F 184 .C85 Copy 1 THE CRESAP SOCIETY Meeting at Ciunberland, Md. June 24th. 1919 Exercises Attending the Unveiling of the Memorial at Riverside Park THE CRESAP SOCIETY Meeting at Cumberland, Md. June 24th, 1919 Exercises Attending the Unveiling OF the Memorial at Riverside Park Oration by HON. JAMES WALTER THOMAS Memorial Sermon by REV. AMBROSE H. BEAVIN COMPLIMENTS OF THE CRESAP SOCIETY Columbus, Ohio: The F. J. Heer Pri.nting Co. 1919 t..^v FOREWORD. By Chas. II. Lewis. Unquestioned loyalty to country determines the life of every nation. War demands loyalty publicly demonstrated. Peace re- quires, just as surely, a steadfast, dependable citizenry. Based on steadfast loyalty, America has grown to great- ness, and throughout the history of that growth appear the names of many families whose generations, in their turn, con- secrated themselves to lofty Americanism. One such family is that of Cresap. In lasting stone and archives, suitable memorials have now been placed by descend- ants of Colonel Thomas Cresap, Maryland pathfinder, pioneer, patriot. (3) Facing Fort Cumberland Hill. The Potomac in the background. WORLD WAR SERVICE MEN. L(m;an Cresap. James McDowall Cresap, Edward Rawlings Cresap, Elbert Sawyer Towt, Alvan Br.\see Tallmadge, Warren Cresap Cole, Garland Wheeler Powell, David William Sloan, Alexander Maxwell Sloan, Alexander Caldwell Good, Louis Frederick Good, Karl Robinson Ricketts, Theodore Jeffries, Frank Jeffries, Walter F. Jeffries, Otho Jeffries, Charles Beatty Jeffries, Wilbur Cresap, Thomas Cresap McCoy, ^^'ILFRED Cresap, Earl Spencer, Donald Strong, Hkf.ciier Cresap, Robert Worth Ricketts, Julian Fairfax Scott, Ralph Edward Ord, F Egerton Powell, ^L\JOR Edward Ord, Richard Gerstell, Jr., Robert Gerstell, Arnold Sinclair, James M. Wilson, Robert E. Wilson, Ralph S. Wilson, Brent Le Mert, George Henderson, French McCarty Emmons, Arnold Frederick Gerstell, William Randolph Baird, Ralph Baird, Robert Bibb Hopwood, Charles Lovett Herring, Lewis Mirtimer Herring, Chas. E. Poston. THE UNVEILING. L'nder the trees in the park overlooking the Potomac, after selections from the City Band, members and friends were called to order by Chairman Friend Cresap Cox, and he called upon the Reverend Ambrose H. Beavin of the Emmanuel Episcopal Church, who offered the following: Almighty God, whose children we are, and whose people we be. Thou who in the days of old didst lead Thy chosen people through the wilderness to the I^romised Land ; look down, we beseech Thee, ujxjn us who are gathered here in Thy Name and Presence. Accept our thanks for Thy goodness to our fore- fathers and to us. As Thou didst lead them in safety amidst (5) the perils of the trackless waste and gave them their heart's desire, so guide and protect us amidst the perils and dangers of this life, and bring us at last to "the Haven where we would be." Accept at our hands this monument which we dedicate no less to Thy honor and glory than to the memory of those whom we love and revere. Keep us ever beneath Thy sheltering wing. Let Thy love lead us all the days of our life, and bring us at last to Thyself, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. After which Mr. Edward Cresap, the eldest descendant present, with his grandchild in his arms, assisted the child in pulling the rope which released the flag as a covering, and ex- posed the memorial stone. All then stood while the band played "The Star Spangled Banner." Mr. Charles H. Lewis in presentation to the city spoke as follows : Ladies and Gentlemen : On behalf of The Cresap Society, I have the honor and authority to present to the Cit>' of Cumberland, this Cresap Memorial, and with it, the full appreciation of the Cresap family for the high courtesy here shown in public official acceptance of the Memorial by the mayor, the Honorable Mr. Koon, mayor of the City of Cumberland. Mayor Koon accepted for the city in perpetuity, congratu- lating the donors for the spirit which prompted the movement, welcomed the members to the city on this occasion, and extend- ing an invitation to the Society to make Cumberland its per- manent meeting place. The Mayor then referred eloquently of the valor of Colonel Thomas Cresap, his influence in the up- building of Western Maryland and the country beyond. He was the most prominent and foremost citizen of this province and state for a long time. The Mayor closed with a quotation from Historian Wroth, "He was a fighter, he fed the hungry •^he knew not the fear of man or beast or forest, he stood fast where he planted his feet, and he helped to make this nation English instead of French, andi finally to make it American wholly and for all time." The chairman then introduced the Honorable James Walter Thomas as orajor of the day, who spoke as follows : .Mr. President, Members of the Cresap Society, Ladies and Gentlemen : Every nation has its beginning, and every beginning has its leaders — leaders in thought, leaders in action. Men of strong moral courage and physical stamina; men of unfaltering deter- mination and boundless energ)- become the natural leaders of the community in which they live, leaders in every emergency calling for such characteristic leadership. Such a leader was Colonel Thomas Cresap. Resolute, brave, daring, resourceful and strong in body and mind. Upon such leaders the development and prosperity of the community depend, and there is no doubt that the presence of Colonel Thomas Cresap greatly accelerated the settlement and growth of every section of Maryland in which he lived and in which he became an exponent of its industrial, economic and commercial activities. Colonel Thomas Cresap. founder of the large and eminently respectable family of Cresaps in this countr}-, was born at Skip- ton-ln-Craven, Yorkshire, England, in 1694. He came to Mary- land when only 15 years of age. but his early life here is veiled in obscurity and the first public notice of him was in 1724, when at the age of 30, he married Miss Hannah Johnson. It is not known where he was educated, and yet his literary attainments \vere not meager. It is true a clear vision and a sound judg- ment were the dominant features of his mind, but it is certain that he was educated in mathematics as far as practical survey- ing, and in that to a point which enabled him to attain high rank as a civil engineer. It is also known that he had a fine physique and an affability of manner that drew men to him. At the time of his marriage he located on the Susquehanna River near Haver De Grace. The sons of William Penn were now making serious encroachments upon Maryland territory, and Colonel Cresap's special fitness and aptitude for frontier work being recognized by the Maryland authorities, he was in- duced to move higher up the river and he located at Wright's Ferrj'. a point about opposite the present town of Columbia, where he built himself a stone house in the nature of an arsenal, which was supplied with arms and ammunition by the Maryland government. His estate was called the Governor's Grant and contained 500 acres. He was appointed Civil Magistrate and Colonel of Militia, as well as General Supervisor, Tax Collector and Surveyor