VI P>**i m *%%#% I r3 tms rrriacipic ■ :;':.% o' IntGnin ASRKINGTON 7 -:y ;...:;-; • us Class _2£_ Book. TP^L_ GopyrightN .. CQEHUGHT DEFOSIT. The Primal Principles of Vibratory Intoning «<5g£?>o THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, DENVER, COLO. JAN -2 ,j^J CH690887 cvv * \ The Parkingtonian System of Vibratory Intoning. Its Principles Simplified and Explained by The Founder, Sara Abbott Parkington, Assisted By one of the world's greatest mystics. APPENDED To this work are some little poems, culled From the many that have been written by One of the Authors. Denver, Colorado, November, Nineteen twenty-two. Copyrighted. All rights reserved. 1922 PREFACE. Improvement is the order of the age. There is a vast difference between that which we believe and that which we KNOW. If we undertook to incor- porate in book form all that we believe, we might write several volumes. But if we confined our- selves to that which we KNOW perhaps we could write it on a post card. This is because we do not KNOW anything that we cannot DEMONSTRATE. We may believe it with all our being, but if we are unable to demonstrate, it has not transcended the realm of belief and entered the realm of knowledge. The worth of anything is measured by results. The discarding of old and tried teachings should not be too hasty, but a fair and impartial trial should characterize our dealings with improve- ments sought to be introduced. The musical world will receive this work with a gasp of astonishment, because of its radical de- parture from older methods, but a thorough study of its principles and the intelligent application of the same for a short time, will convincingly demon- strate its superiority. "There is no ignorance so hard to overcome, as that which denies without investigation." —THE AUTHORS. INTRODUCTION. An extended acquaintance with the author of this work emboldens me to undertake an introduction. From observation, I am sure no method of voice culture and training could be more stable, direct and helpful than the system taught in these pages. Muscular effort becomes voluntary and not forced. Proper breathing is reduced to an art, while poise and confidence result from her method. From time immemorial, those versed in oc- cult lore and wisdom, have known and under- stood the value of proper breathing. They regarded man, and quite properly, as the micro- cosm of the macrocosm. Before you shall have finished the study of this book, you will have discovered truths and principles that stagger you with their simplicity. You will discover the secret meaning of the ancient custom of placing the words, "Know Thyself" over their temples of learning. The same laws, principles and truths which they employed are still imminent in the uni- verse, they are ours to discover, appropriate and use. An experience extending over almost twenty years has taught the founder of this system its real merit and value. Students that have come to her, with muscular contraction of the dia- phragm and throat, caused by improper train- ing, have in a few lessons found a freedom of movement, a flexibility of voice, a compli- mentary reserve of breath, and a poise they had dreamed of, but hardly hoped to achieve. The rapidity of your development will de- pend upon the degree of fidelity with which you prosecute your studies. With this brief in- troduction, we commit this work to your hands, commending it wholly upon its merits. — Phy lotus. Chapter I. FUNDAMENTALS. We accept as true the postulate that man is the microcosm of the macrocosm. Therefore we shall proceed from this as a starting point to acquaint you with the mystery of life. We shall first consider the Solar System from an exoteric point of view and then show you the esoteric or hidden meaning of it all. We trust that you will not confound the prin- ciples of Astrology as we shall try to teach you, with the modern dwaddle with which men pur- port to tell fortunes. We shall, by the help of the law of correspondence, show you plainly how each vital of the body is but a correspond- ent of some one of the planets in the Grand Man of the heavens and thus help you to grasp 11 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS and understand the application of the law of life. We recognize our physical sun as the center of our Solar system. From it radiates all light and life giving properties to the other planets. It is not within the scope or province of this little work to discuss the influence of light upon life or how indespensable it is to the sustenance of life, but assuming our student to be aware of this principle, we proceed to its correspondent in man, or the heart. Just as there obtains the circulation of light from the Solar sun throughout the entire system, so the heart is the fountain head of the circulation of the blood in the physical man, and the an- cients wrote the words, "The blood is the life thereof." If you could imagine what a catas- trophe would overtake our Solar system in the event that the sun was suddenly blotted out, then you can in a measure grasp what would occur to the physical body should the heart cease to function. As the sun is continually revitalizing the Solar system with the energy it is continually giving off or sending out, so the heart distributes the life giving fluid throughout the body, reviving 12 VIBRATORY INTONING and revitalizing the different organs. As the sun itself is continually renewed in power and energy by the Self Existent or THAT of the universe, so the heart is renewed and vitalized by a certain energy or force we call spirit, and