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Stephens, Columbia, Missouri. 1905 \ \ o^ (K Si^^lKEI^ T@ TIME HEHOIY or LEWIS I^^lNlCi^lNI ^mh rnEiK /^mcestqis TSUIS P@©&C 15 /^PPE<^TD©IN1/^TELY IiNlS<^lIPEl^ PY TME /^MTInl@l INTRODUCTORY AND BIOGRAPHICAL. FAJMILY records and family histories are ex- ceedingly interesting and eminently valuable. If the reader wishes an exemplification of this declaration, let him turn, once more, to "fam- ily record" in the "old family Bible," of just one local family. The Sketches and family Register of Lewis and Harriet Duncan and their descendants, which follow, grew out of conversations had in connection with the first family reunion, held at the old homestead in Lincoln county, Missouri, in September, 1898. An elaborate history cannot here be undertaken, but an outline of the lives of the father and the mother of the large family, whose record will fill these pages, seems not only admissible, but highly necessary and creditable. The register proper will contain the full legal name of the descendants, by birth or by marriage, of Lewis Duncan and Harriet Duncan, his wife; the date and place of their births, date of their marriages (if mar- ried ) , and by whom married ; also the date of the deaths of those who have died. ANCESTRAL HISTORY. Not until this register was inaugurated and fairly under way, could it have been said that the heirs of Lewis Duncan had anji:hing but the most meager knowledge of their ancestiy beyond James Duncan, his father. But by the providential aid and the very great kindness of Hon. Daniel A. Grimsley, of Cul- 6 Duncaji Famihj Register peper, Virginia— a man who observes passing events closely, and who has access to the records of his State —valuable information of several generations has been secured, of which the western wing of the family was not in possession hitherto. Judge Grimsley says: ''Yrom an examination of the records here, I find, that from 17.50 to 1790, there lived in Culpeper county, four large famihes by the name of Duncan; tliat of William, and of Charles, of James, and of Robert. Tradition in some branches of the family has it that they were Scotchmen and brothers; and I have no doubt this is correct. They were people of more than ordinary education. I notice that all deeds and wills made by them were signed by their own hands, both male and female, which was not at all common in those early days. "The children of William Duncan were John (who died unmarried before his father) ; Rawley, James, \\\w married Senie Browning; William, who married Rose Norman and died in 1788; Joseph, who died in 1802 ; Ann, who married a ^Mr. Roberts, and Rice, who also died unmarried. "The children of Charles Duncan were Norman, wlio married Lucy Browning; William, Charles, Sliadracli, Isaac, Jolm, ISIilly, Henry, Ehzabeth and Zac'liciy. These all appear to have left Virginia early, and I have no trace of them. "James Duncans children_were Reuben, James, Willis, William, Francis, Mary, Ann, and Sarah. The wilV of this James was named Barsheba. Tliis family also 1( 11 \'irginia early. Biographical Sketch 7 "The children of Robert Duncan, who died in 1793, were the following ; Robert, who died in 1832 ; Charles, Samuel, Joseph, Gallop (who married Lucy Coving- ton and died in 1813) ; Philhs, the wife of John Barbee; Ann, the wife of Thomas Pope; Mary, the wife of Joseph Henkly; Rosa, the wife of William Jett, and Lavinia, wife of WiUiam Lightf oot. There are none of this family now (1899) in Virginia. "Now, of the second generation, William Duncan . (the son of the first Wilham), who married Rose Norman, died about 1788 and left the following chil- dren: William — whose wife was named Lucy — died in 1832; Benjamin, Frederick, James, and Elizabeth. This Jaines Duncan died about 1814, and left the following children: Lewis, JNIarshall, James, Lucy, William, Hiram, and John. This Lewis Duncan, I presume, is your father. He was married in 1827 to Harriet Kinnaird by Rev. Wm. F. Broadus, a Bap- tist minister of great talents, learning and influence in the community." {M. S. Letter of Judge Grims- ley. ) Thus have we traced the ancestors of Lewis Dun- can back for three generations, and Judge Grimsley's "presumption' is shown to be true, for the Lewis Duncan, descendant of Wilham Duncan of 1750, and the father of our family, teas married to Harriet Kinnaird in 1827, by Wm. F. Broadus, as shown by our family Record, and as appears from Records at Culpeper, Virginia, examined by INIr. Grimsley. Another note of interest: "In an early day, two brothers named respectively John and George Duncan, emigrated from Scotland to the United States. John settled in the State of 8 Duncan Family Register Virginia (then a Province), and George settled in Pennsylvania. From these two men it is believed that ail, by this name in the United States, have de- scended." ' (History of Missouri Baptists, p. 576.) Duncan is a Scotch name, and William and John are family names in every generation. These facts are confirmatory of the accounts given of the ances- tral members of the family. Judge Grimsley continues his account in these words : "All the Duncans of the olden time were farmers or planters, and, so far as my observation goes, it continues to be the leading employment of the family. And they are remarkably good farmers, too. I have never known one to be an indolent, thriftless man." "James Duncan/' says ]SIr. Grimsley, "was both a merchant and a farmer. I know well the house he is said to have built in 1802, both for a residence and a store. It was only about a mile from my father's home. It is standing at this time (1899), and the figures, 1802, are cut in the rock of the chimney. "Our marriage records are very meagre. Before the Revolution the records were kept by the Parish clerk, and afterwards, for a nmnber of years, the marriages celebrated by the Episcopal clergy were recorded in the Parish Register, and these have been lost; so, previous to about 1800, very few marriages are recorded in the clerk's office." (Grimsley' s M. S.) Ill tlie face of these difficulties he finds this record, however: 'Mamks Duncan and Dokcas Butler were mar- lllEl) ON THE 27T11 DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1797." Biographical Sketch - 9 Lewis Duncan was the son of James Duncan and Dorcas Butler, of Virginia. James Dunc^vn was born not far from the beginning of the American Revolution. He was a native of Faquier county, Virginia, and a son of Wilham Duncan and Rose Norman his wife, the former of whom died about 1788. He died in the prime of Hfe, about 1814. Dor- cas Butler, of English parentage, was a daughter of Spenser Butler, of Culpeper county, Virginia. From the death of her husband in 1814, she lived in widowhood until her death, which occui'red about the year 1850, at the home of her son, Lewis Duncan, in Lincoln county, INIissouri. She was then an old woman — from 75 to 80 years — the only one of my grandparents I had ever seen, and I remember her well, and also the event of her death in our home, where she had lived for some years, but the exact date of said event I remember not. My other three grandparents all died in Virginia. The children of James Dmican and Dorcas his wife, were the following : IMarshall Duncan, William Duncan, John H. Duncan, Lewis Duncan, Hiram Duncan, James Duncan, Lucj^ Duncan, biographical. Lewis Duncan had royal blood in his veins, being a descendant, ^v^thout a doubt, of Prince Duncan who figured in Scotch history more than two hundred 10 Duncan Famihj Register years ago. As seen above, he was the middle child of seven children, all of whom were Virginians. He grew to manhood in his native State, having spent liis early life on the plantation and in the store room. "Virginia did not have, in the olden days, a system of pubUc school education, but a much better and more thorough system than at present. It was not so generallv diffused, but it was of a much higher and better order than that which we have at the present time (1809). The Rev. Wm. F. Broadus," contin- ues jNIr. Grimsley, in his letter to the \\Titer, "for sev- eral years of his early life, conducted what would now be called, a High School, in the immediate vicinity of the home of Lewis Duncan, your father; and I doubt not that lie was his first and only teacher." This school was the Mount Salem Academy, where Lewis Duncan was educated under Wm. F. Broadus, as Princi])al. This Academy was not far from the home of my grandfather— James Duncan— the father of Lewis. Wm. G. Crigler, the present clerk of Gourd Vine Baptist Church, Virginia, confirms the facts stated in this paragraph. Lewis Duncan was born in Culpeper (now Rap- paluuHiock) county, Virginia, JNIarch 1, 1806, and tliere grew up to manhood ; and there he married Har- riet Kinnaird, September 11, 1827. For one or more years he taught scliool in Virginia. His pubhc avowal of faitli in Christ was made in the spring of 1828, and he became a member of Gourd Vine Bap- tist Church, ])lanted in 1791, and still existent. {Scm pic's Hist. Va. Bap., 174.) Missouri invited immigration. It was tlicn a new state, and he became rav<)rai)l\- ini])ressed with this rich and promising Biographical Sketch 11 western country. Thereupon, on the 16th day of October, of that year (1828), with his young wife and baby Frank, he left the "Old Dominion" to seek a new home in Missouri. The trip was made in an old-fashioned carry-all^ which brought the family, and a covered wagon with the household, driven by negro Dick, who afterwards became a Baptist preacher. This wonderful trip of a thousand miles, over the few unmade — or poorly made — roads of that early day, lasted about two months, including a short rest in Kentucky in the home of his brother-in-law — William (Uncle Billy) Smith — not far from Bow- ling Green. He arrived in INlissouri about the middle of De- cember, 1828, and settled in Lincoln county. The first ten years of his ^lissouri life were spent by him on the farm and in the school room as teacher, in the region round about Troy, the county seat. In 1838, at the call of tlie Sulphur Lick Baptist Church, he was ordained to the gospel ministry, by Elds. WiUiam Davis, Robert Gilmore, and Ephraim Davis. Early in 1839, John Jenkins, his brother-in-law, and family; John Duncan, his brother; and Dorcas Duncan, his mother; all removed to the State of Ar- kansas, where lived his brothers, William and James Dmican. He, himself, had purposed making the same removal; and with them; but was hindered that season by not finding sale for his farm. Meantime, the Arkansas country proved to be very unhealthy, and the wife of John Jenkins — my aunt — died there. Thereupon, Lewis Duncan, my father, having then sold his home near Trov, reversed his purpose to 12 Duncan Family Register remove to Arkansas, and bought lands and built a new home (now— 1904— the ''old home''), far up in the county, some four miles south of the town of Louisville. The country was then sparsely settled. From where :Millwood now is to the new home, there was not a single settlement in all that beautiful prai- rie. His removal to this place was in Januaiy, 1840, and here he continued to live, and here he died. His death occurred, without the visible presence of any disease whatever; on the Lord's Day, December 15, 1872, and he now sleeps in the cemeteiy on the hill at the ''old home/' between his wife and his mother. Of his brothers, Marshall Duncan was the oldest, wliose children were William, Jane, Robert, James, JNIildred, John Sanford, Ann, and Hiram. Marshall Duncan married and died in Virginia; and his widow and family moved to Platte county, Missouri, not long after the addition of the "Platte Purchase" to the original state in 1836. IV ill i am Duncan — second brother of Lewis — ^was a doctor. In an early day he removed to Arkansas, and thence, subsequently, to Texas, where he raised a family. Of them we know no more. John H. Duncan, the third brother, never married. He was a Ba])tist ])reacher, but I think was never or- (hiined. He spent much of his life teaching school; and, when he died, he left some incomplete manu- scri])ts of books wliich he had purposed publishing. He was a good schohir, and a fine wTiter. The date r)f' his birth was 1803, and of his death, 1851. He died ill the home of his brother Lewis. TIiKAM Duncan^ fifth son of James Duncan, Sr., and next younger than Lewis, married Mrs. Jane Biographical Sketch 13 Handcock late in life, and died many years ago with- out issue. James Duncan, the youngest brother, married in early life, settled in Arkansas, raised to maturity one child — a daughter — and died, as also his wife — many years ago. The daughter was the only bodily heir. She married, became the mother of one child, and both died; and, by the laws of Arkansas, left to the hus- band and father a "life interest" in the large landed estate inherited from the father, James Duncan. This note may be of some interest to the heirs of IVIarshall, William, and Lewis Duncan, the only surviving heirs of James Duncan. Lucy Duncan, only sister of Lewis, married John Jenkins, of Virginia, and became the mother of three children — Catharine, Sidney Elizabeth, and James William. The first died when a child, the second died in January, 1903; and the last named was killed by highwaymen in California, when only a young man. AS A CHRISTIAN. Lewis Duncan^s Christian life was exceedingly beautiful, bright and uniform. I have not known one with a more perfect equipoise. In his religious views he was of the Andrew Fuller "School." For candor and sincerity he excelled. He lived in the vicinity of Troy for twelve years, during which period he was a member successively of the following churches: Antioch (long since dissolved), Troy (now called Sand Run ) , and Sulphur Lick. An Incident. — Wishing to move his membership from Troy church, he called for his letter of dismis- 14 Duncan Famihj Register sion One of the members— who afterwards became a minister-arose and said: "Brother Moderator, I object to the giving of this letter because the applicant