8EC0N } COPY, 18^9. t''m9i-'\m^} LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ^nap. Copyright Ko UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ''Let him rejoice who has a loaf of bread, A little nest wherein to lay his head, Is slave to none, and no man slaves for him, In truth his lot is wondrous well bestead. ''Sooner with half a loaf contented be, And w^uter from a broken crock, like mc. Than lord it over one poor fellow-man, Or to another bow the vassal knee.'' ^AlADEENE OTHER POEMS AALA DEENE OTHER POEMS. BY RALCY HUSTED BELL, M. D., F. A. G. S. BUFFALO: CHARLES WELLS MOULTON, 1899. -^0540 Copyright 1899 by RALCY HiJSTED BELL. TWO COPIES RECEIVED. TO COLONEL ROBERT G. INGERSOLL- A MASTER POET, PHILOSOPHER, ORATOR, FRIEND. Contents PAGE A Plea of Flesh 9 A Plea of the Soul . 13 My Choice .... 15 In Her Dawn-Grey Eyes 17 Breast to Bosom 19 Doom 21 Aala Deene 22 The Waltz 68 Col. Eobert G. Ingersoll, The Master 70 The Birds on Grady's Statue 75 Junius A. George 77 A Love-Dream 79 Immortality .... 81 My Country .... 82 Lost Leaves .... 84 I Went to Her at Even-tide 85 My Lady's Glove . . . . 87 The Keapers .... 88 Shadow Shoals 90 VIU CONTENTS. PAGE Rain Echoes 92 Accept, Soul 04 To Florence 95 In Klondyke Snow . . . . 96 Dread 97 If I Were the Sun and You Were the Dew .... 98 The Master 99 Marian ..... 100 Into the Woods 101 Faults which i^'low and Flow wliiel Falters .... lo:) My Ship 109 The Singer .... no Detianco 111 My Letter of Acceptance . 112 Though I Knew that the Daylight AVas Done .... 117 OSun! 118 A Day with John J. Ingalls 120 Eugene V. Debs 121 Days of the Unborn 123 By the Arms of the Mystical Sea 125 Answering Voice . 127 He Did Not Understand . 128 And God Is Dead or Deaf to Things 132 AALA DEENE; AND OTHER POEMS. gl ^Im of $Xt^lx. ®