■ nam ■ Class TS8 Gopyrtght^N?._ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. ■ ■■mil I I MRS ■T m ■>- m * wk ■■I V ')A ■■■H ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ p: ' ■«■»■ I -'i !' , . i I ■ £ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/scienceofmanagemOOpark THE SCIENCE OF MANAGEMENT BY FREDERIC A. PARKHURST, M. E. // Organizing Engineer A Course of Lectures Given at Case School of Applied Science cleveland, ohio 1917-1918 Copyright, 1918 BY FREDERIC A. PARKHURST JAN -5 1918 ©CI.A479917 PREFACE The author feels that best results can be obtained from a course of lectures when the student has the advantage of a printed text to which he can refer as occasion requires This book has been prepared to give such an advantage to the students of Case School of Applied Science, 191 7-18, who are attending the course upon "The Science of Man- agement." It contains the necessary chapters from the various books on the allied integral parts of the subject and with "Applied Methods of Scientific Management," re- quired for the course, completes the text for the entire thirty lectures. The Author. TABLE OF CONTENTS LECTURE I History 1 1-A. History of the Science of Management 2 1-B. Bibliography 10 LECTURE II Fundamentals; Practice vs. Theory in the Science of Management 21 LECTURE III Fundamentals ; Practice vs. Theory in the Science of Management (Continued) 32 LECTURE IV "Put Your House in Order" 42 A Discussion of the Responsibilities of both the Owner and the Engineer 42 LECTURE V First Essentials (Chapter I of text) 53 1-A. Preliminary Investigation 53 1- B . The Form of Organization 53 1- C . The Organization Record 53 LECTURE VI Departmental Functions (Chapter II of text) 54 2-A. Functions of the Sales Department and Counting Room 54 2- B . Functions of the Engineering Room 54 2- C . Functions of the Drafting Room 54 LECTURE VII Drafting Room Methods (Appendix of text) 55 VII. Drafting Room Instructions (Page 215) 55 VIII. Instructions for Drawing and Sketch Indexes (Page 223) 55 XXXI. Shop and Drawing Boys' Instruction (Page 296) 55 v LECTURE VIII PAGE Planning Room (Part of Chapter III of text) 56 3- A. Planning Department 56 3-B. Duties of the Superintendent 56 3-C. Functions of the Planning Department 56 3-D. The Production Clerk 56 LECTURE IX Planning Room Instructions (Appendix of text) 57 X. Production Clerk's Instructions (Page 231) 57 XL Planning Department Monthly Report (Page 233) 57 LECTURE X Planning Room, Continued (Part of Chapter III of text) 58 3- E . The Shop Engineer 58 3- F. The Stores Clerk 58 3-G. The Cost Clerk 58 3-H. The Route Clerk 58 3- I . The Order-of-Work Clerk 58 3- J . The Shipping Clerk 58 3-K. The Receiving Clerk 58 3-L. The Time Clerk 58 3-M. The Schedule Clerk 58 LECTURE XI Planning Room, Continued (Part of Chapter III of text) 59 3-N. The Factory Mail System 59 3-0. The Time Boy 59 3- P . The Inspector 59 3-Q. The Stores Keeper 59 3-R. The Move Material Boss 59 XXXI. Inspector's Instructions (Appendix, page 281). 59 LECTURE XII Routing and Control of Work (Part of Chapter IV of text).... 60 4-A. The Routing of Work Through the Shops 60 4-B. Symbols (For further reference see "Symbols" pub- lished by the author in early 1917) 60 LECTURE XIII Routing and Control of Work, Continued (Part of Chapter IV of text) 61 4-C. The Functions of the Material Boss 61 4-D. The Functions of the Order-of-Work Clerk 61 4-E. Gang Bosses 61 4-F. The Speed Boss 61 LECTURE XIV PAGE Routing and Control of Work, Continued (Part of Appendix of text) 62 XIV. Anticipating Requirements both as to Rough Material, Machining Operations and Assembly (Page 243).... 62 XV. Order-of-VVork Clerk's Instructions (Page 246) 62 XVI. Movement of Batches in Installments (Page 249) 62 XVII. Route Rack Signals (Page 249) 62 LECTURE XV Stores, Labor and Cost (Part of Chapter V of text) 63 Note : The student is referred to the author's "Predetermina- tion of Prices" for a further insight into the controlling elements necessary in connection with costing. 5- A. The Creation of a Stores Department, the Methods of Classifying and Housing all Material (Rough or Finished) not in Process of Manufacture, and the Ordering of Stores either to be Purchased Elsewhere or to be made in the Shops 63 S-B. The Perpetual Inventory or Stores Ledger, Showing how it is Kept up to Date and Checked to Always Agree with the Actual Stock 63 LECTURE XVI Stores, Labor and Cost, Continued (Part of Chapter V of text) . 64 5-C. The Means used to get Correct Returns for all Times Expended on Work, whether as Expense or as Pro- ductive Labor, including Operation Times 64 S-D. The Combined Cost and Route Sheet, and the Methods Employed to Distribute and Collate all Material and Labor Charges as well as Overhead Expense 64 LECTURE XVII Indirect Costs (Reprinted from Chapter IV of the author's "Predetermination of Prices") 65 4- A. Expense Symbols 65 4- B . Expense Distribution 68 4- C . Distribution of Burden 68 4-D. Erroneous Methods of Distribution 77 4-E. Differential Process Rate Method 84 4- F. Undistributed Burden 92 LECTURE XVIII Estimating (Reprinted from Chapter VI of the author's "Pre- determination of Prices") 93 6- A . Machine Shop 94 6-B. Foundry 97 vii LECTURE XIX PAGE Profit and Relatively True Selling Prices (Reprinted from Chapters VII and VIII of the author's "Predetermination of Prices") 108 7-A. Per Productive Hours 109 7- B. Per Pound 110 7- C. Per Piece Ill 7-D. Per Cent of Cost Ill 7-E. Mutual Satisfaction 112 VIII. Conclusion 115 LECTURE XX The Tool Room (Part of Chapter VI and Appendix of text) .... 117 6- A. The Standardization of Methods and Tools 117 XXVIII. Instruction for Tool Foremen (Page 287) 117 XXIX. Instruction as to Tool Requirements (Page 298) 117 XXX. Instruction for Care and Storage of Tools (Page 295) 117 LECTURE XXI . Manufacturing and Erecting (Part of Chapter VI of text) 118 6-B. The Development of a Manufacturing System 118 6-C. The Handling of Erection Work 118 LECTURE XXII Time Study and Bonus (Part of Chapter VII of text) 119 7-A. Introduction of Time Studies 119 7-B. Analysis of Time Studies and the Development of Instruction Cards 119 LECTURE XXIII Time Study and Bonus, Continued (Part of Chapter VII of text) 120 7-C. Discussion of Piece Work, Premium, Bonus, Differen- tial Rate and Differential Bonus Systems of Wage Payment 120 7-D. Method used by the Author to Compute Differential Bonus 120 LECTURE XXIV Time Study and Bonus, Continued (Reprinted from the author's "Scientific Management in the Foundry," Sections 9 and 10) 121 9. The Control of Methods and Labor through Time Studies and Sub-Operation Times 121 10. Time Study Foreman 122 LECTURE XXV PAGE Time Study and Bonus, Continued (Reprinted from the author's "Scientific Management in the Foundry," Sections 11 to 15 inclusive) 133 11. Time Study Instructions in Detail 133 12. Standard Elemental Sub-Operation Times for Floor Work 139 13. Standard Sub-Elemental Operation Times for Bench and Squeezer Work 144 14. Standard Miscellaneous Data 149 15. General Instructions to Time Study Men 151 LECTURE XXVI Time Study and Bonus, Continued (Reprinted from the author's "Scientific Management in the Foundry," Section 16) 152 16. Parkhurst's Differential Bonus 152 LECTURE XXVII Departmental and Plant Efficiency Bonus (from the manuscript of the author's "Scientific Time Study and Differential Bonus") 165 27- A. Departmental Efficiency Bonus 165 27-B . Plant Efficiency Bonus 180 LECTURE XXVIII Departmental and Plant Efficiency Records 182 LECTURE XXIX Inspection (Reprinted from the author's "Scientific Management in the Foundry," Section 17) 188 17. Details of Inspection 188 LECTURE XXX Results Obtained Through the Correct Application of the Science of Management (from the manuscript of the author's "Scientific Time Study and Differential Bonus") 198 30-A. Effect on Production and Quality 198 30-B. Effect on Costs 200 30- C . Individual and Corporate Effect 201 NOTE Some of the lectures will be illustrated thru means of lantern slides, particularly those lectures reprinted from the author's hooks noted above. The illustrations referred to have been omitted owing to the fact that the plates were not available. THE SCIENCE OF MANAGEMENT LECTURE I l-A. The History of the Science of Management. 1-B. Bibliography. Before taking up the specific subject-matter of Lecture i, I want to say a few words in general covering a word on preparedness and the important place which the Science of Management may take in the solution of some of our Na- tional problems. Some of our best men believe that after the conclusion of the present European War, we are going to experience in the next ten or twenty years a terrific struggle between Nations for supremacy in the world's market. Indications are that Great Britain is right now looking far ahead in this respect. From information which has been obtained from men who have been abroad within the last few months, we are impressed with the difference between the attitude of the English manufacturers and that of the French and Italians. The English shops are closed tight. The general attitude in regard to information tends to make us believe that Eng- land is going' to be a big factor in the domination of the world's market. The only way the United States can hold or improve her position in this respect is by maximum con- centration, a broad policy, and the development of efficiency to its highest possible state. This means organization. The English and French, particularly, have undergone a tremendous awakening in regard to possibilities of increased production and hence decreased cost through more efficient operation. The demands of the war have of course forced this as a self-preservative necessity. Both these Nations have put forth efforts which they never before dreamed of. The vast quantity of munitions required has helped to im- press on them the advantages to be gained by manufactur- ing on a big scale and properly rigging up to do their work. 2 HISTORY American manufacturers have led the world from a pro- duction standpoint. More or less efficient methods have tended to fit us for wonderful development along this line. We must not think for a moment, however, that we can lay on our oars. Our best efforts are going to be required after the war to successfully compete in the world markets, par- ticularly as our merchant marine has heretofore been almost a negligible factor. With Britain controlling the seas from 9 commerce standpoint, our problem becomes all the greater. In the last five years, the manufacturers in America have in general begun to appreciate the possibilities of Scientific Management. It is not many years ago that Taylor's methods were laughed at and it has only been recently that results obtained in a good many different plants involving a total of eighty odd industries, have awakened the Ameri- can business man to the possibilities that lie before him if he will only become efficient. I have denned Scientific Management as follows : The Science of Management is the conservation of material, labor and resources, founded on research and exact data. America's place in the world market will depend on her organization and efficiency. 1-A. The History of the Science of Management. Dr. Frederick Winslow Taylor was the founder of what is today known as Scientific Management. Dr. Taylor was born in Germantown, Pa., in 1856 and died March 21, I9I5- Dr. Taylor's primary education was obtained in the United States, France and Germany. He prepared at Exe- ter Academy for Harvard, class of 1874, at the age of eighteen years. At this time his eyesight gave him a great deal of trouble and prevented his taking up his course at •Harvard, and he had to entirely change his educational plans. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 3 Dr. Taylor came home and secured an apprenticeship at a small pump works in Philadelphia. He completed this apprenticeship in 1878 and took a job as laborer in the Mid- vale Steel Works, where he remained until 1890. While at the Midvale Steel Works, after working a time as la- borer, he obtained a position as shop clerk and then was promoted to take charge of the tool room. It was in connection with his work in the tool room that Mr. Taylor first saw and began to study the inefficiency of the methods then in use whereby workmen were allowed to do their own tool grinding - . He noticed that every man had his own idea as to how a tool should be ground and no two men ground their tools exactly alike. In fact it was doubtful if any one man repeatedly ground the same size and type of tool exactly alike. Based on his study of what he thought was needed in the way of tool grinding, Mr. Taylor invented the Taylor grinder, which grinder was put on the market and used somewhat extensively foi all standard shape lathe, planer and similar tools. Similar grinders have been put on the market for the same purpose. Six years after Mr. Taylor entered the employ of the Midvale Steel Company as a laborer, he became Chief En- gineer of that Company, having in the meantime filled various positions including foreman, Superintendent, etc. In 1880 Mr. Taylor took up a course of night study then required by the Stevens Institute and in 1883 obtained from Stevens Institute the degree of M. E. Mr. Taylor remained with the Midvale Steel Company until 1890. During this time he made a very exhaustive study of shop methods and with the co-operation of Mr. Wm. Sellers, was able to put these methods into effect in the Midvale Steel Company and greatly improve shop production. This production was in- creased 200 to 300%. In connection with the study of shop operations, Mr. Taylor immediately saw that it was necessary to get the co-operation of the workmen and pay them additional com- 4 HISTORY pensation for the extra work turned out. This compensa- tion varied from 25% to 100%, depending- on the class of work involved. It was at the Midvale Steel Co. that Mr. Taylor formed the foundation for his life's work in the management field. In the years 1890 to 1893, Mr. Taylor was associated with a Company operating paper mills in the State of Maine. From 1894 to 1898 he devoted his time to con- sulting work. In 1898 Mr. Taylor was employed by the Bethlehem Steel Company to help them in an analysis of their machine shop problems and to help work out some solution to their difficulties whereby their production could be increased. The Bethlehem Steel Company had at that time just com- pleted a large addition to their forge shop and it was the consensus of opinion that an expenditure of about one mil- lion dollars for additional machine shop capacity would be needed for the additional increased forge shop capacity. In connection with Mr. Taylor's investigation of the Bethlehem Steel Company's problem, he immediately saw the necessity for doing something to increase the productive capacity of the machines. He saw that a very superior tool steel was needed to enable the machines to get out the work which they were capable of. In association with a Metallurgist, Mr. Maunsel White. a series of experiments and investigations were conducted which resulted in the discovery of the Taylor- White process for making high speed tool steel. This process resulted in increasing the efficiency of tool steel from 100 to 200%. The essential qualities of all high speed steels are those which were first made by Messrs. Taylor and White. The new steels revolutionized machine shop practice and also revolutionized the machine tool industry. As a result of these studies and the production of a high capacity steel, the production at the Bethlehem Steel Company's machine shop was increased 500%. Instead of building a large addition FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 5 to their machine shop, a large addition to the forge shop was needed instead. In 1903, Mr. Taylor published his "Shop Management." "The Art of Cutting Metals" was published in 1906 and constituted Mr. Taylor's presidential address to the Ameri- can Society of Mechanical Engineers. This work has been considered a classic and will be found complete in the A. S. M. E. Transactions of 1907. Volume 28. "The Art of Cutting Metals" covers twenty-six years of experiments in connection with the scientific solution of this phase of the management problem. The students are earnestly requested to read Taylor's "Art of Cutting Metals," as a careful perusal of this work will very materially help them to understand what is in- volved in real Scientific Management. It will indicate to them the untiring energy, the deep attention to the problem and the necessity for the highest type of scientific minds which must be brought to bear on problems of this kind. The University of Pennsylvania in 1906 conferred on Mr. Taylor the degree of Sc. D. It will be interesting to review briefly some of Dr. Tay- lor's work in connection with the machine shop problem. The first questions involved were : (a) What tool shall I use? (b) What cutting speed shall I use? (c) What feed shall I use? In trying to determine the answers to the above questipns, many elements were involved with the result that before these questions could be answered, the effect of at least twelve variables must be definitely controlled. These twelve variables are : (a) The quality of the metal which is to be cut. (b) The diameter of the work. (c) The depth of cut. (d) The thickness of the shaving". O HISTORY (e) The elasticity of the work and of the tool. (f) The shape or contour of the cutting edge of the tool, together with its clearance and slip angles. (g) The chemical composition of the steel from which the tool is made and the heat treatment of the tool. (h) Whether a copious stream of water or other medium is used on the tool. (i) The duration of the cut; take notice i. e. the time which a tool must last under pressure of the shaving without being re-ground. (j) The pressure of the job shaving upon the tool. (k) The changes of speed and feed possible in the lathe. (I) The pulling and feeding power of the lathe. In discussing this work and further quoting from "The Art of Gutting Metals," Dr. Taylor divides the problem into four chief sections; namely — A. Laws connected with the art of cutting metals. B. The mathematical expression of these laws. C. Limitations and possibilities of metal cutting machines. D. Practical application of knowledge obtained by means of slide rules. In connection with the work above referred to, Mr. Tay- lor had associated with him, Mr. H. L. Gantt, one of the best scientific managers, and Mr. Carl G. Barth, also a noted scientific manager and one of our greatest mathema- ticians. Mr. Barth was able to design a slide rule which could be readily modified to suit each different machine and on which he was able to bring under control the twelve variables above mentioned. The result of adapting all these mathematical laws to the slide rule made it possible for any man after a few minutes of instruction and endowed with FREDERIC A. PARKHURST J only a very ordinary education, to quickly solve the three questions listed above; namely, what tool, speed and feed should be used for a given piece of work. Too much emphasis cannot be laid on the importance of not considering any one of the elements of Scientific Man- agement as of paramount importance, or of paramount necessity. To quote Mr. Taylor's final closing remarks after the discussion of his paper, "The Art of Cutting Met- als," at the A. S. M. E. Convention in 1906, "In conclusion, I can but express a certain surprise and regret that our paper 'On the Art of Cutting Metals,' has attracted so much more attention than has been given to our various papers on shop management, which, after all, is the real vital subject in which we are most interested, and of which the art of cutting metals constitutes, on the whole, merely one of the important elements." The fact remains that all of the elements of Scientific Management are of importance and must be co-ordinated before the final completion of this scheme of management and before the full effects of same can be realized both by the Company and the Company's employees. In the course of lectures to be given this year, all of the various elements will be discussed and treated as completely as the time will permit, so as to make clear to you all, the importance of the organization scheme in its entirety as opposed to the random installation of certain elements. The chief elements of Scientific Management as stated by Dr. Taylor himself are : A. Science, not rule of thumb. B. Harmony, not discord. C. Co-operation, not individualism. D. Maximum output in place of restricted output. E. Development of each man to his greatest effi- ciency and prosperity. Each of these elements will be discussed more completely at a later lecture. 8 HISTORY In connection with the development of his work. Dr. Tay- lor had associated with him among others, H. L. Gantt, Carl G. Barth and Sanford E. Thompson. As time went on, he was more closely associated with other men as the scope of his work broadened and more engineers began to study and follow closely, Taylor's methods. Among the other early pioneers of this work may be named Gilbreth, Dodge & Day, Emerson and myself. I was fortunate in being closely associated with the above men to the extent of being able to clearly study particularly the work of. Taylor, Gantt and Barth. I was in position to profit by their mistakes and I profited by criticisms of their methods of handling this kind of work. Although never directly associated with any of them except Harrington Emerson, with whom I was connected when he started his first management work, I have, as above stated, been closely allied with their methods. I have been able to develop my own methods to get in my judgment, the best results by the application of the Taylor principles. In section i-B of this lecture I give a rather complete bibliography of the literature on the subject. This litera- ture is not very extensive and the majority of the books listed treat of generalities rather than all phases of the Science of Management. The leading books listed in the bibliography above men- tioned can be read to advantage. It is desirable that every student cover the field sufficiently to be able to understand the entire subject from a broad viewpoint. There are statistics from about one hundred thirteen (113) plants in the country that have adopted wholly or in part the principles of Scientific Management. These plants represent over eighty (80) industries. Of the num- ber above mentioned, fifty-nine (59) are reported as being complete successes, twenty (20) as partial successes, and thirty-four (34) failures. There are twenty-eight (28) cases now in process, of which it is expected that twenty- two (22) will be wholly successful. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 9 Failures are due chiefly to two causes : ( I ) The inability of the so-called expert to successfully handle the proposi- tion; (2) Faulty management. The responsibility for the failures is practically equally divided between the expert and the management. Incompetency on the part of the management, dissension, and in one or two cases, unfavor- able conditions of business are responsible for the manage- ment failures. With one possible exception, there have been no failures due to difficulty with workmen. The only exception that might be mentioned is the case of the Watertown Arsenal, but this was due more to the fault of the local management than on account of the methods being installed. In this case the labor difficulty was only of short duration, and Gen. Crozier shows conclusively the great saving and ad- vantages that accrued as the result of the installation of the Taylor system of management. Any installation that is self-sustaining and continues to run efficiently long after the engineer has left the work, may be considered as being a wholly successful proposition. A great many of the companies prefer to have the engineer retained on a part time basis so as to supervise at intervals the current w r ork of the organization. This is a most de- sirable way of handling an installation of this kind. Unfortunately, a good many accountants or so-called sys- tematizes have attempted to put in forms and give the name "Scientific Management" to ordinary routine installa- tion pertaining chiefly to records. Scientific Management, as I will show during the ensuing lectures, is a rather com- plex and scientifically worked out scheme of operation and control which varies to some extent in detail with each dif- ferent installation. Scientific analysis and research must be the basis of every installation, some of the research being of a most extensive and thorough order. There are elements involved in every-day operation of the manufacturing industries which the layman rarely stops to IO HISTORY consider. In a very large percentage of cases these elements are not by any means under control nor has there been any great attempt made to bring them under control. It is the object of Scientific Management, as I have briefly indicated above, to analyze the various problems into their elements and bring these elements under control, all based on scien- tific investigation and fact. The remaining lectures of this course will treat on the subject as completely as the time allotted will permit. The lectures cover the entire field, however, to such an extent that the student will be able to have a rather complete idea by the end of the year as to just what is involved. He will be well fitted to take up further study of this subject, or to co-operate with any organization of the type under con- sideration. The psychological element is of great importance, as in connection with the management problem we have to handle the great human variable. Psychology is one of the big con- trolling - factors. *s 1-B. Bibliography. This bibliography is quoted almost entirely from "The Taylor System of Scientific Management" by C. Bertrand Thompson, 1917. The Taylor and Other Systems of Shop Management. Hearings before Special Committee of the House of Representatives to investigate. Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1912. 1-801, 803-1264, 1265- 1935. Free. Testimony of "Taylor System" and other man- agement engineers, labor leaders, workmen and War Department officials, regarding the meaning and actual operation of the Taylor system. One of the best sources. frederic a. parkhurst ii Brandeis, Louis Dembitz Scientific Management and Railroads, New York, En- gineering Magazine Co., 191 1, vii, 1-92, $1.00. A severely concise and logical presentation of principles, backed by the testimony of witnesses in the famous Eastern Rate Case hearings before the Interstate Commerce Commission of 1910. This testimony and Mr. Brandeis' argument made scientific management famous. Child, Georgie Boynton The Efficient Kitchen, New York, McBride, Nast Co., 1914, xiii, 1-242, $1.25. Based on work of the Housekeeping Experiment Station. Stamford, Conn. Excellent discussion of methods and equipment. Hard reading but practical. Church, Alexander Hamilton Science and Practice of Management, New York, En- gineering Magazine Co., 1914, xviii, 1-535. $2.00. A keen analysis and synthesis of the factors in- volved in industrial management. Somewhat critical of the Taylor system, but obviously in- fluenced by it. A substantial contribution to the literature of scientific management. Cooke, Morris Llewellyn Academic and Industrial Efficiency, New York. Car- negie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 19 10. Bulletin Number Five vii, 2-134. Free. A highly interesting study of the efficiency of management of a number of well-known univer- sities and colleges, as judged from the point of view of an industrial engineer. Stimulated a wide discussion. 12 HISTORY Day, Charles Industrial Plants, New York, Engineering Magazine Co., 191 1, 1-294. Amplified from articles appearing originally in the Engineering Magazine. $3.00. An illustration of the application of some of the principles of scientific management to the design and construction of industrial plants. Illustrated with diagrams and photographs. Drury, Horace Brookwalter Scientific Management, a History and Criticism. New York, Columbia University, 1915, 7-222. $1.75. A doctoral thesis, especially good for its discussion of the origins of the movement and its relation to the problems of labor and wages. Betrays a lack of practical acquaintance with current methods and status. Emerson, Harrington Efficiency, New York, Engineering Magazine Co., 1st ed. 1909, 4th ed. 1914, xii, 1-254. $2.00. A strikingly written exhortation to "efficiency," stimulating, and most useful when it leads the reader to< serious study of the authorities on the subject, such as Taylor and Gantt. Emerson, Harrington The Twelve Principles of Efficiency, New York, En- gineering Magazine Co., 1912, xviii, 1-423. $2.00. An interesting and popular analysis of some of the more obvious principles underlying scientific management. Well written and suggestive in a general way. For practical application of prin- ciples see Knoeppel, "Installing Efficiency Meth- ods." FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 3 Evans, Holder A. Cost Keeping and Scientific Management, New York. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 191 1, ix, 1-252. $3.00. A practical machine shop treatise, showing the author's methods as applied at the Mare Island Navy Yard, and illustrating what may be done by way of approach to the Taylor system by a competent manager without the aid of experts. Fairly well illustrated. Gantt, Henry Lawrence Work, Wages and Profits, New York, Engineering Magazine Co., 1910, 2nd ed. 1913, 1-2 12. $2.00. The meat of the author's numerous papers and discussions on the more "human" side of scien- tific management. Illustrated with charts and forms. A classic, and indispensable. Gilbreth, Frank Bunker Motion Study, New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 191 1, xxiii, 1-116. $2.00. A meaty study of the variables involved in the performance of manual labor. Illustrated with photographs and tables showing the author's meth- ods and results in the bricklaying trade. Gilbreth, Frank Bunker Primer of Scientific Management, New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1912, 2nd ed. 1914, viii, 1-108. $1.00. An elementary, popularly written catechetical presentation of the fundamentals of scientific man- agement. Explains some of the characteristic de- tails of the Taylor system and discusses certain current criticisms. Kent, William Investigating an Industry, New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1914, xi, 1-26. $1.00. A highly suggestive diagnosis of a hypothetical plant, with special attention to the departments of sales and financing usually neglected in works on scientific management. Foreword by H. L. Gantt. 14 HISTORY Knoeppel, Charles Edward Installing Efficiency Methods, New York, Engineering Magazine Co., 191 5, viii, 1-258. $3.00. The best presentation of the Emerson system in its best form. Interesting and stimulating. Fully illustrated with forms, charts, photographs and detailed instructions. Park hurst, Frederic Augustus Applied Methods of Scientific Management, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1912, xii, 1-325, 2nd ed. i9 J 7> 1-337- $ 2 -°o- A detailed description of the methods of the Fer- racute Machine Company, including the "standing orders" for the performance of various functions, and many forms and photographs. Is a close ap- proximation to the Taylor system as now prac- ticed by its leading exponents. Parkhurst, Frederic Augustus Scientific Management in the Foundry, 1-133. Read before the American Institute of Metals, Chicago Meet- ing, Sept., 19 14, and Published complete in Transac- tions of American Foundrymen's Association, Vol. XXIII. A detailed description in condensed form of the application of the author's methods of scientific management throughout the eight plants of The Aluminum Castings Co., which plants involve not only the sand molding trades for aluminum and brass, but highly technically developed melting practices and technical control of metals, large brass finishing shop doing the highest class of fin- ished work in both brass and aluminum, and the operation of two secret process plants. frederic a. parkhurst 1 5 Parkhurst, Frederic Augustus Predetermination of Prices, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1916, viii, 1-96. $1.25. A discussion of a rather advanced practice in con- nection with the co-relation of costs and the pre- sentation of vital facts in condensed form includ- ing a description of a scientific method of deter- mining burden rates and the distribution of gen- eral expense as applied in connection with the author's methods. Parkhurst, Frederic Augustus Symbols, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 191 7, vi, 1-165. $2.00. A discussion of the symbol system. This book includes a rather complete detailed list of the dif- ferent group symbols that have been standardized to date, which standardization can in general be quite universally adopted. Probably the only book devoted entirely to symbols. Parkhurst, Frederic Augustus Scientific Time Study and Differential Bonus. About 450 pages, in course of preparation. This book will contain about 25 chapters and will discuss the various standardizations that have been developed by the author in connection with standard elemental operation times as well as a general time study work. The charts and dia- grams show performance in a wide range of in- dustries employing representative trades through- out, with detailed instructions as to time study data, etc. Various systems of wage payments will be discussed and will include all of the author's job classifications, bonus classes, and a wide range of application of his differential bonus to direct and indirect labor, departmental and plant effi- ciencies, the application of bonus to clerical opera- tions, technical work, etc. The last chapter will 1 6 HISTORY include a statement as to the individual and cor- porate results obtained through the author's meth- ods of scientific management. Pattison, Mary Principles of Domestic Engineering, New York, 19 15, 1-3 10. $2.00. Experiments at Colonia, for N. J. Women's Clubs. Deals not so much with details of methods and equipment as with fundamental principles of home building and management. Shaw, A. W., Company In magazines (System and Factory) and works (including The Library of Factory Management) published by this house there has appeared from time to time material having to do with the Tavlor system of scientific management. This is also true of other periodicals and sets not mentioned here, but in most cases taken into consideration in pre- paring Scientific Management (see below). Taylor, Frederick Winslow On the Art of Cutting Metals, New York American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1907, 3-248, and folders 1-24. $3.50. One of the most notable contributions to practical science. Illustrates by example the fundamental methods and aims of scientific management. Preface reproduced in C. B. Thompson's Scientific Management. Taylor, Frederick Winslow The Principles of Scientific Management, New York, Harper & Bros., 191 1, 5-144. Also published by Amer- ican Society of Mechanical Engineers. $1.50. A popular restatement of the principles as matured by the author after retirement from active prac- tice. More readable than "Shop Management" and equally authoritative, though in a more gen- eral way. frederic a. parkhurst ij Taylor, Frederick Winslow Shop Management, New York, Harper & Bros., 191 1, 5-203. Foreword by Henry R. Towne. Also in Trans- actions American Society of Mechanical Engineers, No. 1003, New York, 1903, $1.50. The fundamental classic of Scientific Manage- ment. Incorporates the best of the author's for- mer writings and experience, and is the basis of the later developments. Indispensable. Taylor, Frederick Winslow, and Thompson, Sanford Eleazar Concrete Costs, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 19 12, xii, 1-709. $5.00. Illustrates in detail the application of the time- study and standardization methods of scientific management to concrete structural work. Illus- trated fully with charts, sketches, tables of ele- mentary times, etc. Thompson, Clarence Bertrand Scientific Management, a collection of the more sig- nificant articles describing the Taylor System of Man- agement, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1 9 14, xii, 3-88, $4.00. Includes the cream of the literature on the sub- ject (outside of the standard works of Taylor and Gantt) selected and edited from periodicals and books, many of which are now out of print or otherwise difficult of access. See below for con- tents. contents of scientific management (The book listed just above) Earth, Carl G. Slide Rules in the Machine Shop as a Part of the Taylor System of Management. 1 8 HISTORY Cardullo, Forest E. Industrial Administration and Scientific Manage- ment. Carlton, F. Tracy Scientific Management and the Wage-Earner. Clark, Sue Ainslee and Wyatt, Edith Franklin Scientific Management as Applied to Women's Work, from "Making Both Ends Meet." Crozier, Gen. Wm. The Taylor System of Shop Management at the Watertown Arsenal. Cunningham, Wm. J. Scientific Management in the Operation of Rail- roads. Day, Charles Management Principles and the Consulting En- gineer. Dodge, James Mapes A History of the Introduction of a System of Shop Management. The Spirit in which Scientific Management should be approached. Gantt, Henry L. A Graphical Daily Balance in Manufacture. Hathaway, H. K. Elementary Time Study as a Part of the Taylor System of Scientific Management. The Planning Department, Its Organization and Function. Prerequisites to the Introduction of Scientific Management. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST IO, Kendall, Henry P. Unsystematized, Systematized, and Scientific Management. Kent, Robt. Thurston The Foreman's Place in Scientific Management. The Tool Room under Scientific Management. Scientific Management as viewed from the Work- man's Standpoint. Kimball, Dexter S. Another Side of Efficiency Engineering. Le Chatelier, Henri Preface to the French Edition of "The Principles of Scientific Management." Lewis, Wilfred An object Lesson in Efficiency. Myers, Lieut. C. J., U. S. N. The Science of Management. Shaw, Arch Wilkinson Scientific Management in Business. Smith, Oberlin Nomenclature of Machine Details Sterling, Lieut. Frank W., U. S. N. The Successful Operation of a System of Scien- tific Management. Stimpson, H. F. The Application of Scientific Management to a Railway Shop. Sub-Committee on Administration of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1912 The present State of the Art of Industrial Man- agement. The Railways and Scientific Management. 20 HISTORY Anon — The Mistakes of the Efficiency Men. Taylor, Frederick W. On the Art of Cutting Metals (Preface and Se- lections from the ensuing discussion). A Piece-Rate System : Being a Step Toward a Partial Solution of the Labor Problem. Thompson, C. B. Bibliography of Scientific Management. Classification and Symbolization. The Literature of Scientific Management. The Relation of Scientific Management to the Wage Problem. Scientific Management in Retailing. Tuck School Conference Addresses and Discussions at the Conference on Scientific Management. Hanover, N. H., Amos Tuck School, 1 9 1 2, xi, 1-388. $2.50. Papers by F. W. Taylor, H. L. Gantt, C. H. Jones. H. P. Kendall, J. M. Dodge, H. Emerson and others, and discussions led by H. K. Hathaway, E„ Szepesi, C. H. Jones, M. L. Cooke, E. F. Gay, F. A. Cleveland, and others. The best of these are reprinted in C. B. Thompson's "Scientific Man- ae-ement." LECTURE II FUNDAMENTALS ; PRACTICE VERSUS THEORY IN THE SCIENCE OF MANAGEMENT It is not the author's intention to imply by the title of this article that practice and theory do not each bear a most im- portant part in the science of management. These two words are symbolic of two chief factions, one for and one against our new science of management. To the layman, scientific management is a theory, pure and simple. To the manufac- turer, who has put his plant under this form of manage- ment, it stands for prosperity to the firm and all its em- ployees, a new era of industrial peace and contentment, low costs and high wages. It is not at all remarkable that there should be such a wide difference of opinion on this subject. It would indeed be remarkable if it were not so. History repeats itself. What is now true of scientific management has been in the past true of all great ^teps or changes, tending to the advance ment of the human race. The march of progress in all things would cease were there no obstacles to surmount. Columbus, Watt, Ericson, Morse, Marconi, Langley, Edi- son, Brush, Chanute and the Wright Brothers, as well as many others, were each and every one at first considered theorists or cranks. Their dreams of the possibilities of their chosen lines of work at first seemed ridiculous to their contemporaries but the practical application of their ideas has far outstripped their broadest conception of these sub- jects. There is no doubt that the new science of management will come into its own through exactly the same process of transition. The few chief exponents of scientific manage- ment are in exactly the same position as were the inventors and investigators mentioned above. No one can deny that the field of the organizing engineer opens into vast fields of 21 22 PRACTICE VS. THEORY progress. The benefits which will accrue from the universal application of the new science of management will affect in a greater or less degree all of the working class in this country, eventually the world. The author predicted in a lecture before the New England Railroad Club at Boston, December, 1904, that the science of management was "slowly but surely becoming universal in this country." That was nearly thirteen years ago and he now reiterates the same prophecy. In fact, the striving for efficiency in life as well as business is becoming universal much faster than any one, except the best informed, realizes. This is primarily due to the fact that in the last six years, scien- tific management has been prominently brought to the at- tention of the entire country on several great occasions. Chief of these are : 1. The Interstate Commerce Commission investigation in 191 1 into the proposed increase in railroad freight rates. 2. The formation in New York, December, 191 1, of the Society to Promote the Science of Management. 3. The conference on scientific management at the Amos Tuck School of Administration and Finance at Dartmouth College, in October, 191 1. 4. Formation of the Efficiency Society in New York, in the spring of 19 12. 