r oV ^°* -* V^ <* * & * ' » > 0^ \D. *<„** A THE TRAVELER'S DIRECTORY FOR ILLINOIS; CONTAINING ACCURATE SKETCHES OF THE STATE — A PARTICULAR DE- SCRIPTION OF EACH COUNTY, AND IMPORTANT BUSINESS TOWNS — A LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL ROADS, STAGE AND STEAMBOAT ROUTES, LAND OFFICES, TRACTS OF LAND UNOCCUPIED A DESCRIPTION OF THE TIMBERED AND PRAIRIE PORTIONS OF THE STATE \ THE RIVERS, MINERALS, ANIMALS, INTERNAL IMPROVE- MENTS, CLIMATE AND SEASONS — WITH MUCH OTHER ORIGINAL AND VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR THE TRAVELER, THE EMIGRANT, THE MAN OF BU- SINESS, AND THE CITIZEN. THE WHOLE IS INTENDED AS A COMPANION TO THE NEW SECTION- AL MAP OF ILLINOIS. .— BY J. HI. PECK, Of Hock Spring*, IJL.I,. AUTHOR OF A " NEW GUIDE TO EMIGRANTS," " GAZETTEER OF ILLINOIS," &C, &C. NEW. YORK: PUBLISHED BY J. H. COLTON, No. 124 Broadway. ENTERED ACCORDING TO THE ACT OF CONGRESS IN THE YEAR 1839, BY J. H. COIiTON, IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE, OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF NEW- YORE. INTRODUCTION. No one, who has not toiled in the same field of labor and research, can know the difficulties to be overcome, the perplexi- ties in which he will be entangled, and the more so as he strives for accuracy, and the labor to be performed in preparing a book that shall be a true guide for the Emigrant or a Directory for the Traveler. With vividness of imagination, correctness of taste, a few general facts, and an easy, flowing pen, an author may make an entertaining and instructive book about any of our western states. But if he aim at accuracy in description, particularity in de- tail, brevity and system, so as to furnish all the information the Traveler, the Emigrant, — (or Immigrant as the modern term is,) — the man of business, or the distant reader desire, he has to toil for it. He must possess habits of close and discrimi- nating observation ; — he must visit important places, and gather his information from personal inspection ; — he must keep up a constant and extensive correspondence ; — and he must avail himself of every source and species of intelligence that he may be able to furnish all the information his readers expect. Much has been written in by-gone years to develop the re- sources and the advantages of the portion of the Great Valley that lies bordering on the Mississippi, and the regions beyond. The author of this work has spared no pains nor expense in procuring a library of all the books written upon the western country that have come within his reach. And though still deficient in some scarce and valuable works, it is really interesting to see how many have labored in the same field before him, or are co-workers, and how much has been done to give to the world correct knowledge of this very important portion of our common country. The most valuable works that have fallen under the notice of the writer are here briefly mentioned. Leaving the journals and works of Joliet, Lasalle, Tonti, Hennepin, La Hontan, Du Pratz, Du Mont, Charlevoix, Bartram, Carver, Farmer, Volney, and other Europeans, whose writings are now ou? 4 INTRODUCTION. chief sources of information of the aborigines, and of the early settlements on the Mississippi, I shall confine myself to those whose labors have been performed since the commencement of the present century, and chiefly to those who have been, for a period, residents in the country about which they have written. A scarce, and yet most valuable work, especially for its exactness and particularity in determining by a series of astro- nomical observations the latitude and longitude of various points on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, is the Journal of Andrew Ellicott, who was commissioned by the United States Government for determining the boundary line between the United States, and the possessions of the crown of Spain. This commission was executed in 1796, '97, '98, '99, and 1800. The next work deserving notice is " Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, of Louisiana, by Major Amos Stoddard, of the U. S. Army." Major S. took possession of Upper Louisiana, as Missouri was then called, in 1804. He spent about five years in Upper and Lower Louisiana. The " Sketches" show great industry in collecting facts, and skill in arranging them. The author evidently was a gentleman of science, literature, good taste, and sound judgment. The journal of Lewis and Clark across the Rocky Moun- tains, and to the Pacific Ocean, in 1804, 1805 and 1806, fur- nished a vast amount of original intelligence of the "Far West," at that period. Ross' Adventures on the Columbia River, from 1811 to 1817, and Irving's Astoria, furnish additional information of that region. Breckinridge's Tour in Upper Louisiana, should not be overlooked as a valuable work in its day. Pike's Expedition to the sources of the Mississippi, and through Louisiana to the Mexican Dominions, during 1805, 1806 and 1807, contained a vast body of information of the country at that period. Harris 1 Tour west of the Alleghany Mountains in 1803, evinces industry, candor, patient research, and a mind devoted to science. It is confined chiefly to the state of Ohio and the shores of the Ohio river. Shultz* Travels in 1807 and 1808, deserve notice, especially as exhibiting candor, and a desire to be fair and impartial in nis descriptions. He visited Illinois, St. Louis, and the Mis. INTRODUCTION. 5 souri Lead Mines, besides making an extensive tour through the western and southern states, both by land and water. Shultz was a foreigner, but he took unwearied pains to be cor. rect in. his descriptions, and forms a happy contrast with the British tourists in general at that period. Bradbury's Travels in the Interior of America in 1809, '10, and '11, contain much valuable scientific and general infor- mation of Illinois, Missouri, and the regions of the west. Brad, bury was an Englishman and deserves credit for his impartiality. Michaux, (the elder and younger,) and Nuttall, as natural, ists, have done much to develop the botany and other branches of the Natural History of Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas. Birbeck's Letters from Illinois in 1817, should not be over- looked. But as other European writers at that period, with a few honorable exceptions, appear to have heen delighted in giv- ing frightful exaggerations of the inconveniences of western Americans, Mr. Birbeck evidently erred on the other side. Every thing in Illinois and the west, appeared to him in the fairest colors and the most flattering aspect. H. JR. Schoolcraft, Esq., was an early laborer, as he has been an industrious and successful one, in developing the re- sources of the Great West. His " View of the Lead Mines of Missouri" with observations upon Missouri, Arkansas, and the adjacent regions, from a tour in 1818 and 1819, is an invaluable work, and almost the only source from whence ac= curate and particular information about the minerals of Mis- souri can be gained. His expedition to the sources of the Mississippi in 1831 and 1832, throws much additional light on that region. Beck's Ga,zetteer of Illinois and Missouri, compiled in 1819 and 1820, while the author was a resident of St. Louis, is an invaluable work of the kind, shows great research, and patient industry in collecting a vast amount of original matter, all of which is arranged in a neat and scientific manner. Dr. Beck's was the real pioneer of all similar works in these two states. Darby's view of the United States, to which frequent refer- ence is made in the geography of the western states, should not be overlooked in connection with those writers who have furnished information of the geography and resources of th.3 west, James Hall, Esq., is an early and successful laborer in this 1* <* 6 INTRODUCTION. field. His " Letters from the West," published in the Port Folio some years since, are sprightly, graphic, and original. The " Illinois Monthly Magazine," and subsequently the "Western Monthly Magazine," contained much that was valu- able and new. His " Notes on Illinois," published in the Maga- zine, contain a large amount of important facts, in a condensed form. More recently his graphical and instructive " Sketches of the West," in two volumes, have been read extensively. Flint's Recollections, a sprightly and valuable work of the kind, was first published in 1826. His " History and Geogra- phy of the Western Valley," appeared in 1832. They are both valuable works, indispensable to a library of western literature and intelligence. The Expeditions of Major S. H. Long and his Corps, first up the Missouri, and then up the Mississippi, the St. Peter's, Lake Winnepeek, and to the Red River colony of the north, with the notes of Messrs. Say, Keating and Calhoun, compiled by W. H. Keating, contain a large amount of information con- cerning the regions they explored. There are two Reports made by G. W. Feather stonhaugh, United States' Geologist, and published by order of Congress, both of which furnish a body of valuable information on the geological structure and mineralogy of the western states and territorial regions. The First Report contains the account of a reconnoisance made in 1834, through the western states, and a particular ex- amination of the elevated country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. The Second Report, is from a geological reconnoisance made in 1835, from Washington City, through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, to Green Bay in the Wisconsin territory, and from thence to the Coteau de Prairie, and the dividing ridge between the heads of St. Peter's and the waters of Missouri rivers. A " View of the Valley of the Mississippi," was compiled by the Rev. R. Baird, while traveling through the same region in 1831 and 1832, and published by H. S. Tanner, and con- tained in a condensed form much valuable information, and was creditable to the author as a statistical work. There are several other works, written in a sprightly and in- teresting style, that our readers would like to consult, and from which much useful information may be gleaned. Of these, Hoffman's " Winter in the West," published in 1835, and INTRODUCTION. 7 " The Far West," in 1838, by E. Flagg, Esq., each in two volumes, deserve particular notice. The author of this work, a few years past, little thought of being engaged in this field of labor. About ten years since, the people of the northern and middle states began to turn their attention to what was then considered " The Far West." Enterprising individuals, and occasionally a small colony would venture thus far from " home," but no general attention was called to this quarter. The philanthropic efforts to supply the western population with facilities for obtaining the scriptures, and to promote the moral welfare of the rising gene- ration by Sunday School instruction, were amongst the causes that awakened this attention. Illinois, especially, excited much inquiry. So many and frequent were the calls for de- tailed information of the writer by numerous correspondents, through several states, that the only alternative to relieve him- self from an onerous burden and gratify his friends and corres- pondents, was the compilation of a small Book, which was issued from the press in 1831, under the title of " A Guide for Emigrants, containing Sketches of Illinois, Missouri, and the adjacent parts." A portion of the facts and observations he had made while traveling extensively through those states for the preceding fourteen years, were thrown together hastily, with- out attempt at method or literary display. Subsequently, at the solicitation of many of his fellow citizens in Illinois, some of whom fill distinguished posts of honor in the state and nation, he compiled a Gazetteer of Illinois, which was published in 1834. In 1835-6, the first edition of his Guide for Emigrants having been exhausted, and application being made for a second edition, he revised the whole work, changed the title page to that of " A New Guide for Emigrants to the West," collated and condensed a large mass of statistical and other information of all the western states and territories north of the Ohio river, including Missouri and Arkansas, and, in short, made a new book. Subsequent editions for both the " Gazetteer " and the " Guide " have been published. In the spring of 1834, not a single map of Illinois was in existence that deserved the least character for accuracy. At the period of the publication of the Map of Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas, taken from the surveys by E. Brown and E. Barcroft in 1825, but a little more than one half of Illinois had been surveyed, and many inaccuracies were made in the lo« 8 INTRODUCTION. cations of towns, the names of streams, and many other par- ticulars. The'same difficulty existed in all the " Pocket" and " Traveler's" Maps issued by the publishers in the eastern cities. Not one was accurate. The writer felt that the state was sus- taining an injury from the very defective and inaccurate means of information usually found on the maps. Obtaining the as- sistance of John Messinger, Esq., an old settler of St. Clair county, a surveyor and a mathematician, noted for his know- ledge and correctness, and who had been employed by the Government to perform some of the most difficult surveys in the state, he made a small pocket map, with the township lines drawn according to the surveys, and the towns and roads loca- ted where they should be. In performing this work he struck off about one third of the towns that appeared on other maps, but which had no real existence. They had been laid off in an early day of town speculation, had obtained a place on the maps, by those who were interested therein, but never were inhabited. The sites of some of these paper towns, could not now be found without the aid of a surveyor and his compass. While in New York, the writer became acquainted with the publisher of this work, J. H. Colton, Esq., who was engaged in publishing a new map of Michigan With the sectional lines and other marks pertaining to the land surveys, and was so- licited to undertake the execution of a map of Illinois on a similar plan. Associated with Mr. Messinger, the work was undertaken and completed in the spring of 1836. It proved a much more difficult and laborious task than at first supposed. The theory of U. S. Land surveys supposes correctness, but practice shows many deviations. In running long meridian and base lines, there will be some divergence by the best com- pass and most skillful surveyor. In running off townships, perfect accuracy is not ordinarily attained, and hence in sub- dividing a township into sections, the quarters on the north and west sides are expected to produce excesses or deficiencies. About every thirty miles, what is termed a " coz-recting," or " standard base" is run, and hence the reader will perceive the township lines on the map are not connected for a greater distance. On all the large rivers, the fractional sections near the streams, and especially where the bottom lands are inundated, or contain ponds and sloughs, as those on the Illinois and Mis- INTRODUCTION. 9 sissippi rivers, are left unsurveyed for a period, and portions of those lands have never yet been meandered out. Along the Mississippi, in some places the current has washed away the land for half a mile or more, and in other places, alluvial de- posit has been made since the first surveys. The same cause has changed the shape and the position of many islands. Hence it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to ascertain exactly the line of the rivers. In some instances townships have been left undivided into sections in the first surveys, and reported as waste land. These we have thought best to fill up with the sectional lines as though they had been actually sur- veyed. In the early surveys of this District much inaccuracy and some illegality were suffered to exist. Every U. S. Deputy Surveyor acts under oath, which is specific as to his labor, field notes and plats, but instances have occured in which the field notes and plats in townships in the large prairies, were made out in the camp, as if the lines had actually been run ! The ferruginous and other local matter often affects the mag- netic influence, and defective compasses cause errors in the lines. On some of the plats the prairie and timber were not so accurately marked as desirable. All these and other causes increase the difficulty, and prevent perfect accuracy in the construction of a map from United States' surveys. In placing the topography unwearied pains have been taken, and probably fewer inaccuracies will be found than on the map of any other state. In locating towns, villages and post offices, the section and quarter township and range of the site, have invariably been the subject of correspondence and inquiry. The Department of the General Post Office furnished the writer with the names of all new offices, and correspondence with each post master enabled him to "ascertain their exact lo- cation. The roads and the distances from point to point have been obtained by extensive traveling and correspondence. The names given to the rivers and creeks are those by which they are known to the people in their immediate vicinity. It will be perceived that a large district in the northern part of the state remains yet unsurveyed. The settlers in that re- gion have surveyed by random lines, so as to ascertain the pro. bable location of their towns, mill sites, farms and claims, when the country is legally surveyed and brought into market. In placing town sites on the map, the compilers desired to 10 INTRODUCTION. be impartial and correct, that speculators in town sites and "fancy" cities might take no advantage. Hence they adopted a general principle, to place no town on the map unless it ac- tually contained six dwelling-houses including stores, and as many families. County seats legally established, rail-road de- pots, and post offices were exceptions. It was soon discover- ed that this rule had been violated by the impertinent interfe- rence of interested speculators, or their agents, who in some instances, urged the claims of their " splendid" towns, at the publishing office in New- York, as important business points, and thus a number of towns obtained a locality and name on the map, which had no other existence than that given to it by the surveyor and the lithographic printer. These have been erased in the improved edition. Persons who have town sites which they desire to have placed on the map, and which pos- sess the requisite number of families, would do well to corres- pond with the compiler, and furnish him with accurate infor- mation of the locality and progress of their towns. Those persons who have examined a Book published by S. Augustus Mitchell, of Philadelphia, entitled, " ILLINOIS IN 1837, WITH A MAP," will find portions of that work copied into this. Nearly three-fourths of the pages of that Book were unwarrantably and illegally taken from the author's " Guide for Emigrants," and his "Gazetteer of Illinois," — the fruits of his own industry, from his own researches, and of which either he or his publishers held the copy-rights. He has taken this opportunity of reclaiming his own property. The author by no means expects to preclude those who follow him from making a proper use of his labors, but when taken by wholesale — by whole chapters, sections and pages, he will claim his own pro- perty, and take measures to prevent future depredations. The author has a long list of friends and correspondents from whom he has received aid in this as in his former works. Post- masters, clerks of the courts, members of the legislature, offi- cers of the state, and many other citizens, have laid him under lasting obligations. From public documents, both state and national, he has re- ceived much assistance. J. M. P. Jiock Spring, III. April 1, 1839. CONTENTS. tags Introduction * 3 General View of the State of Illinois 13 Face of the Country, and Varieties of Surface and Soil. . . 13 Inundated Lands 14 River Bottoms, or Alluvion 15 Prairies 17 Barrens 19 Forest or Timbered Land 20 Knobs, Bluffs, Ravines, and Sink Holes 23 Rivers 24 Illinois River 27 Obstructions to its Navigation 29 Passages, Freight, &c, on Steamboats.... 34 Towns, Landings, &c 35 Streams tributary to the Illinois River 44 Mississippi River 52 Towns, Landings, and tributary Streams 52 Rock River 56 Obstructions to Navigation .. 57 Mode of Improvement 57 Great Wabash 59 Obstructions to the Navigation, and Plan of Improve- ment 59 Streams tributary to the Great Wabash 62 Plans of Internal Improvement .- 62 Illinois and Michigan Canal , 62 General System of Internal Improvement 68 Works of Internal Improvement provided for .. 69 Internal Improvement Fund 70 Roads under contract 72 12 CONTENTS. Paga Contemplated Rail Roads surveyed, &c 74 Other public Improvements 79 Company and private Improvements for public pur- poses 80 Project of Draining the " American Bottom," and Mode of Improvement 81 City of Cairo and Canal Company, and Plan of Improve- ment 84 Manufactures 88 Climate and Health 90 Advice to Emigrants, &c 95 Natural Curiosities and Antiquities 103 Minerals 116 Vegetable Productions 118 Animals 122 Education 128 Colleges 130 Religious Denominations 135 Public Lands 138 Government 144 General Description of each County 145 Appendix 186 Suggestions to Emigrants — Canal, Steamboat, and Stage Routes, &c 186 Roads, Distances, &c 193 Appendix No. 2 217 Illinois and Michigan Canal 218 Cairo City 219 GENERAL VIEW OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Situation. — The State of Illinois, as may be seen from the Map, is of irregular shape, and is situated between 37 and 42 degrees, 30 minutes, north latitude, and between 10 de- grees, 25 minutes, and 14 degrees, 25 minutes, west longitude from Washington City. Boundaries. — It is bounded on the north by Wisconsin Ter- ritory, northeast by Lake Michigan, east by Indiana, south by Kentucky, and west by Missouri and the Territory of Iowa. Extent. — Its extreme length, from the mouth of the Ohio, to the northern boundary, on the third principal meridian is 378 miles ; — -and its extreme width, from the west side of Hancock county to the east side of Vermilion county, is 212 miles ; — its average width is about 150 miles. The area of the whole state, including the portion of Lake Michigan within its boundaries, is about 60,000 square miles, or 38,400,000 acres. The water area of the state is computed at 3,750 square miles, or 2,400,000 acres. The irreclaimable waste lands in Illinois are vastly less than those of other states. We have no mountains, very few swamps and quagmires, but what admit of easy drainage, and no land so impoverished, but what in time it will be valuable. The lands termed " ir- reclaimable wastes," do not exceed 6,400 square miles, or 4,000,000 of acres,— leaving 50,000 square miles, or 32,000,000 acres of arable land. Lands submerged by high waters, but which may be pro- tected at a moderate expense, are not included in this esti mate. FACE OF THE COUNTRY AND VARIETIES OF SURFACE AND SOIL The general surface is level, or moderately undulating, the northern and southern portions are broken, and somewhat 2 14 traveler's directory hilly, but no portion of the state is traversed with ranges of hills or mountains. At the verge of the alluvial soil on the margins of rivers, there are ranges of " bluffs" intersected with ravines. The bluffs are usually from fifty to one hundred and fifty feet high, where an extended surface of table land com- mences, covered with prairies and forest of various shapes and sizes. When examined minutely, there are several varieties in the surface of this state, which will be briefly specified and de- scribed. 1. Inundated Lands. — I apply this term to all those por- tions, which, for some part of the year, are under water. These include portions of the river bottoms, and portions of the interior of large prairies, with the lakes and ponds which, for half the year or more, are without water. The term " bottom" is used throughout the west to denote the alluvial soil on the margin of rivers, usually called " intervals," in New England. Portions of this description of land are flowed for a longer or shorter period, when the rivers are full. Probably one tenth of the bottom lands are of this description; for though the water may not stand for any length of time, it prevents settlement and cultivation, though it does not interrupt the growth of timber and vegetation. These tracts are on the bottoms of the Wabash, Ohio, Mississippi, Illinois, and all the interior rivers. When the rivers rise above the ordinary height, the waters of the smaller streams which are backed up by the freshets of the former, break over their banks, and cover all the low grounds. Here they stand for a few days, or for many weeks, especially towards the bluffs ; for it is a striking fact in the geo- logy of the western country, that all the river bottoms are high- er on the margins of the streams than at some distance back. Whenever increase of population shall create a demand for this species of soil, the most of it can be reclaimed at compa- ratively small expense. Its fertility will be inexhaustible, and if the waters from the rivers could be shut out by dykes or le- vees, the soil would be perfectly dry. Most of the small lakes on the American bottom disappear in the summer, and leave a deposit of vegetable matter undergoing decomposition, or a luxuriant coat of weeds and grass. As our prairies mostly lie between the streams that drain the FOR ILLINOIS. 15 country, the interior of the large ones is usually level. Here are formed small ponds and lakes after the winter and spring rains, which remain to be drawn off by evaporation, or ab- sorbed by the soil. Hence the middle of our large, level prai- ries are wet, and for several weeks portions of them are cover- ed with water. To remedy this inconvenience completely, and render all this portion of soil dry and productive, only requires a ditch or drain of two or three feet deep to be cut into the near- est ravine. In many instances a single furrow with the plough, would drain many acres. At present this species of inundated land offers no inconvenience to the people, except in the pro duction of miasm, and even that, perhaps, becomes too much diluted with the atmosphere to produce mischief before it reach es the settlements on the borders of the prairie. Hence the inference is correct, that our inundated lands present fewer ob- stacles to the settlement and growth of the country, and can be reclaimed at much less expense, than the swamps and salt marshes of the Atlantic states. 2. River Bottoms, or Alluvion. — The surface of our allu- vial bottoms is not entirely level. In some places it resem- bles alternate waves of the ocean, and looks as though the waters had left their deposit in ridges, and retired. The portion of bottom land capable of present cultivation, and on which the waters never stand, if, at an extreme freshet, it is covered, is a soil of exhaustless fertility ; a soil that for ages past has been gradually deposited by the annual floods. Its average depth on the American bottom is from twenty to twenty-five feet. Logs of wood, and other indications, are found at that depth. The soil dug from wells on these bot- toms, produces luxuriantly the first year. The most extensive and fertile tract, of this description of soil, in this state, is the American Bottom, a name it received when it constituted the western boundary of the United States, and which it has retained ever since. It commences at the mouth of the Kaskaskia river, five miles below the town of Kaskaskia, and extends northwardly along the Mississippi to the bluffs at Alton, a distance of ninety miles. Opposite St. Louis, in St. Clair county, the bluffs are seven miles from the river, and filled with inexhaustible beds of coal. The soil of this bottom is an argillaceous or a silicious loam, accordingly a§ clay or sand happens to predominate in its formation, 16 traveler's directory On the margin of the river, and of some of its lakes, is a strip of heavy timber, with a thick undergrowth, which extends from half a mile to two miles in width, but from thence to the bluffs, it is principally prairie. It is interspersed with sloughs, lakes, and ponds, the most of which become dry in the fall season. The soil of the American bottom is inexhaustibly rich. About the French towns it has been cultivated, and produced corn in succession for more than a century, without exhaust- ing its fertilizing powers. The only objection that can be of- fered to this tract, is its unhealthy character. This, however, has diminished considerably within eight or ten years. The geological feature noticed in the last article — that all our bot- toms are higher on the margin of the stream than towards the bluffs, explains the cause why so much standing water is on the bottom land, which, during the summer stagnates and throws off noxious effluvia. These lakes are usually full of vegetable matter undergoing decomposition, and which pro- duces large quantities of miasm. Some of the lakes are clear and of a sandy bottom, but the most are of a different char- acter. The French settle near a lake or a river, apparently in the most unhealthy places, and yet their constitutions are little affected, and they usually enjoy good health, though dwarfish and shriveled in their form and features. These lakes and ponds could be drained at a small expense, and the soil would be susceptible of cultivation. The early settlements of the Americans were either on this bottom, or the contiguous bluffs. Beside the American bottom, there are others that resemble it in its general character, but not in extent. In Union county there is an extensive bottom on the borders of the Mississippi. Above the mouth of the Illinois, and along the borders of the counties of Calhoun, Pike, and Adams, there is a series of bot- toms, with much good and elevated land, but the inundated grounds around, present objections to a dense population at present. The bottoms of Illinois, where not inundated, are equal in fertility, and the soil is less adhesive than most parts of the American bottom. This is likewise the character of the bot- toms in the northern parts of the state. The bottoms of the Kaskaskia are generally covered with a heavy growth of timber, and in many places inundated when the river is at its highest floods, For Illinois. 1? The extensive prairies adjoining will create a demand for all this timber. The bottom lands on the Wabash are of various qualities. Near the mouth, much of it is inundated. Higher up, it overflows in high freshets. These bottoms, especially the American, are the best regions in the United States for raising stock, particularly horses, cat- tle, and swine. Seventy-five bushels of corn to the acre is an ordinary crop. The roots and worms of the soil, the acorns and other fruits from the trees, and the fish of the lakes, ac- celerate the growth of swine. Horses and cattle find exhaust- less supplies of grass in the prairies ; and pea vines, buffalo grass, wild oats, and other herbage in the timber, for summer range ; and often throughout most of the winter. In all the rush bottoms, they fatten during the severe weather on rushes. The bottom soil is not so well adapted to the production of small grain, as of maize or Indian corn, on account of its rank growth, and being more subject to blast or fall down before harvest, than on the uplands. 3. Prairies. — A large part, probably two-thirds of the sur- face of the state, is covered with prairies. A common error has prevailed abroad that our prairie land is wet. Much of it is undulating and entirely dry. Prairie is a French word, signifying meadow, and is applied to any description of surface, that is destitute of timber and brushwood, and clothed with grass. Wet, dry, level, and undulating, are terms of descrip- tion merely, and apply to prairies in the same sense as they do to forest lands. Level prairie is sometimes wet, the water not running off freely is left to be absorbed by the soil, or evaporated by the sun. Crawfish throw up their hillocks in this soil, and the farmer who cultivates it, will find his labors impeded by the water. In the southern part, that is, south of the national road lead- ing from Terre Haute to the Mississippi, the prairies are com- paratively small, varying in size from those of several miles in width, to those which contain only a few acres. As we go northward, they widen and extend on the more elevated ground between the water courses to a vast distance, and are frequently from six to twelve miles in width. Their borders are by no means uniform. Long points of timber project into the prairies, and line the banks of the streams, and points of 2* 18 traveler's directory prairie project into the timber between these streams. In many instances are copses and groves of timber, from one hundred to two thousand acres, in the midst of prairies, like islands in the ocean. This is a common feature in the country between the Sangamon river and Lake Michigan, and in the northern parts of the state. The lead mine region, both in this state and the Wisconsin Territory, abounds with these groves. The origin of these prairies has caused much speculation. We might as well dispute about the origin of forests, upon the assumption that the natural covering of the earth was grass. Probably one half of the earth's surface, in a state of nature, was prairies or barrens. Much of it, like our western prairies, was covered with a luxuriant coat of grass and herbage. The steppes of Tartary, the pampas of South America, the savan- nas of the southern, and the prairies of the western states, de- signate similar tracts of country. Mesopotamia, Syria, and Judea, had their ancient prairies, on which the patriarchs fed their flocks. Missionaries in Burmah, and travelers in the interior of Africa, mention the same description of country. Where the tough sward of the prairie is once formed, timber will not take root. Destroy this by the plough, or by any other method, and it is soon converted into forest land. There are large tracts of country in the older settlements, where, thirty or forty years since, the farmers mowed their hay, that are now covered with a forest of young timber of rapid growth. The fire annually sweeps over the prairies, destroying the grass and herbage, blackening the surface, and leaving a de- posit of ashes to enrich the soil. It is evident to those who, for a series of years, have ob- served the changes upon prairie lands, that they were never caused, nor are they perpetuated by these sweeping autumnal fires. The writer has known a tract of prairie enclosed, and preserved from the ravages of fire for a quarter of a century, and still retain, as if with determined tenacity, its distinctive character. Not a shrub or bush appeared. Brushwood and timber will not grow as long as its adhesive sward remains unbroken. The prairie grass must be destroyed before timber will take root. This fact is well known to the old inhabitants of the country, and is worth a thousand speculations of recent emigrants or casual tourists. Extensive prairies existed in the Atlantic states at the period of the first visits of Europeans. Captain John Smith noticed FOR ILLINOIS. 19 them when he visited the Chesapeake. The late MungoPark describes the annual burning of the plains of Manding in Western Africa, in the same manner as one would describe the prairie fires of the Western States. The writer is ac- quainted with thousands of acres, now covered with a thick growth of young timber, that since his residence in the country have been changed from prairie. Invariably the grass and sward were first destroyed. 4. Barrens. — This term, in the western dialect, does not in- dicate poor land, but a species of surface of a mixed character, uniting forest and prairie. These are called " openings" in Michigan, and Northern Illinois. The timber is generally scattering, of a rough and stunted appearance, interspersed with patches of hazle and brushwood, and where the contest between the fire and timber is kept up, each striving for the mastery. In the early settlements of Kentucky, much of the country •below and south of Green river presented a dwarfish and stunt- ed growth of timber, scattered over the surface, or collected in clumps, with hazle and shrubbery intermixed. This appear- ance led the first explorers to the inference that the soil itself must necessarily be poor, to produce so scanty a growth of timber, and they gave the name of barrens to the whole tract of country. Long since it has been ascertained, that this de- scription of land is amongst the most productive soil in the state. The term barren has since received a very extensive application throughout the west. Like all other tracts of coun- try, the barrens present a considerable diversity of soil. In general, however, the surface is more uneven or rolling than the prairies, and sooner degenerates into ravines and sink- holes. Wherever timber barely sufficient for present pur- poses can be found, a person need not hesitate to settle in the barrens. These tracts are almost invariably healthy ; they pos- sess a greater abundance of pure springs of water, and the soil is better adapted for all kinds of produce, and all descrip- tions of seasons, wet and dry, than the deeper and richer mould of the bottoms and prairies. When the fires are stopped, these barrens produce timber, at a rate of which no northern emigrant can have any just con- ception. Dwarfish shrubs, and small trees of oak and hickory are scattered over the surface, where for years they have con- £0 traveler^ directory tended with the fires for a precarious existence, while a mass 1 of roots, sufficient for the support of large trees, have accumu- lated in the earth. Soon as they are protected from the ravages of the annual fires, the more thrifty sprouts shoot forth, and in ten years are large enough for corn cribs and stables. As the fires on the prairies become stopped by the surround- ing settlements, and the wild grass is eaten out and trodden down by the stock, they begin to assume the character of bar- rens ; first hazle and other shrubs, and finally, a thicket of young timber, covers the surface. 5. Forest, or Timbered Land. — In general, Illinois is abun- dantly supplied with timber, and were it equally distributed through the state there would be no part wanting. The ap- parent scarcity of timber where the prairie predominates, is not so great an obstacle to the settlement as has been supposed. For many of the purposes to which timber is applied, substitutes are found. The rapidity with which the young growth pushes itself forward, without a single effort on the part of man to ac- celerate it, and the readiness with which the prairie becomes converted into thickets, and then into a forest of young timber, shows that, in another generation, timber will not be wanting in any part of Illinois. The kinds of timber most abundant, are oaks of various spe- cies, black and white walnut, ash of several kinds, elm, sugar maple, honey locust, hackberry, linden, hickory, cotton wood, pecaun, mulberry, buckeye, sycamore, wild cherry, box elder, sassafras, and persimmon. In the southern and eastern parts of the state are yellow poplar, and beech ; near the Ohio are cypress, and in several counties are clumps of yellow pine and cedar. The undergrowth are redbud, papaw, sumack, plum, crab apple, grape vines, dogwood, spice bush, green brier, hazle, &c. The alluvial soil of the rivers produces cotton wood and sycamore timber of amazing size. The cotton wood is of rapid growth, a light, white wood, sometimes used for rails, shingles, and scantlings, not lasting, but of no great value. Its dry, light wood is much used in steamboats. It forms the chief proportion of the drift wood that floats down our rivers, and is frequently converted into planters, snags, and sawyers. The sycamore is the button wood of New England, is frequently hollow, and in that state FOR ILLINOIS. 21 procured by the farmers, cut at suitable lengths, cleaned out, and used as depositories for grain. They answer the pur- pose of large casks. The size of the cavity of some of these trees appears incredible, in the ears of a stranger, to the luxuriant growth of the west. To say that twenty or thirty men could be comfortably lodged in one, would seem a monstrous fiction to a New Englander, but to those accustomed to this species of tree on our bottoms, it is nothing marvelous. The uplands are covered with various species of oak, amongst which is the post oak, a valuable and lasting timber for posts ; white oak, black oak of several varieties, and the black jack, a dwarfish, knarled looking tree, good for nothing but fuel, for which it is equal to any tree we have. The black walnut is much used for building materials, and cabinet work, and sus- tains a fine polish. The different species of oaks, walnuts, hackberry, and occasionally hickory, are used for fencing. In some parts of the state, the white and yellow poplar pre- vails. Beginning at the Mississippi a few miles above the mouth of the Muddy river, on the map appended to this work, and extending a line across the state to the mouth of the Little Wabash, leaves the poplar range south, interspersed with oc- casional clumps of beach. Near the Ohio, on the low creek bottoms, the cypress is found. No poplar exists on the eastern borders of the state, till you arrive at or near Palestine, while on the opposite shore of the Wabash, in Indiana, the poplar and beach predominate. Near Palestine in Crawford county, the poplar again commences, intermixed with beach, and all the varieties of timber. A spur of it puts into the interior of the state on the Little Wabash, above Maysville. Timber not only grows much more rapid in this country than in the northern states, but it decays sooner when put in build- ings, fences, or in any way exposed to the weather. It is more porous, and will shrink and expand as the weather is wet or dry, to a much greater extent than the timber of New England. This may be owing partly to the atmosphere, but it is unques- tionably owing in part to the quality of the timber. The fences require to be newly laid, and one third of the rails provided anew, in a period of from seven to ten years. * A shingled roof requires replacing in about twelve years. This, however, may not be a fair estimate, because most of our timber is prepared hastily, and in a green state. Doubtless, with proper care in the seasoning, and in the preservation, it would last much longer. 2& traveler's directory Timber is ordinarily required for four purposes ; fencing, build- ing, fuel, and mechanical operations. I have already shown that rails is almost the only article used for fencing. In mak- ing a plantation in this mode, requires a great waste of timber. Nor will a man, with a moderate capital, and with the burden of an increasing family, stop to make experiments. He must have fields enclosed, and takes the quickest and cheapest me- thod, by cutting down the most convenient timber and making rails. The first buildings put up are cabins made of logs, slightly hewn on two sides, and the corners notched together. They are made single, or double, with a space between, according to the enterprise, force, or taste, of the owner. Around it are usually put up a meat or smoke house, a kitchen or cook house, a stable and corn crib, and perhaps, a spring house to keep milk cool in summer, all built in the same manner as the dwelling. The next step in advance for a dwelling is a log house. This is made of logs hewn on two sides to an equal thickness, the ends notched together, apertures cut through for doors and windows, a framed and shingled roof, and a brick or stone chimney. It is perfectly obvious that this mode of building sweeps off vast quantities of timber, that by a more judicious and econo- mical plan, would be saved for other purposes. In a few years, brick, and in some instances stone, will take the place of these rude and misshapen piles of timber. This begins to take effect in those counties where the people have obtained the means — < for brick and framed houses are fast erecting. The substratum of the soil, in any place, is excellent for brick, and in many of the bluffs inexhaustible quarries of lime stone exist. The waste of timber for buildings then will be greatly lessened, as the country advances in improvement, population and wealth. As in all countries where the population have been acustomed to burn excessive quantities of wood before they emigrate, and where they live in cold and open cabins, there is a great waste of timber for fuel. This will be remedied as the people obtain close and comfortable dwellings, and make use of proper econo- my in this article. In almost every direction through the coun- try, there are inexhaustible stores of bituminous coal near the surface of the earth. Here is fuel for domestic purposes, and for steam-engines without limits. For mechanical purposes there is timber enough, and will .continue to be. FOR ILLINOIS. 23 It will be perceived that Illinois does not labor under as great inconveniences for timber, as many have supposed. If pro- vision is made for the first fifty years, future supplies will be abundant. I have said nothing about the artificial production of timber. This may be effected with little trouble or expense, and to an indefinite extent. The black locust, a native growth of Ohio and Kentucky, may be raised from the seed, with far less labor than a nursery of apple-trees ; and as it is of very rapid growth, and a valuable and lasting timber for fencing, buildings, and boats, it must claim the attention of our farmers. Already it forms one of our cleanliest and most beautiful shades, and when in blossom, presents a rich prospect, and a most de- licious fragrance. 6. . Knobs, Bluffs, Ravines and Sink-Holes. Under these heads are included tracts of uneven country found in various parts of the state. Knobs are ridges of flint limestone, intermingled and covered with earth, and elevated one or two hundred feet above the common surface. This species of land is of little value for cultivation, and usually has a sprinkling of dwarfish, stunted timber, like the barrens. The steep hills and natural mounds that border the alluvions have obtained the name of bluffs. Some are in long, parallel ridges, others are in the form of cones and pyramids. In some places precipices of limestone rock, from fifty to one or two hundred feet high, form these bluffs. Ravines are formed amongst the bluffs, and often near the borders or prairies, which lead down to the streams. Sink-holes are circular depressions in the surface like a basin. They are of various sizes, from ten to fifty feet deep, and from ten to one or two hundred yards in circumference. Frequently they contain an outlet for the water received by the rains. Their existence shows that the substratum is secondary limestone abounding in subterraneous cavities. There are but few tracts of stony ground in the state ; that is, where loose stones are scattered over the surface, and im- bedded in the soil. Towards the northern part of the state, tracts of stony ground exist. Quarries of stone exist in the bluffs, and in the banks of the streams and ravines throughout the state. 24 traveler's directory The soil is porous, easy to cultivate, and exceedingly pro ductive. A strong team is required to break up the prairies, on account of the firm, grassy sward which covers them. Bu* when subdued, they become fine, arable lands. RIVERS. A glance on the map will convince the reader, that the state of Illinois possesses immense advantages for inland navigation. Its northeastern corner, for fifty miles, has Lake Michigan, the waters of which will soon pour a tribute in the Illinois by the canal, and thus open a communication with the whole lake country of the north ; with Canada and the ocean by the Gulf of St. Lawrence ; and with Hudson River and New-York city by the grand canal of New- York. Its whole western border is washed by the Mississippi, which, following its meanderings, makes a distance from north to south of about 700 miles. The Ohio laves its southern shore for about 130 miles, and the Great Wabash forms its eastern boundary in its various windings, about 170 miles ; thus furnishing a natural water navigation on its borders for more than 1,000 miles. Its interior navigable streams are the Saline, Muddy, Kas. kaskia, Little Wabash, Embarras, Illinois, with its several tribu- taries, Snycarty Slough, and Rock Rivers. The Saline enters the Ohio River in Gallatin county, 12 miles below Shawneetown, and is navigable 14 miles to Equali- ty. It is made by three principal branches, distinguished as the North, South, and Middle Forks, which unite near Equality. They are sufficiently distinguished on the map not to need further description. Muddy, (called by the French who discovered it, Riviere an Vase, or Vaseux,) is usually distinguished from one of its tribu- taries as Big Muddy River, enters the Mississippi below a large island, in fractional township eleven south, and range four west from the third principal meridian. It is navigable some distance above Brownsville. Its bluffs generally are ab- rupt, and the land along its branches is undulating, and for most of its length, the country is well timbered. Inexhaustible beds of coal are formed in its bluffs, and valuable salines have been worked in the same vicinity. Native copper in detached? and small masses has been found on its banks. The country along the main stream and tributaries, is excellent for cultiva- tion and grazing. Its principal tributaries, which rise in Ha- FOR ILLINOIS. 25 milton, Jefferson and Washington counties, are Middle Fork, North Fork, Little Muddy and Beaucoup. The Kaskaskia River has been navigated by steamboats to Carlyle, the point where the Vincennes and St. Louis stage route crosses, and can easily be made navigable for a portion of the year to Vandalia, if not to Shelbyville, A small amount of labor the past season, applied under the direction of the Board of Public Works, has cleared out the obstructions from its channel caused by logs and flood wood, and cut the sloping timber from its banks, from its mouth into the county of St, Clair. The Kaskaskia River rises in Champaign co., runs south ii ■ to Coles, thence southwestwardly into Shelby, leaving the town of Shelbyville on its west bank. It passes diagonally through Fayette, leaving Vandalia on its west bank, and a large tract of low bottom land on the opposite shore. Here the National Road crosses on a substantial bridge. Passing towards Clinton county, it touches the southeast corner of Bond. Carlyle on its west bank, is intersected by the Vin- cennes and St. Louis stage road, and the Alton and Mount Carmel rail road. From Carlyle the river passes to the south, east corner of Clinton county, leaving a corner of Washington on the left, it passes through the southeastern part of St. Clair, touches the eastern border of Monroe, enters Randolph coun- ty, through which it runs, first a south, then a southeast course, and enters the Mississippi 6 miles below the old Kaskaskia vil- lage, and two miles above Chester. Its tributaries are not large but numerous, and drain an extensive tract of fertile and valuable country, in which the timbered and prairie lands are proportionally distributed. Its tributary waters are formed in the counties of Randolph, Monroe, St. Clair, Washington, Clinton, Madison, Bond, Marion, Fayette, Effingham, Mont- gomery, Shelby, Coles, Macon and Champaign. Towards its heads the prairies are large, and the timber found on the banks of the streams, and in detached groves. The Little Wabash River rises in the prairies in township twelve north, range six east, in Shelby county. It runs a south- eastern course through the county of Effingham, leaving Ew- ington on the west, into Clay through which it passes diagonally, having Louisville, or Green's Mills on the west, and passing two miles from Maysville. Here the Vincennes and St. Louis stage road passes over a 3 26 traveler's directory bad swamp between the Little Wabash and its tributary the Muddy, through which the state, at an expense of $15,000, has constructed a durable road. Leaving Clay county, it passes across the northeast corner of Wayne county, thence it me- anders into Edwards, and back again into Wayne, and after once more crossing the boundary into Edwards, it enters White county, receives the Skillet Fork, which also could easily be made navigable, and passes Carmion the west. Above its mouth it touches the northeast corner of Gallatin, at New Haven, and enters the Great Wabash River 3 miles below. At New Ha- ven are rocky rapids, and at other places are logs, sloping trees, and sand bars that obstruct the navigation. The Internal Im- provement law of the state appropriates $50,000 to remove these obstructions, when the Little Wabash can be navigated into Clay county. The Embarras River at a trifling expense might be made navi- gable to Lawrenceville, and perhaps somewhat further, possi- bly, at high water, as far up as Coles county. The heads of this stream will be found in Champaign county in T. 18 North. It passes through the length of Coles county, leaving Charleston two and half miles to the west, crosses the National Road near Greenup, runs through Jasper county, leaving Newton on its west bank, where it turns a southeastern course. Passing through a corner of Crawford county, it enters Lawrence, and leaving Lawrenceville on its west side, it enters the Great Wa. bash near the township line, six miles below Vincennes. Near its mouth is much land inundated at the high floods of the Great Wabash, and the waters of that river, and those of the Embarras frequently unite. Between it and the Wabash are also swamps known by the inappropriate name of "purga- tory." These obstructions to traveling on the "old Vincennes trace," as the obscure path through the prairies from Kaskas- kia to Vincennes was then called, led the early French ex- plorers to name this stream " Embarras." The quality of the land on this stream and its tributaries is various, though much of it is good. Towards its head, the prairie country greatly predominates, the timber being in groves and strips along its banks. In Coles county, oppo- site Charleston, the timber is from two to six miles wide, and below, it increases to the width of ten miles. Its bottoms are frequently overflowed in time of high waters. Generally FOR ILLINOIS. 