the breath is the medium through which this force or energy is transferred to the blood. Hence the Great Master of all law declared, "I am in the Father, and the Father in me." The "I" referred to by the Master is that something in the breath that is indespensable to the manifestation of organic life, and we call that something spirit. You will agree that you might exist for several days without eating, but how long would you survive without breathing? Then it follows that there must be something in the breath necessary for the sustenance of life, and, as we have noted, that something is spirit. It must be clear to you now, how this "I" or spirit is present in the breath you breathe. At another time this same Master said, "I am the true vine, my Father is the husbandman." With a little reflection you will clearly see how this "I" or spirit is present in the breath, and 13 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS how the breath is the husbandman of the "I" or spirit force. Then it follows that as you breathe in the breath you also breathe in the "I" or spirit contained in the breath. This teaches you how the vitalizing energy of the universe we call spirit, makes its enterance into your body. Now what to do with it? How may we in- telligently direct this force to the renewing of our youth and the rebuilding of our temple or body ? As has been observed the blood is the agent that carries to the uttermost parts of the body this life giving energy or force. Now it is necessary to follow a little closer just how this energy is transferred from the unfailing res- ervoir of the universe to out; bodies, or from the without to the within. Located just at the Pneuma-gastric nerve in the body, which in itself is located at the solar plexus, is a little nerve that discharges into the Pneuma-gastric nerve, and the end of this little nerve is shaped like the mouth of a fish. It is through this mouth that the blood transfers to the nerve force this energy that is breathed in with each breath. It is apparent to you now that we 14 VIBRATORY INTONING must follow it through the nerve system to the different vitals of the body, this transference having been accomplished. The sun, or heart has now fulfilled its mis- sion, having through the medium of the blood delivered its precious cargo to the nerve man. Of course the heart exercises what may be termed a secondary influence now, in that it is responsible for the continued deliverance of this force. But this particular vital spark we now have under discussion has passed to the nerve man and it is our task to follow it in its journey ings. The planet Mercury is nearest the sun not only as to distance but in vital relation. The ancients called this planet the winged messenger of the gods, and symbolized it by a man with wings on his feet and in full stride as if running. The planet Mercury is said to rule the stom- ach and bowels, but more specifically does it rule the solar plexus. Even as the planet is in the closer relation to the solar sun, so the mercury, or solar plexus in each of us sustains the closer relation to the heart, for the heart with its intricate system of veins and arteries 15 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS is the twin brother as it were of the nerve sys- tem, or- nerve man within us. And as the heart is the head of the circulatory system, even so is the solar plexus the head or center of the nerve man. Of course there is a Cerebro- spinal man within each of us that is absolutely indespensable to our manifestation as a living organic form, but the very center of all nerve energy is found in the solar plexus. And as the planet was likened to the winged messenger of the gods, so this center is the winged mess- enger within us, notifying us when the natural functions of the body are interrupted or dis- turbed. We now, in conscious thought seize this vital spark as it emerges from this fish-shaped mouth and follow it through the semi-lunar (or half moon) nerve to the spine where it makes its entrance at the thirteenth vertebra. We continue to follow it until it reaches the Medulla oblongata, or more particularly the Arba-Vitae, meaning, the tree of life. We now direct this spark in thought to the solar plexus and from thence to the vocal chords in the throat. This energy now changes color and comes 16 VIBRATORY INTONING under the direction of the planet Venus. To the ancients Venus was the Goddess of love and its influence included all that is generally understood by the term. The law of corre- spondence fixes the kidneys and all the throat with the exception of the vocal chords as com- ing under the rulership of the venus in the body. If the scope of this work permitted, we could by elaborate process show you how this is absolutely true relative to the human body. Suffice to know that it is a fact and by the same process you now direct this vital spark from the vocal chords to the kidneys and back to the throat, embracing the thyroid glands, salavary glands, in fact all, except the vocal chords as has been noted. This completes the reign of the venus in the body and it is now transferred to Mars where the color again changes. As this planet was the god of war, hasty and impetuous, fiery and destructive, except when intelligently directed, so the mars in the body is of the same nature. This is why the planet Mars by the law of correspondence rules the genitals or generative organs in the body. You now in thought direct this spark to the genitals of the body over- 17 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS looking