 17, 929, 000 1917 23, 766, 500 1918 26, 865, 000 1919 37, 275, 000 1920 50, 615, 000 Total 168, 940, 000 Deduct six years' taxation at 1914 rate, £11,134,500 66, 807, 000 Balance 102, 033, 000 (c) Capital Loss in Population. One aspect of the depopulation of Ireland during the past half century is that it represents a loss in capital of at least £3,152,500,000. The increase in Irish population from 1821 to 1841 is: Irish population. 1821 6,801,827 1831 7, 767, 401 1841 8,175,124 On the basis of this rate of increase the present population of Ireland should be 17,000,000. The actual decrease in Ireland's population between 1845 and 1911 is 3,912,000. The real loss in population is 12,610,000. This represents a capital loss in money (at £250 per head) of £3,152,500,000. (d) Loss in Absentee Rents. Ireland has paid in rents to absentee landlords, mostly resident in England, a sum calculated at not less than £1,000,000,000. This sum raised in Ireland and spent outside of Ireland has been a dead loss to the country. Summary. If we add these various sums together: (a) Overtaxation at two and three-quarter millions per year for 120 years (capital sum only, exclusive of interest) £330, 000, 000 (6) Surplus war taxation..' 102,033,000 (c) Capital loss in population 3,152,500,000 {d) Absentee rents 1, 000, 000, 000 Total 4, 584, 533, 000 We thus find that English domination has cost Ireland during the past 120 years the almost increditable sum of £4,584,533,000. The entu-e German war indemnity of £11,300,000,000, payable in 42 years, is cal- culated to have a present value of £4,032,857,036. It is thus clear that England during the past 120 years has robbed Ireland, a small country of 32,000 square miles and a population of some 4,000,000, of a sum exceeding THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. 13 by £550,000,000 tlie present value of the entire indemnity which the conference of the entente allies decided to exact from Germany, a sum which many experts contend it would impoverish even the great German Empire to pay. If to the above be added the losses due to the repression of industry and the destruc- tion of trade by the direct action of Britain, it will be seen that to say: "In the course of little over a century we have been robbed of wealth amounting to an empire's ransom" — is literal truth and not a rhetorical exaggeration. Appendix D. i. table showing the intensification op british aggression in ireland during four years. [Address, pars. 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15.] The following figures showing the actiAdties of England's forces in Ireland are sum- marized from the reports published in the Irish daily press, which was subject to a rigorous official British censorship during the five years ending September, 1919, followed since by a continuous and unrelaxing system of military terrorism: Murder of Irish citizens Armed assaults on unarmed civilians.. Raids on Irish houses and institutions Arrests (political) Deportation of Irish citizens Courts-martial Sen fences on poUtical charges Proclamations and suppressions Suppressions of newspapers 1917 1918 1919 7 6 10 18 81 476 n 260 13, 782 3-19 1,107 959 24 91 20 36 62 209 269 973 636 2 32 335 3 12 25 203 1,184 48,474 7,287 705 630 775 203 1 See below. II. DETAILS FOR 1920. (a) Outrages on the person: Deliberate assassinations of representative Irish citizens 69 Murders of prisoners in custody after torture 36 Murders of Irish citizens by indiscriminate firing 98 Civilians wounded by bullet or bayonet 589 Civilians flogged and tortured 185 Armed assaults on unarmed ci\dlians 1, 184 Political arrests 7, 287 Deportation of Irish citizens 705 Courts-martial 63.0 Sentences on political charges 775 Aggregate total of sentences imposed, 613 years 9 months. (b) Outrages on property: Raids on Irish homes and institutions 48, 474 Houses deliberately destroyed or damaged 875 Shops deliberately destroyed or damaged 965 Factories deliberately destroyed or damaged 14 Creameries deliberately destroyed or damaged 44 Farmsteads deliberately burned 171 Stores of farm produce deliberately burned 299 (c) Outrages on civic liberty and public property: Proclamations and suppressions 203 Newspaper offices and printing works destroyed or damaged 12 City and town halls destroyed or damaged 15 Other public halls destroyed or damaged 91 Acts of sabotage by English forces 903 14 THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. III. JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 1921. During the first two months, January and February, of the present year there has been a further intensification of the English terror. Amongst the reported activities of the English forces in this period there have been: Murders and assassinations 67 Woundings of unarmed citizens 71 Men and boys tortured . ,. 