Class __Z^Xi.^_ Boole lB G V ?^j COEmiGHT DEPOSffi CLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE AND ORGANIZED WORK WITH BOYS RONALD TUTTLE VEAL AND OTHERS ASSOCIATION PRESS New York: 347 Madison Avenue 1919 /„■„„ \^ ""6, 'v' ?&tA2i Copyright, 19 iq. by The International Committee of Young Men's Christian Associations lA^ ,■ . ,;i9 ©C1.A525638 Dedicated to FATHER AND MOTHER Through Whose Untiring Efforts My Education Has Been Possible PREFACE Because of the great progress in work with boys and the demand for material relating to such work, as well as the au- thor's interest in boys' work, this bibliography has been compiled. Included within this work will be found nearly four hundred and fifty references from the bibliography of J. T. Bowne, published by the International Committee in 1906, making in all approximately fifteen himdred titles. One hundred and fifty of these are books, while the rest are magazine articles. I have endeavored to include only those books and articles of real reference value to workers among boys. Among many periodicals the following have been indexed: The Pedagogical Seminary, 1 891-19 17; Association Boys — now American Youths 1902-1917; Association Outlook and Seminar, 1897-19 17; Asso- ciation Men, 1906-1917; How to Help Boys — now Work With Boys^ 1901-1917; Religious Education Magazine, 1 906-191 7; Survey, 1912-1917; National Education Association Reports, 1906-1917; American Physical Education Review, 1900-1917; Rural Manhood, 1910-1917. In compiling this bibliography I am indebted to those who have given their valuable aid. To Professor Burr I extend my thanks for his many helpfiil suggestions and criticisms. Espe- cially am I indebted beyond measure to Miss Carr and Mr. J. T. Bowne of the College Library for their most generous aid. Inquiries for further information may be addressed to Library Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass. EDITORIAL NOTE The original of this bibliography was submitted in June, 191 8, for the degree of Bachelor of Humanics at the International Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass. Later, the compiler went overseas with the American Army, and in his absence the under- signed were rash enough to offer to see the book through the press. Valuable additions were made by International secre- taries, E. M. and C. C. Robinson, P. H. Cheley, E. C. Foster, A. N. Cotton, and others. J. T. BOWNE. G. E. Carr. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 5 Abbreviations . , 9 Classification 13 Bibliography 17 Index to Classification and Bibliography 136 Knowledge is of two kinds: We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it. — Ben Jonson. ABBREVIATIONS (Abbreviations for publishers in List B.) List A. Periodicals Amer. City — American City. Amer. Homes — American Homes. Amer. Inst. Child Life — American Institute of Child Life. Amer. Jour. Soc. — American Journal Sociology. Amer. Mag. — American Magazine. Amer. Phy. Ed. Rev. — American Physical Education Review. Amer. Y. — American Youths formerly Association Boys. Ann. Amer. Acad. — Annals American Academy Political Social Science. Ass'n, B. — Association Boys, now American Youth. Ass'n. Out. — Association Outlook, now Association Seminar. Ass'n. Men — Association Men. Ass'n. Sem. — Association Seminar^ formerly Association Outlook. Bib. 'VI .—Biblical World. Cent. — Century Magazine. Char, and Comm. — Charities and Commons^ now Survey. Char, and Corr. — Charities and Correction reports. Cur. 0. — Current Opinion. Delin. — Delineator. Ed. — Editorials. Educ. — Education. Educ. Rev. — Education Review. H. H. B. — How to Help Boys, now Work with Boys, Harp. — Harper's Magazine. Harp. W. — Harper's Weekly. Ind. — Independent. Ind. Arts Mag. — Industrial Arts Magazine, Ladies H. Jour, — Ladies' Home Journal. Lippinc. — Lippincott's Magazine. 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE I Lit. D. — Literary Digest. \ Miss. Rev. — Missionary Review of the World. \ North Amer. Rev. — North American Review. " N. E. A. — National Education Association reports. I Ped. Sem. — Pedagogical Seminary. } Pop. Sci. Mon. — Popular Science Monthly. R. E. A. — Religious Education Association reports. ;] Relig. Edu. — Religious Education Association Magazine. \ Rev. of Rev. — Review of Reviews. \ Rur. Man. — Rural Manhood. \ Scrib. — Scribners' Magazine. I School and Soc. — School and Sociology. i School Rev. — School Review. \ Sur. — Survey, formerly Charities and Commons. ,! W. W. B, — Work with Boys, formerly How to Help Boys. Woman's H. C. — Woman's Home Companion. i j List B. Publishers • I Abingdon Press — New York. l Allen — Mary Wood- Allen, Ann Arbor, Michigan. I Amer. S. S. — American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia. ^ Appleton — New York. ^ Arnold — Edwin Arnold, London. } Asso. Press — Association Press, New York. ) Badger — (Gorham Press) — Boston. ; Baker & Taylor— New York. \ Bassett Co. — Springfield, Mass. | Benziger — New York. ' Blakiston — Philadelphia. j, Bobbs. — Bobbs Merrill, Indianapolis, Indiana. • I Boy Scouts of America, New York. ! Cash — London. -i Century — New York. ] Charities Pub. Co.— New York. ] Clode— E. J. Clode, New York. i Constable — Constable, Archibald and Co., London. -l 10 i ABBREVIATIONS ! Cook, D. C. — Chicago. j Crowell — New York. I Dent — London. I Doran — New York. 1 Doubleday — Doubleday Page, New York. i Button — New York. j Eaton & Mains — New York. ) Ferris & Leach — Philadelphia. ] Forbes & Co. — Chicago. i Fowler & Wells — New York. I Funk — Funk & Wagnalls, New York. j Ginn — Boston. j Good Will Pub. Co.— Hinckley, Maine. i G. P. O. — Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. ! Griffith — Griffith and Rowland Press, Philadelphia. \ Hall — Hall Locke Co., Boston. \ Harp. — Harper's, New York. f Hinckley Pub. Co. — Hinckley, Maine. ,! Hodder — New York. .1 Houghton — Boston. ' Jennings — ^Jennings & Graham, Cincinnati. ! Lechner — New York. ! Lee & Shepard — Boston. I Little — Little Brown Co., Boston. • j Longmans — Longmans, Green & Co., New York. Macm. — Macmillan, New York. j i McClurg. — Chicago. ■ McKeever — W. A. McKeever, Lawrence, Kansas. .' Manual Arts Press — Peoria, Illinois. j Meth. Bk. Co. — Methodist Book Concern, New York. j IMofifat— Moffat, Yard & Co., New York. ,| Nutt — London. j Oakwood — Oakwood Pub. Co., Boston. Open Court Pub. Co. — Chicago. j Outing Pub. Co. — New York. ! Oxford — Oxford University Press, 35 W. 32d St., New York City. Pearson — London. j II ] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE \ Pilgrim Press — Boston. j Pres. Bd. — Presbyterian Board, Philadelphia. Putnam — New York. ! Revell — New York. i Rev. of Rev. — Review of Reviews Co., New York. j Roberts — Boston. ■ Scrib. — Scribners', New York. I Seminar Pub. Co. — Springfield, Massachusetts. i Silver — Silver, Burdette & Co., New York. j Stead well — B. S. Steadwell, La Crosse, Wisconsin. Stokes — New York. S. S. Times — Sunday School Times, Philadelphia. Survey — Survey Associates, New York. ■ U. of C. Press — University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. ; United Societies of Christian Endeavor — Boston. Vir Pub. Co.— Philadelphia. \ Wessels — New York. j World— World Book Co., Yonkers. \ Wynnewood — Wynnewood Pub. Co., Chicago. ' 12 CLASSIFICATION Bioo Boyhood Biio CHILD STUDY. B120 BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER — including adoles- cence. .1 biographies of real life. That which throws light on real boy character. B121 Physical development. Description only. For physical education, see B217. B122 Mental development (including education). See also B215. Reading in B800. .1 vocational education and guidance. B 1 23 Moral and religious development — ^including e thical relationships and degeneracy. ,1 religious life and education (see also B214); .2 home and family; .3 citizenship; .4 em- ployers; .5 amusements; .6 sex; .7 temperance; .8 thrift; .9 degeneracy, immorality. See also B400. B124 Social development. .1 group instinct; .2 social ethics. B129 Special classes of boys. .1 school boys (see also B219.1); .2 wage-earners, newsboys (see also B219.2; B230); .3 street boys (see also B219.3; B230); .4 country boys (see also B219.4). 13 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE B200 Organized Work for Boys (Methods) Baio BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C. A. .1 conferences; .2 relationships; .3 policy; .4 ex- tension work (community work); .5 buildings, rooms, and furniture; .6 American standard program; .61 Canadian eflficiency tests; .9 his- tory. B2 1 1 Organization. .1 by-laws; .2 managers; .3 committees; .4 mem- bership; .5 boys' work director. B212 Business Management — finances, advertising, etc. B214 Religious Agencies. (See also B123.1 Religious education.) .1 Bible study (including all Bible courses for boys) ; religious meetings ; .3 missions. B215 Educational Agencies (books and reading in B800). See also B230.4. .2 classes and clubs; .3 lectures and talks; .4 de- bates. B216 Social Agencies (musical and other social clubs). B217 Physical Agencies (including physical education for boys in general). .1 athletics and gymnastics. For games, see also B310. .2 outings; .3 camps (including all boys' camps, whether Y. M. C. A. or not). B219 Special Classes of Boys. .1 school boys (see also B129.1); .2 wage earners (see also B 129.2); street boys (see also B 129.3); .4 country boys (see also 6129.4 and B210.4). B220 OTHER RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. See also B230; B123.1. .1 boys' brigade; .2 Knights of King Arthur; .3 Roman Catholic organizations. 14 CLASSIFICATION B330 BOYS' CLUBS. .1 organization; .2 business management; .3 moral and civic (see also B123.3); .4 educational (see also B215); .5 social and musical (see B216); .6 athletics and gymnastics (see B217.1; camps, B217.3; for games, see B217.1 and B310); .7 thrift (see B 123.8); .9 history. B240 OTHER ORGANIZATIONS OF BOYS. .1 Boy Scouts; .2 Woodcraft or "Seton" Indians. B300 Welfare and Protection Agencies B310 CHILD WELFARE, playgrounds, etc. (For games, see also B217.1) B320 PROTECTION AND GUIDANCE, care of neglected and dependent, industrial homes and farms (not reformatory). .1 prevention of cruelty to children; .2 child labor. B400 Correction and Reform B410 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY AND COURTS. B420 CORRECTIVE HOMES, SCHOOLS, COMMUNI- TIES, ETC. — including reformatories for the first offense. B800 Books for Boys including books on story-telling and books of value in - guiding the reading of boys. TO THE USERS OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES The books classified somewhat minutely by subjects on the following pages will be found widely scattered in many public libraries, and often arranged under the Dewey Decimal Classi- 15 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE fication. The following table will indicate where some of these groups are likely to be found: Bug see Dewey Decimal system 136.7 B120 " B121 " B122 " B123 " B124 " B129 " B210 " B220 " B230 " B240 " B300 " B310 " B320...... " B400 " B410...... '• B420 " 136.77 .613.7 •370-374 .268, 170-178, 377 136.77, 177 •136.77, 331-3, 630 • 267.357 ,267.7. 367 ,269.42,369.43 360 .796, 371.61, 613 .136, 179.2, 331.3 • 360 • 136, 364 •364 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bioo Boyhood. BOWNE, J. T.— Classification and bibliography of boy life and work with boys. Ass'n B., Aug., 1906, pp. 199-235- ■ Biio CHILD STUDY. BALDWIN, J. M. — Mental development in the child and race. Macm., N. Y., 1897, 496 pp. BRITTAIN, H. L.— Study in imagination. Ped. Sem.f June, 1907, pp. 137-207. BURNHAM, W. H.— Scientific study of children. N. E. A., 1908, pp. 908-13. CHAMBERLAIN, A. P.— The child; a study in the evolution of man. (With bibliography of child study.) Scrib., N. Y., 1902, 498 pp. CHAMBERS, W. G.— Why children play. N. E. A., 1909, pp. 720-26. DAWSON, G. E.— Child's rights. Relig. Edu., June, 191 1, pp. 166-74. DRUMMOND, W. B.— The child; his nature and nurture. Dutton, N. Y., 1901, 146 pp. , Introduction to child study. Long- mans, N. Y., 1912, 344 pp. FOLSOM, J. K.— Scientific play world of a child. Ped. Sem.f June, 1915, pp. 161-82. FORBUSH, W. B.— Coming generation. Apple- ton, N. Y., 1913, 385 pp. . and others. — Guide to childhood. Amer. Inst, of Child Life. Phil., 19 13, 232 pp. FOWLER, J. A. — Manual of mental science, or childhood, its character and culture. Fowler & Wells, N. Y., 1897, 235 pp. 17 [Biio] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE GROSZMANN, M.— -Danger-signals in young children. N. E. A., 1910, pp. 874-880. QUILLET, C— Education in interests. Fed, Sem., Dec, 1906, pp. 474-87. . Growth of a child's concepts. Fed. Sent., Mar., 1917, pp. 81-96. . Study in interests. Fed. Sem., Sept., 1906, pp. 322-28. HALL, G. S. — Recent advances in child study. Fed. Sem., Sept., 1908, pp. 353-7* . Youth, its education, regimen and hygiene. Appleton, N. Y., 1906, 371 pp. JOHNSON, G. E.— Child study on the playground. N. E. A., 1908, pp. 917-24. KING, I. — Psychology of child development. U. of C. Press, Chicago, 1907, 265 pp. KIDD, D. — Savage childhood; a study of Kafir children. Macm., N. Y., 1906, 306 pp. MEAD, C. D.— Intelligence of children. Fed. Sem., Sept., 1914, pp. 394-406. PALMER, L. A.— Play life in the first eight years. Ginn, Boston, 1916, 286 pp. PATRICK, G. T.— Psychology of play. Fed. Sem., 1914, pp. 469-84. PREYER, W.— Mental development in the child. Appleton, N. Y., 1897, 196 pp. RAUSCHENBUSCH, W.— Rights of the child in the community. Relig. Edu., June, 1915, pp. 219-25. RAYNER, E. A.— Child's religious life. Relig. Edu., Dec, 1917, pp. 403-7. RICHMOND, E.— Mind of a child. Longmans, N. Y., 1901, 176 pp. ROWE, S. H.— Physical nature of the child. Macm., N. Y., 1899, 207 pp. SMITH, T. L. — Bibliography of articles on study of childhood published in the Fed. Sem. and 18 BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER Anter. Jour, of Psy. Fed. Sem.^ Sept., 1906, pp. 355-65. SULLY, J.— Studies of childhood. Appleton, N. Y., 1896, 527 pp. SUZZALLO, H.— Training of the child's emotional life. N. E. A., 1907, pp. 905-9. WARNER, F.— Nervous system of the child. Macm., N. Y., 1906, 233 pp. WILLIAMS, C. D.— Rights of the child. Relig, Edu.f Apr., 191 5, pp. 123-34. Note. — Annual bibliographies appear in the Ped. Sent., which give a very good list of articles on child study. BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER. ADDAMS, J. — Spirit of youth and the city streets. Macm., N. Y., 1917, 162 pp. ALEXANDER, J. L.—Boy training. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1912, 200 pp. ATTRIDGE, J. J.— Boys who have made good. W. W. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 16-22. BAILEY, W. B. — ISfeed of the growing man. W. W. B., Apr., 1912, pp. 226-30. BECK, F. O. — Marching manward. Abingdon Press, N. Y., 1913, 192 pp. BOLAND, G.— -Taking a dare. Ped. Sent., Dec, 1910, pp. 510-24. BOY PROBLEM (Report), W. W. B., Apr., 1912, pp. 239-50. BOYS' VIEWPOINT (Ed.) Ass'n B., 1903, p. 140. BRUERE, R. W.—Giving the boys a chance. Ass'n B., Oct., 1907, pp. 209-13. BURK, C. F.— Collecting instinct. Ped. Sem., July, 1900, pp. 179-207. BURK, F. L.— Teasing and bullying. Ped. Sem., Apr., 1897, pp. 336-371. 19 [B 120] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE BURNHAM, W. H.— Study of adolescence. Fed. Sem.y Vol. I, No. 2, pp. 174-95. BURR, H. M. — Studies in adolescent boyhood. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1916, also in Asso. Sem., Oct., 1906, to May, 1907. . Donald McRea. Seminar Pub. Co., Springfield, Mass., 191 1, 172 pp. . Everyboy. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1918, also in Amer. Y., Oct., 1916, to Oct., 1917. BUTTENWEISER, E. C— Obstinate child. Fed. Sem., Sept., 191 1, pp. 315-28. CAMPBELL, A. — Boy you are worrying about. W. W. B., Jan., 1913, pp. 20-4. CHELEY, F. H. — ^Adventures of a prodigal father. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1916, 132 pp. . Prepared or unprepared? Asso. Press, N. Y., 1918, 16 pp. CONKLIN, E. S. — Psychology of young man- hood. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Spring- field, Mass., 1908, 171 pp. Also in Ass'n. Sem.^ Oct., 1907-Feb., 1908. DEAN, A. D.— Boy of tomorrow. W. W. B., Feb., 19 1 3, pp. 53-66. DICKINSON, G. A.— Your boy, his nature and nurture. Hodder, N. Y., 1909, 176 pp. DOGGETT, L. L.— Pedagogy of adolescence; the study of ideas in Rousseau's "Emile." Ass'n. Sem., May, 1913, pp. 289-314. FISKE, G. A. — Boy life and self-government. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1910, 310 pp. FORBUSH, W. B.— Art of being a godparent. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 66-74. . Books on boys and work with them. H, H. 5., Apr., 1901, pp. 28-32; H. H. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 106-7; H' H. B.f Apr., 1903, pp. 139-48; W. W. B.y Oct., 1907, pp. 296-306; W. W. B., July, 1909, pp. 39-47. 20 [B 120] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER : — . Boy problem. A study in social pedagogy, Pilgrim Press, Boston. 1901, 194 pp. . Education of princes. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 17-26. . Study of some boys together. H. H. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 49-55. FOSTER, E. C— Making life count. Missionary Education Movement, N. Y., 1918, 166 pp. GIBSON, H. W. — Boyology or boy analysis. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1916, 294 pp. GOODRICH, C. F.— What shall we do for our boys? W. W. B., June, 1916, pp. 184-90. GRAY, J. H. — The boy problem as related to organization. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1904. GROVES, E. R.— Bettering the boys' environ- ment. Amer. Y., Apr., 1916, pp. i and 5. GTJLICK, L. H. — Organizing instinct of boys. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 19-20. . Studies of adolescent boyhood. Ass'n. J?., Feb.-Oct., 1902. HALL, G. S. — Adolescence, its psychology and its relations to physiology, anthropology, sociology, sex, crime, religion and education. Appleton, N. Y., 1904, 2 vol. . How to help boys. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 9-12. • . Youth, its education, regimen and hygiene. Appleton, N. Y., 1906, 371 pp. and SMITH, T. L. Showing off and bashfulness as phases of self-consciousness. Ped. Sem., June, 1903, pp. 159-99. HANMER, L. F.— Building boyhood; a book of principles. S. S. Times, Phil., 1909, 238 pp. HILLIARD, E. B. — Perverse and the perverted. W. W. B.y May-June, 19 16, pp. 177-84. 21 [B 120] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE HOPE, A. R.— Book about boys. Roberts, Boston, 1869, 247 pp. HOUSTON, E. J.— Boys. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, p. 13- , Boy problem. W. W. B., Apr., 1908, pp. 130-141. How to Help Boys, see Work with Boys. JOHNSON, J. H.— Savagery of boyhood. Pop. Sci. Mon., Oct., 1887, pp. 796-800. KIRTLEY, J. S.— That boy of yours. Hodder, N. Y., 1912, 250 pp. KUNO, E. E. — Characteristics of adolescent boy. Fed. Sem.y Sept., 1914, pp. 425-39. LANCASTER, E. G.— Psychology and pedagogy of adolescence. Fed. Sem., July, 1897, pp. 61-128. LEONARD, O.— Wasting the boys. W. W. S., Oct., 1912, pp. 431-4. LINDSEY, S. MRS.— Suburban child. Fed. Sent., Dec, 1909, pp. 498-504. Mccormick, WM.— what becomes of the effort made for the boy? W. W. B., July, 1908, pp. 150-61. McKEEVER, WM.— Training the boy. Macra., N. Y., 1913, 368 pp. MARSHALL, T. R.— Boy problem. W. W. 5., July, 1912, pp. 327-32. MEETING THE BOY PROBLEM (Conf.). W. W. B., Feb., 1912, pp. 80-99. MERRILL, L.— Winning the boy. Revell, N. Y., 1908, 160 pp. MILLS, C. H.— Playing the game of life. W. W. B., Apr., 1917, pp. 144-50; W. W. B., Sept., 19 1 7. PP- 267-72. MOON, E. L.— Contents of the boy. Eaton & Mains, N. Y., 1909, 303 pp. 2:2 [Bi2o] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER NEW APOSTLES' CREED, "I believe in boys." H. H. B., Oct., 1902, 175 pp. OPPENHEIM, N.— Development of the child. Macm., N. Y., 1915, 296 pp. PUFFER, J. A.— Boy and his gang. Houghton, N. Y., 1912, 188 pp. PULLER, E. — Your boy and his training. Apple- ton, N. Y., 1916, 282 pp. ROBINSON, E. M.— Boys as savages. Ass'n. Out., July, 1899, pp. 243-258; Ass'n. B., June, 1902, pp. 127-41; H. H. B., 1902, pp. 1 13-14. . Six things to be recognized in dealing with adolescent boys. Relig. Edu., Oct., 1907, pp. 125-8. SANGSTER, M.— Boy at the parting of the ways. Ladies H. J., Oct., 1901, p. 30. SMITH, T. L. — Obstinacy and obedience; a study in psychology and pedagogy of the will. Ped. Sent., Mar., 1905, pp. 27-54. SPERRY, L. B. — Formative influences in a boy's life. Ass'n Men, Aug.-Sept., 1899. SWIFT, E. J.— Youth and the race. Scrib., N. Y., 1912, 338 pp. TERMAN, L. M. — Preliminary study in psychol- ogy and pedagogy of leadership. Ped. Sent., Dec, 1904, pp. 413-51- TRAVIS, T.— Conserving the boy. W. W, B,, Apr., 1912, pp. 231-8. TUCKERMAN, J.— Unseen educators. W. W. B., Apr., 1913, pp. 149-55- URWICK, E. J.— Studies of boy life in our cities. Dent, London, 1904, 320 pp. WHITE, WM. A.— Boyville stories, sketches of boy life. McClure's, July and Nov., 1899. . Court of boyville. Macm., N. Y., 1902, 358 pp. 23 [B I20.I] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE WINGATE, C. F.— What shall our boys do for a living? Doubleday, N. Y., 1908, 287 pp. WOODROW, S. H.— That boy. Ass'n. Sem., June, 1902, pp. 25-30. WORK WITH BOYS (Formerly How to help Boys). A magazine devoted to the boy, his clubs, activities and life. Published by Wm. McCormick, Reading, Pa. . I Biographies of real life. ALBEE, J. — Confessions of boyhood. Badger, Boston. 19 10, 267 pp. ALDRICH, T. B.— Story of a bad boy. Hough- ton, Boston, 1877, 261 pp. BOLTON, S. K. — Poor boys who became famous. Crowell, N. Y., 1885, 367 pp. BOSARD, W. R. — Some experiences with boys in a lumber town. W. W. B., iVpr., 1907, pp. 126-34. FRYER, E. — Boy hero. Cosmopolitan, Nov., 1902, pp. 54-5. HALE, E. E.— New England boyhood. Little, Boston, 1893, 500 pp. HALL, G. S. — Boy life in a Massachusetts town thirty years ago. Proceedings American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass., 1890, p. 107. . Boy life in a Massachusetts town forty years ago. Ped. Sem., June, 1906, pp. 192-207. . Early memories. Ped. Sem.^ Dec, 1899, pp. 485-512. HINCKLEY, G. W.— Daniel Alexander Mc- Donald, a boy who won, and the secret of his winning. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1904, 24 pp. . Some Good Will boys. Hinckley, Maine. 1910, 139 pp. 24 [B I2i] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER HOWELLS, WM. D.— Boy's town. Harp., N.' Y., 1902, 247 pp. HUGHES, T.— Tom Brown's school days. Hough- ton, Boston, 1890, 369 pp. INFLUENCES FOR GOOD IN BOYHOOD. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Feb., 1902, pp. 31-2. MUIR, J. — Boyhood of a naturalist. Houghton, Boston, 1913, 123 pp. SABIN, E. L. — When you were a boy. Baker, N. Y., 1905, 302 pp. WARNER, C. D.— Being a boy. Houghton, Boston. 1881,224 pp. YODER, A. H.— Study of the boyhood of great men. Ped. Sem.y Oct., 1894, pp. 134-56. B121 Physical Development, see also B217. BRUERE, R. W.— Physiological ages and child labor. N, E. A., 1908, pp. 924-32. GREEN, J. R. — Physiological progress of boys. Nature, Oct. 9, 1902. HALL, W. S.— Reproduction and sexual hygiene. Wynnewood Pub. Co., Chicago, 132 pp. LEWIS, C. B. — ^Adolescent physical types. Ped. Sem,, Sept., 1916, pp. 295-323. McCURDY, J. H. — Adolescent changes in heart rate and blood pressure. Amer. Phy. Ed. Rev.y May, 1910, pp. 421-32. . Study in adolescent efficiency. N. E. A., 1912, pp. 1186-93. MOLL, A. — Sexual life of the child. Macm., N. Y., 1912, 339 pp. OPPENHEIM, N.— Physical development of the working boy. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 6-12. STARR, L. — Adolescent period. Blakiston, Phil., 1915, 211 pp. TALBOT, W. T.— Physical abnormalities of boys. 25 [B 122] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE H. H. B., 1903, pp. 12-19; Education, Jan., 1903, 299-304. Some physical abnormalities of boys which boys' club leaders should understand. W. W. B., Apr., 1913, pp. 156-8. TAYLOR, C. K.— Better boys; judging a boy's physical development. Amer. Mag., Jan., 19 14, pp. 17-21. TOEPEL, T.— Effect of school life on the physical child. A?ner. Phy. Ed. Rev., June, 1913, pp. 369-74. TYLER, J. M.— Study of growth in children. N. E. A., 1908, pp. 913-16. VINES, J, H. — Physique of the public schoolboy, Amer. Phy. Ed. Rev., June, 1904, pp. 1 10-15. WILCOX, D. G.— Physical awakening of the boy. W. W. B., Sept., 191 1, pp. 9-16. B122 Mental Development (including education). See also B215. AYRES, L. P. — Laggards in our schools. Survey, N. Y., 1913, 220 pp. BALLIET, T. M.— Instincts and education. Amer. Phy. Ed. Rev., Mar., 1903, pp. 1-7. BERKOWITZ, H.— Right of the child to educa- tion. Relig. Ed., June, 1915, pp. 233-39. BROWN, E. E.— Making of our middle schools. Longmans, N. Y. BROWN, J. F. — American high school. Macm., N. Y., 1915, 436 pp. BUCK, F. — Every child at the school door. Sur- vey. Feb. 26, 1916, pp. 634-5. DEWEY, J. and DEWEY, E.— Schools of to- morrow. Dutton, N. Y., 1915, 316 pp. EDUCATIONAL REPORTS. The annual reports of the N. E. A. and of the U. S. Commissioner of Education contain much of value in this class. [Bi22] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER GARDNER, C. S.— Right of the child to educa- tion. Relig. Ed,, June, 1915, pp. 225-233. GIGNILLIAT, R. L.— Education of boys by the military method. Sci. Amer., Nov. 4, 19 15. GREENWOOD, J. M.— Home and school life. N. E. A., 191 1, pp. 377-97- HALLECK, R. P.— What kind of education is best suited for boys? N. E. A., 1906, pp. 58-65. HEWINS, C. N.— Reading clubs for older boys and girls. Fed. Sent., Sept., 1909, pp. 325-30. HINCHMAN, W. S.— American school. Double- day, 19 1 6, 232 pp. HORNE, H. H. — Idealism in education. Macm., N. Y., 1910, 183 pp. . Psychological principles of educa- tion. Macm., N. Y., 1912, 435 pp. . How to study effectively. Amer, Y., Oct., 1917, p. II. HOWE, G. R. — How to interest boys in nature study. Ass'n B., Apr., 1906, pp. 70-6. INGLES, A. — Principles of secondary education. Houghton, Bost., 741 pp. JOHNSTON, C. H. and others.— High school edu- cation. Scrib., N. Y., 1912, 470 pp. JOHNSTON, C. H. ed.— Modern high school. Scrib., N. Y., 1916, 848 pp. KING, I. — High school age. Bobbs, Indianapolis, 1914, 225 pp. MINER, J. B. — Discovery of capacity among backward children. W. W. B., Dec, 191 1, pp. 188-99. MORSE, S. L. — Culture for the stay at home country boy. Rur. Man., July, 1910, pp. 2-5. PEABODY, E.— Relation of the home to the preparatory school. H. H. B,, Jan., 1902, pp. 27-33. 27 [BI22.I] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE PERRY, A. C. — Discipline as a school problem. Houghton, Bost., 1915, 273 pp. PINEO, J. F. — Educational value of the motion picture. Amer. Y., Dec, 1914, pp. 313-20. RIDEOUT, B. S.— What nature study can do for boys. W. W. B., Apr., 1906, pp. 69-71. SARGENT'S HANDBOOKS.— American private schools. Sargent, Bost., 1918, 710 pp. SNEDDEN, DAVID.— Problems of secondary education. Houghton, Bost., 1917, 333 pp. SWIFT, E. J.— Mind in the making. A study in mental development. Scrib., N. Y., 1908, 329 pp. TERMAN, L. M.— Genius and stupidity. Fed, Sem., Sept., 1906, pp. 307-73- WHAT CHILDREN WHO LEAVE SCHOOL REALLY NEED. Survey, May 24, 1913, pp. 273-4- WOOLLEY, H. T.— Mind of a boy. Survey, Nov 4, 19 16, pp. 122-5. . I Vocational education and guidance. ALDEN, F. H. — Business employment. Ginn, Bost., 1916, 202 pp. BLACKFORD, K., and BLACKFORD, N. A.— Analyzing character. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1916, 464 pp. . Job, the man, the boss. Doubleday, N. Y., 1914, 266 pp. BLOOMFIELD, M.— Boys' club and vocational work. W. W. B., Oct., 1910, pp. 1-5. . Readings in vocational guidance. Ginn, Bost., 1915, 719 pp. . Teacher as a vocational adviser of youth. W. W. B., April, 191 1, pp. 13-16. Vocational guidance of youth. Houghton, Bost., 191 1, 116 pp. 28 [B I22.I] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER . Youth, school, and vocations. Houghton, Bost., 1915, 261 pp. BRAY, R. A. — Boy labor and apprenticeship. Constable, Lond., 191 1, 240 pp. BROWN, L. R. — Life work conference of senior high school boys. Amer. Y., May, 19 17, p. 12. CAMPBELL, A. — Helping a boy to find his vo- cational niche. W. W. B., July, 19 12, pp. 345-50. COTTON, A. N.— Last chance with high school boys. Amer. Y., May, 19 18, p. 2. DAVIS, J. B. — Vocational and moral guidance. Ginn, Bost., 1914, 294 pp. FORBUSH, W. B.— Helping boys to their voca- tions. W. W. B.J Oct., 1909, pp. 2-22. FOWLER, N. C— Boy: how to help him succeed. Oakwood, Bost., 1902, 320 pp. . How to get and keep a job. Moffat, N. Y., 1915, 254 pp. . Starting in life. Little, Bost., 1907, 411 pp. GOWIN, E. B., and WHEATLEY, W. A.— Occu- pations. Ginn, Bost., 1916, 347 pp. HALL, S. R. — How to get a position and how to keep it. Funk, N. Y., 1908, 140 pp. HEY, S. — Development of wage earners. Oxford, Lond., 1917, 16 pp. HOLLINGWOOD, H. L.— Vocational psychology. Appleton, N. Y., 1916, 302 pp. HUTCHINSON, T. H.— Vocational guidance. Asso. Sent., June, 19 12, through Jan., 19 13. LUTZ, R. R.— Metal trades. Cleveland educa- tion survey, Ohio, 1916, 129 pp. McKEEVER, W. A. — ^Assisting the boy in choice of a vocation. McKeever, Lawrence, Kansas, 1910, 16 pp. 29 [B 123] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE . Industrial training of the boy. Macm., N. Y., 1914, 71 pp. MERTON, H. — How to choose the right vocation. Funk, N. Y., 19 17, 300 pp. MOORE, H. H.— Youth and the nation. Macm., N. Y., 1917, 168 pp. O'LEARY, I. P. — Department store occupations. Cleveland education survey, Ohio, 1916, 127 pp. PARSONS, F. — Choosing a vocation. Houghton, Bost., 1909, 165 pp. FINER, H. L.— How to hold a job. Asso. Press, N. Y., pamphlet. ROBINSON, C. C— Where will you be ten years from today? Asso. Press, N. Y., pamphlet. ROLLINS, F. W.— What can a young man do? Little, Bost., 1909, 339 pp. SHAW, F. L. — Building trades. Cleveland educa- tion survey, Ohio, 1916, 107 pp. , Printing trades. Cleveland educa- tion survey, Ohio, 1916, 95 pp. STEVENS, B. H. — Boys and girls in commercial work. Cleveland education survey, Ohio, 19 16, 181 pp. VOCATIONAL QUIZ BLANK.— ^55'^. 5., Oct., 1908, pp. 210-18. WEAVER, E. W.— Profitable vocations for boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1915, 278 pp. ■ . Vocational bureau for boys. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1908, pp. 181-7. WRIGHT, H. B.— Will of God and a man's life work. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1912, 280 pp. YOUNG FOLKS' LIBRARY ON VOCATIONS. — Hall, Bost., 191 1, 10 vols. B123 Moral and Religious Development. .1 Religious life; .2 Home and Family; .3 Citizenship, see also B230.3; .4 Employers; .5 Amusements; .6 Sex; 30 [Bi23] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER .7 Temperance; .8 Thrift; .9 Degeneracy, see also B400. ADLER, F. — Moral instruction of children. Ap- pleton, N. Y., 1912, 270 pp. BAGLEY, W. C. — Pedagogy of morality and re- ligion as related to the period of development. Relig. Edu., Apr., 1909, pp. 91-106. BAKER, B. N. — Morals by the graphic methods. Relig. Edu., June, 1910, pp. 189-93. BALDWIN, B. T.— Boy of high school age. Relig. Edu., Apr., 1913, pp. 23-32. BARNES, C. W. — Relation of moral and religious training. N. E. A., 191 1, pp. 397-400. BOSWORTH, E. I.— Call for character. Asso. Press, N. Y., C1907, 24 pp. BROWN, E. G. — Development of character in boyhood. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 20-7. BURDETTE, R. J. and others— Before he is twenty. Five perplexing phases of the boy question. Revell, N. Y., 1894, 104 pp. BURR, H. M. — Boy as an idealist. Ass'n. Sent., Nov., 1901, pp. 27-35; H. H, 5., Jan., 1902, pp. 11-17. CABOT, E. L.— Conquest of children's faults. Relig. Edu., June, 1915, pp. 239-52. CARR, J. W. — Moral education thru public schools. N. E. A., 191 1, pp. 351-77. CHEW, T, — Character making on the street. W. W. B., Apr., 1907, pp. 75-84; Relig. Edu., Apr., 1908, pp. 24-7. COE, G. A. — Education in religion and morals. Revell, N. Y., 1909, 408 pp. . Virtue and the virtues. N. E. A. 1911, pp. 419-25. COMSTOCK, A.— Vice and its bearing on the morals of the young. Fed, Sem.^ Sept., 1909, pp. 403-20. 31 [B 123] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE COPE, H. F. — Character training of the high school boy. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1908, pp. 141-7. CUDLIPP, J. H.— Ideals. W. W. B., Mar., 1915, PP- 93-6. DEWEY, J. — Moral principles in education. Houghton, Bost., C1909, 61 pp. EDDY, G. S. — ^Temptation and how to meet it. Asso. Press, N. Y., pamphlet. PARIS, J.— Making good. Revell, N. Y., 191 1, 288 pp. FOSTER, E. C— Boy and the church. Sunday School Times, Phil., 1909, 188 pp. HALE, E. E.— Life in the open air. H. H. B., Oct., 1903, pp. 231-6. HALL, G. S.— Children's lies. Fed. Sent., June, 1891, pp. 211-18. — . Moral and religious training of chil- dren and adolescents. Fed. Sem., June, 1891, pp. 198-210. HEALY, WM. — Honesty. Bobbs, Indianapolis, 1915, 220 pp. HUNT, E. — Spiritual needs of the country boy. Rur. Man., Mar., 19 10, pp. 4-6. HYDE, WM.— Quest of the best. Crowell, N. Y., 1913, 267 pp. JOHNSON, F. W.— Moral education through school activities. Relig. Edu., Jan., 1912, pp. 493-502. KING, H. C. — Fight for character. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1905, 39 pp. KLINE, L. W. — Study in juvenile ethics. Fed. Sem., June, 1903, pp. 238-66. LINDSEY, B. B.— Moral training. N. E. A., 1909, pp. 940-5. McCORMICK, WM.— Fishers of boys. Doran, N. Y., 1915, 168 pp. 32 [B 123] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER McCOWAN, H. S.— Trail a boy travels. Ass'n. Men., Dec, 19 14, pp. 122-9. McKINLEY, C. E.— Helping a boy to be his own master. W. W. B., July, 1906, pp. 143-9. MARTIN, G. H. — School activities for moral devel- opment. Relig. Edu., Jan., 1912, pp. 503-10. MASSECK, F. L. — Character making in boys' fraternities. W. W. B., Apr., 1907, pp. 103-9. . Chivalric idea in work with boys. R. E. A., 1905, pp. 433-5. MONROE, W. A.— Rights of children; juvenile altruism. Fed. Sem., Apr., 1900, pp. 132-7. MOTT, J. R. — How to make Jesus Christ real. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1906, 24 pp. MOWRY, W. A.— Talks with my boys. Silver, N. Y., 1909, 301 pp. MYERS, G. E. — Moral training in the school. Fed. Sem., Dec, 1906, pp. 409-60. NEWSPAPERS AS CHILDHOOD'S ENEMY. Survey, Feb., 24, 1912, pp. 1794-6. PALMER, G. H. — Ethical and moral instruction in the schools. Houghton, Bost., C1909, 51 pp. RAFFETY, W. E.