■ms Gass F'Z^ Booki MAP OP MOUNT VERNON and READFIELD n AI NE 1908 COMPILERS Mount Vernon, Clyde Childs Readfield, Fremont A. Hunton Drawn bv H. E. Mitchell Published by The MITCHKLL-CONy' COMl-ANY 242 Water Slri-cl, — AL'OL'STA, MA INK IVIOUNTVERNON f*?-- 1 1-"""""' VILL>IGE TOWN OF MT VERNON, MAINE £imi/ieHum%\ I'B.f.Lllinrcf/ Si S Mul-F.aiLr- .1 J^ S * tf{./lo/>mt S -S 11 », %Bm.ui»o ^ , , ^ - ■U.Corrt.V '• if'Swrox-S/wiT' ^■CoatShoi' mJ./HMiuMms lao.mitmiuif S.C.HnULLtTT "> F C.SfouliY . ntmHeuse tfi-ict Eiinii S.Et.mr^ocoHeTtL L.O.TiaeiTrs B.CAmmnosK* F.r.BMJirff • S IM.CitKtcrf READFIELD CORNER TOWN OF READFlLL. We have purposely made a typographical error in one of the advertisements in this book. To that Subscriber who first sends us after Dec. 20, 1908, a correct statement as to what this error is and in whose advertisement it appears we will send our check for 11.00 s5* * "^ The MITCHELL CONY COMPANY * Ii"L Augusta, -^ / / ^ / Maine WATCHES, CHAINS AND CHARMS HARRY P. LOWELL OPP. GRANITE BANK BUILDING AUGUSTA, MAINE District Watch Inspector for M. C. R. R. A Safe place to buy anything in the apothecary line, to have a prescription prepared, to get anything for the toilet or any of the sick room supplies at reasonable prices TEMPLE PHARMACY FRANK R. PARTRIDGE, Prop, Tel. 233-3 AUGUSTA, MAINE TALKING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTKUMENTS COLONIAL MUSIC CO. t85 Water St., When in Augusta go to GO TO THE RED CROSS PHARMACY For Pure Drugs, Medicines, Etc. Headquarters for Souve- nir Post Cards and Lowney's Ciiocolates. H. E. GOODRICH, Prop, 245 WATER STREET, AUGUS TA,MAINE Prescriptions a Specialty The Mt. Vernon and Readfield REGISTER 1908 COMPILERS: Readfield by F. A. Hunton Mt. Vernon by Clyde Childs AUGUSTA, MAINE Published by THE MITCHELL-CONY COMPANY 1908 EYEGLASSES AND SPECTACLES Glasses needing new lenses or any other repairs may be sent to us and will be promptly re- turned by mail. They are at- tended to by a special depart- ment. We carry a full line of East- man's Cameras and Supplies, and will do your developing and printing for you MAINE OPTICAL COMPANY 281 WATER STREET AUGUSTA, MAINE PHONE 37.12 There is no question about the excellence and high quality of our Pho- tographs and Portraits from MANSUR^S STUDIO 239 Water SU Augusta, Me. i. *4 TABLE OF CONTENTS CENSUS OF MT. VERxNON CENSUS OF READFIELD READFIELD TOWN OFFICERS MT. VERNON TOWN OFFICERS GENERAL REFERENCE STATE OFFICERS RAILWAYS, MILEAGE AND FARES IN MAINE In Perfect Condition AT BURNS' It matters not what anyone purchases at this drug store it is pretty certain to be fresh and in perfect condition, The reason is plain. We buy only Highest Quality Goods in the first place. The rapid sales of all our lines ensure new, fresh stock to replenish continually. Quality, fncshness and pcitfect condition must apply, be it in medicines, sundries, rubber goods or anything else. Buy your drug store goods here where quality does apply — where quality and freshness are guaranteed you. FRANK P. BURNS, Ph. C. THE KINSMAN PHARMACY Geo* lU. Quimby VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS Art Books, Stationery and Periodicals Framing of all kinds a specialty Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Amateur and Professional Supplies Augusta, ' ' Maine THE GRANITE NATIONAL BANK OF AUGUSTA, MAINE. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars INCORPORATED 1838 Correspondence solicited from Individuals, Corpo- rations, Banks, and oth- ers desiring to open ac- counts, as well as from those wishing to transact banking business of any description through this bank. imeresl Pali 01 Mm Deposits SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES TO fLSSXg-T Treby Johnson, A. E. Barbour, President Cashier SHERBURNE & DAILEY Complete Outfitters Men's and Boys' Clothing, Children's Clothing, Men's and Boys' Furnishings, Men's, Boys' and Children's Hats, Over- alls and Frocks, Fur Coats, Rain Coats, Men's and Boys' Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Women's and Misses' Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Children's Boots, Shoes and Rubbers 228, 230, 232 WATER STREET AUGUSTA, MAINE WHEN IN AUGUSTA Our stock we invite you to inspect, our prices will bear comparison with any on the Kennebec. Special lines of China, Pottery, Cut Glass, Sterling Silver, Lamps and Dinner Ware CHAS. W. CONANT CO. 199 Water Street, AUGUSTA, MAINE CENSUS or MT. VERNON X908 COMPILED BY CLYDE CHILDS Explanatory Note. Name in parenthesis indicates name married lady bore prior to marriage; if more than one name appears in the parenthesis, the first name is the maiden name, the next the name she took by first marriage. The asterisk (*) indicates that the party whose name it precedes is a resident of another town shown by the address following the name. Mt. Vernon is understood to be the post office address of all families where no address is given; Readfield is indicated by Rd; Readfield Depot, R. F. D. 29 by Rd Dep 29. Mt. Vernon R. F. D. routes are designated by the number of the route. b, born; d, died; m, married. DIRECTORY AND FAMILY REGISTER A *Cha8 Kingsbury *Geo Kingsbury Allen, B F mer b 60 Bean, E L ptr b68 Sylvia C (Lakin b65 Luella (Taggart b74 Allen, Jos mer b65 Ralph L b97 Henrietta (Smith b64 Bean, G M far b71 Clifton L stu b89 Jane (Thompson b70 Mabel F b98 Walter H pi b95 Katherine M b 08 Donald M bl900 Archibald, Wm cobbler bGl Gertrude E b02 Mary (Wells b56 Dorothy W b 04 Bean, WO far R D 30 b59 B Mary (White Evie (m Miner b65 b87 Bean, Frank M painter b58 Bean, John E RD30 b62 Nellie (Storer Ist wife d Carry B (Johnson b73 *Harry H b82 J Parker stu b92 *Ernest b84 Arthur J pi b96 Henrietta (Hall-Kingsbury 2d wife Amy E pi bl900 Step Children 1 Bent, George M b70 10 MT. VERNON RD30 b74 b64 b70 b93 b 95 b96 b97 bOl b03 b05 b06 b69 b79 R D 30 b 59 b55 RD30 Blanch L ( Wight Bickford, F W Caroline (Brown Roy M pi Agatha pi MerlB pi Gracie L pi FredW pi Ralph A Wallace C Kermit R Bickford, Wallace Blanch (Dingwell Bickford, Milford Bishop, S Josie (Warnkem Henry M b 96 Jessie M b 03 Black, J H DVS R D 30 Lizzie (Knowlton-McGaffy b 58 Step Children, *JohnMcGaffy Vienna b 80 *Lora M McGaffey b 81 Chesterville Blake, Geo far R D 30 b 46 Clara (Brown b 70 John L stu b 92 George H pi b 95 Lois pi b 97 Faith L b 06 Bradley, S far R D 27 b 56 Hannah (Johnson b 66 George H b 87, d 07 Alices pi b91 Fred F b 93, d 07 Cora M b 04 Bradley, Claricy(Gordon R D 27 b 28 Wid of Perry b 29, d 98 Millie (m Fields b 62 Brainard, Melvina R D 30 b 36 Brown, Andrew F far R D 30 b 27 M Angle (Davis b 39 Brownell, Carrie R D 30 b 43 Burbank, Jennie P (Pratt d 76 Wid of Silas b 40, d 05 Step Child *George D New York b 65 Butler, Alvin carp b 40 Ella (Pool b 50 *U Grant b 66 *Mabel M (m Newth b 75 Stoneham, Mass Zula E b 77 Mabel b 70, d 71 Butler, Amzie far R D 32 b 45 Henrietta (Bishop b 49 Butler, CE bbl mfg R D 32 b 48 Annie L (Philbrick b 52 Edith M (m Dyke b 78 •Alice E (m Childs Fayette b 79 John H b 80, d 80 Carroll C b 86 Mildred A b 89, d 04 Warren A b 92, d 94 Butler, Lucretia (Manchester b 31 Wid of Benj F b 27, d 90 Abbie S b 55, d 57 * Frank G Brookline, Mass b 58 CENSUS 11 *Hervey L Somerville, M ass b60 Choate, Alton J M D b83 Nellie L b64 Clement, C H lab R D 30 b78 *Jarvi8 L b69 d74 Maud L (Fleet b82 Lottie G (m Foss b76 Howard C b02 Cambridge, Mass Isabell M IsaE b04 b07 c Clough, Noah lab Nellie E (Norris-Blake b49 b59 Carson, Alonzo far b50 Clough, Geo far Rd Dep 28 b83 Allie (Woods b57 Edith M (Blanchard b85 Carson, Horace E miller b49 Leone M b04 Ellen (Robinson b55 Archie M b06 Hermon H b78 d05 Ralph I b08 Cleon E b83 , d84 Cole, Clarence G far R D 30 b72 Harry A b93 Edith A (Johnson b79 Carson, WmE PM b61 LeahH b98 Edna D (Davis b66 Lenora M bl900 RoyW stu b91 Henry S b04 Lucy M stu b93 Cole, Sumner far R D 30 b33 RubyC pi b96 Lydia A (Leighton b40 Harold C pi b02 Clarence J b72 Carson, J P far & mail supt b40 Copp, H C Belgrade 29 b76 Rosamond (Blunt b42 Georgie (Hutchinson b76 •Frank H b65 Agnes b99 Alice H (m Whittier b67 , d97 Laura M pi b02 Annie C b69 Eunice L b07 Geo W b71 Copp, N W Belgrade 29 b36 JohnE b71 Emma J (Stevens b50 Carson, Jennie A b96 *Madora M (m Libby Hallowell b 70 Chesley, W H team b65 Henry b76 Emma E (Varney b69 Cottle, Edw A Rd Dep 28 b65 Clyde W b98 Alice (Hall b67 Step Child Ethel A b94 Edith M Varney b93 Erma L b06 12 mt. veknon Craig, J S Sarah J (Clark *Alvanza Vesta C (Carr Cram, Ralph B mer Caroline (Stevens Cram, A P mer R D 32 b 28 b 28, d 93 b47 b40 b79 b70 b38 Susan M( Fletcher Ist wife b 42, d 61 *Melvin F San Francisco, Cal b 61 *Nellie A (m French-Purington b 62 Swan's Island LoraV (Walker 2d wife b 48 Carroll A b 68, d 74 B Ralph b69 *Cha8 M b 72 *Archer P b 75 *Margaret E (m Whiting b 78 Seattle, Wash Marie G b 84, d 85 Lora A stu b 89 Cram, RG far Rd Dep 28 b 37 Katie (Kelly b 44 Sherman W b 71 Cora M (m Woods b 62, d 95 Fredy H b 67, d 76 Creasy, Albert far Rd Dep 28 b 26 Alma (Spaulding b 34, d 91 Emily D b 58 ♦Lizzie M (m Hunt b 69 Florence (m Hall Creasy, Julia (Gordon-Fletcher b 28 Rd Dep 28 Wid of Joseph H b 29, d Marcellus B far b 58 Creasy, M B far Rd Dep 28 b 58 Georgia (Davis Cressey, C N far b 61 Amanda (Towle b 63 Cummins, WmR far R D 30 b 43 Elizabeth (Thurston b 36, d 98 Currier, M T far R D 27 b 51 Lizzie (Buzzell b 66, d 04 Herbert M b 02 Cushman, Geo H poultryman b 72 RD27 Inez M (Walton b 78 D Davis, ChasH retd R D 31 b 33 Caroline E (Carr Ist wife b 36, d 82 Emma E b 56, d 79 Annie F (m Waite Vienna b 59 Carry M (m Thomas Farmington Delia L 2d wife b 44 Davis, J F R D 30 b 55 Eda R (Robinson b 59 *GuyE Conn b 85 CarlF stu b 90 Marie L b 95, d 99 Damren, J M far Rd Dep 28 b 62 Carry (Page b 67 Ernest M b 91, d 01 MinellaE pi b 93 Doris L pi b94 Hazel D pi b 96 Glenwood H pi b 98 Marjorie P pi b 1900 Oilman H b 02 CENSUS 13 RuthE b05 Dearborne, E M far RD31 b44 Anna L (Preecott b45 *Cha8 P b70 Dearborn, Clara (Brown-Gordon b 54 Wid of C H R D 31 d Leon Gordon b 70 Dill, George O lab R D 27 b 81 Vivian (Randall b 92 Dolloff, Gusta (Robiupon Wid of Chas H d Dolloff, Frank A R D 32 b 63 Jillie (Mitchell b 67 Dolloff, Fred C far R D 30 b 57 Vesta (Kelley b 56 Dolloff, Oral H far R D 30 b 70 Flora E (Brown b 69 Norris B pi b 93 Dolloff, Lizzie (Dyer R D 32 b 37 Wid of John R b 37, d 96 Frank M b 59, d 62 Frank A b 63 *Hattie (m Allen Waterville b 64 Lizzie b 66, d 66 *L Emerett (m Follett b 76 Dolloff, Annie (Gile-Hall Rd 30 b 71 Wid of F B b 60, d 08 Douglass, Annie F b 87 Dudley, S A far Rd Dep 28 b 48 Ida (Starbird b 56 *Leon A Rome b 77 Marilla M (m Deane b 79 Brockton, Mass Dudley, Chas S Rd Dep 28 b 26 Estella S (Dudley b 60 •Dudley, W H far Rd Dep 28 b 42 Lucy A (Yeaton b 41 Mertie (m Tucker b 78 Dudley, Josephine (Dudley b 35 Rd Dep 28 Wid of John b 34, d 06 Geneva b 51 'Leonard H tailor Augusta b 53 Dunn, Otis far R D 27 b 68 Sada (Jacobs Dunn, Peter far Rd Dep 28 b 69 Esther (Cottle b 82 Peter A b 08 Dunn, Deborah (Foster Wid of Wm P b 33, d Clarence E b 62 *Ernest S Waterville b 65 Peter G b 69 M Louise b 73 Dyke, Walter E far R D 32 b 79 Edith M ( Butler-Stone b 78 Step Children Herbert L Stone b 96 Evie M Stone b 99 James C Stone b 02 E Elliott, Roxey (Flanders b 40 Wid of David N b 30, d 08 Elliott, Guy lab b 88 Annie M (m Wadleigh b 87 Roy E b 05 14 MT. VERNON F Edith J Donald B b04 b06 Fairbanks, S R D 30 b 73 Fellows, F retd Fanny (Jewell b71 Ellen (m Blake Harold K pi b93 *Nellie (m Tyler Au ?U8ta OlaM pi b96 Elloise (m Lock George S pi bOl Chas b58 Fairbanks, Geo B car b70 Fellows, Charles tinsmith b58 Rose B ( b69 Annie (Redmond b78 Fairbanks, A A barber b67 CarlF b98 Carry L (Jewell-Norton b65 Harrison b 1900, dl900 Step Son Fobs, Freeman C far RD31 b64 * Walter Norton b87 Emma S (Graves b47 Fairbanks, B F far Rd Dep 28 b39 *H Warren b69 Lydia A (Sinclair b 41, d 97 *Edith M (m Searles b73 Nora G b77 Providence, R I *Iva Louise (m Upham b74 *Myrtie E (m Bradley b71 Lewiston Vienna Fairbanks, Elizabeth (Crowell FredW b74 Wid of Chas b 44, d 03 Foss, Fred W far RD b74 Alton A b67 Maud E (Peary b76 Fairbanks, Dora L (Tracy b43 Carroll E b04 Wid of George b 42, d 99 FredL b07 Adella b 66, d 74 Foss, M lab b70 George B b70 Jessie L (Smart b73 Carroll A B b 76, d 88 OtisM