15 Men and boys beaten with rifle butts 22 Men and boys flogged in the public streets and squares 29 Private houses wholly or partially destroyed 250 Bank wrecked 1 Irish school destroyed 1 Shops wholly or partially destroyed • 62 ( dreameries wholly or partially destroyed 4 Public halls wholly or partially destroyed 5. Towns ' ' shot up " 14 Crops on GO farms burned; many general raids, lootings, and robberies. IV. BRITISH AGGRESSION IN 1917 AND 191S. [Address, par. 13.] In connection with these tables of figures it is well to call attention to the fact that the English Government alleges that their regime of terror in Ireland is necessary because of the campaign of crime. An examination of the Irish newspaper files for the years 1917 and 1918 shows that there was not in these ^'•ears even an alleged cam- paign of crime. There was but one policeman killed in those two years; he died as a result of injuries received while leading a baton charge to disperse a peaceful public meeting. In 1917, 22 of the English assize judges in Ireland found "a re- markable absence of crime" on their circuits, covering practically the whole area of Ireland. In 1918, 16 of these judges had the same report to make. Yet during these two years English people and soldiers carried on a constant and consistent campaign of aggression to provoke the people into retaliation. Public meetings of the people were suppressed or dispersed -ftdth batons or bayonets. There were 1,456 people arrested for political offenses, over 100 civilians were tried by court-martial, 1,242 men and women were given savage sentences — as many as 5 years' penal servitude being inflicted for the reading of a Sinn Fein manifesto — 115 leaders of nationalist opinion were deported to English jails without charge or trial, 15 national- ist papers were suppressed, 6 men died as a result of prison treatment, and 7 men were brutally murdered by English soldiers and police. The murderers were not only unpunished, but were selected for promotion in the service of their employers. V._ LIST OF IRISH TOWNS AND VILLAGES RAVAGED BY ENGLISH TROOPS FROM SEPTEMBER 9, 1919, TO FEBRUARY 28, 1920. [Address, par. 15.] 1919. Sept. 9. Fermoy, County Cork, sacked. Nov. 6. Kinsale, County Cork, partially sacked. 12. Cork city partially sacked. 1920. Jan. 22. Thurles, County Tipperary, sacked. Feb. 27. Three houses in Dublin wrecked. Mar. 1. Thurles, County Tipperary, partially wrecked. 7. Several houses in Thurles, County Tipperary, wrecked. 12. Many houses in Cork city wrecked. 22. Many shop windows in Dublin wrecked. Apr. 26. Kilcommon, County Tipperary, partially wrecked. 27. Many houses in Limerick city vvrecked. May 13. Houses at Thurles, County Tipperary, fired and bombed. 15. Houses at Bantry, County Cork, wrecked. 28. Kilmallock, County Limerick, sacked. June 23. Bantry, County Cork, partially sacked. 23. Houses in Limerick city wrecked. 26. Many houses in Bantry, Coimty Cork, wrecked and fired. THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. 15 1920. June 27. Fermoy, County Cork, .vrecked. 27. Lismore, County Waterford, sacked. 27. Many houses at Newcastle West, ('ounty Limerick, wrecked and fired. 28. Limerick city partially sacked. July 1. Newspaper offices at Limerick city wrecked and fired. 6. Residence at Ballylanders, County Limerick, bombed and wrecked.- 15. Tralee, County Kerry, partially sacked. 16. Houses at Arklow, County Wicklow, bombed and wrecked. 19. Emly, County Limerick, creamery and houses wrecked. 20. Tuam, County Galway, sacked. 20. National Foresters' Hall at Enniscorthy, County Wexford, wrecked. 21. Houses at Limerick city bombed and wrecked. 22. Leap, County Cork, sacked. 23. Caltra, County Galway, partially sacked. 30. TJpperchurch, County Tipperary, partially sacked. 31. Tipi>erary town partially sacked. 31. Business premises at Cork city sacked. Aug. 2. Many houses at Castlerea, County Roscommon, partially wrecked. 5. Doon, County Limerick, sacked. 8. Houses at Kildorrery, County Cork, wrecked, and looted. 12. Sinn Fein Hall at Enniscorthy, County Wexford, wrecked. 15. Limerick city partially wrecked. 