V ' <£, ^ ^ x ^. "f 3 " > ^ •> rf> ^ V s V c ^ ^ ,* V »-»> Class Book. 5 v_y ' -XM- Copyright}! .. CQEXRIGHT DEPOSm s? % ' * ^ V , X- ? tara of Seating * 3^ Attaint Swttrc nf Astrolngg nf it ofaimg * BY TRIX DEVOS 2* 7c <7 COPYRIGHT 1922 BY Trix Devos ©CI.A686680 SEP 28 '22 C. A. KIRCHHOFF It is gratifying to know that Professor Chas. A. Kirchhoff is one of the most intelligent Astrologers. He has a host of ardent and zealous friends who appreciate him for his integrity as well as for his ability, devotion and enthusiasm, which is not diminishing in the slightest degree. PHONE: KILBOURN 4813 C. A Kirchhoff SCIENTI FIC ASTROLOGER 817 I6th Street Milwaukee. Wis ASTROLOGY Astrology is the science of delineating character and judging past, present and future events from the positions of the planets and of the earth in the Zodiac at any given time. It is the key that opens to seekers after knowledge an explanation of the mysterious and unchanging laws that govern the universe and all living things. Astrology has interested the most advanced races of mankind ever since the reflective faculties of the mind were developed which is evidenced by recorded history and research into the manners and costumes of past ages. There is more in Astrology than the mere writing and reading of horoscopes and the delineating of char- acter and vocations, which the casual reader does not comprehend. The study of Astrology will develop talents that are latent and of which persons are unconscious. It will intensify natural intui- tion and. makes perceptible things which would otherwise have re- mained obscured. There are two motives in the student taking up the study of Astrology. The first is to thoroughly understand one's own nature. The second is to become of use to those who do not have the advantage and opportunity of obtaining this knowledge for themselves. No one should hesitate to begin an investigation of this science for even a superficial examination will show that there is a way, in the apparent inequality of mankind. It will show why some persons succeed and others fail. Why some are weak, and others strong. Why some persons continually quarrel while with others there is peace, quiet and harmony. Sickly sentiment and distaste for improving the mind is inculcated by reading stupid books and vulgar novels so by the study of the science of Astrology is the mind ex- panded, new and ever rising ideas and thoughts are elevated and the pleasures of life realized. If the science of Astrology was sufficiently known very many of the evils now afflicting mankind would not prevail and much pain, sorrow, trouble and consequent disappointment now abound- ing would not exist. Never before in the history of the world has the struggle for existence been so demoralized and unsettled. There- fore it behooves every sensible, thinking man and woman to grasp every means and opportunity to better their conditions by perma- nent efforts to rise to the higher places of thought and action. Invisible things cannot be seen, yet invisible things such as gas, the producing power of the Sun, the vital power of plants, and animals, thought feeling, psychological influence, electricity and many other things too numerous to mention, are never the less facts and exist in spite of the incapacity of ordinary persons to ex- plain them." The person who denies the existence of anything be- yond his comprehension is as credulous as one who believes every- thing without discrimination. Both of these persons are slaves to opinion or limited in their intercourse with the world. That a practical Astrologer can select these times with unerring accuracy has been proven by hundreds of years testimony in that direc- tion. The man who dares not follow his own judgments, but con- stantly takes the advice of others, becomes at last a moral weak- ling and an intellectual dwarf. He is, in fact, a mere fragment of a human being, carried about the world, an insignificant cipher. A sober, industrious person with fair abilities may fail at times by following his judgment, but such a person must eventually suc- ceed. Know your work, then do it. Astrology is the science which teaches the effect of the planets on Human Life and the things of the Earth. By it we can fore- tell future events according to the position of the heavenly bodies at the time of birth. That it is the oldest Science in existence is proved by the fact that the Astrological Signs have been found in ancient Temples, known to be more than ten thousand years old. I can not empha- size too strongly that Astrology is not Universal because the men- tality of the people is not there to grasp the meaning of the science. Astrology today is based on sound mathematical calculations, the 3> S5 Q * « ft o •«-» ^* *4-» « xa a & c# s vS • *-• u g A o irT CM —* —— ■^-t en S3 a ■+4 t-» ^ o g X3 s C4 *S J3 fit •♦^ >-. ^2 0^ » s o* /O « J3- & ^ a t «*- P 0> n >c *-• Cj 5* u »i ^ INFLUENCE OF PLANETS IN THE MUNDANE HOUSES. NOTE— Read carefully! Before taking literally, word for word, the delineations folio, ing, first see if the planet in question is in any dignity or debility, and in good or bad aspect, and to what natured planets, and from what Houses ; then modify the reading accordingly. These interpretations are for the planets unaspected and by their positions in the Houses alone, unless otherwise stated. If a planet is aspected by another, its delineation by House, as herein given, is subject to modification correspondingly. For instance : "Saturn in the Fifth House." "Delay, disappointment and sorrow through love affairs, af- fections and pleasures; incapacity for obtaining real enjoyment; loss through speculations, investments." Now, if Saturn were in Capricorn, the Sign it rules, and well aspected or free from affliction, it would not be near so bad, giving an attraction for a serious, elderly person; quiet enjoyment; suc- cess in investment in lands, mines and property, lead, coal and such things as Saturn rules. By taking this idea into consideration and giving your own modified interpretation, even if you only give ten words, using this as a guide, you bring into unfoldment the latent faculties of per- ception and expression, besides developing judgment and intuition. Notice the nature of the planet; note the nature of the Sign in which it is located ; see if it is at home or at ease therein ; then look up its aspects and you are ready to blend and modify according to the testimonies thus gathered. Planets in House are indications only and do not give continued success or continued difficulty. 16 For example : Jupiter in the Second or Tenth House and in good aspect to one or more planets, would give long periods of success and prosperity; but if, instead, Jupiter was afflicted, there would be spells of favorable periods, followed by difficult and troublesome times. Just when these different conditions would be operating can he known by judging from the "Transits" and through the horo- scope by "Directions," i. e., the "Progressed chart." If a planet is in good aspect to one and in adverse aspect to another, it indicates success through the one and misfortune through the other. The two aspects do not neutralize each other. Every aspect works, in its own time. Moon in First House. Chance in fortune, residence, occupation and employments, sen- sitive, intuitive and receptive mind ; fruitful imagination and nature ; ambition, activity and an inclination for public life ; re- fined, ingenious, observative and considerate. In a Common or Cardinal Sign it denotes flexibility, incon- stancy, often timidity, and great desire for change or roaming. In the Fixed Signs the nature is more firm, less changeable and more contented if employed in some common or ordinary or popular oc- cupation connected with the general public. Its tendency here is to lift the native upward in life and bring benefits and advantages from the public through social life in which the domestic interests largely enter. Dream experiences. The Moon is most important in a woman's horoscope, for it rules the functional arrangements and shows health or illness ac- cording to the aspects, good or adverse. Afflicted in a Watery Sign, shows danger from water and liquids. Mercury in First House. NOTE — Mercury is neutral, sexless and convertible, its nature being such that it absorbs much of the character of the planets with which it comes in contact or aspect; consequently, close attention must be paid to the Sign it is in, additional to the aspect it receives, thus : Mercury, assisted by Moon, good for commissions, assisted 17 by Venus, good for music, singing, art, etc. ; in favorable connec- tion with the Sun, good for business and responsible positions ; in good aspect to Mars, mechanical and constructive faculty; if Jupiter assist, a good theologian; if Saturn assist, a good divine; if Uranus assist, an originator and inventor; if Neptune assist, foresight, prophecy, power for psychomestrising and clairaudience. Mercury gives adaptability, fertility of resource ; an inquiring mind, inquisitive, always on the alert for new information.- Rapid comprehension ; fondness for Jiterature, writing or speaking, and for books, reading and learning. Perceptive, studious, logical, sharp, persuasive and expressive ; fertile imagination. Many changes, journeys; spells of restlessness and anxiety. Quick in speech, thought and action. Venus in First House. Denotes an amiable, trustful, cheerful, sympathetic and af- fectionate disposition, responsive to the love and emotional side of the nature. Fond of company, enjoyment and society and like to make others around them happy. It gives an appreciation for art and beauty and a fondness for pleasure, music, singing, drama, opera, etc. It shows a refined, generous, just nature, and one who is usually much admired by the opposite sex. The nature is fruitful. The tendency of this position is towards good fortune. If in aspect to Mars, the native marries early. If in adverse aspect to Saturn, it delays marriage. Bad aspects to Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune indicates much discord and trouble in married life ; afflicting Jupiter, much gen- erosity, free and careless with money, yet fortunate in getting it. Note carefully the influence or nature of the Sign that Venus is in; Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Pisces are the best for this posi- tion. The nature of Venus is feminine, so look up its aspects and see the tendencies. Inspiration for art comes from Neptune; but it requires a good aspect to Venus to manifest it. Venus governs touch. This planet rules the groins, kidneys and generative organs ; also the throat, chin and cheeks. 18 Sun in First House. Frank, free, generous, outspoken disposition; ambition, pride, firmness and stability ; humane ; strong moral nature ; quick per- ception and constructive faculty, adding a certain appearance of dignity and strength that impresses others ; it gives an independent, combative and defensive ambition, coupled with hope, confidence, love of power and authority that results in the native rising above his sphere in life and into positions of trust, influence and respon- sibility; it strengthens the constitution and adds to the vitality; tends to honor and general success, advancement and good will of superiors. High motives. If afflicting Mars, Saturn or Uranus, it indicates heavy, sharp attacks of sickness, i. e., fevers, inflammations and eye affections; also losses and reversals through impulsiveness. Sun rules vitality and strength of constitution. When afflicted, the recuperative power is not good. Mars in First House. Ambitious, confident, enterprising, aspiring, skillful, and as- sertive. Usually create a great deal of their own fate by impulse and strong desire nature. Good, practical, executive ability. Love of liberty and independence ; free, audacious, courageous, combative and positive ; scorning defeat and reckless of danger. Somewhat fiery, amorous, aggressive and defensive, at times rash, headstrong, forceful and impatient. A great deal depends upon the Sign Mars is in. By nature it is masculine, constructive and destructive ; usually causes a mark or scar about the head or face and one on that part of the body represented by the Sign it is in. Danger of cuts, burns, scalds, falls and bruises and other acci- dents. Look into the aspects carefully. Mars rules the muscular system and urino-genital organs; also feverish and inflammatory troubles. 19 Jupiter in First House. Optimistic spirit : cheerful, hopeful disposition ; generous, faith- ful, just, prudent and noble nature; sincere, humane, courteous and amiable ; pleasant manners. The influence of Jupiter is always a more or less fortunate one. It gives executive ability, power and dignity and fits the native for leading positions in social and business circles. Its tendency, also, is toward good reasoning, a logical, broad mind, self-possession, confidence and determination. If unafflicted, it indicates one of high standing, such as bank- ers, judges, doctors, lawyers, professors, theologians and govern- ment officials. Business connected with shipping, long-distance transit, wholesale business or commerce on a large scale. When afflicted : clerk, assistant, clothier, draper, grocer, cashier, etc. Note carefully the Sign that Jupiter occupies and the aspects for judgment regarding wealth, station and ability. Jupiter affecting the body brings on disease resulting from im- pure blood, plethora, excess, gout, liver complaints, excessive stout- ness, varicose veins, according to the Sign occupied ; super-abund- ant action of parts when afflicted by Mars or Sun ; or defective action when affected by Saturn. Saturn in First House. When well-placed by Sign and aspect it denotes thoughtful- ness and consideration for the welfare of others; contemplation, discretion, prudence, system, diligence, economy, respect and at- tention to affairs generally. The disposition is faithful, calm, serious, grave, penetrative and chaste. The desire is to attain position as the result of merit and to that end they labor with method, industry, perseverance and steadiness, rarely entering into any project that is not premeditated and planned. The progress and success may be slow, but it is sure in bringing reputation, honor and credit through persistence, prac- tical ability, worldly wisdom and continual effort. When weak or afflicted it indicates liability to colds and trouble to that part of 20 the body ruled by the Sign it is in. Bruises to the head. The na- ture is reserved, thoughtful, mistrustful, subtle, acquisitive and careful of personal affairs, secretive and given to periods of gloom and discontent. Loss and misfortune through negligence, habits, lack of op- portunity, or fateful events and delays. It also indicates many sorrows and disappointments, sometimes poverty, and an uphill time generally. Saturn rules the bones, teeth, right ear, knees and spleen ; gives a liability to suffer from colds, chills and poor circulation, also through constipation, rheumatism, stone, gravel, obstructed growth and deficient action. Uranus in First House. Uranus signifies originality of thought, independence of mind, inventive genius, intuition, intellectual and metaphysical ability. It predisposes one to the occult, the antiquated, old, curious new and the odd, in fact to everything out of the ordinary. It attracts towards such subject as Astrology, phrenology, oc- cultism, mesmerism, hypnotism, spiritualism, psychic research, magnetic healing, telepathy, psychism, Free Masonry, inventions, electricity, etc. It makes one appear odd, peculiar, eccentric, progressive and about one hundred years ahead of their time. It is significant of many changes in residence and occupation and is usually not good here for marriage, bringing about peculiar, un- fortunate conditions, difficulties and separations. It is Uranus manifesting which makes one independent and revolutionary, apt to change thoughts and position radically and suddenly, forming his own opinions regardless of what others may think of them. Estrangements from parents and kindred. 