Price, 25 Cents A Strike in Santa Land A PLAY IN ONE ACT By EFFA E. PRESTON PAINE PUBLISHING CO. DAYTON, OHIO ; ? Song Specialties for Your Entertainments i I Teachers are discovering that no matter how t much novelty there is in their entertain- j ment, how well it is arranged, how thoroughly : drilled, if they want to hold the active interest ? of the audience they must use the best of songs^ I The songs must be real novelties. The words i must be interesting as well as decidedly clever. I The music must be catchy and abounding in rich ? melody. With these things in mind we have I prepared this list of superior song novelties for t our patrons. All are in regular sheet music form. Price, 35 cents each; 5 for $1.25 t WELCOME SONGS I We've Just Arrived from Bashful Town. I We Hope YouVe Brought Your Smiles I Along. I Come and Partake of OurWelcome Cake, t We're Very Glad to See You Here. I With Quaking Hearts We WelcomeYou. I CLOSING SONGS : I Mr. Sun and Mrs. Moon. I Now, Aren't You Glad You Came? I We Do Not Like to Say Goodbye. I We'll Now Have to Say Goodbye. • t • I Paine Publishing Co., Dayton, Ohio A Strike in Santa Land A Play in One Act BY EFFA E. PRESTON PAINE PUBLISHING COMPANY DAYTON, OHIO A Strike in Santa Land ,.^<^{^Z^ CHARACTERS' AND COSTUMES ^ ^'^*^^ Santa Claus — Regulation costume. Mrs. SIanta Claus — Girl in dark dress, white apron and cap, wears spectacles. Browme — iS'inall boy in brown cambric suit cut like pajamas. Tix Sorj>iERs — Two small boys dressed in soldier suits, one dressed as private — boy scout suit — tlie other as a general. fSew gold lace, etc., on scout suit. ^OOKS — Five girls dressed in white, wearing from string about neck a huge black poster on which, in bright letters, is name of book represented. Jumping Jack — Boy in blue or red suit, long stick fastened to back, string hanging from it. He moves in a very jerky fashion. Top — Small boy or girl, plump, in bright-colored dress, with gay stripes running around it. Stripes made by sewing on strips of bright-colored cloth. Doll — Pretty little girl beautifully dressed. Moves in stiff fashion, talks mechanically. Fountaix Pen — Tall boy dressed in black cambric suit cut straiglit from neck to feet, gold band represented by strip of yellow cloth sewed around suit. A pen point out from black or yellow card- l)oard is fastened at back of neck. Tree — Boy or girl in green suit trimmed with branches of evergreen. Time of Playing — About twenty minutes. Copyright, 1922, by L. M. Paine SEP 29 ?2 ©C1A687052 ^Uvo A Strike in Santa Land Stage represents a room in Santa's house. Packages well tied up are piled in the back of the stage. Santa appears ready to start on his annual journey. Santa : My, I 'in tired. I 'm glad Christmas comes but once a year or I never could stand the excitement. Mrs. Santa [entering] ; Santa^ it's almost time to start. SANTA: Are the reindeer ready and is everything packed? Mrs. Santa : Yes, I think so. Santa : I've tried trains and autos and airships but none of them suit me like my faithful old reindeer. I don't have to steer them up the chimneys. They know just where to go. Brownie [entering] : Well, Santa, everything is ready for your trip but I have some unpleasant news for yoa. Santa : Unpleasant news^ — that's strange. Here in Santa- land we never hear unpleasant things for they never happen. What is it Jack-op All-Trades? Brownie : Some of the very nicest toys we have made this whole year refuse to be packed. They say they will not leave Santa-land and go to earth. Santa : Well ! Well ! Well ! What do you think of that, Mother? Mrs. Santa : Santa, be firm. You're entirely too easy with them. They'll all be wanting to stay next year if you don't make these toys go. Santa : Of course, there are toys enough without these. Brownie : You always find some extra children you didn't know about. 