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Wray, 23d Pennsylvania, of Philadelphia, who had been detailed as Master of Ceremonies, opened one of the hap- piest, enthusiastic, and enjoyable Camp-fires possible. The Chair, after returning thanks and congratulations upon the large attendance of the brigade and townspeople, stated that while they had printed programmes for all other of the Re-union Proceedings — Camp-fires were impromptu aff"airs, and he was glad to announce of seeing enough talent present to keep the fire burning until after 24 o'clock; but would try to maintain the good name of the brigade with closing the exercises at a reason- able hour, trusting those called upon would make their replies brief and interesting. That he was proud and glad to announce that among the distinguished officers of the brigade present, who honored the occasion, not only by his presence, but that of his entire family, was the General whom we all honored and tloved, who commanded the brigade in the action at Gettysburg, 10 and was now the President of the Brigade Association, and it gave him great pleasure to introduce General Alexander Shaler. The General came to the front amid a perfect ovation, lasting several minutes. After returning his thanks for the warm and enthusiastic reception, in most feeling words, expressed his gratification of the assured successful Re-union, by the presence of so many brigade veterans with their ladies and friends, and on behalf of the Brigade Association, warmly thanked the peo- ple of Gettysburg for their attendance. Professor Frank Jay, the colored member of the 23d Commis- sary Department, was then stood up, and made the old Court House ring with mirth by his "/lersand" comicalities. He tried to get away with but one comic song, but the audience wouldn't have it; so he kept them laughing while he told all about the Kangaroo Garden, at Kalamazoo. Then Captain Robert W. Patrick, of the 82d Pennsylvania, rendered the following poem, which he had composed while en- route on the train. Shaler's Brigade at Gettysburg." Brave Comrades we have met once more, On this now sacred soil, To gaze on scenes, we saw before, And call to mind our toil. We hail you now as brothers dear, Who stood as true as steel, When other hearts were filled with fear. Such fears, you did not feel. But when amidst the cannon's roar, You heard the word "fall in," You promptly acted as of yore, With the same ea^er vim. 11 We all remember those who fell, Amidst the battle's roar, Their glory shall forever shine, When time shall be no more. Let us recall to memory clear, Some scenes through whicli they passed, True men, who ne'er gave place to fear, And bravely died at last. Think of those scenes at Marye's Heights,, Where many heroes bled, Brave Shaler led us in that fight. And gallant Speer fell dead. Remember Major Bassett, too. Who led you on to tight, Who, when the color bearer fell. Held up our flag in sight. And boldly dashed across the bridge,. And up the hill he led, And set our colors on the ridge, To wave above the dead. Think of the joy that filled our hearts. When on those heights we stood. When each had well fulfilled their parts,. And every man felt good. We cannot stop to mark each scene. In which we bore a share. But only cast a sudden gleam. And for new scenes prepare.- We well remember when we stood, On this same field before. When thousands drenched it with their blood,. Amidst the cannon's roar. Think of the cheers that rent the air. When we had gained the day. And General Lee in full retreat. From that tremendous fray. Cold Harbor now looms in our sight, Where many met their end. Fell on our left, and on our right, Whose deeds we here commend. 12 We never can forget those boys, Who fell in freedom's name, Amidst the carnage, and the noise, Death dealing smoke and flame. Hurrah for gallant Sheridan, Who led us in the fray, At Cedar Creek and Winchester, And with him gained the day. May he be spared, for many years, To friends and country too. And saved from death, and we from tears. And here I say adieu. After hearty cheers for the 82cl, the Chair stated that Onon- daga County were present in force, and called upon Major T. L. Poole, of Syracuse, for something on behalf of the 122d New York, who responded in a most amusing way, telling of the trials and tribulations of " The Twosters" first introductory to the brigade, especially the greeting they met with at the Cross Roads, and most eloquently and feelingly spoke of the comrade- ship cemented in the field whilst brigaded. Then Comrade Bill (W, W.) Mayberry, of Philadelphia, set the entire audience wild with delight with his "Army Flea" rendition ; and the shouting continued until he gave them his Sneezing song — ever3'body was enjoyed — they couldn't help it. The Chair then stated that General John Cochrane who had been selected to act the part of brigade orator, was by reason of his physical disability compelled to be absent. That while they regretted very much the inability of their once brigade com- mander to attend — the post of honor on to-morrow's dedication would be filled by General Shaler, who had kindly consented to deliver the oration — he was pleased to state that Captain Robert H. Moses, 122d New York, of New York City, was present with a copy of General Cochrane's farewell address to his old bri- :-gade in 1863, and introducing the comrade as one of the workers 13 of the Re-union, who after a brief speech expressive of his feel- ings at the enjoyable time, proceeded to read the General's address, which was loudly applauded at its finish. Sergeant William McEntee, of New York, of the Chasseurs 65th New York, being called upon, after a brief address con- gratulatory of the occasion, sang one of the old Sixth Army Corps songs, invoking loud applause. Captain George W. Waterhouse, 82d Pennsylvania, being ' called to the front, recited " The Soldier Tramp," which he ably rendered. The applause that followed brought him up again/,, this time reciting an amusing dialect, very much enjoyed. Then followed one of the happy events of the evening, by the Chair stating that he had a special message for the ladies ; and told, that when the 23d came to Gettysburg to dedicate their tablet in, 1886, the chief of the Commissary, who looked after their stores, as now, was the genial Comrade William H. Bantom. That the first news he received on arrival of the train at Gettysburg, was a telegram from his dear wife, " That it was a boy ;" what will, you name him ? It kind of paralyzed Bant, at first, but he re- covered sufficient to wire back, name him for his grandfather, the occasion, the General, and the family ; so the child was christened, Charles Gettysburg Shaler Bantom. His comrades to. show their affection for the father, had prepared a souvenier for the little one, and it gave him great pleasure to present on behalf of " The Survivors Association, 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers," a solid " Silver Spoon," suitably engraved, encased in a unique and costly box, to the baby boy. The proud father came to the front amid laughter and clapping of hands, receiving the gift, with appreciative thanks, promising to number it with the family heir-looms as one of their most precious tokens. As it was about time the ladies were heard from, Mrs. John Fox, of Philadelphia, was escorted to the platform, giving a. recitation so ablj rendered that she was recalled, and amused the audience with " The Regular Army Oh." The Hon. Samuel Collins, of Philadelphia, was prevailed upon to give his dialect songs; so he sang an Irish, Dutch and old Plantation Melody, evoking hearty laughter and applause. Comrade William H. Redheffer, Secretary of the 82d Pennsyl- vania Association, being called upon, having such a severe cold, contracted on the trip, he could not talk, handed in a paper to have read, which we take pleasure in giving insertion in Appen- dix A. The Chair then stated that Captain James M. Craig, one of the workers of the 23d, who had looked after the Allegheny con- tingent, was present with his family, and called on his son. Mas- ter Eddie Craig, of Allegheny City, who delivered m good style, " Sue's Wedding." Professor Jay, whom we learned was quite a musician, gave a Cornet Solo, so pleasing that he had to repeat his " Home Sweet Home." The Chair then announced that the Rink Building M'ould be thrown " wide open'' by the 23d, immediately after adjournment, where all were invited to partake of their hospitality. After re- turning the thanks of Shaler's Brigade to the town authorities for the use of the Court House, the people of Gettysburg for their large attendance and hearty welcome, with cheers upon cheers, amid the inspiring music of the G. A. R. Band, of Get- tysburg, the happy Camp-fire closed. During the evening, the 23d Commissary, passed buckets full of cold lemonade around every half hour. The audience found it quite refreshing. To sum it up, it was a most enjoyable occasion, everybody seemingly glad to have been there. l)E3iccitinn o^ ]V[oniTmEnts. yVT 9 A. M., on Wednesday, June 13tli, the various regiments «^ '^ of the Brigade assembled at Brigade Headquarters and in the following order marched to the dedication grounds at Gulp's Hill :— G. A. R. Band, of Gettysburg, Sergeant McEntee, of the 65th New York, carrying the " Old Brigade Flag" ; General Alexander Shaler, Staff, and Headquarter friends; — 23d Pennsylvania and friends, under command of Colonel John F. Glenn ; in their line were the battle-flags of the regiment, carried by Comrades David Colville and William H. Bantom, of Phila- delphia, and John Mofflt, of Pittsburg, with the McKnightstown Cornet Band. Then came the-122d New York and friends, un- der the command of Colonel Silas Titus, with their old battle- flag, carried by Color-Sergeant Amasa Chase, who bore the flag throughout the war. The State Colors were carried by Samuel McFetters. Then the 82d Pennsylvania Yolunteers and friends, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel John M. Wetherill, their old battle-flags being carried by Comrades James A. Sen- senderfer, Solomon Eoderback, and Lewis H. Davis and Alex- ander White, the guide flags. Then followed the 65th New York Yolunteers — the Chasseurs — under the command of Colonel Samuel Truesdell. The ladies, and those unable to march, fol- lowed the column in carriages. Large numbers of the Gettys- burg people joining in the crowd that wended its way to the grounds, fully twelve hundred people assembling near the old breastworks. 16 Secretary Wray mounted a huge boulder and opened the ex- ercises with outlining the programme to be followed, thanked the great crowd for their presence and read interesting letters, full of kind words and love to the survivors of the Brigade, from General D. N. Couch, of Norwalk, Connecticut, late their Divi- sion Commander ; General John Newton, of New York, also late their Division Commander ; General H. G. "Wright, of Washing- ton, D. C, the honored and brilliant commander of the old Sixth Corps, and General Martin T. McMahon, of New York, the popular old Adjutant-General of the Sixth Corps — each evoking enthusiastic applause as these old, distinguished, beloved and honored names were read. He then stated that he was glad to announce the presence of one whom the Brigade had followed in many of the actions of the Army of the Potomac, and who had the honor to command it on these grounds during the ac- tion of Gettysburg ; and it gave him great pleasure to intro- duce General Alexander Shaler as the Brigade Orator of the Day. Cheer after cheer rang through the woods as the General mounted the rock ; and when the applause, lasting several minutes, had subsided, he began his oration. GfEnEr^cil ^I|ctlEi|'s Onation. COMRADES OF THE OLD BRIGADE, Ladies and Gentlemen : E meet to-day upon historic grounds. Some of us have met here before. Twenty-five years ago, within a few days, two great armies confronted each other in this vicinity. One in defense of State Rights, the other in defense of United States Rights. One assaulted the Union, the other defended it. I shall not attempt to describe, in full, the great battle -wliicli ensued, relate the causes which led to it, nor discuss the effect upon the country of the resulting victory of the Union Army ; but content myself with a brief synopsis of the part taken in this and other battles by that portion of the Sixth Corps in which we had the honor of serving. Let us go back to the autumn of 1861. The "tocsin of war had sounded." The cry to arms had reverberated throughout the land. Fathers, husbands, brothers and sons turned their backs upon their children, their wives, their parents and all that was dearest to them on earth, and rushed impulsively to the de- fense of the Union. To show how spontaneous and how general this outburst of patriotism was, it may be stated, that between July 27, 1861, and October 27, (a period of three months) there were added to the army, then organizing, about 120,000 men ; and that in December following, there were in the vicinity of Washington, and in the Shenandoah Valley, over 200,000 men in battle arra}^ "Washington and its suburbs was one grand encampment. Troops from every loyal State were being marshalled and pre- 18 pared for active service. General George B. McClellan, wliom we familiarly called " Little Mac," owing to his success in West Virginia, in the summer of 1861, had been called to Washington to organize and command an army for the double purpose of de- * fending the Capitol and of taking the field. As regiment after regiment arrived, they were organized into brigades and divisions without much reference to the States from which they came,aud were encamped contiguous to each other. At Queen's farm, on the Bladensburg road, just on the outskirts of the city, the 23d Penns^'lvania, Colonel Birney ; the 31st Pennsylvania, which afterwards became the 82d Pennsylvania, Colonel Williams ; the 65th New York, Colonel Cochrane, and the 67th New York, Colonel Adams, were encamped and formed what w^as knowni as Graham's Brigade, under the command of Brigadier-General Pike Graham, an officer formerly of the United States Cavalry service. This Brigade formed a part of the Division com- manded by General Don Carlos Buel. As early as October, 1861, the organization of the army was practically completed, and from that time until April, 1862, when the Peninsula campaign was begun, were drilled and schooled in the practices of war. The monotonous routine of camp life was varied only by an occasional wild rumor of approaching rebels, and a reconnoisance of the surrounding country*. With the exception of a skirmish at Lewinsville, Virginia, just beyond Chain Bridge, in which a part of the Brigade (the Chas- seur regiment) was engaged, the troops had so far experienced only the drudgery and the jollities of camp life. But this was ended in the spring of 1862, by the cry of " On to Kichmoud," when our Brigade, with the rest of the army, took transports at Alexandria, for Fortress Monroe. In the meantime the 61st Pennsylvania, Colonel Rippey, had joined us. The campaign was begun with three Corps of the army, to wit: — the Second, commanded by General Sumner; the Third, commanded by General Heintzelman, and the Fourth, com- manded by General Keyes. Couch's Division, to which we were attached, belonged to Kej^es' Corps. Our advance up the Peninsula was slow and tedious, although no enemy was seen until we reached Yorktown. Pending the siege of that place 19 we were occupied in watching Warwick River. The battle of Williams) lurg followed the evacuation of Yorktown, and our Brigade, after marching all day through a drizzling rain and mud ankle-deep, reached the battle field in time to support some of Hooker's troops in making their final charge. Before we had advanced far enough from Fortress Monroe to see the enemy. General Graham was relieved from duty and General Wessels, also of the regular army, put in command of the Brigade. General Wessels was in a short time succeeded by another regular officer, General Abercrombie, who was with us at Fair Oaks, and retained the command until after the second battle of Bull Run, fought by General Pope, We crossed the Chickahominy at Bottom's Bridge about the 25th of May, and advanced within five miles of Richmond, where, at Seven Pines and Fair Oaks, on the 31st of May, was fought the first important and severe battles of the campaign. In this battle the regiments of our Brigade were separated. We were encamped along the Nine Mile Road, extending from Seven Pines, on the Williamsburg Pike, to Fair Oaks Station, on the Richmond and York Railroad. Owing to the suddenness of the enemy's attack, the 23d Penn- sylvania and the 67th New York, were thrown forward, while marching towar reached Rock Creek, which crosses the Baltimore Pike about a mile from here. There we rested and made coffee. Resumino- the march we moved to the base of Little Round Top, where the Pifth Corps was stemming the rebel current which had forced back portions of the Third Corps. Two of our brigades were immediately thrown forward to the relief of the Fifth Corps, while the rest were placed in a line of reserve. Before leaving Manchester, our Division Commander, General Newton, took leave of us and went immediately to the front to assume com- mand of the First Corps in the place of General Reynolds, who had been killed that morning, and General Wheaton, by virtue of his rank, assumed command of the Division. This March of the Sixth Corps, of thirt3^-six miles in seven- teen hours, on a sultry summer night and luorning, is probably the most memorable one of the war. When we consider the- load which a soldier carries on the march, even in light march- ing order, the absence in the field of all comforts which he en- joyed at home, and the peril to life and limb which constantly surrounds him, we cannot but admire the pluck and courage with which he undertakes the most difficult and perilous tasks and honor him for the saci'ifices he makes. About sunrise on the morning of the 3d, our Brigade was ordered to Gulp's Hill to aid General Geary, of the Twelftk Corps, in retaking the works on the extreme right, occupied by the enemy during the previous night. The seriousness of Long- street's attack upon our left induced General Meade to order re- inforcements from General Slocum, commanding on this part of the field, which necessitated the evacuation of a part of the line before established. These works were seized by the wil}^ enemy, and at da^dight our troops undertook to dislodge him and drive- him back. Upon reporting to General Geary, our Brigade was formed in the open field, just in rear of the line of defenses, in a column of battalions deployed. After a personal reconnoisance by General Geary and the Brigade Commander, the 122d New York, Colonel Titus commanding, was directed to relieve the 111th Pennsyl- vania, then occupying a position in the front line. This position 21 the}^ held for two hours and a half, under a verj^ severe fire, losing many in killed and wounded, and were then relieved by the 82d Pennsylvania, Colonel Bassett. ^t 9.20 A. M., the 23d' Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Glenn commanding, was placed in position to support the front line. Three hours later, five companies of this regiment, under a galling fire of musketry, were advanced into the breastwoi'ks, and, after silencing the enemy's fire, sent out a line of skirmishers, which, however, were promptl}' recalled, the enemy still being in line of battle inclose proximity to our works. At 11 A. M., the 67th New York, Colonel Cross, marched into the breastworks, from which the enemy were then fleeing, and succeeded in capturing about twenty pris- oners. At 11.15 A. M., the Chasseur regiment (65tli New York), Colonel Hamblin, occupied a position in support of the 23d Pennsjdvania. About 3 P. M., all of our regiments were relieved by others belonging to the Twelfth Corps. Longstreet's attack upon our left, and Ewell's attack upon our right had both failed ; and now a desperate attempt to pierce our centre was to be made. As a prelude to the grand assault of Pickett's Division, 115 pieces of artillery opened their murderous fire upon our lines, and were responded to by about 80 of our own guns. With the order and steadiness of troops on parade, Pickett's lines moved out in view and commenced to advance across the open field to a point just south of the Cemetery grounds marked by a clump of trees. No sooner was the point of his attack made manifest, then every available Union battery was trained upon his columns. The carnage which ensued was terrible ; but on they came, alternately, wavering, staggering, rallying and pressing forward, until the rebel, General Armistead, found himself pierced by a rifle shot within our own lines, fol- lowed by a few hundred of the most fortunate and courageous of his men who became prisoners of war. It was while this was being enacted, that our brigade was called from this position on the right, to traverse the field and report to General Newton, commanding the 1st Corps, at the left centre, near the point of Pickett's assault. After the repulse of this infantr}' charge, the rebel batteries kept up a tantalizing, but irregular fire ; and one of the last shots fired, lost to the 23d Regiment, one of its most promising young officers, Lieutenant Garsed, A solid shot 28 literally tore him to pieces. Before darkness had shrouded the field, the roar of artillery and the rattling of musketry had •ceased. The great battle of the war had been fought. The stillness of the night was broken only by the groans of the wounded and dying, and the rumbling of ammunition and commissary wagons. The losses in both armies amounted to about 50,000 men, equal to one-third of all the number engaged. The rebel army w^is now compelled to abandon all the hopes which its scheme of invasion had inspired ; and bitter as the al- ternative was, its retreat was imperative. So, after spending the fourth day in burying the dead and caring for the wounded, it silently and sullenly retired from our front on the morning of the fifth, and the Sixth Corps was sent out on the Fairfield road in pursuit. Lee's rear guard was overtaken in a pass of the South Mountain range, but was not pursued beyond it. General Meade having determined to keep his army on the east side of that range. It crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry and Ber- lin, July 11th and 18th, and moved along the east of Blue Ridge, while Lee retreated up the Shenandoah Yalley, west of Blue Ridge, and finally encamped in the vicinity of Culpeper Court House. The Army of the Potomac went into camp about War- renton, Yirginia. In an address which I had the honor of delivering upon these grounds, two years ago, on the occasion of the unveiling of the monument of the 23d Pennsylvania regiment, I took occasion to refer to an injustice which had been unintentionally done us, in the report of the battle by the Array Commander. As the re- marks I then made in reference to the 23d regiment are appli- cable to each and all the regiments of our Brigade, I quote them verbatim. After speaking a word of praise in behalf of General Doubleday, of the First Corps, and General Sickels, of the Third Corps, for the services they rendered on the first and second days respectively, I say, "And while claiming this special recog- nition for them, I havfe a less pleasing, but to you a more import- ant duty to perform, and that is, to demand an official recognition of the services, in this battle, of the Brigade to which you were ■attached. The student who in future years peruses the official 29 reports and records in the War Department, will there find re- corded, over the signature of the commander of the Army of' the Potomac, that in the battle of Gettysburg, Wheaton's Bri- gade was ordered to the right, to aid in driving back the enemy and in retaking the works. In other words the troops of Wheaton's Brigade were credited, in the official report of the battle, with the service performed b}^ your Brigade. Upon learning of this error, I spoke to General Meade about it, at an army reunion, held in Boston nine years after the battle, and he promised to have his report corrected. I spoke also to General Wheaton of the credit he had received at another's expense, and of the in- justice done the regiments of the First Brigade. He promised that he would write to General Meade upon the subject, but I am not informed that either of the promises were fulfilled. As our great lamented President (Lincoln) said, in commenting upon the battle, ' There was glory enough for all.' No excuse,, therefore, can be given for withholding from any of the troops engaged the full measure of credit due them, much less should one organization be glorified at the expense of another. In justice to the memory of those brave men whose heroic services you this day commemorate, and injustice to you who have been permitted to survive them, and to pei'form this act of soldierly love and friendship, I protest against the wrong which has been done. I may be answered that it matters little, so far as the Brigade is concerned, since the survivors have erected tablets upon one of the grounds they occupied in this battle. Is it of no consequence to the relatives and friends of those who have died for their country, to their comrades who have survived them, to the officers who commanded them, that the official reports are silent as to the services of the organization with which they fought and died ? Nay, more ; that such reports should actually give to another organization credit for services which cost them so many lives ? For years and perhaps ages to come, the archives, of the war will be perused and studied by historians and military students in search of material with which to compile history or solve military problems ; and must it be said to them, that the records are unreliable — that to ascertain the services of any particular organization of the army, a visit must be made to the battle-fields, and the monuments and tablets consulted ? Such a 30 / confession would be humiliating, but it must be made, so far as It relates to the services of the First Brigade, Third Division Sixth Corps, in the battle of Gettysburg. And, if I am correctly informed, in reference to other organizations also. A greater value attaches, therefore, to the testimonials you this day dedicate, than you probably, anticipated, for it corrects the record ; more' than that, it stands alone as the only record accessible to all, that our Brigade fought and suffered in this part of the field in the greatest battle of the war." On the Uh of November following, an advance movement was ordered, and the right wing of the army, composed of the Fifth and Sixth Corps, under the command of General Sedgwick, was moved to a point on the river called Rappahannock Station, at which point the enemy occupied a series of earthworks on the ijorth side of the river, consisting of two or three redoubts and a long line of rifle-pits or trenches. The approach to these works was over an open field, which could be swept by the enemy's guns for a considerable distance in every direction ; and as the head of our columns debouched from the woods to deploy in line of battle, they furnished a splendid target for the rebel gunner's practice. The scene was grand beyond description. When the speaker entered the open field, the Fifth and part of the Sixth Corps were already in line of battle, with flags flying and bay- onets glistening in the sunlight of a beautiful autumn day, having the appearance of troops on dress parade rather than formed for deadly conflict. Like Humphreys' tactical movements of his Division on the field of Gettysburg, our Brigade was closed up, and without halting advanced and deployed in the position as- signed it, having only the sound of the enemy's guns to keep step with. Without delay our Brigade was ordered to drive in the rebel sharpshooters and secure the possession of a knoll in the right and front, for the occupation of a battery. This was quickly done, and soon after the battery was established, a col- umn of attack was formed from the Sixth Corps and put in command of General Russell. Colonel Upton led the column with his regiment, and made one of the most brilliant and suc- cessful charges ever made upon any field. He not only captured the whole line of works, but with it, some sixteen hundred pris. oners, six battle-flags, and many pieces of artillery and small arms 31 His attacking column numbered only fifteen hundred. The ser- vices of our Brigade as well as those of Upton's troops, were made the subject of a complimentary order from Corps Head- quarters, The next move of importance was Meade's effort to interpose ■his army between the two wings of Lee's army, and for that purpose directed the various Corps to cross the Rapidan at dif- ferent points, the Sixth at Jacob's Mill ford, which they did on the 2'7th of November. Our Division was ordered to report to General Warren, to aid him in outflanking, if possible, the ■enemy's right. Sunday, November 29th, found us in what was then considered &. favorable position from which to attack, and orders were issued for Warren to do so at 8 o'clock next morning. But when morn- ing came things were changed. Lee had entrenched himself in our front and planted batteries on our left. The flankers were outflanked, and Warren's heart failed him. As he told the speaker afterwards " he had not the courage to attack." But 'he had the courage to sacrifice himself rather than his men. He assumed the responsibility of suspending the attack, and Gene- ral Meade subsequently justified him. Thus ended the brief "winter campaign of Mine Run, and we returned to our old camps. During December, 1863, while in camp at Brandy Station, the government called upon the three year men, two years of service having expired, to re-enlist for three years from that date or the war. This call was responded to by the men of our regiments, with remarkable unanimity and promptitude, neai'ly two-thirds in the aggregate, voluntarily offering to continue their services until the last rebel laid down his arms. In January, 1864, our Brigade was ordered to Sandusky, Ohio, to prevent an anticipated attempt to liberate the rebel officers confined on Johnson's Island, Sandusky Bay, and re- mained there until the 12th of April, 1864, when Brigade Head- quarters and three regiments (the 65th, 67th and 122d New York) proceeded to rejoin the army at Brandy Station. During our absence from the army, the old 3d Division was disbanded, 32 and wte were assigned to the 1st Division commanded by Gene- ral H. G. Wright, constituting tlie 4th Brigade of that Division. Grant's overland campaign to Richmond began at midnight, the 3d of May. Our Brigade, or rather the three regiments of it in camp crossed the Rapidan on the 4th, in charge of an ammuni- tion train which was parlved a short distance in rear of the line of battle formed by the 5th and 6th Corps in the Wilderness, and at midnight on the 5th, moved forward and reported to our Division Commander. He assigned us to a position on the ex- treme right in support of General Seymour, who commanded the troops at that point. An advance of the line about 8 o'clock in the morning of the 6th, so shortened it that in order to retain possession of a prominence on our flank, our regiments had to be placed in the front line, thus presenting to the enemy a single attenuatetl line where a strong, well supported one should have been. Early in the day we were called upon to send a regiment a little to the left, to the aid of General Neill's Brigade which was being hard pressed. The 67th New York was sent in, and returned in about an hour, having lost about 100 men in that short time. Much anxiety was felt throughout the day for the safety of this flank which was practically in the air, guarded only by a skirmish line thrown around to the rear, and subsequent events justified that anxiety. The attention of Corps Headquarters was re- peatedly called to its weakness, but for reasons unknown to the speaker no troops were sent to us, and it was an easy matter, therefore, when a Brigade of Ewell's Corps under General Gor- don -about 6 o'clock in the evening, drove in our skirmishers, to also double up our single line of infantry. A few officers and men of each of our three regiments were captured, and many killed and wounded. The able bodied who escaped capture, reformed a line along the wood road, which crossed our line of battle perpendicularly, a few yards to the left. The Brigade Commander in reconnoitering on the borders of this road, with more zeal than caution, rode into the enemies lines and was captured. This terminated his services with the Brigade in which he had served since the organization of the army, and to which he had become dearly attached. The com- 33 niand of the Brigade devolved upon Colonel Nelson Cross, of the eith New York. In the successful assaults at Spottsylvania and Cold Harbor, and the defense of North Anna, which followed the battle of the Wilderness, its reputation was fully sustained. Throughout the trials encountered in the change of base to the South side of the James, and the besieging of Petersburg, its patience and its power of endurance was manifest ; and when a detached column under General Early, early in July, again threatened the Na- tional Capitol, the confidence of the Army Commander in its prowess, and its devotion to the cause, secured the transfer of the 6th Corps to the point of danger. The old residents of Washington will never forget with what celerity the rebel General was made to retire from the front of the Capitol and subsequently beat an inglorious retreat up the Shenandoah "Valley, before the war-scarred veterans of the 6th Corps, which by the celerity of its movements, had become known as Sedg- wick's Cavalry. After this short campaign we find the Brigade back again among its veteran comrades of the army, hammering awa}^ at the defenses of Petersburg, until on Sunday morning, April 2d, the final charge upon the works is made. The signal success of the 6th Corps in this charge, not only carrjdng the line of de- fense in their front, but sweeping to the left and capturing a long line, thousands of prisoners and many guns, and subse- quently turning to the right again, driving everything before it, until the enemy were encircled within their last cordon of de- fenses, w^as the first of the series of staggering blows which ultimately determined the fate of the Confederacy. The par- allel race with Lee's army, which soon followed, gave another proof of its