16. Templemore, ('ounty Tipperary, partially sacked. 17. Creameries at Castleiny. Loughmore, and Killea, County Tipperary, de- stroyed. 21. Oramuore, County Galway, sacked. 24. Several houses at Dundalk, County Louth, wrecked. 25. Kill, County Kildai*e, wrecked. 26. Creamery at Knocklong, County Limerick, destroyed. 26. Shanagolden. County Limerick, partially sacked. 27. Cobh, County Cork, 'sacked. Sept. ]. Ballaghadereen, County Mayo, sacked. 2. Inniscarra, County Cork, partially sacked. 10. Tullow, County Carlow, sacked. 18. Several houses wrecked and fired in County Limerick. 19. Several houses at SalthilL County Galway, wrecked and fired. 20. Carrick-on-Shannon, County Lei trim, partially sacked. 20. Balbriggan. County Dublin, sacked. 22. Drumshamljo, County lieitrim, partially sacked. 22. Houses at Tuam, County Galway, and Galway city, wrecked. 22. Ennistymon, County Clare, sacked. 22. Lahinch, County Clare, sacked. 22. Miltown-Malbay, County Clare, sacked. 22. Houses at Galway city wrecked and looted. 24. Newspaper offices and houses at Galway city bombed and wrecked. 25. Several houses at Athlone, County Westmeath, wrecked. 25. Houses at Killorglin, County Kerry, wrecked. 27. Trim, County Meath. sacked. 27. Silvermines Creamery, County Tipperary, burned 27. Fifteen houses in Cork wrecked and bombed. 28. Mallow, County Cork, sacked. 28. Houses in Clonmore, County Carlow, wrecked and fired. 28. Houses in Ballyshannon, County Donegal, wrecked. 28. Drimoleague, County Cork, houses sacked. 29. Gymnasium, Listowel, County Kerry, wrecked. 30. Tubbercurry, County Sligo, sacked. 30, Creameries at Ballyara and Achonry, County Sligo, burned. 30. Houses at Kilshenane, Cashel, County Tipperary, burned. Oct. 2. Ballinagare, County Roscommon, sacked. 2. Moylett's stored, Galway, wrecked and looted. 8. Farmhouse, Meelick, County Clare, burned. 9. Kildimo, County Limerick, sacked; creamery burned. 9. Mr. Halpin's farmstead, Pallaskenry, County Limerick, burned. 9. Houses in Blackboy Pike, County Limerick, biuTied. 9. Cork City Hall burned. 9. Houses on Ellis's Quay, Dublin, wrecked. 16 THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. '1920. Oct. 13. Clifden, County Galway, partially sacked. 16. Athlone (County We&tmeath) Printing Works and some houses sacked and burned. 16.- Houses bombed in Dublin. 17. Tralee, County Kerry, partially sacked. 18. Houses in Tipperary wrecked. 18. Abbeydorney Creamery, County Kerry, burned. 18. Finuge Sinn Fein Hall, County Kerry, burned. 18. Three farmsteads in Kanturk, County Cork, burned. 20. Leap, County Cork, partially sacked. 21. Houses in Newceston and Coolanagh, County Cork, burned. 21. Houses at Cussen Point, County Westmeath, burned. 21. Houses in Tipperary town, wrecked. 22. Bandon, County Cork, partially sacked. 24. Hosiery factory burned in Bandon, County Cork. 24. Houses in Tubbercurry, County Sligo, wrecked. 24. Lixnaw, County Kerry, creamery partially burned. 26. Sinn Fein Hall, Derrylahan, County Westmeath, burned. 27. Houses and farmsteads in Cliffoney, County Sligo, burned. 27. Houses in Skerries, County Dublin, burned. 27. Houses in Galway city burned. 28. Ballintrillick Creamery, County Sligo, burned. 28. Houses in Bandon, County Cork, bombed. 28. Houses in Shrule, County Mayo, burned. 30. Houses and farmsteads, Lecarrow (Feakle), County Clare, burned. 30. Templemore, County Tipperary, sacked. 31. Creamery and farmhouses, Littleton, County Tipperary, burned. 31. Tipperary town sacked. 31. Dungannon, County Tyrone, partially sacked. 31. Tullamore, Iving's County, sacked. 31. County Hall and business houses, Tralee, County Kerry, burned. 31. Creamery and business houses, Ballyduff, County Kerry, burned. 31. Killybegs, County Donegal, partially sacked. , 31. Edgeworthstown, County Longford, partially sacked. Nov. 1. Tralee, County Kerry, partially sacked. 1. Houses in Clara, King's County, wrecked. 1. O'Brien's Bridge Village, County Clare, sacked. 1. Town Hall, Miltown-Malbay, County Clare, burned. 1. Farmsteads at Inch Listowel, County Kerry, burned. 1. Shops wrecked in Thurles, County Tipperary. 1. Houses burned in Dingle, County Kerry. 2. Temperance Hall, Longford, burned. 2. Houses and farmsteads, O'Brien's Bridge, County Clare, burned. 2. Houses in Athlone burned. 2. Nenagh, County Tipperary, sacked. 2. Houses in Auburn, Glasson, County Westmeath, burned. 3. Athlone (County Westmeath), Printing Works burned. 3. Ballymote, County Sligo, partially sacked and creamery burned. 