m. # LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. I #|l'np |op8rigM|o ^! ^ #1 I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA f' BIBLE SKETCHES (A CONNECTED SERIES); OR, THE STREAM OF TIME A. poeim:. BY Rev. EDWARD CLEVELAND. \ BOSTON : ALFRED MUDGE & SON, PRESTTERS, 34 SCHOOL STREET. 1875. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by REV. EDWARD CLEVELAND, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE. The following work was commenced and written for the most part, as a recreation and a means of personal improve- ment, without any design to publish it. I was studj'ing the Bible, and took this method to familiarize m3'self with its details and impress it on my own mind. Many persons since, in whose judgment I confide, have thought it would be useful to others, and requested its pullication. Numer- ous friends, in the churches I have served and the schools I have conducted and superintended, have expressed a desire * for such a memorial. And as the plan and style of the book are out of the ordinary course ; as the Muses were the early instructors of mankind, and have alwa^'s been con- sidered useful to assist the memorj^ excite to duty, and please the imagination; and as here is brought together a con- nected series of the most important facts of history, with remarks for illustration and impression, it is hoped the whole will become useful and acceptable. EDWARD CLEVELAND. BA.TH, N. PI., Dec. 9, 1874. CONTENTS. CHAP. I. Creation and Fall of Man II. History of Man to the Time of Abraham III. The Plan to Recover Man IV, History in the Line of Isaac and Jacob V. Life and Tuvies of Joseph .... VI. The Times and Institutions of Moses . VII, Joshua's Administration .... VIII. Physical Geography of Canaan . IX. Times of the Judges X. The Reign of Saul with Samuel . XI. Kingdom and Reign of David . XII. The Kingdom and Reign of Solomon . Xni. Kestgs and Kingdom of Israel . XIV. Kings and Kingdom of Judah XV. The Jews in Captivity at Babylon . XVI. Jews' Return, and History to the Advent XVII. The Advent and Work of Christ . XVIIL The Lives and Labors of the Apostles . XIX. From the Apostles to the Reformation XX. The Reformation from Popery XXI. From the Reformation to This Time XXII. The Future, from Analogy and Prophecy page. 7 21 . 35 47 . 59 71 89 97 106 115 124 134 144 156 171 183 193 215 229 246 261 286 BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME CHAPTER I. CREATION AND FALL OF MAN. Ceeation's works imply a hand divine ; One God alone, from uniform design. His mode of being, reasons well agree, Is omnipresence and eternity. His attributes shine forth a living flame ; Omniscience and Omnipotence we name ; And then, immutability impressed, On all arrangements made by his behest. His character is love we also learn From a]i his doings vdiich we may discern. 8 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Here mercy, grace, long-suffering are classed, And goodness, truth, forgiveness, justice, last. His providence is seen in movements all ; In circling worlds and in the sparrow's fall. From such a Being, we might well expect Communications, needed to direct. Such is the Living Word, a boon from heaven, To this benighted world, in mercy given ; Authentic, as from History we know ; And credible, as circumstances show. The mighty works performed in open day ; The prophecies fulfilled along the way ; Its spread and preservation, mid its foes ; And good accomplished Avhere its radiance glows ; All, in a focus, clear as light, combine To prove the volume from a hand divine. Hence, as a beacon-light, it sheds its rays, To guard from harm and guide in wisdom's ways. And in the varied scenes of doubtful strife. This Book decides the proper ways of life. Far back, where once Eternity and Time Together met, in plans and deeds sublime, The Records of Creation thence are drawn. The process from the first distinctive dawn. THE STREAM OF TIME. Along the Stream of Time, its winding course, We trace the progress briefly from its source. In this we ask not favor from the Nine, But from the Hand more potent and divine ; From Him who did the prophet-bards inspire ; Imparting heavenly light and living fire. Thus guided, we the venturous task will try. And on the records thence inspired rely. Then Earth's foundations were securely laid ; A mass chaotic, the materials made ; And fitted up and fashioned, as appears. Within six days, or periods of years. Jehovah spake, and first came forth the light ; The light called Day, the darkness called the Night. Primeval dreariness and brooding gloom, To cheerful vision then in turn gave room ; Providing scope for countless future eyes, To be delighted, filled with glad surjDrise ; A source of health and growth and varied good ; As poured upon the earth, a dazzling flood. And next, the firmament was spread on high, Beneath and throughout which, the waters lie ; The azure vault to arch th' encircled world. In which are numerous other orbs unfurled ; 10 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And whence come down refreshing timely showers, To cheer the land, developing its powers ; Assisting life in various circles round. To act its part within th' allotted bound. Again, Jehovah's high command was given ; The waters gathered, which were under heaven ; And hence, dry land was severed from the mass ; And then sprang up the herb, the tree, the grass ; Each yielding fruit and in itself the seed. To propagate its kind, as earth had need. The water in the seas highways describes. And homes provides for various finny tribes ; And thence come up the cloud, from whence the rain, And vegetation follovfing in the train. The horn of plenty thus is filled with good. Whence man and beast receive their timely food. The sun and moon and stars then showed their light ; The sun, to rule the day fthe moon, the night. Hence, by direct and by reflected beams. The darkness flies before the sunshine's gleams, Which deck the earth with varied tints of flowers, And aid in bringing forth its plenteous stores ; Producing seasons too in their career. And cheering life, in every grade and sphere. THE STREAM OF TIME. 11 The fish and fowl that dwell in sea and air, Were next created, their own place to share. The waters now began to teem with life ; The air was then with warbling music rife ; The early tribes then held allotted sway ; Whose foot- prints in the rocks are seen to-daj^ The cattle, creeping things, and beasts that prowl, Came into beinfic after fish and fowl. Then man most perfect, lord of sea and land, Came last adult from his Creator's hand. Both male and female God did them create ; And pure and happy in their pristine state. In God's own image was the new pair made ; And moral obligation on them laid. He blessed them then, appointing them to stand Head of this new made world, the sea and land. Creation's work, so simple and so broad, Was now complete, and also very good. From these, along the Stream of Time, would spring An increase numerous, every living thing. Hence, from his work Jehovah then did rest, And marked the Sabbath day, of all the best, A Sabbath holy, set apart for man, A day important in his w^ondrous plan. 12 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The new m^vcle pair in paradise were placed ; A spot which God with his own presence graced ; And oft with them communion sweet did hold, Among the scenes so fair, as we are told. Here blooming nature, decked in robes of green, Brought flowers and fruits in regular routine. Enchanting music filled the perfumed air. And all things beautiful and pleasing were. Awhile in innocence, they there were found. As seasons came and walked their splendid round ; Each other blessing and together blest, With all Creation's stores at their behest ; Required, the garden, but to dress and keep, And of its timely products freely reap. How blissful was the primal state, Where our first parents stood; Enrobed in innocence complete, With conscious love of God. There genial hope its radiance shed, Without th' alarm of fear; While noble aspirations led, And goodly prospects cheer. THE STREAM OF TOJE. 13 Communion with the Lord of all, Was daily their delight; How swift their footsteps at his call; Their joys how pure and bright. Such was the precious boon they had, From their Creator given; Which, in obedience ever made, Their paradise a heaven. But in that happy place while free to move, A test was given, obedience to prove ; The tree of knowledge, both of good and ill, To see if his commands they would fulfil. Its tempting fruit to them he did deny, Lqst eating of it, they should "surely die." • The fruits of all the trees to them were free, With one exception, one forbidden tree. And here the tempter first comes into view ; AVhose skill for mischief we shall ever rue. Before the corner-stone of earth was laid, Superior beings had in heaven been made ; Whose zealous hearts were filled with beaming love ; Most loyal to the high behests above. But yet their wills were free the right to choose ; Or, God's most wise and holy laws refuse. 14 BTBLE SKETCHES OR They, for awhile in strict obedience, move, And so the goodness of Jehovah prove. How sad the hour wdien some in pride rebel, And lose their state and place and sink to hell. But this resulted from th' aspiring mind. Which spurned the limits wisdom had assigned ; Led innocence the unequal task to try, And lawful powder most impiously defy. The new made earth became the scene of strife ; And here were proved the ways of death and life. And here The Universe may now behold The deadly power Avhich our first parents sold. Here, too, the scheme of grace, the wondrous plan. Has been revealed to rescue fallen man. And here rebellion was to spend its force ; Nor further spread throughout The Universe. To smallest limits, it was thus confined, Nor can we prove that less could be assigned. For Lucifer, once pure and heaven's first born. In being free, could treat restraints with scorn ; And so, he lost his noble birthright given. Enchained in darkness, driven out of heaven. Yet for a time he exercises power. To move and spread rebellion's solvit more. THE STEEAM OF TIME. 15 . In Eden's bowers the happy pair still dwelt ; By them, the tempter's deadly power was felt. With envious eye he saw their blissful state, And spread the snare, which sealed their dreadful fate. Appeals to their desire for natural good, Procured the fall and tainted all their blood. A tree to be desired to make one wise, The fruit delightful to the taste and ej^es, Our mother Eve accepted, first, alone ; Deceived and ruined, as the deed was done. She gave her husband of the fruit she ate, And both thus lost their happy place and state. Forthwith, they saw the fatal deadly sin, And guilt and fear their ravages begin. They learned their nakedness and were afraid : And strove to hide beneath the embowering shade. O sin! what mischief hast thou done! How pestilent thy breath! • The ruin of the world begun, Summed up in triple death. "What frightful ravages are made On character and life! What tears and blasted hopes pervade The scene of deadly strife! 16 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And who the guilt can estimate, Jiut Him who comprehends, The scenes of that eternal state, The state that never ends! And who can stay the whelming flood, Engulfing all the race? What price, or sacrifice of blood, Can such dark guilt efface? The deed performed, from heaven was not concealed, And God, the Son, came down and truth revealed ; For mercy was intended for the world, And now the plan obscurely was unfurled. Though evil long and sad must be endured. The promised Seed, to save was then assured. But they were summoned with commanding voice, And shown the nature of their erring choice. Pleas in abatement were at once refused ; Their disobedience could not be excused. At first, the blame was on the serpent laid ; And then a penalty for him was made ; Upon the ground to crawl and dust to eat, A loathsome reptile, bruised beneath the feet. The woman, then, was sentenced in her turn. And doomed by suifering, sin's desert to learn ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 17 A place subordinate was then assigned ; And sorrow in the increase of mankind. For Adam's sake and disobedient deeds, The ground was cursed producing thorns and weeds ; By sweat and labor, he must gain his bread, Which, sinless, came spontaneous instead. Then both were driven from Eden, thence to roam, Away from this first consecrated home ; Here learning, by the sore avenging rod, The bitterness of sin against their God. What deep regrets in looking back they find ! What fears, from future views, must fill the mind ! Without experience in the lonely worlds To plan and toil, at once, from plenty hurled. The tree of life was kept from their approach, Which hands presumptuous might not reach or touch ; Lest haply they its sovereign virtues try, And gain the boon of immortality. Historic truth thus shows how sin began, And thence through all successive ages ran. But how is man afiected by the fall ? What change specific, which pertains to all? The instincts unimpaired in man remain, For self-protection and their food to gain. 18 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The appetites in all the race are found, While food and drink and increase still abound. Propensities, still have their pristine health; As love of approbation and of wealth ; Desire of knowledge and the love of power. And good, which circles in the social bower. Affections too, the love of all our race, And ties domestic, hold their pristine place. And so, the tread of any hostile foe AVill kindle up the patriot's genial glow. Malevolent affections, certain powers, For self-protection still continue ours ; As anger, envjj, jealousy and pride. Which need control, as Christian laws provide. The moral sense still holds a powerful sway ; Discriminates, and leads in wisdom's way. But love to God, the highest power in man. Before the fall, was leader in the van ; Hence keeping under its benign control, All other powers pertaining to the soul. This master principle, set over all, Became a wreck and loss in Adam's fall. And since, subordinates have held the helm. One or another, of the mental realm. THE STREAM OF TIME. 19 Propensities now oft usurp control, As certain fancies seize the darkened soul. When glittering wealth becomes the dazzling orb, Then avarice will all the mind absorb ; Nor toil, nor conscience will it deign to spare, The envied, all-absorbing good to share. Ambition covets thrones and human power ; And when indulged, o'er all things else will tower. The love of approbation too in some. All other principles will overcome. How often here do men allow the wrong. To stand in favor, certain cliques among. And lower appetites oft gain the sway ; And countless victims hence become their pre}'. Such is the wretched state of all mankind. When love to God no longer rules the mind. Harmonious action of the mind is lost. And in the whirl of passion man is tost. And now, as seasons roll and changes bring, We soon shall see of sin the deadly sting ; As scenes to come their shadows cast before. The sad developments still kept in store. As men increase, depravity will show, As their propelling powers shall cause the flow ; 20 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Creation groaning with the heavy load, Assumed in their departure from their God ; So all may see their need of help from heaven, The promised Seed, our ransom freely given. CHAPTEE n. HISTORY ONWARD TO THE TIME OF ABRAHAM. The human race began a single pair, In innocence, devoid of anxious care ; And when they sinned, earth felt the deadly wound ; And thorns and thistles since have marred the ground ; But then reduced and fraught with saddest grief, Divine compassion furnished some relief. They were sustained and cheered with faith and hope. From precious promises of ample scope. For, as they set their sail to wreck or save. Would be their course along life's swelling wave. The hope prevails that in their early prime. They wisely steered upon the Stream of Time ; And reached the haven of eternal rest. And were, with shining hosts unnumbered, blest. But to their children, we recur with pain. When, in the course of time, their numbers gain. Though buoyant hopes arose from their first-bom, His doings showed, it was a hope forlorn ; 22 BIBLE SKETCHES OK For Cain, depraved and skilled in wicked art, Indulged the crime of murder in his heart ; Devoid of ftiith, as all his deeds declare, Kejected in his sacrifice, and prayer. But Abel, next, a better course pursued ; AYith love to God, was inwardly imbued. Cain tilled the ground ; but Abel kept the sheep ; And each would hence appropriate increase reap. Then to the Lord their ofierings they bring ; Abel's, accepted ; Cain's, a worthless thing ; The one, relying on the promised seed ; The other, on his own external deed. And while the wicked Cain was filled with wrath, Jehovah kindly spake of duty's path ; That he might then return and be forgiven. Nor from congenial hope be henceforth driven. But he persisted in his chosen way ; Prepared his brother innocent to slay ; And when alone, except the eye of heaven. The fatal blow at Abel's life was given. The arraignment followed then and deep remorse, A felon's mark, and Nod, tli' appointed curse. Thus crime and punishment are swift in turn. As from the murderer's doom we here may learn ; THE STREAM ,0F TIME. 23 His bleeding victim always in bis mincl, Wbere'er upon the face of eartb assigned ; And fearing sorer punisbment reserved, As conscious tbat bis flagrant crime deserved. Xow Cain went eastward, in bis guilt and sbame. And built a city, Enocb, called by name. His seed increased abroad, wbere be withdrew, And various occupations tbey pursue. Polygamy, a crime, before unknown. Was introduced by Lamecb, now as sbown. His first-born, Jabal, led tbe sbepberd's life. His second, Jubal, rendered music rife; And Tubal-Cain was skilled in iron and brass ; And bence served usefully tbe common mass ; And Naamab, it is supposed as true, Tbe arts, to spin and weave, brought first to view. So early, different arts and labor trace, Both needful and improving to the race. And next we learn, from Adam, Seth was born. To comfort Eve, then mourning and forlorn. To Enoch then, was Enos in the Lord ; Then men began to fear and trust bis word. To worship God with some external rite. In which could all with heart and voice unite. 24 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The life of man was then, as it appears, Prolonged beyond nine hundred fleeting years, That population might the faster spread, And useful learning to the race be sped. And Ave may well suppose that great advance In art and science would such years enhance. At length, generations in course passed away; Their works and their monuments went to decay, And now the longevity usual to men, In years scarcely reaches to threescore and ten. Our life is a vapor, the breadth of a hand, A flickering taper, a wave on the strand; Like a weaver's swift shuttle pervading the woof, Or the dew on the ground, when the sun is aloof. But though brief is the span, 't is the point of our time, Allowed to prepare for a happier clime ; To expand and develop, as days pass away, And begin a new life which will never decay. What a motive for all, while they pass down the stream — To steer for the shore, where the beacon lights gleam; There all who are found while on life's swelling wave, Will find a safe harbor beyond the dark grave. THE STREAM OF TIME. 25 But to return, there were some living then, Of godly and distinguished pious men ; But Enoch was the chief, who walked with Grod, And was translated to his bright abode. But giants in iniquity and crime, As well as stature, rose about that time. The sons of Seth, to Cain, then dwelling near. Beheld his daughters, beautiful and fair; And took them wives, each as his fancy chose, From whom the wicked progeny arose. Licentiousness then overspread the earth ; The thoughts of men were evil from their birth. The Lord from heaven, by one impartial view. Saw evil only, nought of good and true. He then determined to destroy the race ; But for repentance gave an ample space. One man alone he found in faithfulness, Prepared for blessing and alike to bless. And this was Noah, told to build the ark, And preach and warn of retributions dark. And this he did, a hundred twenty years. Deterring them from sin by hopes and fears. But they refused to look, or even think, While in destruction's whirl and on the brink. 26 * BIBLE SKETCHES OR IMeanwhilc the ark was built both strong and tight ; The length, three hundred cubits ; thirty, height ; And fifty cubits wide, with stories three ; A door for entrance ; window, light to see. Xow when the preparations were complete, One of each sex, by twos, embarked as meet ; And food to nourish them was taken in. Before the storm in fury should begin. Meanwhile, had Noah and his sons, then three, With all tlieir wives, which made the family. Been placed in safety in the ark then built. To meet the storm which drowned the world in guilt. And now the time had reached the allotted bound ; The skies grew black ; the lightnings flashed around ; The thunders rolled in dread terrific ire ; And floods, from heaven and sea, to whelm conspire ; Earth's caverns now 'poured forth their liquid store ; • And from the clouds above came down the shower. The waters rose above the mountains' height ; While Noah's ark rode safe with all its freight. How dreadful now when thus Jehovah frowned. And for their sins and wrongs the world was drowned. But Noah and his house survived the flood. And made the earth depleted their abode ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 27 For soon the waters to their fountain glide, , And leave the continent for culture di'ied. Then did the dwellers in the noble ark, Receive commandment, from it to debark ; When joyfully, obeying God's command, They placed their feet once more upon the land ; One solar year here in the ark immured, While all that lived the deluge had devoured. Mount Ararat rose up with features bold. And was the stepping-stone 'twixt new and old. All living creatures hence went quickly forth. And scattered o'er the earth from South to North. Now justice shown, so terribly severe. Had filled the patriarch's heart with anxious fear ; But much encouragement did he receive, To lighten fear and strength for labor give. A promise then was made, his fears t' assuage, And confidence of all the race engage. A token that the floods would not o'erflow. He spread upon the clouds his beauteous bow. The bow turned upward, and with barbs unstrung. And from the heavens to earth in beauty swung, With colors seven, preponderating green. All glowing with a bright and cheering sheen. 28 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Denotes the covenant of peace from heaven, To all the world, but first to Noah, given. So we may look upon it as a sign, Of God's perfections and of grace divine. Now murder was forbid to all mankind ; And blood for blood the penalty assigned ; A general precept, given to all the race. Confined to no specific time or place. Tiie reason given applies to every clime ; And must continue through the lapse of time ; That murder, would the Lord of all invade, As, in his image, man at first was made. The sons of Noah were Japhet, Ham, and Shem. The earth repeopled and o'erspread by them. The sons of Japhet, Europe occupied ; The sons of Ham, in Africa reside ; The sons of Shem, in Asia took their place ; And from the three have come the present race. From previous judgements overtaking wrong, 'T was hoped obedience would continue long. Now Noah first became a husbandman ; By tillage of the earth, his course began. The culture of the grape was in his line, From whence was made intoxicatinof wine. TKE STREAM OF TIME. 29 By sad experience from its use he learned, How, by fermenting, it to poison turned. And Ham, irreyerent, looked on him with scorn ; And hence deservedly was left forlorn ; While Shem and Japhet for their better deed, Were blest in generations to succeed. From this transaction lessons should be learned, Which many even now have not discerned. In visions of night, or in swift fleeting dreams, I beheld from small rivulets, large swelling streams ; A river of sorrows, with wrecks of proud man, Still rolling and leaping, with death in the van. Bearded youth and fair maidens gave way to its rage, The firmness of manhood aud weakness of age ; Of the family, neighborhood, nation at stake. The firmest foundations were thus made to shake. This river is Alcohol , varied in form, Of which the effect will appear in a storm ; Hence its wrecks on the ocean are seen every day, And sore desolations wherever its way. Such drink is a foe to the wide world at large ; Hence, here is our battle-ground, haste to the charge ; Fight manfully, all, against this giant wrong, Till victory perfect, becomes our glad song. 30 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Thus drive from the earth this, the deadliest scourge ; In the conflict, let all lawful forces converge ; Hold up your proud banner till all are allured ; And temperance triumphs, its victory secured. Thus mountain to mountain will shout in delight ; And valley and plain in the chorus unite ; The world disencumbered will wake in surprise. And the whole human race in the movement will rise. The race now multiplied and changes made, And from each other, soon were wideh' spread. The fifth from Noah had received his birth. Before commenced divisions of the earth ; For, in the time of Peleg these begun. In years from Noah's flood a hundred, one. Ere this, the sons of Noah, we suppose. Around the ark, their common dwelling chose. At length their numbers, greatly multiplied. Led some to emigrate and thus divide. The greater portion then to Shinar came ; Selected there a place to make a name. A cit}^ and a tower soon they begin, A citadel of strength to hedge them in ; There to become the world's superior power, And over all the kindred nations tower. THE STREAM OF TIME. 31 Such eager hope became the potent charm ! And for the effort nerved a vigorous arm. Soon was the tower raised to wondrous height, And Babel now became a dazzlins; sio^ht. But God looked dow^n upon them from on high, Displeased at their attempts with power to vie ; And brought their proud ambitious scheme to nought, Confounding language, interrupting thought. The language first by inspiration given, Became, as is supposed, near ten times seven. Then different tongues to different parts repair, And rear up families and nations there ; Defeating thus the proud device of man, And carrying out Jehovah's wiser plan. So population had a wider scope. And for abuse of power, was less of hope. The powers of darkness had been sorely foiled. On whom these judgments mockingly recoiled. But now in other schemes they all agree, To sink the world in base idolatry. How suddenly their gods were multiplied. And all their vile abominations tried. Injustice, falsehood, slander thus were given, — To Him who ruleth over earth and heaven. 