5. Congressional Committee's investigation and report on the Taylor and similar methods of scientific management in 1912. In addition to the above mentioned events there has been a general exploitation and discussion of the subject in nearly, if not all, of the trade journals, monthly magazines and society transactions, to say nothing of the newspaper reports, etc. All of this publicity has of course had its effect. Fortunately and justly, the majority of the articles and discussions have been favorable in their attitude. The few which have not been so were obviously written by per- FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 23 sons scanning the subject superficially or with distorted vision. I am sure that all the chief supporters and exponents of scientific management will join me in heartily inviting a thorough and impartial investigation of its principles and the results which follow a practical application of those prin- ciples. Such an investigation is the easiest, most logical and surest way of enlightening oneself on the subject. It is unfortunate that a number of would-be critics have appar- ently not made a thorough and impartial study of this sub- ject "on the ground." They have evidently passed the door and guessed as to what was within. They have a perfect right to guess, form their own opinions, etc., for their own personal satisfaction. When they attempt, however, to ex- ploit their supposed knowledge of the subject to the detri- ment, intentionally or otherwise, of those directly to be bene- fited by the adoption of scientific management, it is time they and their followers become enlightened. There are undoubtedly many "theorists" who believe that scientific management can be studied, rehearsed and memo- rized in the school room or library and "presto !" an effi- ciency engineer is born. It must be acknowledged that many efficiency engineers have sprung into the field in just this way. They are full of theory but not the theory, and without the practical knowledge of their subject or of men. Many theories may of course be formed by as many dif- ferent men. These theories but reflect the scope of each man's imagination or grasp of the fundamentals. There may be many theories as to scientific management, what it is, its scope, value, etc. That these theories vary so widely is but natural. They are due entirely to a lack of under- standing, or full comprehension of the fundamental prin- ciples. Mr. Fred W. Taylor defines scientific management as a combination of the following elements : A. "Science, not rule of thumb." B. "Harmony, not discord." 24 PRACTICE VS. THEORY C. "Co-operation, not individualism." D. "Maximum output in place of restricted output." E. "Development of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity." Many people consider the above combination of elements a theoretical proposition which works out easily on paper but will not resolve itself into a practical solution. Let us analyze Mr. Taylor's principles separately: A. "Science, not rule of thumb." There has been much criticism of the word "science" or "scientific" as applied to the problem of management. Many critics claim that there can be nothing scientific in works-management and that the word so used is incorrect. Webster's definition of science is : "Systematized knowledge of the conditions and relations of mind and matter; accepted facts and principles as demon- strated by induction, observation or experiment." If sys- tematized investigation and compilation of data pertaining to knowledge of the conditions and relations of mind and matter do not represent the most important feature of proper management, then what does? A common-sense method of proceeding with each piece of work is to find (a) What must be done. (&) What material used. (c) How must it be done. (d) With what tools. (7 day's work, a production can be realized which may be ex- pressed by 3 or 4 and sometimes much more. The difficulties in the way of remedying this condition while promoting harmony are very many. This statement may seem strange, but it is nevertheless true. In many cases the greatest objection comes from those who are eventually to be directly benefited by this change of condition. The average shop man presents another stumbling block by con- sidering- his own particular work more or less his private asset, of which the firm should know little or nothing. In other words, he feels that the more dependent the firm is upon him for information, the more secure his position with them will be. The fact is lost sight of that promotion is often denied a man because through lack of organization and knowledge on the part of the firm, he is forced to re- main in a minor position. When data of each man's ability is in the hands of the firm, advancement can be made com- mensurate with his ability without in any way tending to disrupt or retard his work or that of his department. In order to bring about this condition and establish a self-sus- taining organization, each incumbent of important posi- tions, including heads of departments, should train and have immediately under him a successor competent to take over his duties and responsibilities at a moment's notice. This condition can pertain to a small organization as well as to a large one. A man may often fulfill the duties of several positions where the duties of one do not require all of his daily time. C. Co-operation, Not Individualism This element in a general way can be considered in the same manner as harmony. Individualism in the ordinary form of management can be likened to co-operation under scientific management in much the same way as individual effort among a body of men can be compared to well-trained and highly-organized team work. Our modern professional baseball team is probably one of the greatest examples of scientific management before the world today. The fact is 38 PRACTICE VS. THEORY little realized by the thousands of enthusiastic fans who watch one of our league games. Great enthusiasm is often manifested over some startling or spectacular play on the part of an individual which may appear to be absolutely spontaneous. The truth of the matter is that the majority of such plays have been carefully worked out by long and tedious practice and intricate time studies. The result is that with the player on base and the ball in a certain part of the field, or in the hands of a pitcher about to be played, the success of the proposed play can almost invariably be predetermined. This has been brought down to an exact science. It may seem ridiculous to say that the modern battleship is handled and controlled by a planning department ; neverthe- less this is exactly true. The handling of a battery of large guns in record time and the percentage of hits which ten years ago seemed absolutely impossible, involves the co- operation of a great many different men. The use of highly perfected instruments, combined with the predetermined condition of the atmosphere, variations and speed of the wind, weight and condition of powder, etc., all enter into the problem. In the report of the battle of Santiago, our patriotic and enthusiastic populace marveled at the feats of gunnery and markmanship displayed by the United States battleships. The truth is that today it would be considered a most disgraceful exhibition. Only five per cent of the shots fired at Santiago reached the mark and at compara- tively short ranges. Today, under like conditions, from sixty-five to seventy-five per cent of the shots would reach their marks and at ranges mounting as high as eight or nine thousand yards, and at speeds double those involved in 1898. In industrial establishments like comparisons can be made. Investigation will show an immense amount of duplication between departments. Similar operations in like trades will be found to vary widely in method and more widely yet in time consumption. Each journeyman has his own particu- FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 39 lar idea of how his work should be prepared, how his tools should be forged or ground, and the condition of the ma- terial with which he works. Thus these elements become great variables because the whim and biased notions of the individual make them so. Standardization of these elements greatly simplifies them. Lack of unity of purpose and ideals results in the individual limiting himself and his chances of advancement as well as limiting that most vital of all in- terests, his earning power. Complete co-operation and unity of men, methods and equipment will revolutionize the entire tone and capacity of a plant. Where departmental functions, both as a whole and in detail, do not thoroughly dovetail into a harmonized whole, friction and disruption will exist. It is a well-known fact that we are not today, as a rule, turning out the high- class, all-around mechanics that we did years ago. The reason for this is obvious, although the remedy for it is not so obvious to the layman. There can be no dispute over the fact that scientific management favors the apprentice, handyman and journeyman rather than the firm itself. When organized labor realizes what scientific management actually is, they will find they have much more to gain by co-operation and acceptance of its principles than they can hope to gain by any other method. This statement can be easily proved by investigating the plants working today under its form of management. It may be well here to cite a remark made by the superin- tendent of a large and well-established industrial plant in the East. In speaking to one of our noted efficiency engineers of the work which was being accomplished, he said that his firm would be thoroughly satisfied if the only benefit they realized from scientific management was the increased wage and higher moral standing - of their men and the attendant prosperity which would accrue from the change. This state- ment expresses a sentiment which many of the laboring class cannot acknowledge exists on the part of the manu- 40 PRACTICE VS. THEORY facturer. Such sentiment is growing, however, and that the fact is not more fully realized by the working man is to be regretted. D. Maximum Output in Place of Restricted Output Reference has previously been made in this article to the ratio of production under ordinary management to that under scientific management. A great part of this is due, of course, to the change in organization, plant methods, etc. The balance is due to the increased effort and interest ex- hibited by the men, encouraged by a higher average of wage. The natural incentive on the part of the men is lack- ing unless all elements referred to are present. As soon as a betterment of condition has been realized, men are men- tally in a different attitude, and will naturally exert them- selves to earn the additional compensation. The demoralizing effect of incorrect rate setting cannot be over emphasized. It tends to promote a disposition to deceive and restrict output. Such a condition naturally breeds discontent and lack of confidence in the management. One must rely largely on the individual's tendency to better his own condition when the opportunity presents itself. When the man learns how to produce his maximum with the prospect of a definite and immediate reward, he finds more pleasure in his work. He is mentally in condition to aspire to do the best that is in him and he develops the natural pride which is more or less latent in everyone. E. Development of Each Man to His Greatest Efficiency and Prosperity This development comes as a natural result of the pre- ceding elements working in accord. The highly-trained and efficient men receiving a large weekly pay make better citizens than the inefficient and underpaid. They are en- abled to do better for their families, as to housing, clothing, and feeding them, and they are enabled to give their chil- FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 4 1 dren better education. There are many children of today denied the education that belongs to them with the result that their entire after-life is handicapped. They are denied the advancement and opportunities which are more and more becoming subject to the individual's mental develop- ment. If the little red schoolhouse is to represent one of our chief constitutional pillars in which we take so much pride, it must be supported by a high standard of American citizenship. What this really means can only be fully ap- preciated by the study of home conditions in a largely for- eign community employing low-g'rade and comparatively ignorant help. The development of a healthy mind and body while young is the only possible mainstay to a cosmo- politan nation such as this United States is growing into. As efficiency will bring about the increase in wages, so it will ultimately result in the decreased cost of the necessities of life. In other words, when we become universally ineffi- cient, both individually and collectively, in all walks of life ranging from the farm to the banking house, our net return per capita is going to be greatly increased. We must make radical changes in most of our traditional ways of doing things and we must realize a new standard of ideals. This can only be brought about by a long and painstaking course of hard knocks and experience. Stu- dents of this subject should study it from the practical standpoint and by close detailed investigation of its actual workings. It is not in any sense a subject to be learned trom books, but one which must be learned from close contact with and thorough understanding of the personal element involved. Only in this way can the psychological conditions be fully appreciated and understood. LECTURE IV "put your house in order" Up to the present time only a small minority of foundry- men have taken up scientific management to any great ex- tent. This may, perhaps, be due to the fact that the litera- ture on the subject has been devoted almost exclusively to ether branches of manufacture. The foundry offers fully as large a field for conservation of materials and human energy as does the steel mill, machine shop, printing house or textile mill. The foundryman is probably more or less familiar with what is being accomplished through the application of the science of management to trades other than the foundry. He may not realize what the adoption of such principles would mean to his own particular business. In treating this subject the writer confines himself strictly to the practical side of the question based upon his own actual experience, as he believes that the science of management can be most clearly interpreted when so specifically treated. The limits of this paper will not permit much detail, but it is hoped that an interest, commensurate with possible results, may be aroused from the foundryman's point of view. The preliminaries necessary to getting "your house in order" measure the results you can obtain. There is much to be considered before the detail of reorganization actually commences. This fact is too often overlooked, and partial or entire failure follows, because the foundation did not contain the essential factors. These prerequisites involve both the owner or stockholders upon the one hand, and the organizing engineer upon the other. They may be consid- ered under the following heads : Owners' responsibilities require : A. An intelligent general knowledge of the science of management in theory and in practice. 42 FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 43 B. An acquaintance with plants now running under such principles. C. A clear perception of their own plant conditions and organization in comparison with the more complex methods based upon the science of management. D. An understanding of the radical changes which must be made from the established conventions. E. A thorough investigation into the experience and qualifications of the organizing engineer. F. An absolute support and recognition of the authority of the organizing engineer, once he assumes his duties. G. A complete realization of the importance of the con- trolling factor, "time." The organizing engineer's responsibilities require : H. A preliminary inquiry into the business, plant, and owner's relations to same, as well as their conception of the science of management and their ability to see the installa- tion of such carried to completion. /. A report upon necessary changes which shall incor- porate recommendations and the probable improvements to accrue. /. A study of the personnel and plotting of the organiza- tion. K. A determination upon a method of procedure which shall expedite the reorganization along lines consistent with best permanent results, a minimum cost, and relief of great- est elements of inefficiency as soon as possible. L. The establishing of a self-sustaining organization, supported by clearly defined ideals, written instructions, au- tomatic reward for efficient work with the personal factor a paramount one. The above items cover the chief factors which demand serious consideration. Let us discuss them individually. 44 PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER A. An owner decides in an enthusiastic moment to put his plant under the new science of management. It is not sufficient. Such a decision should only be reached after a knowledge of indisputable facts and much calm reflection. He is making an investment, which, from first to last, will use a goodly amount of money and time. Suppose that he has an established prestige and a profitable business which has been in successful operation for years. He must not jeopardize it for an experiment. Of course, there are many cases where the financial statements of a company's condi- tion show a profit where quite the reverse is true; but for argument's sake, let us assume that a concern is prosperous and has been "making money" for a majority of the years it has been in existence. That fact does not prove that it is going to continue to do so. Present-day business condi- tions are rapidly changing. Our old margins of profits are disappearing. New factors are constantly springing up within the field of competition. Today it is a new tariff schedule, tomorrow a wave of unrest in the Labor world. Furthermore, we are getting more and more wasteful. We have enjoyed too much prosperity. Labor gives us less work per hour, paid for at an ever increasing price. Why ? We have grown too big to watch the small details. We have grown too fast to take the time to train skilled help. We have lost the personal touch which was the small own- er's greatest asset. The destructive result is inefficiency; and it is a germ which continues to grow and multiply until its prevalence ruins a company. Only drastic measures will eliminate it. The owner must consider his problem dispassionately. He is facing the inevitable if his competitors grasp at the solu- tion first. What is the answer? It can be found by those methods which develop the personal touch, grasp of detail, control of materials, accurate knowledge of all the variables affecting any business and maximum prosperity through high wages for the rank and file. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 45 B. That this answer has been proved can be established by a visit to many plants running under the science of man- agement. There are enough of them to afford ample op- portunity for the study of its workings under prevailing manufacturing conditions. They are old, established plants, prosperous before the installation of such methods, bur doubly so now. That does not necessarily mean a doubling of the net profits, though such is true in some cases. An increased prosperity is realized through several factors : (a) Greater profits. (b) Satisfied customers, hence more staple and steady source of orders. (c) Less nomadic and better satisfied labor due to higher wages and better' shop conditions which results in an absence of labor troubles. (d) Ability to safely and intelligently meet fair competi- tion through efficient manufacturing methods and accurate cost records. It is hoped that each person interested will verify for him- self the conditions existing in plants running under scien- tific management. A day spent in each, of several so or- ganized, would be of advantage to any owner. Such firms rather invite a study of their conditions. The owner con- templating the adoption of methods founded upon the prin- ciples of scientific management, owes to himself and his associates all the advantages that can come from an intelli- gent study of these methods in actual operation. C. That you may compare the ordinary foundry with its possibilities under correct methods, let me draw you a pic- ture of a foundry as it actually appears under such methods. The first impression one receives is that no one, from the office boy to the laborer, seems in a hurry, yet each is busy. This is quite contrary to imagined conditions. Though there is no apparent hurry, each one has plenty to do and everything is moving along at a high speed. The individual has specific duties, and his written instructions cover every 46 PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER detail of his work. He makes few false moves. He is paid more than he could get in any shop run under old lines. There are operations being performed at an unheard of speed. For example, here is a man making 66o*cor5es per day when formerly 1 50 was a day's production. There are 90 crank cases a day from one pattern that the best foundry and pattern shop talent said could not exceed 40. Castings are poured under pyrometer control, material taken to and from the men. One sees specially trained men, not molders, pouring difficult molds successfully. The time study men are making analyses of operations on a job and timing each with a stop watch. Do the men object? They did at first, but they receive a bonus of 25 per cent of their wages while they are being timed and they realize that when the correct time has been established they make more money on that job because of the bonus attached. Now let us look at the indirect elements which are re- sponsible for this production and the smooth running of the shop. Chief of these is the planning room, or "brains of the shop." The several important functional men em- ployed through and about the shop are : 1. Production clerk. 2. Route clerk. 3. Order-of-work clerk. 4. Schedule clerk. 5. Time study foreman. 6. Material foreman. The planning room organization, combined with their shop representatives, remove much of the detail that is or- dinarily delegated to shop foremen and gang bosses. The first mentioned few men are specially trained to several branches of the work necessary to the official operation of a plant. They are all specialists. Their duties are carefully defined and responsibility for every detail is definitely placed. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 47 Briefly, the work of the planning room staff is as follows : 1. The production clerk is the head of the planning room. He is held responsible for those under him and their work. He sees to the proper distribution of charges of all labor routed to the shops. He supervises the ordering of material; also cost and stores records and other general details. 2. The route clerk routes all work to the shops by means of work orders and distributes this work to the proper benches, machines or men by means of the planning board, a duplicate of part of which is in each department. He does not, however, have anything to do with the "order of work" or of the records of its condition in process. 3. The order-of-work clerk is responsible for the cor- rect processing of all work in the shops and the maintenance of shipping date schedules. He plans the order in which operations at each bench or machine are performed so as to finally bring the component parts of the work for each order through on a given date. 4. The schedule clerk keeps the process schedule, issues the daily schedule and job tally sheets to the shop, and in conjunction with the order-of-work clerk checks and follows up details of work in process. These two men also control the orders for overtime work that may from time to time be necessary to maintain shipping promises. 5. The shop methods are controlled by the time study foreman. He is responsible for the time study work. This includes the analysis of all operations, the fixing of times, computation of bonus and the instruction of the employees until they can meet the bonus production called for. He is also responsible for the instruction cards. These cards are the final detail record of the standardized practice as finally determined after the study of conditions and completion of time studies. Part of the times are covered on the standard time sched- ule of sub-elemental operation times. These times apply to all jobs. Only a few of the operations in a new job have 48 PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER to be timed. The bonus for a given production is obtained directly from the author's standard differential bonus sheets. These sheets show the bonus figures for any one of fifteen classes of labor for any production. 6. The material foreman, under orders from the planning room, or through the routing specified on the work orders, controls the movement of all material in process. This ap- plies to everything. The workmen or their helpers are not allowed to go after the material they are to use. Neither are they allowed to deliver it to the next destination after they are through with their part of the work. In a foundry this applies to delivery of sand, chills, wire, nails, core plates, flasks, cores, metal (pouring gang), movement of castings, etc. In fact, all material to be moved is in charge of the material foreman. This applies from the time it is ready to move the first time until it has reached its final destination. D. It can be readily seen that the division of responsibi- lities as above outlined must tend to much greater plant efficiency of operation than can be realized by holding each foreman responsible for his part of all these things. The development of an organization as above outlined must of course impress the older regime as more or less radical. This is obvious. At the same time, the method of procedure affects the smoothness of operations during the period of transition. The responsibility for this is up to the organiz- ing engineer. E. We come now to the selection of a competent en- gineer, expert in the use of methods based upon the prin- ciples of the science of management. He should be a man of varied shop experience and have a thorough knowledge of business. He must know men and be able to appreciate the psychological influence in dealing with them. The en- tire problem is one of education ; and success can only be obtained through a capacity which will control the ever- varying human factor while the new order is being estab- lished. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 49 F. The successful issue lies with the engineer, but the management must support his authority to the limit. The owner cannot be too careful in the choice of an expert, but once a choice has been made, stand firmly by him. The moral effect of this attitude will remove half the obstacles ordinarily met. G. The element of time is the essential agent which pro- duces results. The length of time required to put any given plant on a sound basis of efficiency can be but roughly esti- mated. Each plant offers its own problems and each prob- lem must be met and disposed of according to varying cir- cumstances. Many indirect influences have a heavy bearing upon the situation. As a general proposition, the small plant will require at least between two and three years. The larger and more complex the plant, a correspondingly longer time is neces- sary. What three years would do for one concern would take six to do in another. The tendency is too often to rush the work. Many failures have resulted from just this cause. Owners contemplating the installation of the new methods should bear this in mind and profit by the experience of those who have been successful in their results. Build the foundations slowly if need be, but absolutely surely. H. We have contemplated the chief points to be consid- ered by the owner. The organizing engineer assumes the larger responsibility when he undertakes the successful re- organization of any plant. He should make a careful in- vestigation of the existing executive management, the offi- cial and shop personnel, the physical plant and methods. It is not safe to assume that because a plant is not run upon recognized scientific principles that it is inefficient. If this fact is overlooked, the organizer may find a condition where his services are not needed to make material improvements. There are some lines of business which, on account of their simplicity or peculiarities, can be little improved. In any case, conservative, sane and explicit information as to the possibilities should be given. The organizer must be 50 PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER sure that the principals thoroughly understand all that is involved and are in a position to see the changes carried out. /. When a complete understanding has been reached with the owners, a preliminary report should be submitted, deal- ing with the unusual conditions or glaring inefficiencies. Immediate attention should be directed to such and a remedy for same found at once. By prompt recognition of such details, not only may large savings begin, but they may make the installation of the new methods pay for their own expense. This item of cost is in many cases an important one. A realization of the fact by the engineer often enables him to carry on the work on a scale which will not prove a burden to his client. In cases where the ultimate savings are doubt- ful, in consideration of the cost of the change, the facts should be so clearly stated that a misunderstanding on the part of the client would be impossible. Such cases will be rare. In most cases the final, direct and indirect savings will be many times the cost of installing the modern methods. Furthermore, the gain is a permanent one and the return will be felt for years. An efficient and permanent organization is as much if not decidedly more of an asset than so much plant. An- drew Carnegie once said that could he retain his organiza- tion, the loss of his plants would not be fatal; he could in a short time replace the latter and outstrip his competitors. /. The next step for the engineer is to thoroughly study the available human material and plan his organization to use it. In a plant of any size there is enough material to fill all requirements. The men will have to be trained, tried out, shifted and tried again. It will be the exception who is not finally placed satisfactorily. A great asset of the old employee is that he does not need to be taught the details of the particular business. Other requisites being at all equal, he is the better choice. The organizer must exercise extreme care, patience and tact in establishing the new line-up. He has to contend with FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 5 I petty jealousies, age, term of services and similar obvious conditions. One of the most difficult situations is the neces- sity for changing the incumbents of more important posi- tions. This is especially so in cases where he may have to put a man into a place of less importance, but which he is pre-eminently fitted to fill. There is an old saying, "A new broom sweeps clean," but the writer has never found it necessary to prove the adage. There are cases where one is obliged to remove an old em- ployee, but it is the exception rather than the rule — if the reorganization is carefully planned and built up. Just here a word about the organization record might not be amiss. The record contains a complete set of all instructions covering in detail the duties of each member of the organization. A new incumbent in any position needs but to study them to become thoroughly familiar with his duties. Too much stress cannot be laid upon the importance of these records. They assure the maintenance of details and routine long after the organizer has completed his work. They are an asset to the firm because they show how and why each detail is handled in a certain way. No man needs miss promotion because no one else can step into his job. Neither can an employee "corner" his services because he alone knows his particular part of the work and so thinks he is indispensable. Such a man cannot be dispensed with too soon. This record is for reference of all department heads and they are invited to use it freely to familiarize themselves with the new order as the work progresses. K. The order of procedure in working out detail in methods depends wholly on the local plant conditions. There can be no hard and fast rule. Each problem must be met in a different way. No two plants are suffering from exactly the same measure of the same elements of ineffi- ciency. One plant, though very inefficient, may have a highly developed stores system. Another may have no stores system at all. One plant may know its costs and another not. A congestion of orders may be a great handi- 52 PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER cap and again the difficulty lies in an inability to get ma- terial when wanted. All these combinations have to be treated as they occur. Each kind of business offers its own likely chances for inefficiency. One of the greatest elements in any business is the labor proposition. No matter how good your plant, how economical your furnaces, how much material you may have, the man is what counts. Plant, furnaces, materials! Absolutely use- less without the human agency. As stated before, labor is giving us less work per hour for a steadily increasing wage. This condition is going to grow worse for some time to come. The reasons are too well known to need discussion. We must consider the remedy. L. "Put your house in order." Build up an adequate and self-sustaining organization. No iron-clad system and fixed detail of method can be generally applied. The true science of management lies not in a definite set of forms or ?. standard line of procedure. The fundamental principles remain constant. The sys- tem, forms, etc., are but a means to an end. The entire combination, to be effective, must realize certain results. .In addition to a self-sustaining organization supported by written instructions, subject to revision to suit ever-chang- ing conditions, we must automatically reward each employee for work well and efficiently performed. He must not be left to his own devices. All the elements of his work must be under absolute control. To do this the personal factor must be recognized as paramount. This condition can be realized by fair and competent management, and the co- operation of the rank and file will be obtained permanently. Give a generous bonus in addition to the day wage, for a good day's work well done. You will have a better satisfied and higher standard of employee. Your house will be in order. LECTURE V FIRST ESSENTIALS 1-A. Preliminary Investigation. 1-B. The Form of Organization. 1-C. The Organization Record. This lecture will discuss the above subjects, following closely Chapter I of the text. Examples of experiences with other plants will also be brought in to emphasize important points. 53 LECTURE VI DEPARTMENTAL FUNCTIONS 2-A. Functions of the Sales Department and Counting Room. 2-B. Functions of the Engineering Room. 2-C. Functions of the Drafting Room. This lecture will treat of the above subjects, closely following Chapter II of the text. 54 LECTURE VII DRAFTING ROOM METHODS VII. Drafting Room Instructions. VIII. Instructions for Drawing and Sketch Indexes. XXXI. Shop and Drawing Boys' Instructions. This lecture will discuss the several instructions referred to above, which instructions form part of the Appendix of the text. The object of reviewing instructions is to enable the student to understand the way in which instructions are drawn up in detail to cover the functions of certain departments. 55 LECTURE VIII PLANNING ROOM 3-A. Planning Department. 3-B. Duties of the Superintendent. 3-C. Functions of the Planning Department. 3-D. The Production Clerk. The above subjects will be discussed, following closely part of Chapter III of the text. 56 LECTURE IX PLANNING ROOM INSTRUCTIONS X. Production Clerk's Instructions. XL Planning Department Monthly Report. The above instructions will be covered in detail, following the Appendix of the text for the instructions mentioned. 57 LECTURE X planning room (continued) 3-E. The Shop Engineer. 3-F. The Stores Clerk. 3-G. The Cost Clerk. 3-H. The Route Clerk. 3- 1 . The Order-of-Work Clerk. 3- J. The Shipping Clerk. 3-K. The Receiving Clerk. 3-L. The Time Clerk. 3-M. The Schedule Clerk. The above subjects will be discussed in continuance of the de- scription of the detail work handled by different functionaries located in the planning room, or working in conjunction with it. This lecture will follow that part of Chapter III of text indicated above. 58 LECTURE XI planning room ( continued) 3-N. The Factory Mail System. 3-0. The Time Boy. 3-P. The Inspector. 3-Q. The Stores Keeper. 3-R. The Move Material Boss. XXXI. Inspector's Instructions. This lecture will discuss the above subjects, completing Chapter III of the text not already covered. This lecture will also include a discussion of Inspector's Instructions XXXI, forming part of Appen- dix of the text, page 281. 59 LECTURE XII ROUTING AND CONTROL OF WORK 4-A. The Routing of Work Through the Shops. 4-B. Symbols (For further reference see "Symbols" published by the author in early 1917). The above subjects will be discussed, following closely part of Chapter IV of the text. 60 LECTURE XIII ROUTING AND CONTROL OF WORK (continued) 4-C. The Functions of the Material Boss. 4-D. The Functions of the Order-of-Work Clerk. 4-E. Gang Bosses. 4-F. The Speed Boss, This lecture will complete the discussion of the remaining part of Chapter IV of the text. 61 LECTURE XIV ROUTING AND CONTROL OF WORK (continued) XIV. Anticipating Requirements both as to Rough Material, Machining Operations and Assembly. XV. Order-of-Work Clerk's Instructions. XVI. Movement of Batches in Installments. XVII. Route Rack Signals. This lecture will be confined to discussing the details of the in- structions mentioned above, forming part of the Appendix of the text. 62 LECTURE XV STORES, LABOR AND COST 5-A. The Creation of a Stores. Department, the Methods of Classifying and Housing all Material (Rough or Fin- ished) not in Process of Manufacture, and the Order- ing of Stores either to be Purchased Elsewhere or to be Made in the Shops. 5-B. The Perpetual Inventory or Stores Ledger, showing how it is kept up to date and checked to always agree with the Actual Stock. The above subjects will be discussed following the outline as given in part of Chapter V of the text. The student is referred to the author's "Predetermination of Prices" for a further insight into the controlling elements necessary in connection with costing. 63 LECTURE XVI stores, labor and cost (continued) S-C. The Means used to get Correct Returns for all Times expended on work, whether as expense or as productive Labor, including Operation Times. 5-D. The Combined Cost and Route Sheet, and the Methods Employed to Distribute and Collate all Material and Labor Charges as well as Overhead Expense. This lecture will complete the discussion of this subject as out- lined in Chapter V of the text. 64 LECTURE XVII INDIRECT COSTS 4- A. Expense Symbols. 4-B. Expense Distribution. 4-C. Distribution of Burden. 4-D. Erroneous Methods of Distribution. 4-E. Differential Process Rate Method. 4-F. Undistributed Burden. The above subjects are treated in detail and reprinted complete from Chapter IV of the author's "Predetermination of Prices." Figures re- ferred to have been omitted and the student is referred to the above mentioned book for further information. INDIRECT EXPENSE The third element of true cost presents a more intricate problem to solve, because the items of indirect costs are less easy to determine and control than the direct items of labor and material. The direct items are incurred by a specific job and charged to that job, but the indirect items are incidental to' all jobs as a whole, since they cover administrative, financial, sales and operating outlay. The majority of the indirect expense must remain nearly con- stant irrespective of the volume of business. A small part of the expense is a variable and can be controlled as neces- sity arises. To separate the variable or partly controllable factors from the more constant factors, it is essential to make a comprehensive analysis of all indirect expense. When such an analysis has been made the need of adopt- ing a differential process rate or differential burden method of distribution will be obvious. 4-A. Expense Symbols A typical expense distribution chart is shown in Fig. 1 6. The figure shows a chart somewhat amplified and more complete than the ordinary business would require. The amplification is purposely carried out to make the application more general and to better illustrate the method. 65 66 EXPENSE SYMBOLS For convenience, a typical list of X accounts, showing the subjects they cover, is given. The following X symbols should only be used in combination with the plant symbol A, B, C, etc., or a department symbol 1A to 1Z. (See Fig- i 5-) XI. Salary of managers, superintendents, department heads. X2. Clerical wages. X3. Other labor. X4. Supplies. X5. Maintenance of buildings and structures. X6. Maintenance of equipment, furniture and fixtures. Subdivided by machines, etc. (See Table I.) XT. Care of plant (AX7) or department indicated. X8. Miscellaneous expense, not supplies. X9. Miscellaneous small tool expense. X10. Experimental and test expense. Xll. Fuel. X12. Maintenance of electrical equipment. X13. Maintenance of air compressors and piping. X14. Maintenance of boiler, stacks and accessories. X15. Maintenance of steam and water piping outside of boiler and engine room. X16. Maintenance of oil pumps. X17. Maintenance of heating system. X18. Advertising. X19. Traveling expense. X20. Maintenance of motor cars and trucks. X21. Pattern and flask expense. X22. Sand. X23. Injuries to employees. X24. Acetylene expense. X25. Inventory expense. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 67 X26. Crucibles and pots. X27. Replacement of stock chills. X28. Electricity purchased outside. X29. Gas. X30. Freight and express. X31. Defective material and workmanship, and main- tenace of contracts. X32. All bad work expense not belonging- to X31. X33. To X49 inclusive may be used to cover any specific needs of a business. X51. Legal expense. X52. Insurance. X53. Taxes. X54. Depreciation. X55. Interest. X56. Oxidation. Each of these groups have numbered items similar to XI to X56 inclusive. General Expense GAX. General administrative expense. " GBX. General sales expense. GCX. General comptrollers and fi- nance expense. GLX. General laboratory expense. GOX. General operating expense. GPX. General purchasing expense. It should be noted that X32, bad work expense, may include bad accounts under GCX32 and unearned burden under GBX32. This list is only typical and suggestive. The division of the burden should be sufficiently complete to cover all of the divisions of expenses desired. Always use one sequence of symbols. To properly summarize ex- pense, we must be able to show the different symbols at the left of the sheet and in each department column to the right interpolate figures that apply to each department and for each expense symbol. Each X symbol means the same thing all the way across the sheet. Many departments will use only a few of these numbers, while others will use per- haps half or more. 68 DISTRIBUTION OF BURDEN 4-B Expense Distribution Cost sheets are opened for each department. Each col- umn of each department's set of sheets is devoted to the X symbol used by that department. The end of the month the sum of these sheets drawn off by X numbers is posted to the indirect expense symbol summary sheet illustrated in Fig. 15. The vertical footings of the indirect expense symbol sum- mary sheet represent the total indirect expenditures for each department for the month. The cross additions of each X account represents the total expense for each X sym- bol for each month. The vertical footing of the extreme right-hand total column must agree with the cross-footing of the totals at the bottom of the sheet. From the analysis sheet above described (Fig. 15) the total departmental expense for each period, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly, is determined. It is not sufficient, how- ever, to prorate these departmental total expenses by means of a burden without separating or further distributing item X6 (Maintenance of Equipment). It is possible that in cer- tain kinds of business or in a plant having but little machin- ery, or perhaps apparatus of but one size or type and costing approximately the same, the sum total of the departmental expenses would give a distribution close enough. This con- dition does not ordinarily obtain, however, so it becomes necessary to separate the equipment burden, and recognize the wide range in the cost of operation and expense incident to the various tools and apparatus. Each piece of machinery, equipment or work point should have its individual burden or differential process rate deter- mined as in 4-D. 4-C. Distribution of Burden Table I illustrates equipment expense summarized by months and covering one year. The amounts opposite each machine symbol represent the total monthly equipment charge made up of the items listed in the preceding para- graph, plus X6 expense charges. These totals, divided by FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 69 the nominal number of hours for each machine, represent the machine rate or burden. This nominal rate is determined by assuming that each machine should operate on a fair aver- age basis of so many hours per month or year. The class of business, of course, governs how this is determined. Let us take for example a plant running one shift of 10 hours, based on 300 working days per year. The normal full working capacity would then be equivalent to 3000 machine hours per year per machine. It cannot, of course, be fig- ured that on an average each machine will work the full 3000 hours. The records of the business will indicate what per cent is a fair figure to use, in determining how many hours to divide for each month into the total machine ex- pense, to determine the machine burden per hour. The same basis is used where a plant runs 24 hours divided into several shifts. On a basis of 3000 hours maximum per year, or 250 hours per month, we can assume for illustration that each machine should average an operating time of 80% or 200 hours per month. This 200 hours divided into the total machine expense (see 4-B) represents the machine hourly burden. It may be well to mention at this point that in the event any or all of the machines are working their full allotted time, the actual direct hours can be divided into the expense for that period. Some firms make no allowance for less than 100% capacity, but use the full number of yearly hours as a basis. On the other hand, if the machines operate less than the fair average amount of time, we cannot use a higher burden by dividing each month's cost by a greatly reduced number of hours. If this is clone, the result will be an excessive burden per hour. It is not necessary, of course, to always figure the 8o>% or full running time used in the example above. Some classes of equipment or some kinds of business might make it desirable to use a some- what smaller percentage, and vice versa. In the event, however, that only half of the accepted percentage was run on a machine, or a lot of machines for a period, it would 7 o x6 ANALYSIS m < w O r> no oa^t- vo NO VO NO O t>. r^ "*i^ o\ 10 on.-h coco-* rf tON On 00 CM -CM CM CO O ■VOtN.fH l^CMCM*-"* .10 • • <"5 •CM • -CM I^ ■<*■ r^ NO CO t^ -Tt-NOCM O • .-iCM cm I-H CM NOVO . . NO^ONO • • 00 Tf VO .-Hi-HCNJ • -1^ • • • • vo • • vo -COCM 3 :K : : .i-H . TO vo 00 vo 00 fi .— 1 CM 00 CM ir> • • CM • -CM • • CM • rj- • • . • O ■ • - • • -oo • no • -co • Tj" • • cm 00 00 CM COO r-iO-tON© ... .On • • . .10 NO • • -CM ,-H • • • TT 00 CO -CM • CM ■*■ -CM • • • . ONt-< VO • -On O • -NO • • : :° : : . . .Tt- OOCMCM -NO CVJ ^t "=t- • vo O00 OOCM • NOt^ NO^t • •CM • ■ • •rfr . . . ON • • • • • -NONOO • -CM -ON I-H NO ^}- . . . . 00 ... . NO • • • • VO • • • • ■ 00 • © • •CM -t^ • 00 ... - CM ... . t^ • • • • • • • • CM • • -00 rj- • • -CM : : :g$ : CM -NO • • t^ • VO • • • • • -CM O • • 00 no O • -CMl^ CM • • • • NOCM -CM CO i-h © •■* 'sf . • • .Tf ... -oo 00 • ■ -22 CM • • ■© ■«*• • On O On NO -CMr-i CM CO • • • -00CM : : : :$> cm -r^Q • 99 .... 1 28 .42 42 i. - 2i .70 1 06 56 .31 5.50 84 54 40 .... 1 4.45 8 rj- CO • ■ • •r^ • • • • NO • • • ■ • CMVO • 00 • • • • CM • • ■ • X6-B1 1 X6-B2 X6-B3 X6-B4 X6-B5 X6-B6 X6-B7 X6-B8 X6-D1 X6-D2 X6-D3 X6-D4 X6-D5 1 X6-D6 1 X6-D7 X6-D8 X6-D9 X6-D10 X6-D11 X6-D12 X6-D13 X6-D14 X6-D1S X6-D16 X6-D17 FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 71 « ®CKm>HO OON • CN • CM CM tv. l>» ©s ""^ ^ ""^ ^ "1 :$ 10 vo • ■ ■ O :R TJ-^h »- ^t" m I ONOOOv^ OOOOO J OOOOO VO vo vo vo vo i vo vo vo ^-> "O OOOOW vi vi vivo vo xxxxx ! xxxxx ; xxxxx y- 1 (M Ci T}- ""> vo vo vo vo vo k> k> *v* 'v' h*" 1 k> k> k> k> ri n m rS n 72 X6 ANALYSIS 3 ja e o U W J CO u-> VO *— i o CM lO ON • O 30 OO ■«-■ M ^•r^ c\ — • ■<*• ■ • • • Tf • CM -O • • -3- "-H • 00 -^t -i-H CM -t^ -O NO^t" 00 • • t^ ■* u-> • • . . . .Tj- CM •r^ ■ • • • -i-i -co • -NO -r-i • u->00 • • •■* ON • • i!o6 ... -CM CM ... . ^ . . . . co NO ON • «— i t^t^ CO -CO CM • • • . .00 •00 • ■ o\ •CM • -i-H . ,— 1 . . . • r^ • • ■ OM-^ oo • • . CM . . . •Tfr . . . CO • • • "* O • • • to ■v© .vo • • • CO • • • •>*• • -com CM • • OiO • o • • • -co • • • R : : : : CM • • -CM CM • • O -00 •»-< t^ -CM • u"i CO -CM -co • oo o -oo •COIN • ON t>. OV • • ■ — i CM • • • co -CM -00 ^h . n- ..t-h • oo • • • •CM • • • . . . .u-> ... .NO •r-, xn • ... -On • .00 •■* • -CM -00 CM no • • • vONO • • • : : : :jg • • -^ i-HCM • • • • • • -t^ . ... co co ... . CM ... . CM -CM • • •in • • ■ • Tt- • • • . .NO -—I • .co • vo . . . . CO CM • • • • . . .T-l . . . . NO • • • -ON • • CM • Tt • . Tj- • r-H On ••• • m • • • • ■ -t>. -o • . -^- -ON ■ • T_l -,— ' - ; ; ; ; CM • CM — i • --h -^r o • •CO • -CM • CM • • T • ! • -CM ,-. . . . . ,-H • NO- . . . -co • -Tf -NO • -00 'W> rvj ... • Ch ... . NO -CM -CM co -i-i -00 X6-L11 X6-L12 X6-L13 X6-L14 X6-L15 X6-L16 X6-L17 X6-L18 X6-L19 X6-L20 r-i CM CO -rh io CM CM CM CM CM NO NO NO NO NO k> k> k> k> k>t NOt^oo_ cm NO NO NO NO NO K> k> k> k> k> AnnMrS co tJ-io vot^ NO NO VO NO NO AnnnrS FREDERIC A. PARK HURST 73 o U rt tOt-iONm -noofOON r^ • lo oo ■— i ■* co co to vo i— no ■LO • 7—1 T-l • -00 vo^£ • •< ro v0 • •> vo vo vo vo vo k> k> k> k> s> ri n n A n 1— 1 C 1 fO •**■ LO v© VO VO VO VO VO t^ 00 ,— I (V) Pl, P-, Cm coco VO *0 VO vo VO xxxxx ^O^OVO^^Oi VO VO vo ^o vo K> k > k> k> k> I k> k> k> k> k> n rS m n rS I •% rS rS rN rN 74 x6 ANALYSIS ::::: 1 ' : ; 3 • •00 co cm -^r . . .10 . . . .© . • 1— i • (O O • • . • ■: . . .vo . 1 : : : : : ' :& :« : :3 : :5? 2"2;^cnco X6-T4 X6-T5 X6-T6 X6-T7 .51 X6-W1 X6-W2 X6-W3 X6-W4 X6-W5 X6-W6 .04 ** a & FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 75 not be fair to charge against cost, double the amount of burden. The disposition of undistributed (or unearned) burden is discussed in 4-F. The limiting of the machine hour burden or other burden rates to a maximum amount, which must not be exceeded, applies equally to departmental or other burden distribution. In the event that a plant is running very slack and pro- ducing large amounts of stock, the use of the actual burden, for low capacity, would result in an excessive cost and a false inventory value. It is not fair or equitable to use fig- ures so obtained as part of the inventory. If the undis- tributed burden is of such proportion that it offsets the profit on the amount of work done for the period, it is en- tirely a general business loss and one which the writer con- tends should ordinarily be shown as a sales expense. In making such a statement, it is realized that general condi- tions would have to be taken into consideration and allow- ances made for "seasonable" variation in sales, spirit of the times, etc. When the burden chargeable to machines has been de- ducted, the balance of the departmental expense must be distributed on a basis of so much per direct hour. This is determined by dividing the direct hours departmentally, as shown by the operating statement, into the indirect ex- pense, after substracting that part prorated as a process rate or pound burden (as some foundry departments should be prorated). These burdens, except the pound burden, should all be distributed on a productive hour basis. Occasionally one will find departments which will require a still different basis of prorating. For example, in a foun- dry where certain of the department expenses and costs of operation are directly in proportion to the weight handled, such departmental expenses must be prorated on the pound burden basis. Other foundry indirect expense, however, should be prorated at so much per direct hour. A complete operation anlysis makes such facts evident at a glance, and the indirect expense can be separated both by items and departments, so as to isolate those which must be distributed y6 DISTRIBUTION OF BURDEN by one method from those which must be distributed b; another method. It is axiomatic that no one method can give correct results in a business of any size, where one has a great variety of product or has several departments and a variety of equipment. After the indirect expense distribution has been worked out to show the actual amount of money for each depart- ment prorated against each order group, these amounts should be posted to the operating statement (Fig. 16). Each order group should also show departmentally the bur- den rate figured for the period. All of these figures appear in the third section of the operating statement entitled "In- direct Expenses." Fig. 16 does not show the various rates of burdens for want of space. It should be understood, however, that the differential process rate is the correct method to use. Under each order group there may, and probably will be, several burden rates. These should be expressed as departmental hourly burden, or process rate burden, or pound burden rate, or possibly a general expense burden rate and a sales expense burden rate. Ordinarily the writer believes in including the general and sales ex- pense in the total departmental burden, so as to have as few rates as possible. All of the several hourly burden rates may be added to the machine burden rate, or process rate, to get one total hourly burden rate for each machine or process point. Any pound or piece burden rate would, of course, remain separate. In distributing burden, the orders (F) covering better- ments and additions to factory, land, etc., and the orders (P) covering additions and betterment to plant equipment each carry their proportion of burden. It should be borne in mind that work on these order groups should be con- sidered productive, or direct labor, as far as the depart- ments are concerned that do the work. They should carry their burden just as though they were made on an order chargeable to a customer. It is sometimes desirable, how- ever, to use a burden rate which does not include the mini- mum profit factor for the F and P orders, so as to hold FREDERIC A. PARKHURST JJ down the increase in the property account and not show an excessive asset. After deducting any burden so prorated to the F and P orders, the remainder of the departmental burden is apportioned to the main order groups. When the amounts covering the indirect expense pro- rated to the various order groups, departmentally, have been distributed, these total amounts are carried out to the A, B, etc. order totals column (see Fig. 16) to the right; and into the grand total column at the extreme right of the operating statement. The grand total indirect expense transposed into the bracket at the right completes the second and last main item to compose true costs. The sum of the direct cost plus the sum of indirect costs equals true costs, and balance with the control accounts indentified by depart- ment symbols. To summarize : The department expense sheet, with a column devoted to each expense symbol affect- ing that department, gives the summary per month. This summary is prepared so as to get departmental, machine, process and pound burden amounts of expense so that the differential process rates can be determined for that period. To repeat, for emphasis, these rates must be determined by using as a basis a fair number of productive hours for the period based on the plant conditions. Rates beyond this fair average must not be used if excessive, thus giving a false cost. An undistributed burden should be considered a sales department expense. The sum of the different de- partmental burdens represent one total amount (in dollars and cents) for the period. This amount is itemized by order groups and appears as a summarized distribution on the operating statement (Fig. 16). 4-D. Erroneous Methods of Distributing Indirect Expense The most common methods of distributing burden are by percentage, by flat hourly rate or by straight pound rate as used in the average foundry. The percentage basis of distribution is perhaps one of the most common, and also one of the most unreliable methods possible to con- ceive. For argument's sake, assume that a burden fixed on 78 DISTRIBUTING INDIRECT EXPENSE the percentage basis is 100% of the direct wages, then a distribution of 6 cents per hour burden to a 6-cent appren- tice is made, a burden of 20 cents an hour to a 20-cent man or 40 cents an hour to a 40-cent man. The true facts of the case show that it costs fully as much for floor space, heat, light and superintending for the apprentice as for the 20-cent, 30-cent or 40-cent man. The cost of supervision, wear and tear on tools and other equipment is probably more in fact for the low-priced help than it is for the higher paid journeyman or skilled workman. On a per- centage basis, the apprentice boy's work bears only a small part of the burden which he actually incurs, while the 40 cents an hour skilled workman's job is being charged with more of the burden than he incurs. The percentage basis of distribution takes no cognizance of the machine hour rate, which distributes a few cents an hour on an inexpen- sive tool and possibly a dollar or two on large tools. With this variable undivided, the percentage distribution is fur- ther thrown out of balance, so that any figures obtained by the use of percentages are most unreliable. To further illustrate the argument, assume that a burden of 100% is what the percentage figures show, which means that for the various rates mentioned, the following cost, exclusive of material, exists. $.06 per Hour $.30 per Hour $.40 per Hour 10 hours $.60 $3.00 $4.00 100% burden 60 3.00 4.00 Total $1.20 $6.00 $8.00 Another erroneous method of distribution is the blanket rate based on productive hours. Here is an error not so glaring as the percentage basis, but one which also fails to take into consideration the variance of the burden due to the different equipment involved. Neither does it take into consideration the fact that part of the burden should be distributed on one basis and part on another basis. Using FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 79 the same examples as given above, but prorating at say 30 cents per hour burden, the result shows below. $.06 per Hour $.30 per Hour $.40 per Hour 10 hours $.60 $3.00 $4.00 Burden at $.30 3.00 3.00 3.00 Total $3.60 $6.00 $7.00 The wide difference in the costs, exclusive of material, shown by the two preceding sets of examples illustrates that there is something radically wrong with one method, at least. Now let us assume the three conditions under the method of distribution, being described herein. A correct departmental burden and a machine hourly burden have been determined by analysis. Assume further that the de- partmental burden is 12 cents per hour and that the work is being done on a machine with a burden of 40 cents per hour, a cost comparison would stand as follows : $.06 per Man $.30 per Man $.40 per Man 10 hours labor $ .60 $3.00 4.00 1.20 $4.00 10 hours machine rate. 10 hours dept. rate 4.00 1.20 4.00 1.20 Total $5.80 $8.20 $9.20 In considering the last problem, it should be borne in mind that the department is operating while the job is being processed ; likewise, the machine time shows that the departmental and machine rate for the same number of hours spent on that job must of necessity be the same whether the job is done by a 6-cent, 30-cent or 40-cent an hour man. Of course, under the best type of manage- ment, a 40-cent man is not put on a 6-cents-an-hour job, or vice versa, under usual conditions. Any concern, however, employing a large number of men is likely to find during periods of business depression that it is necessary to use a higher priced man on work requiring less skilled labor, in 80 DISTRIBUTING INDIRECT EXPENSE order to keep the man employed. In many such cases the labor charged to the job is charged at the rate which the grade of work demands. The balance of the man's rate is charged to the department. In contrast to the necessity quoted, the opposite one sometimes arises, where lack of labor of a sufficiently skilled type makes it imperative to use, say, a 30-cent man on a grade of work ordinarily requiring a 40-cent man. In such cases the job is charged with labor at the rate of 30 cents and the man, while working on that job, receives a bonus charted from the class in which the 40-cent man would stand, thus receiving added remuneration because of the higher class work. When the man goes back to his usual grade, his bonus returns to its usual class. Neither diver- gence from the ideal point of standardization is desired, but may prove valuable in keeping intact an organization under trying conditions. To further illustrate the discrepancy which will be seen between costs figured with a differential burden divided to obtain true results, let us assume a job taking 10 hours' labor and done on different machines with their individual process rate burdens. Labor $.30 per hour; $.12 per hour Dept. burden 1st example : ] $.10 per hr. }-+$.12 per hr. Dept. burden+$.30 labon=$ .52 per hr. mach. burden J 2nd example : 1 $.25 per hr. f +$.12 per hr. Dept. burden+$.30 labor=$ .67 per hr. mach. burden J 3rd example : ] $1.50 per hr. [-+$.12 per hr. Dept. burden+$.30 labor=$1.92 per hr. mach. burden J SUMMARY 1st Example 2nd Example 3rd Example 10 hours $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $.12 Dept. burden 1.20 1.20 1.20 Machine burden 1.00 2.50 15.00 Total $5.20 $6.70 $19.20 FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 51 A comparison of these figures with the preceding ex- amples will show without any argument that an error must exist somewhere. Not only does the blanket or percentage method give us a cost which is not a true cost, but it seri- ously affects quotations and selling prices, so that there can be no intelligent control of these. Furthermore, the small job is carrying a large amount of burden which be- longs to the larger job run in large or powerful machines, while the jobs processed in these large machines do not begin to carry the burden that properly belongs to them. (See Fig. 17.) To illustrate how an hourly and pound burden is used in figuring costs, let us assume a job requiring a total of 30 direct hours (molding, core making, trimming, etc.) and weighing 80 lbs., another weighing 200 lbs., and another that nets 1000 lbs. of good castings all for 30 hours direct labor. 12 3 80 Lbs. 200 Lbs. 1000 Lbs. Labor $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 Average hour burden $.60... 18.00 18.00 18.00 Pound burden at $.03 2.40 6.00 30.00 Total $29.40 $33.00 $57.00 or cost per lb. exclusive of metal $.3675 $ .165 $ .057 Study of the above example will readily convince the reader that such a basis of figuring readily shows up the good job from the poor. Prices can be intelligently and confidently fixed. Oxidation and shrinkage, fuel, defective loss, etc., melting, handling, pouring, shipping - , trucking, etc., are "pound" items. All other items come under hourly burden expense. A job without cores takes no core or "knocking out" burden. Why charge them with any? The use of this differential hourly and pound burden for foundry work is the key to correct costs for that class of work, as it is for other trades. If the class of work in a shop changes overnight, as it often does in the jobbing busi- 82 DISTRIBUTING INDIRECT EXPENSE ness, the cost distributed to jobs automatically takes care of itself. Under the flat-rate or percentage method this condition does not stand. So far general overhead as burden has not been specifi- cally considered, but it has been assumed as added to the departmental burden so as not to confuse the average reader. Refer to Fig. 17. This diagram is based on ap- proximate figures. The same basis of figuring is main- tained throughout. The curves are based on the assump- tion that the problem is confined to one department carry- ing a definite departmental burden per hour. The burden, of course, includes miscellaneous department expense, fore- manship, general sales, administrative expense, etc. To the department burden has been added a machine hour burden figured on equipment ranging in value from $100.00 up to $8000.00. Each machine burden includes interest, depre- ciation, power, maintenance expense and its proportion of the departmental expense that can be prorated to it, based on the proportion of heat, light, floor space, etc., allotted to each machine plus the wages of the operator. The wage used starts at $1.80 per day for productive labor working without machine equipment or with equipment up to the value of $100.00. This direct labor wage also includes an allowance for bonus. Bonus is charged as a direct item (including the foreman's bonus, which is paid on a per- centage basis depending on what the men earn on each job). The direct labor rate, which starts at $1.80 per day, including bonus, increases as higher priced equipment is brought into use up to $4.40 per day, including bonus, for the $8000.00 unit. The problem illustrated in Fig. 17 is figured on the as- sumption that there is but one machine, or process point, for each of the unit valuations shown on the diagram for that department. The figures above mentioned are repre- sented by the curve marked "true cost line based on differ- ential burden method." Assuming that the true cost line (Fig. 17) represents one day's work for each unit, the sum total of these vari- FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 83 ous amounts will equal the total expenditure for running the department for one day of ten hours. This amount di- vided into the productive hours represented (work units times 10) will give the average rate per productive hour. This is the flat-rate-per-hour figure often used and is repre- sented on the diagram (Fig. 17) by the straight horizontal line. The shaded area to the left of the point where the horizontal line crosses the true-cost line represents an ex- cessive false cost. In other words, labor performed in a department using low-priced men and operating low-priced equipment carries two or three times the burden that it should. As the valuation of the equipment used by each in- dividual increases, the difference between the false cost ob- tained by the flat-rate-per-hour method and the differential burden method becomes gradually less. At a certain point the flat-rate burden line crosses the true-cost line. At the point of coincidence we get the same cost for each of the two methods illustrated, providing, of course, that the ratio of productive hours is the same for each work unit. The moment we pass by the point of intersection of the flat-rate-per-hour burden line with the differential burden line, the shaded area represents the minus and false cost obtained by the flat-rate-per-hour method. In other words, at this point the flat-rate method does not distribute enough burden to work being done on the higher priced machines or equipment. Such class of work shows a cost which is too low, figured on the flat-rate-per-hour-method, just as the other class of work to the left of the diagram shows a figure too high. Under the differential process rate method, the burden per hour changes with the valuations of the equipment, increased wage, interest, depreciation, power, maintenance charges, etc. The expense of operation is distributed in proportion to the operating cost of equipment necessary to turn out a given job. The basis of figuring cost should be one which will allow one manufacturer making certain parts to intelligently compare with another, equipped to do the same, his costs or estimates. A method of figuring cost, 84 DISTRIBUTING INDIRECT EXPENSE which will take into consideration all of the elements in- volved in turning out a given product, will mean something as a cost comparison. Another direct effect of incomplete cost methods or incor- rect methods of distributing burden results in a great many firms being unable to determine whether they should man- ufacture their own product or whether they should purchase it outside. There is no gainsaying the fact that a firm equipped for and experienced in the manufacture of certain products should be able to turn out that product at a cost cheaper than one could do who is not familiar with special- ization in that given line. Compare the cost of the specialist making certain kinds of product, figured on the flat-rate-per- hour burden, with costs consuming the same amount of time as shown by the shop making the same product, but not equipped or specializing in that line, and still using a flat- rate-per-hour method. It will be found there is a great dif- ference in cost. The reason for this difference is that the manufacturer specializing in a certain class of work is equipped for it and his department does not carry the wide range of equipment that the other plant which does not specialize has to carry. Though their methods of figuring the flat-rate burden may be the same, still the specialist equipped for that class of work will not have the wide vari- ation between his costs and the true costs that would be found in the other department. Though his flat-rate-per- hour burden method is incorrect, still for his class of work it will average closer than will the same method used by the manufacturer who turns out a large range of product rather than a special or limited line. 4-E. Differential Process Rate Method The wide difference in cost, obtained even by the same method in different plants, will well emphasize the impor- tance of having a differential process rate determined along the lines to be expounded. It is as absolutely necessary in the determination of true costs to have a true distribution of burden as it is to know how much direct labor and FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 85 direct material was employed or used in connection with any specific operation or job. No argument can be sus- tained that supports a method averaging- a wide range of equipment which ignores the relative wear and tear and the relative power and consumption of investment, or which does not recognize the various classes of labor employed to use that equipment. To obtain an accurate distribution, first, determine the several burdens which the problem presents and keep them separate as far as the monthly expression of their valuation, and the analysis of the amounts from which they are deter- mined are concerned. An analysis of the statement for the period is desirable. Compare the different burden amounts both by amount and by burden rate, as the expenses going to make up these amounts can be more readily separated and understood in this way. Second, after the differential burden rates have been determined and are ready for use, either in connection with estimates or the recapitulation of costs, the several hourly rates may be added together, to make one fixed sum for each piece of equipment or work point. Of course, if the several burdens include a piece or pound burden, this fig- ure will have to be used as still another item and added to the cost or estimate as a separate amount. The point is that several burden rates for one unit or work point may be combined so as to have less factors to use in connection with figuring. The latter method is preferable and the detail below is based on such a combination. In this connection it is sometimes possible and desirable to include the operator's rate in the total figure used, but it is not recommended. It requires a great deal of detail and supervision on account of the fluctuations in rates as applied on different work, particularly when the shop is not working to its normal capacity. Charge all bonus as a direct item against each job, as it is a variable factor. Combine the hourly rates and list them by work units de- partmentally. Include in this total rate all the various items above considered. 86 DIFFERENTIAL PROCESS RATE METHOD Total true cost is compounded of the hourly differential process rate plus pound, piece or other burden not possible to include in the process rate, plus direct labor, to which bonus has been added, plus direct material. The following items are to be figured for each individual machine, bench or other piece of apparatus that constitutes a work point. In cases of a duplex machine that is operated by more than one man each item must be figured separately for each work point. For example, a double buffing wheel stand has two work points. Symbolize each end and figure each as a separate machine, splitting cost installed, etc., to the correct proportion for each work point, all in accord- ance with the following" schedule of factors. Schedule of Differential Process Rate Factors. (9-hour day.) ITEM NUMBER 1. Symbol of machine or work point. 2. Maker's name. 3. Style. 4. Size or number. 5. Floor space allotted to same. 6. Horse-power actually consumed. 7. Value installed complete. Description of equipment used at each work point ' by each individual em- ployed as direct labor B Items forming- charges at each work point described above in A. f 8. Interest, insurance and taxes, yearly | 9. Depreciation. 10. Indirect machine cost (X4 and X6). 11. Heat, light and rent. 12. Power and transmission expense. 13. Total "B" yearly charges (8 to 12 in- clusive). f 14. Machine rate per direct hour (Item 13 divided by 2000). | 15. Department base rate per direct hour (XI to X32 exclusive X4 and X6). | 16. Local plant base rate per direct hour and for departments not provided for in IS. (AX1 to AX56). I 17. General administration, financial, sales and operating expense ( GAX to GXX inclusive) per direct hour. [ 18. Minimum profit factor per direct hour. f 19. Process rate to use per direct hour for -j each specific work point, viz. sum of Differential process rate. I J4 ; J5^ i5 ; \y an( j ig. C Hourly rates. D FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 87 Basis on which Differential Process Rates are Figured as per Schedule Above. (Computed on a 9-hour day.) DESCRIPTION ITEMS (1-7 inclusive) Item No. 1. Symbol. 2. Maker. 3. Style. 4. Size. 5. Floor space. 6. Horse-power. 7. Value installed. This symbol indicates the particular machine, bench or other apparatus constituting a work point and is for identification purposes. Maker's name. Whether hand, power, turret, universal, etc., de- pending on kind of equipment. Detail sufficiently to assist in determining general style of the machine, bench or apparatus. Give sufficient data to indicate main capacity measurements of the apparatus and maker's num- ber or symbol if one is obtainable. This is to be expressed in square feet. Make an allowance for working space around machine or bench adequately to handle its material. This forms the basis for prorating heat, light and rent, Item 11. This item is to be based on the actual horse-power used for each machine compared to the total horse-power on any one transmission line. (See 7-f.) This figure should be the total cost in running order set up and includes cost of : a. Machine and appurtenances. b. Freight. c. Cartage and placing on site. d. Millwright work and material, cost of foundations, assembling, etc. e. Belts, etc. /. Proportion of cost of motor drive and wiring; or of transmission shafting, wiring, motor and belt which drives same. Base on H.P. consumed as compared to total on any one line. (See 6 and 12 and list herewith.) 88 DIFFERENTIAL PROCESS RATE METHOD TABLE II Example for 7f LINE SHAFT NUMBER 5 and 6 Horse-power 13.5 18.5 35 24 35 Motor cost $180.00 $275.00 $320.00 $275.00 $320.00 Wiring cost ... . 98.50 197.00 345.00 197.00 345.00 Belt cost 17.60 26.40 35.20 26.40 35.20 Transmission cost 217.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 224.00 Total cost ..$513.10 $778.40 $980.20 $778.40 $924.20 Per H.P $38.00 $42.09 $28.00 $32.43 $26.40 YEARLY CHARGES (8-12 inclusive) Based on the above we must now determine the cost per year ex- pressed in dollars for the following factors. The total of 8 to 12 inclusive (13) will then be divided by 2000 hours to determine the hourly rate for 14. (See 14 and 15 below.) Item No. 8. Interest, etc. Based on sum of : a. Interest b. Insurance c. Taxes use prevailing rates. 9. Depreciation 20% This figure is used on the assumption that the (To be varied to equipment running at maximum capacity for 5 suit conditions) years becomes more or less obsolete, or has such a reduced value as compared with the latest im- proved machines that it will have to be replaced, or almost entirely rebuilt. 10. Indirect machine This item includes any repairs or maintenance cost. cost, and material or sundries incidental to the daily operation, etc. Expenses X4 and X6 for each machine or bench by symbol. 11. Heat, light and This item is prorated to each machine or bench rent. based on "5" after deducting the amount charged to the department rate as explained for "15." FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 89 EXAMPLE Light Equipment Heating Land and Plant Building $4352.00 $27,500.00 Totals $261.12 $1650.00 $1965.13 435.20 1375.00 1900.20 252.00 2000.00 2000.00 17.40 105.00 126.00 13.06 82.50 98.26 $6341.58 Cost Installed $900.00 Interest $ 54.00 Depreciation 90.00 Electricity 252.00 Fuel and labor Insurance 3.60 Taxes 2.70 Total rent per year In the example shown the total rent chargeable to the department, based on that department's valuation in light- ing and heating equipment and in its land and building, amounts to $6341.58 per year. If we assume a total floor space of 20,000 square feet we have $.3178 per year rental per square foot. The number of square feet allotted to each work point (Item 5) multiplied by $.3178 gives the yearly charge for that work point (Item 11). The total cross added amount (Item 11) subtracted from $6341.58 leaves a balance of undistributed rent which forms one of the depart- mental charges included in Item 15. Item No. 12. Power and transmission Ex. 13. Total yearly charges. 14. Rate per hour for 13. This should be based on the horse-power hours for each motor drive for 2000 hours per year ; or total horse-power hours X cost for elctricity per horse-power hour. Add maintenance of shaft, belt, etc., not provided for above in "10." Pro- rate as per "6." The sam principle applies to any kind of power. This is the sum of 8 to 12 inclusive expressed in dollars, and covers one year's cost for each work point sparately. HOURLY RATES (14-18 inclusive) The yearly total for each work point (see 13) is to be divided by 2000 to determine the cost per hour. The normal year of 2000 direct hours is determined as follows : 90 DIFFERENTIAL PROCESS RATE METHOD a. 300 working days per year. b. 300x9 hours per day=2700 direct hours per year. c. Consider 75% capacity as a fair average normal working year or 2025 hours : say 2000 hours per year for each work point. Item No-. 15. Dept. base rate. This rate is determined by taking all of the ex- penses of a department that are not included in 8 to 12 inclusive and dividing same by the product of direct man daysX2000, or : Dept. Yearly Expense (8 to 12 inclusive) Total dept. direct man hours per year =Dept. Bate. 16. Local plant base rate per di- rect hour. The Departmental yearly expense includes all XI to X32 (less X4 and X6) items in operating statement. From the figures so determined for a year we must subtract the amount of money rep- resented above in Items 8 to 12 inclusive, and which have already been prorated into the ma- chine rate, else we have it in twice. This can be readily done by subtracting the sum of Item 13, cross added for all symbols, from the total in- direct cost of running the department for one year. The department base rate is the same per hour for each work point in that department. This amount is determined as follows. From the operating statement there must be determined the yearly charges against the plant as a whole which have not been distributed into the depart- mental base rate, Item 15. This Item 16 is to in- clude all AXI to AX56 expense plus department expenses XI to X32 for the departments, such as office, shipping, receiving, timekeeping, planning, etc., etc., which are not included in department rates, Item 15. All yearly land and building charges and other items are to be included for that part of the plant not distributed into the machine and departmental FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 91 rates, Items 14 and 15. This includes undis- tributed : a. Interest. b. Taxes. c. Insurance. d. Depreciation. e. Also unapportioned AX and departmental items above mentioned. The sum for one year determined as above explained is to be brought down to a rate per direct hour by the same formula as given for Item 13, viz. : Undistributed Local Plant Yearly Charges Total direct hours for entire plant =Local Plant Rate. The local plant base rate so determined is the same for every work point. Item No. 17. General base This item is the sum of the general expenses of rate. the business not included above. If there is more than one plant, these charges are prorated monthly to each plant. These expenses are cov- ered by the GAX to GXX, Items 1 to 56 inclu- sive, and do not include any charges provided for in any of the foregoing items, 13 to 14 inclusive. The sum of these general expenses for one year prorated to each plant should be divided by the normal total direct hours worked by that plant as explained above for Item 16. This rate per hour is the same for all work points. 18. Minimum profit Use for this a rate per hour (for example, 15c to factor per di- 25c), which will net a minimum profit per year rect hour. on the invested amount of at least 6%. The pro- duct of the total normal work points for any plant multiplied by 2000 hours (for a 9-hour day), divided into 6% of the total investment for that plant will give the correct amount per hour to use as a minimum profit factor. This is a safety factor to- be considered part of cost of production. DIFFERENTIAL PROCESS RATE (19) 19. Differential pro- This amount for each work point is the sum of cess rate to Items 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. A list of each work be added to point identified by symbol should be made with every hour of the process rate shown opposite each work point, direct labor. Reference to this list gives instantly the correct rate to use for any operation when figuring either estimates or costs. 