believes in a General Atonement/' Being scmpulously candid, Le\\ds Duncan arose and said : "Brother ^Moderator, I beHeve in a General Atonement, and am willing for my view of this doc- trine to be stated in my letter." The case was con- tinued until next meeting, when, by unanimous con- sent, the letter was granted, and he united with the Sulphur Lick church where he was subsequently or- dained. His active ministerial career continued something over twentv-five years; and at times he was pastor of these churches: Sulphur lick, New Salem, Pleasant Grove, Lincoln county; Zion, INIontgomery county ; and Indian Creek, Pike county. He was a student, a deep thinker — familiar with analysis. Dr. H. K. Jones, late of Jacksonville, Illinois— one of the lead- ing philosophers of his day— when I was on a visit to his home over twenty years ago, said to me: "In my younger days, I never passed in reach of your fatiier's home, without calling to see him and spend a day or so in conversation. My first impres- sions of how to study a subject, I got from him. He always sought for the foundation of things." In liis ])reacliing, he "Fed the Flock." He was in- structive, and dealt in no superfluities. In his day, preaclicrs were virtually without a salaiy. This was made, in his case, by wife and children, on the farm. I recall this incident. One day, my mother said to me : "^'our father got $25 from his two churches this year." I presume she thouglit it small pay. To me, it now seems almost ])enurious. Biographical Sketch 15 Notwithstanding most of his ministerial labor was unremunerated, yet by good management, indus- try, and economy; aided by a small legacy from the Kinnaird estate, my father was able to give each of his eleven children a small home on their beginning life for themselves. In the real elements of tine greatness, and eminence in Christian character, the name of Lewis Duncan stands pre-eminent, as I view it, in the galaxy of good men. IN THE PULPIT. Here he was calm and self-possessed; never ranted nor beat the book, but "reasoned out of the Script- ures;" hence his preaching was instructive, foody, and edifying to the saints, young and old. Fanny, eldest daughter of Eld. D. W. Nowlin — some years ago said to me: "When I was a young Christian, I sat under your father's ministry, and it was my delight. His sermons fed me." Truly can it be said, he was a life-long student, by which, coupled with a rigid self -training in system- atic thought, he usually mastered his subject, what- ever it might be, but most especially is this true of him in his ])reparation for the pulpit. In the Home, his light shone with peculiar bright- ness. His was what I should now call an ideal Christian home. From my earliest recollection, the family altar had a place therein. "Family worship" — moiTiing and night — consisted of a Bible lesson, a song, and a prayer. Nor has the memory of those sacred old songs ever yet been effaced. I call to mind these lines now: 16 Duncan Family Register "The day is past and gone, "The evening shades appear." The f mit of such a family life, could be only good, and good continually. Eveiy one of the eleven chil- dren, who grew up in that religious home, became a Christian, and most of them in early Ufe. No family of children ever had a better home! For consecrated. Godly parents, "ISIy soul doth magnify the Lord." A COPY FROM THE OLD FAMILY RECORD. ' Lezms Duncan, bom March i, 1806, in Culpeper county, Virginia, died Sunday, December 15, i872. Harriet Kinnaird, born October 12, 1806, in Culpeper county, Virginia, died February 24, 1852. Married, September 11, 182? by Eld. Wm. F. Broadus; a Baptist. < ANCESTRAL HISTORY. The name ''Kinnaird" is found in the court records of Virginia, as early as 1760. Later on, the records show a trace of two David Kinnairds — one a son of George, the other a son of William Kinnaird. Says Judge Grimsley of Culpeper: "The records of our county show that George Kinnaird, in 1762, first ac- quired lands in our coimty. His estate was divided about 1815, and he had the following children; the most of whom had, at that time, or soon thereafter, gone west; Sally, Dolly, Marj% Joseph, William, John, and David. But there was another David Kinnaird, a son of Wilham; "who acquired lands in 1796 from William Duncan and wife. These lands, if not the same on which Mrs. Sally Royston lived, were in that immed- iate vicinity." (Judge Grimsley' s Letter.) This Mrs. Royston was a sister of Harriet Kinnaird, the mother of our family. Let it be remembered also that the heirs of George 2 17 18 Duncan Family Register Kinnaird had moved west by or soon after 1815— among whom was one by name of David. But David Kinnaird— our ancestor— lived and died in Virginia. David Kinnaird was the son of William Kinnaird, a Scotchman. At the commencement of the Revolution- ary War, in 1776, David was a youth of ten or twelve years. He married in Virginia and became the father of a large family. His first wife was Frances Mor- ris, whose father, Joseph Morris, lived to be one hun- dred and ten years old; and whose mother, Mary Gar- rett, died at 90. By this first wife, his children were Ehzabeth, Joseph Morris, Mildred, Louretta, Jane, William, and Mary. The maiden name of his second wife was Lampkin, whose children were Charlotte, Sarah (Sally), Har- riet, (our mother) ; and three others who died in in- fancy, whose names we have not. Not far from 1812, Da\4d Kinnaird married a third wife, whose name was Polly Yates. Such, at least, is the record; but nothing is now known as to any issue from this third union. David Kinnaird died in Virginia in 1840, having provided by will for a division of his estate among his cliildren. He had, in personal property, about $4,000, also a large plantation. He was a generous man, both in word and in deed. Of him, the late Dr. Hiram K. Jones, thus wrote me, in 1899: "The father and mother of my grandfather's first wife — Joseph and Fannie Morris; both became help- less in their old age, and our grandfather — David Kinnaird — built them a house in the edge of his yard and took tliem there to his home. Thej'^ were waited on by his servants, of whom he had plenty; and their Ancestral History 19 care was overseen by Aunt Sallie — daughter of his sec- ond wife — tlien a young woman of 18 or 20. In 1822, Joseph Morris died at the age of one hundred and ten, and two years later his wife followed him, being 90 years old." {Jones' letter.) David Kinnaird's first set of children, (by his first wife), were as follows: Elizabeth, Joseph Morris, JVIildred, Louretta, Jane, William, and Mary. Eliza- beth married William Smith and they raised a family of seven children. Joseph became a doctor, married, moved to Kentucky, raised one son — James Kinnaird — and died. Mildred married Stephen Jones, moved to JMissouri and settled near Troy. She became the mother of three sons — Hiram, Richard, and Cumber- land George. All became eminent doctors, and all are now (1904) dead. Richard was a Baptist preacher as well as doctor. Louretta, Jane, and Wil- liam Kinnaird never married, I think. Mary Kin- naird married Himi])hrey Huff, without issue. His second set of children, (by second wife), were Charlotte, Sallie, Harriet, and three who died in child- hood. Charlotte became the wife of Pulaska Runkle, and moved finally to Nebraska. They raised a large family of children and died many years ago. Sallie (Sarali) married INIr. Royston of Virginia, but had no descendants. She died in Kentucky at a ripe old age. Harriet Kinnaird, the third of Da^dd Kinnaird's second set of children, became the wife of Lewis Dun- can, the father of this (our) family. She was bom in what was then Culpeper (but now Rappahannock) county, Virginia, October 12, 1806. When seventeen years old, (in 1823) she was converted and joined the 20 Duncan Family Register Gourd Vine Baptist church, near her home, having been baptized by the pastor, James Garnet. That church has long been a land-mark in the Old Domin- ion. Organized only a few years after the birth of American Independence— that is, 1791. The first seventy-two years of its history the church had only three pastors, viz. ; John Picket, Wilham Mason, and James Garnet, whose pastoral period was fifty years. The marriage of Harriet Kinnaird occurred Sep- tember 11th, 1827, — 9 months and 14 days after which baby Frank was born. She was a fruitful vine. Hers was, in fact, a remarkable hfe — phenomenal al- most ! becoming in the end, the insti-ument of natural life to eleven human beings, and these have now (1904) multiplied to the number of one hundred and ninety-six. Another remarkable thing as to the fam- ily, is, that her eleven children all lived to maturity, and all became heads of families. IN THE HOME. Harriet Duncan was a model wife. "A help meet." "A keeper at home-good." (Titus 2:5.) In her was exemplified this divine description by Solomon: "A prudent wife is from the Loi*d." (Prov. 19:14.) Her husband tiTisted in her. Her children loved her. She was Queen of her home. Industrious, Economical, Domestic, yet in the social circle cheerful, bright, en- tertaining. Not given to melancholy — the life of the home. Genial — Hospitable. in lier day, most of the clothing was manufactured in the home. For this purpose, she had a full equip- ment of ini])lements; such as the spiiming-wheel, the flax-wheel, the Iiackle, the reel, the loom, etc., etc. Ancestral History 21 She first spun the wool, the cotton, and the flax ; then wove the cloth and made the garments for old and for young. Knit socks and stockings for the feet, and gloves and mittens for the hands. Made bed-ticks, sheets, table-cloths, and towels, from flax raised on the farm. She made butter and cheese for the table; raised poultry, such as chickens, turkeys, and geese. From the latter, she made her feather-beds. Hers was indeed a home-made home. To do all this, re- quired strength, industry, energy; all of which she fully possessed. She lived much of her life in a log-house, and we might say, a log-cabin, but her home was well kept — neat and clean. Mrs. Mary Jane Asher, a daughter of my mother's oldest sister, and now (1904), if liv- ing, 87 years old; thus wrote me, in 1903, concerning my parents — Lewis and Harriet Duncan: "I remember your father and mother well, although I was only a child when they stopped at my father's in Kentucky, going from Virginia to Missouri. I was particularly impressed upon your mother's neat- ness. She had only the one child, a little boy, and how very careful she was with him. I remember the little home-made cotton dress as well as if it was yesterday. My mother had colored people, and of course they did the washing, but your mother would not trust hers to them. She said they would fade the clothes, so she did it herself." This incident most beautifully illus- trates a prominent trait in my mother's character — personal neatness, and independence. She was endowed with a charming voice, rich and full of melody. She was a sweet singer — one of the sweetest I ever heard. She easily led in song at church. 22 Duncan Family Register She sang in her home, too, quite often while at her work, and always in "family worship." She was gifted in song! My father was a good singer, but mother easily excelled him in song. Her voice was shrill, sweet, and strong. Before the "dinner-horn" was introduced, I have often known her to call us to dinner from the remote part of the farm. Hers was a remarkable voice. But her life-work on earth is done, and assuredly it was tvell done. This is the testimony of one who loved his mother, and loves her memory still. But the end of the pilgrimage was reached. When passing the second critical period of woman-hood, she was stricken with paralysis, (we called it in that day, "dead palsy"), and passed over the river, Febi*uary 24, 1852, being then 45 j^ears, 4 months, and 12 days old. Over fifty years ago, yet "How sweet her memory still." She sleeps in the grave-yard on the hill at the "old home," by the side of him whom she loved. Though dead, she yet lives — lives on earth in the persons of her many descendants ; and, in Heaven, cro\\'ned with glory and honor in the midst of the throne of God and of the Lamb ! ! R. S. Dmican. Montgomery City, Mo., January 1, 1905. PREFACE. Not because it is fashionable, but because of a real necessity, the author makes this Prefatory Statement. In the body of the Register, the "family," or de- scendants, of Lewis and Harriet Duncan have been divided into "Eleven Groups." This seemed to be the most natural division that could be made, and one that renders it easy for the reader to find any fact, or name, in the book, for which he might be looking. Each of the eleven children of our parents became the head of a family. Each family has been reckoned or dealt with, as a group, and the parent of a family becomes, therefore, the "head of a group." Thus — Francis H. Duncan, the first-born of Lewis Duncan and his wife, is put down as head of "group" number one; and all of his and his wife's descendants are put to record in "group" No. one; the eldest first, and so on down to the youngest. Likewise also, Mildred A. Kimler, the second child, is made the head of "group" No. two, and her children and children's children follow in the order of their ages. If there- fore information be wanted of one of the children of F. H. Duncan, look for the name of such in group No. one; or if of a child, or descendant of Mildred A. Kimler look for name of such in geoup No. two. The groups will be indexed, and may, therefore, be easily found. This arrangement, it is confidently be- heved, will make the Re^ster much more valuable, as a Book of Reference. The Index will be found on page 88. 23 24 Duncan Family Register FAMILY REGISTER OF LEWIS DUNCAN AND HARRIET DUNCAN AND THEIR DESCENDANTS. Leivis Dmican, born March i, 1806, in Culpeper county, Vir- ginia. Harriet Kinmird, born October 12, 1806, in Culpeper county, Virginia. They were married Setember 11, 1827, by Wm. F. Broadus, a Baptist preacher. THEIR CHILDREN — NAMES AND BIRTHS. 