F 262 .H3 B5 Copy 1 SEMI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF Harnett County and the Town of Lillington AUGUST 3, 1905 ADDRESS BY Hon. JOHN D. BELLAMY ON THE LIFE AND SERVICES OF GENERAL ALEXANDER LILLINGTON SEMI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF Harnett County and the Town of Lillington AUGUST 3, 1905 ADDRESS BY Hon. JOHN D. BELLAMY ON THE LIFE AND SERVICES OF GENERAL ALEXANDER LILLINGTON WASHINGTON, D. C. PRKSS OF JUDD & DF.TWEILKR (INC.) 1905 Gift Author (Person) 21A^'05 ADDRESS. Ladies and Gentlemen: We have assembled on this occasion to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the town of Lillington, and to commemorate the life and services of the great patriot and soldier in whose honor the village was named. Situated as it is on the banks of the Cape Fear river, we are reminded of the fact that nearly every hamlet from Lillington to the sea is associated with some historic inci- dent which had its influence on the revolt of this colony from the government of England and the final wresting of its independence from the crown. The banks of the Cape Fear in colonial times were peopled by a race of Englishmen who for the valor, chivalry, and intelligence of its men and the purity, culture, and patriot- ism of its women have never been surpassed by any Anglo- Saxon settlement. There is something mysterious in the atmosphere which envelops this region, in the aroma of the pines which fills it, in the majestic sweep of the river as it rushes to the sea, in the soil which feeds its people, that stimulates ambition, excites patriotism, enkindles a pride of state, and reall}^ pro- duces in the inhabitant a yearning for the best of life. It was this region that produced Robert Howe, probably the greatest man yet born upon North Carolina soil, and furnished to the Revolution James Moore, the Ashes, Cor- nelius Harnett, Alexander Lillington, and a host of patriots whose names are indissolubly linked with the great struggle for American independence, and which has ever since then furnished men whose impress has been felt in the councils of the state and nation in shaping its policies for the general welfare. The province of North Carolina was from the earliest times ever jealous of the rights of Englishmen, which had been lianded down to its settlers as their inheritance and had been guaranteed to them in the Great Charter of the Forest. While it loyally sa})ported the crown so long as tlie crown respected the inherent rights of the people, yet when the home government taxed the colony without giving it a voice in the enactment of the law, and deprived it of local self-government, it earnestly and vigorously protested, and continued to protest until protest proved ineffectual, when revolt and revolution followed, which culminated in the establishment of American independence and the formation of the government of the American Union, which was then, is now, and ever will be an emphatic protest and warning against a colonial system of government. When the iniquitous stamp act of 1765 received the royal a})proval and the ship Diligence arrived in the Cape Fear river with the stamp })aper, it is a familiar tale to the people of North Carolina, and should be to all the people of the United States, how th(> stamp master was seized at Wilmington, in the presence of the royal governor, and openly and boldly carried to the public market-house and there made to take a solemn oath not to execute or offer to / execute the infamous law. ■^ It was then and there that Alexander Lillington first sprung into public gaze ; with Colonel John Ashe, Harnett, and Waddell, he participated in the seizure of the stamp master and wrote the communication to Governor Tryon, ' signed by Colonel Ashe, Lloyd, and himself, assuring the Governor of personal protection, but impressing upon him that the force under them would resist the enforcement of tlie law. Governor Tryon subsequently calling Lillington's bold act to the attention of the crown. Alexander Lillington was sprung from a noble ancestry — born in the year 1725, in Beaufort precinct, where his father, John Alexander Lillington, liad been treasurer, being left an orphan, he early moved with his uncle, Edward Mosely, about 1735, to Rocky Point, on the Cape Fear, near Wil- mington, where many of his mother's relatives (his mother being ISarali Porter) then resided. There he passed his early 3'ears and married Sarah Watters, and in this way became by blood and marriage connected with nearly all the prominent families of the Cape Fear region. He was the grandson of Major Alexander Lillington, the first Dei)nty Governor of the province, and who was Presi- dent of the Provincial Conncil in 1693 and also Governor. The oldest