32 BIBLE SKETCHES OR This system aimed to overwhelm his throne, And bring his sovereignty and glory down. Almost coeval with the dreadful flood, These gods appeared in filthiness and blood ; Machinery used by Satan and his horde, To keep the world in sin with one accord. In Palestine, in numbers and in power. They held extensive sway, the whole land o'er. The natives to the fraud were madly given, Till hence they were destroyed, or sadly riven. And so the Jews, who conquered that faiv land, Could not themselves the potent spell withstand. This long continued in the Jewish state, Till long captivity had sealed their fate. And nations round, as Nineveh of old. To this delusion were most madly sold. And Babylon, most lofty in her mien, Was in the depths of idol-worship seen. The Medes and Persians image-worship used ; The same of Greece, more basely there abused. Rome, in her prime, elected for defence, The heathen gods, but not Omnipotence. And all the world conspired with one accord. To overthrow Jehovah, as their Lord. THE STREAM OF TIME. 33 While men are held in such a sad duress, The means for elevation ne'er progress ; The vilest passions have a dreadful sway, And all that 's pure and lovely will decay. Jehovah's image, lost ii^ Adam's fall. Has left us subject here to sin's dark thrall. Such is the leprosy that lies within. The fountain whence springs every open sin ; Thence cropping out in crimes of darkest hue ; Repeated oft, with aggravations new ; As murder, arson, treason, wasting war. And garments rolled in blood both near and flir ; And minor wrono^s throufirhout the world difiused, By human freedom mournfully abused. Thus sin and wrongs to heaven have loudly cried. Since from the flood the race has multiplied. The earth is filled, as with a raging flood, With crimes detested, violence and l:)lood. The golden chain of peace and heavenh^ love, No longer binds us to the throne above ; But we are left upon life's stormy main. To sin, and suffer corresponding pain. Not one among the sons of men is found, To give the fatal current partial Ijound. 34 BIBLE SKETCHES OR But jet the hope, at first had been revealed. Of One to come, a saving power to wield. And prophets many had perceived the light, And died in hope, Avithout the glorious sight. Now heathen rites must longer still prevail, And many schemes of man arise and fail ; The world be tried in every known pursuit, Till found to yield unsatisfying fruit. Fair weather now, and then succeeding storms. May well set forth relapses and reforms ; Pandora's box, — the elixir of life, The ills and cures that come in human strife. And marvellous vicissitudes ensue. Before the o'lorious scene shall come to view. CHAPTER III. ABRAHAM, OR THE MEANS TO RECOVER MAN. The Lord is wise, his purposes are kind; His plans adapted to the ends designed ; And hence, the world, in order to redeem, He formed a wise and comprehensive scheme. Hence Abram, now the far-famed and renowned, ^Vliose heart in love to God was faithful found. Was summoned from his distant native land. To found a nation, heeding God's command. The adoption to the nation appertained, The glory of the system, as ordained, The covenant and temple-service wise. The law to guide and precious promises. And in their language was to be combined. Religious thought and terms for all mankind. Here, too, the Day spring from on high would rise, T' illume the world, and make it truly wise ; To expiate its guilt with precious blood, And so prepare the way for our best good. 36 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Such were the parts of this extensive plan, To save the world and raise up fallen man. Now Abram dutiful the call obeyed, * *And by his Maker was to Canaan led. Here he sojourned, and here his faith was tried ; But ^lith triumphant curbed th' opposing tide. In that fair land, the type of heavenly rest, Tlie plan was carried out, all nations blest. But still the land, so rich and fruitful known, To Abram promised and the glory shown, Was long withheld, while changes great went on, The end designed so distant, thus begun. ]\Iean while the patriarch tranquil life pursued. And wealth and power in various ways accrued. In all his doings with the nations round. His truth and kindness were conspicuous found, To Sichem, first he came, an alter reared In Moreh's plain, where then the Lord appeared. Near Bethel, next upon a certain mount. He built an altar on the same account. Still southward he progressed so much the more. As Canaan suffered from a famine sore. Then down to Egypt, he pursued his way. With Lot and Sarai, there awhile to stay. THE STREAM OF TIME. 37 Here his relation to his wife was hid, And evils from the course arose with speed. A providence relieved the plan unjust, And they returned to Canaan then to trust ; To Bethel, where aforetime he had dwelt. And called upon the Lord in want, as felt. Now Abraham and Lot had many herds, And oft their herdsmen strove with angry w^ords. For which they parted then with mutual voice. And Jordan's fertile vale was Lot's free choice. But in these cities filthy sinners dwelt. Exposed to judgments, on the wicked dealt ; Hence Lot soon saw occasion to repent. That in that wicked vale he pitched his tent. But Abram now at Hebron made his home, Where David was to reign in years to come. Jehovah here appeared with kindest mien. And promised blessings hence to intervene ; — As stars in number, so should be his seed, And all the land to answer well their need. ^Yhen Lot assumed his place, as lately seen. The nations near had tributaries been ; But now rebelled, unequal in their might ; Their kings o'ercome, when desperate the fight. 38 BIDLE SKETCHES OR Aucl Lot was taken, Abra'am's brother's sou ; His goods, and many captives also won. But Abra'am's prowess, in behalf of Lot, From its result, will never be forgot. Three hundred men, his own domestics, trained, Four kings defeated, and their spoil regained. And when returned, his object without foil. The king of Sodom met him in the dale. Melchisedec, the priest of God and king, Brought forth both bread and wine, an offering ; Then blessed the man who brought to them relief; And blessed the Lord, of all success, the chief. Then Abra'm gave to him the tenth of all. And to his men their portion, great or small ; While captives rescued and the plunder lost. He gave the owners, charging nought for cost. Then God appeared to him in visions bright ; Renewed the promise to his great delight ; The land possession after many wars ; A seed to serve Him, numerous as the stars ; And in the process of the covenant made Was seen th' Egyptian bondage, as a shade. Four hundred years in Eg^^pt was their doom, Till Amorites to fill their cup, had room. THE STREAM OF TIME. 39 The generation fourth should then return, AVhile their oppressors should his judgments learn. And though, as yet, no heir to him was born. And buoyant hope became almost forlorn. The angel's visits scattered anxious fears, That Isaac was assured, though great their years. Then circumcision, as a sign and seal. Should be affixed henceforth to every male. Such was the covenant which God ordained, To be fulfilled by man, as was explained. And now a dreadful scene the mind employed. The cities of the plain must be destroyed. There righteous Lot had often preached and warned. The message mockingly refused and scorned. With their unlawful deeds he vexed his soul, Unable their misdoings to control. Then Abra'm prayed that for the righteous there. If ten were found, the cities God would spare. He promised all ; for prayer is not in vain ; If ten were found, the cities should remain. But in the search, were found but scarcely four ; Hence came the fire and brimstone in a shower. Lot and his daughters fled in (laste for life ; But for her unbelief, "Behold Lot's wife." 40 BIBLE SKETCHES OR She lingered and looked back, and for her fault, Became a pillar, coated o'er with salt. And now, at Gerar, Abraham sojourned ; Again mistook his course, as soon he learned ; Denying Sarah, as his lawful wife ; Exposing her to wrongs, and evils rife ; When God reproved Abimelech in time. And saved him from the contemplated crime. And now the time had come for them to share The promise of the long expected heir. Then Isaac came, successive in the line, From whence the Star of Bethlehem would shine. Then was affixed, as on the chosen race, The sign and seal of consecrating grace. And Isaac, at the proper time was weaned. When Abra'm held a feast, his friends convened ; Who sympathized in such a scene of joy, As centered in their late-born darling boy. Another trial came, a sad surprise. The words, make Isaac now a sacrifice. The storms of life were felt in all the past. But were a calm beside this fiercest blast. Was this Jehovah's voice, familiar known? "Xow offer Isaac on a mount as shown." THE STREAM OF TIME. 41 Could Goodness infinite then take delight, In dashing hopes thus in the gloom of night ? Could Holiness require a hateful crime ? How could the promise with the doing chime ? But faith unshrinking now was on the throne, And in his quick resolve sublimely shone. So rising up at morning's early dawn, The parties destined, with the work went on. They came, at length, where Isaac's blood must flow : As Abraham should strike the mortal blow. The father then placed on the sou the wood, While servants waiting at a distance stood. Then with the fire and knife they quickly came, Where Isaac asked in wonder, " Where 's the lamb?" A question, which his feelings sadly tried, But triumphed thus, "Jehovah will provide." He built the altar, then arranged the wood, And bound his son to shed his precious blood. He took the knife and lifted up his hand, To strike the deadly blow at God's command ; When lo ! Jehovah called, " Slay not thy son ; Thy faith is proved, the deed need not be done." Then looking round, he saw, as told, forlorn, A ram caught in the thicket by his horn. 42 BIBLE SKETCHES OR This was the substitute for Isaac led, Which joyfully he offered in his stead. Jehovah Jireh ! thus the name was given, As there the Lord sent help direct from heaven. Thus faith has more than magic power, In its benign control; Sustaining in the trying hour, The tempted, troubled soul. The flaming furnace has revealed. Its wondrous power to save; The lion's savage den unsealed, The help from thence we have. Thus were the martyrs buoyed up, Amid their torturing pain, And thousands have by faith and hope Accounted death their gain. The God of Abraham we bless, In whom alone we trust; Our faith is counted righteousness, And we received as just. And now Jehovah made another call ; Renewed the promise, taught more clearly all ; His seed, as numerous as the stars or sand, Should share the blessings of the goodly land ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 43 And glancing clown to time's eventful end, Immanuel's victories, in the promise blend. Then Abraham returned with his young men, To Beersheba, where was his dwelling then. But gloomy trials still this man await ; Inexorable Death was at the gate ; The partner of his hopes and joys and fears. Dies at a hundred twenty-seven years. The cave of Machpelah, and ample space, Were purchased for all his, a burying-place. Here her beloved form was laid to wait. The glories of the resurrection state. She was adorned with many a charm, As sprightliness and beauty; Returning, with affection warm, All kindnesses, to shield from harm, Her faithful heart, in duty. And though in life the. nearest friends must part, Still in the future they are joined in heart ; If here, in duty's path they onward move, And thus prepare for better things above. Thus Abraham and Sarah will again, Live in the better land and there remain. 44 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And as the Saviour rose and death o'ercame, So all his people will be raised the same. He burst the bonds, triumphant o'er the tomb, A pledge that all his followers would come. The just and unjust, at the last great day. With bodies clothed, will stand in full array. Before the judgment seat, for trial come. As ofood or evil, to receive their doom. As Al)raham himself now neared the vale, Where human schemes, and heart and flesh must fail. His anxious care was shown first to provide, For his successor a befitting bride ; That down the stream of time might thus descend, The faith which would his life and death attend. His servant Eleazer was the man. This enterprise to execute and plan ; And prayer and providence were duly proved, In bringing home Rebecca well beloved. For all the indications well accord, That both the choice and way, were from the Lord. At evening twilight, Isaac Avalked abroad. To meditate upon the ways of God. For three sad years, 'reft of maternal care. Had he been doomed the grief alone to share ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 45 And recollections of his mother blessed Suggested musings, as are here expressed. Alas! the careless happy hours, Of childhood's early morn, Have far into the distance sped, And other cares been born. But yet how fresh on memory's page, The sweet maternal voice, To soothe and cheer, instruct and warn. And lead to wisdom's choice. That tender sympathizing love, Which waters cannot drown, Providing all, withholding nought, Even when her sun went down. Her cheering look and gentle hand, And words of comfort true, Will influence still our eager minds, Our life's short journey through. Remembrances of deeds so kind, Performed at every stage, Restrain, control, or guide and cheer, Down to our latest age. But now the vacancy was well supplied, By this beloved and syTiipathizing bride. 46 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Whom to his mother's tent he took, a wife, Where comfort and affection reigned in life. Then, to the sons of Abra'am's concubines, From whom descended nations in their lines, Were presents made, advice most timely given, To settle East without contentions riven. But Sarah's son, the child of his old age. The heirship gained, a precious heritage. Then Abra'am died, a hundred seventy-iive ; A long eventful life for him to live. And in the cave of Machpelah he lies, In triumph, at the trumpet's call to rise. A^timid nature seems his greatest fault. Thus leaving Sarah to a base assault ; And sending Ishmael and Hagar hence, Then needing most his wise and sure defence. But providence, most kind, the way disclosed For her relief, so fearfully exposed. And Ishmael and Hagar found supplies. As in distress to heaven they raised their cries. But faith, a grace distinguished in him find. To be the model hence for all mankind ; Commanding too, his household in the road. Which leads from wrong, embracing every good. CHAPTER IV. HISTORY CONTINUED UNDER ISAAC AND JACOB. The providence of God is one great chain, Composed of many links, and none in vain ; But change and substitution oft have sped, As some links break and others come instead. Thus Abraham his enterprise begun. But left it still unfinished to his son ; A man of genial parts, of honest fame. Whose doings now will our attention claim. He led a quiet, unpretending life, But little marked with proud ambition's strife ; On friendly terms with all his neighbors round, While flocks and herds and wealth to him abound. As one thing noted, which our minds engage, Was Isaac's birth, his parents great in age ; Then, when the promised long hoped heir was born, His brother Ishmael mocked and looked with scorn ; A type of all who in the promise trust, And have their heritage among the just. 48 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Now children of the bond-wife disagree, With such regenerate children of the free ; But with the same can never be co-heirs, \Yhile Ishmael-like are waging cruel wars ; For such in bondage e'er will be enthralled ; But now in Isaac shall the seed be called. Again, had Isaac learned to love and trust, When Abraham proposed the knife to thrust ; But by Jehovah's voice his hand was stayed. And blessings promised which were on him laid, Impressions such could never be erased ; But full assurance in obedience placed. And in the partner of his life and choice, Most favoring influences had a voice. But like his father, long he had no heir. But in due time were born to him a pair. Esau by Isaac was the most esteemed. But Jacob to Rebecca dearer seemed ; The one profane, his birthright could despise. And for a mess of pottage sell the prize ; To both his parents was the cause of grief, In taking heathen wives in unbelief; But Jacob was more prudent in his course ; Of better consolations was the source. THE STREAM OF TIME. 49 Xow in the land, a famine raged once more, And Isaac went, as Abra'am had before, To Gerar, where the Lord his sojourn bade. Confirming promises to Abra'am made. But like his father, there he used deceit. Denied his wife, and was reproved, as meet. But there he dwelt for years, and gained in wealth, By honest industry, and not by stealth ; Till envy rose, because of his increase, When he went up to Beersheba in peace. That night the Lord appeared to him again, And showed that previous promises obtain ; That he and his should share them as foretold, To Abraham repeatedly of old. And now, when Isaac had grown old and blind. He sent the hunter, venison to find ; That he might give the dying blessing used. But which Rebecca's artifice refused. The birthright had to Jacob been decreed ; And from it human power could not recede. And Jacob, as his name direct implies. Supplanted Esau, and obtained the prize. Then dire revenge arose on Esau's part. And even murder rankled in his heart : 50 • BIBLE SKETCHES OR To hinder which, and other objects gaiu, Th' offending brother, Jacob, went amain, To Pandan-aram, as the plan was laid. To dwell awhile, and Esau's wrath evade. He little dreamed of trials now in store, Which in his long eventful life would pour. With strong desire we oft essay, To look within the vail, Which hides from us the book of fate, The future will reveal. This book is held in mercy's hand, Till time on rapid wings, The scenes concealed from mortal view. To our experience brings. For if the burdens of a life, The sum of all its toil, Should be at once in vision seen, Who would not hence recoil? How could we boldly undertake, The lofty schemes of man, And largely lay out i)lans ahead, These trials in the van? THE STREAM OF TIME. 51 But now our future ills unseen, Affect us not with dread ; And we go on, as faith and hope Our willing feet have sped. We persevere with cheerful steps, Till all our life-work's done, And meet each trial day by day, As time its course rolls on. Now Jacob started out with staff in hand, To find his kindred in a distant land ; That night upon a naked stone he lies, And in forgetful slumber shuts his eyes. But in fair visions of the lonely night, Were troops of angels seen in dazzling plight. Both going up and down, 'twixt earth and heaven. Dispensing favors here to mortals given ; And kindest words, with music sweet and soft, Were heard with rapture, coming from aloft : " To thee and thine I give the land in trust ; Will make thy offspring numerous as the dust ; Here, as a nation find the place of rest ; In whom shall all the tribes of earth be blest ; And though awhile thy footsteps hence shall roam. My presence shall attend and bring thee home." 52 BIBLE SKETCHES OR He woke, with reverential awe impressed, And grateful joy with such assurance blessed. He reared an altar, poured upon it oil, And vowed on his return the tenth of spoil. The name of Bethel he the place installed ; But Luz the city formerly was called. Then he proceeded Eastward many a day ; A providence all-seeing guides his way. At length he came where friends and Ivindred dwell. Of whom he learned from shepherds at the well. Fair Rachel there her flocks was driving near, One of his kindred rightly held most dear. Then she, the stranger, introduced at home. To stay through long eventful years to come. There twice seven years he served for his two wives, Leah and Rachel, both Avhom Laban gives. This period seemed a time of friendly sport. As love for Rachel made the seasons short. And then for wages ten times basely changed. Served six years more, until he seemed estranged. But God was with him, gave him strength and skill ; His flocks and herds increase, his cofiers fill. For twenty years, in various service bound. Great wealth, two wives, two concubines he found ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 53 From whom twelve sons were bom, to whom it fell, To be. the tribal heads in Israel. And now as in the fields he kept his sheep, One day, fatigued and overcome with sleep. The God at Bethel seen, gave his command, " Go to thy kindred in thy native land." His wives consulted, gave their free assent, And to prepare were earnestly intent. And though obstructions Laban interposed. The web thus shrewdly woven soon disclosed. The Lord, his shield in previous dangerous plight. Now interposed, securing all his right. Nor Esau's wrath, nor Laban's boasted power. Could this protected band with sword devour : For Esau's wrath was turned to genial love ; And Laban when forbidden feared to move. And then, to end th' intended crushing raid, A covenant of peace was mutually made. At Gilead, of stones, they made a heap. Remembrance of the covenant to keep. Then Jacob sacrificed upon the Mount, And called his brethren, as we have th' account. Then, at the wake of morning, Laban rose. And, after salutations, homeward goes. 54 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And Jacob iilso went to his own land, Met on his way by some angelic band, T' allay his fears of future dreaded strife, When Esau met him, eager for his life. Meanwhile the patriarch had laid his plan. Which showed conciliation in the van ; But trusted to the hand which sent him aid. When former perils rendered him afraid ; Arranged in bands, his cattle took their shape, So that if one was slain, one might escape. Thus they were sent to meet the angry lord, ^Vith most respectful and aifecting word. i3ut he by some mysterious power assailed. Then wrestled hard and manfully prevailed. His name from hence was changed to Israel, The wondrous power of iiiithfulness to tell. Then Jacob looked, saw Esau pressing hard, Four hundred men, his retinue and guard. So he arranged, as meet, his family. In companies to meet him, counted three ; And then he crossed the stream, his charge before, And met his brother on the other shore. And here fraternal feelings moved the heart, And danger and anxiety depart. THE STREAM OF TIME. 55 A present was received bj Esau then, When homeward he returned with all his men. As Laban turned away who would oppress, So Esau's wrath was turned to a caress. Then Jacob went to Shechem, his abode. And built an altar there to worship God. But trouble now arose with heathen round. And caused another move, to Bethel bound. There God appeared again to Israel, His greatness and the nation's thus to tell. And now to Bethlehem he journeyed on. And near the place was born his youngest son. Hence Rachel beautiful and mosf beloved. Was from the world in painful throes removed. To Hebron then where Abraham sojourned, Came Israel, and for his father mourned. Rebecca, long before, had passed away, But Isaac here alone prolonged his stay. But now his work was done, his part was played. And in the purchased cave his corse was laid ; By both his sons the mournful task was done, Which showed that former enmities were gone. A hundred eighty years, his days all told. He lived his children's children to behold. 56 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The nations sprung from Esau were a power, But those from Jacob more conspicuous tower. In southern Canaan Jacob sojourned years. And lived a varied life of joy and tears. The promise made to Abraham and son, Was then confined to him and his alone. And in his trials and afi^lictions drear, The God of Abraham was always near. Long after Rachel's death, as is inferred, Was Leah's corse in Machpelah inteiTcd. Tlien Jacob's sons his flocks and herds maintained. And ranged from place to place for pasture gained The elder sons but little praise can claim. Their doings scarcely fraught with honest fame. The Shechemites, with deadly treachery sold, And Joseph doomed to exile, bought vrith gold ; Deceit and lies to cover up their crime. With other doings in accordance chime. The younger two, the filial reverence prove, Repaying all his care and tender love. When Jacob blessed his sons about to die. He told the tale of each in prophecy. Hence, Tleuben, degraded for incest and blame, Excelled not in Israel, in deeds or in fame. THE STREAM OF TIME. 57 So Simeon and Levi in cruelty chime; Divided aud scattered, th' effect of their crime. But Judah, more noble, his brethren would praise; His enemies rout, aud opposers amaze; His sceptre remain, through the series of years, Till his Star should be seen, until Shiloh appears. Now Zebulon reaches from sea unto sea; On the west was the Levant, and east, Galilee; His resources appear from the sea and the land; His riches and commerce increase and expand. And Issachar seen, with her boundaries run. Embraces the vale of the rich Esdraelon ; 'Twixt Carmel and Tabor spread out in a mass, Like the picture described of a panniered ass. To Dan, as predicted, a judge would belong; As answered by Samson, the mighty and strong. So Gad, as an eagle, sharp-sighted and fast, Though sometimes o'ercome, should be conqueror at last. But Joseph, a branch, and most fruitful withal, In its growth spreading out, reaching over a wall. The archers shot at him, designing his hurt; But his arms were made strong to become their support. In Manasseh and Ephraim, his portion afield. All resources to him shall their rich bounties yield; The location assigned in the midst of the land. Across from the Jordan to the Levant's strand. 58 BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TBIE. And Benjamin last has but little of soil, In the morning shall ravin; at night, mete the spoil. But still, an importance he well may assume, From Paul, a great light, the wide world to illume. And see all along that with Judah they blend, Thus closely connected beginning and end; And thence was descended the Saviour of man, Which distinguished the tribe in the wonderful plan- Before this parting scene for many years, Had Jacob drank the cup of hopes and fears, The latter part of which we now postpone, But which with Joseph's life will soon be shown. CHAPTER y. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JOSEPH. Jehovah's plans, our vision far beyond, In all their parts most strictly correspond ; And executed with a wondrous skill, So that his counsel it may all fullil. The agents chosen are adepts in kind, The process marvellous to finite mind. Thus Joseph now, an actor on the stage. Awhile our admiration will engage. For manly virtues he was justly famed. As noble deeds through all his life proclaimed. His many-colored coat, adorned by art. Showed well the fondness of a father's heart. His dreams, in silent slumbers of the night, Foreshadowed his advancing envied height ; For as the brothers bound their sheaves afield , Then bowing, theirs to his, obeisance yield. The sun and moon and shining stars eleven. Obsequious were to him by reverence driven. His brethren thus were filled with desperate hate ; 60 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The sire observed in an expectant state. Before, had Joseph their naisdeeds disclosed, And hence, to their resentment was exposed. And now at Shechem were the brethren bound. To keep the flocks there, on some purchased ground, From Hebron, many miles, with dangers rare, AVas Joseph sent, to learn their state and fare. But further still, to Dothan, they had gone ; And there he followed them exposed alone. As he drew nigh, his brethren formed the scheme To take his life for his prophetic dream. They cast him, then, into a well, or pit, AYhile in their revels they together sit ; Avoiding thus the murder planned direct, As starving there would have the same eflfect. But, in the matter, Reuben used his art. To save his brother, as a manly part. But, while away, his brethren sold the lad To Ishmaelites, in route from Gilead To Egypt, then the common mart for trade. In ]3alm and myrrh and spicery they had ; As Judah thought for price to spare his blood. Esteeming money paid the greater good ; Consigning him to bondage most forlorn. THE STREAM OF TIME. 61 Despite the anguish of his spirit torn. But Keuben, when returned, was filled with grief, His plan defeated for the lad's relief; But no response in their hard hearts could find. To conscience whispering, deaf; to duty, blind. But to conceal their crime, the question how? And cruel lies they make their refuge now. They took the envied many-colored coat. Dipped in the blood drawn from a kid, or goat ; Showed it their father, aggravating grief; As inference thence, could furnish no relief. He rent liis clothes and bowed his w^eeping head. And in his grief would not be comforted ; With sackcloth on his loins prepared to go, A mourner to the grave, nor solace know. How great the depths of inward reigning sin. Are here disclosed, the human heart within. From envy, complicated crimes and lies ; And then hypocrisies most base arise ; And cruelty, the savage tiger's less. Relenting not, 'mid such untold distress. But though the sin and pain our thoughts exceed, The Lord brought good from such a dreadful deed. To show the process, we will follow home. 62 BIBLE SKETCHES OR To Egypt, Joseph sold, to serve, his doom. But here the waves of peace could o'er him roll, 'Mid all the heavings of his pious soul. So there in faithfulness he plied his hand. In all things prospered by divine command. What useful lesson here is taught to all, In cheerful hope to bow at duty's call ; And let the light from pure religion's shrine. On all around us unobstructed shine. Th' Egyptian master so inferred the use, And Joseph made the ruler of his house. Now at this height temptations dire assail. But saved by grace, the crime did not prevail. His master's wife, his goodly person viewed ; His comely looks and noble mien include ; And so enticements to the highest crime In social life, was urged from time to time. But how could he his master's rights invade ? What crushing guilt would then be on him laid ! But he would not betray his confidence, Nor suffer sin against Omnipotence. And so w^hen violence was on him sped. He left his garment in her hands and fled. Revenge then rankled, and to hide her shame, THE STREAM OF TIME. 63 Was Joseph put in ward, devoid of blame. Still on his part were no defences made, While base false charges were upon him laid. But God's all-seeing eye is on the just ; So, Joseph was discerned, in prison thrust. And then, the keeper of the ward in charge, There Joseph's bounds was influenced to enlarge ; Advancing him within this humble sphere ; With his decisions would not interfere. Immured with him, two fellow-prisoners dreamed, Perplexed, as this somewhat prophetic seemed. But Joseph gave the clew and solved the doubt. Foretelling all, as soon it came about. The butler was within the time restored ; The baker hanged, according to his word. These dreams were given for Joseph's sake alone. So brought to Pharaoh to resolve his own. For Pharaoh dreamed, most wondrous to relate. Of fourteen years, the exact eventful state. The seven fat fleshed and seven well favored kine. As too, the seven full ears, in beauty shine ; Impoi-ting by these types the truth decreed. That seven full plenteous years would now succeed. The seven lean kine, and seven thin blasted ears, 64 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Denoted other seven of scanty years ; Which as a contrast to the first would stand, Consuming all the plenty of the land. Now Joseph called, interpreted the dreams ; Which came to pass exact, in both extremes. He also gave advice t' allay their fears, To store the surplus of the plenteous years ; The wisdom of the gods, as thought the kiug, Who then to Joseph gave his signet ring. Then for a wife to share his hopes anon, He gave the daughter of the priest of On. So then installed the ruler of the land. The rest must bow and follow his command. Now Joseph throughout Egypt made his round, Arranging for the surplus to be found, And gathering stores through all the plenteous years, To use when ghastly famine filled with fears. Asenath too, the accepted honored wife, Produced two sons, amid the plenty rife. And when the joyful tidings were proclaimed, Manasseh, Ephraim, they were duly named ; And preordained, as heads of tribes to stand. At the partition of the promised land. Now at th' appointed time the change began ; THE STEEAM OF TIME. 65 Through this and other lands the famine ran. How provident was Joseph's good advice, As hence supplies were furnished for their price, Throughout all Egypt, while the famine raged, On friendly terms, as Joseph had engaged. And Joseph's brethren came at length for bread , When discipline was served, as wisdom led. Respect and reverence from their faces beam. In bowing, sheaves to sheaf, as in his dream. And then confusion and remorse begin. Arising from their long forgotten sin ; While Joseph then their temper probes and tries. Accusing them as guilty meddling spies ; By putting money into each one's sack. When to their homes in Canaan starting back ; Requiring proof, that they were truthful men. The younger brother, with themselves, the ten ; In keeping Simeon bound, the pledge that they Would bring the proof, nor long at home delay. So they returned and all the facts relate ; And Jacob fears a dark impending fate. Again their bread was spent and famine stared ; But long jDarental fears with duty warred ; Till hunger pressed and famine fain would vaunt, QQ BIBLE SKETCHES OR Starvation threat'uing in their utter want. So Benjamin, and all, now went their way, To buy a little food their lives to stay. And now the trial followed, fraught with pain, As artitice the j^ounger would detain. But Judah's speech, which hearts of stone would melt, Which thrilled the soul, and to its depths was felt, Compelled the words, which deep sensations give, Lo ! " I am Joseph : Doth my father live ? " AYhat mixed emotions here must fill the mind ; Aftection, fear and guilt and shame combined. Xo wonder they were troubled at the thought Of aU their crimes which had such suffering wrought. But Joseph's gushing heart could all forgive, And freely say to his sad brethren, live ; « With generous words their crushing fear relieves, While their remembered guilt each bosom heaves. Intended evil here with good was fraught, Most wondrous seen, in such salvation wrought. As five years more of famine still remained. And he, the granaries of the world retained, So long his brethren must receive his aid ; And hence, to all assembled thus he said : *' Haste back to Canaan, bring my father here, THE STREAM OF TOIE. 67 " With all your flocks and herds and children dear, "In Goshen near, the best of all the land, "Make your abode, by Pharaoh's high command." With needful preparations they returned. And told their father all which they had learned. But how could he such joyful news believe, — That Joseph, long thought dead, was yet alive? The truth was urged, and all its windings told, And Joseph's greatness in the land where sold. And when he saw the wagons for him sent, He was assured, his bursting heart content : — " It is enough ; my son is yet alive : "I'll go and see him while I yet survive." Then on their way they offer sacrifice At Beersheba, where God anon replies, " Fear not ; to Egypt make thy speedy way, " Become a nation great while there you stay ; "And there shall Joseph close thine eyes and mourn, "And at the appointed time shall all return." The souls in Egypt, and from whom proceed An offspring, as the stars, from Abra'ms seed. Were reckoned then threescore and fifteen souls. Four, five, and sixty-six, on different rolls. Then Pharaoh looked on them with feelings kind, 68 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And there in Goshen their abode assigned. For seventeen years they dwelt in comfort there, When Jacob died, called home the heavens to share. As was predicted, Joseph closed his eyes, Eeceived his dying blessing kind and wise. At this last visit, when the patriarch died. With Ephraim and Manasseh by his side. The sire adopted these, as heirs, his ovv^n. And blessed each one, as was their history known. So Joseph, envied, wronged, but faithful found, A double part and richest blessings crowned. To all the rest, their portion was declared. As down the stream of time they each one shared. Now full of years, the last of them the best, The patriarch was transferred to glorious rest. His body was embalmed, and then conveyed To Canaan, where his ancestors were laid. A long procession and with mournful tread, Go with his sons in honor of the dead. The rites of burial thus were duly made, And they returned to Egypt then as bade. And if obliquities in early life In Jacob's character were plainly rife. Afflictions, time, and sanctifying grace. THE STREAM OF TIME. 69 In marked improvement on him left their trace. And now their father gone, foreboding fears Arose for crimes forgotten many years. But Joseph, far from malice, most refined, Allayed their fears by words and treatment kind. Now Joseph was a hundred ten years old. And neared the grave, as signs and warnings told ; While Ephraim's children and Manasseh's too, Rose up before him ere his life was through. That he was useful, all at once accord. And precious promises were his reward. And as his exit was so near at hand. He bound his brethren to the promised land, As God would visit and convey them there, As he to Abra'm and his children sware ; And after years of bondage and of groans. Then going, they should carry up his bones. Thus Joseph died, for higher stations ripe. Of all the manly virtues true, a type ; Distinguished for his pious filial fear. His fiiith, which in the darkest hour would cheer ; In dire temptations w^ondrous self-control ; In height of power, a condescending soul ; 70 BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME. Injurious treatment able to forgive ; For truth and right was wont to act and live. How marvellous God's providence, His counsels to fulfil; How sure are retributions thence, Of conduct good or ill. So Joseph's brethren now were taught. Though long their crime concealed; And Joseph was to honor brought, By wondrous plans revealed. CHAPTER VI. THE HISTORY AND PROGRESS OF THINGS UNDER MOSES. Sec. 1. — To the Passage of the Bed Sea. Xow Joseph and his brethren passed away, And all the generation of that day ; But still the race increased and filled the land, And in their growth became a mighty band. Another king then came upon the throne. To whom this benefactor was unknown ; Whom jealous fear and avaricious greed SiDurred fiercely on to proud oppression's deed. Hence craft and subtlety were called to aid, And rigorous burdens were on Israel laid ; To cripple and cut down their growing power, And make them weak and unprepared for war. But mortar, brick, and service in the field Could not prevent their thrift and increase sealed. And in due time the goodly child was born To save the Israelites thus left forlorn. Hence Moses comes to view, with lofty height, By deeds heroic in defence of right ; 72 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Most unpretending, called the meekest man, Raised up to carry out Jehovah's plan. In troublous times he drew his infant breath ; As such, by stern decree, were doomed to death. Three months his parents kept him unrevealed, But lono;er he could not remain concealed ; Hence they in faith construct a little ark, And place their loved one in this tiny bark Amomr the rushes of the ancient Nile Alone, thus mournfully, to weep or smile ; And in that Providence alone confide, Which will in all our wants so well provide. But Miriam watched, by sister's love beguiled. To see the fate of this beloved child. And lo ! their prayers and faith were not in vain, As help came in an unexpected train. The king's own daughter with her waiting-maids Came here to bathe, with these, her usual aids. Then one, as told, th' unusual object sought, And to her mistress soon the stranger brought. " This is a Hebrew's child," was her reply, Perceiving all with quick-discerning eye. The child then weeping to her heart appealed, And generous pity prompted her to yield, THE STREAM OF TliiE. 73 Then gave his mother called the precious charge, To nurse and rear for compensation large ; And when the task most faithfully was done, The princess took the child to be her son. In Egypt's courts, most learned and sublime. He gained the skill and wisdom of the time ; Where also brightest future prospects shone. For honor, wealth, if not a kingly throne. But proud oppression reigned in that dark land, And desolations made on every hand. His brethren groaned beneath their burdens sore, Which moved his heart their freedom to restore. Even 'mid afflictions, toils, and perils rife, In such a course of patriotic strife ; Enabled thus by faith his course to choose. And sinful pleasures cheerfully refuse. One day, when he was grown and had the power. He went to see his brethren burdened sore. Th' Egyptian smote then, of his brethren, one Whose hands were innocent of evil done. Then looking carefully on every hand, He killed th' Egyptian, hid him in the sand. Next day as he went out and passed along, He saw two brethren strive, one in the wrong. 74 BIBLE SKETCHES OR His mild reproof was proudly spurned as vain, Keproached, as he who had th' Egyptian slain. Then Moses saw his danger from the deed , And would from Pharaoh's rising wrath recede ; Hence to the land of Midian he fled, And came to Jethro there as he was led. And there he dwelt the space of forty years, In rural occupations as appears. And Zipporah to him by Jethro given. Became his wife when from his kindred driven. Meanwhile, the reigning king of Egypt died. And Hebrew children mid their burdens cried. The God of Abraham now heard the cry ; For their deliverance then was drawing nigh. Backside the desert, near the mountain rock, Had Moses led his father Jethro's flock. And there he saw the wondrous bush illumed. With flaming fire, — but yet was not consumed. Thus God, the second person, was revealed, His chosen people sore oppressed to shield. The time had come to interpose his powxr. And scathing judgments on the oppressor pour. But Moses called, the favored time so near, From conscious weakness was in serious fear ; THE STKEAM OF TIME. 75 Preferring one more able on the lead, Prepared by gifts and grace to be their head. But soon constrained, he laid his fears aside, And thus appointed took his place as guide, With Aaron to assist, a spokesman skilled, To utter his commands to be fulfilled. The great Deliverer then, " He who will be," Sent him to make His chosen people free. Full forty years he toiled at God's command. To reach the borders of the promised land. Proud Pharoah first refused to let them go. Till judgments loosed his grasp and laid him low. To show that his commission was from God, First Moses made a serpent of his rod. Magicians claimed with theirs to do the same, But soon were proved pretenders in their claim. Their serpents swallowed, proved a vain device ; Nor could they imitate at all the lice. And all those plagues were aimed against their gods, As with Jehovah thus were seen the odds. First Moses turned the waters into blood. The rivers, streams, and lakes, a crimson flood. The frogs came up and covered all the land ; The dust was turned to lice at his command ; 76 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Then circling swarms of flies tlie heavens filled : A grievous murrain all their cattle killed ; Th' Egyptians next he smote with boils and blains ; Hail, fire, and thunder raged upon the plains ; The locusts swarmed and revelled through their coasts And darkness felt enveloped Egypt's hosts ; And then, the climax, as his judgments ceased, He slew the first-born both of man and beast. With terror stricken by the ghastly forms. And fearing judgments still in furious storms, Proud Pharaoh urged all Israel to depart ; To hasten and at once be on the start. But facts then proved that he was but restrained ; His desperate purpose raging still remained ; As soon his armies and his chariots manned, Were pressing hard on this devoted band ; Encircling all in dismal, hopeless plight. When sea and mountain hindered further flight, — Most fitting time, Jehovah's wrath to show. And make all Egypt and proud nations know How vain the attempt, with puny mortals' might, To meet his power in such unequal fight. How small a thing for him all power to wield ; His foes to vanquish and his friends to shield ! THE STREAM OF TIME. The winds were first commissioned o'er the tide, And heaped the waters high on either side, And made dry ground where once the water's bed. O'er which the Israelites were safely led ; Concealed from Egypt's hosts by cheerless night. Which was on Israel's side a friendly light. Still Pharaoh followed with presumptuous scorn, Trained man, proud captain, and the highest born. They struggled on, by vain delusion led, Till midway now across the ocean's bed, Jehovah looked on them, with frightful mien, And through the cloud, in terror clad, was seen. Th' Egyptians cower, their frighted hearts congeal ; Their coursers stay, and dragged the chariot wheel. Aghast they stood and looked on every hand, When Moses lifted up his fatal wand. The sea returned, engulfing every man. All Egypt's hosts engaged, both rear and van. The winds and tides to bleak Arabia's shore But few remains of this discomfit bore, — The broken chariots of the fated band ; The mangled corses cast up on the strand. Then Moses sang, and Miriam took the song, And echoing voices rolled the strains along. 78 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Jehovah hath triumphed most gloriously, The horse and the rider cast into the sea. The Lord is my strength, my salvation and song, My father's God, too, to whom honors belong. The Lord is a warrior, distinguished by fame; The hosts of proud Egypt he covered with shame; They marched on the sea-bed, their bright banners shone, The waters came o'er them as lead or a stone. O Lord, thy right hand is unequalled in power; Thine enemy vanquished, discomfited, tore; The}' rose in their might Thy deep counsels to thwart; Thou consumest them as stubble, as winds are at sport. The east wind did blow and the waters heaped high; The depth of the sea, as a path, became dry; The enemy said, '' We will follow their wake; The sword shall devour, and the spoil we will take." Thou didst blow with thy winds, and with one mighty sweep O'erwhelmed the proud foe in the dark-frowning deep. Thine own people passed safe on the bed of the sea. Jehovah hath triumphed most gloriously! The people and nations these wonders shall hear; Palestina devoted with anguish shall fear; Amazement the princes of Edom shall sway; Th' inhabitants of Canaan shall all melt away. THE STREAM OF TIME. 79 The Lord's mighty arm, which his people has led, Shall palsy their hands and their hearts fill with dread ; So that still as a stone all their struggles shall cease, Till the Jordan is passed by thy people in peace. On the mount shalt thou plant them, their own fixed abode, And there shall they worship Jehovah their God; And under his shadow protection shall gain, Whilst thou wilt forever in righteousness reisrn. Sec. 2. — To his death. The Israelites were now from bondage free, Their rear protected by the rosy sea ; Th' oppressor's power was also rendered void, Their fighting men entrapped and all destroyed ; While nations round were filled with wholesome fear. And Israel left to follow her career, — So grand the victory the nation crowned, So dire the crash where Egypt's hosts were drowned. And now the Israelites, commanded, stir. And go into the wilderness of Shur ; But here at Mara bitter waters run, And murmurings unseemly there begun ; But power divine the bitter waters healed, And new instructions were to them revealed. 80 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Then they continued on their way as meet, To Elim's wells and seventy pahn trees great ; Where wearied with the way and whirling dust, They now enjoy the shade and quench their thirst. Recruited and refreshed, they then begin Their journey to the Wilderness of Sin. And now such murmurings and sins begun As all, but Caleb and the son of Nun, Excluded from the land of promised rest, As God in judgment uttered his behest. Blind unbelief and their unfounded fear. Cut short a promising and proud career. For here they murmured both for bread and meat ; Revert to Egypt, as of plenty great. Forgetting brick kilns, service in the field, And bondage sore with no protecting shield. Then, in the evening, quails, for meat, were given, And manna came, as bread, direct from heaven. This was their daily bread for forty years. Till at their destined home, old corn appears, — A constant miracle before their eyes ; For whence the origin of such supplies ? To Rephidim the pilgrim band now went. And there, as God commanded, pitched their tent. THE STREAM OF TIME. 81 But here refreshing water failed to glide ; Aud hence, the people did with Moses chide. But Moses cast his burdens on the Lord, Who soon relieved him by his cheering word. Then Moses smote the rock at Horeb's feet. Whence gushing waters flowed in plenty great. And there and then, the Amalekites fought and failed ; For Moses raised his hand and thus prevailed ; While Hur and Aaron either side resort, Afibrding as was needed prompt support. Then it was writ, the book to Joshua given. That Amalek should cease from under heaven. Here Jethro brings to Moses precious boons. Even Zipporah, his wife, and her two sons. In mutual friendship they relate and hear The wonders God had wrought for Israel dear. Then Jethro saw the leader's burdens great, And recommended mitigations fit ; That able men who feared the Lord indeed. And men of truth, from covetousness freed, Should be provided from the people all. To sit in judgment over cases small ; While he should be to them the mouth of God, Aud in important cases bear the load. 82 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And as they met, ^p they in friendship part, Imploring mutual blessings from the heart. And now the laws from Sinai come in course, The number, ten, the Lord of all, their source. One God exists ; none else shall be adored ; No image made in likeness of the Lord ; The name of God must not be used in vain ; The holy Sabbath, men must not profane ; Domestic ties must be observed with grace. And life made sacred to the human race ; The utmost purity required of all ; Possessions sacred whether great or small ; To bear false witness never must be done, To covet in the heart, allowed to none. These lessons came from Sinai's holy mount Mid thunders loud to show their dread account. The Israelites in Egypt long enslaved. With their false views and worship were depraved. The knowledge of Jehovah they had lost, And hence instruction here they needed most. So miracles in their behalf were wrought. And these his power and goodness clearly taught. The scenes of Sinai deeply would impress Distinctive views of sin and holiness. THE STREAM OF TIME. 83 So classified were beasts unclean and clean, From which a difference in thin£:s was seen. The lioliness of God men thus could scan, Requiring such a principle in man. The patterns of the things in heaven above Were purified by these, as Scriptures prove. The Jews were educated by these signs, Whence truth witli clearness in the process shines. Their civil laws then given and writ the page. Would oruide the nation to their latest stasre. Their wisdom and their fitness now we heed, Nor can all modern lore the code exceed. The nation lived while they in fear obeyed. But perished only when from these she strayed. Well may the sceptic yield, inspired with awe. Inquiring, " Where did Moses get that law ? " As that, exceeding earthly wisdom's line. Claims for it an original divine. Next was the tabernacle reared to God, To lead the people in the heavenly road. The priests were set apart to sacrifice ; The altars built whence savors sweet would rise ; The service shaped the infant age t' impress, And lead to higher life and holiness. 84 BIBLE SKETCHES OR But still the people were to murmuring prone, And Moses felt his burden sore, alone. So to relieve and lighten all his care Were seventy men appointed this to share. Some of his spirit rare was on them placed, That such an office might be duly graced. And now the Jews were murmuring again. And by the fire from God were many slain. But soon the fire was quenched at Moses' prayer ; The place was called Taberah, from the fire. Now from the Lord, the wind brought quails again. From Afric's coast across the rosy main. And while the flesh was yet beneath their teeth, The plague was sent, as God's avenging wrath. And Aaron now, and Miriam made assault. Reproaching Moses with unfounded fault. The Midianitish woman as his wife. But who was true and faithful all her life. Though he was meek, God put on them disgrace ; Approving Moses, talking face to face. And still another sin we here recount, When Moses tarried in the holy mount ; The golden calf was fashioned by the man Who should in Moses' absence lead the van. THE STREAM OF TIME. 85 Three thousand, hence, were slaughtered by the sword, When Moses spurned the deed and gave the word. Jehovah, thus insulted, justly shows Avenging wrath by such inflicted blows. And now, the second month, the fourteenth day, The passover was kept the usual way. Then on the borders of the promised land Twelve spies were sent to search at God's command. From south to north they pass the country through. And Eshcol clusters bring as samples true.. The land throughout with milk and honey flowed, Inviting their advance, to this abode. Now, Joshua and Caleb took this view, And urged it on the nation to pursue ; Jehovah's arm would give to them the land, And no opposing force could him withstand. But ten adverse excited guilty fears. Delayed their entrance nearly forty years. The frightful stories of their walls and bars. And giants panoplied for cruel wars, Such panic added to their unbelief As soon and sadly brought them all to grief. For now Jehovah, with an angry frown. With pestilence about to cut them down, 86 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Was hindered only by his servant's prayer, And kindly deigned their little ones to spare. Then all were doomed to wander forty years In that lone wilderness made sad with tears. While wasting there in this most dismal place, But few events have come to our address. Th' offence of Aaron and of Miriam one ; Of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram known; Symbolic blossoming of Aaron's rod, Importing his appointment there from God ; The sins of Moses and of Aaron too, When from the smitten rock the waters flow% Correction calling from Jehovah's hand. Excluding both from entering Canaan's land ; The fiery serpents soaring on the wing, Inflicting bites with vencm in their sting, Thus dealing death on multitudes most sure, For which the brazen serpent was a cure. This serpent, lifted on a lofty pole, Could be inspected duly by the whole. The deadly wounds of those who looked were healed ; Of those who turned away, their death was sealed. And so the Son of Man was lifted high, And there put forth forlorn his dying cry. THE STREAM OF TIME. 87 That all who look on him and thus believe, His full salvation freely may receive. Th' atonement is a measure to prevent The dire necessity of punishment ; While law and order are as Avell maintained As punishment inflicted would have gained. This measure here is faintly shadowed forth, — Christ's sacrifice for us, of matchless worth. Such are the leading facts in their amount. For thirtv-eio:ht I0112: vears, the sriven account. At Kadesh Barnea had Miriam died, And Aaron at Mount Hor was set aside. And now the time drew near for wondrous change ; As Moab's border was within their range. The king was much alarmed and looked for aid. But Baalam being called, awhile delayed; And when before them brought, he says at first, " How can I curse whom God has never cursed ? " And from his high position on the rocks. He saw the Israelites spread out as flocks ; And said, "How goodly are thy tents thus spread, "The people whom from Egypt God hath led. " Among them is the shout, as of a king. "What puny arm can their destruction brino-? 