marching qualities. But it was at Sailor's Creek a few days later, where the fortunes of war gave to the 6th Corps the final opportunity to make still more brilliant its record by crushing forever and utterly destroying its ancient antago- nist. It is not a little remarkable, but the fact is without dispute, that the 6th Corps was confronted, in its four years of battling, oftener by Ewell's Corps than by any other in the rebel arm3^ There seemed, therefore, a Providential dispensation in 3 34 the circumstances which placed it in the power of the 6th Corps at Sailor's Creek, Virginia, on the 6th of April, 1865, to compel General EavcII and all that remained of his Corps, to lay down their arras and become prisoners of war. The crowning glory of a brilliant record. During the period of its services, the integrity of our brigade was preserved from beginning to end. While, by reorganiza- tions of the army, and the necessities of the service, whole corps and divisions were broken up and disbanded, our brigade organi- zation continued intact. Regiments were added to it and taken from it, indeed, to such an extent that but one of the original regiments retained its identity in the brigade, until the disband- ment of the corps and final muster out. The 23d Pennsylvania was mustered out at the close of the Yalley campaign, its re- enlisted men being transferred to the 82d regiment. The 31st Pennsylvania became the 82d Pennsylvania. The 67th New York was mustered out at the end of three years, and the re- enlisted men were transferred to the 65th New York. The 122d New York was not an original member, but joined in the Sum- mer of 1862, and was transferred to Bidwell's Brigade of the 2d Division, 6th Corps, in the Summer of 1864. The 61st Penn- sylvania was taken to make up a Light Brigade, and never re- turned to us. The 65th New York (1st United States Chasseurs, as it was called), was, therefore, the only one of all of the origi- nal members, which retained its identity through four long years of war, and until the final disbandment of the army and muster out. It is said that this was the last regiment of the Army of the Potomac mustered out. Upon the muster out of the 67th New York, Colonel Cross retired from the service, and the command of the brigade de- volved upon Colonel Joe. E. Hamblin of the 65th New York, than whom a more gallant and faithful officer could not be found in the service. In this hastily prepai-ed and imperfect record of the services of our brigade, it may be considered not improper to speak of the qualities of some of the Colonels of the regiments which composed it. It is a matter of historical record, which may be alluded to here, without disparagement to others. Most of them 35 ■showed a capacity and talent foi' military service which sooner •or later secured for them deserved promotion. Colonel David B. Birne3% of the 23d Pennsylvania was made a Brigadier-General and Major-General of Volunteers. Colonel Thomas H. Neill, of the same regiment, was made Brigadier-General and Brevet Major-General, Colonel John Ely, also of the same regiment, ^as made a Brigadier-General. Colonel Nelson Cross, of the 67th New York, was made a Brigadier-General and Brevet Major-General. Colonel John Cochrane, of the 65th New York, was made a Brigadier-General. Colonel Alexander Shaler and •Colonel Joe. E. Hamblin, of the same regiment, were both made Brigadier-Generals and Brevet Major-Generals of Volunteers. Having through the fortunes of war been separated from the brigade during the last year of its service, a period in which promotions would be most likely to occur, I have referred to those only of which I have personal knowledge. No brigade in the army was more fortunate in the quality of its officers ; and, very many, too many to refer to here by name, were for their superior talent and abilit}' ; for their gallant conduct, and for long and faithful services, promoted to higher grades, detailed to staff duty, and assigned to other special and honorable service. The case of Lieutenant-Colonel D wight, of the 122d New York, was one of unrewarded merit. He valiantly commanded the regiment in nearly all its battles, and until it was reduced below the number for which a Colonel could be mustered ; and was finall}^ killed in front of Petersburg, without having received the promotion which he had repeatedly earned and was justly en- titled to. The brigade was equally fortunate in the composition of its Staff, Captain William P. Roome, Assistant Adjutant-General ; Captain Samuel Truesdell, Assistant Inspectoi'-General ; Major George W. Ford, Assistant Quartermaster, and Captain Nat. Ellmaker, Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, were all officers of the highest qualities, possessing especial fitness for their re- spective positions. They served throughout with unsurpassed ileal and faithfulness, and retired honored and respected by all with whom they had intercourse. To commemorate the services of this noble body of men upon 36 this field of battle, and to dedicate memorials to their fallen comrades, we have met to-day. In looking back, visions pass before us like a dream. We see the demon of war with haughty mien uplift his arm to assail our national existence. Rebellious hordes are marshalled for unholy conquest. With rapid strides and swift approaches the swelling ranks besiege our capitol. In- dignant loyalty with glaring astonishment nerves herself for de- fense. Liberty is fettered, and affrighted peace seeks safety in flight. To arms ! to arms ! the people cry, The danger to our Capitol is nigh. With sentiment akin to filial love, the masses with one accord uprise and bid defiance. The conflict rages. Death, devastation and destruction revel. Gloom and sorrow prevail. Protentious clouds of darkness envelop us. Evil spirits, with hellish intent,, pursue unchallenged their damnable ways. The angels mourn, and all nature in darkness weeps. But see, a silver lining ap- pears. Peering with hopeful aspect. Peace, with olive branch extended, seeks audience. In the distance seething masses of armed men struggle for mastery. With diminished force rebel- lion aims her blows, and finally sinks to rise no more. Victory perches on Lo^^alty's crest. Homeward turns the Spartan band, heroes all ! Halos of glory illumine the sky. Loved ones meet, in joyous ecstacy. Liberty and peace have resumed their places. The dream has passed ; but stern reality bids us inquire, where is father, brother and son. In yonder graves they lie, victims of disloyalty, and martyrs for their country. Let us keep their memories green, and each recurring year cover them with im- mortelles, and sweet-scented flowers. And let us not forget the living heroes. Let us remember that to them we are indebted for the blessings of peace and prosperity which our re-united country now enjoys. Let us remember that the " stars on our banner grew suddenly dim ; '' and that it was the private soldier who restored to them their lustre, and palsied the hand which attempted their obliteration. While our children are taught to revere that emblem of unity and strength, let them also be taught the danger of assailing it. Teach them to honor its defenders ; and if in after time it should again be threatened, let them emulate the patriotic example set by their fathers on this hallowed spot. 3T At its close the General was congratulated on all sides upon liis accurate and valuable historical review of the services of the brigade. Then followed the Dedication Services of the 122d New York. After music b3- the Grand Army of the Republic Band of Gett}' s- Taurg, who plaj^ed " The Star Spangled Banner," Comrade A. H. HuBBS, President of the 122d New York Yolunteers Associa- tion, opened the exercises with a brief address, introducing on t)ehalf of the Committee in charge of the erection of their monument, Major Davis Cossitt, of Syracuse, 122d New York, who delivered the follovsing address : ADDRESS OF MAJOR DAYIS COSSITT. ■Comrades and Friends : I need not take this occasion to remind 3'ou that the ground upon which we meet to-day, and the deeds which we are gathered here to honor and commemorate, are among the most interesting and important on the world's record ; for hy common consent of history-, both military and civil, Gettysburg has been added to the number of those decisive contests that have influenced the course of events and made or marred the destinies of nations. After repeatedly measuring its strength with the Army of Northern Yirginia, on the soil of the Old Dominion, with varied fortune, sometimes partiall}- successful, more frequently en- ■countering successful resistance or defeat and disaster, the Army of the Potomac did finally on this field of Gettysburg, achieve Si decisive, substantial victory. There has been an impression somewhat prevalent that Gulp's Hill was a mere outpost of little consequence, in the battle of Gett3^sburg. In reality it was one of the most important points in the Union lines. As anj^one can see, had Johnson succeeded in establishing his strong division along this ridge, almost ■directl}' in rear of Cemetery Hill, supported as he was by the other divisions of Ewell's Corps, comprising at least one-third 38 of the entire Confederate army, Meade would have been forced to retreat, he would have been flanked from his position without the firing of a shot, and the road to Baltimore and Washington left open to the invader. Retreat at that time meant nothing less than rout, disaster and ruin to the Union Army. No one general was great enough, no one army corps laro-e enough to absorb quite all the glories of this, the great battle of the war. The r£cord made by Shaler's Brigade is one to which all may point with pride. While in nowise desirous of arroga- ting to ourselves an undue share of the honors, we may justly claim that we contributed our full share towards securing the final glorious result. At daylight, on the morning of the third days' fight, we moved from the foot of Round Top to this ravine, and among the rocks some fifteen rods back from the front line. By order of General Shaler, the 122d dashed across the intervening space and took possession of the breastwork on our front. Here we fovmd the 149th New York, of the 12th Corps, posted immediately on our left. Thus these two Onondaga regiments, fighting side by side, aided in dislodging Johnson from this portion of our line, and from the works of which he had partial possession. While advancing this short distance over this ridge, and in defence of the breastworks, the 122d lost, in killed and wounded, forty -four of its members, a greater proportionate loss than was sustained by either of the contending armies on any one of those days of battle and carnage ; and the fact that the enemy made- no further attempt to secure this important position, attests that he too must have been severely punished. There was fighting that day on Culp's Hill, as well as elsewhere along the line. Two 3^ears ago while some of us were on a pilgrimage to this battle-field, we could not but notice that the great State of New- York, which had more regiments engaged, and lost more men than any other State, had neither monument nor tablet of any description to her soldiers. Through the efforts of members of the Grand Army, our Legislature made an appropriation suflfi- cient to furnish each of our regiments which chose to accept it,, with a monument. We are, therefore, enabled to-day to dedi- cate this monument commemorative of our three years' service,. 39 and more especially as a memorial to those of our eomvacles who gave their lives in defense of the cause the}' loved, and of the flag the}^ so valiantly* carried. On behalf of the Committee having the matter in charge, it is mj^ pleasing dut^' to present 3-ou the monument we have selected, chaste and simple in design, with the insigna of the Corps with which we served, it will stand as a memento of a regiment that never failed in the performance of a dut3',nor faltered when in the presence of an enem^-, and whose surviving members, I am glad to know, maintain as citizens the reputation so nobl}^ won as soldiers ; and as inexorable time depletes our ranks, may each one of us find himself prepared for the final muster. By universal choice of the regiment, the honor of unveiling the monument has been awarded to our old Color Bearer, Com- rade Amasa Chase ; but candor compels me to sa}' that " IJncle Amasa" enlisted under false colors — he colored his hair and colored his whiskers ; and though long past the age of evemp- tion from military services cheated the mustering officer into the belief that he was a young fellow with the rest of us. But he never failed in a dut}^, nor fell out on a march ; on ever}' field his sturd}' form and pleasant face were alwaj-s at the front ; and notwithstanding his nearly' four-score j-ears, he carries our colors to-day as he carried these identical colors on the field twent}'- five years ago. The monument was then unveiled by the old Color Sergeant of the Regiment, Amasa Chase, amid the music of the G. A. R. Band and plaudits of the vast crowd. President Alexander H. Hubbs, of Sj'racuse, returned the thanks of the Committee, for the elegant manner in which Major Cossitt had performed the services imposed upon him, and in be- half of the 122d New York Volunteers Association, accepted the beautiful monument just unveiled ; and it gave him great pleasure and honor to present it to " The Battlefield Memorial Association" for their safe care and keeping. John M. Krauth, Secretary of the " The Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association, in a brief speech accepting the trust, after 40 which Lieutenant-Colonel 0. Y. Tracy, of Syracuse, New York, was introduced, and delivered the following dedicatory address : ADDRESS OF LIEUT.-COLONEL 0. Y. TRACY. Comrades op the 122d New York, AND of ShALER's BRIGADE : I take the place of one of our survivors to-day, to whom most appropriately had been assigned the duty of making the address on this occasion, Major J. B. Davis, who, doing his duty bravely behind these very breastworks, received a severe wound that incapacitated him for further service with the regiment. He had fully intended to have come from his distant home in Ne- braska to meet his old comrades ; but a telegram received from him the latter part of last week, advised us that a sudden severe illness would prevent his attendance, and I regret it on your account, as you will miss the excellent address he would have made. The 122d New York was enlisted entirely in the county of Onondaga, in the fair garden of Central New York, and mus- tered into service at Syracuse, New York, August 28, 1862. We left Syracuse, August 31, 1862, a thousand strong, under com- mand of Colonel Silas Titus, who is with us here to-day. A. W. Dwight, Lieutenant-Colonel; J. B. Davis, Major; A. J. Smith, Adjutant ; Frank Lester, Quartermaster ; N. R. Tefft, Sur- geon ; J. 0. Slocum and E. A. Knapp, Assistants, and L. M. Nickerson, Chaplain. Colonel Titus remained in command of the regiment until after the battle of Gettysburg, when compelled to leave on account of ill health, Colonel Dwight assumed command, whrch he retained until killed in action before Petersburg, Yirginia in March, 1865. Major Brower, who succeeded Major Davis having been killed at the battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. Major Clapp, one of the best and bravest officers anj^ regi- ment ever had, upon Colonel Dwight's death took command and was succeeded by Captain Walpole who had been promoted to Colonel, and who brought the regiment home at the close of the war, which came soon after. 41 Our losses during our three years' service, were, kiiled in action, 5 officers, 59 enlisted men ; died of wounds, 1 officer and 29 men ; died of disease, 3 officers, 68 men ; accidentally killed, 2 men ; drowned, 1 man ; died in rebel prisons, 14 men, a total of 119 deaths. The number of wounded reached to nearly 500, making the total casualities of the regiment more than one-half of the original number. While time forbids that a fitting tribute should be paid to many a gallant comrade who fell, I must pause for a moment to speak of two; the one Colonel A. W. Dwight, to whom the effi- ciency of the regiment was so largely due. Serving under him as Adjutant, I can bear testimonj^ to the good discipline he maintained, his courage and his faithfulness even unto death, which came just as we were to reap the fruits of our three years of trials and sufferings in the closing victory of the war. The other Lieutenant, Frank Wooster, a brave and capable officer, for whom no march was long enough to stop the flow of his spirits, and who always was disposed to see the humorous side of even the trials of our army life. Never shall I forget my last sight of him, his face aglow with the ardor of battle, as we involuntarily clasped hands as we passed each other in that hastily formed line in the battle of the Wilderness, repelling the flank attack. In a few moments I was a prisoner, and the very day I succeeded in regaining our lines at Harper's Ferry, poor Wooster was killed at Cold Harbor. With a pre- monition of coming events he wrote Ma}^ 14, 1864, to my mother after my capture : " If your son is alive and a prisoner, as I believe him to be, and I think of what we have been thi'ough for the last two weeks, and what we are likely to go through in the next few weeks to come, I feel I have cause to congratulate you, rather than condole with you." Upon our arrival at Washington, we went into camp for a few days, when we were ordered to join the Army of the Potomac ; and fortunately for us, were assigned to Cochi'ane's, soon to be- come Shaler's Brigade, composed of the 23d, 61st and 82d Penn- sylvania, 65th and 6*7th New York. I don't believe any of us will forget the day when we joined the brigade at Orfut's Cross Roads. The old regiments were so 42 reduced in numbers by the Peninsula campaign, that we were not surprised as our long line filed past to be greeted with the shout, " Hello, what brigade is that ?" We were kindly received in the brigade, and if they did take a little advantage of our greenness and credulity, and told us big stories of the Peninsula campaign, and the " Seven Days' Fight ;" we soon learned to be " old soldiers" ourselves, and held our own with them ; and after Gettysburg and the Wilderness, we never heard quite so much of the " Seven Days' Fight." Soon after joining the brigade, Major Hamblin of the Chas- seurs, was assigned to our regiment for a short time ; and I think I but express the unanimous voice of the regiment when I say how much we were indebted to him for his instruction and advice ; and how he won all our hearts by his courtes}^ and good humor. Would that he might have been spared to be with us here to-day. General Cochrane left us before we had hardly time to know him, and was succeeded by that thorough and gallant soldier. General Alexander Shaler ; and if at first we thought he was rather strict in his discipline, and severe in his drills, after hav- ing been in battle under his command we appreciated the value of it all, and knew that wherever he sent us he was near us him- self, caring for us, and always ready, if necessary, to lead us. General Shaler commanded the brigade until the disastrous at- tack in the Wilderness, when in the confusion and while attempt- ing to repel the rebel advance, he was taken prisoner, and I, following my General, as I had been taught, found myself a prisoner with him. Upon my escape from Lynchburg and return to the regiment, I found it brigaded with other troops, Shaler 's Brigade having been broken up. But before leaving the brigade I must not forget to mention the Staff — Captain Truesdell, the sharp-eyed Inspec- tor, who looked so closely after our camps ; Lieutenant Johnson, the handsome Aide ; Captain Ford, the efficient Quartermaster, and that gallant soldier and courteous gentleman, Captain Roome who had such a pleasant way of delivering even a disagreeable' order, that we hastened to obey. 43 I Tvill not attempt in the short time allotted me, to follow the regiment through its three years service in the Sixth Corps, under those efficient commanders Sedgwick and Wright, participating as it did in every battle of the Army of the Potomac from Anti- etam to Appomattox, besides serving under the gallant Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valle}^, but will only speak briefly of the part it took in the Battle of Gettysburg. The afternoon of July 1, 1863, found us at Manchester, 36 miles from Gettysburg, where we enjoyed a much needed rest after our continuous march from Fredericksburg, but the battle had begun and the Sixth Corps were sorely needed here. Our Division Commander, General Newton, was called to take the place of the lamented Keynolds, who had fallen in defence of his native state. We left Manchester at dusk on the evening of Jul}^ 1, and all through the dreary night pushed on towards Gettysburg. As morning dawned the sound of the second day's battle greeted our ears, faint at first, but growing more and more distinct as we hurried forward to the assistance of our comrades of the Army of the Potomac. Halting only for the occasional five minutes rest, and twice to make coff"eo, we struggled on through that hot July day, nerved to renewed eff"orts as the sound of the battle grew louder and louder, reaching the banks of Rock Creek in the middle of the afternoon, and redeeming the promise our noble Sedgwick had made when he received his orders the night before : " Tell Gene- ral Meade,'' he said to the staflT officer who brought the order, " tell General Meade, I will be at Gettysburg with my Corps at two o'clock to-morrow afternoon." Part of our Corps were engaged that night : dashing on to the field at a double-quick, after their long march, they assisted in re- lieving the Third Corps. Our brigade went into bivouac in rear of Little Round Top, sleeping on our arms. We were roused again before daylight and moved to Gulp's Hill, reporting to General Geary, com- manding the Twelfth Corps. On that pleasant July morning, twenty-five years ago, these 44 ■peaceful woods were filled with the angry sounds of war. Here might have been heard the whistle of the minie bullet or the shriek of the vindictive shell, as Lee made his last desperate at- tempt to turn the right of our army. In yonder ravine lay Shaler's Brigade, when in the midst of the strife a regiment of the Twelfth Corps were compelled to fall back from these breastworks, their ammunition exhausted. Un- der orders from General Shaler the 122d sprang forward with a cheer to take their places. Charging across yon knoll we re- occupied these breastworks, and assisted by other regiments — notably the 149th New York, who were on our immediate left, a regiment from our own county of Onondaga — friends and neigh- bors fighting side-by-side, we held this portion of the line against the repeated charges of the enemy until they abandoned their attack in despair. In the gallant charge across 3-on knoll and in the subsequent defense of these breastworks, we lost ten of our comrades killed or mortally wounded, and thirty-four more or less severely woun- ded, a very large proportion of the number actually engaged, and one-third in number of the killed, and one-sixth in Avounded of the loss that day sustained by our Corps. Through the liberalit}^ of the Empire State we to-day dedicate this monument, surmounted by the ci-oss we fought under, to the memory of our comrades who here gave their lives up freely in the service of their country, and whose graves in yonder beauti- ful cemetery bear mute witness for them ; of those other comrades some of whom have died, and others that live and still suffer from wounds received that day, and still further in commemo- ration of the gallant services of our regiment in the Sixth Army ■ Corps, a tribute to those that are gone, as well as to the survivors who as good citizens maintain the reputation they won on the field. As we gather year by year at our annual re-unions, we find our fraternal bonds strengthened as our ranks decrease, and when we shall all have been mustered into that grand army above, may we find that the services we have rendered our country in her hour of need, on this and other memorable fields, will not be found to have been in vain. 122d New York Volunteers Monument. Description op 122d New Yokk Monument. The Monument of the 122d Eeghiient is made of New Hampshire granite. The base is set upon an im- mense rock, situated a few feet in the rear of the rifle pits, and a short distance to the right of the 149th Kegiment's monument. It marks very accurately the position occupied by the regiment, and is near the left of the line. Surmounting the cap is the corps badge, the Greek cross, so cut as to present the same appear- ance from either side. On the front of the cap stone in raised letters are the words " 122d N. Y. Inf'y," and on the left and right sides are the words " 1st Brigade," " 3d Division," and on the front of the base " Gth Army Corps." The die has three polished panels and one rock finished. On two of the former are inscriptions as follows : "Assisted in repulsing the attack on the morning of July 3, 1863; loss, killed 10, wounded 34." "Organized Onondaga Co., N. Y. Mustered into service at Syracuse, N. Y., August 28, 1862. Served continuously with the Sixth Corps until the close of the war." In the third panel is sunken the statejcoat •of arms in bronze. 4t After the dedication services of the 122d, the great crowd moved over to the 23d Pennsylvania Yolunteers Monument, un- der the command of Colonel John F, Glenn,. and formed three sides of a square. The exercises opened with music by the McKnightstown Band, followed by the Rev. Dr. H. W. McKnight President of the Gett3'sburg College — a veteran of the Sixth Corps — who eloquently delivered a fervent pra3'er. Colonel John F. Glenn, of Philadelphia, President of the Sur- vivors' Association 23d Pennsylvania Yolunteers, then delivered the following address : COLONEL JOHN F. GLENN'S ADDRESS. Comrades of the 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers AND Friends of Shaler's Brigade. " "We assemble here to-day to unveil a Statue that surmounts our Monument, that we had the honor to dedicate some two years ago, and it is with feelings of gratification that I extend congratulations to the 23d Pennsylvania Yolunteers and Com- rades of Shaler's Brigade, for such a large attendance of their survivors on this hallowed ground — and in their name I most heartily thank our friends who have honored the occasion by their presence. To the State of Pennsylvania we extend our grateful thanks for the gift which I now unveil, that of a Birney Zouave — and in saying this I assure the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania of the gratitude of all the Survivors of the 23d Pennsyl- vania Yolunteer Infantry." The Statue was then unveiled amid the applause of the crowd and music of the bands, b}^ the following ladies : Mrs. Colonel John F. Glenn, Mrs. Colonel William J. Wallace, Miss Emma Wray, (daughter of the Secretary) of Philadelphia, Mrs. Captain James M. Craig, of Allegheny Cit}', and Mrs. John Moffltt, of Pittsbui'g. After order was restored. President Glenn introduced 'Comrade William J. Wray, of Philadelphia, Secretary of the 48 Survivors' Association, 23cl Pennsylvania Volunteers, who pre- sented the Statue to the Battlefield Memorial Association in the following address _: WILLIAM J. WRAY'S ADDRESS. Mr. Secretary, and members of the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association. On August 6, 1886, the Survivors' Association of the 23d Regiment Pennsylvania Yolunteers, and their friends, had the honor to dedicate and turn over to the keeping of your Associ- ation this Tablet, that marks the position of the 23d during the action of July 3, 1863. On that occasion, General Alexander Shaler, as orator of the daj^, alter reviewing the action of Gettj^s- burg, and history of the Regiment, in most eloquent words, gene- rously paid tribute to the command as its Brigade Commander. Since that time the State of Pennsylvania having appropriated the sum of $1,500 to each Pennsylvania command that partici- pated in the action for the erection of monuments. Our Associ- ation appointed the required committee — selected a design of a Statue to surmount their Tablet. The Pennsylvania State Com- mission on Gettysburg Monuments having approved of our selection, the work was ordered done, and we are here to-day to transfer to the keeping of the Battlefield Memorial Association, this granite work of art, just unveiled — a Statue of a " BiRNEy Zouave." You will observe the figure represents a youthful soldier, who advancing up the slope at trail arms, grasps his musket impulsivel}^, as he suddenly receives the fire of the enemy. It is quite a departure from the dress parade figure usually cut in granite, and while not regulation as to the position of the musket, it is realistic — thus showing the soldier under tire— and one more appropriate on a battlefield. The surroundings being woodland — the figure is supported by a broken tree, apparently struck by a piece of shell — all details as to uniform and accoutre- ments have been brought artistically out, — and in placing this work of art in the keeping of your Association, we deem it a pleasant duty we owe to thank you for the faithful manner in which you have labored for the preservation of this field — and in thenama 49 of the Survivors' of the 23d Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, we gratefully acknowledge the gift of the State of Pennsylvania, who so generously appropriated the funds for its erection. Secretary John M. Krauth, of Gettysburg, received the Statue on behalf of the Battlefield Memorial Association, in a brief address. T5 ladies of the 23d, as choristers, then sang the following verses of the National n3'mn — "America." My country ! 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing : Land where my fathers died ! Land of the Pilgrim's pride From every mountain side Let Freedom ring ! My native country, thee, Land of the noble free. Thy name I love ; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills ; My heart with rapture thrills. Like that above. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song : Let mortal tongues awake ; Let all that breathe partake ; Let rocks their silence break. The sound prolong. Our fathers' God, to thee, Author of Liberty, To thee we sing ; Long may our land be bright With Freedom's holy light ; Protect us by thy might. Great God, our King. 50 With music of the band, and everybody joining in the singing, the inspiring melody that went up in the woods, made a scene long to be remembered. Then followed the singing of the "Doxolog}'." Praise God, from whom all blessings flow ; Piaise him, all creatures here below ; Praise him above, ye heavenly host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Benediction was then pronounced by the Rev. H. W. McKnight. Taps were then sounded on the bugle by Bugler Blanck, of Philadelphia. 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers Monument. (Birney's Zouaves.) Description op the 23d Pennsylvania Monument. The Tablet, with the Statue, is of Quincy Granite, 16 feet in height, and contains the following inscriptions : On the front face of the statue base, as will be observed in the- engraving, is the Pennsylvania coat- of-arms on a bronze plate. On the cap of the moniiment, " Twenty- third Pennsylvania Volun- teers." The die of the monument contains the National and State flags crossed, with " Sixth Corps'' mark in blue enamel, followed by the legend : "The Regiment was pJaced in reserve in rear of this position at 9.30 a. m. on the 3d of July, and subsequently five companies advanced into the breastworks. During the heavy can- nonading it moved with the brigade to support the left centre. Loss in the action 2 officers and 29 enlisted men killed and wounded." On the third base is engraved the words: " Birney's Zouaves." Second base : " First Brigade, Third Division, Sixtli Corps." On the rear face of the statue base is inscribed : This statue was erec- ted by the State of Pennsylvania." On the die of the rear face of the nionument is inscribed an official list of actions participated in by the regiment : "Falling Waters, Yorktown, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Wliite Oak Swamp, Charles City Cross Roads, Turkey Bend, Malvern Hill, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, Marye's Heights, Salem Church, Gettysburg, Funkstown, Ra^jpahannock Station, Mine Run, Cold Harbor, Hanover Court House, 1864; Peteisburg, June 19, 1864, to July 9, 1864 ; Fort Stevens, Shenandoah Valley Campaign, with Sixth Corps, until August 21, 1864, when ordered home for muster out. Casualties : — 139 killed, 520 wounded, 86 died. Total 735." Third Base — With the Sixth Corps, at 8 p. m., July 1, the regi- ment marched from Manchester, 37 miles, arriving on the held at 5 P. M., July 2, going into position with Shaler's Brigade near Little Round Top ; ordered to Gulp's Hill, on the morning of July 3, where it remained until ordered to " Left Centre," in support of Second Corps ; moving off in pursuit of Lee, July 5. Right face— Die : — Mustered in at Philadelphia for three months' service, April 21, 1861. Mustered out July 31, 1861. Re-mustered for three years' service August 2, 1861. Mustered out September 8, 1864. Veterans and recruits transferred to Eighty-second Penn- sylvania Volunteers. Third Base : — Our Corps Commanders : Patterson, Keyes, Frank- lin, Sedgwick, Wright. Our Division Commanders : Cadwallader, Buell, Couch, Newton, Wheaton, Russell. Left Face — Die : — This tablet was erected August, 1886, by the survivors of the Twenty-third Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and their friends. Third Base: — Our Brigade Commanders: George H. Thomas, Graham, Abercrombie, Cochrane, Slialer, Edwards. Our Regi- mental Commanders : Dare, Birney, Neill, Ely, Glenn. This not only marks the position of the regiment in the action, but gives a concise history of the " old command." The tablet is erected on the top of the slope on Gulp's Hill, immediately in rear of the breastworks, showing it to have been one of the relieving regiments. 53 The march was then resumed to the grounds ot the 82d SPennsylvania Yolunteers Monument — where Lieut.-Colonel John M. Wetherill, President of the 82d Pennsylvania Yolunteers Association, opened the exercises with the following address : — LIEUT.