Cy? r \7^ o { REGISTER OF THE Society of Colonial Mars IN THE state 0f TOigs0urt, ORGANIZED IN ST. LOUIS, MO., NOVEMBER 22, 1894. 1907-1909. E i%& .2. Press of Woodward & Tiernan Printing Company St. Lodis Gift The Socidtj JAN 1 1 ]9J0 4 Compiled by Henry Cable, Registrar. ^WV4r^ ^,£P ^Insignia of tlie Somtti of Coloninl hilars. OKKICERS OF THE General Society of Colonial Wars. 1909. (Botjernor (Beneraf . ARTHUR J. C. SOWDON, Boston. Mass. (pice*(Bot>emor (Beneraf. HOWLAND PELL. New York City. ©e^jufg (Bouernors (Beneraf. New York Maj.-Gen. CHARLES FRANCIS ROE .... New York City. Pennsylvania. . . . RICHARD McCALL CADWALADER Philadelphia. Maryland J. APPLETON WILSON Baltimore. Massachusetts . . . Rev. CHARLES L. HUTCHINS, D. D .... Concord. Connecticut .... Hon. MORRIS BEACH BEARDSLEY .... Bridgeport. Districtof Columbia, WILLIAM VAN ZANDT COX Washington New Jersey .... JOHN EYERMAN Easton. Pa Virginia Hon. RICHARD THOS. WALKER DUKE, Jr. Charlottesville. New Hampshire . . Prof. CHARLES LATHROP PARSONS . . . .Durham. Vermont DANIEL W. ROBINSON Burlington. Illinois JOHN SMITH SARGENT Chicago. Missouri Hon. JOHN BARBER WHITE Kansas City. Ohio HOWARD S. WINSLOW Cincinnati. Nebraska JOHN PRENTISS LORD. M. D Omaha. Minnesota Hon. ELL TORRANCE Minneapolis. Kentucky GEORGE T. WOOD Louisville California Hon. FRANK P. FLINT Los Angeles. Colorado CHAUNCEY F. DEWEY Denver Iowa JUDSON KEITH DEMING Dubuque. Georgia JOHN AVERY GERE CARSON Savannah. Michigan THOMAS H. EATON Detroit. Wisconsin WYMAN KNEELAND FLINT Milwaukee. Delaware THOMAS J. CRAVEN Salem, N. J. Rhode Island. . . . Prof. WILFRED HAROLD MUNRO Providence. Washington .... J. KENNEDY STOUT Washington, D. Maine FRITZ HERMANN JORDAN Portland. Indiana Prof. ALEXANDER FREDERICK FLEET . .Culver. ^ecrefarg (Beneraf. CLARENCE STORM. 45 William St.. New York City. ®e:)ntfg ^ecreforg (Beneraf. ^reciBurer (Beneraf. WILLIAM MacPHERSON HORNOR, 1416 S. Penn Square. Philadelphia . ©e^Jttfg ^treacuretr (Beneraf. FRANCIS HOWARD WILLIAMS. Philadelphia. Pa. (KegtBfrar (Beneraf. GEORGE NORBURY MACKENZIE. 1808 Park Ave.. Baltimore. Md. ^tsforian (Beneraf. T. J. OAKLEY RHINELANDER, New York City. C^phin (Beneraf. Rt. Rev. DANIEL SYLVESTER TUTTLE, D. D.. LL. D., St. Louis. Mo. ^urgeon (Beneraf. JUSTIN E. EMERSON, M. D., Detroit. Mich. C^anceffor (Beneraf. Hon. henry STOCKBRIDGE, Baltimore. Md. ARTHUR JOHN CLARK SOWDON. Governor General. General Officers. ROWLAND PELL, Vice - Governor General. CLARENCE STORM, Secretary-General. WILLL-^M MACPHERSON HORNOR, Treasurer-General. General Officers. GEO. NORBURY MACKENZIE. Registrar-General. FRANCIS HOWARD WILLIAMS. Deputy Treasurer-General. T. J. OAKLEY RHINELANDER. Historian-General. General Officers. RT. REV. DANIEL SYLVESTER TUTTLE. D. D., LL.D. Chaplain General. JUSTIN E. EMERSON, M. D.. Surgeon General. HON. HENRY STOCKBRIDGE, Chancellor General. General Officers. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE State of iHMssouri* Elected November 13, 1908. (Bouernor. Dr. HORATIO NELSON SPENCER. M. D., LL. D., St. Louis. ©e^ntfg (BoDernor. WILLIAM POTTS KENNETT, St. Louis. feteufcnonf (BoDernor. Prof. EDWARD MARTIN SHEPARD, Sc. D., Springfield. ©e^fg (Bouernor fo (Bcnerof ^octetg. Hon. JOHN BARBER WHITE, Kansas City. ^ecteforg. HOBART BRINSMADE, mo Washington Ave.. St. Louis. ©e^jufg ^ecrefatg. EDWARD FISHER JACKSON, St. Louis. treasurer. GEORGE TURNER PARKER, Southeast Corner Broadway and Locust Street, St. Louis. QRegiBftar. HENRY CADLE. Bethany, Mo. JAMES THOMAS SANDS, St. Louis. Rt. Rev. DANIEL SYLVESTER TUTTLE, D. D., LL. D.. Bishop of Missouri, St. Louis. (Benffemen of i^t Counctf. HORATIO NELSON SPENCER. M. D., Hon. WALTER BOND DOUGLAS, WILLIAM POTTS KENNETT, HENRY CADLE, Prof. EDWARD MARTIN SHEPARD, Hon. SELDEN PALMER SPENCER, HOBART BRINSMADE. CHARLES McINTOSH CUTHBERT. GEORGE TURNER PARKER, HENRY PURKITT WYMAN. Capt. ROBERT McCULI.OCH. Col. JAMES HAMILTON McCORD. Hon. WILLIAM BRADFORD HOMER. Hon. FREDERICK NEWTON JUDSON. WALLACE DELAFIELD. ©efegafes fo i^ (Benetaf ^octefg. JOHN CROCKER FOOTE, LAUREN CHASE EASTMAN. CHARLES FRANCIS CADLE, RICHARD McCULLOCH. ARTHUR SAMUEL PARTRIDGE. (^ftetnafeB. SOLOMON HINCKLEY MUDGE, FRANKLIN LEE RIDGELY. WILLIAM STREET BAKER, SAMUEL BOYD BALL. RICHARD SCREVEN STROBHART. Committee on %xBiot\c(!iX ©ocumente. Capt. LEROY KINGSLAND ROBBINS, STOUGHTON WALKER, MALCOLM MACBETH, LAURENCE LEMPRIERE PRINCE, HUNTER McKEAND MERIWETHER. Commufee on (WlemBetB^i^J. HOBART BRINSMADE. JOHN CHESTER BARROWS. RAVENEL MACBETH, EDWIN RUTHVEN CRUTCHER. ANDREW McCLURE SULLIVAN. HORATIO NELSON SPENCER. M. D.. LL.D. Governor. OFKICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE State of ilDissoud. Elected November 13, 1908. (Bouernor. Dr. HORATIO NELSON SPENCER, M. D., LL. D., St. Louis. ©e^mfg (Bouernor. WILLIAM POTTS KExNNETT, St. Louis. i^itxxitwxwi (Botjernor. Prof. EDWARD MARTIN SHEPARD, Sc. D., Springfield. ©e^mfg (Botjemor fo (Benetaf ^octefg. Hon. JOHN BARBER WHITE, Kansas City. ^ecrefarg. HOBART BRINSMADE. mo Washington Ave., St. Louis. ©e^mfg ^ecrefarg. EDWARD FISHER JACKSON, St. Louis. GEORGE TURNER PARKER, Southeast Corner Broadway and Locust Street, St. Louis. (HegiBfrar. HENRY CADLE, Bethany, Mo. JAMES THOMAS SANDS. St. Louis. Rt. Rev. DANIEL SYLVESTER TUTTLE, D. D., LL. D.. Bishop of Missouri, St. Louis. (Benffemen of i^t Counctf. HORATIO NELSON SPENCER. M. D., Hon. WALTER BOND DOUGLAS, WILLIAM POTTS KENNETT, HENRY CADLE, Prof. EDWARD MARTIN SHEPARD, Hon. SELDEN PALMER SPENCER. HOBART BRINSMADE. CHARLES McINTOSH CUTHBERT. GEORGE TURNER PARKER, HENRY PURKITT WYMAN. Capt. ROBERT McCULLOCH. Col. JAMES HAMILTON McCORD, Hon. WILLIAM BRADFORD HOMER. Hon. FREDERICK NEWTON JUDSON. WALLACE DELAFIELD. ©efegafes fo i^ (Beneraf ^ociefg. JOHN CROCKER FOOTE, LAUREN CHASE EASTMAN. CHARLES FRANCIS CADLE, RICHARD McCULLOCH. ARTHUR SAMUEL PARTRIDGE. (^ftetnafeB. SOLOMON HINCKLEY MUDGE, FRANKLIN LEE RIDGELY. WILLIAM STREET BAKER, SAMUEL BOYD BALL, RICHARD SCREVEN STROBHART. (Comxmiitt on %\6iotxcJq Cteneral Society No. I. Henry Cable 2. Alexander Frederick Fleet 402 • . . 385 K Fleet 3- James Thomas Sands . 752 * 4- Curtiss Crane Gardiner 753 5. Henry Purkitt Wyman 754 t 6. Charles Hadley Wyman 75c 7. Lauren Chase Eastman 756 t 8. ESEK StEERE BaLLORD jc^-j t 9. John Green 7^3 *io. Clarence Conde Obear 75g tii. Frank Obear y^ ti2. John Scott Carter 761 tMembership has ceased, * Deceased. BY-LAWS OF THE MISSOURI SOCIETY. NAME. This organization shall be known as the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Missouri, and is a part of the General Society of Colonial Wars, and its headquarters shall be in the City of St. Louis, Missouri. OFFICERS. II. — The officers of the Society, to be elected annually from the members of the Society, shall be a Governor, a Deputy- Governor, a Lieutenant-Governor, a Secretary, a Deputy-Secre- tary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, an Historian, and a Chaplain. These officers, excepting the Historian, Deputy-Secretary and Chaplain, shall be ex-officio members of the Council ; and in addition the Council shall be composed of nine other persons. FEES AND DUES. III. — The initiation fee shall be five dollars. The annual dues, payable on or before January ist of each year, shall be five dollars. The payment at one time of $75 shall constitute life membership, and shall exempt the member so paying from annual dues. QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. IV. — Any male person above the age of twenty-one years, of good moral character and reputation, shall be eligible to member- ship in this Society, who is lineally descended in the male or female line from an ancestor : (i) Who served as a military or naval officer, or as a soldier, sailor or marine, or as a privateersman under authority of the 12 ^ocietg of Cofonidf Wdrs. Colonies which afterward formed the United States, or in the forces of Great Britain which participated with those of the said Colonies in any wars in which the said Colonies were engaged, or in which they enrolled men, from the settlement of Jamestown, May 13th, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, April 19th, 1775; or (2) Who held office in any of the Colonies between the dates above mentioned, either as (a) Director-General, Vice-Director-General or member of the Council or legislative body in the Colony of New Netherlands ; (b) Governor, Lieutenant or Deputy-Governor, Lord Pro- prietor, member of the King's or Governor's Council or legislative body in the Colonies of New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Penn- sylvania and Delaware ; (c) Lord Proprietor, Governor, Deputy-Governor, or member of the Council or of the legislative body in Maryland and the Carolinas ; (d) Governor, Deputy-Governor, Governor's Assistant or Com- missioner to the United Colonies of New England, or member of the Council, body of Assistants or legislative body in any of the New England Colonies. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. V. — Members shall be elected as follows: A candidate must be proposed by one member of the Society and seconded by another. The candidate, or his proposers, shall send his name and documents or other proof of qualifications to the Secretary, who shall transmit them to the Membership Committee. The Committee shall carefully investigate the same. If the candidate be a resident within the jurisdiction of another State Society, the said Committee shall, through the Secretary, obtain the consent of the Council of such State Society before making favorable report. Upon favorable report by the Committee, the Council of this Society may elect him by ballot. A candidate receiving two negative votes shall fail of election. Payment of the initiation fees and dues shall be a prerequisite of membership. QSg^£dt»6 13 GOVERNOR. VI. — The Governor, or in his absence the Deputy-Governor or Lieutenant-Governor, or in their absence a chairman pro tern., shall exercise the duties of presiding officer at all meetings of the Society, under the usual rules of parliamentary laws, subject to an appeal to the Society. He shall have power to convene the Council at his discretion or upon the written request of two members of the Council, or upon the like request of five members of the Society. SECRETARY. VII. — The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society and keep a record thereof. He shall notify all elected candidates of their admission, and perform such other duties as the Society or his office may require. He shall have charge of the seal, by-laws, historical and other documents and records of the Society, other than those required to be deposited with the Registrar, and shall affix the seal to all properly authenti- cated certificates of membership, and transmit the same to the members to whom they may be issued. He shall notify the Registrar of all admissions to membership. He shall certify all acts of the Society, and, when required, authenticate them under seal. He shall have charge of printing and publications issued by the Society. He shall give due notice of the time and place of the holding of all Courts of the Society and of the Council. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings and orders of the Society and of the Council, and shall give notice to each officer who may be affected by them of all votes, resolu- tions and proceedings of the Society or of the Council, and at the General Court, or oftener ; shall report the names of those candi- dates who have been admitted to membership and those whose resignations have been accepted, and of those members who have been expelled. In his absence from any meeting, the Deputy- Secretary shall act, or a Secretary pro tern, may be designated therefor. 14 ^ocieig of Cofcniaf ^ '79- Assistant, 1681-86. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Sixth in descent from Joseph Eastman (1650-1692). A soldier in King Philip's War at the Garrison at Chelms- ford, December 20, 1675. Third in descent from Tilton Eastman (i 741 -1805). Served in the company of Capt. Bogardis, Queen's County, New York. Seventh in descent from Philip Sherman (1610-1687). First Secretary of Providence Plantations, 1639. Court of Commissioners, 1656. Deputy, 1665-67. Council King Philip's War. LAUREN CHASE EASTMAN. (gtoff of (SftemBetB. 5i State General Society No. Society No. Fourth in descent from Capt. John Wisner (1722-1788). Captain Orange County, New York, Militia, 1775. Fight with Indians in the Delaware, 1757. Sent to rein- force Fort William Henry. Seventh in descent from Moses Cleveland (1624-1701). In garrison at Chelmsford, Massachusetts, King Phil- ip's War. Sixth in descent from Moses Cleveland 2d. (1651-1717). Volunteer in King Philip's War. 2. FLEET, Col. ALEX, FREDERICK, A. M., LL. D., Cul- ver, Ind 402 Sixth in descent from Lieut.-Col. Henry Fleete. Member First Maryland Assembly, 1637-38. Captured by the Anacosta Indians, 1623. Ransomed, 1627. Commis- sioned by Lord Baltimore, 1644, with the power of Cap- tain-General to make Treaty of Peace with the Susque- hannas. Burgess for Lancaster County, Virginia, 1652. Seventh in descent from Robert Brooke (1602-1655), B. A., 1620, M. A., 1624, Wadham College, Oxon. Com- missioned by Lord Baltimore, September 20th, 1649. Commander-in-Chief of a new county to be set out in Maryland, and Member of the Council. Commander of Charles County, 1650. Appointed March 29th, 1652, by Cromwell's Commissioners, President of the Council and Acting Governor. Sixth in descent from Francis Hutchins. Member of Maryland House of Assembly, 1694. Seventh in descent from Capt. James Neale (1615-1684). Member Provincial Council, 1643-44, and 1 660-1 661. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1666. Commis- sioner of the Treasury, 1643. Fought in the Civil Wars of England on the side of the King. Attorney of Lord Baltimore at Amsterdam, to protest against the seating 52 ^octefg of Cofoniaf ^axB. State General Society No. Society No. of the Dutch and Swedes on the Delaware River and Bay. Commissioned Captain by Lord Baltimore, 1661, to raise troops against the Dutch on Delaware Bay. 15. FOOTE, JOHN CROCKER, Belvidere, 111 764 Sixth in descent from Q. M. Nathaniel Foote, IL. (1647- 1703)- Quartermaster of Capt. William Turner's Com- pany in the "Falls Fight," May 19, 1676, King Philip's War. Fifth in descent from Capt. Nathaniel Foote, III. (1682- 1774), appointed Ensign from the town of Branford, 1709. Ensign from Colchester, 1721 ; Lieutenant, 1732; Captain, 1736 and 1743. Deputy to the General Court, 1725, '26, '2y, '28, '29, '30, '31, '32, '38, '39, '42, '43, '44, '45, '46. Served as Justice for Hartford County, 1731- 1762. Deputy to the General Court from the town of Branford, 1698- 1700, '06, '08, Eighth in descent from Nathaniel Foote, first settler (1593-1644). Deputy to the General Court of Con- necticut, 1641, '42, '44. Fourth in descent from Daniel Foote (1717-1801). Dep- uty to the General Court of Connecticut, 1762, '63, '64, '65, '66, '67, '69, '71, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76. Justice for Hartford County, 1763-74. Eighth in descent from Lieut. Samuel Smith (1602-1680). Lieutenant of Hadley Troop, 1663-78. Deputy to the General Court, 1661-73. Commissioner to negotiate with the Mohawks, 1667, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Seventh in descent from Samuel Marshfield (1630- 1692). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, for Springfield, in 1680, '83, '84. (goff of (BXent6er6. 