none of the functions of these organs, but at the same time keeping the thought free from everything of a destructive nature. The force of Mars unbridled and uncontrolled is the most destructive energy that we have to contend with in the flesh. Hence the necessity of refraining from impregnating this vital spark with anything of a destructive nature. For, we may as well observe at this point as further along in these lessons, this vital spark is susceptible to the slightest movement of thought and delivers to that part of the body to which you direct it, the exact character of thought with which it is burdened. This spark now passes to the rulership of the jupiter in the body and again changes color. As the planet Jupiter was the lord of finance with the ancients, so it sustains the same corre- spondence in the body, in an esoteric sense rul- ing the stomach and intestines. You follow the same process in thought and direct this vital spark from the genitals to the stomach and in- testines, revitalizing and imparting to them new life. It is the office of the stomach to receive that which we eat and drink for the sustenance of the physical man. But it will soon become 18 VIBRATORY INTONING apparent to you that there is vastly more in proper breathing for the sustenance of physical life than in what you eat. The mastery of this marvelous truth enabled the Great Master to continue his fast for forty days, confounding the doctors in the temple and demonstrating this mighty principle. The lesser intestines discharge into the larger and it is just as necessary that they be kept in a healthy condition as it is that the re- ceiving end be cared for. The jupiter of the body selects that which can be appropriated for use in the body and consigns the rest to oblivion. This is the sense in which the Jupi- ter in the body is the money changer trying to balance and equalize our indescretions in matters of diet. This energy or spark now passes to the rulership of Saturn. The influence of Saturn is cold, crystalizing and hardening. So the saturn in the body exercises the same influence. You now in conscious thought direct this spark to the spleen in the body. Here this energy again changes color and revitalizes this organ, whose office it is to lift the red corpuscle of 19 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS the blood to that of the white, revivifying and revitalizing it and , sending it on its journey throughout the body. By intense thought you may at this point catch a glimpse of how to rebuke and overcome the presence of tuber- culosis in the body. In addition to ruling the spleen, the saturn in the body also rules the bones. Out of the soft spongy bones of the body, and particularly the ribs, comes that sub- stance out of which nature manufactures the red corpuscle of the blood at the heart. The corpuscle is not the life, but the carrier of the life principle or vital spark that you are now dealing with. That is it is the agent that carries it up to this point, or spleen. A lack of red corpuscles in the blood is indicated in all tubercular patients. Then is it not the logi- cal thing to do, to revivify and revitalize this substance in the bones ? How ? By directing this vital spark all through the opening in the bones throughout the entire body, thus supply- ing the heart with the substance necessary to manifest the red corpuscle. Give much at- tention to this office and function of the saturn in the body. This spark now passes to the rulership of 20 VIBRATORY INTONING Uranus, having fulfilled its mission in the body thus far. The planet Uranus, was known as the mystic planet and ruled everything of a secret nature. So the uranus in the body ful- fills the same function, it rules the lungs. Just how the blood is areoated by the lungs, just how this vital spark is breathed into the body by their functioning, just how this spark is transferred from the breath to the blood are all matters of mystery to man, he admits the truth of the statement, but the exact modus operandi is unknown. That it is done, may be demonstrated by a succession of experiments that the scope of this work does not permit us to elaborate. Having delivered that part of itself that rightfully belongs to the uranus of the body, this spark now passes to the rulership of Nep- tune. Up until the year nineteen one Neptune was limited to the rulership of the sign Pisces or the ocean. Since entering the Aquarian age this planet not only rules the ocean but also the sign Aries or the head, while the planet Mars, formerly ruling Aries takes its rightful place in the sign Scorpio which sign rules the genitals. 21 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS The influence of this planet is of an occult nature, governing those things that touch the occult side of our existence. Let no one be alarmed at the use of the word "Occult", in its last analysis it simply means "The natural." So the neptune in our bodies rules the liver. When this vital is absolutely healthy and nor- mal, as a rule the entire body is in a healthy condition. This is because of the close rela- tion of this organ not only to the physical, but to the mental man. It is sometimes referred to as the filter of the physical man. In a vastly larger sense it is the filter of the mental man. All philosophy, all experience to the contrary, learn that the normal color of the liver is a GOLDEN YELLOW. We know that you will say that this is contrary to all experience, and we answer, so is the perfect man contrary to experience and is not per- fection the goal you seek? As has been