-COLONEL JOHN M. WETHERILL'S ADDRESS. Friends and Comrades : The people of Pennsylvania, mindful of the services of her Soldier sons, have ordered through their representatives, the Legislature and Governor of the State, the erection of Monu- ments to commemorate their deeds upon this battle-field, and have cODflded to the survivors of those who fought here, the duty of selecting the form and locating the place upon which they are erected. In accordance with this trust, we are assembled to-day, to de- liver to the proper authority this completed structure erected as a lasting witness and testifying that it is the place where your most valuable services and sacrifices in this battle were rendered to the cause of our country. For the purpose of handing down this record to future gene- rations, the same organization is assembled here that occupied it a quarter of a century ago. But how changed ! Then in the full bloom of active manhood, in martial array, with banners stream- ing, drums beating, with bright arms, erect bearing, and all the manl}^ pride and bravery of the experienced soldier. Now the few survivors advance to this well-remembered spot with bended form, halting from wounds and with tottering step. Some still retain something of the elasticity of youth, but in the youngest the hair is sprinkled with white, and the eye, accus- tomed to the listlesness of peace, has lost in advancing age the sternness of expression with which it formerly undaunted gazed into the fire of opposing musketry. Many are missed, laid low by the storm of subsequent battles, and time, a more relentless enemy, has more than decimated the remainder. 54 We, the few who are left, with grateful acknowledgments to the Almighty, who through these memorable scenes of our lives has preserved us to the present, rejoice that we are permitted to assemble upon this historic field to consumate the purpose which the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has so kindly assigned us. It is fitting, that on this occasion, the record of this part of your services to your country should be recorded. I wish I were better able to perform this pleasing duty, for no tongue can be too eloquent, or pen too graceful to describe the deeds of the patriot soldiers, who have made this field historic throughout all coming ages. There is no need to remind you of the first day of July, 1863^ when you were encamped on the line of Pipe Creek, thirty-seven miles distant from the ground on which we now stand. How pleasant and cheerful had been the day of rest, which after your rapid march from the Potomac, you enjoyed in the woods near the banks of that insignificant rivulet. The long Summer day had ended and night closed upon the scene. Momentarily ex- pecting tattoo you were making preparations to enjoy the un- wonted luxury of a Summer nights sleep under the trees. The drummers call is heard. What is it! It is yet too early for tattoo. Soon you learn, as out beats the assembly, letting you know that there is no rest for that night. The accoutre- ments put on, the shelter tents unfastened and distributed, the orderly's command, " Fall in," the roll called and all accounted for, these are the work of a moment. With brief ceremony the Regiment is formed and you are on the march. No one knows where. Your brigade heads the column. In the darkness the road is mistaken, and two miles added to the march in regain- ing the right direction. Well was it for you that the day had been one of rest — for hour after hour through the night the march continues. Da3dight saw you still steadily advancing with ranks well closed up ; and sunrise shows you a pleasing country with hills and valleys, well cultivated, the abode of an energetic, thrifty and happy popu- lation. You learn that you are on the Baltimore turnpike, and that 55 your objective point is Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, yet many miles distant. The knowledge that you are marching to defend the soil of your State inspires additional ardor and regardless of fatigue, you press on in unbroken ranks with renewed determi- nation. Hour after hour the march continues, until about three o'clock in the afternoon, from the hollow of Rock Creek, you discern the Cemetery near the road, and stretching along the ridge, forever after to be called by that name — the Union line of battle. Brief is the halt. The reinforcement of your Corps, eagerly looked for by Genei'al Meade, has arrived, and the positions of its Divisions and Brigades marked out before their arrival. Some to the right, others to the centre ; your brigade files to the left, and crossing through the fields strikes the Tanej'town road, and marches along it to the rear of Round Top. Here your arms are stacked in line, and you prepare what food you can, still wearing all equipments. This pleasant business just begun, the Assembly call is heard, and again you quickly form in line. But for a short time. The emergency is passed, and dismissed again your rough repast is prepared, and night soon coming on, your blankets are spread for beds upon the grass, among the gi- gantic boulders, under the luxuriant foliage of the grove, and grateful sleep, unrealized by any but those who have experienced a similar labor, ends the day. With the first streaks of early dawn, refreshed by welcome rest, again you are position. Now j^ou feel that business is to be done. Rifles are examined and cartridges counted. So pressing is the occasion, no time can be spared for breakfast. A draught of water from the canteens and a hard tack munched at intervals as you march are your only repast, as soon in route you retrace your steps of the afternoon before, along the Taneytown road. The sun rises bright and clear, and the grass, wet with dew, sparkles in its beams. It is the last sunrise on earth to many brave men, but its cheerful rays banish all forebodings as you gaily strike across the fields towards Culp's Hill. Soon the can- non opens upon your rear. This is from an unexpected quarter, as our own lines are between you and the enemy, but still you advance with the steadiness contracted by two years of discipline 56 and the experience of many battles. Some one orders the flag unfurled, thinking our own men are firing upon you by mistake. The order conus to furl the flag, as it is not advisable to make too prominent a mark, and you soon discover the cause of the disturbance to be from the enemy, who occupying an elevated position is thereby enabled to fire over our lines along Cemetery Ridge and into your rear. Still advancing under this fire, in time you reach the hollow just below and to the West, easily discern- ible from this position were it not for the foliage of the trees. The Brigade is formed in columns of Regiments — in line. Gene- ral Geary, in command of this portion of the field, appears, and a brief consultation is held. The 122d New York is ordered forward to this spot, supported by the 82d Penns3dvania, with instructions to drive out the enemy from our intrenchments, which they had occupied the night before. The engagement opens briskly with the 122d New York, and their firing is rapid and successful, the Confederates being driven back. Then the 82d Pennsylvania relieves them and oc(;upies the in- trenchments, the enemy endeavoring their re-capture, but failing in the attempt, and after his failure maintaining a desultory fire for a considerable time, which is replied to in a similar manner by the 82d and the 2.'id lV'nns\ Ivania on j^our right, and the 67th New York on your left. This is without much result on either side, and after a time all firing ceased, and some of the enemies wounded came and were brought into our lines. When the firing on both sides had ceased you were relieved from this position by a portion of General Geary's command, and you retire to the ravine at the foot of the hill on which we now stand, thinking that for the present 3'our labors are over. But the enemy, finding himself uhable to withstand the attack in front, opens upon your rear with his artillery, firing, as he had previously done, over our lines, along Cemetery Ridge. Nothing is gained to him by this procedure, for well you have learned that Artillery is more noisy than harmful at the distance in which it was operated, and not to be compared, in its eff'ect, with the more quiet and deadly musketry. Finding his efl'orts useless the artillery fire upon you is finally turned in another direction* 57 Your rest, however, is but of short duration. General Meade had perceived the massing' of the enemies centre, and the fire of his artillery was now directed upon our batteries, which lined our front along Cemetery Ridge. Anticipating the movement which culminated in Pickett's charge, he desired to strengthen his centre, now known to be the intended point of attack. Not a momemt is to be lost and your brigade is ordered to the centre in double quick time. In almost a run you arrive upon the •groand, and are posted a little to the left of the centre, in rear of artillery, which replies, gun for gun, with the rapid discharges of their opponents. Soon the artillery fire ceases, and Pickett's gallant men advance to the attack. Perceiving the point towards which his movement is directed, your brigade is moved a short distance to our right, to form a line of battle in the rear of the front to furnish a resisting force dn case the lines in front should be unable to withstand the attack. The suspense is brief — the enemy with all his gallantry being but able to reach our first line, when broken in pieces, torn and dispirited his brave men regain, as best they can, their position in their own lines, and the battle of Gettysburg is practically de- cided in favor of the Union Army. Many gallant Confederates remain on the field, and the long columns of prisoners and their exhibited flags add additional evidence to the successful defence of the Union position. Thus the fighting is ended, but the Fourth of July found you upon the same ground without shelter from the rain, which pitiless beat upon you throughout the day and night. Early on the fifth, the day bright and clear, you bid farewell to the battle-field at Gettysburg, not again visited by the organi- zation till now — nearly twenty-five years after. Marching across a portion of the field of the former three days' contest the column of the Sixth Corps leads the van in pursuit. All day long you follow closely upon the heels of the retreating enemy, and as the sun is setting, through one of the passes of the mountains, is heard the report of a cannon, and a shell whistles over the ad- vancing force, and you know that he is brought to bay. Your line files to the right of the road, others to the left, and standing in position you await the development of his movement. They 58 are soon learned. In the growing darkness his artillery is lim- bered up in retreat, and as night steals on, you lie down on your arms in cheerful slumbers. Proud and happy of the result of the battle, which has driven an enemy from the North, taught the jesson that no hostile invader dare with impunity put his foot on Pennsylvania soil, freed the Capitol of the Nation,. as well as the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, trom the fear of rebel occupation, and by the staggering blow which the enemy received opened up in your minds the pleasing prospect of a speedy return to your homes by the termination of the ,war. But many military operations had yet to be performed before^ the end is reached. Time will not permit more than allusion to your many days and nights of service in battles and marches. Volumes have been written and will be again, picturing the ever memorable deeds of the armies, ending by the virtual closing of the war in the sur- render at Appomattox. On this Monument are inscribed Yorktown, Fair Oaks, White Oak Swamp, Franklin's Crossing, Marye's Heights, Salem Heights, Gett3'sburg, Funkstown, Rappahannock Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Totopotomoy, Cold Harbor, Petersburg (1), Fort Stevens, Winchester, Dabney's Mills, Fort Fisher. Petersburg (2), Sailor's Creek and Appomat- tox Court House, — not all the engagements in which 3^ou partici- pated and rendered valuable service, but only those in which the- archives of the War Department certify to your losses in killed and wounded. Their simple recital speaks volumes to you whose memory re- calls the stirring events connected with their names. The en- during granite will hand the record down to future generations,, who will value j^our services as priceless, when they know and feel that this war was not alone for the maintenance of the Union of the States, but for sustaining, besides, the liberties of all the people of the country, which without the existence of the Union could not have been nor cannot be preserved. Our military service is ended. Should war occur in the future our country requires young and active men for its soldiers. Our 59 part in our da}^ and generation has been performed. Remember- ing the martial ardor of our youth, regretfully we feel " O now forever Farewell the plumed troop and the big wars That maRe ambition virtue. Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump, The spirit stirring drum, the ear piercing fife, The royal banner ; and all quality. Pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious war." But it is still left to ns, from our military experience to instruct our sons in the knowledge we have acquired and the principles formed in our martial life, that the honorable character and mili- tary practices of the soldier may be familiar to the rising gene- rations, should they have need of their exercise. But though the physical strength and capacity of endurar.ce of the soldier is gone fi'om us, the moral vigor of our position, as defenders of the flag, gives our sentiments upon every question relating to the welfare of our country, a stronger claim for ac ceptance to all, both young and old. It will, in this view, not be considered presumptions to remind the people of the State and Nation, that the principle for which you fought, was the " Union of the States," and to say that though the Union was attacked during the late war upon the pretext of the preservation of the institution of Slavery, that hereafter the furtherance of some other object, popular with large portions of the people, may be made by designing and ambitious men the ostensible reason for its attempted overthrow. And let us remind them that the Union, founded on popular attachment to its prin- ciples, will be constantly imperilled, unless a' sentiment of kindly and fraternal feeling exists among all classes of our citizens, whatever may be their business pursuits, or means of liveli. hood. In furtherance of these views, therefore, let us endeavor by our counsels to hasten the day when every shade of bitterness, be- tween the North and' the South, shall have passed away, so that, if not in the present, at least in the next generation, if possible, nothing of the incidents of the war be remembered without regret v except the achievements of the soldiers of both armies. And let 60 lis teach that their achievements are the common heritage and glory of all the people of all sections of the country. And let us not forget to say, that the men of the North fought for the Union, not for our section alone, but that its benefits and blessings should belong to and be the heritage of the whole country, South and North, as well for those who fought for it as those who fought against it; and that the surrender at Appo- mattox established popular liberty for the whole Country, as well for them as for us. So that future generations though remembering, with piide the gallant achievments of their Southern Ancestors on this and other fields, will j^et regard as a blessing their defeat as securing to all, (by the preservation of the Union), the inestimable boon of Personal and Political liberty, and the right to manage their own domestic affairs subject only to the necessary restraints of the Federal Constitution. And we, too, the people of the North, will claim a part of the glory of the deeds of our, then enemies (not so now). For with our Country fully re-united, their achievements will be recognized as the work of the American Nation, and the Sons of the North will claim a share of the glory of the Confederate conduct of battle, as well as the Southern born, for its, gallantry was the heroism of the people of the United States, and as such it belongs to all, the North as well as the South. Then shall we in ail sincerity feel that " We are not enemies but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it has not burst the bonds of our affection. The mjstic chords of memory stretching from every battle-field and every patriots grave to every heart and heai'th- stone all over this broad land, have swelled the chorus of the Union, touched as they have been by the better angels of our nature." And now resting on the field to-day, we view, after twenty- five years of absence, the scene of one of the most glorious achievements of 3^our youth. The distant hills and mountains present the same appearance as they did a quarter of a century since ; but how altered the rest 1 In place of the long lines and 61 glittering musketry of the infantr}^, the booming of cannon,, whistling of bullets and the galloping clang of horsemen, we look upon a gladdening scene of husbandry. The fields are covered with grain, and the cheerful cry of the farmer to his team has supplanted the stern and determined military command. The ring of the mowers instrument takes the place of the clang of the military sabre. The puff of the locomotive supplants the smoke of the cannon, and its whistle, the booming of the discharge. On the spot in the rear of Round Top (where you rested among the boulders from j^our tired march of the night of the first of July) is heard among the trees, when Summer sunshine renders cheerful da3's, the pleasing harmonies of the flute and viol, and youths and maidens lightly trip the mazy dance or whirl the afiectionate waltz. On the ridge fronting j-our position flourishes the grape and the wine pressed upon the spot cheers the hearts alike of Union and Confederate Soldier, as they view the place of their former exploits. Pleased, wesurve}^ the scene, for this spectacle, the epitome of our country's prosperity, in agriculture, manufuctures, and social life, is your work. Without your victories on this and other fields, the Union, the source of this happiness of all, would be a thing of the past, and desolation have taken the place of the cheerfulness we now behold .J Let then the dancers, as they wind their graceful movements, give one thought to the tired men, who a quarter of a century ago, so soundly slept upon and gallantl}' defended the place of their present festivities, and the traveller, who viewing the battlefield, pauses in his survey for a goblet of native wine, remember the soldier parched and thirsty from the dust and smoke of battle, who no matter whether he fought on the right or the wrong side, whether he wore the blue or the gray, still sacrificed himself for a patriotic sentiment, and in regretful memory of the past " Quaff a cup to the dead already'," and thankful for the present one to " The health of the next man that dies." At its close, the little daughter of Captain Ivers, Miss Violet May Ivers of Philadelphia, was lifted up to the flag that encircled the monument and with a steady pull of the lanyard by her tiny 62 hands, the work of art was unveiled. After music by the G. A. R. Band, President Wetherill presented the monument to the Gettys. burg Battlefield Memorial Association. Secretary J. M. Krauth of the Battlefield Association receiving the monument in an elo- quent address. After which Captain George W. Waterhouse, 82d Penns3'lvania Yolunteers Association of Philadelphia, was introduced who de- liverd in clear and distinct tones the following dedication ad- dress : ADDRESS OF CAPTAIN G. W. WATERHOUSE. ■Comrades : For a quarter of a century the summer's sun has shone, and the winter's snows have fallen upon this historic spot since that event in the past which we of the present come to-day to •emphasize to the future, by the dedication of this historic stone. To-da}^, surrounded by all the blessings of peace, it is my privilege to extend to you, my comrades, a heart felt greeting, on the ground where in deadly fray we were gathered so many years ago ; and where so many of our comrades gave testimony to their loyalty to the land of their birth and adoption, by baptising this soil with their blood. What memories ! Memories that time has but made more hal- lowed, crowd upon us, as we are here assembled, in thie work of love ! How that toilsome march of thirty-seven miles, under the hot sun of the 1st of July, comes vividly back to us, ending as it did with our ai-rival on the battle-field at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. How well old uncle John Sedgwick kept his word to the Com- mander of the Army of the Potomac, when he promised him to have the 6th Corps on the field of Gettysburg at 2 o'clock, you all know. How well we remember our first assignment to posi- tion in the rear of the 3d Corps, and our movement later on the next day to this spot on which we now stand, where we relieved 63 the gallant Geary's boys, supporting the 12th Corps; and in that fearful conflict which njade Gulp's Hill historic ground. I might go on for some time and try to recall other facts ; but our time is limited to a space. And now, my comrades, our duties for this occasion are done, our mission performed. This will be the Mecca to which our thoughts and our footsteps, as long as life is with us, will ever tend ; and may future genera- tions, looking upon this stone, learn lessons of loyalty which will lead them to strive to emulate the patriotism and devotion •of those who had the honor to be known as the 82d Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, Shaler's Brigade, Wheaton's Division, Sedgwick's Gorps, Army of the Potomac. 821 PflNNSYIA'ANiA TOLUNTEKRS' iSIoNUMENT. Description of the 82d Pennsylvania Monument. The 83d Pennsylvania Monument is a handsome granite structure 13 feet high, and capped by the 6th Corps badge in bas-relief. It bears on sides a knapsack and canteen, and on the front the State coat-of arms, while on the polished panel of the die the following inscription : July 3d marched from Little Round Top and occupied the works in front at 11.30 A. m., relieving other troops. 82d Penn- sylvania Infantry, 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps. List of Battles inscribed on reverse side of Tablet : — Yorktown, Virginia, - - , April 5, May 4, 1862. Fair Oaks or Seven Pines, Virginia, May 31, June 1, 1862. White Oak Swamp, Virginia, - - June 29, 1863. Malvern Hill, Virginia, - - - . July 1, 1863. Sharpsburg, (Antietam), Maryland, September 18, 1862. VVilliamsport, Maryland, - - September 20, 1862, Fredericksburg, Virginia, - December 13-15, 1862. Franklin's Ciossing, Virginia, April 29, May 2, 1863. • Marye's Heights, Virginia, - - May 3, 1863. Salem Height, Virginia, - - - May 4., 1863. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, - - July 2, 3, 1863. Funkstown, Maryland, ... July 13, 1863. Rappahannock Station, Virginia, November 7, 1863. Mine Run, Virginia, November 26, December 2, 1863. Wilderness, Virginia, ... May 5, 7, 1864. Spottsylvania, Virginia, ... May 8-20, 1864. North Anna, Virginia, - - - May 23-27, 1864. ' Totopotomoy, Virginia, - - May 28-31, 1864. Cold Harbor, Virginia, - - .- June 1-12, 1864. Petersburg, Virginia, - - June 16, July 10, 1864. Fort Stevens, District of Columbia, July 12, 1864. Winchester or the Opoquan, Va., September 19, 1864. Dabney's Mills, Virginia, - February 5-8, 1865. Petersburg, (Fort Fisher), Virginia, March 25, 1865. Petersburg, Virginia, ... April 2, 1865. Sailor's Creek, Virginia, - _ . April 6, 1865. Appomattox Court House, Virginia, Ajjril 9, 1865. 6Y The next point of attraction was to the grounds of the 65th INew York, " The Chasseurs," and forming a circle around their monument the exercises opened, with prayer, by Rev. H. W. McKnight. Colonel George W. Ford, acting as the presiding officer, in the place of Colonel Truesdell, who was present, but unable to officiate on account of having contracted so severe a cold on the trip, as to scarcely be heard above a whisper, deliv- ered the following address : COLONEL GEORGE W. FORD'S ADDRESS. Yeterans : Colonel Truesdell whom you all know so well. " Sammy of Ours," as we have affectionately dubbed him, and among the eai'ly ones to enlist in the ranks of the " First United States Chasseurs^' at Palace Garden, in June, 1861 ; be it Known, if not the historian of Shaler's Brigade, is to daj'^, the living lexicon of all the prominent events, (especiall}^ the 65th Regiment) con- nected with that brigade, from its first inception down to the present time. Comrades, it is unfortunate for 3''0u, that this ^ame " Sammy of Ours," who was to have announced the pro- gi'amme of the closing^ceremonies of this interesting da3^s' work around this last Monument, the 65th, should have been taken with a severe cold, reducing his voice to so low a whisper, that the word Commissary, (a word's© easily and tenderly spoken by a grateful soldier) absolutely sticks in his throat, and would barely prove audible to this large crowd of earnest listeners. Now friends, if hih hoarseness proves such a disappointment to you, I beg that you will sympathize with me, when I tell you, that but five minutes ago, he put this programme into my hands, begging me to carry it out, with a few remarks of my own. If a Quartermaster, (and who ever heard of such a thing,) had been called upon to face a brace of Parrots and be blown into ten thousand atoms, I don't believe he could have been more shocked or alarmed, than that same Quartermaster, obliged un- der present circumstances to face this critical and good-natured audience of men and women. Why, of course, I protested with all my might, (not because I could not give utterance to the •word Commissary). But what did this same " Sammy of Ouj's" 68 do, but to say, if I did not comply, he would report me forth- with to General Shaler for " disobedience of ordei-s and conduct unbecoming a soldier and a gentleman." Well having tested the martinet qualities of General Shaler 's discipline in the field, I replied. " Don't ; I'll do it." And so here I stand trembling with embarrassment under this beautiful bright sunshine, meet- ing face to face, the sacred veterans of that cruel war, and the bright faces and sparkling eyes of our lady friends, whose pres- ence here is nothing less than an inspiration on this joyful occa- sion. Now, as I look up and my eye rests upon that stalwart Ser- geant McEntee, who has survived many a hard fought battle, I cannot but exclaim, God bless him ! for he is here to-day among the survivors, bearing the same magnetic cross on the glorious old flag of the 6th Army Corps, and which he carried through every campaign of the war. And this sacred cross leads me to speak first, of one whom we all loved so well. Gene- ral John Sedgwick. "Uncle John," as the boj^s in blue tenderly called him. It was but a few days since, when a chance visit sent me to Cornwall, Connecticut, my own State, and a friend from there drove me^over to Cornwall Hollow, the old home and birthplace of our noble Commander; and^alas, now, his final resting place. There, inclosed in an iron picket fence, sur- rounded by beautiful hills, one of the loveliest spots upon^ earth, perhaps, lies all that was mortal of John Sedgwick ; and I read with aching heart and swimming eyes, on that plain granite shaft, simply the day of his birth, and death ; everything so quiet and unpretentious, and how fitting, those plain surround- ings to the great Captain's memory ; as you all well know he hated display of any kind ; and there he rests in all his glory. " He has slept his last sleep, He has fought his last battle ; No sound can awake him, To glory again." I greatly regret the absence of our good friend. Genera! McMahon, so long the firm friend and Chief of Stafi" of General Sedgwick, and in whose arms our dear " Uncle John" yielded up his last breath. If he had been here present with us to-day, 69 'how eloquently lie would have spoken in behalf of his chief's military and social Qareer. Comrades, it does not devolve upon me to revert to prominent events connected with the great rebellion. Ail that has passed into histor}^, and is now " a twice told tale." And as we have just listened to General Shaler's eloquent and graphic sketch of the battle of Gettysburg ; and more particularly the doings of the 6th Army Corps, there would seem but little for me to say. But right here I would like to remark, but for General Shaler's prowess, his discipline and bravery, these monuments of this brigade might not have been here. I was with him in the field nearly four years, sleeping under the same blanket, so to speak, partaking of the same mess, following him under all the differ- ent phases of the war ; and I can sincerely say, that I never knew a braver soldier, or a more upright, honorable gentlemen ; and one who was more devoted to love of country. His industry and hard work in the field were proverbial. True, he was a Marti- net, and is there a comrade present here to-day, who fought under his banner, and who does not thank him for that same quality, rarely found in the field ? Count up on your finger ends, if you please, the number of Brigadiers that graduated from the 65th, or your own brigade ; and then you will find the work of a Mar- tinet. In those long evening conversational drills, oftt^n on the march he was ever ready to give instruction, and teach the rank and file how to become a good soldier. I am grateful to-day, beyond expression, to see the survivors of Shaler's Brigade rally around him with so much love and enthusiasm. We all remem- ber his stormy march up Marye's Heights, when the brave Gene- ral Newton turned and said, ** boys, I fear you will never see Shaler again." Showing how perilous the undertaking , was. But perilous as the feat proved to be, the God of battles was on his side, and he returned unharmed after bravely fulfilling his commission. And it was for this daring charge, that the lamented Lincoln with his own hand, placed upon his shoulder the ^tar of merit won on the battle field. And here to-day, after his long and useful services to his country, his star is still in the ascendant, and a grateful homage of the survivors of his old •command is the crowning work of the day ; a fitting and closing 10 token of love and admiration to the gallant soldier in the field^ as well as to the true and honorable gentleman in private life. Another great disappointment has fallen upon my heart to- day ; and that is in the absence of General John Cochrane, the founder, head and front of the old " Chasseurs," the true soldier, the genial gentleman. It was his eloquent tongue that was first heard at " Camp Cochrane," on Queen's Farm in the early autumn of 1861, in favor of arming the colored men and giving them a* prominent place in our ranks. The few living ones here to day, who heard that eloquent appeal have never forgotten it ; I never shall. The New York Herald in its columns the next morning scouted the idea of arming the colored race. But Simon Cam- eron, that grand old Homari, then Secretary of War, was on the plajform with General Cochrane, and endorsed in telling lan- guage every word said on that momentous question. And again, my heart cries out in anguish over the memory of the noble soldierly Joe. Hamblin, the hero of a hundred battles ; so- full of generous impulses, brave even to rashness. How well we all remember at the battle of " Sailor's Creek," where the same minie bullet that passed through his leg, killed the splendid horse (a gift from his regiment) from under him ; and Joe., our Joe.^ fell fainting to the ground. At that moment some noble fellow of the rank and file rushed forward and pulled him from under his dying horse ; and while he was not entirely uncon- scious, he snatched from his breast a beautiful Chasseur badge and pinned it upon the breast of this noble fellow. But our brave General Hamblin recovered and lived long enough . to die peacefully in his bed in the City of New York, July 4, 1870, at once the pride of his regiment, the glory of Shaler's Brigade, and the cynosure of all eyes of the 6th Army Corps. Peace to> his ashes. And right here, too, I miss some old familiar friends,, still in the flesh but absent in the body, that should be standing here — our fearless, dashing young comrade, as prompt to the call in civil life, as he was to his post of duty in the field — Colo- nel William H. Roome,the able and brave chief of Shaler's Staff; and our witty and genial friend, Colonel George Bernard, though desperate in battle, " a fellow of infinite jest, of flashes of merri- ment, that, were wont to set the table in a roar." And Captain Ed. Bernard, who received almost a mortal wound on Malvern 71 Hill, but survived, though disabled for life. And Major '' Hank" Healey, so badly wounded the flight before the attack on Marye's Heights as to disable him from further service in the regiment. And our our brave, young dashing friend, Major Tailof, who did such splendid work all through the war. I need not say how Ave miss these absentees on the last opportunity of ever meeting together again under such happy auspices. And now a few words of affectionate remembrance regarding some of our de- parted friends and comrades, and I will close this long and somewhat rambling talk. We all remember our brigade Surgeon of the eSth, Doctor Petherbridge, than whom a more modest and tender hearted gentleman never lived. Graduating from a high Medical Col- leo-e, he started out in his profession, fully equipped for his honorable calling, and no doubt on the high road to fame m civil life, until the quick eye of General Shaler called him to his Staff, where he served faithfully till his promotion to a higher sphere of duty. He worked diligently till the end of the war among the wounded and dying, and in this most important de- partment of active service, where his skill was so often displayed- he won all hearts ; a good and true soldier, as well as a skilled physician and accomplished surgeon. He survivedthe war, and finally passed away in a military hospital, of which he was the chief, of some malignant type of disease ; universally respected, and deeply beloved by all his personal friends and old comrades. We, of the 65th well remember the tall, grand looking man, who came to us at Palace Garden, in June, 1861, somewhat under the guise of a stern exterior, and naturally diffident and retiring in his manners. This same man was our good and faith- ful Chaplain, Peter H. Burghardt, a descendant of the Hugue- nots. And although some of our young fellows did not at first take kindly to him; later on, as the war progressed, and at its final close, the sterling merits of our comrade came out in bold relief. A devoted Chaplain, a brave soldier, loyal and true to the old flag, he passed quietly away at his home in Washington, tenderly mourned by a loving wife and children, and respected by his'old comrades in-arms. Peace to the ashes of a true Chris- tian gentleman. 