for that region, and for five years a border war- fare was waged, known as the Conajacular war. He espoused the cause of Lord Baltimore with zeal and ardor, but after a battle known as the Battle of Peach Bottom in which he was victorious, the Penns ordered his arrest and the Sheriff of Lan- caster County, with a large posse, proceeded to his arsenal to execute the warrant. Finding this impossible, they waited until night, when they were able to set fire to the roof of his house, and the flames spread so rapidly, fanned by a heavy wind, that the house had to be abandoned. As no terms of capitulation were ofTered, the doughty Colonel threw open the doors and made for his boat, firing as he went and unintentionally wound- ing two of the sentinels, but before he could get his boat loosened from its moorings, he was surrounded and captured. They tied his hands behind him, and heavily guarded, they started across the river, but such was his herculean strength, that though bound, he elbowed one of the guardsmen into the river. At Lancaster they had him handcufifed, but no sooner had the blacksmith com- pleted the job, than with both hands the young hero felled him to the ground. As they were passing through Philadelphia, en- route to the jail, he taunted the crowd of curious spectators who were jeering him, by exclaiming, "W'hy, this is the finest city in the province of Maryland." and he meant it. for he knew that under the Maryland charter its northern boundary extended to the 40 degree of north latitude, and which was above Phila- delphia. As soon as the news of his arrest reached Maryland, Ed- ward Jennings, Secretary of State and Daniel Dulaney, Attorney General of Maryland, repaired to Philadelphia to demand his release. This could have been easily obtained, for the prisoner had been a troublesome guest and the authorities had grown weary of him, but he flatly refused to go until the Penns had been ordered to release him by the King of England, which order in due time came. While in prison his wife and family Were cared for by friendly Indians. About this time, 1732, the boundary disputes between Penn- sylvania and Maryland were settled by a compromise, greatly to the loss and prejudice of Maryland, and while there was much delay in putting the agreement into execution, it had the effect of allaying the border wajerfare. Soon after this Colonel Cresap moved to Antietam, now in Washington County, Maryland, on a farm known as Long Meadows, and on which he built a stone huose over a spring. This beiaeng on the Indian frontier, and in advance of any white population i nthat vicinity, it served not only as a residence, but as a fort, as well as a trading post ; his purpose now being to engage extensively in the fur trade in which that section of the country so abounded both in quantity and in richness. To that end he borrowed from his friend, the great Maryland jurist, Daniel Dulaney, Five Hundred Pounds sterling, invested it in furs and shipped them to England, but the vessel was captured by the French and the whole cargo was lost. To make good his indebtedness to Mr. Dulaney, he tumed over to him the Long Meaaedows estate, and moved to a point in Maryland near the juncture of the north and south branches of the Potomac. This move, it is believed, he was induced to make by the Mary- land authorities, to protect Maryland from invasion on the south, as he had done from encroachments on the north. The south Branch \'alley had already been taken by Lord Fairfax, and the first crude settlements on the present site of the city of Cumberland were then claimed to be within the bounds of the old dominion. He called his new home Skijjton, after the place of his nativ- ity, and it remained his ashome durinjj the rest of his long and active life. On a High and commanding bluff in 1742 he built a block house of stone which served as a fort for his family, as well as for other families, which from time to time, settled in that locality. It continued to be called Skipton for many years, and as late as 1816 the legislature of Maryland made special reference to it by that name. It was on the site of what had been known as Shawnee Oldtown, and had been the home of Opessa, Chief of the Shawnee Indians, but from Mays map, made in 1736, and now in the Congressional Library in Washing- ton, it is marked ".\bandoned Shawnee Oldtown." It is now known simply as Oldtown. Skipton enjoyed the unique distinction of having been iden- tified with the history of four counties of Maryland. It was in Prince George's County until 1748, when Frederick County was erected, and it was in that county until 1776, when Washington County was carved out of Frederick, where it remained until 1789. when Allegany County was erected. It is further noted as having been one of the calls on the boundary line extending from the Potomac to the Susquehanna, agreed upon by the Indian Treaty of 1744, between the six nations and the com- missioners of Maryland. While it was still in Prince George's County, then embracing all of western Maryland, he became the county surveyor for Prince George's County, and in 1745, sur- veyed for Governor Thomas Bladen, Walnut Bottom, on which, 40 years later, was laid out the City of Cumberland, and while it was still within the bounds of Frederick, he represented that county for 10 years in the General Assembly of Mar\land. Colonel Cresap was a pioneer among frontiersmen in the broadest sense, and his position was one that demanded the high- est degree of courage. He was in the very heart of a hostile country, in the face of a savage foe, and exposed to constant danger of Indian attacks day and night. He was the earliest settler in that part of Western Maryland, and it was under these conditions that he sallied forth with the pride and confidence of a monarch to make good the sovereignty of his possessions and of his own manhood. He became the guardian genius of that frontier settlement, and proved himself to be one of the most remarkable men oi his time. He was more actively and prominently identified with the development and growth of that part of western Maryland than any other man of his day and generation and it was his reputation as a noted Indian fighter, and the fact that he was intrepid, resourceful and a natural leader, and the assurance of protection which these aii'orded, that induced others to also settle in that section of the state. The Indians who inhabited this region were Shawnees. While standing rather higher in the scale of civilization than many, other tribes, they were nevertheless cruel, pitiless and treacherous in their warfare, and so general were their depreda- tions and murders about the time of the close of tlie French and English war that, according to an official report, there was not a faniil) li\-ing between Fort Cumberland and Winchester, Virginia, and the settlements on Town Creek were nearly all wiped out. But Colonel Cresap and his indomitable band held their own, and their valor is referred to in the Paris Treaty documents of the French and English war. But the hostility of the savages became so unrelenting that even Colonel Cresap deemed it wiser to move his