(I.ISS Co 7/ iM I'l lil.lSlir.I) BY REV. SETH COOLEY GARY DORCHESTER C lO N T E R BOSTON, MASS. 1 00 s '\Qn!vW IL . Vu vjLnru-w PRESS OP MURRAY AND EMERV COMPANY BOSTON INTRODUCTION /I true life is far greater than we know, and snb~ ■^ ■*■ limer than we think. To the ordinary conception, it is made up only of struggle, care and pain. But a deeper view reveals a royal opportunity for the expression of love and devotion. Struggle and toil and ambitions are only Love writ large. Because at the root, all effort is the desire to bless, ami to crown life with the dignity to which it is entitled. We trust this faint limning of another life will add a new example of achievement, and mayimp incite another to exclaim " Thou canst not fail Except thou yield." [I* age eleven] CT~'lic mere traddioti oj a (/rcitt (uirrslnj liii.s .soinc- times helped risihli/ fo mould the chamders of mm irlti) ircrc nilrnisicidl if slronq rtioiujh to stand (iloiic. Rci'cncs (ilxiul hisliinc Imili mnl ihr IcdfhinCf idioiit hislonc jorciidiTs Irii-c j ri'ijiinilhi qii-cii color lo II lijcliinc. ci'i'ii irhi II the iiiiiii irlm has ni- ditk/ed ill them Ijore X(diire'.s oini .s-lmii/j llnd he was one of the ehosen jeir irho arc to h'liid doit n greatness rather than dcriee it." /'(/(/(■ lirclre] Mrs. Dunn 00 o o c/: .7077 A^ ATNRWORTir DUNN JOHN AINSWORTH DUNN 111 1785 Gardner was incorporated as a town, having been carved out of Ashburnham, Westminster, Templeton and Winchendon. It is twenty-seven miles from Worcester, and sixty-five from Boston. Seated on her Seven Hills, with her villages straggling down the slopes and along her valleys, she claims to be the largest chair manufacturing community in the world. One finds handsome churches, modern school buildings, costly residences, comfortable homes of the people, all of which emphasize the common impulse that binds together employer and employed. This old town has a history abounding in the works of men of strong and marked personality, who Ikivc made the community con- spicuous, a landmark in the industrial and commercial world, and among these stands the name of John A. Dunn. He was born in the adjoining town of Westminster, November 2, 1831, in the old Jackson house, where his mother was born and that sheltered other generations of the family, almost from its first settle- ment. When about six years of age the family removed to Petersham, where he had the usual advantages of education that farmers' boys then enjoyed. Until he was sixteen he helped on the farm, and then began to assist the neighbors, continuing this till his twentieth year, when, in consideration of the gift of his earnings up to that time, his father released all claim on his services. His first experience in the chair business was in 1852, when he worked in a factory in East Gardner, just below the farm of his great- grandfather, giving three months' time to learn the art, which he has practised so many years. He also worked for a time in Fitchburg, and afterward in Ashburnham. In 1855, with less than fifty dollars in his pocket, he came to Gardner, finding employment in the works of the Heywood Chair Manufacturing Company, where he remained for the next nine years. Many years before this, Elijah Putnam, who had been an appren- tice of James M. Comee, the father of the chair business in Gardner, [^Page sevenleeu ] ■/. T. r. JOIIX AfNSlVORTH DUXN was actively engaged as a manufacturer. Beginning business in 1825, in a room in his dwelling-house, with a foot lathe as his only machinery, he, at a later date, built a shop on or near the Scollay place at the Center, for his expanding business, and to meet the demands of the trade. In 1838, he bought of William S. Lynde a mill privilege, and, building a dam, removed his shop to this site. At the end of seven years, he sold the plant to Comee, Collester & Co. the firm consisting of Thorley Collester, Benjamin H. Rugg and Ruel I. Comee. After- wards Maro Collester and Edward Stevens bought the interest of Mr. Comee, and the firm name was changed to Collester, Rugg & Co. At a later date, Franklin and George Eaton took the places of ^Vlaro Collester and Edward Stevens. In 1862, Franklin Eaton purchased the interest of Mr. Rugg, and the firm became Collester, Eaton & Co., until in 1864, when Thorley Collester died, and his interest was purchased by Nathaniel Holmes and John A. Dunn, and the firm became Eaton, Holmes & Co. Years afterward it came out that Mr. Dunn secured this place because of his reputation for industry, economy and persistence. Soon after this the company bought the interest of George Eaton, ]\Ir. Holmes retired in 1865, and Eaton and Dunn carried on the business until 1875. In that year Mr. Eaton sold his interest to Isaac J. Dunn, a brother to John A. Dunn, and until 1886 the firm was J. A. & I. J. Dunn, when John A. Dunn bought his brother's interest, and became the sole owner of the plant. When Mr. Dunn entered the firm in 1864, the business amounted to about $2000 per month, and there has been a steady increase prac- tically every month since. They had a 25 horsepower steam engine and a water wheel; in 1870 a new 100 horsepower engine was put in, and after a time the water wheel was taken out; they now use more than 450 horsepower, to which has been added electric power for some parts of the work, and this will soon need to be largely supplemented. But these improvements did not stop here. The multiplied demands for his products, and the narrowing margin of j)rofits, made it imperative that more rapid processes of manufacture and better methods and greater economy must be developed in order to meet [Page nineteen] .loliii A. Dunn ( '(ini| ;iiiy"- \N ;ii«'li()ii><'. ( liiciifjo .JOHN AINRWORrn DUNN these modern conditions. Here is the j)lace where Mr. Dunn showed his strong points; for added to his thorough knowledge of every detail of the chair business there was a peculiar fitness in his native inventive genius for the