3 4 A STRIKE IN SANTA LAND Mrs. Santa : Certainly you do, Brownie, send the naughty toys in one at a time and we will hear what they have to say. Now, Santa, be firm. You are so kind hearted if a doll cries you'll let her have her way. SANTA: Now, Mother, you're as bad as I am. Brownie goes out and two tin soldiers enter, walking stiffly and moving exactly together. They salute as they come to standstll. Santa : What's this I hear? Why aren't you packed? First Soldier: I don't want to be given to any child. Suppose I should not be properly treated. A careless boy might not treat me according to my rank. I am a general — suppose a private soldier was placed in front of me. Suppose he was given the best place in our box. I never could stand that. What a fate for a General. Second Soldier: Santa Glaus, I am a private soldier and I am proud of it. The Brownie who made me did a fine job. Just see how well my uniform fits. I'm just as proud as the General. I will not associate with soldiers I have to salute all the time and wait on. If I got put in the box with a General I wouldn't like it any more than he would. Children are very careless. Some- thing unpleasant might easily happen. I think it best for me to stay right here. The Brownies can use me as a pattern next Christmas. Santa : This is very strange. I never dreamed that you toys didn't get on perfectly well. After this I'll put all the officers in one box and all the common soldiers in another. Brownie hrings in five girls who represent hooks. They sing — Song— Air: MY BONNIE a strike in santa l»and 5 First Book : We're Books filled' with stories and pictures. We want to stay spotless and clean. And not become dog eared and dirty Like most story books you have seen. Chorus: We want to stay Right here in Santa Claus Land, we do. We want to stay Right here in Santa Claus Land. Second Book : We'll not be marked up by bad children*— Our pages all mislaid and worn. All sticky with jelly and candy, Our beautiful pictures all torn. First Book : I 'm Anderson 's Fairy Tales. I have the loveliest stories in me — all the Ugly Duckling and the Shoes that Danced, and the po'or little Match Girl. Second Book: I'm the Just-So Stories. Oh, how funny I am. I tell about how the Elephant got his trunk, how the Camel got his hump, and about man's first friend, the dog. Third Book: I am Alice in Wonderland. You'll just love Alice. Everybody does. The White Rabbit is the sweetest thing. Fourth Book : I tell about Robinson Crusoe. I 'm awfully exciting. A boy would like me for Christmas but he won't get me. Fifth Book: I'm Little Women — with a lovely binding and lots of pictures. The little girls' grandmothers read and liked me for I am a book that never gets old. I have earned a vacation so I shall stay home this Christ- mas. 6 A STRIKE IN SANTA LAND Santa : Dear me, This is very annoying. Mrs. Santa : Be firm. Be firm. Brownie h rings in a Jumping Jack. Jumping- Jack : Santa, I'm sorry to seem fussy but 1 really can't go out this year. How would you like to be capering like this [jerks about] every time someone pulled a string. Folks think a Jumping- J ack^s arms and legs never get tired but I want to tell you they do. Santa and Mrs. Santa [together] : Poor thing. Brownie brings in Top. Top [spinning round and round] : Santa, I'm so dizzy my head will fly off. After I was made all the Brownies in the workshop kept spinning me just because I have such a sweet hum. If I have to be put on a Christmas tree and be played with all day tomorrow I shall spin myself to death. I expect to stay right here, Santa. Mrs. Santa : But it isn't hard work to spin. TOP: You just try it for a day, dear Mrs. Sant^* Brownie brings in beautiful doll. DoLL: I suppose you're cross, Santa, but I can't help it. I have heard the most terrible stories about the way dolls are treated by careless little girls. They have their lovely curls torn off and their eyes are poked in by little girl's fingers. They are left outdoors in the sun and rain and that spoils the complexion. It took two days to make my complexion and I will not have it spoiled. Think of having this lovely dress made dirty by sticky fingers. You and Mrs. Santa will be lonesome. You really need me any way. I have named myself since I do not intend that any child shall have a chance to name me. Brownie : What is your name ? A STRIKE IN SANTA LAND 7 Doll : It is beautiful. Gwendolyn Geraldine Genevieve Arabella. Isn't that a delightful name? Brownie : I shall call you Jerry for short. I can't re- member all that list. DoLL: JACK-OF All Trades, you'll address, me by my proper name or not at all. SANTA: Don't quarrel. He won't call you anything for you won't be