27 the prairies through which it flows are second rate land, for more than half its length from its mouth. The main stream and its tributaries afford many good mill seats. ILLINOIS RIVER. The Illinois is much the largest navigable river within the state, and commences its name at the junction of the Kanka- kee andDes Plaines. From thence it runs nearly a west course, for part of the distance over the " Grand Rapids" to Ottawa at the mouth of Fox River, receiving Au Sable from the north, and Nettle Creek, or Mazon, from the south. Along this line, and especially at Marseilles, there is immense water power for manufacturing purposes, but no convenient navagation. The canal runs on the north side, parallel with its banks. At Ottawa, the river at all times has deep water and a commodious basin or harbor. To this point it is now naviga- ble at a high stage of water for large steamboats. The Lower rapids at a low stage of water interrupt the navigation between Ottawa and La Salle, where the Illinois and Michigan Canal terminates, but it is expected the obstructions will be so far re- moved as to open a navigable communication with Ottawa, by the river, at all times. The junction of the canal with the Illinois River at La Salle, where basins are now constructing for both canal and steam- boats, and it being the crossing place of the central rail road from the mouth of the Ohio to Galena, will make this a busi- ness place of pre-eminent importance to the state. A short distance above this point, it receives Vermilion River from the south, and Little Vermilion from the north. After crossing the third principal meridan, six miles above Hennepin, it curves to the south, and then to the southwest, receiving Bu- reau and several smaller streams, it expands into a beautiful sheet of water, known as Feoria Lake. This lake is from one to four miles in width, and twenty miles in length. The water is clear, its bottom gravelly, and it abounds with various kinds of fish. It may be regarded rather as two lakes, as at the fer- ry, long known by the name of " Little Detroit," and now by that of " the Narrows," the water is contracted to the usual width of the river. Travelers will find the passage on a steam- boat, on this lake, a most delightful one in a warm day. Most of the eastern shore is low bottom and swamp, subject to inun- dation, 28 traveler's directory On the western shore, the high bluffs approach the margin of the lake, and overhang the road, about the narrows, above which a rich and heavy timbered tract of bottom land is spread out between the bluffs and the lake shore. Still further opens the beautiful, undulating rich prairie of La Salle, and the bluffs retire in low ridges to the distance of several milos. Three miles below Peoria, the Illinois receives Kickapoo Creek from the west, and the same distance below Pekin comes in Mackinau from the east. Copperas Creek enters from the eastern part of Fulton county, where for many miles will be discovered a low, swampy region on its western side, between the river and the bluffs. Here and there, directly on the mar- gin of the river, are strips of land elevated above high water. The most conspicuous and deserving of notice is Bailey's Is- land, or Liverpool, handsomely situated above the highest floods. An expensive causeway or embankment, of about two miles in extent, would connect this site with the bluffs, and render it an important landing for Fulton county. Near Ha- vanna, is a lagoon or slough on the eastern side, which, in for- mer times was often mistaken by the boatmen for the main channel. Directly opposite Havanna, Spoon River comes in from the northwest. This river has been navigated by steamboat to Waterford, at the bluffs, and at small expense might be opened to Bernadotte. Pursuing the course of the river downward, we pass the mouth ©f Otter Creek from the west, and one or two other trifling streams, and reach the mouth of Sangamon, at the northwest corner of Cass county. As this river will receive a separate notice, we proceed downward. From the west comes in Sugar Creek, near the bluffs of which is located Schuyler City, intended as the depot of the rail road from Rushville to the Illinois river. Crooked Creek, or as the French ealled it "La Mine riviere" enters from the west, six miles below Beardstown. It might easily be made navigable to the bluffs. A few miles further down is Indian Creek, which loses itself in the inundated bot- toms before its waters enter the Illinois. By the French it was called La Ballance. McKee's Creek enters the Illinois two miles above Naples, from the western side, and two miles below comes in the Mauvaise terre from the east. Passing Big and Little Blue rivers, two insignificant streams from the west, we find Sandy FOR ILLINOIS. 29 entering the Illinois in the southwestern part of Scott coun- ty. Hodges Creek, and the outlet of two lakes, called Grand Passe, will be found in the northwest part of Greene county. Further down is Apple Creek, coming in from the east. Between this and the Macoupin is noticed the flourish- ing settlement of BlufTdale. Macoupin Creek enters a slough behind an island, the mouth of which is hid from the main channel. Otter Creek heads in the south part of Greene county, and enters the Illinois fourteen miles above its mouth, and two miles further comes in Racoon Creek. At Naples, the river gradually turns to a more southern course, which it pursues till within six miles of the Missisippi, when it bends to the south- east, and finally, to an east course, where its waters unite with that river behind a cluster of islands. The parting of the channels of the Mississippi and Illinois rivers for steamboat navigation is at Grafton, two miles below its mouth. OBSTRUCTIONS TO ITS NAVIGATION AT LOW WATER, AND PLAN OF IMPROVEMENT. This river was examined with a view to the improvement of its navigation by Howard Stansbury, Z7. S. Assistant Civil Engineer, in 1837, and reported to the Secretary of the War Department, February 14, 1838. The instructions of the de- partment required an examination to be made, from the mouth of the river to the termination of the canal from Lake Michigan. From this point to its mouth the river flows over a bed of sand, an alluvial deposit, with a very gentle current. Its banks consist chiefly of low alluvial bottoms, which are skirted with small lakes, most of which are connected with the river by sloughs and outlets, and the greater portion inundated at high floods. For most of the year, in ordinary seasons, the navigation by steamboats, drawing from three to four feet water, is uninter- rupted. During the years of 1835, 1836, and 1837, the water was not as low as this, and boats drawing two and a half and three feet passed without interruption, except from ice in the win- ter. During 1838, the western streams were the lowest, and the season from June, the driest ever known within the memory of man, steamboat navigation on the Illinois was interrupted almost entirely after the 20th of July. Mr. Stansbury says in his report alluded to : 3* 30 traveler's directory " The obstructions consist entirely of bars, formed for the most part by the deposit of sand and alluvial matter brought down by the tributary streams, and in some cases, by the widen- ing of the bed of the river itself. A remarkable uniformity prevails in the shape and position of these bars relative to the banks, indicating a similar uniformity in the laws by which they were formed, so that a description of one of them is sufficient to give a clear idea of the nature of all. When the water is low, the greater portion of these bars are exposed, and at a medium stage, the vast quantity of aquatic weed3 with which the rivei is covered, points out their position with unerring exactitude In some cases the bed is irregular, consisting of sand reefs, ae they are termed by the pilots, which have no well defined form, but consist of lumps, or small isolated elevations, not connected in a regular chain, having deep water between and around them, and rendering the navigation in their vicinity somewhat intricate. ■" The form and position of these bars, although composed of materials so easily operated upon by a current, remain from year to year without perceptible alteration, unless it should hap- pen that the river breaks up suddenly in the spring ; in which case the ice, instead of gradually dissolving, is carried down in masses by the current, and by its mechanical action upon the bottom, some change is occasioned in the channel. " A few logs and snags are here and there to be found, but no danger is apprehended from them, as they retain their posi- tions, their localities are perfectly well known, and they are easily avoided." The engineer in his report raises decided, and I think un- answerable objections, against the mode of improvement adopt- ed with success in some rivers ; — the erection of wing dams so as to concentrate the current upon the bar to be removed. The want of sufficient velocity in the current; the constant inunda- tion of the low bottom lands by raising the river at any point ; the want of rock near, and the vast expenditure in this item alone, are amongst his objections, and apply M'ith peculiar force to that part of the river which is below Beardstown. The plan of improvement recommended, is to excavate chan nels through these bars, and that only to a limited extent, by a dredging machine, to be employed during the summer months, first by excavating the channels through the bars, and occa sionally afterward in keeping the channel open. The excava FOE ILLINOIS. 31 lions in most cases will not exceed one foot in depth, and often not over six inches to gain three feet depth of water. The following are the bars named : The French bars, at the mouth of the Macoupin, 23 miles from the mouth of the Illinois. These are now called the up- per and lower bars ; the first requires a cut of three hun- dred yards in length, and the other a cut of two hundred yards. The bed consists of sand and soft mud. The depth of the channel here varies according to the height of the water in the Mississippi River. The number of cubic yards to be removed is six thousand five hundred. The next shoal is at the mouth of Apple Creek, two bars,; The first makes out from the east shore immediately above the mouth of the creek ; the other extends diagonally across and down the river from the eastern and western shore above the first. Both are short, and the upper one is the shoalest in the river. The first will require the excavation of one foot for fifty yards, and the other a cut of twenty-two inches for sixty yards, to give three feet water at the lowest stage. Amount, one thousand six hundred cubic yards. For four miles above the river it continues shoal, and will require a little excavation in places. The next regularly formed bar is Otwell bar, crossing the river diagonally from the eastern to the western shore. This is one of the shoalest bars, having only eighteen inches of water in a dry season. The bed of the river consists of mud and sand into which a pole may be thrust to the depth of thirty feet. It will require to be cut eighteen inches, for one hundred and fifty yards, making two thousand two hundred and fifty cubic yards. The next obstruction is at the Grand Passe bars, four miles above Otwell bar. Here are two bars formed by a deposit of mud and sand, extending from the foot of a small island across the river obliquely to the west- ern bank, and from thence returning to the eastern shore, form- ing a curve. An excavation of thirty yards wide, (as all these excavations are proposed to be made,) and one foot deep for two hundred and sixty yards, in two localities, will make three feet water, two thousand six hundred cubic yards* 32 traveler's directory Six miles above Grand Passe bars, and just below Bridgeport, is Garrison's Island, at the head of which is a bar that will re- quire an excavation from six inches to one foot for about two hundred yards, making two thousand one hundred and twenty- five cubic yards. Little Blue River Bar is opposite the mouth of that stream, and two miles below the town of Florence, and will require a cut of six inches for four hundred yards, making two thousand cubic yards. Bevington Bar is one mile above Florence, where the chan- nel crosses abruptly from the eastern to the western shore, and will require a cut of six inches for one hundred yards, making five hundred cubic yards. Big Blue River Bar is opposite the mouth of that stream, and can be removed by a cut of six inches for eighty yards ; four hundred cubic yards. Mauvaise terre Bars are formed by a shoal that commences at Naples, and extends four miles below. The channel crosses this shoal four times, and will require in different places the excavation of three thousand and fifty cubic yards. Above Naples no obstruction exists for twenty-five miles, when we arrive at the Beardstown Bar. This lies about two miles below Beards- town, and is the worst obstruction in the whole river. A de- posit has been made, commencing at the foot of a large island, and extending obliquely down the stream for half a mile, where it joins the western shore. The channel is close under the western bank, where it ci-osses the bar. The water at its low- est stage has not exceeded fifteen inches on this bar, which does not extend over fifty yards, and is composed of sand. The quantity to be removed, amounts to one thousand cubic yards. Between Beardstown and Peoria, the navigation at low water, is very little obstructed. There is a small bar at the mouth of Sugar Creek, one in the eastern chute of Grand Island, one above Grand Island, one off the mouth of Copperas Creek, and one below the mouth of Kickapoo Creek. The excavations will be for short dis- tances, and from six inches to one foot, and estimated in the FOE ILLINOIS. . - 33 aggregate at seven thousand cubic yards. Above Peoria, the navigation is good until within two miles of Henry, where there is a shoal at the bead of two islands, which will require an ex- cavation of six inches for one hundred yards — five hundred cubic yards. At the mouth of Sandy Creek is a gravel bar which will re- quire a cut of one foot for fifty yards, making five hundred cubic yards. About five miles below Hennepin, an excavation of one foot for one hundred yards will be required, making one thousand cubic yards, A shoal is found at the head of the island immediately above Hennepin, which will require an excavation of two thousand cubic yards. At the mouth of Bureau Creek, two miles above Hennepin, another cut of one foot per hundred yards will be necessary — -two thousand cubic yards. The last obstruction is at the mouth of Spring Creek, four miles below Peru, where an excavation of one foot for two hundred and fifty yards will be required ; making two thousand five hundred yards. The total number of cubic yards of sand and mud to be ex- cavated, is less than forty thousand. The estimated cost of a dredging machine and engine com- plete for use, with two receiving scows, is eight thousand five hundred dollars. The annual expense for superintendent, en- gineer, and five work hands, with fuel, subsistence, repairs, &c per annum, is estimated at four thousand two hundred and forty-five dollars. The State of Illinois in apportioning its anticipated internal improvement funds, appropriated one hundred thousand dollars for this river, but from the report of the United States' Engineer, it would seem, that after the machinery is prepared, a small an- nual expenditure in removing the bars and keeping the chan- nel clear, is all that is necessary. This river is, unquestionably, one of the most valuable streams for navigation of all the tribu- taries of the Mississippi % and, after the Illinois and Michigan canal is completed, and these improvements made, the com- merce that will pass over ks waters, will not be exceeded on any river of its size in America. The commerce of this river is now extensive, and increasing with a rapidity known only in the rich agricultural regions of the western states. The first steamboat navigation was in 1828, during which 34 traveler's directory season there were nine arrivals and departures at Naples. The number of arrivals and departures in 1829 ....... 3 1830 - - - 24 1831 186 1832, from March 4 to June 19, - - 108 by nineteen different boats. The arrivals and departures at Beardstown in 1836 were - ... . . 450 1837, at Peoria 468 According to the Peoria Register of January 26, 1839, the time of the opening and the suspension of navigation by steam- boats at that place, as kept by a mercantile house, is as follows : Susjyended. 1834, December 30, 1835, November 24, 1836, December 13, 1837, December 18, 1838, September 4, from extreme low water. Resumed. 1835, March 7, 1836, January 1, 1837, February 22, 1838, March 14, In 1838, the river opened the 6th, and continued open till the 18th of January, during which time, there were seven ar- rivals from St. Louis. PASSAGES, FREIGHT, &C. ON STEAMBOATS. The following table will be found sufficiently accurate for practical purposes of the distances, and prices of cabin and deck passages, freight per lOOlbs. &c, from St. Louis to the various landings on the Illinois river. Some variation of course will take place, especially at low stages of water and by different boats, and some deduction is usually made for large families, who take a cabin passage. Deck passengers on all western boats furnish their own pro- visions and blankets or bedding, and occupy the lower or boiler deck in the stern. They usually assist the boat hands in tak- ing in wood at the wood yards. By making partitions, with blankets, families may have retirement. Emigrating families frequently take deck passages FOR ILLINOIS. 35 NAMES OF PLACES. From St. Louis to— Alton, Grafton, Bushnell's Landing, Newport, (mouth of Apple creek,) Bridgeport Montezuma, Florence, (1'ding for Pittsfleld and Winchester Phillip's Ferry, (landing for Griggsville,) Naples, (landing for Jacksonville,) Meredosia, do. do. Lagrange Beardstown, (landing for Springfield, &c) Erie, (landing for Rushville at high water,) Havanna, E., (mouth of Spoon river, W landing for Lewistown,) Liverpool, -(Bailey's Island,) Copperas creek, (landing for Canton,) Pekin, (landing for Tremont,) Westley City, Peoria, .... Rome, (through the lake,) Chillicothe, . Lacon, .... Dorchester and Henry, • Webster, Hennepin, Peru, .... La Salle, (termination of the canal,) Ottawa, . . E. E. E. E. E. W. W. E. E. E. W. E. W. W. W. E. E. W. W. W. E. W. w. E. W. w. EW srf.l-3! Q02 ,o * 26'1 42 2 75 3 81'3 92 3 100 3 106 3 113 4 118,4 124 4 1334 145 5 147 1 5 172 5 182 5 192 5 212,6 220 6 223 6 240i6 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 50 2 00 2 00 00 2 00 00i2 00 00,2 00 00 2 50 00 2 50 0012 50 244 256 268 272 282 296 297 312 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 37£ 37* 37* 50 50 50 50 50 62i 62| 62* 75" 1 00 1 00 1 00 We will now return to the mouth of this river and examine the TOWNS, LANDINGS, &C. Passing Allen's ferry a short distance above the mouth, and Jones' ferry, or Point Pleasant, at the mouth of Racoon creek, eleven miles up, we arrive at Dr. Terry's beautiful situation on elevated ground, and on the borders of the Illinois prairie. Calhoun county lies on the west, and Greene county on the east side of the river. Bushnell's ferry and landing will next attract attention. This is one of the landings for Carrollton and the settlements adjacent. Newport, at the mouth of Apple Creek, has a warehouse, store, and eight or ten dwellings. Passengers destined for Bluffdale, Carrollton, and White Hall, will usually land here. At extreme high water, this place and Bushnell's, are over- flowed. The flourishing settlement of Bluffdale, extends at 36 TRAVELERS DIRECTORY the foot of a range of high bluffs and perpendicular cliffs, from Apple Creek to the Macoupin, for ten miles. This range of oluffs lie about four miles from the river, and spread out in front,, is an extensive prairie. Bridgeport, called also " Hodge's Landing," is a town site with eight or ten buildings, where boats usually stop to dis- charge freight or passengers, destined to the northern part of Greene, or southern part of Scott county. Directly opposite is New Bedford. Montezuma is a pleasant looking town of twelve or fifteen houses, on the west side of the river, in Pike county. Florence, six miles above, and on the same side, is a good- looking place, and a convenient landing for Pittsfield in Pike county, and Winchester in Scott county. Portland, or Phillip's ferry, has a good landing on both sides of the river, and is the landing for Griggsvifle, which is four miles west. Three miles further up comes in the Mauvaise terre, which rises in the eastern part .of Morgan county in three forks, and passes about one mile east of Jacksonville. By a singular misnomer by the early French explorers, this name was given to a stream that watered one of the richest tracts of country in Illinois. Two miles further is the town of Naples, where passengers and goods are usually left for Jacksonville. From this place a stage leaves daily for Jacksonville and returns, and three times a week for Quincy. A branch of the Northern Cross Rail Road is now making from this place to intersect the principal route from Meredosia to Jacksonville, about five miles distant- Naples is on a level prairie, and extends up the river to a sand ridge. Most of the town is above the highest floods. Here are three public houses, several stores, three steam mills, a druggist, various mechanics, and about one hundred and thirty families. The Presbyterians hold worship here each Sabbath ; other societies occasionally. Two miles above Na- ples, McKee's creek comes in from the west. Meredosia, (anglicised from the French of Marais d' Ogee,) six miles above Naples, is destined to become a place of con- siderable importance, as the crossing place of the Northern Cross Rail Road. This will give it direct communication with FOR ILLINOIS. 87 the Mississippi at Quincy, and with the Wabash and Erie Ca- nal through Jacksonville, Springfield, Decatur, and Danville. About five miles of this Rail Road are completed, and a loco, motive and cars placed thereon. Meredosia is situated on an elevated sand ridge, and has a good landing at ordinary stages of the water. Here are two or three steam mills, several stores, and about seventy-five families. About nine miles further up is the town of Lagrange, which like many other town sites on this river, is submerged from high waters. It is a landing of some importance, and the bottom lands being but about one hundred and fifty yards in width, and bounded by handsome and elevated bluffs, a town may yet be built up here. Equidistant from this landing and Beards- town, comes in Crooked Creek from the west. Beardstown is situated on the east bank of the river, twenty- five miles northwest from Jacksonville, and in Cass county. It is on elevated ground, sandy soil, and entirely above the high- est floods. It has thirteen stores, four of which do commission and forwarding business, three groceries, two druggists, four physicians, one large hotel, and several boarding houses, two bakeries, two shoemakers, three tailors, two blacksmiths, two cabinet makers, one silversmith, one watchmaker, four car- penters and house-joiners, three cooper shops, one painter and glazier, two tinners, two brick and one stone masons, one car- riage maker, two steam flouring mills, with six pairs of stones, one steam sawmill, one steam distillery, and a large brewery, one lawyer, one minister of the gospel, and about one thousand inhabitants. There is a Methodist and an Episcopalian con- gregation, but no house of worship. Canal project. A company has been chartered and sur- veys made preparatory to the construction of a canal from this place to Sangamon river, at Huron, and from thence to im- prove the river by slack water navigation to the head. And it has been ascertained, that a water communication may be opened, at moderate expense, across the state to the Vermilion of the Wabash. The construction of that portion of the canal from Beardstown to the Sangamon river can be easily effected. Passengers, goods, &c. destined for Springfield will be dis- charged here, and stages usually run daily during navigation. If the opposite bottom is not submerged, this is the landing also for Rushville, Macomb, and the surrounding regions. At high 4 38 traveler's directory water, passengers will proceed to Erie, two and a half miles further up, and on the west bank of the river. Here, too, at extreme high water, some difficulty may exist about communi- cations with the interior country. The next point deserving notice is the mouth of Sugar Creek, which enters from the west side. About one mile up this creek, on both sides, and on elevated ground, is Schuyler City, con- taining a dozen houses, and is to be the depot of the Rushville Rail Road, for the construction of which considerable prepara- tions have been made. This is eight miles from Rushville. Sugar Creek is navigable at all times for steamboats to this spot. In its immediate vicinity are five grist and sawmills, many fine springs of water, abundance of lime and sand stone for building purposes, bituminous coal, and rieh mines of iron oar. Hence, this place deserves the attention of business men. Passing the mouth of Sangamon river, and one or two land- ings, and occasionally a wood yard, for a stretch of twenty miles, we come to diodes' landing near the southern boundary of Fulton county. Ten miles further, and directly opposite the mouth of Spoon River is Havanna. It has an eligible situation on a high sand ridge, fifty feet above the highest floods of the river. It is on section one, township twenty-one north, in range nine west of the third principal meridian. Havanna is well situated to receive the produce and direct the trade of a pretty extensive country on both sides of the Illi- nois River, and is on the great thoroughfare from Indiana, by Danville and Bloomington, to the counties that lie to the west and north. Spoon River has been navigated by steamboats, following its meanderings, fifteen miles to Waterford, and a few thousand dollars judiciously expended, would open a regular navigation to Bernadotte. Liverpool, ten miles further, is an elevated and handsome position, entirely above the highest floods. This site was for- merly called " Bailey's Island," from being surrounded in the rear by a slough at high water, over which a causeway, or Levee, is proposed to be constructed. A charter for a rail road has been granted, from this place by Canton to Knoxville. Copperas Creek landing will next be noticed. Here is a warehouse made of a log cabin, and a family residence, but is FOR ILLINOIS. 3y overflown at high water. Two miles up the creek at the bluffs, are mills and a town site. Passing the mouth of the Mackinau, we arrive next to Pekin, situated on the east side of the river, in Tazewell county, on high ground, and on the borders of sand prairie, a beautiful tract. Goods and passengers destined to Tremont, Blooming- ton, and in general, through Tazewell and McLean counties, will be landed here. This place also receives a branch of the Rail Road now under contract from Bloomington to the Illinois River. The other branch goes from Mackinau to Peoria. Pekin contains twelve stores, three groceries, two taverns, (anda splendid hotel building by a company,) seven lawyers, four physicians, four ministers of the gospel, one drug store, three forwarding and commission houses, two houses for slaughter- ing and packing pork, one auction house, and about eight hun- dred inhabitants. There is also one steam flouring mill that manufactures two hundred barrels of flour per day, a steam saw mill and two steam distilleries, an academy and a common school. The religious denominations are Presbyterians, Methodist and Unitarian, which have houses of worship. Seven miles further, and directly opposite the mouth of Kickapoo Creek, is the town of Westley City, on the site of the old Indian trading house. It has a steam mill, and from twenty-five to thirty houses. Three miles further, we arrive at Peoria, the situation of which for beauty cannot be exaggerated by any of the de- scriptions given. The following description is from the Gazet- teer of Illinois. Peoria, the seat of justice for Peoria county, situated on the west bank of the Illinois River, on section nine, eight north, eight east, and formerly called Fort Clark. From a report made by Edward Coles, Esq. formerly gover- nor of Illinois, to the Secretary of the treasury, it may be learned, " The old village of Peoria was situated one mile and a half aboye the lower extremity or outlet of the Peoria Lake. Tin's village had been inhabited by the French previous to the re- collection of the present generation. About the year 1778 or 1779, the first house was built in what was then called La Ville de Maillet, afterwards the new village of Peoria, and which has recently been known by the name of Fort Clark, situated about one mile and a half below the old village, im» 40 traveler's directory mediately at the lower point, or outlet of the lake. The situa- tion being preferred on account of the water being better, and its being thought more healthy, the inhabitants gradually de- serted the old village, and by the year 1796 or 1797, had en- tirely abandoned it, and removed to the new one. «' The inhabitants of Peoria consisted generally of Indian traders, hunters and voyagers, and had long formed a Jink of connection between the French residing on the great lakes and the Mississippi River. From that happy felicity of adapting themselves to their situation and associates, for which the French are so remarkable, the inhabitants of Peoria lived gene- rally in harmony with their savage neighbors. It appears, however, that about the year 1781, they were induced to aban- don the village from an apprehension of Indian hostility ; but soon after the peace of 1783, they again returned, and continued to reside there until the autumn of 1812, when they were forci- bly removed from it, and the place destroyed by a Captain Craig, of the Illinois militia, on the ground, it was said, that his company of militia was fired on in the night, while at anchor in their boats before the village, by Indians, with whom the in- habitants were suspected by Craig to be too intimate and friendly." The inhabitants being thus driven from the place, fled to the French settlements on the Mississippi for shelter. In 1813, Peoria was occupied by the United States troops, and a block house erected and called Fort Clark. The timber was cut on the opposite side of the lake, and with considerable labor transported across, and hauled on truck wheels by the men. After the termination of the war, Fort Clark was abandoned, and the buildings soon after burnt by the Indians. The present town is near its ruins. Without intending to do injustice to several other beautiful town sites along the upper parts of the Illinois River, amongst which is Pekin, Hennepin, the foot of the rapids, Ottawa, &c. I shall copy from Beck's Gazetteer, the following description of Peoria. " The situation of this place is beautiful beyond description. - From the mouth of the Kickapoo, or Redbud Creek, which empties into the Illinois two miles below the old fort, the allu- vion is a prairie which stretches itself along the river three or four miles, FOR ILLINOIS. 41 " The shore is chiefly made up of rounded pebbles, and ia filled with springs of the finest water. The first bank, which is from six to twelve feet above high water mark, extends west about a quarter of a mile from the river, gradually ascending, when it rises five or six feet to the second bank. This extends nearly on a level to the bluffs, which are from sixty to one hundred feet in height. These bluffs consist of rounded peb- bles, overlaying strata of lime stone and sand stone, rounded at the top, and corresponding in their course with the meanders of the river and lake. The ascent, although steep, is not per- pendicular. On the bluffs the surface again becomes level, and is beautifully interspersed with prairie and woodland. " From the bluffs the prospect is uncommonly fine. Look- ing towards the east you first behold an extensive prairie, which, in spring and summer, is covered with grass, with whose green the brilliant hues of a thousand flowers form the most lively con- trast. Beyond this, the lake, clear and calm, may be seen emptying itself into, or by its contraction forming the river, whose meanders, only hid from the view by the beautiful groves of timber, which here and there arise, can be traced to the utmost extent of vision." Peoria is now rapidly advancing in population and improve- ments. In the summer of 1833, it consisted of about twenty- five families. These more than doubled in a few weeks from emigration. Peoria now has twenty-five stores, two wholesale and five retail groceries, two drug stores, two hotels and several board- ing houses, two free schools and an incorporated academy, two Presbyterian houses of worship and congregations, one Me, thodist, one Baptist, one Unitarian, and one Episcopal congre- gation, six lawyers, eight or ten physicians, one brewery, two steam sawmills, the usual proportion of mechanics, a court house and jail, and a population from fifteen to eighteen hun- dred, and rapidly increasing. The " Peoria Register and North- western Gazetteer" is issued weekly, by S.M. Davis, Esq. Stages leave here daily, tri- weekly, and weekly, in various directions. Passing through Peoria Lake already described, we arrive at Rome, on its western border, consisting of a dozen or fifteen houses, and four miles further, at the head of the Lake, is the town of Chillicothe of about thirty houses. La Salle prairie, is a beautiful, undulating, and rich tract of prairie, spread around for several miles, 4* 42 traveler's directory Lacon is a handsome town of fifty good looking houses, with its proportion of stores, taverns, steam mills, &c, and will pro- bably be the seat of justice for the new county of Marshall. It has rich and flourishing settlements back. Dorchester, Henry and Webster, are three town sites crowd- ed near each other on the west side of the river, and from five to eight miles above Lacon. Their sites are elevated and beautiful. The next town is Hennepin, the seat of justice for Putnam county, on the east bank of the Illinois, and on the borders of De Prue prairie. Its situation is elevated, the surface gently ascending from the river with an extensive body of rich land adjacent. The bottom opposite is about one mile and a half wide, and overflowed in high water. This town was laid ofFin 1831, and contains ten stores, four groceries, three taverns, three lawyers, four physicians, Pres- byterian and Methodist congregations, court house and jail, a good school, and four hundred and seventy-five inhabitants. Steamboats ascend to this place at a moderate stage of water. Peru is the next landing of any importance. This place is situated on the north bank of the river, and one mile below the termination of the canal from Chicago. The bluffs rise some- what abruptly, but the situation is good. Peru contains several stores, two or three public houses, and from twenty-five to thirty dwellings. Nearly opposite is a large island in the river. At a low stage of water boats go no higher. The city of La Salle has been laid off by the authority of the state at the termination of the canal. A steamboat harbor and a large basin for canal boats, are to be made next season at this point. Here, too, will be the great crossing place of the Central Rail Road. Hence, this must soon become a place of great business. A passage from this point, at a proper stage of water, to Otta- wa, will afford much interest to the traveler. He will notice one mile above La Salle, and at the junction of the Little Ver- milion with the Illinois, the beautiful and elevated site of Rock, well, one hundred feet above the river, and containing a num- ber of neat white houses, nearly opposite the mouth of the Big Vermilion of the Illinois. The Starved Rock is on the south side of the river, and near the foot of the rapids. It is a perpendicular mass of lime and sand stones, washed by the current at its base, and elevated one FOE ILLINOIS. 43 hundred and fifty feet. The diameter of its surface is about one hundred feet, with a slope extending to the adjoining bluff, from whieh alone it is accessible. Tradition says, that after the Illinois Indians had killed Pon- tiac, the French governor at Detroit, the northern Indians made war upon them. A band of the Illinois, in attempting to escape, took shelter on this rock, which they soon made inaccessible to their enemies, and where they were closely besieged. They had secured provisions, but their only resource for water was by letting down vessels with bark ropes to the river. The wily besiegers contrived to come in canoes under the rock and cut off their buckets, by which means the unfortunate Illinois were starved to death. Many years after, their bones were whiten- ing on this summit. Passing onward, the boatman may point out the site of the town of Utica, on the north bank, containing two houses. Buff aloe Rock is a singular promontory on the north side of the Illinois River, in La Salle county, six miles below Ottawa. It rises one hundred feet, nearly perpendicular, on three sides, and contains on its surface about six hundred acres of timber and prairie. We now arrive at Ottawa, divided into three parts by the Illinois and Fox rivers. Ottawa is the seat of justice for La Salle county, and was laid off by the canal commissioners, in 1830, at the junction of Fox River with the Illinois, and is thought by many to be an important location for business. It is laid off on both sides of the Illinois River, on the entire section numbered eleven, and in township thirty-three north, in range three east of the third principle meridian. At the town site, the water of the Illinois is deep, and the landing convenient. Steamboats reach this place in the spring, and at other seasons when the water is high. Below, for the distance of eight or nine miles, are rapids and shoals formed by barriers of sand and lime stone rock. Ottawa has three or four public houses, a dozen stores, three physicians, five lawyers, mechanics of various descriptions, and about one hundred and fifty houses, and from ten to twelve hundred inhabitants. Large additions have been made to the town plat, by laying off additional lots on lands adjoining. A lateral canal from the Illinois and Michigan canal will pass through the town to 44 traveler's directory the Illinois River. This by means of a feeder to the rapids of Fox River will open a navigation into Kane county. Fox River is susceptible of improvement by slack water, at small expense, into the Wisconsin territory, and from thence by a short canal of fifteen miles may become connected with Milwaukee. Hence, Ottawa may be regarded as one of the most important sites for commercial business in the state. Near it, dams are already projected across the Illinois River, and immense water power thus created. The country around is pleasant, undulating, and well adapted to farming. The timber is in small quantities, chiefly in groves ; the prairie land generally dry, and rich soil. Lime, and coarse free stone, in great abundance. The feeder to the canal from Fox River, connected to the Illi- nois by a lateral canal at this place, will open a water commu- nication of immense importance, and create a vast hydraulic power. The chief engineer, Mr. Gooden, in his report to the canal commissioners in 1836, remarks: " The fall from top water line of canal to low water of Fox River, where the main [canal] line crosses, is thirty- seven feet; and it is supposed that five thousand cubic feet of water, per minute, may here be drawn from the canal for hydraulic pur- poses. This will give a power at Ottawa sufficient, at least, to drive forty pairs of millstones of four and a half feet in diameter." The Ottawa Hydraulic Company have a valuable water power on the Illinois, one fourth of a mile above Ottawa. I shall now notice the largest streams that enter the Illinois. Kankakee, one of the principal streams that form the Illinois River. It rises in the northern part of Indiana, near the south bend of the St. Joseph's River, runs a westerly course into Illi- nois, where it receives the Iroquois, and forms a junction with the Des Plaines, in section thirty-five, township thirty-four north, and in range eight east from the third principal meridian. Here is a large body of fine timber, but along the Kankakee there is very little timber. It runs swiftly, and has a lime stone bed. At the ford of the Vincennes and Chicago road it is two- hundred yards wide. This is one hundred and seventy-eight miles north of Vincennes, and forty-seven miles south of Chi- cago. The prairie country through which it passes is generally of good soil, gently undulating, and interspersed with sand FOR ILLINOIS. 45 ridges. Navigation for small craft can be effected through the Kankakee and St. Joseph. This river was discovered by the French at a very early period, and was one of the principal routes to the Illinois country. Its aboriginal name was Theakiki, or as pronounced in French, Te-au-kee-kee, which by the fatality attendant upon many of the aboriginal names carried through French into English, has become fixed in the sound and orthography of Kan-ka-kee. Iroquois, {Riviere des Iroquois, Fr.,) a considerable river which rises in the northwestern part of Indiana, and taking a northwest course, flows into the Kankakee River, and thus forms one of the heads of the Illinois. It received its name from the circumstance of a large party of the Iroquois Indians being surprised and massacred on its banks by the Illinois na- tion. The Kickapoos called it Mocabella. Others have called it Canawaga. It is probably the same stream that the com- missioners for settling the boundary between Illinois and Indi- ana called Pickaminck. It crosses the boundary line in town- ship twenty-seven north, where its width is one hundred and seventy-five links. The country through which it passes will soon be covered with settlements, the surface being fine and undulating, the soil rather inclined to sand, dry and rich, and the timber abundant. Sugar Creek is a principal branch. Des Plaines River, {Riviere des Plaines, Fr.,) rises in the Wisconsin territory, a few miles above the boundary line of Illinois, and about six miles from Lake Michigan. It runs a south course, generally over a bed of lime stone rock, and forms one of the prominent branches of the Illinois River, by its junction with the Kankakee. - Groves of timber are found on its banks, and interspersed through the vast prairie region. The country along its borders is rapidly populating, notwithstanding the apparent deficiency of timber. In many places along the Des Plaines, rock may be easily obtained both for fencing and building. The country is well watered, the streams perennial, and the soil rich, and covered with a luxuriant herbage. It is frequently written and pro. nounced Aux Plaines or O'Plane. Du Page, (Riviere du Page, Fr.,) a beautiful stream in Cook county. It rises in two forks, which unite in the settle* 46 traveler's directory ment of Fountaindale. One fork rises near the Des Plaines, and runs a western course, and forms a junction with the other fork, which rises towards Fox River. After the junction, it runs a southwestern course through groves and prairies, and enters the Des Plaines three miles above its junction with the Kankakee. There are large settlements on this stream at Walker's grove and Fountaindale. Au Sable, (Fr. sandy — gravelly,) a small stream in the eastern part of La Salle county. It rises near the west fork of Du Page, runs south, mostly through prairie, and enters the Illinois three miles below the junction of the Des Plaines and Kankakee. Vermilion River of the Illinois, rises in Livingstone County, through which it passes into La Salle county, and enters the Illinois near the foot of the rapids. Towards its head the sur- face is tolerably level, with a rich soil, large prairies, and but small quantities of timber. Towards the Illinois its bluffs be. come abrupt, often one hundred feet high, with rocky banks and frequent rapids and falls. It is an excellent mill stream, about fifty yards wide, and runs through extensive beds of bituminous coal. Its bluffs contain immense quarries of lime, sand and some free stone, excellent for grind stones. The timber upon its banks are oaks of various kinds, walnut, ash, sugar maple, hickory, &c. Little Vermilion rises in the prairies west of Fox River, runs south, and enters the Illinois near the foot of the rapids. Just below is the termination of the canal, and the site of a great commercial town. Its Indian name is Pe-cumsauk-in, or Tomahawk. Bureau Creek rises in the northern part of Bureau county, runs southwest, receives Little Bureau, turns thenee southeast, and enters the Illinois River nearly opposite Hennepin. It is a fine mill stream, with a bold current, rock, gravel, and sand in its bottom, and receives a number of branches. About the bluffs of the Illinois the surface of the land is broken, but in general it is excellent the whole length of the stream. Between its branches are fine prairies, undulating, rich and dry, and along its borders is much excellent timber. The Kickapoo Creek is in Peoria county, and designated on the map with sufficient accuracy. On its branches there ia POR ILLINOIS. 47 much valuable land, with groves, points of timber, large prai- ries, and considerable tracts of" barrens." Near the main creek is much valuable timber, and the sur- face is quite hilly* The next is the Mackinau, a navigable stream in Tazewell county. It rises in the prairie near the centre of McLean county, and after receiving several small branches, runs south- westwardly through Tazewell county, and enters the Illinois three miles below Pekin. It is a clear stream, and has Little Mackinau, Rock, Walnut, and Panther Creeks for its branches. The Mackinau bottoms are rich, but its bluffs are very broken, thin soil, from one to two miles in width, and the timber chiefly white oak, and some cedar. The prairies adjoining are rolling, dry, and tolerably good. Towards its head the land is less broken, timber various, and soil rich. It has a number of mill seats. A few miles above its mouth, the Mackinau loses its channel in a swamp where there is a small lake. Spoon River next deserves notice. It has three principal heads or " Forks," designated as the East, West, and South Forks. The East Fork rises in fifteen north, six east, runs south, through townships fourteen, thirteen and twelve, of the same range, where it turns west, and meets the West fork, receiving in its course a number of smaller streams. There is much ex- cellent land on this fork and its branches ; prairie predominates, but it is generally dry and rich, with groves and points of tim- ber, and many fine springs. The West Fork, rises in the southeast part of Henry county, in township fourteen north, five east, runs a southeasterly course, and unites with the East fork near the township line between four and five east. The country adjoining is similar to that on the East fork, except that the surface is more undu- lating. The timber is good, and in considerable bodies. Near the junction of these streams is much excellent timber, with a strip of fertile prairie between. Here is a considerable settle- ment, a grist and saw mill, and a large grove called Oceola Grove. A town site of the same name, with one inhabitant, exists here. South Fork of Spoon Fiver rises in Warren county, near the head of Ellison Creek, runs a southeasterly course, and 48 traveler's directory unites with the majn stream in section four, township eight north, range two east. Some of the best land in the state lies on this stream. This is frequently called West Fork. After the union of these forks, the general course of this river is south till within a few miles of its mouth, when it takes a southeasterly course and enters the Illinois in section thirty- three, four north, four east, directly opposite Havanna. This stream is navigated for several miles, and, at a trifling expense, in clearing out the trees and rafts of timber, it might be made navigable for one half of the year to the forks. Large bodies of timber of the best quality line the banks of this stream, and the soil in general is inferior to none. The main river and several of its tributaries furnish excellent mill seats. The prairies adjacent are generally undulating, dry, and fertile. Above the mouth of Spoon River is a large lake on the west side of the Illinois. The Sangamon River is a prominent branch of the Illinois. It rises in Champaign county, in the most elevated region of that portion of the state, and near the head waters of the two Vermilions and the Kaskaskia Rivers. It waters Sangamon and Macon counties, and parts of Tazewell, McLean, Mont- gomery, Shelby, and Champaign counties. Its general course is northwesterly. Besides a number of smaller streams, as Clary's Rock, Richland, Prairie, Spring, Lick, Sugar, Horse, and Brush Creeks, on the south side, and Crane, Cantrili's, Fancy, Wolf Creeks, and other streams on the north side, its three principal heads are Salt Creek, North Fork, and South Fork. Salt Creek rises in McLean county, twenty-two north, ranges four and five east, and runs a westerly course, after re- ceiving Kickapoo and Sugar Creeks, and several smaller ones, it enters the Sangamon River, in the northwest part of town- ship nineteen north, range six west. Its two principal heads are called the North Fork of Salt Creek, and Lake Fork of Salt Creek. North Fork, which may be regarded as the main stream, rises in Champaign county, near the heads of the Vermilion River of the Illinois, the Vermilion of the Wabash, ana the Kaskaskia, in twenty-four north, seven east, in a small lake. FOR ILLINOIS. 49 It runs soutn westerly, then south, then west and receives South Fork and Salt Creek. The South Fork of Sangamon rises by several branches, in the northwestern part of Shelby, and the northeastern part of Montgomery counties, runs a southeastern course, and forms a junction with the North Fork in sixteen north, four west, seven miles east from Springfield. Sangamon River and its branches flow through one of the richest and most delightful portions of the Great West. Com- plaints are made of the extent of the prairies, but this offers no serious inconvenience for the present. These prairies for many years will afford range for thousands of cattle. The general aspect of the country on the Sangamon is level, yet it is suffi- ciently undulating to permit the water to escape to the creeks. It will soon constitute one of the richest agricultural districts in the United States, the soil being of such a nature that immense crops can be raised with little agricultural labor. The Sangamon is navigable for steamboats of the smaller class to the junction of the North and South Forks, and, with a little labor in clearing out the drift wood, each principal fork may be navigated with flat boats for a long distance. In the spring of 1832, a steamboat of the larger class, arrived within five miles of Springfield, and discharged its cargo. At a small expense in clearing out the logs, and cutting the stooping trees, this river would be navigable for steamboats half the year. From a bend near the mouth of Clary's Creek, fifty miles above the mouth of the Sangamon, the waters find a channel through the low grounds and sloughs to the vicinity of Beardstown, so that keel-boats can pass in this direction into the Sangamon. It is thought, that with small expense, a communication might be opened in this direction. The improvement of the naviga- tion of this river by slack water, the connection with Beards- town by a canal, and the opening a navigable water communi- cation across the state by this route, have already been sug- gested. Crooked Creek, on the military tract, from its size, length, and number of its branches, should be called a river ; but it is not our province to make or alter names. The term " creek" is applied to this stream in the vocabulary of the country. It rises in numerous branches in McDonough and Hancock counties, and near the borders of Warren, runs a southern 5 course through McDonough and Schuyler counties, and enters the Illinois in section thirteen, one south, one west, six miles below Beardstown. It can easily be made navigable some dis- tance. No better land can be found in Illinois than the coun- try in general watered by this stream ; and the many small tributaries emptying into it from the east and west not only afford many mill seats, but apportion the timber and prairie so nearly equal as to render almost every tract capable of imme- diate settlement. The country generally on Crooked Creek is gently undula. ting, dry soil, inexhaustibly rich, and where timber exists, it is of excellent quality. Here are found oaks of different species, walnut, sugar maple, linden, hackberry, hickory, cherry, honey locust, mulberry, elm, ash, and various other growth common to the state. The soil is an argillaceous mould, from one to four feet deep. Near the mouth of Crooked Creek is an ex- tensive bottom on the Illinois, inundated in high water, but af- fording an extensive range for stock during the greatest part of the year. Bituminous coal is found in great abundance along this stream and its tributaries, with several quarries of free stone- McKee's Creek, in the military tract, enters the Illinois River, in the northeast part of Pike county, in township three south, in range two west of the fourth principal meridian. It is made up of three principal branches, known by the names of North* Middle and West forks. North Fork, which is the longest branch, rises in Adams county, near the base line, in range five west, runs a devious course into Brown county, and receives a number of small tributaries. Its general course to the Illinois River is south- east. Middle Fork originates near the boundary of Pike and Brown counties, and enters the west fork a few miles above its junction with the main stream. West Fork rises in the northern part of Pike county, where it interlocks with the waters that fall into the Mississippi, and after running an eastern course^ joins the main stream a few miles above its mouth. The land on McKee's Creek and branches is excellent, suitably proportioned into timber and prairie, which is gently undulating and rich. The settlements For Illinois. 