Qass. Book. THE GREAT ENCYCLIC EPISTLE, DIVIDED INTO TWO PARTS; The Pirst of which was occasioned by the Death of President Abraham Lincoln, AND The Second by the Capture of Jefferson Davis : Both being Preparatory to the Work, with the Title of the Manuscript : '^THE HEAVENLY MISSION TO ALL GOVERNMENTS AND ALL NATIONS FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF CHRIST'S PEACEABLE REIGN ON EARTH. WRIT- TEN BY ANDREW B. Sm6lNIKAR, REPRESENTA- TIVE OF THIS MISSION, WHICH HAD BEEN DE- CLARED AND CONFIRMED BY A LONG CHAIN OF SIGNS AND WONDERS ACCORDING TO PROPHE^ CIES, AS THOSE WILL BE CONVINCED WHO STUDY THE WHOLE WITH DUE ATTENTION." BALTIMORE: PRINTED BY S. S. MILLS & CO No. 24 S. Calvert Street. 1865. FIRST P»A.RT OF THE GREAT ENCYCLIC EPISTLE. THIS PART WAS OCCASIONED BY THE MURDER OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Whereas, In a few months I will be seventy years old, I address, in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, those who are approaching to, or have already ex- ceeded my age, as my beloved brethren — and those who are much young- er, as my dear sons, beseeching you all, to read both parts of this Epistle, with all possible attention, and not to judge of any sentence which is not according to your taste, till you peruse thoroughly this entire pamphlet, with great zeal to know the truth and to act accordingly. This was my desire from early youth, to study for my own and the welfare of my fellow men. I have collected great Treasures of Truth, which I will carry into eternal life, of which I communicate as much to my fellow-men as they are capable and ready to receive. This pamphlet contains a narrative of facts, according to my best know- ledge, and hints as to the causes by which they have been produced. A1-* though you may not see into these just as I do, I warn you at the begin- ning, not to condemn any sentence with which you may not be pleased, until you study thoroughly this entire pamphlet. Then you will see deeper also into the causes, and better understand every sentence in connexion with the whole; and you will come nearer to union with mc and with those Invisible Agents by whom I am assisted and directed for the fulfilment of the grandest Promises to mankind — and better comprehend and digest the contents of this pamphlet. Christ's Peaceable Keign, (as we have expressed on the title pages of Beveral of our preceding publications, and which will become evident to students of the volume for which we have prepared manuscript, and to which a general attention, through this Epistle, is sought,) will be the Universal Kepublic of Truth and Kighteousness. When Monarchs learn in the volume the proceedings in the Real Republic — ^es/? if Wtc«— public affair — to develop Truth for the welfare of all men, they will powerfully co-operate for establishing the Real Republic, and will glorify God, who is made manifest in our Mission, to draw Rulers and Nations from the ex- isting Babylon into Christ's Reign of Harmony and Peace, in which Rulers will have most excellent occupations for their own and the eternal life of the people. But in Babylon they themselves are running and drawing their fellow men into death. After having published already from A. D. 1838 to 1842, five volumes of developments of the mysteries which must be understood for Christ's Peace on Earth, and after, at different occasions, pamphlets and volumes, Governments and Nations, to whose Representatives we applied for co- operation to commence the glorious New Era of Harmony and Peace, did not heed our applications. This New Era is commonly, although impro- perly, called the Millennium, concerning which there are all kinds of su- perstitious and absurd notions. But all Parties and Sects have been re- luctant to examine what the Spirit of Truth has developed, in this respect, by virtue of our Mission, and confirmed by superabundance of Signs and Wonders according to prophecies. I understood Divine Economy as far as was necessary for the continuance of my Mission. Governments and Na- tions were left in their pernicious course on account of matters not having yet been so far developed as to commence a general movement for the ac- complishment of the grandest promises to mankind. At length I have prepared, at my advanced age, manuscripts in Latin, containing what should be sent to IMshops of all countries — and in German and English, what is of great consequence to this and future generations. But the man- uscript, with the title on the title page of this Epistle, is the last of my manuscripts ; I wrote it in English, to be published — the sooner the better — first, in the English, and then in other languages, as Messengers could be found to translate, publish and disseminate it as far as possible, — and for this purpose I am now translating it into German, when manifold oc- cupations allow me to do so. The last manuscript should be published first, because it contains a com- pendium of memorable events which have been already published in my former volumes, (and on account of their circulation being hindered, the most dreadful consequences have been experienced by Nations;) and events which have not yet been published, but which spread unexpected light up- on those which have been already published, so that we trust that the A- merican and other Nations will be aroused to co-operation to realize what is most needed, although it was most neglected, and' the neglect has pro- duced an awful detriment in the real temporal and eternal welfare of Nations. The contents of the volume, for a general circulation of which, in different languages, I am preparing readers of this Epistle, translations of which should be procured for instruction of all Nations, may be in the shortest Planner expressed as follows : In the "introduction," in the first place, a brief report is given — how I was directed in my early youth to study books of great consequence, so as to learn to comprehend them well. That report is then applied to my vol- ume, which should be published by readers of this Epistle, and which, as you may judge, after having thoroughly studied this Epistle, is for the common welfare of Nations, at this time, the most important volume. — This occasioned a brief view regarding the real value of the Bible and of the essential causes that the Bible was so abused; that instead of all Chris- tians being united in Peace, they have produced quarrels and fightings, which are witnessed by the ecclesiastical history and by the testimony of this generation — and there are hundreds of Sects in the States of North America, if we number their divisions and sub-divisions, which will be a- bolished and the true Union be cemented and spread on the globe, when that which has been disclosed by virtue of our Mission, will be generally made known and put in practice. You should keep always in mind what is in the title of the volume on the title page of this Epistle, that I am on- ly a Representative of the Mission with which those who will comprehend and digest this our writing, will be united. Our Mission requires such deep insight and knowledge of the Roman Catholic Church, from which Protestant Churches have taken more or less of their dogmas, which they have modified, each in their own way, that according to prophecies the Representative of Messengers for the introduc- tion of Christ's Peaceable Reign on Earth had to come from the Roman Catholic Church. In the first part of the manuscript, which should be printed in a volume for which I am preparing readers of this Epistle, I give a brief sketch of the wonderful ways in which my Heavenly Guardian was preparing me from my childhood, for my present Mission, about which neither I nor those who had influence upon me, knew any thing. But I had always an anxious desire to know truth, for my own and the welfare of my fellowmen, and to act according to my best knowledge. And my Heavenly Director has procured from my early youth the best chance to satisfy my desire, and has performed manifold Signs and Wonders, which have not been understood, till at length, in my present Mission, I com- menced to understand them. When time arrived to study the branches for my future profession, I thouglit that I could do most good to my fellowmen, by studying Theolo- gy, and penetrating as deep into its mysteries, as circumstances would al- low. I studied and acted according to my determination, and was ordain- ed Priest, A. D. 1819. 1 have united my experience as Priest with zeal- ous continuation of my investigations in the branches of Divinity, and I was laboring particularly to penetrate, as deep as possible, into the myste- ries of the Bible ; and my Heavenly director gave manifold Signs, that iny labour would at length bring good fruit for the welfare of Nations. After having been six years Priest of my native Diocese,- Laibach, in Blyria, my Master directed that for the continuation of my theological in- vestigations I should unite with the Monks of the Benedictine Order, in the Monastery of St. Paul in Carinthia, — and after two years of investi- gation in t?lie Jewish, Heathen and Christian antiquities, in the library of that Monastery, I became public Imperial Royal Professor of Biblical studies of the "New Covenant" in the city of Clagenfurt, in Carintbia. During the ten years of my Professorship, manifold signs and wonders occurred, which I understood at that time only so far, that Christ and His Heavenly Armies were preparing great things for Union and Peace of Nations. I will give below a specimen of a great wonder and sign which was given A. D. 1835, and which is, in an astonishing manner, elucidated by the unexpected death and National lamentation at the funeral of Abra- ham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States of North America. Shortly before my call to America a book appeared in Germany, which was published by a traveller collecting in the United States the Divisions and Subdivisions of Sects, which have their public worship in the English and also in other languages : and he collected and published about three hundred diflerent Sects. At length I have received from my Master, or- der to prepare for my voyage to xVmerica, and 'examine wbat these Sects liad prepared for Union of all Nations in Christ's Peaceable Beign. After having received order from my Master, passport from the Austrian Gov- ernment, and all other things having been procured against human expec- tation, I arrived on my birth-day, November 29th, 1837, at the same hour in America, in which I was born on the same day, A. D. 1795, in Kamnik of Illyria. After my arrival in America, wonders and signs continued. At length, on the 7th January, 1838, against all human ex- pectation, 144 witnesses signed their names in my Catalogue, and became then my assistants, in what was to be performed in the Boman Catholic Church for the fulfilment of great Prophecies. In the presence of those 144 and many other witnesses, I was entranced by my invisible Direc- tor and his Heavenly assistants, on Sunday Sexagesima, the 18th Feb- ruary, 1838, and initiated into my present Mission, which is expressed on the title page of this pamphlet ; and after that initiation great prepa- rations took place under the direction of Heavenly Iilessengers, whose medium or instrument I was for the execution of Divine Decrees, which I did not understand at the performance, but which have been afterwai'ds gradually so disclosed, that any attentive student of the book, for which I am preparing readers by this circular, will easily understand them. Heavenly agents had procured the 144 witnesses from different regions of Europe, ami had taken care that each of those witnesses who had a peculiar Mission to perform, had a corresponding name, and put his name on the corresponding place of our Catalogue according to our Spirit lan- guage by names and numbers, and that, without our knowledge, the 90th and the 100th of those witnesses have put in our Catalogue, instead of their own names, the 90th — the name which comprehends the mysteries of the Beast with Seven Heads and the number 666, in Revelation XIII, 18 ; and the 100th — the mysteries of the Image of the Beast, or its Ten Horns. Those witnesses, have been Mediums, ignorant of what they were doing, wbcn they put those names into our catalogue, and none of us did observe that they put other names; and when they should have come and co-operated with us, they did not appear. At length I roceived, in the week before Easter, three different times, the order from my Heavenly Master to take the names of the 90th and the 100th of our Catalogue, and to excon^muuicate them on Easter Sunday, Api'il 15th, 1838, from Christ's Church, after having prepared the congregation of the 144 witnesses and many others, for the Solemn Excommunication . All this having been done, the mystery of that Excommunication was afterwards gradually developed, and the great preparations througli the course of centuries and the wonders which preceded, as well as tlie won- ders which succeeded; and the prophecies, which to unlock we have re- ceived the key in that Excommunication; and the Divine assufance, that what is comprehended in it, will certainly be fulfilled in our Mission — all this has been abundantly explained in my first three German volumes, which have been published from A. D. 1838 till 1840. If I had departed into the Spirit world directly after the publication of those volumes, the work of the Mission which I represent, had continued as well as it continues, while I am yet in this outward tabernacle. But it continued until this time so clandestinely that nations have perceived very little of our preparations, although we have sent copies of those vol- umes to the Emperor of Austria, to the King of Bavaria and to the King of France, urging the first two, and many of their ecclesiastical and po- litical grandees, by our letters, to encourage them to give our volumes to Theologians to examine, and to send the results of their examina- tion to me to be published with my remarks, that Nations might be aroused to study the great Events for Harmony and Peace on Earth ; and although we have urged King Louis Philippe, in our handwriting, to order a French translation of those volumes, and put it in circulation amongst the French people. Although in my volumes as well as in my letters the 'most solemn assurance was given, that Revolutions and Wars could not be prevented except by spreading the wonderful disclosures in our publications for Union of Nations in Christ's Peaceable lleign, those in Europe as well as those in America who should have opened the door for the circulation of our Message of Peace, remained in the service of deluding and destroying Spirits; and we continued the work of our Mission, developing the mys- teries, for the full development of which the longest life of a man would be too short. But so much has been disclosed already (1840) by the publication of our third volume, as was superabundantly sufficient to move all Parties and Sects for the glorious Union in Christ's Peaceable lleign. Notwithstanding this, they remained dead. But we are preparing their resurrection, by this circular, to collect everywhere subscriptions for the volume, the title of which is on the title page of this epistle; and in the first part of which you will receive so much explanation of what has been hinted to this point, regarding the Divine Spectacle for the Pacification of Nations, that we expect that you will co-operate with us for the fulfilment of the grandest Promises to. mankind; and, in the second part of the book, you will read the wonders and signs at the execution of Divine judgments in which the three Boraau Catholic Monarchs to whom our vol- umes have been sent, have been dethi-oned ; and the most solemn warnings which have been given by virtue of our Mission to the Seven Presidents of the United States who succeeded after the prophetical death of Presi- dent Harrrisou ; and the wonders and signs which have been given at our applications to those seven Presidents, the last of whom became so re- markable, that we find proper to give in this circular some disclosures of the mysteries included in the death of President Lincoln, to inspire readers to prepare the American and other Nations for a glorious Resurrection and Ascension into Ciirist's Peaceable Reign on Earth. "The Flaming Sword! or a Sign from Heaven," is the most remarka- ble amongst the prophecies regarding the United States of North America. It was not understood till It had been handed to me, A. D. 1861, in an edition of the year 1848, and I have explained it directly by the Spirit of Truth, who had prepared in my publications, many years ago, what was required for its understanding. The last edition I saw, is, "New London, (Conn.) Starr & Farnham, printers, 1857." The shocking death of President Lincoln spreads great light upon said prophecy, and in the book for which we are preparing readers, are unex- pe^cted disclosures regarding great events which occurred since Good Fri- day last and this Easter time — on the 1st day of May, 1865, I am writino' this. To direct your attention to those events, we copy the following pas- sage from said prophecy. The author, whose signature is Timothy P. Walker, commences page 3 of the New London edition : "On the 26th of March, 1798, as I was on my journey with