Ill iiillP if mmW ii m mm m m m m m im 65th Congress, \ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, f 'i^^^,^^'^ Sd Session. I I No. 1549. 'Vl.^.^^^i' ^i- ^^^'■<^^\-^^- REPORT OF NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. LETTER THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE, TKANSMITTINC, REPORT OF CONTRIBUTIONS ON ACCOUNT OF COOPERATIVE WORK WITH TEE FOREST SERVICE, AND THE AMOUNT REFUNDED TO DEPOSITORS ON ACCOUNT OF EXCESS DEPOSITS, NATIONAL FOREST FUND, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1918. December 5, 1918.— Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and ordered to be- printed . Department of Agriculture, Washington, Decemher 2, 1918. Sir: In compliance with existing law (38 Stat. L., 430, and 36 Stat. L., 1253), I have the honor to transmit herewith report of contributions on account of cooperative work with the Forest Ser- vice, and the amount refunded to depositors on account of excess deposits, national forests fund, for the fiscal year 1918. A copy of this report has also been transmitted to the President of the Senate. Very respectfully; •^ ^ D. F. Houston, Secretiry.^ The Speaker of the House of Representatives. Statement of refunds to depositors on account of excess deposits, national forest fund,. ^ fiscal year 1918. Item on account of which original deposit was made. Amount refunded. Item on account of which original deposit was made. Amount refunded. . S47, 572. 59 1,109.14 3, 23(i. 94 0.264.31 1, 272. 09 Occupancy trespass $2. 63: Water power 100.00 Turpentine sale 2n. 59 Total 59, 849. 29 2 REPOET OF NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. ^ \\^ \^ >f. Report of co7itributions to the credit of the Forest Service cooperative fund, fiscal year 1918. Balance on hand July 1, 1917 $20, 372. 42 Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1918: Abel, W. H. 15. 12 Abietine Medical Co 21. 19 Ace, William 1. 91 Ackerman, L. T 1.25 Adams, C. B 9. 00 Alamagorda Lumber Co 340. 00 Alexander, William 12. 63 Allen, F. D 3.14 Allen, F. R 6. 25 Allen, Minnie E 3. 14 Allard, S. 1 1.47 Alleman, E. L 5. 00 Alta Tunnel Mining Co 15. 00 American Wood Preservers' Association -51. 50 Anderson, John W 50. 00 Andrews, Herbert 31. 14 Annis, James 4. 00 Apache County, Ariz 400. 00 Arbics, Harry 5. 00 Arbics, Mrs. Mary '. 5. 00 Archuleta, Piedad 15. 98 Arnold, Sophia R 12. 00 Arriet, Pedro, and Martin Uriz 10. 00 Ashton, Richard W 1. 96 Ault (& Price 35. 51 Austin Bros. Association 50. 00 Bach, R. r 5. 00 Backus, J. K 8.00 Bacon, Albert 5. 00 Baer, Max 1. 90 Barden, H. L 7. 50 Baker, E. A 3.00 Baker, G. F 6. 00 Ball, R. S 48. 00 Barbee, H. K 9. 00 Barlage estate 15. 35 Barry, N. S 1. 96 Bass, Lewis .75 Bass, W. W , 40.00 Bassi, Josie 3. 14 Bastida, Manuel 6. 50 Bayside Lumber Co 359. 16 Bauer, A 6. 67 , Beals, C. E 4.00 Beardmore, C. W 750.00 Beasore, Thomas 5. 00 Bennett, J. A : IL 93 Berrigan, Martha M 1. 