1 Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5 PS 3507 .U665 C6 1918 Copy 1 ::OLLECTION OF PATRIOTIC VERSE J. P. DUNN, AUTHOR INDEPENDENCE, KANSAS Copyright Applied for ^4^ TRIBUTE TO HARRY KELLEY. Of Independence, Kansas. Tonight stars are softly gleaming, Upon a quiet, new-made grave, There sleepeth without dreaming A son and brother we could not save. Harry, dear, how we miss you, God alone the wound can heal ; Friends know not the deep sorrow That lie in your mother and sister's hearts concealed. At the first call of his country, Though a youth yet in his teens, He resigned his position at the Prairie To save his flag, he volunteered. But God called Harry to his army. To march in peace beyond the seas, Where he will drill with angels, Who are all God's volunteers. While on his cot in death he lay. The language of his eyes seemed to say, Father, mother, and sisters true, I bid you all a kind adieu. My country's flag I still can see, It's the flag I love, it baptized me, May all the flags on earth unite For peace on earth is God's delight. With fife and drum 'ere the set of sun, His comrades played as they marched away. To the beautiful cemetery of Mt. Hope, Where in peace, ,Harry rests today. They fired three shots o'er his grave, In honor of a soldier brave. The echo reached from shore to shore. At peace with God for ever more. DARK EASTER MORN. From all ancient history we are made to under- stand The Scriptures are found to be believed. That envy, hate, and greed has caused all the wars From the creation down to the present time. II. The emperator of Germany for many days has tried The people of fair Belgium and sunny France to enslave. He has mistreated helpless women and little chil- dren slain And trodden like a demon o'er their graves. III. On Easter Sunday morning without a timely warning. In a little Belgium church, across the sea. The black-hearted Huns fired their murderous guns. And killed many people while they were en- gaged in prayer. IV. This Easter morning slaughter went by wireless the world over. And forever clouds the kaiser's name with the veil of blood. America will soon be with you, brave Belgium, do not fear. Then we will twist the donkey kaiser's tail and make him bray and pray. OLD GLORY ON THE RHINE. I am writing this from the battlefield, To dear old mam and dad; I know when they receive this note It will make them both feel glad. We are now upon the battle front With Old Glory flying on Against that human menace Of military Kaiserdom. I dreamed that I was home again, And strolled down by the spring To see the sparkling waters glide Down through the crags and rills. The music of the ^\ater broke As the moon arose o'er the hill, I heard the Queen Bird of the wood Sing her sweet whip-poor-will. Cheer up, old grey-haired daddy. Dear mother, dry those tears, Your boy will fight your battle. No kaiser does he fear. Inspired by our American Eagle, With his talons strong as steel. He will unfurl the Stars and Stripes O'er forest, field and stream. March on, cries General Pershing, With spurs, and sword in hand. Up with the Flag of Freedom, Down with the kaiser's rag. Place the Stars and Stripes, dear flagman, On the dome where it may be seen Waving for God and humanity, O'er the city of Berlin. I don't know where I'll Christmas, As the war is not a toy, But Uncle Sammy Santa Claus Will bring to you much joy Of victory for the allies And freedom world-wide, Our President, Woodrow Wilson, Waving Old Glory on the Rhine. BEAUTIFUL SWEET EASTER MORN. Oh, beautiful sweet Easter morning. How silent and meek was your dawn. The angels danced in the sun with their arms akimbo, (gn this memorable great Easter morn. II. At peace in the Garden of Olives, In a valley below high weeping hills. In a tomb lay our crucified Savior Guarded by soldiers that no one enter in. III. At midnight a voice came from Heaven, For a son to arise from the tomb. Angels appeared in great numbers And removed from the grave the large stone. IV. The keeper stood in a death-silence, Converted and almost inspired. His countenance was changed to the color of his raiment. A beautiful, pure, snowy white. The keeper became almost frightened, Being amazed at the beautiful sight. He hastened away to the village To proclaim that the Christian era had dawned. VI. The women of the Holy city went early, And kneeled down at the tomb of the Lord. Then spoke the Heavenly watcher to them, On this beautiful, sweet Eastern morn. VII. Fear not, I know you seek Jesus, This beautiful, sweet Easter day. The Lord is not here, He has risen in splendor, O'er sin, death, and the grave. VIII. May our Lord appear this sad, Easter morning, And silence those murderous Huns, Who are fighting as demons of Satan To establish on earth their temple of hell. OUR WORLD VIRGIN FLAG. Our World Virgin Flag shall wave, To suppress, subdue and conquer Any nation that insults our flag That was designed by Betsy Ross and Martha Washington. The blood-red and snow-white stripes, And the silvery stars enchant us. As they twinkle from their azure blue, To guide and protect us. Chorus : It matters not just who you are, Orthe isle from w^hence you came. If you stand not for America, You're a traitor and not game. No kaiser tyrant, king or crown Shall ever break entwaine Those golden links of Freedom That our forefathers gave. We remember well those Log Cabin days, In the distant years gone by. When our mothers spun and wove the cloth That you and I did wear. Those busy hands are silent now. But their needles were never lost; They are used today in the same old way By the ladies of the loyal Red Cross. Our Savior taught all nations truth. Peace on earth. Good Will to Men, All have obeyed his tribunal law. Except Wilhelm, the