8S BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME. " For as a lion strong he there doth lay, "To rise and seize and then devour the prey. "A star shall thence proceed to Israel, "These nations to destroy, their doom to tell." East of the Jordan now the nations yield ; And there, were Eeuben, Gad, Manasseh held, Conditioned that o'er Jordan they should go. To help their brethren there their work to do. Then Moses went alone to Nebo's height To view the land adjudged, a glorious sight, — A land which then with milk and honey flowed, So soon to be the nation's fair abode. For sin indulged, he then was doomed to die. But thence transferred to his fair home on high. In Moses, meekness was a ruling trait, And industry and self-denial great ; Large statesmanship in all his doings blends. And wisdom in the choice of means and ends. The Lord distinguished him by this marked grace. That with him. He himself spake face to face. And what a funeral this to undertake. The Lord of glory following the wake ! CHAPTER yil. Joshua's administration. As Moses now, the meek, courageous man. Who long had been the leader in the van. Had served his time and laid his armor down, And gone to his reward to wear a crown, The work unfinished, but of worth untold. Required a leader still, both wise and bold, To meet the perils rife on every hand. While planting Israel in the promised land ; And Providence, who all things sees afar, Had raised up one with gifts for such a war ; Like Washington, in later ages named, So Joshua now for skill and grace was famed ; As Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. Had laid his hands on him, imparting grace. Jehovah also said to him, "Be strong," And promised his support the way along ; And all the people took the noble stand, To go and do, as he should give command. 90 ' BIBLE SKETCHES OR Now Jericho, across the Jordan's stream, Appeared conspicuous in the sunlight's gleam ; Green hills and fertile vales before it spread, And strong and lofty walls around it led. This warlike city first must be assailed. And mischief threatened if the conquest failed. Two spies were therefore sent the facts to learn, And then in secret to their camps return ; Though in th' attempt their lives would be at stake, Thouo-h favorino: influences be on their wake. The news of their approach soon reached the king, Hence officers were sent the spies to bring ; But Rahab faithfully the spies concealed. So that their hiding-place was not revealed, The king's officials being led astray, The spies were shown and helped another way. Then Rahab told them of the terror brought. From wonders which the Lord for Israel wrought ; And hoAv the hearts of sturdy warriors melt. And what presaging fears the people felt ; How even panics raged on every hand, As in th' unequal conflict, who could stand ? So when the trump of cruel war was blown, And walls of strength were weak and toppled down. THE STREAM OF TIME. 91 Her safety aud her kinsmen's were secured ; As from her favoring course she was assured. All Israel then with hope and joy were fraught, From hopeful prospects which the spies had taught. Now they prepare to make th' effective move, And thus Jehovah's power aud promise prove. First Israel's hosts aj)proach the Jordan's tide ; The priests then dip their feet, the stream divide. Below, the swollen waters quickly fly ; Above, they stood in walls, the channels dry. Then they who bore the ark, a white-robed band, Stood firm in Jordan's bed, as on the land, Till all the people forming Israel's host Had passed unharmed to Canaan's longed-for coast. Twelve stones then taken from the river's bed. Where stood the priests till all across were led, Were made a heap beside their lodging-place, As fit memorials of the wondrous grace. The priests then left the station where they stood, When Jordan's waters went their usual road. While in the wilderness for forty years The rite of circumcision disappears ; But now this rite the Israelites renew. And thus at Gilgal their reproach eschew. 92 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The second month, the fourteenth day, again The passover was kept on Jericho's plain ; There first they ate the old corn of the land, And manna ceased, no longer in demand. The armies then prepare to strike the blow, And lay in desolation Jericho. Now Joshua, early to the city gone, Beheld a wondrous form with weapon drawn. Messiah, thus to guide the mighty train. Came there as Captain in his right to reign ; And as commanded, so the siege begun ; Six days their circuit round the walls were run. The blasts of rams' horns seeming then in vain. As all the while their walls unharmed remain ; But on the seventh, seven times the hosts went round ; The last, loud shouts arose, the horns resound, The walls fell flat, the people eager ran. And entered right before him every man. Resistance vain ! and whither could they fly ? Hear now the dismal and despairing cry. Destruction came, and cut ofi* every one ; Their goods and cattle, ere the setting sun. But Rahab and her house then find release. Because she screened the spies and sued for peace, - THE STREAM OF TIME. 93 A fitting tribute and a sure reward To those who trust, obey, and serve the Lord. The gold and silver vessels, iron and brass. Were consecrated to the Lord in mass. But Achan covetous alone was found, Th' accursed thing concealing in the ground. This first was learned by sore and marked defeat, At Ai, where the opposing forces meet ; How great the sin the punishment revealed, Which Achan's doom, with all his household, sealed. Thus purged, the men again prepare for war, And ride triumphant in the conquering car ; Proud Ai soon succumbed and was destroyed ; Her city made a heap, to this day void ; The spoil awarded to the warriors brave. Which spoil to them Jehovah freely gave. And then on Ebal was an altar built. Where sacrifices burned for human guilt, And where the law was written on the stones, And read to all Jehovah's chosen ones. Near Gerizim, the half of Israel stood. The rest near Ebal, in the neighborhood, When all the law was there distinctly read, The blessings and the curses o'er their head, 94 BIBLE SKETCHES OE As they the right should choose, refuse the wrong, Or in opposing courses pass along. Gibeon was a mighty city near, Whose hearts at Israel then were filled with fear ; And hence with craft, they took them by surprise, And made a league in which their sufierance lies. Then all the kings throughout that fated land Combined against them, an unbroken band ; But Israel kept the league and brought relief, And sadly put their enemies to grief. Five mighty kings with valorous armies boast. Which all gave way before Jehovah's host. Great hailstones too most wondrously from heaven. To greater straits the Canaanites had driven. Five nations thus received a sad defeat ; But night approached, the slaughter incomplete. And hence the king of day and queen of night Were stayed by mortal mandate for a fight. For Joshua spake, "Stand still on Gibeon, "Thou sun, and paler moon, on Aijalon.*' And so for one whole day their mazy dance Was stayed, the dreadful slaughter to enhance. The doomed ones struggled, but their efforts vain ; The kings and armies all at last were slain. THE STREAM OF TIME. 95 The clash of arms and din of war resound Then south and westward to their utmost hound ; And all the petty kingdoms were destroyed, And for the chosen nation rendered void. The northern nations then their forces join, Alarmed at Israel's power and prowess shown. The king of Hazor led confederate bands, As many as on sea-shore are the sands, With iron chariots and with horses fleet. In proud defiance God's array to meet. And now King Jabin's formidable train For battle stood on Merom's spacious plain. Then Joshua hastened in his martial tour, And came upon them with terrific power ; Thus smiting all arrayed, both rear and van. And leavino^ none alive, nor horse, nor man. And Hazor now, whose king was at the head. They smote till every mortal there was dead. This war of extirpation still went on , Till all those nations perished one by one ; Kings thirty-one were dispossessed and slain, When war was stayed and peace began her reign. Then to each tribe their portions God assigned. As seemed most fit to his omniscient mind. 96 BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME, The tribes^ from the south to the northward, we scan. First, Judah and Simeon, Benjamin, Dan, Then Ephraim, Manasseh, and Issachar forth. Last Zebido7i, Asher and Najphtali, north; Manasseh, the half tribe, and Reuben and Gul, On the east of the Jordan their boundaries had. Then Joshua died, a hundred ten years old, His life well spent, in dangerous service bold. In strict obedience to the Lord he moved, And uniform success his way approved. At Timnath-serah was his body laid. North side of Gaash where his tomb was made. CHAPTER VIII. DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY CONQUERED BY JOSHUA. Fair Canaan, once the Jewish type of heaven, Which Israel sought when out of Egypt driven, In distance north and south in miles will give The number just a hundred seventy-five. It lies within the northern temperate zone, From thirty-first degree, and northward on. The distance from the west to eastern bound From fifty up to ninety miles is found, — The climate varies with the height of land, — Cold, warm, and hot, thermometers will stand ; Its surface varied by plateaus and hills. By one large river, many brooks and rills, Three seas or lakes, from north to south their chain, The Levant Sea, connected with the main, By mountains lofty and the deep ravine, Extensive plains and valleys clothed with green, Deep mountain gorges, too, as often found. And caves, both large and small, which still abound. 98 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The mountains first we shall describe and name, And thinfifs connected which are common fame. Lihanus on the north, with snow-capped crest, Where cedars grow and eagles build their nest, Supplies a lurking place for various game, And timber choice to build the stately frame. Anti-Lihanus is its bold compeer, And both ten thousand feet their summits rear. Mount Herman, of the eastern range is seen. And Syria's valley lies the two between. These goodly mountains rich with foliage shine. And on their slopes are clusters of the vine. Mount Carmel on the Levant runs southeast. Its height is fifteen hundred feet at least. Of trees, the laurel, olive, oak, and pine. And many shrubs and flowers in beauty shine. S*o many streamlets to the base descend. And with the river Kishon freely blend. Here lived Elijah, who denounced a drouth In Ahab's time, which came to pass in truth. Again he prayed, and then came down the rain ; And here too Baal's prophets false were slain. Mount Tabor, east, towers up a lofty cone, And overlooks the vale of Esdraelon ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 99 Its base tour hundred feet above the sea, Aud rises thirteen hundred fifty high. A plain, and ancient fort the sumniit crown. And on the sides are trees and flowers now grown. Here Barak pitched his tent before the fight. When Jabin's hosts were slain amid their flight. And here, tradition says, occurred the scene, The glory of the Saviour shown to men. O'f this, the hill Beatitudes was north. Where Christ his precious blessings uttered forth. Proceeding south, Gilboa comes to view. Where David sung, "Be neither rain nor dew " ; Where both Eang Saul and Jonathan were slain, And streno'th and valor seemed almost in vain. On either side the fertile valleys run. Connecting Jordan's vale with Esdraelon. East of the Jordan seen are Bashan's hills, With forests crowned and many brooks and rills. From soft and sandy soil it takes its name ; From pastures rich and Bashan's breed, its fame. Around stood sixty cities this day viewed. Which Moses and the Israelites subdued. Where Og then reigned and giants held the land, And stone-built dwellings desolate now stand ; 100 BIBLE SKETCHES OR For while the flocks graze here, as we are told, Fierce, wild marauders plunder, as of old. Mount Gilead, near Jordan, seas between, Is famed for balm, and also pastures green. And westward, Ebal and Mount Gerizim, Five hundred yards apart, with visage grim, Stand on the plain eight hundred feet in height. But awful once for scenes of sacred rite ; Where blessings and a curse, the law being read. Were imprecated as their conduct led. And now in course to Gaasli we have come. Near Timnath-Serah, where was Joshua's tomb. We next advert to Quarantonia's heights, Where Christ was tempted forty days and nights ; East of Jerusalem, tradition says, Our only information where it is. And near Jerusalem is Olivet, Of touching scenes which we shall ne'er forget ; The south part called Corruption's Mount, the odds, From altars built to worship foreign gods. Another Oarmel near the Dead Sea stands, Where Nabal dwelt and David hid his bands. Judea's mounts are mostly barren hills, Whence John the Baptist came, w^hose teaching thrills. THE STREAM OF TIME. 101 Aharim last, east of the Dead Sea, seek. The north part, Pisgah, havmg JVebo's peak, Where Moses stood and viewed the promised land, Died, and was buried by Jehovah's hand. In all these mountains caverns much abound, And sometimes small and sometimes spacious found ; Sometimes th' abode of poor but honest men. Sometimes the lairs of beasts, or robber's den ; Sometimes the sepulchres or chosen graves ; And as the Horites, tribes have dwelt in caves. A cave on Carmel was Elijah's home. And Machpelah was Abraham's purchased tomb. The caves Adullam and Engedi stand As places where once David hid his band. A hundred prophets, fifty in a cave. Good Obadiah hid, their lives to save. The rivers of the land we now shall name ; The Jordan first, of most distinguished fame. From Hermon's base its course is onward south, Till in the famed Dead Sea it finds its mouth. Its length direct, a hundred forty miles ; Its depths will vary in its deep defiles. Its windings to its length add many more, Its breadth will vary with the swelling shower. 102 BIBLE SKETCHES OR One hundred eighty yards its widest place, But narrower far as towards its source we trace. The hikes connected with it number three, AsphaUites and Merom, Galilee: The largest southward is the Dead Sea named ; It has no outlet ; is in history famed. Here for their sins w^ere cities large destroyed ; As Sodom and Gomorrah rendered void. Four tributaries westward make their w^ay, As Arnon, Heslibon, Jabhok^ Gadara. Asphaltites, the inlet is of one, Where healing waters of the Cedron run. The Levant Sea receives a number more, These, Kishon, Go ash, Eshlvl, Besor, four. The plains and valleys next wall be our theme, Northwest, Esdraelou, held in high esteem. 'T is east of Kishon spreading out its length ; The fertile soil in products shows its strength. At Mount Gilboa's base, the plain divides. Extends to Jordan, passing by its sides. The plain has been the nation's battle-field. And Jew and Gentile forced in turn to yield. The plain through which the Jordan rolls its stream Is sunk and low throughout to each extreme. THE STREAM OF TIME. 103 In ancient times productive it was found, By Lot was chosen as his pasture ground. The plain of Sharon west, the coast along, Was famed for flocks and flowers then told in song. The vale of Rephaim, or the Giant's vale, South of Jerusalem, a fertile dale. And near was Elath's vale, where boasting vain, Goliath was by David met and slain. The wilderness and desert, Bible terms, But simply barren wastes ofttimes affirms. And sometimes scanty trees, with herbs and grass, Are found in such locations as we pass. Such were the native features, briefly told, Of this fair land to Israel given of old. Enriched wath former and the latter rain, And copious dews to fertilize again. The chief employment of the ancient Jews Was agriculture, for returns profuse. Here tranquil life in virtue's path is found, And less temptations come in business' round. This course for them Jehovah had assigned, As best adapted to the end designed. Hence they w^ere planted in this goodly land, Where generous plenty would the heart expand. 104 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Here from their mountains cooling waters flow ; The fertile valleys golden harvests grow ; On sunny slopes rich clusters of the vine ; On broad expanded prairies sheep and kine ; From clefts of rugged rocks and hollow trees The honey flowed and issued swarms of bees ; Most gorgeous flowers their petals open fair, And odors sweet are wafted in the air. Hence agriculture is a choice pursuit, Rewardiuof labor with abundant fruit. The yeoman now, as then, his way along. May trust and hope and sing his cheerful song. In the earth's genial bosom are treasures concealed, There stored up for man and by labor revealed; And he who industriously follows the plough, The process will learn in the sweat of his brow. But from first rising shoots to the opening of flowers, Increased and matured by the sun and the showers, The burdens attendant, though large in their scope. Are relieved all along by the magic of hope. And this is the pathway to national wealth, To mental and bodily vigor and health; Strong arms and sound minds, and a generous spoil Are usual returns for the tillage of soil. THE STREAM OF TIME. 105 Wool, cotton, and flax, and the famed Bashan's breed, To furnish our wardrobes and larders as need; And cities and villages towering with grace, To the business of farming their origin trace. Manufacturers, merchants, and men of all trades, Professions and specialties, various in grades, Subserve the convenience and growth of the realm, In its products and wares and in guiding the helm. But the yeoman provides for his own and to spare, And a surplus has still with the needy to share. So while others are tried, and at trials recoil. Our tribute we bring to the lords of the soil. He also finds leisure to study and read, And for social demands, as occasion may need; Recreations and pastimes the bow to unbend. With his usual pursuits thus harmoniously blend. Creation's works seen, the Creator will prove, And the modes of his providence show but his love; To devotion the farmer thus strictly is bound, The duty enforced by creation around. CHAPTER IX. THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE JUDGES. The Jews had now a pleasant, favored home, A fixed abode, no longer doomed to roam ; A vine brought out of Egypt, foreign soil, Through seas and deserts drear, peculiar spoil. Well planted in the land, which God had given. To take deep root, its branches spread to heaven. The wild ones rooted there, a time remain. But their eradication doomed was plain. Long time the Jews Jehovah's laws observe. Nor from the paths of swift obedience swerve. So was it while that generation stood Who with the spirit true had been imbued. But when that generation passed away. And in their graves th' experienced elders lay. Who saw Jehovah's wonder-working power, His friends to shield, his enemies devour, Then their successors soon forgot his claims ; And turned aside to meaner ends and aims. BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME. 107 Hence scourges were prepared of nations round, Who plied the lash till sad and sore the wound. Internal foes became another snare, And burdens laid upon them hard to bear. Then to the Lord they cried in deepest grief, And judges were raised up for their relief. The reign of peace on earth was then afar, And hence the Jews kept up the art of war. Mesopotamia's king was first t' oppress, And held them eight years in severe duress. Then Othniel was moved to take the field, And Cushanrishathaim was made to yield. Then from a war they rested forty years ; When their old sin, idolatry, appears. The Jews insulted now Jehovah's name. And Eglon, king of Moab, warring came. For eighteen years he put them all to grief, When Ehud blew the trump for their relief. By stratagem he laid his studied plan, To loose the grasp of this oppressive man. A fatal message to the king he bore Of retribution then laid up in store. He slew King Eglon with his own right hand. Then called the Jews to follow his command ; 108 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And they in concert slew ten thousand men, And broke th' oppressor's power, thus freed again. And Shamgar, son of Anath, next appears, Protecting Israel from oppressive fears. Then Jabin, king of Hazar, in the north, In proud oppression's line came boldly forth, With iron chariots counting hundreds nine. And so the Jews to servitude assign ; When lo ! the Strength of Israel comes to tread. His hosts by Deborah and Barak led. Their chariots failed, their horses sped amain ; Their captain, Sisera, was vilely slain ; And in their flight the slaughter freely ran. Till none were left alive, nor horse, nor man. Then Deborah and Barak sweetly sung To heal divisions, different tribes among ; And also show their sense of that kind care Which gave them strength and taught their hands to war : — Praise ye the Lord, ye people, praise ! When willing hearts are found To jeopard life, their hands to raise, In war's most dauo^erous round. - THE STREAM OF TIME. 109 Hear, O ye kings ! ye people, hear ! While I in triumph sing; And learn Jehovah's name to fear, And grateful offerings bring. Lord, when thou wentest out of Seir, Thy people to maintain, The mountains melt in dread and fear, The heavens dropped with rain. Of late our nation, in distress. Highways had left untrod; The villages were in duress, When they forsook their God. When cruel war its blasts had blown. The people were unarmed; Nor shield, nor spear with Israel known: Well might they be alarmed. But to the ruleis of the land My heart goes out in love. Who with their precious lives in hand, Regard for freedom prove. The tribes most nobly sallied forth. To break th' oppressor's chain ; Few from the south, or from the north From danger would refrain. 110 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The stars from heaven then in their path Against proud Canaan fought; The river Kishon swept in wrath. "What wonders God thus wrought! Their horses plunged, their hoofs were broke; Their mighty ones were slain; Their iron chariots clog and choke, And spend their rage in vain. . Proud Sisera dismounts with fear, To Jael's house appealed; But death disguised was lurking near, Which soon itself revealed. The woman gave him needed food; With nail then pierced his brain, Defiling him with his own blood; Struck off his head thus slain. His mother from the window gazed: TThy doth his chariot stay? The query in reply was raised, Divide they not the prey? So perish all thy foes, O Lord! And from the world be gone; But those who love and heed thy word, Be like the middav sun. THE STREAM OF TBIE. Ill And now for forty years left unassailed, The sun of peace and tranquil life prevailed ; But then departing from the good old way, The Israelites provoke another fray. The Midianites in harvest make their raid, And seize the stores their hands aside had laid. And so chastised and scourged, again they cry, When from the Lord redemption draweth nigh. The Lord in Ophrah hailed the mighty man, Whom he had reared to rule and lead the van ; And he, assured of God's protecting care. Then girded up his loins, prepared for war. The dew upon the fleece, not on the ground ; Then not the fleece, but poured profusely round ; And then the barley loaf and Midianite's dream. Were tokens which from doubts and fears redeem. And now as^ainst the hosts of Midian stand Three hundred men with torches in their hand ; Symbolic of the One that struck the blow. So all his mighty power and claims might know. A hundred twenty thousand foes were slain, The Midianites crushed, and not to rise again. Then peace prevailed in Israel forty years, While Gideon ruled, a tower against all fears. 