public record extant in North Carolina is a commission issued in 1679 to Alexander Lillington and to George Durand and others, authorizing them to act as con- servators of the peace in Berkeley county and to hold the courts in that precinct. This Governor Lillington was the son of George Lilling- ton, a distinguished gentleman and a major in the British army, who first settled in Massachusetts, then went to Bar- badoes, became a member of the Royal Council of that island, and towards the middle of the seventeenth century settled with his son in the Edenton section of this state. The family of Lillington possessed a coat-of-arms with three crescents, engraved with the motto " Liberty or Death," which seems afterwards to have been adopted as the watch- word of the patriots. Alexander Lillington, the subject of our discourse today, was well educated, as most of the gentlemen of the Caj^e Fear section then were, and was possessed of a good fortune and a large landed estate. He resided on his plantation on North East river, a dis- tance of about thirty miles by water and about half that distance by land from Wilmington, where his residence, Lillington Hall, was said to have been one of the best built and furnished mansions in the colony — specially noted and commented upon by many of the old residents, some now living, for the secret recesses built as hiding places for the women and children when attacked by hostile Indians or a retreat from Tory incursions. Lossing, in his Field Book of the American Revolution, gives a picture of it as one of the most notable homes of the colony. And here he lived and, except in the trying times of tlie Revolution, when absent in the field with his troops, he led the life of a gentleman, dispensing a most refined and lavish hospitality. General Lillington possessed a splendid figure and car- riage. He was six feet in height and had, it is said, hercu- lean strength, and few men of his day possessed greater per- sonal attractions. Inheriting a fondness for military life from his ancestry, after the repeal of the stamp act, which gave the colony hopes for the enjoyment of a long period of good government from the crown, and especially local self-government, when the war of the Regulators in Alamance broke out he became a lieutenant-colonel under Governor Tryon, and with Colo- nels Ashe and Caswell with the King's forces engaged in the battle with the Regulators in May, 1771. It is remark- able to note that in this battle on the King's side were Colo- nels Ashe, Caswell, Bryan, Lillington, Captain Moore, and even General Waddell and others, who became afterwards conspicuous leaders in the Revolution, thus exhibiting their loyalty and demonstrating the trutli of the declaration of Patrick Plenry, that in the beginning the patriots " aimed not at independence." I After the suppression of the insurrection in Alamance Governor Tryon was transferred to New York as governor of that state, and w^as succeeded in tlie province of North Carolina by Josiah Martin. Governor Martin was a man of fine ability and of good character ; but his execution of laws that had been passed for the colony were so rigid and the laws themselves so arbitrary that these very officers who had been under Tryon at Alamance resigned their commis- sions and afterward entered into an active resistance to the oppressions of the crown, and from thenceforth they devoted their lives, their fortunes, and sacred honor to the cause of independence. Showing Colonel Lillington's prominence in the scheme and activity in promoting the cause, as early as January 4, 1775, the freeholders of New Hanover county elected him a member of the Committee of Safety for that county. At all the meetings of the committee he was active and wise in its councils, and we find him in June, July, and October engaged in his duties, which had then become so important to the advancement of the cause. On August 8, 1775, the same day that Governor Martin issued his proclamation denouncing the Mecklenburg Re- solves, an election was held in New Hanover county for delegates to attend a congress to meet at Hillsboro. Colonel Lillington was elected by his constituents to this congress, and on the 24th of that month qualified as a member and actively participated in its deliberations, assisting in the preparation of the system of government for the colony in opposition to Governor Josiah Martin, who had then become governor in name merely, having no actual dominion except over the deck of a ship, holding his office on board His Majesty's ship the Cruiser in the Cape Fear river. The colony of North Carolina thus eff'ectually broke off" all allegiance to the crown and set the ball of revolution rolling. While a member of this congress