1. Francis Henry Duncan, born June 25, 1828, in Culpeper county, Virginia. 2. Mildred Ann Duncan, born April 3, 1830, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 3. Robert Samuel Duncan, born April 27, 1832, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 4. Sarah Catharine Duncan, born March i7, 1834, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 5. William Edward Duncan, born April 14, 1836, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 6. Daz'id James Duncan, born June 2, 1838, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 7. Joseph Lczi'is Duncan, born April 29, 1840, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 8. Benjamin Marshall Duncan, born June 5, 1842, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 9. Mary Ellen Duncan, born August 5, 1844, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 10. George Washington Duncan, born March 25, 1847, in Lin- coln county, Missouri. 11. Richard Montgomery Duncan, born October 24, 1849, ^^ Lincoln county, Missouri. GROUP I. Francis Henry Duncan and wife. Head, biographical. Francis H. Duncan was brought to Missouri in the arms of his mother when he was but four months old. He was the first-born of Lewis and Harriet Dimcan. He was "baby Frank" mentioned in their hfe sketches, born on the old plantation in what was then Culpeper county, Virginia, June 25, 1828. The removal from Virginia to Missouri was begun in October and ended in December, 1828; nor was it by the easy going steamboat or railway, but in one plain covered wagon and a carry-all. Remarkable lournev for a baby of four months, long and tedious — a thousand miles over mountain and vale, along the poorly made roads of that day. On arrival in Mis- souri, settlement was made in Lincoln county, near Troy, then a mere village. Troy was founded in 1802, by Joseph Cottle and Zadock Woods, and up to 1819 it was called "Woods' Fort." Francis Duncan grew up on a farm and always lived on a farm. His farm was a model for neatness. In stature, he was tall, broad shouldered, and muscular. He stood six feet, one inch, flat footed. After his marriage he settled on lands inherited from his father, some three miles from Olney, (but there was no Olney then) , and there he built his home, a log house of one room. Industry and economy soon 25 26 Duncan Family Register gave him a start, and his young wife and little family lived comfortably. He was neither poor nor rich but what was called "a good liver." As elder brother he was king of the boys, not at all tjTannical but gentle and kind. If we boys had an occasional "scrap," (which we did), our big brother soon restored peace, and the boy-hood contests were forgotten in a day. His conversion occurred in September, 1857, and he joined Bethlehem Baptist church, having been bap- tized by his younger brother, R. S. Duncan, pastor of the church. He became a consistent member of the Olney Baptist church, in 1874, at its organization, and was elected a deacon, which office he filled for almost the residue of his life. He was seldom ahead of time, but was usually there, almost to the minute. I recall this incident — it's more than fifty years ago now — Father had a nice twelve—acre field of wheat, one year. Brother Frank was sent into it with "cradle" to cut it. The rest of us followed, to bind and and shock the grain. Frank cut a wide swath with those long muscular arms. In less than three days he finished the field. I had almost forgotten it. It took all the family (of boys) to keep up with him. He spent his last few years near jNIontgomery City — died at his home there, on March 20th, 1892, and was buried in the city cemetery. A nice monu- ment stands at his head. Frances Amelia Hammett was born in Loudoun county, Virginia, August 13, 1825; and when three years old moved with the family to West Virginia. Her father was John Hammett and her mother was Frances Saunders. They reared a family of eleven children, six sons and five daughters. Record of Group I 27 The father of the American wing of the family, was John Hanmiett, sen., an Englishman, whose wife Nancy Campbell, was a Scotch lady. They emigrated to the United States in an early day. Their son, George Hammett, married Sallie Tillett, whose mother was Nancy Bane, an Irish lady and a daughter of a nobleman — a Baron. George Hammett was the father of John Hammett, Jr., and was a soldier in the Revolutionary war of 1776. John Hammett, Jr., father of the subject of this sketch, was two years a soldier — a second lieutenant — in the war of 1812-14. He died of consumption in West Virginia in 1835; and eight years after, in 1843, his widow and family immigrated to Missouri, and settled in the newly bought farm-home three miles west of Millwood, Lincoln county. Mr. Hammett was a Virginia planter, and his family, after his death, both in Virginia and Missouri, continued the same occupation. By all of which it may be seen that Frances A. Hammett is descended from Irish nobility. She grew to womanhood on the farm, called in Virginia "Plan- tation." For her schooHng she attended the early-day "District School," or "Private School." About the year 1853, she was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal church at Old Liberty, not far from their home. After their removal to Mont- gomery county, she united with the Cumberland Pres- byterian church. She is the mother of eight children, 6 daughters, 2 sons. She now (Oct. 1904) lives in Montgomery City, and is in the eightieth year of her age. 28 Duncan Family Register MARRIAGE. Francis H. Duncan and Frances A. Hammett were married September 20, 1849, by Rev. W. D. Grant, a Baptist preacher. NAMES AND BIRTHS OF THEIR CHILDREN. 1. Margaret Amelia Duncan, born January 29, 1851, in Lin- coln county, Missouri. 2. Lezi'is Edwin Duncan, born November 10, 1852, in Lincoln county, Missouri; and died October 9, 1861. 3. Alice Irene Duncan, born October 22, 1854, in Lincoln county, Missouri; and died June 22, 1896. 4. Ida May Duncan, born March 3, 1857, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 5. Eva Leora Duncan, born March 4, 1859, in Lincoln county, Missouri; and died March 7, 1895. 6. Annie Marie Duncan, born May 20, 1861, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 7. Joseph Lee Duncan, born October 18, 1863, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 8. Laura Belle Duncan, born December 22, 1868, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Married children of Francis H. Duncan and wife; their fam- ilies, etc. No. L ' Margaret Amelia Duncan, born January 29, 1851. Marion Peter Smith, born September 18, 1842, in Tyler county, West Virginia. Married, November 14, 1869, by Eld. Ephraim Pharr, Cumberland Presbyterian. Issue, horn in Lincoln county, Missouri. 1. A daughter, born August 24, i87o; died September 4, i87o. 2. A son, born and died December 2. i87i. 3. Malcolm Smith, born September 8, 1873; died January 24, 1874. Record of Group I 29 Ethel Grey Smith, born April 28, i876; died at Olney, April 4, 1894. ^'1 Married, August 23, 1893. (No issue). L Edward Hamilton, of Rolla, Missouri. 5. A son, baby Smith, born and died September 12, 1881. 6. A son, baby Smith, born and died May 27, i887. No. III. ' Alice Irene Duncan, born October 22, 1854. Thomas Cass Elmore, born , in Pike county, Missouri ; died February 19, 1875. Married, June 24, 1874, by Eld Thos. C. Smith, Presby- terian. Henry Franklin Reeds, born July 10, 1834, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Alice Irene Elmore (see above) , died June 22, 1896. Married, July 21, i878, by Eld. Taylor Bernard, Cumber- land Presbyterian. Issue, horn in Montgomery county, Missouri. 1. Harry Elmore Reeds, born January 8, 1881. 2. Frank Lee Reeds, born February 27, 1884. 3. Ray Duncan Reeds, born June 7, 1891. No. IV. ' Ida May Duncan, born March 3, 1857. Philip Henry Tucker, M. D., born February 6, 1838, in Pike county, Missouri. Married, June 15, 1879, by Ford Hervey, Justice Peace. (No issue). No. V. ' Eva Leora Duncan, born March 4, 1859. James Edwin Elmore, born March 16, 1855, Pike county, Missouri; died January 26, 1881. Married, September 27, i876, by Eld. John Matthews, Presbyterian. 30 Duncan Family Register Issue, bom in Lincoln county, Missouri. I. BulaJi Belle Elmore, born April i, i878. r Robert E. Robey, born October 30, 1855, in Lincoln county, Missouri. ' Eva Leora Elmore, born (see above) ; died March 7, 1895. ^ Married, March 4, 1886, by Eld. R. S. Duncan, Baptist. Robey children : 1. Roy Elmore Robey, born August 27, i887, in Audrain county, Missouri. 2. Fannie Sue Robey, born August 9, 1889; died November 23, 1890. 3. Lena Maud Robey, born February i7, 1892, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 4. Eva Leora Robey, born March i, 1895, in Audrain county, Missouri; died January 5, 1896. No. VL ( Annie Marie Duncan, born May 20, 1861. J Joseph Sanders, M. D., born February 25, 1861, in Bullet ] county, Kentucky. [ Married, April 28, 1886, by Eld. C. A. Mitchell, Baptist. Issue, born in Ottaiva county, Kansas. I. Roxie Mav Sanders, born February 20, i887. Ursula Belle Sanders, born October 23, 1888. Roland Clav Sanders, bom January 11, 1890. Alfred Benton Sanders, born July 31, 1892. Joseph Sanders, born July 11, 1895, in Lake county, Illi- nois. No. VII. ' Joseph Lee Duncan, born October 18, 1863. Callie Ellington, born July 26, i876. Married, November 29, 1891, at Sherwood, Texas, by Eld. W. L. Carlton. Issue, born in Osa<^c Reservation, Oklahoma. T. Francis Hammett Duncan, born January 4, 1894, in Sher- wood, Texas. 2. Jesse Lee Duncan, born February 11, 1895. Record of Group I 31 3. Fanny Lorena Duncan, born March 20, 1896. 4. Foy Wallace Duncan, born October 30, 189?. 5. Oscar Milas Duncan, born April 22, 1899. 6. George R. Duncan, born February 6, 1901. 7. Edna Marie Duncan, born April 16, 1903. No. VIII. ' Laura Belle Duncan, born December 22, 1868. J John Albert Mills, born October 10, 1866. I Married, March 24, 1891, by Eld. Hay Bell, Cumberland (^ Presbyterian. Issue, horn in Monroe county, Missouri. 1. Maury Dane Mills, born August 30, 1892. 2. Nina May Mills, born April 16, 1894. 3. Ruby Lee Mills, born August 19, 1895. 4. Joseph LesHe Mills, born April 6, 189?. 5. Frank Dimcan Mills, born July 15, 1900. 6. Mary Frances Mills, born September 29, 1902, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 7. Ruth Mills, born August 4, 1904, in Lincoln county, Mis- souri. GROUP NO. II. Mildred Ann Duncan and Husband — The Head. biographical. Mildred Ann Duncaii, second of Lewis and Harriet Duncan's children, was bom in Lincoln county, Mis- souri, April 3, 1830. Her training and employment were such as those of the average girl in the rural homes of those days. In her girl-liood life she attend- ed, at intervals, the "District Schools," but most of her time was spent in the home aiding in the domestic duties of the family. She could make the spinning- wheel sing; and was one of the most expert knitters I ever knew, turning out a pair of men's socks a day. She was of medium build and very handsome. Be- fore she was 18 years old, she married. Was the happy mother of seven children, all of whom became heads of families. In 1857, she became a Christian, joined Bethlehem Baptist church and was baptized by her younger brother, R. S. Duncan, then the pas- tor. Hers was a beautiful Christian life. In January, 1865, the war cloud was dark and heavy ; and, fearing trouble, she and her husband and family moved out of the jurisdiction of the United States, into Central America, where thej'^ spent eight months. This was perhaps the great trial of her life. Her health failed in that torrid climate, and she never regained it. A little over three years after their re- turn in August, 1865 — all the while an invalid — she died December 1st, 1868, and was buried in the ceme- tery on the hill at the old homestead. Charles Weeklin Kimler, a native of Loudoun county, Virginia, sixth child of Daniel Kimler and his 32 Record of Group II 33 wife Elizabeth, whose maiden name was Brewer, was born February 18, 1824. In childhood he was sickly, but grew strong after the family removed to Mis- souri in 1837- He had limited opportunities for schooling. Virginia had only the "Subscription School," which he attended for short periods. After the removal to Missouri; he attended, for about six weeks, a school taught by John H. Duncan. His life was that of a farmer, and he was a neat one too. After his marriage in 1848, he cultivated a farm, for five or six years, north of Cuivre and south of Louisville. He then opened up a new farm and built a home on lands inherited by his wife from her father, situated on Lead Creek, three miles northeast of where Olney now is. In the great revival at Bethlehem Baptist church, in 1857, he was among the converts, and was baptized by R. S. Duncan, pastor. He became a life-long, and a steadfast Christian. In January, 1865, he sold his farm, and took his family to Central America in a company of about 80 persons. They were driven to this by the issues of the Civil War. They landed at Greytown, found a pleasant, but unliealthy climate, and returned home in August of the same year. That proved a costly trip to him and his family. As a church member, C. W. Kimler Avas always in place. Veiy seldom indeed absent from his church. He lived to see most, if not all, of his children con- verted, and also his only son — Henry C. Kimler — a Deacon in a Baptist church. He ultimately died of heart trouble, and suddenly, on March 19, 1902, and was laid to rest by the side of the mother of his chil- dren. 3 34 Duncan Family Register MARRIAGE. Mildred Ann Duncan and Charles Weeklin Kimler were married January 26, 1848, by Eld. W. D. Grant, a Baptist preacher. NAMES AND BIRTHS OF THEIR CHILDREN. 1. Ann Elisabeth Kimler, born December 30, 1848. 2. Dora Melvina Kimler, born October 27, 1850; and died August 31, 1901. 3. Emma Harriet Kimler, born December 13, 1852; and died November 15, 1889. 4. Susan Catharine Kimler, born May 31, 1855; and died October i7, 1885. 5. Henry Clay Kimler, born May 13, 1857. 