96 Binkley, H . W 100. 00 Billings, Ira ■ .62 Big Horn Reservoir Co 28. 33 Big Horn Resorts Co 38. 00 Big Cottonwood Coalition Mining Co 15. 00 Bird, F. E 12.00 Bieroth. 8. B 6. 00 Bishop, Thomas B 11.37 Birds' Eye Creek Mining Co 2. 92 Blistered Horn Tunnel Co 26. 67 Blood, Jay IS. 00 Black, George 10. 00 Blair, J., Lumber & Land Co 15. 19 Blinman, Fred, Co .- 12.28 Bladgett Co. (Ltd.) 205. 00 Eolson, Carl M .75 MAK 'M \m REPORT OF NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1918— Continued. Bolson, Gilmer T !S0. 75 Boiler Livestock Association 99. 70 Bonetti Bros , 10. 98 Bohall, Milo 3 92 Boggs, Frank S ^ 59 Bolander, T. H 9, 79 Bohlander, T . L g' 51 Boyden, William 2. 93 Brashear, W. P 28. 12 Brazil, M. V l| 57 Braun, j\Iartin 196 Bright. H. D 20! 00 Brown Bros. & Van Buskirk 72. 91 Brown, Mrs . Eva C 36. 00 Brown, Earl W 10. 00 Brown, Frank 40. 00 Brown, George L 1. 10 Bridge, A . F., and Elvenia Engquist ! 49 Bridge, F. W T .98 Bruce, D. S 10. 00 Bryan, G. H ^98 Bryant. Isabella J 2. 90 Buck Bros 5. 84 Buck, J 1. 50 Buck, John P 1. 50 Bugg, E;a.rl 5' 00 Bugg, Mary 5. 00 Buer, Theodore J 1. 50 Buhl, Chris 2. 20 Burke, Milo 10. 60 Burrows, Charlotte 1. 20 Burrows, I. A 2 40 Bush, C.G .33 Butler, Frank 6. 00 Butler, Minnie A .52 Bybee, George M 7. 00 California Door Co 70. 00 Callaghan & Timmons 1. 96 Campana Liveo 3. 42 Campo Cattle Co 122. 00 Cannon, J. H 12. 00 Cantillion, W. J., de 1 96 Carlin, W. H 2. 73 Carpenter, P. B 7. 87 Carpenter, J. T ' 850. 00 Carr, Clark M 12. 00 Carter, F. G 20. 00 Carter, O. J. , and Leonard Carter 1. 00 Caribou Cattlemen's Association 100. 00 Cascade County, Mont 2, 946. 69 Cavanaugh, Herman 1. 00 Cavin, George W 3. 20 Cherry, William 22. 50 Chilson, A.J 7. 50 Churchhill, E. O 5. 00 Childers, Mrs. W. B 12. 00 Chipman, A , 24. 00 Christian, Mrs. C. A 9. 70 Chesnimnus, C. & H., Association 467. 73 Chewancan Land & Cattle Co 16. 11 Church, W. N 9. 75 Cu-by, George H 1. 79 Codv. Louise M 18. 00 Coe, W. R 18. 00 Cole, Frank J 16. 00 Copper Basin Mining Co 30. 00 Cooper, E 1. 50 4 EEPOKT OF NATIONAL FOEEST FUNDS. Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1918— Continued. Cooper, Herman K $9. 00 Cottonwood Metal Mining Co 15. 00 Congdon, Mrs. Honora. . .■ 2. 85 Connor, H. R 2. 06 Corona Foothill Lemon Co 50. 00 Cone Ranch Co. and C. C. Lyon 22. 01 Cone Ward Co 22. 62 Couger Creek Cattle & Horse Association 198. 80 Clay, F. D 16.00 Clay Spring Cattle Co 50. 00 Clark, W. W 10. 00 Creede-Crooked Creek — Telephone Association 74. 30 Costango & Zarlingo 15. 00 Crane, F. T 20. 00 Crane, J. A 5. 00 Crocker, E. A., and F. M. Crocker 6. 00 Crowe, George O 1. 9() Crown, Willamette Paper Co 4. 80 Crook County, Oreg 950. 00 Curtis, T. M? ". 4. 00 Cuba Mercantile Co 24. 00 Curtis, Collins & Holbrook 1, 218. 87 Culbert, C. L. and E. M 42. 00 Cuyamaca Water Co 150. 00 Daggett, John .63 Dahlen, Ben 1. 00 Dale, P. B 5.00 Danaher, R. E., Pine Co 356. 