and attending its sessions Colonel Lillington was appointed colonel of the Minutemen of the Wilmington district, when at the same time his com- patriot. Colonel Caswell, was appointed colonel of the Minute- men of the Newbern district. This same congress decided to raise two regiments of Con- tinental troops, and appointed James Moore colonel of the first and Robert Howe colonel of the second regiment, and formulated rules for the conduct of the military forces of the province, prescribing the precedence of rank and right to command as between the officers of the Continental troops, the Minutemen, and the militia, making the Continental colonel first in right to command, the colonel of tiie Minute- men second, each taking precedence of the colonel of the militia. The adoption of these rules was the exhibition of wonder- ful wisdom and foresight, prevented friction, and produced 8 luirmoiiy in the ranks of the North Carolina troops. Some of the other colonies failed to prescribe such rules, and had the misfortune to see serious and bitter disputes arise and a clash between Continental troops and the state militia, which on one prominent occasion resulted in a duel between two distinguished generals. When the year 177G was ushered in it found Governor Martin still in his refuge on the Cruiser on the Cape Fear river, endeavoring by proclamation and offer of commis- sions to excite the Scotch Highlanders of Cumberland and the Royalists of Orange and the Yadkin to rally to the King's standard to suppress the rebellion which had broken out. The committee of safety of the Wilmington district, ever alert in their observance of the governor's actions, dis- I)atched Colonel Moore, of the 1st Regiment of Continental troops, with his regiment, and the Minutemen of the Wil- mington district under Col. Alexander Lillington, Colonel Ashe with his volunteers, and Colonel Kenan with his militia to Rock Fish, just below Cross creek, where the Highlanders had assembled under General McDonald, with the view of being led to Governor Martin at Brunswick to form a junction with the forces of Sir Henry Clinton, which were expected there, to begin a campaign for the subjuga- tion of the colony. General McDonald Avith his Tory forces started out for Wilmington, when General Moore dispatched Colonels Lil- lington and Ashe to Moores Creek bridge. A special courier was sent to Colonel Caswell, who had been sent by the Com- mittee of Safety of the Newbern district to join General Moore's forces, to take possession of ('orbetts Ferry, while Colonel Thackston was ordered to take possession of Cross creek to cut off McDonald's return. Colonel Lillington had in the early evening of the 2bth of February arrived at Moores Creek bridge, crossed it, and immediately began to throw up entrenchments, both near to and about 100 yards from the bridge, on a sandy elevation. Colonel Caswell, finding that General McDonald's forces had crossed Black river about dve miles above him, withdrew his forces and proceeded to reinforce Colonel Lillington, already entrenched at the bridge, and arrived at the bridge after night. After Caswell and his men crossed over Colonel Lillington directed the bridge to be torn up by his forces and the girders to be greased with tallow and saturated with soft soap, which he had procured that evening from the patriot women living in the neighborhood, and there the two armies lay on their arms during the night of the 26th, in sight of each other. On the morning of the 27th the Highlanders, who were no strangers to war, many of whom had been at Culloden and had military training, determined to give battle, ex- pecting an easy victory over the raw and undisciplined patriots, and at early dawn the sound of the pibroch was heard and the weird strains of the bagpipe urged the 1,800 Tories to the fray. They rushed forward to the attack, led by Captain McLeod, and John Campbell, second in command. They crossed the sleepers, the redoubtable Scotchmen fol- lowing, and, finding a small entrenchment next the bridge empty, advanced to within 30 paces of the breastworks behind which Colonel Lillington and his forces and the forces of Colonel Caswell were posted. Immediately Colonel Lillington led the advance, his men enthusiastically following him, and there in the forefront, with the silver crescent from his family escutcheon glittering on his hat in the morning sun, drove back the foe, putting them to flight, killing and wounding 30 Tories accounted for, and a numljer shot from the bridge and falling into the creek, and capturing 850 soldiers, together with guns, ammunition, wagons, and money, with which the student of history is familiar. - — While the movement of the troops and the assignment of the difi'erent