a team from Woodstock, in Connecticut, the place of my nativity, to Burlington, in Vermont, on the evening of the 27th of said month, I called for enter- tainment at the house of Capt. J. Bissel, inn-holder in Chelsea." For the purpose of this circular we copy only the last part from page 6, as follows : "As the clock struck three, I arose from my bed and prepared my team, and paid my fare, and sat out on my journey. I had not got on my way more than a mile and a half, before my team, which consisted of four oxen and a horse, in full speed, were instantly stopped, as though hushed by a mighty hand. I, unthinkingly, bid them go on, but without effect; for, at the same instant, a bright light appeared to overspread the horizon, and an Angel, or some supernatural being, as I conceived, descended and stood erect in the air but a little distance before me, dressed in a long un- soiled robe, with a Flaming Sword in his hand ; and I can say with Daniel, I was alone and without strength. And he said unto me, ' stand on thy feet and give ear to the words which I shall speak.' And as I stood trembling I lifted up my eyes and beheld his face, which had the appear- ance of lightning, and his eyes were as lamps of fire ; the sword which he held in his hand, to appearance, was about thirty feet long, the hilt of which was variously ornamented ; it appeared of pure gold set with stones of various hues, the blade of which resembled fire ; and I cast up my eyes and beheld a bow in the cloud, beautifully variegated, much resembling a rainbow, encircling a constellation of sixteen stars, differently diversified, there being nine in the southerly part of the bow, of a most beautiful azure, in the centre of which appeared an Olive Branch, richly decorated with golden buds; the seven to the north were of a deep crimson, and all very transparently brilliant, which afterwards separated. The nine of the azure fell to the south, and the seven of a crimson to the north, at- tended with a heavy rumbling in the air, like the rushing of many armies to battle, at which I fell with my face to the ground, where I lay in a pro- found reverie for some time. At length, I thought I heard an audible voice articulate and say, ' All these are signs by which you shall know what is to befal the Nations now in the latter days.' " Wo unto the inhabitants of the land for their sins and ingratitude; in wars and rumors of wars they shall abound ; their fields shall be crimsoned with the blood of their own citizens, and nothing but lamentation and mourning shall be heard to echo through the lonely valley, until all the tares and brambles of the earth shall be plucked up, and demolished from the face thereof, by the pestilence which walketh in darkness, and by the sword which lays waste at noon-day; for there shall be such a destruction 8 as shall greatly thin the inhabitants of the earth, both by war, pestilence and famine, until there shall arise a branch from the root of Jesse, who shall perform such remarkable wonders through the power of the Almighty God, as shall effectually convince the world of his Divine authority, and shall cause eventually the remnant of all Nations to be of one heart, one mind and one religion; when there shall be no more wars among mankind, who will ever after be in the strictest bonds of mutual friendship, profess- ing unfaining love to God and one another ; and the Jews and Gentiles shall coincide in sentiments, and become one and indivisible, declaring . Jesus Chaist to be their only King and Sovereign ;' and as he ended, proclaimed, ' Father, thy will be done on earth as in Heaven, and may all people say. Amen !' "And as he spake these words, I looked and behold the Sword which he held in his hand was transformed into an Olive Branch, which grew and overspread the horizon, under which a reflection of light presented to my view a long and spacious landscape covered with an innumerable host of beings like unto the stars of Heaven, worshipping and praising Him who is King over all these; the Lion lay down with the Lamb, &c*." I omit the twelve last lines, and then is the signature, "Timothy P. Walker," on the !Sth or last page. As preparation to understand the copied prophetical phenomenon, I copy a portion of the Epistle to the Prince Bishop of Laibach, which I wrote under Heavenly direction in June, 1S59, during the war'of Francis Jo- seph, Emperor of Austria, against the King of Sardinia and his ally, Em- peror Louis Napoleon. At that lime I was printing the book: "Secret Enemies of True Republicanism," and was inspired to translate directly said Epistle into English and publish in said book, in which it appeared from page 108 to page 124. While writing said Epistle, I supposed that the Bishop would look in the Bible, when I referred to it ; therefore, you will please, while reading the following portion, to look from the 18th verse to the end of the second chapter of Revelation. That portion of said Epistle to the Prince Bishops of my native Diocese, Laibach, com- mences in the first line of the 118th page and ends in the 9th line from the bottom of the 119th page, and reads as follows: "The seven churches in the second and third chapters of the Revela- tion were prophetical churches, typifying the seven States, to which all churches of the Christian name since the edition of the Revelation until the foundation of the universal peace on earth may be reduced, so that every portion of the Christian name belongs to the one or the other of the seven churches. In the third of the above mentioned (five German) vol- umes, we, that is I, under the direction of invisible assistants, have dis- closed so much regarding the fulfilment of the prophecies in our time, as is abundantly sufficient for testimony of our mission. In our disclosures Thyatira in the 18th verse of the second chapter of the Revelation is the type of the Roman Catholic Church. What is said concerning that church until the end of that chapter, you Bishops should at length consider and digest well. You kept fast what you did not understand till at length the Lord comes by our Mission, and unlocks by our mediumship the Di- vinity for His Reign of Peace. We have overcome and to us was given "the Rod of Iron and the Morning Star." I speak in the name of all those who are co-operating with me according to the Plan of the Most High for the universal peace of all nations. We have "the iron rod" but not the iron sword. The rod is only a symbol of our office to announce judgments to the disobedient nations and their rulers. They are bruised enough and broken. Those who remain should at length hear our voice. Then their wrong systems will be broken to pieces, but men will be saved. For we have received not only the iron rod, but also the morning star. In the great temptations through which we had to pass, we remembered the morniug star which appeared several times during the sunshine in close connexion with our steps, and once in a peculiar connexion with you, Piince Bishop, Anthony Slomshek! as well as in connection with the Em- peror of Austria ! You remember that I wrote, at a certain occasion, my opinion in regard to your sermons, which appeared in print in our Slavo- nian mother tongue ; and in that article, I made also some extracts from my Latin manuscript, "On the Congeniality of Languages," to pub- lish them with that article in the " Carinthia." I finished writing that article on the Gth of February, 1835. When I was, on the Tth of Feb- ruary*, well nigh ready to go to my students in the college, I was moved by the Sjiirit to write instantly a prophetical conclusion to that article. When I finished that conclusion, I hurried to be in the college. After that, there was much talking among the Professors and others about the Morning Star, which appeared on that forenoon during sunshine. I ex- plored exactly the time and found that the star appeared when I com menced writing that prophetical conclusion, and disappeared, when I fin- ished writing. I handed then that article to you, to deliver it to the edi- tor of the Carinthia. But there occurred an accident, that the article ap- peared later than I expected ; so in the Carinthia, that the last part with the great prophecy, regarding the peace of nations, was published on Eas- ter Saturday, April 18, 1835, or on' the eve of the birth-day of the Em- peror Ferdinand, the first year of his government. His birth-day was celebrated that year on Easter Sunday. An exact calculation was made by our invisible agents. The poems of two panegyrists of the birthday of the Emperor appeared in the same number immediately before our prophecy. Those two adulators were types of the two adulators, (the names which we expressed in the epistle, I omit in this circular.) These two prelates have deluded the Emperor in regard to our Mission, and, as a consequence, terrible judgments came upon governments and nations. But this writing is connected with the Morning Star, which should be de- livered by you to the young Emperor Francis Joseph and to many nations as well as the ancestors of the Emperor, who are waiting in the Empire of Death for their redemption by our Message. It should be delivered by you in the midst of judgments," &c. In the passage which we have copied above from "The Flaming Sword," is "The Constellation of Sixteen Stars." These, as will become evident in the volume, and for investigation this hint may suffice, are the sixteen Presidents who belong to that Constellation, from George Washington to Abraham Lincoln. Nine of those Presidents were born in the States which seceded and seven in the States which remained in the Union. ' ' The Branch from the Boot of Jesse who shall perform such remarka- ble wonders by the power of the Almighty God," See., is our Branch. By studying the volume to which this circular is a preparation, you will learn h'ow our Mission is called a "Branch from the Boot of Jesse." One man represents this Mission. The Land and the Town, the Nation and the Church in which he was born and educated ; all his names, the time in whicli he appeared, the times in which "he performed such remarkable wonders — as shall cause eventually the remnant of all nations to be of one heart, one mind and one religion," &c., all this has been prophesied and explained in my publications, and the substance will appear in the book for which I am preparing readers of this circular. It is a common, but not correct expression, that Apostles have performed wonders. Those who think for themselves, know how to take that ex- pression, to wit: invisible messengers of the Almighty God, are co-opera- ting in such relation with the man who has a Divine Mission, that men of sound mind have sufiicient proof of this relation and are satisfied that he 10 is sent from God to deliver mankind fr^mi their degradation and misery. "The Sword which the angel held in his hand, was about thirty feet long." It is easily comprehended, that the Sword is taken for all kinds of weapons of war, and for armies of soldiers ready to destroy with the sword and with other weapons of war, the enemies of their government. It could be also easily expected, that the thirty feet of the sword means thirty years of the terrible condition in which governments will put their trust in weapons of war. This they have done through thousands of years. But in the prophetical phenomenon, a peculiar time is pointed out. This Sword is closely connected with the Constellation of the Sixteen Stars and with the Branch from the Root of Jesse, which will abolish the sword and maintain Peace, by quite different means, thi-ough the course of ages. It is evident that the " Branch" means not one man, but a Mi.ssion. which needs many men and women for a long time to abolish all wars amongst all Nations and produce what the Angel announces. Neverthe- less, this Mission commences with one Representative, who performs and explains what this Mission must know to -commence to accomplish the glo- rious prophecies, regarding the Union and Peace of Nations Therefore, we must look to a certain point in the course of the life of this Represen- tative, to a certain Memorable Event in his "Constellation," to find the time of about thirty feet or about thirty years. In the above copied pas- sage from the 118th and 119th pages of our volume: "Secret Enemies of True Republicanism," is the point from which these "about thirty years" must be numbered. The 7th day of February, 1835, was selected as the most suitable day by my invisible Directors, to make such a change in the atmosphere, that the Morning Star appeared surprisingly fulgent during sunshine in con- nection with my long hard labour, comparing languages with languages, while I was .studying works in different ancient and modern langunges and observing the congeniality of languages; because I understood that the study of this congoniality will spread a great light upon Theology, which should be ratlier called Pneumatology, and upon other branches of human knowledge for Union and Peace of Nations At length, on the above mentioned day, I was inspired to write the prophetical conclusion, spoken of in the passage which was copied above, from the 118th and llOtli pages of my book, "Secret Enemies of True Republicanism." Af- ter having heard much talk about that Morning Star, so fulgent during sunshine, that it inspired spectators with admiration, I explored exactly the time in which it appeared and disappeared— to wit: it was fulgent pre- cisely while I was writing what the spirit suggested to write. Then I was certain, that the Spirit Agency from our sphere had procured that splendor to encourage us in the continuation of our work ; and that it con- tained the I'enovation of the promise, that the prophecy written by me during the fulgent star at sunshine, will be exactly fulfilled. Although the morning star appeared during sunshine in close connexion with my work, also at some other occasions; and although other j^ropheti- cal stars of great importance appeared, too, in close connection with our Mission, the Star on the 7th of February, 1835, during sunshine, was the principal Star for our consolation, during manifold tribulations and suffer- ings and continual opposition to our work. And what is called in the copied passage from the Epistle " an accident," I consider to be an acci- dent, exactly planned by my invisible Directors, that that portion of my writing which contained the great prophecy, was printed on Etlster Sat- urday, which was also the eve of the birth-day of Ferdinand, Emperor of Austria. His birth-day, April 19, 1835, was Easter Sunday in the first year of his government. And although in the same number of the "Ca- rinthia," the poems of two flatterers preceded our great prophecy, I trusted 11 that governments will at length be moved to repudiate flatterers and receive Messengers of Truth for their temporal and eternal salvation. ]>ut, I had been astonished, if at that time, had been revealed to me, that about thirty years were to be added to all my preceding hard labour for the develop- ment of the Pneumatology or Doctrine regarding Spirits for Union and Peace of Nations ; and that during those thirty years all kinds of persecu- tions, dangers of life, and privations would be required, till the Evening Star during sunshine would appear, announcing the near approach of great movements for the abolition of wars' and other plagues, by which Nations must be scoui'ged till they renounce delusion and receive truth for their temporal and eternal welfare. AVhen the time of about thirty feet of the Sword, or about thirty years of wars and preparations for wars since the 7th February, 1835, expired on the 4th of March, 1865, Abraham Lincoln wa,s inaugurated for the second term of his Presidency. I was told that that day was cloudy, — but at length the cloud was removed, and during sunshine, the evening star was seen, and spoken of in the public journals. I heard of this occurrence in several places, — and a great supporter of President Lincoln, a student of astronomy, spoke to me with astonishment regarding that star ; and a coloured man, who was particularly attached to President Lincoln, told me that Jie saw it in Williamsburg, New York, at about 4 o'clock, P. M., and that the star was pale. Those whose attention was drawn to the even- ing star during sunshine, at President Lincoln's inauguration, did not un- derstand its meaning. What we wrote during the brilliancy of our Morning Star, during sun- shine, on the 7th February, 1835, appeared in print on Easter Saturday, 1835, — and on Easter Saturday, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln died ; but the day of his death was the 15th of April, 1865 — and that day was in the year 1838, Easter Sunday. On that Feast in that year, the Grand Excommunication of the Beast with Seven Heads, and of its Image or its ten Horns, was performed by our instrumentality, according to I i- vinc command, under direction of Heavenly Messengers. By that Excom- munication Divine assurance was given, that what is comprehended in it, will be accompliished in our Mission. The wonders and signs which pre- ceded, accompanied and succeeded said Excommunication, have been pub- lished in several volumes — but Governments and Nations were not accus- tomed to pay attention to the great wonders — and we have prepared an abridgment of those wonders in the