86 Danley & Greer 10. 00 Darlington, F 3. 14 Davidson, John 10. 00 Decarli, Charles F 3. 92 Decarli, Julia 3. 92 Decarli, Milo C 1. 96 Delanev, Ray .25 Derthick, Archie 325. 00 Dearhamer, A.J 24. 00 Denver, Boulder & Western R. R. Co 85. 00 Devlan, Charles F., jr 12. 00 De Camp, Wesley 311. 30 Dean, Lucille, and R. C 1. 96 Dempster, T. F 1. 55 Desmond, F. C 10. 09 Diers, Louis D 1. 50 Diers, Vera M 1. 50 Dietz, C. N 42.50 Diamond Match Co 1, 921. 93 Donovan, Hopki, Menneiman Co 60. 00 Dover Lumber Co 20. 10 Doll, August 12. 00 Doering, Guy M 139. 57 Dodo, Mike 20. 00 Dockwiller & Klitzken 12. 00 Dodds, John 8. 17 Dotta, A. E 38.58 Dolley, L 16. 13 Dorsch, A. C 6. 15 Dominy, Charles .28 Dodd, William 9. 25 Dorais, Louis P 1. 97 Douglas County, Oreg 1, 400. 00 Dutch, Joe, Telephone Line 24. 00 Dubach Bros 10. 00 Dunn, Brady • 3.00 Dunham, C. P .45 Dunham, P .52 Ducey, James 35. 30 REPORT OF NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1918— Continued. D worzezek, M $3. 04 Earl, Edwin T '_\ iqq] 00 Eastman, Frank 4. 00 Edwards, E . E 33. BO Edwards, George Q 25. 00 Eichwald, A 24. 00 Elko County, Nev 1 502. 55 El Paso & Southern System ' 225. 00 El Paso & Southwestern Co 30. 00 Eldorado Fruit Land Co 3 14 Ellis, w. T., jr ; . ; ; ; g! 27 Empire Zinc Co 18. 00 Emerson, C . L 75. 00 Emery, F. W lOo" 00 Enos, Manuel 2. 06 Ernshaw, L., and F. E. Ayers 1. 96 Estate of Milton French . . .' 20. 20 Evans, Anne 12. 00 Evans, Earl D 45. 00 Evans, M. T. L 85. 00 Ewalt, Charles 1. 50 Eyre, E. L 205. 00 Fallentine, Xels 5. 00 Falls Creek Minina: Co 41. 25 Farmers' Savings Bank 35. 64 Fay, John 5.88 Field, N. B 12.00 Figueras, R alph 6. 50 Fissures Exploration Co 18. 00 First National Bank of San Jacinto 50. 00 Fitzgerald. James 16. 00 Fladraoe, A. P 1. 25 Foster, E. A 79. 58 Foster, T. B 17. 30 Fournier, L. F 2. 93 Fourth of July Canyon Road 655. 00 Frazer, Eslie E 1.96 Freeman, H. M., Co 16.84 Froelich & Kremmel 6. 27 Fresno State Normal School 9. 60 Fresno Flume & Lumber Co 47. 50 Frost, C. W 25. 00 Frost & Richard 60. 00 Fryer, D. F .90 Frver, Hattie S 1. 79 Fultz, John 38. 50 Funk, Ed 15. 00 FuUington, R. P 10. 00 Gadding & McBean 6. 27 Galletin, Malvina 20. 69 Ganahl, Fidel 50. 00 Garbolino, James 10. 00 Garnett, J. S., Co .* 23. 76 Garr, J. M 6. 00 Ganquet & Barth 20. 00 Gav, Sophie E 1. 34 Gay, Sophie J 1. 55 General Pacific Railwav Co 361. 20 Gergen, William T. . . .". 1. 50 German, D.J 16. 00 Gerber, W. E 53. 01 George, Frank 3. 10 Gold Run Ditch & Mining Co 30. 70 Goodyear, C. A., Lumber Co 589. 25 Goodall-Perkins Co 7.70 Gotthelf, E. G 10. 45 6 REPOBT OF NATIONAL FOEEST FUNDS. Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1918— Continued. Gotthelf, Gordon "... !?80. 61 Granby Telephone Co 15. 23 Graham, C. F 3. 07 Grays Harbor County, Wash 500. 00 Great Western Power Co 1, 389. 92 Greenwald, Levi, Co 212. 10 Grenenger, H.J 3.14 Greer, G. R 6. 