z> DEC 31 1920 I 'Kjsvu Ua/X^uxyvC^U Oa. To the Mother of Jesus, I dedicate these poems, in grateful, loving ap- preciation of the priceless graces she has obtained for me. DOLOROSA A Sister of Mercy COPYRIGHTED 1920 §)CI.A6Q5453 Vpwft'* MmwamB MERCY Many the acts of tender care, Each one is a gentle prayer; Rising from flowers of mercy and love, Culled in the Master's garden above, Yet lowly, and oh, so fair. HEART'S EASE Did you ever find them Sweet flowers fragrant true; Growing by the wayside 'Midst the thorns for you? And how oft their sweetness Made you e'er forget, Something of the sorrows Of the trials that you met. Thank the Master for them Bless His loveing care, For these lovely messengers That greet you everywhere. SUNSET HOUR daddy when the sunset's glow Is tingeing earth with colors bright, My thoughts my heart go turning home And rest again with you tonight. Over the hills dear daddy, So silently now you sleep ; There where the wild flowers ever bloom And grasses wave so deep. Over the hills I wander, Beside you in spirit to rest ; And daddy my heart finds comfort In this hour I love the best. HEARTS AND FLOWERS Dear little flowers faded and old Yet the thoughts they bring to me, Of hearts that I love, now silent and still In the sleep of Eternity. THE CALL Out of the silent dusk, A message pure and clear, Calling a loving heart From friends and home so dear. Brave soldier lad we love you Wherever you are tonight ; Be it deep in the crowded city Or 'neath the stars so bright. Remember that we are thinking We're praying each hour for you, And we're proud of our soldier boy And his loyal heart so true. VOWS ETERNAL Remember that He has claimed you, That you are His Own forever, Spouse of the King, Whom the Angels serve Sweet bond that death cannot sever. THE ECHO OF MY HEART Somewhere I know dearest heart The same stars shining bright ; Are breathing o'er you lovingly A watchful care tonight. Somewhere the same bright morning sun That wakens me each day; Is shining too on one I love In distant climes away. Some day the battle's din and roar Must cease and then dear heart, I know not how or when or where. We meet no more to part. THE BUGLE'S LAST FAREWELL Bugles are blowing softly Their notes are pure and clear; How tenderly, sweetly they're telling Of hearts that we hold so dear. Still are the hearts so merry For love of their country true ; Steadfast and brave and loyal To the call of the Red, White and Blue. Bugles are blowing now sadly Yet unanswered their call must be For the soldier boys sleep so silently now Whose lives were given for thee. Just sleeping they wait for the bugle Shall waken each loving heart ; And then shall we know our own again, Shall know them and never part. REST Only to kneel before Thy throne, There falteringly to plead; Only to tell how this heart of mine Doth daily toil and bleed. Only to feel Thy own dear heart Doth know and care for me ; Only to rest, dear Jesus, With Thee eternally. OUR LADY OF PEACE Sweetly there echoes o'er valley and plain The beautiful message of peace; No more shall we feel the anger of God, The turmoil of battle shall cease. Ave Maria, sweet Lady of Peace Blest be thou, Virgin fair ; Joyously now the angels sing, And intone our hearts grateful prayer. MOTHER LOVE I knew not what this gift divine Had ever meant to me ; Until I heard the Master's call And sped away from thee. I know it now this gift sublime That wakens in my heart ; Fond dreams of her, from whom I thought That I should never part. Each day it grows more beautiful And oft so oft I pray ; The One Who gave this love to me Shall all her love repay. MODELED OF CLAY You formed and fashioned it, Master, From out of the worthless clay; Your will alone was it's being; Forth to the light of day. You knew it was frail and changing, And subject to death and still You blessed it with Your Image, Which should remain, until This being of Your creation To repay Your love should return ; Either to bless and love its God Or else His love to spurn. Devoid in itself of beauty Till You placed Your impress there ; It left you a thing of beauty Chastened and pure and fair. Shall it return as you sent it Forth to existence below, Or shall it of sin's awfulness And deadly potion know? Remember you formed and fashioned it Your masterwork ever as such, May it remain responsive To the Master Artist's touch. Modeled of clay, yet sinless Forever in time may it be, 'Till it meets again its Artist And rests in Eternity. TEMPEST OF THE HEART Take from my soul, My God, I plead, The darkness of the night; Lest filled with deepness of despair It should not know Thy light. 