observed this organ is sensitive to the character of each thought we indulge. It is well for you to know that each thought vibrates at its own rate of motion and color to which the character of thought belongs. Thoughts of material money or finance vibrate 22 VIBRATORY INTONING to a certain shade of green while thoughts of sex vibrates to a certain shade of red. Now ask any painter how he would obtain a red- brown or brick dust color, and he will tell you by mixing the red and green. What two things occupy the minds of men more than anything else? Sex and finance. Red and green. What color do the mixture of these two colors produce ? Red-brown. What color is the liver of the average man? You have the answer. Hence it behooves us to carefully sift the thoughts we indulge and per- mit to register in our consciousness, particu- larly during the time we are taking these ex- ercises in breathing. Hence if you would re- vitalize and renew the neptune or liver in the body, in consciousness direct this vital spark to the liver burdened with thoughts of strength, vim, vigor and vitality and the result will astonish you beyond words. This force or energy is now delivered to the rulership of the Moon. The ancients re- garded the Moon as the ruler of the sign Can- cer, which sign rules the breasts in man. This is true, but in an occult sense it rules the brain also. The Moon gives off a reflected light, 23 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS that is light from the solar sun is reflected to this planet by way of the Moon. The brain in the skull is the organ commonly regarded as the seat of thought, and this is true of the conscious or outer mind. But the real seat of thought is in the silence which we reach through the solar plexus, this being the home of the intuitive mind or KNOWER in each of us. It is through this center that we receive all illumination. Whatever degree of illumination the brain in the skull possesses, or rather mind functioning through this organ, is reflected or communicated to it from the fountain head of all knowledge located in each of us at the solar plexus. Hence this center may be likened unto the solar sun, while the brain in the skull is likened unto the Moon. He who would establish conscious communica- tion between this center of light which is in each of us, and the conscious mind that functions through the brain, will read much that is here written between the lines and finally overcome. 24 Chapter II. COLOR. So much reference has been made to color in the foregoing that it seems pertinent to here in- troduce a short exegesis concerning the same. There are but five cardinal colors, all teaching to the contrary. Outside the five basic colors, all others are shades or blends. The aura of the infant is made up of these five, but as man grows older and indulges in indescretions and transgressions of the law these colors are caused to blend and form dif- ferent shades. The highest rate of motion in color on the earth given off by the mental man is the golden yellow. When this color is apparent in the aura, it is conclusive evidence 25 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS that the thoughts of the thinker are of Divine love. Divine love is the ABSENCE of ALL emotion, the presence of ALL good. Hence the thoughts when reflecting this color are wholly constructive and good. The next rate of motion in color is the blue, and this embraces all shades from the deep, dark indigo blue up to the pale blue of the sky. When this is present in the aura you may know that the thoughts are esthetic, enobling, up- lifting, constructive and helpful. Next in rate of motion is the orange, and to you who are seeking health it is well for you to give special attention to what is herein written, as we shall elaborate this to some ex- tent. Except for the orange ray from the solar sun there would be no manifestation of physical life, neither animal or vegetable. The ancients understood this wonderful truth and governed themselves accordingly. They knew that this ray from the sun was strongest just as the disc of the sun begun to show above the eastern horizon. Therefore it was their cus- ton to rise early, face the east, and as the sun begun to show, they began their seven Pranas, or deep breaths. This ceremony lasted until 26 VIBRATORY INTONING the disc of the sun swung clear of the horizon. They held the thought as they breathed, they were actually breathing into their bodies the orange ray, or life ray from the sun. They knew that this ray gradually grew weaker and weaker in its influence as the sun ascended the heavens, until by the time it reached the meri- dian directly overhead, its influence had dis- appeared altogether, consumed by the caloric or heat ray from the same orb. Perhaps you will discover here the hidden meaning in the words of the Psalmist, when he said, "Save me from the destruction that wasteth at noon- day." They knew that this ray again asserted its influence in the afternoon but was never so strong as at sunrise. They also understood that this ray gradually weakened until sunset, when it disappeared altogether until the next sunrise. Physicians may not know why they lose seventy-six per cent of their patients be- tween noon and midnight, and fifty-four per cent of this seventy-six per cent between sun- down and midnight, but they do, and it is be- cause of the loss of the orange ray, sustainer of physical life. "The lips of the wise are 27 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS sealed except to those having the ear of under- standing." Next to the