■ 74 ri3 1436 'opy 2 MARBLEHEAD Historical. Society. ORGANIZED MAY 9, 1898 INCORPORATED MARCH 15, 1902 MARBLEHEAD, MASS. January 2, 1905. MARBLEHKAD Historical Society. ORGANIZED MAY 9, 1898 INCORPORATED MARCH 15, 1902, Marblehead, Mass. : N. A. LiNDSEY & Co., Printers. 1905. OKKICERS OF THE Marblehead Historical Society, 1904—5- PRESIDENT, Nathan P. Sanborn. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Francis A. Parker, Frank BROLi(;HTON, Thomas W. Tucker. recording secretary, Richard Turr. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, VVi] LI am F. Nutting. treasurer, ^ /^William D. T. Trefry. c ^ r historian, Hannah Tutt. directors, N. Allen Lindsey, Robert C. Bridge, Thomas Snow, Mrs. Sarah E. Gregory, Ada R. Conway. (3) Oift JSO. 0473. (fOPY) Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Be it known that whereas Nathan P. Sanborn, Richard Tutt, Thomas Snow, Sarah E. Gregory, Ada R. Conway, Samuel Roads, Jr., Frank Broughton, N. Allen Lindsey, Hannah Tutt, Francis A. Parker, Thomas W. Tucker, and Robert C. Bridge, have associated themselves with the intention of forming a corporation under the name of the MARBLEHEAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY, for the purpose of " collating, studying and preserving historical matter relating to the town and its inhabitants, especially of the early settlement of the town and of the persons whose lives have since made it famous and the preservation of such relics of the past as shall assist in making clear the manners and customs of our ancestors," and have complied with the provisions of the statutes of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided, as appears from the certificate of the 4 PRESIDENT, TREASURER AND DIRECTORS of said corporation, duly approved by the Commissioner of Corporations and recorded in this office : Now therefore I, WilHam M. OHn, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby certify that said Nathan P. Sanborn, Richard Tutt, Thomas Snow, Sarah E. Gregory, Ada R. Conway, Samuel Roads, Jr.,' Frank Broughton, N. Allen Lindsey, Hannah Tutt,' Francis A. Parker, Thomas W. Tucker, and Robert c! Bridge, their associates and successors are legally organ- ized and established as and are hereby made an exist- ing corporation under the name of the MARBLEHEAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY with the powers, rights and privileges, and subject to the limitations, duties and restrictions which by law apper- tain thereto. Witness my official signature hereto subcribed and the seal of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts hereunto affixed this fifteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hun- dred and two. Wm. M. Olin, l^^-""^! Secretary of the Commofiwealth. ■is Marblehead Historical Societ). THE BEGINNING. At the meeting of the Trustees of Abbot Public Library, held in their room August 6, 1883, while Mar- blehead history was under discussion, regret was expressed, that no systematic effort had been made to collect and preserve printed matter relating to Marble- head and its people. That discussion led to farther action, on the part of the Trustees, and the issuing of the following appeal to the public : ''The Trustees, of Abbot Public Library of Marble- head, Mass., have voted to establish an archeological or historical department for the preservation of his- torical matter relating to the town of Marblehead and its people. To that end contributions of printed pamphlets, orations, sermons or addresses delivered in the town, or before any of the organizations thereof, or biographical sketches of any of its inhabitants, are respectfully solicited. It is thought that a search among private papers may reveal valuable material of this kind. The Trustees would kindly suggest to (5) those who are interested in the town, that important documents relating to its history, which might other- wise be lost, would, if donated, to the Library, find a permanent and secure place of deposit. All contribu- tions will be gratefully received and promptly acknowl- edged." In response to that appeal the Trustees received numerous pamphlets and papers which were classified, entered upon a special accession book and placed in pamphlet cases for easy reference. The '' authors" and " titles " were then added to the Marblehead card cata- logue. Up to this point, for a Public Library, it was quite successful and the plan satisfactory. After a fifteen years' trial the Trustees were satis- fied that the scope of a Public Library was not wide enough to cover a field so rich in history as Marble- head and that nothing but a Historical Society with a large membership, could successfully grapple the situa- tion, collecting not only printed matter and manuscript documents, but also relics and antiques. At their regular meeting May 2, 1898, it was unanimously voted, that the chairman be authorized to call a meeting of the past and present members of the Trustees of Abbot Public Library, at such time as he 7 may prefer, for the purpose of forming a Historical Society of the town of Marblehead. For the purpose named in the above vote, the chairman issued an invitation to each of the survivors of the past members and to the present Trustees ( eight- een in all ) to meet at the Trustees' room in Abbot Hall, Monday evening, May 9, 1898, at 7.30 o'clock. At that time the Marblehead Historical Society was organized and officers chosen, with headquarters at Abbot Public Library. In July, 1899, the Society undertook an exhibition of Antiques, Relics and Portraits at the " King" Hoop- er Mansion, on Hooper street, which opened July 31, and continued until August 5 th, under the direction of an efficient committee of ladies and gentlemen, which proved an unqualified success. At the close of the exhibition, nearly one hundred articles that had been loaned for the occasion were given to the Society by those who had loaned them. The Society then took a room in the mansion in which to store them. November i, 