manuscript, which should be published in a large volume, and spread by mutual co-operation of citizens of the United States. If they will do what is required in said manuscript, the glorious Mille- nium will commence, — but if they remain obstinate, plagues will continue, and destruction of human life and property will spread in the countries which have been comparatively exempt. When our Heavenly Message will be received, the 15th of April will be the immovable Easter Feast; and also the 19th April, or the 5th day of the octava of our Easter is a re- markable day, since the commencement of the American Revolution with the battle of Lexington, April 19th, 1775. And in our Mission for the celebration of Easter Sunday, April 19, 1835, our great prophecy for a new birth or regeneration of the Governments appeared in print on Easter Saturday, 1835. But Governments remained obstinate, till at length on that same day the first victims of this civil war were killed in Baltimore, April 19th, 1861, and four years afterwards, on that same day, the great funeral celebration of President Lincoln took place. Great wonders and signs since his nomination for the first Presidential term, in correspond- ence with our Divine Mission occurred. An abridgment of them will be given in the book, for which we are preparing readers by this circular, 12 tHat they migbt commence to celebrate the glorious resurrection of the liv- ing in mortal bodies, as well as their departed friends. In a circular we could not enter into a full explanation, but give only the key to unlock one of many most remarkable prophecies regarding the memorable events of our Divine Mission. We copied only from the 6th, 7th and 8th pages of the New London edition, 1857, the prophetical phe- nomenon, which commenced after "3 o'clock, A M., while Timothy P. Walker was with his team on his journey. But we would not enlarge this circular, and omitted to enter into explanation of what is related on the 4th and 5th pages. The narrative commences in the 5th line of the 4th page, with the words: " A few minutes before the clock struck one, aS I conceived, I awoke," &c. You will learn in the volume, for which I pre- pare you by this circular, that a few minutes before one o'clock, and at three o'clock in the night, I was awakened many times by ray Director, and received most important orders from Heaven. And for the propheti- cal communications given to Timothy P. Walker, one of the many fore- runners, preparing the way for our Mission, also corresponding hours were selected, to teach you that he was amongst the American Forerunners of our Mission, most remarkable. I presume that if I give the key to what was shown him after 3 o'clock, those who read the whole, will easily un- derstand, that after 1 o'clock, while he was yet in his bedroom, was shown him the war with England, which commenced A. D. 1812, in connexion with foreboding of the Civil War, and of the final issue of the grand pre- parations ; because it is often the case, that when prophecies ai-e given in regard to some events nearer to the time of the prophet, some glimpse is cast upon more remote events. While he was yet in bed, after 1 o'clock, he relates: "At length, me thought, I heard an audible voice which said arise," &c. What follows, but for what is no room in this circular to be copied, is said by the angel, particularly in reference to the war of the United States with England, which commenced A. D., 1812. And after that are the following words of the angel, commencing on the 16th line of the 5th page : " And for a sign of these times shall you be witness of an angel descending with a long Flaming Sword in his hand, which shall turn to every point, to prepare the way for ushering the glorious day. Then shall the Sword be transformed into an Olive Branch, which shall arise and overspread the horizon, and appear as emblematical of the harmonious day into which all nations and languages shall be gathered into one fami- ly and all become of one heart and mind, to serve under the peaceable government of Him whose sceptre sways all worlds." The war of the United States with England was closed A. D. 1814 : and that was the year in which we were celebrating in the City of Laibach, in Ulyria, " emblematically the ushering of the glorious day." The work which I received at that celebration for the first premium, so unexpectedly, as the grand ofiice in which I am serving to all Nations since A. D 1838, without any salary, contains the most admirable prophecy regarding ray ofiice. In that piopheey appeared several hundred years ago, ray family name, the exact time of my appearance in this Mission, the work of my Mission, the principal periods of my Mission, stars announcing the grand object of our Mission, in such an admirable manner, that neither the pro- phet, nor any interpreter of his Divine Comedy understood it; and I my- self understood nothing about the mystery which we were celebrating, when I received, A. D. 1814, the Divine Comedy for the first premium, and my Professors understood nothing of it, although they themselves were prophesying and adding supplements to that prophecy. At length in our Divine Slission we have received the key to unlock those and many other prophecies, which have been given by Jewish, Heathen and Christian prophets in reference to our Mission. And what 13 ■we were celebrating A. D. 1814, without understanding, while we were preparing for the " Harmonious Day," I have explained in this l)ivine Mission, under direction of Heavenly Messengers. And A. I). 1840, I published in my third volume, which contains 864 pages, more than 100 pages on prophecies, which have been handed to me A. D. 1814, foretell- ing "the way for ushering the glorious day." In the volume for which I am preparing readers by this circular, the substance of those prophecies is exhibited in connexion with manifold other prophecies and memorable events, to inspire Nations " for ushering the Harmonious Day." For I repeat, that the sooner they will hear the Heavenly voice, proclaimed by vivtue of our Mission : " Come out from Babylon, my people," the sooner they will banish from the country. War, Pestilence and otlfer evils. But wo unto them, if they remain after these warnings, obstinate sinners a- gainst the Holy Ghost ! I remark that each of those prophecies which have been given in refer- ence to our Mission, and each of those Memorable Events by which they have been fulfilled and are fulfilling, is the easier and the bettei' under- stood, the deeper it is studied in connexion with the whole. Therefore, you will understand the wonders enclosed in the Flaming Sword as well as in other prophecies, which are astonishingly fulfilling in our Divine M ission, by studying the whole connexion of all that is related in the manuscript to be printed in a volume of large size, for which I am preparing readers of this circular. In said manuscript we have concentrated as much as in a book, to be generally studied by all classes of men, could be concen- trated out of an inexhaustible treasury for the commencement of Christ's Peaceable Reign, which will commence, when one or the other Clotern- ments will be reached^ by the exertions of which other Governments will be moved for co-operation ; and those Representatives of Governments who will not submit to the Divine Order, will be either by director indirect in- fernal agency exterminated. Citizens of the United States should not be deceived by the strange events which happened for the celebration of Easter of this year. It hap- pened that all who understand this circular, might ai'ouse, encourage and support the Government of the United States as well as other Governments which they are able to reach; to come from their " Constellation" of death into our "Constellation," which will bring the real life and most excellent blessings to all Nations. You will see from the volume, that when I would go to Europe in the expectation of finding there persons at one or the other Governments ready to look so deep into our Message as to be convinced of our Divine Mission and to act accordingly, I was informed by my Leader, that our work was not yet accomplished at the Government of Washington. And while I was seeking in the States of New York, Massachusetts and Con- necticut, to find some friends of President Lincoln, to prepare and send them to him, in the expectation that he might be at length reached by a Legation of strong f;iith in the Grand Promises given to our Mission for all Nations, every one had his excuse and declined to accept our invitation. While I was engaged in seeking President Lincoln's friends to prepare them for our Legation to him, the terrible murder was committed. From the disclosures given in this circular it is evident, that while the ungodly were seeking opportunity to commit their crimes, they were controlled by our Heavenly Directors, so that they have accomplished their atrocious work exactly according to prophecies, as those have done, who have murdered Jesus Christ ; that at length the great Resurrection of Nations might commence for establishing Christ's Reign of Truth, Righteousness, Real Union and Peace. And I wrote this circular, that the glorious Res- urrection and Ascension from Hell and Purgatory towards Heaven, might u commence at length with great Power by the Government and People of the United States. Other things you will learn in the volume ; and I mention here, that I labor without pay and suffer manifold privations in this Mission, which must be supported by you, if you will become partakers of the most excellent fruits which it will produce. Therefore, those for whose conviction of the Truth of our Mission, this circular will suffice; and that our Mission embodies all Missions for the elevation of mankind from their degraded condition, will direct their treasures and their men for the support of our Mission. The volume will be much enlarged by the last memorable events, and we expect that .those who read this circular, will be inspired to become Messengers of Peace, by collecting as many subscriptions for the volume as they themselves, or with assistance of others, are able to collect — and in both languages, English and German, they should be collected; be- cause, publishing this circular in English we expect that soon subscriptions will be ready for a large English edition ; and that those who will com- prehend this circular and are acquainted with -Germans, will move them to collect subscriptions for the German edition of the volume. As the circulation of my books has been hindered until now, against human credibility, so there will be a time, in which their circulation will exceed common expectation. If citizens of the United States will com- prehend this circular, they will realize this directly — this being the neces- sary step to remove revolutions and wars and manifold other evils which have their origin in irreligion as well as in religious superstition. But our Heavenly Mission shows the way in which trutli will be gradually de- veloped, and genuine religion introduced for the temporal and eternal wel- fare of Nations. * One dollar in gold, or in other money equivalent to one dollar in gold, will be the price for single copies. Out of this money also postage will be prepaid, when copies are sent by mail. For those who unite with us in our Heavenly Mission and collect subscribers, provisions will be made that they will be rewarded in proportion to their labour. If money should be realized from the sale of the book or donations be sent, it will be ap- plied to our Mission, which has no means for publishing this circular; al- though large means — but not so large as the expenses have been for one days war — are needed for the largest enterprise to commence the harmo- nious day of Union of all Nations in Christ's Peaceable Reign. Those who are able- to contribute any support to our Mission, may con- cluiio from what has been mentioned in the preceding pages, and from what will be disclosed in the following pages, containing the second part of this Epistle, that contributions have never been made for a more important work for the whole human race, than the work of our Mission — a work to which I have contributed all my property, all my talents and endured all my privations, that I might become exceedingly rich in spiritual treasures. And all who are moved by this great circular Epistle, for co-operation with us in the glorious Mission, will partake of these inexhaustible treas- ures m proportion to their co-operation with their sincere brother, ANDREW B. SMOLNIKAR. 15 THE APPOINTMENT OP A CONVENTION. We address those who are convinced from what has been said in the pre- ceding and from what will be said in the following pages in the second part, that our Heavenly Mission is not imagination but reality, founded on facts, partly directed, partly controlled by Heavenly agents, according to Divine wisdom, in such a connexion with our preparations for the introduction of Christ's Peaceable Reign or the Universal Republic of Truth and Right- eousness, that it is evident from the whole connexion of these facts, that our Mission is in close communion with Heavenly agents. Only those who penetrate so deep into this pamphlet as to be convinced of this truth, and by virtue of this conviction will be ready to do what our Mission i-e- quires for their own and the welfare of their fellow-men, are invited to this Convention, if they have the qualifications, after having heard within the twelve days during which its sittings will last, the reading and interpreta- tion of the manuscript, for the volume spoken of in this Epistle, to contri- bute substantial aid to our ^Mission, either as travelling Missionaries, or by their operation from their residence, and by their property for the support of our Mission, by which they will lose nothing, but gain much, if they are really convinced of our Heavenly Mission and by virtue of this convic- tion ready to do what our Mission requires. I remark that a great preparation to this Convention will be a repeated thorough study of this pamplilet. also for those who at its first perusal will be convinced of our Heavenly Mission ; because I myself, the writer of this pamphlet, do conceive the more light, the oftcner I read it, on account that I wrote it according to the direction of the Spirit who has concentra- ted into it greater treasures than I could perceive at the first perusal. From these hints we announce that the Convention will last twelve days from the First day of Scjytemher next, 1865, to the Vltli day of l^'epttndjer, 1865. The place for the appointed Convention is at the Peace-Union Hall, in Springhill of Tuscarora Mountain, near Donnally's Mill, in Perry County, State of Pennsylvania, six miles from Millerstown Station on the Central Railroad of Penn.sylvania. The Peace-Union Hall having been built A. D. 1859, and invitations having been made to Conventions to pre- pare what was for Peace of Nations, but our invitations not having been regarded, the most destructive war was the consequence of the obstinacy. Now nothing is prepared for a Convention at the Peace-Union Hall. Rut we invite Pioneers, that they might become prepared and prepare others to prevent new destruction of human life and property, and see on the spot what should be established at the most beautiful and healthy location for a Provisional Centre of onr Peace-Union, and at. the same occasion re- view with me the English manuscript for our next volume, and learn to understand and improve it by additions, omissions and alterations ; be- cause I teach always that I am not an infallible Pope, but Christ's disci- ple, continually learning and teaching what I have learned for the real welfare of mankind. In twelve dajs of the Convention I could teach much more than could be concentrated in the manuscript for the volume for which collection of subscriptions was recommended in the first part of the Encyclic Epistle ; because the time of the twelve days will be regard- ed as most precious, during which the most useful labour will be the read- ing of the manuscript with our questions how each paragraph was under- stood by the audience, and with critical remarks made by some of the au- dience, and my remarks to the criticism, to enable the audience to learn to penetrate as deep as possible into the contents of the manuscript, to be- come Messengers and Interpreters of the volume, for a very large edition 16 of whicli, as we expect, subscriptions will be sent and brought to the Con- vention, to be printed directly after the Convention, in a large printing establishment, in which many compositors may be engaged at once for the composition of our volume, that the job might be done within a few days. As soldiers in the field do not look for accommodations, but are satisfied with a spot on the floor to sleep, likewise about 100 pioneers for Christ's Peace on Earth, may be accommodated to sleep on the floor in the Hall, and in the upper departments and the garret of the Hall. In the Hall are plenty of windows to get good fresh air, and straw and hay may be brought in to sleep on. Each Pioneer must provide himself with a blank- et or whatever he should find suitable to sleep more comfortable than on straw or hay alone, and with a towel. He should bring also a tin cup, spoon, knife and plate. He may leave at