family about 50 miles further east, the few settlers that were left following him. Then forming a company of volunteers he opened up a campaign of his own, with headquarters at Fort Skipton and Fort Cumberland, as circum- stances suggested, and drove the warring tribes out of the region and as far west as great Savage Mountain. In 1749 the Ohio Company, of which Colonel George Wash- ington was president, was formed for the purpose of engaging on a large scale in the rich fur trade of the Ohio Valley, and Colonel Cresap was one of its charter members and its most active agent. In order to reach the country bordering on the Ohio, then an unbroken mountain wilderness he employed the noted Indian chief, Nemacolin, to assist him in laying out a road from Fort Cumberland, which was to be the headquarters of that company, to the Monongehela, now Pittsburg. This was the first outlet from the east to the west over which any white man had ever travelled. It was the route over which the business of the Ohio Company was tranported ; the one that was prac- tically adopted by General Edward Braddock in 1755 in his historic march upon Fort Duquesne, and it is today largely the roadbed of the National Highway from Cumberland to Pittsburg. He was a great believer in public roads and while Skipton was still in Frederick County, he urged the passage of the act of the General Assembly in 1758, of which he was a member, for the building of a road from Fort Frederick to Fort Cumber- land, on the Maryland side of the Potomac and thus avoid twice crossing the river, and reducing the distance from 80 miles as by the old route, to 40 miles by the new one. He was made chairman of the commission for its construction, and it proved to be o fthe greatest service in settling the western part of Maryland. Under Colonel Cresap's leadership was organized in 1765 "The Sons of Liberty," through the influence of which the stamp act was repudiated in Maryland, and at the Frederick County Convention of 1774 he took an active part, and was later sent as a delegate to the General Convention at Annapolis. When in- formed that year that Congress desired two rifle companies to be raised in Maryland to join Washington at Boston, he promptly pledged one from his section of the state. It was at once re- cruited with men brought up on warfare and noted riflemen and sent forward under his son, that invincible Indian fighter, Cap- tain Michael Cresap, and two of his grandsons, Daniel and Joseph Cresap, and that company had the distinction of being the first troops from the south to reach the plains of Boston. It was not in evidence that Colonel Cresap went out with the Braddock expedition, but it is in evidence that he, with Colonel Lawrence Washington, Colonel Ebenezer Zane and Col- onel John Caldwell, of John Caldwell Calhoun fame, with volun- teers, went to the Ohio after the defeat of Braddock to guard that frontier against the French and Indians. Colonel Cresap was a man of extraordinary strength and vigor, and when seventy years of age, made a voyage to England alone. Twelve years later he journeyed alone from Skipton to Nova Scotia, ^\'hile in London he was commissioned by Lord Baltimore to make a survey of the western boundary of Mary- land and to ascertain whether it was the north or the south branch of the Potomac that was its boundary under the Mary- land charter, by determining which was the true fountain head or source of that river. The surv^ey was made and an autograph map of the work was neatly drawn by Colonel Cresap and sent to Governor Horatio Sharpe of Maryland. It is now in the possession of the Maryland Historical Society, and is the first map ever made showing the course and fountain head of the two branches of the Potomac River, the one made in 1754 not disclosing those details. He was the master spirit of the community in which he lived and always aetook command when the signal of danger was sounded, and many were the fierce combats and deeds of heroism of this early pioneer. It is a matter of reccord that such was his skill and courage that he never asked for protection for him- self or for those who were within the reach of his strong arm, but his sympathies went forth to the other frontier settlers of western Maryland and though 40 miles nearer civilization than himself, for them he urgently invoked the protecting aid of the state. There was apparently a hopeless deadlock between the Upper and Lower Houses of the General Assembly of Mary- land over an appropriation for that purpose. The need for action was too imperative to admit delay, and he called together his riflemen for a march upon the state capitol. The news of INC. Potomac River. The small stones at the base taken from foundation of Col. Cresap's Fort. this reached Annapolif. and when he and his comrades got as far as Frederick City on their long journey, the deadlock had been broken and provision made for the erection of Fort Fred- erick in the western part of what is now Washington County, as a place of security for the people of that section of the country. This was in 1756, and so securely was Fort Frederick built that the massive stone walls of this historic old structure still stand, as an enduring monument to the spirit of the times and in part to the ardor and heroism of Colonel Thomas Cresap. Colonel Cresap has come down into history as an exceed- ingly hospitable and benevolent man. A ferocious Indian fighter, and yet, to the Indian of good behavior he was kind and gener- ous. His home was immediately on the Indian trail, between the north and the south, and to those who travelled it in peace, his larder was an open house. Colonel George Washington, in his diary of 1748. records that while on a visit to the Colonel that year, he entertained about -thirty Indians for several days, and says that "he always kept the kettle suspended near a spring and ready for their use, and for his open-handed hospitality he was known to the Indian as Big Spoon." There being no public houses at that early day in the then sparsely settled frontier region of the state, his house was the stopping place of all respectable wayfarers who had the temerity to traverse its lonely pathways, all of whom it is recorded were received with cordiality, and to whom a hearty welcome was extended. He numbered among his personal friends General \\'ashington, George Mason, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and Daniel Dulaney, and for the latter his oldest son was named. Colonel Cresap died at his home in January, 1790, at the advanced age of ninety-six years. He left a very large landed estate, and still owned at the time of his death the original tract of five hundred acres at Wright's Ferry on the ."