51 already are large, and population is increasing from emigration. The same obstruction to rapid settlement exists here as in all portions of the military tract. Much good land is held by non- residents. Could the land all be had at a reasonable price, this tract of country would soon be overspread with large farms. The Mauvaise terre has already-been noticed in connection with Naples. The country on its borders for fertility of soil, timber and prairie duly proportioned, and good water, is un- rivaled. Apple Creek rises near the borders of Sangamon couniy, runs a southwestern course through the southeastern part of Morgan into Greene county, and enters the Illinois river in section thirty-six, fractional township eleven north, fourteen west. It has several tributaries, which are noticed under their respective names, and which water a valuable tract of country, with a large population. Macoupin Creek, is a considerable stream that rises in the north part of Montgomery county ; runs southwesterly, passes through Greene county, and enters the Illinois river twenty-six miles above its junction with the Mississippi. Its branches are Phill's, Dry Fork, Bear and Hodge's creeks, and Lake Fork. The country along its banks is generally fertile, suitably pro- portioned into timber and prairie, and has a line of settlements through Macoupin and Greene counties. Macoupin is aboriginal, and in all the French authors spelled Ma-qua-pin ; but it has become legalised on the statute books of the state, in the uncouth form given at the head of this arti- cle, and usually pronounced by the people Ma-goo.pin. This word is said to be the Indian name of a vegetable with a large round leaf, growing in the lakes and ponds of Illinois, called by some people " splatter-dock," and found plentifully near this stream. The large roots of this plant, if eaten raw, are very delete- rious. The Indians, in early times, dug holes in the earth, which they walled with stone, and after heating them with large fires, put in the roots, covered them with earth, and in two days the rank poisonous taste was gone. They were then put on poles, and dried for food, In this form they were eaten by the natives, 52 TRAVELER'S DIRECTORY MISSISSIPPI RIVER. In passing up the Mississippi river, from the mouth of the Illinois, the first navigable water on the Illinois side is Bay creek, which has a wide and navigable slough, extending nearly to the site of Belleview, which includes a store, post office, and one or two dwelling houses. Bay creek, as will be seen from the map, rises near Griggsville, and meanders a southern course through Pike county into Calhoun. The next water course is Sni-carty slough, in Pike county, which is navigable for steamboats. This is a corruption of the French Chenail-ecarte — the " cut off," or " lost channel," and is an arm of the Mississippi. It is a running water at all stages of the river, and for several months furnishes steamboat navigation to Atlas. It leaves the Mississippi in section nine- teen, three south, eight west, in Adams county, enters it again in Calhoun county, section seven, eight south, four west, and runs from one to five miles from the main river. It is about fifty miles in length. The land on the island is of first rate alluvion, proportioned into timber and prairie, but subject to annual inundations. In township six north, six west, it approaches the Mississippi within one mile. Here it is proposed to unite it by a lock and short canal, and open navigation direct to Rockport, near the bluffs, where is a town site and some valuable mills. A com- pany has been chartered to effect this improvement. Clarksville, Mo., will be noticed as opposite the mouth of this slough, and Louisiana ten miles higher up. Salt River comes in from the Missouri side, a short distance above Louisiana. Passing on, the first town we arrive at on the Illinois side, is Quincy, the seat of justice for Adams county. The land- ing is on the river, where are located a few houses, groceries, warehouses for storage, &c. The town is chiefly on the bluff, handsomely situated, and makes an interesting appearance. The court-house, and a spacious hotel, erected by an incor- porated company, will attract attention. Quiney has eight or ten stores, a large steam mill, and a pro- portionate supply of the mechanical and liberal professions,, Here terminates the Northern Cross Rail Road, from the east* @rn side of the state, via Springfield, Jacksonville and JVTsreo FOR ILLINOIS. 53 fclosia. Stages leave here three times a week for Jacksonville, and once in a week for other points. The U. S. Land Office, for the entry of Congress lands in the Military Tract, is situated here. Here, also, is to be found the office for the sale of the lands of the Boston, New York, and Illinois Great Land Company, and agency offices for the sale of other lands, are also to be found here. Opposite Quincy in Missouri, is a low and timbered bottom, inundated in high water. The population of Quincy will equal about 1500. Warsaw is an important commercial position, on the Mis- sissippi river, at the foot of the Des Moines Rapids, 16 miles west-southwest from Carthage. It has a steam mill, several stores, and 800 inhabitants, and is to be the termination of the rail road from Peoria. It is the site of old Fort Edwards. A few miles above Warsaw, commence the Lower Rapids of the Mississippi, the navigation of which is in progress of im- provement by the national government. These rapids, in de- scending the river, commence near Commerce, and terminate about four miles above the mouth of the River Des Moines — a distance of eleven miles. The entire fall of water, according to the survey of Lieut. R. E. Lee, of the U. S. Topograpical En- gineers, is twenty-four feet. The river here runs over an irre- gular bed of blue lime stone, which extends from shore to shore, and is covered with water at all seasons. In places are deep pools, while intervening, at a low stage of water, are reefs and points of rocks, that impede the navigation. Hence the method of improvement commenced, is to cut off these points, and deepen the channel over the reefs, which can only be done when the water is at a low stage. This work was commenced, and considerable progress made therein, the last season. The estimated rock excavation by the engineer is 94,811 cubit yards, and the cost, $189,622. About ten miles above the rapids, and on the w T est bank of the river, is situated the rapidly thriving town of Fort Madison, in the Iowa Territory. The position is elevated from twenty- five to a hundred feet above the highest floods, a beautifully undulating surface, sandy soil, and commands an extensive view up and down the river. The country in the rear is ad- mirably adapted to farming purposes. Much of it is high, dry, undulating and rich prairie, with ample supplies of timber. 5* o4 TRAVELER S DIRECTORY The town contains about 600 inhabitants, and building lots command from $400 to $600. The site of Fort Madison was selected by Gen. Z. M. Pike for a military post in 1805, but it was not occupied until 1808. During the war of the United States with Great Britain, in 1812-15, all the hordes of northern Indians of the Mississippi and Illinois were in league with Great Britain, and the garrison at this place were constantly harassed by the savage enemy. In 1813, after sustaining a severe siege, the fort was evacuated and burned by the troops, and they retired down the river about twenty-five miles, and built Fort Edwards on the bluff adjoining Warsaw, where it now stands. Appanooce is situated on the Illinois side, in sight and near- ly opposite Fort Madison. About fifteen miles above comes in Skunk river from the west, and a few miles further is the town of Burlington, the temporary seat of government of the Iowa Territory. Burlington is well situated for a commercial town, and has an extensive back country, rapidly populating for its commerce. The surface of Burlington is undulating and elevated. Its population about 1500. Oquawka is a landing and town site in Monmouth county, a few miles above the mouth of Henderson river. Its situation is on a sand ridge, that extends from Henderson river to the Mississippi, and is the landing for Monmouth and Knox counties. Pojpe's River enters the Mississippi near the southwestern corner of Mercer county. Edwards River enters about five miles above, and New Boston, a handsome town site, two and a half miles further. Nearly opposite New Boston, the Iowa river enters the Mississippi, which gives name to the territory opposite. The Iowa is navigable to Cedar Fork for steam- boats at a reasonable stage of water, and with improvements, doubtless, will become navigable to the interior of the Territory. The Muscatine slough puts out from the Mississippi, on the west side, a little below Bloomington, and enters again a short distance above the Iowa. Opposite the mouth of Rock river, is the town site of Rock- ingham, and four miles above is Davenport, the seat of justice for Scott county on the Iowa side. FOH ILLINOIS. 55 Stephenson, the seat of justice of Rock Island county in Illinois, is directly opposite of the foot of Rock Island. Here is a beautiful situation for a town site, a good landing, &c. Rock Island, which gives name to the county, is three and a half miles long, and from one half to one mile wide, with a lime stone base. The rock on two sides is perpendicular, twenty feet above the highest floods of the river, and forms a protection wall to the island. Fort Armstrong is situated at its lower end. The site is beautiful, and the prospect from its summit, variegated and delightful. The Upper, or Rock River Rapids, terminate at the foot of Rock Island, and extend fourteen miles to the town sites of Parkhurst on the west, and Port Byron on the east side. Milan is a town site on the east side, about equidistant from the head to the foot of the rapids. Campbell's Island is about one and a fourth mile long, and is situated near the Illinois shore, a short distance below Milan. The descent of the Mississippi at these rapids, is twenty-five and three quarter feel, over a rocky bed, broken by reefs, which in places extend quite across the river. The depth of the water in the channel is generally sufficient for the passage of boats ; but the projecting points of rocks, the short turns, and the narrow passes, render the navigation difficult and dan. gerous at a low stage of water. The agents of the United States government are engaged in removing these obstructions, and opening a free channel for navigation. The work con- sists in rock excavation to the amount of about 78,000 cubic yards, at the estimated cost of $154,658. Pursuing our route up the Mississippi, about ten miles above Port Byron, the Wabesepinecon comes in from the west, and five miles further is the outlet of the Marais d'Ogee, a swampy slough or lake, the waters of which, in high floods, connect with those of Rock river. Albany, is a town site in Whiteside county, and offers claims as a seat of justice, and is about four- teen miles above Port Byron. It is situated on a high slope, and has lime stone in abundance, timber around, and an ex- cellent farming country in the rear. Its population in the sum- mer of 1838, numbered about 150. New York will be the next point. It is situated on the west side of the river, and claims to be the germ of a future city. 56 TRAVELER S DIRECTORY Fulton City, in Whiteside county, is at a place called the Narrows, a short distance below the outlet of Cat-tail swamp It presents an excellent landing, and has a population of twenty families. Here the Mississippi is unusually narrow^ with bluff banks, without sand-bars or islands, and one of the most con- venient ferries on the river. This is the nearest landing on this river to cross the country to Dixon, it being twenty-eight miles to Harrisburg, and twelve miles from thence to Dixon. Savanna is fifteen miles above, and the point where the Great Central Rail road touches the Mississippi. This is near the entrance of Plum creek, and a good site. It is the seat of justice for the new county of Carroll, and is the prominent landing for goods and travelers destined to the Rock river country above Dixon. Maquoketah, or Bear river, enters from the west, about ten miles above Savanna, and eight miles further is Bellevue, a pleasant and flourishing town, on the Iowa side. To reach Galena, boats pass up Galena slough, and then Fever river, a crooked stream, but navigable to all boats that can pass the rapids below. ROCK RIVER. Rock River enters the Mississippi three miles below Rock Island. Its principal head is in a region of lakes and swamps, towards Fox river of Green Bay, its course south, and then southwesterly. Another head is Catfish, a stream in Wiscon- sin Territory, that connects together the " Four Lakes," the head waters of which commence in a swamp, a few miles south of Fort Winnebago. The country towards the head of Rock river, is made up alternately of swamps and quagmires, ridges of sand and shrubby oaks, with tracts of rich, dry, un- dulating land. The Terre Tremblant, or trembling land, is in this region, so called from the shaking of the surface while passing over it. After Rock river enters the State of Illinois it receives the Peek-a-ton-o-kee, and several smaller streams, from the right ; and from the left, Turtle river, Sycamore, Green river, and several smaller streams. Much of the country through which it passes in Illinois is prairie. About the mouths of Turtle river and Sycamore creek, are large bodies of timber. It generally passes along a channel FOR ILLINOIS. 57 of lime and sand stone rock, and has several rapids of some extent, that injure the navigation at low water. The first are three or four miles above its mouth. The second are twelve or fifteen miles below Dixon's ferry. The next are below the Peek-a-ton-o-kee. The country generally, along Rock river to the boundary line, is beautifully undulating, the soil rich, and the timber de- ficient. This, however, will not prevent it from becoming an extensive agricultural region. The climate is temperate and healthy ; and the river and its tributaries furnish a vast amount of water privileges. The bot- tom lands of this stream are about one mile wide, and the slopes reach the table lands with a gentle acclivity. Its banks are usually skirted with timber, from one to two miles in width, comprising the usual varieties found in northern Illinois ; as oaks of various species, ash, elm, hickory, white and black walnut, sugar-maple, cherry, &c. An abundance of good building stone, and bituminous coal, may be found in this re- gion. This stream, when the navigation, and that of the Peek- a-ton-o-kee, one of its principal branches, is improved, will open into the heart of the mineral and agricultural regions of the Wisconsin Territory. The distance from the Milwaukee to Rock river, is only fifty miles, and admits of a canal being constructed with ease ; and another water communication may be opened with the Wisconsin and the Fox river of Green Bay, at Fort Winnebago. OBSTRUCTIONS TO NAVIGATION. The most serious obstruction to steamboat navigation ot Rock river, is at Vandruff 's Island, three miles above its mouth, usually called the Lower Rapids. These are three fourths of a mile in extent, and formed by a bed of calcareous rock, ex- tending across the stream, which is divided into two channels by the island. From this point to Prophetstown, there are no obstructions, the river having a good channel, and never less than four feet water. Its width varies from 800 to 1000 feet, and the total fall, for the distance of fifty-two miles, is twenty, eight and eight tenths feet. The velocity of the current, about three miles an hour. Opposite Prophetstown are shoals, varying from three to four feet at low water. 58 traveler's directory The Upper Rapids are at Harrisburg, and extend one and one fourth miles, and the total fall, in that distance, is eight feet, three inches. Its bed is a smooth calcareous rock. From this point to Rockford, a distance of sixty-three miles, the only obstructions in the river are three movable sand-bars, for a short distance, having from two and a half to three feet at low water. Opposite Rockford, the bed of the river is a smooth, solid rock for 260 yards, and the water, at its lowest stage, from two to two and a half feet. Above Rockford to the state line, are some obstructions, which can be easily removed. Rock river is different from other navigable streams in Illi- nois, in being confined, at most places, within its banks, at its highest floods. MODE OP IMPROVEMENT. At the Lower Rapids, or Vandruff 's Island, a canal, 1,900 feet in length, eighty feet in width at the water line, and five feet deep, is now in progress of construction. A guard lock will be required at the entry of the canal, and a lock of seven and a half feet lift, at its termination. This lock will be built of stone, the chamber 140 by 38 feet, so as to afford passage for any boats that usually navigate the Upper Mississippi. Con- tracts have been made, under authority of the state, for the sum of $60,389, which are expected to complete the work. At Prophetstown, it is proposed, to construct a wing dam of brush and gravel, 150 feet in length, and four feet high. The cost estimated at $1,280. It is proposed to improve the Upper Rapids by a dam as far down the rapids, as the bed of the river and its north bank will admit, and then construct a canal, by an embankment in the river of 2000 feet in length, and a lock of nine feet nine inches lift. The whole cost is estimated at $85,395. The cost of the wing dams between this place and Rockford, to give free navigation over the shoals of sand and gravel, is estimated at $2,400. The rock excavation and wing dam at Rockford, are esti- mated at $6,150. Rock excavation and two wing dams between Rockford and the boundary line, are estimated at $1,865. Total, including all contingencies, $178,548 49, FOR ILLINOIS, 59 These improvements will give to the state and people, ex tensive water privileges ; equal, probably, to the whole cost, and render Rock river eventually, a great manufacturing region. GREAT WABASH. The Great Wabash is the only remaining river I shall men- tion, as connected with Illinois. It rises in the northeastern part of Indiana, and running first a southwestern, and then a south course, it enters the Ohio about 200 miles above its mouth. It is a beautiful stream, and at high water is navigated by steamboats as far as Logansport in Indiana. Its head waters approach within a short distance of the waters of the Maumee of Lake Erie, with which a canal navigation is now being constructed, under the authority of the State of Indiana. The character of the lands and soil bordering on the Wabash, does not differ materially from that on the Ohio and Missis- sippi ; only there is more sandy soil, and its bottoms are more subject to inundation. In this region, and especially in Law rence and Crawford counties, there are some swamps, called by travelers purgatories. The principal tributaries of the Wabash within the State of Illinois, are the Vermilion, Embarras, and Little Wabash rivers. The Valley of the Wabash is one of the finest countries of the west, with a due mixture of timber, and a most fertile soil . OBSTRUCTIONS TO THE NAVIGATION. J. L. Smith, Esq., United States Topographical Engineer, surveyed this river in 1830, and made report to the department in February, 1831. This report notices three kinds of obstruc- tions. 1 Rock bars. 2. Sand bars. 3. Snags and sunken logs. The rock bars commence at the mouth of Eel river, and ex- tend to the vicinity of Delphi, in Cass and Carroll counties, Indiana, about twenty miles above La Fayette. The Wabash and Erie Canal obviates this difficulty. TRAVELER S DIRECTORY Rock bars again commence fifteen miles below Vincennes, and extend to the mouth of Patoka river, opposite Mount Car- mel, Illinois. In passing up the Wabash at a low stage of water, the first obstruction is Coffee Island ripple, six miles below Mount Car- mel, 440 yards in extent, and water at the lowest stage, eight- een inches — the fall for the whole distance twenty-two inches. The next obstruction is White river ripple, immediately be- low the mouth of White river, and opposite Mount Carmel. jj The obstructions are 300 yards in extent ; fall twenty inches ; bed of the river, sand rock, soft near the shore, and hard in the stream. The principal channel is near the Indiana shore, and subject to be choked by the formation of sand bars. A deep pool intervenes between this obstruction and Grand Rapids, one and a half miles in extent. These rapids are three fourths of a mile in extent. The channel is very crooked, the fall four and a half feet, and the depth of water, at the lowest stage, in places not over fifteen inches. The rock, an inter- mixture of sand and flint. From Grand Rapids to " Hanging Rock" ripple, is one mile and twenty poles ; channel smooth and deep. This ripple is about 300 yards in extent, the current divided by an island, fall twenty inches, and depth of water from fifteen to twenty inches at the lowest stage. " Ramsay's" ripple is four and a half miles further up. The obstruction is about 300 yards long. Fall twenty-two inches, depth of water, at the lowest stage, about twenty inches. The rock is sand and flint, with strata and fissures. The water is then deep and still two and a fourth miles, to the foot of " Little Rock" ripple, which is 1320 yards in length, and is one of the shallowest and most difficult passages on the river. The fall is twenty-two inches, the rock sand and flint,. in places smooth, in other places in ledges, and the water, at the lowest stage, about fifteen inches. PLAN OF IMPROVEMENT. Some improvement was made before the state adopted a general system of internal improvement, which provided for an appropriation of $100,000, to be applied jointly with the State of Indiana. The obstructions now proposed to be removed by the report of David Burr, Esq M Engineer of Indiana, made to FOR ILLINOIS. 61 the joint commissioners of the two states, November 28, 1838, are the following, included in the series of shoals and rapids, commencing above the junction of White river. 1. The Grand Rapids — descent four feet in half a mile. 2. The Hanging Rock Rapids — descent one foot seven inches in half a mile. 3. At Ramsay's Mill, where the descent of the water above the mill dam to Hanging Rock, is three feet two inches. 4. Little Rock Rapids, where in half a mile is a descent of one foot, three inches — making a descent in all of ten feet, six inches. In order to give three and a half feet depth of water at all times, the surface of the river must be raised nine and a half feet. To effect this, a dam and lock are to be constructed. The dam will be 1,000 feet in length, built with cribs of tim- ber, filled with stone, and covered with six inch plank. The bed of the river here is sand rock. The lock will be 175 feet long, and thirty-eight feet wide in the chamber, and adapted to the largest class of boats that will navigate the Wabash river. This improvement will furnish a vast amount of hydraulic power from the surplus water of the river; consequently, the vicinity must become a great manfacturing place. Contracts for delivering rock of a suitable quality are entered upon, and the whole work is expected to be completed by No- vember, 1839. The cost is estimated at $166,928 55. The engineer in his report observes : " So great a power for hydraulic purposes, created in the heart of an extensive wheat-growing country, and adjacent to the beds of iron ore abounding in the valley of White river, cannot fail to ensure to the states large profits. Its situation, in a district of country where water privileges are extremely limited, will enhance its value, and being so great, (and within twelve hours' voyage of the Ohio,) will give it such claims to the attention of the public, as cannot, in the nature of things, fail to point it out as extremely well situated for any kind of manu- facture in which water power is essential, and induce it to be extensively improved. " A very short time can elapse before the rents from the water-power alone will pay the interest on the cost of con- struction, and keep up the necessary repairs and attendance. Leases for water power in Indiana rent for $150 per annum, for the privilege of propelling one run of four and a half feet mill-stones, and are readily sought for at these prices. 6 62 traveler's directory " The eligibility of this water-power for the manufacture of iron and nails, of paper, cotton, lumber, and flour, cannot fail of making it in a short time the source of a large revenue to the states. The benefits of these works to the country can hardly be appreciated." The Vermilion River of the Wabash, rises in the great prairies of Champaign and Iroquois counties, and enters the Wabash in the state of Indiana. Its branches are North, Middle, and Salt forks. North fork rises in Iroquois county, and unites with the main stream below Danville. Salt fork rises in Champaign county, near the head of the Sangamon river, runs a south course till it enters township eighteen north, in range ten east, when it makes a sudden bend and runs north of east to Danville. The Salt works are on this stream, six miles above Danville. Middle fork rises in the prairie, forty miles northwest of Danville, and enters Salt fork. The timber on these forks is from one to two miles wide, and of a good quality. The adjoining prairies are dry, undu- lating and rich. PLANS OF INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. Those improvements which are carried on by the State, are of two classes — the Illinois and Michigan Canal, and the General System, adopted by the Legislature, February 27, 1837. Illinois and Michigan Canal. The project of uniting the waters of Lake Michigan and the Illinois river, by a canal, was conceived soon after the commencement of the Erie Canal of New York. It was brought before the Legislature of Illinois in 1818, soon after the organization of the State government, in the Message of the late Governor Bond. In 1823, a Board of Commissioners was organized, who, with engineers, explored the route and estimated the cost of a small canal. Congress having granted FOR ILLINOIS. 63 each alternate section of land within five miles of the route, another Board of Commissioners was organized in 1829, a new survey was made, the towns of Chicago and Ottawa laid off, and some lots sold in 1830. It was now discovered that an immense bed of rock existed between the summit near Chicago, and the point on the Des Plaines, where the lake level runs out, that would require excavation from ten to eighteen feet, to obtain a supply of water from the lake, — that water in sufficient quantities to supply a canal, and under control of the State, could not be obtained on the summit, — and that a deep cut for such a canal as the trade and business would soon require, would cost several millions of dollars. A survey was then had for a rail road, and the project for a time appeared to take with the people. At a special session of the legislature in 1835-6, an act was passed for the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal ; the Governor was authorized to negociate a loan on the faith and credit of the State, for half a million of dollars ; a Board of three Commissioners was organized, with full power to let contracts, dispose of propertjr, and carry on the whole business in behalf of the State. The dimensions of the canal were fixed as follows : Sixty feet wide at the top water line, thirty- six feet wide at the bottom, and six feet deep. The irregular fluctuations in the lake, occasioned by the action of high winds, rendered this depth indispensable, to ensure an uninterrupted navigation of not less than four feet. This great work commences on the North fork of the South oranch of Chicago river, four miles to the Southwest of the city of Chicago, (the river itself forming a deep and natural canal from this point to the harbor,) and from thence extends to the Des Plaines river, seven and a half miles, at a place called " The Point of Oaks." From thence it runs parallel to the Des Plaines till it approaches the Sauganaske swamp, in the northwest corner of township thirty-seven north, in range twelve east, where it enters the bed of the river, to avoid the difficulty of crossing the marsh. A new channel will be opened here for the river on the west side of a low island or peninsula, where appears to have been the ancient channel of the river. When this work is finished, a quantity of land equal to two hundred and seventy acres, will be reclaimed, and the whole of the now impassable marsh made dry and arable land. 64 traveler's directory From this point it is proposed to run a lateral canal through the Sauganaske Swamp and Grassy lake to the Calumet. This last work is authorized by law " to be constructed whenever the state of Indiana shall undertake a corresponding work, connecting her system of internal improvements with the Illinois and Michigan canal." The estimated cost of this lateral canal, which will be seen marked on the map, is 300,000 dollars. The route has been explored and surveyed, and the estimate made that the en. hanced value of State property along the line and at its ter- mination, will cover the expense. This lateral canal would then become the last link in a chain of canals of nearly twelve hundred miles in length, connecting the great works of Illinois with those of Indiana and Ohio. Milea. Length of Michigan and Erie canal, including both the branch to Michigan City and to the Illinois State line, (all in Indiana,) 198 Wabash and Erie canal in Indiana and Ohio, 315 Central canal, Indiana, 310 Cross cut canal, Indiana, 43 Miami canal, Ohio, 205 White Water canal, Indiana, including the estimated length of Richmond branch, 90 Canal from Cincinnati to Harrison, on the White Water canal, estimated, 30 Total, 1,191 These canals are intersected by numerous rail roads and turnpikes now in process of construction. From the Sauganaske Swamp, the canal line runs a south- west course, parallel with the river, to section 35, in township 37 north, and in range 10 east, where it turns nearly a south course to Lockport, leaving the Des Plaines from one and a half to two miles to the right. Lockport is a most valuable town site, laid off by the State on section 23, township 36 north, range 10 east, of the third principal meridian. Here a lock of ten feet lift will be con- structed, and a basin 120 feet in width, and an immense water- power will be created for manufacturing purposes. Here the FOR ILLINOIS. 65 water of the lake finds its level. One mile below Lockport, and on State property, is placed another lock of ten feet lift, and here also an equal amount of hydraulic power is created. The value of the water-power created at this place, and at other points along the canal, by drawing ample supplies from Lake Michigan, can be hardly appreciated. From Lockport the canal passes near the river, till within two miles of Juliet, where it enters the pool of a dam, and at Juliet crosses in the same pool, and runs near the foot of Mount Joliet to section 4, township 34 north, range 9 east, where a feeder from Dupage enters. It crosses Dupage by an aqueduct, follows down the bend of the river to Dresden, and from thence runs one mile from the river, and crosses the Au Sable by an aqueduct. The "Kankakee Bluffs" between Dupage and Dresden are abrupt, of clayey formation and liable to slide. The canal passes at the foot of these bluffs, and is to be protected by a slope wall. From Au Sable, the canal runs within a mile of the Illinois river, past Marseilles to Fox river, which it crosses by an aqueduct about half a mile north of Ottawa. From this point a navigable feeder with its dam and guard-lock is in progress of construction, to the rapids of Fox river, which, with its curves, is nearly five miles in length. A lateral canal will also extend from the main trunk through Ottawa to the Illinois river. By these works an immense water-power is created, which will serve to make Ottawa and its vicinity a great manufacturing place. From Ottawa, to its termination at the city of La Salle, it runs about one mile from the river, and crosses the Pecumsau- gan, and Little Vermilion Creeks on aqueducts. Here a steamboat basin or harbor is in progress of construction from the Illinois River, and a canal boat basin above the first lock, all of which with the lower division of the canal as far as Mar- seilles, are expected to be completed and in use by the spring of 1841. From the progress of the work, the alterations of some parts, and other changes, a saving to the state of more than one mil- lion of dollars from the former estimates by the chief Engineer has been made. The Board of Commissioners, in their report to the Legisla- ture of December 31, 1838, say, « The sum of $7,629,452 57 will cover, with very little variation, every expense for a con- venient, substantial, and elegant canal, such as it ought to be 6* 86 TRAVELER S DIRECTORY for commercial economy, durability, and state character." They add, " It is the deliberate opinion of the Board, that the canal may be finished in four years, if there be no delay on account of funds." The money already expended amonnts to $1,432,445 43, of which $986,355 85, were disbursed in 1838, and had not unusual sickness extensively prevailed along the line of the ca- nal, and in various places in the northern parts of the state, the disbursments would have equalled $1,200,000. The Board estimate the operations for 1839, equal to a million and half of dollars, and for 1840, two millions of dollars. They also re- affirm their opinion that if the canal lands and town lots owned by the state, are gradually and cautiously brought into market, as they are required for use, and the greater part are reserved until the canal shall be completed, and its advantages more fully understood, the receipts from this source alone will more than meet all expenditures. Of the vast importance of this great enterprise to the country, in general, and to Illinois in particular, too much cannot be said. It is truly national in its character, and will form one of the main arteries in eastern and western communication. Ah ready commerce and travel in no small extent, is passing along that line, and every day is accumulating new evidence of this importance which Chicago holds between the East and the Up- per Mississippi Valley. The failure of the navigation in the Ohio and the Mississippi last season, has compelled a large proportion of the country be- tween Chicago and St. Louis, to, resort to the latter place for their winter supplies. Goods have been hauled over land to Cassville, in Wisconsin, a distance of two hundred miles, to Galena, to the country on Rock River, to Peoria, to Putnam and the adjacent counties, and to the country along the Wa- bash. The completion of the Illinois and Michigan canal — the opening the Illinois River, for steamboat navigation at the lowest stage of water, — the Galena, Central, and other Rail Roads of Illinois, will furnish facilities for transportation that cannot now be fully appreciated. Along all the northern lakes west from Cleveland, Ohio, there is no suitable building stone, or lime. Millions of perch will lie along the canal for twenty-five miles, ready quarried for de- livery to canal boats. Immense forest of pine exist in the pen- insula of Michigan below Grand River, along the shore of Wis. FOR ILLINOIS. 67 consin Territory, about Fox River of Green Bay, and in the tract of country between Green Bay and Lake Superior. Mil- lions of this will be wanted in Illinois, and the canal will open the way for its transportation. Exhaustless bodies of bitumin- ous coal are along the line of the canal and the Illinois River, which will be conveyed to the towns and cities along the north- ern lakes, or to the interior of New- York, and the Canadas. The Central Rail Road of Michigan from Detroit, through the counties of Wayne, Washtenaw, Jackson, Calhoun, Kala- mazoo, Van Buren, and Berian to the mouth of the St. Joseph, which is across the lake from Chicago, will add greatly to the business of the canal. This road is already in operation to Ypsilanti, and contracts are made as far as Jackson, seventy- eight miles from Detroit. Hence its completion will be simul- taneous with that of the canal. When this communication is opened, the distance from New- York to St. Louis, will be passed in from twelve and half to sixteen days. From New- York to Buffaloe, five days. From Buffaloe to Chicago, by steamboats fitted for lake navi- gation, eight days — or to Detroit, and across the peninsula by rail- way to St. Joseph, and from thence to Chicago by steam- boats, four days, — to La Salle on the Illinois River by canal, one day and a half — from thence to St. Louis, forty-eight hours by steamboats. Thus the whole distance can be passed over in twelve and half days, or round by the straits of Mackinau, in sixteen and a half days. Allowing time for re-shipments, delays, &c, twenty days will be sufficient for goods to reach Alton or St. Louis, from New- York. The shipments through Chicago in 1832, amounted to three hundred thousand dollars. In 1833, from April 8, to Septem- ber 10, seventy schooners, and two steamboats had discharged their cargoes. In 1835, the arrivals were nine steamboats, two hundred and sixty-seven schooners and brigs, with 5015 tons of merchan- dise, and 9400 barrels of salt, besides lumber, provisions, &c. In 1836, from April 18th to December 1st, the arrivals at Chicago were forty steamboats, ten ships and barques, twenty- six brigs, three hundred and sixty-three schooners, and eight sloops, equal to 60,000 tons. In 1838, the estimate as made by two intelligent merchants of Chicago, is as follows : Over twenty different steamboats, and some of the largest 68 traveler's directory class, have been engaged in the Chicago trade, a part of them exclusively, others visiting that port occasionally. One hun- dred ships, brigs, and schooners, have been partially engaged in the same trade. The number of emigrants that arrived at that port in 1838 — 15,000. The amount of merchandize imported, exclusive of lumber, and the property of emigrants, about three millions of dollars. The amount of lumber, chiefly pine, imported, and used or sold at Chicago, during the same year, is estimated at four mil- lions feet. Sometimes it has sold as low as fourteen dollars per thousand. No produce has been exported. The emigrants, and the laborers on the public works, consume all the produce that has yet been raised in the northern parts of the state, and will continue to consume all till the canal and other public works are completed. The commercial and consequently the agricultural interests of the whole valley of the Mississippi, are concerned in the re- sult of this undertaking. For whatever amount of produce is thrown off through this channel to the Canadas and New- York, it increases the advantages of a market for the commerce that floats down the Mississippi. The Missouri, and the Wiscon- sin Territory are no less interested in opening this communica- tion. In accepting the donation of land made by the general government, the honor and credit of Illinois is really pledged for the success of this enterprise. There is then no ground for retreat. I regret the prescribed limits of this work will not permit me to exhibit the important bearing that the success of this project will have upon the fur business, the lead manufacture, the In- dian trade, the rapid settlement and improvement of all the northern portion of the state, and the adjacent territory, and upon the prosperity of the farming community throughout our whole interior.. GENERAL SYSTEM OF INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. At the session of the legislature of 1836-7, an act was pass- ed to establish and maintain a general system of Internal Im- provement. It provides for a " Board of Fund Commissioners" of three FOR ILLINOIS. 69 persons, and a " Board of Coinmissioners of Public Works," of seven persons, one in each judicial circuit. The Board of Fund Commissioners are authorized to nego- ciate all loans, authorised by the legislature, on the faith and credit of the state for objects of Internal Improvement ; receive, manage, deposit, and apply all sums of money, and manage the whole fiscal concerns of the improvement system. The Board of Public Works are authorised and required to locate, superintend, direct, and construct on behalf of the state all works of internal improvement, which are or shall be au- thorised to be undertaken by the state (except the Illinois and Michigan Canal, which is managed by a distinct Board.) This Board is required to hold semi-annual meetings, in June and December. Each member has specific charge of that portion of the works that falls within his own district. They are re- quired to execute the works by letting out contracts, except in special cases. The Fund Commissioners are authorized to contract loans by issuing state stock at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum, and to an amount not exceeding eight millions of dollars, redeemable after 1870. WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT PROVIDED FOR. 1. The Great Wabash River in co-operation with the State of Indiana, in that part over which both states have concurrent jurisdiction ; appropriated $100,000. 2. Illinois River, $100,000. 3. Rock River, $100,000. 4. Kaskaskia River, $50,000. 5. Little Wabash River, $50,000. 6. On the Great Western Mail Route leading from Vincen- nes to St. Louis, $250,000. 7. A rail road from the city- of Cairo, at or near the junc- tion of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, via Vandalia, Shelby- ville, Decatur and Bloomington ; — to cross the Illinois River, at the termination of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, and from thence, via Savanna to Galena, appropriated $3,500,000. This is called the " Central Rail Road," by the people. 8. A southern cross rail road from Alton, via Edwardsville, Carlyle, Salem, Fairfield, Albion, to mount Carmel ; from 70 traveler's directory whence it is expected a line will be extended through Indiana to New Albany, and become connected with the great rail road chartered and surveyed from the Ohio River to Charleston, South Carolina. Also a rail road from Alton to Shawneetown, to diverge from the aforesaid southern cross, rail road at Edwardsville, and pass through Lebanon, Nashville, Pickneyville, Frankfort and Equality. And further, a rail road from Bellville via Lebanon, and to intersect the road from Alton to Mount Carmel. Appropriated $1,750,000. 9. A northern cross rail road from Quincy on the Missis- sippi River, via Columbus, Clayton, Mount Sterling, to cross the Illinois River at Meredosia, and to Jacksonville, Springfield, Decatur, Sydney, Danville, and thence to the state line in the direction of Lafayette, Indiana, and thus form a line of com- munication with the great works in Indiana, and to the eastern states. Appropriated $1,850,000 10. A rail road from Alton via Upper Alton, Hillsboro, Shel- bysville, Charleston, Paris, and from thence to the state line in the direction of Terre Haute, Indiana, where it will be con- nected with rail road and canal communications through that state, both in an eastern and southern direction. Appropriated, $1,250,000. 11. A rail road from Peoria, via Canton, Macomb and Carthage to Warsaw, on the Mississippi, at the foot of the Des Moines rapids. Appropriated, $700,000. 12. A rail road from Bloomington, to Mackinau, and from thence two branches to the Illinois River; — one through Tremont to Pekin ; the other to Peoria. Appropriated, $350,000. An appropriation of $200 ; 000 was made to those counties through which no rail road or canal is made at the cost of the state, to be in a rateable proportion to the census of 1835, and to be applied in the improvement of roads, bridges and other public works by the counties. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT FUND. The special fund for this purpose, shall consist of all monies raised from state bonds, or stock, or other loans, authorized by law ; — all appropriations made from time to time out of the FOR ILLINOIS. 71 revenue of the state arising from land taxes ; — all tolls and rents of water privileges and other tolls from the works when con- structed ; — all rents, profits and issues from lands to be pur- chased on the routes ; — the proceeds of all donations of lands from the general government, or from individuals, companies, or corporations ; — a portion of the proceeds of the surplus fund distributed by congress ; together with the net proceeds of all bank and other stocks subscribed and owned by the state after liquidating the interest on loans contracted for the purchase of such bank or other stocks. A subsequent enactment authorised the Fund Commission- ers to subscribe two millions of dollars stock to the State Bank of Illinois, and one million four hundred thousand dollars to the Illinois Bank at Shawneetown, by the creation of six per cent, stock. The net proceeds of this stock, after paying interest on the loans will equal six per cent, per annum, or produce an annual revenue to the Internal Improvement fund of ${180,000. The interest of the state in all these works, all their proceeds, with the faith of the state, are irrevocably pledged for the pay- ment of the interest and the redemption of the principal of all stock and loans for Internal Improvement. The improvement of the great western mail route from Vin- cennes to St. Louis, and the special appropriation to the coun- ties, are to be provided for from the first loans made. The improvement of the rivers is to be for steam, keel and flat boats ; to be commenced at their mouths and continued up as far as the appropriations admit. The rail roads are to be commenced at their intersection with navigable rivers, and commercial towns, and as soon as five miles of any one line is completed, the commissioners are required to place thereon locomotives and facilities of trans- portation, to establish tolls, &c. The plan, estimates of cost, and progress of the improve- ments of the rivers, have already been noticed. Of the " Great Western Mail Route between Vincennes and St. Louis," portions have been finished, the contracts on other portions are now in the progress of performance, and the re- mainder will be speedily commenced, and the whole completed, probably, before the close of 1839. The reports of the commissioners, just published by the legis. lature, show the following facts, as exhibited to the legislature, December 28, 1838. 72 traveler's directory ROADS UNDER CONTRACT. Central Rail Road. Grading from Galena, southerly Grading from Peru, northerly and southerly Grading and timber from Cairo, northerly . . Grading across the Oakaw river, near Vandalia Peoria and Warsaw Rail Road, Grading from Peoria, westwardly . . . Grading from Warsaw, eastwardly . . . Miles- 20 22 23 H 69£ 12 12 24 Alton and Shawneeiown Rail Road. Grading and timber from Shawneetown to Equality 12 Grading at the crossing of Silver creek . . . 3 15 Northern Cross Rail Road, Grading from Quincy to Columbus . . . . . 16^ Grading from Danville, westwardly 18 Whole work from Meredosia to the Sangamon river 64 Naples branch . • 3£ Grading westwardly from Meredosia ..".■. 3 Alton and Mount Carmel Rail Road. Whole work from Alton to Edwardsville . , Grading and timber from Mount Carmel to Albion Grading and viaduct at the crossing of the Oakaw Grading at the crossing of the Little Wabash . 105 15 18 2 3 38 FOR ILLINOIS. 73 Alton, Shelbyville, and Paris Bail Road. Grading and superstructure from Alton, eastwardly Grading and timber from the State line, westwardly Grading at the crossing of the Embarrass river Bloomington, Mackinaw, Peoria, andPekin Rail Road. Whole work from Pekin to Tremont .... 9\ 293| Making the whole amount of Rail Road, now under con- tract, two hundred and ninety-three miles and three-fourths ; one hundred and five miles of which is to be completed. Of thirty miles, the grading and timber for the superstructure are let ; and of the residue, the grading only is let. The various parts of the roads under contract consist of deep cuts, heavy embankments and costly viaducts, and are by far the most expensive portions of the whole work. This is owing to the fact that the lines under contract pass through the highlands' and broken country bordering upon the navi- gable streams and other water courses of the country ; conse- quently, the average cost, per mile, of the roads under con- tract, will far exceed that of any other portion of the roads of the State. A fair average of the roads now under contract, including superintendence, engineering, turnouts, depot build- ings, and all incidental expenses necessary to complete the works, may be safely computed at twelve thousand five hun- dred dollars per mile. The Board has procured to be surveyed and measured all the Rail Roads contemplated by law in the State. The following detailed statement will show the length of each road between the points mentioned in the law—the whole length of each road—- and the total length of all the roads contemplated in the State. 7 74 TRAVELER S DIKECTOEY SEVENTH DIVISION. Central Rail Road. Miles; From Cairo to Vandalia 155 Shelby ville . . . 36£ To Decatur 36 miles — Bloomington 43£ . . 79| To the termination of the Illinois and Michi- gan canal 60 To Savannah 93| miles — Galena 30| . . 126£ Making the total length of the Central Rail Road 457£ EIGHTH DIVISION. Alton and Mount Carmel, or Southern Cross Rail Road,. From Alton to Edwardsville . 14 ToCarlyle 37 To Salem . . 23 To Fairfield 39 To Albion 16 To Mount Carmel ."'.". 18 147 Shawneetown Branch. From the intersection near Edwardsville to Lebanon 18 To Nashville . 30 To Pinckney ville. 19 To Frankfort ........... 30 To Equality . 38 To Shawneetown . . . . . . . . . 12 147 From Alton to Mount Carmel (as above) .. . . 147 Shawneetown branch (as above) .... 147 , Making the total length of this road . . . » . 294 FOR ILLINOIS. 75 NINTH DIVISION. Northern Cross Rail Road. Miles. From Quincy to Columbus 16£ To Clayton 12 To Mount Sterling 9£ To Meredosia 15| Naples Branch . . . . • 3£ To Jacksonville .23$ To Springfield 33£ To Decatur . . 37£ To Sidney 47f To Danville 23| To State line of Indiana Il| Making the total length of this road . . . . 234£ TENTH DIVISION. Shelbyville and Paris branch of Central Rail Road. From Shelbyville to Charleston 34 To Paris 27 To State line of Indiana . . . . . . . 10£ Making the total length of this road 71^ ELEVENTH DIVISION. Peoria and Warsaw Rail Road. From Peoria to Canton .... .... 32 To Macomb 37 To Carthage 28 To Warsaw 19 Making the total length of this road 116 76 traveler's directory TWELFTH DIVISION. Alton and Shelbyville Rail Road. Miles. From Lower to Upper Alton . . 2 To Hillsborough . 44 To Central Rail Road 45 Making the total length of this road 91 THIRTEENTH DIVISION. Belleville and Lebanon Branch. From Belleville to the place of intersection, at or near Highland 23£ FOURTEENTH DIVISION. Bloomington, Mackinaw, Peoria and Pekin Rail Road. From Bloomington to Mackinaw town .... 20 From thence to Peoria ' . . 17 From Mackinaw town to Pekin 16| Making the total length of all the branches of this road 53| The following list shows the total length of each road, and the total of all the roads projected in the State :— Miles. 1 Central Rail Road 457£ 2 Southern Cross Rail Road 294 3 Northern Cross Rail Road 234£ 4 Shelbyville and Paris Branch of Central Rail Road 7l| 5 Peoria and Warsaw Rail Road 116 6 Alton and Shelbyville Rail Road 91 7 Belleville and Lebanon Rail Road .... 23£ 8 Bloomington, Mackinaw, Peoria & Pekin Rail Road 53£ Making the total length of all the roads in the State 1,341 J FOR ILLINOIS. 77 The following table shows the average cost, per mile, and the total cost, of each and all of said roads : — Names of Roads. Cost per mile. Total cost. 1 Central Rail Road . . 2 Southern Cross Rail Road, and Alton and Shawnee- town Rail Road . . . 3 Northern Cross Rail Road 4 Shelbyville and Paris Rail Road 5 Peoria and Warsaw Rail Road . . . . 6 Alton and Shelbyville Rail Road 7 Belleville and Lebanon Rail Road 8 Bloomington, Mackinaw, Peoria, and Pekin Rail Road ...... Total cost of all of the said roads $8,326 00 8,200 00 8,430 00 10,589 00 8,331 00 8,295 00 7,000 00 11,736 00 $3,809,145 00 2,410,800 00 1,976,335 00 757,113 50 966,396 00 754,845 00 164,500 00 630,810 00 11,470,444 50 In making these estimates, the Board has included all the expenditures for superintendence, engineering, and all other incidental expenses. Easy grades have, in general, been adopted, and in all cases calculations have been made for the most useful and durable structures ; and the Board has no doubt but the works may be constructed, upon the most approved plans, at the cost estimated upon each work. It is believed that, in every instance, the lines may be improved, locations changed, and improvements made in the construction, that may lessen the cost far below those prices. Many interesting facts pertaining to the geology of the coun- try, may be gathered from the reports of the Engineers. The 7* 78 traveler's directory following will show the elevation of the bluffs and table lands above the bottom lands of the rivers : — Upper Alton is 106 feet above Lower Alton or the city. The Female Seminary at Monticello, five miles from the city, is 180 feet above the Mississippi bottom near Alton. Scarret's prairie is 194| feet above do. Brighton, in the border of Macoupin county, is 220 feet above the same. Mount Sterling is 265 feet above the bottom opposite Mere- dosia. Versailles, in Brown county, is 166 feet above the same bottom. Jacksonville is 142 feet above Meredosia. There is a point about equi-distant from Meredosia, which is about 180 feet above the sand plain at Meredosia. Meredosia is 21 feet and 27-100ths above the Illinois river— at what stage of water is not mentioned, probably at low water. Springfield is 153 feet above Meredosia. The bottom lands of Sangamon river are 85| feet above the Illinois river at Meredosia. The town of Pekin is 35^ feet above the Illinois river at low water. The bluffs in Tazewell county, opposite Peoria, are 212£ feet above the low bottom lands of the Illinois. Bloomington is 362£ feet above the same bottom lands. The fact so often suggested that our large prairies are not level, but undulating, is confirmed by the surveys. In most parts of the state, abundance of rock suitable for building purposes are found. An extensive quarry of very superior rock, said to be equal for durability to the granite of New England, has been opened within seven miles of Spring- field, from which the material to erect the new state house is obtained Water-lime cement is found in great profusion upon exca- vating the canal, and used for its works wherever needed. The excavations for the public works, are rapidly developing the bidden resources of Illinois. FOR ILLINOIS. 