0, that Thy hand so loving Shouldst guide me thru it all ; 'Til clasping, Lord, Thy nail-pierced feet In silent awe to fall. IMMORTAL LOVE There are beautiful things in this world of ours, There are memories pure and dear ; And fragrances sweet to linger O'er our stormy pathway here. And there is a priceless treasure With this 1 we could not part ; 'Tis sweetest and best of the Master's gifts 'Tis love of a mother's heart. AMO CHRISTUM Thou hast called, dearest Master, And Thine own the call hast heard; Left unshed the bitter teardrops Left unspoken the last word. Severed are the links that bound me Hearts that gave my all to me ; On the altar of my holocaust, I have offered up to Thee. Earthly flowers they have vanished And the thorny way is mine ; Yet the thorns bring joy and sweetness For I know that they were Thine. Love and sacrifice, Ah, wonder, That the Thorn-crowned Kings desire Fills the lowliest of His creatures With a flame of love 's pure fire. Amo Christum though the tempest Rend this frail and changing heart In the footsteps of the Master Naught but love shall have a part. OUR YESTERDAYS Yesterday a memory fair, That grew into today; Where souls have met and parted And crossed on life's wide way. Oft times 'tis true I wondered Could yesterdays but be Just for a little while todays How wonderful 'twould be. Perchance then yesterdays would not The same dear joys have brought ; And too the hardest lessons learned, Had never then been taught. Perhaps if yesterday could e'er Be changed into today; I wonder if we'd live it o'er In just the same old way? I MISS YOU I miss you, dear, at evening, When shadows gently fall ; When memories dear and tender Have bound me in their thrall. I miss the smile so cheery The eyes of merry blue ; dearest one, at evening, Come loving thoughts of you. And with them comes the yearning To have you ever near; And 0, what joy to feel again If you were only here. ECCE HOMO 0, Man of Sorrows, bruised and torn Your sacred brow I see; Crowned with sharp thorns and causing Thee, A painful agony. 8 TABERNACLE ROSES roses fair bent round God's throne In adoration low ; How beautiful this priceless grace His sweetest gifts to know. To live for Him, to die for Him, That were a joy indeed ; To see the many hearts that come In silent hours to plead. To hear the words soft whispered Each grace imparted here; Oh ! Roses fair, I envy thee, Around His home so dear. Bloom on sweet roses fragrant, And whisper low this prayer; 1 too would gladly live and die Before His altar there. THE WANDERER'S NIGHT SONG The shadows gather, mavourneen, It is so chill; A strangeness is around me My heart doth fill. What is it drawing near me From far off shore ; Is it the lonely messenger of death? Ah then, no more Shall weary heart be pining For loved ones dear ; But soon beyond the vale of death They shall appear. The shadows deepen, mavourneen, Ah, true 'tis night And dimmer now all things have grown, Soon gone from sight. Farewell to thee, mavourneen, I go alone. Pray thou my soul is safe with Him, To whom its fate is known. THE HILLS Ah, memory paints them beautiful, The hills so far away ; I visit them in spirit And pure delight each day. The beautiful, the silent hills, Beyond the city's thrall; In lonely hours, in suffering, My weary heart they call. So splendid in their majesty, Towering high and strong; Like valiant watchers there they stand As years swift roll along. The golden sunset floods them o'er And gilds them with its hues; The twilight shadows linger long And whisper sweet adieus. In childhood years they lured me Now dearer they are still ; They claim a part of mind and soul A mission they fulfill. They greet each new-born season, Whose radiant garb so fair; They don with regal dignity, Like princely monarchs there. I may not see them once again But they are dear to me There memories deep are clearly writ In my heart's