112 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Abimelecli then usurped the Jewish throne, The seventy slew, and reigned three years alone. But anarchy and civil war were rife. Till this usurper lost his worthless life. At Thebez was a tower where all had fled, And thence a woman stoned him on his head. His servant then, as bade, his weapon thrust, And laid this wicked man low in the dust. Now for a time we count on their increase. As Tola, and then Jair, ruled in peace. But soon for base idolatry allowed, Eight years of judgments on the nation crowd. The tribes both south and east, before subdued. And Ammon, held with them a bitter feud ; Till deep repentance had her proper sway, And all their idols they had put away. Then God was pleased his favor to reveal, And send deliverance for the common weal ; For Jephthah, his united forces led. When their oppressors slumbered with the dead. This chieftain, starting out to take the field. Vowed to the Lord an ofiering to yield, — The first that met him, when in peace returned. To be upon the appointed altar burned. THE STREAM OF TIME. 113 What grief and sadness then the father proved, When meeting first his only child beloved, — A daughter, leading on the virgin train. With songs and cymbals in a joyous strain. The victory, the nation's glad relief. Brought sadness to the nation's honored chief. We apprehend that single she remained. As human sacrifice their laws restrained ; And hence with her the family would cease, As in the future would be no increase. Six years the chieftain lived, the laws t' enforce. When Ibzan, Elon, Abdon came in course. Then forty years Philistia o'er them reigned, Till penitence for sin was seen unfeigned. Then Samson was raised up, a man of might. To scourge and slay and execute the right. His strength was seen when he a lion slew. And thirty Philistines for raiment due. Then craftily he burned their shocks of corn With foxes bound, thus leaving them forlorn. At Lehi next he burst the cramping cords. And slew a thousand men, some of them lords. And then the gates of Gaza, bars and all, He carried to the mountain's top, as small ; 114 BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME. And last, not least, iDroud Dagon's temple razed. And died himself with thousands then amazed . Then civil war ensued for wrongs allowed, And judgments followed, as Jehovah vowed. The office now in course to Eli came. To judge the land, the people to reclaim. In milder virtues he was well imbued, But sterner features needed, he eschewed. At length succession was from him displaced. For vileness of his sons then clearly traced. But whom he failed to treat as they deserved, As they in office from their duty swerved. Hence soon in battle both his sons were slain, The arlv was lost, and death to him was gaiji. Next Samuel, not least, comes on the stage, In arduous, pressing duties to engage. CHAPTER X. THE REIGN OF SAUL AND SAMUEL. The prophet Samuel, the child of prayer, Was given, important usefulness to share ; Placed in the temple, lent unto the Lord, And all his life obedient to his word. His character was tested in his youth, Unswerving in the narrow way of truth ; And from the tokens given, then all could see That he a prophet was ordained to be. To him was Eli's fate at first revealed. And which at Shiloh was still more unsealed. The battle raged, and Eli's sons were slain, The ark among them seeming then in vain. And so was Ichabod writ on their arms, The nation filled with true and just alarms. To Ashdod was the captured ark conveyed. Whose doings made the Ashdodites afraid. Pentapolis was filled with great alarm, Expecting from this secret symbol harm. 116 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Hence tliey returned the ark to its own place, With trespass-offerings, thus seeking grace. Then Samuel to Mizpeh called the Jews ; Eeformed and taught them better ways to use. The Jews were then in danger and distressed, In civil and religious state depressed. But he soon freed them from oppression's rod. Securing help and strength from Israel's God. Thus when the battle was at Mizpeh fought, Jehovah thundered and the victory wrought. The Philistines by thousands bit the dust. And Israel gained his portion true and just. From year to year, in circuit Samuel went, To Bethel, Gilgal, Mizpeh, Ramah, sent, Promoted learning and religion true, United tribes, and caused obedience due. At Ramah was his house, his fixed abode, And there he built an altar to his God. But in old age he put his sons in trust, And they departed from his ways most just. The nation then desired and asked a king ; But Samuel told them what the change would bring. All his persuasions failed their wish to foil. And hence, as bad, he used th' anointino^ oil. THE STREAM OF TIME. 117 Hence Saul was sought, a person tall and strong, To lead the people and prevent the wrong ; To shape their policy abroad, at home ; Of bearings near or far, in days to come. So Saul was placed upon the kingly throne, Whose power and folly forty years were shown. So long he led the people in their strife, When thousands fought for country, home, and life. At Gilead, the Ammonites were thrust ; The Philistines at Michmash bit the dust ; For Saul led on these battles most severe. Which to the foe were but defeat and fear. A Providence was also in their wake. Which served their courage and their ranks to break . Devoted Amalek was next destroyed. But then was Saul's succession rendered void ; For he had Agag spared, of spoil the best. Which was forbidden by the Lord's behest. Saul recognized Jehovah, Lord of all, But did not heed him as his King to call. Idolatry, the king had well opposed. But his dependence on the Lord refused. Thus it was meet from him the crown to take, That others mis^ht not follow in the wake. 118 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And then to fill the place, to act the part, He sought a man accorduig to his heart. The son of Jesse, David, thus was found, Whom Samuel anointed in his round. The Spirit then was David's constant guide, But Saul was left to wander in his pride ; An evil spirit also was his bane, Which led to conduct like a man insane. The skilful harpist, David, then was sought. To chase the spirit which the mischief wrought. And near to Shocho was the dismal plight. The Philistines and Jews arrayed for fight, Each spreading out upon a mountain's slope. These mountains trusted as their strength and hope. And now came forth a champion well arrayed. The Israelites to challenge and upbraid. Six cubits and a span his wondrous height, And corresponding armor for a fight. His brazen helmet and his coat of mail. And greaves of brass and target to assail, Whose staff with spear-head like a weaver's beam. And shield upborne, most formidable seem. Before the Israelites he stood and cried, And Israel's armies scornfully defied. THE STREAM OF TIME. 119 Says he, Send forth a man to cope in strife, And he shall rule who takes the other's life. Saul and his army thus were sore dismayed, And of the giant champion all afraid. For forty days the challenge was renewed ; No match was found in Israel's lines reviewed. Three sons of Jesse followed Saul, to share The chances of the battle pending there. The youngest, David, kept the sheep at home, But to his brethren with supplies had come. And as he talked with them, Goliath came. Renewed his challenge in proud terms the same. The stripling heard, was tilled with wondrous zeal To wipe away reproach from Israel. Then he was told the portion he would share Who would the boasting Philistine ensnare ; Great riches, honors, and a boon for life, The king's fair daughter as his wedded wife. Though envious brethren their reproaches fling. The servants brouofht him then to Saul the kino-. And while his youth and tender age were named, Compared with giant sinews warlike filmed, His trust in God, the Strength of Israel, Was far superior in th' fight t' excel. 120 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The lion slain, and then the raging bear, When of his father's flocks he had the care, Were tokens that Goliath, boasting vain, Wonld be, as they, then overcome and slain. And so the ruddy youth with sling and stone The giant met with courage on the throne ; And whelmed with curses by the heathen gods. He well retorted, showing him the odds ; Foretelling his disgraceful, fatal fall, And sure destruction of his forces all, And so the slung- shot, executed well. And like a giant oak, Goliath fell. With his own sword, his head was taken oflT, No more in proud defiance there to scofi". While David lifted up the bleeding head. The Philistines, amazed and frightened, fled. Their camps were taken and their strength was shorn, And in respect to future hopes forlorn. And David elsewhere warred, as was required. And acted wisely as the light inspired. The song was sung and echoed back anew. That thousands Saul, ten thousands, David, slew. Hence envy rose within the monarch's breast, And purpose desperate his soul possessed. THE STREAM OF TIME. 121 And now commenced the deadly hopeless strife, — Saul's eao-er efforts after David's life. As bloodhounds scent and seek their wonted prey, So was the course of Saul in this affray. Hence David oft was driven in circuit round, From cave to city where was refuge found. While Jonathan made friendship with the lad, His father persecuted, strangely mad. But who Jehovah's well-laid plans can thwart, AYhate'er the means to which they may resort ? So Saul was worsted in his guilty cause, And in his futile efforts led to pause. And Samuel died, now in a good old age, An actor forty years upon the stage ; The last of all the judges, but the best. In all things faithful till called home to rest. Through all his life, while dangers thickly roll. He exercised a wise and safe control. And now events their shadows cast before, — The retributions long laid up in store. The Philistines appeared in dread array. And Saul was left to his own chosen way. As Urim, Thummim, and the j)rophets failed. Familiar spirits to his aid were hailed. 122 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The Witch of Endor thus was brought to light, AYho, Samuel called, was sadly put to fright ; And Saul was overcome with hopeless gloom, As thence informed of his approaching doom. Next day the battle raged, but proved in vain ; Saul and three sons were on Gilboa slain. Now, Jonathan and David long before. The purest friendship for each other bore. Far in the distance of heroic time, Uryalus and Nisus friendly chime, ^o Damon, Pythias, of later age. As friends, our admiration will engage. But that of David and the son of Saul, Surpasses sympathic feeling all. The welling heart constructs the friendly wreath, In lamentation o'er the tragic death. Magnanimous the tribute paid to Saul, When on Gilboa's mount the fatal fall : Oh, the beauty of Israel slain, And cast away vilely the shield ; The mighty thus fallen in vain, On the heights of the hard-fought field ! Tell it not in the streets of proud Gath, Nor in arrogant, pert Askelon ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 123 Lest the Philistines boast in their wrath, And exult in the victory won. On the mount of Gilboa so high, Be neither the dew nor the rain; Nor with offerings ever come nigh, "Where Saul the anointed was slain. From the blood of the slain in the field, There Jonathan's bow was not slack; And in wielding the sword and the shield, King Saul never empty came back. In strength, the fierce lion most strong, With them would but badly compare; In swiftness, while coursing along, The eagle in flight would not dare. In life, both the father and son. Were pleasant, united in heart, And in co-operation as one, In death they were not called to part. Ye daughters of Israel, weep O'er Saul, who has decked you with gold! The mighty now sleep their last sleep; How sad is the story thus told. O Jonathan! I am distressed. Thy love was more precious to me Than woman's, the dearest caressed, In its noble, unfeigned purity. CHAPTER XI. THE KINGDOM AND REIGN OF DAVID. The stream of time flows down its destined com'se, Increasing on the way in mass and force, Its surging waters now becoming deep, And more majestic in its widening sweep. As pebbles thrown upon the tranquil lake. Their circles move, enlarging in their wake ; So moral means, from single points begun, Expand in course, as from the centre run. Thus Israel first from Abraham arose, Became a wide-spread stream which onward flows. The nation's banner, long before unfurled. In David's time was feared by all the world. Through long, eventful years severely trained. His kingly virtues he unstinted gained. He learned to trust in God for skill to fight. And for the contest needed power and might ; When both the lion and the bear were slain. And all their strength and fury rendered vain. BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME. 125 And when Goliath, with his haughty nod, Defied the armies of the living God, The nation marked the man with sling and stone, Who, in Jehovah's name, the victory won. And when King Saul was troubled with the blues, And he was called the harp and voice to use. He learned peculiar ways of courts and kings, And public business, such as office brings. And when accused by envy's jaundiced eye. And by his persecutor forced to fly. He learned to manage on the smaller scale, — Experience which in future would avail. And 'mid temptations trying to the soul. He learned himself with reason to control. And men of might and skill were thus prepared, Who in his after service nobly shared. And Samuel to him a precious boon, By prudent counsels early helped him on. And now King David, by divine command, Assumed his place as leader of the land. He went to Hebron, as Jehovah bade. And there, the king of Judah, first was made. Meanwhile, the sole surviving son of Saul, Was placed o'er Israel at Abner's call. 126 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Hence civil strife seven tedious years prevailed, And David stronger grew ; Ishbosheth failed. At Gibeon these kings and captains met In deadly contest, with their armies set ; But Joab proves superior in the field, And Abner is compelled the meed to yield. Of his, three hundred warlike men were slain. Of Joab's, Asahel and nineteen men. Now Abner in his zeal begins to halt, When by Ishbosheth told his reckless fault. Hence came the purpose in the son of Ner, And thus to David would the tribes transfer. Negotiations hence were now in course. Which would from Joab office held divorce ; Installing Abner, heeding not the cost. As captain of the whole united host. Then Joab, with th' avenger's rights in view. Outside the gates of Hebron, Abner slew. And soon Ishbosheth was by treachery slain. And David's way to rule o'er all was plain ; For Israel then, with one entire accord. Elected David as their king and lord. The Jebusites Jerusalem still held. But soon from thence by David were expelled, THE STREAM OF TIME. 127 Which hence became Jehovah's chosen seat, Where all the tribes harmoniously meet. Then Hiram, king of Tyre, good wishes sends, And they became most true and faithful friends, Whence masons, carpenters, and cedar trees. And mutual pledges of their monarchies. Long years their friendship most unbroken stood, Affording comfort and substantial good, Descending from the father to the son. Expressed in acts of kindness mutual done. The enemies of Israel took alarm. And marshalled for a contest sharp and warm ; But at Perazim they were forced to yield ; In Rephaim's vale again they lost the field. The signal sounded from the mulberry trees, And slaughter raged amid the battle's breeze. So then reduced, to tribute they were bound. And peace prevailed with all the nations round. Then to Jerusalem the ark was brought, The symbol which Jehovah's presence taught. On this occasion many hearts were glad. And offerings to the Lord in faith were made. The noble jDroject next came into mind, To build a house for God's own use assigned, 128 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Which by the prophet Nathan, as behooved, Was shown to be a project well approved. Then it was promised in succession's line, The sceptre from his house should ne'er decline. But he, as needful, was a man of war, To mould the nation down the stream afar ; But of his seed, a son should rule in peace. The house to build, the nation to increase ; To hold a sceptre to the latest stage, Though sins and chastisements together rage. Thus David's heart was filled with grateful joy, And worthy thanks his heart and tongue employ. Then David pushed his conquests all around, Up to the lines where God had fixed the bound. The river Egypt was the boundary south ; Towards the east, Euphrates to its mouth ; To Hamath, north, the limits there were rife ; All which had David gained ip martial strife. Then all the Philistines their tribute paid ; The Moabites no more could make a raid. The king of Zaba met a sore defeat ; The same the Syrian king was forced to greet. Congratulations for the victories gained Were sent with gifts from Hamath most unfeigned, THE STREAM OF TIME. 129 Thus David was made great in power and fame, And all the nations round revered his name. The gold and treasures from the tented field He set apart, the house of God to build. Proud Edom next the conqueror's lists embrace. And tribute was exacted of the race. At Rabbath Amnion was the next campaign, By Joab led, a bright and glittering train. But though successful in the tented field. Most bitter fruits events connected yield. The sin of David with Uriah's wife ; Uriah's murder, left in mortal strife ; The pangs of guilt for this so deeply mourned ; The sword unsheathed against his household turned ; Dishonor come on him in open day ; His flight from home and kingdom, driven away ; The chastisements fourfold upon his head ; All show how hateful sin, how much to dread. Rebellion is the height of human crime ; The sins of witchcraft with it clearly chime. Yet Absalom now sought his father's throne. Prepared for murder in the process shown. Ahithophel to reckless means exhorts. To kill the king, which Hushai's counsel thwarts. 130 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Deliverance was thus by David hailed ; The cunning artifice for treason failed. Ahithophel was thus bereft of hope, And sealed his doom suspended by a rope. And though the battle raged the coming day, The young usurper died in that sad way ; For caught upon a limb, his mule departs, And Joab pierces him with fatal darts. / Thus ended Absalom's most base career ; Rough stones heaped on him showed his character. So justly he received the traitor's doom. While David was preserved for good to come. The nation then was rescued from disgrace. And re-established in the arts of peace. But small imprudences will oft embroil, As small dead flies the choicest perfumes spoil. So was it seen when David safe returned From Amasa, and Sheba's fate then learned. The tribes of Israel were in part ignored. When David to his kingdom was restored. But unto Judah was the honor given. To place the king upon the throne whence driven. The doors for evil thus were set ajar, Receiving hence the tide of transient war. THE STREAM OF TIME. 131 And Tvheu these civil wars had spent their rage, A three years' ftimine came upon the stage. Some Gibeonites had once been shain by Saul, Their lands apportioned to his friends withal. Seven sons of his were therefore sought t' atone And stay the famine then so fatal shown. Again the Philistines prepared for war. And marshalled all their forces in th' affair. Even men gigantic, of Goliath's race, Were brought again the Israelites to face. Four battles followed, whence the victory gained Reduced the Philistines, and peace obtained. Four giants in the conflict here were slain, Nor more of proud Goliath's race remain. Here David, mid the perils of the strife, Endangered much his still important life ; And hence his subjects in the wars to come Would not expose the king to such a doom. Now David, thankful for this precious calm. For due expression wrote the eighteenth psalm. And now, in this proud time of his career, A gross and sad mistake begins t' appear. For some delusive scheme in fancy's round He takes the census of his warriors found ; 132 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Ten tribes, eight hundred thousand in th' amount, Five hundred thousand then would Judah's count. As God's displeasure now was clearly seen, The Levites passed and tribe cf Benjamin. And then Jehovah in displeasure frowned, And by his judgments made a fearful wound. A seven years' famine raging in the land, Three months of unsuccessful war at hand, Or three days' pestilence with ghastly mien. Alternatives were given for this great sin ; The sin consisting in the motive found To carry war beyond their proper bound. Then David said, "I'm in a dreadful strait. But on the Lord! fall, his mercies great." From Dan to Beersheba the plague deployed. And seventy thousand in its course destroyed. Then sacrifice and supplication made The pestilence from further riot stayed. And now was David in a good old age ; Another in his place must take the stage. Adonijah, the eldest of his sons. Conspires for this, and all the hazard runs. But Solomon, anointed of the Lord, Was then enthroned according to his word. THE STREAM OF TIME. 133 Conspirators were worsted and destroyed, As rightful claims could not be rendered void. Meanwhile the king advice most useful gave, And set his house in order for the grave. For forty years he reigned in regal state. And brought the nation to perfection great. He vanquished all her foes with spear and sword, And trained his forces for a future guard ; The nation's policy was well defined, And means to prosper skilfully combined ; The course of worship was assigned by days ; The Psalms were written as a book of praise ; And while his spirit lent devotion wings, The purpose ruled to serve the King of kings. And when he sinned, repentance followed crime, And absolution gained from time to time. And when affliction came in furious storm, The influence never failed in his reform. A warrior, statesman, poet, all in one. And lofty in each character he shone ; Imperfect, while engaged in human strife, The world was blessed by his eventful life, — A type of Him who in the royal line. In future ages would more brightly shine. CHAPTER XII. THE REIGN OF SOLOMON. The tree has beauty in its early stage, Before the growth of years and fruits of age ; But when we see it to perfection come, A lofty trunk and widely spreading dome, Prepared to answer varied human wants, The tree mature still more the mind enchants. So nations rising up the most sublime. Our admiration gain oft in their prime ; For throughout nature's large and broad domains, The law, from small to great, always obtains. The lofty forests rise from tiny shoots, And bud and blossom augur timely fruits. But as of culture, fruit is still the aim. We look on nations in a light the same. And when increased in numbers, wealth, and power, They should in noble aims and doings tower. But Israel now had passed its youthful state. And had by growth become a nation great. BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME. 135 And David last, a man regarding right, Had done the most to raise it thus in height ; Relying on Jehovah, as their king, To prostrate foes, and then to honor bring. From western sea to proud Euphrates, bound, From Egypt south, to Hamath north, around, The nations were subdued and tribute yield, And peace then reigned in all the wide-spread field. Thus Solomon ascended David's throne, Unequalled in his wisdom, world-wide known, Adonijah, with false ambition fired. In proud presumption to the throne aspired. Thus helped by Joab, as was clearly seen. Alarmed, and fleeing to the altar's screen. Hence to the crime by self-delusion driven, Both to the traitor's doom were justly given. Abiathar, High Priest, was in the plot, And after, in the office had no lot. And Shimei, who cursed his sire distressed, Was soon entrapped and slain at his behest. Then Zadak in the priesthood wisely led ; Benaiah, of the army was the head. Now all the perils past, the kingdom sure. The king alliance sought with rank and power. 136 BIBLE SKETCHES OR From Egypt hence, the nation's servile scene, He made alliance, and espoused his queen. Then at Gibeon next the Lord he sought, A holocaust, a thousand victims brought. Jehovah then, in visions of the night, The choice presents, of worldly good the height. This he rejects, as futile, trifling things, And asked for wisdom, needed most by kings. Jehovah gave the wisdom which he sought, With honor, wealth, and power above all thought ; So that sustained by such transcendent good, His throne and kingdom long majestic stood. The first decision which the king then made, The highest lustre of his wisdom shed. Two harlots brought a dead and living child, Each claimed the living, not the infant killed. Then said the king, " Divide the child alive, And so the half to either claimant give.'* The mother's heart was thus brought out and seen. In yielding up her claim, the child to screen ; While she, who put in false, invalid claims, Was understood by her unfeeling aims. Thence people saw that Solomon possessed The wisdom of Jehovah in his breast. THE STKEAM OF TIME. 137 They feared him therefore for his wisdom true, And rendered homage and obedience due. And with arrangements perfect and complete, He ruled and prospered in affairs of state. The great achievement for the nation's good, TVas now his object, as well understood. The temple, on Moriah's lofty height. Was to the Jews a hopeful, dazzling sight ; Jehovah's name and worship to maintain, And in the service thus his favor gain. This was constructed with consummate skill. In every part the pattern to fulfil ; As God Himself, Avith all details and styie. Had given for all the complicated pile. The stones were quarried and the timber squared, Where found, each piece for its own place prepared ; And so adjusted on the building round. Without the workman's axe, or hammer's sound. From Hiram, King of Tyre, was furnished aid. In workmen needed and the timber trade. The men appointed in the work to share Were thirty thousand named and levied there ; And eighty thousand in the woods to hew ; And seventy thousand burden-bearers too ; 138 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And officers assigned the men to call, Three thousand and three hundred there in all. Seven and a half long years the work went on, The structure then majestically done. The feast of dedication next ensued, And sacrifices largely were renewed. The ark was brought, and as was fitting placed. And swelling music then the temple graced ; When lo ! the Lord descended in a cloud, And filled the place, accepting offerings vowed. The prayer of dedication then was made. When fire consumed the victims duly laid. By these two signs, Jehovah then made known His full acceptance of the structure shown, — The place appointed hence for sacrifice. Where incense pure would with acceptance rise. The feast continued fourteen days with glee. This being in course the year of jubilee. The ark established here, no more to roam. Three times a year the Jews must hither come. To celebrate the feasts, in number three. Commemorating facts of history ; — Th' escape from Egypt, giving of the law, And passage to the land which Moses saw. THE STREAM OF TIME. 139 The first the Passover, next Pentecost, The third of Tabernacles, as they were tost. The Temple then so beauteous to behold. Adorned with costly stones and precious gold, Was w^ont to fix the passer's eager gaze, And with its dazzling splendor all amaze. The structure thus became the nation's pride, A bond of union and a faithful guide, Where truth was shadowed forth without disguise. The long-desired and looked-for sacrifice, And pointing to the fairer one above. And leading men its preciousness to prove. Here in the temple God was oft revealed, Till Shiloh came, and thus the nations sealed. But Solomon his enterprise extends, And other structures built for different ends. For Pharoah's daughter was a palace made, '^he house of Lebanon, of royal grade. His own, which was in building thirteen years, And which in regal splendor then appears. And Tadmor, in the desert east was made A mart for nations there engaged in trade. His commerce thus was carried far and wide, Across the desert and the swelling tide. 140 BIBLE SKETCHES OR So wealth abundant came with constant flow, And from the nations' tributary, too. Hence works for public and for private use, The vineyards and the orchards then profuse ; The gardens, groves, and fruits of every kind, And pools of water with the same combined. Then servants, male and female, were increased, And herds, and flocks, and every useful beast. And gold and treasures from the kingdoms round Became as stones and trees, so common found. And pleasure's charms were found within his court, As singers, bands of music, every sort. And Solomon for wisdom had a name Above all previous ones of learning's fame. He wrote of plants, from shrubs to cedar tree, Of animals on earth, in air, and sea. His songs a thousand and the number five ; Three thousand proverbs, but a thousand live. His application, knowledge such to gain, To write the treatises and things explain. To look abroad for commerce in its round. And ways prepare where openings such are found ; To carry on the government at home. And give attention, as events might come. THE STREAM OF TIME. I'll Eeqiiired a comprehension scarcely known, And health and vigor in the process shown. The Queen of Sheba heard his fame afar, And came incredulous to prove him there. But when communing, as was in her heart, She found of wisdom had been told but part. Thus happy was the nation she averred. And those before him who his wisdom heard. Then costly presents to the king she gave. And in return received what she would have. Then, well repaid, she went to her own land, With all her servants, an admiring band. To Solomon's faults we cannot now be blind, Which, as dead flies in choice perfume, we find; Or as a worm works in the wood when small. But multiplies and pierces timber all. Till firm foundations thus are rendered weak. And with the superstructure pending break. His thousand wives and concubines we name. Which constitute his harem of ill-fame, — A cause most potent of the evils rife. Which lendered bitter his advancing life. For those selected from the nations round, In their idolatries would still be found. 