bvtjibe, g. id. wrath, Rom. xi. 22. .
Col. iii. 8. anger, fierceness,
harshness, barbarity. ,
\3á]tie*ó,-ib, s.m. aroaring, Judges
xiv. 5, see, buiftpeAb.
bú-|fif eAÓ,-pib, pi. id. sm. a noise,
roaring, Ps. xevi 11. see, bújjt-
bú^peAÓAc,-^eAbA, pi. id. s.f. a tf \ Jt^
roaring, Prov. xix. 12. & xx. 2. - *
— Ps. xxxii. 3.
w ;*
. ■ ?■
l) u w
b U M
t)új|i|í|8,-8e, v.n. roar (as an ani-
mal,) inf. Ps. civ. 21. see Ps.
. xxii. 13. Luke, xxi. 25.
/pt 2>bv]reul,-éil, pi. id. s.m. a bushel,
J 6 Luke, xi. 33.— Matt. v. 15.
bvjrce, g. id. pi, -z]6e, s.m. oat-
meal mixed up with butter and
put into a scrip or pouch to be
used in travelling ; also, the
scrip or pouch itself. ****"
bvir ceó|n,-6nA,-6]nfóe, s. m. a
butcher. ^.^
bv^tléjn, g. id. pi. -fipe^^m. a
butler. Barb.
bvjcléiueAc&,-&A, s.f. £Ae office
of a butler.
bv]creAc&n,-Ain, pi- id. s.m. an
assuming arrogant person. M'N.
bvicreACAr,-A]r, s.m witchcraft,
■ • * ^vlU, g. id. pi. -A^be, s.m. a bowl.
Num. vii. 19. Ecc. xii. 6. also,
an edict, a Pope's bull.
bvló5,-6i5e,-Ó5<\, s.f. a bullock,
Ps. lxix. 31.— pi. C. P.
I) VI05, -6156,-65 a, sf. a loaf.
bvn, g. hr]X), &, dyt)a, pi. id,
s.m. a foundation, 2 Tim. ii. 19.
also, a bottom, base, root, stock,
. origin, change, keeping. Pers.
jJjfruJf Bun. " U m^bvn oii^ tippling,
^-y^Tf" "bun or ciorj," 2, pi. id. s.m. a family,
stock, origin .
\C'%^ bvoAÓAÓ,
of the sedgy shallows, g. pi. of,
léAi?A. s.m. q v.
bví)6r,-óir, pi. id. s.m. an old
bvórAc,-A]5e,-ACA, s.f. a javelin, fly
1 Sam. xviii. 10. also, a rod, a
twig, an osier, see, bofjrAC.
bvi)r|iuc,-rnocA, pi. id. s.m. a
fountain head, a basin or reser-
voir fur water.
bvi)rcoc,-Yfc, pi. id. the old stock,
the Aborigines.
bvotAirce, g. id. pi, -rf, s.f.
advantage, perquisites, profit.
Hind. Bundege, corresponding
to the Lat. Peculium.
^p 77?<3i (kTp Z,\i) zárv "Qo ÍW, pi. id. s.m. boot ob-
tained in exchanging, profit,
búcAjjte, g. id. pi, -jtióe, s.m. a
chapman, a dealer (in cattle.)
C, (coll, the hazel tree,) the third
letter of the modern Irish Al-
Ca, an interrogative particle,
how, what, where, when ? If
the following word begin with
a vowel, it requires that b
should be interposed, as, ca
})-Y&]\i, cA !)-<\rjACAr,-Ajr, s.m. atonement,
Lev. iv. 35.
CAbArrjArv&IU, pl. id. s.m. a low
despicable fellow. M f N .
Ul\ CA6At),-A]t), pl. id. s.m. ajvild
/ 222$£i a barnacle.
CAbAr,-A]r, s.m. cotton^ bombast,
scrapings of linen rags, pledget.
*f- 4^4 C^6Ar 9 -Air* s.m. friendship , fond-
^ > wess, privilege, JwiJour.
f£,V*$ CAÓAraCj-o^e, adj. friendly,
fond, honorable.
GAbiufb,-be, s.f. /// Aerfl cudweed,
CA6rt)AfAC,-<\|5e, adj. proud, as- j,
suming in the fashion and man-
tier of an upstart.
CAÓrDutv u irj s.m. pride, upstart-^
C^bjiAncA, ind. adj. contentious,
obstinate, stubborn.
CAib|bil,-le,-li, s.f. a chapter. \C\l~rz
C<\jbibjleAC,-l|5e, adj. capitular.
Cajbio, g. id. pl, -T)|be, s.m. a cap,
a hat ; generally, a bad hat.
CAfó,-6e, s.f. chajf, Matt. iii. 12,
CÁjóe, g. id. pl, -e,-t>*, s.f. a quality,
H qualification, genius.
C&]lít), g. id. pi, -ni5, s.m. a girl,
a maiden, Ex. xxi. 20. — Luke
viii. 51. — Ex. ii. 5.
C>Ce, s.m. «
loser, a spender, a spoiler.
C^-\njbeix\yé]l, pi. id. s.m. « wry
CA]rt)beulAc,-,-bA, s.f. scolding,
C'^\)z, inf. pres. to talk, Gen.
xvii. 22. xxix. 9. see G&n.
C&,]nc,-Ee,-teAi)A, s.f. speech, say-
ing, talking, Gen. iv. 23
Mark vii. 29. Eph. v. 4.
C&^nce , p.p. railed at, dispraised,
C&inceAc,-q5e, adj. talkative,
peevish, malicious in talk.
G&\x)zeó]\i,-ó^*,-ó\\\}i>e, s.m. a
reproacher, g. Ps. xliv. 16.
also, a babbler, an orator, a
C&|nceó]|teAc&,-t><\, s.f. areviling,
a reproach, see Is. Ii. 7.
C'A]X)Z]c,-ce,-c], s.f. a song, 2
Chron. xxix. 27. Rev. v. 9. & <
xv. 3. a canticle, a hymn. fC)
Qvir)ci5, inf.. civ^nc, v. a. talk,
speak, see C&jnc.
C^pft), g. id. pi, -i}]6e, s.m. a
cap. ,
C^pcty, g. id. pi, -nise, s.m. a UA ^fc,
captain , John xviii. 12. — Luke
vii. 2. — Acts xxi. 32.
CaipcjneActvbA, s.f. a captaincy.
7 «^ /h»«frft»#'47 &J&»».
n Atji om^-ver f ^wr^« ^^%Uó&,-b<\, s.f. friend-
ship, friendliness.
G&ifi&ear, g. -b]r, pi, -bjofA, &
-be a |* a, s.m. frie ndship * favour*
Jas. iv. 4. — pi. GTenTxxxix. 21.
Ex. iii. 21. Gr. vcLohia, the
C&ijt&eAr Gjtjorb, s.m. or f. a
godfather or godmother, a spon-
GAift6eA^5,-b|ft5e, s.f. ablush;
also, the redness of face which
is caused by intemperance.
G&ittr)e<\o r T)i5 r i)i5e, s.m. a Dru-
idical priest ; " w$ a J fie c&]ji~
t)eAC." Lev. xi. 13. anospray,
a kingsfisher.
GAijtoeACj-r^ge, adj. stony, «-
bounding in cairns.
G&iflt^<\b, g. id. & -A]6, pi, -a6a,
s.m. a hart, Deut.xii. 15. &xiv.
5 pi, Lam. i. 6. « mtcVíí cfeer.
.fe^HT^/ Ga]JIC, g, CAtlCA^jk , CAT1C4 ^ ? pi,
,( /*v c^ficACA, s.f. a cart, 1 Sam. vi.
[_/ 7 & 8. Am. ii. 13.— 1 Sam. vi.
W^T^ 14. Is. v. 18. & xxviii. 28.
uiJhpQ- Chald. karun.
j* -r *^r GAHic,-ce,-ce<\cA, s.f. í/íc Z»«r& o/"
** %
a tree, paper, card, chart,
' ~j ?liarte r\ bond rComTtjv. *x a £ Ty i-
~Lat. charta, & cortex.
G<\]|tcce, creek, a porch, fc\J^j
astime ; Acts, xxvii. 39. — pi. John, v. '/
g e Arpj&TrpriTxe, sport» pastir,
\~ Q CAiée « <&«*/? Gr.
xeXXfc», J arrive into harbour.
Heb. Kahal, assembled, and
Cala, checked, rested.
CaIa^-aó, v.n. ta£e harbour,
remain, reside, Arab. Kal, &
Heb. Chal, he staid.
catkin of the osier, a little cat. \ G&\&rmiY,-u]Y, s. m. calamus (an
C^-\z\x)e^c,-x)]-^e, adj. curled
G&-!cift,-[te,-fteACA, s.f.
Matt.'xxiii. 2.— pi. Matt
see Caxaoip.
herb), Cant. iv. 14.
v. a. harden, fas-
ten, drive, caulk,
beat, ram.
I C,-c>A, s. f. crying,
CaUat),-aji}, s.m. a noise, sound,
shouting, babbling.
C -rngi}A,&,-TOeA-
^"fif ca, s.f. triumph , triumphing,
$Z~ 2 Sam. 1. 20. Job. xx. 5. Ps. Ix.
8. — Ps. xlvii. 1. victory, a loud
shout of triumph or joy. fr.
Cac, &, ]\&im, power or shout.
CAicfiéirt?eAÓ,-rDi5e, adj. trium-
phant, see Col. ii. 15. victo-
~V rious, shouting loudly.
Có.]i\\é]W]-s, -1 «5^8, y,a. & n. tr^\ ting, Phil. ii. 14.— Is. i. 10.
umph, inf. Ps. cvi. 47. exults complaint.
shout aloud. . r ^-- CAllój&eACj-b^e, adj. noisy, com-
C ^cjiuiTjAÓ^gce, s.m. i/ flouMsh- 1 plaining, wrangling.
H l '^j*^^ ir) &, ind. adj. valorous, Judges, CAmcorACj-AjJe, adj. bow-legged.
*% xx. 44. bravé^heroíc, daring, CArnlúb,-úibe,-úOA, s.f. « ringlet
resolute, strong, Heb. Chalam,
he prevailed.
GAlrnAC&,-t>A, courage, see, Cai-
~ . ") s. m. strength,
CaIpa, g. id. pi, -a8a, s.m. the
calf of the leg, CaIpaÓa ^Afi-
cujll, £^e pillars of Hercules,
Com. Calpe, & the Arab. Kelb.
kernel, middle.
*V* CArn,-A]me, adj. crooked, fro-
war d, Pro v. xxi. 8. Is. xxvii.
1. bent, distorted, deceitful.
Pers. Kham ? Chald. Kamar,
Gr. xa/A-ffrw, / Z>^wí/, Lat. Cam-
A CArn,-roAÓ, v. a. bend, make
crooked, distort, curve.
Caii?aó,-aió, pi. id. s m. a bend,
crook, curvature, Arab. Khemi,
a curvature.
C&rb,-bA, s.f. the game of
commons or hurling, vernacu-
larly called, b&j|te.
GW6,x) rc<\ntAi5, s.m. common
fumitory. Fumaria officinalis.
\ CltM|i3i)eAÓ,-Ai5e, adj. bandy-
legged, club-footed.
CAfi?ri?uií)eul,-é|l, pi. id. s.m. a
wry neck, also, a bird so called.
C<\rnrbu|i)euUó,-Ai5e, adj. crooked
Ce, s.m. a
singer, fr. can, &, ^eAjt.
CivncAi|te, g. id. pi, -jieAÓA, s.m.
« singer, 1 Chron. vi. 33 pi.
2 Chron. xxxv. 15. Ps. lxviii. 25.
C&ocA]|ieAcb,-bA, s.f. a song,
singing, Gen. xxxi. 27. Ex.
xxxii. 18. g. see 2 Sam. xix.35.
The genitive as in last reference
is frequently found without any
inflection or change — always so
in the Scotch dialect.
C&ucAOtfi,-jte,-ttj5e, s.f. a press,7\
2 Kings, vi. 27. pi. Proverbs, ' ?
iii. 10.
Caodai},-*M°j pl- id» s - m ' a place
of shelter or concealment. A
C,-t><\, s.f. discre-
tion, kindness, mildness.
CAO]rbeArt)uil,-rt)lA, adj. mild, dis-
creet, kindly.
C<\o]tr))W, g- id. the herb eyebright,
x CAo|iijceAc,-ci5,-cecA, s.m. or, f.
a companion, a bed-fellow, fr.
Gaorb, &, ceAC.
CaonvneAO, v.n. weep , lamen t,
inf. John, xi. 31. tteb. Kun,
to lament, and, Kinah, lamen-
: Caoi9,-oí> 5 adj. gentle, mild, 1
Thess ii. 7. s&'eetf tempered,
delightful, pleasing, soft, genial,
polished, Heb. Chen, favour.
C<.\o|i)ÓeAU*>,-e|lbe, s. f. a fair
C&o\ve, g. id. s.f. mildness, gen-
tleness, kindliness.
CAOiueAÓ,-r)ce, pi. id. alam cnta-
iion, awaiting, Gen. lTToT Jer.
ix. 10. 2 Cor. vii. 7. — Amos,
v. 16. a dirge or lamentation
for the dead, see, Cao|d.
C a o ] ne a r , -n i r , s /m . 772 ildness, gen-
— CAOin!eAc,-li5,pl.-li5e,or,-lgóo|ja8e<\ji3,-e|fi5e, adj. red hot.
Cao]\\)\) 9 g. id. pi, -oi&e, s.f. a
lit le sheep, a small berry.
C<\0]]\ít) lévoA, g. id. s.f. great
wild valerian, Valeriana offici-
OAol,-ou\e, adj. small, 1 Kings,
xix. 12. thin, lean, slender, nar-
row, shrill, Arab. Khell, lean,
& Kahul, withered, dry.
CaoI,-ojI, pi. id. s.m. the narrow
part of anything, "CeAi)5, pi. id. s.m. the small
intestines, tripe, Gr. %<^ag.
CAolpA|l,4e, s.f. nettles, urtica,
the herb heiriff.
CAolpA]|i5e, g. id. s.m. a strait*
a frith.
CAol^lóftACj-^jje, adj. shrill-
voiced, fr. caoI, and 5l6fi.
CAolgocACj-Aige. adj shrill voiced
fr. caoI, &, 511c.
CaoIcu|i,-cij]h, pi, id. s.m. a py-
CAorb,-o|rbe,adj. hind, meek, gen*
tie, mild, friendly, noble. Arab.
Kom, noble, Lat. Com-is.
C&orb,~o]tr), pi. id. s.m. a friend, a
CAorbAi5,-rbu5Ab, v. a. cherish,
protect, save, defend, keep,
CAorijA^rA, p.p. protected.
CAorbcftucArt)\il r ri)lA, adj. slender,
finely formed.
a protector, C. P.
CAOii)Ó5,-ói5e,-Ó5A, s.f. an affec-
tionate woman.
CAornrA]óceó||t,-óftA,-óui)óe, s.
m. a collector, a rehearser.
CAormnu, inf. id. v.a. save, Job. ii.
6. see, CAorbAj 5.
Caouac,-ai3, pl,-e, s.m. a
small horse.
CápuII,-u|U, pi. id. s.m. qjkorse,
CA|ibAb,-Afb, pi. id. s.m. a cha- f^~
riot, a waggon, Gen. xli. 43 —
Acts, viii. 29 Gen. xiv. 19.
Ex. xv. 4.
CAfib,-AHri2, pi. id. s.m. a heap,
Gen. xxxi. 46. a pile qf stone s
raised over the^Tomo of de-
ceased heroes, a barrow. Arab.
Kern, a little /*77/7ancT Kyrnas,
a projecting part of a moun-
C&fin,-t), v.a. heap up, pile to-
gether, CA]tn^i5 r nu5A6, v.a. id.
C&fir)4ó r pi. id. s.m. a heap,
Judges, xv. 16 — pi. 2 Chron.
xxxi. 8. a pile of stones, a
little heap.
C&\i\)t\i) c<\]ril, s.m. navelwort,
Umbilicus veneris.
C^fin^n caocAin, s.m. a molehill,
fr. cAjtn, &, c<\oc.
C&]\\) c\x]tr)i)e, s.m. a monument.