orange ray in rate of motion is the green. This has two general divisions. There is a pea green and a bottle green. The pea green indicates through the aura that the thoughts are either of a social or domestic nature. Thoughts concerning social engage- ments or social affairs. The bottle green in- dicates that the thoughts are of a financial character. Money or its equivalent. Men may not know why they print their money on green paper but they do. You will better un- derstand the words of the Psalmist now when he says, "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures/ ' Not that he expected to go out and lie down in some cow pasture, but "I shall not want", that is I shall know no limitation, be- cause I will think in harmony with the law. Next to the green in rate of motion is the red, and this has two general divisions that are in turn sub-divided. There is an angry red: when the thoughts are latent concerning anger the aura reflects a dark wine color, when excited and intense the aura becomes a fiery red. When the thoughts are passive concern- 28 VIBRATORY INTONING ing sex the aura is a scarlet color, when ex- cited and intense the aura is a crimson color. We will not quote it here, but turn to the first chapter of Isaaiah and read the eighteenth verse and you will catch a glimpse of our meaning. Of course the student will not expect an exhaustive treatise on this subject in this little work, but enough is given to assist the earnest seeker to prosecute their studies until they shall master the secret of color. It is well to state here that each sound has its individual color, and each color has its own individual sound. Eventually the student will come to the place where they will see sound and hear color. This is the state reached by John the Revelator when he said, "I turned to SEE the voice that spake with me." You have gone into rooms that just seemed to grate on your nerves. You had no particular reason but a spirit of restlessness approaching irrati- bility would seize and cling to you until you left the room. This was because the inhar- mony of color in the room produced a discord of sound that grated on your nerves though you heard nothing audible. And why should it 29 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS grate on the nerves? Study again the change in color manifested by that vital spark as it progressed from one organ to the other and you will find your answer. Again you have entered rooms that seemed so restful to you that you wanted to linger almost ' indefinitely. This was because the color scheme was so nearly perfect that it har- monized with your nerve man and you ex- perienced a calm and restful feeling. You perhaps, have read or heard the state- ment that the "Planets incline, but do not compel." This is absolutely the truth. We rule the planets, by ruling their correspondents in our bodies. We rule their correspondents in our bodies by and through the mastery of the art of breathing in harmony with the law of color. 30 Chapter III. HARMONY. As there must be harmony in color so there must be harmony in sound, and also there must obtain a harmonious relation between each individual and the law governing physical life. The physical organism being the instru- ment through which we manifest, it is but natural that the physical should come first in consideration. The Great Master understood this principle. When His disciples came to Him inquiring about the law of supply, He chose three illustrations, two from the animal and one from the vegetable kingdom. In this teaching He made an effort to teach them the law of harmony that must exist between each individual and the law governing the physical 31 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS realm. He called their attention to the spar- rows and the ravens, how they did not gather into barns or lay up store, yet they were pro- vided for. He closed His observations on this point uj calling their attention to the lily in the follow- ing words : "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not neither do they spin, yet even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these" * * * "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." By close observation of the language em- ployed by the Master, you will discover the error of the average teacher of today. They have had us considering the lily, which of course, is a thing of beauty. Also they have had us seeking a kingdom of a visionary nature, intangible and elusive. The Master had as well said consider a thistle how it grows as to have chosen the lily. The great truth He sought to teach was to consider the lily HOW it grows. It grows because the roots are in the ground and the stalk upward. The rains fall on it, 32 VIBRATORY INTONING the dews moisten it, the sun gives it light and it grows, expands, develops and unfolds. Now we pull up the lily and turn the roots upward stnd the stalk downward, and the lily withers and dies. Why? It is the same earth, same air, same fire from the sun, same dew and rain, but it dies, because it is out of harmony with the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. The signs of the zodiac embrace these four elements. Certain it is that we made our ad- vent into this world under some one of these signs, and just as certain does our sun in pro- gressed motion occupy some one of these signs right now. Whether it be earth, air, fire or water depends on your date of birth, for the sun advances one degree each year. Now the injunction is to "Seek first the kingdom." The word, kingdom, implies a dwelling place