OFFICIAL REGISTER MISSOURI TROOPS 18 6 2. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. STATK OF MISSOURI, ST. LODIS, IsT JANUARY, 1868. ;C OFFICIAL REGISTER VJ3 ISSOUUI TEOOPS 18 6 2. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. Adjutant General's Office, State of Missoitri, St. Lomg, 1st Jan., 1863. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by Capt. ALEXANDER LOWBY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Blissouri. »5 MEMORANDA. The Officers whose names are borne on this Register are those who hare been commissioned by His Excellency Governor Gamble to 31st December, 1862, and tlierefore the only ones duly recognized. Line Officers on detached service, and those detailed on Regimental Staff duties, so far as known at Head-Quarters, are so noted at the foot of their respective Companies. Particular effort lias been made to get the names correct, though owing to irregularity and obscurity in communications, rolls, &c., this has been found in some cases very difficult. The vacancies in the consecutive numbers of the Regiments are caused by those which liave been mustered out of the service, or which have failed to be organized. Since the Register has been put to press, the 14th Regiment has been transferred, by order of the War Department, to the State of Illinois. See Appendix for various information. His Excellency H. R. GAMBLE, Commander-in-Chief. GOVERNOR'S STAFF. {Appointed under Gen. Order No. 96, War Department, Series 1861.) Colonel William D. Wood, A. D. C. and Acting Adjutant General. " Alton R. Easton, Inspector General. " E. Anson Moore, Quartermaster General. " Franklin D. Callender, Chief of Ordnance. " Hamilton Gamble, A. D. C. and Ass't Inspector Gen'l. Captain Alexander Lowry, 21th Inf'y Mo. Vols., A. A. A. General. HONORARY STAFF. Colonel John T. Hodgen, Surgeon General. " C. P. E. Johnson, Paymaster General. '' James 0. Broadhead, Judge Advocate General. " William T. Mason, A. D. C. " George D. Pride, do. Michael P. Small, do. Cyrus B. Bcrnham, do. Thomas T. Gaxtt, do. Daniel G. Taylor, do. W. S. Mosely, do. John Flourno^, do. Austin A. King, do. James H. Birch, do. Major Melville Sawyer, Corner for Adjustment of Military Claims. GENERALS IN COMMAND MISSOURI STATE MILITIA IN UNITED STATES SERVICE. Maj. Gen. S. R. Curtis, Commanding. Brig. Gen. John M. Schofield. " « Ben. Loan. '* " Jas. Totten. '' " Egbert B. Brown. PREFACE. In issuing the present Register, it is thought expedient to make some remarks with reference to what is necessary in the ofEcial organization and direction of Troops. In raising an Army from the masses of citizens, inexperience and impatience of restraint arc the cause of much embarrass- ment. The duty of the State is to see that its Soldiers are not only sent into the field properly provided and equipped, but that strict military rules are observed in the formation of the corps. This is as essential to an effective force as to the interest of every individual composing it. To obtain a proper organization, it is important that Officers should realize their duty in respect to the required routine. In this duty they are aided by "regulations" founded upon experience, and the sphere of each Sol- dier is so, simple and practical, as to make what may be thought an unnecessary and tedious formality, a requisite and agreeable official discipline. In the Appendix to this work will be found Lists of the Rolls, Returns and Reports required to be made by various Officials. The existing offi- cial "regulations" being made with a view to the regular United States Army, experience has shown the necessity of other formalities adapted to the service of the Volunteers. Among the papers which should be fur- nished regularly to the Adjutant General of the State, the following are the principal : 1. Regimental Monthly Returns. 2. Certificates of Decease, and Inventories of Effects of Officers. 3. Certificates of Decease and Inventories of Effects of Non-commis- sioned Officers and Privates. 4. Lists of Casualties. Recruiting Officers should be particular that the enlistment papor of every man be made in triplicate and signed by each, and by a Surgeon uf VI PREFACE. I the service after examination of the recruit. In recruiting new com- panies, a copy of the enlistment papers should be forwarded with the Muster Roll to the Adjutant General of the State, who, after examination of the same, will certify to the roll before the muster of the company into service of the United States. The enlistment papers are retained and filed with the copy of the Muster Roll when returned from the mus- tering OiScer. The Governors of the States being invested with the appointing power in Volunteers, no person is properly an Officer unless duly commissioned by the Governor, and the Paymaster may refuse payment to any Officer not so commissioned. Whenever, therefore, it is desired to fill vacancies, recommendations should be immediately made by the Commanders of Corps to the Governor, through the Brigade Division and Departmental Commanders; upon receipt of which commissions will issue, unless with- held, for some proper reason, by his EscGlIcncy. Officers on receipt of their commissions should aciiriowbdge the same to the Adjutant General of State. The observations in regard to appointments in Volunteers apply to the Field and Staff of the Militia. Vacancies in the Line are filled by elec- tion, and certificates of election should be forwarded immediately there- after, in order that the Officers may be commissioned. Great care should be taken in all cases concerning names, which should be clearly and correctly written, the christian name being given in full, and the initial of the middle name, if any. Such is the irregularity in this matter that it is almost impossible to obtain the correct names of those engaged in the service. Many cases will arise in the future with regard to pensions, bounties, legacies, &c., when the question of the correct name of an Officer or Soldier may involve his interests or those of his heirs. In the certificates of decease, not only the time and place must be given, but whether killed in action, died from wounds received in action, or of disease, and the certificate should be forwarded without delay. Aa soon after every action as possible, a correct list of the killed, wounded and missing of each Corps should be forwarded to the Adjutant General, so that they may be recorded and answers given to the proper inquiries of those interested. PREFACE. Vll It not unfrequently occurs that Officers are reported upon the Monthly Returns, month after month, as " absent without leave." Commanders of Corps should notify the Departmental Commander, at once, of such absentees, with proper remarks concerning them, so that they may be ordered back to duty, or mustered out of service. In all communications to the Adjutant General, Officers should give the name of the nearest Post Office to their Camp, so that replies may be made direct to them, and thus avoid the delay occasioned by addressing them through the Head-Quarters of the Department in which they are engaged. It would also be extremely useful to receive semi-monthly advice as to the station of each Corps. ^lany other points might be here referred to; the object, however, in these remarks is to suggest the most important, and to impress upon Offi- cers the necessity of their performance of official details. The office of the Adjutant General of the State being that from which emanates the administration of its Troops, subject to the action of the National Legislature and the orders of the Secretary of War, it is, or should become, the depository of its military archives. The desire of the Commander-in-Chief is to render it efficient for the protection of the in- terest of the Soldier as well as to encourage his promotion. With this view every Officer should give to it his respectful consideration, in doing which he will promote harmony, order, and that just esprit de corp$ so essential to an effective Army. INDEX. A Al.boy, Daniel Gl A'iams. Ja.'^oa M 8 Ailaiiis, U'm 8 A.lnuis. James 2y A.lims, Uobt .) 41 Ad:ims, Cha». E 73 Adams, Jas. A 93 Ailani, Andrew 45 Adreon. Stephen 21 Airolder, Jacol) 13 Affleck, Albert 31) Agnew, James C 11 Agnew, Jno. 1 11 Ahlefeld, John 40 Ainsworth, Sydney W 33 Aken, Wui. S 2t! Akard, Jame3 J 91 Ahiistedt, Henry 4 Al<'an, Eugene 27 Allen, Danl 11 50 Allen, Chas. C 60 Allen, Edw'd E fl5 Allen, Abraham 81 Alexander, J. M 41 Allison, \Vm. A I(i2 Albreeht, Chas 1)3 Albin, Wm.M 83 Ainc), George I'o Andel, Casiniir 3) Bernhard 13 Aii'lel, Christian 40 An lirrson, I'hilip 70 An Iltsoii, Kob't D 17 Anderson, John 1' 17 Appling, John V 19 Applebv. Sam'l (J 20 Appligite, EdwinM 38 Armstrong, JSob't 2 Armstrong, J. JI 9 Arthur, W'm 2 Arndt, U'opold 23 Arp, Ernst 40 Arnold, Anthony 97 Argo, \Vm 82 Asiiiussfon, Chas. H 13 Astb^y , Thomas lii Askin, Kobt M 67 Astrom, George 33 Atwater, J. B 2 Ault, John S 7 Ault, Jacob K 48 Aulbaoh, \Vm 23 Avery, (ieorge 8 12 Avi-y, Francis M 100 B Backof, Frank 3 Hangs. U'ni. C O.S Btit/:, \Vm 4 Bartholin. \Vm. 1' 4 Bnird, .lohn 7 Bnird, Jolui 91 Bnnw>f, Charles 7 Baibv , \Y. W 7 Bniley, G. \V 29 Bailey, John 11 ;« Bail, y , David ;j-l Baili-v, Lewis C 02 Bailey, Thos. W 74 U Hay ley, T. L 68 Harbour, Lewis 8 Barr, \Vm 9 Harr, Adam 18 Baldwin, Elias B 19 Ballou, Danl W 21 Barton, Chas. 11 22 Haeon. Jerome II 27 Bauer, Michael 27 Bauer, George A 43 Baker, George \V 34 Baker, Leauder II o3 Baker, Jacob S C9 j Baker, James 88 Bay nc, \Vm. F 35 Bayne, George G 55 Halridge, Sam'l C 37 Bail, Abner B 37 Barnum, W'm. L 38 Hadenhamer, \V. F 53 BaJenliamer, Win 20 Harris, Sampson I'. 53 Hader, Herman 61 Harlow, U'm. II 65 Hallinger, John 78 Bartlett, A. T 81 Bartlett, S. A. C 1)5 Ballew, Squire 81 Ballew; \Vm. B 82 Barbee, llcnrv I* 87 Hassett, CO." 87 Haubie, AT 87 Ball, James F lol Bennett, Henry K 9 Bennett, Washington S5 Bennett, Ziba 79 Bedford, Elias S 33 Benjamin, John F 79 Beard, Henry W 63 Benda, I'aul. . ; . 13 Benteen, F. W 21 Heck, Arnold 23 Beck, Kobt B 63 Bechtel, Wni 40 Bergan, Louis 43 Bergfeld, A. L 48 Best, Joseph G 50 Berglioir, John T 55 Berry, James T 58 Bemis, Cy I us C 69 Berg. George 00 Beckett, Henry C. 65 Besicr, John C 74 Becker, Frederick W 89 Heggs, James (J 93 Bedwell, Sam'l G i)7 Hentz, August 99 Herger, Chas. Fredk 99 Bishop, Edward H 5.I Birch, Wni (;6 Birch , M ilton 102 Birch, Danl M 87 Bissell. .losiah W 73 HLitII, Jo-iah H 73 Biehle, Charles 76 Hixby. W'ni H 86 Bingham, Frank M 41, Tiics, I! 85 Blakeny, Geo. U' 11 INDEX . Black, Thos. G 11 BIoolI, James H 29 Blood, John A 29 Blaud, Kich'd D 29 Bland, Chas. C 67 Blew, Jacob 37 Blackburn, E. K 50 Bluthardt, T.J 51 Blake, \\m. M 69 Blucker, Frank 76 Blair, \Vm. D 83 Blain, James A 95 Boatwright, ^Y. W 3S Boedicker, Louis 5 ! Boerner, Edmund 27 Bouttsher, August 45 Boiler, Chas 93 Boomer, Geo. B 57 j Bouham, D. , Jr 83 Bonnel, M. C 59 Boyd, Hugh 20 BoVd, Samuel 33 Bo'vd, John M. Jr., 35 Boyd, W'm. S 41 Bovd, Sempronius H 53 Boyd, Elias 64 Eoum, A. U 36 Bourne, J. W 32 Bo\ven, Ephraim D 84 Bowen, Wni. D 21 Eowyer, Eli 37 Boutell,Ira 29 Box, Richard M 90 Bond, B. N 59 Booth, Jas. C 76 Branchy, Frederick 64 Brotzuian, Edw'd 2 Briimner, John F 3 Bradway, George D 11 Breevort, Ilenry 14 Breese, Sidney A 15 Brcdett, Eliphalot 17 Brunner, James F 17 Browner, Milton II 17 Bruns, Henry G 22 Bragg, Frederick A 29 Bragg, \Vm 54 Brooks, Porter J 73 Brown, Xrolius 33 Brown, Kich'd H 52 Brown, George W 51 Brown, George W 57 Brown, Charles F 67 Brown, D. W. C 57 Brown, James H 83 Brown, Henry B 99 Broeuiser, J. G 76 Brookings, C. H 87 Brightmare, S. B 41 Brengartner, John 44 Bruno, Chas. 46 Brev, Julius 55 Bra'dshaw, Rob't C 55 Brvan, John L 57 Bryan, W. D 83 Brings. Augustus 65 Brandel, ifenry 68 Brother, Ferdinand 91 Brooks, Joseph W 70 Brower, James B 71 Bras, Frank 73 Brackett, Gustavus B 74 Bradley, Jas. W 95 Bradley, Hugh M , . . . 