A A it ' 7 / \ V % ^t. , \ \ - /* r ^l^/Lt^T^ / A- tt X, £- r? # ?/ rociojn. 5%0)t))i5e.s^cs-De%iti?i rociom 5uojt>)i5e-sucs-T?e%ni?i, AN IRISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY, INTENDED FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS AND TEACHERS OE IRISH. ^TV*\c*rr\G*^ Xia W " Est quidem lingua Hibernica, et elegans cum primis, et opulenta; sed ad earn isto modo excolendam, (sicuti reliquas fere Europas linguas verna- culas intra hoc saeculum excultas videmus) nondum extitit hactenus qui animum adjiceret ; nullum adhuc habemus hujus linguas Lexicon, sive per se factum, sive cum alia lingua comparatum." — Epist. Usser. DUBLIN : PUBLISHED EOR THE IRISH SOCIETY, BY HODGES AND SMITH, GRAETON-STREET, BOOKSELLERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. 1849. ^ DUBLIN : GOODWIN, SON & NETHERCOTT, 79, Morongh*st. PREFACE. The want of a Dictionary as a Manual for Students of the Irish Bible has been long felt; as those, hitherto published not only omit many words which occur in the Irish Scriptures, but are deficient in some of the essentials of a good Dictionary, not giving the inflections and genders of nouns, the comparisons of adjectives, or the roots and infinitives of verbs. This want having become still more apparent to me, when I entered on the discharge of my duties as Professor of the Irish Language in the University of Dublin, I suggested to the Com- mittee of the Irish Society the propriety of publishing a new Dictionary. — My suggestion was at once attended to, but the execution of the design proceeded slowly, until the work was expedited by the liberal assistance and hearty co-operation of the University Auxiliary Association, whose peculiar province it seemed to be, to foster such an undertaking. The superintendence of this work having been intrusted to me, I undertook it with pleasure, hoping thereby to facilitate VI the study of a language which is still the vernacular tongue of between two and three millions of the Irish people. Anxious as I have been to make the work as complete as possible, it is not without considerable diffidence that I now bring it before the public, in as much as the labour and superintendence that I wished to have bestowed upon it, have been too often broken in upon and restricted by many pressing avocations of a Collegiate, Ministerial, and Missionary nature. It is hoped, however, that imperfect as it may be, as a Dictionary for general purposes, it will be found by those, at least, for whom it has been compiled, to be an improvement on the Dictionaries already published. In addition to the inflections, genders, &c. given in the present work, the student will find Scripture references attached to those words that occur in the Bible, which will enable him to compare them in their various relative connexions, and to observe their idiomatic use. Tor antiquarian and philological purposes a complete Thesaurus of the Language is still a desideratum : such a work, besides requiring too much time and involving too large an expenditure of money, was not comprehended in the simple but important object contemplated by the Irish Society, and the University Association, which was to promote .the knowledge of the Irish Language amongst the Divinity Students, and also to furnish the Masters employed by the Irish Society with a cheap and useful Manual in teaching their countrymen to read " in their own tongue the wonderful works of God." I would here acknowledge, with pleasure, the efficient services rendered me in the details of this work, by the persons engaged Vll for that purpose. Nor would I omit to notice the valuable assistance afforded me, throughout the progress of the work, by Mr. Eobert Maguire, Yice-Principal and Eesident Master of the Connaught Irish Missionary School, Ballinasloe. With these few requisite explanations the present work is sub- mitted to the public, in the humble trust that it may prove in- strumental, under the Divine blessing, in spreading the know- ledge of God's word, among those of our countrymen, who speak the Irish Language. THOMAS DE YERE CONEYS. Trinity College, Dublin, December, 1848. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. a active. aCC ' *. c ...accusative, accusat. y adj adjective. adv adverb. Barb Barbarous. card cardinal. coll collective. comp comparative. com compare. Corm Cormac. conj conjunction. contr contracted. cpd compound C.P Common Prayer. dat dative. demonstr demonstrative. dim diminutive. D. Mac F D. Mac Firbis. Dunl Donleavy. Ed. I Edn. S emph emphatic. f. feminine. Fr French. fr from. fut future. genit genitive. gen gender. Gr Greek. Heb Hebrew. Hind Hindoostanee . id idem, the same. ind indeclinable. indef. indefinite. inf. infinitive. intens intensitive. interj interj ection . interr interrogative . imp , imperative. irr irregular. .Edition. K Keating's History of Ireland. Lat Latin. lit literally. m masculine. Mast Masters. Mul Molloy. n neuter. nom nominative case . num numeral, obj objective. obs obsolete. O'G O'Gallagher. ord. ordinal. part participial. passim Every where. Pers Persian. ners Í person. pers I personal. perf perfect. £L } p lmal - poss possessive. prep preposition. pres present. pron...., pronoun. p. p past participle. q. v quod vide, which see. rel relative. R. S Richardson's Sermons. sing singular. subs. } substantive. subjunc. } -s^junctive. v verb. I^ n ó^ C —vernacular, vernac. ) ver verse. vol volume. Wei Welch. The Reader will please to observe, that after nouns substantive the gen- itive case singular and nominative plural arc given ; after nouns adjective the comparative degree, and after verbs the infinitive mood. It may be necessary likewise to apprise the Reader that the usual mode of giving the verb in the indicative mood present tense, is departed from in this Diction- ary, and that the imperative mood, (which is the root,) lias been substituted for it. ^ocioiti %%o)T)Vin'$e-£ c &c$-KVie%ixiu. % UDU Ub S U, Ujlrr), f^e jmzlm tree,) the first letter of the modern Irish Alphabet. 3X, poss. pron. his, her, Us, their. 2V, rel. pron. who, which, that. ?V, a prefix of the inf. mood, to. 2V, a prefix of the present, per- fect and future tenses of the indicative mood. 3V, a contr. form of Uo, an interr. prefix. U, used for the prep. \y, in. ?V, used for ^5, the sign and pre- fix of pres. participle. &b, 3 sing. pres. subjunc. of the assertive verb ]\, may be, Matt. v. 40. 2Vb, g. Abab, pi. <\b<\6<\, s. m. a father, a master, an abbot ; &bb, id. ^ ^ibAC,-A^c, pi. id. s. m. a dwarf ; Lev. xxi. 20. a sprite. Qb&c!\t),-&iv 3 pi. id. s. m. a dimi- n ative ch ild ; dim . o f ?V b a c . 2U)A-fÓ,adj. Is. xviii. 5. see Ubv^óe. y/-^3VbA]fi, inf. |t&8, v. a. say, speak, / Matt. viii. 8.— Mark x. 47. Heb. Dabar, see H&|8. /r Ubai, see nbo,u. H^-^M-Kto -, ^VbAlcA, ind. adj. able; C. P. UbvlcA, id. "OSi ^ML^<^*íL ^ UbAi), g. id. AbAfja, &, Aibt)e, pi. \jJL- A]bi2e_, & 'f A 5 r & 'r* r)-AbA|t mé, 7*efi5|oo, g. id. s. m. an haber- geon or breastplate, — g. Ex. xxyiii. 32. properly Ujcbé|bgc. _ 3XblAÍ),-A|rje,-ArJA, s. f. a wafer^, /éf-~7A Lev. viii: 26.— pi. Lev^rii. 12. ' ^ Num. vi. 15. UbUi}, id. 3lhlój|vófiA,-ójrqt)e, s. m. a scor- .. . , ner, see Hos. vii. 5, ^rblótp, id. 3Xbl6|jieAÓb,-bA, s. f. R. S. 20. see ^ri^lójfteAcb. Ubó5,-6|5e,-Ó5A, s. f. a sudden jump or bounce ; Ubbój, id. ?ÍD]tA, g. id. pi. -fiAOfbe, s. m. an --. eye/id; Vera. Tad^a. ^- b c '^ <\bn^o,-air), pi. id. s.m. a song, Job xxix. 13. Ps. lxix. 12. «7* oi/tf, « sonnet. Ubfi<\o,-a]r), s. m. see Ujbfie&r). ^bfian bot)05, s. m. diickmeat ; Lens palustris. Vern. Xloy UÓAn. ^bf^xfj-^ir? pl. id- s. m. yto or _ ^'oo/ 5/? ww /3y the hand ; Gr. E/gog, wool. -&bfiAró|ft,-óíiA,-o|njbe, s. m. « spinner or carder of wool or flax. 3XbrÁn,-&in, pi. id. s. m. a trench or hollow ; Vern. CAbrÁi;. '* , \. u c o Ubfb v. a. & n. ripen, be- come ripe ; see Is. xviii. 5. 2U)vlcACb,-bA, s. f. ability. 2Vbvr, adv. on this side, in this world ; (Opposed to caÍTTJ 3Vbvr 9 -vjr, pi. id. s. m. a wild beast ; a fierce ungovernable rude person* 3Vc, conj. but, save, except. Uca, cpd. pers. pron. with them, Matt. v. 5. ^|~" ](t? ^ca6,-ai6, pi. id. s. m. afield , a ^y~~ g rass plo t, a meadow ; MaeF. 2XcAir,-re, pi. -ft, &, -reACA, s. f. a slur, virulence, cursing ; especially applied to the pro- fanation of holy things, " O5 ,» \ l*e ACAir bó, he cast a slur on him" Vera. f/^> X-^cAifeACj-nge, adj. virulent, rancoro us. . " UcAfi^-Aiji, pi. id. s. m. a dis- tance, space, time, UcAfu:A } g.id.pl. -A.ióe, &, -AÓA, s. m. loan, conveniency, use, profit. ?XcAftAc,-<\i5e, adj. convenient, useful, obliging, profitable. 2Vcb, conj. but, except, Matt. i. 19. Uc, &Ucc, id. }jf\M ^VcbftA, g. id. pi. -jtAibe, s. m. an 'n adventure, a?i_cxpedition_ by sea or land. ! UÍC ^cbfiA^-Vft^pl. id. s.m. an ad- venturer, a traveller, a foreign- er: v ^cbfiAt)Ac, a^j-a^Cj s. m. a foreigner, Deut. xv. 3. see (^ACbflAOAC. K\%^^\^ 3\>cj:vii),-tJe,-i)eACA, s. f. abilifj ji, Aj3 — g. Matt. xxv. 15. 1 Fet. iv. LI 11. also, sufficienc y, /i^^- ^cvv^eAÓ,-^i5e, adj. sufficient, 2 Cor. ii. 16. able, well-fur- nished, potent. UcUjbe, ind. adj. soft, smooth, ft^ generous. UclA|5,-lv5<\b, v.a. soften, smooth down, tame, civilize. ^clA^geACbj-bA, s. f. mildness, softness, civilization. ^Vcti)Y^í),-Tje, s. f. power, plenty, riches. ¥\%^ &crbv]f)eAC,-t>i5e, adj. plentiful, copious, powerful, puissant. &cn)V]ji,-]te, adj. ready, speedy, short; Dunl. Ucn)vjfieAcb,-bA, s. f. readiness, speed, abridgment. '&crr>vrAtv&|T), pi. id. s. m.re- p( j . proof , rebuke, Gen. xx. 16. ,*f Matt. xvi. 22. reproach, cen- *%£* sure. UcrbvfívnACj-Ajge, adj. censur- able, reproachful. UcrbvfAOAióe, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a censor, a reprover. ^c-fiA, g. id. pi. -A]be, s. m. an acre, 1 Sam. xiv. 14. Lat. Ager, Gr. Ayg-og. This word is still found in eighteen or twenty languages. 2XcfiAi),-Aii), pi. id. s. m. a knot,^^ a quarrel, e iitanglement. UcfiAÚAific,-ce, p]. _c«, &, -ceACA, s. f. a bolster, 1 Sam. xxvi. 7. a pillow. ** U6aI,-aiI, pi. id. &, -aIa, s. m. a flesh-hook, 1 Sam. ii. 14 — pi. Ex. xxxviii. 3. Num. iv. 14. ?VÓAlc&n,-AiT), pi. id. s. m. a dull 1 t * stupid fellow,abothered person. &ÓAlcftAÍJAC,-íjvi5, pi. id. s.m. an adulterer, Lev. xx. 10. — Job xxiv. 15. — Jer. ix., 2. (}^r UoAlcftAi)AC,-Ai5e, adj. adulter- joys, Matt. xii. 39. " " "UÓAlc|tAí)Ar,-AT|*, pi. id. s. m. adultery, Ex. xx. 14. — Matt. v. 32.— Jer. xiii. 27. 3VóATt),-Airb, s. m. Adam, 1 Cor. xv. 45. — Gen. ii. 19. UóAii)v|l,-ri)lA, adj. lucky, fortu- nate, prosperous. 2\bATDAfi, conj. therefore, Gen. xxix. 32. 3\bArr)Ar)c,-A]i)r, s. m. adamant, Ezek. iii. 9. UÓA17, see OitéAi). * 4 ^ÓArjrA, ind. p. p. kindled, ex- asperated; see ^íóaih. SVóAflC, g. AÓAjjlCe, pi. AÓAflCA, J^> g- s. f. a horn, a_cornet, 1 Sam. fUZ-""^ xvi. 1. — pi. Rev.luii. 1. The genitive is spelled &ifice, in 1 Chron. xxv. 5. ^6A|tcAC,-A)je, adj. homed, horny. UÓAftCAti)Y]l,-rbl4, adj. horny, full of horns. * UóAticÓ5,-5|5e,-ó5A, s. f. a cor- nicle, a little horn. ^oajic, see ^iÓAfjic. ^óa^ca, ind. p. p. worshipped ; see ^ÍDAifi. U8Ar,-A]r, s. m. good luck, pros- perity. 3X.ÓArcA[t, see ^ígArcoft. ^ÓBa, g. id. pi. id. &, AÓ0AÓA, s. m. Ps. xcii. 3. see ^lóbA^. UóOAÓ, g. id. pi. AÓDA, &, AÓbaÓA, j^^ jb* s. m. an instrument (particu- ** larly, of music,) a viol, Ps. xxxiii. 2. — Am. vi. 5. — 1 Kings x. 12. Am, vi. 5. also, a house, (Cl^g a fortress. ^Ób^Ácb^A, pi. id. s. f. joking, f*4*rff*' hilarity, humorous irony, mer- ry-making. ^/^1 '&óOAc&AÓj-Aige, adj. jesting, r joyous, jocund, jolly. *. ^óbAl,-Aile, adj. great, mighty, iQjL^ Ps. civ. 25. & cvi. 8. vast, *"if awful, huge, terrible* AC^-^jfiL. ílÓDAlrbórt, adj. no ^omp. very great, Gen. 1. 10. UoDAlcjaocAifieAC, adj. no comp. ^ most merciful ; C. P. > S.óbAti,-A]|i, pi. id. s. m. a cause, /+-/'"/$ John xiv. 22. Acts x. 21. reason^ a material which may ~ be changed into any other form, " ?Í8bAfi ollorbAu, an intended Ollamh ;" " ^ióbAfi ^175, an heir apparent" UóbAtiAC,-Ai5e 5 adj. happy, lucky, ' fortunate- O-AjI^ 10 i^L Ufa* j. § 1 ^ J* . « .»»*■ •-»*. UDN U5U 3- i i r 3VbbocóibeAcb,-bA, pi. id. s. f. see 3Vbc6|beAcb. ?VópvActi)A]i,-A]|te, adj. abomina- ble, Lev. xi. 10. — Job. xv. 16. odious, detestable; fr. a&, in- fens. & p-ac. 2Vb£YAciijY"jTieAcb,-bA ? pi. id. s. f. abomination, Lev. xi. 13. .3VóÍACAb,- lvTCÉe T &, -Ivjce, s. m. burial, Eccl. vi. 3. Is. xiv. ÍJ0. — Gen. xxiii. 4. John xii. 7. interment ; TeAfi Aólvjcce, a burier ; — pi. Lrcb Ablv]cce, burier s, Ezek. xxxix. 15. 2lbl<\c a0 \j. prosperous, lucky ; ^íójbA|tAc,-Ai5e, id. 3Vbrbolj-Uó, v.a. magnify, praise, — inf. Acts x. 46. & xvi. 25. tftter ; fr. a8, intens. & mol. rbolAt>,-lcA, pi. id . s. m. grea t praise, excessive jla ttery ; C.P. Ubrbv]5,-m^]l, v.a. acknowledge, Prov. iii. 6 Eph. i. 17. UótAiiae, g. id. s. m. & f. shame, confusion, 2 Thess. iii. 14. — I Cor. i. 27. great modesty ; fr. Ab, intens. & t}A]fie. Ubo»inf. A50AS, v.a. — inf. Prov. xxvi. 21. see ^íbAio. lM^ U5At|t,inf. at^aó, &, As^i^ríCa. /£^4 reprove, stain ; see Job. ii. 5. &. .-t- / John xvi. 8. plead, challenge, < • beseech , claim , revenge ; OG. 5^ ^•5AllArb,-Uii?A, s. m. d iscou rse, dialogue, conversation. ^Art), cpd. pron. (fr. A5 mé,) uk/A w A^ne, pi. id. s. m. a pan, a pot ; see OijeAi). UJajica, hid. adj. deaf, bothered, idiotic. U^AjiCACj-Aige, adj. inclined to plead, quarrelsome, revengeful. 1 r U]C & J f Ugcxi'cofi^ojit, pi. id. s, m. a halter. SIgmAfi, see ^Córb^rt. ^5fiAl5ceó]]t,-ófiw, £js yowr possession, Is. xxx. 29. Luke xii. 33. ^5Yji), cpd. pron. (fr. a 5 ]fj,) with as, in our possession, Matt. iii. 9. ^5 v irí^ ? g- id. pi. -i)|Se, s. m. « small addition, an appendix to a book ; dim. of U^y\>. ^vp, conj. and ; as an obs. s. it signifies, an addition. 3\.;beTf 5 -|*e,-re<\c 3V|bleÓ5,-ó|5e,-Ó5A,s.f.rt red coal, a spark ; also, a snow flake. U|b|teíxj),- v - a. ?5. in. /%■ ^ Ki^cL^^f^^ 4 it y /f U J I u j c pd. pron. (fr. A3 ft-,) ?^7/* him, in his possession, Matt. xxvii. 18. ^15eAT)CAc,-cAige, adj. spirited, magnanimous, cheerful. ^15e- y ir5 s. m. id. &15e<\t), Job xxviii. 14. see ^ U 15 evt). ^i]5evr),-étt), pi. id. s. ra. the depth, the deep, the sea, Ps. xvm. 15. — Gen. i. 2. Job xxxviii. 16. — Ex. xv. 5. the ocean ; Lat. Ocean-us ; Gr. 'ilKsav-og ; ^J^éHVPe, f. is often used in the spoken language. '^4 Ij 5 ^ 6 ' } g. id. s.f. see a, 5 oe A 6. ^-ISoeAbj-Djb, s. ra. tit7/, 1 Cor. xv^ 12. mind, inclination, in~ tention.J'^VM^ft'ptMW Q]5veiw 9 -*\Vj s.m. zVy ; UigoeAr) c<\lrbv|n, ground ivy. ^!5i)e<\|* ceiocttevn, obstinate arguing ; Dunl. see ^óoior. ^'50l6,-i)eAb, v. a. mean, Gen. 1. 20. intend. 14. see tlfónit*. U|5ce, g. sing. & nom. pi. , of Ujj^ó, q. v. %i]\]t]ie, a pilgrim, Mac F. see §\\]t\\Q ; com. the obs. s. a]U, a journey, the obs. v. a^U, ilt cowe, & the Gaulish, Aller. ?t|ll,-Ue, s. f. ?#///, pleasure; Matt. i. 19. cr 5$A Ailleac, z/ ^ 1^7 you please ;"" properly ^l. ?l|U,-U.e, s.f. a steep place, a rock, Matt, vuv.32. Lukevii. 33.— ~i*i A Job xxxix. 28. a steep bank washed by water, a rock, a cliff- r Hfh ^V]lle ? g. id. s. f. beauty, come-fá^ liness, dignity; see ?My|t); t*~1 2VjleAcb,-b<\, s. f. id. "&]\\e&T > !\r),-&'\x), pi. id. s. m. a toy, gewgaw, foolish frippery; O'G. 3X]lleAt),-ivio, pi. id. s. m. a pet, a darling, a beau, a minion. ^MIj5j-1 v 5a6, v. a. beautify, adorn, set off. U]ll]r,-llre,4lre<\cAj s. f. a can- cer, an abscess. ^jUfe, g. id. pi. -eftCA, s. f. a ' fairy, any diminutive creature; 1105 'ha cv;" M'N. ^iln7,-me, s.f. £/?e /?a/;w tree, (the Jig tree, Q'H.^J the name of the first letter of the modern Irish Alphabet. 3X]lp,-pe, pi. -peACA, &, alpa, s. f. a protuberance, a huge lump, a high mountain; ?Up,-pA, pi. id. s. f. id. Com. the Alps in Italy. U]rr), a negative prefix, see Urb. ^rt}6eo|n, s. f. relu ctance * un- ' L/nl. willingness : used adverbially, * ^VÁjjr^b eo^, unwilli ngly, re- L^_\ hictantlyl JUuni. — A ^ Ujii)óeor)AÓ,-T)Ai5e, adj. reluct ant, unwilling. ?V|rt)^eQil,-6lA, s. f. ?'rtw meat, proud or inflamed flesh ; fr. Arb, /'tf^, & peo^l, q. v. UjiTjjlic-ce, adj. unwise, foolish. ^|TT)5liocAr,-Atfj s.m. foolishness, 1 Cor. i. 10. unskilf ulness. &irt)|b,-be, pi. -bj, or -beACA,s. f . UflJSL. a /oolishj^onum ; Urr^b, id. ' r ?V|rbreAf,-|*A, s. m. harm, injury, -*** £wr/, misfortune,— g. 1 Cor. £, xi. 17. ^ i ti]rr)teA|Ac,-A^5e, adj. unfortu- nate, imprudent' *V|ii?le„\r5,4 e ir5°> adj. slothful, ^ indolent, Prov. xii. 27. -'* TV & J M ^X|rt)DeA|tc,-r)e^tc, s. m. violence, Acts xxvii. 41. great force, pt Q]mv£]&,-be, adj. unready, con- ^ fused, entangled. ^jrbfiéióe, g. id. pi. id. s. f. strife, Judg. xii. 2. disturbance, con- fusion ; in the pi. it generally signifies, defiles, fastnesses or narrow passes. ^ ?V|rbfié]ceAÓ,-ci5,-c]5e, s. m. di- vision, 1 Cor. iii. 3. disagree- ment. ^rtíjtéiceAÓj-c^e, adj. divided, quarrelsome , litigious. ^f rbjtéiceAcb,-bA, pi-. "id. s. f. dis- agreement, disturbance' Ujrt?rqA5,-bA, pi. id. s. m. dis- guise, 1 Sam. xxviii. 