Class __71&^L Book. J2.2 Copyright^ . COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES BY J. W. ORROCK, C.E. ■ * i STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FIRST EDITION FIRST THOUSAND NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited 1909 A COFTSIfflT, 1909. BY j. w. ore : =:r\::rc fTt=2 F. H. BtLSOl COMPANY BOSTOK - S A uBRARYcf COWERS One Coo> Hecened APR - ^°* 3*«wiif"« Efltn. 3 taL 3 5 5 5 PEEFACE. Under the title of Railroad Structures and _ Estimates, the intention is to cover in brief and concise form, the numerous subjects that enter into the Engineer's Estimates of Railroad Building; for the purpose of ready reference, as to general construc- tion and cost, on a business rather than a technical basis. As it is impossible to give data to suit all conditions, the weights, quantities, and cost, are given in detail in most instances, and may be varied as desired. The author is indebted to H. M. Mackay, Professor of Civil Engineering, McGill University, for a number of suggestions embodied in the manuscript, and to J. G. Sullivan, Assistant Chief Engineer, for permission to use C. P. Ry. Illustrations. in TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. TRACK MATERIAL. PAGE Approximate Quantities and Cost of Rails — Splices — Bolts and Nuts — Spikes — Ties — Ballasting — Surfacing — Track Laying — Tie Plates — Summary Track Material above Subgrade — Grading — Overhaul — Tile Drains — Cross- waying — Clearing — Trees — Grubbing — Switches — Frogs — Stands — Lamps, etc 3-25 CHAPTER II. FENCES, GATES, SIGN POSTS, ROAD CROSSINGS AND GUARDS. Approximate Quantities and Cost of Wire Fence — Picket Fence — Snow Fence — Safety Crossing Gates — Farm Crossing Gates — Sign Boards and Posts — Bridge Warnings — Mail Cranes — Road Crossings — Over- head Farm Crossings — Cattle Guards, etc 26-42 CHAPTER III. CULVERTS. Approximate Quantities and Cost of Tile Pipe Culverts — Concrete Pipe Culverts, Mortar Joints — Cast Iron Pipe Culverts — Lead and Yarn Joints — Concrete Arch Culverts — Rail Concrete Culverts — Stone and Wooden Box Culverts 43-52 CHAPTER IV. BRIDGES. Approximate Quantities and Cost of Deck Plate Girders— Half Deck Plate Girders — Deck and Through Trusses — Drawbridges — Abut- ments — Piers — Timber Trestles — Steel Trestles — Howe Trusses — Subways — Overhead Crossings — Bridge Guards — Retaining Walls — Cribs — Tunnels, etc 53-86 Vl TABLE OF CONTEXTS. CHAPTER V. BUILDINGS. face Approximate Estimate and Cost of Tool Houses — Watchman's Shanty — Section Houses — Privies — Stations — Station Furniture — Platforms — Freight Sheds — Teamways — Engine Houses — Boiler Houses — Store- houses — Oil Houses — Ice Houses — Ice Making — Cold Storage — Coal- ing Stations — Ash Pits — Sand Houses — Track Scales — Stock Yards — Snow Sheds — Turntables, etc 87-173 CHAPTER VL WATER STATIONS. Approximate Estimate and Cost of Pumps — Boilers — Service Pipes — Pump House — Tanks — Standpipes — Dams — Track Tanks, etc. . . . 174-206 CHAPTER VII. SHOPS. Approximate Estimate and Cost of Blacksmith — Cabinet — Car Machine — Car Truck — Dry Kiln — Foundry — Freight Car — Frog and Switch — Locomotive — Boiler — Machine — Passenger Car — Planing Mill — Power House — Stores, etc 207 -218 CHAPTER VIII. SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACTS. Instructions Regarding Specifications — Forms — Proposals — Contracts. Plans, and Estimates 219-248 CHAPTER IX. ESTIMATING NOTES. Excavation — Masonry — Piling — Riprapping — Paving — Brickwork — Steel and Iron Work — Steel and Concrete — Paint — Timber — Carpen- try— Roofing— Plaster etc 249-262 KAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES CHAPTER I. TRACK MATERIAL. Rail. The standard rail section recommended by the American Society of Civil Engineers is now generally used, manufactured mostly by the Bessemer Steel Process. Delivered in 33-foot lengths, ends sawed square and bolt holes for splice connections accurately drilled. A small percentage in shorter lengths is generally accepted; the best rails are usually termed No. 1, and those not of the best No. 2. No. 1 rail only, is used in main line or fast running track. Rails are bought and paid for on the actual weight, and are usually quoted in gross tons (2240 pounds) and weight per yard (3 lineal feet). General Chemical Composition. Carbon 0.45 to 0.65 per cent. Phosphorus 0.06 to 0.85 per cent. Silicon 0.10 to 0.20 per cent. Manganese 0.75 to 1.05 per cent. Sulphur 0.03 to 0.07 per cent. General Physical Properties. Elastic limit 55,000 to 65,000 lbs. per sq. in. Ultimate strength 110,000 to 120,000 lbs. per sq. in. Elongation 12 to 15 per cent. (8 or 10 in.) Modulus of elasticity 29,000,000 to 30,000,000 lbs. One mile of single track requires: 10,560 lineal feet, or 3520 yards. 352 rails if 30 feet long. 320 rails if 33 feet long. 3 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. To find the number of gross tons of rail required for one mile of single track, divide the weight per yard by 7 and multiply by 1 1. Example. — For 70 pounds rail, (70 -^ 7) X 11 = 110 tons per mile. , . H-Head-*| H^-Easeor-Flange M Fig. 1. Rail Section. TABLE 1. QUANTITY AND APPROXIMATE COST OF RAILS PER MILE, SINGLE TRACK. Rail dimensions. •d t-i 0) ft bo 1 a o S3 a & o 1-1 o o c§ fc-l -U o o I— 1 (I -, a> d. £Z org (N C C O H Material only F. O. B. cars.* i O a 3 S3 a Ol 0Q 4-» J3 '55 w 5 In. 4* 41 4^ 4| 4M 5 5^ 5| 5A 5f T3 w In. 2i 2| 2M "16 2M 2i 2& 2f 2J-1 2| X) 1 In. 1 31 ^? J 33 H 35 _9_ 16 s a $ w a «# . *^ c o .2 — . 0) ■^ ft s o «a^ a a ft tt . ~> c 6 *~ 6 In. 41 4i 4A 4f 4H 5 5A 5| 5! 56 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 60.00 56.00 51.69 48.00 44.80 42.00 39.53 37.33 35.37 33.60 1.67 1.79 1.94 2.09 2.24 2.38 2.53 2.68 2.83 2.99 88.00 94.29 102.12 110.00 117.86 125.71 133.57 141.43 149 29 157.14 Dol. 2728 2923 3166 3410 3654 3897 4141 4384 4628 4871 Dol. Dol. 6 7 7 4 8 2 9 3 10 11 12 13 3 14 6 Note. — For condensed cost of track material per mile, above subgrade, see table 7, p. 13. * Price for track rails F. O. B. Chicago, 1908 delivery, $28.00 per gross ton. Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. TRACK MATERIAL. 5 Splices. Fish plates, angle bars and special fastenings for connecting the rails at joints, are made in a variety of designs; the ordinary kind in common use are the four and six hole angle bars; usually quoted in gross tons (2240 pounds). The short four-hole angle bar suspended rail joint only will be considered, as this is generally the most acceptable splice in service. Material. High-carbon steel open hearth or basic open hearth. Average Chemical Composition. Carbon not to exceed 0.15 per cent. Phosphorus not to exceed 0.10 per cent. Manganese not to exceed 0.40 to 0.60 per cent. Fig. 2. Rail Splice. Average Physical Properties. Ultimate strength 60,000 to 90,000 lbs. per sq. in. Elastic strength 30,000 to 45,000 lbs. per sq. in. Elongation in 8 inches not less than 25 per cent. Reduction in area not less than 30 per cent. One Mile Single Track Requires 352 pairs angle bars for 30-foot rails. 320 pairs angle bars for 33-foot rails. RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. TABLE 2. — QUANTITY AND APPROXIMATE COST 4-HOLE ANGLE BAR RAIL JOINTS PER MILE, SINGLE TRACK. oa s— i — ' eg ■— > Lbs. 30 33 36 42 45 49 53 61 66 71 30-ft. rail lengths. 33-ft. rail lengths. 3 i- «-• I - o — s <— - ; = | Z ~ — ED Material only . F. O. B. cars.* ~Z 3 — — o ffl E — *4 o — ■A Material only F. O. B. ears.* s u c — u « — ■ z ~ *3 — 00 _i ^ - a t ; jd «a t- 2 -r X - ■/. r t- . — cs — .^ — g o —3 L. ii -* x Lbs. 56 In. 24 24 24 26 26 26 26 28 28 28 10560 11616 12670 14784 15840 17248 18656 21472 23232 24992 200 220 240 280 300 327 354 407 440 474 Dol. 212 233 254 296 317 345 374 430 465 500 Dol. 9600 10560 11520 13440 14400 15680 16900 19520 21120 22720 182 200 218 255 273 297 320 370 400 430 Dol. 192 212 231 269 288 314 338 391 423 455 Dol. 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Note. — For condensed cost of track material per mile, above subgrade, see table 7, p. 13. * Price for angle bars accompanying rail orders, F. O. B. Chicago, 1908 delivery. 1.5 cts.; car lots. Bolts and Nuts. The ordinary rolled or cut thread shouldered track bolts are made of steel \ inch to 1 inch thick, in lengths to suit rails and fastenings used, and are generally put up in kegs of 200 and 224 pounds in weight. The nuts are either hexagon or square. The Harvey grip, or other approved form of bolt, is generally used, requiring no nutlocks. Average Chemical Composition. Soft Bessemer steel with carbon not to exceed 0.15 per cent. Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. TRACK MATERIAL. Average Physical Properties. Ultimate strength 54,000 to 64,000 lbs. per sq. in. Elastic limit 27,000 to 32,000 lbs. per sq. in. Elongation in 8 inches not less than 25 per cent. One Mile of Track Requires 1408 bolts and nuts for 4-hole splice bars, 30-foot rail lengths. 1280 bolts and nuts for 4-hole splice bars, 33-foot rail lengths. not less Fig. 3. Harvey Grip Bolt. TABLE 3. — QUANTITY AND APPROXIMATE COST OF BOLTS AND NUTS PER MILE, SINGLE TRACK. Bolt dimensions. si c3 Lbs. 56 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 In. 3|X| 3|X1 4|xl 4s"X s 4fXf 4|X| 44X1 4 3 X 8 41X1 a si fcjO Lbs. 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.33 1.33 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.9 30-ft. rail lengths. jx E o 170 160 160 150 150 143 143 134 134 105 8.4 9.4 9.4 9.9 9.9 10.6 10.6 13.4 0.84 0.88 0.88 0.94 0.94 0.99 0.99 1.06 1.06 1.34 Material only F. O. B. cars.* ^ o . S ** -> ^ ^ o JJ 4-s O ci o (M Dol. 63.00 66.00 66.00 70.50 70.50 74.25 74.25 79.50 79.50 100.50 o Dol. 42 44 44 47 47 49.50 49.50 53 53 57 Dol. 33-ft. rail lengths. 7.7 8.7 8.7 8.5 8.5 9.0 9.0 9.6 9.6 12.2 0.77 0.80 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.96 0.96 1.22 Material only F. O. B. cars.* S o ^ e» o 8 * w Dol 57.75 60.00 60.00 63.75 63.75 67.50 67.50 72.00 72.00 91.50 o U "5 Dol. 38.50 40.00 40.00 42.50 42.50 45 45 48 48 61 Dol. Note. — For condensed cost of track material per mile, above subgrade, see table 7, p. 13 * Price for common bolts and nuts F. O. B. Chicago, 2.15 cts. to 2.20 cts. base, square nuts, 2.3 cts. to 2.35 cts. base, hexagon nuts. Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. 8 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Spikes i,Open=H earth Steel). The ordinary railroad spike in general use is T \ inch square X 5\ inches long for rails over 45 pounds per yard in weight. They are usually put up in boxes or kegs of 200 and 224 pounds. Boat spikes § inch X 8 inches are used for spiking frogs and switch blocking to the ties, and long track spikes 7, 8 and 9 inches in length for shimming work. l*-CurYed-~< £2 Fig. 4. Track Spike. Average Chemical Composition. Carbon 0.12 to 0.25 of one per cent. Manganese 0.50 of one per cent. Silicon 0.05 of one per cent. Phosphorus 0.04 of one per cent. Sulphur 0.04 of one per cent. Average Physical Properties. Ultimate strength 50.000 to 70.000 lbs. per sq. in. Elastic limit 27.000 to 35.000 lbs. per sq. in. Elongation in 8 inches not less than 20 per cent. Reduction in area at point of fracture not less than 35 per cent. Tests. The body shall be bent, both hot and cold, through ISO degrees, flat on itself, without sign of fracture on the outside. The body shall be twisted cold one and one-half turns with- out sign of fracture. The underside of the head shall be bent backwards cold by one blow of a hammer into line lengthwise with the face of the body without sign of fracture. The same test shall be made when the neck is ground half through. TRACK MATERIAL. TABLE 4. — QUANTITY AND APPROXIMATE COST OF SPIKES PER MILE SINGLE TRACK. 3500 ties per mile. >-> CD © J 6 "5 £6 CD P< CD •H w 3 O 44 (H ^Drain where needed 1 / Crushed Rock and Slag Class A Crushed Rock and Slag Class A Crushed Rock and Slag Class B Fig. 5. Ballast Sections. TRACK MATERIAL. 15 Grading. — Grading includes all excavation and embank- ments for the formation of the roadbed, all diversions of roads and streams, all borrow pits and ditches and similar work connected with and incident to the construction of the roadbed. The material excavated is classified usually as " Common Exca- vation," " Loose Rock," "Solid Rock," and measurement and payment are by units of one cubic yard, measurement made in excavation only, and by any method. Approximate cost. Common excavation, 20 to 30 cts. Loose rock, 60 cts. to $1 Solid Rock, $1.60 to $2.50 Actual cost. Overhaul. — When the distance of handling material exceeds a certain limit an extra is sometimes allowed under an overhaul clause. Usually 500 feet is designated as the limit of free haul, and any haul exceeding 500 feet is paid for at the specified price per cubic yard per station. Average cost overhaul .01 to .02 cent per cubic yard (100 ft.). Actual cost : — Tile Drains. — Sub-drains of tile are used chiefly in cuts where it is difficult to get a proper ditch, or where the ditch fills up with sliding material. It is laid 2\ to 4 feet deep with a fall where practicable. Tile drains are made in one and two foot lengths. 3 to 6 inches diameter are the sizes generally used. Water enters the drains through the joints. Measurement and pay- ment are by unit price per lineal foot, including excavation and refilling. Approximate cost. 3" tile, 12 to 15 cts. per lineal foot in place . 4" tile, 13^ to 18 cts. per lineal foot in place 6" tile, 15 to 20 cts. per lineal foot in place Actual cost. Crosswaying. — Crosswaying when required in swamps or muskegs is built of logs the full width of the embankment and Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. 16 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. projecting beyond if desired, logs not less than 6 inches in diameter, small end, made up if necessary in one or two layers crossing each other at right angles placed close together and covered with brush. Measurement and payment are by units of 100 feet square. Approximate cost. — $30 to $50 per 100 feet square. Actual cost ; — Clearing. — Consists of clearing the right of way of all trees, logs, brush and other perishable matter, and burning or otherwise disposing of the same off the Company's property, stumps to be cut off even with the ground when the filling over them exceeds two feet. The last item is generally termed "close cutting." Measurement of clearing and payment for same are paid for- by the acre or by units of 100 feet square actually cleared. Approximate cost. — $40 to $60 per acre or $10 to $15 per 100 feet square. Actual cost : — Trees. — Dangerous trees outside right of way considered unsafe are paid for at a specified rate per tree removed. Approximate cost. — 75 cts. to SI each. All trees reserved for construction purposes are usually stripped and neatly piled. Payment for this service is usually by the cord of 128 cubic feet. Actual Cost : — Grubbing. — Grubbing consists in removing stumps and large roots where excavations occur, including ground from which material is to be borrowed, and from all ditches, drains, new chan- nels for waterways and other places, and all ground to be covered by fill of less than 2 feet. Measurement of grubbing and payment are paid by the station of 100 feet or by units of 100 feet square actually grubbed. Approximate cost. — $20 to $30 per 100 feet square. Actual cost : — Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. TRACK MATERIAL. 17 Turnouts, etc. The arrangement by which an engine and train pass from one track to the other is termed a turnout, and consists of a switch, frog, guards and lead rails. (Fig. 6.) A train approaching so as to pass the switch point first is said to " face " the switch, and when it approaches in the op- posite direction, passing the frog first, it is said to " trail " the switch. Switches. — The switches in common use for turnouts are the stub and split or point switch. If the ends of the rails are cut off at a bevel, so as to lap slightly when thrown, it is called a lap switch. The split switch is practically universal as a standard, and generally is 15 feet and 16^ feet long, or half a rail length, for frogs 1 in 5 up to 1 in 12. Split Switch. — The switch rail is slightly elevated above the stock rail by means of plates with risers, and is one-half to three- fourths inch below stock rail at the point, and one-fourth inch or so above stock rail 5 or 6 feet from the point. The distance which the switch point rail moves when the switch is thrown varies . from 4 to 5 inches, and two to four tie bars either fixed or adjustable are used to connect the switch rails. Fixed end of switch is called the heel. Movable end the toe. Stub Switch heel is farthest from the frog. Split Switch heel is nearest the frog. Toe of Split Switch is the point of switch. Toe to heel is the length of switch. » — + n o H o ft CO 18 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. The throw is the distance over which the free end moves when thrown. Turnout between switch and frog is usually made a simple circu- lar curve. Stub Switch. — The ordinary stub switch breaks the continuity of the main line in three places, two at the switch head block and one at the. frog. Owing to the pounding of wheels over the open space, account settlement of head block, and to expansion and contraction of rail, rendering the joints tight in summer and open in winter, and the liability of derailment should a train trail the switch, their use has been practically abandoned except in isolated tracks in yards or at points seldom in service. Slip Switches. — Slip switches are used where space is insufficient for ordinary turnouts or crossovers. Single slip is used when only one crossover track is required, double slips when two crossovers are necessary. (Fig. 11.) The switches are operated simultane- ously from a central " slip switch stand." Each end of a slip has a special twin split switch, which forms the entrance to the crossovers, each crossover containing one right and one left turnout. Switch Stands. — Automatic and rigid switch stands are used generally; for main line track switches the rigid type is principally used. Frogs. — The frog is a device whereby the rail at the turnout curve crosses the main track rail, and is represented by Fig. 7. with all the parts designated in the terms generally. used in ordering the various items, either bolted, clamped or riveted, rigid or spring rail. Fig. 7. Rigid Frog. The bolted type of frog is generally used, with spring rail frogs for main line turnouts where siding traffic is relatively small. TRACK MATERIAL. 19 Main line frogs are usually 9 to 12 and for yards 6 to 9, width of flangeways for frogs and guard rails If to If inches. Foot guards are used in the angle of frogs, heel of switches and ends of guard rails to protect employees from getting their feet caught. The frog number is the proportion of its length into its breadth or spread. Frog angle = cb -s- {ab + cd) . Example. — ab = 4 inches, cd = 8 inches, be = 84. 84 -f- (8 inches + 4 inches) = 7. Angle or spread of frog is 1 in 7, or No. 7 frog. TABLE FOR PUTTING IN FROGS AND SWITCHES. 4-8* Gauge 5" Throw. Number of frog. Length of frog. Ft. Angle of frog. Radius of curve. Ft. Split switch leads dis- tance AB for 15 ft. Points. 5 5 11° 25' 239 50. 6 6 9° 32' 345 55.6 7 7 8° 10' 431 60.3 8 8 7° 10' 606 67.1 9 9 6° 21' 764 71.6 10 ■ 10 5° 44' 919 76.9 11 11 5° 12' 1096 80.0 12 12 4° 46' 1246 87.1 The split switch lead on tangents is the distance from the switch point to the frog point measured along the straight track. Fig. 9. 30 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Hill -1 * " — ' fi £ = 1 — OD ,~ T — i | ~ — — 1 — ' • :• - X a •_ -i ,--rz? < — ' i - ■9 cr^^m r 3 — : £ — bfl --: TRACK MATERIAL. 21 Crossovers. — The arrangement connecting two parallel tracks is called a crossover and consists of a double turnout. (Fig. 10.) To find the distance between frog points: From the distance between gauge lines of parallel tracks sub- tract the gauge of track; multiply the remainder by the number of frog. Example. — Distance between gauge line is 8 feet; gauge line 4 feet 8J inches and No. 9 frog. 8 feet — 4 feet 8^ inches = 3 feet 3^ inches, which multiplied by 9 = 29 feet 7J inches, the distance between frog points. TABLE 8. — AVERAGE COST OF TURNOUTS INSTALLED COMPLETE (WITHOUT LEAD RAILS). Switch stands, Frogs Laying Total Name. Kind. rods, with and sur- cost in- ties. lamps, etc. guards. facing. stalled. 80 lb. split switch Spring $100.00 $30.00 $60.00 $50.00 $240.00 80 lb. split switch Rigid 100.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 225.00 60 lb. stub switch Yard 85.00 25.00 50.00 40.00 200.00 80 lb. slip switch Single 150.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 350.00 80 lb. slip switch • Double 200.00 90.00 140.00 125.00 550.00 TABLE 9. — DETAILS OF COST. Switch ties. Approximate cost. Actual cost. 1 set for main line switch $80.00 to $125.00 70.00 to 100.00 65.00 to 95.00 55.00 to 80.00 125.00 to 150.00 150.00 to 200.00 1 set for yard switch 1 set stub switch ties 1 set vard switch ties 1 set slip switch, single 1 set slip switch, double Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. 22 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. TABLE 9. — DETAILS OF COST. Continued.) For bill of switch ties, see p. 24. Approximate cost. New stub switch $20.00 to $30.00 New main line split 30 . 00 to 50 . 00 New main line slip switch [single 40.00 to 60.00 New main line slip switch double | 50.00 to SO. 00 . Actual cost. Frogs. :.:.-.._ be cost . Actual cost. 1 SO-lb. spring frog. $50. with guard rails 1 SO-lb. rigid Ire g, $3S with guard rails 1 60-lb. spring frog. $35. with guard rails (62.00 .00 47.00 21.00 23.00 21.00 1 60-lb. rigid. $14.25. with guard ra 1 72-lb. rigid. $16. with guard rails. 1 56-lb. rigid. $14. with guard rails Stands, lamps, roc- Approximate cost. switch stands: Automatic $12.00 to $15.00 ?:-h IS. 00 to 20.00 Intermediate Low Ramapo stub switch stand Lamps Lock and chain 1 chain 2 Tie rods G 15.00 to 17.00 9.00 to 12.00 8.00 to 12.00 4.00 to 5.00 .50 to $3 at 3} cts. per lb. $9 at 3 cts. per lb. Actual cost. plates or rail braces 15 cts. each. $2. 70 per turnout TRACK MATERIAL. 23 TABLE 9. — DETAILS OF COST. (Concluded ) Laying and surfacing. Stub switch , Main line switch (split) Switches in large yards Taking up and relaying switch Slip switch, single Slip switch, double Approximate cost. Actual cost. $25.00 to $35.00 30.00 to 50.00 30.00 to 40.00 30.00 to 50.00 50.00 to 70.00 60.00 to 100.00 TABLE 10. Crossover . Approximate cost. Actual cost. 2 turnouts $250.00 115.00 18.00 10.00 227.00 80.00 170 ft. 80-lb. rail Fastenings Ties • 2 sets switch ties at $1 13 . 50 Labor. . Total ... $700.00 Notes : — Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. -4 -t: t t l- .o ": L- _ : vide, ends sawed square. Ta2 ,,: 1" : j": Sol : - - ■ 3 3 3 3 : I - l 3 3 3 | 1 3 3 3 3 3 . 2 2 . 2 : l 2 * I 3 3 3 3 3 . : : 2 : 2 I : I 2 ' 1 : 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 : i 3 3 3 3" 3 3 ■ - 2 - , 8 3.. 8 0.. 3 3 8 9 3 9 9-. - 9 3.. 3 9 6-. 3 :- r 3 :: : :: a 19 8- . 3 19 9 ' 11 9-. 11 3-. :: -: 11 9.- 12 9-. 12 3 12 8. :: r 1: : :i * 13 «- 13 9. 14 9-. 14 3 ' j. l j 14 r :: : 15 3 :-: -: .\ ■ If -iiibloek 7:-:. - -■ ' - - - - * ■-'- ■ » FeecB. M - - "" TRACK MATERIAL. 25 Crossing. Complete Diamond installed, $250 to $350. Interlocking Plant. For an ordinary single track interlocked crossing at grade. 8-Lever Machine including house and signals, $4500 to $5500. 16-Lever Machine including house and signals, $7500 to $8500, or an approximate price for estimating $500 per lever. MAINTENANCE OF INTERLOCKING PLANT PER ANNUM. 2 men at $1.25 per day $913. 00 Inspection, $3 per month 36. 00 Repairs and materials, $20 per month 240. 00 40 gallons oil at 20 cts., $8 per month 96. 00 Lamps, wicks and chimneys, $1 per month 12. 00 $1297.00 The above if capitalized at 5 per cent would be equivalent to an expendi- ture of $25,940.00. Notes : — ....'.' Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. '16 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND BSTDfATESL CHAPTER II. FENCES, GATES, SIGN POSTS, ROAD CROSSINGS AND GUARDS. Fences. For fencing in the right of way each railroad usually has its own standard. Wire Fence, — The ordinary fence consists of hard galvanized iron coiled wires, made in five to seven strands, spaced from 5 to 10 inches apart, the fence averaging about 4 feet high, reinforced with verticals at varying distances. Wood fence posts are placed from 17 to 33 feet apart, set about 5 feet above ground and 3 feet under. The fences are either woven or field-erected, the woven being used on fairly level ground, and the field-erected on rough and uneven ground. Cross braces of 4" X 4" timbers and wire are used at end panels to stiffen the fence lengthwise. (Fig. 12.) This Post to be strained up at least 2 -22'— Fig 12. Right of Way Fence. TABLE 11. ng per mile of track, erected complete. Approximate cost. A • ual cost. 7-strand 4S-in. woven-wire fence. . . . 127 00 to $300.00 5-strand 42-in. woven-wire fence. . . . 216.00 to 230.00 7-etran 1 4*-:n. field-erected fence. 320.00 to 400.00 5-strand 42-in. field-erected fence. . 2S2.00to 325.00 FENCES. 27 Approximate estimates of cost. — 1-strand 48-m. woven-wire fence, 25 cts. per rod (16§ ft.) . $80.00 Posts 9 cts. each, erection 5 cts. (160 per mile) 22.40 Erection of fence 32 . 60 One side $135.00 Per mile of track $270.00 5-strand 42-in. woven-wire fence, 18 cts. per rod (16£ ft.) . $57.60 Posts 9 cts., erection 5 cts. (160 per mile) 22.40 Erection of fence 28 . 00 One side $108 . 00 Per mile of track $216.00 1-strand 48-tn. field-erected wire fence, 29 cts. per rod .... $92 . 80 Posts 9 cts. each, erection 5 cts. (160 per mile) 22.40 Erection 44.80 One side $160.00 Per mile of track $320.00 5-strand 48-i'w. field-erected wire fence, 27 cts. per rod (16J ft.) $86.40 Posts 9 cts. each, erection 5 cts. (160 per mile) 22.40 Erection 32.20 One side $141 . 00 Per mile of track $282 . 00 Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. 28 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Picket Fence. — The ordinary picket fence for use in yard shops, etc., consists of S-inch cedar posts 9 to 10 feet long, set 6 feet above ground and 3 to 4 feet under, at about 8-foot centers, with 3" X 4" runners top and bottom, set about 12 to 18 inches from ground and top of posts; to these are nailed 4" X 1" X 6' vertical pointed end pickets, with spaces between varying from 1 inch to 6 inches. Approximate cost per linear foot, 50 to 75 cents. Wood Snow Fences. — Snow fences are used in open country to prevent or minimize trouble from drifting snow blocking the track. They are usually of wood, though tree and hedge fences and earth banks are in use. When permanent, a close or open board fence is erected on the portion of the right of way affected. 30 to 50 feet from track. When located off the right of way. permission is usually obtained from the farmers, and portable fences are used and placed 150 feet or more from the track. Kind. Approximate Cost . Actual Cost. Permanent close board fence per lin. ft. . 50 to 60 cts. Permanent open board fence per lin. ft. .1 40 to 50 cts. Portable fence per lin. ft 30 to 40 cts. Permanent Close Board Fence. — Cedar posts 8 inches diameter by 12 feet long, placed 8-foot centers, standing about S Feet 6 inches from ground line, and covered with f-inch boards to within one foot of ground with 1" X 6" cover piece over the joints at each post. Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. FENCES. 29 Fig. 13. Permanent Snow Fence. (Open Board.) Fig. 14. Portable Snow Fence. Permanent Open Board Fence. (Fig. 13.) — Similar to the close board fencing excepting that the boards are placed with 6-inch spaces between. Portable Fence. (Fig. 14.) — Made in sections 14 and 16 feet long, with triangular shaped supports 6 to 8 feet high, and about 6 feet spread, with 2" X 6" inclined main supports at 7-foot centers, and 2" X 6" brace behind; when not held down by stakes to ground, 2" X 6" ties are used at the bottom of frame and stone piled on top. The boards are J-inch material from 6 to 8 inches wide, about 12-inch centers with 4 to 6-inch spaces between. 30 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Approximate estimate of cost. Permanent Close Board Fencing. One 16-foot Panel. 2 fence post holes at 35 cts $0 . 70 2 posts 8 inch-diameter. 12 feet long, at 9 cts 2.16 150 feet B. M. boarding at S35 5 25 3} pounds 12d. steel nails at 8 cts 0.28 2 stake posts 6-inch diameter. 5 feet long, each at 25 cts.. . . 0.50 16 feet galvanized iron guy wire 0.11 Total, p. panel S9 . 00 Permanent Open Board Fence. One 16-foot Panel. 2 fence post holes at 35 cts $0.70 2 posts S-inch diameter. 12 feet long, at 9 cts 2.16 97 feet B. M. boarding at S35 3.40 1| pounds nails at 8 cts 0.13 2 stake posts 6 to 8 inches diameter. 5 feet long, each 25 cts. 50 16 feet galvanized iron wire 0.11 Total, p. panel $7 .00 . Portable Fence. One 14rfoot Panel. 150 feet B . If. timber at $35 $5.25 3 pounds nails at 8 cts . 24 3i"X 4§* carriage bolts with washers 0.31 Ground stakes or bottom ties 20 Total, p. panel $6.00. Safety Crossing Gates. At public road grade crossings it is sometimes necessary to place safety gates, consisting of iron posts placed at the curb of roadway parallel with track to which are connected the main and sidewalk arms, usually of wood, that stretch over and pro- tect the crossing. They are operated by hand crank at gate level, or by hand lever or compressed air from a tower (some- times a number of crossings are operated from the one tower), arranged so that the gates cannot be opened or closed excepting Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. GATES. 31 by the operator. The connections for operating the gates simul- taneously are either placed underground or overhead as desired. The gates are usually located 8 to 10 feet clear of the nearest rail, with the elevated tower on one side or between tracks when convenient. The span of gates varies to suit conditions. They are made usually in two-post or four-post crank, lever, or pneumatic types, the two-post style being used when the road is not too wide, and four-post construction for large openings. The smaller the span., other things being equal, the easier will the gates be operated. TABLE 12. — SAFETY GATES. Kind. Two-post crank gates with watch- man's shanty complete Four-post crank gates with watch- man's shanty complete Two-post lever gates with wood tower and connections complete . . Four-post lever gates with wood tower and connections complete . . Two-post pneumatic gates with wood tower and connections com- plete Four-post pneumatic gates with wood tower and connections com- plete Approximate Cost. $300.00 to $400.00 400.00 to 500.00 450.00 to 650.00 600.00 to 800.00 500.00 to 700.00 700.00 to 900.00 Actual Cost. The above prices are for wood foundation throughout. Two=post crank gate would consist of — One cast-iron power or crank post, One cast-iron dead post, Two bifurcated wooden main and sidewalk arms, Two shafts, Piping, wood or concrete foundations, Watchman's shanty and bells if desired. A four-post crank gate, excepting for the first and last items, would be double the above. Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. 32 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Two=post lever gate would consist of — Elevated tower with posts and foundations. Two cast-iron posts, Two bifurcated wooden main and sidewalk arms, One lever stand with two levers, Chain and rod connections, Gatepost foundations and ducts, Installation, Bells for arms and tower if desired. A four-post lever gate would be double the above excepting the first and last items. Two=post pneumatic gate would consist of — Elevated tower with posts and foundations, Two cast-iron posts with locking connections, Two bifurcated wooden main and sidewalk arms. One air-pump and valves (unless air can be supplied), Piping and connections. Gatepost foundations and ducts. Installation, Bells for arms and tower if desired. A four-post pneumatic gate would be double the above except- ing the air-pump and first and last items. The elevated tower for crossing gates would cost from SI 50 to S200 each. Generally speaking the lever crossing gate is more positive in action than the pneumatic type; the pneumatic type under cer- tain conditions is not alwavs satisfactory. Farm Crossing Gates. — Generally made of wood and wire, or gas pipe and wire, the last mentioned being known as the steel gate. Usually 14 and 16 feet long, standing 4 feet 6 inches above ground 4 feet high, made to swing outward away from track. GATES. 33 Kind. Approx. Cost. Actual Cost. Swing wire gate with wooden frame com- plete 14 ft. long (Fig. 16) Swing wire gate with steel frame complete 14 ft. long (Fig. 17). Swing board gate, board frame 16 ft. long (Fig. 15) Swing wire gate, steel frame 16 ft long (Fig. 17) £3.75 to $4.50 4.50 to ' 5.50 4.00 to 5.00 5.00 to 6.00 /-lx6 1x6 Fig. 15. Swing Board Gate. {-,-'„! 7 ^t -€£; ■* " l^ffvj -2V3- ^4&^ >°I [h «M ? — - : - - ,_ . — 14 '0- ^> Fig. 16. Swing Wire Gate. Wooden Gates. (Figs. 15 and 16.) — The wooden gates are usually made of 2" X 3" frame all round with a 2" X 3" post in center Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. PA RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. and Xo. 9 galvanized wire mesh over, with two diagonal cross- wire ties The wooden swing board gate is made up of four 1" X 6" X 16' planks with S-inch spaces between having one center and two diagonal planks 1 Steel Gates. Fig. 17.) — The steel pipe gates are made with -inch steel pipe, divided into three equal panels with two vertical H-inch bars between, covered with Xo. 9 galvanized iron wire mesh with diagonal wire brace. — _ . . 1 — •_ -:y — :-: ,- — :-r-r — :..'—. - - -:- -.' — : ; :-. —: :--.'- ■14 0- 14 Fee: Gate ELEVATION : ; Tig. 17. Highway Crossing Alarm Bell. — At highway croosmgs where traffic does not warrant a watchman or safety gates, an electric alarm bell attached to the road-crossing sign, or erected on a special iron or wood pole, is often used, arranged so as to ring ahead of an approaching train; a light also is sometimes provided above the bell. The track rail joints are bonded for a distance of 1000 to 3000 feet on either side the crossing and insulated for battery and bell circuit, a battery being necessary at each end of the bonded track and one at foot of bell post. The approximate cost of alarm bell erected complete, $300 - -400. When a light is installed, the cost is increased 25 to 50 per cent. SIGN POSTS. 35 General Signboards and Posts. Approximate cost, etc., of various signboards and posts usually erected on the right of way, from C. P. R. Standards, F. P. Gutelius, Assistant Chief Engineer. Railway Crossing and Highway Sign. — Placed at all public road grade crossings facing the approach. Post 7 to 9 inches round, about 12 feet above top of rail, set into ground about 4 feet, two 8-inch planks on top placed crosswise with the words " Railroad Crossing " marked in plain block letters 6 inches high on each side. Approximate cost complete, $4.00 to 5.00. Actual cost : — Railway Crossing, Railway Junction and Drawbridge Sign. — Post 7 to 9 inches round, about 10 feet 6 inches above top of rail and 5 feet in ground, with four boards on top placed diamond shape with the words " Railway Crossing One Mile " in plain block letters 6 inches high, or " Drawbridge Crossing " or " Junction Crossing" in place of "Railway Crossing." Approximate cost complete, $3.50 to $4.50. Actual cost: — Wing Post Sign. — Placed 8 feet from rail and 150 feet from obstructions where wings of snow plows must be closed and points lifted. Post 4 to 6 inches round, about 7 feet above rail and 3 to 4 feet in ground, with two boards placed crosswise at the top with a round black disk painted in each corner. Approximate cost complete, $1.00 to $1.25. Actual cost: — Flanger Post. — Placed 8 feet from rail, and 150 feet from obstructions where points and Gangers must be lifted. Post 4 to 6 inches round, 7 feet 6 inches above rail set 3 feet 6 inches below ground, with 8" X 2' board on top, having two round black disks, one on each side. Approximate cost complete, $1.00 to $1.25. Actual cost: — Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. 36 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AXD ESTIMATES. Station Mile Board. — Placed 10 feet from rail. 6 to 8 inches round, post about 9 feet above rail and set in ground 4 feet, with board 12 to 15 inches wide 5 feet long, with " Xame of Station " and 1 mile under in plain block lette: - Approximate cost com pit: 12. I v _ Actual cost: — Yard Limit. — 6 to 8-inch round post about 9 feet above rail and about 4 feet in ground, with board placed on top and " Yard Limit " marked in plain block lette: & Approximate cost compbr S2 to $2.25. Actual co>:: — Section Post. — Placed 7 feet from rail. 4"x4" square post standing 5 feet above rail and set 3 feet in ground with 10"Xl8' r board on top. with the two section numbers marked. Approximate cost complete. $0.90 to $1.00. Actual cost: — Mile Post. — Placed 7 feet from rail. 10"X10" square post set diamond fashion to the track, about 5 feet above rail, and s 3 feet 6 inches in ground: about the top of the post the mile number is painted on the two sides facing the track. Approximate mplete. $2.00 to $2.50. Actual cos:: — -. Mile Board. — Attached to telegraph pole about 10 feet ah ground. A 10" X 3' board with the mile painted on each side, and attached to the nearest telegraph pole. Approximate cost complete, 30 to 50 cent-. Actual cost: — Whistle Post. — Place! 7 feet from rail and one-fourth mile from public road crossings. A flat board 3"X9" standing 5 feet above rail, and set 3 feet in ground: the letter " W " is painted at the top. Approximate cost complete. 75 to 90 cents. Actual cost: — Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. SIGN POSTS. 37 Trestle Number. — Placed in center of structure on milepost side. 12"X36" board with the trestle number painted on in plain block letters, and bolted to one of the ties outside of the guard. Approximate cost complete, 35 to 45 cents. Actual cost: — . Culvert Number. — 4"X4" square post standing 6 feet above ground, 8 feet from rail, with 9"X24" board having the Culvert number painted on in plain block letters. Approximate cost complete, 80 to 90 cents. Actual cost: — Trespass Sign. — Six-inch round post standing 5 to 6 feet above the rail and about 4 feet in ground, with lS^XSO" board on top, having the words " Caution " " Do not trespass " painted in plain block letters. Approximate cost complete, $1.50 to $1.80. Actual cost: — Clearance Post. — 4"x4" post standing about 9 inches high above rail set 2 feet into ground with chamfered top painted black with the lower portion white placed at extreme clearance points of sidings. Approximate cost complete, 40 to 50 cents. Actual cost: — Elevation Posts. — 4"x4" posts standing about level with top of rail, placed on the outside of, and at the beginning and end of curves and spirals about 6 feet from outside rail, with the letter E and O under facing tangent, and Q and O under facing track, on tangent end of spirals, and the letter E with elevation under, facing spiral curve, and Q with excess gauge marked under, facing track, and D with degree of curve under, facing circular curve. Approximate cost complete, 40 to 50 cents. Actual cost: — Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. 38 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Rail Rack Posts. — 6"X15" posts made up of old stringers with three 5-inch steps at top, to hold spare rails; posts are set 18 feet apart 7 feet from rail, and set about 3 feet in ground. Approximate cost complete, 75 cents to $1.00 per pair. Actual cost: — Stop Signal Post Sign. — Used where trains must come to a full stop, at railway crossings, etc., placed 400 feet on each side and 8 feet from rail. Six-inch round post standing about 8 feet above rail with chamfered end, set about 4 feet in ground, with tapered board 8"X3' about 12 inches from top, and the word " Stop " painted on in plain block letters. Approximate cost complete, $2.00 to $2.25 each. Actual cost: — Slow Signal Post Sign. — Used where all trains must be under full control, placed 2000 feet from points protected and 8 feet from rail. Post similar to stop signal post sign, tapered board 8"X3' with V-shaped end, and the word " Slow " painted on in plain block letters. Approximate cost complete, $2.00 to $2.25 each. Actual cost: — Bridge Warning. — Placed over the track H)0 feet or there- abouts from all overhead obstructions less than 22 feet 6 inches clear height above top of rail. 8 by 8 post standing about 26 feet above rail and about 5 feet in ground with 6" X 6" horizontal arm on top 13 feet long, fastened to post with iron strap and 6 by 6 brace; from the arm are suspended sixteen f-inch sash cords 3 feet 6 inches long each, well bound at the bottom and looped to one- half inch by 2-foot long double eye bolts, hooked to screw eye bolts fastened to the horizontal bar. Approximate cost complete, $15.00 to $18.00. Actual cost: — Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. ROAD CROSSINGS. 