b98 Rosie B (m McCartha b86 MerlH bl900 Farnham, Bert far R D 27 b 65 Harold L b02 Alice (Williams b68 Erland R b06 Maud (m Jacobs b91 Foes, Eugene lab RD27 b64 Angle b 92, d 96 Lizzie (Smith b80 Dott b 94, d 96 Ella pi bOl RuthH pi b99 Eugene H b04 Doris L pi bOl Foster, Hermon car b65 CENSUS 15 Alice (Libby let wife Hermon C Ro8eJ(Gilman 2d wife Foster, Leslie far Rd Dep Margaret (Hall French, Lorenzo retd R D Sarah J (Berry 1st wife *Flora (ra Peachy-Marr •Howard Sarah B (Cobb 2d wife French, M J far R D Lillian E (French Maud M pi FredM French, M Sophia (Tarr Wid of Levi W 28 31 d90 b85 b68 b79 b88 b44 b45 b66 b69 b45 b75 b82 blOOO b07 b43 b33, d99 30 Gates, WT far R D 30 b 63 Ethel (Gerry b 74 Gile, Chas far R D 30 b 66 Edith Z(Whittemore-Cha8e b 71 Margelia A b 07 Step Son Theo W Chase b 98 Gilman, MB b 46 Laura H (Bean- Wood b 34 Gilman, Geo R D b 63 Gilman, Hiram far Rd Dep 28 b 51 Carolyn (Eldred b 58 *Gilman, William F b 83 Gilman, Ernest J far R D 3Q b 67 Emma A (Currier b 71 Fordis pi Adopted b97 Gilman, L b48 Gilman, W N RD30 b40 Medora F (Brown b40 Gilman, Lydia (Dudley b37 Wid of Chas C b33 , d96 *Frankie (m Thompson b58 California Rosie J (ra Foster b68 Glidden,Geo far Rd Dep 28 b65 Jennie C (Dudley b66 *Maud (m Pinkham Rd b88 Lula M (m Glidden b86 , d04 Blanch L b89 d89 Iva A stu b91 Daisy E stu b93 Lenna A pi b95 Louise H pi b98 Harold R pi b99 Earnest E pi b02 Angle L pi b03 Annie L pi b03 lona P b05 Glidden, Glenora L b04 Gordon, Leon C b70 Nettie E (Kimball b70 Gordon, Ellen (Andrews RD32 b39 Wid of Elisha K b20 d91 Moses A b68 Albert T b75 Abbie M (m Gordon b77 Gordon, Moses RED carriei b68 RD32 Pearl (Pll^e b 80, d02 16 MT. VERNON Lawrence b02 Sherman b03 Gordon, H S far RD32 b51 Ida S (Fairbanks b59 H Henry L b81 Arthur L b84 Hall, Benj far RD30 b41 Walter L b87 Rose (Cumner b46 Morris K stu b92 *Cha8W far Durham b66 Gordon, Henry L lab b81 * Julia B B (m Smart Vienna b70 Abbie M (Gordon b 77 Herbert M b 74 Gordon, Alvaro blacksmith b68 Annie D (m Higgi QS b79 Maggie (Bruce b68 Nellie C (m Brown Vienna b81 George E stu b91 Hall, Horace lab b98 Gordon, Ralph Rd 27 b78 Hall, Herbert far Rd Dep 28 b74 Grace (Wheelwright-Hough ton J'lorence (Creaeey b 69 Step Daughter Alma R b96 Mildred Houghton b 95 Benghorn A b99 Gordon, Maella L b44 Hall, B B far RD30 b68 Wid of Walter R Myrtie Y (Dolloff b73 Evelyn M George H pi b99 Bertha L d Eddie D pi bOl EttaF d Hall, V M b75 Carroll M Hall, C A far RD30 b66 Maud M d Marcia (Robinson b65 Martha d Mary E stu b90 Howard Rena M b95 d 98 Gordon, Edwin far Rd Dep28 b30 Mertie A pi b92 Mary (Fellows b40 , d58 Carry E pi b93 Albert far b58 Frank C pi b98 Lilla B (Woodleigh b63 Hammond, J Frank retd b57 Albert E b87 d90 Carry (Bean b56 Velma L b89 Hammond, C H far RD27 b52 Gordon, Roswell b34 Etta (Ingham b53 Gordon, Minnie (May hew R D 32 d75 Alice b82 Elmer bOl Harmon, D C mach b73 CENSUS 17 Lucy B (Langley Doris J Harris, James Armine (Clifford "Frank D Edwin O •Robert R Annette A Healey, H H car b78 b 98, d 08 R D 27 b 44 b49 b70 b75 Winthrop b 80 b 73, d 74 b61 Nellie (Bent Ist wife b 64, d 01 *Eva E (m Smith W Paris b 84 *H Elwood Boston, Mass b 87 Earl L stu b 93 Myrtle I pi b97 Roland A pi b 01 Susie (Brimstin b73 John R b08 Hersome, Edward E lab b68 Angle M (Bean b71 Gladys M b96 Higgins, R M far R D 30 b72 Annie D (Hall b79 Ray H b06 Houghton, Albert b73 Hopkins, Susan RD30 b38 Hopkins, F L far RD30 b63 Hattie E (Hall b41 Helen E stu b92 Leroy T pi b94 Hazel A pi b95 Lawrence b05 Horn, Frank H mach RD32 b()0 Dora (Hoyt b(35 Winnie B (m Childs b 84 Clarence b 87 Erland b 00 House, Elizabeth (Brainard b 26 RD30 Widof Sylvauus H b21,d85 Hutchinson, C A far R D 27 b 51 Emma (King Georgie E (m Coi)p Hutchinson, C N Rd Dep 28 Jane C (Dudley I b56 b67 b50 b51 Ingham, Horace far Rd Dep 28 b54 AbbieS(Fur()ir b 56 ,d05 Grace E b86 Ingham, Frank Rd Dep 28 b71 Edith A (Lock LoydC b97 Donald b03 Ingham, Fred far Rd Dep 28 b67 Cora B ( Wallace b68 Gladys H b96 Virginia bOl Mildred J b03 [rland, Geo R far b27 H (Robin8on 1st wife d82 *Augusta (m Nash b53 Peabody, Mass *Abbie (m Siers b56 Emily ( Dodge-Parlin 2d wife b32 Step Children *James W Parlin b57 Frank E b60 Will b66 18 MT. VERNON T Jacobs, R H car mfg R D 30 b 54 Alice C (Maneur b 57 Merton R b 81 *Caro E (m Stewart b 83 Alston, Mass Clyde M b 94 Jacobs, Hollis R D 27 b 60 Addie (White b 68 *Carl W Boston, Mass b 88 Jacobs, Mary J (Bradley b 35 WidofJohn b 22, d 80 •James M b 53 Sada (m Dunn Jacobs, Albina (Bradley b 39 Wid of E R b 25, d 88 Jewell, George W b 39 Jernegon, William F R D 32 b 56 Bertha (Mayhew b 81 Adelbert H b 01 T^emont V b 05 Johnson, EL R D 27 b 40 Amelia (Johnson 1st wife d 83 Mary (m Leigh ton Nellie (m Bradley Arthur d Bell (m Bean Louis L Edith (mCole Dora ( Walker 2d wife K Kelley, Mary RD30 b33 Kendall, F L far & millman b60 Rd Dep 28 Bertha (Stevens b69 *Morn8 A Boston, Mass b88 S Scott b90 , d08 Mildred b91 , d95 Mary D pi b92 Martha B pi b94 F Lawrence pi b96 Kenneth M pi b99 Grant b04 Kimball, Jno S b42 Kitchen, Mark RD27 b71 Mary (Pearson b7o Ellen E stu b92 Ruth M stu b94 Mark A pi b97 Sarah C pi bOl Raymond pi b02 Mary W b04 Priscilla F b05 Thomas R b07 Knapp, Herbert bik Ladd, HA far b 36 Caroline (Wiggins b46 George W S b 65 *Evie C (m Wheeler b 69 Norridgewock Ladd, Hattie(Kelley-Tyler b 55 CENSUS 19 Lamont Tyler merch b 79 Alton Tyler lab b 81 Ellen L Tyler (m Raymond b 83 Alfred Tyler lab b 85 Oscar Tyler lab b 89 Aimer E Tyler pi b 95 Lannigon, H H physical director Helen (White b 80 Helen F b 05 Lawton, George R D 30 b 33 Susan (Rand-Leighton Leighton, Ralph W law b 75 Mary (Ward b 75 Harry L C b 04 Leighton, Eben far b 17 Lucy A (Carr b 32 Alice (m Tyler b 57 Leighton, Ella (Eaton b 53 Wid of Nath C b 52. d Lizzie M b 81 Doll C (m Kendall b 81 Leighton, Timothy far Rd 27 b 39 Sarah (Huntoon b 46 *Bert E Rd b 69 *Fred M Rd b 75 Leighton, C W R D 32 b 44 Liza (Miller b 41, d 06 Leighton, F B far R D 30 b 57 Mary E (Johnson b 64 Ida E b 87 Edwin W stu b 89 George F b 97, d 01 Leighton, Lucinda (Batchelder b 22 RD30 Wid of Benj R b 15, d 86 C Wesley b44 *Elvira E (m Harvey b51 Frances B b57 Emma E (m Brown b 62, d 86 Leighton, Charlotte (Davis b 42 Wid of Moees R b 32, d Ralph W law b 75 Littlefield, Ed R R D 30 b 58 Alice E (Towle Ist wife d 97 *Oral E b 82 Alice B(Brook8-Bickford 2d wife b 64 St(>p Sons Ralph Bickford b 83 Hermond Bickford b 85 Lishus, Geo Belgrade 29 b 54 Georgianna (Tarow b 57 Clara b 58 Geo A b 86 Emetil J b 88 Isabell b 90 Lishus, Geo A Belgrade 29 b 86 Georgianna ( b 78 Albert F b 03 Chester A b 05 Almore b 06 Alfred b 08 Locke, F J far R D 30 b 67 Eloise M (Fellows b 76 John F b 95 Fred R b 1900 Locke, Willie R D 30 Lovejoy, C H far R D 30 b 77 Mary (Dunn b 81 20 MT. VERNON Helois G Vera I Phyllis I ChasW Luce, H K R D Bertha (Furbush Hazel M (m Williams La Forest L pi Edmund F pi Hilda N pi M Mansur, C W tanner Jennie (Thomes Florence M pi Lena E pi Marr, Benj F far R D Flora F ( French-Peachie Step Son Earl Peach ie Mayhew, Louise D McCartha, Thomas lab Rose (Fairbanks Lillian McClelland, F C Rd Dep Maud S (Shaw Mary E McGaffey, Elizabeth ( Judkins Wid of G«o W Etuma C (ra Drew Lillian E (rn Worthing Florence J (m Vonnok Rockland bOl b04 b06 b08 30 b66 b74 b92 b94 b95 b96 b64 b74 b96 b99 32 b50 b68 b86 b51 b86 b07 28 b71 b66 b06 ho b29 b21 , d85 b50 , d05 b55 , d08 b58 McQuaide, T W RD32 b69 Winnifred (Thompson b71 Marguerite E b92 Miner, Arthur lab RD30 b85 Evie (Bean b83 Sylva E b07 Mitchell, Georgie RD32 b63 Mitchell, Josephine RD32 b61 Mooar, Roscoe J RD30 b68 Susie F (Blanchard b66 Mooers, H A grocer b59 Alice (Brown b60 Kenneth B pi b96 Morrill, William T mer b50 E Elizabeth (Cummings b57 Morse, W P b46 Morse, P b50 N Nelson, Henry far RD32 b82 Hannah (Anderson-Thompson b 69 Step Children Oscar Thompson b93 *Bertha Thompson b95 Lillian Thompson b98 Thorelf Thompson bl900 Norris, L F retd b31 Julia A (Davis b33 *Frank E Boston b58 Nellie E b59 Norton, Mary (Stevens b32 Wid of Alfred b 32, dl900 Ida (m Smith d CENSUS 21 FredL Cora A *Augu8ta L (m Perley Winthrop Myrtie A b 79, d 01 Parlin, WO E D 30 b 66 Mildred (Blanchard b 68 Doris M stu b 90 Avis E Btu b 92 Mildred pi b 02 Peak, John A b 42 Pearl, Ernest R D 27 b 62 Nellie (Jacobs b 63 Pearl, Benj R D 30 b 31 Betsey A (HoUoway b 42, d 06 Viola b 60 Ernest b 61 *Carry (m Merrill Windsor b 66 *Fanny (m Seekins Cliina b 69 Philbrick, Jane (Mathews b 31 Wid of Benj P b 28, d 92 *John O b 50 Annie L (m Butler b 52 *Albion P b 54 *David W b 56 *Chas E b 58 Elizabeth b 60, d 62 Geo P b 63 Lizzie (m Cotton-Stoyell b 66 Sadie S b 68, d 86 William J b 71 Philbrick, Ella L (Carson b 57 I Wid of Norris S Bert L Harry C Lon M b 46, d 93 b 73, d 86 b 76, d 82 b87 *Lucy M (m Leighton Rd b 84 West S b 86, d 99 Phippin, Josephine Pike, Wm S far b 30 Nancy (Morrell let wife d *Flora (m Mooer Mass b 60 Ada (Campbell 2d wife d Gertrude A b 76, d 01 *Stella T (m Hardy b 77 Farmington Pearl D (m Gordon b 80, d 02 *Ada M (m Sparrow Portland b 87 Florence (Sowle-Stewart b 55 3d wife Jennie M b 98 Step Son *Carl Stewart Mapleton b 81 Porter, Lemuel Rd Dep 28 b 34 Millie (Bartlet 1st wife b 34, d Millie A b 66, d 83 Lydia (Dudley 2d wife b 30 Delia H Pressey, Rev. Geo L b 80 Eunice B (Sedgwick b 79 R Rathey, N J far Rd 27 b 74 Angelia (Furbush bSl Alton J bl900 Gladys bOl 22 MT. VERNON Florence A b02 Robinson, Mary (Fletcher bis Raymond, H L far R D27 b66 Wid of Samuel S blO , d93 Sueie (Currier b66 James A b37 Gertrude M b95 Charles N b38 , d40 Redonnett, L N far RD27 b72 Marcia A b41 Bertha (Dodge b72 Dora (m Parsons b48 Robinson, Jesse far RD31 b38 Rundlett, J A harness ) mkr b36 Robinson, Felicia RD31 b43 Abbie (Scribner-Hopkins b39 Robinson, Epbraim fai • R D3i b39 Step Son Georgie 8 (French b47 Fred Hopkins b63 Robinson, Edgar E RD30 b46 Rundlett, Crosby far RD27 b54 Margaret M (Smith Eva (Field b60 Regina M tr b87 Russ, H S car mfr RD31 b68 Nathaniel E stu b91 Anna R (Harden b70 RubyN pi b95 Ada B stu b94 Robinson, Lydia Q b23 IdaR pi b96 Robinson, C M far RD 30 b75 Florence E pi bl900 Georgie (Fleet b75 Marion M pi b02 Marshall C b 06 Russell, M E far RD30 b65 Robinson, Walter I RD30 b55 Lucinda E (Brown Bean b53 Mary I (Mooer b63 *Vesta M (m Trask Clarence J pi b91 Charlie b88 Olive May pi b99 Linwood b90 d90 Robinson, A S RD27 b51 Marie A b97 Anna Bell (Robinson b65 Step Daughter Dorothy b03 Alice M Bean b71 d90 Robinson, Elvira (Dunn RD30 b30 Wid of Jas A b 26, d 1900 s Ellen B m (Carson Edward E b55 b56 Sanborn, Myra (May hew b66 Lavina H b58 , d83 Scotes, J C millman Belgrade 29 b57 Emma E b62 Mrs Hanson ho Florence b64 d83 *Severy, F W miller Solon b64 Robinson, Mary (Swift Rd Dep 28 Mildred E (Gill b60 Wid of Albert J Mary L b89 CENSUS 23 Florence Shaw, Dr H F Ella D (Doten Shurburne, M C R D Lottie (Towle Herbert C stu Lawrence M Donald R Slauson, Jesse P far R D Gertie (McGown Annita B pi Emma B pi Pearl pi Edna Annabell Slauson, PR far RD Marie (Laws Jesse P *Julia (m New Hampshire Smart, Chas lab Smith, Roy Rd Dep Smith, Freeman far Rd Dep Josephine ( Smith, Sarah L (Blake Wid of Hiram T Stain, S far Rd Dep Lucy (Leighton Ist wife Divona (Currier 2d wife Archie Sammy Stain, Porter Rd Dep Annie Myra (Abbott Stain, John H far RD b97 b5fi b57 30 b69. b73 b94 b04 b05 30 b75 b76 b98 bl900 b03 b05 b07 30 b50 b53 b75 b70 b90 28 b88 28 b53 b85 b49 b38 , dOl 28 b31 d b77 b66 , d71 28 b33 b36 , d08 30 b34 Stevens, Francis far Mary (Clough Gertrude stu Guy M stu John H stu Lorin A stu Merton F pi Florence M pi Ralph L pi Mildred B pi Vernon E Norris E RD27 b72 b66 b89 b91 b93 b95 b97 b99 bl900 b 03 b05 b07 Taggart, G car R D 32 b46 Celia (Jewett 1st wife d *Garrie (m Soper b76 Roxbury, Mass Luella (m Bean b75 S Jennie (Kimball-Parsons 2d wife b52 Step Children *Cha8 Parsons b74 Sadie E Parsons b78 Taylor, J R D 30 b79 Addle M (m Robinson b69 Tebbetts, Etna (Presott b54 Wid of Chas H b 63 ,d90 Annabell tr b87 Nettie May tr b89 Blanch C (m Whittier b80 *Thing, RK far R D 30 b75 Georgie (Newton b79 Marion E bOl 24 MT. VERNON Ralph D b 03 Thing, D H R D 30 b 22 Mary Ann (Kent b 23, d 02 *Millard Kent d Tracy, Elbridge M millman b 45 Emily (Martin Ist wife b 53, d 84 Ebhel M (m Taylor b 77 Mary (Rockwood 2d wife b 46 Tracy, I B far R D 31 b 46 Martha (Tracy Ist