adaptation of methods old and new in inventing anfl adapting machinery to the various and multiplied uses in the turning out of the best products from his shop. So, as might be expected, his factory is filled with machinery and appliances made by him for the many and peculiar operations required in the manufacture of chairs. All this plaied him in the front rank as a manufacturer, and his shrewd and far-seeing business sense in meeting the demands of a constantly changing market combined to make him the success he has become. Possibly some thought that he was too much absorbed in his business to be genial, and too aggressive to be popular. It might be said of him what was said of another: "When any one opposed his plans andi showed that they wsere impossible, I noticed that he never argued, he- just went on working." In connection with the manufacturing plant at Gardner, offices, and warehouses are maintained at Chicago, Boston, and St. Paul, and in addition to the business passing through these houses, Mr. Dunn has a large direct trade with the principal chair manufacturers at home and abroad. The night of March '■2Q, 190^2, will long be remembered by the townspeople as the time of the fire that destroyed the chair factory. The Gardner Journal of the next day, said: "The coolest man during all the excitement was John A. Dunn. He is used to receiving hard knocks, and isn't easily disheartened. He cracked jokes with his friends, and declared that he was ready to take off his coat and begin again. His calm, cool manner did much to quiet the fears of his co-workers, and his skillful generalship saved much valuable property. The employees so suddenly thrown out of work were notified that the factory would be rebuilt as soon as possible; that the manufacturing would be continued temporarily in some of the buildings still standings and that all of the old employees would be needed." The new factory, built of brick, and very greatly enlarged, well protected against fire, and with greatly improved conveniences for manufacturing, was ready for occupancy in about a year from the time [Par/c firciitif-nne] c V. c o JOHN AiNswonrn dunn of the fire. But other losses by fire have been his lot, and both at Chicago and Boston has this been experienced. August 1, 1902, the manufacturing interests of John A. Dunn passed into the control of a stock company, being known as the John A. Dunn Company, with the following oflBcers: President, John A. Dunn; Vice-President, George A. Dunn; Secretary-Treasurer, Frank C. Dunn. The mere accumulation of wealth has by no means been the sole ambition of Mr. Dunn. The limited education Avhich he received in early life was for him the beginning, instead of the end of mental discipline. His business became his university, and every department in his increasing interests was simply a new school of learning, from which he never expects to graduate. There is no better test of a man's cultivation, than his home; in this home the marks of culture are everywhere ap])arent, to which travel at home and abroad has added its tribute of ornament and beauty. The confidence reposed in Mr. Dunn by his fellow citizens and the esteem in which he is held are sufficiently indicated by the positions of trust and responsibility to which he has been called. In the church he has held almost every position that a layman may receive, while in the community he has been the trusted adviser of many. About the year 1873 he saw fit to sever his relation with the Con- gregational Church, of which he was an active and leading member, and unite with the Methodist Episcopal Church, then worshiping in a chapel in the West Village. In 1875, this edifice having been prac- tically outgrown, the erection of a new church building began to be mooted, and in this movement he became greatly interested. The pastor had in him an efficient co-worker, a wise planner and a steadfast friend. The new scheme was a complete success, and resulted in the erection and complete furnishing of the Chestnut Street ATethodist Episcopal Church, with every item of expense ])rovided for. But this was made a much greater success by the erection of a parsonage, adjoining the church, and gave the pastor a better house to live in than Mr. Dunn himself occupied. In order to meet the needs of a growing family, he buill a new [/'(/r/r I ir(iili/-llirce] JOHX AINSWORTII DUNX house on the old lot at No. 91 Central Street, which was occupied in January, 1882. Anything that seemed to be for the benefit of tlie town was of peculiar interest to him, and it was largely through his influence that many public improvements and new enterprises were begun. The rapidly growing village of West Gardner was without jwst-ofEce accommodations, and the people were obliged to go to the Center for their mail. Comprehending the situation, and seeing the great advan- tage to the business interests of the manufacturers, as well as the citizens generally, he took the necessary steps to establish an office there, and was successful, although bitterly opposed by many of the leading men of the town. Some years later, seeing the demand for free delivery, he began working for this improvement, and was largely instrumental in its establishment. These and other benefits did not come easily, for Gardner is a conservative town, and it needed some one with unflinching, unyielding determination and courage to accom- plish these beneficent ends. He was also impressed that more generous methods and less partisan tactics should obtain in controlling the commercial interests of the community, and on hearing that the Westminster National Bank had some thought of removing, he made an eftort to have it locate in Gardner. In this he was successful, and the bank was located near the depot, and became the W'estminster National Bank of Gardner. At that time the bank had deposits of about $(),5,()00. and this has increased to more than $600,000, making it the largest