39 Mail Crane. Mail cranes are erected at way stations where necessary to col- lect the mail while the train is running. The main post, either of wood or steel, is set up about 10 feet from center of track, and attached with a blocking piece to two extra long track ties, the post being stayed at the back by a double brace. At the top of the post about three-foot centers two horizontal arms project 3 feet towards the track arranged to hold the mail bag. The arms have a steel spring attachment at the post end so that when the bag is released they automatically rise and fall towards the post, one going up and the other down. A light iron ladder is placed for convenience of the operator, so that he may be able to catch the arms and tie the mail bag in position. Approximate cost of an iron mail crane complete, $25 to $50. Actual cost: — Grade Road Crossings. At grade crossings of public and farm roads it is necessary to make a driveway for the safe passage of vehicles over the track, for a width of 12 to 16 feet for farms, and 20 feet or over for public crossings. Three-inch plank is generally used of varying widths, and of the desired length, placed fairly close together between rails and one on the outer side of each rail, spiked to 2-inch shims under the planks and secured to the ties; the height of shims is made to suit the rail, and the ends of planks are usually chamfered off, and in some cases a rail is placed on its side, butting against the web of the main track rails with the base against the plank to form a flangeway. In some cases a wooden frame is made and filled with gravel or cinders at about the same cost. This form is not recommended, as heavy loads may cause the wheels to sink into the filling when teams are passing over, and is likely to cause trouble. Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. 40 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Kind. Approximate cost, Single Track Cross- ings. Actual Cost. 12-foot wide plank crossing. » 16-foot wide plank crossing 20-foot wide plank crossing $ 7.00 to $10.00 10.00 to 15.00 15.00 to 20.00 20.00 to 25.00 24-foot wide plank crossing Overhead Farm Crossings. — The overhead farm crossing is in the nature of a light highway bridge, and generally has to be designed to suit the varying conditions of ground actually met with. The bents are placed about 20 feet apart across the track for single, and 30 feet or more for double track, with a clear height of 22 feet 6 inches under the crossing, and a width of 14 feet or more. The balance of the bents are spaced 14 or 16-foot centers on either side of track. The floor joists up to 20-foot center to center of bents, may be 3"Xl2", and for double track 31 feet 6 inches centers to centers of bents 6"X14", at about 2-foot centers, covered with 3-inch plank; a railing 4 feet high or more is placed on each side of crossing made up of 4"x4" posts about 8-foot centers with 2"X3" brackets and 4"X4" hand rail secured to posts; the floor plank is made extra long at. the posts to take the bracket, and 1"X4" fencing is used. The bents have 12" X 12" caps on three cedar piles, or 10"X12" posts, three to a bent, with flatted cedar sill under and 12" X 12" cap on top; the bents are cross braced from sill to cap with 3" by 10" plank, one on each side, and 3"X10" braces are also inserted longitudinally, at least one panel on each side of the track. Approximate Cost. — crossing. to $12 per lineal foot for 14-foot wide Actual cost: — Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. GUARDS. 41 Cattle Guards. At public highways and other crossings cattle guards are placed on each side of the road, to prevent cattle from getting on the right of way. They are made of various material, metal and wood being used principally. The metal guards are liable to rust unless frequently painted. The wood guards is the most popular. Wood Cattle Guards. (Fig. 18.) — The common wood cattle guard consists of a number of board slats lJ^XS^XS' nailed at about 4-inch centers to slant face wood blocks, one block at each end between each slat, 10 slats with 18 blocks forming a 2 x6 Slats IX x5 x 8-8 long —i.^' 1 ■i'5JJ- Fig. 18. Wood Cattle Guard. section; three sections are generally used, one at each side and one in the center of track, and placed each side of road crossing resting on 2 // x6 // timbers supported on 8-inch diameter cedar posts with small brace straps at the bottom and ends; the rest timbers are arranged to come about level with base of rail, so that the guard extends about 4 inches above the base of rail. The guards and fence posts are usually whitewashed when placed. Approximate Cost. — Cost of wood cattle guards (6 sections) complete in place, $15 to $25. Actual cost: — . . .• Pit Guards. — The pit guard is usually an open culvert spanned by stringers to carry the track; their use for many reasons is not recommended. Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. 42 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Metal Guards. — Metal guards made with galvanized iron bent to form any desired type of cattle guard is usually made up in sec- tions arranged to fasten to the track ties, the two outer sections being supported at the ends with 2"X6" timbers nailed to 8-inch cedar posts similar to the wood guard supports. Approximate cost of galvanized iron cattle guards (6 sections) complete in place, $25 to $45. Actual cost: — Add your own prices and records in blank spaces. CULVERTS. 43 CHAPTER III. CULVERTS. Culverts are used for conveying small streams under the road- bed and for drainage purposes. Tile, concrete, and cast-iron pipes are principally used, including masonry and timber boxes and concrete arches. When pipes are used locate on solid ground high enough to clear when flow ceases, and lay on a uniform grade equal to that of the natural ground, with a camber when grade is less than one per cent to prevent formation of pockets by settlement. Pref- erably excavate trench to fit the bottom part; otherwise solidify by tamping and compacting carefully around the culvert. Do not block, wedge, or lay in water. Place all sockets upgrade and begin from lower end. Back fill in tamped layers. Do not tamp on top, but form an arch of tamped material over, leaving one diameter of loose material over the centers; then tamp all the way across. When two or more are used side by side keep them one diam- eter apart. When there is a liability to scour, end walls or sheet piling is provided. When pile foundation is necessary use one row for small pipes and two rows staggered, for 24 inch or greater, supporting the entire length of pipe. Box or arch culverts are piled when necessary under the main walls. Pipe Culverts. TABLE 13. — LENGTH OF PIPE REQUIRED FOR DIFFERENT HEIGHTS OF EMBANKMENT. Height, base of rail to invert. Length, pipe required in linear feet. Height, ft .. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Length, ft. . 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 u RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Estimating Sizes of Pipe. — One-inch rain fall per acre gives approximately 24.000 gallons per hour, or 400 gallons per minute. Not more than 50 per cent to 75 per cent will reach drain within same hour. TABLE 14. — APPROXIMATE CARRYING CAPACITY OF PIPES. Inches fall to 100 feet. Size of pipe. 2 in. 3 in. 6 in. 9 in. 12 in. I 24 in. 36 in. Gallons discharged per minute. 2,000 2.500 3.500 4,500 5,000 7.000 8,500 4.500 5.500 7,500 9, 000 10, 500 15. 000 IS, 000 8,000 9.500 13,500 16. 50019, 000 26. 500 32, 500 36 inches 12.500 15. 500 22,000 26. 500 31.000 43. 500*53,000 18 inches 24 inches 30 inches Make allowance for severe storms, which are generally of short duration. Tile Pipe Culverts, i Fig. 19.) — Tile pipe must have at least 4 feet of embankment on top. TABLE 15. — APPROXIMATE COST. Inner Min. thick- diam. : ness shell. In. 4 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 24 In. i I 1 H 1| 1J 2 Min. length laid. In. 24 24 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Depth of Annu- socket. lar space. In. In. 2 i 2 H 5. - 01 -4 f 02 -4 f 3 1 3 i H f 3^ i 4 I Weight per lin. ft. Lbs. 10 16 25 37 45 76 118 138 190 Approx. cost per ft. $0.10 .13$ 17| 22 27 .46 .63 1.10 1.37 Riprap walls for ends when required (Fig. 19) cu. yds. 9 10 11 12 Excavating, laying, and refilling extra. CULVERTS. 45 CROSS SECTION Inlet End PIPE CULVERTS Fig. 19. Joints usually made of caulked oakum protected by cement mortar; when foundation is solid joints may be filled with cement mortar, one cement and one sand. TABLE 16. — MORTAR FOR 100 JOINTS CONCRETE OR TILE PIPE. 18-inch diameter pipe 24-inch diameter pipe 30-inch diameter pipe 36-inch diameter pipe If barrels cement 2^ barrels cement 4 barrels cement 6 barrels cement I yard sand J yard sand \ yard sand f yard sand u RAILROAD STRUCTURES ANT> ESTIMATES Concrete Pipes. Rg, 19.) — Concrete pipe masA have least 4 feet of embankment on top: a c nai .-.-:abie saving : be effected in transportation ' by having the pipe made at or near the -i:e. especially on new rk. : . i ~ : : 7 ;- 7- A~ :: : .: 7-' ..7 :': IS :: I: ?. : ! 1 : '. a-:-: • • : - 7 §,; 4^ : : • : ; . : : : : : 'I : :-. : : -:: :::■: 3.3 - : ;; 2.5 :r : 1375 4 : r - X 1.70 12 14 :-: ^i:iTi::ii . -. ; Joints, — One part Portland cement and one part sand r and i.'. .L:i ie ; . "- ...-- See 7 - r 1 Ca5t=Iron Pipe Culverts. Kg, 19.] — Cast-iron pipe mi .: leas* K fee: ::' en:ar.kner.: . ibly n:: :ver 25 feet, carefullv tamped. — a???. :x:::a" AD A T JODTT : 5.-7 = : ^ : - E .7. - - : . .:. -- 14 in. :-: :- . .4 - 1: - - I: 0.11 : :: u n : ::- 15 : \\ :: IS 0.6 CULVERTS. 47 TABLE 18a. — CAST IRON PIPE, APPROXIMATE COST, ETC. Bell and Spigot Joint. Size inner diara. pipe. In. 4 6 8 1G 12 14 16 18 20 24 Length of pipe Over all. Ft. In. 12 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Laid. Ft. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Weight in lbs. per Ft. laid. 22 36 53 73 95 119 147 176 208 282 Length. 264 432 636 876 1140 1428 1764 2112 2496 3384 Thickness of pipe. Cost per ft. at $35 per ton. In. 7 16 $0.39 1 2 .63 9 16 .93 5 8 1.28 11 16 1.66 3 4 2.09 13 16 2.57 2 7 32 3.08 29 32 3.64 1 4.93 Rip-rap for end walls when reqd. (Fig. 19). Cu. Yds. 8* 9 10 11 12 Excavating, laying, and filling extra. M N Material up to this line included in quantities for End Walls ! \l Fig. 20. Concrete Arch Culvert. Concrete Arch Culverts. (Fig. 20.) — Mixture: One cement, 3 sand and 5 broken stone. Excavating, laying, and refilling extra. See Table 19. Settlement. — In places where settlement is likely to occur build in 8 or 10-foot lengths, separated with a heavy layer of tarred felt. Joints to be vertical and the width of base increased. No filling to be done before concrete has thoroughly set, the minimum time allowed being two weeks. & a Q go O o w H «! p— i O a, <5 o < oo O « O 53 _> cj o (otOOOtDtOtOOOOOO^TttTtiTti^OOOOO •-lOiNNCNNOOO^OOCNOOmMMCOr-iOOOOTf "^'OtOCOOXOOOOCNlOOOOCOtOOl'HMlOOt d (-1 & - c3 d -u lO o o o © o „; o io io *MHO)N 0^i0«DG0CT)tOt^Oo ifl lOiOiOiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONlNCNINM Length of barrel. < Jo^^^^fOHrtrtHnooooooooomioioio [i ( iO(OO)lM'C^©O5CN>O'*iO00tHTj(^ l 0Q0rH^ '3 pq *j'iOOOOOiOOOOOiOOOOOiOOOOO EniHCNW^iOrHCNCO^lOricNW^IOi- UNmtlO a d £ "<*< lO CD !>• CO C o 'co c CD s 5 ri ■Qiao ^-* ~ CO QO OS t-H w ■ • H°o "H> t*o cdoo ^ CM o o t*~ *->' CO -^ -* lO fa J oo o> o >— • c a "1^ n^i HN 1—1 CO O Tt< •— < fc< CM 3 S O o (B'NNNNNOOOOONNNNMOfliflmiO -jMOOCOCCCO^OClMOOiOlOiOiOiOfflOSOiOO 0'005 , *OOfO(Na>»0(NQ000500N©(NOOOCN'* H'-l'-l(N(NCO(N(NfO'*Tj(cOM^iOcO^Tt<©NCO o3 ft 5 CO ^CNNCNCSICNCOOCOtOCiCOfOMirOMCOCOtDtOtO 0'*-^'*'^^«0«OcOCOC00505ffiffi03CN(N(NClc>lCN|c>flCOCOCOCOCO" o3 Ph © OOOOOOOOOO 0c>qc^c^<^qc^J^rf<-^-rJH'> CD 1 o O +3 o M *oooooooooooooooooooo -J©rtCDHt005lOHNCO>010iniOlOHHHHH O^OMOOcNON^ONCONOiO^OOCOON i . CDHfflHtOO)lflHNC010>Ol010lOHHrtHH ■^OCOCOlMON^Ot'OONCOiOTjiOCOOOOIN rHi-HCNfNCONNWTjf'^tNM'^iOCO^TtdOlXX) CO c CD CN OOOOOOXOONNNNNIOIOICIOIOOWICIOIO COCOOCOCOOOOOOCOCOCOicOCOOOOOO Ph d »OiO»OiOiO(M(N- O 1— ( »— t 1— 1 W G «** riH< !h|h "Eh M lO i— 1 oo ^ -H CD CX) OS i-l Cm — • Cn* -'CM co -* co (3 T— 1 i— t r— 1 T-> d C' H*> Hob HS Hm 1-1 SO t^- OS i— ' Cm -"^ »0 CO t- W c'HS HS 3 1 o " i— i O i— • »-« -M CO O i-l CO Clj i-H 1—1 T-t i-J £ C© (M CD CO ■^ (M CO CO ■**< Cm >-> O c " CO CO OS i-H 50 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Rail Concrete Culverts. For permanent structures where there is insufficient head-room for culvert pipes or concrete arch culverts, rail concrete culverts are used. The spans given are from 4 to 10 feet, the arrangement consisting of concrete retaining walls, sloped with the bank, with concrete reinforced floor over, 10 to 12 inches thick, the reinforcement being old rails embedded in the concrete at about 12-inch centers. The floor is paved with field stones, and the ends of walls riprapped when necessary. pa ,' -> Fie:. 21. Rail Concrete Culvert. A. Span. 4 6 8 10 TABLE 20. — APPROXIMATE COST, ETC., SINGLE TRACK. Mixture : 1 cement, 3 sand, and 5 broken stone. Concrete. B Depth. Ft. In. 9 6 9 6 10 6 11 6 c. Length. Cu. yds. con- crete. Cost at S10 per yd. Ft. In. 21 39 S390 21 42 420 24 53 530 26 64 640 Rails. Tons rails. 1.10 1.40 1.70 2.00 Cost at $22 S24 31 38 44 Paving. Cost at SI. 50 per ton. ~ , £ per yd 10 15 25 35 SI 5. 00 22.50 37.50 52.50 Riprap. 8 16 24 4^ Cost at $3 per yd, S24 48 72 144 Total cost. $453.00 521.50 675.50 880.50 Excavating and refilling extra. CULVERTS. 51 LONGITUDINAL SECTION Fig. 22. Stone Box Culverts. TABLE 21. —APPROXIMATE COST, ETC. Material : Rubble Masonry, in Cement Mortar. Body. Paving. Total cost per lin. ft. Add for 2 end wing walls. Size. Cu. yds. per lin. ft. Cost at Spo per cu. yd. Sq. yds. per lin. ft. Cost at $1.50. Cu. yds. Cost tit 9pO. Rip- rap, cu. yds. Cost at $2 per yd. Total cost for 2 end walls, etc. Ft. Cts. 3X3 1.10 $8.80 .30 45 $9.25 7 $56.00 8.00 $24.00 $88.00 3X4 1.50 12.00 .30 45 12.45 12 96.00 9.00 27.50 123.00 4X4 1.75 14.00 .40 60 14.60 12 96.00 10.00 30.00 126.00 4X5 2.0 16.00 .50 75 16.75 19 152.00 12.00 36.00 188.00 5X5 2.25 18.00 .50 75 18.75 19 152.00 12.00 36.00 188.00 5X6 2.5 20.00 .60 90 20.90 27 216.00 14.00 42.00 258.00 Excavating and refilling extra. 52 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Cedar Box Culverts. (Fig. 23.) — To be used only when pipe or concrete culverts cannot be placed economically. In sand embankments use side frames as shown in dotted lines. DOUBLE BOX w Jjf -Drirt Bolts ! S* ■ » Boulders SINGLE BOX Fig. 23. Wood Box Culverts. TABLE 22. — APPROXIMATE COST. ETC. Size. Kind. F:. B.M. per ft. Cost at $30 per If. Paving, sq. yds. per ft. Cost at %2 per sq. yd. T Iron. lbs. ,.per ft. Cost at 5 cts. per lb. Approx. cost per ft. com- plete. Ft. 2X4 Single 90 $2.70 0.5 $1.00 6 as. 30 14.00 2X4 Double 150 4.50 10 2.00 10 50 7.00 4X4 Single 175 5.25 05 1.00 15 75 7.00 4X4 Double 275 8.25 1.0 2.00 20 ISO 11.25 Sheet pile at ends when scouring is likely to occur. Excavating and refilling extra. BRIDGES. 53 CHAPTER IV. BRIDGES, TRESTLES, RETAINING WALLS, CRIBS, TUNNELS. Bridges. Deck Plate Girders. (Fig. 24.) — Deck plate bridges are made of steel plates and angles, fabricated and riveted up into girders, etc., in the shops. The girders are placed at 9 feet centers more or less, and are held laterally by steel brace frames at varying intervals placed cross- wise, and by longitudinal bracing top and bottom. Usually the span is completely shop-riveted and shipped ready to drop into place, so that it is only necessary to insert the stone bolts and erect the floor, which is very easily done. The ends of girders resting on the masonry are supported on steel bearing and bed plates bolted to the bridge seats; the bolt holes are slotted to allow for expansion and contraction for bridges up to 50 feet span, and for bridges over this limit, bearing and pin- centered bed plates with steel rollers are generally used. Generally speaking, though not the cheapest type of bridge to use, it is the most convenient when ample clearance can be had. Approximate weight and cost of Deck Plate Girder Spans from 20 to 100 feet are given in table No. 23. Half Deck Plate Girders. (Fig. 25.) — Half deck plate bridges are fabricated in the same manner, but the girders, frame and bracings are shipped loose and field riveted to the girders when placed. The girders are widened out to allow train clearance between, as the floor is placed below the top flanges of the bridge; the brace frames being somewhat shallow are reinforced by gusset plates, which extend from the top to the bottom flanges in trian- gular form. The floor system, on account of the longer distance between girders, is very much heavier than the deck floor; in many cases it is built of steel and reinforced concrete, with ties embedded in ballast. w lroad smrcToiz : fst tmatbr - : : :: " _ ZZZ'l^lTS . -:-'.-- -_zl-.-~. in; --- . -■: :. . — -/■_ riv;.- :-r " : ir L-rr .S' -n. ; 7 . . _- Deck and Through Trusses. Kg* 26 and 27. — Deck and - : iz-'.j.—.i r : - -.rliirs ire : - .-. n-- . :7:m n._--- ;.._■>- and shop riveted in sections for different members; tine : ri - " -t — ' : - --_ t" . .:._.::..;.":":. "; ■!:_ . inn 2 r7'-r - :: i - :ne iize Tir i-r*:> ;. :zr^ i:." 1 ;:— :::.:r nm— ii t'^:~ - mr". mi . ■ z-zi~. - —in ::. V—Z ' ' ' ni :•:" : — :ne f : : v: :ec : r_ - -7 ::' : i- 111m zlz-i^Tz :r .^ - 1 ;-:-::" .1 ::: :»r :._- in: nnnm:- in miii'i- ;i ~~i- 1 " ir 1 : :-- - :it ".1: -_\i " -■-- 1 - r.::~-'.:_- -7 : :. - :: • ; ; - -.-.;.---:.-:-:-- rmnn^-in i~ i - r~rz*i : ::e: - - . :-_ = -— 171 ::- ; 7'i.:e; : ; ii - :•:" n in nmiLi — 1 :ii irivy 1 .:- . :7i.:inz .: :Li in: lined ir_i: : - 1 1 rii Tie -:-:: L= ■•- -,-■ . ; - in i . :ii:e : - - i~e . -;.-:_ - :.-. i^n.i - : : '..:_-.:- i ii: i: _ \ Drawbridges, 1 rlmiii: -1. .-- ". 1 ini: 1: 7:^ ire -=e: A" 1 : niiiie : ". .- — I'T-i— -r.:rT"= i7e :i-7i;i-ei i- i :iiir: * :Lie :ir :ni in: ie\«: vi — I -. . . 1— ." .- ne n-ir- ■; pr-i-rii-r :r_e7i:- :er. 11: i: =e lif" : i ~-: ::.: ii - - =."lr_2 ."-:. ""..: :ie — i:e: :: : in ii ■ in: ":.::" .. i Ir - -ii~ 1 71 -t-^ BRIDGES. 55 Live Load. — The steel bridges and trestles, for which weights and quantities are given, are assumed to carry, in addition to the dead load, two consolidated engines coupled as shown in diagram below, followed by a train load of 4000 pounds per lineal foot. Floor consists of wood ties, spaced and proportioned to carry the maximum wheel load, distributed over 3 ties, the outer fiber stress on the timber not to exceed 1000 pounds per square inch (without impact). 337,000 lbs. 190,000 128,000 337,000 lbs. 190,000 128,000 z 4- §5 §3 §5 S3 4,000 lbs. per ft. Train Load >k-9^»« -49 1 K-10^, 49^ ^i.^ 111 1 Dead Load. — For calculating stresses the timber weight is assumed at 4 J pounds per foot B. M., and the weight of rails, spikes, and joints at 100 pounds per lineal foot of track. ■ BATTJtOAD STRUCTURES AXD ESTIMATES. _= i. •• :•:•: 7 - ~. Fig. 24. Deck Plate Gilders, 9* 0" centers. a.-. ?. : v-_Lr~- ~z::-ht a: - : : : -t :t ;:-.:; i- -:." :-lz t=j-. :: :• - . ■ . :-.. . '.■-". : i ::-" :: t :•:•; i: r . ~*t . S " :-: i- : :: f:o: :7;"t~ :•"::« A. .: : : 4: 50 -:: :: *: :-: ::: I !:•: Lr. Ft. :■:.= :.:_; : r . : :: ::: ". . . ' . . : 14 ;: ::•: ::■: 4 : 3 :.- :•:•: :-:■: r7: 8X14 4: ::•: 1175 5 6 4 .: ::: :: : 14;: = 14 '•: ::■: I:-:-: -: : : : 4: >:•: *:: ::■:■: i 14 8X14 ; : ;:: .::: • : : : " :•:•■: r : : :»:•: 70 ; r : ;::: r : 7 73,500 : : : • : !: _r ■ 14 *: 4:: 4:-: :: : • : 92,000 ::!■: 4-::: • 14 v. 4 r : :•::■: 11 6 9 121,500 :: r : -::"■ 5 14 :■:•: -•;•: ::-■: 13 10 150,000 : r :: _r : : ; 14 110 -: r : -:': BRIDGES. 57 Base of Rail CO a Lg. over all A ,J - 3 — Br. Seat _\ -Span- Fig. 25. Half Deck Plate Girders, 13 ft. centers. ^-Wood Ties & TABLE 24. — APPROXIMATE WEIGHT AND COST OF STEEL HALF DECK PLATE BRIDGES (SINGLE TRACK). Length over all, ft. A. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Base of rail to bridge seat, ft. and in. B. 1 7 1 7 1 7 2 6 4 4 9 5 9 Depth back to back of angles, ft. and C. Total weight. Lbs. 13,000 21,000 30,000 42,500 60,000 80,500 100,000 Weight of steel per ft. of bridge. Lbs. 650 700 750 850 1000 1150 1250 Cost of steel at 5 cts. per lb. Bridge ties at 12 in. centers. Dols. 650 1050 1500 2125 3000 4025 5000 In. 8X16 8X16 8X16 8X16 8X16 8X16 8X16 Aver. length of floor system. Ft. 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Cost of floor system per ft. Dols. 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Total cost of steel and floor system . Dols. 800 1250 1750 2425 3350 4425 5450 Notes. For quantities in abutments and piers, see pages 62, 63, and 64. 58 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. =*? Fig. 26. Deck Lattice Rivetted Trusses. TABLE 25. — APPROXIMATE WEIGHT AND COST OF STEEL DECK LATTICE RIVETED TRUSS BRIDGES (SINGLE TRACK). c S3 - -d g S a «- w o ° h 2 I Ft. 9 9 16 18 O -g 13 *" £ 3 3 - fe 2 > - = •_ o i c — CO •3 — g 09 03 c 2 ►3 « Q ° A. Ft. 100 B. Ft. In. 13 C. Ft. In. 10 6 125 16 13 150 27 3 25 6 175 900 28 6 30 fi 28 30 Lbs. 150,000 225,000 315,000 420,000 o i- S3 ~ — s - - S> o • — = — b — B n >a — m O :_ >. fa X -_ •_ - o B o o 73 S3 c 2 o * s - ^ o > < o rt a i Dols. Do Is. In. Ft. Dols. 1500 7,500 8X14 110 550 8,050 1800 11,250 8X14 135 675 11,925 2100 15,750 8X10 160 800 16,550 2400 21,000 8X10 185 925 21,925 2700 27,000 8X10 210 1050 28,050 a For quantities in abutments and piers, see pages 62, 63, and 64. BRIDGES. 59 v — ^ .am -20^1 Fig. 27. Through Lattice Rivetted Trusses. TABLE 26. — APPROXIMATE WEIGHT AND COST OF STEEL THROUGH RIVETED TRUSS BRIDGES (SINGLE TRACK). Length over all. A. Base of rail to bridge seat. B. Depth c. to c. of chords. Total weight. Weight of steel per ft. of bridge. Cost of steel at 5 cts. per lb. Bridge ties at 12-in. centers. Aver- age length of floor system. Cost of floor system 3-1 o O per ft. Total cost of steel and floor system. Ft. Ft. In. Ft. In. Lbs. Lbs. Dols. In. Ft. Dols. Dols. 100 6 22 6 180,000 1800 9,000 8X10 110 550 9,550 125 6 6 25 262,500 2100 13,125 8X10 135 675 13,800 150 7 27 6 360,000 2400 18,000 8X10 160 800 18,800 175 7 6 30 0. 472,700 2700 23,635 8X10 185 925 24,560 200 8 32 6 600,000 3000 30,000 8X10 210 1050 31,050 Notes. For quantities in abutments and piers, see pages 62, 63, and 64. 60 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. H. Deck f\\ Through Fig. 28. Half Deck and Through Drawbridges. TABLE 27. — APPROXIMATE WEIGHT AND COST OF STEEL DRAWBRIDGES (SINGLE TRACK). ' . 3 A Ft. 70 130 250 3 -2 w +j — i cp 3# +3 -S3 £ 1 <4-i CO co a> "cD S3 CD C +S ID CO -l^> *3 X! CI o 8 *H '53 co •- CO Pi '■5 es S3 fo — 1 CO Ui O co 53 w CO co b •t-i O ° O * ^ o *tt r/i 0) o bo 2 ° 2 o o js3 f-> £ 8 o H ftp s 'S «-i g K> a « (i .-I n > «t-i < ° O += £ o 4) — 53 £ B H c3 Ft. In. Lbs. Lbs. Dols. Inches. Ft. Dols. Dols. H. deck pi. 12 7 75,000 1070 3,750 8X15 70 420 4,170 Deck pi. 9 216,000 1670 10,800 8X16 130 780 11,580 Thro' latt. 18 6 750, 000 3000 37,500 8X10 250 1500 39,000 BRIDGES. 61 Bridge Abutments. Abutments may be built either of stone or concrete. For the latter, if current is strong, the up-stream corners should be stone- faced. Leave 4-inch clearance between face of ballast wall and end of girders. Frost batter of walls to be finished smooth. -*|AJ<- PLAN Fig. 29. Bridge Abutments. Bridge seats to be finished to a dead level throughout on tangents, and on curves given a slope parallel to the super-elevation of the outer rail, including tie seat on the ballast wall. On curves locate abutments normal to chord of span. - ?..-.:!?.:.-.: h~":z~~.z^ a:~ i-t:;: .71- FOR lYRTK PT 4TK niRTkFH^ 7 r : - z:: _ - - -- - : • . " A - :; 14 i » __ .-: :: 34 :■: -.i ^ T -~- - : - -"" i _ HI .-- - - i :: 7: Ll r- -. .: _ 3 9 ; ■ :4 ... : i : j : ir! *■".' '- _ - v.v. i: _ 4 :: . i 1 6 :■:- -:-: ::: . \ _ .: " ;■. :•:•: :*: >n I":.: :::: 4r! . -: : 6 :■: :■« ::• 1*4 :"-: :•:: 114! :::« :■: 2 9 6 6 :: 70 :;: :■: :": ;--: •::, ' - " ::>: -:: : : 1 o :: 1:4 ::-: .-■■. :• :: '. ! ; r 1.4: 11*4 :: : : 9 -, :.! :-\ .- : r l. -: -.-- -.-.; ::■:•: ;.>r ; : : -: 10 n :':•: lr« % :1: i::4 \.:\ :-: 4 . 10 6 ■-: :;: :■:: ■ - - ; r * i : : :- ::■?: " - : ! 77777 7 :s. : - - —— '* -*:.- .". :"r i:_:~-r.: J-.- r • " J - J - ; : - - ' " i. , ■_ : r - - ~ 7: 7 T - *' 7 - T ::■: ^ : z . i . 4 1*a' 4iME . . ( - . r - - - . _ r:: 1::- ::' 4 : '- - " - * * ' J_ ' ' ' ' _ j_ _ ' " * - * 967 1305 :-:■: ^ : :- - • r 141 211 - ' 4 . ' ■•'- *:. 909 1307 ::: i - : : .-- - . - - • - ' • " _ ■ ' . - - BRIDGES. 63 Bridge Piers. Piers may be built either of concrete or stone. If of concrete, the up-stream cutwater exposed to the action of swift currents, ice, or driftwood should have stone facing, to about 3 feet above high water. Base of Kail I I CONCRETE BASE PLAN Fig. 29a. Bridge Piers. TABLE 31. —APPROXIMATE CUBIC YARDS IN ONE PIER. (Fig. 29a.) Width of piers. For girders 13-foot centers or less. Total height. " B." 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. In. 4 39 56 74 93 114 137 161 186 214 243 274 306 340 4 6 45 64 84 105 129 155 180 208 238 269 304 338 376 5 50 71 93 118 143 171 200 231 263 298 334 371 412 5 6 56 79 104 131 159 189 220 254 289 326 365 406 449 6 62 88 115 144 175 207 242 278 317 358 399 443 489 6 6 68 96 126 158 191 227 264 303 344 387 433 480 529 7 75 106 138 172 209 247 287 329 373 420 467 518 570 7 6 81 115 150 187 226 267 310 355 403 454 504 558 614 8 88 124 165 203 245 289 335 383 434 486 541 598 657 64 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. TABLE 32. — APPROXIMATE CUBIC YARDS IX ONE PIER. (Fig. 29a.) Width of piers. For girders over 13-foot centers up to 20-foot centers. Total height. .. B ,, 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. In. 6 83 117 152 190 231 273 318 364 415 467 520 576 635 6 6 90 127 166 208| 251 297 345 395 4481 503 561 621 683 7 98 139 181 225 272 321| 373 427 483 543 603 667 733 7 6 106 150 195 243 293' 346| 401 458 519 583 647 715 786 8 114 161 211 262 316 372 431 492| 557 622 692 764 837 8 6 123 174 227 281 339 399 461 528! 595 664 738 812 891 9 132 186 241 301 362 426j 492 562 1 632 707 783 861 941 When it is necessary to carry abutments or piers on piles, a grillage of 12"X12" timbers embedded in concrete is very com- monly used to form a base over the piles as shown in Fig. 29a. The piles and timbers are placed about 3-foot centers, and the quantities per square foot of area covered (D. X E.) would be approximately as follows: Number of piles 0.12 X D. E. Cubic vards concrete 0.06 X D. E. Ft. B. M. timber 8.0 X D. E. Estimate for concrete base and pile foundation from above data : Piles 20 feet long, D. 9 feet and E. 18 feet = 162 square feet. No. of piles 162 X .12= 19 X 20 = 380 ft. at 25 cts $95.00 Ft. B. M. 12 X 12 timbers 162 X 8 = 1296 ft. B. M. at $30.. 38.88 Cu. yds. concrete, 162 X .06 = 9.7 cu. yds. at $8 77. 60 Total $201 . 48 In addition to the concrete base it is usually necessary to place caissons or wood cribs around the piers, forming a water- tight box from which the water is pumped so that the founda- tions can be laid dry. These boxes are made up of 12"X12" timbers framed and braced, or sheet piling, either wood or steel, is often used. The cost and quantities vary with the nature of foundation and are usually paid for at unit prices. BRIDGES. 65 In place of the concrete and timber base sometimes a solid floor 24 inches thick made up of 12"X12" timbers drift-bolted together is used as a floating platform on which the masonry is built, and sunk into position over the piles, the piles having pre- viously been cut off by an under-water saw. The objection to this method is the liability in case of an ice shove for the pier to slide between the platform and piles. All piers and abutments should be sufficiently protected from scour, which is one of the chief sources of bridge failures. This can only be done by taking foundations down to solid bottom and anchoring the masonry to the foundation bed by large stone bolts, or dowels. In running water they should be further protected by stone riprapping all around; and when the clearance is limited and severe ice shoves are likely to occur, crib protection piers filled with stones, placed 25 to 50 feet ahead of each pier up stream, should be used. RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Timber Trestles. Timber trestles are of two types, pile and frame, and are used principally for rapid or cheap firs:- si ^:ruetion, to be even- tually filled or replaced by permanent structure b sri —me future date. ~ie structure must be made rigid by sway bracing the bents crosswise and longitudinally, to withstand the pull from a mov- ing train, or the thrust when brakes are applied. Trestle fail- ures are frequently caused by insufficient bracing. Trestles of long lengths should have fire breaks: that is. a few bents at vary- ing intervals should be filled in or made fireproof, so that should a fire occur, the whole trestle will not be destroyed. Frame Trestles. Fig. 30a.] — The bents are made of square timber framed together and braced, the economic limit o: being probably 100 feet. The foundation may be piles cut off I around level, with timber sills on top or masonry piers. The I res mu-" - :._ > rigid by bracing transversely and longi- tudinally throughout. Approximate cost and quantities are given in table Xo. 35. Pile Trestles. Fig. 30. — The bents are formed of several piles with caps and sway bracing, the floor consisting of longi- tudinal strings: s with rose ties, or solid plank with ballast floor on top. Owing to the long length of piles required, they rarely exceed 30 feet in height. 7 ighta over 10 feet up to 20 feet, longitudinal bra<:: _ should be inserted at least every fifth panel; over 25 feet every alternative panel should be braced, arranged so as to hold the ; sta midway to stiffen ther.. - "/imns. Approximate cost and quantities re given in tables Xo. 33 and 34. TRESTLES. 67 Pile Bents 6'to 15' 12x12x6 Sills Piles used in Soft or Swampy ground Fig. 30. Pile Trestle. Fig. 30a. Frame Trestle. a RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. TABLE 33. — PIL^. rRESTLE: SINGLE TRACK. (Fig. 30., APPROXIMATE .//A-YTITIES ABB COST COMPLETE. len: a 10 15 :: 25 . r :_ -- : r: 35 30 :: -.: .:•:: :ys:^~ t . - '. ■. a::::z.- B. II . m. Cost at mate total perft. v ; Ida cost per ::' -r \r l»^> porB lineal ft. trestle Z> :-s-.- :• 1 ta . 10 220 $7.70 20 $1.20 9 2 70 230 : :\ :: 1.32 10 3.00 :-.'. 8.40 24 . H 12 3.60 -r. ■ -\ :-: 1.56 17 5 10 an 9.10 -S 1.60 lr : "". 871 \ -.: 30 : K $11.00 12.00 :: M 13.91 L5.H 1: r: 13 TABLE 34. — ?ZLZ TRESTLE: SINGLE TRACK. Fiz. 30. QUANTITIES AND 3081 X .VPLETE. Bents 15-foot cent a..:: :c::atz Z::::~ ::' 5 ... :■: ::: of cap. 5 :: 15 20 25 •: No. :e~ " Z - Bracing and floor system. A - : - -'- .- :.r . - - : : "" pa ------- 7- per Cost at B. ML $ Cost at mate total per 11. . . 6 cents cost per per ft. of B. M. zT™ _ . - ::: $7.00 IS $0.90 ss 9 . " ::: " 15 20 1 00 30 10 3.00 ::: . _. -. 1.10 ' :. 3.60 230 ; '■- M 1.20 4 11 5 10 .-:. • -.'. 26 1.30 4: 19 " " z • " .* 1.40 $10.00 11.05 :: N . .' M H 15.85 r.- .- i-1 not included. For cost, see p. 13. TRESTLES. 69 TABLE 35. — FRAME TRESTLE : SINGLE TRACK. (Fig. 30a.) APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES AND COST. Bents 15-foot centers. Bents, bracings, sills, caps, stringers, and floor system. Height. Base of rail to bot- tom of sill. Ft. B. M. per lineal ft. of trestle. Cost at $35 per M. ft. B. M. Iron per ft. of trestle, lbs. Cost at 5 cts. per lb. Total cost per lineal ft. of trestle. Ft. 20 300 $10.50 20 $1.00 $11.50 25 350 12.25 20 1.00 13.50 30 400 14.00 20 1.00 15.00 35 450 15.75 22 1.10 16.85 40 500 17.50 24 1.20 17.70 45 550 19.25 26 1.30 20,55 50 600 21.00 28 1.40 22.40 55 650 22.75 30 1.50 24.25 60 700 24.50 32 1.60 26.10 65 750 26.25 34 1.70 27.95 70 800 28.00 36 1.80 29.80 75 900 31.50 38 1.90 33.40 80 950 33.25 40 2.00 35.25 85 1000 35.00 42 2.10 37.10 90 1050 36.75 44 2.20 38.95 95 1100 38.50 46 2.30 40.80 100 1150 40.25 48 2.40 42.65 Pile foundation extra. Masonry foundation extra. Rails and fastenings not included. For cost, see p. 13. 70 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Steel Trestles. For permanent work, in some instances a high steel trestle will be less costly than a fill embankment. The tower spans are usually made 30 to 40 feet, and the spans between vary from 30 to 80 feet, depending on the height of bents. They are generally made wide enough at the base so as not to require anchorage. H. E. Vautlet's rule for estimating steel trestles, used by the Canadian Pacific Railroad for preliminary estimates, is as follows: Steel trestles up to 100 feet in height with 30-foot towers and 60-foot spans. (Fig. 31.) - 100 + .4 C. D. feet. = 350 + 1.25 CD. feet. = (C. D. feet X 850) + (S. X 14). = A. B. feet. Number of piles Masonry in cubic yards Weight steel in pounds Length of floor Base of Rail M Fig. 31. Approximate estimate steel trestle on pile foundation from the above (trestle 50 feet high at center, track rails and fasten- ings not included): A. B. 2400 feet, C. D. 2100 feet, S. 63,000 square feet. Piles 20 feet long. Piles, 100+ (0.4X2100)- 940X20 feet long each= 18,800 lineal feet at 20 cts $3, 760 . 00 Masonrv, 300+ (1.25X2100) = 2925 cubic yards at $7 20,475.00 Steel, (2100X900)+ (63,000X14) = 2,772,000 lbs. at 4 cts 110,880.00 Floor system, 2400 lineal feet at $5 12,000.00 or, about S62 per lineal foot of trestle. $147 ' U50 ° In this instance, unless for other specific reasons, it would evidently be much cheaper to fill, as the cost per cubic yard for filling would have to exceed 80 cents to make the cost equivalent to a steel viaduct. HOWE TRUSS BRIDGES. 71 Howe Truss Bridges. For branch lines in a timber country and for temporary bridg- ing, Howe truss spans are often used. The chords and braces are made of timber and the vertical rods of steel usually upset, with cast-iron blocks at the angles of braces, which are bolted or doweled into the main members. The best class of timber is used with as few splices as possible. The loads, quantities, and weights in the table of cost are from Johnson's modern frame structures, taken from the Oregon Pacific (A. A. Schenck, chief engineer) and published in the Engineer- ing News, April 26, 1890. The live load assumed was two 88-ton engines followed by a train load of 3000 pounds per foot. For deck bridges add 20 per cent to the weight of the timber and deduct 20 per cent from the weight of the wrought iron. To protect the chords from engine sparks, galvanized iron is often used. Sometimes also the timbers are treated by a chemical process to prevent or retard decay, or whitewashed with a fire- resistant compound. They require to be closely inspected at all times. TABLE 36. — APPROXIMATE COST, WEIGHTS AND QUANTITIES FOR HOWE TRUSS BRIDGES. Length Style of truss. Height . of truss. No. of panels. Total dead and live load per ft. Estimated quantities. Approxi- of span. Timber, ft. B. M. Wrought iron. Cast iron. mate cost erected. Ft. 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Pony Through Ft. 9 11 11 12 13 14 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 4 4 6 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6000 5500 5200 4900 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4700 4700 4700 10,200 13,400 19,100 22,800 30,000 35,400 42,800 41,900 48,900 54,800 62,100 70,200 78,200 86,700 Lbs. 2,200 3,000 5,700 6,800 17,500 22,000 28,700 33,100 41,600 48,200 56,900 67,300 73,900 87,300 Lbs. 1,000 1,300 2,900 3,700 8,300 10,000 12,600 13,300 14,300 16,000 18,300 20,900 23,300 27,100' Dols. 550 740 1170 1410 2480 3010 3890 4020 4810 5290 6350 7320 8100 9330 Prices assumed : Timber, $35 per M. ft. B. M. erected; steel, 5 cts. per pound erected; cast iron, 4 cts per pound erected. Supervision and contingencies, 10%. 72 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Z < -oos- © © © > o CO 0.8 SUBWAY AND OVERHEAD CROSSINGS. 73 Subway and Overhead Crossings. The natural location very often decides whether the crossing will be over or under the tracks. In towns and cities in many cases the railroads are compelled to raise their tracks and provide sub- ways for city traffic to the detriment of railroad traffic. When team, street car, and foot traffic is very heavy and dense this may be necessary; when car and team traffic, however, is light, and foot traffic considerable, an overhead crossing is generally adopted, as the cost is a great deal less. Approximate cost. — The approximate cost of overhead crossings for team and foot traffic only (Fig. 32), varies from $1.25 to $2.00 per square foot of area covered. For overhead crossings for teams, street car service, and foot traffic, the cost varies from $2.00 to $3.00 per square foot of area covered. (Fig. 33.) 48 * Plank ^ L-6°-x JLl° Joists MZo * nr ^n Wood Blocks 1% m -20- Fig. 33. Cross-Section Overhead Bridge. For subways, steel girders, and reinforced concrete (Fig. 34), the cost varies from $5.00 to $8.00 per square foot of area covered, including approaches. 74 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. .■•P.":':':*'?-' V-" •°.''-.V6 : "- $?• tt CO bib SUBWAY AND OVERHEAD CROSSINGS. 75 Construction. (Fig. 32.) Overhead Crossings. — Retaining walls and piers concrete to five feet below finished ground level, portion over tracks between opposite retaining walls, steel viaduct with roadway supported on steel and wood joists, covered with plank and wood block paving, with sidewalk carried on iron brackets. The space inclosed by the retaining walls is filled in and finished with macadam roadway on top, and the sidewalk continued on one side carried on cedar sills, with a handrail on either side. Subways. (Fig. 34.) — Abutments and piers reinforced con- crete to five feet below finished subway grade, tracks carried overhead by steel girders and frames incased in concrete with reinforced concrete slab floor, carrying the ballast and track. APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE OF OVERHEAD ROAD CROSSING. (Fig. 32.) (40 feet wide X 1100 feet long.) Excavation used for filling — Concrete walls and piers, 3700 cubic yards at $7 $25,900.00 Steel erected, 425,000 pounds at 5 cts 21, 250 . 00 Railing, 1500 lineal feet at 75 cts 1,125.00 Sidewalk, 800 lineal feet at $2 1,600.00 Flooring, 60,000 feet B. M. at S40 2,400.00 Wood block paving, 1500 square yards at $3.50 5,250.00 Macadam on approaches, 1800 cubic yards at 50 cts 900.00 Earth fill, 7400 cubic yards at 50 cts 3,700.00 $62,025.00 Supervision and contingencies, 10% 6,275.00 Total $68,300.00 or $1.55 per square foot of area covered. RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTDIATES. Guards. Bridge and Trestle Guards. — For through and deck bridges, including trestles, it is customary to make provision by guards for the protection of trains in case of derailment, on and approaching the structure to prevent a wreck. Wood Guards. — The ordinary wood guard consists of an 8" X 10" timber, placed on each side of the structure about 6 feet from center of track, with a 5" X 8" inner guard, placed about 3 feet 6 inches from the center of track on each side; these timbers lapped down and bolted to the floor system, the inner guard being flared out at each end for about 30 feet, to meet the outer guard after passing off the bridge. The cost of the wood guard is usually included in the floor system of the structure. Jordan Guard. — The Jordan guard is made by placing two or three lines of light rails inside the track rails, equally spaced and parallel with them: at each end of the structure the rails nearest the track are sometimes curved to meet at a point in the center of the track, a distance of 20 feet or thereabouts, or the head portions of the rails are flared off at the ends and a metal plate used, fastened to the ties. The rails are carried over the entire structure, and sometimes for a distance of 50 to 100 feet beyond the ballast walls. The cost of the Jordan guard, using three old rails, at $20.00 per ton, is approximately 75 cents to $1.00 per lineal foot. RETAINING WALLS. 77 TABLE 37. "3 'S w o . Q «■ o •= a « "> CM d o — ' < •£ XI K— 2 4^->J ■wi. i'V>! 3£j : ! ^ ^ ^ ^ Cubic yards per foot run for each course Cubic yards per foot run for each height 5.5 JS 'S X/' 1 i , \ MASONRY 1 2 " /,.' % RETAINING WALL 2 3 J< j S S "» %• MINIMUM HEIGHT 8 FEET. 3 4 t » ■3 m !d Vt» DOES N0T INCLUDE 5 W ™ \V> COPING NOR FOOTINGS. 4 5 L 5 6 i 1 ^ eV \ 1.0000 6 7 |6' 6'®/ | 1.2281 7 8 6.44 39.59 V , ■ a 67 0.2385 1.4667 8 9 6.73 46.32 8" 6'lOM 5A 0.2492 1.7156 9 10 7.02 53.34 J9" ?V 0.2600 1.9756 10 11 7.31 60.64 no" 7W 10"\ 0.2707 2.2459 11 12 7.60 68.24 rn" 7'9" 0.2814 2.5274 12 13 7.90 76.14 Pl2" 8%" 15" \ 0.2926 2.8200 13 14 8.19 84.33 ri3" 8 V 0.3033 3.1233 14 15 8.48 92.81 ri4" 8'7>| 20 'A 0.3140 3.4374 15 16 8.77 101.58 ris" 8'll" 0.3247 3.7622 16 17 9.06 110.64 ri6" 9W 25" A 0.3356 4.0978 17 18 9.35 120.00 rir 9'6" 0.3463 4.4445 18 19 9.65 129.64 r is" 9'9X 30" A 0.3574 4.8015 19 20 9.94 139.58 r 19- 10V 0.3681 5.1696 20 21 10.23 149.81 r 20" 10 W 35" A 0.3789 5.5485 21 22 10.52 160.33 J C »' 10 's" 0.3896 5.9382 22 23 10.81 171.14 fSF 22" io'uj/ 40" '\g 0.4004 6.3015 23 24 11.10 182.25 Ml 23 ° llV \^. 0.4112 6.7500 24 25 11.40 193.65 Si 24° n'ej/ A 0.4222 7.1722 25 26 11.69 205.34 r 25" ll'lO" 0.4330 7.6052 26 27 11.98 217.32 r 26" 12'lK 50" A 0.4438 8.0489 27 28 12.27 229.59 f 27' 12 '5 " 0.4545 8.5034 28 29 12.56 242.15 \- 28" 12'8j/ 55" A 0.4653 8.9685 29 30 12.85 255.00 f 29" 13'0* 0.4761 9.4445 30 31 13.15 268.15 f 30* 13'®/ 60" A 0.4869 9.9315 31 32 13.44 281.59 r 3i" 13'7* 0.497S 10.4293 32 33 13.73 295.32 r 32" 13'lOj/ 05" A 0.5086 10.9378 33 34 14.02 309.34 r 33- 14'2' 0.5193 11.4533 34 35 14.31 323.65 34" 14'5K 70' A 0.5300 11.9S70 35 36 14.60 338.25 r 35" 14'9" 0.5407 12.5278 36 37 14.90 353.15 j l 36" 15W 75" A 0.5515 13.0795 37 38 15.18 368.33 r 3?" 15V 0.5622 13.6419 38 39 15.48 383.81 r 38- 15'7K 80" \ 0.5731 14.2152 39 40 15.77 399.58 r 39- 15 'll" 0.5S41 14.7993 |40 40" 85" Fig. 35. TS RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTLMATES. Retaining Walls. Description. — Retaining walls are built to sustain earth, sand or other filling deposited behind it, after it is erected. Fig. 35 illustrates a retaining wall, which has been used by the C. P. R.. in rock-faced masonry construction, and the quantities given are conveniently tabulated for estimating purposes, Table 37. C-:'- i/__ ^ ".-::. lr a^ =1:-- - :::ii- _^r= - jr — — "*- J7.J 1.0 4- -il :- -iS'o 1 - .___ ..71- "ll'-i- .: - 2 : ^ : f. •-.;>/ _ 36. Retaining Wall, H. Y. C. ft H. R. R. : - 37. Retaining Wall, Harlem River Speedway. Fig. 36 illustrates the Standard retaining wall section. 