wife d *Minnie O (m G older b 69 Augusta *Harry L b 73 Adella C (Watson 2d wife Martha L (m Maclean b 78 Maud E (m Tyler b 80 Trask, Elbridge far Rd Dep 28 b 38 Viola (Folsome b 68 Alice M b 97, d 97 Grace L pi b 98 Tucker, Henry far Rd Dep 28 b 72 Mertie (Dudley b 77 Ethelyn pi b 96 Turner, EH Rd Dep 28 b 46 Annie M (Shaw b 52 *Stanley L b 75 Walter G b 78, d 78 Harry E pi b 93 Tyler, L mer b 79 Maud E (Tracy b 80 Ruth A b 07 Tyler, Alice (Leighton b 57 Wid of Wm M b 49, d 05 I Lora A b 77, d 04 *Jarvi8 L Farmington b 75 Tyler, George L V far b 41 Emma A (Peak b 44 Marie W (m North b 67 E Josephine (rn Williams b 72 Allston, W b 75 Tyler, Alton S lab R D 30 b 82 Helen E (Ward b 87 w Walker, W P Fred A *Perlie M Charles N RD27 b66 b74 Boston b 77 b 64, d 99 *NelIie M (m Pebble Boston b 69 *Annie B (m Nason Boothbay b 71 Walker, Emma L (Nason R D 27 b 48 Walker, WD Rd Dep 28 b 58 Walton, L far R D 32 b 60 R Octavia ( b 46 Ward, Arthur M lab b 74 Florence L (Nichols b 80 Grace C b 02 Merl R b 03 Julia M b 05 Ward, G S far R D 30 b 44 Georgianna (Wadleigh b 50 Arthur M b 71 *Lucy A (m Jackson-Springer b 73 Aimer b 77 Helen E (m Tyler b 87 Ward, EE far R D 30 b 77 CENSUS 2g Theresa (Longley Herbert Webber, Harry L far R D 30 Hattie M (Cressey Berlin C Ralph W pi Laura A pi Mary E JohnH Webber, HW far R D 30 Annie R (Blunt Harry L FredM Emma A (m Damren Sherman Calvin E Elmer H Annie R Myra A Warren W Webber, Chas E far R D 30 Nina M (m Webber Elton Q pi John Edward John Allen Weiser, Wm W far R D 30 Jennie (Bixter Russell stu Helen stu Katherin pi Clarence pi Mary Wells, George far R D 30 Emma A (Swift b75 b06 b68 b69 b89 b97 1900 bOl b08 b47 b46 b68 b71 b73 b76 b78 b80 bSO b85 b89 b65 b66 b94 b02 b06 b60 b66 b93 b94 b99 b93 b07 b60 b79 *Harry New Vineyard b80 Linwood b87 Gracie M b91 Wells, Elisha L far RD30 b31 Mary E (Leighton b30 Ada L (m Thoms b55 George b60 Wentworth, Will far RD30 b48 Mary A (Coombs b40 Weston, Dura far Rd27 b37 Nellie (Alden Ist wiie b 40, d 64 Angle (Morrison 2d wife b 47 *Lillian A (m Weymouth b 86 Lilly b 68, d 85 Elizabeth (Twiss 3d wife b57 Weston, Harry far Rd 27 b82 Lillian (Adams b87 Carry A b08 *Weston, R A Boston, Mass b80 Weston, Chas b 84 Weston, Gertrude M b87 White, Geo M far R D 32 b56 Cora A (Watkins b58 Helena J (m Lannigon b80 *Emma L (m Start b81 Vermont Waldo G b90 White, Geo W far Rd Dep 28 b70 Ellen A (Turner b69 Pearl A stu b92 Lura L pi b97 Beatrice A pi b99 Grace E pi bOl Mabel E pi b04 26 MT. ternon RubyE Norman E Whittier, Lettie (McGaffey Wid o! Howard B Laura *Lenora (m Marble Rangeley Williams, HE MD E Josephine (Tyler Williams, William H H far Emma F (Cram 1st wife Alice E (m Farnham GeoC Miles I Mary FredH ♦Georgia (m Oilman Waterville ♦Louise L B (m Higgins b06 b08 b42 b 25, d 05 b 69, d 87 b 71, d 04 b72 b72 b44 b 43, d 91 b68 b 71, d 79 b73 b 75, d 91 b 77, d 82 b78 Albion William H H Jr b 84 Lucinda (Rundlette 2d wife b 52 Sarah J b 94 Wing, Abbie( White Rd Dep 28 b 39 Wid of Allen B b 39 Fred A b 62 *Nellie (m Varney Augusta b 59 *Mary (m Bennett b 66 Ella (ra Cunningham b 80 Wright, WH far Rd Dep 28 b 67 Florence (Cummings Wyman, E L lab R D 27 b 66 Delia (Allen Ist wife Mildred B stu b 93 Charles E pi b 95 Gale pi b97 Minnie (Laughton-Hood 2d wife b76 DELAYED DATA Childs, Cordelia (Clough-Cole b 34 RD32 LeonS lab b 78 Clyde C b 80 CENSUS OF READFIELD 1900 COMPILED BY FREEMAN A. HUNTON Explanatory Note. Name in parenthesis indicates name married lady bore prior to marriage; if more than one name appears in the parenthesis, the first name is the maiden name, the next the name she took by first marriage. The asterisk (*) indicates that the party whose name ifc precedes is a resident of another town shown by the address following the name. b, born; d, died; m, married. DIRECTORY AND FAMILY REGISTER Abbott, EMS far b39 Sarah H (Weston b52 Albert W millwright b73 Arthur L b75 , d78 Walter C car b79 Edwin W scythe mkr b88 Adams, Roxanna (Abbott b44 Wid of Eben W b44 d98 Adams, Nathan'l L b57 Mary E b68 Flora E (m Cowan b84 Johnie H lab b 90 Nathl L Jr b94 dOl William A pi b95 Grace L pi b97 Alfred S pi b99 Laura P pi b02 Mildred M b04 Blanche E b 07, d 07 Adell, John C b 76 baggage master M C R R Isabel G (Davis b86 Wesley H b06 Harold M b07 Winfield G b 08, d 08 Adell, Geo K carig mkr b48 Mary (Gordon b50 John b78 Myrtle M (m Townsand b79 Lottie b 84, d 08 MaudH pi b90 Francis pi b92 28 READFIELD Allen, Jos L cab mkr Winth 23 b 43 Allen, Geo H far b 65 Annie L (Richards b 67 Abbie E stu b 92 William P pi b 99 Allen, Alvin sales Josephine Ambrose, E C law & far Abbie C (Faunce MinaM Armstrong, Geo L far b 39 Mary L (Ewers b 43 Cora G b 76 Atkinson, Wm K far b 61 Nancy E (Hunton b 45 Atkinson, Elizabeth (Kimball b 19 Wid of Daniel W b 18, d 86 Austin, D F retd b 19 Mary J (Weaver b 37 *Arthur E b 61 *John B b 62 Carrie M b 64, d 7] David E b 66, d 71 Mary E (m Nickerson b 72 Minnie F b 75, d 76 B Barber, Leonard far b59 Hattie E (Gray b67 Barber, Jas far b24 Rebecca A (Shepard b 32, d 96 *Alfred Winthrop b50 Emma b 51, d 58 *Everett Winthrop b 53 Leonard far b 59 Beal. Elliott J fore far M W S b 53 ZillaB (Webber b 62 Angle M stu b 89 Bean, Chas 3 ptr b 68 Lillian M (Batchelder b 73 Gladys P stu b 94 Harold C pi b 98 Harry M pi b 98 Charles R pi b 1900 Doris T b 03 Coney C b 06, d 07 Bernard A b 08 Bean, Georgia C (Nickerson b 44 Wid of Emery O b 19, d 03 Bean, Emma E (Watson b 53 Wid of Willard F b 57, d 08 Laura M pi b 94 Bean, Ann (Shaw b 30 Wid of Albert F b 21, d 1900 Berry, Wilbur F b 51 pree M W S & Wom Coll Livonia (French b 54 *Josephine B (m Harlow b 79 Lillian E b 81 Mary E b 83 Emma L b 87 Nicholas L b 91 Wilber F b 93 Berry, Ada F b 58 Biekford, Hollis lab b 58 Luetta (Hutchinson b 49 Biekford, W B R R man b 59 CENSUS 29 Alice G (Rowe b63 Bourne, Angle b43 ♦JohnE Portland b84 Bourne, Anna b50 *Be88le L Portland b86 Bourne, Lucy A b55 Winona C (m Sanborn b89 Brainard, W A b25 ChasW pi b97 Mary E (Townsend b33 Clifton pi b99 Brann, R A grain dlr b77 Black, Geo b61 Breedo, Edw spinner b80 Florence M (Follansbee b65 Laura (Cowan b88 Bernice C pi bl900 Geo E b 08, d 08 Corrinne M pi b02 Beede, Clinton H far b65 GeoE b04 Bessie V (Jefferds b80 Violet L b06 Kenneth C b98 Birch, May bury W b66 Brisbin, Chas E far b76 Rose F (Hall drees mkr b68 Laura L (Jennings b76 Blake, Horatio Q far b23 Ida C b 04, d 04 Damaris W (Eaton b25, d90 William E b05 Herbert far b49 Edna L b07 Blalsdell, Frank N far b 53 Brooks, L F far b64 Flora E (Littlefield b61 Sarah M (Pearson b64 *Mattie M (m Furbush b85 Harold P pi b98 EffieR b90 Brooks, Chas E far b66 Edwin J b94 Ida M (Sylvester b72 Blackwell, Orren jeweler b49 Charlie G b93 Hattie T (Wells b69 Maud G b94 Booker, Geo R car b82 Edna M b96 Nellie L (Smith b85 Ralph W b98 Mayland L b03 Carrie R bOl Alpha W b04 Lester E b03 Sylvia L b06 Merton S b05 Bourne, Willis A far b71 Brooks, Calvin B R R man b68 E Lena (Comstock b77 Abigail L (Page b87 Leila E pi b99 Ethel G b03 Lotta M pi bOl Beulah L b08 Bourne, Wro F far b57 Brooks, A far b78 30 READFIELD Edna C (Berry Brown, Charlotte M post mistreBS Brown, Henry S far Carrie E (m Morrill •Nathalie E aeet matron *Vennes8a W (m Dailey Harold E far Muriel S etu Brown, Chas S clerk Nellie (Norton CarlN Brown, Fred I mer Annie (French Brown, F W far Nellie M (Gordon ChasW pi Mildred G pi Helen M Doris A Brown, S C far Mary E (Staples Brown, Jessie M stu Burnham, Joshna S far Ellen F (Duncan Winth 23 Buswell, Frank M tele mgr Butler, S Lena (Clough Butler, L S far Hattie A (Smith Ronald I pi Harvey S pi Clara M pi Butman, Jas far Ellen F (Hilton James W b89 b47 b 53 b72 b77 b88 b 93 b66 b70 b07 b59 b70 b99 b03 b04 b06 b38 b47 b91 b60 b50 b86 b85 b68 b63 b94 b96 b98 b36 b37 b80 •Lizzie E (m Rollins N Y City b 60 Campbell, Katherine (Harder Hill b 53 Wid of Wm F b 53 d 01 Clarence D b79 Melvin E b77 Ambrose I b85 Ethel M b97 Carle, H H far b58 Josie A (Norton b55 Marcia E b84 Carson, Geo W far b71 Mary (Fogg b71 Chapman, Rev T C Hill b 69 Sarah C (Richardson b72 Harold C pi b98 Raymond B b03 Chase, Dr S H dentist Hill b 58 Mary (Duslin b59 Grace tr b85 Chesley, Oscar blk b67 Lillian H (Sherburne b73 Vivian E pi b97 Clough, Chas L far b66 Alma M (Higgins b75 Clough, John T far b42 Betsey C (Moulton b63 Cole, Chas J far b60 Stella M (Orndorff b66 May B stu b94 Cole, Henry A far b49 Mary A (Whittier b54 CENSUS 31 Coleman, Geo E R R eta agt b 62 Hattie M (Whittier b 76 Ellen b 1900, d 01 Owen b 02 Ruth b 04 Collins, Mark S prop sum hotel b 69 Nellie E (Townsend b 74 Laura b 96 Cooper, John C far b 69 Laura (Atkins b 72 Gladys M pi b 96 Clyde F pi b 1900 Lloyd E b 02 Merle L b 05 Royal E b 07 Cowan, Jos landscape gard b 54 Minnie (Tabot b 59 Minnie b 81, d 81 Joseph Jr lab b 83 Lillian ho b 85 «Mabel (m Brann b 86 Lora (m Breedo b 88 Louena waitress b 90 Charles hotel wk b 93 Willie pi b96 Eula pi ■ b98 Cowan, Jos Jr b 84 Flora E (Adams b 84 Crane, James F far Winth 23 Sarah A (Regen-Roe *Maud (m Phifer *Irene tr *Edna dr mkr *FredS elec John E Step Cliildren Franklin P Roe ptr Ward C Roe stu Winfield G Roe stu Leona C Roe stu Crockett, Lizzie M (Garey b 43 Wid of Wm A b 41, d 08 Fred A eng Bath b 74 Agnes (m Demmons b 78 Crosby, Maurice W far & tel mgr b 77 Elsie L (Harvey b 74 Crosby, Charles W mer Hill b 65 *Currier, John W attendant b 52 Augusta Currier, Mary A b 42 Curtis, Roy H mer b 81 Miriam L (Calef b 85 Daicy, Chas M R D car Katherine E (Pulsifer Aurice I Daicy, C M ins agt b72 b80 b07 b37 Florinda T (Pulsifer Ist wife b 35, d 68 Flora V b 58, d 75 Delia W ho b 60 Augusta K (Bonney 2d wife b 45, d 04 Bertha M seamstress b 70 Charles M R D car b 72 ♦William C barber Augusta b 73 32 READFIELD Dalton, C B millman b71 *Cyru8 G b70 Maud E (Emery b73 Joseph E b 76, d 78 Nathalie M pi b91 James b80 Clyde B pi b93 Dow, Frank A Hill b 66 Mildred B pi b95 Belle C (Pullen b63 Bernice M pi b98 Blanche M stu b93 Davis, John L far b44 Maynard W stu b95 Grace V (HoUis b57 CarlB pi b97 *Bertha C (m Oliver b81 Harlen K pi b99 ChasH b83 Dudley, Emma (Porter b47 Isabel G(mAdel b86 Wid of Curtis b 42, d 1900 Davis, Bertrand W b80 *Harry cl Somerville, Mass b 67 Leora F (Darrovr b85 Minnie A b74 Step Children Miles C far b82 Ruth J Campbell b03 Dudley, Mary E (Thompson b 40 Mildred D Darrow b04 Wid of David b 33, d 1900 Jennie L Darrow b06 Irving C far b75 Davis, Susanah H (Packard b37 Dudley, Chas A trucking b60 Wid of Joshua E b 40, d 05 Davis, Rev Byron V sales Hill b 47 Georgia A (Stevens b 47 Royal V stu b 86 Deering, Joshua far b 50 Maria E b 58 Denno, Vetal b 34 Victoria (Stone 1st wife b 48, d 93 Phoebe (Gurney 2d wife b 63 *Eliza Woonsocket, R I b 67 *Sadie Woonsocket, R I b 82 *Charlie Woonsocket, R I b 84 Denton, Jos E retd b 26 Caroline S (Hutchinson b 40 Susan H b 62, d 62 Mary L b 63, d 96 Lena M (Leavitt b 72 Dudley, Hannah S (Hunt b 37 Wid of Jos b 37, d 91 Dudley, Thomas J far b 64 Sarah E (Murry b 60 Effie E (m Seamans b 81 Jeannette stu b 93 Mary A pi b 01 Dudley, Loren far b 68 Alice M (Jackson b 71 Elwood P b 1900 Almont E b 01 Sylvia T b 06 CENSUS 33 E Flynn, Chas V lab Katherine M (Woolrick b74 b72 Eldridge, Calvin far b52 Margaret pi bOl Minnie S (Ramedell Ist wife Robert b04 Alice S (Hutchinson 2d wife b59 Fogg, Clarence I far b79 *GeoH Auburn b82 Clara A (Norris b81 Nellie A ho b89 Norris I pi bl900 Percy C b94 d 08 Mildred pi b02 ElvaM pi b97 Otho C b04 Elliott, Wm S far b45 Cedric b 05, d 05 Annie R (Lambert b46 Fogg, Sarah L b73 Fred D far b68 Fogg, Chase E far b67 Guy W mach b75 Edith (Smith b72 Elliott, Fred D far b68 Eleanor M stu b90 Mona (Angus b74 RuthE stu b95 Elvin, Chas E far b73 Samuel W pi b97 Ellen S (Yeldhim b77 Raymond P pi b99 EricO b03 Margaret P b03 Gladys F b05 Josephine S b05 Elsie K b06 Folsom, Elizabeth A (Sharp b46 Chas E b08 Wid of John b 45, d 71 Charles R prop sum hotel b 66 F John W mer Folsom, John W mer b68 b68 Fenderson, Chas W far b47 Viola (Master man b69 Emma F (Haley b46 Bernice G stu b91 Sarah H b86 Everett L stu b92 Emma H b88 , d08 Charles W stu b93 Flanders, P J far b63 Robert C b03 L Maria (Watson b67 Folsom, C R prop sum hotel b66 *Levi G Wakefield b84 Fannie A (Allen b69 *Geo Am Ex agt b85 Ruth B nurse b87 L Mae b86 Charline S stu b91 Phillip J Jr b96 Maud M stu b97 34 READFIELD Fobs, Lettie