memory. THE DIVINE SHEPHERD In thorny ways He seeks them, He loves each wayward sheep, He does not count the suffering Although the thorns cut deep. No way unsearched He seeks them Until He finds His Own ; Each little one though bruised and torn, His heart pierced by their moan. 10 ALONE WITH GOD O'er is the day of labour And lo ! the hour of rest, Bids me to think, and thinking see If I have done my best. Another day and I am found Nearer Eternity; Perhaps my last, I cannot know How soon the last shall be. I kneel before you Jesus, My crucifix in hand; I see the failures of today Yet know you understand. Impatient oft, dear Master, Yet you were kind to all; How oft Your blessed words I hear Your charity recall. Some were unkind and thoughtless Harsh words that were not meant, Yet Thou permittest, dearest Lord, For these from you were sent. That storm and trial must follow To prove that love is true ; Weary tonight and tired, Your own has come to You. Yes, Lord Your own forever, Nor tempest can destroy The love that bids me serve the king, And merit Heaven's joy. Your Own though frail and sinful, As such long claimed dear God ; Privileged to learn the way The Crucified here trod. I kiss the Sacred Hands and Feet The heart that bled for me ; Forgiveness, Lord, and graces new To love and follow Thee. 11 BENEATH THE SANCTUARY LAMP Just to forget the weariness A little while tonight ; Just to forget the suffering To banish it from sight. Just to be alone To dwell apart ; To let a restful peace Reign in my heart. Just to forget life's tragedies, The things that are ; To feel that sorrow's way From mine is far. Ah, just to ease the heartache, Tonight that I may feel The strange sweet restfulness of peace Upon me steal. MY CRUCIFIX One little treasure so priceless, A crucifix worn and old, More precious this gift I love so Than wealth of fairest gold. It has shared each joy and sorrow Each hope, each joy that arose; And the peace and love in His service Only that crucifix knows. HOPE Ah what if the idols crumble Though once to the heart they were dear, If it lead me nearer the Master Why should this poor heart fear? Better they crumble if they be false Then lead me to know the wrong ; Better that Hope should reecho A sweeter newer song. Then crumble away e'en to the dust Though the ache and the pain be keen; Make room that a nobler idol Through the mists and the tears be seen. 12 OUT OF THE DEPTHS I have resisted the modeling The impress, the seal divine; That the Sacred Hands held out to me And the voice that said "Thou art Mine." I feared the imprint sweet Jesus, The crown of thorns, the scorn; But I was bought and claimed with these, And Thou their shame hast borne. My dearest Lord forgive me, For I have caused Thee pain ; With all my heart I come to Thee, Oh close let me remain. 'Twill mean of suffering Master, The Cross, Thy part for me, The crucifixion I must know But Tis for love of Thee. MY ROSARY It came to me From o'er the sea, And I love it well, How many a sorrow on it was told, As days and years and months swift rolled, No one can tell. A little treasure Dear beyond measure, From one, a priest God's Own, 'Tis sweet to me, My Rosary Its giver yet unknown. In distant land, His priestly hand Sent fourth a blessing rare, How oft I yearn To make return, Yet only can be prayer. BREAD OF ANGELS I adore The Bread of Angels Eucharistic God, Divine, May Thy soul's sweet charity Enkindled be in mine. 13 NEARING HOME Sweet Mother if the light must fail, And twilight find me near The portals of Eternity, I ever long for here, Dear Mother give my love to those Fond hearts that wait below; And may they of your blessed peace And heavenly comfort know. O if the sunset 's fading glow — Tonight the last I see ; Sweet Mother grant this earnest prayer To be in heaven near Thee. ACROSS THE TIDE Beautiful now is the sunset's glow In the land that is oh so fair ; Where nature reveals her beauty In brightest splendor there. Oh, land of sunshine and flowers Where he, whom we love best of all ; Lies sleeping afar from his own so dear And waiting for the last call, There's a strange and wistful yearning Grown deeper and oft we pray ; For he, our own loved brother Who rests so far away. Were there not oft in the twilight Thoughts of those loved best, your own; Whom you left in the dear home forever Ere you went to that land all unknown? And when in the last hour of anguish Your soul from this life was free, Who knows what passed in that hour Betwixt the Master and thee. Though you rest in the land of the fairest In spirit we kneel by your grave ; Whispering oft fond Aves For the dear one, whose presence we crave. 