96 Bi-ackman, Albert 93 Brouer, Wm. M 97 Brasher, John 100 Breeden, Martin 102 Bremen, Kenton F 47 Brewer, Jas. A 51 Burnett, James H 8 Burrows, Amos S 8 Buckheim, John 14 Burns, \V^m. S 14 Burns, Jasper 16 Burris, David S 20 Burris, Wm. W 76 Burris, Milton 78 Busing, Henry 24 Buck, Kob"t H 30 Burrett, John W 32 Buchanan, Rob't G 32 Buchanan, Alex. S 35 Burke, Patrick E 41 Burke, Edmund 62 Bugg, Jacob 43 Buorki, John 44 Buzard. Benj. F 55 Bundy, Martin P 61 3urkhard, Christian 61 Burgess, Jackson W 66 Butler, J. 67 Butler, A. H 72 Burnett, Stephen J 69 Buskirk, Wm 79 Buckley, Lutzen 79 Bunner, Lafayette 17 Bywater, M. H 12 Byron, Griffith 79 1 Byrne, Charles C 75 C Calvin, Gilliam 82 Call, James 11 Call.ihan, Charles 1 Callender, Byron M 2 Camp, N. J 51 Campion, Rufus 7 Campbell, Andrew K 41 Campbell, Alex. J 69 Campbell, Daniel 87 Campbell, Henry C 95 Campbell, John T 67 Cambcrn, S. M 18 Carrillon, Charles 64 Carrick, Ilobert 11 Carroll, Barnard A 23 Carter, Cliaa. M 38 Carr, Daniel D 69 Carkner, Stuiirt 70 Carson, Wm 79 Carelton, James S 89 Carmach, Jos. ^Y 16 Cargall, James 41 Cain, David 22 Cavender, John S 61 Cave, Marion 52 Catherwood, E. C 87 Casey, Edwin A 59 C.astello, Edw'd J 31 Castle, AugustusB P3 Cameron, Robert 26 Cannon, Wm. S 83 Cannett, Wm. B 74 Cell, Joseph 80 Chase, John G 8 Chambers, AVm . R 15 Chandler, John L 17 Childress, Geo. L 19 Chanfrau, Henry W 31 Christ, W'm 45 Child, JacobT 71 Christy, Ambrose D 78 Christian, Allen H 89 Charveaux, Ferdinand 97 INDEX. XI Chittwood. Wm. T 92 Chittsvood, Uich'dC S>2 Cinaiill,A. P 31 I Cloude, John 23 , ClilVoi'd, James 7 | Clawges, J. F. \V 87 Clapp, Frederick B 33 Clark, Jonas J 5'.* Clark, Nathaniel C 67 Clark, Stephen S 81 Cleland, W. W 37 Cliutou, Charles 7 Clopper, John Y 9 Clumpett, John 59 Clouts, Geo. L 67 Colvin, Don Alfonso 85 Cole, Nathaniel A 02 Cole Nelson 1 Collins, John E 91 Collins, limothv (H Collins, William B 31 Coleman, John P 03 Coleman, David C 33 Coleman, B.J 56 Colbv, J. C. S 53 CoUev. David T. J 101 Collins, Jo.-eph R 67 Combs, Chas. II 17 Comstock, Jas P 49 Coaant, John II 2 Conner, Thomas 19 Concklin, Ensif^n 41 Conrad, Joseph 43 Conway, Edwin J 47 Concklin, Alvah R 83 Coudrey, John N 9 Coughlan, John W 86 Cochran, Henry 69 Coffee, John B 19 Coffee, James II 31 Coddington, James D 47 Cornyn, F. M 21 Cornell, James 56 Coram, Jessie 98 Cooper, Uoward A 25 Cook, Isaac 87 Cook, Henry N 93 Cosgrovc, John 91 Cooperthwaite, J. W 37 Cox, John II. 49 Cox, Sam'l P 7" Coy, Lucien W 73 Crane, George ^V SS Crane. John a 89 Craiior, Henry M 71 Cranor, Wni 83 Crandall, Theron \Y 85 Crandall, Watson E 52 Crawford, James II 89 Crai;;, James P 7 Craft, .Samuel W 35 Cramer, .lohn F 45 Crittenden, Thos. T 89 Crei'k, John 77 Crockett, Wm U 16 Crot kett, Uobt 81 Crouch, Ja.s. E 77 Crowell, Itobt. C 57 Crowe, John F 67 Cross, John Idl Cros.-', William J 71 Cruikshank, N. 1 8 Cudworth, D. A 47 Cutler, (ieo. W 2 Cutter, Ebcn F 26 Cunningham, J. .S 74 Cundiff, W. U. U 87 Cullimore, John 7 Cuip, lienj. P 12 Cuiry , Amos P 21 Curry, Andrew W 54 Curtis, Chas. 71 D Dalhncver, Ferd 39 Davis, Wm 7 Davis, Alvinll 42 Davis, Joe 67 Davis, G. M 50 Davis, Lewellyn 77 Davis, Ephraim 83 Davis, Warren B 83 Davis, Hannibal B 84 David, M. H 71 Davidson, W. C. T 12 Davidson, Jas. K 35 Davidson, A. S 41 Dammert, It 13 Damdi, George 26 Darmstaetter, Lewis 46 Dairy mple, Charles 54 Dawson, \\'m 79 Dale, Douglas 83 Dale, Columbus 83 David, Daniel H 85 Darst, Abraham 89 Darby, T 55 Day, Wm. C 101 Day,E S 69 Day , Madison 101 De Grandale, Edwd 14 De Gress, Jacob C 15 De Wolf, Chas. \Y 17 De Groat, M 84 Demuth, Albert 19 Deghle, Charles 24 Demney Chas 39 Dedrick, Philip C 42 DeBolt,B. A 51 Delano, Wm. M 52 Deimling, F. C 35 Denny, Kobert B 57 Denny, Jas 53 Dennis, Jas. M 67 Dcan,B.D 57 Detto, John F. W 76 Densmorc, L. W 85 De Borde, Edwd 43 Dictz, II.F 43 Dill, Hamilton 56 Dinsbecr, John 75 Dietrich, John 76 Dietrich, Henry 70 Dickinson, Edwd 79 Dickinson, E. S 21 Dibble, Philer. K 93 Diiiniang, Jas. W (^i5 Dod.son, J.B 79 Dorsej', Wm. B 8 Dotson, James M 19 Downey, .lohn 26 Doyle, Mich.iel A 31 Dovie, Thomas 77 Dodge, Oliver II 47 Donellv, Edwd. .S 47 Donneil, J. M 84 Dolman, Peter K 4S Doerge, C. G 39 Doak, Thomafi I>2 Dover, Oscar 65 Doherty, Francis. I Dougherty, D (!. . . Doulrevilie, Felix. . . Doiiahne, .lohn ' Dow, llurlau P xu INDEX. Dowpr, W. R 8 Donahoo, ,Tas. E 94 Douj;l-iss, Ilcnrv 97 Don;- , Frederick S6 Drake, Jay J 32 Draper. Clias. L 69 Draper; D. M 93 Druinhiller, Vt'm 85 Duucker, Henry 4 Duniian, James 47 Duuliip, James T 51 Dunn, James 65 Dunn, John V 94 Dusolil, Andrew 72 Dubois, Lewis 79 Dundin, James 87 D« i!';ht, James F 14 Dysart, John 21 Dyer, George D 61 Dyer, Nicholas D 61 E Eirls, Henry 41 Easley , Geo. W 61 Easley, Thornton T 51 Eaten, Henry J 91 Edwards, James L 89 Elwards, James W 79 Edwards, Cyrus L 2 Edgar, W'm 6:^ Edgar, Wm 48 BJinger, Milton D 73 Eddlcmon,M. S 97 Eggleston, John Q 55 Elirler, Fx-ancis 23 Elilert, A 63 Elfin, Henry 6 Elwell, G. W 9 Elbert, Gustavus M 13 Elliot KM IS Elliot, Cvrenus 37 Ellis, I'iieman P 42 EUcgood, V,'m. T 51 Eldr.dge, Luther P 69 Engan, Charles 4 Engart, Sebastien 25 Engehnan, Anthony 39 Euo, Edward B 91 Enoch, Jno. W 85 Eppstein, Joseph A 99 Erdmm, Adolphus 43 Ernst, George 43 Estes, James S 82 Btter, Stokely 102 Everest, Abijah 47 Eveans, Simon S 55 Evaus, \Vm. H 65 F Faist, Charles 4 Farrew, Daul. J 15 Fallis, Kiehd. F 48 Faris, Joseph T 49 Farrar, Jas. S 63 Fanar, B. G 63 Farbrother, G. AY 85 Fant, Joseph L 68 Fcldkamp, Ferdinand 4 Felt, Goorge W 12 Feehan, Edmund L 21 Feldman, John 27 Feutschmann, George 27 Fanner, Wm. U 36 Fendick, Robt. P 63 Fernslein, Chas 63 Fessler, Jno ". 76 Ferguson, H. L 89 Fetzer, John 99 Fekete, D 99 Finlay, Chas 87 FindJev, John J 59 Fin'.ev", John T 37 Fiulav, Gerald M 35 Fisher, Wuldcmar 99 Fisher, Jolin A 51 Kischer, Robt 46 Fischer, August 45 Fischer, John 0. A 26 Fish,M. W 37 Fish, Stillman • • 3 Fish, Bcnj.E 75 Fielder, Saml. P 19 Finch, John A 71 Fitch, Horace 71 Fitch, James B 35 Fitch, G. W 41 Flagg, Saml. A 101 Flad, Henry 73 Flint, Amos L 33 Flint, Mortimer R 21 Flint, Thomas, Jr £ 9 Fletcher, Thomas C 65 Fletcher, Charles C 29 Fletcher, John W 63 Fleming, James E 35 Flentz, Wm 97 Fole}-, Bryan 59 Foust, Joseph 2 Foulkes, Joclyn S 13 Fonda, George 32 Forbes, William 36 Forman, Jacob G 25 Foster, Charles U 38 Foster, Amos P 63 Foster, Sam. A 71 Foster, Emory S 89 Foster, Robt. A 89 Foster, M. U 90 Foster, John R 92 Fonts, David 72 Fohnsbec, Wm. H 77 Frasse, Henry 85 Friedlin, George G 14 Franklin, Thomas 19 Fraser Morris 35 Freis, Joseph 45 French, Celestian M 63 Frecke, Adolph 60 Freeman, Franklin 80 Francis, Lyons S 81 Fnchs, F.'W 5 Fuller, Irving W 7 Fullerton, J. S 28 FucUe, Charles 23 Furber, Edwin E. 33 Fulton, George W 49 Fyan, Robt. W 53 G Gannon, Edwd 38 Gallup, Henry A 11 Gaffney, Lewis B 12 Garrison, Jas. H 20 Gage, Josephs 29 Garvens, Hermann 39 Galvin, Patrick G 80 Gates, Erastus 59 Garraghty, Edmund 61 (Jarner, J. M 47 Gavin, James M 84 Garth, Saml. A 93 G.uU, W. A 20 Georgii, Rudolph 13 Geiger, W. F 19 Gerster, Anton 60 Gentry, Henry Clay 79 German Henry 27 INDEX. Xlll Gimbart, Conrad 6 1 Gibson, Thos. B 20 j Gibson, Thoma-s M C9 Gibson, Levi A K'l Gibbs, \Vm. S 92 Gic.'-sler, Christopher 24 Gilchrist, Chas. A 35 Gilstrap, Jacob 80 Giseke, Hermann 55 Gifford. LeanJer C 07 Glcim, Harrison A 4 Glover,JohnM 11 Glover, Albert D 11 Glcescr, August 49 Glade, Julius 92 Glaze, Henry S 94 Goedde, Clemens 2 Golden, T.J 7 Gonsalus, John L f.2 Godfrey, H W 47 Goodrich, Solomon 74 Go 12 Hnz-ird, .lohn « 22 Hansfin, Hann l.'J Hanson, Ferdinand 14 Hayden, Thos F 22 Havcrkamp, Henry 'J.'{ Hawkins, Henry P 15 Iliiwkins, W'm 15 lliuser, Gottfried 24 Muckney, Uin. M 15 llarkney, Wesley A 15 IliiL'irard, Cleveland F '20 Hill, Albert K 21 Hi IS, Maximilian 'J5 Haman, W'ta. C 91 Hall, Samuel K 89 Hall, Jeremy 49 Hall, George II 83 Hamlin, George T 81 Ilaniiiiond, Orlando C 71 U;uknian, August 25 Ilaggan, I'cter 97 Ilandhausen, Kobt 27 Ilandhauscn, Julius 27 Harrington, T. L 29 Harrison, >iunroe 31 Ilairison, Andrew A 65 ll.iynes, Benj. F 31 llfilsoy, Isaac U 3-3 llappel, Christian 36 Ilathorn, John 38 Hartzell, Francis A 41 Hark, \Vm 44 H'lnirares, Wm. W lOl llankev, Edw'd 81 Hays, Jno. L 42 Hassendeuhel, Peter 46 Ha.-isendeubel, Frank 45 Hayman, Lutlier T 93 Ilandesty, Wm . L 77 Harvey. Daniel 04 Hartley, Henry B 99 Hahn, Wm. J 56 Hart, Pleasant A 53 Hart; Alex 34 Hardin, Jesse E 67 Hale, Edward 66 Harris, Wyatt 54 Harris, Marshall II 93 Harding, Chester Jr 55 Harding, Henry P 57 Hawlev, Jas. B 55 Haskeil, Thos. F 60 HanuTiel, Geo. W 97 Ilaunitzky , August 46 i He.scock, Henry 2 , Heinrich.s, Frederick 5 Heinrichs, Gustavus 13 Ilcn-ing, Geo. L 95 Henderson, J . D 65 Hendrick, John ^V 95 Hencke, Theodore W 13 Hesse, Ferdinand 14 Hess, Thos 96 Herder, John N 75 Heatherington, Ed. D 19 Heath, Wm. H 69 llcydiniann. Christian 24 Hequcmbourp, AViu. A 26 Henslee, Murline C 82 Ilen.seler, John .S 72 Hehnlc. I.<;opold 25 Henry, Geo. W 37 Henry, Benj. T 85 Henne, Robt 40 1 lemstreet, Wm 48 Heaton, Geo. N 89 Hill, Egbert 05 Hill, James C3 Hill, Wm 1 Hill, Jacob (' 33 1 Hill, Jerry N 42 j Hill, Ebon M 78 Hill, Henry 3. 86 ! Hill, Wm 78 I Hill, Wm 33 Hill, Joel (; 80 I Hicks, Wm N 7 i Higilnn, Wm. H 10 I Hindnian, D K 11 1 1 irk man, N 03 ' lliurich, Chas. F 22 XIV INDEX. Hibler, John P 62 Hirt, Win 27 Hiller, Hiram M 79 HiUer, Johu 79 Hild, Louis 28 Holtzinger, Newton M 57 Holman, John H 57 Hormaun, Theodor 39 Homey, Lconidas -. 35 Holmes, Saml. A 35 Hogan, John H 2 Hoffman, Joseph ■ 3 Hoffman. Wm 4 Hoiits, S. B 47 Houts, Tho8. W 89 Hoffmeister, Christian 23 Hoffstetter, Louis 6 Howard, Chas. Wm 5 Howard, R. A 10 Holsborne, Emile 5 Hoist, Frederick C. A 27 Hoist, George 45 Hoggshead, VVm 8 Hodges, Thos. N 8 Houston, Geo. M 9 Howe, Oscar P 13 Howlaud, Jas. T 11 HoiTgins, Roht. C 63 Hollistcr, W. P 30 Hollowav, George A 69 HoUingsworth, T. H 52 How, Jas. F 59 Hooper, David S 69 House, \Vm. T 68 Holland, Bcnj P 71 Hooker, Jas. W ,.. 73 Hooker, Horace B 74 Holliday, \Vm. J 80 Howell, \Vm 81 Horn, Ehsha 82 Holsiuger, Chas 82 Hopkins, Richd. R 63 Hopkins, Jos. H 85 Hopkins, Saml. W 95 Hopkins, John W 77 Hubbard, Robt. G 86 Hubbard, Elijah 9 Hubbard, H. D 87 Hubbard, Z. M 7 Hunt, Charles B 9 Hughes, R. B 9 Hughes, J. A 01 Hughes, Chas. H 75 Hughes, Andre IV J 75 Hughes, Eli 81 Hussick, Gustav 13 Huston, Jr., Daniel 17 Hurn, George R 79 Humphrey, Benj. T 18 Huckned, Fredk 95, Richd. M 80 Hutsh, Johu 19 Hunjcke, Julius 24 Hussman, George 27 Hudson, Daniel R 47 Hudson, John G 69 Hudson, HE 73 Hunter, Wm. T 98 Hunter, David 91 Hunter, Malcolm 92 Hyde, SerilP 72 Hvde, W. A 67 Hyatt, Emngham T 71 Hynes, Thomas 21 I niig, Gustav 13 Ingram, Richd. A 68 Indest. Joseph •••• 25 Irwin. L. E 80 I.senstein, George 43 Ivans, Robt 15 J Jacoby Lawrence 1 Jaensch, Frederick 65 Jameson, Alex. A. 33 Jamison, Jos. G 93 Jacobsou, Thorwald 35 Jacobson, A 69 Jahn, Ernst 43 Janes, Lester 67 Jackson, AVm 81 Jackson, Andrew 77 Jackson, Joseph H 81 Jarret, Devereux 20 Jacobs, Cornelius V 12 JeweU, Wm. S 29 Jewell, Isaac C 11 Jenkins, Jerome B. .... 15 Jennings, Ehsha M 22 Jennings Geo. \V 32 Johnson , MarshaU W 91 Jolinson, Charles 30 Johnson, Thomas W 15 Johnson, Wm 11 Jones, Isaac N 19 Jone.s, M'illiam 19 Jones, H. W 75 Jones, H. E 95 Jones, Wm. C 42 Johns, Abijah 95 Joslin, Milton E 29 Joslyn,J. J 7 Joel, Benjamin • 21 Joel, E. M 61 Judy,AlfredJ 31 Juste, Henry ,, 61 Juda,Wm."H 66 Julian, SteplienH 101 Junghauns, L. H 39 K Kaegi, John 46 Kaiser, John B 99 Karl, Manihus 23 Karcher, Jacob 39 Kasten, Charles L 39 Kauffmann, John 40 Kai-nasch, JuUus 71 Kaiser, John 39 Kehoe, Miles 7 Kouney , Patrick S 77 Kestermard, L. F 61 Kelluer, Charles 43 Keller, Edwai'd 43 Kcssler, Frederick 40 KendaU, Cvrus D 33 Kelly, Jerome T 22 Kelly, Geo. W 83 Kelly,Geo. W 101 Kessinger, ^^'m 78 Ketehesou Danl. 30 Keogh, James 3 Kelsev, E. P 10 Keller Robt. V 20 Kemper, Herman 14 Kemper, W. B 93 Kershaw, Wm . II 19 Keeling, David F 91 Kerr. Wm. C 99 Kerr, John T 83 Kelso, John R. 102 Kiesswetter, Geo 14 Kirkpatrick, James 11 Kirkpati-ick, John S 18 Kirby, Jesse C 16 INDEX. XV Kirhy, Dennis T 33 Kirchcr, lleury 40 Kinsey , Chiis. Jidwd 59 Kinsey, C. S 59 Kinter, David 79 Kinp, Walter 81 Kinjr, Austin A., Jr 81 Kid well, Wm 91 Kierinan, Statins 13 Kilp, Anton 6 Kiernan, Jas. L 15 Kirk, Matthew X 15 Kies, John CO Klaime, Nicholas B 22 Klostermann, Herman 25 Knickerbocker, W. H 9 Kni.-^pcl, Chas. P 14 Knowles, Albert 18 Knipper, Adolph 27 Knower, Charles 73 Knowlton, Henry H 70 Kcerner. Herman C 44 Koch, Charles 99 Koop, Louis 27 Krebs, John 44 Krebs, Huso 4 Krebs, Adolph 13 Kramer, Matthias 23 Kraiubaum, 1} 4 Krumsick, A 25 Kniutholf, l^wis 27 Kraus, Albert 39 Kraelie, John. . . .' 