79 OTHER PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The improvement of the harbor of St. Louis, which, though more immediately connected with the interests of Missouri, is not without interest to a portion of Illinois. The obstruction is a bar of sand, which has accumulated against the lower section of the city, while an island has been gradually forming in the middle of the river opposite the upper section of the city. The main channel now runs near the Illinois shore, and since the writer has known the place, has cut into the bank and swept away a tract of valuable bottom land for two miles in extent, and from one fourth to one half a mile in width. Un- der the direction and authority of the United States govern, ment, public works have been commenced to turn the current of the river away from this shore, and direct its force against the accumulating bar of sand, that threatens at no distant day, ' to throw a large portion of the thriving and prosperous city of St. Louis inland. If Congress makes the proper appropriation, this work will be nearly, if not quite completed the coming season. The improvement of the navigation of the Mississippi at the Des Moines, and the Rock river rapids has been noticed. The harbor of Chicago, made by the General government will be of immense benefit to that place, and all the northern por- tion of the state. It will form one of the finest harbors in all the northern lake country. The National Road is in progress through this State, and considerable improvement has been made on that portion which lies between Vandalia and the boundary of Indiana. This road enters Illinois at the northeast corner of Clark county, and passes diagonally through Coles and Effingham counties in a southwesterly course to Vandalia, a distance of 90 miles. The road is established 80 feet wide, the central part, 30 feet wide, raised above standing water, and not to exceed three degrees from a level. The base of all the abut- ments of bridges, must be equal in thickness to one third of the height of the abutment. From Vandalia, westward, the road is not yet located, but the legislature of Illinois with great unanimity have consented to its passage through the state, only on the contingency it 80 traveler's directory shall pass Alton and cross the Mississippi, above the mouth of the Missouri. The principle of this action urged by the state, is that both Ohio and Indiana had a voice in directing where this road should leave those states, that Illinois had no voice where it should enter, and claims therefore the right to say that it shall leave the State at Alton. COMPANY AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS FOR PUBLIC PURPO- SES. A rail way, six miles in extent, has been partially constructed from the town of Illinois opposite St. Louis, across the Amer- ican bottom, to the coal mines in the bluffs of St. Clair county. Iron has been laid only at thecurves,and the cars for the trans- portation of coal and wood have been running for 18 months. These coal mines extend from three to four miles along the bluffs, and appear inexhaustible. A Rail Road has been commenced at Chicago to commu- nicate with Galena. By obtaining the privilege in their charter, at the session of the legislature in 1836-'37, to connect this road with the Central Rail Road that passes from the termina- tion of the canal at the city of Lasalle to Galena, the project now is, to extend the Chicago and Galena Rail Road direct from Chicago, via Plainfield to La Salle, and it is so marked on the map. Many companies have been incorporated for Rail Roads, short canals, and turnpike roads, some of which, probably, may be made — others had no other object in view than to afford a field for speculation, and give a little temporary notoriety to some paper town site, which may never become the habitation of man ! Canal Project. — A company has been chartered and sur- veys made preparatory to the construction of a canal from this place to Sangamon river, at Huron, and from thence to improve the river by slack-water navigation to the head. And it has been ascertained that a water communication may be opened at moderate expense across the State to the Vermilion of the Wabash. The construction of that portion of the canal from Beardstown to the Sangamon river can be easily effected. FOE ILLINOIS. 81 No state in the union possesses such facilities for inter-com- munication, by canals and railways, at so cheap a rate, and which can be so equally distributed to its population, as Illinois. PROJECT OF DRAINING- THE AMERICAN BOTTOM. Some years since, the legislature chartered a company, with power to raise funds by a lottery, for the purpose of draining the lakes and ponds of the American bottom, and thus improving the health of this tract of country, and reclaiming a large quan- tity of inundated land. This bottom has already been noticed. It commences a short distance below the city of Alton, and terminates at the mouth of the Kaskaskia river ; stretching along the easterly margin of the Mississippi nearly 100 miles, and is from three to seven miles in width. The amount of land in this bottom, including the inundated portions, is esti- mated to be upwards of 400 square miles, or 260,000 acres. The valley through which the Mississippi river passes, is about six miles from bluff to bluff, and for nearly the whole distance of this bottom it passes near the base of the western bluff. These bluffs, in many places, rise perpendicular, like a parapet, to the height of 200 feet, exhibiting enormous masses of stratified rock. The action of the water of the Mississippi, at some former period, is plainly marked on these cliffs, at the height of more than 100 feet above the present surface of the river. There can be no doubt, even to the most superficial observer, that at some unknown period of the past, the waters of the Mississippi dashed against these precipices, and the whole American bottom was a lake. The whole bottom is of alluvial formation, consisting of al- ternate layers of a clayey and a sandy loam, of exhaustless fer- tility. The French population, about their ancient villages, have planted corn on the same fields for more than a century, without, in the least degree, exhausting its fertilizing powers. The luxuriant aquatic vegetation, and the stagnant ponds, satu- rated with vegetable matter, in its various stages of decomposi- tion, throw off miasma during the heat of summer, and prove the causes of the autumnal diseases that prevail in this region. Wherever this noxious vegetation becomes subdued, the soil cultivated or turned into meadow and pasturage, and the stag- nant waters removed, uniform health prevails. This has been exemplified in the history of the ancient town of Kaskaskia, for 82 traveler's directory more than a century. No place upon the margins of our west- ern rivers is more healthy. The remote cause of disease — the generation of miasm from the decomposition of a rank vegeta- tion in a moist soil, or in stagnant water, has been long since removed from the vicinity of that town. Hence the conclusion is just and safe that the drainage of the stagnant ponds, their conversion into arable land, (a thing easily effected,) and the subjugation of the noxious vegetation by cultivation, will make this whole tract a healthy district. One half of this tract may be considered prairie land, the other half timbered land, ponds, and small lakes and sloughs. These were once probably channels of portions of the Mis- sissippi, as it receded from the eastern bluffs. Most of these ponds and sloughs are near the eastern bluffs, for the margins of all our western rivers are a few feet higher than their bottom lands near the bluff. The greater portion of these ponds do not exceed the depth of five feet in ordinary stages of the wa- ter, and many of them are entirely dry in the autumn, and ex- hibit a light mould of the highest fertilizing power. There are numerous small streams which flow down from the table lands, and discharge their waters into these ponds without any direct communication with the river. Only seven outlets to the Mis- sissippi are said to exist in this bottom, and through these the redundant waters are discharged when these ponds and sloughs are overcharged by heavy rains, or the overflowing of any great rise in the Mississippi. The extremes of the Mississippi at high and low water, op- posite Kaskaskia, are thirty-two feet. The same measurement has been observed at Chester, two miles below the mouth of the Kaskaskia River. In ordinary seasons the extremes do not exceed twenty-five feet. At high floods there are several places where the river overflows its banks, and sends its super- abundant waters into the interior sloughs and low grounds. Since the settlement of the country by Europeans, three or four instances have been known of the extreme floods of the Mississippi spreading over a large portion of the American bottom. 1724 is noticed on the records of Kaskaskia, as the " year of floods." The waters then entirely submerged the village, and drove the inhabitants to the bluffs for safety. Tra- dition reports that boats could have passed without obstruction the whole length of the American bottom. About 1782, was another extraordinary rise, and a large ex- FOR ILLINOIS. SB tent of bottom lands on the great river was inundated. In 1811, there was an unusual rise of the Mississippi, which cov- ered a part of this bottom, and backed up the water of Kaskas- kia River some distance above the mouth of Silver creek. But these were extraordinary instances, and form exceptions to general rules. MODE OF IMPROVEMENT. The successful experiment of embankments, or levees, as has been made in shutting out the high waters of the Missis- sippi in Louisiana, point out this method as a cheap and feasi- ble one to secure this bottom from future encroachment.- Drains from the ponds and lakes to the river, secured by a tide gate, would remove, at any time, the surplus water, and re- claim many thousands of acres of land of exhaustless fertility. As most of these inundated lands are owned by the general government, application has been made by the legislature for their relinquishment to the state, on condition that their pro- ceeds, so far as needed, shall be applied to this object. I can- not see what objection can be made to this proposition. Con- gress will never engage in the business of cutting ditches and throwing up levees to reclaim ponds and marshes ; and in their present condition, these inundated lands are entirely valueless, and a serious nuisance to the health of the country. The plan also embraces the principle of levying a tax of one dollar per acre on all the land owned by individuals in this bot- tom for its improvement, a bill for that purpose is before the legislature, and will probably pass into a law. The owners of more than twenty thousand acres have voluntarily offered to submit to a tax to that amount, and a very large petition has been sent to the legislature on its behalf. It has been projected, and the plan looks feasible, to cut a canal from Wood River, near Alton, down the bottom, paral- lel with the bluffs, to the Kaskaskia River, near the town of Kaskaskia, and thus secure the double object of navigation, and a complete drainage to the inundated parts. And it will be re- collected, such a canal would pass near the base of all the coal banks in the adjacent bluffs. The managers of the lottery mentioned heretofore, who have the improvement of this bottom under their direction, estimate 84 traveler's directory the present average value of all the lands in the American bot- tom, (260,000 acres,) at five dollars per acre, or $1,300,000, as the aggregate value. And they estimate the prospective value at twenty dollars per acre, if they were once relieved from inundation, and the tract rendered healthy. Then their aggregate value would be $5,200,000, and the gain by this scheme of improvement, at $3,900,000. CITY OF CAIRO AND CANAL COMPANY. The project of building a city that shall become a large com- mercial depot at the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers was entertained by a number of enterprising gentlemen, as early as 1818. After an examination of most of the prominent locations on both these rivers, this spot was selected, and a very liberal charter was granted by the territorial government, with the style of the " City and Bank of Cairo." The site was purchased of the general government, and arrangements were in progress to commence operations. The sudden death of the " master spirit" of this enterprise, the embarrassments of the monied interests of the West, the decease of others, and the involvements of some, the project was delayed, if not abandoned. These early projectors cer- tainly possessed foresight. By the great mass of the community in the east and west, their project was regarded as wild, vision- ary, and impracticable. In their advertisement published in 1818, the proprietors say things about the anticipated prosperity of the west, the growth of the country along the Mississippi, the extension of trade, the accumulation of the productions of agri- culture, the growth of towns and cities, all of which then were regarded visionary, if not insane, and yet all these have turned out in twenty years to be matters of fact. In January, 1836, the legislature incorporated the " Illinois Central Rail Road Company," for constructing a rail road, to commence at or near the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and terminating at Galena. After this company had organized and secured valuable lands in the vicinity of Cairo, the legislature passed the law for a general system of Internal Improvements by the state, and made this " Central Rail Road," the great artery of the system. The construction of this road was relinquished to the state, the law having provided it should FOR ILLINOIS. 85 commence at the " City of Cairo," at or near the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. This portion of the road is now under contract for twenty-three miles, and much of the heavy embankments are nearly completed. Efforts were made at the present session of the legislature to change the location of this road, and make the terminating point several miles further up the Ohio. The legislature has decided against a removal, and before another session, the embankments, grading and bridging of this part of the road will be completed. Hence the termination of this rail- way will for ever remain at the depot fixed on the Ohio, about three-fourths of a mile above the ex- treme point of junction. The " Cairo City and Canal Company," was incorporated the 4th of March 1837, with special power to purchase any part or the whole of township seventeen, and more particularly the tract of land incorporated in 1818, as the " City of Cairo," and to make all the improvements for the protection, health, and prosperity of said city. The stock of this company is divided into 20,000 shares, of one hundred dollars each share, amounting to two millions of dollars. The stock has been taken, the company organized, the lands owned by the " Cen- tral Rail Road Company," and others purchased, the obliga- tion to construct a turnpike road, leading from Cairo to inter- sect the Vincennes and St. Louis turnpike road, and a loan procured by a Deed of Trust made with the " New- York Life Insurance and Trust Company," equal to the most extensive investments and improvements authorized by their charter. Bankers in England, of immense wealth, have advanced funds for present purposes, and will advance further any amount re- quired upon the security provided. Hence there appears to be no difficulty in the way of pro- curing funds, for the purpose of the most extensive improve- ments required, in building up a great commercial emporium. The " Bank of Cairo" has been organized and put in opera- tion by the Directors at Kaskaskia, the place provided for its operations in the original charter. This charter has yet about ten years to run. A bill for an extension of its time is before the legislature, PLAN OF IMPROVEMENT. The outlines of the chartered companies whose interests have been amalgamated, and their resources having been 8 86 TRAVELER S DIRECTORY given, the next inquiry would naturally be into the feasibility of the project of a city at this point, and the plan of improve- ment. One of the first steps of the Cairo City and Canal Company, was to ascertain by actual survey the extreme height of water, ever known to overflow every part of the located site of the city of Cairo, the washing of the bank by the action of the Mississippi, and all other facts affecting the interests and ob- jects of the company. They employed an experienced sur- veyor for this purpose, who, after careful examinations, found, that a considerable portion of the tract lay from one to two feet above the highest water mark — that when the waters of the Ohio and Mississippi reach a certain height, the immense ex- tent of country overflowed opposite and below the mouth of Ohio, extending into Arkansas and Louisiana, prevents a further rise to any extent. Hence it was found that a levee of five feet would protect the city from all inundation. The soil of this tract is clayey, and inexhaustibly rich. The timber, generally is cotton-wood, pecaun, elm, sycamore, ash, hackberry, mulberry and maple. The plan of improvement contemplates a levee around the city, — a canal from Cash River to pass down the center of the tract, and unite both with the Mississippi and the Ohio, near the point, — and the erection of ware-houses, wharves, and buildings for the purposes of residence and business. About twenty miles from the city, and on the rail road that is now constructing by the states, is an inexhaustible body of building stone. The soil is suitable for brick, and the tract, and the country adjacent, furnishes immense quantities of tim- ber, amongst which are large bodies of cypress. The Company intend to prepare buildings for business pur- poses, and dwellings for family use, of such description as wilt suit the taste and convenience of every person, principally of brick or stone, that emigrants who may desire to locate them- selves in this new city may find comfortable residences at a reasonable rent, or price, if they choose to purchase. The most liberal provision is made for education ; a fund adequate to all future wants of the inhabitants being secured by land and lots in the city. I will only add as connected with the foregoing facts, that this site was examined last season by William Strickland, Esq, a distinguished architect and engineer of Philadelphia, and FOR ILLINOIS. 87 Richard C. Taylor, engineer and geologist, both employed by a company of bankers in London, who have advanced capital for the purpose of carrying forward these works. They state that the peninsula at the mouth of the Ohio, is from thirty to thirty-five feet above the waters of those rivers at the lowest stage, and that the highest overflow of the waters above the surface of the ground, averages from four to five feet, and that some of the ridges of land are above the highest floods. They recommend that the foundations of the stores, warehouses, and dwellings, be carried to the height of nine feet above the present surface, forming, when the streets shall be filled up, cellars, or underground apartments, and that all the build- ings contain four stories above the basements — and that the bank or levee, fronting the river, be at least one hundred and twenty-five feet in width, and raised eight feet. They add, " We cannot refrain or withhold our surprise that any doubts should have been entertained, or acted upon with reference to the practicability of erecting a city at the confluence of these great navigable rivers." I will only add the following article from the first edition of my " Gazetteer of Illinois," written in 1833, and which, with about three-fourths of the other matter, was copied from my writings by S. A. Mitchell of Philadelphia, in his "Illinois in 1837," in violation of the copy- right law. Mouth of Ohio. — The importance of a good town site, at the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers has, for many years, excited the attention of the enterprising. It is a feature in our western rivers, with few exceptions, that at and near their junction, the land is alluvion, of a recent formation, and at the high annual floods, usually inundated to the depth of several feet. This is the case, particularly, at the mouth of the Ohio. For twelve miles along that river, above its mouth, and a farther distance along the Missisippi, and across the point to Cash River, the country is subject to annual inundations. Had the Author of nature formed here an elevated situation, nothing could have prevented this spot from becoming the cen- tral commercial emporium of the great western valley. The immense trade of the Ohio and Mississippi, at some future day, will warrant the expense of forming a site here for a comraer. cial town of several acres. I have no doubt but in due time, art, enterprise, and perseverance will triumph over nature at 88 traveler's directory this place, and a large commercial town will exist where now the waters of the Ohio and Mississippi annually spread. MANUFACTURES. In the infancy of a state, little can be expected in machinery and manufactures. And in a region so much deficient in wa- ter power as some parts of Illinois are, still less may be looked for. Yet Illinois is not entirely deficient in manufacturing en- terprise. The principal salines of this state have been mentioned under the head of minerals. Steam Mills for flouring and sawing are becoming very common, and in general are profitable. Some are now in operation with four runs of stones, and which manufacture one hundred barrels of flour in a day. Mills propelled by steam, water, and animal power, are constantly increasing. ...Steam mills will become numerous, particularly in the southern and middle portions of the state, and it is deserving of remark that while these portions are not well supplied with durable water power, they contain, in the timber of the forest, and the inex- haustible bodies of bituminous coal, abundant supplies of fuel, while the northern portion, though deficient in fuel, has abun- dant water power. A good steam saw-mill with two saws can be built for two thousand dollars ; and a steam flouring mill with two runs of stones, elevators and other apparatus complete, and of sufficient force to turn out forty or fifty barrels of flour per day, may be built for six thousand dollars. The northern half of the state will be most abundantly sup- plied with water power, and ordinary mills for sawing lumber and grinding grain are now in operation on the various streams. Probably in no part of the great west does there exist the ca- pability of such an immense water power, as is to be found naturally, and which will be created artificially along the ra- pids of the Illinois and Fox Rivers, and the Illinois and Michi- gan Canal. Incorporated companies with ample means are now constructing hydraulic works at Ottawa, Marseilles,- and other points along the rapids of the Illinois. Fox River rapids have a descent of sixteen feet at Green's mills, four miles above Ottawa, with abundant supplies of water at its lowest stage ; FOR ILLINOIS. 89 and the river itself, from thence to McHenry county, is a rapid stream with rocky banks, admirably suited for hydraulic pur- poses. On the Kankakee are some fine sites for water privi- leges. Rock River furnishes abundant facilities for hydraulic purposes, especially at Grand Detour and Rockford. A com- pany engaged in the establishment of a large town at the mouth of Rock River, has been recently chartered by the le- gislature fcr the purpose of cutting a canal from a point on the Mississippi at the upper rapids, to Rock River, by which they expect to gain eighteen feet fall and immense hydraulic power. It is expected that the improvement of the Kaskaskia and Little Wabash Rivers, as provided for by the recent law of the state, will create valuable water privileges along these streams. Certainly in connection with the improvement of the Great Wabash River by the joint operations of Indiana and Illinois, hydraulic power to any desirable extent will be created. Such will be the effect, too, upon Sangamon and other rivers within the state. Des Plaines River, and also the Calumet, furnish extensive hydraulic privileges ; and the surplus water provided by the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, and which may be conveniently applied to manufacturing purposes, is estimated to be equal to that required for running seven hun- dred pairs of mill stones four and a half leet in diameter. Incorporations for companies for various manufacturing pur- poses have been granted by the legislature within the last four or five years, some of which have been organized and com- menced operations. The conclusion is, that Illinois will fur- nish as great facilities for manufacturing purposes, as soon as the circumstances and wants of the community shall call for their operation, as can be found in any western state. Large quantities of castor oil are annually manufactured in Illinois from the palma christi, or castor bean. A number of presses are in operation in Madison, Greene, Macoupin, St. Clair, Randolph, Edwards, and perhaps other counties. Cotton Goods. A few factories for spinning cotton yarn have been put into operation in several counties on a small scale of from one hundred to two hundred spindles each. They are carried by animal power on the inclined plane. Coarse clothing from cotton is manufactured in the southern portiou of the state, where the article is raised in small quanti- 90 traveler's directory ties. Woollen cloth, and jeans, a mixture of wool and cotton, is made for ordinary wear, as is cloth from flax. Lead. In Jo Daviess county are eight or ten furnaces for smelting lead. The amount of this article made annually at the mines of the Upper Mississippi, has been given under the head of minerals. Boat Building will soon become a branch of business in this state. Some steamboats have been constructed already within this state, along the Mississippi. It is thought that Alton and Chicago are convenient sites for this business. There is in this state, as in all the western states, a large amount of domestic manufactures made by families. All the trades, needful to a new country, are in existence. Carpenters, wagon-makers, cabinet-makers, blacksmiths, tanneries, &c, may be found in every county and town. At Mount Carmel and Springfield, there are iron foundries for castings. There has been a considerable falling off in the manufac- ture of whiskey within a few years, and it is sincerely hoped by thousands of citizens that this branch of business, so decid- edly injurious to the morals and happiness of the community and of individuals, will entirely decline. Ox mills on the inclined plane, and horse mills by draught, are common throughout the middle and southern parts of the state. CLIMATE AND HEALTH. The State of Illinois, extending as it does, through five and half degrees of latitude, must possess some variety in its climate Its extensive prairies, and its level surface, give greater scope to the winds, especially in winter. Snow frequently falls, but seldom lies long, during the three winter months, in the south- ern portion of the state. In the northern portion, the winters are nearly as severe as in the same parallel of latitude in the Atlantic states. The Mississippi at St. Louis, is frequently frozen over and passed on the ice, and occasionally for seve- ral weeks. The hot season is longer, though not more intense, than occasionally for a day or two in New England. During the years 1817-18-19, the Rev. Mr. Giddings, at St. Louis, made a series of observations upon Fahrenheit's ther- mometer. FOR ILLINOIS. 01 Beg. 55 Hund. 52 Mean temperature for 1817, Do. do from the beginning of May, 1818, to the end of April, 1819, . 56 . 98 Mean temperature for 1820, . . 56 . 18 The mean of these results is about fifty-six degrees and a quarter. The mean temperature of each month during the above years, is as follows : January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, . November, December, The mean temperature of the different seasons is as fol- lows : Winter, 34. 53— Spring, 54. 74— Summer, 74. 34— Au- tumn, 60. 77. The greatest exlremes of heat and cold during my residence in the country for seventeen years, in the vicinity of St. Louis, is as follows : Greatest heat in July 1820, and July 1833, 100 degrees. Greatest cold January 3d, 1834, 18 degrees below zero. The foregoing facts will doubtless apply to about one half of Illinois. The climate also is subject to sudden changes from heat to cold ; from wet to dry, especially from November to May. The heat of the summer below the 40th degree of lati- tude is more enervating, and the system becomes more easily debilitated than in the bracing atmosphere of a more northerly region. The putting forth of vegetation in the spring, furnishes data for the most correct conclusions concerning the climate of a Deg. Hund 30 . 62 38 . 65 43 . 13 58 . 47 62 . 66 74 . 47 78 . 66 72 . 88 70 . 10 59 . 00 53 . 13 34 . 33 92 traveler's directory country. Some facts gathered from the observations of a series of seasons, will be presented in the appendix. Winds. Southwesterly winds prevail during the spring, summer and autumn, at least, south of the forty-first degree of latitude. In the spring, and during the rise of the Missouri, they are from a more westerly direction, and rains are usually, more frequent. During the latter part of summer and autumn the air is dry and elastic. In the months of December and January, northwest and northerly winds often prevail. North- east storms are extremely rare, unless towards Lake Michigan. Weather. There is a great proportion of clear, pleasant days throughout the year. Dr. Beck, who resided at St. Louis during the year 1820, made observations upon the changes of the weather, and produced the following results. Clear days, 245. — Cloudy, including all the variable days, 120. The results of my own observations, kept for twelve years, with the exception of 1826, and with some irregularity, from traveling into different parts of Illinois and. Missouri during the time, do not vary in any material degree from the above state- ment. The putting forth of vegetation in the spring furnishes some evidence of the character of the climate of any country, though by no means entirely accurate. Other causes combine to ad- vance or retard vegetation. A wet or dry season, or a few days of heat or cold at a particular crisis, will produce material changes. The following observations were made at Augusta, Hancock county, and kindly furnished by S. B. Mead. M. D. Gooseberries leaved out, Crab Apple, Thorn, Black Hare, Elm, Forest green, Prairies green, First killing frost, 1834 April 13 April 14 April 14 April 22 April 9 15 Sept. 11 1835 April 11 April 30 April 30 May 15 April 30 Sept. 23 1836 April 25 April 28 April 28 April 28 April 28 May 5 April 23 25 Oct. 4 FOR ILLINOIS. 93 1834 1835 1836 First snow, Dec. 2 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Gooseberry in blossom, April 13 April 29 April 24 Crab Apple, April 25 May 9 May 7 Wild plum, April 13 April 29 April 29 Shadbush, April 12 April 25 May 5 Redbud, April 19 May 6 May 1, 15, 20 The dates are at the time Dr. M. first observed this progress of vegetation, Augusta is 108 miles, (according to the land surveys,) north of St. Louis, and is nearly equidistant from the northern and southern extremities of the state. I have before me also from Dr. Mead, a table of Meteorolo- gical observations taken during the years 1834, 1835, and 1836, a mere epitome of which I have room to give in this place, in- eluding the mean temperature for each month. The observa- tions were made half an hour after sun-rise, at two o'clock, P. M., and half an hour after sun-set, from Fahrenheit's ther- mometer. 1834 Deg. Hund. Deg. Hund January, . . . 20 . 88 July, . . , . 77 . 59 February, . . . 44 . 48 August, „ . . 77 . 40 March, . . . 45 . 30 September . 64 . 03 April, . . . . 57 . 90 October, . . . 56 . 25 May, . . . . 61 . 95 November, . . 48 . 09 June, . . . . 71 . 10 December, . 36 . 76 Annual mean . 55 . 32 1835 Deg. Hund. Deg. Hund January, . . . 37 . 23 July, . . . 72 . 61 February, . . . 22 . 72 August, . . 70 . 87 March, . . 43 . 91 September, . 52 . 23 April, . . . . 52 . 56 October, . . 57 . 97 May, . . . . 68 . 12 November, . . 40 . 55 June, . . . . 71 . 15 December, . . 36 . 37 Annual mean . 52 . 02 94 TRAVELERS DIRECTORY 1836 Deg. Hund. Deg. Hund January, . . 31 . 82 July, . . . . 75 . 03 February, . . 31 . 41 August, . . . 71 . 59 March, . 37 . 39 September, . . 66 . 00 April, . . . 53 . 08 October, -. . . 50 . 65 May, . . . 67 . 40 November, . 44 . 89 June, . . . . 70 . 11 December, . 24 . 84 Annual mean, . 51 . 01 WEATHER. Fair days. Cloudy. Rainy. Snow. 1834 . . 246 . . 74 . . 42 . . 3 1835 . . 250 . . 67 . . 43 . . 5 1836 . . 229 . . 78 . . 48 . . 10 Diseases. The more common diseases of Illinois are inter, mittents, frequently accompanied with bilious symptoms. Those which prove fatal in sickly seasons are bilious remittents. More than one half of the sickness endured by the people is caused by imprudence, bad management, and the want of proper nurs- ing. Emigrants from the northern states, or from Europe, will find it advantageous to protect themselves from the cool and hu- mid atmosphere at night, to provide close dwellings, yet, when the atmosphere is clear, to have their rooms, and especially their sleeping rooms, well ventilated, and invariably wear thin cloth- ing in the day, and put on thicker apparel at night or when ex- posed to wet. Families are seldom sick who live in comfortable houses with tight floors and well ventilated rooms, and who upon a change of weather, and especially in a time of rain, make a little fire in the chimney, though it may be in the midst of summer. I have seen but few cases of genuine consumption. Affec- tion of the liver is more common. Pleurises, and other in- flammatory diseases, prevail in the winter and spring. Oph- thalmia prevails at some seasons. Dysentery is not uncom- mon. Fewer die in infancy than in the old states. Finally, I am prepared to speak decidedly in favor of the general health of Illinois. FOR ILLINOIS. 95 ADVICE TO EMIGRANTS RESPECTING HEALTH AND SICKNESS. The following article is from the pen of one of the oldest, experienced and most intelligent physicians in the western states, and contains a vast amount of valuable information to emigrants. It was written a number of years since, but still retains its original value. ADVICE TO EMIGRANTS, RECENT SETTLERS, AND TO THOSE VISITING THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY. " The outlines which have already been given will afford some information to emigrants from other sections of the Union, or from Europe. We will now offer a few cautionary remarks, particularly intended for such as are about to settle, or have recently settled in this section of the United States. " Of new comers, there are two tolerably distinct classes : the one comprising farmers, mechanics, and indeed all those who calculate on obtaining a subsistence by manual industry \ the other is composed of professional men, tradesmen, and adventurers of every description. Towards the first class our attention is now directed, premising that throughout a great portion of the western country, except in large towns, almost every mechanic is almost necessarily a farmer ; the population being in but few places sufficiently dense to support that desig- nation of mechanical employments whieh is common in the eastern and middle states. " For the industrious and temperate of this class, our coun- try holds forth inducements which are not generally known or understood. " The language of indiscriminate panegyric, which has been bestowed on its climate and soil, has conveyed little informa- tion, and is the source of many fears and suspicions in the minds of people at a distance. Other accounts have described the western country as uniformly sickly ; but the habit of exag- geration in its favor has been most prevalent ; neither need we wonder, when much of the information communicated, has been afforded by interested landholders, or speculators, and by travelers, whose views have been superficial, and whose journeys have been performed generally, either on the rivers or by post roads. Q6 traveler's directory " The first inquiry of a substantial farmer, from one of the old settled states, is mostly, for good land in the vicinity of a market; and afterwards, whether the situation be healthy. It is true that there are many places in the western country, affording the qualities expressed in this description, but they are perhaps all occupied ; and it would be, in several respects, more advisable for a farmer, possessing even a considerable sum of money in hand, to inquire first for a healthy situation, and then good land. " The spirit of improvement throughout the United States, es- pecially evidenced in canalling, and Rail Roads, will, it is hoped in a few years, open modes of communication, which, as yet, are wanting with the markets. " The same remarks will apply to the poorer class of emi- grants. If they value their own health, and that of their families, the main object of their attention will be to secure, if possible, a situation remote from the fogs that hover over the channels of large rivers, which become partly dry in summer, and from the neighborhood of swamps, marshes, ponds, and small lakes. " Every person, on coming from beyond the mountains, and especially from the eastern States, or Europe, will have to undergo some degree of change in his constitution, before it becomes naturalized to the climate ; and all who move from a cold to a considerably warmer part of the western country, will experience the same alteration ; it will, therefore, be wis- dom for the individual brought up in a more rigorous climate, that he seek a situation where the circulation of the air is unim- peded and free, and that he avoid those flat and marshy dis- tricts, which have been already described. " Those who settle in new countries are almost universally exposed to inconveniences which have an unfavorable influ- ence on health. They are seldom able for a length of time to* erect comfortable places of residence ; and indeed, many postpone this important object of attention, even after their circumstances will permit them to build comfortable dwelling- houses. " Wool is mostly a scarce article in new settlements, so that cotton and linen garments are too frequently worn in winter* There is another circumstance, which no doubt has an un- favorable influence on health, especially among the poorer class : it is the want, during the summer season particularly, of FOR ILLINOIS. 97 substantial food. This is sometimes owing to indolence or improvidence ; but perhaps oftener, to the circumstances in which a few families are placed, at a distance from any estab- lished or opulent settlement. " Erroneous views are too generally entertained in relation to hardening the human system ; and the analogies drawn from savage life, are altogether inconclusive. The manners of the North American Indians are essentially different from those of the whites. It is true, there is a portion of the latter, especially in Illinois and Missouri, who from infancy are edu- cated almost in the habits of the aborigines. " We have frequently heard the example of savages referred to, as an argument in favor of attempting to strengthen the constitution by exposure.* There is plausibility in this ; but might not the example of the negroes in the lower parts of South Carolina and Georgia, be also quoted as evidencing the propriety of living on corn meal and sweet potatoes, and working every day in the water of a rice field during the sickly * Uniform exposure to the weather is favorable to health. I can affirm this from long experience and observation. Our hunters, and surveyors, who uniformity spend their time for weeks in the woods and prairies, who wade in the water, swim creeks, are drenched in the rains and dews, and sleep in the open air or a camp at night, very rarely are attacked with fevers. I have kaown repeated instances of young men, brought up delicately in the eastern cities, accustomed, as clerks, to a sedentary life, with feeble constitutions, — I have known such repeatedly to enter upon the business of surveying the public lands, or in the hunting and trapping business, be absent for months, and return with robust health. It is a common thing for a frontier man, whose health is on the decline, and especially when indications of pulmonary affection appear, to engage in a hunting expedition to reno- vate his health. I state these facts, and leave it to the medical faculty to explain the why and wherefore. One circumstance may deserve attention. All these men, as do the Indians, sleep with their feet towards the fire at flight. And it is a common notion with this class, that if the feet are kept hot through the night, however cold the atmos- phere, or however much exposed the rest of the body, no evil conse- quences will ensue. I have passed many a night in this position, after fatiguing rides of thirty or forty miles in the day on our extreme fron- tiers, and through rains, and never experienced any inconvenience to health, if I could get a pallet on the cabin floor, and my feet to the fire. Those who are exposed to these hardships but occasionally, when compelled by necessity, and who endeavor to protect themselves at all other times, usually suffer after such exposure. I have observed that children, when left to run in the open air and weather, who go barefoot, and oftentimes with a single light garment around them, who sleep on the floor at night, are more healthy than those who are protected. 9 98 traveler's directory season ? They are generally more healthy than the whites who own them, and who reside on the plantations in the sum- mer. The civilized man may turn to savage life perhaps with safety, as regards health ; but then he must plunge with the Indian into the depths of the forest, and observe consistency in all his habits. These pages are not written, however, for such as are disposed to consider themselves beyond the pale of civilized society ; but for the reflecting part of the commu- nity, who can estimate the advantages to be derived from a prudent care of health. " Much disease, especially in the more recently settled parts of this country, is consequent to neglecting simple and com- fortable precautionary means ; sometimes this neglect is owing to misdirected industry, and at others to laziness or evil habits. " To have a dry house, if it be a log one, with the openings between the logs well filled up, so that it may be kept warm in winter ; to fill up all the holes in its vicinity which may contain stagnant water ; to have a good clean spring or well, sufficient clothing, and a reasonable supply of provisions, should be the first object of a settler's attention : but frequently a little, wet, smoky cabin or hovel is erected, with the floor scarcely sepa- rated from the ground, and admitting the damp and unwhole- some air. All hands that can work, are impelled, by the father's example, to labor beyond their strength, and more land is cleared and planted with corn than is well tended ; for over- exertion, change in the manner of living, and the influence of other debilitating causes, which have been mentioned, bring sickness on at least a part of the family, before the summer is half over. "It is unnecessary for even the poorest emigrant to encounter these causes of distress, unless seduced by the misrepresenta- tions of some interested landholder, or by the fantasies of his own brain, to an unhealthy and desolate situation, where he can neither help himself, nor be assisted by others. " Many persons on moving into the back woods, who have been accustomed to the decencies of life, think it little matter how they live, because no one sees them. Thus we have known a family of some opulence to reside for years in a cabin unfit for the abode of any human being, because they could not find time to build a house ; and whenever it rained hard, the females were necessarily engaged in rolling the beds from one corner of the room to another, in order to save them For Illinois. 99 from the water that poured in through the roof. This cabin was intended at first as only a very temporary residence, and was erected on the edge of a swamp, for the convenience of being near to a spring. How unreasonable must such people be, if they expect health ! " Clothing for winter should be prepared in summer. It is a common, but very incorrect practice among many farmers, both west and east of the Alleghany mountains, to postpone wearing winter clothing until the weather has become ex- tremely cold : this is a fruitful source of pulmonary diseases, of rheumatisms, and of fevers. " With regard to providing a sufficiency of nourishing food, no specific directions can be given, further than to recommend what is much neglected — particular attention to a good garden spot ; and to remark, that those who devote undivided atten- tion to cultivating the soil, receive more uniform supplies of suitable nourishment than the more indolent, who spend a considerable portion of their time in hunting. " New settlers are not unfrequently troubled with diseases of the skin, which are often supposed to be the itch : for these eruptions they generally use repellant external applications ; this plan of treatment is prejudicial. " The most proper time for the removal of families to this country from the Atlantic states, is early in the spring, while the rivers are full ; or if the journey be made by land, as soon as the roads are sufficiently settled, and the waters abated. " Persons unaccustomed to the climate of the lower Missis- sippi country, are necessarily exposed, whilst there in the sum- mer season, to many causes of disease. It will be advisable for such to have a prudent care of their health, and yet, a care distinct from that finical timidity which renders them liable to early attacks of sickness. " There is one important consideration, which perhaps has been somewhat overlooked by medical men, who have written on this subject. Natives of colder and healthier regions, when exposed in southern and sickly climates, experience, if they remain any length of time, without evident and violent dis- ease, an alteration in the condition of the liver, and of the secreted bile itself; when it passes through the bowels, its color being much darker than usual. Sometimes, indeed, it appears to be ' locked up in the liver,' the stools having an ashen appearance. This state of the biliary secretion is frequently 100 traveler's directory accompanied, although the patient is otherwise apparently in tolerable health, by a pain over the eye-balls, particularly when the eyes are rolled upward. " The proper mode of treatment for such symptoms is, to take without delay, not less than twenty grains of calomel, and in eight hours a wine glass full of castor oil. The tone of the stomach should not be suffered to sink too much after the operation of the medicine, which, if necessary, may be repeated in twenty-four hours. Sulphate of quinine, or other tonics, with nutritive food, which is easy of digestion, should also be taken in moderate portions at a time. " Where diseases are rapid in their progress, and dangerous, no time is to be lost. The practice of taking salts and other aperients, when in exposed situations, and for the purpose of preventing disease, is injurious. It is sufficient, that the bowels be kept in a natural and healthy state ; for all cathar- tics, even the mildest, have a tendency to nauseate the stom- ach, create debility, and weaken the digestive faculty. A reduction of tone in the system, which is always advantageous, will be more safely effected by using somewhat less than usual of animal food, and of spirituous, strong vinous, or fermented liquors. The robust will derive benefit from losing a little blood. " It ought to be well understood, that as we approximate tropical climates, the doses of medicine, when taken, should be increased in quantity, and repeated with less delay than is admissible in colder countries. Exposure to the night air is certainly prejudicial ; so also is the intense heat of the sun, in the middle of the day. Violent exercise should also be avoided. Bathing daily in water of a comfortable temperature, is a very commendable practice ; and cotton worn next the skin is preferable to linen. " It is impossible to prevent the influence of an atmosphere pregnant with the causes of disease ; but the operation of those causes may generally be counteracted by attention to the rules laid down ; and it is no small consolation to be aware, that on recovery from the first attack, the system is better adapted to meet and sustain a second of a similar nature. The reader will understand that we do not allude to relapses occurring, while the system is enfeebled by the consequences of dis- ease." FOR ILLINOIS. 101 To the foregoing remarks, I add the following, from an address of Judge Hall, to the " Antiquarian and Historical Society of Illinois," December 10, 1827. " The climate, particularly in reference to its influence on the human system, presents another subject of investigation. The western country has been considered unhealthy ; and there have been writers, whose disturbed imaginations have misled them into a belief that the whole land was continually exposed to the most awful visitations of Providence, among which have been numbered the hurricane, the pestilence, and the earthquake. If we have been content to smile at such exaggerations, while few had leisure to attempt a serious refu- tation, and while the facts upon which any deliberate opinion must have been based, had not been sufficiently tested by expe- rience, the time has now arrived when it is no longer excusable to submit in silence to the reproaches of ignorance or malice. It is proper, however, to remark, as well in extenuation of those who have assailed our country, as in the support of the confi- dential denial, which I feel authorized to make to their asser- tions, that a vast improvement in the article of health has taken place within a few years. Diseases are now mild which were once malignant, and their occurrence is annually becoming less frequent. This happy change affords strong authority for the belief, that although the maladies which have heretofore afflicted us, were partly imputable to the climate, other, and more powerful causes of disease must have existed, which have vanished. We who came to the frontier, while the axe was still busy in the forest, and when thousands of the acres which now yield abundance to the farmer, were unreclaimed and tenantless, have seen the existence of our fellow citizens assailed by other than the ordinary ministers of death. Toil, privation and exposure, have hurried many to the grave ; im- prudence and carelessness of life, have sent crowds of victims prematurely to the tomb. It is not to be denied that the mar- gins of our great streams in general, and many spots in the vicinity of extensive marshes, are subject to bilious diseases ; but it may be as confidently asserted, that the interior country is heaithy. Yet the first settlers invariably selected the rich alluvion lands upon the navigable rivers in preference to the scarcely less fertile soil of the prairies, lying in situations less accessible, and more remote from market. They came to a wilderness in which houses were not prepared for their recep- 9* 102 traveler's directory tion, nor food, other than that supplied by nature, provided for their sustenance. They often encamped on the margin of the river exposed to its chilly atmosphere, without a tent to shelter, with scarcely a blanket to protect them. Their first habita- tions were rude cabins, affording scarcely a shelter from the rain, and too frail to afford protection from the burning heat of the noon-day sun, or the chilling effects of the midnight blast. As their families increased, another and another cabin was added, as crazy and as cheerless as the first, until, admonished of the increase of their own substance, the influx of wealthier neighbors, and the general improvement of the country around them, they were allured by pride to do that to which they never would have been impelled by suffering. The gratuitous ex- posure to the climate, which the backwoodsman seems rather to court than avoid, is a subject of common remark. No extremity of weather confines him to the shelter of his own roof. Whether the object be business or pleasure, it is pur- sued with the same composure amid the shadows of the night, or the howling of the tempest, as in the most genial season. Nor is this trait of character confined to woodsmen or to far- mers ; examples of hardihood are contagious, and in this country all ranks of people neglect, or despise the ordinary precautions with respect to health. Judges and lawyers, mer- chants, physicians and ministers of the gospel, set the seasons at defiance in the pursuit of their respective callings. They nrosecute their journeys regardless of weather ; and learn at last to feel little inconvenience from the exposure, which is silently undermining their constitutions. Is it extraordinary that people thus exposed should be attacked by violent mala- dies ? Would it not be more wonderful that such a careless prodigality of life could pass with impunity ? These remarks might be extended ; the food of the first settler, consisting chiefly of fresh meat without vegetables and often without salt; the common use of ardent spirits, the want of medical aid, by which diseases, at first simple, being neglected become dangerous ; and other evils peculiar to a new country, might be noticed as fruitful sources of disease : but I have already dwelt sufficiently on this subject. That this country is de- cidedly healthy, I feel no hesitation in declaring ; but neither argument nor naked assertions will convince the world. Let us collect such facts as amount to evidence, and establish the truth by undeniable demonstration." FOR ILLINOIS. 