C (Palmer b61 Gordon, Thos H far b39 Wid of Geo b57 d07 Lucy (Trask Ist wife Percy C b94 Helen (Perry 2d wife Ernest L sta agt b86 b74 G Gordon, C H stone mas Ursula (Dunlap b63 b65 Gardiner, Robert H far b69 *Raymond E R R man b88 Maud B (Hawkins b75 Harry E far b90 Gay, Sidney A far b79 Edna M stu b92 Viola L (Merrow b66 Edith M pi b96 Harry A pi b99 RuthE pi bl900 Gibbs, HM Am Ex agt b70 Gordon, Wm L far b72 Florence A ( Pike b72 Bertha M (Collins bSO Mabel E etu b93 Merle C b03 Hazel M pi b95 Milton b04 Gilman, Jennie b45 Gordon, Bernard far b37 Gile, LF far b36 Clara B (Hutchinson b 37, d 96 Rosilla (Palmer b39 Hattie A (m Smith-Butler b64 AeaE b71 d85 Rla b65 Laforest S b80 ,d07 Gordon, Edwin A far bTl Giles, SW far b36 Emily C (Creasy b58 Sophronla M (Vance b44 Nellie A b87 Mabel V b 72 d 75 Gordon, Mary E (Merrill b34 Fred H ] MaudeS}- b75 , d75 Wid of J B b 27, d 08 Sadie M j *Frank B Livermore Falls b 61 Grace M b76 *Cha8 H Livermore Falls b63 RoyC pi b96 Annie D b66 Gile, Mary F (Cud worth b57 M Emma b68 Wid of Edw H b55 , d02 Burton D b70 *WalterC cl Boston, Mass b74 William L b72 *Te88ie M (m Tebbetts b76 Gordon, BD far b70 Augusta Lutie B (Hunt-Marston b71 *Blanche B (m Pratt b80 Herman H b04 Manchester, N H ErlaE b06 CENSUS 35 Step Child Alice E Mareton pi b 85 Gordon, Nelson T mer b 83 Emma L (Pike b 82 Gordon, Chas H far b 47 Martha J (Yeaton b 56 Gordon, Albert A far b 50 Lura M (Dudley b 71 Winnifred pi b 96 Philip A pi b03 Gordon, John H truckman b 51 Julietta E (Cutler-Alden b 60 *EffleC(m Brown b 86 Lillian E ho b 88 Dorothy E b 92 Gordon, Mary (Henry b 51 Wid of Nelson D b 46, d 06 *Ethel (m Sherman b 75 *Laura E (m Harrington b 77 Julia L cl b 82 Nelson T mer b 84 Alma R b 86, d 07 Ralph N cl b 87 Blanche A b 89 Harvey C pi b 95 Esther M pi b 96 Grant, Henry J blk b 65 Clara L (Affler b 68 Iva M tr b 89 Marion M stu b 95 Greeley, Henry far b 22 Nancy A (Whittier b 22 Charles W b 54 *Mary E (m Morrill b 52 b64 b64 b91 b94 b39 39, d 98 b64 y b67 b70 b85 b74 b94 Pasaadena, Cal Greeley, Arthur B far Cora E (Mace Bernice M stu Charles J pi Greeley, Delia J (Giles Wid of Chas P Arthur B *Lena M (m French Norway *Annie M (m Hammill Worcester, Mass Gurney, Chas J ptr L Mae (Soule-Crosby Step Child Gracie L Crosby pi H Hackett, F far b 57 Martha (Whitney b 57 *Mame E (m Hackett b 78 *ChasO car b 80 Ada I tr b 89 Hackett, WraC far b 42 Ida M (Bradford b 56 Velorin V b 69, d 69 *Viona V (m Willy b 72 *Lunie V (m McKeen b 75 William H b 77, d 77 Caroline S b 78 Ina E b 79, d 81 Hackett, Emila A b 35 Wid of Sullivan b 35, d 07 Hackett, L L far b 54 36 READFIELD Edith F (Grant LuciuB A R R emp Harold L Ethel A waitress Mattie I Emery J far Nettie M stu Winnie C stu Earl T pi Haines, Dudley W b 57 b81 b 83, d 1900 b85 b 87, d 05 b89 b91 b93 b95 b34 Clarissa A (Hankerson b 36, d 02 *Emma A (m Willard Cal b 55, d Alice E (m Manter b 58 *William D Waterville b 59 *Celia J (m Merriman New York b 62 *Blanche C (m Reynolds b 72 Waterville Haines, Carrie M (Fletcher b 49 Wid of S J b 42, d 91 *Sadie P Den, Col b 70 *Llewellyn G Den, Col b 71 Alice F tr b 85 Mary Isadore tr b 87 Lawrence B far b 89 Hall, Nancy A (Luce b 49 Wid of Edgar W b 59, d 1900 Hallett, Chas A far b 46 Harriet A (Kenney b 49 Ernest S b 79 *Jeannf'tte E (m Towle b 73 *Ro8ie E b 83 *Guy D b 89 Morton C stu b 93 Harris W stu b 95 Hamilton, Mary C (Robinson Hill b 34 Wid of Albert H b 32, d 74 Sarah R (m Whitten b 60, d 92 *AnDie M (ra Donnell b 62 Hammond, T W R R section boss b 61 Hattie E (Leavitt b 71 Ruby E waitress b 89 Hankerson, Chas E far b 61 Hannaford, Eli S MD b 45 Ella S (Masterman 1st wife Gertrude (Masterman 2d wife Ella S (Currier 3d wife Children *Ella I (m Welch *Vuna P (m Morgan Handy, Willie N car b 59 Harney, Elsie W (Brands Wid of William b 41, d 05 *Roscoe W lumb bus Oakland b 65 *James E salt bus Oakland b 69 Elsie M b 72, d 72 Elsie L (m Crosby b 74 Harriman, Merle J car Hill b 77 Helen G (Frost b 86 Harriman, Mary J (Jaques Hill b 46 Wid of Benj W b 35, d 03 James P b 72, d 72 Merle J b 77 Benjamin W Jr b 80 Carl R b 85 Harris, John car & far b 33 Julia A (Libby b 54 Lawrence b 81 Scott W b 82 CENSUS 3t Everett B b84 Emma A b57 d58 Kendall M b86 John A b58 d72 John L b87 Hopkins, C I far b85 Fred b 89, d 1900 Gertrude E (Moore b84 Hawee, Frank J far b68 Hopkins, I L car b51 Jennie E (Lombard b76 Flora E(Healey b56 EdnaV b95 Samuel M b 76, d77 IvyV b97, d97 *Herbert L Dexter b78 Clyde E b99, d07 *Nellie S (m Oliver Madison b81 Sarah A b 04, d 04 Leota E b84 d84 Cristy L b07 Carroll I far b85 Heath, Francis A b44 Freeman E stu b89 Heath, Chas M far b61 Mary L stu b92 HuIdaR (Ralston b70 Hunt, Warren A far b67 Harold M b89 Lizzie M (Creasy b69 Victor C pi b94 Hunt, Eben b44 EAlthea pi b96 Lariuda J (Adle-Gordon b52 Marcia C b04 Lucy B (m Lord b71 Henderson, J lar Winth 23 b 27 Mary A b76 OrindaS (Bean b31 Emma A stu b91 Frank T b 54, d 01 Hunt, Wm H road com b44 Alice J b58 Francis C (Dudley b45 *John H Fairfield b67 Warren A b67 Higgins, Geo H far b59 Lillian H (m Heffernan b70 Effie M (Logue b69 Hunton, William G far b52 Lester E pi b92 Elizabeth (Mills b52 Melvin L pi b98 Hunton, Fremont A b59 Higgins, Edwin far b45 Esther A (Farrington b56 Laura A (Parker b40 Hunton, Hartwell R car b73 Alma M (m Clough b75 A'ivian F (Fogg b77 Holmes, Rachel (Averill b23 Ralph b98 , d99 Wid of Geo R b 16, d 07 Esma bl900 d02 Holmes, Hannah J (Blair b33 Pauline b06 Wid of Wm H b 34, d 04 Hunton, E L Town Treas & eol b40 38 READFIELD Sarah E (Randall b 46 Adelbert L b 67 George C b 69, d 07 . Hunton, J D far b 44 Emma R (Wilber 1st wife b 44, d 85 Cornelia (Porter 2d wife b 55 Myra G (m Currier b 66, d 84 Ernest E b 68, d 70 Grace E b 69, d 79 Hartwell R b 73 Ralph E b 75, d 79 Hunton, Esther E (Wilson P M b 77 Wid of Geo C b 69, d 08 OramellE pi b 95 Emery A pi b 01 Hutchinson, Freeman far Sarah E (Lovejoy b 48, d 03 *Sadie E (m Rogers Belgrade b 79 b86 b54 b70 b93 b95 bl900 b02 b04 b06 b54 Isabel (m Nickerson Hutchinson, E M sales Ida J (PuUen Henry A stu Edwin M Jr pi GeoR pi Albert W pi Alice E Elmina Hutchinson, Elizabeth S J Jacobs, Geo C far Nellie C (Atkinson AdaM b52 b59 b85 Elizabeth A b 87 Geo B b 01 Jordan, S K far b 45 Nellie H (Butler Ist wife b 58 Mary E (Pomeroy 2d wife b 60 *Carrie A b 70 *Winfleld W b 73 *Ethel B b 76 *GertrudeE b 78 *Percy A b 81 *Ralph B b 83 *Aubry E b 86 *Ruby G Franklin b 88 Johnson, Lewis L ptr b 74 Georgia M (Richardson b 72 Jones, Leslie M far b 48 Ruth H (Wentworth b 48 Arian H b 78 Jones, Arian H R R man b 78 Marcia E (Carle b 84 Jose, Wm D far b 46 Nancy M (Hunt b 48 William E far b 73 *Isabel B (m Jenkins Winth b 83 *Mary L Newton Ctr, Mass b 86 Geo A far b 90 Jose, Arthur L far b 44 K Kimball, Sinclair S far b 37 Rose R (Heath b 40 Knight, Maria b 48 Wid of John b 28, d 77 CENSUS 39 Ladd, DW car & far b 41 Betsey (Williams 1st wife b 40, d 92 Sadie A ( Green wood-Taggart b 55 2d wife Wid of John Taggart b 50, d 78 and Geo Philbrook b 50, d 93 Marguerite S pi b 95 Step Children Lillian M (m Sawyer b 77 Ethel B waitress b 86 Ladd, Louise S (Cram b 38 Wid of Cyrus A b 22, d 94 Lydia A (m Turner b 63 ♦Frank A Denver, Col b 64 Nellie E b 67, d 73 Mary J b 70 Lane, George N far b 68 Josie M (Durkee b 67 *FrankC cl b 91 Georgie M pi b 95 Ralph E pi b97 Carroll N pi b 1900 Josephine E pi b 02 Lane, Ella M b 56 Lane, Jennie E b 58 Lane, Rebecca F (Fletcher b 54 Wid of Abner b 29, d 03 Lawton, Wm L lab Olive A (Whittler Leach, Anna (Sutton Wid of Lewis D Leeman, Edgar A retd b 63 Lenora S (Leeman b 69 Leighton, Fred M b 75 Lucie M (Filbrick b 84 Freda C b 06 Leighton, Bertram E merch b 69 Lillian M (Dixon b 70 Lovejoy, Isaac C b 45 Lord, Wm A hdware & plumb b 56 Hattie F (Tucker b 54, d 07 Helen T stu b 89 Lucas, Ira B far b 43 Marion F (Starks b 46 Nellie (m Brittoa b 68 Bessie (m Dickerson b 78 Luce, Nelson S car & far b 56 Florence J (Clough b 65 Lin wood N stu b 92 Florence E stu b 95 Wilber M pi b 96 Edgar E pi b 98 Floyd W pi b 1900 EarlC pi b02 Norman J b 04 Luce, Amelia N ho Luce. Emily E (Ladd Winth 23 b 48 Wid of Daniel b 40, d 08 *Tho8 W phy b 70 Portsmouth, N H *S Gertrude tr Portland b 74 Chester A b 82, d H Louise b 87, d 87 46 READFIELD M Mace, Marguerite E dr mkr b 59 Mace, Isaac far b 44 Matilda (Haines 1st wife b 43, d 81 Ruby (Ryder 2d wife b 56 *Maud A Gray b 74 *Bertha L Wayne b 78 Roy A pi b 96 Georgia pi b 98 Mace, Will T far b 68 Mary B (Olough b 68 Harold C stu b 92 C Arthur pi b 93 RoyE pi b95 Mace, C A far b 39 Lucy A (Richardson b 45, d 07 Will T far b 68 *Albert E Providence, R I b 72 Mallett, XX blk b 80 Mallett, Chas H barber b 74 Blanche B (Barbier b 84 Manter, Melville W merch b 61 Manter, Geo W mer b 49 Alice E (Haines b 58 Manter, John W ptr b 56 Bertha L (Hoit b 69, d 07 *Annie W b 80 John W Jr col stu b 82 Juliet L (m Masterman b 84 Brainard b 87, d 87 Earle H stu b 89 Geo M stu b 92 Chas S b 03, d 03 Masterman, John R clerg & far b 37 Arabino (Phillips b 38 Alfred M b 58, d 81 Gertrude P (m Hannaford b 61, d 87 Briceno M b 66, d 67 Viola (m Folsom b 69 *Lilla (m Marston Monmouth b 75 Ernest mer b 79 Masterman, Ernest, merch b 79 Leonora J (Manter b 85 Norman- E b 93 Melville E • b 94 John R b 95 Maxim, Lewis P apple buyer Hill b 67 Gertrude M (Lovejoy b 72 McCausland, Henry H plumb b 63 Maud H (Booker b 62 Herbert A b 86 McCormick, John E agr imp b 58 Maggie (McDonald b 50 John C b 85 Daniel A b 91 McKenney, L H b 50 steward M W Sem Julia M (Dyer b 53 Lewis E b 94 Merriman, D D mer Emma M (Perkins *Edward A Madison *Eli mer N Y City Merrow, Geo W far & mason b 55 Alice E (Goldsmith b 62 Willis A far b 85 Edith M ho b 88 CENSUS 41 Archie G far Ora B pi EllaM pi Merrow, L W cl Hittie (Luce J Roy pi Nellie F pi Viola A pi Lewis W Jr Thelma N Milliken, J S M D Rose (Toothaker Dorothy T pi Millett, Eugene L cl Minnie A (Oilman Rogers A pi Julia A pi Gladys E Eugene G Mitchell, Neal MD Mary C (Sheeky Mitchell, Myra H Wid of Jos D Dr Neal retd phy Sollace MD Moore, Appleton Jr Georgie (Norcross Irving H stu Moore, Apphia (Coombs Wid of Appleton Moran, Stephen Morrill, E A sales Mabel R (Robbing Jack pi b91 b93 b95 b74 b76 b95 b 1900 b02 b04 b07 b75 b79 b02 b70 b70 b95 b02 b07 b08 d b61 b65 b87 b38 b 18, d 70 bSl b65 b69 b99 Philip b05 Richard b08 Morrill, Geo S far b37 Morrill, Mary A bSO Morrill, C C dep sher b50 Ida J (Mace b55 Morrill, Chas E car mfr b46 Irving F C mkr b75 GuyS Btu b92 Morgan, Ernest A retd b49 Flora A (Beedy b61 ♦William H prop Bus Col b79 Waterville EB bkkpr Waterville b86 Morse, Dr Wilson F mus tr b43 Ella (Deuel b51 Angle B b71 ,d92 Theo L (m Oliver b74 ,d05 Louis B b78 , d03 Morse, Maud (Swift stenog b87 Harold S b07 Morton, Harry H b68 Mintle A (Thompson b87 Murphy, Jas F far b50 Andrew tar b52 N Nelson, Edwin J sum hotel b 45 Tamson A (Kelley b 45 *Bertha E (Johnson Oakland Newton, J prof Science Hill b 64 Addie (Denning 1st wife Max stu b95 42 READFIELD Ronald W pi b97 Hannie M b02 Robert D pi b98 Rodman L b07 Louise (Munroe 2d wife b79 Wid of Gorham b 20, d 99 Newton, Ruth E (Jose b40 Palmer, Caroline E (Stevens b23 Wid of D S b 23, d 08 «Emma F (m McCarty b 47, d 07 Nickerson, Annie A b65 Mary E (m Smith b57 Nickerson, Arthur S far b66 Parlin, Margie S (Blair b49 Eugenia (Shaw b70 Wid of Geo W b 45, d 07 Nickerson, Walter A far b69 Peacock, E E Att at law b73 Mary A (Austin b72 Delia M (Curtis b74 Nickerson, Geo H ptr b68 Hazel M pi b98 Isabelle (Hutchinson b86 Evelyn M pi b02 Norton, James R team b60 Eleanor M b08 Norton, Chas P car b63 Perkins, Geo N far b44 Carrie E (Mace b64 Laura J (Hanson b42 *GeoB b74 o *Raymond E *Erne8t B b83 Ordway, Roecoe F far b48 *IdaE Casilda (Noyes b46 Pierce, Geo A far b53 *Kel8ey S Prov, RI b73 Sarah A (Andrews b53 Rives M b 79, d 04 *James A car b78 ^EverettW florist b81 P *Sarah A (m Elliott b84 Richmond H cl b87 ♦Packard, A H Denver, Col b 65 Adeline H stu b93 Packard, Fred S far Ellen M pi b97 Amy (Wells b74 Philbrick, Sam'l far b30 Nellie D pi b93 Roseltha G (Walton b42 Franklin W pi b95 Poole, Nelson far b27 Packard, Elmer A far Hulda B (White b33 Palmer, EdwG far b74 Pratt, Jas J far b68 Flora (McDonald b73 Nellie F (Kimball b72 Ellen b98 Pulsifer, EE far bSO CENSUS 43 Luella (Smith b 53 *Etta M (m Lamb b 76 Katherine E (m Daicy b 80 Purcell, John