43 Krilis, John 72 Kreutcr, Fredk 75 Kunz, Kobert ■ 23 Kunth, Leopold 23 L Laux, Michael 4 Laml^ra'ber, C ■ . 6 Lan.lis, II. \V 9 Lan^en, Edwd 13 Lan^Kuth, George 45 LanL'atan, W. U 20 Lani;;an, Patrick 21 Laibold, liernard 23 Landfrill, Henry 23 Lailemann, Chas. 25 L.'in^c, Kobert 45 Lawrence, Asa A (!8 Lamb, John 31 Lamb, Joseph It 71 Lamb, David 72 Law, \N'm 79 Lacy, Alex. H 12 Laiiini;er, Peter 86 Laztar, B F 97 Lei-tiier, Cha.s 4 lA'iiiion, Jolin A 12 L NiiUols.U. \y 13 Nichols, F. C 55 Kichols, Nathan 52 Nii-11. Hugh 34 Niubuiir, Francis A !^l Noiviilc. Um. N 9 Norns, W.ll V 65 Noel, Chas. W 5() Norton, Amos 1"'2 Nudorf, J uUus 24 O O'Brien, EJraund 61 O'Connell, .lohn 2 O'Connor, Dennis 59 O't'onnLT. John 31 O'Donntli, M 37 OdcnbaugU, Lisbon 74 Ofcnstein, Adam 64 0„'lc, Henry 86 Oliver, \Vm. S 31 Oliver, Thos. H 32 Onionii, Danl. N 71 Organ, Jas. T 63 OKeillv, PS 31 O'Kcillv, Luke 70 O'SuUivan, T. D 31 Osgood, C. II 38 Ostcrhorn, W'm 66 Osborn, Byron E. , 77 Ostcnneyer, Peter 99 Overman, John M 88 Owen. Ferdinand 22 Owen, Chas. B 53 Owen. >lanly P 53 Owens, Wm" P 79 Owen?. Christopher C 91 Owens, W. L. J 96 Oyler, Jas. M 61 P Payne, John A 70 Payne, Oliver B 35 Pavnter, John 11 15 Pairis, Edward K 26 Patter.son, Nelson 34 Palmer, Geo. U 35 Park, Nicholas M 42 Pagin. II 47 Park'nheimer, F 48 Parkt-r. Prosper P 68 Parker, Danl 74 Parker, Arthur T 81 Parker, Wilson .S 83 Pat ton, .lames G 69 Patton. \V. G 73 Papc, Erich 97 Parke, Joseph 83 Page, John A 8^ Pa.xton, Ethan 92 Patert. John T 99 I'eak , .loseph 89 Peterson, Bowman II 61 Pcckliain. James 61 Pcckham Jnmcs lO Pcnbo-iy, Albert 1' 7 Perley, J. L 3-e» 70 Reed, Jtimes A 80 Reed,Tlioma» B 04 XVlll INDEX. Reed, .loseph M 99 Reeds, .lohu 51 9fi Rejnolds, Johu L 18 Reeder, Benj. A 92 Reeder, Kredk. W .-. 97 Reavis, J. B 72 Renner, Henry 97 Reiuiiiel. C. 'f 79 Rees, i;ichd 49 Rettbei-g, 11. 45 Rexinger, Sanil 43 Reincho, Wni 311 Reitz, Galles 43 Rhul, liobt. II 22 Rhomeborg, J. G 29 Rhoades, Thomas 62 Rhoades, Joshua 77 Richardson, Thos 49 Richardson, Henry 2 Richardson, Preston 91 Richardson, S. B 99 Richardson, J . M 101 Rinne, Wm 5 Riemann, George 5 Ritter, John F 7 Rich, Josephus G 19 Ripley, Lvniau B 69 Rice, John \V 22 Rice, Thomas M 58 Rice, Daniel 84 Rice, Iliram A 96 Riggs, Riley B 81 Richards J. H 85 Rickets, Joshua 73 Rick, Constance 27 Rick, Charles 27 Ridgely, E. A 37 Rowland, Edwd. S 2 Roeter, Arnold P 4 Roher, J. W 9 Rogers, Jabez B 10 Rogers, Wm. H 61 RogerSjJ.B 79 Rogers, Ja.a. F 18 Robberson, Jas. L 53 Robberson, E. T 19 Robinson, W. P 51 Robinson, AV. M 57 Robinson, John 10 Robinson, Wm 66 Robinson, Joseph K 83 Roeslin, Anthony 25 Robertson, J. ^Y 101 Roberts, Wm. 11 71 Roberts, Edwd. N 85 Roberts, Jas. M 95 Rolston, Isaac S 79 Rosenstein, D. W 75 Rowell, Geo. H 10 Rose, Gotleib C 13 Rose, Henry J 63 Rose, Henry 70 Rosenbaum, H. A 61 Rockwell, George 17 Roe, John 21 Rodenbruck, A 45 Romer, Francis 45 Rooks, Samuel 51 Roosa, Herman M 95 Robins, Alfred M 68 Rotter, Adol. Guido 23 Ross, Thomas B 93 Rush, Francis 29 Rush, Chas. W 96 Russell, Thomas 31 Russell, VC. A. J 35 Rumble, Thos. H 59 Ruge, Julius A 65 Ruge, Chas. E 66 Kuge, WuL 25 Rupp, John 76 Ryan, Michael 84 Ryal, Eichd. H 15 Ryan, Jas 67 S Sanders, Jno. W 62 Sanger, John 99 Sappington, M. D 37 Sarstedt, Chas 6 Sargent, W. B 68 Schaei'ff, Charles 5 Schaefer, Fred'k 23 Schaerff, Christian 5 Schadt, Otto 63 Scheurmann, W 75 Schenck, E. S 70 Schenck, John 45 Scheiner Fred'k E 25 Schmitt, Ph. U 24 Schmitz, Jos 55 Schirma, L 53 Schofield, Geo. W 1 Schoeckel, Charles , 24 Schooley , John U 32 Schroeder, M 43 Schuler, Gustavus 2 Schuster, Geo 25 Schuster, Adolphus 44 Schueller, Edward 46 Schusenen, Frank G 57 Schumle, Jacob 60 Schwarz, Otto 4 Schwartz, Adolph 6 Sch wendener, U. 44 Schramm, Louis 13 Schrader, Alex 76 Schlopp, N 85 Schnceweiss, Wm 25 Scott, A 71 Seaman, Wm. 51 Seawell, Thos. D 35 Seaton, J. H 49 Seay, Abraham J 67 Self, Jesse N 67 Sells, Louis 80 Selles, F. W 87 Selby, Wm. B 93 Sceman, Emil 4 Scrrer, A. M 19 Seymore. Geo. W 52 Shadel, Wm. H 54 Shannon, D. E 85 Shattuck, W. C 96 Sharp, Benj 93 Shaver, Wm. T 68 Shaw, Sam'lB 87 Sheppard, Hugh 19 Shepard, Isaac F 25 Shepard, Geo 58 Sheely, Wm. H 34 Shear, Jos 44 Sheldon, Chas. S 47 Shelton, Fred'k M 59 Shelton, Chas. S 73 Sherwood, Dan'l B 74 Shelby, J. H 88 Shibley, Sam'l 80 Shinn, Thos. J 87 Shinn, Geo. W 55 Shii'per, Jotin 13 Short, Wm. L 95 Shoot, J. H 83 ShurtliiTe,N 56 Shumate, Dan'l 78 INDEX. XIX Sideck,.T03 42 Sigel, Albert 9y Sikoinior, Frcdk 6 Singh', (bus. A C7 Sinji't'ton, .Ino. W 56 Simpliin.s \Vm. U. II 41 Simuis, W'm. U 51 Simpson, Sam"l 1* 65 Sissou, Isaac II 70 Skclton, Chas. W 84 Sluder, William A 68 Slocuui, Klias 90 Smart, Edwin 95 Smith, E. P 17 Smitli, Frank M 20 Smith, Henry 31 Smith, Oiles A 33 Smith. Josiah C 100 Smith, Clias. \V 41 Smith, lames 50 Smith, Thomas 59 Smith, Chas. W 63 Smith, Thos 69 Smith, Kob't G 74 Smith, .Ichu II 78 Smith, OS D 93 Smith, Thos. A. U 94 Snell. Chas. A 13 Solomon, Geo. A. M 91 Sont;!!?, IIi>nry 25 SpaUiTler, rfam"l 79 Sp innagel G '. 75 Spni;iue Jas. M 7 Spillman, T. .1 15 Spollmann, H P 17 Spin/,'!;, Chas 23 Sporkvl.T, Julius 27 Spi.-i;clhalter, J 39 Sprin;; J. C 86 Sprin;;er, II 85 Stall, Utnry V 88 Stani,'e, Gu.stav 5 Starr, Saml II 25 Stanton, Edwin 30 Starkweather, A. 1> 50 Stark. Um. H 54 Steinbert;, F. 40 Steissmoier Cha.s 25 Ste^'cmann, G 23 Sterenson, Jno. D 31 Stevenson, .lohn 35 Stevenson, Caleb S 67 StcfTens, Anthony 40 Sterling, AJonzo 34 Stewart, W. 8 88 Stewart, A. C 64 Stein, >1 S 77 St»phen.s, Robert lOl Stierlin, Chas 3 Stlerlin. Henrv 1 7 Stille, Joseph K 47 Stinson, II N 16 Stine, George 60 Stortz, lA!wi« 97 Stone. O H. P 66 Stone. Geo. II 1 Storkstill, Thos 16 Stoddard, Van I! 21 8to.|i|ard, E. II 67 StfMM'ker, Wni 24 Btoeklin, .1. .1 27 Stoekiiian, (!eo. H 29 BtolTel. .lii-'<. N 87 Stockton. I). 1) 91 Street .los. .M 93 Stranher, A 1 Struiiipf Win 24 Strong, J. "W 36 Strother, CD 65 gtuart, A. IJ S5 Stutts, Henry P 47 Sturniberj!;, .1 . II 61 Sullivan, .James 101 Sues.s, Ilenry 89 Suite, John S 91 Sumner, II. M 73 Sutter, .lohn .taeob 4 Suthuvlin, Philip 93 Swan, Austin 36 Swandcr, Kobt. M 65 Switzler, T. A 15 Switzer, Henry K 31 Swop, Franklin 83 Talliaferro, K. C. M 2 Talby, W'm. A 59 Tanurath, lienj 3 Tatum, Joseph T 9 Taylor, .lohn L 11 Taylor, Geo. A 42 Teed, Wm J 19 Tcel, Jas. E 78 Temple, Ja.s. S 29 Thayer, Albert L 72 Thayer, S. B 9 Thjitcher, DanU A 17 Thcry,Cha.s 39 Thomas, Thos 100 Thomas, S . A 51 Thomas, E. C 55 Thompson, Jos 55 Thompson, Chas. 11 73 Thompson, Ph. A 85 Thomp.-on, Jos D. M 86 Thurber, Chas. H 3 Tibbetts, Chas. C 89 Tiemeyer, Jno. A 3 Tilton", Calvin 71 TillitFon, L. ^6 Tinges, Peter 5 Tinker, .lo.seph 7 Todd, James S 52 ToUe, Geo. D 86 Tolman, Wm L 21 Toomer, Philip D 32 Tompkins, Log.'iu 50 Toppas, Jno. W 18 Townsley , Ili.-nrv 8 Tracer, John P.' 91 Tracy, Ale.x. F 49 Tracy, Chas. \Y 50 Tracy, Geo. II 70 Trammicht, Theo 23 Trader, Jno, W 77 Trevor, Wm S 9 Treese, Henry 21 Triplett. lienj. T H Troll, Henry 4 Troj lord, Chas. C 100 Trumbo, .lacob A 61 Truce, A. B 67 Turner, Nath. II 20 Turner, .'*ani'1 87 Turlev, Ja.s M 89 Twteddale, Wm 73 T\ler, H. F 60 Tyler, Jno. F 76 U Uhlenhuth, Julius 40 Uiriei, Uu.lolph 4 IJlrick Frederick 41 llndorwooil, S 22 UnKer, Franclfl 43 Urban, I) 4 XX INDEX. V Van Frank, Ph. R 97 Vanzant, Jno. B 85 A'anzant, J as. R 54 Vance, James M 17 Vance, Rob" t L. 30 Van Horn, Rob't T 65 Vail Beek, Geo. W &J Vanderpool, E 71 Vansickler, A. B 81 Vaughn, \V^m 63 Vaughn, Wm. R o.... tio VierheUer, Chas 34 Villar, B-nj. R 15 Voelkner, Louis Voerster, Hag 61 Vogcl , Edward 41 Von Ilelmrick, Uustav 13 Von .Sodon, Chas , 13 A'on Uurich, Max 14 Vou Daison, Delos 30 VouEaton, i". H 19 W Wade, Wm. H .• 10 Waigenneger, F 1 Wakefield, Edwin 31 Wakciien. Geo 80 Walker, Geo. S 29 Walker, .Jos 35 Walters, Alfred 83 Walters, .Jas. D 100 Waldsclmiidt, Wm 6 Waldren, .las. H 101 Wangelin, Hugo 39 Watson, S. Lee 9 Watson, L. T 101 Watterson, F. C 20 Warmoth, H. C 67 Warmoth, J . H 67 Waring, G. E. Jr 13 Wave, Addison Jr 34 Ware, Wm. E 59 Ware, E. A 34 AVarner,M. JI 37 Warren, J. H 85 Warren, 'os 57 Warrens, Chas. H 62 Weaver, Wm II 15 ■\VelHev, Martin 1 Welker, Frcd'k 2 Welker, Jno 57 Weller, Tlieo 45 A\'eber, A VV 25 Weber, A. .1 37 Weber, Geo. P 37 Weber, ohn 43 Weber, Jos 76 Weber. Geo. \Y 86 Webb,E.L 51 Wey demeyer, Jos 4 Weydemeycr, V\'m 4 AVerth, Louis G 74 AVerth, II. W 98 AVest, Eb 62 AVhitaker, P. S 84 White, Wm. B 36 AVhite, Wm 7 AVhitehead. Fred'k 31 AV hitcraft, S. .1 21 AVhitcomb, A D 73 AVhittemore, F. A 49 AVhilton, 'as 57 AVhitnev, M. G 61 AVhituev, I). V 83 AVhilan, Tho.9 31 AVhivler, Wm. L 57 AVilliams, Eli.sha S 7 WUliams, L. AV 29 Williams, M. H 21 AV'illiams, Jno C5 AVilliams, A. C 67 AVilliams, Stephen M 78 AVilliams, i no. F 93 AVilliamson, A 91 Wiko.K, F. M 11 Wilcox, T. M 12 VV ilcox, N. AV 74 Wilcox, Horace 22 Wilcox, AV^m. A 75 AVileox, Roland P lOl Wilber, Jno C Idl Wilson, Peter 101 Wilson, Jas. AV 37 AVilson, Wm 41 Wilson, Wm. A 57 AVilson, Chas. \V 62 Wilson, N. AV 68 Wilson, McLain 77 AVilson, Sam'l M 80 Wilson, Wm. D 82 AViLson, Thomas M 80 Wilson, Benj H 89 AVilson, D. A 91 AVilson, James 96 Wills, Robert 25 Wilheloie, F 4G Wilkins, Theodor 4 AVilkinson, Wm. T 63 AVilkerson, II 77 Wilkerson, A 95 Wimpf, Charles 6 Winegar, Eli 74 Wightman, Jas. M 17 AVitt, T. D 3 AVieser, Rudolph 14 AVier, E. W 37 Wiethaup, F L lOl AViddicombe, Robt S, 61 Wood, S M 15 Wood, Chas. C 74 AVood, W. N 79 AVood, P. AV 80 Wood, W. S 93 Woodruff, D. C 77 Woodson, R. G 95 AVoodworth, S. R 15 AVoodyard, H. M 49 Wolf, Frederick 25 Wolf, Wm 29 AVolfers, Henry 97 Woolfolk, Alex. M 77 AVorley, A 101 Wray, Edw'd 61 Wray, A J 84 ; Wright, Clark 15 AV right, S. B 54 j Wright, A. P 80 j Wright, Thos P 99 Wuhveber, 0. L 5 Wvatt, Benj. F 51 Wybark, L. C 97 Wyckoff, Geo. W 47 Wyckoff, John 77 Y A'ates, John AV 11 AToung, Nelson 11 Young, l.F 21 A'oung, Jno. T 53 A'oung, Jackson E 63 Yust, Chas 49 Z Zawadill, Wm -23 Zepp, John 4 Ziegler, Geo. S 63 Zimmcrmann, M 43 REGISTER OF THE MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS, For 1862. FIRST EEGIMENT ARTILLERY MO. VOLS. Date of Commiasioii. Name. Bank. To rank from FIELD AND 1 STAFF. 18G2- -Oct. 21 Warren L. Lothrop Colonel Oct. 21, 1862 1862- -Oct. 21 A. M. Powell Lieut. Colonel Oct. 21, 1862 1802- -Sept. ,20 George 11. Stone Major Feb. 19, 1862 1802- -Sept. 26 Nelson Cole Major Feb. 20, 1862 IBOfi- -Doc. 1.5 Thos. I. Maurice Major Nov. 21, 1862 1802- -Oct. 22 William Ilill rVacancy.^ (Vacancy.) COMPANY Surgeon Ass't Surgeon Chaplain A. Oct. 22 1862 1802- -Sept. ,26 George W. Schofiold Captain Sept. 1, 1862 1802- -Sept. , 26 Cbarles Callahan 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, 1802 1802- -Sept. ,26 ThomaH Mitchell (Vacancy.) (Vacancy.) COMPANY 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. 2d Lieut. B. Sept. 1802 1801- -Dec. 27 Martin Welfley Captain Aug. 13, 1861 1862- -Feb. 10 Lawrence Jacoby 1st Lieut. Dec. 24, 1801 1862- -Feb. 19 F. Waigenncger (Vacancy.) Ist Lieut. 2d Li.ut. Jan. o.> — '> 1802 1862- -Feb. 19 A. Straubcr 2d Lieut. Jan. 22 1802 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. FIRST REGIMENT ARTILLERY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY C. 1861— Dec. 27 Charles Mann Captain July 23, 18G1 1861— Dec. 27 Edward Brotzmann 1st Lieut. Sept. 15, 1801 18G2— July 15 Wendolin Meyer 1st Lieut. June 25, 1862 1862— July 15 Clemens Goedde 2d Lieut. June 25, 1862 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. COMPANY D. 1862 — Sept. 26 Henry Richardson Captain Sept. I, 1801 1862— Sept. 26 Byron M. Callender 1st Lieut. Jan. 1,1^62 1862— Sept. 26 George S. Nash 1st Lieut. April 6, 1862 1862— Sept. 26 G. W. Cutler* 2d Lieut. Sept. 1, 1^61 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. * Detailed as Regimental Adjutant. COMPANY E. 1862— Sept. 26 Joseph Foust Captain Feb. 20, 1862 (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. 