103 NATURAL CURIOSITIES AND ANTIQUITIES. On the banks of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and the bluffs that overhang the alluvions, are many singular appear- ances. These consist of ledges of rock, which exhibit the most fanciful forms, and in many places are penetrated by caverns of various dimensions. Of these the " Cave in Mock," on the Ohio will be described under its own name. The " Devil's Anvil," » Grand Tower," " Starved Rock," " BufTaloe Rock," " Mount Joliet," " Mount Flat Head," " Mount St. Charles," " Monk Hill," and other singular formations, deserve passing notice as natural curiosities. Cave-in-Eock. This natural curiosity, well known to all the navigators of the Ohio River, is situated on the bank of the Ohio, where the dividing line between Pope and Gallatin coun- ties strikes the river. Such caves and piles of rock, as are de- scribed in the following sketch, are called by the Indians Mon- e-to — a name spelled Man-i-teau, by the French, and some- times Mon-it-to by other authors. It signifies " the residence of a spirit" either good or bad. There are several Mon-e-toes in Illinois, Missouri, and other western states. .One is at the precipices of the Mississippi ad- joining Lower Alton. Two more that give names to streams in Boone and Coles counties, Missouri. The Indians relate some wild and extravagant legends of the freaks of these ima- ginary beings at their " residences," and they usually propitiate the favor of the Mon-e-to, by liberal offerings, and the firing of guns, as they pass his habitation. The one at the head of this article, known to Americans by the name Cave-in-Eock, was long the rendezvous of a class of beings, far more formidable and dangerous to the whites, than the Indian Mon-e-toes. In 1797, it was the place of resort and security to Mason and his gang of robbers ; who plundered and murdered the crews of boats, while descending the Ohio. It still answers as a tem- porary residence for those who need shelter while on the river. The rock is limestone abounding with shells. The following description of this cave is given by Thaddeus M. Harris, an English tourist, made in the spring of 1803, a writer who has done justice to the west in his descriptions generally. 104 traveler's directory " For about three or four miles before you come to this place, you are presented with a scene truly romantic. On the Illi- nois side of the river, you see large ponderous rocks piled one upon another, of different colors, shapes and sizes. Some ap- pear to have gone through the hands of the most skilful artist, some represent the ruins of ancient edifices ; others thrown promiscuously in and out of the river, as if nature intended to show us with what ease she could handle those mountains of solid rock. In some places, you see purling streams winding their course down their rugged front ; while in others, the rocks project so far, that they seem almost disposed to leave their doubtful situations. After a short relief from this scene, you come to a second, which is something similar to the first ; and here, with strict scrutiny, you can discover the cave. " Before its mouth stands a delightful grove of cypress trees, arranged immediately on the bank of the river. They have a fine appearance, and add much to the cheerfulness of the place. " The mouth of the cave is but a few feet above the ordinary level of the river, and is formed by a semicircular arch of about eighty feet at its base, and twenty-five feet in height, the top projecting considerably over, forming a regular concave. From the entrance to the extremity, which is abont one hundred and eighty feet, it has a regular and gradual ascent. On either side is a solid bench of rock ; the arch coming to a point about the middle of the cave, where you discover an opening suffi- ciently large to receive the body of a man, through which comes a small stream of fine water, made use of by those who visit this place. From this hole, a second cave is discovered whose dimensions, form, &c, are not known. The rock is of lime- stone. The sides of the cave are covered with inscriptions, names of persons, dates," &c. The trees have been cut down and the entrance into the cave exposed to view. The Devil's Anvil is a singular rock, of considerable eleva- tion, and the top jutting over its base, near the road from Equality to Golconda. The surrounding country is very hilly, with rocky precipices, and exhibits all the desolation and wild- ness of a mountainous region. The Devil's Oven is a singular promontory of sand rock that projects into the Mississippi, in Jackson county, one mile above FOR ILLINOIS. 105 the Grand Tower. It has a cave resembling the mouth of a mammoth oven, to be seen from the river. The Grand Tower is a perpendicular sand rock rising from the bed of the Mississippi, near the Missouri side, and a short distance above the mouth of Big Muddy River. The top is level, seventy or eighty feet high, and supports a stratum of soil on which are found a few stunted cedars and shrubs. Here are indications that a barrier of rock once extended across the Mississippi, and formed a grand cataract. The bed of the river, at a low stage of water still exhibits a chain of sunken rocks. The " Devil's Tea Table," " Back Bone," &c, are names given by the boatmen of the Mississippi to the singularly formed, abrupt, and romantic precipices that line the banks of that river in the vicinity of the Grand Tower. The " Starved Rock," and " BufTaloe Rock," have been noticed in the description of the Illinois River. Mount Joliet is a mound situated on the west bank of the Des Plaines, about sixteen miles above its junction with the Kankakee. It is in the southwestern part of Cook county, in township thirty-five north, in range ten east from the third principal meredian. It is in the midst of a large plain, cover- ed in summer with short, thin grass, and which bears striking marks of having been once inundated. Its size is variously estimated. Beck, in his Gazatteer, states, " It is three or four hundred yards in length, north and south, and two or three hundred in breadth, east and west. It is in the form of a pyramid, and is evidently the work of art." From the last position I entirely dissent. From all the facts I have gathered from those who have visited it, I have no doubt, but like similar eminences in every part of the globe, it is a atural production. Several gentlemen, who have passed this mound without stopping particularly to measure it, have esti- mated its length one mile, its breadth, at the base, half a mile, and its height one hundred and fifty feet. It appears to be an immense pile of sand and pebbles, similar to the sand ridges along the Illinois rivet. This name was given by the companions of Joliet, who visi- ted this country in 1673. Mount Flat Head is on the west side of the Des Plaines, and two miles below Mount Joliet. It extends two miles ; the 106 north end is rounded — the south end irregularly shaped — its contents sand, gravel, and coarse pebbles, worn smooth by water friction. Mount St. Charles, in Jo Daviess county, twelve miles east of Galena. The surrounding country becomes elevated to the height of seven or eight hundred feet above the mining country generally. This mount, like a pyramid, rises from the center of this elevation one hundred and fifty feet. The base of the whole mount includes two or three square miles ; — the base of the pyramid is one fourth of a mile in length, and two hundred and fifty yards in breadth. Its top is long and quite narrow. The whole mound, as is the case with many smaller ones, is a natural formation. Monk Hill is situated on the American bottom, in the bor- ders of Madison county, eight miles northeasterly from St. Louis. The circumference, at the base, is about six hundred yards, and its height about ninety feet. On the south side, about half way down, is a broad step, or apron, about fifteen feet wide. This hill, or mount, was the residence, for several years, of the monks of the order of La Trappe, the most rigid and aus- tere of all the monkish orders. Their monastery was originally situated in the district of Perche, in France, in one of the most lonely spots that could be chosen. They fled from the commotions of that kingdom to America, lived for a time in Kentucky, and came to Illinois in 1806 or '07, and settled on this mound. They cultivated a garden, repaired watches, and traded with the people, but were generally filthy in their habits, and ex- tremely severe in their penances and discipline. In 1813, they sold off their personal property, and left the country, for France. Fountain Bluff, frequently called the " Big Hill," in Jack- son county. It is a singularly formed eminence, or rocky blufT on the Mississippi, six miles above the mouth of the Big Mud- dy River. It is of an oval shape, eight miles in circumference, and with an elevation of three hundred feet. The western side is on the river, and the top is broken, full of sink holes, with shrubs and scattering timber. The north side is nearly per- FOR ILLINOIS. 107 pendicular rock, but the south side is sloping, and ends in a fine rich tract of soil, covered with farms. East is an exten- sive and low bottom with lakes and swamps. Fine springs of limpid water gush out from the foot of this bluff on all sides. That these prominences are natural formations, appears to me evident from the following facts : — 1. There is nothing to indicate the work of art but their singular shape. 2. They are composed of various strata of soil and earth, in precisely the same position as are the strata of the neigh- boring bluffs, and the river bottoms, where the bank has been washed away. 3. Some of them, as Mount Joliet, and Mount Flat Head, when excavated, show pebbles, worn smooth by water friction, and deposited in the same manner as such pebbles are in a gravel bank. 4. The Blue Mounds and others in Wisconsin, and those in the Indian Territory west of Arkansas, are perfectly simi- lar in shape to these, and yet furnish most unequivocal evi- dence that they are not the production of human labor. The Blue Mounds are united, yet so as to leave a depression at their junction. They are elevated from 200 to 300 feet above the surrounding prairie, and furnish a most splendid prospect for fifty miles. One has from 30 to 60 acres of level prairie on its top. Surrounding them is a bench or plateau, similar to Monk Hill. Springs of water gush out from the base. The Arkansas mounds are stupendous conical elevations, 200 feet in height, ranging in a line with each other for ten or twelve miles over an immense and nearly level prairie. They are level on the top, and contain each from two to five acres of table land, while their sides are so steep as to be inac- cessible except in one or two places. Are all these the works of art, made by extinct races of men ? There need be no doubt but many of the smaller mounds, from 20 to 50 feet in height, are also natural forma- tions, made probably by the same laws that have seooped out the valleys of our rivers, produced our ranges of bluffs, and singularly shaped knobs, and excavated the innumerable sink holes in our cavernous limestone regions. 103 traveler's directory That there are mounds in the west, which have been pro- duced by human labor, I have no doubt. But that this is true respecting all, or a large proportion of the mounds, I have evi- dence enough for my satisfaction to the contrary. The follow- ing instance passed under my own observation. To the facts I give my decided testimony, and I publish it because it may cast some light upon this curious and interesting subject. In June, 1832, 1 made a visit to Naples, and spent a night with Messrs. A. & M. Collins. They had just finished the excavation of the cellar for a large brick house, to be situated on one of these mounds. The mound, before any excavation was made, had been a double one, showing the appearance of a long ridge, twelve feet in height, from 60 to 70 feet in length, about 40 feet wide at the base, and a depression of about five feet in the center. It was contiguous to and appeared to form a portion of a sand ridge, stretching along the bank of the Illinois from the upper part of Naples, for two miles or more. This ridge is elevated above the surrounding plain, some 20 or 25 feet, and covered with brush wood and scattering timber. The mound at the highest parts, was elevated above the sand ridge from ten to twelve feet, and presented all the external marks that any mound dees of artificial formation. In excavating the cellar, the Messrs. Collins had dug into the side of the mound, and descended somewhat lower than the base, and in levelling their back yard they removed the remaining portion of the mound. One half the mound was a stiff clay, that required the mattock to loosen it, while the other half was sand, easily removed by the plough or spade. The division occurred exactly in the line of depression heretofore noticed, and the work was left in the best state possible at the time of my visit for careful and thorough examination. My attention was first called by the owners of the property to the difference of substrata for the foundation of a large house with heavy brick walls, clay at one end, and sand for the other end, and my opinion requested whether the walls would be likely to receive injury in settling. My curiosity was at once arrested, and I determined to spare no pains to investigate this mound. The division line between the clay and sand was not perpen- dicular, but at an angle of about 75 or 80 degrees from a hori- zontal position, and it evidently penetrated the ridge below the base of the mound. After taking an observation from the wall of the cellar, I followed the ridge some 200 or 300 yards, FOR ILLINOIS. 109 keeping an angle of about 45 degrees from a parallel with the river, till I reached the bank where the water had recently washed away the earth. Here I found the same line of divi- sion between the sand and clay substratum as had existed in the mound. I knew also, that our bottom lands on the Missis- sippi and the Illinois are formed not only by alternate layers, but by successive bodies of clay and of sand. I had seen the preceding day betwixt Meredosia and Naples, small ridges in the low bottom, of clay and of sand alternating of one and two feet elevation, produced by the inundations of the preceding spring. All the facts, after careful observation, produced entire conviction that the mound was formed by the same laws, probably by the action of water, as the adjoining ridge and whole bottom. In this opinion the Messrs. Collins united. But there are another class of facts to be noticed. Near the base of the mound the remains of three human skeletons were dug up. The bones were much decayed, and most of them crumbled upon exposure to the atmosphere. The skull of one, and some of the bones of the superior extremities were pre- served for some time. One of the skeletons had silver bands around the arms and silver hasps around the wrists, such as Indians frequently receive as presents from the government and traders. Within the bands were strips of green cloth, evidently of European manufacture. It appeared as though the body had been buried in a full dress of broadcloth, which had entirely decayed, except where protected by the silver ornaments. Four feet below the surface, in the sand portion of the mound, three kettles were found, about the size and. shape as those used by hunters and Indians. One was entirely of copper, much corroded with verdegrease, one was of sheet iron, with a copper bottom, fastened with rivets, and the other was wholly of sheet iron, much corroded by rust. At the base of the sand mound, eleven feet from the surface, small bones, apparently of animals and fowls, were discovered, and many pieces of earthenware, well burnt, or hardened in the sun, figured, but not glazed. Here are facts that show the persons exhumed, lived, died, and were buried since the discovery of Illinois by Europeans, and the establishment of trade in the country ; but that the mound had been subsequently formed could scarcely admit of doubt. But there are other facts that should be viewed in connection with the existence of human skeletons, in any 10 110 traveler's directory tolerable state of preservation in mounds, in the west. Our soil is highly calcarious, loose, and entirely pervious to water. The human skeleton will decompose in a much shorter period than has elapsed since the visits of Europeans to Illinois. This is a subject that deserves thorough investigation. The writer has discovered facts that in a very large majority of cases, even when protected by a coffin, the work of decomposition has been finished in half a century. Scarcely an instance can be found where any considerable portions of the skeleton lasts one hundred years, except in caves or other places, where nitrous qualities are mixed with common earth. Hence the artificial formation of our western mounds, and the existence of extinct races of men, who inhabited this country, prior to the Indian race, cannot be proved from the existence of human skeletons in mounds, or any where else, subject to the ordinary laws of decomposition. I have admitted that some of the mounds are the works of man; — formed, probably, during a series of years by repeated applications of human effort. Who made them, and for what purposes were they constructed, are questions of some interest in antiquarian research. The narrative of the expedition of Hernando de Soto, throws some light on this subject. The expedition of De Soto into Florida, as North America was then called, in 1539, 1540, and 1541, three hundred years since, was one of the most wild, chivalrous and fatal expe- ditions of those times. He had previously signalized himself, and amassed an immense fortune in following the fortunes of Pizarro in the conquest of Peru. Having obtained the ap- pointment of Governor and Captain General for life, of Florida and the Island of Cuba, he fitted out an expedition for the Conquest of Florida of a thousand men, three hundred and fifty horses, with swine, cattle, &c, to stock the country. Their avowed object, like that of the conquerors of Mexico and Peru, was gold and conquest. After various successes and reverses of fortune, through portions of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee, during which they conquered and wintered in the town of Mauvila, or Mobile, (tracing their course by the names of rivers they passed,) they reached th& Mississippi river, not far from Little Prairie below New Madrid. De Soto died with a fever, near where Helena is now situated, but a portion of his men, under the command of his successor, pushed westward, Over the vast prairies, till they came in sight FOR ILLINOIS. Ill of the Rocky Mountains. Eventually the survivors of the expedition constructed brigantines, and made their way down the Mississippi. Only a small remnant of De Soto's army ever reached Cuba. The narrative of this expedition was written in Portuguese by one of the officers, and also in Spanish by the Inca Garci. laso de la Vega, who obtained his information from repeated conversations with the survivors, and their private journals. The Portuguese narrative was translated and published in London, in 1686, and is found in an abridgment of " Purchas' Pilgrims." The Spanish narrative by De La Vega was pub- lished in Madrid, and has been copied by Herrara, who is frequently quoted by Robertson in his history of America. Both the Spanish and Portuguese narratives were carefully examined a few years since by Theodore Irving Esq., a nephew of Washington Irving, wbile in Madrid, and an interesting work, the " Conquest of Florida," published in 1835, by that gentleman, I have mentioned these particulars to show the authority on which I rely for some light on the questions proposed, who made these mounds that are artificial, and for what purposes were they erected ? In the narrative referred to, I find frequent mention made of the towns, the cemeteries, and of the residences of the chiefs of the tribes of Indians, through which the army of Hernando De Soto passed. The following are the facts gleaned : — 1. Their towns were frequently enclosed with an em- bankment of earth, sometimes with a palisade of logs, and with a ditch. In one instance, the town of Capaha, near the Mississippi, which was separated from the Casquin Indians, [qti. Kaskaskias ?] by a large swamp, contained 500 large houses, was built on high ground, was nearly enclosed with a deep moat or ditch, 50 paces broad ; and where the moat did not extend, was defended with a strong wall of timber and plaister. The moat was filled with water by a canal, cut from the Mississippi, which was about three leagues distant. As this was the most northerly point they reached on the Missis- sippi, it must have been not far from Little Prairie, near the southeastern corner of the State of Missouri. 112 traveler's directory 2. The burial places of many of the tribes of Indians, were large vaults, excavated from the earth, and roofed over with timbers and earth. The Indians in their wars did not confine their assaults to the living They often broke into these depositories of the dead, trampled upon their bodies, scattered about the bones, and wreaked upon them all kinds of insults for past injuries, which the deceased had inflicted upon their tribe. The Casquin Indians attacked the town of Capaha, while De Soto was in the country. " They broke into the grand sepulchre or mausoleum, in the public square," which the Indians held sacred, and where were deposited the remains of the ancestors of their Cacique or king. These vaults, or burying places, when the timbers decayed, and the cavity was filled up, would form a mound, and account for those mounds which when opened, contain fragments of bone, and phos- phate of lime, in large quantities. 3. The houses of their chiefs were built on the highest eminence in the town, and frequently when no natural promi- nence existed, they formed one by immense labor. Thus it was in the town of Anilco in a province of the same name, which appears to have been situated in Arkansas, probably on White river. It was in a champaign country on a river, and contained about 400 houses, built around a public square. " The residence of the Cacique, as usual, was posted on a high artificial mound." The town of Aminoya appears to have been situated in the vicinity of the present town of Helena, about thirty miles above the Arkansas. Here Moscoso, the successor of De Soto in command, passed the winter of 1540-41, and built his brigantines to descend the Mississippi. In the month of March, the Mississippi rose to a fearful height, and overflowed the whole country and even the town, though built upon the highest ground. " It was in consequence of these inundations, says the Spanish historian, that the Indians built their villages on high hills, or artificial mounds. The houses of the chieftains were often built on piles, with upper floors, where they might take refuge from the freshets."* * Conquest of Florida, vol. 2, p. 229. FOR ILLINOIS. 118 Here some interesting conclusions might be drawn: — 1. That when a natural mound was not at hand, the Indians made an artificial one, on which they erected the houses of their chiefs. 2. That in some instances on the bottoms subject to inundation, they raised mounds for the whole village. 3. That in all probability the waters of the Mississippi and other western rivers, rose much higher upon the bottom lands, three hundred years since than at this time. And as every successive inundation brings on a large quantity of alluvial deposit, often to the depth of a foot and more in a single season in places, and as the river may have deepened it3 own channel, it is probable that extensive tracts of bottom lands, now entirely dry, and elevated several feet above the river at its highest floods, were once subject to annual inundations. We have reached at least one point in these brief antiqua- rian researches. We have discovered that the ancestry of the present race of Indians, selected conical eminences wherever conveniently situated, and made artificial elevations where they did not exist, for the houses of their chiefs, and to protect themselves from the inundations of the rivers. We have found also that their towns were walled in, sometimes with an em- bankment of earth, in other instances with palisades, and in one instance a town surrounded with a stone wall is men- tioned. Of the ancient military works in Illinois, that now remain even in a dilapidated state, Fort Charter is probably the most ancient. It was originally built by the French in 1720, to defend themselves against the Spaniards, who were then taking possession of the country on the Mississippi. It was rebuilt in 1756. The circumstances, character, form, and history of this fort are interesting, but I have not room in this place to give them. Once it was a most formidable piece of masonry, the materials of which were brought three or four miles from the bluffs. It was originally an irregular quadran- gle, the exterior sides of which were 490 feet in circumference. Within the walls were the commandant's and commissary's houses, a magazine for stores, barracks, powder magazine, bake house, guard house, and prison. This prodigious military work is now a heap of ruins. Many of the hewn stone have been removed by the people to 10* 114 traveler's directory Kaskaskia. A slough from the Mississippi approached and undermined the wall on one side in 1772. Over the whole fort is a considerable growth of trees, and most of its walls and buildings have fallen down and lie in one promiscuous ruin. Pertaining to the antiquities of Illinois, is the following curious discovery, made by John Russell, Esq., in the range of bluffs that overhang Bluffdale, in Greene county, the place of his residence. At an elevation of 80 feet above the valley, in a projecting cliff, and imbedded amongst a mass of loose rocks, Mr. R. found on excavating, three shells, nearly similar, each of which exhibited the following characteristics : — 1. They were univalve, and had been bisected, the edges worked off, and the inside excavated, so as to resemble some- what in appearance the half of a slender, straight gourd, with a neck tapering proportionably in size from the body. 2. Each had evidently been used as an article of furniture, and had been prepared for the purpose by some sharp instru- ment, and each holds about three pints. 3. They are unquestionably of salt water origin, and belong to a description of shells not found in the waters of the Atlantic, or on any part of the American Continent. Similar shells are to be found in the South Pacific Ocean, and about the Feejee islands. 4. They were most unquestionably deposited in these bluffs at the period of their formation. The position in which they were found would preclude the idea of their subsequent deposition by human or other means. They are not fossil remains, in the sense of having undergone any change in their structure, being purely natural shells, fashioned into ladles by the art of man. Very limited knowledge of the science of Conchology prevents me from defining the genus and species of these interesting remains. They are highly deserving the attention of the curious, and are yet in the possession of John Russell, Esq., Postmaster at Bluffdale, Illinois. The Fossil Tree of the Des Plaines has been fully described by Mr. Schoolcraft, in a memoir read before the American Geological Society, in 1821. It lies in a horizontal position, imbedded in a stratum of floetz sandstone, of a gray color and close grain. The middle por- FOR ILLINOIS. 115 tion of the trunk is fifty-one feet six inches in length, and is eighteen inches in diameter at the smallest end. It is a species of the juglans nigra, or black walnut, a tree common to the Illinois, and completely petrified. It lies in the bed of the Des Plaines about forty rods above its junction with the Kankakee. Petrifications are very common in Illinois, The " lost rocks," or boulders scattered over a surface of an evident diluvial deposit, are a curiosity. They are in great numbers towards the heads of the Kaskaskia and Sangamon rivers, and become more numerous, and are found at various depths in the soil, as the traveler passes northward along the great prairies. Indeed the geological formation of the whole state, presents a rich field for investigation in that science. The antiquities of Illinois are similar to those of other wes- tern states. Indian graves are common, especially along the bluffs. Fragments of bones, and not unfrequently whole skeletons, in a tolerable state of preservation, are found depos- ited from two to three feet below the surface. In not a few instances they are found enclosed with stone slabs, undressed, and obtained from the neighboring cliffs. There are no proofs of a pigmy race of aborigines in the western states. Graves are not unfrequent where the length from the head to the foot stone, does not exceed four feet, and yet contain the skeleton of an adult of full stature. In such instances, it will be found upon careful examination of the position of the bones, that the leg and thigh bones lie parallel, and that the corpse was inhumed with the knees bent into that position. Some bones of unusual size have been discovered, but I am not acquainted with facts to justify a supposition of a race of giants. Bones of a huge animal, but different from the Mammoth, have been found in St. Clair county. About the Gallatin and Big Muddy salines, large fragments of earthenware, are very frequently found, under the surface of the earth. They appear to have been portions of large kettles, used, probably, by the natives for obtaining salt. Small fragments of earthenware, arrow and spear heads, stone axes and mallets, and other antiquities, are found in various parts of the state. Silver coins of ancient origin have been found at Kaskaskia. They were probably brought there by the Jesuits, or the early French emigrants. 116 TRAVELER S DIRECTORY Of one thing the writer is satisfied, that very imperfect and incorrect data have been relied upon, and very erroneous con. elusions drawn, upon western antiquities. Whoever has time and patience, and is in other respects qualified to explore this field of science, and will use his spade and eyes together, and restrain his imagination from running riot amongst mounds, fortifications, horse shoes, medals, and whole cabinets of relics of the " olden time," will find very little more than the indica- tions of rude savages, the ancestors of the present race of Indians. MINERALS. The northern portion of Illinois is inexhaustibly rich in mineral productions, while coal, secondary limestone, and sand- stone, are found in every part. Iron ore has been found in the southern parts of the State, and is said to exist in considerable quantities in the northern parts. Native copper in small quantities has been found on Muddy river, in Jackson county, and back of Harrisonville, in the bluffs of Monroe county. One mass weighing seven pounds was found detached at the latter place. A shaft was sunk forty feet deep in 1817, in search of this metal, but without success. Red oxide of iron and oxide of copper were dug out. Crystallized gypsum has been found in small quantities in St. Clair county. Quartz crystals exist in Gallatin county. Silver is supposed to exist in St. Clair county, two miles from Rock Spring, from whence Silver Creek derives its name. In the early times, by the French, a shaft was sunk here, and tradition tells of large quantities of the precious metal being obtained. In 1828, many persons in this vicinity commenced digging, and began to dream of immense fortunes, which however vanished during the following winter. They dug up considerable quantities of home blende, the shining specula of whieh were mistaken for silver. In the southern part of the state several sections of land have been reserved from sale, on account of the silver ore they are supposed to contain. Marble of a fine quality is found in Randolph county. Lead is found in vast quantities in the . northern part of Illi- nois, and the adjacent territory. Here are the richest lead FOR ILLINOIS. 117 mines hitherto discovered on the globe. This portion of country lies principally north of Rock river south of the Wis- consin river. Dubuque's, and other rich mines, are west of the Mississippi. Native copper, in large quantities, exists in this region, espe- cially at the mouth of Plum creek, and on the Peekatonakee, marked on the map, above Rock river, which puts into the Mississippi. Peekatonakee is a hranch of Rock river. The lead diggings in the northern part of the State and adjacent territories, extend over a tract of country, probably one hundred miles square. The Indians and French had long been accustomed to procure lead in small quantities in this region, but the business of mining and smelting was not attempted by Americans until 1822. Since that period vast quantities have been procured. In Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa, the amount of lead manufac- tured from 1823, to September 30, 1835, exceeded seventy millions of pounds. The product by this time, probably, equals in the whole 85,000,000 ; averaging about 6,500,000 pounds per annum. The rent for mining on government lands is six per cent, of the proceeds. Coal. Bituminous coal abounds in this state and may be found in nearly every county. It is frequently perceived without excavation in the ravines and at the points of bluffs. Exhaustless be-ds of this article exist in the bluffs adjacent to the American bottom in St. Clair county, of which large quantities are annually transported to St. Louis for fuel. A large vein of coal, several feet thick, and apparently exhaustless, has been struck in excavating the Illinois and Michigan canal, a few miles below Ottawa. Muriate of Soda, or common salt. This is found in various parts of the state, held in solution in the springs. The manu- facture of salt by boiling and evaporation is carried on in Gal- latin county, twelve miles west-north-west from Shawneetown ; in Jackson county, near Brownsville ; and in Vermilion county, near Danville. The springs and land are owned by the state, and the works leased. Valuable building stone is found in various parts of the State. A quarry of coarse free stone has been opened in the bluffs of the Mississippi, five miles above Alton. The quarry near 118 traveler's directory Springfield, from which the rock is taken to erect the new state house, is hard, works well, and is supposed to be equal to granite for architectural purposes. Water cement lime, is found in abundance, especially on the line of the Illinois and Michigan canal, in exhaustless quantities. Scattered over the surface of our prairies, are large masses of rock, of granitic formation, roundish in form, usually called by the people, " lost rocks." They will weigh from one thou- sand to ten or twelve thousand pounds, and are entirely de- tached, and frequently are found several miles distant from any quarry. Nor has there ever been a quarry of granite dis- covered in the state. These stones are denominated bowlders in rninerology. That they exist in various parts of Illinois is an undoubted truth ; and that they are a species of granite is equally true, as I have specimens to show. They usually lie on the surface, or are partially imbedded in the soil of our prairies, which is unquestionably of diluvial formation. How they eame here is a question of difficult solution. Medicinal Waters are found in different parts of the state. These are chiefly sulphur springs and chalybeate waters. There is said to be one well in the southern part of the state strongly impregnated with the sulphate of magnesia, or Epsom salts, from which considerable quantities have been made for sale, by simply evaporating the water, in a kettle, over a common fire. There are several sulphur springs in Jefferson county, to which persons resort for health. An excellent chalybeate spring exists near Coltonsville, in De Kalb county. VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS. The principal trees and shrubs of Illinois have been noticed under the head of " Forest or timbered land." Of oaks there are several species, as overcup, burr oak. swamp or water oak, white oak, red or Spanish oak, post oak, and black oak of several varieties, with the black jack, a dwarfish, knarled look- ing tree, excellent for fuel, but good for nothing else. The black walnut is much used for building materials and cabinet work, and sustains a fine polish. In most parts of the state, grape vines, indigenous to the country, are abundant, which yield grapes that might advan. tageously be made into excellent wine. Foreign vines are FOR ILLINOIS. 119 susceptible of easy cultivation. These are cultivated to a considerable extent at Vevay, Switzerland county, Indiana, and at New Harmony on the Wabash. The indigenous vines are prolific, and produce excellent fruit. They are found in every variety of soil ; interwoven in every thicket in the prairies and barrens ; and climbing to the very highest trees on the bottoms. The wild plum is found in every part of the state ; but in most instances the fruit is too sour for use, unless for preserves. Crab apples are equally prolific, and make fine preserves with about double their bulk of sugar. Wild cherries are equally productive. The persimmon is a delicious fruit, after the frost has destroyed its astringent properties. The gooseberry, strawberry, and blackberry grow wild and in great profusion. Of our nuts, the hickory, black walnut,, and pecaun deserve notice. The last is an oblong, thin shelled^ delicious nut, that grows on a large tree, a species of the hickory, (the Carya oliva formis of Nuttal.) The pawpaw grows in the bottoms, and rich timbered uplands, and pro- duces a large, pulpy, and luscious fruit. Of domestic fruits, the apple and peach are chiefly cultivated. Pears are tolerably plenty in the French settlements, and quinces are cultivated with success by some Americans. Apples are easily culti- vated, and are very productive. They can be made to bear fruit to considerable advantage in seven years from the seed. Many varieties are of fine flavor, and grow to a large size. I have measured apples, the growth of St. Clair county, that ex- ceeded thirteen inches in circumference. Some of the early American settlers provided orchards. They now reap the ad- vantages. But a large proportion of the population of the frontiers are content without this indispensable article in the comforts of a yankee farmer. Cider is made in small quanti- ties in the old settlements. In a few years a supply of this beverage can be had in most parts of Illinois. Peach trees grow with great rapidity, and decay proportion ably soon. From ten to fifteen years may be considered the life of this tree. Our peaches are delicious, but they sometimes fo.il by being destroyed in the germ by winter frosts. The bud swells prematurely. The black mulberry grows in most parts of the state, ami has been used for the feeding of silk worms with success. Much attention begins to be shown to the cultivation of the 120 traveler's directory Italian and Chinese species. Perhaps no state in the Union is more advantageously situated for the silk business than Illinois. Many gentlemen in the different counties are preparing for this business by securing nurseries and hedges of the Morus Multicaulis. The sugar beet can be cultivated with the greatest ease : our light, loamy soil, being admirably adapted to its rapid and large growth. Garden Vegetables can be produced here in vast profusion, and of excellent quality. That we have few of the elegant and well dressed gardens of gentlemen in the old states, is admitted ; which is not owing to climate, or soil, but to the want of leisure and means. A cabbage head two or three feet in diameter including the leaves, is no wonder on this soil. Beets often exceed twelve inches in circumference. Parsnips will penetrate our light, poreous soil, to the depth of two or three feet. The cultivated vegetable productions in the field, are maize or Indian corn, wheat, oats, barley, buckwheat, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, rye for horse feed and distilleries, to- bacco, cotton, hemp, flax, the castor bean, and every other production common to the middle states. Maize is a staple production. No farmer can do without it, and hundreds raise little else. This is chiefly owing to the ease with which it is cultivated. Its average yield is fifty bushels to the acre. I have oftentimes seen it produce seventy- five bushels to the acre, and in a few instances, exceed one hundred. The Baden corn begins to be raised in Illinois. Its yield has been from 100 to 130 bushels per acre. Wheat yields a good and sure crop, especially in the coun- ties bordering on the Illinois river, and through the northern parts of the state. It weighs upwards of 60 pounds per bush- el ; and flour from this region has preference in the New Or- leans market, and passes better inspection than the same article from Ohio or Kentucky. The market value of a single crop of wheat will pay for the land at government price, for breaking up the prairie, for fencing and cultivating, for seed, harvesting, threshing, and taking to market. The cultivation of spring wheat begins to attract attention in some counties ; and the economical farmer, to avail himself of FOR ILLINOIS. 121 the diversity of seasons, and a sure crop, will cultivate both kinds. The price of wheat varies from 75 cents to $1 25, accord- ing to locality, mills, price of flour abroad, and other circum- stances. Flouring mills are now in operation in many of the wheat- growing counties. Steam power is getting into extensive use both for sawing and manufacturiug flour. It is to be regretted that so few of our farmers have erected barns for the security of their crops. No article is more pro- fitable, and really more indispensable to a farmer, than a large barn. Oats have not been much raised till lately. They are very productive, often yielding from forty to fifty bushels on the acre, and usually sell from twenty to thirty cents the bushel. The demand for the use of stage and travelers' horses is increasing. Hemp is an indigenous plant in the southern part of this state, as it is in Missouri. It has not been extensively culti- vated, but wherever tried, is found very productive, and of an excellent quality. It might be made a staple of the country. Tobacco, though a filthy and noxious weed, which no human being ought ever to use, can be produced in any quantity, and of the first quality, in Illinois. Cotton, for many years, has been successfully cultivated in this state for domestic use, and some for exportation. Two or three spinning factories are in operation, and produce cotton yarn from the growth of the country with promising success. This branch of business admits of enlargement, and invites the attention of eastern manufacturers with small capital. Much of the cloth made in families who have emigrated from states south of the Ohio, is from the cotton of the country. Flax is produced, and of a tolerable quality, but not equal to that of the northern states. It is said to be productive and good in the northern counties. There is an oil mill to manufacture oil from the seed, in Sangamon county. The palma christi^r castor oil bean, is produced in con siderable quantities in ivladison, Randolph, and other counties, and large quantities of oil are expressed, and sent abroad. Sweet potatoes are a delicious root, and yield abundantly, especially on the American bottom, and the rich sandy prairies in the southern part of the state. 11 122 TRAVELER S DIRECTORY • The prairie grass is cut for hay in large quantities in the more recently settled parts of the state. It looks coarse and unsavory, and yet cattle thrive well upon it. In a few years this grass disappears, and it becomes neces- sary to supply its place by cultivated grasses. Timothy, red- top, and herds grass, are easily cultivated, and are profitable crops. A species of blue grass is cultivated by some farmers for pastures. If well set, and not eaten down in summer, blue grass pastures may be kept green and fresh till late in autumn, or even in the winter. The English spire grass has been cul- tivated with success in the Wabash country. Of the trefoil, or clover, there is but little cultivated. It grows luxuriantly, and may be cut for hay early in June. The white clover comes in naturally, where the ground has been cultivated, and thrown by, or along the sides of old roads and paths. Clover pastures would be excellent for swine. ANIMALS. . Of wild animals, there are several species. The buffalo is not found on this side the Mississippi, nor within several hun- dred miles of St. Louis. This animal once roamed at large over the prairies of Illinois, and was found in plenty thirty years since. Wolves, panthers, and wild-cats, are still numerous on the frontiers, and through the unsettled portions of the country. Wolves harbor in almost every county, and annoy the farmer by destroying his sheep and pigs. There are three species found in Illinois : 1. The large gray wolf, or canis lupus of Linnaeus, is not very plenty, and not commonly found in the older settlements. 2. The black wolf, or canis lycaon of Linnaeus, is scarce. Occasionally they are killed by our hunters. 3. The canis latrans of Say, or common prairie wolf, is the most common, and found in considerable numbers. This mis- chievous animal is but little larger than the common fox, bur- rows in the prairies, and comes forth iff the night to attack sheep, pigs, poultry, &,c. Many of the settlers keep hounds to guard against the depredations of this animal. Panthers and wild-cats are less common, but occasionally da mischief. FOR ILLINOIS. 128 Beer are also very numerous, and are valuable, particularly to that class of our population which has been raised to fron- tier habits ; the flesh affording them food, and the skins, cloth- ing. Fresh venison hams usually sell seventy-five cents, to one dollar fifty cents a pair ; and, when properly cured, are a delicious article. Many of the frontier people dress their skins, and make them into pantaloons and hunting shirts. These articles are indispensable to all who have occasion to travel in viewing land, or for any other purpose beyond the settlements, as cloth garments, in the shrubs and vines, would soon be in strings. It is a novel and pleasant sight to a stranger, to see the deer in flocks of eight, ten, or fifteen in number, feeding on the grass of the prairies, or bounding away at the sight of a traveler. The brown bear is also an inhabitant of this state, although he is continually retreating before the advance of civilization. Foxes, raccoons, opossums, gophars, and squirrels, are also numerous, as are muskrats, otters, and occasionally beaver, about our rivers and lakes. Raccoons are very common, and frequently do mischief in the fall to our corn. Opossums some- times trouble the poultry. I have a few facts reported to me from sources entitled to great credit, that the production of the young of this singular and extraordinary animal, is different from the ordinary process of generation in viviparous animals. The foetus is found adhering to the teat, within the false belly, at the very first stage of existence. The gophar is a singular little animal, about the size of a squirrel. It burrows in the ground, is seldom seen, but its works make it known. It labors during the night, in digging subterranean passages in the rich soil of the prairies, and throws up hillocks of fresh earth, within a few feet distance from each other, and from twelve to eighteen inches in height. I have ' seen a dozen of these hillocks, the production of one night's labor, and apparently from a single gophar. The passages are formed in such a labyrinth, that it is a difficult matter to find the animal by digging. The gray and fox squirrels often do mischief in the corn fields, and the hunting of them makes fine sport for the boys. It is a rule amongst the Kentucky riflemen to shoot a squirrel only through his eyes, and that from the tops of the highest trees of the forest. It is evidence of a bad marksman, for a hunter to hit one in any other part. 124 traveler's directory Common rabbits exist in every thicket. These animals an. noy nurseries and young orchards exceedingly. The fence around a nursery must always be so close as to shut out rab- bits, and young apple-trees must be secured at the approach ot winter, by tying straw or corn stalks around their bodies, for two or three feet in height, or the bark will be stripped off by these mischievous animals. Domestic Animals. — These are the same as are found in other portions of the United States. But little has been done to improve the breed of horses amongst us. Our common riding or working horses average about fifteen hands in height. Horses are much more used here than in the eastern states, and many a farmer keeps half a dozen or more. Much of the traveling throughout the western country, both by men and women, is performed on horseback ; and a large proportion of the land carriage is by means of large wagons, with from four to six stout horses for a team. A great proportion of the plough- ing is performed by horse labor. Horses are more subject to diseases in this country than in the old states, which is thought to be occasioned by bad management, rather than by the cli- mate. A good farm horse can be purchased for fifty dollars. Riding, or carriage horses, of a superior quality, cost about sixty, eighty, or a hundred dollars. Breeding mares are profit- able stock for every fanner to keep, a3 their annual expense in keeping is but trifling, their labor is always needed, and their colts, when grown, find a ready market. Some farmers keep a stallion, and eight or ten brood mares. Mules are raised in Missouri, and are also brought from the Mexican dominions into Illinois. They are hardy animals, grow to a good size, and are used by some both for labor and riding. Our neat cattle are usually inferior in size to those of the old states. This is owing entirely to bad management. Our cows are not penned up in pasture fields, but suffered to run at large over the commons. Hence all the calves are preserved, with- out respect to quality, to entice the cows homeward at evening. They are kept up through the day, and oftentimes without much pasture, and turned to the cows for a few minutes at night, and then permitted to graze through the night over the short and withered grass around the plantation. In autumn, their food is very scanty, and during the winter they are permitted to pick up a precarious subsistence amongsfc FOR ILLINOIS. 125 fifty or a hundred head of cattle. With such management, is it surprising that our cows and steers are much inferior to those of the old states ? And yet, our beef is the finest in the world. It bears the best inspection of any in the New Orleans market. By the first of June, and often by the middle of May, our young cat. tie on the prairies are fit for market. They do not yield large quantities of tallow, but the fat is well proportioned throughout the carcass, and the meat tender and delicious. By inferiority, then, I mean the size of our cattle in general, and the quantity and quality of the milk of cows. Common cows, if suffered to lose their milk in August, be- come sufficiently fat for table use by October. Farrow heifers and steers, are good^beef, and fit for the knife at any period after the middle of May. Nothing is more common than for an Illinois farmer to go among his stock, select, shoot down, and dress a fine beef, whenever fresh meat is needed. This is often divided out amongst the neighbors, who, in turn, kill and share likewise. It is common at camp and other large meetings, to kill a beef, and three or four hogs, for the subsist, ence of friends from a distance. We can hardly place limits upon the amount of beef cattle that Illinois is capable of producing. A farmer calls himself poor, with a hundred head of horned cattle around him. A cow in the spring is worth from twelve to twenty dollars. Some of the best quality will sell higher. And let it be distinctly un- derstood, once for all, that a poor man can always purchase horses, cattle, hogs, and provisions, for labor, either by the day, month, or job. Cows, in general, do not produce the same amount of milk, nor of as rich a quality as in older states. Something is to be attributed to the nature of our pastures, and the warmth of our climate, but more to causes already assigned. If ever a land was characterised justly as " flowing with milk and honey," it is Illinois and the adjacent states. From the springing of the grass till September, butter is made in great profusion. It sells at that season in market for about twenty cents, and in the in- terior of the state for twelve cents per pound. With proper care it can be preserved with tolerable sweetness for winter's use. Late in autumn and early in the winter, sometimes but- ter is not plenty. The feed becomes dry, the cows range fur- ther off, and do not come up readily for milking, and dry up. 11* 126 TRAVELER S DIRECTORY A very little trouble would enable a farmer to keep three OS four good cows in fresh milk at the season most needed. Cheese is made by many families, especially, in the counties bordering on the Illinois river. Good cheese sells for eight and sometimes ten cents, and finds a ready market. The most im. portant arrangement for the dairy business in Illinois, and espe- cially for cheese making is to persuade a few thousand families, from the dairy regions of New England, to emigrate, and con. tinue their industrious habits after settling here. Swine. This species of stock may be called a staple in the provision of Illinois, Thousands of hogs are raised without any expense, except a few breeders to start with, and a little attention in hunting them on the range, and keeping them tame. This kind of pork is by no means equal to that raised and fatted on corn, and in a domestic way. It is soft, oily, and will not bear inspection at New Orleans. It usually sells for three dollars per hundred. Pork that is made in a domestic way and fatted on corn, will sell for from four to five dollars, according to size, quality, and the time when it is delivered. With a pasture of clover or blue grass, a well filled corn crib, a dairy, and slop barrel, and the usual care that a New Englander bestows on his pigs, pork may be raised from the sow, fatted and killed, and weigh from two hundred to two hundred and fifty, within twelve months, and this method of raising pork would be profitable. Few families in the west and south put up their pork in salt pickle. Their method is to salt it sufficiently to prepare it for smoking, and then make bacon of hams, shoulders, and mid- dlings or broadsides. The price of bacon, taking the hog round, is about ten and twelve cents. Good hams command twelve cents in the market. Stock hogs, weighing from sixty to one hundred pounds, alive, usually sell for from two dollars to two dollars and fifty cents per head. Families consume much more meat in Illinois, in proportion to numbers, than in the old states. Much improvement of late has been made in the breed of horses, cattle and swine, and the period is near at hand, when Illinois will more than rival any other western state, in the amount of her stock, and the quality of her provisions. From forty to fifty thousand hogs were slaughtered at Alton during the winter of 1838-9, some of which exceeded in weight FOR ILLINOIS. 