53 State General Society No. Society No. Sixth in descent from Capt. James Newton (. .. .-i735)> Captain of First Company, Colchester, Conn., 1716. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1713, '14, '15, '16. Eighth in descent from Nathaniel Ely (1585- 1675). Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1657. Sixth in descent from Joseph Kellog-g (1627-1707). Was a Lieutenant at Hadley, 1662. He was a Sergeant in Capt. William Turner's Company, in "Falls Fight," May 19, 1676. Seventh in descent from Stephen Terry (....-1668). Served in the Windsor Troop of Horse, 1658, the first troop organized in the Colony of Connecticut. Eighth in descent from John Howland (1593- 1674). Signer of the Compact on Mayflower, 1620. In the "First Encounter" Great Meadow Creek, December 6, 1620. Assistant to Governor, 1633-35. In command of Kennebec Trading Post, 1634. Deputy to General Court, 1641. The "Beloved Pilgrim." Seventh in descent from John Howland, Jr. (1627-. . . .). "Ensign of the Military Companie of Barnstable," in 1675, in King Philip's War. Lieutenant of the Military Company of Barnstable, 1682. Eighth in descent from Deacon William Crocker (1612- 1692). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1670, '71, '74. Ninth in descent from Joseph Loomis (1616-87). Soldier in King Philip's War from Connecticut. Sixth in descent from John Skinner (1675-1740). Ensign of Connecticut Troops, 1712. Lieutenant, 1715- Deputy to the General Court, 1726-27, Seventh in descent from WilHam Swift (....-1706). Deputy to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1673, '76, '78. 54 ^octetg of Cofomaf ^axe. State vjEneral Society No. Society No. Sixth in descent from Nathaniel Beach (1662-1747). Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1727. Fifth in descent from Josiah Beach (1694-. . . . )• Ensign of Connecticut Troops, 1738. Lieutenant, 1741. Ninth in descent from John Tilly, Signer of the Compact on Mayflower, 1620. In the "First Encounter," Great Meadow Creek, December 6, 1620. Eighth m descent from Philip Groves ( . . . .-1675). Dep- uty to the General Court of Connecticut for Stratford, 1642, '48, 'SI, 'S3, '54, '55, '56, '60, '61, '62, '63, '65. In 1660, appointed one of the Grand Jury for the Colony. Assistant Magistrate, 1654, 'SS, '56. In 1653, on the Committee on impending war with the Dutch. Eighth in descent from Deacon Samuel Chapin ( - 167s). For many years appointed with John Pynchon and Eleazer Holyoke by the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay Colony, to govern Springfield. At its burning in King Philip's War, was a participant in repelling the attack from fortified houses. Seventh in descent from Thomas Newton. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1645. Seventh in descent from Richard Hubbell (1627- 1699). Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1678, '79, 1681. Eighth in descent from Robert Bodfish ( -1651). A member of Lieut. John Blackman's Company, Sand- wich, Massachusetts, 1643. Eighth in descent from Robert Lee ( - ). Mem- ber of Plymouth Military Company, 1643. Eighth in descent from Richard Vore (....- ). Windsor, Connecticut. Member of Windsor Military Company. CLIFFORD GREVE. MURILLO PORTRAIT. WILLIAM HENRY GREGG. William Henry Gregg and Sons. NORRIS BRADFORD GREGC. WILLIAM HENRY (,REGG. Jr. (goff of (gXemSetfi. 55 State General Society No. Society No. Eighth in descent from John Porter, Sr. (1600- 1648). Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut for Wind- sor, 1646-47. Eighth in descent from William Swift, Sr. (. . . .-1644). In Lieut. John Blackmer's Company, Sandwich, Mas- sachusetts, 1643. 82. GREEN, CHARLES EDWARD, St. Joseph 2437 Fifth in descent from Col. John Stoddard (1681-1748). North Hampton, Massachusetts. Colonel Massachu- setts Militia, Assistant and Chief Justice, Court of Com- — mon Pleas. 18. GREGG, WILLIAM HENRY, St. Louis 767 Third in descent from Maj. Samuel Gregg (1738-1808). Sergeant in Capt. Rodger's Company of Rangers in the French and Indian Wars, 1758. Was in the Cape Bre- ton Expedition, and at the storming of the French works at Caberrus Bay. 19. GREGG, NORRIS BRADFORD, St. Louis 768 Fourth in descent from Maj. Samuel Gregg (1738-1808). Sergeant in Capt. Rodger's Company of Rangers in the French and Indian Wars, 1758. Was in the Cape Bre- ton Expedition, and at the storming of the French works at Caberrus Bay. 20. GREGG, WILLIAM HENRY, Jr., St. Louis 769 Fourth in descent from Maj. Samuel Gregg (1738- 1808). Sergeant in Capt. Rodger's Company of Rangers in the French and Indian Wars, 1758. Was in the Cape Bre- ton Expedition, and at the storming of the French works at Caberrus Bay. 179. GREVE, CLIFFORD, St. Louis. Sixth in descent from Colonel James Otis (1702-1778). Barnstable, Massachusetts. Commander of the County 56 ^ocie^ of Cofoniaf O37at0. State General Society No. Society No. Militia. Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1764 to 1776. Member of the Provisional Legislature, 1768. Speaker of the House. Ninth in descent from Edward Dotey (1599-1655). In the First Encounter, December 8, 1620. Member of Captain Myles Standish's ist Military Company, 1621, at Plymouth, also 1643. Seventh in descent from Captain Matthew Fuller (1610- 1678). Sergeant under Captain Myles Standish, 1643. Lieutenant at Barnstable, 1652. Lieutenant of Captain Standish's expedition against Manhattoes Colony, 1654. Chairman of Council of War. Lieutenant of the Forces against the Saconet Indians, 1671. Surgeon- General, 1673. Captain, King Philip's War. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Fuller (...-1675), Barnstable, Mass. Lieutenant in Captain Michael Pierce's Company, King Philip's War. Killed at Rehoboth Ambuscade. Ninth in descent from John Faunce (. . .-1654). Member of Plymouth Company, 1643. Seventh in descent from Capt. Christopher Clark (...-1727). Virginia Militia, Hanover County, 1727. Seventh in descent from John Smith (...-...). Member of Lieutenant Thomas Dimmock's Company, Barn- stable, Massachusetts, 1643. Seventh in descent from Colonel John Otis (1657-1727). Commander of Barnstable Militia. Judge of H. M. Council service against Indians. Eighth in descent from Nathaniel Bacon (1614-1673), Barnstable, Mass. Deputy, 1652-65. Governor's Assist- ant, 1657-73. Member of Council of War, 1658-67. Eighth in descent from John Otis (1620-1684). In King Philip's War, in the companies of Captains Henchman and Moseley. WILLIAM BRADFORD HOMER. murillo portrait. WILLIAM EDWARD HEDGCOCK. muriulo portrait. (go^ of (8tem6er5. 57 State General Society No. Society No. Fifth in descent from Colonel Joseph Otis (1725-6-7- 1810), Barnstable, Massachusetts. Representative to the General Court, 1774. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Allyn (1644- 1726), Barnstable, Mass. In King Philip's War. Dep- uty, 1682-84. Ninth in descent from Thomas Allyn (. . .-1680), Barn- stable, Massachusetts. In the Military Company, 1643, under Lieutenant Thomas Dimmock. Ninth in descent from Rev. John Mayo (. ..-1676). In the Military Company of Lieutenant Thomas Dymoke, 1643-44. 177. HEDGCOCK, WILLIAM EDWARD, St. Louis 4401 Fifth in descent from John Smead (1673-1720). Soldier in the Meadow Fight at Deerfield, Massachusetts, Feb- ruary 29, 1703, Queen Anne War. 143. HOMER, Hon. WILLIAM BRADFORD, St. Louis 3697 Seventh in descent from John Hoar (....-1704), Scituate and Concord, Massachusetts. Member Scituate Company, 1643. I" King Philip's War. Seventh in descent from Deacon Samuel Chapin ( . . . . -1675), Springfield, Massachusetts. Appointed by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony to govern Springfield. At its burning in King Philip's War was a participant in repelling the attack from fortified houses. Seventh in descent from Quartermaster George Colton (....