Depot Lizzie E (Niles R Raymond, Annie V (Stowell b 46 Wid of Lary b 27, d 95 Mabel S b 64, d 66 Herbert L far b 66 *Annie M (m Poole Augusta b 68 Warren W stone cutter b 69 Nathan B lab b 73 *FIorence Florence, Cal b 76 *Bertrand Turner b 82 *Gertrude Belgrade b 83 Baymond, Nathan B b 73 Ellen L (Tyler b 83 RubyE pi b02 Warren b 03, d 04 Merton b 05 Florence b 08 Record, Malvina S (Dunn b 37 Wid of Wm C b 37, d 07 Charles D b 73, d 07 Record, Ruby (Weston tel op b 79 Wid of C D b 72, d 07 Rice, Chas R supt corn shop b 71 Maude A (Bartlett b 78 Richards, Louise J dr mkr b 58 Richardson, Abbie A (Jose b 38 Wid of Geo F b 30, d 89 Hester A (m Goodwin b 57, d 88 William M b 60, d 86 Georgia M (m Johnson b 72 Riggs, Isaac far b 44 Catherine A (Garret b 60 Roberts, Leon C undertkr b 86 Madeline E (Douglass b 90 Roberts, Estella N (Norris b 51 Wid of Wendall P b 51, d 08 Roundy, Edward sta agt b 65 Addie B (Reed b 75 Royal, Geo L R R gate tend b 37 Almina H (Hutchinson b 34 Izetta tr b 64 Charles R b 68, d 06 Russell, A C prof math Hill b 51 Mary (Clark b 52, d 05 Robert C b 86, d 06 Mildred A stu b 87 Russell, Geo A retd b 42 LydiaA(Millett b 42 Lillian F tr b 71 Russell, Reuben retd b 17 Anna (Masterman b 24 Geo A b 42 Sanborn, Evelyn M (Smith b 65 Wid of F L b 64, d 04 Sanborn, Ray A livery Depot b 86 Winona C (Bickford b 89 Alice A b 07 Sanborn, C A b 80 44 READFIELD Jennie F (Allen b86 Smith, Walter G far b71 Allen Q b06 Carrie C (Crane b74 Ethel M b07 Donald C b02 Sawyer, B car b72 Reginald b07 Lillian M (Taggart b77 Smith, Roxanna F bdl Sedgley, F C barrel mfr b42 Wid of L D b 28, d 99 Augusta C (Stevens b42 Luella (m Fulslfer b53 Edward H barrel mir b75 BenjB b54 Sedgley, H Edw barrel mfr b74 ^Elnira A (m Harrington b57 Gertrude M (Knowles b74 *Lucilla E (m Bates b66 Marion L pi b96 ♦Edith E (m Hatch Winthrop b 71 Roland pi b97 Smith, Samuel retd b34 OmaB pi b98 Susan A (Abbott b 84, d 01 Audrey b03 EmmaE b 57, d 96 Scofield, E D Supt Life Ins b59 ♦Frank W far b61 Myrtle V (Goss b63 ♦Lillian V (m Prlngle b66 Shaver, Angelia b41 Smith, H Lauretta b27 Roselthe b43 Smith, A T mach b52 Sheppard, W I bOl Emma S (Cudworth b51 Sherburn, Sarah A (Currier b47 Maud S (m Morse stenog b 87 Wid of Llewellyn b 45, d 05 Smith, Benj B far bo4 H Lillian (m Cheeley b73 Mary E (Palmer b58 T Eugene far b79 *Maud (m Raynor Lewiston b 83 Sherburne, Georgie A (Porter b43 Nellie L (m Booker b85 Wid of Jos T b 37, d 92 Myrtie b89 Jennie L b80 Archie pi b98 Sherburne, Mary J (Craig b31 Smith, Elizabeth H (Maxim b25 Wid of Noyes S b 27, d 92 Wid of Shelden A b 22, d 99 Smith, Gustavue far b29 Ellen A (m Keefe b 48, d 96 Lydia A (Ladd b 39, d 79 ♦Orrilla E (m Adams b 50, d 82 Eva C b65 Emeline F b 52, d 59 *Harry C b66 *Edna N (m Wyman b55 Walter G b71 Albert B b 60, d 98 AmyE b78 Emeline M (m Sanborn b65 CENSUS 45 Nelson S *Flora E (m Proctor Spanlding, Jesse retd Sarah (Day "Geo R R man b 67, d 1900 b69 b42 b56 b81 Stoughton, Mass William J far Belgrade b 86 Stailing, Cora M (White P cl b 76 Albert E pi b 02 Stanley, Edith C Staples, ED far Henry A far Stevens, Chas H far b 46 Charlotte E (French b 54 Nettie B b 80, d 99 •Charlotte E tr b 84 Lancaster, Mass Mary M tr b 87 Robert b 89, d 89 Nellie F stu b 91 Stevens, C E hotel prop b 54 Sarah L (Gordon b 51 Stinchfield, W R lab b 66 Louise (Ward Ist wife b 69, d 92 Sarah E (Dudley 2d wife b 58 *Anna B (m Bobbins b 89 *Harry R Sidney b 90 Louise b 92, d 95 Storer, D D truckman b 54 Strout, L H real est agt Hill b 47 Martha M Hancock b 48 ♦Edwin A real est b 71 Emma M b 84 *William R real est b 84 Sullivan, G b47 Myra L (Doyen b58 Ethel G cl b82 Howard E piano tuning b85 Harold W far b89 NealD pi b97 Sutton, Amanda (Wilgus Wid of Richard B Taylor, True T far b52 Jennie C (Dolloff b 63 *Mae A tr b83 Charles R stu b91 Tebbetts, Oscar S b48 Lena C (Philbrick b 53, d 07 R Lena tel op b76 *Leon Reg Deeds Augusta b 77 *William G soliciter Lynn b 82 Harry plumber b 84 Tebbetts, Leon O Reg Deeds b 76 Ken Co, Augusta Tessie M (Gile clerk b 76 Thomas, Zadock H far b 43 Sarah E (Hewitt b 49 Thompson, Susan D (Currier b 28 Wid of Jos b 11, d 79 *EIiza J b 50 George W b 53 Thompson, Wm W far b 69 Minnie E (Small-Robinson b 67 Geo A pi bl900 Walter S b 04 46 READFIELD Step Children Alice (Porter ] st wife b 57, d 97 *Ruth L Robinson (m Laffia b88 Evangeline b85 *Jame8 F Robinson b89 Henry P b87 Annie L Robinson ho b92 Mary L b90 Bessie E Robinson ho b93 William W b91 Ruel A Robinson pi b96 Alice R b93 *Roger M Robinson b98 Francis E b94 Tingley, Fred E far Mary M (Muzzy 2d wife b72 Annabel (Stone Horace T b03 Tingley, David H far Joseph M b06 Carrie (Rockwell Tucker, Harriet M (Rowe b36 FredE far Wid of James b32 [, d62 *Harry G Island Falls Hattie F (m Lord b54 -, d07 Tingley, Edward J far b75 Nellie L (m Howard b58 Sadie (Folsom b84 Olivia bOl V Edwin J Jr b03 Thurston, Annie (Bacon b24 Votoe, Thaddie far b39 Wid of Snell bl9 , d95 Matilda (Lazare b42 Townsand, E L sum hotel b73 Patrick b61 Myrtle M (Adell b79 *George Bangor b 63 EbenL b07 *Henry Augusta b65 Townsand, A S lab *John Bangor b67 Mary B (Merry b78 *Henry Gardiner b69 Gladys K pi b96 Fred b71 Townsand, Mary J (Abbott b32 Frank b73 Wid of Thomas b29 , d96 Votoe, Fred far b80 Geo b56 , d90 Ruby M (Tebbetts b84 ♦Herbert S Park City, Utah b59 Votoe, Frank far b82 *Alvin A Haverhill, Mass b67 Annie C (Tebbetts b61 *Lottie M (m Collins Winth b71 Ruby M (m Votoe b84 Nellie E (ua Collins b74 Forest R pi b90 Trefethen, Henry E b55 Herbert L pi b96 Prof M W S Hill CENSUS 47 W Wadleigh, F M ptr «& p hgr Ida B (Levering *Verna V (m McDonald *Annie M (m Elliott Elpha E stenog Franklin M Jr pi Wadleigh, I E car Cordelia A (Davis Wallace, C H Georgia A (Murry Fred L pi Luella F pi UllaB pi Alpheus M Charlee H Wells, John E far Nancy (Higgins *Albert C *Cora M Webber, Rose (Wadleigh-Norris Wid of Frank Webber and Chas E Norris b Emily A (m Knowles Eunice M (m Beals Daniel E\ Sarah N( Daniel T Clara A (m Fogg Edwin F ptr Whitcomb, R D far Myrtle E (Thorndyke Seth A b58 b62 b85 b87 bSS b96 b50 b48 b64 b 76 b96 b98 b 1900 b04 b07 b51 b51 b76 b79 b51 b45 I 39, d 07 b71 b73 : 76, d 76 b76 b78 b81 b84 b65 b75 b04 b05 b55 b57 b80 b83 b95 b61 b 30, d 08 b96 b56 b63 b48 b56 b77 b81 Russell E Whittier, H D ptr Emma A (Page *Eugene T Winslow *Geo A Attleboro, Mass Donald L pi Wilcox, Edison team Wills, Annie L( Melville Wid of D A Edward M pi Whittier, Chas W Abbie C (Williams Wilson, A H mer Anna (Wells Esther E (m Hunton P M *ClydeE bk kpr Manchester, N H Wilson, Emil far b 73 Minnie (Norgren b 73 Williams, Emmons far b 31 Mary C (Rand b 42, d 03 Mamie A (m Fifleld b 70 Guy E far b 72 Marcel C ptr b 76 Emily M b 80, d 80 Williams, M C ptr & apple buyer b 76 Grace L (Webster b 86 Grace M b 08 Williams, John M jeweler Louise A (Friend 1st wife Ida F (Hall-Barbier 2d wife FredE *Fannie B (m Norcross-Gary Orange, Mass 4d READFIELD Walter C jeweler *May L (m Smith Orange, Mass Williams, Walter C jeweler b 67 Elizabeth G (Irvin b 69 Emma J stu b 93 FredE pi b 97 Williams, Eunice B (Willard b 33 Wid of Solomon S b 33, d 01 Nellie V b 58, d 05 *GeoW POcl Augusta b 61 Abbie C (m Whittier b 63 *LeviT CCom b 66 *Vinnie R Hallowell b 69 Wing, Sarah E (Gerrish b 30 Wid of John L b 24, d 01 Mary E b 51, d 72 *FrankL Roch, N H b 57 Flora E (m Robbing b 59, d 08 Bertha W b 65, d 66 *Ethel M (m Moore Vienna b 68 Winters, A H far b 56 Joanna (Decker b 56 Cyrus D R D car b 81 Nancy E stu b 85 Benj H stu b 88 Winters, Cyrus D R D car b 80 Clara M (Jones b 81 Cyrus K b 07 Wright, ChasW far b 77 Mattie (Butterfield b 75 Wright, Dr Warren A b 37 Mary V (Goodwin 1st wife b 41, d 99 »Willi8H staagt b 67 Philips H Arthur G far Hamlen E ChasW far Julia M b 70, d 70 b72 b 74, d 77 b77 b 79 d 79 Nellie D (Fogg 2d wife b 58 Wright, L B R D car b 50 Mary H (Tebbette b 59 Guy V b 88 Alphonzo B b 90 Inez E b 92 SethJ pi b98 Wyman, Thos S Melvina (Downs Geo lab *Emma M (m Gordon Wilton, Me Charles lab Young, C R b 53 *Carrie E (m Grant Patten b 73 Young, Mary (Turner-Crane b 32 Wid of Geo C d 03 and Cyrenue b 26, d 87 READFIELD TOWN OFFICERS SELECTMEN. The following is the list of Selectmen of Readfielcl since 1870: 1870, Milford N. Cottle, one year. 1871, Albion Stevens, eleven years; George A. Russell, six years; and Samuel Fogg, three years. 1876, H. C. Packard, one year. 1877, W. H. Holmes, two years. 1878, J. B. Lowe, seven years. 1879, R. W. Soule, four years. 1883, J. B. Mayhew, two years; and W. C. Record, two years. 1884, N. D. Gordon, three years. 1885, S. S. Willard, three years. 1886, B. W. Harri- man, three years. 1888, P. I. Brown, six years; and David Dudley, four years. 1889, Noah Jewett, one year. 1890, W. G. Hunton, three years. 1892, James O. Butman, three years; W. T. Mace, three years; P. S. Willard, one year. 1894, H. E. Trefethen, two years; E. L. Hunton, three years. 1896, M. L. Gray, three years. 1897, S. J. Hawes, three years; W. S. O. Elliott, four years. 1899, David Dudley, two years. 1900, A. S. Nickerson, three years. 1901, W. H. Whittier. 1902, E. R. Prench. 1903, Chase E. Pogg, 3 years. 1904, E. E. Pea- cock, 2 years; 1905, C. C. Morrill; C. H. Stevens, 2 years; 1906, Geo. C. Jacobs. 1908, W. G. Hunton. TOWN CLERKS. The following is a list of the town clerks of the town of Readfield since 1S70: B. T. Richards, 1870; P. S. Hartwell, 1873; P. E. Bean, 1875; W. G. Hun- ton, 1878; G. W. Manter, 1879; P. I. Brown, 1885; Eli Merriman, 1888; Geo. E. Coleman, 1893; W. A. Lord, 1895; Appleton Moore, 1898; G. W. Manter, 1901; Ernest Masterman, 1908. TREASURERS. The following is the list of treasurers of the town of Readfield since 1870: Oilman Haines, 1870; D. R. Sampson, 1873; J. P. Johnson, 1874; J. B. Lowe, 1S77; Geo. W. Manter, 1878; P. A. Robinson, 1879; S. J. Hawes, 1884; W. A. Lord, 1888; N. D. Gordon, 1892; C. H. Stevens, 1901; L. O. Tebbetts, 1906; E. E. Peacock, 1907; E. L. Hunton, 1908. MT. VERNON TOWN OFFSCERS SELECTMEN. The following have been selectmen since 1870: 1870, J. C Howland, 3; 1871, J. A. Robinson, 13; 1872, J. Jacobs, 3; 1873, A. Weston, 3; 1875, J. B. Wright, 9; 1876 J. R. Yeaton, 3; 1878, R. F. Fletcher, 2; 1879, C. H. McGaffey, 3; 1S80, B. S. Philbrick, J. M. Robinson; 1884, O. A. Weston, 3; 1885, E. V. Carr, 5, C. E. Dunn, 3; 1890, H. Gilman, 3; 1892, W. T. Morrill; 1893, R. H. Jacobs, a. Taggart, E. M. Tracey; 1901, Peter G. Dunn; 1903, C. E. Dunn, C. W. Man- sur; , R. K. Thing, H. R. Jacobs; , F. A. Dolloff; , C. E. Webber, P. L. Hopkins, B. A. Cottle. TOWN CLERKS. The following have been town clerks since 1870: 1870, A. P. Cram; 1879, S. Burbank; 1880, M. S. Philbrick; 1882, H. L. Butler; 1892, J. W. Allen; , R. W. Leighton. TREASURERS. The following have been town treasurers since 1870: 1870, F. Lyford; 1871, M. &. Mayhew; 1879, J. F. Blunt; 1880, J. Blake; 1882, A. H. Wilson; 1884, B. S. Philbrick; 1886, W. E. Carson; 1887, E. M. Tracey; 1894, J. N. Tyler; 1898, A. P. Cram; , C. W. Whittier; , L. M. Philbrick; , A. P. Cram •KtUHTJ I take old pianos and organs in exchange for 8uch hio;h grade instru- ments as the Henry F. Miller anti Vose You should hesitate before purchasinja: a cheap piano, as they are similar to anything else cheap and cannot last CHARLES Ea DOWNING VIGKERY BUILDING, STREET FLOOR, OPP. HOTEL NORTH AUGUSTA, ME. Joseph WiHiamson L. A. Burleigh E. L. McLean WILLIAMSON & BURLEIGH Lawyers and Notaries Public Collections made everywhere. Corporations formed. Pro- bate business a specialty. Offices over Granite National Bank Long Distance Tel. 240 242 Water Street Augusta, flaine It costs less to wear good quality well fitting clothing than to wear cheap, poorly fitting garments Order Royal Taiioring TOWNSEND MASONIG BUILDING AUGUSTA STEVENS & BALLARD THE SHOE DEALERS We sell such shoes that "One Pair Sells Auother." We are agents for the GOLD SEAL RUBBERS for Men, AVomen and Children, they cost a little more, but wear two or three times as long 226 WATER ST. AUGUSTA, ME. DR. W. G. THOMAS DENTIST Masonic Building 317 Water Street Telephone 46-2 Augusta, Maine DRY and FANCY GOODS Every department in the store maintains the highest possible standard of BEST GOODS at LOWEST PRICES Silks Black Dress Goods Dress Trimmings Colored Dress Goods Leather Goods Corsets Women's Underwear Embroideries Cotton Dress Goods Handkerchiefs Domestics Laces Men's Furnishings Ribbons Umbrellas Art Goods Notions, Spool Silk etc Hosiery Buttons Gloves iVIen's Underwear Linens Cloaks and Suits a Specialty on second floor All Mail and Express Orders receive prompt and carelul attention m and WESTOH CO. 192 Water St., Augusta, Me. When in Augusta you are cordially invited to make THE WiNTHROP your headquarters. We are conveniently located opposite the Court House, our rates are low and our service first class. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STEAM HEAT Rates $1.50 per day C. L. DAVIS, Proprietor that please you. Just the kind you are lookiDg for. F. H. BURGESS 261 WATER STREET Street Floor AUGUSTA, MAINE Melvin E. Sawtelle Successor to Sheldon and Sawtelle ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PROBATE AND GENERAL PRACTICE, COLLECTIONS. CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED 184 WATER STREET, - - - AUGUSTA, MAINE STATE TRUST CO. 237 Water Street, Augusta, Me. 4: x>GJT oeixt INTEREST ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS INTEREST ON ACCOUNTS SUBJECT TO CHECK DEPOSITS BY MAIL A SPECIALTY JOHN F. HILL, Pres. THOMAS J. LYNCH, ^ue Pres. GEORGE C. LIBBY, Treas. THOS. H. BODGE, Jnt. Treas TRUSTEES Hon. Greenleaf T. Stevens George W. Vickery Fred G. Kinsman John E. Liggett Arthur A. Hamel Arthur W. Whitney Fred S. Thorne Treby Johnson Thos. J. Lynch William Penn Whitehouse Albert M. Spear Percy Vickery Hill William T. Haines Nathan Weston Frederic H. Parkhurst Reuel J. Noyes Guy 0. Vickery Frank W. Kinsman Charles P. Kinsman John F. Hill MACOMBER, FARR & WHITTEN Insurance Agents AUGUSTA, . ^ ^ MAiNE Geo. E. Macomber, R. H. Bodwell, E. C. Carll, Chas. H. Howard Represent the leading Companies engaged in Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Employers and Automobile LiabiHty, Marine and Hand Insurance. WE WILL BOND YOU Bonds furnished for Executors, Administra- tors, Guardians, Cashiers, Municipal and Secret Society Officials and all persons holding positons of trust. Do not ask anyone to sign a bond for you. Do not sign a bond for anyone. We furnish them for a small premium. Apply to this office or to A. r. CRAM WIT. VERNON, MAINE YORK Sells Reliable Footwear at Reason- able prices. Repairs old shoes to look almost like new. Pleased Customers tell the story — ask your neighbor. 169 Water St. Near Kennebec Bridge AUGUSTA FRANK L. WEBBER ERNEST P. HEWETT WEBBER & HEWETT CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Fancy Bakery and Confectionery Meats, Provisions and Fruits 285 Water Street AUGUSTA, MAINE THOMAS J, LYNCH COUNSELOR-AT-LAW PROBATE BUSINESS A SPECIALTY 254 Water St. - AUGUSTA. ME. Do you want a Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Cornet, Clarinet or any muei- cal instrument ? We have what you want at prices that will suit your purse. We only ask you to come in and see our stock, that means business for us, bargains for you. F. A, DENNiS DiRECTOR & MANAGER OF DENNIS' ORCHESTRA and AUGUSTA CADET BAND 233 CUatcP Stncet, HuQusia, mainc Government of Maine 1907-1908 Governor, WILLIAM T. COBB, Rockland. Salary, $3,000. COUNCIL, WITH APPORTIONMENT. The following- arrangement for Councillor Districts, for the ten years end- ing 1912, was adopted by the Legislature of 1892-93: 1 York, 1903, '04, '07, '08, '09, '10, Oxford, 1905, '06, '11, '12, 2 Cumberland — One for each year, 3 Androscoggin, 1907, '08, '11, '12, Somerset, 1903, '04, '09, '10, Franklin, 1905, '06, 4 Kennebec, 1903, '04, '09, '10, '11, '12, Lincoln, 1905, '06, Sagadahoc, 1907, '08, 5 Hancock, 1903, '04, '09, '10, Knox, 1907,' '08, Waldo, 1905, '06 '11, '12, 6 Penobscot, 1903, '04, '05, '06, '09, '10, Piscataquis 1907, 'OS, 7 Aroostook, 1907, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, Washington, 1903, '04, '05, '06, *Arthur I. Brown, Belfast, J. E. Alexander, Richmond, Geo. A. Colburn, Augusta, *Abel D. Russell, Weld, Anna P. Ladd, Augusta, Pascall P. Gilmore, Bucksport, Hannibal E. Hamlin, Ellsworth, Warren C. Philbrook, Waterville, Augustus B. Farnham, Bangor, *George W. Leadbetter, Rockland, Leroy F. Pike, Cornish. Thurston S. Burns, Westbrook, Chairman. W. Scott Libbey, Lewiston. Charles D. Newell, Richmond. Thomas G. Libby, Vinalhaven. '11, '12, Angus O Campbell, Sangerville. Charles F. Daggett, Presque Isle. OFFICE SALARY Sec. of State, $2,500 Dep. Sec. of S'tate, 1,500 CL to Sec. of State, 1,200 Engros'g CI. to Sec. of State, 1,000 CI. to Sec. of State, 1,200 State Treas., 2,000 Att.- General, 4,000 Asst. Att.-Gen., 1,800 Adj. -Gen., 1,800 Messenger, MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL *Miss Adelaide M. French, Winthrop, ♦Charles P. Hatch, Portland, E. N. Carver, Augusta, *Payson Smith, Auburn. *Edgar E. Ring, Orono, ♦Charles W. Curtis, Brewer, ♦Stephen W. Carr, Bowdoinham, Ivan E. Lang, Bowdoinham, William B. Skelton, Lewiston, Francis Keefe, Eliot, Justin M. Leavitt, Kennebunkport, *Edwin C. Milliken, Portland, Thomas J. Lyons, Vinalhaven, ♦Charles J. House, Monson, A. W. Oilman, Foxcroft, Geo. E. Morrison, Biddeford, Joseph B. Peaks, Dover, Frank Kiezer, Rockland, Parker Spofford, Bucksport, ♦E. C. Parrington, Fryeburg, George F. Giddings, Augusta, Paul D. Sargent, Machias, Harry M. Smith, Bangor, Thomas Clark, Tremont, Charles E. Davis, Portland, Otis Hayford, Canton, George Pottle, Lewiston, W. J. Thompson, China, James Plummer, Augusta, Waldo Pettingill, Rumford Falls, Alfred H. Lang, Skowhegan, Henry W. Oakes, Auburn, A. P. Norton, Lewiston, Ernest W. Emery, Augusta, W. F. Livingston, Augusta, Mary L. Carver, Augusta, Abbie R. Knowles, Augusta, Harold Allen, Lewiston, ♦Melvin W. Wiswell, Brewer, Chester C. Tuttle, Buckfleld, Donald L. Fowler, Calais, Annie M. Clancy, Augusta, Stenog. to Exec. Dept. Auditor, 2,500 Auditor S'tate Printing, 1,200 State Supt. Pub. Schools, 2,b00 Land Agt. and Forest Com., 1,000 Clerk, 1,000 Ins. Com., 1,800 Deputy Ins. Com., 1,200 Bank Examiner, 2,500 Supt. of Public Buildings, 1,200 State Liquor Com., 1,500 Pension Clerk, 1,200 Com. Indus'l and Labor Stat., 1,500 Clerk. Com. of Agriculture, 1,500 Inspector W., F., M., etc. 2,500 Railroad Commiss'rs, 2,000 2,000 Clerk to R. R. Commiss'rs, 1,500 Asst. Clerk, 1,200 Highway Com., 2,500 Clerk, 1,300 Clerk to Adjt. General, 1,000 1,500 State Assessors, 1,500 1,500 CI. to State Assessors, 1,200 1,500 Enforcement Commissioners, 1,500 1,500 CI. to Enforcement Com'rs. State Librarian, 1,500 Asst. Librarian, 1,200 Cataloguer. Reference Librarian. CI. to Supt. Public Schools, 1,000 1,500 Treasurer's Clerk, 1,000 1,000 1,000 MAINE KEFERENCE MANUAL Leroy T. Carleton, Winthrop, James W. Brackett, Phillips, Edgar E. Ring, Orono, Myrtle H. Hodgdon, Farmingdale, James Donohue, Roclvland, Henry R. Cowan, Bangor, Charles S. Chase, Portland, C. W. T. Goding, Portland, Cyrus H. Farley, Portland, F. O. Beal, Bangor, John M. Deering, Saco, F. S. Adams, Bowdoin, Frederick H, Wilson, Brunswick, Charles H. Davis, Bangor, Frank W. Bucknam, Skowhegan, George H. Hunt, Old Town, Charles A. Rolfe, Princeton, Wm. L. Scribner, Springfield, E. P. Mayo, Waterville, Albion P. Gordon, Fryeburg, John M. Taylor, P-o. Portland, John R. McDonald, Addison, Hiram P. Farrow, Belmont (Center), \ Commissioners of Inland / Fisheries and Game, CI. and Stenographer, Com. of Seashore Fisheries, Keeper of State Arsenal, [ Commissioners of Harbor and Tidal Waters. Cattle Commissioners. Commissioners of Pharmacy. Agent Penobscot Indians, Agt. Passamaquoddy Indians, Inspectors of Prisons and Jails. Inspectors of Steamboats. Insp. of Dams and Reservoirs. 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 400 400 ♦Official P. O. at Augusta. Railroads of Maine * Denotes (unless otherwise designated) offices of Western Union Tele- graph Company. The Railroad and Steamboat fares as given are the net prices to purchasers of tickets. MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Lucius Tuttle, Boston, President; Morris McDonald, Portland, Vice-Presi- dent and General Manager; Geo. S. Hobbs, Portland, Comptroller and General Auditor; F. E. Boothby, Portland, General Passenger and Ticket Agent; W. K. Sanderson, Portland, General Freight Agent; Geo. W. York, Portland, Treasurer; Morris McDonald, Portland, Gen. Supt. ; H. A. Snow, Portland, Ticket Agent. Connects at Portland, Union Station, with B. & M. R. R. (Eastern and Western Divisions) ; at Deering Junction with B. & M. R. R. (P. N & W. Div.) American Express to all Stations. From Portland. Fares Miles $0.05* Woodfords, 3 0.10* Deering Junction, (B. & M. R. R.), 5 Fares Miles $0.20 West Falmouth, 8 0.25* Cumberland Junction, 11 LOWER ROUTE, VIA BRUNSWICK AND AUGUSTA. To Bath, Rockland, Farmington, Skowhegan, Belfast, Dexter and Bangor. Fares Miles Fares $0.25* Cumberland Junction, 11 $0.50* Freeport, 0.35* Yarmouth Junction, 0.60 Hillside, (G. T. R.), 15 0.70* Brunswick, To Bath and Rockland. Fares Miles 1 Fares $0.70* Brunswick, .jO $0.95* Bath (stea 0.85 Harding's, 34 Miles 21 26 SO Miles 38 MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL Rockland Branch. Pares Miles $1.90* Warren (junct. with Georges Val. R. R.), 74 2.00 George's River, 78 2.05* Thomaston (stage), 81 2.15* Rockland — (Steamer during summer season daily to Islesboro, Dark Harbor, Cas- tine, North Haven, Ston- ington and all points on Eggemoggin Reach), 86 Stages daily to *Camden, *Rockport, Lincolnville, Northport and South Thomaston. Steamers for all points on the Penobscot River and Bay, Vinal- haven, Hurricane and Dix Islands, and Bar Harbor. To Leeds Junction via Brunswick. Pares Miles $0.70* Brunswick (Junct), 30 0.90* Lisbon Falls, 37 1.00* Lisbon, 41 1.10* Crowley's, 44 To Farmington via Danville and Leeds Junctions. Fares Miles $1.00 Woolwich, 39 1.05 Nequasset, 42 1.15 Westport, 46 1.25* Wiscasset (junc). 49 1.30* South Newcastle, 52 1.45* Newcastle and Damai iscotta, (stmr.), 56 1.50* Damariscotta Mills, 58 1.55 Nobleboro, 61 1.60 Muscongus Bay, 62 1.65 Winslow's Mills, 63 1.70* Waldoboro, 67 ""ares Miles 1.15* Lewiston, 49 1.15* Sabattus, 49 1.15* Leeds Junction, 47 Pares Miles $1.25* Curtis' Corner, 51 1.30* Leeds Center, 54 1.40* No. Leeds (stages), 57 1.45* Strickland's Perry, (stage to Brettun's Mills), 59 1.50 East Livermore, 62 1.65* Livermore Palls, 66 1.65* Chisholm's Mills, 67 Pares Miles $1.70* Jay, 69 1.80* No. Jay, 1.85* Wilton (stage), 1.95* East Wilton, 2.05* West Farmington, 2.05* Farmington (Sandy River R. R. for Phillips and Range- ley Lakes), 72 76 78 82 S3 Pares $0.70* Brunswick, 0.75 Topsham, To Skowhegan, Belfast, Dexter and Bangor. Miles Pares 30 $1.40* Gardiner (stage), SI 1.50* Hallowell, Miles 56 61 MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL Farea Miles Fares Miles 0.90* Bowdoinham, ^il 1.55* Augusta (stages). G3 1.00 Harward's Road, 11 1.75* Riverside, 70 1.10* Richmond (stages), 15 1.85* Vassalboro (stages). 74 1.15* Iceboro, 48 2.00 Winslow, 81 1.20 Dresden, 49 2.05* Waterville, 82 1.30* So. Gardiner, 52 UPPER ROUTE, VIA AUBURN AND LEWISTON. From Portland. Fares Miles $0.25* Cumberland June, 11 0.35 Walnut Hill (No. Yarmouth), 15 | 0.50* Gray, 20 0.60 New Gloucester, 25 0.65 Rowes, 27 0.75* Danville Junction, (*Poland Spring), 30 0.80* Rumford June, 32 0.90* Auburn (stages). 35 0.90* Lewiston, 36 1.05* Greene, 44 1.15* Leeds Junction, 47 Fares $1.25* Monmouth, 1.30 Annabessacook, 1.35* Winthrop, 1.45* Maranacook, 1.50* Readfleld (stages), 1.70* Belgrade (stages), 1.85 Lakeside, 1.85* No. Belgrade (stage daily to Smithfield), 1.95* Oakland (June. Somerset Ry-), 2.05* Waterville (stages). Miles 50 53 56 59 61 69 74 74 78 84 Skowhegan. Fares Miles $2.05* Waterville, S4 2.10* Fairfield (stage daily for East Benton and Albion), 87 2.15 Shawmut, 90 Fares $2.25 Good Will Farm, 2.30* Hinckley, 2.50* Skowhegan, (stages). Miles 93 95 103 To Belfast, Dexter, and Bangor, Fares $2.05* Waterville, 2.10 Benton (Fairfield), Fares $2.35* Burnham (June), 2.45 Winnecook, Miles 82 85 Miles 96 100 2.55* Unity (stage line daily to Fares Miles $2.25* Clinton, 91 2.35* Burnham (June), 96 ilfast. Fares Miles $2.75 Knox, 111 2.90* Brooks (stage daily for Mon- roe), 117 MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL Fares Miles Troy and Dixmont), 104 2.65* Thorndike (stage daily to Freedom and Montville), lOS Fares Miles $2.35* Burnham (June), 96 2.55* Pittsfield (June. S. & M. R.), 103 Fares Miles $2.70* Newport (June, stage), 110 2.90* Corinna, 117 To Bangor. Fares Miles Fares $2.70* Newport (June), 110 $3.05* 2.80* East Newport (stage daily to Plymouth and North Dix- mont), 113 2.95* Etna (stage daily to Stetson and Exeter), 118 Fares Miles 3.00 Waldo, 122 3.15 City Point, 127 3.20* Belfast (steamers), 129 and Bangor. Fares Miles $2.65 Detroit, 107 2.70* Newport (June.), 110 Bxt6r> Fares Miles $3.10* Dexter (stage). 