72 Among the officers of the 65th, there was no man who occu- pied a more conspicuous fio-nre than Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas H. Higgenbothnni. He came into our regiment as a Captain, at a time when we were sorely pressed for recruits, with the full maxim of one hundred and one .men from Ohio, and each man a giant in stature. As sbme of you will remember, he was one of the most enthusiastic soldiers of our regiment, and his chief ex- pression of the day, was, " Be dad Fourd I understands me juty." With a quick brain to grasp a new subject, he soon mastered military tactics, and with his Scotch-Irish blood,' made a bold, splendid fighter. And when he fell at " Cedar Creek," with a bullet piercing his brain, m}^ heart was deeply touched with sorrow. Alas, poor " Tom," so brave and ambitious, to be cut down in the very flower of young manhood. Peace be with you as a true soldier, and a devoted lover of the dear old flag under which j^ou fought so gallantl}'. While dwelling upon these personal reminiscences of the past, so identified with us all, m}^ memor}'^ calls to mind another de- parted comrade of the 65th, Lieutenant Warren R. Hedden ; one whom I was proud to call my friend, and one, with whom I was daily and closely associated all through the war. I never knew a better trained soldier. You will recall to mind his neat and tidy appearance in the iimks, as well as his tall erect, figure and marshal tread ; but more than all these things, he was the very soul of honor as well as true in his personal friendships ; never shrinking, from the call of duty. He, too, served faith- fully through the rebellion, and died but recentl}', of a painful accident, greatly respected, and lamented by those who knew him best. From Lieutenant Hedden my memory naturally reverts to Captain Nathanial Elmaker, jr., who was assigned for duty to Shaler's Brigade, and whom we all knew so well, and one whom I especiallj^ hoped to meet here on this sacred ground. . But alas, the relentless hand of death has been busy with very good friends, and he too, is no longer among the living. And although we had many a wordy fight around the camp-fire at night, over the vexed question of forage, it was amicably settled over our coff'ee and hard tack ; and at taps, as we crept under our blankets, 73 with naught above us but heaven's blue canopy and the stars, it was always, with a cheery and cordial " good night" from one to the other. Captain Elmaker was possessed of much character, wise and just, but always just before generous; of splendid physic and health, as well as an indefatigable worker, a true soldier, with an inordinate love of country, the natural instinct of all Pennsjd- vanians. I have ridden with him often fifty and sixty miles a day in the saddle ; and when the time came to dismount at night, I was too tired to stand up, while " Nat," the irrepressible, was fresh as the " morning star." He was a practical joker, too, and too often at my own expense. I remember one cold night in December, just before the first fight at Fredericksburg, he rode on in advance of me several miles, and happened to stumble into a cosey farm house, forgetting in the meantime to come back after his friend. The temptation was too great. Yisions of a warm supper and a soft bed b6seiged his imagination ; and he sent back a note by his orderly concerning forage for the night ; and his closing words were in large letters, " Yours affectionately in a Feather Bed .'" while I was out in the storm bewailing my uncomfortable lot. Jolly good Elmaker, my heart is too full of you to say more. And so I might go on to the end of the calender, but for weary- ing your time and patience. Comrades, to-day you are re-visiting the scene where a quarter of a century ago you stood in all the strength and freshness of young manhood. In looking back over the years gone by you have much to be thankful for. The whole world blesses you for the great work you have accomplished. Slavery is dead. The past buried, and in a few days, here upon this sacred spot. Gulp's Hill, where we now stand, the Blue and Gray will clasp hands in peace and harmony over the " bloody chasm," where, twenty-five years ago, they touched bayonets and fought each other to the "bitter end. And now, comrades, farewell. And in the language of one of America's sweetest poets : 14 So live, that when thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan, that moves To that mysterious realm, where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death. ' Thou go not, like the quarry-slave, at night. Scourged to his dungeon, but sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave, Like one that draws the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams. At its conclusion the band struck up the Star Spangled Ban- ner, the monument was then unveiled amid the plaudits of the assembl}^ by Comrades McEntee, Freeman, P. H. Brower and McAlpin, of the 65th. The same was received by Secretary Krauth with appropriate remarks. Then, Colonel John Oakey, of Brooklyn, was introduced, and in most eloquent and inspiring, terms delivered the following oration : ORATION OF COLONEL JOHN OAKEY. When I was honored by being selected to deliver the oration at the Dedication of the 65th New York Volunteers' monument, I had at first thought of preparing an elaborate paper. But^ upon looking over the brigade program, and finding " The Chas- seur" ceremonies were the last on the list, I concluded it would be best not to go into any pi'eparation in order to avoid a repe- tition of what the other orators might say. I am now satisfied with what I have listened to to-day in the several valuable, his^ torical and eloquent addresses, that my conclusions were wise,^ the ground being so fully and ably covered, I am now at a loss to know what to say to you. Standing here amid these stately trees, with the survivors of the 65th New York and friends. On this hallowed ground, sacred for all time to the nation by your courage and faithful- ness, twenty-five years ago, inspires me to express how thankful I am to be able to be present as your orator on this occasion. With many of your old command I had the honor of a personal acquaintance, lasting since before the war ; and your history I followed through all its years of trial, from the time of its de- T5 parture from New York until its return with the garlands ot peace. And it is with mingled feelings of pleasure and pride that I look upon its escutcheon as one of the brightest in the galaxy of regiments that served in that grand old Army of the Potomac. The monument you unveil to-day is a work of art well worthy of the command, and a credit to the State of N'ew York, who erected it. This field will be visited by the patriotic pilgrims for ages to come. And may God grant that you may all be spared many many years to join in the visitation to this Ameri- can Mecca. Music was then rendered by the band. After singing of the Doxolbgy by all assembled, the Rev. H. W. McKnight pro- nounced the Benediction, thus completing the more than success- ful dedication exercises of the regiments of the brigade. 65th New York Yolunteers' Monument (Chasseurs). Description of the Monument of the 65t]i New York Volunteers. (" The Chasseurs.") The Monument of the 65th N. Y. is 13 feet 9 inches high. It is of Westerly granite, and bears the following inscription in raised polished letters : " 65th N. Y. Inft'y, (1st U. S. Chas- seurs) 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps. Organized June 11, 1861. Ee-enlisted November, 1863. Mustered out July 17 1865. Arrived on the field at 2 p. m., July 2. At daylight of 3d moved from base of Little Round Top to Gulp's Hill. Held this position till 3 p. M. ; then moved to left centre ; partici- pated with 4th and 6th Corps in every battle of the Army of the Potomac. The Sixth Corps mark and New York State •Coat of Arms being in bronze. •79 After the dedication ceremonies, the supply wagons of the 23d Pennsylvania, loaded with good cheer, appeared on the ground where the brigade was massed twenty-five years before ; and for the next half hour the " Commissary" was kept busy dispensing their hospitality, all of which was very opportune indeed. The 67th New York Volunteers, " 1st Long Island." Dedicated their Monument on Jul}' 2d, with the following ORDER OF EXERCISES: •Prayer — Rev. J. M. Stone, late of C. Companj^, 67th New York Volunteers. Music. Opening Address — Brevet-Major General Nelson Cross, late Colonel 67th New York Volunteers. -Music. Reading of Letters — By James N. Mills, Corresponding Secre- tary 67th New York Volunteer Association. Unveiling of Monument — By Mrs. James Mackin, Wellesville, New York. Music. Presentation of Monument — By Captain William H. Partridge, late 67th New York Volunteers, of Washington, D. C. -Singing in Chorus — National Hymn. My country 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. Land where my father's died ; Land of the pilgrims pride : From every mountain side Let freedom rinjr. 80 My native country, thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name 1 love. •% I love thy rock and r^lls, Thy woods and templed hills. My heart with rapture thrills Like that above. Reception of Monument — By John M. Krauth, Esq., Secretary of the Gettysbiu'g Battlefield Association. Music. Oration — By the Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, Elmira, New York. Music. Remarks — By Major T. McKenna Mills, President 6tth New York Volunteers Association. Prayer and Benediction — Rev. J. M. Stone. Decoration of Monument — National and Grand Army Flags, Doxology. ^A% ^c:^-^ 67th New York Yolunteers, (1st Long Island) MONUJIENT. Description of Monument of the GTth New York YOLUNTEEBS, (1st LoNG IsLAND), DEDICATED July 2d, 1888. The monument of the GTth is 14 feet 4 inclies in lieiglit, and made of Quincy granite. It has a bronze 6th corps badge on the front and reai", and a bronze plate of a soldier at reverse arms, with the inscription below: "It is Over." The monument bears the following inscription : " 67tb N. Y. Inf'y, 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps, 1st Long Island Volunteers. Accepted and mustered in as United States Volunteers, June 20, 1861. Mustered out July 4, 1864. Ee-enlisted veterans, in majority, served through the war. Engaged in 25 battles. Army of the Potomac. Gettysburg, July 2d and 3d, 1863. On the front is the New York State Coat of Arms, in bronze. Yisit to tI[E iBattle^ielfl c^ tl^E ^econS anfl lltliiiifl iDays' J^cticn. ^TTT 2 P. M. Wednesday, June 13th, carriages were taken at •^ ^ Headquarters for a visit to the battlefield. Colonel John Long, of the Passenger Department Gettysburg Railroad, going along as guide and lecturer ; the first stop was made at East Ceme- tery Hill, where a vivid description was given by Colonel Long, of the march northward of Lee's and Meade's armies. A review of the first day's fight, the scenes enacted at Cemetery Hill, on the night of the second, when Hayes' and Hokes' Confederate Brigades charged among the guns of Weiderick and Ricketts', and were driven baclv almost annihilated. The terrible Infantrj^ fighting at Gulp's Hill, on the morning of the 3d, when the enemy were driven out from the works they occupied, which had been abandoned tiie night before by Geary's Troops, who had been sent to the support of Sickel's. From this commanding position was had a view of the entire field from Big Round Top on the left, to Wolf's Hill at the right, and away off to Rommel's Farm, where was pointed out the Cavalry Shaft, the scene of the fight between Jeb Stuart and General Gregg, in which the rebel cavalry were sent South. Carriages were then taken, and the drive continued passed Rickett's guns where brave Pennsjlva- nian's fought hand to hand in saving them during the rush of the Louisiana Tigers. Here was pointed out where Carroll's Bri- 84 gacle came on the double quick, and getting on the flank of the- Tigers, swept the field. As we ascend to Gulp's Hill, Steven's guns are seen, which done so much execution during the charg- ing at East Cemetery Hill. Passing along the line of Wads- worth's Division, we soon reached the position where the gallant New Yorker's, of Greene's Brigade, 12th Corps, repulsed the re^Dcated attacks of Johnson's Confederates. This was where our brigade (Shaler's) went in, (our second position) relieving regi- ments, assisting in driving the Johnnie's on the morning of the 3d, beyond the lines. The drive was continued to McAllister's Mills, beyond which was the extreme right held by the brigade of General Thomas H. Neill, of the 6th Corps. Returning, we crossed the swale to the right of which Johnson's and Rhodes' Confederate Divisions, in three lines, charged six times and was repulsed each time. Six hundred dead Confederates were found in front of Gulp's Hill, showing the desperate work done along the front of Geary's lines. At Spangler's Springs we stopped to taste of the waters, from which the wounded of both armies quenched their thirst on the night of the 2d, and early morning of the 3d. Driving along the Baltimore Pike, we enter the Na- tional Cemetery ; one of the finest laid out and well kept burial places of the Union dead, where lies some 3,000 of the comrades,. Here we found Sergeant Holtz worth, formerly the genial guide of the battlefield, who, by reason of a paralytic stroke has aban- doned that calling, and is now the Superintendent. At this point we found the 6th Corps mark among the artillery that manned these heights. Continuing the drive, passing Zeigler's Grove, and along the Emmettsburg Road to the right of Sickel's line ; here was described the desperate fighting of the old 3d Corps, on the afternoon of the 2d, where Birney, Ward, Graham, Carr, and De Trobiand struggled against the overwhelming at- tacks of Longstreet. Beyond, on the left and half a mile to the front, was pointed out where Berdan with his Sharpshooters at- 85 tacked the advancing columns of Hood ; checking him for forty minutes, which gave the Round Tops in possession of the Union forces. The drive was then continued passed the Peach Or- chard, the angle of Sickel's line, which was held so tenaciously 'l)y our troops ; " The Loop," through the woods to the famous Wheatfleld, where General Zook — and Colonel Ellis, of the Or- ange Blossoms were killed. Thence to the " Devil's Den," here the party alighted and were photographed. While resting in the shade, under the camera, one could not help but recall the desperate work that waged around and amid these great boulders twenty-five years before ; " and such boulders they are," piled upon each other, full of crevices, just the place a Sharp-shooter ■would be at home ; and it was worked for all it was worth by the Johnnie's during their stay, in picking off all that came under their fire on little Round Top. Passing through the Yalley of Death across Plum Run, full of boulders of all sizes, between lit- tle and big Round Top, we ascend to the summit of the key to the position " Little Round Top." It was here that Warren, then Engineer Officer, on Meade's Staff,|discovered the flank move- ment of Hood, that Hazlett, Colonel O'Rourke, Generals Weed, and Vincent Strong, were killed in holding the position. The lecturer describing the repulse of Lougstreet, on the evening of the second day, pointing out across the Run, where the Pennsyl- vania Reserves charged ; Colonel Taylor, of the BucktaiPs, lost his life, and away ofi" to the Werntz Farm, where (Buck) McCandless' Brigade halted in their charge, the night of the 2d. From here a grand view is had of the field ; some climbed up the ascent of Big Round Top, to the left of which where Fai-nsworth, of Killpatrick's Cavalry was killed, leading his charging squad- rons. Here was another 6th Corps Brigade (Russell's) holding the extreme left. The party were then driven down the slopes of the Tops, along the battle-field drive, passing the Headquarters of old General' 86 Sedgwick, the Commander of the Sixth Corps, in the clump of trees on the front line, to the right of Little Round Top, where his advance brigade — Nevin's — went in, just in time to assist in driving Longstreet back. To the rear of this was where our brig- ade (Shaler's) lay (its first position) on arrival on the field, on the afternoon[of the 2d, On reaching the left centre, a vivid descrip- tion was given of the artiller}' duel on the afternoon of the third day, where one hundred and twent}' guns of the Confederates and eighty of the Union exchanged shots for nearly two hours — a prelude to the graud charge and magnificent repulse of Pickett's fourteen thousand. Here Hancock, Gibbon, Doubleday, Webb, Stannard, Hall, Brooks, Hayes, Harrow, Dana, Rowley, Brown,. Gushing and Cowan performed distinguished services. At this point is the Umbrella clump of trees ; along this front is known as the "high-water mark of the rebellion." Along the low stone wall lay the gallant 69th Pennsylvania, of the Philadelphia Bri- gade, who never left it during the charge, while to their right was the 14th Connecticut, 4th Delaware and 12th New Jersey, who did such terrible execution. To the left of the clump of trees was pointed out where Stannard's Vermont Brigade advanced beyond the lines, and, wedged between the right and centre of Pickett's charging columns, and forming line of battle front and rear, took both lines on the flank. Here we again found the Sixth Corps mark — that of Cowan's Battery; the brave Confederates coming so close to his guns that he used double-shotted cannister at ten paces. In the fields, to the immediate left and I'ear, lay our brigade — Shaler's — (our third position) in support as the charge- was broken. From here over on the Taney town Road, in rear,, was pointed out the old shell-stormed house, where General Meade had his headquarters during the action. As we near the town was shown where the 8th Ohio and troops from Zeigler's- Grove got on the left flank of Pickett's charge, sending back Petti- grew's Division, badly demoralized. Thence passed the battlefield 87 hotel, the extreme out-post of the Union line at the cemetery, during the second and thii'd days ; passed the house where Jennie Wade was killed while baking bread, on the evening of the first day's action, reaching the hotels in time for supper — dusty, tired, but well pleased with the trip around the field. The drive was an interesting one, giving the opportunity of viewing the many magnificent, unique and costly monuments erected along the lines, as well as one of instruction of the story of the action. t^^ "Right and Rear of Little Round Top." This was the first position of Shaler's Brigade occupied from the time of arrival on the field, about 2 p. m. of July 2d, in support of the advanced line of the 6th Corps, until the morning of July 3d, when ordered to Gulp's Hill to assist (Geai y) of the 12tli Corps in driving Johnson's Confederates out of the works. The view represents to the rear and left of where Gene- ral Sedgwick's headquarters was established. COMPLIMENTARY BALL AND RECEPTION BY THE TWENTY-THIRD PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS ASSOCIATION, IN HONOR OF THE RE-UNION. After supper, on the evening of Wednesday, the 13th, the (jr. A. R. Band, of Gettysburg, under the charge of Comrade James Spence, of Philadelphia, were taken on a serenading tour — visiting the newspaper offices of The Truth, The Compiler, Tlie Star and Sentinel, who had done so much in their columns to honor the event, in their many kind expressions concerning the brigade re-union — and thence to the Globe Inn, where the i22d New York were quartered ; from there to the McClellan House, the headquarters of the C5th New York ; and then to the City Hotel, where the 82d Pennsj-lvania made their home — back to the Eagle Hotel, headquarters of the brigade. At each place choice selec- tions of music were tendered,' as compliments of the Brigade Association. In the meantime, the McKnightstown Band, in charge of the 23d Committee, were tendering the General a serenade, and comrades were calling upon him and visiting each other's headquarters — recounting the stories of old times and the many pleasantries of the re-union occasion — and at 9 P. M, all wended their waj' from headquarters to the Rink Building, a large, commodious struc- ture, where was being held the grand Complimentary Ball and Reception, tendered by the 23d Pennsylvania, in honor of the ^vent. The ball-room was appropriatelj^ decorated for the oc- •casion, with two stages erected at opposite sides of the room, for the Bands ; while, from the front of the building was a trans- 90 parency, emblazoned with the legend, " The 23d Pennsylvania Welcomes Shaler's Brigade and their Friends." One hundred and fifty written invitations had been sent to the good people of Gett^^sburg, inviting " Yourself and ladies" to the Camp-fire, the Dedication and the Complimentary Ball and Reception, and when Colonel John F. Glenn, as Grand Conductor of the Ball, led off in the Grand March, with his good wife, there followed at least twelve hundred people — some four hundred ladies being in the line; the G. A. R. Band, of Gettysburg, playing the dancing music, while the McKnightstowu Cornet Band gave the prom- enades, so that music was in the air at all times. An original, unique and very appropriate ball program was distributed, con- taining thirty-six dances, wherein are the names of the regiments of the brigade, its winter camps, and actions in which it had participated were embraced,' as a souvenir of the occasion ; the ladies receiving a specially decorated one in silken corded pencil and bow of ribbon. Everybody got one to carry home, while two thousand handsome programs proper, containing the dances and promenades, were passed around for use in the festivities. There was but one round of Refreshments — but it was a con- tinuous one, of ice-cream in all flavors, pound, sponge and other cakes, lemonade, etc., and it kept the volunteers to their Com- missary Committee busy ; but they enjoyed it, all the same, to be permitted to cater to such guests. The dancing was kept up until midnight, the old and young joining in the festivities with mirth and zeal, it being expressed by the people of Gettj^sburg as one of the grandest and most enjoj'able balls in the history of the town. Everybody seemed to enjoy the occasion, from the General and his good wife, to the Secretary and his "ZtYiZe" daughter. The following is a copy of the ball program sovivenir : 91 COMPLIMENTARY BALL AND RECEPTION OF THE SURVIVORS' ASSOCAITION 23d REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, TO THE SURVIVORS OF SHALER'S BRIGADE, (SIXTH CORPS.) AT THE KINK BUILDING, GETrYSBUKG, JUNE 13, 18S8. 1. Grand March^ 6tli Corps — from Manchester to Gettj^sburg 2. Quadrille Qneens Farm 3. Polka Yorktown 4 Lancers Williamsburg 5. Glide and Schottische Fair Oaks 6. New York City's Delight " The Chasseurs," 65th N. Y. Vols. 7. Octagon Charles City X Roads 8. Polacca White Oak Swamp 9. Waltz— Danish Turkey Bend 10. Varsouvienna Malvern Hill 11. Lawn Tennis . . . . . . Chantilly 12. Our Absent Friends, The 1st Long Island— 67th N. Y. Vols. 13. Saratoga Lancers Fredericksburg 14. Varieties Mud March 15. Redowa Mar3'^e s Heights 16. Quadrille — Robinson Salem Church 17. " " The Nation's Mecca," . . . Gettysburg 18. Syracuse's Delight . . Our 122d New York Vols. 19. Cotillion Funkstown 20. Virginia Reel Rappahannock Station 21. Stephinie Gavotta Mine Run 92 22. Irish Jig ....".. Brandy Station 23. College Lancers Johnson's Island 24. Shaler's Brigade Delight . . . Another Re-Union 25. Mazourka Wilderness 26. Caledonian Spottsylvania 27. Polo Hanover Court House 28. Plain Coal Harbor 29. Loomis Lanciers Petersburg 30. Philadelphia's Delight . . Old 82d Pennsylvania Vols. 31. Sehottische Fort Stevens 32. Galop Opequon 33. Highland Fling Cedar Creek 34. Medley Sailor's Creek 35. All Hands Around Appomattox 36. The 23d Penn'a Vols. Delight, Hope all enjo3^ed themselves PROGRAM PROPER OF THE DANCES AND PROME- NADES AT THE BALL. Grand March Guard the Flag 1. Quadrille, Riverdale. Promenade, -Minstrels. 2. Quadrille, Lanciers. Promenade, . Erminie. 3. Quadrille, Sehottische. Promenade, Merry War. 4. Waltz, Congress. Promenade, Popular Airs. IntEnmission. 5. Quadrille, Leap Year. Promenade, Gladiator March. 6. Waltz, . Queen Anne Promenade, . . . . . . . Mikado. 93 t. Quadrille, . Promenadi^, 8. Waltz, Promenade, 9. Quadrille, Promenade, 10. Waltz, . Promenade, 11. Quadrille, Promenade, 12. Galop, . Promenade, . Polka. . Black Hussar. . Tictor. . Fairest of the Fair. IntEitmission. Plain. . Falka. . Ida May. . Nanon. . Lanciers. Trip to Africa. . Amazon. . Good Night. Dancing Music . Promenade Music Gettysburg Band. McKniqhtstown Band. "Gulp's Hill." This was the second position of Shaler's Brigade. On its arrival here General Geary of the 12th Corps placed it in the ravme immediately in rear of this position. During the morning the regimtnts of the brigade were engaged in the breastworks, which \\ill be observed running along just be- low the brow of the hill towards a large boulder in the works. It remained here as relieving regiments, until ordertd to left centre, in s^upport of 1st Corps during repulse of Pickett's charge. t>ays' J^ction. 'TT" T 9 A. M., of Thursdaj', June 14tli, carriages were taken ^ "^ again at brigade headquarters, for a visit to the scene of the first day's action, many tramping it all along the lines. At Bar- low's Knob a description was given by Colonel Long, the guide and lecturer from that portion of the field, showing the gap that existed between the left of the Eleventh Corps and that of the rio-ht of the First Corps, caused by the arrival of the Confed- erates, under Early, along the York Road, which threatened the extreme right and rear of the Eleventh Corps, necessitating the withdrawal of the entire line from that part of the field — the troops falling back through the streets of the town, securing positions on Cemetery Heights ; the lecturer describing the terrible scenes enacted in the retreat to take up the rear position. Passing alono- the Mummasburg Road and along the lines to the Railroad Cut, where a Confederate brigade were corralled during the action and taken j^risoners; along these lines the Johnnie's had an enfilading fire, but the old First held up their end until the right gave way. From there the^ party were driven to Oak Ridge, where raged the action of the First Corps. Here Re3molds, Meredith, Double- 96 day, Paul, Wadsworth, Custer, HofFman, Fairchilds and others did such distinguished service. Thence, to Reynolds' Grove, where stands the monument erected by the state of Pennsyl- vania, on the spot where her distinguished son. General John F. Reynolds, was killed. In this grove the Iron Brigade of Meredith, in the course of the engagement, captured the Confederate brigade of Archer. Here Custer's Brigade and Hall's Battery were forced back to Seminary Ridge by the overwhelming numbers of Hill's Corps, where a new line was formed, Rowley's and Robinson's Divisions and the Bucktail Brigade, of Penns3'lvania, disting- uishing themselves in holding it against repeated attacks. The drive was continued across Willoughby Run, where General Buford, with his cavalry, brought on the action of Gettysburg, fighting dismounted for two hours against superior numbers ; winning for himself and command meritorious praise from the Commanding General, for his gallant resistance to the advance of Hill's Corps of Lee's Army. This cavalry action and the stubborn resistance of the glorious old First Corps, under Rey- nolds, and that of the unfortunate Eleventh Corps, under Howard, gave the opportunity for the Army of the Potomac to concentrate on the lines the second and third day, that gave to the nation "Gettysburg." After a visit to the Springs, to enjoy the Katasalyn waters, the story being told of their discovery as medicinal properties by wounded men crawling to the springs to bathe their wounds in the waters, we started back to town over the Chambersburg Road, passing the Seminary where General Lee made his head- quarters, after the withdrawal of our troops to the Cemetery, until his army retreated back to Virginia. Along the road was pointed out the fields over which the gallant First Corps, in well- preserved lines, fell back, fighting all the way, beyond the town. Viewing the old whitewashed home of the late John Burns, who, while fighting on his own hook with the First Corps, received 97 the wounds that caused his death. As we enter the town, houses are pointed out where the Confederate sharpshooters fired on the guns at Cemetery Hill, and the old Church Building, where the chaplain of the 90th Pennsylvania regiment was killed on its steps, as he was about to enter to minister to the spiritual wel fare of the wounded ; reaching our hotels in time to pack up gripsacks for the homeward trip. We found the dead in the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, are buried in Sections of States : — United States Regulars, 138; Connecticut, 22 ; Delaware, 15 ; Indiana, 80 ; Illinois, 6 ; Maine, 104 ; Massachusetts, 159 ; Maryland, 22 : Michigan, 111 ; Min- nesota, 52 ; New York, 867 ; New Jerse}-^ 78; New Hampshire, 49; Ohio, 131; Pennsylvania, 534 ; Rhode Island, 12 ; Vermont, 61; Wisconsin, 73 ; West Yirginfa, 11 ; unknown, 979. A massive monument, sixty feet in height, surmounted b}^ the Goddess of Liberty, rises from the centre of the plot. It was erected by the National Government in memory of its dead on the field. " Eeak of IjEFT Cektre." This was the third position of Shaler's Brigade. On the ridge in the dis- tance were the lines of the 1st Corps, the brigade arriving about the time of the repulse of Pickett's charge, and went into position in the field beyond the Taneytown Road, to the left of Meade's Headquarters, where it remained until the morning of the 5th, when moved off with the Gth Corps in pursuit of Lee. ifcmEwai|9. YfTHE 122d New York were the first to leave for home, taking the 9 A.. M. train on Thursdaj^, June 14th, quite a number of the boys going' to the depot to give them a send-off. After many shake hands, and promises to be with us on all future re- unions of the Brigade, they bid adieu to Gettysburg, and after an uneventful but very enjo3^able ride, they reached old Onon- daga County and their home, S3'^racuse, on schedule time — a tired party of pilgrims, but rejoiced at their successful and en- joyable trip. Headquarters party, 65th and 122d New York contingent, 82d ^nd 23d Penns^-lvania departed on their special 1 P. M., of the 14th, with many hand shakes and "come and see us again" from the good people of the town. Orders had been given for no dinner, and we were getting to feel quite hungry, when the Com- misar}^ Committee of the 23d passed through the train with churns of hot coffee and of iced milk, sandwiches, fruits, etc., boxes of cigars and lots of commissary, and it kept us busy getting away with the supplies, from the time we pulled out at Gettysburg until Broad Street Station, at Philadelphia, was reached, as the Committee didn't seem to tire and their stores of hospitality were inexhaustible. 