8. con- cealment, ambush. ^.]rbfi>ocb<\c,-AT5e 5 adj. assuming a false figure. ^^ ?V]tt)|iicr,-fi-|f , s.m. error, mistake. lyjl ^1"?n3>"J22£. & > v « a - oimjit, en- £ counter. ^ l W^ ♦T^imrmrrme, pi. -noiiAj-reATiA, o *) &, -reAfiACA, s. f. time, wea- ^v */*é?r, season, Gen. xlvii. 29. »*/■£■ Dan. ii. 8.— Matt. ii. 16. Eph. v. 16. — Dan. iv. 16. Luke xxi. 24. 2 Tim. iii. 1. &irono|t, id- K:C£&]rnriofióA,' ind. adj. temporal, worldly. K-f ^> /Cjl^ rr )V] y "5^rV]^Á, pi- id. s. m.jrm ^t^ taimitig at, an encountering. 'Up, used sometimes as a nega- tive, sometimes as an intensi- tive prefix ; see 2Vo, ^.]nbevrAG,-Ai5e, adj. illbred, unmannerly. .Umbfior^ir, & -Fe*r2- U J N U|i)bpiorAc } -A^5,-A|5e, s. m. a foolish man, — g. Pro v. xv. 7. an ignorant person. &|r)bi:iorAC,-<\|5e, adj. ignorant, Rom. x. 3. 1 John ii. 21. U^i)b|ieAfAc,-Ai5e, id. 1 Cor. xiv. 38. foolish. ♦ * ^]\)hp]ox^V,-^]V,ipl.\á.s.m. an ig- norant or foolish person ; Dunl. ^■jobftéAg, adj. no comp. very handsome, very fine. ■ *$ U]obrtev3,-é!5e,-ev5A, s. f. a ^ \ great lie, an hyperbole. U|r?bftev5AC, adj. no comp. ex- ceedingly addicted to lying, very false. U|oceAP5Al,-Ail, pi. id. s. m. a "f* strict tie, bond or chain, a strict obligation, a tight knot or fastening. „ ~\/ ! ^|oó]ocft&c, adj. no comp. very * greedy, too greedy ; Dunl. ^incfiíopA, ind. adj. very wise, * . i very prudent, most sagacious. U|r)cftjot)ACb,-bA, s. f. superior wisdom or prudence. Ujnc{te|beArb 5 -klri), s.m. unbelief, infidelity ; fr. Ajr>, & cfiejbgri?. Ujt)ctteibTt)eAC,-ri)|5e, adj. unbe- /C&3z. lieving, infidel. - *^A ^ilOcitiorbArbvil^U, adj. un — ^5fí?5. christian, anlichristian. UincrMorbAmUcbj-bA, pi. id. s.f. unchristian feeling. UfncTiiorbv^e, g. id. pi. -^e, s. m. an anlichristian, an in- fidel ; Mul. U ]T )beire, g- id. pi. -ri, s.lafflic- (<1 ^ //ot^ adversity, calami ty, 2 * /2- ""Kings xiv. 26. — Job. Itxxvi. //"3m> pi. id. s. m.full scope, unrestrained license ; R.S. also, a good start, (as of a. greyhound, fyc.) U]t)tt), g. AtntJA, pi. At>ti?<\rJA, s.m.^i^ a name, Heb. i. 4. — Rev. xiii. HJ^Gen. ii. 20. Matt. x. 2. Lat. Nomen. Gr. "Oki/j-b. ^]T)rT)clA|v&ifi,pl.id.&-AfiA, s.m. a catalogue. ^|i)n7ueATrju|l,-rr)U, adj. famous, renowned; see Numb. xvi. 2. 'So l)-Atr)rnDeArT)U]l, adv. by name; Ex. xxxv. 30. \^,% U|r)iT)eArA|iDA, ind. adj. iruenfye- rate, i mmoderate , vast, huge . ^jorbeArAjtÓAcbj-bA, s. f. intern perance, excess, immoderate ness. *. U^rjrbeir^eACj-oi^e, s.f. high cou- rage, bold daring. yK]\)ú)e]vv)e&ú)K\\\, adj. no comp. exceedingly courageous, very daring. U|nrt7iAi},-t)A, pi. id. s.m. or f. fa\l lust, appetite, co ncupiscence, n J Numb. xi. 4. TTccT vl 77 ^ 7 Col. iii. 5 pi. 2 Tim. ii. 22. see 2t)jAi). The pi. Ajt)rft|Ai)ca is also used. Dunl. &jnrbiAi)Ac,-A|5e, adj. lustful, 1 - &// r C Ihess. lv. o. sensual. f] ^\\)\\)\oq, g. id. pi. id. -rbjjKe, & U,\ -H)]i)ci5e, s. m. a beást7~TÍG\. j t 1 xiii. 11. & 12.— Rev. xui. 3 & 15.— Is. lvi. 9. Gen. vii. 21.& . xiv. 17. a brute, an o?ihn^L./ i f^jJ 7Í aj n a j n XL ^VjnrbióeAc^óiJe, adj. beastly. brutal. 2V|r)rb|beAcb,-b,-i)e, s. f. <2 grectf circle, the year ; Lat. Ann-us, a year ; see bl|^5<\io. U|oe, g. id. pi. -i3|óe, s. f. a small circle, a ring-, dim. of ?i'|i) ; see pAifje. ?V|i)t>eApctr>Aia, adj. no comp. too strong, Ps. xxxv. 10. exceed- ingly strong. UlT) (r e, g. id. pi. -x'h s - f - decay, Lev. xxv. 35. see U|t>beire. 3Vjr)}t-|AcbAt)AtV A irí pi* *d. s - m - extreme danger; C.P. greotf misery. Q]V\i]&ct)&t)&c, adj. no comp. ex- tremely poor, very miserable. ^-^j^1i)lt|oc&,-?>A, pi. id. s. m. avery pitiful state or condition. ?V|T)ff>]OjtAib,-A^&e,-A]bióe, s. f. an evil spirit. mighty, Acts ii. 2. very ungo- vernable. Ujft, a def. v. perf. tense, said, Gen. xli. 51. quoth; see Ujt. 3Vjfi, prep, on, upon, among, at, for; Passim. Í-|te ?we- n?Ar)AC. &]jib5eo|iVT)e, s. f. the full cry of the hounds, a loud noise, the howling of a tempest. a j n 10 &||t&lfjtii),-rje } -i)eACA, s i.aproud ^ thought, high-mindedness, pride. ?Vjiib|9r]ijeAC,-ni5e, adj. high- minded, Rom. xi. 20. haughty ', proud. ^Vi(tbrbeAf,-t*i)A, pi. id. s. m.high repute, high estee?n, high thoughts. 2V|fibrbi,-iue, pl.-rngiJA, & vern. -M)e, ^ q.v. &|fibfiéfrr>eAc,-n)|5e,adj. bearing proud sway, stately, sublime, magnificent. ^Ift&ft^5lui5ce6|t%,-6nU, adj. sw- premely ruling, princely. viiltbfcivfiA&j-ttA^gce, pi. id- s. m. chief government ; C.P. ?i^ibf qv|iAi5ceó|ti, -óftA,-ói|tibe, s.m. a cAic/" governor, a chief director, a head steersman. <ibct3eA{tt)A, g. id. pi. -i)Ape, s. m. a supreme Lord i-o & j n ■ i/ ;^U|fie, g. id. s. f. /?eed, watch, at- ' if Jentign, DeutT iv. 15.— Luke xx. 20. Acts xvi. 14. _ca££- / U Qwe&ti'WSC) a °\j- «oftc/'j Tit. ii. rL\y^, 2. careful, attentive, watchful; \ TeAji AiiteAÓ, íi watclimari, a caretaker. ^V|fteAri) ) -|t|TÍ) J & -|t^5ce,pl.id.s.m. a reckoning, a number, 1 Chron. v. 1. Cant. vi. 8. a telling, a counting ; i^fijorT), icT 2llfieArbAc,-Ai3,-^l5 e > s « m - a n ac ~ countant, a numerator. &!|ieArbACb,-b m &- part. adj. certain^ particular^ Luke xv. 1 lT^fi-\ «X- . P e : id. ^tjtlgce, ind. part. adj. Matt.J^jra xxi. 33. see íliitjge. 2^t ^ Uifti5ce6|[i r 6|iA r 6|tt1b'e,s.m. i/w observer, a calculator. ?V^ieACAf,-cAirj s. m. attention, I &||tle, g. id. pi. -caca, s.f. a foaw, care, watchfulness. U]iieACbc\il,-ivlA, pi. id. s. f. feel- ing, perception. a borrowing. ?V||ileAcc<\ó,-A^e, adj. willing to lend, Ps. cxii. 5. y -^ &- rti 41 \4 t ^- e <* 6f^ 4 \ &J s 11 U J s ftltile j v.a. te>2~ A li? pl» id- s - m - an article; C.P. 2V|f% an obs. s. backwards ; used in adverbial phrases, Q]\\ &]x> Uijt <\ i)-Atr, &c Matt. ii. 13. and passim., always governed ) by the prep. U|ji. 3Vjrci&, Gen. xxix. 15. see ^ir513 e ^ci),»bA, s.f sport, diver- sion, pastime. Ex. xl. 38. spelled ^3 4 n IT XVlll also 3YirteAfi. ^Xffb|t]U5A6,-]5ce, pi. id. s.m. a journeying, removing, trans- lation. ^]re<\3.-5CA, pi. id. s. m. restitu- li\2z- Jion^ Job xx. 18. — Acts nClM. / see Ujrioc. U]|*eAlb,-bj g-id. s.f. aJ^ree^ift^Kom. ^C^^f»- iii 24. 1 Cor.ix. 18. 2 Thess. * : iii. 8. U V-&W5]*), freely, with- out charge^ for nought. fCi^^\ v -a- restore , re- ^iri5rre^5f l/^ 2 Kings Ujhoc, inf. id. ( viii.6, — Markx. J 51. Acts i. 6. ^ino «fe-reAs^pi. jiop. ^irceó|ft,-6[i<\,-ó|ji|óe, s. m. a jester, a buffoon, a cheat; see 3Vjrceó|fteAc&,-&<\, s.f. buffoonery, comical tricks. a J c 12 U J C ^ircii]5)-1u3Aó, v, n. journey, change residence. Gen. xii. 9. — Gen. xi. 2. — v. a. remove, translate. ?i]c,-ce, pi. id. s. f. a place, Matt. xiv. 15. — Gen. xxxviii. 11. Matt. xiv. 35. — 2 Kings xxiii. 13, & 14. K'iJP &jc,-ce, adj. joyful, cheerful, f pleasant ; also, arch, cunning, I *f$ RJiavish. ?Vjc, a reiterative and sometimes , a negative prefix ; see Qi. íiic,-éce, pLid. s.f. a kiln, Nab. iii. 14. — 2 Sam. xii. 31. com. f Gr.^A/d-». ^"1 'iV&lcbe&fi, Gen. xliii. 9. see Ujc- /£ 3 <^r^)tbe 05 a6,-5uió, s. m. a reviving, f ^-/ ,^" Ezra ix. 8 & 9. a restoration ^/ . ^j' 2V|cbeoóui5,-u3AÓ, v. a!" 7 revive, make alive, Hab. iii. 2. — Is. ^^. /# lvii. 15. 1 Cor. xv. 22. restore "~ JrJíéj. ^t^p, !fo, JjL^l^Wí-^il^pl. id - s - m - reproof, /^ Cf blame, Job xxii. 4. - * ^icO|ojtAc,-Ai5e, adj. rebuking, Hos. v. 2. reproaching. 2l]cb|ofiAC,-Ai5,-A]5e, s.m. a re- prover, Prov. xxv. 12. 2í]cbjo|tu]5,-u5AÓ, v. a. reprove, Prov. ix. 8. reproach, blame. K 2/^7 ^1^1 IV ! ! 1 ? v - a - punish, visit ' *" ^ Wi/i punishment, — inf. Numb. 1 xiv. 18. reprove. ?V|CÓé<\n,-i)<\ó, v. a. repair, — inf. 2 Kings xxii. 6. make aneio, reiterate. 3\.|cóefrbt)i5,-iu5AÓ, v. a. re-as- sure, re-assert. UjceAÓ,-c]5,-úf5e, s. m. a giant, Job xvi. 14. — 2 Sam. xxi. 16. — Gen. vi. 4. Deut. ii. 20. a soldier, a strong man. 3\.fceAi},-r|i)e, s. f. furze, iv/iin or gorsc : Ulex Europaeus. ^]úeAt?cvr,-v^r, s. m. acquaint- ance, 2 Kings xii. 5. — Ps. xxxi. 11. ^]ceAt|iAC,-A]3,-Ai5e, s. m. a change, Gen. xiv. 22. 1 Cor. xv. 51. a different thing. SWati C~ m ' Pl Íd - S ' m ' Gen ' ^ 3 ^ ^IcpeAti, 1 xxxi 42 p s cv H 7 ^]i^e^\\i,-^]o\\i^,aiáj. short, brief, Rom. ix. 28, & xiii. 9. instan- taneous. UjC5eAn>Éó|ti,-ófiA,-6f|-iióe, s. m. an abbreviator, a curtailer. ^X]i^e\\)eíKÚ)n]X),-ú)x)^, s. i. regene- ration, Matt. xix. 28. — Tit. iii. 5. ^irgeince, ind. part. adj. regene- rate ; C.P. begotten again. ^•1c5ir),-3 e ineAii)ui»), v. a. beget, Jas. i. 18. 1 Pet. i. 3. &fC3!Oftia, g. id. pi.-A]6e,&-ACA, s. f. a short cut, an abridge- y ment. ^1ci3,-|u3a6, v. n. divelL — inf. W*)! EzravTrT^. — v. a. ihluwit, set- tle, place ; also, prove ; U5 , &]qu5<\t>, proving. Uici3ceóf]i,-6pA,-o||tjóe, s. m. a K2>i dweller, an inhabitant. U]C]i),-cne, «Si -ci)|(i3<\8, v. a. com- fí^lí maná\ Tcnow. bid, Lev. vi. 9. . . £ Matt. lv. 3.— Acts i. 7, & xxii. '^ J 14. ^Vicjije, g. id. pi. -i)eAÓo, & -1)13, s. f. a firebrand, Judg. xv. 4. — pi. Judg. xv. 5. Prov. xxvi. 18. a live coal, a spark. &fciofvir> s m - pleasantry, drol- lenj. [< 2? -% 3\.jqr,-re<\0, v. a. reproach, — int. 2 Kings xix. 4. rebuke, blame, abuse; ^icip5,-|u3 &-reACA, s. f. an */y affront, a reproach, a rebuke, shame, confusion, blasphemy, j 1 -vi-e^iicgivMY *VJ t 13 ?IU pi &jcireAÓ,-n5e, adj. abusive, shameful, blasphemous. 2liqu5, v. n. dwell, Gen. xiv. 13. — Ps. cxiii. 9. Job xxx. 6. ^J£1H5^? ?• id. s. f. repentance, Matt. iii. 2.— Matt. iii. 11. Mark i. 4. K| \% , \u^^Jái- Ujcfti^eAC, adj. C.P. see U|c- TteAC. ^ fi U]C|in», inf. id. v. a. declare, tell, repeat, rehearse - CTPT ^]i\i]y,-ye, s. f. imitati on, Gal ii. 14. a story, a relation. &lÉfiireAC,-n5,-n5 e > s - m - a tale- bearer, Prov. xi. 13. a story- teller, a narrator, U{cr5eAi(tAC r |tui7;e,-ji<\CA 5 s. f. a vomit, — g. 2 Pet. ii. 22. Q]tyc\iiob,-h&ó, v. a. transcribe, write over again; see Scjtfob. ?V|érc|tíobA&5|jvó|i'VÓ|íMÓejS.m. a transcriber. Ujcfjoc&iiv&r)A, s - f- reconcilia- tion, — g. Lev. viii. 15. ?V|cf jceAc,-c]5e } adj. reconciled; i C.P. reconciling. &l, g. fcjl, pi. id. s. m. « orood, í^e /?Yier or young of any ani- mal ; "Ub-^los." UIa, g. id. pi. AÍA^óe, s. f. a UUón<\c,-Ai5e, adj. crafty, tricky, comical. UlbA,-b<\r>, s. f. Scotland. UlbA, in former times ; D. Mac. F. 2Ulbuf verbially ; 3Vj2-Allób, of old, in_. />a §- T tjmesj^ast, Rom. xi. 30. Gal. *""?_- i. 13. Ullub, id. see 1 Chron. u *)Áí iv. 40. com. Lat. Allod-ium. // #/. UUce, s. m. a glutton, a greedy or avaricious person. Ulc, g. a^Ic, pi. id. s. m. a joint, — pi. Cant. vii. 1. a part, a chapter, an article, division. Ulc6j(i,-6iaA, pi. id. & -ópacA, s. f. analtar, Gen.viii.20. — Numb. vnT84.— Ex. xxxiv. 13. Rom. xi. 3. Ulc]t fosterag e. Ultfiort), inf. id. v. a. cherish, nurse, — inf. 1 Thess. ii. 7. foster. 2tl J cu5AÓ,-ui5, &, -1115c?, pi. id. s. m. r/ giving of thanks, — g. Neh. xii. 8. Ulcu]5,-u5Ab, v. a. give thanks , and praise, salute. Ulujn, comp. i^lne, or, ^ilie, /vf-f^ adj. handsome, fair, lovely. ^ ^ITJ, g. id. &, A1DA, pi. A(Í)AÍ)A, / s. m. time, Numb. ix. 7. Luke ' xxii. 14. — 1 Sam. iv. 20. ?lrb, a negative prefix. 3Vrtx, comp. Ajrbe, adj. raw, Ex. xii. 9. 1 Sam. ii. 15. 2lmA,g. id.pl. -Aibe,s.f. thehames of a horse collar ; scarcely used in the sing. Gt," A/ifia, a band. ^Vidag, adv. to without, outjrf ;PÍT%^ always connected with a verb of motion, as is Umu|c with a verbof rest; "Cu<\i6re am^ac," he went out. Uroac, interj. out, away, begone ! ^VroAc l^b ! away with you. Urt?Ab& 0,-^10, pi. id. s. m -Jlfool,^n £ a simpleton, 1 Cor. iiiTUT^- ■ Prov. xiv. 3. — 1 Cor. iv. 10. 3Vrt7Ab&nAC,-Ai5e, adj. foolish, simple,* Eccl. iv. 13. ^iDAb'&nACbj-bA, s.f. foolishness, folly, simplicity, 1 Sam. xxvi. 21. 1 Cor. i. 18. — Prov. xxvi. 4. Eccl. vii. 25. 3Vn?Ab&r)CA, ind. adj. foolish, ab- surd, Deut. xxxii. 21. Job v. 2. SVróail, adv. like, Gen. xiii. I0.j\il r ^ Matt. xxv. 14. Gr. "Oftak-os. J Lat. Simil-is. . . Urb&m, adv. save, only, alone, /c|<7 1 Cor. ii. 2, & Passim. ^ti)Ai|ic,-A|ic, v. a. see, behold, Job xxviii. 28, & xxxv. 5. — Hab. i. 13. UtT)Alcur,-uir, pi. id. s.m. sorrow, grief, vexation ; O'G. Uii)v\T), s.f. a river; Lat. Amn-is; see Ub<\i). Urr)A|iAC, adv. to-morrow, Ex. viii. 10. Matt. vi. 30. see [ &2I3U 15 UrbAjtA3,-Af5, s. m. mustard. UmAtiAICj-ce, s. f, scurvy grass ; ^ Cochlearia ; vern.tyoUjttfiAiSe. ClX^n)A|tc r Ai]tc, s.m.visioji, siight. ' -3Ufn<\nur,-ujr, s. m. Job xii. 2. 1 [in see Urbnur. UrbATiuraCj-^ge, adj. see Qm- %,:>■ UrnAr,-ar& f «s a dog. J ^ UmeAfS, prep, among, amidst, Passim. It governs the genit. and is compounded of the prep. a, & obs. s. tt>eAr5. l^£Urt)5, v.a. íow, Ps.iii. 7. protect* purify ; see Ps. vii. 2. 3Ví)A.jce, cpd. adv. close to, near to ; fr. £//ee, Matt. xi. 21. see Matt, xxiii. 13. & 29. fr. bocb, adj. no comp. exceed- ingly poor, very poor. ^obonbj adj. no comp. extreme- ly fierce, very furious. Ut)bfiu]c, g. id. s. m. broth, Judg. vi. 19. & 20. see Is. lxv. 4. Ut>buA]t},-rje, s.f. distress , agony, -\Oi Gen. xxxii. 7. Luke xxii. 44. m\ dismai/, anxiety, anguish. U$)uÁ7neAC r r)i5e, adj. dismayed, I Chron. xxviii. 20. anxious, agonised; fr. ad, neg. & buar). 3Xr)bu|fibe, g. id. s f. rage, Ps. vii. 6. great fierceness or fury. 3Xr)c&|r)eAÓ,-T)i5ce, s.m. blasphe- my, slander, reviling ; Dunl. ?Vr)CAii)c,-ce,-ceACA, s.f. railing, a reviling, 1 Tim. vi. 4. — 1 Pet. ii. 23. fr. at), intens. &, cajt)c. UocAifie, g. id. pi. -]tt;t>e 5 s.m. an y\l anchor, Heb. vi. 19. see Acts xxvii. 29 & 30. Lat. Anchora, Gr. Ay%voa. 3\.i}CAjc,-ceArT), v.a. devour tho-y roughly, Gen. xxxi. 15. spends riotously, squander. ^OCAtteArb,-ciT)e, & -cte, pi. id.Ko s.m. riotous living, squander- ing, extravagance ; R.S. ^ncAicrbeAc, adj. no comp. ex- ceedingly extravagant, very prodigal, extremely voracious. UhcIaot), adj. no comp. most particularly addicted to; Dunl. Uucofqi), adj. no comp. most common, very usual ; Dunl. UnctutAjVAir, s.m. illiberality, extreme hardness. Ut)cujt)accac, adj. no comp. all powerful, very predominant ; Dunl. UtfcvftArDAC, a dj. no comp. ex^ ceedingly solicitous, over anx- ious ; Dunl. UnbAtJA, ind. adj. presumptuous, 2 Pet. ii. 10. self-willed, very bold. ob#n &N ] 17 IV N C ?V0b&i)Acb,-bA, s. f. /*/ff/i /?r*- sumption, great boldness. ?V-D&|A13, cpd. prep. (fr. ah, &, *>?A13,) «A^Tj 1 Sam. xv. 31. Luke xxiii. 26. Unboccufvujr, s. m. high pre- sumption, high hope ; O'G. ^nbóccupAC, adj. no comp. pre- sumptuous, Numb. xv. 30. ?Vi}bfiobUr,-Aif, pi. id. s. m. ex- cessive squandering, ^t>&ftobU|*Ac,-Ai5e, adj. addicted to excessive squandering. ?Vi)bu<\]iCAT,-A|f, pl.id.s.m. great sorrow, discontent, disagree- ahleness. 3Vnbv|l,-le, s.f. inordinate desire, great covetousness. ?Vi)bufpe, g. id. pi. -baojne, s.m. « wicked man, Ps. xxxvih 12. 3Yr)é, adv. yesterday, Ex. v. 14. properly, Uobe. 'j-^J^F*» g- id. s. m. a storm ^ Job xxi. 18. Ur)£*ó, g. id. sTm. P tempest, Job ix. 17. cfrjqóe, « horrible tempest, Ps. xi. 6. literally, a tempest of lightning. ~y ^i)p<\bAc,- ^6&ingjryrnmny, intense unmer- ^jV cífulness; O'G. K^, ^^i)5Aft, adv. wear, nigh, Ps. xxxii. 9. see 5jjt&bAc, adj. no comp. most doatingly fond, very loving Unjor, adv. from below, up. &ojú, adv. to-day, Luke xxiii. 43. (fr. 6ji, adj. no comp. exceedingly great, very immense. In fact the adjectives compounded with the prefix ao, intensitive, are superlative absolute forms of their simples, when the simple form has not become obsolete. Ur)rT)ófi&t),-&if), s. m. a great deal, an immensity ; Dunl. Qr), prep. in. Lat. In ; Gr. "Ev. Ui), adv. there, therein. Qr), cpd. pron. in him, in it. Ui)d]cce, Lev. xii. 4. g. sing, see UrjórAc,-"Ai5e, adj. unusual. Ui)rA, John xii. 43. irr. comp. of Jonrnuin, q.v. UfjrACb,-bA, s. f. love, affection . Kf^i, Ui)ríP 5 adv.(oftimeorplace,)í/7e;'e, ^ Gen. ii. 8. then; (fr. at), &, rjt).) Ufjro, adv. here, Gen. xix. 12. Upfvb, adv. yonder, Gen Matt, xv ii. 20. in t there. Urjcoil,-coU, pi. id. s 9. see &ncojl. & Ki- Ex. xv- UN C 18 UOJ ^ li% ?VocoUc,-Ai5e, adj. lustful; R.S. 3\.i?ocb, adv. to-night, Luke xii. 20. (i.e. a' t)ocb.) 2li)0|ji, adv. yrom i/te East ; ge- nerally connected with a verb of motion. "&x)o\x, adv. wow?, Gen. ii. 23. Matt. xi. 12. 2Vi)of), adv. over, /o the other side ; the opposite word to ^nall. %\.r)\i*t, g. id. s. m. misfortune, decrease, ill-luck. ^írvfió, g. id. s.m. p ersec ution, mi- sery, distress; ^rjfió, id. see Mark x. 30. also, severe wea- ther. ^VntiójóceAc, -qge, adj . oppressed, Amos iii. 9. 3Vi}f&]Oc,-te, s. f. excessive cove- tousness. 2Vr)r&ir>Uc&,-bA, s. f. incompara- bility; fr. ao> neg. &, rari?Ucb. UofancAc, adj. no comp. ex- ceedingly covetous or greedy. 2Vi)r5dific,-te,-teACA, s -f- a pier- cing shriek, a loud outcry. 3Vnr5v * w #^y heavy, very grievous, most intolerable. Ui)cttomuj3,-u5<\6, v. a. overload, oppress much. s 3Vijcuf5f e, g. id. s. f. indiscretion, want of understanding; fr. at), neg. & cui5re ; Dunl. HrniAbAivbA|ji, s. m. excessive pride. Ur)u*ib|te<\c, adj. no comp. ex- ceedingly proud, very haughty. UpuA^rle, g. id. s. m. loio birth, baseness; fr. ad, neg. &, uajrle. ^t)uAt xvii. 40.— Gen. xlvi. 32. Jer/l^J x. 21. Luke ii. 8. ^Co5<\]]te, id. ^ ^ fr. aoó, rt sheep, & <\ijte. •&có<\||ieAGb.>-bA, s. f. a tending of sheep, herding. UobbA, ind. adj. beautiful; R.S./t^ 3U>ójiAó,-A]b, s.m. a satirising, a lampooning. Uo|bii),-rje, &, -bt)e, adj. jo/gq- 10. awtf, Ps. cvi. 24. deUghtfid, O /<:i Xojr)^eAc&, see itrx\o^ofe5eir),-r)e, s.f. i/tc only begot- ten, John i. 18.