142 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Then in old age alluring him astray, To follow them in their pernicious way. And so his royal pomp, thus to maintain. Must from his people much of substance drain. Hence enemies and discontent arose, And friends and allies then were turned to foes. The government of theocratic kind. Was left by Solomon most sadly blind ; As he in practice thus forsook the law, And late the sword of justice o'er him saw. And vanity of vanities, he learned. Was all his outward splendor dearly earned. But to avert in part the coming storm, For his most heedless ways he tried reform. Ecclesiastes was a book he wrote. Against his wanton life an antidote ; Recounting his experience, strangely mad, In devious paths and vile delusions sad. His base idolatry when he was old ; The worldly mind fed with increasing gold ; Ambitious strife to tower and brilliant shine, And wanton pleasure, all at once combine .To lead the monarch, filled with gloomy fears, To counteract th' effect of misspent years. THE STREAM OF TIME. 143 His wives and concubines, and many friends ; His allies, where his influence clearly blends ; Acquaintances, in foreign trading marts ; Admirers of his life and skill in arts ; And all the votaries of voluptuous strife, Corrected thus, might lead a better life. So Solomon when brought to see his sins. In duty's path most fittingly begins ; And standing out so boldly in his time. His writings now with all their interests chime ; And to the last of earth, wide in their scope. May lead the world in better things to hope. While then the miser toils for shining dust ; Th' ambitious man to rise and rank the first ; While pleasure-seeking ones float down the stream, And millions live in some delusive dream ; The wisdom of the just hath power to save, When tossing here on life's tempestuous wave. And when the storm is hushed and all things fair, This genial light will be the guiding star. When past the forty years of Solomon's reign. This guiding star to him appeared again. CHAPTER XIII. KINGS AND KINGDOM OF ISRAEL. The tree full grown, its branches spreading wide. Of fair appearance on the outward side, Is often hollow and decayed at heart ; And from its fastenings ready to depart. Such was the noble empire David gained, And over which King Solomon had reigned. By sins committed in his latter days. And wrong designs and deeds in various ways, The downward process of the realm begun. And swift the course of ruin which it run. Thus Rehoboam came upon the throne, Unequal to the crisis, soon was shown ; For while oppressions marked his father's reign. And of their substance was a constant drain. The tribes required concessions of the son. Ere he the same extravagance begun. Three days he took, the matter to debate, Consulting all the counsellors of state ; BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME. 145 But following those who flattered most his pride, The young and inexperienced by his side ; Refusing hence to grant the favor asked, Requiring more when they were overtasked. This was his folly, and the nation's cost. As thus their union was forever lost. Ten tribes revolted, and but two remained, O'er which the line of David henceforth reiofned. Some of these kings were faithful to the Lord, Yet few, observing carefully His word, Acknowledging Jehovah as their king. While priests and people their good influence bring. Departures small from their theocracy, Were punished as the sins of high degree. And here some wicked kings sat on the throne ; Aiid others followed, serving God alone. So Judah, with a fourth part of the realm, Superior proved in state and kept the helm. The ten revolted tribes such rulers sought As to their nation lasting evils brought. King Jeroboam, at Bethel and at Dan, Placed golden calves, idolatry, the van. The son of Nebat, too, made Israel sin ; These images became the fatal gin. 146 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Hence from Jerusalem their worship changed ; And times and feasts were also disarranged. This king regarded not Jehovah's right, Aspiring there to rule by his own might. So from the throne his race was soon removed, And others still, as they unworthy proved. And though rebuked by prophets oft severe, The lesson was not learned the Lord to fear. But nineteen kings sat on the throne, before The kingdom was destroyed to rise no more. The son of Jeroboam, Nadab his name, Next filled the throne, his character the same. And Baasha conspired against his life, And smote and slew him in the bloody strife. The price of murder was the royal crown. As gained and lost by his own folly soon. For as he led his subjects far astray, His line was severed from the royal sway. Then Elah for a time the people led. But was by Zimri slain, who reigned instead ; And all the house of Baasha destroyed, Thus making his succession henceforth void. Now Zimri held the throne but seven days, When he was burnt, thus filled with his own ways, THE STREAM OF TIME. 147 Theu Omri was in power, and reigned twelve years, Worse than his predecessors, as appears. By him Samaria was built, we 're told, Upon the favorite hill by Shemer sold. Then Ahab took the Israelitish throne, And in his wickedness surpassed all known. And Jezebel, on idols madly bent, Had to their worship all her influence lent. Temples were built, and priests for Baal made, Their predecessors here thrown in the shade. And more was done by this most wicked king Than by all others, judgments there to bring. And now Jehovah's hand appeared at once ; Elijah came his judgments to denounce. The first a drought, impending near at hand, To bring distress and ruin on the land. Elijah to the brook called Cherith fled, And there by ravens for a time was fed. When this was dried, to Zarephath he went, And noi'thward then for life his footsteps bent. A widow there was in a starving state, On whom for help he called thus in a strait, Assuring her in such obedient toil, Her barrel should not fail nor cruse of oil. 10 148 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Soon after this her son was laid in death, But at his prayer the Lord restored his breath. And now the sun poured down his sultry heat, The earth became as dust beneath the feet. The heavens withheld the fertilizing shower, And vegetation withered, fruit and flower. Then ghastly famine followed in its train. And multitudes were then by hunger slain. And so the king and queen arose in wrath, And blood of prophets true flowed in their path ; Except whom Obadiah dared to save, By hiding them by fifties in a cave. At length Elijah showed himself again, And at his intercession came the rain. Then charging Ahab as the cause of grief. And bringing timely this desired relief, He made a challenge next, to show as due Who were the prophets false and who the true. Two bullocks then prepared, one for each side, The power of idols now severely tried. For then the prophets of their god and grove. At Carmel, with Jehovah's prophets strove. There Baal's seers, four hundred fifty named, And prophets of the grove, four hundred famed. THE STREAM OF TIME. 149 Acknowledged He was truly God o'er all, Who would send fire at his own followers' call. The victims dressed were on their altars laid, But no response to Baal's prophets made. Then at the time of evening sacrifice, Elijah prayed, consuming fires arise. The waters in the trench were rendered dry, And all with one consent began to cry, " The Lord is God, the God of all the earth ! " Who can compare with Him in power and worth? " Then Baal's prophets, as deserved, were slain ; Jehovah triumphed, idols proved in vain. Elijah then to Carmel's summit went, And fell upon his face with prayer intent ; When lo ! a cloud, and then a furious shower In torrents came, with overwhelming power. But Jezebel, vain boasting in her pride. The prophet threatened with destruction's tide. But he escaped, by angels fed, and shown To Horeb, where was God to Moses known ; Where, by the tokens of the still small voice, He could in such communion well rejoice. Then he returned, another route revealed. And found Elisha ploughing in the field ; 150 BIBLE SKETCHES OR He cast his mantle on him, as a sign Of service claimed of him by powers divine ; And also he anointed Hazael king, That from Assyria he might judgments bring ; Anointed Jehu over Israel, To be a scourge to those who dared rebel. Then twice the Syrians came, with impious boast, To overwhelm Jehovah's weakened host. But Ahab then was used to lower their pride, And then at Ramoth Gilead fighting died ; And as foretold, the dogs licked up his blood. Because of hit* apostasy from God. And Jezebel, who served her gods with zeal, Was slain and eat by dogs within Jezreel. As Ahab Naboth's vineyard basely stole. Fierce retributions now upon them roll ; For Ahab's seventy sons were also slain, And all his seed cut off for idols vain. Thus puny mortals for themselves contrive, But woe to those who with their Maker strive. Of his successors, scenes of impious strife Make up the records mostly of their life. Thus Ahaziah next in royal state, A wasting sickness threatened with his fate. THE STREAM OF TIME. 151 The God of Eckron theu was asked to tell , If he, from his disease, would e'er get well. Elijah then foretold his coming doom, And filled his future with a dismal gloom. The king enraged, sent twice a numerous guard, To seize the prophet, putting him in ward ; But from the heavens Elijah called down fire, Consuming those two bands who thus conspire. The third, the Lord vouchsafed, as was tbeir prayer, AYhile Ahaziah died, their lives to spare. This to Elijah was the last of earth. Translated then, the man of matchless worth. Through him on earth the Lord was magnified. When Israel through her kings, his claims denied. The worthy man that took Elijah's place, Elisha was, imbued with similar grace. For him the Jordan's waters open Avide ; The schools of prophets in his care confide ; At Jericho, the worthless waters healed ; And barren grounds thus cured, their products yield ; His hostess' child he raised to life again. And Naaman relieved from leprous pain. Gehazi then by falsehood gained his prize. Was made leper, a reward for lies. 152 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The king of Syria warred on them again, But was defeated by the prophet's ken. And while the king would vaunt his crushing ire, Elisha's guards are chariots of fire. He served the nation to his latest breath. And acted well the patriot in his death ; Foretold their victories, directions gave. And censured ^i^ny eflforts made to save. But at his death. King Joash wept and cried, The chariot of Israel fully tried. And while in life his influence was a tower, His memory continues still a power. And as his bones revived the Moabite, His deeds should to his faith and hope excite, Jehoram next became the reigning king, And evil wrought in one specific thing, — The idols reared at Bethel and at Dan, Which made idolatry the nation's ban. By Jehu, he was wounded sore and died ; And Jehu took the royal seat in pride. The house of Ahab, all, by him were slain, And Baal's worshippers of idols vain. But still the golden calves were not removed, And hence idolatry was left approved. THE STREAM OF TIME. 153 As now his race was ruu and he was dead, His son Jehoahaz reigned in his stead. Like all preceding, he was faithless found, And little good accomplished in his round. His son Jehoash next, still wicked proved, For sixteen years when from the throne removed. Against the king of Judah once he warred, And then essentially her beauty marred ; Broke down the gates, and took her sacred things, And treasures from the palace of her kings. Now Jeroboam, second, was the next Who with his wickedness Jehovah vexed, But was a man of warlike prowess bold, Recovered Hamath and Damascus sold. Then Zechariah, but six months only reigned. When Shallum slew him and his kingdom gained. But for a month the throne he then enjoyed. When Menahem in turn his life destroyed. This monarch then begun his wicked course Of bribery, deceit, and brutal force. Then he was followed soon by Peckahiah, And he, by Pekah, son of Eemaliah. Hoshea was the last of Israel's kings, When in captivity the nation swings. 154 BIBLE SKETCHES OR In Halah and in Hazor, near Gozan, And cities of the Medes as was the plan, And from the previous statements be it known, By wickedness was Israel overthrown. The sins of Jeroboam on them laid, And wrongs begun, could not henceforth be stayed. The golden calves at Bethel and at Dan, And groves for Baal was their favorite plan ; Insulting thus Jehovah with the same ; Denying him the glory due his name. So suicidal was their course pursued ; Captivity and death we here include. Three stages mark their signal overthrow, Tiglath Pilesar struck the incipient blow. Then Shalmaneser's furious forces come. And Essar Haddon seals their fated doom. The year ere Christ seven hundred twenty-one, Ephraim was broke, their race allotted run. And as the nation from their place was hurled, Jehovah showed his right to rule the world. To Media, the captives were assigned, To live and shape their course as taste inclined. And now, as some suppose, in modern days, The nation mingles there in native ways. THE STREAIkl OF TIME. 155 But others trace thera in migrations West, Until the Isles of Briton they possessed ; And hence that nation, mistress of the sea, From Israel derive their pedigree. And their good queen of just, distinguished fame, From David's line derives her royal claim. And these United States, from bondage freed, Are their descendants, Israelites indeed. CHAPTER XIV, KINGS AND KINGDOM OF JUDAH. Parental influence on the rising race Has always held a most distinguished place. One generation so the way prepares For good or evil, which another shares ; For individuals and the aggregate Are here improved or injured in their state. Our social liabilities are plain ; Hence admonitions should not be in vain. Complaints of Solomon showed his mistake ; But Rehoboam followed in his wake. The kingdom hence was by division rent, Idolatries increased in their extent. To Israel thus was utter ruin wrought ; No more to be a people they were brought. But Judah's kingdom in a faithful way Prolonged its life and held a broader sway. Though oft by haughty powers around assailed, The arm for their deliverance never failed. BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME. 157 Internal foes were often thus put down, And so protected were the state and crown. And when with Israel bitter feuds oft raged, The Sovereign Euler in their cause engaged. Their history now we trace until their doom, A warning given to others yet to come. When Rehoboam saw his kingdom rent, Hadorum to collect his tribute went ; The Israelites then stoned him unto death, And Eehoboam fled to save his breath ; Then at Jerusalem prepared to fight. Collecting force to gain his pristine right. But this was vain, the thing was from the Lord ; Shemaiah stayed the contest by his word. Then, for a time, the king conducted well. Prepared defences, made his power to swell. And though two tribes with him alone remain. From various sources these were on the gain. The priests and Levites true, to serve their God, Came there to make their permanent abode. And others, far and near, of similar flame, Came also there to call upon His name. As Jeroboam forsook the Lord and them, Their only resource was Jerusalem. 158 BIBLE SKETCHES OR So three full years was Judah rendered strong, While Rehoboam wisely passed along. But when he sinned and madly went astray, Not long did judgments in his path delay. The King of Egypt, with his mighty hosts, Soon took his cities and strategic posts. Shemaiah then reproved, contrition wrought, And thus a respite to the nation brought. Then Shishak mischief wrought within the realm, But Judah still contrived to keep the helm. Abijam then succeeded to the throne, With Israel fought and bloody battles won ; Four hundred thousand on his side arrayed, While twice as many opposition made. But God appeared to vindicate the right ; Five hundred thousand foes died in the fight. Then Asa was installed, a man approved, Who in the ways of right had always moved. He first destroyed false worship through the land. To all, to serve the Lord, he gave command. The land was quiet then for ten full years. Which he improved ; meanwhile, defences rears. Then Zerah brought a thousand thousand strong, Three hundred chariots in the way along ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 159 But by Jehovah's power, the foe recoiled, And Judah hence the Ethiopian spoiled. The son of Oded, Azariah by name. Met Asa then amid his martial fame ; And led him to destroy, at God's command, All idols from that consecrated land. They offered sacrifice with one accord. And covenanted to seek and serve the Lord. The King of Israel began a raid, Which made the King of Judah much afraid ; And hence he made a league with Syria's king. That he should counteractins: forces brinsf. This was displeasing to the God of heaven, And Asa's kingdom thence to wars was given ; And other faults in Asa still were found, Till he had measured his allotted round. Jehosaphat was next to take the helm. And managed wisely his extended realm ; His martial forces he disposed as need. And to the Lord's commands gave careful heed. He took away high places, groves cut down, And led the way to serve the Lord alone. He kept the nations round in fearful awe. While they his principle unflinching saw ; 160 BIBLE SKETCHES OR His army was arrayed iii proper style, And mighty men composed it, rank and file. But here Jehosaphat mistook his course. In joining Ahab with his martial force, To go to Ramoth Gilead in strife, Which nearly cost the king his valued life ; But rescued thence, he soon returned in peace. And strove from faults his kingdom to release ; Set judges in the land to guard their laws. And priests and Levites to assist the cause. Then Moabites and Edomites appear. And numerous hosts assemble from Mount Seir, And at Engedi pitch their tents for fight. Great multitudes, to cause unequal fright. A solemn fast Jehosaphat prepared. Their sins and hopes thus openly declared. Then humble, faithful prayer the king put forth. Than gold or precious stones of greater worth. Stand still and see salvation from the Lord, Was God's response, which would their faith reward, Then they begin to sing Jehovah's praise, And their opposer, each, the other, sla^^s. Ammon and Moab slew the men of Seir, And then each other with the sword and spear. THE STREAM OF TIME. 161 The victors then three days take up the spoil, — A rich renumeration for their toil. Years twenty-five, Jehosaphat had reigned. And now a peaceful exit hence obtained. Jehoram followed ; and his wicked hand "Wrought guilt and dangers in the troubled land. And next Abijam took the helm of state, And like Jehoram brought it to a strait. But, with the sons of Ahab, he was slain. And Athaliah six years usurped the reign. She slew the royal seed excepting one ; Whom now Jehoiada helped upon the throne. Now Joash, seven years old, began his course ; And well, while yet Jehoiada held his force. He first repaired the house of God complete ; Such ofierings as for the time were meet. But now the priest was old and soon removed, And buried with the kings, as all approved. Then Joash, mad on idols, went astray. And Zedekiah reproving dared to slay. Then evils rose which caused his heart to fear. And he was vilely slain within the year. Now in the course of kings comes Amaziah, With but a feeble sense of counsels higher. 162 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The Eclomites revolted years before ; And he resolved their tribute to restore. He met them on the bloody battle-field, Who, after thousands slain and captured, yield. Elated thus, forgetting God's right hand, He bowed to idols taken from that land ; And breathing forth a proud, defiant breath. He threatened his reprover sore with death. Then he was left to his own wicked ways, And ruin on himself and kingdom lays. He challenged Jehu, answered with contempt, But from his folly never was exempt. They met in battle, and his army fled ; Jerusalem was plundered, filled with dread. Distress extended through the goodly land, Because of his neglect of God's command. Then he, the fifteenth year, to Lachish fled, Conspired against, then numbered with the dead. Uzziah, or Azariah, now took his place, And hence his life and doings here we trace. His reign was fifty-two eventful years ; Much good in him in various ways appears. The prophet, Zedekiah, lived in his days. Who helped him onward in true wisdom's ways. THE STREAM OF TIME. 163 While thus assisted, prosperous he became, Put Philistines and Ammonites to shame. His walls and fortresses gigantic tower ; His fame was spread abroad, and great his power. At length, assuming rights to priesthood given, A leper he became, from office driven. Now Jotham with the Lord prepared his ways. And all his life is spoken of with praise. Then Ahaz followed, upon idols bent. And all his powers to evil counsels lent. Hence enemies beset him near and far, And multitudes were slain in cruel war. The nation was reduced to great distress. And he was sent to Syria in duress. But from distress no wisdom could he learn, And to his idols incense still would burn. Hence evils sore with evil doings mix ; And he was then cut off at thirty-six ; The contrast seen to wisdom's pleasant ways. The wicked shall not live out half their days. His burial there was with the meaner things, But not among the sepulchres of kings. Good Hezekiah next took the royal throne, And reformation parallel went on. 11 164 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Idolatry was then most potent found, The temple service much neglected round, Defeats and losses had been often met, Irregularities were firmly set. But Hezekiah soon reforms begun, Which through his whole administration run. The nation was aroused with ardent zeal. Officials led to seek the common weal ; Such sacrifices ofiered up to heaven As Solomon before had scarcely given. Hence when destruction's dismal pall would lower, Jehovah interposed His saving power. Thus rose up Sennacherib, banners unfurled, Deriding Jehovah, defying the world; His conquests assuming as proofs of his power, While these were but judgments sent forth to devour. With still greater vengeance he threatened the Jews, If they his proposals should dare to refuse; His panoplied legions in fury would come, As an avalanche sliding to hasten their doom. Jerusalem trembled as onward he came, With trumpet and clamor and death-dealing fame; Aloft in the sunlight his proud banners wave, As he vauutingly shouted " Thy God cannot save! THE STREAM OF TIME. 165 " The Ass3-rian kings have destroyed many lands, And vain were their gods to save from our hands; Then what is Jehovah, in whom thou dost trust? But to yield to the blast, as the chaflf or the dust. "I will enter Jerusalem, break down her wall, The Forests of Carmel before me shall fall, The fir-trees and cedars on Lebanon's height; And who can withstand my all-conquering might? " Hezekiah was grieved and perplexed and dismayed; Went into the temple in sackcloth arrayed; Thus in danger and darkness resorting to prayer, To strengthen his hope, counteracting despair. " Rebuke the proud scorner, O Lord! make him know, How strong is Thine arm, in his swift overthrow; Oh, save us that he and the nations may own That thou art Jehovah, the true God alone." Then answered Jehovah, " Thy prayer I have heard ; That no harm shall befall thee, I give thee my word; I '11 show the proud boaster, so lofty in tone. That I am the God of the nations alone. " The daughters of Zion Sennacherib shall scorn, To be of his greatness most speedily shorn; For long time ago were fenced cities made heaps; And the Shepherd of Israel nor slumbers nor sleeps. 