127 600 pounds. The value of the pork and bacon exported from that port alone, equaled about $350,000. The business of packing pork and beef is also carried on at almost all the towns on the Mississippi, the Illinois, the Kaskaskia, and the Wabash rivers, and in many interior places. Sheep do very well in this country, especially in the older settlements, where the grass has become short, and they are less molested by wolves. But few are kept. The people from the south are more accustomed to cotton for clothing, than to wool, which sells for fifty cents per pound. Little is said or done to improve the breed of sheep, or introduce the Merino, or Saxony breed. Mr. George Flower, at Albion, has a valu- able flock of Saxony and Merino. Poultry are raised in great profusion — and large numbers of fowls taken to market. It is no uncommon thing for some farmers' wives to raise three or four hundred fowls, besides geese, ducks, and turkeys, in a season. Young fowls, butter, and eggs, are the three articles usually mustered from every farm for the market. By these means many families provide their coffee, sugar, tea, and various articles of apparel. Eggs, when plenty, as at the close of winter and spring, sell for ten and twelve cents per dozen. In noticing poultry, I ought not to pass over some of our wild Cowl. Ducks, geese, swans, and many other aquatic birds, visit our waters in the spring. The small lakes and sloughs are often literally covered with them. Ducks, and some of the rest, fre- quently stay through the summer and breed. The prairie fowl is seen in great numbers on the prairies in the summer, and about the corn-fields in the winter. This is the grouse of the New York market. They are easily taken in the winter. Partridges, (the quail of New England) are taken with nets, in the winter, by hundreds in a day, and furnish no trifling item in the luxuries of the city market. Bees. This laborious and useful insect is to be found in the trees of every forest. Many of the frontier people make it a prominent business after the frost has killed the vegetation, to hunt them for the honey and wax, both of which find a ready market. Bees are profitable stock for the farmer, and are kept to a considerable extent. 128 traveler's directory Silkworms are raised by a few persons. They are capable of being produced to any extent, and fed on the common black mulberry of the country. EDUCATION. The congress of the United States, in the act for admitting the state of Illinois into the union upon equal footing with the other western states, granted to it the section numbered six- teen in every township, or one thirty-sixth part of all the pub- lic lands within the state, for the use of schools. The avails of this section are understood to constitute a fund for the bene- fit of the families living within the surveyed township, and not the portion of a common fund to be applied by the state for the general purposes of education. Three per cent, of the net proceeds of all the public lands, lying within this state, which shall be sold after the 1st of Janu- ary, 1819, is to be paid over by the general government, and constitute a common fund for education under the direction of the state authority. One sixth of this three per cent, fund, is to be exclusively bestowed upon a college, or university. Two entire townships, or 46,080 acres selected from choice portions of the public lands, have likewise been given to edu- cation. Part of this land has been sold by state authority, and the avails funded at six per cent, interest. The amount of funds realized from these sources, and under charge of the state, (independent of the sixteenth sections,) is about $384,183, the interest of which is now distributed an- nually to such schools as make due returns to the proper au- thority. By an act of the legislature of 1837, a moiety of the " sur- plus fund," received from the national treasury, was convert- ed into bank stock, and the income distributed to common schools. The income of the three per cent, from the sales of public lands, will continue as long as there are public lands to be sold. The unsold. lands in this state belonging to the general gov- ernment, may be estimated at 18,000,000 of acres. Were this sold at the present minimum price, it would produce $22,500,000, of which three per cent, would be $675,000. But it is highly probable that this immense domain will not all be sold at its present price ; we will put the average value FOR ILLINOIS. 129 at 75 cents per acre, or $13,500,000, of which three per cent, belonging to this state, would give $405,000 for educa- tion purposes. The amount of the sections numbered sixteen, and reserved for schools in the respective townships, was estimated by the commissioner of public lands, and reported to Congress in April, 1832, at 977,457 acres in Illinois. This tract is not usually sold until the township in which it lies is somewhat populated, and hence commands a higher price than other lands. The section in the vicinity of Chicago was sold in November, 1833, (after reserving twelve acres,) for $38,705. Other tracts in settled portions of the state have been sold for from five to ten dollars per acre. Estimating the whole at two dollars per acre, the value is $1,954,914. Present fund at interest, .... $ 384,183 Value of Seminary lands unsold, . . 20,000 Value of sections numbered sixteen, . . 1,954,914 Estimate of the three per cent, fund on all public land now unsold in the state, at 75 cents per acre, 405,000 $2,764,097 Of the surplus fund from the United States Treasury re- ceived by Illinois, amounting to $417,919 14, the sum of $364,192 29 has been appropriated to and forms a part of the School fund. That fund on which interest is drawn and ap- propriated semi-annually to common schools, amounted, (in December, 1838,) to $614,667. The interest on this fund (six per cent.) is distributed among the various townships in the state, in proportion to the number of inhabitants. This, added to the interest accruing from the proceeds of the sections numbered sixteen, when sold, already pays about one half the wages of teachers, and is accumulating somewhat in the ratio of the increase of the population. The inconveniences and embarrassments attendant upon the education of our children and youth are rapidly disappearing. Much has been gained within a few years, though much re- mains to be accomplished. We now have Colleges, Acade- mies, and Female Seminaries in operation, that furnish the 130 TRAVELER^ DIRECTORY means of education equal to the older states, and a broad and deep foundation has been laid for generations to come. Many good primary schools now exist, and where three or four of the leading families unite and exert their influence in favor of the measure, it is not difficult to have a good school. In each county a school commissioner is appointed, to su- perintend the sales of the sixteenth sections, loan the money, receive and apportion the interest received from this fund and from the state funds, receive schedule returns of the number of scholars that attend each school, and make report annually to the secretary of state. The people in any settlement can organize themselves into a school district, employ a teacher, and obtain their proportion of the income from the school funds, provided the teacher keeps a schedule of the number of scholars who attend, the number of days each one is present, and the number of days each scholar is absent, a copy of which must be certified by the trustees of the district, and returned to the school com- missioners of the county semi-annually. If the school is made up from parts of two or more town- ships, a separate schedule of the scholars from each township must be made out. The term " township," in the school laws, merely expresses the surveys of 36 sections, and not a civil organization. COLLEGES. Illinois College. — This institution is located in the vicinity of Jacksonville, and one mile west of the town. Its situation is on a delightful eminence, fronting the east, and overlooking the town, and a vast extent of beautiful prairie country, now covered with well cultivated farms. This institution owes its existence and prosperity, under God, to the pious enterprise of several young men, formerly mem- bers of Yale College, Connecticut. Most of its funds have been realized from the generous donations of the liberal and philanthropic abroad. The buildings are as follows : a brick edifice, 104 feet in length, .40 feet in width, five stories high, including the base- ment ; containing 32 apartments for the accommodation of officers and students. Each apartment consists of a sitting room, or study, 14 feet by 12, two bed-rooms, each eight feet FOR ILLINOIS. 131 square, two dress closets, and one wood closet. The basement story embraces a boarding hall, kitchen, store-rooms, &c, for the general accommodation. To this main building are attached two wings, each 38 feet Jong, and 28 feet wide, three stories high, including the base- ment ; for the accommodation of the families of the Faculty. The chapel is a separate building, 65 feet long, and 36 feet wide, two stories high, including rooms for public worship, lec- tures, recitations, library, &c, and eight rooms for students. There are also upon the premises a farm-house, barn, work- shops for students who wish to perform manual labor, and other out buildings. The farm consists of 300 acres of land, all under fence. The improvements and stock on the farm are valued at several thousand dollars. Students who choose, are allowed to employ a portion of each day in manual labor, either upon the farm or in the work- shop. Some individuals earned .$150 each during the year. The library consists of about 1,500 volumes. There is also a valuable chemical and philosophical apparatus. The year is divided into two terms, of twenty weeks each. The first term commences eight weeks after the third Wed- nesday in September. The second term commences on the Wednesday previous to the 5th of May : leaving eight weeks vacation in the fall, and four in the spring. There are between 40 and 50 students connected with the College classes. Several are beneficiary students, sustained, in part, by education societies, with a view to the Gospel min- istry. The Faculty of Illinois College consists of a Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, and Political Economy, who is also President of the Institution ; a Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and Lecturer on Chemistiy ; a Pro- fessor of the Greek and Latin languages ; a Professor of Rhet- oric and Belles Lettres, and the necessary tutors. The course of instruction is intended to be equal to that of tiro first rate Colleges. Skurtleff College of Alton, Illinois, is pleasantly situated at Upper Alton. It originated in the establishment of a Semi- nary at Rock Spring, in 1827, and which was subsequently removed. 132 traveler's directory At a meeting held June 4th, 1832, seven gentlemen formed a written compact, and agreed to advance funds for the pur- chase of about 360 acres of land, and put up an academical building of brick, 2 stories, with a stone basement, 40 feet long, and 32 feet wide. A large stone building, for a Refec- tory, and for Professors' and Students' rooms, has since been erected. In 1835, building lots were laid off within the corpo- rate bounds of the town, a part of which was sold, and a valu- able property still remains for future sale. The same year, funds to some extent were obtained in the eastern states, of which the liberal donation of ten thousand dollars was received from Benjamin ShurtlefT, M. D., of Bos- ton, which gives name to the institution. Of this fund, 5,000 dollars is to be appropriated towards a College building, and 5,000 dollars towards the endowment of a Professorship of Oratory, Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. The Institution contemplates a Professorship of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, which is endowed with a fund of 4,000 dollars, at 12 per cent, interest, the avails of a farm and buildings, the donation of the Hon. Cyrus Edwards; a Pro- fessorship of ancient languages, not yet endowed *, a Professor- ship of Oratory, Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, with an endow- ment of 5,000 dollars of the ShurtlefT fund ; a Professorship of Ancient Languages, besides the Presidency, with the usual Professorship attached. The suppression of trade, and the financial embarrassments of the country for the last two years, suggested to the Trustees the prudential course of postponing the erection of large college buildings, and providing for fur- ther endowments, until the pressure has subsided. They will renew operations on the opening of spring, and provide means to erect a building on the usual scale, for which the ShurtlefT fund provides 5,000 dollars, which has been realizing 12 per cent, interest. Three gentlemen are attached to the Institution as instructors, and usually have from 50 to 60 students. A library and some apparatus have been provided. M'Donough College, at Macomb, has just commenced ope- rations. It is identified with the interests of the " old school" Presbyterians, as the Illinois College at Jacksonville is with the u new school" Presbyterians. It has a President, and two Professors. College students, FOR ILLINOIS. 133 about 40. A respectable building of brick, in the vicinity of Macomb, has been erected. Canton College, in Fulton county, has been chartered as a College by the legislature, and is a respectable Academical In- stitution, and has 70 or 80 students. A Literary Institution, modeled somewhat after the plan of the Oneida Institute, iii the state of New York, is in progress at Galesboro, Knox county, under the supervision of the Rev. Mr. Gale, and other gentlemen. JDfKendree College, under the supervision of the Illinois Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, is located at Lebanon, St. Clair county. It has a commodious framed build- ing, and the last catalogue shows 35 students in the Collegiate, and 81 in the Preparatory Department. The Professorships of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, (including the Presidency,) of Ancient Languages and Lite- rature, of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and of Politi- cal Economy and Constitutional Law, are supplied with able instructors. Besides these, there is the Principal of the Pre- paratory Department, and two tutors in the Institution. The Library contains 1,200 volumes. The charter has been recently revised by the legislature, and the usual powers of a University granted. The College has an endowment of 50,000 dollars, the interest of which is applied towards the support of five Professorships. The Trustees are preparing to erect a large College building the coming season. Many other College charters have been granted by the le- gislature, which have not yet commenced operations. Jubilee College has been projected for the interests of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Illinois, by the indefatigable Bishop of this diocese, Philander Chase, D. D., through whose efforts, mainly, Gambier College, in Ohio, was established. After various promises of landed donations, and repeated disappointments in its location, this worthy Divine has succeed- ed in obtaining lands in Peoria county, in township 10 N. 6 E. The College site is on section 26, an elevated and beautiful situation, overlooking the surrounding country. The opera- tions of erecting buildings, have commenced, and no doubt here will soon arise a respectable Collegiate Institution. Numerous Academies have been established, some of which are equal, in the advantages of education, to those in older states. 12 184 traveler's directory The Hillsborough Academy was opened in November, 1837, and has from 70 to 100 students. It has a male and a female department, with a principal and an associate teacher in each department, and an instructor of music to both. A spacious, tasteful, and commodious building, with two large, and several smaller rooms, for recitations, was erected by the liberality of John _Tillson, Jr., Esq., one of the earliest settlers in Hillsborough. Respectable academies, and select boarding schools, may be found in Equality, Jonesboro', the Flat Prairie in Randolph co., Belleville, Lebanon, Greeneville, Vandalia, Edwardsville, Car- linville, Waverley, Jacksonville, Springfield, Tremont, Peoria, Granville in Putnam county, Bloomington, Ottawa, Plainfield, Chicago, Geneva, Elgin, Belvidere, Princeton, Galena, Knox- ville, Warsaw, and Augusta in Hancock county, Quincy, Pay- son, Rushville, Griggsville, and doubtless in many other places not named. The Roman Catholics have a convent of nuns of the order of " Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary," at Kaskaskia, who conduct a female seminary, and have 60 or 70 students. The " Monticello Female Seminary" in the vicinity of Al- ton, is equal, if not superior, to any female institution in the Valley of the Western States. An edifice of stone, four stories high, 100 feet long, and 44 feet wide, with rooms for recitation, family use, kitchen and boarding departments, and 40 private rooms for the occupancy of two young ladies, furnished with a double bedstead, mat- tress, table, and chairs. These accommodations, with the tract on which the buildings are erected, were furnished by Benja- min Godfrey, Esq., a merchant of Alton, at a cost of from $25,000 to $30,000. The business of instruction is divided into four departments, over each of which presides a lady, well qualified for the pur- pose. The whole is under the supervision of the Rev. Theron Baldwin, who is chaplain to the Seminary, and lecturer on the various branches of science and literature. The year em- braces two terms — the summer term of 18, followed by a vacation of 8 weeks, and the winter term of 22, followed by a vacation of 4 weeks. The tuition expenses for the year are 20 dollars. Boarding, proportionate to the cost of provisions and other necessaries, generally about $1 50 per week. The FOR ILLINOIS* 135. whole plan is designed for a thorough and useful education to the female sex. As the benevolent founder consecrates the building and furniture to the cause of female education, no individual will reap any pecuniary advantages from the avails of the Institution. Several Lyceums and Literary Associations exist in the state, and there is in every county a decided expression of populat opinion in favor of education. RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. The Methodist Episcopal Church is the most numerous. The Illinois Conference, which embraces this state, Wisconsin and Iowa territories, in 1838 had eleven " districts," under the supervision of as many presiding Elders, besides their Indian missions. They have 148 preachers in the traveling connec- tion, and 429 local preachers. Number of members in the society, 23,375 ; of which about 20,000 are in the state of Illinois. The Baptist denomination has a state convention, organized for missionary and education purposes, 12 associations that co- operate in such objects, including 126 churches, 124 ministers, and 4,439 communicants. In their churches, during 1838, the number reported as bap- tized, and added upon a profession of faith, was 881. Of that class who do not co-operate in missionary societies, there are 13 associations. The number are estimated*, upon imperfect data, to be about 160 churches, 80 ministers, and 4,300 communicants — making in all, of mission and anti-mis, sion Baptists in Illinois, 25 associations, 286 churches, 204 preachers, and 8,739 communicants. The Presbyterians are divided in Illinois, as in other states, into " Old School," and " New School ;" and I regret not having possession of documents, to exhibit full and accurate statistics of each party. In 1836, when united, they had 1 synod, 8 Presbyteries, about 80 churches, 60 ministers, and 2,500 communicants. Their increase may be estimated at 20 per cent., and the proportion of " New" to " Old School," as two to one. Each party has now a separate organization. The Methodist Protestant Denomination has one confer, ence, 13 circuit, and 28 unstatjoned preachers, and 670 mem* Ders in the classes, 136 traveler's directory The Reformers, as they term themselves, or " Campbell, ites," as others call them, have several large, and a number of small societies, a number of preachers, and several hundred members, including the Christian body with which they are in union. They immerse all who profess to believe in Christ, for the remission of sins, but differ widely from orthodox bap- tists on some points of doctrine. The Cumberland Presbyterians have two synods. The one, in the middle and northern part of the state, includes 3 Presbyteries, 36 churches, 16 ordained ministers, 10 licentiates, 4 candidates, and 1,060" communicants. I estimate the other synod at about the same ratio ; making 6 Presbyteries, 70 churches, 50 preachers, and 2,000 communicants. The Congregationalists have two, and perhaps three, Asso- ciation's in the state ; but I have no documents from them to show the number of churches, ministers and communicants. An Association in the Rock river country has 7 churches. Probably there are 15 or 20 in the state ; which, at the estimate of 40 members to each church, would make, say 750 commu- nicants. The Protestant Episcopal Church has an organized dio- cese, under the supervision of Bishop Chase. The documents promised by the worthy Bishop not having arrived, I must es- timate the congregations at 12, the clergy at 7, and the com- municants at 200. There are probably half a dozen Unitarian congregations in the state, and three or four ministers. A Universalist Convention has been organized in the north- ern part of the state, which appears to indicate there are seve- ral congregations and preachers of that sect. There are two churches of Reformed Presbyterians, or Covenanters, 1 minister, and about 280 communicants, with a few families scattered in other parts of the state. There are also two or three societies of Associate Reformed Presbyte rians, or Seceders. In McLean county is a society of United Brethren, or, as some call them, Dutch Methodists. The DunJcards have five or six societies, and some preach ers in this state. There are several Lutheran congregations with preachers. FOR ILLINOIS. 137 There are small societies of Friends or Quakers in Taze- well and Crawford counties ; and a few Mormons, scattered through the state. They are becoming numerous in Adams and Hancock counties. The Roman Catholics are not numerous. They have a dozen congregations, eight or ten priests, and a popula- tion of between five and six thousand, including old and young. The Roman Catholics are mostly about the old French villages, and the laborers along the line of canal and rail roads. There is considerable expression of good feeling amongst the different religious denominations, and the members fre- quently hear the preachers of each other, as there are but few congregations that are supplied every Sabbath. The qualifi- cations of the clergymen are various. A number of them are men of talents, learning, influence, and unblemished piety. Others have had but few advantages in acquiring either literary or theological information, and yet are good speakers and useful men. There are as many professors of religion of some descrip- tion, in proportion to the population, in Illinois, as inmost of the other States. The number will not vary far from 40,000, and estimating the population at 420,000, would make the propor- tion of professors of religion as one to ten and a fraction. The number of pre-achers of all denominations, will range between 980 and 1000. It will be understood that a very large majority, say about two-thirds, follow some secular calling, but devote a portion of the Sabbaths, and occasionally secular days to preaching the gospel. The amount of volun- tary and gratuitous labors, thus bestowed by preachers of the gospel, in the Western States, is incalculable. A vast amount of good has been done by a class of self-taught preachers, possessing vigorous minds, and a reasonable share of common Sense, with exemplary piety. It is true that some are very illiterate, and make utter con- fusion of the word of God. Such persons are usually proud, conceited, fanatical, and influenced by a spirit far removed from the meek, docile, benevolent, and charitable spirit of the gospel. 12* 138 traveler's directory PUBLIC LANDS. In all the new states and territories, the lands which are owned by the general government, are surveyed and sold under one general system. In the surveys, " meridian" lines are first established, running north from the mouth of some noted river. These are intersected with " base''' lines. There are five principal meridians in the land surveys in the west. The " First Principal Meridian" is a line due north from the mouth of the Miami. The " Second Principal Meridian" is a line due north from the mouth of Little Blue river, in Indiana. The " Third Principal Meridian'' 1 is a line due north from the mouth of the Ohio. The " Fourth Principal Meridian" is a line due north from the mouth of the Illinois. The '■'■Fifth Principal Meridian" is a line due north from the mouth of the Arkansas. Each of these meridians has its own base line. The surveys connected with the third and fourth meridians, and a small portion of the second, embrace the State of Illi- nois. The base line for both the second and third principal meri- dians commences at Diamond Island, in the Ohio, opposite Indiana, and runs due west till it strikes the Mississippi, a few miles below St. Louis. All the townships in Illinois, south and east of the Illinois river, are numbered from this base line either north or south. The third principal meridian terminates with the northern boundary of the State. The fourth principal meridian commences on the right bank, and at the mouth of the Illinois river, but immediately crosses to the east shore, and passes up on that side, (and at one place nearly fourteeen miles distant,) to a point in the channel of the river, seventy-two miles from its mouth. Here its base line commences and extends across the peninsula to the Mississippi, a short distance above Quincy. The fourth prin- cipal meridian is continued northward through the military tract, and across Rock river, to a curve in the Mississippi at the upper rapids, in township eighteen north, and about twelve FOR ILLINOIS. 139 or fifteen miles "above Rock Island. It here crosses and passes up the west side of the Mississippi river fifty-three miles, and recrosses into Illinois, and passes through the town of Galena to the northern boundary of the State. It is thence continued to the Wisconsin river and made the principal meridian for the surveys of the territory, while the northern boundary line of the State is constituted its base line for that region Having formed a principal meridian with its corresponding base line, for a district of country, the next operation of the surveyor is to divide this into tracts of six miles square, called " townships." In numbering the townships east or west from a principal meridian, they are called " ranges," meaning a range of townships ; but in numbering north or south from a base line, they are called " townships." Thus a tract of land is said to be situated in township tour north, in range three east, from the third principal meridian : or as the case may be. Townships are subdivided into square miles, or tracts of 640 acres each, called "sections." If near timber, trees are marked and numbered with the section, township, and range, near each sectional corner. If in a large prairie, a mound is raised to designate the corner, and a billet of charred wood buried, if no rock is near. Sections are divided into halves by a line north and south, and into quarters by a transverse line. In sales, under certain conditions, quarters are sold in equal subdivisions of forty acres each, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Any person, whether a native born citizen, or a foreigner, may purchase forty acres of the richest soil, and receive an indisputable title, for fifty dollars. Ranges are townships counted either east or west from meridians. Townships are counted either north or south from their re- spective base lines. Fractions are parts of quarter sections intersected by streams or confirmed claims. The parts of townships, sections, quarters, &c. made at the lines of either townships or meridians are called excesses or deficiencies. Sections, or miles square, are numbered, beginning in the northeast corner of the township, progressively west to the range 140 TRAVELERS DIRECTORY line, and then progressively east to the range*line, alternately, terminating at the southeast corner of the township, from one to thirty-six, as in the following diagram : — ■ I have been thus particular in this account of the surveys ol public lands, to exhibit the simplicity of a system, that to strangers, unacquainted with the method of numbering the sections, and the various subdivisions, appears perplexing and confused. A large tract of country in the north, and northeastern portion of this state is yet unsurveyed. This does not prevent the hardy pioneers of the west from taking possession, where the Indian title is extinct, as it is now to all lands within this State. They risk the chance of purchasing it when brought into market. Land Offices and Districts. — There are ten land offices in Illinois, in as many districts, open for the sale or entry of public lands. The Land District of Shawneetown embraces that portion of the State, bounded north by the base line, east and south * Appropriated for schools in the township. FOR ILLINOIS. 141 by the boundaries of the State, and west by the third prin- cipal meridian. Office for the entry and sale of lands at Shawneetown. The Land District of Kaskaskia is bounded north by the base line, and comprehends all that part of the State that lies between the third principal meridian and the Mississippi. Land office at Kaskaskia. The Land District of Edwardsville extends south to the base line, east to the range line, between ranges second and third west of the third principal meridian, north to the line that separates the thirteenth and fourteenth townships north, and west to the Mississippi. Land office at Edwardsville. * The Land District of Vandalia extends south to the base line, east to the line between ranges eight and nine, east of the third principal meridian, north to the south line of Spring, field district, and west to the range line between ranges second and third west of the third principal meridian. Land office at Vandalia. The Land District of Palestine extends south to the northern boundary of the Shawneetown district, west to the eastern boundary of Vandalia district, north to the dividing line between townships sixteen and seventeen north ; and east to the boundary of Indiana. ' The Land district of Springfield extends south to Ed- wardsville district, east to the Palestine and Danville dis- tricts, and north and west to the Illinois river. The Land District of Quincy embraces all the tract of country between the Illinois and Mississippi rivers to the line between townships twelve and thirteen north and west of the third principal meridian. The Land District of Danville includes that part of the State to its northern boundary, which lies north of Palestine, to the line between T. 30 and 31 N. of the 3d meridian and east of Springfield district. Northwest District is in the northwestern portion of the 142 traveler's directory State, and bounded south by the line between townships twelve and thirteen north, on the military tract, and east by the line between ranges three and four east of the third principal meridian, and north by the northern boundary of the State. Land office at Galena. Northeast District is in the northeast portion of the State, and bounded south by the line between townships thirty and thirty-one, on the third principal meridian, east by lake Michigan, and north by the boundary of the State. Land office at Chicago. The officers in each land district are a register and receiver, appointed by the President and Senate, and paid by the general government. The land, by proclamation of the President, is first offered for sale at auction, by half quarter sections. If no one bids for it at one dollar and twenty -five cents per acre, or upwards, it is subject to private entry at any time after, upon payment, at the time of entry. No credit is allowed. In special cases Congress has granted pre-emption rights, where settlements and improvements have been made on public lands previous to the public sale. Pre-emption Rights confer the privilege only of purchasing the tract containing improvements at one dollar and twenty- five cents per acre, by the possessor, without the risk of a public sale. All lands in this state, purchased of the general government, are exempted from taxation for five years after purchase. All lands owned by citizens, non-residents, and corporate bodies, and not exempted as above, are subject to annual taxation, according to valuation. If the tax is not paid in due season, so much of the land is sold to the highest bidder as will pay the tax and cost. The revenue law heretofore allowed two years after the sale for the owner to redeem, after which the title is vested in the purchaser by a deed from the Auditor of the State, except in the case of minor-heirs, or persons absent beyond sea. No distinction can be made between residents and non-residents in taxing lands. Each county has authority to levy a tax on non-resident's lands for repairing roads, FOR ILLINOIS. 148 Lands belonging to minor heirs may be redeemed at any time before the expiration of one year from the time the youngest of said heirs shall become of lawful age. Military Bounty Lands, — The lands which constitute the Illinois military tract, given as a bounty to the soldiers in the last war with Great Britain, are included within the peninsula of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, and extend on the fourth principal meridian, from the mouth of the Illinois, one hundred and sixty miles north. This tract embraces the counties of Calhoun, Pike, Adams, Schuyler, McDonough, Warren, Mercer, Knox, Henry, Fulton, Peoria, and a portion of Putnam. For a particular description, reference may be had to each of these counties. In general terms however, this tract contains as much good land, both timber and prairie, as any portion of the State of equal extent. About three-fifths of the quarter sections have been appropriated as military bounties. The remainder is to be disposed of in the same manner as other public lands. South of the base line, which passes across the tract through Schuyler and Adams counties, the public lands have been offered for sale. North of that line there is much excellent land yet for sale. The disposition of so much of this fine country for military purposes has very much retarded its settlement. Most of the titles have long since departed from the soldiers for whose benefit the donations were made. Many thousand quarter sections have been sold by the State for taxes, and are past redemption. Much of it is in the hands of non-residents, who hold it at prices too exorbitant to command sale. Some have doubted the legality of these sales at auction for taxes, but able lawyers, and those who have investigated the business, have expressed the opinion, that " tax titles," are valid. Within the last two years the military tract has received a great accession to its population. A large quantity of these military lands are now owned by a company, who have a land office, opened at Quincy, and offer tracts from three to ten dollars per acre. The following particulars may be of use to non-resident landholders : — 1. If persons have held lands in the military tract, or in 144 traveler's directory the State, and have not attended to paying taxes for more than two years, the land is sold and past redemption, unless there are minor heirs. 2. Every non-resident landholder should employ an agent within the State to pay his taxes, and take the oversight of his property. 3. All deeds, conveyances, mortgages, or title papers what- soever, must be recorded in the "recorder's office," in the county where the land is situated. Deeds and title papers are not in force until filed in the recorder's office. 4. The words " grant, bargain and sell," whatever may be the specific form of the instrument in other respects, con- vey a full and bona fide title, to warrant and defend, unless express provision is made to the contrary in the instrument. [See revised laws of Illinois, of 1833, article "recorder,*' page 510.] GOVERNMENT. The constitution of Illinois was formed by a convention held at Kaskaskia, in August, 1818. It provides for the dis- tribution of the powers of government into three distinct departments. The legislative, executive, and judiciary. The legislative authority is vested in a general assembly, consisting of a senate and house of representatives. Elections are held biennially, as are the ordinary sessions of the legislature. Senators are elected for four years. The executive power is vested in the governor, who is chosen every fourth year by the electors for representatives, but the same person is ineligible for the next succeeding four years. The lieutenant governor is also chosen every four years. The Judicial power is vested in a supreme court, and such inferior courts as the general assembly from time to time shall establish. The supreme court consists of a chief justice and three associate judges. The governor and judges of the supreme court constitute a council of revision, to which all bills that have passed the assembly must be submitted. If objected to by the council of revision, the same may become a law by the vote of a major- ity of all the members elected to both houses. FOR ILLINOIS. 145 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EACH COUNTY. In this brief sketch I shall commence with the south end of the state and proceed geographically northward, passing across the state, as they are exhibited on the map. Alexander County lies at the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and is washed by those streams on three sides. The Mississippi in its meanderings laves its western side for about 60 miles. Cash river meanders through the county and enters the Ohio river six miles above its junction with the Mississippi. Here is the small town and landing called Trinity. The soil of Alexander county is fertile, and is covered mostly with a heavy growth of timber of various species of oaks, cypress, pop- lar, walnut, hickory, some cherry, elm, &c. There is a tract of yellow pine in the northwestern part. The " Grand Chain," a mass of lime and sand rock, which forms the bed of the Ohio river, about 18 miles above its mouth, is supposed to extend across this county to the Mississippi river. Inexhaustible clifts and quar- ries of superior building stone are at the bluffs, on the central rail road, 22 miles from Cairo. On Cash river and near the mouth of the Ohio, the land is inundated at high floods. An extensive tract of rich alluvion entirely above the highest waters lies along the Mississippi. About two thirds of the county is alluvion. The seat of justice t is Unity. The "City of Cairo" has been described in ano- ther place. Caledonia is a small village and landing 13 miles above Cairo on the Ohio, on elevated ground and a good landing. Johnson county lies east of Alexander and borders on the Ohio river. The interior is watered by Cash river, Big Bay creek, and the- Pond Slough. The last is a line of ponds interspersed with ridges and islands of rich land, extending from Bay creek to Cash river. On the south side is rich land and a string of settlements, but unhealthy. Along the Ohio river is a tract of dry barrens. 13 148 TRAVELER S DIRECTORY Johnson county contains some good land, tolerably level, well timbered, and sandy soil. The timber is cy- press, maple, oaks of various species, hickory, sweet gum, with some poplar, ash, elm, walnut, cedar, and other growth. Vienna is the seat of justice.- It is a small town plea santly situated- Union county lies between Johnson county and the Mississippi, and is watered by Clear creek, some of the southern branches of Muddy, and the heads of Cash river- Most of this county is high rolling timber land. The timber is similar to the adjacent counties. A portion of the population are American Germans. The exports are corn, beef, pork, poultry, horses, etc., most of which de- scend the Mississippi in flat boats. Jonesboro\ the county seat, is a pleasantly situated village, one and half miles west of the central rail road, on high ground and in a healthy region. It has between 30 and 40 families, several stores, a court house, jail, and various buildings. Pope county lies east of Johnson, south of Gallatin, and has the Ohio river meandering its eastern and southern borders, and which, as the map shows, projects in a large bend into the interior. Big Bay Lusk and some smaller creeks are its water courses. The land is generally well timbered, with the varieties that abound in this part of the state, the surface is tolerably level, except at the bluffs along the Ohio, and the soil is good and rather sandy. Near the road from Golconda to Equality, and about the line of Pope and Gal- latin counties, is a romantic hilly region with rocky pre- cipices, and some of the features of a mountainous region. Its articles of exportation are corn, beef, pork, oats, po- tatoes, horses, poultry, etc., which are sent down the river. Golconda^ the seat of justice, is situated on the bottom land of the Ohio, and is a pleasant looking town* At the late session of the legislature provision was made to form a new county to be called Hakdin, out of that portion of Pope which lies north of the line between townships twelve and thirteen south, in case a majority of the legal voters of Pope county should so decide at an election to be held in August, 183ft. FOR ILLINOIS. 147 Gallatin county lies north of Pope, and joins the Ohio and Wabash rivers. The interior, as the map shows, is watered by the Saline creek and its tributaries. Sand predominates in the soil in this part of the state. The basis r«ck generally is sandstone, lying" upon a sub-stra- tum of "clay slate. This county is mostly covered with timber, of which are the various species of oaks, poplar, walnut, mulberry, hickory, ash, elm, beech, cypress, etc. The salines in the vicinity of Equality, were formerly worked extensively, and were a source of wealth, but of late years, they cannot compete with the foreign salt, and are suspended. The exports are horses, flour, corn, meal, beef, pork, cattle, lumber, seme tobacco, etc. This is a good grazing and farming county. Equality, the seat of justice, has a number of stores, taverns, mechanics' shops, a large court house, and is a thriving village. Shawneetown, situated on the Ohio, is rather low for the extreme high floods, but is a place of considerable commerce and business, has the land office for this district, and must continue to grow, especially when the rail road from Alton to this point is completed. FhankliN county lies west of Gallatin and north of John- son, and is watered by the Big Muddy river, and its branches, and the south fork of Saline creek. The prai- ries in this county are small and fertile, but rather too flat; the timber is good and in abundance, and the soil rather sandy. Its productions are similar to those of the adjacent counties, and it is capable of becoming a rich agricultural county. Frankfort, the seat of justice ; is a small village, handsomely situated on elevated ground. Bainbridge and Fredonia are new towns with but few houses. Provision was made by the legislature of last winter for a new county to be formed, (contingent upon the vote of the people) of that part of Franklin which lies south of the line dividing townships 7 and 8 south, to be called Williamson. The organization will be decided at an election in August, 1839. Jackson county lies west of Franklin and joins the Mississippi, and is watered by the Muddy river and its 148 traveler's directory tributaries. There are valuable coal mines and salines in this county. The timber consists of the various kinds enumerated in the adjacent counties. In the northeastern part are some fine, rich prairies. Along- the Mississippi bottom is much wet and some inun- dated land. The project of erecting" a bridge across the Mississippi river at Grand Tower is entertained, and a company has been chartered for the purpose. Brownsville^ the county seat, is a small village. The exports of Jackson county are coal, pork beef, cat- tle, horses, and formerly salt. Randolph county is northwest of Jackson, and is the oldest county (except St. Clair) in the state, having been organized under the Northwestern Territory. The Kas- kaskia river, St. Mary's, Horse creek, and some smaller streams, are its water courses. The soil is various, from first rate to inferior, and the surface is diversified from the low rich alluvion to the undulating prairie, and the rugged bluffs and precipices. It contains in due propor- tion both timber and prairie. Its exports are similar to those of the adjacent counties. Kaskaslcia is the seat of justice. This is one of the oldest French villages in the valley of the Mississippi, and for- merly contained a much larger population than at present, and was the center of the Indian trade of the west. It is situated on the right bank of the Kaskaskia river, seven miles above its junction of the Mississippi. The court house is of brick. A Roman Catholic chapel, a nunnery, and a female boarding school are here, as is the land office for the district, and the Bank of Cairo. Chester is a thriving commercial town on the Mississippi, two miles below the mouth of the Kaskaskia river, and has between three and four hundred inhabitants. Georgetown and two or three other small villages are in the interior. Perry county is situated east of Randolph, and is wa- tered by the Big Beaucoup and its tributaries, and the Little Muddy which touches its eastern borders. About one third of the county is prairie, tolerably level, good soil, and well adapted to grain or grazing 1 . Its exports FOR ILLINOIS 149 we corn, beef, cattle, horses, por*, tobacco, etc. Pinck- neyville, the seat of justice, is a pleasant town, and is sur rounded with a large settlement of industrious farmers. Jefferson count? is watered by several branches of the Big 1 Muddy river, and a branch of the Little Wabash. It is proportionably divided into timber land and tracts of prairie, the surface moderately undulating-, and soil se- cond rate. The timber includes various species of oak, hickory, walnut, elm, sugar tree, etc. The productions are similar to the adjacent counties. Some of the wells in this region produce sulphur and brackish water. The seat of justice is Mount Vernon, which is pleasantly situ- ated on the north side of Casey's prairie, and has about 200 inhabitants. Hamilton county lies southeast from Jefferson, and is watered by branches of the Saline and Little Wabash rivers. The soil is generally second and third rate, with some swampy land in the northern part of the county. The timber is similar to that of the adjacent counties, as are its productions. McLeansborough, the county seat, is a small town, con- veniently situated. White county is bounded on the east by the Wabash river, along which is a low bottom, subject to inundation ; the interior is watered by the Little Wabash and its tribu- taries. The banks of these streams are heavily timbered, among which are oaks of several species, hickory, walnut, hackberry, elm, ash, and poplar. Between the streams are fine prairies, most of which are cultivated ; the princU pal of which are the Big, Burnt, and Seven Mile. The exports of White county are pork, beef, and beef cattle, corn, flour, venison hams, horses, and some tobacco. Horses and cattle are sent in droves to the south, and produce descends the river to New Orleans from this and the adjacent counties in large quantities. Carmi, the seat of justice, is a pleasant town situated on the right bank of the Little Wabash, and is surrounded by lands of a good quality, and extensive settlements. It has 60 or 70 families, and is increasing in population and business. New Haven is situated on the line between 13* 150 traveler's directory White and Gallatin counties, and two miles up the Littlo Wabash. It has valuable water power. Wabash county adjoins Wabash river, is a small county, and contains much good land and fine settlements. Be- sides Wabash river on the eastern, and Bon Pas creek on the western side, and Jordan, Crawfish and Coffee creek3 water the interior. The county is proportionably divided into timber and prairie. Mount Carmel, the seat of justice, is situated on high ground, on the Wabash river, and is an important commer- cial and manufacturing position. Edwards county lies between Wabash and Wayne, and is watered by the Little Wabash river and Bon Pas creek. It is proportionably divided into timber and prairie. The prairies are small, undulating, high, and bounded by heavy timber, and all contain flourishing settlements. Albion is the county seat, and its situation is high and healthy. Wayne county li^s west of Edwards. Its water courses are the Little Wabash, Elm, and Skillet Fork. The county is proportionably interspersed with prairie and woodland, and the soil generally of a second quality. The productions of this county and those adjacent are similar to those noticed in the southern part of the state, and the surplus finds its way to market in flat boats down the Little Wabash to New Orleans. Fairfield, the seat of justice, is a pleasant inland village, situated on the bor- ders of Hargraves prairie. Marion county lies on the east side of the Grand prairie, equidistant from St. Louis to Vincennes, and its water courses are Crooked creek, and the east fork of the Kas- kaskia river on the Western, and Skillet Fork on its east- ern side. About one third of this county is covered with excellent timber, and the rest is prairie, generally of a second quality. Salem, the county seat, is a pleasant village near the eastern border of the Grand prairie, containing about 50 families. Clinton county lies on the Kaskaskia river, between Marion and St. Clair. Besides Kaskaskia river, it haa Crooked, Shoal, and Sugar creeks for its water courses. FOR ILLINOIS. 151 It is suitably proportioned into forest and prairie, and the soil usually of second rate. Carlyle is its county seat. Washington county lies south of Clinton, and has the Kaskaskia river and its tributaries for its water courses. A large body of good timber lies on these streams, and considerable prairie land between the water courses. The soil generally is regarded as second rate. The seat of justice is Nashville. Monroe county, though of more recent organization, contains some of the oldest American settlements in the state. Lying on the Mississippi, it is of irregular shape. The American Bottom runs through the county adjacent to the Mississippi. This tract is divided into timber and prairie in suitable proportions. On the bluffs the surface is hilly and much broken by sink holes. Around New Design and Waterloo, and on the eastern borders of the county, is much good land with a due mixture of timber and prairie. St. Clair county is the oldest in the state, and was formed by the legislative authority of the Northwestern Territory, in 1794, and then included all the settlements on the eastern side of the Mississippi. It lies opposite St. Louis, and joins the Mississippi. Its interior water courses are the Kaskaskia river, and Cahokia, Prairie du Pont, Ogles, Silver, Prairie de Long, and Richland creeks. The soil is various, much of which is good first and second rate, and it contains a due proportion of timber and prai- rie. Its timber includes the various kinds in this part of the state. Its productions and exports are beef, pork, flour, corn, coal, and all the varieties of the St. Louis market. Belleville, the county seat, is a large and flourishing town, and the centre of much business. Lebanon is a pleasant village, and the site of McKendree College. Fayetteville is a new town on the north side of the Kaskaskia river, a short distance above Silver creek. Athens is a place of some importance on the Kaskaskia, below Silver creek. Illinois town is a village opposite St. Louis. Cahokia is an old French village of about 40 families. The people of St. Clair county are a mixture of Americans, Frenchj and Germans, about 12,000 in number. 152 TRAVELER^ DIRECTORY - CirAY county is watered by the Little Wabash and its branches. About two thirds of the county is prairie, of an in- ferior quality. The bottom lands of the streams are overflowed at high water. There is much Congress land in this county, and some of a valuable quality. Maysville, the county seat, is handsomely situated on the border of the Twelve Mile Prairie, and two miles from the Little "Wabash. A substantial road, elevated above the high- est floods, is now constructing across the swamp, between Lit- tle Wabash and Muddy. Lawrence county contains much good land, and some that is indifferent. The Ernbarras is its principal water course. Bon Pas and Fox creeks drain its southern and Western borders. The western and middle parts of the county contain much good land, with a due mixture of timber and prairie. Between the Ernbarras and Wabash, are rich bottom lands, sand ridges, and swamps. Alison's Prairie is a rich tract, covered over with finely cultivated farms. Lawrenccville, the seat of justice, contains a large brick courthouse, several stores, and 70 or 80 families. It is situ- ated on elevated ground. Crawford county has the Wabash river for its eastern boundary, the waters of the Ernbarras on its western side, while Lamotte, Hutson, Raccoon, and Sugar creeks, drain the interior. The prairies generally are level, rather sandy, and the timber abundant. Lamotte prairie is a level, rich tract of land, admirably adapted to the growth of corn. The exports are similar to those of other counties along the Wabash, con- sisting chiefly of corn, beef, pork, cattle, &c. Palestine, the seat of justice, is situated on Lamotte prairie, three miles from the Wabash river, and has the usual varieties for a town, with the land office for the district, and_about 500 inhabitants. Jasper county has the Ernbarras river running through it, and the waters of the Little Wabash and Muddy Fork on its western border. Much of the land of this county, both tim- bered and prairie, is of inferior quality, being level and wet, and a very large proportion yet owned by government. Doubt- less, in some states, it would be considered of excellent quality. The settlements are small, of less than 100 families. Newton is the county seat, a small town on the Ernbarras. FOR ILLINOIS. 