here. [Doll ct^ies.] Brownie brings in Fountain Pen. Pen: Santa, I'm entirely too smart to give away. I can write wonderful things. SANTA: What have you written? PENr 1*11 say my last poem for you. I just wrote it ou my box lid. It is what a little boy said at a Christmas entertainment and it's about you. Mrs. Santa : Say it for us, Pen. Pen [Recites] : Last Christmas eve, at twelve o'clock — I know 'twas very shocking — I tried to see dear Santa Claus, The while he filled my stocking. I hid within the chimney nook And chuckled Avith elation To think how Santa ^d be surprised And filled with consternation. But, later, Santa was amused, 'Twas he who did the peeping. I never saw how Santa looked, Alas, he found me sleeping. 3 A STRIKE IN SANTA LAND Santa : Ha I Ha ! They never catch old Santa napping. Every year some child tries to see me fill his stocking but it's no use. It can't be done. Pen : You can see for yourself, Santa, that you need some one like me with you all the time. If I can write verses like that think how beautifully I could answer the millions of letters you get every year from the children all over the world. You need me Santa. Don't think of sending me away. SANTA: Well, Pen I've answered letters without you for a great many years, but perhaps you are right. Mrs. Santa : Santa, be firm, be firm. 1 Brownie brings in Christmas Tree, crying. Tree: I won't be trimmed. I won't be trimmed. I don't want things hung on me. I hate candles. I don't want tinsel strung over my branches. Those silly toys will be stuck all over me. I won't be a Christmas Tree, so there. All the Toys: We're not going away. Don't worry. We don't expect to be hung on any tree. Santa : You poor little tree — stop crying. You and the Toys may stay with me till next year. Tree and Toys: Oh, thank you, Santa. You are a dear. Mrs. Santa : There, I knew he wouldn't be firm. He spoils them all. Tree and Toys retire io rear of stage and appear to talk together. Enter Brownie. Brownie : Oh, Santa, I have just received a terrible mes- sage on the wireless, from a little settlement in Alaska. Santa : AYhat is it? What is it? A STRIKE IN SANTA LAND 9 Brownie : The message was sent by your helper, Fleet- Foot. He learned just an hour ago that there is a family living in the little settlement that was not counted when he made his census. There are two children — a boy and a girl, both very small. Mrs, Santa : Fo'or little things, and no presents left for them. SANTA: No, I must start in five minutes. There's no time to make anything for them now. Brownie : There's nothing left in the workshop. I just looked. It's a shame. Fleet-Foot says they are such nice children. During all this co)iversatlon the Tree and the Toys have heen listening very carefully . They come forward. TREE: How many children, did you say? Brownie : Two — very nice ones. Soldiers [together] : Do you think they could tell a Gen- eral from a private ? DOLL: Does the little girl have clean hands? Pen : I suppose the parents might appreciate my poetry. ToP: Nights are long in Alaska. They would spin me only in the daytime I suppose. JUMPiNG-jACK : One reason why I wanted to stay here was because of the climate. It's cold in Alaska, too, isn't it Santa? Santa : Yes, my child, yes. Books [together] : You think we ought to go, don't you, Santa ? 10 A STRIKE IN SANTA LAND Santa : My dear Toys, I leave it to your consciences. Do you like to think of those two little children way up in Alaska doing without any Christmas gifts because you were selfish 1 Toys and Tree [together] : Oh, Santa, you always get us to do just what you want us to anyway. Tree: Come on, folks, we might as well go in and be packed. There's nothing else to do. Toys: Yes, come on. Mrs. Santa : I'm s'o glad Santa was firm. Santa : Before we go let's sing one song together — a good old Christmas song. Tree and Toys: All right. All sing- Air; SLEEP, BABY, SLEEP 1 — Blow, cold winds, blow Across the drifting snow. The Christmas bells chime sweet and clear Like fairy music to the ear, Blow, cold winds, blow. 2— Sing, gayly sing Make all the echoes ring. Since Christmas comes but once a year We'll celebrate with right good cheer. Sing, gayly sing. 3 — Glow, hearth fires, glow. The Christmas lights are low. The Yule log's