1802— Sept. 26 Cyrus L." Edwards 1st Lieut. Sept. 1,1862 1862— Sept. 26 J. B. Atwater 2d Lieut. Sept. 15, 1861 1862— Sept. 26 Robert Armstrong 2d Lieut. Feb. 19, 1862 COMPANY F. 1862— Sept. 26 David Murphy Captain Jan, 1, 1862 1862— Sept. 26 John L. Matthai 1st Lieut. Sept. 1,1801 1802— Sept. 26 James S. Marr 1st Lieut. Sept. 2, 1861 1862— Sept. 26 William Arthur 2d Lieut. Sept. 14, 1861 1862— Nov. 17 Edward S. Rowland 2d Lieut. Nov. 17, 1862 COMPANY G. 1862— Sept. 26 Henry Hescock Captain Jan. 25, 1862 1802— Sept. 26 Richard C. M. Talliafero 1st Lieut. Sept. 4, 1861 1862— Sept. 26 Gustavus Schuler 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, 1862 1802- Sept. 26 John H. Hogan 2d Lieut. Jan. 28, 1862 1862— Sept. 10 Charles Maclay 2d Lieut. March 1, 1862 COMPANY H. 1802— Sept. 26 Frederick Welker Captain Sept. 1, 1861 1802- Sept. 26 John H. Conant 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, 1862 1862— Sept. 26 John O'Connell 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, 1862 (Vacancy.^ 2d Lieut. (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. FIRST REGIMENT ARTILLERY. Date of Commission. Name. Kank. To rank from COMPANY I. 1862— Oct. 1 Benjamin Faunrath Captain Sept. 1, 1SG2 ISiJl— Doc. 18 Charles II. Thui-ber 1st Lieut. Dec. 10, IbGl 1802— April 26 James Keogh 1st Lieut. Jan. 12, 1862 1862— April 3 T. C. Groshon 2d Lieut. April 3, 1862 1862— April 26 John F. Brumncr 2a Lieut. April 26, 1862 COMPANY K. (Vacancy.) Captain 1862— Sept. 26 Charles Green 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, 1861 (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. 1862— Sept. 26 T. D. Witt* 2(1 Lieut. Feb. 1, 1862 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. * Detailed as Regimental Quartcnnastcr. COMPANY L. 1862— Sept. 26 Frank Backof Captain July 25. 1862 1862— Sept. 26 Joseph Hoffman 1st Lieut. July 25, 1862 (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. 1862— Sept. 26 Charles Stierlin 2d Lieut. July 25, 1862 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. COMPANY M. 1862— Sept. 26 Stillman 0. Fish Captain Feb. 19, 1862 1862— Sept. 26 John A. Tiemcyer 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, 1861 1862— Sept. 26 John McMurray 1st Lieut. Sept. 3,1861 1862— Sept. 26 M. E. iMiller 2d Lieut. Sept. 4, 1861 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. SECOND REGIMENT ARTILLERY MO. VOLS. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AKD STAFF. 1861— Nov. 28 Ilenrv Almstedt Colonel Sept. 19, 1861 1861— Nov. 28 Joseph Weydemeyei* Lieut. Colonel Oct. 12, 1861 1861— Nov. 28 Theodor Wilkins Major Nov. 28, 1861 1862— Feb. 19 Dominick Urban Major Feb. 6, 1862 (Vacancy.) Major 1862— Jan. 7 Emil Seemann Surgeon Nov. 11, 1861 1862— Aug. 29 J. B. Pondron Ass't Surgeon Aug. 29, 1862 1862— Nov. 28 Hugo Krebs Chaplain Oct. 8, 1861 COMPANY A. 1862— June 5 Michael Laux Captain Sept. 12, 1861 1862— June 5 Charles Faist 1st Lieut. Sept. 12, 1861 1862— June 5 Henry Troll 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, 1862 1862— June 5 William Weydcmeyer 2d Lieut. Feb. 23, 1862 COMPANY B. 1862— Oct. 17 John Jacob Sutter Captain Aug. 25, 1862 (V'acancv.) 1st Lieut. 1862— July 7 Charles Lowenstein 2d Lieut. Feb. 23, 1862 COMPANY C. 1862— June 5 William Batz Captain Sept. 14, 1861 1862— Mar. 12 Harrison A. Gleim* 1st Lieut. Mar. 12, 1862 1862— Oct. 17 Julius Hackbarth 2d Lieut. Oct. 17, 1862 * Aide-de-camp to Brig. Gen. Merrill, E. M. M. COMPANY D. (Vacancy.) Captain Charles Engan 1st Lieut. May 31, 1862 William Hoflfman 1st Lieut. June 20, 1862 JohnZepp 2d Lieut. June 11, 1862 COMPANY E. Otto Schwarz Captain Oct. 17, 1862 Charles Leistner 1st Lieut. Sept. 27, 1861 Rudolph Ulrici 1st Lieut. Sept. 30, 1861 William P. Bartholin 2d Lieut. Oct. 17, 1862 COMPANY F. 1862— June 5 Henry Duncker Captain Oct. 5, 1861 1862— June 5 Arnold P. Roetter 1st Lieut. Oct. 5, 1861 1862— June 5 Bernhard Krainbaum 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, 1862 1862— June 5 Ferdinand Feldkamp 2d Lieut. Feb. 23, 1862 1862- -June 5 1862- -July 7 1862- -July 7 1862- -Oct. 17 1862- -June 5 1862- -Juno 5 1862- -Oct. 17 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. SECOND REGIMENT ARTILLERY. Bate of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY G. 18G2— June 5 18G2-June 5 1862— June 5 Frederick Sikcmier Louis Boedicker William Rinne Captain 1st Lieut. 1st Lieut. 18G2— Oct. 17 Charles Win. Howard 2d Lieut. COUl'AXY H. 1862— June 1862— June 1862— June 1862 — June Frederick Lohmann Henry Lohmann Emile Holzborno John Puir Captain 1st Lieut. 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. COMPANY I. 1862— June 5 Frederick W. Fuchs Captain 1862— Oct. 17 Charles SchaerfF 1st Lieut. 1862 — Oct. 17 Frederick Ileinrichs 1st Lieut. 1862 — Dec. G Charles Sarstedt 2d Lieut. COMPANY K. 1862— April 22 1862— June 5 1862— June 5 1862— April 25 1862— June 5 18G2— May 14 1862— Oct. 17 1 862- June 5 1862— June 5 1862— June 5 1862— June 20 1862— June 20 (Vacancy.) Louis Iloffstetter Charles Putz Christian Schaerff Captain 1st Lieut. 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. COMPANY L. George Riemann Captain William Waldschmidt 1st Lieut. (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. Rudolph Ilacselcr 2d Lieut. Otto L. Wuhveber 2d Lieut. COMPANY M. Gustav Stange Rudolph Poser Henry Elfin Van iJuren S. Reber Peter Tintces Captain 1st Lieut. 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. 2d Lieut. Sept. 27, 1861 Feb. 23, 1862 Feb. 23, 1862 Au^. 25, 1862 Oct. 3, 1861 Oct. 3, 1861 Feb. 23, 1862 Oct. 1, 1861 Oct. 4, 1861 Oct. 17, 1862 Oct. 17, 18G2 Dec. 6, 1862 April 22, 1862 Feb. 23, 1862 Feb. 23, 1862 Aug. 23, 1861 Aug. 25, 1861 Mav 14. 1862 Sept. 26, 1862 Aug. 16, 1861 Aug. 16, 1861 Sept. 1, 1861 Aug. 22, 1861 Feb. 23, 1862 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. INDEPENDENT BATTERIES. Date of Commission. Name. Bank. To rank from 1861— Dec. 27 Adolph Schwartz Captain Aug. 1. 1861 1861— Dec. 27 Louis Nispel 1st Lieut. Aug. 14, 1861 1861— Dec. 27 Conrad Gimbart 1st Lieut. Aug. 14, 1861 1861— Dec. 27 Joseph Hanger 2d Lieut. Aug. 20, 1861 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. {No returns from this Battery.) 1862— Sept. 20 C. Landgraeber Captain Sept. 20, 1862 1862— Sept. 20 Anton Kilp 1st Lieut. Sept. 20, 1862 1862— Oct. 24 Charles Wimpf 1st Lieut. Oct. 5, 1862 1862— Oct. 24 Louis Voelkner 2d Lieut. Oct. 5, 1862 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. FIRST REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Bank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 1862- -Juno 18 John F. Rittor Colonel Juno 18, 1862 1862- -Dec. 4 John T. Price Lieut. Colonel Nov. 3, 1862 1861- -Dec. 27 Z. M. Iliiblnird Major Sept. G, 1861 1861- -Dec. 27 Charles Banzof Major Sept. 6, 1861 1861- -Dec. 27 J. J. Joslyn Major Sept. 6, 1861 1862- -Oct. 20 Joseph Tinker IstLt. & Adj't. Oct. 29, 18G2 1802- -Oct. 29 T. J. Golden 1st Lt. & Q. M. Oct. 29, 18G2 1862- -Nov. 17 James P. Craig 1st Lieut. &Com. Nov. 10, 1862 1862- -Jan. 7 Joseph E. Lynch Surgeon Jan. 7, 1862 18G1- -Dec. 27 W. W. Bailey (Vacancy.) COMPANY Ass't Surgeon Chaplain A. Sept. G, 1861 1861- -Dec. 27 Henry I. Stiorlin Captain Aug. 1, 1861 1802- -July 26 Rufus Caiupiou* 1st Lieut. July 20, 1862 1862- -Feb. 19 John S. Ault 2d Lieut. Feb. 10, 18G2 * Detailed on duty on Staff of Brig. Gen. Brown. COJirANV B. 1861- -Dec. 27 Charles Clinton Captain Aug. 1, 1861 1861- -Dec. 27 Elisha S. Williams 1st Lieut. Au|. 5, 1861 1861- -Dec. 27 John Baird COMPANY 2d Lieut. C. Aug. 5, 1861 1 sol- -Dec. 27 Miles Kchoo Captain Sept. ,20,1861 ISO 1- -Doc. 27 William White 1st Lieut. Aug. 1,1861 1861- -Dec. 27 William N. Hicks COMPANY 2d Lieut. D. Aug. 1, 18G1 1861- -Doc. 27 Albert P. Pcabody Captain Aug. 1,1861 1.^62- -Mar. 13 James M. Sprague 1st Lieut. Mar. 13, 18G2 18G2- -Mar. 13 Alfred Gurnec COMPANY 2d Lieut. E. Mur. 13, 1862 1861- -Doc. 27 Irving W. Fuller Captain Aug. 1, 1861 1«(;2- -Sept .24 Richard A. Phelan* Ist Lieut. Sent, ,24, 18G2 1862- -Aug. 16 A. D. Mills 2d Lieut. July 14, 1802 ' Detailed at IIcad-Quartcrs Department of the Jlifltouri. COMPANY F. 1801- -Doc. 27 .TaTnos Clifford Captain Sopt, , 1, 1801 1862- —July 1 ^VilliaIn Davis Ist Lieut. Juno 7, 1802 1862- -Dec. 15 John Culliinoro 2d Lieut. Dec. 5, 1802 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. FIRST REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Kank. To rank from COMPANY G. 18G1— Dec. 27 Lewis Barbour Captain Aug. 1, 1861 1861 — Dec. 27 James II. Burnett 1st Lieut. Aug. 1, 1861 1861— Dec. 27 George W. Moore 2d Lieut. Aug. 1, 1861 COMPANY H. 1861— Dec. 27 Henry Townsley Captain Aug. 1,1861 1862— July 1 George Ilanna 1st Lieut. April 29, 1862 1862— July 1 William Hoggshead 2d Lieut. April 12, 1862 COMPANY I. 1862— Mar. 24 Jason M. Adams Captain Feb. 21, 1862 1862— Feb. 15 John G. Chase 1st Lieut. Feb. 15, 1862 1862— July 14 William R. Dower 2d Lieut. July 14, 1862 COMPANY K. 1861— Dec. 31 Nathaniel L. Cruikshank Captain Aug. 1,1861 1861— Dec. 31 Homer Quick 1st Lieut. Aug. 1, 1861 1862— Oct. 29 Thomas N. Hodges 2d Lieut. Oct. 29, 1862 COMPANY L. 1862— July 1 Amos S. Burrows Captain May 15, 1862 1862— July 1 William Adams 1st Lieut. May 30, 1862 1862— July 1 David L. Nelson 2d Lieut. May 15, 1862 COMPANY M. 1862— Sept. 13 Valentine Prenitt Captain Aug. 27, 1862 1861— Dec. 27 William B. Dorsey 1st Lieut. Aug. 1, 1861 1862— Oct. 29 Thomas Ralph 2d Lieut. Oct. 29, 1862 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. MERRILL HORSE. Date of CommisBion. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 18(31- -Doc. LS Lewis ]Men-ill Colonel Aug. 2.3, 1861 1SG2- -Nov. 17 Charles B. Hunt Lieut. Colonel Nov. 17, 1862 18G2- -Feb. 10 John Y. Clipper INlajor Feb. 1, 1862 18G2- -Nov. 17 Garrison Ilarker Major Nov. 17, 18G2 18G2- -Oct. 24 Joseph T. Tatum 2d Lt. & Adj't. July 17, 1862 18G2- -Nov. 17 George Merrill 1st Lt. & Q. M. Nov. 17, 1862 18G2- -Oct. 24 R. B. Ilu-hes 1st Lt. (te Com' ry July 17, 1862 18G2- -Nov. 15 S. B. Thayer Surgeon Nov. 10, 1862 18G1- -Dec. 18 W. H. Knickerbocker Ass't Surgeon Sept. , 1,1861 18G1- -Dec. 18 Robert W. Landis COMPANY Chaplain A. Dec. 11, 1861 1SG2- -Jalv 11 George M. Houston Captain July 15, 1862 18G2- -JulV 1 George F. Lovejoy 1st Lieut. July 1, 18G2 18G2- -Oct. 24 Andrew Phelps COMPANY 2d Lieut. B. Oct. 1, 1862 L^02- -June 30 William Barr Captain July 1, 1862 18G1- -Dec. 18 Henry K. Bennett 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, 18G1 18G2- -May 10 J. M. Armstrong COMPANY •2d Lieut. c. May 1, 1862 L%2- -Dec. 20 William S. Trevor Captain Nov. 15, 1862 18G2- -Dec. 20 A. A. Piper (Vacancy.) COMPANY 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. D. Nov. 16, 1862 18G2- -Oct. 24 C. W. McLain Captain Oct. 1, 1862 L8G2- -Oct. 24 John N. Coudrey 1st Lieut. Oct. 1, 1862 18G2- -July 1 J. ^V. Rober COMPANY 2d Lieut. E. July 1, 1862 18G2- -Nov. 17 William N. NorviUe Captain Nov. 17, 1862 18G2- -Nov. 17 S. Lee Watson 1st Lieut. Nov. 17, 1862 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. COMPANY F. 1861— Dec. 18 Theodore Pierson Captain Dec. 13, 18GI 18G1— Dec. 18 Elijah IIubb;ird 1st Lieut. Sept. 3, 1861 18G1— Dec. 18 G.W. Elwell 2d Lieut. Nov. 1,1861 10 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. MERRILL HORSE. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY G. 1862- 1862- 1862- -iSIaY -Oct. -Oct. 10 24 21 R. A. Howard James Peckham E. P. Kelscy COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. H. May Oct. Oct. . 1. 18G2 1, 1862 , 1, 1862 1861- 1862- 1862- -Dec. -May -May 18 10 10 Jabez B. Rogers George H. Rowell Jasper Gregory COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. I. Sept. ]\Iay May 9, 1861 1, 1862 1, 1862 1861- 1861- 1862- -Dec. -Doc. --July 18 18 1 James B. INIason John Rol)inson Lucien B. Potter COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. K. Sept. Dec. July 9, 1861 7, 1861 1, 1862 1861- 1862- -Dec. -Oct. 18 24 William II. Higdon William II. Wade (Vacancy.) Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. Sept. Oct. 6, 1861 1, 1862 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. 