— Brothering the boy. Griffith, Phil., 1913, 206 pp. RICHMOND, E.— Through boyhood to manhood. Longmans, N. Y., 1900, 194 pp. RIORDON, R. — School activities for moral de- velopment. Relig. Edu., Jan., 1912, pp. 511-19. RUGH, C. E. — Moral instruction of the child. N. E. A., 1911, pp. 497-503. SADLER, M. E. (ed.). — Moral instruction and training in schools. Longmans, N. Y., 1909, 2 vols. SMITH, H. H.— "Boys'iday" in Sunday schools. Rur. Man., Jan., 1916, pp. 31-33. SMITH, H. L. — Tuxis system of character build- ing. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1908, pp. 12-21. 33 [BI23.I] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE i SPEER, R. E.— How to deal with temptation. ; Asso. Press, N. Y., 1909, 52 pp. ; . Young man's questions. Revell, | N. Y., 1903, 223 pp. j STREET, J. R.— Study in moral education. \ Fed. Sem.y July, 1897, pp. 5-40. : TANNER, A. E.— Children's ideas of honor. \ Fed. Sem.j Dec, 1906, pp. 509-13. \ WESTCOTT, A.— Work of our animal protective ; league among boys. H. H, B.^ Jan., 1901, : pp. 70-4. I .1 Religious life and education (see also B214; ''• For religion in home, see also B123. 2). 1 ALEXANDER, J. L.— Boy and the Sunday \ school. Asso. Press, N, Y., 1913, 284 pp. i . Secondary division organized for i service. Revell, N. Y., 1916, 92 pp. ! . Sunday school and the teens. Asso. i Press, N.^Y., 1913, 416 pp. Teens and the rural Sunday school. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1914, 151 pp. ALLEN, E. K.— Religious life of boys. Ass'n. Sem., Oct.-Dec, 1902. BOVILLE, R. G.— Summer Bible schools for children. Relig. Edu., June, 1907, pp. 64-8. BURR, H. M. — Calling of boyman. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1916, 143 pp. . Religious side of adolescent boy- hood. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1906, pp. 239-56. BURT, H. F.— Children's church. W. W, B., July, 1906, pp. 149-54. BUSHNELL, H.— Christian nurture. Scrib., N. Y., 1847, 251 pp. CARLETON, H.— Church and the boy. W. W, B., Oct., 1908, pp. 264-71. 34 [B 123.1] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER CHEW, T— Church and the boys. W. W. B., Nov., 1913, pp. 372-8. COE, G. A. — Gang instinct and the boy's re- ligious life. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 43-9; W. W. B., Oct., 1908, pp. 244-9. . Social theory of religious education. Scrib., N. Y., 1917, 361 pp. COOK, D. C— Gospel for boys. D. C. Cook, Chicago, 1902, 64 pp. COPE, H. F. — Expression of a boy's religion. Amer. Y,, June, 19 12, pp. 89-92. COWGILL, F. B.— How the boy was lost. Eaton, N. Y., 1912, 121 pp. CULVER, W. H.— Pastor and the boy. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, pp. 55-8. DAVIES, J. W. — Children and church worship. Relig. Edu.j Dec, 1913, pp. 500-4. . Parents' class for the study of the boy. Relig. Edu., June, 1915, pp. 282-3. DAWSON, G. E.— Children's interest in the Bible. Fed. Sem., July, 1900, pp. 151-78. '■ . Boy's religion.* Report of the Y. M. C. A. Jubilee Conference, Boston, 1901. . Child's self-expression and relig- ious education. Relig. [Edu., Aug., 1906, pp. 83-7. DIKE, S. W. and others. — Church and religious training in the rural home. Relig. Edu., Oct., 191 1, pp. 297-316. DOGGETT, L. L.— Materials and methods for religious education among young men and boys, Ass'n. Sent., Apr., 1913, pp. 257-72. ELLIS, G. H.» — Fetichism in children. Fed. Sem., Jime, 1902, pp. 205-20. FITTS, A. E. — How can we develop a growing consciousness of God in children and youth? R. E. A., 1905, pp. 330-4. 35 IB 123.1] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE j FORBUSH, W. B.— Sunday school teaching of \ boys. H. H. B. , Oct. 1903, pp. 260-70. ■ . Boy's religion. W. W. 5., July, , 1904, pp. 176-9. \ Church work with boys. Pilgrim \ Press, Bost., 1910, 93 pp. FOSTER, E. C— After decision —what? Asso. Press, N. Y., 1912, 12 pp. . At the forks of the road. Asso. Press, N. Y., pamphlet. -. Boy and the church. Sunday School Times, Phil., 1909, 188 pp. -. Intermediate department. Pres. Bd., Phil., 1917, 84 pp. . Problems of intermediate and senior teachers. Pres. Bd., Phil., 1917, 68 pp. Starting to teach. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1910, 127 pp. GALPIN, F. F.— Normal religion of a boy. Relig, \ Edu.f Aug., 1909, pp. 271-6. GARDNER, W. E.— Adequate program for the | life of the child. Relig. Edu., Oct., 1915, pp. 465-72. GIBSON, H. W.^ — How to present church member- ship and its responsibilities to a boy. Rur. Man., Nov., 19 10, pp. 19-20. GILKEY, C. W.— What can the church do in the field of work with boys? Relig. Edu., June, 1912, pp. 217-22. . Boy's creed. Ass*n. B., Aug., 1907, p. 169. GREEN, P.— How to deal with lads. Edwin Arnold, Lond., 191 1, 172 pp. GULICK, L. H.— Sex and religion. Ass'n Out., 1897-8. , and others.^ Religion of boys. Ass^nf Out., 1898-9 (Seven articles). 36 [B 123.1] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER HALL, G. S. — Some fundamental principles of Sunday school and Bible teaching. Fed. Sem.f Dec, 1901, pp. 439-68. HANNUM, H. O.— Reaching the boy through the Sunday school. Ass'n. Sent., Feb., 1913, pp. 173-9. HARRISON, E.-— Child's spiritual nature. Relig, Edu.f Dec, 1906, pp. 179-80. . Religious training of children. Re- lig. Edu., Aug., 1909, pp. 256-60. HARTSHORNE, H. H.— Securing first-hand data as to the religious development of children. Relig. Edu., Oct., 1915, pp. 481-92. . Experiment in adolescent worship. Relig. Edu., June, 1917, pp. 223-30. HENDERSON, C. R.— Relation to the home and the church. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 75-81. HERVEY, W. L. — Memory work in character forming. Relig. Edu., 1904, pp. 31-7. HOBEN, A.— Minister and the boy. U. of C. Press, Chicago, 1912, 171 pp. HODGES, G. — Training of children in religion. Appleton, N. Y., 191 1, 317 pp. HOLBROOK, C— Religious nature of boys. Rur. Man., Feb., 1917, through Apr. 1917. HUGHES, E. H.— Boy's religion. Meth. Bk. Co., N. Y., 1914, 119 pp. JONES, R. M. — Boy's religion from memory. Ferris & Leach, Phil., 1913, 141 pp. KOONS, W. G.— Child's religious life. Meth. Bk. Co., N. Y., 1903. LAYARD, E. B.— Religion in boyhood. Dutton, N. Y., 1896, 91 pp. LEUBA, J. H. — Children's conception of God. Relig. Edu., Feb., 1917, pp. 5-15. MacCLINTOCK, MRS. W. D.— Continuity of religious education. R. E. A., 1905, pp. 335-8, 37 [B 123.1] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE McKINLEY, C. E. — Educational evangelism. The religious discipline of youth. Pilgrim Press, Boston, 1905, 265 pp. MARRINAN, J. J.— Children and religion. Fed. Sent., June, 1913, pp. 229-35. MEN AND RELIGION MOVEMENT.— Boys' Work in the local church. Asso. Press, N. Y., C1912, 188 pp. MIERAS, C. E. — Teachers' training class for high school boys. Relig. Edu., June, 19 14, pp. 296-8. MODERN BOY'S APPROACH TO RELIGION. Cur. 0., Aug., 1914, pp. 119-20. MUNRO, W. J. — Stepping stone between the Sunday school and the young men's Bible class. W. W. B.y Apr., 191 1, pp. 1-13. MUTCH, W. J. — Religious education of boys. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 26-33. NEW BIBLE SCHOOL GRADING.— ^mer, Y., Sept., 1917, p. 13. PEABODY, F. G.— Religious education of an American child. Relig. Edu., Apr., 1915, pp. 107-114. PIXLEY, A. R. — Religious education and the boy problem. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 191 1. REAGAN, W. J. — Other side of worship for boys. Amer. Y., June, 1913, pp. 126-33. ROBINS, H. B.— Childhood and youth in rela- tion to church membership. Relig. Edu., Oct., 1915, pp. 473-81. ROBINSON, C. C— "Six-fold message" and boys. Amer. F., Aug., 1912, pp. 8-15. . Utilizing a boy's spirit of adventure in religious work. Amer. Y., Oct., 1912, pp. 164-70. ROBINSON, E. M.— How boys enter the religious life. H. H. B., 1900, p. 33. 38 [B 123.2] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER . Adolescent boy in the Sunday school. Ass'n. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 39-57- SLINGERLAND, W. H.— Social conditions affect- ing child character. Relig. Edu., Feb., 19 17, pp. 19-23. SMITH, H. H.— "Boys' day" in Sunday schools. Rur. Man., Jan., 1916, pp. 31-33- SNOWDEN, S. G.— Why every boy should join the church. Ass'n. Men., Mar., 1915, p. 291. SNYDER, H. N.— Religious value of Bible study. Relig. Edu., Apr., 1910, pp. 54-6. SCARES, T. G.— Nature of a boy's religion. Amer. Y., Feb., 1912, pp. 6-1 1. STACKPOLE, M. A.— School church. Amer. Y., Aug., 1915, PP- 169-73- STORY, J. W. — Development and training of the religious life of boys. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. Col- lege, Springfield, Mass., 1906. TAYLOR, W. R.— Character making in the Brick Church Institute. W. W. B., Apr., 1907, pp. 109-16. WINCHESTER, C. F.— Literature as a means of religious education in the home. R. E. A., 1904, pp. 38-45. YOUNG MEN AND BOYS OF THE CHURCHES. (Ed.) Ass'n. Men, July, 1909, pp. 462-65. .2 Home and Family. ALLEN, E. B. — Home and its relationship to the church. Relig. Edu., Dec, 191 1, pp. 441-5. BINDER, R. M. — Home as a social center. Amer. Y., May, 19 16, pp. 1-2. BOY AND HIS FATHER. Woman's H. C, Jan., 1911, p. 3. BOY'S HOME TRAINING. Living Age, July 16, 1904, pp. 156-63. 39 [B 123.2] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE BROWN, C. R.— Man and the boy. W. W. B., Mar., 1912, pp. 149-59. CARUS, PAUL.— Our children. Open Court Pub. Co., Chicago, 1906, 207 pp. CLARK, K. U.~Bringing up of boys. Crowell, N. Y., 1899, 226 pp. CRACKEL, M. D.— Father and son movement. Amer. F., Oct., 1914, pp. 283-5. CROSBY, F. A.— Home, a club for boys. Delin., Jan., 1910, p. 42. DIKE, S. W. — Home as a factor in social work. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, pp. 2-5. FATHER'S DEBT TO HIS BOY. (Ed.) Amer. F., Mar., 1916, pp. 1-3. FORBUSH, W. B.— Boy problem in the home. Pilgrim Press, Boston, 1915, 287 pp. HENDERSON, C. R.— Family, the link between the church and the community work. Amer. F., Apr., 1914, pp. 59-67. . Part of the home in religious educa- tion. R. E. A., 1905, pp. 324-9. HENDRIX, E. R. — Home and religious educa- tion. Relig. Edu., Aug., 1910, pp. 236-8. HERRICK, C. T.— Boy and his room. Rur. Man., May, 19 17, pp. 193-5. HODGE, R. M. — Religious experience of the home. Relig. Edu., Apr., 191 1, pp. 55-61. LANDRITH, I. — Religious opportunities of the home. R. E. A., 1904, pp. 21-5. LHAMON, W. T.— Use of the Bible in the home. Relig. Edu., Dec, 19 12, pp. 486-93. MARTIN, E. S.— Luxury of children. Harp., Aug., 1903, pp. 402-10. PARENT'S PROBLEMS. W. W. B., Jan., 1909, pp. 38-9. (Ed.) PEABODY, F. G.— Kind of home which makes the right kind of boy. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, 40 [B 123.3] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER pp. 5-1 1 ; W. W. B., July, 1904, pp. 146-52; W. W. B., May, 1912, pp. 296-303. WINCHESTER, B. S.— Religious training in the home. Relig. Edu., Oct., 191 1, pp. 335-43. VOTAW, C. W. — Progress of moral and religious education in the American home. Relig, Edu., Apr., 191 1, pp. 1-29. .3 Citizenship. See also B230.3. BLOOMFIELD, M. and others.— Training in citizenship. H. H. B., Oct., 1903, pp. 256-60. CABOT, E. L. and others. — Course in citizenship. Houghton, Boston, 1914, 386 pp. HAGEDORN, H.— You are the hope of the world. Macm., N. Y., 1918, 100 pp. SCUDDER, M. T.— Civic idea in work with boys. R. E. A., 1905, pp. 436-8. STARBUCK, E. D.— Growth of the larger sense of social and civic responsibility in youth. R. E. A., 1905, pp. 339-43. .4 Employers. HOWE, L. A. — Boys' work secretary, the em- ployer and the boy. Amer. F., Dec, 19 15, pp. 255-63. .5 Amusements. ADLER, F. — Ethical value of recreation. Ass'n. Sent., Apr., 1912, pp. 314-20. BERGEN, C. M.— Relation of play to juvenile delinquency. Char, and Comm., Aug. 3, 1907, pp. 562-5. BOWEN, MRS. J. T.— Moving pictures in life of child and community. Amer. y., Apr., 1914, pp. 85-92. BURDICK, W. — Loyalty in municipal athletics. Ass'n. Sem.y Apr., 1912, pp. 304-313. 41 [B 123.5] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE BURNS, A. T. — Relation of playgrounds to de- linquency. Char., Oct. 3, 1908, pp. 25-31. CHANDLER, E. H.— Moving picture show. Relig. Edu., Oct., 191 1, pp. 344-9. EDWARDS, R. H.— Christianity and amuse- ments. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1915, 157 pp. GIBSON, H. W.— Boy and the pool table. W. W. B., Sept., 1913, pp. 281-5. GULICK, L. H. — Psychological, pedagogical and religious aspects of group games. Ped. Sem.^ Mar., 1899, pp. 135-51; Ass'n. Out., Feb., 1900, pp. 98-124. JOHNSON, G. E.— Helping boys through play. H. H. B., 1900, pp. 7-8. . Play in character building. H. H, B.y Apr., 1901, pp. 4-18; H. H. B., Oct., 1903, PP- 239-53- Play as a moral equivalent of war. W. W. B., Oct., 191 1, pp. 69-84. . Why teach a child to play? Amer. Phy. Ed. Rev., Oct., 1909, pp. 500-7. JUMP, H. A. — Child's leisure hour and how it is affected by the motion picture. Ass^n. 5., Dec, 191 1, pp. 269-77; Relig. Edu.y Oct., 1912, PP- 349-54- KING, G. W.— What's in a game? W. W. J5., Nov., 1914, pp. 351-5. LEE, J. — Crime or sport. W. W. B., July, 1904, pp. 152-9. LINDSEY, B. B.— Public playgrounds and ju- venile delinquency. Ind., Aug., 20, 1908, pp. 420-3. TRUMBULL, H. C— Border lines in the field of doubtful practice. Revell, N. Y., 1899, 199 pp. WALLIN, J. E. — Moving picture. Ped. Sem., June, 1910, pp. 129-142. 42 [B 123.6] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER YOUNG, H. — Character through recreation. Amer. S. S., Phil., 1915, 291 pp. .6 Sex. ALLEN, MRS. M. WOOD.— Almost a man. Allen, Ann Arbor, 1895, 39 pp. BATCHELOR, W. C— Sex instruction adapted to the various periods of boy life. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1913, L.86. BIGELOW, M. A.— Sex instruction. Relig. Edu., Apr., 1913, pp. 11-22. BISSEKER, H. — When a boy becomes a man. Revell, N. Y., 1912, 46 pp. BROCKMAN, F. S.— Moral and reUgious life of preparatory school students in the U. S. Fed. Sent., Sept., 1902, pp. 255-73. BURGESS, W.— Child's right to sex instruction. Relig. Edu., Dec, 19 16, pp. 499-503. CABOT, R. C. — Consecration of the affections. Amer, F., Apr., 1913, pp. 49-56. CONWELL, J. A.— Manhood's morning. Vir Pub. Co., Phil., 1903, 302 pp. COTTON, A. N.— Sex hygiene and the high school boys. Amer. F., Dec, 1916, p. 4. CRACKEL, M. D. — Individual sex instruction. Amer. F., Apr., 19 13, pp. 70-4. CURTIS, F. S. — Several years of practical expe- rience in educating boys in the hygiene of sex. W. W. B., Oct., 1908, pp. 283-9. DANGER IN SEX INSTRUCTION. (Ed.) Am£r. F., Apr., 1913, pp. 103-105. DODSON, G. R. — Sex education in the home. Relig. Edu., 1912, pp. 493-6. EXNER, M. J. — Sex education literature for boys and men. Amer. F., Apr., 1913, pp. 74-84. . Sex instruction and the high school age. Relig. Edu., Dec, 1916, pp. 487-98. 43 [B 123.6] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE FOSTER, E. C. — Better than a fortune. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1918, 16 pp. . His fight. Pres. Bd., Phil., 19 17, 7 pp. GULICK, L. H. — Sex and religion. Ass'n. Out., 1897-8. HALL, G. S. — Methods of educating young peo- ple in the hygiene of sex. Fed. Sent., Mar., 1908, pp. 82-91. HALL, W. S. — Developing into manhood. Asso. Press, N. Y., 191 1, 40 pp. • . From youth into manhood. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1910, 106 pp. . Instead of wild oats, Revell, N. Y., 1912, 62 pp. . Life's beginnings. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1912, 39 PP- . Reproduction and sexual hygiene. Wynnewood, Chi., 1912, 132 pp. . Sex instruction for the country boy. Rur. Man., Apr., 1910, pp. 9-10. . Strength of ten. Steadwell. La Crosse, 1912, 64 pp. Teaching of social hygiene and the bearing of such teaching on the moral training of the child. Relig. Edu., Oct., 1908, pp. 129-32. HINCKLEY, G. W.— Sex instruction by graded interview. Amer. Y., Apr., 1913, pp. 63-9. . Sex instruction for boys. W. W. B., July, 1904, pp. 170-5. , and others. — Sex instruction for boys. H. H. B., July, 1901, pp. 22-47. HOWARD, W. L.— Confidential chats with boys. Clode, N. Y., 191 1, 162 pp. KEEPING FIT.— G. P. O., Wash., 1918, 14 PP. LEE, F. — Moloch and the boy. A study of in- dividual sex instruction. W. W. B., Jan., 1909, pp. 26-35. 44 [B 123.7] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER LOWRY, E. B.— Truths, talks with a boy con- cerning himself. Forbes & Co., Chicago, 19 13, 95 pp. McKEEVER, W. A.— Better crop of boys and girls. Instructing the young in regard to sex. McKeever, Lawrence, Kansas, 19 10, pamphlet. MATTER AND METHODS OF SEX IN- STRUCTION. (Report.) Amer. Y., Apr., 1913, pp. 85-93. MITCHELL, L. S. (MISS).— School children and sex idealism, Survey, June 20, 19 14, pp. 327-8. MOLL, A. — Sexual life of the child. Macm., N. Y., 1912, 339 pp. MORAN, H. A. — Shall we present social morality to boys? Amer, 7., Feb., 1916, pp. 1-3. SEX HYGIENE. Methods of sex instruction. Ass'n. Sent., Feb., 1913, pp. 187-97. SEX HYGIENE AND HIGH SCHOOL BOYS. — Amer. Y., Dec, 19 16, p. 4. SEX INSTRUCTION FOR BOYS. (Ed.) Ass'n. B.y Oct., 1908, pp. 207-10. SILL, F. H. — Sex instruction as part of religious instruction. Amer. F., Dec, 1913, pp. 269-72. STALL, S. — What a young boy ought to know. Vir Pub. Co., Phil., 1897, 193 pp. WILCOX, D. G. — Physical awakening of the boy. W. W. B., Sept., 191 1, pp. 9-16. WILES, I. — Program for sex instruction. W. W. 5., Jan., 1912, pp. 32-43. .7 Temperance. BOYS AND THE CIGARETTE CURE. Lit.D., Feb. 21, 1914, p. 395. CHAPMAN, E. S. — Particeps criminis. Revell, N. Y., 1910, 107 pp. CIGARETTE SMOKING AMONG BOYS. Amer. Mag,, Nov., 1910, pp. 140-1. 45 [B 123.8] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE COFFIN NAILS. A talk with boys on cigar- ettes. H. H. B.f Oct., 1901, pp. 24-30. FORD, HENRY.— Case of little white slaver. Pub. by author, Detroit, 19 16, 75 pp. GASTON, L. P. — Anti-cigarette cause. Amer. F., Dec, 1914, pp. 307-9. GRAY, H. S. — Boy and the cigarette habit. Education, Jan., 1909, pp. 294-315. INTEMPERANCE AMONG BOYS. (Ed.) Amer. F., Apr., 1913, pp. 106-7. McKEEVER, W. A.— Cigarette boy. Education, Nov., 1907, pp. 154-60. . Cigarette smoking boy. McKeever, Lawrence, Kansas, 1909, 16 pp. MERRILL, L. — Anti-cigarette legislation in the U. S., Ass'n. B., Dec, 1905, pp. 247-8. TRANSEAU, E. F., and STODDARD, C. F.— Some modern facts about alcoholic drinks. Asso. Press, 191 1, 16 pp. WELZMILLER,L.R.— Efifects of cigarette smoking on young men. Ass^n. Men., May, 1913, p. 393. .8 Thrift. FARNHAM, I. H.— Habit of saving in boys. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1910, L. no. KIRKPATRICK, E. A.— Use of money. Bobbs, Indianapolis, 19 15, 226 pp. McWILLIAM, E. G. — Encouraging habits of thrift. Amer. Y., Feb., 1915, pp. 22-3. MONROE, W. S. — Money sense of children. Ped. Sem., Mar., 1899, pp. 152-8. NORTHROP, E. N.— Helping boys to save. R. H, B., 1900, pp. 8-1 1. .9 Degeneracy. DAWSON, G. E.— Study of youthful degeneracy. Ped. Sem., Dec, 1896, pp. 221-58. 46 [Bi24] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER RIIS,.J. A. — Burglar's story. Char, and Comm.f July 25, 1903. SWIFT, E. J. — Some criminal tendencies of boy- hood. Fed. Sem.y Mar., 1901, pp. 65-91. B124 Social Development. FORBUSH, W. B.— Social pedagogy of boyhood. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1900, pp. 307-46. SOCIAL LIFE OF YOUNG PEOPLE. (Report.) Relig. Edu.f Jan., 1917, pp. 205-22. .1 Group instinct. ADAMS, B. — Street gang as a factor in politics. Outlook, Aug. 22, 1903, pp. 985-8. ADDAMS, J. — Companionship vs. loyalty in the gang. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 20-2. BONSER, F. G.— Chums, a study of youthful friendships. Ped. Sent., June, 1902, pp. 220-36. BROWNE, T. J.— Clan or gang instinct in boys. Ass'n. Out., June, 1900 to Oct., 1901 ; W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 1-8. CHAMBERLAIN, A. — Group instinct in its rela- tion to work in the street boys' clubs and news- boys' homes. W. W. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 95-6. COE, G. A. — Gang instinct and the boy's reli- gious life. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 43-9; Oct., 1908, pp. 244-9. CRACKEL, M. D. — Relation of group instinct to Association and Settlements. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 67-75. CROSBY, F. A.— Transformation of a gang. Ass*n. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 82-4. GANG. Ladies' H. Jour., Aug., 1903, pp. 3-4. GUIDING THE BOY GANGS. World's Work, July, 1913, p. 271. GULICK, L. H. — Games and gangs. Lippinc, July, 191 1, pp. 84-9. 47 [B 124.2] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE HALL, B. — Relation of the. group instinct to boys' clubs. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 63-7. JACKSON, B. B. — Relation of the group instinct to schools. — W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 59-63. LINDSEY, B. B. — Gang and juvenile crime. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 26-43. MALLARY, H. M. — Relation of group instinct to correctional institutions. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 56-8. PUFFER, J. A.— Boys' gangs. Fed. Sem., June, 1905, pp. 175-212. . Boy gangs and boy leaders. Mc- Clure's, Oct., 191 1, pp. 678-89. SCOTT, J. H.— Social instinct and its develop- ment in boy life. Ass'n. Sem., June-July, 1905. SPETZ, A.— Antidotes for the city gang. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 22-6. WHITE, J. H.— Child in the group. N. E. A., 1909, pp. 733-7- .2 Social ethics. LEE, J. — Social relationships of boys and girls, a danger or an opportunity. Ass'n. Sem., Apr., 1912, pp. 281-8. SABIN, E. L.— Boy's loves. Century, July, 1903, pp. 409-13. SMITH, T. L. — Types of adolescent affection. Fed. Sem., June, 1904, pp. 178-203. TOMPKINS, J. W.— Boy's love. Atlantic Mon., July, 1903, pp. 68-73. B129 Special Classes of Boys. .1 School boys, see also B219.1; .2 wage earning boys, see also B219.2; .3 street boys, see also B219.3 and B230; .4 coun- try boys, see also B2r9.4. BLOOMFIELD, M. — Jewish boy and his home. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, pp. 39-40- 48 [B 129. 1 ] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER BLUMBERG, B.— Old boy problem. W. W. B,, Sept., 1915, pp. 261-6. Mccormick, WM.— older boys in the Sunday school. W. W. B., Nov., 1909, pp. 13-20. MINER, J. B. — Discovery of capacity among backward children. W. W. B., Dec, 1911, pp. 188-99. PENNINGROTH, L. P.— Boy prisoners of war in Europe. Amer. F., Nov., 191 7, pp. 4-5. SIMON, A. — ^Jewish child and the American public school. Relig. Edu., Jan., 1912, pp. 527-33. SPEER, R. E.— That boy of seventeen. Ass'n. Men., Feb., 1913, pp. 215-18. VAWTER, C. E.— Southern boy, his needs and his opportunities. H. H. 5., Jan., 1903, pp. 43-50. .1 School boys, see also B219.1. BOOK, W. F.— Why pupils drop out of the high schools. Ped. Sem., June, 1904, pp. 204-32. DAVIS, J. B. — Moral situation in high schools. Relig. Edu., Dec, 1915. GILKEY, C. W.— High school problem Ass'n. B., 1904, PP- 173-90. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS' PROBLEMS. Amer. Y., Mar., 1917, p. 10. ISRAEL, H. — High school boy in the village. Rur. Man., Apr., 191 1, pp. 1 17-19. JOHNSON, F. W.— High school boy's hazards. Ass'n. Men, Jan., 1916, p. 206. KING, I. — High school age. Bobbs, Indianapolis, 1914, 225 pp. PEABODY, E.— Relation of the home to the pre- paratory school. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, pp. 27-33. PORTER, D. R.— High school boys and com- munity interests.'! Rur. Man.^ Mar., 19 10, pp. 11-13. 49 [B 129.2] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE .2 Wage earners, newsboys, see also B219.2. For club work see B230. ADAMS, M. E. — Children in American street trades. Ann. Am. Acad.f May, 1905, pp. 437-58. BOOKW ALTER, A. G.— Education of employed boys in Germany. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1907, pp. 1-4. BROWN, L. E. — Working boy and his relation to the outside world. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 64-6. BRUERE, R. W. — Newsboys' labor union and what it thinks of a college education. Out- look, Dec. 8, 1906, pp. 878-83. BUDD, G. S. — Boy who earns his living. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1903, pp. 1-14. CHILD LABOR LAWS AND STREET TRADES. Ann. Amer. Acad., Mar., 1909, pp. 225-35. CRUMMY, R. S. — Something about the news- boys' home club of New York City. W. W. B., May, 1912, pp. 304-9. DEAN, A. D.— Educational work for employed boys. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1908, pp. 25-32. DWIGHT, H. C— Menace of street trading by children. Amer. City, Jan., 1915, pp. 23-4. FORBUSH, W. B.— Grand Rapids evening press and its newsboys. Char, and Comm., Oct. 5, 1907, pp. 798-801. GUNCKEL, J. E.— Boyville, fifteen years' work among newsboys. Toledo Newsboys' Ass'n., Toledo, Ohio, 1905, 219 pp. HALL, G. A. — Child labor in street trades. Ann. Amer. Acad., July, 191 1, pp. 100-2. HARD, W.— "De kid wot works at night," Everybody's, Jan., 1908, pp. 25-37. HECK, W. H.— Working boys' clubs of London. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 50-4. IHLDER, J. — Press and its newsboys. World Today, July, 1907, pp. 737-9- 50 [B 129.2] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER JENKS, J. — Personal problems of boys who work. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1913, 124 pp. KELLY, F.— Boy labor. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 29-33. . Working boj'^s. Amer. Jour. Soc, Nov., 1896. KINKEAD, T. L.— Working boy. H. H. 5., Jan., 1903, pp. 1-6. KUECHLE, B. E.— Newsboys' republic, Mil- waukee, Wis. Survey, Mar., 22, 1913, p. 859. Mccormick, WM.— Boy who works, w. w. B., May, 1917, pp. 172-6. McNAMARA, S. — Richest newsboy in the world. Amer. Mag., Sept., 19 15, pp. 53-55. MILWAUKEE'S NEWSBOYS' REPUBLIC. Outlook, Apr. 5, 1913, pp. 743-4- NEARING, S.— Newsboys at night in Phila- delphia. Char, and Comm., Feb. 2, 1907, pp. 778-84. . Two o'clock Sunday morning. Ind., Feb. 8, 1912, pp. 288-9. NEW YORK SURVEY OF WORKING BOYS. Plan and findings. Ass'n. B., Dec, 19 10, pp. 246-300. OPPENHEIM, N.— Physical development of the working boy. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 6-12. PALMER, L. E. — Horatio Alger, then and now. Survey, Dec. 2, 191 1, pp. 1275-6. PIER, A. S.— Boys of St. Timothy's. Scrib., N. Y., 1904, 284 pp. POOLE, E. — Newsboy wanderers are tramps in the making. Char, and Comm., Feb. 14, 1903, pp. 160-2. PRATT, A. P.— Boy and the factory. W. W. B., Feb., 1910, pp. 15-20. REED, A. Y. — Newsboy service. Worldf Yonkers, 1917, 158 pp. 51 [B 129.3] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE ROAKE, J. D. — Environment and the employed boy. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield. Mass., 1917, L.71. ROBBIE, K. W.— Study of the newsboy. Ass'n. Sem., July, 1902, pp. 9-33. ROBINSON, C. C— Wage-earning boy. Asso. Press., N. Y., 1912, 108 pp. RIIS, J. A. — New York newsboy. Century, Dec, 1912, pp. 247-55. SCHEME OF WELFARE SUPERVISION FOR BOYS IN ENGLAND. Ministry of Munitions. SPENCER, A. G.— Boy laborer and what he means to society. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 34-7. TEMPTATIONS OF WORKING BOYS. (Ed.) Amer. F., June, 1914, pp. 169-70. WHITLOCK, B.— Work among the newsboys of Toledo. Amer. Mag., Nov., 1909, pp. 63-4. WINSHIP, A. E.— John E. Gunckel of Toledo, the newsboys' evangelist. World Today, Nov., 1908, pp. 1169-73. .3 Street boys, see also B219.3 and B230. ADAMS, B. — Street gang as a factor in politics. Outlook, Aug. 22, 1903, pp. 985-8. ADDAMS, J.— Bad boy of the street. W. W. B., Mar., 1913, pp. 97-105. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF STREET BOYS' CLUBS. W. W. B., Jan., 1905, pp. 50-1. BRACE, C. L.— Homeless boys. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, PP- 37-9- CHASE, J. H.— Street games of New York chil- dren. Ped. Sem., Dec, 1905, pp. 503-4. CHEW, T. — Character making on the street. W. W. B., Apr,, 1907, pp. 75-84; Relig. Edu., Apr., 1908, pp. 24-7. DUNN, R. — Games for the city street boy. Outing, June, 1904, pp. 271-9. 52 [B 129.4] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER FALLOWS, A. K.— Temptations to be good. Century, Dec., 1903, pp. 169-79. LANGDON, W. C— Juvenile city league of New York. W. W. B., Apr., 1905, pp. 105-18. McLaughlin, C. a.— study of the street boy, H, H. B., July, 1901, pp. 1-22; Ass'n. Sem., Nov., 1901 to Jan., 1902. MASSECK, F. L.— Street boys in the Knights of King Arthur. W. W. B., Jan., 1906, pp. 40-9. POTTER, F. N.— Helping street boys. Outlook, Mar. 22, 1916, pp. 683-92. RIIS, J. A.— Street boy. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, pp. 17-27. STELZLE, C— Boys of the street and how to win them. Revell, N. Y., 1902, 96 pp. WILLIAMSON, E. E.— Our little street mer- chants. H. H. 5., Jan., 1903, pp. 40-3. WINSHIP, A. E.— Elimination of the hoodlum element. W. W. B., Jan., 19 12, pp. 15-22. .4 Country boys, see a)so B219.4. ANDERSON, W. L.— Study of rural youth in teen age. Rur. Man., May, 19 14, pp. 187-91. ARNOT, E. J. — Coimtry boys' conference time. Rur. Man., Oct., 1917, pp. 350-2. . Coimty boys' relay race. Rur. Man., Mar., 1917, pp. 1 10-12. BARKER, P. L.— Shall farm boys find fortune in the city? Rur. Man., May, 1915, pp. 213-15. BOY WITH A VISION. (Ed.) Rur. Man., Feb., 191 1, pp. 50-1. BRAINARD, C. G.— New education of the coimtry boy. Rur. Man., July, 19 10, pp. 10-16. BROWN, H. A.— Efficient education for the coimtry boy. Rur. Man., Sept., 19 12, pp. 230-4- BROWN, J. — Place to swim in every rural com- 53 [B 129.4] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE munity and every boy a swimmer. Rur. Man.f May, 191 1, pp. 155-6. COMSTOCK, C— Country playground. Rur. Man., Mar., 1917, pp. 98-101. CORN GROWING CONTEST. (Ed.) Rur, Man., May, 191 1, pp. 147-8. COUNTRY BOY IN CAMP. (Ed.) Rur. Man., Sept., 191 1, p. 211. COUNTRY BOY IN THE CITY. (Ed.) Rur. Man., Apr., 191 1, pp. 131-2. COUNTRY LAD'S FIRST CITY IMPRESSION. Rur. Man., Oct., 1912, pp. 292-4. CRISSEY, F.— Country boy. Revell, Chicago, 1903, 300 pp. DREW, D. C. — Bay State boys grip community life. Rur. Man., Dec, 1912, pp. 361-4. EARP, E. L. — Farm boy as a citizen. Rur, Man., June, 1917, pp. 260-1. ELIOT, C. W.~Appreciation of the farm boy. Rur. Man., May, 1910, pp. 15-16. GIBSON, H. W.— Efficient county boys' confer- ences. Rur. Man., Jan., 1915, pp. 7-1 1. GOLD, G. D.— Psychology of the boy in the country. Rur. Man., Apr., 1912, pp. 1 10-12. . Psychology of the country boy. Rur. Man., Apr., 191 1, pp. 107-9. GROVES, E. R.— Rural moral problem. Rur. Man., Jan., 1915, pp. 11-12. HALL, W. S. — Sex instruction for the country boy. Rur. Man., Apr., 19 10, pp. 9-10. HANSEN, F. M. — Chautauqua farm boys' camp. Rur. Man., Oct., 191 1, pp. 12-14. Five farm homes and eighteen boys. Rur. Man., May, 1913, pp. 160-1. HETHERINGTON, C. W.— Play for the country boy. Rur. Man., May, 191 1, pp. 139-42. 54 [B 129.4] BOY LIFE AND CHARACTER HIBBARD, B. H.— Value of the farm boy. Rur, Man., Mar., 1910, pp. 6-7. HOLLAWAY, A. D.— Ideals of a country boy. Rur, Man., May, 1910, pp. 22-3. HOLLIDAY, W. B. — Our country boys' conference analyzed. Rur. Man., May, 1915, pp. 222-4. HOUGHTON, L. I.— Mr. Farmer's round shoul- dered son. Rur. Man., Mar., 1917, pp. 118-20. HUNT, E. — Spiritual needs of the country boy. Rur. Man., Mar., 1910, pp. 4-6. ISRAEL, H. — High school boy in the village. Rur. Man., Apr., 191 1, pp. 1 17-19. . Rural criminality. Rur. Man.^ May, 1913, pp. 165-9. Why do boys leave the farm? Rur. Man., Oct., 1910, pp. 18-20. JUMP, H. A. — Problem of the country boy. N. E. A., 1905, pp. 429-32. KREBS, P. E. and GOSPILL, W.— Live social center in the old barn. Rur. Men., Jan., 1915, pp. 23-6. McKEEVER, W. A.— Farm boys and girls. Macm., N. Y., 1912, 320 pp. MAUCK, J. W. — Country boy needs a college education? Rur. Man., Apr., 191 1, pp. 109-10. MORHOUS, L. A. — Ruralized boys' summer camp. Rur. Man., Apr., 1915, pp. 176-8. MORSE, S. L. — Culture for the stay at home country boy. Rur. Man., July, 1910, pp. 2-5. NEW COUNTRY BOY. Ind., June 22, 191 1, pp. 1382-4. ONE WAY TO KEEP BOYS ON THE FARM. (Ed.) Rur. Man., Apr., 1912, pp. 120-22. PORTER, G. D. — What the community owes to the boy. W. W. B., July, 1913, pp. 235-40. PRESSEY, E. P.— Redemption of the country boy. H. H. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 98-9. 5^ [B200] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE RURAL BOY SCOUTS. (Ed.) Rur, Man., Mar., 1911, p. 98. RYALL, B. R. — Our village life and the boy. Rur. Man., Oct., 19 13, pp. 276-8. SLINGERLAND, W. H.— Need of rural child welfare work. Rur. Man., May, 1914, pp. 192-6. TABOR, A. O.— Country boy. H. H. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 87-98. TWICHELL, H. S.— Country boy. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1908, 32 L. VAN DIS, J. A. — Social service chores of farm boys' group. Rur. Man., May, 1915, pp. 215-17. WILSON, W. H. — Boys and girls in the country church. Rur. Man., Nov., 1913, pp. 330-2. B200 Organized Work For Boys (Methods). BOY ORGANIZATION. Rur. Man., Apr., 1912, p. 142. CRAMPTON, C. W.— Applied ideals in work with boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., 19 10, 256 pp. FLOODY, R. J.— Worcester's garden city. W. W. B., Apr., 19 12, pp. 208-14. FORBUSH, W. B.— Directory of social work with boys, methods, workers, and authorities. H. H. B., Oct., 1901, pp. 19-28; Oct., 1902, pp. 209-16; Apr., 1904, pp. 125-35; July, 1905, pp. 180-8; Apr., 1906, pp. 83-109; July, 1908, pp. 198-236. FRESH METHODS FOR WORK WITH BOYS. H. H. B., Oct., 1901, pp. 3-18. (Ed.) KINGSLEY, S. C. — Community recognition of children's rights and needs. W. W. B., Nov., 1912, pp. 465-70. LIBBY, L.— Leader's handbook. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 191 7, 148 L. PLAN AND FINDINGS OF NEW YORK 56 [B 210] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. SURVEY OF WORKING BOYS. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1910, pp. 246-300. (Ed.) PRACTICAL METHODS OF WORK WITH BOYS. (Ed.) H. H. B., Oct., 1903, pp. 273-86. ROBINSON, E. A.— Making men and women. A hand book for junior workers. Eaton & Mains, N. Y., 1906, 213 pp. ROBINSON, E. M. and others.— Reaching the boys of an entire community. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1909, 249 pp. STANLEY, R.— Work among boys with the individual as the unit. W. W. B., Jan., 1906, PP- 35-9- WONES, W. H.