financial institution in the vicinity. He was made president soon after its removal. The Gardner Gas, Fuel and Light Company was an important business interest, and for the benefit of the citizens of the town, he felt that it should remain an independent corporation, because of his firm conviction that competition in those matters which have to do with the public good is necessary for the best service. He is now- serving as president of the company. In the spring of 1896 Mr. Dunn ])urchased of the Cliarles Ileywood heirs, thirty-five acres of land lying between Pearl Street and the old W'estminster Road; of the Morrill estate seven acres, and of the Howe [PcK/r tircnli/'pir] ./0//.V Afxsuoirn/ nrw heirs tliirly-five acres, which, with additions since made, he proposes to fjivc to the town for a public park. This land skirts the charming Hetty Sprin*:: UojkI, and iiichides some of the most heantiful wooded land in (iardiicr. It comprises a sweep of grassy meadow, an area of rough and wild territory, and a lake to be made out ol' the meadow where the l)rook rims through it, thus including witliin its limits a variety of natural scenery. With characteristic energy an-? o O i O o O -a JOHN AIXSUORTIf DUNN drew from the firm and removed to Keene, N. H., where he engaged in the same business. From that time until 1902, Mr. Dunn conducted the business personally, when the concern was incorporated as the J. A. Dunn Company. ^Yhen Mr. Dunn originally purchased an interest in the concern the firm was doing an annual business of about $25,000. Last year, it did a business in excess of $1,000,000. He is considered one of the best versed men in chair manufacturing in Gardner, having been in the business nearly sixty years, working up through every department of a chair factory and becoming the head of a large business through his knowledge of the details. In the early seventies, Mr. Dunn became associated with the Methodist Episcopal society in this town and was prominent in the promotion and building of the church edifice on Chestnut Street, which was dedicated in 1877, and has always been active in the welfare of the church here as well as the undertakings of the denomination in other fields. Although never holding public office, Mr. Dunn has always taken a lively interest in municipal affairs and has been a man of much influence in connection with important matters that have from time to time come up, in which his independence and originality of thought and judgment have been recognized and appreciated by even those who did not agree with him. Together with other business men of the town, he was instrumental in the removal of the Westminster National Bank to this town, and shortly after its establishment here was elected its president, which office he still holds. He is also president of the Gardner Gas, Fuel and Light Co. Eleven years ago, Mr. Dunn purchased a tract of land in the east part of the town and bordering on the Betty Spring Road, which he has improved. The natural beauties of this place are unsurpassed in this region, and it is not unlikely that in years to come it will be an important feature in the park system of this locality. Mr. Dunn has been to California four times and on his last trip, in 1902, was with Mrs. Dunn a guest at the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shatter, Mrs. Shaffer being a sister of Mrs. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn have also been abroad twice, the first trip being a tour [Page thirtij-lhree] I'^'iiiik CIkiH'cc |)miii Emeline Whitney Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Duini |)iii:i Hi'Hc Dniiii JOHN AINSWORTfl DUNN of England and the continent, and the latter itinerary taking in Egypt and the Holy Land. Although close up to the eighty mark, Mr. Dunn is vigorous and progressive still. He visits the works every day and made no exception of this, his fiftieth anniversary day. The feature of the day was a family gathering at 1.30 o'clock, when all were assembled for dinner. Among other remembrances of the occasion was a silver plate or tray with a heap of gold eagles from the employees of the J. A. Dunn Company, and the plate was engraved with the following inscri])tion: ^■ "% November 30, 1907 Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dunn with good wishes of employees of the John A. Dunn Company ^: -J Accompanying the gift was a list of the donors, with the record of time each had been in the employ of the company, some dating back for over forty years. [Page thirty-seven] Hetty Sjniii^' Koad, Diiiiii I'ark Ai^ V Oh 3 THE JACKSON FAMILY JOHN AINSWORTH DUNN THE JACKSON FAMILY Christopher Jacksox lived in the parish of White Chaj)el, London, where he reared a family. He owned a fine estate, and bore an honorable reputation. II. Eda\ard Jackson, his son, born about l60'-2, and baptized Feb- ruary 3, 1604, married, first, Frances , and had four sons and four daughters. There is a tradition in the family that Sebas was born on the passage to this country; if this be the case, Frances, the mother, died at that time or soon after their arrival here. His brother John came first and they settled near each other. He purchased land in Cambridge Village (this was Newton after 1679), of Samuel Holley, in 1643, and took the Freeman's oath in 1645. In 1646 he purchased a farm in Cambridge Village, of five hundred acres, of Governor Bradstreet. for one hundred and forty pounds. This farm was long known as the INIayhew farm, the Governor ha\ing purchased it of Thomas Mayhew of Watertown, in 1638. with all the buildings thereon, for six cows. This five-hundred-acre farm com- menced near what is now the di^•ision line between Newton and lirighton and extended westward, including what is now Newtonnlle, and covering the site where Judge Fuller's mansion house once stood. The site where Gen. Michael Jackson's mansion house stood was near the center of the Mayhew fann, and a few rods nearer the brook stood the old dwelling-house conveyed with the farm, in Mayhew's deed to Governor Bradstreet. Of course it was built prenous to 1638, and it is, therefore, highly probable that it was the first dwelling-house built in Newton; the cellar-hole, now almost filled, a few rods from the road, is still \isible. In 1708, in laj-ing out the old highway, long since discontinued, which passed by the old house, the description is, " crossing the brook near where the old house stood." The house, which was erected [ Page forty-three ] ,/(>// y MxswoRTH urxx before Ui.SH, was gone before 170S; it Imd stood jilioiil the allotted sj)ace of tlirce score and ten. Il iiiav lia\c lii'eri tlic first rcsidt'iice of Edward Jackson, Senior, in ('anibri(l.'