166 BIBLE SKETCHES OR '' The proud, boasting monarch his steps shall retrace, Defeated, dismayed, and o'erwhelmed with disgrace; And the remnant of Judah escaped shall take root, Extending beneath, and aloft, bearing fruit." At night those proud legions lay down to their rest, No thought but of triumph e'er entering their breast; But the Angel of Death passed with one mighty sweep. And nine score and five thousand then slept their last sleep. As the sun in the east chased the darkness of night, What scenes of distress met the horrified sight; Sennacherib, bridled, returned to his land. And died by the sword in his son's bloody hand. Where now is thy boasting, proud monarch forlorn? Insulting Jehovah with vain words of scorn. How easily He, by the breath of his wrath. Sweeps thee and thy thousands like dust from His path. Thus all may take warning who strive with the Lord; False refuges never can succor or guard. Thus Nisroch proved vain; for defence, of no worth; Though his vassal bowed low, he was swept from the earth. Then, Hezekiah sick, near his last breath, Isaiah warned of his approaching death. The king then mourned and prayed with grief and tears. And God vouchsafed to spare him fifteen years. THE STREAM OF TIME. 167 But still ingratitude in him was seen, And wrath was threatened for the fault within. And so was pride within his heart by stealth, When to th' ambassadors he showed his wealth ; Still, virtuous principle was in him rife. And corresponding blessings crowned his life. Manasseh followed, fifty-five years' reign ; Unlike his father, given to idols vain. These in his policy held chief control. And shaped his varied doings in the whole. His children through the fire Avere thus compelled ; In witchcraft and enchantments he excelled ; So altars to the hosts of heaven he built Within Jehovah's house, — so great his guilt ; And blood of innocents he shed profuse. And put a graven image in God's house. Thus Judah and Jerusalem were led To sin, above the heathen, once there, dead. Manasseh then to Babylon was sent. Where keen affliction caused him to repent. Then to Jerusalem he soon returned, Made better, having useful lessons learned. Now he began with earnest anxious care, tlis former wicked life-work to repair ; 168 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Most zealously promoted worship true, And from the temple idols all withdrew. He strengthened all the realm by works of art ; Still more, by reformation in the heart. But habits formed and principles maintained, Amid reforming influences remained. For Amnion took the throne in hostile strife, Till, by his subjects slain, he lost his life. And next Josiah comes, a pious king. From whose succession favoring forces spring ; While he was young and early in his place, He sought for his defence the God of grace. All idols vain he faithfully removed, Promoted worship which the Lord approved ; And in his eighteenth year, as we are told, The temple was repaired by measures bold. A copy of the law was in it found. Which showed how aggravated sin around. Josiah hence was overwhelmed with grief; And in the way of prayer he sought relief. The people then assembled, heard it read, And all united in the covenant made ; The passover disused was now, at call, Kept in a manner far surpassing all. THE STREAM OF TEVIE. 169 Then Necho, King of Egypt, tried to pass Through his dominions, Syria to harass ; Josiah met him with his martial might, Received a fatal wound in that sad fio^ht. Hence Jeremiah elegiac strains put forth. In their bereavement of the man of worth ; All Judah mourned for him, their last good king^ And after ages lamentations bring. Jehoahaz was scarcely on the throne Before the King of Egypt put him down. Jehoiachim, the office 'leven years filled, His term with foul abominations skilled. Jehoiachin three months then held the sway, And evil counsels only would obey. And Zedekiah followed in the suit. And all the nation reaped appropriate fruit ; In idol worship, early they begin, Which proved the nation's wasting, crushing sin. The prophets warned the nation and reproved. But kings in judgment often were removed ; Then reformation followed for a time. But just as often they returned to crime. SMll to the year six hundred six ere Christ, The nation stood while powers divine assist ; 170 BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAIVI OF TIME. And nineteen kings had held their varied sway, Before Jerusalem became a prey. But now, when their allotted time had sped, To Babylon, as captives, they were led ; For seventy years their lands lay unemployed ; So long her Sabbaths due, she then enjoyed ; For none were left to work or dwell in town. Her temples burnt, her walls all trodden down ; So great the sin, departing from their God, And such the smart from His avenging rod. CHAPTER XY. THE JEWS IN CAPTIVITY AT BABYLON The Lord is wise beyond all human ken, In all his doings with the sons of men ; Controlling all their acts, in various ways, So that the whole contributes to his praise. As stewards of the mysteries of God, The Jews in Canaan had their first abode ; But failed in duties there, as strictly bound, And fell into the ways of nations 'round. Their noble institutions and their laws Were given to guide them in their chosen cause. To keep the nation in existence long, "Withstanding all opposing forces strong. But they most stupidly their ruin bring By changes made, the first to have a king ; Rejecting thus Jehovah in the van, And substituting an imperfect man. Jehovah, therefore, interposed his power, 1 o make his purposes and objects sure ; 172 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Even in the chastisements upon them thrown, Contrived to make Himself still further known. Defeats in battle, and captivity. Were shaped and governed so that all might see Jehovah's hand directing wisely all, Both in their rise and in their sinful fall. And in their saddest griefs, their nerves unstrung. Their harps untuned upon the willows hung. The Lord's song then was profitably used, And knowledge of His ways and claims diffused. Religion then was better understood. And ways prepared for more extensive good. Hence, in their exile long the heathen heard Of one most perfect universal Lord. Then Daniel and his friends of royal line, In faith and pious worth conspicuous shine, By precept and example, needed most, Diffusing light to those in darkness lost. Jerusalem was plundered 'leven years Before the Jews were captured, as appears. To Babylon were hostages conveyed. As pledges for the treaties which were made. There Daniel was distinguished by the foe. And Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. THE STREAM OF TIME. 173 Three years they spent preparing for the state, And then were better found than all the great ; Hence with the learned council took their place, Prepared with wisdom and abundant grace. Now, when Jerusalem had been destroyed, For seventeen years, and rendered sadly void, Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, The mighty monarch through the region known, Then dreamed a dream, important as detailed, Which left impressions, though remembrance failed. He called his wise men then to tell the dream, And give interpretations of the theme ; But on their failure in the stern command, Decreed their death, — a false, pretending band. Now, Daniel and his friends were with the rest ; But asked for time to make the needed quest. Which was allowed, and they resort to prayer, And he the dream makes known and meaning rare, A compound image made in parts fourfold. Its head of pure and richly shining gold. Denoted him who then sat on the throne, A jd Babylon through all its stages on. The breasts and arms of glittering silver bright, The empires of the Medes and Persians cite. 174 BIBLE SKETCHES OK The belly and the thighs of brass, as seen, Was of the Grecian Empire then the mien. The legs of iron, and toes as mixed with clay. The Koman Empire in the Hebrew's way. The stone cut from the mountain earth to fill, Messiah's kingdom on the earth will seal. And here are shadowed forth th' events of time, Embracing in their scope thus every clime. The first was great, aspiring up to heaven ; Her provinces a hundred twenty-seven ; Her people countless as the sands of sea ; Her wealth as beauteous shells upon the lea. But crimes and sins, as we are truly told, The downfall proved of this first head of gold. The Medo-Persians next, the image brings, Inferior in the ruling race of kings ; And in her battles fought, most sad defeat, From Cambyses, and others small and great. Thus Platea and Marathon agree. And Salamis, the battle on the sea. Likewise, the central power had lost control. Its influence weakened in th' extended whole , And in her vital parts was sad decay. Which for her subjugation paved the way. THE STREAM OF TIME. 175 Still for two hundred years, she was the friend Of Jewish interests, even to the end. For thus the exiles were again restored. Their temple built, Jehovah there adored ; And earthly kingdoms met a certain doom. Preparing for Messiah, soon to come. And now the kingdom third, or that of brass, Most marvellously rising, came to pass ; From Greece to India was the field at stake. The hairy goat then travelled in his wake. The Greeks with brazen mail and armor shone. And ruled at length o'er all the world alone ; And when for one great horn there came up four. It was the same dominion as of yore. The language was the same thus widely spread, And through it revelation far was sped ; The preparation thus was marked and plain. For truth divine recorded to remain. And Alexander, when he conquered Tyre, Went towards Jerusalem with dreadful ire. But Jaddua, with priests, a white-robed band. Came out to meet him with a friendly hand ; Showed him the prophecies of his advance. Assuring him, his course was not by chance. 176 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Conciliation thus his friendship gained, And hence the Jews their freedom had obtained. The iron-clad nation last comes on the stage, Which broke and stamped the others in its rage ; But into ten was this at length resolved. As times and seasons in their course revolved. The little horn reduced the three to one, Pentapolis, Eavenna, Eome, as done. And all these kingdoms, terrible in mien. Like Troy of old, " Their glory great has been." And records now with us full well declare. That nations in their doings should beware ; As these as such in future worlds are not. Their crimes and wrongs on earth are not forgot. Their misdemeanors, oft their proudest boast, Are never overlooked, nor records lost ; And 'tis a sad mistake, sin as we please, Jehovah will not visit us for these. But godly fear and justice, we relate. Will prove the firmest pillars of a state. Thus Daniel warned the emperor of old, And Avas rewarded, as must now be told. Chief of the wise men, with the king to stand. And ruler over all the wide-spread land. THE STREAM OF TIME. 177 Still he disclaimed all credit for the feat, Ascribing it to God, supremely great. Now, Dauiel then was held in high esteem, But not th' interpretation of his dream ; For soon a golden statue raised to Bel, From all, exclusive worship would compel. But Daniel and his friends refused to bow, With furnace threatened, seven times hotter now. But lo ! from this Jehovah made them free, Constraining thus all men, Himself to see ; For bound in mantles, turbans, garments, all. The doomed, unflinching martyrs thus in thrall, Were by the flaming furnace fully tried. While their Protector then was by their side. The Son of God thus visible became, Sustainins: them amid consumins: flame. What deep impressions, on the nations round, Of Him who ruled the fire, the men unbound. Another dream rebuked him for his pride ! Driven from his throne, seven years insane to hide. Great Babylon, which he in part had built, Nebuchadnezzar spurned, when shown his guilt. For while his words were uttered thus in boast. He was from power and kingly glory tossed. 178 BIBLE SKETCHES OR To learn again, and publish to the world, Who set on high, or down the nations hurled. At length Belshazzar came upon the throne, More barbarous than others, previous known ; Profaning sacred things which God had blessed. At his most impious, blaspheming feast. For when with all the great ones of his court, With vessels of the temple brought in sport, Ascribing to the power of idols vain. Those victories whence these had been the gain, The object was, t' insult Almighty power, And magnify their own dumb idols more. And hence from heaven. The Highest wrote his doom, Mysterious on the plastering of the room ; Thus, Mene, Tekel, Peres, Upharsin, As numbered, weighed, divided, is thy reign. So Daniel read it, when before him brought ; But waived his proffered honors as of nought. The doom included in the writing plain. That night took place, as then the king was slain. His insolence two nobles could not brook, And hence, Belshazzar's life in vengeance took. The time is fixed in our chronology, Before our Lord five hundred fifty-three. THE STREAM OF TIME. 179 Soou after this the two-leaved gates were gained, And King Darius thus the realm obtained ; His army entered by the river's bed, As from the channel were the waters led. The river gates that night were left unclosed, And to their entrance nothing was opposed. The city thus became an easy prey. And Babylon was taken in that way. The beauty of proud kingdoms was destroyed. The glory of Chaldea rendered void ; Perpetual desolations were prepared. Which soon the city and surroundings shared ; A lair of beasts which in the darkness prowl, A place Avhere satyrs dance and hoots the owl. Isaiah had long before described the scene. Before which many things would intervene. And Daniel in the overthrow was known, And hence the rulers now his friendship own. But King Darius, lured by wicked men. Consigned the prophet to the lion's den ; The trap was laid the prophet to insnare, That envious nobles might his honors share. And when the firm and sure decree was past. They thought they had their destined victim fast ; 12 180 BIBLE SKETCHES OR For he would not refrain from duty known, To save from snares of death around him strown. But then Jehovah for him interposed, And hungry lions' mouths were calmly closed. But those vile men who spread the crafty snare "Were doomed their own devices soon to share ; For lions' mouths that moment were unclosed, When those unjust accusers were exposed. Here Daniel's God was magnified again, By showing here His hand in ways so plain. The Book of Esther afterward detailed A great deliverance, when distress prevailed ; When Mordecai and Esther, Jews by birth. Were marked by Haman to destroy from earth. For he conceived the bloody, murderous plan. To slaughter Jews and spare them not a man. Then deadly hate had settled on his brow, As Mordecai refused to him to bow ; The gallows reared full fifty cubits high. Stood in his house th' offending man to try. But Providence, all-seeing, interposed, And Haman, on that tree himself, exposed. A sleeplessness had led the king that night. To search the records, bringing then to light, THE STREAM OF TIME, 181 The deeds of Mordecai, the faithful Jew, To whom rewards were manifestly due. This proved his safety and advance to power, And Haman's fate was sealed in that same hour. Such is a link important in the chain, With which Jehovah binds th' affairs of men. Thus Judah's exile gave occasions such, To magnify the Lord o'er idols much ; To show the truth and spread celestial light, And lead the world to know and do the ri£:ht. From facts, as seen above, it will appear — And general history makes the subject clear — That Jewish captives in their exiled state, Immunities could share even with the great. Their friends at court important points would gain, And all their rights unflinchingly maintain. There, as they chose, they cultivated land, Pursued those occupations in demand ; And many lived in affluence and ease. And liberty was given, as colonies. Still far away from favored scenes of yore, Their houses, gardens, fruitful fields no more, Their temple services remitted long, They sang with mingled hopes the exile's song. 182 BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME. Away, far away, from our country and home, I 'm doomed among strangers to sojourn and roam; Though business and cares may consume the long day, Yet often we think of the land far away. Thouo-h sun, moon, and stars may here shine just as bright. The groves, fields, and landscapes the senses delight, Ancestral religion here shed its mild ray, The mind will still wander to lands far away. Bright scenes of the past still on memory's page Are deeply impressed while advancing in age; Hence now in the distance, as exiles we stray, Affection will turn to the land far away. In visions of night, when sweet slumbers enchain, We seem to revisit those loved scenes again ; A gleam, it is true, and though partial the ray, 'T is sweet as it shines from the land far away. Our harps on the willows have long been unstrung. The song of the Lord but imperfectly sung; But as richest perfumes on the senses will play. Its echoes are sweet in the land far away. Jerusalem yet is to be our abode. And there shall we worship our covenant God; Then with faithful devotion we '11 gratefully say, We will cleave to our God in the land far away. CHAPTER XVI. THE jews' RETUKN AND HISTORY TO THE ADVENT, Long time Jerusalem had been forlorn, But now was waiting for the Jews' return ; Her pleasant things in desolation laid. But soon to be restored, her walls new made. Her exiled sons, long from her temple thrust, Look back with yearnings, favoring her dust. And Cyrus now was on the Persian throne. Who long before in prophecy was known, The shepherd then anointed of the Lord, To build a house according to his word ; Invested thus with kingly power and grace. And treasures from the dark and hidden place. Isaiah had seen the same in visions clear, And wrote his prophecy their way to cheer. And when proud Babylon, then at her height, Of kingdoms both the glory and the light, Was overwhelmed, and sore destruction shared, The way for their return was thus prepared. 184 BIBLE SKETCHES OK The order now for their return was made, And fifty thousand were from bondage led. Jerrubl)abel was then, by birth, their king ; And Jeshua, high priest, next in the ring. Ten elders also fain with them would come ; And these led back the captives to their home. Their sacred vessels also were restored. And help was given as Cyrus could afford. The enterprise was arduous and sublime, And varied preparations called for time. But on the seventh month, Jerusalem, Though long the journey, had been reached by them. Then they dispersed, the whole returning band, To find their tribes or places in the land. Next month they all came back, their feast to grace, And other rites, within this sacred place. The altar built, and ofie rings on it laid. Their w^orship then began, as Moses bade. Their sacred feasts and days to be observed, Were then regarded as the Lord they served. The second year, with cheerful music there. Foundations for the temple they prepare. But some, more aged, who had seen the first, Then wept aloud, their lamentations burst ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 185 But others shout and praise the God of grace, For these beginnings in the sacred place. Thus mingled feelings marked the enterprise, Which from this time was destined still to rise. And hence were cheerful contributions made, And royal treasures freely given to aid. From Lebanon were granted cedar trees, To Joppa brought and floated down the seas. But in the process opposition rose ; Samaritans most fiercely interpose. They ask the favor first to join the Jews ; But this at once they mournfully refuse, As with idolatry they all were mixed, And hence no partnership could be betwixt. Then various hindrances they basely bring. Accusing them most falsely to their king. But still the work was stayed for several years, Till Zechariah, with Haggai, appears. Though much discouraged and their hands grown slack, These prophets to the work then brought them back. The King of Persia also helped them on. Till their important work was fully done. Though things were small from that commencement seen, Increasing good from thence would intervene. 186 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The spark struck out would kindle to a flame, And future ages marvel at the fame ; As churches now in w^eakness and in fear, By grace may soon their beauteous garments wear, There in that house would greater glory shine. As to this temple came the Lord divine. The dedication soon was duly made, And since " The Feast of Dedication " had. The temple service then the priests restore, As held their long captivity before. The well-instructed scribe then, Ezra, came. Their sacred books to write, reforms proclaim ; And with him numerous other Israelites, To settle here and share their ancient rites. This able man, religion made his boon. And reformation there promoted soon. Then Jews transgressed Jehovah's high command. In marriages with people of the land ; Their heathen worship hence to introduce, And, of their own, promote a sad abuse. At this, the scribe, his priestly mantle rent, And fell upon his face with prayer intent. The congregation, all as one, agreed, Themselves to guard, Jehovah's laws to heed. THE STREAM OF TIME. 187 The strange wives taken, then were put away, — A self-denying w^ork not of a dsiy. This is the sole reform of Ezra taught, Among the many which he doubtless wrought. At length, for other men, the time now calls. And Nehemiah came to build their walls, Correct abuses, and advance their cause. To lay out plans and vindicate their laws. And though opposed by neighboring satraps round, The walls were built upon their former ground. In secrecy amid the lonely night, He views the walls first in their ruined plight. He told the rulers then the things to be. And they co-operated faithfully. By system and endurance, long and hard, Jerusalem was walled to be their guard. He also saw that justice was enforced. That precepts from their deeds were not divorced ; And while opposers frowned he labored on, And soon the work successfully was done. And now, for years, the Persians held the sway, Protected them while they their tribute pay. But from this time, no civil magistrate Was put in power, to rule the Jewish State ; 188 BIBLE SKETCHES OR As their high priest then bore the civil rule, Invested with both offices in full. The Jews' dependence on the Persian power Was not disastrous, but good fruits it bore ; As in their weak and reconstructive state, They needed aid from such a nation great. And while the Persian power continued on, Good offices to Jews were always shown. And when the Persian power had passed aAvay, And Grecians held the universal sway. These for the Jews protection interpose. As for the nation which Jehovah chose. For Alexander w^as in vision taught. And hence his favor to the nation brought. When Alexander died, his empire great Was in an unconsolidated state. The Jews were hence in oft-recurrins: broils. As changes came and they were victors' spoils. Some years elapsed t' adjust conflicting aims. When four distinguished leaders had their claims. O'er Egypt, Ptolemy now solely reigned ; Seleucus, Syria and surroundings gained ; Cassander, Macedonia and Greece ; Lysimachus, Bythinia and Thrace. THE STREAM OF TIME. 189 Now Ptolemy, of mild and gentle mien, Included in his portion Palestine. The Jews were also scattered East and West, And many cities far and near increased ; While in their land were kept, as standards sure. Their worship and distinctive doctrines pure. Thus Providence prepared, from North to South, Their principles, in time, to carry forth. Meanwhile, their high priest, Simon, at the helm. Did much to strengthen and improve the realm ; By adding information and their walls, For which their frequent changes loudly calls. The Northern power now added to its own The kingdoms west, but left the Jews alone. This tended further widely to diffuse The truths revealed and held by pious Jews ; And as this knowledge was extensive spread, The thoughts and deeds of men were wisely led. The year two hundred seventy-eight ere Christ, The Septuagint was made, as on the list. Betwixt the North and South war oft prevailed, And Jewish rites were sometimes thus assailed. But usually their own internal state Was by themselves adjusted as was fit. 190 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The King of Egypt once began a raid, But then refrained, as conscience gave its aid. And now the Roman power began to show, And Antiochus third received a blow ; His money, elephants, and ships of war, And foreigners, as Hannibal, from far, Were then required, conditions of a peace. That from their power he might himself release. Then at Jerusalem were first begun The games which Greece and Rome had always run ; Corrupting thus the nation all apace. And causing their distinctive marks t' efface. Onias third, the good high priest, was known. But from his place was basely overthrown. Jerusalem at length w^as in duress ; Three years her temple service none confess ; Hence, persecutions scattered all around. Her daily sacrifice no longer found. Then Antiochus, with malicious hate. Such evils to the Jews would fain create ; An altar on Jehovah's altar built. Where sacrifice was ofiered for our guilt. To Jupiter Olympus, as in Greece, Was made, abominations to increase. THE STREAM OF TIME. 191 Six months these persecutions fiercely raged, Their griefs and pious fears were then assuaged. This served to turn the mind to sacred truth, And then exciting round a wholesome ruth. Matthias next arose to vindicate The sad oppressions of the Jewish State. And at his death, his sons pursued the cause. For twenty -six long years, with much applause, — Even with Assyrian kings triumphantly, A fact unparalleled in history. Two hundred thousand enemies w^ere slain ; And so against the Jews their power was vain. Last Maccabeus, in the bloody war, Had whelmed Epimanes, then famed afar; And smitten with a loathsome, foul disease, He died, to end his savage cruelties. The temple service was again renewed, And heathen customs scornfully eschewed. This restoration of their power appears Ere Christ a hundred, four and sixty years. The Maccabees, now in the line of priest, Were energetic, as the need increased. From this time on, for long succeeding years, Fierce wars prevail, and peace hence disappears. 192 BIBLE SKETCHES OK THE STREAM OF TIME, Th' Egyptian power and Syria oft compete, — Those fragments of the Grecian Empire great. The Jews were mixed in these commotions rife, And oft disturbed and injured in the strife. At length the Komans rose, a mighty power. And over all the world their eagles tower. By her, proud Egypt was at length subdued. And Syria reduced to servitude. The Jews had long before been her ally, But now, as tributaries, doomed to sigh. And as this power held in her grasp the world, The nations were in peace, their banners furled. Hence intercourse w^as free the nation 'round, While barriers might otherwise be found. And gospel missions could be carried far. When messengers should be commissioned there. The Saviour's death by Pilate was decreed. The world thus represented in the deed. His death and resurrection here were proved. And innocence, from charges falsely moved, — Fit preparations for the Prince of Peace, Whose kingdom must prevail with large increase. CHAPTER XVII. A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE ADVENT AND WORK OF CHRIST. The world rolls round, and time is on the wing, And in the whirl will frequent changes bring. The stage of shadowy light thus disappears. The Dayspring from on high the world now cheers. We look with joy upon the first light shed ; "The woman's seed shall bruise the serpent's head." And Moses spake of One, when years gave room, A prophet like himself at length to come. Isaiah set Him forth in clearer light. As one to chase the darkness of the night ; A man of sorrows, deeply marked with grief, To bear our own, and bring the world relief; To usher in the glorious latter day, When truth and right would hold triumphant sway ; And in prophetic strains, the mode unfurled. His life and death, atoning for the world. The prophet Daniel made the subject clear, The time Messiah would on earth appear. 