^-John iii. 18. é|i)5e]T),-oe, id. John iii. 16. t — John i. 14. Uo]DiDcin,-r)e, s. f. one-minded- , ness, one mind, Rom. xv. 5. ^.o]i)|i)c|oeAC,-D]5e, adj. unani- mous. jjg ?VoipeAÓ, ind. indef. pron. «w?/ 7 , o_we, Job xxxvi. 29. 1 Cor. i. 14. % Uo|r))ó 5 -i;éj;ce, s. m.any^ thing, 7 _g. 2 Cor. ii. lOT^^bTW. ' 2 Cor. ii. 10. UojorpjOfiA&,-Ai&e, si. one spirit, 1 Cor. vi. 17. 3Xo|t)C|5eAr,-5ir, s. m. a living under one roof a dwelling to- gether. !^3Voitvr e , pi- id. s. f. aye^ Luke i. 7.— 1 Kings xiv. 4. Eph. iv. 13. Ú Uo|r-c|uil, musicians, Neh. vii. 73. see ttor. ?Vol, g. aojI, s. m. lime j Am. ii. 1 . — Is. xxxiii. 12. ^oUó,-<\ió, s.m. a whitewashing, a plastering. ?VoUbóifi,-ó(i-Uc^i5e, s.m. a fair, t an assemblage. &ot)<\|i, an obs. s. oneship, i.e. «/owe ; used only in the adver- bial form, 'qa Aonap, Gen. ii. , 18. John vi. 15. &00- Aft ai?, -&!'>> s.m. owe bread, j 1 Cor. x. 17. 6,-&A, s.f. um'ty, Eph. iv. ; 3, &, 13. Uoi;bACAC,-A]5e, adj. of one co- , lour, of the same colour. Uopbunje, g. id. s. m. one man, U\ a ny man* Rom v. 16. — Rom. , v. 15. 6un&\ioe,id. 2 Cor. v. 17 ^on^ojfinvrDe, s. f. uniformity, ?ioT)£ojftrT)]bce, ind. part. adj. uni- j form ; R.S. 3\ot)5tiAó,-5fi&it>, &, -5^a6a, s.m. t same love, Phil. ii. 2. owe /otv?. 'Á0D5ÚCJ-50CA, s.m. one voice, one i accord, — g. see Actsxxiv. 21. ^ot)5ucAC,-Aije, adj. consonous, t of one voice. &OD|^CAn r Aio, pi. id. s. m. a so- litary person, a widower, an orphan. k ^c^plAfO k uos 20 UP b i% m ?Vo»fi&n<\c,-^5e, adj .^solitary, de- solate, Job Hi. 7. &01)flAC&T)<\C, ^ id. -tioDiaat)AÓ,-A^5,-, layers, Hos. ii. 5. ^íor SJt^iÓA, id, Lam. i. 2. ^(or 5aU^ ? 2/icotrj^y,-A]x, ipl.id. s.m. high — pi. t)a A|ib ii. 13 Heb. viii. 1. & xii. 2- see Col. i. 16. &ftbcórb s. m. a high chieftain, a colonel. 2lji.buACb s. m. slaughter, Is. xxxiv. 2. ?V|iwai1,-aIa, pi. id. s. f. armour, a host, Eph. vi. 1 1. — Numb. x. 22. arms, an army. ID Hi ?V|trn&tli J -.fie, pi. id. s. f. check, re- proof, rebuke, Job xx. 8. ^lfan^fite, g. id. s. f. reproof, re- buke, Job. xxvi. 11. Prov. xiii. 1. &xv. 10. ?ifi m &lc a , p p. armed, Lukexi. 2 1 . UfamcA, ind. p.p. armed, Josh. vitf^LÍ 7. 2 Chron. xxviii. 1 4. 2lftir?uj5,-u5AÓ, v. a. arm, Gen. xiv. 14. UfttAcbA, ind. adj. of great sta- felÁ ture, tall, Numb. xiii. 32. Deut. ii. 10. mighty , powerful. Uj|Kxcb<\c,-<\i5e,adj. tall^mighty; see Deut. i. 28. "&flt<\cb<\r,-Air, s. m. dignity, greatness, Gen. xlix. 3. Ps. lxxix. 11. £iflt<\b,-Aib, pi. id. s. m. merchan- \Ci^k dize, Deut. xxi. 14. wares, goods. ^U t^, <7# 4. a^ed, ancient, fVimijgj-ge, 7 antique. Jifir^ó,-^|5 r Ai5e, s. m. a* o/c/ _ ?rc«w, — g. Deut xxviii. 50. 2lfir^ 23 U CU U'r, conj U 3 u r . 3Vr*b, cpd and»; a contraction of pron. out of thee, Gen Matt. v. 29. fr. Ar, &, cu. Ail, pi. id. s. m. «/^ «55, '3 xxii. 3. — Gen. xxm. 5. Matt. xxi. 5. — Gen. xliv. 3. Urarr}, cpd. pron. out of me; fr. Ar, &, rné. ^rum, id. ^r*n l *15> g- id - PJ- ;5 e > s - m - a conjurer, a magician ; Mul. UfAjiUigeAG&j-iDA, s. f. conjura- tion, magic. UrcAll,-A]U, pi. id. s.m. //*, — g. Is. xi. 8. ^rftolAfgeACb, OH. see Urqxo- lu]5e<\cb. &rrAjn, s.m. pi. greaves, 1 Sam. xvii. 6. 3Vrru]b,-be, v.n. set (as the sun,) " ^>5 Arru]6e da 5fié|t)e." ^rc<\ri,-Aift, pi. id. s. m. — g. Is. lvii. 10. see UrbAfi. Qyze&c, adv. into, in, Matt.ii. 11. always used with a verb of motion ; fr. At) ra ceAc. U|*cí5, adv ' within, Gen. xxxix. 11. generally used with a verb substantive, or a verb which denotes rest ; fr. at) rA cfj. ?VrcTiAT)Ac,-Ai5,-Ai5e, s.m. a £ra- veller, a wayfarer. ^rcriolui^eAcb^bAjS.fiC^roZoí/?/, a divining by the stars. &ru]b, cpd. pron. out of you ; fr. Ar &, ]b. UrAjb, id. Ufuin, cpd. pron. out of us ; fr. Ar, &, it). ^rAir), id. Uc, g. a-,c, pi. id. s. m. a rising, a swelling, a puffing up, Lev. xiii. '2. 1 Cor. iv. 18. &, 19. Uc, inf. id. v. n. swell, rise, puff up ; see Numb. v. 27. Uc, sometimes a reiterative, and sometimes a privative prefix. Qi, g. aca, pi. ac at) a, s.m. a ford, Gen. xxxii. 22. — pi. Josh. ii. 7. Judg. iii. 28. Qi, g. j\ca, pi. id. s. m. a kiln ; see ?i]é. ^cac,-a]5, P^- ^. s. m - a «?/?«££ o/" iffnev "Ucac seATTt." M'N. see SVjcjeAtri. ^CAb,-A ^6, s.m. time, — g. 2 Chron. xxi. 19. ' ' ^rA|T)e, g. id. s. f. a red coal, em- bers, a firebrand ; O'G. 2ÍCA1J1, g. ACAfl, pi. A]Cfie, & A-JC- fteAÓA, s7 m. a father, Matt, vi. 9. — Matt. vii. 21. — John iv. 20. &vi. 49. SVcAjjt aIctiotoa, s.m. a foster fa- ther. UcA^ri bAirb^e, s. m. a godfa- ther. cfi . .i ( s.m. a father- A, ind. adj. fatherly, pa- ternal ; C. P. 2icAji&Acb, g. id. s. m. patrimony, — g. Deut. xviii. 8. ^cAftTjAó, g. id. &, -5AIÓ, s. m. adoption, Rom. ix. 4. — Rom. viii. 15. ^VcA|fiAc,-Ai5,-<\^5e, s. m. # change, fashion, Rom. xii. 2. Phil. iii. 21. transformation, alteration. 2VcAfítu]5,-u5 pi id.s.m. a rejoicing, joy, gladness. Ucb&ft,-ivj!t, pi. id. s. m. an after or second crop ; fr. &t, a rei- terative particle, & b&ji. 3VcbUr,-e, g. id. s.f. recollection, remembrance. UccuirT)i;i5,-iti5<\6, v. a. recollect, remember. UccuiD^e, g. id. pi. -eaÓA, s. f. prayer, supjdica Hon . Acts viii. 34. — Eph. vi. 18. entreaty, pe- tit ion. Uccúic?5 ; -]u5aó, v.a. reward, re- quite. 3Vccú]c|u5At>,-|;5ce,pl.id. s.m.re- quital, reward ; C. P. Uccuida, g. id. s. m. fashioning,^ 1 Pet. i. 14. a remodelling. 3\-ccurT), P- id. s.m. a handle, see Cant. v. 5. the hook on which the hinge of a door turns. bAcU, g, bA^cle, pi, bA]clj, s.f. an armful. bacUiVAige, adj. crisped, curled, full of sprouts or buds. bAclAH),-ne,-t}f, s.f. an armful. bAclArbACj-Afge, adj. disabled in the hands. bAc 1 65,-6] 56,-05 a, s.f. a sprout, a bud, also a small curl. bAÓtub|tA, g. id. s.m. grog blos- soms on the face ; literally, drunken leprosy. bsc 1 26 b*V J bAcul, g, -u]1,&,-c1a, pi. id. s.m. rt shepherd's crook, a crozier, a slaff for any use. Heb. makel, Lat. bacul-um. fr. bA, cows, & / /ja * cuajII, a staff. t\X *^pbAb,-Afb, pi. id. s.m. « &oaf, 2 '< Sam. xix. 18.— Matt. iv. 22. Chald. baad, Arab, weda, Noah's ark. U<%y* b&b, g. id. s.m. Jo^g., f riendshi p , C> humanity, hospitality. b<\6, 3 sing. perf. ind. of the as- sertive verb, ^r, i£ was. b<\6b,-bAi&b,pl. id. s.m. a vulture, Lev. xi. 14. any ravenous bird. b&bójfi,-ó|t4,-ó|ftjóe, s.m. or &o«£- /Í/J^* J^SAltVJlS* v,a - charge^ Mar. iii. ^"^ 12. tbxeql£.n, denounce. i/ , ^_ bA5ATt~-AÍj^pl. id. s.m. a threat- Í } e ning, a charge, Acts ivT^9^- A- uke ix. 21. Eph. vi. 9. bA5uji, id. bA7;AtiAÓ,-A|5e, aa J- threatening. O'G. b<\5A|icói|t,-ójia,-ó]fi|De, s.m. a threatener, a blusterer. \)A^(ir),'ú]V, s-m. bacon. b<\icbeiiftl^, g. id. s.m. a solecism, crooked reasoning. UJL^\ b&i&.e, g- id. S.f. love, benignity. J see, Saó. -^ bA]óe AC,-6i5e,adj./Wew<%, foY*d, hospitable, humane. b&|óe<\n)uil,-rr)U, adj. friendly, kind. m£/ J- bkjbce, ind. p.p. drowned. Ex xv. 4. Am. ix. 5. // -l <7 bAil,-le, s.f. success, prosperity, 'T careful collection. bailbe, g. id. s.f. dumbness, mute- ness. /i>^ „, village, g. Josh. ii. 15.— pi. Josh. xvii. 11. Mar. vi. 6. a place, a home ; Lat. billa, i.e. villa ; Arab7~baled, a city or to in i. bA]leAC,-l]5e, adj. careful, fru- gal, thrifty. bA]le pujjic, g. id. pi, -Ice pujfic, s.m. a seaport town. ^ A 1^5rl u 5AÓ, v.a. collect, accu- mulate, amass. b/«/?£- ing of towns, founding of co- lonies. b s.m. widow- hood, Is. xlvii. 9 Ts. liv. 4. be<\c,-r)i5,-ni5e, s.m. a lim-l pet. b*-|fxóé|r,-re, -re<\cA, s.f- a point, Ezek. xxi. 15. biMtire«Nc,-r|5e,-reACA, s.f. a brawler, g. Prov xxi. 9. a scold, a shrew. b,-bA, s.f. a brawling, a scolding. b v -a- baptize, John /MtT iii. 22.— Matt. iii. 7. l bi5e, s.f. rain. bAir^eAÓ,-b|5, s.m. baptism , \C%i5~ Matt. xxi. 25. — Acts xill. 24?. bivtreuoAc,-fev?5,-b\?5e, s.m. grave clothes, John xi. 44. b&irjn> g.id. pi, -i)i5e,s.m. flc//.ar- ger, a bason, Numb. vii. 67. — pi. Ex. xx vii. 3. Numb. iv. 14. a bowl ; h\\\\x) yov\'&\t, a wash- ing bason. bAirte<\c,-l|5,-li5e, s.m. a hand- ful of any thing; bajrleAc «ir5 e * as much water as mag be taken in the hand. bív|c,-ce<\ó, v.a. see, bar. \L\ b&jce, ind. pp. drowned; seef b , bAUrcóib,-be,pl,-bí,;&-beAGA,s.f. a spot, Lev. xiii. 19. a blister. b&r),-&ine, adj. white, Lev. xiii. 4. Rev. vi. 2. pale, bright ; also, uncultivated, waste, de- solate ; Heb. bahin, bright. b&i)Ab,-Ai6, &, -Aigce, pi. id. s.m. a whitening, bleaching; also, a pillaging. h&x)&]"5,-x)ix5b'6,v>di,'Whiten,bleach, lay waste, pillage ; bAn,-DAÓ, id. b<\i)Air, sf. a wedding feast, Matt. xxii. 2. see, ba^ff. banAlcttA, g. id. pi, -A^e, s.f. a nurse, 2 Sam. iv. 4.— Ex. ii. 7. b b^oba., g. id. s.f an ancient name of Ireland. b*t)c&fiA,-c&jtAb,-cíMttbe, s.f. alC{5~\ female friend, pi. Luke xv. 9. ^' b*t)coirbbe<\c,-bi5(*,-beACA, s.f. a female attendant. bAnco]rbbeACb,-bA, pi. id. s.f. a ladies' association. bAi)córbAjirA,-AÍ),-Ait), s.f. a fe- male neighbour, pi. Luke xv. 9. b-éurA, s.m. a spot, J pi. Lev. xiii. 39. a white spot. b, pi. id. s.m. a bard, a poet, fr. b&ji. baft&A]5, s.m. pi. wardens, C. P. b&ftbAjg ai} CeAropttjll, church - wardens. b&fi&AigeAc&j-bA, s.f. hardship, the profession of a bard. bAfibAl 5 -A|l, pi. id. s m. a drake. bA|tbArbuil,-ri)U, adj. bardic, poetical. bAfilji},-t)e,-neACA, s.f. see bfi*jc- b&Tnj-^HT 1 » pl« id. s.m. overplus, addition , superiority. Lev. xxv. 27. Gal. ii. 6.— Rom. iii. 9. See, b&ji. K&fo b^vs 30 DUC be ; s.m. a j b&rA-|5,-ru5A&, v. a. />z/^ to death, f& wedge, a bar. Jos. vii. 21. Ex. | inf. John viii. 5. xxvi. 28. — pi. Ex. xxvi. 26&29. b&fArbuil,-ii)lA, adj. *w/7?a.'?*- j tD^T&AllACj-Aige, adj. impudent, <\~ ing, bold, brave. gay, showy, flashy. bArnA^jo, s.m. « mitre, see, i bArbAlUcb,-bA, s.f. impudence, -Judges xvi. 9. bAfliACAjvAif, s.m a surplus, an overplus. bAffiAcb 3 -&A, s.f. mastery, supe- riority *>% bo^jiín. bA^Atrce, g. id. s.m. the plant called borage ; borago. bAffi6, pi. id. s.m. a bas~ ilk i tard, Dent, xxiii. 2. pi. kleb. xii. 8. 1 Sam. v. 4. John xviii. 22. the bAruJAej-piigce, pi. id. s.m. a \i%^ broad part of anything. pjitUn^Jo_death i . Job vi. 9- bAr,-Air, pi. id. s.m. death, Rev. bAC,-CAÓ, v.a. drown, inf. Cant •IvP viii. 9.— Matt. iv. ~"Tlí. Com. Heb. Baas, death. Arab., Fawz, death, & Baas, calamity. viii. 7. Matt. xvm. 6. Also, quench, slake, blot out. Heb. Bahah. KA\ barA, g. id. pi. id. -a&a, & -vióe, bACA, g. id. pi. -a^p, s.m. a staff. s.m. a base, I Kings, vii. 29 — I Lev. xxvi, 26. — Judges vi. 21. 1 Kings, vii. 31. — 1 Kings, | — Lev. ix. 3. a baton, stick, vii. 27. 2 Kings, xxv. 16. — [ cudgel, a pole ; Hob, Bad. Gr. 2 Kings, xxv. 13, a basis. Bar-o$. ^lfow-D^ W ít, fiUiAíJLín, tfúUtrrdj* -J (Ax /'Ai^wQu,^ X) e u bACA]peAc&,-bA, s.f. cudgelling. b5&rv&in, pi. id. s.m. a bough, a branch. Judges ix. 48. — pi. Gen. xl. 10. a scion, a graff, the blade of a fork. be*x),-i)&, pi. id. s.f. regard, esteem, a horn, Job xxx. 20, & xxxvi. 19.— pi. Ex. xxv. 31 & 32. a degree, a step, top, gable. beaíj ac,-*^, adj. hornha, peaked, forked. beATJAcb,-be, s.m. a barber, g. Ezek. v. 1. com. Pers. Berber. be u 32 be j "ti — TJ4H M beA|tbot]teACb,-bA, s.f. the trade of a barber, béAfiU, g. id. s.m. see, beujab. béA|ti),-éi|tt)e,-éA|tt)A, s. f. a breach, a gap, see Ps. cvi. 23. Ezek. xxii. 30. pi, Judges v. 17. béAjttxv, g.id.\A-*6*,s.f .a breach, aj/ap, pi. Ps. lx. 2. Am.ix. J 1. béA|tr)AC,-dtge, adj. gapped, full of gaps or breaches. be<\ftT)£«r, Is. bJo, g. masc, bf, g. fern, beóce, living, alive, Rom. xiv. 8. — g.m. Matt. xvi. 16. Gr. /3/o-w, % bed, g, bf, pi, beóÓA^ s.m. tf living V person, the living, 1 Kings iii. 22. see Numb. xvi. 48. beocloc,-oice,-ocA, s.f. a lively stone, see, 1 Pet. ii. 5. beobA, ind. adj. quickening, cou- rageous 9 1 Cor. xv. 45. Numb, xiii. 20. T-t- be66Acb,-bA, s.f. co urage , vigour, I" liveliness. be6ÓATT>Uct>,-bA, s.f. liveliness, quickness, activity, vigour. beó8Ari)Ujl,-ri)l<\, adj. lively, brisk, zealous, vigorous. beóó<\r,-AirjS.m. O'G^see, be5- ÓArbUcb. beóbrbAn,-A]ne, adj. see, beóó- . Arbiijt. ^Tpeóóuigj-uJAÓ, v.a. quicken, Ps. '^ exix. 37. &, cxliii. ii. C.P. re- animate, enliven. be6jobbAific,-AncA, pi. id. s.f. a living sacrifice, Rom. xii. 1. j£ be6||t, g. id. & beón-f eA c _ r A 13 e ? << v "i* ! 1 — pi. Acts beurA,g.id.pl, xiii. 18. 1 Cor. xv. f /*- -ACA,&,-A^5e, 33. Jwbit^custo?n_ s _^L^^ Pers. bez. beurAc,-Ai5e, adj. well-behaved, moral, virtuous. bf, inf. be^t, v. s. aux. & n. be, Deut. xxi. 8. — Gen. xvii. 7. Com. /3/-ow, 7 /eVe. biAb,g,bib,s.m. meat, food, Gen. /i?J^~ xxvii. 31. Rom. xii. 20. — John vi. 27. bjAbca, ind. \>\>.fed, stalled, fat- ted. Is. i. 11. Pro v. xv. 17. Luke xv. 23. b|b]r,-bre,-6reACA, s.f. a vice, a screw, ^}bT§ó,-T\Z e ^]' sc V €W like 9 spiral. b|lleuí),-éib, pi. id.' a billet. bfné-i3fie y g. id. s.m. Matt, xxvii. 48. Prov. x. 26. see, Tiné^ne. b]nib,-be, s.f. rennet used in making cheese. binrne,pl,-i)eACA,&,beAi3cnACA, -J- s.f. a pinnacle, Matt. iv. 5. a hill, a high poin t, the gable of a house. bfivne, adj. sweet 9 2 Sam. xxiii. 1. Cant. ii. 14. melodious. ^whe\\\&c 9 -*y5e 9 a.áy sweet-voiced, eloquent- b ]vb\i] ac]ia CrAije, sweet- worded, eloquent. b ] 34 b ) l)lí>§|t|ACftAC&,-&ióbe<\l&i), -&ib, pi. id. s.m. afore- head cloth to bind the heads of children. bin&eAl&i) a ft a, a hinder of (he temples, particu- larly, the swathing cloth round the foreheads of the dead. *0^i b|í)eAtvi)ir> s.m. melody, music, . ~%J^U harmony. t>|i)j:ocAUc,-5A, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a start bounce, leap. 4th^4^u bjob5ArbUcb,-&A, s.f. vivacity, activity, f riskiness. bjob5arbuil,-rbU, adj. active, live- ly, frisky. b|o5,-5AÓ, v.a. Luke i. 41, & 44. see, bjoó^. bfól,-U, pi. id. s.f. a viol, Is. v. 12* it cress; biol cuckoo flower; bioU^ tuufjie, hook- lime; bjolAjt cjiajja, scurvy grass. bjo|t, g, bjji, or, béAfiA, pi. id. s.m. j{\ ^ a^spit, a pin, a bodkin, a sharp ^ point, a goad, Heb. beriack. u . bjoji,-|tAÓ, v.a. spit, pierce. * r^k, bjo[iAc,- v.a. remem- ber continually. K. y^ >}\frlt1fifr), g. id. pi, -ojóe, s.m. asmall pin or point. bjftrné|t),-oe, s.f. inclination to moisture, ooziness. biflieufc>,-6|&, pi. id. s.m. a hat, see Dan. iii. 21. a cap, a tur- ban, a bonnet, a helmet. jí :: vb|r eA ^rri5?-n5 e - s - m - increase, 4 ^ Lev. xxv. 36. Ps. lxvii. 6. Deut. xiv. 28. jjain, profit, i, prosperity, the_crisi ^of a dis - v/ "r ease_ _and conseque nt recovery. I bljAÓAio b|ft5, a leap year. Heb. bizza. b|c, an in tens, prefix signifying ever, spelled b]oi, when the first vowel of the following syllable is either a, o, or, it. ^l)]t, s.f. being, e xisten ce^ the I world. U sed only. i n the phrase, -^ a]\i b|c , see Job xxxiv. 9. & Luke iv. 2.. %m l^JurlAr^ bjrbeo,-ó|ce, adj. eternal, ever- lasting. bicb|i|e,md. a dj. everlasting, eternal, b^tf fofi, id. bUbAitivi),-^]^, pi. id. s.m. a stam- merer. *1tk bU6, s.m. a flower, see, bUc. bl<\bAtfi,-eAco, v.a. flatter, coax, wheedle, babble. Com. Lat. blater-o. bl<\&A, s.f. see, bU- bUóAjt-A^, pi- id. s m. flatten/, Ps. v. 9. sycophancy, coaxing. bUt>Aft? v.a. taste, \lyA|i,-Atji, pi. id. s.m. dissi- ' mulation, Prov. xxvi. 24. flat- tery, sycophancy. blAOÓ,-oió,-o|óe, s.m. a shout, a loud call. bt jolery, wheedling, flattery, rex. quest, petition. blefbeAmu|l,-rbU, adj. yearly, Lev. xxv. 53. see 1 Sam. i. 21. ^lSrl^S^ v - a.awíVA. ^ bljocAT>,-Air), pi. id. s.m. bastard asphodel. bl|oct>pocAbAr),-iviD, pi. id. s.m. common sow thistle, Sonchus oleraceus, vern. name, Toe anai) ">?* A,. bl]occ, s.f. milk, see, ble^cb. /vl m\ V)\]oy&i),-&]v, pi. id. s.m. an arti- choke. bloba, g. id. pi, -a6a, s.m. a bub- ble, the rise of a blister. blobÁc,-<\]5e, adj. thick-lipped. blob<\ifte, g. id.^ a blubber-lipped pi, -fi^be, s.m. (person, a stut- blobAjiAt),-&]D, tterer, one who pi. id. sm. ) talks at random. bloc,-lii]C, pi. id. s.m. a block, b\oc'Ai),-'A]r), pi. id. s.m. a little block, dim. of bloc. blóó,-ójÓ, &,-ó£a, pi. id. s.m. a ls-% piece, Judges, ix. 53, a frag- , J ment, a part, a splinter S 7f~Z 'V i&L **> ' 0- D C 3 2 * i bO 5 bloó«.vó ? -Ai5e,adj.Zí/'0^wmpzec^, splintered. I)ló5, s.m. see 1 Kings, xix. 11. I see, blóó. b\o5<\m,-*] n h pi- id. sm. a mouth- ■# ful, a sup, a small portion. blójoe5e<\p,-5it), pi. id- s.m. any plant with curled leaves. blojr^eAi; 5<\|jt blújfie, g. id. pi, -f\e<\cA, si. a bit, a morsel, a crumb, a fragment. bd, g. id. pi. bar, & b&, s. f. a cow, pi. kine, Job. xxi. 10. — Numb, xviii. 17. — Gen, xli. 2. & 3. 1 Sam. vi. 7. bó Allujt>, si. a wild ox, a buffalo. bó b^iije, si. a milch cow. boc, g. bu|c, pi. id. s.m. a he goat, pi. Numb. vii. 71. See, Poc. boc&?),-&]n, pi. id. s.m. a hook, a peg, a support, the side oj a spade on which the foot is placed. boc&t)Ar,-AT5e, adj. crooked, hooked, bent. bocb,-oicbe, adj. poor, 2 Cor. viii. 9 Lev. xxvii. 8. bocb, g. bojcb, pi. id. s.m. a poor person, Job, xxiv. 14. — Job, xxx. 25.— Matt. v. 3. bocb<\cb,-bA. si. penury, Luke, [< xxi. 4. poverty , fa X^. boóbuT5,-ii5<\8, v. a. impoverish, " 2 ~^ render poor. boc&u|T)e,g. id- si. poverty, cala- mity, penury, Prov. vi. 11. — Gen. xlv. 11. Prov. xix. 13. bocr, v. a. deafen, torment, " bother." bobó5,-ój5e,-Ó5<\, si. a heifer. bo3,baj5e, adj. soft, Ps. lxv. 10. — Ps. Iv. 21. tender, penetrable. ^°3rS A ^j v.