153 Effingham county is watered by the Little Wabash and its tributaries, and contains much good, second rate land, of which the surface is tolerably level. The bottom lands on the Little Muddy and Salt Creeks are rich, and heavily timbered, but are overflowed in extreme high waters, for a day or two. The prairies, as seen on the map, are extensive, but the timber along the streams is well distributed over the county. Ewington, on the national road, and on the west side of the Little Wabash, is the seat of justice. Like many other new towns in this state, it is small, but the site is good. The oppo- site bottom of the Little Wabash overflows at high water. Fayette county lies west. Besides the Kaskaskia river, which passes through Fayette, it is watered by Hurricane fork, Higgin's, Ramsey's and Beck's creeks on the west, and by Big and Hickory creeks on the east. There is a heavy growth of timber in several parts of this county, especially along the Kas- kaskia, and the Hurricane fork. Besides some prairies of con- venient size, intersected with points of timber, about 12 miles in width, the eastern side of Fayette is in the grand prairie. The bottom lands of the Kaskaskia are low, subject to in- undation, and contain many small lakes and ponds. The country around Vandalia is undulating and well timbered, and the soil is second rate. The principal settlements in Fayette are Hurricane, Semi- nary township, Buckmaster's, Hall's, Brown's, Wakefield's, Haley's, and Big creek. It contains about equal proportions of timber and prairie, and has some choice lands. Vandalia, the seat of justice for Fayette, is handsomely situated on the right bank of the Kaskaskia river. The site is high, undulating, and was originally a timbered tract. It was selected by Commissioners, with four sections of land, granted by the United States Congress, in 1818, for the seat of government for twenty years. The public offices were removed to Springfield on the fourth of July, 1839, and it is thought the place will not suffer materially from this loss. The National road, the Central Rail Road, the im- provement of the Kaskaskia river, and the business of the sur- rounding country, will sustain it as a place of business and im- portance. The town was handsomely laid out — the streets cross at right angles, and are eighty feet in width. The pub- lic square is on elevated ground. The public buildings are, a 154 traveler's directory state-house of brick, and sufficiently commodious for legisla- tive purposes, unfinished, a neat framed house of worship for the Presbyterian society, with a cupola and bell, a framed meeting house for the Methodist society, another small public building open for all denominations, and for schools, and other public purposes. There are in the town two printing offices that issue weekly papers, four taverns, eight stores, two groceries, one clothing store, two schools, four lawyers, four physicians, one steam and one water saw-mill, one minister of the gospel, and about 850 inhabitants. Near the river, the country generally is heavily timbered, but a few miles back, are extensive prairies. The " national road" has been permanently located and partially constructed to this place. Bond county was originally a large one, but for many years has been reduced to its present size. Shoal creek and its branches pass through the middle, and Hurricane fork waters the eastern portion of this county. It is duly proportioned into timber and prairie. In some parts the latter is rather too level for convenience, but is good second rate land. The population generally are industrious, frugal, and intelligent farmers. Greenville, its seat of justice, is well situated on elevated ground, and is a pleasant village of about 250 inhabitants. Madison county was organized from St. Clair in 1812, and then embraced all the territory north to the British dominions. It is watered by Silver and Cahokia creeks, and Wood river, and their branches. A portion of this county lies in the American bottom, but much of it is high, undulating, and proportionably divided into timber and prairie. Settlements were formed in this county about thirty-five years since. Coal, and building stone, are abundant. Around Alton, and along Wood river, and Cahokia creek, is one of the finest bodies of timber in this part of the state. The prairies are very advantageously situated for settle- ments, and will soon be covered with well cultivated farms. Wheat, corn, beef, pork, horses, cattle, and almost every pro- duction of Illinois, are raised in this county, and find a ready market. FOE ILLINOIS. 155 Edwardsville, the seat of justice, has a court-house and jail of brick, a land office for Edwardsville district, seven stores, two taverns, two physicians, four lawyers, a castor oil factory, various mechanics, and about seventy families. Here is also an academy and a commodious building. The Baptists and Methodists each have houses of worship. The inhabitants are generally industrious, intelligent, moral, and a large proportion professors of religion. The location of Edwardsville is pleasant, on high ground, healthy, and in the centre of a fertile, well watered, and well timbered countiy, settled with enterprising farmers. It is in latitud e thirty-eight degrees forty-five minutes north. The sur- rounding country is a rich, agricultural region. Alton, of course, demands special attention, and a brief but full description. It is divided into three portions : — 1. Alton city. 2. Middle Alton, formerly called Middletown. 3. Upper Alton. Alton City is situated on the left bank of the Mississippi, two and a half miles above the mouth of the Missouri, and at the place where the curve of the Mississippi penetrates the furthest into Illinois, eighteen miles below the mouth of the Illinois river, and at the point where the commerce and business of the wide spread regions of the northeast, north, and northwest, must arrive. Portions of the site are very uneven, with bluffs and ravines. Other portions are well situated for immediate improvement, and will need but little grading. It has the best landing for steamboats on the east bank of the Mississippi, having a na- tural wharf of rock. One of the finest bodies of timber in the state surrounds it for several miles in extent, from which vast quantities of lumber may be produced. Bituminous coal exists in great abundance but a short distance from the town. Inexhaustible beds of limestone for building purposes, and easily quarried, are within its precincts. A species of free stone, easily dressed, and used for monuments and architectural purposes, and that peculiar species of lime, used for water cement, are found in great abun- dance in the vicinity. The corporate bounds of the city extend two miles along the river, and a mile back. The town plat is laid out by the proprietors upon a liberal scale. 156 traveler's directory There are five squares reserved for public purposes ; a large reservation is made on the river for a public landing and prom- enade. Market street is 150 feet wide— other streets are one hundred, eighty, and sixty feet, according to the situation and public accommodation. There are three printing offices here ; the " Telegraph," which issues a paper semi-weekly ; the " Gazette," a commer- cial and political weekly paper, and the " Illinois Temperance Herald," which issues about 8,000 copies monthly. There is a large Temperance Society, which holds monthly meetings, a " Lyceum," and a " Literary Society," which meet weekly, and several public and private schools. The religious denominations are Baptist, Presbyterian, Meth- odist Episcopal, Methodist Protestant, and Episcopalian, each of which, except the last, have commodious and substantial houses of worship. The Episcopalians occupy the city court- room, but have no stated clergyman. The other societies have stated ministrations, and pastors to their congregations. The Baptist congregation have a large stone edifice, well construct- ed, and neatly finished, with a basement that contains a com- modious vestry for church meetings and Sunday school pur- poses, a committee room, and store rooms for rent. A handsome spire, a fine toned bell and a clock, and a church organ for the choir, belong to the house. It is situated on Second street, near the river, from which it is seen in perspective for a great distance. The house of worship for the Presbyterian church is also of stone, and has a basement room, a cupola and bell, and was erected chiefly from the munificence of B. Godfrey, Esq., an opulent merchant, whose name stands connected with the de- scription already given of Monticello Female Seminary, and whose retiring modesty would shrink at even this notice of Christian liberality. The Methodist Episcopal house of worship is a neat framed building, with a square cupola, situated on the slope of the hill, on Third street. The Methodist Protestant house is a stone building, of one story, planted on the high bluff, and about midway of the town. Among the public institutions are two Banks, (one a branch of the " State Bank of Illinois," the other a branch of the " Bank of Illinois," at Shawneetown,) an insurance office, a lodge of independent odd fellows, and a mechanics' association. FOR ILLINOIS. 157 Depositories of the Illinois Bible, Sunday School, Tract, and Temperance Societies, are kept in the city. The mercantile and other business of Alton, as in all other cities, has suffered depression for the two years past, but it is now fast reviving. Alton, at the commencement of 1837, contained 20 whole- sale, and 32 retail stores and groceries, 8 attorneys, 7 physi- cians, 7 clergymen devoted to their calling, (besides several preachers of the gospel, who follow secular business during the week,) 4 hotels, 2 of which have large accommodations, a large steam flouring mill, four large slaughtering and packing houses for putting up pork, which do a large business, and me- chanics' shops of various descriptions. The wild schemes of town making and land speculation, that prevailed for a time through all the country, caused a fall- ing off* in the wholesale business, but indications of a revival of trade are manifest. During the past winter, (1838-39,) the pork operations alone at this place, in slaughtering, packing, and preparing for market, exceeded the value of $300,000. Other products, (without including lead, sent from Galena and Du Buque, and reshipped here,) equalled about 100,000 dollars'. The state penitentiary is located in this city. It consists of the warden's house, guard-house, workshops, 48 cells in a four story edifice, and the exterior wall, erected around the yard. The number of the convicts is about 30. Of these, some curious and interesting facts have been disclosed in the Temperance Herald for December, 1838, by its editor, from personal con- versations with the prisoners. Of the whole number, (30,) 16 ascribe their crimes and imprisonment to the influence of in- toxicating liquor ; 23 were in the habit of getting drunk ; 4 were moderate drinkers, and only 3 were not in the habit of drinking intoxicating liquors. Similar investigations would produce the same results, pro- bably, in every state. The conclusion is irresistible, that if it is the business of a state to provide penitentiaries for the punish- ment of criminals, it is equally the business of the legislature to remove the primary cause. An effort has been made to remove the penitentiary from the city to a position three or four miles distant. The bill passed one house of the legislature, but failed in the other, by a vote or two. It is supposed the sale of the lots will cover the ex- 14 158 traveler's directory pense of removal, and erect and complete a new one on a more commodious plan. Mercantile business commenced in Alton m 1831. Its fa- cilities are now great. Real estate has risen here more than 1,000 per cent, within 4 years. The prices of lots depend upon their location. The best stands for business near the river sell from 300 to 400 dollars per foot front. Lots more retired, for private residences, from 100 to 50 and 25 dollars per foot. Stores rent from 1,500 to 400, and dwelling houses from 600 to 200 dollars. Some of the large wholesale stores do business from 250,000 to half a million of dollars annually. Seven or eight steamboats are owned here in whole or in part, and arrivals and departures occur every day, and at all times in the day, during the season. Alton commands a large proportion of the trade of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers, and of the interior country for one hundred miles. Be- sides the public rail roads that concentrate here, noticed under the head of " Internal Improvement," a survey has been made, and the stock taken for one from Alton to Springfield, 72 miles, which will open an important line of communication with the interior, and eventually become connected with the great line to the Atlantic cities. This line to Carlinville is now embraced in the public works, and the company no doubt will construct the remaining por- tion from that point to Springfield, should the state not take the work off their hands. Contrary to the expectations of many, Alton has enjoyed as much health, and its population has been as little afflicted with sickness as any town upon our western rivers. Middle Alton is handsomely situated in the rear of the city,, and about equidistant between that place and Upper Alton, on high ground, pleasantly undulating, enjoying fine air, health, good water easily obtained, and a pleasant prospect. A por- tion of its population are within the limits of the city charter,. It has many pleasant looking framed houses, mostly white, and some elegant brick mansions. Tipper Alton is a delightfully situated town, spread over the surface of nearly a mile square. It is on elevated ground, two and a half miles back from the river, and east from Alton, on section seven, township five north, range nine west. The situa- tion of the town is high and healthy. The country around was FOR ILLINOIS. 159 originally timbered land, and is undulating; the prevailing growth consists of oaks of various species, hickory, walnut, &c. There are 8 stores, 5 groceries, 2 lawyers, 5 physicians, me- chanics of various descriptions, a steam saw and flour-mill, and about 300 families, or 1,500 inhabitants. The Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians, each have houses of worship. The Baptist and Presbyterian houses are handsome stone edi- fices, with spires, bells, &c, and provided with ministers. There are seven or eight ministers of the gospel, residents of this place, some of whom are connected with the college and the theological seminary ; others are agents for some of the public benevolent institutions, whose families reside here. Good morals, religious privileges, the advantages for educa- tion in the college, and in three respectable common schools, with an intelligent and agreeable society, make this town a desirable residence. Upper Alton was laid off by the proprietor in 1816, and in 1821, it contained fifty or sixty families. In 1827, it had dwin- dled down to a few, from several causes. But since the com- mencement of Alton, the flourishing mercantile town on the river, it has experienced a rapid growth, and will doubtless continue to advance, proportionate to the progress of the town and country around. These three places will, dottbtless, eventually grow into one great city. Their aggregate population now is about 4,000. Collinsville, on the southern border of Madison county, is a pleasant, moral village. Marine Settlement, in the forks of Silver Creek, was com- menced by Captains Blakeman and Allen, in 1819. The set- tlement is large, and spread over an undulating, rich, and beau- tiful prairie, and is healthy and well watered. Valuable improved farms can be purchased in Madison, St. Clair, and the adjacent counties, at a reasonable price ; and they must rise in value as the country improves. The facili- ties to a steady and constant market are superior to most parts of the state. Greene county was formed from Madison, in 1821. The Il- linois and Mississippi washes its western, and a portion of its southern borders ; Apple and Macoupin creeks pass through it. The banks of the Mississippi in the southern parts of this county are generally composed of perpendicular cliffs, varying in height from 80 to 200 feet, consisting of horizontal strata of 160 TRAVELER^ DIRECTORY lime and sandstone, frequently imbedded with coal. The lat- ter does not show itself at the face of the cliffs, but is found in great abundance a short distance from it. These cliffs com. mence at Alton, and extend along the Mississippi and Illinois rivers to the northern part of the county ; sometimes, however, receding several miles east, leaving a low and fertile alluvian, which is usually timbered, on the banks of the river, and a prairie surface towards the bluffs. Greene county has much excellent land, both timber and prairie ; the surface approaches nearer to a level than the coun- ties further north, with proportionate quantities of timber and prairie. Carrollton is the seat of justice, and is a pleasant and flour- ishing town of about 1,000 inhabitants. It is situated on String prairie, equidistant from the Macoupin and Apple creeks. The court-house is a neat brick building, two stories, with a hand- some spire. Around Carrollton is a beautiful country, tolerably level, rich soil, suitably proportioned into timber and prairie, and densely populated with industrious and thriving farmers. Here are Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist and Reformer societies, with houses of worship. Grafton is two miles below the mouth of the Illinois river, situated on a strip of elevated land, at the foot of the bluffs, and on the bank of the Mississippi. Several islands in the Mississippi make this point the real junction of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, as to navigation. The country a few miles back is rich, and becoming densely populated. Grafton is twenty-four miles from Carrollton, and ten miles from St. Charles, in Missouri, and must soon become a thoroughfare for traveling from the Sangamon country across the Mississippi to St. Charles, and the regions along the Mis souri river. It has a post office, several stores and warehouses, 400 or 500 inhabitants, and promises to be a place of consider- able business. Jerseyville is beautifully situated on elevated ground in the prairie, between the Piasau and Macoupin creeks, 14 miles south of Carrollton, and has about 30 families. Whitehall is ten miles north of Carrollton, and five miles above Apple creek, and contains about 600 inhabitants. The Baptists and Methodists have congregations and houses ot FOR ILLINOIS. 161 Worship. It is surrounded with a dense settlement of thrifty farmers. [See Jersey county, page 185.] Macoupin county lies east ot Greene. The Macoupin creek and its branches water the middle and western parts,the Cahokia creek the south eastern, and the heads of Wood river and Piasau, the southwestern parts of the county. A large portion of the county is excellent soil, and well pro- portioned into timber and prairie, and rapidly settling. About one-third of the county is timbered land. It is an excellent agri- cultural county, and will soon produce large quantities of pork, beef, wheat, &c, which will naturally reach the market at Alton. Carlinville, the county seat, is beautifully situated on the borders of a large prairie, contains from 80 to 100 families, and is improving rapidly. The rail road from Alton across the state by Hillsborough, has been located within nine miles of this place, at an expense much less than a direct line would have caused, and a branch road to this town has been recently authorized by the legislature. A Theological Seminary under patronage of the Synod of the "new school" portion of the Presbyterian church is to be established here. Montgomery county is watered by Shoal creek and its branches, some of the heads of the Macoupin, a branch of the South Fork of the Sangamon, and the Hurricane Fork, and is proportionably divided into timber and prairie. The surface is generally high and undulating. There is much valuable land and many fine settlements in this county. Hillsborough, the county seat, is situated in an elevated re- gion of country, and is a healthy, moral and delightful town of about 500 inhabitants. Its academy has been noticed as one of the finest in the state. The Presbyterians, Methodists, and Evangelical Lutherans have houses of worship and constant preaching — the Baptists and Unitarians occasionally. Shelby county is Watered by the Kaskaskia and its tribu- taries, and by some of the head branches of the South Fork of Sangamon river. It contains a large amount of excellent land, both timber and prairie, and is one of the best inland agricultural counties in the state. Shelbyville, the seat of justice, is situated on high ground, near the center of the county, and contains several stores and 14* 162 traveler's directory about 300 inhabitants. The settlements around are extensive, and the country fertile and productive. Coles county was formed from Clark and Edgar in 1830. The Kaskaskia river passes through four townships in its northwestern part ; the Embarras runs its whole length, with several branches : and the heads of the Little Wabash afford fine mill streams, and settlements, in its southwestern portion. This county contains much excellent land, equal in quality to the country on the Illinois river. The northern, and a tract through the middle portions of the county are prairies of considerable extent ; but the other parts are duly proportioned into timber and prairie. The timber is similar to the borders of the Kaskaskia ; and much of the prairie land is modarately undulating. The southeastern part is either wet or broken. The streams are not large ; they generally run over a bed of sand, and afford many good mill seats. Charleston, the seat of justice, is situated on the border of the Grand Prairie, two and a half miles from the Embarraa river, and contains from 30 to 40 families. The surface around is tolerably level, the soil fertile, and the settlements and improvements extensive and increasing. Greenup is a small but pleasant village on the national road. The settlements and country around Oakland post office are rich and extensive. Clark county has a mixture of timber and prairie, and the soil is about second rate. Marshall is the seat of justice. The other towns are Darwin, Livingston, Martinsville, Mel- rose and York, all small villages. York, in the southeastern corner, on the Wabash, is a place of some business, and con- tains a steam saw and flouring mill, four or five stores, and about 300 inhabitants. Edgar County is watered by Big Clear, and Brulette's creeks, which are small streams, and enter the Wabash. Little Embarras heads in the western and southwestern parts of this county, and runs southwest into Coles. The south and east sides of this county are well timbered with all the varieties found on the eastern side of the state, in- cluding poplar. The soil in general is rich, adapted to the various produc- tions of this state. Pork and beef — especially the former- are its chief exports, which find a ready market at Terre Haute and Clinton, Indiana. FOR ILLINOIS. 163 Paris is a pleasant looking town, on the borders of a large prairie, surrounded with good farms and contains about 300 inhabitants. The " Statesman," a weekly paper, is issued here. Grand View is rightly named. It is indeed a " grand view" to look over the rich and fertile prairie that nearly sur- rounds it. Bloomfield is a pleasant situation. Vekmilion county is watered by the Big and Little Ver- million rivers, and tributaries, and contains large bodies of excellent land. In the eastern part of the county the timber predominates, amongst which is the poplar and beech. Along the streams are oaks of various species, hickory, walnut, linden, hackberry, ash, elm, and various other kinds common to Illinois. The soil of the prairies is a calcareous loam, from one to three feet deep. Their surface is generally dry and undulating. The exports are pork, beef, corn, salt, &c. The rail road now undergoing construction, from Spring- field, via Decatur and Danville, will open a direct communi- cation through the Wabash and Erie canal in Indiana, which, with the improved navigation of the Wabash river, will afford great facilities to this county. Danville, the seat of justice, is situated on the Vermilion river of the Wabash, on a dry, sandy, elevated surface, sur- rounded with heavy timber on three sides, with an open prairie on the south. The Methodists, Baptists, and Presbyterians each have con- gregations. There are about 120 families. The country around is populous, and rich land. Champaign county is watered by the Salt Fork of the Ver- milion of the Wabash ; the Vermilion of the Illinois, the Kas- kaskia, and the North Fork of the Sangamon ; — all of which take their rise in this county and run in opposite directions. Here are extensive prairies, indented with beautiful groves of fine timber, of which Big Grove, at the head of Salt Fork is the largest. Around these groves the prairies are undulating and very rich soil. The settlements are not yet extensive. As an interior county, it will be further from market than those situated either on the Wabash or Illinois, but it is well adapted to the growth of stock, and will be undoubtedly a healthy region. Urbanna is the county seat, adjoining Big Grove, and look- ing over an immense prairie to the south and west. 184 TRAVELERS DIRECTORlT Big Grove is on a branch of the Salt Fork of the Ver* milion river, and is about the center of the county. It is a body of heavy timbered, rich land, twelve miles long, and of an average of three miles in width. The country around is most delightful, the prairie is elevated, dry, and of a very rich soil, the water is good, and the country very healthy. The population at Big Grove must now exceed 200 families. Macon County lies to the west of Champaign. The south- eastern portion is watered by the Kaskaskia and its tributaries ; the middle and northern portions by the North Fork of the Sangamon. There is much first rate land in Macon county. Some of the prairies are large, and, in the interior, level and wet ; but generally dry, rich, and undulating, near the timber. Decatur, the seat of justice for Macon county, is situated on the west side of the North Fork of Sangamon river, and on the borders of an extensive prairie. If is dry, elevated, and bids fair for health. The country around is elevated, rich, and has a fine settlement. The Central, and the Nothern Cross rail roads intersect at this place, which will give it peculiar importance. Sangamon County, which was the largest county in the state, has recently been divided into four, and now forms Sangamon, Menard, Logan and Dane counties. The follow, ing general description from the " New Gazetteer of Illinois," applies to the whole. " Sangamon county is watered by the Sangamon river and its numerous branches. Those which take their rise within the limits of the county, are Clary's, Rock, Richland, Prairie, Spring, Lick, Sugar, Horse, and Brush creeks, on the south side, proceeding upward in the arrangement ; and Crane, Indian, Cantrill's, Fancy, Wolf, and Clear creeks, which enter from the opposite side. Those branches which rise without the county, and yet run a considerable distance within it, are Salt creek and branches, North Fork, and South Fork. These streams not only furnish this county with an abundance of excellent water and a number of good mill seats, but are lined with extensive tracts of first rate timbered land. Here are oaks of various species, walnut, sugar maple, elm, - linden, hickory, ash, hackberry, honey locust, mulberry, syca- more, cotton wood, sassafras, &c, together with the various shrubs common to the country. FOR ILLINOIS. 165 The size of the prairies in Sangamon county is seized upon as an objection, by persons who are not accustomed to a prai- rie country. But were the timber a little more equally distri- buted with prairie surface, its supply would be abundant. The prairies vary in width from one to eight or ten miles, and somewhat indefinite in length, being connected at the heads of the streams. Much of the soil in this county is of the richest quality, be- ing a calcareous loam, from one to three feet deep, intermixed with fine sand. The point of land that lies between the San- gamon and the Illinois rivers, which is chiefly prairie, is divided betwixt inundated land, dry prairie, and sand ridges. A stran- ger to observations upon the surface of Illinois, upon first sight, would pronounce most parts of Sangamon county a level or plane. It is not so. With the exception of the creek bottoms and the interior of large praires, it has an undulating surface, quite sufficient to render it one of the finest agricultural districts in the United States. These remarks are not meant exclusively for Sangamon. They apply with equal propriety to many other counties on both sides of the Illinois river. What has been heretofore known to persons abroad as the Sangamon country, may now be included in a large district, containing a number of large and populous counties. This county contains a larger quantity of rich land than any other in the state, and therefore can maintain a larger agricul- tural population, which is the great basis of national wealth. The first settlement on the waters of the Sangamon, made by white people for a permanent abode, was in 1819 ; the county was organized in 1821, and then embraced a tract of country 125 miles long, and seventy-five broad. The public lands were first offered for sale in November, 1823, by which time, however, farms of considerable size, even to 100 acres of cultivated land, had been made. At the present time, the borders of the praires are covered with hundreds of smiling farms, and the interior animated with thousands of domestic animals. The rough and unseemly cabin is giving place to comfortable framed or brick tenements, and plenty every where smiles upon the labors of the hus- bandman. This county is in the geographical center of the state, and will eventually be in the center of population. Its river market and deposit is Beardstown; h«t much of its 166 traveler's directory imports will be received and its exports sent off by its own river, which has already been navigated by steam to the vi- cinity of Springfield, and when some of its obstructions are re- moved, will afford convenient navigation for steamboats of the smaller class. Its exports now are beef, cattle, pork, wheat, flour, corn meal, butter, cheese, &c. and soon will include al- most every article of a rich, agricultural country." Menard County is formed (as the map shows) from the northwestern, Logan from the northeastern, and Dane from the southeastern part of Sangamon as described above. In these counties there are several towns that deserve notice. We will commence with Springfield, the future seat of government of the state, after July 4th, 1839, and the seat of justice for Sangamon county. It is situated on the border of a beautiful prairie on the south side of the timber of Spring creek, on sections twenty- seven and thirty-four, in township sixteen north, in range five west of the third principal meridian. This town was laid off in February, 1822, before the lands in this region were sold. At the land sales of November, 1823, the tract on which the older portion of the town is located, was purchased and duly recorded as a town. It then contained about thirty families, hving in small log cabins. The surface is rather too level for a large town, into which it is destined to grow ; but it is a dry and healthy location. Springfield has nineteen dry goods stores, one wholesale and six retail groceries, four public houses, four drug stores, one book store, two clothing stores, eleven lawyers, eighteen physicians including steam doctors, one foundry for castings, four carding machines, mechanics and trades of various descriptions, and two printing offices from which are issued weekly the " State Register, " and the " Sanga?non Journal." The public buildings are a court house, jail, a market house, and houses of worship for two Presbyterian churches, one Methodist, one Baptist Reformed, one Episco- palian, and one Baptist society, each of which have ministers, and respectable congregations. The capitol, now in progress of construction, occupies the center of a square of three acres. It is designed to be 123 feet in length, 89 feet in width, and 44 feet in height from the surface of the ground to the square of the building, exclusive FOR ILLINOIS- 1G7 of porticoes, which will project 12 feet on the north and south fronts. The basement contains eight large rooms, suitable for offices, and nineteen other apartments for fuel and various purposes, and a fire proof vault. The first story above the basement, comprises a hall, ex- tending the whole width of the building, 32 feet in width, and lighted from the dome. A room for the use of the supreme court, 40 by 50 feet ; two rooms 23 by 17 feet, suitable for committee rooms ; and three rooms, 46 by 24 feet, intended for a library and offices, each 16 feet in height. The second story will contain a hall for the House of Representatives, 82 by 40 feet ; a Senate chamber, 40 by 50 feet ; each 20 feet in height, and lighted, in part, by lanterns from the roof. There are also eleven rooms of convenient size for committee rooms, offices, &c. The building is to be constructed of hewn stone, in large solid blocks, of a superior quality, to withstand the action of frost, fire, and water, of which an extensive quarry has been opened on Sugar Creek, seven miles from Springfield. The work in all its parts is performed under the personal supervision of Com- missioners appointed for the purpose, and is to be built in the most substantial, neat, and workmanlike manner, under the direction and according to the plan drawn by John F. Rague, Esq., Architect. The whole cost, including furniture, is estimated at 178,000 dollars. Of this amount $50,000 have been provided by the citizens of Sangamon county, chiefly in Springfield, and the balance has been appropriated by the State. There are houses of worship in Springfield, and organized congregations for Methodists, Presbyterians, (both " Old" and " New School,") Baptists, Reformed Baptists or Cambellites, and Episcopalians. The population of the town is about 3,000. In 1824, it contained about 25 log cabins. It will doubtless soon be the largest inland town in the west. The site has proved to be peculiarly healthy, and in morals, temperance, good order, and intelligence, its population are not exceeded in the Western valley. The prices of property, and of unoc- cupied building lots, are not unreasonably high, and doubtless will advance considerably as the surrounding country fills up with population, and the rail road becomes occupied. The other towns within the present boundariesof Sangamon 168 traveler's directory county as marked on the map, contain from 10 to 30 houses, and need no special notice. Each has a good natural site, and may become a place of some importance. The same remark will apply to the counties of Menard, Logan, and Dane, as have been made of Sangamon. Petersburgh is a place of some importance on Sangamon river, and will probably be the seat of justice for Menard. Postville has claims for the county seat of Logan, and Eden- burgh for that of Dane. Their fate will soon be decided by commissioners appointed to locate the seats of justice for these new counties. Cass county joins Menard on the south. It was formed from Morgan in 1S37, and is watered by various branches that fall into Sangamon river on the north, with the head branches of Indian and other small creeks that fall into the Illinois river, on the west and south. It is proportionably divided into tim- bered and prairie, the surface undulating, and the soil generally very rich. Beardstown has been noticed. Virginia is the seat of jus- tice, a new town on a beautiful site in North Prairie, and nearly central. Morgan county, is one of the most flourishing counties in the state, and was formed from an attached portion of Greene, in January, 1823. It then included Cass and Scott counties The whole track of country embraced within these three popu lous and flourishing counties, in 1821, contained only 20 s families. In 1825, its population was 4,052 ; in 1830, it was 13,281. The population of the three counties may now be estimated at 30,000. Morgan county is one of the richest agricultural counties in the state, is well proportioned into timber and prairie, and con~ tains many extensive and well cultivated farms. Improved farms, now sell from 10 to 20 and even 30 dollars per acre, and will soon command 50 dollars. Emigration, at- tended with industry and enterprise, in a few fleeting years,- has changed a region that we have seen in all the wildness of uncultivated nature, into smiling villages and luxuriant fields,, and rendered it the happy abode of intelligence and virtue. The same remarks will apply to the adjacent counties. Jacksonville is one of the largest inland towns in the state* and the seat of justice for Morgan county. It is situated on ele- vated ground, in the midst of a most delightful prairie, on sections FOR ILLINOIS. 160 twenty and twenty-one, township fifteen north, in range ten west of the third principal meridian. The plat of this town was laid off in 1825, but its rapid growth did not commence in three or four years. Few towns exhibit a finer prospect than does Jacksonville., from whatever side the traveler approaches. The surrounding prairie country, now in a state of cultivation is beautifully undu- lating, and uncommonly rich. The timber in sight is either in groves, or spread along the waters of the Mauvaiseterre and Sandy. It has about 20 stores and groceries, with a proportion of public houses, mechanics' shops, manufactories, and profes- sional men. The public buildings are, a spacious court house, of brick, a neat framed building for the Presbyterian house of worship, a large brick building for the Methodist society, and a handsome edifice, also of brick, for the Episcopalian denomination, another of wood for Congregation alists, one of brick for the Baptist reformers, a male and female academy, a brick market house, and a county jail. The college edifices are one mile west from the town. There are two printing offices that publish weekly papers, and also a book and job printing office. The population of Jacksonville is about 2,500 ; exclusive of the college students. Situated near the center of the county, and in the midst of one of the finest tracts of land, densely populated with indus- trious and enterprising farmers, with the advantages of good water, health and good society, Jacksonville must continue to prosper, and doubtless will attract many emigrants who are seeking an agreeable home in the " far west." The rail roads projected and now working from this place ta the Illinois river, have been noticed under the head of " Inter- nal Improvements." Naples and Meredosia, the river towns, have been noticed in connection with Illinois river. Princeton, New Lexing- ton, Lynnville, Geneva, Manchester, Franklin and Waverly r are small and pleasant inland villages. Scott county was formed from the southwestern part of Morgan county, in January, 1839. It is watered by the Mau- vaiseterre, Sandy, and some smaller streams. It has, propor- 15 170 traveler's directory tionably, more timbered land and less prairie than Morgan county ; but in other respects is similar. Winchester is expected to be the county seat. It was laid off in 1831, on elevated ground, and is a thriving village, in- creasing rapidly, has several stores, mechanics of various de- scriptions, and a population of three or four hundred. The Baptists, Methodists, and Reformers have societies here. It has excellent lime and free stone quarries in the vicinity, and several mills. The legislature has appropriated 2000 dollars to construct a good road from this place to the Illinois river, opposite Florence (formerly called Augusta.) Exeter is a small village, including mills, on the Mauvaise- terre. We shall now pass over the Illinois river, and explore the counties on the MILITARY TRACT. Beginning at the junction of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, the long irregular strip of land forms Calhoun county. It is bounded on three sides by those rivers, and on the northern end, by Pike county, and is thirty-seven and a half miles long, and from three to ten miles in width from one river to the other — making about 260 square miles. The mouth of Bay creek is in the northern part of this county, which affords a harbor and navigation for steamboats seven miles. There are no other creeks worth naming. Several fine prairies lie at the foot of the bluffs on both sides of the county, amongst which are Illinois, Salt, Belleview. On the rivers considerable tracts are subject to inundation, and in the interior are bluffs, ravines and sink holes. Still there are considerable tracts of good land unoccupied. The bottoms furnish excellent range for stock. Cattle, beef, pork, corn, honey, and beeswax are its exports. Surrounded by rivers and low bottoms, Calhoun county is less healthy than others on the military tract. Coal in large bodies is found on the Mississippi in the south part of the county. Gilead, the seat of justice, is situated at the foot of the bluffs, three fourths of a mile below Salt Prairie Slough. It is a small village. Hamburg, ten miles north, has a good landing. FOR ILLINOIS. 171 Pike county is the oldest county on the Military tract, and was erected from Madison and other counties, in 1821. It then embraced the whole country north and west of the Illinois river ; but by the subsequent formation of new counties, it is now reduced to ordinary size, containing" about twenty-two townships, or S00 square miles. Besides the Mississippi and Illinois rivers, which wash two sides, it has Snycartee slough running- the whole length of its western border, which affords steamboat navigation to Atlas at a full stage of water. Pike county is watered by the Pigeon, Hadley, Keys, Black, Dutch Church, Six Mile, and Bay creeks, which fall into the Mississippi, and Big and Little Blue, and the North and West forks of McKce's creeks, which enter ths Illinois. Good mill seats are furnished by these streams. The land is various. The section of country, or rather island, between the Snycartee slough and the Mississippi, is a sandy soil, but mosily inundated land at the spring floods. It furnishes a great summer and winter range for stocks, affording considerable open prairies, with skirts of heavy bottom timber near the streams. Along the bluffs, and for two or three miles back, the land is chiefly timbered, but cut up with ravines, and quite rolling. In the interior, and towards Schuyler county, excellent prai- rie and timbered uplands are found, especially about the Blue rivers and McKee's creek. This must eventually become a rich and populous county. In Pleasant Vale, on Key's creek, is a salt spring, twenty feet in diameter, which boils from the earth, and throws off a stream of some size forming a salt pond in its vicinity. Salt has been made here, though not in great quantities. Pittsfield, the seat of justice for Pike county, was laid off in April, 1833. It is a high and healthy situation, in an undulating prairie, and on the dividing ridge nearly equidistant from the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. The country around is fertile, and proportionably distributed into timber and prairie, and is rapidly settling. Griggsville is a beautiful village, on high ground, on a large undulating and rich prairie, and is surrounded with flourishing settlements. Florence, (formerly Augusta,) is the landing for Pitts- field, and is a good situation for business, 172 traveler's directory Rockport is situated at the base of the bluffs, and on the Snycartee slough where mills for sawing- and grinding are erected, A charter has been granted and a company formed to open a steamboat canal from the Snycartee to the Mississippi rivers, at a point three miles above Rock- port, where the Snycartee approaches within half a mile of the Mississippi, and thus furnish steamboat navigation direct to the town. Pleasant Vale, Worcester, Atlas, and Perry, are pleasant villages. Other town sites have been formed. Adams county lies north of Pike. Its streams are Bear creek and branches, Cedar, Tyrer, Mill, Fall, and Pigeon creeks, on the western, and the north and west forks of McKee'a creek on its eastern border. For quality of soil, well proportioned into timber and prairie, it is second to none in the state. Few tracts of country are equal, and none superior to the one on Bear creek. Its productions are similar to other counties in the military district. The people in general are enterprising and industrious farmers. Quincy, the seat of justice, is situated mostly on the high bluff' that overlooks the river and the opposite coun- try in Missouri. It is a flourishing town, rapidly increas- ing in population and business. The land office for the sale of Congress lands north and east of the Illinois river is located at this place. The land in the vicinity is excellent. A low alluvion lies on the opposite side of the Mississippi river, which is over- flowed in high waters. The adjacent country is covered over with fine farms. The " Q,uincy House 5 ' is one of the largest and best hotels in the state. Columbus, Payson, Clayton, and Mendon (formerly Fairfield) are flourishing villages. Several other towns have commenced improvements. Brown county was formed from the southwestern por- tion of Schuyler in January, 1839. McKee's creek, Crooked creek, and their branches, form its water courses.. Like the adjacent counties, the land is rich and well tim- bered. FOR ILLINOIS. 173 Mount Sterling is the seat of justice. Versailles is a small village. Schuyler county on its southeastern side is washed by the Illinois, the interior is watered by Crooked and Crane creeks, and the northeastern part by Sugar creek. Along- the Illinois river is considerable land inundated at high floods, generally heavily timbered, as is more than one half of the county. The middle and northern portions are divided into timber and prairie of an excellent quality. Along Crooked creek is an extensive body of fine timber. Sugar creek also furnishes another body of timber eight or ten miles wide. Rushville, the seat of justice, is situated in the central part of the county The Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Methodists, Campbellites, and Baptists have churches. The court house is of brick. Good building stone and plenty of coal are found in the vicinity. The settlements around Rushville are large, and the village itself exhibits a quietness and neatness in its ex- ternal appearance that is pleasing to the traveller. The rail road to Erie is to be constructed by state funds. Fulton county is triangular in shape. The Illinois river washes its southeastern border. Spoon river passes through it; and the Otter creek waters the southwestern, and Copperas creek the northeastern portions. Nearly one half of Fulton county is heavily timbered with the varieties that abound on the military tract; and much both of its prairie and timbered land, is of an ex- cellent quality. It is in general well watered ; the streams usually flow over a gravelly bottom, and furnish many good mill seats. Its productions are and will continue to be similar to this region of country ; and the Illinois and Spoon rivers will afford facilities to market. This whole region on the Illinois must shortly become a wealthy agricultural country. Lewistown, the seat of justice, is situated four miles east of Spoon river, and twelve miles from the Illinois. It is surrounded with a heavy body of timber, chiefly oaks of various species. The surface of the surrounding country is undulating. 174 TRAVELERS DIRECTORY Waterford, on Spoon river at the bluffs, is a good town site. A recent appropriation of the legislature will re- move the obstructions to the navigation to this place. Bernadotte and Ellisville have good water power. Can- ton is a pleasant inland town of respectable size with a chartered college. The country around is high, undula- ting, fertile, and healthy. Several other small towns have made a good beginning in this county. Peosia county is watered by the Kickapoo, the heads of Spoon river, Copperas creek and the Senatchwine. On the Kickapoo, and on the shore of Peoria lake, for several miles, the timber is good, but the prairie predomi- nates. The surface of the land is moderately rolling ; on the Kickapoo it degenerates into bluffs and ravines. In the western and northwestern portion there is a scarcity of timber. Between Peoria and La Salle prairie is heavy timber, from two to five miles in width, and in places be- yond the bluffs. In the bottom land adjoining the lake, are spots that overflow ; but, in general, it is fit for culti- vation. The bottom timber consists of oaks of various species, white and black walnut, ash, hackberry, locust and some hickory, buckeye, coffee nut, and grape vines. Peoria, the seat of justice, has already been described. The other villages in this county are small, but pleasantly situated. Knox county is watered by Henderson and Spoon rivers, and their tributaries. The prairies in this county are large and generally of the best quality ; and there are several large and excel- lent tracts of timber on the water courses. The soil in general is of the first quality. Knosioille is the county seat of Knox county, and is pleasantly situated on an elevated and rich prairie on the north side, and adjoining the timber of Haw creek. It was laid off about 1832, and bids fair to become a thriving inland town. The surrounding country is rich, and set- tling fast with industrious farmers. Galesborough was established by a religious colony in 1836, has a manual labor school, and ispleasantly situated. The other towns marked on the map are small and plea- sant villages. FOR ILLINOIS. H5 Macdonough county is watered by Crooked creek and its branches. The eastern side of Macdonough county for eigiit or ten miles in width is prairie, the remainder is suitably proportioned into timber and prairie of the richest quality. A tract of country, fifteen or twenty miles square, taken from the eastern side of Hancock and the western half of Macdonough, is not excelled for agricultural purposes by any portion of the great valley. Most of the streams have good mill seats for a portion of the year. Macomb, the seat of justice, is situated on elevated ground, in a delightful prairie, between Drowning fork and Town fork, near the centre of the county. It is a flourishing village. Hancock county lies between Macdonough and the Mississippi river. Hancock prairie, from twelve to twenty miles in width, runs from south to north through this county. On the east, it is watered by the branches of Crooked creek ; and on the southwest by Bear, and on the northwest by Camp creek. This county in the agregate is deficient in tim- ber. The banks of Bear creek furnish a supply for that portion of the county. A strip lines the bank of the Mis- sissippi, in some places of considerable width and of ex- cellent quality — in other places narrow and of inferior quality. A tolerably dense settlement extends along the line of this timber. Crooked creek furnishes a due pro- portion of timber and prairie, and a body of excellent land. Warsaw, its river port, has been noticed. Carthage, the seat of justice, is a pleasant inland village* Warren county lies north of Hancock and Macdonough. Its prominent stream is Henderson river and branches ; Ellison, Honey, and Camp creeks are in Warren. The land on these streams is generally a little undulating, rich, and where timber exists, it is excellent. A number of good mill seats exist. Much of the bottom in this county that lies on the river is low, subject to inundation, and has a series of sand ridges back of it, with bold and pointed bluffs further in the rear. 176 traveler's directory North of Henderson river is an extensive prairie, which divides it from Pope and Edwards rivers. Monmouth) the county seat, is in the prairie, on a hand some site, and has a flourishing settlement and a first rate tract of country around it. Mercer county is watered by Edwards and Pope rivers, and the northern branches of Henderson river, along which are excellent tracts of timber, as there is on the borders of the Mississippi. Its middle and eastern parts have extensive tracts of prairie. It is said that the seasons are more uniform, the winters more severe, and the summers more pleasant than in the counties further south ; but the frosts of spring do not in- jure the labors of the husbandman. The soil is rich, undulating, and excellent for farming. Its towns are small, and there is much excellent land yet uncultivated. Seat of justice is Millersburgh. Henry county may be regarded as one vast prairie, in- dented with beautiful groves of various shapes and sizes, of excellent timber. Red Oak, White Oak, Black Oak, Sugar Tree, and Shabaney's groves are the principal ones, but there are many smaller groves and strips of timbered land along Green and Rock rivers. The prairie land adjacent to these groves, is undulating, dry, and very rich. Green river, which passes through it, is a deep and handsome stream, and can be made navigable at small expense. There is considerable swamp, intersected with sand ridges, in the northeastern part of the county. Richmond, the county seat, is located in a large prairie. Public buildings are about to be erected. The other towns marked on the map are small, but may soon grow to respectable villages. In 1835, the population did not ex- ceed 50. Now (1839,) it equals 900, and most of its in- habitants are a moral, industrious, and intelligent class. Stark county has been recently formed from Bureau.. It is watered by Spoon river and branches, and contains excellent land. The timber is of good quality and the prairies undulating and rich. Wyoming is likely to be the seat of justice. Marshall county is also recently organized from Put- FOR ILLINOIS. 