11 THIRD REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 1862— Sept. r 18G2- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- -Sept. -Sept. -Oct. -Oct. -Oct. -Sept. -Sept. 1862— Sept. 1862— Sept. 1862— Oct. 1862— Sept. 1862— S>-pt. 1862— Sept. 1861— Sept. 1862— Sept. 1862— Sept. 1862— Sept. lt<62— Sept. 1862— Dec. 1862— Sept. 1862— Sept. 1862— Oct. 1802— Sept. 1><|'.2— S.'pt. 1862— Sept. 29 Jolin M. Glover Colonel Sept 4, 1861 (Vacancy.) Lieut. Colonel Kol)ert Carrick Major Nov. 22 1801 Henry A. Gallup Major Dec. 3, 1861 (Vacancy.) Major William S. Grover Ist'Lt. & Adj't Sept. 27, 1862 James C. Agnew 1st Lt. & Q.'xM. Sept. 27, 1862 AVilliam Johnson 1st Lt. & Com'ry Sept. 27, 1862 Jolm L. Taylor Surgeon Sept 10, 1861 AVilliam W. Granger Ass't Surgeon Sept. 17, 1862 (Vacancy.) Chaplain COMPANY A. James T. Ilowland Captain Sept. 21, 1861 Benjamin T. Triplett 1st Lieut. Sept. 21, 1861 George \V. Blakeny 2d Lieut. Oct. 2'J, 1862 COMrANV B. Albert D. Glover Captain Sept. 21, 1861 John W. Yates 1st Lieut. Sept 21, 1861 John I. Agnew 2d Lieut. Sept 21, 1861 COMPANY C. Thomas G. Black Captain Oct. 1861 James Kirkpatrick 1st Lieut. Oct. 1861 Jumes (J. Miller 2d Lieut. Aug. o ■"J 1862 COMPANY D. John IT. Reed Captain Nov. 10, 1861 Isaac C Jinvell 1st Lieut. Nov. 16, 1861 D. K. Ilindman 2d Lieut. Dec. 16, 1862 COMPANY E. George D. Bradway Captain Oct. 29, 1801 Nelson Young Isl Lieut. Sept 1, i8i;2 Ucrbert Reed 2d Lieut. Sept. 1, 1862 COMPANY F. James Call Captain Dec. 1, 1801 Francis M. Wilcox 1st Lieut. Nov. 8, 1861 Albert F. Prickctt 2d Lieut. Dec. 1, 1861 12 MISSOURI YOLUNTEERS. THIRD REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY G. 1862— Sept. 17 Timothy M. Wilcox Captain Aug. 2, 1862 1862— Oct. 1 George W. Felt 1st Lieut. Aug. 3, 1862 1862— Oct. 29 M. H.Bywater 2d Lieut. Oct. 29,1862 COMPANY H. 1862— Sept. 17 George S. Avery Captain July 5,1862 1862— Oct. 1 W. C. T. Davidson 1st Lieut. Aug. 2, 1862 1862— Sept. 17 ^Yilliam P. Haines 2d Lieut. Aug. 2, 1862 COMPANY I. 18G2— Sept. 17 John A. Lennon Captain Feb. 5, 1862 1862— Oct. 21 Alexander H. Lacy 1st Lieut. Aug. 2, 1862 1862— Oct. 21 Cornelius V. Jacobs 2d Lieut. Aug. 2, 1862 COMPANY K. 1862— Sept. 17 Thomas J. Mitchell Captain Mar. 6, 1862 1862— Sept. 17 Louis B. Gaffnev 1st Lieut. Aug. 2, 1862 1862— Sept. 17 Benjamin F. Culp 2d Lieut. Mar. 6, 1862 COMPANY L. (Recruiting.) (Vacancy.) Captain (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. COMPANY M. {Recriiiting.) (Vacancy.) Captain (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. 13 FOURTH REGLMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AXD STAFF. -Mar. 31 G. E. Warins, Jr. -Nov. 10 Gustav Yon Ilolinrich -Oct. 27 Gustiivus M. Elbert -Nov. 6 B. C. Ludlow -Jan. 3 Gustavus Ilcinrichs -Nov. 19 Ilann Hanson -Oct. 28 Jocelyn S. Foulkcs -Nov. 20 Charles A. SncU -Mar. 21 Henry W. Nichols -Oct. 27 Jacob Affolder (Vacancy.) Colonel Lieut. Colonel Major IMajor Major Ist'Lt. & Adj't 1st Lt. & Q. M. Ist Lt. & Com'ry Sur;;eon Ass't Surgeon Chaplain COMPANY A. Jan . Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Oct. Nov. Ann;. Oct. 9, 18G2 4, 1862 22, 1862 14, 1862 1, 1861 19, 1862 4, 1862 20, 1862 16, 1861 21, 1862 1862— Nov. 7 OscarP. IIoAvo Captain Sept. 29, 1862 1862— Nov 20 R. Dammert 1st Lieut. Nov. 20, 1862 1862— Nov. 19 Bernhard Ambrust 2d Lieut. Nov. 20, 1862 COMPANY B. 1862— Jan. 3 1862— Jan. 3 1862— July 18 1862— Mar. 31 1862— Dec. 15 1862— Mar. 31 Ernest Pfaff John Shipper Paul Beuda Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. COMPANY C. Gottlieb C. Rose Gustav Hussick Charles Yon Sodon Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. Au^. 13, 1861 Aug. 2C), 1861 June 15, 1862 Jan. 1, 1862 Dec. 8, 1862 Jan. 9, 1862 COMPANY D. 3 Edward Langon Captain Aug. 13, 1861 4 Tlieodorc W. llenckc 1st Lieut. Sept. 19, 1862 18 Adolph Krebs 2d Lieut. June 15, 1862 COMPANY E. 1862— Dec. 15 Gustav Tllig Captain Dec. 7,1862 1862— Nov. 20 Charlrs Lutje 1st Lieut. Nov. 20, 1862 1862— Dec. 15 Statius Kierman 2d Lieut. Dec. 8, 1862 COMPANY F. 1862— April 19 Charles H. Assmusson Captain April 19, 1862 1862— Sept. 24 Louis Schramm 1st Lieut. Sept. 10, 1861 1802— Sept. 24 Rudolph Goorgu 2d Lieut. Sept. 10, 1802 2 14 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. FOURTH REGIMENT CAVALRY. Sate of Commission. Name. Kan&. To rank from COMPANY G. 18G2— Nov. 20 Christian Luther Captain Nov. 20, 18G2 1862— :\Iar. 31 Henry Brevoort 1st Lieut. Jan. 9, 1862 1862— Nov. 20 John Buckheim 2d Lieut. Nov. 20, 18G2 COMPANY H. 1862— Oct. 24 Ferdinand Hanson Captain Sept. 19, 1862 1862— April 28 Max Von Unrich 1st Lieut. April 15, 1862 1862— Nov. 20 Ferdinand Hesse 2d Lieut. Nov. 20, 1862 COMPANY I. 1862— Nov. 20 William S. Burns Captain Oct. 14, 1862 1862— Nov. 20 William M. R. Grebe 1st Lieut. Nov. 20, 1862 1862— Mar. 31 Edward Do Grandale 2d Lieut. Feb. 21, 1862 COMPANY K. 1862— Dee. 15 Herman Kemper Captain Dec. 7, 1862 1832 — Nov. 20 George Kiessewetter 1st Lieut. Nov. 20, 1862 1862— Nov. 20 Charles Lohman 2d Lieut. Nov. 20, 1862 COMPANY L. 1862— Nov. 6 James F. Dwight* Captain Feb. 21, 1862 1862— Oct. 9 George G. Friedlin 1st Lieut. Oct. 9, 1862 1862— Nov. 20 Frederick Graeslo 2d Lieut. Nov. 20, 1862 * Detailed as Ass't Provost Marshal General, St. Louis. COMI'ANY M. 1862— Oct. 26 Charles P. Knispel Captain Oct. 26, 1862 1862— Nov. 20 C. H. L. Groffman 1st Lieut. Nov. 20, 1862 1862— Dec. 15 Rudolph Wieser 2d Lieut. Dec. 9, 1862 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. SIXTH REGIMENT CAVALRY, 15 Date of CommisEion. Name. Sank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 1862— July 1 Clark Wright Colonel Feb. 14, 1862 1802— Sept. 15 T. A. Switzler Lieut. Colonel Aug. 13, 1802 1862— Aug. 8 Henry P. Hawkins Major Feb. 14, 1862 1862— July 1 Samuel Montgomery (Vacancy.) (Vacancy.^ (Vacancy.) Major Major Adjutant Feb. 14, 1862 Quartermaster 1862— Oct. 17 Jerome B. .Jenkins 1st Lt. & Com'ry July 20, 1802 1862— Mar. U James L. Kiernan Surgeon Mar. 1. 1862 1862— Dec. 29 Thos. W. Johnson (Vacancy.) Ass't Surgeon Chaplain Dec. 29; 1862 1862— Aug. 8 Sydney A. Brecso Captain Jan. 0, 1862 1862— Aug. 8 Daniel J. Farren 1st Lieut. May 1, 1802 1862— Aug. 8 Robert Ivans 2d Lieut. May 1, 1802 1862— Aug. 8 William M. Hackney Captain Dec. --'J 1861 1862— Aug. 8 James A. Melton 1st Lieut. Dec. 8, 1861 1862— Aug. 8 Stephen M. Wood 2d Lieut. Dec. 22 1861 1862— Dec. G Edward M. Morris Captain Nov. 26, 1802 1862— Aug. 8 Charles G. Martin 1st Lieut. Feb. 15, 1862 1862— Aug. 8 AVilliam Hawkins 2d Lieut. Feb. 15, 1802 1862— April 18 Thomas .T. Spillman Captain Mar. 1. 1802 1862— Dec. 6 Hurhurt H.liattakin 1st Lieut. Nov. 27; 1802 1862— Dec. 6 Stephen 11. Woodworth 2d Lieut. Nov. 28, 1802 1862 July 29 .Jacob C. De Gress Captain Feb. 15, 1802 1^62- Dec. 6 ^Veslev A. Hackney 1st Lieut. Nov. 26, 1802 1862— Dec. 6 Richard H. Ryal 2d Lieut. Nov. 27, 1862 1862— Dec. 24 Frederick A. Millert Captain Sept .21, .1862 1862— Dec. 24 William H. Woavcr 1st Lieut. Sept .21, , 1802 1862— Nov. 5 Benjamin R. Villar 2d Lieut. Sept .21, , 1802 1862— Oct. 17 John H. P;ivntld Major Nov. 29, 1862 1862— Sept. 20 Frederick Whitehead Ist'Lt. & Adj't June 1, 1861 1802— Sept. 29 John F. Neville 1st Lt. & Q. M. June 1, 1861 1862— Sept. 29 E. M. Powers Surgeon June 1, 1861 1862— Dec. 4 P. S. O'Reilly Ass't Surgeon Dec 4, 1862 (Vacancy.) Ass't Surgeon (Vacancy.) Chaplain COMPANY A. 1862— Sept. 29 Henry R. Switzer Captain Mar. 1,1802 1862— Oct. 22 John U'Conner 1st Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 1802— Oct. 22 John Lamb 2d Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 COMPANY C. 1862— Oct. 22 James H. CofiFee Captain Oct. 20, 1862 1862— Oct. 22 Thomas Whelan 1st Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 1862— Oct. 22 Robert Porter 2d Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 COMPANY C. 1862— Sept. 29 Monroe Harrison Captain Mar, 1, 1802 1862— Oct. 22 Samuel McGoffin 1st Lieut. Oct. 20,1862 1862— Oct. 22 Timothy D. O'Sullivan 2d Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 COMPANY D. (Vacancv.) Captain 1862— Oct. 22 Thomas Russell 1st Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 1862— Oct. 22 A. P. Cindall 2d Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 COMPANY E. 1862— Sept. 20 Edward .L Castello Captain Juno 1, 1861 1802— Oct. 22 Henry W. Chanfrau Ist Lieut. Oct. 20, 1^02 1802— Oct. 22 Henry Smith 2d Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 COMPANY r. 1862— Sept. 20 Wm. B.Collins Captain Nov. 17, 1861 1862— Sept. 20 Michael A. Doylo 1st Lieut. Nov. 17, 1S61 1862— Oct. 22 Dan. McBride 2d Lieut. Oct. 20, 1802 COMPANY G. 1862— Oct. 22 Alfred J. Judy Captain Oct. 20, 1S02 1862— Oct. 22 Frank F. drav Int Li.-ut. Oct. 20, 1802 1862— Oct. 22 Benjamin F. Ilayncs 2d Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 32 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. SEVENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY H. 1862— Oct. 22 Philip D. Toomer Captain Oct. 20, 1862 1862— Oct. 22 George W. Jennings 1st Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 1862— Oct. 22 John VV. Barrett 2d Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 COMPANY I. 1862— Oct. 22 Jav J. Drake Captain Oct. 20, 1862 1862— Sept. 29 Thomas H. Oliver 1st Lieut. Mar. 1, 1862 1862— Oct. 22 George Fonda 2d Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862 COMPANY K. 1862— Feb. 6 Robert G. Buchanan Captain Feb. 1, 1862 1862— Sept. 29 Joshua W. Bourne 1st Lieut. Jan. 20, 1862 1862— Sept. 29 John II. Schooley 2d Lieut. Mar. 1, 1862 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. 33 EIGHTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 18G2— Ang. 8 Giles A. Smith Colonel 1862— Aug. 8 David C. Coleman Lieut. Colonel 18G2— July 15 Dennis T. Kirby Major 1862— Aug. 8 Edwin E. Furber 1st Lt. & Adj't 1862— May 5 Frederick B. Clapp IstLt. & Q.*M. 1862— May 15 John R. Bailey Surgeon 1862— June 18 Troilus Brown Ass't Surgeon 1862— Nov. 25 Amos L. Flint Ass't Surgeon (Vacancy.) Chaplain COMPANY A. COMPANY B. COAfPAXV C. COMPANY D. COMPANY E. COMPANY F. June 30, 1862 June 30, 1862 July 15, 1862 June 30, 1862 Sept. 2, 1861 Mar. 28, 1862 Mar. 29, 1862 Mar. 29, 1862 (Vacancy) Captain 1862— May 5 (ieorgc W. Grano 1st Lieut. July 7,1861 1862— May 28 Isaac B. Ilalscy 2d Lieut. May 5, 1862 1861— Dec. 26 William Hill Captain June 12, 1861 1862— April 5 Henry C. Moflfet Ist Lieut. Mar. 28, 1862 1862— April 5 Samuel Boyd 2d Lieut. Mar. 28, 1862 1861— Dec. 26 Charles McDonald Ciiptain June 13, 1861 (Vacancy.) Ist Lieut. 1862— May 5 Thomas Lee Morgan 2d Lieut. Jan. 15, 1862 1862— Aug. 8 Morgan Potts Captain June 12, 1862 1802— Aug. 8 Jacob C. Hill 1st Lieut. June 12, 1862 1862 — Aug. 8 Gcoro;c Astrom 2d Lieut. June 6, 1862 1862— Aug. 8 Sydney W. Ainsworth Captain July 15, 1862 1862— Aug. 8 Louis Lipman Int Lieut. July 15, 1862 1802— May 5 William G. McSpadden 2d Lieut. Mar.' 27, 1862 1861 — Dec. 26 Alexander A. .Jameson Captain Juno 1, 1861 1861— ppc. 26 Elias S. Bedford Int Lieut. Juno 1,1861 1862— May 5 Bu'^hrod W. Musselman 2d Lieut. Aprin7, 1SG2 34 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. EIGHTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Bank. To rank from COMPANY G. 1862- 1862- -M:iy -.May 5 5 (Vacancy.) Addison Ware, Jr. Alouzo Sterling COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. H. Mar. 27, 1862 April 2, 1862 1862- 1862- -Aug. -Aug. 8 8 (Vacancy.) George W. Baker Edwin A. Ware COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. I. May 1, 1862 May 1, 1862 1861- 1862- 1862- -Dec. -Aug. -Aug. 26 8 8 Alexander Hart William H. McGowan William II. Shcely COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. K. July 1, 1861 June 30, 1862 June 30, 1862 1862- 1862- 1862- -May -May -Dec. 5 28 26 Hugh Neill Nelson Patterson Charles Vierheller Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. Mar. 27, 1862 May 5, 1862 June 29, 1861 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. 35 TENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND i STAFF. 18G2- 18G2- 1862- 18G1- 1861- 1861- 1801- - April -Oct. -Oct. -Dec. -Dec. -Dec. -Dec. 119 21 21 31 31 31 31 Samuel A. Holmes Lconidas Ilornoy Francis C. Deimling (Vacancy.) Tborwafd Jacobson Oliver B. Payne Absalom B. Stuart (Vacancy.) George R. Palmer coMPAxy Colonel Lieut. Colonel Major Ist'Lt. & Adj't 1st Lt. & Q. M. Surgeon Ass't Surgeon Ass't Surgeon Chaplain A. April Oct. Oct. Aug. Sept, Aug. Aug. 9, 3, 3, 14, 10, o "J 1862 1862 1862 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861- 1861- 1861- -Dec. -Dec. -Dec. 31 31 31 Charles A. Gilchrist Joseph Walker Samuel W. Craft COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. B. Aug. Aug. Aug. 17, I', 1861 1861 1861 1861- 1861- 1862- -Dec. -Dec. -July 31 31 1 William F. Bayne James E. Fleming John M. Boyd, Jr. COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. c. Aug. Aug. June O —} 21,' 1861 1861 1862 1862- 1861- 1862- -April -Dec. -April 21 31 21 James B. Fitch Captain Gerald M. Finlay 1st Lieut. Alexander S. Buchanan 2J Lieut. April Aug. April 21, 17, .21, 1862 1861 1862 COMPANY D. 1861- 1861- 1862- -Dec. -Doc. -July 31 31 1 David C. Dougherty Gilbert 1). Gray Lewis D. Phillips COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. E. Aug. Aug. June 22, 21, 1861 1861 1862 1861- 1861- -Dec. -Dec. 31 31 (Vacancy.) Thomas D. Seawell James B. Logan COMPANY Captain 1st liieut. 