18 feet high. New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, built in good soil, with first class quality rock-faced ashlar, set in cement. Fig. 37 illustrates a retaining wall designed for the Harlem River Speedway. New York, as illustrated in the Engineering Record, Oct. 6, 1894. RETAINING WALLS. 79 Construction. — Masonry for bridge and retaining walls is usually rock-faced, with edges pitched true to line and exact batter, and finished with dimension stone coping on top. The courses should not be less than 14 inches, or more than 30 inches thick, diminishing regularly from bottom to top. Mortar beds not over one-half inch thick when laid, face joints squared at least 12 inches deep. The walls must be well bonded throughout with headers at least 4 feet long, occupying one-fifth face of wall, with stretchers not less than 4 feet long, having at least one and one- quarter times as much bed as thickness of course. Fig. 38. Eetaining Wall, C. B. & Q. Ey. Where wall is less than 3 feet, the face stone should pass entirely through. Backing, large stone, roughly bedded and neatly jointed, joints not to exceed 1 inch. At least one-half of the stone to be of the same size as face stone, with parallel ends. Frost batters to be built without projecting stones, sloped and finished smooth with a coat of neat cement. Weep holes for drainage to be provided; in place of holes 2-inch iron pipe may be used. 80 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Cost. — The cost of rock-faced ashlar retaining walls varies considerably, depending on the location and proximity to quarries, and ranges from $8.00 to $25.00 per cubic yard in place. Excavation ordinary per cubic yard 25 to 50 cents. Excavation hard with boulders . 50 to 75 cents. Excavation rock benching $2.00 to $3.50. Fig. 38 illustrates a cross section of a typical reinforced concrete retaining wall 20 feet high, C. B. & Q. Ry., in connection with the work of elevating its tracks at Chicago. CRIBS. 81 Cribs. Crib Work. — For cheap first cost or temporary construction across or alongside water fronts or embankments, or for abut- ments, piers, dams, retaining walls, wharves, etc., wooden cribs are used extensively. Figs. 39, 40, and 40a. CRIB ABUTMENTS AMD PIERS Fig. 39. The bottoms of the cribs are constructed to suit the irregu- larities or unevenness of the ground, any deposit or obstruction in the bottom being removed so that a section when sunk in place will take an even bearing throughout; when filled with ballast the top of the crib should be reasonably straight and in good alignment. Sometimes the portion under low water level is built of several cribs, piles being driven on the outer line of the work against which the cribs may be floated and sunk, the guide piles being cut off below low water after the work is completed. Construction. — The timbers are usually cedar under water and tamarac above with bark removed; the outer timbers are hewn or sawn perfectly true and parallel on two opposite sides to a face of at least 9 inches, and from 10 to 12 inches thick, the joints made as close as possible without dressing and so laid as to break joint; all cross ties are dovetailed; notches are cut in 82 RAILWAY STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. the face timbers to receive the dovetails, one-half into the course above and one-half into the course below; timbers at the angles are halved and carefully dovetailed. All timbers held by drift bolts | inch in diameter, equal to a depth of not less than 3£ courses; sometimes tree nails of oak or rock-elm are used in place of drifts. h iV >fr i'o 5 >f-— < V-' -*j Fig. 40. The cross and longitudinal ties may be round logs long enough to pass completely through the crib from side to side; when they intersect they are boxed down on each other and bolted. A close floor of cedar spars, not less than 8 inches in diameter, is laid on the first tier of cross ties to hold the ballast, or stone filling; sometimes the floor is laid solid crosswise of the crib and resting on bottom longitudinal face courses. APPROXIMATE COST OF CRIBBING IN PLACE. Squared timbers per thousand feet board measure $30.00 to $50.00 Round cedar timbers per foot . 12 to .20 Iron in crib per pound . 04 to .06 Filling (stone or ballast) per cubic yard . 25 to 1 . 50 Leveling off and clearing (dry) per cubic yard . 20 to .30 Leveling off and clearing (wet) . 50 to 1 . 00 CRIBS. 83 Crib Abutments. (Fig. 40a.) — For permanent structures on high fill embankments timber crib abutments are sometimes placed, when the cost of masonry to solid ground would be excessive and out of proportion to the balance of the structure. After a number of years, when the bank is solidified, the crib may be removed and a masonry abutment placed in the usual way. Base of Kail Fig. 40a. These piles only at 3-Et.Ct's. APPROXIMATE COST OF ONE CRIB ABUTMENT. 5000 feet board measure timber at $30 $150.00 16 piles 30 feet long each = 480 feet at 20 cts 96.00 500 pounds iron in above at 5 cts 25 . 00 Back filling, etc 29.00 Total $300.00 84 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Tunnels. Any tunnel work will usually require a special survey and care- ful investigation before being undertaken. They are generally built straight, and are usually dug from each end. The construction depends on the nature of the material; in very soft ground a circular cross section is used or an inverted arch along the bottom with tapering sides and a semi-circle along the top. The general construction is usually a rectangle with a semi- circle or semi-ellipse top, lined on the inside and graded through- out its length so as to drain with open gutters on the sides. When wood lining is used it is made extra wide so as to allow' for a permanent lining at a future date. Any Crevices made by the material falling outside of the con- struction line are filled with dry broken stone, rock, or split cord wood. When intermediate shafts are built they are generally closed up when the tunnel is complete, as they tend to produce cross currents of air, which retard ventilation. The movement of the train through the tunnel is said to be the best ventilator. In long tunnels power-driven fans are sometimes used. The ordinary wood or rock tunnel sections in common use are shown on Figs. 41 and 42, and their average cost is about as follows: Fig. 41, Post section with lagging: Excavating 18 cubic yards per lineal foot. Timber, 450 feet B. M. per lineal foot. Cost per lineal foot $45 to $55 without track or ballast. Post section without lagging: Excavating 18 cubic yards per lineal foot. Timber 350 feet B. M. per lineal foot. Cost per lineal foot $35 to $45 without track or ballast. Fig. 42, Rock section: Excavating 14 cubic yards per lineal foot. Cost per lineal foot, $50 to $65 without track or ballast. TUNNELS. 85 Portals. — The end portals for the tunnel consist of 12"X12" posts spaced 2-foot centers for a distance of 8 feet from the ends, with 12"Xl2" timbers built over and across the end posts, to form retaining wall on top; the end walls are also braced with Split Cordwood Figs. 41 and 42. Tunnels. 12"X12" timbers forming wing walls running parallel with the track at an angle of 45 degrees at one-third and two-thirds the height with lining behind if necessary to take the end slope of the hill; the brace posts are secured at the bottom by extending the main sill. The timber in the portal as described above would be 3000 feet B. M. per foot for the last 8 feet of the tunnel at either end. The 86 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. length of extra timbering and wing walls to form portals will vary to suit each individual case, 8 feet being the minimum. TABLE 38. — COST FIGURES FROM DRINKER'S " TUNNELING." Cost per cubic yard. Cost per lineal foot. Material. Excavation. Masonry. Single. Double. Single. Double. Single. Double. Hard rock $5.89 3.12 3.62 $5.45 3.48 4.64 $8.25 9.07 10.50 $12.00 10.41 15.00 $69.76 80.61 135.31 $142.82 Loose rock 119.26 Soft ground 174.42 BUILDINGS. 87 CHAPTER V. BUILDINGS. Tool Houses. In the maintenance of track the road is divided into sections ranging from 4 to 8 miles or thereabout, each section being looked after by a gang of men under a foreman who is responsible for its safety to the roadmaster. A tool house to hold the hand car and tools is usually provided for each section, and is generally located on the right of way close to a public road, or near a station, and within easy reach of the section foreman's house; it is set back far enough so that the hand car can be pulled out to stand clear of the tool-house door when open, and passing trains, placed when possible alongside the main track clear of switches. ,' ,' 7 \ \ '» '» / ^ ■f- " Single Tool House. Fig. 43. Plan Single House. The minimum distance should not be less than 9 feet from the nearest rail. Approximate Cost. Fig. 43, single, 10 feet wide, 12 feet long and 7 feet high, erected complete, $65 to $90 each. - RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES Double Tool House. Plan Double House. fig. 44. Fig. 44. double, 10 feet wide. 24 feet long and 7 feet high, erected complete. Si 25 to $170 each. -uction. — Plank or cedar sill foundation for flat ground, and cedar posts 6-inch diameter about 5-foot centers, or old bridge stringers, when on sloping ground. SiU 4"X4" all round the outer walls, joiste 4 - at 2-foot centers, covered with 2-inch plank. 2-inch by 4-inch studs, 2-foot centers doubled at door open- ings and all corners. 4/4" wall plstee 7 feet high from floor. aide boarded with t"i ncn rough plank finished with seven- ths ship lap or drop siding with TXo" planed, top, bottom and corner boards. TOOL HOUSES. 89 Rafters, 2-inch by 4-inch, 2-foot centers, one-third pitch roof covered with J-inch rough boards and shingles with building paper between, gable ends. A small window is provided at each end, a double door facing the track, opening outwards, about 7 feet wide, with stringers and light platform from the house to the track, for convenience in taking the hand car out and in. The door is provided with chain staple and switch padlock. Double Tool House. — A double tool house is usually two single tool houses under one roof, built when a single house is considered too small, or when circumstances make it convenient to have two gangs at one point. Approximate estimates of cost. SINGLE TOOL HOUSE. Quantities. Material. Labor. Total Unit. Cost. 2000 ft. B. M. lumber per thou- sand ft. B. M $17.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 $13.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 $30 . 00 4.00 $60.00 2000 shingles per thousand Hardware and glass 8.00 5 00 Painting 12.00 Total $85 . 00 DOUBLE TOOL BOUSE. Quantities. Material. Labor. Total unit. Cost. 3500 ft. B. M. lumber per thou- sand ft. B. M $17.00 2.00 6.00 9.00 $13.00 2.00 4.00 12.00 $30 . 00 4.00 $105.00 4000 shingles per thousand Hardware and glass 16.00 10 00 Painting 21.00 Total $152.00 STANDARD SIZES OF TOOL HOUSES ON VARIOUS RAILROADS. Pennsylvania 16 ft. by 30 ft. Pennsylvania 16 ft. by 20 ft. Pennsylvania 12 ft. by 14 ft. Cincinnati Southern 12 ft. by 16 ft. Union Pacific 10 ft. by 14 ft. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe 12 ft. by 16 ft. * Double. Philadelphia and Reading 10 ft. by 13 ft. Canadian Pacific and Northern Pacific 10 ft. by 24 ft.* Canadian Pacific and Northern Pacific 10 ft. by 12 ft.f Lehigh Valley 16 ft. by 20 ft. f Single. 90 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Tool Equipment. Tools to supply every man in the gang and several extra for repair purposes are required, for each section. The kind of tools used vary according to the ballast and other conditions, and the following is an average list of the minimum equipment for section gang of foreman and three men: Adzes 2 Axes 1 Bars, claw 2 Bars, crow 2 Bars, lining. . 2 Bars, tamping 2 Boards, elevation 1 Brooms 1 Cars, hand 1 Cars, push 1 Chisel rail 5 Cup, tin 1 Flags, red 2 Flags, yellow 2 Grindstone 1 Gauge, track 1 Globes, red 2 Globes, white 2 Globes, yellow 2 Hammers, maul 2 Hammers, nail 1 Hammers, sledge 1 Handles, adze 1 Handles, axe 1 Handles, maul 2 Approximate cost. 1 car, hand 1 car, push 1 car, dump platform 1 rail blender 1 rail drill Balance as per list Handles, pick 2 Jack track 1 Lanterns 4 Levels, spirit pocket 1 Levels, track 1 Oil can 1 Oiler 1 Oil (signal), pints 4 Padlock, key, and chain 2 Pail, water 1 Picks and handles 4 Platform dumping for push cars 1 Ratchet and 3 drills 1 Rail tongs 2 Saws, hand 1 Saws, cross cut 1 Scythe, complete, grass or brush 1 Shovels, track 6 Switch key 1 Tape, 50 feet 1 Template, standard roadbed .... 1 Torpedoes 12 Wrenches, monkey 1 Wrenches, track 3 $40. 30. 21. 27. 25. 182. Total $325. WATCHMAN'S SHELTER. 91 Watchman's Shelter. When it is necessary to have a watchman to operate gates or look after crossings, a wood shelter or shanty is usually provided for the convenience of the flagman, usually located at one side of the crossing, on the right of way, set well back so as not to obscure the view from approaching trains. Approximate Cost. — Five feet wide, 7 feet long, and 7 feet high from floor to wall plate (flatted cedar sill foundation), $65 to $75. Construction. — Six-inch flatted cedar sill foundation, at 2-foot 6-inch centers. Two-inch by 4-inch joists 1-foot 9-inch centers with J-inch T. and G. rough board and f-inch finished floor with tar paper between. Two-inch by 4-inch studs, 1-foot 9-inch centers doubled at cor- ners with 4"X4" top and bottom plates, covered with J-inch T. and G. boards and J-inch ship lap or drop siding with paper between, on the outside, and sheathed inside with J-inch material. Roof one-third pitch, gable ends, 2"X4" rafters 1-foot 9-inch centers with 1 // X4" ties and wall plates, covered with two layers J-inch boards with paper between and shingles on top. One window in each end and one side, and door with sash at other side, locker, seat and small coal bin including 6-inch cast- iron smoke jack. Approximate estimate of cost. Quantities. Material. Labor. Total unit. Cost. 1000 ft. B. M. timber per thou- sand ft. B. M $18.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 3.80 3.50 $17.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 $35.00 $35 . 00 Hardware 6.00 Glazing and painting 800 shingles per thousand One 6-in. C. I. smoke jack and flashing 10 00 4.00 3.20 5.80 Coal bin, seat and locker 5 00 Total $65.00 C mm RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Section Houses. Section houses are built along the right of way principally for the convenience of having the trackmen live close at hand to readily respond for emergency service at any time. The houses are usually framed structures, and are built single or double: the double houses are convenient at points where it is necessary to keep two gangs. Single Section House Fig. 45): Approximate cost complete. Cedar sill foundation $750. to $ 950. Masonry foundation and cellar 900. to 1200. Double Section House (Fig. 46): Approximate cost complete. Cedar sill foundation $1400. to $1750. Masonrv foundation and cellars 1700. to 2200. E - . z. -■'. — i i 11 i 13 FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR Fig. 45. Single Section House. FRONT ELEVATION Construction. — Frame and partitions, spruce: rough boarding, floors, clapboards, outside and inside finish, frames, etc.. good quality native spruce or pine: shingles, pine or cedar: all mouldings, doors, windows, and inside finish, stock pattern. Cedar sills or posts about 5-foot centers, or when it can be done cheaply, concrete, stone, or brick foundation with cellar. Frame, 2" X 3" studs at 16-inch centers. 2" X 10" joists at 16-inch centers, ceiling roof joists and rafters 2" X 6" at 16-inch centers. 4" X 3" wall plates and runners, outside walls J-inch rough boarding, with SECTION HOUSES. 93 J-inch ship lap, siding, or shingles, with building paper between, and V X 5" trim around windows, doors, porch, eaves, etc. All inside walls lathed and plastered. Shingle roof, -J-inch boards with building paper between. Floors J-inch rough boards and J-inch finished floor with building paper between for ground floor, and J-inch finished floor only for upper story. Bed Room ll'x 13' Bed Boom 9 xl3' ^Mj 1 \"TTTrT FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR FRONT ELEVATION Fig. 46. Double Section House. Approximate estimates of cost. Quantities. Single house. Double house. Excavation and wood foundation. . . Brick $20.00 35.00 20.00 518.00 82.00 25.00 50.00 $750.00 150.00 $900.00 $ 35.00 70.00 Hardware 35.00 Carpentry 953.00 Lath and plaster 167.00 Shingles 45.00 Painting and glazing If masonry foundation, add Total 95.00 $1400.00 300.00 $1700.00 94 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Privies. Where there is no drainage or water system, privies are some- times built at wayside stations for public or employees' use, usually two compartments 5 feet wide and 7 feet long, with pit and vent. Wood structure, located generally in close proximity and to one side of the station in some place where it will not be too conspic- uous; a lattice screen is usually placed in front. Approximate cost. (Fig. 47.) — Double compartment 7 feet deep, 10 feet long, about 8 feet high from floor to wall plate. (Wood sill foundation) $95 to $125 Construction. — Flatted cedar sill foundation, floor joists 2" X 4" about 2-foot centers, with 1-inch floor boards; frame 2" X 3" studs about 2-foot centers, doubled at corners with 2" X 3" sill plates, and 4" X 3" roof plates, covered with two layers |-inch boards. Roof \ pitch gable ends, 2" X 3" rafters, about 2-foot centers, covered with J-inch boards and shingles on top. Pit, 2-inch plank box about center of house, projecting 2 feet 6 inches from side of house, extending 5 feet in length, 5 feet in width, and 5 feet deep, with lid on top, and 8-inch square vent from pit to roof, with louvre top. Screen, 2" X 4" posts, 1" X 10" top and bottom plate, f" X If" cross laths. One small light at each gable, one door to each compartment, also closet seat 2 feet wide, 1 foot 6 inches high, made of H-inch material. Approximate estimate of cost. Quantities. Material. Labor. Total unit. Cost. 2000 ft. B. M., per thousand .... 2000 shingles, per thousand .... Hardware $18.00 2.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 S17.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 2.00 S35.00 4.00 $70.00 8.00 10.00 Paint 10.00 Vent 5.00 Total $103.00 PRIVIES. 95 E" TD~T -,oi- 3 — lb — -t. > Q. Jt-i- f) ' " WVTOWRTOTOW^ ■ . / US <'' //" ! 1 • r» /" — S^Id S M a ca vc^ Oh \\* — \ vt '° — ! .11. _ .2 o ^H^d I 96 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Shelters. Shelters are erected at suburban points where passenger traffic is light. Approximate Cost. Fig. 48 complete with platform $125 to $200. Fig. 49 complete with platform 350 to 450 . Construction. — Foundation cedar sills, frame 2" X 3" studs, 2-foot centers, 4" X 3" wall plates, 2" X 3" ceiling and roof joists, 2" X 6" floor joists at 2-foot centers, covered with 1-inch rough Shelter Platform 50 ft. lg. «f \ ±. Fig. 48. Shelter Station. T. and G. boards, and f-inch finished floor on top, with tar paper between, outer frame covered with J-inch rough T. and G. boards, including roof, finished with drop siding and shingles, with tar paper between. Inside walls and ceiling sheathed with J-inch matched boards. All woodwork stained outside and inside. SHELTERS. 97 Platform 5 inches above rail, made of 3-inch plank on cedar sleepers, 7-foot centers. Extension roof 6" X 6" posts, 4" X 4" brackets, 6" X 6" runners, rafters and roof finished similar to shelter. ^_ * =_ _ 12 6 Seat Seat V --?—- Shelter 10'xl2' ^ Platform 60 ft. lg. Fig. 49. Shelter Station. Platform Shelter. — Approximate cost per running foot $8 to $12. Umbrella type of platform shelter 16 feet wide, with main posts 14-foot centers, ridge plate 12" X 2", rafters and ties 3" X 6" with 4" X 3" supports, and 4" X 6" run beams, roof covered with lj-inch matched boarding, and galvanized iron, ready roofing or shingles on top; the main posts are supported on round, flatted cedar sills about 6 feet below the platform, braced both sides, and held laterally by the platform joists. The platform is made of 3-inch plank on top of 11" X 3" joists on split cedar sills at about 7-foot centers. 98 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Stations. The following frame stations range in price from $1000 to $3500, which is about the average run of ordinary way stations. They are not submitted as ideal schemes, but simply as sug- gestions as to size and cost in a general way, that may be varied as desired. Baggage or Express 10'xl0'x6' Waiting Room Q 10'x20 / Office lO'xlo' I t= Platform 250 feet long Living ' 1100111 I Kitchen 12-6'xl0' I lO'xlo' Fig. 50. Fig. 50, station with waiting room 10 X 20 feet, office 10 X 10 feet, and baggage or express room 10 X 10J feet. Height from floor to ceiling 9£ feet. Approximate cost with platform complete: Cedar posts or mud sill foundation $1000 to $1300 Masonry foundation with cellar 1250 to 1500 STATIONS. 99 Figs. 50 and 51, station similar to the above, with agent's dwelling over. Approximate cost with platform complete: Cedar post or mud sill foundation $1500 to $1700 Masonry foundation with cellar 1800 to 2000 Fig. 52, station similar to Fig. 50, with a freight room added. Approximate cost with platform complete: Cedar post or mud sill foundation $1400 to $1700 Masonry foundation with cellar 1650 to 1800 Fig. 53, station with waiting room 16 X 16 feet, ladies' waiting room, 10 X 20 feet, office 12 X 10 feet, baggage and express 16 X 16 feet, with corridor between general and ladies' waiting room, and lavatory accommodation in the rear. Approximate cost with platform complete: Cedar post or mud sill foundation $2000 to $2500 Masonry foundation with cellar 2400 to 2600 Fig. 54, station with waiting room 16 X 16 feet, ladies' room 10 X 10 feet, office 10 X 13 feet, baggage or freight 16 X 16 feet, with kitchen and living rooms in the rear and four bedrooms above. Approximate cost with platform complete: Cedar post or mud sill foundation $2500 to $2800 Masonry foundation with cellar 3000 to 3500 Construction. — Cedar sills, post or masonry foundation, brick chimneys, 2"X4 // studs 16-inch centers for outside walls, and 2 // X3 // studs at 16-inch centers for inside partitions. Ceiling joists and roof rafters 2"X8" at 2-foot centers, well tied and secured to wall plates. Outside walls and roof to be covered with f-inch T. and G. boards and finished with ship lap, clap- boards or shingles, with building paper between. All inside walls and ceilings lath and plastered, and rooms finished with baseboard and picture mould, with architraves, sills, thresholds, and general trim for doors, windows, and other openings. Waiting-room walls burlapped 6 feet high, and 100 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Fig. 51. Fig. 52. STATIONS. 101 Fig. 53. Waiting Room Kitchen B Living R | Ladies R. t Baggage or Freight Platform 300 ft. long ^ ,^-Rail BedR. lO'xlO' Fig. 54. 102 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. freight and baggage rooms sheathed 8 feet high. Ground floor laid with second quality maple, or local hardwood on f-inch T. and G. boards with building paper between, other floors J-inch T. and G. narrow boards, good native pine. When cellars are provided the floor may be of cement or 2-inch plank on 3-inch to 6-inch flatted cedars at 4-foot centers, embedded in cinders, with coal bin and chute in approved position so that coal may be shoveled from car at level of platform and run by gravity to cellar. Platform 3-inch plank on heavy cedar sleepers at 4-foot cen- ters, well bedded in good gravel or cinders. Station Furniture. List and approximate cost of the principal articles generally required in the furnishing of an ordinary way station: Arm chair Baggage truck (3 wheel) Battery jar. $ 2.50 21.00 .20 Bracket lamp 1 . 25 Broom .30 Bulletin board 3.00 Cash till 3.50 Coal scuttle .35 Copying press 12 . 50 Desk for office 12 . 00 Desk for operator 12.00 Dustpan .15 Fire pails .40 Fire extinguisher 11 . 00 Fire shovel .25 Flag, green .06 Flag, red 06 Flag, white 06 Funnel 06 Gang plank 2 . 50 Hammer .40 Hand axe .90 Hand saw .35 Ticket case 6 . 00 Lantern, red 1.15 Lantern, white .60 Mop handle S .10 Oil can, 5 gallons 1 . 35 Oil-can, 2 gallons .40 Oil-filler 15 Platform lamps 1 . 40 Platform scale 32 . 00 Safe 135.00 Scrub brush 20 Settees, seats, or chairs. . . . variable Window blinds 1 . 50 Set planks for unloading freight '. 10.00 1 stand, zinc lined, for wringer 12 . 00 1 stationary cabinet 17.00 1 step ladder 1.20 Stove and pipes 15.00 Table 7.00 Table lamps 20 Towel rack 1.25 Water pails .65 Water cooler 2 . 50 Wick trimmer .30 Wringer 2.80 Pinch bar .95 PLATFORMS. 103 Platforms. Freight Platforms. — At points where the freight shed is at one end of the station building, either as an extension or a sepa- rate building on the main line, it is impossible to unload car-load freight or heavy machinery. On this account it is sometimes necessary to erect unloading platforms on the siding delivery track, where machinery or car-load freight can be handled. The platforms vary in width from 8 to 24 feet or more, and should not be less than a car length, or about 30 feet, with a ramp at one end. Approximate cost. — The cost of such platforms varies from 25 cents to 50 cents per square foot erected complete. Grain Loading Platforms. — Grain loading platforms are erected where grain is shipped from teams to cars. They are built 4 feet above rail, with a grade of one in ten on the up side, and one in six on the down side, supported on posts 8 to 12 feet apart longitudinally and about 5 to 6 feet cross ways, with 10"Xl0" caps over and 3"X10" joists covered with 3-inch plank. A platform 18 feet wide, with ramps, 100 feet long, with 8 X 10 rail on the track side and a hand-rail on the opposite side, will cost approximately $7 per lineal foot. An earth platform of the same dimensions can sometimes be built very cheaply by using old bridge stringers to retain the fill on the track side, tying it back with old ties, the filling slop- ing 1^ to 1 on the opposite side. 104 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Freight Sheds. When posts are not objectionable inside the house, the flat roof construction is probably the simplest and cheapest for this class of building. ' In long wooden sheds, brick gable walls are built at each end, and at intervals of 50 to 100 feet fire walls are inserted, the walls being carried 12 to 24 inches above the roof, capped with a coping of concrete, stone, or tile. Hand sprinlders and fire hydrants are also introduced through- out the house for fire protection, and in many cases the sprinkler system is installed. This consists of a series of main and branch water pipes. The mains are carried up at frequent intervals, and the branches are carried across the ceiling fairly close, and equipped with sprinkler heads that automatically open when the tempera- ture exceeds a certain limit. Scales are also provided to weigh freight when desired. Fig. 55 illustrates a 32 feet wide shed, 14 feet high, with trucking platform on track side, posts 16-foot centers both ways. The doors on the track side can be hung on a double trolley track overhead, so that they may slide by each other, or on sheaves, with counter- weights, to slide up similar to the ordinary English window. The doors on the road side may be 16-foot or 32-foot centers, the balance of the construction as per sketch. Approximate cost. — SI. 00 to $1.40 per square foot (concrete floor) or $32.00 to $45.00 per running foot (concrete floor), or 5 to 7 cents per cubic foot (concrete floor). Fig. 56 illustrates a 40 feet wide shed, 14 feet high, without plat- forms, with two inner rows of posts at 16-foot centers either way. The roof joists towards the track side are cantilevered out 8 feet and carry the doors and lights over. With this arrangement, and the doors hung on a double trolley track, so that they slide past each other, there are no posts to interfere with car doors, and truck platforms are not necessary. The balance of the construc- tion is shown on the sketch. Approximate cost complete. — $1.20 to $1.50 per square foot (concrete floor), or $48 to $60 per running foot, or 6£ to 9 cents per cubic foot. FREIGHT SHEDS. 105 Fig. 57 illustrates a 52 feet wide freight shed with platforms both sides, wood floor and overhanging roofs. The front posts are 8" X 10" at 8-foot centers, the inner posts 8" X 10" at 16-foot JjJ&OBoards Tar ^ Gravel Roof ^fa8 x 8 Fender %T.& G . Plank Tar 6' X 8' / 2 , xJ^Cen tre L== ^ ==== ^&G^Boards Tar and Gravel Roof -I(£x-10 v\ I, I 7 7 Vs. I I 7% l-O-x-10- F!g.57 Freight Sheds. centers. The doors on both sides are placed 32-foot centers, and are hung on pulleys and weights similar to the English sash windows, so as to slide up. The balance of construction is shown on the sketch. 106 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Approximate cost complete. — 75 cents to SI. 00 per square foot of building, or $38.00 to $52.00 per running foot, or 3 cents to 4 cents per cubic foot of building. Freight sheds, 25 cents to 50 cents per square foot. When covering a large area with suitable ground, so that the floor rests on natural soil, construction 6" X 8" posts, 16-foot centers across and along the house, the posts resting on cedar sills. The main roof beams are 8" X 10", corbeled over the posts and bracketed at each side, the rafters 2" X 8'' at 2-foot centers, with 1" X 2" bridging, |-mch roof boards on top, and finished with tar and gravel or ready roofing. The posts are held crosswise by 2" X 4" braces. The floor is second quality hardwood on J-inch rough boards, with tar paper between, on 3 to 6-inch flatted cedar sills embedded in the ground. A wood-built wall of 6-inch cedar posts and 3-inch planks is made along the track sides. The doors are hung on a double trolley track so as to slide past each other. Freight shed, 50 to 75 cents per square foot. This is somewhat similar to above, excepting that the floor is raised about 4 feet above the natural ground. Paving Freight Shed Teamways. Approximate cost. — Paving, including filling excavation and gutters per square yard, S2.25 to S3. 25. Concrete curbing 1 foot wide by 1 foot 6 inches deep, per lineal foot in place, 60 cents to SI. 00. 12-inch vitrified tile drain pipe in place, per lineal foot, 75 cents to SI. 00. Grading. — Roadway excavated or filled or both to insure a good foundation and to conform with subgrade. Excavate for the curbing to such depths as may be required to properly set the same and insert a bed of broken stone 3 or 4 inches thick before concreting. Fill to subgrade with good gravel, thor- oughly pounded, or rolled, and water if necessary before rolling, all soft material to be removed before filling, surplus material to be deposited as directed or removed. Paving. — Over the prepared subgrade, lay a bed of clean sharp sand, not less than 1J inches or more than 3 inches FREIGHT HOUSES. 107 thick, well watered and rolled to a hard surface, to established levels. Blocks to be 4J" X 5}" X 10" to 15" long or thereabout,, free from cracks or defects, laid in straight lines and in close con- tact at sides and ends, to break joints at least 3 inches, each row tightened from end to end before closure is inserted. The whole when laid to be well rammed and rolled and brought to a true cross-section, and the joints filled with sand. Drainage. — 12-inch tile pipe connecting with manhole, laid to established grades with cement joints. 108 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Engine Houses. The ordinary engine house in common use is a circular building, Fig. 58, divided into stalls, and is generally termed the roundhouse. They are erected at divisional and other points where convenient, for the housing of engines when out of service, and are built of wood, brick, stone, or concrete. The building is located generally about the center of the yard, sufficiently far over to be clear of possible yard expansion. In cities and towns, where land is limited, the house has to be placed as will best suit local conditions. The size of engine houses varies from 60 to 100 feet in depth. An 85-foot house, which is about the average, would have the fol- lowing dimensions, using a 70-foot turntable: Center of turntable to front face of engine house .... 95 ft. 2\ in. Center to center front door posts 13 ft. 7 in. Length from front face to back face of back wall ... 85 ft. in. Width center to center back wall pilasters 25 ft. 10 in. Height of front, from base of rail to roof 24 ft. in. Height of back, from base of rail to roof 19 ft. in. Engine doors 12 ft. 6 in. X 17 ft. in. The area of one stall as above is approximately 1700 square feet, and the cubic capacity about 34,000 cubic feet. Approximate cost. — Approximate cost per stall for various designs, dimensions as above: (1) Frame building: Wood posts, cinder floor, cedar sill founda- tion, wood roof, $1600 to $1800. Average, $1 per square foot, or 5 cents per cubic foot. (2) Frame building: Wood posts, cinder floor, masonry founda- tion, wood roof, $2000 to $2200. Average, $1.25 per square foot, or 6^ cents per cubic foot. (3) Brick building: wood posts, cinder floor, masonry founda- tion, wood roof, $2400 to $2600. Average, $1.50 per square foot, or 7J cents per cubic foot. (4) Brick building: steel and concrete posts, cinder floor, masonri/ foundation, mill construction roof, $2800 to $3000. Average, $1.75 per square foot, or 8^ cents per cubic foot. ENGINE HOUSES. 109 O w 'So p o Hi 03 00 110 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. (5) Masonry or concrete building: steel and concrete posts, brick floor, cedar sill foundation, concrete roof. $3200 to $3500. Average, $2 per square foot, or 10 cents per cubic foot. The wood roof for the first three estimates would consist of ordinary joists with double f-inch boarding on top. The mill construction roof would consist of large wood beams, spaced at least 8-foot centers with 3-inch plank on top. The concrete roof would consist of reinforced concrete beams at least 8-foot centers, with 3-inch concrete over, reinforced with expanded metal. The above costs are for building one stall complete, and include heating, electric wiring and lights, steam, air and water pipes, smoke jacks, drainage inside the house, etc., as per detailed estimate on page 124. The boilers and boiler house with engine and machine room are not included: see under " Boiler Houses." Construction. — A brief description of the work, in connection with the building of the engine houses, on which the estimates are based is as follows: Foundations. — Masonry back walls 24 inches thick, with 12-inch footing courses projecting 6 inches on each side of wall and 5 feet deep from floor to bottom of foundation. Piers. — Piers for inside columns, footing 3 feet square. 18 inches thick, with cap on top 2 feet square by IS inches thick. Outside piers for front columns: footings 4 feet square. 4 feet deep, with square top. 1 foot thick. Front Walls. — Sometimes brick, stone or concrete pila-ters or pillars are built with arches over the door openings. A steel or wood column is better construction. For the house described 12"X12" wood posts are figured for frame buildings, and two S-inch channels and one f-inch plate for steel columns for the others. Back Walls. — The back walls are built in wood, brick, stone, or concrete, for framed building. 2"x6" studs at 2-foot cen- ters, covered with two layers of ^-inch boards with tar paper between. ENGINE HOUSES. Ill Fig. 58a. Engine House Plan. 112 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Brick walls, unless specially hard burnt, are not recommended, as the smoke fumes and gases from the engines disintegrate soft brick. They are built 13 or 17 inches thick. Concrete walls are usually 14 inches thick, with large pilasters at the inter- sections of each bay to carry the longitudinal beams supporting the roof timbers. When columns are used in the wall the pilas- ters can be dispensed with. Stone walls are usually 18 to 20 inches thick, with pilasters at the intersections of each bay. Windows with double lights 12' 6"Xll' 6", about, are built in the center of each stall in the back wall, window sill 2 feet 6 inches to 3 feet high. Columns. — Inside columns are 12"X12" timbers for wood posts and two 6-inch channels with lattice bars for steel posts, with angle iron braces on each side. Where steel is used they are encased in concrete. End Walls. — End walls built similar to back walls, divided into three bays with two pilasters 2 feet wide and 4-inch pro- jection to stiffen the wall laterally; windows are usually inserted similar to back wall. Fire Walls. — Fire walls are usually brick or concrete 13 or 14 inches thick, with stiffening pilasters similar to end walls. A fire door 3' X 7' is provided at one end, and the wall is carried 18 to 24 inches above the roof. Roof. — For frame buildings 12"X12" longitudinal beams over the columns with corbels and brackets over the posts, 2"Xl2" joists at varying centers to suit span, with two J-inch layers of timber over, and tar paper between. Mill construction. — Fig. 59, for brick, concrete, or masonry buildings: The longitudinal beams over the columns are of steel 18 inches high, 55 pounds per foot, with brackets over posts. The steel posts and beams are incased in concrete. The roof timber beams vary from 6"X12" to 8"X16" at about 8-foot centers, and are covered on top with 3-inch narrow T. and G. plank well nailed laterally with heavy cut nails about 18 inches apart. Concrete roofs are similar to the above for the posts and longitudinal beams. The roof beams are about S-foot centers, of ENGINE HOUSES. 113 OS 50 114 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. reinforced concrete, and the roof covering 3 inch thick concrete with expanded metal. All of the above roofs are covered with tar and gravel for weatherproofing. Engine Pits. — Length 63 feet, width 4 feet, depth at back 2 feet 4 inches, depth at front 2 feet 8 inches. Concrete w T alls 17 inches thick with 1 foot 6 inches thick footing courses 24 inches wide. The rails are laid on 6-inch plank 3 feet wide, on the top of concrete walls, with cedar sills where the plank projects over the walls. The 6-inch planking is built out at both ends to provide for jacking, extra cedar sills at close intervals being used for supporting the plank. The floor of the pit may be 4-inch brick or concrete, built convex, with a 4-inch rise. The sump hole is 12 inches wide by 12 inches deep across the pit at the low end, with grating over to provide for drainage. Drop Pit. — The drop pit is usually built between and con- nects two engine pits in convenient position so that the driving wheels can be taken off and lowered and removed. The pit has to be large enough to take the largest drivers, which is done by removing the portion of rail and its support spanning the pit under the wheel and lowering the wheel by jacks. The use of the telescope jack for this purpose does not require the pit to be much deeper than the ordinary engine pit. In the estimates given the drop pit is 7 feet 6 inches wide and 5 feet 6 inches deep, with truck rails on floor of pit at 2 foot 9 inch centers on 5"X8" ties at 3-foot centers with 18-inch concrete floor under. Truck Wheel Pits. — The truck wheel pit is usually built at right angles to one of the engine pits in convenient location to remove the truck wheels, and is 4 feet 2 inches wide, 3 feet 6 inches deep, and 19 feet long, with rails 2 foot 9 inch centers supported on 6-inch flatted cedar ties, 3-foot centers with 12-inch concrete floor under. Floor. — Concrete, brick, cinder, or wood is used. Probably a cinder floor is to be recommended for the first year or two, so that the ground may be compacted before a brick or cement one is placed. A wood floor made of old bridge timbers laid close makes an excellent floor for this class of building. A cinder floor is figured in the estimates. SMOKE JACKS. 115 Drainage. — Ten-inch or 12-inch glazed tile pipe connecting each pit at the sump hole graded to drain to manhole located convenient to suit local conditions and possible future extension. Smoke Jacks. The only desirable opening in an engine-house roof is that required for the smoke jack. Skylights rob the house of a good deal of heat, and very soon get blackened up. Ventilators also, unless operated by mechanical suction or fan, are. of little use. The smoke emitted from engines, when mixed with steam, forms sulphuric acid that destroys all exposed metal. All material, there- fore, for openings of any kind should be such as will not readily be affected by smoke fumes. Smoke jacks especially should be of fire and smoke proof material, constructed so as to avoid condensation and dripping down on engines; in addition the smoke jack should form a good natural draft to assist engines in firing up, and also provide for the escape of smoke that very often fills the house when engines are entering or leaving the premises. The latter trouble is taken care of by using a combination smoke jack and ventilator. Smoke jacks are made principally of wood, cast iron, cast iron and aluminum, asbestos, tile, and various other materials, and the three essential parts common to most consist of a hood, either stationary or swinging, that covers or engages the engine smoke pipe when in place; the ventilator portion above the roof, either separate from the smoke jack or combined with it; and the supporting mechanism attached to the roof, holding the jack in place, the safety guy or supporting cables of which are usually aluminum or copper. The Gutelius patented smoke jack, made of asbestos and used as a standard on the Canadian Pacific Railway and other roads, has been figured in the estimates given, and consists of a com- bination smoke jack and ventilator, made of \ inch thick asbes- tos, set up with asbestos angles and put together with copper or brass bolts and screws. The ventilator is 3 feet 6 inches square, 14 feet high on wood posts, protected by the asbestos plates on the outside and 116 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. asbestos angles inside, and guyed four ways to the roof with heavy wire. A damper inside is arranged if desired to prevent the heat escaping from the house when the jack is not in use. The smoke hood under the ventilator is 3 feet 6 inches wide by 8 feet long, flared on ends and sides and hung on rigid supports, arranged so as to be adjustable in height, and provided with safety guy wires of copper. The smoke jack portion extends into the ventilator 3 or 4 feet, leaving a space all around the jack at the roof for the escape of smoke that may get outside of the jack. The smoke hood is 8 feet long to allow the hostler some latitude in spotting the engine. Electric Wiring and Lights. Probably the best method of wiring engine houses is to enclose all wires in conduit pipe and sealed boxes, running the mains and branches on the roof, an improved type of which is the " Ravelin " patented system. By this method all wiring and joints are protected from smoke and gas fumes, and the work of wiring is simplified, and as all parts are accessible, repairs can be made easily. Usually three incandescent 16-candlepower drop lights are placed between each stall, with a plug receptacle connection on each post for portable hand light. The lamps^ are protected by wire screens over the lights. Switches are placed on the back or front walls for each stall or series of stalls. Outside, arc lights are generally used, strung on poles in con- venient position. The number vary with the size of the house and the amount of light desired. Approximate cost. — The cost of complete installation varies from S40 to S60 per stall. STEAM, AIR, AND WATER PIPES. 