or a place to live. The King- dom of Great Britain is not her people, the people inhabit the kingdom. So your physical body is your kingdom, your dwelling place, and your first duty is to see that it is in har- mony with the physical law reigning in this realm. It must be evident that as the physical body is our medium or vehicle of expression, 33 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS it is the first thing to receive our attention, and so the Great Master taught. We know there are schools in the world whose teachings utterly ignore the physical body, but they are in evident error as appears from the words of the Greatest of all Great Masters. But again, if further proof were needed concerning His stressing the importance of the physical body, consider His words: "I am the true vine and My Father is the hus- bandman. * * * As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in Me." To fully grasp the meaning of His words here, it is necessary for you to understand that you are an epitome of the Master and His twelve disciples. In other words they are all repre- sented in you. Your physical body is made up of the fol- lowing : A bony man, muscular man, veinous man, arterial man, lymphatic man, nerve man, crebro-spinal man, liver man, sympathetic man, skin man, conscious man and sub-conscious man. Then you have that mystic thirteenth, or life current within vou which is master of them all. The names of the twelve disciples 34 VIBRATORY INTONING chosen by the Master, traced to their root meaning have reference to some one of the twelve men of the body. Now His words become plain. It is equivalent to this mystic life current within . lis saying to the other twelve men of the body, " You cannot bear fruit except you abide in this me that is made up of all the men in the body." The loss of the physical body is the Great Transgression, the unpardonable sin. The earnest seeker will now read the entire nine- teenth division of the Psalms, especially noting that the writer makes no use whatever of per- sonalities, but confines himself to the discus- sion of worlds, spheres and planets and their influence. He admits that they warn him and by understanding and obeying the law he escapes the Great Transgression. Harmony is heaven, discord is hell. The word, heaven, and harmony come from the same root, and we have long since learned that heaven is a condition and not a place. That perfect and exact harmony obtains be- tween all the worlds, suns and spheres with which we are acquainted is evident. Comets rushing to and fro through the system provoke 35 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS no apparent discord. Then is it not logical to assume, that if the Self-existent was so careful and painstaking with the home would It not be just as particular about the tenant? In other words, if such harmony, rhythm and splendor characterize the dwelling place, would not the Self-existent see to it that man was just as harmoniously and perfectly constructed? We cannot go beyond authentic history, but certain it is that so far as we have an authentic record our solar system has maintained the same exact and marvelous harmony that ob- tains today. This then, must be the outcome or result of design or purpose. This being true is it not safe to assume that the same idea of design and purpose was employed in the manifesta- tion of the physical man ? Then if inharmony obtains in man it is not the result of original design or pupose, but because man, endowed with a will and power to think, "Sought out many evil inventions." Wherever inharmony exists within the body it is the result of transgression. Many people in the world take the position that because they deal honestly with their neighbors, refrain 36 VIBRATORY INTONING from indulging in things regarded as immoral, pay their honest debts, and so far as they know follow the golden rule, that they are unjustly afflicted. Fatal mistake. They may be all they claim to be, but they are "Straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel." In other words they are giving very close and precise attention to their OUTWARD deportment without the slightest regard to their own physi- cal bodies and are just "Kicking against the pricks." As well expect a six cylinder motor to de- liver one hundred per cent efficiency with one or two cylinders missing, as to expect the body to faithfully and perfectly perform its func- tions with some of the "Planets" or organs overloaded and abused. Before you can possi- bly understand or correctly apply what is to follow in this book, it is imperative that you master the foregoing. 37 Chapter IV. GENDER. It is our purpose in this chapter to show con- clusively to the student that there is but one thing in the universe and not TWO. To show that it is not diverse but as we rightfully say, universe. There is but one principle imminent in the universe and we call it sex, and for the sake of convenience divide it into the mascu- line and the feminine genders. Everything we cognize, manifest or unmanifest, visible or invisible is the fruitage of this principle in action on some one plane of the kingdom. If we descend to the very lowest rate of motion or life, among the rocks and minerals we find that this principle is active there. True that it takes about one thousand years to complete 39 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS one inhalation and exhalation, but nevertheless they breathe. And, there is an affinity between metals, the study of which fills one with wonder. Note the affinity that obtains between