f^\ 37 in II: Mill: 1 1 Hill III III! ill llli I 0014014 1264 Conservation Resources LIg-Free® Type I Ph 8.S. Buffered Oca/ !fXv oT Co i^-)) lal v'V^ri . y er 3n ilemoriam Jlotuarb Hucius iHartin Bteb iHarcf) 21, 1915 |f?otoarb ILmhii iHlartin tCfjc Council of tijc ^ocictp of Colonial IMnis in tbc ^tnte of ^Tennont, sathered in special meeting, to recall the life and character ot Captain Howard Lucius Martin, one of its younger members, desires to place this tribute to his memory ui)on its records. Captain iHartin entered the Ijuiversity of Vermont, from the Washington, D. C. High School, in 1S98, but left in his junior year to enter the army as Second Lieutenant of Coast Artillery, U. S. A. He was ])romoted to First Lieutenant in 1907, and was graduated from the Artillery School, at Fort Monroe, in 1909. Two years later he was retired from active service, with the rank of Captain, for disability in line of duty. Having partially recovered his health, he resumed his University studies and was grad- uated in 1913. He continued his studies for a year at the University at Gottingen, Germany, when he was compelled to return home on account of the war. After a winter spent with his brother in Seattle, Wash., he left for home by way of Panama. On reaching New York City, he was taken with an acute attack of neiihritis, and died there March 21, 191.5. Captain JWartin was an exemplary student and officer. Faithful and efficient in the discharge of his military duties, had he lived he would have reached high rank in his pro- fession. Always courteous and considerate In his ways, he gained the love and respect of his friends and comrades. Our sincere sympathy is extended to his family in their and our great loss. Captain iWartin became a member of this Society, March 11, 1913, in right of descent from Captain Abraham Fuller, who was overseer and guardian of the Scatacoke Indians in 1773. CHARLES E. ALLEN, \ HAMHVrON S. PECK, ^Committee. HENRY B. SHAW, ) LIBRRRY OF CONGRESS 014 014 126 4 ®{)e ^ocietp of Colonial OTarg in tlje ^tate of >Jermont #?? 014 014 126 4 Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0014014 1264 r-^w,t,ixrtia*lt\n Dpeniirr<>«