00 GrifHth, J. W .86 Griffith & Barnes 5. 60 Griswald, L. S 23. 29 Grover, H. M., & Son 6.27 Gullickson, G. S 1. 50 Haggblom, Oscar 1. 96 Hague, Mrs. Clementine 4. 80 Hall. Mrs. Lula 60. 00 Hamblin, G. O 10. 00 Hamilton, Mrs. H 2. 40 Hammell, A. C 1. 57 Hamlin, W. E 28. 37 Hamlin, W. E., estate 24. 67 Hammond Lumber Co 43. 00 Hammond, H. W 6. 75 Hammond. Frank 9. 00 Harris, W. L 7. 50 Hanson Livestock & Feeding Co 100. 00 Hanson, D. W 1.96 Hampton, Bert 12. 52 Halsey, Henrv 50. 00 Harrison. J. W 42. 00 Harrow. Frances V 25. 00 Hart, L. D 3. 14 Hawaiian Development Co 39. 17 Hawkins, G. F .54 Hayes. Rayden 5. 00 Hayes, William 1. 80 Hazard, E. L 50. 00 Hazard, G. H 15.00 Haynie & Haffaker 18. 00 Henderson. W. D 16. 00 Herber. I. W 9. 00 Henrie Bros 10. 50 Heckart, F. A., and wife 3. 63 Hill Bros 20. 00 Hills Land & Livestock Co 60. 00 Hogland, John E 1. 96 Hosselkus. B. C 10.00 Hollister, D. E 20. 00 Howell. J. W., Co 60.00 Howell, T. F 3. 85 Holman. B. C 18. 00 Holbrook, Merrill L 6. 00 Hoy, Frank M : 12. 00 Houston, W. W 9. 93 Hoff , Ernest P 3 00 Hoff, E. R 1.25 Hoff, George J 5. 00 Hochheimer Co 1. 50 Hoxie & Gill 11.52 Howard. W. C 15. 00 Holcomb. Olin H 50. 00 Hughes. Levi 18. 00 Hughes, Zelpha 3. 14 Hunder. Bernt .75 Ilsley, B. O 9.00 Inland Empire Paper Co 226. 00 Irvin, Ed 24. 00 REPORT OP NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1918-Continued Irvine Co ccnn «/. Jackson. G.F •^■^^^-S? Jackson, L. C .' .' •^\ Jacobs, Jack • (,, James, W. A -^^i James, w. s ■.'.■.■ ;;;.';; ?• g Jameson Emma.. . \'^(\ Jensen, William E.. Z^ 'i^^T^''^ ::::::::::::::::::::::::: moo jeffry.j.A...;.".v.v;.".":;:: ^%f^ Jewell.Guy - ^.92 Jones, A. F. hoi Jones. J. H ! :.":::::: in no Jones.M.L j^^O Jones, Mont and Joe ' ' " '. To" nn Johnson. Amelia ^'-?qp Johnson, Ed mond.... jn, Johnson, Ray G to^^ Johnley. Ernest ^H^ Johnston, L. K. . . . /o' aa Johnston, W. J. R ." ; ." ; °- ^^ Joos. Georsje n ar^ juve, H. o ; ; , {• ^.^ Kalispell Lumber Co. . ^rCc^ aa Karchner. N. H.... ^84 Kaufman. Eva Gyle.. o"oi Kaveney. R. H.... too Keas. Charles H.... in^n Kelley.J.J ^0.50 Kelley. M. A "■;:'-? Kelley & Kenison.... .Vqo Kendall, W. S i\\ Kent. William.... ^-^^ Kehrbers?. R. H.. '^•?;. Kennett. Mrs. A. C... innn Kendrick. E. R.... ^J- ^1? Kepford. W, A W , $• ^^* Ketcham, J. F j!;;[: Kirk, ("harles W LVnn Kirk.JamesH ^^-Ja Kildale. Alfred and Laura. '' " ' i" qo Knolhn, A. J 100 On Kleinsorge, Wm. E.. Louise Kleinsorge'and H.B.Drescher ' % 90 Knapp, George O ' jn,,' nn Kolberrer. J.:.. ■^^*!*- ?*? Kohn. N. L .^i:\7, Koch. Harry G... ■.■.■.■.■.■;: frl Kribbs. F. A.... -\f^ Kreamer. W. E .-yc,Jr, Kung, John, jr Tonn Kung. William J.../ jo'^f^ Lacheur, Perce Le .' .' ' V' q^ La vezola, Joseph 7' oo Lacey, J. W .":; '^% Lacey, Mark 244 Lacey, Thomas 9'^| Lake Hemet Water Co :\n(\ na Lam per , Tom .'.'.'.".'.'.' -^yy^-^^ Lantis, A. M r' no Larom, I. H ."'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.".".' 