quick- silver and gold. On our plane of understand- ing we call this same principle, love. If, with an experienced prospector you undertook to search the hills for gold and came to a great dyke of quartz and without further investiga- tion wanted to dig, the prospector would laugh at you. When you inquired the cause of his merriment he would tell you in his parlance that it was "Bull" quartz. You answer, "Suppose it is? It is quartz isn't it?" He would tell you that it was the father lode and carried no APPARENT values. He may not know why he tells you that he is looking for the mother lode, but he does know that when he finds it he will find the values, for the feminine principle is for- ever the principle that manifests or brings to fruition the values of the masculine. The father lode has a value but it takes the feminine lode to bring it to manifestation. When you ascend to the next highest divis- 40 VIBRATORY INTONING ion of the kingdom, among the plants, herbs, trees, vegetables and flowers you find that this same principle obtains. The masculine prin- ciple pollinizes but the feminine bears the bloom and the fruit. Ascending to the animal division of the kingdom you find this same principle apparent, running throughout the lower animals as well as in the highest type. Rising to the next highest division of the kingdom you find this principle apparent in the mental kingdom. Mind is the masculine element, projecting the pictured word _ or thought, while thought substance is the fem- inine, receiving the indentation or matrix pro- duced by the projected word or thought from the mind. The indentation or matrix thus produced is impregnated with the life principle of mind and the seed or thought planted in this thought substance must produce a harvest in harmony with the character of seed or thought sown. "As ye sow so also shall ye reap." It is easy for us to understand that when we prepare a piece of ground for sowing and then plant wheat, we fully expect a harvest of wheat from the mother earth. Strange that we em- 41 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS ploy the feminine or word "Mother" relative to the earth is it not? We expect wheat and are not disappointed. Why? Because the elements entering into the manifestation are ignorant as to whether we planted wheat or corn, but they do just the one thing they were established to perform, THEY OBEY THE LAW OF THEIR BEING. And the law of their being is that like begets like. They give back in character a harvest in keeping or harmony with the character of seed planted. This same principle obtains in the mental kingdom. You cannot indulge thoughts bf failure, disappointment, sickness, misery, woe, want, limitation, disease, in fact any thought of a destructive nature, and expect to reap a harvest of success, health, happiness, prosper- ity, strength, wisdom, knowledge and under- standing. For "As it is above so below." That is just as the kingdom below the mental acts under precise and exact law, even so does the kingdom above. Then the Wise Man was right when he said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Not the physical heart, the head of the circulatory system, but the heart 42 VIBRATORY INTONING shaped brain at the back of the skull which we call the cerebellum. As the physical heart is the head of the cir- culatory system, even so is this heart in the skull the head of the thought or mental man. If the stream of blood in the body is polluted and sluggish it is reflected in the health of the physical man. So if the stream of thought through the heart in the skull is contaminated with the element of destruction, it can but re- flect the condition. Do not confound this teaching with certain cults that stress the men- tal to the neglect of the physical. Affirma- tions and denials will not serve you except to confuse you. The teaching of the Great Master on this point was emphasized to His disciples when they asked Him regarding this very question. He answered, "Ye have heard it said of old time, resist the devil and he will flee from you, but I say unto you, RESIST NOT EVIL." Can you imagine the greatest of all great teachers admonishing His disciples not to resist evil? He understood that the law of non-resist- ance was the strongest resistance in the uni- verse. Suppose there is an occurence that sug- 43 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS gests an evil or destructive thought to you. Do you flee from it? Certainly not. Do you resist it with a lot of useless affirmations? Certainly not. Why? Because you LET IT PASS. You refuse it recognition with your conscious mind. Do you not see that when you begin to flee from it or to resist and fight it, you have recognized something to fight or flee from ? Is it not clear to you now that you invest the thing with reality, or recognize its existence by your very act of affirming or denying, else why affirm or deny that which is not ? Five thousand years ago the Chinese said, "You may not be able to keep the birds from flying over your heads, but you need not per- mit them to build nests in your hair." Plain- ly, you may not be able to keep a destructive thought from occuring to you but you DO NOT HAVE TO ENTERTAIN IT. If you do entertain it and permit it to register in your consciousness it is because you will do it. Re- member that the character of seed or thought you indulge forecasts the character of the harvest. Ascending to the God-head we find that this 44 VIBRATORY INTONING principle of sex obtains even there. The lan- guage of the Record is this, "Let US make man in OUR