&.soften, move, shake, stir, rock. ft ^°3 A > g- id. pi. id. & -&6a s.m. a H^fO bow . Rev. iv. 3. — Ps. lxxvi. 3.— 1 Sam. ii. 4.-2 Chron. xxvi. 14. bo5<\c,-Ai3,-.ó5Abó||VÓfiA,-ófNóe, s - m - «« archer. bó5<\b6]fieAcb,-bA, s.f. archery, t)Ó55C|ioióce<\c,-ci5e, adj. tender- hearted, 2 Chron. xiii. 7. bo5bfiuTre^c,-n5e, adj. effemi- nate. bofcbe, g. id. s.f. poverty, penury. b5i&eACAi),-Afr>, pi. id. s.m. a bodkin. boj&énv|*e, s.f. drunkenness. boi5beuUc,-<\]5e. adj. soft- mouthed, witless. bo|5fie, g. id. s.f. deafness, boj§- jieACb,-b<\, s.f. id. bo]5fieivT),-&in, s.m. flummery, provincial, " sowens." ^°15T!^> S- id. P*» -nfóe, s.m. « #£- tlebox, pronounced, boirsft). boijce, g. id. pi, -cj&e, a 6a#, «/- lurement. boi5ce]c,-ce, adj. lukewarm, Rev. iii. 16. boi5teó||i,-ó|tA,-ó|tiibe, s.m. aw allurer, a coaxer, a wheedler. boih^oncA, ind. part. adj. full- bellied, satisfied with food. bojll, nom. pi. of, ball, q.v. 1 Cor. vi. 15. bo|llr5e^t)Acb,-b<\, s.f. a bulging out, a swelling out. boillr5eA0Ai5,-nu5<\b, v. a. bulge, swell out. boineub,-é|b, pi. id. s.m. a bonnet, pi. Ex. xxviii. 40. & xxxix. 28. bo jneiv i),-&i i), pi. id. sm. a stalk, a sprout, a bud. ho\\)\o\), no comp. feminine, Gen. xv. 9. see Gen. xxi. 28. bo|t)toÓAc,-Ai5e,-<\CA, s.f. a fe- male. X)oii)yeó]]x,-c>\i*,-ói]i]i>e, s.m. a thrower, a finger. bo||tbbfi|ACfiAc,-) Deut. xxviii. 65. /2-^.pl. Jos. iv. 18. a base, a bot- tom, a foundation. Heb. Banah, he built. box), g. bo]i), pi. id. s.m. a piece of money, a groat, Luke, xv. 8. & 9.— pi. Luke, xv. 8. boj)AT&,-be, pi. id. s.f. an ankle bone, pi. Acts, iii. 7. See, bupAjc. boiJAjjte, g. id. pi, -woe, s.m. a footman. /0 L /3 boT7Ó5,-ói3e,-Ó5A/s.f. a cake, u a bannock," also, a leap, a jump. boi)rAc,-Ai5e,-ACA, s.f. a dart, a fa javelin,! Sam.xix-9.& 10. also, vernacularly, a young strip of a girl. boijtAirce, g.id.pl, -cf,&,-ceACA, profit, ad rant age. . . bofib, biqjibe, &á\? sharp, fj£rce, ^4r^4^^" 2 Cor. ' xiii. 10.— Hab. i. 8. 7"£ haughty, severe. K\^ bo|ibACb,-fcA, s. f. fierceness, haughtiness, severity. bofibAtvAir» s.m. fierceness. bónb,g. buijtb, pi. id. s.m. a table, ^ I Mark, ii. 14,— John, xiií. ié. — Mark, xi. 15. a deck of a ship, bóftb beulA, starboard; bópb cu^l, larboard ; bófib be|- Tijb, the stern or poop ; bóftb lu|i)5e, the ship's deck, ship- board ; bójib rorA]5, the stem or prow. bof|tAb,-A|6, pi. id. s.m. bloom, swelling, , v. n. bloom, swell, increase, grow big, grow pro ud, bojt|t,-|tA6, id. bofjiArblAcbj-bATirí. haughtiness, pride. bofttArr)u|l,-ri}lA, adj. haughty, proud. borpfu]leAÓ,-li5e, adj. full-eyed. bójtcA, ind. p.p. parched. Lev. xxiii. 14. "5ftÁt> bóftCA." bo|*,-o]re,-of a, s.f. see, bAf . bo|-bvAit,-AlAÓ, v. a. clap hands, applaud. borbvAlA6,-A]lce, pi. id. s.m. clap- ping of hands, applause. borcA, see, bocrÁ. borsÁifibeACAivAir, s. m. ap- plause or rejoicing by clapping of hands. bor5Aiftb|5,-tv5AÓ, v.n. applaud by clapping of hands. /« &- bin 40 bU^ •x f - Kit*. bor3|teAb,-beA6, v. a. strike hands so as to cause pain, wail for the dead with severe and pain- ful clapping of hands, M'N. borlvAt,-Aice, adj. dexterous, nimble- handed, Ugh (fingered. borlvACAGb,-bA, s.f. sleight of hand, dexterity. bot,-o]ie,-oi&, s.f. a tabernacle, Matt. xvii. 4.— 2 Pet. i. 14.— U, Matt. xvii. 4. a booth, a cot- tage, Job. xxvii. 18. & Zeph. ii. 6. a tent, a hut , a bower, Heb. Buth, a tent, and Beth, a house. bócA|jieAcb,-bA, s. f. plunder, hoot y, jprey. boc^lUoj-Aije, adj, impudent, furious. bocAlUcb,-bA, s.f. impudence, outrageous conduct. bor&n,-Ain, pi. id. a cottage, Is. i. 8. a hut, Heb. Bithan, a palace. bocAjvAUi, pi. id. s.ra. a highway, Num. xx. I 7, a road, passage, way. bocÓ3,-ó|5e, 65*, s.f. a cottage, a hut. bftAC,-,-Ai&, s.m. a breaking, a harrowing. bft, pi. id. sm. broth;* fan pot tage, anything fermented. bfiAcrú.|leAc,-l|5e, adj. blear ed- eyed. b|tAbAc,-A^e, adj. thievish, roguish, O'G. bfiA&ATVAjn, pi. id. sm. a miz- zling rain. bfiA&Ap,-^^, pi. id. s.m. a sal- mon. bftabÓ5,-óf5e,-ó3A, s.f. a sly roguish cheerful girl. bft&5<\b,-Aib pi. id. s.m. a neck, Jer. xxviii. 12. see, bjt^i3ib. bft<\5Aijte, g. id. pi. -|f|be, s.m. a braggadocio, a boaster, a bully. bftA3&ijteAcb,-bA, pi. id. s.f. a vaunting, a gasconade. bftA5A|tcA, ind. adj. boastful, vaunting. bfiAic,-AC -sibjoÓA, K 2 s.m. & f. a cqjrljve,ajyri$on£i\ a hostage, 2 Kings, v. 2. — Eph. iii. 1. Ex. xii. 29.-2 Kings, xiv. 14. Gen. xxxix. 20. 'Í btiÁi3|b,>gbc, pi. id . s.f. qjneclc,^ J ' Cant. vii. Í pi. see Judges, viii. 26. /\l^ r , k^iL b|tA]r)e, g. id. pi. -rjióe, s.m. a captain, chieftain, leader. b|tatrsevl,-é|l,-evlcA, s.m. afa-/*( ble, a romance. b n a 41 b xizk bft&trléYb,-é|b, pi. id. sm. a bracelet, 2 Sam. i. 10— pi. Gen. xxiv. 30. & xxxviii. 18. I b|il%&fr' briAÚA|xÓA, ind. adj. brotherly . j^3 £L bfi kerchief, a towel, a napkin, bfiACÓ5,-ó|3e,-Ó5A, s.f. a fag, the ~ bne 42 bne ^ />oor bedclothes carried about by beggars. bjtAc uj4a|[i, s.m. a carpet, see, bftAC. i/,^. bfteac, bttjce, adj. speckled, j^Qt- ted, Gen. xxx. 33. & So. pye- bald, freckled, party-coloured, Chald. Brakka, Arab. Abrek. b|te b|teu5. t>r*eív5,-5 ó -3*\.. a(1 J- f air -> beautiful, Ps. xlviii. 2 — Ps. xlv. 2. Chald. Briah. b|téA5-\c,-Ai5e, adj. Rev. ii. 2. See bfiev5<\c. bfte&5^cb,-b<\, s.f. beauty, Rom. x. 15. bfie&5ó<\cb,-&ACiyYi5,-Y5Ab, v.a. judge, ^1 think, ponder, Lev. ii. 19. Ps. ^ ' vii. 8. — 2 Sam. xiii. 33. Acts, xiv. 9. conceive, imagine, de- cide. bftéibío,g.id.pl,-ni&e,s.m./W>2é', a coarse kind of woollen cloth. bfié)i)e, g. id. s.f. a stench. bfiejne<\cb,-bA, s.f. filthiness, nastiness. bfie]tvr e j pi. id. loss, damage. bjiejc,-te, s.f. judgment, 1. Cor. iv. 5. — Matt. vii. 2. Rom. xiv. 13. sentence, doom, test, com- pact. bfteic,-ce, s.f. b ne 43 bU J s.m. a thanksgivinq, Lev. vii. 12.— Neb. xi. 17. C. P. bfte]ceArb,-qrb, & -ceAitMn, pi, -ceArbv^, s.m. a judge, Gen. xviii. 25.— Judg. ii. Í8. Matt. xii.27. — Ex.xxi. 22. bpejceAti) b]y, s.m. « master of a choir, a leader of a band. % ^ bjieiceAmovfyvjr, pi. id. s.m. \ judgment, Ex- xii. 12. Matt. > v. 40 — Deut. iv. 45. sentence, decision. \C\ ^, J. bftejceAnc,-b, s. f. a lie, leasing, Col. iii. 9. Ps. v. 6. — Mark, xiv. 56.— Job. xi. 3. Prov. xiv. 5. Í>>bftev5Ác,-Ai5e,adj.Z*/iwkl John, e, s.m. a liar, Prov. xix. 22 — pi. Tit. i. 12. bfiev3<^jte<\ct>,-&A, s. f. lying, falsehood. ?^ bTiev5&n,-&in, pi. id. s.m. ajplay- (nr5A6,-vi3ce, s. m, transubstantiation , C. P. bfiío7;ri7A^ecí),-í)A, s.f. see, bpig- Ti^eipe^cb. b|t|05rb^ti,-Ai|te, adj. effectual, powerful, Eph. iii. 7. Heb. lv. 12. bftioll&n, s.m. see, b|teAll&t>. b]t]olló5,-6|5e,-ó5-o, s f. an effemi- minate fellow, a fool, applied to man or woman. t)^ollr5<\^|ie, g. id. pi, -]i]t>e, s.m. a bully, a busybody bjt|oi3,-]T), pi. id. s.m. a fiction, a lie, a dream, a reverie. b|tioT)5lójt>,-&e, pi. id. or, -bf, s.f. a dream, a vision, Job, xx. 8. Matt.ii. 13.— pi. Jer. xxiii. 32. b]t^oi)5t6|beAC,-bi5,-&i5e, s.m. a dreamer, Deut. xiii. 5. byiiOfó|ioi6eAc,-ó|5e, adj. bro- ken-hearted. t>\i)OY^]i]y^e, Sid}, brittle, active, quick, clever, bfi|or5, s.m. a succulent root eaten by the poor, vernac. pronounced, bl^orc^n. t3ni°r5*ni)*c,-*13>- s.m. a crackling, Eccl. vii. 6. Also, a stammerer. b|t|or5 v - a break, 1 Kings xv. 19. Ps- x. 15. — John, xix. 31. Acts, xx. 7. Heb. Peras, to break, also, a breach. b]tirc,-ce, adj. offhanded, open- hearted, generous, see, bji]or5* b|iireAb,-rce, pi. id. &, -rceac*, \fa i| s.m. a breach, breaking, Gen. u *u . Gen. xxxvm. 29. Jod~^xxxT 14. — *" ' JH Lev. xxiv. 20. — 2 Kings, xii. ttu^U 5 & o*. a fraction, defeat^jrout^ change for larger money. 2>^ i bjurce, ind. p.p. broken, rent, Lev. xxi. 19. 1 Sam. iv. 12. routed, defeated, changed, as large money into smaller. bfifrce,g.id.pl,-c]5e , s.m breeches, Lev. vi. 10 — pi. Ex. xxviii. 42. bftirce, & vera, -óju, pl,-6|t)ce, r s.f. a quern a handmill. ^>\iob,-0]be,si.arush,asaltmars7i clubrush, Scirpus maritimus. bfioc,-ttvic, pi- id. s.m. a badger, g. Ezek. xvi. 10. b|toc,-|tv|ce, adj. grey, speckled. b|tocAÓ,-Ai5e, adj. greyish, frec- kled in the face, mottled like a badger, bpocAifie, g. id. pi, -ft^ee, s.m. a badger hunter ; also, a terrier. bftoc, sm, xxv. 29 & 30. milk porridge. bnocfolur,-uir, s.m. twilight. M'N. btiob,-|tit|b, pi. id. s.m. a goad, a stimulus. bftó&,-ófb, s.m. pride, arrogance. bftóbArbUcb,-&A, s.f. pride, ar- rogance. 7 1. b n o 45 b no bfió&Arbujlj-rrjU, aid]. proud, sail- \ cy, arrogant. bftÓ5,-ói5e,-ó5A, s.f. a shoe, a sandal, Deut. xxv. 10.— pi. Ex. iii. 5. Luke x. 4. bfi05<\c,-Ai5e, adj. shod, having shoes, like a shoe. bjtd5*vt}CA, hid. adj. active, lively, brisk, sturdy. b|iÓ5Ar)CACt>,-t>A, s. f. activity, liveliness, sturdin ess. t)ftÓ5b|tAit>e, g. id. s.f. common rush, j uncus conglomerates. bp°1fc15rl u 5 A ^5 va - stir, excite, stimulate; fr. bjtob. C.P. bfió^ioént, g. id, &, -^AftA, pi, -£\\i]Se, s.m. an embroiderer, Ex. xxxviii. 23. bfió|bnejleACb,-bA, pi. id. em- broidery, g. Ezek. xvi. 10 & 18. b|tojleÓ5,-ó|5e,-ó5A, s.f. whortle berry, vaccinium. see TfiAocój. ; v bjtoirt7etr,-re,s.f. anger, boldness. // 7 bpoií),-oiíje,-oi)A, s.f. a wom^, V |4 Luke xi. 27— Gen. xlix. 25 — ' Luke xxiii. 29.Ki%4f bftó]t>teoftACb,-bA, s.f. grinding ; fr. bjtótf, g. of b|t6, q.v. bftófr&e, g. id. pi, -eACA, s.f. a broach. bjiotroio, g. id. pi, -t)|6e, s.m. « small bundle of sticks for fuel, a faggot. bjioiqg, g. id. pi, -gee, s.m. a slaughtering-house, shambles ; fr. the obs. bjtoc, flesh, see btiocoqpe. bpolUc,-Ai5,-A^5e, s.m. a bosom, Ps. exxix. 7. — Deut. xxviii. 54* a breast, a preface to a book, '£** a prologue. l^ bfiOTDAÓ,-- u irj s.m. boldness^ disobedience, impertinence. b|totnun|tui'Ac,- s.m. a cutaneous dis- ease, the itch, an eruption of the skin. bpocAifte, g. id. pi, -\i)Se, s.m. a butcher ; fr. the obs. bjtoc, flesh ; also, a cauldron. bjiocAiiteACbj-bA, s.f. butchery, , the trade of a butcher. bjtocur,-u|r, pi. id. s.m. a mix- ture, a medley, Scotch brose. bnu 46 bnu K\ %y bftú, g, bjtoi^ pi, b[toi)A, s.f. f//e womb , the matrix Gen. xxix. bJMg (7 31. Ex. xxxiv. 19. — Deut. vii 13. Luke i. 42. — Luke xxiii. 29. see, bjtoit). bfiu<\c,-Aic,-ACA,s.m.#nw&, JawA, Gen. xli. 3. Ex. ii. 3. — pi. Jos. iii. 15. border, edge, boundary. bfiuAcDe, s.f. a castle, a for- tress, a royal residence, a fairy palace. Chald. burgan, a pa- lace. b*mi5,-ú5*b, v.a. bruise, inf. Is. /£3 Í liii. 10. Mark v. 24«. pound. bjiufj-ivgoej-gneACAjS.f. a«/ri/i?, an assault, Is. xlv. 9. g. Acts xiv. 5. a skirmish, quarrel, a - scolding speech. » bftuf5neAc,-ni5e, brawling, Tit. iii. 2. quarrelsome, riotous striving in speech. bfiúijce, ind. p.p. bruised, Ts. xlii. 3 Luke iv. 18. pounded. bfiu';ittftéufi,-éHt,pl.id. s.m. creep- ing wheat grass, couch grass, triticum repens. bjtuinéubac, -'bAig, pi, -bA^e, &, -bAc?cr)eAc,-r)|5e,-t)eACA, s.f.jjreat Jo heat ; also, a batch of roasted potatoes hot from the fire, called in Minister a OJ10CÓ5. bfiu^ct)eó|p,-6|tA,-6i|t|6e, s.m. a refiner or smelter of metals. bfiuroAffie, g. id. pl,-ft|óe, s.m. a pedant. b|turcai),-^]T), pi. id. s.m. see, bfturSAfi. bftur3^|t,-A|]t, pi. id. s.m. broken ware, useless fragments, the mob. £. bu, v.a. feed cattle, inf. Luke xv. 15. herd cattle. bvACA|lle<\cb r &A, s.f. a herding or tending of cattle. bvACA]r ,-re,-rf, s.f. the wick of a candle. bvACAl&t),-&io, pi. id. s.m. a spe- cies of groundsel, common rag- wort, senecio jacobcea. 1 bvACA|t } -Ai|i, pi. id. s.m. cow bvACAjt&t),-^!}, pi. id. s.m. dried cow dung used by the poor in the country for fuel. bvAÓACj-Aije, adj. victorious, va- luable, precious. bvAÓAjjj-óuTjAÓ, v.a. overcome, prevail, John xvi.33. Ps ix. 19. bvAÓAr,-Air, s.m. triumph, vic- tory. bv<\, s.f. constant care or attendance. buAjne, g. id. s.f. continuance, perpetuity, durability. fCl^jp btiAiofeArArb,-r&A, s.m. persever- ance, steadiness, stability. I^\ %b b u *W e *r">A ad J- firm, steadfast , persevering. bvAioce, ind. p.p. hewn, cut, mown, reaped, dug. bvAjnceójfvóttA, pi, -6ftY|t>, and /Ac&,-&A, s.f. foolish prate, foppishness. bvclA, g. id. pi, -A|8e, s.m. a buckle. bv5Ó5,-óf3e,-Ó3A, s.f. an egg laid without a shell. b Ll J 49 bu j bv]b|olUr),-ivit), pi. id. sm. « talk- ative vain coxcomb. t)v|ceYb,-éi&, pi. id. s.m. a bucket, g. Is. xl. 15. see Num. xxiv. 7. bvjbe, ind. adj. yellow. Lev. xiii. 32. see 1 Kings, vii. 46. bv]be, g. id. si. the colour called yellow. U^ bújbe, g. id. s.f. thanks, Rom. £ mí ft.Dunl. bú0eAC,-8]ce, adj. thankful, ac- ceptable, Col. iii. 15. 1 Peter, ii. 20. 4 bv|óeAC&i),-íviT>, pi. id. s.m. the yolk of an egg. ♦\jlbú|t>eA.c twig. bvtjibe, g. id. wrath, Rom. xi. 22. . Col. iii. 8. anger, fierceness, harshness, barbarity. , \3á]tie*ó,-ib, s.m. aroaring, Judges xiv. 5, see, buiftpeAb. bú-|fif eAÓ,-pib, pi. id. sm. a noise, roaring, Ps. xevi 11. see, bújjt- bú^peAÓAc,-^eAbA, pi. id. s.f. a tf \ Jt^ roaring, Prov. xix. 12. & xx. 2. - * — Ps. xxxii. 3. ,.4 w ;* . ■ ?■ l) u w 50 b U M t)új|i|í|8,-8e, v.n. roar (as an ani- mal,) inf. Ps. civ. 21. see Ps. . xxii. 13. Luke, xxi. 25. /pt 2>bv]reul,-éil, pi. id. s.m. a bushel, J 6 Luke, xi. 33.— Matt. v. 15. bvjrce, g. id. pi, -z]6e, s.m. oat- meal mixed up with butter and put into a scrip or pouch to be used in travelling ; also, the scrip or pouch itself. ****" bvir ceó|n,-6nA,-6]nfóe, s. m. a butcher. ^.^ bv^tléjn, g. id. pi. -fipe^^m. a butler. Barb. bvjcléiueAc&,-&A, s.f. £Ae office of a butler. bv]creAc&n,-Ain, pi- id. s.m. an assuming arrogant person. M'N. bvicreACAr,-A]r, s.m witchcraft, sorcery. ■ • * ^vlU, g. id. pi. -A^be, s.m. a bowl. Num. vii. 19. Ecc. xii. 6. also, an edict, a Pope's bull. bvló5,-6i5e,-Ó5<\, s.f. a bullock, Ps. lxix. 31.— pi. C. P. I) VI05, -6156,-65 a, sf. a loaf. bvn, g. hr]X), &, dyt)a, pi. id, s.m. a foundation, 2 Tim. ii. 19. also, a bottom, base, root, stock, . origin, change, keeping. Pers. jJjfruJf Bun. " U m^bvn oii^ tippling, ^-y^Tf" "bun or ciorj," 2

, pi. id. s.m. a family, stock, origin . \C'%^ bvoAÓAÓ, of the sedgy shallows, g. pi. of, léAi?A. s.m. q v. bví)6r,-óir, pi. id. s.m. an old custom. bvórAc,-A]5e,-ACA, s.f. a javelin, fly 1 Sam. xviii. 10. also, a rod, a twig, an osier, see, bofjrAC. bvi)r|iuc,-rnocA, pi. id. s.m. a fountain head, a basin or reser- voir fur water. bvi)rcoc,-Yfc, pi. id. the old stock, the Aborigines. bvotAirce, g. id. pi, -rf, s.f. advantage, perquisites, profit. Hind. Bundege, corresponding to the Lat. Peculium. ^p 77?<3i (kTp Z,\i) zárv "Qo ÍW, pi. id. s.m. boot ob- tained in exchanging, profit, gain. búcAjjte, g. id. pi, -jtióe, s.m. a chapman, a dealer (in cattle.) C, (coll, the hazel tree,) the third letter of the modern Irish Al- phabet. Ca, an interrogative particle, how, what, where, when ? If the following word begin with a vowel, it requires that b should be interposed, as, ca })-Y&]\i, cA !)-<\rjACAr,-Ajr, s.m. atonement, Lev. iv. 35. CAbArrjArv&IU, pl. id. s.m. a low despicable fellow. M f N . Ul\ CA6At),-A]t), pl. id. s.m. ajvild / 222$£i a barnacle. CAbAr,-A]r, s.m. cotton^ bombast, scrapings of linen rags, pledget. *f- 4^4 C^6Ar 9 -Air* s.m. friendship , fond- ^ > wess, privilege, JwiJour. f£,V*$ CAÓAraCj-o^e, adj. friendly, fond, honorable. GAbiufb,-be, s.f. ///,-t>*, s.f. a quality, H qualification, genius. C&]lít), g. id. pi, -ni5, s.m. a girl, a maiden, Ex. xxi. 20. — Luke viii. 51. — Ex. ii. 5. CA|lí|%-|-e,-]*e7. C>Ce, s.m. « loser, a spender, a spoiler. C^-\njbeix\yé]l, pi. id. s.m. « wry mouth. CA]rt)beulAc,-,-bA, s.f. scolding, abusing. C'^\)z, inf. pres. to talk, Gen. xvii. 22. xxix. 9. see G&n. C&,]nc,-Ee,-teAi)A, s.f. speech, say- ing, talking, Gen. iv. 23 Mark vii. 29. Eph. v. 4. C&^nce , p.p. railed at, dispraised, reviled. C&inceAc,-q5e, adj. talkative, peevish, malicious in talk. G&\x)zeó]\i,-ó^*,-ó\\\}i>e, s.m. a reproacher, g. Ps. xliv. 16. also, a babbler, an orator, a satirist. C&|nceó]|teAc&,-t><\, s.f. areviling, a reproach, see Is. Ii. 7. C'A]X)Z]c,-ce,-c], s.f. a song, 2 Chron. xxix. 27. Rev. v. 9. & < xv. 3. a canticle, a hymn. fC) Qvir)ci5, inf.. civ^nc, v. a. talk, speak, see C&jnc. C^pft), g. id. pi, -i}]6e, s.m. a cap. , C^pcty, g. id. pi, -nise, s.m. a UA ^fc, captain , John xviii. 12. — Luke vii. 2. — Acts xxi. 32. CaipcjneActvbA, s.f. a captaincy. ft 7 «^ /h»«frft»#'47 &J&»». cu n Atji om^-ver f ^wr^« ^^%Uó&,-b<\, s.f. friend- ship, friendliness. G&ifi&ear, g. -b]r, pi, -bjofA, & -be a |* a, s.m. frie ndship * favour* Jas. iv. 4. — pi. GTenTxxxix. 21. Ex. iii. 21. Gr. vcLohia, the heart, C&ijt&eAr Gjtjorb, s.m. or f. a godfather or godmother, a spon- sor, GAift6eA^5,-b|ft5e, s.f. ablush; also, the redness of face which is caused by intemperance. G&ittr)e<\o r T)i5 r i)i5e, s.m. a Dru- idical priest ; " w$ a J fie c&]ji~ t)eAC." Lev. xi. 13. anospray, a kingsfisher. GAijtoeACj-r^ge, adj. stony, «- bounding in cairns. G&iflt^<\b, g. id. & -A]6, pi, -a6a, s.m. a hart, Deut.xii. 15. &xiv. 5 pi, Lam. i. 6. « mtcVíí cfeer. .fe^HT^/ Ga]JIC, g, CAtlCA^jk , CAT1C4 ^ ? pi, ,( /*v c^ficACA, s.f. a cart, 1 Sam. vi. [_/ 7 & 8. Am. ii. 13.