G^finc*, ind. p.p. piled up.
C<\fli,- cAiijxse, pi. id. &
CA-||t5eAca, s.f. a rock, Ex. xvii.
6.-2 Sam. xxii. 3. Ps< lxi. 2.—
1 Kings xix. 11. Ps. lxxviii. 15.
& civ. 18. In 1 Sam. xiv. 4. it
is spelled c&\\m]c, f. g, CAflwn;,
m. In 1 Cor. x. 4. spelled
CAfltirfc, fern. & in Matt, xxvii.
51. the plur. is spelled c pi. id. s.m. means, 1
Thess. iii. 5. case, cause, con-
<3<" cern, difficulty, misfortun e^
*fc-ArACb,-bA, s.f. acougJu~
j£. CArAGbACj-Aijje, s.f. a cough, a
coitinued cough.
C<\rAb,-rc<\, &, -r pi. id. s.m.
a wrinkle, Eph. v. 27. also, «
twisting, a curling.
C<\r&or^i l )? pl- ^. s,m - a '^
Job xxx. 13.— pl, Job viii. 13.
(j$L C pi. id. s.m. a hel- í CéAbAOjn,-ne, s.f. Wednesday.
mel, a head-piece.
C.P. fr. CéAb, &, Aome, a fast.
C-Ai3,-, pi. id. s.m, a
hero, a military commander,
a colonel, fr. Cac, &, wjleAÓ.
l^fs]X" CAcoil|ce, ind. adj. universal, ca-
\° iholioi
C^cjiiq5ceói|i,-óiiA,-ó||ii8e, s.m.
a citizen, Luke xv. 15.
fá ^ C^u7-^8,-rti|5ce, pi. id. s. in.
chief seat, pi, Matt, xxiii. 6.
CéAbclÁ]t,-Á]jt, pi. id. s.m. the
first table, Ex. xxxiv. 4. pi.
Ex. xxxiy. 1. /oA| |£t^
C&AbpAÓ.-ÓA, pi. icf . s.m. sense,
pi, Heb. v. 14. faculty, under -
standing, fr. CéAb, &, j:ac. K2-
Ce_A b j: AÓAC,-Ai5e, djscreet, sen-
sidle, belonging to. the senses or
CéAfclóijAÓ,-Aió, s.m. breakfast.
fr. CéAb, &, lóno.ó.
CéAbii7iijnc]|i,-fte, s.f the elder
branch of a family, primoge-
CeAbpA. ind. adj. same, Gen. xxvi.
24. Heb. xi. 9.
CéA&coii)A|lc,-ce,-cr, s.f. break-
CéAbcui rnjeAÓ, -iui£ce, s.m. first-
ling, Ex. x iii. 12. first bar u.
c e c
CéAbcontAÓ,-oftCA, pi. id. s.m.
jtirrf fruits, Rom. viii. 23. 1
Cor. xv. 20.
CéeA5, g, -a in bi^jNs.m.
self-heal, prunella vulgar is\
Cev\n^b^n toóoa, g, -Ap) rrjóijA,
s.m. broad leaved cotton grass,
eriophorum polystacion.
kind, mild,
Ce & »úz*/ind. a dU loi ' i "?>f ond >
n . , -i £ -{gentle, seem-
C gWA n,^,-n,U > adj.l| ) ^.^
CeAT)Alc c]i)Aimrine, s.f.
a /i epoch, a date, an era.
CeAi)Aiftc,-ce, s.f. strife, uproar,
division, 2 Tim. ii. 23. — Luke
xii. 51. see Acts xxi. 38, &
xxiv. 5. Joel iii. 14. a meeting,
contention, rebellion, insubor-
dination, conspiracy. Fr. ceAi),
& AÓAjtc, i.e. butting with the
CeAÍ)<\i|iceAC,-ct5e, adj. rebel-
lious, striving, Deut. ix. 24.
, ;. . 2 Tim. ii. 24. mutinous, per-
verse, insubordinate.
GeAi), g, C|i) c^f)|ó, pi. id.
s.m. a chief, the head of a clan»
CeAi)corr?fiAó,-Ai8, pi. id. s.m. a
chief topic of conversation.
CeAi)b&i)A, ind. adj. headstrong,
stubborn , froward, bold.
CgobívnAcb,-A|ób,s.m. obstinacy,
C P. pertinacity, stubbornness.
CeAÍjpAC, g, qf)£Ac, pi. id. s.m.
chief cause, original reason.
CeAt)féAÓt)A, c\w\x)\ó, &,-péAb- /C/
da, pi. id. acaj^tavn, Ex. xiv. y^
7. — plur. ExTxv. 4. Deut. i. 15. O
a chief, a leader.
CeAÍjpéAÓt)Acb,-bA, s.f. captain-
cy, leadership.
Ce<\ulAibj|i,-bfie, adj. head-
strong, stubborn.
CeAi)rt)Aibe, g, cfi)rt)Afbe, s.m.
. a blockhead.
CeATJpopc, g, cji)f>ui|ic, pi. id.
s.m. chief man, author, found-
er, Acts xxviii. 7. Heb. xii. 2.
also, a head port, or city. _^jl
GeAi3fiAC,-Ai3,-Ai7;e, s.m. a filet,
head lace, a tether, head-stall,
bridle, halter.
CeAi)ftéitf3 g, cinjtéfqs, s.m.
propitiation, mercy; also, a
i gentle, meek, /v ^
CeAi3r.,ind.adf^^ T p i e m t ;/^
Cé^r^&^iseJiii; 4 ; x Tim ;
CeA^fAcb,-bA, s.f. gentleness, v~
meekness, 2 Cor. x. 1. Gal. v.
22.— Ps. xlv. 4, 1 Cor. iv. 21.
CeAi)rAi5,-ru5<\6, v. a. have power }£j J
over, lams') inf. 1 Cor. vii. 37.
Jas. iii. 8. quell, sftbdt/e, con-
quer, train.
CeAi3f*Ai5ce, ind. p.p. subdued,
conquered, tamed, trained, a
sabs. plur. the meek, Ps. xxv. |
9. more properly, oa ceAt}-
CeApr5ftiobji),-rje, s.f. a title, a
CeA^cuY,-u]y, s.m. superiority,
chieftaincy, arrogance.
Ceap, g, cip, pi. id. s. m. a block,
plur., Zeph. i. 3. a last, a piece
of ground, the stock or nave
of a wheel, the head of a tribe
or family.
CeApAÓrt<\t),-Ait>, s.m. scanning
or capping verses.
CeApAi3,-pu5Aó, v. a. form,
found, bind, train up, stop, in-
tercept, Heb. Cabah.
^ CeApAifte,g. id. pi, -ji^be, s.m.
7 bread and butte r, pi. slices of
'Sread L and butter.
65 ce&
CeApÁt),-Á]i), pi. id. s.m. a stump
or pin, a little stock or last.
CeApr3,v.a. propagate,
trace the branches of a fa-
CeAp-cuirli6, g. id. pi, -8e, s.m. a
stumbling block, Lev. xix. 14.
GeAftbóifi,-6jtA,-ójii]t>e, s. m. a
carver, an engraver. , *
CeA|tc,g, ci|ice,pl, ceAftCA, s.f. \^\'^~
a hen, Matt, xxiii. 37. Luke,
xiii. 34. Arab. Kerk. GeAfic
pjtAojc, a moor hen, a grouse,
CeAjicfjtAT}CAC, a turkey hen,
CeAjic co]lle,or,CeA|tc coit^t)
a partridge, CeAft cujfje, a ^^
water-hen. c&rtftCL Utféoz
CeAfiCACj-Aige, adj. abounding
in hens. ^
CeA|tcAll,-Aill, pi- id. s.m. a pit- /<^| "jj—
low, 1 Sam. xix. 13. & 16. also, n \j^-
a bed, a couch, a carpenter 's 6
CéAjtb, g, céiftb, &, céAjtbA, \(\%-
pi. id. s.m. a worker, as GéAfib
A] 1151 b, a silver- smith, Acts,
xix. 24. Géjxjtbcjté, a potter, g. f/i^
see, Jer. xvin. 2, 3, & 4. CéAjtb
OACjaiAÓ, a potter, Rom. ix. 21 .''
ZlJér^S. 11 — 1 Chron.iv. 23.
CéAjib copAjjt, a copper-smith,
2 Tim. iv. 14. CéAjib cftu, s.m.
« butcher, CéAfibóf|t, a gold-
smith^ g. Neh. iii. 31. Pers.
Kherd, solder, Kird, employ-
CéA]ibAcb,-bA, s.f. trade, me-
chanism, Ex. iv. 22.
GéAfibÁige, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a
mechanic, a tradesman.
CéAjtbArblAcb,-bA, s.f. ingenuity.
CéAttbAirmil,-rblA, curious, cun-
ning, Ex. xxviii. 28, & xxxviii.
23. well-wrought, tradesman-
like. r
GéAjabcA, g. id. s.f. a forge, a[^J —
wo rkshop. {^frAh^lWY}
CeAfit)j-e]fui, pi. id. s.m. a cor-
ner, an angld
CeA|tt)A, g. id. pi, -A^Oe, s.m. an
angle, 6i ftj bfu-jl clu^b na,
£&er£ is neither
corner nor angled M'N. Syr.
Kama, angle.
CeA|inAb&n,-Ajn, pi. id. s.m. a hor-
net, Joshua, xxiv. 12. — pi. Ex.
xxiii. 28.
CeA]ti)Ac,-Ai5e, adj. victorious,
from the obs. cea jio, victory,
s. m. a square or pane of
CeAjiobuAir, s m. a prize ob-
tained in public games in run-
ning, wrestling, 8$c, GeAftr)-
Iuac, id.
CeA]to5i|tj-6ftA,-6f |t]óe,s.m. a vic-
tor, a conqueror. See, CeAjt-
CeAflaAC&n,-&tf),pl. id.s.m. a car-
rot,. Daucus, vern. 2t)eACAn
CeA|jtDAc,-A]5,-Ai5e s.m. qjgame-
ster, a dexterous gambler.
TM «Sr CeAfi]tbACAr,-A^rj s.m. a gaming,
a gambling.
CeAfifuicAiv&pjpl- id. s.m. skir-
. rett.
Y^Jf^Sstbiyz,,-^^*,, pi. id. s.m. right,
' ; righteousness, Ps. xvii. I
Gen.xviii. 19. Rev. xix. IX.jus-
tice, equ iti/.
CeAfic, ceijtce, adj. righteous,
just, I Pet. ii. 23. Job. iv. 17.
just, honest, true, upright,
proper, fair, certain, Lat.
CeAftcbejfice, g, cefjicbetjace,&,
-beAjxcA, s.m. birthright, Gen.
xxvii. 36.— Gen. xliii. 33. 1
Chron. v. 1.
§ri)rh?r, pi. id. s.m. righteous
judgment, g. Rom. ii. 5.
Ce, v.a. rebuke, Tit.
ii. 15. adjust, rectify, amend,
set right, dress. K 3 % , cvwtv/
CeAficu]5ce, ind. p.p. corrected/
reformed, adjusted, amend&n,
set right. fC3 -fe
Ce pi- id. s - m - a
first taxing, Luke, ii. 2.
Ceib]teACU]5e, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a
forerunner, Heb. vi. 20. ,_
Ce]\,-\z, v.a. hide , conceal, 2 Sam. fid / -iu5Ab, v.a. question, exa-
mine, interrogate.
CejfbiugAbj-ttiTjce, pi. id. s. m.
an examination^ a questioning.
a slip, a young
Geirio, g. id. pi,
-Olbe, si.
Cei|*ct)iu5Ab, s.m. a questioning,
see, Geu'biugAb.
CeiceAfti)<\c,-Ai5,-Ai5e, s. m. a {\*l-
soldier, a hero, a yeoman, a
stout-hearted strong man, Arab.
Cejcfie, ind. num. adj. four, em-
ployed when the noun is ex-
pressed, Gen. ii. 10. and pas-
Ceo, g. id. s.m. vapour, Gen. ii.
6. — Job. xxxvi. 27. mist, fog.
Chal. Ceha, it became dark.
Ceób|tAi),-Áio, pl- id- sm - a heavy
dew, a drizzling rain, fr. Ceó,&,
Ce6bfiÁr)Ac,-Ai5e, adj. mizzling,
misty, foggy.
ce n
C ] U
CeóÓAÓ,-A^5e, adj. rfiwi, Gen.
xxvii. 1. Job. xvii. 7. cloudy ',
misty, dark.
Ceol, g. ce6|l, or cu^l, pi, ceólca,
&, ceólcAi&e, s. m. singing,
song, minstrelsy, Rom. xv. 9.
Rev. xiv. 3.— Matt. ix. 23.
Col. iii. 16. 1 Chron. xv. 16.
music, melody, Heb. Kol, har-
mony, Chald. Cholia, sweet-
' CeoUitie, g. id. pi, -fMÓe, s.m. a
musician, a singer, fr. ceót, &,
Ceól*i|te<\cb,-bA, s.f. music, sing-
ing, warbling, melodiousness.
CeóUn,-&it>, pi. id. sra. a little
bell, a worthless talker, Chald.
Chali. sweet.
Ce6lb]i),-i)e, adj. harmonious,
sweetly musical.
Ceólcvifinvrue, s -^ a concert, fr.
ceol, &, cvifiro, a feast.
Ce olrb , v.a. modulate^
play music, fr. ceol, &, fie^n).
Ceóri)At|te<\c&,-ba, s.f. mistiness,
Ceórb*|t,-Aifte, adj. misty, dark,
Ceó-n7]lceAÓ,-ci5, s.m. mildew.
Ceói\i&r),-&]t), pi. id. s.m. a miz-
zling rain, a small shower.
Ceócjt&OACj-Aige, adj. drizzling,
showery , dewy.
Cejibreój ji,-óftA,-óirtit>e, s - m « #
brewer, fr. the old word, Cejib,
fermentation, malting, &, ^eAji.
Céfiub, g. id. s.f. a cherub, Ezek.
ix. 3. x. 7. & xxviii. 14.—
Ezek. x. 14.
Géfiubío, g. id. pi, -nig, s.m. a
cherub, 1 Kings, vi. 23. 24.
25. & 26.— 1 Kings, vi. 27.—
Plur. 1 Kings, vi. 27. & 28.
1 Kings, viii. 7. Ezek. x. 16.
CeceAlj-cé^l, pi. id. s.m. a kettle,
1 Sam. ii. 14.
CeYcb,-bA,-A|6e, s.m. a plough,
Luke, ix. 62.
Cevb, g. cé]b, pi. cev&A, num.
adj. an hundred, Gen. xi. 10.
& xvii. 17.
CevbACj-Aige, adj. an hundred-
fold — "Un connab cevbAC,"
Cevb-bv^lleAc, no comp. adj. hun-
dred-leaved i as a substantive,
the herb centaury, Erythrcea
CevbrbACjg. cé\bú)]c, s.m. a first-
born son, Matt. i. 25. see Cé^b-
Cevon<\, ind. adj. same, Matt. v.
CeYbtofít, v.a. interpret, inf.
J Prov. i. 6. mean, signify, de-
sign. - """" -7- l_l
CJAUv^e, ind. adj. sensible, sig-
nificant. K\^% ot&
|^| ^ Cjao, c^^ne, adj.^gz^, see Acts, ii.
a-t^cS^- 39- l° n 9> distant, tedious, mostly
JíL used adverbially, a 5-cj a i). a
£5 C]AT)-tt}AO|n,-r)e, s.f. alegacy.
^ CjAi)rbAftc£, Lat. Genu si
A 4 C]i}eul,-é|l, s.m. kindness, sin-
^^T rcr%, Ruth ii. 20.— 2 Cor.
viii. 8.
Cfneulc-cs, ind. adj. clannish, gen-
tle, kind, sincere.
Cjneulcur,-tqr, pi. id. s.m. kind-
ness^ favour, Gen. xxiv. 14.
Ruthii.13. Prov. xiv. 9. — Prov.
xxxi. 26. fondness, affection.
Cl n 5 c ttvr e 5 s.f. Pentecost, 1 Cor.
xvi. 8. — Acts ii. 1.
C]f),-r)e&\vu]Y), v.a. appoint, Gen.
xxiv. 44. resolve, allot, destine,
assign, establish, surpass.