>; chairman of a c-ommittee with Edward Oakes and Lieutcnaiit-C lONcrrior l)anfortli. apj)ointed li\ the town of ('aml)ridge, Ki.j.S, to lav out all necessary hijfhwavs in Cambridi'e on the south side of Charles River: chairman of a committee with John Jackson, Richard Park and Sanuiel Hyde, "to lay out and settle highways, as need shall re(|uire, in Cambridge Milage""; one of the Connnissioners to end small causes, in Cand)ridge, several years. He was constantly present with Rev. John Eliot, at his lectures to the Indians, at Xonantum. to take notes of the cpiestions of the Indians and of the ansAvers of Mr. Eliot, lie was one of Ihe pro|)rietors of Cand)ridge. and in the di\Tsion of the common lands, in l(l(!'2. he had four acri's; in i(i(il. he had lliirlv acres, lie was also a large proprietor in the iJillerica lands, and in the division of 1().>2 he had four hundred acres, which 1>\ hi^ will he gave to Harvard College, together with other be(|uesls. ilc was the author and first signer of a |)etiti<)n to the (ieneral (diirl in 1<)78, praying that Cand)ridge Village might lie ncI oH' from ( '.MiiKridge and made an inde|)en. notwithstanding the |>owerfnl o|)position of Cambridge, which, in its biljer rcMuonstrances. volnnlariK bears strong and honorable testimonv of Edwai'd Jackson. After sa\ing many hard words about the pelilionei's, i| ad(b: ""WC would uol be understood to include every pa rlieular jierson. for wc acknowledge that Mr. Jackson brought a good estate to llie town, as some othei's did, and lialli not l;een wanting [ Page fori //-/'our \ JOHN AINSWORTH DUNN to the ministry, or any good work among us, and therefore we would not reflect upon him in the least." Capt. Edward Johnson's "History of New England" contains a short notice of the characters of many of the leading men of his time, among whom he classes Edward Jackson, and says, "He could not endure to see the truths trampled under foot by the erroneous party." He had ten children born in this country, and upwards of sixty grandchildren. He died June 17, 1081, aged seventy-nine years and five months. His inventory contained upwards of sixteen hundred acres of land, and amounted to 2,477 pounds, 19 shillings, 6 pence. It also included two men-servants appraised at five pounds each. He was probably the first slaveholder in Newton. He divided his lands among his children, in his lifetime, ])utting metes and bounds. It is a remarkable fact, in relation to these two brothers, John and Edward Jackson, that, while Edward had three sons and John five, there are multitudes of Edward's posterity, who hear his name, and only five of John's. Forty-four of Edward's descendants were in the Revolutionary army from Newton, and not one of John's. Now there are but three families of Edward's descendants in town that hear his name. Sebas Jackson, his son, sometimes written Seaborn upon the old records (some confirmation of the tradition that he was horn on the passage of his parents to this country), married Sarah, daughter of Thomas Baker, of Roxbury, 1671, and had Edward, September 12, 1072. Extract from his father's will: "I do give and becjucalh lo my son Sebas, his heirs and assigns forever, that my house in which lie at present dwelleth, with one hundred and fifty acres of land adjoining, as it is already laid out and bounded; also two gilded silver spoons." That hou.se was eighteen feet bv twentv-two, with two stories, and stood on the same spot now occupied l)y the mansion of William Jackson, Esq., a cold-water man, who continues to draw from the old well, a pure fountain, which has served seven generations and is [ Page fort //-five ] .1011 s .\L\swoRTii nrxs none the worse for wear. The old lionie was built ahoul KJTO. and enlar wife. '■for lier mainlenance. and the well l)riiie >he marry, she shall have tlie west end of liis house, a small orchard lieliind the house, fire wood, and fixe pounds vcarK," elc. I lis oldol >on, Eflward, was to haxc sixty acres of land, and the I'cmainder, one hun(h'ed and ten acres, to he eijualK dixided amouL;' his other three sons; his three , and son Edward lo have a donhle |)ortion. If an\- of his >on> choose a trade, ■"they shall aliatc ten |pounds of their portion."" His son^ lo have a con\('nienl wax llii'ou^ii each othei's lands. If an\' of his sons choo.se to .sell their lands, their hrothers lo li;i\e the refusal, iriviu"; as much as another. He was a soldier in Kini;- lMnli|>"s War. and had grantee's nghl in Xarragausett, Xo. -,', aflerwai'd \\ Cstminsler. an. M^H'k aged eighty-four. IV. Edwaui) Jackson, his son, horn in Xewton, September l'^. 1072; married Mary (born KUJ."), died 17.").'>)". in IT.'H he gaxc half of his homestead to his son Edward, being sixty acres, which lie had from his father. Sebas. He died intestate March -27, 174S. Children: 1. E\|ierience, born .Vugust !), 1 (!!)(!. 2. I-'dward, born October 1, l(i!)S: married Dorothy (^uincy (born Jamiary t, i^Oi); baptized .\pril :'.(». 1721: a(buill<-d to church May 2S, 1727, l)y Rev. .lolm Marsh) December 7, 173H. Her son. Jonathan Jackson, had a daughter Sarali, who married l\e\'. .