3. Houses wrecked in Roscommon. 4. Tralee, County Kerry, again sacked. 4. Granard, County Longford, sacked. 4. Nenagh, County Tipperary, partially sacked. 4. Business premises burned at Athlone, County Westmeath. 4. Garvagh Hall, County Leitrim, burned. 4. Shannon Vale Creamery, Ballyduff, County Kerry, bui-ned. 5. Houses bombed in Leap, County Cork. 5. Youghal, County Cork, partially sacked. 6. Houses and farmsteads in Coosan, County Westmeath, burned. 6. Derry City, houses homed and destroyed. 1-6. Crops burned in Ballyduff district. County Kerry. 7. Houses wrecked, Ballintubber, County Roscommon. 8. Milford Creamery, County Cork, partially burned. 8. Houses and farmsteads at Gort, County Galway, burned. 8. Technical school, Carnegie Library, and other houses, Tralee, County Kerry, burned. 9. Carrick-on-Shanuon, County Leitrim, partially sacked. THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. 17 1920. Nov. 9. Farranfore, County Keiry, sacked. 9. Ballybrack, County Kerry, sacked. 9. Gortalee, County Kerry, sacked. 9. Houses at Castleisland, County Kerry, burned. 9. Village Hall, Drunisna, County Leitrim, burned. 9. Two public halls, Johnson's Bridge, County Longford, burned. 9. Business and private houses, TuUamore, Kings County, burned. 11. Houses in Enniscorthy, County Wexford, wrecked. 11. Houses in Kilmalley, County Clare, biu'ned. 11. Houses in Aljbeydorney, County Kerry, burned. 11. Licensed premises in Longford, wrecked. 13. Tipperary town partially sacked. 13. Creamery and other houses burned at Ballydwyer, County Kerry. 13. Houses at Lisrue, County Clare, burned. 13. Farm produce and houses, O'Brien's Bridge, County Clare, burned. ]5. Houses in Tipperary town destroyed. 15. Houses, Limerick City, bombed. 15. Houses, Cappafarna, County Galway, wrecked. 15. Kilcommon. County Tipperary, "shot iip" and cows mutilated. 15. Houses and farmsteads at Bohercrowe, County Tipperary, burned. 15. Irish College and Cooperative Stores, Cloghaneely, County Donegal, burned. 16. Houses in Tipperary town burned. 16. Houses, Leap, County Cork, burned. 16. Sinn Fein Hall, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin, burned. 16. Hibernian Hall, Derrylahan, Coalisland, County Tyrone, burned. 17. Ballinamore, Catholic Hall, County Leitrim, wrecked. 17. Houses in Listra, County Clare, burned. 17. Houses in Cloone, County Leitrim, wrecked. 17. Houses in Drumhallow, County Leitrim, wrecked. 17. Houses in Aughavas, County Leitrim, wrecked. 17. Parochial Hall, Fennagh, County Leitrim, wrecked. 17. Farmhouses, Killyfea, County Leitrim, burned. 17. Parochial Hall, Drum^illey, County Leitrim, burned. 17. Parochial Hall, Aughwilliam, County Leitrim, burned. 20. Village of Barna, County Galway, sacked. 20. Houses, Cork City, partially wrecked. 21. Village Hall and Gaelic Rooms, Newry, wrecked. 21. Houses, Tubridmore, County Kerry, burned. 22. Swords, County Dublin, partially sacked. 22. Houses, Barna, County Galway, burned. 22. Boat Club Houses, Carrick-on-Shannon. County Leitrim, burned. 22. Houses, Millstreet, County Cork, sacked. 22. Duhallow Creamery, Nenagh, County Tipperary, burned. 22. Houses, Ballylnngford, County Kerry, burned. 22. Houses, Beltra, County Sligo, burned. 22. Houses, Derrynocheran, burned. 23. Irish College, Enniscrone, Countv Sligo, burned. 24. Houses, Mount-Temple, County Westmeath, burned. 25. Sinn Fein Hall, Pipers' Club and North East Ward Sinn Fein Club, Cork City, burned. 26. Milford Creamery, County Cork, burned. 27. Many houses, Cork City, burned. 29. Houses, Waterfall, County Cork, burned. 29. 30 houses, Greave's Cross, Coimty Cork, burnea. 29. Houses in Belmont, County Galway, burned. 29. Houses in Kinvara, County Galway, burned. 29. Sinn Fein Hall and other houses. Camp, Coimty Kerry, burned. 29. Houses, Thurles, County Tipperary, bombed. 29. Central Sinn Fein Hall and "Freeman," Dublin, partially wrecked. 29. Sinn Fein Hall, Limerick, burnea. 29. Houses, Ballylongford, County Kerry, burned. 29. Houses in Cork City burned. 30. Many houses in Cork City burned. 30. Boy Scout's Hall, Limerick City, burned. Dec. 1. Many houses, Cork City, burned, S. Doc. 8, 67-1 2 18 THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. 1920. Dec. 1. Houses, uV>lic road for 10 minutes, beaten in the face -ndth the l)utt end of revolver, and then shot dead by an auxiliary police officer. Other police who were witnesses of the murder did not interfere, but helped to throw the dead body over the bank of a field. 