2d Lieut. F. Aug. Aug. 8, 1861 1861 1861- -Dec. 31 ^Vacancy.) (Vacancy.) John Stevenson COMPANY Captain Lst I.icut. 2d Lieut. C. Aug. 10, 1861 1861- 1861- 1861- -Dec. -Dec. -Dec. 31 31 31 Wm. A. J. Russell James K. Davidson Morris Fruzcr Captain 1st Ijieut. 2d Lieut. Aug. Aug. Aug. 15, 15, 15, 1861 1861 1861 86 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. TENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Bank. To rank from COMPANY H. 1862— Feb. 20 Christian Ilappol Captain Oct. 15, 1851 (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. 18G2— Feb. 21 A. II. Bourn 2d Lieut. Feb. 21, 1862 COMPANY I, 1862— Feb. 20 Joel W. Strong Captain Oct. 15, 1861 1862— Feb. 20 Austin Swan 1st Lieut. Oct. 15, 1861 1862— Feb. 20 AVilliamB. Whits 2d Lieut. Oct. 15,1861 COMPANY K. 1862— Feb. 20 William Forbes Captain Oct. 15,1861 1862— Feb. 20 William IL Fenner 1st Lieut. Oct. 15,1861 1882— Feb. 20 Henry W. Meredith 2d Lieut. Oct. 15, 1861 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. 37 ELEVENTH REGLMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Bank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 1862— May 3 Joseph A. Mower Colonel May 3, 18G2 1862— Dec. 15 A. J. Weber Lieut. Colonel Nov. 26, 1862 1862— Dec. 2-t Eli Bowver Major Dec. 8, 1862 1861— Dec. 31 Charles IL Brookings Adjutant Aug. 19, 1861 1862— Sept. 9 Abel G. Pickrill Quarter-Master July 24, 1862 1862— April 2 L M. W. Fish Surgeon April 21, 1862 Vacancy.) Ass't Surgeon Vacanc}'.) Ass't Surgeon 1862— July 5 Samuel C. Balridge Chaplain April 12, 1862 COMPAXr A. 1861— Dec. 31 Cyrenus Elliott Captain Sept. 3, 1861 1861— Dec. 31 Menomen O'Donnell Ist Lieut. July 20, 1861 1862— Dec. 4 William T. Pickrill 2d Lieut. Nov. 1, 1862 , COMPANY B. 1862— May 2 Jesse D. Lloyd Captain April 21, 1862 1862— May 2 James W. Wilson 1st Lieut. April 21, 1862 1862— May 2 George P. Weber 2d Lieut. April 21, 1862 COMPANY C. 1861— Dec. 31 Moses M. Warner Captain July 20, 1861 1862— May 2 Modesta J. (Jreen 1st Lieut. April 21, 1862 1862— May 2 James A. Lott 2d Lieut. April 21, 1862 COMPANY D. 1862— Sept. 9 George AV. Henry Captain July 24, 1862 1861— Dec. 31 John W. Cooperthwaite 1st Lieut. Nov. 4,1861 1861— Dec. 31 Mark D. Sappington 2d Lieut. Nov. 4, 1861 COMPANY E. 1862— Oct. 26 AbncrB. Bail Captain Oct. 15,1862 1862— Oct. 26 Jacob Blew 1st Lieut. Oct. 15, 1862 1862— Oct. 26 Elmore A. Ridgoly 2d Lieut. Oct. 15, 1862 COMPANY V. 1862— Oct. 17 William W. Cloland Captain Sept. 20, 1862 1862— Oct. 17 John T. Finley 1st Lieut. Sept. 20, 1862 1862— Oct. 17 Elias W. Weir 2d Lieut. Sept. 20, 1862 38 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. ELEVENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY G. 1861— Dec. 31 Charles M. Carter Captain Nov. 4, 1861 1862— Mar. 21 Edward Gannon 1st Lieut. Mar. 10, 1862 1862— Dec. 16 David Bailey 2d Lieut. Dec. 16, 1862 COMPANY H. 1862— July 12 William W. Boatwriglit Captain June 18, 1862 1862— July 12 Louis H. Gray 1st Lieut. June 18, 1862 1862— July 12 Edwin M. Applegate 2d Lieut. June 26, 1862 COMPANY I. 1861— Dec. 31 William L. Barnum Captain July 30, 1861 1862— June 7 Charles H. Osgood 1st Lieut. May 17, 1862 1862— June 7 John Ilathorn 2d Lieut. May 17, 1862 COMPANY K.* 1861— Dec. 31 William S. Stewart Captain Aug. 1, 1861 1862— July 7 Charles H. Foster 1st Lieut. June 19, 1862 1862— July 7 Cyrus D. Kendall 2d Lieut. June 19, 1862 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. 39 TWELFTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of CommiEsion. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- -June 21 -Oct. 24 -Oct. 24 -July 29 -Sept. 24 -Sept. 13 -April 11 1861— Dec. 18 Hugo Wangelin Jacob Karcher Gustavus Lightfoot Joseph A. Ledcrgcrber Herman F. Mons L. II. Jungliauns Joseph Spiegelhalter (Vacancy.) Albert Kraus Colonel Lt. Colonel Major 1st Lt. & Ad't 1st Lt. & Q. M. Surgeon Ass't Surgeon Ass't Surgeon Chaplain June Oct. Oct. July Sept. Sept. April 14, 1862 2, 1862 3, 1862 29, 1802 20, 1802 4, 1802 11, 1802 Aujr. 10, 1801 1862- 1S62- 1862- -May 17 -May 17 -Oct. 24 COMPANY A. Albert Affleck Captain Herman Greutzenberg 1st Lieut. Casemir Andel 2d Lieut. COMPANY B. COMPANY C. COMPANY D. Mar. 28, 1802 Mar. 28, 1802 Sept. 21, 1802 1861— Dec. 18 Frederick Ledergerber Captain Sept. 1,1861 1862— July 29 Charles Louis Kasten Ist Lieut. July 29, 1862 1862— Nov. 25 Charles Thery 2d Lieut. Nov. 25, 1862 1862— Sept. 24 William Mittmann Captain Sept. 20, 1802 1862— May 17 Anthony Englemann 1st Lieut. Mar. 28, 1862 1862— Oct. 24 Ferdinand Dallmeyer 2d Lieut. Sept. 21, 1862 1862— Sept. 24 Adam Rauft Captain Sept. 20, 1862 1862— May 17 Charles G. Doergo Ist Lieut. April 28, 1802 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. 1861— Dec. 18 1802— Oct. 24 1862— Oct. 7 C0MPA>rY E. Charles Demny William Ri'incho Theodor Ilormann Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lient. Aug. 15, 1862 Oct. 5, 1861 Sept. 20, 1802 COMPANY F. 1802— Oct. 24 John Kai'^er Captain Oct. 4, 1862 1862— Sopt. 24 Hermann Garvens 1st [.iout. Sept. 20, 1802 1862— May 7 Frederick xMeyer 2d Lieut. April 28, 1862 40 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. TWELFTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY G. 18GI— Dec. 18 John Mockenhaupt Captain Aug. 14, 1861 (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. 1862— Oct. 24 John Kaufman 2d Lieut. Oct. 6, 1862 COMPANY H. 1862— July 29 Christian Andel Captain July 29, 1862 1862— Sept. 11 Anthony Steffcns 1st Lieut. Aug. 11, 1862 1862— Sept. 16 Frederick Kessler 2d Lieut. Sept. 10, 1862 COMPANY I. 1861 -Dec. 18 John Ahlofeld Captain Au•. (Vacancy.) A. L. Bergfeld COMPANY GapM-in 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. I. Dec. Dec. 4, 4, 1862 1862 1862- 1862- 1862- -Dec. -Dec. -Dec. 4 4 4 John P. Mikeswcll John R. McAfee Richard F. Fallis COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. K. Dec. Dec. Dec. 4, 4, 4, 1862 1862 1862 1862- 1862- -Dec. -Dec. 4 4 (Vacancy.) Fred'k Parkenheimer William Edgar Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. Dec. Dec. 4, 4, 1862 1862 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. 49 TWENTY-FIRST REGUIENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 1862— Jan. 17 D. Moore Colonel 18G2— Jan. 17 II. M. Woodjard Lieut. Colonel 18G2 — May 27 Edwin Moore Major (Vacancv.) 1st Lt. & Adj't 1862— Mar. 25 D. W. Pressell 1st Lt. & Q. M. 1862 — July 26 J. 11. Seaton Sur^^eon (Vacancy.) Ass't Surgeon (V^acancy.) Ass't Surgeon 1862— ^lay 20 John H. Cox Chaplain Dec. 31, 1861 Dec. 31, 1861 May 27, 1862 Nov. 1,1861 July 22, 1862 April 22, 1862 COMPANY A. 1862— Mar. 27 18G2— July 22 186:2— May 21 Charles Yust August Gloeser Edward T. Nelson Captain Ist Lieut. 2d Lieut. July 15, 1861 July 16, 1862 May 1, 1862 COMPANY B. (Vacancv.) 1862— Aug. 2 Richard "Rees 1862— Oct. 4 Jeremy Hall Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. July 28, 1862 May 20, 1862 COMPANY C. 1862— Mar. 2^ 1862— Mar. 2* Simon Pearcc (Vacancy.) Thomas Richardson Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. July 13, 1S61 July 13,1861 COMPANY D. Ilonry McGoniglc (Vacancy.) (Vacancy.) Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. July 13, 1862 COMPANY E. 1862— Mar. 27 George W. Fulton Captain July 15, 1861 (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. 1862— Aug. 14 James P. Comstock 2d Lieut. Aug. 13, 1862 COMPANY F. 27 Joseph T. Farris Captain Aug. 20, 18G1 27 Alexander F. Tracy lat Lieut. July 15,1801 27 Frank A. Wliittemore 2d Lieut. July 15, IbOl 50 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY G. (Vacancy.) Captain 18G2— Mar. 27 Edward R. Blackburn 1st Lieut. July 12, 1861 1862— Mar. 27 Daniel R. Allen 2d Lieut. July 12, 1861 COMPANY H. 1862— May 27 Charles W. Tracv Captain April 22, 1862 1862— Nov. 19 Logan Tompkins* 1st Lieut. Nov. 19, 1862 18G2— May 27 James Smith 2d Lieut. April 22, 1862 * Detailed on Staff of Gen. Blair. COMPANY I. 1862— July 22 Joseph G. Best Captain June 16, 1862 (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. 1862— Aug. 2 George Stine 2d Lieut. July 28, 1862 COMPANY K. 1862— Mar. 27 Frederick Leeser Captain July 15, 1861 1862— Mar. 27 Asa D. Starkweather 1st Lieut. July 15, 1861 1862— Mar. 27 George M. Davis 2d Lieut. July 15, 1861 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. TWENTY-THIRD REGBIENT INFANTRY. Date of Conunission. Xame. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 1862— June 7 William P. Robinson Colonel June 7,1862 1862— Jan. 25 Quin Morton Lieut. Colonel Jan. 25, 1862 1862— Jan. 25 John McCullou^^h Major Sept. 12, 1861 1862— April 14 George W. Easlcy 1st Lt. & Adj't. April 14, 1862 1862— Jan. 25 Thornton T. Easley 1st Lt. & Q. M. Aug. 26, 1861 1862— April 4 Theodore J. Bluthardt Surgeon April 4, 1862 1862— Jan. 25 William T. Ellegood Ass't Surgeon Sept. 9, 1861 (Vacancy.) Ass't Surgeon 1862— Feb. 1 James M. Oylor Chaplain Sept. 10, 1861 COMPANY A. 1862— Jan. 25 James T. Dunlap Captain Sept. 22, 1861 1862— Jan. 25 Ephraim L. Webb 1st Lieut. Sept. 22, 1861 1862— Jan. 25 William 0. Seaman 2d Lieut. Sept. 22, 1861 COMPANY B. 1862— Jan. 25 Benjamin A. De Bolt Captain Sept. 22, 1861 1862— Feb. 1 Samuel Rooks 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, 1861 1862— Dec. 22 Orville Moberly 2d Lieut. Dec. 22, 1862 COMPANY C. 1862— Jan. 25 Jacob A. Trumbo Captain Sept. 22, 1861 1862— Jan. 25 John IL Munn 1st Lieut. Sept. 22, 1861 1862— Mar. 29 Benjamin F. Wyatt 2d Lieut. Mar. 29, 1862 COMPANY D. 1862— June 23 John W. Moore Captain June 19, 1862 1862— Jan. 25 John A. Fisher 1st Lieut. Sept. 22, 1861 1862— Feb. 1 -Lames A. Brewer 2d Lieut. Nov. 11, 1861 COMPANY E. 1862— Dec. 22 William R. Simms Captain Dec. 22, 1862 1862— Dec. 22 Spotwood A. Thomas Ist Lieut. Dec. 22, 1862 1802— Feb. 1 George W. Brown 2d I. lent. Nov. 1, 1801 COMPANY F. 1862— Jan. 25 Rice Morris Captain Nov. 22, 1861 (Vacancy.) Ist Lieut. 1862— Jan. 25 N. J. Camp 2d Lieut. Nov. 22, 1861 52 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY G. 1862— Jan. 25 Watson E. Crandall Captain Jan. 25, 1862 1862 — Jan. 25 James S. Todd 1st Lieut. Jan. 25, 1862 1862— Jan. 25 Webster McCullougli 2d Lieut. Jan. 25, 1862 COMPANr H. 1862— Feb. 1 Ebenezcr West Captain Dec. 11, 1861 1862— Jan. 25 Thomas B. Mikels 1st Lieut. Sept. 22, 1861 1862— Feb. 1 Nathan Nichols 2d Lieut. Dec. 11, 1861 COMPANY I. 1862— Sept. 11 Marion Cave Captain Sept. 5, 1862 1862— Jan. 25 Thos. 11. IloUingsworth 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, 1862 1862— Jan. 25 George W. Seymore 2d Lieut. Jan. 1, 1862 COMPANY K. 1862— Jan. 25 Richard II. Brown Captain Jan. 1, 1862 1862— Dec. 15 Louis C. Bailev 1st Lieut. Dec. 15, 1862 1862— Dec. 8 William M. Delano 2d Lieut. Dec. 8, 1862 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. 63 TWENTY-FOURTU REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 1SG2— Jan. 15 Scmpronlus II. Boyd Colonel Aug. 2, 1861 18(31— Nov. 27 James K. Mills " Lieut. Colonel Aug. 2, 1861 (Vacancy.) Major 1862— Sept. 30 J. C. S. Colby 1st Lt. & Adj't Dec. 5, 1861 1862- Jan. 15 Sanford C. Peck 1st Lt. & Q. M. Aug. 2, 1861 1862— April 11 Leandcr II. Baker Surgeon April 11, 1862 (Vacancy.) Ass't Surgeon (Vacancy.) Ass't Surgeon (Vacancy.) Chaplain COMPANY A. 1862— Jan. 15 Thomas A. Reed Captain Aug. 5, 1861 1862— Jan. 15 John T. Young 1st Lieut. Aug. 5. 