-1699), Springfield, Massachusetts. Quarter- master Hampshire County Troop, 1663. In King Philip's War. Deputy, 1669, '71, ''jy. Seventh in descent from Humphrey Turner ( . . . .-1673), Scituate, Massachusetts. Representative Plymouth Colony, 1640 et seq. Private in Military Company. 53 ^ocief^ of Cofoniaf Wars. State General Society No. Society No. Fifth in descent from Deacon Henry Burt (1663-1748), Springfield, Massachusetts. Served against the Indians in 1698. Eighth in descent from Governor Henry Wolcott (1578- 1655). Deputy, 1639. Magistrate to Assistant Gov- ernor, i643-'55. Eighth in descent from Thomas Ford ( . . . .-1676), Wind- sor, Connecticut. Deputy, 1637, '38, '39, '41, '44, '54. Seventh in descent from Capt. Luke Hitchcock ( . . . . -1659), Wethersfield, Connecticut, 1644. Captain at Crown Point, 1659. Sixth in descent from Lieut. John Hitchcock (1642-1712). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1699, '01, '05. Served in the Falls Fight under Capt. William Turner. Lieutenant in King William's War. Sixth in descent from Sergt. Ebenezer Strong (1643- 1728). Sergeant in the North Hampton, Massachusetts Company in King William's War. Seventh in descent from Edward Stebbins (....-1663). Member of the Committee of the Massachusetts Bay Colony General Court to consider Endicott's defacing of the English colors. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1639- 1656. Third in descent from Richard Bishop (1732-1806). In Capt. Daniel Burt's Company, Col. William's Regiment for the reduction of Canada, 1758. Seventh in descent from Robert Goodell (1604-1683). Served under Maj. Daniel Denison. On guard at Salem against the expected attack of Dutch and French in 1667. Seventh in descent from Sergt. Job Drake (....-1689). Sergeant in Militia at Windsor, Connecticut. (RofP of (gtemBetfi. 59 State General Society No. Society No. Sixth in descent from Thomas Bishop (....-1694). Served under Capt. Poole at Hadley, 1675. Member of Capt. Mosely's Company in King Philip's War, 1676. Sixth in descent from James Warriner (1641-1727). Sol- dier under Col. Pynchon, 1668. Built Gilbert Fort, Brookfield. Sixth in descent from Jonathan Burt (1630-1715). At the burning of Springfield, Massachusetts, by the In- dians, October 5, 1675, during King Philip's War. Was one of those who defended the town. Fifth in descent from Capt. Leonard Hoar (1682-1771), Brimfield, Massachusetts. Ensign-Lieutenant and Cap- tain of Brimfield Company. Sixth in descent from Daniel Hoar ( 1650- ....). Mem- ber of the Concord, Massachusetts Company, King Philip's War. Fourth in descent from Jacob Goodell (1708- ) Pri- vate in Capt. Fry's Company, Col. Eleazer Fitch's Regiment, Connecticut Troops, 1758. Sixth in descent from Zachariah Goodell (1640-...,). Served under Maj. Daniel Denison, On Guard at Salem against the expected attack of Dutch and French, 1667. Eighth in descent from Sergt. Thomas Spencer (....- 1687). Served under Maj. John Mason in Pequot War. Sixth in descent from Samuel Bliss (1624-1720). Volun- teer in Narragansett War. Seventh in descent from Sergt. Thomas Huxley (....- 1721). Member of New Haven Train Band, 1660. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Thomas Stebbins (1620- 1683). Lieutenant in Capt. Turner's Company Falls Fight, King Philip's War. 60 ^ocietg of Cofontdf ^mb. State General Society No. Society No, Sixth in descent from Lieut. Joseph Stebbins (1652- 1726). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1698, '07, '17/21. Fourth in descent from Corp. Daniel Williams (1712- ....). Private in Capt. Barker's Company, Col. Nathan Whiting's Regiment, 1758. Corporal in Capt. Fitch's Company, Col. Nathan Whiting's 2d Connecticut Regi- ment, 1759. Seventh in descent from John Leonard (....-1676). ' Killed in King Philip's War. Seventh in descent from Samuel Stratton, Jr. (....- 1707). Corporal in Capt. Wheeler's Concord, Massa- chusetts Company, King Philip's War. Eighth in descent from Rev. Henry Smith (1588-1648). Member of the First General Court of Connecticut, which consisted of the members appointed by Governor Winthrop, of Massachusetts, 1636. Soldier in the Pequot War. Seventh in descent from Elder John Strong ( 1605- 1699). Deputy to the General Court of Plymouth Col- ony, 1 64 1, '42, '43. Seventh in descent from Elder James Bates (1582-1655). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay Col- ony, 1640. Seventh in descent from Henry Burt (1615-1662), Dor- chester and Springfield, Massachusetts. Member of the First Military Company, Springfield. In 1657, Clerk of the Company. Sixth in descent from Hon. James Bates (1624- 17 18). Representative to the General Court of Connecticut, from Haddam, 1670, et seq. Eighth in descent from George Hubbard (1594-1683). Deputy Magistrate in Connecticut, 1637, et seq. Magis- trate, 1670-76. ROBERT MORRIS HUBBARD. (RofP of (8tem6er0. 6i State General Society No. Society JNo. Seventh in descent from Samuel Rice (1634-1684). Mem- ber of the garrison at the house of Joseph Rice in Marl- boro, Mass., 1675. Eighth in descent from Thomas King (...-...). In gar- rison at Marlboro, at the house of William Kirby, King Philip's War. Sixth in descent from Thomas Noble (1632-1704). Dep- uty to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1692. Eighth in descent from Edmond Rice (1594-1663). Dep- uty to the General Court of Massachusetts from Sud- bury, 1640. Seventh in descent from Captain William Dixey ( 1608- 1690). Ensign of Salem, Massachusetts, Company. Captain of Beverley Company. Fourth in descent from Sergeant Ichabod Bliss (1705- 1766). Sergeant to the Western Frontier. French and Indian War, June, 1747. 145. HUBBARD, ROBERT MORRIS, St. Louis 3723 Third in descent from Jonathan Hubbard (1718-1759). Served under Col. Joseph Blanchard as Adjutant of the Regiment of New Hampshire Troops, 1754, '55. Served in Maj. Tash's Battalion Stationed at Charles- town, New Hampshire, 1757. 94. JACKSON, Prof. GEORGE EDWARDS, LL.D., St. Louis. 2822 Seventh in descent from Edward Jackson (1602-1681). Deputy from Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1647, fo'" sev- enteen years. Sixth in descent from Lieut. James Trowbridge (1636- 1717), Newton, Massachusetts. Deputy to the General Court from Cambridge, 1700- 1703. Served in King Philip's War. Lieutenant, 1675. Fourth in descent from Lieut. Robert Murdock (1694- 1762). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1 75 1. Lieutenant of Newton Militia. 64 ^octetjj of Cofomaf ^(Xxb, State General Society No. Society Mo. Sixth in descent from Benjamin Thurston (1640-1678). Served in King PhiHp's War as Ensign of Boston Com- pany. Seventh in descent from Griffin Craft (1609-1689). Lieu- tenant of Roxbury Company, Massachusetts MiHtia, 1653, '75, 'y6. Deputy to the General Court of Massa- chusetts, 1638, '63, 6y. Fifth in descent from Samuel Hyde (1667-1741). Ensign of Newton, Massachusetts, Militia, Seventh in descent from Robert Walker (1607-1687). Ensign of Militia under Capt. Nathaniel Turner. Sixth in descent from Richard Ellis (. . . .-1694). Lieu- tenant of Dedham Militia. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1692. Sixth in descent from Andrew Dewing (....-1677). Member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany, 1644. In 1675 the 2nd Company of Natick In- dians was located near the Garrison House, in charge of Andrew Dewing, and his sons. Fourth in descent from Captain Jonathan Fuller ( 1687- 1764). Captain of Newton, Massachusetts, Militia. Seventh in descent from John Scarborough (...