14 AM THY REWARD EXCEEDING GREAT Some day each step you took for Him Rewarded shall be ; Each little act of kindness done In His Eternity. Someday each word of comfort You spoke unto His own, In letters and of purest gold Shall on His Heart be shown. Some day the toil and suffering Long past shall be revealed, And hopes and dreams long buried Shall be unsealed. Some day the Master who you saw And served here in His poor, Himself will give to one who choose To suffer and endure. Some day that Jesus Whom you love And long for ardently, Shall call you to His Sacred Heart To rest eternally. THE DOLOROUS WAY Not the joy of the Resurrection On that glorious Easter morn ; But the dolors sad of Calvary And their memories forlorn. In the bloody footsteps Of the Spouse divine, Pointing to the heights of Calvary, This His lesson, clear, sublime. There with Him, the Crucifixion, 'Midst the darkness and the gloom ; There far buried in the coldness, And the silence of the tomb. Ere I see the risen Saviour Hear the voice I long to hear; Calling me to dwell forever In that Sacred Heart so dear. 15 THE ARTIST BRUSH You model and sketch anew. Of the Artist 's soul so true ; Each loving thought of his noble heart You, little brush are the mirror What wonderful thoughts you bring us At the touch of his loving hand; Dear little brush, what wealth of joy- Is found in his command. THE OLD HOME 'Tis a quite spot where memory Doth linger oft and muse ; The little home beneath the hills All flooded with sunset hues. 'Tis a peaceful spot I'm longing To see it just once more ; To feel and live those girlhood hours Swift spent in days of yore. The woods in spring time verdant, With wild flowers overgrown; So strangely sweet and beauteous As none since ever known. Dear little home I love you, Each wood and stream and rill; Doth claim a part deep in my heart None other shall refill. I wonder oft if ever The old old home shall I see — Or shall it be but just a hope, A blessed memory. TOYS Only a toy, a worthless thing, Ah, yes, a toy you say ; But I clung to it long with fond delight, Ere I spurned it and flung it away. Only a toy, yet it took away The best that I owed to Thee ; And it tarnished the love, once fair and true That shone with such purity. 16 EXEMPLAR DIVINE Yes the thorn-crowned Head, and deep pierced side, Must the Spouse of the Crucified know; And the. Sacred Hands and Feet divine, Bathed in their own ruddy glow. And the cruel scourge, and the bitter scorn, Reflected oft she will see ; If she follow Him close and bear the Cross To the summit of Calvary. She will feel the shame and anguish That He felt in His Sacred Heart, But she will rejoice in heaven; That she suffered with Him a part. GOD WILLS IT SO My child, rebel not 'Tis His Will ; But cease those useless pinings, Let " Peace be Still." Reign o'er the weary spirit And calm thy heart ; His message sweet will newer strength To thee impart. THE DEAR FRIEND IN THE CHAIR I see you oft dear Sister Dear friend in the chair; In the hallowed moments when I kneel Before His throne in prayer. Victim of love, the Master's own A mission divine you fill, A loving holocaust ever consumed In the flame of the Master's Will. He seeks in thy sufferings atonement For iaults of His Own He loves well ; With patient gentle fidelity, The love for the Master you tell. How long ere He calls you we know not, But in His on good time ; We know you shall cease from your sufferings Gifts of His gift, sublime. 17 BUT THY LOVE AND THY GRACE There's never a sorrow or anguish That Thy hand cannot efface; There's never a trial but passes away As I murmer "Thy Love and Thy Grace.' 