100 The Brigade Committee held a meeting on the train, closing up all its affairs, and directed the Secretary to compile all the proceedings of the re-union for publication in book form, and instructed General Shaler, as President of the Association, to send a letter of thanks to the 23d Pennsylvania Association for their hospitality and soldierly interest, so well manifested in the success of the brigade re-union. The sentiment on the train being that in the near future the Brigade should re-une, at home or on some of the other battle-fields, and thus keep alive the comrade- ship of the survivors and friendship of our friends, which had been so enjoyable, renewed at our first reunion. The run was a delightful one, onl}^ one stop of five minutes at Harrisburg, where our western contingent bid us good-bye, with the promise to be with us on the next occasion, reaching Phila- delphia forty-five minutes ahead of time, like the " Twosters," a tired but one of the most happy parties of veterans and friends possible. The 23d re-stocking the " Yorkers" with supplies, so as to bridge them over to their destination — Mrs. General Shaler being presented with a large pound cake to carry home to the grand- children. Thus ended a most glorious, happy and decidedly successful re-union of Shaler's Brigade, in which all the com- mands contributed their share in the honors. -^"-e# ^eyIew o^ tliE ^E-lJnion. BY GENERAL ALEX. SHALER. VT is difficult to convey to the mind of an absent comrade the ■^ degree of enjoyment experienced by those who attended this memorable meeting ; much more difficult is it to describe the scenes in such terms as will enable one who has not had campaign and battlefield experience to appreciate the cordiality with which old soldiers greet each other after years of separation. Army life, in war times, is one of almost constant privations, and of frec^uent sufferings. The great mass of the men compos- ing an army are on an equality. Their comforts and discomforts are the same. Their pleasures and their pains are the same, and the longer they serve together, the more, they become like brothers to each other. When the war is over, and the organization is disbanded, the men return to their respective homes and resume their former vocations and walks of life. Engrossed with these, they have but little time and less opportunity to maintain the comradeship of the war, but their attachments are never for- gotten. Years may roll by, and long distances may separate them, but the men who stood shoulder to shoulder in defence of the old flag; who slept and ate together; who toiled and rested together ; who shared their rations with each other, can never forget their brothers in arms. So it is, that when they meet, recollections of the past are revived, scenes of pleasure and of suffering are recalled, memories of good deeds and kind words tire brought to mind, and they greet each other with a heart}-^ •cordiality, almost nnknown to others. It was conspicuously "so ^t this re-union. Officers and men of one regiment greeted those ■of another regiment like long lost brothers, and all vied with each 102 other in doing Iionor to their General and his Staff, and in ex~ pressing their cordial attachments. The time selected for the re-union, in advance of the "Army Re-nnion," was fortunate in that it secured to us all the facilities for sight-seeing, and all the benefits of the preparations made by the good people of Gettysburg for the larger gathering to follow. The weather was all that could be desired. The programme w^as excellent and faithfully observed. It would have been impossible to plan a better one, or carry it out more successful^. From first to last everything ran smoothl3\ Not a hitch occurred, nor anything to mar the pleasures of the trip, save the slight acci- dent to a member of the 23d Eegiment, on the cars. Our enjoyment was greatly enhanced in observing the interest taken by our relatives and friends in everything to be seen on the battle- field, the curiosity they displayed in the relics obtained, and in the desire they manifested to learn all about the great battle. It was a soui'ce of unlimited pleasure to us to be able to contribute so much to the pleasure of our dearest friends, Gettysburg is a memorable field, and long after the last re-union of participants in the battle shall have been held, will be visited by people from the world over, very much as Waterloo now is, but with much greater interest. Visitors of the present day,, but not those of the future, may learn from survivors the un- written history of the battle ; and we owe it to our descendants that every opportunity be taken to impart to them the knowledge we possess regarding its details. And the same should be done in reference to every other important battle-field of the war. Our brigade wa;s popular and well known in the army. It en- joyed the confidence of its commanding officers, and rendered conspicuous and oftentimes delicate services. Among its sur- vivors are those who have taken part in every battle of the Army of the Potomac. What a history they could write ! And how much could be learned from their recitals. It is safe to say that there is not a member of the old brigade, not a relative or friend, who attended this re-union, that does not feel a thousand times rewarded for the time and money spent in doing so. On all sides, in returning home, we heard the most earnest expressions of gratification and pleasure, coupled with the hope that our brigade 103 re-unions will hereafter be held- periodically. Such gatherings give an opportunity for the revival of army reminiscences and tend to keep alive the spirit of loyalty and fraternity, so prom- inent in the breast of all true soldiers. Why, then, should we not encourage them ? Let us devote just a little of the short time remaining to us in this agreeable and patriotic way. It will do us good. In contemplating the pleasures of this joyful re-union, the Brigade Committee are reminded of the great obligation we all are under to our gallant comrades of the 23d Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, for their never-ending hospitality. The record shows bow, from the start at Philadelphia, they commenced the dispensation of good things, and never ceased the flow until they returned home ; but less than justice would be done Colonel Glenn and his brave veterans if we neglected this opportunity to place on record a special acknowledgment for the hearty and constant attention shown by the survivors of the 23d to the comfort and pleasure of their brothers in arras and their friends. The whole brigade were made the guests of the 23d, and recollections of their lavish hospitality will always be remembered as an unliquidated indebtedness on the part of the recipients. With equal pleasure the Committee acknowledge the zeal and energy displayed by its Secretary, Comrade William J. Wray, of the 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the work indispensable on such occasions. To him the Brigade are indebted for the inception, the developement and the execution of the work of the programme, from vrhich we derived so much pleasure. In arranging details nothing escaped him. In the execution of them, his business-like and systematic methods, and his untiring energy insured success. By his voluntary labors the Committee were relieved from much necessary work; and it gives them no little satisfaction to express to him, through this medium, their indi- vidual heartfelt thanks for the services which contributed so much to the comfort and pleasure of the attendants at our iirst re-union. APPENDIX-A. LETTERS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS APPER- TAINING TO THE RE-UNION. Letter from Major-General H. G. Wright, late Commander Gth Army Corps. Read at Dedication. Washington, June 7, 1888.) 1203 N Street, N. W. ) Dear General Shaler : Your kind invitation to be present at the meeting of the Sur- Tivors of your brigade of the good Old Sixth at Gettysburg, on the 12th to 14th inst., gave me profound pleasure, and I should be glad to join you on that occasion, and meet so many of the Surx-ivors of -the gallant Corps we all loved so well ; but I am forced to accept tlie fact that my days for such undertakings are over, and that I must leave such Re-unions to younger men who do'noc yet feel the weight of years bearing somewhat heavil}" upon them. As I cannot be with you, I must beg that yoU express to my old comrades my most hearty good wishes, not only for this occasion, but for\ll things connected with their welfare— good wishes which they have earned, not only from myself, but from the country by their gallant, efficient and successful services. I am my dear General, Very sincerely yours, H. G. WRIGHT. <3eneral Alexander Shaler, Ridgefield, N. J. 106 Letter from Major-General John Newton, late our Division Commander. Read at Dedication. ♦ New York, May 26, 1888. My Dear General : It would give me great pleasure to be with your brigade in their celebration at Gettysburg, and I tender my best thanks for the courtsey ; but the fact is, I don't expect to be able to get out of the city at the date of the Re-Union, which I would greatly eiijo3% With best wishes for a glorious time, I am Very truly yonrs, JOHN NEWTON. General Alexander Shaler. Letter from Major-General D. N. Couch, late our Division Commander. Read at Dedication. NoRWALK, Conn., May 25, 1888. My Dear General Shaler: Yery many thanks for the invitation to join the brigade in its Re-union at Gettysburg ; but, by reason of having made arrange^ ments to be absent from home at the time, I cannot accept your kindness. Permit me, however, to wish for the Gallant Old Brigade, an enjoyable trip to the field of its former glories. With many good wishes, I am respectfully, D. N. COUCH. General Alexander Shaler, Ridgefield, N, J. 107 Letter from General Martin T. McMahon, late Chief of StafT^ 6th Corps. Read at Dedication. New York City, June 4, 1888.) 93 Nassau Street. ) Dear General : I would be onl}^ too glad to go with you to Gettysburg, and say a few words to the Survivors of your old brigade. No one better knew than I how much they did, and how well it was done. One of the best brigades in the Sixth Army Corps — hav- ing but two rivals as Brigade Organizations in what I may cer- tainly be pardoned as describing as the best Corps of the Army of the Potomac. Your brigade made a record which could in- spire even as dull a speaker as myself almost to eloquence. It is not, therefore, the task of preparing an address suitable to the occasion, which deters me from accepting your kind invitation ; but, imfortunately, I am obliged to be in the city on the dates named for your Re-Union by engagements which I cannot forego. When I refer to the Sixth Corps as the best Corps of the Army of the Potomac ; and, therefore, of the best Army of the world. I expect to hear from many of our good brothers of the Second, the Fifth and the others, who will vigorously dispute the claim, and with such good reason that I fear posterity will have much difficulty in agreeing upon a verdict even if they take the trouble to consider the question. We will stand stubbornly by our own, however, and maintain as persistently with or without reason the supremac}^ of the Greek Cross,^ whether of red, or white, or blue, as we did in the days when Shaler's Brigade under Cochrane, yourself or dear Joe. Hamb- lin, bore it firmly to the front under more adverse circumstances, and met arguments that silenced, even if they did not convince, and held it there like men who deserved well of their country. God bless them all who are with you, and God's peace to the souls of them whom you are there to honor. Faithfull}^ yours, M. T. McMAHON, Chief of Staff, 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac. General Alexander Shaler. 108 Letter of General Cochra.ne, declining to accept as Orator of the Day. 'To Sealer's Brigade Association, Survivors of the Sixth Army Corps : Gentlemen : I was apprised unexpectedly of ray selection to address your Association on the occasion of your Re-Union on the field of Gettysburg, at a time when physical disorder forbade mj^ accept- ance of the proffered honor. Gettysburg battle, enshrined in the common heart, reflects a glory upon its humblest participant. Thither repair the pilgrims of freedom, and thither the pride and the hopes converge that illustrate the American name. No record of man's design is needed to tell the story of that day, and when cenotaph and monument shall have crumblod to decay, still will its deeds stir and its echoes thrill every American bosom. Here death assailed the hero and here deluged the ranks where shiftless and moan- less thousands lay bleeding a sacrifice to country. And now, in the bloom of the vernal 3'ear, come the survivors of Shaler's Brigade, to recall the incidents of the deadly conflict tliej' waged, and to solemnly dedicate monuments to commemorate them. Though not sufl^ered to share with them their perils, nor to partake of the glory that is theirs, yet must my heart be in- sensible, indeed, when Shaler's Brigade shall fail to remind me that it was once my own, and life's current have ebbed when its deeds and its destin}^, its living and its dead, are no longer borne on the tables of memory. Comrades, it was a sore day when, in time of war, bodily distress dictated to you my farewell ad- dress. Equally sore is the day when bodily infirmities restrain me from your peaceful Re-Union. The glory anticipated for you then you have reaped, and "your factories past were in hail of your victories to come," for your standards are gilded with the name of Gettysburg. Comrades, adieu. JOHN COCHRANE. Brigadier-Gen. U. S. Yols. New York, June 4th, 1888. 109 Letter from General Jas. A. Beaver, Governor of Pennsylvania^ and President of the Gettysburg Battle-field Association. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Executive Chamber,) Harrisburg, June 7th, 1888. j William J. Wray, Esq., Secretary, &c., 3923 Reno St., Philadelphia, Pa. My Dear Sir: Your kind invitation of the 5th instant, to Mrs. Beaver and me, to attend the Camp-Fire, Reception, &c., incident to the dedication of the monuments of the regiments composing Shaler's Brigade, of the Sixth Armj^ Corps, has been received. I regret that previous engagements, which take me to the western part of the State, will prevent my joining you on either of the days mentioned. I would be glad to be with 3'ou, if for no other reason tlian to show m}' appreciation of the services rendered by the two Pennsjdvania regiments, which formed a a part of this reliable brigade. Wishing 3^ou a pleasant day and successful exercises through- out, I am Very gratefully' ^'ours, JAMES A. BEAYER. Letter from General John P. Taylor, President of Pennsyl- vania Commission on Gettysburg Monuments. Reidsville, Pa., June 11, 1888. Wm. J. Wray, Secretary of Shaler's Brigade Association. My Dear Sir : I am honored by the receipt of 3^our kind invitation to partici- pate in 3'our Camp-fire and dedicatory services of you Association at Gettysburg, to be held on the 12th, 13th and 14tli instant. I regret very much that prior engagements will prevent my being with you in so important ceremonies, and can but express m}^ thanks in being remembered. AVishing you a most eujoj'able time, I am, &c., Sincerely yours, J. P. TAYLOR. 110 Letter from Major Samuel Harper, Secretary of Pennsylvania Board of Commissioners on Gettysburg Monuments. Pittsburg, June 9, 1888. William J. Wray, Esq., Secretary, Shaler's Brigade Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir: I acknowledge the receipt of your note inviting me to be pres- ent at the ceremonies and festivities attending the dedication of the monuments of the regiments of your brigade. I am really and sincerely sorry that I cannot attend, and I hope that you will believe me when I say that my regret is much deeper than I have expressed it in these words. I, but yesterday, returned from a meeting of the Commission, where a mass of work was piled up on me, that will require every available moment until we meet again in July. I would like to meet my old comrades of Shaler's Brigade, with whom I was associated in the old Third Division of the most glorious old Sixth Corps. 1 would especially like to meet again your old Commander, General Shaler, for whom I always had a personal, as well as a soldier's admiration. I knew him well in the field, but have not had the good fortune to meet him since the close of the rebellion. We were members of the same Court-Martial, for the same time ; and to those who know us both as men of positive views, I need hardly say that we did not always agree ; but, probably, I ought to say that when we did not agree it was always as gentlemen and soldiers. But, m}^ object in Mriting is to say wh}^ I cannot be with you, and to express the hope that the ceremonies and festivities may conduce to the pleasure and profit of all who may be fortunate enough to be present. I close with the old praj'er which is as fresh to-day as ever. ■" God bless the old Sixth Corps." Very truly yours, SAMUEL HARPER, Late of 139th Pennsylv;uiia Volunteers, Wheaton's Brigade. Ill Letter from Colonel R. Bruce Ricketts, Pennsylvania State Gettysburg Monument Commission. WiLKESBARRE, Pa., June 9, 1888. William J. Wray, Esq. : 3fy Dear Sir : Your kind invitation to be present at the dedication of monu- ments and the Re-Union of Shaler's Brigade is received. I regret very much, that other engagements will prevent my being present and meeting old friends in that brigade. Yery respectfully, R. B. RICKETTS. Letter from General C. A. Richardson, New York State Gettys- burg Monument Commission. Canandaigua, N. Y., June 7th, 1888. W. J. Wray, Sec'y Shaler's Brigade Association, 3923 Reno Street, Philadelphia. 3Iy Dear Sir: I regret that my engagements are such that I cannot accept your invitation to be present at the dedication of the monuments of your Brigade, and the Complimentary Ball and Reception given on the occasion at Gettysburg, from the 12th to the 14th of this month. I shall be interested to see the several monuments of the regi- ments of 3'our Brigade, when at Gettysburg next month. Sincerely yours, C. A. RICHARDSON. Letter from the National Department Commander, G. A. R., John P. Rea, of the Gettysburg Battle-field Association. Headquarters G. A. R. Office o^ Adjutant-General. } MiNNNEAPOLis, MiNN., Juue 9, 1888. ) Wm. J. Wray, Secretary, &c., 3923 Reno St., Philadelphia, Pa. My Dear Comrade : I am just in receipt of your invitation to attend a camp-fire and other exercises of the Survivors of the Sixth Army Corps, 112 at Gettysburg, June 12th to 14th, and regret that other engage- ments will prevent my accepting the same. Trusting that you may have an enjoyable time, I am Yours in ¥. C. & L., JOHN P. REA, Commander-in-Chief. Letter from General George G. Briqgs, of the Gettysburg Battle-field Association. Grand Rapids, Mich., June 11th, 1888. Wm. J. Wray, Sec'y. 3923 Reno Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir: Tfemporar}^ absence from home prevented an earlier acknowl- edgment of your esteemed favor of the 5th instant. I regret exceedingly not to be able to accept your very kind invitation and participate with the survivors of Shaler's Brigade in the splendid programme for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day, of the present week. I trust the occasion may be all that you could desire, and one to be long remembered by the surviving members of your old Brigade with pleasure and profit. Yours Truly, GEO. G. BRIGGS Letter from General Frank D. Sloat, of the Gettysburg Battle- field Association. New York, June t, 1888. Wm. J. Wray, Esq., Secretary of Shaler's Brigade Association. 3923 Reno St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir : I have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of ^-our kind invita- tion for myself and ladies to attend the Camp-Fire and other ceremonies attendant upon the dedication of the monuments of 113 your Brigade, at Gettysburg, on the 12th, 13th and 14th instants ; and beg to sa^^ that it would give me exceeding pleasure to avail myself of the opportunity thus afforded of meeting with you and others of 3'our Brigade, under circumstances so full of prom- ise of unusual attractions. I am, however, compelled to decline, with great regret, as I am expecting to visit Gettysburg officially some time in July, and it would be quite impossible for me to go there this month and also in July. Please accept my thanks for your kind invitation, and believe me, Cordially yours, FRANK D. SLOAT. Letter from General Charles L. Young, of the Gettj'sburg Battle-field Association. Toledo, Ohio, June 7, 18S8. Comrade Wm. J. Wray, Secretar}' Shaler's Brigade Association, 3923 Reno Street, Philadelphia, Pa. My Dear Comrade: I certainl}^ thank you for the invitations for next week, at Gettysburg. Nothing would afford me greater delight than to meet my old friend. General Shaler, and his famed Brigade, under such agreeable circumstances ; but, as I hope to appear later, at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Battle-field Association, I cannot find the time to go twice or earlier. When I do reach Gettysburg, I shall view j^our memorials with an ad- ditional delight for this courtesy extended. Yery siucerelj', in F. C. & L., CHARLES L. YOUNG. Letter from General Louis Wagner, of the Gettysburg Battle- field Association. Philadelphia, Pa., June Tth, 1888. William J. Wray, Esq., Secretary. 3923 Reno Street, Philadelphia. My Dear Comrade: It will be impossible for me to avail mj'self of yoxxv invitation to the Re-Union of Shaler's Brigade, at Gettysburg, next week. Public duties prevent. Yours truly, LOUIS WAGNER. 114 Letter from General Elisha H. Rhodes, of the Gettysburg Battle-field Association. Providence, K. L, June 11, 1888. W. J. Wray, Sec'y, &c. Dear Comrade: I regret exceedingly that I shall be unable to attend the ser- vices held by the survivors of Shaler's Brigade, at Gettysburg. I remember the daj^s of old, when this brigade was a near neigh- bor of mine, and have not forgotten their deeds of valor in defence of the old flag. Please remember me to General Shaler and other Comrades, and accept my thanks for the invitation. Yours very truly, ELISHA H. RHODES, 2d R. I. Yols. Letter Irom Colonel John B. Bachelder, Government Historian of the Battle of Gettysburg. Hyde Park, Mass., June 8, 1888. Wm. J. Wraj^ Esq., Secretary Shaler's Brigade Association. 3Iy Bear Sir: I am in receipt of your very kind invitation to attend the Re-Union of Shaler's Brigade, and to participate in the various exercises of the occasion. I have already written to General Shaler, saying to him that I will accept his invitation to be present, if practicable. Indeed, I have made all my preparations to go. But, since receiving your letter, I have an invitation to attend the ceremony of cele- brating the golden wedding of a cousin of mine, who I know "would feel aggrieved were I not to attend. I may manage to go to Gettysburg ; at any rate, I hope 3'our grand old command will enjoy its full anticipations of pleasure. I am, sir, Yery truly yours, JNO. B. BACHELDER. 115 Letter from Colonel William P. Roome, late Adjutant-General, Shaler's Staff. New York, June 11, 1888. My Dear General: Affairs have so shaped themselves, that, notwithstanding my every effort, it is absolutely necessary that I shall be in New York to-morrow. You can understand my chagrin and regret. Should any old friend and comrade remember me, will you kindly convey to him an .expression of my honest affection ? Though bodily absent, in heart and spirit I will be with you all. With a greeting to each and every member of our old Brigade ■who shall gather about the memorials of their duty, so nobly performed, not alone at Gettysbvirg, but on the many battlefields of the. war, and to the departed a tribute of silent reverence, I am, my dear General, Heartily thine, WM. P. ROOME. To General Alexander* Shaler. Letter from Judge William McClean, Presiding Judge of Adams County, Pennsylvania. Gettysburg, Pa., June T, 1888. Wm. J. Wray, Esq., Secretary Shaler's Brigade Association. Dear Sir: I sincerely thank you for the courtesy of your invitation to attend the interesting exercises arranged for the Re-Union here next week, but regret that my necessary absence at that, time, in Fulton County, holding my regular June term of Court there, Tvill deprive me of the pleasure and honor of attendance. Most truly yours, WM. McCLEAN. 116 General Cochrane's Farewell Address ; read at the Camp-Fire^ by Captain Robert H. Moses, 122d New York Volunteers. Headquarters First Brigade, 3rd Division, 6th Army| Corps, Army op Potomac. February 27, 1863.) Soldiers of the First Brigade: My command over jow has terminated. Serious physical maladies, induced by the unaccustomed experiences of two years of military life, constantly in the camp, on the march, or in the field, have unfitted me for the duties of an active campaign. For this reason m}^ resignation severs my connection with the service, but I should trample upon the most sacred emotions did I depart from among you in silence. We began our march and have traversed our fields together ; when we lay down one sky covered, and one flag protected us ; and when we arose, it was to the notes of the same reveille. Your toil has been my toil, and your battles mine. To Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Antietam, W.illiamsport and Fredericksburg, our memories revert together, as to fields hallowed by the bravery and the blood of our Brigade. Soldiers' graves are there, filled with our dead, and we, their sur- vivors, bear their names upon our hearts, where too, their praises are inscribed. Soldiers, for 3-our countr}^ have you borne all, perilled all, sufi"ered all ; and for that country you will still bleed and endure, till 3'ou have seized from the teeth of this monstrous rebellion the dear inheritance of your children — one name, one country, one home. I shall not be with you, nor shall I strike at your side. But whenever, in other fields, bending beneath grievous burdens, I am weary or faint, one thought of you, brave hearts, shall revive resolution and re-invigorate effort in our common cause. You are of the Army of the Potomac. High hopes rest upon you, and fervid prayers supplicate your success. Objects of hope, and subjects of prayer, comrades in arms, your future is fraught with the destinies of the coming generations. Though sometimes checked, yet never defeated ; though sometimes baffled,, yet never beaten, the victories of your past are still within hail 117 •of your victories to come ; your country's cause rests upon your arms, and your standards will yet gild the day of its success. Soldiers — Farewell. JOHN COCHRANE, Brig.-General, Comd'g 1st Brigade. Remarks of William H. Redhepfer, Secretary of 82d Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, at the Camp-Fire. Comrades of Shaler''s Brigade: When a proper history of the grand old Army of the Potomac, of its manj^ severe struggles, marches and hard fought battles, to get possession of its great objective point — Richmond — and the heroic deeds of its valorous commanders and soldiers, shall have been written, no one name of that galaxy of heroes will stand out brighter or more prominent than that of George Gordon Meade, That grand old army that was so often out-generaled, and whose •commanders were so often out-manreuvred, but whose soldiers were never whipped. You all remember the Peninsula Campaign, under that (then) ideal of the army, McClellan, with our marches and counter-marches, fatigues, hardships and battles, and our many reverses, and yet the old army was never defeated, discomfited or discouraged. These to be succeeded by the Maryland Cam- paign, under the old commander, McClellan, with Antietam and the various other victorious battles — to be succeeded in turn by Burnside and the reverses at Fredericksburg, and the "Mud March," with the toils, harhships and privations incident to those campaigns ; and then "Fighting Joe" Hooker, with Chan- cellorsville, Marye's Heights and Salem Church ; to be followed by the second invasion of Maryland and the penetration of the loyal soil of our own State of Pennsylvania. You, comrades of the old "Shaler's Brigade," remember how, in the latter part of June, 1863, while on the march, we were informed of the displace- ment of Hooker and the substitution of that grandest of all our commanders. General Meade, to the command of our grand old army. You remember, too, the grumblings and feelings of dis- 118 appointment and distrust amongst tlie ranlc and file at the placing of, as we then thought, a new man at the head of the army, and one who was then comparatively unknown beyond the limits of his own (Fifth) Corps, The first day's fight at Gett3^sburg, the fall of that gallant soldier, Reynolds, and the sending for our Division Commander Newton to go to the front, to take Keynolds' place, in command of his Corps, are still fresh in your minds. You remember, also, the night march of the first day of the fight, to reach the field of battle in time to take part therein. Wherever the nation most needed a soldier, there some of the grand old Sixth Corps were sent. After our vicory here at Gettj^sburg, then the chai'ge at Funks- town, and the driving of the rebels from our soil, and the ending of the Pennsylvania Campaign. None of us who took part in that battle knew of the anxious days in Philadelphia, Washing- ton, Baltimoi'e and New York, nor of the many sleepless nights passed by the people of those cities during that time ; and not until it was known by them that the grand old invincible Army of the Potomac was confronting Lee and his hosts was confidence restored. This victory at Gettysburg was the first step in the disruption and downfall of the so-called Southern Confederac3^ After that the old foe of our army fought on the defensive. No more offen- sive campaigns ; no more invasions of Pennsylvania or Mary- land were attempted by them. To have lost at Gettysburg meant the imperilling and possible capture of Washington, Philadelphia, Baltimore and perhaps New York City, and the reorganization of the Southern Confederacy by Foreign Powers. These catas- trophes would have prolonged the war for years and left the end in doubt. Of course, this is mere conjecture or speculation, but it is the sort of thing indulged in in everyday life, and is pardon- able here. General Meade was, to my mind, the greatest soldier and Gen- eral that ever commanded our old Army of the Potomac. He was a soldier by instinct and education ; one of sound judgment and good, hard common sense. You must remember that the battle of Gettysburg, the best fought and most decisive in results of the war, was fought within less than one week after he had 119 assumed command of the army. We were on the march for somewhere, wherever Lee's army might be. But where were they ? That was the question. Like the true soldier that he was, Meade took command, and within less than one week thereafter, fought the hardest battle of the war, with the most glorious results. General Meade was no hurrah soldier ; he was a soldier in the strongest acceptation of the term ; and I do not wish to detract from the merits of any of the other heroes of the war when I repeat that to my mind — a soldier in the ranks — he was the greatest strategist, fighter and soldier that ever commanded our army. There have been other claimants for the honor of having selected the position for the battle of Gettysburg, and some have boldly asserted that Meade had nothing to do with it, while others, ill their claim, would almost malve one think that Meade wasn't in the fight at all ! When Meade took command, our army was acting on the de- fensive. We were after our old foe, Lee ; but whei-e he was at, that time, no one knew. Therefore, Meade was obliged to move cautiously and feel his way gradually. But, when Buford dis- covered the enemy's whereabouts, and the gallant Reynolds, soldier-like, obeyed the soldier instinct and marched his column toward the sound of the guns, and fell, covered with glory — then Meade knew where Lee was, and immediately ordered his entire arm}^ to the scene*of conflict, Gettysburg. His instructions to Hancock, of July 1st, were, "That you proceed to the front, and by virtue of this order, in case of Reynolds' death (as re- ported) you assume command#of the Corps there assembled ;" and he further said, "In case the ground and "position are better for a fight than the one heretofore selected (Pipe Creek), you will advise me and I will order all the troops up." Hancock re- ported, and Meade ordered all the troops up at once and arrived on the field in jDcrson shortly after midnight. Now, if General Meade did not select the site for that battle, who did ? Surely, no one will argue but that as General Commanding he could, after the first day's fight, have withdrawn the army to Pipe Creek or elsewhere, if he so chose, and fought his battle. Meade's in- structions to Hancock cannot be mistaken or misunderstood, read them as we will. He said, "If you think the ground and position (at Gettysburg) a better one on which to fight a battle * * * 120 so advise me, and I will order all the troops up." If he had not have intended to give battle to the enemy, "wherever he foilnd him, with advantages always in our favor, wouldn't he have or- dered a retreat, even after Hancock's report, and fought on ground of his own selection ? Most assuredl3\ Meade intended to fight, not retreat ; and he fought with re- sults well known to us all. And the future historian, in reviewing the many battles of the Rebellion, and the soldiers that partici- pated therein, will, I feel satisfied, accord to General Meade the full merit and praise that he earned, and to which he is so justlj'^ entitled. I have alwaj^s believed that Divine Providence had much to do with the selection of General Meade as our commander at that battle. We could have afforded and did suffer reverses in many of our other battles without serious effect, but supposing we had been defeated there ; then what ! I have no words of condemnation or censure, nor do I say it in a spirit of fault-finding, but I think a mistake was made in not naming General Meade for the Lieutenant-Generalcy. I don't say this out of any disrespect, or to detract from the laurels of the soldier that was named for that position — for I consider him one of the ablest of our generals. That Meade was a great and safe soldier, thoroughly efficient. and competent in everj^ respect, was attested to by General Grant himself, in retaining him as Commander of the Army of the Potomac. He ably aided and seconded Grant in his plans and campaigns, which culminated in the defeat of Lee's army, and the overthrow of the Rebellion ; and if he had not have been a true soldier, Grant would not have tolerated him for a moment. And the strongest argument that I can make in support of mj^ assertion of the slight put upon Meade, is this action of Grant's in retaining him in command of our army, as he did. After a while, those who follow after us will write a correct history of our deeds, without fear, favor or affection and without passion or prejudice. Then I am satisfied that full justice will be done the name of General Meade, and his name will stand out boldly in the front rank with the other heroes of the Union armies that took part ia the war of the Rebellion. The gatherings of old soldiers, on old battle-fields, should be 121 ■encouraged, not only by the soldiers who took part in them, but by the people at large, as they serve to keep alive the old frater- nal feelings between old comrades in arms, and stimulate the rising generation to emulate the example of their sires, and fos- ters and kindles in the breast of the young a proper spirit of patriotism and love of country ; so that in the future, should our country's life ever again be imperilled, they will spring to her defense with the same spirit and as gallantly as did their fathers "before them. Comrades, some of us who meet here upon this occasion may, perhaps, never attend such another gathering. We are getting old and others must take our places. Let our actions be such that we would have our children emulate them. Let us do no act or sa}' one word the recital of which would wound the feel- ings of others, or cause pain to ourselves. Let our everyday lives be living examples of probitj'', honor and rectitude for our ■children and our children's children. Comrades, I am done. That God, in his infinite wisdom, may guide us all in the future as he has in the past, is my earnest' prayer. Goodnight! SUE'S WEDDING. ■READ AT CAMP-FIRE BY MASTER EDDIE CRAIG, OP ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. Sue ought to have been married a long time ago. That's what everj^body sajs who knows her. She has been engaged to Mr. Travers for over three years, and has had to refuse lots of oifers to go to circuses with other young men. I have wanted her to get married so that I could live with her and Mr. Travers, and when I think if it hadn't been for a mis- take I made yesterday, she would have been married, I feel it awfully hard to be resigned, but we should always be resigned to an3^thing we can't help. Before I go any further, I want to tell you about my printing- press. It did belong to Tom Maginness, but he got tired of it :and let me have it real cheap. He was going to get it exchanged 122 for a bicycle, a St. Bernard dog and twelve good books, but he finally consented to let me have it for $1.50. It prints beauti- fully, and I have made $3.15 already, printing cards for the- neighbors. I thought Tom and I might have a show some time, so I sent to town and bought some yellow paper, and some type, more than an inch high. It was decided that Sue would be married next week, and you should have seen the state of mind her and mother were in. They did nothing but sew and buy clothes and talk about the wedding all day long. Sue said she wanted to be married in the church, and have bridesmaids and flowers and music till you couldn't rest, and the only thing that troubled her was who to invite. Mother wanted her to invite Mr. and Mrs. McFadden and the seven McFadden girls ; but Sue said they had insulted her, and she couldn't bear the idea of inviting the McFadden tribe. All agreed that old Mr. Wilkison, who came to a party at our house with one shoe and one slipper on, could not be in- 'vited, but that all others who were on good terms with the family should have an invitation. Sue counted up all she meant to invite, and there were nearly three hundi'ed of them ; and the worst of it was that Sue said I must deliver all the invitations myself. Now, you see, I couldn't do that without losing time, which is always valuable ; so I thought of a plan which would save Sue the trouble of address- ing three hundred invitations, and the trouble of delivering them.. I got to work, with my printing-press, and printed a dozen splendid big bills about the wedding. Then I cut some pictures of animals and ladies on horses out of some old circus bills I had and pasted them around the edge. That night I made some paste in an old tin pail and went out and pasted the bills in good places, all over the town. The next day father came in, looking very stern, with one of the wedding bills in his hand. He handed it to Sue, and said,. "Susan, what does this mean ? These bills are pasted all over the town, and crowds of people are reading them." Sue read it, gave a shriek, and fainted away, and I went down to the post- office to see if there was any mail there. This was what was on, the wedding bills, and I am sure it was spelled all right : 123 MISS SUSAN BROWN announces that she will marry MR. JAMES TRAYERS, at the church, on Thursday, at t o'clock. All the friends of the Family with the exception of the McFadden tribe and old Mr. Wilkison are invited. Come early and bring Lots of Flowers. Now, what's wrong about that? I'm sure it was all spelled' right, with the exception of the name of the church, and I didn't put that in because I wasn't sure how to spell it. Any other girl but Sue would have been grateful and thanked me for my trouble ; but she began to crj^, and said that she would go to New York to be married, for she couldn't be married in town after that boy's dreadful conduct. The worst of it is, that I am to be sent to a boarding-school ; and all because I pasted up a few bills without first asking my. siater how she wanted them printed. RESOLUTION BY THE LADIES. At a meeting of the ladies who attended the re-union, in the parlors of the Eagle Hotel, on Wednesday evening, Mrs. General Shaler presiding, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : • Resolved^ That we unite in most heartfelt thanks our apprecia- tion of the many courtesies extended to us by the survivors of Shaler's Brigade and their friends, which have made our visit witli you, in your Monumental Dedication and Re-Union occa- sion, such a pleasant and happy event. Resolved^ That Comrade William J. Wray be thanked for his untiring efforts in making this Re-Union a success. MRS. GENERAL SHALER, President, MISS EMMA WRAY, Secretarij, MRS. J. MOFFITT, Assistant Secretary. 