6. Margaret Jane Kimler, born May 7, i860. 7. Mary Lee Kimler, born December 28, 1862. {All the above children horn in Lincoln county, Missouri.) MARRIAGE RECORD OF THE CHILDREN OF CHAS. W. AND MILDRED A. KIMLER; ALSO CHIL- DREN'S CHILDREN, ETC.. ETC. No. I. C Ann Elisabeth Kimler, born December 30, 1848. J Carroll Mayhew Davis, born November 13. 1845, Clay I county, Tennessee. ^ Married, November 20, i87o, by Eld. W. F. Luck, Baptist. OFFSPRING OF C. M. AND ANN E. DAVIS; MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, ETC. Ora Allan Davis, born October 27, i87i, in Lincoln county, Missouri. j_ J Levi David Motley, born December 13, i87o, in Pike I county, Missouri. I Married, August 6, 1893, by Eld. W. S. Tucker, Bap- l tist. 2 -< Record of Group II 35 Issue, born in Audrain county, Missouri. 1. Raymond Davis Motley, born May 26, 1895. 2. Nellie May Motley, born August 4, 1904. ' Charles Marion Dazns, born March 28, 1874, in Pike county, Missouri. Lillie Ida Bibb, born November 29, i878, in Audrain county, Missouri. Married, February 28, 1900, by Eld. F. A. Mayhall, Christian. Issue, born in Audrain county, Missouri. I. Claudia Oneta Davis, born January 8, 1901. ^ John Thomas Davis, born January 8, i877, in Pike county, Missouri. Dollie Duncan, born August 29, 1874, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Married, December 24, 1903. by Eld. R. S. Duncan, Baptist. 3-^ Leon Davis, born April 26, 1881, in Pike county, Missouri. Mamie Myers, born July 3, 1885, in Pike county, ^ ] Missouri. I Married, October 26, 1904, by Eld. Wiley J. Patrick, I Baptist. No. II. ' Dora Melvina Kimler, born October 27, 1850; died August 31, 1901. Elijah (Doc.) Parish, born March 30, 1834, Montgomery county, Missouri. ^ Married, October 24, 1872, by Eld. Wm. M. Jones, Baptist. Issue : 1. Lezvis Henry Parish, born September 4, 1873, in Pike county, Missouri. 2. Edgar Lee Parish, born May i7, i876, in Montgomery county, Missouri. 3'< 36 Duncan Family Register Charles Joshua Parish, born November lo, i878, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Abbie McDanold, born January 21, 1881, in Audrain county, Missouri. Married, November 6, 1903, by Eld. Pearson Love- lace, Cumberland Presbyterian. Issue, born in Lincoln county, Missouri. I. Henry Kimler Parish, born June 14, 1904. 4. Pleasant Childres Parish, born December 20, 1881, in Lin- coln county, Missouri. 5. Margaret May Parish, born October 20, 1885, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 6. Sadie Jane Parish, born August i7, 1889, in Lincoln county, Missouri. No. in. ' Emma Harriet Kimler, born December 13, 1852, in Lincoln county, Missouri; and died November 15, 1889. Pleasant Mabry Copenhaver, born March 10, 1852, in Lin- coln county. Mo.; and died October 30, 1882, , Married, January 14, 1874, by Eld. Wm. M. Jones, Baptist. Issue: 1. Effie May Copenhaver, born November 15, 1874, in Pike county, Missouri; and died February 21, 1879. 2. Andretv Jackson Copenhaver, born April 9, i877, in Pike county, Missouri. ' Adelbert Allan Copenhaver, born October 3, 1879, in Pike county, Missouri. 3. i Martha Belle Young, born Oct. i, i877, in Pike county, Missouri. ^ Married, January 4, 1901, by Eld. J. S. Eames, Baptist. Issue, born in Lincoln county, Missouri. 1. Francis Geneva Copenhaver, born June 4, 1902. 2. Mildred Jane Copenhaver, born August 21, 1904. Record of Group II 37 ' Henry Clay Copenhaver, born February 22, 1882, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Ollie Frances Kinion, born March 21, 1886, in Lincoln county, Missouri. ^ Married, May 25, 1904, by Rev. W. H. Hobbs, Disciple. No. IV. ' Susan Catharine Kimler, born May 31, 1855, in Lincoln county, Missouri; and died October i7, 1885. Thomas Harris, born September 10, 1854, in Nelson county, Virginia. Married, November 8, 1883, by John Jameson, Justice of Peace. ISSUE^ I. Emma May Harris, born October 12, 1884, in Lincoln county, Missouri. No. V. Henry Clay Kimler, born May 13, 1857, in Lincoln county, America West Williams, born July 2, 1865, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Married, December 24, 1885, by Eld. T. R. Bowles, Bap- tist. Issue, horn in Lincoln county, Missouri. 1. Essica Legenia Kimler, born April 23, i887. 2. Muriel Kimler, born October 7, 1889; and died April 30, 1890. 3. Olin Vest Kimler, born April 8, 1891. 4. John Charles Kimler, born January 12, 1899. No. VI. ' Margaret Jane Kimler, born May 7, i860, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Daniel Wesley Motley, born October 20, 1854, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Married, September 5, 1880, by Eld. James F. Smith, Bap- tist. 38 Duncan Family Register Issue, born in Pike county, Missouri. 1. Nellie Motley, born May 21, 1885. 2. Allen Thurmon Motley, born September 10, i887. 3. Opal Motley, born April 2, 1895. No. VII. " Mary Lee Kimler, born December 28, 1862, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Luke Huff Estes, born July 8, 185?, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Married, September 27, 1883, by Geo. C. Colbert, Justice of Peace. Issue, horn in Lincoln county, Missouri. 1. Cester Hardin Estes, born December 14, 1884. 2. Edna Lee Estes, born May 22, i887. 3. Grady S. Estes, born October 8, 1889. 4. Luke Huff Estes, Jr., born July 7, 1893. 5. Edith Fay Estes, born October i7, 1896. 6. Beulah Estes, born June 2, 1900. 7. Duncan Kimler Estes, born November 6, 1901. GROUP III. Robert S. Duncan and wifEj the Head, autobiography. That there may be no break in the chain, this brief sketch is inserted here. The record says that I was born April 27, 1832, in Lincoln county, Missouri. At that date my father lived not far from Troy. Well do I remember, when quite a small boy, going often with my father to his school-house, four miles south, over on Coon Creek — not surely, however, as a pupil, for I could not have been five years old. Vivid is my recollection of the old home we moved from in 1840. The house was a double hewed log, one and a half stories high. A few yards distant was a log smoke-house, and over by one corner of the yard stood what we called the "hen- house." Adjoining the yard, a garden; and near by was the apple orchard. ( It makes my mouth water to think of those apples.) Fifty yards from the front gate ran a beautiful little stream of water, close to which was the log spring-house, where butter, milk, etc., were kept in warm weather, and in which was a cool spring. My boyhood was spent on the farm, and there I learned to work. For years, I was also a house-boy, for we had almost a surplus of boys, while girls were scarce. My school days were few, and these not improved as they might have been; but the facihties were not 39 40 Duncan Family Register the best. Imagine a small boy sitting on a slab bench with no back rest, feet dangling because he could not reach the floor, and you will have a true picture of the seats in the early day school house. I have no recollection of the day when I was not a church goer, not, however, always with the highest appreciation of the services, but I went. In the fall of 1851, before I was twenty, I was awakened, and saw myself without hope. Soon my conversion fol- lowed, while attending a revival meeting at Zion church, Montgomery county. That was a new day to me, "When I first saw the light," and how a sinner might be saved by grace. I was licensed to preach in 1854, and ordained in 1855 — 49 years ago. My marriage occurred October 18, 1853, and the woman who became my bride is still by my side. Last j'^ear — Oct. 18, 1903, was our Jub- ilee — and we celebrated our Golden Wedding. It was a happy, joyous day. I am, as the record shows, in my 73rd year of natural life; 51st year of married life; 53rd year of Christian life; and 50th year of ministerial life; and "By the grace of God I am what am. BIOGRAPHICAL. Sarah Jane Ervin, the youngest of eleven children, was born June 11, 1834, near Troy in Lincoln county, ]\Iissouri. Her father David Ervin, and her mother, Olivia Henry, were North Carolinians, and immigrat- ed to Lincoln county in the territorial period of the State. Her mother was a daughter of Hon. Malcolm Henry, a North Carolinian. He was a member of the Territorial Convention that framed the first Constitu- tion and organized the State of Missouri in 1820. Record of Group HI 41 David Ervin's family consisted of eleven children; three sons, eight daughters. His home was about one mile south of Troy, where Sarah Jane spent her younger daj^s as a farmer's daughter. When a girl, she went, for a time, to the country school not far from home, but later on she received her principal schooling in the Troy Academy, then taught by Prof. C. G. Jones, Principal. In 1852 she was reduced to orphanage by the death of both her parents, after which she made her home with a sister, INIrs. Elijah Buchanan, near New Hope. In this home she was won by the writer of this brief sketch, and became his wife in the fall of 1853. A few weeks later — same year — she was baptized by Eld. Walter McQuie, and united with Indian Creek Baptist church. So, both as a Christian and a wife, she is a semi-centenarian; also the mother of eight children — 4 sons, 4 daughters. She is yet hving (1904) and last j'^ear joined in the celebration of her golden wedding, and greeted by one hundred and fifty guests. She has been a home maker and a home keeper. jNIany are the sacrifices she has made being the wife of a minister, who, much of his life, lived in the days of small salaries. She is small of body, never robust, but has passed her three score and ten years. Modest, retiring, affectionate. 42 Duncan Family Register MARRIAGE. Robert Samuel Duncan and Sarah Jane Ervin were mar- ried October i8, 1853, by Rev. James F. Smith, a Baptist min- ister. NAMES, BIRTHS, DEATHS; CHILDREN OF ROBERT S. AND SARAH J. DUNCAN. 1. Thomas Thornton Duncan, born June 27, 1855, in Lincoln county, Missouri; died June 29, 1855. 2. Henry Kinnaird Duncan, born October 19, 1856, in Lin- coln county, Missouri; died November i7, 1856. 3. Annie Belle Duncan, bom June 12, 1858, in Lincoln county, Missouri; died April 2, 1895, at Montgomery, Missouri. 4. Nellie Grey Duncan, born June i7, 1861, in Lincoln county, Missouri ; died of scarlet fever, February 6, 1864, in Warren county. 5. Malcolm Henry Duncan, born August 12, 1863, in Warren county, Missouri; died September 11, 1864. 6. Carey Perkins Duncan, born November 16, 1865, 4 miles south of Wright City, Warren county, Missouri. 7. Sue Carr Duncan, born April 21, 1869, near Wright City, Warren county, Missouri. 8. Mollie Yeaman Duncan, born April 27, i872, near Wright City, Warren county, Missouri ; died of diabetes. Mar. 19, 1886, Montgomery City, Missouri. MARRIED CHILDREN OF R. S. AND S. J. DUNCAN. No. in. ' Annie Belle Duncan, born June 12, 1858; died April 2, 1895. Forest Leslie Reid, born October 31, 1851. in Virginia. Married, February 18, 1875, by Eld. John Matthews, Presbyterian. I. Record of Group III 43 Issue : Sadie Forest Reid, born November 4, 1875, in Pike county, Missouri. Samuel L. Jennings, born September 23, i87o, in Lin- coln county, Missouri. Married, October 23, 1895, by Eld. R. S. EKincan, Bap- tist. Leslie Duncan Reid, born March 16, 1880, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 2. -l Maybell Grace Rodgers, born February 14, 1883, Montgomery county, Missouri. Married, April 5, 1903, by Eld. R. S. Duncan, Baptist. 3. Raymond Reid, born March 28, 1890, in Montgomery county, Missouri. (A great great grand child of Lewis and Harriet Duncan) I. Duncan Reid Jennings, born November 12, 1896, at Mont- gomery City, Missouri; (son of Sadie and Samuel Jennings). No. VL ( Carey Perkins Duncan, born November 16, 1865. \ Minnie Houx, born April 18, 1861, in Lexington, Missouri. t Married, June 27, 1894, by Eld. B. G. Tutt, Baptist. No. VIL Sue Carr DiOKan, born April 21, 1869. Caleb Greenawalt Copeland, born February 20, 1856, at Buenavista, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. Married, December 16, 1899, at San Antonio, Texas, by Eld. A. J. Harris, Baptist. GROUP IV. Sarah Catharine Duncan and Husband, the Head. biographical. Sarah Catharine Duncan was bom, grew up, and married in Lincoln county, Missouri. Always lived on a farm. She was born at the older home near Troy, March 17, 1834. Her education was such as the country district school gave, with limited time in the school-room at that. In 1851, she was converted (the first of the family of children), and joined Indian Creek Baptist church. She became a devout Chris- tian. Her marriage was in 1852, after which, for five years, she lived at their home in Marion county; and, in 1857, moved with the family to Texas, on a farm near the city of Waco. The death of her husband in 1861, made her a widow, nevertheless she assumed the management of the farm and stock as long as she lived. In personal appearance she was tall, slender, and handsome. The mother of three children — all daughters. She was a devoted wife and mother, and scarcely thirty years old when she died in Texas, Febmary, 1864; and now sleeps in the cemetery at Waco in that State. Richard Alexander Stone was born August the 9th, 1830, in Jefferson county, Virginia; the fourth child of Col. Wm. Stone, a native of Virginia, whose father was from England and whose first wife was Susan T. Stringfellow, of A^irginia. Col. Stone settled in Kails county, Missouri, when Richard was a boy of five years, where he grew to manhood. His parents were cousins. 44 Record of Group IV 45 Even in boyhood he was noted for his persever- ance. This incident is furnished by his sister, Mrs. Vowles : "In the forties, his father had an important business transaction, to consummate which, the documents must have the signature of the Governor, and the State Seal attached. Mails were few and no time could be lost. 'Richard can you go to Jefferson City for me,' said his father. 