1 Unworthy I am dear Jesus This grace to be Thine Own ; But Thy love and Thy grace shall keep me Just living for Thee alone. In life or in death what matter, I shall one day see Thy Face* — Shall thank Thee, ever eternally, For these, Thy Love, and Thy Grace. TREASURE DIVINE Down deep in the earth, Buried far, it lay; None knew of its worth ; They flung it away. Then out to the light Someone brought it to see, What this valueless clod, This lump might be. Kind hands examined it oft and lo ; Refinement from dross Did the mass soon know. Cleansed pure from all dross In beauty it shone ; And there on the very Master's throne. A simple chalice Of purest gold, Did the Saviour's Body and Blood then hold. Once a worthless thing Now it remains, Where the God of heaven And earth here reigns. 18 MOTHER OF JESUS Mother of Jesus, come to me ; When the shadows of death are near, Guide me safe through the gruesome night That I may know no fear. Mother of Jesus, plead for me When the portals of heaven open wide ; When I stand before the Master Judge For me, the Crucified. Mother of Jesus, pray for me That I may ne'er depart From the way marked out for me that leads Straight to His Sacred Heart. SISTER MARY MARGARET From o 'er the sea you came to us From the dear Isle far away; With heart of love and happiness To guide you on life's way. In the steps of the loved Master Close to the dear Sacred Heart ; Little we wonder that you were glad When His Voice called you to depart. The years of sufferings and labours Where many yet choice for you; Ah, that we knew, as now you know The value of suffering, true. The land of the Shamrocks claims you Though you rest 'neath a stranger sky ; For Angels of Erin were calling And watching their loved one die. I doubt not that you have seen it And the dear ones o'er the sea; In the land of thy birth and childhood By the light of Eternity. And Faith that is true and eternal Tells us your joy we shall know ; When we, too, hear the Shepherd's voice And with Him homeward go. 19 FATHER SCHMITT He sleeps, they say, the noble priest The friend to those in need; The silent, the eternal sleep, Yet how we feel his need. A laborer in the vineyard Who sought the wayward sheep; Who followed them and led them back From haunts of sin so deep. And as the Master Whom he loved, He healed each bleeding heart, Father and tender comforter, This was his chosen part. Devoted to His service Through years that slipped away ; What grateful hearts his memory Must bless in prayer today. Kind guardian of the youthful hearts In whom all trust we placed; How loyally their pledge was kept, 'Till death his care effaced. And may he rest from labors long, May angel voices sing; Sweet welcomes to the pastor loved From Heaven's eternal King. May He, Who called him first and last Reward him with His Love ; The promise of the Master To reign with Him above. CONSECRATION Ah, blest be the hour He called you, From your own, yes blest be the day; When Jesus of Nazareth called you As He passed you on your way. You shall follow the way He showed you So dear to His Sacred Heart ; And share in His joys and His sorrows His labors of love, a part. 20 THOU SHALT ATONE Spotless and pure, a noble thing Not of the sod, Untainted, unstained, a gift divine And this from God. Arise my soul, true thou wer't deigned For heaven, alone. In love and gratitude, arise And swift atone. Thy robe of spotless iimocence, once fair And 0, so white ; Needs now be cleansed and freed From sin's dark blight. CONSECRATED HANDS hands I envy thee So precious in God's sight; Bringing down from heaven Our King of Love and Might. Who deigns in this great mystery A gift divine to give ; That in and for Him only Forever we might live. 0, Mary keep them spotless And free from aught and stain ; And may the Hands of Jesus, Their Model e'er remain. SANCTIFICATION There is a silent valley We pass in the journey's way; You may pass through the valley tomorrow, You may pass through the valley today. But you must know the valley And alone, save yourself and God; You must go the way that lies before; As yet for you untrod. You will be glad, for the suffering Will one day cease for you ; And oh, the joy and the blessed peace When you have passed it through. 