124 Telegram to General Philip Sheridan. The boys did not forget their loved " Chief" amid the festivi- ties, and wired the following telegram to his sick-chamber : Gettysburg, June 13th, 1888. Colonel Mike Sheridan, Washington, D. C. Shaler's Brigade, of the old Sixth Coi'ps, in Re-Union on the Gettysburg Battlefield, tender their kind regards and heartfelt sympathy to their old commander. General Sheridan, WM. J. WRAY, Secretary. Letter from Major J, B. Davis, 122d New York Volunteers. Hot Springs, Dak., June 6th, 1888. My Dear Comrade: I sent 3^ou a telegram, a few days ago, that I could not come to join with my old associates and discharge the duty assigned to me in the dedicatory exercises at Gettysburg. It was the hardest task I ever had imposed upon me, and nothing but my weakened physical condition prevented me from going. I so long to be with j^ou on that occasion and to see, perhaps for the last time, some of the dear old " twosters" who were with me in that fight ! But I shall not see them. I shall not grasp their friendly hands nor look into their kindly faces again on earth. It may be, if my health is regained, that I shall be able to see you, or some of you, at least, at the annual re-union on August 28th — but this is in the future. * I shall be with you in spirit in all your gatherings, and go through your exercises, enjoy your sallies of wit and songs of mirth, and I desire to have you say to all the members of my old regiment especially, and to all in the regiment who remember me, that my heart just shakes hands with them all. The years glide by and the last roll-call will soon come to each one of us. May your meeting be a grand success. I hope our monument stands on that big rock where the ravine begins. Please send me a map of the ground — a rough sketch, showing it all, with location of monument. 125 Oh ! I regret that I cannot he with you on this grand occasion. It seems I must go !— but there is no use. I am so weary— I yield to the call for rest. God bless all my dear old comrades. Fraternally yours, J. B. DAYIS. A. H. HuBBS, President Survivors Association, 122d N. Y. Vols. Copy of General Shaler's Official Report of the First Brigade, Third Division, Sixth Corps, at Gettysburg. Headquarters First Brigade, Third Division, | Sixth Corps, July 21st, 1863. j Major : I have the honor to hand you the following report of the move- ments and operations of the several regiments of the brigade, while under the command of Brigadier-General Geary, during the action of July 3d : At 9 A. M. the 122d New York Yolunteers, Colonel Silas Titus commanding, was directed to relieve the 111th Pennsylvania Yolunteers, then occupying a position in the front line. Finding the breastworks had been hastily vacated by that regiment, they were immediately reoccupied by the 122d and held by them, under a severe fire of the enemy, until relieved by the 82d Pennsyl- vania Yolunteers at 11.30 A. M. At 9.20 A. M. the 23d Pennsylvania Yolunteers, Lieutenant- Colonel John F. Glenn commanding, was placed in position as support to, and one hundred and fifty yards in rear of the front line. After about three hours, five companies were, by direction of General Geary, reported to the Lieutenant-Colonel command- ing a regiment of the Second Division, Twelfth Corps. These companres being deployed in rear of the works, were, under a galling fire of musketry, advanced under them. Owing to the heavy^fire immediately opened by the enemy, the design of feel- ing them with skirmishers was found impracticable. Skirmishers were advanced, however, about fifteen paces, but shortly after- wards withdrawn. At 11 A. M. the 67th New York Yolunteers, Colonel Nelson Cross commanding, marched into the woods and forward to the 126 breastworks from which the enemy were then fleeing. They suc- ceeded in capturing about twenty prisoners. At 11.15 o'clock the 65th New York Yolunteers, Colonel Joseph E. Hamblin commanding, occupied a position as support to the 23d Pennsylvania Yolunteers, of this brigade. At 11.30 A. M. the 82d Pennsylvania Yolunteers, Colonel I. C. Bassett commanding, advanced to the front line, relieving the 122d New York, and occupying the position until relieved by a portion of General Geary's command, at about 3 P. M. At this hour the brigade was reformed imder my command. I annex a list of killed, wounded and missing during the en- gagement. LIST OF KILLED AND WOUNDED. KILLED. WOUNDED. CAP'Doi MIS'NG AGGRE- GATE. COMMAND. Officers. Enlisted Men. Officers. Enlisted Officers. Men. Enlisted Men. First Brigade. Brit'adier General, ALEX. SHALER, 65tli New Yorlc 4 9 67th New York 1 1 122d New York 10 2 ........I 30 12 o 44 1 14 6 6 Total First Brigade, ] 14 3 531 3 74 I am, A^er^^ respectfully, your obedient servant, ALEXANDER SHALER, Brigadier-General commanding Brigade, Asst. Adjutant-General, 2d Division, 12th Corps. Telegraph Dispatch published in Philadelphia Tivies, of June 13, 1888. ON THE FIELD OF GETTYSBURG. SHALER 'S BRIGADE TO DEDICATE THE MONUMENTS TO THEIR DEAD COMRADES. Special Telegram to the " Times. ''^ > Gettysburg, June 12. — The veterans of Shaler's Brigade, of the Sixth Corps, most of them from Philadelphia, to-day opened 127 the celebration that will bring to this historic battle-field thou- sands of those who, twenty-five years ago, participated on both sides of the bloody struggle. The first arrival was the One Hundred and Twenty-second New York Veterans, who came on a special from Syracuse at Y o'clock this morning. Soon after noon nearly three hundred veterans and their friends arrived, including General Alexander Shaler, of Ridgway, N. J., who commanded the brigade, and a number of ladies. The}^ were met at the depot and escorted by the Grand Army band of this place to their quarters at the various hotels. Conspicuous b}^ their absence are the veterans of the Sixty-seventh New York Regiment, who declined to participate in these exercises and fixed their dedication for Jul}^ 2. The visitors spent the afternoon at that portion of Gulp's Hill where their monuments stand, re^dving memories of tbe battle and admiring the beautiful structures which will tell to future generations the part they took in the struggle. In the evening Secretary William J. Wray, of the Brigade Association, called a vast assembly of veterans, visitors and citizens to order in the court room and a most enjoyable camp-fire ensued. General Shaler responded to an enthusiastic call in a neat speech in which, as president of the Brigade -Association, he expressed his pleasure at seeing so many of the boys who had gone through the bloody scenes of war under his command present, and expressed his warmest thanks to them for their interest in this Re-Union. He also spoke the thanks of himself and his comrades to the people of Gettysburg for their kindly attentions. One of the features of the evening was a recitation by Mrs. John Fox, of Philadelphia. Short speeches were made by Col- onel J. F. Glenn and Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. Wallace, of the Twenty-third ; Colonel J. M. Wetherell, Captain G. W. Water- house, Captain R. W. Patrick and Captain Charles Williams, of the Eighty-second ; Colonel Silas Titus and Major T. L. Poole, of the One Hundred and Twenty-second, and Captain Samuel Truesdell, of the Sixt^^-fifth. When the band struck up " Tent- ing on the Old Camp Ground," the veterans caught up the strain and made the house ring with the familiar song. The monuments will be dedicated to-morrow. 128 Telegraph Dispatch published in Philadelphia Times of June 14, 1888. kT HISTORIC GETTYSBURG. shaler's brigade dedicates monuments to dead comrades. Many Persons Witness the Unveilings at the Old Battle- Field — Descriptions of the Testimonials to Those. Who Fell There. Special Telegram to the Times. Gettysburg, June 13. — The Shaler Brigade veterans and visi- tors could not have asked more delightful weather than they had to-day. Promptly at 9 o'clock this morning, the column, headed by the Grand Army Band, took up the line of march from bri- gade headquarters to the delightful shade of the spreading oaks of Gulp's Hill, under which the monuments stand. With the Sixth Corps and other flags were borne the tattered battle-flags which had been bravely carried by the various commands on many a bloody field. Arriving at the scene of the day's exer- cises, they found hundreds of citizens gathered as spectators. Secretary Wray, of the Brigade Association, called the assembly to order and presented General Alexander Shaler as orator of the da}^. General Cochrane, of New York, who had been chosen orator, being detained by sickness. General Shaler's effort was of a purely historical character, giving in detail the brigade's history, from its formation until the close of the war. When he came to this campaign, he graph- ically' described the forced march of the Sixth Corps from Manchester, arriving here on the afternoon of July 2, 1863, and their movement to the Union right, early on the 3d, to assist the Twelfth Corps troops in dislodging and driving back Johnson's Division from the works at Gulp's Hill, which they had taken and occupied while Slocum's troops were withdrawn to support the Third Corps in its terrific engagement with Longstreet's Corps at the Peach Orchard and Round Top. He also described their double-quick movement over Cemetery Hill, at the time of Pickett's charge, and closed with a glowing tribute to the private soldiers. 129 THE MONUMENT DEDICATIONS. Letters were read from Major-Generals Couch, Newton, Wright and McMahon, The veterans then formed a square around the 122d New York Monument, which is of Barr granite, twelve feet high, having a massive rock-faced die, with four panels, contain- ing coat-ofarms and historical inscription, and capped with a pinnacle showing the Sixth Corps badge on its four sides. Major Davis Cossitt gave the histor}^ of the regiment, and Colonel O. y. Trac}', of Syracuse, delivered an able address. This monument was unveiled by Sergeant Chase, who carried the regimental colors through the whole war. Next came the 23d Pennsylvania, whose monument had been dedicated two years ago, but who had just placed an artistic granite figure on the top, representing a Birney Zouave going into action. The exercises of re-dedicating the entire monument — one of the most striking on the field — were opened with prayer by President McKnight, of Penns3dvania College, followed bj'^ an able address by Colonel John F. Glenn, of Philadelphia, and a neat pi-esenta- tion speech by Secretary Wra}^, of Philadelphia, the Memorial Association's acceptance of the statue being fittingly expressed by Secretar}" John M. Krauth, of the Association. The 82d's monument has a large die, with a knapsack at either end, a beautiful hioh cottage top, ending in a Sixth Corps badge, with the inscription, "July 3, marched from near Little Round Top, and occupied the works in front at 11.30 A. M., relievino- other troops." Colonel John M. Wetherill, of Pottsville, deliv- ered a carefully-prepared history of the regiment, and Captain G. W. Waterhouse, of Philadelphia, made the dedicator}^ address. The monument was unveiled by a daughter of Captain Ivers. The symmetrical shaft of the 65th New York Begiment came next, and Colonel John Oakey, of Brooklyn, eloquently spoke for his comrades, absent as well as present. STUDYING THE BATTLE-FIELD. At the conclusion of the exercises, the 23d 's bountifully sup- plied commissary contributed to the pleasure of the crowd, all wko wished being served in the same liberal manner as when the lemonade was passed around at the camp-fire on the previous night. 9 t 130 The 23d's open house at the rink has been duly appreciated by their comrades of the other regiments. In the afternoon the town was almost deserted, the visitors making good use of their time, driv- ing over the battle-field, studying the operations of the troops and admiring the hundreds of costly memorials erected on every part of it. That evening the Brigade Association sent a telegram of sympathy to General Sheridan. After supper the headquarters' band serenaded the different regimental headquarters and the newspaper offices, after which they escorted the visitors to the rink, where a complimentary ball and reception were tendered them. Colonel Glenn was grand conductor and was ably assisted by Colonel W. J. Wallace, Captain James M. Craig\ W. J. Baker, James Spence, William Bartley, Secretary Wray and other mem- bers of the regiment. The grand march under the beautiful archway of red, white and blue trimmings was led by Colonel and Mrs. Glenn. Two bands furnished music, refreshments were lavishly served, and the veterans, forgetting their age, joined in the amusements until a late hour. Telegraph Dispatch published in the Philadelphia Times, of . June 15, 1888. SHALER BRIGADE'S VISIT. THE VETERANS GO OVER THE GETTYSBURG BATTLE-FIELD AND LEAVE FOR HOME. Sptcial Telegram to the "Times.'" Gettysburg, June 14. — This morning closed the long-to-be- remembered visit of the Shaler Brigade veterans and their friends to the historic scenes of Gettysburg. Taking carriages at a not very early hour the visitors moved out to view that portion of. the field on which the battle opened, where Buford, with his dis- mounted cavalry, held the ground until Reynolds arrived with the First Corps and fell dead while placing the famous "Iron Bri- gade" to resist the the oncoming tide of Hill's troops ; then along the avenue which bears the brave First Corps commander's name to the Mummasburg road, admiring the monuments already up and in course of erection ; then to Howard avenue and the 131 •operations of numerous memorials of the Eleventh Corps, ending at the extreme right of the Union line of that clay. A beautiful gold badge, in the form of a red enameled Sixth Corps badge, the Grecian cross, was presented to Secretar3'- William J. Wray, of Shaler's Brigade Association, in the parlor of the Eagle Hotel, by the survivors of the 82d Pennsylvania Regiment. Colonel Wetherill made the presentation, and while Secretary Wray was taKen entirely by surprise, he recovered sufficiently to express his heartfelt thanks in a neat speech. The ladies who accompanied the excursion held a meeting, over which Mrs. General Shaler presided, and adopted resolu- tions expressive of their thanks for the many kindly attentions shown them by the veterans of the regiments. At noon the visitors left, filled with the most pleasant recollections of their visit to historic Gettj^sburg. APPENDIX-B. RE-UNION CLIPPINGS, THE FAYETTEVILLE '' RECORDER;' 0¥ NEW YOUK, ''TRUTH;' ''COMPILER;' "STAR" AND " ^^i\^- TINEL;' of GETTYSBURG, AND INDI- VIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS. The editor of The Truth, in getting out an extra edition, showed considerable enterprise. The report was quite a review of the Re-Union. We congratulate such energy. The Compiler and the Star and Sentinel, of Gettysburg, gave a very interesting, readable account of the Re-Union. The Eagle, McClellan, City and Globe Inn, at Gettysburg, were used as the headquarters of the several commands. All report the accommodations par excellent. On the arrival of the train bringing General Shaler, the follow- ing additional friends of the 122d joined the party : Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Slauson, Miss Slausou, Miss Nellie Slauson, Miss Carpen- ter and Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wilson, of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Heintz and Mr. J. L. Loomis, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Mrs. Guy Moses, Miss Gaylord and Mr. Z. Moses, of Washing- ton, D. C. 134 The eflScient services rendered by the Committee having charge- of the selection and location of the monument and the arrange- ments for the excursion, and especially the zeal and efficiency of Colonel 0. V. Tracy, who devoted his services and money freely to promote the undertaking, are gratefull}^ remembered by the comrades, who desire us to give expression to this feeling. Colonel John F. Glenn, of Philadelphia, the Grand Conductor of the Ball, knows when he has good music, and quickly decided to swap bands,"in order that the dancers could enjoy the maizee. The 122d New York were drawn up in line on arrival of the other regiments of the brigade, under the command of Colonel Silas Titus, and as the column passed by, with ladies on their arms and gripsack in hand, gave them a marching salute. Captain R. H. Moses, of New York City, who has acted as the representative of the 122d on the committee of arrangements for the brigade Re-Union, has devoted much time to the affair, and is to be congratulated by his comrades for the successful result. Ilis interest in the old regiment and all that concerns it seems to increase with the advance of time. Two new faces, which have been missing from our annual re- unions, were seen at Gettysburg, and the cordial welcome they received must convince them that the fraternal feelinofs eno^en- dered by the experiences of army life grow stronger as years go by. We refer to Captain Lucius Moses and Sergeant Charles Eldridge. William J. Wray, the efficient Secretary of the Brigade Asso- ciation, was the leading spirit of the Re-Union, and the success of the re-union is largely due to his efforts, both in the work of preparation and in the subsequent supervision of the same. The 122d boys were shown many favors by him and his associates, which they will remember with gratitude. The popular President of the 82d Pennsylvania Association,. Colonel John M. Wetherill, of Potts ville, and their energetic' Secretary, William H. Redheffer, of Philadelphia, were each 135 presented with a handsome Sixth Corps badge — red enamel, with words, "82d P. Y." — by the Survivors' Association, 82d Penn- sylvania Yolunteers ; a most deserving tribute, as both worked very hard in their efforts to make the Re-Union a success. General Shaler must have been touched with the hearty re- ception accorded him by the members of his old command. Every mention of his name was greeted with hearty cheers, and whenever he appeared he was tendered a perfect ovation. He will ahvays be regarded with respect and esteem by the veterans of his old brigade, who always admired and trusted him. He was to them an ideal hero and commander. The members of the 122d were, during their stay at Gettys- burg, the recipients of many courtesies and attentions from the 23d Pennsylvania, which they desire to gratefully acknowledge. It was indeed a very happy thought of General Shaler to sug- gest a Re-Union of the old Brigade, and the spirit in which the reorganization of the old commands began demonstrated how strong the ties of comradeship existed these many years ;• for, within ten months after the call was sounded, the comrades were brought into their several regimental associations. Many were found residing in nearly all the States, and on June 12th, the monuments were erected, ready for the dedication. The elements were even with us in the celebration, as three more desirable days could not have been selected if the commit- tee had been given the entire calendar to choose from. It was a great disappointment to all who were present at the Re-Union, that Major J. B. Davis, of the 122d,who was severely wounded at Gulp's Hill, was unable to come on account of ill- ness. How sadly disappointed the Major was himself is told in his letter, we take great pleasure in publishing. Colonel John F. Glenn, of the 23d Pennsylvania Yolunteers, with about fifty of the survivors of the regiment with their wives, on Wednesday made a special tour of five hours over the battle- field, under the guidance of that popular and efficient guide, 136 Captain James T. Long, who gave them a general description of the three daj^s' battle from three different points, namely, Ceme- ter}^ Hill, Round Top and the Bloody Angle. Among the visitors that we met in Gettysburg this week were H. Willis Bland, Esq., a well-known Reading lawyer, and a mem- ber of the 82d Pennsylvania Regiment, and Mr. J. C. Aitken, of Philadelphia. A party of eight, belonging to the Re-Union visitors, met with an accident that might have been serious, on Wednesday evening, while returning from a trip over the field. As the two-horse vehicle in which they were seated arrived on the top of Baltimore Hill, the right hand spindle on the rear axle broke. DoWn went the conveyance, turning completel}^ over, and throwing all the occupants out on the street. Strange to say, all escaped unhurt, with the exception of one, whose shoulder was painfully bruised. The latter was Comrade George Slaj^sman, a member of the 23d Pennsylvania Regiment. General Shaler and his party arrived here on Tuesday after- noon. He was accompanied by his wife. Colonel William DeC. Boughton, Major C. H. Tucker and Colonel John B. Woodruff, of New York ; Colonel John Oakey, of Brookl}^, ex-District Attorney of Kings County; Colonel Samuel Truesdell and Samuel Truesdell, Jr., of Brooklyn ; Colonel G. W. Ford, Mrs. Matthew Shaler, Mrs. Colonel Jussen and Mrs. Fred Grow. 'On their wa}^ here the party spent Monday night at the Continental Hotel, in Philadelphia, and a member of the old brigade staff said to a reporter of the Times^ of that city : " We thought we would go up to Gettysburg a little ahead of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the battle, which occurs next month, and have a little Re-Union before th^ crowd gets there. The Re-Union will take place on the field. There will be between forty and fifty thousand people at Gcttj'sburg on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the battle, and I there wouldn't be much room for us to hold a Re-Union there on account of the crowds." After leaving Harrisburg, while on his way to Gettysburg, on Tuesdaj^, with the survivors of Shaler's Brigade, Mr, George 137 Dougherty, of Philadelphia, a member of the 23d Pennsylvania Regiment, met with a rather serious mishap. One of his com- rades tripped over a box in the lunch car, where there were no seats, and was thrown against a window, his elbow goino- through the glass. In his fall he also struck Mr. Dougherty'^ and the latter was thrown back against the broken glass, cuttino- an artery m the neighborhood of his collar bone. The profuse bleeding was stopped by compression, the injured man's comrades taking turns in holding their thumbs on the orifice with a compressed handkerchief. Dr. Roller, the old surgeon of the regiment, was on the train, and he telegraphed from one of the way stations to Dr. T. T. Tate, of this place, asking him to be in readiness on the arrival of the train. Dr. Tate did so, and took Mr. Douc^herty under his charge, administering the necessary surgical attention, the injured man was able to be out again on Wednesday. The Commissary Gang of the 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers captured quite a squad of the 82d at the Vineyards. After crack- ing several botts of grape-juice, they were paroled and went on their way rejoicing. 4 Professor William Malcolm., of Philadelphia, the minerologist, brought home several specimens for his cabinet. Prof Sheely,' of Gettysburg College, gave him an exhibition of his valuable collection. We tried bricks and cobble-stones on Male, but he knew them on sight. The flag used to veil the 122d monument was one loaned for the occasion by Mrs. O. V. Tracy, who cherishes it as a valued relic of her lamented father. The flag was presented by the War Department to Hon Charles B. Sedgwick, then Onondaga's rep- resentative in Congress and Chairman of the Committee on Naval Aff-airs. Mrs. Tracy was also a cousin of our beloved commander, General John Sedgwick. . Secretary William J. Wray, of Shaler's Brigade, is a courteous gentleman to whose eff-orts much of the Re-Union's success was due. He labored early and late in its interest, but not without a-esults that he may well feel proud of He vva? presented, while 138 here, with a gold pin" in the shape of a Sixth Corps badge, with the name of his regiment, the 23d Pennsylvania Yoiunteers, in- scribed thereon. The Camp-Fire was one of the happy events of the occasion. The old Coui't House was never so crowded befoi-e with so many cheerful faces, made so by the laughable incidents and enjoy- ments of the talent dispensed, each of the commands contributing its best to entertain. The dedication was complete in all its details. The march to the ground in organization, the great crowds of townspeople in attendance, the historical and eloquent addresses at .each of the monument dedications, with the other impressive and appropri- ate ceremonies, was the crowning feature of the celebration — highly creditable to the brigade. Captain Moses' contingent, of the 122d, came in from New York City and Washington, and were a pleasant party of ladies and gentlemen ; among the number being the Captain's mother and Mr. Slauson, his business partner. ^ The 23d Pennsylvania's hospitable supplies were inexhausti- ble ; lunch, cigars, etc., were continually passed through the train, going and returning, as well as at the Camp-Fire and its Ball. In fact, at all times the cry was, " Come and help your- self," and if you didn't, the Commissary would help you. We met General Shaler, with the ladies of his party, at the Vineyai'ds. The cold, unfermented wine was quite refreshing. The only regrets of the trip was the absence of the 1st Long Island. May they so arrange as to join with us on all future occasions. John M. Huber, Esq., the druggist, of Gettysburg, was of valuable assistance in looking after many of the details on behalf of the brigade, for which we heartily thank him. His brother Frederick was killed in action, at Fair Oaks, while serving as^ 1st Sergeant, F Company, 23d Pennsylvania, being the first Union soldier from Gettysburg killed in the war. 139 The thanks of the brigade are tendered the Rev. H. W. Mc- Knight, President of the Gettysburg College, for his services as Chaplain at the Dedications. He had the honor to serve in the 139th Pennsylvania Volunteers — one of the old Sixth Corps regiments. The badges worn during the Re-Union were neat and appro- priate ; that of the survivors being red silken ribbon, with blue Greek cross, designating the old Third Division, which the Bri- gade served in, inscribed : " Survivors of the (each command having its own designation), Shaler's Brigade Re Union, Gettys- burg, 1863-1888." The friends' were of white silken ribbon, with the same inscription, with the words " Friends," in place of " Survivors." Gettysburg Battle-field we found so well preserved as to scarcely need the services of a guide, the Battle-field Association having laid out roads along the entire lines, with sign-boards denoting the positions. Over two hundred monuments have been 'erected on positions occupied by troops in the action. All are original works of art ; many of unique and beautiful design. One would think, who has never visited the field, that with all these monuments it would have the semblance of a graveyard. Far from it, as it takes miles of di'iving to get around to view them. Whitey Williams, of the 23d Pennsylvania " Commissary," found time with all his duties to act the Good Samaritan in con- veying Comrade Dougherty, who was injured on the train, to the hotel. By reason of the horses running away, he now wears a bran new pair of pants. Colonel John Oakey, of Brooklyn, and Colonel George W. Ford, of Connecticut, were the most venerable veterans on the trip, and seemed to enjoy the occasion quite as well as did the "youngsters." The Pennsylvania Railroad sent W. C. Drefenderfer, Esq., their representative, with the special from Philadelphia, with orders to remain with the party until their return — something- unusual. So comfort and convenience was assured. 140 Secretary George Gilbert, of the 122d, worked hard, looking after the comfort of the " Twosters," and was doubly repaid in the consolation that everybody was pleased. The Official Visitations to the Fields of the First, Second and Third Days was instructive ; graphically described in story of the action as well as in the many hundreds of monuments, mark- ing the positions occupied by the troops participating. The well-made roads, with the lines so distinctly marked, tells of the good work performed by the Battle-field Association, in the preservation of the Mecca of the War. To all those on the trip we congratulate, as to their presence, dignity, sociability and good behavior, which made our first Re- Union such a grand success and so happy an event. Captain O'Brien, of the 82d Pennsylvania, with his two stal- wart sons, said the occasion was the happiest day of his life. He don't seem to have lost any of the sunshine of life, "old as he is." Colonel William J. Wallace, of the 23d, is the same old Bill Wallace, of army days. He and his good wife took in all the enjoyments of the trip. The Fa3'etteville Recorder^ of New York, gave a very readable detail of the Re-Union, occupying several columns of their paper, during three weekl}^ editions. Brevet-Major A. W. Wilkin, the editor, was on the trip, enjoying himself, as well as taking notes of all that was going on. Dr. Knapp, of the 122d, after trying in vain to follow Captain Ostrander (who lost his leg in the Wilderness,) over the field, dubbed him the " One-legged antelope." The Birne}^ Zouave Statue that surmounts the 23d Pennsylvania Monument was designed by John Fergurson, the proprietor of the Philadelphia Granite Works. It was modeled in cla}'^ by John Walz, Esq., of Philadelphia, a pupil of Professor Wiley, late of the Academy of Fine Arts, of Philadelphia, and of Pro- fessor Milley, of Paris. It represents a youthful soldier of twenty 141 years of age — the average age of the men of the regiment in 1863. The designer and modeler are to be congratulated upon the artistic work and unique and appropriate position they have placed the figure. It is quite original ; showing the soldier grasping his piece from a trail arms — a realitj^ — just as he appeared when he suddenly received the fire of the enemy. George Dougherty- 's body guard from Kensington were a jolly set, and enjoyed the occasion very much. Our friend Sara Graves was of the party, and never tired trying to make everybody happy. Colonel Buehler, of Gettysburg, the Vice President of the Battle-field Association, in very complimentary terms congratu- lated the Brigade visit as one of the most successful and pleasant that came to the old town. The boys of Corporal Skelly Post, Gettysburg, were around at all times, trying to make the visitors feel at home. The use of their comfortable Hall was tendered us should occasion re- quire, for which we return thanks. Stout, robust, hale, hearty and rosy cheeks, Levi Albertson of the 23d, worked and perspired in dealing around the ball-room the refreshments, and seemed to enjoy it ; imbued with the senti- ment of us all, always ready to assist in making everj'body pleased. At the Dedication Grounds, nearly everybody cut a cane, or picked up some relic to take home to present to friends for their cabinets, as souvenirs of the spot where the Brigade was engaged. William Blanck, Sr., one of the oldest comrades of the 23d, was on the trip with his aged wife. We found them with us in all the occasions of the celebration, notwithstanding the fatigue of the journey. The 82d Pennsylvania Monument was the design and work- manship of John Fergurson, of Philadelphia. The bronze coat-of-arms of the State of Pennsylvania, on the 23d and 82d. monuments, was cast by Bureau Brothers, of Philadelphia. 