1861 1862 — Jan. 15 James L. Robberson 2d Lieut. Aug. 5, 1861 COMPANY B. 1862— Jan. 15 Robert W. Fyan Captain Aug. 20, 1861 1862— Jan. 15 AVilliamF.Badcnhamer 1st Lieut. Aug. 20, 1861 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. COMPANY c. 1862— Aug. 27 William F. Martindale Captain Aug. 19, 1861 1862— Aug. 27 James Denny 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, 1861 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. COMPANY D. 1862— Jan. 15 William Vaughn Captain Aug. 19, 1861 1862— Jan. 15 Charles B. Owen 1st Lieut. Aug. 19, 1861 1862— April 7 Robert C Hoggins 2d Lieut. April 2, 1862 COMPANY E. (Vacancy.) Captain 1862— Feb. 20 W. W. MeCammon 1st Lieut. Oct. 15, 1861 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. COMPANY F. 1862— Jan. 15 Sampson P. Baris Captain Aug. 20, 1861 1862— .Jan. 15 Pleasant A. Hart 1st Lieut. Aug. 20, 1861 1862— Sept. 16 Manly P. Owen* 2d Lieut. Sept. 16, 1862 * Detailed at IIcad-Quartcrs Dcpt. of 5Io. 54 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Bank. To rank from COMPANY G. 1862— Oct. 14 Andrew W. Curry Captain 1862— Oct. 14 William H. Shadel 1st Lieut. 1862— Oct. 6 Charles Dalrymple 2d Lieut. COMPANY H. 1862 — Oct. 21 James J. Lyon Captain 1862— Oct. 21 N. G. Long 1st Lieut. 1862— Oct. 21 Edward H. Bishop 2d Lieut. 1862— Jan. 15 1862— Oct. 29 1862— Oct, 29 COMPANY I. William H. Stark* Wyatt Harris William Bragg Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. Oct. 12, 1862 Oct. 12, 1862 Oct. 6, 1862 July 16, 1862 Oct. 20, 1862 Oct. 20, 1862 Aug. 22, 1861 Oct. 18, 1862 Oct. 18, 1862 * Aide-de-camp to Gen. Curtis. COMPANY K. 1862 — Jan. 15 James R. Vanzant Captain Aug. 6, 1861 1862— Jan. 28 W. H. McAdams 1st Lieut. Jan. 24, 1862 1862— Jan. 15 Spencer B. Wright 2d Lieut. Aug. 19, 1861 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. 55 TWENTY-FIFTU REGIMENT INFA^'THY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from riELD AND STAFF. 1862— Juno 10 1862— Mar. 24 1862— May 2 1862-July 16 1862— Mar. 25 1862— April 11 1862— April 5 1862— Sept. 20 Chester Harding, Jr. Robert T. Vanhorn Frederick C. Nichols Herman Giseke J. D. Henderson John T. Berghoff Julius Brey John Q. Egleston (Vacancy.) Colonel Lieut. Colonel Major 1st Lt. & Adj't 1st Lt. & Q.M. Surgeon Ass't Surgeon Ass't Surgeon Chaplain April 10, Mar. 22, April 22, July 5, Nov. 1, April 11, April 5, Sept. 20, 1862 1862 1862 1862 1861 1862 1862 1862 COMPANY A. 1862-Junc 1862— June 7 7 Robert C. Bradshaw Joseph Thompson (Vacancy.) COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. B. May 16, May 16, 1862 1862 1862— Mar. 186i-Aug. 24 7 Joseph Schmitz George W. Shinu (Vacancy.) COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. C. Juno 13, July 21, 1861 1862 1862— Juno 1862— Aug. 1862— Dec. 9 7 1 James Dunn George G. Bayne James K. Gray* Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. May 16, Aug. 7, Dec. 1, 1862 1862 1862 • Detailed on Staff of Qen. Davidson. COMPANY D. 1862-Mar. 1862— Mar. 1862-May 24 24 2 Emniis C. Thomas William II. P. Norris Timothy Darby COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. E. July 25, July 26, April 20, 1861 1861 , 1862 1862-Mar. 1862— Mar. 24 24 Simon S. Eveans William Pcrkin.s (Vacancy.) COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. F. July 22, July 22, , L^61 , IHjI 1862— Doc. 1862— Dec. 8 8 James B. Hawloy Benjamin F. Buzard (Vacancy.) Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. Nov. 1, Nov. 2, . 1862 , 1.S62 56 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. TWENTY-FIFTH REGBIENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Bank. To rank from COMPANY G. 1862— Mar. 24 William Millar Captain June 21, 1861 1862— Mar. 24 John H. Millar 1st Lieut. July 17, 1861 1862— Sept. 11 James Cornell 2d Lieut. Sept. 12, 1862 COMPANY H. 1862— Mar. 24 Hamilton Dill Captain Aug. 14, 1861 1862— May 2 B.J.Coleman 1st Lieut. April 20, 1862 1862— Mar. 24 William J. Habn 2d Lieut. Dec. 17, 1861 COMPANY I. 1862— Sept. 11 Oliver P. Newberry Captain Sept. 11, 1862 (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. 1862— Mar. 24 John W. Singleton 2d Lieut. Aug. 6, 1861 COMPANY K. 1862— Nov. 17 Nathaniel Shurtliffe Captain Nov. 8, 1862 (Vacancv.) Ist Lieut. 1862— Oct. 6 Charles W. Noell 2d Lieut. Oct. 6, 1862 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. 57 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Date of Commission. Name. Bank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 18G2— Jan. 17 Goorp;e B. Boomer Colonel Dec. 30, 1861 18G2— Jan. 17 John H. Holmau (Vacancy.) Lieut. Colonel Major Dec. 30, 1861 1862— Juno 20 George W. Brown 1st Lt. & Adj't April 26, 1862 1862— Feb. 8 Charles F. Brown 1st Lt. & Q. M. Jan. 27, 1862 1862— Jan. 13 Jonathan S. Prout Surgeon Jan 13, 18G2 1862— Jan. 17 John L. Bryan (Vacancy.) Ass't Surgeon Ass't Surgeon Dec. 31, 1861 1862— May 26 Joseph Warren COMPANY Chaplain A. April 30, 1862 1862— July 5 William M. Robinson (Vacancy.) Captain 1st Lieut. June 22, 1862 1862— July 15 James Whitton COMPANY 2d Lieut. B. April 2,1862 1862— Jan. 17 John Welker Captain Sept. 17, 1861 1862— July 5 Edward II. Stoddard 1st Lieut. June 23, 1862 1862— July 5 William A. AVilsou COMPANY 2d Lieut. c. June 24, 1802 1862— Jan. 17 D. W. C. Brown Captain Sept. 15, 1861 1802— July 5 James M. Dennis 1st Lieut. June 26, 1862 1862— Feb. 14 Newton M. Iloltzinger COMPANY 2d Lieut. D. Jan. 8, 1862 1862— Jan. 17 Lorenzo D. Maynard Captain Sept. 18, 1801 1862— Jan. 17 Frank G. Schusenen let Lieut. Sept. 24, 1861 1862— Jan. 17 Henry P. Harding COMPANY 2d Lieut. E. Sept. 11, 1801 1862— May 26 Rol)crt C. Crowd! Captain Mar. 20, 1862 1862- July 5 Robert B. Denny 1st Lieut. June 26, 1862 1862— July 5 John F. Crowe COMPANY 2d Lieut. F. June 26, 1862 l,qr,2— Jan. 17 Bonjaniin D. Dean Captain Doc. 20, 1861 lsr,2— May 26 Williiiiii L. Wlicclcr 1st Lieut. ■^lar. 2'.>, 1862 1862— July O') John W. Maupiii 2d Li. Nov. 1, 1802 1862— Dec. 31 Samuel Spangler Captain Nov. 1,1862 1862-Apri I 8 Griffith Byron 1st Lieut. Jan, 21, 1862 1862— Apri: I 8 Thomas Moore COMPANY 2d Lieut. E. Jan. 21, 1862 1862— Apr] 1 15 Ilonry Clay Gentry Captain Apri 110, 1862 1862— Dec. 31 Lutzen Buckley Lst ],ieut. Nov, . 1, 1862 1S62— Dec. , 31 Lewis 0. Dubois COMPANY 2d Lieut. F. Nov. , 1, 1862 1862— :Mav 22 Dennis C. McKay Captain May 19, 1802 1862— June ' 27 I>L liirch Ist Lieut. 1862— April 13 Charles Finhiy 2d Lieut. Mar. 28, 1862 Mar. 28, 1802 Mar. 28, 1862 April 10, 1802 April 10, 1862 April 10, 1802 88 MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. SIXTH REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Eani. To rank from COMPANY G. 1862— April 23 John A. Page Captain April 21, 1862 1862— April 23 William Newby 1st Lieut. April 21, 1862 1862— April 23 James C. Baker 2d Lieut. April 21, 1862 COMPANY H. 1862— April 26 Henry V. Stall Captain April 8, 1862 1862— Oct. 4 J. H. Shelby 1st Lieut. Oct. 2, 18G2 1862— Dec. 4 John M. Overman 2d Lieut. Oct. 2, 1862 MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. 89 SEVENTH REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- 1862- -Slaj 1 -May 1 -May 1 -Dec. 16 -Dec. 24 -Oct. 14 -Nov. 5 -May 1 -Nov. 14 -May 15 John F. Phillips Tho.s. T. Crittenden Emory S. Foster Henry Siiess Jos. \V. Pennock Samuel K. Hall John R. Moore Chas. C. Tibbitts James L. Edwards Robert A. Foster Colonel Lieut. Colonel Major Major 1st Lt. & Adj't 1st Lt. & Q. M. 1st Lt. & Com'ry Surj^eon Ass't Surgeon Chaplain COMPANY A. 1862— Mar. 13 1862— Mar. 5 1862— Mar. 13 Thomas W. Ilouts Joseph Peak Allen H. Christian Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. COMPANY B. 1862— April 25 Rich'd L. Ferguson Captain (Vacancv.) 1st Lieut. 1862— July 16 SamuefW. MoGuire 2d Lieut. COMPANY C. 1862— April 26 William W. Miller Captain (Vacaney.) 1st Lieut. 1862— Dec. 26 Francis Pharis 2d Lieut. COMPANY D. 1862— May 29 James M. Turley Captain 1802— July 26 Frederick W. Becker 1st Lieut. 1862— July 26 George N. Ileaton 2d Lieut. COMPANY E. 1862— Nov. 18 Abraham Darst Captain 1862— Nov. 18 James 11. Crawford 1st [Jeut. 1862— July 26 James S. Carelton 2d Lieut. COMPANY F. 1862— .\pril 25 Benjamin TL Wilson Captain 1862— April 2') Rush J. Learning 1st Lieut. 1862— April 25 John S. Crano 2d Lieut. l\Lay 1, 1862 May 1, 1862 May L 1862 Dec. 16, 1862 Dec. 24, 1862 Oct. L 1862 Nov. 5, 1862 Mav 1, 1862 Nov. 14, 1862 May 15, 1862 Jan. 11, 1862 April '^ 1.S62 Jan. il, 1862 Mar. 24, 1862 July 12, 1862 April . 8, 1862 Dec. 15, 1862 May 2:^, 1862 July 10, 1862 July VJ, , 1862 Nov. 8, , 1862 Nov. 8, , 1862 July 15, , 1862 Apri 117, ,1862 Apr! 1 17, , 1862 Aiiri 117 , 1862 90 MISSOUEI STATE MILITIA. SEVENTH REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY G. 1862— April 25 Melville U. Foster Captain April21, 1862 1862— April 25 Richard M. Box 1st Lieut. April 1, 1862 (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. COMPANY H. 1862— April 26 Elias Slocum Captain April 21, 1862 (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. (Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. 91 EIGHTH REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 18G2- 18G-2- 18G2- 18G2- 18G2- -May 2 -May 2 -June 24 -Sept. 18 -Sept. 18 (Vacancy.) Amo3 Williamson Edward B. Eno John E. Collins David Hunter Marshall W. Johnson Colonel Lieut. Colonel i\Iajor Major 1st Lt. & Adi't IstLt. &Q.M. May 2, 1862 May 2, 1862 June 24, 1862 July 30, 1862 July 30, 18G2 18G2- 18G2- 1862- -May -May -June 17 21 21 (Vacancy.) Ferdinand Brother John S. Suite David A. Wilson COMPANY Commissary Surgeon Ass't Surgeon Chaplain A. May 17, 1862 May 21, 18G2 June 21, 18G2 18G1- 18G1- -Dec. -Dec. 27 27 D. D. Stockton James J. Akard (Vacancy.) COMPANY Captain Ist Lieut. 2d Lieut. B. Dec. 18, 1861 Dec. 18, 18G1 1862- 18G2- 18G2- -Jan. -Jan. -June 10 10 5 John Cosgrove Lycurgus Lindsay John Lindsay COMPANY Captain Jst Lieut. 2d Lieut. c. Dec. 29, 1861 Dec. 2'J, 18G1 May 31, 18G2 18G2- 18G2- 18G2- -Aug. -Sept. -Aug. 14 , 11 14 William C. Ilaman George A. M. Solomon Preston Richardson COMPANV Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. D. Aug. 7, 1862 Sept. 8, 1862 Aug. 7, 1«62 1802- 1862- 18G2- -May -Dec. -Sept. 2 22 17 Joseph J. Gravelly John P. Tracey Henry J. Eaton COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. E. Mar. 1, 1862 Dec. 14, IH62 Sept. 10, 1S62 1862- 1862- 1862- -Sept. -Oct. —April ,12 3 I 8 Henry McGabo David F. Keeling John Baird COMPANY Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. K. Sept. 9, 1862 Sept. 29, 1862 Mar. 27, 1862 18G2- 1862- -Nov. -April 11 121 Christopher C. Owens (Vacaiicv.) Willianrividwell Captain lat Lieut. 2d Lieut. Oct. 25, 1862 April 1, 18G2 92 MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. EIGHTH REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY G. ^ 1862— April 19 Rich'd C. Chittwood Captain April 14, 1862 1862— April 19 Wm. T. Chittwood 1st Lieut. Mar. ]2, 1862 1862— April 19 Dubart E. Murphy 2d Lieut. April 14, 1862 COMPANY H. 1862— April 19 Henry D. Moore Captain April 14, 1862 1862— April 19 Malcolm Hunter 1st Lieut. Mar. 24, 1862 1862— April 19 John R. Foster 2d Lieut. April 14, 1862 COMPANY I. 1862— May 2 Benjamin A. Reeder Captain April 24, 1862 1862— May 2 William S. Gibbs 1st Lieut. Mar. 17, 1862 1862— May 2 Ethan Paxton 2d Lieut. April 24, 1862 COMPANY K. 1862— May 13 Julius Glade Captain May 6, 1862 (Vacancy.) 1st Lieut. 1862— May 13 Henry Grosher 2d Lieut. May 6, 1862 MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. 93 NINTU REGDIENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 18G2— May 6 Odon Guitar Colonel May 3, 1862 18G2— May 6 John F. Williams Lieut. Colonel May 3, 1862 1802— May 6 Daniel M. Draper (Vacancy.) Major Major May 3, 1862 18G2— Oct. 7 Luther T. Hayman 1st Lt. & Adj't July 30, 1862 1862— Nov. 17 Wni. B. Kemper 1st Lt. & Q. M. Nov. 17, 1862 1862— Oct. 17 William B. Selby 1st Lt. & Com'ry Oct. 13, 1862 1862— Feb. 28 Joseph D. Smith Surgeon Feb. 28, li^62 1862— June 19 Aufjustus B. Castlo Ass't Surgeon June 19, 1862 1862-April 19 Philer K. Dibble COMPANY Chaplain A. April 19, 1862 1862— Feb. 17 Reeves Leonard Captain Feb. 12, 1862 1862— Feb. 17 Joseph M. Street 1st Lieut. Feb. 12, 1862 1862— Feb. 17 Thomas B. Ross COMPANY 2d Lieut. B. Feb. 12, 1862 1862— April 7 Samuel A. Garth Captain Feb. 19, 1862 1862- April 7 James A. Adams 1st Lieut. Feb. 17, 1862 1862— April 7 Jos. G. Jamison COMPANY 2d Lieut. c. Feb. 19, 1862 18G2— June 10 John D. ^LacFarlane Captain June 8, 1862 18G2— June 10 James G. Beg^s 1st Lieut. June 8, 1SG2 1862— June 10 James 0. Newlce COMPANY 2d Lieut. D. June 10, 1662 1862— May 6 Boniamin Sharp Captain April 19, 1862 18G2— May G William M(;Ihvratb 1st Lieut. Mar. 18, 1J^G2 1862— May G John McClanahan COMPANY 2d Lieut. E. April 19, 1«G2 1802- May G Albert Brackmann Captain April 22, 1862 1862- Nov. 10 Charles Boiler 1st Lieut. Nov. 2, KS62 1862— Nov. 10 Charles Albrccht COMPANY 2d Lieut. F. Nov. 2, 1S62 1862— May 6 Henry N. Cook Captain April 22, 18G2 1862— Deb. 6 Marsfiall IL Harris 1st I,ii'ut. Nov. :^(i, 1.