Millerstown "Station his bundle, with his name thereon, and walk from thence to our Peace-Union Hall, as I mostly do ; although I think that there will not be at our Convention many Pioneers so old as I am — and we will send for the bundles, valises, &c. Pioneers will be pleased to leave, after the Convention, the pieces at our Peace-Union as donations, which they will not need to carry back to their homes. Provisions and cooks to prepare food for the Pioneers, will be found in the neighbourhood, that no Pioneer might be disturbed with worldly affairs during the twelve days of pi'eparation for the Heavenly Mis- sion. But all who comprehend this pamphlet will collect subscriptions for the volume, and means, not only for travelling expenses of the Pioneers, but also for other purposes of our Peace-Union, which we need not specify here, and send them either by pioneers, if it is convenient, and they are known as trusty men, (because there may be hypocrites ready to attend our Convention, without having been convinced of our Divine Mission, and such a one, when discovered, will be dismissed the Convention,) or send your collections of subscriptions, and other contributions for our Mis- sion, by mail, to us, under the direction given at the end of this appoint- ment. You should not forget that our Mission is to all governments, and that our Latin manuscript should be published, too, and copies of it sent as donations to the Pope and his Bishops in all quarters of the globe, and that I should start for Europe as soon as my Mission in America will al- low, if my Master will keep me so long in my earthly tabernacle and en- able me to do all this before my departure into the spirit world. To the Convention only persons of the masculine sex are invited ; be- cause from what has been said in this " appointment," it is evident, that it would not be suitable to invite also the female sex. But to establish Christ's Peaceable Eeign on Earth, a powerful co-operation of women and men is required. Therefore we will hold, if my Master will be pleas- ed, a twelve days Women's Convention, as soon after this Convention, as , circumstances will allow. To this Convention I will invite two men, who may be found in the Male Convention to be most skillful to make others comprehend what is written or spoken by me. to assist in explaining to the members, what they nuist know and digest well for Christ's Peaceable Reign on Earth. We therefore request every sister, young and old, single and married, who, after having studied in this pamphlet, are con- vinced of our Heavenly Mission, to join with us to arouse males and fe- males for co-operation, and to collect subscriptions for the English volume which should be printed directly after our next convention, and donations for other purposes of our Mission. When several of those females, who by studying this pamphlet shall be convinced of our Heavenly Mission, will meet together, or correspond, they are requested to express their opinion, which city or village would be most suitable for holding the Womens' Convention, and they shoub! send their opinions frcm different States to us; and I would communicate them IT to tlie Convention of men, that by consultation might be decided, which of the places which will be proposed, might be most profitable for said Con- vention ; because nothing else but the common welfare moves me in my actions, and the same welfare moves also every other true disciple of Christ in all his enterprises. Whereas, no more than about 100 pioneers could very profitably attend the appointed Convention, because every attendant should be so near as to hear distinctly every word which will be read or spoken by me or by any other during the convention, and this would not be the case, were the con- vention too large, — and whereas, about such a number would have room to sleep in the building of the Hall, — and whereas, it is necessary for those who will attend this Convention, to be, during those twelve days, entirely secluded from all influence which would draw their minds from our object to other matters, and therefure to remain the twelve days on the premises of our Peace-Union, to acquire in this short time the greatest riches for their own and the eternal life of Nations — we therefore propose that there ehall assemble no more than one hundred attendants to the Convention. Those who determine to attend the appointed Convention, will please to write it under the direction given below, and put in their letter as much as they would find proper regarding their education and their present oc- cupation. This will enable me to know them and to assist them during the 12 days of our Convention, to prepare for the occupation in which they could do most good in our mission. I do not expect that with this short notice one hundred would study this pamphlet so deep as to be moved to come and attend our Convention. But if a few would comprehend it di- rectly, and then arouse others to follow their example, many more than one hundred would determine to attend it. If we should receive letters from more than one hundred men who may determine to attend our Convention, we would write to those who could not obtain room to attend it, and would make for them other provisions. Therefore, mark well, that those who write and receive no answer to their letters, will be expected before 10 o'clock, a. m., September 1st, 1865, at our Peace-Union Hall; because we would write only to those for whom we would not have room. We expect from those who determine to attend, letters from the 1st to the 24th of August next. Letters are received only twice a week at our post office, and answers cannot be sent on the same day. I remark that R. D. Eldridge has furnished money for the Peace-Union property and the building of the Hall, and afterwards for different other expenses during the preparations, to have his share according to the plan which was published a. d. 1859, in our book : " Secret Enemies of True Republicanism," &c., and the substance of which will appear in our next volume ; because when that plan will be comprehended and put in opera- tion, Christ's Peaceable Reign will commence with power. ■ The harvest became so mature, that we expect at length many labourers. And if this circular Epistle will be comprehended, subscriptions for the next large volume and assistance for our Heavenly mission will be sent from all quar- ters by so many that he or his proxy will be needed as my helper in ans" wering letters. You will please direct letters to us before and during the appointed Convention, as follows : SMOLNIKAR & ELDRIDGE, Donnally's Mill, Perry County, Pa. SECOND I^A.RT OF THE G-EEAT ENCYCLIC EPISTLE, To Inspire Readers for our Heavenly Mission- » »a> . THIS PART WAS OCCASIONED BY THE CAPTURE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS. Friends : The second part must be added to prepare you for stud^'ing the volume the title of which is on the first page of this pamphlet — not that the first part would not be sufficient for those who digestifs contents, to be convinced of our Heavenly Mission — but that you might penetrate the deeper into the Divine Economy and be drawn the higher towards our sphere, the better you will be prepared to study and comprehend the volume. In this circular, we have made use oF '-The Flaming Sword," as the most remarkable prophecy for the citizens of the United Stales. But as we have given only hints on many other points which you will learu more fully in the volume, the same is also with said prophecy. When important Documents are delivered for use in my Mission, it happens generally with such preparations, as to draw in the first place my attention, and then the attention of others to them. You will read in the volume, for which we are pre- paring readers tiy this great circular, my uuex[)ected meeting under most remarkable circumstances with an old prophetess, who moved me to read "Tiie Flaming Sword," as the prophecy which was spoken of in the first part of this Epistle, is entitled in the New London edition of 1857. But the old prophetess has shown it to me in an appendix to a book published A. D. 1848. She asked me to see whether 1 could give any interpretation of said prophecy, which she felt to be most remarkable; although neither she nor others could disclose the mystery as far as it could be disclosed, with- out the aid of my publications, when the "The Flaming Sword " was first handed to me in the Fall of A. D. 1861. At that time, I explained it directly to those who were present, as far as it could be explained at that time; because I did not yet know where to commence to measure the 30 feet of the sword. I took then some extracts into my memorandum paper, to make use of them in my writings, when it would be convenient to mention "The Flaming Sword." That edition I saw in Ohio. But my JIaster intended to make greater use of " The Flaming Suord" by my instru- mentality than I knew at that time, and he directed me in February, 1864, while I was travelling in tbe State of Connecticut, to a prophet with whom I was acquainted for twenty years That prophet handed me, for a present, the New London edition of 1857, which we have used in this Epistle. Although he considered "The Flaming Sword " as a highly important prophecy, he understood as little of it, as those to whom we have given A. D. 1861, the key to unlock the mystery. At length, on the night in which President Lincoln was shot, I was preparing in the State of New York two Black Mediums, a man and a woman, to go to President Lincoln with some of my Documents to draw him from his " Constellation " into our "Constellation" to open a great door for the circulation of our Heavenly Message. I thought, after having made applications to many white friends of President Lin- coln, and every one having had his excuse, that perhaps some of his best black friends would comprehend the great Mission to which they were called. Tlie same moment in which President Lincoln was shot, the Black prophets prophesied so wonderfully, as you will read in the book lor which we are preparing you. I did not understand at that time their prophesying, biit understood it on the next following morning, when I read in a daily newspaper about the fatal ball which pierced into President Lincoln's head ; and on the third day of this month, (May, 1865,) when I came in the house of one of those two Mediums, and mentioned "The Flaming Sword," also that Medium did understand nothing of that prophecy, but shewed me an other edi- tion in which it appeared, and from which I copy as follows : " 'Zion's Messenger.' Published by the 'New Church' at Council BlufTs City, Iowa, Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 1854." Page 54 of that volume is headed: "An ac- count of a wonderful vision." Then the text reads: "We have thought to have written little more concerning the Branch, but as corroborative testimony on the subject, (and which seemingly places the matter beyond a doubt, has fallen into our hands,) we have thought to add it to this discourse. It is an extract from an old 19 manuscript, dated A. D, 1792, and signed by Timothy -P. Wtilker of Vermont, who states that he saw a most remarkable vision, which also he was commandtd to pub- lish to the world, and which he accordingly did. It is as follows :" Then appears on that and some of the following pages, the same "Vision " which occurs in the New London edition of 1857, under the title of " The Flaming Sword." The text is the same in both editions, except that in the New London edition the year 1798 is at the commencement ; but in Zion's Messenger the year is omitted there, and at the end before the name, "Timothy P. Walker," is the date " Vermont, 1792;" and the same is also in the book which, if I recollect well, is entitled, " The Return of the Jews to Palestine, 1848," in wuich this prophecy appears as an appendix at the end of the book. Other memorable disclosures regarding "The Flaming Sword" will be given in the volume tor which we are preparing readers, who will receive the more light re- garding the real condition of the United States during the Constellation of the sixteea Presidents, the deeper they will penetrate into the mystery of the Flaming Sword. You have manifold ditfereat readings in the Biblical prophecies, in which often- times each of those -readings spread new light upon the mystery inclosed ; and this is the case in tiie two different statements, one relating that it was the year 1798, while two other editions which have been handed to me, testify that it was the year 1792, in which the prophecy' was given to Timothy P. Walker. Whether there are any other different readings, changing essentially the sense in the prophecy, I did not observe, while I found unexpectedly and was looking only obviously, each of those editions separately in different times and in great distance from each other, and rec- ollected only, that it was one and the same prophecy in all three editions. The edition ot 1854, which was handed to me last, was published by a Branch of Mormons, whose Leader afhrmed, that Joseph Smith was not the Branch spoken of in Isaiah and some other prophets. He expected already at that time to become the Head of Mormons; and after Joseph Smith's death that pretender appeared boldly against Brigham Young's pretensions, and affirmed that he was the Branch from the Root of Jesse, spoken ot in Isaiah, and he produced such testimonies as were agree- able to his blind followers. That same pretender gave to the black prophetess the volume towards the end of which is the Flaming Sword. I made use of that copy, and transcribed some passages into my volume tor which I am preparing readers. I penetrated, many years ago, as my mission required, into the depth ot Mormouism, as well as other Sectarianism, and disclosed the mysteries of each sect, to which I was directed by my Master, for the purpose of disclosing what was not understood, but must be, for the great Union, Harmony and Peace ot all Nations. My Master af- forded me the better opportunity to penetrate into the mysteries of one or the other Sect, the greater there was the treasury prepared for our use; and from all Sects many such persons joined with Mormons, as were expecting the near approach of the Mil- lennium, and have collected more or less testimony tor their exptctation. After the murder of the Mormon Head, Joseph Smith, and his exhibition before me in his real condition in which he is after his death, the documents have been delivered into my hands, which were needed to disclose the deepest mysteries ot Mormonism ; but most of those disclosures remained in my manuscripts. At length, "The Flaming iSword" has been given for our use. After having taken it into consideration and seen the characteristic notes which it contains, testifying, thai it could not be delivered to mortal men, except by a Heavenly .Messenger to whom the Divine Plan regarding the United States and our Mission has been either revealed; or the Revelaior has sent him as his Medium or Instrument, who bas understood as little of the Flaming Sword, as the writer and the readers, till the proper time arrived for the disclosure ot the my- stery, I did not ask by whom it was published, nor did 1 read the book, in which I saw first that prophecy ; but I read only the prophecy, and copied some extracts from ii. Nor did 1 enquire to which sect the man belonged who has published "The Flam- ing Sword" separately from other print in the New London edition, which we have used on the preceding pages. But after having received, on the 3d inst. the Vision, which we call lh3 Flaming Sword, in " Zion's Messenger," which was pufjiished by Mormons, I reflected upon the circumstances, under which I have received the other editions, and supposed that those have been published by Mormons. I mention this that those who have knowledge of any other edition, and when and where, and from what sources the first edition appeared, might make their knowledge public with the right use otour hints on these pages, which will receive more light iu the book, for Avhich we are preparing readers. It is to be remarked here, that it is of no consequence whether "The Flaming Sword" was exhibited A. D. 1792 or 1798, or the Spirit who has shown it, did refer to those years as particularly important tor the development of the Flaming Sword, nor whether it was shown to Timothy P. Walker, or this personage and all other points which appear to be historical, are as mystical as many reports in the Bible as well as ill many other books, which appear to be historical, are mystical, compre- hending prophecies. And we can as well explain iu the Flaming Sword what ap- pears to Le historical in it, as mysteries which are comprehended in other books, and 20 appeared to be historical, aYe explained when time arrives for their explanation. — Time has arrived for the interpretation of the Flamin"; Sword, on which we have given in this Encyclic Epistle as many hints as we found proper, to prepare you for the volume, in which you will read also in regard to the Flaming Sword, unexpected disclosures. We have given already in the third German volume which was published, A. D. 1840, superabundance of testimonies, that our Jlission has been prophesied and ty- pified by Moses and other prophets of the Old Testament, by Christ and his Apostles and prophets