— 1 Sam. vi. W^T^ 14. Is. v. 18. & xxviii. 28. uiJhpQ- Chald. karun. j* -r *^r GAHic,-ce,-ce<\cA, s.f. í/íc Z»«r& o/" K--&S ** % a tree, paper, card, chart, ' ~j ?liarte r\ bond rComTtjv. *x a £ Ty i- ~Lat. charta, & cortex. G<\]|tcce,pl.id.g creek, a porch, fc\J^j astime ; Acts, xxvii. 39. — pi. John, v. '/ g e Arpj&TrpriTxe, sport» pastir, \~ Q CAiée « <&«*/? Gr. xeXXfc», J arrive into harbour. Heb. Kahal, assembled, and Cala, checked, rested. CaIa^-aó, v.n. ta£e harbour, remain, reside, Arab. Kal, & Heb. Chal, he staid. catkin of the osier, a little cat. \ G&\&rmiY,-u]Y, s. m. calamus (an C^-\z\x)e^c,-x)]-^e, adj. curled knapped. G&-!cift,-[te,-fteACA, s.f. Matt.'xxiii. 2.— pi. Matt see Caxaoip. herb), Cant. iv. 14. v. a. harden, fas- ten, drive, caulk, beat, ram. I C,-c>A, s. f. crying, shouting. CaUat),-aji}, s.m. a noise, sound, shouting, babbling. C -rngi}A,&,-TOeA- ^"fif ca, s.f. triumph , triumphing, $Z~ 2 Sam. 1. 20. Job. xx. 5. Ps. Ix. 8. — Ps. xlvii. 1. victory, a loud shout of triumph or joy. fr. Cac, &, ]\&im, power or shout. CAicfiéirt?eAÓ,-rDi5e, adj. trium- phant, see Col. ii. 15. victo- ~V rious, shouting loudly. Có.]i\\é]W]-s, -1 «5^8, y,a. & n. tr^\ ting, Phil. ii. 14.— Is. i. 10. umph, inf. Ps. cvi. 47. exults complaint. shout aloud. . r ^-- CAllój&eACj-b^e, adj. noisy, com- C ^cjiuiTjAÓ^gce, s.m. i/ flouMsh- 1 plaining, wrangling. CU2t) cuw H l '^j*^^ ir) &, ind. adj. valorous, Judges, CAmcorACj-AjJe, adj. bow-legged. *% xx. 44. bravé^heroíc, daring, CArnlúb,-úibe,-úOA, s.f. « ringlet fail resolute, strong, Heb. Chalam, he prevailed. GAlrnAC&,-t>A, courage, see, Cai- rn^. ~ . ") s. m. strength, CaIpa, g. id. pi, -a8a, s.m. the calf of the leg, CaIpaÓa ^Afi- cujll, £^e pillars of Hercules, Com. Calpe, & the Arab. Kelb. kernel, middle. *V* CArn,-A]me, adj. crooked, fro- war d, Pro v. xxi. 8. Is. xxvii. 1. bent, distorted, deceitful. Pers. Kham ? Chald. Kamar, Gr. xa/A-ffrw, / Z>^wí/, Lat. Cam- urus. A CArn,-roAÓ, v. a. bend, make crooked, distort, curve. Caii?aó,-aió, pi. id. s m. a bend, crook, curvature, Arab. Khemi, a curvature. C&rb,-bA, s.f. the game of commons or hurling, vernacu- larly called, b&j|te. GW6,x) rc<\ntAi5, s.m. common fumitory. Fumaria officinalis. \ CltM|i3i)eAÓ,-Ai5e, adj. bandy- legged, club-footed. CAfi?ri?uií)eul,-é|l, pi. id. s.m. a wry neck, also, a bird so called. C<\rnrbu|i)euUó,-Ai5e, adj. crooked necked. Ce, s.m. a singer, fr. can, &, ^eAjt. CivncAi|te, g. id. pi, -jieAÓA, s.m. « singer, 1 Chron. vi. 33 pi. 2 Chron. xxxv. 15. Ps. lxviii. 25. C&ocA]|ieAcb,-bA, s.f. a song, singing, Gen. xxxi. 27. Ex. xxxii. 18. g. see 2 Sam. xix.35. The genitive as in last reference is frequently found without any inflection or change — always so in the Scotch dialect. l C&ucAOtfi,-jte,-ttj5e, s.f. a press,7\ 2 Kings, vi. 27. pi. Proverbs, ' ? iii. 10. Caodai},-*M°j pl- id» s - m ' a place of shelter or concealment. A C,-t><\, s.f. discre- tion, kindness, mildness. CAO]rbeArt)uil,-rt)lA, adj. mild, dis- creet, kindly. C<\o]tr))W, g- id. the herb eyebright, Euphrasia. x CAo|iijceAc,-ci5,-cecA, s.m. or, f. a companion, a bed-fellow, fr. Gaorb, &, ceAC. CaonvneAO, v.n. weep , lamen t, inf. John, xi. 31. tteb. Kun, to lament, and, Kinah, lamen- tation. : Caoi9,-oí> 5 adj. gentle, mild, 1 Thess ii. 7. s&'eetf tempered, delightful, pleasing, soft, genial, polished, Heb. Chen, favour. C<.\o|i)ÓeAU*>,-e|lbe, s. f. a fair form. C&o\ve, g. id. s.f. mildness, gen- tleness, kindliness. CAOiueAÓ,-r)ce, pi. id. alam cnta- iion, awaiting, Gen. lTToT Jer. ix. 10. 2 Cor. vii. 7. — Amos, v. 16. a dirge or lamentation for the dead, see, Cao|d. C a o ] ne a r , -n i r , s /m . 772 ildness, gen- tleness. 3 — CAOin!eAc,-li5,pl.-li5e,or,-lgóo|ja8e<\ji3,-e|fi5e, adj. red hot. Cao]\\)\) 9 g. id. pi, -oi&e, s.f. a lit le sheep, a small berry. C<\0]]\ít) lévoA, g. id. s.f. great wild valerian, Valeriana offici- nalis. OAol,-ou\e, adj. small, 1 Kings, xix. 12. thin, lean, slender, nar- row, shrill, Arab. Khell, lean, & Kahul, withered, dry. CaoI,-ojI, pi. id. s.m. the narrow part of anything, "CeAi)5, pi. id. s.m. the small intestines, tripe, Gr. %<^ag. CAolpA|l,4e, s.f. nettles, urtica, the herb heiriff. CAolpA]|i5e, g. id. s.m. a strait* a frith. CAol^lóftACj-^jje, adj. shrill- voiced, fr. caoI, and 5l6fi. CAolgocACj-Aige. adj shrill voiced fr. caoI, &, 511c. CaoIcu|i,-cij]h, pi, id. s.m. a py- ramid. CAorb,-o|rbe,adj. hind, meek, gen* tie, mild, friendly, noble. Arab. Kom, noble, Lat. Com-is. C&orb,~o]tr), pi. id. s.m. a friend, a relative. CAorbAi5,-rbu5Ab, v. a. cherish, protect, save, defend, keep, perfect. CAorijA^rA, p.p. protected. CAorbcftucArt)\il r ri)lA, adj. slender, finely formed. CAOtbi)u|béeó|jx,-ófXA,-ó||i]6e,s-m. a protector, C. P. CAOii)Ó5,-ói5e,-Ó5A, s.f. an affec- tionate woman. CAornrA]óceó||t,-óftA,-óui)óe, s. m. a collector, a rehearser. CAormnu, inf. id. v.a. save, Job. ii. 6. see, CAorbAj 5. Caouac,-ai3, pl,-e, s.m. a small horse. CápuII,-u|U, pi. id. s.m. qjkorse, C&ft<\,-fi CA|ibAb,-Afb, pi. id. s.m. a cha- f^~ riot, a waggon, Gen. xli. 43 — Acts, viii. 29 Gen. xiv. 19. Ex. xv. 4. CAfib,-AHri2, pi. id. s.m. a heap, Gen. xxxi. 46. a pile qf stone s raised over the^Tomo of de- ceased heroes, a barrow. Arab. Kern, a little /*77/7ancT Kyrnas, a projecting part of a moun- tain. C&fin,-t), v.a. heap up, pile to- gether, CA]tn^i5 r nu5A6, v.a. id. C&fir)4ó r pi. id. s.m. a heap, Judges, xv. 16 — pi. 2 Chron. xxxi. 8. a pile of stones, a little heap. C&\i\)t\i) c<\]ril, s.m. navelwort, Umbilicus veneris. C^fin^n caocAin, s.m. a molehill, fr. cAjtn, &, c<\oc. C&]\\) c\x]tr)i)e, s.m. a monument. G^finc*, ind. p.p. piled up. C<\fli,- cAiijxse, pi. id. & CA-||t5eAca, s.f. a rock, Ex. xvii. 6.-2 Sam. xxii. 3. Ps< lxi. 2.— 1 Kings xix. 11. Ps. lxxviii. 15. & civ. 18. In 1 Sam. xiv. 4. it is spelled c&\\m]c, f. g, CAflwn;, m. In 1 Cor. x. 4. spelled CAfltirfc, fern. & in Matt, xxvii. 51. the plur. is spelled c pi. id. s.m. means, 1 Thess. iii. 5. case, cause, con- <3<" cern, difficulty, misfortun e^ *fc-ArACb,-bA, s.f. acougJu~ j£. CArAGbACj-Aijje, s.f. a cough, a coitinued cough. C<\rAb,-rc<\, &, -r pi. id. s.m. a wrinkle, Eph. v. 27. also, « twisting, a curling. C<\r&or^i l )? pl- ^. s,m - a 'po.th^ Job xxx. 13.— pl, Job viii. 13. (j$L C pi. id. s.m. a hel- í CéAbAOjn,-ne, s.f. Wednesday. mel, a head-piece. C.P. fr. CéAb, &, Aome, a fast. C-Ai3,-, pi. id. s.m, a hero, a military commander, a colonel, fr. Cac, &, wjleAÓ. l^fs]X" CAcoil|ce, ind. adj. universal, ca- \° iholioi C^cjiiq5ceói|i,-óiiA,-ó||ii8e, s.m. a citizen, Luke xv. 15. fá ^ C^u7-^8,-rti|5ce, pi. id. s. in. chief seat, pi, Matt, xxiii. 6. CéAbclÁ]t,-Á]jt, pi. id. s.m. the first table, Ex. xxxiv. 4. pi. Ex. xxxiy. 1. /oA| |£t^ C&AbpAÓ.-ÓA, pi. icf . s.m. sense, pi, Heb. v. 14. faculty, under - standing, fr. CéAb, &, j:ac. K2- Ce_A b j: AÓAC,-Ai5e, djscreet, sen- sidle, belonging to. the senses or acuities. CéAfclóijAÓ,-Aió, s.m. breakfast. fr. CéAb, &, lóno.ó. CéAbii7iijnc]|i,-fte, s.f the elder branch of a family, primoge- niture. CeAbpA. ind. adj. same, Gen. xxvi. 24. Heb. xi. 9. CéA&coii)A|lc,-ce,-cr, s.f. break- fast. CéAbcui rnjeAÓ, -iui£ce, s.m. first- ling, Ex. x iii. 12. first bar u. c e c CéAbcontAÓ,-oftCA, pi. id. s.m. jtirrf fruits, Rom. viii. 23. 1 Cor. xv. 20. CéeA5, g, -a in bi^jNs.m. self-heal, prunella vulgar is\ Cev\n^b^n toóoa, g, -Ap) rrjóijA, s.m. broad leaved cotton grass, eriophorum polystacion. kind, mild, Ce & »úz*/ind. a dU loi ' i "?>f ond > n . , -i £ -{gentle, seem- C gWA n,^,-n,U > adj.l| ) ^.^ complaisant. CeAT)Alc c]i)Aimrine, s.f. a /i epoch, a date, an era. CeAi)Aiftc,-ce, s.f. strife, uproar, division, 2 Tim. ii. 23. — Luke xii. 51. see Acts xxi. 38, & xxiv. 5. Joel iii. 14. a meeting, contention, rebellion, insubor- dination, conspiracy. Fr. ceAi), & AÓAjtc, i.e. butting with the horn. CeAÍ)<\i|iceAC,-ct5e, adj. rebel- lious, striving, Deut. ix. 24. , ;. . 2 Tim. ii. 24. mutinous, per- verse, insubordinate. GeAi), g, C|i) c^f)|ó, pi. id. s.m. a chief, the head of a clan» CeAi)corr?fiAó,-Ai8, pi. id. s.m. a chief topic of conversation. CeAi)b&i)A, ind. adj. headstrong, stubborn , froward, bold. CgobívnAcb,-A|ób,s.m. obstinacy, C P. pertinacity, stubbornness. CeAÍjpAC, g, qf)£Ac, pi. id. s.m. chief cause, original reason. CeAt)féAÓt)A, c\w\x)\ó, &,-péAb- /C/ da, pi. id. acaj^tavn, Ex. xiv. y^ 7. — plur. ExTxv. 4. Deut. i. 15. O a chief, a leader. CeAÍjpéAÓt)Acb,-bA, s.f. captain- cy, leadership. Ce<\ulAibj|i,-bfie, adj. head- strong, stubborn. CeAi)rt)Aibe, g, cfi)rt)Afbe, s.m. . a blockhead. CeATJpopc, g, cji)f>ui|ic, pi. id. s.m. chief man, author, found- er, Acts xxviii. 7. Heb. xii. 2. also, a head port, or city. _^jl GeAi3fiAC,-Ai3,-Ai7;e, s.m. a filet, head lace, a tether, head-stall, bridle, halter. CeAi)ftéitf3 g, cinjtéfqs, s.m. propitiation, mercy; also, a peacemaker. i gentle, meek, /v ^ CeAi3r.,ind.adf^^ T p i e m t ;/^ Cé^r^&^iseJiii; 4 ; x Tim ; liii.3. CeA^fAcb,-bA, s.f. gentleness, v~ meekness, 2 Cor. x. 1. Gal. v. 22.— Ps. xlv. 4, 1 Cor. iv. 21. patience. CeAi)rAi5,-ru5<\6, v. a. have power }£j J over, lams') inf. 1 Cor. vii. 37. Jas. iii. 8. quell, sftbdt/e, con- quer, train. \ ceu CeAi3f*Ai5ce, ind. p.p. subdued, conquered, tamed, trained, a sabs. plur. the meek, Ps. xxv. | 9. more properly, oa ceAt}- CeApr5ftiobji),-rje, s.f. a title, a motto. CeA^cuY,-u]y, s.m. superiority, chieftaincy, arrogance. Ceap, g, cip, pi. id. s. m. a block, plur., Zeph. i. 3. a last, a piece of ground, the stock or nave of a wheel, the head of a tribe or family. CeApAÓrt<\t),-Ait>, s.m. scanning or capping verses. CeApAi3,-pu5Aó, v. a. form, found, bind, train up, stop, in- tercept, Heb. Cabah. ^ CeApAifte,g. id. pi, -ji^be, s.m. 7 bread and butte r, pi. slices of 'Sread L and butter. 65 ce& CeApÁt),-Á]i), pi. id. s.m. a stump or pin, a little stock or last. CeApr3,v.a. propagate, trace the branches of a fa- mily. CeAp-cuirli6, g. id. pi, -8e, s.m. a stumbling block, Lev. xix. 14. GeAftbóifi,-6jtA,-ójii]t>e, s. m. a carver, an engraver. , * CeA|tc,g, ci|ice,pl, ceAftCA, s.f. \^\'^~ a hen, Matt, xxiii. 37. Luke, xiii. 34. Arab. Kerk. GeAfic pjtAojc, a moor hen, a grouse, CeAjicfjtAT}CAC, a turkey hen, CeAjic co]lle,or,CeA|tc coit^t) a partridge, CeAft cujfje, a ^^ water-hen. c&rtftCL Utféoz CeAfiCACj-Aige, adj. abounding in hens. ^ CeA|tcAll,-Aill, pi- id. s.m. a pit- /<^| "jj— low, 1 Sam. xix. 13. & 16. also, n \j^- a bed, a couch, a carpenter 's 6 block. CéAjtb, g, céiftb, &, céAjtbA, \(\%- pi. id. s.m. a worker, as GéAfib A] 1151 b, a silver- smith, Acts, xix. 24. Géjxjtbcjté, a potter, g. f/i^ see, Jer. xvin. 2, 3, & 4. CéAjtb OACjaiAÓ, a potter, Rom. ix. 21 .'' ZlJér^S. 11 — 1 Chron.iv. 23. CéAjib copAjjt, a copper-smith, 2 Tim. iv. 14. CéAjib cftu, s.m. « butcher, CéAfibóf|t, a gold- smith^ g. Neh. iii. 31. Pers. Kherd, solder, Kird, employ- ment. CéA]ibAcb,-bA, s.f. trade, me- chanism, Ex. iv. 22. GéAfibÁige, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a mechanic, a tradesman. CéAjtbArblAcb,-bA, s.f. ingenuity. CéAttbAirmil,-rblA, curious, cun- ning, Ex. xxviii. 28, & xxxviii. 23. well-wrought, tradesman- like. r GéAjabcA, g. id. s.f. a forge, a[^J — wo rkshop. {^frAh^lWY} i ce?i 66 ceti CeAfit)j-e]fui, pi. id. s.m. a cor- ner, an angld CeA|tt)A, g. id. pi, -A^Oe, s.m. an angle, 6i ftj bfu-jl clu^b na, ceafiDA £&er£ is neither corner nor angled M'N. Syr. Kama, angle. CeA|inAb&n,-Ajn, pi. id. s.m. a hor- net, Joshua, xxiv. 12. — pi. Ex. xxiii. 28. CeA]ti)Ac,-Ai5e, adj. victorious, from the obs. cea jio, victory, CeAftt)A3-5lo]t)e,-Ai5-5loti)e,pl.id. s. m. a square or pane of glass. CeAjiobuAir, s m. a prize ob- tained in public games in run- ning, wrestling, 8$c, GeAftr)- Iuac, id. CeA]to5i|tj-6ftA,-6f |t]óe,s.m. a vic- tor, a conqueror. See, CeAjt- t)AC. CeAflaAC&n,-&tf),pl. id.s.m. a car- rot,. Daucus, vern. 2t)eACAn bujóe. CeA|jtDAc,-A]5,-Ai5e s.m. qjgame- ster, a dexterous gambler. TM «Sr CeAfi]tbACAr,-A^rj s.m. a gaming, a gambling. CeAfifuicAiv&pjpl- id. s.m. skir- . rett. Y^Jf^Sstbiyz,,-^^*,, pi. id. s.m. right, ' ; righteousness, Ps. xvii. I Gen.xviii. 19. Rev. xix. IX.jus- tice, equ iti/. CeAfic, ceijtce, adj. righteous, just, I Pet. ii. 23. Job. iv. 17. just, honest, true, upright, proper, fair, certain, Lat. Cert-us. CeAftcbejfice, g, cefjicbetjace,&, -beAjxcA, s.m. birthright, Gen. xxvii. 36.— Gen. xliii. 33. 1 Chron. v. 1. Cgjtc-bjte}ceji?i)Af*,g,ceiitc-bttefc- §ri)rh?r, pi. id. s.m. righteous judgment, g. Rom. ii. 5. Ce, v.a. rebuke, Tit. ii. 15. adjust, rectify, amend, set right, dress. K 3 % , cvwtv/ CeAficu]5ce, ind. p.p. corrected/ reformed, adjusted, amend&n, set right. fC3 -fe Ce pi- id. s - m - a first taxing, Luke, ii. 2. Ceib]teACU]5e, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a forerunner, Heb. vi. 20. ,_ Ce]\,-\z, v.a. hide , conceal, 2 Sam. fid / -iu5Ab, v.a. question, exa- mine, interrogate. CejfbiugAbj-ttiTjce, pi. id. s. m. an examination^ a questioning. CeireÓ5,-ói5e, -°3< s.f. a slip, a young pig. Geirio, g. id. pi, -Olbe, si. Cei|*ct)iu5Ab, s.m. a questioning, see, Geu'biugAb. CeiceAfti)<\c,-Ai5,-Ai5e, s. m. a {\*l- soldier, a hero, a yeoman, a stout-hearted strong man, Arab. Cadiron. Cejcfie, ind. num. adj. four, em- ployed when the noun is ex- pressed, Gen. ii. 10. and pas- sim. Ceo, g. id. s.m. vapour, Gen. ii. 6. — Job. xxxvi. 27. mist, fog. Chal. Ceha, it became dark. Ceób|tAi),-Áio, pl- id- sm - a heavy dew, a drizzling rain, fr. Ceó,&, bjiAon. Ce6bfiÁr)Ac,-Ai5e, adj. mizzling, misty, foggy. ce n 69 C ] U CeóÓAÓ,-A^5e, adj. rfiwi, Gen. xxvii. 1. Job. xvii. 7. cloudy ', misty, dark. Ceol, g. ce6|l, or cu^l, pi, ceólca, &, ceólcAi&e, s. m. singing, song, minstrelsy, Rom. xv. 9. Rev. xiv. 3.— Matt. ix. 23. Col. iii. 16. 1 Chron. xv. 16. music, melody, Heb. Kol, har- mony, Chald. Cholia, sweet- ness. ' CeoUitie, g. id. pi, -fMÓe, s.m. a musician, a singer, fr. ceót, &, Ceól*i|te<\cb,-bA, s.f. music, sing- ing, warbling, melodiousness. CeóUn,-&it>, pi. id. sra. a little bell, a worthless talker, Chald. Chali. sweet. Ce6lb]i),-i)e, adj. harmonious, sweetly musical. Ceólcvifinvrue, s -^ a concert, fr. ceol, &, cvifiro, a feast. Ce olrb , v.a. modulate^ play music, fr. ceol, &, fie^n). Ceóri)At|te<\c&,-ba, s.f. mistiness, darkness. Ceórb*|t,-Aifte, adj. misty, dark, foggy- Ceó-n7]lceAÓ,-ci5, s.m. mildew. Ceói\i&r),-&]t), pi. id. s.m. a miz- zling rain, a small shower. Ceócjt&OACj-Aige, adj. drizzling, showery , dewy. Cejibreój ji,-óftA,-óirtit>e, s - m « # brewer, fr. the old word, Cejib, fermentation, malting, &, ^eAji. Céfiub, g. id. s.f. a cherub, Ezek. ix. 3. x. 7. & xxviii. 14.— Ezek. x. 14. Géfiubío, g. id. pi, -nig, s.m. a cherub, 1 Kings, vi. 23. 24. 25. & 26.— 1 Kings, vi. 27.— Plur. 1 Kings, vi. 27. & 28. 1 Kings, viii. 7. Ezek. x. 16. CeceAlj-cé^l, pi. id. s.m. a kettle, 1 Sam. ii. 14. CeYcb,-bA,-A|6e, s.m. a plough, Luke, ix. 62. Cevb, g. cé]b, pi. cev&A, num. adj. an hundred, Gen. xi. 10. & xvii. 17. CevbACj-Aige, adj. an hundred- fold — "Un connab cevbAC," M'N. Cevb-bv^lleAc, no comp. adj. hun- dred-leaved i as a substantive, the herb centaury, Erythrcea centaureum. CevbrbACjg. cé\bú)]c, s.m. a first- born son, Matt. i. 25. see Cé^b- Cevon<\, ind. adj. same, Matt. v. 46. CeYbtofít, v.a. interpret, inf. J Prov. i. 6. mean, signify, de- sign. - """" -7- l_l CJAUv^e, ind. adj. sensible, sig- nificant. K\^% ot& |^| ^ Cjao, c^^ne, adj.^gz^, see Acts, ii. a-t^cS^- 39- l° n 9> distant, tedious, mostly JíL used adverbially, a 5-cj a i). a £5 C]AT)-tt}AO|n,-r)e, s.f. alegacy. ^ CjAi)rbAftc£, Lat. Genu si A 4 C]i}eul,-é|l, s.m. kindness, sin- ^^T rcr%, Ruth ii. 20.— 2 Cor. viii. 8. Cfneulc-cs, ind. adj. clannish, gen- tle, kind, sincere. Cjneulcur,-tqr, pi. id. s.m. kind- ness^ favour, Gen. xxiv. 14. Ruthii.13. Prov. xiv. 9. — Prov. xxxi. 26. fondness, affection. Cl n 5 c ttvr e 5 s.f. Pentecost, 1 Cor. xvi. 8. — Acts ii. 1. C]f),-r)e&\vu]Y), v.a. appoint, Gen. xxiv. 44. resolve, allot, destine, assign, establish, surpass. C]i), nom. pi. heads, Deut. i. 15. see CeAíj. Cji)be]|tc,-ce, pi. id. s.f. a head- band, plur. Is. iii. 20. a helmet, a head di'ess. C]t>eAri)r)AC,-Ai5e, adj. fatal, ac- cidental. O'H. y]^Cj^eAm\Tt),-rbr)A ,pl. iq\ &,-rbn^c a, /.' s i* cliance, Eccles. ix. II. fate, -£w destiny^ accident, fortune. II %p]V-V e ^^rVW]^} pl. id. s.m. a r ringleader, captain, Acts xxiv. 5. — pi. Ex. xv. 4. C]X)V]t), g. id. pi, -t^óe, s.f. a little 'j ^C-\T)\iz-\\i,-z\ie,-zne&cb, s.f. a ca- pital letter. G]x)ze&cb,-b&, s.f. certainty, po- sitiveness, confidence, assurance . C]i)ti5,-c|ii5.y), pi. id. s.m. a tit- mouse. Cfoci\ft,-aift,pl.id. s.m. aravenous dog, sharp hunger, ardent de- sire, see CjocjtAC. ravenous, Is. xlvi. 11. p. . see Is. lvi. 11. &, - ad' Ezek. xxxix. 4. also, C]olfu, ] i^Wy,greedy,ava- L . /,. \ncious, having a ca- ff^-o 9 J \ nine appetite, fr. l&X, & OCJtAC. ^ C|0C|a4.jvA^r, s.m. ravenousness, [^S^T hunger, greediness, a false ap- petite. CfocjtAf &x),-'&]x), pi. id. s.m. a hun- gry or greedy fellow. Cíoló5,-6| 56,-654, s.f. a hedge sparrow, "ah CÍ0I05 ]t|AOAc," the bird that follows the cuckoo. candle, an icicle, see Co^lft). 