142 Colonel Wallace and Bill Baker took charge of the distribution of the programs of the Ball. They say the next time they take charge of such work it will be b3^ orders and not as volunteers, as they lost nearly all their buttons in the desire to "just give me another one." We found both the Pennsylvania and New York Commission- ers in charge of the erection of monuments; painstaking, exact- ing and true to their trusts — for which we add our commendation and congratulations. We take great pleasure in publishing their names. Pennsylvania Commissioners. General Jno. P. Taj^lor, General J. P. S. Gobin, Colonel John P. Nicholson, Colonel R. Bruce Ricketts, Major Samuel Harper. Neiv York Commissioners. General Daniel E. Sickles, General Henry W. Slocum, General Joseph B. Carr, General Charles A. Richardson, General Josiah Porter, General Charles K. Graham, Major George W. Cooney. Many of the comrades of the 23d visited the spot beyond the Taney town Road, in rear of the left centre, where Lieutenant Joshua Garsed, one of their most efficient and brave officers, was killed, during the action of July 3d. His brother, H. E. Garsed, Esq., of the 95th Pennsylvania, one of Philadelphia's attorneys, and his nephew, we found among the visitors. The police of Gettysburg were well pleased with the visitation, as during the celebration they had no occasion to carry anybody off to the guard-house. We thank tliem for the police regula- tions at the Camp-Fire and Ball. A contingent of the Chasseurs, 65th New York, stopped at the Springs Hotel and enjoyed the medicinal waters of the celebrated Katasalyne Springs. We gave them a call on the visit to the first day's action, and were warmly welcomed. THE SIXTH CORPS BADGE. The committee of arrangements for the Re-IJnion at Gettys- burg have prepared an elegant badge, to be worn by the survivors 143 of the 122cl New York, and a separate badge for the friends who- accompany them. The blue Greek cross which then designated the division of the Sixth Corps to which the regiment was at- tached, forms a part of this badge. The frequent reorganizations made necessar^^ by the heavy casualties of the campaigns under Grant, beginning in the Wilderness, while not separating the regiments originally comprising Shaler's Brigade, caused several changes in asignment to divisions ; and the 122d was at different times attached to the First, Second and Third Divisions of the Sixth Corps, with corresponding changes in the color of the division cross. A " Twoster" can, therefore, sport a red, white or blue cross, as he pleases. His regiment never dishonored either of the colors and carried itself with honor in all the prominent engagements in which the Army of the Potomac par- ticipated, from Antietam to Appomattox, and in addition to these it bore a prominent part in the glories of the Valle}^ Cam- paign under Sheridan, in '64, winning laurels at "Fort Stevens," "Winchester," "Fisher's Hill" andit'Cedar Creek." Tipton, the Gettysburg photographer, very kindly furnished gratis the photos of the several cuts in this book. He sa^'s he ■couldn't think of making any charge for anything needed in the publication. Nick Wilson, the Superintendent of the battle-field grounds, we found to be a genial gentleman, ready to accommodate at all times. He wears the blue cross with pride, having served in the Third Division of the 6th Corps. General Shaler brought with him, in honor of the Re-Union, the old Brigade Headquarters flag. Comrade William McEntee, of the 65th New York, took charge of it, carrying it on all the occasions of the celebration. Mac felt highly honored in the selection, and well he might be, as the old standard led the Bri- gade in all its service. Sammy McPheeters, of the 122d, on their way from Syracuse, found th» night air so chilly, after getting into Pennsylvania, that he proposed to get out and make a fire of fence-rails. Thanks to somebody, the stoves were found to be fully supplied with fuel, 144 and soon the cars were made comfortable- So Sammy didn't go> fence-railing. Captain R, H. Moses, of New York City, who has acted as the representative of the 122d on the committee of arrangements for the Brigade Re-Union, has devoted much time to the affair, and is to be congratulated by his comrades for the successful result. His interest in the old regiment, and all that concerns it^ seems to increase with the advance of time. We are greatly indebted to him for information furnished from time to time in the preparation of the Veterans Column. The mothers, daughters and other fellers sisters on the trip added tone and dignity to the occasion ; so we couldn't h^lp but be on our very best behaviour. Colonel Glenn's party, consisting of his wife, two daughters — Miss M. E, and Miss H. M. Glenn — Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. Swartz, John Fox and wife, Jno. Woodhead and wife, George Boger and wife, Alex, Colville and wife, Lambert Cline and wife, Conrad Cline and wife, Samuel Collins and wife, Jno. Callahan and wife^ Jos. Jordan and wife, Harry Claytonand wife, Daniel Engleman and wife, James Weldon and wife, Samuel Cavin, Jos. Bartley, J. C. Aitkin, 0. C. Aitkin and Professor McMichael, were a most social crowd, adding much to the pleasui-es of the occasion. Little Johnnie Johnston's Brigade, from Philadelphia, was with us in force, in light infantry order. The heavies were left back to guard the homestead. Captain Dick Lippincott marshalled the Rancocas contingent of fourteen. They roomed together, a most social crowd. We found the squad wherever we went, enjoying the occasion, Dick says he will have to kill some of them off, or they will soon out- number the survivors. Joe White, of the 23d, joined the column at Gettysburg, with his wife and daughter — Miss Laura, R. Frank Walker^ wife and son, Chas. W. Gibson, wife and daughter — Miss Pauline, James C. Milliken, wife and son — Clayland, all of Eastern Maryland ;, 145 so Maiyland, "My Mar^^land" was represented with a very pleas- ant party of our friends. They stopped over to greet the Mar^-land veterans who were to dedicate tablets. Comi;ade RedhefTer, of the 82d, had been prevailed upon, by one of the young lady attaches of the City Hotel, to act as her escort to the Ball. While he was temporarily absent, arranging his curly locks and making his toilet, Captain Williams (82d), having previously learned of these intentions, ingratiated him- self into the good graces of the aforesaid 3'oung lady, and easily persuaded her to cut the " Corporal" and accept the " Captain" as her escort. When Redheffer, in full leather, returned, and learned what had been done in his absence, he was a little put out at the disappointment, but sohaced himself with the old adage of there being " as good fish in the sea as ever were caught." Being apprised that "Grand Pop" Cochrane had promised to do the agreeable for two other of the young ladies of the hotel, Bill not wanting to be left out in the cold entirely, called upon the young ladies in question and informed them that Dick would not be able to chaperon them, and, in his usual suave and persnasive manner, induced them to permit him to do the honors ; to which the ladies gladly and willingly assented, and the " Corporal" as- tonished the boys of the 82d by marching into the ball-room, escorting the two young ladies. Poor Dick, when he learned of the triclc that had been so successfully played on him, vowed vengeance on the destroyer of his happiness. He rushed to the Rink, resolved to spill the Corporal's gore. He entered the ball- room, with blood in his eyes ; but, at the sight of so much beauty, he became completely dazzled, and in a few moments he was waltzing around the room with one of the City belles, entirely oblivious to all, and seemingly very happy with himself. But Dick declares that the next time he makes an engagement to act as escort to a young lady, he will have the Corporal muzzled. The popular Adjutant of the 23d, Thomas K. Boggs,by reason of a severe wound received in action, is now an invalid. His physician would not permit him to attend the Re-Union, but he was with us in contribution and spirit. Many mquiries were made for him by the boys. 10 146 To all the survivors of the Brigade who were unable to be with us on the trip, we send hearty greetings, and hope they will answer roll-call at the next Re-Union. The typographical work of this book is from the press-rooms of William W. Mayberry, a veteran of the 90th Pennsylvania Yolunteers. It was he that made us laugh so heartih^ at his "Sneezing" and "Insect" songs, at the Camp-Fire. The Brigade Committee issued a card program, to conveniently carr}^ in the vest pocket, containing the hour of each of the many ceremonies of the Re-Union. We found it quite handy ; saving Ihe anno3^ance of hunting up the Committee, to learn "what next?" Secretary Krauth, of the Battle-field Association, very kindly secured from the town authorities the use of the Court House, for the Camp-Fire. This gentleman we found ready and willing at all times to assist, and we thank him for his many attentions. The newspapers gave very extended notices of oui' Brigade celebration, for which we cordially thank them. Dr. Roller, of Hollidaysburg, don't seem to age fast. From Surgeon of the 23d he became one of the distinguished of his ju'ofession in the Army ot the Potomac. He met many on the trip whom he attended their wounds on the field. The boys were glad to greet him. Colonel Sam Truesdell, Secretary of the 65th, with his artificial leg, managed to get around to participate in all the events of the occasion, although he had to talk in whispers — the result of a severe cold contracted on the trip. The old Colonel of the 122d, Colonel Silas Titus, we found ^with his old command, looking hale and hearty for one so aged. May he live for many, many more years and enjoy the pleasures of life. The Complimentary Ball of the 23d was a pleasing ending of the festivities of the Re-Union ; giving the opportunity of all 147 mingling in the pleasures of youthful time, which was indeed very much enjoyed by the Brigade people, as well as those of Getty sburg's'invited. The hospitality extended by all the commands made everybody feel at home, and it was the expression from all that in the near future the Brigade should hold another Re-Union. Groups of the survivors around the monuments and other points on the field were taken by the photographers, Tipton and Mumford, of Gettysburg, Rile & Co., of Philadelphia. Shaler's Brigade monuments are on the top of slope at Gulp's Hill, in rear of the line of works they occupied during the action of the morning of the third day. The Battle-field Association, in arranging the positions, laid out brigade lines. Green's Bri- gade, Twelfth Corps, who built and originally occupied the works, are placed immediately in rear of the front line. Twenty feet back is Canby's Brigade line, who relieved them, and twenty feet further back is Shaler's, with the exception of the i22d New York, who occupy a large boulder in the works— they having secured a deed for the position before that portion of the line was purchased by the Assocfiation. Of the forty survivors of the 122d New York Volunteers present, three had each lost a leg, three each an arm, and a num- ber of the others bore honorable scars. The audience at .the Camp-Fire were very enthusiastic, catch- ing on quickly to all that was good. It was, indeed, quite an honor to preside over such an assembly, so full of distinction, intelligence and appreciation. What stalwart fellows were the 122d New York. It must be :a fine growing country up in Onondaga County ; we shook hands with several of the boys over six feet. Poole, Gilbert and Hubbs, as a combine, would weigh as much as the gallant chargers at Bakkava numbered. , •Syracuse was well represented in all that assisted in making 148 the Re-Union a success. Strong in numbers, sociability, elo- quence and deportment. For the compilation of this book and the other honors bestowed upon the Secretary, he gratefully returns his thanks to the Bri- gade Association. Mr. W. C. Diefenderfer, of Philadelphia, who was detailed as the representative of the Penn^j^lvania Railroad Passenger De- partment for the round tri}:f, was indefatigable in making all the railway arrangements as comfortable as possible. We found him quite a pleasant gentleman, who seemed to enjoy the trip. Captain Thomas McKean, of the 82d,came.on from Brooklyn, and was warmly welcomed by his old comrades, whom he had not met since the muster-out. Although nearly half a centennial since he was born, he don't seem to have passed the thirties. The following are the crews that safely carried our Special from Philadelphia to Gettysburg and return, and we shake them warmly by the hand. Pennsylvania Railroad — To Harrisburg. Conductor— J as. Sterling. Bag gage- Master — Jno. M. Murphy^ Brakemen — Frank Frenip, Hayes Speakman. Engineer — B. F. Kennedy. Fireman — Jno. Cline. Cumberland Valley — Harrisburg to Gettysburg. Conductor — E. N. Linthurst. B'rakeman — Lindsay Reed. Baggage- Alaster — Jos. Poulton. Engineei — J. L.Talhelm. Fire- man — A. Talhelm. On the home trip we came through from Harrisburg to Phila- delphia, without a stop, forty-five minutes ahead of time, in charge of Engineer — Samuel Lilly. Fireman — M. Kirk. Conductor — C. W. Rowan. Brakemen — Jas. Thatcher and Geo. Peterson. • • Colonel Glenn, of the 23d, said he intended the trip should be the best one of his life. Now he's happy, as'he not only gothi& 149 Tvish, but succeeded in making everybody heave a share in just such a claim. Twenty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers. The Survivors' Association, on Tuesday evening last, were presented with marks of appreciation of their hospitality during their Brigade Gettysburg Re-Union, from the Brigade Commit- tee, the 82d Pennsylvania, 65th New York and 122d New York. As hosts of the occasion, they were glad to know how well every- "body was pleased. General Alexander Shaler, Chairman of the Brigade Commit- ted wrote a very complimentary letter of thanks in behalf of the Committee of Arrangements. The next in order was the reading of a resolution of thanks from the 82d Pennsylvania Yolunteers' Association. A letter from the 65th New York was very expressive of thanks, ending with "God bless the old 23d." The next in order was a handsomely framed group of the 122d New York survivors, who were present at Gettysburg, accom- panied with an elaborate engrossed framed letter of resolutions. Then followed the presentation of testimonials to Comrades Wm. H.Bantom,Gott Staiger, Cranmer Williams, Geo. Dougherty of the "Commissary Department," and Captain Jas. M. Craig, of Alleohen}'- City , who worked hard to make the Re-Union a success- The o-ifts were gold badges, in circular form, embracing the Sixth Corps mark, red enamel in centre, with the Avords " 23d P. Y." on the top scroll and " '63— Gettysburg— '88" on the lower, with their names on the reverse side. Color. el John P. Glenn, the President of their Association, was then presented Avith a gold Sixth Corps badge, in two colors, red and blue, representing the two divisions which the regiment had served in, and having in the centre a diamond of the first water, flanked with the words "23d P. Y.;" on the reverse side was inscribed : "From the boys of the 23d P. Y., to Col. Jno. P. Glenn." The presentation speeches were made by Secretary Wray and were feelingly responded to by the recipients. At the close of the meeting all hands, upon the invitation of Comrade Bantom, adjourned to his home and were handsomely entertained. While the Sixth Corps at Gettysburg were on the reserve, they were close up to the front line in support. We found the 150 Greek cross scattered pretty well around the line ; out at the extreme right and left, the left centre, to right of Little Round Top, Gulp's Hill and Cemetery Hill ; all under fire, ready to go in as opportunity offered. Meade's headquarters we found to have been changed in ap- pearance, but learned the Battle-field Association had purchased the old house and would restore it to its original looks. Thanks for their consideration. Johnny Doyle, with his squad of Pittsbui'g friends, stopped at the McClellan House, remaining over to take in the dedica- tions, and then took a flyer to New York, on matters connected with the next Presidency of the Nation. The 82d brought with them one of their old drummer boys, R. T. Blaikie, Point of Rocks, Pa., who gave us all the Army calls en route on the train. When George Blanck, of the 23d,. heard, the sheepskin sounding, he couldn't resist from being the boy again, and joined the corps at once, full of his mischievous pranks. The Grand March, " Guard the Flag," played at the 23d Ball and Reception, was presented by the composer, George Vickers,. Esq., of Philadelphia, with his compliments. Comrade McAlpin, of the 65th New York, came all the way from Providence, Rhode Island, to have a shake hands with the "Chasseurs." Matt Spence, of the 23d, from Brooklyn, with his son, from New York City, joined the pilgrims on the morning of departure, at Philadelphia. He was heartily greeted by the boys of C Company, whom he had not met since muster-out. On the evening of the 13th, while Comrade Dilks was enter- taining the lady guests of the 82d with his witticisms and bon mots, in the parlor of the City Hotel, Comrade Redheffer bribed a colored boy, by paying him twenty-five cents, to go to Dilks, take him by the arm and say, " Pop, Mom wants you to come 151 home, right awa}^" This broke Dilks all up, and the ladies roared with laughter. Dilks was not long in recovering his usual equilibrium, and he told the boy to go home and tell Mom " I'll be home soon." After this, "whenever the ladies met Dilks, they would inquire after his son. This would cause him to seek the refreshment counter for solace ; this was repeated sp often that Dilksie was soon overcome b}' the " heat," and had to be put to bed to re- cover from the effects thereof. Frank, of the 23d Commissar}- Department, in his stump speech at the Rink Building, after speaking of the heavy mortars of Betz's best, Gibson's light batteries and grape and cannister of Duffy's Pure Malt, exclaimed : " Talk about j'our engagements at de first Gettysburg. Why, it was nothing to compare when de batteries were opened at de Ball; for after de fight were over dare programs were full of engagements. Many, many fell. The fire was so hot that the best of dem had to take water." Matthews, of the 82d, is now one of the Yankees, residing at New Haven, Connecticut. He was accompanied by his son, and was warmly greeted by his old comrades. James Tate, the celebrated detective of Philadelphia, served with honor in the 23d P. Y. He was on the trip, and took good care that none of the crooked people were on the train to work the pilgrims. John Henderson, Geo. Boyer and William Bartley, with the stalwart policeman of the train, were a good team in charge of the door at the Ball. While the hotels, with the numerous boarding-houses at Gettys- burg, manage to provide quarters for all who visit the battle-field, would it not pay for the Pennsylvania Railroad or some other enterprising companj' to erect a first-class hotel, for the accom- modation of four or five hundred guests. Why not the citizens of the old town size up to the occasion. The report shows the visitations are larger each year. APPENDIX-C NAME AND ADDRESS OF THOSE ON THE TRIP. Note. — Those marked with Figure 1 indicate Friends of Headquarters. " 2 " " " ■23d Pa. Vols. " 3 " " " 82dPa. Vols. " 4 " " " 65th N. Y. Vols. " 5 " " " 122d N. Y. Vols. A. Amidoii, Geo., 122d jS". Y., Onondaga, N. Y. Albertson. Levi B., 23d P. V., Philadelphia, Pa. Arment, Wm. H., 82d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. ^Aitken, J. C, Philadelphia, Pa. ^Aitken, 0. C, " " -Atwood, W., " " • B. ^Boughton, Wm. DeL., Colonel Brigade Staff, New York City. ^Boughton, Mrs. Colonel, New York City. "Brooks, Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. -Blackburn, Peter, Philadelphia, Pa. Bantom, Wm. H., 23d P. V., Pliiladelphia, Pa. =Boger, Geo., 88th P. Y., "Bartley, Jos., Philadelphia, Pa. Bartley, Wm., 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. ^Bean, Lewis, Man.ayunk, Pa. Boreland, J. W., 23d P. Y., East Brady, Pa. 153 ^Blair, Frank, P., 61st P. Y., Pittsburg, Pa. ^Blair, Mrs. Frank P., " " Bierger, Philip, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. Brower, P. H., 65th N. Y., New York City. Blanck, Wm., Sr., 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. -Blanck, Sr., Mrs. Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. Blanck, Geo., 23«1 P. Y., Camden, N. J. ^Blanck, Edward, Philadelphia, Pa. Bingham, B. F., 122d N. Y., Washington, D. C. Beach, And. W., 122d N, Y., Marcelfus,N. Y. Butler, James, 122d N. Y,, Syracuse, N. Y. Brand, H. C, 122d N. Y., Stiles' Station, N. Y. ^Bodder, Mrs. Martha J., Philadelphia, Pa. ^Bean Lewis, Manayunk., Pa. Bland, Lieutenant "H. Willis, 82d P. Y., Reading, Pa. Bird, Wm., 82d P. Y., Hampton, Ya. Boswell, Chas. A., Color Serg;eant 82d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. Blaikie, R. T., 82d P. Y., Picture Rocks, Pa. ^Buckley, Mr., 69th P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. Burger, Abraham M., 23d P. Y., York, Pa. Baker, Wm. J., 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. -Barker, James, Philadelphia, Pa. ^Bennett, Geo., Philadelphia, Pa. C. Craig, Captain Jas. M., 23d P. Y. Allegheny City, Pa. ^Craig, Mrs. Captain, " " "Craig, Miss Annie B., " " ^Craig, Master Edward A., " " ^Carpenter, Miss, New York City. ^Cooper, H. R., Syracuse, N. Y. Cossitt, Major Davis, 122d N.Y., Onondaga, N. Y. ^Cossitt, Mrs. Major, . " " Chase, Amasa, Color Sergeant, 122d N. Y., Fayetteville, N. Y Crampton, Jas., 122d N. Y., Cicero, N. Y. Cochran, Richard,. 82d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. Colville, David, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. "Colville, Alexander, " " -Colville, Mrs. Alexander " " =Cline, Lambert, -Cline, Mrs. Lambert, " " -Cline, Conrad, . " " -Cline, Mrs. Conrad, - ' " '' ^ ' -Collins, Samuel, " " -Collins, Mrs. Samuel, " " ^Callahan, John, " " 154 -Callahan, Mrs. John, Philadelphia, Pa. "Clayton, Hariy, " " "Clayton, Mrs. Harry, " " "Cavin, Samuel, " " Chadwick, Thos. I., 23d P. V., Philadelphia, Pa. "Chadw ck, Mrs. Thos. I., " " Culbertson, E. A., 23d P. Y., " " Corn, Lawrence, 23d P. Y., " ' " D. Dilks, Lieutenant Wm. H., 82d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. Dougherty, Geo., 2'3d P. Y., " " Doyle, John, 23d P. Y., Pittsburg, Pa. "Denny, Patrick, Philadelphia, Pa. Dunn, Chris. C, 82d P. Y., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.. ^Dunn, Master James, " " " Davis, Lewis, 82d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. E. Eldridge, Charles, 122d N. Y., New York City. "Engle, Ezra, Masonville, N. J, "Engleman, Daniel, Philadelphia, Pa. "Engleman, Mrs. Daniel, Philadelphia, Pa. Elliott, Robert, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. ^Eiseman, M., " " Engel, Lewis, 82d P. Y., " " F. ^Ford, Col. Geo. W., Brigade Quartermaster, Kensington, Conn.. ^Fitzgerald, John, Philadelphia, Pa. ^Fox, John, ='Fox, Mrs. John, " " Finley, William, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. ^Friant, M. B., Rancocas, N.J. "Funk, Charles, " ' " Fite, John F., 82d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. ^Feger, Jos. M., " " Freeman, H. C, 65th N. Y., New York. G. Glenn, Colonel John F., 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. ^Glenn, Mrs. Colonel, " " ^Glenn, Miss M. E., " " "Glenn, Miss H. M., " " "Garsed, H. E., 95th P. Y., (brother of Lieutenant Garsed, 23di P. Y.,) Philadelphia, Pa. 155 ''Gillespie, Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. 'Grieves, F. Samuel, " " -Gillingham, B. H., Morristown, N. J. Green, William, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. "Green, Joseph,*- " " ^Grow, Mrs. Fred. C. (niece of General Shaler,) New York City. ^Grier, Samuel C., Pittsburg, Pa. Gibson John, 23d P. Y.,. Philadelphia, Pa. Gardiner, John, 23d P. Y., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. •^Gibson, Chas. W., Easton, Md. -Gibson, Mrs. Chas. -W., Easton, Md. "Gibson, Miss Pauline, " " 'Gay lord Miss, Washington, D. C. Gere, Colonel Jas. M., 122d N. Y,, Syracuse, N. Y. Goodfellow, Stephen, 122d N. Y., Belle Isle, N. Y. Gilbert, Captain George H., 122d N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y. 'Gilbert, Mrs. Geo. H., " '^ " Girton, Wm. A., 82d P. Y., Biistol, Pa. 'Girton, Mrs. Wm. A., u u *Gripp, John, Pittsburg, Pa. H. Hubbs, Alex. H., 122d N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y. Hilsee, Robert, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. Hasson, John, " " Henderson, John, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. 'Hansen, Wilmot, " " 'Hansen, George, 72d P. Y., " " 'Hansen, Edwin, " " Hazlett, John, 23d P. Y., " " Huber, Chas. F., 23d P. Y., " " 'Hughes, Thos. J., • " " Hawkins, Lieutenant Jno. T., 82d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. 'Hawkins, Mrs. Lieutenant, " " 'Hungerford, Mrs., Syracuse, N. Y. 'Heintz, E. A., Philadelphia, Pa. •Heintz, Mrs. E. A., " " Ivers, Captain Albert, 82d P. Y., Phnadelphia, Pa. , ^Ivers, Mrs. Captain, " " ^Ivers, Master Lewis, " " 'Ivers, Little Miss Yiolet May, " " J. Johnson, Jno. R., Captain and Aid-de-Camp to General Shaler,. 23d P. Y., Cleveland, 0. 156 ^Johnson, Mrs. Captain, Cleveland, O. ^Jussen, Mrs. Colonel Carl, (daughter of General Shaler,) New York City, Johnston, John G., 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. ^Johnston, Mrs. John G., ^Johnston, Master Walter, "Johnston, Master Nathan, Johnston, Master Harry, ''Johnston, Little Miss Rebecca, ^Jordan, Joseph, ^Jordan, Mrs. Joseph, , -Johns, William, ^Jay, Frank, "Janney, Master Richard, (nephew of Lieutenant Garsed, 23d P. Y.,) Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. K. Knapp, Dr. E. A., Surgeon 122d N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y. °Knapp, Mrs. Charles, " " Kelly, John, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. Kennen, Chas., 82d P. Y., " " 'Kennen, Mrs. Chas., " " Lippincott, Richard R., 23d and filst P. Y., Rancocas, N. J. Landenberger, Drum Major 23d P. Y., Perkasie, Pa. Lundy, Jos., Rancocas, N. J. ^Lippincott, Wm. P., Hartford, N. J. Lapp, John, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. Linton, John H., 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. ^Linton, Mrs. Jno. H,, " . " Lawrence, Jno. G., 82d P. Y., " ' " Lathrop, Chas. G , 122d N. Y., Onondaga, N. Y. Lamphier, Chas. R., 122d N. Y., Elbridge, N. Y. Lockwood, Calvin, 122d N. Y., Stile^ Station, N. Y. ^Loomis, N. E., Syracuse, N. Y. ^Loomis, J. L., Philadelphia, Pa. 'Loomis, Mrs. J. L., " " M. Moses, Captain Rob't. H., 122d N. Y., New York City. 'Moses, B , Washington, D. C. ''Moses, Mrs. Guy, " " Moses, Captain Lucius, 122d N. Y.. Marcellus, N. Y. Munro, Jr., Captain D. A., 122d N. Y., Camillus, N. Y. • o, Mrs. D. A., " " 157 Morris, W. H., 122cl N. Y., New York. =Mathews, C. H., New Haven, Ct. Mathews, J. L., 82d P. V., New Haven, Ct. ^Meeker, Mrs. Stephen B., Philadelphia, Pa. Morris, Jno. G., 82d P. Y., Manayunk, Philadelphia, Pa. ^Morris, Mrs. Jno. G., " Morris, Wm. H., 122d N. Y., Pompey, N. Y. ^Malcolm, Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. Miller, Wm. H., 23d P. Y., Henry Clay, Del. =Murphy, Michael, Philadelphia, Pa. ^Martin', Emlin, Rancocas, N. J. Moffitt, John, 23d P. Y., PitJ:sbnrg, Pa. -Moffitt, Mrs. John, " " =Murphv, P. J., " Maxwell, Captain John, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. =Mdler, Wm., (grandson of Colonel Wallace,) Philadelphia, Pa. -Maoiiire. Chas., Philadelphia, Pa. Mifford, Wm. M., 28d P. Y., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. =Milford, Miss Hattie, " " " =Milford, Archy, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. -May berry, Wm. W., 90th P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. -Millikin, Jas. C, Easton, Md. -Millikin, Mrs. Jas. C, " " ^Millikin, Clay land, " " Murphy, John J., 82d P. Y., Hampton, Ya. Mc. -McMichael, Prof. Lemuel, Philadelphia, Pa. McKean, Captain Thos. C, 82d P. Y., Brooklyn, N. Y. ==McLaughlin, Frank, Philadelphia, Pa. 'McCoy, Harry, 23d P. Y., " " "McGrath, Edward, " " McKenna, James, 23d P. Y., Pittsburg, Pa. -McClearv, Wm., MeKinney, Joseph, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. -McKinney, Mrs. Jos., McEntee, Sergeant, 65th N. Y., New York. McAlpin, Sergeant I., 65th N. Y., Pawtucket, R. I. McGinnis, Jas., 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. McClelland, Richard, 23d P. Y., Wilmington, Del. -McClelland, Mrs. Richard, " " ^McMillan, Robert, Philadelphia, Pa. McPheeters, Sam'l, 122dN. Y., Minneapolis, Mmn. McArthur, George, ]22d N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y. N. =^Nicholson, William, Philadelphia, Pa. 158 O. ^Oakey, Colonel John, Brooklyn, N. Y. O'Brien, Captain John T.,8zd P. V., Philadelphia, Pa, =*0'Brien, Jr., Juo. T., " " ^'O'Brien, Ed. J., " " Ostrander, Captain Chas. W., 122d N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y. . ^Ostrander, Mrs. Capt., " " P. Patrick, Captain Rob't W., 82d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. "Paynter, Thos. A., " " Peile, Frank C, 23d P. Y., • " » Purnell, John H., 23d P. Y., Allegheny City, Pa. =Purnell, A. Y., " " Pai'k, Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. •^Paddock, James, Camillus, N. Y. '^Pomeroy, Byron E., 193d N. Y., Otisco, N. Y. Poole, Major Theo. L., 122d N. Y.. Syracuse, N. Y. R. Roller, Dr. Wm. C, Surgeon 23d P. Y., Hollidaysburg, Pa. ^Roller, Master A. K., Hollidaysburg, Pa. Ryan, Captain Martin, 122d N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y, Rich, C. L., 122d N. Y., Marcellus, N. Y. Richards, Isaac, 122d N. Y., '' " ^Rich, E. D., Syracuse, N. Y. ^Reeves, Walter, Moorestown, N. J. Robinson, James, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. ''Rile, J. L., u u Rudolph, Captain J. S., 82d P. Y., " " ' ^Rinear, Master Wm. W., Paulsboro, N. J. Kedhetler, Wm. H., 82d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. =*RedhetIer, Master Wm. H., " " Rodeback, Solomon, 82d P. Y., " " S. Shaler, Alex., General Commanding Brigade, New York City. ^Shaler, Mrs. General, " " ^Shaler, Ira A., (son of the General), " " ^Shaler, Miss Mattie W., (daughter of the General), " " ^Stevens, Mrs., Philadelphia, Pa Slaysman, Geo. L., 2ad P. Y., Pittsburg, Pa. "Stevens, Yincent, " " Smallwood, Chas. E., 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. Stokly, Joseph, 23d P. Y., Eddystone, Pa. -Stokly, Miss Elizabeth, " " 159 Staiger, Gottlieb * 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. Spenee, James, 23d P. Y., ^Sailor, Wm., " " Spenee, Matthew, 23d P. Y., Brooklyn, N. Y. -Spenee, Lewis J., " " Sensenderfer, Jas. A., 82d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. ^'Stafford, William, Manayiuik, Philadelphia, Pa. 'Stafford, Mrs. Wm., '^Slauson, A. M., New York City. ^Slaiison, Mrs. A. M., " " ^Slausou, Miss, " " ^Slauson, Miss Nellie, " " 'Smith, Silas R., Homer, N. Y. Smith, Albert R., 122d N. Y., Homer, N. Y. Smith. Merrick, 122d N. Y., Tiffin, O. Stewart, Charles, 122d N. Y., Syracu-e, N. Y. Sharp, Benj. W., " " Ithaca, " Sherick, Jno., 23 P. Y., Washington Borough, Pa. "Swartz, Mrs., Phila. T. Titus, Silas, Col. 122d N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y. Tracy, O. Y., Bvt. Lieut -Col., 122d N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y. 'Tracy, Mrs. Col., Syracuse, N. Y. 'Traev, Charles Sedgwick, Syracuse, N. Y. Thompson, Wm., 122d N. Y.. Homer, N. Y. Tate, James, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. * Tustin, Isaac, 23d P. Y., ^Tucker, Cummings H., New York Cit3\ ^Tucker Mrs. " " -Taylor,' Harry B., 72d P. Y , Philadelphia, Pa. . ^Thorn, H. St. Clair, " ^Thorn, Mrs. H. St. Clair, " " Tate, Hugh, 23d P. Y., Phoenixville, Pa. Truesdell, Samuel, Col. 65th N. Y., N. Y. ^Truesdell, Samuel, Jr., " W. Wetherill, John M., Lieutenant-Colonel 82d P. Y., Pottsville, Pa. Wallace, Wm. J., Lieutenant-Colonel 23d P.Y., Philadelphia, Pa. -Wallace, Mrs. Colonel, Philadelphia, Pa. -Walz, John W,, " Williams, Cranmer, 23d P. Y., " " ^Wills, Alfred, Rancocas, N. J. -Wills, Joseph. " " -Wilson, J. B., " " ^Woodhead, John, Philadelphia, Pa. 160 ^Woodhead, Mrs. John, Philadelphia, Pa. "Weldon, James, " " "Weldon, Mrs. James, " "■ Wray, William J., 23d P. V., " " -Wray, Miss Emma I., " . " -Willsey, Robert A., " " ^Woodrufl; Colonel John B., New York Citv. ^Woodruff, Mrs. Colonel, " " ^ ^Wageman, Mr., " " Wells, John, 23d P. Y., Rancocas, N. J. White, Jos. H., 23d P. Y., Easton, Md. -White, Mrs. Jos,- H., " " = White, Miss Laura Y., " " "Westcott, John, Philadelphia, Pa. ^Walker, R. Frank, -Walker, Mrs. R. Frank, " " =Walker, Master Robert, " " Williams. Captain Chas., 82d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. White, Wm. A., 82d P. Y., "White, Mrs. Wm. A., " White, Alexander, 82d P. Y., " Waterhouse, Captain Geo. W., 82d P. Y., " "Waterhouse, Mrs. Captain, " =Waterhonse, Charles W., 83d P. Y., " ^Waterhouse, Mrs. Chas., " Weaver Caius A., 122d N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y. Wilkins* Capt. A. W., 122d N. Y., Fayetteville, N.Y. ^Wilson, P. M. New York Cit}^ 'Wilson, Mrs. P. M., New York City. Young, John, 23d P. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. =Young, Mrs. John, " " ^Young, William, " " -Young, James, Pittsburg, Pa. MAY WE ALL MEET AGAIN IN THE NEAR FUTURE. APPENDIX-D. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL KNOWN SURVI- VORS OF SHALER'S BRIGADE. 