125 3.45* Dover and Foxcroft, (B. & A. R. R.), 140 3.15* 3.25=' 3.30 Miles Carmel (stage daily to Ken- duskeag), 122 Hermon Pond, 127 Hermon Center, 130 Northern Maine June, 132 3.40* Bangor (stages), 137 Mount Desert Branch. Fares from Miles from Portland Bangor * Bangor. $3.45 Brewer Junction, 3.70* Holden. 4.10 Ellsworth Falls, 4.15* Ellsworth, 4.20 Washington Junction, (Wash. Co. Ry.), Fares from Portland Bangor. $3.45 Brewer Junction, 3 11 28 30 32 Bucksport Branch. Miles from Bangor Fares from Miles from Portland Bangor $4.30* Franklin Road, S6 4.40* Hancock, 40 4.45 Waukeag (Ferry to Sullivan), 41 4.50 Mt. Desert Ferry, 43 5.00* Bar Harbor (Ferry steamer), 53 Fares from Miles from Portland Bangor $3.65 South Orrington, 10 3.75 North Bucksport, 13 MAINE REFEBENCE MANUAL Fares 3.50* 3.55 3.60 3.60 Fares $0.90* 0.95* 1.00* 1.10* 1.25* 1.35* South Brewer, No. Orrington, Pierce's Crossing, Orrington, Miles 4 6 7 S Fares Miles 3.80 Bucksport Center, 15 3.85 Chipman's Crossing, 17 3.90* Bucksport (stages), 20 RANGELEY DIVISION. From Portland. Elniwood Farm, Poland Springs Sta., Poland (stage). Mechanic Falls, West Minot (stage daily Hebron Academy), E. Hebron, 1.90 Rileys, 1.95* Jay Bridge, 1.80* Gilbertville, 1.90* East Peru, 1.95 Peru (stage). $2.30 Hale, 2.40 Frye, 2.65 Roxbury, 2.75 Byron, 2.90 Houghton, Miles Pares 37 $1.45* 38 40 44 to 1.55* •19 . 53 1.60* 1.75* 1.85 75 2.00 78 2.00 71 2.05* 75 77 2.15* 90 3.40 92 3.65 96 3.75 101 3.90 105 Local Telegraph connecting with WHITE MOUNTAINS Miles Buckfield (stages daily for No. Buckfield, W. Sumner, Chase's Mills, Turner and Turner Village), E. Sumner (stage daily for Sumner and Redding), Hartford, Canton (stage to Britton's Mills, Meadow River, Chisholm, Livermore, Dixfield and West Peru stages), Rumford Falls, (stages). Summit, Bemis (steamers), South Rangeley, (steamers), Oquossoc (stmrs.), W. U. Telegraph Co. DIVISION. 57 62 64 G9 73 SO 80 81 85 111 113 120 123 From Portland. Fares $0.10* Cumberland Mills (June. & M. R. R.), 0.25* South Windham, 0.30* Newhall, 0.35* White Rock (stage), 0.40* Sebago Lake, (steamers), Miles B. 6 11 12 14 17 Fares Miles $2.20* Crawford House, AVhite Mountains, 85 2.35* Breton Woods, (junc. Mt. Wash- ington Ry., summer), 89 2.35* Fabyan House, White Moun- tains. 90 MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL Fares 0.50 0.60* 0.65* 0.80* 0.S5* 0.90* 0.90* 1.10* 1.25* 1.35* 1.40* 1.50* $1.55' 1.60* 1.75* 1.90* 1.95 2.10 Miles 21 Richville, Steep Falls (stage), Mattocks (stages), Cornish (stages), West Baldwin, Bridgton Junction, Hiram, Brownfield (stage), Fryetaurg, Conway Center, N. H., Redstone, North Conway, N. H., (stages) 60 '■ Intervale (June. B. & M. R. R.), Glen and Jackson Station (stages in summer to Jack- son), Bartlett, Sawyer's River, Bemis, Willey House, 62 Fares Miles 2.95* Littleton, N. H., B. & M. R. R., 107 3.25* Lisbon, N. H., B. &. M. R. R., 118 3.43* Bath, N. H., B. &. M. R. R., 123 3.58* Wells' River, Vt., 130 4.93* Montpelier, Vt., via M & W. R. R. R., 168 2.45* Twin Mountain House, 94 2.65 Quebec Junction, 100 2.70 Hazens Junction, 101 2.75* Whitefleld, 104 $2.90* Scott's Junction, 107 2.95* Lunenburg (June.) 110 3.61* St. Johnsbury, Vt., 131 4.71 Newport, 173 7.50 Montreal, 286 4.65* Hardwick, Vt., 165 5.16* Hyde Park, Vt., 182 5.30* Johnson, Vt., 187 5.54* Cambridge Jc, Vt. 195 6.48* Swanton, Vt., 226 QUEBEC DIVISION. From Portland. Fares Miles Fares Miles $2.65 Quebec Junction, 100 $4.30* Beecher Falls, 155 2.75 Jefferson Junction, 102 4.30* Hereford, 155 2.80 Baileys, 105 4.45* East Hereford, 159 2.90 Riverton, 108 4.55* Paquetteville, 163 3.00* Lancaster, 112 4.75* Malvina, 169 3.05 Coos Junction, 113 4.75 Auckland, 171 3.20* Guildhall, 118 4.85* St. Malo, 173 3.25 Stevens, 121 5.00 Clifton, 179 3.40* Maidstone, 124 5.15* Sawyerville, 184 3.50 Mason's, 127 5.25 Eaton Corner, 187 3.65* North Stratford, 132 5.35* Cookshire June, 191 7.50 Montreal, 295 5.60 Brookbury, 199 3.70 Georges, 136 5.75* Dudswell Junction, (June. MAINE KEFERENCE MANUAL Fares 3.80 Cone's, 3.90 Columbia Bridge, 4.00* Colebrook (stage). Miles 139 141 145 4.15* West Stewartstown, (stage), 153 Fares Mile.s Quebec Cent. Ry.), 204 5.85 Dominion, 206 5.90* Lime Ridge and Marbleton, 208 8.50 Quebec, P. Q., 320 EASTERN DIVISION. From Portland. 3.65 3.70 3.75 3.85 4.00 Fares $3.50 Veazie, 3.60 Basin Mills, 3.60 *Orono, 3.60 Webtser, * Great Works, *01d Town, Milford, *Costigan, ^Greenbush, 4.10 *01amon, 4.20 *Passadumkeag, 4.30 *Enfield, 4.55 *Lincoln, 4.60 Lincoln Center, 4.80 *Winn, 4.85 *Mattawamkeag, 5.05 *Kingman, 5.30 *WytopitIock, 5.40 *Bancroft, 5.60 *Danforth, 5.75 *Eaton, Milefi 141 145 145 146 148 150 ■ 150 155 160 164 168 172 182 183 193 195 203 213 216 225 230 Ry. c. Fares $5.85 *Forest, 5.95 Tomah, 6.15 *Lambert Lake, 6.25 *Vanceboro, 6.50 *McAdam June, C. P 8.15 *Houlton, C. P. Ry., 8.15 *Woodstock, C. P. Ry., 7.60 *St. Stephen (Calais), Ry., 7.90 *St. Andrews, C. P. Ry., 9.80 Aroostook, C. P. Ry., 10.00 *Ft. Fairfield, C. P. Ry., 10.30 *Caribou, C. P. Ry., 10.55 *Presque Isle, C. P. Ry., 10.30 *Grand Falls, C. P. Ry., 10.60 *St. Leonards, C. P. Ry., 11.30 *Edmunston, C. P. Ry., 7.75 *Fredericton June, C. P. 8.45 *Fredericton, C. P. Ry., 8.50 ♦P't. John, N. B., C. P. Ry, 15.95 *Halifax (all rail route), Miles 235 239 246 251 257 300 308 P. 293 299 362 370 381 396 381 393 419 Ry., 296 318 311 617 SOMERSET RAILWAY (M. C. R. R.) Geo. F. Evans, Portland, Vice-President; Lucius Tuttle, Boston, President W. M. Ayer, Oakland, Supt. Postal Tel. Cable con. From Portland. Fares $1.95* Oakland, R. R., Me Miles Fares Central $3.00* Solon, 78 3.20* Bingham, Miles 111 119 MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL Faxes Miles 2.40* Norridgewock, !)0 2.60* Madison and Anson, (elec- tric railway to Skowhegan), 98 2.75* No. Anson, 102 2.90* Embden Chas. lOS Fares 4.15 4.60* 4.80 4.95* 5.20 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. M. Hays, Montreal, Second Vice-President and General Manager Connects in Portland with Railroads and Boats to Boston. Canadian Express to all Stations. From Portland. Lake Moxie, Indian Pond, Marks, Somerset June, Kineo Station, Miles 143 154 159 163 169 Fares $0.20* Falmouth, 0.35* Cumberland, 0.35* Yarmouth, 0.35* Yarmouth June. R.), 0.50* No. Yarmouth, 0.60* Pownal, Miles (M. C. R. $0.90 Auburn (Branch), 34% 0.90 Empire Road, o3 1.10* Mechanic Falls, 36 1.45* Norway (Branch) (stage), 48 1.70* West Paris (stage), 55 1.90* Bryant's Pond, (stage), 62 2.50* Gilead, 80 2.70* Shelburne, 86 2.90* Gorham (stage), 91 3.10* Berlin Falls (stage), 98 3.90* Groveton, 122 4.30* No. Stratford, 134 Fares $0.60* Miles New Gloucester, (stage daily to Upper and West Glou- cester, and No. Raymond), 22 0.75* Danville Junction, (M. C. R. R.), (stage to Poland Spring), 27 0.85* Lewiston Junction, (stage to Poland Spring), 29% $0.90* Lewiston, 35% 1.20* Oxford (stage daily to Casco, Naples, and Otisfleld), 41 1.40* So. Paris (stage), 47 2.00* Locke's Mills, 65 2.20* Bethel (stage), 70 2.30* West Bethel, 74 4.80* Island Pond, Vt., (stage), 149 7.50* Montreal, Canada, 297 8.50* Quebec, 317 16.75* Detroit, 861 BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD. Lucius Tuttle, Boston, President; W. F. Berry, Boston, Second Vice-Presi- dent and Gen. Traffic Mngr. Connects at Portland with all trains on the Maine Central and Grand Trunk Railroads, also with all Steamers running to and from Portland. American Express to all Stations. * Denotes offices of the Great North Western Telegraph Co. MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL WESTERN DIVISION. William Merritt, Boston, Supt.; Chas. A. Messer, Boston, Asst. Supt. From Portland. Fares Miles Fares * Maine Central R. R. June, 1 $1.23* $0.15* Scarboro Beach, GV2 1.30* 0.20* Pine Point, 9% $1.40* 0.25* Old Orchard Beach (fOr 1.50* chard Beach R. R. con nects), 11% 1.55* $0.33* Saco, 15% 1.65* 0.33* Biddeford, 161/4 1.65* 0.45 Arundel, 231/4 0.50* Kennebunic ( * Kennebunk- port Branch connects), 25'/. 1.75* 0.58 The Elms, 28% 0.60* Wells Beach, 301/4 1.80* 0.75* North Berwick, (stage), 37% 0.88* South Berwick, 431/3 1.85* 0.S8* Salmon Falls and So. Ber 1.90 wick, 44 1.93* 0.95* Somersworth, (Great Falls) 471/^ 0.97* Dover, branch for Rochester , 1.95 Alton Bay, Wolfboro, and 2.08* Center Harbor, 48 2.13* 1.03 Madtaury. 1.08* Durham, 54 2.16* 1.18* Newmarket, 58 2.21* 1.20* Rockingham June, connects 2.26* for Manchester and Con - 2.30* Miles Newfields, 61 Exeter, 65 East Kingston, 70 Newton Junction, connects for West Amesbury, 7414 Plaistow, 78 Haverhill, 82% Bradford, connects for Georgetown and Newbury- port, 82% No. Andover, connects for Salem, 87% Lawrence, connects for Con- cord, and Manchester, 89% Andover, 92i^ Ballardvale, 95 Lowell Junction, connects for Lowell, 95% Wilmington June, 97% Reading (limited $2.25), 103 1^ Wakefield June, connects for Salem, 106 Melrose, 108% Maiden, 110% Somerville, 113% Boston, 115% fOrchard Beach R. R. runs from Old Orchard Beach to S'aco River, thence connecting v.ith steamers for Biddeford Pool. Length 3% miles. EASTERN DIVISION. Winslow T. Perkins, Boston, Supt.; Henry Scannell, Boston, Asst. Supt. MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL From Portland. Fares $0.15 0.20 0.33* 0.33* 0.53* 0.65* 0.75* 0.85 0.90 1.00* 1.15 1.15* 1.28 1.30* 1.36* 1.40 1.44* Miles Scarborough (Oak Hill), 5.8 West Scarborough, 8.8 Saco, 131/2 Biddebord, 14i^ West Kennebunk, 23 Wells, 281/2 North Berwick, 33.8 Agamenticus, 38 14 Conway Junction, Northern Dlv.), 41 Eliot, 45 Kittery Junction, (York Harbor & Beach R. R. connects), 50^^ Portsmouth P. & D. R. R.), 51 1/0 Greenland, 57 North Hampton, 59% Hampton, 61.8 Hampton Falls, 64 Seabrook), 65% Fares $1.50* 1.55* 1.70* 1.75* 1.85* 1.90* 1.95* 2.00* 2.05* 2.10* 2.10 2.19 2.22* 2.25* 2.26* 2.30* Salisbury, Newburyport, (Junction Amesbury Branch), Rowley, Ipswich, Wenham (Junction Essex Branch), No. Beverly, Miles 69 of 71 77 80 y2 851/2 871/a Beverly (Junction Gloucester Branch), Salem (Junction), Swampscott, Lynn, West Lynn, Revere, Chelsea, Everett, Somerville, Boston, 90 92 95 y2 96.8 97.6 102 103.7 105 106.8 108 WORCESTER, NASHUA AND PORTLAND DIVISION. Wm. R. Mooney, Nashua, Supt.; H. W. Davis, Nashua, Asst. Supt. Station foot of Preble Street. From Portland. Fares Miles Fares Miles $0.05 *Woodfords, 11/2 $0.75 *Sanford and Springvale, $0.05 *Deering June, (June. M. C. (stage). 36 R. R.), 21/2 0.88 Eastwood (East Lebanon), 0.13 *Cumberland Mills (June.) , 5 (stage). 43 0.15 *Westbrook, 6 1.00 *East Rochester (N. H.), 49 0.23 *Gorham (stages). 10 1.08 ♦Rochester, 52 0.33 Buxton, 15 1.48 *Epping, 73 0.38 *Bar Mills (stages) 18 1.85 *Windham, 90 0.40 Bradbury, 201/2 2.05 *Nashua, 101 0.52 *East Waterboro, (stage). 25 2.40 *Ayer, 119 MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL Fares Miles 0.60 So. Waterboro, (stages), 28 0.65 *Alfred, 32 Fares 2.63 *Clinton, 2.70 Sterling June, 2.94 *Worcester, Miles 130 135 147 BRIDGTON AND SACO RIVER RAILROAD. J. A. Bennett, Bridgton, President, General Manager, General Ticket and Freight Agent. Connects with M. C. R. R. at Bridgton June. American Express to all points. Opened January 29, 1883. Fares Bridgton June, $1.40 Perley's Mills, 1.45 Ingall's Road, 1.55 Sandy Creek, From Portland. Miles Fares 36 $1.60* Bridgton, 45 1.75 No. Bridgton, (stmr, 461/2 Naples), 50 1.80 Harrison (stage). Miles 52 to 56 57 WISCASSET, WATERVILLE AND FARMINGTON RAILROAD. Carson C. Peck, New York, President; Wm. D. Patterson, Wiscasset, Trea.s- urer; S^. J. Sewall, Wiscasset, General Manager and Ticket Agent. Connects with M. C. R. R. at Wiscasset and Winslow and with steamer at Wiscasset for Boothbay and Islands. From Wiscasset. Fares $0.20 0.40 0.60 0.75 1.20 1.25 1.20 1.25 Sheepscot, Head Tide, Whitefield, North Whitefield, (stage). South China, East Vassalboro, Newell's Corner, Palermo (stage). lilss Fares Miles 4.8 $0.90 Cooper's Mills, (stage). 