\biel llolmes. .niil llieir sou was ()li\cr WCndell Holmes. lb' wrote the following poem: |/'or/r /oW//-.v/.r ] JOHN AINSWORTH DUNN DOROTHY (^. A Family Portrait Bi/ permission of Houghton, Miffiin Co. Grandmother's mother: her age I guess, Thirteen summers, or something less; Giriish bust, but womanly air; Smooth, scjuare forehead with uproUed hair; Lips that lover had never kissed; Taper fingers and slender wrist; Hanging sleeves of stiff brocade; So they painted the little maid. On her hand a parrot green Sits unmoxang and broods serene. Hold up the canvas full in \'iew, — Look! there's a rent the light shines through. Dark with a century's fringe of dust, — That was a Red-Coat's rapier thrust I Such is the tale the lady old, Dorothy's daughter's daughter, told. Who the painter was none may tell, — One whose best was not over well; Hard and dry, it must be confessed. Flat as a rose that had long been pressed; Yet in her cheek the hues are bright. Dainty colors of red and white, And in her slender shape are seen Hint and promise of stately mien. Look not on her with eyes of scorn, — Dorothy Q. was a lady born! Ay! since the galloping Normans came, England's annals have known her name; [ Page foiii/sevcti ] JOHN AINSIVORTH DUNN And still to the llircc-liilled rebel town Dear is that ancient name's renown, For many a civic wre^ith they won, The youthful sire and the gray-haired son. O Damsel Dorothy! Dorothy Q.! Straiifje is the gift that I owe to you; Such a gift as never a king Save to daughter or son might bring, — All my tenure of heart and hand. All ray title to house and land; Mother and sister and child and wife And joy and sorrow and death and life! What if a hundred years ago Those close-shut li[)s had answered No, When forth the tremulous question came That cost the maiden her Norman name, And under the folds that look so still The bodice swelled with the bosom's thrill ? Should I be T. or would it be One tciitli aiiollicr, to nine-tenths me? Soft is the l)reath of a maiden's 'ST^S: Not the light gossamer stirs with less; But never a cal)le that holds so fast Through all the battles of wave and blast. And never an echo of speech or song That lives in I lie babbling air so long! There were tones in the voice lliat whis|)ered then You nia\ hear to-day in a hundred mm. O ladv and lover, how faint and far Your images hover, — and here we are. Solid and stirring in flesh and bone, — Edward's and Dorothy's — all their own, — [ Page forty-eight ] JOHN AINSWORTH DUNN A goodly record for time to show Of a syllable spoken so long ago! — Shall I bless you, Dorothy, or forgive For the tender whisper that made me live ? It shall be a blessing, my little maid! I wall heal the stab of the Red-Coat's blade, And freshen the gold of the tarnished frame, And gild with a rhyme your household name; So you shall smile on us brave and bright As first you greeted the morning's light. And live untroubled by woes and fears Through a second youth of a hundred years. The author says: "I cannot tell the story of Dorothy Q. more simply in prose than I have told it in verse, but I can add something to it. "Dorothy was the daughter of Judge Edmund Quincy, and the niece of Josiah Quincy, Junior, the young patriot and orator who died just before the American Revolution, of which he was one of the most eloquent and effective promoters. The son of the latter, Josiah Quincy, the first mayor of Boston bearing that name, lived to a great age, one of the most useful and honored citizens of his time." The line of the Quincys is as follows: (l .) Edmund Quincy, Wigsthorpe, England, married Ann Palmer, October 14, 1593. (2.) Edmund, his son, baptized May 30, 1602; married Judith Pares, July 14, 1623; coat of arms same as De Quincy, second Earl of Winchester; came with Rev. John Cotton to Boston, in 1633; freeman in 1634; Deputy to the General Court the same year; grant of land at Mount Wollaston, 1635. (3.) Edmund, his son, born 1627; married Joanna Hoar, sister of the President of Harvard College. (4.) Edmund, his son, born October 21, 1681; Harvard, 1699; married Dorothy, daughter of Rev. Josiah Flynt, Dorches- ter, and had Dorothy Q., who married Edward Jackson. [ Page forty-nine ] JOHN ATXswnRTff DU yy 3. Isa;ic. lH)rn February 2, 1701. 4. Sarali. l.oni October 28, 1703. 5. Sebas, Ixnii April 20. 170(1. (). Michael, bom Fel)ni;irv 2."). 170!) 7. Jonathan, born June 2o, 1713. 8. Anil, Ixirii August, 1711. V. Isaac .Iack.so.n, his son, born in New ton, I'cbniarv 2, 17(1! ; niarried Ruth, daughter of John Greenwood, Esq., .luly 10, 1729, and had Josiah. born April 23, 1730. He was a carpenter, ser\-ing his time with Isaac Peech, who gave him four acres of land wilh house, adjoining tlic liurial-|)lace. He was Selectman five years, and died February ."). 17(>i), aged sixty-eight. He owned a large tract of land in Westminster, wliicli bv his will (17()o) he gave to his sons, Josiah, Edward and Elisha, who settled upon it, and were among the first settlers of Westminster, with four others from Newton, \-\z., John Hall, Deacon Joseph Miller, Nathaniel Norcross, and one other. Isaac came after his sons had been here for a time, and spent his last days here. Josiah had Lots 92, 93 (the Allen place), and his home was a little south of the house erected bv his son Olixer. lie was the largest landholder of his day. Edward had Xo. 7, Second Division (on Bean Porridge Hill), and 48, Third Division, probablv in (Gardner: and Lot Xo. 20, the original poorfarm. EHsha had 113, Second Division ; 37, Tliird l)i\isioii. and a meadow lot in (ilardner, X'o. 07. I lis homestead was in I he borders of South Gardner village, and the house was on Kendall Hill. He was the first resident of Gardner. VI. Josiah Jacksox, his son. V)orn in XVwIon, .\pril 2;>, 1730; married Mary Derby; was a large landholder, and lived near where his soti Oliver afterward built his house. [Page fift,,] JOHN AINSWORTH DUXN VII. Oliver Jackson, his son, born November 22, 1757; married Mary Pierce, daughter of John and Abigail (Beard) Pierce (l)orn Sei)tember 5, 1760; (Ued March 17, 1833); he died April 13, 181G. Children : — 1. Polly, born November 12, 1781; married Adam Partridge, died March 22, 1869. 