IVI ' r VI 3 H8 HI %mn for Slnbag Copyright, 1911 BY William Adams Slade Washington, D. C, ffgmtt for ©Dbag f 3 ft" O Thou All-seeing, in whose sight A thousand years are like a day, Look on this land and so Thy light Shall guide Thy people on their way. O Thou our God art still the Lord! Turn Thou Thy face and speed Thy word; So shall it be our shield and sword. Thine is the will, ours shall accord, — God and America! When Duty sounds her trumpet-call Strong in Thy strength Thy sons shall stand, Their love, their lives, their hope, their all For Thee, O God, and for their land, America, Thy maiden free. Thy vestal by the sparkling sea, Whose hearth-fires burn for liberty. For this, O God, and love to Thee, God and America! £ CI.A2D4G04 Among all people be good will; Still unto us in mercy bend; So in our time, O God, fulfill Thy reign of peace to have no end. O let our way in Thee be found; Still let Thy light in us abound; So shall we go with glory crowned, As still we sing with joyous sound, God and America! Thus lead us. Lord, forever lead, Thy faithful witness, O our God, Till all the nations in their need Shall come with Thine own gladness shod; Till all beneath Thy daily sun Who know Thee not in joy shall run And turn to Thee, the Holy One. For This, O God, Thy will be done,— God and America! — William Adams Slade One copy del. to Cat. Div. MJG s \%\\ I TRRftRY OF CONGRESS mm 018 393 503 ^ PRE88 OF JUDD 4 DETWEILEB, INC.