'I can,' said he. Though less than fourteen j^ears old, he mounted his pony and with few public roads to guide him, he made the trip from the Ralls county home to Jeffer- son City, saw the Governor, who put his signature and State Seal to the documents and young Stone return- ed safely to his home, reaching there the 5th day, and it was winter." He was a farmer boy, but quite fond of cattle. His education was begun in the district school and finished at Rensellaer Academy. He was a good scholar and a great favorite. At the age of eighteen years he publicly confessed the Lord Jesus and united with the Presbyterian church at West Ely, Marion county. In 1850 or '51 we find him in Lincoln county, teach- ing school. Here he found, loved, courted and mar- ried Sarah C. Duncan. Thence moved to his home in Marion county, given him by his father. Here he engaged in farming, trading and stock raising, and was prosperous. Emigrated to Texas in the fall of 1857, settling on a farm which is now in the suburbs of the city of Waco. Here, too, he prospered. Late in the year 1860, he went as a volunteer to the frontier war against the Comanche Indians. The following June, 1861, he was brought home sick, and two weeks later died. His body rests in Waco ceme- tery. 46 Duncan Family Register MARRIAGE. Sarah Catharine Duncan and Richard Alexander Stone were married March 2, 1852, by Eld. James F. Smith, Baptist. NAMES, BIRTHS, MARRIAGES; CHILDREN OF R, A. AND SARAH C. STONE. 1. Catharine Isabella Stone, born November 29, 1852, in Ma- rion county, Missouri. 2. Mary Nurse Stone, born December 6, 1855, in Marion county, Missouri. 3. Virginia Frances Stone, born December 29, 1858, in Mc- Lennan county, Texas. MARRIAGES, CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN OF SARAH C. AND RICHARD A. STONE. No. I. ^ Catharine Isabella Stone, born November 29, 1852. Henry Thomas Hudson, born February 24, 1846, in War- ren county, Missouri. Married, December 22, i87o, by Eld. R. S. Duncan, Bap- tist. Issue : ^ ( Mary Etta Hudson, born June 26, i872, in War- ren county, Missouri. William Lawrence, born August 14, 1874. Married, November 2?, 1895, by Eld. R. L. Mor- ton, I- < (Lawrence proved to be unworthy — a separation ensued — the wife resuminsf her maiden name. Mary Etta Hudson, second marriage, August 30, 1903, to Emil Wolff, by Eld. TerriU. Issue: I. Vera Inez Wolff, born June 10, 1904, at New Haven, Mo. Record of Group IV 47 ' Bertie Virginia Hudson, born December 28, 1874, in Warren county, Missouri. 2. \ Charles Frederick Schmitt, born July 14, 1869, in Lin- coln county, Missouri. , Married, May 5, 1897, by Eld. C. C. Hill, Christian. Issue: 1. Mildred Lorene Schmitt, born February i7, 1898, in St. Louis, Missouri. 2. Margirie Cathaline Schmitt, born March 2, 1901, in St. Louis, Missouri. 3. Baby Hudson, daughter of Thomas and Kate — bom No- vember 26, i876, in Warren county, Missouri; died December 3, i876, in Warren county, Missouri. ' Maynie Eliza Hudson, born September 28, 1880, in Jonesburg, Missouri. William Henry Krome, born November 26, i876, in Wright City, Missouri. Married, in St. Louis, Mo., January 9, 1899, by Eld. T. C. Carleton, Baptist. 5. Taylor Stone Hudson, born in Jonesburg, Missouri, May 13, 1883. 4.^ < No. H. (2nd child of Sarah and Richard A. Stone.) ' Mary Nurse Stone, born December 6, 1855 ; died January ID, 1 88 1, in Lawrence county, Missouri. Mansfield Taylor Davis, born December 12, 1848, in Tyler county. West Virginia. Married, July 20, 1875, in Warren county, Missouri, by Eld. R. S. Duncan, Baptist. Issue: ^ Ernest Ely Davis, born December 11, i876, in Mont- gomery- county, Missouri. Ossye Coleman, born March 29, 1880, in Marionville, !• » Missouri. Married, August 30, 1899, by Eld. W. C. Evans, Meth- odist. 48 Duncan Family Register Issue. 1. Mary Margaret Davis, born May 12, 1902, in Lawrence county, Missouri. 2. Katie Mansfield Davis, daughter of Mary and M. T. Davis, born May 14, 1879, in Aurora, Lawrence county, Mis- souri ; and died in same town, May 24, 1880. No. in. (3rd child of Sarah and Richard A. Stone). Virginia Frances Stone, born December 29, 1858, John Thomas Buchanan, born January 10, 1853, Randolph county, Missouri; died November 25, 1896 at Moberly, Missouri. Married, August 24, i876, by J. B. Mitchell, D. D., Cum- berland Presbyterian. Issue. 1. James Buchanan, born July 30, i877, in Moberly, Missouri; died October 24, 1883, at Moberly, Missouri. 2. Paul Stone Buchanan, born November 2, 1879, in Moberly, Missouri; died at same place, August 8, 1896. 3. John Sumner Buchanan, born March 22, 1888, in Moberly, Randolph county, Missouri. GROUP V. William E. Duncan and Wives^ the Head. biographical. William Edtvard Duncan, fifth of Lewis and Har- riet Duncan's children, was born in Lincoln county, Mo., April 14, 1836; and grew up with the rest of us children on the farm. His literary training was lim- ited to the common schools of his day. Of the eight brothers, he was the more compactly built — in this re- spect more like our mother. He was of a cheerful spirit, and full of life. When seventeen years old, in 1853, he professed religion, was baptized and became a member of the Indian Creek Baptist church. He went to Texas with his brother-in-law, R. A. Stone, and family, in the fall of 1857, and, for a time, lived in his home near Waco. In something over a year he married Mrs. Jones, (nee Bailey), and with her moved to the State of Louisiana, where less than twelve months later, she fell a victim to cholera, in 1859. He was stricken at the same time, but re- covering, retin-ned to Texas late in 1859 or early in 1860. Later in the last named year, he enlisted in Capt. Ross's company of State Rangers, who, for 6 to 8 months were kept busy protecting the frontier settlers and driving back the Comanche Indians. In one battle all the warriors, save 2 or 3 who escaped, v/ere killed; and the wife and 2 children of the chief 4 49 50 Duncan Family Register were captured. She proved to be a white woman by the name of Cyntha Ann Parker. Her father, the founder of Parker Co., Texas, and her brothers were massacred, and she captured when a child. On the re- turn of the Rangers to Texas, she was restored to the remnant of her people. She remained for a while with them, escaped, was re-captured, and soon after died. The children were educated in Texas, and the elder of the two (boys) is now (1899) chief of the Comanches, called Quanah Parker. Soon the civil war broke out, and in May, 1861, W. E. Duncan enlisted in the Confederate army — "Co. E. 4th Texas," going immediately to Virginia. He continued to the close of the war, most, or all the while a courier, first under Stonewall Jackson, then under Gen. Longstreet. Three times was he wounded — once, at Chancellors- ville, it was thought fatally; the ball having passed through his lungs, but he recovered and rejoined the army, and, as courier, conveying terms of capitula- tion in the surrender at Appomattox. The war over, and being without means, he spent two full years in Virginia; married his second wife, and in 1867 returned to Missouri — spent twelve years here, then in 1879 removed to Brown Co., Texas, as the doctor advised, for a milder climate. He bought lands near Brownwood, filled the office of county treasurer in 1881-1882. After five years in Brown, he removed to Coleman county, where he spent the resi- due of his life. For liis last two years his health steadily declined; manifestly from the supposed fatal army wotmd, and 10 days before his death he was stricken with partial paralysis which increased until he could neither move Record of Group V 51 nor speak. Death relieved him November 6, 1893, and his body now reposes in Glencove cemetery, Texas. Mrs. Jones, who became the first wife of Wm. E. Duncan, was a youn^ widow hving near Waco when he moved to Texas in 1857. She was a Bailey. After her marriage to my brcjtber in 1858, they moved to Louisiana where she lived only the fraction of a year. No further particulars of her life co»dd be obtained. Susan Margaret Browning, whose lather was a wealthy planter and slave owner, was born A^^^ril 28, 1842, and grew to womanhood on the plantation ip the Old Dominion. Her father, James H. Brown- ing, and her mother, INIary A. Duncan, were born in Culpeper Co., Va., in 1813. Her grandfather was Frederick Duncan whose children were Mary, Catha- rine, Harrison, Madison, Edward, Randall, Eldridge, and Frederick, Jr. This Randall Duncan married Jane Duncan, eldest daughter of Marshall Duncan, son of James. James H. Browning and wife, Mary, had two children, Ella and Susan Margaret. Susan Margaret Brozvning attended subscription schools in the neighborhood until she was fourteen years old, then took a two years course in Washing- ton Female Institute. In 1865 she was married to William E. Duncan, late of the Confederate army, the issue of which was three children. (See Register). Some three years after her marriage she became a Christian, and united with the Indian Creek Baptist church, Pike county, INIo., they having removed to this State the year preceding. By the death of her husband, in 1893, she was re- duced to widowhood, and still so abides; living now (1904) in Coleman county, Texas, not far from Glencove, where she holds her church membership. 52 Duncan Family Register MARRIAGE. William Edward Duncan and Susan Margaret Broivning were married in Virginia, September 26, 1865, by Eld. Barnett Grimsley, Baptist. NAMES^ BIRTHS, MARRIAGES; CHILDREN OF WILLIAM E. AND SUSAN M. DUNCAN. No. I. ( James Lcuns Dunco-.i, born in Virginia, September 20, 1866; died in Texas, March i7, 1904. Clarinda F. Cave, born in Texas, December 8, i872. M^riied November 27, 1890, by Elder Thos. J. Lockheart, Baptist. Issue, born in Texas. 1. William Clark Duncan, born October 9, 1891 ; died Decem- ber 16, 1891. 2. Joseph Bailey Duncan, born May 16, 1893. 3. Charles Culberson Duncan, born March 12, 1897. 4. Ethel Pearle Duncan, born June 19, 1903. No. II. (second son of Wm. and Susan Duncan.) ' Edzvard Sidney Duncan, born March i, 1868, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Minerva Ellen Duncan, born February 2, i877, in Bosque county, Texas. Married, February 28, 1895, by Eld. J. C. Carter, Metho- dist. Issue. 1. Sidney Edward Duncan, born March 9, 1896, in Coleman count}^ Texas. 2. Ella Maud Duncan, born August i7, 1897, in Sterling county, Texas. 3. Mamie Grace Duncan, born June 27, 1900, in Coleman county, Texas. 4. Robert William Duncan, born March 21, 1903, in Lynn county, Texas. No. III. (3rd child of Wm. and Susan Duncan). Baby Duncan, (a daughter) born in Lincoln county, Mis- souri, in 1 87 1, and died a few days after. GROUP VI. David James Duncan and Wife, the Head. biographical. David James Duncan, the fourth son of the fam- ily, a native of Lincohi countj^ Missouri, was born June 2, 1838. He was the last one born at the home near Troy, and is the middle one of eleven children. His boyhood was spent on the farm and in the coun- try school room which latter he attended two or three months in the winter. After the age of 20 years, he completed his education at Troy Seminary with a view to teaching, and, prior to civil war, taught one or two terms of school. In mathematics he excelled; nor was he, bj^ any means, deficient in the other branches of study. His life has been that of a school teacher and a farmer, and for well nigh forty years, for five to seven months of the school period, for most of these years, he has toiled in the school room; and through the vacation and summer period, cultivated his farm, by which means he has been able to raise a large family. In 1857 he was converted in a revival meeting at Bethlehem Baptist church, and united therewith ; and in 1866 he imited with the Christian church, and for years has filled the office of Elder in said church. At the beginning of the war of 1861-65 he en- listed in the Southern armj^ under Gen. Sterling Price, and went, at once, to the front. Was in the 53 54 Duncan Family Register Lexington, Mo., battle, and witnessed the surrender of Col. JMulligan. While seeking recovery from a spell of fever following said battle, he was captured by the "Home Guards," and for some time lay in prison at Louisiana and Mexico, Mo. He was finally paroled, under the terms of which he was never after able to rejoin the army. In 1864, he married, and turned his attention to the building of a home, his family group now (1904) numbering twenty-eight. He now has a comfortable residence, and a farm, some four miles easterly from Louisville. Margaret Elizabeth Morris, a Missourian, the eld- est of a family of ten children, was born January 13, 1844, in Lincoln county. She was educated in the public schools. In the early sixties, a few years prev- ious to her marriage, she was converted under the preaching of Eld. Joseph Errett, baptized by Eld. Timothy Ford, and united with the Christian church. Her father, James Morris, was a Virginian, born January 3, 1818, and settled in Missouri in 1833. He was a stock trader and a farmer. He died November 29, 1889. Her mother, Judith B. Morris, was eldest daughter of Gen. David Stewart, who came to JNIis- soui-i in 1830. He acquired the title of "General" in an early day when the people met once a year to muster. That is, he was commander of the State Militia. Her parents and grandparents were all members of the Christian church. Her grandmother Stewart's maiden name was Margaret Jameson, a native of Kentucky. Record of Group VI 55 MARRIAGE. Daznd James Duncan and Margaret Elisabeth Morris were married January 27, 1864, by Eld. J. J. Errett, Christian. NAMES, BIRTHS, MARRIAGES; CHILDREN OF DAVID J. AND MAR- GARET E. DUNCAN. Issue, horn in Lincoln county, Missouri. 1. Katie Lee Duncan, born January 6, 1865. 2. Judith Emma Duncan, born September 18, i867. 3. David Lezvis Duncan, born August 31, 1869; and died September 4, i87i. 4. Mary Ellen Duncan, born September 3, i87i, in Pike county, Missouri. 5. George Alton Duncan, born March 29, 1874, in Pike county, Missouri ; and died July 7, i876. 6. Ernest Duncan, born July i7, i876. 