2. Asenath. born March 29, 1785; married Jonas Holden; chad February 27, 1875. 3. Josiah, born September 7, 1787. 4. Betsev, born x\ugust 5, 1790; married Jesse Warren; died October 24, 1876. 5. Isaac, born November 24, 1792; was a captain in the War of 1812-14; died October 29, 1844. 6. Abigail, born June 18, 1796; married John Dunn, published June 1, 1815. (See Dunn family.) 7. Horace, born April 1, 1800; died August 20, 1874. 8. Eh-ira, born May 28, 1802; married Jonas Cutting, and died in 1884. I Paqe fip;/-(me ] w o 8 03 hi S > ai 3 O a a o THE DUNN FAMILY JOHN AINSWORTH DUNN THE DUNN FAMILY /. John Dunn, the first of the name in this vicinity of whom there is record, hved in Westminster and owned the farm afterwards occupied by Emory May. He was one of the first settlers of the town, set out an apple orchard on his farm, and was buried in the cemetery at Gardner Center, in the northeast corner, near the old hearse house. This farm is now in Gardner, as portions of Ashburnham, West- minster, Templeton and Winchendon were taken to form the town of Gardner in 1785. II. John Dunn, his son, was born in Marlboro, May 7, 1761, and died in Sterling, July 29, 1832. He married, first, Polly , and had two children; he married, second, Polly Puffer, daughter of Joshua and Mary (Reed) Puffer (born April 5, 1763), May 28, 1788, at West- minster; she died April 9, 1857. He lived for a time on the Fourth Di\'ision lot in the southwest part of the town, on a place owned by his father-in-law; but in July, 1798, he bought of Josiah Colman ten acres of land, which was just below his father's farm, with house and barn, formerly owned by Amos P. Spaulding. This house was burned in 1815. He was a Revolutionary soldier, having enlisted as a private from Marlboro, September or October, 1777; Captain William Morse, Colonel Read; again April, 1778, Captain Amasa Sargeant, and was out five months; again September, 1778 or 1779, Captain Amasa Cranston, and was out two or three months; was at Saratoga at the surrender of Burgoyne. A pension was allowed him, July 24, 1832, then a resident of Sterling; the widow applied for a pension, from Princeton, September 5, 1838; in 1839 she was a resident of Petersham. Two sons are mentioned in this record, John and Asa; the latter was forty years old when the mother made the application for pension. [Page pftj/seven] JOHN AINSWOHT/f DTJyN Cliildrt'ii: 1. Lovett, born in Miirlljoro, jiiul was there in 1807. 2. Vinal S., married Dolly, danghter of Abner and Lcxiriali (Glazier) Whitney; pulilished September 14, 180.3. and had Andrew, who was f/rachiatcd at Ihc Baptist Theoh)gical Seminary at Newton, and was a minister for fifty years. 3. Levinali, ])orn .Tanuary 10, 178!); married Joseph Ghizier Wliitney, and died June 24, 1875; their daughter, Levina, niarned Rev. Ste{)hen Cushing, New England Conference. They became Methodists, and were in the church at "Scrab- ble Hollow," which was organized in 1814, edifice erected in 1817. and united with A.shburnham in 1832. Their son John became a chair manufacturer, and his sons after liini. 4. John. (See below.) 5. Lucas, born April (i. 179G, lived in Bolton, and died October 17, 1833. (). Asa, born IVFay 20. 1798; died December 12, 18o2. 7. I'olly, born May G, 1800; married Henry Norcross. 8. Lucy, born August 8, 1803; married Mr. Lane; died February 13, 18.30. 9. INIary, died Aj^-il 11,1 857. John Dunn, his son, born in Westminster, April 20, 1791 ; married Abigail, daughter of Oliver and Mary (Pierce) Jackson, of Westminster; published May I. 1815. He bought the Jackson place, and here eleven of their children were born. In 1838 they removed to Petersham, and thence to Gardner in 1866, in order to be near their children. Children: 1. Oliver Jackson, born November 26, 1816; died September 10, 1819. 2. \ iola, born August 31, 1818; was educated at the Westminster Academy and became a teacher; married Philander Derby fborn June IS. 1816; died October 10, 1902). February 27. 18.39. They lived for a time in Wardsboro. Vermont, and [Page fijlti-iiijlil] JOHN AI NSW OUT 1 1 DUNN then came to Gardner, where he became an extensive chair manufacturer and amassed a large fortune. His Hue is as follows : 1. John Darby, IMarblehead. 'i. John Darby, born 1681. 3. ANDRf:w Darby, born 1707. 4. Nathan Darby, born 1737. 5. Levi Derby, born 178'-2. 6. Philander Derby, born 181(>. 7. Arthur P. Derby, born 1855. 8. Ashton p. Derby, born 1878. 9. Stephen A. Derby, born 1905 ( hildren : (1.) Mary Augusta, born January '-23, 1840; died May 5, 1906; married George Hodgnuin (born in I>owell, January 27,1838; died in Gardner, May 31, 1907). They Hved in Gardner and he entered tlie firm of P. Derby & Co. Children : 1. Alice I., born October 19, 1860; married Arthur G. Burn- ham, and had Edward L. and George H. 2. Stella A., born September 14, 1862; married Frank C. Collester, and had Marian, Thorley and Mary. 3. Fred Derby, l)orn ]March 9, 186.5; married Jennie M. Cragin, and had jNlildred. 4. Frank Herbert, born A])ril 30, 1866; married Adelaide S. Barton, and had Edna B., Helen E. and Frank H. 5. George Ernest, born March 14, 1869; died October 1, 1872. 6. Walter Burton, Ijorn October 22, 1870; married Emma A. Ellsworth. 7. Alvah Baxter, born September 16, 1872; married Jennie Partridge. 8. Mary Belle, Ijorn October 17, 1874; married Eugene S. Buzzell, November 8, 1899. 9. Harry Nelson, born February 22, 1877; died May 1.5, 1878. [ Page fifty-nine ] JOHN ATXSIVORTTT DUXX W. rinlaiKlcr Derby, born April U, IS?!); died April ^>\, 1902. 1 1 . \i()l;i I )., Ijoin October 2, 1884: died May 23, 1897. (2.) Klla, born October 7. ISH*; married George Wade Cann (born Easton, I'a., Jannary 9, 1849), July 25, 1872, had 1. Helen Louise, married .Vlbert Fay Lowell, M.l)., June 2, l!)