117 Steam Air and Water Pipes. (Fig. 59a.) One of the most important features about an engine house is the installation of the steam, air, and water pipes. The steam is required for heating purposes and engine supply, the air for engine and shop supply, and the water for washing out purposes and fire service. For the ordinary run of engine houses up to 22 stalls the fol- lowing sizes are commonly used: Live steam main 3 inches diameter, branches 1J inches diameter. Air pipe main 1J inches diameter, branches 1^ inches diameter. Water service main 3 inches diameter, branches 2 inches di- ameter. The branch pipes where connections are desired are arranged so as to be attached to the inside posts, and terminate about 5 feet from the floor. The steam pipe is equipped with a valve and air-brake coupling, the coupling being used for hose con- nection to convey live steam to engine boilers when necessary. The air pipe is fitted with a Westinghouse air brake and coupling. The water pipe is equipped with gate valve and drip cock for fire purposes, also a globe valve and hose coupling for engine boiler service; in addition a short length of pipe extends above the fire valve, with elbow, to which are attached 50 feet of rubber- lined hose and 18-inch fire hose nozzle; the hose and nozzle are supported on a stand with movable brackets secured to the posts and encased in wood frame with glass front. A valve is placed on each branch pipe near the main so that any branch supply can be cut off for repairs without interfering with the rest of the house. Owing to smoke fumes corroding the iron and the annoyance from dripping it is considered the best practice to place the pipes in underground ducts instead of stringing them overhead inside the house. The ducts are arranged so as to be easily accessible for repair purposes and valve service, and are usually built of wood or concrete. 118 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. \ 2 O'x 3 0" GlaJBB Door with ' l Ql»s« 20" x & i I ! I I SIDE ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION BACK ELEVATION Pig. 59a. Steam, Air and Water Connections for Engine Houses. PLAN STEAM, AIR, AND WATER PIPES. 119 The wood duct, though cheap in first cost, is high in mainte- nance. On account of being subjected to the moisture from the ground on the outside, and excessive heat inside, it soon rots out, and has to be renewed every few years. To eliminate the maintenance charges entirely, it is neces- sary to build the ducts of concrete or masonry, or such material as will be permanent; and to be successful it is also necessary that its cost will compare favorably with the price of wood. The " Thurber " patented system of rib concrete ducts is said to accomplish this result, and the method of installation is as follows: The main ducts carry the steam, air, water, and heating pipes, run between and connect each engine pit, either at the front or back of the house, making a continuous passage throughout, so that no breaking or cutting of walls for the passage of pipes is necessary; they are made 2 feet 9 inches wide and 2 feet 9 inches deep. The ducts carrying the branch steam, air, and water pipes con- nect with the main duct between alternate pits, and extend back to the end post so as to serve two pits, the pipes being carried up the post face. The branch ducts are 1 foot 6 inches wide and 1 foot 6 inches deep. The method of building the ducts consists in placing iron tee section ribs at varying intervals, not exceeding 3 feet, and setting up concrete slabs between; the slabs fit into the bottom pockets and bear against the iron sides of the ribs, and are held by bolts or rods at the top, the rods being used to hang the pipes inside the ducts. The floor can be made in slabs or built in concrete in the usual way. All slabs are laid in cement mortar. The approximate cost of steam, air, and water pipes installed complete, not including the ducts, averages from $55 to $80 per stall. 120 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Heating Engine Houses. In the heating of roundhouses there are two methods in vogue, the hot air system and the direct steam vacuum method. Hot Air Heating. — The heating apparatus when possible is placed about the center of distribution either in the engine or boiler house or in a separate annex, and consists of an engine, fan, and heater, set up and anchored on concrete or wood foundation. The heater is made up of a series of coiled steam pipes enclosed by a sheet steel jacket, to which is attached a steel plate tan, ally driven by a vertical or horizontal steam engine. The fan draws the air over the steam coils and forces the hot air through pipes or ducts to any part of the house desired. On account of smoke fumes corroding any iron work that is not well protected, the air ducts are usually placed underground. The main duct is built of reinforced concrete, and the branches are usually tile pipe, though wood is often used on account of cheap first cost. Usually the main duct runs around the back of the house, the inside face of foundation wall serving as one side. It is necessary that all inside surfaces should be as smooth as possible, without projections of any kind inside the duct. Branches are taken off the main with long radius bends and run down between pits with off- sets to the engine pits, and risers at points where it is desired to admit hot air to heat the balance of the house, the outlets being controlled by dampe The ducts absorb a portion of the heat and are also subject to dampness from condensation. The main point is to provide means for keeping them dry. This is lone by grading the ducts so as to in to the air outlets, and placing vera in the main duct that can be opened to let out the dampness at favorable tin and approximate cost. — The capacity of the heating apparatus depends upon the size of the house. In any event it is always necessary under ordinary conditions to figure the units lar^e enough so as to provide for a reasonable future house extension. For the ordinary run of engine houses the supply of hot air per minute varies from 2000 to 3000 cubic feet per stall at a fan speed of 200 revolutions per minute. HEATING ENGINE HOUSES. 121 Figuring 2250 cubic feet of air per minute, a 20-stall engine house would require the following: Steel plate fan 8 feet in diameter by 4 feet wide. Theoretical capacity, 45,000 cubic feet of air per minute at 200 revolutions. Side crank steam engine 8" X 12". Heating coils, 6700 lineal feet of 1-inch pipe capacity. Approximate cost of the above installed, with concrete founda- tion walls and timber floor for the fan and heater, varies from $2800 to $3400, or on an average $150 per stall. The cost of the main ducts, branches, risers, dampers, etc., in place averages from $100 to $180 per stall, or the cost of the com- plete installation $250 to $350 per stall. The sizes of the mains and branches have to be figured out for the volume of air carried, and are usually given by the manufac- turers of the heating outfit. No boilers, or steam main connec- tions from the same, are included in the estimate. A feed water heater and pump with valves and connections arranged to receive the drip of the heating system for boiler feed is often added, also a vacuum pump in connection with the hot air heater to relieve pipes of air, etc., and give good steam circulation. The cost of a 100 horsepower heater with feed and vacuum pump, including valves and connections set up complete for the above heating apparatus, varies from $500 to $750. The heater is generally arranged to condense the exhaust from the fan or other engines for boiler feed, and when omitted, steam traps are provided for removing the water of condensation to the drain. In exceptionally cold weather, the air is taken from the engine house and reheated, openings being provided in the air chamber so that this can be accomplished. It is not an ideal method, but under exceptional conditions is often necessary. Steam Heating. — The ordinary method is a low pressure direct steam heating system, adapted to use and utilize all exhaust steam available from the engine and boiler house, with such additional live steam as may be necessary from boiler during severe weather. From the exhaust header the main steam supply is run around either the front or back of the house, usually in the underground 122 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. ducts carrying the air and water pipes, with branches to the pit and wall coils, including a return main to which all coils are con- nected. The steam main reduces in size as it goes along proportionately as the amount of radiation is decreased, and the size of the return pipe is increased proportionately as the coils are added to it. To relieve heating coils of water of condensation and air, the return pipe is connected to a vacuum pump located in pit near the boiler, the water of condensation being discharged into a feed water heater, and from the heater to the boiler by a feed pump. The exhaust header is connected into heater full size of header, with relief pipe from heater to roof fitted with a back pressure valve. Valves are applied in steam main or mains near exhaust header, between vacuum pump and heater, steam supply from boiler to vacuum, and boiler feed pumps. Heating Surface and Equipment Required. — For ordinary round- houses the amount of heating surface usually installed varies from 1 to 1^ square feet per 100 cubic feet of enclosed space; probably 1J square feet is a fair average. For one stall having a capacity of 34,000 cubic feet the heating 34000 surface would be X 1J = 425 square feet, or 680 lineal feet of 2-inch pipe per stall. The best distribution is to put four pipes on each side of the engine pit and the balance as coil radiators on 'the roundhouse walls. Sometimes five or six rows of pipe are placed on the engine pit walls, but this method is not recommended, as it will usually be found that so much pipe will impede circulation, and as a result the bottom pipes are generally cold. The pipes are supported by cast or bent steel pipe hangers about 6 feet apart. Usually wood plugs or strips are built into the wall to which the pipe supports are attached by lag screws, the screws serving in the case of the bent steel hangers as supports on which the pipes rest. For a 20-stall engine house the steam main would be 5 inches for the first ten pits, 4 inches for the next six, and 3 inches for the bal- ance. They are hung from strap hangers supported by rods pass- ing through the ducts about 7-foot centers, or on floor rollers with HEATING ENGINE HOUSES. 123 expansion bends. The return would be 2 inches for the last four pits, 2\ inches for the next six, and 3 inches for the balance. The heater not less than 100 horsepower, and made sufficiently strong to carry 10 pounds of steam pressure. The vacuum pump 3J" X 5J" X 4", all brass lined, and feed pump 4J" X 2f" X 4" duplex. Approximate cost. — The cost for complete installation varies from $225 to $300 per stall without ducts. Only a portion of the cost of ducts would be chargeable to the heating, as the same ducts would be used to run the live steam, air, and water pipes. No boilers are included in the above estimates. See under "Boiler Houses " for cost of boilers, etc. Washout System. — By using a series of hot water tanks suitably connected with pipes, valves, pumps, etc., the steam and water can be taken from locomotives and stored in tanks to be reused for washing-out purposes and refilling when desired. By this method a large saving of time is effected in washing out and refilling locomotive boilers, and as the water is hot, the work is done without danger from unequal expansion to the tubes, stay bolts, or fire box, and in addition 50 per cent of the water is saved and reused, and it is possible to take the water from a boiler and refill with a fresh supply in 30 minutes without removing the fire. To blow off, wash the boiler, and refill it with a fresh supply, and obtain 100 pounds steam requires .about two hours. The old method of blowing off and letting the water waste to the drain requires from 8 to 10 hours to wash out, refill, and get 100 pounds steam. The system consists of one or a series of storage tanks, with blow off, hot water, wash out, and filling, pipe lines, including live steam piping to the tanks, also valves and connections; where a series of tanks are used for washing out, refilling, and superheating, pumps are required to maintain pressure at the hose nozzles for filling purposes. Approximate cost. — Usually the piping is furnished to a few pits only when for washing out purposes, and to each pit if refilling and washout system is installed. The cost varies from $6000 to $25,000, depending upon the capacity and requirements of the plant. 124 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE FOR ONE STALL 55 FEET LONG ENGINE HOUSE MILL CONSTRUCTION. (Figs. 58, 58a.) Quantities. Excavation 14 yards Concrete. 26 vards Steel. 9000 pounds Encased concrete, 8 yards 7500 feet board measure, per thousand ... 144 square feet back window 40 linear feet eaves 20S square feet door front 80 square feet window front 17 squares roofing, per square (100 square feet) 500 feet board measure squared timber. per thousand 4 cedar ties Combined asbestos and ventilator smoke jack erected Reinforced hot air or pipe ducts [27 feet] 7 yards 12 vards excavation $ 50 $ 7 . 00 S3. 50 -S4.50 8.00 208.00 .02* 02i .04} 405.00 4.00 22.00 .40 .25 .30 .40 8.00 12.00 18.00 40 00 .20 .60 .15 .40 .20 .50 .20 .60 2.00 2.00 4.00 18.00 17.00 35.00 .40 .10 .50 100.00 25.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 50 96.00 300.00 86.40 16.00 104.00 48.00 ^8.00 17 50 2.00 125.00 70.00 6.00 Eneine Pit. »~ ",rds excavation 40 yards concrete 2500 feet board measure 6-inch plank. per thousand 5 yards floor 14 feet 12-inch tile Cast iron gratings $3 . 50 18 00 4.00 2.75 $4.50 S8.00 $43.50 320.00 17.00 6.00 .75 35.00 10.00 .50 S7.50 50.00 7.00 3.50 Heating Steam, air, and water Electric wiring and lights Floor 12-inch cinders 56 yards at 50 cts Door posts Proportion of end or fire walls drop and wheel pit per bay Engineering and contingencies 10^ 250.00 55.00 55.00 28.00 5.00 150 00 $2635.00 262.00 Total $2900 . 00 HEATING ENGINE HOUSES. 125 Fig. 60 illustrates a cross section of an engine house erected by the L. S. & M. S. R. at Elkhart, Indiana. This house is a combination of flat and sloped roof construction, which is to be commended, as the engine fumes ascend into the high portion, and serves to keep the lower portion more free from smoke. The smoke jacks are 12 feet long, which allows the hostler some latitude in spotting the engines. The. cost of this house, which is 90 feet long, would average from $2200 to $3000 per stall complete. 126 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES o. X o DC I I- z o H o _ DO QO X - _.. £ .. - - ... BOILER HOUSES. 127 Boiler Houses. The boiler house is usually built behind the engine house, as an annex, principally to supply steam, air, and water to the engine house proper, and incidentally to supply heating for other buildings and cars in the yard if necessary. The building consists of machine, engine, and boiler rooms, with locomotive foreman's offices, registry room, and lavatory on one side of the machine room, having a small gallery for light stores over. The boiler room is made sufficiently large to hold two or three batteries of boilers, with a coal bin on one side which is filled from cars through the openings above. Approximate cost. (Fig. 61.) — The average cost of boiler houses for the building only, ranges from $1.75 to $2.50 per square foot; for the one illustrated the cost would be $6000 to $7000. For boilers and equipment 100 to 150 per cent extra. Two 100-horsepower boilers erected complete $3500 to $4000. Engine room equipment $3000 to $5000. Construction. — Masonry foundation walls to five feet below ground, face walls common brick, stone, or concrete, with arches over doors and windows. Roof 8" X 14" beams at 8-foot centers, covered with 3-inch plank, and tar and gravel on top. Office inside finished with hardwood floor, ordinary trim, and plastered walls and ceilings. Machine room: hardwood floor, walls and woodwork white- washed; boiler room: brick floor, with wood plank over coal bin, walls and woodwork whitewashed. The ordinary locomotive type of boiler is generally used in units of 100 horsepower, with mechanical draft or large chimney, the boiler room being made large enough to hold an additional boiler in case of future extension. The machine room equipment generally consists of an engine and air compressor and a small lathe, planer and saw, with benches fitted up for convenient use. 128 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. rfWimh TarandGraveL ; 20"I ELEVATION Engnne House PLAN Fig. 61. Boiler House. STOREHOUSES. 129 Storehouses. At divisional, terminal, and other points store houses are neces- sary to receive and store supplies for engine, car, and general service, for repair and operating purposes. The house is usually a frame structure on masonry, cedar sill, or post foundation, divided up with shelving and racks to hold the miscellaneous articles usually kept in stock, with an office in one corner for the storekeeper; to this may be added a counter if desired. Sometimes the store and oil house are combined, or the oil house is placed in close proximity to the storehouse so that both can be looked after by the storekeeper. APPROXIMATE COST OF STOREHOUSES COMPLETE, INCLUDING PLAT- FORMS, ETC. (Fig. 62.) Size. Wood foundation and floor. Concrete foundation and concrete floor. 30'X30'X13' high 45'X30'X13' high 60'X30'X13'high $ 900.00 to $1200.00 1300.00 to 1500.00 1800.00 to 2100.00 $1500.00 to $1800.00 2100.00 to 2500.00 2800.00 to 3300.00 Construction. — Fig. 62 illustrates a small storehouse 30' X 30' with platform. The house can be extended by adding 15-foot bays. Concrete foundations taken below frost, walls filled between with sand or good ballast well puddled and finished on top with concrete or wood floor. Framing consists of 2"X6 // studs 2-foot centers, with 1-inch rough boards and siding, and building paper between on the outside and sheathed on the inside. The roof is made of 4"X12" rafters at 7 foot 6 inch centers, covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel. Shelvings and racks are pro- vided to suit the class of goods kept in stock. = 1 c z Store Room Office I Platform Tar aad Gravel SECTION Kg : --.rehouse. STOREHOUSES. 131 Approximate estimate : (Fig. 62.) Quantities. Mate- rial. Labor, Total unit. Cost. 50 cubic yards excavation. 54 cubic yards masonry 14,500 feet board measure lumber, per thou- sand Doors and windows Hardware Roofing 900 square feet concrete floor and filling Brick chimney Painting and glazing Supervision and contingencies $3.00 17.00 20.00 15.00 26.00 .12 12.00 25.00 70.00 $ .50 5.00 35.00 900 square feet platform at 15 cts. Total .20 $ 25.00 270.00 507.50 62.50 35.00 50.00 180.00 20.00 45.00 170.00 ,364.00 136.00 $1,500.00 135.00 $1,635.00 .65 per square foot with masonry foundation and concrete floor. .50 per square foot with masonry foundation and wood floor. .25 per square foot with wood foundation and wood floor. 132 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Oil Houses. Oil houses are necessary on railroads to store and handle the various oils required for engine, car, and shop service. The most common arrangement consists of a frame or masonry shed with basement and platform, located alongside a track in convenient proximity to the various departments to be served. Usually steel tanks are provided for storing the oil, varying in capacity from 500 to 2000 gallons or more; they are set up on concrete supports in the basement, so that they can be easily examined and cleaned. When the supply is brought by barrels, they are dumped over fillers inside the house or outside on the platform if desired; when filled from car service tanks, the pipes are extended under the platform and provided with stop cocks and hose connections as per Fig. 63. The floor over the basement is usually heavy plank not less than 3 inches thick, or reinforced concrete. A trap door and small ship ladder are necessary to gain access to the basement, the trap door and frame being made fireproof. Xo other openings are provided, electric light being used when desired for inspection purposes. The tanks are generally ventilated by a pipe connecting each tank, with a main riser taken above the roof, to allow escape of air and gases. The floor above the basement is used for the distribution of oil to employees; each tank is connected to a hand or power pump; the pumps are grouped together and set up conveniently in one corner of the house with oil stands, trays, and drip pans, and a counter with waste bins and can racks is placed where most convenient. APPROXIMATE COST OF OIL HOUSES COMPLETE. (Fig. 63.) Size. Concrete foundation and floor, wood platform. 30 , X20 , X12 / high 45'X20'X12' high 60'X20'X12' high • S1500.00 to $1900.00 2500.00 to 2900.00 3000.00 to 3900.00 Construction. — The chief points to be considered in the con- struction are to enminate the risk of fire, to provide ample storage % ■f □ □ 1,— - -' ■■■"-"■ ;l 1 1 II II II II II II II II 1 1 II II II II 1! nx \\ 1 I i i ^ 1 i 1 — ■ » — ' I 1 1 i i i ELEVATION 30^ Q 8 iTrap Door 6 Fillers i I D D I Pumps i D □ Platform PLAN Tar and Gravel SECTION Fig. 63. Oil House. (133) 134 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. and convenient means for filling the tanks either from barrels or oil cars, and to provide proper facilities for handling, pumping, and distribution. Fig. 63 illustrates a 30' X 30'oil house with steel tanks in basement. The foundation walls up to platform level, also basement floor, are of concrete; the oil house floor may be of reinforced concrete or heavy plank. The house frame is 2"X6" studs at 2-foot centers with rough boarding and shiplap with building paper between on the outside, and 1-inch sheathing on the inside. The roof is 2"X8" joists at 2-foot centers covered with 1-inch T. and G. boards and finished with tar and gravel. The platform on the track side is supported on 8-inch diam- eter cedar posts on mud sills, with 2"X 10" joists at 24-inch centers covered with 3-inch plank. The tanks are made of steel boiler plate with pipe connections and hand hole with valve for cleaning purposes, and have the following capacity: Four feet 6 inches diameter, I inch thick metal, 12 feet long, 1200 gallons. Four feet 3 inches diameter, J inch thick metal, 12 feet long, 1000 gallons. Three feet 3 inches diameter, T 3 F inch thick metal, 12 feet long, 600 gallons. Three feet diameter, T 3 g- inch thick metal, 12 feet long, 500 gallons. Approximate estimate of cost: (Fig. 63.) Quantities. 68 cubic yards excavation 53 cubic yards masonry 23 cubic yards concrete 7000 feet board measure lumber, per thousand Doors and windows 5 squares roofing, per square (100 square feet) Hardware and reinforcement Painting and glazing 5 tanks, capacity 4100 gallons Pumps, piping, connections, and fittings . . . Steam coils Mate rial. $ 2 3 18. 50. 2 75. 25. 280. 100. 16. Labor 3.50 3.50 17.00 35.00 2.50 47.00 30.00 296.00 63.00 12.00 Supervision and contingencies Total , or about $3 per square foot or 16£ cts. per cubic foot. Total unit. $ .50 6.00 6.50 35.00 5.00 Cost. $ 34.00 318.00 149.00 245.00 85.00 25.00 122.00 55.00 576.00 163.00 28.00 $1,800.00 180.00 $1,980.00 ICE HOUSES. 135 Ice Houses. Ice houses are generally framed structures built by the railway company to store ice at divisional, terminal, and other points con- venient for storage and supply. The houses are stocked in winter, and the ice used for drinking purposes, etc., in office, car, freight, and general service. For office and car service the ice is washed and broken up in the ice house, and trucked to the cars, etc. For refrigerator freight ser- vice a siding is generally placed close to the ice house, with an elevated platform running alongside, from which the ice is handled from house to car by trucks. Ice-handling machinery for storing and handling blocks of ice either into or out of storage consists, if the quantity is small, of adjustable tackle hung from beams projecting over the doors, the doors being arranged in tiers to facilitate the handling of ice at different levels; when large quantities are handled, elevating and lowering machines on the endless chain, pneumatic, or brake prin- ciple are used which automatically dump the blocks at any level desired. In estimating the capacity of ice houses, the height of storage is usually reckoned to the eaves, and a ton of ice will occupy from 40 to 45 cubic feet of space. Cost. — Ordinary frame structures, cedar sill foundation, insu- lated walls, two air spaces and three boards, insulated partitions and roof with louver ventilators, and 1-inch rough hemlock board floor, on a cinder bed as per Fig. 64, will cost approximately $3.00 to $4.50 per ton capacity, or 7 to 10 cents per cubic foot. APPROXIMATE COST OF VARIOUS SIZES OF ICE HOUSES. Wood Masonry founda- Founda- tions, tions. 250-ton ice house 24 feet wide by 36 feet long by 18 feet high to eaves $ 950 $ 1,300 500-ton ice house 24 feet wide by 72 feet long by 18 feet high to eaves 1,850 2,500 1000-ton ice house 30 feet wide by 84 feet long by 20 feet high to eaves 3,350 4,000 2000-ton ice house 30 feet wide by 168 feet long by 20 feet high to eaves 6,650 7,800 3000-ton ice house 30 feet wide by 252 feet long by 20 feet high to eaves 9,950 11,500 . S. . ; : ; SECTION ELEVATION PLAN Ice House. ICE HOUSES. 137 APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE FOR A 250-TON ICE HOUSE. (Fig. 64.) Quantities. 20,000 feet board measure lumber,per thousand Doors Hardware Paint Cinders and drain Mate- terial. $18.00 25.00 25.00 34.00 Labor. $17.00 10.00 15.00 40.00 Total unit. $35.00 Supervision and contingencies. If masonry foundation, add. . Total Cost. 700.00 35.00 40.00 74.00 18.00 $ 867.00 83.00 $ 950.00 350.00 $1300.00 Construction. — To avoid shrinkage as much as possible, stone or concrete foundations should be used for the outer walls; ordinary wood sill foundation is not sufficient to prevent heat penetrating through the outside ground to the floor in summer. The outer walls and roof should be insulated with at least three coverings of board and two air spaces, and a vent should extend the full length of roof. The house should be divided up into a number of compartments, the cross partitions serving to tie in the main walls instead of iron rods; it also serves to lessen the exposure of ice to warm air when ice is going out; it divides the house into so many units, and one unit only is exposed when handling. v The floor should slope slightly both ways to the center of the house and be well drained, the drain having a water seal and vent when possible. Cutting, Storing, and Handling. — No doubt the method of cutting, storing, and handling the ice has a great deal to do with obtaining results. Outer doors should be used only when filling the house, and inner doors for removing; working always to one main outlet rather than to a series of outlets. All ice should have snow caps planed off before storing, and the blocks cut to a size easily handled; 100 pounds or thereabout, 10 to 14 inches thick, is recommended. 138 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. When storing, a space should be left all around each block, so that it may not be necessary to hack and break the ice too much when removing. For quick and easy handling ice machines should be used rather than slides or block tackle, to avoid waste and to deliver the ice in good condition. Artificial Ice Making. In many localities it may be cheaper to erect a mechanical ice- making plant than to store ice, and the following is an approxi- mate estimate of the installation and the cost of operating a 20-ton capacity plant by steam and electric power. When electric power can be obtained at a cheap rate, the cost of a boiler house is saved, and the inconvenience of handling coal, etc., is done away with, or when the house can be placed in some posi- tion in the yard where steam is available the same remarks would apply. Steam Plant. — Capacity 20 tons of ice per day per 24 hours, allowing for 300 working days = 6000 tons per year. Approximate cost of installation. Boiler, machine shop, and ice house $ 6, 250 . 00 Boiler and machinery foundations 800 . 00 Water pipes and connections 500 . 00 Boiler, feed water pump, injector, steam engine, steam pipes and connections, ammonia compressor, condenser, ice tank with cans, coils, ice lift, etc., including insula- tion and all connections, erected complete 20, 500.00 Distilling plant .'. . . 2, 500.00 1,550.00 Supervision and contingencies 10% 3 , 050 . 00 $33,600.00 Approximate cost of operating steam plant, figuring 300 days per year. Interest on first cost $33,600 at 6% $2,016.00 2 engineers at $2.50 $ 5.00 1 helper at $1.50 1.50 2 ice men at $2 4.00 Oil and waste 1 • 00 3 tons of coal at $3 9 . 00 Depreciation, repairs, and incidentals 3.50 $24.00X300 7,200.00 Total $9, 21 6 . 00 or $1.54 per ton. ARTIFICIAL ICE MAKING. 139 Electric Drive. — Capacity 20 tons per day per 24 hours, allowing for 300 working days = 6000 tons per year. Approximate cost of installation. Machine shop and ice house $ 4, 000 . 00 Foundations 500 . 00 Water pipes and connections 500 . 00 Motor, compressor, condenser, ice tank with cans, coils, ice lift, etc., including insulation and all connections, erected complete 19, 533 . 00 I, 533.00 Distilling apparatus, if steam can be furnished 2, 500.00 $27,033.00 Supervision and contingencies 10% 2, 767 . 00 $29,800.00 Approximate cost of operating electric plant. $29,800 at 6% . $1,788.00 Electric power, 60 H.P. at $40 per year 2, 400 . 00 2 engineers at $2.50 $ 5 . 00 2 ice men at $2 4 . 00 Oil and waste 1 . 00 Depreciation, repairs, and incidentals 4.00 $14 . 00X 300 days 4, 200 . 00 y Total $8,388.00 or $1.40 per ton. • 140 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Cold Storage. For hotel, dining car, and restaurant service it is necessary to have good storage and ample facilities for keeping eatables in first- class condition, as the supplies are usually bought in large quanti- ties; this necessitates either an ice or mechanical refrigeration plant. For dining car service the building is generally located at one end of the sleeping and dining car stores, and in the basement of hotels or restaurants. Comparing natural ice and mechanical refrigeration, the latter is by far the best means of keeping dining supplies; with natural ice the cooling process is limited, there is also dampness and poor ventilation to contend with ; ice leaves a residue liable to foul unless the storage box is cleaned out frequently. With the mechanical cold air process the proper temperature for keeping supplies in the best condition can be attained, and the temperature can be varied for any class of goods; the air is purified and fresh at all times. Cold Air Refrigeration, (Fig. 65.) — The walls and partitions are insulated similar to ice houses, and divided mto compartments for storing the various classes of goods. The mechanical plant is placed at one end of the building, and consists of a steam engine coupled to a double-acting ammonia compressor, an ammonia condenser and receiver, with all necessary ammonia gauges and gauge boards; connection pipes and fittings, including an air cooler, consisting of an iron tank with refrigerator coils, brine pump, air fan, and sundry connections. The cooler is placed next to the cold storage room, and the wall between it and the engine room must be insulated similar to outer walls. The following is a comparative estimate of installing and operat- ing a cold air plant and natural ice refrigeration plant. COLD STORAGE. 141 Ceilins Floor Floor ELEVATION 'Filler out of 4"x 6° Gravel Engine Room Cold Storage Cold Storage Cold Storage Corridor D Cold Storage Cold Storage PLAN Fig. 65. Cold Storage House. 142 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Cold Air Plant. — Six tons capacity, approximate cost of installation and operation. Cold storage house 40 / X48 / X24 / high, $3600 at 6% $216.00 Cost of 6-ton ice plant, $3200 at 6% per annum 192 . 00 Foundations for ice plant, $200 at 6% per annum 12.00 10 horsepower per annum at $40 per horsepower 400 . 00 Maintenance, repairs, and depreciation 42 . 00 Labor, one man at $2 per day (see note) 730 . 00 Ammonia per annum 30 . 00 Water rates 35 . 00 $1,657.00 Note. — One man can run an ordinary 35 horsepower plant and also assist in the shop or stores at other work. Less than 30% of his time is taken up with the cold storage plant. Natural Ice Plant. — Approximate cost of installation, and operation. Increased height of building for ice storage with air ducts, drain- age, lifts, and insulation, $4800 at 6% per annum $ 288 . 00 3 tons of ice per day at $2 per ton 2190 . 00 Labor, one man at $1 .50 per day 548 . 00 $3,026.00 From the above it will be noted that the cold air plant, besides keeping the supplies in better condition, is a good deal less costly than buying ice at the price quoted. Construction. — For cold storage buildings the construction is about as follows: Rubble or concrete foundation walls taken below frost, 24 inches thick, with 12-inch footing course. Outer Walls, Frame Buildings. — Beginning on the outer face, two layers of 1-inch matched sheathing, with insulating paper between, 2"X6" studs at 16-inch centers, two layers 1-inch sheathing with insulating paper between, 2"X4" studs 16-inch centers, with 1-inch matched sheathing, 2 by 2 studs 16-inch centers, with two layers of 1-inch sheathing and insulating paper between; with this arrangement the walls are about 20 inches thick. All spaces are filled with mill shavings. Ground Floor. — A bed of gravel at least 12 inches thick, with 3"X3" sills on top, at 18-inch centers, covered with 1-inch matched sheathing, and 1 // X2 // scantling on top, and two layers of 2"X4" matched flooring over, laid flat with insulating paper between. All spaces are filled with mill shavings. COLD STORAGE. 143 Inner Walls. — Between cold storage rooms: 2"X6 // studs at 18-inch centers, with two layers of 1-inch matched sheathing on either side, and insulating paper between boards, all spaces filled with mill shavings. Between cold storage rooms and corridors: 2"x8" studs at 18-inch centers, with two layers of 1-inch matched sheathing and insulating paper between on the inside, and 1-inch matched sheathing, and 1" X 2" scantling 18 -inch centers covered with two layers of matched sheathing, with insulating between, on the cor- ridor side. Ceiling. — Two-inch by 8-inch studs at 18-inch centers, with two layers of 1-inch matched sheathing on each side, with insu- lating paper between boards. Spaces filled with mill shavings. Roof. — Two-inch by 8-inch studs, 18-inch centers, with two layers 1-inch sheathing on each side, with insulating paper be- tween, roof joists 4 // Xl2" at 8-foot centers, with 3-inch T. and G. boarding on top, covered with 5-ply tar and gravel roofing. Cold Air Ducts. — Wooden air ducts are provided for exhaust- ing the air from the various rooms to the fan and cooler, and from the cooler back into the rooms. Insulation for the main suction ducts consists of two layers J-inch T. and G. sheathing with double insulating papers between and T'Xl" battens on the outside covered with 1-inch T. and G. sheathing; other ducts consist of double boarding with insulating paper between. The ducts are placed usually on each side of the room close to the ceiling, with hardwood slides on the bottom of the delivery ducts and on the sides of the suction ducts. 144 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Coaling Stations. Coaling stations are erected to supply engines quickly with coal, to reduce delay to engines and to release coal cars as soon as possible, to take care of all coal held for emergencies (at least three days' supply), and to minimize the cost of handling. They are usually built at divisional, terminal, and other points and are principally constructed of wood, though concrete and steel are coming into extensive use for this class of structure. Generally speaking, no mechanical plant can handle coal, ashes. and sand with the same mechanism and do it efficiently: the nature of the materials is such as to render this a very difficult matter. The structure is usually located parallel to or across the round- house tracks, convenient to the cinder pits, the arrangement depending upon the type of coaling plant adopted. Hand Shoveling. — The coal is shoveled direct from flat- bottom cars into the locomotives, the track being elevated in some cases to facilitate shoveling; this method is probably the cheapest for very small amounts. The cost of elevated track depends on the nature of the ground. In many cases the location may lend itself to make this a very easy and cheap method. When a trestle or fill has to be made the approximate cost would be §250 to $500. Jib Crane and Buckets. — Where the demand is somewhat heavier than the above, but quick service is not essential, a plat- form is added and one-ton buckets used for storage, the buckets being filled when convenient and held ready for service when required. A jib crane operated by air is used to hoist and dump the buckets. This method is also cheap for a limited quantity, when air can be piped from the boiler house close by. The same remarks in connection with the elevated track for hand shoveling will apply here also, and the approximate cost would average $750 to SI 500 or more. When a platform is used alone the cost would average from 25 to 50 cents per square foot of platform. .Mechanical Plants. — The ordinary mechanical plants, con- sisting of elevated pockets fed by endless chain, belt, or buckets, are arranged to hold from 30 to 800 tons or more; the amount COALING STATIONS. 145 of coal elevated per day depending upon the capacity required, the number of tracks to be served, and the storage necessary for emergencies. The cost of a mechanical type of coaling plant varies accord- ing to capacity and style of plant adopted, and may range from $20 to $75 per ton capacity. In cases where it is necessary to weigh the coal taken by locomotives the cost is somewhat increased. In figuring the cost of handling coal the unit considered is generally one ton of 2000 pounds. To make a fair comparison for any type the following items should be estimated and fair values given to each. Capacity of Plant. Interest on first cost 6 per cent. Depreciation 10 per cent to 20 per cent. Operation. Maintenance. Car storage. Switching charges. Capacity of Plant. — In addition to the tons of coal handled per day, the storage capacity of the plant should be considered. Car Storage. — Car storage is usually much more expensive than storing in bins. Figuring a car holds 40 tons, and that it is worth a dollar a. day, storage in cars costs 2 J cents per ton per day. Self-clearing cars can be unloaded into a hopper at from 5 to 6 cents less per ton than from flat-bottom cars by hand. Switching. — When coal is delivered in self-clearing cars and dumped into a hopper, tracks can be arranged so that cars can be handled by gravity, without the need of a switcher, thereby reduc- ing the cost of operation. Two=pocket Plant, Single Track, Wood Structure. — Fig. 66 illustrates a two-pocket single-track McHenry coaling plant with dynamometer weighing device to each pocket so that the amount of coal taken by each tender can be recorded. Capacity 70 tons. Cost complete $4000 to $5500. Four=pocket Plant, Single Track, Wood Structure. — Fig. 67 illustrates a four-pocket, single-track McHenry coaling plant with weighing device to each pocket. Capacity 140 tons. Cost com- plete $8000 to $9500. :^ .-_>: i-:: :i-.:i- "T~ ---. \7^ i i X X :uu Lur lru-j£ — ■: •. r-.r . ."mi Wket Dei. L«iiit ni i I.oi — = = r.uu. - .__ 3-:..-.:!- 7-u ; COALING STATIONS. 