-1646). Member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany, June 9, 1646. Was "slain by charging a great gunn." 95. JACKSON, EDWARD FISHER, St. Louis 2823 Eighth in descent from Edward Jackson (1602-1681). Deputy from Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1647, ^^^ seventeen years. Seventh in descent from Lieut. James Trowbridge (1636- 1717), Newton, Massachusetts. Deputy to the General Court from Cambridge, 1700-03. Served in King Philip's War. Lieutenant, 1675. EDWARD FISHER JACKSON. (Roff of (BUmBetB, 65 State General Society No. Society Wo. Fifth in descent from Lieut. Robert Murdock (1694- 1762). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1 75 1. Lieutenant of Newton Militia. Fifth in descent from Col. Aaron Davis (1709- 1777). Captain, 1774. Colonel, 1775. Delegate to the Provin- cial Congress of Massachusetts, 1774-76. Seventh in descent from Simon Stone, Jr. (1631-1708), Watertown, Massachusetts. Deputy to the General Court, 1678-90. He was in garrison at Menden, 1675, and at Groton, 1676. Served under Capt. Joseph Syll, 1676. Eighth in descent from Simon Stone (1585-1665), Water- town, Massachusetts. Deputy to the General Court, 1636-56. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Edward Morris (1630- 1690), Roxbury, Massachusetts. Deputy to the General Court, 1677-87. First Military Officer of Woodstock, Connecticut. Fourth in descent from Lieut. -Col. Ephraim Jackson (1729-1777), Newton, Massachusetts. Lieutenant in French and Indian War, 1755-56. Captain in expedi- tion to Canada in 1760. Captain in expedition to Ticon- deroga in 1760. Died at Valley Forge, December 19, 1777. Eighth in descent from Capt. Joseph Weld (i 595-1646), Roxbury, Massachusetts. Captain of Militia, under Col. John Winthrop, 1636. Ensign of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1638. Representative to the Colonial Congress. Seventh in descent from John Weld (i 623-1 691). Served in Garrison at Brookfield, in King Philip's War, under Capt. Syll. Eighth in descent from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton (....-1661), Dorchester, Massachusetts. Deputy, 1638, et seq. Speaker, 1653. Governor's Assistant, 66 ^octetg of Cofoniaf ^axB, State General Society No. Society No. 1654-61. Lieutenant, 1645. Captain of Militia; 1646, and of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1650-58. Commanded expedition against the Narra- gansetts, 1656. Major-General, 1661. Sixth in descent from Capt. Joseph Fuller (1652-1740), Newton, Massachusetts. Captain of Militia. Served as private in Capt. Richard Beers' Company, in King Philip's War. In 1736, land was granted him by the General Court for service m the "Falls Fight," under Capt. William Turner. Sixth in descent from Honorable Ebenezer Stone (1662- 1754). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1708-17. Royal Councillor of the Province. Sixth in descent from Joshua Child (1658-1730). Served in King Philip's War, in Capt. John Holbrook's Com- pany. Served as private in Indian Wars, 1718. Eighth in descent from John Newgate (1580-1665). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1638. Seventh in descent from Sebas Jackson (1642-1690). Newton, Massachusetts. Private in the Company of Capt. Poole, in King Philip's War. Eighth in descent from John Whipple, Sr. (....-1669). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1640-63. Seventh in descent from Samuel Walker (1655-1712). Served under Maj. William Bradford in King Philip's War. He was Cornet, Lieutenant and Captain. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1705. Eighth in descent from Philip Walker ( . . . .-1679). Dep- uty to the General Court at Plymouth, 1669. Eighth in descent from Nicholas Ide (1620-1690). Served in King Philip's War under Maj. William Bradford. Sixth in descent from John Mirick ( . . . .-1706). Served in King Philip's War under Captain Syll. Also served in the Garrison at Chelmsord. (goff of (8tem6er6. 67 State General Society No. Society No. Eighth in descent from William French (1603-1681). Member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany, 1638. Captain in 1681. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1660-1663. Seventh in descent from Benjamin Thurston (1640-1678). Served in King Philip's War as Ensign of Boston Company. Eighth in descent from Griffin Craft (1609-1689). Lieu- tenant of Roxbury Company, Massachusetts Militia, 1653, '75' '76- Deputy to the General Court of Massa- chusetts, 1638, '63, '67. Sixth in descent from Samuel Hyde ( 1667-1741 ). Ensign of Newton, Massachusetts Militia. Eighth in descent from Robert Walker (1607-1687). Ensign of Militia under Capt. Nathaniel Turner. Seventh in descent from Richard Ellis (....-1694). Lieutenant of Dedham Militia. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1692. Seventh in descent from Andrew Dewing (....-1677). Member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany, 1644. In 1675 the 2nd Company of the Natick Indians was located near the Garrison House, in charge of Andrew Dewing and his sons. Fifth in descent from Captain Jonathan Fuller (1687- 1764). Captain of Newton, Massachusetts, Militia. Eighth in descent from John Scarborough (...-1646). Member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany, June 9, 1646. Was "slain by charging a great gunn." Eighth in descent from George Norton, Sr. (...-...), Gloucester, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1642- 43. Sergeant and Drill Master at Gloucester, R/[ay 29, 1644. 68 ^ocietg of Cofonidf ^ats. State Gekeral Society No. Society N Seventh in descent from George Norton, Jr. (1641-1696), Suffield, Massachusetts. First Deputy from Suffield to the General Court, 1693. Ensign and Captain of MiUtia, 168 1, In garrison at Brookfield, July 24, 1676. 47. JAMES, THOMAS, Baltimore, Md 127 Sixth in descent from James Claypoole (1634-1687). A member of the Pennsylvania Provincial Couricil for Philadelphia County, 1687. Seventh in descent from Major William Andrews, Jr. (. . .-1673). Member of Virginia House of Burgesses from Northampton County, 1663. Seventh in descent from Thomas Harmanson (. . .-1702), Member Virginia House of Burgesses from Northamp- ton County, 1688. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Nathaniel Lit- tleton (...-1702-03). Lieutenant-Colonel Virginia Troops. Seventh in descent from Colonel Southey Littleton ( 1645- 1679). Colonel of Virginia Forces, serving against Indians under Governor Berkley. Sent to New York as Commissioner on Indian Affairs to confer with Gov- ernor Andros and make peace with the Five Nations. Member of court-martial to try Nathaniel Bacon. Eighth in descent from Major Edmund Bowman (1625- 1691). Member of Virginia House of Burgesses. Cap- tain and Major. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel William An- drews, Sr. (...-1655). Appointed Commissioner of Accomac County, Virginia, 1633. Appointed Major, January i, 1654, and later Lieutenant-Colonel. Eighth in descent from Colonel Obedience Robins (1600- 1662). Member of Virginia House of Burgesses from Accomac County, 1629, '44, '52. Member of Council FREDERICK NEWTON JUDSON (goff of (BtemBers. 69 State General Society No. Society No. of State, 1655-59. Appointed Commander of the Eastern Shore, 1632. Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel. Appointed Colonel, April i, 1658. Eighth in descent from Ensign Thomas Savage (1594- 1627). Commanded the Expedition of the Great Bay (Chesapeake). Seventh in descent from Captain John Savage (1624- 1678). Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses from Northampton County, and Military Captain, 1666-67. Eighth in descent from Colonel Nathaniel Littleton ( . . . - 1654). Chief Magistrate of Northampton County, Vir- ginia, 1640. Member of Virginia House of Burgesses from Northampton County, 1652, et seq. Member of Council of State. Sixth in descent from Captain Thomas Savage (1669- 1728). Captain in Virginia Milita. 