NO PLAYS EXCHANGE:o. A Romance in Porcelain Price, 25 Cents B* yj. Pinero's Plays Price, 50 Setits 6acb Till? A M A 7nWQ Farce in Three Acts. Seven males, five fe- llll!i i\lTIx\iuv/ii»3 males. Costumes, modern; scenery, not diflBcult. Plays a full evening. TUC rAD!lMI7T IWfllMIQTFl? Farce in Four Acts. Ten InL tADlIlLl IVllINiolLK. males, nine females. Cos tumes, modern society; scenery, three interiors. Plays a full evening- riAlSinV nifir Farce in Three Acts. Seven males, four fe- UAviiJl i/ivl^ males. Costumes, modern ; scenery, two inte- riors. Plays two hours and a half. TUr r* AV I riDH AlirV comedy in Four Acts. Fourmales, inCi UAI LUIVi/ V£ULiA ten females. Costumes, modern; scenery, two interiors and an exterior. Plays a full evening. UTC Unf TCU fU ADnrD comedy in Four Acts. Nine males, niO ntfUiJEi in SJRUCmSX four females. Costumes, modern; scenery, three interiors. Plays a full evening. TUU UADDV UriDQI? Comedy in Three Acts. Ten males, IflEi nUDDI nviVOEi five females. Costumes, modern; Ecenery easy. Plays two hours and a half. inTq Drama in Five Acts. Seven males, seven females. Costumes, tlVlO modern ; scenery, three interiors. Plays a full evening. I ifiY DnmSrriFITI Play in Four Acts. Eight males, seven luAUl DViUn I irULi females. Costumes, modern; scen- ery, four interiors, not easy. Plays a full evening. I FTTV T^r^™3, in Four Acts and an Epilogue. Ten males, five *jt* A * females. Costumes, modern; scenery complicated. Plays a full evening. TUI7 MAflQTPATI? Farce in Three Acts. Twelve males, IIlEi ITliWlliJ I IV/l 1 £1 four females. Costumes, modern; scenery, all interior. Plays two hours and a half. Sent prepaid on receipt of price by Salter ?|. Jiafeer & Companp No. 5 Hamilton Place, Boston, Massachusetts A Romance in Porcelain A Comedy in One Act By RUDOLPH RAPHAEL Author of ''A Professional Visit y' etc. Notice to Professionals This play is published for tlie free use of amateur players and organizations only. Professional actors or companies jModucing it in any form or under any title, without the permission of the author, who may be addressed in care of the publishers, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. BOSTON WALTER H. BAKER & CO. 1917 -9 finales. Pillars of Society. A Play in Four Acts. 10 males, ^females. Rosmersholm. A Drama in Four Acts. 4 males, 1 females. The Wild Duck. A Drama in Five Acts. 12 7nales, 3/^w«/-"-^-.--^'es G^Hv:;-and the Lilliputians Up-To- ^^^S^£^-^-— . ^^£^^^f.^^.^. .ny male or female or both. THE FAMOUS BROWN vs. BROWN SEPARATE MAINTENANCE CASE A Woman's Suffragette Mock Trial jBjy Lilian Clisby Bridgham Four males, twenty-eight females. Costumes, modern and eccentric ; scenery, unimportant; can be done on a platform if desired. Plays an hour and a half. A very lively aftd up-to-date entertainment, especially suited for womens' clubs. Full of opportunities for local hits. Printed with full directions as originally produced in Somerville, Mass. Price, 2j cents CHARACTERS Mrs. ]EiiKS, judge. Mrs. Clark, c/erk. Mrs. Oliver, court crier. Mrs. Burnham, district attorney. Miss Lincoln, defendant^ s counsel. Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, plainti^. Mrs. Sarah White, plaintij^' s mother, Mrs. V>\5R.ton, plaintiff' s sister. Mrs. Currier, plaintiff ' s chum. Mrs. Harriet Brown, defendajifs mother. Miss Adams, delicatessen store bookkeeper, Leonard Brown, defendant. James yiowiON, ja7iitor. Kenneth Baker, telegraph boy. Ethel Burton, ] . , . / w -. Randolph Clark, | ^^^^^<^^^^'^ous children. Mrs. Edith Bi^ake, forewoman of jury. THE GREEN BIRD A Farce Comedy in Three Acts By y. U. Harris Eight males, four females. Costumes, modern ; scene, an interior. Plays, hvo hours. Two young men on a bet go in search of a young lady with \ green bird on her hat. They run into all sorts of complications, interf,