21 Uranus stands for freedom, equality, and its natives can al- ways see how conditions may be better, even when they are almost well enough in the opinion of many. They are nearly always on the opposite to the things that are popular, formal or limited, pre- ferring expansion and upheaval, and therefore takes the side of the unpopular in movements, studies, sciences, religion, etc. He is often called a crank, but invariably his cranky notions become ac- cepted facts after a time. They are usually forceful, but not par- ticularly quarrelsome or antagonistic, but are vigorous in the cause of the oppressed. They are not at all opposed to discussion or de- bate and seldom become angry in it; detest limitations and cannot stand control or dictation. Uranus rules the originating or creating faculties, phrenological- ly expressed, the faculties of comparison and casualty, without which there can be no invention or science. While Uranus gives originality and individuality of thought, yet one may be running over with good ideas, but unless Mercury assists he will never get them uttered satisfactorily. Mercury gives the ability to reason, understand, interpret, ex- pound and express. "And I will send Aaron (Mercury) thy brother, for I know he can speak well, but thou Moses (Uranus) shall teach him what to say." The enlightened Uranian gives all the freedom possible to those around him, knowing that his liberty is increased correspondingly. However, just how fine the native will manifest or interpret the rays from Uranus depends upon the quality of the ASPECTS to it in the chart. Uranus afflicted shows quickness of mind, mental impulsiveness, originality, independence and self-will, changeful, impulsive, abrupt, erratic, eccentric, wilful, brusque, sarcastic, critical and easily of- fended ; inventive genius. It gives unconventionality, irregularity, strange ideas, separa- tions, estrangements, journeys, sudden changes and losses in un- expected ways. 22 Danger through lightning, electricity and hurts by machinery, inventions, engines, explosions and vehicles of travel. Mysterious happenings. Gives an interest in all occult affairs and rules the psychic aura and the personal magnetism. Neptune in First House. The influence of this planet is always more or less mediumistic and the native will either consciously or unconsciously take on the conditions of the surroundings and of those with whom they come in contact. It being a neutral planet, it depends upon ASPECTS for the manner in which it will manifest. It represents inspiration, trance, dreams, weird feelings, thoughts and experiences. Romance and emotion. Visionary mind. When well aspected it gives good intuition and spirit percep- tions ; ruling the organ of calculation it denotes far-seeing, able to estimate quickly and accurately. It attracts one to peculiar people, psychic centers and mysterious, strange places. It gives ability to cultivate thought reading and transference, clairvoyance, crystal gazing, psychometry, etc. It exalts the artistic tastes, giving a love for beauty in form, color and sound. It bears relation to matters connected with the sea, water and liquids in general, also mediumship and Spiritual- ism. When it is weak or afflicted it seems to open an avenue oi temptation that appeals to the passional, sense-loving and emo- tional side of the nature, bringing uncertainty and confusion through instability, indolence or lack of energy. Danger through plots, schemes, enmities and deceptions. While it indicates intuition, enthusiasm and perception, yet it denotes a receptivity to the psychic conditions that might run into extremes, allowing the feelings to get the upper hand of the judgment; excitability, changefulness, imagination, strange or un- natural appetites, intrigues, acts of indiscretion, deceptions, assum- ings, love of luxury and taste; wandering disposition, many jour- 23 neys, changes, up and downs. Being rapidly affected by the en- vironments or surrounding conditions psychically, mentally and physically ; they should investigate the philosophy of all things mys- terious rather than the phenomena. There are days when Neptune people should have nothing to do whatever with any occult phenomena, seances or drugs, medicines, gases, etc., and, again, there are days when they should strive to develop their occult faculties. These times are when other planets come into aspect with Neptune, particularly the Moon. SECOND HOUSE. Moon in Second House. Gain by employment, through public affairs and occupations, by dealing with liquids and commodities, and the wants of the com- mon people generally. Money obtained through females or the mother. Good for things ruled by the Moon and the Sign it is in. If well aspected it is favorable for financial success, although somewhat variable. Mercury in Second House. Denotes gain by letters, writings, speaking, traveling, teaching, clerking, commissions and ordinary business and commercial af- fairs generally, also through study, advertising, distributing, sta- tionery, books, etc. Gain through any occupation according to the nature of the planet in closest good aspect. Venus in Second House. By luck and good will and favors from others money comes readily, it is often gained through artistic pursuits, music,. pleasure, social affairs, friendships, societies, marriage, jewelry, millinery, hotels, confectionery and wearing apparel. A good deal of money is spent on adornment, luxuries, pleasure, friends, etc., but nevertheless they get it to spend. Sun in Second House. Money obtained by industrious effort and through the father and superiors; gain by affairs of government or through holding official appointments or other responsible positions. Benefit 24 through superiors and persons of rank and title. The nature of the occupations depend upon what Sign the Sun is in. The native is inclined to generosity in money matters, social intercourse, pleas- ure and luxury. Mars in Second House. Good earning powers but usually extravagant, over-generous or careless in nature regarding the accumulation of wealth, and money runs quickly through the fingers. It denotes gain by the native's own energy, activity and strength, and by stock farming, iron, steel, chemicals, timber, business enter- prise as agent, promoter, etc. When well aspected, and to the ruler of the eighth, denotes money by legacy; to ruler of the seventh, by marriage. If Mars is afflicted, heavy losses, expenditures or extravagance, and trouble, strife and contentions over finances. Jupiter in Second House. Increases the chances for success, wealth and general pros- perity. It has to do with government and responsible business affairs, and tends to gain through law, religion, science, education, literature and travel. Money through things indicated by the House which Jupiter rules in the chart, and the Sign occupied. Saturn in Second House. Saturn, unless well aspected, tends to make an uphill struggle and much work for little gain. The person sees many opportuni- ties, but is seldom. in a position to take advantage of them. Again, things run along apparently well and smooth and then take a turn and go persistently wrong or retrograde. Delays. Lack of money. One with this position should become thoroughly acquainted with the directions operating in his chart to avoid fail- ures and aid success in land, property, mines, storage, investments, stocks, coal, lead, building, labor, etc. When well aspected or favorably located by Sign : prudent financial ability ; thrift, economy and solid conservative invest- ments bring steady but slow returns. Gain by father or employer. 25 Uranus in Second House. Many changes in fortune ; financial affairs very uncertain ; ups and downs. Uranus has to do with unique occupations, affairs and employments of all kinds, especially those of a curious or mental character and great ingeniousness. Gain through inventions, mechanisms, railroads, electrical af- fairs, occultism, Astrology, extraordinary composition and some- times music, especially when well aspected by Venus. Neptune in Second House. Neptune gives a liability of having financial affairs much in- volved and loss through fraud and schemes. Neptune rules hospitals, asylums, institutions, secret service, the sea and its various industries, navigation, bath, public estab- lishments, Spiritualism, mediumship, mystical and secret societies. If Neptune is well aspected the native will gain through these things, but if it is weak or afflicted, will lose by them. THIRD HOUSE. Moon in Third House. Many changes of pursuit and occupation ; desire for publicity of some sort; curious, active and inquisitive mind, ever alert for new information and generally possess a fund of knowledge regarding public affairs and conditions; journeys and changes; desire for new surroundings, new conditions and material. Not enough continuity. An unfavorable position for peace of mind if afflicted ; unfinished education or accomplishments. Well aspected ; good for learning and mental attainments along popular lines. Short studies prove beneficial. Mercury in Third House. Many short journeys ; much activity and writing. The mind inclines to investigate all that tends to enlighten, broaden con- sciousness and understanding; fond of reading, new thought, science, study, speaking, teaching, lectures, literature, etc. The mentality is quick and perceptive and usually interested in or anxious regarding relatives. 26 When Mercury is afflicted the native is inclined to worry or anxiety; it is said that the mind re-acts on the bowels, and that is likely true enough, for Mercury represents both. When well aspected, successful travels, accomplishments, men- tal development and gain through third House affairs. . Venus in Third House. The mental quality is good. Strong inclination and liking for fine arts, music, singing, opera, painting, light literature and all that tends to uplift or refine the mind and give pleasure. The mind is cheerful, fruitful, optimistic, bright and desirous of peace. It denotes favorable relations and aid or gain through them. It is a good position for pleasure trips or pleasure and gain through journeys and successful travels, in fact, it is good for all things ruled by the Third House. Pleasant correspondence. Sun in Third House. It is good for all things ruled by this House. It tends to re- spect, good will and benefit from relatives and successful travels for business and pleasure. The mind is resourceful, creative, magnanimous and ambitious of success and honor through mental qualifications ; the desire is to uplift, enlighten, benefit and assist others mentally. Afflicted ; trouble with some of the kindred and through proud, haughty states of mind. Mars in Third House. Liability to danger and accidents through journeys, trouble through travel, relations, writings and litigation. The mind is energetic, keen, forceful, combative and alert and likely to get out of control. The native is quick and prompt in speech and possesses executive power in literary or educational directions. At some time the native will be troubled with brain fever or deliriousness, and if Mars is afflicted by Saturn or Uranus, shows thoughts of suicide or violent tendencies. 27 The best Sign for Mars to be in here is Capricorn, and the best Aspects are the good ones to Saturn or Mercury, although a good one to Uranus will give genius in some line and inventive ability. Jupiter in Third House. Gain in all things ruled by this House. The mind is optimistic, philosophical, refined, cheerful and sympathetic. Kind, thought- ful, just and considerate in all matters of correspondence, publica- tion or exchange of thought; sincere, earnest, courteous, sociable and reasonable in speech and writing. Capable of adapting them- selves to any conventionality of thought prevalent and popular. Benefits through education, literature, traveling, brethren and neighbors. Saturn in Third House. Trouble, loss, disappointment, annoyance, hindrance and delays in connection with education, writings, relatives, traveling and changes. Coldness between brethren. The tendency of the mind is to gloom, cautiousness, acquisitive- ness, worry, restlessness, anxiety and misgiving, especially in youth. The mental condition improves with age and is much better in later life, becoming more contemplative, thoughtful and capable of con- centration on serious or profound subjects. If Saturn is ill-aspected or afflicted by the Sun, Moon or Mer- cury, the melancholy expression is liable to run into extremes, de- spondency, morbid tendencies, insanity, etc. When well aspected it denotes responsibility, tact, diplomacy, thought power, steady thinking, mental concentration and control, orderly reasoning, philosophic mind with the ability of taking up profound studies or writings. Uranus in Third House. Denotes estrangements from kindred and neighbors and strange experiences through them; sudden and unexpected news, journeys and changes, odd happenings, meetings, adventures and occur- rences through travels. The nature is peculiar or eccentric in some things, but the natives are usually intellectual and possess ability to develop clairvoyance, clairaudient or telepathic faculty in addi- 28 tion to mesmeric or magnetic healing. The mind is curious, in- ventive, ingenious, unconventional and fond of the occult, mystical, new, extraordinary, profound, ancient or unpopular studies and social or mental reforms. Intuitive perception and understanding with regard to things occult. If Uranus is afflicted by Saturn, or Mars, it shows danger of accidents, wrecks or explosions on jour- neys, through vehicles of travel or treachery on the part of relatives. If afflicted by Moon or Mercury, the native incurs severe criti- cism on account of his ideas, projects and mental attitude. Neptune in Third House. Denotes psychological faculties ; spiritual perception ; fruitful, inventive mind, given to the investigation of spirit phenomena and matters pertaining to the occult or mysterious. It gives inspirational ideas and weird feelings or experiences. Signifies journeys, peculiar difficulties with relatives, schemes, plots, deceits, etc. Changes in name — nick-name, nom de plume or alias. If Neptune is weak or badly aspected it is not good for the mind, showing hallucinations, morbid fancies, imbecility, weak intellect or depraved tastes. When well aspected it gives artistic taste or appreciation of an exalted order through a peculiar blending of the feelings and in- tuitions, and ability to get beautiful things inspirationally ; possi- bility of independent or automatic writings, etc. FOURTH HOUSE. Moon in Fourth House. Well placed or aspected, it shows gain and benefit through the parents, home and domestic life; favors from the opposite sex, some chance of inheritance. Publicity or popularity through the parents ; many changes in residence and fluctuation in affairs to- wards the close of life. If well dignified here it shows ultimate rise to success and independence. Possessions and prosperity. 29 But if Saturn afflicts the Moon great difficulty will be encoun- tered in attaining success, or, in fact, keeping from poverty and sor- row through family affairs. Afflictions by Mars, Sun or Mercury denotes loss by theft, fraud or deception. Jupiter adverse denotes lack of opportunities and limitations through environments. Uranus adverse : sudden changes ; difficulties with home affairs ; estrange- ments from or loss of parents, probably the mother; loss through unexpected reversals and changes. Neptune adverse : mystery or complications concerning home affairs. Mercury in Fourth House. Inconstancy in affairs generally ; change of residence through matters connected with business; often the subject has no fixed abode; many traveling men have this position. Worry and anxiety regarding disturbance in home affairs. Good position for proprietors of private schools or other sta- tionary places where literary or clerical work is carried on, such as land, mine and real estate agencies, registry offices, newspaper of- fices, libraries, publishers, etc. In bad aspect to Uranus, difficulty through the mind at the close of life or sudden end. Saturn adverse : denotes deception, fraud and theft. Mars adverse : loss through imposition and controversy. Sun, Moon or Jupiter adverse : lack of opportunity or limita- tions. Uranus in good aspect : occult investigations and enlightenment before the close of life. Saturn or Jupiter in good aspect : steadier, more satisfied and studious; inclines to success, opportunities and inheritance. Sun, Moon or Venus in good aspect : activity, popularity and success before the close of life. Venus in Fourth House. Indicative of favorable domestic affairs and happiness through the parents ; love of home and country. Chance of gain by inher- itance, parents, houses or property and investment; peaceful, com- 30 fortable conditions at the close of life. Successful termination to hopes and wishes. Sun, Moon or Jupiter in good aspect is exceed- ingly fortunate, bringing general affairs to a successful issue. In good aspect to Uranus or Saturn : success in old age. The adverse aspects of Sun, Moon, Mercury or Jupiter are not particularly evil, but affect the finances. Mars adverse : difficulty through generosity, carelessness or ex- travagance toward the close of life. Saturn, Uranus or Neptune adverse : sudden, peculiar losses, disappointments and sorrows toward the end of life. Sun in Fourth House. A chance of honor in declining years, successful ambitions ; hopes and wishes realized. Good for house, land, property and oc- cupations connected with them. Gain or chance of inheritance by or through the parents ; fortunate heredity. Inclines to secrecy or investigation of occult or spiritual af- fairs ; some psychic experiences. In good aspect to Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus : gain; property; inheritance; financial success. If afflicted : obstacles, limitations, troubles and sorrows through the parents and home life ; liability to loss and difficulty by living beyond the means or through heavy obligations. Weakens the con- stitution at close of life. Mars in Fourth House. Domestic unpleasantness and many misunderstandings, inhar- monies or quarrels in the home life, especially if Mercury afflicts. Losses by thefts, fire and accidents in the dwelling place; early death of a parent. Many difficulties, disappointments and ob- stacles. Worry in old age. Physical unpleasantness caused by bad digestion. Liability to loss through speculations in property, lands and mines. If Uranus or Saturn afflicts : danger of mental trouble, suicide or sudden end by accident, distress and poverty; unfortunate in the place of birth. The good aspects give much energy, force, activity and enterprise in the acquisition of pos- sessions. 