1900, the accessions having increased to one hundred and sixty-three the Society removed to the hall in the historic building on the Col, Jeremiah Lee Estate, formerly the cook house and servant's quarters. March i, 1902, the Society applied to the Secreta- ry of the Commonwealth for a charter under the laws of Massachusetts and on March 15, 1902, was incorporated as the MARBLEHEAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY Officers were elected and the following Preamble and By-Laws were unanimously adopted. PREAMBLE. We the undersigned inhabitants of Marblehead or the descendants of those who have dwelt here do here- by form ourselves into an Association for the purpose of collecting, studying and preserving historical matter relating to the town and its inhabitants, especially of the early settlement of the town and of the persons whose lives have since made it famous, and the preservation of such relics of the past as shall assist in making clear the manners and customs of our ancestors. BY - LAWS. ARTICLE I. The name of the association shall be Marblehead Historical Society. ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP. Any resident, former resident or descendant of any resident of Marblehead may become a member of this association by signing the By-Laws and paying the an- nual membership tax of fifty cents. Any member fail- ing to pay the annual dues for two consecutive years shall forfeit his or her membership. A payment of ten dollars at one time shall entitle to life membership exempt from all dues. Honorary or corresponding members may be elected at any regular meeting of the Society. ARTICLE III. officers. The officers of the Society shall consist of a Presi- dent, three Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, a (9) lO Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, an Historian and five Directors. ARTICLE IV. MANAGEMENT. The direct management of the Society shall be in the hands of an Executive Board to be composed of the President, Secretaries, Treasurer, Historian and Direc- tors, of which five shall constitute a quorum. This board shall hold quarterly meetings, and may be convened at the call of the President or any two of its members. ARTICLE V. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The officers shall be elected by ballot at the an- nual meeting of the Society which shall be held on the second Thursday of May ; public notice thereof shall be given five days previously ; seven members shall constitute a quorum. Other meetings may be deter- mined by the Society. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board, or at the request of five members of the Society, addressed to the President or Recording Secretary. ^ ARTICLE VI. DUTY OF PRESIDENT. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Society, and of the Executive I T Board ; also to approve with signature all current bills and orders before payment by the Treasurer. In his absence his duties shall be performed by the senior Vice-President present or by a chairman elected pro- tem. ARTICLE Vll. DUTY OF RECORDING SECRETARY. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of all the transactions of the Society and of the Executive Board and make a full report thereof. ARTICLE VIII. DUTY OF CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. The Corresponding Secretary shall write all com- munications of general correspondence and such other clerical duty as may not be specified for the Recording Secretary. ARTICLE IX. DUTY OF TREASURER. The Treasurer shall receive all money belonging to the Society, collect the annual dues and pay all de- mands which may be authorized by the Executive Board, and also bills for current expenses approved by the signature of the President. 12 ARTICLE X. HISTORIAN. The duty of the Historian shall be to make a record of such passing local events as are likely in the future to be valuable or interesting history, collect his- torical items and pictures, and photographs of historic places in town, arranging, classifying and preserving them in scrapbooks, envelopes or in such other way as to make them convenient for reference. ARTICLE XL DEPOSITORY. All books, manuscripts, pictures and works of art, all relics and other objects of antiquarian and historical interest received by this Society, shall be received and held by it upon this trust, that in the event of its mem- bership being reduced to five, or in event of its dissolu- tion, such of its personal property as above described shall in either of said events, become the property of the town of Marblehead, to be preserved in its Public Library or other suitable building ; however if said town shall not accept said property, this Society may for pur- pose of dissolution, by vote of three-fourths of its mem- bers assign and convey said property to some other Historical Society in Marblehead or within the state of 13 Massachusetts by which said property may be preserved for the benefit of the public. And provided further that the President by the authorization of the Executive Committee may exchange or sell any duplicate copies of books, maps, pictures or other articles that may come into their possession, and any personal property not appropri- ate to its library or cabinet. ARTICLE XII. AMENDMENTS. At any annual meeting of the members, of this So- ciety, or at a special meeting called for the purpose these By-laws, excepting Article XI which may not be altered? may be amended, altered or repealed by a vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of said proposed action shall have been given in the call for the meeting. By signing the full name below, detaching this slip and handing or maiHng it with the annual membership fee ( fifty cents ) to the President, Secretary or Treas- urer, one who is eligible l)ecomes a member of the His- torical Society of Marblehead. I hereby assent to the conditions and requirements of the foregoing Preamble and By-Laws. 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