59. JUDSON, Hon. FREDERICK NEWTON, St. Louis. . . . 1533 Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Welles (1598-1660), Wethersfield, Connecticut. Magistrate of Governing Court, 1637-60. Second Treasurer, 1639-51. Governor, 1640-48. Governor, pro tem., 165 1. Deputy Governor, 1654, '56, '57, '59. Governor, 1655, '58. Commissioner for the United Colonies, 1649. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Thomas Wheeler (....- 1672). Lieutenant in the Connecticut Colonial Service. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1670-71. Seventh in descent from John Welles (1621-1659). Dep- uty to the General Court of Connecticut, 1656, '57, '59. Assistant, 1658. Eighth in descent from Sergt. Francis Nichols (....- 1650). Training Sergeant for Stratford, 1639. Seventh in descent from Samuel Sherman (1618-1700). Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1637, 70 ^octetg of Cofontaf ^ats. Statb General Society No. Society Wo. which declared war against the Pequots. Assistant, 1663, '68. On committee to defend coast against the Dutch, 1665. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Joseph Judson (1610- 1690). Ensign Stratford Company. Committee to de- fend the coast from Stratford to Rye, against the Dutch, under Admiral DeReuter. Lieutenant, 1672. In King Philip's War. Lieutenant Woodbury, Train Band, 1684. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1684, '86. Seventh in descent from Isaac Nichols (....-1695), Stratford, Connecticut. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1662, '65. Sixth in descent from Ambrose Thompson (i 651-1742). Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1697, 1704, '05, '06, '10, '12, '17. Sixth in descent from Capt. James Judson (1650-1720), In King Philip's War. Lieutenant of Dragoons, 1690. Captain, 1698. Deputy to the General Court of Connec- ticut, 1 689- 1 706. 157. KENNETT, WILLIAM POTTS, St. Louis 4002 Fifth in descent from Joshua Hempstead (1678-1758). Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1718, et seq. Ensign, 1721. Lieutenant, 1724. Captain, 1726. Of the 2d Company Train Band, New London, Connec- ticut. Serving until 1739. 137. LITTLE. Rev. EDWARD PORTER, Elizabeth. N. J 3661 Seventh in descent from Governor William Bradford (1589-1651). Governor of Plymouth Colony. Seventh in descent from John Alden (1599-1687). In Capt. Myles Standish's Duxbury Company, 1643. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1632, '40, '50, '86. Deputy, 1641, '42, '44, '49. Member Council of War, '46, et seq. ; Ply- mouth Colony. Jp?l/l,.a^ (^CH^ FRANCIS HENRY LUDINGTON (go^ of OtemBetB. 7i General State Society No. Society No. Sixth in descent from Thomas Little ( -1671), Ply- mouth and Marshfield, Massachusetts. In Plymouth Company, 1643. 158. LUDINGTON, FRANCIS HENRY, St. Louis 4070 Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Wyman (1621- 1684), Charlestown and Woburn, Massachusetts, 1640. Cornet in Captain Thomas Prentiss' Troop, Mt. Hope Campaign, 1675. Lieutenant Narragansett Fight. Fifth in descent from Seth Wyman (1717-1808). Cor- poral in the Troop of Horse, 3d Regiment of Militia, Middlesex and Worcester Counties, Massachusetts, under command of Captain Benjamin Eager, 1757. Corporal in the Company of Lieutenant Stephen May- nard, for relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Sixth in descent from Captain Seth Wyman, Sr. (1665- 1715). Lieutenant Woburn Militia, 1705-12. Captain, 1712-15. Fifth in descent from Captain Seth Wyman (1686-1725). Captain Massachusetts Provincial Troops, 1725. Seventh in descent from Major William Johnson (1629- 1704), Woburn, Massachusetts. Deputy to the General Court, 1674, et seq. Governor's Assistant, 1683-86. Member of Council, 1684-86. Fourth in descent from Edward Harrington (1702- 1792). Corporal in the Company of Captain John Cutting's Troop of Horse, Massachusetts Troops, 1748. Private in the Company of Captain Coolidge's (Watertown) Company, Colonel William Brattle's Regiment, in the Expedition against Crown Point, 1755. Captain of a Company on Expedition against Crown Point. 1755. Third in descent from Jonathan Harrington (1741-1793). Private in the Company of Captain John Taplin, Colonel Frye's Regiment, 1759-60. 12 ^octetg of Cofoniaf WdtB. State General Society No. Society No. 159. LUDINGTON, ELLIOT KINGMAN, St. Louis 4071 Eighth in descent from Lieutenant John Wyman (1621- 1684), Charlestown and Woburn, Massachusetts, 1640. Cornet in Captain Thomas Prentiss' Troop, Mt. Hope Campaign, 1675. Lieutenant Narragansett Fight. Sixth in descent from Seth Wyman (1717-1808). Cor- poral in the Troop of Horse, 3d Regiment of MiHtia, Middlesex and Worcester Counties, Massachusetts, under command of Captain Benjamin Eager, 1757. Corporal in the Company of Lieutenant Stephen May- nard, for relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Seventh in descent from Captain Seth Wyman, Sr. (1665- 1715). Lieutenant Woburn Militia, 1705-12. Captain, 1712-15. Sixth in descent from Captain Seth Wyman (1686-1725). Captain Massachusetts Provincial Troops, 1725. Eighth in descent from Major William Johnson (1629- 1704), Woburn, Massachusetts. Deputy to the General Court, 1674, et seq. Governor's Assistant, 1683-86. Member of Council, 1684-86. Fifth in descent from Edward Harrington (1702- 1792). Corporal in the Company of Captain John Cutting's Troop of Horse, Massachusetts Troops, 1748, Private in the Company of Captain Coolidge's (Watertown) Company, Colonel William Brattle's Regiment, in the Expedition against Crown Point, 1755. Captain of a Company on Expedition against Crown Point, 1755. Fourth in descent from Jonathan Harrington (1741- 1793). Private in the Company of Captain John Tap- lin, Colonel Frye's Regiment, 1759-60. 126. LYON, GEORGE ELMER, M. D., St. Louis 3422 Seventh in descent from Capt. Thomas Hicks (1640- 1741). Under Capt. John Hicks at the Indian Battle ELLIOT KINGMAN LUDIXGTON. murillo portrait. Cf)L. JAMES HAMILTON McCORD. X. C, M. (go^ of (Btem6m. 73 State General Society No, Society No. at Fort Neck, 1653. Captain of Militia at Hempstead. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Queens County, New York. 76. McCORD, Col. JAMES HAMILTON, N.G.M., St. Joseph. 2369 Fifth in descent from Capt. John Paxton (171 5- 1787). Lieutenant in Capt. Thomas Harris' Company, Lancas- ter County, Pennsylvania, Provincials, in active service in defense of the frontier, 1748; also in service in Vir- ginia Indian Wars. Fifth in descent from William Wood (....-....). Lieu- tenant of the Albemarle County, Virginia, Militia, in active service for the defense and protection of the frontier against the Indians, September, 1758. 77. McCORD, SAMUEL STEELE, St. Joseph 2370 Fifth in descent from Capt. John Paxton (171 5- 1787). Lieutenant in Capt. Thomas Harris' Company, Lan- caster County Pennsylvania, Provincials, in active serv- ice in defense of the frontier, 1748; also in service in Virginia Indian Wars. Fifth in descent from William Wood (....-....). Lieu- tenant of the Albemarle County, Virginia, Militia, in active service for the defense and protection of the fron- tier against the Indians, September, 1758. 79. McCORD, GEORGE LAWRENCE, Pueblo, Colo 2372 Fifth in descent from Capt. John Paxton (1715-1787). Lieutenant in Capt. Thomas Harris' Company, Lancas- ter County, Pennsylvania, Provincials, in active service in defense of the frontier, 1748; also in service in Vir- ginia Indian Wars. Fifth in descent from William Wood (....-....). Lieu- tenant of the Albemarle County, Virginia, Militia, in active service for the defense and protection of the , frontier against the Indians, September, 1758. 74 ^ocietg of Cofomaf ^ 1755- Seventh in descent from Peter Beverly (...