through the course of centuries of the Christian Era, and manifoldly testified by all Sects of our time, with whom we had opportunity to meet, testified so wonderfully that the testimony became evident by our disclosures, notwithstanding all this, after the murder of Joseph Smith there appeared many other Pretenders, each claiming to be the Branch. But I was not directed, while treating how prophecies were fulfilling in our .Mission, to show how our Mission became the Branch of the Root of Jesse, spoken of in Isaiah and elsewhere. But in the above mentioned third volume as well as when afterwards was necessary to speak about the mystery, I have shown that the Mission which I represent, is the Mission of the Third Angel or Mes- senger, spoken of in Rev. XIV, 9 to 12, (angel or messenger being there a collective name, expressing the Mission which I represent,) and that this Mission is manifoldly prophesied in the books of the Old and New Testament and through centuries of the Christian Era and in our aae. But when the usurpers, called Mormons, came with the Flaming Sword, asserting that they were the Brunch, although they were great ignoramuses regarding that prophecy as well as regarding the mysteries of abomina- tions in their own ward of Babylon, we found proper to give in our volume for the study of which with all posible attention, we are preparing readers by this Encyclic Epistle, so much information regarding the Branch, as may suffice to unmask all Im- positors and Pretenders, and enable all Nations to learn to know, where the Branch is, bv virtue ot which Christ's Peace will be established on Earth, This we found proper to mention as an introduction to some disclosures regarding the mysteries of Jefferson Davis after his having been captured. We remark in the first place, that divine Mercy is preparing great means for uni- versal peace, if citizens of the United States will make the right use of them ; other- wise destruction of human life and property will be exceedingly great in the coun- tries which have not been desolated by the scourges of Civil War, jjcstilence and fam- ine. I have given in this Epistle sufTicicnl hints testifying that I look from a higher position into the depth of the hidden abomina'ions, than readers are able to do. And mentioning Jefferson D.ivis, I could write volumes of explanations of the mys- teries of the spheres which he rei)resents, to elucidate my assertion, that while Citi- zens of the United States are expecting Peace, there is no Peace for the ungodly, and that those who have aversion to study what Divine Mercy is disclosing by virtue of our Jlission tor real Peace of Nations, arc running and drawing the whole country into destruction. We are confined to an Encyclic Ei)isile, the size of which is dou- bled by this second Part in which we give only the following hints in reference to those whom JefiFerson Davis represents. These hints will receive light in the volume for which we are preparing the readers. Although my Mission was generally in the so-called Free States, I made several trials in the Slave States, to open the way for circulation of our Heavenly Message. But 1 did not remain in the slave States, because I found more freedom of speech in the so called Free Slates ; although manifold great injuries have been committed also in these States to check the circulation of our Ileaviuly Mess:ige. But in the book we shall give a more circumstantial report, that after having visited some of the Slave States sundry times before, I was sent A. D. 1848, while revolutionary wars were raging in Europe, to the Slave states, to warn Slaveholders by what was going on in Europe, to luevent it in America by receiving and spreading our Heavenly Message. I was sent A. D. 1848, unexpectedly from the city of New York to Charles- ton in South Carolina. From thence I came to Georgia, and from thence to Ten- nessee to start on Cumberland Mountain a provisional Centre, to prepare there and from thence, in a Periodical, what Nations should know for Harmony and Peace on Earth. Besides others. President Polk was exhorted repeatedly to support our Enterprise on Cumberland iMountain to prevent revolutions and wars and commence the Millen- nium. But those who had power to do in the easiest way what was required to com- mence to establish Christ's Peaceable Reign, had no sense for so glorious an enter- prise. You will read in the volume astonishing signs and wonders, which have been given during our preparations in Tennessee A. D. 1848, testifying that the careless- ness of Slaveholders and their Ministers regarding the Que Thing needful would bring the most dreadful curse upon the country And you will read also in the vol- ume the Signs aud Wonders in connexion with our trials of President Taylor to do, what would have cost him nothing, but would have opened the way for spreading the true Repulilican principles with power not only in America but also in Europe and in other quarters of the Globe. When the Presidents from the States which at 21 length seceded, would do nothing: for what is essentially necessary to cement the true Republican Union, Southerners should not be astonished, if those who were in the Presidential Chair after the departure of President Taylor, were in this respect iinita- tinji his example. Si^ns and wonders continued durin^ our applications to the Presidents Filraore, Pierce and Buchanan, testifying: that most dreadful destruction of human lite and property was approiching on account of the obduracy of Rulers and others imitatinf^ their example and despising our applications, in which we were showing to them what was required for the real true Repuhlican and truly Christian Union, without which what tbey call Republic, is nothing else but the building of the Babylonian Tower in the confusion of languages, till the whole edifice is crash- ing, tumbling and breaking to pieces. This may suffice as prepiration to the hints which follow here regarding Jefferson Davis, about whom furtlier disclosures you will read in the book to which this En- cyclic is an introduction. Tliose who are not stu|)id in "the One Thing needful" for the true spiritual life, should know already from what appeared in some newspapers regarding the unexpected correspondences in Abraham Lincoln's life compared with Jefferson Davis' life, that both were appointed to become Repiesentatives of two great Parties of men influenced by Warlike Spirits of great opposition to each other, both Parties operating for destruction of the edifice, which was either to be removed with preservation of what would be useful for the new edifice, or to be broken to pieces and destroyed in connexion with destruction and ruin of millions of men and an enormous amount of useful property. I, representing those who have Christ's Spirit, was laboring continuously to move in the first place Clergymen and Abolitionists and Heads of the Government and others in the so called Free States to make use of our spiritual weapons to commence to destroy all kinds of Slavery. But they did not regard our Mission. And when we made our applications to Slaveholders, many observed that I should apply first to those in the Free States. I will illustrate this with one instance, showing that Jef- ferson Davis was a great Medium influenced by spirits of delusion leading into de- struction. When in the North amongst those who should have given to all others good ex- ample, a great antipathy existed against the spiritual food which was offered them by virtue of our Divine Jlission, to communicate this food to all citizens of the United States and by their instrumentality to other Nations; we should not be as- tonished that in the South, which, in this respect, was not supposed to precede but to succeed in imitating the example of the North, we have experienced great indo- lence, when we were offering them the greatest treasures for their temporal and eter- nal life and pacification of Nations. — i I have a()plied at different times, particularly in critical moments, personally, to 1 the Heads of the Government at Washington. I came in February, 1860, to that city with a document to be read in Congress. In that document I required a com- mittee to examine with me the credentials of the Mission which I represent and which must be the Mission of the Government of the United States, if they will labour for the true welfaie of the country ; because b^' no other means, except which are pre- pared in our Mission, the real religious union will be restored, and by virtue of that Un'on revolutions and wars will be abolished and essential Peace be eventually es- tablished on the whole globe. Although in that document so much was concentra- ted as was sufficient to move those who would have comprehended it, to read our document in Congress; every one to whom I have applied, was so controlled by the power of darkness that he declintd to read it. Here will suffice to mention, that I came at that my visit to Washington in Feb- ruary, 18G0, amongst others also, to Senator Bigler of Pennsylvania, from the same State in which we had built, in the previous summer, our Peace-Union Hall, and have shown in our book, 'Secret Enemies of True Republicanism," that if the coun- try would prevent revolutions and wars, those who have influence at the Government must come to our Peace-Union Hall and study what our Master has prepared for the Harmony and Peace of Nations. But when t'hey would not regard our invitation, I came to Washington to move the Congress to take interest in our Mission. But when each of those whcm I endeavoured to move to read my Document in the Senate or in the House of Represenealives, had some excuse, Senator Bigler, of Pennsylvania, said, that he was too young to expect, that my petition would pass, if he would read it ; but if I could move Senator Jefferson Davis to read my petition, he, Senator Big- ler, woufd 6wp[iort it, and then he expected, that it would pass. According to Senator Bigler's direction I went then to Senator Jefferson Davis, and endeavoured to move him to read my petition. I explained that the Govern- ment must understand our Mission fur the true Christian Union, Harmony and Peace of the United States; because otherwise Revolutions and Wars would destroy the country. The same he saw also in my petition to the Congress. But the more I urged him, to read it in Congress, the more he declined, and remarked, that the Senator from the State from which I came with my petition, should read it. This happened in the middle of February, 1860. I have not the date at hand, but it hap- 22 pened certainly about and perhaps on the same day, on which Jefferson Davis was in the next following year, 1861, inaugurated as President of the Seceded States. I have given in this Document some hints that iny volumes and pamphlets contain superabundance of testimonies of manifold languages, by which spirits from different spheres are speaking to mortal men; and that I have acquired so much Itnowledge of those languages, ns my Mission requires, when Spirits of our sphere use languages, by which we learn their economy and their plan as far as necessary in the great prepa- rations for the new Era. Jefferson Davis having been best qualified to represent the slave-holding powers at the approach of their abolition, had to meet with me exactly one year before his in- auguration to the Service, by which great lessons were to be given to the deluded Nations, that they must study our Heavenly Message, if they will be delivered from the infernal bondage and become \rn]y happy in this and partakers of eternal life. For his inauguration the most suitable day was appointed, as the most striking tes- timonj', that Jefferson Davis as well as Abraham Lincoln, both have been wonder- fully exhibited as extraordinary witnesses of our Divine Mission for the abolition of all kinds of slavery. One would not have been sufficient ; but two grinding stones were required to produce the means for our use to show lo Nations, in convenient time, the folly to expect salvation from their idols. I have mentioned in this Epistle, the solf^mn initiation, by Heavenly Agents, into this my Ministry, on the 18th February, 18.^8. The grand preparations to and the memorable events during that initiation — for which I was entranced by Heavenly Agents in the presence of the 144 witnesses who have been mentioned in this Epistle, and was initiated for this Ministry — have been circumstantially exjilained in my first three volumes, published from A. D. 1838 to 1840, and the substance of memorable events at that initiation was then repeated in my Jater publications and will be given in the volume for which I am preparing readers of this Epistle. I look more or less in newsjiapers as opportunity is given during mv moving from one to other ])laces, and I recollect to have seen the 18th day of February, 1861, as the day of Jeff. Davis' Inauguration. I saw that day in several papers; but I recollect to have seen in a publication, one of the next day's to that day, as the day of his inauguration, and I thought that there was a mistake. There are all kinds of mistakes which con- ceal important truths in these mysterious movements. The admirable correspondence, not only in the day of Jeff. Davis' Inauguration, but also in other Memorable Events of the Seceded Administration, with Memorable events in our Heavenly Mission, is a continuous testimony of the execution of Divine Judgments on account of the apostasy from the eternal Laws, according to which men are bound to act, and of the obduracy at all our warnings. On that same twenty- third anniversary of my initiation to this Mission, on which the Slave-holding In- auguration for the continuation of the abominations of Babylon took place, several compositors were setting in type our great " Proclamation of the True Union of all States." Copies were then ready that I started on the 20th for Harrisburg, Pa., and was preparing there to meet on the 22d February, 1861, or on Washington's birth- da}', with President Lincoln. If I had not been prevented from mj- meeting with him, and if he had heard the Heavenly Message, expressed in our Proclamation, which I was anxious to inculcate and explain him also personally, the Millennium had com- menced with his Administration. But all th*t I have done by virtue of my Mission, has been done for the development of the real condition of the country. After manifold preceding trials to reach the Government, at length, opportunity was given to send a parcel of my Documents by Hon. Reverdy Johnson to President Lincoln, the same time as he carried. May 1, 1861, Dispatches from the Governor of Maryland to him. But when my Documents have not been used to proclaim the Millennium, I was ordered by my Heavenly Master to start for the Seceded States, and try to reach in one or other way their Government, and to show them not to fight but to publish my manuscript, which I have offered to the Government of the United States to publish and spread it and commence the Millennium. If that manu- script had been published either by the Government of the United or of the Seceded States, and spread by the means which could have been used by the Government, the fighting spirit would have been checked and the real Union of all States commenced. The order of my Heavenly Master to start for the Seceded States and endeavour to open there the way for the beginning of the Millennium, was very dangerous accord- ing to the human views. I was regarded by many to be a spy sent by Lincoln's government, and I was threatened to be hung on the nearest tree. In this Supplement there is no room to mention the manifold strange events which occurred at my appli- cations to slaveholding Clergymen and others, to move them to assist me in my Heavenly Mission to deter the Government of the Seceded States from fighting, and to inspire them to study the credentials of our Mission and proclaim the Millennium. But clergymen and others to whom I have applied, were drawn oy their warlike spirits in other directions. One clergyman in Richmond, when he was compelled to confess, that what I had told him at my visit of that city before the outbreak of the war, has been fulfilled, urged me, that I, myself, must go to President Jeff. Davis and 23 explain to him my Mission ; and he gave me a writing with which I got free passage in the cars. I reached at length President Jefferson Davis, in Montgomery, State of Alabama, a week before Pentecost, 1861. My meeting with him in February, 1860, at Wash- ington, was a great preparation for my meeting with him in Montgomery. I have published how I was brought to him in Washington by the direction of Senator Big- ler, and took some copies of that publication with me. And when they thought that I was a spy, I have shown that publication and explained that my mission to Presi- dent Jeff. Davis was by Heavenly inspiration for the benefit of the country. He re- collected well, that I endeavored to move him for action to inspire the Congress at Washington, in February, 18G0, for the beginning of the Millennium. It having been neglected there, I persuaded him that he promised at length to read in the approach- ing night, my docutuent, preparatory to what was farther to be communicated to him to move him to apply all means in his power for publishing and spreading what was providentially prepared and