— Training leaders for boys' classes and clubs. Rur. Man., Jan., 1914, pp. 29-31. B310 BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C. A. .1 Conferences; .2 Relationships; .3 Policy; .4 Ex- tension work (Community work); .5 Buildings, rooms and furniture; .6 American standard pro- gram; .61 Canadian efificiency tests; .9 History. (Note: Many valuable papers may be found in the pubHshed reports of the State Conferences of the Boys' Department of Massachusetts and Rhode Island Y. M. C. A.'s, beginning with 1891.) ACKERMAN, E. G.— History of the boys' department of the Y. M. C. A. Ass'n. Sent., Dec, 1903 to Jan., 1904. ADJUSTING ORGANIZATION TO CARE FOR YOUTH. Ass'n. Men. Apr., 1916, p. 366. AMERICAN STANDARD^PROGRAM. Amer. Y., Dec, 1916, p. 7. AMERICAN YOUTH, continuing Association Boys. Devoted to the Boys' Work of the 57 [B2I0] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Y. M. C. A. Published by the International Committee, 347 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. ASSOCIATION BOYS, see American Youth. BALO, R. A. — Typical Association boys' groups. Canadian Standard Efficiency Tests. Rur. Man., May, 1913, pp. 173-5- BISHOP, C. R.— Boys of Western Canada in the Y. M. C. A. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1910, pp. 202-5. BROOKS, M. G.— Appeal of work with boys to the college undergraduate. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1910, pp. 206-10. CANFIELD, J. H.— Contribution of the Y. M. C. A. to the welfare of boys. Jubilee confer- ence report, Y. M. C. A., Boston, 1901. CHAPIN, W. H.— Boys' conference at Lake George, N. Y. Ass'n. Sent., Nov., 1902, pp. 60-6. CHAPMAN, B. B.— Dangers and problems in Y. M. C. A. Boys' Work. Amer. Y., Feb., 1913, pp. 9-16. COE, G. A.— Y. M. C. A. and work with boys., Chicago, 1902. COTTON, A. N.— Five "C's" campaign. Amer. Y., Mar., 1917, pp. 8-9. COX, O. L. — Viewpoint. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1907, pp. 253-9. CRACKEL, M. D. and ZECHAR, S.— Boys' work in Cleveland. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1903, pp. 107-24. . Standard tests for boys. Amer. Y., Oct., 1914, pp. 259-63. CROSBY, F. A. — Strategic opportunities of spring. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1908, pp. 49-57. CURRENT NEWS OF BOYS DEPARTMENT will be found in each number of Ass'n. Men. DENISON, E. F.— Growing Boys' Work of Omaha, Ass'n. B., Apr., 1908, pp. 77-80. 58 [B2io] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. EFFICIENCY TESTS FOR BOYS. (Ed.) Rur. Man., Apr., 1916, pp. 66-8. ELLIS, E. H. — Recent development of work with boys. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1917, L.108. ESHER, F. N. — Annual parents' meeting. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1904, pp. 163-4. FAGAN, P. D. — Work for intermediates. Ass'n. B., Dec., 191 1, pp. 278-85. FOSTER, C. C— Efficiency tests for boys. Amer. Y., Sept., 1916, p. 3. . Patriotic Service League. Amer. Y., Sept., 1917, P- 2. . Standard efficiency tests. Amer. F., Oct., 19 1 5, pp. 193-204. . Standard efficiency tests for boys. Amer. Y., Feb., 1916, p. 18. FRY, W. W. — Our present need in work with boys. Amer. F., Sept., 1917, p. 3. GIBSON, H. W. — Twenty-five years of organized boys' work in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. State Comm. Mass. and R. I., Boston, 19 15, 129 pp. GILKEY, C. W.— Youth harnessed to a worthy enterprise. Amer. Y., June, 1916, pp. 1-3. GROVES, E. R.—Place of Boys' Work in Chris- tianizing the social order. Amer. Y., Dec., 1915, pp. 249-51. HALL, L. K. — Patriotic Service League. Amer. Y., May, 1917, p. 11. HALL, W. E. — United States boys' working re- serve. Amer. F., May, 1917, pp. 8-9. HOUSTON, E. J.— Boys as raw material. Ass'n. Men, Oct., 1899, pp. 3-5. HUNTER, A. A. — Reaches ninety per cent of Avon's boys. Rur. Man., May, 191 5, pp. 228-9. KAIGHN, R. P. — Field of endeavor and present 39 [B2I0] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE work of junior department. Ass'n. Out., May, 1900, pp. 193-204. KNIGHT, S. — One year's work at Denver. Amer. K, Feb., 1917, p. 6. MAYDOLE, H. D. — Boys' group efficiency con- test. Rur. Man., Apr., 1917, pp. 154-6. MOORE, H. H.— Situation in Spokane. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 73-80. MOTT, J. R. — Most remarkable generation of boys the world has ever known. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1918, 16 pp. . New significance of work with boys. Amer. Y., Feb., 1916, p. i. . Strategic importance of work with boys. Amer. Y., June, 1914, pp. 137-42. . Strategic importance of work with boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1918, 11 pp. MURRAY, W. D.— Boys' Work from the stand- point of the International Committee of the Y. M. C. A. Jubilee Conference, Boston, 1901. PATRIOTIC SERVICE LEAGUE. Amer. F., May, 19 1 7, pp. 2-7. PRATT, F. M.— Boys' work in Toronto. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1906, pp. 279-81. PRIZES IN BOYS' DEPARTMENTS AND A PROTEST AGAINST THEM. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 97-8. PRYKE, A. E. — General survey of modem methods of work with boys. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 191 1, L.114. RICH, G. B., Jr.— Boys' Work in Buffalo. Ass'n, B., Oct., 1905, pp. 179-200. ROBINSON, C. C— Find yourself campaign. Amer. Y., June, 1915, pp. 130-9. . Democratic spirit in Boys' Work. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 56-61. ROBINSON, E. M.—Boys' Work of the Portland, 60 [B 210] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C. A. Oregon, Association. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1903, pp. 33-9- . Association boy. Ass*n. Men, Apr., 1900, pp. 235-6. Boys' Work of the Salt Lake City Association. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1907, pp. 251-2. . Possibilities in a small town. Amer. 7., Feb., 1913, pp. 5-9- . Safeguarding the nation's boyhood. Amer. Y., Sept., 1917, pp. 6-7. Scope of the Y. M. C. A. boys' work. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 58-61. Standard efficiency tests. Amer. Y., Apr., 1914, pp. 119-23. Suggested application of the Asso- ciation idea to Boys' Work. Ass'n. B., Dec,, 1908, pp. 223-31. SHURTLEFF, G. K.— Boys' Work of the future. Ass'n. B., June, 1903, pp. 103-6. STANDARD EFFICIENCY TESTS FOR BOYS. Amer. 7., June, 19 14, pp. 177-87. STATTEN, T.— Boys' Work of the Toronto Cen- tral Y. M. C. A., Ass'n. B., Dec, 1906, pp. 282-92. STUDER, A. G. and others.— Detroit survey of boyhood. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1909, pp. 200-87. TAIT, W. T.— Boys' Work of Toronto West End Y. M. C. A. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1906, pp. 294-305. TATUM, J. F.— What can be done in the small town? Ass'n. B., Feb., 1904, pp. 33-8. WETZELL, W. A.— Cooperation of Y. M. C. A. with grammar and high schools. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1905, pp. 249-53. WHITFORD, A. H.— Why I believe in Boys' Work. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1905, pp. 177-8. WONES, W. H.— Boys' Work at Newark, N. J. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1905, pp. 3-26. 61 [B2I0.I] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE .1 Conferences. ARNOT, E. J, — Country boys' conference time. Rur. Man., Oct., 1917, pp. 350-2. BROWN, L. R. — Life work conference of senior high school boys. Amer. F., May, 1917, p. 12. CHAPIN, W. H.— Boys' conference at Lake George. Ass'n. Sem., Nov., 1902, pp. 60-6. COOK, J. W. — Suggestive questions for an insti- tute on Boys' Work. Ass'n. B.y Dec, 1904, pp. 235-8. DUNN, L. W.— What the State Boys' conference means to the churches. Ass'n. 5., Apr., 191 1, pp. 113-17. GIBSON, H. W.~Efficient county boys' con- ference. Rur. Man., Jan., 1915, pp. 7-1 1. HIGH SCHOOL TRAINING CONFERENCES. Amer. F., June, 19 16, p. 10. HIGH Y SETTING-UP CONFERENCE. Amer. F., June, 1917, p. 12. HINCKLEY, G. W.— Boys' conferences. Amer. F., Oct., 1916, p. 16. . Impressions of a recent boys' con- ference. Amer. F., Aug., 1915, pp. 151-4. . Notes on boys' conference. Amer. F., June, 1913, pp. 139-44- Unique value of conferences of older boys. Amer. F., Apr., 19 12, pp. 65-73. . When boys convene. Ass'n. B., Apr., 19 10, pp. 50-3. HOLLIDAY, W. B.— Our county boys' confer- ence analyzed. Rur. Man., May, 1915, pp. 222-4. MONTAGUE, H. E.— Lake Geneva boys' confer- ence. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1907, pp. 214-17. OPINION OF BOYS REGARDING BOYS' CONFERENCES. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 92-4. 62 [B 210.2] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. RECENT BOYS' CONFERENCES. Amer. Y., Feb., 1912, pp. 27-34. REPORT OF COMMUNITY BOYS' WORK CONFERENCE COMMITTEE. Amer. K, Apr., 1914, pp. 1 14-18. ROBINSON, C. C— New England's relay race and conference. Amer. F., Dec, 19 17, p. 3. ROBINSON, E. M.— Boys' conferences. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 159-63. . Conference paragraphs. Amer. F., Aug., 1915, pp. 157-60. SCOTT, C. R. — Boys' conferences in community and country. Ass'n B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 83-90. . Boys' conferences. Rur. Man., Apr., 191 1, pp. 129-30. . Boys' conference plans. Amer. F., Aug., 1915, pp. 147-50. SMITH, J. C, — Statement concerning the Maine boys' conference. Ass^n. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 107-12. VALUE OF OLDER BOYS' CONFERENCES. Amer., Y., Aug., 1915, pp. 155-6. Y. M. C. A. CAMP CONFERENCE. (Report.) H. H. B., July, 1903, pp. 204-18. .2 Relationships. AFFILIATION OF CHURCH BOYS' CLUBS AND THE ASSOCIATION. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1907, pp. 230-9. ALEXANDER, J. L.— Sunday school use of Association's equipment. Ass'n. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 118-24. BIBLE SCHOOL AND ASSOCIATION. Amer., Y., Oct., 1916, p. 2. CHANDLER, W. L.— Affiliated church club idea. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1908, pp. 5-9. 63 [B 210.2] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE CHEW, T. — Cooperation of street boys' clubs and Y. M. C. A.s, Ass'n. B., Aug., 1905, pp. 145- 55. CROSBY, F. A.— Inter-church work with boys. Amer. 7., June, 1913, pp. 117-26; Amer. Y., Aug., 1913, pp. 178-81. GATES, D. S. — Cooperation in Boston. Ass'n. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 91-5. GOODMAN, F. S.— What is feasible in coopera- tion? Ass'n. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 72-5. LAWRANCE, M. — Sunday schools to cooperate in reaching older boys. Ass'n. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 58-61. RINDGE, F. H., Jr.— Helping the church to reach the unreached boy. Ass'n. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 99-106. ROBINSON, E. M.— When can the Association and Sunday school cooperate? Amer. F., Dec? 1913, pp. 289-94. RUTLEDGE, A. E.— Boys' club and an Associa- tion. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 62-72. SMITH, H. L. — Affiliation of church clubs and boys' departments. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 185-6. STANLEY, F. A.— Boys' department in the Sun- day school. Ass'n. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 62-7. THINGS A PASTOR HAS A RIGHT TO EX- PECT FROM THE ASSOCIATION. Ass'n. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 125-7. TRANSFERRING THE RELIGIOUS WORK OF BOYS Y. M. C. A.s TO CHURCH. Ass'n. B., June, 1909, pp. 13 1-4. TRAVIS, E. B.— Church club plan for boys. W. W. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 45-8. WAITE, R. A. — Efforts at cooperation which Associations are making. Ass'n. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 96-8. 64 [B 210.3] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C. A. .3 Policy. BOY OR THE BOOKS. Amer. Y., Oct., 1914, pp. 293-4. GARRISON, F. A. and McDONALD, L. L.— Policy outline of institutional boys' work, Oklahoma and Arkansas. Ass'n. B., Aug., 191 1, pp. 196-202. OUTLINING OF A DEFINITE POLICY. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1903, pp. 195-204. ROBINSON, E. M.— Unified policy for boys' departments. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1906, pp. 3-12. .4 Extension work (Community work). BOARDMAN, J. R. — Association approach to the high school boy in town and village. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1908, pp. 165-9. COMMUNITY BOYS' WORK CONFERENCE COM. REPORT. Amer. F., Apr., 1914, pp. I 14-18. COMMUNITY BOYS' WORK CONFERENCE REPORT, 1915. Asso. Press, N Y., 1915, 103 pp. CROSBY, F. A. — Adapting community boys* work to cosmopolitan centers. Amer. F., Apr., 1914, PP- 93-100. . Original conception of institutional Boys' Work. Ass'n. B., Aug., 191 1, pp. 165-7. CULLONS, A. — Reaching boys in small groups w^ith9ut equipment. Ass'n. B., Feb., 191 1, pp. 10-18. GATES, D. S. — Temptations of a community Boys' Work secretary. Amer. Y., Feb., 1915, pp. 9-1 1. GREELEY, A. H. — Adapting community work to a building center. Amer. Y., June, 1916, p. 14. HUSE, H. F. — Boys' department in Springvale, Maine. Ass'n. B., Feb., 191 1, pp. 19-25. 65 [B 210.5] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE LUCAS, F. J.— Extension work. Ass'n. B., Dec., 1907, pp. 289-98. McNEIL, G. — Making farming possible. Amer. Y., Sept., 1917, p. 4. MESSER, L. A. — District community work. Amer. Y., Mar., 19 16, pp. i and 5. OBJECTIVES OP COMMUNITY BOYS' WORK. Amer. Y., Apr., 1914, p. 128. ORGANIZATION FOR BOYS' DEPART- MENTS. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 88-91. PAGE, A. — Work with boys outside the Asso- ciation building. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1902, pp. 27-8. PORTER, D. R.— City high school work without equipment. Ass'n. B., Aug., 191 1, pp. 187-91. RITCHIE, F. H. T.— Community Association and the Patriotic Service League. Amer, Y., May, 1917, p. 14. . Community Boys* Work. Amer. F., Apr., 1914, pp. 52-9. Community challenge. Amer, F., Sept., 1917, p. 9. • Community work. Amer. F., Feb., 1916, pp. 12-13. Homewood-Brushton church coop- eration. (Pittsburgh) Amer. F., Nov., 1916, PP- 4-5. Reasons why non-equipment work for boys should be conducted by the Y. M. C. A. Ass'n. B., Oct., 191 1, pp. 253-64. ; SERVING THE COMMUNITY. Amer. F., ^ Mar., 1917, p. 2. .5 Buildings, rooms, and furniture. | BAKER, H. T. — Rooms and their effect on boys, j Amer. F., Aug., 1914, pp. 211-15. BOYS' READING ROOMS. Amer. F., Oct., | 1914, pp. 291-2. I 66 ; [B 210.6] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C. A. BRAINBRIDGE, J.— Summer headquarters for boys. Ass'jt. B., Oct., 1910, pp. 222-3. BURGER, W. H. — Boys' rooms in Association buildings. Amer. F., Aug., 1914, pp. 216-19. CRACKEL, M. D. — Separate building for boys. Amer. Y., Aug., 19 14, pp. 210-11. JEROME, G. N. — Pictures for boys' department rooms. Amer. F., Dec, 19 14, pp. 322-4. PLANS OF BOYS' BUILDINGS AND MEN. Amer. F., Aug., 1914, pp. 233-57. ROBINSON, E. M. — Ideal arrangements for boys* work in the Vanderbilt Memorial building. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1908, pp. 170-7. . New boys' building at Newark, New Jersey. Ass'n. B., June, 191 1, pp. 146-51. . New wine in old bottles — a modern application. Amer. F., June, 1916, pp. i and 4. Provisions for boys' work in Asso- ciation buildings. Amer. F., Aug., 1914, pp. 195-210. SEPARATE BOYS' BUILDINGS. Ass'n. B., Feb., 19 10, pp. 24-8. (Ed.) WONES, W. H. — Furnishing of our boys' rooms. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1903, pp. 185-9. .6 American Standard Program (including early efforts in this direction). AMERICAN STANDARD PROGRAM. Amer. F., Dec, 1916, p. 7. CHELEY, F. H.— War and the boys in My-town. Asso. Press, N. Y., 19 18, 77 pp. CRACKEL, M. D.— Standard efficiency tests. Amer. F., Feb., 1915, pp. 27-8. EFFICIENCY TESTS FOR BOYS. Rur. Man., Apr., 1916, pp. 66-8. FOSTER, E. C— Efficiency tests for boys. Amer. F., Sept., 1916, p. 3. 67 [B2I0.6I] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE ] : . Standard efficiency tests for boys. | Amer, K, Feb., 1916, p. 18. j INTERNATIONAL COM. BOYS' STANDARD j PROGRAM COMMITTEE. American stan- | dard program for boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., I C1918, 143 pp. I ROBINSON, C. C. — American standard program j in employed boys' work. Amer. F., Sept., \ 1918, p. 7. I ROBINSON, E. M.— Results accomplished at j meeting in interests of efficiency test program I for boys. Amer. Y., Sept., 1916, p. 3. | . Standard efficiency tests. Amer. F., | Apr., 1914, pp. 1 19-123. I SMITH, H. L. — Tuxis system of character build- i ing. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1908, pp. 12-21. \ STANDARD EFFICIENCY TESTS FOR i BOYS. Amer. K, June, 1914, pp. 177-81. \ STANDARD EFFICIENCY TESTS FOR j BOYS. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1915, 15 pp. \ STANDARD TESTS FOR BOYS. Amer, F., \ Oct., 1914, pp. 259-63. I SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS RECOMMENDED FOR \ USE IN CONNECTION WITH THE STANDARD ' PROGRAM \ .61 Canadian standard efficiency tests. I CANADIAN BOY BUILDER (bi-monthly). ' STATTEN, T.— Canadian standard efficiency \ tests. Amer. F., Dec, 1913, pp. 277-83. '■ i .9 History. ACKERMAN, E. G.— History of the boys' de- \ partment of the Y. M. C. A. Ass'n. Sem., Dec, :| 1903, to Jan., 1904. j DUDLEY, S. F.— The work for boys— develop- \ 68 [B2II] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. ment in America. Young Men's Era, June 14, 1894, p. 13. EARLY WORK FOR BOYS IN Y. M. C. A., SALEM, MASS. Young Men's Era, 1892, p. 1294. GIBSON, H. W. — Twenty-five years of organized Boys* Work in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. State Com., Mass., and R. I., Boston, 191 5, 129 pp. NINDE, H. S., and others (ed.).— Boys' Depart- ment (see their handbook of the history, organi- zation, and methods of Y. M. C. A.'s, 1888, PP- 356-7). PERRY, W. A.— WiUiam H. Whipple. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 43-8. ROBINSON, E. M.— Points of progress in a decade of Boys' Work. Amer. Y., Feb., 1912, pp. 16-23. B211 Organization. .1 By-laws; .2 Managers; .3 Com- mittees; .4 Membership; .5 Boys' work director. ALEXANDER, J. L.— Plan of work with boys at Philadelphia Central. Ass'n. B., Jime, 1909, pp. 109-18. CHAPIN, W. H.— How to start a Y. M. C. A. boys' department. W. W. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 197-9. . Organization in the boys' depart- ment. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 181-4. JAMESON, A. A.— Boy cabinet. Ass'n. Men, Aug., 191 1, p. 508. WOOD, W. M. — Administration of boys' work. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1904, pp. 24-9. .1 By-laws. BROWN, L. E. — Self-government for Associa- tion boys. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1902, pp. 19-22. 69 [B2II.2] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE GATES , C. L. and MOORMAN, C. N.~Suggested constitution for institutional boys' work. Ass'n. B., Aug., 191 1, pp. 208-10. ,2 Managers. ^ .3 Committees. .4 Membership. HOLMES, A. F. — Members or privilege buyers? Amer. Y., Oct., 1914, pp. 288-90. MEANING OF MEMBERSHIP. (Ed.) Amer. Y., Feb., 1913, pp. 31-33. MINIMUM AGE LIMIT FOR BOYS. Ass'n, B., Dec, 1908, pp. 253-55. NEW TYPE OF BOYS' DEPARTMENT MEM- BERSHIP. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 94-5- PROMOTING TO THE MEN'S DIVISION. Amer. Y. (Ed.) Apr., 1917, p. 2. RECRUITING PROGRAM— CHRISTIAN OLDER BOYS FOR SERVICE. (Report.) Amer. Y., Feb., 1917, p. 2. ROBINSON, E. M. — Age grouping of younger members. Ass'n. B., Feb. -Apr., 1902. . Accountability for membership lapses. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1902, pp. 29-30. . Service membership for boys. Amer. Y., Nov., 1916, pp. 1-2. SHALL WE LOWER OUR AGE LIMIT? Amer. Y., Apr., 19 16, p. 6. (Ed.) SHEPHERD, C. M.— Training course for older boys. Amer. Y., Oct., 19 14, pp. 276-9. WOLF, J. A. — Making membership real. Amer. Y., Nov., 1916, p. 6. .5 Boys' Work Director. BOYS' WORK DIRECTOR, WHY SO CALLED. Ass'n. B. (Ed.) Dec, 1902, p. 217. 70 LB2II.5] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C. A. BOYS' WORK SECRETARY WITH BOYS. (Ed.) Amer. Y., June, 1912, pp. 1 10-13. BOYS' WORK SECRETARIES. .(Ed.) Ass'n. B., Aug., 1910, pp. 135-72. BUELL, L. E. — Is the State boys' secretary worth his salt? Amer. Y., Feb., 1916, pp. 4-5. BURGER, W. H.— Book list for Hour Glass Club. Amer. F., Feb., 19 17, pp. 14-15. . Hour Glass Club notes will be found in current issues of American Youth. COLE, R. J. — Helpful books for boys' secretaries. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1908, pp. 44-6. DOGGETT, L. L. — Boys' secretaryship as a life work. Ass'n. Sem., Nov., 1901, pp. 1-7. FORBUSH, W. B.— Books on boys and work with them. H, H. B., Apr., 1901, pp. 28-32; H. H. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 106-112; H. H. B., Apr., 1903, pp. 139-48; W. W. B., Oct., 1907, pp. 296-306; W. W. B., July, 1909, pp. 39-47- FOSTER, E. C— Interesting, if true. Is it? Amer. Y., Sept., 1916, p. 6. GIBSON, H. W.— Paid worker. W. W. B., July, 1907, pp. 157-^2. . Personal ejSiciency of the Boys* Work secretary. Am^r. Y., Feb. 1915, pp. 3-9. HARTRANFT, C. D.— PersonaHty in work for boys. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, p. 34. HOWE, L. A. — Boys' Work secretary, the eni' ployer, and the boy. Amer. F., Dec, 1915, pp. 255-63. KILLAM, C. — Cultural life of the boys' secretary. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1916, L.41. MORSE, R. C— Two trail blazers. Amer. F., Sept., 1916, pp. 1-2. MURRAY, A. D.— Reading of a worker with boys. Amer. F., Oct., 1912, pp. 157-63. 71 [B2I2] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE MURRAY, WM. D.— Ordered life. Amer. Y,, Apr., 1916, p. 4. PERRY, W. A.— WilUam H. Whipple. Ass'n. JB., Apr., 1909, pp. 43-8. PORTER, D. R.— Boys' Work secretaryship. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 49-55- . Dr. Arnold as a worker with boys. Amer. F., Dec, 1912, pp. 201-10. READING COURSE FOR BOYS' SECRE- TARIES. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Feb., 1909, pp. 21-4. RITCHIE, F. H. T.— Value of personality in a continental propaganda. Ass'n. B., Aug., 191 1, pp. 168-73. ROBERTS, A. E.— Local leaders in Boys' Work. Rur. Man., Mar., 1910, pp. lo-ii. ROBINSON, E. M.— Boys' Work director. Ass'n. Sem., July, 1905, pp. 381-7; Ass'n. B., Dec, 1905, pp. 225-32. . Greater opportunity. Amer. 7., Apr., 1915, pp. 58-64; also in June, 1915, pp. 104-13. Real significance of the Hour Glass Club. Amer. Y., Dec, 1912, pp. 227-32. SHOULD A BOYS' WORK DIRECTOR TEACH A SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS REGULARLY? Ass'n. B., Dec, 1904, pp. 233-4. VAN DIS, J. A. — Association of Boys' Work sec- retaries. Amer. F., Dec, 1913, pp. 287-9. WELLS, H. G. — Your boy workers. Amer. F., June, 1913, pp. 133-5. WHERE TO STUDY TO BECOME A WORKER WITH BOYS. H. H. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 220-5. B212 Business Management. CROSBY, F. A. — Whirlwind financial campaign for boys. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1909, pp. 291-9. 72 [B2I4] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. FLOOD, I. P. — Way Poughkeepsie boys raise money. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1905, pp. 239-41. HORTON„ C. B.— Preparation plans. Amer. K., May, 1916, pp. 4-5. SCOTT, C. R.— How to raise money. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1903, pp. 50-3. B214 Religious Agencies (see also B123.1 Religious edu- cation). .1 Bible study; .2 Religious meet- ings; .3 Missions. ADAMSON, A. Q. — Religious work among boys. Ass'n. B.y Dec, 1907, pp. 271-7. COOPER, W. K.— Religious work for boys. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 76-8. DAHLGREN, C. F.— Forward step in Boys' Work. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1917, 58 L. HENNESSY, W.— Difficulties in religious activ- ities. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1906, pp. 16-20. HORNE, H. H. — Relation of Association Boys' Work to a program of religious education. Amer. Y., Apr., 1915, pp. 55-7. HORTON, C. B.— Religious work from the stand- point of the Y. M. C. A. W. W. B., Oct., 1908, pp. 275-82. KAIGHN, E. B. — Religious education of boys. R. E. A.^ 1905, pp. 302-4. PEDLEY, J. H. — Religious work policy. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1909, pp. 311-13- PORTER, D. R. — Why an annual campaign for decisions? Amer. Y., June, 19 15, pp. 1 17-19. RELIGIOUS WORK IN A BOYS' DEPART- MENT. (Ed.) Amer. Y., Oct., 1913, pp. 227-32. RELIGIOUS WORK POLICY FOR BOYS. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Oct., 1908, pp. 201-7. 73 [B2I4.I] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE ROBINSON, E. M.— Deserting the boy. Amer. Y., June, 1916, p. 8. - — . Revamping religious work with boys. Amer. Y., Dec, 1912, pp. 210-21. STATTEN, T.— Danger lines in using boys. Amer. F„ June, 1912, pp. 92-100. VOTAW,, C. W. — Suggestions concerning a curric- ulum for the moral and religious education of boys and young men under the direction of the Y. M. C. A. Ass'n. Sem.^ Mar., 1908, pp. 203-20. .1 Bible study (including all Bible courses for boys). BALLANTINE, W. G.— How to teach the life of Jesus. Ass'n. Sem., June. 1910, pp. 539-542. . Teaching a Sunday school class. Ass'n. Sem., Apr., 19 14, pp. 272-6. BOYS' BIBLE CLASS AT DANVILLE, PA. Ass'tt. B., Feb., 1904, pp. 48-50. (Ed.) BURGER, W. H.— Older boys' Bible class teachers in New York State. Amer. Y., Apr., 1917, pp. 76-82. COCHLEY, H. L.— Requirements of Bible study for boys and young men. Rur. Man., Feb., 191 7, pp. 82-3. CRAFTS, W. F.— Bible in school plans. Illus- trated Bible Selections Comm., Wash., D. C, 1916, 192 pp. DAVIS, W. H.— Books of the Bible. A Course for boys. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1903, pp. 143-50. . Making the Bible interesting to boys. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 81-5. DAVEY, J. J. and OTHERS.— Boy Christians; daily Bible studies for three months. Asso. Press., N. Y., 1899, 100 pp. DAVISON, W. B.— Bible study for employed boys. Amer. F., Dec, 1915, pp. 264-6. 74 [B2I4I] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C. A. DOGGETT, L. L.— Materials and methods for religious education among young men and boys. Ass'n. Sem., Apr., 1913, pp. 257-72. EDWARDS, R. H.— Christianity and amuse- ments. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1915, 157 pp. FORBUSH, W. B.— Best Sunday school material for boys. W. W. B., Nov., 1909, pp. 2-12. . Bible study by the travel method. W. W. B., July, 1906, pp. 129-36. GIBSON, H. W.— Camp Bible studies. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1912. . Five minutes a day. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1918, 62 pp. GOODMAN, F. S.— Bible study for boys. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1903, pp. 21-6. . Survey of typical church Bible classes for boys. Relig. Educ, Oct., 1910, pp. 360-73. HARRIS, F. M. — Campaign of friendship. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1912, 13 pp. HODGE, G. B.— "McBurney" cup. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1905, pp. 217-18. HORNE, H. H. — Modern problems as Jesus saw them. Asso. Press, N. Y., 19 18, 137 pp. ISRAEL, H. — Organized Bible study in rural life. Rur. Man., Feb., 1910, pp. 17-19. JACKSON, MELVIN.— Travels of Paul. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1903, 59 pp. JENKS, J. — Life questions of high school boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1908, 143 pp. . Personal problems of boys who work. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1913, 124 pp. JOHNSON, F. W.— Problems of boyhood. U. of C. Press, Chicago, C1914, 130 pp. KING, F. E.— Scout laws. Asso. Press, N. Y., 19 1 8, pp. 16, pamphlet. 75 [B2I4.I] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE KOEHLER, F. O.— Jesus the leader. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1918, 2 parts, pamphlet. ■ . Jesus the master. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1918, 2 parts, pamphlet. LEACOCK, A. G.— Life of St. Paul. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1906, 192 pp. LITTLEFIELD, M. S.— Bible study by manual methods. W. W. B., July, 1906, pp. 123-9. MIERAS, C. E. — Teachers' training class for high school boys. Relig. Edu.y June, 19 14, pp. 296-8. MURRAY, W. D.— Daily readings in the Gospel of Mark. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1913, 100 pp. . Life and works of Jesus. Asso. Press, N. Y., I900, 182 pp. . Message of the twelve prophets. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1904, 197 pp. '■ . What manner of is this? Asso. Press, N. Y., 191 1, 82 pp. PARKER, P. F.— Manly side of the life of Christ. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1903, pp. 138-40. PERKINS, R. R. — Back of the courses we teach. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1907, pp. 156-60. . Comrades of Jesus. Asso, Press, N.Y., 1909, 48 pp. . Studies in the character of Jesus. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1912, 2 parts, pamphlet. ROBINSON, C. C. — Christian teaching on social and economic problems. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1914, 102 pp. ROBINSON, E. M.— Bible class difficulties. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1904, pp. 3-23. . Bible study examinations for boys. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 201-7. . Some interesting facts about boys' Bible classes. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1903, pp. 175-84. SCOTT, C. R.— Youth's social Bible class. Amer. y., Dec., 1915, pp. 252-4. 76 [B2I4.I] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. SECONDARY SCHOOL BIBLE STUDY. Amer. Y., Nov., 1916, pp. lo-ii. . SEE, E. F. — Use of stereoscope in boys' Bible classes. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 80-2. . Why should older boys be leaders of Bible study groups for younger boys? Ass'n. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 208-13. ^ SHARMAN, H. B. — Jesus in the records. Asso. Press, N. Y., 19 18, 235 pp. SHELTON, D. O.— Bible classes for boys. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 176-81. SHOULD BOYS TEACH BIBLE CLASSES? Ass'n. B., Feb., 1905, pp. 39-41 and also in Apr., 1905, pp. 90-2. SLIFER, R. G.— Boy insight to Bible study. Rur. Man., Dec, 1915, pp. 431-8. SNYDER, H. N.— Religious value of Bible study. Relig. Edu., Apr., 1910, pp. 54-6. STRONG, T. — Raising a crop of leaders. Amer. Y., June, 1916, p. 3. TRUMBULL, C. G.— Men who dared. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1907, 38 pp. USE OF THE BIBLE AMONG SCHOOL BOYS. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1913, 86 pp. WHAT AN OLDER BOY LEADER DOES WITH HIS CLASS OF YOUNGER BOYS. (Ed.) Rur. Man., Apr., 191 1, pp. 123-4. WHITEHEAD, P. S.— Boy's view of Bible study. Rur. Man., May, 1915, pp. 225-7. WILLMAN, L. K.— Men of the Old Testament. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1906, 150 pp. WOOD, M. D.— Historical sketch of the "Bible study" in the boys' department. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1907, 69 L. WRIGHT, H. B.— Will of God and a man's life work. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1912, 280 pp. 77 [B 214.2] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE .2 Religious meetings. BOY SPEAKERS AT BOYS' MEETINGS. Ass'n. B. (Ed.) Apr., 1904, pp. 91-2. DALLAS, J. T.— How boys will lead. Amer. Y., Feb., 1914, pp. 22-6. DIACK, W. T.— Older boys' meetings. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 195-9. GIBSON, H. W.— Getting boys to decide in religious meetings. Ass'n. B,, Aug., 1907, pp. 179-82. . Services of worship for boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1914, 224 pp. GIVING THE INVITATION IN A BOYS' MEETING. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Feb., 1904, pp. 53-5- JAMESON, A. A.— Evolution of a "Hustling Club." Ass'n. B., Aug., 1904, pp. 160-3. McLaughlin, C. a.— Theater meetings for boys. Are they feasible? Ass'n. B., Aug., 1907, pp. 183-5. ORDER OF EXERCISES AT BOYS' MEET- INGS. (Ed.) Rur. Man., May, 1910, pp, 17-18. POPULAR OLDER BOYS' MEETINGS. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Oct., 1906, pp. 266-8. ROBINSON, E. M.— Meetings of the older boys. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 57-9. . Story of a meeting. Amer. Y., Dec, 1913, pp. 261-8. VOLUNTARY RELIGIOUS MEETINGS. Amer. F., Oct., 1916, p. 12. .3 Missions. CHESLEY, B. H. and A. M.— Mission study for older boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1915, 58 pp. COLTON, E. T.— Boys of the non-Christian world. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1909, pp. 147-56. 78 [B2I5] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. Boys' Work in the Orient. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1904, pp. 221-34. . What is a missionary call? Ass'n. B., Dec, 1903, pp. 193-5- CROSBY, M. A.— Boy and missions. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1909, pp. 157-67- EHNES, M. A. — List of missionary books for boys. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1909, pp. 190-6. HOLMER, A. Y. — One day's earnings for the other fellow. Amer. Y., Mar., 19 16, p. 2. KOEHLER, E. F. — Boys' congress of missions. Pres. Bd., Phil., 1907, 167 pp. MORRIS, S. L.— Task that challenges. Presby- terian Committee of Publication, Richmond, 1917, 294 pp. MURRAY, J. L. — Mission study among boys. Amer. Y., Apr., 1916, pp. i and 3. PATTERSON, C. S.— Missionary education in the boys' division. Amer. Y., Apr., 1915, pp. 52-4. . Tried methods of missionary educa- tion. Amer. F., Aug., 1913, pp. 191-5- ROPE, R. F. — Value, method and effect of giving boys a world-wide vision. Amer. F., Oct., 1915, pp. 219-25. ROTH, L. v.— Boys' Work department in the fields of benevolence. Ass'n. 5., Aug., 1909, pp. 176-82. SCOTT, C. R.— Foreign work rally days. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1910, pp. 8-12. THOMPSON, J. v.— Missionary opportunity. Amer. F., Aug., 1913, pp. 196-8. B215 Educational Agencies. (Books and reading in B800.) See also B230.4. 79 [B 215] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE j .2 Classes and clubs; .3 Lectures and talks; | .4 Debates. i ALEXANDER, J. L.— Manual training in a | Y. M. C. A. W. W. B., Jan., 1908, pp. 42-3. BLOOMFIELD, M.— Teacher as a vocational ; adviser of youth. W. W. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. \ 13-16. I BROOKE, P. R. — Manual training for Associa- j tion boys. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1907, pp. 60-5. "CATCH AS CATCH CAN."— Ass'n. B., June, I 1909, pp. 134-7. j COTTON, A. N.— Last chance with high school j boys. Amer. Y., May, 19 18, p. 2. ! CRACKEL, M. D. — Cleveland boys' exposition. I Amer. F., Feb., 1912, pp. 24-6. j DIACK, W. T. — Educational work for boys, j Ass'n. B., Apr., 1907, pp. 35-9. \ FORGIE, A. W.— Boys' arts and crafts exhibi- ; tion. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1910, pp. 199-201. j FOSTER, E. C— Boys' safety first exposition of | Detroit. Amer. F., Feb., 1915, pp. 29-33. ^ HALL, A. N. — Boy craftsman. Practical and I profitable ideas for a boy's leisure hours. Lee j & Shepard, Boston, 1905, 393 pp. | HILL, R. T. — Recreational education. Ass'n. B., \ Feb., 19 10, pp. 13-20. i . Some principles for educational work j among boys. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1908, pp. 22-4. ' HODGE, G. B. — Educational features and the ' working boy. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 53-5. 1 . Educational tests. Amer. Y., Feb., ; I9I5» pp. 18-20. LIBRARY WORK. (Report.) Ass'n. B., Dec, ! 1904, pp. 250-1. j PERIODICALS FOR READING ROOMS. , (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Dec, 1902, pp. 212-14. i 80 i [B 215.2] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C. A. PERRY, W. A.— Salem plan. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1909, pp. 15-20. ROBINSON, C. C— Mrs. Trenton's educational work for employed boys. Ass'n. B.^ Dec., 1905, pp. 242-3. VOCATIONAL QUIZ BLANK. (Ed.) Assn.B., Oct., 1908, pp. 210-18. WEAVER, E. W. — Vocational bureau for boys. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1908, pp. 181-7. WHITE, J. G.— Educational work for boys. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1907, pp. 278-82. .2 Classes and clubs. ATKINSON, C. J.— Self government for boys— an experiment. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1910, pp. 181-5. BOOTH, A. O.— Bent iron work club. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 84-6. CROSBY, F. A.— Older boys' camera club. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1904, pp. 228-30. FERRIS, A. B.— Boys' summer school. Ass'n. 5., Apr., 1907, pp. 42-7. GOODSELL, C. G.— Electricity for boys. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1905, pp. 75-9. HEWINS, C. M.— Reading clubs for older boys and girls. Ped. Sem., Sept., 1909, pp. 325-30. HIGGINS, D. E.— Triangle club. (Troy.) Ass'n. B., Dec, 1910, pp. 303-8. HILL, R. T. — Agriculture club, summer work and play for boys. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1907, pp. 5-10. . Civic club, a suggestive outline for permanent work. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1908, pp. 199-201. . Civic and political education. Ass'n. J5., June, 1908, pp. 1 12-18. HIRSCH, WM. F.— Summer school for boys. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1905, pp. 67-74. 81 [B 215-3] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE ] JESSOP, W. — Boys' class in canoe building, j Ass'n. 5., Feb., 1903, pp. 29-32. j MORRISS, W. H.— Manual and art training, j Ass'n. B., Dec, 1903, pp. 190-1. \ ROBINSON C. C— Successful stamp club. I Ass'n. B., Feb., 1902, pp. 25-7. \ ROBINSON, E. M.— Self government for boys. \ Ass'n. B., June, 1908, pp. 99-1 11. j SMITH, L. B. — Working boys' evening school in j San Francisco. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1905, pp. 80-5. ) WEBER, W. A.— West Side boys' camera club. ■ Ass'n. B., Aug., 1907, pp. 192-200. ; WERTHEIM, E. L.— Aeronautics for boys. \ Ass'n. B., Feb., 1910, pp. 21-3. i .3 Lectures and talks. DAGGETT, C. M.— Practical talks, their opera- I tion and the secret of their success. Ass'n. B., \ Apr., 1907, pp. 56-9. i PRACTICAL TALKS TO BOYS, A LIST OF I TOPICS. Ass'n. J5., Dec, 1902, pp. 210-12. j I .4 Debates. \ ') B216 Social Agencies, musical and other social clubs. | BAKER, G. C. — Indoor games and socials for j boys. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, ; Mass., 1 910, 204 L. ] BANCROFT, J. H.— Games, for playground, i home, school and gymnasium. Macm. N. Y., J 1913, 463 PP- i BARDEN, A.— Plays for boys. W. W. B., \ June, 1907, pp. 41-3. I BASCOM, H. W.— Newton boys' glee club, j Ass'n. B., Dec, 1905, pp. 233-6. ; BILLIARDS AND POOL FOR BOYS. Ass'n B., \ Feb., 191 1, pp. 33-5. I 82 \ [B2i6] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. BIVIN, G. D— "Wild Indians" at Buffalo. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1904, pp. 38-41. BLYTH, J. A.— Drama in the Y. M. C. A. Ass'n. Sent., Nov., 19 14, pp. 49-74. BOURNE, O. E. — Banjo, mandolin and guitar club. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 78-80. CHAMBERLAIN, G. D.— Social adventures of boys' clubs. W. W. B., Sept., 19 12, pp. 383-7- CHESLEY, A. M. — Social activities for men and boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., 19 10, 304 pp. DAY, G. E. — Maiden boys' military choir. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1905, pp. 237-8. FORBUSH, W. B.— Entertainments for boys. W. W. B., Jan., 1907, pp. 44-6. GIBSON, H. W.— Phi Alpha Pi fraternity. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1905, pp. 244-6. HETHERINGTON, C. W.— Play for the country boy. Rur. Man., May, 191 1, pp. 139-42. HINES, A. B.— Games and dramatics. W. W. B., July, 19 13, pp. 264-74. . Plays, debates, surveys, camps. W. W. B., Apr., 1917, pp. 133-9. HOISINGTON, H. L.— Social work for boys. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1907, pp. 262-8. JEROME, G. N. — Drama in boys' work. Amer. Y., Aug., 1915, pp. 177-180. KING, G. W.— What's in a game? W. W. B., Nov., 1914, pp. 351-5. McCURDY, C. H.— King Arthur play. W. W. B., Apr., 1907, pp. 134-43. MIESSE, H. W. — Lancaster, Pa., Association boys' club. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1903, pp. 151-6. MINTON, C. S. — Moving pictures and boys' clubs. W. W. B., Sept., 1912, pp. 373-6. PLAYS FOR CLUB BOYS. (Ed.) W. W. 5., Jan., 191 5, pp. 6-9. 83 [B2I7] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE REED, L. B.— How to start a boys' choir. W. W. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 218-19. REED, W. S.— Triangle Knights of the Grove. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1904, pp. 29-31. RIDGEWAY, S. M.— U and I club. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1902, pp. 153-4. ROBINSON, E. M.— Methods of grouping boys. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1902, pp. 191-203. . Small clubs in the boys' department. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 59-61. TOUSEY, F. S.— Association boys* brotherhood. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1904, pp. 42-6. WILSON, A. — Boys' evangelistic band. Ass'n. 5., Oct., 1910, pp. 224-6. B217 Physical Agencies (including physical education for boys in general). .1 Athletics and gymnastics, for games see also B310; .2 Outings; .3 Camps, including all boys' camps, Y. M. C. A. or not. BLAIKIE, W.— How to get strong. Harp., N. Y., 1898, 173 pp. BROWN, E. S.— Physical work. Ass'n. B., Dec., 1907, pp. 283-7. BROWN, J. — Athletic evils in rural communities. Rur. Man., May, 19 12, pp. 165-7. . Place to swim in every rural com- munity and every boy a swimmer. Rur. Man.^ May, 1911, pp. 155-6. BUNKER, M. N.— Physical training for boys. Lothrop, Lee and Shepard, Bost., 1916, 170 pp. BURNHAM, W. H.— Problems of child hygiene and the contribution of hygiene to education. N. E. A., 1912, pp. 1096-1103. CHESLEY, A. M. — Conduct of a great amateur show. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1904, pp. 155-60. 84 [B2I7.I] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C. A. FISHER, I. and FISK, E. L— How to Uve. Funk, N. Y., 1916, 324 pp. GILBERT, J. A. — Lung development in the child. Amer. Phy. Ed. Rev., Mar., 1902, pp. 29-33. KEENE, C. H. — ^Physical education for children. Amer. Phy. Ed. Rev., Apr., 1910, pp. 241-5. LINCOLN, D. F.— What is to become of our "backward" school children? Amer. Phy. Ed. Rev., Mar., 1905, pp. 31-5. McCURDY, J. H.— Hygiene and the boy. Relig. Edu., June, 191 1, pp. 188-92. . Physical examination of boys. W. W. B., Nov., 191 1, pp. 128-33. MILNES, F. J. — Church and the young man's game. Doran, N. Y., 1913, 95 pp. MOORE, H. H. — Keeping in condition. Asso. Press, N. Y., 191 5, 126 pp. RIDEOUT, M. B.— Physical examination for boys. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1903, pp. 166-8. RUMLEY, E. A. — Educate the muscles when you educate the mind. W. W. B., Nov., 1912, pp. 462-5. SHERMAN, B. G. — Medical and physical exam- ination of Y. M. C. A. boys. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1916, 97 L. SULLIVAN, J. E. — Physical exercise for boys. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1902. TAYLOR, C. K.— Military training for boys. W. W. B., Sept., 1917, pp. 260-3. VERRILL, A. H. — Boys' outdoor vacation book. Dodd, N. Y., 1915, 321 pp. WHITTAKER, G. S.— Boys' wrestling club. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1907, pp. 14-17. .1 Athletics and gymnastics. For games see also B310. 85 [B2I7.I] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE ARNOT, E. J.— County boys' relay race. Rmt. Man., Mar., 1917, pp. 1 10-12. ATHLETICS FOR BOYS. Rur. Man., May, 191 1, pp. 157-8. BALCH, E. — Amateur circus life. Macm., N. Y., 1916, 190 pp. BALL, W. H. — Religious possibilities of a gym- nasium. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1907, pp. 164-8. BOURNE, O. E.— Church polo league. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1904, pp. 151-4. BROWN, A. W.— Municipal athletics. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1903, pp. 163-5. BROWN, JOHN, JR.— Outdoor athletic test for boys. Asso. Press., N. Y. BURDICK, W. — Loyalty in municipal athletics. Ass'n. Sem., Apr., 1912, pp. 304-13. CHESLEY, A. M. — Use of the swimming pool. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1903, pp. 156-9. CRONIE, W. J.— Youth and the marathon. Ped. Sem., Sept., 1909, pp. 331-6. CROSBY, F. A. — Transformation of a gang. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 82-4. DAY, W. E. — Gymnasium clothing for boys. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1903, pp. 160-3. FARWELL, H. C. — Plays and games for boys, suitfi.d to their different periods of growth. W. W. B., Feb., 1913, pp. 80-3. FIELD, L. H. — Physical activities of the grammar school boys. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1910, 120 L. FISHER, G. J. — Brooklyn church athletic leaeue. R. E. A., 1905, pp. 449-53. . Sunday school athletic league. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1904, pp. 225-7, aJ^so pp. 243-5; also in Amer. Y., Feb., 1913, pp. 1-5. FLYNN, R. L.— Boys' fencing club. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1903, pp. 27-8. 86 [B2I7.I] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. FOSS, M. I. — Physical efficiency tests for boys. Physical Training, Jan., 191 1, pp. 5-16. . Types of athletics adapted for boys of different ages. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1908, pp. 240-7. GULICK, L. H. — How to start a public school athletic league. W. W. B., Oct., 1905, pp. 232-5. . Muscular exercises for children in a great city. Ass'n. Sent., Mar., 1904, pp. 220-33. HOLM, A. L. — Study of gymnastics and athletics for boys. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Spring- field, Mass., 1910, 71 L. INTER-ASSOCIATION ATHLETIC MEETS. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 93-4. JAMESON, A. A. — Preparatory and high school basket ball league. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1904, PP- 72-5. JOHNSON, G. E.— Helping boys through play. H. H. B., 1900, pp. 7-8. KEEGAN, J. E.— New field of club usefulness. W. W. B., Apr., 1914, pp. 13 1-6. LEADERSHIP FOR THE ATHLETICS OF BOYS. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Aug., 1904, pp. 167-9. McCORMICK, W.— Church gymnasium. W. W. B., Oct., 1917, pp. 308-11. MARTIN, G. M. — Recreative games for boys. Ass'n. 5., Oct., 1903, pp. 169-73. MILLER, C. M. — Kitecraft and kite tournaments. Manual Arts Press, Peoria, 111., 1914, 144 pp. MODISETT, J. B.— Boys and basketball. Amer. Y., Oct., 1917, pp. 4-5. O'SHEA, M. V. — Right physical start in educa- tion. World's Work, Aug., 1903, pp. 3812-14. PAGE, P. S. — Boys' gymnasium leaders corps. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1902, pp. 23-5. PRATT, G. D.— Sunday school athletic league, W. W. B., Apr., 1905, pp. 131-7. 87 [B 217.2] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE REESE, T. I. — Year of public gymnasium for boys. H. H. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 197-9. SAVAGE, W. L. — Effects of athletics upon grow- ing boys. Amer. Phy. Ed. Rev., June, 1901^ pp. 143-50. SMITH, H. L.— Games for boys. H. H. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 199-200. WARNER, C. H.— Team play in athletics. H. H. B., Oct., 1903, pp. 253-5. .2 Outings. CRACKEL, M. D.— Cleveland rough riders. Ass'n. 5., Apr., 1902, pp. 55-7. CROSBY, F. A. — Relation of summer activities of the Association to the year round work with boys. Ass'n. B., Oct., 191 1, pp. 239-52. ELECTION DAY OUTING. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Dec, 1904, pp. 238-9. KOEHLER, F. O. — Summer program for the average boys' division. Amer. F., June, 1915, pp. 127-9. REED, W. S. — Outing services. Ass'n. 5., Apr., 1903, pp. 55-7. ROBINSON, E. M.— What boys can do in the Spring and Summer. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1905, pp. 57-66, also in W. W. B., Apr., 1906, pp. 71-5. SCOTT, C. R. — Summer work at Seashore. Ass'n. B.y Apr., 1910, pp. 64-7. SPRY, R. — Canadian tour by London (Canada) boys. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1904, pp. 148-51. .3 Camps (including all boys camps. Y. M. C. A. or not). ABBOTT, S. E.— Y. M. C. A. summer camps for boys. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1904, 55 L. ALEXANDER, J. L. — Opportunity for extension 88 [B 217-3] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C. A. of boys' work to summer camp headquarters. Ass'n. B., June, 191 1, pp. 135-45. ATWATER, G. P. — How to start a camping tour. W. W. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 205-7. BALL, W. H. — Swimming for camps. Ass'n. 5., June, 191 1, pp. 129-34. ■ BEARD, D. C. — Shelters, shacks, and shanties. Scrib., N. Y., 19 14, 243 pp. BENNER, E. A.— Country school and camp for city boys. R. E. A., 1905, pp. 439-41 ; W. W. B., Apr., 1905, pp. 100-5. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CAMPS. H. H. B., July, 1903, pp. 227-8. BOY MAYOR AND STAFF RUN A COUNTY CAMP. Rur. Man., Oct., 1913, pp. 309-10. BOYS' CAMPS IN 1900. Ass'n. Men, 1900, pp. 416-18. BOYS' CAMPS. The June number of Association Boys each year gives much space to this subject. BRIGHAM, L. — New kind of a camp that boys have made themselves. Ladies' H. Jour., July, 1914, P- 55- BRINE, J. B, — Boys' summer camps. Ind., May 4, 191 1, pp. 929-31. BROWN, E. G. — Sanitary care of a boys' camp. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 48-51; Ass'n. B., June, 1902, pp. 110-21; Assn'. B., June, 1906, pp. 128-37. BURT, H, F.— How to start a boys' camp. W. W. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 202-3, also Oct., 1905, pp. 226-8. CAMPING AS A SCIENCE. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Apr., 1906, p. 100. CAMP MANAGEMENT AND PROBLEMS. (Ed.) Amer. Y., June, 19 17, pp. 2-4. GAMP REUNIONS. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Dec, 1904, pp. 239-41. 89 [B 217.3] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE CAVE, E.— Boys' camp book. Doubleday, N. Y., 1914, 194 pp. CHAMBERLAIN, G. D.— Summer camps. W. W. B., Oct., 191 1, pp. 96-103. CHELEY, F. H. and BAKER, G. C— Camp and outing activities. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1915, 420 pp. . Camping with Henry. Assoc. Press, N. Y., 1918, 137 pp. . Told by the camp fire. Assoc. Press, N. Y., 1914, 212 pp. CLARK, J. C. — Boys' camp in China. Amer. F., Oct., 1913, pp. 215-18. COLLEGE STUDENTS AS CAMP LEADERS. (Ed.) Amer. 7., Oct., 1913, pp. 245-6. COOPERATIVE BUYING FOR CAMPS. (Ed.) Amer. Y., Aug., 19 13, pp. 206-7. COTTON, A. N.— High school boys at camp. Amer. Y., June, 1917, p. 12. COUNTRY BOY IN CAMP. (Ed.) Rur. Man., Sept., 191 1, p. 211. COUNTY CAMP FOR COUNTRY BOYS AND GIRLS. (Ed.) Rur, Man., Nov., 1912, pp. 316-17. COURSE IN CAMPING. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Feb., 1902, p. 29. CRACKEL, M. D. — Self operative discipline in camp. Ass'n. B., June, 1909, pp. 1 19-21. — . Sunday in camp. Amer. Y., June, 1917, p. 4. CUNNINGHAM, C. F.— Y. M. C. A. summer camps for boys. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1904, 77 L. ELLIS, C. — Young America in camp. Every- body's, June, 1913, pp. 722-37. PAGANS, P. D. — Handling a boys' camp. Ass'n, Men, June, 19 15, pp. 479-8o. 90 [B 217-3] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. — . Indian idea in a boys' camp. Amer. Y., June, 19 1 5, PP- 123-6. FOLLOWING UP THE CAMP. (Ed.) Ass'n.B., Oct., 1902, p. 189. FORBUSH, W. B.— Family camps. H. H, B., July, 1903, pp. 222-7. . How to live outdoors with boys. W. W. B., July, 1904, pp. 159-^2. FOSTER, T.— Making men. Outing, Jan., 1916, pp. 389-98. GAMMONS, C. A.— Day at camp. Rur, Man., Oct., 19 1 6, pp. 130-4. GIBSON, H. W.— Bible study at boys' camps. W. W, B., July, 1906, pp. 140-43. . . Camping as a character maker. Amer, 7., June, 1915, PP- 1 14-16. Camps Durrell and Becket. Ass'n. B., June, 1906, pp. 113-27- Camping for boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., 191 1, 292 pp. Principles and ideals in operating boys' camps. Amer. Y., Jime, 1914, pp. 142-50 GORDON, B. E.— Woodcraft in a boys' summer camp. Ind. Arts. Mag., July, 1916, p. 296. GRAHAM, R.— Camp life for boys. St. Nicholas, May, 1917, pp. 614-19. ■ Making good in a boys' camp. St. Nicholas, July, 1917, PP- 838-42. GRINNELL, C. B. and SWAN, E. L.— Camping and scouting. Harpers, N. Y., 191 1, 398 PP- HALL, L. K.— What about camps for country boys this summer? Amer. Y., Jime, 1917, p. I5- HAMMERSTEIN C. P.— State Boys' camps of the Y M. C. A. o North America. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1917, 79 L- HANSEN, F. M.— Chautauqua farm boys' camp. Rur. Man., Oct., 19 10, pp. 12-14. 91 [B 217-3] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE HENDERSON, C. H.— Day's program. H. H. 5., July, 1903, pp. 164-83. HINCKLEY, G. W.— Roughing it with boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1913, 266 pp. HOGEMAN, G. H. — Opportunity for leadership at the boys' camp. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1910, pp. 68-71. HOLLIS, I. N. — Use of summer vacations. H. H. B., July, 1903, pp. 151-63. HORTON, C. B. — Unique boy scout camp. Amer, F., June, 1914, pp. 150-3. KEPHART, H.— Camp cookery. Outing Pub. Co., N. Y., 1910, 154 pp. KOEHLER, F. O.— Training camp. Amer. K, June, 1917, P- 6. LEIGH, R. D. — City manager plan in a boy city. Amer. City, Oct., 1916, pp. 380-1. MacFARLANE, p. C— Schools of fun and fel- lowship. Good Hkg., May, 19 14, pp. 584-93. McLAIN, L. — Camp Bible study outHne. Ass'n. B., Jtme, 1906, pp. 183-8. MILLER, W. H. — Campcraft. Modern practice and equipment. Scrib., N. Y., 1915, 282 pp. MORHOUS, L. A. — Ruralized boys' summer camp. Rur. Man., Apr., 1915, pp. 176-8. NORTHEND, M. H.— Boys' camps. Amer, Homes, June, 1912, pp. 214-7. . Summer camps. Century, June, 19 1 5, pp. 235-40. NUGENT, M. — ^When boys go camping. Ladies' H. Jour., July, 191 1, p. 26 and Aug., 1911, p. 50. ORTON, G. W.— Day at a boys' camp. St. Nicholas, Oct., 1913, pp. 107 1-5. WINTER CAMP FOR BOYS AT PAINES- VILLE, OHIO. Ass'n. B., Feb., 1905, pp. 42-3. PECK, G. G. — Things learned in seventeen seasons in one boys' camp. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 51-3. 92 [B 217.3] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. RASCH, D. S. — Conduct of a short term camp. Rur. Man., June, 1912, pp. 257-9. REPORT OF PRIVATE CAMP CONFER- ENCE. H. H. 5., July, 1903, pp. 183-204. RITCHIE, F. H. T.— State camps vs. local camps. Ass'n. B., June, 1907, pp. 118-20. ROBERTS, A. E.— Summer camps. Rur. Man., Apr., 1910, pp. 12-14. ROBINSON, E. M. — Association boys' camps. Ass'n. B., June, 1906, pp. 138-83. . Character making in boys' camps. W. W. B., Apr., 1907, pp. 97-103. Experimental woodcraft camp. Ass'n. B., June, 1910, pp. 116-29. . Thinkerettes about boys and camps, etc. Asso. Out., Aug. 1899, pp. 265-87. SCOTT, C. R.— Sunday in boys' camps. Amer. Y., June, 1915, pp. 97-103. . Wawayanda, the New Jersey boys* camp. Ass'n. B., June, 1917, pp. 87-110. SPAETH, S.— Boy rampant. Collier's, Aug., 12 1911, pp. 16-17. . Is the boys' camp good for boys? Ladies H. Jour., June, 191 1, p. 17. SPENCE, W. H.— How to start a church camp. W. W. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 204-5. STATTEN, T.— Cadet camp in Canada. Amer. Y., Feb., 19 13, pp. 27-30. STICK, F. — ^Winter camping for boys. Woman's H. a, Jan., 1912, p. 53. STOKES, G. A.— Cooking in a boys' camp. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1913, 69 L. STREET, J. H.— Order of the "Camp Hat," W. W. B., July, 1915, pp. 219-24.. SUMMER CAMP AS DEVELOPED BY THE 93 [B2I9] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE NEW YORK BOYS' CLUB. W. W. B., Apr., 1912, pp. 215-18. SUMMER CAMPS IN MINNESOTA. H.H.B., July, 1903, pp. 218-22. SWAN, G. L. — Health hints for boys' camps, Ass*n. Men, July, 1908, p. 497. TAYLOR, C. K. — Some constructive experiments in a boys' camp. Craftsman, Sept., 19 15, pp. 599-603. . When boys go camping. Ind., Apr., 1917, pp. 68-9. -J. M. Vacation camps for all boys. School and Soc, June 9, 1917, pp. 680-3. TOROSKI, P. M, — Railroad Association camp. Amer. Y., June, 1917, p. 13. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT CAMPING? A List of questions. (Ed.) Amer. K, Mar., 1917, P- 4- WILLFORD, W. W. and R. J.— Call of the camp. Outlook, May 28, 19 10, pp. 179-86. WOODS, R. A. — All-summer boys' camp. Sur- vey, Oct. 7, 191 1, pp. 926-7. WOOD, W. M. — Objectives in outings and camps for boys. Ass'n. B., June, 1907, pp. 11-17. Y. M. C. A. CAMP CONFERENCE. (Report.) H. H. B., July, 1903, pp. 204-18. B219 Special Classes of Boys. .1 School boys, see also B129.1; .2 Wage earners, see also B129.2; .3 Street boys, see also B129.3; .4 Country boys, see also B129.4 and B210.4. CLARK, J. C. — Social service among Chinese boys. Amer. Y., Apr., 1915, pp. 49-52. GROUPING OF OLDER BOYS. (Ed.) Ass'n B., Feb., 1906, pp. 27-32. MOORE, G. W. — ^Among colored boys. Amer. Y., Oct., 1917, p. 3. 94 [B2I9.I] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C. A. . Colored boys as war helpers. Amer. F., Sept., 1917, p. II. Summer activities of colored boys* divisions. Amer. Y., Sept., 1916, p. 11. NORTHCOTT, W. H — Boys with the Railroad Associations. Amer. F., Dec, 1917, p. 15. RINDGE, F. H. Jr.— Foreign boy. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1910, pp. 240-5. WEATHERFORD, W. D.— Negro boy as a field for work. Amer. F., Dec, 1914, pp. 328-30. .1 School Boys (see also B129.1). AGENDA, 1914-1915. APRIL IS THE TIME. Amer. F., Apr., 1916, p. 10. BOARDMAN, J. R. — Association approach to the high school in town and village. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1908, pp. 165-9. BROWN, L. R. — Life work conference of senior high school boys. Amer. Y., May, 1917, p. 12. BURLESQUE THEATER CLOSED. Amer. F., Apr., 1916, p. ID. CAMERON, E. C— Christian student move- ment in public high schools. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1916, 66 L. CIGARETTES AND FOOTBALL. Amer. F., Dec, 1916, p. 5. CIGARETTES VERSUS SCHOLARSHIP. Amer. F., Dec, 1916, p. 5. CLAXTON, P. P.— Boy in the high school age. Ass'n. Merij Jan., 1915, p. 206. CLEAN LIVING SLOGAN. Amer. F., Mar., 1916, p. 10. COPE, H. F. — Character training of the high school boy. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1908, pp. 14-27. COTTON, A. N.— Challenging high school boys. Amer. F., Mar., 1918, pp. 6-7. 95 [B2I9.I] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE . Fall drive in work with high school boys. Amer. F., Sept., 1917, p. 12. . Five "C's" campaign. Amer. F., Mar., 1917, pp. 8-9. High school boys at camp. Amer. F., June, 1917, p. 12. High school equipment, the Asso- ciation's opportunity. Amer. F., Oct., 1917, p. II. — . How to start and develop high school work. Amer. F., Nov., 1916, p. 10. . Last chance with high school boys. Amer. F., May, 1918, p. 2. . School boy preparedness. Amer. F., Sept., 1916, pp. 4-5. — . Springtime work with high school boys. Amer. F., Apr., 1918, p. 4. . Standardizing high school work. Amer. F., Feb., 1918, p. 6. Sustained campaign of evangelism among high school boys. Amer. F., May, 1916, p. 15. . War emergency emphasis — high school work. Amer. F., Jan., 1918, p. 14. CRAFTS, W. F.— Bible in school plans. Illus- trated Bible selections comm., Wash., 1916, 192 pp. "CUSSING AS FINE ART." Amer. F., April, 1916, p. 10. FLYNN, R. L. — Campaign of Friendship at Kansas City. Amer. Y., Apr., 1915, pp. 73-8. . Kansas City clean. Amer. F., Mar., 1917, p. 10. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE. Amer. F., Oct., 1916, pp. 12-13. FROM A CHINESE INNER CIRCLE. Amer. F., Sept., 1916, p. 13. 96 [B 219-1] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. GET ACQUAINTED WEEK. Amer. Y., Jan.. 1917, p. 15. GILKEY, C. W.— High school problem. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 173-90. HALL, L. K. — High school Christian movement in rural high schools. Amer. Y., Apr., 1917, p. 3. HAMILTON, P. — Cleveland's come clean cam- paign. Amer. Y., Mar., 1917, p. 9. HARRIS, F. M.— Boys' work in the World's Student Christian Federation. Amer. Y., June, 1913, pp. 111-116. . Campaign of friendship. Asso Press, N. Y., 1912, 13 pp. HASLETT, T. M.— Religious work among school- boys in Australia. Amer. Y., Oct., 1913, pp. 223-7. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS AND PROHIBITION. Amer. Y., Dec, 1916, p. 4. HIGH SCHOOL MILITARY CAMPS. Amer. Y., Feb., 1917, pp. 11-12. HIGH SCHOOL TALK SUGGESTIONS. Amer. Y., Oct., 1917, p. II. HIGH SCHOOL TRAINING CONFERENCES. Amer. Y., Jime, 19 16, p. 10. HIGH SCHOOL WORK NEEDS. Amer. Y., June, 1916, p. 10. HIGH Y SETTING-UP CONFERENCE. Amer. F., June, 19 1 7, p. 12. INTERVIEWS WITH STRANGERS. Amer. F., Oct., 1916, p. 12. JENKS, J. W. — Life questions of high school boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1908, 143 pp. JOHNSON, F.^ W.— High school boys' hazards. Ass'n. Men, Jan., 1916, p. 206. . Problems of boyhood. U. of C. Press, Chicago, C1914, 130 pp. 97 [B2I9.I] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE KAISER, O. L. — Clinton no-crib, no-copy cam- paign. Amer. Y., Mar., igiy, p. lo. KING, F. E. — Lincoln high school Inn. Amer. Y., May, 1917, p. 12. KNOX, W. F. — Pittsburgh campaign of friend- ship. Amer. Y., Jan., 1917, p. 14. KOEHLER, F. O.— Jesus the leader. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1915, 2 parts, pamphlet. LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL POLICY. Amer. F., Dec, 1916, p. 5. McCORMACK, R. C— Clean athletics came. Amer. F., Mar., 1917, p. 10. MARCH IS THE TIME. Amer. F., Mar., 1916, p. ID. MILITARY TRAINING FOR BOYS. Amer. F., Apr., 1916, p. 10. MILLER, F. P. — School evangelism. Amer. F., June, 1916, p. 15. NORRIS CLUB. Amer. F., Jan., 19 17, p. 14. **OUGHT TO" IN OCTOBER. Amer. Y., Oct., 1916, p. 12. PERRY, W. A.— High school boy and the Asso- ciation. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1905, pp. 163-7. PORTER, D. R.— Association work in the city high school. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1908, pp. 148-64. . City high school work without equipment. Ass'n. 5., Aug., 191 1, pp. 187 -91. Opportunity among high school boys. Ass'n. Men, Dec, 1908, pp. 106-7. . Results of high school work. Amer, F., Aug., 1912, pp. 15-18. PROGRAM OF WORK IN THE KANSAS HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. (Ed.) Amer, F., Oct., 1913, pp. 248-9. RECRUITING FOR THE MINISTRY. Amer, Y., Oct., 1916, p. 13. 98 [B2I9.I] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. ROBINSON, A. G.— Inner circle of the high school movement. Amer. Y., Aug., 19 13, pp. 182-7. SATURDAY THEATER MEETING. Amer. Y., Apr., 1916, p. II. SECONDARY SCHOOL BIBLE STUDY. Amer. Y., Nov., 1916, p. lo-ii. SECONDARY SCHOOL CHRISTIAN MOVE- MENT. Constitution for high school club. Bulletin 2. Asso. Press, N. Y. . Inner circle. Bulletin 3. Asso. Press, N. Y. . Local work and organizations. Bul- letin I. Asso. Press, N. Y. . Maintaining the spirit of evangel- ism. Bulletin 5. Asso. Press, N. Y. SEX HYGIENE AND HIGH SCHOOL BOYS. Amer. Y., Dec, 1916, p. 4. SMALL GROUP. Suggestions for inner circle work. Amer. Y., Sept., 19 17, p. 12. STATTEN, T.— High school clubs. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1 910, pp. 186-91. TALKS TO HIGH SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS. Amer, Y., Sept., 1917, p. 12. TOBACCO SALES REDUCED. Amer. K, Apr., 1916, p. 10. USE OF THE BIBLE AMONG SCHOOL BOYS. Asso. Press, N. Y. VOLUNTARY RELIGIOUS MEETINGS. Amer. Y., Oct., 1916, p. 12. WAR AND HIGH SCHOOL BOYS. Amer. F., Dec, 1916. WHAT TO DO IN SEPTEMBER. Amer. F., Sept., 1916, p. 12. WHEN SHALL WE OCCUPY OUR FIELD? Amer. Y., Feb., 1917, p. 11. 99 [B 219.2] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY UFE .2 Wage earning boys. See also B 129.2. BOORMAN, W. R.— Live wire club for em- ployed boys. Amer. Y., Feb., 1915, pp. 16-18. DAVIS, P. — Newer ideas of work among newsboys. W. W. B., Apr., 1908, pp. 96-107. DAVISON, W. B.— Bible study for employed boys. Amer. F., Dec, 1915, pp. 264-6. PAGANS, P. D, — Greatest need of the employed boy. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1910, pp. 237-9. FISKE, G. A. — Prolonging the period of adoles- cence for employed boys. Amer. F., Dec, 191 5, pp. 241-3. FREY, W. W. — Association and boys who work. Amer. F., Aug., 1913, pp. 172-8. GIBSON, H. W.— Y. M. C. A. and the home. Relation to moral and religious education of employed boy. ReUg. Edu., June, 191 1, pp. 197-200. HOBSON, E. H.— Employed boy and the Y. M. C. A. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1 9 14, 61 L. HOCKENBURY, E. J.— Y. M. C. A, and working boys. Relig. Edu., June, 191 1, pp. 193-7. HODGE, G. B. — Educational features and the working boy. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 53-5. HOMES FOR THE WORKING BOYS. (Ed.) Amer. F., Aug., 1912, pp. 22-3. JENKS, J. W. — Personal problems of boys who work. Asso. Press, N. Y'., 19 13, 143 pp. ROBERTS, P.— Personal appeal of the working boy. Ass'n. B., Aug., 191 1, pp. 211-21. ROBINSON, C. C. — American standard program in employed boys' work. Amer. F., Sept., 1918, p. 7. . Employed boy problem. Amer. Y., Dec, 1914, pp. 324-7. — — . In summer time. Amer. F., June, 1917. p. 7. 100 [B 219.3] BOYS' DEPARTMENT OF Y. M. C A. . New season with wage earning boys. Amer. F., Oct., 1913, pp. 232-4. Plan of work among factory boys. Ass'n. B., Dec, 1908, pp. 235-9. Planning a program. Amer. F., Sept., 1916, p. 10. Planning work for wage earning boys in county and institutional fields. Ass'n. B., Dec, 191 1, pp. 183-6. Present tendencies in work among employed boys. Amer. F., Dec, 1915, pp. 244-8. Problems of the working boys* school. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1907, pp. 66-70. Society and the wage earning boy. Ass'n, B., Dec, 1910, pp. 231-6. Relationship between work with wage earning boys and social and industrial questions. Amer. F., Apr., 19 14, pp. 68-73. Working program for brotherhood or club. Amer. Y., Oct., 1916, pp. lo-ii. . Mrs. Trenton's educational work with employed boys. Ass'n. 5., Dec, 1905, pp. 242-3. SELF-ANALYSIS BLANKS. Asso. Press, N. Y., pamphlet. THINGS DOING AMONG EMPLOYED BOYS. (Ed.) Amer. F., Dec, 1915, pp. 269-77. .3 Street boys. See also B 129.3. .4 Country boys. See also B 129.4 and B210.4. BABCOCK, W. H.— Association and the Country boy. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1907, pp. 186-9. BOARDMAN, J. R.— County work with boys. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1905, pp. 156-62. COOKE, R. W.— Rural Y. M. C. A. Problems and relation of Y. M. C. A. to solution. Relig. Edu., Dec, 1912, pp. 515-20. lOI [B 219.3] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE COUNTY CAMP FOR COUNTRY BOYS AND GIRLS. (Ed.) Rur. Man., Nov., 1912, pp. 316-17. COUNTY WORK IN ITS APPROACH TO THE COUNTRY BOY. (Ed.) Rur. Man., Apr., 1911, pp. 112-13. HALL, L. K. — High school Christian movement in rural high schools. Amer. F., Apr., 1917, p. 3. . Main drive. Amer. F., Sept., 1917, p. 14. What about camps for country boys this summer? Amer. F., June, 191 7, p. 15. HILL, F. M. — City hospitality for the country boy. Rur. Man., Oct., 1910, pp. 5-7. JUDD, E. T. — County farm boys' council. Rur. Man., May, 1917, pp. 218-19. PIERCE, R. M. — Group of country boys in a city Association. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1910, pp. 211-14. REPORT OF COMMUNITY BOYS' WORK CONFERENCE COMMITTEE. Amer. Y., Apr., 1914, pp. 1 14-18, ROBERTSON, J. E.— Country boy. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1910, pp. 218-221. ROBINSON, C. C— Planning work for wage earning boys in county and institutional fields. Ass'n. B., Aug., 191 1, pp. 183-6. ROBINSON, E. M.— Recollections of boys' work in a hamlet. Rur. Man., Apr., 1912, pp. 107-9. SCOTT, C. R. — Boys' conferences in community and county. Ass'n. B., Apr., 191 1, pp. 83-90. Y. M. C. A. for country boys. (Ed.) Lit. D., Feb., 15, 1913, PP- 346-7- B220 OTHER RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. See also B230; B123.1. .1 Boys' brigade; .2 Knights of King Arthur; .3 Roman Catholic organizations. 102 [B220] OTHER RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS ANDERSON, R. P.— Successful boys' clubs for churches and young people's societies. United Society of Christian Endeavor, Boston, 191 1, 150 pp. BARTLETT, G. G.— Church boys' clubs. The true test of success. R. E. A., 1904, pp. 388-94; H. H. B.y Apr., 1904, pp. 104-12. BROWN, M. K.— Sons of the Kingdom. W. W. B., Jan., 1908, pp. 46-9. DAVIS, O. S. — Endeavor movement and the boy. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, pp. 58-63. DENOMINATIONAL BROTHERHOODS PUSHING BOYS' WORK. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., June, 1909, pp. 128-31. FISKE, G. W.— Work and growth of the Pilgrim Fraternity. W. W. B., Jan., 1907, pp. 28-34. FORBUSH, W. B.— Helping boys in the church. H. H. B., 1900, pp. 26-33. . Preliminary study of the condition and needs of societies of Christian Endeavor. W. W, B., Apr., 1904, pp. 113-25. GRANT, P. S.— Good word for boys. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 27-9. HOUSTON, E. J.— Federating church boys' clubs in cities. R. E. A., 1905, pp. 445-8; W. W. B., Apr., 1905, pp. 1 18-31. HUBBARD, P.— Church boys' clubs— wanted, a leader. H. H. B., Oct., 1903, pp. 270-2. KENNGOTT, G. F.— How to start a Junior En- deavor society for boys. W. W. 5., Oct., 1904, pp. 212-14. LODER, C. S. — How to start a church boys' club. W. W, jB., Oct., 1904, pp. 207-10. LOGAN, J. W. — ^Junior Christian Endeavor so- ciety and boys. H. H. B., 1901, Jan., pp. 86-9. McKINLEY, C. E.