C]i), nom. pi. heads, Deut. i. 15.
see CeAíj.
Cji)be]|tc,-ce, pi. id. s.f. a head-
band, plur. Is. iii. 20. a helmet,
a head di'ess.
C]t>eAri)r)AC,-Ai5e, adj. fatal, ac-
cidental. O'H.
y]^Cj^eAm\Tt),-rbr)A ,pl. iq\ &,-rbn^c a,
/.' s i* cliance, Eccles. ix. II. fate,
-£w destiny^ accident, fortune.
II %p]V-V e ^^rVW]^} pl. id. s.m. a
r ringleader, captain, Acts xxiv.
5. — pi. Ex. xv. 4.
C]X)V]t), g. id. pi, -t^óe, s.f. a little
'j ^C-\T)\iz-\\i,-z\ie,-zne&cb, s.f. a ca-
pital letter.
G]x)ze&cb,-b&, s.f. certainty, po-
sitiveness, confidence, assurance .
C]i)ti5,-c|ii5.y), pi. id. s.m. a tit-
Cfoci\ft,-aift, s.m. aravenous
dog, sharp hunger, ardent de-
sire, see CjocjtAC.
ravenous, Is. xlvi. 11.
p. . see Is. lvi. 11. &,
- ad' Ezek. xxxix. 4. also,
C]olfu, ] i^Wy,greedy,ava-
L . /,. \ncious, having a ca-
ff^-o 9 J \ nine appetite, fr.
l&X, & OCJtAC. ^
C|0C|a4.jvA^r, s.m. ravenousness, [^S^T
hunger, greediness, a false ap-
CfocjtAf &x),-'&]x), pi. id. s.m. a hun-
gry or greedy fellow.
Cíoló5,-6| 56,-654, s.f. a hedge
sparrow, "ah CÍ0I05 ]t|AOAc,"
the bird that follows the cuckoo.
candle, an icicle, see Co^lft). 'fCjon, g, c]n, s.m. £o£e, reputation, / -4
Luke vii. 2. Phil. ii. 29."*3mre,
want, f ondness .
Cjot)pAc,-cA, pi. id. occasion,
cause, g. Rom. vii. 8. see 2 Cor.
xi. 12.
fa 1~ Cfoi), g, ciu, pi. id. s.m. a head,
I a cause* account ; bo c]ot) 9 be-
cause ; 6' a c^of), era /*er «c-
Í county see Gen xxvi. 9. see
C|oi)CA,-cA, pi. id. s.m. guiltiness,
trespass, see Gen. 1. 17. &xxvi.
10. crime, guilt, sin.
f/Q 0> 0]or)zAc,-t^, pi. id. s.m. a wickecL
person, g. Ps. x. 15. & cxlvi. 9.
Prov. xv. 28. pi. Prov. Xxiv.
16. a criminal.
GfofttACj-Aige, adj. guilty, Gen.
xlii. 21. Rom. xvi. 17. 1 Cor.
xi. 27.
Gjoi)cui3,-tii5AÓ, v. n. & a- sin,
be guilty, condemn, see Gen.
xxiv. 16. & C.P. 336.
Gjofjuf, adv. how ? Gen. xxvi. 9.
John, iii. 4. i.e. q<\ An t)6r ?
Cfoit, g, cfjie, si. a cud, Lev. xi.
3. Deut. xiv. 6.
Cfojtj-ftAS, v.a. comb, see CfAjt.
G(0|i*bó||t,-óft<\,-5fji]6e, s.m. «
Cío|trbAi|te, g. id. pi, -rqbe, s.m. a
fuller, a person who knaps
cloth; also, a comb-maker 9 a
Cfoft TTjealA, g, c'ljte rbeAl,-Ai6, pi. id. s.m. amaim-
• ] ing, Lev.xxii. 22.also,q^Q^^-
ing, cutting, mangling* Heb.
cheburah, a wouna. jCj-^0
K^^Tn C|ontbA|5,-AÓ, v.a. maim, wound,
, > cut , mangle. \L L^fr
''U4U- oM - i>A f CfontbuiTjce, ind. p.p. maimed,
f^jUCkdu 0{L> disabled.
ii ^UUJpí n téu 1 n ' eAÓ '" n) l3 e ' ad J- maim -
Mvw ~& e d y see Luke xiv. 21. spelled
ACA,s.f. t^ute
money, Matt. vii. 24. revenue,
tax, assessment.
CiorrbAO|t,-AO]|t, pi. id. s.m. a
rent or tax collector.
C]ot, g, ceACA, pi. id. & ceACAi)A,
s.m. a shower, Ezek. xxxiv. 26.
Lukexii. 54. — Ezek.xiii. 11. — .
Jer. iii. 3. Heb. ki, a vomit.
Gr. x s '"^ a -
CiocAc,-A]je, adj. left-handed,
C|ocri?AJVAifie, adj. showery.
C]ocÓ5,-ó|5e,-Ó5A 5 s.f. the left
Cfocjturt)Ac,-rt)U|5, pi. id. s.m. an
abject person, plur. Ps. xxxv.
15. see CjoftcujrneAC.
Cjpin, g. id. pi, -npe, s.m. a little
stick, a dibble, a pin for tying
and fastening a tether. Chald.
cibben, he bound.
Cffi,-fte, s.m. & f. the cud, Deut.
xiv. 6. see Cfojt.
C]fie]b,-be,-beAc^ s.f. an insur-
rection, tumult, quarrel.
Cfjifn, pi, -t)i be, s.m. a cock's
comb or crest.
GítM0eAÓ,-T)i5e*adj. crested.
G\\,-ye, pi, ceArceAt)
C I ^
CI u
GtAi|treuke HAl
ix. 41. partial, prejudiced. \ J u^Lurf
CUonA8,-j;cfu|leAC,-li5e, adj. squint-
CIaooca, ind. p.p. bent, inclined.
ClAoncAD<\cb,-&A, s. f. aptness,
GUpfoU r,-Air, s.m. twilight.
ClAfi,-A|jt, pi. id. &, cIajia, s.m.
a table, aboard, Ex. xxv. 23
Ps. cxxviii. 3. — Ex. xxvi. 18.
ClAft<\]t)n7r)]ii5AÓ,-u]5ce, s.m. a
ClAjicorACj-Ajge, adj. splayfoot-
Cl&jt-roinjgce, s.m. a glossary.
CUrba, g. id. pi, -<\6.\, s.m. a
clasp. Vulg.
Cl<\fbAi5,-bAt>, v.a. clasp, button,
tye, lash to. Vulg.
U^ Cle<\cb,-& CleAC&Ab,-A]6, &, -&a, pi. id. s.m.
" exercise, using, 1 Tim. iv. 8.
Col. ii. 22. practice, habit,
usage, custom.
l/£. Cle*ri)i)ur,-u|r, pi. id. s.m. mar-
riage, Jos. xxiii. 12. — pi. Gen.
xxxiv. 9. affinity__or relation-
ship by marriage.
Cle<\r,-rA, pi. id. &, -rear)*, s.m.
a play, trick, craft, frolic* a feat
of legerdemain, warlike exer-
cise, illusion. Heb. keles, il-
Cle,-&&, s.f. the state of a
clergyman, clerkship, scholar-
ship. Cl&hbetfcro
Cle|c 3 -ce, pi, cleAtACA, s.f. a
roof Matt. viii. 8. a stake, a
wattle, a fence, a goad. Heb.
Chele . Chald. Clei, he shut
in ; Gr. xXsz-w, / hide, & xksi-g,
a key. see GleAc.
Ctejce, g. id. pi, -cj, s.m. a quill,
a plume, a feather.
Cle]ceac,-q5e,adj plumy, downy,
feathery, flaky.
ClejceACj-cjg, s.m. teings, Job
xxxix. 23.
Cle]ceÓ5,-ói5e,-Ó5, pi. id. s.m. a, boun-
cing, a starting, a sparring.
Cl|or5AC,-^i3e, adj. bouncing,
rattling, skipping.
CljtvreAÓ, v.a. deceive, disap-
*l y^ff Ol|rce, hid. adj. quick-nutted,
P knowing, active, nimble.
*\ Cl|rceAcb,-&A, s.f. shrewdness,
d ■ vterity, nimbleness, activity.
CIó,-ca, pi- id. s.m. a print, Job
xiii. 27. a printing press, an
impression. Spelled also, CloÓ,
&, Clot.
Clob,-bA, s.m. a pair of tongs.
vein. Clob.
Cloc, -oióe,-oÓA, s.f. a stone, Matt,
xxi. 42. Acts. iv. 11. — Ex. xxiv.
12. Matt. xxiv. 2.— Gen. xxxi.
46. Luke, xix. 40. see 1 Cor.
iii. 12.
Clóc a, g.,-A]6e,&,-ACA,s.m. a
cloak, Matt. v. 40. Luke. vi. 29.
ClocAc,-Ai5e, adj. stony, Ezek.
xi. 19. Matt. xiii. 5, & 20.
CIoc,-caó, v.a. stone, see 1 Kings
xxi. 10.
Cloc<\]fie, g. id. pi, -ftjóe, s.m. a
mason, a quarryman. fr. Gloc,
& {reAji.
Cloc<\i|teAc&,-&a, s.f. masonry,
ClocArtmil,-ri)lA, adj. stony, Ezek.
xxxvi. 26.
Cloc&i),-*Mr), pi. id. s.m. a pave-
ment, a causeway, stepping-
stones across a river.
ClocAjt,-A]tt, pi. id. s.m. an as-
sembly, congregation, college.
CloÓAjtA, ind.adj. set with stones.
CloÓAjinAc,-,<\j3, s.m. a wheezing
in the throat.
Cloc-cf?), s.f. a head-stone, a
tomb-stone, see Cloc.
Cloc-fr g? c ^ u 15> pl» id. s.m a feZ/,
a clock, a clapper of a mill.
J> Clojab.-^b, pi. id. &, -AbA, s.m.
a helmet, a headpiece, Eph. vi.
17. — pi. 2 Chron. xxvi. 14. a
cone, a pyramid, also, a mea-
Clo5Ajb,-be,-bi, s.f. a helmet, 1
Thess. v. 8.
CIo3a|it)ac,-ai3, s.m. a noise, a
ringing of bells, a tinkling.
CloscAtv^ir? pi. id. s.m. a belfry.
Clo5fr)ACAb,-Aibe,-bi, s.f. a gno-
mon, the hand of a dial or clock.
Clo!cbéirt)i)eAc,-r)i5, pi. id. s.m.
a stamping, prancing, g. Jer.
xlvii. 3.
Cló|ceAb,-bA, pi. id. s.m. a print-
ed permission, a passport.
CloicfteAc,-jii5e,-fieACA, s.f. a
stony place.
Clo|ófi)eAcb<\, g. id. pi. id. &,
ciocAf rjeAcbA, s.m. or f. hail-
stone, Rev. xvi. 21. — Job,
xxxviii. 22. Rev. xvi. 21. —
pi. Ps. xviii. 12. Ezek. xxxviii.
Cloicceine, g. id. pi. id. &, cIoca-
ceioe, s.f. a flint, Ps. cxiv. 8.
Clojóe, g. id. pi, -ee, s m.
an ear-ring, Gen. xxiv. 22.
Prov. xxv. 12. — pi. Ex. xxxii.
2, & 3. Judg. viii. 24.
CluAfluc,-\?ce, s.f. creeping mouse
ear, hierasium pilosella.
CliiArrt)Aocíu),-ívir), pi. id. s.m. the
tip of the ear.
Club, g, clui&, pi. id. s.m. a cor-
ner, g. 2 Chron. xxv. 23. — pi.
Lev. xix. 9. also, a patch, a rag.
Clúb,-bAt>, v.a. cover, thatch,
clothe,cherish. ClrbA^-bu^AÓ,
v,a. id.
Clúbivb, -bti|5,-bui5e, s,m. a cha-
piter, a cherishing, 2 Kings
xxv. 17. Eph. v. 29.-2 Kings
xxv. 17. a covering.
15 ;
thatched, cherished.
ClúbAjfte, g. id. pi, -fi^oe, s.m. a
thatcher, also, a botcher, a cob-
Clii6An7U]l,-rr}lA, adj. renowned,
Clu5AT),-&ir), pi. id. s.m. a cluster,
a bunch.
Clu5Á0AC,-Ai5e, adj. clustering.
Clu|ce, g. id. pi, clu^dce, s.m.fcfh-
a sport, aaame, plai/^pustime, ,, 'jjr
also, a sKoaTof fish, T" —
Clú|b,-be,-beAt)A, s.f. a corner,
a nook, an angle.
s.m. a bell, Ex. xxviii. 34. pi. :; / .
Ex. xxviii. 33. & xxxix, 25. a »«
little bell,
Clui5ir),-r)eAcb, v.a. ring, make
a tinkling noise, as with a bell,
inf. 1 Cor. xiii. 1.
Cluitbe-CAO^Dce, g. id. pi, -rbce- -
CAOjnce, s.m. a funeral game,
a tragedy.
C\\x\\),-\)\yx), &, cloifbii),v.a. hear, fcj k
2 Kings, xix. 16. — Luke, x. 24.
Deut. iv. 10. hark, listen. Gr.
xXuA5,-5AÓ, \. a. push, see 1 Kings
xxii. 1 1. &?zoeA flfo^w, rap, strike.
Cn<\5,-<\]5, pi. id. &, --&3A, s.m. a
wrinkle, see Job, xvi. 8. &>26>5,
« peg, a knock.
Cn^beAc,-&i5e, adj. vexed, fret-
ted, scoffed, jeered.
CnArb, pi, ctj&rbA, s.m.
a bone. Gen. ii. 23. & xxix. 14.
Prov. xxv. 15,— Ezek. xxxvii.
7. — Ezek. xxxvii. 7. Luke, xxiv.
CnAiri)-iieubAO,-b<\ ]S, &,-bcA,s.m.
bone breaking.
Cn<\itbreAÓ,-ri5e,-feACA, s.f. a
J^ Cn,-&jrb,-&ri?<\, s.m. a_bone.
For cases, see Ezek. xxxvii. 7.
Large Ed. 1827.
Cy&nj&c,-*-]^, adj. fowg/, large
Ct)<\ú)u.]V,-ve, s.f. a gangrene.
Crxxo], g. id. s.m. consumption,
Lev. xxvi. 16. Deut. xxviii. 22.
Cn,-&A, s.f. a consuming,
a wasting, a gnawing.
Onao^te, ind. p.p. consumed,
wasted, eaten, gnawed, spent.
Ci}Ap,-^p, pi. id. s.m. a knob, Ex.
xxxvii. 19, & 21 — pi. Ex. xxxvii.
17. a: bunch, knot, lump, boss,
stud, a little blow, a hillock.
Chald. Cnap.
Cx)&y>!\x),-b.-\x), pi. id. s.m. a knob,
pi. Ex. xxv. 31. see Cnap.
Cr;ap fCAfttA, g- id. pi, -Ajbe, s.m.
a stumbling block.
CoeAb,-e]be,-eAbA, s.f. a sigh, a
Cneab, inf. id. v.a. sigh, groan.
CneAbj-éjÓej-eAÓA, s.f. a wound*
Rev. ~xurV3:— Ex. xxi. 25.
Prov. xx. 30 — Luke x. 34.
CoeAb<\ó,-Ai5e, adj. wounded,
Prov. xviii. 14. see Ezek. xxx.
Ci)eAbAc,-ui5,' s.m. a groan-
ing ^ g. Ps. cii. 5. see Ps. vi. 6.
CneArb,-Tt)<\, s.m. garlic, wild gar-
m x -
W 1
Uc, gentian, Allium, allium syl-
vestre, gentiana.
Cr)eAri)Aifie, g. id. pi, -fipe, s.m.
a mean fellow, a knave.
CneAri)AifieACb,-bA, s. f. mean-
ness, low knavery.
Cr)eAr,-eir,-eArA, s.m. the waist x
breast, neck, skin.
CijeArbA, ind. adj. assiduous, J .
Cor. vii. 35. honest, temperate,
modest, mild.