21 GOD'S GIFT OF FAITH Out of nothingness into the light Away from the gloom and dead of night ; Ever to know and follow Thee, Through untold ages eternally, Ever to see the Master's Face, Ever to know ' twas His Love and His Grace. FLOWERS OF PARADISE There's many a fragrant message To send to those dear to our hearts ; But the sweetest fragrance that e'er has been known, Is that which fond prayer imparts. THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS. Journeying on through this vale of tears Let us often meet dear heart ; In the shadow of the cross to learn The joys 'twill e'er impart. LEAVES I gathered wild flowers in springtime To deck the altar fair ; In summer the roses fragrant My offering to you there. 'Tis Autumn, now and the flowers Have gone, and naught is left; Save the radiant leaves that murmur farewell To the woodlands soon bereft. I have gathered the leaves in their splendor, And brought them to thee to say; 'tis all I have for my offering, Humble and poor today. Only fresh garlands of Autumn leaves', And soon they are gone from sight, Fading, yes, and withering fast At touch of the season's blight. The Autumn leaves are dying now There murmurings plaintive, I hear; ' ' We leave you with this message Of sentinel hours dear." 22 SIMPLICITY You gave them to me, dearest Mother, The little ones I love; With childish eyes they seem to gaze Into a world above. Oh, the beauty of the little souls Expressive in wondering eyes; As o'er the vista of a new strange world, They gaze in deep surprise. They are so pure I love them, Dear little hearts that grow In the garden of a wicked world, Nor yet its poisons know. And if only I might keep them, Just as they are today; I leave them Mother, Mary With you, I watch and pray. 'Twas sweet to learn the language Of heaven from each little heart ; Yet 'twas hard to learn to love them And then in sorrow part. HAD I BUT KNOWN Had I but loved Thee, better For me no deep regret ; But years of careless labour Can I forget? Thoughtless, you say, impulsive, Full well I know ; But in the Master's service Shall this be so? Forgive, Lord, list, Thy servant For mercy pleads ; And turns to Thee to save Him In His great need Rabboni, that this heart had known Thy love before, It had not now such deep regrets, Those years of yore. 23 IN MEMORY OF REV. FR. MILLER Another heart at rest Sleeping beneath the sod; Who answered the clear summons Of His Master and His God. He lies at rest with dear ones The brother-priest we love ; Who hastened swift, His own to meet In Heaven's home above. Beautiful and holy His memory shall be ; In hearts of those who knew Him He lives eternally. One less to serve the Master With loving care below; One more in heaven to love Him And His sweet Presence know. EVENING HOUR Mother Mine, My heart is tired, And the twilight shadows dear; Bring oft an earnest longing To have my Mother near. Dost thou too, be ever yearning Ever thinking of the day ; When like the falling Autumn leaves, Thine own sped far away? But the springtime in its beauty, That transcends earth's vision fair; Ah, one day it shall be bringing To our hearts a gladness rare. Then the joy and bliss of union, 0, my Mother sweet shall be ; For in heaven we shall live again In a blest Eternity. MY JESUS, ARE YOU HERE? Art Thou waiting dearest Jesus, In Thy tiny home so dear? Tell me sweetest Jesus, Master, Art Thou waiting for me here? 24 THE VISION OF GETHSEMANE I knew not then just what is meant Revealed before me there; The tragic vision of Gethsemane The-Man-God, bowed in prayer. The night was dark and shadowy Save for one burning light ; That showed the way into the cave Revealing to my sight. An awful picture, as I gazed Sorrow and anguish deep Bespoke the torture of His soul While angels watch did keep. Postrate low, I saw Him, Trembling with awful dread 'Father, Thy Will, Not Mine, be done," The Anguished-Man God said_ The light swift fled, darkness again; What meant the vision? Say! I dared not fathom, so I tried To banish it away. Years passed, and lo ; it comes again ; Now vividly I see The meaning of Gethsemane And its dread agony. Not as before, ah ! no ! For I have learned it well ; The lesson of Gethsemane Nor human lips can tell. The torture of the darkness The hours of suffering, lone; That we must live, ere we may say Its way to us is known. CONSOLATION Through sorrow's hand be laid upon thee Lift thine eyes to "One" on high And the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Will to His Own, draw nigh. 25 LILIES