147 In the two and four pocket plants the coal car is spotted over the hopper and dumped, the coal running by gravity into the boot, where it is hoisted by endless chain and bucket method to the pockets above. On the upper horizontal run the coal is scraped along the conveyor. Gates are provided to each pocket so that the coal may be dumped into any one desired by leaving the gate open. In the four-pocket plant the chains and buckets make an entire circuit round the house, the drive being set above the up-shaft end. The engine house with steam or gasoline power is placed a little beyond the coal structure, and a rope drive connects the engine with, the main drive above. If desired, the mechanism can be motor driven direct or by pulley, thus dispensing with the engine house, when electric power can be obtained. The chain speed is 65 feet per minute and the power consumption about 12 to 15 horsepower. The space under the pockets may be boarded and used for storage purposes. Four=pocket, Three=track Plant, Wood Structure. — Fig. 68 illustrates a four-pocket, 150-ton elevated capacity, three-track coaling plant. Cost complete $10,000 to $12,000 with dynamometer weighing device to each pocket, so that the amount of coal taken by each tender is recorded. Under the elevated pockets next to the coal hopper the space is boarded and used for storage purposes if desired, gates being provided so that the coal can flow back into the hopper and- be re-elevated when necessary. This structure is a modification of the McHenry type of coaling plant, and consists of two double elevated coal pockets, located between three tracks and connected together on top by a house spanning two tracks; the bottom hopper, into which the coal is dumped, is located behind the main pocket on one side, and is ele- vated 6 feet 6 inches above the locomotive service track, and made wide enough to take side-dump as well as center-dump cars. The elevating mechanism consists of endless chain and buckets and a steel boot. From the bottom of the hopper the chain is car- ried up and over the house across the tracks, returning under the floor, and back to the boot. The drive is run by electric motor controlled by a switch on the ground near the coal dump hopper for the convenient use of the operator. When the coal is dumped into the hopper it flows by gravity into the boot, regulated by a gate, and is picked up by the endless 148 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Fig. 68. Three-Track Coaling Plant. COALING STATIONS. 149 buckets and hoisted up to the elevated pockets above and along the horizontal trough over the track. Openings with slide doors and chutes are arranged to supply any pocket with coal when desired. The chain speed is 65 feet per minute and the power consumption about 20 horsepower. Sand Tower. — With the foregoing arrangement three tracks are provided for coaling locomotives, and the space between the elevated pockets facing the track may be used as a sand tower, so arranged that sand can be furnished on two tracks, the sand being elevated by air pressure from a cylinder in the drying room through inclined pipes, the sand house being located between the two tracks about 50 feet ahead of the structure. The cost of the wood sand house lined with galvanized iron on the outside, including sand bins between coal pockets and all mechanism, averages from $1200 to $1500. Balanced Bucket or Holman Type. (Fig. 69.) — The elevated pocket has a capacity of 350 tons. The coal car is spotted over the hopper and fed by gravity into two vertical cars that are alter- nately hoisted and lowered, one going up as the other comes down. The buckets are automatically fed and dumped by feed device and tripping arrangements, the buckets being designed to hold three tons and are self-clearing. They are operated by hoist with cable drive and 25 horsepower motor controlled by the operator in the engine room. At a speed of 60 feet per minute 100 tons can be delivered to the elevated pocket per hour. The approximate cost of the plant complete averages from $12,000 to $15,000. Belt Conveyor. (Fig. 70.) — This plant may consist of one or a series of pockets with an inclined belt on a 25-degree slope, fed from a track hopper beneath the coal car track, the coal being delivered to the belt by automatic feeders. A 30 inches wide belt, 180 feet run, with a speed of 100 feet per minute will deliver 50 tons per hour. The belt and its supports with a gang walk is usually housed in and supported by trestle, under which the engine room is placed. The coal pockets are wood construction usually, and a sand shed beneath the coal wharf can be arranged and the sand shot by air 150 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. i\<¥ il Hoisting Drum f^l L A I I I I M- V _ / \ 1/ i / N i v/i Uiwl b n i i i • i _J Lbil Fig. 69. Balanced Bucket Type Coaling riant. COALING STATIONS. 151 to a storage tank at the top of the bin, from which it is piped to the engines as required. The approximate cost of a wooden structure, single pocket, 500 tons capacity plant, including sand house, etc., complete, averages from $12,000 to $18,000. Fig. 70. Belt Conveyor Type of Coaling Plant. Locomotive Crane. (Fig. 71.) — With the locomotive crane the coal is taken direct from flat-bottom cars by grab buckets and hoisted into the tender. When self-clearing cars are used a pit is constructed and the coal dumped, from which it is handled by the crane. Fig. 71. Coaling Crane. To avoid delays to locomotives elevated pockets are some- times built and the coal hoisted by a long boom crane. With 152 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. proper structural facilities the crane can also handle cinders, and in some cases the sand, and is available at odd times for switching cars. The cost of the locomotive crane set up complete depends on its capacity and may vary from $5000 to §9500 or more. The cost of storage pit and elevated pockets when desired is also a very variable quantity. In addition a certain amount of special track and yard room has to be figured. A one-ton bucket and 42-foot boom crane with a 50-ton ele- vated pocket, including the extra track arrangement, would average S7500 to $9500. The cost of handling coal by crane depends upon the scheme of coaling facilities and the work it can do in handling ashes, etc., at odd times. Kg. 72. Trestle Type Coaling Plant. Elevated Chutes Trestle Type). (Fig. 72.) — For flat-bottom car service where the coal is shoveled by hand into elevated bins, the trestle requires to be at least 25 feet above the engine track. If the cars are pushed up the trestle by a switching engine, COALING STATIONS. 153 1 the grade should not be more than 5 per cent; if by stationary hoisting engine, this can be increased to 20 per cent. For the trestle type of coaling station the hoisting engine is considered the best way to elevate the coal. The switching of the cars on the trestle by ordinary locomotives is considered dangerous and expensive. This plant consists of a wood trestle 5 per cent grade, with two 100-ton pockets and sand bin located between tracks. The approximate cost complete is from $15,000 to $18,000. 154 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Coal Storage. Towers. — For hoisting coal from boats to storage pockets on wharfs, or coal storage adjacent to the wharfs, the elevated tower type of hoist is principally used, either built stationary on the wharf or arranged to run on track and trestle. For quick service the one-man steeple type is used, requiring two engines, one operating the grab shovel and the other to run the trolley in and out on the boom. The ordinary sizes and capacities are: One-ton shovel, average capacity 400 to 500 tons per 10 hours. Two-ton shovel, average capacity 600 to 700 tons per 10 hours. Two and one-half-ton shovel, average capacity 700 to 800 tons per 10 hours. Where favorable conditions exist the above capacities can be increased 50 to 100 per cent. The bucket is operated by two steel wire ropes or flat link chains from independent drums on the hoisting engine, one clos- ing the shovel in the coal while the other is hanging slack. When the shovel has been closed both chains are used to hoist it. The operations of filling and dumping are automatic, excepting at the last, a few laborers are required for cleaning up. Approximate cost. — As most all towers have to be built specially to suit the varying local conditions the cost is extremely variable, depending upon the condition of wharfj service required, etc. For estimating purposes $20,000 to $30,000 is a fair average price for one steel tower installed complete, with two-ton shovel. Towers and Cable Railway. — When the storage yard is some distance from the wharf a cable railway is very often oper- ated in conjunction with the coal hoists. The cable cars, holding one to three tons, are fed from the tower hopper and make a cir- cuit or continuous loop around the building or yard on an elevated trestle track, automatically dumping the coal at any point desired. The cost of trestle and cable railway system will vary with local conditions, storage capacity and service required. The cable car trestle may range from $10 to $50 per foot; the cable cars $200 to $300 each; the engine drives, power house, boilers, etc., are all too variable to give approximate costs that would be of any value. COAL STORAGE. 155 When the coal is dumped on the ground it may be rehandled again by steam cranes into cars, tracks for which are usually provided. Towers, Cable Railway, and Traveling Bridge. — When the storage and rehandling of coal are extremely large, the towers and cable railway are further supplemented with traveling bridges, which span the yard and transfer the cable cars across its length so that the coal can be dumped over the whole storage area. In some instances the entire plant — tower, cable railway, and bridge — moves together on the wharf. Fig. 73 illustrates a scheme for handling enormous quantities of coal designed by the Mead Morrison Company of Chicago. The coal is hoisted from the boats at the wharf by the ordi- nary tower cranes and hoppers into cable cars that circuit around the wharf and up the center of the storage yard on an elevated trestle. On either side of the yard is a traveling bridge which transfers the cable cars at any point across the yard. By this scheme all of the ground can be utilized for storage. The elevated coal pockets are arranged under the cable car trestle and car tracks run alongside. The coal is rehoisted from the pile from both sides of the bridge and trolleyed to the hopper ends, where it is redumped into the cable cars and run to the elevated storage or to any point desired. A plant of this size would handle 2000 to 3000 tons per day, and the approximate cost of equipment installed complete would average $350,000 to $500,000. 156 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. "7* J*> a z < r,75*1 Ph CO CO "i ^ ASH PITS. 157 Ash Pits. Ash pits are required at divisional and other points so that ash pans of locomotives can be cleaned out. The pits are usually placed convenient to the coal and water supply, and within easy reach of the turntable. There seems to be a tendency at the present time to locate the ash pits inside or adjacent to the engine house, so that the work may be done under cover, and thus facilitate inspection with less engine movement. The time required to clean a locomotive ash pan is from twenty to sixty minutes, depending on weather and other conditions, hence the type of ash pit to select depends on the number of engines to be handled and the time in which it has to be done. Construction. — The walls are usually built of stone or con- crete or 12"X12" cedar timbers. When concrete is used a lining of fire brick is built on the inside face of walls, and when of tim- ber old boiler plate is used. The lining of fire brick or other protection is necessary to protect the walls from the detrimental effect of hot ashes. On account of the wave action when the engines travel over the pit it is difficult to keep the rails anchored to the masonry, and for this reason wood stringers, or cast-iron rail chairs 3-foot to 4-foot centers are used frequently. The wood stringers are protected by a covering of sheet metal. Water is used to cool the ashes, and this necessitates a water service with hose connection, valves, etc., and proper drainage. A sump hole 12 inches wide and 12 inches deep at one end of the pit, with the floor dished so as to drain to the sump, serves the purpose, the outlet to drain being placed on the side of the wall about 6 inches above the floor of sump. P». 12 "x u'stringer Fig. 74. Shallow Ash Pit. Shallow Pit. (Fig. 74.) — This type of pit is built in long lengths, and necessitates sufficient help being on hand to remove the ashes promptly. It is also used for temporary work during construction and occasionally on main lines. Approximate cost, $5 to $7 per lineal foot complete. 158 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Deep Ash Pit, Closed Sides. (Fig. 75.) — The deep ash pit is constructed somewhat after the ordinary engine house pit, built Fig. 75. Deep Ash Pit. 33 feet long and over. When two pits are placed on the same track they should be at least 50 feet apart. The ashes may be dumped directly into the pit and then shoveled out by hand, or small ash cars or buckets may be used under the engines to catch the cinders, the buckets being hoisted out by crane or air hoist when the track is clear. Approximate cost, $8 to $10 per lineal foot without buckets or hoist. Cost, $17 to S35 per lineal foot with buckets and hoist. A pit 33 feet long with two ends would average $300 complete. 2-80 lb. Rails --.o-.-or- 3'o: -■°-. c <■■■-■ 1 Fig. 76. Deep Open Ash Pit. Deep Ash Pit, Open One Side. (Fig. 76.) — This pit is similar to Fig. 75, excepting that the pit is open on one side and the outer rail is supported by cast-iron posts. The ashes may be dumped and shoveled out by hand while the engine is over the pit, or small ash cars or buckets may be used to catch the cinders, arranged to be pulled out from the sides and then hoisted by MECHANICAL ASH PLANTS. 159 crane to dump into ash car. The latter method is known as the Ord type of ash pit. Approximate cost, $18 to $25 per lineal foot without buckets or hoist. Approximate cost, $35 to $50 per lineal foot with ash buckets and air hoist. Tie Rod 2-80 Ib.Rails Fig. 77. Depressed Ash Pit. Depressed Pit. (Fig. 77.) — This pit is similar to Fig. 76 with a depressed ash car track on the outside, the ashes being shoveled direct into the cinder car. Approximate cost, $25 to $35 per lineal foot. Mechanical Ash Plants. Ashes are best handled in bulk, so that most mechanical plants are arranged to dump the ashes directly into small cars or buckets under the engine tracks, the small cars running on tracks at right angles to the pit so that they can be pulled out and hoisted by trolley, crane, or other device and automatically dumped into the cinder car. Gantry Crane. (Fig. 78.) — The trolley beam is hinged at one end and is worked by air cylinder, with sheaves fastened to the gantry frame. The crane is moved along the track by 160 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Air Cyc. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fig. 78. Gantry Crane. Fig. 79. Ord Ash Pit. Steel Frame Ash Hoppers. m^r Ash Bucket Detachable Truck Fig. 80. Dump Bucket and Hoist. MECHANICAL ASH PLANTS. 161 geared hand wheels, one on each side, and the air is conveyed to the cylinder by hose pipe suspended on trolleys on an overhead wire. The supply of air is generally obtained from the engine or boiler house close by. When the engines are off the ash pit, the gantry frame picks up the filled ash baskets and runs them by trolley to the ash car, where they are automatically dumped. By lowering the boom the basket is returned to the ash pit. Approximate cost complete, with 6 ash baskets, $800 to $1200. Ord Ash Pit. (Fig. 79.) — The ash baskets are placed under locomotive ash pan and pulled out from the side and hoisted by air crane and dumped without interfering with the movement of engines. The rails on which the ash baskets run are made of pipe, in which steam circulates, keeping the pit free of snow and preventing the water used in cooling the ashes from freezing. Approximate cost of a single-track 30-foot ash pit with crane and four ash baskets complete, $1200 to $2000. Dump Bucket and Hoist. (Fig. 80.) — The engines are cleaned out over the track hoppers and the ashes dumped and run into a detachable bottom dump bucket in the cross pit. A man in the pit operates the hopper gates and chutes and moves the buckets when filled, to the hoist, where they are raised and automatically dumped into the ash car. Perforated water pipes are placed around the sides of the ash hopper for cooling off the hot cinders. This type of pit is used by the Pennsylvania Rail- road at Cleveland and Alliance. Approximate cost of installation is said to be about $5000. 162 RAILROAD STRICTURES AND ESTIMATES. Sand Houses. At divisional and other points where engines are housed, pro- vision is usually made to supply locomotives with sand to use in case of slipping on heavy grades or on account of climatic condi- tions. This generally consists of a small wooden house with an extension wet sand storage bin and an elevated dry sand box or tower, into which the sand is elevated by manual labor or some mechanical hoisting device or by blowing it through a pipe by compressed air. where it is stored and run by gravity to the sand box of the locomotive when required. The shed is generally arranged so that the wet sand can be conveniently delivered and shoveled from cars to the storage bin, the bin being sufficient, to hold at least one carload. A small room is provided to house in the sand drier and hoisting mechanism, etc. Instead of hoisting the sand into elevated hoppers, a platform is often used on which dry sand is placed in buckets arranged so that they can be easily handled by the enginemen. the platform being placed alongside the engine track on a level with the foot- board of engines. The sand is dried by cast or sheet iron drying stoves, or by steam pipe troughs, and is generally screened before being placed for use. The sand house is usually located in close proximity to the coal and water supply, so that engines when taking coal or water can at the same time obtain their supply of sand. Approximate cost. (Fig. 81.) — 32 feet long. 13 feet wide, con- sisting of wet sand bin 16' X 12', drying room 14' X 12'. small coal bin, sand drier and screen, compressed air cylinder and ele- vated sand tower, masonry foundation. $700 to $900. With wood foundation, balance as above, $600 to $700. Construction. — Wood sills or masonry foundation, concrete floor in sand-drying house, frame walls. 2-inch plank on 4" X 4" studs at 4-foot centers, lined on the outside with corrugated iron; no finish inside; roof. 3-inch plank with 6" X 8" beam, tar and gravel finish; tower. 8" X 8" posts well anchored to base at floor level, height about 30 feet from base of rail to center of sand stor- age, braced with 2" X 6" horizontal and cross timbers; sand tower walls 2-inch plank with corner posts, roofed over with J-inch T. and G. boards, covered with shingles and building paper between boards. SAND HOUSES. 163 12 x 12 Hardwood TRACK ELEV. Fig. 81. SECTION v.v -16-9- — n_ 2 Plank Wet Sand Cedar Hosts •32 -153- Eurnace Drying Room Coal Screen Air Cy^J PLAN 164 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. The tower is provided with sand valve and spout with rubber hose at end for running the sand to the engines. Wet Sand Storage. — Two-inch plank walls supported by S" > v posts about S-foot centers, set on cedar sills on the ground, or the posts may extend into the ground 5 feet or thereabout: roofing 2-inch plank and S" X S" rafters, with tar and gravel finish. The length of wet sand bin varies to suit conditions. Approximate estimate of cost. Qualities. Ma:, Lai w. To' 40 cubic yards excavation 24 cubic yards concrete 8 cubic yards sand fill 8000 feet board measure lumber, per thousand 2 doors 1 window 1 sand-drying furnace with cast-iron smoke jack and piping 1 compressed air sand cylinder 30 feet 2^-inch pipe 1 glove valve 1 drain cock 5 squares galvanized or corrugated iron, per square Sand screen 1 sway supply spout with connections l\ squares shingles, per square 1,100 square feet) 4 squares tar and gravel roof, per square (100 square feet) Painting Concrete floor S3. 50 $3.50 i IS. 00 17.00 5.00 2.50 6.00 3.00 20.00 23.00 25.00 30.00 .16 1.75 17 50 25 4.00 3.00 2.00 .50 20.00, 9.25 2.00> 2.00 2 50 2 . 50 14.00 16.00 8.00 12.00 SO. 50 7.00 .50 35.00 7.50 9.00 .33 7.00 4.00 5.00 Cos: S20.00 168.00 4.00 2S0.00 15.00 9.00 43.00 55.00 10.00 2.25 1.00 35.00 2.50 29.25 6.00 20.00 30.00 20.00 S750.00 If wood foundation is used under sand-drvins: room, deduct 150.00 $600.00 TRACK SCALES. 165 Track Scales. The ordinary railroad track scales for freight-car service are 100 to 150 tons capacity, and are usually placed on masonry foun- dations, with timber frame and platform, provided with dead and live rails. The scales are usually placed between the receiving and separat- ing yards, or on one side of the main yard, parallel with and next to the switching track convenient to the main line. Size, 8 feet wide, 42 feet long, and about 6 feet deep, with exten- sion on one side for the registering beam, and a shelter over for the weigher, when desired. Approximate cost. — -100 tons capacity scale, masonry founda- tion, wood scale frame, registering machine, shelter, dead and live track, platform, etc., all complete, $2600 to $3600. 100 tons capacity scale, similar to above, with steel scale frame and cross ties (no dead track), all complete, $2900 to $3700. 125 tons capacity scale, similar to above, dead and live track, with wood scale frame, all complete, $2800 to $3400. 125 tons capacity scale, similar to above, with steel scale frame and cross ties (no dead track), all complete, $3200 to $3900. 150 tons capacity scale, similar to above, with wood scale frame, dead and live track, all complete, $3000 to $4000. 150 tons capacity scale, similar to above, with steel scale frame (no dead track), all complete, $3500 to $4500. Construction. — Masonry walls, pedestals, and concrete floor with drain, usually built from plans supplied by the scale company. Steel or timber frame for supporting the scale in accordance with the makers' details, including platform, registering scale box, dead and live track, etc. Shelter 6 feet wide, 10 feet long, 8 feet high, frame building on cedar sills, 2X4 studs, double outside boards with paper between. Double J-inch floor on 2" X 4" joists, flat roof sloping away from scale, with 2" X 4" rafters, covered with |--inch T. and G. boards and ready roofing. A small coal bin and a chimney are provided. 166 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Approximate estimate of cost. 100-ton scales (timber scale frame), masonry foundations, etc. 120 cubic yards excavation at 50 cts $ 60 . 00 75 cubic yards masonry at $7 525 . 00 7000 feet board measure timber at $35 245 . 00 300 pounds iron at 6 cts 18 . 00 6-inch tile drain (100 feet laid) at 65 cts 65.00 $913.00 Dead and live rails, 2 tons 60-pound steel at $33 $ 66.00 6 pairs angle bars at $50.40 per ton 3 . 00 Bolts and spikes at $62.50 per ton 4.00 2 turnouts complete at $237 474 . 00 Laying switches and track 50 . 00 597.00 Installation of scales and freight $150.00 Shelter 110.00 260.00 100 tons capacity scales (wood frame) $650 . 00 $1770 . 00 Type registering machine . . . , 254 . 00 904 . 00 $2674.00 Supervision and contingencies 10% 266 . 00 Total $2940.00 150-ton scales (steel scale frame). 140 cubic yards excavation at 50 cts $ 70.00 90 cubic yards masonry at $7 630 . 00 4000 feet board measure timber at $35 140.00 12,000 steel at 4 cts .'. 480 . 00 6-inch tile drain (100 feet laid) at 65 cts 65.00 $1385.00 Rails, 1 ton 60-pound steel at $33 $ 33 . 00 3 pairs angle bars at $50.40 per ton 1 . 50 Bolts and spikes at $62.50 per ton 2 . 00 2 turnouts complete at $237 474 . 00 Laying track 40 . 00 Installation of scales, freight, etc 300 . 00 Shelter 110.00 860.50 150 tons capacity scale (steel frame) $950 . 00 Type registering machine 273 . 50 1223.50 $3469.00 Supervision and contingencies 10% 331 . 00 Total $3800.00 STOCK YARDS. 167 Stock Yards. (Fig. 80.) Stock yards are erected at way stations and terminals for receiving cattle for shipment, and also for rest and feeding pur- poses for cattle en route. The yards are located parallel with the siding tracks convenient to the roadway at stock business points. The ordinary wayside station stock yard consists of a series of fenced-in pens, with feeding and water troughs, including feed barns and shelters when necessary. The terminal stock yards are usually housed in and are arranged with pens, feeding and water facilities, to suit the different classes of stock. The usual arrangement is to provide loading and unloading platforms with chutes alongside the track. The platforms are made narrow so that the gates of the chutes when open shall come close to the cars for convenience in loading the cattle. The chutes lead to a main alleyway, from which the distribution of pens is arranged, the pens being divided to hold a car or portion of a car load, and made so as to open into one another and to branch alleyways in the center, so that the cattle may be sorted and classified if desired. Barns and shelters are erected on the branch alleyways for feeding purposes when necessary. In addition to feeding and shelter sheds, water has also to be provided, with frost-proof hydrant valves to avoid freezing, the pipes being graded to drain when not in use. Construction. — The construction generally is cedar posts 6 inches to 9 inches in diameter, placed 5 to 6 foot centers, set into the ground solid. The fencing is from 6 to 7 feet high, of 1 to 2 inch material, with 3 to 8 inch spaces between. Feed racks are placed on one or two sides, made with 2"x6" plank, the height and width varying to suit the stock. Water troughs are placed on the opposite side of feed racks, and are made of 2-inch plank supported on 2-inch plank brackets, with three-fourths to 1 inch water supply taken from a 1^-inch main and extending above the water trough with a goose neck. The floor, where the busi- ness amounts to anything, is usually of concrete finished rough. An ordinary 20 car capacity stock yard would consist of a 4-foot platform placed 7 feet from rail, with 4 loading chutes 168 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Chute PLAN 20 CAR STOCK YARD Pen Pen / A a t* u <3 C3 M M Pen Water r^ , £• Pen \ Pen A u u 9 a> >> a> Xi ■d 01 6 o t-c CO a a 3 CO 6 u 03 X, u m 3 a cs 02 go 3 a Ph u 0) a a Q <*3 '3 2-in. tubes. w O 3 5 » Capacity Ions, 10 per mil a 3 ■3 a 03 o * aj* c b a aa.3 < Ft. Lbs. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. 65 185 80 6 4 6 4 3 1 14 $100 5 24 60 31 18 $105 $250 102 115 50 6 5 6 4 3 1 14 120 5 24 60 31 18 105 270 119 115 50 6 5 7 5 4 1 14 135 10 30 72 54 27 150 350 119 155 68 7 5 7 5 4 1 14 150 10 30 72 54 27 150 360 136 115 50 6 5 8 5 4 1 14 160 10 30 72 54 27 150 380 136 155 68 7 5 8 5 4 1 14 170 12 30 84 54 38 160 400 170 155 68 7 5 10 5 4 1 14 240 15 36 84 68 38 190 500 171 110 47 7 6 7 5 4 1 14 200 10 30 72 54 27 150 420 171 145 63 8 6 7 5 4 2 24 230 15 36 84 68 38 190 510 204 205 89 8 5 12 5 4 2 24 260 20 42 96 85 48 230 600 232 80 35 7 7 7 6 5 1* 2 200 10 30 72 54 27 150 420 244 110 47 7 6 10 5 4 14 2 260 15 36 84 68 38 190 540 244 145 62 8 6 10 5 4 2 24 270 20 42 96 85 48 230 600 266 105 46 8 7 8 5 4 14 2 280 15 36 84 68 38 190 570 266 165 71.4 10 7 8 5 4 2 24 320 20 42 96 85 48 230 660 283 145 62 8 6 12 5 4 2 24 290 20 42 -96 85 48 230 630 283 225 98 10 6 12 5 4 2 24 310 40 48 114 128 57 420 880 283 325 140 12 6 12 5 4 24 3 460 50 54 114 174 57 660 1350 c32 80 35 7 7 10 6 5 14 2 300 15 36 84 68 38 190 600 398 105 45 8 7 12 6 5 14 2 315 20 42 96 85 48 230 660 398 165 71.4 10 7 12 6 5 2 24 370 40 48 114 128 57 420 950 398 240 103 12 7 12 6 5 24 3 460 50 54 114 174 57 660 1350 398 325 140 14 7 12 6 5 24 3 530 70 54 Hor. 40 192 770 1560 522 80 35 8 8 12 6 5 14 2 510 20 42 96 85 48 230 900 522 125 54 10 8 12 6 5 2 24 530 40 48 114 128 57 420 1140 522 182 78.75 12 8 12 6 5 24 3 540 50 54 114 174 57 660 1440 522 250 108 14 8 12 6 5 24 3 590 70 54 Hor. 40 192 770 1650 522 325 140 16 8 12 6 5 24 3 690 100 66 Hor. 60 192 1050 2100 816 50 22 8 10 12 6 5 2 24 570 20 42 96 85 48 230 960 816 115 50 12 10 12 6 5 21 3 600 50 54 114 174 57 660 1520 COMBINED ENGINE AND PUMP. 179 Combined Engine and Pump. The combined engine and pump is a self-contained unit run principally by gasoline or oil. In many localities it will be more economical than the ordinary steam pump and boiler to operate, although higher in first cost. Their use is not as well known as the steam pump. The handling of oil or gasoline and repairs are matters that require special attention. They are gradually, however, coming into favor, and may eventually be as common as the steam pump. TABLE 40. — APPROXIMATE COST, ETC. Gallons Ap- Horse- power. Adjustable stroke, inches. Strokes per min- ute. Cylinder, inches. per min- ute pump displace- ment. Ft. head. Suc- tion. Dis- charge. prox- imate cost in place. 5 8, 9, 10 91 41-7 51-137 96-259 3-4 3-4 $ 600 8 8, 9, 10 97* 5-7 66*-146 145-319 4 4 9C0 10 8, 10, 12 100 7-8i 133-295 90-200 6 5 1200 15 8, 10, 12 105 7-8* 140-310 127-281 6 5 1600 20 8, 10, 12 110 7-8* 147-324 163-360 6 5 2000 25 8, 10, 12 109| 8-10* 215-494 134-356 7 6 2300 Cost of Pumping Water. Comparison Estimates between Steam, Oil, and Gasoline. Conditions. — Pump to deliver 200 gallons per minute working 10 hours per day and 300 days per year, against an equivalent head of 200 feet, or 10 theoretical horsepower. Steam Pump and Boiler. — One 8X 5X 12 pump and boiler complete, from Table 39 $540 . 00 Connections and contingencies 60.00 Total $600 . 00 Cost of Operating. — Assuming 20 pounds of coal per horsepower hour=200 poundsX 10 hours=l tonX 300=300 tons per year at $2.25 $675.00 Attendance by station agent or portion of a regular pumpman's time at $10 per month 120 . 00 Oil and waste 25.00 Repairs and maintenance 50 . 00 Total per year $870.00 180 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. or $2.90 per day, or 29 cents per hour, or about 2\ cents per 1000 gallons. If necessary to have a pumpman all the time, $300 more would have to be added for his wages, making the cost about 3£ cents per 1000 gallons. Oil Combined Pumper. — 8X 12 pump direct connected, from Table 40 $1200 . 00 Connections and contingencies 120 . 00 $1320.00 Cost of Operating. — Coal oil 15 cents per gallon. Assuming 1$ cents' worth of coal oil per horsepower per hour, in- cluding waste and handling= 10X 1J= 15 cts.X 10=$1. 50X300. . $450.00 Attendance by station agent or portion of a regular pumpman's time at $10 per month 120 . 00 Lubricating oil and waste 30 . 00 Repairs and maintenance 90 . 00 Total $690 . 00 or $2.30 per day, or 23 cents per hour, or 1.9 cents per 1000 gallons. If necessary to have a pumpman all the time, $300 more would have to be added for his wages, making the cost about 2f cents per 1000 gallons. Gasoline Combined Pumper. — 8X 12 pump direct connected, from Table 40 $1200.00 Connections and contingencies 120 . 00 $1320.00 Cost of Operating. — Gasoline 18 cents per gallon. Assuming y 1 ^ imperial gallon per horsepower hour=l gallon = 18 cts.X 10=$1. 80X300 $540.00 Attendance by station agent or portion of a regular pumpman's time at $10 per month 120 . 00 Lubricating oil and waste 30 . 00 Repairs and maintenance 90 . 00 $780.00 or $2.60 per day, or 26 cents per hour, or 2.2 cents, about, per 1000 gallons. If necessary to have a pumpman all the time, $300 more would have to be added for his wages, making the cost about 3 cents per 1000 gallons. COMBINED ENGINE AND PUMP. 181 It will be noted from the foregoing that the approximate cost of pumping water is as follows: Oil engine 1.9 to 2.75 cents per 1000 gallons. Gasoline engine 2.2 to 3.00 cents per 1000 gallons. Steam pump and boiler. ... 2.5 to 3.25 cents per 1000 gallons. There are many elements that enter into the cost of pumping water that may bring the figures up to double the amounts given. The sizes of suction and discharge pipes are quite as important as the pumps, and if these are figured too small, poor results will be obtained at an additional cost. The question of using oil, gasoline, or steam depends a good deal on the location and existing conditions and the means at hand for having them looked after in case of repairs. Fuel supply, including depreciation and first cost, have also to be considered. 182 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Boilers. The general run of boilers to supply steam to the pump range from 5 to 100 horsepower, and the plain vertical tube boilers are chiefly used. The boiler pressure must be somewhat in excess of the steam pressure at the pump, to allow for loss of steam pressure between the boiler and pump. The boiler horsepower is usually reckoned on the A. S. M. E. basis of 30 pounds of water evaporated or consumed per indicated horse- power and from 12 to 15 square feet of heating surface in the boiler are usually reckoned for the generation of one horsepower per hour. Each nominal horsepower of boilers requires about 10 gallons of feed water per hour (30 to 35 pounds). Good boilers will evaporate from 5 to 10 pounds of water per pound of coal. One square foot of grate surface natural draft will consume 10 to 15 pounds hard coal or 20 to 25 pounds soft coal per hour, or an average consumption of 10 pounds of coal per cubic foot of water evaporated (12 pounds per hour for each square foot of grate surface). The boiler should be set up on a good solid foundation, with smoke flue protected at roof or outlet to avoid danger from fire. The cost of the general run of vertical boilers is given in Table 39. SERVICE CONNECTIONS. 183 Service Connections. The discharge pipe should enter the water tank at the bottom, as it reduces the head and takes less power than feeding it from the top. Provide a check valve in delivery pipe and a waste cock in the discharge chamber, so that air may be expelled, a stop valve for shutting off the back pressure, so that the pump can be opened for inspection. Set up the pump on solid foundation of concrete; wood is liable to rot and cause leaky joints. To obviate jar or vibration, use expansion bolts to anchor the pump. Arrange the steam pipe feed so that the water of condensation will drip away from the pump when not in use, and insert drip cock. An air chamber on the suction pipe will make the pump work smoother at moderate speed, and is advisable, as it prevents pound- ing or water hammer; in high lifts it is a necessity. Unless the suction lift and length of supply pipe are moderate, a foot valve and strainer are also advised for all pumps raising water by suction. The foot valve is placed at the bottom of the suction pipe and holds the priming. The suction pipe must be entirely free from all leakage. Lay suction pipes with a uniform grade from the pump to the source of supply, and avoid air pockets. All pipes should be as direct as possible; use full round bends for elbows and Y's for tees. Service Pipe. — Steel riveted, cast-iron, plain wrought-iron, and galvanized iron pipe are used extensively; cast iron is the most durable and reliable for underground service, and above ground plain wrought-iron pipe proves quite satisfactory; for weight of pipes, etc., see Tables 41 and 42. The depth to which pipe should be placed in the ground should be sufficient to avoid injury from frost, usually 4 to 5 feet. A water main laid in a rock-cut trench is less liable to freeze up if covered with broken stones. 184 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Pipes. Cast Iron. — All cast-iron pipes and fittings must be uncoated, sound, cylindrical and smooth, free from cracks, sand holes, and other defects, and of a uniform thickness and of a grade known in commerce as " extra heavy," cast in lengths to lay twelve feet, with bell and spigot joints, and to withstand a static pressure of not less than 130 pounds per square inch. TABLE 41. —APPROXIMATE COST AND WEIGHT OF CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. Diameter Thick- pipe. ness. Ins. In. 2 1 3 7 4 i 5 i 6 & 7 & 8 f 10 f 12 ii 16 Weight per lineal foot. Lbs. 8 15 19 26 32 40 47 63 82 Feet per ton. Number of lengths per ton. 250 133 105 77 62.5 50 44.5 31.9 24.4 Approxi- mate cost per foot at $35 per ton. 21 11.1 8.8 6.4 5.2 4.2 3.7 2.8 2.0 $0.14 .26 .33 .45^ .56 .70 .82i 1.10 1.43 Approxi- mate cost per foot at §40 per ton. $0.16 .30 .38 .52 .64 .80 .94 1.26 1.64 Actual Cost. Joints. — All joints must be made with picked oakum and molten lead and made water-tight. For estimating, take H pounds of soft pig lead for each joint for each inch in the diameter of the pipe, and 1 ounce of oakum for each joint for each inch in the diam- eter of the pipe. Fittings. — Ordinary cast or malleable iron water fittings. Wrought=Iron and Steel Pipes. — All wrought-iron and steel pipes must be equal in quality to " standard." The pipes shall be not less than the following average thickness and weight per lineal foot; supplied in random lengths with threads and couplings. PIPES. 185 TABLE 42. — APPROXIMATE COST AND WEIGHT OF WROUGHT-IRON PIPES. Inside size of pipe. Thickness. Normal weight per lineal foot. Approx. cost per 100 feet. Approx. cost per lin. foot. Actual cost per lin. foot. Ins. 1 In. .13 .14 .15 .20 .21 .22 .23 .24 .25 .28 .30 .32 .34 .36 .37 .37 Lbs. 1.67 2.68 3.61 5.74 7.54 9.00 10.66 12.49 14.50 18.76 23.27 28.18 33.70 40.00 45.00 49.00 Dols. 6.00 9.00 13.00 23.00 30.00 45.00 54.00 63.00 72.00 93.00 116.00 141.00 168.00 200 . 00 225.00 245.00 Dols. .06 .09 .13 .23 .30 .45 .54 .63 .72 .93 1.16 1.41 1.68 2.00 2.25 2.45 Dols. H 2 2£ 3 3* 4 4i 5 6 7 8 9 m 10 11 12 Joints. — All joints to be screwed joints made up with red lead. Fittings. — Ordinary cast or malleable iron water fittings. 186 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Formulas. Capacity. — The capacity of a pump depends upon the speed at which it can be run, and the speed depends largely on the arrangement of valves and passageways for water and steam; ordinarily it is reckoned by the gallons per minute the pump plunger can deliver at the average speed of piston travel. For short-stroke pumps, generally used in railroad water tank service, the piston travel may be rated at 100 strokes per minute. ~ ., i • ' 11 stroke X area Capacity per stroke m gallons = — 40 J. 231 = cubic inches in a gallon of water. TABLE 43. — CAPACITY OF PUMPS PER STROKE IN GALLONS (ONE PLUNGER). Diam- eter. Area water cylin- der. Length of stroke in inches. cylin- der. 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 In. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 Sq. in. 12.56 19.63 28.27 38.48 50.26 63.61 78.54 95.03 113.09 153.93 176.71 201.06 .272 .425 .612 .833 1.088 1.377 1.7 2.057 2.448 3.331 3.824 4.35 .326 .51 .734 .999 1.305 1.652 2.04 2.464 2.937 3.997 4.589 5.22 .381 .595 .877 1.166 1.523 1.928 2.38 2.879 3.422 .435 .68 .979 1.332 1.740 2.203 2.72 3.291 3.916 5.33 6.119 6.96 .489 .765 1.101 1.499 1.958 2.478 3.06 3.725 4.406 5.996 6.884 7.83 .544 .85 1.224 1.666 2.176 2.754 3.4 4.113 4.896 6.663 7.649 8.703 .652 1.02 1.468 1.999 2.611 3.304 4.08 4.936 5.875 7.994 9.178 10.44 .761 1.19 1.713 2.332 3.046 3.855 4.76 5.759 6.854 9.328 10.70 12.18 .870 1.36 1.958 2.665 3.481 4.406 5.44 6.582 7.833 10.66 12.23 13.92 Gallons delivered in one minute equal capacity per stroke multiplied by strokes per minute. For duplex piston or plunger, multiply by 2. For triplex piston or plunger, multiply by 3. Example. — What quantity of water is delivered per minute with a duplex pump 5-inch water and 7-inch stroke, piston speed 100 strokes per minute ? Arts. .595 X 2 X 100 = 119 gallons per minute. FORMULAS. 187 Speed. — A piston travel of 100 feet per minute is the basis generally used for rating the capacity of a pump. If short-stroke pumps, however, are run at this speed they would not be durable for every-day service, and 100 strokes rather than 100 feet is a more reasonable service. At a piston speed of 100 feet per minute the pump would have to make the following strokes: Three-inch stroke pump, 400 strokes per minute. Four-inch stroke pump, 300 strokes per minute. Five-inch stroke pump, 240 strokes per minute. Six-inch stroke pump, 200 strokes per minute. Seven-inch stroke pump, 171+ strokes per minute. Eight-inch stroke pump, 150 strokes per minute. Nine-inch stroke pump, 133+ strokes per minute. Ten-inch stroke pump, 120 strokes per minute. Eleven-inch stroke pump, 109 + strokes per minute. Twelve-inch stroke pump, 100 strokes per minute. Lift. — The head of water against which the pump has to work, or the pressure due to the height to which the water has to be forced, is usually termed the lift, and expressed in pounds per square inch = height of water column X .434. .434 = pound pressure per square inch exerted by a column of water one foot high. 188 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. TABLE 44. — FEET HEAD AND EQUIVALENT PRESSURE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. Ft. Equiv. Ft. Equiv. Ft. Equiv. Ft. Equiv. head. press, in pounds. head. press, in pounds. head. press, in pounds. head. press, in pounds. 