177 Ram. It lies on both sides of the Illinois river, the land is all excellent, and Lacon will be the county seat. Bureau county is watered by Bureau and some smaller creeks which fall into the Illinois river. There are several swamps in its northwestern part. It has much rich and dry prairie, with fine timber on Bureau creek and Illinois river. Princeton, the county seat, was laid off by colonists from Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1833. It contains a post ofiice of the same name, and is in the heart of a flourishing- settlement and a rich body of land. Windsor and Greenfield are pleasant villages. Putnam county has been reduced to a small area, but is made up of exceedingly rich land. Its eastern portion embraces a large tract of prairie country. Hennepin, its county seat, has been noticed in connection with the towns on the Illinois river. Tazewell county is watered by the Illinois river, which extends the whole length of its northwestern side, Mac- kinaw, and its branches, Ten Mile, Farm, and Blue creeks, all which enter the Illinois, with some of the head branches of the Sangamon. A strip of this county, consisting mostly of sandy prai- ries, puts down the Illinois river, and between that and Sangamon county. On the bluffs of the Mackinaw and the other streams, the land is broken, and the timber chiefly oak ; in other portions of the county it has an un- dulating appearance and has much good land. Below Pekin, and towards Havanna, are swamps, ponds, •and sand ridges. The southeastern portion of the county is watered by Sugar creek and its branches. Tremont, the seat of justice, is situated in a delightful prairie, between Pleasant Grove and Mackinaw, on high ground. The religious denominations are Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, and Unitarians, all of whom at present worship in one house. It lies in the heart of a beautiful country of prairie and timber. Washington, Groveland, and several other towns are thriving and respectable villages. McLean county has large groves of excellent timber s 178 traveler's directory and extensive prairies. One third of the eastern and a portion of the northern side is an immense prairie. The groves are beautifully arranged, of various shapes and sizes, from those of 15 or 18 square miles, down to those of a few acres. Blooming' Grove, Mackinaw, Stout's Twin, Buckle's, Randolph, Brig, Cheney's and Dawson's Groves, are the principal ones. McLean county is watered by the Kickapoo, Sugar creek, and Salt creek, all of which take their rise in the prairies of this county. The heads of the Vermilion river of the Illinois are found in the northeastern corner, and those of Sangamon are on the eastern skirts. These streams furnish good mill seats when the water is not too low. The country is elevated, moderately undulating, and of a rich soil. Where timber exists it is usually of excellent quality. Here are to be found oak of various species, walnut, hickory, ash, sugar maple, elm, hackberry, linden, cherry, and many other kinds. Papaw is frequently amongst the smaller growth. Of the minerals, limestone is found on the branches of the Vermilion. Granite, in detached masses, or boulders*, called by the settlers " lost rocks," and used for mill stones, are plentifully scattered over the country. Coal is found in several settlements. Bloomington, the county seat, is a delightful situation, on the north side of Blooming Grove, and on the margin of a large prairie. It is a respectable town of several hundred inhabitants and rapidly increasing. The other towns are small, but growing and well situated. Dewit county is a new one recently formed from por- tions of Macon and McLean, and watered by Salt creek and Kickapoo, The land, both prairie and timber, is first quality. Livingston county is watered chiefly by Vermilion river and its branches. The prairies are large, and the bodies of timber, small but of a good" quality. It may rather be regarded as one vast prairie, with groves and strips of timber on the streams. The land is rich. Pontiac and Cassville are small places. Iroquois county is a very large proportion prairie, with ponds and sand ridges. The Kankakee, with the Iroquois FOR ILLINOIS. 179 and their tributaries, are the water courses. There is much rich prairie in this county, much that is level or flat, and some valuable timber along" the Iroquois, Drift- wood and Kankakee. The county seat is Iroquois, on the south side of the river of the same name. Concord is a small town oppo- site. Each contains about 20 houses. Several other town sites have been located in this county, but need not be noticed. The main road from Lafayette, Indiana, to Mineral Point, Wisconsin, passes through the county seat. There is a long and narrow strip of country, nearly all prairie, which lies west and south of Iroquois county, that remains attached to Vermilion county for judicial pur- poses. Very few inhabitants live on this tract. Will county lies north. Its timber is in detached por- tions in groves and along the water courses of the streams ; — in some parts are large bodies ; in other parts are ex- tensive prairies. Much of Will county is excellent, first rate land. It is watered by the Kankakee and branches, the Des Plaines, Du Page, Hickory, Forked, Rock, Soldier, Haw- kins and Dennis creeks, and some of the tributaries of the Calumet. The Illinois and Michigan Canal will pass along the valley of the Des Plaines. Juliet is the seat of justice. Plainfield is a pleasant village. Kankakee in the forks of the two rivers may, eventually, become a place of some importance. At present it needs buildings and inhabi- tants to make a town. La Salle coukty lies west of Will. Besides the Illinois river, which passes through it, Fox river, Big and Little Vermilion, Crow creek, Au Sable, Indian creek, Mason, Tomahawk, and several smaller streams water this county. In general, the streams in this part of the state run over a rocky or gravelly bed, and have but few alluvial bottoms near them. Like the adjacent counties, La Salle is deficient in tim- ber ; but contains abundance of rich, undulating, dry prai- rie, fine mill streams, extensive coal beds, and must eventually become a rich county. Its situation will ena- ble the population to send off their produce either by the 380 traveler's directory Illinois river to a southern market, or by the lakes to the north. Ottawa, the county seat, and the other towns along- the river, have been noticed in connection with the canal. Vermilionville is a pleasant interior village. Lowell con- tains valuable water power on the Vermilion river. Cook county is watered by the Des Plaines, the north and south branches of the Chicago, and some smaller streams. Its surface is tolerably level, of a rich soil, with large prairies, and the timber in groves. There is a fine body of timber on the north fork of the Chicago, and along the lake shore. This county, and those adjacent, differ in several re- spects from the country below. The small streams run perennially, over rocky and gravelly beds through the prairies. The timber is not confined to the banks of the streams, but exists in groves and strips, often on the di- viding ridges between the water courses. The summers are comparatively cooler, and the winters longer and more severe. Chicago, though noticed in conjunction with the Illi- nois and Michigan Canal, may again be sketched by an exhibition of the following brief article from the Gazatteer of Illinois for 1837. " Chicago, the seat of justice for Cook county, is situa- ted on a river or bay of the same name, at the junction of North and South branches, and from thence to Lake Michigan. The town is beautifully situated on level ground, but sufficiently elevated above the highest floods, and on both sides of the river. Its growth, even for western cities, has been of unparal- leled rapidity. In 1832 it contained five small stores, and 250 inhabitants. In 1831, there were four arrivals from the lower lakes, two brigs and two schooners, which was sufficient for all the trade of the northeastern part of Illi- nois, and the northwestern part of Indiana. In 1835 there were about 267 arrivals of brigs, ships, and schooners, and 9 of steamboats, and brought 5015 tons of merchandise and 9400 barrels of salt. The value of merchandise im- ported equal to two and a half millions of dollars, besides a vast number of emigrant families, with their furniture,, FOR ILLINOIS. 181 provisions, etc. Owing- to the vast influx of emigration, the exports have been but small. There are about 60 stores, 30 groceries, 10 public houses, 23 physicians, 41 lawyers, 5 ministers, and about 5000 inhabitants. The Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Episcopalians, and Roman Catholics, each have houses of worship. The harbor constructed by the United States government is now nearly completed, and will afford one of the safest and best on the northern lakes. Chicago is now an incorporated city, under the usual municipal regulations. It has one or more insurance companies, fire companies, water works for the supply of the city from the lake, several good schools and a re- spectable academy, two printing offices a daily and 2 weekly papers, and mechanics of every description. "The natural position of the place, the enterprise and capital that will concentrate here, with favorable pros- pects for health, must soon make this place the emporium of trade and business for all the northern country. "Back of the town, towards the Des Plaines, is a fer- tile prairie, and for the first three or four miles, elevated and dry. " Along the north branch of the Chicago, and the lake shore, are extensive bodies of fine timber. Large quan- tities of white pine exist in the regions towards Green Bay, and about Grand river in Michigan, from which lum- ber in any quantities is obtained and conveyed by ship- ping to Chicago. Yellow poplar boards and plank are brought across the lake from the St. Joseph's river. Du Page county has recently been formed from Cook and a portion of Will counties. It is watered by the Du Page and its tributaries, and some other small streams. There is much prairie in this county, but it is mostly dry, undulating and rich. The timber, where it exists (and there are some large bodies on Du Page) is good. Naperville, a handsome and flourishing village on the west fork of Du Page creek, will probably be the county seat. Warrenville is a good town site. Kane county is watered by Fox river in its southeast- ern parts, and Indian creek, Somonauk, Rock, and Black- berry, Wabonsic, Morgan and Mill creeks, that enter Fox 6 182 traveler's directory river. These are all excellent mill streams, and already saw and flouring mills are built or in progress. The timber is in groves, of which Au Sable, Big-woods, Little-woods and various others are thickly settled around. There is white, black, red, yellow and burr oaks, sugar maple, linden or basswood, black and white walnut, hick- ory, ash of various species, white poplar,. ironwood, elm, some cherry, and occasional clumps of cedar along the cliffs that overhang Fox river, and other streams. Geneva is the seat of justice. St. Charles, (formerly Charlestown,) Aurora, Elgin, and several other towns, are along the valley of Fox river. De Kalb county is watered by the south branches of the Kishwaukee, and the heads of Indian, Somonock, and other small streams. The land is mostly prairie, moder- ately undulating and very rich. The most prominent groves of timber are Union, Ohio, Big, Shabanec, Hoosier, Norwegian, Somonock, and Squaw grove. The timber is excellent, and consists of oaks of various species, walnut, sugar tree, elm, aspin, and other varieties. Coltonville is the seat of justice for the present. Here is a large chalybeate spring. The village is located on the site of the old Pottawatomie town, where an old chief and many of the tribe lie entombed. Ogle county is on Rock river and its branches, and has been much reduced from its former size by the formation of Lee county from its southern portion. Pine, Leaf, and Kite rivers, and several smaller streams, all of which empty themselves into Rock river, furnish good mill seats. The timber is chiefly in groves, many of which ate peculiarly beautiful, and of various shapes and sizes. Much of the surface is undulating, the soil calcareous, deep and rich, and the country is rapidly settling. Oregon eity is the county seat. Several other towns are springing up on Rock river. Buffalo grove contains 4 or 5 sections of timber, sur- rounded with the richest prairie. Lee county has been recently formed from Ogle. Its water courses are the Winnebago Inlet and Rock river, with Winnebago swamp in its southwestern corner FOR ILLINOIS. 188 Dixon, the projected county seat, is a beautiful site and a fine village. Here, as shown upon the map, concentrate a number ef important roads and stage routes. Grand ^ Tour, is a singular bend in Rock river, which affords fine water power. Rock River Rapids and their impor- tance have been noticed in connection with the improve- ment of Rock river. Whiteside county begins to attract general notice and receive considerable accessions of emigrants, or, as the modern phrase is, immigrants. it is watered by Rock river, which passes diagonally through it, Little Rock, Marais d'Ogee lake and swamp that divide it from Rock Island county, Cat-tail swamp, and several small streams. It has some tracts of heavy timber along Rock river and Little Rock, besides groves, copses, and brushy swamps. Some of its prairie land is flat, while other portions are beautifully undulating and rich. Rock Island county is a small irregularly shaped county. Rock river, and some minor streams, water this county. Rock Island, in the Mississippi, is included in this county. The soil along the Mississippi for twenty-five miles is al- luvion, sandy, and rich, including the site of the old Sauk village. There is much good land in the interior, be- tween the rivers. Stephenson is the seat of justice. Cabboxl county has recently been formed from Jo Da viess. It embraces a fine tract of country watered by Plum creek and other small streams. The surface is more undulating and diversified than further south. The tim- ber and prairie similar to the adjacent counties. Savanna will be the seat of justice. Jo Daviess county, has Apple river, Fever river, Small Pox, and some other small streams for its water courses. The surface is undulating, in some parts hilly and broken, and the soil generally of a good quality. Lead, copper, lime and freestone are among its minerals. The timber is in groves, and upon the margin of the streams. It is well watered and abounds with fine springs. The county was named in honor of the late General Jo- seph H. Daviess, of Kentucky, who gallantly fell, in the 184 TRAVELER S DIRECTORY disastrous battle of Tippecanoe, in 1811. It was bad taste, however, in the legislature, to affix the apppellation of Jo to a name that has received marked respect in the western states, and it is surprising- that the people have never applied for a correction of this legislative blunder. Galena is the seat of justice, and has been described in connection with river towns. Stephenson county is watered by the Peekatonokee and its tributaries on the north, and the heads of Plum river and smaller streams in the southwestern part. The timber is mostly in groves ; the prairies generally undulating and rich, with tracts of hilly barrens and oak openings. The population is not large but rapidly set- tling, as are all the northern counties. The seat of justice is Freeport. Winnebago county has Rock river passing through it from north to south ; the Peekatonokee comes in on its western border and enters Rock river in township 46 north ; Kishwaukee waters its southeastern part and en- ters Rock river in township 43 north, besides some smaller streams. There is much excellent land in Winnebago county; — the timber is in groves and detached portions, and the prairies undulating and abundantly rich. Rock river furnishes immense water power, especially at Rock- ford, and all the streams abound in good mill seats. Rockford is the present seat of justice. Boone county is an excellent tract of country. Its county seat is Belvidere, a pleasant and delightful village adjoining Squaw prairie. McHenry county is watered by Fox river and its tribu- taries, with Cache Mere, Crystal, and other small lakes. Some of these lakes have limpid water, gravelly beds, with ridges of gravel and sand around them. On the east side of Fox river, the soil approaches to a clay, while on the western side it is a rich, sandy loam. There is considerable timber along Fox river, and many beautiful groves and oak openings in the interior. In quality the land is similar to the adjacent counties. McHenry^ on the west bank of Fox river, is the county seat. Lake county, recently formed from McHenry, is in the northeast corner of the state, adjoining Lake Michigan. FOR ILLINOIS. 185 Along the lake shore is a large body of timber. Further interior the prairie predominates, and the soil is clayey but rich. The principal streams are the Des Plaines and Chicago. This county, like all the northern unsurveyed and un- sold portion of the state, is rapidly settling, and will soon form a respectable county. Jersey County, recently formed from the south part of Greene. It is a rich tract of land, proportioned into timber and prairie, and filling up fast with an enterprising popula- tion. The seat of justice is Jerseyville. The towns in this county are described under the head of Greene County, page 160. Williamson County, (organized by vote of the people in 1839,) was taken from the south part of Franklin, (see page 147,) and includes the town sites of Bainbridge and Fredo. nia. It is an undulating tract of country, two-thirds timbered land, good soil, and deserving the attention of emigrants. Its water courses are the South Fork of Saline creek, Crab, orchard, and other branches of Muddy river. 16* 180 APPENDIX, A few of the following" pages are taken from the Author's ' ( New Guide for Emigrants," published in 1836. Some changes and variations of course exist at different seasons in the price of steamboat and stage fare. In the autumn of 1838, when the water of the Ohio and other western rivers were lower than any previous years, since the run- ning of steamboats, travelers found great difficulty and an accumulation of expense — in some cases beyond rea- son — but that was an extraordinary season. From the " New Guide for Emigrants." Suggestions to Emigrants — Canal, Steamboat and Stage Routes — Other Modes of Travel — Expenses — Roads, Distances, etc., etc. • In the concluding chapter to this Guide, it is proposed to give such information as is always desirable to emi- grants upon removing, or traveling for any purpose, to the West. 1. Persons in moderate circumstances, or who would save time and expense, need not make a visit to the West, to ascertain particulars previous to removal. A few general facts, easily collected from a hundred sources, will enable persons to decide the great question whether they will emigrate to the Valley. By the same means, emigrants may determine to what State, and to what part of that State, their course shall be directed. There are many things that a person of plain, common sense will take for granted without inquiry, — such as facilities for obtaining all the necessaries of life ; the readiness with which property of any description may be obtained for a fair value, and especially farms and wild land; that they can live where hundreds of thousands of others of similar habits and feelings live ; and above all, they should take it for granted, that there are difficulties to be encountered in every country, and in all business, — that these difficul- APPENDIX. 18' ties can be surmounted with reasonable effort, patience and perseverance, and that in every country, people sicken and die. 2. Having- decided to what State and part of the State an emigrant will remove, let him then conclude to take as little furniture and other luggage as he can do with, especially if he comes by public conveyances. Those who reside within convenient distance of a sea port, would find it both safe and economical to ship by New Orleans, in boxes, such articles as are not wanted on the road, especially if they steer for the navigable waters of the Mississippi. Bed and other clothing, books, etc., packed in boxes, like merchants' goods, will go much safer and cheaper by New Orleans, than by any of the in- land routes. I have received more than one hundred packages and boxes, from eastern ports, by that route, within 20 years, and never lost one. Boxes should be marked to the owner or his agent at the river port where destined, and to the charge of some forwarding house in New Orleans. The freight and charges may be paid when the boxes are received. 3. If a person designs to remove to the north part of Ohio, and Indiana, to Chicago and vicinity, or to Michi- gan, or Greenbay, his course would be by the New York canal, and the lakes. The following table, showing the time and the opening of the canal at Albany and Buffalo, and the opening of the lake, from 1827 to 1835, is from a report of a committee at Buffalo to the common council of that city. It will be of use to those who wish to take the northern route in the spring. Year. Canal opened at Canal opened at Lake Erie opened Buffalo. Albany. at Buffalo. 1827 April 21 April 21 April 21 1828 " 1 " 1 " 1 1829 " 25 " 29 May 10 1830 " 15 " 20 April 6 1831 " 16 " 16 May 8 1832 " 18 " 25 April 27 1833 " 22 " 22 " 23 1834 " 16 " 17 " 6 1835 " 15 « 15 May 8 APPENDIX* The game route will carry emigrants to Cleaveland, and by the Ohio canal to Columbus, or to the Ohio river at Portsmouth, from whence by steamboat, direct communi- cations will offer to any river port in the Western States. From Buffalo, steamboats run constantly, (when the lake is open,) to Detroit, stopping" at Erie, Ashtabula, Cleave- land, Sandusky, and many other ports from whence stages run to every prominent town. Transportation wagons are employed in forwarding goods. Schedule from Buffalo to Detroit by water. Miles* Cleaveland, Ohio, 30—193 Sandusky, " 54—247 Amherstburg, N.C., 52—299 Detroit, Mich., 18—317 Dunkirk, Portland, Erie, Ashtabula, Fairport, N. Y. (< Pa, Ohio, Miles. . 39 18—57 35—92 39—131 32—163 From thence to Chicago Illinois. Miles. St. Clair River, Michigan 40 Palmer, 17—57 Fort Gratiot, 14—71 White Rock, 40—111 Thunder Island, 70—181 Middle Island, 25—206 Miles. 65—271 58—329 75—404 Presque Isle, Mackinaw, Isle Brule, Fort Howard, W. Territory, 100—504 Milwaukee, W. T., 310—814 Chicago, 111., 90—904 From Cleaveland to Portsmouth, via. Ohio canal. Miles. Cuyahoga Aqueduct, 22 Old Portage 12—34 Akron, 4—38 New Portage, 5 — 43 Clinton, 11—54 Masillon, 11—65 Bethlehem, 6—71 Bolivar, 8—79 Zoar, 3—82 Dover, 7—89 New Philadelphia, 4—93 New-Comers' Town, 22—115 Coshocton 17—132 Miles. Irville, 26—158 Newark, 13—171 Hebron, 10—181 Licking Summit, 5 — 186 Lancaster Canaan, 11 — 197 Columbus, side cut. 18 — 215 Bloomfield, 8—223 Circleville, 9—232 Chilicothe, 23—255 Piketon, 25 280 Lucasville, 14—294 Portsmouth, (Ohio r.) 13—307 APPENDIX. 189 The most expeditious, pleasant aud direct route for travelers to the southern parts of Ohio and Indiana; to the Illinois river, as far north as Peoria ; to the Upper Mississippi, as Q,uincy, Rock Island, Galena and Prairie du Chien ; to Missouri; and to Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Natchez and New Orleans, is one of the south- ern routes. There are, 1st, from Philadelphia to Pittsburg by rail roads and the Pennsylvania canal ; 2d, by Balti- more — the Baltimore and Ohio rail road, — and stages to Wheeling"; or, 3dly> for people living- to the south of Washing-ton, by stag-e ; via Charlottsville, Va., Staunton, the hot, warm, and white sulphur spring-s, Lewisburg, Charlestown, to Guyandot, from whence 'a regular line of steamboats run 3 times a week to Cincinnati. Interme- diate routes from Washington city to Wheeling; or to Harper's ferry, to Fredericksburg, and intersect the route through Virginia at Charlottsville. From Philadelphia to Pittsburg, via rail road and canal. Miles. MiJes; Columbia on the S us- Petersburg, 8- -221 quehanna river by Alexandria, 23- -244 rail road daily, 81 Frankstown and By canal packets to Holladaysburgh, 3- -247 Bainbridge, 11- - 92 From thence by Middletown, 17- -109 rail road across Harrisburg, 10- -119 the mountain to Juniatta river, 15- -134 Johnstown is ' 38- -285 Millerstown, 17- -151 By canal to Blairs- Mifflin, 17- -168 ville, 35- -320 Lewis town, 13- -171 Saltzburg, 18- -338 Waynesburg, 14- -195 Warren, 12- -350 Hamiltonville, 11- -206 Alleghany river, 16- -366 Huntingdon, 7- -213 PlTTSBUEG, 28- -394 There are several lines for passengers and for the trans- portation of merchandise. The passenger's line usually goes through from Phila- delphia to Pittsburgh in four days, but frequently is be- hind several hours. Fare through from 810 to $12, be- sides meals. The packet boats that take freight and in which families 190 APPENDIX. who take goods and furniture usually go, are from 5 to 6 days, and fare is usually from $7 to $8, besides meals. On all steamboats upon our western rivers, no additional charge is made for meals to cabin passengers,* — and the tables are usually well supplied. Good order is observed, and the officers and waiters are attentive. Occasionally strangers will get on board of a boat that may be regarded as an exception to good order. Steamboat route from Pittsburgh to the mouth of Ohio. Miles. Middletown, Pa., 11 Economy, 8 — 19 Beaver, " 10— 29 Georgtown, 13 — 42 Steubenville, Ohio, 27 — 69 Wellsburgh, Va., 7— 7G Warren, Ohio, 6— 82 Wheeling, Va., 10— 92 Elizabeth town, " 11—103 Sistersville, " 34—137 Newport, Ohio, 27—164 Marietta " 14—178 Parkersburg, Va., 11—189 Belpre, and Blenner- hasset'slsl'd, O., 4—193 Troy, Ohio, 10—203 Belleville, Va., 7—210 Le tart's Rapids, " 37—247 Point Pleasant, " 27—274 Gallipolis, Ohio, 4-278 Gvyandot, Va., 27 — 305 Burlington, Ohio, 10 — 315 Greensburg, Ky., 19 — 334 Concord, Ohio, 12—346 Portsmouth, (Ohio canal,) 7—353 Vanceburg, Ky., 20—373 Manchester, Ohio, 16 — 389 Maysville, Ky., 11 — 400 €harleston f " 4—404 Miles. 6—410 8—418 7—425 7—432 4—436 7—443 15—458 6—464 2—466 15—481 Ripley, Ohio, Augusta, Ky., Neville, Ohio, Moscow, " Point Pleasant, " New Richmond, " Columbia, " Fulton, « Cincinnati, " North Bend, " Lawrenceburgh, la., and mouth of the Miami, Aurora, Petersburg, Bellevue, Rising Sun, Fredericks- burgh, Vevay, la., Ghent, Port William, Madison, New London, Bethlehem, Westport, Transylvania, Louisville, Shippingsport thro' the canal, 2J6 — 11^ la., Ky., «( la., Ky., and Ky., »f la., Ky., 8—489 2—491 2—493 8—501 2—503 18—521 11—532 8—540 15—555 12—567 8—575 7—582 15—597 12—609 APPENDIX. 191 New Albany, la., Salt River, Ky., Northampton, la., Leavenworth, U Predonia, (C Rome, la., Troy, « Rockport, it Owenburgh, Ky, Evansville, la., Henderson, Ky, Mount Vernon, la., Carthage, Ky., Wabash River Miles: U— 613 23—636 18—654 17—671 2—673 32—705 25—730 16—746 12—758 36—794 12—806 28—834 12—846 7—853 Shawneetown, 111. Mouth of Saline, " Cave in Rock, " Golconda, " Smithland, mouth of the Cumber- land River, Ky, Paducah, mouth of the Tennesee River, Ky, Caledonia, 111, Trinity, mouth of Cash River, 111., Mouth of the Ohio R Miles. 11— S64 12—876 10—886 19—905 10—915 13—928 31—959 10—969 6—975 Persons who wish to visit Indianapolis will stop at Madi- son, la, and take the stage conveyance. From Louis- ville, via Vincennes, to St. Louis by stage, every day, 273 miles, through in three days and half. Fare $17. Stages run from Vincennes to Terre Haute and other towns up the Wabash river- At Evansville, la., stage lines are connected with Vincennes and Terre Haute ; and at Shawneetown thrice a week to Carlyle, 111., where it intersects the line from Louisville to St. Louis. From Louisville to Nashville by steamboats, passeng-ers land at Smithland at the mouth of Cumberland river, unless they embark direct for Nashville. In the winter both stage and steamboat lines are uncer- tain and irregular. Ice in the rivers frequently obstructs navigation, and high waters and bad roads sometimes pre- vent stages from running regularly. Farmers who remove to the West from the Northern and Middle States, will find it advantageous in many in- stances to remove with their own teams and wagons. These they will need on their arrival. Autumn, or from September till November, is the favorable season for this mode of emigration. The roads are then in good order, the weather usually favorable, and feed plenty. People of all classes from the States south of the Ohio river, re- move with large wagons, carry and cook their own provi- sions, purchase their feed by the bushel, and invariably encamp out at night* 192 APPENDIX. Individuals who wish to travel through the interior of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, &c, will find that the most convenient, sure, economical and independent mode is on horseback. Their expenses will be from $1,00 to $1,50 per day, and they can always con- sult their own convenience and pleasure as to time and place. Stage fare is usually from 6 to 8 cents per mile in the West. Meals at stage house, 37i cents. Steamboat fare, including meals. From Pittsburg- to Cincinnati, $10 " Cincinnati to Louisville, . 4 " Louisville to St. Louis, • 12 And frequently the same from Cincinnati to St. Louis ; varying- a little, however. A deck passage, as it is called, may be rated as follows : From Pittsburg* to Cincinnati, $3 " Cincinnati to Louisville, 1 " Louisville to St. Louis, 4 The deck for such passeng-ers is usually in the midship, forward the engine, and is protected from the weather. Passengers furnish their own provisions and bedding. They often take their meals at the cabin table with the boat hands, and pay 25 cents a meal. Thousands pass up and down the rivers as deck passeng-ers, especially emi- grating families, who have their bedding-, provisions, and cooking utensils on board. The whole expense of a single person from New York to St. Louis, via Philadelphia and Pittsburg-, with cabin passage on the river, will rang-e between $40 and $45. Time from 12 to 15 days. Taking- the transportation lines on the Pennsylvania canal, and a deck passage on the steamboat, and the ex- penses will range between $20 and $25, supposing- the person buys his meals at 25 cents, and eats twice a day. If he carry his own provisions, the passag-e, &c, will be from $15 to $18. Emigrants and travelers will find it to their interest always to be a little skeptical relative to the statements of APPENDIX. 193 stage, steam and canal boat agents, to make some allow- ance in their own calculations for delays, difficulties and expenses, and above all, to feel perfectly patient and in good humor with themselves, the officers, company, and the world, even if they do not move quite as rapid, and fare quite as well as they desire. ROADS, DISTANCES, &c Suppose the traveler enter the state at Chicago. He will find a daily stage to Ottawa, connected with a steam-boat to Peoria, and from thence to St. Louis, during navigation. FROM CHICAGO To Ottawa. Miles. Ag-gTegate Miles- Des Plaines river 12 Plainfield 28 40 Lisbon, (Holderman's Grove,) 24 64 Ottawa 16 80 To Galena by Rockford. Elgin 35 Amesville 30 65 Belvidere 6 71 Rockford 14 85 Junction of the Dixon and Galena road 42 127 Forks of Apple river 18 145 Galena 20 165 To Milwaukee and Qrecnbay. Milwaukee, (W. T.) 90 Greenbay " 110 200 To Ottawa, by Juliet and the canal route. Point of Oaks 11 Sau-ga-nas-kee 9 20 17 194 APPENDIX. Miles. Are Miles. Lockport 12 31 Juliet 6 37 Dresden 14 51 Marseilles 24 75 Ottawa 8 83 To Dixon by Naperville. Brush Hill 19 Naperville 10 29 Aurora 12 41 Sawyer's on the Third Meridian..... 44 85 Dixon's 18 103 To Danville. Thornton 23 Kankakee crossing 30 53 Iroquois C. H 24 77 Driftwood 10 87 Timber of North Fork of Vermilion 13 100 Danville 20 120 From Chicago to Logansport, la 150 " to Perryville 120 " to La Fayette, la 120 " to Junction of the Kankakee and Des Plaines 50 FROM OTTAWA To Peoria, north side of Illinois River. Utica 10 Rockwell 3 13 La Salle, at the termination of the canal 1£ 14£ Peru .-. L} 16 Boyd's Grove 30 46 Northampton 19 65 Peoria 21 86 Same by Webster, Henry, and Chillicothe, near the river 78 Same to same south of Illinois River APPENDIX. 195 Miles. Aggregate VermilionviUe 10 Lyons' colony 20 30 Hanover 18 48 Washington 8 56 Peoria 10 66 To Hennepin and Peoria. Vermilion river 13 Hennepin 17 30 To Bloomington, McLean Co 60 Same to Dixon. Troy Grove 15 Greenfield 15 30 Inlet 12 42 Dixon 12 54 Up Fox River. ToYorkville 30 " Aurora « 36 " Geneva 10 46 " Charleston 2 48 « Elgin 8 56 " Dundee 10 66 " McHenry 15 81 " Northern boundary 15 96 From Ottawa to Rockford by Coltonville. Coltonville, in Dekalb county 42 Rockford 33 75 To Danville. To Pontiac 37 " Danville 75 112 To Springfield by Tremont. To VermilionviUe 10 " Lyons' colony 20 30 " Hanover , 18 48 " Washington 8 56 196 APPENDIX. Miles. Aggregate ToTremont 12 68 " Mackinau river 7 75 " Conger's Grove 12 87 " Salt Fork 12 99 " Irish Grove 5 104 " Sangamon river 15 119 " Springfield 5- 124 FROM HENNEPIN To Peoria. Lacon .. 16 Chillicothe, across the Illinois 10 26 Rome 4 30 Peoria 16 46 To Dixon. Princeton 12 Winnebago Inlet 18 30 Dixon 15 -45 To Monmouth, Warren County. Boyd's Grove 12 Wyoming, in Stark county 15 27 Knoxville 30 57 Monmouth 20 77 To Tremont. To Lacon 16 " Hanover 18 34 " Washington 8 42 " Tremont 12 54 To Bloomington. To Sandy 15 " Mackinau crossing 35 50 " Bloomington 12 —62 APPENDIX. 197 To Danville. Miles. Aggregate Miles. ToPontiac 50 " Danville, (not much traveled) 75 125 FROM PEORIA To Galena, by Dixon, (stage three times each week.) Northampton 20 Boyd's Grove 20 40 Indiantown or Windsor 9 49 Princeton 6 55 Dadjo Grove 15 70 Winnebago Inlet 8 78 Dixon 12 90 Buffalo Grove, or St. Marion 12 102 Cherry Grove 18 120 Elizabeth, (Winter's stand) 25 145 Galena 15 160 To Oquawka via Knoxville, (stage three times each week.) Charleston .: 21 Spoon river 12 33 Knoxville 10 43 Galesboro' 5 48 Monmouth 15 63 Oquawka 18 81 To Monmouth via Farmington. Harkness 21 Farmington 3 24 Middle Grove 4 28 Spoon river 8 36 Monmouth 25 61 To Fort Madison, Iowa Territory. Farmington , 24 Ellisville, (Spoon river) 16 40 La Harpe 36 76 17* 198 APPENDIX. Miles. Aggregate Appanooce 18 94 Fort Madison, across the Mississippi 1 — 95 To Warsaw. Canton 25 Centreville 9 34 Spoon river 8 42 Macomb 18 60 Carthage 25 85 Warsaw 18 103 To Stephenson, Rock Island County. Wyoming, Stark county 28 Wethersfield 15 43 Richmond 15 58 Green river 12 70 Rock river 2 72 Stephenson 10 82 To Bloomington. Groveland * 7 Mackinau 13 20 Bloomington 20 40 To Havanna. Pekin 10 Havanna 34 44 To Springfield via Tremont Groveland 7 Tremont 5 1 Mackinau river 7 Conger's Grove 12 31 Irish Grove 17 48 Springfield 20 68 To Clinton, Dewit County. Mackinau 20 APPENDIX. 199 Miles. Aggregate Miles. Waynesville 25 45 Clinton 10 55 To Lewistown, by Canton 40 To Pontiac, by Washington 50 To St. Louis, by Springfield 165 FROM DIXON, Down Rock River, to Stephenson To " Rock River Rapids," a town site opposite Harrisburgh 12 Portland 15 27 Crossing of Rock river, near the mouth of Green river 26 53 Stephenson 10 63 Up Rock River, to mouth of Peekatonokee. Grande Tour 6 Oregoncity 8 14 Bloomingville 8 22 Rockford 12 34 Winnebago 2 36 Peekatonokee 13 49 To Galena. Buffalo Grove 12 Cherry Grove 18 30 Elizabeth, (Winters,) 25 55 Galena 15 70 To Galena, by Savanna. Buffalo Grove, and Cherry Grove 30 Savanna 15 45 Wappelo, Apple river 15 60 Galena 15 75 From Dixon to Freeport, Stephenson county... 47 200 APPENDIX. FROM GALENA To Warsaw, by Stephenson. Miles. Aggregate Miles. To Savanna, as above 30 Fulton city 15 45 Albany 8 53 Port Byron 14 67 Milan 9 76 Stephenson 9 85 Site of Rock Island city, at the mouth of Rock river 3 88 Rockport 8 96 Ferry, opposite Bloomington 15 111 New Boston 18 129 Oquawka 20 149 Montreal, (ferry to Burlington, Iowa) 12 161 Shockokon, p. o 6 167 Appanooce 14 181 Commerce 10 191 Montebello 10 201 Warsaw 10 211 From Galena to Dubuque, (J. T.) 12 From Belvidere, Boone County, to Genoa .... 15 To Geneva 25 40 " Rockford 15 " Mouth of Turtle creek, Northern boundary 21 " Geneva lake, in Wisconsin, a northeastern direction 35 FROM OREGON CITY To Chicago. To Coltonville 32 " Geneva 25 57 " Chicago 37 94 From Oregon City to Buffalo Grove ... 13 APPENDIX. 201 Suppose the traveler or emigrant were to pass down the Ohio river, and land at Shawneetown. He would find a stage three times a week to Carlyle, where it intersects the daily stage from Vincennes to St. Louis. From Equality, a semi-weekly stage runs by Frankfort, Nashville, and Belville, to St. Louis. ROADS AND DISTANCES FROM SHAWNEE- TOWN To Carlyle Miles. Aggregate Miles. Equality 15 Griswold's, p. o 20 35 Moore's prairie, (Wilbank's) 21 56 Mount Vernon 12 68 Walnut Hill 16 84 Forks of the Vincennes and St. Louis road .... 16 100 Carlyle 3 103 To Albion by Carmi. New Haven 18 Carmi 15 33 Fox river, p. o 9 42 Albion 18 60 From Shawneetown to Golconda 35 FROM EQUALITY To Belleville, St. Clair County. Frankfort 36 Little Muddy, p. o 17 53 Pinckneyville 10 63 Nashville 22 85 Middleton's ferry, Kaskaskia river 18 103 Belleville 20 123 To Fairfield, Wayne County Duncanton ,., , 19 202 , APPENDIX. Miles. Aggrejalt Carmi 10 29 Burnt prairie 13 42 Fairfield 11 53 To " City of Cairo," mouth of Ohio. Moss' settlement 18 Vienna 20 38 Napoleon 15 53 Caledonia 5 58 Trinity 10 68 City of Cairo 6 74 To Paducah, Ky., mouth of Tennessee. Oolconda , 30 Paducah 20 50 To Vincennes, la. Carmi .. 29 Graysville 16 45 Mount Carmel 18 63 Armstrong, p. o 7 70 St. Francisville, crossing of the Wabash 10 80 Vincennes, la 10 — 90 To Mount Vernon, by McLeansborough. Indian creek, p. o 11 McLeansborough 18 29 Moore's prairie 13 42 Mount Vernon 12 54 FROM GOLCONDA To Frankfort 46 " Jonesboro ugh, by Vienna 48 Fredonia, by Bainbridge 50 Shawneetown 35 Suppose the traveler have occasion to land at the new •" City of Cairo," at the mouth of the Ohio, he will find no APPENDIX. 20S public stage yet running, for his accommodation ; but doubt- less stages will start from this point soon, and rail-road cars, before many years, will carry him into the interior on the great central rail-road, now in progress of construction. FROM THE CITY OF CAIRO To Vandalia. Miles. Aggregate Trinity, mouth of Cash 6 Unity 8 14 Jonesboro' 22 36 Bainbridge 25 61 Frankfort 15 76 Mount Vernon 30 106 Jordan's prairie 10 116 Salem 14 130 Vandalia 29 159 To Carlyle. Jonesboro' 36 Pinus, p.o 12 48 Muddy river 12 60 Nine Mile prairie, p. o 22 82 Nashville 23 105 Covington 11 116 Carlyle 10 126 To Kaskaskia. Jonesboro', as before 36 Brownsville 26 62 Georgetown 25 87 Kaskaskia 16 103 To Kaskaskia, by the river-bottom. Mouth of Clear creek 35 Muddy river 22 57 Grand tower 10 67 Liberty 23 90 Chester 9 99 Kaskaskia 7 106 From Caledonia, Ml. to Commerce, Mo. Unity 10 Commerce 10 20 204 APPENDIX. From Brownsville to Vandalia. Miles. Aggregate -r, , ... Miles. Pmckney ville 26 Nashville 22 48 Covington 11 59 Carlyle 10 69 Vandalia 31 100 Suppose the traveler to land at Chester, a pleasant, commer- cial town on the Mississippi, about two miles below the mouth of the Kaskaskia river. FROM CHESTER To Pinckneyville. Georgetown 13 Pinckneyville , 16 — 29 To Belleville, by Athens. Kaskaskia 7 Preston. 12 19 Athens 20 39 Belleville 15 —54 To Carlyle. Columbus 14 Eden 2 16 Elkhorn point 16 32 Covington 15 47 Carlyle 10 57 The city of St. Louis is a great western thoroughfare for travel and all sorts of business. The stage arrives here from Louisville, Ky., daily. Another stage route from the east reaches here by Columbus, O., Indianapolis, la., Terre Haute, la., and Vandalia, 111. A third passes across the state bf Springfield, the present and permanent seat of government. Suppose the traveler was at St. Louis, and wished to return? east, by land, along the great western stage route, to Louis- ville, by Vincennes. FROM ST. LOUIS To Vincennes, on the stage route Belleville 14 Rock Spring 8 22 APPENDIX. 205 Miles. Aggregate Miles. Lebanon..... 4 26 Sugar creek 12 38 Aviston ~ 3 41 Shoal Creek bridge 6 47 Carlyle 9 56 Forks of Shawneetown road 2 58 Grand Prairie house 7 65 Salem 12 77 Maysville 32 109 Lawrenceville 37 146 Vincennes, la 9 155 (From St. Louis, direct to Rock Spring, take the left hand, five miles from the ferry, leaving the French Village fields on the right. The distance is 18 miles, 4 miles less than the stage route.) To Terre Haute, by Vandalia. Collinsville 10 Troy 7 17 Marine settlement 6 23 Hickory grove 13 36 Greenville . 9 45 Vandalia „ „ 19 64 Ewington 29 93 Woodbury, p. o 18 111 Greenup 7 118 Martinsville 16 134 Marshall 11 145 Livingston 3 148 Terre Haute, la. - 13 161 To Springfield, by Edwardsville. Edwardsville 21 Paddock's grove 7 28 Bunker Hill ~ 10 38 Carlinville , 20 58 Macoupin point 18 76 Springfield 24 100 To Kaskaskia, by Waterloo. Cahokia 5 Columbia 9 14 18 206 APPENDIX Miles. Aggregate Miles. Waterloo 8 22 Prairie du Rocher 21 43 Kaskaskia 12 55 To Shawncetown, by Belleville and Nashville. Belleville 14 Muscoutah 11 25 Middleton's ferry, Kaskaskia river 9 34 Nashville 13 47 Little Muddy, p. o 32 79 Frankfort 17 96 Equality 36 132 Shawneetown 15 -147 To Springfield, by Alton and Jacksonville. Alton 24 Monticello 4 28 Delhi 7 35 Jerseyville 7 42 Kane 5 47 Carrollton 9 56 Whitehall 10 66 Manchester 8 74 Jacksonville 17 91 Berlin p. o., Island grove 17 108 Springfield 16 124 Alton is the point to which travelers should direct their course for the contiguous counties. Stages run from this point to most of the principal interior towns. FROM ALTON To Carlyle. Edwardsville 13 Troy 7 20 Lebanon 13 Or direct from Troy to Carlyle 33 53 To Belleville. Edwardsville 13 Collinsville 11 24 Belleville 13 37 appendix. 207 To Vandalia. (A road has been located on a direct course near where the line for the " National Road" is marked on the map, but which is not yet much traveled. The streams are not all bridged, and other obstructions exist. The reader will un- derstand that the National Road has been finally located and worked no further west than Vandalia.) Miles. Aggregate Miles. Edwardsville 13 Marine settlement, (Judd's) 13 26 Hickory grove 13 39 Greenville 9 48 Vandalia 19 67 To Terre Haute, by Shelbyville. Upper Alton 2^ Staunton 17£ 20 Hillsborough 18 38 Shelbyville 42 80 Cochran's grove 11 91 Charleston 24 115 Paris 30 145 Terre Haute 20 165 To Quincy, by Gilead and Atlas. Grafton 18 Camden, (mouth of the Illinois) 2 20 Gilead 19 39 Hamburg , 10 49 Belleview, p. o. 10 59 Atlas '. 15 74 Pleasant vale 12 86 Clio, p. o 10 96 Ash ton, p. o 9 105 Quincy . 9 114 To St. Charles, Mo 18 To Springfield, by Jacksonville 100 To Springfield, by Carlinville. Woodburn 18 Carlinville 18 36 Auburn...., ,....,,.....,...,, , 23 58 208 APPENDIX, Miles. Aggregate Miles. Springfield 14 72 To Jacksonville, by Brighton. Brighton - 13 Delaware, p. o 13 26 Fayette 8 34 Scottsville 13 47 Jacksonville „ 20 67 To Naples, by Winchester. Carrollton 34 Whitehall 10 14 Manchester 8 52 Winchester 10 62 Exeter 8 70 Naples 7 77 FROM CARROLLTON To Clarksville, Mo. Bluffdale 10 Newport ferry 4 14 Clarksville 18- 32 To Vandalia, by Carlinville. Rivesville 16 Carlinville 16 32 Hillsboro' 27 59 Hurricane, p. o 15 74 Vandalia 12 86 To Springfield, by Waverly. New Greenfield 10 Eagle point 14 24 Waverly.... 11 35 Springfield 22- 57 To Grafton Island, St. Charles, Mo. Kane 9 Grafton 15 24 St. Charles, (Mo.) 10 34 To Atlas, Pike county. Bluffdale 10 Newport , 4 14 APPENDIX. 209 Miles. Aggregate Miles. Atlas 22 36 FROM JACKSONVILLE To Quincy, by Griggsville. Naples 23 Griggsville 7 30 Beverly 15 45 Kingston 3 48 Liberty, p. o 9 57 Quincy 14 71 To Vandalia. Franklin 12 Waverly 6 18 Hillsboro' 42 60 Vandalia..... 29 89 To Pittsfield. Winchester 16 Florence, (Illinois river) 9 25 Pittsfield 10 35 To Meredosia. Morgan city 11 Meredosia, (by rail-road cars) 12 23 To Havanna. Princeton „ 1 Sangamon river .„ 16 26 Havanna „ 16 42 To Tremont, Tazewell county. Princeton 10 Petersburgh 20 30 Sugar grove 8 38 Irish grove 6 44 Salt Fork of Sangamon .. 4 48 Mackinauford 22 70 Liberty ... 3 73 Tremont 4 77 To Springfield. Island grove 18 Springfield 18 36 18* 210 APPENDIX To Beardstown. Miles. Aggregate Miles. New Lexington 9 Bath, p. o 7 16 Beardstown 9- 25 FROM SPRINGFIELD, (the seat of government,) To Vandalia. Sugar creek 10 Macoupin point 14 24 Hillsboro' 24 48 Vandalia -. 29 77 To Chicago, by Ottawa. Irish grove 19 Tremont..... 33 52 Washington 12 64 Hanover 8 72 Vermilion ville 38 110 Ottawa 10 120 Holderman's Grove 16 136 Plainfield 24 160 Des Plaines river 28 188 Chicago 12 -200 To Chicago, by Bloomington and Juliet. Elkhart grove „,... 18 Postville 12 30 Waynesville 15 45 Bloomington 18 63 Pontiac 35 98 Kankakee 45 143 Juliet , 15 158 Lockport 6 164 Chicago 32 196 To Danville. Mechanicsburgh 14 Decatur '.. 26 40 Sadorus 36 76 Sidney 15 91 Danville 27 118 APPENDIX. Qll To Terre Haute, by Shelbyville. (A tri-weekly stage route.) Miles. Aggregate Rochester, p. o 8 Bethany, p. o 14 22 Shelbyville 35 57 Charleston 35 92 Grand view IS 110 Paris 12 122 Terre Haute, la 20 142 To Havanna and mouth of Spoon River. Salisbury 12 Petersburgh 10 22 Huron 10 32 Chatham, p. o 4 36 Havanna 12 48 FROM BLOOMINGTON To Vandalia. Randolph grove, p. o 12 Clinton ; 10 22 Decatur 25 47 Shelbyville 35 82 Vandalia 40 122 To Ottawa. Mackinau river 13 Forks of the road to Hennepin 15 28 Vermilion river 16 44 Ottawa 20 64 To Danville. Mount Pleasant, or Cheney's grove 25 Urbanna 30 55 Union, p. o 12 67 Danville 18 85 Suppose the traveler passes up the Illinois river, for Car- rollton, he will land at Newport — For Winchester, opposite Florence — For Pittsfield, at Florence — For Griggsville, at Phillip's ferry — For Jacksonville, either Naples or Meredosia — For Virginia, in Cass co., or Springfield, at Beardstown — For Rushville, at Beardstown, or Erie, 3 miles above — For Lewis- town, at Havanna — For Canton, Fulton co.. at Havanna, or 18 212 APPENDIX. Liverpool, or Copperas creek — For Treraont and Blooming- ton, at Pekin — For Jubilee college, Knoxville, Farmington, Charleston, and Stark county, at Peoria — For Granville, Put- nam county, and Princeton, Bureau county, at Hennepin — For Vermilionville, at Peru, or city of Lasalle. FROM MEREDOSIA To Quincy, by Mount Sterling. Miles. Aggregate Miles. Versailles 7 Mount Sterling 8 15 Clayton 11 26 Columbus 12 38 Quincy 15 53 To Petersburgh, Menard county. Princeton, Jersey prairie 24 Philadelphia 5 29 Clary's grove 10 39 Petersburgh 6 45 To Morgan city, by rail-road 12 To Jacksonville 23 To Springfield 59 To same, by Jersey prairie 54 FROM BEARDSTOWN To Warsaw. Rushville 12 Augusta 21 33 Warsaw 26 59 To Fort Madison, (Iowa) by Carthage. Rushville 12 St. Mary's 24 36 Carthage 12 48 Appanooce, opposite Fort Madison 18 66 To Monmouth, Warren county. Rushville, as before 12 Macomb 24 36 Monmouth 32 — —68 APPENDIX. 213 FROM HA V ANNA, (mouth of spoon river, To Rock river, in Whiteside county. Miles. Aggregate Waterford 5 Lewistown 7 12 Canton 15 27 Middle grove, p. o 10 37 Knoxville 18 55 Richmond, Henry county 35 90 Genesee 5 95 Rock river 12 107 To Macomb 40 From Copperas Creek landing, to Canton 10 FROM PEKIN To Tremont 11 To Bloomington 40 Suppose the traveler proceeds up the Mississippi, for Adams county, he will land at Quincy — For Hancoek co., at War- saw — For Warren eo., at Oquawka — For Mercer co., at New Boston — For Rock Island co., and the Rock river country, at Stephenson — For Whiteside co., at Albany or Fulton city — For Ogee, Winnebago, and Stephenson counties, at Savanna. FROM QUINCY To Pittsfield. Payson 12 Worcester 18 30 Pittsfield 9 39 To Griggsville. Liberty 14 Kingston 9 23 Beverly 3 26 Griggsville 15 41 To Lewistown, by Rushville. Columbus 15 Clayton 12 27 Rushville 22 49 Lewistown 35 84 214 APPENDIX. To Peoria, by Macomb. Miles. Walnut point, p. o 17 Augusta 18 35 Macomb 22 57 Spoon river 18 75 Centerville 8 83 Canton 9 92 Peoria 25 117 To Stephenson, by Monmouth. Fairfield 15 Carthage 24 39 La Harpe 14 53 Monmouth 27 80 Stephenson 46 — —126 To Warsaw. Ursa, p. o 11 Lima 9 20 Green plains 8 28 Warsaw . 7 35 FROM WARSAW To Macomb. Carthage , 18 Macomb 25- -43 To Stephenson. Montebello 10 Commerce 10 20 Appanooce 14 34 Shockokon, p. o 14 48 Montreal, (ferry to Burlington, Iowa) 6 54 Oquawka 12 66 New Boston 20 86 Mouth of Rock river 35 121 Stephenson 3 124 To Dixon, by Knoxville. Carthage 18 Macomb 25 43 Knoxville .,-, 40 83 APPENDIX. 215 Miles. Aggregate Miles. Osceola 38 121 Providence 10 131 Inlet 30 161 Dixon 15 176 FROM STEPHENSON To Galena 85 " Dixon : 63 " Monmouth 46 " New Boston 38 " Mouth of Green river 10 ' ' Harrisburg, Rock River rapids 51 Suppose a traveler to be along the Wabash river, on the eastern side of the state. If he proceed up the Wabash river, which can now be done at a full stage of water, by steam-boat, and which will soon be made navigable at all seasons : For Edward and White counties, he will land at Graysville — For Wabash county, and interior, at Mt. Carmel — For Law- rence county, at Vincennes— For Clark county, at York, or Darwin — For Edgar and Vermilion counties, at Terre Haute. FROM GRAYSVILLE To Carmi 20 ToAlbion 10 To Burnt prairie 15 FROM MOUNT CARMEL To Vandalia. Maysville 40 Vandalia 45 85 To Salem, by Fairfield. Albion 18 Fairfield 18 36 Salem 31 67 To Equality. To Graysville , 18 " Carmi ,.„ 20 38 216 APPENDIX. Miles. To New Haven 15 " Equality , 20— To Vincennes, la. Armstrong, p. o. 8 St. Francisville, (Wabash ferry) 10 Vincennes, (la.) 10— To Lawrenceville Ae $z?r 53 -73 18 -28 25 FROM VINCENNES To St. Louis, Mo. Lawrenceville Maysville Meisenheimer's Cato Salem 9 36 II 4 17 45 56 60 77 Coan's, (Grand prairie) 14 91 Carlyle 10 101 Amos 8 109 Shoal Creek bridge 1 110 Aviston Sugar creek Hull's Lebanon Rock Spring Messinger's 6 116 3 119 2 121 6 127 4 131 8 139 Illinoistown, at ferry 10 149 St. Louis, over the Mis- sissippi 1 — 150 To Danville; Allison's prairie, or Chris- Marshall tian settlement 7 Paris Palestine 15 22 Ono, p. o Hutsonville 7 29 Bloomfield York 5 34 Georgetown Darwin 8 42 Danville 10 52 15 67 6 73 5 78 16 94 10—104 Daily stage route from Edwardsburgh, Cass county, Michi. gan, to Chicago, III. Niles 12 miles. Michigan city 10 miles. Terre Coupee 12 " Bailietown 14 " Rolling prairie 7 " Chicago 45 " Springville 8 " Same on left hand route, which is the best for travel, forty- eight miles. APPENDIX. 217 The principal stage route (daily line) from Mile9j Aggregate Chicago to Ottawa now is by Juliet Miles. To «« Point of oaks" 12 " Lockport « 18 30 44 Juliet 6 36 " Dupage 7 43 44 Au Sable, Patrick's 6 49 44 Lisbon, HilVs .\.... 10 59 44 Holderman's Grove 5 64 44 Ottawa 16 80 From Michigan City to Juliet. To Bailietown 14 44 Liverpool, (Deep river) 11 25 44 State Line 12 37 44 Thornton 5 42 44 Cooper's Grove 10 52 44 Hadley 10 62 44 Juliet 8 70 The 44 old Indian trace," traveled by many, passes to the left of this route, and nearer the Kankakee. APPENDIX No. 2. The body of this work, as the date of the Introduction shows, was finished April 1, 1839. During the past year some important changes have taken place in Illinois, which should be noticed. The counties of Jersey and Williamson have been organ- ized. The name of Dane county has been changed to that of Christian. Hardin county was formed from the eastern part of Pope county, at the recent session of the legislature. It is a small 19 218 APPENDIX. county, triangular in shape, but contains rich land and a populous settlement. It is watered by the Ohio river, which forms its southern boundary, and Grand Prairie and Big creeks, and contains about 100 square miles. The seat of government was removed from Vandalia to Springfield, on the 4th of July, 1839, where it is permanently located. The most important change is the suspension of the system of Internal Improvement. At the recent session of the legislature, called by the gov- ernor, with reference to this subject, the following arrange- ments were made by law. 1. The Fund Commissioners are reduced from three to one. He shall receive all iron already purchased for the state, and pay all duties, freights, and charges on the same, and provide for its transportation to the state. And to meet such ex- penses he may sell state bonds, but not under par value, to a sufficient amount to pay such expenditures ; but not dispose of bonds, or borrow money on behalf of the state for any other purpose, except he is hereafter authorized by law. 2. The " Board of Public Works" are reduced from seven to three members. They are required to dispose of such pro- perty as is not wanted for immediate use, and as is liable to waste ; to settle for all contracts performed, with liabilities and damages ; to secure and put into successful operation such rail roads as are already completed, and establish rates of toll ; but are prohibited from letting additional contracts, until further authorized by law. 3. The rail road from Meredosia to Jacksonville is nearly completed, and the cars placed on it. 4. It is expected that at the next regular session of the legislature, which commences the first Monday in December, 1840, provision will be made to continue the work on one or iwo rail roads until completed. ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL. This splendid work, which is popular, has made steady progress the past year. By a law of the recent legislature, the Canal Commission- ers are authorized to sell canal lands so as to meet the in- APPENDIX. 219 ter#st on loans semi-annually. And if funds fail, they are authorized to issue their checks to contractors in sums not Jess than one hundred dollars, bearing interest at six per centum. CAIRO CITY. This project is still in successful operation. Mr. Holbrook, the president of the company, has recently returned from England with a million and half of dollars to carry on the works, J. M. P. Rock Spring, III, Feb. 13, 1840. THE END. 1 J. H. COLTON, MAP PUBLISHER, NO. 122 BROADWAY, (UP STAIRS,) NEW YORK. RECENT PUBLICATIONS. MAPS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, large and small. - CITY AND COUNTY OF NEW YORK, ditto. STATE OF INDIANA, in Sections, ditto. STATE OF ILLINOIS, in Sections. STATE OF MICHIGAN, in Sections. TERRITORY OF IOWA, in Sections. MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN. LONG ISLAND AND VICINITY OF NEW YORK. CITY OF BROOKLYN. THE WORLD, UNITED STATES, WEST INDIES, STATE OF OHIO, STATE OF MISSOURI, &c, &c. " THE WESTERN TiWJRIST, AND EMIGRANT'S GUIDE," with a newJ^ajTcorrect Map embracing Ohio, In- diana, Illinois, Mispur^Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa. " GUHj^'O THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS," with a new anaH^ct Map. The " ILLINOIS DIRECTORY," with a new Map ex. hibiting the Sections. IOWA, with a new Map exhibiting the Sections. Cvf> O * o „ o "**U A** o > *^^V ^ V ^ £* ^p <£ * DOBBS BROS. LIBRARY BINDING OV 7-8 «U* :. . ST. AUGUSTINE /? ^ *fcs* $> o » o „ ~^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 752 007 4