The Master came to the garden, The flowers in beauty grew there ; And He stooped to the fragrant lilies So white in their purity fair. He gathered one spotless lily And pressed it close to His Heart; The lily nesteled in sweet content Its life of His own was apart. The earth missed the beautiful lily, The flowers were lonely too ; How they prayed that the Master would come again For they, His mission knew. The garden was hidden away from sight, The Master alone knew where ; For the lilies, a part of His own delights With the Master, Himself did share. CHILDHOOD DAYS Come let us hurry, with hearts so gay, Off through the meadows and out to play; Merrily singing, the echoes are ringing With joys of childhood days. Gathering daisies, and clover buds too, Fresh in the morning, all sparkled with dew ; No thought of sadness, our lives full of gladness, Sweet joys of childhood days. GIRLHOOD DAYS Girlhood days, sweet girlhood days You are so dear to me; My very heart is resonant With each fair memory. Dear girlhood days, I love you Then youthful hearts were light ; I throw a loving kiss to you The path you trod, was bright. 26 MASTER ! COME ! Master my soul hath need of Thee, Come in Communion, I pray; Light, Thou the path with blessed Faith To banish the darkness away. Master, my soul hath need of Thee, My heart is dry and cold; Come with Thy blessed Presence and warmth And life to this Heart unfold^ Master, my soul hath need of Thee, It is unworthy, but still It longs for the " Bread of the Strong" to come Its heart with new vigor to fill. Oh God of my Heart, ever faithful and true Come with Thy pure, burning love; Absorbing this heart, and drawing it e'er To rest in Thy Heart above. ANGEL WHISPERINGS 0, my Mother, may bright angels, Guard thee, lovingly tonight ; May they whisper loving prayers for you, Before God's altar bright. May they tell thee of the yearning, Of my love for you each day ; May they tell thee, dearest Mother Of thine own so far away. LIGHT AFTER DARKNESS Though the clouds hang dark and lowery As you gaze on the darkening sky; The sun will shine the brighter When the storm hath swept you by. Fear not tho' the tempest rages, For the sunlight of God's love; Will shine and gleam the brighter From its endless "Sun" above. The clouds but hide the beauty Of the sun's intenseness e'er; The storm must come and go, but God Hath o'er you, loving care. 27 BREATH 0' MY HEART I loved the glorious sunshine, The gurgling streams and rills'; The fields of grain, the woodland flowers, And towering magic hills. It was so wide and beautiful, This great world then for me ; You wonder that my heart these thoughts, Speaks forth in poetry. God's gift, not mine, to use for Him, For He was in them all ; 'Tis mete that I should thank Him, And His dear gifts recall. THE MAY QUEEN'S CHOSEN FLOWER Two little arms uplifted, ' ' Oh Mother, or Daddy, Come quick, ' ' For the shadows of death were gath'ring Around Him fast and thick. Two deep blue eyes were tearful Two lips were quivering so; But absent the arms to save him Alone to his death he must go. And oh, the tracherous waters As they closed above his head — How pitilessly they sent him Down to that river bed. No good-night kiss to wait for No stories for Mother to tell ; But up in the beautiful heavens, A pure little soul will dwell. Awaiting with joy, the dawning Of the last, and final day ; When Mother and Daddy and lov'd ones come He will meet them on their way. And the star of the Sea, our Mother, Preserved him from breath of sin ; While angels lovingly welcomed The tiny suppliant in. 28 MY GOD AND MY ALL Oft in the days and nights it came, His voice on my ears did fall ; And lovingly then I answered Him, "Thou art my God, and my All." He led me away from loved ones Thru ways that His Presence did light ; He showed me two paths and where they led ; And traced by His Blood was the right. He blessed me and imprinted On my heart the seal of His Love ; And His own, was missioned and strengthened To teach of His home above. I meet Him each day in Communion, I hear the beloved call, With heart full of love I answer "Sweet Jesus, my God and my All." JESUS, I AM THINE FOREVER. All the day my works and actions Through these words are offered ever; Kept in blessed, loving union "Jesus, I am Thine forever." Through the hours of silent suffering To His throne are borne aloft ; Pleading for the souls most needy, To His heart I send them oft. When 'midst dangerous ways He leads me In my heart I say, ' ' 0, never Let me from Your love e 'er stray, Jesus, I am Thine, forever." COURAGE Weary not of the constant struggle The Master knows thou art weak; But even as He, in His suff 'rings Remain ever patient and meek. But count them precious, thy suff 'rings Though their purpose, thou may'st not see; They measure the distance always 'Twixt time and Eternity. 