31 Jupiter in Fourth House. Tends to satisfactory, comfortable and peaceful domestic af- fairs ; successful home life and family surroundings ; gain and favor through the parents, benefit through land and possessions ; good position, property and success toward the close of life. If unafnicted : A fortunate, easy life ; success at the place of birth, successful termination to business enterprise and affairs generally. Jupiter afflicted gives trouble through the parents or their af- fairs, and extravagance ; heredity limitations. Sun or Moon adverse : liability to sudden heart trouble or apoplexy. Mercury adverse : danger of lawsuits over property or in- heritance, and if both afflict, the ruler of the fourth : law with or through the parents. Mars or Saturn in good aspect : a religious or satisfactory end. Uranus favorable : occult tendencies ; long life. The luminaries favorable : overcomes many adverse testimonies in the chart and shows a rise in life to opulence and popularity. Saturn in Fourth House. Difficulties and troubles through property, inheritance or mines. Sorrow through parents, probably the father. Acquisitive- ness. Unsatisfactory domestic or home life. Much work, heavy responsibilities and great difficulty to success. Unfortunate in the place of birth. Seclusiveness at close of life. If afflicted : denotes limitations, inability to bring affairs to satisfactory conclusions ; poverty, privations. Parents or domestic affairs serve as a brake or "hold-back." Good aspects, however, show a chance of inheritance and suc- cess by judicious investment in property, lands and mines ; religious studies; serious nature; occult development; retiring disposition at the close of life. Uranus in Fourth House. Unsettled residence ; many changes ; a checkered career. Un- fortunate in the place of birth. Estrangements from parents ; do- mestic troubles and family affairs. Exceptional experiences. A 32 sudden or peculiar end to life. Much work and strange or unex- pected results. Worry through occupation; difficulty with em- ployers or superiors. Loss of inheritance, if one is expected. Many ups and downs and tastes' of poverty through peculiar circum- stances. Strong attraction to things occult. Afflicted by the luminaries : liability to heart trouble and paraly- sis. Mercury adverse : mental derangements. Mars adverse : dan- ger of violence. Saturn adverse : liability to accident. Neptune ad- verse : threatens loss through theft, fraud and deception, and acci- dent by flood or action of the elements. Jupiter adverse : loss through Government matters, law or by lightning. Neptune in Fourth House. Changes of residence. Voyages. Peculiar domestic and fam- ily affairs, some secrets of mystery regarding the home life ; schemes, frauds and misunderstandings afflict the parents in some way. Unfavorable close of life in exile or seclusion ; probability of being restraint or in a hospital or public institution. Psychic ex- periences. Much depends on the aspects. The luminaries in af- fliction : denotes weakened vitality and poor health. Mercury ad- verse : mental troubles and peculiar nervous disorders. Neptune is neutral, consequently good aspects would show benefits through property and houses, according to the nature of the aspects. FIFTH HOUSE. Moon in Fifth House. Public success in connection with places of amusement or with women, children and young people; happy disposition; fondness for pleasure and the society of children and the opposite sex. Strong tendencies toward speculation. Much activity and change in all enterprise; changeable affections (except in Fixed Signs), yet the heart may be given to one who least deserves it and thus the affection change to aversion, coldness or indifference. Several offspring (if in a Fruitful Sign). It is indicative of a child who achieves fame! and popularity, if well aspected, also that the native will in some manner be closely connected or drawn to a child or young person. 33 If the Moon is afflicted it brings loss through speculations, and danger or sorrow and trouble through love, children and morals. Mercury in Fifth House. Refines the pleasures and makes them more mental than muscu- lar, i. e., more of the mind than of the senses, and is good for oc- cupations connected with entertainment, schools or travel. This position denotes worry, anxiety and sorrow through ob- jects of affection, and children and their affairs. A good aspect of Saturn or Jupiter much improves the position and brings success and gain through these things and also through speculation, investment, etc. Luminaries favorable : indicates suc- cess in connection with traveling for public amusement and with children. Mars or Uranus adverse : Denotes troublesome love af- fairs, scandal, separations, divorce, lawsuits, etc. Venus in Fifth House. A fruitful union and handsome children who will be endowed with artistic or musical ability ; happiness, comfort and gain through offspring, which are usually or mostly girls. This position denotes gain and success through love affairs, friendships, etc., ability to entertain others and enjoy success through all manner of social intercourse, pleasure and amusement. It indicates gain through speculation, investment and general enterprise, also through theatres, concerts, singing, music, paint- ing, children, schools, etc. If Venus is much afflicted it gives liability of injury to the health through over-indulgence in pleasurable gratifications. Saturn ad- verse : sorrow and disappointment through love, speculation, chil- dren, etc. Mars or Uranus adverse : trouble and danger through the opposite sex, and careless, rash, indiscriminative or unconven- tional bestowal of affection. Sun in Fifth House. Honorable and successful attachments. Gain through specula- tions, investments, enterprise, children, pleasure and places of amusement. Small family. This position often denies children 34 and produces difficult or dangerous child-birth; this, however, de- pends upon the nature of the Sign on the Cusp, whether barren or not, etc. If the Sun is afflicted here it causes loss through specu- lations, troubles and jealousy in courtship, and sorrow through love, pleasure and pride. Mars in Fifth House. Pleasure through the strenuous sports, athletics, muscular ex- ercise. Impulsive, rash and unfortunate attractions towards the opposite sex. Sensual emotions or over-ardent affections and too much indulgence in pleasure, amusement and tastes results in physical, financial and social loss ; danger of accident to first child. In a woman's horoscope this position shows difficult and dangerous child-birth. Loss by speculation, gaming, extravagance, pleasure and excess of feeling. Trouble with or through children. Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, Moon or Venus adverse : threat- ens danger of ruin or disgrace through the opposite sex. Well aspected : gain through occupations and enterprise con- nected with pleasure and investment corresponding to the nature of Mars. Jupiter in Fifth House. Good and dutiful children, who will be a help and comfort to to the native. Success, happiness and gain through love affairs, and the opposite sex. Pleasure, success and gain in connection with places of amusement, theaters, socials, schools, etc. A good posi- tion for gain through speculation, investment and financial enter- prise, more especially if Mars or Sun is in good aspect. For a fe- male it denotes an attachment with an older gentleman or widower or to one of religious nature or social standing. Increases the number of children and is fortunate for them. If Jupiter is af- flicted it modifies its good influence, giving the same desires but troubles, losses and obstacles, according to the nature of the af- flicting planet and from which House. 35 Saturn in Fifth House. Denotes disappointments, delays, hindrance and sorrow in con- nection with love affairs ; attraction to those who are older or more serious in disposition. Loss of child and troubles and unhappiness through children. Loss by speculation, investment and games of chance. Danger from hurts by animals while on pleasure. Danger of drowning if Saturn is in Scorpio, and of heart trouble if in Leo. If Saturn is well aspected by either Sun or Moon and not otherwise afflicted, it is a good position for investment in lands, mines and property and such things which Saturn governs. If af- flicted by Sun, Moon or Jupiter, take no chances of any kind. Uranus in Fifth House. Unconventional ideas with regard to sex union ; strange, ro- mantic, inconstant, secret or impulsive love affairs. Social vexa- tions, scandal, etc. Loss of first child through some sudden or extraordinary man- ner or separation, anxiety and trouble through children; difficulty through child-birth. Difficulties in domestic life and love attach- ments. Loss through speculation, risks, chances, etc. Liking for all odd, new, daring pleasures or places of amusement. Neptune in Fifth House. Strange and peculiar experiences in connection with the feel- ings, emotions and affections ; abnormal conditions relating to sex matters. Sensuous pleasures. Seduction. If afflicted it denotes trouble, faithlessness or confusion and sorrow in love affairs and loss through lax control of the desires and appetites ; losses in specu- lation through deceit or treachery. If well aspected the native wili be benefited in his development through a fortunate union with one of the opposite sex; gain by investment in oil, shipping and such things as Neptune rules. 36 SIXTH HOUSE. Moon in Sixth House. Uncertain health, especially in a woman's horoscope ; much sick- ness and danger in infancy. Desire to serve the public in some pro- fessional capacity. The subject has better knack and ability of getting good results from serving others than from others serving him. Many changes among servants or employes. Success in domestic service or in catering to the public's want for necessities, food stuffs, drinks, etc. Good aspects to the Moon helps the health and gives success with small animals, servants and through some subordinate posi- tion connected with the occupations ruled by the Sign the Moon occupies. Moon afflicted gives poor success with employes and treachery and dishonesty among them ; bad for small animals, poul- try, etc. ; weakness in the part of the body ruled by the Sign Moon is in. Afflicted in Common Signs : danger from lung trouble and chronic diseases. Fixed Signs : bronchitis, gravel or stone. Cardi- nal Signs : nervous derangements and stomach trouble. Moon afflicted by Mercury: indigestion, aches in head and teeth ; bowel troubles. Moon afflicted by Venus : functional or skin trouble. Moon afflicted by Mars : inflammatory complaints. Moon afflicted by Jupiter : liver and blood trouble. Moon afflicted by Saturn : chronic diseases ; poor circulation. Moon afflicted by Sun, Uranus or Neptune : weak vitality ; in- digestion; indisposition through psychic conditions. Mercury in Sixth House. Many small vexations through servants; journeys on account of health. Good position for the study of hygiene, medicine or chemistry. Gain in subordinate positions through writings, clerical work and Mercurial affairs generally. Active mentality, but liable to become overstrung or impaired through anxiety, worry or overwork, causing dyspepsia or a ten- dency to become easily affected by the surrounding conditions. 37 Any afflictions to Mercury here are dangerous to the health through the mentality and nervous organization. Afflicted by Uranus : liable to become unbalanced or commit suicide. Afflicted by Saturn : danger through despondency or worry. Afflicted by Mars : mental derangement or excitement. Afflicted by Sun, Moon, or Neptune : fevers, stomach trouble ; indisposition through psychic conditions. Venus in Sixth House. Is favorable to good health, but care and discretion should be exercised to keep from excesses of all kinds, especially with regard to eating and drinking. Gain in the employ of others. It is favor- able for success and benefits through servants, hygiene, medicine, nursing, and by clothing, small animals, poultry, etc. People with Venus here often take up work for the pleasure it gives them and the interest it creates. Love for pets, fine clothes and adorn- ments. If afflicted it shows trouble to the health through indul- gences, and to that part of the body ruled by the Sign Venus is in or by the planet afflicting. Health improves after marriage. Sun in Sixth House. This is a cadent House, therefore the Sun, ruler of vitality, placed here is not in a very good position for health, as it may slightly weaken the constitution. If afflicted by Neptune, Uranus or Saturn, the recuperative power is not good, and a great deal of indisposition will be encountered ; liability to contagious diseases and danger from epidemics. When the Sun is well aspected the native seems to intuitively understand how to safeguard the health and in that way escapes ills. Any aspect of Mars strengthens the constitution. A good aspect of Mars, Jupiter or Venus would show success and gain through servants and service rendered ; success, promotion and fortunate conditions in employments that benefit others, such as healing, doctoring, chemistry, hospital work, etc., in fact, the Sun well dignified or aspected here indicates that the native can do a great work in assisting to relieve the sufferings of humanity. 38 Sun afflicted in Fixed Signs : quinsy, bronchitis, asthma, diph- theria, gravel, heart trouble, weak back, sides and loins. Afflicted in Common Signs : chronic diseases, troubles with breathing organs. Afflicted in Cardinal Signs : liver trouble, nervousness, weak chest and stomach, rheumatism; also liable to some permanent injury. Mars in Sixth House. Disputes, quarrels, losses and thefts through servants or em- ployes and much difficulty and annoyance by their taking liber- ties, advantages, etc. The native is usually an active, energetic and enthusiastic worker and liable to overdo himself, especially in the employ of others. Mars rules the tastes and the subject is liable to impair, injure, or suffer in health through excesses, acts of indiscretion, careless- ness, extravagance and through accident. Its position here is usually significant of incision with steel to that part of the body ruled by the Sign it is in. Mars afflicted : inflammation or accidents to that part of the body ruled by the Sign occupied; difficulty in employ; danger, loss and trouble through employes, animals, poultry, pets, etc. Mars gives a tendency to inflammatory complaints in the bowels and troubles that part of the body represented by the Sign oc- cupied in about the same manner as does the Sun when in Sixth House and in a like Sign. (See Sun in Sixth House.) Saturn adverse : danger of death through operations and animals. Uranus adverse : danger of fatal accident or suicide. Neptune adverse : danger of foul play, accidental poisoning, etc. Jupiter in Sixth House. Gives good health, and, if indisposed, the subject receives kind treatment, good attention and many comforts, in fact, is likely to gain through sickness. The native's care and presence would be beneficial and healing to others in distress. If the person should become a physician, would be successful financially, and with the patients. 39 Gain and profit through employment, especially in high circles ; also through servants and inferiors, and through religious, philan- thropical and social tendencies. Success with small animals, poul- try, etc. If afflicted the health will suffer from over-indulgence or intemperance in diet, and with the che f , bowels, liver, blood and digestive organs. Saturn in Sixth House. Denotes much sickness, through exposure and circumstances over which the subject has little control, neglect, privation, sorrow, disappointment, etc. Many lost opportunities through the state of health. Troubles according to the nature of the Sign Saturn oc- cupies, something the same as Sun in Sixth House. Not a good position for employment or success with servants or inferiors, denoting loss and trouble through them. Ill success and loss with small animals, etc. Afflicted oy Uranus : incurable diseases. Afflicted by Mars : dangerous illness through accident. Afflicted by Sun, Moon or Neptune : chronic ill health, poor cir- culation and recuperation, colds, rheumatism, psychic and heavy ills. Notice the part of the body represented by the Sign occupied. Saturn denotes poor digestion, constipation, obstruction, poor circulation, debility, etc., physics should not be administered, but instead, warm water enemas ; physics rack and deplete the sys- tem in the performance of their work, while water benefits and is productive of better results. Uranus in Sixth House. Troubles through peculiar nervous disorders. Sickness which is puzzling or not well understood. If much afflicted the sicknesses are incurable ; danger of mental derangements ; danger of illness through the employment and through sudden changes. Not a good position for occupation, service, servants, employes, poultry, etc. Treatment by electricity, mesmerism, hypnotism, etc., are apt to prove detrimental (if Uranus is afflicted, but beneficial if well aspected), and a careful study of the diet and environments should be made. 40 Uranus rules the aura and sometimes the subjects take on or sense the conditions of the person who prepares or handles the food and the influence might be adverse to them, or it might be good ; investigate if you are having stomach trouble. Never eat when tired, r L'rvous, excited or angry. Uranus people especially should put on clothing for the first time only in the new of the Moon, and never wear any but their own. If Uranus is well aspected here it may bring some unexpected or unique opportunity to perform exceptional service and obtain great results. Uranus well placed would give success as a meta- physician, and through occult and electric treatments. Neptune