P s 3537 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap......... Copyright J^o...... ShelCLyT^^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CAMF f\m COTTAGE, rOEMS . . BY LTMflyS H. 5FR0ULL, Author op "hours at Home." hiOV 9 ^^^^ FRANKI^IN, OillO: ^^^^ THE EDITOR PUBLISHING COMPANY, " " VV *^ "l«'\- ^' .?Vn Copyrighted, 1896, BY I^YMAN H. SPROULL. PREFACE. nr^HERE are many kind, true and appreci- ative hearts in the camps and cottages of the Rockies, whose friendly faces brighten the rugged desolation of the mountain trail, the monotony of the secluded ranch, and the gloominess of the chambered mine. It is among these that the author lives and labors; it is in the daily lives of these that he sees the joys and sorrows which he vStrives to portray; and it is to these that he respectfully dedicates his book. E. H. S. Crippi