German Turk, He stands today in his brutal way Like Satan, the coward and rebel, The Scriptures say that he got gay And was kicked clear out of Heaven. The flag that waves in America today May be seen in France tomorrow To inspire those noble sons of men In their dark hour of sorrow. We will fight to death at our nation's call, The ocean cannot divide us; We will shoot to sink all subs or minks That appear before us or behind us. Our soldier boys are marching on They know no fear of battle, In France they will pull off a wild west show And round up the kaiser's cattle. The Texas stars and Iowa's, Old Missouri, of course will "show them." Kansas, the great land of oil and wheat. Will introduce her twin-sister state — Beautiful Oklahoma. God bless all our American ladies, And our noble sons of the Y. M. C. A. Also the saintly Sisters of Charity, Who are patriots without pay. They are working all united With in mind not battle lost. I once more say, "God Bless Them," And all their sisters of the Red Cross. PATH OF DUTY. I. The path we will tread tomorrow Is a survey of today. Like a line of river Flowing from mountain to the sea. If it be a path of duty, You will meet at each point of curve Your conscience as dictator, Just how and where to rove. II. We should arise at early morning And be steadfast all through the day. | Let no evil thoughts estray us j As we glide along life's highway. : Be cheerful, pure and patriotic, | In the path of duty stay, ! Right will always triumph o'er wrong I From birth down to the grave. j ! III. i I It's a beautiful thought to live in, ] The tomorrow that yet to us is unknown. j It beautifies all that is lovely [ Like the dew at sunset or at dawn. Our path may be strewn with flowers I As it winds through the snow-capped hills i The fragrance from the flowers and roses | Is God's perfume of love for His fellowman. BUY A LIBERTY BOND. Though far from America tonight, I can see A Triangle and Star in the window foi" me, A kind father and mother with hair silvery gray And a sweetheart to greet when I return home to stay. Chorus ; Let the triangle dangle o'er each sod house and plain. It's an emblem of freedom no traitor dare stain. O'er the Unter den Linden the flag that enslaves The Red, White, and Blue shall defiantly wave. II Not far in the distance on the battlefield plain, A little white tent and a nurse there is seen, With the red cross of purity on her forehead and arm. She is a sister of Mercy like a mother so calm. Chorus : To our nurses and sisters of the Red Cross we owe For their angelic devotion for our soldiers they show We shall give to the Red Cross every penny in sight To aid our brave boys who are now in the fight. III. From Kansas, great Kansas, the pride of the plains, Her sons by thousands are crossing the seas, To fight for a democracy that will the world free Of a German silver autocracy so inhuman and mean. Chorus : The sunflowers of Kansas in the breezes nod And bow in prayer as they grow to Almighty God, That He send the kaiser of Germany and his brutal gang To Fiddlers' Green, four miles below Hell. IV. It is springtime in Kansas, old winter has gone, Our song birds sing sweetly, buy a Liberty bond. Uncle Sam still is calling, all Americans stand firm. Remember Washington, Sherman, Lee, Lincoln, and Grant. " ^ Chorus : Purchase a bond that your neighbors may see That your heart beats aright for our boys o'er the sea. Who are fighting like heroes your children to free From the powes of those Hell Huns who have vitrified brains. THREE LITTLE WORDS. Tiny blades of grass transform Bare spots of earth to beauty. Tiny grains of sand will change The line of stream or river. From a tiny acorn grew An oak, monarch of the forest, Beneath its shady branches bloom Daisies and the laurels. Try is just a little word, Is always brave and honest. Try will soften hearts of stone, And gladden all our efforts. Try will whip the kaiser. The notorious Hohenzollern. Cancel all your if s and ands This word T-R-Y to follow. Evil is always ugly. Wears all sorts of gowns, Wore a mark at the creation In the garden of the Gods. Never shelter evil In mind, heart or soul. Remember silence is always golden And will thyself refine. THIRD LIBERTY LOAN. From the foothills of the Rockies. Down to the mouth of the river Kaw, Is the finest agricultural country That a Kansan ever saw. There are great expansive fields of wheat, Alfalfa, corn and rj^e. The herbage God has painted green As green was more pleasing to the eye. The farmers all have plenty And are patriotic in every way. They are working late and early To raise all the food they can To feed our brave Sammies who are fighting For God. home and native land. We should encourage our husbandry For upon them now depends The victory over Satan And the barbaric Huns. Our business men and bankers Are on the firing line. They are advancing money to every one they find. Call upon them early before the day is done, If you are a true American, Buy a Liberty bond. Then you have done your duty, And I must say did it well. For every bond we buy Sends the Kaiser nearer hell. A cry comes from distant Europe, It's a very urgent call; For food and ammunition, And for ships, large and small. And for a million Sammies. Of America's bravest sons. To fight for God and freedom Against the German Huns. Now in all honest candor, I can not quite discern Why a man should be a profiteer or pro-German. If you don't like our flag of freedom. Just recross the briny waves; As your presence is more becoming Where the Unter der Linden waves. As a citizen of Independence. Kansas, The queen city of our state, If there is a profiteer within her confines, I have him vet to meet. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 906 695 2^