in Sixth House. Threatens some chronic, incurable disease, atrophy, inertia, wasting sickness, or some inherited tendencies. Danger of some deformity through illness. If much afflicted it shows severe sick- ness and danger from gratifying the tastes or desires, especially if afflicted by Mars. The subject should carefully avoid narcotics and opiates and if any medicine is taken use only the simplest kind, they will prove most efficacious. Neptune rules the mediumistic faculty, this house rules clothing, food, etc., consequently, the native should never take food into the stomach received from a sick person or one of undesirable habits, nor should any apparel be worn once used by another. Use only the most fresh and pure food obtainable and no animal matter. No success with poultry, etc. Thefts, schemes, plots, deceit, or loss and difficulty through servants. This position may keep the native in seclusion, retirement or servitude. If well aspected the native can develop fine psycho- metrising powers, especially for sensing surrounding conditions- They should always pay attention to their own intuition in regard to food, clothing, environment, etc. Neptune people need to exer- cise great care regarding the physical condition and habits of their associates or of those whom they engage to treat them. Being genuinely receptive they absorb what others are throwing off and often this proves detrimental rather than beneficial, although the intentions may be good. 41 People who indulge in tobacco, liquors, or who countenance or encourage cruelty in any form, should never be allowed to touch the body of an indisposed Neptune person. Kindly suggestion, both verbal and mental, are best. SEVENTH HOUSE. Moon in Seventh House. In a female chart it indicates a union with one whose affections are variable, fond of change and travel and of unsettled nature. If well aspected it favors an early marriage; partnership, public favor, popularity and social success, also money or property by marriage. Unless the Moon is well aspected and located this is not a favorable position ; death of partner ; public opposition and un- popularity; female enmity; trouble and loss through litigation; changeful relations with the opposite sex and with partner and associates. If the Moon is well aspected and to the ruler of the First House it helps to offset the adverse testimonies and magnify the good ones. In bad aspect to Mars : discord, discontent, hasty speech and action. Saturn adverse : disappointment, loss and sorrows through unions. Uranus adverse: separation, estrangement, peculiar experience in connection with the unions ; unexpected enmities. Mercury adverse : matrimonial and business worries. If the Moon is applying to any aspect of Uranus the native is likely to marry suddenly and meet one to whom affection is given afterwards. Taken alone : inclines to journeys and removals, es- pecially when in a movable sign. Mercury in Seventh House. The native usually carries on Mercurial pursuits in partnership or association with others and is fortunate or otherwise thereby, according to aspects. 42 Unsettled married life ; many inharmonies ; the partner is quick in thought and action, and if afflicted, sarcastic, untruthful and hasty tempered ; if well aspected, shrewd, active, clever and progressive. The partner is usually younger and oftentimes is an employe or is related in some way. Marriage is generally the result of writings or traveling and is more of the mind than of the senses or emo- tions. If Mercury is much afflicted : many small strifes, worries, vexations, through writings, speech, contracts, traveling, legal affairs, and business dealings with others. Venus in Seventh House. With marriage comes social and financial pleasures. The native usually marries early and enjoys much happiness; love for off- spring; successful partnerships; peaceful termination to strifes and success in public relations. If badly aspected it gives delay and sorrow in marriage ; prob- ably a dissipated partner ; loss through litigation and partnerships. Sun in Seventh House. If well aspected success and rise in life after or through mar- riage ; a proud but magnanimous, warm-hearted partner ; firm and lasting attachment; happiness. Good for partnership and general popularity, especially with business people and superiors. Difficulties averted by arbitration or mutual consent; gain through business, contracts and associations. If afflicted : delays, opposition, disappointment, loss, etc., ac- cording to the nature of the planet aspecting. Mars in Seventh House. If afflicted : impetuous in love ; an early or rash love affair or union ; possible separation through excessive demonstration of af- fections and combative or forceful nature of partner. Death of partner. In a female chart : danger of sudden death of husband or sud- den accident to him, If Mars be in Cancer or Pisces he is apt to be worthless through dissipating habits. 43 In a male chart: the partner is industrious but assertive, posi-' tive or masculine. Loss through litigation or partnership; business enemies; much strife, sometimes resulting in violence; criticism and opposition is frequently met. When Mars is well aspected if located by Sign much of the above is modified, the native may marry a Mars per- son and benefit thereby. Jupiter in Seventh House. If well aspected : success, gain and happiness through marriage, the partner being faithful and good. The partner is usually of good social and financial standing; usually older, more patient, profound or religious than the native. Success in partnership and in dealing co-operatively with others ; friends and popularity with and through business people; gain through litigation or legal affairs. Jupiter is weak in Virgo and Capricorn. If afflicted by Uranus or Mars: loss by litigation is threatened. Saturn or luminaries adverse: marriage is delayed or denied. Saturn in Seventh House. Well aspected or in Libra : gives a sincere, prudent, faithful and well-disposed partner, or union with one older and more serious than the native, not demonstrative or emotional, but stable in the affections, and possessing property. If afflicted : grief, sorrow, death or enduring coldness on the part of the partner, who will be of Saturnine disposition and habit, according to the Sign and Aspects. • Ruin by contracts and partnerships ; persistent opponents ; liti- gation ; business enmities and treachery. Marriage about the age of 28 or after; incompatibility with the marriage partner. Uranus in Seventh House. Well aspected : union with one of genius, intuition, ability or original character. A romantic, sudden, impulsive, secret or irregular union with likelihood of inharmonious results. 44 If afflicted : a hasty or impulsive union or attachment, followed by unhappy results, misunderstandings, separations, estrangement, scandal or death of partner. Loss through strangers, partnerships, law, contracts, opponents, wilfulness, opposition, open enemies and public contests. Unex- pected oppositions. Neptune in Seventh House. Threatens domestic troubles, jealousy, scandal, death of part- ner, or marriage to a deformed person ; much sickness ; peculiar af- fairs. Not a good position for partnership and public dealings un- less well aspected. When afflicted : some mystery, confusion and deceit in connection with unions. Two engagements or marriages. EIGHTH HOUSE. Moon in Eighth House. Well aspected: gain in public affairs and finance through the business or marriage partner and the mother; gain by inheritance or goods of the dead, probably through mother's connections ; natu- ral death. Taken 'alone: if any occult phases have manifested it benefits and gives ability to cultivate or develop them for practical results. In a female chart : it tends to increase the number of children, but signifies the death of some, especially if afflicted. The native's mother is quite likely to pass over early, also the wife, in a male chart. If afflicted : unsettled fortunes after marriage ; death of a pub- lic nature, accident, drowning, etc. Neptune adverse : by treachery or water. Uranus adverse : extraordinary, peculiar or sudden. Saturn adverse : slow or miserable. Mars adverse : violent or sudden. Sun adverse : weak vitality and serious sickness, but in the presence of others. Venus adverse : urinary troubles. Mercury adverse : stomach and bowel trouble. 45 Mercury in Eighth House. In a female chart : troubles, quarrels, dissensions and difficulties with the partner regarding money. Worry in connection with the financial affairs of partners and others. The mind inquires into occult subjects, literature, lectures and meetings regarding the continuity of life. The intellect is conscious and active at time of death. Death of brother, sister, cousin, employe or neighbor causes much grief and mental anguish. A journey on account of death. If afflicted indicates a liability to brain and nervous disorders, which in some way cause death. Venus in Eighth House. Gain in financial affairs through marriage or partnership. Gain by legacy or through goods and affairs concerning the dead. De- notes a natural, peaceful or easy demise. If afnicted : death may be caused through the pursuit of pleas- ure, or kidney, bladder or functional derangement; death of mar- riage partner; disappointment in love. Sun in Eighth House. Steady fortunes after marriage ; gain by inheritance ; fame often comes at death which should have come before or the end may be due to self-sacrifice or heroic deed. The vitality is increased and the life prolonged. Gain by marriage or partnership. The foregoing is to be considered when the Sun is well aspected. Taken alone : about the forty-fourth year will be a critical period ; death may be due to heart affection or constitutional weak- ness or through some honorable event or there are some honors connected with the event. The tendency is to gain through death and through the partner, who is apt to be over-generous and ex- travagant. If afflicted : liability to violent or sudden death ; loss of legacy ; native's father will expire; in a woman's chart the husband dies first; sharp attacks of sickness during transits and directions. 46 Mars in Eighth House. Troubles regarding financial affairs after marriage ; the partner is usually extravagant and spends the money of the native if al- lowed to do so. Difficulties concerning legacies or property of de- ceased persons. Death usually comes quickly as the result of short sickness, shock or accident. If affllicted : liability to violent or sudden death ; loss of legacy ; financial loss through partner. If Mars is in a Watery Sign, danger of death by drowning. If an Airy Sign : mental afflictions. In a Fiery Sign : by fire, accident, or violence. In an Earthly Sign : heavy sickness, inflammatory complaints. If Mars is ruler of the Fourth or afflicts Jupiter, danger of loss by fire and theft. Jupiter in Eighth House. If unafflicted : marriage brings prosperity ; the partner is or will be well off financially. Gain by legacy, affairs of the dead and by occupations of this House and Sign. Success in the investigation of the occult ; happy dreams ; natu- ral and peaceful death. If afflicted : denotes heart troubles and danger of blood poison- ing, foul growth and consumption. Saturn in Eighth House. The marriage partner will be poor; financial difficulties after marriage ; no gain through business partnership or legacy ; delay and disappointments with regard to goods of the dead. If well aspected : helps all the above and denotes long life ; death from natural causes. If afflicted or weak : lingering or slow death resulting from some chronic ailment ; distressing dreams, although not always remem- bered ; death of father. If Saturn is in a Watery Sign : danger of drowning. When af- flicting Mars or Uranus from the Fourth House : danger of fatal accidents. 47 Uranus in Eighth House. Well aspected : sudden and unexpected benefits, and gains, through the marriage or business partner. Taken alone : difficulties in financial affairs after marriage ; sud- den losses through partner and through the financial losses of others ; trouble through legacy ; sudden, unexpected or peculiar death; interest in occult affairs and subjects dealing with the con- tinuity of life ; peculiar psychic and dream experiences. If afflicted : worry and annoyance regarding legacies or goods of the dead ; unexpected conditions arising in connection with deaths. Liability of death through some extraordinary or sudden event, violence, heart disease, epilepsy, paralysis, or some uncommon ner- vous disorder. Neptune in Eighth House. Well aspected : ability to enter into spirit planes and gain in knowledge through the experience, gains in peculiar manner through others, and possibly through the partner. Strange psychical and dream experiences ; desire to investigate Spiritualism and other mystical subjects; peculiar death, or cre- mation after death. Danger through poisons and anaesthetics. If afflicted : troubles in money matters after marriage; loss through complicated money affairs of others ; the partner is usually careless in money matters. Nightmares, strange dreams, weird feelings, trance conditions. Peculiar death. NINTH HOUSE. Moon in Ninth House. Well aspected : an ingenious mind ; inventive, progressive, pene- trative, reflective, fond of investigation ; gives a love for traveling and benefits or improvements through change. Keen imagination and high thought ideals. Interested in inventions of a public na- ture, especially modes and means of travel and learning. Benefits through relatives by marriage. 48 Taken alone: signifies voyages; life in foreign lands; legal or clerical persuasions. Keen, romantic, fanciful and idealistic mind. Some remarkable dream or psychic experiences. Fond of change, diversity and novelty. Publicity of some sort regarding science, religion, philosophy, traveling or mysticism. Sun adverse : over-enthusiastic in religion, or unorthodox, prob- ably both, at some time. Saturn adverse: sorrow and difficulty through religion, travel, publications, and partner's relatives. Uranus adverse : romantic, eccentric, fond of adventure ; liberal religion. Mercury in Ninth House. Well aspected: literary ability, sharp, clever mentality; taste for art, science and all higher educational or enlightening subjects, love of knowledge, an ingenious, studious mind. Success in journeys, clerical or legal affairs and publishing. Taken alone : a busy, active mind ; danger of legal worries ; taste for readings, science, literary pursuits and every form of knowledge. Desire for life in foreign countries, or travels to, and knowledge of, distant places. Afflicted : tendency to worry and scatter forces by engaging in numerous things instead of concentrating on one until achieved ; too much doubt ; not enough decision ; difficulties with clerical or legal affairs, fruitless and troublesome journeys. Mercury in a Movable Sign is a sure indication of travels. Venus in Ninth House. Kind, sympathetic, helpful, gentle disposition and a cultured intellect ; philosophical spirit ; optimistic ; appreciation for every form of mental improvement. Fondness for fine arts, music, operas, high-class literature and lectures, social intercourse, and literary persons. Benefits from relatives by marriage; pleasant journeys; success abroad. Venus here will modify many adverse testimonies regard- ing mental qualities and helps to keep the subject from harm. The native may marry abroad or marry a foreigner or become united to one of a spiritual, scientific or artistic disposition. 49 If Venus is the highest planet in the map it is a splendid posi- tion, denoting honors, success, good marriage and good fortune gen- erally. If Venus is afflicted it gives longings, high ideals and de- sires hard to materialize, and disappointments through their un- attainment. Sun in Ninth House. Success or honors in connection with church, universities or law, also through travel and social intercourse; desire to investi- gate science and philosophy to find truths worthy of giving out to benefit others. Dignity or success abroad, or residence in foreign countries ; faithful, earnest, sincere, consistent, and constant in re- ligious beliefs whether orthodox or unconventional. Ambitious spirit: firm, self-reliant and confident. Taste for fine arts, music, science and intellectual development. Mars or Uranus afflicting: extreme, enthusiastic or peculiar in religious beliefs ; troubles in foreign countries, also with legal af- fairs and partner's relations. Jupiter adverse : unsuccessful in legal or clerical affairs. Saturn adverse : hindrance through perversity, pride, etc., un- successful in clerical or legal affairs. Jupiter favorable: success and honors through popular reason- ing in science, religion or philosophy; a good counselor; favor of wife's relatives. Saturn favorable : love for justice, ability for profound or re- sponsible undertakings ; philosophical. Mars favorable : courageous and vigorous in defense of justice and right ; patriotic. Mars in Ninth House. Many strifes, generally through legal or religious matters ; danger of violence in foreign places ; troubles through journeys and wife's relative. Distressful dreams or fancies. Enthusiasm or impulse in religion or philosophy; liberality and freedom of thought. Forceful in beliefs. If afflicted : forceful, fanatical, irregular or skeptical ideas re- garding religious matters ; preconceived or early religious teach- 50 ings are overthrown; many troubles; litigation; disputes; danger while traveling; disagreement with some of the relatives; changes of religion or indifference. Well aspected : active in defense of rights ; successful in law ; enterprising in development. Jupiter in Ninth House. Well aspected: good intuition; clear foresight; success and honors in religious, collegiate, legal, philosophic or philanthropic affairs ; favorable for travel and success abroad ; prophetic faculty and prophetic dreams; peaceful, logical and optimistic disposition. Mars adverse : danger of shipwreck, fire or accident through journeys, liability to extremes in religious matters, or trouble through them. Uranus adverse : unexpected loss, difficulties and experiences through journeys, religion, law, philosophy, relatives, etc. Mars or Uranus favorable : impulse towards occult philosophy, higher science, and originality of thought. Saturn in Ninth House. Well aspected : the mental attitude is scientific and philo- sophical, the nature is studious and meditative, given to the in- vestigation of law, metaphysics, psychic and occult subjects gen- erally. Sun in good aspect : gives a very faithful or devotional and re- ligious spirit. Taken alone or afflicted : trouble in foreign lands ; dangerous voyages (especially if in a Watery Sign) ; loss through legal af- fairs ; troubles through relatives by marriage ; self-deception, lack of comprehension of the profound or higher sciences or philoso- phies ; likelihood of religious bigotness, and grave mental af- fliction. Mars adverse : danger of serious mental derangements. Uranus in Ninth House. Troubles in foreign lands or through relatives by marriage ; peculiar, unexpected or dangerous voyages ; taste for philosophy, occult, metaphysical or unusual knowledge. 