18 00 Lavoy, Alexander 39 15 Lancii-ica, Celisto .' ' ^ q(. Lawler, Mary A 1 qr Lazos, Gus 35 00 Lawrence, s. D. Co ■..:::::::;;:::::::;;;::;; 1,000:00 Lazear, John, & Co 10 00 ;8 - EEPORT OF NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 19J 8— Continued. L^thrum, W. F $7. 00 Levi, H., & Co., and Greenwald Co 32. 38 Lee, C. II 13.40 Lever, Lillian 1. 96 Leckie Sheep Co 12. 00 Leshure, W. P 5. 62 Lindsay, Charles 2. 50 Limpensel & Schiff .39 Lighthill, Bert. 2. 02 Lowry, Mary A 1. 96 Lowry, Martin L 1. 95 Lovick, Clement .- .25 Lovick, Joe .25 Los Alamos Ranch 18. 00 Loy, John 10. 00 Lund, Charley. 2. 40 Lubken, Albert 4. 84 Lubken, J. H 9. 80 Lubken, Arthur 6. 00 Lucas, J. H .97 Lunden, A. E 12. 50 Lui'ton-Moore Telephone Line 6. 00 Loomis, B. F 2. 64 Luman, Abner 38. 33 Luman, John 19. 00 Lyon C'attle Co 10. 18 Lutcher, H.J 48. 00 Lutcher, Mrs. H.J 20. 00 McArthur, John Co 29. 57 McCloud River Lumber Co 3, 237. 28 McCormack, F. A 5. 78 McDonough, J. M 37. 20 McDonough, W. C 136! 10 Mcllroy, W. A 12. 00 McMulIen, George 250. 00 McCord, Henry ! 25 McGoldrick Lumber Co 480. 00 McFarland, S.J 5. 00 McCulloh, F. S 17.28 McKenzie Stoner Co 5. 5.5 McKee, John T 1.96 McCulley, W. C 5o! 00 McGregor, E. A 51. 90 McGee^ F. F 18. 00 McCoy, J. A 6. 00 McPherson, Emma 1. 96 McMahan, D., & Son lo! 00 McGinnes, S. E 1. 50 Madeira Sugar Pine Co 249. 07 Mahan, Lawrence E 1. 96 Macchione, Charles 5. 00 Martinez, Manuel 24. 00 Martin, W. C 10. 00 Mansen, Albert E 1. 96 Manst, E. A., et al 29. 52 Maury Cattle and Horse Association 995. 00 Mason, C. C 10. 00 Marsh, Lena 1. 96 Mauriac, N . P. , de 20. 00 Meagher County, Mont 557. 22 Means, George W 60. 15 Mergelman, Charles 37. 80 Mergelman, R. P 86. 50 Meyers, Herman 1. 00 Meyers, William .75 Michener, C 16. 00 REPORT OF NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. Contributed July ], 19i7, to June 30, 1918— Continued. Michigan-California Lumber Co SI, 208. 10 Midland Livestock Co ' 12. 00 Miller, De Brul & Peters Manufacturing Co 36. 24 Miller, M. A 3 14 Miller, W. E "'."..'";; s! 76 Miller, AV. J ^ 10. 20 Miller Hill Mining Co , 18. 00 Mill Creek Livestock Association 463 00 Milnes, H. E 3" 85 Mills, D. O " ■ f;]5 Mills, William G .' 2' 40 Mineral County, Mont ^ 30, 000. 00 Mitchell, Mark, et al 1. 96 Mitchell, Mills 250. 00 Monterey County waterworks 100. 00 Morris, Frederick 20. 00 Moorem, Mrs. Laura 34. 88 Mount Idyllwild Park Co 75. 00 Muir, James R 15. 00 Murdock, Mrs. H. G 2^ 40 Munsen, M. C 4. 50 Munds Park Cattle Co 10. 00 Mutual Creamery Co 10. 00 Munk, Lester . . '. 5. 00 Musgrave. Herbert 18. 00 Muller, Gottlieb 16. 00 Nashund, Selma M 1. 96 National Ice & Cold Storage Co 10. 43 National Lumber Manufacturers' Association 600. 00 News Print Manufacturers' Association 52. 50 New York East Fork Livestock Association 132. 50 Nimerick. J. B 16. 00 Noack, Paul .25 North End Cattle & Horse Association 151. 14 Northwestern Electric Co 130. 