'fCjon, g, c]n, s.m. £o£e, reputation, / 0]or)zAc,-t^, pi. id. s.m. a wickecL person, g. Ps. x. 15. & cxlvi. 9. Prov. xv. 28. pi. Prov. Xxiv. 16. a criminal. GfofttACj-Aige, adj. guilty, Gen. xlii. 21. Rom. xvi. 17. 1 Cor. xi. 27. Gjoi)cui3,-tii5AÓ, v. n. & a- sin, be guilty, condemn, see Gen. xxiv. 16. & C.P. 336. Gjofjuf, adv. how ? Gen. xxvi. 9. John, iii. 4. i.e. q<\ An t)6r ? Cfoit, g, cfjie, si. a cud, Lev. xi. 3. Deut. xiv. 6. Cfojtj-ftAS, v.a. comb, see CfAjt. G(0|i*bó||t,-óft<\,-5fji]6e, s.m. « comber. Cío|trbAi|te, g. id. pi, -rqbe, s.m. a fuller, a person who knaps cloth; also, a comb-maker 9 a comber. Cfoft TTjealA, g, c'ljte rbeAl,-Ai6, pi. id. s.m. amaim- • ] ing, Lev.xxii. 22.also,q^Q^^- ing, cutting, mangling* Heb. cheburah, a wouna. jCj-^0 K^^Tn C|ontbA|5,-AÓ, v.a. maim, wound, , > cut , mangle. \L L^fr ''U4U- oM - i>A f CfontbuiTjce, ind. p.p. maimed, f^jUCkdu 0{L> disabled. ii ^UUJpí n téu 1 n ' eAÓ '" n) l3 e ' ad J- maim - Mvw ~& e d y see Luke xiv. 21. spelled ACA,s.f. t^ute money, Matt. vii. 24. revenue, tax, assessment. CiorrbAO|t,-AO]|t, pi. id. s.m. a rent or tax collector. C]ot, g, ceACA, pi. id. & ceACAi)A, s.m. a shower, Ezek. xxxiv. 26. Lukexii. 54. — Ezek.xiii. 11. — . Jer. iii. 3. Heb. ki, a vomit. Gr. x s '"^ a - CiocAc,-A]je, adj. left-handed, awkward. C|ocri?AJVAifie, adj. showery. C]ocÓ5,-ó|5e,-Ó5A 5 s.f. the left hand. Cfocjturt)Ac,-rt)U|5, pi. id. s.m. an abject person, plur. Ps. xxxv. 15. see CjoftcujrneAC. Cjpin, g. id. pi, -npe, s.m. a little stick, a dibble, a pin for tying and fastening a tether. Chald. cibben, he bound. Cffi,-fte, s.m. & f. the cud, Deut. xiv. 6. see Cfojt. C]fie]b,-be,-beAc^ s.f. an insur- rection, tumult, quarrel. Cfjifn, g.id. pi, -t)i be, s.m. a cock's comb or crest. GítM0eAÓ,-T)i5e*adj. crested. G\\,-ye, pi, ceArceAt) C I ^ 74 CI u *!* GtAi|treuke HAl ix. 41. partial, prejudiced. \ J u^Lurf CUonA8,-j;cfu|leAC,-li5e, adj. squint- eyed. CIaooca, ind. p.p. bent, inclined. ClAoncAD<\cb,-&A, s. f. aptness, disposition. GUpfoU r,-Air, s.m. twilight. ClAfi,-A|jt, pi. id. &, cIajia, s.m. a table, aboard, Ex. xxv. 23 Ps. cxxviii. 3. — Ex. xxvi. 18. Heb.ix.4. ClAft<\]t)n7r)]ii5AÓ,-u]5ce, s.m. a title-page. ClAjicorACj-Ajge, adj. splayfoot- ed. Cl&jt-roinjgce, s.m. a glossary. CUrba, g. id. pi, -<\6.\, s.m. a clasp. Vulg. H cie 7o CI J Cl<\fbAi5,-bAt>, v.a. clasp, button, tye, lash to. Vulg. U^ Cle<\cb,-& CleAC&Ab,-A]6, &, -&a, pi. id. s.m. " exercise, using, 1 Tim. iv. 8. Col. ii. 22. practice, habit, usage, custom. l/£. Cle*ri)i)ur,-u|r, pi. id. s.m. mar- riage, Jos. xxiii. 12. — pi. Gen. xxxiv. 9. affinity__or relation- ship by marriage. Cle<\r,-rA, pi. id. &, -rear)*, s.m. a play, trick, craft, frolic* a feat of legerdemain, warlike exer- cise, illusion. Heb. keles, il- lusion. Cle,-&&, s.f. the state of a clergyman, clerkship, scholar- ship. Cl&hbetfcro Cle|c 3 -ce, pi, cleAtACA, s.f. a roof Matt. viii. 8. a stake, a wattle, a fence, a goad. Heb. Chele . Chald. Clei, he shut in ; Gr. xXsz-w, / hide, & xksi-g, a key. see GleAc. Ctejce, g. id. pi, -cj, s.m. a quill, a plume, a feather. Cle]ceac,-q5e,adj plumy, downy, feathery, flaky. ClejceACj-cjg, s.m. teings, Job xxxix. 23. Cle]ceÓ5,-ói5e,-Ó5, pi. id. s.m. a, boun- cing, a starting, a sparring. Cl|or5AC,-^i3e, adj. bouncing, rattling, skipping. CljtvreAÓ, v.a. deceive, disap- point. *l y^ff Ol|rce, hid. adj. quick-nutted, P knowing, active, nimble. *\ Cl|rceAcb,-&A, s.f. shrewdness, d ■ vterity, nimbleness, activity. til- CIó,-ca, pi- id. s.m. a print, Job xiii. 27. a printing press, an impression. Spelled also, CloÓ, &, Clot. Clob,-bA, s.m. a pair of tongs. vein. Clob. Cloc, -oióe,-oÓA, s.f. a stone, Matt, xxi. 42. Acts. iv. 11. — Ex. xxiv. 12. Matt. xxiv. 2.— Gen. xxxi. 46. Luke, xix. 40. see 1 Cor. iii. 12. Clóc a, g. id.pl,-A]6e,&,-ACA,s.m. a cloak, Matt. v. 40. Luke. vi. 29. ClocAc,-Ai5e, adj. stony, Ezek. xi. 19. Matt. xiii. 5, & 20. CIoc,-caó, v.a. stone, see 1 Kings xxi. 10. Cloc<\]fie, g. id. pi, -ftjóe, s.m. a mason, a quarryman. fr. Gloc, & {reAji. Cloc<\i|teAc&,-&a, s.f. masonry, quarrying. ClocArtmil,-ri)lA, adj. stony, Ezek. xxxvi. 26. Cloc&i),-*Mr), pi. id. s.m. a pave- ment, a causeway, stepping- stones across a river. ClocAjt,-A]tt, pi. id. s.m. an as- sembly, congregation, college. CloÓAjtA, ind.adj. set with stones. CloÓAjinAc,-,<\j3, s.m. a wheezing in the throat. Cloc-cf?), s.f. a head-stone, a tomb-stone, see Cloc. Cloc-fr g? c ^ u 15> pl» id. s.m a feZ/, a clock, a clapper of a mill. J> Clojab.-^b, pi. id. &, -AbA, s.m. a helmet, a headpiece, Eph. vi. 17. — pi. 2 Chron. xxvi. 14. a cone, a pyramid, also, a mea- sure. Clo5Ajb,-be,-bi, s.f. a helmet, 1 Thess. v. 8. CIo3a|it)ac,-ai3, s.m. a noise, a ringing of bells, a tinkling. CloscAtv^ir? pi. id. s.m. a belfry. Clo5fr)ACAb,-Aibe,-bi, s.f. a gno- mon, the hand of a dial or clock. Clo!cbéirt)i)eAc,-r)i5, pi. id. s.m. a stamping, prancing, g. Jer. xlvii. 3. Cló|ceAb,-bA, pi. id. s.m. a print- ed permission, a passport. CloicfteAc,-jii5e,-fieACA, s.f. a stony place. Clo|ófi)eAcb<\, g. id. pi. id. &, K.% ir ciocAf rjeAcbA, s.m. or f. hail- stone, Rev. xvi. 21. — Job, xxxviii. 22. Rev. xvi. 21. — pi. Ps. xviii. 12. Ezek. xxxviii. 22. Cloicceine, g. id. pi. id. &, cIoca- ceioe, s.f. a flint, Ps. cxiv. 8. Clojóe, g. id. pi, -ee, s m. an ear-ring, Gen. xxiv. 22. Prov. xxv. 12. — pi. Ex. xxxii. 2, & 3. Judg. viii. 24. CluAfluc,-\?ce, s.f. creeping mouse ear, hierasium pilosella. CliiArrt)Aocíu),-ívir), pi. id. s.m. the tip of the ear. Club, g, clui&, pi. id. s.m. a cor- ner, g. 2 Chron. xxv. 23. — pi. Lev. xix. 9. also, a patch, a rag. Clúb,-bAt>, v.a. cover, thatch, clothe,cherish. ClrbA^-bu^AÓ, v,a. id. Clúbivb, -bti|5,-bui5e, s,m. a cha- piter, a cherishing, 2 Kings xxv. 17. Eph. v. 29.-2 Kings xxv. 17. a covering. Club. 15 ; ind. p.p. covered* thatched, cherished. ClúbAjfte, g. id. pi, -fi^oe, s.m. a thatcher, also, a botcher, a cob- bler. Clii6An7U]l,-rr}lA, adj. renowned, famous. Clu5AT),-&ir), pi. id. s.m. a cluster, a bunch. Clu5Á0AC,-Ai5e, adj. clustering. Clu|ce, g. id. pi, clu^dce, s.m.fcfh- a sport, aaame, plai/^pustime, ,, 'jjr also, a sKoaTof fish, T" — Clú|b,-be,-beAt)A, s.f. a corner, a nook, an angle. s.m. a bell, Ex. xxviii. 34. pi. :; / . Ex. xxviii. 33. & xxxix, 25. a »« little bell, Clui5ir),-r)eAcb, v.a. ring, make a tinkling noise, as with a bell, inf. 1 Cor. xiii. 1. Cluitbe-CAO^Dce, g. id. pi, -rbce- - CAOjnce, s.m. a funeral game, a tragedy. C\\x\\),-\)\yx), &, cloifbii),v.a. hear, fcj k 2 Kings, xix. 16. — Luke, x. 24. Deut. iv. 10. hark, listen. Gr. xXuA5,-5AÓ, \. a. push, see 1 Kings xxii. 1 1. &?zoeA flfo^w, rap, strike. Cn<\5,-<\]5, pi. id. &, --&3A, s.m. a wrinkle, see Job, xvi. 8. &>26>5, « peg, a knock. Cn^beAc,-&i5e, adj. vexed, fret- ted, scoffed, jeered. CnArb, pi, ctj&rbA, s.m. a bone. Gen. ii. 23. & xxix. 14. Prov. xxv. 15,— Ezek. xxxvii. 7. — Ezek. xxxvii. 7. Luke, xxiv. 39. CnAiri)-iieubAO,-b<\ ]S, &,-bcA,s.m. bone breaking. Cn<\itbreAÓ,-ri5e,-feACA, s.f. a midwife. J^ Cn,-&jrb,-&ri?<\, s.m. a_bone. For cases, see Ezek. xxxvii. 7. Large Ed. 1827. Cy&nj&c,-*-]^, adj. fowg/, large boned. Ct)<\ú)u.]V,-ve, s.f. a gangrene. Crxxo], g. id. s.m. consumption, Lev. xxvi. 16. Deut. xxviii. 22. Cn,-&A, s.f. a consuming, a wasting, a gnawing. Onao^te, ind. p.p. consumed, wasted, eaten, gnawed, spent. Ci}Ap,-^p, pi. id. s.m. a knob, Ex. xxxvii. 19, & 21 — pi. Ex. xxxvii. 17. a: bunch, knot, lump, boss, stud, a little blow, a hillock. Chald. Cnap. Cn&6,$k?iobs,heap,strike. Cx)&y>!\x),-b.-\x), pi. id. s.m. a knob, pi. Ex. xxv. 31. see Cnap. Cr;ap fCAfttA, g- id. pi, -Ajbe, s.m. a stumbling block. CoeAb,-e]be,-eAbA, s.f. a sigh, a groan. Cneab, inf. id. v.a. sigh, groan. CneAbj-éjÓej-eAÓA, s.f. a wound* Rev. ~xurV3:— Ex. xxi. 25. Prov. xx. 30 — Luke x. 34. CoeAb<\ó,-Ai5e, adj. wounded, Prov. xviii. 14. see Ezek. xxx. 24. Ci)eAbAc,-ui5,'pl.id. s.m. a groan- ing ^ g. Ps. cii. 5. see Ps. vi. 6. CneArb,-Tt)<\, s.m. garlic, wild gar- mi m x - 7 *f cnedYvi> gnu -f- 5Í W 1 '1 III Uc, gentian, Allium, allium syl- vestre, gentiana. Cr)eAri)Aifie, g. id. pi, -fipe, s.m. a mean fellow, a knave. CneAri)AifieACb,-bA, s. f. mean- ness, low knavery. Cr)eAr,-eir,-eArA, s.m. the waist x breast, neck, skin. CijeArbA, ind. adj. assiduous, J . Cor. vii. 35. honest, temperate, modest, mild. Ct)eArb- Gnoc, g, cou-fc, pi. id. &, cnocÁ, /^ s.m. a hill. Jos. xvii. 16. — Ex. xvii. 9. — Ps. cxiv. 6. & Rev. xvii. 9. '^ Cr}ocAC,-A]5e, Siáj^/u^li/. GoocAi|teAc&,-b,-bAtcA, s.m. sleep, Gen. ii. 21. Matt. i. 24.— Judg. iv. 21. Heb. Cholom, a dream. Co&U^&íHj-ne^-n^ge, s.f. white poppy, opium, Papaver somni- ferum. CobUcACj-Aige, adj. slumbering, sleepy, Rom.- xi. 8. Co&Ó5,-ó|5e,-Ó5<\,s.m. a haddock. CobftomcA, ind. adj. uncivilized, foreign, strange. '-Cl'K.Cobuilj-bUo, v.n. sleep^ Gen. ii. 7 21.— Gen. xxviii. U. Heb. Chodel, stopping, ceasing. CopjiA, g. id. pi, -A-|6e, s.m. a cofi ' fer, a chest, 1 Sam. vi. 11. 2 Chron. xxiv. 8. CojACj-Aije, adj. warlike, apper- taining to war. Heb. Cuch, he conquered infighting. ' M sm. war, Rev. xix. 11 — Ex. xv. 37"Rev. xii. 17. — Mark, xiii. 7. Matt. xxiv. 6. Luke, xxi. 9. Jas. iv. 1. n ■. 7 v.a. war, inf. 2 Ki. r ■ d r-xix. 8. Is. xxxvn. Co S*13»-S*»»,y8,&9.j(^A<. CojaIj-aiI, pi. id. s.m. tares^ Matt. xiii. 26— Matt. xin. 29. the herb cockle, agrostemma githa- go, also, a bearded ear of bar- ley. CojArbu^lj-rblA, adj. warlike. CojA^fi,! -fii)ui3, v.n. whisper, Co5A|t, J — inf. 2 Sam. xii. 19. Co5Afi,-Ai|t, pi. id. s.m. a whisper, Ps. xii. 7. « secret. Co5AjtnAc,-Aij,-A]5e,s.m. awhis- perer Prov. xvi. 28. — Prov. xvin. 8. Co5AjicóiJi,-ófiA,-ó^be, s.m. a whisperer. Co5t)A6,-A^5re, s.m. chewing, ru- minating, gnashing of the teeth. Co^cACj-A^ge, adj. rebellious, Deut. ix. 7. & xxxi. 27.— 1 Sam. xx. 30. quarrelsome. CoQiir),-£r}&tri, v.a. gnash the teeth, bite, chew, inf. Acts, vii. 54. see Num. xxi. 6. & Deut. xiv.6. r [lylU C o-^ii]' , 'Wjji s ' m - c onscien ce^ Rom. ix. 1.— 1 Tira.TT97~ Co5ufAc,-A]5e,adj. conscientious. C6]b,-be,-beACA, si. a company, a tro op. Có]b,-be,-beA<*A, s.f. a copy, Deut. xvii. 18.* Jos. viii. 32. Ezraiv. 11. Co]bqr,-re, s.f. equity, justice, impartiality. Co]beireAC,-ri5e, adj.^W, equi- table, impartial. Coibl^ge, g.id. pi, -gee, s.m. the law of correlatives. Coibfij5,-|u3AÓ, v.a. comfort, see Job, ix. 27. help. M ITT 3 C01 ="82 ' CO) ^ L/ ^É - Co]hfe6>c 9 -x]J e 9 zd). becoming, jtfj proper. \ I Co|bpe Lul f ' xvii# VEph ii. 19. ^ Co]5C|ijocAf,-CA]f, pi. id. s.m. distance or remoteness of country. J& Coj5e&l Da rrj-bAr) rige, g, co^j- e]le, &c. s.f. great cat's tail, or, reedmace, typha latifolia. CoijeAlcA, ind. p.p. spared, co- vered, hid. Coj5eul,-eile,&,-e&lA,pl,-e&lACA, s.f. « distaff, Prov. xxxi. 19. }fe Coi5|l,-lc, v. spare± Joel ii. 17. 1 4 see Acts xx. 29. & 2 Cor.xiii. . >} ' 2. preserve, cover. A-^a Go|5flc,-ce, s.f. « sparing, a saving. Cojlbp), g. id. pi, -t)i8e, s.m. a stem, a stalk. Co]leAC,-l]5,-li5e, s.m. a cock, Matt. xxvi. 34.— Mark, xiii. 35. CojleAC 5AOfce, s.m. a weather cock, see Cojleac. Cotle^i),-lé]t),pl.id. s.m. a whelp, pi, Job, xxviii. 8. see Cu]le*vi). Co^léAfi, see GmléAfi. Coileup,-é||t, pi. id. s.m. a collar, a ha me, Job xxx. 18. Il h Cojl|ce, g.id. \ x), g.id. J s.f. the cholic, C01I131D, g.id. I gripes. Góilíf,-re,-reAca, s.f. cabbage. Lat. Caulis. Co|U, g, -le, &, -leaó, pi, -Izfyfit % s.f. a wood, a grove, Num. xiii. 20. Jos. xvii. 18. Judg. vi. 28. — Deut. xix. 5. see Ezek. xxxiv. 25. Gr. záXov, wood, timber. Co^llj-leAÓ, v. a. geld, violate, blind. Co]lleA6,-llte, s.m. gelding, vi- olating, blindfolding. Co]lWfinAc,-,-bA, s.f. commerce. Có|rr)céjrt}i)eAC,-t;)f5e, adj. accom- panying, concurrent. Cófri?céfrtmeAct>,-b, inf. id. v.a. keep, pre- serve, observe, Deut. iv. 9. Matt. xix. 17. 2 Tim. i. 14.— Gen. xlv. 7. Matt, xxiii. 3. Acts xii. 6. tOi^T-' ~-7^5pj)irbéAO,-&A, s.m. a keeping , tu- i/ffs \-telage, g. 2 Kings xxn. 4, & ^^'f 14. Matt, xxviii. 4. Gal. iv. 2. Góirt)éAbAc,-Ai3e, adj. keeping, vigilant, 1 John, v. 18. CóiméAb<\cb,-b, com- mingle, compound, amalga- mate. CójrT)eAr5A8,-5uióce, pi. id. s.m. a confounding, a mixture, a compound. C.P. C5|rbé]pe, s.m. a wresting, Deut. xvi. 19. see, Có|rbei5- C6|rbéi5i)]5,-iyu2AÓ, v. a. co«- straih, force, compel. 1 Sam. xiii. 12. Job xxxii. 18. Luke xiv. 23. Rom. xv. 20. C6|Tn&t301 u 3^ & )- u 15^ e ? pl« id. s * m * a wresting, exaction, Peut. xvi. 19. Neh. x. 31. compul- sion, constraint. Gó|rbéili5ceó]|t,-ófiA,-ó| \i\6e, s.m. a competitor. Co\rve]\\^e, g.id. si. insurrection. Co]ri)freTmire, g. id. pi, -ríbe, s.f. a witness, Heb. ii. 4. Gó|ri)£ill,-lé4tt>, v. a. fold together. C6|ri5p|lléAb,-lt:e, s.m a folding together. Co] rbfr i Uce, ind. p.p. folded to- gether. Cóiibjqoft co5iqb r f]!a C031116, pi. id. s.m. a fellow soldier. Phil. ii. 25. Có|Tt>fr|tee&ób,-b&, s.f. attendance, g. Gen. xxiv. 61. see, Cójrb- éAbAÓb. Có|ri)i5ce<\c,-c|5,-ceACA, s.m- a stranger, Ex. xxiii. 9. — Ex. xxiii. 9. Lev. xxiv. 22. — Eph. ii. 19. Coirt)-|l,-lc, v.a. rub, rub down, K. Co]xr)]\ze, ind. p.p. rubbed, Co]ú)]rt)]\ic,-ce, s.f. corn-migra- tion. Coi'njfi), g. id. s.m. cummin, g. Matt, xxiii. 23. Cuminum. Cojroin, g. id. pi, -ij]6e, s.m. swZ>- urbs, Num. xxxv. 2, & 4. see Josh. xxi. 39, & 42, vernacu- larly, Cjnjiu, the pasture land of a village, pasture land. Co|iT)]onirioll,-|fle, adj. fiat through- out, level. Cófrble 45,-5 c\8, v.a. amalgamate, CóirbleA5<\ó,-Aió, or, -aíjca, s.m. liquefaction, amalgamation. 7 Có|rt7leAt>5,-5A,-5AÓA, s.f. arace^ fo ^ « course* g. 2 Tim iv. 7. Heb. xii. 1. see C6|rbl^)5. Có|iT)leAi)rbu]n,-rnut)A, pi. id. s.f. a consequence. Co]rb 115,-56, v.n. lie with. Cojrblige, g. id. s m. a lying to- gether, Có|rbl]r)5,-|ot)5A,-^on5AÓA, s.f. «V race, a course, Ecc. ix. 11. — ^ g. Ps. xix. 5. see Cóirblear^. Có|rbljor),-i)AÓ, v .&. fulfil, finish, K,%z% C.P.— inf. Acts xx. 24. \C\T^t^ Có|rbl?or),-lín, s.m. a multitude,** g. 2 Sam. vi. 19. an assembly. ^ C o irblior)A8 ,-t)c a, s.m. ^fulfilling.^fCjr-. Acts xiii. 25. Rom. xhi. 10. — / Rom. ii. 13. /^/fefc CójrbrnéAb,-éibe, adj. *>/* £leAf5,-éir5, s.m. a consti- tution, also, a loud noise. Có|ii?pftío|*íit)4Ó,-AÍ5,-4i5e, s.m. a fellow prisoner, Col. iv. 10. see Philem. i. 23. Gó\n)\i£6\z,-é]\ze, pi, -é]lc|6e, & -é<\lcA, s.f. a constellation* Gó\tr)]\£-\i>,-óe, adj. plain, ere». jmMo comncr CO J 85 c J Có]rbnéjn,-|ie,s.f. congruity, C-P. Coinf*f&c% coney, a rabbit, Lev. xi. 5. Deut. xiv. 7. Coft)leÓ5,-6|5e,-Ó5Aj s f. a stalk, a bud, a stem. Cojulín, g. id. pi, -nibe, s.m. a stalk, a bud, Gen. xli. 5. Hos. viii. 7- Co]i3e, g. id. s.f. meeting; used only adverbially, 3Vrn' cojfje, ?o /wee/ me, 1 Sam. xxv. 32. Coif)e*% K^ r)]be, s.f. a little candle, an icicle. Co]v\^oc,-]^,- ]oc ^ . s.m. stubble. Coiíjqíje&c,-í)i5e, adj contenti- ous, 1 Cor. xi. 16. Co it) x] *TV1 A ir> s.m. conscience, Acts, xxiii. 1. 1 Cor. viii. 7. — Rom. xiii. 5. Heb. ix. 9. ComnAf Ac,-Ai5e, adj. conscien- tious. R.S. Có|p,-pe, s.f. a copy, see Có|b 3 also, froth. Cójp(U5<\, adj^r^/iZ, Gen.xxiv. 48. — Acts, iv. 19. honest, just, virtuous. Coifice, g-id. s.m. o«fa. CojjtceAC,-ci5e, adj. abounding in oats, made of oats. CoiiaceÓ5,-ó|5ej-Ó5 -pe faulty, guilty, sinful, see, niwntay CoitieA6 rl ii3f e, pi. id. s.m. an in- vitation, g. Num. ix. 7. a feast. Cojjte&rblac&j-txv, s*f. guiltiness, crime. Co]\xe^n)\x]\,-ú)\^, ádj. guilty, cri- minal. Cojjie&n co]lleó5,-ó]3e,-Ó5<\, s.f. a screech-owl, Is. xxxi v. 14. Coffiq5eo]ji,-ófi<\,-óiTi|óe,s m. an accuser, an informer. Cofiiq5,-|ii5AÓ, v.a. blame, im- l peach. Coir°eAftr,-é||it, s.m. ornaments for the legs, Is. iii. 20. literal- ly, foot-furniture, shoes and • stockings, §c, greaves. Coiybe]\\z,-ze, s.f. covering for the feet, Is xx. 3. see, Cojr- beAf\c. * Co|rcein?,-n?e, pi. id. &, -meaDa, t/ s.f. a step, 1 Sam. xx. 3 — pi. Job, xxxi. 4. Coii-céinwigj-fuTJAÓ, v.n. & a. step along, walk, measure by pacing. CO 87 C OL ■ffi Có)\be, g. id. pi, -ftije, s.m. a coach. Coirbe, g. id. pi, -bige, s.m. ajVy. fr. Coirb, &, ejrb. Coii*beój}i,-ó|i^,-ó|]i}6e, s.m. a juryman. Góif&eó|fvófiAj-ó|fiióe, s.m. a coachman. Co|ré<\cb,-ba, s.f. a walking, foot- ing it. Gojrs, m ^* co r3> v - a - spare, cease, be still, Ps. xxxix. 13. Mark, lv. 39. — Ps. xlvi. 9. Prov. xviii. 18. stop, quiet, restrain. Coinse, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a man on foot, a foot soldier y Num. xi. 21. -Cojr'jt), g. id. pi, -t)]Se, s.f. a little foot, a stem, a stalk. /^/^ a jeastt pi. Deut. xvi. 15. ^ /^ festivejpmrtg. Heb. Chosher, v congregating. Co] |4^c|ió|b,-be,pl, -bf, &, -&§ca, s.f. afoot ball. Co-W]\e^c^6,-\i]cie,--\\]ci]^e , s.m. consecration, g. Ex. xxix. 22. for pi. see Lev. viii. 28. Col|*fveAcb,^bA, s.f. a feast, g. Zech. xiv. 19. CojrfieACCA, ind. p.p. consecra- ted, dedicated, blessed. Coit*fte, v. a. sanctify, con- secrate, dedicate, Ex. xiii. 2. Num. iii. 3. Judg. xvii. 5.— Ex. xxviii. 3. 2 Chron. ii. 4. Coinage, s - m - pi- guests at a feast. r* . _ fadj. common. Acts, '. _ ' x. 14. 1 Cor. v. 1. Co có o" 1 Ezek * XXÍÍÍ * 42 ' Matt * , \ ^ ^ 9 xxvii. 