^usquehanna. called the Governor's Grant. He had five children, Daniel Cresap, Thomas Cresap, who lost his life in battle on Savage Mountain, Elizabeth Cresap, Sarah Cresap and Captain Michael Cresap of Revolutionary fame. Such was the life of Colonel Thomas Cresap — a life that eminently deserves to be perpetuated by the memorial of stone and brass which is today unveiled to his memory by his descend- ants. It is singularly fitting, too, that this shaft should stand where it does, in full view of the majestic Potomac on whose rock-ribbed and shades shores he spent more than the half of his long and eventful life; and within the shadow of the spot where stood historic Fort Cumberland, with which he was so closely identified. Its site he first selected as a site for the block- house of the Ohio Company in connection with its extensive fur trade, and which was erected under his supervision. It was he who extended the hospitality of this then far-distant western; 14 frontier improvement to Colonel George Washington in 1753, when on his memorable mission to the French, and again the following year when he was here with his little Virginia army for his march to Fort Necessity, and where he fired the first gun in the interest of English North American supremacy — that gun, the echoes of which vibrated and resounded around the entire civilized world. In 1755 his judgment, as to its strategic position for a fortification, was confirmed by the British authori- ties, when they ordered Fort Cumberland to be erected for the accomodation of the British and American armies in the French and English war, then about to form its lines of battle. He, therefore, not only knew Fort Cumberland in its infancy, but in the zenith of its usefulness and glory, and he had the distinction of being its first Maryland Quarter-Master General. He had seen it, too, stripped of its prestige and lose its importance as a military station, and yet he knew for what it had stood, and he knew that as long as civilization shall endure upon the earth, Fort Cumberland will be memorable in the history of its development. The philosopher and the statesman, when tracing the progress of the political systems of men from the loftiest heights they shall ever reach, must always pause upon the site of Fort Cumberland to contemplate one of the grandest epochs in history. It was at St. Mary's City, the first capitol of Maryland, that freedom of conscience, in all of its breadth and fulness, was first proclaimed to men as their inherent and inviolable right, in tones which sounding above the tempest of bigotry and persecution, were to continue forever, from age to age, to gladen the world with the assurance of practical Christian charity, and utimately to find expression in the political system of every state in the American union. But while it was at St. Mary's, on an arm of the lower Poto- mac, that first broke and brightened into effulgent daylight the early dawn of our religious freedom, it was at Fort Cumberland, on the Upper Potomac, that first arose the radient morning sun which was to illuminate and light the way to that enduring foundation upon which stands today the collosal statue of Amer- ican civil and constitutional liberty. By no doubtful chain of cause and effffect, the French and English war, so largely directed from Fort Cumberland, brought on the American Revolution, and which not only gave us American independence, but gave also to the new confederation of states that vast and fertile domain known as the Western Reserve, extending from the Allegheny Mountains on the east to the Mississippi on the west, and from the Great Lakes on the north to the Gulf on the south. It was a grand park of majestic forests, rich plains and countless streams, and which then stretched in almost unbroken solitude towards the setting sun. It was the first territory ever owned by the new confederation of states. It was the first territory over which the United States ever exercised the right of sovereignty in tlie form of eminent domain. It was indeed the first subject matter it ever had the right to exercise it upon, for it had no such power over the confederate states, and the Western Reserve was the only domain it owned. This made necessary for it a staple government, and the adoption of plans to establish domestic tranquility and commercial relations between the old states of the east and the new territory of the west. It was in furtherance of this end that Washington suggested the historic Mt. Vernon meeting of 1785, which resulted in the Annapolis convention of 1786, and in that other convention — that powerful assembly of constructive statesmanship, the Federal Convention of 1787, from which eminated, as has been aptly said, "The most wonderful work ever struck off in a given time by the brain and purpose of man," — the Amerrican Constitution. And thus it was that the historic \\'estern Reserve, with the first nationalization of which Fort Cumberland was so closely associated, led directly to the formation of the Federal Union, furnished the foundation and the reasons for a constitutional government and became the -keystone in the great archway of the American Republic. Of Colonel Thomas Cresap, of him who crossed the Blue Ridge Mountains, not as a knight of the golden horse shoe, but as a pioneer hero, and planted hs outposts on the easterly base of the Appalachian system of mountains to which Allegany County pertains, let it be said, that he who thus placed himself so far beyond the remotest outskirts of civilization, in a mountain wilderness and a hostile country, away from all friendly aid and material comforts, and in the face of the merciless tomahawks of a relentless foe, and w-ho made that supreme sacrifice and perilous venture in the interests of American expansion and industrial growth ; he who thus blazed the way to western Maryland and who devoted the best years of his life to its development and prosperity ; he who in many other ways was actively identified with so much of that which gave grandeur and glory to the colonial and revolutionary history of Marjdand, as well as inspira- tion and pride to the later annals of the state, should stand out in bold relief, and as a distinct unit in the drama of American history, and his loyalty to American ideals, his courage and his fortitude, his heroism and his valor are worthy of record down to the remotest time, in the archives of the state and nation wherein are recorded those manly deeds and manly achievements which gave bearing direction and momentum to the onward march of humanity, civilization and freedom. Rev. Beavin in closing the exercises, offered the blessing as follows : i6 Unto God's most gracious mercy and protection we commit you. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace, both now and evermore. Amen. The members then repaired to the yard of the Emmanuel •church on the site of Fort Cumberland, where, after the taking ■of a group picture, all entered the church. Here the choir as- sisted in the services, rendering patriotic hymns, after which the following memorial sermon by the Rector, Mr. Beavin : "What Me.