00 Newall Land ct Farming Co 275. 00 Nelson, AA'ilhelmina ^ 1.96 Nevada, California & Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co. 32. 63 Newlands, F. G.. estate 18. 81 Northern Cedar Co 190. 57 Notley Bros ' 6.00 Norum, George H 1. 96 Norman, Gust 1. 96 Northern Water & Power Co 47. 57 Northfork Association 20. 90 Nonneman estate _. 23. 97 Nuckols, C. L . . 6. 00 Nutting. Roy 3. 92 Oden, Glen H 1. 50 Oden, H. J 1. 50 O'Driscoll, Isaac 4. 50 Officer. L. S 10. 00 Ogle, E. C 1 . 33 Ogle, William 2.16 Oliver Cattle Co 18. 00 Oliver, James 1 . 50 Ore Electric Co 5.15 Orrison, T. D 1.25 Orme Bros 25. 00 Okanogan County, Wash 625. 96 Pacific Gas & Electric Co 222. 21 Pardoe & Co 3 14 Pate. S. M 8. 80 Painter. E. T 20. 00 Parker, C. H .50 Rape, O. E 3. 50 L^ 10 REPORT OP NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1918— Continued. Patterson, W. L >^16. OO Park County, Mont 400. 00 Park Reservoir Co 20. 00 Park Range Live Stock Co 95. 00 Parsons, W. H 9. 75 Peckinpah Lumber Co • 36. 80 Pecos Mines Co fi. 00 Penasco Valley Mercantile Co 12. 00 Pence, Arthur J 7. 00 Perkins, W. W 10. 00 Peterson, Ben 5. 00 Peterson, Martin 1. 26 Peterson, Otto 15. 00 Peterson, O. >S .33 Peterson, T. C .33 Peterson Live Stock Co 10. 00 Pennsylvania Lumber Co 200. 37 Pennsylvania Molybdenum Mines Co 20. 00 Perry, Tony 10. 00 Pickerins:, Earl .25 Pierson, Peter 2. 25 Pierce, George E .53 Pierce, J. N., Land & Cattle Co 110. 00 Pierce, Edwin 3. 98 Pierce, Cvrus M 1. 96 Pollard, H 10. 00 Polleys Lumber Co 1, 000. 00 Potter, Ina M 9. 60 Potter, R. K 32 00 Pollock, S. S 1.20 Poole, Rufus 4. 70 Porteons, J 3.14 Potts, Frank H., and J. G. Edwards 31. 50 Power Timber Co 319. 90 Powers, C. S 3. 84 Powers. J. O 2. 26 Price, R. L 50. 00 Price, Parlev 5.00 Pretti, F. .T ." 5. 00 Pfister, J. J 24. 06 Prescott, E. M* 46. 60 Radeke, A. F 2. 06 Radeke, Clarence M 30. 27 Radeke, Mrs. E. G 9. 00 Ralston, Joseph H 3. 92 Rankin, Lee 10. 00 Rankin, Walter - 12. 74 Rainey, Charles W 2. 32 Ramm, John G 5. 84 Ramsev, T. H., and Lyon Cattle Co 3. 85 Rare Metals Production Co 25. 00 Rathburn, Frank W .87 Ream, P. H 1. 67 Ream, P. M 1. 46 Reed, K. L 4. 00 Reid lAunber Co 200 86 Reid, R. T .75 Riversed Four Cattle Co 70. 00 Richards, James .78 Richards, W. D 50. 00 Richardson Bros 53. 80 Ripley, G. W 750. 00 Riley, J. A 2. 88 Rio ij-rande Reservoir & Ditch Co 10. 00 Roberts, E. C 417. 91 Robertson , R. L 12. 63 Robinson, Callie E 2. 06 REPORT OP NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. 11 Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1918— Continued. Robinson, Willard. $2. 50 Rock Creek Conservation Co 32. 50 Rodecker, CM 15. 52 Rodecker, W. T 15. 52 Rodriquez, S.J 1. 96 Rogerson, Andrew 12. 00 Rose Lake Lumber Co .■ 300. 00 Rowberry, Thos 50. 00 Rowland Investment ( 'o. and J. E. Pardee 15. 05 Ruane, Bernard 25. 00 Ruff, Louisa G 3.92 Rugsles, C. F 56. 68 Russ Co. , Z 7. 