explained by my instrumentality, to prevent destruction of human life and property and to commence the promised New Era of Harmony and Peace. I met him on the followinjr day, and I understood, from my conversation with him, that he had read my document, but had not digested its contents. Others having been waiting I felt that that time was not suitable for explanations of what was ne- cessary to draw him on our True Republican and True Christian Platform, and I thought that I should endeavour to find him alone. But I could not find such an opportunity during that week, in which I applied also to Clergymen and others to prepare them to assist me to reach the Government. But Demons of War distracted them, that they did not pay attention to our Heavenly Message. At length I came on Saturday evening again in the house of the President, and found him alone, and endeavoured to explain to him, that, after having been engaged during the week with other business, next day, which was Smday, (but I did not tell him that it was Sun- day of Pentecost,) was the most suitable day for the most urgent occupation, in which I would read, and when necessary, explain to him a manuscript, which should have been published and spread in all States of North America and elsewhere, by all means which could be applied for the beginning of Christ's Peaceable Reign. On that evening, Saturday before Pentecost, the Demon of Destruction was compelled to give way to our Spirit, by whom the President was moved to tell me that I should come next day at 9 o'clock, A. M. to his house. At my arrival on that Festival, at the appointed hour, at his residence, (that day being a warm day all the windows and doors were open,) I found two men with him in the pa'lour, and I thought while I observed them from afar, that they had some ur- gent war business to discuss. At length he was alone, about 10 o'clock, — when I comnienced to explain that nothing could be of more importance for him and for the country, and nothing so suitable tor the celebration of the Sabbath, (I did not men- tion that that Sabbath was the Festival of Pentecost,) as to spend that Sunday with me, and study with me the manuscript for a pamphlet, and to do then what the Spi- rit might suggest to be accomplished for Union of all States in Christ's Peaceable Reign. He did hear me scarcely five minutes, when the Legion by whom he was pos- sessed, was stirred up and commenced to move his whole body, change his face, turn his eyes, while his hand was grasping his watch, and when his eyes were turned to- wards it, he jumped on his feet, and muttering that there was no more time, he shew- ed with his hand and threatening look, that I should leave quickly his house, while he was running up stairs. I understood the mystery, that our Leaders would not interfere, and that they had sent me into the Seceded States to learn many things which I had not expected to hear and to see, and that that was not our but the Pentecost of Jefferson Davis and his clergy, the Feast of the Legion of Demons for destruction of the human life and property, and I supposed that the Legion carried him from me into his church to fas- tea him in his bloody work, while those whose most urgent duty was to move him and the Congress of the Seceded States for our Heavenly Mission, were assisting them in that work. I was told in which church he worshipped, and I went from his residence to the same church, and heard a very miserable sermon, in which nothing was said of what Jefferson Davis and all hearers would have need most. When on the Feast of Pentecost, the Legion by whom he was possessed, carried him from me in great anger, that he was tormented in my presence, I understood that I should not molest him any more; but I thought that it would be proper to make a trial to prepare the clergyman whose sermon I heard on the Feast of Pentecost, to show to the President, that his most urgent duty was to study my Heavenly Message. But the Minister excused himself with not having time to study my Message; because be had to go in a Fort and administer the Sacrament to the Soldiers. It is to be understood that every hint I give, would need long interpretations, and if I would give a complete interpretation of all hints given in this circular, it would require many volumes. But 1 mention only as much, as may suffice to inspire searchers after truth with a sincere desire and earnest determination to study the vol- nrae for which I am preparing Readers of these paces. When I could not move Clergymen to assist me to convert the Government of Montgomery to our Message of Peace, nor President Jefferson Davis to assist me to convert his Congress, I expected to find some Members of the Congress ot Slaveholders to comprehend my explana- tion that their proceedings were for the ruiu of the country, and that nothing else except our Heavenly Message could save them from the depth of misery into which they were running. But when I commenced to stir up the Vice-President and some others in the Congress at Montgomery to study our Heavenly Message of Peace and to draw the Government on our Platform, I heard soon, that they resolved to trans- locate their Government, and that they were hurrying to start directly for Richmond. Then I understood that I was sent to Montgomery' to try there the Spirits and lo learn many things to give most solemn warnings to the Slaveholding Government, that they cannot excuse themselves, that they were left without having been exhorted and admonished, that they were running into destruction, while we endeavored to show them the way into salvation. When Jefferson Davis and bis Body turned towards Richmond, I turned in my Heavenly Mission towards Nashville, while the Government aud People of Tennessee were most zealously preparing for Secession. You will read in the volume for which this circular is a preparation, the substance of my experience at that my visit to Nashville and then during my journey through Kentucky, while I was endeavoring to draw Slaveholders upon our true Christian or true Republican Platform, and how everywhere the Apocalyptical Dragon, the Spirit of delusion and destruction, was compelled to deliver into our hands extraordinary testimonies that his time did not yet arrive to give up his Dominion, because people were too much attached to wor- ship him. Therefore it was necessary for them to be more scourged to become at length sober to learn to know the true Christ, made manifest by virtue of our Mission to make Nations really happy in this life and in all eternity ; but the worship ol the Dragon and his armies ruins Nations in this life and draws them after their de[iair ture into the second death, about which you will receive the necessary disclosures in the volume. That all might know where to take their refuge to be delivered from misery and second death and become partakers of eternal life, wonders and signs testifying our Divine Mission, are given everywhere in manifold ways, so that when we give the disclosure, also those who became very materialistic, may be awakened from their spiritual death and easily comprehend that we have superabundance of testimony for our Heavenly Mission. President Abraham Lincoln as well as Jefferson Davis, both became strong Mediums of Spirit manifestations, as the memorable events testify, which occurred since their collision with our Mission. Our Divine Master and His Heavenly Armies were so controlling their proceedings, that memorable events in the terrible Civil War occurred according to our prophetical calendar in admirable cor- respondence with what I was doing according to the directions of my Master, as we Lave given in this Epistle as many specimens as room did allow; otherwise would have been necessary to write volumes. But hurrying to a close we remark only that Jefferson Davis' Inauguration to the Presidential Chair of the Slaveholding Confed- eracy on the 18th day of February-, 1861, ( on the 23rd anniversary of my initiation on the 18th February, 18.38, to my present Heavenly Mission,) was only provisional, a preparation to his definitive Inauguration to the Presidential term, 1 think, of six years ; because there are too many events to keep all that we read, in memory. And that Inauguration was celebrated in Richmond on the 22ud day of February, 1862, on Washington's birthday, or, on the first anniversary of the remarkable day, on which, if 1 had not been impeded, I would have spoken with President Abraham Lincoln, and would have added some private communications for his use to what has been published in our ''Proclamation of the True Union of all Sates of North America," &c. Here is no room to explain, how the power of darkness had impe- ded, that we did not receive assistance from the Governor nor from the Legislature of Pennsylvania , although we have endeavored to reach both to assist us to procure my personal interview with President Lincoln on the 22nd February, 1861. Having been impeded to reach him, I wrote on that day, what I thought proper, and added to our printed proclamation and sent it by the post-office of Harrisburg to President Lincoln. But he was not accustomed to read, and his Secretaries were not qualified to appreciate so great things as have been sent to him by virtue of our Heavenly Mis- sion. If those documents had been duly appreciated and it had been done, what was required in them, the Seceded States had returned, and the Millennium had commen- ced with power in the year 1861, and Jtfferson Davis aud his assistants had become zealous supporters of the glorious Union in Christ's Peaceable Reign, or in the Uni- versal Republic of Truth and Righteousness, and it had commenced to be established in all States of North America before the 22d of February, 1862. But besides others also the five hundred gentlemen in the highest and high ranks to whom our "Procla- mation" was sent, have been so detained by other occupations, that not one ol them did study it so as to have shown practically that he had comprehended it. When nothing what was done by virtue of our Mission, was regarded, at length 25 the Civil War commenced, and the Powers of Darkness continued the terrible work, and Jefferson Davis was solemnly inaugurated to his definitive administration, on Wasliinotou's Birth-daj^, February 22d, 1862, that is, to his mission of destruction, which lie coniinued, till he received at the right moment and at the right place, the telef;raphic dispatch from General Lee, that he could not longer defend the capital of the slave-holding government. We have given in this document as many hints as are sufficient for attentive read- ers to be convinced, that Jefferson Davis was a very strong Medium of the Infernal Legion, who are compelled to give testimony by their Mediums to our Mission, as well as Heavenly armies, give direct testimony by those who are prepared for their influence. Mark well, that when to Jefferson Davis, in his parlour at Montgomery, on the Feast of Pentecost, the last most striking opportunity was offered by our instru- mentalitv to be converted from his Master of War to our Prince of Peace, he was seiz- ed most powerfully by his Infernal Master and was carried into his church of Baby- lon, as the most secure asylum for the support of abominations, which were the source of the physical, inteflectual and moral oppression and destruction, by which mankind have been cursed and continue to be cursed, till the curse will be taken from them, when they will receive and put in operation our Heavenly Message, by which superabundance of physical, intellectual and moral blessings will be spread amongst all Nations. • Mark well, that the telegraphic dispatch from General Lee, in which he announced that he was not able to defend any longer Richmond, the Capital of the Slaveholding Government, was also received by Jefferson Davis, while he was in the church. The President of the Slaveholding abominations understood that he could not be saved in his church, and he tried to escape the capture by flight. But as he was before that dispatch, under the cover of great darkness, fastened to Richmond, in the same dark- ness was he involved during his flight, till he was captured, the right time and un- der the right circumstances, as well as also all preceding memorable events of his Presidential administration took place according to our prophetical calendar and dif- ferent Spirit languages, which our Heavenly Directors use, to be comprehended by us, and to draw by our mediumship Rulers and Nations into the glorious Resurrec- tion to become partakers of the real happiness in this life and in all eternity. Not being room to enter into any exjjlanation of the given hints, we must add for instruc- tion of the Government and citizens of the United States some highly important dis- closures to make the right use of the captured principal Rebels against God and his Christ, that their capture might not be for the ruin but for the restoration of the true Republican Government, and for Harmony and Peace of Nations. 1 have heard much talking, and many ask my opinion as to what should be done with Jefferson Davis, for the true welfare of this Republic? "Hang him ! hang him by the neck, till he is dead," is the cry of many. Every sober searcher after truth will agree with me, that if there is transgression of just and righteous laws of the country, the punishment of the transj^ressor to be reasonable, must be for the common welfare of the country. Out of the evil some good must emanate. But it is not only a folly but a crime, to apply any punish- ment, which would not be for the benefit but for the ruin of the country. Those who have understood the preceding pages, are convinced, that I belong to the Heav- enly Sphere or Society, from which I am looking into the lower and lowest spheres of Spiritual existence. From this sphere we see, how by violent death of those who are not prepared for a high sphere, the infernal regions are filled with beings who in- fluence their congenial friends yet living in mortal bodies with their hurtful inclina- tions and animal passions. The better the Spirit world, as it is disclosed by virtue of our Mission, will be understood, the more this earth will be cleansed from crirnes and abominations- Each individual carries into the Spirit world the character, which he or she has acquired through his Or her lite time. And the stronger the animal pas- sion of a man or woman was, the greater influence he or she exercised upon others to attain a certain object, while in his or her mortal body, the stronger is his or her animal passion in the Spirit world, and the greater also his control upon other spirits who belong to his or her sphere, and are weaker than he or she is. On this account, and for many other reasons, upon which to touch here is no room, we would never advise any government to kill, in any way, any criminal, even in case his crime should be most evident, and also those who would procure his or her killing, would be entirely free from similar crimes. Instead of killing a man, the condemnation into such a penitentiary in which he would be bound to hard labour proportionate to his physical strength and other circumstances, and would get also the best opportunity to change his bad character and be continuously supported to be truly converted, and to grow in knowledge of religious truth and virtue, would be beneficial for him or her to get greater opportunity to expiate his crimes and benefit the community. I will mention here, as briefly as possible, only one case: When John Brown, the great Abolition Instigator to rebellion, and his colleagues, had been caught and brought into the Charleston jail of Virginia, and sentenced to be hung, I wrote a long Epistle to Governor Wise of Virginia, and urged upon him 26 to publish it, and call the Representatives of that State to a Convention, in which my manuscript showing the credentials of our Heavenly Mission, and how to com- mence the Millennium, would be read and explained, as far as necessary, to inspire them for action. And as soon as the Convention would comprehend our Mission and unite with us in proclaiminp; Christ's Peaceable Reign, I would give to John Brown and his accom()lices lessons in the jail, in the expectation that they would soon com- prehend our Mission. In the meantime, I would assist the Convention in proclaiming: in and from the State of Virginia, what would be required for the commencement of Christ's Peaceable Reign on Earth. And then I would take those who would be in the jail sufficiently prepared for our Mission, with me tor Europe, to assist us to pre- pare Abolitionists in Europe; and with their assistance, others, to spread the glorious news, that all Governments might hear them, and become the Government of our Lord and his Christ. I assured in said Epistle Governor Wise and all citizens of the State of Virginia, that, if they would accept my jiroposition, the greatest good would originate, not only for the State of Virginia but also for other States and for all Na- tions ; but if they would hang the deceived culprits, John Brown and his accomplices, the departed John Brown would arouse in the Spirit World hosts of departed Aboli- tionists to inspire their Mediums for destruction of their opposition; and Spirits of the opposite party would act upon their Mediums to kindle the most tremendous Civil