— Big boys and the church. H. H. 5., Jan., 1901, pp. 89-95. 10^ [B 220.1] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE MACKINTIRE, A. B.— "Captains of ten." H. H. B., Apr., 1901, pp. 23-7; W. W. B., Jan., 1908, pp. 2-29. MILES, H. R. — Manual training in a church's work for boys. W. W. B., Jan., 1908, pp. 34-8. PATON, J. B.— How to start a boys' Life Brigade. W. W. B., Oct., 1905, pp. 236-7. POWELL, P. E.— Knights of the holy grail and boy scouts. Jennings, Cincinnati, 1906, 228 pp. PRATT, A. P.— Boys' club in the church. W. W. B., Oct., 1908, pp. 272-5. . Church boys' clubs. W. W. B., Jan., 1908, pp. 43-6. ROBINSON, C. C— Program of boys' work for a local church. Amer, Y., June, 1912, pp. 101-8. SMITH, W. J.— How to start a church boys' club. W. W. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 210-12. TRAVIS, E. B.— Church Boys' clubs. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1908, pp. 63-8. . Church club plan for boys. W. W. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 45-8. VAN NESS, F. O.— Snapping Turtle Indians. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1906, pp. 91-4. VOGT, V. O. — How to start a Junior Endeavor society for boys. W. W. B., Oct., 1905, pp. 228-31. .1 Boys' brigades. "BRIGADE BOYSr Organ of the United boys' brigade. Published at Lancaster, Pa. BURROWS, A. S.— United boys' brigade of America. H. H. B., 1900, pp. 13-14. DRUMMOND, H. — Manliness in boys by a new process. McClure's, Dec, 1893, pp. 68-77. KRESS, F. J.— Boys' brigade. W. W. B., July, 1906, pp. 159-63. 104 [B 220.2] OTHER RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS .2 Knights of King Arthur. ALEXANDER, J. L.— Knights of King Arthur in the Y. M. C. A. W. W. B., July, 1909, pp. 14-18. BOSARD, W. R.— Manual training in Knights of King Arthur. W. W. B., Jan., 1908, pp. 41-3. CLANCY, J. v.— Boys' order of Knighthood. H. H. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 196-7. FORBUSH, W. B. and MASSECK, F. L.— Boys' Round Table. Pilgrim Press, Boston, 1909, 188 pp. . Knights of King Arthur. H. H. B., 1900, pp. 15-16. • FOX, H. S.— Knights of King Arthur and its efifect upon the church. W. W. B., Oct., 1908, pp. 259-64. HOWARD, G. v.— How the Knights of King Arthui- works. W. W. B., Oct., 1906, pp. 245-9. LATHROP, B. L.— Knights of King Arthur in the church. W. W. B,, July, 1903, pp. 188-94. McCURDY, C. H.— King Arthur play. W. W. B., Apr., 1907, pp. 134-43- MASSECK, F. L.— Boys' order of Knighthood, how it works. H. H. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 193-6. . Knights of King Arthur. W. W. 5., July, 1905, pp. 165-8. Knights of King Arthur as a re- ligious factor. W. W. B., July, 1906, pp. 163-71. Street boys in the Knights of King Arthur. W. W. B., Jan., 1906, pp. 40-9. MITCHELL, W. S.— Knights in the large city church. W. W. B., Apr., 1907, pp. 120-6. PRATT, A. P. — Manual training in a Sunday school Castle of Knights of King Arthur. W. W. B., Jan., 1909, pp. 36-7. .3 Roman Catholic organizations. BUTLER, T. J.— What Catholics are doing for 105 [B230] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE boys and young men. H, H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 54-8. QUIN, G. E. — Boy-savers' guide. Benziger, N. Y. 1908, 389 pp. B230 BOYS* CLUBS. .1 Organization; .2 Business management; .3 Moral and civic, see also B123.3; .4 Educa- tional, see also B215; .5 Social and musical. See B216. .6 Athletics and gymnastics. See B217.1 Camps, B217.3. See also B310 for games, ."j Thrift. See B123.8. .9 History. ALEXANDER, W. M.— Year of the Aloha club of Oakland, H. H. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 191-3. ALLINSON, T. W.— Concerning boys' clubs. W. W. B., Sept., 1912, pp. 391-4. ANDERSON, W. G.— Chautauqua, N. Y., Boys' club and its methods. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 74-8. ARMSTRONG, D. W.— Worcester boys' club. W. W. B., Mar., 1913, pp. 106-15. BARNEY, C. N.— Worth of a boys' club to a city. W. W. B., July, 1907, pp. 196-204. BERNHEIMER, C. S. and COHEN, J. M.— Boys' clubs. Baker & Taylor, N. Y., 1914, 136 pp. BROWN, H. W.— Wantonit club. Amer. F., June, 1915, pp. 120-23. BROWN, L. E.— Year of the boys* Industrial Association. H. H. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 188-90. BUCK, WINIFRED.— Boys' self governing clubs. Macm., N. Y., 1903, 218 pp. Boys' voluntary clubs or societies. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 15-20. BURT, H. F. — Settlement boys' clubs and the home. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, pp. 34-9. BUTTERFIELD, C. A. and others.— Why boys' 100 [B 230] BOYS' CLUBS clubs are necessary. W. W. B., Apr., 1908, pp. 67-96. CHAMBERLAIN, A. — Group instinct in its rela- tion to work in street boys' clubs and news- boys' homes. W. W. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 95-6. CHAMBERLAIN, G. D.— Boys' club furnishes profitable investment. W. W. B., Mar., 191 1, pp. 8-15. , and others. Federated Boys' Club and its mission. W. W. B., Feb., 1912, pp. 100-5. . Relation of boys' clubs and play- grounds. W. W. B., Dec, 1912, pp. 523-7. CHEW, T. — Boys' clubs as conservators of the boys. W. W. B., Feb., 1912, pp. 119-23. . Boys' club reaching the entire family. H. H. B., 1900, pp. 42-5. . Field and work of street boys' clubs. W. W. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 88-92. Cooperation of street boys' clubs and Y. M. C. A. Ass'n. 5., Aug., 1905, pp. 145-55. CHEW, T.— Large city boys' club. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 42-7. . Need of supervision and fellowship in boys' club work. W. W. B., Jan., 1905, pp. 46-7. and others. Report of Federated Boys' Club. W. W. B., Mar., 1910, pp. 2-24. Visit among some street boys' clubs. W. W. B., Jan., 1907, pp. 34-41. . What shall we do with our older boys? W. W. B., July, 1907, pp. 168-76. CLUBBING THE BOY. (Ed.) W. W, 5., Oct., 1916, through to Mar., 1917. COPELAND, H.— Club run by boys. W. W. B., Apr., 1908, pp. 125-30. FARLEY, G. L.— Public school and the boys' club. W. W. B., July, 1907, pp. 183-91. 107 [B230] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE FORBUSH, W. B.— Boys' clubs. Fed. Sem., Sept., 1909, pp. 337-43- . Boys' clubs. W. W. B., May, 1910, pp. i-ii. . Clubs for street boys. Char, and Comm., May 5, 1906, pp. 213-15. . Grading small boys' clubs. W. W. B., July, 1905, pp. 158-64. Report on a street boys' club. W, W. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 30-8. Sketch of the history of the street boys' club movement in America. W. W. B., Jan., 1906, pp. 2-25. . Ten years' work with boys. W. W. 5., Apr., 1905, pp. 143-51; R. E. A., 1905, pp. 454-7. FRUH, M. A.— Portland boys' club. W. W. B., July, 1914, pp. 227-40. GEAR, H. W.~Nicetown club. W. W, B., May, 19 14, pp. 174-88. GIBSON, E. J. — Boys' clubs and their influence for good. W. W. B., Jan., 1905, pp. 1-6. HALE, E. E. — Some reminiscences of early boys* clubs. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, pp. 63-4. . Story of a boys' club. Cosmopol' itan, Mar., 1893, pp. 549-52. HALL, B. — Relation of the group instinct to boys' clubs. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 63-7. HART, S.— Good wiU club. W. W. B., Mar., 1912, pp. 184-8. HARTER, L. E. and CHEW, T.~Boys' work in Fall River; two different views. Ass'n, B., Apr., 1904, pp. 63-71. HARTSON, L. D.~Psychology of the club. Fed. Sem., Sept., 191 1, pp. 353-414- HESSE, P. — Boys' club conducted in a city park building. W. W. B., Jan., 1906, pp. 39-40. 108 [B230] BOYS' CLUBS HOWE, G. R.— Work with boys at Norway, Maine. W. W. B., Apr., 1905, pp. 75-9. IN THE CITY OF MEXICO. (Report.) W. W. B., Nov., 1912, pp. 477-81. JORDAN, P. A.— Why a boys' club? Ten reasons. W. W. B., Jan., 1910, p. i. . R. A. Boys' club in a small city. W. W. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 93-5. LARGEST BOYS' CLUB IN THE WORLD. (Report.) W. W. B,, Mar., 1914, pp. 83-102. LAW, M. W. — Our Ishmael. Amer. Jour. Soc, May, 1903, pp. 838-51. LIST OF STREET BOYS' CLUBS. H. H. B., 1900, pp. 48-52; H. H. B., Oct., 1901, pp. 19-23; W. W. B., Apr., 1904, pp. 135-7; W. W. B., Jan., 1905, pp. 48-51. McCarthy, p. J.— Value of boys' clubs. W, W. 5., May, 1912, pp. 272-4. McCLURE, W. F.— Boys' club, Cleveland. Mun- sey, Dec, 1903, pp. 393-^- Mccormick, W.— Boy and his clubs. Revell, N. Y,, 1912, 96 pp. . Club and the church. W. W. B., Sept., pp. 304-8. . Olivet boys' club. W. W. B., Oct., 1912, pp. 417-25- Results in a boys' club. W. W. B„ July, 1906, pp. 171-7. MARTIN, H.— St. Louis working boys' clubs. Ass'n. Men, Apr., 1900, p. 236. MASON, F. S. — Discussion on boys' club work. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, pp. 64-8. . Theory and practice in work with boys. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 40-1. Visit to some Atlantic seaboard boys' clubs. W. W. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 2-15. 109 [B230] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE , M. K. Bunker Hill boys' club. W. W. B.y Jan., 1907, pp. 2-7. MATHEWS, L. R.— Program of boys' work in Old Lyme, Conn. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. Col- lege, Springfield, Mass., 19 15, 39 L. MAULSBY, D. L.— Woman's auxiliary of the Somerville boys' club. W. W. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 27-9. MELPOLDER, J. — Boys' clubs, a social necessity. W. W. B.y Feb., 1910, pp. 2-15. . Relation of the Federated Boys' Clubs to the boys' club. W. W. B., Jan., 191 1, pp. 1-12. MITCHELL, M.— Boys' industrial league. H, H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 55-9. MORGAN, G. W.— Hebrew boys' clubs. H. H, B., Jan., 1901, pp. 48-54. MOST SUCCESSFUL FEATURE IN OUR CLUB THE LAST YEAR. (Report.) W.W.B., May, 1910, pp. 11-19. NEWMAN, B. P.— Boys' clubs in theory and practice. Nutt, London, 1900. NEWSBOYS' CLUBS. (Report.) W.W.B.,Msiy, 1910, pp. 20-6. NON-RELIGIOUS BOYS' CLUBS. (Ed.) Ass'n, B., Feb., 1904, pp. 46-8. NORTH, D. — Two years wholesale recreative work. Ass^n. B., Jtme, 1908, pp. 119-29. OBSERVATION CLUB OF SPRINGFIELD, 111. (Report.) Ass'n. B., Feb., 1907, pp. 26-7. PAGE, A. — Neighborhood centers for work with boys. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, pp. 51-4. PAUL, R. — Boys' clubs, a source of inspiration. W, W. B., Mar., 191 1, pp. 1-7. PEIXOTTO, S. S.—Columbia Park boys' club. W. W. B., July, 1905, pp. 168-80. . Making the all round boy. Colum- IIO [B 230] BOYS' CLUBS bia Park boys' club. Sunset, July, 1910, pp. 99-103. PIERCE, D. T.— Boys' club idea. World Today, Apr., 1905, pp. 390-3. PORTER, D. R.— Clubs and other work with boys. Asso. Press, N. Y., 19 14, 34 pp. PORTER, M. W.— Power of boys' club in our town. Rur. Man., Apr., 1912, pp. 1 15-17. RUSSELL, C. E. and RIGBY, L. M.— Working lads' clubs. Macm., N. Y., 1908, 445 pp. RUTLEDGE, A. E.— Boys' club and an Associa- tion. Ass'n. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 62-72. SANBORN, A. P.— About boys and boys' clubs. North Amer. Rev., Aug., 1898, pp. 254-6. SEALE, A. N.— School club. W. W. B., July, 1909, pp. 2-13. SKOWHEGAN BOYS' CLUB. (Ed.) Ass'n., B. Feb., 191 1, pp. 29-32. SMITH, W. J.— Volunteer worker. W, W. B., July, 1907, pp. 162-7. SPAULDING, W. P.— Boys' club and the juvenile court. W, W. B., July, 1907, pp. 191-4. STANLEY, R.— Country life club for city boys. W. W, B., July, 1909, pp. 19-25. . Omega club. W. W. B., Jan., 1914, pp. 27-31. . Omega club experiment. W. W. B., Dec, 191 1, pp. 217-21. STELZLE, C— Boys' clubs. Imd., Nov. 9, 1899, pp. 3023-6. . Boys' club. Why it is needed. S. S. Times, Feb. 23, 1901. SWEENEY, A. J.— Need of a central bureau for mass boys' clubs. W. W. B., July, 1917, pp. 105-6. TOWNE, A. W.— Boys' club and the public school. W. W. B., Jan., 1905, pp. 27-36. Ill [B230.I] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE \ . Municipal boys' club. W. W, B., { Apr., 1904, pp. 97-102. i WALLACE, H. J,— Women's clubs and boys' ! work. W. W. B., Apr., 1909, pp. 23-7. \ WENDELL, E. J.— Boys' clubs. Scrib., June, | 1891, pp. 738-52. i WESTON, N. J.— Hill House boys' department. • W. W. B., May, 19 15, pp. 165-70. i WHAT TO DO WITH THE BOYS WHO ARE i TOO OLD FOR THE CLUB. (Ed.) H. H. B., i 1900, p. 47. j WHAT WILL MAKE BOYS' CLUBS UN- i NECESSARY. W. W. B., Apr., 1908, pp. ! 118-25. (Ed.) \ WHITEHOUSE, J. H.— Boys' club, its place in | social progress. Nutt, London, 1906, 43 pp. , WHITIN, E. S.— Teacher and the boys' club, i W. W. B., Jan., 1905, pp. 36-45- | . Wanted, a common denominator ■ W. W. B., Apr., 1905, pp. 137-43- j WILLIAMS, J. F.— Lajunta boys' club. W. W. \ B., Nov., 1910, pp. 9-13. I WILLIS, F. L.— Working boys' club of Omaha, j Ass'n. Men., Apr., 1900, p. 236. | WORDELL, A. A.— Boys' club and morer'W. | W. B., Jan., 1905, pp. 7-13- ' .1 Organization. | BEEDE, V. M. — How to start a social settlement boys' club. W. W. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 192-5; | W. W. B., Oct., 1905, pp. 221-6. I FORBUSH, W. B.— Brotherhood of David. A j new plan of organization for boys' clubs. W. | W. B., July, 1908, pp. 194-7. \ HALL, M.— How to start a boys' club. W. W. 5., I Oct., 1904, pp. 201-2. j 112 [B 230.2] BOYS' CLUBS Mccormick, W.— How to start a boys' club in a city. W. W. B., Oct., 1905, pp. 216-21. MARIANO, J.— -Organizing a boys' club. W> W. B., Dec, 1913, pp. 445-9. MASON, F. S.— Boys' club leaders. H. H. 5., 1900, pp. 34-8. . How to start a boys' club. W. W. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 199-201. PRATT, A. P. — How to start a mass stfreet bo3rs* club. W. W. B., Jan., 1906, pp. 26-35. REED, D. A. — Leader of boys, how shall he get ready? H. H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 34-9. RICHARDS, G. L. — Organization back of a boys' club. W. W. B., July, 1907, pp. 177-83, ROSENBLUM, W. F.— Constitutionless boys' clubs. W. W. B., May, 1912, pp. 277-9. TAYLOR, K.— "How" of self government for boys. Rur. Man., May, 19 13, pp. 161-3. ZERBE, F. K. — Tying activities together in a boys' club. W. W. B., July, 1914, pp. 223-6. .2 Business management. BRIGGS, R. A.— System in boys' clubs. W. W. B., July, 1909, pp. 26-38. KING, G. W.— Duty of the board of directors to the superintendent of a boys' club. W. W. 5., Feb., 1910, pp. 20-7. NORTHRUP, E. N.— Ethics and methods of raising funds. W. W. B., Jan., 1910, pp. 14-24. STEVENSON, W. C— Duty of superintendent to the board of directors. W. W, B., Feb., 191 1, pp. 8-12. .3 Moral and Civic. See also B 123.3. ATKINSON, C. J.— Self government in boys' clubs. W. W. B., July, 1913, pp. 241-6. BOYS' CLUBS PREVENT CRIMES AND 113 [B 230.4] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE LOAFING. (Ed.) Amer. City, Jan., 1910, pp. 31-2. HODGES, L. — ^Winston-Salem plan of training boys for citizenship. Amer. City, June, 1913, pp. 617-18. KELLY, P. B.—City history club. H. H. 5., 1900, p. 12. LANGDON, W. C— Juvenile city league of New York. W. W. B.f Apr., 1905, pp. 105-18. Mccormick, W.— Boys' club as a moral force. W. W. B., July, 1913, pp. 250-5. MASON, F. S. — Character making in street boys' clubs. Relig. Edu., Oct., 1907, pp. 139-43. . Materials for character making in street boys' clubs. W. W. B., Apr., 1907, pp. 84-96. MASSECK, F. L. — Making juvenile organiza- tions effective for religious education. W, W. B., Oct., 1908, pp. 249-58. PINGREE, A. H.— Relation of the boys' club to religion. W. W. B., July, 1908, pp. 172-5. .4 Educational. See also B215. BATES, W. C— Boys' club supplementing the school. H. H. B., 1900, pp. 39-42. CHAMBERLAIN, G. D.— Boys' exposition. W. W. B.y May, 1912, pp. 280-7. CLARK, W. A. — Handicraft in character build- ing. H. H. B., Apr., 1901, pp. 19-23. EASTWOOD, W. F.— Manual training for boys' club. Why? W. W. 5., July, 1909, pp. 161-71. ERNST, C. F.— Place of industrial work in boys' clubs. W. W. B., Dec, 19 12, pp. 521-3. GOODRICH, L. B.— How to start a boys' manual training club. W. W. B., Oct., 1904, pp. 216-18. LEACH, A. B. — Educational work of the boys' club. W. W. B.y Oct., 1910, pp. 6-9. H4 [B 230.5] OTHER ORGANIZATIONS OF BOYS SPRINGFIELD BOYS' EXPOSITION, Spring- field, Mass. (Report.) W. W. B., Sept., 1912, pp. 388-91. SMITH, F. O. — Manual training for boys' clubs. W. W. B., Jan., 1908, pp. 29-34. .5 Social and musical. See B216. .6 Athletics and gymnastics. See B21 7.1; Camps, B217.3. For games see B310. .7 Thrift. See B 123.8. .9 History. CHAMBERLAIN, G. D.— Boys' clubs, their growth and mission. W. W. B., Sept., 191 1, PP- 25-39- CHEW, T. — Twenty years' experience in a mass boys' club. W. W. B., July, 1912, through to Dec, 1912. MELPOLDER, J.— Club incidents. W. W. 5., Dec, 191 1, pp. 208-16. B240 OTHER ORGANIZATIONS OF BOYS. .1 Boy scouts; .2 Woodcraft or "Seton" Indians. MALLETT, F. J. — International sunshine club. W. W. B., Oct., 1908, pp. 290-3. .1 Boy scouts. ALEXANDER, J. L.— Boy scouts. W. W. 5., Nov., 19 10, pp. 1-8. APLIN, S. S.— Boy scouts of Utica. Ass'n. B., June, 1910, pp. 1 10-13. BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT AT ITS BEST. (Ed.) Amer. Y., Feb., 1914, pp. 28-30. CAMPBELL, R. B.— Psychology of scouting. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1917, 44 L. 115 [B 240.1] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE CAREY, A. A. — Scout law in practice. Little, -^"""^ Boston, 1915, 171 pp. CROSBY, F. A.— Boy scouts and the Sunday school. Relig. Educ, June, 1912, pp. 235-42. CURTIS, H. S.— Boy scouts, the salvation of the village boy. Fed. Sem.j Mar., 1913, pp. 78-85. <.,r«*' ELMER, F. D. — Community coordination through boy scouts. Relig. Edu., Dec, 1913, pp. 488-91. . Scouts and the church. Relig. Edu., Aug., 1916, pp. 365-66. GIBSON, H. W.— Scouting at Camp Becket and Durrell. Ass'n. B., June, 1910, pp. 114--15. HANDBOOK FOR SCOUT MASTERS. Boy Scouts of America, N. Y., 1914, 324 pp. HEALD, C. E. — Boy scout scheme. Ass*n. B., June, 19 10, pp. 83-88. HOLLAND, R. S.— Boy scouts of Birch Bark Island. Lippinc. Phila., 191 1, 292 pp. HORSFIELD, E. D.— Boy scouts of Springfield, Mass. Ass'n. B., June, 1910, pp. 108-9. KING, F. E.— Scout laws. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1918, 16 pp. LAMPSHIRE, E.— Boy scout movement. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 1913, 83 L. McGUIRE, W. P. and MATHIEWS, F. K.— Boy scouts' year book. Appleton, N. Y., 1915, 243 pp. McKENNEY, H. J.— Scout's handbook and in- structor. Franklin Hudson Co., Kansa.s City, Mo., 1915, 196 pp. •^•^ MOFFATT, S. A.— Observations of the boy scout ' movement in England. Amer. Y., June, 1914, pp. 154-9. POWELL, B. — Scouting for boys. Pearson, Lon- don, 1908, 288 pp. 116 [B 240.2] OTHER ORGANIZATIONS OF BOYS POWELL, P. E.— Kjiights of the holy grail and boy scouts. Jennings, Cincinnati, 1906, 228 pp. REANEY, M. J. — Psychology of the boy scout movement. Fed. Sem., Sept., 19 14, pp. 407-11. RELIGIOUS WORK AND THE SCOUT MOVE- MENT. (Ed.) Amer. F., June, 1913, pp. 154-6. RICHARDSON, N. E. and LOOMIS, O. E.— Boy scout movement applied to the church. Scrib., N. Y., 1-915, 441 pp. ROBINSON, E. M.—Boyl scouts of America. Ass'n. B., June, 1910, pp. 89-91. . Do the boy scouts compete with the Association? Amer. F., Dec, 1916, pp. 1-2. RURAL BOY SCOUTS. (Ed.) Rur. Man.,MsiT., 1911, p. 98. SETON, E. T.— Boy scouts of America. Double- day, N. Y., 1910, 191 pp. SNEDDEN, D.— New light on the scouts. W. W. B., Sept., 1917, pp. 255-60. STATTEN, T.— Boy scouts of Toronto. Ass'n. B., June, 1910, pp. 92-104. VAN NESS, F. v.— Boy scouts of Paterson. Ass'n. B., June, 1910, pp. 105-7. WEwST, J. E.— Boy scouts of America. N. E. A., 1916, pp. 805-810. .2 Woodcraft or "Seton" Indians. SETON, E. T.— Birch Bark roll of the Wood- craft Indians. Doubleday, N. Y., 1907, 66 pp. . Book of woodcraft. Doubleday, N. Y., 1912, 551 pp. . Manual of Woodcraft Indians. Doubleday, N. Y., 1915, 98 pp. WOODCRAFT INDIANS. (Ed.) Amer. 7., Jtme, 19 14, pp. 164-6. B300 WELFARE AND PROTECTION AGENCIES "CHARITIES AND THE COMMONS," now 117 [B300] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE "SURVEY." A weekly journal of philanthropy and advance. Herein may be found valuable records of charity and reform movements. "CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS." Reports of the National Conference. Published annually and containing matter of worth to boy worker. LEARY, A. T. — America's greatest problem — its youth. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Spring- field, Mass., 1917, 76 L. LEE, J. — Constructive and preventive philan- thropy. Macm., N. Y., 1902, 242 pp. MANGOLD, G. B.— Child problems. Macm., N. Y., 1910, 381 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHILD CONFER- ENCE FOR RESEARCH AND WELFARE. Held at Clark University, Stechert, N. Y., 1909, 257 PP- REPORT OF CONFERENCE ON WELFARE WORK. Held at Waldorf Astoria, N. Y. City. Mar., 1904. RIIS, J. A. — Battle with the slums. Macm., N. Y., 1902, 465 pp. . Children of the tenements. Macm., N. Y., 1903, 387 pp. . How . the other half lives. Studies among the tenements. Scrib., N. Y., 1890, 304 pp. B310 Child Welfare — playgrounds, etc. For games see also B217.1. ANGELL, E. D.— Play. Little, Brown Co., Bost., 1910, 190 pp. BANCROFT, J. H.— Games for playground, home, school, and gymnasium. Macm., N. Y., 1913, 463 pp. BOY LEISURE. (Ed.) Amer. Y., Aug., 1915, pp. 181-2. 118 [B310J WELFARE AND PROTECTION AGENCIES BURNHAM, W. H— Problems of cluld hygiene and the contribution of hygiene to education. N. E. A., 1912, pp. 1096-1103. CALKINS, R. — Playgrounds, a municipal enter- prise. H. H. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 79-82. CARRIGAN, F. C— Law and the American child. Ped. Sem., June, 191 1, pp. 121-183. CHEW, T.— Streets as playgrounds. W. W. B., Feb., 191 1, pp. 1-7. COMSTOCK, C— Country playgrounds. Rur, Man., Mar., 1917, pp. 98-101. CURTIS, H. S. — Practical conduct of play. Macm., N. Y., 19 15, 330 pp. ERNST, C. F. — Caddy scheme as one solution of the summer problem. W. W. B., Apr., 1912, pp. 201-7. FOX, H. F. — Child saving agencies and the home. H. H, B., Jan., 1902, pp. 41-6. GULICK, L. H. — Psychological, pedagogical and religious aspects of group games. Ped, Sem., Mar., 1899, PP- 135-151; Ass*n. Out., Feb., 1900, pp. 98-124. HALL, G. S. — Story of a sand pile. Scrib., June, 1888, pp. 690-6. HOLLIS, I. N. Use of summer vacations. H. H. B., July, 1903, pp. 151-63. JOHNSON, G. E.— Why teach a child to play? Amer. Phy. Edu. Rev., Oct., 1909, pp 500-7. KIDNER, R. — Larger use of school houses. H. H. B.y Apr., 1902, pp. 83-5. KNIGHT, G. H.— Gardens for school boys. H. H. B., Apr,, 1902, pp. 100-5. KREBS, P. E. and GOSPILL, W.— Live social center in the old bam. Rur, Man., Jan., 1915, pp. 23-6. LEE, J. — Crime or sport? H. H. B., Apr., 1902, pp. 73-8. 119 [B3I0] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE . Play in education. Macm., N. Y.p 1915, 494 pp. LELAND, A. and L. H. — Playground technique and playcraft. Bassette Co., Springfield, Mass., 1909, 284 pp. LELAND, A. — Public playgrounds and bibliog- raphy of the playground movement. Ass'n. Sem., July, 1903, pp. 373-94. LOCKE, N. M. — Games for boys and girls in rural schools. Rur. Man., Apr., 1917, pp. 171-4. MANGOLD, G. B.— Problems of child welfare. Macm., N. Y., 19 16, 492 pp. MARTIN, G. H.— What a city owes to its boys. W. W. B., Jan., 1910, pp. 2-13. MASON, F. S.— Summer life of the city boy H. H. B., Apr., 1903, pp. 85-7. MEANWELL, W. E.— Playground activities for boys of from ten to fourteen years of age. Amer. Phy, Edu. Rev., May, 191 1, pp. 309-14. MERO, E. B. — ^American playgrounds, their construction, equipment, maintenance and utiUty. American Gymnasium Co., Boston, 1908, 270 pp. MILLER, C. M. — Kitecraft and kite tourna- ments. Manual Arts Press, Peoria, 111., 19 14, 144 pp. PLAYGROUNDS. A publication devoted to playground activities and information. Pub- hshed monthly at Cooperstown, N. Y. REESE, T, I. — Year of a public gymnasium for boys. H. H. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 197-9. SIMNETT, W. E.— After school. W. W. B., Apr., 1916, pp. 139-50. SLINGERLAND, W. H.— Need of rural child welfare work. Rur. Man., May, 19 14, pp. 192-6. SMITH, H. L.— Games for boys, H. H. 5., Oct., 1902, pp. 199-200, 120 [B320J WELFARE AND PROTECTION AGENCIES STANLEY, R. — Summer occupations for boys. W. W. B., July, 1912, pp. 333-5. B320 Protection and Guidance, care of neglected and dependents, industrial homes and farms. Not reformatory. .1 Prevention and cruelty to children; .2 Child labor laws. BELLAMY, G. A. — Settlement movement and its possibilities. W. W. B., May, 1912, pp. 288-95. BENEDICT, L.— Waifs of the slums and their way out. Revell, N. Y., 1907, 234 pp. BLOOMFIELD, M. and WENTWORTH, F. L. — Vocational counselor in action. Survey, May 3, 1913, pp. 183-88. BOWEN, L. — Safeguards for city youth at work and at play. Macm., N. Y., 1914, 241 pp. BOYS' HOTEL IN KANSAS CITY. (Ed.) Outlook, Nov. 12, 1910, pp. 572-3. CHANDLER, A. D.— Boy culture and agricul- ture. Outlook, Dec. 19, 1917 — Jan. 2, 1918. CLARK, W. A. — Helping boys by the social settlement plan. H. H. B., 1900, pp. 20-6. COOLEY, C. C— City and the boys (Industrial farms). Outlook, Feb. 6, 1904, pp. 332-7. COMSTOCK, A.— Traps for the young. Funk, N. Y., 1884, 253 pp. CRACKEL, M. D. — Relation of group instinct to Associations and settlements. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 67-75. CURTIS, H. S.— School camp. Survey, July 20, 1912, pp. 564-6. FLETCHER, H. — That last waif, or social quaran- tine. Stokes, N. Y., 1903, 270 pp. FOLKS, H. — Care of destitute, neglected and 121 [B320] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE delinquent children. Macm., N. Y., 1902, 251 pp. GIBBONS, W. T.— Boys' industrial Association, how it prevents the development of the tough. Chautauquan, Sept., 1898, p. 625. HART, H. H.— Care of the dependent child. Fed. Sem., Dec, 1907, pp. 464-72. -. Preventive treatment of neglected children. Charities Pub., N. Y., 1910, 419 pp. HENDERSON, C. R.— Social settlements. Wes- sels, N. Y., 1903, 196 pp. HINCKLEY, G. W.— Goodwill home for boys. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 66-70. . Story of Goodwill farm. Good Will Pub. Co., Hinckley, Maine, 1903, 164 pp. HOBEN, A. Church and child protection. Bib. W., Mar., 1913, pp. 490-2. KENTUCKY SETTLEMENT SCHOOL. (Ed.) W. W. B., Jan., 1912, pp. 49-53. LINDSEY, B. B.— Child and community. N. E. A., 1909, pp. 737-43. LUND, R. F. — Ascension school of agriculture. W. W. B., Dec, 1912, pp. 509-10. McKELWAY, A. J. — Conservation of childhood. Survey^ Jan. 6, 1912, pp. 1515-26. MARX, G. E. — Charlton industrial farm school. W. W. B., Sept., 1912, pp. 368-73. PAYNE, G. P. — Child in human progress. Put- nam, N. Y., 1916, 400 pp. REEDER, R. R. — Good citizens from institution children. Char, and Comm., Aug. 15, 1903, pp. 147-54. . How two hundred children live and learn. Charities Pub. Co. N. Y., 1910, 247 pp. SLINGERLAND, W. H.— Education and train- ing of dependent children. Relig. Edu.^ Dec, 1917, pp. 408-14. 12a [B 320.1] WELFARE AND PROTECTION AGENCIES SPARGO, J.— Bitter cry of the children. Macm., N. Y., 1906, 337 pp. STEWART, A. H.— American bad boys in the making. Lechner, N. Y., 19 12, 241 pp. SUMNER, W. T.— Child protection and the social evil. N. E. A., 191 1, pp. 11 10-16. SUPPRESSION OF VICE. Valuable informa- tion will be found in reports of New York and other societies for suppression of vice. TAPLIN, H. B.— Camp Hale. Survey, Aug. 3, 1912, pp. 619-25. THEATERS ADVISING BOYS TO STEAL MONEY. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Feb., 1905, pp. 29-31. WOODS, R. A. — Americans in process; a settle- ment study in Boston. Houghton, Boston, 1902, 389 pp. .1 Prevention of cruelty to children. .2 Child labor laws. CHILD LABOR LAWS AND STREET TRADES. Ann. Amer. Acad., Mar., 1909, pp. 225-35. CLARK, D. W. — American child and Moloch of today. Eaton & Mains, N. Y., 1907, 81 pp. CLOPPER, E. N.— Child labor in the city streets. Macm., N. Y., 1913, 244 pp. KELLY, F. — Federal child labor laws. Survey, Sept. I, 1917, pp. 484-6. LOVEJOY, O. R.— Child in industry. N. E. A., 1909, pp. 726-33. . Child labor and education. Survey, Feb. 17, 1912, pp. 1780-4. Progress of the cause of the pre- mature laborer. Amer, Y., Apr., 1912, pp. 62-5. McDEVITT, J. A.— Boys' employment. W. W. B,, Sept., 1914, pp. 277-81. 123 [B400] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE MARKHAM, E. and others. — Children in bondage. Hearst's International Library Co., N. Y., 1914, 411 pp. NEARING, S.— Child labor problem. Moffat, N. Y., 191 1, 145 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL CHILD LABOR COMMITTEE, New York City. Much material of great value will be found in these reports from 1906 to the present time. ROBERTS, P.— Effect of premature labor. Amer. Y., Aug., 1912, pp. 1-8. SANVILLE, F. L.— Social legislation in the Key- stone State. Survey, Feb., 6, 1915, pp. 481-6. Also in Survey, Mar. 20, 19 15, pp. 667-70. B400 CORRECTION AND REFORM. "^Charities and Corrections." Reports of the National Conference. PubHshed annually and containing matter of worth to boy worker. GRAVES, W. C— Needs of the "boy inside." Ass'n. Men, Jan., 1915, p. 208. McDonald, a. — Reform of juvenile criminals. Ped. Sem.y Dec, 1906, pp. 496-505. B410 Juvenile Delinquency and Courts. ADAMS, M. — Probation^ court system in Buffalo. H. H. B., Jan., 1903, pp. 59-64- . Railroads and juvenile crime. Char. and Comm., Nov. 11, 1905, pp. 203-6. ADDAMS, J. — Home and the special child. N. E. A., 1908, pp. 1127-30. BAD BOY IN WAR TIME. (Ed.) W, W. 5., Nov., 1917, pp. 361-7- BAILEY, C. S. — Curing tomorrow's criminals. Forum, Mar., 19 17, pp. 349-57- BARROWS, S. J. — How to reduce our prison population. Char, and Comm., Nov. 3, 1906, pp. 191-3- ia4 [B4I0] CORRECTION AND REFORM BENNETT, E. C— Juvenile court of DenvK". Sunset, Mar., 1906, pp. 458-64. BERGEN, C. M.— Relation of play to juvenile delinquency. Char, and Comm., Aug. 3, 1907, pp. 562-5. BIG BROTHER MOVEMENT. (Ed.) W,W.B., Apr., 1908, pp. 108-116. BIG BROTHER MOVEMENT. (Report.) W. W, B., Oct., 191 1, pp. 85-8. BJORKMAN, F. M.— Children's court in Amer- ican city life. Rev. of Rev,, Mar., 1906, pp. 305-11. BOWEN, L. — Boys and lock-ups. Survey, Dec. 7, 19 12, pp. 304-6. BRECKENRIDGE, S. and ABBOTT, E.— DeUn- quent child and the home. Survey, N. Y., 19 16, 343 pp. BUCKNER, C. E.— Working with truant, de- linquent and neglected boys. Ass'n. B., Aug., 191 1, pp. 174-82. BRUCE, H. A. — Boy who goes wrong. Cent., Feb., 1914, pp. 542-6. BURNS, A. F. — Relation of playgrounds to delinquency. Char, and Comm., Oct. 3, 1908, pp. 25-31. CARPENTER, M.— Juvenile delinquents. Cash Co., London, 1853, 388 pp. CHELEY, F. H. — Big brother investment. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1917, loi pp. CHILDREN'S COURTS IN THE UNITED STATES. Report of the International Prison commission. Wash., D. C, 1904, 203 pp. CHRISMAN, O.— Relation of the home to the wayward child. N. E. A., 1904, pp. 800-1. COFFEEN, E. L. — Activities of delinquent boys. Ann. Amer. Acad., Mar., 1913, pp. 72-7. 125 [B4I0] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE COULTER, E. K.— Big brother movement. Ass'n. B., Oct., 1907, pp. 203-8. . Children's courts. Harp. W., Aug. 9, 1913, pp. 12-13. DEALING WITH RUNAWAYS. (Ed.) W. W. B,, Feb., 1915, pp. 61-6. DEFECTIVE HOMES AND JUVENILE DE- LINQUENCY. (Ed.) Outlook, Aug. 28, 1909, pp. 965-6. DeLACEY, W. H. — ^Juvenile courts as an aid to good citizenship. Char, and Corr., 1909, pp. 46-7. DORR, R. C. — Another chance for the bad boy. Hampton, Dec, 1910, pp. 797-807. DRAKE, L. D. — ^Juvenile delinquency and its general treatment. Char, and Corr., 1900, pp. 208-11. DUCKLES, F. M.— Children's clubs and proba- tion. W. W. B., Jan., 1912, pp. 23-31. ELIOT, F. D. — Juvenile court and the com- munity. Macm. N. Y., 19 14, 234 pp. EVANS, E. G. and DEWSON, M. W.— Feeble- mindedness and juvenile delinquency. Char, and Comm., May 2, 1906, pp. 183-91. FALLOWS, A. K. — Fair play for wayward chil- dren. Cent., Dec, 1906, pp. 253-9. FLEXNER, B. — ^Juvenile court laws. Char, and Comm., July 4, 1908, pp. 455-8. FRENCH, L. H. — Saving boys from crime. World's Work, Sept., 1901, pp. 12 14-16. GARHAM, J. E. — Boy problem as viewed by the court. W. W. B., July, 1913, pp. 246-9. GATES, W. A.— Training the incorrigible. N. E. A., 1907, pp. 995-9. GRAY, F. F. — Corrective education. Char, and Comm., Oct. 10, 1908, pp. 87-90. 126 [B4I0] CORRECTION AND REFORM HALL, H. S. — New treatment of bad boys. New England Mag., Aug., 1905, pp. 692-7. HART, H. H. — Backward, truant and delinquent children. Char, and Comm., May 23, 1908, pp 277-80. . Study for delinquent boys. Survey, Oct. 30, 1909, pp. 146-50. HEALY, W. and BRONNER, A. F.— Youthful offenders. Amer. Jour. Soc, July, 1916, pp. 38-52. HOBEN, A. — ^Juvenile delinquency, court and institutional treatment. Bib. W., May, 1915, pp. 299-303. . Juvenile delinquency, its nature, ex- tent and causes. Bib. W., Apr., 1915, pp. 232-5. HOWE, F. C— Cleveland in the life-saving business. Outlook, Jan. 18, 1908, pp. 123-7. HOYT, F. C. — Parent's share of responsibility. Cent., Dec, 19 14, pp. 303-10. JOHNSTON, C— Little brothers and big brothers. Harp. W., June 17, 191 1, p. 13; W. W. 5., Nov., 191 1, pp. 141-7. JUDGE, G. E. — Railroads as contributary cause of juvenile delinquency. Amer. City, Aug., 1914, pp. 121-2. JUVENILE DELINQUENT. Asso. Press, N. Y., 1909, 76 pp. KID JUDGE OF DENVER. (Ed.) Outlook, June 24, 1905, pp. 497-501. LEONARD, J. A.— Treatment of the younger offenders. Char, and Corr., 1905, pp. 292-300. LINDSEY, B. B.— Beast and the jungle. Every- body's, Dec, 1909, pp. 779-84. . Boy and the court. Char, and Comm., Jan. 7, 1905, pp. 350-7. . Childhood and morality. N. E. A., 1909, pp. 146-57. 127 [B4io] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE . Children's judge. Outlook, Feb. 29, 1908, pp. 476-8. — . Four questions and juvenile crime. Char, and Comm., Aug. 15, 1908, pp. 590-2. Gang and juvenile crime. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 26-43. 'Mickey an' de kids had faith in de Jedge." H. H. B., Oct., 1902, pp. 178-85. Public playgrounds and juvenile delinquency. Ind., Aug. 20, 1908, pp. 420-3. McDonald, a. — Decay of family life and in- crease of child crime. Educ, Sept., 1907, pp. 30-6. MANUAL FOR PROBATION OFFICERS, IN NEW YORK STATE. Pub. by the N. Y. State commission, 19 13, 257 pp. MAULE, F.— Getting at the boys. Outlook, Dec. 2, 1915, pp. 822-6. MENDELSOHN, S.— Summer idleness and ju- venile delinquency. Educ. Rev., June, 1915, pp. 24-35. MERRILL, L.— Are bad boys bad? W. W. B., July, 1914, pp. 249-53. MORRISON, W. D.