officers to the positions on the river and at the bridge was made by Col. James Moore, to whom all honor should be given, and while Colonel Caswell assisted in the battle, history and tradition alike show that Colonel Lilling- ton was the hero, the prominent and conspicuous figure of 10 the Battle of the Bridge ; and yet so early in history the Sampson and Schley procedure takes place. On the 2d of March Col. James Moore, in command, re- ports the battle to President Harnett, of the Provincial Coun- cil, mentioning both Caswell and Lillington, and on March 4th the Congress passed a resolution of thanks to " Col. James Moore and all the brave officers and soldiers under him." But it remained for Colonel Caswell, instead of I'eporting the engagement, if he reported at all, to Colonel Moore, his superior officer, to make a report to the Provincial Council, and Congress passed a resolution thanking " Colonel Cas- well and the brave officers and soldiers under his com- mand." But his cotemporaries accorded the chief glory of the battle to Col. Alexander l^illington, and by them and all students of history he is known as the hero of the Battle of the Bridge. The effect of this battle on the colony was electrical and far-reaching in its consequences. It not only suppressed the Tory uprising, but it gave confidence and hope to the patriot cause, which was felt by the Whig troops whenever led into action as the Revolution progressed. The memory of the Battle of the Bridge is therefore treas- ured not only by the inhabitants of Cape Fear who have a just pride in the achievements of their ancestors, but it is regarded in history as a pivotal point in the progress of the cause of the Revolution ; for today, in looking back through the vista of time, we can readily see if the Tory forces had won the day at the Battle of the Bridge, McDonald's forces would have been augmented by active Loyalists and by lukewarm Whigs, a junction would have been formed of the Loyalists throughout the whole colony with the forces of Sir Henry Clinton and Cornwallis on the Cape Fear, and long indeed would have been the struggle to dislodge the British from the province, and possibly independence lost to the dispirited patriots. 11 8o, all honor to Alexander Lillingtou, the hero of the Battle of the Bridge, and the brave officers and soldiers with him, resolved to achieve on that day the motto of his silver crescent, " Liberty or Death." Colonel Lillington wore his honors with modesty, which had ever been a prominent element of his character and which is always associated with the truly brave man and genuine hero. It is said of him that modesty was an in- herited characteristic from his ancestry. No Lillington ever sought honor except as it lay in the path of duty ; or ever com- plained if preferment did not come ; or ever heralded his performances. If honors came, they were the result of merit, which an appreciative people voluntarily bestowed. After the Battle of the Bridge the Provincial Congress de- cided to furnish and equip a number of regiments for the common cause. On April 15, 1776, Colonel Lillington was appointed colonel of the 6th Regiment, and served with his command in the defense of the province. To the legislature of 1777, the first legislature that assem- bled after the election of a governor, Colonel Lillington was sent by New Hanover county to the House of Commons, and took an active part in its proceedings, aiding in passing tlie urgent legislation needed for the struggling colonists. The province with its new governor had begun to have peace at home, although the scenes of war were transferred to other portions of the Union. Really from the 29th of May, 1776, when the British fleet with Josiah Martin, Sir Henry Clinton, and Cornwallis sailed away from the Cape Fear river, the last vestige of royal power ceased and the province of North Carolina became quiet and was without interference from the royal government until 1781. During this period, soon after the expiration of his term in the legislature of 1777, Colonel Lillington was made a brigadier general and placed in charge of the Wilmington Military District. Here he was kept busy in recruiting his forces and preparing them by drill and otherwise to repel any return of the British force to the Cape Fear and in 12 suppressinjjj any sporadic Tory ui)risiiig which constantly threaened. On November 13, 1779, the governor of the state, as com- mander-in-chief, directed General Lillington to take com- mand of the troops and place himself in readiness to proceed south to the assistance of General Lincoln and his forces in South Carolina. In December he proceeded to Brunswick with a small force, there to await the arrival of the Duplin and Bladen