92 UNDISTRIBUTED BURDEN 4-F. Undistributed Burden A number of different ways of disposing of undistributed or unearned burden has been suggested and in fact used to some extent. Too often the matter is overlooked entirely. Modern business now demands that this very important point be definitely settled and disposition made of it. The fact must not be overlooked that past practice is not ap- plicable in these times. Why? Because business condi- tions no longer permit of long prices, cheap materials and labor, orders coming in unsolicited, ignorance of costs and "guessed at" selling prices. Elsewhere emphasis has been laid on the importance of limiting the chargeable burden when it is too high due to low production. The reason as explained above is so as not to get excessive costs or high (and false) inventory valuations. On the other hand, it seems fair to get advan- tage of a burden slightly below the high limit established whenever the volume of business makes this possible. The establishment of this high or "limit" mark should be based on fair averages and the consensus of opinion of the prin- cipals. By the establishment of a maximum burden limit (either hour, pound or other unit of distribution) we are able to use that limit figure to estimate costs when establishing selling prices. Such estimates must always be based on this maximum allowable burden limit — no more or no less. In the author's estimation, the unearned burden should be debited to the Loss and Gain account. Each monthly operating statement should show the amount of this charge in a separate item. This same amount should also be ex- pressed in memo as an item properly chargeable against sales expense for that period. This can appear as an extra item of sales bad work expense, X32. LECTURE XVIII ESTIMATING 6-A. Machine Shop. 6-B. Foundry. The following discussion of the ibove subjects has been reprinted from Chapter VI of the author's "Predetermination of Prices." Fig- ures referred to have been omitted and the student is referred to the above mentioned book for further detail. The foregoing chapters have shown the method of analyzing and obtaining detailed figures for the compilation of true costs. Without a cost analysis and detailed informa- tion, it is impossible to make an accurate estimate. An estimate should contain no minutest per cent of "guess work." It should be based on a complete detail knowledge of everything pertaining to the operation of the plant which is going to manufacture the product on which the estimate is to be made. The more highly organized the plant and the more complete the plant's records are, the more correct will be the estimate. It is necessary to predetermine costs preparatory to reaching the true selling prices. The predetermination of a cost, of course, depends on the records above referred to, though past records represent the basis on which predeter- mination of cost depends. In plants where the science of management has established elemental operation and pro- duction standards and where the efficiency ratio is a figure which is always known, the predetermination of costs can be worked down to such a point that the actual cost and the estimated costs will agree within a very few per cent. On the face of it, the statement that cost can be predeter- mined sounds a little "fishy" to the layman. Practice has proved that the predetermination of cost is not only possible, but an established fact and a most essential one for the producer and purchaser alike. A complete discussion of the subject of estimating would take up too much space, as the details vary much in different 93 94 MACHINE SHOP kinds of work and in different lines of business; but it may be well to mention several of the important points to be considered when making estimates on the average jobbing or machining jobs in any of the allied metal trades, including foundry work. 6-A. Machine Shop The following is an abstract from one of the author's in- structions on estimating- issued to a plant manufacturing machine tools and dies and doing some jobbing and develop- ing work. An estimate should be written (using form FAP36a) for every proposal quoting a price for product not standard. The form above referred to must be filled out complete as per the printed matter thereon. (See Fig. 23.) Estimates shall be made only by those authorized by the Company (chiefly the Engineers) and by those to whom estimate books have been issued. These books contain a white original form and one yellow duplicate with some- times a blue triplicate. The white original, when com- plete, must be forwarded to the Sales Manager, who will see that it is filed with the prospect's correspondence and attached to the file copy of the proposal. The carbon or yellow copy remains in the book for the reference of the estimator. The following rules should be observed in making all estimates : a. Divide the job into as many groups as possible. Treat each group or item separately and completely. Make this grouping conform to that which will be used in making out the order. The estimates can then be closely checked while work is in process and after it is completed. The estimate should be used as a guide by the Order Clerk when itemizing the general order. b. Include every item of the expense incident to pro- ducing the article or articles being estimated on, including special sales expense (if any), designing, drawing, engineering supervision, patterns, all ma- FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 95 terial in detail by classes and weight, labor by indi- vidual operations and prices as much as possible, including assembling, fitting up, testing, photograph- ing, crating, boxing, loading, etc. c. A list will be provided giving the differential process rates, or if this is not available, the item of expense must' be provided for by the estimator and the "amount" left to be filled in by the Production Man- ager. Treat other questionable items in the same way. Leave nothing out ; the costs will be provided in all cases where they are not available to the estima- tor. d. The estimator knows from the original inquiry com- bined with the specifications of the Engineering de- partment what is to be estimated on. The Engineers often are the only ones who have all the details. All material, labor, etc., must be included or else the sales department cannot intelligently quote. Failure to do this, or a resort to pure "guess work," means a loss to the Company. e. All estimates should total as costs to the manufacturer, and not selling prices. Fixing the selling price is not up to the estimator. /. An intelligent analysis (including the itemizing) of an inquiry is absolutely necessary before proceeding with the detailed estimate along the lines outlined above. The fact must not be lost sight of that if the estimate is not accurately made, the cost is likely to overrun, resulting in a loss. All weights must be very accurately calculated based on the rough sizes of the material before finishing. When issuing the general order for any job on which an estimate has been prepared, it is the Chief Order Clerk's duty to see that the estimate number appears in the word- ing of the order for each item on which there was an esti- mate. This reference is for the attention of the Engineers and Draftsmen so that the designing may be carried through in accordance with the estimate, and for the planning de- 96 MACHINE SHOP partment so that they may intelligently route and bring the job through within the cost limits estimated. The sales department should never quote a price until an accurate and careful detailed estimate as above described has been made. On new die work a definite price should never be quoted, but use the estimates as a guide to deter- mine about how much the dies should cost. The experi- mental cost on this class of work is always an unknown quantity. Let us refer, at this point, to Chapter II, 2-A to 2-1 inclusive, wherein a number of functional developments of management are explained as having an important bear- ing on true costs. The preliminaries, or shop control of work in process, and all indirect expense items, have a very direct influence on the accuracy of an estimate. One real- izes the particular truth of such a statement when appre- ciating that in the last analysis an estimate is practically the predetermination of costs. The Planning Room is directly responsible for the con- trol of materials and labor and all other resources, so as to not only maintain standards, but to preclude any possibility of costs overrunning estimates through lack of knowledge of just what was included at the time the estimate was made. Verbal orders from customers must be approved in writing. See forms shown in Figs. 24 and 25. In developing a correct estimate on any new work there are many items to be considered and in practically every business there are some items which are subject to such variations that it is very difficult to predetermine their cost. Specific experimental features always add a distinctly unstaple factor especially where new designs of drawn or stamped work are involved. In such cases, estimates rep- resent an approximate rather than a definite figure on which to base a fixed selling price, and such estimates should be considered as only an approximate indication of what the work will cost the customer. Prices should be based on cost plus a profit figured in any of several ways, which will be discussed in detail under Chapter VII. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 97 Regardless of the kind of business and the class of work to be estimated on, it is imperative that the estimator be supplied with complete data based on analytical costs of both direct labor, direct material and the various indirect expenses. These expenses should be expressed in terms of differential process rates and burden rates with all their variations. Classes of work permitting" of a definite estimate should always be figured on a full consideration of all the figures available. These should be applied in accordance with the methods outlined above. When the time study methods are sufficiently advanced so that a check can be kept on the plant efficiency, direct labor cost should be figured on the maximum efficiency basis. After the figures have been compiled, those which vary according to the relative efficiency of the man per- forming the direct labor should be increased by using - the plant efficiency factor as it stands from period to period. Assuming the plant efficiency to be running 70% of the time study standard, or maximum, the estimates for this part of the work would be increased by 1.43. If the men are running around 80% of the maximum efficiency, such an estimate would be represented by the factor 1.25. This factor alters with the conditions. In cases where the effi- ciency factor is not used, the estimate must be figured on a basis of existing records. 6-B. Foundry The following is an abstract from a standard instruc- tion covering the method of estimating on foundry work, including machine operations in cases where the price cov- ers a piece machined complete. The estimate form FAP134 is made up in book form (see Fig. 26), so that a white original copy may be used in connection with the carbon paper and detached from the book when the estimate is complete. The white orig- inal is filed in Sales department. The yellow copy remains in the book as the estimator's record of each estimate. A detachable carbon "rider" is also provided to give an extra 98 FOUNDRY record of the general specification of the estimate, equip- ment, method, average weight, etc. The rider is sent to the Planning Room as their guide in handling the order. ( See Fig. 27.) All of the information asked for in the printed heading forming the top part of the sheet should be filled in com- plete. The heading indicates the basis on which the esti- mate was made and the method under which the plant expects to run the order in the event the business is secured. In making estimates, do not assume a lot of conditions but be sure all of the points referred to on the form are ac- counted for. If one does not have full information of what is required for a job, it will be a hopeless task to intelli- gently estimate what it will cost. Neither can one hope to intelligently fix a selling price which will be profitable and yet not excessive. In cases involving more than one different price, a sepa- rate detailed estimate is to be made of the cost of castings from each pattern or each different size or design, whether rough or finished, or both. Estimates must be made only by a duly authorized person and approved by the local manager, production man- ager and superintendent. All estimates shall be made in accordance with this instruction and on estimate form FAP134. The original copy of all estimates shall be filed in the estimate file. All orders received subsequent to or based on an estimate must show the estimate number on the general order form. When cost sheets are closed up, the summary cost card, Form FAP145, sna U a ^ so show the estimate number. In making estimates, be sure that full information is had regarding the pattern equipment from which such castings are to be made. Whenever possible, it is desirable that full pattern equipment be made in the pattern shop con- nected with the foundry which is to supply the castings. There will be cases, of course, where the customer desires to furnish his own equipment. In such case the foundry officials can often consult with him in reference to furnish- FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 99 ing the proper kind of patterns, rigged up to suit the best foundry practice. Whether the patterns are made new, and furnished by the customer or made new by the foundry the most careful observation must be given to the kind and style of each pattern and the method of rigging- up. All patterns for small work should be plated wherever possible. Pattern equipment and estimates should include core dryers, and any special rigging or jigs that may be necessary in con- nection with making or setting cores. It shall be the policy as far as possible to include such rigging in the cost of the pattern equipment, all of which should be paid for by the customer. Include in this charge to the customer every- thing not part of the regular standard equipment and in- clude labor of getting it rigged up, also cost of jigs, gauges, etc., used in setting or sizing cores. In case of patterns and equipment already in existence, and for which new patterns cannot be obtained, the foundry should keep in close touch with the customer to see that such patterns are kept up in first-class condition. Many gated patterns require matches, which after some use be- come more or less broken down around the edges. If the matches are not kept in good repair, the foundry cannot realize maximum production on such jobs. It should be the foundry policy to refuse to run patterns which are not in proper condition or which are so arranged that the foundry will be put to additional expense in turning out castings. In such cases, the foundry must get the co-opera- tion of the customer toward putting the patterns in first- class shape, with his authority, of course, and with the understanding' that such altering or repairing of patterns is to be charged up to him. There is no economy in running pattern equipment after it begins to get out of repair, or pattern equipment which is not adequate, or properly arranged, for the class of work in question. It must be the policy to give patterns careful inspection, and if necessary make sample molds enough to be sure that the pattern and other accessories are in first- IOO FOUNDRY class shape and ready for regular production. This work must be done by the Equipment Foreman, who is a specially trained man. When the equipment is satisfactory, it may then be passed to the job rack, preparatory to being for- warded to the proper floor bench or machine and accom- panied by the proper flask (or flasks), bottom boards, etc., for regular production. If a heavy floor job, it should be tried out on the floor where it is to be run. A foundry cannot immediately develop its pattern equip- ment fully along the lines above described, but such should be the policy. By continually working in this direction a great improvement can be effected, not only in the cost of producing castings but in the quality and deliveries. The above facts should be borne in mind whenever making esti- mates, and I repeat for emphasis the fact that the foundry should not "allow" in "castings estimates," anything for pattern expense or equipment which should be charged up to the customer. On the other hand, do not hesitate to add into your estimate anything which is necessary for the proper production of the job. Pound Prices Pound prices are to be figured on a basis of the net mini- mum weight of each casting. Piece Prices Piece prices are to be figured on a basis of the average weight of each casting, plus 5% to 10% as an allowable foundry weight variation under commercial production conditions. This percentage varies with the class of work. The Planning Room, or Office (as the case may be) daily checks piece weights of all castings shipped the day before. The check consists of a comparison between the average weight list on file in the Planning Room or Office, and the charge slips turned in by the Shipping Clerk for the previ- ous clay's shipments. This method is in vogue at the pres- ent time, and is a first check in locating errors in shipping weights and billing. The method also catches any errors FREDERIC A. PARKHURST IOI which might affect the average weight list, due to an altera- tion in the pattern unknown to the Planning Room or Office. Although it is unlikely that changes will be made in the shops without orders, commercial productions may increase the weight of the castings by several per cent, due to strains, inequality in cores, etc. It is, of course, neces- sary for production records that such changes be known. When selling by the piece price, the method provides a check to keep the weight within the estimated limits. Al- though there is an allowance of 5% or 10% variation in weight in estimates for castings sold by the piece, still it is to every one's advantage to hold the weight as near normal as possible. On some classes of work an excessive weight variation might mean much more in failing to machine properly than in wasting of metal. The following method is to be employed in making- esti- mates for castings from each different pattern : a. Consult existing cost data to determine direct labor similar cost on the particular job in question, or for a similar job, if such a record exists. (See price card Fig. 28.) b. Study the^average direct labor cost record of work of the same general class, if such record exists. When consulting records referred to in items "a" and "b" above, consider only the direct labor cost, and not the total cost including burden. The item of burden is likely to vary. The prevailing rate of burden at the time the estimate is made should be used. For data on "Burden" see Instruction 108. c. Consult with the Superintendent, Time Study Fore- man, Pattern Shop Foreman, and Cost Clerk, for data and estimates on direct labor costs. For details of each estimate see Form FAP134, Fig. 26. The estimated total labor cost, determined as per items "a" , "b" and "c" above should be based on the average prevailing rate, plus the bonus, paid the class of help to be employed on that particular work. These figures are to be 102 FOUNDRY based on specific equipment to be run by a definite prede- termined method, and in the size flasks best adapted to the job. For standard production data, flask sizes, etc., con- sult the time study foreman. Work as much as possible from data on standard time sheets, Form FAPI150. Burden Differential burden rates and differential process rates will hereafter be referred to as "burden." (See Instruction 108.) This burden is to be added to the estimate on the basis of so much money per man hour (and not as a per- centage factor), plus a pound burden. It may be well to explain here the reason for distributing the burden on a man day (or hour) basis rather than by percentage or tonnage basis. Experience has shown it is more accurate to distribute on the basis of time, rather than on the percentage of wage paid. In other words, time is the chief controlling factor in business. Men are hired on a time basis at so much per hour, and the extra bonus they earn also applies to a definite length of time. Indirect ex- pense, salaries, etc., cover a definite time. Heat and light and power are maintained for a definite time each day. Finally a day's work is concluded by having expended so many direct hours to turn out a certain volume of work, per each man employed, as direct labor on all production. For each man so employed as direct labor on all productive work, so much money has been paid out for a man day, a unit of time. In addition that man day has cost us one man day's proportion of a burden. Why do many foundry- men ignore this time element? In addition to the hourly burden there is a pound burden, which covers the distribution of expense for departments iD, 2F, iF, iG, iS and 10X. The total burden is pro- rated for these six departments on a pound basis in addi- tion to the departmental hourly burden. This distribution is obtained by taking the burden for the current month and applying it to the number of pounds of good castings enter- ing into the estimate in question. Pound burden is dis- tributed to castings in addition to the departmental or FREDERIC A. PARKHURST IO3 process rate burden. Other burdens exist for pattern work iP and for brass finishing work 2U. This is prorated on the hourly burden basis, also under the differential process rate. To properly summarize the preceding - , it should be noted that we have several rates of burden distribution, which in the aggregate are called our differential burdens. The list follows : Any estimate or cost summary must include one or the other, and perhaps several of the following groups of burden. These are to be used departmentally for each of the following groups. (See Instruction 108.) Castings j Hourly burden and pound burden. Pattern and flask / work ( 1 P, 1 K < Hourly burden. and iU). ( Machining i Differential process rate. Plant Efficiency Factor In considering items "a" , "b" and "c" a conservative estimate of day work may be used without any addition due to the plant efficiency, as such a conservative estimate would in itself cover such allowances. Eventually, however, when all direct labor is under control, and standard production figures govern nearly every case the plant efficiency factor comes into use. It is to these standard maximum produc- tion figures, as per the bonus schedules and standard ele- mental time sheets, that the following factors apply. (See Form FAP150, Fig. 29.) Local plant conditions at the time of the installation of scientific methods are often such as to make it necessary to start bonus as low as 60% of the maximum calculated pro- duction. Later on, as the men begin to earn bonus, and come nearer the maximum, this factor is changed to 70%. Later this factor is raised to 80%. Plant efficiency factors are as follows : For 60% plant efficiency multiply cost by 1.66. For 70% plant efficiency multiply cost by 1.42. For 80% plant efficiency multiply cost by 1.25. 104 FOUNDRY Referring to the plant efficiency factors shown on page 98 it is obvious that when estimating a job in a 70% effi- ciency plant the factor 1.43 should be used for work on which the bonus starts at 70%. For work on which the bonus starts at 60%, the factor 1.66 should be used. On the other hand, when all the bonus work starts at 80%, the esti- mate should be raised by the factor 1.25. This factor is, of course, only used in estimates where the basis of estimating is equivalent to 100% bonus production. In cases where the estimate is based on conservative day work estimates or actual cost figures, the factor does not apply and the actual figures are used. If the estimate is based on standard time sheets form FAP150, the time to be used will be found in the maximum bonus time column. The detail of filling in an estimate form is as follows: Form FAP134 is made up in book form, so that the white original will be used in connection with the carbon paper and detached from the book when the estimate is complete. The yellow copy remains in the book as the estimator's record of each estimate. A detachable carbon "rider" is also provided to give an extra record of the general speci- fication of the estimate, equipment method, average weight, etc. The rider is sent to the Planning Room as their guide in handling' the order. All of the information asked for in the printed heading at the top of the sheet should always be filled in complete. The heading indicates the basis on which the estimate was made and the method under which the plant expects to run the order in the event the order is booked. Overtime is an important consideration, and should be controlled through the medium of the overtime order. (See Fig. 30.) In making estimates, do not assume a lot of conditions and be sure all of the points referred to on the form are accounted for. In other words, if full information of what is required for a job is not at hand it will be a hopeless task to intelli- gently estimate what the job will cost. Neither can one hope to intelligently fix a selling price which should be FREDERIC A. PARKHURST I05 profitable and yet which though profitable will not be ex- cessively so. It will be noted that the estimate form is divided into six sections numbered from i to 6 inclusive. The follow- ing references (sections i, 2, 3, etc.) refer to the sections indicated on the form. Section i (Special Items). This section covers any special items of costs, if there are any, which may enter into the estimate in question. The item should be expressed in hours, the rate per hour shown and the amount of money ex- tended to the "Amount" column. The burden for this item should represent the hourly burden based on the prevailing rates. The burden rates should go into the "Rate" column and the amount of the burden (the hours on the line above multiplied by the burden rate) go into the "Amount" column. If there is any material applying to this section of the estimate, it should be shown in the "Amount" column. The "Amount" and "Hour" column should then be totalled; this total represents "Section 1 total." Section 2 (Pattern and Flask Estimate). This section is intended to include all items entering into the estimate as far as pattern and flask expense is concerned. On the first line should appear the total hours, rate and amount ex- pended on this item, including departments iP, iK and iU. In the second line the pattern burden should represent the iP burden multiplied by the total hours on the line above, and the amount carried into the "Amount" column. The third line shows any direct materials or sundries that may enter into the costs of this part of the work. The total of these items for Section 2 gives us "Section 2 total." Section 3 (Castings Estimate). Under this section we have various items, such as core making, molding, knock- ing out, trimming, and any other direct labor as well as a bonus item for each of the foregoing. Opposite each of the items above mentioned should appear the total hours, rate and amount covering all direct labor that can apply to any of those groups and affecting the possible costs of the job being estimated upon. The above items should be 106 FOUNDRY added, so as to get a sub-total representing the total direct hours and direct amount. The sub-total should then be increased to a new amount by multiplying it by the plant efficiency factor, either 1.25, 1.43 or 1.66 referred to above. To this new amount should be added the hourly burden based on the new total of hours determined by the use of the plant efficiency factor just referred to. On the next line should be added an additional burden representing the pound burden. The next and last item making up the castings estimate is the freight from the foundry to the F.O.B. of the customer, providing freight is paid by the foundry. The footing of these four last- mentioned items (bearing in mind, of course, that sub- total of Section 3 is ignored because it has been replaced by a larger amount on the next line) represents the "Section 3 total." Section 4 (Metal Estimate). This section includes on the first line the prices (F.O.B. our plant) of the number of pounds of metal required for the quantity on which the estimate is based. In the "rate" column should appear the rate per pound used in determining the amount in question. On the next line should be shown the number of pounds of chips that can be recovered as salvage priced at a conserva- tive rate per pound, and the amount deducted from the metal cost on the first line. The balance gives us our "Sec- tion 4 total." Section 5 (Tools for Machining Estimate). This sec- tion is totalled up to show the hours, wages, and material estimate for the tools for each of the twenty operations. A summary total is arranged to carry the total tool labor in hours and amount into the right-hand columns. On the next line appears the total tool material in one amount. The third line takes the tool burden, which burden shall be the total process rate for work points applying on tools for the job in question. These three items foot to an amount which gives us the "Section 5 total." Section 6 (Machining Estimate). This section is totalled to give the estimate of hours, wages (including FREDERIC A. PARKHURST IC"7 bonus) and material for each of twenty machining opera- tions. The material column is to include only miscellaneous material, such as screws and other parts purchased in con- nection with the part being machined; and is not to include the material in the casting itself. This item was taken care of in "Section 4." The total machining labor for "Section 6" should appear in hours and amount in the right-hand column followed by the total material. The next item of burden represents the process rates for the number of hours estimated as applying to each work point used in ma- chining. These items sum up to the "Section 6 total." The detail of the estimate is now complete. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 totals shall now be brought down to the bottom of the estimate form in the summary section. To the right of these totals appears the profit for each item as well as the percentage which the profit represents of the estimated cost. Methods of figuring profit are considered in Chapter VII. The cross-addition of the total and profit items represents the amount for the selling price columns. This selling price is divided by the quantity of pieces in- volved and the per piece selling price carried out into the right-hand column. The footing of these 6 items gives the total estimated cost and total profit, from which is obtained total selling price and total selling price per piece for the work covered by the estimate. A line is also provided on which to show the sum of the price per pound in cases where it is desirable to express the price in such manner. It should be noted that the profit is not determined on a per- centage basis. The percentage column in the summary part of the estimate sheet referred to shows how much the per- centage of profit actually is. It is simply a statement of fact and not an indication of the method of determining the said profit. LECTURE XIX PROFIT AND RELATIVELY TRUE SELLING PRICES 7-A. Per Productive Hours. 7-B. Per Pound. 7-C. Per Piece. 7-D. Per Cent of Cost. 7-E. Mutual Satisfaction. VIII. Conclusion. The following discussion of the above subjects is reprinted com- plete from Chapters VII and VIII of the author's "Predetermination of Prices." In the preceding- chapters the various factors involved as influencing the determination of true costs and the com- putation of estimates have been considered. Reference to Fig. 1 6 will show a record of five methods used in determin- ing profits. The profit of a business is a variable circumscribed by very broad limits, because the factors which should, seldom control it. Scientifically, profit can be intelligentlv figured if it is based upon correct, absolute costs. It is the writer's object to show a systematic method, based upon working practices, of computing profits to suit each of several actual conditions confronting a business man. It goes without saying, of course, that it should be the object of every manufacturer to get as large a margin of profit as possible consistent with the foundation of a per- manent business and commensurate with the quality of product to which that profit applies. Prices should not necessarily be fixed by a definite mar- gin based on the cost of a job, but sometimes by the value of that job to the consumer. There are cases, of course, where the actual cost of production is out of all proportion to the intrinsic value of the piece as determined by ordinary standards. In such cases the oddity of the job and the com- plication of it give a cost apparently out of proportion. 1 08 FREDERIC A. PARKHURST IO9 This, of course, is the customer's loss in one sense of the word and he must expect to reimburse the manufacturer to the full amount of the cost plus a reasonable profit. In general, a reasonable profit should be interpreted as meaning a profit based on what is a fair allowance over and above the elements (direct and indirect) entering into the cost of the product. The author does not believe that there is a first-class up-to-date concern that will not be will- ing to buy — all things being equal — at a price which will net the vendor a profit of, at least, 10%. This being the case, the matter simmers down (on a close competitive basis of price fixing) to a certain amount added to the total cost of the work including all items of cost (direct and indirect) based on an honest distribution of overhead or burden. This 10% may be added to the total cost of the job, as shown by the cost summary, which, of course, must include all differential burden, both hourly and pound. The fact should not be lost sight of in adding profit to determine a selling- price, that under the science of manage- ment a firm has more to sell than its visible product. It has engineering and technical ability to put at the customer's disposal. It has service in the broadest sense of the word. It assures quality and maximum production. All these factors guarantee positive and definite shipping schedules. They make it possible to not only . sustain the prevailing prices, but to work toward an automatic adjustment of prices based on the "value received" 03^ the buyer. 7-A. Per Preductive Hour In the majority of business the writer prefers the method of basing profit upon the productive hour except in cases where necessity makes some other basis apparent. It is just to assume that with a given plant and investment running under fairly normal conditions, a certain net profit should be realized. Of course the figure depends on the shop conditions and the kind of work handled, but any invest- ment should realize for the owners a fair percentage of profit after all items of depreciation, expense of operation, HO PER POUND reserve charges, etc., have been taken care of. It should be borne in mind that the net earning in dollars and cents which capital desires to realize also represents a certain working capacity. This capacity can be brought down to a figure representing productive hours. These productive hours divided into the amount representing the desired earn- ing capacity gives the rate per productive hour to figure as a profit. Such an hourly profit figure is then used in connec- tion with costs and estimates. If one realizes that the entire basis of production and payment is time, one expects to earn in a given time a net amount of profit amounting to a certain figure. The profit must be earned by the expenditure of so much direct time to turn out that product. In figuring the profit on a basis of so much per productive hour, it is assumed, of course, that the indirect expense covers everything in connection with miscellaneous ma- terials, bad accounts, etc. The productive hour basis of figuring profit represents a net profit for every direct hour of work applying on the job. 7-B. Per Pound The pound basis of figuring profit is applicable to cer- tain lines of business where the percentage of labor is small and where the logical unit to use is pounds or tons. This method is the most commonly used in computing estimates and profits in the average foundry business. Personal ex- perience forces me to consider it an entirely erroneous method to use in connection with foundry work. If profit is figured on such a basis, the same error occurs that is developed by the distribution of indirect expense, exclu- sively, on a pound basis. Many foundry jobs require a great many hours' labor to get out a comparatively small tonnage, while others require very little labor to get out a very large tonnage. It is not safe to rely entirely on profit at so much per pound. The profit on foundry work in the majority of cases, assuming the average variety of work with its many fluctua- FREDERIC A. PARKHURST HI tions and variations, should be figured on a basis of so much profit for each direct hour expended on each indi- vidual job. It is true that some figure might be included as a small factor on the pound basis. This should only be used, however, to compensate for some variation which could be corrected only by the use of a pound factor. 7-C. Per Piece The determination of profit on a basis of so much per piece is the logical method to use in cases where the pro- duction is one in which the logical unit of measurement is piece. The ratio would need to be a fairly constant one, however. Assume a condition where a concern is making but one or a very few different articles, where the produc- tion is large and the labor fluctuation is small, then a piece profit may be a logical method to use. In other words, if the desired profit on a certain volume could be as well figured at so much per piece, and the piece unit is the con- ventional term to apply to that product, then it is logical to figure profit at so much per piece. In considering the use of the piece profit understand that the method is recommended only where, no complica- tion occurs, from the possible changes in product, which is involved by a number of kinds or sizes of pieces. In a business where the production is controlled in a large meas- ure by automatic or semi-automatic machines, where the labor ratio is low, the piece basis of figuring profit is a logical one. 7-D. Per Cent of Cost This basis has certain advantages, particularly when ap- plied to miscellaneous or experimental work which does not, perhaps, represent any part of a certain line of product. Even then the fact must not be lost sight of that a large fluctuation in direct hours on various jobs is after all the chief factor in work of such kind. It is probable that the per cent of cost should more often be used in conjunction with the hour method, so as to cover a percentage of profit on quantities of material purchased for these special and 112 PER CENT OF COST experimental jobs. On this class of work there is a certain expense directly incurred in connection with purchases, stor- ing, handling of material and the carrying of accounts for such material not part of a regular stock on which it is fair to add a small percentage of the cost. This percentage may be figured exclusively on the material. Then the direct productive hour profit could be added as the regular profit rate, thus taking care of the large volume of direct labor involved. There will be cases where there is some advantage in using a combination of several methods of determining profit. As suggested in the preceding paragraph, the com- bination of a per cent and a productive hour basis is often desirable. On the other hand, the indirect expense items going to make up burden and which are charged into the cost in any event, ordinarily take care of all items of cost affecting the handling of material, carrying of doubtful and bad accounts, etc. 7-E. Mutual Satisfaction It is a well-known fact that a great many commodities are sold on the established market prices. Supply and de- mand ordinarily determine the market price on a great many commodities and materials. The difference between the available market price and the cost of the article to the producer ready to ship represents a margin of profit which in one sense can be described as a mutual satisfaction profit. The term "Mutual Satisfaction" more particularly, how- ever, applies to cases where a patented article is sold at a price a great many per cent higher than the true cost of it to the manufacturer. On the other hand, the article in question has a value to the customer regardless of what it cost the manufacturer. If an article is manufactured for $i and can be sold for $2.00 or $2.50, and the customer is perfectly willing and glad to pay $2.50 for it, the margin of $1.50 represents a mutually satisfactory profit. There are many special machines which have cost a great deal to develop, selling at a price which apparently repre- FREDERIC A. PARKHURST II3 sents a very large margin of profit over the total cost to the manufacturer. On the other hand, the purchase of such a machine enables the purchaser to turn out his product very much cheaper than he could otherwise do ; and he is only too g'lad to buy at a price which allows the manufacturer of the machine a very large margin. Mutual satisfaction is undoubtedly the best term to use in describing this method of determining profit. After all, a satisfactory and fair price is one which both vendor and purchaser mutually agree upon in a transaction between two. If both are con- tent there can be no logical argument against such a method. It is not the intention to suggest or advise the asking of an exorbitant profit, just because the product is one which the other fellow cannot buy elsewhere. If a vendor charges an exorbitant margin of profit, he is inviting' a competition which, though it may involve expensive designing and the invention of new methods, will eventually lead to getting on the market an article to compete with his. Competition is, of course, a good thing. At the same time there is a limit, and the average manufacturer will find that he ordi- narily has more to gain by not getting the habit of charg- ing exorbitant prices than he has by trying to boost values beyond a fair limit. A good safe margin of profit which shall amply protect against times of bad business, so mak- ing the average a fair one, is a much better policy and will result in a more permanent and staple business. A purchaser is better satisfied to buy a product netting the manufacturer a good margin of profit, when that manu- facturer bases his profit on accurate costs. A complete method of detailed distribution of costs permits the manu- facturer to charge to his orders a fair margin of profit, equally, on practically all of his product. One firm is not paying an exorbitant profit on his order to offset the loss on another firm's order. There is a great deal of business being handled in these days at a loss, because the manu- facturer does not know how much one article costs as com- pared to others. If he doesn't know the individual cost of an article how can he lower the cost on the unprofitable article? 114 MUTUAL SATISFACTION As first stated in these pages, it is not sufficient to know weeks after a job has been completed how much it will cost and how much you can sell it for. This information should always be at hand within a very close limit of variation before the order is placed on the books. If the methods described here are followed, the result will be a very marked change in the figures representing the cost of various arti- cles produced. Some of the supposedly profitable product will be found to be exceedingly unprofitable, and that part which was supposed to be unprofitable may be found to be most desirable. In any event, the net result of the rear- rangement will be a set of figures which will represent true cost. These true costs plus a fair margin of profit will result in a relatively true selling price. A firm no longer needs to bid at so much a piece, or so much a pound, or name such and such a price for an article because it thinks competitors are going to quote approxi- mately so much. Too often prices are quoted, based on the assumption that a competitor will hold to a certain figure and, "if we want the business we had better quote about so much less." A firm knowing its true costs and selling prices need never be afraid of quoting any selling price regardless of what he thinks the other fellow may quote in competition. No good business concern wants to buy an article because it can buy it the cheapest as far as the face price of it is concerned. What the customer wants is good service. He is willing to pay a price that will allow the firm giving that guarantee of service a living profit. The firm deciding to quote by guess-work methods may have some luck for a while, but must somehow, sometimes, shirk something to "break even" on guess-work prices. "All is not gold that glitters." Analyze your product. Know your costs. The firm having true costs data at their command need never fear competition, providing they real- ize soon enough that they must also have a competent, pro- gressive, and up-to-date sales organization with confidence in its prices. Without the latter, their true costs and rela- tively true selling prices will avail them little. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST II5 8 — Conclusion This book covers what is probably the most vital branch of any business. Without true costs on which to base sell- ing prices, the stability of any business is, to say the least, uncertain. The reader must not for a moment imagine that the definition of the word cost as the author uses it is that limited by, the dictionary. In other words, we should not continually strive toward lower relative costs at the expense of, nor to the knowing detriment of our fellow-worker or employee. Today we no longer associate the lowest cost Math the least output in wages. In establishments employing the most modern methods involved in the science of manage- ment the lowest costs are realized when the remuneration to the employee reaches the peak. Nor is the cold-blooded comparision of facts and figures the only measure of value. Modern striving for low costs, which under proper and scientific management pays the highest wage, has resulted in the improvement in a marked degree of working condi- tions, as well as in the personnel itself. It is true that many of the physical improvements in factory, equipment, tools, safeguarding life and limb brought out in recent years have often been prompted by selfish motives. On the other hand, this work is becoming more and more general from a strictly humanitarian standpoint. We cannot overlook the personal factor. We realize as time goes on that the satisfied and well-paid worker has an economic influence which far exceeds his direct monetary value to his employer. The highly paid workman has a highly stimulated interest in his work. He becomes a thinker. Being a thinker, he becomes better able to dis- criminate between what is good for him and that which is likely to prove detrimental. To continue his high pay, he continues to care for himself. His opportunities are greater. He lives better and does more for his family. Other effects of this higher pay to the workman come from his desire to better educate his children and become a better citizen. He spends more and he saves more. As Il6 CONCLUSION he begins to realize these things and what these changes mean, he becomes a potent economic factor in public life. His work is more productive, as he does more of a better quality. He co-operates with his employer and his em- ployer's organization. In other words, he is more or less a partner in the business in that he gets a special extra remun- eration for his cost reducing value, and he gets it in cash every week with no questions asked. His bonus increases as his efficiency increases. All of the foregoing has its direct effect on costs. Not because of the fewer hours spent to do a piece of work. Far more important is the moral, harmonious and coopera- tive influence of an efficient individual in an organization. Only by such a condition can control be obtained of all the elements entering into costs. Economical operation and low cost means the maximum efficiency in output of energy, high wages, and a conser- vation of material and labor. A dollar saved is ioo per cent, profit. A one dollar order from a customer may mean 10 cents or 15 cents (10% to 15%) profit. In the future the successful business will begin its economy by eliminat- ing wastes rather than by cutting wages and the sum total of expenditures for a given output will become the objective point of attack from which to eliminate. Goethe said, "If the world is not governed by figures, they at least show how the world is governed." If the American business man, with his command of unlimited and unexcelled resources of practical thought, capital, equipment and energy, will govern his industrial world by "true" figures and not guess work, his supremacy and that of the American workman will be impregnable. LECTURE XX THE TOOL ROOM 6-A. The Standardization of Methods and Tools. XXVIII. Instruction for Tool Foreman. XXIX. Instruction as to Tool Requirements. XXX. Instruction for Care and Storage of Tools. This lecture will discuss the details incident to the standardization of methods and tools under section 6-A. forming part of Chapter VI of the text. The three instructions above noted will also be discussed in detail and will be found in the Appendix of the text. 117 LECTURE XXI MANUFACTURING AND ERECTING 6-B. The Development of a Manufacturing System. 