27. public, qe- /m • 7, K neral. Co}ucioi)Acb,-bA, s.f. community, generality. Go]ZC]of)L&, ind. adj. customary, habitual, ordinary, universal. Cojccior)cACb,-bA, s.f. íAos£, the stalk of a plant. Com. Coll, a hazle tree. C0I5, g, CU1I5, pi. id. s.m. a sword, a beard of barley, a prickle, a sgear, rage, the point of a weapon. 5? Col5AÓ,-Ai5e, adj. bearded, point- ed, prickly, fierc e, wrathJulZ ^ Co\t ) &t)z&, ind. adj. bearded, Sfc. Col5itor-5Ac,-Ai5é, adj. fierce- eyed, fierce looking, fr. C0I5, &, iiors. *r Col5C|to]b,-obA, s.f. sword fight- ing. Co^cfto^b, inf. id. fight with the sword. Coll, g. id. s.m. the hazle tree, Gen. xxx. 37. the name of the Irish letter C. CollAc,-i5e, adj. brawling, clamorous, noisy. Collujóe, ind. adj. fleshy, carnal, Job, x.4. 1 Cor. iii. 1. Col. iii. 5. Co\tt)&\) collie, ~&]x) coille, pi. id. sin. a wood-quest, a ring-dove. Colrt)l&r),-&]x), pi. id. s.m. -a dove cot, a pigeon house. Coló5,-6]5e,-ó5A, si. a collop, pi. Job, xv. 27. a steak. ColpAc,-u|6e, pi. id. &, -Ac<\, s.f. a heifer, Gen. xv. 9. Num. xix. 2 —Num. xix. 6. ColcAft,- pi. id, s.m. a pil- lar, a prop, a pedestal. Com, g, cuin?, pi. id. s.m. the ca- vity of the chest, the waist, body, bowels. Cow, an Irish prefix, it signifies, equal, as much, so, as, with, together, it is written Cojru, whenever the first following vowel is, e, or, j; Con? a, ind. adj. indifferent, care- GórbAjójg.id. pi, córnrA, a reward, Deut. x. 17. literally, a share yQ'hb of one's food. fr. Goirb, &, ]i. ^J *tt- Córi?AiU,-<\ll, v.a. perform^ 1 Sam. r^*-^ xv. 13.Nah. i. 15^Ex.xix.5. M Í) -^ Dan. ix. 4. discharge an office or duty. \L\%M C om a( lb co_ temporary. Cón)6]Vnj, ~At)rn<\,-Anrni)A, s.m. a s urname, Matt. x. 3. aw aa 7 - ditional name, the peculiar name by which one^is known. Pers. Huraam, a namesake. Gorb^fij-jigri?, v.a? number, Num. iii. 15. 2 Sam. xxiv. 1 — Deut. xvi. 9. Górbai.fv|ie, s.f. presence. Corbel fic 5 -ce, s.f. a voice, a cry, a great cry, Gen. xxxix. 14. Ex. iii. 9. &xi.6. 1 Sam. v. 12. Córt}A]|ic. ind. id. v.n. cry, Gen. xxxix. 15. — Is. xxii. 5. CórtMijice, g. id.pl, -eACA, s.f. a recommendation, an appeal, protection, Acts, xv. 40. & xxv. 12. mercy, quarter. Corn^i jtcceó|ri,-ófaA,-ó|fi]óe, sm - a protector, a patron. Córb&jfise, g. id. s.f. equality, equal height, C.P. Con? A^fieAtivtMTt?, s • m • a num- bering, a counting, enumeration . G#8) affile, g. id. pi, -leACA, s.f. counsel, counci U advice, Ex. xviii. 19. Heb. vi. 17 — Matt. v. 22. fr. Corn, & the obs. subs. , v.a. consult, admonish, Ezek. xxi. 21 — Acts xxvii. 9. CórijAirtl^ceóifij.ófi^vóijijóejS.m. a counsellor, an adviser. Corbel r&iofi,-fc>ttt,-t>|iioc a, s « m « a travelling in company, g. 2 Cor. viii. 19. Córi7Air&[teAÓ,-ri]5,-|i13 e > sm - a companion, fellow traveller, pK Acts, xix. 29. Cori7All,-Aill, s.m. a performing, a fulfilling of a thing. CorrWtATVAtr, s.m. relationship of fostering, fosterage- m 1 K*-- «JÍ W t M C 2D Gori)Att rt)iooU,--ivp rtJfooU, s.m. co?vi chamomile) Anthemis ar- vensis. Corb<\^c6]fi,-óit<\,-6]|i]Óe, s.m. a benefactor. CoTDAOjT),-TÍe,-i)e<\CA, s.f. a recom- pense^ benefit, communion, C.P. Luke xiv. 12. Com &j 6? -Ai)Aióe, s.f. a Tieiahbour, Mark xii. 33. Rom.xm. 8 Ex. xx. GO «0 CorbbA|ó,-b- & to; 17. Rom, xv. 2.— Luke i. 58. Luke xiv. 12. fr.Góm, &, ujtrA, the side post, or threshold of a door. GórbAjtf Ane, &, -caóa, s.m. a sign* a wonder, Rom. iv. 11. Pinti. 28.— Ex. iv. 8. Mark viii. 11. — Ex. vii. 3. Mark xiii. 22. Acts vi. 8. a mark, a token. CórbAficu^-cugAb, v. a. mark) Ps. xxxvii. 37. — Job xxxix. 1. observe, note. GórbApcu^jce, ind. p.p. marked, observed, noted, distinguished. N friendsh ip, assistance, Á^ #_ OorbOA^A/jfij-jtc, v.a. threaten. II Córbb|tACA|t<\cb,-&A, s.f. brother- hood. GórbbftAjciteACAfVAir, s.m. bro- therhood. Córbbftu5AÓ,-uj5ce, s.m. oppres- sion, crushing, contrition. Górijbjiu^-irzjAÓ, v.a. crush, op- press, bruise» Góripbjtujgce, ind. p.p. crushed, Lev. xxii. 24. also, contrite. Córi}buAiÓ{teAt>,-8eAjicA, s.m. a tumul t, uproar, sedition, com- matiQii. v / y& Cdrt)c^]b]]i, 1 v.a. unite off ection- -bfieAÓ, I \ ately, live together, Córt)c -I^aca, s.f. combination, confederacy, consultation. CórbcompÁr>Ac,-i)Ai5,-pAi5e, s.m. a companion, Rev. i. 9. Cdmóoi)efiA)>bA, ind. adj. gain- saying, Jua\i. 1 1 . contrary. GórijcofltiigAÓj-utee, pi. id. s.m. commotion, Jer. x. 22. C6ri)óofri)'Víl,-ttrblA, adj. like, Rom. viii. 29. Phil.iii. 21. CómcormuileACb,-bA, s.f. con-si- militude, similarity. CorbcftAHVACAO, v.a. sprinkle, shake together . C6í5c|íú^|tt7;A8,-'|5ce, pi. id. s.m. an assembly, a congregation, Ex. xii. 6. & xvi. 1: — Lev. iv. 14, 15, & 16. for other forms of the genitive, see Ex. xxix. 10, & 11. Córbcjtujíjfgce, ind. p.p. assem- bled, congregated. C6fbcfiui0l5ce6nt,-6}tA,-6i]ii8e, s. m. a collector, a compiler. CórbcY?b^5ceó]|i,-6jiA,.-ó]|i^6e,s.m. a coadjutor. Córbcun)5,-5e, s.f. a joint yoke. Corbcu|tAióeACiD,-bA, s.f. mutual struggling, a wrestling. CórbÓÁ|l,'^lA, s f. nwetinc/, C.P. fr. Com, <&? b&jl, a meeting. CórbÓAirbreó]ji,-ó|iA,-ójfx|t>e, s.m. or f. a partner in dancing. Comb A{T)5i?i5,-iu5Ab, v.a. confirm. Cori)&Am5i)iu5A6,^5ce, pi. id. s.m. confirmation, C.P. Cóiíi6aIca, g. id. pi, -A]8e, s.m. a foster- brother or foster-sister. fr. Com, &j bAlcA. Lat. Co- altus. Cómbe Ar,-6ei re, adj. ambidexter. CombOilTjiojvSir? &, -5! !' A > s - m ' condolence. Córi)^lA]ceAÓb,-bA, s.f. a joint so- vereignty, a commonwealth, a republic or aristocracy., CómplAiceAjVCjr, s.m. a joint sovereignty, a commonwealth* O'D. ComfocAl,-A|l, pi. id. s.m. a sy~ nonyme. CómfocUój-Aige, adj. synony- mous, C6mpui|t^5,-fteAc, v.n. wait, 1 Kings xx. 38. Cóm£ utAt>5, inf. id. v.n. have com- passion, 1 Pet. iii. 8. bear with, feel ivith, sympathise* C6m^u]tcAc,-A]5e, adj. comfort- able, consolatory. /£*3^ Cóm£uftcACb,-bA, s.f. c onsolation * Uiil refreshment. Phil. ii. 1. — Acts '" iv. 36. & xxvii. 3. Rom. xv. 5. Cóm£uttcA|3,-Acb, v.a. comfort. f{^% strengthen, Cant. ii. 5. — 1 Chron. xix. 2. Luke xxii. 43. , console, help . ^ Cómfr u[icu|5ce6|p,-ó|tA,--6f^1^e, s. m. a comforter, John xiv. 16. & xv. 26. CómJA jjt,-jim, v.a. convoke, shout together. CómjÁjivfte, s.f. a simultaneous shout, congratulation. CómgÁ] ftbeACAf,-A]f> s - m - con- gratulation, mutual joy, mu- tual solace. Cóm5Á||ab]5,-ju5A6, v.a. congra- tulate, wish joy. Cóú)'5&i\\n) r &]\rt)&, s.f. a convoca- tion, Ex. xii. 16. Lev. xxiii. 3. C6ri)5Aol,-o|l, pi. id. s.m. kindred, Rom. xi. 14. consanguinity. Cóm5Afi,-Aift, s.m. nearness, Eph. j£j^2. ii. 17. juxta-posilion. K%%^ Córi)5A]iAC,-A]je, adj. nigh, near, Eph. ii. 13. CómglAi), no comp. adj. as clear, Rev. xxi. 11. Comslofjvjie, s.f. joint or equal glory, Rom. viii. 17. Cóm5ló(tmA|i, no comp. adj. equal in glory. CO* 91 CO* CórtjgluÁfAcbj-bA, s.f. a simulta- neous movement. Córb5|tA]6ceó|ft,-6ft -ceAC\ie, g. id. pi, -pise» s.m. a joint- heir, pi. Rom. viii. 17- C6rr)6|tcuf,-\ir, s.m. a comparison, 2 Cor. x. 12. Gal. v. 20. CótbpA^ceAC -A]5e, adj. ^?ar- taking, imparting. C6n)pAi|tceACb,-bA, s.f. partici- pation. CórbpAifiqÓe, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a copartner, a colleague. CóropíM), v.a. cement, join together, solder ; fr. Corn, & obs. cac, cement. Córt)có5,-5DAil, v.a. raise *//?,Eph. ii. 6. construct^ C6rbc55bAil,-AlA, s.f. a building, Eph. ii. 22. a constructing. Corbco]lceAt)AÓ,-A^5e, adj. will- ing, see 1 Chron. xxix. 14. CdrbcojroreAc,-r]5e, adj. com- mensurable. Góú)i\\orx),-\m\v()e, aA], plain, just, \ - equal, Ps. xxvii. 11. Matt.i. 19. 2 Cor. viii. 14. Rev. xv. 3. fr. Córt), &, cjioro, heavy. Cdtyt]\orr),-\iu\tr), & -]turr)A, pi. id. % weight, balance, Deut. xxv. 13. '? Prov. xi. 1.— 2 Sam. xiv. 26. — Lev. xix. 36. Deut. xxv. 13. justice, right. Cóit)C|ion)ii5AÓ,-ui5ce, pi. id. s.m. weight, 1 Chron. xxii. 3. ba- lance. Córi)r|ion)ui5,-rT)AÓ, v.a. weigh, 1 Sam. xvii. 5, & 7. Job xxviii. 25.— Num. vii. 85, & 86. see 2 Sam. xiv. 26. where the 3 sing. perf. ind. is spelled, Córb- crtOrtjAO. CórbuA|*<\l, no comp. adj. equally noble* CórtjujlleAnAC, no comp. adj. equi- ^ angular, (}y Coy kbit* c,-&]c,-&c&, s.m. a car- ^ 3A «wí, Lev. v. 2. & xi. 26. Matt, xxiv. 28. — Judg. xiv. 8. — Num. xiv. 29, & 32. Coi}<\c,--£ CoDAitvT^-THi s *£ a «t ! «y, Jer. Co \)7>ú)!\] \, -m%X^ a s.f. reservation) g. 2 Pet. n. 4 . keeping , holding, habitation. Gonsb&jl, ioT Cor)5i)A0,-i^ii? 3 v-a. Ay\cob sens ion, Luke xi. 53. Acts xv. 2. dispute, argument, quarrel. Cor>rp6jb, inf. id. v.n. contend, inf. Acts xi. 2. dispute, strive. Coi}rpójoeAc,-bi5e, adj. conten- tious, quarrelsome, litigious. \k Coi}rpó]oeAcb,-bA, s.f.adisputa- ^ § tion. Gorjc<\b j Xi 22. |£/^j out awn^tlm^ rolling together, a plaiting. 4111 cof» Co|t,-juv, adj. oc?i/; " Cofi poc) pi. id. s. m. a beetle. Cojii)Ai}-CAirilj-aio-cAirfl, pi. id. s.m. wall pennyworth, penny- leaf, Cotyledon umbilicus. CojioAn-pA|l, s.m. hemlock, Co- nium maculatum. see SDvforbgfi. Cofit>-cl&fi,-&ijt, pi. id. s.m. a cup- board, a sideboard. CoftocA, ind. p.p. folded, platted, twisted, curled. CojiÓ5,-ó]5e,-Ó5A. Kl %| Cojipojt<\cb,-&A, s.f. materiality. Co|tpp)ArAÓ,-Aió, s.m. anatomy. Co|ipfn<\r<\i5,-rA6, v. a. anato- mize, fr. Cojip, &, rm\r, ana- lysis, Co|tpf Durante, g. id. pi, -ni6e, s.m. an anatomist. Co|ipfM)Ar g> cuiflie-SUire, pi, co^iA-sUra, s.f. a stork, Lev. xi. 19. Deut. xiv. 18.— Zech. v. 9. Coflt-5tif*t>, g, cuiitte-jftéioe, pi, cofjtA-5ftéii)e, s.f. a heron, Lev. xi. 19. Deut xiv. 18. Cofltlu', / W ;y 5 Prov. xxvii. 4. — Ezek. xxv. 14. wrath, motion, offence. Cojfiiii5e<\c,-3]5e, adj. moving, Gen. i. 20. stirring, active. Copzu&]t]ú\, s.m. a turn contrary to the sun's motion, a turn to the left, an unprosperous or fatal course, a whirlpool ; fr. Co ft, turn, cuac, north, &, ^ul, direction. Cóftu5, v.a. mend, Matt, iv. 21. ornament, arrange. Coy, g, cojre, pi, cor a , s.f. a foot, 1 Cor. xii. 15.— Lev. viii. 23. — Luke xxiv. 40. CorAC,-A]5e, adj. footed, belong- ing to the feet. CofA]T),-ro,-&A, pi. id., s.f. a pa- rable, similitude, Matt. xv. 15. Mark iv. 13. Rom. v. 14 Hos. xii. 10. fívCo, &, r&ri)Uc&. Cor&tv&l 1 }? pl« id. s.m. a foot- path ; see G&y &t). CoraDCA, ind. p.p. defended, pro- tected, kept off. Cor ArjcACj-Afge, adj. keeping, de- fending, protecting. CorAi)c5]Ti,-6|txN,-ó|]iiÓe, s.m. a defender, a defendant. C.P. Cor&ufvujr, pi» id. s.m. a charge, cost, expense, 1 Cor. ix. 7. — Luke xiv. 28. CofburACj-A^ge, adj. costly, ex- pensive. #5f K&2 7 fi2? n » anguish, torment, pang, re.ra- M\ ir 4 // lion ; Chald. Crah, 7/t j grieved. ■""TrTThe Small Ed. 1830, this noun is made fem. & the genit. is cjtívÓA, in Jerxxxii. 24. Com. Large Ed. of 1827. the verna- cular use is masc. C]tA5,-5 C * ;? #> piercing. CfiAiflcijj-uijAÓ, v.a. parch, shri- vel up, sear. CfiAinqorcA, ind. p.p. seared, shrivelled up, hardened. CfUjncreile, g. id. s.m. tougk\ phlegm. C|iA|pl|5,-ui5A&, v.a. entangle, see 2 Pet. ii. 20. C|iAic,-AtAt>, v.a. weave, shake, inf. Lev. x. 15. CfiAjcce, ind. p.p. shaken, Luke vi. 38. CjiAri)Ó5,-6|5e,-ó5A, s.f. a rem- nant, refuse, residuum, as GfiA- «765 311 Afl, cinders. CUU 97 CTíA CjiAiDpA, g. id. pi, -A]6e, or, -a6a, s.m. a knot, a clasp, a cramp. Cjt<\i), g, CftA^, pi, id. &, CftAÍJA, s.m. a lot, Lev. xvi. 8. — pi, Jos. xviii. 6. CflAl),g,C|lO^,pl,C|tAÍ3A,&,C]lAíO, s.m. a £m?, Matt. iii. 10. — Gen. viii. 11. Rom. xi. 17- — Mark viii. 24. Jude, ver. 12. Chald. Chran, a mast. CfiAi^oUcj-Aigj-A-ige, s.m. woven basket ivork at the top of coun- try chimnies plastered over and whitewashed, fr. CjtArj, &, aoI, lime. Gpw-b&v, g, c\\o]y-b&]\), p], cjtAjrj, or, cjiAi)A-bArjA, s.m. a sycamore tree. *C|tAt)-be]ce, s.m. the birch tree. This and the following com- pound words, which begin with CjtAi), marked thus *, have the word CjtAi), (q.v.) regularly de- clined, while the latter part of the compound remains unchanged ; see GfiArj-pise, &, CjtA^-oU. *C]iAi)-bjiACAi5, s.m. a flag staff. *CfiA^-b|té^c, s.m. the tree of judgment. *CftAi)-bucrA, s.m. a box tree ; see Is. xli. 19. *CftAi)-CAt), s.m. the moun- tain ash, the service tree, the quicken tree, the quick beam. i/ <^CitAt)cAft,-Aift, pi. id. s.m. a lot , *\\ Jos. xix. 1, & 10.— Judg. i. 3. — Lev. xvi. 8, a casting of lots, a portion . Cjt^ncA]t-pireó5^c, -Aijt-p]reÓ5- At5,-Afjt-pire65ACA, s.m. ma- gica I divina tion . *Cft;\i)-cébAift, s.m. a cedar tree, Ps. xcii. 12 pi. 2 Sam. v. 11. CftAÍ)-C|llC, g, CflA^-CjtgCA, pi- id. s.m. an aspen tree, the tremb- ling poplar. o *CftAtt-cu]ljr), s.m. a holly tree *C]tAi}-cujr)re, s.m. a quince tree. *CftAÍ)-cup-eboii), s.m. an ebony tree. *G|tATJ-£Áirqt)e, s.m. sorcery by casting of lots. *C|tAij-|:eA|it)A,s.m. an elder tree. *CjtAi)-j:í5e, s.m. a fig tree, Judg. ix.Jl. Matt. xxi. 19. pi. Jer. v, 17. Hos. ii. 12. Am, iv. 9. Nah. iii. 12. *C]tAp-|?|tAOcAit), s.m. black whor- tie berry, bilberry, bleaberry, vaccinium myrtillus. *CftAi)-£uii)e, s.m. a bakefs roll- ing pin. *C]tA^-pu]r)re6t3e 5 s.m. common ash tree, fraxinus exceJsior. *C|tA^-5AfA|t), s.m. henbane, hy= osycamus. C|tAíJ5Ail,-le,-lí, s.f. lattices be- fore the communion table, the cradle and rigging on the main- mast of a ship, a pulpit. *CftArj-5All-cf?o, s. m. a ivallnut tree. *CftAíj-5ACA, s.m. a pike staff. *CfiAp-5eAt)roci)o, s.m. a ches- nut tree, vernacularly, CjtAt) cno-cApujll. *Cfi&r)-5iuft)uir, s.m. a fir tree, a pine tree, Is.lx. 13 pi. Ezek. xxxi. 8. *CfiAÍHon?cui|i,s.m. an axletree. *C]tA^-]ucAf|t, s.m. a yew tree. C]\cr)\bc, -Aii), s.m. the main mast. G|i<\t>ó5,-ói5e,-ó5A, s.f. a pulpit, the hopper of a mill. #Gjiat)-oIa, g, cfnxii)-olA,pl.id.sm. an olive tree, Deut. xxiv. 20. — Is. xvii. 6. & xxiv. 13. — Deut. vi. 11. # CfiAfj-t>Ailrr)e, s.m. a palm tree, Ps. xcii. 12. — pi. Numbers xxxiii. 9. *C|iAfj-pice, s.m. a pike handle. *GftATJ-f*Ail]5, s.m. a sallow or willow tree. C\i^r}'Yeo]\,'^]x)-feo}\ 9 pi. id. & Aip-reolcA, s.m. a mast, Is. xxxiii. 23. — Prov. xxiii. 34. — a boom. *GfíArj-f5Ó|be, s.m. a boom. *C|tAtJ-fffi]f, s.m. a cherry tree. *GftArj-rleArb<\|U, s.m. horn beam, horse beech tree, carpinus be- tulus. *Cfirpfteoi&e, s.m. a bolt-sprit or bow-sprit, pi, c|t<\ii)-rprto&a. *CfiAÍ)-cíybuiU, s.m. a sling, Judg. xx. 16. 1 Sam. xvii. 40. & 49. — pi. CínxrJA-c&bivjU, 2 Chron. xxvi. 14. see Job. xli. 28. *Cft4TJ-cAfiruii)5, s.m.a crossbeam, a diameter, a crossbar „ *CfiAT)-re<\r)cA, s. m. á printing press, a bookbinder's press, a rackpin. *Cft<\i)-céile, s.m. a lime tree, a teil tree, Is. vi. 13. GftAO-GO^baUc, g. c|tAit)-t05b<\- U|j, pi, cft<\i)<\-co5bAl<\CA, s.m. a crane, windlass, lever or c;*ow. *G|i<\i)-i:orÁ|5, s.m. a foremast. *GjtA^-cú^e, s.m. a frankincense tree, see Cant. iv. 14. GjiAob,-ojbe,-ob~ 15 ) J a small tree, a C ' fí' " ' 'rl r ^ M5 ^> tt bunch, \\tsO] ]\i, g. . i small branch. pi. -t)fbe,s.l.J G|iAO|b 5ioe, s. f. harCs- tongue, Adianthum nigrum. Cft<\obp5Aoil r Wó, v.a. scatter, tell, Ezek. x. 2. Heb. xi. 32. propagate, spread, publish, di- {{iJjr- vulge. "~~~~~~ C|iAobf5AOile<\t> 5 -lce, pi. id. s.m. propagation, a spreading, a spreading abroad, dissemina- tion, fa JjpQ Cft<\or,-oir, s.m. gluttony, ajw- /A AX JvellinQ, Rom. xiii. 13. Gal. v. ' j 21. a wide m outh. Heb. Cresh, z/,^ theJeliy. " ™ * G|i<\o|*Ac,-Ai3e, adj. gluttonous, i/ i ^ Deut. xxi. 20. Prov. xxiii. 21. 5 voracious, wide-mouthed, riot- ous. GfiAor<\r>Ac,-Ai3,-., v.a. shrink, wrap, /(i íL Gen. xxxii. 32. — Jonah, ii. 5. 7 — Is. XXVÍÍÍ. 20. crush, rnn. i ; bl tract, bend, crook. ' *->*-*** GfiApAÓ,-|>A|6, &,-pcA, s.m. a con- ^i In- fraction, a shrinking, a wrap- " ping. C|iApAt|te, g. id. pi, -|iit>e, s.m. one that wraps or crushes. GjiApfolufyujf, s.m. twilight, ,'Lat. Crepuseulum. /^ ^W^vlcM^- one 99 one Cuapca, ind. pp. wrapped, Job. viii. 17. contracted, shrunk» CjtACAb,-Aicce, pi. id. s.m. asha- j king, a brandishing, a sprink- ling, a waving of trees, a churn- ing, a jolt, a concussion. Gr. zgad'Ctu, I shake • -fá&fi]\'e, g, cftjAÓ, pi, cnéóeaiJA, si. - c/a#, earfA, Is. xlv. 9. & lxiv. 8 Lev. vi. 28. Rom. ix. 21. 2 Tim. ii. 20. Cjte abaft,- Ajfi, pi. id. s.m. a wood- cock. CneAc,-éjce,-eACA, s.f. a spoil, a prey, goods, Gen. xlix. 27 Num. xxxi. 22. — Gen. xiv. 16. Num. xxxi. 11. & 12. Also, plunder, booty, pillage, ruin. llGpe&c, inf. id. &, ;ca&, v.a. spoiL /^ Judges, ii. 14. Prov. xxiv. 15. plunder, pillage, lay waste, ruin. CneAÓAÓ,-ccA, pi/ id. s.m. a spoil- ing, Jer. xlviii. 3. CneAÓAbóifi,-6nA,-ófn^be, s.m. a spoiler, Is. xxi. 2. pi, 1 Sam. xiii. 17. a plunderer, robber, freebooter, destroyer. CneACAb6jneACb,-bA, s. f. the practice of plunder or robbery. CfieacA] jte, g. id. pi, -|t]6e, s.m. a destroyer, Jer. xlviii. 18. CuéAcb, g. id. &, -bA, pi, -&A, s.m. or f. an issue, a sore', a [_ stripe, Lev. xv. 2? , &~o\ — Lev. V.; xiii. 43. — Luke, xvi. 21, Acts, xvi. 33. a wound, a scar. CuéAcb,-bAÓ, v.a. wound. CjiéacbACj-Aige, adj. ^/W/ q/*| wounds or sores, destructive, j bloody, causing wounds. C|téacbai5ce, ind. p.p. wounded. \ Cfte<\clor3A&,-oirece,pl. id. s.m. destruction by fire. CneACCA, ind. p.p. plundered, spoiled, ruined, robbed. GneAccACj-Ajge, adj. wounded, j Jer. Ii. 52. SeeCnéAcbAc. k:i CftéAccAc-beA^, -A|5e-béf|i5e, s.f. bloody cranes bill, Gera- nium sanguineum. CfiéA£Ó5,-óf5e,-Ó5A, s.f. earth, dust, clay, Deut. xxviii. 