Ct)eArb- Gnoc, g, cou-fc, pi. id. &, cnocÁ,
/^ s.m. a hill. Jos. xvii. 16. — Ex.
xvii. 9. — Ps. cxiv. 6. & Rev.
xvii. 9. '^
Cr}ocAC,-A]5e, Siáj^/u^li/.
GoocAi|teAc&,-b,-bAtcA, s.m. sleep, Gen.
ii. 21. Matt. i. 24.— Judg. iv.
21. Heb. Cholom, a dream.
Co&U^&íHj-ne^-n^ge, s.f. white
poppy, opium, Papaver somni-
CobUcACj-Aige, adj. slumbering,
sleepy, Rom.- xi. 8.
Co&Ó5,-ó|5e,-Ó5<\,s.m. a haddock.
CobftomcA, ind. adj. uncivilized,
foreign, strange.
'-Cl'K.Cobuilj-bUo, v.n. sleep^ Gen. ii.
7 21.— Gen. xxviii. U. Heb.
Chodel, stopping, ceasing.
CopjiA, g. id. pi, -A-|6e, s.m. a cofi
' fer, a chest, 1 Sam. vi. 11. 2
Chron. xxiv. 8.
CojACj-Aije, adj. warlike, apper-
taining to war. Heb. Cuch, he
conquered infighting.
' M
sm. war, Rev. xix. 11 — Ex.
xv. 37"Rev. xii. 17. — Mark, xiii.
7. Matt. xxiv. 6. Luke, xxi.
9. Jas. iv. 1.
n ■. 7 v.a. war, inf. 2 Ki.
r ■ d r-xix. 8. Is. xxxvn.
Co S*13»-S*»»,y8,&9.j(^A<.
CojaIj-aiI, pi. id. s.m. tares^ Matt.
xiii. 26— Matt. xin. 29. the
herb cockle, agrostemma githa-
go, also, a bearded ear of bar-
CojArbu^lj-rblA, adj. warlike.
CojA^fi,! -fii)ui3, v.n. whisper,
Co5A|t, J — inf. 2 Sam. xii. 19.
Co5Afi,-Ai|t, pi. id. s.m. a whisper,
Ps. xii. 7. « secret.
Co5AjtnAc,-Aij,-A]5e,s.m. awhis-
Prov. xvi. 28. — Prov.
xvin. 8.
Co5AjicóiJi,-ófiA,-ó^be, s.m. a
Co5t)A6,-A^5re, s.m. chewing, ru-
minating, gnashing of the teeth.
Co^cACj-A^ge, adj. rebellious,
Deut. ix. 7. & xxxi. 27.— 1
Sam. xx. 30. quarrelsome.
CoQiir),-£r}&tri, v.a. gnash the
teeth, bite, chew, inf. Acts, vii.
54. see Num. xxi. 6. & Deut.
xiv.6. r [lylU
C o-^ii]' , 'Wjji s ' m - c onscien ce^ Rom.
ix. 1.— 1 Tira.TT97~
Co5ufAc,-A]5e,adj. conscientious.
C6]b,-be,-beACA, si. a company,
a tro op.
Có]b,-be,-beA<*A, s.f. a copy, Deut.
xvii. 18.* Jos. viii. 32. Ezraiv.
Co]bqr,-re, s.f. equity, justice,
Co]beireAC,-ri5e, adj.^W, equi-
table, impartial.
Coibl^ge, pi, -gee, s.m. the
law of correlatives.
Coibfij5,-|u3AÓ, v.a. comfort, see
Job, ix. 27. help.
C01 ="82 ' CO)
L/ ^É - Co]hfe6>c 9 -x]J e 9 zd). becoming,
jtfj proper. \
I Co|bpe Lul f ' xvii#
VEph ii. 19.
^ Co]5C|ijocAf,-CA]f, pi. id. s.m.
distance or remoteness of
country. J&
Coj5e&l Da rrj-bAr) rige, g, co^j-
e]le, &c. s.f. great cat's tail,
or, reedmace, typha latifolia.
CoijeAlcA, ind. p.p. spared, co-
vered, hid.
s.f. « distaff, Prov. xxxi. 19.
}fe Coi5|l,-lc, v. spare± Joel ii. 17.
1 4 see Acts xx. 29. & 2 Cor.xiii.
. >} ' 2. preserve, cover.
A-^a Go|5flc,-ce, s.f. « sparing, a
Cojlbp), g. id. pi, -t)i8e, s.m. a
stem, a stalk.
Co]leAC,-l]5,-li5e, s.m. a cock,
Matt. xxvi. 34.— Mark, xiii. 35.
CojleAC 5AOfce, s.m. a weather
cock, see Cojleac.
Cotle^i),-lé]t), s.m. a whelp,
pi, Job, xxviii. 8. see Cu]le*vi).
Co^léAfi, see GmléAfi.
Coileup,-é||t, pi. id. s.m. a collar,
a ha me, Job xxx. 18.
Il h
Cojl|ce, \
x), J
s.f. the cholic,
C01I131D, I gripes.
Góilíf,-re,-reAca, s.f. cabbage.
Lat. Caulis.
Co|U, g, -le, &, -leaó, pi, -Izfyfit %
s.f. a wood, a grove, Num. xiii.
20. Jos. xvii. 18. Judg. vi. 28.
— Deut. xix. 5. see Ezek. xxxiv.
25. Gr. záXov, wood, timber.
Co^llj-leAÓ, v. a. geld, violate,
Co]lleA6,-llte, s.m. gelding, vi-
olating, blindfolding.
Co]lWfinAc,-,-bA, s.f. commerce.
Có|rr)céjrt}i)eAC,-t;)f5e, adj. accom-
panying, concurrent.
Cófri?céfrtmeAct>,-b, inf. id. v.a. keep, pre-
serve, observe, Deut. iv. 9.
Matt. xix. 17. 2 Tim. i. 14.—
Gen. xlv. 7. Matt, xxiii. 3.
Acts xii. 6. tOi^T-'
~-7^5pj)irbéAO,-&A, s.m. a keeping , tu-
i/ffs \-telage, g. 2 Kings xxn. 4, &
^^'f 14. Matt, xxviii. 4. Gal. iv. 2.
Góirt)éAbAc,-Ai3e, adj. keeping,
vigilant, 1 John, v. 18.
CóiméAb<\cb,-b, com-
mingle, compound, amalga-
CójrT)eAr5A8,-5uióce, pi. id. s.m.
a confounding, a mixture, a
compound. C.P.
C5|rbé]pe, s.m. a wresting,
Deut. xvi. 19. see, Có|rbei5-
C6|rbéi5i)]5,-iyu2AÓ, v. a. co«-
straih, force, compel. 1 Sam.
xiii. 12. Job xxxii. 18. Luke
xiv. 23. Rom. xv. 20.
C6|Tn&t301 u 3^ & )- u 15^ e ? pl« id. s * m *
a wresting, exaction, Peut.
xvi. 19. Neh. x. 31. compul-
sion, constraint.
Gó|rbéili5ceó]|t,-ófiA,-ó| \i\6e, s.m.
a competitor.
Co\rve]\\^e, si. insurrection.
Co]ri)freTmire, g. id. pi, -ríbe,
s.f. a witness, Heb. ii. 4.
Gó|ri)£ill,-lé4tt>, v. a. fold together.
C6|ri5p|lléAb,-lt:e, s.m a folding
Co] rbfr i Uce, ind. p.p. folded to-
Cóiibjqoft co5iqb r f]!a C031116, pi.
id. s.m. a fellow soldier. Phil.
ii. 25.
Có|Tt>fr|tee&ób,-b&, s.f. attendance,
g. Gen. xxiv. 61. see, Cójrb-
Có|ri)i5ce<\c,-c|5,-ceACA, s.m- a
stranger, Ex. xxiii. 9. — Ex.
xxiii. 9. Lev. xxiv. 22. — Eph.
ii. 19.
Coirt)-|l,-lc, v.a. rub, rub down,
Co]xr)]\ze, ind. p.p. rubbed,
Co]ú)]rt)]\ic,-ce, s.f. corn-migra-
Coi'njfi), g. id. s.m. cummin, g.
Matt, xxiii. 23. Cuminum.
Cojroin, g. id. pi, -ij]6e, s.m. swZ>-
urbs, Num. xxxv. 2, & 4. see
Josh. xxi. 39, & 42, vernacu-
larly, Cjnjiu, the pasture land
of a village, pasture land.
Co|iT)]onirioll,-|fle, adj. fiat through-
out, level.
Cófrble 45,-5 c\8, v.a. amalgamate,
CóirbleA5<\ó,-Aió, or, -aíjca, s.m.
liquefaction, amalgamation.
Có|rt7leAt>5,-5A,-5AÓA, s.f. arace^ fo ^
« course* g. 2 Tim iv. 7. Heb.
xii. 1. see C6|rbl^)5.
Có|iT)leAi)rbu]n,-rnut)A, pi. id. s.f.
a consequence.
Co]rb 115,-56, v.n. lie with.
Cojrblige, g. id. s m. a lying to-
Có|rbl]r)5,-|ot)5A,-^on5AÓA, s.f. «V
race, a course, Ecc. ix. 11. — ^
g. Ps. xix. 5. see Cóirblear^.
Có|rbljor),-i)AÓ, v .&. fulfil, finish, K,%z%
C.P.— inf. Acts xx. 24. \C\T^t^
Có|rbl?or),-lín, s.m. a multitude,**
g. 2 Sam. vi. 19. an assembly. ^
C o irblior)A8 ,-t)c a, s.m. ^fulfilling.^fCjr-.
Acts xiii. 25. Rom. xhi. 10. — /
Rom. ii. 13. /^/fefc
CójrbrnéAb,-éibe, adj. *>/* £#«/
Có|rÍ7rbeAf,-r&4, pi. id. s.m. com-f^i S M ,
parts on , Judg. viii. 2.
Cojrbne, g. id. s.f. a memorial, a
remembrance, Acts x. 4. 1 Cor.
xi. 2.
C6|trjneA|tcu]5,-u5A6, v.a. cow-
firm, inf. Acts xv. 4 1 . strength-
C5iri}i)eA|icu]5ce, ind. p.p. con-
firmed, strengthened.
Co|rbnear,-oir, s.m. neighbour-
Cófrbijigj-iuJAÓ, v.a. remember,
inf. Lam. iii. 19. 2 Cor. vii. 15.
Eph. i. 16. see Cufrbr)i5.
Cóirnniugaój-vfgce, pi. id. s.m. re-
membrance, 1 Cor. xi. 24, & ,
25. 1 Thess. i. 2. see CafjfWf- "**
Coirp|>leAf5,-éir5, s.m. a consti-
tution, also, a loud noise.
Có|ii?pftío|*íit)4Ó,-AÍ5,-4i5e, s.m. a
fellow prisoner, Col. iv. 10.
see Philem. i. 23.
Gó\n)\i£6\z,-é]\ze, pi, -é]lc|6e, &
-é<\lcA, s.f. a constellation*
Gó\tr)]\£-\i>,-óe, adj. plain, ere».
jmMo comncr
c J
Có]rbnéjn,-|ie,s.f. congruity, C-P. Coinf*f&c%
a rabbit, Lev. xi. 5.
Deut. xiv. 7.
Coft)leÓ5,-6|5e,-Ó5Aj s f. a stalk, a
bud, a stem.
Cojulín, g. id. pi, -nibe, s.m. a
stalk, a bud, Gen. xli. 5. Hos.
viii. 7-
Co]i3e, g. id. s.f. meeting; used
only adverbially, 3Vrn' cojfje,
?o /wee/ me, 1 Sam. xxv. 32.
r)]be, s.f. a little
candle, an icicle.
Co]v\^oc,-]^,- ]oc ^ . s.m. stubble.
Coiíjqíje&c,-í)i5e, adj contenti-
ous, 1 Cor. xi. 16.
Co it) x] *TV1 A ir> s.m. conscience,
Acts, xxiii. 1. 1 Cor. viii. 7. —
Rom. xiii. 5. Heb. ix. 9.
ComnAf Ac,-Ai5e, adj. conscien-
tious. R.S.
Có|p,-pe, s.f. a copy, see Có|b 3
also, froth.
Cójp(U5<\, adj^r^/iZ, Gen.xxiv.
48. — Acts, iv. 19. honest, just,
Coifice, g-id. s.m. o«fa.
CojjtceAC,-ci5e, adj. abounding
in oats, made of oats.
CoiiaceÓ5,-ó|5ej-Ó5 -pe faulty, guilty, sinful, see,
niwntay CoitieA6 rl ii3f e, pi. id. s.m. an in-
vitation, g. Num. ix. 7. a feast.
Cojjte&rblac&j-txv, s*f. guiltiness,
Co]\xe^n)\x]\,-ú)\^, ádj. guilty, cri-
Cojjie&n co]lleó5,-ó]3e,-Ó5<\, s.f. a
screech-owl, Is. xxxi v. 14.
Coffiq5eo]ji,-ófi<\,-óiTi|óe,s m. an
accuser, an informer.
Cofiiq5,-|ii5AÓ, v.a. blame, im- l
Coir°eAftr,-é||it, s.m. ornaments
for the legs, Is. iii. 20. literal-
ly, foot-furniture, shoes and •
stockings, §c, greaves.
Coiybe]\\z,-ze, s.f. covering for
the feet, Is xx. 3. see, Cojr-
beAf\c. *
Co|rcein?,-n?e, pi. id. &, -meaDa, t/
s.f. a step, 1 Sam. xx. 3 — pi.
Job, xxxi. 4.
Coii-céinwigj-fuTJAÓ, v.n. & a.
step along, walk, measure by
Có)\be, g. id. pi, -ftije, s.m. a
Coirbe, g. id. pi, -bige, s.m. ajVy.
fr. Coirb, &, ejrb.
Coii*beój}i,-ó|i^,-ó|]i}6e, s.m. a
Góif&eó|fvófiAj-ó|fiióe, s.m. a
Co|ré<\cb,-ba, s.f. a walking, foot-
ing it.
Gojrs, m ^* co r3> v - a - spare, cease,
be still, Ps. xxxix. 13. Mark,
lv. 39. — Ps. xlvi. 9. Prov. xviii.
18. stop, quiet, restrain.
Coinse, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a man
on foot, a foot soldier y Num.
xi. 21.
-Cojr'jt), g. id. pi, -t)]Se, s.f. a little
foot, a stem, a stalk.
/^/^ a jeastt pi. Deut. xvi. 15. ^
/^ festivejpmrtg. Heb. Chosher,
v congregating.
Co] |4^c|ió|b,-be,pl, -bf, &, -&§ca,
s.f. afoot ball.
Co-W]\e^c^6,-\i]cie,--\\]ci]^e , s.m.
consecration, g. Ex. xxix. 22.
for pi. see Lev. viii. 28.
Col|*fveAcb,^bA, s.f. a feast, g.
Zech. xiv. 19.
CojrfieACCA, ind. p.p. consecra-
ted, dedicated, blessed.
Coit*fte, v. a. sanctify, con-
secrate, dedicate, Ex. xiii. 2.
Num. iii. 3. Judg. xvii. 5.—
Ex. xxviii. 3. 2 Chron. ii. 4.
Coinage, s - m - pi- guests at a
r* . _ fadj. common. Acts,
'. _ ' x. 14. 1 Cor. v. 1.
Co có o" 1 Ezek * XXÍÍÍ * 42 ' Matt *
, \ ^ ^ 9 xxvii. 27. public, qe-
/m • 7, K neral.
Co}ucioi)Acb,-bA, s.f. community,
Go]ZC]of)L&, ind. adj. customary,
habitual, ordinary, universal.
Cojccior)cACb,-bA, s.f. íA cow-
monalty, also, universality .
Co|ce6||i,-6itos£, the stalk
of a plant. Com. Coll, a hazle
C0I5, g, CU1I5, pi. id. s.m. a sword,
a beard of barley, a prickle, a
sgear, rage, the point of a
weapon. 5?
Col5AÓ,-Ai5e, adj. bearded, point-
ed, prickly, fierc e, wrathJulZ ^
Co\t ) &t)z&, ind. adj. bearded, Sfc.
Col5itor-5Ac,-Ai5é, adj. fierce-
eyed, fierce looking, fr. C0I5,
&, iiors. *r
Col5C|to]b,-obA, s.f. sword fight-
Co^cfto^b, inf. id. fight with the
Coll, g. id. s.m. the hazle tree,
Gen. xxx. 37. the name of the
Irish letter C.