15. John McGowan, Frenchpark, County Roscommon, taken from his lied at night and shot dead by auxiliary police in the presence of his family. 17. Michael Edmunds, Tipperary Town, taken from his bed by auxiliary police, who forced their way into his house after midnight and shot him through the lirain on the hills near by. 18. Cornelius Delaney, Dublin Hill, Cork City, aged 21, member of Irish Republican Army, mortally wounded by being shot in the stomach and shoulder by auxiliary police who forcibly entered his house at 2.30 a. m. on December 11. 18. James Looby,^° Dualla, County Tipperary. 18. Wm. Delaney,'" Rosegreen, County Tipperary. 19. James O'Connor. Killeentierna. Killarney, County Kerry, seized on the road and taken into a passing police lorry. After traveling some distance he was pitched out and shots fired into his body. Seriously wounded, he was removed to a neighboring farmer's house where later he was shot dead by the police.. 19. Laurence Looby, aged 19, a brother of James Looby (see Dec. 18), taken from a friend's house, which was raided by police, and shot dead outside. 19. Michael Walton," Clonhalty, County Tipperary. 19. Patrick Connors," Clonhalty. County Tipperary. 19. Laurence McDonagh. Aran Islands, shot dead by a party of police who landed on the islands and fired indiscriminately on the islanders, kill- ing two men and wounding many. There had been no crime or dis- order of any kind on the Aran Islands within memory. 20. John Phelan, Ballyroan, County Queens, shot dead by auxiliary pohce- men after he had wounded and disarmed one of the party who entered his father-in-law's house at 4 a. m., and demanded money. 21. J. Hynan, Emly, County Limerick, arrested by police and shot dead a few hours afterwards while in custody. , 22. Michael McNamara, Doonbeg, County Clare, shot dead at Kilrush, County Clare, while a prisoner in police custody. 22. W J. Shanahan, West Clare, shot dead while a prisoner in Ennis Jail, County Clare. 23. Mrs. M. Ryan, Bridge Street, Callan, Coimty Kilkenny, mortally wounded by being shot at by police. Residents of Callan were ordered by police to remain indoors and keep their houses closed while the funeral of a police- man (who was killed in mistake by an English patrol) was passing through the town, \^'hen the funeral had passed her door Mrs. Ryan opened it to let out a customer. She was fired on and mortally wounded. Mrs. Ryan was within two weeks of her confinement. 23. Andrew i\Ioynihan, Rathmore, County Kerry, shot dead on the roadside by English forces without provocation or warning. 25. John Leen,'- Ballymacelligot. County Kerry. 25. Maurice Reidy,'- I3allymacelligot, County Kerry. 26. James Hickey. Knocknagoshel, County Kerry, assistant in a drapery establishment in Tipperary Town, shot dead while in custody in Tip- perary military barracks. 26. Edward Moloney,'^ Bruff, County Limerick. 26. Martin Conway, '^ Bruff, County Limerick. 10 Arrested by military and after 4 days in custody taken as hostage with a motor patrol of military who were searching the countryside. After the return of the patrol Looby and Delaney were shot dead "in the lorries. 11 Shot dead by military and pohce who questioned them on the road. 12 Shot dead in the house of Mrs. Byrne, Ballydwyer, County Kerry, by Auxiliary pohce who burst Ln the door and afterwards set the house on fire. 13 Moloney, Sheehan, Ward, and Quinlan shot dead by police who at midnight raided a dance at Caher- guillane House, Brufl, County Limerick. Conwny was wounded but crawled four miles from the house and hid himself in a bog. The police, accompanied by a bloodhound, tracked liim down. Conwav shot the bloodhound and was then murdered by the police. 28 THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. 1920. Dec. 26. Daniel Sheehan,''' Bruff, County Limerick. 26. Henry Ward.' ^ Bruff, County Limerick. 26. .TohnQuinlan,'^ Bruff, County Limerick (American citizen). 26. Patrick O'Brien, Aherlow, County Tipperary, shot dead by military on the roadside as he was assisting a Mend named Denis O'Brien who had been fired on and wounded by a military sentry without challenge or warning. 28. Michael Smith, Beleek, County Armagh, shot dead in his home by special constabulary who raided his house. 