2-6a PENN'A. VOLS. (Birney's Zouaves). Field and Staff. Note. — Those marked * were of the '^ months term of Regiment. Glenn, John F., Phila., Pa. Wallace, Wm. J., " " Roller,W. C, Hollidaysb'g, Pa. Boggs, Thos. K., N. Y. City. Siiimi, Rev. Jas. G., Atlantic City, N. J. Paris, B. Frank., Phila., Pa. Maguigan, Frank. " " Albertson, Wm. H., " Landenberger, L,, Perkasie, Pa. Freeman, John, Phila., Pa. Bnch, John, " " Cobbin, Thos., " Roth, John, Phila., Pa. Rothenberger, C, Reading, Pa. Wagoner, John, Reading, Pa. Nicholson, Jas., Camden, N, J. Co. "A." Caldwell, Jas., Phila., Pa. Stengle, Philip, " Huber, Chas. F., " " Metcalf, J. H., " " Selkirk,* Robt., " " Bateman, J. H., " " Blank,* Wm Jr.," " Govitt, L. W.,* " " Murray, Chas., " " Sexton, Jno. E., " " Shutreter, Wm., " " Patton, John, " " Tustin, Isaac, " " North,* G. W., " '' Wilt, A. S., " " Brighton, E. H., " " 11 McGrau, Michl., Phila., Pa. Bartley, Wm., ' " " Branson, E. R., " " McGrau, John, Hampton, Va. McCormack, M., Phila., Pa. Hilton, Wm F., Hartford Ct. Tobin, Francis, Phila., Pa. Speakman, L.J., Coatesvillc, Pa. Havens, Jos., Pliila., Pa. Quigley, Wm J., Merced, Cal. J'atterson, Jas., Phila., Pa. Martin, Jas., Burlington, N. J. Williams, Wm., Phila,, J'a. Garson, Louis F., Denver, Col. Foster, W. B., Milwaukee, Wis. I'aterson, Hugh, Phila., J*a. 162 Co. " B. HiUcbrana,' L., I'hila., Pa. Peddle, W. R, Wash , D. C. Crease, Harry, Phila. J'a. Connolly, Frank A., Phila. Pa. Snivelly, Chas. L., Erie, Pa. Thomas,* R. B., I'hila., Pa. Graeber, Dan'l, " " Blank, Geo. W., Atlantic City, N. J. McKim, H., Burlington, N. J. Bieger, Philip, Phila., Pa. Dorn, Thos. H., " Fow, Jacob, " " Gardiner, D., " " . Hahn, F. D., Clarkson, N. Y. Jenkins, B. F., Phila., Pa. Snowden, T. W., " " Co. Johnson, J. R., Cleveland, 0. White, Jos. H., Easton, Md. Lapp, John, Phila., Fa. Staiger, G., " " Thomas, Wm., " " Chadwick,Thos.I., " " Eberhardt, W. F., " , " Ellenger, C. S., " " " Gardner, Jno., " " Hahn, Jno., " " Fell, Thos., " " McPadden, Neill, Phila., Pa. Orr, Jno., Bridgeport, Pa. Tipton, C. E., Phila,. Pa. Lasage, Jas , " " Baner, John, " " Weeks, Sam'l., '' " O'Donnell, Ezekiel, Phila., Pa. S'gmund,* Houston, " " Co. Palmer, Bdw. C, Phila., Pa. Williams, C. S., Mitchell, Geo. P., Lamon, Martin, " Gibson, Thos., " Kelly, Jas., " MeCuen, Jas., " u u Sooy, J. A., Phila., I'a. Stout, A. M., " '^ Sproul, J. J., Newtown Sq., Pa. Tudor, Jno. F., Camden, N. J. Wagner, B. F., Phila., Pa. Walters, A. H., " Roessler,H. J., " " Hoi worth, Henr3^, "■ Gallespie, Jas., Coates, Henry, Pittsburg, Pa. Peifer, Geo., Phila., Pa. Mathews,* Chas. W., Phila., Pa. Newburg,* Robt., " Bohn, John, Lehighton, Pa. Quein, Jacob C, Phila., Pa. Peacock, Henry C, " " Fitzinger,* Geo. W., " " "C." Gardiner.* Alex., Phila., Pa. Landon,* J. K., " " Brinner,* Jas., " " Cozzens,* Smith. D.," " Collins, Jas. P., Beartown, Pa. Brown, Chas. J'., Phila., Pa.' McCabe, John, Straftbrd, Pa. Van Brunt, Tunis, Da^-ton, O. McCabe, Richard, " Elliott, Rob't, Phila., Pa. Crap,* Robt., " " Ford, Wm., Braddock, Pa. Segar, Sam'l, Fort Bidwell, Cal. Larue, Asa, Erie, Pa. Spence, Matt., Brooklyn, N. Y. Miller, W. H., Henry Clay, Del. Thompson, Jas., " " " Kilrain, John, Tamaqua, Pa. Little, Wm. R., Phila., Pa. "D." Sweeny, Michael, Phila., Pa. Albany, A. J. " " Barr, Sam'l, " " Boyd, Jno., " " Barnes, Geo. W., " Burton, Jos., Hampton. Va. Crawford, Geo., Phila., Pa, 16.- Hogg, C. T., Piiihi., Fa. McCoy, Henvy, I'hild., Tji. McCorkill, A. M., " Neely, S. A., Riimney, J., " " Shaw, Wm., " " Thwaits, Alfred, " " Wright, Isaac. " " Toland, Neill, " " Dougherty, Geo., " " Acton,* Nath., " " Clark, Wm., Miuersville, Pa. McFall,* Sam'l, Phila., Pa. Baker, W. J., Brown, Jas., " " Dougherty, Wm., " " Morgan, Jno., " " Tate, Jas., " Acton, J. B., •' " Boyd, John. " " Boyd, Hugh. " Brown, T. C, '• Brown, Jas., " " Gilbert, J., " " Gibson, Jas., . " " Ilance, G. W., ^' " Henderson, John, " " Johnson,* A.B.,Fernwood, Pa. Kearney, Wm., IMiila., Pa. Lindsay, W. H., Hampton, Va. NcGinnis, Jas , Phila,, Pa. McKinny, Jos., " Moore, David, '' " Co. Fassitt, John B., N. Y. City. Gwynn, Jas., Hampton, Va. Colvill, David, Phila., Pa. Green, Wm., " '' Masland, Jas. W., " " Miller, Casper, Dover, Del. Atkinson, B. F., Phila., Pa, Cazier, H. H., " " Johnson, Alex., " " Kelly, John, " " Graham, Geo., " " Edwards, Wm., Phila., Pa. Tippen, Geo., ''' " McCluns:, Jno., " " Watts, David, " " Biles, G. M. W., " " Rivel, Jer., Wilmington, Del. Kirk,* S, Hammonton, N. J. Lindsay,* Jno., Hampton, Va. Brown, Charles, Phila., Pa. Holland, Patrick, " " Co. ^' E. Quinn, John, Phila., Pa. Rankin, J., " " Simpkins, B., " ^' Young, John, " " Morgan, E. S., " " Corn, Lawrence, " " Smith, Arch., " Tate, Hugh, PhiL-nixville, Pa. Tajdor, J., Alleghany City., Pa. Disart, Rob't, Knoxdale, Pa. Keyes, Wm., Phila., Pa. Carr, C, Buchanan, J., Dayton, O. Blesington, Jas., Vallego, Cal. Purser,* Spencer, Leavenworth, Kan. McFalls, Wm. J., Chicago, HI. Torbei't, Henry, Hampton, Va. Egner, Rob't, Phila., Pa. McClelland, Richard, Wilming- ton, Del. Johnston, Rob't A., Phila., Pa. Atkinson, J. B., Phila., Pa. Bodkin, Rob't, " " Boyle, John, " " Doyle, John. Pittsburg, Pa. Earl, Jas. T., Phila., Pa. Henry, Jas., " " Keesey, W. H., " " Lukens,Chas. P.," " Lukens, Thos.L.," " Moffitt, Jno., Pittsburg, Pa. Powell, Alex., Phila., Pa. 164 Robinson, Jno., Phila., Pa. Whitem:m,Ja,c. M.," *' Williams, C. S., Hampton, Ya. Carrigan, John, Ei'ie. Pa. Wray, Wm. J., Phila., Pa. Graham, Geo., " " Co Beath,* Rob't, B., Phila., Pa. Maxwell, Jno., " " Taylor, Frank, McClaskv,H., " " Duswald;'Sam'l,C., " " Gibson, Jno., " " Johnson, Geo. W., " " Allibone, Thos., " 't Bantom, W. H., " " Chadwick, Wm. B., " " Cnlbertson, E. A., " " Davis, Jno. S., " " Flennard, W. H., " Fraley, G. W., " " Howard, G. W., " Hilsee, R. C, Miller, Rich'd. J., " " Mnlholland, W. H., Pleasant- ville, N. J. Reile, F. C. Phila., Pa. Co. Craig, Jas. M., Alleghany City, Pa. Hickman, Job, Phila., Pa. Spence, Jas., " " Linton, John S., " " Palmer, Geo. W., " Uber, D. H., Blank,* Wm., Sr., " " Baringer, Jacob. " " Johnson, Jno. G., '' " Milford, W. M., " Pedrick, D. H., Robinson, Wm., " " Watermeyer,* J. W., Phila., Pa. Co. Williams, Jesse, S., Phila, Pa. Adams, Gilbert, N. Y. City. Donnelly, Dan'l, Dayton, 0. Rodgcrs, W. Ogden City, Utah. Parker, Jas., Phila., Pa. Purnell, Jno. H., Allegheny City Pa. Benson, Geo. A., Galveston, Tex. " G." Robinson, J., Phila., I'a. Roe, J. R. B., Topcka, Kan. Rutherford, W. G., Phila., Pa. Sarch, Jno., " " Smallward, C. E., " " Sperry, Sam 1 R., " " Stokly, Jos., Eddvstone, Pa. Yocum, J. H., Phila., Pa. Spear,* Morris H., Phila., Pa. Black, Rob't, Smith, E. J., Colorado Springs, Col. Bangh,* Louis, G., Phila., Pa, Brinker, Alfred, Burlington, N. J. J'oole, Jefferson, Hampton, Ya. Mills, John " " Mackenson, G. M., l*hila.. Pa. Roe, W. R., Phila., Pa. House, Jas., I'hila., Pa. " H." Michoel, W. B., " " Tiber, Wm. L., " " Brown, J. C, Hampton, Ya. Smith, Sherwood, B., Lancas- ter, Pa. Haviland, Jno., Phila, Pa. Gallagher, Jno., Pittsburg, J'a, Everhart, H. W., " " McKenna, Jas., " " Slaysman, Chas. R., Gilroy, Cal. Dufford, Jas., Dorsey ville, Pa. Hazlett,* J., Phila, Pa. Slaysman, Geo. S., Pittsburg. Pa. a J " Maguigan,* E. J., Phila, Pa. Sloan, Wm. D., " " 165 Lomax, Elias, Phila. Yoiglit, Chas. F., " Miirphv, Frank, " Boyd, R., Daley, Jas., " Gormley, Jno., " Jobbins,* Jos., " Mulholland, Rob't., " Stills, Ed. J., " Wike, G. W., " Franklin, Jno. G.. Pa. Eiscuberger, M., Marietta, Pa. " Albright, Jacob, Columbia, I'a. Dunbar, R. S., " Markley, S., Washington Bor- " ough Pa. " Stanffer, A., Washington Bor- " ough, Pa. Shcrick, John, Washington Bor- " ough. Pa. " Goldsmith, Frank, Wriglitsville, Pa. Ilambright, Chas. K.,York, Pa. Shinberger, J., Wriglitsville. I a. Berger, Abr'm, •' " Lee, Jno., Peach Bottom, l^i. McFadden, O., Marietta, Pa. Todd, Jacob, Port Deposit. Md. Brooks, Geo., Steelton, Pa. Shue, Geo. W., Cleveland, 0. " Co. K." Howard, L. J., Phila, Pa. McKim, C, Burlington, N. J. Wilson, Ed. B., " " Murgatroyd, Jno.. Phila., Pa. Neille, Wm. H., Camden, N. J. Priest, Chas., " Dinsmore, John, Phila, Pa. Simon, C. G., " McKim. Wm., Burlington, N.J. Simon, J. F., " Simon, Fred. P., Phila., Pa. Sterling, H., Wheeling, W. Ya. Woodhouse, G. W., " " Simpson, G. L., Camden, N. J. Bolestridge, Jas. J., " " Wells, Jno. M., Rancocas, N. J. Gormley, J. J., New Castle, Del. McKnight, J., Jersey City, N. J, Kelly, thos.,* Phila., Pa. Spear, D.. Gloucester City, N. J. Spear, Morris L., Dayton, O. Cornell, J., Galveston, Tex. Edmundson, H. G., Phila., Pa. Millman, Jas. K., " " Colgan, Jas., " " Farran, W. J., " " Finly, Wm., " " Co, Gifford, A.. Kreps, Peter, Pittsburg, Pa. Davis, Dennis, " " Lane, Jos., East Brady, Pa. Duncan, Wm., Hatboro, Pa. " 0." Transferred to eistKegiment. Orr, Robert L., Phila., Pa. Duddy, Jno. M., Phila., Pa Clauson, C. H. Kennedy, C. P., " " Miller, Jnb. P., " " Robb, Jas., " " Driver, Jas., " " Braman, Silas, Yineland, N, Davis, Benj. F., Phila., Pa. Doak, Jr., J., Fenoquio, Peter, Ginther, David, '' Kennedy, E. P., Sharon Hill, Pa. Nevil, G. P., Phila., Pa. Perkins, Wm. 1'., Camden, N.J. Robb, William, Phila., Pa. Walls, Chas , Co. " P Transferred to 61st Regiment. Donnelly, Yincent P., Phila., Clarke, Samuel, I Pa. Layer, Harry B., hila. 166 Co. " K." Transferred to 81st Regiment. Gieeiie, Clias. 8., Pliila., Ta. Mahony, Dennis, Phila., Pa. Mindil, Geo. W., " " Lippincott, U. R., Rancocas, Albertson, Levi B., " " N. J. Caldwell, G., " " Hansel, M., Rancocas, N. J. Fisher, Jos., " " Cochrane, Henry, Phila., Pa. Jones, Win., " " Co. " L." Atwood, Daniel, South Ave., Menig, A. J., Ebervalc, Pa. Del. Co., Pa. 82d PENN'A VOLS. P^ield and Staff. Wetherill, J. M.,Pottsville,Pa. Valee, Frank, Phila., ]\i. Neiler, Jas. R., Phila., Pa. Tompkins, Oliver, Phila., Pa. Williams, D., Pittsburg, Pa. Todd, Wallace B., " " "Co. A." Cochran, Richard, Phila., Pa. Streip, J., I'hila., I'a. Allendorf, Geo., " " Williams, Chas., Phila., I'a. McGaretv Jacob, " " Zell. Jacob, W. Fernwood, Pa. Peppit, Nath., " " DeBarry, Al., Phila., Pa. Reid, Thos., " " Keenan, Chas., " " Spangenberg, Louis, " " " Co. B." Brown, Thos. H., Phila., Pa. Fee, R. V., Oakdale, Neb. Barry, Ed., Punxcatawny, Pa. Mattson, D., Valley Forge, Pa. Bushely, E.,Richardsville, Pa. Perry, Wm. W., Ringgold, Pa. Diffenbaugh, J. F. S., Creston, Blaikie, R. T.. Pict'e Rocks, Pa Iowa. Poerstel, Emil, Pittsburg, Pa. Co. " C." Boswell, Chas. A., Phila., Pa. Jones, C. F., Phila., Pa. Butland, Chas., " " Ivers, Albert, " " Craig, David, " " Miller, J. R., Hammonton, N. J. Dunn, Chris. C, " " O'Brien, Jno. F., Phila., Pa. Donnelly, Wm. J., " " Spence, J. E., Cape May, N. J. Dilks, Wm. H., " " Whalen, H., Phila., Pa. Foster, J. Knox, " " Wood, W. R., " " Co. "D." Bish, David, Porter, Pa Edgar, J. S., Allegheny City, Pa. Bish, Jos., " " Foster, Isaac, Phila., Pa. Cunningham, Jos., Phila., Pa. Glass, Matt., " " Cunningham, Owen, " '' Glass, Ed., " " Doan, Thos., " " Geiger, J. C, " " 161 Hinderleider, H,, Spankles' Mills, Pa. Hinderleider, A., Brookville, Pa. Homer, Sam'l, Onana, la. Kesper, Lewis, Pliila., Pa. Meyers, D., " " Co. Barnes, Jno. J., Pliila., Pa. Bensler, G.T., San Fran., Cal. Carles, Jno. H., " Corbitt, G. W., Turkey City, Pa. Doyle, Jos., Phila., Pa. Fite, Jno. F., '' Girton, Wra. A., Bristol, Pa. Grant, C. W., Broekwayville, Pa. Hazel, Paul, Dayton, O. Haegele, W. H., Camden, N. J. Co. Collins, Wm., Pliila., Pa. Cowdrick, Ed., Davis, Lewis, " Davis, A., " Eppright, R., Atlantic City, N. J. Evans, W. C, Brookville, Pa. Ellkins, Lewis. Williams, Cal. Foreman, Isaac, I'liila , Pa. Ferringer, Jacob, N. Freedom, Pa. George, Jno. W., Darby, Pa. Glass, Alex., Pliila., Pa. Gamn, Chas., " " Grant, W. N., Broekwayville, Pa. Headman, Wm., Pliila., Pa, Harris, Sam'l, " " Hiltner, Jos. C, " " Hiltner, Wm., Co Black, Jno., Sprangle's Mills, Pa. Cook, Geo. H., Pliila., Pa. Deeker, Henry, " " Sherman, Ed., Stratonville, Pa. Waldron, Wm. H., Phila., Pa. White, Alex., " White, Wm. A., Weigand, J. H., Waterhouse, G. W., '' " ''E." Harvey, Jos., Phila., Pa. Hughes, Jos., " Knight, W.H., '■ Long, Wm., Media, Pa. Moss, Lem., Phila., Pa. Morris, Jno. G., Manayunk, Pa. Patrick, R. W., Phila., Pa. Stewart, Jos., " " Thomas, Geo. W., Phila., Pa. Thomas, Jos. E., White, " F." Hayes, Jno., Phila., Pa. Jones, Pierson. Richboro, Pa. Kelly, And., Phila., Pa. Lake, Chas., Lawrence, Jno., " " Lawrence, Wm., " " Lewis, Reese. Spring Home, Pa. McCurdy, Dan'l, Phila., Pa. Monston, Thos. H., " Morris, Jno., Phd'uixville, Pa. Neil, Jno.. Phila., Pa. O'Neill, And., " Rexrath, Fred., " Reid, Thos., " Shaw, Jos., " " Smith, Arch., '* Stoggart, Wm., » Walling, Geo. W.," '^ Wolff-, Sam'l "G." Deeker, Geo. W., Phila., Pa. Dailey, Jno., Penfield, Pa. Dayton, W., Fairmount, Neb. Engle, Louis, Phila., Pa. 168 Evard, AI., Thila., fa. Elvert, Louis G., Phila., T'a. Evard, Hiram, " '• Earls, Clias., Norristown, Pa. Fell, Chas., Phila., Pa. Farrell, Peter, '' " Fisher, J. J., Richardsville, Pa Graham, Jos.. Phila., I'a. HiUsman, J. G., Rush Valley, Pa. Hagan,B., PhoL'iiixville, Pa. Hamilton, J. R., Hammonton, N. J. Harriet, Adam, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Johnston, 11. F., Mankata, Minn. Co. Ainsgust, Wm., Corsica, Pa. Bland, Willis, Reading, Pa. Chase, Rob't, Bristol,"Pa. Hoe}^, J. L., Valley Forge, Pa. Lefferts, Frank, Phila., Pa. Lewis, Isaac, Reading, I'a. Lancaster, Wm. IL, Phila., Pa. Myers, Wes. J., Columbus, 0. Myers, Moses, Phila., Pa. Miller, Allen R., '' Myers, G., Camden, N. J. McKean, T. C, Brooklyn, N". Y. Co. Aman, Sam'l, Phila., Pa. Dinger, David, Emerickville, Pa. Falls, John A., Phila,, Pa. Hawkins, John T., " " Haas, John H " " Hyatt, John E., Colerain, Pa. Hoch, David. ISprangles Mills, Pa. Dillard, David. Phila., Pa. Kitts,Jos., " " Lucas, Frank, " " Latch, Rob't, " " Meeker, L. H., " " Meeker, Steph , " " Megee, Wm., " " Krayer, Wm., IMiila., Pa. Kelley, Wm., Lorillard, Alex., Phila., Pa. Moore, Jos., " " Marshall, Jos., '^ " Osteman, A. C, Jeflersonvil]<' Ind. Petrosky. Hen., Phila., Pa. Petrosky, C, " " Prenot, Louis, New York City. Starm, Otto, Phila., Pa. Smith, Geo. J., Sprankles Mills, Pa. Tyso4i, W. D., Phila., Pa. Wise, H. W. Bird, Wm., Hampton, Va. ■'II." Nagle, J. S. B., Phila., Pa. Rudolph, J. S.., " Rowan, Isaac, " " Reed, Thos., Grange, Pa. Sensenderfer, Jas. A., Phila., Pa Steel, W. M. A., Trenton, N. J. Toland, Chas., Phila., Pa. Timlin, Dan., Punxcatawney, Pa. Widdicombe, B. Frank., West Chester, Pa. Riegler, Hen., Phila,, Pa. il T 11 Malonej, Phil. S., IMiila., ]\i. Morris, Matt., " Munshowen, N., Columbus, 0. Redherter, Wm. H., IMiila, Pa. Redhefter, A. A., " '' Rodenboch, Sol., " " Skean, Wm. A., Norristown, Pa. Stretch, David, Phila., Pa. Staunton, S. G., Phila., Pa. Shetfer, Jacob, '* " Smather, Phil., Ringgold, Pa. Vandervoort, Levi, Ylazen, Pa. Willingmyre, G. W., I'hila., Pa. Weightman, Jno., " " Wharton, W. N., 169 Co. "K." Annent, Wm., Phila., Pa. Arnold, Geo., Bristol, Pa. Beecher, Chas. K., PMla., Pa. Liberton, K. W., |' '' Moore, Wm., Moody, W.H., " " Myers, J. W., Columbas, O. McCall, Samuel, Phila., Pa. Mathews, J. L., New Haven, Conn. Nouman, H., Atlantic C'y, N.J. Oakford, Wm. H., Phila., Pa. Parker, M., '' " Paul, Geo., Rhodes. Jacob, " " Reese, Elijah, Clearfield, Pa. Reese, Philip, " Tyson, Wm , Phila., Pa. Williams, Wm. R., Phila., Pa. Williamson, Chas., " " Ritch, C. P., New Orleans, La. 65th NEW YORK. Cochrane, J., New York City. Shaler, Alex., Ridgefield, N. J. Wilber, J. J., Brooklyn, N. 1. Tailoff, Ivan, New York City. Truesdell, Sam'l, " || Beenard, Ed., " Bernard, Geo. A., Phila., Pa. Dempsey, Jas. B., N. Y. City. Cluttenbach, Jno., " " Dyer, H. B., Ford, G. W., Kensington, Ct. Golden, Jos., Pamrico, N. J. Halsted, W. P., N. Y. City. Little, E. H., Brooklyn, N. 1 . Miller, David, N. Y. City. McDonald, W.O., " Roome, Wm. P., " McEntee,Wm., " " Norton, Thos., Yolk, F. T., ;; ;; Dennett, L. A., " Darsonville, J., Brooklyn, JN . 1 . Schlamp, L.. New York City. Cartwright, J. L., Dolgevdle, N. Y. Haverley, Wm. J., Santa Bar- bara, Cal. Fisk, A., Brooklyn, N. Y. Healy, H. G., Washington, D.C Lambert, J. L., Hoosick Falls, N. Y. llA (The Chasseurs).' Selover, G.W., Brooklyn, N.Y. Rissinger, S. S., Toledo, O. Brennan, J., San Francisco, Cal. Pelouhet, Jersey City, N. J. Butcher, G. W., Marionville, Mo. Green, P. K., Stafford Spr'gs, Ct. Yolk, Wm. S., Maiden, N. Y. Stoddard, E. W., Roch'ter, N. Y. Colvin, R. L, Phamix, R. I. Bootay, Wm., Brooklyn, N. Y. Crans, Burleigh, " " " Porter, Benj. O., Rockland, Pv. I. Randall, Geo. H., " " King, W. L., Foster Centre, " Whitman, Paul, Lippert, " Baker, J. D., Davenport, Iowa. Bedell, H. C, Fayette, Beebe, Chas., Nashua, " Gillett, A. A., Baxter, Robinson, Stephen, Berlin, '• Shaull, S. R., Ladora, " Wright, Albert, Mitchell, " Calpin, Jas., Pawtucket, R. I. Arnold, W. B., " Colvin, A. G., Sherman, A., Cattaraugus, N. Y. Sittey, Jos. B., Dayton, O. McKenna, Geo., Waterbury, Ct. . Brown, P. H., New York City. ■ Freeman, H. C, " McAlpin, J., Pawtucket, R. I. no ♦ enii NEW YORK. (1st Long Island.) Cross, Nelson, New York City. Doty, Alex. H., New York City. Peck, L. M., Brooklyn, N. Y.. Liiieoln, Geo. B., " Adams, Julius W., '• " Hodgson, V. M., Washington, Bliss, Jno. S., Danbury, Conn. D. C. IStillwell, Geo. W., Brooklyn, Crowell, Chas., New York City. N. Y. Middaugh, Jno. E., Scio, N. Y. Beecher, H. B., Brooklyn, N.Y. Phelps, G. H., Council Grove, Mills, Thos. M. K., " " Kan. Partridge, W. H., Washington, Douglass, J. T., N. Emory, Tex. D. C. Adams, G., F., Medtield, Mass. Russell, E. K., Washington, Starts, Chas. P., Albany, N. Y. D. C. Co. "A." Reed, Wm.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Sexton, H. C, New York City. Metcalf, Henry, " " Howath, Jas,, Canarsie, Long Aitkin, Thos., " " Island, N. Y. Pink, Wm. H., " " Dingee, L., Brooklyn, N. Y. Baisley, S. R., New York City. O'Reilly, Miles, " Cunlitte, G. D., Brooklyn, N.if. Street, Geo. W., St. Louis, Mo. Kershaw, J. H., New York Cy. Co. "B." Angus, Henry,' Queens, Long Kelly, Jas., Brooklyn, N. Y. Island, N."\. Keenan, Ed., Yonkers, " Fahey , Ed., Brooklyn, N. Y. Danegar, S. S., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hamilton, 1., " " Dickerson, C, Co. " C." Hughes, John C, Bradford, Edinborough, C, Reedsv'le, X>a. Kansas. Conlon, Richard, Brooklyn, Burroughs, W. R., Marysville, , IV. Y. Kansas. Co. "D." Hendricks, E. J., Foreman, Balogh, C, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dakota. Co. "E." Harper, George, Lookout Station, Wyoming Territory. Co. " F." Sealy, Jos. C, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hess, Geo. A., New York City. Franklin, R., New York City. Sneden, Jas., iJrooklyn, N. Y. Johnson, Wm., Brooklyn, N.Y. Weaver, G. A., " " Bogart, J. H., Canarsie, L. I. Beatty, Jno., Centlivre, Jos., NewYork City. Beiseker, C. N., Austin, Minn. Fowler, W. W., Whitestone, Lewis, Jas. E., Astoria, L. I. L. L ni Co. •• G.' Brown, Emery, Brooklyn, N. V. Flowers, G. W., Kintivno. Louis, Co. Halsey, W. W. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dodge, W. W., New York City. Dunn. Jos., Brooklyn, N. Y". Gleason, Wm., Brooklyn, N.Y. Co Mills. Jus. N., Brooklyn, N.Y. Walker, Lewis, Morris, Jno., Gill, Jos. J., Tracy, Fletcher, Morris, Terrence, " Co. Fisse, Frank. New York City. Johnson, R. F.. Brooklyn, N.Y. Evans, Chas.. Canarsie, li. I. Whitley, S. 11., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lockaixl, G. W., Coleman, Jacob, New York City. Craus, B. L., Smith, Henry, Whitestone, L. L Halsey, Jno. W.. New York City. Becker, J., Garry, Dak. -L" Kunzi, John, Brooklyn, N. Y. Walsh, Myles, Glostrick, Thos., Leary, Jno. S., Gallin, Jas., •K." Thompson, William, Brooklyn. N. Y. 122d NEW Y^ORK VOLS. Titus, Silas, Syracuse, N. Y. Davis, Joshua B., Wahoo, Neb. Smith, A. J., Leavenworth, Kan. Lester, Frank, Chicago, 111. Co. Wells, H. S., Baldwinsville, N. Y. Buck, N., Cedar Rapids, la. Fisher,* G. E., Oswego Falls, N. Y^ Smith, Jos. S., Chicago, 111. Malone, A. Jr., Baldwinsville, N.Y. Carroll, Chas. E., Troy, N. Y. Sharp, Peter, Lysander, " Smith, C. P., Syracuse, Church, M. H., Boston, Mass. Turner, U., Onondago, N. Y. Trapp, Uriah, BakWinsville, N.Y. TeflFt, N; R., Onondaga Hill, N. Y^. Kuapp, E. A., Syracuse, N. Y. Cornue, J. S., " Tracy, 0. V.. Poole, Theo. L., " •• A." Tenbrocke, E., Little Utica. •' Vosburg, Hiram, Chicago, III. Williams, Ed., Memphis, N. Y. Bishop, Wm. A., Baldwinsville, N.Y. Blakeman, P. Y., Ridgway, Mo. Brown, Addison, Lakeport,N. Y. Caughlin, M.. Baldwinsv'e, N. Y. Coover, W. P., Carrington, S. 1*., Boonville, '' Cardell, W. B., Kansas City, Mo. Douglass, A., Meridian, N. Y. Downer. B. H., Albany, '' Ells, E. C, Rock Island, 111. Hilton, Henry, Onondago, N. Y. 112 Halsted, D., Baldwinsv'le, N.Y. Lusk, Geo. H., Pomona, Fla. Loop, G., Baldwinsville, N.Y. Loop, Henry, '' " Dunning, Clias,, Granby, '' Farrell, Jas., San Franl, Cal. Fay, Frank, Geddes, N. Y. Failing, J., Baldwinsv'le, N.Y. Fredenburg, A., Arcadia, Neb. Houghtaling, S., Syracuse, N.Y. Howard, G. W., Baldwinsville, N. Y. Hurley, P., Baldwinsville, N.Y. Malone, R., Bridgeport, N. Y. Merrifield. A. J., Lysander, N. Y McCormick, Micli'l, Marcellus, N. Y. Merritt. F. H., Geddes, N. Y. Peav}', L. M., Cicero. " Ilodo;ers, S. N., Baldwinsville, N. Y. Robinson, J. B., Albany, N. Y. Yossett, Francis, Geddes, '' Yates, A. E., Cicero, Co. "B.' Chamberlain, W. R., Geddes. N. Y. .' Nye, Geo. S., Syracuse, N. Y. Gilbert, G. H., " - Ryan, Martin, '' '' Anderson, W. J., '* Adkins, L., Prescott, Wy. T. Baker, Thos., Wheatland, Dak. Bethel, P. E., Geneva, N. Y. Bowley, D., Newbridge, N. Y. Brand, Henry C, Stiles', " Bronnell, J. A., Euclid, Bingham, J. J., Worthington, Minn. Brant, P., N. Syracuse, N. Y. Carlisle, C. F., Euclid, Criss, A. J., Porter Centre, '' Crampton, Jas., Cicei'o, " Crampton, Thos., " '' Davis, Parker, Fabius, '' Edwards, D. C., Cicero, " Eaton, D., Minneapolis, Minn. Fairfield. Wm., Pland R'd, N.Y. Hoatland, Robert, Cicero, " Hartnett. Jno. H.,Fabains, " Hart, J. G., Cicero, N. Y. Howe, Jerome, Portland, Ore. Hubbs, A. H., S3'racuse, N. Y. Hughes, R. A., Baldw'ville, N.Y. Co. "C." Barnes, O. A., E. Boston, N. Y. Agan, H. C, Fayetteville, N. Y. Chandler, G. B., Barclay, HI. Buzzell, Buell P., Wakefield, Hudson, J., Jaraesville, N. Y. Mass, Jones, William, Geddes, N. Y. Kennett, W. C, Mottville, " Lang, Chas. H., Utica, " Lilly, Jas. F., Syracuse, " Luce, Roselle E., Cicero, " Maxon, G. S., Tonawanda, '' Marcellus, A., Canastota, '' McKinly, J. J., Houghton, '' McNulty, F., Syracuse, " Marsh, Hudson C, Toledo, O. Paul, W. W., Syracuse, N. Y. Porter, Jno. J., Detroit, Mich. J'rindle, J. H., Natchez, Miss. Reynolds, M. L., Reedsburg, Wis. Robertson. L., Syracuse, N. Y. Ruggies, Wm. E., "• " Soule, Alfred, • " " Shoens, Thos. M., Corning, " Smith, Marshall F., Rome, '' Scott, Thos. H., Cicero, Sloat, Elias R., Euclid, ^ " Smith, D. R., S. Sj'racuse, " Smith, Elisha, Cicero, " Tripp, Jonathan, Millville, " VanHoozen, D., Brewerton, " Wells, Elias, Onondago, '• Weaver, C. A., Syracuse, '' 173 Bottinger, G. W., Chittenango. N. Y. Breese, Robert. Auburu, N. Y. Breese, W.. Fleming Hill. " Eaton. Chas. A.. Minneapolis. Minn. Chapman, T. D., Fayetteville. N. Y. Eaton, F. H. Birmingham, Ala. Maltbjr, Wm. H., Fayetteville, iS^. Y. Clark, David. W., Fayetteville, N. Y. Worclen, P., Fayetteville. N. Y. Chase. Amasa, Cummings, D., '' Everingham, C, '' Everingham, J., '• Gorman, Jas., Goodfellow, J.. Goodfellow, W., Constantia,' (Joodfellow, S. W., Belle Isle, N. Y. Houser, Jacob. Centre, N. Y. Hotaling, D.. Jamesville, " Huntley, Wm., Manilas. Hoag, H. A., Jamesville, Hibbard, Jas. D., Fulton. " Hale. Jno.. Fayetteville, Monk, Frederick, Ithaca, '• Monahan, P.. Fayetteville. "" Monroe, A. H., Manlius, '• Miles, Jas.. Northrup, E., Fayetteville. " Price, Jas., Syracuse, Rile3% T., Canajoharie. Russ, Henry J.. Majilius, " Relpli, Jno., Fayetteville, " Smith, Colvi]^, I'orapey, Underwood, T.. S3'racuse, " Wright, B. A.. Lafayette, '• Worden, A., Fayetteville, '' Co. "D." Crysler, C, Independence, Mo. Cossitt, Davis, Onondago, X. Y. Luther, Ed. P., *' ^' Amidon, Geo., ''• " Adams, Oscar, "■ " Barron, Wm. C., Walaka, Fla. Butler, James, Syracuse, N, Y. Bartlett, Jno., Onondago, " Rockwell, J. W., Council Blufls, la. Tajdor, J. W., Ladomia, Mo. , Parish, G. D., Shirley, D. D., Syracuse, N. Y. Gilson, Geo. G., " Austin, Oscar, Onondago, " Segar, Beter, S3'racuse, " Worker, Chas., Pierce, Neb. Wilkinson, G., Navarino, N. Y. West, A. F., Chicago, 111. Long, Patrick, Tully, N. Y. Pickett, Frank E., Wayland, Mich. Patterson, F., Danforth, N. Y. Patten, G. A., Spafford, " Hancock, A. W., Washington, D. C. Sage, Henry, Topeka, Kan. * Quick, C. M., South Onandago, K Y. Russell, Horace, Vesper, N. Y, Shepard, Jno. A., Ithaca, " Nichols, 0.. S. Onondago, " Amidon, L., Cedar Vale, " Enos, Chas., Thorn Hill, " Williams. S., Otisco Yal., '' Amidon, H. F., S. Onondago, N. Y. Fisk. T. A.. Amboy. N. Y. Fisk, W. L.,5S. Onondago, N.Y Harvoun.H. F., S3 racuse, N. Y. Ives, Chas. II., *' " Jenks, Walter E., " " Joyce, T. H., S. Onondago, '' Kincle, Patrick, Otisco, " Cates, Chas. B., Navarino, " Cummings, N., Camillas, " Crittenden, J., Cedar Vale, " Colburn, G. W., Fairmount, " 174 Davis, Van Biiren, Huron, Dak. Eaton, Alonzo, Navarino, N. Y. Lathrop, C. G., Onondago, "■ Lee, Edw., Ponipe3^ Hill, '' Morris, W. H., Pompey Centre, N. Y. Co. Walpole, H., Syracuse, K Y. Brand, Jac, " " Ostrander, C. W., " " Eldridge, C. H.. N. Y. City. Hummel, D. P., Burl'gton, N.J. Ives, Oliver P., Decorah, la. Osborn, Sam'l, Bath, N. Y. Reynolds, C, Syracuse, N.Y. Baxter, Chas., Clay, " Connor, J. P., Rochester, " Daniels. S.W., Shells Corners, N. Y. Eggleston, J. H., Cicero, N.Y. Fountain, D. C, Washington, D. C. Gritiin, Zeno T.. Chicago, 111. Chee, Henry, DeWitt, N. Y. Gardiner, T., Ehnira, " Hodge, Austin, Cicero, " Houghkirk, B. B., Toledo, la. Hughes, T. S., Syracuse, N.Y. Hollenbeck. M.. " Murphy, M., Otisco Yal., N. Y Moss, W. H.. Lafayette, " Noble, Jas. H., Auburn, " Norton. L. M..Onondago, " Smith, Levris, Detroit, Mich. Hicox, Chas., Bath,"N. Y. Johnson, W. R., Camillus, N.Y. Keller, Jno., Geddes, " McA Ulster, C. H., Syracuse, " McFeeters, S., Tower City. Dak. North, Henry W., Leonardville, N Y. Price, D. W., Jackson, Mich. Penoyer, Oscar, Fabius, N. Y. Perry, A. B., Syracuse, " Petrie, H. A., " " Rickart, Wm., Manlius, " Smith, David, Laftiyette, " Templeton, T., Fayettev'le, '' Yerdan, Eph., Mexico, *' Graham, A., Canastota, " Wilson, Geo., New York City. Gilfillian, W., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lewis, Jno. M., New York City. Murray, C. N.. Collamer, N Y. McMillan. M., Syracuse, " Coburn, Henry, Kirkville, " Co. "P.' Moses, L., Marcellus, N. Y. Pratt, Geo. W., Topeka, Kan. Willman, A., Auburn, N. Y. Fisher, Otis L., Seneca Falls, N. Y. Moses, R. H., New York City. McDonald, S., Cleveland. 0. Davy, I. W., Sk9.neateles,N. Y. Burlington, J., Lawton, Mich. Lawrence, J. R., Warsaw, N.Y. Williams, J., Rochester, '• Rich, C. L., Marcellus F'ls, " Kochenberger, H., Skaneateles, N. Y. Wood worth, Perry F., Spafford, Raymond, Wm. W., Marcellus, N. Y. Baker, E. V., Marcellus, N. Y. Blanchard, C, " " Burlington, B., Lawton, Mich. Benton, S. W., Borddino,N.Y. Bennett, J. G., Marcellus, " Barrett, Geo. A., Santa ' Rosa, Cal. Bessey, Jos., Marcellus Falls, N.Y. Beach, A. W., Marcellus, N. Y. Clements, I. M., Cazenovia, N. Y. Clements, E. IL, Lincoln, Neb, Davis, Porter. Mottville, N. Y. 175 Edds, Thos., Elba, N. Y. Gensiver, L., Saginaw, Mich. Humphreys, R. B., Mansfield, Ohio. Lamb, H. H. Syracuse, N.Y. Lee, Amos. O., Aurelius, " May, Amos. C, Geddes, " Macumber, W., Watertown," Morgan, H. B., Onondago, " Norton, W., Strafford," " North, B. F., Marcellus, " Co. Drayton, E., Chicago, 111. Wright, M. E., Lansing, Mich. Dunning, C, Rochester, N. Y. Van ofke. S., Hart Lot, " Bateman, Wni., Jordan, " Chittenden, (jr., Elbridge, " Davis, B. B., Dundee, Mich. Doty, J. C, Jordan, N. Y. Groom, C, Mottville, " Hammond,W, H., Jacks Reefs, N.Y. Co. Gere, Jas. M., Belle Isle, N.Y. Marks, M. L., Davenport, la. Wilkin, A. W., Fayetteville, N.Y.. Manzer, H., Geddes, N. Y. Bingham, B. F., Washington, D. C. Munroe, Jr., D. A., Camillus. N. Y. Tappan, B. M., Sjracuse, N.Y. Cherry, T. R., Webster Ch., W. Ya. Wheaton,V. B., Camillus, N.Y. Poster, F. M., Yermontville, Mich. Abrams, D. F., Alexandria,Ya. Boutelle, Ed. H., Tully, N. Y. Brand, Yates R., Beloit, Wis. Brown, J. A., Plymouth, Minn. Casler, G. H., Chicago', 111. Chapman, G., Camillus, N. Y. Chappel, Henry, i'ierce, Neb. Richards, I., Marcellus, N. Y. Spenks, I.. " " Smith, S. S., " " Snediker, C. S., Kansas City, Mo. Wormwood, E. H., Meridian, N. Y. Baker, E., Marcellus. N. Y. Eggleston, C, " '• Black, J., Liverpool, " Wright, C, Hamilton, " "G." Young, C. A., Jacks Reefs, N.Y. Blossom, P. A., Staten Island, N. Y. Wyatt, J., Meridian, N. Y. Bell, John, Weedsport, " Stevens, D. W., St. Charles, N.Y. Clements. H. B., Jordan, N. Y. Grant, R. J., Painted Post, " Reed, H. H., Rochester, " Wyatt. H., Jackson, Mich. " H." Elderkin, H. S., Elkhart, Ind. Goodfellow, Bates B., Camillus, N. Y. Hatton, Theo., Chicago, HI. Kill, Jno., Navarino, N. Y. Knapp, M. S., Camillus, '^ Ladue, J. F.,' Rochester, Minn. Lockwood, C, Camillus, N. Y. McCarth}', G., Liverpool, "• McCracken, H., Belle Isle, " Milligan, T., Syracuse, " Mills, J. H., Wood River, Neb. Mulroy, M., Camillus. N. Y. Peck, Homer, Lansing, Mich. Riley, P., Dayton, Ohio. Sharp, Benj., Red Creek. N. Y. Stebbins, D. W., Sj^racuse, '' Thompson, A., Howford, Cal. Tully, J., Belle Isle, N. Y. Yoseller, H. H., Wayne, N. Y. Stebbins, P., Syracuse, N. Y. VanAlstyne, B., Jeddes, " 116 Co. Dwight, J, M., Newcastle, Cal. Dillingham, L. A., Cold Water, JViich. Babcock, H. F., Syracuse, N.Y. Britton, Hiram A., " " Dallman, T. G., Morris Run, I'a. Williams, A., Syracuse, N. Y. Relyea, Dan1, Rochester, " Brooks, N. D., Baldwinsville, N. Y. Blake, Judson, Hartford, Conn. Dean, Chas., Whitehall, Mich. Dillingham, D, S., Syracuse, N. Y. Devoe, G. H., San Jacinto, Cal. Fickeis, Fred., Syracuse, N. Y. Fiske, Jas. M., ' " Bell, Jas,, Syracuse, " Noah, B. K., Ellendale, Dak, Hines, O. W., New York City. Trowbridge, Sam 1, Cresco, la. Ball, Anthony, Collamer, N.Y. Bates, Geo. C, Detroit, Mich. Bisbow, Chas., Onondago, N.Y. Button, S. S., Syracuse, N.Y. Davidson, J., Washington, D.C. Delong, Chas., Collamer, N. Y. Elson, Geo., McKenzie, Dak. Hacjkett, M., Collamar, N. Y. "I." Gitfbrd, Jpliu, S^a-acuse, N. Y. Lindner, G., Buffalo, " Merriam, I. B., Chattanooga, Tenn. Nicholson, D., Mooer's Forks, N. Y. Nelson, Leander, Bath, N. Y Poole, Thos. L., Syracuse, " Filger, Peter, ' " " Putnam, Edw., " " Parmenter,Chauncey" " Stewart, Chas., Geddes, " Trace}^, O. V., Syracuse, " Williams, A. B., Rochester, " Tracey, W. G., Syracuse, " Unckless, J. A., Borodino, " Daniels, A. E., Camillus, " Co. " K. Kenyon, Charles, Tully, N. Y. Mears, James, Cicero, " Moor, C. W., East Homer, " Smith, M., Collins' Sta., Ohio. Smith, Alfred R., Homer, N. Y Sherman, A., Skaneatelas, " Stebbins, Ovid, New York. Stebbins, M., Preble, " Thompson, M., Clarence, Mo. Thompson, Wm., Preble, N. Y. Leitch, Frederick, Cicero, " OFFICERS OF TUB REGIMENTAL SURVIVORS ASSOCIATIONS DUKINa THE YEAR 1888. 23cl PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, (Birney's Zouaves.) Presiderd. Colonel JOHN F.' GLENN, late Colonel of Regiment. Vice-P)'esidents. George P. Mitcliell, late Sergeant of " D" Company. Lieutenant-Colonel William J. Watlace, late Lieut.-Colonel of Regiment; Thomas Kelly, late Private of " K" Company. Corresponding Secretary. William J. Wray, late Private of "F" Company. Recording Secretary. Thomas I. Chadwick, late of," C" Company. Financial Secretary. Levi B. Alhertson, late Private of " R" Company. Treasurer. William H. Bantoni, late Private of "G" Company. Chaplain. Rev. James G. Shinn, late Chaplain of Regiment. Gettysburg Momimivt Committee. Colonel John F. Glenn, William J. Wray, Thomas Kelly^ James Spence, William H. Bantom, Qeityshurg Re- Union and Statue Committee. Chairman — Colonel John F. Glenn, late Colonel of Regiment. Secretary — William J. Wray, late Private "F" Company. Treasurer — William H. Bantom, late Private " G" Company, US Colonel William J. Wallace, late Lieutenant-Colonel of Regiment. Cranmer Williams, late Sergeant " D" Company. William J. Baker, late Corporal "E" Company. James J. Bolestridge, late Corporal "K" Company. George P. Mitchell, late Sergeant "D" Company. Captain James M. Craig, late " H" Company. Thomas Kelly, late Private "K" Company. Alexander Johnston, late Private "F" Company. Gottlieb Staiger, late Corporal " C" Company. George Dougherty, late Sergeant " D" Company. Richard J. Miller, late Private "G" Company. Jas. Spence, late Sergeant "H" Company. Member of Brigade Committee. William J. Wray, Philadelphia. Brigade Vice-President. Colonel John F. Glenn, Philadelphia. 82d PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. President. Lieutenant-Colonel JOHN M. WETHERILL, Pottsville, Pa. Vice-Presidents. Captain Charles Williams, Philadelphia, Pa. Captain Albert Ivers, Philadelphia, Pa. Treasurer. Corporal William H. Arment, Philadelphia, Pa. Secretm-i/. Corporal William H. Redheffer, Philadelphia, Pa. Gettysburg Monument Committee. Lieutenant-Colonel John M. Wetherill, Corporal William H. Redheffer, Corporal William H. Arment, Captain Charles Williams, Captain Albert Ivers. Member of Brigade Committee, and Brigade Vice-President. Lieutenant-Colond John M. Wetherill. 65th NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS. (1st U. S. Chasseurs.) President. General JOHN COCHRANE, New York City. Secretary and Treasurer. Colonel Samuel Traesdell, New York City. 179 Getiysbw'Q Monument Commiitee. General John Cochrane, New York City, General Alexander Shaler, New York City, Colonel Wm. P. Roome, New York City, Major Ivan Tailoff, New York City. Member of Brigade Committee. Colonel Samuel Truesdell. Brigade Vice-President. Major Henry G. Healey, Washington, D. C. 67th NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS. (1st Long Island.) Honorary President. General NELSON CROSS. P-esident. Major THOMAS McKENNA MILLS Vice-Presidents. Sergeant William Reed, Colonel George W. Stillwell, Captain William H. Partridge, Lewis Walker. Secretary and Trea&urer. James N. Mills. Recording Secretary. Joseph C. Sealey. Council of Administration. General Nelson Cross, William Reed, Charles Crowell. 122d NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS. ("The Twosters.") President. ALEXANDER H. HUBBS, Syracuse, N. Y. Vice-President. Captain C. W. Ostrander, Syracuse, N. Y. Secretary and Trensw^er. Captain George H. Gilbert, Syracuse, N. Y. ■ Gettysburg Momiment and Executive Committee. Major Theo, L. Poole, Syracuse, N. Y., Cassius A. Weaver, Syracuse, N. Y., James Butler, Syracuse, N. Y., Captain Martin Ryan, Syracuse, N. Y.. • Lieutenant-Colonel O. V. Tracy, Syracuse, N. Y. Member of Brigade Committee. Captain Robert H. Moses, New York City. Briga-Je Vice-President. Colonel Silas Titus, Syiacuse, N. Y. ERRATA. Page 96. Ist and 7tli line from top, /or " Custer's," read " Cutler's." ■' 84. 15th line from top, /or "Six hundred,'' read "Fourteen hundred." yt