Y * <« *«^ 158. C 0(PY^ Author Title Imprint. Ift— 47372-4 9PO /:.-.Z^a-,. / ., ISSUES OF A NEW EPOCH I5f)e Codtl Strike PdLadLinsL PKilippiives etivd CubdL BY Joseph Bucklin Bishop Antkor of "Our PoliiicaLl Dr&ma.." "CKe«Lp Money Experiments," Etc. Reprinted fronri "The InternaLtionoLl Q\ia.rterly' \^ 4Cpt90G NEW YORK SCOTT-THAW COMPANY 542 Fifth Avenxie 1904 ISSUES OF A NEW EPOCH The Coal Strike Panama Philippines and Cuba BY JOSEPH BUCKLIN BISHOP Author of "Our Political Drama," "Cheap Money Experiments,' Etc. Reprinted from " The International Quarterly " NEW YORK SCOTT-THAW COMPANY 542 Fifth Avenue 1904 r^.j