51 Original, inventive, peculiar, eccentric or reformative and pro- gressive ideas. Desirous of traveling and investigating. Pro- phetic intuitive faculty and sometimes antiquarian or Uranian pursuits. Neptune in Ninth House. Clairvoyant or other psychic faculties ; a highly inspirational nature; strange dreams, feelings and experiences. Psychic studies or investigation of Spiritualism, phenomena and philosophy. Voyages if in a Movable or Watery Sign. If afflicted : distressful dreams ; ominous forebodings ; troubles through travels ; legal involvments ; complicated affairs with wife's relatives. Adverse psychical experiences. Impressionable and simulative nature. TENTH HOUSE. Moon in Tenth House. Inclines one to public life ; changes in business, occupation and employment; instability of position and popularity; rise in life followed by reversal or downfall. Voyages if in a Watery or Cardi- nal Sign. Women influence the position in some way, according to the aspects. If well aspected by Sun, Venus or Jupiter: favors suc- cess, popularity and prosperity. Carefulness in money matters and usually gain in property and possessions. Public business. Mars adverse: public scandal or discredit; obstacles in busi- ness. Taken alone : it gives ability and tendencies to employment of a changing nature, shipping, voyaging, traveling, dealing in public commodities, novelties, etc., affairs connected with the common people and women generally, also with things ruled by the Sign occupied. Mercury in Tenth House. The honors, success in business or occupation depends upon the Sign and aspects, Mercury being neutral. Good position for public service or those holding responsible po- sitions under superiors. 52 The vocational tendencies and abilities may be seen by delineat- ing the planet in most powerful aspect to Mercury, as though the planet in questoin were actually in the Tenth House, thus : Uranus most strongly aspecting : novelists, reporters, lecturers, teachers, travelers, electricians, railroad employes ; occult profes- sions generally, psychologists, dealers in occult literature, antiqui- ties, inventions, etc. Taken alone : it gives a taste for literature, several professions, occupations or undertakings, mercantile work, commissions, agen- cies ; penetration ; adaptability ; resourcefulness ; active mind ; men- tal ability. If in an Airy Sign ; retentive memory and a fluent speech. If much deceptive ; impulsive speech or untruthfulness. Venus in Tenth House. This position favors honors, popularity and friendships, the native has merit and ability, possesses an agreeable and pleasant manner; usually marries above the station in life and enjoys suc- cess in dealing with ladies. Generally well disposed and of good moral stamina, disliking quarreling or trouble of any sort and delighting in all that is social, pleasant and harmonious. It favors gain through the parents (probably the mother), gen- eral prosperity and artistic or musical pursuits. This position is fortunate for parents and home life and for the occupations of Venus and those designated by the Sign she occupies. If well aspected by Sun, Jupiter or Moon: the subject meets with social distinction, honors and financial success, and the favor, good will and support of those in good position, government officers, superiors and responsible persons. When afflicted the native encounters lack of opportunities to manifest the abilities ; limitations, etc. The occupations of Venus are those which deal with the artistic, refined and amusing ; all business directly connected with females ; adornment, jewelry, finery, luxury, etc. 53 If in good aspect with Mercury they make fine musicians, ar- tists, painters, speakers, writers, librarians, speculators, actors, singers, stage directors, band or choir masters, bailiffs and other political officers, secretaries, printers, decorators, housekeepers, car- penters, wood turners, druggists, dyers, confectioners, character readers, demonstrators, etc. Public work in professions which causes considerable traveling or takes one into contact with the people. Influential posts, positions of trust and refinement. The nature of the profession depends upon the nature of the Sign. Sun in Tenth House. Well aspocted: honor and success; distinction, authority, in- dependence, prosperity ; high patronage and favor of those in power and good position. Good birth. The native's success is generally steady in whatever business, profession or occupation he adopts; positions of trust, responsi- bility, honor or governmental office; good vitality; high moral standards; favorable environments. If afflicted : love of power ; dignity, pride, opposition, reversals. While the Sun in the Tenth is always beneficial in some respect, yet strong difficulties will be met according to the nature of the af- fliction. The characteristics and tendencies can be known by the nature of the Sign the Sun occupies. Mars in Tenth House. Unless Mars is in the Sign Capricorn, impulse and feeling are likely to predominate, reason and intellectuality often being over- ridden by the passional or forceful side of the nature. The native meets with much turmoil and strife through exces- sive ambition, independence, masterfulness or force. A spirit for freedom and desire for conquest spurs the subject on, and, at times, to his detriment. It is significant of extravagance or extremes in some form. Scandal, discredit and disrepute, whether deserved or not. Death of father or a disagreement with him. 54 The native has plenty of courage, energy, enterprise and force, consequently, capable of being in business for himself, but will only succeed in the occupations corresponding to the nature of Mars and his best aspects in the chart. Well aspected : gain and promotion through business acumen ; benefit through the father and also by legacy, if the chart prom- ises it. If Mercury is in good aspect : engineers, carvers, sculptors, draughtsmen, athletes, mechanics, soldiers, sailors, officers, den- tists, surgeons, surgical instrument makers, hardware dealers, and all lines where skill is combined with muscular energy and the use of tools, iron, steel, instruments, etc. If Mercury afflicts : masons, laborers, iron workers, tanners, cat- tlemen, butchers, bath, lavatory or laundry attendants, workers in metal, and where there is an element of risk, and danger. Saturn adverse : laborious employments. Jupiter in Tenth House. Good birth ; help from relatives or those in high position. The native has good moral standards and will occupy secure, influential or important positions at some period. Gain through the occupation and through parentage. This is a good position for rise in life, honors, favor of superiors, public appointments, dignities, esteem, good will, social and finan- cial success. Uranus adverse : reversals of fortune ; difficulties. Saturn adverse : downfalls, obstacles ; losses. Mars adverse : legal troubles ; losses. Luminaries adverse : difficulty in social life and through changes and travel. Mercury favorable : makes good judges, ministers, ambassadors, philosophers, bankers, merchants, government officials, town coun- cillors, stock brokers, trustees, etc., and is good for positions of dis- tinction, honor, responsibility, trust and social welfare. 55 If Mercury afflicts : minor or laborious government offices, bank clerks, clothiers, upholsterers, drapers, provision dealers or those who cater to the public. Saturn in Tenth House. A great deal depends upon the Sign and aspects. When well aspected : gives ambition for power and advancement, the native rises above his sphere in life by steady persevering industry. When afflicted by aspect or weak by Sign : rise and success is followed by downfall or adversity. The subject is usually per- sistent and has ability, but lacks opportunities and meets with obstacles, delay, dull periods and disappointments. In business, financial ruin is threatened ; in professional life, dishonor and fail- ures, whether deserved or not ; in government, defeat. These take place during adverse transits and directions. Public affairs fail and bring loss and discredit. If the native has a good situation he had best keep it and not branch out into any new undertakings. Mercury in good aspect helps to> better the conditions and de- notes government officials, land surveyors and dealers, managers, solicitors, organizers, stationers, binders, lawyers, scientists, geolo- gists, architects, contractors, builders, mining engineers, coal deal- ers, and other employments where care and skill are required ; diplomatic occupations. If Mercury afflicts : miners, printers, book- binders, bricklayers, coal handlers, grocers, gardeners ; general and practcial work connected with the earth and its products ; country preachers, notary publics, night watchmen, etc. Uranus in Tenth House. A strange and eventful career; many important changes of po- sitions and credit. Originality is a marked feature; the subject is unique in that he originates new lines of activity for himself, follows uncommon lines of thought and employments, and establishes customs and codes of his own, apart and opposite to the conventional. All effort is made for freedom and to undo and overthrow all bonds of limitations. Very independent, erratic, eccentric and un- 56 conventional. Difficulty with employers ; opposition from public functionaries or governmental bodies. Threatens discredit and reverses. In a Common Sign : two simultaneous occupations are indi- cated. Estrangement from parents and kindred, unless good planets occupy the Fourth House, not necessarily through difficulty, unless one of the parent's rulers afflict. In good aspect to Mercury : it fits to reconstruct, undertake new and improved methods, create, new professions, new plans of work, and follow uncommon pursuits; investigators, explorers, re- formers, teachers, inventors, metaphysicians, electricians, astrolo- gers, psychologists, etc. If Mercury afflicts : novelists or reporters, hypnotists, occult students, antiquarians, dealers in curiosities and antiquities, line- men, dynamo tenders, motormen, railroad employes having to do with the transit and mechanism ; people of peculiar genius, ideas and extraordinary employment. Neptune in Tenth House. A strange and peculiar career; disgrace or scandal, whether deserved or not; peculiar complications; a chance of honor in some artistic or scientific field. A highly inspirational nature ; capable of attaining honors or positions through some unique achievement; professional people become municipal employes. The subject be- comes interested in the mysterious in nature and seeks to arrange deductions for practical application. The position endangers the life of one of the parents while the native is yet young. But if well aspected may bring inheritance from a parent or gain through some pursuit connected with psych- ism, liquids or water. Taken alone : it signifies all occupations where mystery, secrecy or inspiration or a nom de plume or title are employed ; the sea and the various industries connected with it; secret service; inspirational writers, singers, actors, musicians, artists, mediums, psychics, etc. It being a neutral planet the occupation depends on the planet in closest or strongest aspect. 57 If afflicted : separation from parents ; unfortunate business or professional complications. Some scandal or fraud causes compli- cations. Neptune here in the Sign Taurus in trine to Mercury gives : An active desire and ability to simplify science, to popularize it as far as possible and present it in the most reasonable manner. Also to investigate and carry on occult, philosophical and spiritual philoso- phies of life. Useful inspirational ideas. ELEVENTH HOUSE. Moon in Eleventh House. Large circle of acquaintances ; unreliable friends ; few lasting at- tachments, unless in a Fixed Sign and well aspected ; success in dealing with ladies, children and young people. Well aspected : gain through acquaintances and successful hopes ; good'for social life and popularity ; friends among women. If afflicted, especially by Mars or Uranus : troubles, sorrows and losses through friends ; disappointed ambitions ; sudden changes among friends and separation from them. Saturn adverse : sorrow, loss and delay or limitations occasioned by friends. Mercury in Eleventh House. Many acquaintances but few lasting friends ; some association with literary or scientific people, and with those who are younger. Well aspected : inspiration, mental development and gain through friends. Afflicted : unreliable and troublesome acquaintances ; if by Uranus, Saturn or Jupiter, the native should in no way rely or de- pend upon friends for assistance or go security or bonds for them ; they will cause worry, anxiety, trouble and loss through wrong advice and carelessness in handling the truth. Venus in Eleventh House. Gain and happiness through friends who desire to forward the interests of the subject; social success and popularity. Favors from ladies ; fondness for sociability ; friends are often of an artistic nature. Fruitful marriage. Saturn adverse : unfortunate friends, who can only aid through kind words, wishes and intentions, disappointments and delays in 58 hopes and wishes ; possibility of losing ground through excess of pleasure with friends. Uranus or Neptune adverse : unreliable, ec- centric or seductive friends. Sun in Eleventh - House. Definite and lofty ambitions and desires ; respect for dignitaries or superiors, loyal mind, honesty of purpose, self-respect, dignity, worth. Association with those of power and good position; gain in reputation, honors and esteem through friendships ; successful ambitions, well regulated hopes ; firm, honorable and constant friends ; social success. Mars in Eleventh House. Disagreement with acquaintances ; some social unpopularity, contentions, alienation and deaths among friends and troubles with others in social life ; few real friends ; friendships are likely to lead the subject into trouble through impulse or some form of extrava- gance. Saturn or Mercury in affliction : violence or treachery among friends. Jupiter or Sun adverse : difficulty through wrong advice, law troubles, financial losses, etc. Venus or Moon adverse : over-indulgence with friends. Uranus adverse : disaster, extraordinary events and attachments. Neptune adverse: losses and unfortunate complications through friends. Jupiter in Eleventh House. True and fortunate friends ; associations with prominent per- sons ; gain through acquaintances of good position ; social success, popularity and credit. Ambitions are often attained and hopes brought to a successful issue, due to the instrumentality of friends. The marriage partner will be fruitful. In Cardinal Signs : executive ability ; progress. In Fixed Signs : jealousy or pride amongst friends. In Common Signs : domestic or religious friends. 