^62 1802- Dec. 6 Winfujld S. Wood 2d Lieut. Nov. 30, 1862 94 MISSOUEI STATE MILITIA. NINTH REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Bank. To rank from COMPANY G. 1862— May 6 Thomas B. Reed Captain April 22, 1862 1862 — May 6 James McKinsey 1st Lieut. Mar. 13, 1862 1862— May 6 John V. Dunn 2d Lieut. April 22, 1862 COMPANY H. 1862— May G Henry S. Glaze Captain April 28, 1862 1862— May G Thos. A. II. Smith 1st Lieut. Mar. 18, 1862 1862— May G James R. Donohoe 2d Lieut. April 28, 1862 MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. 95 TENTH REGLMENT CAVxVLRY, Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 18G2— May 18G2— Mav 18G'2— Ma> 18G2— Juiie 18G2— Oct. 1862— May 18G2— xMay 8 14 21 17 17 Edwin Smart Frederick. Morscy Rich'd G. Wootlson Henry L. MoConnell Henry C. Campbell (Vacancy.) (Vacancy.) William L. Short II. E. Jones (Vacancy.) Colonel Lieut. Colonel Major Major 1st Lt. & Adj't let Lt. & Q. M. Ist Lt. & Com'ry Surj^eon Ass't Surgeon Chaplain May 5, May 0, May 5, May IG, Oct. 21, April 22, April 22, 1862 1«G2 18G2 18G2 1802 1862 1SG2 COMPANY A. 1862— Mar. 5 William L. J. Owens Captain Feb. 1, 1862 1862— Mar. 15 Abijah Johns 1st Lieut. April 2U, 18G2 1862— Mar. 5 Andrew Wilkcrson 2d Lieut. Fob. 1, 1862 COMPANY B. 1862— Mar. 24 18G2— Mar. 24 18G2— Mar. 24 Herman M. Roosa George W. Long George Ames Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. Feb. 22, 1862 Feb. 22, 18G2 Mar. 13, 18G2 COM PAN V C. 18G2— Mar. 28 Solon A. C. Bartlett Captain 1802- June 2 John W. Ilcndrick Ist Lieut. 18G2— June 2 Lafayette Praul 2d Lieut. COMPANY D. Mar. 22, 1862 May 30, 1 8G2 May 3U, 1802 1862— Mar. 28 Robert McElroy Captain Mar. 25, 1862 1862— Mar. 28 Jas. W. Bradley 1st Lieut. Mar. 25, 1802 1862— Mar. 28 James A. lilain 2d Lieut. Mar. 25, 1802 COMPANY E. 1862— April 11 George L. Herring Captain April 8, 1862 1802— May 15 James M. Rubi-rts Ist Lieut. May 9, 1802 1802— April 11 Jefferson A. .Mayhall 2d Lieut. April 8, 1802 COMPANY F. 1802— Feb. 10 James W. McFadden Captain Jan. 7,1862 1802— Feb. 10 Samuel W. IlMpkins 1st Lieut. Jan. 7, 1802 1802— Feb. 10 Frederick lluckned 2d Lieut. Jan. 7,1802 96 MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. TENTH REGIMENT CAVALRY. } Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY G. 1862— Feb. 8 James Wilson Captain May 3, 1862 18G2— Feb. 17 John M. Reeds 1st Lieut. Dec. 23, 1861 1862— May 10 Charles W. Rush 2d Lieut. May 10, 1862 COMPANY H. 1862— April 29 Charles S. Ramsey Captain April 25, 1862 1862— April 29 Hance Miller 1st Lieut. April 8, 1862 1862— April 29 Thomas Hess ' 2d Lieut. April 25, 1862 COMPANY 1. 1862— June 13 Hiram A. Rice Captain June 6, 1862 1862— June 13 Hugh M. Bradley 1st Lieut. June 6, 1802 1862— June 13 Warren C. Shattuck 2d Lieut. June 6, 1862 MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. 97 TWELFTH llEGLMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. (Vacancy.) Colonel 18G2- -Sopt. 13 Bazel F. Lazoar Lieut. Colonel Sept, .13, 1802 1862- -Sept. , 13 Frederick W. Kceder Major Sept. ,13, 1802 1802- -Aug. 10 George E. Leigbton* (Vacancy.) ^Miijor Adjutant Apri; [15, 1802 1862- -Oct. 1 Pbilip Kl Van Frank (Vacancy.) 1st Lt. & Q. M. Commissary July 30, 1802 1862- -May 17 IL M. Matthews Surgeon iMay 16, 1802 1862- -May 20 Henry Doughiss (Vacancy.) * ProTOst Marshal, CO.MPANY Ass't Surgeon Chaplain St. Louis. A. May 16, 1802 18G2- -Aug. 20 George W. Ilammel Captain Aug. 14, 1802 1862- -Au|. 20 Erich Papo 1st Lieut. Aug. H, 1802 1862- -Aug. 20 ^'illiam M. Brouer COMPANY 2d Lieut. B. Aug. 14, 1802 1862- -Jan. 24 William Lcepcr (Vacancy.) Captain 1st Lieut. Jan. 23, 1802 1862- -Jan. 24 Charles \V. Purcell COMPANY 2d Lieut, c. Jan. 23, 1802 1862- -Aug. 16 Anthony Arnold Captain Aug. 13, 1862 1862- -Aul. 16 llcnry Kenner 1st Lieut. Aug. 13, 1802 1862- -Feb. 10 John'MeMillian COMPANY 2d Lieut. D. Feb. 4, 1802 1862- -Feb. 27 William Flcntz Captain Feb. 20, 1802 1862- -Feb. 27 Henry Wolfers Ist Lieut. Feb. 20, 1802 1862- -Feb. 27 Lewi.s Stortz COMPANY 2d Lieut. K. Feb. 2(1, lt<02 18G2- -Mar. 28 Peter Hagan Captain Mar. 2i), 1802 1862- -Mar. 28 P'erdinaiid Cliaryeaux 1st Lii'ut. Mar. 20, 1862 1802- -Mur. 28 Thomas Going COMPANY 2d Lieut. F. Mar. 26, 1802 1862- -Mar. 29 Levi C. Wy])ark Captain Mar. 20, 1802 1862- -Mar. 29 Michael S. EdbMnon 1st Lieut. Mar. 20, 1802 1862- -Mar. 29 Samuel G. Bcdwell 2d Lieut. Mar. 20, lft02 98 MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. TWELFTH KEGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Bank. To rank from COMPANY G. 1862— Oct. 14 William 0. Bangs Captain July 16, 1862 1862— April 7 Philip Sutherlin 1st Lieut. Mar. 29, 1862 1862— Oct. 4 Henry W. Werth 2d Lieut. Sept. 30, 1862 COMPANY H. 1862— May 13 William T. Hunter Captain May 8,1862 1862— May 13 Thomas H. Macklind 1st Lieut. May 8, 1862 1862— May 13 Jessie Corum 2d Lieut. May 8, 1862 MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. 99 THIRTEENTH REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 1862— Ma V 19 1802— MaV 19 1862— Sept. 1 1862— Dec. 2 1862— Sept. 22 1802— May 20 1862— May 20 Albert Sigol Joseph A. Eppstein John B. Kaiser "WaUleiuar Fisher William C. Kerr (Vacancy.) (Vacancy.) John Fetzer I). Fekete (Vacancy.) Colonel Lieut. Colonel Major Major 1st Lt. &Adj't IstLt. &Q.iM. Commissary Surt^eon Ass't Surgeon Chaplain May 19, 18C2 Mar. 24, 1802 Aug. 20, 1802 Nov. 1, 1802 Aug. 2, 1862 May 10,1802 May 19, 1862 1862- 1802- -Dcc. -Feb. 26 10 1862— Dec. 26 COMPANY A. George Muller John T. Patert John Sanger Captain 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. Dec. 21, 1802 Dec. 21, 1602 Dec. 21, 1802 COMPANY B. 1862— Feb. 10 Richard Murphy Captain Feb. 4, 1802 1862— Aug. 29 Joseph M. Reed 1st Lieut. Aug. 16, 1802 1862— Aug. 9 Thomas P. Wright 2d Lieut. Aug. 7, 1S02 1802— April 1862— April 1862— April COMPANY C. 5 Peter Ostcrmeyer Captain Mar. 21. 1802 5 Charles Koch 1st Lieut. Mar. 21, L^t,2 5 August Benz 2d Lieut. Mar. 21, lb02 COMPANY D. 1862 — Doc. 29 Samuel B. Richardson Captain Vacancy.) 1st liicut. Vacancy.) 2d Lieut. K^ Dec. 10, 1802 COMPANY E. 1862— April 10 Charles B. Mans Captain April 7, 1802 1862— April 18 Henry B. Hartley 1st Lieut. April 17, 1802 1862— May 16 Charles Fred'k Bcrgcr 2d Lieut. May 14, 1802 1862— April 5 1862— April 21 COMPANY F. (Vacancy.) Henry 15. IJrown Albert Mantzell Captain 1st liicut. 2d Lieut. Mar. 24, 18'^.2 April K'., 1802 100 MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from COMPANY G, 18G2— April 28 James D. Walters Captain April 14, 18G2 18(32— April 28 Thoraas Thomas 1st Lieut. April 14, 18G2 18G2— July 30 John Bracher 2d Lieut. July 27, 18G2 COMPANY H. 18G2— April 28 Josiah C. Smith Captain April 14, 1862 18G2— Aug. 22 Francis M. Avey 1st Lieut. Aug. 19, 1802 18G2— Sept. 9 Charles C. Troyford 2d Lieut. Aug. 6, 18G2 MISSOURI STATE MILITIA. 101 FOURTEENTU REGIMENT CAVALRY. Date of Commission. Name. Rank. To rank from FIELD AND STAFF. 1862- -May 28 John ^I. Richardson Colonel May 26, 1862 18G2- -May 28 John Pound Lieut. Colonel May 20, 1862 1802- -June 7 James Sullivan Major June ') 1862 1802- -July 14 John C. Wilbcr Major July u, 1862 1802- -Sept. 29 Roland P. Wilcox (Vacancy.) (Vacancy.) 1st Lt. &Ad)'t 1st Lt. & Q.M. Ist Lt. & Com'ry July 30, 1«62 1802- -Oct. 13 L. T. Watson Surgeon Oct. 16, 1862 1802- -June 20 William C. Day Ass't Surgeon June 20, 1802 1862- -July 5 David L. Myers COMPANY Chaplain A. July 5, 1862 1862- -Oct. 28 Abraham Worley Captain Sept. 12, 1862 1802- -Oct. 28 Robert Stephens 1st Lieut. Sept. .12, 1802 1802- -Feb. 10 Peter Wilson COMPANY 2d Lieut. B. Jan. 24, 1862 1862- -Mar. 24 Francis L. Wiothaup Captain Feb. 25, 1862 1802- -Mar. 24 James 11. Waldren 1st Lieut. Feb. 25, 1862 1802- -Mar. 24 George W. Kelly COMPANY 2d Lieut. c. Mar. 11, 1802 1802- -May 15 Wm. W. IIar«!;rave8 Captain May s, 1862 1802- -May 15 David T. J. Colley 1st Lieut. May 8, 1862 1802- -Apri! 128 Levi A. Gibson COMPANY 2d Lieut. D. Mar. lU, 1862 1862- -Apri! 128 Samuel A. Flagg Captain Mar. 20, 1862 1802- -Apri 128 John Cross 1st Lieut. Mar. 2s I'eckham 30th ]i<"r. B. (J. Farrar 3()th Reg. Otto Sehadt 31st R>g. Thrinias C. Fletcher 31st Reg. Samuel P. Simp-^on 32d Reg. F. ir. MantfT 32d R..g. H. ('. Warmotli 33d Reg. William A. I'ilo 33d Reg. William II. ileiith 35th Reg. Samuel A. Foster 35 th Reg. James A. Greason Eng. Reg. Josiah W. Bisscll Eng. Reg. Charles E. Adams 104 MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS. MAJORS. Majors of Artillery. 1st Reg. George H. Stone Ist Reg. Nelson Cole 1st Reg. Thomas D. Maurice 2d Reg. Theodore Wilkins 2d Reg. Dominick Urban 2d Reg. (Vacancy.) Ist Reg. 1st Reg. 1st Reg. Merrill Horse. Merrill Horse. Merrill Horse. 3d Reg. 3d Reg. 3d Reg. 4th Reg. 4th Reg. 4th Reg. 6th Reg. 6th Reg. 6th Reg. 7th Reg. 7th Reg. 7th Reg. 8th Reg. 8th Reg. 8 th Reg. 10th Reg. Majors of Cavalry. Z. M. Hubbard Charles Banzof J. J. Joslyu John Y. Clopper Garrison Harker (Vacancy.) Robert Carnick Henry A. Gallup (Vacancy.) Gustaviis M. Elbert B. C. Ludlow Gustavus Heinrichs Henry P. Hawkins Samuel Montgomery (Vacancy.) David McKee Eliphalet Bredctt (Vacancy.) John W. Liscnby John Hursh Josephus G. Rich Thomas Hynes 10 th Reg. 10th Reg. Majors of Cavalry. F. W. Benteen William H. Lusk Majors of Infantry. 2d Reg. Francis Ehrler 3d Reg. Wm. A. Ilequembourg 4th Reg. (Vacancy.) Gth Reg. James S. Temple 7th Reg. Edwin Wakefield 8th Reg. Dennis T. Kirby 10th Reg. Francis C. Dcimling llth Reg. Eli Bowyer 12th Reg. Gustavus Lightfoot 14th Reg. George Pipe 15th Reg. H. F. Dietz 17th Reg. Ferd. Neigemann ] 8th Reg. (Vacancy.) 21st Reg. Edwin Moore 23d Reg. John McCullough 24th Reg. Eli N. AYeston 25th Reg. Frederick C. Nichols 2Gth Reg. Vacancy.) 27th Reg. James F. How 29th Reg. Bowman H. Peterson 30th Reg. John W. Fletcher 31st Reg. Frederick Jaensch 32d Reg. Abraham J. Seay 33d Reg. Vacancy.) 35th Reg. Thomas H. Penney Eng. Reg. William Tweeddale Eng. Reg. Henry Flad Eng. Reg. Vacancy.) MISSOURI VOLUXTRKRS. 105 QUAUTKHMASTEKS, COMMISSARIES, AND ADJUTANTS. Quartermasters of Artillery. 1st Reg. T. D. Witt [detailed from Co. K 2d Ro-. (Vacancy.) Quartermasters of CaTalry. l.■♦♦•» OFFICE OF MEDICAL DIRECTOR, DEFT OP MO., No. 87 Pine St., comer Sixth St. Madison Mills Surgeon, Jledical Director. Peter V. Schenck Ass't do. «.•••-•» OFFICE OP MEDICAL PURVEYOR, U. S. A. Office, No. 18 North Main St. Kobert T. Cramet ' Acting Medical Purvej'or. OFFICE OP QUARTERMASTERS, DEP'T OP MISSOURI, N. E. comer Fourth St. and 'R'ashington Av. Colonel Eobert Allen Chief Quartermaster. " Wm. Myers Ass't do. " Louis B. Parsons Chief of Transportation. Captains. C. Meigs Assistant Quartermaster. " Chapman In charge of Forage. " Ford • " Horses. Lieut. Eotter Transportation Passes. Captain Smith Ass't Qr. Master and Sup't of M. T. ««-«.»» OFFICES OP COMMISSARIES, DEP'T OP MISSOURI, Colonel J. T. Ilaincs Chief Commissary, 238 N. Main St. Captain John King Commissary of Subsistence, 13G N. Second St. »«.•*.( OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT RECRUITING SERVICE, Benton Barracks. Colonel B. L. E. Bonneville, U. S. A.. -Superintendent. Lieut. Xewby Adjutant. «'»«'«-» OFFICE U. S. MUSTERING AND DISBURS'G OFFICERS, E. fMo Fourth St., Ijotweon Orccn and Morgnn Sfs. Colonel B. L. E. Bonneville, U. S. A. ••Chief Miist'g and Disburaing Officer. Captain Thomas O. Barri, " •• " " " " Captain D. W. Cheek, « .. " Lieut. Thos. E. Collins, " •• 118 APPENDIX. xn Ph g < o o H O o P5 Q I— ( K P^ (^ O P5 Q :^ p^ p H P^ m 1-3 O P4 O cl o o o a fi R fi « P Pi P fi ■g a •^ a ^ '^ )H ">> t*-i -3 ^ "B O o o .tf a r"^ a .g H o P M ^ to "S^ z s <>-l ^ o Q w c o P5 ?5 t/T t) H W TO 1-3 o H !3 o :::: tj) a E fi fi ft s « g g c! =^ c 2 ■ ■? a >:3 xj;.= fe ^ 3 (^ o V « -as « - c a n a o C '^, s c r/. ^, 3 c^ c; 3 !s r ^ » .s u -1 7; fl '=3 "S ^►5 0^ ^ ^ 1^ :p) i=i 5 o fi .5-5 "p'S Pq 01 fl§ . C a § 'si *-" =S ^ V. P. fl S a ? ^ til's ^ .S P. a 5 2 -2 g^ s >; d 5g ■.o : 5£^ - CO °g2 73 O , 5 U P3 ^ s 3 S cSC?-g -3 oS t* II ^ fl « Sf'^ '•3 AM ai 1 a p>> fl c3 a o o •" t. d S5 fe a gdid n So PS o -g ^' 3 .2 -a o a d d ;.d.g. O -5 1^25o1-2 •r o Ss^o 3)3 g .a 2 d » ri " I d g d J P^ g d a ^Pi o s i; ^ ° E § s .2 s dp;'*-' 0) w -S id 2"5