28. Timothy B. Madigan, Shanagolden, County Limerick, a member of the Irish "Republican Army, shot dead by a party of police who met him on the road. 28. Joseph O'Doherty, aged 16, Garvagh, County Derry, shot dead by police who opened fire on a party of dancers in a school. In a subsequent search of the place, no arms, ammunition, or seditious literature were found. O'Doherty did not belong to any political organization and was not a member of the Irish Republican Army. 29. William Slattery, Emly, County Limerick, shot dead at Rosborough, by a police guard who were conveying him handcuffed from his uncle's house at Emly, where he had been" arrested, to Tipperary military barracks. 29. Richard Leonard, Ballybrook, County Limerick, taken from his sister's house in the early morning and shot dead by police. 1921. Jan. 1. David Tobin,'^ Ballingarry, County Limerick. 1. Thomas Murphy,'* Ballingarry, County Limerick. 1. John Lawler, clerical student^ Listowel, County Kerry, beaten to death by police who without provocation set upon him in the street. 1. Michael MacAuliffe, Dysart, Lixnaw, County Kerry, shot dead by police who opened fire without warning on a party of mourners at a funeral. 3. Jehr. Casey, Derryfinane, County Cork, with some other boys who were on the road, ran on the approach of military lorries and was shot dead. 3. P. Kennedy, Moneygall, King's County, fatally wounded by police, who opened fire on mourners at a funeral. 5. Finbarr Darcy, Riverstown, County Cork, arrested by military in the Imperial Hotel, Cork, at 1 a. m., and afterwards shot dead while a prisoner in the hands of the military. 5. John MacSwiney, aged 15, AUensbridge, County Cork, ran away on the approach of a military lorry who fired upon and mortally wounded him in the stomach. 5. N. D. Prendergast, MacCurtain Street, Fermoy, County Cork, dead body found on Caryville Island, river Blackwater. Had not been seen alive since December 2, 1920, when arrested by auxiliary police in a house in Fermoy. 6. Patrick Durr, Tubberkeigh, County Roscommon, taken from his home at midnight by auxiliary police and shot dead. 9. Felix Mallin, aged 17, Ballinaliss, County Armagh, fired at without warn- ing by police and mortally wounded. 10. James Farrell, ex-soldier, of the English Army, Pender Street, Dublin, shot dead by auxiliary police, who fired indiscriminately in the streets. 11. John Doran, Camlough, County Armagh, a prominent Sinn Feiner, taken from his home by auxiliary police and shot dead. 13. Miss Martha Nowlan, Connaught Street, Dublin, shot dead by military, who opened fire without warning in Westmoreland Street, Dublin. 15. Gerald Pring, Cork City, shot dead during indiscriminate firing by police in the streets. 17. Patrick Sloane.'^ 17. Joseph Tormey.'^ 18. Thomas Collins, Kilkeel, County Gal way, taken from his home at midnight and shot dead by auxiliary police. 13 Moloney, Sheehan, AVard, and Quintan shot dead by police who at midnight raided a dance at Caher- guiUane House, Bruff, County Limerick. Conway was wounded but crawled four miles from the house and hid himself in a bog. The poUce, accompanied by a bloodhound, tracked him down. Conway shot the bloodhound and was then murdered by the poUce. n On running from a house in BaUylanders, County Limerick, on the approach of a military lorry, were fired upon, .Murphy being shot dead and Tobin mortally wounded. 15 Two members of the Irish RepubUcau army, prisoners in Ballykinlar Camp. Shot dead by a sentry who fired at them as they were conversing with comrades in an adjoining portion of the camp as they had obtained permission to do. I THE STKUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. 29 1921. Jan. 19. Thomas I>awler, Lyster Lane, Maryborough, County Queens, shot dead in his own home in the pre.-ence of his family by a policeman. 22. Michael Hoade.^® Caherlistrane, County Galway. 22. James Kirwin,'^ Ballinastack, ( 'ounty Galway. 22. William Wahh,'*^ Headford, County Galway. 23. Richard Ff)ley, aged 15, Cork, shot dead by military while playing in the street with another l)oy of 15, who was also wounded. The troops opened fire without warning. 26. James Devaney, chemist, Kilruhane, County Tipperary, shot dead without warnine: by police as he was leaving a friend's house with two comrades. 27. Michael GaiVey. Belfast, shot dead by police who entered his lodgings during the night. 27. Francis O'Meara. Laffanbridge, County Tipperary, shot wliile in the custody of police who had previously battered in his head with rifle butts. 28. William Egerton, Marmion, Lismore, County Waterford, shot dead while walking to his home by constabulary who opened fire on him without warning. 