59 Saturn in Eleventh House. If Saturn is exalted or well aspected : few friends ; gain through acquaintances who are older, profound, scientific or serious. Taken alone or afflicted : false and deceitful friends, or, un- fortunate acquaintances by whom the subject is liable to care, sor- row, loss and ruin, especially if in a Cardinal Sign. In a Fixed Sign : delay and hindrance through friends. In a Common Sign : hopes are likely to be unachieved and ambitions often frustrated. This is not a good position for success in marrying or with su- periors and relatives. Uranus in Eleventh House. This is the natural House of Uranus but whether his presence therein will b*enent the subject or not depends upon his aspects. Well aspected : friends among occult or peculiar people ; unusual or extraordinary acquaintances, geniuses, inventors, writers, etc. Un- expected benefits from friends, progressive hopes and wishes. Taken alone or afflicted : peculiar or remarkable friendships, eccen- tric or unreliable acquaintances ; sudden, unexpected estrangements, impulsive attachments often end in coldness ; odd hopes and wishes. Strange and romantic attachments. Neptune in Eleventh House. Unfavorable attachments ; unsatisfactory friendships ; strange and unaccountable attractions and associates ; seductive friends and alliances ; treachery among supposed friends ; unreliable advisors ; losses and troubles thereby ; complications among friends. If Neptune is well aspected : the subject gains through medium- istic or spiritual friends. TWELFTH HOUSE. Moon in Twelfth House. Love of mystery, occultism, secret arts or romance. Liability of the senses dominating the reason, causing indiscreet love affairs, sorrow and loss thereby. Hindrance and limitations are prominent, but success in out of sight work, in occupations which require seclusion rather than 60 publicity, in hospitals, institutions or in isolated positions, in re- mote, quiet, obscure places. Voyages. Mystery. If the Moon is not in Scorpio or Capricorn and well aspected it shows development and progress, particularly through the occult. Well aspected : success with large animals, ability for occult arts. Afflicted: the subject lacks firmness and stability and is led into acts of indiscretion resulting in worry, trouble, secrets, and female enmities. Liability to restraint, enforced retirement or sickness in a hospital ; fanciful fears. Note : if the Moon is within 12 degrees above the ascending de- gree consider it as in the ascendant. Mercury in Twelfth House. Fondness for the investigation of occultism, chemistry, medi- cine, or secret arts and for risks and adventures of a secret or dan- gerous nature, for unusual lines of thought generally. Liking for mystery. Small worries and annoyances. Many small enmities, fre- quently caused by writing or scandalous reports. The subject pos- sesses ability but lacks power or opportunities to manifest. Well aspected : tends to success ultimately. Note : if Mercury is within 12 degrees above the ascending degree consider it as in the ascendant. Venus in Twelfth House. Inclines to romance and adventure ; a love for the mysterious in nature, for investigating the occult, secret arts, medicine, chem- istry ; pleasure and success with horses and other animals. Gain by an obscure or plebeian occupation also benefit through charitable institutions. Peaceful or voluntary seclusion. Secret love affairs, or intrigues leading to enmity of women ; an early unoin (especially if Mars is in any aspect) ; affection for an- other after marriage, and, if Saturn afflicts, separation or divorce, and sorrow and disappointment through the opposite sex. Scorpio, Capricorn or Cancer are the worst sign for Venus here, giving too great a love for physical and emotional pleasures, detri- mental to the native because of excess. 61 Sun in Twelfth House. Occult and psychic tendencies ; uncommon tastes and inclina- tions. Seclusions, success over enemies, and success in medicine, chemistry, or occult affairs, also in some quiet, secret, obscure or unpopular occupation or in connection with hospitals ; prisons or other institutions. Life in lands far from the place of birth. Help and charity received when needed. If in a Watery Sign : strong mediumistic faculty. Well aspected : the native is self-sacrificing and enduring and rises out of seclusion, obscurity or difficulties, by his own efforts, after the first third of life. Afflicted : sorrow and misfortune through things indicated by the sign that the Sun is in. Note : if within 12 degrees above the ascending degree consider it as in the ascendant. Mars in Twelfth House. Danger of injury, slander, scandal, loss of reputation or treach- ery from enemies or misplaced affection ; grave trouble through im- pulse, lack of frankness or candor; liability to imprisonment. Unfortunate adventures ; secret enemies ; danger of injury through large animals, and burglars. Death in seclusion or re- straint. The partner is subject to feverish complaints. If Mars is in Libra or Pisces it denotes poverty or limitations. Saturn adverse : injuries or imprisonment. Jupiter adverse : financial and social ruin. Luminaries adverse : distressful circumstances. The good aspects of Sun and Venus, or the Sign Capricorn here, improve this position of Mars. Jupiter in Twelfth House. Success in medicine, chemistry or occult studies ; respect for ancient wisdom and teachings ; success through asylums, hospi- tals or public institutions ; through benevolence and philanthropy ; in places remote from birth, in quiet places and with animals; charity given or received ; the native readily helps others. 62 The subject prevails over enemies, they turn to friends and he eventually gains through them ; reversals followed by success. Peculiar experience in connection with the affections, which, however, results in benefit. Aid from friends and others, quietly or secretly; success about the middle part of life. Saturn in Twelfth House. Well aspected : success in seclusion, or in quiet or laborious occupations. Secret enemies who work for the native's downfall; losses and bruises through animals. The nature is acquisitive, reserved, and inclined to quietness or solitude; desire to work secretly, unobserved, and to live peace- fully or alone. Secret sorrows, fears and disappointments ; liability to false ac- cusations and even imprisonment or confinement. Uranus adverse : unexpected or strange enmities ; disgrace, loss of credit and honor. Mars adverse : danger of violence, robbers, or suicide. Mercury adverse : liability to insanity, hallucinations. Luminaries adverse: tendency to despondency; melancholia; sorrow through death of loved ones. Uranus in Twelfth House. Estrangement from one's native state or kindred ; occult investi- gations ; secret, romantic, mysterious affairs and attractions ; dif- ficulties with animals ; psychic and magical experiences. Afflicted : threatens disgrace ; troubles through psychic and occult sources ; eccentric, peculiar, violent tendencies ; restraint in public institutions ; mysterious and unexpected misfortunes ; strange and unexpected enmities ; eccentric people perplex and annoy by underhand actions. Well aspected : success through occult affairs, institutions, etc. 63 Neptune in Twelfth House. Well aspected : success in mediumship, psychical research and occult investigations; through secret, secluded and quiet methods, detective work, etc. Afflicted : danger from psychic sources and through deception, schemes, fraud, secret enemies, scandal, disgrace and secret sor- rows. Vague or weird apprehensions. Astrology is the most useful science and the most necessary science known to humanity today. Astrology is the key to happiness in marriage. As Astrology becomes understood and used more and more, crime, warfare, failure, and poverty and sickness will disappear. It is the key to harmony. Because the horoscope of every individual is a guide and shows when he may use his senses, mind, strength and energy to avoid undesirable conditions and embrace those which are in keeping with progress and attainment. "Once to every man and maiden Comes the moment to decide, Whether he shall rise and fluorish Or in poverty abide. "Once to every man and woman Fate comes knocking at the door ; Once 'tis offered, once considered, Once refused — it comes no more." 64 INFLUENCE OF ASCENDING SIGNS. The following delineations of the effect of ascending signs are for the signs alone without any planet in the first house ; if any planet be therein it will modify or accentuate these testimonies ; if a fortunate planet, it will increase the good and diminish the ad- verse qualities, and vice versa if a malefic planet. Whatever sign is on the first house of your Horoscope that is your Ascending sign. ARIES ASCENDING — They admire scientific thought and are quite philosophical; do not become discouraged easily, and they possess a sharp, penetrating will power. They are at their best when they can guide, control and govern themselves or others, as they have the ability to plan and map out the future and lay out modes of action. They are lovers of independence, fond of their own way and happy only in activity and command. The desire is to be at the head of things and leaders in thought and action. They are enterprising and ambitious, quite versatile, and usually rather headstrong and impulsive; forceful and determined in effort and expressive in speech ; intense when interested, vehement when excited. Somewhat inclined to be fiery or quick-tempered and ready to resent abuse or imposition and, while liable to go to ex- tremes through indignation, they do not hold a grudge for any great length of time. They love justice and freedom; are en- thusiastic admirers ; have practical ideals, and possess an electric nature. The planetary significator is Mars. TAURUS ASCENDING— Gives a self-reliant, persistent nature capable of working hard and long in order to accomplish their pur- poses. Gentle while unprovoked, but "mad as a bull" when really angered, and, when opposed are stubborn and unyielding; are usually quiet and dogmatic and somewhat secretive or reserved con- cerning their affairs. They have a great deal of endurance, latent power and energy ; are practical and organizing and usually sincere, reliable and trustworthy. They are fond of pleasure and love beauty in nature, art, music and literature, and are moved a great 65 deal by feeling and sympathy. Possessing a magnetic quality, they are able to benefit those who are deficient in vitality or those who are irritable or nervous. They are careful and steady and able to carry to completion the projects which they undertake. They have the ability to earn money for others and are good at all executive work, matters connected with the earth and its products succeed under their supervision. The planetary significator is Venus. GEMINI ASCENDING— Makes one ambitious, aspiring, curious and given to inquiry, investigation and experimenting ; they are also apt, dexterous and active and capable of engaging in two or more pursuits at the same time. The nature is sympathetic and sensitive; the mind is intuitional, perceptive and imaginative, also quite idealistic and fond of all mental recreation. There is a lik- ing for pleasure and for adventure and for science and educational pursuits. At times they are restless, anxious, high-strung and dif- fusive; mentally timid, indecisive, irritable and excitable. They love change and diversity and must be constantly busy to be happy, because inactivity causes them impatience. They have the ability to become very clever, as they are progressive, inventive, me- chanical and ingenious. They possess inherent conversational and literary ability. They do best in occupations where there is a variety of employment, where the mind and hands can be engaged in several different things. The literary and educational world is their best outlet. The planetary significator is Mercury. CANCER ASCENDING— Gives a changeable, sensitive and retiring disposition with many changes and ups and downs of po- sition and occupation. They have a fertile imagination, are some- what sentimental, sympathetic and talkative. They are fond of home and family; are industrious, frugal, economical and anxious to acquire the goods of life. Fear of ridicule or criticism makes them discreet, diplomatic and conventional. They appreciate ap- probation and are easily encouraged by kindness.' They have a tenacious memory, especially for family or historical events. The emotions are strong and they delight in beautiful scenery and in romantic or strange experiences or adventures. They have psychic and mediumistic faculty, are very conscientious, receptive to new ideas, and have the ability to adapt themselves to environments. 66 They are adapted to pursuits which embrace the catering for the masses and all matters of a fluctuating and public nature. The planetary significator is the Moon. LEO ASCENDING — Gives a good-natured, philosophical, gen- erous, kind-hearted, noble disposition. They are frank, free, out- spoken, independent, impulsive, forceful and demonstrative in man- ner. Their nature is electric and inspiring. They have great hope, faith and fortitude, are energetic and lavish in the expenditure of energy and vitality when their sympathy or interest is aroused. In affection they are ardent, sincere and passionate. They are philan- thropic, charitable, loyal, aspiring, conscientious, adaptable, in- ventive and intuitive ; entertain high ideals ; are imperious and fond of power and command ; usually popular and leaders in their social sphere. They are generally good-tempered, though high- strung and quick to anger, yet are very forgiving and do not hold a grudge for long. They receive and grant favors readily and are usually fortunate in the long run. They succeed best where they have authority to hold some high or responsible position in man- aging or executive departments. The significator is the Sun. VIRGO ASCENDING — This makes one modest, conserva- tive, thoughtful, contemplative and industrious. They have a de- sire for wealth, but require extra effort to save money; are very active, not easily contented, and learn readily and quickly ; have good endurance and do not show their age. . Mentally, they are very perceptive and somewhat intuitive; are of a speculative turn and often give way to worry and over-anxiety; are sensitive to surroundings and to the conditions of others. They are quite dis- criminative and careful of details. Cautious regarding their own interests and will not neglect the interests of others, being diplo- matic, tactful and shrewd. They are prudent, economical and prac- tical and usually act with forethought. They should always avoid drugs and animal foods and should study hygiene with regard to diet to obtain best health. Commercial and business affairs and matters connected with the earth and its products succeed under their careful supervision. The planetary significator is Mercury. LIBRA ASCENDING — Gives keen sense of perception with foresight and good comparison. They love justice, order, peace and 67 harmony, and are usually very courteous, pleasant and agreeable persons, and although quick in decision and anger, are easily ap- peased. They are fond of beauty in all forms, in nature, art, mu- sic, literature, etc., and can enter with zest into refined and culti- vated pleasures and amusements and greatly enjoy the company and society of brave, happy, sunny and mirthful people. They are affectionate, sympathetic, kind, generous and compassionate; also idealistic, artisitc, adaptable, constructive, intuitive, impressionable and inspirational. They admire modesty and refinement; are am- bitious and dislike unclean work and all discord. The best outlet for their talents is in the professions, and they have ability for lines requiring good taste, neat touch or fine finish. The . planetary significator is Venus. SCORPIO ASCENDING— Makes one reserved, tenacious, de- termined and secretive, possessing a quick, keen, shrewd, critical and penetrating mentality. They are somewhat inclined to be sus- picious or skeptical and stingingly sarcastic. They are quick- witted, quick in speech and action, and alert, forceful and positive. They are often blunt, brusque and seemingly fond of contest, but nevertheless they make strong and splendid friends. They pos- sess grit and go-ahead-ativeness that will enable them to reach high attainments. They accomplish their purposes by subtlety, strength of will or by force if necessary. They have keen judgment and mechanical skill and much constructive or destructive ability. They enjoy travel, are fond of investigating mysteries and things occult; appreciating luxury, yet can be very frugal and economical. They are natural chemists, surgeons and contractors, and gifted in accomplishing things requiring muscular skill or aggressive en- terprise. The planetary significator is Mars. SAGITTARIUS ASCENDING— This gives a nature which is inclined to be jovial, bright, hopeful, generous and charitable. They love liberty and freedom, are very independent, dislike a master and will allow no one to order or drive them about, but are usually good-humored and honorable. In disposition they are frank, fear- less, impulsive, demonstrative, outspoken, enterprising, nervoush energetic, ambitious, sincere and quick to arrive at conclusions. They are sympathetic and loving, possess good calculation and fore- 68 sight, are intuitive and prophetic, and, while often appearing blunt or abrupt; yet they rarely miss the mark in their deductions. At times they are restless, over-anxious and high-strung. They re- spect religious customs, enjoy outdoor sports, are fond of animals, and interested in travel, law, medicine and philosophy. In the professions or commercial world they are generally aggressive, pro- gressive and aspiring ; quick to see and take advantage of openings and to definitely consummate business arrangements. Always aim directly at the point in their affairs. The planetary significator is Jupiter. CAPRICORN ASCENDING— Gives a serious, quiet, thought- ful, contemplative nature, possessing dignity and self-esteem enough to look well after their interests. They are cautious, pru- dent, economical and practical, and usually act only after due pre- meditation. They are ambitious and persevering and can work hard and long without becoming discouraged. Capable of much en- deavor where opportunity is afforded, especially in business ; they possess organizing and concentrating ability, and, being determined and persistent, also having caution and calculation and deep thought, they can plan and carry out schemes of considerable mag- nitude. They are not demonstrative in feeling and do not readily show their sympathy, they prefer ideas to words and acts to prom- ises. They are industrious, self-reliant and thrifty; respect religion, are given to investigation, interested in theology and become very profound in any subject or science undertaken. If Saturn, the significator, is much afflicted in the horoscope, the native meets with many delays and disappointments, inclined to give way too readily to adverse circumstances and are restricted by poor health, otherwise they do well with matters connected with the Earth and its products, and with large corporations. AQUARIUS ASCENDING— Gives a determined, quiet, patient, unobtrusive and faithful nature as a rule. They are philosophical in tone, very humanitarian and usually refined ; fond of art, music, scenery and literature. In disposition are reasonable, thoughtful, discriminative, concentrative and intelligent. Everything in the mental world appeals to them and they are sincere, artistic and practical; fond of honor and dignity, active on reform, progressive 69 in ideas, and possess a sympathetic, good-hearted, pleasant, gen- erous nature. They are clear reasoners and very capable of deal- ing with facts. Have strong likes and dislikes, good memory and concentration ; usually sociable and of large acquaintance. They are intuitive, fond of occult research, peculiar or eccentric in some ways. They succeed in pursuits where steady application of the mind and concentration of thought is necessary. They have in- ventive genius and literary ability. Uranus is the planetary sig- nificator. PISCES ASCENDING— This gives a kind, loving, trustful, confiding, sympathetic nature. The disposition is industrious, cour- teous, affable, hospitable and methodical. They are idealistic, imaginative, impressionable, emotional, mediumistic, receptive and quiet. Apt in detail and orderly in manner. Quick to observe deficiencies in others or lack of completeness in anything. They are usually lacking in confidence and self-esteem, are modest and timid and hesitate about putting themselves forward. At times they are inclined to despond, and become over-anxious, indecisive, and lacking in life and energy. Capable of developing fine psycho- metric, telepathic, intuitive and inspirational faculty. They love music, scenery and animals. They succeed in occupations that require industry, discretion and power to make the best of circum- stances, and in any employment that brings some kind of change, or where attention to details and completeness is necessary. The planetary significator is Neptune. 