War. Governor Wise became such a fool that he could not appreciate the most important • document, which was ever received by any Governor, and the ordinary course for destruction of human life and property continued, till the most tremendous Civil War consumed an immense amount of it, and many rich people and such as were provided for their living, have been partly killed, partly reduced to extreme poverty, approaching to starvation, while many starved already or will starve. And others increased their riches by war, and such as were j)Oor, became rich, while the whole countr}- has t)een plunged in such a debt that most people, when they hear pronoun- ced the sum, are not able to conceive a correct idea of it ; and when we try to con- ceive the smallest amount taken in calculation, (while other calculations affirm that it is much larger,) we are not able to conceive how it could be paid in the ordinary course of affairs, while there are manifold influences, which would certainly change the course in worse, if people would not hear the voice of the Heavenly Mission: "Come out of Babylon, not to be partakers of her plagues." From Famine, Pestilence and War, deliver us, Lord ! is a common prayer of many; and we teach how the mock prayers should be changed in real prayers, by doing what our Master shows b}' virtue of our Mission to remove the scourge, for which, as we see by looking into human affairs, great preparations are going on in the countries, in which the scourge of war and the calamities which are connected with it, have not yet made such devastation as in the Seceded States. There is no room here for explanation of matters which remain mysteries to such people as are not able to look so dee]) into the Spirit world as we look. We may give some light on this subject to those who affirm that they love Jesus. Although Jesus had many disciples during his ministry, their faith was so feeble that the stiongest of his Apostles denied hira during his suffering. But after his death, when his disciples received sufficient testimony that he was living, by his own and the inspiration of those departed spirits who were aroused by his operation, his disciples were awakened to a new life, and by their exertions and co-operation of the Holy Ghost, whom as well as the true Jesus Christ, as he is made manifest in our Mis- sion, you will learn to know in the volume for which we are preparing readers of this pamphlet, the grand work of preparations continued, till matters have been so far developed in our Mission that Christ's Peaceable Reign will commence in its grand- eur. I may remain yet in this body and see the great movements for its establish- ment, although I have advanced in my age so far that I have become mature for de- parture, I will continue after my departure m}' work with power. But if you will become partakers of our glorious work, you must act with us without delay that you might not come too late to prevent enormous destruction of human life and properly in those countries which have not been visited in the last Civil War. You have caught the Principals of those, by whom devastation might have been spread in many countries which have not yet been visited with slaughtering of men in wholesale. If you make them free by killing their bodies, they will arouse those departed for destruction of their enemies, who are now comparatively quiet, to in- spire their Mediums for new Revolutions and Wars. But if you entrust them to our care, while they are well secured by you in prison, to receive in prison lessons by us in the presence of such of your officers, who will understand best this pamphlet and be convinced of our Divine Mission, and ready to learn what we are ready to explain to the prisoners, and to assist us to make the prisoners comprehend our lessons, you will receive the most excellent fruits of our Heavenly Mission. The better the prison- ers will comprehend and digest our lessons, the more the Legions by whom they are possesed, will be compelled to remove, and the nearer they will be to receive inspiration from our sphere by which they will become at length bo strengthened, that not only 27 myself, but also yonr officers, (in whose presence I require, by virtue of my Mission, to giVe lessons to Jefferson Davis and those who are most intimately connected with him,) will be fully convinced of their conversion and of their capability to give me great support to draw Governments of Earo[ie from their monarchical to our true Republican, that is, true Christian ground. After sufficient proof that they have been truly converted and prepared to be powerful Apostles of the New Era, you will send them with me in one of the steamboats of your Government to Europe, in our grand mission for Christ's Peaceable Reign on earth, or, for the Universal Republic of Truth and Righteousness. This is the proposition which I am permitted by my Leaders to offer for the benefit of the American and other Nations. The American Nation have destroyed plenty of people by shootingr, hanging, or killing them in manifold other wavs, when th^y were not prepared to enter into eternal life, but became infernal furies, by whom men were instigated to produce the Civil War. But there was none of them so powerful as Jefferson Davis would be, if you would kill him, for inspiring the warklike spirits of his party for desolating the States which have not yet been desolated by Civil War, although there is already plenty of moral and physical pestilence, which has been spread from the places of war into the States of North America as well as into other countries. But it is yet so concealed that it is not seen except from our Plat- form, from which remedy is offered to you for purification of the country. We have concentrated in this Epistle as much as we expect to be sufficient to awa- ken also such as are immersed into a very deep sleep, to become our fellow labourers to make according to the Divine Plan, shown in our Mission, the poor rich, and the rich truly happy, by applying their riches as they must be applied by those who are regarded to be very rich, although they are really very poor and very miserable wretches, till they will be truly converted into really rich and happy beings, blessed by our God and working for external life, by applying the perishable riches according to his will made known by virtue of our Mission to commence with power Christ's Peaceable Reign, for which I am labouring with great patience as your sincere broth- er and servant for the redemption of the oppressed and bleeding humanity. T conclude this Epistle with a highly important warning to all those who have ac- quired property by speculation with religion and war, although we have given al- read}' all kinds of warnings. A teacher had retired in a hermitage to chop during six days every week, one half of his time, wood for his living, and the other half he studied the Bible in hopes to find therein the way to Heaven. At length one of our Missionaries met with that hermit and assured him that by studying my books he would loarn to_ understand many thiu^js in the Bible, the interpretation of which he could not find in any com- mentary. Then he studied my books. And the deeper he studied them, the more he was convinced that the Missionary spoke truth. And then he himself preached our Message by writing letters to his friends from his hermitage. And when I need- ed his assistance, he came to assist me. When matters did not arrive to maturity to start on Cumberland Mountain of Tennessee, a provisional centre for our Peace Union, I found in Illinois a suitable place for it, and wrote to that hermit, that he should come and assist me in starting a Peace-Union settlement. After having received ray let- ter he started; but on his way to meet with me in Illinois, he was pushed in a night from a steamboat into the Ohio river by a discijile of the speculating Pharisees. Our Leaders have permitted the atrocious assassination, because there was not yet time to start our Peace-Union center, and our hermit could do much more for our work in the Spirit world than he could do in his outward body ; and the Heavenly Supreme Court have sent to me several messages by his instrumentality. I mention here only the following Message. When the Governor of Massachusetts appointed a day for hanging Professor John Webster, I was printing in Pittsburg, Pa., a pamphlet in which a Convention was appointed for examining the credentials for our Heavenly Mission to establish Christ's Peaceable Reign on earth. The composition of said pamphlet was in the printing office nearly finished, when that Holy Martyr brought me a Message, that 1 should testify in that same pamphlet, that there was at the Government of the United States a secret machination so pernicious to the country that its originators deserved rather to be hung by the neck than Professor Webster. Therefore they should delay that machination at the Government, as well as the hanging of Professor Webster, and the President and the Congress at Washington, as well as the Governor of Massachu- setts should send delegates to our Convention and learn what was required for the true welfare of the country. I did not know what the secret machination in Washington was, and have pub- lished what was delivered to me by the Holy Martyr,' in that small pamphlet, copies of which I sent to President Fillmore and to the principal Abolitionists in the Sen- ate and in the House of Congress in Washington, in the supposition that they will understand their most urgent duty to make known to Congress the contents of my pamphlet, copies of which I had also sent to the Governor of Massachusetts and some others in Boston and Cambridge. But those in Massachusetts did not comprehend 28 onr Divine Mission, although we have concentrated sufficient testimonies of it also in said small pamphlet, and they had hurried to hang Professor Webster on the ap- pointed day ; and President Fillmore and the Abolitionists at Congress were as care- less in regard to the Heavenly warning, given in said pamphlet, as those in Massa- chusetts, and instead of having studied and made known its contents to Congress, President Fillmore signed the Fugitive Slave Law on the same day of September, 1850, on which in August of the same year our pamphlet, "Important Disclosures," has been sent to him, showing what his most important duty was for the welfare of the country. And on the same day on which delegates should have appeared in our Convention, at Pittsburg, in the daily newspapers of thai city " The Fugitive Slave Law" appeared, which created such a confusion in that city, that all forgot to at- tend our Convention. Professor Webster, who was very skillful in squandering much property, and in deluding and killing the rich, during his life time, to be able to live in a high style, has been exhibited to me after his death, in his mad eagerness to be a Leader of De- stroying Demons, to possess their mediums and instigate them for killing the rich. — The grentest animal passion was awakened amongst the Demons of New England and their mediums, to kill, in the first place, the rich slaveholders. But I assure you, that after the ruin of the slaveholders there is a tremendous coalition of Spirits of the degraded destitute, poor and oppressed, who have died or have been killed in their degr.uled condition, to insjiire their mediums to kill the rich in general, and particu- larly those who have acquired property by the blood of their fellow-men. I su[)[)ose we h;ive concentrated also in this Encyclic Epistle, a sufficient amount of testimony for the Rich as well as the Poor to unite with us for the glorious work to make those in mortal bodies truly happy, and to pacify also the departed, and to prepare those who may be reached by their congenial friends who are learning our Heavenly Message to conform their actions to it, and to con»municate it to their de- parted friends, for a glorious Resurrection and Ascension into our community. I con- clude this pamphlet with the following remark: There are many speculators who have found out by their calculations, that if there would be no pestilence, famine and war and manifold other methods to shorten the lives of men, the earth would be eventually overpeopled. This would be also, accord- to my calculation, the case if men would continue to live in as low a condition as that of the swine, and abuse their intellectual and moral faculties for the gratification of their carnal lusts and other animal passions. But when men and women will be elevated on the true christian ground, and will live according to the Heavenly Plan the substance of which has been printed in the book, "Secret Enemies of true Repub- licanism," and the principal points will be repeated in the next volume, the earth will never be overpeopled, but will be eventually thickly settled by a Holy people, one family of which is of much more worth, than a large city of degraded human beings. Digest well all that is said in this Epistle and act accordingly with your sincere Brother, ANDREW B. SMOLNIKAR, IMPORTANT SUPPLEMENT. By multitudes inspired for Republican Government, the three words: "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity," were often repeated, although few persons have penetrated into the true meaning of these words. Free Speech and Free Press I was the com- mon cry in this country. But since the commencement of ray Mission, A. D. 1838, I have experienced just the contrary. If places, in which people were assembled, had been tree to proclaim our Message of Peace; and if the press had been free to spread it in print — instead of the incalculable destruction of human life and property during the four years of Civil War, Real Union and Peace would have been estab- lished long before the war in the United States and spread over the globe. But money having been the Rule for the support of delusion. Money Masters had the power to establish and support pernicious societies, parties and sects, according to their lusts, for their damnable speculations. And Truth, which was offered in our Mission, was checked ; while delusion was spread by the falsely called Free Speech and Free Press. Republic — Respublica — public affair — must be for the common welfare of all. la the real Republic, Truth, which will make Nations free and lead them into eternal life, will be dev(4oped and supported; and delusion, which leads into bondage and destruction, will be e.'ftirpated. Liberty, Free Speech and Free Press — to develop and spread Truth for the common welfare, and to extirpate delusion, which is the basis of destruction of human life and property — must be established in the true Rej)ublic. This having been neglected, and our Mission, which shows how it will be realized, not having been regarded, we are preparing, in this pamphlet, readers for our next volume, in which, besides other things for the commencement of Christ's Peaceable Reign, or what is the same, for the Real Republic, also, the proceedings will be shown, by which Truth will be developed and error extirpated, and the true Frater- nity of the human race and such an equality will be restored, as to procure to each individual a chance and also the best assistance to be attracted, to develop, in the right manner, his intellectual and moral faculties and his physical strength, and to make the right use of them for the common welfare. I expected, at my last Mission to Washington, to reach some of the Heads at the Gov- ernment and show them their most important work to publish a large edition of this Encyclic Epistle, and to send copies of it to all Postmasters and inspire theiu to spread it as fast as possible. But after my arrival in that city, I experienced thnt my Master had sent me rather to learn many things to make use of them in proper time, than to teach what the Government should know to remove the curse and to spread blessings. I publish here as much of what I wrote at my last visit to that city as can be published in this form, to be used by all, who, by studying this pamphlet, will be inspired to move others for co-operation with us, that they might show par- ticularly to officers that their most urgent duty is to give alt others good example in studying and spreading our Message of Peace. In the first place, we copy here our last Epistle to President Andrew Johnson. Washington, June 23d, 1865. To His Excellency, Andrew Johnson, President of the United Slates of North America. Respected Sir : — After my arrival in this city on the 20th inst., I wrote on the 21st a letter directed to Secretary Seward, in the expectation to move him to prepare the way to your Excellency for our Heavenly Message; but when I would copy and send it to him, I heard that his wife died, not having heard before that she was sick, and last evening I read that he started with her remains for Auburn. Therefore, 1 copy here a portion of what I have prepared, but the death interposed, so that I did not send it to him. It reads as follows : ^' Respected Sir : — I trust that our Heavenly Father had preserved your life, that you miglit become a partaker at the glorious work of His Grand Manifestation for the Introduction of the Millennium, about which there are all kinds of superstitious notions, but which will be, (as has been disclosed by virtue of our Mission in a num- ber of volumes and pamphlets since A. D. 1838,) the promised Universal Republic of Truth and Righteousness, Harmony and Peace, as you will be convinced after having comprehended the contents of the manuscript which is prepared for a pamphlet of about 32 pages in octavo, and the title of which reads : — [The title is on the title page of this pamphlet; and then the continuation of my letter to the President, reads : " This is the commencement of the lengthy letter which I have prepared hr Secre- tary Seward, and in which I have shown that he should have' opened the way for the circulation of our Heavenly Message already A, D. 1854. This not having been done, I wrote to move him now to inspireyou and others for co-operation in our glorious Mis- eion for Uaioa aad Peace of Nations. But he being burying the dead, I apply directlj 30 to your Excellency with the same assurance, which was expressed in my Document in which I have addressed at the commencement of the year 1861, the Senate and the House of Congress of the United States, that there is no other way except which is shown in our Mission, to cement the true Union in the Republic of the United Slates and establish real Peace and spread it over the globe. That address should have been read publicly in the Senate and in the House. But it was read only privately by you and some other members of the Congress of the United States. " After that I had no opportunity to converse with you. But at the commencement of your Presidential administration I have sent to you a lengthy letter and a printed prophecy, which was given at the end of the last century in reference to the United States and in reference to our Mission. In my letter to you I have given the key to understand said prophecy, this being for you of the utmost importance to know where to find the means for the real Republic and Peace ut Nations. I was e.