image, and after, (afterwards) in our likeness." The personal pronoun does not occur in our accepted translations whether you take the King James, The Revised, The Septauagent, The Vulgate, The Upanishads, The Upashastras or the Vedas, the translation is forever US and OUR. This is in harmony with the account as we read it. In beginning the "Spirit of the Self- Existent moved upon the face of the waters, but HE breathed into his nostrils." The Spirit is the feminine while the Holy Pheuma or Holy Breath is the masculine element of the God-head. In another chapter we discuss the "I" and the "Father" of the God-head. Read it closely. Now if the fountain head of all that is, is dual, in that it is masculine and feminine, and if the law be true that like begets like, then all that proceeds from that fountain head must partake of that duality. Hence we have the masculine and feminine in the God-head, in the mental, animal, vegetable and mineral kingdom, and this one principle is all that 45 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS there is in the universe, all else is a manifesta- tion of this principle in action on some one of these planes. Beginning with the masculine sign, Aries, each alternate sign is masculine, and the re- mainder feminine. There are planets whose influence are masculine and others that are fem- inine. The masculine planets rule the mascu- line elements of fire and air, while the feminine in influence rule the feminine elements of earth and water. Also there are major and minor planets. Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Neptune are known as major planets, while Mercury, Ven- us, Mars and the Moon are known as minor planets and all rule some one of the elements of earth, air, fire or water. If Vibration is motion, and indicates the presence of life or force, then the rate of Vi- bration or motion must indicate the degree in which this force or power is present. Obser- vation teaches and science proves, that it takes more power to produce a minor sound than it does to produce a major. That is the force producing sound must move against a greatei resistance to occasion what we term a minor. 46 VIBRATORY INTONING This is why you will find the minor planets nearest the sun. The path followed by their orbits offers a greater resistance by virtue of their close proximity to this orb. The resist- ance is greater because they pass through fields of intenser light and heat, also they pass through greater gravitational fields. It is also true that the specific gravity of the minor planets is far greater than that of the majors, drawing on the sun for greater power to hold them in equipoise. Just as these planets harmonize with the signs they rule as to gender, so do they har- monize in sound and color. Suppose you spin an ordinary wooden top at such a rate of motion that it gives off a sound as a shriek ? In your imagination cause it to vibrate faster and all sound is lost to the ear, because it is vibrating so fast we cannot register the sound in con- sciousness. Then think of a mass like this earth, that has a speed of about eighteen and one-half miles per second at the equator, and you can imagine the sound produced. The only reason we do not hear it is because we have not risen high enough in our own rate of motion or vibra- 47 PRIMAL PRINCIPALS tion. The fabled music of the spheres becomes a Divine reality and the ancient writer was right when he referred to the time "When the morning stars sang together/' Now as there are major and minor planets in the heavens so there are major and minor planets or organs in the body, the analogy also holds good as to sex, but as an extensive knowledge of anatomy is necessary to under- stand our meaning, the scope of this work does not permit such an exhaustive treatise. If you master what is herein written and de- sire further enlightenment on these deeper things of life, if worthy, you may find our lodge on the northwest shores of America and follow the path to illumination. No need to inquire who or what we are, or to ascertain our location. You might pass through it daily and never suspect its character. Suffice to know that it is not near a large city. But to continue our discourse : It is de- clared that makers of the violin were two hun- dred years in discovering the truth that they got the fuller, richer and better tone by match- ing the masculine and feminine woods in the back of the instrument. Some dispute this 48 VIBRATORY INTONING statement, but the greatest artists of earth agree that the principle is true. This principle is true and can be demonstra- ted, that when you shall have so mastered the art of breathing and intoning you will be able to speak or sing with such ease, grace and power of expression that it will astonish you and confound your critics. Just as the planets of the heavens vibrate in harmony, you will be able to vibrate each organ of your body in harmony with the tone you seek to produce, and the result will be a perfect blending of tone in sound and color. A volume could be written on the influence and power of gender, but enough has been given here for the student who seeks to excel. 49 Chapter V. LOVE. It will no doubt appeal to the student as unusual, that a chapter on love, should be in- troduced in a work whose primary aim is to simplify and teach the art of Vibratory inton- ing. But a close survey of what is here written will demonstrate to you the necessity for a correct understanding of this wonderful prin- ciple. You speak of free love to an average assem- bly, and instantly their thought is o