70 ASTROLOGICAL COMMENTS. JJC JK ¥ H? 5j5 By Frederick White. I have just become interested in wireless or Radio Telephones and have installed one in my office in Crystal Bay. It works like a charm. I get music from the air. I get news from the govern- ment. All kinds of stuff is coming oft" and on. All I have to do is to throw the switch and hear what the wire waves are saying. This wireless will take a crimp out of some of the egotistical who say, "How can planets affect one away off in space with nothing, not even a wire to send an influence. Here we have it, nothing between me and Pittsburg or Denver, when suddenly, along comes a ser- mon or a concert. It comes through storm or sunshine and is as plainly heard as though in the same room. The operator stirs up the elements and starts them oscillating and any one who knows how can reach into the heavens and take what he wants and let the rest go. If electric vibrations can be sent from Washington or New York to me in Crystal Bay, without a conductor except space, why cannot Mars or Jupiter also send some vibrations that will effect me or produce music or inharmony, according to the instrument that receives the vibrations ? The chances are that in a few years, when we have a first class funeral for some of the idiots that pass away, we will simply tune the machine to Saturn and have a long, dark, mournful howl that will leave a brown taste in one's mouth ; or if we deserve it, we may tune into Venus and get a regular symphony concert right off the bat. There is no personal charm so great, as the charm of a cheerful and happy temperament; it is a great error to suppose that this comes entirely- by nature, it comes quite as much by culture. 71 PLANETARY HOURS FOR EACH DAY OF THE WEEK. DIRECTIONS : The first hour of each day is figured from the exact time of sunrise, (which is given in any astrological almanac) and the rest of the 23 hours follow inrotation just as given on this page. Each day is ruled by the planetwhich rules the first hour. For instance: MONDAY : <£ MOON. TUESDAY : $ MARS, etc. MONDAY, j) TUESDAY. $ WEDNESDAY, g 1 MOON. 1 MARS. 1 MERCURY. 2 SATURN. 2 Sun. 2 Moon. 3 Jupiter. 3 Venus. 3 Saturn. 4 Mars. 4 Mercury. 4 Jupiter. 5 Sun. 5 Moon. 5 Mars. 6 Venus. 6 Saturn. 6 Sun. 7 Mercury. 7 Jupiter. 7 Venus. 8 MOON. 8 MARS. 8 MERCURY. 9 Saturn. 9 Sun. 9 Moon. 10 Jupiter. 10 Venus. 10 Saturn. 11 Mars. 11 Mercury. 11 Jupiter. 12 Sun. 12 Moon. 12 Mars. 13 Venus. 13 Saturn. 13 Sun. 14 Mercury. 14 Jupiter. 14 Venus. 15 MOON. 15 MARS. 15 MERCURY. 16 Saturn. 16 Sun. 16 Moon. 17 Jupiter. 17 Venus. 17 Saturn. 18 Mars. 18 Mercury. 18 Jupiter. 19 Sun. 19 Moon. 19 Mars. 20 Venus. 20 Saturn. 20 Sun. 21 Mercury. 21 Jupiter. 21 Venus. 22 MOON. 22 MARS. 22 MERCURY. 23 Saturn. 23 Sun. 23 Moon. 24 Jupiter. 24 Venus. 24 Saturn. 72 ^ THURSDAY. If FRIDAY. $ SATURDAY. T? SUNDAY. © 1 JUPITER. 2 Mars. 3 Sun. 4 Venus. 5 Mercury. 6 Moon. 7 Saturn. 8 JUPITER. 9 Mars. 10 Sun. 11 Venus. 12 Mercury. 13 Moon. 14 Saturn. 15 JUPITER. 16 Mars. 17 Sun. 18 Venus. 19 Mercurv. 20 Moon. 21 Saturn. 22 JUPITER. 23 Mars. 24 Sun. 1 VENUS. 2 Mercury. 3 Moon. 4 Saturn. 5 Jupiter. 6 Mars. 7 Sun. 8 VENUS. 9 Mercury. 10 Moon. 11 Saturn. 12 Jupiter. 13 Mars. 14 Sun. 15 VENUS. 16 Mercury. 17 Moon. 18 Saturn. 19 Jupiter. 20 Mars. 21 Sun. 22 VENUS. 23 Mercury. 24 Moon. 1 SATURN. 2 Jupiter. 3 Mars. 4 Sun. 5 Venus. 6 Mercury. 7 Moon. 8 SATURN. 9 Jupiter. 10 Mars. 11 Sun. 12 Venus. 13 Mercury. 14 Moon. 15 SATURN. 16 Jupiter. 17 Mars. 18 Sun. 19 Venus. 20 Mercury. 21 Moon. 22 SATURN. 23 Jupiter. 24 Mars. 1 SUN. 2 Venus. 3 Mercury. 4 Moon. 5 Saturn. 6 Jupiter. 7 Mars. 8 SUN. 9 Venus, 10 Mercury. 11 Moon. 12 Saturn. 13 Jupiter. 14 Mars. 15 SUN. 16 Venus. 17 Mercury. 18 Moon. 19 Saturn. 20 Jupiter. 21 Mars. 22 SUN. 23 Venus. 24 Mercury. 73 PLANETARY INFLUENCES UPON THE HOURS. There are hours when most favorable progress can be made, and there are others when many unlooked for obstacles present themselves in the way of success and progress. King Solomon said : "To every- thing there is a season and a time for every purpose." THE SUN HOUR — This hour is good for asking favors, writing letters, signing papers, deeds, wills, leases, contracts, etc., and for buy- ing goods to resell. It insures success in any uncertain transaction. On any day when the SUN is adversely aspected, fire, and accidents of a fiery nature generally occur in this hour. Whatever is done in this hour is very apt to stand. Wills and other important matters agreed upon in this hour are very seldom changed. Large business transactions and everything" relating to railroads, mines, buildings, the government, political affairs and dealings with corporations should be attended to in this hour. The SUN hour is favorable for popularity and friendship; business, but evil for obtaining loans. Seek employments at this hour and deal with those in authority. The conversation during this hour is generally on business matters, position, promotion and political af- fairs. This is a positive hour. THE VENUS HOUR — This hour is good for everything in gen- eral, but especially so for dealings with the opposite sex, proposing marriage, asking favors, taking medicine, collecting bills, feasting, sign- ing papers and traveling by land. Any favors asked of the opposite sex are usually granted at this hour. Mistakes are seldom made at this time. The conversation during this hour tends to be in relation to art, music, wine and women, eating, love, dress, tasty and cheerful things. It is a good time to visit places of amusement and enjoyment, or to purchase fancy things and deal with loveable and affectionate people. PUSH ALL LOVE AFFAIRS in this hour. This is a positive hour. THE MERCURY HOUR— Is good for writing letters, signing papers, and for all literary affairs, taking medicine, all scientific thought and occult matters. Good for planning and thinking. Many quarrels and controversions or arguments occur at this time and many unpleas- ant things are being said. This hour is very often used by thieves to 74 their advantage; by fakirs, use caution against them. Ask questions at this time, as all people are more talkative as usual and easily ap- proached and persuaded to change their minds. This hour, while very uncertain, is good for all things that require to be done quickly. Con- versation at this hour is apt to be active but of no serious import, generally connected with intellectual affairs, social matters, the health; and often takes a quick turn for good or evil. This is a negative hour. THE MOON HOUR— -Is good for traveling on water, begin- ning short journeys, dealings with women, making researches, asking questions, making new acquaintances, visiting, etc. A friend made in this hour is a friend indeed. Hotel keepers and all those that are dealing with the general public are generally fortunate at this hour. It is a changeable hour, and is favorable to all moveable things and people, such as travelers, visitors, agents ; things connected with shipping, liquids, etc. People are generally wavering at this hour and may be easily induced to change their minds. Matters that seem favorable should be clinched at once and not left unfinished, or the matter may be lost without the sufficient gain extracted therefrom. All agree- ments made at this hour should be written down, for there is liability to break the promise. People are always restless at this hour, change- able, discontented, rambling and unsteady. Do not undertake any- thing that you wish to be permanent at this time. The conversation at this hour is apt to be about travel, removals, water or liquids, the insane and all matters of a common and changeable nature. This is a negative hour. SATURN HOUR— The hour of SATURN is very evil. It is the hour which is unfavorable for all purposes, yet it is often good for those persons who have SATURN for their ruling planet, also for coal and junk dealers. These people often make good bargains in a SATURN hour. (It is also good for finding minerals by SATURN persons only). It is a very unfavorable time for taking medicine and many deaths occur at this hour, especially with elderly persons. SATURN signifies death. It is barren, and seldom anything good occurs at this time. Conversation at this hour generally relates to something weary, earthly, melancholy, gloomy, sickness, death, deceit, common metals, ores, old and dirty places, cellars, mines, etc. This 75 hour generally brings about transactions with mistrustful, elderly, conservative, greedy, unclean people, which will be tedious and slow. Things begun at this time usually end unfavorable. Do not trust people at this hour nor rely upon professed friendship, or you will regret it. Sell anything especially real-estate or things connected with the soil. This is a positive hour. JUPITER HOUR— The JUPITER hour is good for all pur- poses, especially if he is your ruling planet. The hour is good ask- ing favors of rich persons, bankers, seeking employment, collecting bills, buying anything, speculating for a rise, gambling or playing for a chance, or races. People have a tendency to be more lenient, very generous and benevolent, free and open-hearted at this hour. You can get money from a miser in this hour. Conversation during this hour always bears upon money matters, precious metals, traffic, profit, gain, seed, banks, horses, cattle, etc. Open shops and begin new business. Deal with judges and the clergy. A positive hour. THE MARS HOUR — This hour is very unreliable. It is an evil hour, although not as evil as the SATURN hour. The MARS hour brings danger, accidents from metals, battles, assults and slanders, railroad wrecks, and explosions. Liars, thieves and evil-doers are always active in this hour. Avoid quarrels, keep away from dangerous places and people at this time. It is very easy to become involved in quarrels in a MARS hour. Dishonesty and unreliable reports will come more to your notice then and people feel independent and are not easily discouraged ; not apt to submit to dictation as much as at other times. People who cater to evil are always successful in this hour. It is a good hour for all courageous transactions, although dangerous results are liable to follow. The conversation at this time is always spirited, bold, courageous, argumentative and liable to lead to quarrel- some results. A very positive hour. JOURNEYS — Should be undertaken in a good hour, such as the VENUS, MOON or MERCURY hour. If you happen to reach a certain city in a SATURN hour, it would be wise to delay until a good hour before you would see the party for whom you had intended to undertake the journey, or before you reach the place of your ultimate destination. 76 GENERAL HINTS. BUYING AND SELLING: To make a profit, buy when the MOON is in CANCER, LEO, VIRGO, LIBRA, SCORPIO and SAGITTARIUS. This enables you to buy cheap and sell dear. The Seller is most fortunate in dealings from the first quarter to the full MOON. From FULL MOON to last quarter the time is best for the buyer. The first twelve hours after the New MOON are bad for the beginner of any undertaking, but from twelve to seventy-two hours are good. EMPLOYMENT: Seek employment when New MOON is in TAURUS, GEMINI, VIRGO. Removing, changing houses or lodgings should be done while the MOON is increasing and either in TAURUS or LEO. This gives comfort and success. PRIVATE MATTERS : If you wish to have your work to be- come much discussed, to excite attention, and much advertised, plan to have it occur during the eight hours before or after exact time of Full MOON — as given in any astrological Almanac. CLOTHING: Do not make, select, buy or wear for the first time clothing on a day or evening while the MOON is in SCORPIO. Why? Because they are apt to be torn quickly, spotted or soon worn out. JOLTRNEYS : When there is a serious object in view, start when the MOON is increasing and in ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN. This assures safety and prosperity. Trading days— when the MOON is in SAGITTARIUS ; give fair dealing. LAWYERS : Should be consulted when the MOON is in SAGITTARIUS. STUDY and write letters, MOON in GEMINI, also see rela- tives and neighbors. CONSULT religious fraternity while MOON in LIBRA, friends in AQUARIUS. ENGAGING SERVANTS: When you engage or receive servants into your house or lodging, be sure the MOON is in TAURUS, GEMINI, VIRGO and increasing. It is still better, should VENUS be in good aspect also. REQUESTS : Speak to politicians, public soldiers, and sur- geons while the MOON is in ARIES, to persons of authority — when the MOON is in LEO; to common people while in CANCER. 77 A Word of Cheer to Those in Trouble. After the ebb tide comes the flood tide — the darkest hour of night is nearest the dawn of the day. After the thunder storm in the Summer the air is purified. After the snow storm in the Win- ter, how beautiful the air. The perpetual pageant of the season, year after year— all preach, HAVE FAITH, SUCH IS LIFE! We find a wise purpose in all the ordinance of nature. A few years from now you will look back and see why your present troubles were essential to your eventual good. There is a silver lining to every cloud. The faithful revolution of the Stars, their clock like regu- larity declare in stellar language — HAVE FAITH ! Aries People. Born from March 20 to April 19, any year. Aries is a Masculine, Movable, Hot, Dry and Fiery Sign. Being the first Sign of the new solar year, it rules the head, face and brain of the microcosm of man. It also rules friends and relatives. MAN — The man born in this Sign generally marries a good wife, yet he is never contented ; he receives many honors, yet he is resentful and the use he makes of the confidence of his female friends often cause him much unpleasantness. He is inclined to prevaricate and has many disputes and has many enemies because of his good fortune. He is very generous, though stubborn at times and has a more or less violent nature. He does not marry early in life and never dies young. WOMAN — The woman born in this Sign is animated, restless, full of life and activity ; she loves company, music and dancing and is a very great talker. She is loved and honored by her opposite sex and has many love affairs which turn out favorable to her. She generally marries more than once and often goes into business for herself. She is determined, quick to anger, but very forgiving and is easily deceived by those she loves. It is hard for her to l^eep a secret, therefore she must be careful in whom she confides. The favorite gems are the opal and diamond. Taurus Peopl e Born from April 20 to May 20, any year. Taurus is a Fixed, Intellectual, Feminine, Cold, Dry, Melan- choly, Earthly Sign. It rules the neck and throat of mankind, and also the spark of life or the lympathic system. Also rules travel. MAN — The man born in this Sign is fearless, courageous and bound to have his own way at any cost. He will be more fortunate in money than in love affairs and becomes rich through a woman. 