1 0.48 43 18.62 85 36.82 127 55.01 2 0.86 44 19.05 86 37.25 128 55.44 3 1.30 45 19.49 87 37.68 129 55.88 4 1.73 46 19.92 88 38.12 130 56.31 5 2.16 47 20.35 89 38.55 131 56.74 6 2.59 48 20.79 90 38.98 132 57.18 7 3.03 49 21.22 91 39.42 133 57.61 8 3.46 50 21.65 92 39.85 134 58.04 9 3.89 51 22.09 93 40.28 135 58.48 10 4.33 52 22.52 94 40.72 136 58.91 11 4.76 53 22.95 95 41.15 137 59.34 12 5.20 54 23.39 96 41.58 138 59.77 13 5.63 55 23.82 97 42.01 139 60.21 14 6.06 56 24.26 98 42.45 140 60.64 15 6.49 57 24.69 99 42.88 141 61.07 16 6.93 58 25.12 100 43.31 142 61.51 17 7.36 59 25.55 101 43.75 143 61.94 18 7.79 60 25.99 102 44.18 144 62.37 19 8.22 61 26.42 103 44.61 145 62.81 20 8.66 62 26.85 104 45.05 146 63.24 21 9.09 63 27.29 105 45.48 147 63.67 22 9.53 64 27.72 106 45.91 148 64.10 23 9.96 65 28.15 107 46.34 149 64.54 24 10.39 66 28.58 108 46.78 150 64.97 25 10.82 67 29.02 109 47.21 151 65.40 26 11.26 68 29.45 110 47.64 152 65.84 27 11.69 69 29.88 111 48.08 153 66.27 28 12.12 70 30.32 112 48.51 154 66.70 29 12.55 71 30.75 113 48.94 155 67.14 30 12.99 72 31.18 114 49.38 156 67.57 31 13.42 73 31.62 115 49.81 157 68.00 32 13.86 74 32.05 116 50.24 158 68.43 33 14.29 75 32.48 117 50.68 159 68.87 34 14.72 76 32.92 118 51.11 160 69.31 35 15.16 77 33.35 119 51.54 161 69.74 36 15.59 78 33.78 120 51.98 162 70.17 37 16.02 79 34.21 121 52.41 163 70.61 38 16.45 80 34.65 122 52.84 164 71.04 39 16.89 81 35.08 123 53.28 165 71.47 40 17.32 82 35.52 124 53.71 166 71.91 41 17.75 83 35.95 125 54.15 167 72.34 42 18.19 84 36.39 126 54.58 168 72.77 LIFT. 189 TABLE 44 (Continued). — FEET HEAD AND EQUIVALENT PRESSURE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. Ft. Equiv. Ft. Equiv. Ft. Equiv. Ft. Equiv. head . press, in. head. press, in head. press, in head. press, in pounds. pounds. pounds. pounds. 169 73.20 206 89.23 243 105.26 280 121.29 170 73.64 207 89.68 244 105.69 281 121.73 171 74.07 208 90.10 245 106.13 282 122.15 172 74.50 209 90.53 246 106.56 283 122.59 173 74.94 210 90.96 247 106.99 284 123.02 174 75.37 211 91.39 248 107.43 285 123.45 175 75.80 212 91.83 249 107.86 286 123.89 176 76.23 213 92.26 250 108.29 287 124.32 177 76.67 214 92.69 251 108.73 288 124.75 178 77.10 215 93.13 252 109.16 289 125.18 179 77.53 216 93.56 253 109.59 290 125.62 180 77.97 217 93.99 254 110.03 291 126.05 181 78.40 218 94.43 255 110.46 292 126.48 182 78.84 219 94.86 256 110.89 293 126.92 183 79.27 220 95.30 257 111.32 294 127.35 184 79.70 221 95.73 258 111.76 295 127.78 185 80.14 222 96.16 259 112.19 296 128.22 186 80.57 223 96.60 260 112.62 297 128.65 187 81.00 224 97.03 261 113.06 298 129.08 188 81.43 225 97.46 262 113.49 299 129.51 189 81.87 226 97.90 263 113.92 300 129.95 190 82.30 227 98.33 264 114.36 310 134.23 191 82.73 228 98.76 265 114.79 320 138.62 192 83.17 229 99.20 266 115.22 330 142.95 193 83.60 230 99.63 267 115.66 340 147.28 194 84.03 231 100.00 268 116.09 350 151.61 195 84.47 232 100.49 269 116.52 360 155.94 196 84.90 233 100.93 270 116.96 370 160.27 197 85.33 234 101.36 271 117.39 380 164.61 198 85.76 235 101.79 272 117.82 390 168.94 199 86.20 236 102.23 273 118.26 400 173.27 200 86.63 237 102.66 274 118.69 500 216.58 201 87.07 238 103.09 275 119.12 600 259.90 202 87.50 239 103.53 276 119.56 700 303.22 203 87.93 240 103.96 277 119.99 800 346.54 204 88.36 241 104.39 278 120.42 900 389.86 205 88.80 242 104.83 279 120.85 1000 435.18 190 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. TABLE 4x — FRICTION OF WATER IN PIPES. Pressure in pounds per square inch to be added for each 100 feet of clean iron pipe. C"0 '3 u <- > Pipe sizes. 03 4 1 H U 2 2* 3 3£ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 5 3.3 13.0 28.7 50.4 78.0 .84 3.16 6.98 12.3 19.0 27.5 37.0 48.0 .31 1.05 2.38 4.07 6.40 9.15 12.4 16.1 20.2 24.9 36.0 48.0 56.1 64.0 80.0 .12 .47 .97 1.66 2.62 3.75 5.05 6.52 8.15 10.0 14.0 20.0 22.4 25.0 32.0 39.0 .04 .12 .25 .42 .62 .91 1.22 1.60 1.99 2.44 3.50 4.80 5.32 6.30 7.80 9.46 14.9 21.2 28.1 37.5 .02 .04 .08 .14 .21 .30 .40 .53 .66 .81 1.17 1.50 1.80 2.00 2.58 3.20 4.89 7.00 9.46 12.47 19.66 28.06 10 .02 .04 .06 .10 .13 .17 .23 .28 .35 .50 .60 .74 .90 1.10 1.31 1.99 2.85 3.85 5.02 7.76 11.2 15.2 19.5 25.0 30.8 15 .02 .03 .04 .06 .09 .11 .14 .17 .24 .38 30 Mi .02 .03 .05 .06 .07 .09 .13 .19 30 35 .02 .02 .03 .04 .05 .07 40 45 - 50 fin .02 .03 70 75 80 .41 .54 .64 .96 1.35 1.82 2.38 3.70 5.04 7.10 9.25 11.70 14.5 .23 .26 .33 .49 .69 .93 1.22 1.89 2.66 3.65 4.73 6.01 7.43 .08 .09 .12 .17 .25 .34 .42 .65 .93 1.26 1.61 2.00 2.40 .03 .04 .05 .07 .10 .13 .17 .26 .37 .50 .65 .81 .96 2.21 3.88 6.00 8.60 90 100 .02 .03 .04 .05 .07 .12 .17 23 .30 .37 .45 1.03 1.80 2.85 4.08 Iflfi 150 175 ?00 250 .07 .09 .12 .16 .20 .25 .53 .94 1.46 2.09 .04 .05 .07 .09 .11 .14 .30 .53 .82 1.17 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .09 .18 .32 .49 .70 .01 300 350 .02 400 4,50 .03 500 .04 750 .08 1000 ' .13 1^50 .20 1500 .29 Table is based on Ellis' and Howland's experiments. To find " friction head " in feet multiply figures by 2.3. THEORETICAL HORSEPOWER. 191 TABLE 45a. - FRICTION OF WATER IN ELBOWS. Pressure in pounds per square inch to be added for each elbow. II *- > Pipe sizes. 03 w OS I 1 li li 2 2* 3 3i 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 5 10 .07 .28 .63 1.12 1.74 .027 .094 .212 .376 .585 .845 1.15 1.50 1.90 .008 .031 .069 .123 .194 .278 .380 .495 .626 .77 1.11 1.52 1.74 1.98 2.50 3.08 .005 .018 .04 .069 .108 .157 .215 .278 .352 .43 .62 .86 .98 1.11 1.41 1.72 2.72 3.92 5.32 6.88 .002 .006 .014 - .025 .038 .055 .076 .098 .125 .153 .22 .304 .35 .392 .50 .612 .97 1.39 1.90 2.44 3.86 5.56 .003 .005 .012 .02 .028 .037 .049 .062 .08 .112 .148 .172 .196 .248 .32 .48 .685 .935 1.28 1.91 2.74 3.77 5.12 6.20 7.64 15 20 .005 .008 .011 .015 .02 .026 .032 .044 .06 .072 .08 .104 .128 .20 .286 .390 .512 .80 1.14 1.58 2.05 2.58 3.20 25 30 35 .009 .011 .015 .017 .026 .035 .04 .044 .06 .068 .112 .16 .218 .272 .446 .64 .8'8 1.09 1.45 1.78 -10 .007 .009 .01 .015 .021 .024 .027 .035 .043 .067 .096 .132 .172 .268 .384 .530 .688 .870 1.07 2.42 4.28 6.70 9.68 45 50 60 3.38 4.60 5.30 6.00 7.60 .006 .009 .01 .012 .014 .017 .027 .039 .053 .068 .109 .156 .215 .272 .352 .436 .970 1.74 2.71 3.88 .003 .004 .005 .005 .007 .008 .013 .019 .026 .032 .052 .076 .103 .128 .170 .208 .470 .832 1.31 1.88 70 .002 .003 .003 .004 .005 .007 .01 .014 02 .029 .042 .057 .08 .094 .116 .260 .464 .728 .84 75 80 qo 100 .003 .004 .006 .009 .011 .017 .025 .034 .044 .057 .068 .156 .272 .435 .624 .002 .003 .004 .005 .007 Oil .016 .022 .028 .036 .044 .10 .176 .276 .40 1?5 .002 .003 .004 .005 .007 .01 .014 .018 .023 .028 .063 .112 .175 .252 150 001 175 009 900 00? 950 . 004 300 005 350 007 400 009 450 011 500 016 750 031 1000 064 1950 086 1500 1 9 4 1 Table is based on Weisbach's formula for very short bends, or with a radius equal to the radius of the pipe. To find " friction head " in feet multiply figures by 2.3. Theoretical Horsepower. Theoretical horsepower necessary to raise water any height _ gallons per minute X 8.33 X height in feet ~ 33000 = horsepower per minute. 8.33 = weight of a gallon of water. 33000 = number of foot-pounds per minute in one horsepower. 192 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. H a o i— i fa fa- En fa ri fa fa fa O fa" fa H < fa co i— i < O H fa fa £ O fa fa O w fa < o 1— I H fa fa C fa w E-> fa - fa o © OMONOMO lO 00 (N «D O CO N ONiOOMO io © n o co eq CM O LO O LO O O " O N iO N O iO CO 'H«(N!NCOCOm t lOCONOSi-i COIOOONCON i-H i — i — ■ CM CM CO CO o (NiOOO^OMrt LO OS CM LO « f- ■*OlNiCNOiO 05 i-O N N « O M cn ,-h — i ^h CM CM CM CO CO "^ LQ CO t^- OS CCNiOX>HiOrt — ' — ' —» t-l CN CM CO o o o co o io o lo o O N O N O N m o lo o >o ONiOOCOiO LO O O O O O O t— O LO O LO c o CN ,-, _ ^H rH » CO CO CO O l^ lo CM O LO ifl lO « N - O N CM CM CO CO -* LO M X ■* X lO -h CO CON©ONt(— ( r-i CN CN CO CO ^ LO CO N OS © CN lo O CM LO t^- O CM LO O O N X O « CN O t» LO O CO LO LO OC CM LO — I t- n © lo © lo © O O CM LO I s - O LO i-H CM CM CO CO Tf LO O N X O « LO CO l>- OS O —i CM tLOCONO Ow LO OS CM LO -^ t^ CO CO O CM 00 CO ■* O CM LO t^ O LO OS lo CO t^ 00 O CM r-H^H rtrtNMCNCO CO "* LO CO t— OS i— I N N O CO LO ■* ^ CO Tt< LO CO t— 00 OS (NOXN^rH i— i tJ< CO 00 CO OO oc lo os cm co o r- CN N CO CO LO lO CO rtrtrtrtCNCN CO CO -<*! LO CO t- OS O N LO CN O N lO COCO'* LO OON O CM lO O t^ LO OS — i CO lO 0C CM CM O LO O LO O O CO O t^ LO CM O lo CN CO CO •* LO C N LO rH N ■* O CO (N CN CO CO •* LO O CO LO ■* CN lO CO N t— OS i—i CM LO 00 OS O CM lO t^ O LO t-lOr-NCOOCN CN CN CO CO * LO CO CM 00 tJ< C5 lO — CO CM CN CO CO "* LO LO CO OC O *— rt< CO t— lO — i t- -<*< O CM OS CM OO CO OS LO CO ,_, ^ rt _ rt CN CN CO CO ■* lO O LO O LO O lo O CN M CO CO •* •* LO O LO C O LO O CO N O O CN LO LO o o © o o o 1^ O LO O LO o o i— i i— i ^- — CNCNCOCO^LO lOOCNCOO^N n ih co o lo a co r-i CN CN CO CO CO •* LO CO t— LO Tfl CM cq lo x n o -h lOONXOCO ~h t^ LO CN LO CO LO X N CO C N LO N - CO O LO CO y-i r-< «-. ,-. CM CM OMOCNOMO lOXCNCOOCON ■h ^ CN CN CO CO CO O CM lo O f~- LO lO CO N LO CO CN •*LOCOt^fflrt —< o r— lo cm o lo CO LO 00 CM CO O t^ ,_, r-, rH rt CN CN CO CO lOCONOiO^CN CM LO 00 — i LO CO — i rn -h rt CN (N CN CO LO OS CM LO — ' t- NCOCOCNXCO CO * LO CO t- OS CO CNLOh. LO OiOCONX CM OCNtOX-HiOrt MrtrtrtCNNCO O lo O lo O lo O O O LO N O O) LO —i — < — i — « CM CM CM O LO O O LO O © t— LO O CM LO CO CO ■* LO CO N t— © LO © LO © LO X O CN LO N O CN ^^rt^cNCN *" o •— ~ fa rt — J*. © © © © © © © © © © © © © O CN LO X - ^ N O O © © © © © O © © © © © CO LO •* O LO O O © © © © © © © © © © © © © LO © O © © © © -h — * — h CM CM s ^fvV ' *) ' >> "x < c ft Ft. o O Xi Ft. "6 £ Q >4 "o fcuD >> "0 bo >> "x <3 Ft. 2 60 10 76i 25* 50 7* 50 27 10 100 250 25 241 1 15 52 25* 27 °2 27 19 125 300 25* 1 10 52 251 27 3 27 27 150 300 25* 1 20 5 76i 25* 25 5 25 10 12 100 250 20 1 10 77 30 25 3 25 25 125 250 1 10 60 30 25 2 25 25 100 350 1 10 60 22 25 2 25 25 100 350 1 10 30 12 5 5 16 200 1 2 30 20 3 3 10 200 e « O «-. ft ft Dols. 29,200 5,800 5,300 9,500 5,100 5,000 5,200 2,500 2,000 TABLE 53. — ORDINARY YARD LIFT STEAM CRANES WITH BOILERS. Capacity. Radius. Approximate cost erected. Tons. 1* 2 2 25 20 25 $2000 to $2500 1800 to 3000 2500 to 3500 Transfer Table 75 tons capacity, 75 feet long, complete with 550- volt motor A.C., travel 125 feet per minute loaded, 300 feet per minute light (cable * inch), $5500 to $6500 erected, without foundations. 210 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. The Angus shops built by the Canadian Pacific Railroad at Montreal, H. Goldmark, engineer, may be taken as a typical lay- out for clustered buildings of this class, and the following brief description, partly taken from the Railway Age, Dec. 9 and 16, 1904, embodies the principal features of each building tabulated in Table 50. Blacksmith Shop. — Masonry foundations, brick walls with pressed brick facing, door and window sills stone, steel posts, trusses, and purlins, wood rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof. Skylights over the center running the full length of shop. Floor, 12 inches cinders. Lavatory and office accommodation inside shop, ground floor. The building is L-shaped, with extreme dimensions 434' X 300', one wing being 146 feet and the other 130 feet wide. The building is opposite the gray iron foundry and car machine shop, with the long side facing the midway. In the interior of the building the wings have " hip " roofs, and each divides into three equal aisles by row of columns supporting the roof trusses. The center aisle has a clerestory equal to the width of the trusses. The building covers an area of 83,600 square feet, and is equipped with tools and furnaces for working iron. The furnaces all use oil fuel, so that there is little smoke, and the ventilation is obtained by overhead pipes connected with large exhaust fans driven by electric motors. The larger hammers, punches, and shears are located in the small wing. There are three standard gauge tracks leading from the forge to the runway and overhead crane, and also three tracks leading from the smith shop. In addition there is a longitudinal track through the center of the long portion of the building. Cabinet and Upholstering Shop. — Masonry foundations, brick walls with pressed brick facing, door and window sills stone, wood posts and rafters in cabinet shop and steel posts and beams in storage portion and upholstering floor, roof 3-inch plank with tar and gravel covering. Skylights 10 feet wide running lengthwise over the center of the building, which is 62' X 500'. The cabinet shop occupies half the ground floor, the other half being set apart for hardwood storage; the portion above the hardwood storage forming a second floor is used for an RAILROAD SHOPS. 211 upholstering room. The building is located convenient to the planing mill, the passenger car shop, and the dry kiln, and is equipped with hoists, stairs, and office accommodation inside, with a lavatory lean-to on outside of building. Ground floor, 3-inch plank on 4"X6 // sleepers 4-foot centers on a 12-inch cinder bed; upper floor, 3-inch plank on wood joists. Car Machine Shop. — Masonry foundations, brick walls with pressed brick facing and stone trimmings for door and window sills, steel posts, wood trusses and rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof, skylights in each bay 12 feet wide by 60 feet long. Floor, 3-inch plank on 4" X 6" sleepers 4-foot centers on a 12-inch cinder bed. The shop is 288 by 130 feet. It has three lines of track run- ning through it longitudinally. The cross section is divided into equal spans 43 feet 4 inches by steel columns 24-foot centers, which support the wooden roof trusses. A lean-to on one side of the building provides office, lavatory, and fan room accommo- dations. Car Truck Shop. — Masonry foundations, brick walls with pressed brick facing, door and window sills stone, wood posts and rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof. Floor, 3-inch plank on 4" X 6" sleepers 4-foot centers on a 12-inch cinder bed. The shop is 82 by 434 feet. It is divided into three equal sections each 26 feet 8 inches span at the western portion, where steel columns and supporting steel beams are used, while the eastern portion is entirely of wood construction and here there are four sections each 20-foot span. The steel construc- tion was used for the purpose of handling trucks from overhead supports. On one side of the building there are two 16 by 24 feet fan houses and on the opposite side two 12 by 18 feet lavatories and toilet rooms. Dry Kilns (soft and hard wood). — Masonry foundations, brick walls outside, wood partitions inside, wood roof covered with tar and gravel. The dry kiln has three compartments — one for softwood, 19 by 85 feet, one for hard wood, 19 by 85 feet, and an additional 21 by 85 feet compartment for miscellaneous work. These are equipped with patent heating apparatus. There are no end 212 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. walls, but the openings are covered by canvas doors operated by an overhead roll like a curtain. Foundry Iron. — Masonry foundations, brick walls faced with pressed brick, window and door sills stone, steel posts, trusses, and purlins, wood rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof. Skylight lengthwise along center of house. Floor, 3-inch plank on 4"X6" sleepers and 12-inch cinder bed for the chipping and tumbler room, office, sand and facing room, 12 inches sand for the molding floor, concrete for the blower room, and cinders and clay for the cupola room. The iron foundry is 122 by 342 feet, located near the locomo- tive shop, with one end facing the midway. The cross section of the building is in three sections, the central one having a height of 29 feet to the lower side of the roof truss, and it is served by a traveling crane of 57-foot span and 10 tons capacity. The side wings are each 30 feet wide and 16 feet high. Over the cupola room there is a second story with a storage bin and a heavy platform, which serves as a charging floor. This is an extension to which the yard crane delivers pig iron and coke. This building covers an area of 42,700 square feet. Data of electric traveling cranes are given in Table 52. Freight Car Shop. — Masonry foundations, brick walls faced with pressed brick, door and window sills stone, steel posts 24-foot centers, wood trusses and rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof, skylight over each bay. Floor, 3-inch plank on 4"X6" sleepers 4-foot centers on a 12-inch cinder bed; every seventh bay has a brick fire curtain wall with communi- cating fire doors. The shop is 107 by 540 feet, and is served by a yard crane across one end and by four longitudinal tracks running through it. There are also two intermediate tracks for supplies and six traveling cranes fitted with air hoists for handling heavy material. On one side of the building there are two 16 by 24 feet fan houses and one 12 by 41 feet lavatory and one 12 by 40 feet office in a one-story lean-to. The roof trusses are supported on steel columns, which carry 12-inch girders for three 1-ton travel- ing air hoists in each aisle of the building. The wall girders for the crane runways are carried on steel brackets bolted through the pilasters. RAILROAD SHOPS. 213 Frog and Switch Shop. — Masonry foundations, brick walls faced with pressed brick, window and door sills stone, steel columns and purlins, wood rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof. Skylights along center of shop. Floor, 3-inch plank on 4"X6" sleepers at 4-foot centers and 12-inch cinder bed. The shop is 102 by 264 feet, has a single track extending through it, and is also served by a 33-foot 2-ton traveling crane in two of the three sections into which it is divided. Data of electric traveling cranes are given in Table 52. Locomotive, Erecting, and Machine Shop. — Masonry foun- dations, brick walls faced with pressed brick, door and window sills stone, steel posts and trusses, wood rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof, with skylights and ventila- tors, 3-inch plank floor on 4 by 6 sleepers at 4-foot centers on a 12-inch cinder bed. The locomotives are handled by two 60-ton cranes of 77-foot span, each with 10-ton auxiliary hoist. In the machine shop there is one 15-ton crane of 77-foot span, with a runway which is the extension of the erecting shop. All cranes driven by continuous-current motors at 250 volts. The walls of the locomotive shop are 48 feet high to the eaves; they are divided into panels 22 feet wide by pilasters which carry the roof trusses. Each panel has two windows 12 feet wide and 16 feet high. In each roof panel there is a transverse monitor 12 by 72 feet, with double pitched skylight roof, and in the sides 2 by 3 feet ventilating doors. On the east side of the shop there are four 12 by 24 feet one- story extensions, which are used as lavatories. The balcony is used for a sheet-iron shop and for light machinery. The boiler shop occupies 300 feet of the south end of the build- ing, is supplied with a 17-foot gap hydraulic riveter, and above it the riveting tower, which occupies one panel of the 80-foot bay, is 65 feet from top of rail. There are two 25-ton hydraulic cranes. The shop equipment is a hydraulic triple punch and a two- plunger fl anger, four riveting furnaces and a flange furnace, hydraulic punch and shears, small hydraulic riveter, hydraulic 214 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. pump, the machine tools served by cranes 50-foot span, one 15-ton and the other 10. The machines include a very long planer, a heavy 3-headed frame slotted machine and a driving wheel press and a milling machine for cylinders, a four-spindle frame drilling machine direct driven by four motors, and one electric oil pump. 3-spindle cylinder borer direct driven. 10-horsepower motor, a cylinder planer direct driven by electric motor, large driving wheel lathe. Two 10-ton cranes for the outside runways, with one 25-horse- power and 8-horsepower direct-current 250-volt motors. One 20-ton 77-foot crane in the boiler section of the locomo- tive shop, and one 10-ton 50 feet span crane in the iron foundry, and one 10-ton crane in the engine room of the power plant, and in addition a number of small cranes and air hoists in the other shops. Data of electric traveling cranes are given in Table 52. Offices (Main). — Masonry foundations, brick walls faced with pressed brick, door and window sills stone, wood floors and partitions, slate roof. Interior natural finish and plastered walls burlapped 6 feet high in halls. Lavatory and toilet accommo- dations on each floor. The building is 56 by SO feet, three stories high, with a base- ment and attic near the center of the building. The basement to be used for testing room, lavatory and heating apparatus, storage and small offices. The first floor is for clerks and store- keepers, the second for officials of rolling stock and car builders, and the third for drafting room and blue-print room. Passenger Car Shop Erection and Paint). — Masonry foundations, brick walls faced with pressed brick, door and window sills stone, wood posts, and rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof, skylights in each bay, floor 3-inch plank on 4 by 6 sleepers at 4-foot centers on a 12-inch cinder bed. The passenger car erection and paint shops are each 100 by 672 feet, and they are served by an electric transfer table 75 feet long operated by a 20-horsepower alternating-current motor. Each shop has 28 tracks spaced 24 feet center to center. On account of the peculiarity of track approach to the shop grounds, RAILROAD SHOPS. 215 necessitated by the contour of the shop yard, the transfer pit is placed with longitudinal axis parallel to the long shops. In the passenger department the cars enter the transfer table by a long curve from the main shop track. Pattern Storage. — Masonry foundation, brick walls with pressed brick facing, door and window sills stone, steel posts and rafters and reinforced concrete roof covered with tar and gravel, with skylights over roof. Intermediate wood posts support the floors. Ground floor, concrete on a sand bed; first and second floors, heavy floor beams and 4J by 3^ flooring with 1^-inch air spaces. The building is 50 by 150 feet, and is three stories. Inside light only is obtained from skylights in the roof. The four exterior doors are covered with galvanized iron. Pattern Shop. — Masonry foundation, brick walls faced with pressed brick, window and door sills stone, wood posts, beams and rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof. Ground floor, 3-inch plank on 4 by 6 sleepers 4-foot centers and 12-inch cinder bed. First floor, 2-inch T. and G. planks on 6"X12" joists about 4-foot centers. The pattern shop is 50 by 82 feet, two stories high, and is located on the midway opposite the blacksmith shop. Planing Mill. — Masonry foundations, brick walls faced with pressed brick, window and door sills stone, steel posts, wood trusses and rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof, with skylights over each bay. Floor, 3-inch plank on4 // X6" sleepers 4-foot centers on 12-inch cinder bed. The planing mill is 126 by 500 feet, similar in con- struction to the car machine shop, but has one row of columns which divides it into longitudinal aisles. There is a track pass- ing through the center of each aisle and one transverse track with turntables at the intersection which connects with the dry kiln. Power House. — Masonry foundation, brick walls faced with pressed brick, steel trusses, wood rafters covered with 3-inch plank and waterproof covering with a 2-inch air space and a cover- ing of 1J"T. and G. boards on top finished with tar and gravel roof with skylights over. Boiler and pit duct room floors 6 inches concrete, engine room floor hardwood. A steel frame is placed 216 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. around the smoke stack, leaving two feet clear on each side. The stack is also insulated by sheet steel and heavy asbestos board to guard against fire. The house is located near the planing mill in order to use the refuse lumber and shavings. The building is 101 by 168 feet, divided by a longitudinal middle wall into boiler and engine room. The engine room is equipped with a 10-ton traveling crane. Engine and generator equipments are as follows: Three 750 and one 375 horsepower cross compound horizontal Corliss engines, making 150 revolutions per minute, direct connected to three 500-kilowatt and one 250-kilowatt, three-phase, 300- volt, alternating-current generators; two 250-kilowatt, 250- volt direct-current dynamos for the crane service, air compressors to supply air at 100 pounds pressure through one seven-inch and one two-inch main leading to the different shops. In the boiler house there are four 416-horsepower boilers working under a pressure of 150 pounds and one 300-horsepower boiler at 300 pounds working pressure used in testing locomo- tives; boilers hand stoked, equipped with shaking grates. There is a shaving exhaust system for supplying the boilers with the refuse from the planing mill. The induced system of draft is used on the boilers, and the stack is of steel 8 feet in diameter and 70 feet high. The induced draft is operated by two 10-foot fans each making 200 revolutions per minute. Two economizers are used and are sufficient for the five boilers already installed. Further data of cost are given in Table 51. The boiler connects with a 12-inch header, and there are reduc- ing and by-pass valves provided to permit high-pressure steam to be used in the mains from the low-pressure battery. There are two 12"x7"X 12" and two 6"X3V'X6" feed pumps, also feed water heater. Underneath the boiler house is a tunnel terminating at an air hoist for lifting the ash cars to the surface track. The ashes are discharged to floor hoppers, from which they are emptied into the tunnel cars. The steam pipes are carried from the power house to the several buildings in a tunnel 6 feet high, 4^ feet wide, built of brick. Wall brackets carry the live steam pipes for heating by night and exhaust steam by day, a high-pressure steam pipe for locomotive tests, the compressed RAILROAD SHOPS. 217 air pipes, and a return pipe for drainage of all the heating appa- ratus. The steam exhaust pipes are covered with asbestos air cell covering wired on. A few of the smaller mains are carried underground in wooden boxes. The distribution of electric power to the different shops is by bare wire on steel poles. Data of miscellaneous power house equipment are given in Table 51 and electric traveling cranes in Table 52. Stores. — Masonry foundations, brick walls faced with pressed brick, door and window sills stone, wood posts and rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof. Ground floor, 3-inch plank on 4 by 6 sleepers 4-foot centers on a 12-inch cinder bed; second floor, 2-inch T. and G. plank on heavy joists. The house is 85 by 594 feet, and is located with one end facing the midway directly opposite the end of the large machine shop. This building is two stories high; it has wooden roof girders supported by three longitudinal rows of wooden columns, which carry a center gallery supported on joists between girders. The sills of the windows are 13^ feet above the floor line to allow for storage racks and shelves on the walls below them. The gallery is lighted by 12-foot standard monitors extending the whole length of the building. Offices, scales, hoists, and lavatory and toilet accommodation are provided on the ground floor. Wheel Foundry. — Masonry foundations, brick walls faced with pressed brick, door and window sills stone, steel posts, trusses, and purlins, wood rafters covered with 3-inch plank and tar and gravel roof; skylights in each bay; moulding floor, 12 inches cinders and clay. The foundry is located on the extreme northwest portion of the yard and is convenient to the freight car and truck shops. It is 107 by 187 feet, and is divided into three sections trans- versely, two of them of 52 feet 6 inches span. The cupola room, 27 feet wide, is two stories, having a length of 90 feet, and the second floor is built like that on the iron foundry, having a charging floor on the opposite side. There is a one-story extension 12 by 27 feet for toilet room and lavatory. At each end of the building 40 feet is used for the annealing pits, and this is served by a 3000-pound crane, running transversely to the 218 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. longitudinal axis of the building. This building covers an area of 24,300 square feet. Electric and Telephone Installation. — There are about 200 electric motors used in the different shops, and only 15 of them are of the variable-speed type. All the machine tools, cranes, transfer table, heating and exhaust and the various draft fans are motor driven. The constant-speed motors are of three-phase induced type, using current at 550 volts. In the buildings there is a mixed system of open porcelain cleats and slow-burning waterproof wire in the ceiling and Richmond conduits and rubber-covered wire on the side walls. Cut-out boxes are supplied for about every 100 horsepower of motor wire and every 10 kilowatts of lighting. The shops and yards are lighted with four hundred 110- volt enclosed arc lamps and in addition 3800 16-candlepower incandescent 110-volt lamps. In the passenger car shops low extension arc lamps are installed. In the yard there are 50 enclosed series arc lamps. There is a complete telephone system using fixed telephones connecting to long-distance wires. This system is equipped with metallic circuit, electric gener- ators for ringing, and self-restoring drops. SPECIFICATIONS AND FORMS. 219 CHAPTER VIII. INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING SPECIFICATIONS, PRO= POSALS, CONTRACTS, PLANS, AND ESTIMATES. Specifications and Forms. Engineers should be supplied with printed copies of the speci- fications and forms mentioned in the list given below. They are intended to cover the entire general field of railroad con- struction, and to be used for all contract work. Preferably complete plans and specifications should be fur- nished to contractors. When calling for bids use the Standard Printed Specifications with Form F. 4, d, 1 attached for buildings and kindred structures, and Form F. 4, d, 2 for general railroad construction. To make a complete specification it is only necessary to insert the numbers of such clauses (from the printed specifications) as may be desired opposite the given items. (See Form.) Unit Prices. Buildings and Kindred Structures. — The usual custom is to obtain unit prices in addition to lump sum prices for the various trades and a lump sum for the entire work, as itemized on the form. When unit prices are not necessary a note to that effect can be written across the columns. General Railroad Construction. — The contract is governed principally by unit prices, though approximate quantities are often given and itemized as a lump sum bid. It is obvious, however, that such quantities should not enter into the contract as final but simply given as a fair approximate esti- mate, the contractor to be paid for the actual work done, more or less as the case may be. 220 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. When making a comparison of bids received on unit prices the engineer usually has his estimated quantities from which he figures the probable cost of the work, and incidentally is enabled to detect unbalanced bids, that is, bids sent in with a low total and high and low unit prices; the contractor, figuring on the probable variation of the most likely quantities and those that will not vary very much, manipulates his units accordingly, so that should he get the work the final results under ordinary cir- cumstances will generally be to his advantage and detrimental to the company. The proposal and contract forms generally, are from Canadian Pacific Railway Company's standards. RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. 221 LIST OF STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND FORMS. Angle Bars. Ash Pits. B. 1. Bolts. 2. Boiler Houses. 3. Bunk Houses. 4. Bridges, Steel (Section A, B, C, D, E, and F.) 5. Building Specification (General) . C. 1. Cement, Sand, and Water. 2. Concrete (Class A, B, andC). 3. Concrete Culvert Pipe. 4. Concrete Arch Cul- verts. 5. Concrete Rail Cul- verts. 6. Cribs. 7. Cast-iron Pipe. 8. Cattle Guards. 9. Coaling Plants. 10. Construction (Clear- ing, Grubbing, etc.). 11. Color Card (Stan- dard) . 12. Coal and Oil Sheds. 13. Car Sheds. D. 1. Dams. F. 1. Fences, Wood (Snow, etc.). 2. Fences, Wire (right of way). 3. Freight Sheds. 4. Forms. 4a. Notice to Contractors (asking bids). 4b. Proposal (Brief de- scription proposed work) . 4c. Contract (Final). 4d. Standard Specifica- tion, Forms 1 and 2. 4e. Notice to Successful Bidder (Award of Contract) . 4f. Notice to Unsuccess- ful Bidders (Result of Contract). 4g. Estimating, Sum- mary List. 4h. Estimating, Detail List. G. 1. Gates. H. 1. Heating. I. 1. Ice Houses. 2. Interlocking. M. 1 . Masonry. 1. Privies. 2. Pump Houses. 3. Pumps and Boilers. 4. Paint. 5. Piling. R. 1. Rails, Steel. 2. Repair Sheds. S. 1. Shanties. 2. Stone Masonry (Class A,.B, C, D, andE). 3. Stone Arch Culverts. 4. Stone Box Culverts. 5. Spikes (Steel) 6. Stations. 7. Switches. 8. Stock Yards. 9. Storehouses. 10. Sand Houses. 11. Section Houses. 12. Shelters. 13. Standpipes. 14. Sign Posts. 15. Scrap Sheds. 1. Tile Pipe Culverts. 2. Tool Houses. 3. Timber Culverts. 4. Track Work. 5. Track Scales. 6. Ties. 7. Turntable and Pit. 8. Tunnels. 9. Trestles (Timber). 10. Trestles (Steel). E. 1. Engine Houses. O. Oil Houses. W. 1. Water Tanks. 222 SPECIFICATIONS AND FORMS. Railway Company. Form F. 4d 1 SPECIFICATIONS Of the Material and Work necessary for the Erection and Completion of a at : according to the plans numbered General: — The prices shall include all labor and material for the work com- plete, in accordance with the printed specifications attached more particularly under the clauses mentioned as follows : — Items. Spec. No. Clauses. Unit. o E Con- tract Price. Excavation, Grading, etc.: Excavation (except rock) . . . Rock, per cub yd Excavation, etc B5-1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Piling Driven, per lin. ft. In place, lin. ft. In place, each . . In place, lin. ft. In place, cub. yd Contract Price . . Drains Manholes Agricultural drains Cinder fill $ $.. % CI B5-2 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 1 to 10 inclus. 1 1 , Class 1 1 , Class $ Cement, Sand, etc.: Cement, sand and water .... S Contract Price $ Stone Masonry: Stone, etc Masonry (walls above grade) Masonry (walls below grade) Piers, etc Super, sq. ft. Cubic yd Cubic yd Sq. (100 sq. ft.) Damp proofing % Mortar B5-3 1 to 12 inclus. . Contract Price . $....: Brick Work: Brick, etc Common brick In place, per M. In place, per M. In place, per M. % Face brick $ Paving brick % % % B5-4 Contract Price . . % S Concrete, etc.: Concrete Reinforced steel In place, per lb . In place cu. vd. $ Concrete, Class "A" % Concrete, Class "B". . In place, cu. yd. In place, cu. yd. Sq. (100 sq. ft.) In place, cu. yd. In place, cu. yd. Concrete, Class "C" Damp proofing $.. % Concrete pits . . Machine foundations % Pipe ducts Encasing steel Solid concrete floors . . In place, sq. yd. In place, sq. yd. $ Platforms and sidewalks . . % B5-5 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13 to 29 inclus.. Contract Price . . $.. % S Carpentry, etc.: Timber, etc Millwork, etc M. ft. B. M do Doors and windows . . Interior work $ % % Interior finish $ Contract Price . . . S SPECIFICATIONS AND FORMS. 223 Items . Spec. No. B5-6 1,2 In place, per set. In place, per post. In place, per door In place, per jack Contract Price . B5-7 Sq. (100 sq. ft.) Super, sq. ft. . . . In place, sq. ft. . In place, each. . Contract Price . . B5-8 1 to 14 inclus. In place, each , Contract Price . B5-9 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Per sq. yd Girth,meas.sq.yd. Contract Price . Hardware Fittings, etc.: Hardware, etc. Grates and frames Stop post fittings Complete shop door fittings . Smoke jacks Track rails, etc Roofing, Flashing, etc. Roofing Flashing Skylights Ventilators Plumbing: Plumbing, etc Water closets Baths Lavatories Urinals Sinks . Water supply, etc Plastering, etc.: Plastering Cornices Painting, Glazing, etc.: Painting Glazing Kalsomining Whitewashing Finish Electric Wiring, etc.: Wiring, etc Outlets Wall switches Circuit switches Fixtures Heating, etc. Hot water heating Steam boiler heating Steam vacuum heating and steam, air and water pipes. Hot air heating and steam, air and water pipes. Steel Work: Structural steel Cast iron Miscellaneous: Contract Price , For work not included in specification but shown on plan or vice versa, briefly as follows : B5-10 B5-11 HI B5-12 Clauses. 1 to 9 inclus. Unit. 3 coats, sq. yd. 16 oz. sq. ft. . . Per sq. yd .. Contract Price . In place, each . .. .. Contract Price , Contract Price . Erected, Erected, per lb , per lb Con- tract Price. Contract Price , Total Contract Price The Unit Prices given will govern in cases of deductions or additions, after the contract is let, subject to "General Contract Conditions." Signature of Witness. Signature of Contractor. 19 224 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Form F. 4d, 2. Railroad Company. SPECIFICATIONS Of the Material and Work Necessary for the Building of a from to General: — The prices shall include all labor and material for the work com- plete, in accordance with the printed specifications attached more particularly under the clauses mentioned, as follows : — Items. Roadway : Trees reserved , Clearing Grubbing Grading: Excavation, common. Excavation solid rock loose rock Tile sub-drains 0> c Clauses. Unit. Per cord, 128 cu. ft. 100 ft. sq do Cu. yard . . . . ... do .... do . Ft., in place Approx Quanti ties Am't. Cross waying Dangerous trees Extra haul . . . . Tunnels: Excavation, common rock Timber "Wrought iron Cast iron Structures: Excavation, common . . . rock rock under water Cement, etc.: Cement, sand and water Stone Masonry: Class "A" "B' "D' "E" Arch culverts . . . . Box culverts Concrete Masonry: Class "A" "B' "C" Stone facing Arch culverts . . . . Rail culverts 100 ft. sq Per tree removed Cu. yd. (100) ft.. Per cu. yd .... do M. ft. B. M., in pi Per lb., in place . . . .do Per cu. yd .... do ... . .. . Cu. yd., in place Cu. yd., in place .. .. Sq. ft., in place.. Cu. yd., in place do SPECIFICATIONS AND FORMS. 225 Items. Ss 6 0> o a£ Clauses. Unit. w o s Ph Approx Quanti- ties. Am't. $ Pipe Culverts: Lin. ft., in place do Paving, etc.: Cu. yd., in place . . loose ... .do Timber, etc. Piles Lin. ft., in place M. ft. B. M. in pi do .. Cribs (frame) Cu. yd., in place M. ft. B. M., in pi M. ft. B. M., in pi do Trestles: Timber excepting stringers Timber stringers Wrought iron or steel .... Per lb., in place . do Wooden Bridges: M. ft. B. M., in pi Per lb., in place . Steel rods upset Steel truss plates do Cast iron do .. Open Culverts: Timber except stringers . . Timber stringers M. ft. B.M.,inpl .. Steel and iron Per lb., in place . Cattle Guards: Per Xing, in place do Fencing and Gates: Erected, per mile . . . .do Erected, per lin. ft. Per gate, erected . . . . .do Farm Crossings, etc. .... Ft. farm crossing .... In place complete .... do .... Ft. farm crossing .... .... Ft. public road cross- .... do ing. Sign Posts: Mile posts Each, in place . . . Mile boards .... do Station mile board . . . .do Rail rack posts .... do Whistle posts . . . .do Highway crossings signs . . . . . do xvailway crossings signs. . . .... do Stop posts .... do Slow posts . ... do Yard limit boards . ... do Trespass signs . ... do Section posts . ... do Elevation posts do 226 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Items. u 4) C Clauses. Unit. m o 5 Approx Quanti- ties. Am't. $ Each, in place . . . .. .. Bridge and trestle numbei . . . .do .... do Track Work: Ballast, gravel Per cu. yd., in pi .. dirt .. .. Each, in place . . . No. 2 .. .. switch Per set, in place Per mile, in ]3lace .... do Surfacing, Class "A" "B". . . . do Buildings and Kindred Structures: Ash pits Built complete . . • Boiler houses See Form do Bunk houses Per sq.ft. in place Built complete . . Coal platforms . Coaling plants .... do Coal and oil sheds do .... do Engine houses do Freight sheds do Oil houses .... do Privies, No. 1 . . . .do No. 2 . .... do Pump houses .... do Repair sheds . . . . . . .do Sand houses do Section houses, single .... do . . . do Stations, No. .do No .... do No do .... do .... do do .... do .... do do .... do do do do Miscellaneous : . . . 1 The above unit prices to govern all contract work, subject to general contract conditions. Signature of witness. Signature of contractor. 19 PROPOSALS. 227 Proposals. Proposals Called For. — Proposals, specifications, and all forms necessary will be filled out in detail by the engineer. Sufficient time should be given contractors, so as to secure appropriate competition. Bids shall be called for by issuing the following: — Notice to contractors Form F. 4a See page 231. Proposal " F. 4b " " 232. Contract " F. 4c " " 234. Specification " F. 4d, 1 or 2 " 222, Contract drawings (blueprints) . Lack of commercial standing on the part of the bidder will constitute good and sufficient ground for the rejection of bid. Abnormally low bids should be subjected to the strictest scrutiny and comparison with prevailing market rates. All bids received from contractors who have failed unjusti- fiably to fill former contracts with the company shall be rejected. Careful investigation will be made of the financial status of individual bondsmen offering themselves as securities on con- tractors' bonds, and no bonds of individuals shall be accepted until it is conclusively shown to the satisfaction of the engineer that such bonds afford ample security to the company for the fulfil- ment of the undertaking in question. Accepted Proposals. — Proposals in duplicate will be for- warded to the Engineer, accompanied by proper recom- mendations. Accepted proposals will be signed by the Engineer, and one copy returned to the engineer for the preparation of con- tract. Engineers will advise successful bidders of award of contract, Form F. 4e, and will issue instructions for the prosecution of the work, and will advise all contractors who have tendered the result of award of contract, Form F. 4f. In cases of special urgency, authority to proceed immediately with the work may be obtained by telegraphing rates and amount of lowest acceptable tender, but proposals to cover must be prepared and forwarded without delay. 