6-C. The Handling of Erection Work. The above subjects will be discussed in detail following Chapter VI of the text, with additional discussion of the work in other factories. 118 LECTURE XXII TIME STUDY AND BONUS 7-A. Introduction of Time Studies. 7-B. Analysis of Time Studies and the Development of In- struction Cards. The above subjects will be discussed as outlined in Chapter VII of the text, so as to follow the organization lineup at the Ferracute Ma- chine Company. II 9 LECTURE XXIII time study and bonus (continued) 7-C. Discussion of Piece Work, Premium, Bonus, Differential Rate and Differential Bonus Systems of Wage Payment. 7-D. Method used by the Author to Compute Differential Bonus. This lecture will discuss the two remaining parts of Chapter VII of the text, completing the study of this part of the subject as applied to the Ferracute Machine Co. I20 LECTURE XXIV time study and bonus (continued) 9. The Control of Methods and Labor through Time Studies and Sub-Operation Times. 10. Time Study Foreman. This lecture will discuss in further detail the work necessary inci- dent to time study and bonus as indicated by the two above mentioned divisions which are reprinted complete from the author's "Scientific Management in the Foundry," sections 9 and 10. The discussion of the subject in this lecture will cover considerably more detail than did the preceding lectures on the same subject and will also give the student an idea of the elements involved in the study of foundry methods. 9 — The Control of Methods and Labor Through Time Studies and Standard Sub-Operation Times All of the above mentioned pre-requisites have their value as a part of the whole. The actual savings they effect are very great, but we come now to the most radical part of real scientific management, that part which helps us immensely in the development of all the branches of management that have been mentioned earlier in this article and that part which makes possible a larger production than is otherwise obtainable. Fundamentally we must obtain a thorough knowledge of all factors in a condition to scientifically control it. To do this we must first carefully analyze each thing we have to do into all its elements. Having done this the next step is to take up each branch or element individually and one at a time. The chief element aside from material in foundry work is labor. The control of methods and the necessary labor element are closely related. In one sense the method is distinct from the labor necessary to make that method effective. On the other hand we cannot dispense with the labor. Our method may contemplate the most complex and efficient 121 122 CONTROL OF METHODS AND LABOR mechanical appliance, leaving but little for the human ele- ment to do to realize great productiveness from it. Yet, to repeat, we are helpless without the human factor. In the perfection of methods we bring to bear specially trained minds. The material and tools to be used are care- fully determined. The proper combinations of help ( if it. is gang job) are agreed upon. So too are the sequence of operations and the time each shall take. All of these factors are determined by careful study combined with the use of the stop watch. To best describe the author's method of making time studies he gives below a modified copy of a set of instruc- tions covering the duties of a time study foreman. This instruction applies to a man in charge of time study work in one of the large foundries in which the author is install- ing his methods of scientific management. A large amount of detail applying to that particular business has been omitted for obvious reasons. The author hopes that the following will impress the reader with the great importance of this part of the work. Time study work well done is the key to the success of the entire scheme. If improperly or incorrectly carried out it is bound to plung'e the entire scheme of organization into chaos. The final outcome can be readily foreseen. 10 — The Time Study Foreman The Time Study Foreman is a member of the planning room force. He is a functional foreman and is directly under the Production Clerk. Until the new methods are thoroughly operative, however, the Time Study Foreman will be directly under the Organizing Engineer and will be responsible to him only. These instructions cover the duties of the Time Study Foreman and his one assistant. They are of course equally applicable in the event that there are more than two men employed on this work. The time study men are imme- diately responsible to the Time Study Foreman, who will be held strictly responsible for all branches of their work. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 23 This also applies to men detailed temporarily from other plants for instruction in time study work. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of the work covered by these instructions. This applies both to the relative importance of this branch of the work to the entire organization as well as to the fact that it is the most important single element of the whole. The success of the entire bonus system is dependent on the reliability of the work of the Time Study Foreman and his assistants, and in the accuracy of their investigations and records. The observer or time study man should be a skilled man of the trade under investigation. It is not absolutely neces- sary that he be the fastest worker in the shop, but he must be one of the best. Pride and enthusiasm in his work are two of the chief essentials. To these may be added sound judgment and an unbiased mind, and above all things, he must be patient, exacting and extremely diplomatic. Many opportunities will arise for carrying tales. Care must be taken in conversation with the men that nothing is said which can be misconstrued. These things make trouble and must be absolutely avoided. A man who cannot observe these regulations will not be allowed to have anything to do with time study or bonus work. The time study men must study the man as well as the job. They must win and retain the confidence of those with whom they come in contact. The time study men are functional foremen in every sense of the word. As such they come in contact sooner or later and more or less often, with every workman in the shop. The observer when making a time study, should be sure to fill in all the information required at the top of the time study form, as indicated by the printed matter. The Sub- stance of the "note" at the top of this form should always be borne in mind. Each job must be carefully and thor- oughly analyzed into its various elements. The best se- quence of operations, as well as the proper tools, feeds, speeds and cuts (if a machine job) must be determined be- fore the study is completed. This is a most important 124 TIME STUDY FOREMAN record and must always be complete in itself for later ref- erence. First of all there are a great many standard elemental times to be determined and tabulated for us in connection with time studies and instruction cards. These elements occur repeatedly on all work of whatever nature which may be done in the different types of machine or by hand. Once determined, they represent a standard to be used in the future for that particular machine or group of like machines or other equipment. - In addition to the above, full data must be tabulated covering all details of capacity, power, adaptability, etc., of each machine, maximum feeds, cuts, speeds, etc. Other elemental times are also necessary to the expediting and standardizing of this work. For ex- ample, standard time allowances for setting different kinds of work in different types of machines, different sizes and styles of clamps and bolts, time needed to raise different weights from floor to machine, both by hand for small parts, and by crane or hoist for larger ones. Different trades, of course, all have different elemental operations. All of these elemental times represent a much larger pro- portion of a man's daily work than any one would at first imagine. Although the class of work being done in a shop may vary greatly, both in sizes and shapes, a great deal of a man's time is consumed daily in doing the same thing over and over again. This statement applies to getting tools, starting and stopping his machine, setting and unset- ting tools, making adjustments, performing hand opera- tions, etc. Until an actual record has been made of the time so consumed, and this record compared with the time the same operations should take as proved by stop-watch obser- vations, no one will be convinced of the true state of affairs. The analysis of new work into its elements then becomes a mere matter of applying standard elementary times to most of the elements and calculating or observing the times for the remaining few. Before starting to make a time study, the right work- man must be chosen for the job. He must be a fast and FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 125 conscientious worker and skilled at the kind of work, or branch of the trade, under investigation. If such a man is not available, and a "green" man is to be broken in, the ob- server must demonstrate the various elements as the study progresses. First of all (other conditions being propitious), the man chosen to do the job must be one who is strictly loyal and thoroughly in sympathy with the new methods. Having chosen such a man, it is generally good practice to pay him 25 per cent of his hourly rate as a bonus for follow- ing instructions anad while working under the watch. This payment should only apply as long as he continues to con- scientiously do the best he can to assist toward an accurate and fair time study of the job in question. After a number of different men have become accustomed to working under the watch, this 25 per cent bonus should be regularly paid to each man when working under these conditions. It will be somewhat difficult at first to win the operator's good will and hearty co-operation. When it is made clear to him that there are many elements in the job which can be improved, such as a different way of rigging up the job in the first place, or certain combinations of speeds, feeds and cuts, and that he has a chance of earning from 20 per cent to 40 per cent more wages under the new scheme, you have then brought home to him wherein he is to benefit. His work will at once become more interesting; hence, he can do much more work with less fatigue. A man's mental con- dition and environment are two factors which exert a most far-reaching influence on his output. His own and the employer's interest both require that these two factors be given careful consideration. Under these conditions each man is enabled to stand on his own feet. He is assured of the remuneration that is commensurate with his ability. He will not be wholly subject then to a prevailing rate of wages, which in so many cases is most unjust to both employe and employer. Having chosen the man, the job must be studied and an- alyzed. This may require much experimenting by trying out one method after another. The tools and fixtures to be 126 TIME STUDY FOREMAN used must also be determined and listed so that for future repeat orders the proper tools may be made ready in the tool room and moved to the machine. This should be done in advance of the time the job is scheduled to start. The ma- terial must also be on the floor or at the machine or job. In making a time study, every distinct sub-operation must be timed separately. All time is expressed in minutes and decimals on the time study form (see Fig. 6) after which the time is transposed into hours and decimals and figured to the nominal production per nine-hour day. Operation times that are too short to be accurately timed individually may be calculated. This may be done by taking the time for say four sub-operations, then by deducting the time taken for three to get the time for one. As the study progresses, all unnecessary time should be noted and deducted. This includes time lost due to a man's too slow movements, wait- ing for or preparing tools, as well as delays from any other source not necessary to the proper performance of the work. After the work is under way, several time studies from different pieces of the same lot (if there are more than one) should be made on the one form. Three columns are provided for this purpose. In addition the column to the right is to be filled in showing the time that is finally decided on for each sub-operation. Eventually all elemental times will be standard and the times shown for them on the time study form will be ignored except to account for much waste time. Ten or twelve sheets are often required for one piece, or job, if it be a large or intricate one. The time study when completed will show all the detail times, equal in amount to the total elapsed time. It must be borne in mind that each study is based on a certain design of piece, made of a certain material, using specified equipment and tools, and is not to apply if one or more conditions are changed. The man, however, is the variable factor. The kind and quality of material has also to be laken into consideration. Lack of material or faulty equipment will often prevent a man from earning bonus. The difference in quality of the material is beyond the control of the man, FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 12J and if it prevents his earning a bonus, the management must expect to make an adjustment. No allowance, however, is to be made for delays in manipulation of the machine, work or tools. A shut-down of the machine for adjustment, cleaning, or minor repairs, will not be allowed unless it is shown beyond question that these delays were in no way due to the operator. In some cases, however, the job may be stopped, due to any of the above mentioned delays, and the operator put on other work. When the job is finally resumed, the total time elapsed while it was being worked on is used in determining the time per piece. It is up to the functional foreman to see that the machine and equip- ment are in proper shape before work is started on any job. It must not be assumed that it is always an easy matter to get a sufficiently accurate time study, and hence a good set of instructions. In point of fact, time studies some- times have to be made at different times from several suc- cessive lots or jobs before a satisfactory instruction card can be issued or a bonus rate set. The time study man must often spend several consecutive days on one job, before he can get a satisfactory study. When this has been obtained, however, it is a comparatively easy matter to write up the instruction cards. These instructions, when written, form the permanent standard for that operation, until a change in one or more of its conditions necessitates a new one. The record in itself looks simple, but the preliminary work in- volved can be only appreciated by one who has been actively engaged in this kind of work. The reader must not be misled in thinking that after a satisfactory time study has been taken and the instruction card made out, there is nothing more to be done. As often as not, this point marks the beginning of a more or less lengthy period of patient and systematic coaching*. In the first place, several different men will probably work on as many successive lots. Until these men have been thor- oughly accustomed to bonus work, they will not perform the operation as fast as they can eventually. This is true also of machine operators who perhaps run the same ma- 128 TIME STUDY FOREMAN chine from one end of the year to the other, but on many- kinds of work. Most men are more adept at one class of work than they are at another, even though it is performed on the same machine. Again, their mental attitude must be considered. They think that although they can earn ten or twelve cents an hour bonus on one job, they can make nothing on some new job. All these conditions and differ- ences of opinion must be met and the employe instructed un- til he becomes proficient on each job put to him under bonus. This method also results in placing men at the work they are best fitted for. They cannot continue to work indiffer- ently for perhaps years when they should have been on other jobs or working at some other trade. The writer has in mind a number of jobs which took from six to four- teen months of unremitting, patient labor on his part before a cent of bonus was earned on them. If one or more men do not begin to immediately earn bonus after a bonus price has been set, the circumstances must be taken into consideration. They must be given an opportunity to appreciate the fact that the job contains ele- ments which they were before unfamiliar with. Make them realize that they have been shown how they can do the work quickly if they are so inclined. I quote an example which came up in our core room the other day, which is a particularly good illustration of this point. I refer to a half housing core, core box 3, for a transmission, bonus chart No. 53. This job had been run under day work from 75 to 85 cores a day and in the judgment of the foreman 90 cores could be made in nine hours. A time study on this job was made personally by the writer and afterwards a more systematic study was made by the Time Study Fore- man. The result was that the job figured .83 minutes per core. Making an allowance of about 10 per cent, the maxi- mum bonus production was figured on a basis of 0.9 min- utes per core. This means a production of 600 cores per day for one man at the bench. Bonus was started at 70 per cent of this production (420) and the chart above referred to was issued on this basis. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 29 It is a pretty radical proposition to take a "75 to 90 a day" job based on the best judgment of the man in charge of that department and attempt to jump it to 420 before the man can earn any extra remuneration. The man who had been working on this job refused to work under bonus and walked out. A strange man was put on the job and for the first day's work made 460 cores. On the second day he made 537. The foreman in this department then ad- mitted that he believed a man could make 600 of these cores in nine hours. The job after a few days ran from 550 to 600 per day. This example is recorded here as a good illus- tration of the apparent radicalism of some of the results de- sired under new methods. Be perfectly sure of your facts, then instruct and assist the men in every way in realizing the results you aim for. Keep an accurate record of the time you consume while making each time study and if the men are cooperating with you and trying in every way to assist you in making this study, see that a bonus pay slip is turned in for an amount equal to 25 per cent of their wages for the time they were working under the stop watch. Be perfectly open and frank with them while taking time studies and do not get the habit of letting them think you are taking time studies secretly. I am not referring now to making the general superficial study of the job and taking the elapsed time, keeping the watch in the pocket. This method is allowable under cer- tain circumstances as long as it is done discreetly and just as a rough check on conditions. There are only a few cases where such a method is necessary and the writer knows of none where it is desirable. When taking time studies or arranging the order of work and teaching the men how to perform such work, be sure to make them realize the advantage of working at a steady gait. Do not let the men continue the habit which a great majority of them have; i. e. trying to put up a large proportion of the day's work during the morning period. We have been able to get our men away from this habit and it will be noticed that on practically every I3O TIME STUDY FOREMAN bonus job now running an average gait is maintained throughout the day. If the jobs were checked over at noon, you would find that almost invariably there is 5-9 of a day's work completed at 1 1 :3c Such a condition is a most de- sirable one; the men can do more work with less fatigue than in any other way. For general information, it may be mentioned here that there is a certain limit to which a man can go before becoming unduly fatigued. If a very short rest period is taken at this time, a matter of only a few moments even, it will recuperate a man so that he can resume at his maximum speed. Let him work a little longer, however, at his maximum speed and it will not re- quire a proportionately increased period of rest to recu- perate, but the period will have to be many times longer. A slower average gait steadily maintained as above stated re- quires a great deal less effort for a greater production. As each job is taken up and investigated preparatory to making a time study, be sure to get an accurate record of how the job is run, the number of men, and their rates. Also get an accurate record of the production per clay both in gross work and net amount of good castings, cores, or whatever unit applies to the job. This information is very essential for comparative purposes as well as to check out your cost after you determine the new way of arranging the job combined with the anticipated production. Very often it is necessary to change a method and at other times it is a very undesirable thing to do. After you plan the arrangement of a job on the floor or bench, be sure to see that you provide a sufficient quantity of material. No matter how willing the men they cannot work to advantage (nor can you get a satisfactory study) if the flow of material is not sufficient to keep the gang well supplied and far enough ahead so that they do not see the possibility of a tie-up. You must not forget that the average workman is very clever at gaging his speed to suit conditions. Do not under any circumstances think that the men you are dealing with are fools, especially if they are of a different nationality and do not understand English. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST I3I You will find that the minds of such men are peculiarly active. They are very quick to see an opportunity and take advantage of it. They are also exceedingly sensitive, far more so than the average better educated person. Restrict each job, whether it is a one man job or a gang job, to a certain but sufficient amount of floor, rack and bench space. Be careful to make your arrangement of work such that the different material and equipment is handy and can be reached and manipulated without an un- due amount of travel or useless motions; on the other hand, allow sufficient room to work to advantage. It is a mistake (except perhaps in isolated cases) to work more than two to six men and boys in a gang on bonus. The individuality of each man is lost and no one in the gang can work to the best advantage for several reasons : chiefly because men vary in capacity. When in too large a gang all are not congenial, are apt to be more or less jealous and antagonistic, or feel that each one is not doing his share and hence holding - the others back. Work which can be done by a large gang must be so divided into sections that each section can be handled as a unit by one or two men. The result is the equivalent of a number of small individual units or jobs which at a certain stage of comple- tion, are themselves assembled in a short time, and perhaps by a number of men, into the completed work. In a case of this kind each unit or section is inspected separately as its assembling progresses. The final inspection takes place after the work is complete. In the capacity of a time study man be careful to avoid any suggestion of usurping the authority of the foremen or gang bosses. They fully understand the relation of your work to their own ; at the same time when you are ordered to take a time study of a job, arrange with the foreman and let him formally turn the men over to you. Very often the foreman will have good reasons for wanting to post- pone the starting" of such an investigation. These reasons may be due to promises that he has made in regard to his work, or to the fact that there is some change in equip- 132 TIME STUDY FOREMAN ment being made, etc. Such factors should be considered, but in every case report back to your superior. He may have more important reasons for wanting the study to start at once than those which have been given you for de- laying it. Where you have occasion to criticize or suggest improvements in methods generally on jobs which you are not personally handling, take such matters up with the foreman or other proper authority. Do not give men in- structions unless it is on a job which has been standard- ized. In such cases it is up to the Time Study Foreman and his assistants to maintain these jobs in their standard condition. LECTURE XXV time study and bonus ( continued) 11. Time Study Instructions in Detail. 12. Standard Elemental Sub-Operation Times for Floor Work. 13. Standard Sub-Elemental Operation Times for Bench and Squeezer Work. 14. Standard Miscellaneous Data. 15. General Instructions to Time Study Men. This lecture will cover in detail the above subjects reprinted com- plete from the author's "Scientific Management in the Foundry" sec- tions 11 to 15 inclusive, giving further information as to the applica- tion of these methods to the foundry business. 11 — Time Study Instructions in Detail All observations in the form of time studies, either rough superficial investigations or detailed stop watch observa- tions are to be recorded on the time study form (see Fig. 6). These forms are to be numbered in consecutive numerical order, commencing at i. Particular care must be exercised when starting a study on any piece of work to be sure that all of the information called for by the printed matter at the top of this form is filled in. When more than one sheet is used in recording the time study, these sheets must be numbered and the total number of sheets and "sheet num- ber" ( — Sheet, sheet — ) filled in on each sheet belonging to a set of time studies. As a general word regarding time studies, the note printed near the top of the time study form should have particular attention, namely — "The observer must exercise extreme care in making time studies to see that the proper sequence of operations is main- tained, that all unnecessary operations or moves are eliminated, that proper appliances are provided and if machine work, see that the proper and most economical combinations of Speed, Feed and Cut are used. When time is slow, due to man's natural slow moves, note (in margin at extreme right below) what the time should be for a fast man moving at his best normal speed. Have certain operations repeated if necessary to satisfy yourself that the time is correct and continue to do so until the study is satisfactory." !33 134 TIME STUDY INSTRUCTIONS The note is printed on the form so that it may always be a continual brief reminder of the several very important ele- ments to be considered in connection with time study work. These are elaborated on in considerable detail below but too much emphasis cannot be laid on their importance. Each time study or observation, whether one of a series of studies of standard elemental sub-operations, or a time study of some specific operation or job, should always be conducted in a systematic and routine manner and in strict accordance with the following: — ■ a — Take nothing for granted, get all the facts and do not jump at conclusions; let these facts lead you to a conclusion and you will seldom go wrong. b — -Prepare the heading on the time study form above re- ferred to, filling in all the data called for. c— Use a decimal stop watch and express all time in minutes or hundreths of a minute (see Fig. 7). For each sub-operation (note explanation in (d) make at least 3 observations. The first of these observations should not be made until the job is rigged up and arranged in the manner in which it is to finally run, until the men have become thoroughly familiar with what is to be done, and until they have obtained a maximum amount of dexterity in the manipulation of the work or, tools. The sec- ond and third observations should not necessarily follow con- secutively after the first. Sometimes it will be of advantage to do this and at other times, it will be better to make the second and third observations at intervals of perhaps several days. The conditions of the job and its nature, as well as other influencing factors will settle this point. The "average time" (for which a column is provided) is a matter of calculation and can be done after the study is com- plete. Very often, however, it will be necessary to fill in the time the job should take (for which the extreme right hand column is provided) at the time the three observations are being made. Conditions govern this, but there will be occasions when there is a definite loss of time on a sub-operation due to certain hindrances which can be corrected at the time the observations are being made. If the correct time is not noted immediately, it may be overlooked. d — Reference has been made above to "sub-operation ;" it will be noted that on the second line of the heading of the time study form, the third item is "operation." (See Fig. 6). Operation as here used means the general operation or job under observa- tion. This general operation may consist of a great many sub- operations, some of them being purely elemental and continu- ously repeated, no matter what the particular job is that is being worked on. Other sub-operations are special to a particular operation or job. This explanation is put in here so that the words "operations" and "sub-operations" will not be confused. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 35 To further explain — suppose we are taking a time study on a molding operation, say for a simple floor job conducted by one man. The entire work of making this mold is an operation. Placing the bottom board, setting the pattern, dusting on parting sand, setting sprues and risers, setting flasks, shifting the first layer of sand, setting nails and gaggers, shoveling sand, ram- ming, striking off, etc., are all "sub-operations" of a "molding operation." A similar explanation is applicable to coremaking. knockout, trimming, soldering, etc., all of which are ''opera- tions." Note — See paragraph (g). e — The next step is to see that the equipment which has been provided for the operation is operative and arranged to the best advantage on the floor, bench or other place provided. It is essential that no more floor space be devoted to a job than is necessary for the maximum amount of work; on the other hand, it is equally inefficient, often more so, to provide too little space. In work calling for the co-operation of two or more men, their respective "sub" or "part" (see g) based on the time they take, operations should be so arranged that the men can work in unison and with the minimum of delay. Be sure that the tools are in first class condition and in sufficient quantities, and that the man knows how to handle them. (See m). If the best arrangements cannot be determined beforehand, make experiments enough to determine this point beyond ques- tion before proceeding further. In such cases, see that your time study form shows an explanation of what this arrange- ment should be. This may be written in the body of the form in the column headed "detail description of operations, speed, cuts, etc." f — Having arranged the above-mentioned preliminaries, the next thing is to carefully study the personnel of the employes. A careful study of this phase of the problem will show that a great many men are misplaced and are doing either the wrong kind of work, or are not fitted for the particular part of the kind of work they are doing. This is particularly noticeable where gang- work is involved. Very often the men doing the hard physical labor requiring little or no skill are the men physically less fitted for the kind of work. We likewise too often find as a result of precedent, a skilled molder employed as a gang boss on a mold- ing floor setting cores on a class or work for which only a bright, though inexperienced man is necessary. "Misfits" such as these are innumerable, except in the most highly developed or- ganizations. The personal factor is the one great element to be watched, studied, "placed" and controlled before permanent improvement in methods is possible. All these conditions should be taken into consideration as first stated, and the gangs rearranged to suit the job on which they are to be employed. Such changes should be taken up through the planning room and the department fore- man. It is fully appreciated that we cannot always make up gangs to suit every individual job. We can, however, regulate our work more or less by classes and divide our gangs into similar classes. Keep each class of workmen as much as pos- sible on the class of work for which thev are best fitted. I36 TIME STUDY INSTRUCTIONS g — The next step is to study the details of the job and in a general way separate it into several parts. For example — if it is a "gang" molding job, the work on the cope would be consid- ered one general part of the operation and the work on the drag would be considered another general part of the operation. Other "part operations" would be finishing, core setting, green sand coremaking, closing and clamping molds, setting pouring cups and cups and dumping out. Study each part of the work as though it were a complete "operation" then sub-divide it into its sub-operations. In doing this be sure that all unnecessary moves or sub-operations are eliminated. Where more than one man is working on a sub-operation or part operation, see that their respective sub-operations are so timed that they are being done together. In other words, if three men are working on a cope each of them should have something to do all the time that the cope is in their hands ; one or two should not be obliged to stand and wait while the one finishes his delayed sub-opera- tion. I have timed many jobs where only two men were in- volved, and found that they have taken more than twice as long as they should for the reason that the above-mentioned points were utterly ignored. Before taking up the next step, be sure that the division of the job into its several parts just mentioned, is complete and logical and that you are thoroughly familiar with each sub- operation or each part of an operation. Take nothing for granted and see and understand for yourself exactly why, when and how every sub-operation is performed. Then, and only then, can you know how to proceed or feel you are on the right track. h — Take each part of the operation and list on the time study form in the logical and practicable sequence its various sub-operations. Also clearly state under each part the number of men involved and where a sub-operation is done by two ot more men be sure to note beside it the number of men. In timing sub-operations be sure to see that an entire combination going to make up the particular operation are working smoothly and that the rough elapsed time is fairly even. Having done this, each sub-operation can be timed independent of all other considerations. Do not lost sight of the fact that the decimal stop watch is arranged to stop and start, accumulating time of each successive operation and need not be thrown back to zero until the sub-operation is completed. If you have started the time on a sub-operation and something interferes with the con- tinuation of it, or causes a delay, sto.p the watch until the job is resumed at this point and at a normal speed. To illustrate — you may hold the watch on a sub-operation for twenty minutes total elapsed time, but if you follow the above instructions, the watch will sometimes show only perhaps five or six minutes (or less) as the actual required time for that sub-operation. The manipulation of the watch on the above basis (and judgment of what time to eliminate) is one of the chief essen- tials when taking time studies. If a time study man cannot master this part of the work and always be sure of the correct- ness of his time studies, he cannot hold his position. You will find that the average workman often unintentionally combines a great many useless operations. This condition will be found FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 37 most often where you have laid out a method of operation dif- ferent from that to which he has heen accustomed. Under such circumstances you must expect him to make mistakes and do things in their improper order or do unnecessary things. These should be eliminated. In other words, if the above instructions have been followed out, you have determined a definite method and sequence of operations and you are only expected to take the time of these necessary operations. These are the times which are to appear in the columns marked "1," "2" and "3" on the time study form, figures 6 and 7. Do not lose sight of the fact that under the new methods each employe has fewer things to do than formerly. Do not al- low time taken in getting material to him or his work away from him. Preparation and care of tools (dressing, grinding, repairing, etc.) are not up to him; neither is inspection, looking up and preparing his next job, keeping time and similar work formerly saddled on the workman. In the foundries, dumping out, pouring off, laboring, etc., are all specialized where formerly these things were done more or less by everyone. i — In making time studies or observations on other than stan- dard elemental operations, it is not necessary to take the time of any standard elemental sub-operation involved on that par- ticular job. As explained below, all the standard elemental operations will be charted and standard times determined for them. These standard elemental operations will be numbered numerically. Where they form sub-operations as explained above, they may simply be referred to on the time study form by number. When you come to figure up the right hand column to show the time the job should take, the standard elemental time should be taken from the standard elemental time sheets. You will find that eventually the actual time study work involved will be very small, and then only for exceptional work. The time for the majority of operations can be taken from the standard elemental time sheets. j — Under no circumstances base a time study on the speed of an unusually fast man ; the same thing applies to the unusually slow man, as in either case the result of your time study would be of no value. It must be clearly borne in mind that what we want is the correct time that the job should take when done by the average fast, industrious workman of the type and qualifica- tions necessary for that particular kind of work. Do not be afraid to take averages and the more time you take as a check the better. Furthermore, bear in mind that what time you are taking is to be used as a basis for issuing bonus charts, the prices on which are under no circumstances to be lowered as long as the job remains the same or is done by the same tools, equipment, methods, etc., as were in use when the bonus chart was figured. It is one of the fundamental principles of my methods of Scientific Management that the facts be correctly determined in the first place and that a schedule in prices or bowus chart is to remain unaltered. The success of the entire scheme ninges upon this one thing. You must solicit the co- operation of the men, and win and hold their confidence. Super- judgment is necessary; be sure you are right and take time enough to do your work well. I38 TIME STUDY INSTRUCTIONS k — Having completed the time study with at least three sets of final observations, the average time should be figured out for each sub-operation and filled in on the sheet. Sub-operation times should be totalled for each part of the general operation and these "part operations" compared. Then fill in the time that the work should take, doing this by part operations so that the various part operation times may be compared. This really is the time that you have got to work on. Where it is shown that one part of an operation takes longer than another part and that these parts must be completed in substantially the same time, it is obvious that something must be done to balance up the time on the slow part. You know that theoretically the fast operation represents the best normal production for the job. An extra man must be put on the slow operation or some other change made to balance it up with the fast one. When making such a change, it is well to make an additional time study as a check on your figures before issuing instruction cards or bonus charts to the workmen. 1 — On some jobs, operations, or particular classes of work there will be a number of sub-operations which are incident only to the entire job as a whole. For example — when a new job is started there may be instructions to explain, there may be draw- ings to become familiar with, there may be certain arrangement of the work on the floor, or in the machine which, having once been done, apply to the entire quantity or until the job is com- pleted. Such elements in some cases may be standard elemental operations or they may be special to that job. In any event they are what we call lot operations and the times for them are known as lot times. In cases where these lot operations are repeated daily, a proportion of their total should be allotted to the opera- tion under investigation based on, we will say, one day's work. A day's work constitutes a certain given production. The lot time distributable to a day's work should be divided by this number of pieces based on the time study and an item included on the time study to represent the lot time. Where lot times are such that they are not repeated, or can- not be proportioned to any definite amount of product as may be the case where a new job is started, and is being rigged up, this time may be or may not be included in the individual piece operation time. In such cases it will be assumed that this lot time has been spent once and for all, no matter how long the job runs. In such a case, consider it a "part operation" and get your study of it for further reference. Likewise, where there may be certain lot operation times at the completion of a job which has run a great many days or weeks, this may be con- sidered as a factor not particularly affecting the operation times. This is so considered as far as time study work is concerned (except as explained above) but of course such distributable lot time is all charged up to the cost of the job. m— In studying operations as above described, be sure that the necessary work at the beginning of the day or at the close of the day's work is included in your time study. Such work is essentially a lot operation, the time for which is "Lot Time" referred to above in paragraph (1). The care which tools should be given at night and the order in which the floor, bench. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 39 machine or job must be left should be clearly settled and the allowance of time for putting it in such condition provided. Such times are primarily daily lot times and are easily distribu- table pro rata to each operation performed for the day's work. In specifying the condition of equipment be sure that tools which are liable to rust are kept clean and well oiled and also see that the mechanical equipment provided is kept well oiled and ad- justed, either by the operators themselves or by the mainte- nance department. Report all cases of abuse of tools. Do not let men use a shovel for an axe or as a crowbar. 12 — Standard Elemental Sub-Operation Times For Floor Work Reference has been made above to standard elemental operations; these are more correctly described as standard elemental sub-operation as they are really sub-operations, combinations of which form "operations." The method of procedure in taking standard elemental times is the same as described above in considerable detail and as there stated, this description applies to all types of time study work. It is essential that before much general time study work is undertaken, we determine these standard elemental times. The following (see Table I) is given as representative of the more important standard elemental operations for foundry work. It will be noticed that the following table is divided into two classes. One class includes those times which are influenced almost solely by the size or weight of the flask used. The other class representing those opera- tions which are more or less dependent on the kind of equipment or method in use. In the first class a different time will be realized for each sub-elemental operation for each flask in use. In the second class, the same is true for each sub-elemental operation for each flask in use, except that there is the additional factor that the same combination may be used in any one of the five or six methods, namely : Bench Molding (Hand & Machine) Floor Molding Hand rollover machines Power rollover machines Stripping plate machines Jar ramming machines Other methods may come into future use. The above items are illustrative rather than specific. 140 STANDARD ELEMENTAL SUB-OPERATIONS TABLE I STANDARD ELEMENTAL SUB-OPERATIONS FOR FLOOR MOLDING Ref. No. 1 2 3 4 5- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Flask Sup-operation Brush off pattern Blow off pattern Dust on parting Set 10 lb. flask Set 20 lb. flask Set 30 lb. Set 40 lb. Set 80 lb. Set 60 lb. Set 70 lb. flask Set 80 lb. flask Set 90 lb. flask Set 100 lb. flask Set 120 lb. flask Set 140 lb. flask Set 160 lb. flask Set 180 lb. flask Set 200 lb. flask Set 220 lb. flask flask flask flask flask Set Set Set Set sprue sprue sprue sprue Set 1 riser Set 2 Set 3 Tl T2 T3 T4 Etc. riser riser Set 4 riser Set 5 riser Set 6 riser Set 7 riser Set 8 riser Set 9 riser Set 10 riser Set 11 riser Set 12 riser Sift sand ^-inch deep Sift sand y 2 -mch deep Sift sand on pattern 1 Sift sand on pattern 2 Sift sand on pattern 3 Sift sand on pattern 4 Sift sand on pattern 5 Sift sand on pattern 6 Sift sand on pattern 7 Sift sand on pattern 8 Sift sand on pattern 9 Sift sand on pattern 10 inches high Sift sand on pattern 11 inches high Sift sand on pattern 12 inches high Press sand around pattern nch high nches high nches high nches high nches high nches high nches high nches high nches high FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 141 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Tuck straight bans Tuck slant out bans Tuck vertical bans Tuck irregular bans Shovel in 4 inches sand Shovel in 5 inches sand Shovel in 6 inches sand Shovel in 7 inches sand Shovel in 8 inches sand Shovel in 9 inches sand Shovel in 10 inches sand Shovel in 11 inches sand Shovel in 12 inches sand Shovel in 13 inches sand Shovel in 14 inches sand Shovel in 15 inches sand Ram 4 inches sand "light" Ram 4 inches sand "medium" Ram 4 inches sand "hard" Ram 6 inches sand "light" Ram 6 inches sand "medium" Ram 6 inches sand "hard" Ram 8 inches sand "light" Ram 8 inches sand "medium" Ram 8 inches sand "hard" Fill flask 3 inches above top Fill flask 4 inches above top Fill flask 5 inches above top Fill flask 6 inches above top Step off Butt ram Level off "shovel" Level off "hard" Strike off Pull 1 sprue sprue sprue sprue riser Pull Pull 3 Pull 4 Pull 1 Pidl 2 riser Pull 3 riser Pull 4 riser Pull 5 riser Pull 6 riser Pull 7 riser Pull 8 riser Pull 9 riser Pull 10 riser Pull 11 riser Pull 12 riser Level off before board goes on Put on board Rub board to good bearing Clamp board with 2 clamps Clamp board with 4 clamps Clamp board with 6 clamps 142 STANDARD ELEMENTAL SUB-OPERATIONS 107 Clamp board with 2 clamps and wedges — 108 Clamp board with 4 clamps and wedges — 109 Clamp board with 6 clamps and wedges — 110 Clamp board with automatic clamp 111 Roll over by hand, 1 man ■ — 112 Roll over by hand, 2 men — 113 Roll over by hand, 3 men 114 Roll over by hand, 4 men — 115 Roll over by hand, 5 men — 116 Roll over by hand, 6 men — 117 Roll over by hand, 7 men ■ — 118 Roll over by hand, 8 men — 119 Roll over by hand, 9 men — 120 Roll over by hand, 10 men — 121 Roll Tabor hand rollover machine, 1 man — 122 Roll Tabor hand rollover machine, 2 men — 123 Roll Tabor hand rollover machine, 3 men — 124 Roll Tabor hand rollover machine, 4 men — 125 Roll Pridmore rollover machine, 1 man — 126 Roll Pridmore rollover machine, 2 men — 127 Roll Pridmore rollover machine, 3 men — 128 Roll Pridmore rollover machine, 4 men — 8-inch 12-inch 129 Rollover Tabor power rollover machine — 130 Rollover Pridmore power rollover mach. — 131 Wedge up under board — 132 Unclamp (See above item No. 107) — 133 Unclamp (See above item No. 108) — 134 Unclamp (See above item No. 109) — 135 Rap by hand . — 136 Rap by vibrator — Hand Hand Tabor Pridmore 137 Rap by hand and draw pat. on mach., 1 in. — 138 Rap by hand and draw pat. on mach., 2 in. — 139 Rap by hand and draw pat. on mach., 3 in.- — 140 Rap by hand and draw pat. on mach., 4 in. — 141 Rap by hand and draw pat. on mach., 5 in. — 142 Rap by hand and draw pat. on mach., 6 in. — 143 Rap by hand and draw pat. on mach,, 7 in. — 144 Ray by hand and draw pat. on mach., 8 in. — 145 Rap by hand and draw pat. on mach., 9 in. — 146 Rap by hand and draw pat. on mach., 10 in. — 147 Rap by hand and draw pat. on mach., 11 in. — 148 Rap by hand and draw pat. on mach., 12 in. — By 5 lb. to 25 lb. By 10 lb. to 200 lb. 5 lb. 10 lb. 15 lb 149 Draw pattern by hand, 1 in. 150 Draw pattern by hand, 2 in. 151 Draw pattern by hand, 3 in. 152 Draw pattern by hand, 4 in. 153 Draw pattern by hand, 5 in. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST I43 154 Draw pattern by hand, 6 in. 155 Draw pattern by hand, 7 in. 156 Draw pattern by hand, 8 in. 157 Draw pattern by hand, 9 in. 158 Draw pattern by hand, 10 in. 159 Draw pattern by hand, 11 in. 160 Draw pattern by hand, 12 in. Time for each. u U u u ° 1 u 8 "J 2 "•2 . a c tf2 c « u 0^ > 1- a— n x a. Pu OT 161 Draw pattern on machine, 1 in. — 162 Draw pattern on machine, 2 in. — 163 Draw pattern on machine, 3 in. — 164 Draw pattern on machine, 4 in. — 165 Draw pattern on machine, 5 in. — 166 Draw pattern on machine, 6 in. — 167 Draw pattern on machine, 7 in. — 168 Draw pattern on machine, 8 in. — 169 Draw pattern on machine, 9 in. — 170 Draw pattern on machine, 10 in. — 171 Draw pattern on machine, 11 in. — 172 Draw pattern on machine, 12 in. — 173 Return machine to ramming position — Everything depends on the accuracy of the sub-elemental operation times. Obviously unusual care must be made in the selection and arrangement of equipment, as well as in recording- conditions. Likewise, the operative that is being timed must be of the right capacity, and qualifications, both physical and mental. In this connection, take the average times of at least five different men or groups of men of the qualifications above described in the earlier part of these in- structions. All of the standard elemental sub-operations listed below should be timed at least twenty different times for each different condition and with each of the five average may be made. In some cases it will be desirable and practicable to take a great many more than twenty observations (under each varying condition), especially on short sub- operations. Where reference is made to taking twenty ob- servations, it does not mean a total of twenty where you are using five different men, but twenty observations for each of the five or more men. On this kind of work ac- 144 STANDARD SUB-ELEMENTAL TIMES curacy is everything, for times once determined for a given condition, cannot be changed. As previously stated, they constitute a large percentage of future time determinations. 13 — Standard Sub-Elemental Times for Bench and Squeezer Work In section 12 above will be found a long list of variables for floor work, on which standard times apply. A similar list of standard sub-elemental operations has also been worked up applicable to bench and squeezer work. There are about 31 of these elemental sub-operations for all of which standard times have been determined for various classes of work. The variables to be provided for in establishing these standard times have been brought down to a definite standard. They consist of the following: — Job Classes 1 — Non-cored work 2 — Cored work Pattern Equipment Single Gated Plated Methods Bench (All hand methods) Machine (Power and hand Squeezer) Flasks Snap and solid flasks — 15 different sizes by plane dimensions and 5 depths for each : — 75 combina- tions in all. The following will help to describe more fully the sub- divisions of the above job classes. It may be mentioned here that plated patterns come in the same "job class" as FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 45 gated work. See Fig. 8, which illustrates a few of the many varieties of work which have been standardized. Job Class i Non-Cored Work i a. Plain — single pattern lb. Plain — gated pattern ic. Irregular — single pattern id. Irregular — gated pattern ie. Complicated — single pattern if. Complicated — gated pattern Job Class 2 Cored Work 2a. Plain — single pattern 2b. Plain — gated pattern 2c. Irregular — single pattern 2d. Irregular — gated pattern 2e. Complicated — single pattern 2f. Complicated — gated pattern In addition to the standard times which apply to both cored and non-cored work must be added core setting times for job class 2 work. Times have been established for core setting covering from i to 8 cores for a single pattern and from 2 to 42 cores per mold for gated or plated patterns. Based on the factors referred to in the last 3 preceding paragraphs, we have the following combinations for any of which it is possible to instantly determine the standard production data directly from the tables, viz. — Standard production all tabulated and indexed (as per table 2) 36325. Elemental operation times (bench) 900. Elemental operation times (bench plated) 900. Elemental operation times (machine) 900. Elemental operation times (machine plated) 900. Elemental operation times (core setting) 69. Standard times applying on the above and admitting of an almost unlimited combination 1440. Operations variable by both job class and mold sizes. . . . 900. Total tabulated combinations 42334. 146 STANDARD SUB-ELEMENTAL TIMES TABLE II A TYPICAL STANDARD PRODUCTION DATA TABLE » , JOB CLASS 2E BONUS CLASS 8 , r Number of Cores to Set Single Pattern 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 10x24 6 1440 M P C 168 168 2585S 154 154 1723S 142 142 2032S 132 132 3020S 122 122 3252S 114 114 3229S 107 107 3243 S 101 101 3245S 147 294 2330S 145 580 2163S 7 1680 M P C 159 159 2586S 146 146 2731S 135 135 2288S 126 126 3234S 117 117 2691S 110 110 3241 S 104 104 3246S 98 98 3246S 140 280 233 IS 138 552 2526S 8 1920 M P C 150 150 203 IS 139 139 2730S 129 129 2530S 120 120 3224S 113 113 3228S 106 106 3239S 100 100 3253S 95 95 3259S 133 266 2332S 132 528 2541S 9 2160 M P C 143 143 2534S 133 133 2033 S 123 123 253 IS 116 116 3236S 109 109 3238S 102 102 3255S 97 97 3261 S 92 92 3257S 127 254 3004S 126 504 2540S 10 2400 M P C 136 136 2529S 127 127 2034S 118 118 3230S 111 111 3232S 105 105 3242S 99 99 3256S 94 94 3258S 89 89 3287S 122 244 1701S 121 484 3159S 11x26 6 1716 M P C 158 158 2287S 146 146 273 IS 135 135 2288S 125 125 3226S 117 117 2691S 110 110 3241S 103 103 3240S 98 98 3246S 138 276 2528S 136 544 2350S 7 2002 M P C 148 148 2042S 138 138 3225S 128 128 3223 S 119 119 3235S 112 112 3237S 105 105 3242S 99 99 3256S 94 94 3258S 131 262 2377S 129 516 2165S 8 2288 M P C 140 140 2029S 130 130 2590S 121 121 3227S 114 114 3229S 107 107 3243S 101 101 3245S 95 95 3259S 91 91 3264S 124 248 2595S 123 492 2166S 9 2574 M P C 132 132 3020S 124 124 2733S 115 115 3231S 108 108 3233S 102 102 3255S 97 97 3261S 92 92 3257S 87 87 3304S 118 238 2693 S 117 468 1724S 10 2860 M P C 125 125 3226S 118 118 3230S 110 110 3241S 104 104 3244S 98 98 3246S 93 93 3262S 88 88 3260S 84 84 3318S 112 224 1704S 111 444 1726S 12x16 6 1152 M P C 180 180 2036S 164 164 2038S 150 150 2031 S 139 139 2730S 128 128 3223S 120 120 3224S 112 112 3237S 105 105 3242S 157 314 2096S 155 620 2928S 7 1344 M P C 171 171 2037S 157 157 2039S 144 144 2283S 133 133 2033S 124 124 2733S 116 116 3236S 109 109 3238S 102 102 3255S 151 302 2593 S 149 596 1767S 8 1536 M P C 163 163 2027S 150 150 203 IS 138 138 3225S 129 129 2530S 120 120 3224S H2 112 3237S 105 105 3242S 100 100 3253 S 145 290 2167 S 143 572 2226S 9 1728 M P C 156 156 2692S 144 144 2283 S 133 133 2033S 124 124 2733 S 116 116 3236S 109 109 3238S 103 103 3240S 97 97 3261 S 139 278 2537S 137 548 2164S 10 1920 M P C 150 150 203 IS 139 139 2730S 128 128 3223 S 120 120 3224S 112 112 3237S 106 106 3239S 100 100 3253 S 95 95 3259S 134 268 2596S 132 528 2541 S Though the above represents over 42,000 tabulated com- binations, it is possible to make up other combinations to meet almost any desired case. It often happens that some variable on a new job throws it out of the standardized tab- ular group. In such cases, all that it is necessary to do is to add or subtract certain sub-operation times from the FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 147 TABLE II— Continued A TYPICAL STANDARD PRODUCTION DATA TABLE JOB CLASS 2F BONUS CLASS 8 Number of Patterns on Plate 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 30 36 42 143 858 2224S 141 1128 1779S 139 1390 25S2S 135 1620 2084S 133 1862 2316S 130 2080 1814S 127 2286 3012S 125 2500 2716S 123 2706 2130S 120 2880 1884S 116 3480 2123S 113 4068 2726S 110 4620 1933S 136 816 1752S 135 1080 1783S 132 1320 2S04S 129 1548 2149S 127 1778 3010S 124 1984 2632S 122 2196 2445S 120 2400 2214S 118 2596 3274S 116 2784 2186S 111 3330 3126S 108 3888 1893S 106 4452 3284S 130 780 1760S 128 1024 2614S 126 1260 1772S 124 1488 2416S 121 1694 3271S 119 1904 2348S 117 2106 2737 S 115 2300 2569S 113 2486 2720S 111 2664 1832S 107 3210 3297S 104 3744 1869S 103 4326 3300S 124 744 2470S 123 984 2158S 121 1210 3267S 118 1416 2241S 116 1624 2946S 114 1824 1791S 112 2016 2263 S 111 2220 1811S 109 2398 3275S 107 2568 2398S 103 3090 3298S 101 3636 1898S 99 4158 3164S 119 714 2699S 118 944 2757S 116 1160 2155S 114 1369 1769S 112 1568 2773 S 110 1760 1822S 108 1944 2621 S 106 2120 2780S 105 2310 2499S 103 2472 2785S 100 3000 2212S 97 3492 1899S 96 4032 2252S 135 810 2092S 133 1064 2324S 131 1310 2370S 128 1536 1798S 125 1750 2711S 123 1968 2142S 120 2160 1812S 118 2360 2779S 116 2552 3276S 114 2736 1831S 110 3300 2210S 107 3852 2395S 105 4410 2306S 128 768 1754S 126 1008 2270S 124 1240 2618S 122 1464 2449S 119 1666 2701 S 117 1872 1790S 115 2070 2566S 113 2260 2717S 111 2442 3295S 109 2616 1835S 106 3180 2495S 103 3708 2810S 101 4242 3282S 121 726 3288S 120 960 2271S 118 1180 3290S 116 1392 2196S 114 1596 2318S 112 1792 2628S 110 1980 1816S 108 2160 1812S 106 2332 3303 S 104 2496 1888S 101 3030 3280S 99 3564 1897S 97 4074 3283S 115 690 2549S 114 912 1747S 113 1130 2707S 110 1320 2504S 108 1512 2556S 107 1712 2400S 105 1890 2081 S 103 2060 2781S 102 2244 2900S 100 2400 2214S 97 2910 323 IS 95 3420 1926S 93 3906 3080S 110 660 2508S 109 872 17S1S 108 1080 1783S 106 1272 2505S 104 1456 1802S 102 1632 1796S 101 1818 3311S 99 1980 1816S 98 2156 2104S 96 2304 1838S 93 2790 2932S 91 3276 1849S 90 3780 1894S 153 ■918 2372S 150 1200 2221 S 148 1480 1803S 144 1728 1793S 141 1974 2559S 138 2208 2519S 135 2430 2229S 133 2660 2312S 130 2860 2213S 127 3048 3015S 122 3660 2437S 119 4284 2725S 116 4872 2958S 146 876 2272S 145 1160 2155S 142 1420 2086S 139 1668 2558S 136 1904 2348S 133 2128 2191S 130 2340 1809S 128 2560 2258S 125 2750 2719S 123 2952 2126S 118 3540 2235S 115 4140 2514S 113 4746 2729S 141 846 2548S 139 1112 2550S 137 1370 21S2S 133 1596 2318S 131 1834 2366S 128 2048 2634S 125 2250 2714S 123 2460 2134S 121 2662 3249S 119 2856 1855S 114 3420 1926S 111 3996 1892S 109 4578 3281S 135 810 2092S 134 1072 2613S 132 1320 2504S 129 1548 2149S 126 1764 2317S 124 1984 2632S 121 2178 3248S 119 2380 2295S 117 2574 2215S 115 2760 2517S 111 3330 3126S 108 3888 1893S 106 4452 32S4S 131 786 2373 S 129 1032 21S7S 127 1270 3008S 124 1488 2468S 122 1708 2629S 120 1920 1817S 117 2106 2737S 115 2300 2569S 113 2486 2720S 111 2664 1832S 108 3240 1902S 105 3780 1894S 103 4326 330OS standard time sheets. Table II is a typical table and is an exact copy of one of the set of 90. An immense amount of detail work was necessary before the standardization of all the above variables and their pos- sible combinations was complete. It was necessary to take thousands of time studies. These studies had to apply to a I48 STANDARD SUB-ELEMENTAL TIMES great variety of patterns of all classes and for each of the above mentioned forms of equipment, method and flask sizes. The result of all this work has been gratifying - , how- ever. All of the standard data has now been tabulated with the result that 95 per cent of all bench and squeezer work done by any of the six foundries of the Aluminum Castings Co. can be put on bonus direct from these tables. This means definite and absolute standardization. Short run work can be put on bonus at once without the necessity for taking time studies on each pattern. By this method it is possible to apply scientific manage- ment methods to a short job which would ordinarily run out long before a satisfactory time study could be made. The importance of this one feature alone must not be under- estimated. As several of the Aluminum Castings Co. foun- dries do practically a jobbing business, the value of these tables can be readily appreciated. This standard data has even, more value in several other ways than the feature above mentioned. In the first place there is no guess work as to the most economical combina- tion of pattern equipment, number per mold, size of flask, method to be employed, etc. A glance at the tables tells instantly what is the best combinations to employ for each job to assure a maximum production and minimum cost. Yet another great value is that of having definite data on which to base estimates. This applies both to the routine work of estimating, as well as the solving of problems of this nature by the sales representatives. This is true of both the floor, bench and squeezer data. Combining these advantages and the ability (through accurate analytical costs) to check up past performances puts a firm employing these methods in position to practically predetermine costs. New equipment can be made to absolutely agree with the best standards and practice. There is no longer need to guess and try "rule of thumb" methods or "cut and dry" until we hit the right way, or the best combinations. It is impossible here to list all of the many advantages to be de- FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 49 rived from this data. The results speak for themselves. We are rinding new uses and new value in this standardized data every day it is in use. All bench and squeezer jobs at both the Detroit and Cleveland plants have been put on bonus direct from these standard production data sheets for the last six months. We have yet to find a case where the men have been unable to reach the production asked for. Neither have the maxi- mum production figures been exceeded. The author claims that the standardization of foundry operations and practice here described marks an epoch in the history of foundry work and is in itself the vindication of scientific manage- ment in this virgin field. 14 — Standard Miscellaneous Data The Time Study Foreman is responsible for the follow- ing standard data. This data must be kept up to date. The list given below is subject to revision and amplification to suit varying conditions and plants. Flask Data — Flasks are tools, hence come into the "T" class of symbols. Our flasks must be listed in a systematic manner in order of dimension ; commencing with the small- est "Ti, T2, T3, etc., new flasks take the next number. The following shows how this list should appear : Flask Record Inside Contents Weight Flask Pattern Quan- Dimensions Bars Weight cubic with sand lymbol STet wt. sand symbol tity L W D lbs. inches Flask Record — Continued Weight rammed Net wt. C-Cope full of sand of sand D-Drag this pattern Weight of board Handling Times of Sand and Equipment — The data we are accumulating on the weight of sand rammed "soft," "medium" and "hard" will allow us to determine an average weight per cubic inch or foot. The chief controlling factor in most of our work (exclusive of the standard elemental sub-operations) is the weight of sand to be shoveled and rammed, area and contour of flasks and the weight of the I50 STANDARD MISCELLANEOUS DATA cope and drag complete. To these shall be added the un- usual but necessary operations peculiar to certain jobs not covered by our standard production data. After we have standard times on the sub-operations we will then base all our calculations on our standard of "allow- able work in foot pounds per man." Core Work — Standard data for this work will be similar (but much simpler) to that above mentioned in the list of standard sub-elemental operations. The chief factors to de- termine (for each core box of each pattern) are listed in a manner similar to that shown above for molding- operations. This detail need not be repeated here. Tool and Equipment Data — Keep a complete record on each time study of each job of the tools and equipment in use. Do not lose sight of the fact that the time study must include all information (or references) pertaining to each job or operation. All material and the quantities used per unit of work must be fully specified as well as the tools and equipment. This information is absolutely essential before the instruction card or bonus chart can be issued. Files — File all time studies, in a vertical loose-leaf file, arranged numerically by the "time study number." Keep a 3x5-inch card index to the time study file, arranged by classes of work and in alphabetical and numerical order of piece symbol or other identifying mark. This card shows the complete routing for each piece as well as the bonus maximum and bonus chart number for each operation. References — A general treatment of the subject of time study work will be found in "Applied Methods of Scientific Management," copy of which is on file in the planning room, and same is understood to be a part of these instruc- tions, particularly matter on pages 147 to 166 inclusive. Responsibility for Jobs on Bonus — After a satisfactory time study has been made and the time for a job determined (and the bonus list issued) the real work begins. It is up to the Time Study Foreman and his assistants to follow each new bonus job until it is going satisfactorily, both as to method, quantity and quality. They must not relax their FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 151 vigilance until such time as the job reaches the maximum production called for by the Differential Bonus Chart. When this production has been reached and held for a time (and then only) the men. themselves will see that it does not fall off through any fault of theirs. 15 — General Instructions to Time Study Men The time study men must not forget that they are in the position of functional bosses and must deport themselves accordingly. In developing a position of this kind, care must be taken in setting an example to the men and by in- dustry and ability try to raise the general standard of the shop. In keeping your records, be systematic and study the symbol system as it is developed so that you will fully ap- preciate what is involved in the different series of symbols which will be put in use from time to time. The use of symbols means a large saving of time by greatly reducing the work, besides simplifying records. In connection with your regular time study work you will be expected to report to the proper parties all matters pertaining to the violation of the shop rules. These should be carefully studied so that the time study men will be thor- oughly familiar with them. Time study men can also be of material assistance to the shop employes by instructing them regarding the details specified in the rules with which they may be unfamiliar, or do not understand. LECTURE XXVI time study and bonus (continued) 16. Parkhurst's Differential Bonus. The above subject will discuss the author's differential bonus in somewhat more detail than is covered in the text, and previously dis- cussed in Lecture 23. The following is reprinted complete from the author's "Scientific Management in the Foundry," section 16. It is not the intention here to enter into a discussion, academic or otherwise, of the advantages of the various forms of remunerating labor. Based on the writer's experi- ence with day work, piece work, premium and bonus, he has during the last ten years developed a differential bonus system. The differential system, as described below, has been flexible enough to be readily adaptable to any require- ments put upon it. Using the same fundamental principle throughout, the application of the standard differential bonus charts is universal. The author's experience has been that with properly standardized hourly rates for various grades of labor in each trade involved, the addition of a generous bonus for high production will give greater results than any other method. As he has had occasion to remark before, we pay for the employe's time, we arrange his equipment and sup- ply a more or less complex organization to control that equipment and the materials in process. By positive means we determine the maximum production that the average good man can turn out per day and we certainly have the privilege of utilizing the time we pay for to the best advan- tage and toward this end. Obviously, however, it is not fair to the worker to prevent his participating in the saving that is realized. We do this by means of increased wages (in the form of bonus) in proportion to the additional work he turns out. 152 FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 53 If the employe is assured of a day's pay his mental atti- tude from the very start is going to be more favorable than if his pay depends entirely on what he turns out for a day's work, as under the piece work system. In a piece work shop the men are often put on strange jobs and though they work hard all day they are not able to earn more than one- third or one-half of a regular day's pay. This may go on for several days before they can make their average piece work day's pay. This obviously is unfair. The premium system, though it carries a specific day rat- ing, is not efficient in that the average methods used leave too much to the judgment and will of the individual em- ploye. In other words, you can't get maximum production if you say to a man that his rate will be $2.50 a day and that he gets the equivalent to half (or some other propor- tion) of what he saves, over and above, say ten pieces per day. The tendency of this method is for everyone from the management down to tend to approximately what the man ought to do, and if this approximation is wrong it limits production, because he will not make all that he pos- sibly can. The same thing applies to piece work where rates are incorrectly set. By the adoption of standard hourly rates and differential bonus for different classes of work, combined with a proper organization, including an especially strict inspection serv- ice, you can much better control your labor and product than you can under the average piece work system. Combine with the above methods accurate information as to exactly what is involved in each job, how long each job should take based on stop watch observations; add to these an openly advertised policy that under no circum- stances will you reduce a rate once set. Table 4 in section 18 indicates what the result will be. To develop and standardize the differential bonus, as used by the author, he decided to provide in standard charts for fifteen different bonus classes. This classification applies to the job and not to the man. In other words, jobs are classi- fied as belonging in bonus class 1, 3 or 8, as the case may 154 PARKHURST DIFFERENTIAL BONUS be. Each bonus class number is equivalent to 25c per day maximum bonus for 100 per cent efficiency. Therefore, a job rated as belonging under bonus class 5 would pay $1.25 maximum bonus for 100 per cent efficiency. The differential is figured on a basis of 10 per cent of the maximum bonus for 50 per cent production and 100 per cent bonus for 100 per cent production. It might be further explained here that the bonus jobs are seldom started as low as 50 per cent of the calculated maximum of production. More generally in a new shop the bonus is started at 60 or 70 per cent, depending on the local shop conditions. Fig. 9 shows a standard differential bonus chart covering two charts, namely 100 and 101 units per day. The letters A, B, C and D, representing 50, 60, 70 and 80 per cent pro- duction respectively. The letter ^ represents standard pro- duction or 100 per cent efficiency. In Fig. 9 referred to, chart 100 was illustrated, so as to more readily explain the percentage basis used at the different stages of a plant's efficiency. To further explain, it should be noted that local plant conditions, the class of help and other variables govern to a great extent the progress that can be made particularly. This is particularly true of the early stages of reorganiza- tion work. During these early stages, it is necessary to con> mence the bonus sometimes as low as 60 and sometimes as low as 50 per cent of the maximum bonus production. This statement can be more readily appreciated when one stops to consider that it is not unusual to ask for five or six times the production per day under bonus that has been the ordi- nary practice of the shop under day work. If we start bonus (even though it is a small amount) at 50 per cent or 60 per cent of this maximum, we put the bonus nearer the reach of the employe. This tends to encourage him to make a little effort to demonstrate for himself whether bonus can be made or not. Of course, at this stage of his work he has the help of the Time Study Foreman to see that he does not waste time in false moves. As time goes on the average FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 155 efficiency of the shop becomes higher and the starting point for new jobs can be raised to 70 per cent and later to 80 per cent of the calculated maximum. In all cases the bonus at given percentages is the same on any chart, whether it starts at 60 per cent or higher. At the Detroit plant of the Aluminum Castings Co. all bonus jobs have been figured to commence at 80 per cent of the maximum bonus production. This 80 per cent factor was established Sept. 1, 19 13. We have yet to find a case where the man did not earn bonus, nor have we found any case where the maximum bonus was appreciably exceeded. It should be understood thatthe figure of 80 per cent above mentioned, means the point at which the bonus commences. On all jobs it is expected that the average workman will reach 90 per cent to 100 per cent of the maximum produc- tion. The exceptional man will go to 100 per cent and be- yond. This exceptional man with the ability to exceed what the average good worker can do is perfectly welcome to the extra remunerations that he gets by exceeding the 100 per cent mark. It should be noted that though the bonus charts are figured to 100 per cent production, if a man should ex- ceed this amount by 5 or 10 per cent the differential is ex- tended down to the figure which he actually realizes. In other words, there is no limit. Fig. 10 illustrates a typical bonus chart form FAP 117. At the time this chart was issued, all bonus commenced at 70 per cent of the maximum. The success of any form of management lies in the con- fidence which the management is enabled to instill into the personnel. Subterfuge and excuses for changing rates must be absolutely avoided. The writer has always made it a point never to lower a bonus rate once established. This policy is openly published in the shop rules with concerns he has been identified with. He owes the success of his methods in a great measure to the fact that the personal factor has been of paramount consideration with him and all of those who come in contact with him and his methods know that prices will not be lowered, providing of course the equipment and 156 PARKHURST DIFFERENTIAL BONUS Standard Differential Bonus Chart. Form FAP201 Frederick A. Parkhurst, M. E. Organizing Engineer. STANDARD DIFFERENTIAL BONUS CHARTS 100 AND 101 1 Sheets, Sheet 1 55 -Bonus P roduction in— — , (Tr le decimal over the bonus cl ass figures ; i are Units per day for 1 ;he differential or increment of change.) Chart. Chart. .0045 .009 .0135 .018 .0225 .027 100 101 1 2 3 4 5 6 SO 51 .025 .050 .075 .100 .125 .150 51 52 .030 .059 .089 .118 .148 .177 52 53 .034 .068 .102 .136 .170 .204 53 54 .039 .077 .116 .154 .193 .231 54 55 .043 .086 .129 .172 .215 .258 55 56 .048 .095 .143 .190 .238 .285 56 57 .052 .104 .156 .208 .260 .312 57 58 .057 .113 .170 .226 .283 .339 58 59 .061 .122 .183 .244 .305 .366 59 60 .066 .131 .197 .262 .328 .393 60 61 .070 .140 .210 .280 .350 .420 61 62 .075 .149 .224 .298 .373 .447 62 63 .079 .158 .237 .316 .395 .474 63 64 .084 .167 .251 .334 .418 .501 64 65 .088 .176 .264 .352 .440 .528 65 66 .093 .185 .278 .370 .463 .555 66 67 .097 .194 .291 .388 .485 .582 67 68 .102 .203 .305 .406 .508 .609 68 69 .106 .212 .318 .424 .530 .636 69 70 .111 .221 .332 .442 .553 .663 70 71 .115 .230 .345 .460 .575 .690 71 72 .120 .239 .359 .478 .598 .717 72 73 .124 .248 .372 .496 .620 .744 73 74 .129 .257 .386 .514 .643 .771 74 75 .133 .266 .399 .532 .665 .798 75 76 .138 .275 .413 .550 .688 .825 76 77 .142 .284 .426 .568 .710 .852 77 78 .147 .293 .440 .586 .733 .879 78 79 .151 .302 .453 .604 .755 .906 79 80 .156 .311 .467 .622 .778 .933 80 81 .160 .320 .4S0 .640 .800 .960 81 82 .165 .329 .494 .658 .823 .987 82 83 .169 .338 .507 .676 .845 1.014 83 84 .174 .347 .521 .694 .868 1.041 84 85 .178 .356 .534 .712 .890 1.068 85 86 .183 .365 .548 .730 .913 1.095 86 87 .187 .374 .561 .748 .935 1.122 87 88 .192 .383 .575 .766 .958 1.149 88 89 .196 .392 .588 .784 .980 1.176 89 90 .201 .401 .602 .802 1.003 1.203 90 91 .205 .410 .615 .820 1.025 1.230 91 92 .210 .419 .629 .838 1.048 1.257 92 93 .214 .428 .642 .856 1.070 1.284 93 94 .219 .437 .656 .874 1.093 1.311 94 95 .223 .446 .669 .892 1.115 1.338 95 96 .228 .455 .683 .910 1.138 1.365 96 97 .232 .464 .696 .928 1.160 1.392 97 98 .237 .473 .710 .946 1.183 1.419 98 99 .241 .482 .723 .964 1.205 1.446 99 100 .246 .491 .737 .982 1.228 1.473 100 101 .250 .500 .750 1.000 1.250 1.500 FIGURE 9.— PARKHURST'S STANDARD DIFFERENTIAL BONUS CHART OF A SET OF 1,000) FROM WHICH THE FIGURES FOR THE INDIVIDUAL BONUS CHARTS SHOWN IN FIGURE 10, SEE PARAGRAPH 241. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 157 NOTE. — S = Standard production for specific conditions, as defined by the instruction card for each job and based on accurate stop watch observations. A, B, C or D represent quantity at which bonus is to commence; once deter- mined for a job this starting point is never changed for that job. Opposite the quantity per day will be found in each column (Bonus Class) the bonus per day in dollars and cents for that class. a\j Continued :vco • .0315 .036 .0405 .045 .0495 .054 .0585 .063 .0675 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 .175 .200 .225 .250 .275 .300 .325 .350 .375 .207 .236 .266 .295 .325 .354 .384 .413 .443 .238 .272 .306 .340 .374 .408 .442 .476 .510 .270 .308 .347 '.385 .424 .462 .501 .539 .578 .301 .344 .387 .430 .473 .516 .559 .602 .645 .333 .380 .428 .475 .523 .570 .618 .665 .713 .364 .416 .468 .520 .572 .624 .676 .728 .780 .396 .452 .509 .565 .622 .678 .735 .791 .848 .427 .488 .549 .610 .671 .732 .793 .854 .915 .459 .524 .590 .655 .721 .786 .852 .917 .983 .490 .560 .630 .700 .770 .840 .910 .980 1.050 .522 596 .671 .745 .820 .894 .969 1.043 1.118 .553 632 .711 .790 .869 .948 1.027 1.106 1.185 .585 668 .752 .835 .919 1.002 1.086 1.169 1.253 .616 704 .792 .880 .968 1.056 1.144 1.232 1.32G .648 740 .833 .925 1.018 1.110 1.203 1.295 1.388 .679 776 .873 .970 1.067 1.164 1.261 1.358 1,455 .711 812 .914 1.015 1.117 1.218 1.320 1.421 1.523 .742 848 .954 1.060 1.166 1.272 1.378 1.484 1.500 .774 884 .995 1.105 1.216 1.326 1.437 1.547 1.658 .805 .920 1.035 1.150 1.265 1.380 1.495 1.610 1.725 .837 .956 1.076 1.195 1.315 1.434 1.554 . 1.673 1.793 .868 .992 1.116 1.240 1.364 1.488 1.612 1.736 1.860 .900 1.028 1.157 1.285 1.414 1.542 1.671 1.799 1.928 .931 1.064 1.197 1.330 1.463 1.596 1.729 1.862 1.995 .963 1.100 1.238 1.375 1.513 1.650 1.788 1.925 2.063 .994 1.136 1.278 1.420 1.562 1.704 1.846 1.988 2.130 1.026 1.172 1.319 1.465 1.612 1.758 1.905 2.051 2.198 1.057 1.208 1.359 1.510 1.661 1.812 1.963 2.114 2.265 1.089 1.244 1.400 1.555 1.711 1.866 2.022 2.177 2.333 1.120 1.280 1.440 1.600 1.760 1.920 2.080 2.240 2.400 1.152 1.316 1.481 1.645 1.810 1.974 2.139 2.303 2.468 1.183 1.352 1.521 1.690 1.859 2.028 2.197 2.366 2.535 1.215 1.388 1.562 1.735 1.909 2.082 2.256 2.429 2.603 1.246 1.424 1.602 1.780 1.958 2.136 2.314 2.492 2.670 1.278 1.460 1.643 1.825 2.008 2.190 2.373 2.555 2.738 1.309 1.496 1.683 1.870 2.057 2.244 2.431 2.618 2.805 1.341 1.532 1.724 1.915 2.107 2.298 2.490 2.681 2.873 1.372 1.568 1.764 1.960 2.156 2.352 2.548 2.744 2.940 1.404 1.604 1.805 2.005 2.206 2.406 2.607 2.807 3.008 1.435 1.640 1.845 2.050 2.255 2.460 2.665 2.870 3.075 1.467 1.676 1.886 2.095 2.305 2.514 2.724 2.933 3.143 1.498 1.712 1.926 2.140 2.354 2.568 2.782 2.996 3.210 1.530 1.748 1.967 2.185 2.404 2.622 2.481 3.059 3.278 1.561 1.784 2.007 2.230 2.453 2.676 2.899 3.122 3.345 1.593 1.820 2.048 2.275 2.503 2.730 2.958 3.185 3.413 1.624 1.856 2.088 2.320 2.552 2.784 3.016 3.248 3.480 1.656 1.892 2.129 2.365 2.602 2.838 3.075 3.311 3.548 1.687 1.928 2.169 2.410 2.651 2.892 3.133 3.374 3.615 1.719 1 964 2.210 2.455 2.701 2.946 3.192 3.437 3.683 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 FOR 100 AND 101 UNITS PER DAY. THIS IS A MASTER TABLE (ONE BONUS CHARTS MAY BE TAKEN WHEN MAKING THE INDIVIDUAL I58 PARKHURST DIFFERENTIAL BONUS method remains unchanged. Furthermore, he uses no "ex- cursion rates." A job once set is fixed forever. In order not to leave a wrong impression regarding the closing sentence of the preceding paragraph, a word of ex- planation is desirable. We are continually being confronted with slight changes in pattern equipment or methods that theoretically and fairly would even call for the revision of the bonus prices. Where this change of equipment does not make any material difference, say only 5 or 10 per cent, we in the majority of cases let the original bonus chart stand. We are very careful not to take advantage of any slight alteration of equipment to reduce a price. We are also careful to let the man realize that the entire scheme of man- agement from start to finish is one that contemplates fair treatment to him. The writer can cite cases of where the head man of a molding gang has asked for an additional laborer to dump out, stating if this man was supplied he could raise his day's production from 70 to jy molds. This was done on one particular job and the job ran for weeks at the average of over 76.2 good castings per day. The production of 76.2 castings, referred to, under bonus represents an increase of 103 per cent over the old piece work production, which averages 37.5 castings per day. This same man asked to be told a day before the pattern was to go out. of the sand so that he and his gang could put up a record that no other gang could touch. It is spirit of this kind which spells co- operation and harmony and gives the greatest results under any form of management. Reference to Table IV in section 18 will give an idea of the majority of foundry operations covered by the differ- ential bonus being described. These same principles have been applied, however, to miscellaneous work, such as re- moving large quantities of dirt, in one instance a pile con- taining 2,700 cubic yards. Reconstruction w T ork has also been handled on the same basis of remuneration. In other words, the entire scheme of bonus contemplates the applica- tion of this method of remuneration to practically every- one within the organization. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 59 Bonus Chart. Form FAP117 The Aluminum Castings Co. BONUS CHART 138—1 SHEET, SHEET 1 Instruction No Date, March 8, 1913 NOTE — The following prices will be paid as Bonus in addition to hourly wages based on Good Pieces which pass in after this specific operation, except that Defective not due to work specified on this Chart will not be deducted in paying Bonus. These Bonus Prices will not be lowered no matter how long the job may run with this pattern, core boxes, equipment and by the method and design specified in the instruction referred to and with the number of operatives mentioned below. OPERATION— Moldin g. SYMBOL— AA-3576. CUSTOMER— The Studebaker Corporation. EQUIPMENT — Drag on Power rollover machine; cope on horses ram up 13 flat chills in cope; also tuck bars, ram and step off. OPERATIVES AND CLASS NO.-l Molder, Class 7; 2 Helpers, Class 5. Good Bonus, Bonus, Good Bonus, Bonus, Castings. Class 5. Class 7. Castings. Class 5. Class 7. 140 .575 .805 171 .924 1.293 141 .586 .821 172 .935 1.309 142 .598 .837 173 .946 1.325 143 .609 .852 174 .958 1.34 144 .62 .868 175 .969 1.356 145 .631 .884 176 .98 1.372 146 .634 .90 177 .99 1.388 147 .654 .915 178 1.003 1.404 148 .665 .931 179 1.014 1.419 149 .676 .947 180 1.025 1.435 150 .688 .963 181 1.036 1.451 151 .699 .978 182 1.048 1.467 152 .71 .994 183 1.059 1.482 153 .721 1.01 184 1.07 1.499 154 .733 1.026 185 1.081 1.514 155 .744 1.041 186 1.093 1.53 156 .755 1.057 . 187 1.104 1.545 157 .766 1.073 188 1.115 1.561 158 .778 1.089 189 • 1.126 1.577 159 .789 1.104 190 1.138 1.593 160 .80 1.12 191 1.149 1.608 161 .811 1.136 192 1.16 1.624 162 .823 1.152 193 1.171 1.64 163 .834 1.167 194 1.183 1.656 164 .845 1.183 195 1.194 1.671 165 .856 1.199 196 1.205 1.687 166 .868 1.215 197 1.216 1.703 167 .879 1.23 198 1.228 1.719 168 .89 1.246 199 1.239 1.734 169 .901 1.262 200 1.25 1.75 170 .913 1.278 FIGURE 10.