-...). Speaker of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1700-05, '10, '14. Sixth in descent from Francis Thornton (1682-. . . ). Bur- gess from Spottsylvania County, Virginia, 1723-26. 34. MERIWETHER, HUNTER McKEAND, Kansas City. Sixth in descent from Nicholas Meriwether (1647-1744). Burgess for New Kent County, Virginia, 1702-14. Fifth in descent from Francis Thornton (1682-, . .). Bur- gess from Spottsylvania County, Virginia, 1723-26. 104. MEYSENBURG, ROBERT CARR, Chicago, 111 2981 Seventh in descent from Walter Chiles (....-....). Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Speaker. Member of the Council, 1652, Sixth in descent from Walter Chiles ( ). Mem- ber of the Virginia House of Burgesses from James City County. CHARLES LOUIS MERIWETHER, D. M. D. HUNTER McKEAND MERIWETHER. GEORGE TURNER PARKER. CLARENCE FISHER NEWCOMB. (goff of (gtem6erB. 11 State General Society No. Society JNo, 155. MUDGE, SOLOMON HINCKLEY, St. Louis 3992 Seventh in descent from John Mudge (1654-1733). Pri- vate in the Company of Capt. Moseley from Dedham, Massachusetts, King Phihp's War. 170. NEWCOMB, CLARENCE FISHER, Chicago 4267. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Andrew Newcomb (1640-1708. Lieutenant in command of the fortifica- tions at Edgartown, Massachusetts, 1691. Seventh in descent from Governor WiUiam Bradford (1589-1657). Governor of Plymouth Colony. Sixth in descent from Major William Bradford (1624- 1704). Deputy Governor, Plymouth Colony, 1682, '86, '89, '92. Assistant, 1668-82. Commanded Plymouth forces Great Swamp Fight. Commissioner of the United Colonies. 128. PARKER, GEORGE TURNER, St. Louis 3424 Ninth in descent from Maj. Aaron Cook (1610-1690). Major of the Hartford Troop, 1658. Deputy, 1668. Ensign, 1676. Captain of a Garrison in King Philip's War. Eighth in descent from John Case (. . . .-1704). Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1670, '74, '75, '91. Eighth in descent from James Eno (1651-1714). A soldier in King Philip's War. In the Great Swamp Fight. Fourth in descent from Jonas Stone (1725-. . . .). Dep- uty to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1775. Fifth in descent from Isaac Stone (1695-1776). Corporal in the Company of Capt. William Pierce. Col. John Whitcomb's Regiment, Massachusetts Provincial Forces, 1755. In Capt. Henry Ernes' Company, 1757. In the Company of Capt. Israel Taylor, Col, Wilder's 78 §ockt2 of Cofontdf ^dr0. State General Society No. Society Wo. Regiment, for the Relief of Fort William Henry. In Capt. James Reed's Company, Col. Timothy Ruggles' Regiment, 1758. Seventh in descent from Samuel Stone (1635-1715). Trooper under Maj. Willard against Ninigret, 1654. Captain of Lexington Company. Eighth in descent from Gregory Stone (1590- 1672). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1638. Eighth in descent from John Bent (1603-1672). Cor- poral in the Sudbury Company for defense against the Indians in King Philip's War. Was on the rolls ten years. Sixth in descent from Jonathan Moore (1669-....). Private in the 2nd Company of Foot of Sudbury, Mas- sachusetts, under command of Capt. Josiah Richard- son, 1757. Eighth in descent from Nathan Gillette (....-1670). Trooper of the Windsor Company, under Capt. John Mason in Pequot War. Eighth in descent from Joseph Phelps (1667-1750). Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1709-27. Scout under Lieut. Crocker, 1712. Ninth in descent from William Phelps (1599-1672.) One of the Eight Commissioners appointed by the Bay Colony, March 3, 1636, to govern the people of Con- necticut. Governor's Assistant, 1636, '42, '58, '62, and Member of Council, 1637, Pequot War. Ninth in descent from Edward Griswold (1638-1691). Built "Old Fort," Springfield. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut for Windsor and Killingworth. Seventh in descent from Thomas Hastings (1605-1685). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1673. Eighth in descent from John Coolidge (1604-1681). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1658. QRoff of (BtemBetB. 79 o-._p. General STATE Society No. Society No. Fourth in descent from John Wright (1743-1825). Sec- ond Lieutenant of the loth Company, 3rd Regiment Connecticut Troops, 1759. Sixth in descent from James Parker (161 7-1 701). Lieu- tenant, 1673. Captain, 1678. Commanded Garrison at Groton, Massachusetts. Ninth in descent from Daniel Clark (1622-1710). Lieu- tenant ist Troop under Capt. John Mason, 1657-58. Captain, 1664-80. Secretary Colony of Connecticut, 1658-63. Deputy, 1656-61. Magistrate, 1662-64. Ninth in descent from WilHam Spencer (....-1640). Member of Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. Lieutenant, 1638. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1638. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1639-40. Eighth in descent from Robert Williams (1598-1693). Member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany of Boston, 1644. Seventh in descent from Isaac Wheeler (1646-1712). Volunteer in the Narragansett War. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut for Stonington, 1692. Eighth in descent from Thomas Park (....-....). Vol- unteer in the Narragansett War. Soldier in King Philip's War. Seventh in descent from Thomas Wright (1610-1670). Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut from Weth- ersfield, 1643. Fifth in descent from Oliver Moore (i707-i774)- En- gaged in several campaigns in Canada as Private of the 2nd Foot Company of Sudbury, Massachusetts, under command of Capt. Josiah Richardson, 1757. Seventh in descent from David Eno (1702- 1745). Sims- bury, Connecticut. Served under Capt. Preston, and was killed, 1745. 80 ^octetg of Cofonidf WctrB. State General Society No. Society J\o. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Nathan Fiske (1642- 1694). Lieutenant of Watertown, Massachusetts, Com- pany. Ninth in descent from John Peirce (. . . .-1661). Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1638. Drummer of Watertown Company. Eighth in descent from John Ball (....-1675). Soldier at Lancaster, Massachusetts, where he was killed dur- ing that siege, September 10, 1675. Ninth in descent from John Griffin (....-1681), Wind- sor, Connecticut. Deputy, 1670. Temporary comman- der at Simsbury, 1673. Sergeant, 1675. Ninth in descent from Michael Humphrey. Soldier in service with the Windsor Dragoons in 1670. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut. Seventh in descent from John Rediat, Marlboro, Massa- chusetts. In Garrison at Marlboro under Lieut. John Rudock, against the Hassanenesit Indians, 1675. Seventh in descent from Edward Rice (1619-1712), Marlboro, Massachusetts. Member of West Middlesex Regiment, and quartered in his Garrison House, 1691. Ninth in descent from Edmund Wright (1594-1663), Sudbury, Massachusetts. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1640, '01, '43. Seventh in descent from Capt. William Eager (....- 1690), Cambridge and Marlboro, Massachusetts. In Capt. Thomas Prentiss' Company, Middlesex Troop- ers, Mt. Hope Campaign, and under Lieut. Oakes, 1675-76. Sixth in descent from Capt. Abraham Eager (1670- 1734), Marlboro, Massachusetts. In Howe's Garrison, Marlboro, 171 1. Ninth in descent from John Purchase (. . . .-1645). Sol- dier in Pequot War with Capt. Mason, 1637. (goff of (memBere. 81 State Generai, Society No. Society No. Tenth in descent from Capt. John Bissell, Sr. (1591- 1677), Windsor, Connecticut. Deputy to the General Court, 1648, et seq. Served under Capt. John Mason, 1657-58. Captain of Windsor Troop, 1675-76, in King Philip's War. Eighth in descent from Joseph Bolles (1608-1678). Royal Commissioner for Province of Maine. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts. Tenth in descent from Thomas Ford (. . . .