\n Ye By These Stones?" A Sermon Preached In Emniaiiuel Church, Cumberland, Md. On The Occasion Of The Dedication Of The Cresap Memorial June 24^1, U)I9. JOSHUA IV, 6-7. "What mean yc by these stones' These stones shall be for a memorial." ' While we live IN the present and FOR the future we con- tinually build UPON the past. How much we owe to genera- tions of long ago, and how greatly we are indebted to hearts which long ago ceased to beat, and to brains which long since ceased to throb with thought a moment's reflection will tell. Our language, our learning, our civilization, our religion — have all come to us as a priceless heritage from those who lived and died long ago. A wise man of old has taught us that there is nothing new under the sun. This, is a bold thought, but a true one. All the powers that man is now. for the first time bending to his will and harnessing to do his work have been hidden and waiting to do his bidding ever since the creation. Every emotion which passes through his heart, every pain and every joy that he knows has been felt by countless milHcwis throughout the ages. Truly there is nothing new under the su|^ 17 In this House of God, on this historic occasion, my heart goes back first of all to a very similar occurrence, but to a far distant scene which took place many years ago and many leagues away. It was the climax of an adventure, which more than any other single occasion, was destined to influence the world and the course of events, more than any other prior to the In- carnation. Something like six hundred years before, a man already old as we cotmt age in these days had followed a beckoning hand which none other could see, had followed a voice which none other could hear, and he had believed a promise which seemed inipossil)le of fulfillment. He had lived through years of dis- appointment as did his descendants for many generations. But faith never dies, and hope springs eternal in the human breast. Building upon the foundations which others had laid, and trusting in the sure promises of Almighty God, the people had steadily gone forward. They had lived through the many years of their captivity in Egj'pt. They had safely crossed the Red Sea. They had weathered the summer heat? and the winter storms for forty years in the wilderness. They had been tem- pered and trained by the severe discipline of the march. They had entered the Promised Land. It was the season of the Pass- over, a time dear to every Jewish heart, for it spoke to them with no uncertain voice of the loving kindness of their God. It was the tenth day of April in the year 145 1 B. C. They stood upon the bank of the Jordan. The water was deep and the cur- rent was swift, for this was the time at which it overflowed its banks. In the early morning the procession was formed, and the priests who bore the Ark of the Covenant advanced with unfaltering steps. Their feet were no sooner dipped in the water than the river was divided, and the waters that came down from above being heaped up as a wall, and the lower portion flowing down toward the Dead Sea, a dry channel was provided for the passage. Twelve chosen men, one from each tribe, took twelve stones from the river bed. The host encamped that night at Gilgal, in the plains of Jericho, and there Joshua set up the twelve stones for a memorial, saying, "When your chil- dren ask their fathers in time to come, saying. What mean ye by these stones? Then shall }e answer them, that the waters of Jordan were cut off before the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord; when it passed over Jordan, the waters of Jordan were cut off, and these stones shall be for a memorial unto the chil- dren of Israel forever". Men and nations alike have ever loved to erect memorials in honor of events and peoiile who have made their mark for god upon the history of the world. When Jacob awoke from his vision of the ladder reaching from himself to God, he was not content with saying, "This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven", but he took the stone that he had had for pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it, so consecrating it forever. When the first Temple arose in all its majesty and glory, it did not represent the wish, the whim, the desire of one man, but all the noblest aspirations of every man, who from the days of old had loved and reverenced God. Go where we will all over the civilized world we find monuments erected in memory of noble men and women and noble deeds. Much of the history of the ancient world is read only through the monuments which survive not only people who have died, but of nations that have perished. One stands almost dazed as he reads of how^ the painstaking efforts of exploration societies, having only a few sun-dried bricks, covered with seemingly meaningless hieroglyphics, and a few rudely carved stones have uncovered the daily lives and national histories of the ancient world, all of which would have been lost forever had it not been for those rude memorials. Syria, Assyria, Babylon, and many other countries, once the centers of influence and power, are now yielding their treasures as we find their monuments, and from them reconstruct their lives. The most perfect architectural treasure of India, the Taj Mahal, is a monument to a good and pure woman. It is also an inspiration to countless thousands of women of her own na- tion to live the higher and better life. The Triumphal arch in Paris, the Marble arch in London, the beautiful monuments on the battlefields of Gettysburg and Antietam, all teach their les- sons as well as please the eye. A beautiful building, a noble shaft piercing the sky, the statute of one who has done his work well, or a tablet in his memory, all have their influence upon those who gaze iritelligently upon them. They take one out of one's self, lift one away from the earth. They make him a partner of those in whose honor they have been erected. Today is a notable one in the history of your Society. You are gathered together to do honor to one to whom not only your- selves, but also this community, this country owes much. It is not my intention to give a historical review of either his life, his times, his influence, his work. That has already had a more fitting place in the exercises at the dedication of the monument, and I know that it found its proper place and pro- portion in the historical address which Mr. Thomas delivered. To duplicate it in any measure would simply be a work of super- erogation. But there is quite sufficient to work on without that. First I note that you have wisely chosen a stone taken from the scenes of the early labors of the man whom you honor. It is well that you have done so instead of going far afield for some other. By this means you bring together the past and the present in a beau- tiful way. It may be that in those far olif days when he was here, he made use of it himself — a shade from the noontide heat, a shelter from the storm, a defence against some enemy he was fighting. Who can tell ? The titles you have given him were chosen with no ordinary care. Pathfinder — Pioneer — Patriot. \Miat better could you say of any man? Pathfinder. We, living in a later day perhaps seldom, if ever, realize what we owe to those who "blazed the trail". Our roads are so many and so perfectly made, and we are so used to going rapidly and directly from one place to another, that we are very apt to rebel if on even a long journey a piece of rough road compels us to make a detour of a few miles. In the olden days it was not so. Men like Colonel Thomas Cresap had no other person's lead to follow. A