almost burned away — At dawn the ashes will be gray. Glow, hearthfires, glow. CURTAIN Entertainments for All Occasions Special Day Entertainments BEST CHRISTMAS PANTOMIMES— Irish $0.40 CHOICE CHRISTMAS DIALOGUES AND PLAYS— Irish 40 CHOICE CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENTS— Irish 40 CHRISTMAS AT MCCARTHYS'— Guptill 25 CHRISTMAS AT PUMPKIN HOLLER— Guptill 25 CHRISTMAS EVE AT MULLIGAN'S— Irish 25 CHRISTMAS SPEAKIN' AT SKAGGS' SKULE— Irish 25 IN A TOY SHOP— Preston 25 THE PRIMARY CHRISTMAS BOOK— Irish 40 PUMPKIN PIE PETER— Irish 25 THE REUNION AT PINE KNOT RANCH— Irish 25 SNOWBOUND FOR CHRISTMAS— Preston 25 A STRIKE IN SANTA LAND— Preston 25 A THANKSGIVING CONSPIRACY— Irish 25 A THANKSGIVING DREAM— Preston 25 A TOPSY-TURVY CHRISTMAS— Guptill 25 Dialogues and Children's Plays ALL IN A GARDEN FAIR— Wilbur $0.25 DOLLS ON DRESS PARADE— Preston 25 A PARTY IN MOTHER GOOSE LAND— Preston 25 SNAPPY HUMOROUS DIALOGUES— Irish .40 Recitations and Pantomimes CATCHY PRIMARY RECITATIONS— Irish $0.30 OLD TIME SONGS PANTOMIMED— Irish 40 Plays THE DEAREST THING IN BOOTS— MacKenzie $0.25 THE GREAT CHICKEN STEALING CASE OF EBENEZER COUNTY— Richardson 25 THE GREAT WHISKEY STEALING CASE— Richardson 25 MISS JANIE; OR, THE CURTAILED COURTSHIP— Bonham. .25 THAT AWFUL LETTER— MacKejizie 25 THE UNEXPECTED GUEST— ^lacKenzie 25 Monologues AS OUR WASHWOMAN SEES IT— MacKenzie $0.25 ASK OUIJA— MacKenzie 25 THE COUNTRY COUSIN SPEAKS HER MIND— MacKenzie . . .25 GLADYS REVIEWS THE DANCE— MacKenzie .25 I'M ENGAGED— MacKenzie 25 SHE SAYS SHE STUDIES— MacKenzie 25 SUSAN GETS READY FOR CHURCH— MacKenzie 25 •..«..•..»..•..«..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•■••..•..•.••..•..••••..•..•••••.•»•••••••••••••-•"••••••••••"••••"•"••••■• PAINE PUBLISHING CO. Dayton, Ohio Entertainments for Christmas CHOICE CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENTS By Marie Irish For children of all grades. Contents: 50 recitations, 8 mono- logues, 11 plays and dialogues, 5 drills and marches, 8 tableaux. 4 pantomimes, 8 pantomimed carols, 8 songs, etc. Price, 40 cents. THE PRIMARY CHRISTMAS BOOK By Marie Irish For children under ten years of age. Contents: 68 recitations, 12 exercises, 7 songs, 6 drills, 12 dialogues and plays, 9 pantomimes. Price, 40 cents. BEST CHRISTMAS PANTOMIMES By Marie Irish Twelve pantomimes, each accompanied by complete words, directions and music. Some are serious and some are in a lighter vein. Price, 40 cents. CHOICE CHRISTMAS DIALOGUES AND PLAYS... By Marie Irish Ten dialogues for Primary Grades, 10 dialogues for Intermediate Grades and 8 plays for Grammar Grades. Price, 40 cents. CHRISTMAS AT MCCARTHYS' By Elizabeth F. Guptill Brimful of fun and Christmas spirit. For any number of young folks and children. Time, 30 minutes. Price, 25 cents. CHRISTMAS AT PUMPKIN' HOLLER By Elizabeth F. GuptiU The old-fashioned school is rehearsing for the Christmas enter- tainment. Funny from beginning to end. Time, 30 minutes. For any number of children. Price, 25 cents. CHRISTMAS EVE AT MULLIGAN'S By Marie Irish For all grades. 4 males, 5 females. Time, 30 minutes. A most unusual play. Plenty of wit and humor as well as more serious episodes. Sure to be a success. Price, 25 cents. CHRISTMAS SPEAKIN' AT SKAGGS' SKULE By Marie Irish A back woods school entertainment is featured. Easy to pre- pare and plenty of fun. For 6 boys and 8 girls. Time, 30 minutes. Price, 25 cents. IN A TOY SHOP By Effa E. Preston In rhyme. For 12 or more small children. A clever little play that will please. Time, 20 minutes. Price, 25 cents. THE REUNION AT PINE KNOT RANCH By Marie Irish For upper grades. 5 males and 6 females. Time, 30 minutes. Plenty of fun and a great surprise. Price, 25 cents. SNOWBOUND FOR CHRISTMAS By Marie Irish For 4 boys and 4 girls. For mixed grades. Time, 25 minutes. The older children play Santa Glaus for the younger ones. Price, 25 cents. A STRIKE IN SANTA LAND By Effa E. Preston In rhyme. 8 boys, 7 girls. Time, 20 minutes. Very easy but effective. Price, 25 cents. A TOPSY-TURVY CHRISTMAS By Elizabeth F. Guptill Humorous. For any number of children under fourteen years of age. Time, 30 minutes. Price, 25 cents. PAINE PUBLISHING CO. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 017 401 552 1 <