-1675). Dep- uty to the General Court of Connecticut, 1637-40. Eighth in descent from William Parke (1595- 1685). Member Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1638. Represenlted Roxbury, Massachusetts, in the General Court, 1635- 1667. Surveyor-General of Arms and Ammunition for the Colony, 1660. Sixth in descent from Jonathan Hyde (1626-1711). In Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Company Scouting near Sud- bury and Marlboro, King Philip's War. Eighth in descent from Samuel Boardman (1615-1673). Representative to the General Court of Connecticut, commencing 1657, for eighteen terms. Being present thirty-four sessions. Governor's Assistant, 1670. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Jonathan Boardman (1660-1712), Wethersfield, Connecticut. Ensign of the Train Band, 1698. Lieutenant, 1703. One of three in charge of Fort Deming. Ninth in descent from George Hubbard (1604-1684). Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, 1639, '55, '56. Fifth in descent from Lieut. John Wright (1709-1784). Second Lieutenant of loth Company, 3d Connecticut Regiment, 1759. Seventh in descent from Thomas Wickham ( 165 1- 1730), Wethersfield, Connecticut. Comet of the Troop. Eighth in descent from John Deming (1615-1705), Weth- ersfield, Connecticut. Representative to the General 82 ^ocietg of Cofottiaf Wars. State General Society No. Society No. Court, 1649-61. And one of the Patentees named in the Charter of 1662. Eighth in descent from Sergt. Thomas Hurlbut (1642- 1690). Sergeant of Militia of Wethersfield Indian Wars. Ninth in descent from Lieut. Thomas Hurlbut (1610- 1671), Wethersfield, Connecticut. Under Lion Gardiner in the Pequot War. Clerk of Train Band, 1640. Dep- uty, 1644. Lieutenant at the Saybrook Fort. Ninth in descent from Richard Treat (1584-1669-70), Wethersfield, Connecticut. Magistrate and Assistant, 1657-65. Deputy to the General Court fourteen years up to 1657-8. Member Governor John Winthrop's Council. Named by King Charles 2d, in 1662, in the Charter of the Colony as one of the Patentees. Ninth in descent from Nathaniel Foote (1593-1644), Wethersfield, Connecticut. Representative to the Gen- eral Court, 1 64 1, '42, '44. Eighth in descent from Thomas Wheeler (1602- 1686), Stonington, Connecticut. Representative to the Gen- eral Court for Stonington, 1668-69. Private in Lieut. William Hasey's Three County Troop. Capt. Edward Hutchinson King Philip's War. Ninth in descent from Robert Park (1573- 1665). Repre- sentative to the General Court of Connecticut from Wetherford, 1642- 1652. Eighth in descent from Sergt. John Woods (. . . .-1678), Sergeant of a Marlboro Garrison House, 1675. Seventh in descent from William Ward (1597-1687). Deputy to the General Court from Sudbury, 1644. And from Marlboro, 1666. In Garrison at Sudbury, King Philip's War. Sixth in descent from John Bouker (1657-1721). Ensign of Howe's Garrison, No. 8, King Philip's War. Q^off of (BXetttBere. 83 General bTATE Society No. Society No. Eighth in descent from John Stow ( 1 595-1643) » ^o^- bury, Massachusetts. Member Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. Eighth in descent from Abraham Howe ( -1695). En- sign in King Philip's War. In charge of Marlboro Gar- rison, No. 8. Eighth in descent from Andrew Moore ( -1719)- Soldier in Connecticut Colonial Service. Seventh in descent from Nathan Gillette (165 5- 1757). Soldier in Narragansett War. Ninth in descent from Humphrey Turner ( -1673). Scituate, Massachusetts. Representative Plymouth Colony, 1640. Private in Military Company. Eighth in descent from Capt. Timothy Phelps (1639- 1719). Lieutenant under Col. Wm. Whiting, Queen Anne's War. Captain, 1696. Seventh in descent from William Fletcher (...-...). En- sign of Middlesex Regiment, Major Daniel Goodkin, King Philip's War. Seventh in descent from John Wait (1629- 1722). Com- manded Foot Company in King Philip's War. Eighth in descent from George Woodward (1621-1676), Watertown, Massachusetts. In Captain John Cutler's Company in King Philip's War, and died in service. Severith in descent from Edward Tyng (1600-1681), Boston. Deputy to the General Court, 1661-62. Assist- ant, 1668-81. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley (1576- 1653). Second Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1634, et seq. Deputy Governor, 1630, et seq. ad int. Governor's Assistant, 1635-36. Commissioner, 1643, et seq., for and twice President of the United Colonies. Major-General Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany. Sixth in descent from Samuel Stow (...-...), Marlboro, Massachusetts. Soldier in King Philip's War. 84 ^ocid2 ^f Cofonidf ^, BORN March io, 1863. DIED AUGUST 15, 1909. Hugh Campbell Ward died in New York City August 15, 1909. Mr. Ward was born in Westport, Jackson County, Mis- souri, March 10, 1863. Westport is now a part of Kansas City, and it is here that Mr. Ward made his home throughout his lifetime. His father, Seth E Ward, a Virginian of Colonial antecedents, came West as a pioneer and engaged in the trad- ing business across the plains. His mother was the daughter of John Harris, also a pioneer settler. Hugh Ward spent seven years at William Jewell College at Liberty, Missouri, and later attended Harvard University, from which he was graduated in 1886. He took his legal training at the St. Louis Law School, completing the course in 1888. Mr. Ward en- tered upon the practice of his profession in Kansas City. He had a mind especially equipped for the law, and he entered upon his career with eagerness and determination. He had opportunities at the start which not every young lawyer pos- sesses, but these did not diminish his desire for work — his am- bition to earn success. He took an active interest in the pro- motion of public and semi-public enterprises, and entered poli- tics. He was elected to the Missouri Legislature in 1893, and served creditably to himself and with satisfaction to his con- stituents. Here Mr. Ward was a member of important com- mittees, and became noted as a close and hard-working legis- 148 3^^ (gftetnotidtn. lator. From 1897 to 1901 he was Police Commissioner of Kan- sas City and filled the office acceptably. His wealth and social position placed him beyond the temptation of office, nor could politics afifect his clear judgment. No rumor of scandal breathed upon his name in office or out, and the critics of municipal affairs regretted his retirement to private life. Mr. Ward's specialty in his profession was corporation law, and he was counsel for the Commerce Trust Company, the National Bank of Commerce, the Kansas City Home Telephone Company, and the Kansas City Long Distance Telephone Company; also counsel and director of the Kansas City Railway and Light Company, the Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railway, and a director of the National Bank of Com- merce. Last January he resigned from most of the above posi- tions in order to devote more of his time to private affairs. A farm of five hundred acres, formerly owned by his father, had lately been taken into the city, and Mr. Ward was having this tract of land developed into a high-class residence section. Mr. W^ard was a generous contributor to charitable and philanthropic enterprises. His life was cut short at the time of his greatest activity and widest usefulness. Mr. and Mrs. Ward had four children — Hugh Campbell. Jr., James Crawford, Frances and John Harris Ward, all of whom are living. Mr. Ward's right to membership in the Society of Colonial Wars was through the service of his ancestor, Seth Ward, from whom he was fifth in descent, member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1768. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 696 251 2 m