(l.'), and had Xorman (died in infancy), Sidney C antl .Vlberta. 2. ^Farv Alberta, born April 22, 1S7.); married Levi IL (ireenwood. February II, l.S9(i, and had Eleanor, Margaret, Richard X. and l{ol)ert Earl. :5. Ella Derby, born M.ircli It, 1SS2; married Frank S. Ilitjht, October 1 t, l!)(t2, and had Donald >L, who died in infancy. 4. Sarah Violn. born Xovemlicr .1. IS83;died July IC, 1S!)1. (3.) .\rthur riiilander, born December I, IS.").*): marriecl Lucy Brown, yidv 1. 1S77. and had 1. Asliton Philander, born February '>. IS7S: married Eva ^L (Ireenwood, September 2(5, KS!>!), and had Stephen Arthur and Philander Greenwood. 2. Howard Hrowii. born April 22, 1891; died Xovember .■), 1904. Arthur ;iiid his son are now a! the hc;id of llie P. Derby Co. 3. Abioail. born Julv 12, 1820; became ;i tcacluM-; married D.nid Hamsdcll, and liiid Morus; died in IS92. 4. Lucy Elvira, born February 20, [822; died December 2. 1824. 5. Oliver .fackson, liorn June 24, 1823; died Xovember 1(!. 1824. (). Lucy, born M;iy 17. 182.5; died Xovendjer 23, 1842. 7. l^Uiia, born 1 )eceml)er 1(!, 1827; married \N'a 1 1 cr Whitney (born A.shburnhaia, January 1. 182."i; died July 23. 18()7; see Whitney Genealogy, Pierce; ])age.s 461-2, History .\sliburn- ham; Stearnes, p. 9GG), May I, 18.113. She was edncaled al the NN'cstminster Academy, and was a successful Icacht-r: for more th.-m twcntv years she was suijerintendent of the .Vsvlum for Discharired Female Prisoners, Dcdham, Mass. Li this |)osilion her strong |)ersonalitv .-ind marked execulixc ability [ Page .ti.tii/ ] JOHX AINSWORTH DUNN had great influence upon tlie hundreds of women who came under her care. The Boston Record says, "The atmos- phere is charged with friendly hospitahty, and the charm of the institution is the presence of Mrs. Whitney, of whom each woman says, 'She is just hke a mother to me.'" She resigned her position in 1901, and resides at Old Town, Maine. Children: (1.) Walter, born July 19. 18.54: died in infancy. ("2.) Frank Walter, born .Jiuie 13, 1856, at Fitchburg, married Georgia Augusta Taylor, Nashua, N. H., and had Walter Robinson, February 24, 1887, who died in infancy. He was graduated at the Fitchburg High School, and Boston University; is ]irincij)al of the Watertown High School, and has had charge of the High Schools at Palmer and Chicopee, Massachusetts, and Dover, New Hampshire. (3.) Mary Ehira, born May 15, 1859; died in infancy. (4.) Jessie Dunn, born May 19, 1862; educated at Fitchburg High School, Cornell and Smith Colleges; taught at Westminster and Ashburnham, and for eight years was assistant in the Wareham High School. She married Arthur Burgess Larchar, August 12, 1897, and had Arthur Whitney, January 13, 1903, and Katherine, December 15, 1905. (5.) Fred Ernest, born January 18, 1865, Fitchburg; married Agatha G. Hays, Xewburg, New York, November 26, 1890; prepared for college at Fitchburg, and his education and preparation for the ministry was in New York. He is rector of the St. Agnes Episcopal Church, Newburg, New York, and is editor and publisher of the Church Kalender, a publication in the Episcopal Church that has a \A'ide circulation throughout the United States and foreign countries. 8. Mary, born February 5, 1830; died February 14, 1843. 9. John Ainsworth. (Special sketch.) 10. Josiah Jackson, born ^larch 18, 1834; married Lucy A. Stone, December 31, 1857, and had [ Page sixty-one ] .ions MXHwoiiTii new (1.) I'll.i. wlio married Alfred M. Worcester, September '-2H. ISKI . (2.) .lulin S.. wlio iiKirricd .Icmiic Aldcii. and li;id Delhert A. and Marion A. lie \\a> a hool and nIioc dealer for some years, and also ixislmastcr at NN'cst (iardner; li\('d in Petcrsliani; observed (iolden Wedding December 31, 1!)07, and died Febrnarv (>. IDd.S. 11. Isaac .Icronic. born Anoiist l.l. IS.'Jd; married ilallic Nicliols. ;iiid had Lillian. l)orn ISdl , died ISS:!. He is now a inann- faetiircr in Kcene, \e\v I lanij).sliire. 12. Ellen Ascnath. (See C'liatiee family.) 13. Albcrl Ilenrv. died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Diiim's interests were cliicdv centered in their family of thirteen children, .seven of whom lived to lia\e families of tlieir own. When a iicision in her bonntifnl hel|)fnlness and charitv. 'Hicir married life extended throngh more than sixtv-thrce v(>ars, and they died at the aire of eiirhtv-.seven. [ Page sixlij-lwo ] THE CHAFFEE FAMILY JOHN AIXSJVORTH DUNN THE CHAFFEE FAMILY Doubtless the earliest settler by this name was Thomas Chaffee, who came to this country and lived in Hingham in 16 — . It is also probable that all of this name are his descendants. Captain Ezra Chaffee, a Revolutionary soldier, was born 1742, and died in Athens, Vermont, July 10. 1815; married Jerusha (born in Athens, Vermont, 1742; died in same place December 15, 1823, aged 81). Children : 1. Charles, born about 1767; died in Athens, April 30, 1823. 2. Rufus, born 1769; was a shot maker by trade; married Betsey Stickney; died in Athens, April 12, 1857. Children : 1. Elisha. 2. Eber. 3. Stickney. 4. Rufus. 5. Ehza. All these except Rufus went West. Rufus Chaffee, born in Athens, Vermont. April 21, 1800, was a tanner by trade; married first, Susan Russell, September, 1829, who died September 26, 1833. Children : 1. Rial L.. born March 31. 1831; married Dene B. Buell, March 3, 1858; died April 19, 1869. 2. Margaret S., born July 9, 1833; died September 29, 1833. He married, second. Experience (Porter) Richmond, daughter of George Porter, who was born in Taunton, Massachusetts, January 29, 1759. enlisted in 1775, in the Massachusetts troops, and was dis- charged in 1779, having served two full years. For this service he was granted a pension, for which application was made at Athens, Vermont, August 9, 1852. She was born March 31. 1799. and married, first, Reuben F. Richmond. Deceml)er 0, 1821. who was accidentally killed, leaving [Page si.vtij-.s-cren] JOHN AIXSWOHTH ni'W her willi llircc liltic irirls; after five years she iiiiirricd Kufus Chafi'ee, ;ui2; she died February ;2, 1891. 