trackless country, filled with crafty and often treacherous enemies were often all that they found. Added to the hardships of an uncharted country was the danger of unseen and unknown foes. It required men of rare courage and skill to face and conquer the unknown. Well chosen was the word "Pathfinder". It is such men who have made the world what it is todav. So we honor Columbus who found the path across the Atlantic, F"ranklyn who found the Northwest Passage, Livingstone who first forged his way far into the heart of the Black Continent, and Cresap who found the path to the West from here. Pioneer. It is a word more often used than understood. It is originally a military term, and it denotes a soldier who goes before an army to clear obstructions and throw up entrenchments. It is akin to our word "pawn" as applied to the first row of men in the game of chess. They are always moved ahead first to form a line of protection for the others who come after. They are always sacrificed for the sake of the others. Not their's the glory of being on the field when the victory is won — only that they have given themselves that others might reap the fruits of their sacrifice. So with Pioneers as we use the word today. Theirs the hardship, theirs the struggle, theirs the sacrifice of home, of comforts, often of life itself, that we might enter into the fruits of their labors. Surely it is meet to honor and re- member such a one, as we do this day. Patriot. The dictionary tells us that a patriot is one who loves his country. \\'ell, what is it to love one's country? Is it to carry a banner in prcession? Is it to shout as the flag is carried by? Is it to fling bunting from the tops of the building? Is it to send sky-rockets off in the evening. Vastly deeper than that is the love of one's country — deeper than any soldier's uniform. To love one's country is to love that for which i', stands. "I love thy rocks and rills." A man may sing that with all his heart, and still be nothing more than a geoligist. "Thy woods and templed hills." He may sing that too, and still be only a naturalist or a botanist. "Land of the NOBLE FREE thy name I love." The man who loves the nobility, the freedom for which his country stands, that man is the true patriot. He loves the ideal enthroned in his country's history, the principle which runs all through the story of his country's past like a spinal column, the ideals which were set before his fathers, the institutions for which those fathers lived and suffered. The man who loves that for which his country stands — he, and he alone is the man who loves his country. He and he alone is the man who is a patriot. 22 It is such a man that you are gathered together today to do honor to. It was a happy thought too that your exercises should inchide a visit to, and a service in this House of God. Would that more such gatherings were so. It was so in the olden time. So it should be now. The Cresap family has had a long connection with this Church and Parish. Consulting the ancient records I find that on the second day of May 1803, when the books were first opened for registration of membership in the newly formed congrega- tion, the names of Thomas Cresap and Edward O. Cresap were inscribed. Here too in February 1838 Elizabeth Cresap was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to James D. Parsons. Here too on November 14, 1845, Mary Cresap was laid to rest "In the sure and certain hope of a glorious resurrection to eternal life in our Lord Jesus Christ." Here too in later days William Lynn Cresap, Maria Louise Cresap, and Ada Rawlings Cresap, children of Van Sprigg and Louisa Cresap were bap- tized "In the name of The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost" and so were made "Members of Christ, children of God,, and inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven." And so I welcome you, one and all on your return to the city and the Church with which your family has been so long and so honorably connected. So too, I congratulate you upon the completion of your project to erect a memorial to men so worthy of such a remembrance. And I trust that this will be only a beginning of other similar movements in both church and city, each so rich in historic memories, but so poor in historic memorials. And I pray our Heavenly Father that His richest blessing, both temporal and eternal may rest upon you, and bring you at length to the haven where you would be. 23 SUBSCRIBERS TO MEMORIAL. For Colonel Thomas Cresap, Sons and Grandsons. Balance Captain Michael Cresap Memorial, $26.00. Ch.-\rles H. Lewis, Josephine Sinclair, George S. McCarty, Friend C. Cox, Mary Louise Stevenson, Ada R. Cresap, B. Worth Ricketts, Frank Tallmadge, JozETTE Cresap Woodborne, Mrs. R. B. Longstreth, Mrs. E. C. Means, Mrs. Wm. Gulland, J. Frank Cox, Mrs. J. Frank Cox, T. H. Ricketts, Mrs. Floyd Statler, E. O. Cresap, John M. Cresap, CLAR.A V. Cresap, Charles Poston, Belle Poston, Minerva Cole, Sanford p. Cresap, Helen Pervail Kase, E. E. Cresap, Arthur Cresap Cowan, Anna Cresap Dorsey, Mrs. Celia Yost, Mrs. Ophelia Pollock, Mrs. Ellen B. Towt, Edward R. Cresap, Howard Cresap Lemert, Stuart Lamar Rawlings, Dr. E. C. Beam, Jane E. Brent, Logan Cresap, U. S. N., Corinne Lee Scott, Julian Fairfax Scott, Anna Cresap Bibb, Virginia Cresap Lovett, Webster Bruce, Frances Shriver Bruce, John W. Polk, Harriet Emmons, Margaret Caldwell, Mrs. Hugh Brady, David W. Sloan, Jr., Alex Maxwell Sloan, Katherine Wolverton, Louisa P. Henderson, J. A. Emmons, Robert Gerstell, Jr., Benj. O. Cresap, Benj. O. Cresap, Jr., Wm. Simpson Cresap, Mary Celia Cresap, Richard George Cresap, Edwin M. Cresap, Robert J. Cresap, Ada Sprigg Griffith, E. Boyd Cresap, Mark W. Cresap, Chas. Hugh Cresap, GusTAvus J. Cresap, J. R. Poland. NOTES FROM HISTORIAN M. LOUISE CRESAP STEVENSON. The first knowledge we have of our Cresap ancestry goes back to the sturdy, Saxon patriot who, in the day of Edward III of England, followed the flag of the Black Prince to France with his thirty thousand men and conquered Philip of Valois with an hundred thousand in the renowned battle of Cressy. For his great bravery ni action the name of this ancestor was changed by the Black j^rince himself to Cressy. In the lapse of the centuries the soft, liquid French Cressy was anglicized to Cresap. Loyalty to his country's flag and bravery in following it were this ancestor's characteristics, and have so continued through his descendants to this Year of Grace 1919. The coat-of-arms was a mailed head and uplifted right arm. October 21st, 1916, a notoble event occurred in Logan Elm Park near Circleville, Ohio. On the spot where the Dunmore Peace Treaty took place in October, 1774, two bronze tablets were then and there unveiled, affixed to the opposite sides of the boulder, one containing twenty names of those who signed the Treaty, and of this number four were Cresaps, as follows : Captain Michael Cresap, Lieut. Michael Cresap, Jr., Lieut. Joseph Cresap, Lieut. Daniel Cresap, Jr. On the reverse side a bronze tablet was presented by Mrs. Anna Cresap Bipp, granddaughter of Lieut. Joseph Cresap as a memorial of Captain Michael. This