— BONUS CHARTS ISSUED TO EACH EMPLOYE (OR GROUP OF EMPLOYES). THE FIGURES ARE TAKEN FROM THE STANDARD DIFFERENTIAL BONUS CHARTS ILLUSTRATED IN FIG. 9, SEE PARA- GRAPH 245. Another application may be described in reference to a bonus scheme, which has been worked out for the remunera- tion of the inspection force. This is termed "quality bonus." Figures have been determined representing- what the ioo per cent mark for quality would be for each of the following factors : A Foundry Defective Castings. B Total Cost of Repairing, Soldering and Welding. C Percentage of Defective Castings returned from customers. l6o PARKHURST DIFFERENTIAL BONUS The figures which have been determined for each of the above items A, B and C, represent an efficiency mark ap- plicable to quality which nets all of the inspectors a maxi- mum bonus. The differential of this bonus is figured in exactly the same way as described above for other work. If the above marks are realized to the extent of 80 per cent of the maximum, the bonus commences and by the usual differential grades along to the 100 per cent mark. Another interesting application of this differential bonus method of payment, is the application of this principle to brass meltng in the coke furnaces in the Detroit plant of the Aluminum Castings Co. This same method will be ap- plied to the brass melting in the Cleveland plant by the end of the year. The following is a copy of the differential bonus chart 3574D covering the details of this brass melting bonus. The description of the way this is handled, as shown by the chart referred to, is self-explanatory. Bonus Chart No. 3574D Differential Bonus for Melting Lynux Metal The following prices, based on man-furnace hours per heat, will be paid in addition to hourly wages for time consumed on the job by the Lynux melting gang, based on a 12-hour furnace day. The metal will be sent to the furnaces in weighed charges. It is to be melted and delivered to skimming box (ready for the pouring gang) at a pouring temperature high enough for the class of work for which it is intended. Furnaces are to be operated on natural draft, using coke as fuel, which coke will be delivered into bins back of furnaces, but is to be broken by the melting gang. A half hour will be allowed for building a fire. Power hoists have been provided for lifting the pots from furnaces. The different kinds of Lynux are to be graded by the foreman ac- cording to time required for melting and a chart will be issued showing the "equivalent in standard heats" for any number of pounds of the various grades. The standard heat is regarded as grade 6 — 240 pounds in two hours. The computation for "man-furnace hours per heat" is to be made as follows: (1) Compute from the daily job time cards the total man-hours spent by the melting gang. (2) The sum of the hours which each individual furnace runs will give the total furnace hours. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST l6l (3) For each heat melted compute from the table its "equivalent in standard heats" and the sum of these gives the total standard heats. (4) {2>Yz total man-hours) -f total furnace hours=total man-fur- nace hours. (5) Total man- furnace hours=Man-furnace hours per heat. Total standard heats. Delays caused by conditions beyond the control of the melting gang will be allowed for. These prices will not be changed as long as present conditions of operation remain the same. Differential Bonus Class 5—0.01406; Bonus Class 6—0.01687 Bonus based on man-furnace hours per standard heat as computed from record of daily charges and heat equivalent table. (See Table III.) Man Melters' Each Man furnace bonus Helper bonus furnace 5. per heat. Class 6. Class 5. hrs. per heat. Class 6. Class 5. 5.00 $1,162 $ .969 4.50 $1,331 $1,109 4.95 1.179 .983 4.45 1.348 1.123 4.90 1.196 .997 4.40 1.365 1.137 4.85 1.213 1.011 4.35 1.382 1.151 4.80 1.230 1.025 4.30 1.398 1.165 4.75 1.247 1.039 4.25 1.415 1.179 4.70 1.263 1.053 4.20 1.432 1.194 4.65 1.280 1.067 4.15 1.449 1.208 4.60 1.297 1.081 4.10 1.466 1.222 4.55 1.314 1.095 4.05 1.483 1.236 4.00 1.500 1.250 In computing the bonus each day reference has to be made to the Brass Furnace Heat Equivalent Table 2 here- with. The Daily Metal Room Report gives a record of each different alloy number. Each alloy number belongs in one of the metal groups 5 to 10 inclusive. The sum of the equivalent heat figures for each group melted each day divided into the total man furnace hours for that day gives the man furnace hours per heat. The combination of man hours and man furnace hours enables us to maintain a minimum of labor and assures the use of a minimum number of furnaces per day. Other- wise, additional furnaces might be fired up to gQt a few extra heats at an excessive cost for fuel. The method has been in vogue for several months and has worked out very successfully. Figures in the heat equivalent table are based on the results of actual time studies for the various groups of metal and for varying charges. These figures check out 1 62 PARKHURST DIFFERENTIAL BONUS TABLE III BRASS FURNACE "HEAT" EQUIVALENT TABLE (Used in connection with Differential Bonus Chart No. 3574D. Lynux Melting Practice) 1. Standard Heat — 240 lb. charge, Group 6 in 2 hours. Pounds per charge. 5 5 .30 10 .42 15 .48 20 .54 25 .552 30 .565 35 .582 40 .600 45 .615 50 .630 55 .645 60 .660 65 .675 70 .690 75 .705 80 .720 85 .735 90 .750 95 .765 100 .780 105 .795 110 .810 115 .825 120 .840 125 .855 130 .870 135 .885 140 .900 145 .915 150 .930 155 .945 160 .960 165 .975 170 .990 175 1.005 180 1.020 185 1.035 190 1.050 195 1.065 200 1.080 205 1.095 210 1.110 215 1.125 220 1.140 225 1.155 230 1.170 235 1.185 240 1.200 —Standard Heat Equivalents— Metal Group 6 7 8 9 .25 .214 .082 .052 .35 .300 .100 .056 .40 .343 .117 .059 .45 .386 .133 .062 .46 .394 .150 .066 .47 .403 .153 .069 .485 .416 .156 .073 .500 .428 .159 .076 .512 .438 .162 .079 .525 .450 .166 .082 .537 .460 .169 .085 .550 .472 .173 .089 .562 .482 .176 .092 .575 .493 .180 .096 .587 .503 .183 .099 .600 .514 .186 .103 .612 .525 .190 .106 .625 .536 .193 .110 .637 .546 .197 .113 .650 .557 .200 .117 .662 .568 .203 .120 .675 .578 .206 .124 .687 .589 .210 .127 .700 .600 .213 .130 .712 .611 .216 .133 .725 .622 .219 .137 .737 .632 .223 .140 .750 .643 .227 .143 .762 .654 .230 .147 .775 .664 .234 .150 .787 .675 .237 .153 .800 .686 .240 .157 .812 .696 .244 .160 ..825 .707 .247 .163 .837 .718 .250 .166 .850 .728 .253 .170 .862 .739 .256 .173 .875 .750 .260 .176 .887 .760 .263 .180 .900 .771 .266 .183 .912 .782 .269 .186 .925 .792 .272 .190 .937 .802 .276 .193 .950 .813 .279 .196 .962 .824 .282 .200 .975 .834 .285 .203 .987 .845 .288 .206 1.000 .857 .291 .210 10 .129 .133 .137 .141 .145 .149 .153 .157 .162 .166 .170 .174 .178 .183 .187 .191 .195 .199 .204 .208 .212 .216 .220 .225 .229 .233 .237 .241 .246 .250 .254 .258 .262 .267 .271 .275 .279 .283 .288 .292 .296 .300 .304 .309 .313 .317 .321 .325 very close in practice and the first day the furnace gang worked on this schedule they earned bonus. Fig. 1 1 shows a very interesting large crank case job run on the floor under bonus early in 19 12. The record of this FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 163 job during 38 days' run — four duplicate sets of equipment, is as follows : 6 a be V u "3 s u > 6 1 * bo V bo '3 be £ . 'Is C en h O.T3 (U £ H c £ < § Q flw Eh 1 1,039 3,395.0 37.72 27.55 28.6 $23.27 $ 9.121 $33,391 $1,175 2* 1,140 3,268.5 36.31 31.40 32.2 25.64 12.926 38.566 1.228 3 1,042 3,398.5 37.64 27.70 29.1 23.06 9.607 32.667 1.180 S 984 3,310.0 36.77 26.75 28.3 24.06 8.832 32.882 1.230 Average :s of four patterns 28.35 29.55 $24,005 $10,121 $34,126 $1,203 *Gang on pattern No. 2 was a picked gang considered the fastest and best workers in the shop, always worked together and received extra high wages owing to their efficiency. Old average good production under combination of day wages and premium — 15.15 cases. Old average good production cost under combination of day wages and premium — $1,196 per case. Bonus average production increase, 87.2 per cent per case. Bonus average cost increased $0,007 per case. This is an example of an occasional case where the direct labor cost is not reduced. The saving is thus confined to less overhead and greater capacity due to increased production. Old foundry defective from all causes when netting 15.15 good cases per day was 25 per cent. Foundry defective from all causes under intense bonus production when netting 28.35 good cases per day was but 9.83 per cent. Foundry defective loss under intense bonus production and Scien- tific Management methods was reduced 60.7 per cent. Average bonus equals 42.2 per cent over regular day wages. Fig. 12 shows a typical core job, on which the average daily production is 1,305 cores per nine-hour day. The core illustrated is a Packard hub cap core. Fig. 13 represents another large floor job. This is a four- cylinder oil pan for which three sets of equipment were made to assure the customer of a production of 75 good castings per day. A great many thousand of these pans have been made of this design. The average production runs from 108 to 115 molds per nine-hour day. Another typical core job is illustrated in Fig. 14. This is a transmission bearing core and the average production is 1,620 cores per nine-hour day. Fig. 15 illustrates a transmission job run by a molding gang of four men and two laborers employed in dumping 164 PARKHURST DIFFERENTIAL BONUS out and cutting sand. The production on this job averages 160 to 180 good castings per nine-hour day. Fig. 16 illustrates a typical bench job. This is an intake manifold, on which the average production is 150 molds per nine-hour day. Work of this kind, as well as all other bench and squeezer work is covered by the standard data de- scribed in Section 13. Fig. 8 referred to in Section 13 illus- trates a small variety of the work covered by these standard tables. Before closing with the subject of the application of dif- ferential bonus, attention is called to Table IV. The object of listing so many different items rather than expressing the results obtained in total lump figures, is to show up the great difference in production increases and cost decreases between different jobs. In other words, it will be noted that production increase runs from only a few per cent to over 700 per cent. The figures in the cost decrease column in a few instances show practically no decrease in cost and in others the decrease is 80 or more per cent. These figures illustrate better than can be done in any other way, the great variations that exist in the average job, both as to the pro- duction standard and direct costs. In other words, under ordinary methods, it is comparatively easy for jobs to be limited in production due to the apparent similarity be- tween one job and another. These figures also show up the great difference between what in the judgment of the average good mechanic should be a day's work and what actually should be realized when the facts are accurately determined. In studying over the figures representing the percentage of cost reduction, as shown in Table IV, it can be seen that there is a very wide difference on some jobs between the production increase and the cost decrease. In other words, in some cases the cost decrease is very little and the production increase is very high. We also have the reverse condition where the cost decrease is high and the production increase is much lower. All of these go to prove the neces- sity which the job should run, as well as the proper balance of labor required to run that job efficiently. LECTURE XXVII DEPARTMENTAL AND PLANT EFFICIENCY BONUS 27-A. Departmental Efficiency Bonus 27-B. Plant Efficiency Bonus. This lecture will cover certain applications of departmental and. plant efficiency bonus, but owing to the limited time, the subject must be most superficially dealt with. The student is referred to the author's "Scientific Time Study and Differential Bonus" now in the course of preparation, for complete information on the whole subject of special and efficiency bonuses. 27-A. Departmental Efficiency Bonus The foregoing lectures have introduced in considerable detail, different phases of time study and bonus work. Vari- ous applications of bonus based on standard elemental sub- operation times have been referred to, always in connection with some specific job or operation. To complete the en- tire scheme of differential bonus as used by the author, it is necessary to provide bonuses for the department heads or department executives who have to do with the operation of the department as a whole. Departmental efficiency bonuses cannot well be determined until substantially all of the direct and indirect operations or jobs have been success- fully placed on bonus. In an attempt to solve the problem of equitably applying differential bonus to departmental and plant efficiencies, some rather extensive studies had to be conducted to bring certain elements of indirect and technical, as well as clerical labor, under control and to schedule same on a bonus pre- paratory to getting the departmental efficiencies themselves. These studies involved the determining of necessary factors for control of furnace performance, pouring gangs, chill sorters, wire straighteners, sand and metal handling, sand mixing, knocking out cores, inspection, trimming, soldering, welding, calculating and posting bonus slips, etc., etc. For 165 l66 DEPARTMENTAL EFFICIENCY BONUS instance, I give below a copy of Bonus Chart 9053D, which represents an efficiency bonus chart for carrying and pour- ing metal. It is an example of a study, which, though not particularly complex in itself, took considerable time to com- plete and had to be completed before the bonus could be issued. BONUS CHART 9053D, MAY 1, 1917; DEPT. IF, BONUS CLASS 4 Efficiency Bonus Chart for Carrying and Pouring Lynite Metal to 1M and IMa When Using a Hand Ladle and Two Wheel Carrier Standards : .103 man minutes per pound metal poured in 1M unit. .164 man minutes per pound metal poured in IMa unit. The following differential bonus will be paid in addition to hourly wages, based on the number of pounds of metal poured by the men who used the hand ladles and the two wheel carriers in 1M and IMa department, except that all defective castings due to the carelessness of the pouring gang will be deducted when paying bonus. The following instructions and specifications must be strictly followed : Equipment : The following equipment is to be used when pouring Lynite metal in 1M foundry unit: 1 — An iron hand ladle which weighs when empty 26 pounds and when full of molten aluminum metal within 1" from the top will hold 28 pounds of metal ; with the ladle use a two wheel carrier which can be pushed over the floor with very little effort. 2 — A pyrometer is located at the North entrance of 1M, in a convenient place so every pot can be tested for correct temperature; the man carrying metal must skim every pot while the temperature is taken. 3 — Time allowance is figured in the standard time to keep all equipment in first class condition. Each pouring pot must be cleaned and blackened every morning and the carrier oiled. When not in use all equipment is to be kept in its proper place. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 67 4 — The pouring gang must keep the floor clean around the pyrometer for a radius of five feet. They must not allow any accumulation of skimmings or spilled metal to collect at this place. Method The method used in handling the melted metal with hand ladle and carrier is as follows : One man operates the hand ladle. He dips the metal out of the furnace with the same ladle he used to carry the metal. The ladle is then placed in the two wheeled carrier and the man pushes carrier along on the floor to the pyro- meter. Here the metal is tested for temperature, and each ladle full is skimmed. The metal is then taken where it is needed and poured. The operator returns to the furnace ready for another ladle of metal. Tally : The tally will be taken from the production report and listed on a special sheet, a sample of which is incorporated in this chart. Gr. Wgt. Gr. Wgt. No. Pounds Pounds Time Gang Piece Cstgs. Per Metal Man Worked Dept. Effi- Dept. Symbol Poured Casting Poured No. Minutes Worked ciency Bonus The weights of each casting must include all gates, sprues, risers, etc., and the total weight of metal poured will be computed by multiplying the gross castings weight by the number of cast- ings made from each pattern. The total for all patterns will give the total weight of metal carried for the day. All defective cast- ings due to any fault of the pouring gang will be deducted when figuring bonus and the gang zvill lose credit for the pounds of metal in every defective casting they make. Standard Times : The standard time by which the bonus will be figured when carrying metal in hand ladle using two wheel carrier from any part in IF to any point in 1M unit is .105 man minutes per pound of metal poured. The standard time by which the bonus will be figured when carrying metal in hand ladle using two wheel carrier from any point in IF to any point in IMa is .164 man minutes per pound of metal poured. Method of Figuring- Bonus : The bonus will be figured daily from the production report and when the total efficiency reaches 80%, bonus in Class 4 will be paid in proportion to the time each man works on the job. A specimen sheet showing the computation of the bonus is incor- porated in this chart. 1 68 DEPARTMENTAL EFFICIENCY BONUS Example of Figuring Bonus : Total pounds of metal poured in 1M 10,000 pounds " IMa 5,000 pounds 10,000 X -103 = 1030 standard man minutes 5,000 X .164 = 820 Total 1850 4 men worked 9 hours on the job. 4 X 540 = 2160 actual man minutes. Then the standard man minutes divided by the actual man minutes worked on the job equals the working efficiency of the gang. 1850 = 85.5% Efficiency 2160 85.5% Bonus, Class 4, pays $.739 bonus for 9 hours for each man. The following prices will not be lowered no matter how long the job may operate provided the method and equipment specified in this chart are not changed. EFFICIENCY BONUS CHART 9053D, BONUS CLASS 4 Standard : .103 Man minutes per pound for all metal poured in 1M .164 " " " " " " " " " IMa Differential for 1% Efficiency = $.018 Gang Bonus Gang Bonus efficiency Paid Efficiency Paid 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 80 .640 91 .838 81 .658 92 .856 82 .676 93 .874 83 .694 94 .892 84 .712 95 .910 85 .730 96 .928 86 .748 97 .946 87 .766 98 .964 88 .784 99 .982 89 .802 100 1.000 90 .820 In reference to the above bonus chart, the following tabulation shows a record under date of May 1, 1917, of how the tally was kept on this job for the several men employed. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 169 H ^ CO d h < « Q < Ph W £ « m P ffi o 1 — 1 H U w o o W ■- 2 .5 Ph 71 H t/5 s 'Z (J PM S o H W pq u ._, ^3 B « OS s Ph *** s £ ■* "* Tf rf- c^rorotN ,—, ,_, ^h ^h ^Tj-t^ro OOOO PO ro CM CM O LO ITS in co ro LO ID lO in ioi/)")m miomio up in 10 in in OOOOO t^h 1^ ^h ,-t tm 00 CC i 00 00 ON ON On On ON oooocooooo 00000 00000 ino>ni-nin t^r^t^t^oo t^ vo r~* t^ 00 iO irj >0 10 M VO vn VO VO 'O ooomm ommo KKtNO ON0000MD m in m m cm \o m in 00 QQQQ CM CM CM CM in in in in OOOO 0\ On On On QQPQ CM CM CM CM in in in in OOOO On On ON On QQQQ CM CM CM CM in in in in OOOO On On 0\ On QQG m co bo in in in T be "C o Ph ■2 'si H o Ph SCO CM no VO O Ph Pouring .616 628 666 rJ-00 mCM — 1 ^i-Om \0 NO NO NO m co CM ■* CM CM OCn \o>ovopo I7O DEPARTMENTAL EFFICIENCY BONUS As another example of what is involved in the preparation prior to the determination of departmental efficiencies, the following record of a study in connection with department 1Q devoted to the mixing of core sand, will be of interest: TIME STUDIES IN iQ THE PROBLEM The work in iQ Department consists of a great number of miscellaneous operations, all of which pertain to the mixing of core sand. The sand is unloaded from the cars in the storage sheds and storage yards and used from storage as conditions of production demand. The outline of sand storage plan (a copy of which accompanies this report) shows that there are twenty-two different storage sheds and one stor- age yard, all at different distances from the sand mixing room. The sand is brought from the storage shed to the mixing room in wheel barrows and dumped in special bins provided at mixing machines. Before the time studies were taken it was necessary to slightly rearrange the layout of the sand mixing department and blue prints show the arrangement before and after the change was made. The big item in this change was keep- ing the sand wheelers from delaying the work of the man who fills the pails. The new arrangement as shown on the blue print shows how the wheelers fill the storage spaces from behind and do not interfere with the men who fill the measuring pails for the machines. The other miscellaneous operations in iQ Department are as follows : 1. Filling the measuring buckets for mixing machines. 2. Mixing regular standard and special batches with machines. 3. Mixing special standard batches with small electric riddle. 4. Transferring of the mixing sand by the Lary car to the core- rooms. 5. Grinding rosin and sweeping up the floor and miscellaneous trips to the stock-room for supplies. These operations were carefully investigated and studied with watches until the times and standard methods were established. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST \J\ Method The method used to establish the standards was as fol- lows : The first job study was for wheeling sand from the stor- age bins to the mixing machine. Several different men were taken and observations made on their work. We wanted to select a man who was steady and reliable in this work and a good average worker. Observations were made on eight men until we found the man who met the physical qualifications the conditions required. The elemental de- tailed studies were studied until they were all standardized as follows : 1. Trip from the mixing room to the storage shed, wheel-barrow empty, standardized on a basis of the distance per foot. 2. Load wheel-barrow with sand, standardized on a basis of six buckets per load or three hundred pounds per trip. 3. Trip from the storage shed to the mixing room, wheel-barrow loaded, standardized on a basis of per foot of distance traveled. 4. Dump sand in storage bin, standard for all loads. When these standards were determined they were used to figure the standard times per trip to storage bins and bonus was established on this standard time per trip. (Op- erations 2 and 4 are standards for all trips ; Operations i and 3 depend on the distance traveled.) In order to have a good check on. our standard time we have selected several different men and made complete day's observation on their work. We found these men made bonus for the total day's work for several days in succession and were anxious to be put on bonus. Other operations have been timed and studied in the same manner and in every case these elemental operations were standardized and often used on several different operations. Based on the above, bonus chart 9036D, dated Feb. 12, 19 1 7, applying to department DiQ was issued reading as follows : 172 DEPARTMENTAL EFFICIENCY BONUS FORMULA USED IN COMPUTING THE STANDARD TIMES FOR WHEELING SAND FROM STOR- AGE BINS TO MIXING MACHINES (WxL) plus (DxT) plus K plus (dxt) equals Time Allowed for wheeling standard load of sand any dis- tance, where W = weight of sand L = standard loading time per pound D = distance wheeling load d = distance wheeling empty wheelbarrow T = standard time for wheeling a standard 300 pound load a distance of 1 foot t = standard time for wheeling empty wheelbarrow distance of 1 foot K = standard time dumping load. The following are the values for the items listed above, these all being - based on detail time studies. W — 300 pounds sand L = .00415 minute D = distance wheeling loaded wheelbarrow T = .054 minute time to wheel standard 300 pound load distance of 1 foot d = distance to wheel empty wheelbarrow t = .004 minute time to wheel empty wheelbarrow distance of 1 foot K = .22 minute time to dump load. Fatigue allowances were as follows : 10% additional time for all trips beyond one-half the distance down the shed. 20% additional time for all trips that were not further than one- half the distance down the shed. BONUS CHART 9036D, FEB. 12, 1917; DEPT. 1Q, BONUS CLASS 4 Bonus Chart for Wheeling Sand in iQ from the Various Sand Sheds and Yard Storage to the Mixing Machines, 300 Pounds of Sand for a Wheel-Barrow Load Operations : •Load wheel-barrow. Wheel to mixing machines. Dump sand in bins. Return to sand storage. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 73 Equipment All sand is to be wheeled in a metal wheel-barrow with ca- pacity of three hundred pounds or more of sand. A good sand shovel which will hold not less than twenty-one pounds of sand. Method : The sand is loaded in wheel-barrow not less than three hun- dred pounds per load and wheeled to bins in mixing room where it is dumped into the proper bins. Method of Tally and Computation of Bonus : Example of Figuring Bonus : A tally clerk stationed at the entrance of the mixing room records the man's numbers, the bins from which he wheels the sand and the clock time each load is delivered. The number of wheel-barrow loads from each bin is multiplied by the respective standard man minutes allowed. The standard man minutes di- vided by the actual minutes worked by the operator equals the working efficiency and bonus will be paid according to the working efficiency of the operator. In case a weighing scale is installed, all sand will be weighed. The total weight of sand wheeled by one man from each storage bin, multiplied by the standard time per pound for that respective bin equals the standard minutes. The standard minutes divided by the actual minutes equals the working efficiency. Bonus will be paid according to the working efficiency of the operator. The following is a list of standard times per trip and standard time per pound of sand wheeled : Standard Time in Standard Time in n Door Minutes per trip Minutes per pound 1 2.24 .00746 2 2.44 .00748 4 2.64 .00880 5 2.45 .00817 6 2.98 .00993 8 3.20 .01067 10 3.43 .01143 12 3.65 .01216 14 3.73 .01242 16 3.93 .01310 18 4.20 .01400 19 3.81 .01270 20 4.51 .01503 21 4.20 .01400 22 (yard) 5.39 .01799 23 4.51 .01503 174 DEPARTMENTAL EFFICIENCY BONUS Example of Figuring- Bonus : Suppose one man wheeled thirty-eight loads of sand from pile in the yard, seventy-five loads of dry sand from door 1, and twenty loads from door 14. This man worked nine hours on the job. Determine his bonus. 38 loads from yard X 5.39 Standard Min. Allow = 204.82 Std. Min. 75 " " door X2.24 " " " = 168.00 " 20 " " " 14X3.73 " " " = 74.60 " Total 447.42 " Total standard minutes worked = 447.42 " actual " = 540. 447.42 Man efficiency = 82.8 540 For 82.8% efficiency for 9 hours in Class 4 pays $.690 Bonus. The following prices will be paid as bonus in addition to hourly wages based on the working efficiency of each man on the job. These bonus prices will not be lowered no matter how long the job may run, provided the equipment and method specified in this chart are not changed. Differential per 1% efficiency = $.018 % Efficiency Bonus Paid % Efficiency Bonus Paid 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 80 .640 91 .838 81 .658 92 .856 82 .676 93 .874 83 .694 94 .892 84 .712 95 .910 85 .730 96 .928 86 .748 97 .946 87 .766 98 .964 88 .784 99 .982 89 .802 100 1.000 90 .820 As another example, bonus chart 9058D issued May 26, 1917, for department D1Q is reproduced below. This chart covers the preparing of pitch and rosin for binders, the delivery of binders to the mixing machines, and various janitor's duties in depart- ment 1Q. BONUS CHART 9058D, MAY 26, 1917; DEPT. 1Q, BONUS CLASS 3 Efficiency Bonus Chart for Preparing Pitch and Rosin Binder, Deliver Binder to Mixing Ma- chines and Various Janitor Duties Department iO Bonus paid 80% efficiency. Standard per pound rosin and pitch prepared for mixing ma- chines .14 man minutes. Trip to IN with refuse 8 man min. Trip to stock room for supplies 5 man min. Shovel in elevator all loose sand 30 man min. General sweep and clean-up of entire department 30 man min. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 75 The following differential bonus will be paid in addition to hourly wages, based upon the number of pounds of pitch and rosin binder delivered to sand mixing machine and also upon the efficiency attained in the performances of certain other duties as specified in this chart. The following instructions, methods and specifications must be strictly adhered to : Duties and Standard Time Allowance for each : GROUP No. 1 1. Breaking open barrel of rosin or pitch in yard. Using a pickax the iron hoops are cut in two and then with a few blows the barrel will fall apart. The top, bot- tom and staves of each barrel must be cleaned of rosin or pitch by scraping with the edge of a shovel. The staves, top and bottom are placed in a pile and the hoops ar- ranged in another pile. 2. Delivery of Material The barrel staves, tops and bottoms are loaded on a wheel- barrow and taken to wood pile in yard. It is possible to load the wood from about two barrels at one time. The hoops are wheeled to box in yard for holding rubbish. The rosin or pitch is loaded in a wheel-barrow and hauled to 1Q where it is placed in separate bins until such time as used. During rainy weather the barrels must be in- doors when opened. Standard time for Group No. 1 (operations 1 and 2) .0483 man min. per pound. GROUP No. 2 3. Filling pulverizing mills with pitch and rosin. The pitch and rosin should be broken into small lumps before being placed in the mills. E'ach mill should be filled to its capacity and refilled as soon as possible. The mixtures must be thoroughly pulverized and must be free from lumps when taken from the mill. Standard time for Group No. 2 (operation 3) .0557 man min. per pound. GROUP No. 3 4. Delivery of mixture to sand mixing machines. As to the pitch and rosin, it is pulverized and the mixture taken from the mill and shoveled into metal tote pans or at times into a large wooden box which has a capacity of six tote pans. The pans or boxes are weighed and then dragged in to the sand mixing machines. It is important that there be a sufficient supply of rosin and pitch binder at the sand mixing machines at all times. Standard time for Group No. 3 (operation 4) .0360 man min. per pound. As the operations in Groups 1, 2 and 3 are all based upon the same factor, — that is, the pounds of mixture produced, they can be considered as one unit. So the total of the standard times for Group 1 (1. Breaking open barrel of rosin or pitch .0403 man. min. (2. Delivery of material .0080 " Group 2 (3. Filling mills .0557 " Group 3 (4. Delivery of binder .0360 " " Total .1400 " I76 DEPARTMENTAL EFFICIENCY BONUS GROUP No. 4 Miscellaneous Operations : 5. The refuse which comes from the riddle on the sand mix- ing machine is to be wheeled to the riddle in Dept. IN. The wheel-barrow must be well filled; no time will be allowed unless wheel-barrow is full. Standard time for this operation is 8.00 minutes per trip. 6. Sometimes it is necessary for a man to be sent to the store room for supplies. Time allowance for this operation 5.00 minutes per trip. 7. Sand falls from buckets in elevator and must at times be shoveled into pit. Time allowance for this operation 30 minutes per day. This work should be done as often as it is necessary in order to keep floor clean. 8. For making a general clean-up of the entire floor of 1Q so that it is satisfactory to the foreman, an allowance of 30 minutes per day is made. Equipment : 1. Metal wheel-barrow, common foundry type. 2. Short spade. 3. Ordinary pickax. 4. Hammer for breaking lumps of rosin and pitch. 5. Four pulverizing mills. 6. Metal tote boxes ; average capacity sixty-two pound mixture. 7. Large wooden box ; capacity equal to six tote boxes. 8. Broom. Method of Figuring Bonus : The bonus will be figured daily from a standard tally sheet showing the total pounds of rosin and pitch binder delivered to the sand mixing machines. Time allowance is made for each load of refuse wheeled to IN ; for each trip to store room for supplies, for shoveling sand which falls from elevator into pits, and for general sweeping up of the floor of mixing room, including pas- sageway as far as 2F department. Suppose thirty-one hundred pounds of binder are delivered to mixing machines. The standard time per pound for all operations covering the preparation of the binder is .14 man minutes. 3100 X -14 = 434 standard man minutes. Also four wheel-barrow loads of rubbish were hauled to riddle in IN. 4 X 8.00 = 32.00 standard man minutes. Sand was shoveled into elevator pits in a satisfactory man- ner during the entire day. Allowance 30 man minutes. The entire floor of mixing room was cleaned in manner satisfactory to the foreman. Allowance 30 man minutes. No trips made to store room. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 77 Total standard man minutes for all operations — 1. Preparation and delivery of mixture 434. 2. Wheel into rubbish heap 32.00 3. Shovel sand into elevator pit 30.00 4. General sweep up 30.00 Total 526.00 Man's clock card showed 9 hours, or 540 Standard minutes 526 Efficiency — ■ or = 97.5% Actual minutes 540 The bonus for 97.5% efficiency for 9 hrs. in Class 3 = $.717 The following prices paid as bonus will not be lowered, no matter how long the job may operate, provided the method and equipment specified in this chart are not changed. Differential per 1% efficiency = $.0135 Efficiency Bonus Paid Efficiency Bonus Paii 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 80 .480 91 .629 81 .494 92 .642 82 .507 93 .656 83 .521 94 .669 84 .534 95 .683 85 .548 96 .696 86 .561 97 .710 87 .575 98 .723 88 .588 99 .737 89 .602 100 .750 90 .615 There are many more similar and many more complex problems which have to be solved before the departmental efficiency determinations can be made. I am bringing in unusual applications of time study and differential bonus so as to illustrate the point that depart- mental efficiency does not always, in fact very seldom, de- pend solely on the average efficiency of all of the direct jobs or operations which may themselves be under bonus. In machine departments, or departments working with purely mechanical apparatus and with material that can be con- trolled by the piece, the application of departmental effi- ciency bonus is very simple. In the foundries, for example, there are a variety of elements of indirect labor which in themselves represent, in the aggregate, a very large propor- tion of the man hours worked in the plant. These must be brought under control by a scientific analysis and some equi- table scheme of bonus developed to remunerate these men I78 DEPARTMENTAL EFFICIENCY BONUS for high efficiency, or else to obtain, departmental efficiency records, we should have to exclude a tremendous proportion of the hours. This has been done in some plants because it has been considered impracticable or far from economi- cal to take the time to bring these elements under control. Department DiQ referred to above was under observa- tion by two time study men for an aggregate time for them both, totaling nearly four months. The result of the study, however, enabled us to put all of the labor in that depart- ment on bonus, greatly increasing its efficiency and effecting a saving in a short time equal to about 2000 hours per week, or $600.00; or a saving of about $2500.00 per month based on the same volume of business. After all of the various classes of work mentioned above, and all of the direct or indirect operations or jobs have been standardized and controlled through the medium of bonus charts, and men have been trained to work in accordance with them, a department report is issued daily by the tally and time clerks to the time study department. These re- ports are totaled for the week and from them is determined the departmental efficiencies. Based on such records as the foregoing, it is possible to institute the departmental efficiency bonus, which is well illustrated by our departmental and plant efficiency bonus chart 9030D, copy of which follows : DEPARTMENTAL AND PLANT EFFICIENCY BONUS CHART 9030D, FAP 205 Bonus Covered by this Chart is Payable only to Foremen and Department Heads, and in Ac- cordance with Instruction 145. The efficiency bonus will be figured for each department separately as fast as bonus in each department will permit of the department reaching an efficiency of at least 60%. The departmental efficiency bonus will be paid every week based on each department's efficiency, irrespective of the efficiency of other departments. On the 15th of every month, an additional bonus will be paid, based on the average plant efficiency of the whole plant. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 179 The Bonus will be figured in accordance with the following for- mula in which : H = Hours paid for in each department or plant, h = Hours on Bonus. R = Reciprocal of average efficiency of all jobs on bonus X 100. K = Constant (2) H = Department or plant efficiency. h X R + K (H-h) The above formula is the same for both departmental and Plant efficiency, except that the value given to each of the symbols will be the department values in one case and the plant values in the other. The value given to "H" in every case will be the total hours paid for as shown by the clock time cards exclusive of certain hours rep- resented by a list on file with the Local Manager, which are to be de- ducted when figuring each department's and each plant's value for "H." Example of Bonus Figured H = 1242 hours h = 1011 " Average efficiency for all jobs = 92% 1 x 100 R = = 1.088 92 Then : 1242 1242 1011 X 1.088 + 2 (1242-1011) 1561 .795 X 100 = 79.5% 79.50% pays 15.77% Salary = .795 iciency % of Salary Paid Efficiency % of Salary Paid 100 25.00 79 15.55 99 24.55 78 15.10 98 24.10 77 14.65 97 23.65 76 14.20 96 23.20 75 13.75 95 22.75 74 13.30 94 22.30 73 12.85 93 21.85 72 12.40 92 21.40 71 11.95 91 20.95 70 11.50 90 20.50 69 11.05 89 20.05 68 10.60 88 19.60 67 10.15 87 19.15 66 9.70 86 18.70 65 9.25 85 18.25 64 8.80 84 17.80 63 8.35 83 17.35 62 7.90 82 16.90 61 7.45 81 16.45 60 7.00 80 16.00 Differential 1% Efficiency Pay, .45% of Salary. THE ALUMINUM CASTINGS CO. January 1, 1917. l8o PLANT EFFICIENCY BONUS 27-B. Plant Efficiency Bonus The determination of the plant efficiency bonus is a com- paratively simple matter, as it is calculated at the end of each month from a summary of the performance of each department for that month. The departmental summary is made up from weekly departmental records mentioned pre- viously in this lecture. The departmental efficiency bonus shown above is paid every payday and for the departmental efficiency for the last preceding week. The plant efficiency bonus is paid on the 15th of each month on the plant efficiency for the pre- ceding month. As previously stated, the determination of these depart- mental and plant efficiencies is one of the last steps to be taken in connection with the installation of scientific meth- ods throughout the operating departments of a plant. By the time the departmental and plant efficiency bonuses are in operation and bonus is being earned under the schedule described in this lecture, substantially everyone in the organ- ization except certain office employees, is participating in some kind of a bonus. Each plant and each department in the plant works in accordance with a list authorized from time to time, naming those who participate in either the departmental or plant efficiency bonus, or both. Likewise, there is a standard list published which controls the number of hours which can be subtracted from the total hours worked in each department or plant before the "H" hours are computed. The following table is a typical example of how the de- partmental efficiency is summarized for each month. The total gives the plant efficiency on which to base the plant efficiency bonus. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST I&I ™ WC 3 tg o ^ rt C ^"3 5 « S £"-*-. Oh o o oW P W = 3 rt ^_K 3 t! 3 n) C H^S aN«VT)<»>NON«^OCM>N»0'H\q'tN(*5iO'nNN« i^S^CMi^^NOu^^^OOt^COr^CMTi-NO^NO iOmfO-HCO't OOcO^M^ONNaN^OtONOO't CO 00 "-> u"i CNJ lO .' u-> isi -rt o4 t— ! od o CM* no od **» O "*' O r- i CO cm NO u-> to t^ On ^S^CMi^^NO^u^i^oNCCoot>;<>iioNorgt^ vo^>^5— ">o^ N^OOM'* i n^NriNONMNNN>0'+^'-; ( N , l: ^ "? ^ ^ ^ ^co'vo^o^^CMTt^ONdvovriCMt^Tt-^^oQiHrQ^t^ocM S^^-^S5t^r-id , tCNi'- i-h t^ t-h oq On rq On © t^. On ^ p CO MD NO <~q CO ■* CM O ; NO ■<+ i^cJofNi^JoNrM^^od^^ONc^ONONodoONr^i^'-Ht^.ONp'O t^^O^^ONCMNO^rslNO^ONrvjCOcO^^OONONOCOuo^^r ONQOH^^u^^^cocyj'^t^ONrNivop^t'-'jq^^op^ON^-NO ^^i^rt^rHin^Nooo on <-*5 ^i cm o -a- © ^- r oo.on u->u~>ONONLnio< v ^ON r NiONro'— io to t-h NO "* Ci — ' CO CO r»3 ■* ro — ■ r^ ro <-i tT ro in ^h cr> © rOONvO"*ODC>*OfOOOfON rj-^-io^r^NofNiONPOcNj --^c^rocoroOcot^i^^^ON^^^OO^t^gNc^rMOO^-CO^) vocooO'tO\3-tocN)tN\ccJ\N-"tioO; r H^^in^^"3^ cviinir3c^i^i^ONONinintovo^r2 T -1 c:: 'r3?>t; c ^ ro i>r2_^SCf)> ootj-vocmnoi-ino-^ti-— -co on •* no to (N r^ o m <*3 in »-c co ^s t^cMCMCNacN-^^iorNjcococ\it>coNoocogN^^ONO^NOr-Hr^ NO^ofvi^woooocoi^^^^t^ONpcoco^^t^Nocoro^rNj ^NOVOOO^^ONf^^ON^t^^^OOOOt^NO^OQi^^CMOO^-j- (M NO r-i ^f CO CM CO NO in t^ ON O "3- On m NO O ■«*■ "— ' NO ^J £J On CO fvj NOCONONONOlOOONNONONOONONONONOOst^ONp^O"*^^ }> HtnHOHHl^OOHHrtinT-lOHrtrtCTQiH'HtNlO t>- CM C5 CM ro CM -h CM CM CM CM <"M CM^HCMCM^ONNOCOcMCJfOrn J* SiococoooNO^^oogN^^i^gNrMNO^N^o^uo^r^fM^^ ONONOO^Ch^CNaO^^NOi^r^ON^or^NcONNOr^rj.NO^^-^0 KjNOT-HiOOOCNJONr^iOCOON o^fONONO^^rCMvo^t-rMOOOON r-t rl r-( ,-H <-l T-* CM T-l ^ en en en en en en " Z !7 !