F 183 .H6 C5 Copy i PBIE GEORGE CO., MME Principal Office: 810 F Street, OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE. WA S H I N G T O N, D. C. P. li. Sfhriftgiesser, Printer, SOS Eighth Street, X. W. t^'\ n F 18S .H6 C5 Copy 1 M' -^^'^ '^^^ '>) f xji.'^" -^t^J Gletmooi Cfmehn y '"'iS^ieLcf. ) t 5» ,Kr«i 'Ga.h. tE^d % '' Square No. 10. ■M otNo. 1.... 3,000 3,000 3,000 2.... 4.... •♦•■•• (!.... 1.... 8.... 9.... 10.... 3,000 11.... 12.... 13... ...... 3,000 14 .3,000 15 3,000 16 3.000 17 aiooo 19 3,G90 20 3,934 ^1 4,239 ^2... 4,559 23 4.804 'M:.,.. ;V063 25 5,368 26 5;6r2 27 3,000 28 3,000 29 .-i.OOO 30 3J00O 31 3,000 33 3,000 33 3,000 34 3,000 35 3,000 36, 3,000 37 2,76-i 38 2,76 3,100 6 3,100 7 3,100 8 3,000 9 3,000 10 3,000 11 3,000 12 i 3,000 .13 , 3,000 14 3,000 15 3,000 16 3,000 17 3,000 18 3,000 19 3,000 20 3,000 21 3.000 22 3,000 23 3,000 24 .3,000 25 3.000 26 3JO00 27 2,460 28 , 3,100 29 3,100 30 3,100 31... .3,100 32 3,100 33 3,100 34 3,000 35 3,000 36 3,000 37... 3,000 38 3,000 .39 3,000 40 3,000 41 3,000 42 3,000 4.3 3,000 44 3,000 45 3,000 46. 3,000 47 3,000 48 ,. 3,000 49 3,0C0 50 3,000 51 3,000 32..V 3,000 Price q- fee ""^-'^-^'O-l ^-^?-P^ Square So. 13. " i le.. Pries . .>!■• sq. feet foot. 3,000 I'O'No- 1 3,000 3i 1'^ 3,00(1 2 3,000 3 ! '* 3,000 3,000 3,000 Square No. 14. 5 3,000 3 j Lot No. 1 3^000 6 3,000 3 ;■ 2 3,000 f 3,000 3 i -^ 3,000 * 3,000 3 ' •♦ 3,000 '•> 3,000 '31 ^ 3,000 ■0 2,T60 3 ' ^ 3,000 11 2,808 3 j '^ 8,522 13 3,000 si "^ 5,883 13 3,000 3 I 3 6,987 !■* 3,000 3 i 1" 8,875 '5 3,000 3 I ITY OF PeiE G[ORG[ CO,, MARyUND - w -^-tAts^^ ■-^tf- Principai Office : 810 F Street, OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON, D. C. p. I,. Schiittftii'ssei-, I'linter, .iO!) Eighth Street, N. W. THE HJEGHLANBS! Overlooking Bladensburg and Hyattsville on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, both places being in fnll view, lies "THE HIG-HLANDS," the fnture "ne plus ultra" of suburban places about Washington! This place was late the magnificent residence of J. P. Bartholow, and riding- out from the Capitol City bj either the Baltimore and Ohio Railway or the Balti- more Turnpike, it is found lying just between these two important thoroughfares and fronting upon both. By a ride upon this turnpike, acknowledged to be one of the finest sulnirban drives about Washington, the time necessarily consumed is but thirty minutes and byl'ail only eight minutes. So naturally adapted to the purposes to which at last it has been dedicated, is the location and ground at this point, that the late owner was often earnestly re- quested, by many who specially desired to purchase and build, to lay off at least a pai-t of the place in building* lots. The Baltimore and Ohio Raiboad, The Baltimore and Washington Turnpike, and The Georgetown Road, which latter passes through the place, all furnish fronts for building upon, outside of the many wide avenues laid out. The bill, which has recently passed both houses of Congress, and been approved by the President, incorporating the Columbia Railway Company, will soon put a third and convenient mode of travel from the City to The Highlands, to wit : A line of street cars, — thereby giving the choice of three different means of transit to and from the city, and putting residents there in as frequent and per- haps more easy communication with the business centre of Washington than they would have if residing in the i-emote streets ther^f, or in Georgetown. This line of cars, leave 15th street at the Treasury Department, following New York avenue to its intei'section at Seventh street and Massachusetts avenue, and thence on Mas- sachusetts avenue to the intersection of the same with H street, and thence following H street to the Toll Gate at the City Boundary ; thence by the line of the Columbia Turnpike passing the entire length of The Highlands and running to Bladensburg. The bill fixes the fare at not to exceed seven cents from 15th street west. The advantages of having these several distinct means of frequent communi- cation with the city will not fail to commend itself above that of having but one means of transit to an