inscription was prepared by M. Louise Cresap Stevetnson, a great granddaughter of Lieut. Michael Cresap, Jr., and of Lieut. Daniel Cresap, Jr., as well. The above mentioned Cresaps became officers in the Revolutionary War. Captain Michael became Colonel and took the first Company from the South to join General Washing- ton at Cambridge. He died the following year in the service and sleeps in Trinity Churchyard, New York City. The unveiling duties were performed by two little boys, direct descendants of Captain Michael, namely Willis Cresap and Ben O. Cresap, Jr. Hon. H. J. Booth of Columbus was the orator of the day, delivering an address upon the life of Captain Michael Cresap. Mr. Charles H. Lewis, a descendant of Captain Michael Cresap, spoke especially for his descendants, many of whom were present in appreciation. That evening the Cresap descendants, twenty-one in number, assembled at the Chittenden Hotel, Columbus, and organized the Cresap Society. For two successive years this Society met at the Logan Elm Park, after which the officials received an urgent invitation from Cumberland with the offer of a site for a memorial. It was decided to meet there, in other words to go home, which they did June 24th, 1919, the clan gathering at the Ft. Cumberland Hotel to the number of seventy-five or more, all being Cresaps by descent from Colonel Thomas Cresap, who was noted in Maryland history as being the guardian genius of the western frontier. He was employed by the first Ohio company as a surveyor to map out a road from Ft. Cumberland, Maryland, to Ft. Pitt, Pennsylvania. This road was followed by Braddock and Washington and is about the same as now know as the National Road. Many of the Cresaps sentimentally motored to this meeting by this road, as it was surveyed by their ancestor when it was a forest filled with savages. Colonel Thomas Cresap also surveyed for Lord Balti- more the boundary between Maryland and Virginia and that survey still obtains. A feature of the unveiling exercises in Riverside Park was the reading of the names of Cresaps who were soldiers in the World War, these names being called for by the Chairman. I hope the Cresap Society will grow and grow until every descendant will be enrolled because of what the Society stands for ; the loyalty, faithfulness, righteousness of our ancestors, their ideals for God and country, now and forever as it was nearly six hundred years ago. HOW THE MOUNTAINS RECEIVED THEIR NAMES: It appears the mountains are connected with the Cresap family, as names given them were derived from incidents which testify to the braver\' and patriotism of the clan. Dan's Mountain. Nemacolin, the Indian guide, whom Colonel Thomas Cresap hired to go with him when he surveyed what is now the National Road from Cumberland through the wilderness to Pittsburgh for the first Ohio Company, was often in the Cresap family. One day Daniel, oldest son of Colonel Thomas, and Nemacolin ar- ranged a bear hunt. They agreed upon a place of meeting at noon and separated. Daniel went to the very top of a lofty mountain on the trail of some cubs he desired in order to train his dogs to fight bears. The cubs hard pressed climbed a tree, so did Dan. Higher and higher went the cubs, Dan following. Finally the limbs broke and down tumbled cubs and Daniel on the stones below. The fall from so great a heighth nearly took his life. He lay unconscious on that lonely mountain. Nemaco- lin not finding him at the time and place agreed upon searched diligently and when found Dan was still unconscious, with so many wounds and broken bones he could not move. Nemacolin went for help to his own cabin, brought his wife, horse and a litter and they took Daniel and cared for him until he recovered. Ever since this has been Dan's Mountain. Savage Mountain. Time 1757, the Indians on the war path, Governor Sharpe of the Province of Maryland sent Colonel Thomas Cresap out with a company of riflemen to subdue them. With him were his three sons, Daniel, Thomas, Jr., and Michael. They came upon the Indians on the old Cresap-Nemacolin trail, which is still plainly visible. A battle ensued. Thomas Jr. fired at an Indian and the Indian fired simeltaneously, each kkilling the other. Thomas said to those near him "the Indians are running, go, pursue the enemy, I am a dead man, leave me." Oh, how I admire him. They stayed by him, though the Company went after the Indians. They buried him secretly and then covered his grave with fallen timber lest the Indians return for his scalp. He sleeps there today, not far from the summit on the side opposite Frostburg, on the old trail, and ever since this mountain has been called Savage Mountain. It is a memorial to Thomas Cresap, Jr. He lives in his descendants, some of them the founders of the Cresap Society. Negro Mountain. Again the Indians began burning homes and scalping the border settlers. Again Colonel Thomas Cresap was sent out with another company of volunteer riflemen, his two remaining sons, Daniel and Michael among them. Colonel Thomas owned a negro of giant stature called Nemesis. In mustering his com- pany the Colonel said "Nemesis, wont you go with us this time, you are a good shot, and help us conquer these Indians who are murdering and scalping women and children and burning their cabins." Nemesis considered for a few minutes and then said "Yes, Massa. I go, but I wont come back." "Why, Nemesis, why say that,- you are a sure shot and fearless." "Massa Tommie sure shot and afraid of nothing and he not come back. I say I go but I not come back." His premonition, second sight, was correct. Among the first to fall was the brave slave, and now and forever the mountain where he died is called Negro Mountain. When old Nemacolin joined the Indians in their migration south he left his young son, George Washington, to Colonel Thomas Cresap, to bring up and educate and there he lived and died. My grandmother often told of Indian George and how the Indians gave the old Colonel the name of Big Spoon. She stated it was because he cooked for them a kettle of soup when they passed his cabin. General George Washington, when a boy of fifteen years, made a journey into Cresap's country for the purpose of survey- ing Lord Fairfax's western lands. He kept a diary. We copy from it. "Monday, March 21st, 1747. We went over in a Canoe & Travell'd up Maryland side all y. Day in a Continued Rain to Collo. Cresaps right against y. Mouth of Y. South Branch abour 40 Miles from Polks I believe y. worst Road that ever was trod by Man or Beast." High water kept the youthful surveyor at Cresap's for the next five days and on Wednesday he writes : — "Rain'd till about two oClock & Clear'd when we were agreeable surpris'd at y. sight of thirty odd Indians coming from War with only one Scalp. We had some liquor with us of which we gave them part it elevating there Spirits put them in y. Humor of Dauncing of whom we had a War Daunce there manner of Dauncing is as follows Viz, They clear a Large Circle & make a Great Fire in y. middle then seats themselves around it y. Speaker makes a grand Speech telling them in what Manner they are to Daunce after he has finished