— Juvenile offenders. Apple- ton, N. Y., 1900, 317 pp. NEAL, A. O. — Indiana plan for handling truants, indigent and pauper children. N. E. A., 1909, pp. 877-85. NEW YORK STATE PROBATION COMMIS- SION PROCEEDINGS. Valuable material may be found herein. NIBECKER, H. — Mental capacity of juvenile delinquents. Char, and Corr., 1901, pp. 262-8. NORTHROP, E. N.— Value of poHce court work in connection with boys' clubs. H. H. B., Jan., 1901, pp. 78-81. 128 [B4I0] CORRECTION AND REFORM PALMER, L. E. — New York's truancy problem. Char, and Comm., Jan. 27, 1906, pp. 557-61. PINTNER, R.— Juvenile delinquents tested by the Binet scale. Ped. Sem., Dec, 1914, pp. 523-31. PORTER, T. R.— Boy policemen of CouncU Bluffs. World Today, Jan., 1908, pp. 73-5. PRATT, A. P. — Problem of juvenile delinquency. W. W. B., Jan., 1905, pp. 13-23- PROBLEM OF THE CHILDREN AND HOW THE STATE OF COLORADO CARES FOR THEM. Report of Juvenile Court of Denver, 1904, p. 222. PUFFER, J. A. — Boy gangs and boy leaders. McClure's Oct., 191 1, pp. 678-89. RAINE, W. M. — How Judge Lindsey handles his boys. Ladies' H. Jour., May, 1907, p. 14. REYNOLDS, M. J.— Is America making crim- inals? Miss. Rev., Mar., 1908, pp. 213-16. RICHMAN, JULIA.— Blame for truants and in- corrigibles? N. E. A., 1909, pp. 222-32. . Incorrigible child. N. E. A., 1906, pp. 158-73. ROOD, H.— Big brothers and little. Everybody's, Aug., 1913, pp. 246-56. RUSSELL, C. B. — Problems of juvenile crime. Oxford, Lond., 19 17, 16 pp. RUSSELL, G. E. B.— Young gaol-birds. Macm., N. Y., 1910, 236 pp. , and:RIGBY, L. M.— Making of the criminal. Macm., N. Y., 1906, 362 pp. RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION. Boyhood and lawlessness. West Side studies, N. Y., 1914, 215 pp. SCHLAPP, M. G.— Feeble minded boys and crime. Survey, Mar. 2, 1912, pp. 1846-9. SCHOFF, H.— Wayward child. Bobbs, Indian- apolis, 19 1 5, 267 pp. 129 [B420] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE SEARCH FOR ONE HUNDRED PER CENT BAD BOY. Survey, Jan. i6, 1918, p. 468; Lit. D., June 8, 1918, p. 56. STREET, E. — Going the juvenile court one better. Survey, Oct. 24, 1914, p. 83. STREETER, S. P.— Probation and its results. W. W. B,, Jan., 1905, pp. 24-7. STUBBS, G. W.— Mission of the juvenile court. Char, and Corr., 1904, pp. 350-7. THURSTON, H. W.— Social significance of the juvenile court. School Rev., June, 1906, pp. 415-24. TRAVIS, T.— Young malefactor. Crowell, N. Y., 1908, 243 pp. WADDLE, C. W. — Criminal tendencies and the juvenile court. N. E. A., 1904, pp. 797-9. WEBSTER, H. K.— Square deal with childrer. Amer. Mag., Feb., 1906, pp. 394-402. WHITE, F. M. — Helping bad boys to make good. Harp. W.,¥eb. 27, 1909, pp. 12-13. . How a boy was made a thief and the fight to reclaim him. World's Work, Sept., 191 1, pp. 14843-50. WHITMAN, J. L.— Why boys go wrong.' Ladies H. Jour., Nov., 1906, p. 14. YOUNKER, F.— Jewish delinquent children. Char. and Comm., May 26, 1906, pp. 265-6. B420 Corrective Homes, Schools, Communities, etc, — Including reformatories for the first offense. BRECKENRIDGE, S. and ABBOTT, E.— Delin- quent child and the home. Survey, N. Y., 1916, 343 PP- DERRICK, C— Self government. Survey, Sept., I, 1917, pp. 473-9. DILLS, D. R. — Successful form of self govern- ment for boys. Ass'n B., Oct., 1908, pp. 188-94. 130 [B420] CORRECTION AND REFORM "GEORGE JUNIOR REPUBLIC," Preeville, N. Y. A movement for social reformation among friendless and unfortunate children. Its annual reports furnish valuable suggestions to workers among boys. . H. H. B., 1900, pp. 17-20 (Ed.) GEORGE, W, R. and STOWE, L. B.— Citizens made and remade. Houghton, Boston, 1912, 265 pp. . Junior republic. Appleton, N, Y., 1910, 326 pp. HALL, H. — Do reformatories reform? Outlook^ Aug. 8, 1908, pp. 806-10. . Making good citizens out of bad boys. Outlook, Aug. 8, 1908, pp. 818-20. JOHNSON, J. Jr. — Rudimentary society among boys. Johns Hopkins Historical and Political Studies. 1884, Baltimore, Md. MALLARY, M. M. — Relation of group instinct to correctional institutions. W. W. B., Jan., 1904, pp. 56-8. PEIRCE, B. K.— Half century with juvenile delinquents. Appleton, N. Y., 1869, 384 pp. SCOTT, C. R. — State home for boys. Amer. Y., Feb., 1914, pp. 5-9. SHAW, A. H.— Boys' farm at Hudson. W. W. 5., Sept., 1912, pp. 395-7- SPECIAL SCHOOLS FOR BOYS. By a teacher. W. W. B., Oct., 1906, pp. 234-41. THURSTON, H. W.— Junior republic idea. Survey, May 16, 19 14, pp. 203-4. WAKELING, C. R. — Juvenile corrective institu- tion. Its history and its methods. Thesis, Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., 191 1, 234 L. WARD, F. — Agricultural education for delinquent boys. World Today, Mar., 1908, pp. 306-8. 131 [B8oo] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE WENTWORTH, E. P.— Origin and development of juvenile reformatories. Char, and Corr., 1901, pp. 245-54. WOOD, E.— School for boys. Everybody's, Oct., 1905, pp. 435-45- B800 Bibliography of Books for Boys — including story telling. BAILEY, C. S.— For the story teller. Bradley, Springfield, Mass., 1914, 261 pp. BAXTER, R. M.— List of books for boys. W. W. B., Dec, 1909, pp. 2-28. BOOKS FOR BOYS AND WORKERS AMONG BOYS (bibliography). Asso. Press, N. Y. BRYANT, S. C— How to tell stories to children. Houghton, Boston, 1905, 260 pp. BUCKELEW, F. R.— Nickel fiction. W. W. B., July, 1904, pp. 163-70. BURKHITE, C— List of books for boys. W. W. B., Oct., 1907, pp. 282-7. CABOT, E. L. — Children's reading as a help in training character. Relig. Edu,, June, 1916, pp. 207-20. CRACKEL, M. D. and FORBUSH, W. B.~ Periodicals suitable for boys. H. H. B., July, 1902, pp. 166-7. CRAIGIE, MARY.— Books suitable for a boys' camp or vacation school. H. H. B., July, 1902, pp. 160-2. . What public Hbraries might do for bojrs. H. H. B., Jan., 1902, pp. 46-51. DAVIS, O. S.— Study of one dime novel. //. H. B., Apr., 1903, pp. 132-5- EHNES, M. A. — Selected list of missionary books for boys. Ass'n. B., Aug., 1909, pp. 190-6. FESSENDEN, E. M.— Story and the boy. W. W. B., Nov., 1911, pp. 134-8. 132 [B8oo] BOOKS FOR BOYS FORBUSH, W. B.— Books and firelight and children's faces. H. H. B., Apr., 1903, pp. 88-94. . Helpful finding list for selecting books for boys. H. H. B., Apr., 1903, pp. 1 16-19. . Manual of stories. Jacobs, Phila., 1915, 310 pp. , and others. Recent studies of boys' tastes in reading. H. H. B., Apr., 1903, pp. 94-116. . Some studies of boys* tastes in reading. W. W. B., Oct., 1907, pp. 246-74. Some recent studies of boys' tastes in reading. H. H. B., July, 1902, pp. 123-36. HALL, G. S. — Psychology of childhood as related to reading and the public library. Fed. Sem.^ Mar., 1908, pp. 105-16. HANNA, J. C. — One himdred books of unquali- fied value for high school students to read. H. H. B., July, 1902, pp. 156-9. HAWTHORNE, J.— Books and children. H. H, B., July, 1902, pp. 136-9. HEATH, D. C— Boys' reading from the pub- lishers' standpoint. H. H. B., July, 1902, pp. 140-2. HEWINS, C. M.— Books for boys' reading. (Under 12.) H. H. B., Apr., 1903, pp. 120-4. — . Books for boys. W. W. B., Oct., 1907, pp. 274-81. List of books for boys' reading. H. H. B., July, 1902, pp. 148-52. HILL, D. S. — Child and the reading habit. Relig. Edu., Dec, 1910, pp. 461-72. JACKSON, H. E.— Boys' books that are different. W. W. B., Oct., 19 1 7, pp. 321-4. JORDON, A. M.— Suggestive list of books. 133 [B8oo] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE W. W. B., Nov., 191 1, pp- 168-74; W. W. B., Jan., 1912, pp. 59-61. LIBRARIAN, Brookline, Mass. Books suitable for reading aloud to young boys. W. W. B.^ Oct., 1907, pp. 294-5. LYMAN, EDNA.— Story telling, what to tell and how to tell it. McClurg, Chicago, 1910, 229 pp. McCORMICK, W.— Boys and their books. W. W. B., Oct., 1914, pp. 324-32. MATHIEWS, F. K.— Blowing out the boy's brains. Outlook, Nov. 18, 19 14, pp. 652-4. . Making worth while boys' recrea- tional reading. Asso. Sem., July, 1916, pp. 451-73- . Menace of the nickel novel in disguise. Amer. Y., Oct., 1914, pp. 264-75. . Safety first in juvenile book week. Amer. Y., Oct., 1915, pp. 225-33. MORSE, S. — Free books for country boys. Rur. Man., Jan., 1916, pp. 22-7. MOULTON, R. G.— Art of telling Bible stories. R. E. A., 1904, pp. 26-30. OLCOTT, F. J.— Suggestions for a boy's own library of good reading. H. H. B., July, 1902, pp. 152-6; H. H. B., Apr., 1903, pp. 124-8. ONE HUNDRED ENTERTAINING BIOG- RAPHIES. Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1902. PERIODICALS FOR READING ROOMS. (Ed.) Ass'n. B., Dec, 1902, pp. 212-4. QUIGLEY, M. G.— New books for boys. W. W. B., Oct., 1907, pp. 291-3. SARGENT, J. T.— Reading for the young. A most valuable classified and annotated list of several thousand good books and magazine articles for young people. Boston, 1896, 134 [B8oo] BOOKS FOR BOYS SHEDLOCK, M. L.— Art of the story teller. Appleton, N. Y., 19 16, 288 pp. SMITH, E. S. — Books for a boys' own library. H. H. B., Apr., 1903, pp. 128-30; W. W. B., Oct., 1907, pp. 288-91. SMITH, F. O.— Pupils' voluntary reading. Fed. Sem.y June, 1906, pp. 208-22. ST. JOHN, E. P. — Stories and story telling in moral and religious education. Pilgrim Press, Boston, 1910, 100 pp. ZACHERT, A. — New books popular among boys. W. W. B., Oct., 1907, p. 293. 135 INDEX To Classification and Bibliography Note — Many of the titles are considerably abridged but it is believed they will be easily recognized. Abbott, S. E., Summer camps. 6217,3. Abnormalities, Physical. Talbot. B121. AcKERMAN, E. G., History boys' department. B210.9. Adams, B., Street gang in politics. B124.1; B 129.3. Adams, M., Children in the street trades. B129.2. Probation court in Buffalo. B410. Railroads and juvenile crime. B410. Adamson, a. Q., Religious work among boys. B214. Addams, J., Bad boy of the street. B 129.3. Companionship vs. loyalty in gang. B124.1. Home and special child. B410. Spirit of youth and the city streets. B120. Adjusting organization to youth. B210. Adler, F., Ethical value of recreation. B 123.5. Moral instruction. B123. Adolescence. B120. Aeronautics for boys. Wertheim. B215.2. Affiliation of church clubs and Y. M. C. A. B210.2. Age limit. B211.4. Agenda. B219.1. Agricultural education for delinquent boys. Ward. B420. Agriculture club. Hill. B215.2. Albee, J., Confessions of boyhood. B120.1. Alden, F. H., Business employment. B122.1. Aldrich, T. B., Story of a bad boy. B120.1. Alexander, J. L., Boy and the Sunday school. B123.1. Boy scouts. B240.1. Boy training. B120. 136 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Extension in boys' work in camp. 6217.3. Knights of King Arthur in Y, M. C. A. B220.2. Manual training in Y. M. C. A. B215. ■ Secondary division. B123.1. Sunday school and the teens. B123.1. Sunday school and Y. M. C. A. equipment. B210.2. • ed., Teens and rural Sunday school. B123.1. Work with boys at Philadelphia. B211. Alexander, W. M., "Aloha club" of Oakland. B230. i Allen, E. B., Home and relation to church. B 123.2. ] Allen, E. K., Religious life of boys. B123.1. ■ Allen, Mrs. M. Wood, Almost a man. 6123,6. \ Allinson, T. W., Concerning boys' clubs. B230. i American standard program. B210.6. j American Youth. B210. i Amusements. B 123.5. ! Christianity and. Edwards. B214.1. Anderson, R. P., Boys' clubs for churches. B220. i Anderson, W. G., Boys' club at Chautauqua, N. Y. B230. Anderson, W. L., Study of rural youth in teen age. B 129.4. j Angell, E. D., Play. B310. ■ Animal protective league. Westcott. B123. ! Aplin, S. S., Boy scouts of Utica. B240.1. Arkansas, Policy outline of Boys' Work in. Garrison. B210.3. ; Armstrong, D. W., Worcester boys' club. B230. I Arnold, Dr., as a worker with boys. Porter. B211.5. ] Arnot, E. J., Country boys' relay race. B129.4; B217.1. | Coimty boys* conference. B210.1; B129.4. | Ascension school of agriculture. Lund. B320. \ Athletic leagues. B217.1. ; Athletic meets. B217.1. i Athletic tests. B217.1. \ Athletics for boys. B217.1. i Athletics. Boys' club, B217.1; Y. M. C. A. B217.1. Athletics, Clean. McCormack. B219.1. j Atkinson, C. J., Self government for boy^. B215.2. i Self government in boys' clubs. B215.2; B230.3. 1 ^Z7 \ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE \ Attrid&e, J. J., Boys who have "made good." B120. i Atwater, G. p., Camping tour. B217.3. | Australia, Schoolboys in. Haslett. B219.1. \ Ayres, L. p., Laggards in our schools. B122. | Babcock, W. H., Association and country boy. B219.4. j Backward children. Hart. B410. i Backward children, Capacity among. Miner. B122. I Backward children, Laggards in schools. Ayres. B122. j Backward school children, What is to become of our? Lincoln. ; B217. \ Bad boy in war time. B410. | Baden-Powell, see Powell, Baden-. ;' Bagley, W. C., Morality and religion and development. B123. I Bailey, C. S., Curing tomorrow's criminals. B410. j For the story teller. B800. j Bailey, W. B., Need of the growing man. B120. j Baker, B. N., Morals by graphic methods. B123. \ Baker, G. C, Indoor games and socials. B216. j Baker, H. T., Rooms and effect on boys. B2io,5. ] Balch, B., Amateur circus life. B217.1. \ Baldwin, B. T., Boy of high school age, B123. ' Baldwin, J. M., Mental development in child and race. Brio. j Ball, W. H., Religious possibilities of gymnasium. B2i7,i. I Swimming for camps. B217.3. ] Ballantine, W. G., How to teach life of Jesus. B214.1. i Teaching a Sunday school class. B214.1. ) Balliet, T. M., Instincts and education. B122. j Balo, R. a., Typical boys' group. B210. j Bancroft, J. H., "Games" for playground, home, etc. B216; I B310. j Barden, a., Plays for boys. B216. '\ Barker, P. L.j Farm boys and fortune in cit5^ B 129.4. \ Barnes, C. W., Relation of moral and religious training. B123, \ Barney, C. N., Worth of boys' club to city. B230. Barrows, S. J., Reducing our prison population. B410. ,' Bartlett, G. G., Church boys' clubs. B220. , Bascom, H. W., Newton boys' glee club. B216, \ 13S ^ INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bashfulness, Showing off and. Hall and Smith. B120. Basket ball. B217.1. Batchelor, W. C, Sex instruction. B 123.6. Bates, W. C, Boys* club and school. B230.4. Baxter, R. M., Books for boys. B800. Beard, D. C, Shelters, shacks, and shanties. B217.3. Beck, F. O., Marching manward. B120. Becket, Camp. Gibson. B217.3. Becket, Scouting at Camp. Gibson. B240.1. Beede, V. v., Social settlement boys' club. B230.I. Bellamy, G. A., Settlement movement and possibilities. B320. Benedict, L., Waifs of the slums and their way out. B320. Benner, E. A., Country school and camp for city boys. B217.3. Bennett, E. C, Juvenile court of Denver. B410. Bergen, C. M., Relation of play to juvenile delinquency. B123.5; B410. Berkowitz, H., Right of child to education. B122. Bernheimer, C. S. and Cohen, J. M., Boys* clubs. B230. Bible among school boys, Use of. B219.1. Bible courses. B214.1. Bible in school plans. Crafts. B219.1. Bible school and Association. B210.2. Bible schools. See Sunday schools. Bible study at boys' camps. Gibson. B217.3. Bible study, Camp. McLain. B217.3. Bible study. B214.1. Bibliographies of books. B800. Bibliographies of camps. B217.3. Bibliographies of street boys' clubs. B 129.3. Big brother movement. B410. BiGELOW, M. A., Sex instruction. B 123.6. Billiards and pool for boys. B216. Binder, R. M., Home as social center. B 123.2. Biographies of boy life. B120.1. Bishop, C. R., Boys of Western Canada and Y. M. C. A. B210, Bisseker, H., When a boy becomes a man. B 123.6. BiviN, G. D., "Wild Indians" of Buffalo. B216. 139 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE BjoRKMAN, F. M., Children's court in American life. B410. Blackford, K. and Blackford, N. A., Analyzing character. B122.1. Job, the man, the boss. B122.1. Blaikie, W., How to get strong. B217. Blood pressure, Adolescent changes in. McCurdy. B121. Bloomfield, M., Boys' club and vocational work. B122.1. Jewish boy and his home. B129. Readings in vocational guidance. B122.1. Teacher as a vocational adviser. B 12 2.1. and others, Training in citizenship. B 123.3. , Wentworth, L. F., Vocational counselor. B320. Youth, school, and vocations. B122.1. Blumberg, B., Old boy problem. B129. Blyth, J. A., Drama and the Y. M. C. A. B216. Boardman, J. R., Y. M. C. A. and high school boy. B2104; B219.1. County work with boys. B219.4. BoLAND, G., Taking a dare. B120. Bolton, S. K., Poor boys who became famous. B120.1. BooRMAN, W. R., Live wire club for employed boys. B219.2, Bonser, F. G., Chums. B124.1. Book, W. F., Why pupils drop out of high school. B122; B.129.1. Books for boys. B800. Books for boys and workers among boys. B800. BooKWALTER, A. G., Education of employed boys in Germany. B129.2. Booth, A. O., Bent iron club. B215.2. BosARD, W. R., Manual training in Knights of King Arthur. B220.2. Experiences with boys in a lumber town. B120.1. Boston, Cooperation in. Gates. B210.2. Boston, Settlement study in. Woods. B320. Bosworth, E. I., Call for character. B123. Bourne, O. E., Banjo, mandolin and guitar club. B216. Church polo league. B217.1. 140 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY ! BoviLLE, R. G., Summer Bible schools for children. B123.1. ] BowEN, J. T. Mrs., Moving pictures in life of child. B 123.5. '■ BowEN, L., Boys and lock-ups. B410. ! Safeguards for city youth. B320. BowNE, J. T., Bibliography of boy life. Bioo. Boy and his father. B 123.2. Boy cabinet. B211. Boy choirs. B216. ' Boy leisure. B310. | Boy life and character. B120. ! Boy mayor and staff run camp. B217.3. 1 Boy or the books. B210.3. j Boy organization. B200. Boy policemen. Porter. B410. * Boy problem. B120. 3 Boy scout camp. Horton. B217.3. j Boy scout movement at its best. B240.1. .1 Boy scouts. B240.1. j Boy speakers at boys' meetings. B214.2. j Boy with a vision. B 129.4. \ Boys and the cigarette cure. B 123.7. \ Boys' brigade. B220.1. j Boys' club and an Association. Rutledge. B230. ' Boys' clubs. B230. i Athletics and gymnastics. B217.1. | Business management. B230.2. ; Educational work. B230.4. j History. B230.9. ] Organization. B230.1. j Social work. B216. j Boys* clubs and boys' department (Y. M. C. A.). B210.2. I Boys' clubs and Y. M. C. A. Chew. B230. i Boys' clubs for churches. B220. i Boys' clubs prevent crime and loafing. B230.3. | "Boys' day" in Sunday school. Smith. B123.1. Boys' department (Y. M. C. A.). B210. \ Buildings. B210.5. ; 141 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Business management. B212. By-laws. B211.1. Educational work. B215. History. B210.9. Managers. B211.2. Membership. B2 1 1 .4. Organization. B2 1 1 . Physical work. B217. Policy. B210.3. Relationships. B210.2. Religious work. B214. Social work. B216. Boys' department (Y. M. C. A.), Do the boy scouts compete \ with? Robinson. B240.1. j Boys' home training. B123.2. j Boys' hotel in Kansas City. B320. \ Boys* industrial association. Gibbons. B320. j Boys' industrial league. Mitchell. B230. ' Boys' reading room. B210.5. s Boys' standard program committee. American standard pro- ; gram for boys. B210.6. i Boys* viewpoint. B120. \ Boys' work secretaries. B211.5. l Boys* work secretary with boys. B211.5. \ Boys* working reserve, U. S. Hall. B210. ^ \ Brace, C. L., Homeless boys. B129.3. j Brainard, C. G., New education for country boy. B 129.4. ' Brainbridge, j., Summer headquarters for boys. B210.5. ! Bray, R. A., Boy labor. B122.1. ; Breckenridge, S. and Abbott, E., Delinquent child and the home. B420. ! Brick church institute. Taylor. B123.1. \ Brick church institute, Character making in. Taylor. B123.1. "Brigade Boy." B220.1. i Briggs, R. a.. System in boys* clubs. B230.2. i Brigham, L., Camps boys have made themselves. B217.3. ' Brine, J. B., Boys' summer camps. B217.3. | 142 ! INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Brittain, H. L., Study In imagination. Biio. Brockman, F. S., Moral and religious life of students. B123.6. Brooke, P. R., Manual training for Association boys. B215. - Brooks, M. G., Appeal of work with boys. B210. Brotherhood of David. Forbush. B230.1. Brown, A. W., Municipal athletics. B217.1. Brown, C. R., Man and the boy. B 123.2. Brown, E. E., Making of our middle schools.' B122. Brown, E. G., Development of character in boyhood. B123. Sanitary care of boys' camp. B217.3. Brown, E. S., Physical work. B217. Brown, H. A., Efficient education for country boy. B120.4. Brown, H. W., Wantonit club. B230. Brown, J., Athletic evils in rural communities. B217. Place to swim in every community. B129.4; B217. Brown, J., Jr., Outdoor athletic test. B217.1. Brown, J. F., American high school. B122. Brown, L. E., Self government for Association boys. B211.1. Working boy and relation to outside world. B129.2. Year of boys* industrial association. B230. Brown, L. R., Life work conference. B122.1. Life work conference of high school boys. B219.1. Brown, M. K., Sons of the Kingdom. B220. Browne, T. J., Clan or gang instinct in boys. Bi24.i. Bruce, H. A., Boy who goes wrong. B410. Bruere, R. W., Giving the boys a chance. B120. Newsboys' labor union and college. B 129.2. Physiological age and child labor. B121. Bryant, S. C, How to tell stories to children. B800. Buck, F., Every child at the school door. B122. Buck, W., Boys' self governing clubs. B230. Boys' volimtary clubs or societies. B230. BucKELEW, F. R., Nickel fiction. B800. Buckner, C. E., Working with truants, delinquents. B410. BuDD, G. S., Boy who earns his living. B129.2. BuELL, L. E., State boys' secretary worth his salt? B211.5. Buffalo, Boys' work in. Rich. B210. 143 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Buffalo, Probation court in. Adams. B410. i Buildings, Y. M. C. A. B210.5. j Bullying, Teasing and. Burk. B120. ^ Bunker, M. N., Physical training. B217. BuRDETTE, R. J., and others. Before he is twenty. B123. j BuRDicK, W., Loyalty in municipal athletics. B217.1. | Burger, W. H., Book list. Hour glass club. B211.5. ] Boys' rooms in Association buildings. B210.5. ■ Hour glass club. B211.5. ] Older boys' Bible class teachers in N. Y. B214.1. | Burgess, W., Child's right to sex education. B123.6. \ Burk, C. F., Collecting instinct. B120. ] Burk, F. L., Teasing and bullying. B120. | BuRKHiTE, C, List of books for boys. B800. I Burlesque theater closed. B219.1. j BuRNHAM, W. H., Problems of child hygiene. B217. \ Scientific study of children. Biio. l Study of adolescence. B120. i Burns, A. F., Playgrounds and delinquency. B 123.5; B410. \ Burr, H. M., Boy as an idealist. B123. -) Calling of Boyman. B123.1. I Donald McCrea. B120. j Everyboy. B120. i Religious side of adolescent boyhood. B123.1. | Studies in adolescent boyhood. B120. I Burrows, A. S., United Boys' Brigade. B220.1. | Burt, H. F., Children's church. B123.1. ] How to start a boys* camp. B217.3. | Settlement boys' club and the home. B230. j BusHNELL, H., Christian nurture. B123.1. ; Business management. Boys' club. B230.2 ; Y. M. C. A. B212. i Butler, T. J., What Catholics are doing for boys. B220.3. BuTTENWiESER, E. C, Obstinate child. B120. j Butterfield, C. a., Why boys* clubs are necessary. B230. j By-laws. Y. M. C. A. B211.1. j Cabot, E. L., Children's reading and training character. B800. j 144 > i INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Conquest of children's faults. B123. and others. Course In citizenship. B 123.3. Cabot, R. C, Consecration of the affections. B 123.6. Calkins, R., Playgrounds, a municipal enterprise. B310. Camera clubs. B215.2. Cameron, E. C, Student movement in high schools. B219.1. Campbell, A., Helping a boy find his vocational niche. B122.1. Boy you are worrying about. B120. Campbell, R. B., Psychology of scouting. B240.1. Camp cookery. Kephart. B217.3. Camp management and problems. B217.3. Camp reunions. B217.3. Campaign of friendship. B219.1. Camping as a science. B217.3. Camps. B217.3. Camps, Bible study at boys'. Gibson. B217.3. Camps, State. Hammerstein. B217.3. Camps, State. Ritchie. B217.3. Canadian boy builder. B2 10.61. Canadian standard efiSciency tests. B2 10.61. Canfield, J. H., Y. M. C. A. and welfare of boys. B210. Canoe building. Boys' class in. Jessop. B215.2. "Captains of ten." Mackintire. B220. Carey, A. A., Scout law in practice. B240.1. Carleton, H., Church and the boy. B123.1. Carpenter, M., Juvenile delinquents. B410. Carr, J. W., Moral education through public schools. B123. Carrigan, T. C, Law and American child. B310. Carus, p., Our children. B123.2. "Catch as catch can." B215. Catholic, see Roman Catholic. Cave, E., Boys' camp book. B217.3. Chamberlain, A., Child. Study in evolution of man. Biio. Group instinct and relation to work in street boys' dubs. B124.1; B230. Chamberlain, G. D., Boys' clubs as investment. B230. Boys' clubs, growth and mission. B230.9. 14s BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Boys' exposition. B230.4. Federated boys' clubs and mission. B230. Relation of boys' clubs to playgrounds. B230. Social adventures of boys' clubs. B216. Summer camps. B217.3. Chambers, W. G., Why children play. Biio. j Chandler, A. D., Boy culture. B320. 1 Chandler, A. L., Affiliated church club idea. B210.2. 1 Chandler, E. H., Moving picture show and child. B123.5. \ Chapin, W. H., Boys* conference at Lake George. B210.1. j How to start a Y. M. C. A. boys' dept. B2ii. | Organization in boys' department. B211. ] Chapman, B. B., Dangers and problems in Y. M. C. A. boys' | work. B210. Chapman, E. S., Particeps criminis. B123.7, \ Character, Analyzing. Blackford. B122.1. ' Character through recreation. Young. B 123.5. < Character training. B123. \ Charities and Commons. B300. j "Charities and Corrections." B300; B400. \ Charlton industrial farm school. Marx. B320. \ Chase, J. H., Street games for New York children. B129.3. I Chautauqua farm boys* camp. Hansen. B217.3. \ Chautauqua, N. Y., boys' club. Anderson. B230. ■ Cheley, F. H., Adventures of a prodigal father. B120. , Big brother investment. B410. \ Camping with Henry. B217.3. \ Prepared or unprepared? B120. ' \ Told by the camp fire. B217.3. War and the boys in My- town. B210.6. j and Baker, G. C, Camp and outing activities. B217.3. \ Chesley, a. M., Conduct of great amateur show. B217. j Social activities for men and boys. B216. j Use of the swimming pool. B217.1. j Chesley, B. H. and Chesley, A. M., Mission study for older \ boys. B214.3. I Chew, T., Boys' clubs as conservators of boys. B230. j 146 I INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Boys' clubs reaching the entire family. B230. Character making on the street. B123; B 129.3. Church and the boy. B123.1. Cooperation of boys' clubs and Y. M. C. A. B210.2: B230. Field and work of street boys' clubs. B230. Large city boys' club. B230. Need of supervision in boys' club work. B230. Report of Federated boys' clubs. B230. Streets as playgrounds. B310. Twenty years' experience in boys' club work. B230.9. Visit among some street boys' clubs. B230. What shall we do with older boys? B230. Child labor. B320.2. Child labor laws and street trades. B 129.2; B320.2. Child study. Biio. Child welfare. B300; B310. Children's courts in United States. B410. Children's reading. B800. Chinese boys, Social service among. Clark. B219. Chinese inner circle. B219.1. Chrisman, 0., Relation of home and wayward child. B410. Christian student movement in high schools. B219.1. Church, Boy scout movement applied to the. Richardson. B240.1. Church boys' clubs. B220. Church, Children's. Burt. B123.1. Church gymnasium. McCormick. B217.1. Church polo league. Bourne. B217.1. Church, Scouts and the. Elmer. B240.1. Church work with boys. B220; B123.1. Church and boys' department (Y. M. C. A.). B210.2. Church and child protection. Hoben. B320. Church and young man's game. Milnes. B217. Cigarette smoking among boys. B123.7. Cigarettes and football. B219.1. Cigarettes and the boy. B123.7. 147 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Cigarettes versus scholarship. B219.1. Circus, Amateur. Balch. B217.1. Citizenship. B 123.3. Civic clubs. B215.2. Civics. Boys' clubs. B230.3. Clancy, J. V., Boys' order of Knighthood. B220.2. Clark, D. W., American child and Moloch of today. B320.2. Clark, J. C, Boys' camp in China. B217.3. Social service among Chinese boys. B219. Clark, K. U., Bringing up of boys. B123.2. Clark, W. A., Handicraft in character building. B230.4. Helping boys by the social settlement plan. B320. Classes, Y. M. C. A. B215.2. Classes of boys, special. B129; B219. Claxton, p. p.. Boy in the high school age. B219.1. Clean living slogan. B219.1. Clean-up campaigns. B219.1. Cleveland, Boys' club in. McClure. B230. Cleveland boys' exhibition. Crackel. B215. Cleveland, Boys* work in. Crackel. B210. Cleveland in life saving business. Howe. B410. Cleveland rough riders. Crackel. B217.2. Cleveland's come clean campaign. Hamilton. B219.1. Clinton no-crib, no copy campaign. B219.1. Clopper, E. N., Child labor in the city streets. B320.2. Clubbing the boy. B230. Clubs, Camera. B215.2. Clubs, Fencing. B217.1. Clubs, Glee. B216. Clubs, High school. B219.1. ^ Clubs, Small in boys' department. Robinson. B216. Clubs, Stamp. B215.2. Clubs, Y. M. C. A. B215.2. CocHLEY, H. L., Requirements of Bible study. B214.1. Coe, G. a., Education in religion and morals. B123. Gang instinct and boys' religious life. B123.1; B124.1. Social theory of religious education. B123.1. 148 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Virtue and the virtues. B123. Y. M. C. A. and work for boys. B210. COFFEEN, E. L., Activities of delinquent boys. B410. ij Coffin nails. A talk regarding cigarettes. B 123.7. ] Cole, R. J., Helpful books for boys' secretaries. B2H.5. ■; Collecting instinct. Burk. B120. i College students as camp leaders. B217.3. j Colored boys, see Negro boys. I CoLTON, E. T., Boys of the Non-Christian world. B214.3. ' Boys' work in the Orient. B214.3. j What is a missionary call? B214.3. '] Columbia Park boys' club. Peixotto. B230. ] Come clean campaigns. B219.1. Commercial work. Stevens. B122.1. Committees, Y. M. C. A. B211.3. Community boys' work conference. B210.4. J Community work. Y. M. C. A. B210.4. 1 Comstock, a., Traps for the young. B320. , Vice and its bearings on morals of young. B123. ] Comstock, C, Country playground. B 129.4; B310. 1 Conferences, High school. B219.1. '. Conferences, Y. M. C. A. B210.1. \ Conklin, E. S., Psychology of young manhood. B120. i Constitution for high school club. B219.1. ' Conwell, J. A., Manhood's morning. B123.6. Cook, D. C, Gospel for boys. B123.1. i Cook, J. W., Questions for institute on boys' work. B210.1. : Cooke, R. W., Rural Y. M. C. A. and its problems. B219.4. { Cooley, C. C, City and the boys. B320. \ Cooper, W. K., Religious work for boys. B214. \ Cooperative buying for camps. B217.3. j Cope, H. F., Character training of high school boy. B123. J Expression of a boy's religion. B123.1. ' CoPELAND, H., Club run by boys. B230. j Corn growing contests. B 129.4. j Corn growing instinct. B 129.4. | Correction. B400. j ^9 I BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Correctional homes. B420. Cotton, A. N., Challenging high school boys. B219.1. Fall drive in work with high school boys. B219.1. Five "C's" campaign. B210.1. High school boys at camp. B217.3; B219.1. High school equipment, the Associations' opportunity. B219.1. How to start high school work. B219.1. Last chance with high school boys. B122.1; B219.1. School boy preparedness. B219.1. Sex hygiene for high school boys. B 123.6. Springtime work with high school boys. B219.1. Standardizing high school work. B219.1. Sustained campaign of evangelism among high school boys. B219.1. War emergency emphasis. B219.1. J Coulter, E. K., Big brother movement. B410. \ — Children's courts. B410. | Country boys. B 129.4; B219.4. ^ Country boy in camp. B 129.4; B217.3. ] Country boy in the city. B 129.4. I Country boy, Boy scouts and the. Curtis. B240.1. | Country lad's first city impression. B 129.4. t County camp for boys and girls. B217.3; B219.4. ■) County work in its approach to country boy. B219.4. j Course in camping. B217.3. ] Courts, Juvenile. B410. CowGiLL, F. B., How the boy was lost. B123.1. \ Cox, O. L., Viewpoint. B210. 1 Crackel, M. D. and Zechar, S., Boys' work in Cleveland. B210. < Cleveland boys' exposition. B215. ;, Cleveland rough riders. B217.2. \ Father and Son movement. B123.2. j Individual sex instruction. B 123.6. \ and FoRBUSH, W. B., Periodicals for boys. B800. ] Reflation of group instinct to Associations and settle- j ments. B124.1; B320. < 150 i INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Self operative discipline in camp. B217.3. Separate building for boys. B210.5. Standard tests for boys. B210.6. Sunday in camp. B217.3. Crafts, W. F., Bible in school plans. B214.1; B219.1. Craigie, M. E., Books for boys' camps. B800. What public libraries might do for boys. B800. Crampton, C. W., Applied ideals in work with boys. B200. Crissey, F., Country boy. B129.4. Cronie, W. J., Youth and the marathon. B217.1. Crosby, F. A., Adapting community boys' work to cosmopol- itan centers. B210.4. Boy and missions. B214.3. Boy scouts and the Sunday school. B240.1. Home, a club for boys. B123.2. Inter-church work with boys. B210.2. Older boys' camera club. B215.2. Original conception of institutional boys' work. B210.4. Relation of summer activities of the Association to year round work with boys. B217.2. Strategic opportunities of Spring. B210. ■ Transformation of a gang. B124.1; B217.1. Whirlwind financial campaign for boys. B212. Cruelty to children, Prevention of. B320.1. Crummy, R. S., About the newsboys' home of New York City. B129.2. CuDLiPP, J. H., Ideals. B123. CuLLONS, A., Reaching boys in small groups without equip- ment. B210.4. Culver, W. H., Pastor and the boy. B123.1. Cunningham, C. F., Y. M. C. A. summer camps for boys. B217.3. Curtis, F. S., Years of experience in educating boys in the hygiene of sex. B 123.6. Curtis, H. S., Boy scouts. Salvation of village boy. B240.1. Practical conduct of play. B310. School camps. B320. "Cussing as a fine art." B219.1. 151 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Daggett, CM., Practical talks. B215.3. Dahlgren, C. F., Forward step in boys' work. B214. Dallas, J. T., How boys will lead. B214.2. Danger in sex instruction. B123.6. Davey, J. J., Boy Christians. Bible study for three months. B214.1. David, Brotherhood of. Forbush. B230.1. Da VIES, J. W., Children and church worship. B123.1. Parent's class for study of boy. B123.1. Davis, J. B., Moral situation in high schools. B129.1. Vocational and moral guidance. B122.1. Davis, O. S., Endeavor movement and the boy. B220. Study of one dime novel. B800. Davis, P., Newer ideas of work among boys. B219.2. Davis, W. H., Books of the Bible. B214.1. Making the Bible interesting to boys. B214.1. Davison, W. B., Bible study for employed boys. B2 14. i ; B2 19.2. Dawson, G. E. and others. Boy's reHgion. B123.1. Children's interest in the Bible. B123.1. Child's rights. Biio. Child's self-expression and religious education. B123.1. Study in youthful degeneracy. B123.9. Day, G. E., Maiden's boys' military choir. B216. Day, W. E., Gymnasium clothing for boys. B217.1. Dealing with runaways. B410. Dean, A. D., Boy of tomorrow. B120. ■ — Educational work for employed boys. B129.2. Debates, Y. M. C. A. B215.4. Defective homes. B410. Defective homes and juvenile delinquency. B410. Degeneracy. B 123.9. DeLacey, W. H., Juvenile courts and good citizenship. B410. Delinquency, Juvenile. B410. Delinquent children, Care of. Folks. B320. Denison, E. F., Growing boys' work of Omaha. B210. Denominational brotherhoods pushing boys' work. B220. Denver juvenile court. B410. 