78 He prefers strangers to relatives, is very generous as long as he can have his own way and cares much for pleasure. He is enter- prising, makes large profits, and if careful will become very wealthy, and occupy high positions. He generally lives to a good old age, but has many enemies and few real friends. He is not easily excited, but very passionate when angry. WOMAN — The woman born in this Sign is careful, studious, diligent and economical. She has many opportunities for marriage, but generally makes a mistake and is unhappy in domestic life. A lover, a divorce and a second marriage generally sets her right. She loves to give her friends good entertainments, but a stingy, miserly husband causes her many regrets. She is generous, free- hearted, always ready to divide and always says just what she means regardless of consequences. When angered she smashes things in great shape. The favorite gems are the emerald and moss-agate. Gemini People. Born from May 20 to June 19, any year. Gemini is a Variable, Hot, Moist, Masculine, Intellectual, Airy, Sanguine and Barren Sign. It rules the hands, arms and shoulders. Also rules friends and enemies. MAN — The man born in this Sign will take many journeys through life and visit many places in search of fortune, yet he never becomes very rich nor able to obtain much credit. His many friends become enemies through jealousy. He is courageous and always ready for an emergency and generally squanders all he makes. He loves reading, is very fond of his opposite sex, fickle in his affections, but never loves more than one woman at a time. He is restless and uneasy, wanting to do something all the time v and drifts through life following pleasure and fortune wherever it leads him. WOMAN— The woman born in this Sign is generally very beau- tiful, good natured, easily influenced but honesty is one of her virtues. She has great wisdom, plenty of personal property and always takes things easy through life, although much given to worry. She is somewhat jealous but lives contented and com- fortable. She does not believe everything she sees or hears, for if she did she would be very miserable. She is very seldom disap- pointed, as she has a powerful imagination and readily adapts her- self to the various conditions and circumstances of life. The favorite gems are the amethyst and all high-colored stones. 79 Cancer People. Born from June 20 to July 19, any year. Cancer is a Watery, Cold, Moist, Phlegmatic, Feminine, Mov- able, Fruitful, Material Sign. It rules the chest and breast. Also rules health and life. MAN — The man born in this Sign is inclined to be very vain, fond of dress and show and very fond of women. He is lively but worries a great deal at night and often falls into ill favor with his friends. He forgives but never forgets an injury. His early life is generally hard and wretched. He gets some property through marriage but never becomes very wealthy, although he never wants for anything. Death will seldom claim him before his sixtieth year. WOMAN — The woman born in this Sign is quick to take offense, bound to have her own way but is easily discouraged if left alone. She is modest, will attend to her home, is economical and industrious, never minds inconveniences and generally mar- ries more than once. She is destined to have many children and is very passionate and emotional. She always receives a large sum of money or property at some time during her life from some rela- tive. She is very sensitive and kind hearted, has a good memory and is very conscientious in all positions of trust. The favorite gems are the onyx and emerald, which indicates success in love. Leo People. Born from July 20 to August 19, any year. Leo is a Fiery, Fixed, Masculine, Barren and Material Sign. It rules the heart, blood and nerves. Also rules prosperity and losses. MAN — The man born in this Sign is bold as a lion, a great talker, hasty, proud and sometimes very abusive. He is generally miserly towards his famliy, contrary and causes much trouble for those about him. He has many enemies and but few real friends yet he makes many acquaintances. He has good judgment, is a great borrower and inclined to be tricky and misses many good chances*in life by not grasping his opportunities. He is generally long lived if not reckless and becomes more fortunate as he grows older. WOMAN — The woman born in this Sign is generally very beautiful, courageous and virtuous. She is pleasing in manner and speech, but sometimes she will give her friends wrong impressions, thereby deceiving herself, not them. She is often loved and sought after but becomes irritable and indifferent and by this means her husband or lover becomes unfaithful to her. When aroused to 80 anger she surprises her neighbors who thought she was very timid and bashful. She lives to a good old age and many times regrets lost opportunities. Leo women are inclined to art and literary affairs. The favorite gems are the ruby and diamond. Favorite colors are red and green. Virgo People. Born from Aug. 20 to Sept. 19, any year. Virgo is an Earthly, Variable, Feminine, Maternal, Barren Sign. Cold and melancholy. It rules the bowels. Also love, courtship and marriage. MAN — The man born in this Sign is of few words, yet he always carries through anything he undertakes. He is not very fortunate in love affairs in early life although he generally marries a very good woman and settles down happy and contented. He is very polite. Has excellent business talent and always deals with rich rather than with poor persons. He generally dies very wealthy unless he is foolish enough to give his wealth to the church or to clothe the hottentots. In such cases he generally dies in want. Virgo men love order, harmony and quiet when at home and settled down. Disorder destroys their appetite. WOMAN — The woman born in this Sign is naturally timid and easily disgusted with anything coarse or common. She is indus- trious, courageous and has great veneration for those she loves and persons holding high positions. She is greatly respected and often comes into large inheritance or marries rich. She never lacks ad- mirers, is prompt, active and a natural leader. She is always inter- ested in the love affairs of her friends and is very good at keeping secrets. She has great vitality, is seldom sick yet she does not take particular care of herself. She grows old very slowly and enjoys life in many ways. The favorite gems are the onyx and cornelian, which insures conjugal happiness. Libra People. Born from Sept. 20 to Oct. 19, any year. Libra is an Air Sign. It is Movable, Masculine, Reproductive, Equinoctial, Cardinal, Humane and Sanguine. It rules the loins, back and kidneys. Also rules wealth and fortune. MAN — The man born in this Sign is a natural born speculator. He is wise, honored and has many friends who envy him. He is a great traveler and often wanders to distant places. He is much loved by his wife or family but he causes them much worry and anxiety. He is patient and his advice always has great weight. He 81 is ambitious, quick, even reckless at times and is never discouraged, being lull of hope and enterprise. He is lenient with his enemies, generous, high spirited, but inclined to be inconstant and 1 uneasy. WOMAN — The woman born in this Sign is very friendly to her neighbors and beloved by her family. She generally marries early and the man of her choice and gets a good husband. Libra people nearly always marry well and more than once. She dies a widow and quite wealthy. She despises hard or dirty work, dis- likes to see any cruelty or bloodshed and often gives without expect- ing any return. She continually invests in new things, is often de- frauded but never discouraged and always ready to try again. She is always expecting some disaster which never occurs and is destined to several long journeys in life. The favorite gems are golden tinted ones. Favorite colors crimson and blue. Scorpio People. Born from Oct. 20 to Nov. 19, any year. Scorpio is a Water Sign. It is Feminine, Fruitful, Fixed and Reproductive. It rules the privates and generative organs. Also rules males and marriage. MAN — The man born in this Sign is generally false, deceptive and suspicious, quiet, determined and will go to great extremes to accomplish his ends. He is never as courageous as he would have it appear and is friendly only so long as it pays. He meets with serious reverses and has great power to hide his feelings or emo- tions and appear the opposite of what he really is. He has great magnetic forces, a strong will power, is courteous and dignified and often causes his victims to do things they would despise. He is very jealous and his jealousy often causes him much trouble in life. WOMAN — The woman born in this Sign is very amiable and gracious, handsome, genteel and very jealous. She marries more than once, has quite a large family and generally dies wealthy. She often causes her husband to become very angry with her. She is cool headed, hard hearted and unfeeling, yet she is generally re- spected. She is a good mother and destined to plenty of hard work through life. She is thoughtful, fond of luxury and the goods things of life, very passionate in love affairs, but Only so far as she can accomplish her ends or gain her objects. The favorite gems are opals and white stones generally. Sagittarius People. Born from Nov. 20 to Dec. 20, any year. Sagittarius is a Fiery, Masculine, Variable, Reproductive, Bi- 82 corporal Sign. It rules the hips and thighs. It also rules success in new enterprises. MAN — The man born in this Sign is very clever, active and industrious. He is well adapted to military affairs, loves all out- door games and sports and is very fond of travel. He receives many presents through life and his fortunes come through his opposite sex. He is wise, straightforward and his advice is always good. His enemies cause him much trouble, especially those of his op- posite sex, and in old age he often repents of his follies of youth. He is never without money, and his generosity is often repaid with ingratitude. WOMAN — The woman born in this Sign is naturally timid until aroused. She is very friendly, has but few children and greatly given to pleasure. She makes great progress in all she undertakes and seldom makes mistakes when she follows her own ideas, but she too often takes the advice of others. She often gives advice where it is not wanted and is often misunderstood. She is often too quick and decisive for her own good and too often goes to extremes in her undertakings. She is very devoted and loving in domestic life and expects similar expressions from her husband. The favorite gems are the topaz and similar colors, denoting fidelity and truth. Capricorn People. Born from Dec. 20 to Jan. 19, any year. Capricorn is an Earthly, Movable,. Serving, Feminine, Tropical, Cold, Dry and Melancholy Sign. It rules the knees. It also rules all public affairs. MAN — The man born in this Sign is vain, violent and always ready to profit by the misfortunes of his fellow beings. He is cool, deliberative, proud, eccentric and independent. He has more friends than enemies, especially among his opposite sex. He loves good living, fine clothes, and delights in all mysterious things. He is a great worker, always trying to do several things at once and never succeeds. He is always unsettled in life, very undecided, not demonstrative in love affairs. He is very passionate and cruel when aroused and resents all interference with his affairs. WOMAN — The woman born in this Sign is excitable, violent and very eccentric, yet by overcoming her faults she becomes a most docile and worthy wife and mother. She will have but few children, little sickness or trouble. She is a great worker, but often becomes sad and depressed. It is great torture to her to be compelled to submit to the caresses of undesirable persons. She is 83 often nervous from overwork. She is good and kind-hearted and often does more for humanity than is expected of her. She is proud, independent and careful in money matters. She has an excellent memory and is a natural thinker and philosopher. The favorite gems are the bluish-green, which signify quiet and serenity. Aquarius People. Born from Jan. 20 to Feb. 19, any year. Aquarius is an Air Sign, Fixed, Masculine, Serving, Hot, Sanguine and Humane. It rules the legs and ankles. It also rules happiness and pleasure. MAN — The man born in this Sign will become a favorite and be much liked by everyone. He will have many strange ideas and readily believe in strange rumors, supernatural and occult things. He will receive harsh treatment from pretending friends. His anger is readily aroused, but he is easily pacified. He will journey through many lands and gain much knowledge. He is wise, has many possibilities in life and is agreeable, mild tempered and sel- dom heeds advice. WOMAN — The woman born in this Sign has inclination to and does accomplish many things. She is amiable, good tempered and loves to brag about her friends and relatives. She generally marries well, is happy with her family, has many friends, but does not always keep her promises. She has very magnetic eyes, takes great heed of money matters and the opinion of the world and could succeed in almost anything if she would stick to it. She is honest and true to those who place confidence in her and faithful in domestic affairs. The favorite gem is the carbuncle, which signifies true friendship, a sweet temper and a great calmness under provocation. Pisces People. Born from Feb. 20 to March 19, any year. Pisces is a Variable, Feminine, Fruitful, Serving, Watery Sign. It rules the feet of mankind. Also rules females in marriage. MAN — The man born in this Sign is very proud and vain. He loves to deal with good people, is inclined to be bashful, but some- times he is given to drink or gambling by which he loses much money and reputation. He always has something to say about everyone, either good or bad. He often becomes a great traveler and searches after fortune or knowledge. In domestic affairs he is very faithful and exacting, liable to worry and saying absurd things. 84 WOMAN — The woman born in this Sign is very fond of talk- ing, is full of sympathy and compassion. She is good, honest and faithful in domestic life, refined and dislikes anything coarse, com- mon or vulgar. She is destined to many children and a good old age. She is at times apparently stubborn, but easily coaxed, will worry without cause and does not show her affections as others often wish she would, as she is naturally timid and bashful. She generally marries more than once. The favorite gem is the ame- thyst, the symbol of temperance and chastity. HEALTH With the extremes in cold, dampness, heat, and wind, it would be ad- visable for every one to guard their health very carefully from now on, espe- cially for the next three years. A noticeable increase in diseased conditions affecting the general health of people everywhere is indicated. Patience needs to be cultivated, self control developed, bad habits elimi- nated, ways of living changed, and more thought given to service they can render to others, forgetting self, for we are on the border of a new and better era of existence. Impatience* flying into ungovernable fits of rage, violent actions and intemperate ways of living, lay the foundations for diseased conditions to settle in our bodies and bring harmful results to the individuals who indulge in them. Intemperance in our habits, and mode of living, brings about an altered state of the blood, weakening the natural resistance of the body to disease. Hasty violent actions of any kind, particularly hasty speech, creates an inflammatory state in the blood, lowers its tone, resulting in attacks of an inflammatory, infectious and contagious nature. This should be remem- bered by every one. 85 CONTENTS Page 1 Astrology. 3 Signs of the Zodiac. 5 Daily Transits of the Moon through the Twelve Houses. 7 Diagram of the Zodiac. 8 Explanation of the Health. 10 Marriage. 11 What tne Planets Rule. 13 Classification of the Signs of the Zodiac. 14 Explanations of the Signs and Symbols. 14 Graphological Delineation of the Chief Characteristics of Trix Devos. 15 Membership Certificate, 16 Influence of Planets in the Mundane Houses. 17 Influence of Planets in the First House. 24 Influence of Planets in the Second House. 26 Influence of Planets in the Third House. 29 Influence of Planets in the Fourth House. 33 Influence of Planets in the Fifth House. 37 Influence of Planets in the Sixth House. 42 Influence of Planets in the Seventh House. 45 Influence of Planets in the Eighth House. 48 Influence of Planets in the Ninth House. 52 Influence of Planets in the Tenth House. Pag-e 58 Influence of Planets in the Eleventh House. 60 Influence of Planets in the Twelfth House. 65 Influence of Ascending Signs. 71 Astrological Comments — By Frederick White. 72 Planetary Hours for Each Day of the Week. 74 Planetary Influences upon the Hours. 77 General Hints. 78 A Word of Cheer to Those in Trouble. 78 Characteristics of the people born under the signs of the Zodiac. 78 Characteristics of the Aries People. 78 Characteristics of the Taurus People. 79 Characteristics of the Gemini People. 80 Characteristics of the Cancer People. 80 Characteristics of the Leo People. 81 Characteristics of the Virgo People. 81 Characteristics of the Libra People. 82 Characteristics of the Scorpio People. 82 Characteristics of the Sagittarius People. 83 Characteristics of the Capricorn People. 84 Characteristics of the Aquarius People. 84 Characteristics of the Pisces People. 85 Health. ,\' T^~ aV AY aV %-C <, % / v