84 Russ, William 1. 96 Salazer & Sons 24. 00 Sails Bros 7. 00 Sails, E. H 7.00 Sails, H. 1 7.00 Sammons, A.J 34. 60 Sammons, Charles 6. 00 Sammons, Lewis 31. 14 Sammons, William 36. 33 Sammons, W. P 4. 32 Sample, S.J ! 15. 00 Sandbrook, W. M 1. 89 Sanger Lumber Co 70. 65 San Luis Valley Irrigation Ditch 10. 00 Santa P'e Builders & Supplies 18. 00 Sargent, George C 4. 39 Schronmaker & Springfels 1 2. 00 Schellman, John 2. 93 Schnerr, E 10. 98 Scott, John B 6. 50 Scott Graft Lumber Co 19. 06 Seitz, Ro))ert .78 Serrano Water Association 850. 00 Sessions, May F 3. 90 Sevy, Myron 11. 88 Sevy, Thomas 11. 38 Shafer, William 2. 92 Sharp, R 2. 40 Shaw, Louis M 1. 96 Shepard, Ellis C - 1. 96 Sheridan-Pinedale Telegraph Line 67. 04 Sherrill, Clinton .62 Sherrill, Lee • 1. 50 Shields, J. A .78 Shields, Dr. W. A 7. 00 Shipman, Charles G 5. 90 Shippy, J. J 12. 00 Shirts, Leander 50. 00 Showers, N. H 20. 00 Sibbett, H. G 10. 00 Sierra Alaska Mining Co 11. 68 Sierra Club 50. 00 Sigler, Lou A .62 Sigwart, J. A 23. 50 Simons & Sons 17. 28 Simpson, Alva A 6. 74 Simpson, C 2. OfJ Siskiyou Mines Co 2. 40 Sisson & Moore ' 30. 00 Skamania County, Wash 1 , 558. 60 Slider, T. S 6.75 Smart, Joseph H 24. 63 Smart, Lyman 2. 50 Smart, L. S 10. 00 12 REPORT OF NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1918— Continued. Smith, A. d $15. 00 Smith, A. W 28. 71 Smith, R. E 5.00 Smith, Stanley 2. 81 Smith, T. S 10. 00 Smith, Wells 2. 50 Smith, W. L 6. 00 Snell, C. P., and J. E. Pardee 6. 28 Sneve, Anthony 35. 00 Snorer, P. H 1. 50 Snorer, Ralph 1. 00 Snow Mountain Water & Power Co 98. 48 Snyder, C. R 18. 00 Snyder , Simon 18. 00 Sobrante Mining Co 7. 32 Soda Springs Lumber Co 14. 24 Sonora Meat Co 393. 95 Southern Pine Association 591. 48 Sowards, D. W 10. 00 Soyars, H. C 1.50 Spackman , C. A 2. 00 Spaulding, J. N 18. 00 Speiser, C. C .25 Stanford Uniyersity *. . . 17. 67 Starr, E. E 3. 14 State of Colorado 8, 719. 07 State of Idaho • 6, 945. 41 State of Nevada 1, 997. 45 State of Oregon 2. 022. 11 State of South Dakota 2, 533. 00 State of Utah 10. 444. 20 State of Wyoming 10, 128. 68 State Board of Agriculture, Colorado 345. 00 Steinbach , Henry 10. 20 Stephens, H. D 6.00 Steyens Barr Lumber Co 24. 00 Steyens, W. 5. 00 Stewart, Charles H 3. 92 Stewart, Cora J 3. 92 Stinson, C. B 3.31 Stoor, John 5. 00 Street, Walter 10. 00 Strohmeyer , F. , established 10. 56 Strom , lians 1. 25 Summit Prairie Cattle Association 1. 754. 00 Swamp Creek C. & H. Association « 222. 02 Swan Telephone Co 6. 80 Swanger, J. W 5. 00 Swayne Lumber Co 330. 00 Swazo, Onesimo 12. 00 Swigard, G. M 1. 20 Sylvester, L. B 10. 00 Temeseal Water Co 1, 000. 00 Templeton , Charles A 2.10 Tennille, T. L 6. 00 The Gotthelf Inyestment Co 12. 00 The Willow Creek & Live Stock Co 85. 00 Thexton, Sadie 5. 00 Thom, W.J 16. 00 Thompson, Annie H. , & Ethel M. Leonard 2. 00 Thompson, J. M 1.79 Thompson , Knute '. . . . .75 Thumen, P. B 1.50 Tidball, D. B 16.00 Tidball , V . D 1 6. 