^^'b ^^^^ oy^^NK/ ^v ^^ % '"' ^ % ""'">' < V «*» ,^^//,- ..//^.v.- ^v^.^//.- -''^^ *^,.«* /Jfe'v \../ .-^i^^". *^..«^ /.^fe\ V..-^' -vP9- V*^' 'y 6 o " " . ©rber of Eyercises 11 n Commemoration of XiXPlasbinQton's • !JBirtbba^, to be be lb b^ tbe IRational Societies, ^auabters of tbe amecican IRevolution, an& tbe CbilDren of tbe American TRevolution, Church of ©ur ^Father, Corner a:birteentb anD %, Streets, mortbwest, TKHasbington, 2). C, 10 B. m., Ifebruan? 22^, 1896. Committee of Brrangements. /IDis. 3obn Id. iFostcr, flDrs. /IDirall^a CuUoeb, /IDis. S>anicl Xotbrop, flOrs. Ikate Ikearnc? Ibcniv. ,31 a. 2. ©r^cv of levcrciees. I'lehide. ...... Music I. Prayer. Rev. Wallace Radci.ii kr. 1). 1). II. Salute to the Flag by The Capital Society. C A. R.. Mrs. Joseph C. Bkeckinridge. President: Recitation, "Our Flag." By Henry Skillman Hkeckinkidc;l III. "America" (two verses). . . By Audience IV. Welcome to Visiting Societies, Mrs. John W. P^oster, President General, D. A. R. V. " Star Spangled Banner," ■ Solo, Miss Doe Chorus by D. A. R. and C. A. R. Miss Anna B. Yeatman, Leader of Chorus. Mr. Percy Foster, Organist. Mr. Elphonzo Youngs, Cornetist. VI. Oration, General Joseph R. Hawlev VII. "Our Western Land," . . D. A. R. Choku.- Composed by Mrs. J. B. Peet. Accompanist, Miss GERTRur3E Burgess. VIII. "United States, Our Glorious Land," Solo, by Miss Anna B. Yeat.man Music by Dr. John Gower, Denver, Col. IX. Greetings by Members of the Daughters of the .\iin,i- ican Revolution. Mrs. Donald McLean. Mrs. James S. Peck. Mrs. Elroy M. Avery. Mrs. Thomas S. Morgan. Mrs. Miranda Tulloch. X. "Hail Columbia," . . . By Audience XI. " Liberty Song," . . C. A. R Chorus Mrs. E. C. Sloan, Leader of Chorus. Miss Anna F. Da.shiell, Accompanist. XII. Greetinc^s by Mrs. Daniel Lothrop, President, and State Promoters, Children of the American Rev- olution. Mrs. Mary Harrison McKee. Dr. G. Brown Goode, President District of Columbia S. A. R. Gen. Jo.seph C. Breckenridge, Inspector-General, U. S. A. Gen. A. \V. Greeley, BrigadierrGeneral, U. S. A. Rev. Dr. A. Mackay-Smith. XIII. "America" (new music). Longacre, D. A. R. Chorus Miss Anna B. Yeatman, Leader. XIV. Oration, By Mrs. Stephen Putney, Richmond. Va. XV. Drill in Continental Costume, by Members of the " Pirum Ripley Society," C. A. R., H. K. Bradford, Commander XVI. "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean," C. A. R. Chorus XVII. "America " (two verses), By Audience Benediction, . By Rev. Teunis S. Hamlin, D. D. [ To he sung by the aui1ien(e.'\ america. My country, 'lis of thee, -Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died; Land of the pilgrim's pride ; From every mountain side Let freedom ring. My native country, thee. Land of the noble free, Thy name I love ; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills. My heart with rapture thrills; Like that above. Let music swell the breeze. And ring from all the trees, Sweet freedom's song : Let mortal tongues awake ; Let all that breathe partake : Let rocks their silence break, The sound prolong. Our father's God, to Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing ; Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light, Protect us by Thy might, Great God our kin". Dail Columbta. Mail, Columbia, hapjiy land ! Hail, ye heroes! heav'n born band ! Who fought and bled in freedom's cause, Who fought and bled in freedom's cause, And when the storm of war was gone. Enjoyed the peace your valor won. Let independence be our boast, Ever mindful what it cost. Ever grateful for the prize, L et its altar reach the skies. Cko7'us. — Firm united let us he. Rallying round our liberty; As a band of brothers joined. Peace and safety we shall find. Immortal patriots! rise once more; Defend your rights, defend your shore ; Let no rude foe with impious hand. Let no rude foe with impious hand. Invade the shrine where sacred lies. Of toil and blood the well earned prize. While offering peace sincere and just, In heav'n we place a manly trust. That truth and justice will prevail. And ev'ry scheme of bondage fail. Sound, sound, the trump of fame ! Let Washington's great name, Ring thro' the world with loud applause. Ring thro' the world with loud applause. Let every clime to freedom dear. Listen with a joyful ear. With equal skill and God-like power He governs in the fearful hour Of horrid war ; or guides with ease The happier times of honest peace. W84 /.. «v -^ ',y^iw/ j^- -H, -^s /'--^^ ^yw.' ^^ % '-m ■•-' ^0- ^0 v-^ >^^ ^0 \» s • ' ^/-^V^ \-':f:^:.'\^- ^-'^^yj^- ■\:-zf: .♦^'V '^.^ WERTBOOKBINDn^G 'A 4 o_>. -'^