29 THE LAST FAREWELL Sweetly the last murmured Ave O'er the lov'd one now has been said; Softly and sadly we murmur The last farewell to our dead. For somehow we see them nearer In the light of earth 's parting glow ; Though soon in the light of Eternity, The same loving hearts we shall know. Gone, so swiftly, yet ever, The pain of that last farewell ; Seems crushing the hearts that linger, As in heartfelt prayers they tell. That love for the Master is strongest And the cross He has lovingly sent ; Is welcome, though in sorrow and anguish The hearts of His own are bent. THROUGH MARY TO JESUS I have come to thee, sweet Mother, With my offerings today; In your loving hands I place them Purify each one I pray. None are worthy, dearest Mother, Of the love He showed for me; But 'tis all I have to give Him ; So I give them all through thee. He will not despise them Mother Though they are so very small ; Given through His own dear mother, He will bless each one and all. Tell, tell Him, Mother, Mary, That the prayer of this poor heart ; Is to be with Him forever, Buried in His Sacred Heart. I must leave thee, now dear Mother, But this wayward heart of mine ; Longs to be united With thy Son's dear Heart, and thine. 30 MATER DOLOROSA, MEMENTO ME Far up the heights, I know 'tis there The hill of Calvary ; Its way is rough and rugged, Through mists I cannot see. 1 only see the Master, Who goes before to show, I, too, the cross must carry If I, His love would know. How oft He turns to meet me His Sacred Eyes meet mine ; Filled with compassion and with love, With tenderness, divine. The Mother of all Sorrows Close to Him, bids me stay; With loving hands she guides me And bids me "watch and pray." The hill of Calvary looms near Upon its brow I see ; The Man-God raised 'midst scoff and shame To die in agony. Beneath the cross with her I stand My prayer on Calvary ; "Oh, Mother of all Sorrows, Do thou remember me." BEHOLD I STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK Ah, Child, canst thou not hear me, I, Who am so near; Knocking without this heart of thine ; Tell Me, canst thou not hear? 'Tis ivy-grown, and closed to Me, Yet I would enter there ; Refuse it not, cherished one, Though earthly flowers bloom fair. It must be opened from within, And fain I 'am lingering now ; The Master stands without and knocks, "For Me, no love hast thou?" 31 SISTER MARY XAVIER Requiem, how sweetly it lingers Around the dear one at rest ; How sweetly she sleeps in the Heart of her God Who called when the hour was best. Long years have passed in His sevvice, Since she knelt at His Altar to say, The blessed words that bound her in life, Til death should call her away. No warning He gave to His chosen, Save only to watch and pray; 'The Master will come you know not when, Nor the hour of night or day." He came and she met Him alone, No loving heart was near, To breathe in the hour of parting Sacred words of prayer so dear. She met Him alone, the Bride of Christ, Sealed with the mark of His Love, She has gone from us here forever, United with Him, above. PROFESSION Sweet was the voice of the Master, Above earth's melody, When He claimed His Own forever, And whispered "follow Me." Loving the heart that answered Who gave her All, to Him there ; Beautiful then the holocaust Of sacrifice and of prayer. Angels rejoiced at the union The King and the child of His Love ; While echoes of heavenly music Resounded in realms' above. Only His creature, but dearer now, He calls her His own lov 'd Spouse ; And He leaves her the pledge of fidelity In the seal of the Sacred Vows. 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS UllllllllllilllllPilllli 015 940 881 4