CollAc,-i5e, adj. brawling,
clamorous, noisy.
Collujóe, ind. adj. fleshy, carnal,
Job, x.4. 1 Cor. iii. 1. Col. iii.
Co\tt)&\) collie, ~&]x) coille, pi. id.
sin. a wood-quest, a ring-dove.
Colrt)l&r),-&]x), pi. id. s.m. -a dove
cot, a pigeon house.
Coló5,-6]5e,-ó5A, si. a collop,
pi. Job, xv. 27. a steak.
ColpAc,-u|6e, pi. id. &, -Ac<\, s.f.
a heifer, Gen. xv. 9. Num. xix.
2 —Num. xix. 6.
ColcAft,- pi. id, s.m. a pil-
lar, a prop, a pedestal.
Com, g, cuin?, pi. id. s.m. the ca-
vity of the chest, the waist,
body, bowels.
Cow, an Irish prefix, it signifies,
equal, as much, so, as, with,
together, it is written Cojru,
whenever the first following
vowel is, e, or, j;
Con? a, ind. adj. indifferent, care-
GórbAjó pi, córnrA, a reward,
Deut. x. 17. literally, a share
yQ'hb of one's food. fr. Goirb, &, ]i.
^J *tt- Córi?AiU,-<\ll, v.a. perform^ 1 Sam.
r^*-^ xv. 13.Nah. i. 15^Ex.xix.5.
M Í) -^ Dan. ix. 4. discharge an office
or duty. \L\%M
C om a( lb co_
Cón)6]Vnj, ~At)rn<\,-Anrni)A, s.m.
a s urname, Matt. x. 3. aw aa 7 -
ditional name, the peculiar
name by which one^is known.
Pers. Huraam, a namesake.
Gorb^fij-jigri?, v.a? number, Num.
iii. 15. 2 Sam. xxiv. 1 — Deut.
xvi. 9.
Górbai.fv|ie, s.f. presence.
Corbel fic 5 -ce, s.f. a voice, a cry,
a great cry, Gen. xxxix. 14. Ex.
iii. 9. &xi.6. 1 Sam. v. 12.
Córt}A]|ic. ind. id. v.n. cry, Gen.
xxxix. 15. — Is. xxii. 5.
CórtMijice, g., -eACA, s.f. a
recommendation, an appeal,
protection, Acts, xv. 40. & xxv.
12. mercy, quarter.
Corn^i jtcceó|ri,-ófaA,-ó|fi]óe, sm -
a protector, a patron.
Córb&jfise, g. id. s.f. equality,
equal height, C.P.
Con? A^fieAtivtMTt?, s • m • a num-
bering, a counting, enumeration .
G#8) affile, g. id. pi, -leACA, s.f.
counsel, counci U advice, Ex.
xviii. 19. Heb. vi. 17 — Matt. v.
22. fr. Corn, & the obs. subs.
, v.a. consult,
admonish, Ezek. xxi. 21 — Acts
xxvii. 9.
a counsellor, an adviser.
Corbel r&iofi,-fc>ttt,-t>|iioc a, s « m « a
travelling in company, g. 2 Cor.
viii. 19.
Córi7Air&[teAÓ,-ri]5,-|i13 e > sm - a
companion, fellow traveller, pK
Acts, xix. 29.
Cori7All,-Aill, s.m. a performing,
a fulfilling of a thing.
CorrWtATVAtr, s.m. relationship
of fostering, fosterage-
C 2D
Gori)Att rt)iooU,--ivp rtJfooU, s.m.
co?vi chamomile) Anthemis ar-
Corb<\^c6]fi,-óit<\,-6]|i]Óe, s.m. a
CoTDAOjT),-TÍe,-i)e<\CA, s.f. a recom-
pense^ benefit, communion, C.P.
Luke xiv. 12.
Com &j
6? -Ai)Aióe, s.f. a Tieiahbour, Mark
xii. 33. Rom.xm. 8 Ex. xx.
GO «0
CorbbA|ó,-b, s.f. fello w-feeling fiC{ >-
17. Rom, xv. 2.— Luke i. 58.
Luke xiv. 12. fr.Góm, &, ujtrA,
the side post, or threshold of a
GórbAjtf Ane, &,
-caóa, s.m. a sign* a wonder,
Rom. iv. 11. Pinti. 28.— Ex.
iv. 8. Mark viii. 11. — Ex. vii.
3. Mark xiii. 22. Acts vi. 8. a
mark, a token.
CórbAficu^-cugAb, v. a. mark)
Ps. xxxvii. 37. — Job xxxix. 1.
observe, note.
GórbApcu^jce, ind. p.p. marked,
observed, noted, distinguished.
friendsh ip, assistance, Á^ #_
OorbOA^A/jfij-jtc, v.a. threaten. II
Córbb|tACA|t<\cb,-&A, s.f. brother-
GórbbftAjciteACAfVAir, s.m. bro-
Córbbftu5AÓ,-uj5ce, s.m. oppres-
sion, crushing, contrition.
Górijbjiu^-irzjAÓ, v.a. crush, op-
press, bruise»
Góripbjtujgce, ind. p.p. crushed,
Lev. xxii. 24. also, contrite.
Córi}buAiÓ{teAt>,-8eAjicA, s.m. a
tumul t, uproar, sedition, com-
matiQii. v / y&
Cdrt)c^]b]]i, 1 v.a. unite off ection-
-bfieAÓ, I \ ately, live together,
Córt)c -I^aca,
s.f. combination, confederacy,
CórbcompÁr>Ac,-i)Ai5,-pAi5e, s.m.
a companion, Rev. i. 9.
Cdmóoi)efiA)>bA, ind. adj. gain-
saying, Jua\i. 1 1 . contrary.
GórijcofltiigAÓj-utee, pi. id. s.m.
commotion, Jer. x. 22.
C6ri)óofri)'Víl,-ttrblA, adj. like, Rom.
viii. 29. Phil.iii. 21.
CómcormuileACb,-bA, s.f. con-si-
militude, similarity.
CorbcftAHVACAO, v.a. sprinkle,
shake together .
C6í5c|íú^|tt7;A8,-'|5ce, pi. id. s.m.
an assembly, a congregation,
Ex. xii. 6. & xvi. 1: — Lev. iv.
14, 15, & 16. for other forms
of the genitive, see Ex. xxix.
10, & 11.
Córbcjtujíjfgce, ind. p.p. assem-
bled, congregated.
C6fbcfiui0l5ce6nt,-6}tA,-6i]ii8e, s.
m. a collector, a compiler.
a coadjutor.
Córbcun)5,-5e, s.f. a joint yoke.
Corbcu|tAióeACiD,-bA, s.f. mutual
struggling, a wrestling.
CórbÓÁ|l,'^lA, s f. nwetinc/, C.P.
fr. Com, <&? b&jl, a meeting.
CórbÓAirbreó]ji,-ó|iA,-ójfx|t>e, s.m.
or f. a partner in dancing.
Comb A{T)5i?i5,-iu5Ab, v.a. confirm.
Cori)&Am5i)iu5A6,^5ce, pi. id. s.m.
confirmation, C.P.
Cóiíi6aIca, g. id. pi, -A]8e, s.m.
a foster- brother or foster-sister.
fr. Com, &j bAlcA. Lat. Co-
Cómbe Ar,-6ei re, adj. ambidexter.
CombOilTjiojvSir? &, -5! !' A > s - m '
Córi)^lA]ceAÓb,-bA, s.f. a joint so-
vereignty, a commonwealth, a
republic or aristocracy.,
CómplAiceAjVCjr, s.m. a joint
sovereignty, a commonwealth*
ComfocAl,-A|l, pi. id. s.m. a sy~
CómfocUój-Aige, adj. synony-
C6mpui|t^5,-fteAc, v.n. wait, 1
Kings xx. 38.
Cóm£ utAt>5, inf. id. v.n. have com-
passion, 1 Pet. iii. 8. bear with,
feel ivith, sympathise*
C6m^u]tcAc,-A]5e, adj. comfort-
able, consolatory. /£*3^
Cóm£uftcACb,-bA, s.f. c onsolation * Uiil
refreshment. Phil. ii. 1. — Acts '"
iv. 36. & xxvii. 3. Rom. xv. 5.
Cóm£uttcA|3,-Acb, v.a. comfort. f{^%
strengthen, Cant. ii. 5. — 1
Chron. xix. 2. Luke xxii. 43. ,
console, help . ^
Cómfr u[icu|5ce6|p,-ó|tA,--6f^1^e, s.
m. a comforter, John xiv. 16.
& xv. 26.
CómJA jjt,-jim, v.a. convoke, shout
CómjÁjivfte, s.f. a simultaneous
shout, congratulation.
CómgÁ] ftbeACAf,-A]f> s - m - con-
gratulation, mutual joy, mu-
tual solace.
Cóm5Á||ab]5,-ju5A6, v.a. congra-
tulate, wish joy.
Cóú)'5&i\\n) r &]\rt)&, s.f. a convoca-
tion, Ex. xii. 16. Lev. xxiii. 3.
C6ri)5Aol,-o|l, pi. id. s.m. kindred,
Rom. xi. 14. consanguinity.
Cóm5Afi,-Aift, s.m. nearness, Eph. j£j^2.
ii. 17. juxta-posilion. K%%^
Córi)5A]iAC,-A]je, adj. nigh, near,
Eph. ii. 13.
CómglAi), no comp. adj. as clear,
Rev. xxi. 11.
Comslofjvjie, s.f. joint or equal
glory, Rom. viii. 17.
Cóm5ló(tmA|i, no comp. adj. equal
in glory.
CórtjgluÁfAcbj-bA, s.f. a simulta-
neous movement.
-ceAC\ie, g. id. pi, -pise» s.m. a
joint- heir, pi. Rom. viii. 17-
C6rr)6|tcuf,-\ir, s.m. a comparison,
2 Cor. x. 12. Gal. v. 20.
CótbpA^ceAC -A]5e, adj. ^?ar-
taking, imparting.
C6n)pAi|tceACb,-bA, s.f. partici-
CórbpAifiqÓe, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a
copartner, a colleague.
CóropíM), v.a. cement,
join together, solder ; fr. Corn,
& obs. cac, cement.
Córt)có5,-5DAil, v.a. raise *//?,Eph.
ii. 6. construct^
C6rbc55bAil,-AlA, s.f. a building,
Eph. ii. 22. a constructing.
Corbco]lceAt)AÓ,-A^5e, adj. will-
ing, see 1 Chron. xxix. 14.
CdrbcojroreAc,-r]5e, adj. com-
Góú)i\\orx),-\m\v()e, aA], plain, just, \
- equal, Ps. xxvii. 11. Matt.i. 19.
2 Cor. viii. 14. Rev. xv. 3. fr.
Córt), &, cjioro, heavy.
Cdtyt]\orr),-\iu\tr), & -]turr)A, pi. id.
% weight, balance, Deut. xxv. 13.
'? Prov. xi. 1.— 2 Sam. xiv. 26.
— Lev. xix. 36. Deut. xxv. 13.
justice, right.
Cóit)C|ion)ii5AÓ,-ui5ce, pi. id. s.m.
weight, 1 Chron. xxii. 3. ba-
Córi)r|ion)ui5,-rT)AÓ, v.a. weigh, 1
Sam. xvii. 5, & 7. Job xxviii.
25.— Num. vii. 85, & 86. see
2 Sam. xiv. 26. where the 3
sing. perf. ind. is spelled, Córb-
CórbuA|*<\l, no comp. adj. equally
CórtjujlleAnAC, no comp. adj. equi-
^ angular,
(}y Coy kbit* c,-&]c,-&c&, s.m. a car-
^ 3A «wí, Lev. v. 2. & xi. 26. Matt,
xxiv. 28. — Judg. xiv. 8. — Num.
xiv. 29, & 32.
Coi}<\c,--£ CoDAitvT^-THi s *£ a «t ! «y, Jer.
Co \)7>ú)!\] \, -m%X^ a s.f. reservation)
g. 2 Pet. n. 4 . keeping , holding,
habitation. Gonsb&jl, ioT
Cor)5i)A0,-i^ii? 3 v-a. A//?, inf. Jos.\k
x. 33. EzrTv. 2. Ezek. xii. 14. £ V
see Cui)50Ai3.'K l-^r "2p ^ •
Coi)t)A6,-n\?5, &, -i)ajó, s.m. ^oot/, J
Gen. xxii. 3, & 9.— Gen. xxii. <. ^
9. Deut. xxix. 11.2 Sam. xxiv. T^
22. fuel, firewood, see Cui)y\cob
sens ion, Luke xi. 53. Acts xv.
2. dispute, argument, quarrel.
Cor>rp6jb, inf. id. v.n. contend,
inf. Acts xi. 2. dispute, strive.
Coi}rpójoeAc,-bi5e, adj. conten-
tious, quarrelsome, litigious. \k
Coi}rpó]oeAcb,-bA, s.f.adisputa- ^ §
Gorjc<\b j Xi 22. |£/^j out awn^tlm^ rolling together, a plaiting.
4111 cof»
Co|t,-juv, adj. oc?i/; " Cofi poc) pi. id. s. m. a
Cojii)Ai}-CAirilj-aio-cAirfl, pi. id.
s.m. wall pennyworth, penny-
leaf, Cotyledon umbilicus.
CojioAn-pA|l, s.m. hemlock, Co-
nium maculatum. see SDvforbgfi.
Cofit>-cl&fi,-&ijt, pi. id. s.m. a cup-
board, a sideboard.
CoftocA, ind. p.p. folded, platted,
twisted, curled.
CojiÓ5,-ó]5e,-Ó5A. Kl %|
Cojipojt<\cb,-&A, s.f. materiality.
Co|tpp)ArAÓ,-Aió, s.m. anatomy.
Co|ipfn<\r<\i5,-rA6, v. a. anato-
mize, fr. Cojip, &, rm\r, ana-
Co|tpf Durante, g. id. pi, -ni6e,
s.m. an anatomist.
Co|ipfM)Ar g> cuiflie-SUire, pi,
co^iA-sUra, s.f. a stork, Lev.
xi. 19. Deut. xiv. 18.— Zech.
v. 9.
Coflt-5tif*t>, g, cuiitte-jftéioe, pi,
cofjtA-5ftéii)e, s.f. a heron, Lev.
xi. 19. Deut xiv. 18.
Cofltlu', / W ;y 5
Prov. xxvii. 4. — Ezek. xxv. 14.
wrath, motion, offence.
Cojfiiii5e<\c,-3]5e, adj. moving,
Gen. i. 20. stirring, active.
Copzu&]t]ú\, s.m. a turn contrary
to the sun's motion, a turn to
the left, an unprosperous or
fatal course, a whirlpool ; fr.
Co ft, turn, cuac, north, &, ^ul,
Cóftu5, v.a. mend, Matt,
iv. 21. ornament, arrange.
Coy, g, cojre, pi, cor a , s.f. a foot,
1 Cor. xii. 15.— Lev. viii. 23. —
Luke xxiv. 40.
CorAC,-A]5e, adj. footed, belong-
ing to the feet.
CofA]T),-ro,-&A, pi. id., s.f. a pa-
rable, similitude, Matt. xv. 15.
Mark iv. 13. Rom. v. 14 Hos.
xii. 10. fívCo, &, r&ri)Uc&.
Cor&tv&l 1 }? pl« id. s.m. a foot-
path ; see G&y &t).
CoraDCA, ind. p.p. defended, pro-
tected, kept off.
Cor ArjcACj-Afge, adj. keeping, de-
fending, protecting.
CorAi)c5]Ti,-6|txN,-ó|]iiÓe, s.m. a
defender, a defendant. C.P.
Cor&ufvujr, pi» id. s.m. a charge,
cost, expense, 1 Cor. ix. 7. —
Luke xiv. 28.
CofburACj-A^ge, adj. costly, ex-
fi2? n »
anguish, torment, pang, re.ra-
lion ; Chald. Crah, 7/t j grieved.
■""TrTThe Small Ed. 1830, this
noun is made fem. & the genit.
is cjtívÓA, in Jerxxxii. 24. Com.