> 55 i"Z 7 en_cen_j-;enHenj^e/)en'.n_cenr-enr^K>.. . ^ ^ tn ^ cti S> bb >> bb >> be >> be >» >> >.bb >> be >> b/)°« °3 ^ °3 >, w<& >>=« -g QZQ?;Q^P^QDa^.QZDZQQ7DQ^DQQr H THrH (\|M(V5tO't'*'-'fN|(»3f^'* , * 1 Om'-ieOiN]'- i^fNlf-iiHrHlJ LECTURE XXVIII DEPARTMENTAL AND PLANT EFFICIENCY RECORDS The following describes how the above records are prepared and the use that is made of them, and emphasizes the importance of con- trolling all of the factors involved in the determination of depart- mental and plant efficiency records. The previous lecture described some of the detail on which departmental and plant efficiency bonus records are based. These records must be prepared from the actual perform- ance daily of all the jobs on bonus and in accordance with the formula shown on bonus chart 9030D. The tabulated summary of departmental bonus efficiencies is made up from the daily job tally, time cards and bonus pay slip records. These records are all checked against the clock time cards and the bonus production reported is checked against the inspector's report, so that all deductions due to defective material may be approved before passing the bonus slip through for approval and payment. The fact must not be lost sight of that the proper time- keeping on individual jobs or operations, as well as the tallying of the production of each job, are of vital import- ance. In speaking of production, it is understood of course to mean production of good pieces or good work which pass all the inspection required in accordance with the drawings, specifications, standards, etc., as they may be established from time to time for the different classes of work. As the installation of time study methods progresses, the requirements for time keeping and job tallying increase, as it is of paramount importance that the performance of each department be checked by other controlling records to assure the fact that bonus being paid to the men is justly earned. As the data is the foundation of the departmental and plant 182 FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 83 efficiency records, it is of course vitally important to have it correct, because if incorrect, all records relating- to the efficiencies mentioned will also be incorrect. If careful control and auditing of the work of the ac- counting, time-keeping and job tally clerks is maintained, then the maximum economy will result. The maintenance of all control is of course an organization requirement. As these records deal with the disbursement of large sums of money, it is just as important that they be audited and cor- rectly handled, as it is to follow such practice with account- ing or book-keeping methods, in the control of cash and other accounts. Failure on the part of the Comptroller's Department to maintain through audit the accurate perfor- mance of the clerical work should not be blamed on the method, but rather on the execution. This is of vital im- portance and too much emphasis cannot be placed upon it. The time-keeping and shop clerk departments are of such vital importance that the personnel of same should be given unusual attention. In other words, the men employed in these two divisions are responsible for the disbursement of many thousands of dollars monthly in a plant of consider- able size and they should be chosen on qualifications just as rigid as any required for a Cashier or a Paymaster. The records required of these two departments and which are checked against the standard time sheets by the planning room time study staff, form the basis of pay for all direct and indirect bonus operations and the final determination, as above stated, of the departmental and plant efficiencies. From these efficiencies the department heads and other shop executives receive their extra remuneration. Obviously, the secret lies in properly maintaining- the organization lineup and by audit, insuring honest and satisfactory performance. As a record of the control to be exercised in connection with the work of the tally clerks, a reproduction from the following bonus chart, 9002D, will suffice as a typical ex- ample how the work of these men is scheduled. 184 DEPARTMENTAL AND PLANT EFFICIENCY RECORDS BONUS CHART 9002D, APRIL 12, 1917; DEPT. 2U, BONUS CLASS 2 Efficiency Bonus Chart Specifying the Duties and Operations of the Tally Clerk in Department 2U A bonus will be paid daily to each tally clerk in the 2U department when he has correctly and completely performed the following opera- tions : 1. The tally clerk is required to list on a tally sheet, FAP 115, a correct count of each operation performed by the workmen in 2U department. He also is required to list on the tally sheet, FAP 115, in the spaces provided, the number of the man who works on the job, the work number of the job, the piece symbol, and the operation symbols. 2. It will be the duty of the tally clerk to notify the time clerk, also the route clerk, as to each job that is working without the proper work ticket, FAP 231, at the machine in the holder provided. 3. The tally clerk will keep the correct bonus chart in the holder provided at the machine where the operator is working. It is also required that the tally clerk keep the idle bonus charts neatly filed and to see that new charts are substituted for those that are torn or lost and that his file of charts is at all times complete and in order. 4. The tally clerk will see that a lot tag is on each pan, box or barrel of castings in the shop, showing the lot number of the job, the piece symbol and number of pieces in the lot. 5. All disputes regarding shortages on counts are to be referred" to the route clerk and shop foreman for settlement. 6. Accuracy in work and courteous manner towards all workmen are the essential requirements for every tally clerk who expects to make bonus on this chart. The following penalties 'and percent are deducted for each offense: 1. For every minute late in the morning, 1% will be deducted from the standard efficiency of 100% for the day. 2. For tally sheets not made out neatly and clearly, 5% will be deducted. 3. Wrong tally on sheet, 5% will be deducted. 4. Wrong work number listed, 2% will be deducted. 5. Wrong piece symbol listed, 2% will be deducted. 6. Wrong operation symbol listed, 2% will be deducted. 7. Wrong man number listed, 2% will be deducted. 8. The absence of work orders at machine, 2% will be deducted for each work order. 9. The absence of bonus chart at machines, 1% will be deducted. 10. The wrong bonus chart at machine, 2% will be deducted. 11. Careless filing of idle charts, 5% will be deducted. 12. Incomplete file of charts, 5% will be deducted. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 85 13. For each missing lot ticket on every pan, box or barrel in the shop, 1% will be deducted. 14. Discourtesy to superiors or shop workmen, 10% will be de- ducted. 15. One hour, after the shop closes down, will be allowed to take the final count. For every minute over the allowed hour that is. registered on the clock card, 1% will be deducted. 16. Bonus will be paid on a basis of 80% efficiency, Bonus Class 2. Every day the efficiency is below 80%, it will count one de- merit. Five demerits in succession will be sufficient cause for discharge. 17. The following prices will be paid in addition to hourly wages based on the daily efficiency of each tally clerk. These prices will not be lowered but the time study chieT reserves the right to cancel this chart if it is not worked exactly to specifications and instructions. The time keeper will be responsible for making the deduction on items 1, 11, 12 and 15. All deductions are to be reported daily to route clerk in written form and he is to file this copy in order of days. The superintendent and shop foremen are responsible for making deductions on items 8, 9, 10, 13 and 14. The production clerk and route clerk are responsible for making deductions on items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The tally clerks are to be listed on a daily bonus report FAP 192 and hereafter the hours worked by tally clerks will not be deducted from the total hours worked in department when figuring the weekly departmental efficiency report. EFFICIENCY BONUS CHART 9002-D Differential per 1% efficiency = $.009 Tally Clerk's Tally Clerk's Efficiency % _ Bonus Paid Efficiency % Bonus Paid 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 80 .32 91 .419 81 .329 92 .429 82 .338 93 .437 83 .347 94 .446 84 .356 95 .455 85 .365 96 .464 86 .374 97 .473 87 .383 98 .482 88 .392 99 .491 89 .401 100 .500 90 .410 As previously stated, bonus is checked and figured in the time study department by bonus clerks who do nothing but figure and check bonus pay slips and record the bonus pay for each man. At the end of the week, the individual bonus record is totaled, balanced and reported to the time keeping department and a check made and filed with the individual bonus records themselves. l86 DEPARTMENTAL AND PLANT EFFICIENCY RECORDS The following bonus chart, 9054D, will best describe how the work of the bonus clerks is brought under control and how their work is checked. BONUS CHART 9054-D, MAY 7, 1917; TIME STUDY DEPARTMENT, BONUS CLASS 3 Efficiency Bonus to be Paid Bonus Clerks When Figuring Bonus and Copying Bonus Slips In Departments 1C-2C-3C-4C-1M-2M-3-M 4M-5M-1T-2T-3T-1I-1W and 2U Standards : Figure efficiency only .60 minutes " bonus " .50 " Copy bonus slips .75 " Each shortage 3.00 " The following differential bonus will be paid weekly in addi- tion to salary based on each day's efficiency for figuring bonus and copying slips when a standard ten-inch slide rule is used and de- partmental bonus reports are figured on FAP 192. The daily working efficiency of the operator is based on a standard of five hundred units for 100% efficiency for a full day's work. Saturday, half-day, two hundred fifty units. Bonus will be paid in proportion to the time he works on the job. One unit equals one standard minute of time. When the operator has com- pleted enough work to give him four hundred units, he is figured 80% efficient. If it is possible in one day for the operator to complete enough work to give six hundred units, he is to be paid bonus at the rate of 120% efficient in Bonus Class 3. Standard Times : The standard for figuring the efficiency only on each bonus operation is .60 minutes. The necessary operations for the bonus clerk are to first figure the standard minutes on the operation by multiplying the standard time by the number of good pieces made by the workman. Then divide the standard time by the actual minutes worked and the result is the operator's working efficiency. The working efficiency is to be inserted with pencil on FAP 192 in space provided. The standard for figuring the bonus on each job that makes bonus is .50 minutes. On this operation the bonus clerk is to use a standard efficiency bonus chart, a copy of which is enclosed in this chart. This gives the amount of bonus paid in each class for all efficiencies from 70% to 100% for 9 hours. Then figuring the bonus for less than 9 hours the amount of bonus paid for 9 hours' work is divided by 540 and the result multiplied by the actual time the workmen operated the job. The standard for copying the bonus slips is .75 minutes. This includes filling in the slips complete. It is to be noted that all figures must be made neatly and carefully so there will not be a misunderstanding of the figures when the slips are passed on for payment. The standard for each shortage that is checked and accuracy guaranteed by the bonus clerk, is 3 minutes. However, in all cases FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 87 where the shortage was the result of carelessness or any fault of the bonus clerk, he will be deducted 3 units from the day's total. Method of Tally : When the department reports, FAP 192, are received and dis- tributed, each bonus clerk is to stamp his sheet in the upper left- hand corner of the top sheet with a stamp provided. This is to be properly filled out as the work progresses and when the complete report is figured the record is posted on the following form. This record complete is to be signed by the operator and given the time study chief at the completion of the day's work and it is from this record that bonus will be figured. Kxample : Suppose the clerk figures 250 efficiencies 190 bonus copies 190 slips Figures and checks 4 shortages Then 250 X .60 = 150 Standard units 200 X -50 =100 200 X .75 = 150 4 X3.00 = 12 Total 412 412 = 82.% Efficiency pays $.51 Bonus 500 EFFICIENCY BONUS CHART 9054-D Differential per 1% efficiency = $.0135 % Efficiency Bonus Paid % Efficiency Bonus Paid 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 80 .480 91 .629 81 .494 92 .642 82 .507 93 .656 83 .521 94 .669 84 .534 95 .683 85 .548 96 .696 86 .561 97 .710 87 .575 98 .723 88 .588 99 .737 89 .602 100 .750 90 .615 Time will not permit of going into further detail as to how various reports are made up from analysis of the per- formance of all of the departments except to repeat again for emphasis, that the auditing of the pay in the form of wages, salary and bonus must be in the control of com- petent men. In other words, the recapitulation of all figures is dependent on the accuracy obtained at the source. The management must realize that there are just as important economies to be effected and maintained in the indirect di- visions of the business as there are in the direct. Sprit d' Corps is of vital importance. LECTURE XXIX INSPECTION 17. Details of Inspection. This lecture will discuss modern methods of inspection and has been reprinted complete from the author's "Scientific Management in the Foundry," section 17. The next most important branch of the organization is Inspection. Though we may have completely developed and under control our office and sales departments, a prop- erly operating Planning Room, routing and controlling orders, material and labor, and a well maintained plant, these all become useless without the continual supervision of the inspection department. Inspection must control, to the smallest detail, all of the various operations from the first inspection of the design to the completion and shipment of the last piece on a cus- tomer's order. This is particularly true when we begin to realize intense production and where, in addition to an hourly rate, we pay a large bonus for extra production. Under these conditions the most rigid inspection is neces- sary. The subject of inspection will be discussed in order of the following divisions : A— Designing (281). B — Detailed drawings (285). C — -Complete pattern equipment (291). D — Sample cores, mold and casting (294). E — Laboratory control of mixtures and pouring temperature (299). F— Balance of labor (302). G— Details of method (303). H — Production standards based on time study (305). I — Routine production inspection, including — (306). a — Pattern equipment. b — Cores. c — Molds. d— Pouring temperatures. e — First inspection of casting — hot. f — Knockout inspection. 188 FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 89 g — Trimming inspection. h — General inspection. i — Final inspection. j — Service inspection (312). k — Inspection Committee. Consideration of the design in connection with a cus- tomer's engineering department represents the first touch of inspection pertaining to that customer's order. It is often times possible, by consultation with the customer's engineer, to co-operate toward a simplification of design or change of sections, or a combination of both. Two heads are better than one. The promotion of the above method can but result in eliminating many causes for loss and delay, when the de- sign in the form of a pattern finally reaches the foundry. There is a double advantage following this method of preliminary inspection in connection with a foundry that has highly developed operating methods. Such methods give the designing' engineer access to a great deal of data covering past experiences that cannot help but be of great advantage to him in connection with future work. Of course the foundry's engineer is the medium through which the customer's engineer and designers get their bene- fit of the best foundry practice. A more critical inspection now takes place when the de- tailed drawing for an individual piece is ready for the pat- tern shop. At this stage we have to consider a great many different things that we but superficially touch upon when the general designing inspection (see 281 above) was made. Before proceeding with the pattern, equipment there are a great many things to consider. These different items in- clude, quanity to be made from a pattern, foundry method to be employed, cost of the pattern equipment for various molds where a choice is possible, method of rigging up, gat- ing, flask equipment, etc. If the pattern under consideration is a cored job we have to consider the style and arrangement of core boxes. This brings us down to a minute consideration of the design I9O INSPECTION and proportions of the pattern. This inspection often leads to a modification in design or proportion overlooked at the time of the first inspection. When considering the matter of equipment the members of the factory board are often represented in a discussion as to these details. It is also important that the Superin- tendent, Time Study Foreman and Foundry Foreman should work together toward a settlement of these prelim- inaries. Too much stress cannot be laid on the fact that pattern equipment (excepting perhaps in relation to large produc- tion jobs) does not as a rule have the careful attention that it should. The average foundry does not know what is the best combination of flask dimensions (based on scientific knowledge) to get the greatest tonnage from a given pat- tern. This statement applies to jobs which may be run from either a solid or split pattern, or a gated pattern, or a plated pattern. In other words, there is an ideal combina- tion for every job. These jobs cannot be intelligently and economically planned, and pattern equipment cannot be properly made without the accurate standard data and pro- duction knowledge which can only be determined by scien- tific methods. On bench and squeezer work we have also to consider those jobs which require matches. The design of the match and method of its construction have a very material effect on the job when it reaches the foundry. A consideration of the items mentioned above in para- graph 285 gives us the full knowledge to prepare our com- plete pattern equipment. This pattern equipment, as the term is used, means not only patterns and core boxes but core dryers, matches, etc. Where the flask equipment is special and the patterns cannot be adapted to standard flasks and boards, then this equipment should also be considered as part of the pattern equipment — likewise machine equip- ment. The machine equipment, the standard and often used for many jobs, represents part of a given pattern equip- FREDERIC A. PARKHURST I9I ment, provided such equipment is designed to run on that machine. At all stages of the work through the foundry continual inspection must be maintained of core boxes, dryers, pat- tern equipment, flasks and machines. If this inspection be- comes lax we may continue to make cores which the molder has to file a bit or we may be tied up for production due to lack of a certain number of core dryers. In other words, there is much more to the subject of inspection of pattern equipment than merely the inspection of a new pattern. This inspection must be continuous — patterns must come out of the sand at night, be inspected and perhaps "touched up" before production starts in the morning. The flasks must be watched to see that there is no shift in the pins — ■ core boxes must be examined periodically to see that loose pieces do not "ram off" or become misplaced due to wear or distortion. Regular shop inspection on work produced first takes place at the time sample castings are made. Here we have to consider the inspection of cores, mold and casting. The cores should be inspected in the core room and when neces- sary gages should be provided to assist in inspection as to size and shape. When making sample castings it is well to order two or three sets of cores. This method will ex- pedite making of samples in the event the first one or two castings are lost. The inspection of the mold is the next step. This inspec- tion should take place before the mold is cored up. At this point we have to consider the action of the pattern to see that it draws properly. If the pattern does not have proper draft or if there something wrong- with the rigging we have a torn-up mold. This should be corrected at once and another mold tried out until we get the pattern working in satisfactory shape. When we have a perfect mold we are then ready to provide a necessary gating, after which the mold is ready to core up. In setting cores in the first mold every core should be carefully inspected as to size and fit. The "setting" must I9 2 INSPECTION be inspected to see that the core prints and cores match properly — that the core settles into position and that we have a proper thickness of metal as per the blue print. A detail blue print of the piece in question should be on the floor at the time the sample casting is made. This is par- ticularly important where the job is a large floor job or a complicated piece. Based on past experience by consulting records of pour- ing temperatures of similar castings the correct pouring temperature for the first casting will be determined. After the mold is poured and dumped out an inspection of the casting will indicate as to whether the mold was poured at the correct temperature or not. Of course, this may not become definitely known until after the cores are knocked out and the casting chipped. In any event the first one or two castings poured will allow us to determine the correct pouring temperature. When this has once been determined all of the subsequent castings will be poured at that tem- perature, within an allowable variation of a few degrees. (See Fig. 17.) The sample as soon as poured should be "knocked out" passed through the trimming and inspection departments (see Figs. 18 and 19) and checked by the Chief Inspector to see that it agrees with the drawing. After this has been done it is ready for delivery to the customer provided it is passed in quality, workmanship and size by the Chief In- spector. All sample castings are marked with a tag and di- rected to the attention of the party at the customer's plant who is to give it the first inspection and O. K. A written approval of the sample casting is required before the foun- dry proceeds with production. Prior to the pouring of the casting as described in. 294, laboratory control exerts its influence. In other words, the mixture is determined and the laboratory control of melting and pouring assures the best practical results in the pouring of the casting itself. All molds are poured by a specially trained gang. The pouring gang as well as the furnace men and melters are FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 93 under the general supervision of the Chief Chemist in so far as the technical part of their work is concerned. By this method we eliminate labor and delays caused by the molder pouring his molds himself. We are also able to restrict the responsibility for a proper melting temperature and pouring to technically trained men rather than to the average run of untrained mechanics. (See Fig. 17.) Laboratory control as above described in itself repre- sents another very important form of inspection. In other words, through laboratory control we have a study of alloys and inspection of mixture and pouring temperatures. The balance of labor is pre-determined by our Time Study Foreman and our standard production data. When production is realized, based on given equipment, and a check on the quality of the work turned out, it gives us a continual check on our labor. The "man days" worked on a given production at a prevailing average rate per man day for different classes of labor, checked against our cost control chart gives us the equivalent of an inspection con- trol on all labor expended. In addition to the general labor control, as explained above in 302, we have the detail inspection of method. This inspection of method consists of the detailed time study into the motions and times of operations. All standard- ized operations are made up of sub-operations or elemental sub-operations. The elemental sub-operations have been standardized and standard times determined for them. These determinations provide for certain combinations to meet any of our standard methods. The inspection of equipment and the determination, of the method combined with our standard production data gives us a perpetual control and inspection of these methods while each job is in process. After determining the balance of labor in the detailed method described above in 302 and 303, the time study foreman issues the necessary instructions and Bonus Charts to cover the details of the job in process. As mentioned in 303 our standard data give us the basis for all of this 194 INSPECTION information, though certain individual time studies may be necessary to take care of any specal features peculiar to that job. This time study work includes the time study necessary to put on bonus core making (each individual box is figured separately) molding, knocking out, trimming and inspection and any other operations involved in the process. In paragraphs 281 to 305, inclusive, we have discussed the various divisions of work necessary to get a foundry job in condition to run. After the submission of the sam- ple and a written O. K. from the customer we are then pre- pared to run the job on a production basis. The routine inspection of the job while it is in process for production is very similar to that outlined above. In other words, to sum up the above we have during production the following stages of production, viz. — Inspection of — a — Pattern equipment, b — Cores, c — Molds. d — Pouring temperature and laboratory control, e — First inspection — hot casting, f — Knockout inspection, g — Trimming room inspection, h — General inspection. i — Final inspection. Applying to certain of the above stages of inspection we must, of course, have drawings, gages or other standards to which inspection shall be made. The use of gages is de- sirable in both core and molding rooms. They are also equally desirable in many cases in the trimming and final inspection rooms, although the entire field under discussion is considering only rough castings, not machining opera- tions. As stated at the commencement of this section on in- spection it is absolutely necessary that the various stages of the work in process shall have careful inspection along the lines indicated above. There can be no economy in a delayed core inspection with the resultant loss of a lot of cores; nor a delay in the first "knockout"' inspection when the casting is hot. The foundry is liable to run ahead with FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 195 a large production before the defect becomes known. Often defects will be discovered after the casting has reached the trimming table. Oftentimes there will be a strain in the casting which, though not sufficient to break it at once, will cause it to fracture under the ordinary vibration it gets in knocking out cores and during the process of trimming. Here we have a defect, the discovery of which was de- layed. Prompt action is necessary to report all defects back to the molding room or the laboratory, as the case may be. Sometimes a slight difference in the run of metal will cause a crack and it is up to the laboratory to immediately run down this trouble. We must realize the necessity for continuous control of operations, particularly where the men are working at high speed and are making large bonuses. When men have been trained to do their work with a minimum of motion and exertion, keeping their minds and hands continually on the job, with proper inspection control the required produc- tion can be realized with an A-i quality. This statement is not based on any theoretical proposition but on absolute facts and experience of years. The writer has one large foundry in mind where his methods tripled the production and reduced the defective loss 60 per cent. We now come to the last word of inspection service, viz. — the Service Inspector. The success of service inspection depends primarily on two things — one the inspector him- self, the other the plant behind him. The Service In- spector while primarily a shop man by training and experi- ence, should be a member of Sales Department when the ultimate scheme of organization is complete. It shall be the Service Inspector's duty to keep in touch with all of the customers, particularly the larger ones, so as to learn as early as possible all of their complaints. He must of course keep in touch with the foundry during his daily trips. This is particularly true where continuous pouring is the practice and the foundry is run solely as a jobbing business. I96 INSPECTION COMMITTEE If the Service Inspector is a practical man he can go into the customer's plant and co-operate with the customer's in- spectors and mechanics. His service will prove to be one that is mutually beneficial. It is only too true that com- plaints based on some small minor trouble or defect often reach "those higher up," which if given prompt attention in the first place by the foundry would never have developed into a complaint at all. The more thorough knowledge a foundry has through its service inspector of the requirements of the customer, the accuracy he requires, the better the service. Service Inspection is necessary too so that the foundry can tell just what part of the work must have particular attention and be held to close limits and what part will stand a greater allowance of variation. The writer believes that the average reader will agree with him when he states there is too little harmony between the average foundry and the average machine shop. Each thinks the other is wrong. It is undoubtedly true however that the foundry and machine shop heads are oftentimes not sufficiently familiar with each other's trades to allow them to work together to the best advantage. Where this condition obtains the service inspector, though perhaps in an unenviable position, has the opportunity to make himself doubly valuable. The advantage of such a service is obvi- ous if the right man is chosen for this most important posi- tion. The purpose of the inspection committee can best be de- scribed by referring to the copy of complete instruction below : Inspection Committee, Instruction LXXX To get the best results from our Shop and Service In- spection Department, it is desirable that the general scheme of inspection be handled along the following lines. This instruction is written to govern the general handling of in- spection methods entirely separate from the instructions applying to regular inspection. FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 97 Superintendent, Chief Inspector and Service Inspector will be governed by the following" : a — Standards will be established from time to time on various work; these will include either drawings, references, written data or gages, as the case may be. These standards are to be determined and mutually agreed upon between ourselves and our customers. Cus- tomer's requirements, of course, must be consistent with best foundry practice and the commercial production of their product. b — Our product is to be produced in accordance with the above mentioned standards applying to each specific piece. These standards are to be adhered to, it being understood that we have already, as specified in Paragraph 386 accepted them and agreed to work in ac- cordance with the same. c — In case of an unusual condition or a question as to the in- terpretation as to what standard has been established, or in case of a question as to whether a piece actually meets with the standard or not, such case shall be referred to the Inspection Committee. This Inspection Committee is to consist of the Service Inspector, who, on account of his duties, will be thoroughly familiar with the customer's requirements; the Superintendent, who is the man responsible for the product ; and the Chief Inspector, who is the man being directly re- sponsible for the shop inspection. d — The Chief Inspector's work is to be final on all matters of inspection, except in cases above referred to. No such case shall be settled definitely by either the Superintendent or the Service Inspector, but must always be settled in accordance with the majority vote with the three being present. In other words, our Chief Inspector is to be upheld in his decisions and ordinary routine inspection is not to be passed up to the Inspection Committee for settlement. The method described above is to further the mutual interests of our -customers and ourselves. The three men representing" the Inspection. Committee are the ones chiefly involved in the matter of quality. Their close co-operation will eventually result in keeping our standard of quality at the highest possible mark. The General Superintendent may be called in, in an ex- officio capacity, on matters which the majority of the In- spection Committee desire to have him personally investi- gate. LECTURE XXX RESULTS OBTAINED THROUGH THE CORRECT APPLICATION OF THE SCIENCE OF MANAGEMENT 3'0-A. Effect on Production and Quality. 30-B. Effect on Costs. 30-C. Individual and Corporate Effect. This lecture, covering the above subjects, has been printed from the manuscript of the author's "Scientific Time Study and Differential Bonus" now in course of preparation. 30-A. Effect on Production and Quality Before the Science of Management became more gen- erally understood and before there were very many widely separated examples of its performance, it was argued that the intense production claimed would result in a greatly inferior quality of product. Likewise the reports of greatly increased production were heralded as applying only to a few specific and unusual cases. Such reports were often discredited as being impossible of accomplishment. Today, however, the wide field that has been touched in the application of the methods of Scientific Management has enabled its exponents to cite so many cases of greatly in- creased production and improved quality, that a much more general and favorable interest in the new management has resulted. It is not unusual to find production increases running as high as iooo or 1200 per cent over the produc- tion formerly realized before scientific analysis, time study and the application of extra remuneration had been adopted. The extreme increases referred to have been realized in connection with specific operations. Some of these opera- tions have been operations performed purely by manual la- bor. Others have been machine operations. Of times these results have been made possible not so much through in- creased effort on the part of the workman, as through the cumulative effect of many things. The different factors 198 FREDERIC A. PARKHURST 1 99 bearing- on these increased productions can be traced back- to the proper analysis and routing of an order, the prompt supplying- of requisite material, the careful predetermina- tion of the method, tools and equipment to be used in con- nection with turning out the work, and careful inspection and supervision during the processing of the work. On the other hand, many large increases have been shown where the elimination of false moves due to definite instructions, and an incentive to work to them have awakened the work- man to a full realization of what it is possible for him to accomplish when he centers his mind on the fulfillment of a task. The foregoing lectures have emphasized the importance of control and inspection, including the operation inspection at various stag-es during the processing of work. Inspection is just as important an item of control as are the analyses of the various elements entering into all of the steps neces- sary in performing any given piece of work. The true results must be measured by average perform- ance of departments or plants. From results within the author's own experience can be cited cases in which the pro- duction increase on bonus operations was 80% where piece work set by the guess-work method was supplanted by his additional bonus based on time study. Another plant has shown a production increase of 130%; another, 206%; and still another, 240%. The formula for the department and plant efficiencies, which formula has been described in one of the foresroine lectures, is based on certain plant conditions giving day work a value of only 50% efficiency. This is a fair representative figure for certain conditions. On the other hand, the value of the constant may vary depending on the conditions of the plant in which the formula is being applied. After standardized conditions have been established and an accurate record of the performance of many hundreds of jobs is obtainable, the wide discrepancy in the production increases, ranging from zero on some operations to hun- 20.0 EFFECT ON COSTS dreds of per cent on other operations, simply emphasizes the lack of uniformity and control under ordinary management methods. The effect of this increased production, if obtained through proper application of the Science of Management methods, will tend to reduce the loss from defective work. The common great loss due to defective material will be minimized, if not eliminated, by the inspection requirements in regard to material before processing. The writer can cite cases of defective losses reduced 60%, and in one instance, the defective or rejected material returned from customers was reduced at least that amount in just one of its several plants. The reduction of rejections of this kind has an ap- preciable bearing on the service a firm is able to give its cus- tomers. The increased satisfaction on the part of customers due to more reliable product is in itself an incalculable item. Reliability of service is often the greatest asset a firm can have. It often expresses the difference between a growing business and one that is on the decline from lack of control, uniformity and reliability of product. 30-B. Effect on Costs The direct labor cost reduction in. the cases mentioned above ranged all the way from 30% to 60% and in the case of the shop, formerly under piece work, the labor cost re- duction was about 35%. These reductions in cost do not take into consideration the added saving due to a reduction in overhead distributed to work, which in many cases is an important item. Of course the indirect labor costs to a company operating under the Science of Management are greater than one operating under the old form of management. On the other hand, the greatly increased production and the greatly decreased cost gives a net result in cost saying, sometimes running as high as 30 or 40 per cent. Speaking of reduced cost of operation, the fact must not be lost sight of that there is another saving that accrues to the added profit of a given plant or department from its FREDERIC A. i'ARKIIURST 201 ability to turn out a greatly increased quantity of product. Coupling the increased volume with the greatly reduced total cost per unit, one has in the aggregate, a net return far in excess of anything realized before, in the majority of cases. 30-C. Individual and Corporate Effect One of the best illustrations of the result of Scientific Management from the company's viewpoint is that given in the appendix of the text under the title "Six Years After" on page 321. A discussion of the performance of the Fer- racute Machine Company for six years' operation under the author's methods and after he left them, will conclude this course of lectures. Since the chapter "Six Years After" was printed (now over a year ago) the Company has been able to further in- crease its special bonus to its workmen so that now they are receiving not only an increased wage per hour, but also a quarterly service bonus amounting to 25% of the wages paid each man for each quarter. A copy of the service bonus chart is printed below. Service Bonus Chart, FAP 61 -A The satisfied staff of workmen and the continued satis- factory results obtained by this Company has proved the reliability of this form of management when properly in- stalled. Similar work in other plants in other lines of busi- ness has proved the answer in an equally satisfactory man- ner. The student of the Science of Management is urged to make personal investigations himself and see the methods in operation. SERVICE BONUS CHART FAP 61-A Copyright 1917 by Frederic A. Parkhurst, Organizing Engineer. Employees who are regular in their attendance are of more worth to the Company than those who are absent any appreciable amount of time. This BONUS CHART is therefore issued to sfive extra remuneration in the form of 202 SERVICE BONUS SERVICE BONUS to those employees who do not absent themselves from work on an average of more than three clays for any three consecutive months, without permission in writing by the Company, and subject to the following conditions : (a) This bonus chart applies only to those employees who have executed an Employment Agreement, FAP 60A. (b) SERVICE BONUS will be paid only for "continuous service' for periods of three months each. The term ''continuous service" shall apply for each employee from the time he executes an Employ- ment Agreement, FAP 60A, and so long as such continuity of service has not been interrupted by absence from work of more than three days for any three consecutive months thereafter. If an employee absents himself from work for a total of more than three days for any such three month period, his record for "continuous service" will have been broken and he must make a new start on the date of hi-s return to work. (c) The continuity of service mentioned above in (b) will not be considered as broken if an employee is absent from work more than three days in any one three-month period with written permission or due to sickness or accident, provided such absence is supported by a certificate duly signed by a reputable doctor or surgeon, if required by company. The following SERVICE BONUS is based on normal hours of work of fifty-five hours per week. If business conditions require putting the employee on less than the fifty-five hour per week schedule, a pro rata service bonus will be paid under the conditions stated in this bonus chart. (d) If an employee's hourly wage . rate is changed during any quarterly period, his bonus for that quarter will be computed for the wage rate he was getting at the commencement of that quarter, and his service bonus for the succeeding quarter will be based on his new wage rate. (e) Employees who execute one of our Employment Agreements, FAP 60A on or before December 31, 1917, will participate in Service Bonus as per the Schedule given below in Column 2, commencing as of the date given below. (f) Employees entering our employ on or after January 1, 1918, or who elect to execute an Employment Agreement, FAP 60A, on or after January 1, 1918, will participate in Service Bonus shown below in Column 1 until they have completed one year of continuous em- ployment, after which they will automatically change to the participa- tion of Service Bonus in Column 2. (g) If an employee leaves our employ before the end of any three month period, he will not receive SERVICE BONUS for that period. (h) All earned SERVICE BONUS payments will be made con- currently with the wage payment to the employee on the payday next following the completion by the employee of a "continuous service" period. FREDERIC A. PARK HURST 20' TABLE TO EXPLAIN COMPUTATION Hourly Rate $ .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .24 .25 .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 .41 .42 .43 .44 .45 .46 .47 .48 .49 .50 .52 .54 .56 .58 .60 Column 1 For First Year of Continuous Service Total First Each Quarter Year Bonus OF SERVICE BONUS Column 2 After First Year of Continuous Service Total Second ach Quarter Year Bonus 13.75 15.12 16.50 17.87 19.25 20.62 22.00 23.37 24.75 26.12 27.50 28.87 30.25 31.62 33.00 34.37 35.75 37.12 38.50 39.87 41.25 42.62 44.00 45.37 46.75 48.12 49.50 50.87 52.25 53.62 55.00 56.37 57.75 59.12 60.50 61.87 63.25 64.62 66.00 67.37 68.75 71.50 74.25 77.00 79.75 82.50 $ 55.00 60.50 66.00 71.50 77.00 82.50 88.00 93.50 99.00 104.50 110.00 115.50 121.00 126.50 132.00 137.50 143.00 148.50 154.00 159.50 165.00 170.50 176.00 181.50 187.00 192.50 198.00 203.50 209.00 214.50 220.00 225.50 231.00 236.50 242.00 247.50 253.00 258.50 264.00 269.50 275.00 286.00 297.00 308.00 319.00 330.00 ; 17.18 $ 68.75 18.90 75.62 20.62 82.50 22.34 89.37 24.06 96.25 25.78 103.12 27.50 1 10.00 29.21 116.87 30.93 123.75 32.65 130.62 34.37 137.50 36.09 144.37 37.81 151.25 39.53 158.12 41.25 165.00 42.96 171.87 44.68 178.75 46.40 185.62 48.12 192.50 49.84 199.37 51.56 206.25 53.28 213.12 55.00 220.00 56.71 226.87 58.43 233.75 60.15 240.62 61.87 247.50 63.59 254.37 65.31 261.25 67.03 268.12 68.75 275.00 70.46 281.87 72.18 288.75 73.90 295.62 75.62 302.50 77.34 309.37 79.06 316.25 80.78 323.12 82.50 330.00 84.21 336.87 85.93 343.75 89.37 357.50 92.81 371.25 96.25 385.00 99.68 398.75 103.12 412.50 Clock No participates in Service Bonus as per this Chart, starting with Schedule Column commencing 191 . . . FERR ACUTE MACHINE CO. Per ■Ufil ■Kb ■ IIM. ■ ■ cm KH| ■ ; '£ : .# ■ ? H mum 1 HH Bras j£W5 ■ '«:.'V> 1 1 * ■K ^B H ^Hi ■ £ ; & ^^H ■ ■I ^i H