7. Ursie Edney Duncan, born July 8, 1879. Married children of D. J. Duncan and zvife, taken in the order in zvhich they married. No. II. ' Judith Emma Duncan, born September 18, i867. James Colman Major, born April i7, i860, in St. Charles county, Missouri. Married, October 4, 1883, by Eld. Robert O. Elmore, Cumberland Presbyterian. Issue, 1. Mabel Colman Major, born August 8, 1884, i" Pike county, Missouri. 2. Sadie Lee Major, born November i, 1885, in Ralls county, Missouri. 3. Lizzie Belle Major, born January 9, i887, in Ralls county, Missouri. 4. Thomas Derhm Major, born February 27, 1889, in Mon- roe county, Missouri. 5Q Duncan Family Register 5. Laura Emma Major, born April 10, 1891, in Monroe county, Missouri. 6. Sam Duncan Major, born February 13, 1893, in Monroe county, Missouri. 7. Anna May Major, born February 27, 1895, in Monroe county, Missouri. ^ Sadie Lee Major, born November i, 1885. Charles Eldred Dooley, born June 22, 1873, in Monroe 2.< county, Missouri. Married, December 24, 1903, by Eld. W. A. Bibb, a Baptist minister. Issue. I. Jamie Dooley, born November i, 1904, in Monroe county, Missouri. No. IV. ' Mary Ellen Duncan, born September 3, i87i. Thomas Chapel Gregory, born July 25, i867, in Pike county, Missouri. Married, December 31, 1891, by Eld. Thos. A. Abbott, Christian. Issue. 1. Grayson Duncan Gregory, (son) born October 28, 1893, Lincoln county, Missouri. 2. Alton Ay res Gregory, born September 22, 1903, Lincoln county, Missouri. No. L Katie Lee Duncan, born January 6, 1865. John Colman Huckstep, born August 21, 1868, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Married, April 8, 1892, by Eld. D. M. Granfield, Christian. Issue. 1. Mary Bernice Huckstep, born November 28, 1896, Lincoln county, Missouri. 2. Emma Mildred Huckstep, born July 27, 1901, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Record of Group VI 57 No. VII. Ursie Edney Duncan, born July 8, 1879. William Lee Jameson, born June 9, 1865. ^ Married, December 23, 1900, by Eld. O. L. Martin. Issue. i\ Lola Margaret Jameson, born July 5, 1902, in Lincoln \ county, Missouri. No. VI. " Ernest Duncan, born July i7, i876, in Lincoln county, Mo. J RQsie Lee Norvell, born August 25, 1880, in Lincoln \ county, Missouri. , Married, January 25, 1903, by Eld. J. A. Hughs. Issue. \ I. David Kobert Duncan, born August 27, 1904. GROUP VII. Joseph L. Duncan and Wife, the Head. biographical. Joseph Lewis Duncan, of Lewis and Harriet Dun- can, was the first one of the family born in tie old home south of Louisville, which occurred on April 29, 1840. His schooHng was confined to the country "District," but he always had a head full of "Horse Sense." When a boy he had business tact quite beyond most others of his age. He was fond of "cattle," and by the time he was of age, he had a strong team of his own consisting of three yoke of oxen. His partial- ity for the cattle business led him into stock raising and trading when he opened up a farm of his own. In the stock business he was quite succes'iful. He stands as one of the leading farmers of t'le county. They used to say of him: "Joe Dunran intends to buy all the land adjoining his faiTn." As a fruit of his successful life, his children now have homes of their own. He was one of the converts garnered in the big re- vival at Bethlehem Baptist church in 1857. Some years later he transferred his membership to Indian Creek church ; and now nas it at Olney. For nearly fifty years he has stoorl by the church of his "fathers." When the civil wa-' broke out in 1861, he enhsted, June 16th, in the sh months State sei-vice under Gen. Price. At the ex,:>iration of that time he joined the Confederate army for twelve months. Fought in the 58 Record of Group VII 59 battle of Elkhorn, Mo. ; then went east of the Mississ- ippi river. In the re-organization of the army, May 1862, he enlisted for "three years or during the war," and was made first lieutenant — his Capt. John Wells. The battles of luka and Corinth followed that fall. Then came fighting about Port Hudson and Vicks- burg — Gen. Pemberton commanding. The siege of Vicksburg was laid in May; surrender followed on July tth, 1863. By the terms of the parole, the Mis- souri ttoops must remain in the south. The time was spent a\ Demopolis, Ala. ; which was four months. While tl\us detained, by permission, he went in search of his brother William in Longstreet's corps. He foimd him at Dalton, Georgia. Seeing him rather poorly mouijted, he paid $400.00 for a good horse and presented hiJv brother, who was a Courier. In 1864, b^an Sherman's march to Atlanta which was opposed b;^ Generals Pemberton and J. E. John- son. At the battle of Kennesaw Mountain, in the ab- sence of his captVjn, Lieutenant Duncan had charge of the Company oiv a skirmish line. The ground was being hotly contested. Word reached him to hold the position at all hazard^. His opposers outnumbered and finally flanked him\and seventeen of his men were captured, the rest beingNi^ved by a skillful maneuvre. After reaching Atlanta (Xeneral Johnson was super- seded by Hood, who, afte:^^everal days of fighting, started on his famous raid ^ Nash\'ille, Tenn., and fought the battle of Franklin, Venn., November 30, — one of the hardest fought battKs of the war. Here J. L. Duncan was captured and (^fifined at Johnson's Island until the surrender at App^attox. On June 16, 1865, he was released — four yea^s to a day from 60 Duncan Family Register his first enlistment — and returned to his home. On returning from the war, he recommenced open- ing his farm. In 1867 he married a wife, and set about the transformation of "Bachelor's Hall" into a real home, his efforts having been crowned with emin- ent success. Catharine Gillum is a native Missourian, born near Ashley, Pike county. May the 3rd, 1841. She was educated in Watsom Seminary at Ashley; and, from early life, has been a member of the M. E. church. South. Her father, Nathan Smith Gillum, waF born in Albemarle county, Virginia, and, at twenty -two years of age, traveled to Missouri on horseback and bought lands for himself and his father, John (Milium. He then returned to Virginia and brougtt his parents and the slaves to Missouri by wagon The Gillum family is Welch descent. Her mother. Patience Kemper Bryant, was by birth a Kentuckian, and removed to Missouri about the same time the Gillmn family came, which was in 1 836, or '37. The Bryants are German. Catharine Gillmn was married to J. L. Duncan two years after the close of the war, and is the mother of five children, all of whom ai*e married ; one of whom, Jesse J., is a lawj^er; ana another of whom, Mary, married a lawyer — Mr. A. C. Gladney. Record -f (^roup VII 61 MARRIAGE Joseph Leans Duncan and Catharine Gilluni were married December 12, i867, by Eld. Jesse Sutton, a Methodist preacher. NAMES AND BIRTHS; CHILDREN OF JOSEPH L. AND CATHARINE DUNCAN. 1. Patience Duncan, born September 5, 1868, in Pike county, Missouri. 2. Jesse J. Duncan, born April i, i87o, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 3. Clark Bryant Duncan, born June i7, i872, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 4. Dollie Duncan, born August 29, 1874, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 5. Mary Duncan, born September 4, i877, in Lincoln county, Missouri. marriages; children of JOSEPH L. DUNCAN AND WIFE. No. L Patience Duncan, born September 5, 1868. Marcellus Thurmond Shaw, born November 7, 1863, in Lincoln county, Missouri. I Married, October 6. 1889, by Eld. Alonzo M. Buchanan, 1^ Cum. Presbyterian. Issue, horn in Lincoln county, Missouri. 1. Roger Ouarles Shaw, born July 5. 1890. 2. Jessie June Shaw, born June 30, 1893. 3. Duncan Shaw, born August 6, 1899. 4. Marcella Shaw, born March 13, 1903. No. III. ( Clark Bryant Duncan, born June i7, i872. ! Ada Belle Owings, born January 14, 1874, in Warren J county, Missouri. [ Married, March 18, 1895, by Eld. J. S. Eames, Baptist. 62 Duncan l^amijy Register Issue, born in Lincoln coitnty, Missouri. 1. Willie Jewell Duncan, born July 29, 189?. 2. Kinnaird Owings Duncan, born July 25, 1900. No. II. ' Jesse J. Duncan, born April i, i87o. Nora Belle McAlister, born November 12, 1874, in Pike ^ county, Missouri. Married, June 6, 1900, by Eld. Alonzo Pearson, Cumber- land Presbyterian. Issue. I. Marion Joseph Duncan, born August i, 1901, in Lincoln county, Missouri. No. V. f Mary Duncan, born September 4, i877. j Albert Caldwell Gladney, born September 7, i872, in Lin-' I coin county, Missouri. l^ Married, December 12, 1901, by Eld. R. S. Duncan, Baptist. Issue. T. Enoch x'Xlexander Gladney, born November 15, 1902, Ran- dolph county, Missouri. No. IV. '' Dollie Duncan, born August 29, 1874. John Thomas Davis, born January 8, i877, in Pike county, -( Missouri. Married, December 24, 1903. by Eld. R. S. Duncan, Bap- tist. GROUP VIII. Benjamin M. Duncan and Wife, the Head. biographical. Benjamin Marshall Duncan, the eighth child in the family of Lewis and Harriet Duncan, was born June 5, 1842. He grew up on the farm, was educated in tlie public schools. In personal appearance he is tall and somewhat slender; in his prime, straight as an arrow; blue eyes and fair complexion. In bodily mould he is much like his father and his eldest brother. From boyhood to manhood, and from manhood to the present, he has lived a farmer's life, and a neat farm- er he is. He has also, in no small measure been a cattle dealer. A number of years ago he pitched his home in the eastern border of Montgomery county, Missouri; where he still lives in, and owns, a beautiful cottage residence. At a re^aval meeting held with the Indian Creek church during the last ten days of 1858, he was hap- pily converted, and was accepted for baptism and cliurch membership on December 31 of that year. On January 10, 1859, he and seven others were baptized by the writer; my father, Lewis Duncan, being at that time the acting pastor of the church. In 1881 he united with the Cumberland Presby- terian church, quite soon after which he was elected a Deacon, filling the office for several years. He was then elected a Ruling Elder and filled the office for some 15 or 16 years. 63 64 Duncan Family Register He has a military record. In September, 1861, he enhsted in the Third Brigade of Missouri State Mihtia, in command of Gen. John B. Henderson, and was made Third Lieutenant. It was called "Hender- son's Brigade." Its purpose was to maintain Federal authority in Missouri, and oppose the State troops under Ex-Gov. Claiborne F. Jackson who had es- poused the Southern cause. B. M. Duncan served faithfully to the end of the period of his enlistment, which was for six months, and returned home in the spring of 1862, and made a crop that year. For the most part, he served the residue of the war period in what was called the "Enrolled Militia" of Missouri.^ Some two years after the close of his more active mili- tary career, he married the woman who became the mother of his children, and who still lives to bless the home he f oimded in his young manhood. He has passed his three score years — by two; but is still active and \agorous of both body and mind. He is a man of positive convictions. Not at all dogmatic, while yet he steadfastly stands by the principles he conscentiously believes to be correct. A man of fine social bearing, yet pleasantly reserved. In the cultivation of those elements which enter into, and form a good character, he has devoted his life, and is now a man of an unblemished reputation. Mart/ Ingram, eldest child of Jonathan Ingram and who married B. M. Duncan, was born March 29, 1838. In her girlhood, she spent the usual time, available to a farmer's daughter, in the public and private schools near her home. She took membership in the Cumberland Presbyterian church the same time her husl)and joined, in 1881. Record of Group VIII 65 Her mother was Elizabeth Uptegrove, who was a daughter of WiUiam Uptegrove who died in Missouri at the advanced age of over ninety years. His wife was Mary Lovell. Her father, Jonathan Ingram, was a son of JaiTett Ingram who settled in Missouri in the territorial per- iod of the Commonwealth, and lived many years near where he first settled. He was a zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in the early days, for a number of j'^ears, his home was a regular preaching station on the circuit. His wife was Nancy Hudson whose family removed to Missouri in an early day. So it may be seen that Mary Ingram Duncan is descended from substantial pioneer stock. She is the mother of four children, (see Register), and is still li\ang (1904) at their beautiful farm home on the eastern border of JNIontgomery county. 66 Duncan Family Register MARRIAGE. Benjamin Marshall Duncan and Mary Ingram were mar- ried March 3, 1864, by Eld. Ephraim P. Pharr, Cumberland Presbyterian. NAMES AND BIRTHS OF THEIR CHILDREN. 1. William Jarrett Duncan, born May 26, 1866, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 2. Elizabeth Harriet Duncan, born May 14, 1868, in Lincoln county, Missouri. 3. Nancy Abigail Duncan, born March 30, i87i, in Mont- gomery county, Missouri; died July i7, 1873. 4. Cytha Marie Duncan, born April 28, i877, in Montgomery county, Missouri. MARRIAGES, ETC. ; CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN M. DUNCAN AND WIFE. No. n. ' Elizabeth Harriet Duncan, born May 14, 1868; died Feb- ruary 18, 1894. McBird Lotton, born December 8, 1861, in Indiana. Married, October i7, 1886. by Eld. B. F. Logan, Cumber- land Presbyterian. Issue. I. Elsie May Lotton, born January 25, 1889, in Montgomery county, Missouri. 