forces. On January 10, 1780, we find him encamped with his troops near Little river, or the boundary, and on January 28 he arrived at CUiarleston, where he was put under Genera! Lincoln. Being sent by General Lincoln southward toward Savannah, he there remained until aftei' the fall of Charles- ton, and, not being thereat, was not included by General Lincoln in his surrender. After the fall of Charleston, in May, 1780, and the disastrous battle of Camden in which he fought, finding that the Cape Fear region and his own state was about to be invaded again, he withdrew his command to Georgetown or that vicinity, but afterward was ordered to return to the Cape Fear, but arrived to findtliat the British under Major Craig had sailed from Charleston with 400 British regulars, and had captured the town on January 29, 1781, and was then in possession with a strong garrison. Just as soon as the capture of AVilmington by Major Craig had been made the news spread through the u[)per Cape Fear. The irrepressible Scotch Tory, whose loyalty had been smoldering, encouraged l)y the emissaries of Major Craig, who Avere sent among them secretly with assistance, began to embody again, and, upon the retreat of General Green across the Dan into Virginia, General Lillington, with his corps, was sent to Cross Creek to overawe or dissuade them from their purpose, and so successful was he, by his firm and kindly course toward them, that when a month later Cornwallis went to Cross creek on his march to Wilmington from Guilford court-hou.se these lovalists had become active 13 or passive Whigs. Coriivvallis in a letter written to General Clinton stated that " North Carolina is, of all the provinces of America, the most difficult to attack (unless material assistance could be e^ot from the inhubitants, the contrary of which I have sufficiently experienced)." I When Cornwallis, on April 7, 1781, reached Wilmington and joined Major Craig, General Lillington, with his corps, was directed to watch Cornwallis and confine the incursion of Craig and his men to as narrow a compass as possible. Cornwallis, liowever, refreshed his men and replenished his commissar}', having his headquarters at the present resi- dence of Mrs. A\^. H. McRary, still standing ; there he re- mained for eighteen days, and then began his last march to Virginia, where, in October of the same year, he surren- dered his forces at Yorktown. On this march northward toward Halifax he was con- stantly harassed by General Lillington's troops without any decisive engagement, Lillington's troops at that time being very short of ammunition. In fact, in a letter to the Governor at this time, he stated that his force was so reduced in ammunition that it had but one round left. When, on the 17th of April, Cornwallis had passed McLain's bridge, Major Craig set out with a considerable force to capture Newbern. Learning of this, Lillington diverted his troops at once to the pursuit of Craig. At Richlands, Onslow county, he found him advancing with 800 Tories and regu- lars from Rutherford's mills, but upon the marching of Colonel Caswell from Newbern to join Colonel Kenan in Duplin, and thus form a junction with Lillington, Craig returns to Wilmington. During the period from April to July numerous small engagements took place between the Whigs and Tories, notably the engagement at Elizabeth- town, which was so gallantly captured by Colonel Brown and his compatriots, and that at Rock Fish creek, in Duplin, where the Whig forces were repulsed with a loss of 30 killed. Major Craig, the Britisli commander at Wilmington, was not idle in his actions against the Whig forces. He sent out 14 foraging parties in all directions, and a number of these penetrated far into the interior of the state. One proceeded as far as Hillsboro under the command of the notorious David Fanning and a Scotch Tory, Hector McNeill, and there captured and carried away the Governor, Thomas Burke, and other prominent Whigs, and speedily took them to Wilming- ton, where they were imprisoned and afterwards sent to Charleston for more secure detention. Another captured the great patriot and leader Cornelius Harnett, bound him with cords and, with his arms pinioned behind him, carried him on horseback to Wilmington, where he died in captivity and was buried by the hands of friends under Tory supervis- ion in the old St. James churchyard, where his remains still lie. Another party captured General Ashe, who was likewise spirited off to Wilmington, and there imprisoned liim with other Whigs in the common goal, where he con- tracted a virulent case of smallpox, and was only released in time to die at his home, near Clinton, a few days after his return. The surrender of Cornwallis, however, taking place