y. best Dauncer Jumps up as one awaked out of a Sleep & Runs and Jumps about y. Ring in a most Comicle Manner he is followed by y. Rest then begins there Musicians to Play ye Musick is a Pot half of Water with a Deerskin Stretched over it as tight as it can & a goard with some Shott in it to Rattle & a piece of an horses Tail tied to it to make it look fine y. one keeps Rattling and y. other Drumming all y. while y. others is Daunc- ing-" From all of which it is evident Colonel Cresap sustained most friendly relations with the Red men, until Braddock and Washington battled with the French and the Indians for posses- sion of the soil. Letter sent by Col. Cresap to Gov. Sharpe by express which is still in existence, preserved by the Historical Society of Mary- land, and we herewith produce a certified copy: Old Town July 15th 1763. May it Please your Excellency I take this opportunity in the hight of Confusion to acquaint you with our unhappy & most wretched Situation at this time being in Hourly Expectation of being Massicread by our Barber- ous & Inhuman Enemy the Indians we having been three days Successively Attacked by them viz. the 13, 14 & this Instant on 29 the 13th as 6 men were shocking some wheat in the field 5 In- dians fired on them & Killed one but was prevented Scalping him by one of the other men firing on them as they Came to do it & others Running to their assistance. On the 14 5 Indians Crep up to & fired on about 16 men who were Sitting & walking under a Tree at the Entrance of my Lane about 100 yards from My House but on being fired at by the white men who much wounded Some of them they Immediately Runn ot¥ & were followed by the white men about a Mile all which way was great Quantitys of Blood on the Ground the white men got 3 of their Bundles Containing Sundry Indian Implements & Goods about 3 Hours after several gunns were fired in the woods on which a Party went in Quest of them & found 3 Reaves Killed by them, the In- dians wounded one man at their first fire tho but slightly. On this Instant as Mr. Saml. Wilder was going to a house of his about 300 yards Distant from mine with 6 men and Several women the Indians Rushed on them from a Rising Ground but they Perceiving them Coming. Run towards my House hollowing which being heard by those at my house they Run to their As- sistance & met them & the Indians at the Entrance of my lane on which the Indians Immediately fired on them to the Amount of 18 or Twenty & Killed Mr. Wilder, the Party of white men Returned their fire & Killed one of them dead on the spot & wounded Severall of the Others as appeared by Considerable Quantitys of Blood Strewed on the Ground as they Run off which they Immediately did & by their leaving behind them 3 Gunns one Pistol & Sundry other Emplements of warr &c &c. I have Inclosed a List of the Disolate men women & Chil- dren who have fled to my House which is Inclosed by a Small Stockade for Safety by which youl See what a number of Poor Soals destitute of Every Necessary of Life are here penned up & likely to be Butchered without Immediate Relief & Assistance & Can Expct none unless from the Province to Which they Be- long. I shall Submit to your wiser Judgment the Best & most Effectual method for Such Relief & shall Conclude with hoping we shall have it in time. I am Honnourable Sir Your most Obedt. Servt. Thos. Cresap. P. S. those Indians who Attacked us this day are part of that Body which went to the Southward by this way In Spring which is Known by one of the Gunns we now got from them. 30 Extra copies of this pamphlet can be secured by request, twenty-five cents the copy. Address the compiler. Frank Tallmadge, Columbus, Ohio. All other correspondence address, Ellen B. Towt, Sccy- Treas., Lancaster, Ohio. The society medal is sold to members only for one dollar by Walter Powell Sons Co., Cumberland, Md. Annual meeting, Tuesday evening. Fort Cumberland Hotel. Officers elected : Pres., Chas. H. Lewis, Harpster, O. Vice Pres.. Friend Cresap Cox, Wheeling, W. Va. 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Louisa P. Henderson, Cumberland, Md. 3rd Vice Pres., Webster Bruce. Lynn, Mass. Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Ellen Brasee Towt, Lancaster, Ohio. Historian, M. Louise Cresap Stevenson, Dresden, Ohio. Executive Committee, Mrs. Anna Cresap Bibb, Kansas City, Mo., B. Worth Ricketts, Coshocton. Ohio, Frank Tallmadge, Columbus, Ohio, and officers. Constitution and By-laws adopted. Pamphlet covering proceeding of dedication, meeting, etc., to be printed. The treasurer was unable to make complete report at the annual meeting. He remained in Cumberland and paid all ex- penses of the memorial and now reports a balance of $135.00, which he was ordered to place to the credit of the publication fund. Resolution of thanks to the ladies of the Cresap Chapter D. A. R., at Cumberland, for assistance in the day's exercises was oflfered and passed unanimously. Vote of thanks extended also to Hon. James Walter Thomas and Rev. Ambrose H. Beavin, and to the Fort Cumber- land Hotel management. Mr. Thomas was elected to honorary membership in the Society. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS The undersigned descendants of Col. Thos. Cresap, a pioneer settler •of Maryland, have associated themselves together as a society. 1st. The name of the Society shall be — The Cresap Society. 2nd. The Society is not organized for profit. 3rd. Active members .shall be lineal descendants of Col. Thos. Cresap who came to America about the year 1716 and later settled in Western Maryland. 4th. Tliis society is formed that we may gain a more complete history of the hardships and heroism, the trials and triumphs of those pioneer settlers who won for themselves, their descendants and future generations this broad and beautiful land. Particularly the active and heroic part taken by Col. Thos. Cresap and his family in colonial and revolutionary altairs. 5th. That we may more completely vindicate the memory of one of his soldier sons, Capt. Michael Cresap, who was unjustly charged, years after his death, in the famous "Logan Speech," with the foul mur- der of Indian women. 0th. Whh the further object of cultivating a family feeling and a more intimate friendship among his man\- descendants. By-Laws. 1st. The members shall be known as active and honorary. ■2nd. Active members shall pay a fee of one dollar annually, and are the only ones entitled to vote in any of the meetings of the Society. 3rd. The officers shall be: President, Vice-Preisdent, Historian, Secretary, Treasurer and Board of Management. They shall serve for one year or until others are appointed or elected. 4th. The Board, consisting of not less than tliree members, may fill any vacancies that may occur between meetings. 5th. Future meetings — both time and place may be decided by vote of the members at each meeting. (Jth. There shall be no debts contracted by this Society. 7th. Amendments may be adopted by a majority vote at any meet- ing, excepting when there are six or more dissenting votes. Then such proposed amendment or amendments must be deferred for settlement till th next following meeting. 014