Large Ed. of 1827. the verna-
cular use is masc.
C]tA5,-5 C * ;? #> piercing.
CfiAiflcijj-uijAÓ, v.a. parch, shri-
vel up, sear.
CfiAinqorcA, ind. p.p. seared,
shrivelled up, hardened.
CfUjncreile, g. id. s.m. tougk\
C|iA|pl|5,-ui5A&, v.a. entangle,
see 2 Pet. ii. 20.
C|iAic,-AtAt>, v.a. weave, shake,
inf. Lev. x. 15.
CfiAjcce, ind. p.p. shaken, Luke
vi. 38.
CjiAri)Ó5,-6|5e,-ó5A, s.f. a rem-
nant, refuse, residuum, as GfiA-
«765 311 Afl, cinders.
CjiAiDpA, g. id. pi, -A]6e, or, -a6a,
s.m. a knot, a clasp, a cramp.
Cjt<\i), g, CftA^, pi, id. &, CftAÍJA,
s.m. a lot, Lev. xvi. 8. — pi,
Jos. xviii. 6.
s.m. a £m?, Matt. iii. 10. — Gen.
viii. 11. Rom. xi. 17- — Mark
viii. 24. Jude, ver. 12. Chald.
Chran, a mast.
CfiAi^oUcj-Aigj-A-ige, s.m. woven
basket ivork at the top of coun-
try chimnies plastered over and
whitewashed, fr. CjtArj, &, aoI,
Gpw-b&v, g, c\\o]y-b&]\), p],
cjtAjrj, or, cjiAi)A-bArjA, s.m. a
sycamore tree.
*C|tAt)-be]ce, s.m. the birch tree.
This and the following com-
pound words, which begin with
CjtAi), marked thus *, have the
word CjtAi), (q.v.) regularly de-
clined, while the latter part of the
compound remains unchanged ;
see GfiArj-pise, &, CjtA^-oU.
*C]iAi)-bjiACAi5, s.m. a flag staff.
*CfiA^-b|té^c, s.m. the tree of
*CftAi)-bucrA, s.m. a box tree ;
see Is. xli. 19.
*CftAi)-CAt), s.m. the moun-
tain ash, the service tree, the
quicken tree, the quick beam.
i/ <^CitAt)cAft,-Aift, pi. id. s.m. a lot ,
*\\ Jos. xix. 1, & 10.— Judg. i. 3.
— Lev. xvi. 8, a casting of lots,
a portion .
Cjt^ncA]t-pireó5^c, -Aijt-p]reÓ5-
At5,-Afjt-pire65ACA, s.m. ma-
gica I divina tion .
*Cft;\i)-cébAift, s.m. a cedar tree,
Ps. xcii. 12 pi. 2 Sam. v. 11.
CftAÍ)-C|llC, g, CflA^-CjtgCA, pi- id.
s.m. an aspen tree, the tremb-
ling poplar.
*CftAtt-cu]ljr), s.m. a holly tree
*C]tAi}-cujr)re, s.m. a quince tree.
*CftAÍ)-cup-eboii), s.m. an ebony tree.
*G|tATJ-£Áirqt)e, s.m. sorcery by
casting of lots.
*C|tAij-|:eA|it)A,s.m. an elder tree.
*CjtAi)-j:í5e, s.m. a fig tree, Judg.
ix.Jl. Matt. xxi. 19. pi. Jer.
v, 17. Hos. ii. 12. Am, iv. 9.
Nah. iii. 12.
*C]tAp-|?|tAOcAit), s.m. black whor-
tie berry, bilberry, bleaberry,
vaccinium myrtillus.
*CftAi)-£uii)e, s.m. a bakefs roll-
ing pin.
*C]tA^-pu]r)re6t3e 5 s.m. common
ash tree, fraxinus exceJsior.
*C|tA^-5AfA|t), s.m. henbane, hy=
C|tAíJ5Ail,-le,-lí, s.f. lattices be-
fore the communion table, the
cradle and rigging on the main-
mast of a ship, a pulpit.
*CftArj-5All-cf?o, s. m. a ivallnut
*CftAíj-5ACA, s.m. a pike staff.
*CfiAp-5eAt)roci)o, s.m. a ches-
nut tree, vernacularly, CjtAt)
*Cfi&r)-5iuft)uir, s.m. a fir tree, a
pine tree, Is.lx. 13 pi. Ezek.
xxxi. 8.
*CfiAÍHon?cui|i,s.m. an axletree.
*C]tA^-]ucAf|t, s.m. a yew tree.
C]\cr)\bc, -Aii), s.m. the main
G|i<\t>ó5,-ói5e,-ó5A, s.f. a pulpit,
the hopper of a mill.
#Gjiat)-oIa, g, cfnxii)-olA,
an olive tree, Deut. xxiv. 20. —
Is. xvii. 6. & xxiv. 13. — Deut.
vi. 11.
# CfiAfj-t>Ailrr)e, s.m. a palm tree,
Ps. xcii. 12. — pi. Numbers
xxxiii. 9.
*C|iAfj-pice, s.m. a pike handle.
*GftATJ-f*Ail]5, s.m. a sallow or
willow tree.
C\i^r}'Yeo]\,'^]x)-feo}\ 9 pi. id. &
Aip-reolcA, s.m. a mast, Is.
xxxiii. 23. — Prov. xxiii. 34. —
a boom.
*GfíArj-f5Ó|be, s.m. a boom.
*C|tAtJ-fffi]f, s.m. a cherry tree.
*GftArj-rleArb<\|U, s.m. horn beam,
horse beech tree, carpinus be-
*Cfirpfteoi&e, s.m. a bolt-sprit
or bow-sprit, pi, c|t<\ii)-rprto&a.
*CfiAÍ)-cíybuiU, s.m. a sling, Judg.
xx. 16. 1 Sam. xvii. 40. & 49.
— pi. CínxrJA-c&bivjU, 2 Chron.
xxvi. 14. see Job. xli. 28.
*Cft4TJ-cAfiruii)5, s.m.a crossbeam,
a diameter, a crossbar „
*CfiAT)-re<\r)cA, s. m. á printing
press, a bookbinder's press, a
*Cft<\i)-céile, s.m. a lime tree, a
teil tree, Is. vi. 13.
GftAO-GO^baUc, g. c|tAit)-t05b<\-
U|j, pi, cft<\i)<\-co5bAl<\CA, s.m.
a crane, windlass, lever or c;*ow.
*G|i<\i)-i:orÁ|5, s.m. a foremast.
*GjtA^-cú^e, s.m. a frankincense
tree, see Cant. iv. 14.
GjiAob,-ojbe,-ob~ 15 ) J a small tree, a
C ' fí' " ' 'rl r ^ M5 ^> tt bunch,
\\tsO] ]\i, g. . i small branch.
pi. -t)fbe,s.l.J
G|iAO|b 5ioe, s. f. harCs-
tongue, Adianthum nigrum.
Cft<\obp5Aoil r Wó, v.a. scatter,
tell, Ezek. x. 2. Heb. xi. 32.
propagate, spread, publish, di- {{iJjr-
vulge. "~~~~~~
C|iAobf5AOile<\t> 5 -lce, pi. id. s.m.
propagation, a spreading, a
spreading abroad, dissemina-
tion, fa JjpQ
Cft<\or,-oir, s.m. gluttony, ajw- /A AX
JvellinQ, Rom. xiii. 13. Gal. v. ' j
21. a wide m outh. Heb. Cresh, z/,^
theJeliy. " ™ *
G|i<\o|*Ac,-Ai3e, adj. gluttonous, i/ i ^
Deut. xxi. 20. Prov. xxiii. 21. 5
voracious, wide-mouthed, riot-
GfiAor<\r>Ac,-Ai3,-., v.a. shrink, wrap, /(i íL
Gen. xxxii. 32. — Jonah, ii. 5. 7
— Is. XXVÍÍÍ. 20. crush, rnn. i ; bl
tract, bend, crook. ' *->*-***
GfiApAÓ,-|>A|6, &,-pcA, s.m. a con- ^i In-
fraction, a shrinking, a wrap- "
C|iApAt|te, g. id. pi, -|iit>e, s.m.
one that wraps or crushes.
GjiApfolufyujf, s.m. twilight, ,'Lat.
Cuapca, ind. pp. wrapped, Job.
viii. 17. contracted, shrunk»
CjtACAb,-Aicce, pi. id. s.m. asha- j
king, a brandishing, a sprink-
ling, a waving of trees, a churn-
ing, a jolt, a concussion. Gr.
zgad'Ctu, I shake •
-fá&fi]\'e, g, cftjAÓ, pi, cnéóeaiJA, si.
- c/a#, earfA, Is. xlv. 9. & lxiv.
8 Lev. vi. 28. Rom. ix. 21.
2 Tim. ii. 20.
Cjte abaft,- Ajfi, pi. id. s.m. a wood-
CneAc,-éjce,-eACA, s.f. a spoil, a
prey, goods, Gen. xlix. 27
Num. xxxi. 22. — Gen. xiv. 16.
Num. xxxi. 11. & 12. Also,
plunder, booty, pillage, ruin.
llGpe&c, inf. id. &, ;ca&, v.a. spoiL
/^ Judges, ii. 14. Prov. xxiv. 15.
plunder, pillage, lay waste,
CneAÓAÓ,-ccA, pi/ id. s.m. a spoil-
ing, Jer. xlviii. 3.
CneAÓAbóifi,-6nA,-ófn^be, s.m. a
spoiler, Is. xxi. 2. pi, 1 Sam.
xiii. 17. a plunderer, robber,
freebooter, destroyer.
CneACAb6jneACb,-bA, s. f. the
practice of plunder or robbery.
CfieacA] jte, g. id. pi, -|t]6e, s.m. a
destroyer, Jer. xlviii. 18.
CuéAcb, g. id. &, -bA, pi, -&A,
s.m. or f. an issue, a sore', a
[_ stripe, Lev. xv. 2? , &~o\ — Lev.
V.; xiii. 43. — Luke, xvi. 21, Acts,
xvi. 33. a wound, a scar.
CuéAcb,-bAÓ, v.a. wound.
CjiéacbACj-Aige, adj. ^/W/ q/*|
wounds or sores, destructive, j
bloody, causing wounds.
C|téacbai5ce, ind. p.p. wounded. \
Cfte<\clor3A&,-oirece,pl. id. s.m.
destruction by fire.
CneACCA, ind. p.p. plundered,
spoiled, ruined, robbed.
GneAccACj-Ajge, adj. wounded, j
Jer. Ii. 52. SeeCnéAcbAc.
CftéAccAc-beA^, -A|5e-béf|i5e,
s.f. bloody cranes bill, Gera-
nium sanguineum.
CfiéA£Ó5,-óf5e,-Ó5A, s.f. earth,
dust, clay, Deut. xxviii. 24.
2 Kings, v. 17. Rom. ix. 21.
C|teA3,-ei5e,-eA3A, s.f. a rock, a
GjteA5AC,-Ai5e, adj. rocky, abound-
ing in cliffs.
CfieA5ivn,-Aio, pi. id. s.m. a little
rock, a rocky or stony place. /y
GfieAir?, garlic, see, GneArb. /-C/ -ff^v*
CfieAti7-5A|tA|6, s.m. a leek.
G]aeArb-n}Ufce-£]AÓ, s.m. harCs-
tongue, Scolopendrium.
Gfiev\pAll,-Afll, s.m. entanglement,
Gal. v. 1.
CfteAplAi5,-lu5At>, v.a. entangle,
see 2 Peter, ii. 20. stop, stay,
CfieArluijAbyufgce, pi. id. s.m.
a girding, Eph. vi. 14.
Gfie, v.a. Ui) !%,
believe * Acts, xvi. 31. — Mark,
ix. 23. Acts, xvi. 34. confide,
trust, Lat. Cred-o.
Cnéib,-be,-Óe<\n}ú), faith, belief Acts
iii. 16. Rom. xTvT 22, — Matt.
viii. 26. Rom. i. 5. for cuejbme,
as a form of the gen.
* jí^ -uttev^ tum-aer im lítatuihrí
en )
Luke, xxiv.
25. & Acts, xiii.
C|ieibrbe »*W«j v - n - suffer for.
frj- Cjteub, interr. pron. what ? Matt.
™\Up xvi. 13. and passim, fr. c|a ai>
jiub. Cjteub f&, adv. wherefore,
why ?
l/o) ">~, CfiiAo,-*^, s.f. clou, earth , Is.
7 U xli. 25.— Ps. xiToYls. xli. 25.
/ J see, C|té. < •
„, Cji^óa, ind. adj. clayey, earthen,
2 Chron. iv. 17.
a finisher,
Cjtíoi?,-íne,adj. withered, Ps. cii. ; s
4. — ^shrunk, decayed, dry,
rotten. —.
C|i|Oi),-i)A6, v.a & n. wither. Is. #/ -^y
xv. 6. Am. iv. 7. — Jer. xii. 4.
u decaiu blast, fade, \4flr*
G)x\ox)&, ind. adj. old, sage, pru-
C|iionAc,-A]5, s.m. dry or decay-
ed wood, withered leaves or
C[tjoi)Ab,-A]6, &, -i, s.f. wisdom, Ex.
xxxvi. 1. Deut. iv. 6. discre-
tion, wit.
Cfi]OpÓ5,-ó|5e,-Ó5A, s.f. a winkle.
\ú. C\i]oy,g. cfteAfA, pi, c\ie*Y*v*,
3 s.m. a girdle, Jer. xiii. 1. & 2.
Acts, xxi. 11. — Ex. xxviii. 27.
/, %
1/-^: Is. iii. 24.— «Ex. xxviii. 40.
» Prov. xxxi. 24. The above
genitive, sing. & nom. pi. really
come from Cfie^r, an older
form of Cfi]Of, a strap, a zone.
Gjtforb, g. id. s.m. Christ, Matt,
i. 16. — Matt. i. 1. & passim.
Gr. Xg«ir-og, The Anointed.
CjiiorbAi)*, (p,-bA, s.f. Christia-
nity, Christendom.
CftforbArblACbj-bA, s.f. Christia-
nity, R.S.
/^i^CpíorbAmvílj-itjU, adj. Christian,
- fiforbuige, g., -5ce , s.m. or
^ ' f . a Christian, Acts, xxvi. 28.
1 Pet. iv. 16. — pi. Acts, xi. 26.
Cftiorltq5,-u5<\6, v.a. ^Ví/, Ex.
xxix. 5. Job. xl. 7. border.
Cjv|orlui5ce, ind. p.p. girded, Ex.
xii. 11. 1 Sam. ii. 4. bordered.
J>_CfijorcAl,-A|l, pi. id. s.m. crust aU
"•y Job. xxvm. 17. Rev. xxii. 1.
/ — Ezek. i. 22. %- A
Gftjoc, s.m. a trembling, see,
Cftfoc&i)AC,-Ai5e, adj. trembling,
Deut. xxviii. 65.
Cftjocnugaój-uigce, pi. id. s.m. a
trembling. 1 Cor. ii. 3. Eph.
vi. 5. — Jer. xxx. 5.
Cft|ocoui5,-.u5AÓ, v.a. &n. shake,
tremble, quake, Matt, xxvii.
51. Ps. lxviii. 8. & cxiv. 7.
Cfijoc-cAlrbAfl, g. ctteAC<\-c, g. cfiuib-pfiiA-
c&jrj, the herb crane's bill, Ge-
Cjtóc,-ó|c, s. m. saffron, Cant,
iv. 14. Com. Lat. Croc-us.
C|ioc,-ojce,-ocAr>A, s.f. a cross, a
gallows, Esther, v. 14. — Matt.
xxvii. 32. John, xix. 19.
Cfioc,-CAÓ, v.a. hang, crucify,
Num." xxv. 4. Xuke, xxiii. 21.
— Esther, vi. 4. Matt, xviii. 6.
Chald. Crach, he bound.
CjiocAÓj-cuió, &, -cbA, pi, -cu|be,
&, -cba, s.m. a hanging, a cru-
cifying, Ex. xxvi, 36. & xxxviiL
Kl x -
lS.—Matt. xxvii. 26. — Ex.
xxxvi. 36.
C|tocAb&!),-&]n, pl- id- s.m. a pen-
dulum, a pendant, a tassel.