28. Thomas R. Blake, Limerick city, held up by English forces and shot out of hand. 31. Denis Bennett, '^ aged 17, j\IalIow, railway man. 31. D. O'MuUane.i' Mallow, railway man. 31. Patrick Devitt,^" MalloM', railway man. Feb. 2. Robert Dixon, aged 56, Milltown, Coiinty Wicklow, an English justice of the peace, shot dead in his house by police who came to loot his house. 3. Michael Farelly. aged 70, Ballinalee. County Longford, shot dead in his home by auxiliary police. His home and farm produce were then burned to the ground. 4. Patrick Crowley, Kilbrittain, County Cork, shot dead by police for refusing to assist in the destruction of his father's shop. 4. John Galvin. hotel proprietor, Listowel, County Kerry, an elderly man, dropped dead after being compelled by police to repair roads. 5. Daniel Moloney, aged 65, Lislevane. County Cork, shot dead by English forces as he was passing tlirough a district where raids and arrests were being carried out. 6. Patrick O'Sullivan, aged 17, Broad Lane, Cork, shot dead by police who opened fire on pedestrians in the streets. 7. Robert Browne, Ballymacelligot, County Kerry, shot dead when endeav- oring to escape from English forces who had burned his house some time previous. 7. William F'itzgerald, aged 4, upper liffey Street, Dublin, shot dead by military who fired indiscriminately in a Dublin street. 7. Michael J. Kelleher, aged 14, Knocknagree, County Cork, who while play- ing with other boys of his own age, ran away on the approach of military lorries and was shot dead. Two other boys , aged 8 and 11 years, were wounded. 9. Aid. Thomas Halpin,^^ Drogheda, County Louth. 9. John Moran,^* Drogheda, County Louth. 9. Patrick Kennedy, '^ aged 18, Corporation Buildings, Dublin. 9. James Murphy,'^ Killarney Street, Dublin. 11. Daniel Mahony, aged 17, Clondrohid, County Cork, shot dead for failing to halt when called upon by police. 14. James Coffey,^" aged 19, Bandon, County Cork. ' 14. Timothy Coffey,^" aged 22, Bandon, County Cork. 15. Denis Quinlan, aged 50, Hollyford, County Tipperary, shot dead by police, who fired upon worshippers lea\'ing a church. 20. John Geoghegan, Rural Councillor. Ogolle, Moycullen, County Galway, taken from his bed and shot dead b}'- auxiliary police. 20. Cecil Donovan, 21 aged 18, Blackwater, County Limerick. 16 Taken from their homes and shot dead by police. 17 Shot dead by English forces while engaged at their work at Mallow railway station. 18 Taken from their homes at midnight by auxiUary poUce and shot dead. 1' Arrested by EngUsh forces and brought to Dublin Castle, subsequently handed over to a police escort to be left at their homes. Instead of bringing them to their homes the escort brought them to an empty loot in Drumcondra and murdered them. 20 Taken from their father's home at 2 a. m. and shot dead by nolice. 21 Failing to obey an order to halt by English forces were firod upon and shot dead. 30 THE STRUGGLE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE. 1921. Feb. 20. Aidan Donovan. ^^ aged 14, Blackwater, County Limerick. 20. Robert McElligott, Listowel, County Kerry, failed to respond to a call to halt and was shot dead by English forces near Tralee, County Kerry. 22. Mary Harley, aged 26, Mountcharles, Coimty Donegal, found shot dead in her uncle's yard after English forces had burned and wrecked many houses in the town. 27. James Taylor, Glencor, Killorglin. County Kerry, shot dead by English forces on making a dash for liberty after being arrested. 27. .Joseph Stapleton, Borrisoleigh, County Tipperary, died from wounds received without provocation during a raid on his house by English forces. 27. William Kelly, Kickham Street, Thurles, County Tipperary. with a num- ber of other youths ran on the approach of English forces and Avas shot dead. 27. John Conlon, Lissycasey, County Clare, shot dead by English forces as he was leaving church after mass. 27. P. Cronin, aged 18, Dingle district. County Kerry, deliberately shot dead by military, who fired at him as he was assisting a friend to launch a boat. 28. Michael Heeney, Malinbeg, Glen Columbkille, County Donegal, shot dead near his own house by military, who came to raid his house. OFFICIAL MILITARY MURDERS. During tliis period also the British Government, whose authority has been re- pudiated by the people of Ireland, and which maintains its forc-es as an alien invading army on "active service" on Irish soil, condemned to death and executed, in defiance of the rules of civilized warfare, the following Irishmen for the ''crime" of levying war against the British forces Avhich seek to destroy the national independence of their country or for that of being in possession of firearms with which they might defend the right of their coimtry to that national independence: 1920. Nov. 1. Kevin Barry, aged 18, medical student, Dublin. Hanged in Mountjoy jail. He was one of seven members of the Irish republican army armed with revolvers, who attacked eight English soldiers warmed with rifles; one of these soldiers was killed in the encounter and Kevin Barry was hanged for "murder." 