228 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Unimportant work for amounts not exceeding $500 may be performed without the execution of formal contracts. In such cases acceptance by the Engineer will be noted on the face of the proposal in duplicate, and one copy will be returned to successful bidder. Such proposals will take the place of formal contracts. Contracts. Preparing Contracts. — Upon receipt of advice of accepted proposals, contracts, Form F. 4c, should be promptly prepared by the engineer in duplicate. When duly executed by contractors, contracts, with two extra copies, should be sent to the Engineer, with accepted proposals attached for execution by the Company. After execution by the company one original and one copy will be returned to the engineer, who will deliver original to the contractor. In preparing contracts the following instructions should be observed: — 1. When the contractor is an individual (not a firm or corpo- ration), his full name and residence should be inserted on the first page. He should sign the contract in his ordinary signature on the line above the words " signature of contractor, " and a seal should be put opposite the signature over the small circle at the end of the said line. If there is more than one individual, have him do so in a similar manner, in the space above said line, a separate seal being put opposite each signature. 2. When the contractor is a firm, the preferable way is to make each member of the firm a party and have him sign the contract. For instance, a contract is being made with the firm of Smith, Brown & Jones, of which the partners are John Smith, Robert Brown and James Jones. On the first page of the con- tract, describe the contractor as John Smith, Robert Brown and James Jones, carrying on business at London, County of Simcoe, Ontario, under the firm name and style of " Smith, Brown & Jones." Have each member of the firm execute the contract in the same manner as is described above in paragraph one. CONTRACTS. 229 3. When the contractor is a corporation, care should be taken to see that the proper name of the corporation is inserted on the first page as the contractor. The corporate seal of the corpo- ration should always be affixed to the contract, and the contract signed by its duly authorized officer or officers as in the following example : Preamble: "The Railway Construction Company Ltd., carry- ing on business, and having its head office at the City of New York, in the state of New York. ' ' Execution : — The Railway Construction Company, Ltd. Signed, sealed and delivered John Jones, by the contractor in pres- President. ence of Peter Robinson, ["corporate! Secretary. .|_ seal J 4. The execution by the parties to the contract should be witnessed separately or collectively as required, and the witness or witnesses should sign immediately under the words " Signed, sealed and delivered by the contractor," etc. 5. Where plans or specifications do not accompany contract, the portion of clause 1 relating to same should be stricken out. If work is in accordance with Standard Plans or Specifications reference may be made to same in space alloted to the description of the work. In this space, reference should also be made to tender on which contract is based. 6. Clause 16 is to be used solely for schedule of sums and prices to be paid by the company. 7. Additional clauses, if any, may be written on page 4, below schedule of prices, and should be numbered 16 (A), 16 (B), etc. If necessary, blank sheet 4 (a) can be inserted, and additional clauses continued on same. 8. A time for completion should be agreed upon, and a penalty clause for noncompletion within specified time inserted. The clause should be of the following general form : — "The penalty for the noncompletion of the work in the time specified shall be dollars per day for each and every day 230 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. which may elapse between the time specified and the actual completion of the work, and the sum shall be deducted from the amount of the contract price." 9. A strike clause should also be inserted if desired, as follows: "The contractor agrees in the event of strikes or labor trouble for increase in rate of wages, to pay such increase if demanded by the Company, and shall not hold up or delay the work for the causes mentioned. " Carrying Out Contract. — Contracts once executed will be strictly construed, and no variation from standards, specifications or plans will be permitted. If it be demonstrated that contract requirements are unreason- able, or that the work is not practicable, or that for any reason the stipulations cannot be rigidly applied or enforced, the matter must be taken up with the Engineer in charge. To sanction any variation or to relax stringency in any par- ticular of an existing contract is irregular and is likely to give the contractor an advantage which is unfair to competitors whose proposals were based on the expectation of being held to the strictest observance of the specifications. All supplies furnished under contract will be subjected, when- ever practicable, to the personal inspection of the Engineer at the time of deliver}', and in the case of work being fabricated in a shop, the inspection is to be made before shipping, such inspec- tion to be made by competent inspectors, subject to test and verification at irregular intervals by the Engineer in charge. CONTRACTS. 231 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Form F. 4a. Railway Company. engineering department. 19.... To Sir : — You are requested to tender on the following work : Copies of the Proposal, Specification, Contract and Drawings, together with any supplementary information required, can be had on application. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the. . . . . until 12 o'clock noon on the day of 19 under the follow- ing condtions: Proposals must be made on forms furnished by the Company. All blank spaces and unit prices in the proposal must be filled in, and no change shall be made in the phraseology of the proposal or addi- tions to the items mentioned therein. The Contractor is expected to examine the Specifications and Plans, to visit the locality of the work, and to make his own estimate of the facilities and difficulties attending the execution of the proposed work and the completion of same within the time specified. All Drawings, Specifications and Proposal Forms furnished by the Company shall be returned to the Engineer with the proposals. The Contractors' bond will be per cent of the amount of his proposal. Proposals must be in sealed envelopes addressed to and the envelopes endorsed "Proposal for " 232 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. PROPOSAL. Railway Company. Form F. 4b. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. For [Location) The undersigned hereby propose, and if this proposal is accepted. agree to enter into a written contract, if required, with the Railway Company to supply all labor and material and complete aU work according to the plans and directions of the Engineer for said Railway Company, in conformity with the specifications attached hereto, upon the terms and conditions of the contract prepared therefor, and within the time specified, as follow- : All the above work to be completed on or before 19. . . . The information upon which this proposal is based was obtained by the proposer through his own sources of knowledge, and was not derived from any officer or agent of the Railway Company. The Railway Company reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and. at its option, to require a satisfactory bond from the contractor for faithful performance of the work. The Railway Company shall be given preference at equal rates on all competitive shipments, and no such shipments will be routed via foreign fines without prior notice to its Traffic Department. This Proposal is made with the understanding that no free or reduced rates whatever will be given by the Company on account of this work, and that full tariff freight and passenger rates will be paid by the contractor. Signature of Proposer Address Date 19.... CONTRACTS. 233 Form F. 4f. Railway Company. engineering department. 19, To Sir: — I beg to advise that the contract for. has been awarded to another contractor and desire to thank you for bid received. If you have not already done so, please return all plans, speci- fications and proposals. Yours truly, Form F. 4e. Railway Company. engineering department. 19. To, Sir : — I beg to advise that your bid for has been accepted and duplicate copies of the Contract, Specifications, and Plans are in this Office waiting your signature for execution. Your prompt attention to the same is requested. Yours truly, 234 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. GENERAL CONTRACT FORM. Gbte agreement, made in duplicate the. day of BETWEEN Form F. 4c. ..-, 19 Covenant to do work Date of com- pletion. Description of work. hereinafter called "the Contractor/' of the one part, and THE RAILWAY COMPANY, herein- after called "the Railway Company," of the other part, witnesseth as follows : (1) In consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained and to be performed by the Railway Company and of the prices hereinafter mentioned the Con- tractor hereby covenants and agrees with the Railway Com- pany that he will furnish all labor, services and material required by this contract, and will construct, complete and finish in the most thorough, workmanlike and substantial manner in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the Engineer for the time being of the Railway Company, in the manner herein specified and limited and according to the Plans and Specifications hereto annexed, and which, for the purposes of identification, have been signed by the Contractor and the Secretary of the Railway Company and form part of this contract, and will, on or before the day of next (time being of the essence of the contract), finally com- plete and deliver to the Railway Company the following work, that is to say : it being understood that if anything has been omitted from or has been misstated, in the plans or specifications which is necessary for the proper performance and completion of any part of the work contracted for, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, execute the same as if it had been in- serted and properly described as the case may be, and the correction of any such error or omission shall not be deemed to be an addition to or a variation from the works hereby contracted for. CONTRACTS. 235 (2) The Railway Company or its Engineer Ry. to shall appoint a representative of the Railway Company on representa- the work, and such representative, or any substitute, and tive. any assistant duly appointed by such representative or substitute shall, in this agreement and in the specifications, be referred to as "the Engineer." (3) The said work shall be commenced immediately after Commence- the execution of this agreement, and shall be proceeded me with continuously and diligently and under the personal supervision of the Contractor until completed. The work shall be carried on and prosecuted in all its several parts in such manner and at such times and at such points or places as the Engineer shall from time to time direct and to his satisfaction, but always according to the provisions of this agreement, and if no direction is given then in a careful, prompt and workmanlike manner according to this agree- ment. (4) This agreement shall not be assigned, nor shall the Assignment said work or any part thereof be sub-contracted without the written consent of the Engineer to every such assign- ment or sub-contract. (5) The Contractor will in all things conform to and Imperfect comply with the instructions of the Engineer. All work or wor * material which, in the opinion of the Engineer, is imperfect or insufficient shall be remedied when pointed out to the Contractor by the Engineer, and will be made good and sufficient by the Contractor at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, who shall have the power, and whose duty it shall be, to have any defective work or mate- rial taken out and rebuilt or replaced at the expense of the Contractor. Any omission by the Engineer to disapprove of or reject any insufficient or imperfect work or material at the time of any estimate shall not be deemed an acceptance of such work or material. (6) The Contractor will not bring or permit to be brought Intoxicating anywhere, on or near the said work, any spirituous or intoxi- 1( l uors * eating liquors and if any foreman, laborer or other employee or contractor shall, in the opinion of the engineer, be intem- perate, disorderly, incompetent, wilfully negligent or dis- honest in the performance of his duties, he shall on the direction of the engineer, be forthwith discharged, and the Contractor shall not employ or permit to remain upon the 236 RAILROAD STRUCTURE AND ESTIMATES. Extra work. Stoppage of work and reduction of force. Additional force. work, any person who shall have been discharged from the said work for any or all of the said causes. (7) No extra work or material is to be allowed or paid for, excepting only upon a previous order in writing of the Engineer and any and all claims for extra work or material must be presented to the Engineer for allowance at the close of the month in which the same shall have been done or furnished and shall be included in the estimate for that month, otherwise all claims therefor shall be deemed abso- lutely waived by the Contractor, and the Railway Company shall not be required to allow or pay for the same, but may exercise its option concerning such payments. (8) Whenever in the opinion of the Engineer it is neces- sary or expedient for the Railway Company, that the said work or any portion of it should be stopped, or that the force employed thereon should be diminished, the Railway Company may stop such work or diminish such force, and upon being requested in writing to do so by the Railway Company, the Contractor shall stop the work or reduce the force, as the case may be, in accordance with such written request, and the Contractor shall have no claim for dam- ages by reason thereof. Such writing shall be signed by the Engineer and delivered to the Contractor or to some person on the work representing the Contractor at least thirty days previous to such required stoppage of work or reduction of force. (9) If at any time before the completion of this contract the Contractor shall not be progressing with the said work with sufficient diligence to satisfy the Engineer, or, in the opinion of the Engineer, with sufficient force to insure its progress and completion within the time or times required by this agreement, the Engineer may order and direct the Contractor to put on and employ such additional force and means as, in the judgment of the Engineer, shall be sufficient to complete the said work and each portion thereof within the specified time, and upon the refusal, failure or omission of the Contractor to comply with such order and directions within one week from the giving of the same, the Engineer may declare this contract abandoned by the Contractor, and, in that case, the moneys which may then remain unpaid, and which would otherwise be payable to the Contractor under this agreement, including the percentage CONTRACTS. 237 retained on all estimates, may be kept, retained and appro- priated by the Railway Company, in its own right abso- lutely, and the Contractor shall have no claim to the said moneys or to any part thereof, and the Railway Company may employ such force and means as in the judgment of the Engineer or Engineer shall be necessary to com- plete said work and the cost and expenses connected there- with, and all damage suffered by the Railway Company by reason of such failure on the part of the contractor shall be charged to and be paid by the Contractor. (10) The Contractor shall promptly pay for all labor, Contractor services or material used in or about the construction of the ] a ko r work, and all payments for such purposes shall be made by promptly, the Contractor at least as often as payments are made by the Railway Company to the Contractor, and, in the event of failure by the Contractor at any time to do so, the Rail- way Company may retain from all moneys due or to become due to the Contractor such amount of moneys as the Engineer or the Engineer may deem sufficient to pay for the same or to secure the Railway Company from loss by such non-payment. Before final settlement is made between the parties hereto for work done and materials furnished under this contract, the Contractor shall and will produce and furnish evidence satisfactory to the Railway Company that the said work and any other property of the Railway Company upon which such work may have been constructed and all structures are free and clear from all liens for labor, workmanship, materials or otherwise and Liens, that no claim then exists in respect of which a lien upon the said work or property of the Company could or might attach. And the Contractor shall protect and hold harmless the Railway Company and all its property from any and all kinds of liens accruing for labor and services performed and material furnished or otherwise and any of the same in or about the said work. (11) The Contractor shall be at the risk of and shall Damage to bear all loss or damage whatsoever and from whatsoever work - cause arising which may occur on the work until the same be fully and finally completed, delivered to and accepted by the Railway Company, and if any loss or damage occur before such final completion, delivery to and acceptance by the Railway Company, the Contractor shall immediately, 23s RAILROAD STRUCTURES AXD ESTIMATES. Damage generally. Extension of tinie in case of stoppage. Total suspension. Damage by fire. at his own expense, repair, restore and re-execute the work so damaged or which may have been destroyed. (12) The Contractor and his agents, laborers and all others in his employ or under his control shall use due care that no person or property is injured or any rights infringed in the prosecution of the said work, and if any damage to any person or property occurs in or about the said work or if any right is infringed without any fault or negligence on the part of the Railway Company, any damages or compen- sation recoverable from the Railway Company in respect thereof shall be paid by the Contractor, and together with any costs or expenses incurred in adjusting the same may be deducted by the Railway Company from any moneys due to or to become due to the Contractor. (13) If there be any stoppage of the said work upon the written direction of the Railway Company, or if its progress be materially delayed by reason of any act or neglect of any of the Engineers, agents or employees of the Railway Com- pany the time herein specified for completing the said work shall be extended for a period equal to the time of such stoppage or delay, and the Contractor shall have no further or other claim therefor, or from anything arising therefrom or caused thereby. The right of the Contractor to such extension shall be deemed to have been waived unless a claim therefor, stating the occasion and nature thereof, shall be made by him in writing delivered to the Railway Company at the time of such stoppage or delay. (14) In case of a total suspension of all work under this agreement without any fault, default, collusion, or procure- ment of the Contractor for a longer period than days, unless such suspension shall have been caused by the winter season or protracted rigor of weather, it shall be the duty of the Engineer to make a final estimate of the work done according to the terms of this agreement and to make a return thereof to the Railway Company, when the amount found by the Engineer to be then due for work done, together with all percentage retained up to that time, except as herein otherwise provided, shall be paid to the Contractor. (15) Any damage by fire that may occur to buildings or structures during construction, must be made good by the Contractor, who must keep such structures fully insured CONTRACTS. 239 until the same have been completed and accepted by the Railway Company. The operation or occupation by the Railway Company of- a portion of the work before the com- pletion of the whole, is not to be considered as an accept- ance of the same by the Railway Company. The premiums for fire insurance provided for herein shall be divided equally Insurance, between the parties hereto and the policies are to be in the names of both parties, the loss being made payable as their interests may appear and the policy or policies shall be deposited with the Engineer of the Railway Company. (16) In consideration of the faithful performance by the Ry. Co.'s Contractor of all and singular the covenants and agreements herein contained, the Railway Company hereby covenants and agrees with the Contractor that it will well and truly pay to him on the full completion by him of all the work embraced in this agreement, in the manner and within the time herein specified and limited for the completion thereof to the satisfaction and subject to acceptance by its Engineer, and subject also as herein provided the following sums and prices, namely: covenant to (17) In addition to the foregoing contract price the Price for Railway Company shall pay to the Contractor for extra extra work, work or for work done under written orders of the Engineer, not covered by this agreement but done in the proper exe- cution of this contract and for which prices are not named herein, the actual cost of such work, with an additional ten per cent upon the cost of labor and material for use of tools, contractor's plant, superintendence and profit. But such actual cost shall not exceed the reasonable market value of such labor and material as the case may be. (18) Approximate estimates of the work done under this Approximate contract are to be made at the end of each calendar month estimates - by the Engineer, and payments thereon shall be made by the Railway Company to the Contractor on or about the twentieth day of the next ensuing month, less all previous payments and less ten per cent of the amount of each and every such monthly estimate, which last mentioned per- 240 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. centage may be retained by the Railway Company as an additional security for the performance of this contract by the Contractor until the same has been completely per- formed. Final (19) When, in the opinion of the , . .Engineer of the Railway Company this agreement has been com- pletely performed within the time herein provided, subject to the foregoing provision as to extension, he shall certify the same in writing under his hand with a final estimate of the work done by the Contractor and a statement of the amount due and unpaid, and the Railway Company shall, within sixty days after such completion, pay to the Con- tractor the full amount which shall be so found due including the percentage retained on former estimates as aforesaid, except as in this agreement is otherwise provided upon delivery by the Contractor to the Company, if required, of a good and valid release and discharge of and from any and all claims and demands for and in respect of all matters and things growing out of or connected with this contract or the subject matter thereof and of and from all claims and demands whatsoever. Alteration of (20) The right is hereby reserved by the Railway Com- work - pany at any time to change and alter in whole or in part as to it may seem expedient, the works embraced in this agree- ment, and any change or alteration of the works shall not affect the prices herein specified, nor shall any bill for extras or other charge or claim be made, allowed or paid by reason thereof or of any difference occasioned by such change or alteration in the quality, locality or nature of the work to be performed, but if the Engineer shall deem the change or alteration of the works to have materially affected the cost of doing the work he shall fix or determine the price to be paid either above or below, as the case may be, the prices hereinbefore provided to be paid for such work so as to do substantial justice to both parties. Contractor's (21) It is hereby declared and agreed to by the Con- information, tractor that this agreement is made and entered into by him for the consideration herein expressed solely on his own knowledge and upon information derived from sources other than the Railway Company, its officers or agents, of and respecting the nature and formation of the property upon which the said work is to be done, or the character, quan- CONTRACTS. 241 tities or location of the material required to be removed, and that the Contractor does not rely upon any information given, or statement made, to him in connection with the said contract by the Railway Company or any of its officers or agents. (22) If the Contractor shall, at any time, fail, omit or Cancellation refuse to comply with or perform any of the provisions of ° contract - this agreement, which, on his part, are to be observed or performed, the Railway Company may cancel and annul this contract, in which event the Contractor shall have no claim or demand whatever upon or against the Railway Company for damages, or for compensation for work done, or material provided, or for any portion of the said percent- age retained on any estimate, and the Railway Company may take possession of and hold the said work and all mate- rials furnished under this agreement, and may retain and appropriate to its own use all moneys which may then be unpaid to the Contractor, including the said percentage, and the Railway Company shall be absolutely and forever released from all liability therefor to the Contractor. (23) In order to prevent disputes or misunderstandings Settlement between the parties hereto in relation to any of the stipula- ° lspu es * tions and provisions contained in this agreement, or the true intent and meaning thereof, or the manner of per- formance thereof, or of any part thereof by either of the said parties, and for the speedy settlement of such as may occur, the Engineer for the time being of the Railway Company shall be, and he hereby is, made, consti- tuted and appointed sole umpire to decide such questions and matters, including the amount and quantity, character and kind of work performed and materials furnished by the Contractor, and all extra work and material. The decisions of the Engineer, which may be given from time to time as the questions come up, shall be binding and conclusive upon both parties hereto. (24) Wherever, in this agreement, it is stipulated that anything shall be done or performed by either of the parties hereto it shall be assumed that such party has thereby entered into a covenant with the other party to do or per- form the same, and that such covenant is entered into, not only by, for, or on behalf of the parties hereto, but is also entered into by and on behalf of their respective executors, 242 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. administrators, successors and assigns. And whenever this agreement is entered into by more than one person as par- ties of the first part the word " contractor " shall be read "contractors" and the pronouns referring to the contractor shall be read as plural; and whenever a corporation is the party of the first part the said pronouns shall be varied accordingly. In witness whereof the parties hereto have herewith caused these present to be signed and sealed on the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered by the Contractor in presence of Signature of Witness. Signed, sealed and delivered by the Railway Company in presence of Signature of Contractor. CONTRACTS. 243 Preparation of Plans. — By establishing a uniform practice in the making and preparation of plans, etc., the subsequent labor and investigation, including the filing and keeping of records, are simplified for all concerned. Plan Sizes: — Sketch plans to attach to letters, agreements, etc., 8" X 10" and 8" X 13". Sketch plans for record books, 9" X 12" with 1" border. Structural plans, 18" X 24" with 1" border. Yard plans, 21" wide, length variable. Track profiles, 11" wide, length variable. Right of way and land plans, 21" to 30" wide, length variable. Right of way profiles, 11" wide, length variable. Drawing Material. — Use tracing cloth (working on dull side for all original drawings). Transparent profile paper for refer- ence profiles. Blueprints for working plans. Vandyke prints for duplicating originals. Working Lines. — Black full lines for all original structural work. For alterations and additions black full lines for present work, dotted black lines for work to be abandoned, full red lines for proposed new work, dotted red lines for future extension. All plans to be made to speak for themselves. Titles. — Titles and all lettering should be very plain and eligi- ble, without frills of any kind. Avoid notes as much as possible. All plans should be signed and dated. Blueprints. — In making blueprints, do not, unless absolutely necessary, go over figures or lettering with red color, as this makes the figures almost illegible. It is sufficient to draw the various lines in, or to go over the edging in red. Coloring Plans. — Satisfactory prints cannot be taken from plans which have had flat washes laid upon them. When it is necessary to use color, an edging only should be put on, and this edging should be kept just a shade from the boundary line. The boundaries will then show up clear when prints are made. Gamboge should never be used on tracings, as it runs after being put on. When it is necessary to put an edging of color on the blue part of a blueprint, the color will show up well if mixed with Chinese white. 244 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Blue should not be used as an edging, except on rivers and lakes, in which case, the blue print plainly shows the edge of the water. Colors for Progress Profiles. — January Sepia. July Indian ink. February. . . . Indian red. August Chrome yellow. March Xeutral tint. September. .Cobalt blue. April Burnt sienna. October .... Vermilion. May Emerald green. November. .Violet carmine. June Carmine. December. .Hooker's green, Xo 1. Scales. — Location plans, alterations to location, also plans of completed railway way: — Scale 400' to the inch. (In prairie country, scale may be 1.000' to the inch.) Profiles, horizontal. 400' to the inch; Vertical. 20' to the inch. Station Yard Plans: Scale 100' to the inch. Show all tracks in single lines. Railway Crossings or Junctions: Scale 100' to the inch. Highway Crossings: Standard and general structural plans, scale i" and I" to the foot generally. Details. Scale, variable. Sketches. Scale, variable. Railway Grade Crossings and Junctions for purposes of signal record on Diagram outlines, map be distorted so as to get in the information and to show the nature of the crossing more clearly. ESTIMATES. 245 Estimates. Estimates should be prepared by the Engineer to cover the cost of the entire work complete, ready for operating. The following summary and detailed lists will call to mind items that might otherwise be forgotten. SUMMARY ESTIMATES. Railway Company engineering department. Form No. F. 4g. Estimate of cost of line to Length: Main Track miles; Siding, etc miles; Total . . . miles. Based upon made 190 by. . . Engineer under direction of Items. 1. Bridges 2. Buildings 3. Culverts 4. Crossings, Cattle Guards and Signs 5. Expenses, General 6. Fencing. . . .' 7. Grading 8. Interlocking 9 . Masonry 10. Miscellaneous 11 . Real Estate 12. Shops 13. Signals 14. Structures, General 15. Timber Structures Track Material Turnouts Tools Tunnels Trestles Train Service Telephone Telegraph Yards Per Mile. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Expenses prior to this estimate Total Estimated Cost. . . . Total. Remarks : — 246 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. DETAIL ESTIMATES. Railway Company. engineering department. Items to be Covered when Estimating the Cost of Railroads Form E. 4h Item. BRIDGES. Deck Plate Girder Spans . Half Plate Girder Spans. . , Through Plate Girder Spans Deck Riveted Trusses ... Through Riveted Trusses . Draw Deck Plate Spans . . Draw through Plate Spans Draw Deck Riveted Spans . Draw through Riveted Spans Floor System Iron in Floor Guards Watchman's Shanty on Draw , Semaphores for Draw. Signals and Lights False work Painting Howe Truss Deck Spans. . . Howe Truss through Spans Steel and Cast Iron BUILDINGS. Boiler House Boiler House Equipment. . Bunk House Charcoal House Engine House Engine House Equipment. Oil House Freight House Ice House Pump House Pump House Equipment. . Sand House Shelters Stations Station Wells. Furniture and Fixtures . . . Semaphores and Lights . . . Sheds Platforms Storehouse Scrap Iron Shed Thawing-out House Telegraph Office Watchman's Shanties Tool Houses Section Houses Privies General Office Building. . . Fixtures and Equipment. . Quan- tity. Cost. Item. CULVERTS. Tile Pipe Concrete Pipe Cast-iron Pipe Concrete Arch Concrete Rail Steel Rails in Concrete. Stone Arch Stone Box Wood Box Iron in Box Paving Riprap Piling Sheet Piling Iron in Piling Excavation Filling Quan- tity. Cost. CROSSINGS, CATTLE GUARDS AND SIGNS. Cattle Guards Road Crossings Farm Grade Crossings Farm Overhead Cross- ings Farm Under Crossings . . , Public Road Gates Electric Bell Protection.. Watchman's Towel* and Plant Farm Gates Sign Posts, etc EXPENSES (GENERAL). Interest and Commissions Expense of Corporations. Expense of Railway Com- mission Taxes, etc Legal Expenses Clerical Expenses Engineering Expenses.. . . Supervision and Contin- tingencies Supplies Outfits Other Expenditures FENCING. Wire Fence, Right of Way. Wood Fence, Snow, etc. Wood Fence, Yard Wood Fence, Station. . . ESTIMATES. 247 Detail Estimates — Continued. Item. GRADING. Clearing Grubbing Cutting Dangerous Trees. Cross Waying Solid Rock Loose Rock Excavation, Common Excavation, Borrow Pits. Excavation, extra haul. . . Riprap Slope Walls Retaining Walls Cribs Wing Dams Tile Drains INTERLOCKING. Tower Mechanism.'. MASONRY. Abutments Piers Retaining Walls . Excavation Filling Piles Sheet Piling Riprap Quan- tity. MISCELLANEOUS. Grain Elevators Storage Warehouse Storage, Freight Storage, Cold Dock and Wharves Miscellaneous Structures. Coal Storage Plant REAL ESTATE. Right of Way Station Grounds Terminal Grounds. . . . Damages to Property . Mining Claims SHOPS. Blacksmith Shop Car Repair Shop Transfer Table and Pit. . . Service Truck Pits Service Truck Turntables Miscellaneous Buildings. . Machinery and Tools .... Equipment and Fixtures. Power House Cost, Item. SIGNALS. Semaphores . Mechanism . Lights STRUCTURES. Turntable and Pit Drainage for Pit Ash Pit Drainage for Ash Pit . . Coaling Plant Water Tank Water Supply Standpipes Water Connections. . . . Gravity Water Supply. Wind Mills Dams Artesian Wells Track Scales Weigh Shelter TIMBER STRUCTURES. Timber Abutments. . Timber Piers Timber Caissons Timber Cribs Timber Coffer Dams. Timber Grillage Wrought Iron Cast Iron Quan- tity. TRACK MATERIAL, ETC. Rails Splices , Bolts and Nuts . Spikes , Tie Plates Rail Braces Anti Creepers. . . Ties Ballast Track Laying. . . Surfacing TURNOUTS. Stub Switch Turnouts. Split Switch Turnouts. Slip Switch Turnouts. . Cross Overs Diamond Crossings. . . . Switch Ties TOOLS. Track Tools Cost. 248 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Detail Estimates — Continued. Item. TUNNELS. Excavation, Rock Section Excavation, Timber Sec- tion Excavation, Extra Sec- tion Timber Lining and Por- tals Masonry Lining and Por- tals Ventilation Drainage TRESTLES. Pile Trestle Frame Trestle Steel Trestle Excavation Masonry Foundations. . Cedar Sill Foundations Pile Foundation Wrought Iron Cast Iron Floor System Guards Fastenings Fire Protection Signals Quan- tity. Cost Item. TRAIN SERVICE. Raising Sags, etc Filling Trestles, etc Widening and Filling Banks General Service Transportation Freight TELEPHONE. Telephone Service. . Equipment TELEGRAPH. Poles and Wires . Erection Installation YARDS. Trackage Lighting Fire Service Water Service Steam, Air and Gas. Utility Buildings. . . Quan- tity. Cost. ESTIMATES. 249 CHAPTER IX. ESTIMATING NOTES. Foundations. Excavation. — Excavation consists in digging out the ground to such depths as may be necessary for the foundations and depos- iting the same where directed and removing the surplus material off the premises. Excavation is paid for by the cubic yard, meas- urement made in excavation only. Approximate average cost. — 50 cents per cubic yard for ordinary ground to 5 feet in depth. Back Fill. — Back filling consists in replacing and compacting the ground around trenches after the walls are in place, and is usually paid for by the cubic yard. The same quantities allowed for excavation are usually estimated for back fill. Approximate average cost. — For ordinary back fill 10 cents per cubic yard. Labor. — A good laborer will dig and throw into barrow in a day of 10 hours: — Ordinary ground from 8 to 10 cubic yards. Stiff clay or firm gravel from 5 to 6 cubic yards. Hard ground (pick work) from 3 to 5 cubic yards. Weights, etc., of Material. — 27 cubic feet one load. 20 cubic feet sand 2000 pounds. 22 cubic feet coarse gravel 2000 pounds. 25 cubic feet stiff clay 2000 pounds. 28 cubic feet chalk 2000 pounds. 30 cubic feet earth 2000 pounds. Safe Bearing Power of Various Soils. — Tons persq. ft. Soft clay 1 Dry clay in thick beds 4 Ordinary clay and sand together in layers, wet 2 Loam, clay, or fine sand, firm and dry 3 Very fine, coarse sand, stiff gravel, or hard clay 4 Solid rock will sustain load which can be put upon it. 250 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Masonry. Masonry is estimated and paid for generally by the cubic yard, measured in place. The price is held to cover all material and labor. Approximate average cost. Dry rubble masonry $ 3.75 per cubic yard. Rubble masonry 7.00 per cubic yard. Rock-faced masonry 12.00 per cubic yard. Dry Rubble Masonry. — Dry rubble walls consist of good quarry stone laid dry upon the natural beds and roughly squared on joints, beds, and faces. Rubble Masonry. — Rubble walls are built of stone roughly squared and laid in irregular courses, having all voids in the heart of the wall thoroughly filled with suitable stone and spalls fully bedded in cement mortar. Face joints not more than 1 inch thick. Rock=faced Ashlar. — Rock-faced ashlar is generally desig- nated first-class masonry, and consists of large and w T ell-pro- portioned stone built in regular courses, with backing of well- shaped and large-sized stone roughly bedded and jointed, with all voids thoroughly filled with spalls, fully bedded in cement mortar, with coping stones, chamfers, and arrises neatly chisel dressed. Approximate cost of rubble masonry per , cubic yard, using 1 to 3 Portland cement mortar. 1 cubic yard stone delivered $1 . 25 i barrel cement at $2.60 1 . 30 ^ load sand at SI 35 £ dav's mason labor at S3. 30 1.10 £ day's helper at $1.50 50 $4.50 Cut stone pier caps per cubic foot $1.75 to $2.25. Coffer=Dams. — Coffer-dams of timber are constructed so as to permit of the water being pumped out and the foundations laid dry, and is usually measured and paid for by the thousand feet board measure, the price to include all labor and material. Approximate cost per thousand feet board measure, $40. Cement. — A barrel of American hydraulic cement weighs on an average 300 pounds net and contains 3.6 cubic feet. ESTIMATING NOTES. 251 A barrel of Portland cement weighs on an average 380 pounds net and contains 3.8 cubic feet, or 110 pounds per cubic foot. A bag contains 95 pounds, or four bags to the barrel. Concrete. — Concrete is usually paid for by the cubic yard measured in place. For one, three, and six concrete, one cubic yard requires one barrel cement, 1 cubic yard stone two and one-half inches, one- half cubic yard sand. Approximate cost of a cubic yard. 1 barrel cement $2 . 60 £'load sand at $1 per load 34 1 cubic yard broken stone at $1.25 1 .25 1 laborer 1 day 1 . 50 1 helper \ day at $1 50 Total $6.19 Piling. Piles may be of oak, rock elm, Douglas fir, tamarack, cedar, or other approved timber, reasonably straight grained, sound, and free from defects. Standard dimensions for piling are as follows: Minimum length in feet 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, over 50 Diameter in inches at small end 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, over 7^ Butt diameter to be not less than 10 inches or more than 20 inches at five feet from butt. All diameters measured inside the bark. Piles are generally sharpened and driven with the small end down, and capped when necessary with a suitable iron ring to prevent spreading or brooming while driving, and, if required, are shod with an iron shoe. Piles for bridges are driven until the fall of a hammer weigh- ing 2000 pounds, with a clear fall of 25 feet or an equivalent blow, causes a penetration not to exceed 10 inches under the last ten blows, or to such further limit as may be directed. .hmg. formula. P = ■= • AJ + 1 P = Safe load on pile in tons. H= Distance of free fall of hammer in feet. W= Weight of hammer in tons. S= Penetration of pile for last blow in inches. 