2. Ray Duncan Lotton, born December 10, 1893, in Montgom- ery county, Missouri. No. I. ' William Jarrett Duncan, born May 26, 1866. Sarah Elizabeth Triplet, born May 11, 1868, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Married September 24, 1890, by Elder W. T. Roley, Cum- berland Presbyterian. Record of Group VIII 67 Issue. I. Gracie Marshall Duncan, born December i7, 1891, in Mont- gomery county, Missouri, No. IV. f Cytha Marie Duncan, born April 28, i877. I John W. Shrader, born September 13, 1875, in Lincoln ^ county, Missouri. Married, June 19, 1902, by Eld W. F. Roley, Cumberland Presbyterian. Issue. I. Mary Eva Shrader, born April 28, 1903, in Lincoln county, Missouri. GROUP IX. Mary Ellen Duncan and Husband, the Head. biographical. Mary Ellen Duncan is the ninth of a family of eleven — the youngest of three daughters — and was born August 5, 1844, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Her experience under a mother's care and training was limited, being left motherless before she was eight years old. For the next four or five years she made her home, at intervals, with her two older sisters and oldest brother, viz. ; Mildred, Sarah, and Francis. At about the age of twelve, or thirteen, she returned home and kept house for her father, being aided therein by a trusty negro woman — "Aunt Easter." Thus she continued until her marriage in 1865. She attended the great revival meeting at Bethle- hem Baptist church in 18.57; was numbered among the converts, and united with the church. Her member- ship was, soon after, transferred to Indian Creek church. Some eight or ten years later; never having en- joyed religion as others seemed to enjoy it, she came to the conclusion that she was unsaved; conviction of sin followed, and she earnestly sought the Lord which issued in a clearer and a happy conversion. She re- lated her case to the church and solicited "baptism as the answer of a good conscience." Her request was granted, and she was again immersed by the pastor, Rev. Wiley J. Patrick. 68 Record of Group IX 69 She is the mother of eight children, (see Register), one of whom — R. L. Motley — is a lawyer, and now (1904) Judge of the Pike County Probate Court. In bodily mould, she has the figure of her mother, but a little taller. When in health, in personal ap- pearance she is queenly, handsome, commanding. Marion Edom Motley, husband of Mary E. Dun- can, was born January 25, 1841, in Pike county, Mis- souri, near Louisville. His father, Daniel Motley, and mother, Jane Motley, emigrated from Virginia to Missouri in 1834. The former was of English, and the latter of German extraction. JNIarion Motley grew up in the INIissouri farm- home. The little education he received was in a "Backwoods School House." After his maturity, and then his marriage in 1865, he embarked in the mercan- tile business. He commenced in a small waj'', on com- mission, having but little means of his own. He en- larged his business in 1871 when he removed to New Hartford, where, for near fifteen years, he was a successful merchant. His removal to Bowling Green was in 1885. Here he still lives, and, for years, has engaged in banking, farming, and real estate, with success still attending his efforts. His property, real and personal, is estimated at from $25,000 to $30,000. His home in Bowling Green is palatial. His conversion occurred the last day of the year 1858, during a revival at Indian Creek. A few days later he was baptized by R. S. Duncan, and received into the church. From the beginning, he has been a steadfast supporter of the cause of our Lord; thor- oughly convinced of the truth of Christianity, and the rightness of Baptist principles. 70 Duncan Family Register In 1872, he was called to the office of Deacon, and has, ever since, "used the office well." He is a public spirited Christian man. He is a member of the Board of Managers of the Missouri Baptist Sani- tarium; Vice President and Director of the People's Savings Bank, Bowhng Green; Director of Pike Col- lege, and stockholder in both the latter-named institu- tions, and is regarded by many as one of the best busi- ness men in Northeast Missouri. Has been a liberal contributor to the upbuilding of public enterprises, both of his energies and his means. Nor is this all; his beneficent hand has been freely opened in aid of the religious institutions of the state. Industry, economy, and consecration to business have done much for himself and his family; and made him a benefactor to his generation. He has been a strong factor in politics, but never, save once, aspired to office. He made the race for County Judge — was beaten by a small vote. When solicited subsequently to make the race again, with the assurance that he could have the office by the asking, he declined. He has lived to give his children all a liberal education, and to see his eldest son filling an honorable office in the county. Though sixty -three, he is yet in his prime ! ! Record of Group IX 71 MARRIAGE. Mary Ellen Duncan and Marion Edom Motley were mar- ried April i8, 1865, by Elder William Davis, Baptist. NAMES AND BIRTHS OF THEIR CHILDREN. 1. Lewis Duncan Motley, born January 15, 1866, in Pike county, Missouri; died February i7, i878, at New Hart- ford, Missouri. 2. Dora Belle Motley, born November 18, i867, in Pike county, Missouri. 3. Robert Lee Motley, born December 21, 1869, in Pike county, Missouri. (He, with the two former, born at the village called Enterprise.) 4. Ezra Yeaman Motley, born February 9, i872, in Pike county, Missouri. 5. David Malcolm Motley, born April 29, 1874, in Pike county, Missouri. 6. Grace Ellen Motley, born January 27, i877, in Pike county, Missouri; died September 24, i878, at New Hartford. 7. Pearle Motley, born August 20, 1879, in Pike county, Mis- souri. 8. Delia Blanche Motley, born October 22, 1882, in Pike county, Missouri. (AH, from 4 to 8, were born at New Hartford.) children's MARRIAGES, AND ISSUE. No. H. ' Dora Belle Motley, born November 18, i867. Lucian M. Edwards, born January 23, i860, in Pike coun- ty, Missouri. , Married September 7, 1886, by Elder J. D. Biggs, Baptist. i Issue. I. Clifford Edwards, born June 30, 1889, in Pike county, Mis- souri. 2. Carey Duncan Edwards, born December 23, 1891, in Pike county, Missouri; died March 21, 1892. 72 Duncan Family Register 3. Howard Edwards, born March 9, 1894, in Pike county, Missouri. 4. Mar}^ Duncan Edwards, born February 24, 1896, in Pike county, Missouri. No. IV. ( Ezra Yeaman Motley, born February 9, i872. J Minnie Ann Nelson, born April 10, 1879, in Pike county, Missouri. , Married January 8, 1899, by Elder J. D. Hacker, Baptist. Issue. I. Bonnie Bernice Motley, born August i7, 1899, in Pike county, Missouri. No. III. Robert Lee Motley, born December 21, 1869. Katherine Bird Lincoln, born May 10, 1874, in Clay county, Missouri. Married June 20, 1900, by Elder Bower R. Patrick, Bap- tist. Issue. I. Dorothy Margaret Motley, born October 2, 1902, in Pike county, Missouri. No. VII. Pearle Motley, born August 20, 1879. George William Jacobs, born May 7, i878, in Prairieville, Missouri. Married December 20, 1900 at Bowling Green, Missouri, by Elder R. S. Duncan, Baptist. No. V. ' Daznd Malcolm Motley, born April 29, 1874. Flora Craig Waters, born March 4, i876, in Linneus, Linn -{ county, Missouri. Married November 27, 1901, by Elder W. B. Green, Chris- tian. Issue. I. David Malcolm Motley, Jr., born January 5, 1904, in Brookficld, Linn county, Missouri. GROUP X. George W. Duncan and Wife, the Head. biographical. George Washington Duncan, tenth child of Lewis and Harriet Duncan, is a native of Lincoln county, Missouri. He is the seventh of eight sons; bom March 25, 1847. When a httle boy of five years, death robbed him of his mother, so that, for the most part, he grew up in a motherless home, and for his education attended the country schools. He has a war record. In September, 1864 he enlisted in the Federal army. Company A, 49th Mis- souri Volunteers, Infantry; Col. D. P. Dyer com- mander, and served about one year. The Regiment belonged to 16th Army Corps — Gen. A. J. Smith. The Regiment spent a portion of the fall and winter as scouts in Boone and Callaway counties, opposing the movements of the Guerilla, Bill Anderson and his men. When General Price made his last raid through Missouri — October 1864 — Col. Dyer, with his Regi- ment, was sent to Jefferson City, to aid in intercepting him. In February, 1865, the Regiment went South as far as New Orleans, Louisiana; thence to Spanish Fort, Mobile, where they took part in the siege, as support to the artillery. They were here when the sur- render occurred. From jNIobile the Regiment made a long and tedious march to Montgomery, Alabama; where it remained until ordered to St. Louis, to be mustered out of serWce. 73 74 Duncan Family Register In December, 1869, he took to himself a wife in the person of Nancy Ingram. He was converted and joined Indian Creek Baptist church in 1874. Subse- quently he transferred his membership to Olney, where he still holds it. Two years ago, (1902) I vis- ited the church by special invitation. Of George Dun- can's five living children, at that time, one (Sidney) was deacon in the church; another, (Jonathan), was clerk; still another (Bertha) was organist; and, that day, a fourth (Ezra) was ordained to the ministry. A beautiful sight. Recentl}^ he divided his lands among his children, giving to each one a nice little home. Industry and econom5% with the Lord's favor, brought him success. Nancy Ingram, of Jonathan Ingram and Eliz- beth Uptegrove, and who became the wife of George W. Duncan in 1869, was bom in Lincoln county, Mis- souri, March 22, 1845. She grew up on the farm and in the country home of her father, attending the usual "District School" two or three months in the year. While attending a revival meeting at Indian Creek Baptist church in 1874, she confessed her Lord and Savior, joined said church, and was baptized by R. S. Duncan; and for more than twenty-five years she hved a devout Christian life. She died a member of Olney Baptist church. She was a sister of Mary Ingram, (see her sketch for ancestral histoiy), and, like her, descended from pioneer stock. Her impress upon her generation may be seen in her four sons, and one living daughter (see sketch of her husband ) . Her health declined for ten or more years, and the remnant of her life was spent in feebleness. On tiie eighth of October, 1902, she fell asleep in Jesus. Record of Group X 75 MARRIAGE. George Washington Duncan and Nancy Ingram were mar- ried December 2, 1869, by Elder G. B. Smith, Baptist. NAMES AND BIRTHS OF THEIR CHILDREN. 1. Elizabeth Florence Duncan, born March 3, i87i, in Lincoln county, Missouri; died June 13, i87i. 2. Sidney Duncan, born May 3, i872, in Lincoln county, Mis- souri, 3. Jonathan Marshall Duncan, born December 26, 1874, in Pike county, Missouri. 4. Ezra Duncan, born November 3, i877, in Pike county, Mis- souri. 5. Robert Chandler Duncan, born September 5, 1880, in Pike county, Missouri. 6. Bertha Duncan, born January 10, 1884, in Pike county, Missouri. MARRIED CHILDREN OF GEO. W. DUNCAN AND WIFE. No. VL Bertha Duncan, born January 10, 1884. Walter Witten Marling, born July 11, 1880, in Montgom- ery county, Missouri. Married September 5, 1903, by Elder Ezra Duncan, Bap- tist. No. V. ' Robert Chandler Duncan, born September 5, 1880. Pearle King Sydnor, born November 20, 1881, in Lincoln county, Missouri. Married October 11, 1903, by Elder Ezra Duncan, Bap- tist. 76 Duncan Family Register No. III. Jonathan Marshall Duncan, born December 26, 1874. Mary Elizabeth Logan, bom November 27, i876, in Mont- j gomery county, Missouri, t Married March 2, 1904, by Elder Ezra Duncan, Baptist. No. IV. ' Ezra Duncan, born November 3, i877. Calla May Carter, born June 22, 1882, in Ravanna, Mis- souri. Married August i, 1904, at Ravanna, by Elder D. F. Lout- zenhiser. Baptist. GROUP XI. Richard M. Duncan and Wife, the Head. biographical. Richard Montgomery Duncan, the eleventh and youngest child of Lewis Duncan and Harriet, his wife, was born in "Old Home" south of Louisville, October 24, 1849. Here he grew up a farmer boy and went to "District School" in the winter. Being motherless from a little over two years of age, he was a stranger to mother-love and mother-training. For several years of his boyhood, however, this want was partially supplied by the aid of his youngest sister — now Maiy E. Motley — who w^as, for several j^ears, housekeeper for her father. He spent one year in college at Troy, after which he "Read ^ledicine" vmder Dr. Doggett at Wright City. In 1870, then in his twenty-first year, he moved to Moberly, Missouri, then a booming new town. Here in a limited degree he engaged as dealer in real estate, which proved profitable; at the same time he bcame partner of Fred Slater in "Drugs," and after- wards continued in the same business alone for five or six years, when, because of partial failure of health, and being so advised by his physician, he quit "Drugs," and embarked as a dry goods merchant. In all these enterprises he was successful. He was married to JNIargaret C. Tate in 1873, then of Stockton, California; and seven years later, (in 1880), removed to Oakland, that state; where for over twenty j^ears he followed a mercantile life. 77 78 Duncan Family Register In 1891, he united with the First Baptist church, Oakland. The year following, a severe spell of sick- ness brought him near to death's door, since which he has not been in good health. With his means, he has been charitable and beneficent, even long before his avowal of the faith of Christ. Richard Duncan is one of the few members of the family who has accumulated property; and, but for failure in health, would, doubtless, have been wealthy. Loss of health, however, has consumed much of his earlier accimiulations. He now lives in his own comfortable home in Oakland, California, and has re- tired from business. Margaret Catharine Tate, wife of Richard M. Duncan, was born in Randolph county, Missouri, April 17, 1856. When seven years old moved, with parents, from the farm to Allen on the North Mis- souri Railway, thence, a few years later, to Moberly, Missouri, where her father built the first house — a liotel — in the newly laid off town. Here she at- tended public school until she was fourteen years old, then went to Christian College, Columbia, to com- plete her education. In 1872, her father removed to Stockton, Cali- fornia, where, the year following, she was married to Richard M. Duncan, and with him returned to his home and his business in Moberly. Of this, she writes : "We expected to make Moberly our home, and it is with great pleasure I look back to the dear little cottage my husband built for me, and the commence- ment of our housekeeping." In 1870, she united with the First Baptist church, Moberly; and has since then been a steadfast, pious Record of Group XI 79 Christian, being now (1904) a member of First Bap- tist church, Oakland. Her father, Samuel P. Tate, now almost eighty- years old, is a Virginian, a son of Isaac Tate, who, with his family, settled in Boone county, Missouri, in 1833 — the son then a child of nine years. Her mother is a Kentuckian, a daughter of Dudly and Margaret Baker, who settled in Randolph county, Missouri — where Higbee now stands — in 1841. Here she was married to Samuel P. Tate, December 24, 1850. They celebrated their "Golden Wedding," De- cember 24, 1900. They yet live, hale and hearty old people. 