2. Sarah G., born May 115, IS2(>: married S. E. Perham, May 2.5, 1840, and had Dorr and F>lla; she died July 19, 1850. 3. Susan (i., born January 17. 1829; married John I). Sliafter, a "Forty-Niner,'" Sejjtcuibcr "28, 1852. and had (1) Frank, born Septendier 19. 18.j.';. who married F'rankie Pliipps, April 2(i. ISSl, and had Lottie Kuth. October 16, 1883, and liertha Ray. March 19. 1887; (2) Minnie, born Sep- tember 19. 18.59, and died Augu.st 22. 1802; (3) Florence, born January 28. 18(i(i. married Charles IJothwell, Septem- ber 28, 1887. and had Bruce Shaffer. l)orn Auo;ust 31, 1888, and Farl Lewis, born February 7, 1890. M r. Shaffer died at San Jose. California. November 24. 190.'!. The children of Rufus Chaffee and his wife Experience (Porter) Richmond, were: 1. Harriett, born March 5, 1833; died February 20, 1894; married first, Harvey AL Clark, June (i. 18.54. .and had Abbott, born July 31, 18,55, who married .luli.i E. Keinath, October 21, 1880, and had Leslie Clark, born June 28, 1889. and F:dna Mabel, born March 12, 1892; in.irricd. .second. Hufus Johnson, November. 1S()(I. and li.id .Mice, born .Vpi-il Hi. ISTO. who married .Vmedee Sniill:, .luue 8, 1892, and Edna, born November 5, 1872, who married Nelson .\. T^oueks, October 1<», 1900; married, third. Robert Hull. March. 1S79. 2. Sophi.-i W.dker. (See j)aj;e twenty-.six.) 3. George IL, born July 14, 18.'J9; died Deceudjcr 5. 1S9(J. al Athol. Mas.sachusetfs. He enlisted in Company F., Fifty- Ihird Kegiment Ma.■^sa(■hu.sells N'olunlet-rs, for nine [ Pnr/c ftlxf)/-ci(/}it ] JOHN AINSWORTH DUNN months; was wounded June l^, 1803, at Port Hudson, Louisiana, and from this wound and the asthma which he contracted there, suffered the remainder of his Hfe. He married Ellen Asenath. daughter of Jolm and Abigail (Jackson) DuTin, September '■I, 1864. Children : (1.) John R., born July "27, 1869; was graduated from Boston University with the degrees of A.B., A.M. and Ph.D.; married Jennie Florence Ditmars (B.U. '96), June 27, 1907; is a member of the New England Conference. (2.) Wilbur G., born July 28, 1872; received degrees of A.B. and S.T.B. from Boston University, and is a member of the New England Conference. Married April 8, 1907. Annabel S. Atherton, B.U. '91. 4. AYillard P., born January 11, 1843; died at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, January 8, 1906; married Abi Proctor, Septem- ber 6, 1866, and had (1), Harriett, born November 16, 1867, and married Frederick Ross, August 13, 1889; (2), Arthur, born March 28, 1874, married Elizabeth Hughes, November, 23, 1898, and had John Willard, October 9, 1903. Served in the Civil War. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee moved from Athens to Lyndon, Vermont, in February, 1848, and bought a farm on which they lived for thirty years. They then went to San Jose, California, where they remained four years. Returning to ^lassachusetts, they made their home with their daughter in Gardner, till his death, December 27, 1875. Their marriage was an ideal one, in that each w'as the complement of the other; he being quick and active in judgment, while she was more deliberate in action and conclusion. She went to live with her daughters in San Jose, and died there at the age of eighty-seven. [ Page sixtij-nlne ] THE GARY FAMILY JOHX ATXSJVORTfr DUXX THE CARY FAMIIA Seth Cooley Cary was born June 1, 1838, at Belcher, New York, in the liouse built by his grandfather, and which sheltered four genera- tions of Carys. At nineteen be began teaching, as did his father and other members of that family, "boarding 'round" as was the custom. Prepared for college at Poultney, Vermont, but like all his ancestors became a soldier, entering the 123d New York Infantry Volunteers, as a Second Lieutenant, August, 1862; was twice promoted in the field, and was mustered out with his regiment, June 8, 1865, at the close of the Civil War, with the rank of Adjutant. Was one year in the Army of the Potomac, in the 12th Corps, and was engaged in the battles of Chancellorsville, Virginia, and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In September, 1863, was transferred to the Army of the Cumberland, under Gen. George H. Thomas, after the repulse at Chickamauga. In the winter following, the corps was changed to the 20th, and Gen. W. T. Sherman took command, when General Grant was placed at the head of all the armies in the field. Was engaged in the battles of Resacca, Cassville, Dallas, Lost jNIountain, Pine Hill, Kennesaw Mountain, Kolb's Farm, Chattahoochee River, Peach Tree Creek, all in Georgia, in the Campaign of Atlanta. At Peach Tree Creek was severely wounded, July 20, 1864. Was graduated from what has since become the Boston University School of Theology, in 1869; was assistant pastor of Bromfield Street Church, Boston (Rev. Prof. Luther T. Townsend being pastor), April, 1868, to April, 1870; joined the New England Conference in April. 1870. Was one of the statistical secretaries for twenty years; for ten years the President of the Alpha Chapter of Boston T^niversity; Bio- graphical Secretary of the same since 1896; Instructor in the Deaconess Training School since 1896; President of The John Cary Descendants since 1901; chairman of the committee that erected a monument to his regiment at Gettysburg. October 7, 1873, married Mrs. Sarah W. Bouton. who died Septem- ber 21, 187.5; married second, Hattie Landoii Boutoii. .V])ril 17, 1878, [Page seventy-three] Rev. Setli C. Carv Knibloe Bouton Gary joi!\ Ajxswoirni disx and had KiiiMoc Houton, March '-20, 188-2; tlie motliiM- dyinor A|)ril If?, 1882, tlie l)al)V, then llirce weeks old, entered the home of John A. Dniin, where he was l)rou^lil ii|), graduating from the High School in 1898, the Boston Latin Seliool, in 1899, and from Boston University in June, 1908, and in July following entered the eniphn' of the John A. Dunn (