152 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Denver, One year's work at. Kjnight. B210. j Department store occupations. O'Leary, I. P. B122.1. Derrick, C, Self-government. B420. ' Destitute children, Care of. B320. ; Detroit, Boys' safety first exposition of. Foster. B215. ' Detroit survey of boyhood. Studer. B210. j Development of Boys' Work in America. B210.9. j Dewey, J., Moral principles in education. B123. i Dewey, J. and Dewey, E., Schools of tomorrow. B122. j DiACK, W. T., Educational work for boys. B215. I Older boys' meetings. B214.2. Dickinson, G. A., Your boy, his nature and nurture. B120. I Dike, S. W., Church and religious training in the rural home. i B123.1. I Home as a factor in social work. B 123.2. Dills, D. R., Successful form of self-government. B420. ! Dime novel. Davis. B800. i Discipline. Perry. B122. ] District community work. B210.4. DoDSON, G. R., Sex education in the home. B123.6. ) Doggett, L. L., Boys' secretaryship as a life work. B211.5. ; Materials and methods for religious education among j young men and boys. B214.1. i Pedagogy of adolescence. B120. [ Donald, McRea, Burr, H. M. B120. Dorr, R. C, Another chance for the bad boy. B410. | Drake, L. D., Juvenile delinquency and treatment. B410. Drama for boys. B216. Dramatics. B216. j Drew, D. C, Bay State boys and community life. B129.4. ^ Drummond, H., Manliness in boys. B220.1. ; Drummond. W. B., Introduction to child study. Biio. ' Child, his nature and nurture. Biio. ', DucKLES, F. M., Children's clubs and probation. B410. j Dudley, S. F., Development of Boys' Work in America. B210.9. -j Dunn, L. W., What State boys' conference means to the church, B210.1. I 133 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Dunn, R., Games of the city street boys. B 129.3. | DuRRELL, Camp. Gibson. B217.3. ] DuRRELL, Scouting at Camp. Gibson. B240.1. \ DwiGHT, H. C, Menace of street trading by children. B 129.2. j :i Early work for boys at Salem, Mass. B210.9. ' Earp, E. L., Farm boy as a citizen. B 129.4. Eastwood, W. F., Manual training for boys' clubs, B230.4. \ Eddy, G. S., Temptation and how to meet it. B123. I Education. B122. ^^ Educational reports. B122. j Educational work. Boys' club. B230.4; Y. M. C. A. B215. ] Edwards, R. H., Christianity and amusements. B214.1. ' Efficiency, Study in adolescent. McCurdy. B121. j Efficiency tests. B210.6. j Efficiency test for boys. B210. j Ehnes, M. a., Selected list of missionary books. B214.3. ■' Election day outing. B217.2. ' Electricity for boys. Goodsell. B215.2. | Eliot, C. W., Appreciation of farm boy. B 129.4. i Eliot, T. D., Juvenile court and community. B410. ! Ellis, C, Young America in camp. B217.3. Ellis, E. H., Recent development of work with boys. B210. > Ellis, G. H., Fetichism in children. B123.1. i Elmer, F. D., Community coordination through boy scouts, j B240.1. 5 Scouts and the church. B240.1. I Emotional life, Child's. Suzzallo. Biio. ; Employed boys. B 129.2. | Employed boys and Y. M. C. A. B219.2. . Employers. B 123.4. i England, Boy scout movement in. Moffatt. B240.1. \ Entertainments. B216. 1 Ernst, C. F., Caddy scheme as solution of summer problem. \ B310. j Place of industrial work in boys' clubs. B230.4. j Esher, F. N., Annual parents' meeting. B210. | 154 ] INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY ' Ethics. B124.2; B123. Ethics of amusements. B 123.5. Evangelism, Campaign of. Cotton. B219.1. ' Evangelism, School. MiUer. B219.1. Evans, E. G. and Dewson, M. W., Feeble mindedness and j juvenile delinquency. B410. I Exercises at boys' meetings. B214.2. \ Exhibitions, Educational. B215; B2304. j ExNER, M. J., Sex instruction and the high school age. ; B123.6. j Sex instruction literature for men and boys. B 123.6. j Extension work, Y. M. C. A. B210.4. \ Fagans, p. D., Greatest need of employed boy. B219.2. | Handling a boys' camp. B217.3. j Indian idea in boys' camp. B217.3. j Work for intermediates. B210. j Fall River, Boys' work in. Harter. B230. ■ Fallows, A. K., Fair play for wayward children. B410. \ — Temptations to be good. B 129.3. 1 Family. B 123.2. | Family relations. B 123.2. I Paris, J., Making good. B123. j Farley, G. L., Public school and boys' club. B230. \ Farm boys' council, County. Judd. B219.4. \ Farm boys, see Country boys. I Farnham, I. H., Habit of saving in boys. B123.8. ' Farwell, H. C, Play and games for boys. B217.1. :: Fathers and sons. B 123.2. i Father's debt to his boy. B 123.2. 1 Federated boys' clubs. B230. I Feebleminded boys and crime. Schlapp. B410. i Feeblemindedness and juvenile delinquency. Evans. B410. \ Fencing clubs. B217.1. j Ferris, A. B., Boys' summer school. B215.2. ^ Fessenden, E. M., Story and the boy. B800, ! Fetichism in children. Ellis. B123.1, | BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE j Field, L. H., Physical activities of the grammar school boys. : B217.1. j Finances in boys' department. B212. ! Find yourself campaign. Robinson. B210. ; Fisher, G. J., Brookljm church athletic league. B217.1. : Sunday school athletic league. B217.1. j Fisher, I. and Fisk, E. L., How to live. B217. j FisKE, G. A., Prolonging period of adolescence. B219.2. j FiSKE, G. W., Boy life and self government. B120. ) Work and growth of Pilgrim Fraternity. B220. ^ FiTTS, A. E., How can we develop consciousness of God in i youth? B123.1. j Fletcher, H., That last waif, or social quarantine. B320. ^ Flexner, B., Juvenile court laws. B410. | Flood, I. P., Way Poughkeepsie boys raise money. B212. i Floody, R. j., Worcester's garden city. B200. \ Flynn, R. L., Boy's fencing club. B217.1. | Campaign of friendship at Kansas City. B219.1. 1 Kansas City clean. B219.1. j FOLKS, H., Care of destitute, neglected, delinquent children, j B320. i FoLsoM, J. K., Scientific play world of child. Biio. | Following up the camps. B217.3. 1 Football, Cigarettes and. B219.1. ' Football schedule. B219.1. j FoRBUSH, W. B., Art of being a Godparent. B120. Best Sunday school material for boys. B214.1. i Bible study by the travel method. B214.1. ^ Books and firelight and children's faces. B800. i Books on boys and work with them. B120; B211.5. I Boy problem. Study in social pedagogy. B120. 1 — Boy problem in the home. B 123.2. | Boys' clubs. B230. j Boy's religion. B123.1. 1 and Masseck, F. L., Boys' round table. B220.2. :i — Brotherhood of David. B230.1. | ■— Church work with boys. B123.1, J ■I INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Clubs for street boys. B230. Coming generation. Biio. Directory of social work with boys. B200. Education of princes. B120. Entertainments for boys. B216. Family camps. B217.3. Grading small boys' clubs. B230. Grand Rapids evening press and newsboys. B 129.2. and others. Guide book to childhood. Biio. Helpful finding list in selecting books for boys. B800. — Helping boys in the church. B220. Helping boys to their vocations. B122.1. How to live outdoors with boys. B217.3. Knights of King Arthur. B220.2 . Manual of stories. B800. Study of conditions of Christian endeavors. B220. and others. Recent studies in boys' reading. B800. — Report on a street boys' club. B230. History of a street boys* club movement. B230. Social pedagogy of boyhood. B124. Some studies of boys' tastes in reading. B800. Study of some boys together. B120. Sunday school teaching of boys. B123.1. Ten years' work with boys. B230. Ford, H., Case of Kttle white slaver. B123.7. Foreign boy. Rindge. B219. FoRGiE, A. W., Boys' arts and crafts exhibition. B215. "Forward step." B214. Foss, M. I., Athletics adapted for boys of different ages. B217.1. Physical efficiency test for boys. B217.1. Foster, E. C, After decision — what? B123.1. At the forks of the road. B123.1. Better than a fortune. B 123.6. Boy and the church. B123.1. Boys' "safety first" exposition. B215. Efficiency tests for boys. B210.6. His fight. B 123.6. ^ 157 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE ] Interesting if true — is it? B211.5. j Intermediate department. B123.1. i Making life count. B120. j Patriotic service league. B210. Problems of intermediate and senior teacher. B123.I. ■ • Standard efficiency tests. B210.6. ' t Starting to teach. B123.1. ] Foster, T., Making men. B217.3. '; Fowler, J. A., Manual of mental science, or childhood. Biio. j Fowler, N. C, Boy; how to help him succeed. B122.1. * How to get and keep a job. B122.1. i Starting in life. B122.1. j Fox, H. F., Child saving agencies and the home. B310. j Fox, H. S., Knights of King Arthur and church. B220.2. I Fraternities, Character making in. Masseck. B123. ; French, L. H., Saving boys from crime. B410. I Fresh methods for work for boys. B200. j Fry, W. W., Association and boys who work. B219.2. j Our present need in work with boys. B210. | Fryer, E. M., Boy hero. B120.1. I Fruh, M. a., Portland boys' club. B230. \ Furniture, Y. M. C. A. B210.5. j Galpin, F. F., Normal religion of a boy. B123.1. I Games, Athletic. B217.1. ] Games, Indoor. B216. S Games, Playground. B310. Gammons, C. A., Day at camp. B217.3. < Gang and juvenile crime. Lindsey. B410. Gang, Boy and his. Puffer. B120. j Gangs, B124.1. | Garden city, Worcester's. Floody. B200. j Gardens for school boys. Knight. B310. I Gardner, C. S., Right of child to education. B122. Gardner, W. E., Program for life of the child. B123.1. ; Garham, j. E., Boy problem and court. B410. \ 158 l INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Garrison, F. A., and McDonald, L. L., Policy outline for institutional Boys' Work. B210.3. Gaston, L. P., Anti-cigarette cause. B 123.7. Gates, C. L. and Moorman, C. H., Constitution for Institu- tional boys' work. B211.1. Gates, D. S., Cooperation in Boston. B210.2. Temptations of a community boys' secretary. B210.4. Gates, W. A., Training the incorrigible. B410. Gear, H. W., Nicetown club. B230. Genius and stupidity. Terman. B122. George Junior Republic. B420. George, W. R. and Stowe, L. B., Citizens made and remade. B420. Get acquainted week. B2 19. i . Gibbons, W. T., Boys' industrial Association. B320. Gibson, E. J., Boys' clubs and their influence for good. B230. Gibson, H. W., Bible study at boys' camps. B217.3. Boy and the pool table. B 123.5. Boyology. B120. Camp Bible studies. B214.1. Camping as a character maker. B217.3. Camping for boys. B217.3. Camps Durrell and Becket. B217.3. Church membership and boys. B123.1. County boys' conferences. B 129.4; B210.1. Five minutes a day. B214.1. Getting boys to decide in religious meetings. B214.2. Paid worker. B211.5. Personal efficiency of boys' secretary. B211.5. Phi Alpha Pi Fraternity. B216. Principles and ideals in operating boys' camp. B217.3. Scouting at camps Durrell and Becket. B240.1. Services of worship for boys. B214.2. Twenty-five years of organized boys' work, Mass. and R.I. B210.9. Y. M. C. A. and the home. B219.2. Gignilliat, R. L., Education of boys by military method. B122. 159 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE I I Gilbert, J. A., Lung development in child. B217. j GiLKEY, C. W., Boy's creed. B123.1. ,] High school problem. B129.1; B219.1. ' What can church do in work with boys? B123.1. i Youth harnessed to a worthy enterprise, B210. i Giving invitation in boys' meeting. B214.2. | Glee clubs. B216. ] Gold, G. D., Psychology of boy in country. B 129.4. I Psychology of country boy. B 129.4. Goodman, F. S., Bible study for boys. B214.1. \ Survey of church Bible classes for boys. B214.1. ■ What Is feasible in cooperation? B210.2. ; Goodrich, C. F., What shall we do for our boys? B120. j Goodrich, L. B., How to start a manual training club. B230.4. '' GooDSELL, C. G., Electricity for boys. B215.2. ] "Goodwill" boys. B120.1. Goodwill home. B320. j Gordon, B. E., Woodcraft in boys' summer camp. B217.3. \ GowiN, E. B. and Wheatley, W. A., Occupations. B122.1. j Graham, R., Camp life for boys. B217.3. ■ Making good in a boys' camp. B217.3. j Grammar school boys, Physical activities of. Field. B217.1. j Grant, P. S., Good word for boys. B220. i Graves, W. C., Needs of the "boy inside." B400. i Gray, F. F., Corrective education. B410. ■ Gray, H. S., Boy and the cigarette habit. B 123.7. I Gray, J. H., Boy problem and relation to organization. B120. ? Greeley, A. H., Adapting community work to building center. ■ B210.4. Green, J. R., Physiological progress of boys. B121. ^ ; Green, P., How to deal with lads. B123.1. i Greenwood, J. M., Home and school life. B122. Grinnell, G. B. and Swan, E. L., Camping and scouting. B2 17.3. ] Groszmann, M., Danger signals in young children. Biio. | Group instinct. B124.1. i Group instinct. Relation of, to correctional institutions. Mai- \ lary. B420. \ 160 1 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Grouping of older boys. B219. Groves, E. R., Bettering boys' environment. B210.4. Place of boys' work in Social order. B210. Rural moral problems. B 129.4. Growth, Study of. Tyler. B121. Guidance, B320. Guiding the boy gangs. B124.1. GuiLLET, C, Education in interests. Biio. Growth of child's concepts. Biio. Study in interests. Biio. GuLicK, L. H., Games and gangs. B124.1. How to start a public school athletic league. B217.1. Muscular exercises for children in city. B217.1. Organizing instinct of boys. B120. Psychological aspect of group games. B 123.5. and others. Religion of boys. B123.1. Sex and reHgion. B123.1; B123.6. j Studies of adolescent boyhood. B120. j GuNCKEL, John E., of Toledo. Winship. B129.2. GuNCKEL, J. E., Boyville. B 129.2. Gymnasium, Church. McCormick. B217.1. Gymnasium, Public. Reese. B217.1. Gymnasium clothing. Day. B217.1. Gymnastics. B217.1. Hagedorn, H., You are the hope of the world. B 123.3. Hale, Camp. Taplin. B320. Hale, E. E., Life in open air. B123. New England boyhood. B120.1. Some reminiscences of early boys' clubs. B230. Story of a boys' club. B230. Hall, A. N., Boy craftsman. B215. Hall, B., Group instinct and boys* clubs. B124.1; B230. Hall, G. A., Child labor in street trades. B 129.2. Hall, G. S., Adolescence. B120. Boy life in a Massachusetts town thirty years ago. B120.1. 161 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Boy life in a Massachusetts town forty years ago. B 120. 1. Children's lies. B123. Early memories. B120.1. How to help boys. B120. Methods of educating young in hygiene of sex. B123.6. Moral and religious training of children and adolescence. B123. Psychology of childhood and relation to reading. B800. Recent advances in child study. Biio. and Smith, T. L., Showing off and bashfulness. B120. Some fundamentals for Bible teaching. B123.1. Story of a sand pile. B310. Youth. B 1 10. Hall. H., Do reformatories reform? B420. i New treatment of bad boys. B410. i Making good citizens out of bad boys. B420. j Hall, L. K., Christian movement in rural high schools. B219.1 ; ] B219.4. 1 Main drive. B219.4. 1 Patriotic service league. B210. I What about camps for country boys this summer? B217.3; B219.4. Hall, M., How to start a boys' club. B230.1. j Hall, S. R., How to get a position. B122.1. i Hall, W. E., Boys' working reserve. B210. \ Hall, W. S., Developing into manhood. B 123.6 I From youth into manhood. B 123.6. \ Instead of wild oats. B 123.6. j Life's beginnings. B 123.6. ^ Reproduction. B 123.6. j Sex instruction for country boy. B 123.6; B 129.4. j Strength of ten. B 123.6. Teaching of social hygiene. B 123.6. j Halleck, R. p., What kind of education for boys? B122. | Hamilton, P., Cleveland's come clean campaign. B219.1. i Hammerstein, C. p., State boys' camp. B217.3. \ Handbook for scout masters. B240.1. '{ 162 \ INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Hanmer, L. F., Building boyhood, a book of principles. B120. Hanna, J. C, One hundred books for high school boys. B800. Hannum, H. O., Reaching the boy through Sunday school. B123.1 Hansen, F. M., Chautauqua farm boys' camp. B 129.4; B217.3. Five farm homes and eighteen boys. B 129.4. Hard, W., De kid wot works at night. B 129.2. Harris, F. M., Boys' work in student movement. B219.1. Campaign of friendship. B219.1. Harrison, E., Child's spiritual nature. B123.1. Religious training of children. B123.1. Hart, H. H., Backward and truant children. B410. Care of dependent child. B320. Preventive treatment of neglected children. B320. Study for delinquent boys. B410. Hart, S., Good will club. B230. Harter, L. E. and Chew, T., Boys' work in Fall River. B230. Hartranft, CD., Personality in work. B211.5. Hartshorne, H., Adolescent worship. B123.1. Religious development of children. B123.1. Hartson, L. D., Psychology of the club. B230. Haslett, T. M., Religious work and schoolboys. B219.1. Hawthorne, J., Books and children. B800. Heald, C. E., Boy scout scheme. B240.1. Healy, W., Honesty. B123. and Bronner, A. F., Youthful offenders. B410. Heart rate. Adolescent changes in. McCurdy. B121. Heath, D. C, Boys' reading and publisher. B800. Hebrew boys' clubs. Morgan. B230. Hebrew boys, see also Jewish boys. Heck, W. H., Working boys' club of London. B 129.2. Henderson, C. H., Day's program. B217.3. Henderson, C. R., Family, church and community. B123.2. Part of home in religious education. B 123.2. Relation to the home and the church. B123.1. Social settlements. B320. Hendrix, E. R., Home and religious education. B 123.2. 163 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY OPE Hennessy, W., Difficulties in religious activities. B214. Herrick, C. T., Boy and his room. B123.2. Hervey, W. L., Memory work in character forming. B123.1. Hesse, P., Boys' club in city park building. B230, Hetherington, C. W., Play for the country boy. B 129.4; B216. Hewins, C. M., Books for boys. B800. Books for boys under twelve. B800. Books for boys' reading. B800. Reading clubs for older boys and girls. B215.2. Hey, S., Development of wage earners. B122.1. Hibbard, B. H., Value of the farm boy. B 129.4. HiGGiNS, D. E., Triangle club of Troy. B215.2. High school boy in the village. Israel. B 129.4. HiGK school boys. B129.1. High school boys and Y. M. C. A. B219.1. High school Christian movement. B219.1. High schools. B122; B129.1. High schools, Rural.- Hall. B2i9,i. Hill, D. S., Reading habit and child. B800. Hill, F. M., City hospitality for country boy. B219.4. Hill, R. T., Agriculture club. B215.2. Civic and political education. B215.2. Civic club. B215.2. Principles for educational work. B215. Recreative education. B215. Hilliard, E. B., Perverse and perverted. B120. HiNCHMAN, W. S., American school. B122. Hinckley, G. W., Conferences. B210.1. Daniel Alexander McDonald. B120.I. Goodwill home for boys. B320. Impressions of boys' conference. B210.1. Notes of boys' conferences. B210.1. Roughing it with boys. B217.3. Sex instruction. B 123.6. Sex instruction for boys. B123.6. Some Goodwill boys. B120.1. 164 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Story of Goodwill farm. B320. Value of conferences. B210.1. When boys convene. B210.1. HiNES, A. B., Games and dramatics. B216. ! -Plays, debates, etc. B216. 1 HiRSCH, W. F., Summer school for boys. B215.2. ) History, Boys' club. B230; B230.9. ; History, Boys' dept. Y. M. C. A. B210.9. ; HoBEN, A., Church and child protection. B320. ] Delinquency and court treatment. B410. | Delinquency, its nature. B410. • Minister and the boy. B123.1. j HoBSON, E. H., Employed boy and Y. M. C. A. B219.2. i HocKENBURY, E. J., Y. M. C. A. and working boys. B219.2. j Hodge, G. B., Educational features and working boy. B215; 1 B219.2. Educational tests. B215. j "McBurney" cup. B214.1. | HoDGE, R. M., Religious experience of home. B123.2. ■] Hodges, G., Training of children. B123.1. i Hodges, L., Winston-Salem plan. B230.3. ^ HoGEMAN, G. H., Leadership at boys' camp. B217.3. | HoisiNGTON, H. L., Social work for boys. B216. j HoLBROOK, C, Religious nature of boys. B123.1. j Holland, R. S., Boy scouts of Birch-Bark island. B240.1. ] HoLLiDAY, W. B., County boys* conference analyzed. B 129.4; j B210.1. I HoLLiNGWOOD, H. L., Vocational psychology. B122.1. ' HoLLis, I. N., Summer vacations. B217.3. HoLLOWAY, A. D., Ideals of a country boy. B 129.4. 1 Holm, A. L., Gymnastics and athletics for boys. B2i7.i. ) HoLMER, A. Y., Earnings for other fellow. B214.3. i Holmes, A. F., Members or privilege buyers? B211.4. ■ Home, Boy in the. B123.2. | Home, Relation to. Henderson. B123. i Home and school life. Greenwood. B122. I Homes, Correctional. B410. J 165 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Homes for working boys. B219.2. Homes, Industrial. B320. Homewood-Brushton church cooperation. Ritchie. B210.4. Honesty. Healy. B123. Honor, Children's ideas of. Tanner. B123. Hope, A. R., Book about boys. B120. HoRNE, H. H., Boys' work and program of religious education. B214. Ideahsm in education. B122. Modern Problems as Jesus saw them. B214.1. Psychological principles of education. B122. HoRSFiELD, E. D., Boy scouts of Springfield, Mass. 6240.1. HoRTON, C. B., Preparation plans. B212. Religious work and Y. M. C. A. B2 14. Unique boy scout camp. B217.3. Hotel, Boys'. B320. Houghton, L. I., Mr. Parmer's Round Shouldered Son. B129.4. Hour glass club. B211.5. Houston, E. J., Boy problem. B120. Boys. B120. Boys as raw material. B210. Federating church boys' clubs. B220. "How to help boys." B120. How to study effectively. B122. Howard, G. V., How Kjiights of King Arthur works. B220.2. Howard, W. L., Confidential chats with boys. B 123.6. Howe, F. C, Cleveland in life saving business. B410. Howe, G. R., How to interest boys in nature study. B122. Work at Norway, Maine. B230. Howe, L. A., Boys' work secretary and boy. B 123.4; B211.5. HowELLS, W. D., Boy's town. B120.1. HoYT, F. C, Parents' responsibility. B410. Hubbard, P., Church boys' clubs. B220. Hudson, Boys' farm at. Shaw. B420. Hughes, E. H., Boy's religion. B123.1. Hughes, T., Tom Brown's school days. B120.1. Hull House boys' department. Weston. B230. 166 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Hunt, E., Spiritual needs of country boy. B123.1; B129.4. Hunter, A. A., Reaches ninety per cent of Avon's boys. B210. HusE, H. F., Boys' department in Springvale, Maine. B210.4. Hutchinson, T. H., Vocational guidance. B122.1. Hyde, W. D., Quest of the best. B123. Hygiene. B217. Idealist, Boy as an. Burr. B123. Ideals. Cudlipp. B123. Ihlder, J., Press and its newsboys. B 129.2. Imagination, Study in. Brittain. Biio. Immorality. B 123.9. In city of Mexico. B230. Incorrigible children. B410. Indiana plan for handling truants. Neal. B410. Indoor games. B216. Industrial farms. Cooley. B320. Industrial homes and farms. B320. Industrial training. B122.1. Influences for good in boyhood. B120.1. Ingles, A., Principles of secondary education. B122. Inner circle. B219.1. Intelligence of children. Mead. Biio. Intemperance among boys. B 123.7. Inter- Association athletic meets. B217.1. Intermediate department. Foster. B123.1. Interviews with strangers. B219.1. Israel, H., Bible study in rural life. B214.1. High school boy in village. B129.1; B 129.4. Rural criminality. B 129.4. •— Why do boys leave the farm? B 129.4. Jackson, B. B., Group instinct and schools. B124.1. Jackson, H. E., Boys' books. B800. Jackson, M., Travels of Paul. B214.1. Jameson, A. A., Boy cabinet. B211. 167 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Evolution of "Hustling club." B214.2. Preparatory and high school basket ball. B217.1. Jenks, J., Life questions of high school boys. B214.1. i Personal Problems. B214.1. | Jerome, G. N., Drama in boys' work. B216. i Pictures for boys' department. B210.5. j Jessop, W., Class in canoe building. B215.2. Jewish boy in his home. Bloomfield. B129. Jewish boys; see also Hebrew boys. j Jewish child. Simon. B129. ; Jewish delinquent children. Younker. B410. 1 Johnson, C., Little and big brothers. B410. ] Johnson, F. W., High school boys' hazards. B219.1. Moral education through school activities. B123. ; Problems of boyhood. B214.1. Johnson, G. E., Child study on playground. Biio. i Helping boys through play. B217.1. , \ Play as moral equivalent to war. B 123.5. Play in character building. B123.5. Why teach child to play? B310. j Johnson, J., Rudimentary society among boys. B420. .i Johnson, J. H., Savagery of boyhood. B120. j Johnston, C. H. and others. High school education. Bi22,4 i ed., Modern high school. B122. \ Jones, R. M., Boys' religion from memory. B123.1. j Jordan, P. A., Why a boys' club. B230. j Jordan, R. A., Boys' club in small city. B230. 1 JORDON, A. M., Suggestive list of books. B800. \ JUDD, E. T., County farm boys* council. B219.4. \ Judge, G. E., Railroads and juvenile crime. B410. Jump, H. A., Child's leisure hour and motion pictures. B125.3. \ Problem of country boy. B 129.4. Junior endeavor. B220. , Junior republic. B420. \ Juvenile city league of N. Y. Langdon. B230.3. j Juvenile court, Boys' club and. Spaulding. B230. ' Juvenile delinquency and courts. B410. ; 168 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Kaighn, E. B., Religious education of boys. B214. Kaighn, R. p., Work of Junior departments. B210. Kaiser, O. L., Clinton no-crib, no-copy campaign. B219.1. Kansas City, Campaign of friendship at. Flynn. B219.1. Kansas City clean. B219.1. Kansas high school Association. B219.1, Keegan, J. E., Field of club usefulness. B217.1. Keene, C. H., Physical education for children. B217. Keeping fit. B 123.6. Kelly, F., Boy labor. B 129.2. Child labor law. B320.2. City history club. B230.3. Working boys. B 129.2. Kenngott, G. F., Endeavor society for boys. B220. Kentucky settlement school. B320. Kephart, H., Camp cookery. B217.3. Kid judge of Denver. B410. KiDD, D., Savage childhood. Biio. KiDNER, R., Larger use of school house. B310. KiLLAM, C, Cultural life of boys' Secretary. B211.5. King, F. E., Lincoln high school Inn. B219.1. Scout laws. B240.1. King, G. W., Board of directors and Superintendent of boys' club. B230.2. What's in a game? B 123.5. King, H. C, Fight for character. B123. King, I., High school age, B129.1. Psychology of development. Biio. Kingsley, S. C, Community and children's rights and needs. B200. Kinkead, T. L., Working boy. B 129.2. KiRKPATRiCK, E. A., Use of money. B123.8. KiRTLEY, J. S., That boy of yours. B120. KiTECRAFT and kite tournaments. B217.1. Kline, L. W., Study of juvenile ethics. B123, Knight, G. H., Gardens for school boys. B310. Knight, S., One year's work at Denver. B2io. 169 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Knights of IQng Arthur. B220.2. Knights of the holy grail and boy scouts. Powell. B240.1. Knox, W. F., Pittsburgh campaign of friendship. B219.1. KoEHLER, E. F., Boys' congress of missions. B214.3. KoEHLER, F. 0., Jesus the leader. B214.1. Jesus the master. B214.1. Summer program for boys' division. B217.2. Training camp. B217.3. Koons, W. G., Child's religious Hfe. B123.1. Krebs, P. E. and Gospill, W., Live social center in barn. B129.4; B310. Kress, F. J., Boys* brigade. B220.1. KuECHLE, B. E., Newsboys' republic. B129.2. Kuno, E. E., Characteristics of adolescent boy. B120. La Junta boys' club. Williams. B230. Lampshire, E., Boy scout movement. B240.1. Lancaster Association boys' club. Miesse. B216. Lancaster, E. G., Psychology and pedagogy of adolescence. B120. Landrith, L, Religious opportunity and home. B 123.2. Langdon, W. C, City league of New York. B129.3; B230.3. Largest boys' club in world. B230. Lathrop, B. L., Knights of King Arthur in church. B220.2. Law, M. W., Our Ishmael. B230. Lawrance, M., Sunday school and older boys' work. B210.2. Layard, E. B., Religion in boyhood. B123.1. Leach, A. B., Educational work in boys' club. B230.4. Leacock, a. G., Life of St. Paul. B214.1. Leaders' corps. B217.1. Leaders' handbook. Libby. B200. Leaders, voluntary. B200. Leadership for athletics. B217.1. Leadership, Psychology and pedagogy of. Terman. B120. Leary, a. T., America's problem, its youth. B300. Lectures. B215.3. Lee, F., Moloch and the boy. B 123.6. 170 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY \ Lee, J., Constructive philanthropy. B300. J Crime or sport. B123.5; B310. 1 Play in education. B310. i Relationships of boys and girls. B 124.2. | Leigh, R. D., City manager in boy city. B217.3. - Leland, A. and L. H., Playground technique. B310. :i Public playgrounds. B310. Leonard, J. A., Treatment of young offenders. B410. | Leonard, 0., Wasting the boys. B120. ,j Leuba, J. H., Children's conception of God. B123.1. ' Lewis, C. B., Adolescent physical types. B121. 1 Lhamon, W. T., Use of Bible in home. B 123.2. j Librarian, Brookline, Mass. Books for reading aloud. B800. ' Library work. B215. LiBBY, L., Leader's handbook. B200. Lies, Children's. Hall. B123. • Life brigade. Paton. B220. ' Life problem courses. B214.1. \ Life work conference. B122.1. ; Lincoln, D. F., What is to become of backward children? | B217. j Lincoln high school inn. King. B219.1. j Lindsey, B. B., Beast and the jungle. B410. ; Boy and the court. B410. Child and commimity. B320. ^ Childhood and morality. B410. I • Children's judge. B410. J Four questions and juvenile crime. B410. j Gang and crime. B124.1; B410. i Kid judge of Denver. B410. j "Mickey an de kids." B410. i Moral training. B123. Public playgrounds and delinquency. B 123.5; B410. j Lindsey, Judge, and boys. Raine. B410. ; Lindsey, S., Suburban child. B120. List of street boys' clubs. B230. Littlefield, M. S., Bible study by manual methods. B214.1. j BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Locke, N. M., Games for boys and girls in rural schools. B310. LoDER, C. S., How to start a church boys' club. B220. Logan, J. W., Endeavor society. B220. Lovejoy, O. R., Child in industry. B320.2. Child labor and education. B320.2. Progress of cause of premature labor. B320.2. LowRY, E. B., Truths. B 123.6. Lucas, F. J., Extension work. B210.4. Lund, R. F., Ascension school of agriculture. B320. Lung development. Gilbert. B217. LuTz, R. R., Metal trades. B122.1. Lyman, E., Story telling. What to tell and how. B800. McBuRNEY cup. Hodge. B214. McCarthy, P. J., Value of boys' clubs. B230. MacClintock, W. D., Religious education. B123.1. McClure, W. F., Boys' club, Cleveland. B230. McCormack, R. C, Clean athletics came. B219.1. McCormick, W., Boy and his clubs. B230. Boy who works. B 129.2. Boys and their books. B800. Boys' club as a moral force. B230.3. Church gymnasium. B217.1. Club and the church. B230. Fishers of boys. B123. How to start a boys* club. B230.1. Older boys in Sunday school. B129. Olivet boys' club. B230. Results in a boys* club. B230. What becomes of effort made for boy? B120. McCowan, H. S., Trail a boy travels. B123. McCurdy, C. H., King Arthur play. B216; B220.2. McCuRDY, J. H., Adolescent changes in heart rate. B121. Hygiene and the boy. B217. Physical examination of boys. B217. Study in adolescent efificiency. B121. McDevitt, J. A., Boys* employment. B320.2. 172 INDEX TO CLASSlFICATlbN AND BIBLIOGRAPHY McDonald, A., Decay of family life and crime. B410. Reform of juvenile criminals. B400. j McDonald, Daniel Alexander. Hinckley. B120.1. i Macfarlane, p. C, Schools of fun and fellowship. B217.3. McGuiRE, W. P. and Mathiews, P. K., Boy scouts' year book. ■■ B240.1. J McKeever, W. a., Assisting the boy in choice of a vocation. j B122.1. 1 Better crop of Boys. B 123.6. j Cigarette boy. B 123.7. j Farm boys and girls. B 129.4. j Industrial training. B122.1. i Training the boy. B120. j McKelway, a. j., Conservation of childhood. B320. \ McKenney, H. j., Scouts' handbook and instructor. B240.1. j McKinley, C. E., Big boys and the church. B220. { Educational evangelism. B123.1. 1 Helping a boy to be his own master. B123. | Mackintire, a. B., "Captains of ten." B220. ! McLain, L., Camp Bible study outline. B217.3. j McLaughlin, C. A., Study of street boy. B 129.3. \ Theater meetings for boys. B214.2. j MacLeish, M. H., Place of home in religious education. B123.2. j McNamara, S., Richest newsboy in world. B129.2. j McNeil, G., Making farming possible. B210.4. \ McWiLLiAM, E. G., Habits of thrift. B123.8. \ Maine boys' conference, statement concerning. Smith. B210.1. \ Mallary, M. M., Correctional institutions. B124.1; B420. .! Mallett, F. j., Sunshine club. B240. ; Management, Boys' club. B230.2. 1 Managers, Y. M. C. A. B211.2. Mangold, G. B., Child problems. B300. i Problems of child welfare. B310. 1 Manual for probation officers. B410. i Manual training. B215; B230.4. j Mariano, J., Organizing boys' clubs. B230.1. I Markham, E., Children in bondage. B320.2. | 173 ] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Marrinan, J. J., Children and religion. B123.1. Marshall, T. R., Boy problem. B120. Martin, E. S., Luxury of children. B 123.2. Martin, G. H., School activities and morals. B123. What city owes to boys. B310. Martin, G. M., Recreative games for boys. B217.1. | Martin, H., St. Louis club. B230. Marx, G. E., Charlton industrial school. B320. ! Mason, F. S., Boys' club leader. B230.1. 1 Character making in boys' clubs. B230.3. ! Discussion on boys' clubs. B230. ! How to start a boys' club. B230.1. 1 Materials for character making in boys' club. B230.3. i Summer life of city boy. B310. ' Theory and practice in work with boys. B230, \ Visit to Seaboard clubs. B230. ■ Mason, M. K., Bunker Hill boys' club. B230. j Mass., Twenty-five years of organized work in. Gibson. B210.9, 1 Masseck, F. L., Boys' order of Knighthood. B220.2. j Character-making boys' fraternities. B123. ! Chivalric idea in work with boys. B123. | Knights of King Arthur. B220.2. Kiiights as religious factor. B220.2. ; Making juvenile organization effective. B230.3. | Street boys in Knights of King Arthur. B129.2; B220.2. | Mathews, L. R., Boys' work in Old Lyme, Conn. B230. i Mathiews, F. K., Blowing out boys' brains. B800. j Making boys' reading worth while. B800. Menace of nickel novel. B800. Safety first juvenile book week. B800. Mauck, j. W., Cotmtry boy need college education? B129.4. { Maude, F., Getting at the boys. B410. ' Maulsby, D. L., Woman's auxiliary. B230. 1 Maydole, H. D., Boys' efficiency contest. B210. j Mead, C. D., Intelligence of children. Biio. j Meaning of Membership. B211.4. j Mean well, W. E., Playground activities. B310. | 174 I INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Meeting boy problem. B120. Meetings, Religious (YMCA). B214.2. Meets, Athletic. B217.1. Melpolder, J., Boys' club, a necessity. B230. Club incidents. B230.9. j Relation of Federated Boys' clubs to boys' club. B230. \ Membership, Y. M. C. A. B211.4. j Men and religion movement. Boys' work in the local church. B123.1. j Mendelsohn, S., Summer idleness and delinquency. B410. j Mental development. B122. 