CjtocAbó||t,-ójtA,-ó}|t]óe, s.m. a
CftoÓA&óifieAc&,-l3A, s.f. the office
of a hangman.
J( CfioÓAjjte, g. id. pi, -ftjbe, s.m. an
idler, a hangman.
"^ C}ióó&\i,-&\n, pl. id. s.m. a bier,
*~- 2 Sam. iii. 31.
Cfióc<\,|ib.<\b,-A]&, pl. id. s.m. a
CjiocbA, ind. p.p. hanged, cru-
Cfióó, g. id. s.m. a dowry, Ex.
xxii. 16. — Ex. xxii. 17. 1 Sam.
xviii. 25. compensation. This
word like r^fie^o, signified ori-
ginally, cattle, cows, stock.
f^-^CpóÓA, ind. adj. valigjit, Num.
xxiv. 18. Is. x. 13. brave,
CfióÓACb, g. id. s.m. valour', Ps.
cxviii. 16.
Cjio5AÓ,-Aió,-AiÓe,s m. the towell
pin of a boat. M'N.
Cjto5&i),-&|t), pl- id- s. m. a
Gftf>ibeAl,-é|t, pl. id. s.m. coral,
Ezek. xxvii. 16.
i/ i L C]to]ceAi),-c]i),-cne, s.m. a skin^
1*1 1$ Ex. xxxiv. 29. & 35.— Job. ii.
JhdiLLitrt^ Q en# xxv ^ i 6 . E x xxv . 5
JinXfUT, the nom. would be better c \\o\-
tHrfchaic&4 %j ^ S ee Job, ii. 4.
^f j'itfi C(to|cce, g. id. s.f. a cross, 1 Cor.
' i. 17 — 1 Cor. i. 18. more pro-
perly C|io]c, g. cjtojce, Lat.
Crux, French, Croix.
Cjtojóe, g. id. pl, -ore, s. m. a
heart, Gen. xlv. 26. -Matt.
xii. 35. Acts, xiii. 22.— Luke,
iv. 18. 2 Pet. ii. 14. Gr. xaidiu.
C|torp,-|iuiiDe, adj. crooked, **
curved, bent.
C|iort?,-n?<\8, v.a. bow, stoop, 2 ££| jfy
Kings, xix. 16. — Lev. xxvi. 1.
Mark, i. 7 . bend, incline. ,
Cftori7AC,-Ai5e,adj. of or belong- _Ll—
ing to steel, 2 Sam. xxii. 35.
CnuAbA!5,-óu5AÓ, v.a. harden, ^/ H?
dryas grain in a kiln, I
C|iu^bAil,^JU., s.f. covetousness, /
s tingines s, 2 Cor. ix. 5. also, '^~fj
courage, danger, i nhumanity * K 3'*y*
adversity, hardship^K/b '-í. \Ó! J^
CjiuaÓaUó ,-Aige, adj.. sore, crw3, *J v « j,
I Sam. xxxi. 3. ProvTxiíTTo. ^C^r"
stingy, desperate, ruthless,
hardy, hardhearted.
Cjtii<\6ÓAr,-A|f, pi. id. s.m. diffi-
culty, distress, hardship, dan-
C]tiiAÓc|to|cneACj-r)i5^5 adj. hide-
Cfxij<\bcfio]óeAc r bf5e, adj. stiff-
hearted, Ezek. ii. 4. hard-
hearted, niggardly > stingy.
CjiuAÓcuifeACj-rige, adj. diffi-
cult, calamitous.
Cjau<\órbii]neul,-éil, pi. id. s.m. a
stiff neck, — g. Deut. ix. 6.
& 13.
CjtuAÓrbujneuUcj-Aíge, adj. stiff-
necked, Deut. x. 16.
C|tuAÓrbit]i)eulAcb,-bA, s.f. stiff- ' v
neckedness, obstinacy.
CjiuA6ó5,-6]5e,-Ó5A, s.f. distress,
necessity— g. Gen. xxxv. 3.
CjuiAóó5Ac,-<\T5e, adj. strict,
Gen. xliii. 7. necessitous, dis-
Cfui<\óu5AÓ,-uf5ce, pi. id. s.m. a,
hardening, Jos, xi. 20. a dry-
ing as grain in a kiln.
en u
G|tu^tcce, ind. p. p. heap\
stacked, piled up.
G|tuAi6,-jbe, adj. hard , Deut. xxvi.
6. — Jer. v. 3. hardhearted,
niggardly, severe, difficult,
firm, Gr. xgvog, Lat. Crud-U3.
Cjtu&i6,-t>e, s.f. steel, Jer. xv. 12.
—Jobrxx. 24.
v.a. harden ,
Ex.vii. 13. &
viii. 15. — see
Jos. xi. 20.
adj. hard-
CjtiiAi6betil<\c,-Ai5e 3
C]\u&]6W\',-lox&, pi. id. s. m.
sneezewort, white hellebore,
Veratrum album.
C\\Y&]Sze, ind. p.p. hardened,
dried, as corn in a kiln.
att. xix. 8
«/«/>, distress. K*^-
difficulty, hardship.
C(iúb,-ú|be,-ubA, s.f. the nave of
a wheel, pi. 1 Kings, vii. 33.
also, a claw, a hoof or paw.
CftiibACj-ajge, adj. lame, club-
C|ifib<\-éoqt), s.f. bird's foot, Or-
CjiúbA-leinn, s * ^ columbine,
Aquilegia vulgaris.
CjtúbA-leorbAin, s.f. common la-
dy's mantle, Alchemilla vul-
CtiYbó5,-ói5e,-Ó5*, s.f. a knot in
weaving, thrums at the end of
a piece in weaving, also, a
species of crabfish.
Cjiúca, g- id. pi, -cvjóe, &, -CAÓA,
s.m. a hook, a hinge, pi. Ex.
xxvi. 32. 1 Kings, vii. 50. a
C|uit>,-Y|ó,-Y|óce, s.m. a horse
shoe. ~~~
7* /í C|iú6,-8a&, v.a. milk.
C|tYb^6,-Y]6ce, s.m. a milking.
CjtYj&ce, ind. p.p. shod as a
G\iY]xt)f\]x)e!\\),-ei)i]x), pi. id. or,
-eanA, s.m. a stooped shoulder.
C|tY]rt)fl^e^,t)AC,-Ai5e, adj. hav- ,
ing stooped shoulders.
CpY]x),-r)e, adj. rsund, gathered,
Ex. xvi. 14. Acts, xii. 12. suc-
cinct, sound. J
CftYjfje, g. id. s.f. roundness, the ^J'fo
globe of the earth, jji e^ worl d. (<{,! ^r
C|aY|i)eAc&n,-Afn, pi. id. s.m. a
mass, a heap, also, a coronet.
a gatherer, Am. vii. 14. more
properly spelled, CpY^jgceoiti.
C|iv^i5,-j22jAÓ, Y.d. gather, as- \(j[ fe
semblel Ex. iii. lb. Num. xx. y
8.— Num. xv. 33. 1 Kings, t-?i
xvii. 10. Matt. ii. 4. accumu-
CftvjtM^ce, ind. p.p. gathered, as-
sembled, accumulated.
CftYlOIYSAOj-Y^Ce, &, -Yjge, pi.
id. s.m. «# assembly, a collec-
tion, Gen. xlix. 10 — Acts, xix.
31. 1. Cor. xvi. 1. a gather-
Cl^irSítf» g- id - P 1 ' -«l^e, s.m. a
pot, a cruse, Ex, xvi. 33.
1 Sam. xxvi. 11. & 12. a jug,
a pitcher.
CjtY]r5iofitJAÓ,-Ai5, s.m. common
reed grass, "Arundo phragmites.
CjiYircfn, g. id. pi, -i)|6e, s.f. a
A amp.
C]iY]c,-ce,-ceAr)A, s. f. a lyre,
harp, violin — " Ex sex chordis
felinis constat, nee eodem modo
quo violinum modulatur, quam-
vis a figura haud multum ablu-
dat." — Evans. Lat. Cythara.
C|tYic,-ce,-ceACA. s.f. a hump on
the back.
C|iY|ceACAn,-ÁiD, pl« id. s.m. a
dwarf a humpback.
Cfiufcit), g. id. pi, -t)|6e, a crook- \JT cu^n, coji), or, cotm, s.m. & f.
backed person. Lev. xxi. 20.
also, the bird called king*s-
CfiuicíDe pi. id. & -a|*a, s.m. «
care, pi. Judges, vi. 2. a?zz/
^^ Jwllow . .
CvAfAc,-Ai5e 5^,Ao//o(X i .
CvAr&t>,-*MO, pl« id. s.m. « sm/z//
Ao/é', a cavity.
{jufooK CrAra5,-5|3e,-63A, s.f. a fttt/e
r VjL^t hollow, a honeycomb found
v* l^ therein.
Cúb,-bAb, v.a. & n. stoop, bend,
crouch, fie down, Lat. Cub-o.
CúbAb,-Aib, pi. id. s. m. a cubit,
Ex. xxvi. 13. — pi. 1 Sam. xvii. 4.
Cvb^ j6,-óe, adj. honest, becoming,
fit, comely, Rom. xiii. 13 & xvi.
2. 1 Cor. xi. 13.
CvbAit>eAcb,-bA, s.f. fitness, be-
comingness, decency.
Cvbo^tvre, s.f. an oath, con^
scienc e.
Cvbajtj-Ajri, pi. id. s.m. foam,
Hos. x. 7. Jude, ver. 13 — Mark
ix. 20. froth.
CvbAftACj-^ge, adj. foamy,
Cvjbe, ind. adj. becoming, decent,
proper, see, Cuboqó.
Cr|be<\rbYil,-rnl<\, adj. * discreet,
decent, modest.
Cvj bear, -bit*, s.m. decency, dis-
cretion, moderation, fr. Cvjbe,
&, bevp.
CvjbeAptCj-Ajje, adj. decent,
mannerly, proper, discreet.
Cv|bl|i),-i)e,-ijex\CA, s.f. a striving,
a contending.
Cv*bl|i), inf. id. v.n. strive, vie.
C^b|igc,-|ii3, P 1 - :MS?i &,-psca,
s.m. a 6orcd, « string, a yoke,
Job xii. 18. Mark vii. 35— pi.
Ps. ii. 3. Jer. xxviii. 13. a
% chain, a trammel, a fetter, en- '
• tanglement. fa% ^-p&ú&^
Cvibfi]5,-iv5At>, v.a. ftmc? with){,%^
chains, fetter, cover. í/c ^r^ iv
Cvibji^ce, ind. p.p. bounW, Acts , ^"
xxxi. 13. enchained, concealed, a» ^
CY]bwor),-]xj>> pi. id. a cawdz, a ^3-^L
room, pi. Luke xx. 46. literally, ? '^J^§
a efoe share, portion or allow- . iaJl
ance, C.P. fr. Cvjbe, &, fton). ^^
CvibfijrgAtvigce, pi. id. s.m. a
band, a bond, pi. Lev. xxvi. 13.
Ps. cxvi. 16. slavery, a cover-
ing, chains.
Cvjb, g. cobA, pi, cobcA, &,
cobAnA, 'a-^remnant, some, a
part, Matt. xxii. 6. John xix.
23.— Mark xii. 5.— Lev. i. 8.
John xix. 23. a portion, sub-
stance, a meal. VC3&-
CvibeACbA, g. id. pl.^id. s.f. a
company, a multitude, Matt,
viii. 1. Acts xxi. 8. — Luke v.
xix. Heb. xii. 22. — Judges
vii. 20.
Gv^beAcbv i5,-V5a6, v.a. accom-
Cv^beAcbv]5ce,ind. p.p. accom-
Cv|beAÓ,-b]3, s.m. a help, — g.
1 Chron. xii. 18. Is. xx. 6.
Dan. xi. 34.
Cv]beAÓAc,--oj5e, adj. auxiliary,
Crp]^,-]Y^8 v.a. help, succour, ^
Ps. xxx. 10. — 2 Sam. viii. 5.
1 Chron. xxii. 17.
Cvjbigce, ind. p.p. helped, suc-
coured. S
Cv 1 bi5reAC,-cf5 r ci5e, s. m. a
helper, Job xxx. 13.
Cvjbi5ceÓ!fi,-óftA,-ó|fqóe, s.m. a
helper, an abettor.
CvjbivsA&j-ijjce, &, -ige, pi. id. y
s.m. help, g. Is. xxxi. 2. " bean
cvjbise," a midwife, Genesis
xxx viii. 28.
C XX ] 107 CU )
Ctt)3, ind. num. adj. jive, Geiyj4^v|lrbfo^v|5,-v5<\6, v. a. abju
'xiv. % & passim. ^vilmmSviTrA. inH r» r\
Cúi3-bev5, ind. num. ady fifteen,
Gen. vii. 20.
CrfSe, g. id. pi, -3f 3 s - m - « ^*
part, a province.
Cú]5eAÓ,ind. ord. adj. fifth, Gen.
xxx. 17.
Cá.]5eev3, ind. ord. adj j /?/ > -
teenth, 2 Kings xiv. 23.
Cú^eAjij-sit 1 * s#m « ^ ye persons,
Gen. xviii. 28. — Gen. xviii. 28.
never applied except to per-
sons or personified objects.
Cú]5-rbev]t-rbv||aej s. f. common
creeping cinque foil, Potentilla
Cúj5f l^neac, no comp. adj. pen-
tagonal. M'N.
Cvil,-le,-teÁi}A, s.f. a couch, Job.
vii. 13/a corner, a closet, a
nook, or any "private place,
Cv } ]\ r \e,-\§x)*, s.f. a horse-fly, a
CailceAi),-cii),pL id. s.m. the poll
(of the head),
Cy]\e&r),-'e\x), pi. id. s.m. a whelp,
a dog, Gen. xlix. 9. — pi. Mark
vii. 28. see, Co]\e&v.
Cv|léA]t,-é||t, pi. id. s. m. a
quarry, see Judg. iii. 19. & 26.
an eavesdropper,
jLjPv|leo5,-a^e,-osA, s.f. aJU^ see
Í5T a gnat, dim. of
O Ps. lxxvni.
Cr^ id. iciifc
TecWd ^ Deut. xxxii. 7. Luke
xvi. 25.-— Ex
ri. 2D. — lix. xx. 24. LiiKe '
54. recollect, $XnÁ> Jfj~' Uj
Cv|rbni5reAC,-ct5e7~adj. r^Qrd^- //■ ^ 7
j7?& Ezra, iv. 15. mindfuL ' ^
Cv|rnoi5ceót|t, 6it^,-6^ti8e, s. m.
« recorder, 2 Kings xviii. 37.
Is. xxxvi. 3. a chronicler.
Cv]tT)re, g. id. s.f. <£
unerring, moderate, suitable. *
^ v !t)n5j-l v 5^8, v.a. hit, fas a
mark J aim, take aim, fit.
Cv|rr)ri5ce, ind. p.p. well (timed,
hit, adapted, adjusted.
c u ^ io8
person of unerring aim, a gooan
shot, an adapter, a measurer.
CvirtjnvgAÓj-igce, pi. id. s.m. aim,
see, Cv^re.
Cv|r)eAl-rhvi|te, s.f. hag's taper,
lady s foxglove, also, a red cloth
tied to a cow's tail after
2 Cor. vi. 14 Lev. xxvi. 13.
Acts xv. 10.— 2 Sam. xxiv. 22.
a bond, slavery, obligation, re-
straint, difficulty, r]C\\r
Cvti)3ceAD3Al,-Ail, pi. id. s.m. «
$aft<2 ybr fastening a yoke to
the neck of an animal, bondage,
Cv|D5eAUc,-lvi3,-lvf5e, s.m. a
yoke, 1 Sam. xiv. 14. — pi. Luke
xiv. 19. spelled, Cvft^leac,
Jer. xxvii. 2.
Cv|05iti,-ite,-jte^cAj s.f. a couple,
two, Judges xix. 10. a pair, a
team, a yoke.
CvtoícéATvétjt, pi. id. s.m. a rab-
bit burrow,
Cy]X)íx), g. id. pi, ..-D|8é, s.m. a
rabbit, see, Go\x)\\).