1921. Feb. 1. Cornelius Murphy, Rathmore, County Kerry, shot in Cork jail for being in possession of firearms. 28. John Allen, Bank Place, Tipperary, shot in Cork jail for being in possession- of firearms. 28. Daniel O'Callaghan,^^ Dripsey, County Cork. 28. Thomas O'Brien, ^^ Dripsey, County Cork. 28. John Lyons, Aghabullogue, County Cork. 28. Timothy McCarthv,22 Fornaught, County Cork. 28. Patrick O'Mahony,^^ Berrings, County Cork. Appendix E. copy of leiter from president de valera to each member of the coalition in the english house of common's, on february 12,1921. To- , M. p., House of Commons, London: Lest on a plea of ignorance you should disclaim responsibility for what is being done here in your name, speaking for the elected representatives of the people of Ireland. I now bring directly to your notice the following facts: The troops in Ireland employecl by your Government are not only waging an unjust war upon our people, but are carrying on that war in a manner contrary to all rules of ciA-ilized warfare. In defiance of these rules your forces are guilty of: 1. The torturing of prisoners. 2. The assassination of men and boys in their homes, on the streets, and in prison^ 21 Failing to obey an order to halt by English forces were fired upon and shot dead. 22 Shot in Cork jail for levying war against the British forces. THE STRUGGLE OF THE lEISH PEOPLE. 31 3. The murdering of women, of cliildreu, and of clergymen. 4. The outraging of women and girls. 5. The flogging and maltreatment of groiips of civilians taken in the villages and countryside.s. 6. The issuing and enforcing of " crawUng " and siich like humiliating and degrading orders. 7. The taking of men from their work and forcing them to do military duty, or work at military labor as slave gangs. 8. The burning and looting of factories, creameries, shops, and dwelling houses, thtj destruction of farmsteads and farm produce, and the killing and maiming of live stock. In order to help you realize the situation, it is necessary to restate this fact; The Irish people are a free people. They acknowledge no right to dominion over them on tlie part of the British executive, the British legislature, or the British people. They are engaged in a lawful effort to defend a sacred right which you are invading. Abandoning justice and reason, the only ground on which it is possible for civilized peoples to come to an understanding, you are seeking to crush that lawful effort by a blind barbaric violence. Although you have put your troops on "active service" in Ireland, although you have sought to justify many of the \Tle deeds committed as "acts of war," and although you are armed with the most deadly modern machinery of war and i)rotected by every means known to technical skill, you now seek to purchase immunity from defensive action on our part by making the possession of firearms an offense for which Irishmen may, if arrested, be shot, and for which one has been shot;^^ and by carrying Irish citizens as "hostages" in your military expeditions against our people. The orders to your troops are to shoot these hostages should the unit with which they are traveling be attacked. Already, under the specious pretense that they were trying to escape, many Irish prisoners have been brutally murdered by your troops. Now, representa- tive Irish citizens are to be murdered similarly on the ground, pretended or true, that the party with which they are moving is attacked . These things are done because it is your will they should be done. If you willed otherwise, they would cease. It is you and not your troops who are primarily responsible. Eamon de Valera. February 12, 1921. " Several other Irishmen have been shot for the possession of firearms since this letter was written. o '■ '-S "Z, ""•""I mi Hill II III II II II I II 021 377 S 2 • 1 .So LIBRARY OF CONGRESS • 021 377 826 2 Hollinffer Corp.