1 Mero, E. B., American playgrounds. B310. \ Merrill, L., Anti-cigarette legislation. B 123.7. \ Are bad boys bad? B410. i Winning the boy. B120. j Merton, H., How to choose the right vocation. B122.1. i Messer, L. a., Commimity work. B210.4. j Mexico, Boys' club work in City of. B230. j Mieras, C. E., Teacher training class. B123.1; B214.1. j Miesse, H. W., Lancaster club. B216. j Miles, H. R., Manual training in church work. B220. \ Military camps, High school. B219.1. * Military method, Education by. Gignilliat. B122. j Military training for boys. B219.1. j Military training for boys. Taylor. B217. - | Miller, C. M., Kitecraft and kite tournaments. B217.1. j Miller, F. P., School evangelism. B219.1. ; Miller, W. H., Camp craft. B217.3. '\ Mills, C. H., Game of life. B120. 1 MiLNES, F. J., Church and the young man's game. B217. Milwaukee's newsboys' republic. B129.2. 1 Miner, J. B., Capacity among backward children. B122. | Minimum age limit for boys. B211.4. ■• Minister and the boy. Hoben. B123.1. ' Ministry, Recruiting for the. B219.1. Minton, C. S., Moving pictures and boys' clubs. B216. Missions. B214.3. 1 175 i BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Mitchell, L. S., School children and sex idealism. 6123,6. Mitchell, M., Industrial league. B230. Mitchell, W. S., Knights in city church. B220.2. Modern boy and religion. B123.1. MoDiSETT, J. B., Boys and basket ball. B217.1. Moffatt, S. a.. Boy scout movement in England. B240.1. Moll, A., Sexual life of child. B 123.6. Monroe, W. A., Rights of children. B123. Monroe, W. S., Money sense of children, B 123.8. Montague, H. E., Boys' conference. B210.1. Moon, E. L., Contents of the boy. B120. Moore, G. W., Among colored boys. B219. Colored boys as war helpers. B219. Summer activities for colored boys. B219. Moore, H. H., Keeping in condition. B217, Situation in Spokane. B210. Youth and the nation. B122.1. Moral development and education. B123. Moral education. B123. Morals, Boys' clubs. B230.3. Moran, H. a.. Social morality for boys? B123.6. Morgan, G. W., Hebrew boys* club. B230. Morhous, L. a., Ruralized boys' summer camp. B1294; B217.3. Morris, S. L., Task that challenges. B214.3. Morrison, W. D., Juvenile offenders. B410. MoRRiss, W. H., Manual and art training. B215.2. Morse, R. C, Two trail blazers. B211.5. Morse, S., Culture for stay at home country boy. B122 ; B 129.4. Free books for country boys. B800. Most successful feature in club the last y^ar. B230. MoTT, J. R., How to make Jesus Christ real. B123. Most remarkable generation of boys. B210. Significance of work with boys. B210. Strategic importance of work with boys. B210. Moulton, R. G., Art of telling Bible stories. B800. Moving pictures. B 123.5. 176 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Moving pictures, Educational value of. Pineo. B122. Moving pictures and boys' clubs. Minton. B216. MowRY, W. A., Talks with my boys. B123. j Mum, J., Boyhood of a naturalist. B120.1. i MuNRO, W. J., Stepping stone between Sunday school and Y. M. C. A. Bible class. B123.1. ■ Murray, A. D., Reading of a boys' worker. B211.5. ; Murray, J. L., Mission study among boys. B214.3. 5 Murray, W. D., Daily reading in Mark. B214.1. \ International boys' work. B210. | Life of Jesus. B214.1. | Message of the twelve prophets. B214.1. : Ordered life. B211.5. ■ What manner of man is this? B214.1. i Musical clubs. B216. 1 Mutch, W. J., Religious education for boys. B123.1. j Myers, G. E., Moral training in school. B123. •i National child labor committee proceedings. B320.2. ^ Nature study. Howe. B122. i Nature study. Rideout. B122. J Neal, a. O., Indiana plan for handling truants. B410. ;; Nearing, S., Child labor problem. B320.2. \ Newsboys at night. B 129.2. j — Two o'clock Sunday morning. B 129.2. ] Neglected boys, Working with. Buckner. B410. ; Negro boys, Y. M. C. A. work with. B219. j Neighborhood centers. Page. B230. I Nervous system of child. Warner. Biio. ] New Apostles' Creed. B120. j New Bible school grading. B123.1. New type of membership. B211.4. 1 Newark, N. J., Boys' work at. Wones. B210. 1 Newark, N. J., new boys' building. B210.5. f Newman, B. P., Boys' clubs in theory and practice. B230. j Newsboys. B 129.2. ; Newsboys and Y. M. C. A. B219.2. i 177 I BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE ', I Newsboys' clubs. B230. I Newspaper as childhood's enemy. B123. ] New York survey of working boys. Plan. B 129.2. i New York's truancy problem. Palmer. B410. | New York State Probation Commission. B410. 1 NiBECKER, H., Mental capacity of delinquents. B410. s Nickel fiction. B800. ) NiNDE, H. S., and others, ed. Boys' department. B210.9. { Non-equipment work. B210.4. : Non-religious boys' clubs. B230. NoRRis Club. B219.1. j North, D., Two years' recreative work. B230. | NoRTHCOTT, W. H., Boys' and railroad Associations. B219. 1 Northend, M. H., Boys' camps. B217.3. | Summer camps. B217.3. ', Northrop, E. N., Ethics and raising funds. B230.2. Helping boys to save. B 123.8. j Value of police court work. B410. I Norway, Maine, Work with boys at. Howe. B230. Nugent, M., When boys go camping. B217.3. I Oakland, Year of the Aloha club of. Alexander. B230. j Objectives of community boys' work. B210.4. j Observation club. B230. \ Obstinacy and obedience. Smith. B120. ] Obstinate child. Buttenweiser. B120. j Occupations. B122.1. j Oklahoma, Policy outline of boj^s' work in. Garrison. B210.3. \ Olcott, F. j., Suggestions for boys' reading. B800. ; Old boy problem. Blumberg. B129. ', Older boys in the Sunday school. McCormick. B129. ■ Older boys, grouping of. B219. Old Lyme, Boys' work in. Mathews. B230. : O'Leary, I. P., Department store occupations. B122.1. I Omaha, Growing boys' work of. Denison. B210. | Omaha, Working boys' club of. Willis. B230. i| Omega club. Stanley. B230. j 178 i INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY j One hiindred biographies. B800. i Opinion of boys on conferences. B210.1. I Oppenheim, N., Development of child. B120. Physical development of working boy. B121; B129.2. I Organization. Boys' clubs. B230.1; Y. M. C. A. B211. Organizations, Religious. B220. I Organized work for boys. B200. Organizing instinct. Gulick. B120. ; Orton, G. W., Day at boys' camp. B217.3. O'Shea, M. v., Right physical start in education. B217.1, Outdoor vacation book. Verrill. B217. 1 Outings. B217.2. j Outlining a policy. B210.3. j Page, A., Neighborhood centers. B230. j Work outside the building. B210.4. Page, P. S., Gymnasium leaders corps. B217.I. Palmer, G. H., Ethical instruction. B123. : Palmer, L. A., Play life. Biio. Palmer, L. E., Horatio Alger, then and now. B 129.2. ^ New York's truancy problem. B410. J Parents' class. Davies. B123.1. ' Parents' meeting. Esher. B210. " Parent's problems. B 123.2. Parents' share of responsibility. Hoyt. B410. I Parker, P. P., Manly side of life of Christ. B214.1. Parsons, F., Choosing a vocation. B122.1. Paterson, Boy scouts of. Van Ness. B240.1. Paton, j. B., Boys' life brigade. B220. ] Patrick, G. T., Psychology of play. Bug. Patriotic service league. B210. j Patriotic service league. Community Association and. Ritchie. \ B210.4. Patterson, C. S., Missionary education. B214.3. Tried methods of missionary education. B214.3. ] Paul, R., Boys' club. B230. ^ Paul, Life of. Leacock. B214.1. j 179 I BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE ; Payne, G. P., Child in human progress. B320. \ Peabody, E., Home and preparatory school. B122. I Peabody, F. G., Home and boy. B 123.2. ] Religious education. B123.1. Peck, G. G., Seventeen seasons in camp. B217.3. j Pedley, J. H., Religious work policy. B214. ; Peirce, B. K., Half century with delinquents. B420. \ Peixotto, S. S., Columbia park club. B230. • Columbia park boys' club. B230. Penningroth, L. p., Boy prisoners of war. B129. ! Pennsylvania, Social legislation in. Sanville. B320.2. i Periodicals for boys. Crackel. B800. J Periodicals for rooms. B215; B800. '\ Perkins, R. R., Character of Jesus. B214.1. ; Comrades of Jesus. B214.1. .1 Courses we teach. B214.1. \ Perry, A. C, Discipline as a school problem. B122. j Perry, W. A., High school boys. B219.1. \ Salem plan. B215. J William H. Whipple. B210.9; B211.5. | Phi Alpha Pi fraternity. Gibson. B216. ; Philadelphia, Work with boys at. Alexander. B211. I Physical development. B121. Physical education. B217. l Physical examination. B217. ! Physical nature of child. Rowe. Biio. i Physical Work (Boys' department). B217. t Physiological age. B121. j Pictures for boys' department rooms. Jerome. B210.5. | Pier, A. S., Boys of St. Timothys. B 129.2. ! Pierce, D. T., Boys' club idea. B230. \ Pierce, R. M., Country boys. B219.4. j Pilgrim fraternity. Fiske. B220. 1 Pineo, J. F., Value of motion pictures. B122. Finer, H. L., How to hold a job. B122.1. ^ PiNGREE, A. H., Boys' club and religion. B230.3. \ Pintner, R., Delinquents and Binet scale. B410. 1 180 I i INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Pittsburgh campaign of friendship. Knox. B219.1. ! PiXLEY, A. R., Religious education and boy problem. B123.1. I Plan of New York survey of working boys. B200. ] Plans of boys' buildings. B210.5. ] Play. Bug; B123.5; B216; B310. I Play and juvenile delinquency. Bergen. B410. ) Playgrounds. B310. 1 "Playgrounds." B310. Playgrounds and delinquency. Burns. B410. [ Playgrounds and juvenile delinquency. Lindsey. B410. Plays for boys. B216. I Plays for club boys. B216. i Policy. Y. M. C. A. B210.3. ; Polo leagues. B217.1. Pool, Billiards and. B216. , Pool table, Boy and. Gibson. B123.5. ■ Poole, E., Newsboy wanderers. B 129.2. I Popular boys' meetings. B214.2. j Porter, D. R., Association work and high school. B2i9^i. ] Annual campaign for decisions. B214. i Boys' work secretaryship. B211.5. i Clubs and other work with boys. B230. ' Dr. Arnold. B211.5. \ High school boys and community interests. B129.1. ; Opportunity among high school boys. B219.1. < Results of high school work. B219.1. i Work with equipment. B210.4; B219.1. ' Porter, F. N., Helping street boys. B 129.3. < Porter, G. D., Community and the boy. B 129.4. Porter, M. W., Power of boys' club in our town. B230. Porter, T. R., Boy policeman. B410. Portland boys' club. Fruh. B230. Portland, Oregon Association, Boys' work of. Robinson. B210. Poughkeepsie, Way boys raise money in. Flood. B212. Powell, Baden-, Scouting for boys. B240.1. Powell, P. E., Knights of the holy grail, and boy scouts, B240.1, Practical methods jn work with boys. B200. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE \ \ Practical talks. B215.3. | Pratt, A. P., Boy and factory. B129.2. | Boys' club in church. B220. j Church boys' clubs. B220. ^ How to start boys' club. B230.1. j Juvenile delinquency. B410. I Manual training in Knights of King Arthur. B220.2. ! Pratt, F. M., Work in Toronto. B210. j Pratt, G. D., Sunday school athletic league. B217.1. ; Pressey, E. p., Country boy. B129.4. J Prevention of cruelty to children. B320.1. Preyer, W., Mental development. Biio. i Prisoners of war, Boy. Penningroth. B129. ; Private schools. B122. I Prizes in boys' department. B210. | Probation. B410. i Problem of children. B410. \ Problems of boyhood. Johnson. B214.1. | Problems, Personal. Jenks. B214.1. | Proceedings of Child Conference. B300. I Proceedings of Child labor conference. B320.2. Professions. B122.1. 1 Prohibition, High school boys and. B219.1. j Promoting to men's division. B211.4. j Prophets, Message of. Murray. B214.1. ; Protection. B300. j Pryke, a. E., Survey of modem methods. B210. Psychology. Vocational. B122.1. ' Public gymnasium. Reese. B310. Public school athletic leagues. B217.1. i Puffer, J. A., Boy and his gang. B120. 1 Boy gangs and leaders. B124.; B410. j Boys' gangs. B124.1. j Puller, E., Your boy and his training. B120. { i 1 Quigley, M. G., Books for boys. B800. | Quin, G. E., Boy savers' guide. B220.3. | m ■ ^ INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY j Races. B217.1. j Raffety, W. E., Brothering the boy. B123. Railroads and juvenile delinquency. B410. j Raine, W. M., Judge Lindsey and his boys. B410. j Rasch, D. S., Conduct of short term camp. B217.3. Rauschenbusch, W., Child in community. Biio. i Rayner, E. A., Child's religious life. Biio. j Reading, children's. B800. ' j Reading clubs. B215.2. < Reading course. B211.5. ! Reagan, W. J., Worship for boys. B123.1. | Reaney, M. j., Psychology of boy scout movement. B240.1. ' Recent boys' conferences. B210.1. | Recreation, see Play. ' Recruiting program. B211.4. Reed, A. Y., Newsboy service. B129.2. { Reed, D. A., Leaders of boys. B230.1. | Reed, L. B., How to start a boys' choir. B216. ! Reed, W. S., Outing services. B217.2. Knights of the Grove. B216. Reeder, R. R., Institutional children. B320. j Two hundred children. B320. ] Reese, T. I., Public gymnasium. B217.1. j Reform. B400. | Reformatories. B420. i Relation to employers. B 123.4. ', Relation to home. B 123.2. ! Relationship. Y. M. C. A. B210.2. ij Religious education. B123; B123.1. j Religious life. B123.1. j Religious life, Child's. Rayner. Biio. j Religious meetings (Y. M. C. A.) B214.2. ] Religious organizations. B220. j Religious work and scout movement. B240.1. ; Religious work in boys' department. B214. Religious work policy. B214. j Report of community boys' committee. B2 10. i ; B2 10.4 ; B2 19.^. j 183 { BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Report of private camps. B217.3. Reproduction and sexual hygiene. Hall. B 123.6. Reynolds, M. J., America making criminals? B410. Rhode Island, Twenty-five years of boys* work in. Gibson. B210.9. RIC^, G. B., Boys' work at Buffalo. B210. RiCHMAN, J., Blame for truanats. B410. Incorrigible child. B410. Richmond, E., Mind of a child. Biio. Through boyhood to manhood. B123. Richards, G. L., Organization and boys' clubs. B230.1. Richardson, N. E. and Loomis, O. E., Boy scout movement and church. B240.1. RiDEOUT, B. S., Nature study. B122. Rideout, M. B., Physical examination. B217. RiDGEWAY, S. M., U and I club. B216. Riis, J. A., Battle with slums. B300. Burglar's story. B 123.9. Children of tenements. B300. How other half Hves. B300. New York newsboy. B 129.2. Street boy. B 129.3. RiNDGE, F. H., Church and unreached boy. B210.2. Foreign boy. B219. RiORDON, R., School and moral development. B123. Ritchie, F. H. T., Commtmity and Patriotic service league. B210.4. Community Boys' Work. B210.4. Commimity challenge. B210.4. Homewood-Brushton. B210.4. Non-equipment work and Y. M. C. A. B210.4. State vs. local camps. B217.3. Value of personality. B211.5. RoAKE, J. D., Environment and employed boy. B 129.2. Roberts, A. E., Local leaders in boys' work. B211.5. Summer camps. B217.3. Roberts, P., Effect of premature labor. B320.2, 184 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Personal appeal of working boy. B219.2. Robertson, J. E., Country boy. B219.4. }. Robbie, K. W., Study of newsboy. B129.2. \ Robins, H. B., Childhood and church membership, B123.1. j Robinson, A. G., Inner circle. B219.1. , Robinson, C. C, American standard program in employed boys' j work. B210.6. ; Christian teaching on social and economic problems. ] B2I4.I. i Democratic spirit in boys' work. B210, ; Employed boy problem. B219.2. I Find yourself campaign. B2 10. | Factory boys. B219.2. ] New England's relay race. B210.1. ' New season. B219.2. i Planning a program. B219.2. j Present tendencies. B219.2. ! Program of Boys' Work. B220. j "Six fold message." B123.1. .] Society and wage earning boy. B219.2. S Successful stamp club. B215.2. ', Simimer time. B219.2. ( Mrs. Trenton's educational work. B215; B219.2. I Utilizing a boys' spirit of adventure. B123.1. ^ Wage-earning boy. B129.2. '• Work for wage-earning boys. B219.2; B219.4. Work with wage-earning boy and industry. B219.2. Working boys' school. B219.2. ; Working program for brotherhood. B219.2. Robinson, E. A., Making men and women. B200. Robinson, E. M., Adolescent boy. B123.1. Age grouping. B2 11 .4. Association boy. B210. Association boy camps. B217.3. Bible class difficulties. B214.1. Bible study examinations. B214.I. Boys as savages. B120. I8S BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE I — Boys* conferences. B210.1. j — Boy scouts of America. B240.1. ] — Boys' work director. B211.5. | — Boys' work of Portland, Oregon. B210, \ — Boys' work of Salt Lake City. B210. < — Character making in camps. B217.3. \ — Conference paragraphs. B210.1. i — Deserting the boy. B214. \ — Do boy scouts compete with Y. M. C. A.? B240.I. j — Experimental camp. B217.3. i — Greater opportimity. B211.5. t — How boys enter religious life. B123.1. I — Ideal arrangement for work. B210.5. 1 — Meetings of older boys. B214.2. ■] — Membership lapses. B211.4. 1 — Methods of grouping boys. B216. \ — New boys' building at Newark. B210.5. [ — New wine in old bottles. B210.5. j — Points of progress. B210.9. ! — Possibilities in small town. B210. j — Provision for boys' work. B210.5. I — Reaching boys of entire community. B200. i — Real significance of hour glass club. B211.5. j — Recollections of boys' work in a hamlet. B219.4. ; — Results at meeting in interests of efficiency test program. B210.6. Revamping religious work. B214. Safeguarding Nation's boyhood. B210. Self government for boys. B215. "Service membership." B211.4. Scope of boys' work. B210. Six things to be recognized. B120. Small clubs in bojrs' department. B216. Some interesting facts. B214.1. Standard efficiency tests. B210.6. Story of a meeting. B214.2. Suggested application to boys' work. B210? 186 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Thinkeretts about boys and camps. B217.3. Unified policy. B210.3. What boys can do in spring. B217.2. When can Association and Sunday school cooperate? B210.2. ] Rollins, F. W., What can a young man do? B122.1. Roman Catholic organizations. B220.3. j Rood, H., Big brothers and little. B410. i Rooms, Y. M. C. A. B210.5. j Rope, R. F., Giving boys wide vision. B214.3. j RosENBLUM, W. F., Boys' club. B230.1. i Roth, L. V., Boys' work department. B214.3. RowE, S. H., Physical nature of child. Biio. •, RuGH, C. E., Moral instruction of child. B123. ' Rumley, E. a., Educate muscles when you educate mind. j B217. \ Runaway boys. B410. Rural boy scouts. B 129.4; B240.1. i Rural high schools, High school Christian movement in. Hall. ? B219.4. I Russell, C. B., Problems of juvenile crime. B410. ■ Russell, G. E. B., and Rigby, L. M., Making of criminal. ! B410. I Working lad's clubs. B230. I Yoiuig gaol-birds. B410. j Russell Sage Foundation. Boyhood and lawlessness. B410. ' Rutledge, a. E., Boys' club and Association. B210.2; B230. j Ryall, B. R., Village life and the boy. Bi29.4. j Sabin, E. L., Boy's loves. B 124.2. 1 When you were a boy. B120.1. ^ Sadler, M. E., ed.. Moral instruction in schools. B123. \ St. Louis working boys' clubs. B230. \ Salem, Mass., Early work for boys in Y. M. C. A. in. B210.9. j Salem plan. Perry. B215. i Salt Lake City Association, Boys* work of. Robinson. B210. ] Sanborn, A. F., Boys and boys' clubs. B230, * 187 ; 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE i Sand Pile, Story of a. Hall. B310. \ San Francisco, Working boys* evening school in. B215.2. I Sangster, M., Boy at parting of ways. B120. \ Sanville, F. L., Social legislation. B320,2. i Sargent, J. T., Reading for the young. B800. j Sargent's handbooks. American private schools. B122. 1 Savage, W. L., Effects of athletics. B217.1. ] Savagery of boyhood. Johnson. B120. Savages, Boys as. Robinson. B120. Saving, see Thrift. ; Scheme of welfare supervision for boys in England. B 129.2. \ ScHLAPP, M. G., Feeble-minded boys and crime. B410. ] ScHOFF, H., Wayward child. B410. i School boys. B129.1; B219.1. School, Boys' club and the public. Towne. B230. I School boys, Physical activities of grammar. Field. B217.1. ' School church. Stackpole. B123.1. i School club. Seale. B230. j Schoolhouses, Larger use of. Kidner. B310. I School life, Effect of on the physical child. Toepei. B121. \ Schools. B122. i Scott, C. R., Boys' conferences. B210.1; B219.4. i Boys' conference plans. B210.1. ' Foreign work. B214.3. How to raise money. B212. \ State homes. B420. Summer work at seashore. B217.2. \ Sunday in boys' camp. B217.3. \ Wawayanda. B217.3. j Youth's social Bible class. B214.1. Scott, J. H., Social instinct. B124.1. -i Scout laws. King. B214.1. ScuDDER, M. T., Civic idea in work with boys. B123.3. Seale, A. N., School club. B230. Search for one hundred percent bad boy. B410, j Secondary division. B123.1. ] Secondary education. B122. ] J88 i INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY j 'i Secondary school Bible study. B214.1. 1 Secondary school Christian movement, B219.1. See, E. F., Bible study leaders. B214.1. Stereoscope in Bible classes. B214.1. j Self-analysis blanks. B219.2. ' Self government. B420. Self government in boys' clubs. Atkinson. B230.3. i Separate boys' building. B210.5. ; Serving community. B210.4. j Seton, E. T., Book of woodcraft. B240.2. I Boy scouts of America. B240.1. j Manual of Woodcraft Indians. B240.2. "Seton" Indians. B240.2. ] Settlements. B320. i Seventeen, That boy of. Speer. B129. ] Sex. B 1 23.6. ! Sex and religion. Gulick. B123.1. j Sex hygiene. B 123.6. I Sex hygiene and high school boys. B 123.6. i Sex instruction. B 123.6. ; Sex instruction for boys. B 123.6. ■ Shacks. Beard. B217.3. j Shall we lower age limit? B211.4. j Sharman, H. B., Jesus in the records. B214.1. 1 Shaw, A. H., Boys' town at Hudson. B420. l Shaw, F. L., Building trades. B122.1. | Printing trades. B122.1. j Shedlock, M. L., Art of story teller. B800. i Shelters, shacks, and shanties. Beard. B217.3. J Shelton, D. O., Bible classes for boys. B214.1. \ Shepherd, C. M., Training course. B211.4. j Sherman, B. G., Medical and physical examination. B217. i Should boys teach Bible classes? B214.1. | Should boys* work director teach Sunday school? B211.5. ! Show, Conduct of great amateur. Chesley. B217. | Showing off and bashfulness. Hall and Smith. B120. ^ Shurtleff, G. K., Boys' work of future. B210. j X89 :\ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Sill, F. H., Sex instruction. B 123.6. SiMNETT, W. E., After school. B310. Simon, A., Jewish child. B129. Skowhegan boys' club. B230. Skowhegan, Club. B230. Slifer, R. G., Boy insight to Bible study. B214.1. Slingerland, W. H., Education and training. B320. — Need of rural welfare work. B 129.4; B310. Social conditions. B123.1. Smith, E. S., Books for boys. B800. Smith, F. C, Manual training. B230.4. Reading. B800. Smith, H. H., Boys' day in Sunday schools. B123.1. Smith, H. L., Church clubs and boys' department. B210.2. Games for boys. B217.1. Tuxis system. B123; 210.6. Smith, J. C, Maine boys' conference. B210.1. Smith, L. B., Evening school for working boys. B215.2. Smith, T. L., Adolescent affection. B 124.2. Bibliography of childhood. Biio. Obstinacy and obedience. B120. Smith, W. J., Church boys' club. B220. Volunteer worker. B230. Smoking. B123.7. Snapping Turtle Indians. Van Ness. B220. Snedden, D., Problems of secondary education. B122. Scouts. B240.1. Snowden,^ S. G., Boy and the church. B123.1. Snyder, H. N., Religious value of Bible study. B214.1. So ares, T. G., Boy's religion. B123.1. Social development. B124. Social ethics. B 124.2. Social hygiene. B123.6. Social life. B124. Social settlements, see Settlements. Social work (Boys' department). B216. Somerville boys' club. Maulsby. B230. 190 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Sons of the Kingdom. B220. Southern boy. Vawter. B129. Spaeth, S.^ Boy rampant. B217.3. Is boys' camp good for boys? B217.3. Spargo, J., Bitter cry of children. B320. Spaulding, W. F., Boys' club and juvenile court. B230. Special classes of boys. B129; B219. Special school. B420. Speer, R. E., How to deal with temptation. B123. Young man's questions. B123. Spence, W. H., Church camp. B217.3. Spencer, A. G., Boy laborer. B 129.2. Speer, R. E., Boy of seventeen. B129. Sperry, L. B., Formative influences. B120. Spetz, a., City gang. B124.1. Spokane, Situation in. Moore. B210. Springfield exposition. B230.4. Springfield, 111., Observation club of. B230. Springfield, Mass., Boy scouts of. Horsfield. B240.1. Spry, R., Canadian tour. B2I7.2. Stackpole, School church. B123.1. Stall, S., What a boy ought to know. B123.6. Stamp clubs. B215.2. Standard efficiency tests. B210. Standard tests. B210.6. Stanley, F. A., Boys' department in Sunday school. B210.2. Stanley, R., B230. Omega club. B230. Omega club experiment. B230. Summer occupations.^B3io. Work among boys. B200. Starbuck, E. D., Civic responsibility. B123.3. Starr, L., Adolescent period. B121. State boys' camps. Hammerstein. B217.3. State camps. Ritchie. B217.3. Statten, T., Boy scouts of Toronto. B240.1. Boys' work at Toronto. B210. 191 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE j t Cadet camps in Canada. B217.3. ; Canadian efficiency tests. B2 10.61. i Danger lines in using boys. 6214. ■ High school clubs. B219.1. Stelzle, C, Boys' clubs. B230. I Boys' club, why needed. B230. ] Boys of the street. B 129.3. i Stereoscope, Use of, in boys' Bible classes. See. B214. | Stevens, B. H., Boys and girls in commercial work. B122.1. , Stevenson, W. C, Duty of superintendent. B230.2. j Stewart, A. H., American bad boys in making. B320. '] Stick, P., Winter camping. B217.3. \ St. John, E. P., Stories and story telling. B800. j Stokes, G. A., Cooking in boys' camp. B217.3. I Story, J. W., Religious life of boys. B123.1. | Story telling. B800. ! Street boys. B129.3; B219.3. , Street, E., Going juvenile court one better. B410, ' Street, J. H., Order of Camp Hat. B217.3. | Street, J. R., Moral education. B123. ] Streeter, S. p.. Probation and results. B410. i Street trades and children. B 129.2. ) Street trades, Child labor laws and. B320.2. j Strong, T., Raising crop of leaders. B214.1. \ Stubbs, G. W., Juvenile court. B410. I Studer, a. G. and others. Detroit survey of boyhood. B210. ; Study, How to. B122. J Stupidity, Genius and. Terman. B122. j Sullivan, J. E., Physical exercise for boys. B217. • Sully, J., Studies of childhood. Biio. i Summer activities. B217.2. ^ Summer camp in Minnesota. B217.3. ] Summer camp of New York boys' club. B217.3. Summer occupations. Stanley. B310. I Summer vacations, Use of. Hollis. B310. Sumner, W. T., Child protection. B320. ! Sunday and boys' department (Y. M. C. A,). B210.2. = 192 ! INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Sunday school athletic leagues. 6217,1. Sunday school, Boy scouts and the. Crosby. B240.1. Sunday schools. B123.1. Sunday schools. New Bible school grading. B123.1. Suppression of vice. B320. SuzzALLO, H., Child's emotional life. Biio. Swan, G. L., Health hints for boys' camp. B217.3. Swearing. "Cussing as a fine art." B219.1. Sweeney, A. J., Central bureau for boys' club. B230. Swift, E. J., Mind in the making. B122. Criminal tendencies. B123.9. Youth and the race. B120. Swimming. B217.1. Swimming for camps. Ball. B217.3. Tabor, A. O., Country boy. B129.4. Tait, W. T., Boys' work in Toronto. B210. Talbot, W. T., Physical abnormalities. B121. — Physical abnormalities to be known. B121. Talks. B215.3. Talks, High school. B219.1. Talks with my boys. Mowry. B123. Tanner, A. E., Children's idea of honor. B123. Taplin, H. B., Camp Hale. B320. Tatum, J. F., Small town work. B210. Taylor, C. K., Better boys. B121. Boys' camp. B217.3. Camping. B217.3. — ; Military training. B217. Taylor, J. M., Vacation camps. B217.3. Taylor, K., "How" of self government for boys. B230.1. Taylor, W. R., Brick church institute. B123.1. Teach, Starting to. Foster. B123.1. Teachers' training class. Mieras. B123.1, Teasing and bullying. Burk. B120. Teen age. Anderson. B129.4. Teens and Sunday school. B123.1. 193 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Temperance. B 123.7. Temptation. Eddy. B123. Temptation. Speer. B123. Temptations of working boys. B219.2. Terman, L. M., Genius and stupidity. B122. Study in leadership. B120. Tests, Athletic. B217.1. Theater meetings. B214.2. Theater meetings, Saturday. B219.1. Theaters advising to steal. B320. Theatricals for boys. B216. Things a pastor expects from Y. M. C. A. B210.2. Things doing with employed boys. B219.2. Thompson, J. V., Missionary opportunity. B214.3, Thrift. B123.8. Thurston, H. W., Junior republic. B420. Juvenile court. B410. Tobacco sales reduced. B219.1. ToEPEL, T., Effect of school life. B121. Tompkins, J. W., Boy's loves. B124.2. Toronto, Boy scouts of, Statten. B240.1. Toronto, Boys' work in. Pratt. B210. Toronto Y. M. C. A., Boys' work of. Statten. B210. ToROSKi, P. M., Railroad Association camp. B217.3. TousEY, F. S., Boys' brotherhood. B216. TowNE, A. W., Club and public school. B230. Municipal club. B230. Trades. B122.1. Transeau, E. F. and Stoddard, C. F., Alcoholic drinks, B123.7. Transferring religious work. B210.2. Travels of Paul. Jackson. B214.1. Travis, E. B., Church boys' club. B220. Church club plan. B210.2; B220. Travis, T., Conserving the boy. B120. Young malefactor. B410. Trenton, Mrs. Trenton's educational work. Robinson. B215. Triangle club. Higgins. B215.2. 194 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Triangle knights of the grove. Reed. B216. Troy, N. Y., Triangle club. Higgins. B215.2. Truants. B410. Trumbull, C. G., Men who dared. 6214,1. Trumbull, H. C, Doubtful practices. B 123.5. TucKERMAN, J., Unsecn educators. B120. Tuxis system of character building. Smith. B123. TwiCHELL, H. S., Country boy. B 129.4. Tyler, J. M., Growth in children. B121. Urwick, E. J., Boy life in cities. B120. U. S. boys' working reserve. Hall. B210. Use of Bible among school boys. B214.1. Vacation book, Outdoor. Verrill. B217. Vacations, Use of summer. Hollis. B217.3. Value of boys' conferences. B210.1. Van Dis, J. A., Boys' work secretary. B211.5. Social service of farm boys' groups. B 129.4. Van Ness, F. V., Boy scouts of Paterson. B240.1. - — Snapping Turtle Indians. B220. Vawter, C. E., Southern boy. B129. Verrill, A. H., Boy's outdoor vacation book. B217. Vines, J. H., Physique of schoolboy. B121. Vocational education and guidance. B122.1. Vocational quiz blank. B215. VoGT, V. O., Junior endeavor society. B220. Voluntary reHgious meetings. B214.2. VoTAW, C. W., Curriculum for moral education. B214. Moral and religious education. B 123.2. Waddle, C. W., Criminal tendencies. B410. WAGE-earning boys. B 129.2; B219.2. Wage earning boys in county fields. Robinson. B219.4. Waite, R. a., Efforts at cooperation. B210.2. Wakeling, C. R., Juvenile institution. B420. Wallace, H. J., Women's club and boys. B230. 195 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE Wallin, J. E., Moving picture. B 123.5. War and high school boys. B219.1. War and the boys in My-town. Cheley. B210.6. War emergency emphasis. Cotton. B219.1. War time, Bad boy in. B410.2. Ward, F., Agricultural education. B420. Warner, C. D., Being a boy. B120.1. Team play. B217.1. Warner, F., Nervous system of child. Biio. Wawayanda. Scott. B217.3. Way to keep boys on the farm. B 129.4. Weatherford, a. D., Negro boy. B219. Weaver, E. W., Profitable vocations for boys. B122.1. Vocational bureau. B122.1 Weber, W. A., Camera club. B215.2. Webster, H. K., Square deal. B410. Welfare Work. B300. Wells, H. G., Your boy workers. B211.5. Welzmiller, L. R., Cigarette smoking. B 123.7. Wendell, E. J., Boys' clubs. B230. Wentworth, E. p.. Juvenile reformatories. B420. Wertheim, E. L., Aeronautics for boys. B215.2. Westcott, a., Animal protective league. B123, Weston, N. J., Hull House boys' department. B230. Wetzel, W. A., Y. M. C. A. and high school. B210. What about camping? B217.3. What children need. B122. What older leader does with his class of boys. B214.1. What to do with boys. B230. What will make clubs unnecessary? B230. Where to study. B211.5. Whipple, William H. Perry. B210.9. White, F. M., Helping bad boys. B410. Boy who was a thief. B410. White, J. G., Educational work. B215. White, J. H., Child and gang. B124.1. White, W. A., Boyville stories. B120. 196 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Court of Boyville. B120. Whitehead, P. S., Boy's view of Bible study. B214.1. Whitehouse, J. H., Boys* Club, place in progress. B230. Whitford, A. H., Boys' work. B210. Whitin, E. S., Common denominator. B230. Teacher and boys' club. B230. Whitlock, B., Work among newsboys at Toledo. B 129.2. Whitman, J. L., Why boys go wrong. B410. Whittaker, G. S., Boys' wrestling club. B217. Wilcox, D. G., Physical awakening. B 123.6. Wiles, L, Sex instruction. B 123.6. WiLLFORD, W. W., Call of camp. B217.3. Williams, C. D., Rights of child. Biio. Williams, J. F., La Junta boys' club. B230. Williamson, E. E., Street merchants. B 129.3. Willis, F. L., Boys' club at Omaha. B230. WiLLMAN, L. K., Men of Old Testament. B214.1. Wilson, A., Evangelistic band. B216. Wilson, W. H., Boys and girls in the country church. B 129.4. Winchester, B. S., Religious training and home. B123.2. Winchester, C. F., Literature and religious education. B123.1. WiNGATE, C. F., What shall boys do for living? B120. Winship, A. E., Hoodlum element. B 129.3. John E. Gimckel of Toledo. B 129.2. Winston-Salem plan. Hodges. B230.3. Winter camp. B217.3. Wolf, J. A., Membership real. B211.4. Women's clubs and boys' work. Wallace. B230, Wones, W. H., Furnishing rooms. B210.5. Training leaders for boys* classes. B200. Work in Newark. B210. Woodcraft in a boys* summer camp. Gordon. B217.3. Woodcraft Indians. B240.2. Wood, E., School for boys. B420. Wood, M. D., Bible study. B214.1. Wood, W. M., Boys' work. B211. Outings and camping. B217.3. 197 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOY LIFE WooDROW, S. H., That boy. B120. Woods, R. A., Americans in process. B320. All-summer boys camp. B217.3. WoOLLEY, H. T., Mind of a boy. B122. Worcester boys' club. Armstrong. B230. WoRDELL, A. A., Boys' club and more. B230. Work for boys, Organized. B200 Work in Kansas City. B219.1. "Work with boys." B120. Working boys. B 129.2; B219.2. Working boys* club of Omaha. Willis. B230. Working lads' clubs. Russell. B230. World's student Christian federation, Boys* work in. Harris. B219.1. Wrestling clubs. B217. Wright, H. B., Will of God. B122.1. Yoder, a. H., Boyhood of great men. B120.1. Young folks' library on vocations. B122.1. Young, H., Character through recreation. B123.5. Young men of the church. B123.1. Youth, Hall, G. S., Biio. Y. M. C. A., Boys' department of, see Boys' department. Y. M. C. A. Camp conference. B210.1; B217.3. Y. M. C. A. for country boys. B219.4. YouNKER, F., Jewish delinquents. B410. Zachert, a.. Books for boys. B800. Zerbe, F. K, Tying activities together. B230.1. 198