194 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Prophetic numbers also clearly trace The coming Saviour to his natal place ; At Bethlehem Ephratah, not the least, To be distinguished by the new-born guest. The family and tribe whence he would spring, A prophet, priest, and Zion's glorious king, Were all in vision to the prophet shown. And from his writings most distinctly known. From Abraham the promised seed begun, Through Judah's tribe and David's house it run. The sceptre from this tribe should not give room Till Shiloh, or Messiah, thence had come. And to this time a king had ruled the Jcavs, The temple service been in daily use. And John the Baptist, at th' appointed day, Had come before Him to prepare His way ; The world by one gigantic power was ruled, The din of war first time for ages lulled. All false religions had been duly tried, But reformation never could provide. Philosophy, and all our boasted lore, Could not to health and bliss the world restore. The human heart was desperate in sin. The alienation seated deep within. THE STREAM OF TIME. 195 The world was now prepared for such a boon, Expecting then a great Deliverer soon. The Jews, of time, had made the estimate. And now the period was seen complete. No other time relating to the earth. Fulfilled conditions of the Saviour's birth. And suddenly to his own temple came The mighty Captain of distinguished fame ; Who led his conquering hosts to that fair land, And still prepared obstructions to withstand. His mother, Mary, and the man espoused. Were in a caravansary then housed ; As to Jerusalem, they made their way. The manger in that night compelled to stay. And there occurred the most illustrious birth, The highest gift from heaven to this lost earth, — The Son of God, assuming mortal form. To ransom, by his death, the world from harm. The wise men from the East had seen his star, And came to worship from the land afar. Th' angelic choir re-echoed songs again, Now henceforth peace on earth, good will to men. The aged Simeon was filled with joy, 'And Anna, waiting, would her praise employ. 13 196 BIBLE SKETCHES OR But Herod feared th' approach of Zion's king, And murdering infants made a trifling thing ; Expecting thus the Prince of Life to slay ; But warned, His parents took the child away. Here kings and rulers rose against the Lord ; But vain their efforts to defeat his word, As He upon the heavens, in his behalf. At their most shrewd devices made, would laugh. From glowing terms descriptive of his reign. The Jews looked for him in a glittering train ; A king, with royal pomp and mighty power. O'er all the nations of the earth to tower. But in a manger was His humble birth, The Prince of Peace, the Lord of all the earth. A twofold nature, human and divine. In all His doings most conspicuous shine. In this arrangement we most clearly scan, A Saviour equal to the wants of man ; As man, to suffer and lay down his life, And pity feel mid human woes and strife ; As God, the strength and skill from sin to save, And triumph o'er the dark and gloomy grave. The covenant seal was now upon Him placed. And noble virtues all His childhood graced. THE STREAM OF TIMK. 197 His human nature we may here unfold, By growth in stature and by wisdom told. His higher nature gleamed from time to time, In various acts, one in His early prime ; As at the temple, twelve years old, we saw Conversinsr with the doctors of the law. His names and attributes and works agree, And worship rendered but to Deity ; But in obedience to parental rule. He passed His years of tutelage and school. And now. His public life was near at hand, When as Messiah He must boldly stand. He took the priesthood when at thirty years, The process at the Jordan then appears ; Baptismal water was applied the while. The dove descending as anointing oil ; And then, to make conditions all complete, He made Himself a sacrifice as meet. These were the rites, the priesthood to begin. Observed by our High-priest when entering in. Then forty days retired. He was assailed By Satan's scares, which with Him ne'er prevailed. In Eden's bowers the tempter could beguile. And our first parents thus with sin defile. 198 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The second Adam could evade his toils, And all his cnnning artifices foils. Presumptuous daring, Scripture misapplied, Unflinching firmness promptly set aside. And hence His power to crush the Wicked One, His victory o'er evil powers begun. And all His answers to the subtle foe, Our surest weapons in temptation show. Three times the assault was made, as oft repelled, And Satan's hope and conrage here were quelled. He left the Saviour then to his own course. And angels came to minister in force. His human nature then was found in need. To which these heavenly messengers gave heed. And now, as from the desert he returned, John Baptist saw, His character discerned ; The Lamb of God His banners now unfurled. Come to atone for sin, to save the world. Next day he says, "Behold the Lamb of God, "To purify with His own precious blood." Then various followers the Saviour called, The twelve apostles, soon to be installed. With these disciples next the Lord we see. As wedding guests in Cana, Galilee. THE STREAM OF TIME. 199 But ere the feast concluded, wine had failed, And for supplies anxiety prevailed. Six water-pots were filled up to the brim, A specimen drawn out and given him. Who then presided at the joyful feast. And was pronounced, when tasted, far the best. The Saviour here performed the wondrous deed, As all the facts most clearly will accede. The vessels first were filled with water true. Where wine before was not, nor old uor new ; And no collusion here could intervene. And hence divinity was in it seen. So His disciples then, as they were termed. Were well assured, their faith in Him confirmed. A miracle turns out from nature's course, And hence Omnipotence must be its source. Unlike the mysteries of heathen rite, The Saviour's, all, were wrought plain to the sight. So they confirm and prove Messiah's claim. And His religion, then and now, their aim. That power divine effected them is clear. Which never would for error's gain appear. Such truths are patent and most clearly shine. In cases, such as water turned to wine. 200 BIBLE SKETCHES OR This is fi pillar high in its demands, On which the truth of revelation stands. Hence other miracles we here may trace, While other subjects for a time give place. Once more to Cana had the Saviour come, And now a man just from Capernaum, Besought Him there to go and thus to save, His son then sick, and hastening to the grave. But Jesus said, " Go home and be assured, "Thy son is well, from this time fully cured." Aiid so he learned that in the self-same hour, His son was healed by some mysterious power. This nobleman, with all his house, believed. Henceforth the teachings of the Lord received. Then in the synagogue He took His place, Where Sabbath worship He was wont to grace. There one possessed with dread Satanic power. And Avhom the evil spirit fiercely tore, Cried out in woful agony and grief, Eestrained and crossed, yet sought the glad relief. Then Jesus bade the spirit hold his peace. Come out, and thus the tortured man release. The spirit in the struggle must obey. But did Avhat ill he could in his delav. THE STREA3I OF TIME. 201 Then Jesus showed His power o'er such uncleau. And here divinity was clearly seen. From thence the Saviour labored far about, Instructions gave, and devils fierce cast out. Then w\as the woman, bound for eighteen years, Loosed from infirmities and such sad fears. A few small loaves were by Him so increased That thousands were from hunger then released. And on the sea, by fiercest tempests driven, He walks, commands, and then a calm is given. And Peter walking and begun to sink. By Him was rescued from destruction's brink. Bartimeus was blind, a piteous sight. To him the world around was clothed in niofht : The face of nature and the smiles of friend. To him no more their genial influence lend. But tidings of the Saviour reached his ear. And thence emotions rose of hope and fear. And when he heard that Christ was passing by, He lifted up his loud, imploring cry For mercy which his blindness would reprieve. And from his mental darkness too relieve. The Saviour heard, and in compassion stood. And touched his eyes and poured in light, a flood. 202 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And now Jerusalem His power had proved, As at the pool, before the waters moved, For thirty-eight long years, a man had laid Diseased and impotent, nor favor had. But here the Saviour's healing virtues shine. And prove again His character divine. And now at Bethany a scene occurred Which sympathizing feeling deeply stirred. The message comes to Jesus in the nick, "He whom thou lovest now, behold, is sick." "Not unto death," the message was returned. But great suspense ere its intent was learned. But when the corpse four days was in the grave, The Master came to sympathize and save. The widow's son before, he raised at Nain, But here was one who had corruption seen. Could he alike restore from such decay As when the spirit just had passed away? Yes, truly. He has power to raise the dead. From ashes scattered, in the distance sped. Thus death has been confronted and o'crcome, An instance pertinent at Lazarus' tomb. So all the dead will rise and thus come forth, Or buried at the south or round to north. THE STKEAM OF TIME. 203 "I am the resurrection and the life," Is proved of Jesus, barring any strife ; For Jesus' claims by mighty works are proved. And all His truth should be received and loved. The spirit of the Saviour, always kind, Was not to good and evil rendered blind. A sense of justice tallied with the law, Whence his atonement only could withdraw. And all his doings were with wisdom seen. Where good the greatest then w^ould intervene. But all his life was spent to bring to pass The great salvation for the sinful mass. But as affinities alone can blend. So men must sympathize to act the friend. And hence in man must be the love of God, To fit him for his pure and blessed abode. That this was lost in Adam's fall is plain. And hence the words " Ye must be born again " ; The heart's affections then transferred to heaven, Whence pardon, absolution freely given. To Nicodemus, who inquired the way, The Saviour this affirmed without delay ; And then to all the sentiment applied. And various instructions multiplied. 204 BIBLE SKETCHES OR Aud then to carry out His gracious plan, There must be leaders bold placed in the van. And hence He chose His twelve apostles called, To be prepared and o'er the work installed. And first was Peter firm, of flaming zeal ; His brother Andrew for the common weal ; The sons of thunder, James and John in course ; Bartholomew and Philip of the force ; And James the Less, else Lebbeus or Jude ; Simon, the Canaanite, also include ; And Thomas, cautious, also comes to view ; And Matthew, gathering up the revenue ; The traitor, Judas, here we also name. Consigned to deep and everlasting shame. They witnessed then His life and teachings rare. Their after noble life-work to prepare. They saw long-standing errors well opposed. Abuses, varied in their modes, disclosed, Instructions, cautions, illustrations given, And mighty works, the proofs of One from heaven. The Saviour's first discourse we here may scan. And see that "Never man spake like this man." Persuasive eloquence there was in truth. The gracious words proceeding from his mouth. THE STREAM OF TIME. 205 In wisdom, kindness, and authority, No human efforts ever could agree. His teachings were like drops of early dew On thirsty ground, which hence its richness drew. But yet the Nazarines looked on with scorn. And fain would cast Him out, then left forlorn. Capernaum was then the city sought. Where long He stayed and many good works wrought. Repentance, faith, and new obedience, "Were doctrines taught with true benevolence. This was the gateway from the south to north. And swarmed with men in business o^oins: forth. Of this advantage Jesus was aware, And taught the multitudes appearing there. Upon the shores of Lake Genneseret The toilers there His walks will ne'er forget. And with the works of nature seen around His illustrations lucidly abound. Near this was given the Sermon on the Mount, Exposing errors, teachings of account. The poor in spirit were accounted blessed ; On mourners, comfort was to be impressed ; For souls that long and thirst for righteousness Should be awarded plenteous shares of grace ; 206 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The merciful should needed mercy prove ; The pure in heart should see the God of love ; And loving ones, who fiiin make peace on earth, Should be regarded of celestial birth ; If persecution, men for right may share. Thus, for a heavenly kingdom they prepare. Such are beatitudes, pronounced on men, According as their characters had been. And in our ways, a sure, unerring guide. The golden rule will faithfully provide. And in this sermon we may also learn That outward acts are not our chief concern. The thought of wrong, if purposely indulged. Will stand against us as a crime divulged. The proper regulation of the heart Alone will life and health and bliss impart. Throughout this sermon treasures rich abound. The same in all His teachings full are found, On subjects wide and varied in their scope. Respecting human interests and hope. By parables we often are addressed. And truth is deeply on the mind impressed. Beside the sea, where Jesus often stood. Spread out the plains in broad and various mood, THE STREAM OF TIME. 207 The yeoman ploughs, or plants, or gathers in, As is the season, or the calls begin. On sloping hills beyond, the rocks project ; On scanty soil, the rising crops inspect; Along the way thick tufts of thorn remain, And birds are waiting to pick up the grain ; And hence the truths the parable will show, " Behold the sower hence went forth to sow." Conditions furnished in the varied field, Show how the truth in different minds will yield. West of the lake, the grain of mustard seed, Though very small, becomes a spreading weed ; Whose yellow blossom spreads its odor round, And on whose branches birds are often found. The reign of Christ among the nations loath, Is destined here to have a wide-spread growth. From small beginnings, as in Galilee, It will encompass every land and sea. His messengers may hence fresh courage take, As sure success will follow in their wake. So leaven works unseen within the meal, But its efiects its presence will reveal. Thus grace, implanted in the human heart, In secret works and cleanses every part. 208 BIBLE SKETCHES OR That unseen hand that first the work begun Will follow it till all the work is done. That region long had witnessed scenes of war, And various nations drove the conquering car. Hence treasures gathered up would often fail, By depredations made when such prevail. So burying treasures was a common course, To render them exempt from plundering force. Such might remain, the owner being dead, And might be found by men unwitting led. And hence the finder, for the treasure's sake. Alone and gladly would the purchase make. Here Christ would show a treasure richer far. Which may be gained by seeking it with care. And hence His reign, like treasure in the field, Should earnestly be sought, all for it yield. And he who may the precious treasure find. Will be the friend and helper of mankind. The road from east to west from Jericho Is fraught with dangers such as travellers know ; For robbers through the gorges often climb. To rob and waylay, biding there their time. So from Jerusalem to that famed place, A man was on his way with wonted pace ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 209 But thieves beset him, wounded, left half dead ; On either side the priest and Levite sped. The good Samaritan relieved his wants, And showed the spirit which religion grants. Here we are taught to be most truly kind To all the sons of sorrow whom we find ; That difference of sect and class and thought Should not prevent this kindly service taught ; And that religion will superior prove To barriers fixed, opposing Christiau love. Another parable with touching mien Is in the prodigal returning seen. He took his portion due and went his way, And squandered it in full without delay. Then poverty and want are his report. And feeding filthy swine his next resort ; His scanty fare, the husks the swine had fed Then to reflection and repentance led. So he returned, but at a distance great His father ran the prodigal to meet, Relieved his wants, rejoicing in the change From devious paths and ways which so estrange. And so in heaven there ^s joy when men repent ; The wicked hence should in their course relent. 210 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And while the Saviour's teachings were a boon, Example gave them force in service done. His passion now remained to close the scene, To pave the way this fallen world to screen. Up to Jerusalem he therefore goes, To meet the machinations of his foes. And here was triumph, as it came to pass ; As King, he cometh, sitting on an ass ; The people spreading garments in the way, Hosannahs shouted from the whole arra3^ But as He saw the multitude intent, He wept, foreseeing crimes and their event. With tears and triumph thus his last days blend. But in eternal triumph soon to end. But now the priests and council were alarmed. As though His doings had the nation harmed. At once to snare and ruin they combine. And plan and manage in this reckless line. But in their cunning they are put to shame. And left in all their crimes alone to blame. By night to Bethany the Saviour goes. With friends endeared to gain a short repose ; Next day returned, and in the temple stood, Drove out the avaricious, thieving brood ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 211 Instructions gave most tender and sublime, Besought the people to believe in time ; Then comforted the true and pure in heart, Rebuked all those who act the selfish part ; Foretold the traitor who would soon be seen, From whom events would then take off the screen ; Enjoined upon His people mutual love, The ix,ew commandment given for them to prove. He taught the duty and the power of prayer. And urged His followers to be often there ; That in the heart obedience was the clew To spiritual life, the heart's affections true ; That safety will obtain where'er they move, Abiding in His life by faith and love ; That other things, which now they could not bear. The Comforter would bring aud they would share. This Holy Comforter, come in His stead. Would be their guide and in true paths would lead. These timely truths to them He then unfurled, To cheer, as He had overcome the world. His final prayer secures them in the road That leads direct to holiness and God. The fourteenth day, the paschal lamb was killed, The types and prophecies of Him fulfilled ; u 212 BIBLE SKETCHES OR The Eucharist was then ordained by Christ, Commemorating Him, their great High Priest ; The type no longer needed, set aside. This more befitting symbol to provide. Then in the garden, Jesus' secret place. His agony and bloody sweat we trace ; The wrath of God for sin by justice stored, Upon the innocent mysterious poured. And now the traitor, Judas, was at hand. Come to betray and seize with martial band ; His powers still seen in healing Malchus' wound. Repelling them fell prostrate to the ground. But taken then. His hands were bound most tort, And for mock trial He was brought to court. False accusations were against Him brought. And men suborned to bring the truth to naught. But here the Jewish rulers in their greed, That He should die unanimous decreed ; But now their right to execute came short, And hence to Pontius Pilate they resort. This is the accusation which they bring : Christ claimed to be their own anointed king ; But this w^as in the theocratic sense, To temporal rule He never made pretence. THE STKEAM OF TIME. 213 Then Pilate undertook the cause to scan, But found no fault in this mysterious man. But he still, from the pressure of the Jews, Would not decide their wishes to refuse. Then learning that from Galilee he came. To Herod he consigned the man of fame. And Herod curious mocked and scourged in vain, And sent Him back to Pilate once again. And now, persuaded of His innocence, His doings could admit of no defence. The message from his wife for that Just man. Should have defeated their most wicked plan. But Jews persisted still with envious breath. For his immediate ignoble death. Then Pilate washed his hands, betokening sure, That from the murderous deed he would be pure. But by his hands the Son of God was slain. Between two thieves ; He suffered not in vain. For on the cross He showed His power to save ; And then his life, our ransom, freely gave. At this event all nature seemed to mourn. And darkness brooded o'er the earth forlorn. The rending rocks their frightful signals gave ; The dead revived, and issued from the grave ; 214 BIBLE SKETCHES OR THE STREAM OF TIME.' The fiends below exulted o'er the just ; But in that act, their empire dragged to dust. Then in the tomb three days He lay concealed, When he arose to life, as was revealed. The resurrection thus was clearly proved, And doubts of His Messiahship removed. He showed himself to many friends apart, And also when in groups, with trembling heart ; The church directed variously and wise, That then and in the future she might rise ; Commissioned them to preach both north and south, And opened well their minds to see the truth ; And promising His presence to defend, Lo ! I am with you till the world shall end. In forty days was His ascension known. Triumphant exit to His Father's throne. Th' ascension gift was then in turn made sure. The Comforter came down with mighty power ; And Jesus will our cause in heaven maintain, And there in glory will forever reign. CHAPTER XYIII. THE LIVES AND LABORS OF THE APOSTLES. We look around when autumn's fruits are ripe, See various shades and every tint and stripe. The boon is rich and promises reward To all who ply their hands with due regard. But strength and skill are needed thus to reap, And gather in the fruits proposed to keep. This well illustrates now the Gospel field, For harvest white and generous to yield. The reapers to the upper room repair, And there continue in united prayer ; Till on the day of Pentecost was given The promise of the Father sent from heaven. Power from on high ensued and gifts of tongues. And wisdom to conduct mid human wrongs. The way was now prepared to preach the \Yord, The righteousness of faith in Christ, our Lord, To issue forth the universal call, And guide men in the way from sin's dark thrall ; 216 , BIBLE SKETCHES OR And hence, obedient to the high command, Th' appointed servants took the work in hand ; To preach and teach, and in their course baptize ; To gather in, and churches organize ; With faith upon the promise to depend, Lo ! I am with you till the world shall end. Then to their fields they went with faith and hope, And took within their aims the world's broad scope ; Receiving others whom the Lord had called, And in the noble work to be installed. Matthias chosen took the traitor's place ; And Paul and others soon the circle grace. Thus Mark and Luke and Titus were afield ; And Timothy and others soon were sealed. Their mission was for holy peace and love. To point the way to brighter scenes above ; To scatter darkness which enshrouds the mind ; To break the chains of sin from all mankind ; To raise the sorrowing from the depths of grief ; To bring to all the human race relief. They preached and wrote and spread the Gospel far, And zealous proved in Zion's glorious war. The gospels and epistles then inspired. Are treasures precious which the church acquired ; THE STREAM OF TIME. 217 The wants of future ages well to meet, The sacred canon thus received complete. But in their work strong opposition rose ; The gracious truth set forth, the world oppose ; As this uncompromising was applied, Thus striking at the root of human pride. So all religious systems of the world, Opposed the banner of the cross unfurled. Then fifteen pontifis held their sway at Rome, And fifteen augurs told of things to come, And fifteen kept the sibylline books of fate, Supposed descriptive of the Roman state ; And seven directed every feast and game, With numerous priests and servants of the same ; All in their purple robes and pride of state. With sumptuous fare and stipends amply great. And from the system many others live. Shrine-makers, merchants, such as changes grieve. These habits and arrangements must give place Before the march of Christ's redeeming grace. Religion and the state in pagan Rome Connected were, and hence, opposed their doom. As beasts ferocious rise against their foes. So that on seven hills these men oppose. 218 BIBLE SKETCHES OR And stripes, imprisonments, and death ensue To those who preached and brought the truth to view. Still they persisted in the noble strife, And preached and taught and urged the way of life. The Spirit, too, came down like showers of rain, And hence, these workers planted not in vain. The day of Pentecost, of precious fruits, Was followed up, ensuring like recruits. Throughout Judea and the nations round. The gospel trumpet gave a certain sound. And these disciples, Christians first were named, At Antioch, which place has long been famed. And onward and around to Greece and Rome, These men that overturned the world had come ; Had braved the perils both of sea and land, Mid heathen rage and brethren false to stand ; Even sealing truth with their own precious blood. Promoting thus the universal good. This blood has proved the seed true of the church, When seeming almost hopeless in the lurch. For then the churches were throughout arranged By men and women who by grace were changed ; To aid each other in the Christian war, And carry on aggressive work afar. THE STREAM OF TIME. 219 A few eventful years great wonders wrought, While men the higher life in Jesus sought. The idols of the heathen thus were left ; Their ministers and servants all bereft. But persecutions were laid up in store, Where Gospel influence then prevailed the more. First Stephen fell a martyr to the truth. When all disciples scattered north and south. Bat Peter first unlocked the Gospel door To Jew and Gentile, as foretold before ; To Jews upon the day of Pentecost ; » Cornelius next, one of the Gentile host. The kej^s were truth, such as the Saviour taught ; By grace, through faith, is our salvation wrought. At Babylon and Corinth he was heard, But mostly to the Jews he preached the Word. To them and others scattered far abroad He wrote his two epistles for their good. And although fallible, as all men are, He was a mighty power in this great war. Laborious, fearless, zealous, humble, true, Upon the cross a martyr's crown he drew. Next Peter's brother, Andrew^ we will trace, The first to learn of Christ and taste his grace . 220 BIBLE SKKTOIIKS Oil ITis Hold was Scyihia and countricM roinul, And in his work was always laillifnl found. Tho causo was much oxtondod througli his life By hibors, prayers, and sulU^rinij^s in tho strife. At Patrea, ^^^genas, thc^n^ from Uonie, By crucifixion scaled the martyr's doom. And James the GrcMit a journey made to Spain, And many converts tlu^re his labors