252 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Piling broken in the driving is pulled out and another sound pile is driven in its place. Piles are driven vertically, unless otherwise shown on the plan. Batter piles are preferably driven at the batter shown on the plans or at a part of that batter, and then sprung over to proper position; no sawing of piles to make them spring should be allowed. When necessary to drive a great depth and piles of adequate length cannot be obtained, one is spliced on top of another. The first pile having been driven as far as practicable, it is cut off square to receive the following pile, which also must be squared and set on top of the one already driven. The piles are then squared on four sides and fastened together by spiking on pieces of scantling. ' . Piling is usually paid for under the heads of " Piling delivered " and " Piling driven." " Piling delivered " includes piling furnished by the contractor as ordered by the engineer, and is paid for by the lineal foot. Approximate average cost, 15 cents per foot. " Piling driven " is paid for at a specified rate per lineal foot in the finished structure, and includes all work of any kind in connection therewith. Approximate average cost, 10 to 15 cents per foot. The average cost of piling in place, including all labor and material, is 25 cents per foot. Rings are not usually paid for, but shoes are paid for at a specified rate per shoe. Sheet Piling. Sheet piles are cut at the end, so as to form a point at one side and not in the middle, and when driven, this point is kept next to the pile previously driven to insure contact. Where there are two or more rows of sheet piles they are driven with broken joints. Sheet piling is paid for at a specified price per thousand feet board measure left in the work. Approximate cost, $35 per thousand feet board measure. ESTIMATING NOTES. 253 Riprapping. When required or ordered as protection against the action of water, riprapping is laid or placed on embankments, or about foundations, or at the ends of culverts or masonry piers or other places. The largest procurable stones are used, and the heaviest placed at the bottom where the current is greatest. They are laid as closely together as possible to avoid large openings. When required, a trench is excavated at the base of the slope to such depth as will insure a solid foundation. Riprapping is paid for at a specified rate per cubic yard in place. Approximate cost, $1.25 per cubic yard (rough). Approxi- mate cost, $3 per cubic yard (hand laid). Paving. The ends of masonry or concrete culverts, vitrified, concrete or iron pipe, the bottom of wooden culverts, and other places are protected by paving when desired. The paving is made of flat stones set upon their edges, the longest dimensions at right angles to the waterway, in such manner as to leave the least possible space between them, and of such size as to - reach through the entire depth of the paving. Great care must be taken at the ends of any piece of paving to make it secure, so it cannot be undermined or cut by water flowing underneath it. The lower end must receive special care to prevent this undermining. Paving is usually paid for at a specified rate per square or cubic yard. Approximate cost, $1.50 per square yard. Brickwork. Brickwork is usually measured and paid for by the 1000 (M) bricks laid in the wall, and sometimes by the cubic yard (assume 550 bricks per cubic yard for estimating). Size of Brick. — Common vary from 7f " X 3f " X 2J" to 8J" X W X 2\"', pressed brick, 8i"X4"X2i // (standard). 254 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Oxe Day's Work of Bricklayer axd Laborer. Bricklayer. — High-class work, 200 to 400 bricks; house fronts, 800 to 1000 bricks; ordinary work, 1000 to 1200 bricks. Laborer. - — A good man will mix mortar and carry it and bricks for three bricklayers if mortar and brick are not more than 25 feet from the building and he does not have to carry water or climb a ladder. After ascertaining the cost of laying 1000 bricks for the first story add 5 per cent for second story, 12^ per cent for third story, and a corresponding percentage for the work laid in higher stories. Mortar required to lay 1000 bricks: Joints \ to | inch thick, 4 to 5 cubic feet; joints J inch thick, H to 2 cubic feet. Approximate cost of common brickwork per thousand brick, using 1 to 3 lime mortar: 1000 brick $8 . 00 3 bushels lump lime at 25 ets .75 % cubic yard sand at $1 .50 1 day bricklayer 3 . 50 1 day laborer 1 . 50 $14.25 Approximate cost of common brickwork per thousand, using 1 to 3 Portland cement mortar: 1000 brick , $8.00 H barrels Portland cement, $2.60 - 3 90 § load sand at $1 50 1 day bricklayer 3.50 1 day laborer 1-50 $17.40 Steel and Iron Work. The steel and iron work is usually fabricated in the shops and bought and paid for by the pound, either delivered on the works or erected complete. The weight of steel frames for shops and similar buildings is from five to ten pounds per square foot of exposed wall and roof surface. When provision has to be made for traveling cranes add 100 pounds per lineal foot of building for each five tons in crane capacity. ESTIMATING NOTES. 255 Approximate unit cost. Steel trusses, frames, and columns in place. 3| to 4£ cts. per pound. Steel beams in place 3 to 3J cts. per pound. Plain castings in place 1\ to 3 cts. per pound. Corrugated iron No. 22 (black) in place. ... 7 to 9 cts. per square foot. Corrugated iron No. 22 (galvanized) in place 9 to 12 cts. per square foot. Galvanized iron flashing in place 15 to 25 cts. per square foot. Stairs, iron, 3 feet wide, in place $7 to $10 each. Steel shutters, rolling, in place 75 cts. to $1.50 per square foot. Corrugated shutters, rolling, in place 50 cts. to $1 per square foot. Netting, wire, galvanized, in place 40 to 60 cts. per square foot. Railing, pipe, in place 75 cts. to $1 per lineal foot. Steel and Concrete Building. Steel Skeleton and Concrete Construction. — Twenty pounds steel for each square foot of floor. One and one-half pounds steel for each square foot of floor for reinforcing concrete slabs. Concrete averages 7 inches thick per square foot of floor, which will include fireproofing of columns, beams, and floor slabs. Forms. — Two feet board measure timber per square foot to do the form work for fireproofing. Approximate cost. Steel erected and painted $75.00 to $100.00 per ton. Concrete erected 45 cts. per cubic foot. Lumber erected $60 . 00 per 1000 ft. B. M. Total cost: — $1.19 to $1.25 per square foot steel skeleton and fireproofing. Reinforced Concrete Construction. — Seven pounds steel per square foot of floor. Eight cubic feet concrete per square foot of floor. Lumber, 3 J feet board measure per square foot of floor. Approximate cost. Steel erected in place $65 . 00 per ton. Concrete per cubic foot 60 cts. Lumber $70.00 per 1000 feet B.M. Reinforced concrete skeleton = 88 cts. to $1.25 per square foot. Reinforced concrete partition costs about 30 cts. per square foot more than a hollow plaster partition. Building face walls, reinforced concrete: Concrete placed $ 5 . 50 per yard. Forms and carpentry work 10 . 00 Runways and scaffolding 5 . 50 Reinforcement .65 Total cost $21 . 65 per yard in place. Reinforced concrete retaining walls $12 . 00 per yard in place. Concrete retaining walls 7 . 50 per yard in place. Concrete trestle piers 7 . 00 per yard in place. Engine and hammer foundations 6.00 to $7.00 per yard. RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. Paint. Some railroads have their own standard color cards stating the shades to be adopted on the various structure- Ready-mixed paints are generally used. The cost of paint varies fron. II 25 to -Si. 75 per gallon. One gallon of paint will cover 50 square yards first coat. One gallon of paint will cover 60 square yards second coat One gallon of paint will cover 75 square yards third coat. The labor is about equivalent to the cost of the material. Timber. It is generally designated that all timber shall be well seasoned and reasonably free from knots, shakes, wanes, etc., and free from sap or other imperfections. Average weight per cubic foot, 40 pounds. ESTIMATING NOTES. 257 bo a X3 3 pq T3 d > co c« Q £ fc '3 P Ph o Ph o . fc o ^ •- 00 i— i t5 <-H cd co S H W O - «< d o 1 01 >> X5 ■o * o o o o • o o o •oooooooo o L* o o o o • o o o •oooooooo 6 W >3 GO +3 o o o o • o o o •oooooooo 5 *s o o o o • o o o ■oooooooo ft d '-5 o o o o • o o o •oooooooo •d 2 l-H O t>- "# • CM CM CM ■■^NOCiNONN d o J5 > 03 g o i-H i-H i-H i-H • l-H i— 1 i— 1 • i-H l-H l-H T— ( a d E CO oooooooo •oooooooo <3 t-i CO (D 00 oooooooo •oooooooo S f-c hO £> ooo»ooooo •ooioooo»oo «3 -S (O^NtOiOOiO^I • lO^COiOtOlOT^iO H CO CO go (-! O .5 — - o o o o o o o O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o • ° H <3 So O GO -^ CM O GO OO t^ CO !>> t^ O 00 d o CM i-H i-H l-H CO lO E "" ' oo o o o o oooooooooooo go co o o o o oooooooooooo IB lO lO o o oooooooooooo (-i d* ■*MlO© ■*'*'*iCHO-*'>*'*'*iC'*i* E o si a §^ O .d | bi -a d o o o o • o o o o • o o o o o o • o o o o • o o d 'H O i-O o o • o o o o • o o M eg pq NiOOOOO CO CO CO CO • CO o 05 C d o o o • o o o c3 o o o • o o o o 1 omco ■ io »o U3 rj «J CM o '53 d cd H .r oooooooooooooooo ■ d oooooooooooooooo • 1 '3 oooooooooooooooo • So ON(N(M0050>i»OOM«0<0(XI©N ' i — 1 i-H i — 1 i— 1 l-H l — 1 cd ! ! d • • ■>H ^ &yn . ^ ^ !h o o^ o : i^>>^ ft • CD CD .So ftd £3 6 +3 S co ■— i ■ o -a d s M-H C3 CD Jj ' 03 - d tn ' 7o^ ; Cj O h ' t» T 1 CD 0* 03 CO • T3 • P d bfi fee fc, oS . • ■p Am 13 *-> o3 -£ § £ ° ^ • ft HpS^ : ' -p CD Ph !h CO 03 03 OftM^C^fl^eSoJ^uai • d d c o CD ri TU-^> jj Q,^T3 oj; a) ti J3 o o -£ -5 hS £P W)+3 ^^ <3 o3 §^ S c3w»S-2 ^jSSC^iClC^s Pht3 cd ^d ^3 £ > ^Q <_ £ u 03 o 03 X yj ■s > pd o 03 03 o 258 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. o i— ( H a H PL, Q & O a I— I o w o .S i o Eh o o o o • o o o o • bo h =3 O O iO o • IO o o o • a <3 to 0«0(N o ■ 1— 1 t^ CO •* -*< • 3 x: m ~- r-« 3 o o o o o o o o ■© o o -t-^ -3 O O to iO o o o o o to o o Eh CN) i-H —l —1 . "" 1— I <— 1 O si o o o o o o o oooooooo H 3 >> o o o o o o o oooooooo 1 "3 p o o o o o o o oooooooo -<^> 3 S -^ o o o o o o o oooooooo p. 5 jS H to o to o o o o OOiO«OiOO»00 3 lOlOOON CO CO CO N©^^miOM«D Fh CJ § u m t-. s > s 03 B t-< 03 d) CD t/3 x oooooooo oooooooo H ©ooooooo oooooo»oo H S s l 5 ONMHXOOON OONtOOOCOOONOO w M ' o .5 < bo h o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Eh O O IO o IO o o o to o o to o i«3 c^ co co CN CN CN !NrH(N(N(N(N o 03 IO 'm Ch »~h r A tn CD S w E 5 -o =* q3 o o o o oooooooooooo > CD O O O oooooooooooo p _5 £ Ci t-» O ^IH©!0 »rt^oai 2 C G 0) cj O o .2 £?•- - o o co • C u ' -^ -*3 ~ fc£ &£+_, f CJCJ3 c ^ rf k'- 1 " £ £ ■> •- * c y a > a i c I c X > -j a a i a J ) ESTIMATING NOTES. 259 Wooden Beams. TABLE 56. — VALUES OF / (MOMENT OF INERTIA) AND S (SECTION MODULUS). Size, breadth Moment of Section modu- Size, breadth Moment of Section modu- by depth, inches. inertia, lis & <2 3 - lus, /-=-J d. by depth, inches. inertia, A b 3 d. lus, I — ^ d. 2X2 6X6 108.00 36.00 2X3 4.50 3.00 6X7 171.50 49.00 2X4 10.66 5.33 6X8 256.00 64.00 2X5 20.83 8.33 6X9 364.50 81.00 2X6 36.00 12.00 6X10 500.00 100.00 2X7 57.16 16.33 6X11 665.50 121.00 2X8 85.33 21.33 6X12 864.00 144.00 2X9 121.50 27.00 6X13 1098.50 169.00 2X10 166.66 33.33 6X14 1372.00 196.00 2X11 221.83 40.33 6X15 1687.50 225.00 2X12 288.00 48.00 6X16 2048.00 256.00 3X3 3X4 6.75 16.00 4.50 8.00 6X17 6X18 2456.50 2916.00 289.00 324.00 3X5 31.25 12.50 3X6 54.00 18.00 7X7 200.08 57.16 3X7 85.75 24.50 7X8 288.66 74.66 3X8 128.00 32.00 7X9 425.25 94.50 3X9 182.25 40.50 7X10 583.33 116.66 3X10 250.00 50.00 7X11 776.41 141.16 3X11 332.75 60.50 7X12 1008.00 168.00 3X12 432.00 72.00 7X13 1281.58 197.17 3X13 549.25 84.50 7X14 1600.66 228.66 3X14 686.00 98.00 7X15 1968.75 262.50 7X16 2389.33 298.66 4X4 21.33 10.66 7X17 2865.91 337.17 4X5 41.66 16.66 7X18 3402.00 378.00 4X6 72.00 24.00 4X7 4X8 4X9 4X10 4X11 114.33 170.66 243.00 333.33 443.66 32.66 42.66 54.00 66.66 80.66 8X8 8X9 8X10 8X11 8X12 341.33 486.00 666.66 887.33 1152.00 85.33 108.00 133.33 161.33 192.00 4X12 576.00 96.00 8X13 1464.66 225.33 4X13 732.33 112.66 8X14 1829.33 261.33 4X14 914.66 130.66 8X15 2250.00 300.00 4X15 1125.00 150.00 8X16 2730.67 341.33 4X16 1365.33 170.66 8X17 3275.33 385.33 5X5 52.08 20.83 8X18 3888.00 432.00 5X6 90.00 30.00 5X7 142.91 40.83 9X9 546.75 121.50 5X8 213.33 53.33 9X10 750.00 150.00 5X9 303.75 67.50 9X11 998.25 181.50 5X10 416.66 83.33 9X12 1296.00 216.00 5X11 554.58 100.83 9X13 1647.75 253.50 5X12 720.00 120.00 9X14 2058.00 294.00 5X13 915.41 140.83 9X15 2531.25 337.50 5X14 1143.33 163.33 9X16 3072.00 384.00 5X15 1406.25 187.50 9X17 3684.75 433.50 5X16 1706.66 213.33 9X18 4374.00 486.00 260 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATES. TABLE 56. — Continued Size, breadth Moment of Section modu- Size, breadth Moment of Section modu- by depth, inches. inertia, j\ bd 3 . lus, I^r^d. by depth, inches. inertia. -h M 3 . lus, /-f-£d. 10X10 833.33 166.66 11X14 2515.33 359.33 10X11 1109.17 201.67 11X15 3093.75 412.50 10X12 1440.00 240.00 11X16 3754.67 469.33 10X13 1830.83 281.67 11X17 4503.58 529.83 10X14 2286.66 326.67 11X18 5346.00 594.00 10X15 2812.50 375.00 10X16 3413.33 426.27 12X12 1728 288 10X17 4094.17 481.67 12X13 2197 388 10X18 4860.00 540.00 12X14 2744 392 12X15 3375 450 11X11 1220.08 221.83 12X16 4096 512 11X12 1584.00 264.00 12X17 4913 578 11X13 2013.92 309.84 12X18 5832 648 Carpentry. Carpentry includes all of the rough lumber such as the framing and covering, studding, sheathing, flooring, siding, posts and beams, plaster grounds, bridging, etc. Joinery includes all the exterior and interior finish after the carpentry work-is done, such as window frames, doors, sashes, bases, architraves, paneling, wainscoting, stairs, etc., most of which is obtained from the mill, and is often termed the mill work. Board Measure. — One foot board measure (B. M.) is equal to one foot square and one inch thick. Lumber is usually measured and sold by the thousand (M) feet board measure (B. M.). Example. — The number of feet board measure in a plank 3"X12"X24' long = 24 square feet X 3" = 72 feet B. M. Approximate cost of 1000 feet B. M. lumber: 1000 feet lumber S18.00 Nails and spikes, 33 pounds at 3 cts 1 . 00 Labor (50% cost of material) 9 . 00 Cost per M feet B. M $28.00 Spruce lumber in place on floor or roof, per M 30 . 00 Pine matched in place on floor or roof, per M 40.00 Pine joist and purlins on roof or floor, per M 35.00 Joinery is usually estimated by the running or square foot. ESTIMATING NOTES. 261 Approximate cost of joinery: Door frames and doors in place, 50 cents per square foot. Window frames and sash in place, 50 cents per square foot. Sash glazed and painted, 20 to 30 cents per square foot. Louver ventilators, fixed, 50 to 75 cents per square foot. Louver ventilators, moving, 75 cents to $1 per square foot. Stairs in place, $3 per step 3 feet long. Picture molding, 5 cents per lineal foot. Winter sash and frame, 30 cents per square foot. Roofing, etc. Roofing is usually measured and paid for by the square of 100 square feet (10 feet by 10 feet). Tar and Gravel. — Ordinary 3-ply on 1-inch boards weighs about 10 pounds per square foot. Trinidad pitch averages 3^ gallons per square. Gravel washed averages 350 pounds per square, or 3 cubic feet. Roofing cement averages 100 pounds per square. Slate. — Ordinary slate on 1-inch boards weighs about 14 pounds per square foot. Laid 7 inches to the weather 10"X20" slates =210 slates per square; 420 roofing nails If inches long, or 1\ pounds per square. Laid 8£ inches to the weather 10"X20" slates =180 slates per square; 360 roofing nails If inches long, or 1\ pounds per square. Gutter and conductor in place 25 to 50 cts. per lineal foot. Skylights, \ inch thick glass 25 cts. per square foot. Skylights, translucent fabric. 20 cts. per square foot. Round ventilators, fixed $10 . 00 to $15 . 00 each. Round ventilators, revolving 30.00 to 50.00 each. Slate roof, not including boards 7.00 to 12.00 per square. Slag and gravel roof, not including boards .. 4.00 to 5.00 per square. Prepared composition roof, not including boards 2 . 00 to 3 . 00 per square. Wood shingle roof, not including boards 3.00 to 5.00 per square. Tin-plate roof, not including boards 7.00 to 12.00 per square. Corrugated iron roof, not including boards . . 7.00 to 10.00 per square. Shingles. — Shingles are usually measured and paid for by the square of 100 square feet (10'XlO') and are commonly laid 4, 4$, and 5 inches to the weather. Size generally 4 inches wide by 18 inches to 20 inches long. 262 RAILROAD STRUCTURES AND ESTIMATE.-. Approximate number required per square (100 square feet): Four inches to the weather. 900: 4J inches to the weather, 800: 5 inches to the weather. 725. The bottom row is always doubled, and to the above should be added 5 per cent to 10 per cent to allow for this, and to include waste and cutting at dormers, ridges, etc. All shingles which are seasoned should be laid one-fourth to three-eighths inch apart so as to allow room for swelling during wet weather. Green shingles should be laid almost close together. Shingle nails H inches long, use one-half pound per 100 shingles. Plaster. Plastering is usually measured and paid for by the square yard: cornices and moldings by the running foot and an extra price for each miter. Two-coat work requires for 100 yards plastering 1400 laths. 4^ bushels of lime, four-fifths of a cubic yard of sand, 9 pounds of haii\ and 5 pounds of nails. Three men and one helper will put on 450 yards in a day's work of two-coat work, and will put on a hard finish for 300 yards. A load of mortar measures one cubic yard, requires one cubic yard of sand and nine bushels of lime, and will fill 30 hods. A bushel of hair weighs, when dry, about 15 pounds. INDEX. A PAGE Abutments — bridge 61 crib 83 Air plant, cold 142 Angle bars 6 Arch culverts 48 Artificial ice making 138 Ash pits 157 B Backfill 249 Balanced bucket coaling plant. 149 Ballasting 11 Ballast sections 14 Bars, angle 6 Belt conveyor 149 Blacksmith shop 210 Boat spikes 9 Boilers 182 Boiler houses 127 Bolts and nuts, track 6 Box culverts 52 Braces, rail 13 Brickwork 253 Bridge — - abutments 61 dead load 55 live load 55 piers 63 Bridges — deck plate 53 deck trusses 54 draw 54 half deck plate 53 through trusses 54 Bridge warning 38 Buildings — blacksmith 210 boiler houses 127 cabinet 210 car machine 211 PAGE Buildings — continued car truck 211 dry kilns 211 engine houses 108 foundry 212 freight, 212 frog 213 ice houses 135 locomotive 213 oil houses 132 passenger 214 pattern 215 planing mill 215 power house 215 pump houses 196 sand houses 162 section houses 92 storehouses 129 stores 217 tool houses 87 wheel foundry 217 C Cabinet shop 210 Cable railway 154 Capacity of pumps , . 186 Car machine shop 211 Carpentry 260 Car truck shop 211 Cast-iron pipe culverts 47 Cattle guards 41 Cedar box culverts 52 Cement 250 Cinder ballasting 11 Clearance posts 37 Clearing 16 Coaling stations 144 Coal storage 154 Coffer-dams 250 Cold air refrigeration 140 Cold storage 140 263 264 INDEX. PAGE Concrete 251 Concrete arch culverts 47 Concrete pipe culverts 46 Contracts 228 Conveyor, belt 149 Cost of — ash pits 157 ballasting 11 boiler houses 127 boilers 178 bolts and nuts 7 brickwork 253 carpentry 260 cast-iron pipe culverts 47 cattle guards 41 cedar box culverts 52 clearing 16 coaling stations 144 cold air plant 142 cold storage 142 concrete 251 concrete arch culverts 4S concrete pipe culverts 46 cranes 209 crib abutments S3 cribs S2 crossovers 23 crosswaying 15 dams 205 deck plate bridges 56 deck trusses diamond crossing 25 drawbridges 60 engine houses 108 equipment 208 farm crossings 40 fencing 26 foundations 240 freight sheds 104 frogs 22 gates 30 grade crossings 40 grading 15 grubbing 16 half deck plate bridges 75 heating engine houses 120 highway alarm bell 34 Howe truss bridges 71 ice houses 135 ice making 13 s * interlocking 25 PAGE Cost of — continued laying and surfacing 23 loose rock 15 mail cranes 39 masonry 250 oil houses 132 overhaul 15 overhead bridges 73 paint paving 106, 253 piling 251 pipes 184 plaster 262 platform shelters 97 platforms 103 privies 94 pump houses 196 pumps 17S pumping water 179 rail braces 13 rail concrete culverts 50 rail joints 6 rails 4 retaining walls SO riprapping 253 roofing 261 sand houses 162 section houses 92 shelter stations 96 shops _ - sign boards and posts 35 snow sheds. . <■ 170 solid rock 15 spikes 9 standpipes 201 stands, lamps, rods, etc 22 station furniture 102 stations steam, air. and water pipes . 119 steel and concrete 255 steel and iron work 2 5 1 steel trestles stock yards 167 stone box culverts. 51 storehouses 129 subways 75 - irfacing 11 switches 22 itch ties 21 tanks 199 through trusses 59 INDEX. 265 PAGE Cost of — continued tie plates 12 ties 10 tile drains 15 tile pipe culverts 44 timber trestles 68 tool equipment . . . 90 tool houses 87 track above subgrade 13 track laying 12 track scales 165 track tanks 206 trees removed 16 tunnels 84 turnouts * . . . 21 turntables 172 watchman's shelter. : 91 water stations 174 wiring engine houses 116 Crane, locomotive 151 Crib abutments 83 Cribs 81 Crossing gates 30 Crossing highway alarm bell. . . 34 Crossovers 21 Crosswaying 15 Culvert number 37 Culverts 43 D Dams 203 Dead load (bridges) 55 Deck plate bridges 53 Deck trusses 54 Deep ash pit 158 Detail estimates 246 Diamond crossing 25 Drains, tile 15 Drawbridges 54 Drop pits 114 Dry kilns 211 Dry rubble 250 Dump and hoist ash pits 161 E Electric lights, engine houses. . 116 Electric traveling cranes 209 Elevated chutes 152 Elevation posts 37 PAGE Engine — houses 108 pits 114 Equipment, tool 290 Estimates 45 Estimates of — bridge abutments 62 bridge piers '. 63 cast-iron pipes 47 cedar box culverts 52 cold storage 142 concrete arch culverts - . 48 concrete pipes 46 crib abutments 83 cribs 82 dams 205 engine houses 124 fences, right of way 27 ice houses 137 ice making 138 oil houses 134 overhead bridges 75 privies 94 rail concrete culverts 50 retaining walls 77 sand houses 164 section houses 93 standpipes 202 steel bridges 56 steel trestles 70 stone box culverts 51 storehouses 131 subways 73 tile pipes 44 timber trestles 68 tool houses 89 track scales 166 tunnels 84 turntables 173 watchman's shelter 91 water tanks 200 wooden bridges 71 Estimating culvert pipe 44 Estimating notes 249 Excavation 249 F Farm — crossings gates . . . 40 33 266 IXDEX. PAGE Fastenings — bolts and nuts 6 splices 5 spikes 8 track 5 Fence — close board 2S field-erected wire 27 open board 29 picket 28 portable 29 snow 28 wire 26 woven-wire 27 Flanger post 35 Forms 219 Foundations 249 Foundry shop 212 Frame trestles 66 Freight — car shop 212 platforms 103 sheds 104 Friction water 190 Froes 18 Frog shop 213 Furniture, station 102 G Gates — crossing 30 steel 34 wood 33 Grade crossings 30 Grading 15 Grain loading platforms 103 Gravel — ballasting 11 loading 11 Grubbing 16 Guards — bridge and trestle 76 cattle 41 H Half deck plate bridges 53 Hand shoveling, coal 144 Heating engine houses 120 Highway — alarm bell crossing: 34 PAGE Highway — continued crossings 73 Horsepower, water 192 Houses — boiler 127 cold storage 142 engine 1 08 freight 104 ice 135 oil 132 privies 94 pump 196 sand 162 section 92 station storehouses 129 tank '. ... 197 tool 87 watchman's 91 Howe trusses 71 I Ice houses 135 Ice making 13 s * Ice plant 142 Interlocking plant 25 J Jacks, smoke 115 Jib crane and buckets 144 Joints — lead and yarn 46 mortar 45 Jordan guard 76 L Lamps, switch 22 Lap switch 17 Laying and surfacing track. ... 11 Live load (bridges) 55 Locomotive — crane 151 shop 213 turntables 172 M Mail crane 39 Maintenance interlocking plant 25 Masonry, cost of SO, 250 Masonry retaining walls 78 INDEX. 267 PAGE Material — ballasting 11 board fences 30 surfacing. . . ; 11 tie plates 12 track, bolts and nuts 7 track, rail 4 track, spikes 9 track, splices 6 track, ties 10 Material for safety gates 31 McHenry coaling plants 145 Mechanical ash plants 159 Metal cattle guards 42 Mile — board 36 post 36 O Offices (shop) , 214 Oil houses 132 Ord ash pit 161 Overhaul 15 Overhead — farm crossings 40 highway crossings 73 P Paint 256 Passenger car shop 214 Pattern — shop 215 storage 215 Paving — . culverts 253 teamways 106 Permanent open board fence. . 29 Picket fence 28 Piers, bridge 63 Pile trestles 66 Piling 251 Pipe culverts — cast-iron 47 concrete 46 tile 44 Pipes — cast-iron 184 wrought-iron 185 Pit cattle guards 41 PAGE Pits — ash 157 drop 114 engine 114 truck wheel 114 Planing mill 215 Plants — coaling 144 coal storage 154 Plaster 262 Plate bridges 53 Plates, tie 17 Platform shelters 92 Platforms, freight 103 Portable fence 29 Power house 215 Power house equipment 209 Preparation of plans. 243 Pressure (head) 188 Privies 94 Proposals 227 Pumps 175 Pump houses 196 Q Quantity — ballasting per mile 11 bolts and nuts per mile 7 fencing per mile 26 rail per mile 4 spikes per mile 9 ties per mile. 10 Quantities — bridge abutments 62 bridge piers 63 dams 205 Howe trusses 71 privies 94 retaining walls 77 sand houses 164 section houses 93 standpipes 202 steel trestles 70 timber trestles 68 tool houses 89 track scales 166 turntable pits 173 watchman's shelter 91 water tanks 200 268 INDEX. PAGE R Rail — braces 13 concrete culverts 50 joints 6 rack 38 Rails 3 Railway — cable 1 54 crossing signs 35 Refrigeration 140 Reinforced concrete 255 Retaining walls 78 Right of way fences 26 Riprapping 253 Rock-faced ashlar 250 Roofing 261 Rubble masonry 250 S Safe bearing of soils 249 Safety crossing gates 30 Sand houses 162 Scales, track 165 Section — houses 92 post 36 Sections, ballast 14 Shallow ash pit 157 Sheds, freight 104 Sheet piling r 252 Shelter — station 96 watchman's 91 Shops — blacksmith 210 cabinet 210 car machine 211 car truck 211 dry kiln 211 foundry 212 freight car 212 frog 213 locomotive 213 passenger car 214 pattern 214 power 214 stores 217 wheel foundry 217 Shop traveling cranes 209 Sign boards and posts 35 page Single track coaling plant 145 Slip switch 18 Slow signal post 38 Smoke jacks 115 Snow — fence 28 sheds 170 Specifications 219 Spikes — boat 9 shimming 8 track 8 Splices, track rail 5 Split switch 17 Standard tool houses . . 89 Standpipes 201 Stands, switch '. ... 18 Station furniture 102 Station mile board 36 Stations 98 coal 144 water 174 Steam, air, and water pipes. . . 117 Steam cranes 209 Steel and concrete . . 255 Steel and iron work 254 Steel — gate 34 trestles. . 70 Stock yards 167 Stone box culverts 51 Stop signal post., 38 Storage, cold 140 Stores, shop 217 Storehouses 129 Stub switch 18 Subways 73 Surfacing 11 Swing board gate . 33 Swing wire gate 33 Switch tics i 24 Switches 17 T Tanks — - track '... 206 water 197 Telephone (shops) 208 Through trusses 54 Tile drains 15 Tie plates 12 INDEX. 269 PAGE Ties — switch 24 track 10 Tile drains 15 Tile pipe culverts 44 Timber 256 Timber trestles 68 Tool — equipment 90 houses 87 Towers, coal 154 Track — bolts 6 rail. 3 splices 5 Track above subgrade 13 Track laying 12 Track scales 165 Traveling bridge, coal 155 Traveling cranes 209 Trees, removed 16 Trespass sign 37 Trestles — steel 70 timber 66 Trestle number 37 Truck wheel pits 114 Truss bridges 54 Tunnels 84 Turnouts 17 Turntables 172 Table No. — 1. Quantity and cost of rails per mile 4 2. Quantity and cost of joints per mile 6 3. Quantity and cost of bolts per mile 7 4. Quantity and cost of spikes per mile 9 5. Quantity and cost of ties per mile 10 6. Quantity and cost of bal- lasting, etc 11 7. Quantity and cost of track above subgrade 13 8. Average cost of turnouts . . 21 9. Detail cost of turnouts 21, 22, 23 10. Detail cost of crossovers. . 23 10a. Switch ties 24 Table 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 18a 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. PAGE No. — continued Fencing per mile 26, 27 Safety gates 31 Length culvert pipes .... 43 Capacity of pipes 44 Cost tile pipe 44 Mortar for pipe joints. . . 45 Cost of concrete pipes ... 46 Lead and yarn for pipe joints 46 Cost cast iron pipe 47 Cost concrete arch cul- verts 48,49 Cost rail concrete cul- verts 50 Cost stone box culverts . . 51 Cost cedar box culverts . . 52 Weight and cost deck plate girders 56 Weight and cost half deck plate girders .... 57 Weight and cost deck trusses 58 Weight and cost through trusses 59 Weight and cost draw- bridges 60 Quantities in abutments, deck bridges 62 Quantities in abutments, half deck bridges 62 Quantities in abutments, through bridges ...... 62 Quantities in piers 63 Quantities in piers 64 Quantities and cost pile trestle 68 Quantities and cost pile trestle 68 Quantities and cost frame trestle 69 Quantities and cost Howe trusses 71 Quantities in retaining walls 77 Cost of tunneling 86 Cost of pumps and boil- ers 178 Cost of gasoline pumps. . 179 Cost of cast iron pipes ... 184 270 INDEX. PAGE Table No. — continued 42. Cost of wrought iron pipes 185 43. Capacity of pumps 186 44. Feet head pressure 189 45. Friction in pipes 190 45a. Friction in elbows 191 46. Theoretical horsepower. . 192 47. Steam pressure 193 48. Water by weight and measure 194 48a. Gallons per foot of pipe . 195 49. Cost of water tanks 199 50. Cost of shops 208 51. Power house equipment . 209 52. Electric traveling cranes 209 53. Steam cranes 209 54. Timber unit stresses .... 257 55. Timber unit stresses .... 258 56. Section modulus wood beams 259 W Walls, retaining 78 Warning, bridge 38 PAGE Watchman's shelter 91 Water — information 194 service 183 stations 174 Weight — deck plate bridges 56 deck trusses 58 drawbridges 60 half deck plate bridges 57 through trusses 59 Weights of material 249 Wheel foundry 217 Whistle post 36 Wing post sign 35 Wire fence 26 Wood — cattle guards 41 gates 33 snow fence 28 Wooden beams 259 Y Yard lift steam cranes 209 Yard limit post 86 Yards, stock 167 SHORT-TITLE CATALOGUE OP THE PUBLICATIONS OP JOHN WILEY & SONS, New York. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited, ARRANGED UNDER SUBJECTS. Descriptive circulars sent on application. Books marked with an asterisk (*) are sold at net prices only. All books are bound in cloth unless otherwise stated. AGRICULTURE— HORTICULTURE— FORESTRY. Armsby's Manual of Cattle-feeding nmo, $i 75 Principles of Animal Nutrition 8vo, 4 00 Budd and Hansen's American Horticultural Manual: Part I. 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Large nmo, Durand's Resistance and Propulsion of Ships 8vo, 2 2 50 2 50 3 00 1 50 3 50 3 00 2 50 7 00 7 50 2 00 2 50 5 00 3 oo 4 oo 2 oo I oo I 5o 4 oo 6 oo I oo 6 oo 7 50 i 5o 2 oo 4 oo 5 00' 5 oo i oo 7 5» 2 5o 4 oo I 50 50 3 00 I 5£) * Dyer's Handbook of Light Artillery i2mo, Eissler's Modern High Explosives 8vo, * Fiebeger's Text-book on Field Fortification Large nmo, Hamilton and Bond's The Gunner's Catechism i8mo, * Hoff 's Elementary Naval Tactics 8vo, Ingalls's Handbook of Problems in Direct Fire 8vo, * Lissak's Ordnance and Gunnery 8vo, * Ludlow's Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables 8vo, * Lyons's Treatise on Electromagnetic Phenomena. Vols. I. and II. .8vo, each, * Mahan's Permanent Fortifications. (Mercur.) 8vo, half mor. Manual for Courts-martial i6mo, mor. * Mercur's Attack of Fortified Places i2mo, * Elements of the Art of War 8vo, Metcalf's Cost of Manufactures — And the Administration of Workshops. .8vo, * Ordnance and Gunnery. 2 vols Text i2mo, Plates atlas form Nixon's Adjutants' Manual 24mo, Peabody's Naval Architecture 8vo, * Phelps's Practical Marine Surveying 8vo, Powell's Army Officer's Examiner i2mo, Sharpe's Art of Subsisting Armies in War i8mo, mor. * Tupes and Poole's Manual of Bayonet Exercises and Musketry Fencing. 24mo, leather, * Weaver's Military Explosives 8vo, Woodhull's Notes on Military Hygiene iomo, ASSAYING. Betts's Lead Refining by Electrolysis 8vo, 4 00 Fletcher's Practical Instructions in Quantitative Assaying with the Blowpipe. i6mo, mor. Furman's Manual of Practical Assaying 8vo, Lodge's Notes on Assaying and Metallurgical Laboratory Experiments. . . .8vo, Low's Technical Methods of Ore Analysis 8vo, Miller's Cyanide Process i2mo, Manual of Assaying i2mo, Minet's Production of Aluminum and its Industrial Use. (Waldo.) i2mo, O'Driscoll's Notes on the Treatment of Gold Ores . . . 8vo, Ricketts and Miller's Notes on Assaying : 8vo, Robine and Lenglen's Cyanide Industry. (Le Clerc.) .8vo, Ulke's Modern Electrolytic Copper Refining 8vo, Wilson's Chlorination Process i2mo, Cyanide Processes, i2mo, ASTRONOMY. Comstock's Field Astronomy for Engineers 8vo, Craig's Azimuth 4T.0, Crandall's Text-book on Geodesy and Least Squares 8vo, Doolittle's Treatise on Practical Astronomy 8vo, Gore's Elements of Geodesy 8vo, Hayford's Text-book of Geodetic Astronomy 8vo, Merriman's Elements of Precise Surveying and Geodesy 8vo, * Michie and Harlow's Practical Astronomy 8vo, Rust's Ex-meridian Altitude, Azimuth and Star-Finding Tables. (In Press.) * White's Elements of Theoretical and Descriptive Astronomy i2mo, 2 00 3 I 50 3 OO 3 OO 3 00 1 00 I OO 2 50 2 00 3 OO 4 00 3 00 I 50 I 50 2 50 3 50 3 00 4 00 2 50 3 00 2 50 3 00 CHEMISTRY. Abderhalden's Physiological Chemistry in Thirty Lectures. (Eall and Defren). (In Press.) * Abegg's Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation, (von Ende.) nmo, i 25 Adriance's Laboratory Calculations and Specific Gravity Tables i2mo, 1 25 Alexeyeff's General Principles of Organic Syntheses. (.Matthews.; 8vo, 3 00 Allen's Tables for Iron Analysis 8vo, 3 00 Arnold's Compendium of Chemistry. (Mandel.) Large i2mo, 3 50 Association of State and National Food and Dairy Departments, Hartford Meeting, 1906 8vo, 3 00 Jamestown Meeting, 1907 8vo, 3 00 Austen's Notes for Chemical Students nmo, 1 50 Baskerville's Chemical Elements. (In Preparation - . Bernadou's Smokeless Powder. — Nitro-cellulose, and Theory of the Cellulose Molecule nmo, 2 50 * Blanchard's Synthetic InorganJc Chemistry nmo, 1 00 * Browning's Introduction to the Rarer Elements 8vo, 1 50 Brush and Penfield's Manual of Determinative Mineralogy 8vo, 4 00 * Claassen's Beet-sugar Manufacture. I Hall and Rolfe. 8vo, 3 00 Classen's Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis. (Boltwood.). .8vo, 3 00 Cohn's Indicators and Test-papers nmo, 2 00 Tests and Reagents 8vo, 3 00 * Danneel's Electrochemistry. (Merriam.'i nmo,' 1 25 Duhem's Thermodynamics and Chemistry. (Burgess.) 8vo, 4 00 Eakle's Mineral Tables for the Determination of Minerals by their Physical Properties 8vo, 1 25 Eissler's Modern High Explosives 8vo, 4 00 Effront's Enzymes and their Applications. (Prescott.) 8vO; 3 00 Erdmann's Introduction to Chemical Preparations. 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Vol. I Small 8vo, Vol.11 Small8vo, Washington's Manual of the Chemical Analysis of Rocks 8vo, * Weaver's Military Explosives 8vo, Wells's Laboratory Guide in Qualitative Chemical Analysis 8vb, . Short Course in Inorganic Qualitative Chemical Analysis for Engineering Students • i2mo, Text-book of Chemical Arithmetic nmo, Whipple's Microscopy of Drinking-water 8vo, Wilson's Chlorination Process. i2mo Cyanide Processes nmo Winton's Microscopy of Vegetable Foods 8vo CIVIL ENGINEERING. BRIDGES AND ROOFS. HYDRAULICS. MATERIALS OF ENGINEER- ING. RAILWAY ENGINEERING. Baker's Engineers' Surveying Instruments nmo, Bixby's Graphical Computing Table Paper 1.9^X24} inches. Breed and Hosmer's Principles and Practice of Surveying . 8vo, * Burr's Ancient and Modern Engineering and the Isthmian Canal 8vo, Comstock's Field Astronomy for Engineers 8vo, * Corthell's Allowable Pressures on Deep Foundations 12 mo, Crandall's Text-book on Geodesy and Least Squares 8vo, Davis's Elevation and Stadia Tables 8vo, Elliott's Engineering for Land Drainage nmo, Practical Farm Drainage nmo, *Fiebeger's Treatise, on Civil Engineering 8vo, Flemer's Phototopographic Methods and Instruments, 8vo, Folwellls Sewerage. (Designing and Maintenance.) 8vo, Freitag's Architectural Engineering 8vo, French and Ives's Stereotomy 8vo, Goodhue's Municipal Improvements nmo, Gore's Elements of Geodesy 8vo > * Hauch and Rice's Tables of Quantities for Preliminary Estimates l2mo, Hayford's Text-book of Geodetic Astronomy 8vo, Hering's Ready Reference Tables (Conversion Factors) i6mo, mor. Howe's Retaining Walls for Earth nmo, 6 3 00 2 50 1 25 I 25 2 50 2 50 3 00 3 00 2 50 3 00 1 50 3 00 4 00 5 00 1 50 3 00 4 00 5 CO 2 00 3 00 I SO 1 50 I 25 3 50 1 53 1 50 7 50 3 00 25 3 00 3 50 2 50 1 25 3 00 1 00 1 50 I 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 3 50 2 50 I 50 2 50 I 25 3 00 2 50 1 25 * Ives's Adjustments of the Engineer's Transit and Level i6mo, Bds. 25 Ives and Hilts's Problems in Surveying i6mo, mor. 1 50 Johnson's (J. B.) Theory and Practice of Surveying Small 8vo, 4 00 Johnson's (L, J.) Statics by Algebraic and Graphic Methods 8vo, 2 00 Kinnicutt, Winslow and Pratt's Purification of Sewage. (In Preparation). Laplace's Philosophical Essay on Probabilities. (Truscott and Emory.) i2mo, 2 00 Mahan's Descriptive Geometry 8vo, 1 50 Treatise on Civil Engineering. (1873.) (Wood.) 8vo, 5 00 Merriman's Elements of Precise Surveying and Geodesy 8vo, 2 50 Merriman and Brooks's Handbook for Surveyors i6mo, mor. 2 00 Morrison's Elements of Highway Engineering. (In Press.) Nugent's Plane Surveying 8vo, 3 50 Ogden's Sewer Design nmo, 2 00 Parsons's Disposal of Municipal Refuse. 8vo, 2 00 Patton's Treatise on Civil Engineering 8vo, half leather, 7 50 Reed's Topographical Drawing and Sketching 4to, 5 00 Rideal's Sewage and the Bacterial Purification of Sewage 8vo, 4 00 Riemer's Shaft-sinking under Difficult Conditions. (Corning and Peele.) . -8vo, 3 00 Siebert and Biggin's Modern Stone-cutting and Masonry 8vo, 1 50 Smith's Manual of Topographical Drawing. (McMillan.) 8vo, 2 50 Soper's Air and Ventilation of Subways. (In Press.) 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Free-hand Lettering 8vo, Free-hand Perspective 8vo, Woolf's Elementary Course in Descriptive Geometry Large 8vo, ELECTRICITY AND PHYSICS. * Abegg's Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation, (von Ende.) .i2mo, Andrews's Hand-Book for Street Railway Engineering 3X5 inches, mor., Anthony and Brackett's Text-book of Physics. (Magie.) Large i2mo, Anthony's Lecture-notes on the Theory of Electrical Measurements. . . . nmo, Benjamin's History of Electricity 8vo, Voltaic Cell 8vo, Betts's Lead Refining and Electrolysis 8vo, Classen's Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis. (Boltwood.).8vo, * Collins's Manual of Wireless Telegraphy.. . . nmo, Mor. Crehore and Squier's Polarizing Photo-chronograph 8vo, * Danneel's Electrochemistry. (Merriam.) nmo, Dawson's "Engineering" and Electric Traction Pocket-book i6mo, mor Dolezalek's Theory of the Lead Accumulator (Storage Battery), (von Ende. ) i2mo, Duhem's Thermodynamics and Chemistry. 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Differential Equations, by William Woolsey Johnson. No. 10. The Solution of Equations, by Mansfield Merriman. No. n. Functions of a Complex Variable, by Thomas S. Fiske. Maurer's Technical Mechanics 8vo, 4 00 Meniman's Method of Least Squares . 8vo, 2 00 Solution of Equations 8vo, 1 00 Rice and Johnson's Differential and Integral Calculus. 2 vols, in one. Large i2mo, 1 50 Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus Large i2mo, 3 00 Smith's History of Modern Mathematics 8vo, 1 00 * "Veblen and Lennes's Introduction to the Real Infinitesimal Analysis of One Variable 8vo, 2 00 * Waterbury's Vest Pocket Hand-Book of Mathematics for Engineers. 2iX5t inches, mor., 1 00 Weld's Determinations 8vo, 1 00 Wood's Elements of Co-ordinate Geometry 8vo, 2 00 Woodward's Probability and Theory of Errors. 8vo, 1 00 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. MATERIALS OF ENGINEERING, STEAM-ENGINES AND BOILERS. 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Poole's Calorific Power of Fuels 8vo, * Porter's Engineering Reminiscences, 1855 to 1882 8vo, Reid's Course in Mechanical Drawing 8vo, Text-book of Mechanical Drawing and Elementary Machine Design. 8vo, Richard's Compressed Air i2mo, Robinson's Principles of Mechanism . .8vo, Schwamb and Merrill's Elements of Mechanism . . .8vo, Smith's (O.) Press-working of Metals 8vo, Smith (A. W.) and Marx's Machine Design . 8vo, Sorel's Carbureting and Combustion in Alcohol Engines. (Woodward and Preston.) 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Peabody's Manual of the Steam-engine Indicator nmo, 1 50 Tables of the Properties of Saturated Steam and Other Vapors, 8vo, 1 00 Thermodynamics of the Steam-engine and Other Heat-engines 8vo, 5 00 Valve-gears for Steam-engines 8vo, 2 50 Peabody and Miller's Steam-boilers 8vo, 4 00 Pray's Twenty Years with the Indicator Large 8vo, 2 50 Pupin's Thermodynamics of Reversible Cycles in Gases and Saturated Vapors. (Osterberg.) nmo, 1 2g Reagan's Locomotives: Simple, Compound, and Electric. New Edition. 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(Du Bois. ) 8vo, 5 00 Whitham's Steam-engine Design 8vo, 5 00 Wood's Thermodynamics, Heat Motors, and Refrigerating Machines. . .8vo, 4 00 MECHAIHCS PURE AND APPLIED. Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 00 Notes and Examples in Mechanics 8vo, 2 00 Dana's Text-book of Elementary Mechanics for Colleges and Schools, .nmo, 1 50 Du Bois's Elementary Principles of Mechanics: Vol. I. Kinematics 8vo, 3 50 Vol. H. Statics 8vo, 4 00 Mechanics of Engineering. Vol. I Small 4to, 7 50 VoL H Small 4to, 10 00 * Greene's Structural Mechanics 8vo, 2 50 James's Kinematics of a Point and the Rational Mechanics of a Particle. Large 12 mo, .2 00 * Johnson's (W. W.) 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Leach's Inspection and Analysis of Food with Special Reference to State Control 8vo, Mason's Examination of Water. (Chemical and Bacteriological) 12mo, Water-supply. (Considered principally from a Sanitary Standpoint) . . 8vo, 18 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 I 00 4 00 3 00 5 00 2 50 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 1 SO 1 50 2 50 1 25 3 00 3 00 1 25 1 00 1 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 2 50 I 50 I 00 3 00 I 50 I 50 3 00 7 00 1 25 4 00 2 oo 2 oo 2 oo I So I 50 I oo I oo I oo I SO 2 oo 4 oo 4 oo 5 00 2 oo 3 oo 3 50 3 oo I oo 7 50 * Merriman's Elements of Sanitary Engineering 8vo, Ogden's Sewer Design 12mo, Parsons's Disposal of Municipal Refuse 8vo, Prescott and Winslow's Elements of Water Bacteriology, with Special Refer- ence to Sanitary Water Analysis l2mo, * Price's Handbook on Sanitation 12mo, Richards's Cost of Food. 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