in October, at Yorktown, Craig called in all his forces, and, fearing an attack by Lillington's forces, now encouraged by the news of the surrender, took his effects and troops aboard the transports lying in the river and sailed away from Wil- mington to Charleston, thus ending forever the British oc- cupation of North Carolina. ^ Upon the evacuation of Wilmington by Craig, General Lillington, with his forces, took possession again of the town, and were hailed b}'' the inhabitants with great rejoicing, having been for over nine months chafing under the domi- nation of Craig, the invader. The citizens of Wilmington during the occupancy of Craig remained loyal and true to the cause of Independence and did not receive or ask his favor or swear allegiance to the King, as did many of the inhab- itants of Charleston to Sir Henry Clinton on the surrender of General Lincoln ; but they sustained their reputation as the leaders of the Revolution, which they proudly claim even down to this day as their glory. 15 General Lillington continued in the command of the state troops in the Wibnington district until the treaty of peace was finally signed, in the fall of 1783. During this time, under Governor Alex. Martin, besides superintending and ordering the exchange of prisoners at Wilmington under flags of truce from Charleston, he was frequently called upon to assist in upholding and enforcing the administra- tion of law, when called upon by the civil authorities, until he was finally mustered out of service. Like the military leaders of the time, however, he took no relish in observing the harsh execution of the drastic and heartless confiscation laws. Like his great friend and fellow-soldier Major General Howe, he felt it to be the part of the victor to be magnanimous to the vanquished, and at one time Governor Martin complained of his indifference to the orders of the executive in this respect; but Lillington was in hearty sympathy with the able and spirited protest and petition of the ladies of Wilmington, sent at this time to Governor Martin, asking the governor to revoke his order for the deportation of the women and children of the mis- guided Tories and the sequestration of their estates. The military leaders all seemed to oppose these laws against the Tories. It was said of General Marion that when the sister province of South Carolina had passed a similar law, being invited to a dinner at Governor Mat- thews' table, toasted, "Here is damnation to the Confiscation Act." And when we reflect how utterly severe the confiscation and deportation laws were and how rigidl}' they were en- forced, extending them to estates of children whose inher- itances came not from a Tory father, it would have been more to the honor and credit of the state had they never been passed, and North Carolina, entering on her new career of sover- eignty, would have at once invited to her domain an English- speaking people, who would have been attracted by a spirit and policy of toleration and liberality. General Lillington, after the war, retired to his home, Lillington Hall, and there, in his declining years, led the life of a hospitable gentleman u of wealth, beloved alike by the rich and the poor, and by none esteemed more than by those who had at one time been Tories, yet who, notwithstanding his activity in the patriot cause, for his broad charit}" of feeling, preserved for him at all times the highest respect and admiration. Tradition says that Lillington Hall was more than once saved from the torch of the l^ritish by the Tory who had been ever his admirer and once his friend. And here, in the bosom of his family, amid the scenes of his actions in war, still engaged in the pursuit of agriculture, rich in the affections of his countrymen, liaving his name deeply en- graved on the scroll of history, at peace with all mankind, he was gathered to his fathers and buried in the family vault, leaving tlie following inscription carved by his friends and neighbors on his tomb — a just tribute to his memory : Beneath this Stone, Lie the mortal remains of General John Alexander Lillington A soldier of the Revohition Wlio died in 178G He commanded the American P'orces At the Battle of Moores Creek On the 27th February 1776 ; — And by his Military Skill And Oool Courage in the Field, At the head of his troops, secured a Complete and decisive victoiy. To intellectual powers of a high order He united an incorruptible integrity And a devoted and self-sacrificing patriotism ; A genuine lover of Liberty — He imperilled his all to secure the Independence of his Country And died in a good old age Bequeathing to his posterity Tlie remembrance of his virtues — nSH4 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS 014 419 987 fl