00 Towle Estate Co 32. 94 Tracy, F. L 12. 00 REPORT or NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. 13 Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1918— Continued Trask, Harry E m Q^ Trinity County, Cal V. ...... ..[.[. 217 38 Truckee River General Electric Co. . . 94' Vn Tucker, c. p :;;;:;; 7 JJJ Tungate , Lvda " " q' 7^ Turbinville, Roy -^ ...... ......[ 25 • Turner & Stevenson k an Turner, W. G r' on Tyrell, Herbert J 99 United States Copper Co _] 45 00 Valdez , Francisco t? nn Van Walbeck,F. C... t u9 Vedell,Emil 4 7^ Vedell, Isabella S ..\ 4 75 Vestal , T. H . , Chas. Charlton , and Netta F. iiewett l' 40 V^ictor Power Co o' 41; Vigil, Daniel ::::::.■; j 5 -Jo \ lies, George A 9^ ' qq Vmeash, Sinaeon 1'^ 00 Vonderlehr, Charles J o' 00 Wagner, Jesse H., and Walter F. Waener Vl4 Walker, F. X " 4r7 Walker, w. H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "! ^ ■■;:;:;;::::: ""' ' 9? Walker, August o'^q Wall, James H -^rl'l^ Wallowa County, Oreg .■.■.■.■.■:::." 1, 000.' 00 Wallace, Mrs. L ,. y^ Waters Clark Lumber Co. . . -'■ o . Walton, Weslev ' • rn Walters, C. N." "■■ iP^nn Ward, E. B ;;;;:::::::::::;;::::: S Warra, John ' ' j' tq Washington Forest Fii-e Association 999' 99 Watrous, F. L "ir no Wendell, John '.'...'..'...'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.['.'.'.'." 1000 Weihe, August, Investment Co 7' en Wells, William .....'..' 2 40 Western Realty Co 15 4] West Branch Cattle and Horse Association 890 00 Western Pine Manufacturers' Association 33o' oo Western Lumber Exchange 615' qo Westhoff, Louisa '. y ' 91 Western States Gas & Elecrticity Co .........."..'' " 5*49 Westcott & Lyons ' ' ' -^o Wilson, Dorothea A i\o Winter, D |op Willard, Ora, & Hillman ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'... 7 70 Willis, B. L., Lumber Co 40 00 Williams, Eugene ifiono Wilhelm,J. A .......[....'...: 9 00 Winsor, H. D 19 00 Wilkins, Orson 10 00 Wilson, George A ] ' 04 Winton, C. J., et al infi'fi^ Windmiller, L. D '.....'....[[.[.. 3 14 Whiteside Lumber Co qV nn Whitcomb. R. P. . . . ^ona White, c. ^^^'^^-'^^^^ '!'!!; ;';;;;;;;;;■■ 1 03 White, James c'nn Womack, C. L ......'..['.". 19 00 Woodlawn Mining Co 15 00 Woodworth, Mrs. Rose B tan Woodard, Gib D ";." .' ." .' .' ^- V^ Workman, Clara innn Wolcott, Mabel L 94nn Wright, A. D ■■.■;::::;".■.■;::::::::::;::;;; fo.m 14 REPORT OF NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS. Contributed July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1918— Continued. Wyoming Timber Co 175. 00 Yerrington, Mrs. H. M 2. 12 Zanganella, Peter 10. 00 Zarlingo , Jo 10. 00 $129, 807. 79 Total 150, 180. 21 Disbursements: Expended under cooperative agreement and included in report of Forest Service expenditures 59, 188. 27 Repaid to contributors 732. 11 59, 920. 38 Balance carried to fiscal year 191 9 90, 259. 83 o kPi \ Syracuse, N. Y. \ PAT. IAN. 21, 1908