80 Duncan Family Register MARRIAGE. Richard Montgomery Duncan and Margaret Catharine Tate were married September 25, 1873, by Elder G. R. Hand, Christian. NAMES. BIRTHS AND MARRIAGES OF THEIR CHILDREN. No. I. Harry Kinnaird Duncan, born April 7, 1879, at Moberly, Randolph county, Missouri. Sarah Verona Fox, born December 22, i878, at Amsterdam, ■^ New York. I Married in Oakland, California, May 6, 1900, by Elder C. t H. Hobart, Baptist. Issue. I. Muriel Verona Duncan, born March 14, 1901, in Oakland, California. APPENDIX. THE FIRST DUNCAN REUNION, 1898. (The following account of reunion was published in the "Montgomery Standard," September 9, 1898.) A GREAT OCCASION. The Family Reunion of the Heirs of the late Lewis Duncan. SATURDAY, the 3rd of September, 1898, was memora- ble in the history of the family of Lewis Duncan, de- ceased. It was made so by a reunion at the old home- stead, near the western boundary of Lincoln county and four miles south of Louisville. Lewis Duncan and Harriet KinnaircJi. were born, grew up and married in old Culpeper county, Virginia. The year after their marriage they emigrated to Missouri, in 1828, and lived about 12 years near Troy. They removed to the homestead above mentioned in January, 1840, where they spent the remain- der of their lives. To them were born eleven children, eight sons and three daughters, all of whom lived to maturity and be- came heads of families. Had all lived (counting sons-in-law and daughters-in-law), there would now have been two hun- dred and three members of the family. About one-fourth of the number have died, so that the number now living is some- thing over one hundred and fifty. The meeting place was in the yard, in the middle of which stands the old family residence, now unoccupied. Arrivals con- tinued from nine o'clock in the morning until noon, mingled with joyful greetings. Tears flowed freely from many eyes for gladness at seeing again the faces of loved ones. Many kins- men met for the first time. A large number of the old friends of the family were present and shared in the joys of the oc- casion. The social feast continued until i o'clock p. m., when the dinner hour was announced. A long table had been erected, reaching half across the old yard, on which loving hands spread a dinner never to be forgotten. As fine a dinner as eyes ever 6 81 82 Duncan Family Register looked upon — well served and bountiful. x\fter dinner, a visit was made to the family cemetery on the premises, where lie the mortal remains of grand-mother, father, mother, uncle, sister and children. The afternoon was spent in impromptu speech making, in- terspersed with a few family anecdotes, and, finally, a prayer of thanksgiving. Later on the roll was called, and a line was formed which showed ninety-two members of the family pres- ent, with about sixty absent. This means the Hving members. Joseph Duncan, the only living son of our oldest brother — F. H. Duncan, deceased — had come 500 miles to greet his kins- men. He had been absent for twenty years. Many of the mem- bers of eight of the eleven groups were present. Besides this, greetings were read from our youngest brother, Richard, in Cal- ifornia; also from Jas. L. Duncan, oldest son of our third brother — Wm. E. Duncan, deceased — of Texas; and from Jen- nie Buchanan of Moberly, youngest daughter of our second sister — Sarah C. Stone, deceased, who sleeps in Texas. Steps were taken to make a family register to contain the names of each of the eleven groups, together with the date of birth, marriage, and to whom, and death. This register is to be completed in the next year. A family association was formed, which voted to hold an annual reunion. The next one will be held at the old homestead the first Saturday in September, 1899, when it is confidently ex- pected that we shall see many faces not seen for many years. A committee of arrangements was appointed, consisting of David J. Duncan, Mayhugh Davis, Joseph L. Duncan and R. S. Duncan. This committee will have charge of the preparations for the next reunion. One of the most impressive and enjoyable events of the day was when all stood around the dinner table with bared and bowed heads, and thanksgiving was offered to the God of our father and mother for His rich and tender mercies which have followed us through all these years. Another was at the close of roll call, when the whole company with one voice sang "Praise God from whom all blessings flow." First Reunion— 1S98. 83 It was voted to erect a marble monument over the graves of our father and mother; and our only living sister, Mary E. Motley, D. J. Duncan and J. L. Duncan were selected as a com- mittee to superintend its erection. Just about the close of the evening, a little boy was held aloft in the arms of his great-uncle, that all might look on his face. He was three years old, son of Levi and Ora IMotley, and great grand-son of our oldest sister. He belongs to the fifth generation, counting from our father, Lewis Duncan. There is one other of the same generation, Duncan R. Jennings, but he was not present. Thus closed our first family reunion. Blessed reunion! Type of the reunion beyond the River, in the sweet bye and bye ! May its memory never fade from our minds. R. S. Duncan. SECOND FAMILY REUNION, 1899. Saturday, September 2, was a beautiful and perfect day. It was the occasion of the first anniversary reunion of the Dun- can family, which was held at the old homestead of the late Lewis Duncan, four miles south of Louisville, and two miles north of Corso, in Lincoln county, Missouri. It was a day never to be forgotten by the family and its kindred and friends. Ar- rivals began early in the morning and continued until noon. The forenoon was spent in joyful greetings, hand-shaking and social intercourse. The near-by members of the family and friends in the com- munity had made ample preparation for the meeting, in the way of improvised seats, a long table, and speaker's stand. As the noon hour drew near, the people assembled about the stand, and devotional exercises were held, conducted by R. S. Duncan, the oldest living son, consisting of a rendition of the song, "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and prayer by Rev. Wm. Gillum, an old friend of the family. A sumptuous dinner was then spread, and, with bowed heads, thanksgiving was offered to God for His goodness. The dinner hour passed, the gather- ing spent another hour in social converse. Then they re-as- sembled about the stand for singing and speech-making. The honored guest of the occasion was Dr. H. K. Jones, of the Kinnaird line of the family, who made an address, in which he told of his many pleasant visits to the Duncan home, in years long past. Dr. Jones paid a glowing and a high tribute to the memory of the sainted Lewis and Harriet Duncan. He greeted their descendants and kinsmen as a friend and kinsman, indeed. His words will long linger in the memory of those who heard him. Miss Sue Duncan sang a most beautiful solo, "The Setting Sun," and frequently led the song service with her voice and guitar. Sadie Lee Major and her sister, Lizzie Belle, sang a beautiful duet. Master Howard Edwards made a nice little speech. Miss Mary Duncan's recital of "An Ode to the Old Home," was enjoyed by all, and Mrs. Ada Duncan gave a beau- 84 Second Reiinion — 1899 85 tiful recitation. These exercises were closed with addresses by R. L. Motley and Jesse J. Duncan, which were appropriate, and highly appreciated by the audience. The program was inter- spersed with many beautiful songs and some rich and rare fam- ily anecdotes. James Lewis Duncan, a grand-son, was present at the re- union. He had come from his Texas home, more than a thou- sand miles, to greet his kindred. James C. Major, with his wife and seven children, drove seventy-five miles in a hack to attend this anniversary. Ann E. Davis, daughter of the oldest sister, and the first-born grand-daughter of Lewis Duncan, was also present. The youngest member of the family present was baby Shaw, grand-son of Joseph L. Duncan, and son of Marcellus Shaw. The kindred had just completed the erection of a monu- ment over the graves of the father and mother of the family, whose remains sleep in the cemetery on the hill a hundred yards from the old home. It is plain, and substantial, and well built of blue granite. During the past year much material has been gathered for a family register, which is in the hands of R. S. Duncan, the oldest surviving son. When completed it will be pubHshed in book form, and will be a complete history of the family, includ- ing life sketches of its ancestors. Of the eleven groups, representatives were present from all but one; that of Richard M. Duncan who lives in Oakland, California. The enrollment shows that of the one hundred and seventy-two living descendants, one hundred and three were present. The enrollment, by groups, is as follows: Group No. I. Fanny A. Duncan, Margaret A. Smith, H. F. Reeds, Ida M. Tucker, Beulah Ellmore, Maude Robey, Ray D. Reeds. Group No. 2. C. W. Kimler, Mayhew Davis, Dora Parish, Doc Parish, Ann E. Davis, Henry Kimler, America Kimler, Maggie J. Mot- ley, Nellie Motley, Ora A. Davis, Levi Motley, Raymond Mot- ley, Charles Davis, John Davis, Leon Davis, Edgar Parish, 86 Duncan Family Register Charley Parish, Pleasant Parish, Maggie Parish, Sadie Parish, Emma Parish, Essica Kimler, Olin Vest Kimler, John C. Kim- ler, Henry Copenhaver, Adelbert A. Copenhaver. Group No. 3. R. S. Duncan, Sarah J. Duncan, Sue Duncan, Sadie Jen- nings, Leslie Reid, Raymond Reid, Duncan Jennings. Group No. 4. Jennie Buchanan, J. Sumner Buchanan, Ernest Ely Davis, Ossye Davis. Group No. 5. James Lewis Duncan. Group No. 6. David J. Duncan, Margaret E. Duncan, Katie Huckstep, J. C. Huckstep, Mary B. Huckstep, Emma Major, J. C. Major, Mabel C. Major, Sadie L. Major, Lizzie Major, Thomas D. Major, Laura Major, Sam Duncan Major, Anna May Major, Mary E. Gregory, Thomas C. Gregory, Grayson Duncan Greg- ory, Ernest Duncan, Ursie Duncan. Group No. 7. J. L. Duncan, Kate Duncan, Patience Shaw, Marcellus Shaw, Roger Q. Shaw, Jessie J. Shaw, Baby Shaw, Jessie J. Duncan, Clark B. Duncan, Ada B. Duncan, Willie Jewell Dun- can, DoUie Duncan, Mary Duncan. Group No. 8. B. M. Duncan, Mary Duncan, William J. Duncan, Eliza- beth Duncan, Grace Duncan, Elsie May Lotton, Ray D. Lotton, Cytha Duncan. Group No. 9. Mary E. Motley, Marion E. Motley, Dora Belle Edwards, Clifford Edwards, Howard Edwards, Mary D. Edwards, R. L. Motley, Ezra Y. Motley, Pearl Motley, Blanche Motley. Second Reunion — 1899 87 Group No. 10. Geo. W. Duncan, Nannie Duncan, Sydney Duncan, J. M. Duncan, Ezra Duncan, Robert C. Duncan, Bertha Duncan. The following kindred, not descendants, of Lewis Duncan and Harriet Kinnaird, his wife, were present: Dr. Hiram K. Jones, Clara Calvert, Mattie Bushnell, Eliza- beth Jenkins Hammett, William Hammett. Miss Clara Calvert and Miss Mattie Bushnell are grand daughters of Betsy Smith, oldest sister of Harriet Duncan. They, for the first time, met with their kindred of the Duncan family. The meeting was a delightful and joyful one. Eliza- beth Hammett is the only living child of Lucy Jenkins, only sister of Lewis Duncan. On motion, R. S. Duncan, D. J. Duncan, J. L. Duncan, and C. M. Davis were continued as an executive committee, and to them were referred the question of future reunions, both as to time and place. Late in the evening the meeting was brought to a close by a season of devotional exercises, and the kindred dispersed to their homes with many a "God bless you," hand-shaking, and tears. Such meetings are truly valuable and helpful. R. S. Duncan. INDEX Page Ancestral History — Lewis Duncan - - - - 5 Dedication ... - - - - 3 Duncan, Lewis — Illustration — Frontispiece Duncan, James, and Dorcas Butler ... - 8 Duncan, Lewis— Biography .... - 9 Kinnaird Family— Ancestral History - - - - 17 Kinnaird, Harriet — Biography . . - - - i^ Primitive Home ------- 20 Duncan, Lewis — His Children . - . - 24 Group no. i. F. H. Duncan — Family Record — Wife and Sketches 25 Group no. ii. Mildred Duncan Kimler; Family Record — Husband and Sketches - - • - - - 32 Group NO. III. R. S. Duncan; Family Record — Wife and Sketches 39 Group no. iv. Sarah Duncan Stone; Family Record — Husband and Sketches . . - . - - 4^ Group NO. V. William E. Duncan; Family Record — Wives and Sketches ....... ^q Group no. vi. David J. Duncan; Family Record — Wife and Sketches ■■"""-- 53 Group NO. vii. Joseph L. Duncan; Family Record — Wife and Sketches -.-.... ^3 Group no. viii. Benjamin M. Duncan; Family Record — Wife and Sketches ....... (^^ Group NO. ix. Mary Duncan Motley; Family Record — Husband and Sketches ..... . 53 Group no. x, George W. Duncan; Family Record — Wife and Sketches ... - . . . yj Group no. XI. Richard M. Duncan; Family Record — Wife and Sketches -----. y^ Duncan Reunion — First Held, 1S98 - - - - 81 "The Old Home," and Cemetery - - - - 81 Reunion — Second Held, 1899 - - ... 84 "The Enrollment" ...... 85 "Our Kindred" Present --..-. 87 88 tr- "^_ > » >■ \i '^^ u^^- A^. o " .^" '2- •>• ^-' V ' Nf»- .J^ ^.v-V At %.^ "^ -;%Ai>irf5f'»* ^j^ -S-' w^: 'o V ^^ •1^-: ts y ■ •• 'ff^ :l _^-^ V :»;■ ^^ '<^ \^ "^i^.' ^ ^^' '"^ ■^ ^°'t. c5> » / X ■ ^^ V^ >. '^^.. / -^- .'^ A ^ ^i' o » I •> *c(^, ^'^" \,^^ <9 0^ '^^^ ^0 ^ 1. 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