Cxx]x)e, g. id. pl,-rjjóe, s.f. a gal-
lery, pi. Ezek. xli. 15. a>S°IZ
jner, an angle.
CvjTJe 63,-6 J5e,-Ó5<\, s.f. a churn,
a bucket.
Gv|i)eo3-rbi3e, s.f. wild angelica,
Angelica sylvestris.
Cy]\i, inf. cvji, v.a. send, plant,
- put* Matt. vi. 2. Acts x. 5.—
Jer. i. 10. Matt. i. 19. place,
lay, sow.
Cv|tteAÓ,-|ti6,-|ti8e, s.m. an invi-
tation, a bidding, Matt. xxii.
8.— 1 Sam. ix. 22. Matt. xxii.
1 1. Chald. Curua.
Cv^|ieAc,-éice,-í>|ceACA, s.f. the
knave at cards.
CvtftfAlcA, ind. adj. curious,
C.P. Barb.
vimbfo, g. id. pi, -t)]éé, s.m.
common wild parsnip, Pasti-
naca sativa. Cr^bir) b&T), id.
Cv^fiji), g. id. pi, -t>ióe, s.m. a
can, a small pot.
Cv]|trt),-n;e,-meACA, s.f. a kind of
ale formerly used by the Iris7t 9
a feast or banquet.
Cr||tti7]3,-iv5AÓ, v.a. feast, en-
Gr]]ix)e%x),-'e\x), pi. id. s.m. the
head of a pin, a brooch, a
ringlet, a small heap.
Cv||ti)e&i)AC,-Ai5e, adj. full of
ringlets, abounding in small
Cv^itnft), g. id. pi, -i))6e, s.f. a
small vessel.
Cvtftpi6,-6e, adj. corrupt, wicked,
impious, Cvjftpe, id.
Cúuic,-ce,-ceAt) pl« id. s.m. ae cu-
cumber, pi. Numb. xi. 5. cu-
Ibívjue, g. id. s.m. a reserve, a
hief man to be depended on ;
see t)Ajne.
Cútboc,-bu]Cj pi. id. s.m. a buck,
a he-goat.
CúlcAit>,-oeAÓ, v.a. backbite, slan-
der ; fr. Cut, &, cajo, slander.
Culc&it)c,-ce,-ceAi)A, s.f. a back-
biting, detraction, a slandering.
CúlóíqijceACj-qge, adj. calum-
nious, traducing, slanderous.
Cíilcív]r)ce6||t,-ó|tA,-6|ni6e, s.m, a
backbiter, a slanderer.
Cv-lco|ri}éAb,-éi,b,&,-éAbA, pi. id.
s.m. a rear guard, retrospection.
Cul5Ab,-bAil, v.a. adopt.
Cumó>Ai5,-?5,-A|5e, s.m. a defence,
Num. xiv. 9. — Ps. xxxT. 2. Ts.
xxxiii. 16. also, « veil, a cover-
Grrr)bui5,-bAc, v.a. defend , pi'c -
jterve, save , keep, Ps. v. 11. ^vCur)5AlAC,-ai5,-A, s.f. a coursing,
a cruising, a traversing.
CvfbYtii,-v^i), pi. id. s.m. a cus-
tom, Rom. xiii. 7. — Matt. ix.
9. Barb.
Cúcac,-vjj, s.m, folly, fierceness, u"75^-
2 Tim. iii. 9.— Rev. xvTTl9. £
GúcA|leACb,-bA, s.f. bashfulness,
modesty, timidity.
CúcAt,-Aile, adj. bashful, modest,
GvcAftl&T),-ii]t), pl* id. s.m. awy
bulbous-rooted plant, an onion,
an earth nut, fyc. fyc.
O, (b&Hi, the oak tree,) the fourth
letter of the modern Irish Al-
phabet, --•■ •<
D\ (contr. for bo,) a poss. pron.
O', (contr. for bo,) a sign of the
pres. inf, 8$ per/, ind, of verbs.
O', (contr. for be, or, bo,) a prep,
O'a, (contr. for be, or, bo, a
prep. & a, poss. pron.) of
his, to his; of her, to her;
of its, to its ; of their, to
e, dim. of
b<\]b. the Cladach fishermen of
Galway are, in their own lo-
cality, called Na bA^b^be.
O A]8b j fij-bfte, &, -b|t] be, adj . poor,
bad, Rev. xiii. 16. — 1 Cor. viii.
8. fr. bo, a neg. particle, &
/C3 ^TpA.]l,-le, s.f. a meeting, delay,
.. I X~ hostile opposition, a desire, a
i. portion, an account, an enclosed
- ~¥i space or field, the space between
CKiV^'two rafters or couples in a cot-
tage ; fr. the obs. OaI, id.
Oa|1-caca, s.f. with the accent on
&ajI, a pitched battle; with the
accent on caca, afield of bat-
tle, a battlefield ,« this remark,
(mutatis mutandis,) is applica-
ble to all such compound words.
D&ili3,-leAt>, v.a. dedicate, dis-
trjjmte, set apart, give, deliver,
£/^jX fr. Q&rL id. C.P. isnlj-icl
. 7f Chiton? &D,-;&1D9 pi. id. s.m. a but-
'' ~T ler, a distributor,
' OA^ll-beA|tc sm -
see Da^cad.
OAin5neAc,-t)t5,-neAÓA, s.m. a
stronghold, a garrison, — pi.
Judg. vi. 2. 2 Sam. viii. 6. a
compact, a contract, an assu-
rance, a ratification ; for its
other meanings, see OA^t)5eAWtó<\U,-lA6, i
the genitive sing, of which»* uij.
O &20
v.a. blind; see OaIU
OA|05]n, (¬ 0^5015, the
genitive of this noun,")vought
always to be used.
O<\i05De<\cb,-bA, s.f. a strong
holding, firmness, strength.
^A]T)3015>-1 U 5 gHC)odl,-oill, pi. id. s.m. a blindper-
^ son, Ex. iv. 11. MaiCvííi. 22.
— John ix. 6. — Matt. xi. 5.
eAC,-C|5e, aa^.juiiq/ cioas.
, lind. p.p. dyed, colour-
^ce, \ed, stained, Is. lxiii.
e, )l.
OaIIa6,-ai8, s.m. darkness, blind-
ness, Eph. iv. 18.
DAllAT)-&A^c,-A^r)-&Áic,s.m. blind-
man's buff»
OAllA|xÁn,-A^n, pi. id. s.m. a pur-
blind person.
0 v. a. condem n,
^ damn, John viii.TO.— 1 Kings
vhi. 32.
OAn?rmi5ce, ind. p.p. condemned,
damnable, damned, Tit. iii. 1 1 .
2 Pet. ii. 1.
D'ArtrfA, (contr. of bo, prep, me,
pers. pron, & the emphatic af-
fix r a,) to myself, to me in par-
C&rbrA, g. id. pi, -Aióe, s.m. a
dance, a dancing, Matt. xi. 17.
& xiv. 6. — pi. Luke xv. 25.
Oar^rA^-rugAe, v.n. dance.
'0&n)\x-\x)z,-ze,-z], s.f. damnation,
condemnation, Mul.
0&T),-&|t), &, -aha, pi, -adca, s.m.
a song, Ex. xv. 2. Deut. xxxi.
19. — 2 Sam. xxii. 1. — 1 Kings
iv. 32. Job xxxv- 10. a poem,
averse, destiny; Pers. & Arab.
Dana, a poet.
Oai)a, ind. adj. bold, confident,
Rom. x. 20. 2 Cor. vii. 16. im-
OAt)Acb,-bA, s.f. confidence, bold-
ness, plainness of speech, Ezek.
xxviii. 26. Acts iv. 13. 2 Cor.
iii. 12. — Acts xiii. 46.
iv. 24.— Ex. v. 13 & 14. dearth, f) J *^_
OAO]|tfi3,-iu5Ab,v.a. enhance, in- &
crease the price.
OAOifirisce, ind. p.p. enhanced,
increased in price.
OAO|fiH5ceóift,-óftA,-ó|jtit>e, s.m.
one that enhances or increases
a price.
DAoifirine, g. id. s.f. captivity,
Ps. xiv. 7.— 1 Chron. v. 22.
OAOffi n t>eAc,-t)i5, pi, -T)]5e, &, ^atipffá
-neACA, s.m. a bond man , a l4»{S-j±
captive, Deut. xxiv. 22. see
Lev. xxvi. 13. & Is. xx. 4.
OaoI,-0]1, pi. id. s.m. a bug, a
beetle, a caterpillar, a chafer. r
/ind. adj. hum an, of or P0)~zz~
y^ - belonging to man, Job * . *A
g^°*;Jxii. 10. Acts xvii. 29.
' also, liberal, civil, hos-
\pitable. ^
OAOrJAcb,-bA, s. f. liberality, jffi Xr
bounti fulness, g. 2 Cor. ix. 11. Yi >
humanity. t-Q* ^AWiíbv»
OAoi)AcbAC,-A]5e, adj. liberal,
given to hospitality, Is. xxxii.
5. 1 Tim. iii. 2. humane, civil.
OAOft,-offte, adj. bond, enslaved,
Gen. xxi. 10. — Gen. xxi. 10.
dear in price, precious, guilty^
OÁojt,-ot|tj a bondvnav^
Gal. iii. 28. a guilty or con'
demned person.
O&o|t,-fu6,v.a. censure, condemn,
doom, make dear.
slave, a bond man.
OAojxbocbj-oic&e, adj. doomed to
misery. R.S.
OAOftcl<\i>,-toii)e,-Ui)<\, s.f. slaves,
OAOftrrRACb, g. id.&,-bd,s.m.orf.
bondage, slavery. ^\iv^
^or5AtirluA3,-£jJ,-jytce,-' s.m.
i/*e rabble, the plebeians. /£f >^-
Oof6cAft)H]t7-rblA, adj. churlish,
boorish, vain, ignorant.
O'&jt, (contr. of be, or, bo, & &ft,)
Oaji, prep. #y, through ,- Lat.
Daft, a def. v. thinks or think, as,
&A]t l]ort) 9 metfiinks ; bcAc,-c&i5e, adj. wor-
thy minded, noble minded.
OeAga^ne, g. id. s.m. benevo-
lence, a pious affection.
JÁU ^££2L£}ic,-ce, s.f. a discharge,
"Ecc. viii. 8. a divorce. \ i ; :i
^j/>- Oen*rr1*ir> s.m. a good
conscience, g. 1 Pet. iii. 2].^
OeA5corn g. id. pi, -bee, s.m.
a kind heart.
OeAgcjtoibeACj-bjge, adj. kind,
gentle, kind-hearted, 1 Cor.
xiii. 4. see 1 Pet. ii. 18.
OeAgcuAlUiseACivbA, s.f. fel-
lowship >, C.P.
DeA5p s,m - / ear i
/ holy fear, Heb. v. 7.
OeA5^ocAl,-cA]l, pi. id. s m. a
kind or well spoken word.
OeAg^ocUcj-A^ge, adj. fair spo-
ken, well spoken.
Oe<\5£oi) r £u|ij, pi. id. s.m. good
pleasure, g. Eph. i. 5.
OeA5-5nú|r,-r e > pl,-rf,&-reACA,
s.f. « grooc? or fair countenance.
DeUc<\, s.f.
a good opinion ; OeAgOAjtA-
rbujl, id.
OeAgrboUój-lcA, pi. id- s.m. a
good recommendation, high
OeAJrbuince, ind. p.p. well bred,
well educated.
OeA5t)ór,-6|f , pi. id. s.m. a good
custom, a sacred rite.
OeA^norACj-Aige, adj. decent^
having good manners ~
DeA5obAÓ, v.a. do, make, John
xiii. 27. 2 Tim. iv. 2. OéAtxx,
appears to be an emphatic form
of Oéan, as if a contraction of
OéAtMP,-i}CA, s.m. a doing, g. Gal.
ii. 10. an acting or performing.
Oéar)AtKvr,-Air, s.m. *m ac/, deed,
action, exertion, industry.
OeAOArAGj-Ajge, adj. efficient,
laborious, industrious, active.
OeAr^rbalcA, ind. adj. perfect,
Matt. v. 48. see, OjonsrWcA.
OeAnrbAire^ój-Aige, adj. spruce,
prim, coy.
Oe<\oÓ5,-ói5e,-ó5A, s.f. a pinch of
snuff, a small quantity of any
comminuted matter, a grain, a
OéAi)cA, ind. p.p. done, made,
performed, Rev. xvi. 17.
OéAi)cAr,-e, s.m. an
actor, a maker.
OeAjtbj-OA, adj. persuaded, Rom,
. xiv. 14. sur e, c erta in, true, ge-
nuine, particular.
Oe&|ab r DAft, v.a. prove, Dan. i.
12. — 2 Chron. ix. 1. Lev. xiv.
19. 1 Tim. iii. 10. certify, de-
monstrate, affirm, put to the test.
De<\|tbAC,-Ai5e, adj. sure, capable
of proof
Oe&ftbafe,-Ait>,&-bcA, s.m. assu-
rance, experience, Acts xvii. 31.
Rom. v. 4. proof, demonstra-
tion, trial, certainty.
affirmer, a prover.
Oe&jib-óoi5,-5e, s.f. sure confi-
dence, C.P.
OeA]abÓ5,-ó]5e,-55A, s.f. a touch-
OeA]ibfi.&cAi|i,-AxAji, pi, -Ajcfie, K$Z*r.
&, 4meACA, s.m. a brother * ''
Gen/iv. 8. 9. & 10.— Lev. xxi.
2.— Matt. i. 2. Luke viii. 21.
fr. Oeaftb, &, bftACAjji.
OeA|tb|tiv^c|teAcur,-u|f ,
brotherhood, Zech. xi."14.
therly, Amos i. 9.
OeAfibcA, ind. p.p. adj. confirmed,
proved, 1 Cor. xi. 19.
OeAfibcAcb,-bA, s.f. demonstra- .
tion, certainty, 1 Cor. ii. 4
Prov. xxii. 21.
OeA]ibu|5 r u ja6, v. &. affirm, Luke /^ jL
xxii. 59. — Acts xii. 15. see, ' ^ -
OeAjib.. ^nA4u rt*fá ^UWrJ^-
OeAjtc,-cAó, v.a. behold, Ps. lix. ^^- *
4. & lxxxiv. 9. observe, watch,
think, examine, inspect, Gr.
Oewrra into flames.
or f. a fierce foe. see, W&riMjb.
OGAft5fiu<\caft,-A]ji, pi. id. s.m. a
bloody fight. ^
De,-t)Ab, v.a. take in hands,
handle, act, do, accomplish,
%-% com.Hf beívjinAr, &,ad n-beAfi-
t)A|*, the neg. & interr. forms
found in the ind. perf. of Dear).
OeAjii)5]b,-&e, s.f. a hand, — g.
Lev. xiv. 15.
OeA]tr)ó|fieAc&,-bA, s.i. palmis-
try, chiromancy.
OeAftrjA rbu]]ie,g. id. s.f. common
lady^s mantle, Alchemilla vul-
•r DeAjióil,-le^ adj. wretched, Rev.
/ iii. \1. poor, beggarly.
^OeAftóileActv&A, s.f. poverty,
J want, wr etched ness.
OeAitrcnu5AÓ,-u]5ce, pi. id. s m.
excellency, Ecc. vii. 12. a joo-
lishing, fyc.
OeA|tr3DA|5eAC,-5i3e, adj. O'H.
see, OeAitr50it|3.
Oe&]tr5nui3,-5e, adj. excellent,
goodly, Prov. xvii. 7* see 1
Sam. ix. 2. wise, prudent, bur-
nished, polished ; from the old
root, OeAjjxr, or, seAflirs, v » a «
or n. polish, shine.
OeAfyefre, adj. south, right,
Matt. xii. 42. Rev. x. 2 — ,
Ex. xxix. 20. Lev. viii. 23.
dexterous, trim, pretty, ready,
OeAf Arbii]l,-rblA, adj. southward,
expert, ready, dexterous, OeA-
rAc r At 5 e 3
OeAr5A6,-A|ó, pi. id. s.m. an off-
scouring, lees, dregs, 1 Cor.
iv. 13. — pi, Ps. lxxv. 8. Is.
li. 17.
Oee, s.m.
a composer, a mender, fyc.