^pecting an answer ; but not havmg received any, I came at length myself to this city, and offer to you the proposition, that you and your Secretary might spend on Sunday next, June 25th, 18G5, two hours and a half before and two hours and a half after noou with me, that your Secretary might read the manuscrijit with the above copied title for a pamphlet of about 32 pages, and I might give as much farther explanation as circumstances would require, that your Excellency might comprehend matters as we look into them; because I write as a Medium of Heavenly Directors, as you will be convinced, if you accept our proposition. And you may be assured that if you spend next Sunday ttve hours with me, this will be the most important celebration of a Lord's day for the welfare of the Americans aiid other Nations. I expect to find to morrow an answer to this letter at the Post Office of this city of WashiniTton. Your obedient servant in Christ, ANDREW B. SMOLNIKAR. The deeper you have studied the preceding pages, the more you are convinced that I am not my own Master but only a servant of my Heavenly Master, who controls also in the printing office the spirits of the i)rinters ; and by his calculation, not to waste paper, I must fill the space of the last form as far as convenient ; because I do not know also when composition runs towards the end, how much writing would be needed, and 1 thought that the " Encyclic Epistle" would fill nearly if not the whole last form. But those invisible agents, who are so wonderfully counting pages and lines of our writings, that although while writing I do not know the pages oa which peculiar mysteries would appear in print, I am after the appearance of the printed pages admiring the calculation according to our spirit language by numbers, according to which the principal mysteries are printed on pages having corresponding numbers with the mysteries to which they have reference. Whereas, our Master was pleased to let us publish our letter to President Johnson, his Iriends should regard it as a precious supplement to the Encyclic Epistle to draw the President as well as other officers on our true Republican and true Christian ground. Secretary Seward was mentioned in our Epistle to President Johnson ; and you ■will read in our next volume, the substance ot Memorable Events, Signs and Won- ders which occurred A. D. 1854, while we were trying Spirits of all parties and sects in the Cabinet and in the Congress at Washington, and were particularly en- deavoring to move in the Senate Hon. Wm. H. Seward and in the House Hon. Gerrit Smith, to give us assistance in our Heavenly Mission to move the government for Harmony and Peace of Nati(ms. But Spirits of delusion and destruction had the power to keep those from studying our Heavenly Message who jhould have given us the strongest assistance in our Mission. On the 25th of the last month (June, 1865,) 1 was assured by a medium of the Ma- terialistic Spiritualism, that Chiet Justice Chase did return from a visit to the South- ern States. Then 1 wrote on the next day a letter and carried it to the door of his residence, with the intention to give him that and a copy of my letter to President Johnson, if I could have a chance to do so, and then to talk with him about the con- tents. But when an aged lady opened the door, she assured me that the Chief Jus- tice had not yet returned from his journey — and I retained the letter and started with the next train from Washington. I wished to publish the letter in this pamphlet, to stir up Chief Justice, and by his example, other judges, and by their co-operation the whole country to unite in our Mission. Not being room to publish the letter, we mention only that we intended, while writing, to inspire Chief Justice to move the President to appoint a time in which he would bring me to the President, that we might read together, and I would give farther explanations of what is required for the true Union and Peace ot the inhabitants of the United States. 1 hud m my letter reference to the year 1856, in which while Chief Justice Chase was Governor of Ohio, 1 endeavored to move him to assist me to inspire the Legislature of Ohio for what was required in my address, that by a co-operation of the Legislature Chiist's Peace- able Reign might commence in that State. But when nobody would take interest in the great Mission, after the publication of that address to the Legislature of Ohio, and our Epistle to all Nations, in a pamphlet which appeared A. D. 1856, in Columbus, Ohio, while the Legislature was in session, at length the tremendous destruction of 31 human life and property, wbich was predicted on the top of the title pap;e of that pamphlet, was accomplished. I had o;reat hope, that Chief Justice Chase would com- prehend us now and co-operate powerfully with us to avert the second calamity, which was also predicted on the top of the title page of that pamphlet, to come even- tually, if it will not be averted by the means comprehended in our ilission. On my applications to those in high offices I heard often the remarks, that politics had nothing to do with religion. There is nothing more pernicious to the human race and nothing more contrary to the true Republic than such an abominable delu- sion. Religion has always been and will always be the guide of all politics. Irre- ligion and all kinds of delusion in religion, have produced all kinds of delusion in. politics. All revolutions and wars have their origin in irreligion and delusion and deception regarding religion. To establish the true Republic requires nothing les3 than to establish Union in the true religion according to the true Republican method, which is shown in the volume for which this pamphlet is a preparation. By virtue of my -Mission I was since the appearance of my tirst volume which was published A. D. 1838, and contains sufficient testimonies of this Mission, endeavoring to reach those in high offices; because this is their most urgent duty to make use of every op- portunity to acquire true religion and to act accordingly, to be a blessing instead of being a curse to the human race. Whereas, in this pamphlet superabundance of facts are produced, from the whole chain of which is most evident to every attentive reader who has a sound mind to try the spirits, that the Spirit by whom I was prepared for and was directed in this Mis- sion is higher than the spirits are. by whom ecclesiastical and political heads are di- rected who did not care to study my publications, while they were urged to do so, but remained in apathy, or were endeavoring to hinder the circulation of our Mes- sage and to delude people in regard to our Heavenly Mission ; and whereas, while we were showing how to establish the true Republican Union and Peace, and spread it on the globe, they were preparing discord and destruction of human life and proper- ty. Therefore, Rcsolced, That those who by a careful perusal of this pamphlet will be convinced of our Heavenly Mission, are expected that they will show by their actions their con- viction, and endeavor to move as many as in their power for co-operation, that all that is required in this pamphlet might be done, and as many might attend our Con- vention, as are expected, with the required qualificatious, spoken of on the 15th page of this pamphlet. On the l;ith page our Convention is announced e.Kactly according to our Spirit language by numbers. All kinds of unexpected wonders occur in our Mission, also manifold wonders which were not observed in the Missions of our forerunners, and manifold such wonders as will remain perceivable with the outward senses of men through all future ages. We have given in the small compass of this pamphlet hints of different kinds of wonders; Pages and lines appeared in my preceding publica- tions, in adiuirable correspondence with documents, to which they have reference, and I see the same wonder in this pamphlet, after having received a copy of the first 16 pages. I knew nothing about the Heavenly calculation, till I saw the pages as they appear from the press; and in this pamphlet 1 did not know till I had received the first proof sheets, the size of type which was used in the composition. And if I had been asked, wbich portion of my manuscript would suit best to be put on the 15th page according to the Heavenl}- language by numbers, I had not been able to answer, although I understand this language as far as my Mission requires. But now, when I sve what my Master was pleased to order to tlie Spirits of lower spheres to set in type on that page, and to use for that purpose the right size type, I under- stand perfectly, that nothing in my manuscript was so suitable for that page than the portion of the appointment of the Convention, which appears there in reference to the documents which in our Mission have the same number. If you have not yet penetrated so deep into the mysteries of this pamphlet, you will learn in our Convention, that it is the grand Supper to which Christ invites those who, after having studied this pamphlet, will feel qualified for that Supper, and that he invites them b) his First born Son at the introduction of the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. Ephes. 1: 10. This his Son, representing the whole family of Sons and Daughters, by whom the glorious dispensation is to be introduced, has in prophecies ditierent names. On the 12th page of this pamphlet "the Divine Comedy" is mentioned, and from the hints given there many readers could know that I had reference to Dante's Divine Comedy. He has in the 33d, or last Song of Purgatory, the great prophecy regarding the Five Hundred, Ten and Five xMessenger of God- that is, the Messenger of God, whose name is 515, in opposition to the name of the Representative of the Beast 666, Rev. xiii: 18. On the 5th page is the Catalogue of the 144 witnesses mentioned, the 90ih of whom has brought, instead of his own name the name of the Representative of the Beast, containing besides other mysteries of the Beast, also the number 666. But to obtain the number 666, we wrote the name with Greek letters, the Revelation having been written in the Greek language. My name, as it was pronounced by my parents and acquaintances, in my native town, 32 and exactly written, is Smolnkor, with short o and e, and the Greek letters of this' name give exactly the number 515, which, if added to the year 1321, in which Dante died, give the year 1836, at the expiration of which I was called by my Master to prepare for America. The call was connected with great Sijrns, which will be ex- plained in our Convention, as also Dante's prreat prophecy, and the prophecies which have been given, when by one prophet a letter was inserted into my name, and th. n by another prophet a letter was altered, that by this process two other tropical years in our Heavenly Mission have been prophesied. We have mentioned here so much as to draw also at the end of the pamphlet the attention of searchers after truth to our Convention, in which the fulfilment of Dante's prophecy and other prophecies to commence with power Christ's Peaceable Reign, will be shown . That Reign commences with the abolition of the four Beasts in the Tth chapter Daniels. On this account Christ's Peaceable Reign is considered as the 5th Empire, which will be the Universal Republic of Truth and Righteousness. And on the 5th paga is the concentration of hints regarding the grand preparations for its realization. And on the 15th is the appointment of the Convention, which will be the belter attended, the deeper this pamphlet is understood. The number 15, when the whole number 515 could not be used, has reference to Dante's Prophecy, which has been as far fulfilled, as the Representative of Messengers is regarded. But many Messengers being necessary to accomplish the glorious work in said prophecy for Christ's Peaceable Reign, tlie worlc will commence with power, if tiiose who are called, will attend the Convention. On the 5th page is the catalogue of 144 witnesses mentioned. Amongst those wit- nesses are fifteen women, and their sex lias a peculiar interest in Dante's prophecy, regarding the Messenger of God with the number 515. His Mission is to strangle the Harlot, and the Giant who sins with the Harlot. The Giant is the Representative of the Beast, which is sutijugated by the Harlot, in the 17th chapter of Revelation. The number 16 is in the development of the mysteries of the Beast as remarkable as the numiierC66. And on the 16th page the testimonies are concentrated, by which is most evident how great the power of the Beast is ; that after my hard labour for many years in my Heavenly Jlission, our Peace-Union Hall is yet in the wilderness, and I invite to our Convention, as Christ invited his followers into the wilderness; because that is the most suitable place for the great Spiritual Supper. Heavenly wisdom was pleased to put in the 16th page, what was to be said to the women, that by them qualified men might be inspired to attend our Convention, and then to give to women all possible assistance to be delivered from the Dominion of the Beast and to celebrate the Women's Convention ; to become powerful Messengers for the abolition of the Dominion of the Beast and Introduction of Christ's Peace on Earth. Here is no room to explain why our Heavenly Directors, who take care that the publications of our Mission are printed in correspondence with the mysteries of our prophetical calendar, were pleased to engage compositors to commence to set in type this pamphlet, on Peter's Feast, June 29th, 1865 ; and on the 6ih day of the Octave of Peter's Feast, tlie 4th day of July, was the celebratiou of the American Indepen- dence, and then in the Octave of that Independence, the last part of this pam- phlet was set in type. You may muse upon this and other points, which we have mentioned but which to explain we have no room in this pamphlet. You will get the more light, the better you will be prepared in attending our Convention; tos[)ri ; i then the marvellous light in all quarters of the globe. Expecting to meet on the tirst day of September next, 1865, with Representatives from different States at the place specified on the 15th page, I am, your sincere brother, Andrew B. Smolnikar. Our direction before and during the appointed Convention is on the 17th page. Note. — If space permitted, I would write an Address particularly to those who, having been rich, became in this Civil War, poor. They should know, that it was the gre.uest benefit for me, that while I was a boy about nine years old, fire broke out at midnight in the next house to my bed-room, and we saved nothing. With our frame house all our properly was destroyed. And this aroused commiseration of those who had property, and they sent me to school, and my Master prepared me for the glorious Mission, to which, while all were invited, those should particularly imitate my example who became so destitute as I was at the mentioned fire, by which I was aroused to devote my life to the service of God, for my own and the welfare of my fellow-men. If they are truly converted to our Master and unite with us in the great Mission, and do what they are able to do for the circulation of our Messa^ie of Peace, \>y their earnest exertions, many who have riches, will be aroused to apply them for the common welfare. With the earnest prayer, that all might be united and act, each according to his ability, I am your fellow-laboufer for the redemption of oppressed and bleeding humanity. A. B. S. il