20.4 9.1 1.00 Maxcy's Mills, 23.0 13.3 1.00 Windsor, 24.0 17.4 1.10 Weeks' Mills, 28.2 31.5 1.30 North Vassalboro, 39.1 36.5 1.35 Winslow (stage). 42.7 29.0 1.35 China, 38.0 32.9 1.50 Albion, 43.5 WASHINGTON COUNTY RAILWAY. Lucius Tuttle, Boston, Pres. ; Geo. F. Evans, Portland, Vice Pres.; F. E. Boothby, Portland, Gen. Pass. Agent. Connecting with M. C. R. R. at Washington Junction. MAINE EEFERENCE MANUAL From Portland (Limited). Fares Mile.s $4.20* Washington June, 169 4.50* Franklin (stage), 179 4.75 Tunk Pond, 186 4.95* Unionville (stage). 194 5.10* Cherryfleld (stage). 198 5.20 Dormans, 202 5.25* Harrington, (stage). 204 5.35* Columbia (stage), 208 5.45* Columbia Falls, (stages), 211 Eastport Fares Miles $6.90* Pembroke, 259 7.00* Perry (stage). 264 6.90 Charlotte, 258 Princetor Fares Miles $7.10 Baring (stage), 269 7.30* Woodland, 275 7.00* Milltown, 269 Fares $5.60 Jonesboro, 5.85* Whitneyville, 5.95* Machias (stages), 6.00 Machiasport, 6.05* East Machias, (stage), 6.10 Jacksonville, 6.45 Marion, 6.60* Dennysville, 6.80* Ayer's Junction, (stage), Fares $7.00 Pleasant Point, 7.00* Eastport (stmrs.), 7.00 St. Croix Junction, Fares $7.45 Baileyville, 7.55* Princeton (stage), 7.00* Calais (stage), SANDY RiVER RAILROAD. Weston Lewis, Gardiner, President; F. N. Beal, Phillips, Supt. From Portland via Leeds Junction. Fares Miles Fares $2.05* Farmington, 83 $2.65* Strong, 2.20 No. Farmington, 86 3.05* Phillips, 2.55 So. Strong, 91 Miles 215 223 227 229 231 233 244 249 255 Miles 266 271 267 Miles 281 285 271 Miles 94 101 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Sir W. C. Van Home, K. C. M. G., Montreal, Chairman of the Board. From Mattawamkeag, Fares $0.30 Chester, 0.85 Seboeis, 1.70 Brownville June, Miles Fares $4.35 Long Pond, 4.65 Jackman, 5.15 Holeb, 43 Miles 109 117 130 MAINE EEFERENCE MANUAL Fares Miles Fares Miles 2.45 Onawa, CI 5.60 Lowelltown, 141 3.05 Greenville June, 77 5.80 Boundary, 144 3.50 Moosehead, ?7 6.40 Lake Megantic, 161 3.80 Askwlth, 95 From Vanceboro. Fares Miles Pares Miles $0.25 McAdam Junction, 6 $4.05 Grand Palls, 131 1.60 Debec Junction, 46 5.05 Edmundston, 170 1.90 Houlton, 54 1.35 St. Stephen, (Calais), 40 1.90 Woodstock, 57 1.65 St. Andrews, 48 3.55 Aroostook June, 112 2.20 Predericton, 68 3.75 Port Fairfield, 119 2.75 St. John, 91 3.80 Caribou, 131 3.80 Presque Isle, 146 PHILLIPS, RANGELEY, MADRID AND EUSTIS RAILROADS. Seth M. Carter, Lewiston, Receiver; D. P. Field, Phillips, Treas. and Gen. Pass., Freight and Ticket Agt.; P. A. Lawton, Phillips, Supt. From Portland. Pares $3.05* Phillips, 3.75 Madrid, 3.30 Reeds Mill, 3.40 Sanders Mill, 3.50* Redington Mills, 3.95 Eustis Junction, Miles 101 106 108 111 117 124 Pares Miles K-30 Green's Farm (stages Stratton, Eustis and the Dead River region), 134 4.95 Dead River, 126 4.55* Rangeley, 130 YORK HARBOR AND BEACH RAILROAD. Lucius Tuttle, Boston, President; D. J. Flanders, Boston, Pass, Traffic Mngr. From Kittery Junction. Pares $0.05 Kittery Navy Yard, 0.09 Kittery Point, 0.15 Bedell's Crossing, 0.18 Oakland Farm, 0.21 Seabury, Miles Pares 1 $0.27 York Harbor, 3 0.30 Long Beach, 5 0.35 Ocean Side, 6 0.35 York Beach, 7 Miles 9 10 11 11 MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL FRANKLIN AND MEGANTIC RAILWAY. J, S. Maxcy, Gardiner, President; Orris M. Vose, Kingfield, Supt. Connects at Strong, Me., with Sandy River R. R. From Portland. Fares $2.65* Strong, 2.80 West Freeman, 2.90 Hillside, 3.00 Summit, 3.05 S'alem, 3.15 Mt. Abram June, Mt. Abram, Miles 94 97 ?9 100 102 104 106 Fares Miles $3.25 North Freeman, 106 3.40 Kingfield, 109 3.65 Sanfords, 115 3.80 Hammondfield, 118 3.90 Carrabassett, (stage), 119 3.40 Bigelow (stage), 125 SEBASTICOOK AND MOOSEHEAD RAILROAD. W. J. Hayes, Cleveland, Ohio, President; A. B. Thompson, Pittsfield, General Man. and Treas. Farea *Pittsfield. $0.25 Palmyra, 0.40 Hartland (stage). Miles 4 8 Fares $0.65 Mainstream, (stages). Miles 15 Fares $0.15 The Kilns. 0.30 South Union. GEORGES VALLEY RAILROAD. James Mitchell, Union, Pres. and Manager From Warren. Miles Fares $0.40 Union (stage). Miles BANGOR AND AROOSTOOK. F. W. Cram, Bangor, President; Percy R. Todd, Bangor, Vice-President. f Denotes offices of the Northern Telegraph Co. American Express to all points. From Portland. Fares Miles *Bangor, 136.6 $3.45 *01d Town, (stage), 149.2 3.45 South Lagrange, 155.8 Fares $3.457*Pea Cove, 3.451 Alton (stage), 3.90 Winterport, Miles 153.7 157.6 141.4 MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL Fares 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.30 3.85 Miles Fares Bradford, Hudson, Glenburn, North Bangor, Northern Maine June, Hampden, 3.45-j- Liagrange, (stages), 152.2 4.05 147.1 4.30 140.0 4.35 136.8 4.45 131.3 4.55 136.5 4.60 159.3 3.45 Frankfort, Prospect, Sandy Point, Stockton, Kidders Point Dock, Searsport, Boyd Lake, 3.45J Milo June, Moosehead Lake Division. Fares Miles $3.45t Milo June, (stage), 167.5 3.45t St. Sebec (stage), 173.3 3.45t East Dover, 178.0 3.45f Dover and Foxcroft, 181.0 3.70 Low's Bridge, 185.4 3.75t Sangerville, 187.7 3.55t Milo, 168.9 3.75f*Brownville, 173.4 4.35 Katahdin Iron Works, 186.3 4.00 Brownville June, 176.9 4.20 Schoodic, 184.2 4.55 West Seboeis, 192.4 4.85t Norcross, 201.1 S.OOf Millinocket, (stage), 206.5 5.30 Grindstone, 215.4 5.70 Stacyville, 226.7 5.90 Sherman (stage), 230.5 6.25 Patten (stage), 237.2 6.10 Crystal (stage), 235.8 6.25 Island Falls, 241.6 6.50 Dyer Brook, 248.1 6.60 Oakfield (stage), 250.4 6.60 *Ashland June, 251.4 6.80 Ludlow (stage), 257.3 6.90 New Limerick, 261.7 7.10 Gary's Mills, 265.8 7.10 Houlton (stage), 267.7 7.50 Littleton, 275.9 Fares $3.80t Guilford (stage), 3.95f Abbot Village, (stage), 4.05 Monson June, 4.30 Blanchard, 4.60 Shirley, 4.95J Greenville, 6.60 *Ashland June, 6.70 jSmyrna Mills, Dudley, 7.20* Weeksboro, 7.40 Howe Brook, 7.90 Griswold, 8.25* Masardis (stage), 8.45 Squa-Pan, 8.60 Ashland, 9.20 Portage, 9.65 Winchell, 9.85 McNally, 10.05 Winterville, 10.35 Eagle Lake, 11.60 Wallagrass, (stage), 11.10 Fort Kent, (stage), 8.10 Bridgewater, 8.20 *Robinsons, 8.35 Mars Hill and Blaine, 8.50t Westfield, 8.65 Fort Fairfield Junction, Miles 145.0 150.1 153.8 157.0 159.0 160.6 161.9 167.5 Miles 188.7 192.0 194.8 202.7 209.3 216.3 251.4 253.2 256.5 263.0 266.7 276.2 283.9 287.7 294.1 305.8 314.6 318.9 322.5 328.9 333.7 346.2 291.2 294.9 298.1 303.0 307.7 MAINE REFERENCE MANUAL Fares Miles 7.65 Monticello, 280.1 8.80 Easton (stage), 311.4 8.80 Fairmount, 314.4 8.65 Fort Fairfield Junction, 307.7 8.80 Presque Isle, (stage), 313.3 8.80 Caribou (stage), 328.0 8.80 Caribou, 328.0 9.15* New Sweden, (stage), 337.2 9.35 Jemtland, 341.9 KENNEBEC CENTRAL RAILROAD. Weston Lewis, Gardiner, Pres. ; F. A. Lawton, Gardiner, Supt. Farrington, Gardiner, Treas. From Randolph to National Soldiers' Home, |Togus, 5 miles. Fares Miles 8.80 Maple Grove, 316.8 8.80 Fort Fairfield 320.9 8.95 Grimes Mill, 332.2 9.10 Goodrich, 337.8 9.30 Limestone, (stage). 343. S 9.45 Stockholm, (s tage). 344.6 10.05* Van Buren, ( stage). 361.1 Geo. A. c at lowest possible cash prices. Stock moves fast, always fresh and up-to-date E. H. JENKINS Under Cony House Augusta, Maine JOHN COUGHLIN DRUGGIST Pure Drugs and Medicines, Choice Toilet Articles, Dainty Perfumes, Prescriptions Carefully Compounded, prices con- sistent with good goods WEST END KENNEBEC BRIDGE AUGUSTA, ME. THE REXALL STORE DON'T BUY A DON'T SELL A until you have seen us. Our terras for selling are most reas- onable, our listing blanks are free. Write us a description of your farm and price and we will tell you what we can do for you. Our big: illustrated catalogue free and no oue should buy a farm until they have seen a copy. We can save you money W. D. HUTCHINS CO. Augusta Trust Block Augusta, Maine Go to For Ice Cream and Confectionery 197 Water Street Phone 216-2 C. BRYANT DENTIST 222 WATER ST. AUGUSTA, ME. Dr. J. A. Anderson DENTIST OVER MERSEY'S SHOE STORE Augusta, Maine Anson Morrill GotltlartI COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC 277 WATER STREET AUGUSTA, - - - - MAINE E. M. TOMPSON Attorney-at-Lazv Tel. 434-12 207 Water St. Augusta, Me. UNITED STATES DEPOSFTARX Augusta Gapitai $250,000.00 Has SAVINGS DEPARTMENT in which it pays — SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES given protection of our MASSIVE STEEL VAULT at trifhng cost to you Correspondence Invited CHARLES S. HIGHBORN, Pres., T. A. COOPER, Cashier. M. L. WHEELER JEWELER We carry a full line of Watches, Cut Glass, Sterlinj>; Silver- ware, etc. We are doing business to make monej but we are in no hurry. Our prices are as low as can be made for the goods you need. We want you to inspect our stock whether you buy or not. Call on us when in Augusta 203 WATER ST. AUGUSTA, ME. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Probate and General Practice FRANK G. FARRSNGTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 191 WATER STREET AUGUSTA, MAINE Prompt attention given to Collections Special attention given to Titles and Conveyancing E. J. ROBERTS, D. D. S. DENTIST 242 WATER ST., AUGUSTA, ME. Do not buy your WALL PAPER until you see for yourself that we have the largest and most complete line in Kennebec County. PRICES RIGHT We also carry Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Paints, Varnishes, etc. Awnings made to order. We will take your old carpets and make them into beautiful rugs. TROUANT & BATES 253 Water St. AUGUSTA, MAINE A STATE SECRET Why we are able to save you from f 3.00 to $5.00 on a Suit or Overcoat. It is our spot cash system of buying and selling. We are satisfied with a small profit on each sale. You do not have to help pay for some one's poor bills. H. G. BARKER CO. [^ U ■X'Jb'X^'VJbJJtCS TWO STORES OPl». CONY HOUSE AUGUSTA 235 Water Street, GARDINER, MAINE WHEN YOU WANT PRINTiNG DONE QUICKLY AND DONE WELL Write or Telephone the Kennebec Journal Office Augusta They have unusual faciHties and make a specialty of hurry-up work. If you get your printing done at the Ken- nebec Journal Office, you are sure of its being done right and on time Burleigh & Flynt Publishers Kennebec yournal Augusta, - - - Maine. INGRAHAM, PIERCE CO. The new Clothiers ana Furnishers^ in the Store formerly occupied by Nason the Tailor. Look them up, they have the kind of goods you want and their prices are right. Strouse & Bros, famous Clothing is on their count- ers. No better headquart- ers for Custom Made Clothing that fit your body at prices that fit your pock- etbook, they are bound to satisfy you. New Goods, no Old Stock. Opposite American Express Offfce THE MOUNT VERNON and READFIELD REGISTER 1908 You are cordial- ly invited to make ""'^^' our store your head- quarters, when in j^,p^^' r'^^sv^. / the city, you will al- J\ ^%# ways find a hearty welcome whether you wish to buy goods or not. A BIG NEW STOCK Ir ^ A CLEAN LITTLE STORE ^^ Company Men's Clothiers ^ Hatters and \^ I Outfitters ^m 238 Water Street corvucHT. IIOI. «v J^^ Augusta, Mame DRESS AS WELL AS YOU CAN It paya to dreaH well, and no aan can plead as an excuse for not doing so that he cannot afford it, for we offer the elea;ant garments of latest make at prices within the reach of all who care for good clothes. Come in and try on some of the new styles Notice how nicely they fit, how styl- ishly they are cut and how well they are made. The best work on them is hidden from view, but it is there and wear will prove it. You can dress as well as any- body if you will adopt our style of clothing. There is no better to be had-We can say that of our own knowledge^, r F? RiinnPAiT under hotel north V^. r. DH^\JUC./\U nygusTA, . MAINE Men's Boys' and Children's CLOTHING Largest Stock Lowest Prices Reliable Goods We are heagit/uarters for Men's and Women's Fur Coats and probably carry the largest stock in Kennebec County, All grades from the cheapest to the best. Hats Caps, Shirts, Neckwear and Hosiery in the latest designs at popular pricesm E* E* Davis & Co* Leading Glotliiers, Hatters, and Furriers Under Cony House Augusta, Me. LIBRARY CONGRESS