24. 2 Kings, v. 17. Rom. ix. 21. C|teA3,-ei5e,-eA3A, s.f. a rock, a cliff. GjteA5AC,-Ai5e, adj. rocky, abound- ing in cliffs. CfieA5ivn,-Aio, pi. id. s.m. a little rock, a rocky or stony place. /y GfieAir?, garlic, see, GneArb. /-C/ -ff^v* CfieAti7-5A|tA|6, s.m. a leek. G]aeArb-n}Ufce-£]AÓ, s.m. harCs- tongue, Scolopendrium. Gfiev\pAll,-Afll, s.m. entanglement, Gal. v. 1. CfteAplAi5,-lu5At>, v.a. entangle, see 2 Peter, ii. 20. stop, stay, hinder. CfieArluijAbyufgce, pi. id. s.m. a girding, Eph. vi. 14. Gfie, v.a. Ui) !%, believe * Acts, xvi. 31. — Mark, ix. 23. Acts, xvi. 34. confide, trust, Lat. Cred-o. Cnéib,-be,-Óe<\n}ú), faith, belief Acts iii. 16. Rom. xTvT 22, — Matt. viii. 26. Rom. i. 5. for cuejbme, see &>*% .*%% as a form of the gen. * jí^ -uttev^ tum-aer im lítatuihrí en ) 100 CXI ) Luke, xxiv. 43. 25. & Acts, xiii. C|ieibrbe »*W«j v - n - suffer for. frj- Cjteub, interr. pron. what ? Matt. ™\Up xvi. 13. and passim, fr. c|a ai> jiub. Cjteub f&, adv. wherefore, why ? l/o) ">~, CfiiAo,-*^, s.f. clou, earth , Is. 7 U xli. 25.— Ps. xiToYls. xli. 25. / J see, C|té. < • „, Cji^óa, ind. adj. clayey, earthen, 2 Chron. iv. 17. CjiiA8<\bói|v6|tí5ceó{it,-ón<\,-6j|tpe,s.m. a finisher, Cjtíoi?,-íne,adj. withered, Ps. cii. ; s 4. — ^shrunk, decayed, dry, rotten. —. C|i|Oi),-i)A6, v.a & n. wither. Is. #/ -^y xv. 6. Am. iv. 7. — Jer. xii. 4. u decaiu blast, fade, \4flr* G)x\ox)&, ind. adj. old, sage, pru- dent. C|iionAc,-A]5, s.m. dry or decay- ed wood, withered leaves or branches. C[tjoi)Ab,-A]6, &, -i, s.f. wisdom, Ex. xxxvi. 1. Deut. iv. 6. discre- tion, wit. Cfi]OpÓ5,-ó|5e,-Ó5A, s.f. a winkle. \ú. C\i]oy,g. cfteAfA, pi, c\ie*Y*v*, 3 s.m. a girdle, Jer. xiii. 1. & 2. Acts, xxi. 11. — Ex. xxviii. 27. /, % •^i 1/-^: Is. iii. 24.— «Ex. xxviii. 40. » Prov. xxxi. 24. The above genitive, sing. & nom. pi. really come from Cfie^r, an older form of Cfi]Of, a strap, a zone. Gjtforb, g. id. s.m. Christ, Matt, i. 16. — Matt. i. 1. & passim. Gr. Xg«ir-og, The Anointed. CjiiorbAi)*, (p,-bA, s.f. Christia- nity, Christendom. CftforbArblACbj-bA, s.f. Christia- nity, R.S. /^i^CpíorbAmvílj-itjU, adj. Christian, Christianlike. - fiforbuige, g. id.pl, -5ce , s.m. or ^ ' f . a Christian, Acts, xxvi. 28. 1 Pet. iv. 16. — pi. Acts, xi. 26. Cftiorltq5,-u5<\6, v.a. ^Ví/, Ex. xxix. 5. Job. xl. 7. border. Cjv|orlui5ce, ind. p.p. girded, Ex. xii. 11. 1 Sam. ii. 4. bordered. J>_CfijorcAl,-A|l, pi. id. s.m. crust aU "•y Job. xxvm. 17. Rev. xxii. 1. / — Ezek. i. 22. %- A Gftjoc, s.m. a trembling, see, Cjiic. Cftfoc&i)AC,-Ai5e, adj. trembling, Deut. xxviii. 65. Cftjocnugaój-uigce, pi. id. s.m. a trembling. 1 Cor. ii. 3. Eph. vi. 5. — Jer. xxx. 5. Cft|ocoui5,-.u5AÓ, v.a. &n. shake, tremble, quake, Matt, xxvii. 51. Ps. lxviii. 8. & cxiv. 7. Cfijoc-cAlrbAfl, g. ctteAC<\-c, g. cfiuib-pfiiA- c&jrj, the herb crane's bill, Ge- ranium. Cjtóc,-ó|c, s. m. saffron, Cant, iv. 14. Com. Lat. Croc-us. C|ioc,-ojce,-ocAr>A, s.f. a cross, a gallows, Esther, v. 14. — Matt. xxvii. 32. John, xix. 19. Cfioc,-CAÓ, v.a. hang, crucify, Num." xxv. 4. Xuke, xxiii. 21. — Esther, vi. 4. Matt, xviii. 6. Chald. Crach, he bound. CjiocAÓj-cuió, &, -cbA, pi, -cu|be, &, -cba, s.m. a hanging, a cru- cifying, Ex. xxvi, 36. & xxxviiL 1 & Kl x - Cb >\* cno 102 cno lS.—Matt. xxvii. 26. — Ex. xxxvi. 36. C|tocAb&!),-&]n, pl- id- s.m. a pen- dulum, a pendant, a tassel. CjtocAbó||t,-ójtA,-ó}|t]óe, s.m. a hangman. CftoÓA&óifieAc&,-l3A, s.f. the office of a hangman. J( CfioÓAjjte, g. id. pi, -ftjbe, s.m. an idler, a hangman. "^ C}ióó&\i,-&\n, pl. id. s.m. a bier, *~- 2 Sam. iii. 31. Cfióc<\,|ib.<\b,-A]&, pl. id. s.m. a hearse. CjiocbA, ind. p.p. hanged, cru- cified. Cfióó, g. id. s.m. a dowry, Ex. xxii. 16. — Ex. xxii. 17. 1 Sam. xviii. 25. compensation. This word like r^fie^o, signified ori- ginally, cattle, cows, stock. f^-^CpóÓA, ind. adj. valigjit, Num. xxiv. 18. Is. x. 13. brave, heroic. CfióÓACb, g. id. s.m. valour', Ps. cxviii. 16. Cjio5AÓ,-Aió,-AiÓe,s m. the towell pin of a boat. M'N. Cjto5&i),-&|t), pl- id- s. m. a pitcher. Gftf>ibeAl,-é|t, pl. id. s.m. coral, Ezek. xxvii. 16. i/ i L C]to]ceAi),-c]i),-cne, s.m. a skin^ 1*1 1$ Ex. xxxiv. 29. & 35.— Job. ii. JhdiLLitrt^ Q en# xxv ^ i 6 . E x xxv . 5 JinXfUT, the nom. would be better c \\o\- tHrfchaic&4 %j ^ S ee Job, ii. 4. ^f j'itfi C(to|cce, g. id. s.f. a cross, 1 Cor. ' i. 17 — 1 Cor. i. 18. more pro- perly C|io]c, g. cjtojce, Lat. Crux, French, Croix. Cjtojóe, g. id. pl, -ore, s. m. a heart, Gen. xlv. 26. -Matt. xii. 35. Acts, xiii. 22.— Luke, iv. 18. 2 Pet. ii. 14. Gr. xaidiu. Cfioióe C|torp,-|iuiiDe, adj. crooked, ** curved, bent. C|iort?,-n?<\8, v.a. bow, stoop, 2 ££| jfy Kings, xix. 16. — Lev. xxvi. 1. Mark, i. 7 . bend, incline. , Cftori7AC,-Ai5e,adj. of or belong- _Ll— ing to steel, 2 Sam. xxii. 35. CnuAbA!5,-óu5AÓ, v.a. harden, ^/ H? dryas grain in a kiln, I C|iu^bAil,^JU., s.f. covetousness, / s tingines s, 2 Cor. ix. 5. also, '^~fj courage, danger, i nhumanity * K 3'*y* adversity, hardship^K/b '-í. \Ó! J^ CjiuaÓaUó ,-Aige, adj.. sore, crw3, *J v « j, I Sam. xxxi. 3. ProvTxiíTTo. ^C^r" stingy, desperate, ruthless, hardy, hardhearted. Cjtii<\6ÓAr,-A|f, pi. id. s.m. diffi- culty, distress, hardship, dan- ger. C]tiiAÓc|to|cneACj-r)i5^5 adj. hide- bound. Cfxij<\bcfio]óeAc r bf5e, adj. stiff- hearted, Ezek. ii. 4. hard- hearted, niggardly > stingy. CjiuAÓcuifeACj-rige, adj. diffi- cult, calamitous. Cjau<\órbii]neul,-éil, pi. id. s.m. a stiff neck, — g. Deut. ix. 6. & 13. CjtuAÓrbujneuUcj-Aíge, adj. stiff- necked, Deut. x. 16. C|tuAÓrbit]i)eulAcb,-bA, s.f. stiff- ' v neckedness, obstinacy. CjiuA6ó5,-6]5e,-Ó5A, s.f. distress, necessity— g. Gen. xxxv. 3. CjuiAóó5Ac,-<\T5e, adj. strict, Gen. xliii. 7. necessitous, dis- tressed. Cfui<\óu5AÓ,-uf5ce, pi. id. s.m. a, hardening, Jos, xi. 20. a dry- ing as grain in a kiln. J en u 104 CPU {Ltf*% »4 G|tu^tcce, ind. p. p. heap\ stacked, piled up. G|tuAi6,-jbe, adj. hard , Deut. xxvi. 6. — Jer. v. 3. hardhearted, niggardly, severe, difficult, firm, Gr. xgvog, Lat. Crud-U3. Cjtu&i6,-t>e, s.f. steel, Jer. xv. 12. —Jobrxx. 24. v.a. harden , Ex.vii. 13. & viii. 15. — see Jos. xi. 20. adj. hard- ± CjtiiAi6betil<\c,-Ai5e 3 mouthed. C]\u&]6W\',-lox&, pi. id. s. m. sneezewort, white hellebore, Veratrum album. C\\Y&]Sze, ind. p.p. hardened, dried, as corn in a kiln. &> s.m. Tv*ir att. xix. 8 «/«/>, distress. K*^- CfivAcdn,-Ain,pl.id.s.m.5cara^/, difficulty, hardship. C(iúb,-ú|be,-ubA, s.f. the nave of a wheel, pi. 1 Kings, vii. 33. also, a claw, a hoof or paw. CftiibACj-ajge, adj. lame, club- footed. C|ifib<\-éoqt), s.f. bird's foot, Or- nithopus. CjiúbA-leinn, s * ^ columbine, Aquilegia vulgaris. CjtúbA-leorbAin, s.f. common la- dy's mantle, Alchemilla vul- garis. CtiYbó5,-ói5e,-Ó5*, s.f. a knot in weaving, thrums at the end of a piece in weaving, also, a species of crabfish. Cjiúca, g- id. pi, -cvjóe, &, -CAÓA, s.m. a hook, a hinge, pi. Ex. xxvi. 32. 1 Kings, vii. 50. a crook. C|uit>,-Y|ó,-Y|óce, s.m. a horse shoe. ~~~ 7* /í C|iú6,-8a&, v.a. milk. ■To C|tYb^6,-Y]6ce, s.m. a milking. CjtYj&ce, ind. p.p. shod as a horse. G\iY]xt)f\]x)e!\\),-ei)i]x), pi. id. or, -eanA, s.m. a stooped shoulder. C|tY]rt)fl^e^,t)AC,-Ai5e, adj. hav- , ing stooped shoulders. CpY]x),-r)e, adj. rsund, gathered, Ex. xvi. 14. Acts, xii. 12. suc- cinct, sound. J CftYjfje, g. id. s.f. roundness, the ^J'fo globe of the earth, jji e^ worl d. (<{,! ^r C|aY|i)eAc&n,-Afn, pi. id. s.m. a mass, a heap, also, a coronet. CfiY|i)eocceó|fi,-ófiA,-óffqóe,s.m. a gatherer, Am. vii. 14. more properly spelled, CpY^jgceoiti. C|iv^i5,-j22jAÓ, Y.d. gather, as- \(j[ fe semblel Ex. iii. lb. Num. xx. y 8.— Num. xv. 33. 1 Kings, t-?i xvii. 10. Matt. ii. 4. accumu- late. CftvjtM^ce, ind. p.p. gathered, as- sembled, accumulated. CftYlOIYSAOj-Y^Ce, &, -Yjge, pi. id. s.m. «# assembly, a collec- tion, Gen. xlix. 10 — Acts, xix. 31. 1. Cor. xvi. 1. a gather- ing. Cl^irSítf» g- id - P 1 ' -«l^e, s.m. a pot, a cruse, Ex, xvi. 33. 1 Sam. xxvi. 11. & 12. a jug, a pitcher. CjtY]r5iofitJAÓ,-Ai5, s.m. common reed grass, "Arundo phragmites. CjiYircfn, g. id. pi, -i)|6e, s.f. a A amp. C]iY]c,-ce,-ceAr)A, s. f. a lyre, harp, violin — " Ex sex chordis felinis constat, nee eodem modo quo violinum modulatur, quam- vis a figura haud multum ablu- dat." — Evans. Lat. Cythara. C|tYic,-ce,-ceACA. s.f. a hump on the back. C|iY|ceACAn,-ÁiD, pl« id. s.m. a dwarf a humpback. Cfiufcit), g. id. pi, -t)|6e, a crook- \JT cu^n, coji), or, cotm, s.m. & f. backed person. Lev. xxi. 20. also, the bird called king*s- fisher. CfiuicíDe pi. id. & -a|*a, s.m. « care, pi. Judges, vi. 2. a?zz/ ^^ Jwllow . . CvAfAc,-Ai5e 5 adj.co?2Ctt^,Ao//o(X i . CvAr&t>,-*MO, pl« id. s.m. « sm/z// Ao/é', a cavity. {jufooK CrAra5,-5|3e,-63A, s.f. a fttt/e r VjL^t hollow, a honeycomb found v* l^ therein. Cúb,-bAb, v.a. & n. stoop, bend, crouch, fie down, Lat. Cub-o. CúbAb,-Aib, pi. id. s. m. a cubit, Ex. xxvi. 13. — pi. 1 Sam. xvii. 4. Cvb^ j6,-óe, adj. honest, becoming, fit, comely, Rom. xiii. 13 & xvi. 2. 1 Cor. xi. 13. CvbAit>eAcb,-bA, s.f. fitness, be- comingness, decency. Cvbo^tvre, s.f. an oath, con^ scienc e. Cvbajtj-Ajri, pi. id. s.m. foam, Hos. x. 7. Jude, ver. 13 — Mark ix. 20. froth. CvbAftACj-^ge, adj. foamy, frothy, Cvjbe, ind. adj. becoming, decent, proper, see, Cuboqó. Cr|be<\rbYil,-rnl<\, adj. * discreet, decent, modest. Cvj bear, -bit*, s.m. decency, dis- cretion, moderation, fr. Cvjbe, &, bevp. CvjbeAptCj-Ajje, adj. decent, mannerly, proper, discreet. Cv|bl|i),-i)e,-ijex\CA, s.f. a striving, a contending. Cv*bl|i), inf. id. v.n. strive, vie. C^b|igc,-|ii3, P 1 - :MS?i &,-psca, s.m. a 6orcd, « string, a yoke, Job xii. 18. Mark vii. 35— pi. Ps. ii. 3. Jer. xxviii. 13. a to (0 7 ->%" % chain, a trammel, a fetter, en- ' • tanglement. fa% ^-p&ú&^ Cvibfi]5,-iv5At>, v.a. ftmc? with){,%^ chains, fetter, cover. í/c ^r^ iv Cvibji^ce, ind. p.p. bounW, Acts , ^" xxxi. 13. enchained, concealed, a» ^ CY]bwor),-]xj>> pi. id. a cawdz, a ^3-^L room, pi. Luke xx. 46. literally, ? '^J^§ a efoe share, portion or allow- . iaJl ance, C.P. fr. Cvjbe, &, fton). ^^ CvibfijrgAtvigce, pi. id. s.m. a band, a bond, pi. Lev. xxvi. 13. Ps. cxvi. 16. slavery, a cover- ing, chains. Cvjb, g. cobA, pi, cobcA, &, cobAnA, 'a-^remnant, some, a part, Matt. xxii. 6. John xix. 23.— Mark xii. 5.— Lev. i. 8. John xix. 23. a portion, sub- stance, a meal. VC3&- CvibeACbA, g. id. pl.^id. s.f. a company, a multitude, Matt, viii. 1. Acts xxi. 8. — Luke v. xix. Heb. xii. 22. — Judges vii. 20. Gv^beAcbv i5,-V5a6, v.a. accom- pany. Cv^beAcbv]5ce,ind. p.p. accom- panied. Cv|beAÓ,-b]3, s.m. a help, — g. 1 Chron. xii. 18. Is. xx. 6. Dan. xi. 34. Cv]beAÓAc,--oj5e, adj. auxiliary, helping. Crp]^,-]Y^8 v.a. help, succour, ^ Ps. xxx. 10. — 2 Sam. viii. 5. 1 Chron. xxii. 17. Cvjbigce, ind. p.p. helped, suc- coured. S Cv 1 bi5reAC,-cf5 r ci5e, s. m. a helper, Job xxx. 13. Cvjbi5ceÓ!fi,-óftA,-ó|fqóe, s.m. a helper, an abettor. CvjbivsA&j-ijjce, &, -ige, pi. id. y s.m. help, g. Is. xxxi. 2. " bean cvjbise," a midwife, Genesis xxx viii. 28. C XX ] 107 CU ) Ctt)3, ind. num. adj. jive, Geiyj4^v|lrbfo^v|5,-v5<\6, v. a. abju 'xiv. % & passim. ^vilmmSviTrA. inH r» r\ Cúi3-bev5, ind. num. ady fifteen, Gen. vii. 20. CrfSe, g. id. pi, -3f 3 s - m - « ^* part, a province. Cú]5eAÓ,ind. ord. adj. fifth, Gen. xxx. 17. Cá.]5eev3, ind. ord. adj j /?/ > - teenth, 2 Kings xiv. 23. Cú^eAjij-sit 1 * s#m « ^ ye persons, Gen. xviii. 28. — Gen. xviii. 28. never applied except to per- sons or personified objects. Cú]5-rbev]t-rbv||aej s. f. common creeping cinque foil, Potentilla reptans. Cúj5f l^neac, no comp. adj. pen- tagonal. M'N. Cvil,-le,-teÁi}A, s.f. a couch, Job. vii. 13/a corner, a closet, a nook, or any "private place, Cv } ]\ r \e,-\§x)*, s.f. a horse-fly, a CailceAi),-cii),pL id. s.m. the poll (of the head), Cy]\e&r),-'e\x), pi. id. s.m. a whelp, a dog, Gen. xlix. 9. — pi. Mark vii. 28. see, Co]\e&v. Cv|léA]t,-é||t, pi. id. s. m. a quarry, see Judg. iii. 19. & 26. Cvfle]roi5ceójjt,-ó|i<\,-ójjt'|Óe,sm. an eavesdropper, jLjPv|leo5,-a^e,-osA, s.f. aJU^ see Í5T a gnat, dim. of O Ps. lxxvni. O Cr^ id. iciifc ■*cl^__l_ TecWd ^ Deut. xxxii. 7. Luke 7 "7F xvi. 25.-— Ex K2> Í ri. 2D. — lix. xx. 24. LiiKe ' 54. recollect, $XnÁ> Jfj~' Uj Cv|rbni5reAC,-ct5e7~adj. r^Qrd^- //■ ^ 7 j7?& Ezra, iv. 15. mindfuL ' ^ Cv|rnoi5ceót|t, 6it^,-6^ti8e, s. m. « recorder, 2 Kings xviii. 37. Is. xxxvi. 3. a chronicler. Cv]tT)re, g. id. s.f. <£ unerring, moderate, suitable. * ^ v !t)n5j-l v 5^8, v.a. hit, fas a mark J aim, take aim, fit. Cv|rr)ri5ce, ind. p.p. well (timed, hit, adapted, adjusted. 'M-fc to 14 c u ^ io8 person of unerring aim, a gooan shot, an adapter, a measurer. CvirtjnvgAÓj-igce, pi. id. s.m. aim, see, Cv^re. Cv|r)eAl-rhvi|te, s.f. hag's taper, lady s foxglove, also, a red cloth tied to a cow's tail after calving. 2 Cor. vi. 14 Lev. xxvi. 13. Acts xv. 10.— 2 Sam. xxiv. 22. a bond, slavery, obligation, re- straint, difficulty, r]C\\r Cvti)3ceAD3Al,-Ail, pi. id. s.m. « $aft<2 ybr fastening a yoke to the neck of an animal, bondage, slavery» Cv|D5eAUc,-lvi3,-lvf5e, s.m. a yoke, 1 Sam. xiv. 14. — pi. Luke xiv. 19. spelled, Cvft^leac, Jer. xxvii. 2. Cv|05iti,-ite,-jte^cAj s.f. a couple, two, Judges xix. 10. a pair, a team, a yoke. CvtoícéATvétjt, pi. id. s.m. a rab- bit burrow, Cy]X)íx), g. id. pi, ..-D|8é, s.m. a rabbit, see, Go\x)\\). Cxx]x)e, g. id. pl,-rjjóe, s.f. a gal- lery, pi. Ezek. xli. 15. a>S°IZ jner, an angle. CvjTJe 63,-6 J5e,-Ó5<\, s.f. a churn, a bucket. Gv|i)eo3-rbi3e, s.f. wild angelica, Angelica sylvestris. Cy]\i, inf. cvji, v.a. send, plant, - put* Matt. vi. 2. Acts x. 5.— Jer. i. 10. Matt. i. 19. place, lay, sow. Cv|tteAÓ,-|ti6,-|ti8e, s.m. an invi- tation, a bidding, Matt. xxii. 8.— 1 Sam. ix. 22. Matt. xxii. 1 1. Chald. Curua. Cv^|ieAc,-éice,-í>|ceACA, s.f. the knave at cards. CvtftfAlcA, ind. adj. curious, C.P. Barb. \ CXI J vimbfo, g. id. pi, -t)]éé, s.m. common wild parsnip, Pasti- naca sativa. Cr^bir) b&T), id. Cv^fiji), g. id. pi, -t>ióe, s.m. a can, a small pot. Cv]|trt),-n;e,-meACA, s.f. a kind of ale formerly used by the Iris7t 9 a feast or banquet. Cr||tti7]3,-iv5AÓ, v.a. feast, en- tertain. Gr]]ix)e%x),-'e\x), pi. id. s.m. the head of a pin, a brooch, a ringlet, a small heap. Cv||ti)e&i)AC,-Ai5e, adj. full of ringlets, abounding in small heaps. Cv^itnft), g. id. pi, -i))6e, s.f. a small vessel. Cvtftpi6,-6e, adj. corrupt, wicked, impious, Cvjftpe, id. Cúuic,-ce,-ceAt) pl« id. s.m. ae cu- cumber, pi. Numb. xi. 5. cu- cum-is. Ibívjue, g. id. s.m. a reserve, a hief man to be depended on ; see t)Ajne. Cútboc,-bu]Cj pi. id. s.m. a buck, a he-goat. CúlcAit>,-oeAÓ, v.a. backbite, slan- der ; fr. Cut, &, cajo, slander. Culc&it)c,-ce,-ceAi)A, s.f. a back- biting, detraction, a slandering. CúlóíqijceACj-qge, adj. calum- nious, traducing, slanderous. Cíilcív]r)ce6||t,-ó|tA,-6|ni6e, s.m, a backbiter, a slanderer. Cv-lco|ri}éAb,-éi,b,&,-éAbA, pi. id. s.m. a rear guard, retrospection. Cul5Ab,-bAil, v.a. adopt. Cumó>Ai5,-?5,-A|5e, s.m. a defence, Num. xiv. 9. — Ps. xxxT. 2. Ts. xxxiii. 16. also, « veil, a cover- Grrr)bui5,-bAc, v.a. defend , pi'c - jterve, save , keep, Ps. v. 11. ^vCur)5AlAC,-ai5,-A, s.f. a coursing, a cruising, a traversing. CvfbYtii,-v^i), pi. id. s.m. a cus- tom, Rom. xiii. 7. — Matt. ix. 9. Barb. Cúcac,-vjj, s.m, folly, fierceness, u"75^- 2 Tim. iii. 9.— Rev. xvTTl9. £ C YCA, id. GúcA|leACb,-bA, s.f. bashfulness, modesty, timidity. CúcAt,-Aile, adj. bashful, modest, timid. GvcAftl&T),-ii]t), pl* id. s.m. awy bulbous-rooted plant, an onion, an earth nut, fyc. fyc. D O, (b&Hi, the oak tree,) the fourth letter of the modern Irish Al- phabet, --•■ •< D\ (contr. for bo,) a poss. pron. q.v. O', (contr. for bo,) a sign of the pres. inf, 8$ per/, ind, of verbs. q.v. O', (contr. for be, or, bo,) a prep, q.v. O'a, (contr. for be, or, bo, a prep. & a, poss. pron.) of his, to his; of her, to her; of its, to its ; of their, to their. e, dim. of b<\]b. the Cladach fishermen of Galway are, in their own lo- cality, called Na bA^b^be. O A]8b j fij-bfte, &, -b|t] be, adj . poor, bad, Rev. xiii. 16. — 1 Cor. viii. 8. fr. bo, a neg. particle, & /C3 ^TpA.]l,-le, s.f. a meeting, delay, .. I X~ hostile opposition, a desire, a i. portion, an account, an enclosed - ~¥i space or field, the space between CKiV^'two rafters or couples in a cot- tage ; fr. the obs. OaI, id. Oa|1-caca, s.f. with the accent on &ajI, a pitched battle; with the accent on caca, afield of bat- tle, a battlefield ,« this remark, (mutatis mutandis,) is applica- ble to all such compound words. Armstrong. D&ili3,-leAt>, v.a. dedicate, dis- trjjmte, set apart, give, deliver, £/^jX fr. Q&rL id. C.P. isnlj-icl . 7f Chiton? &D,-;&1D9 pi. id. s.m. a but- '' ~T ler, a distributor, ' OA^ll-beA|tc sm - see Da^cad. OAin5neAc,-t)t5,-neAÓA, s.m. a stronghold, a garrison, — pi. Judg. vi. 2. 2 Sam. viii. 6. a compact, a contract, an assu- rance, a ratification ; for its ^5r i_ OUl 114 other meanings, see OA^t)5eAWtó<\U,-lA6, i the genitive sing, of which»* uij. O &20 v.a. blind; see OaIU OA|05]n, (¬ 0^5015, the genitive of this noun,")vought always to be used. O<\i05De<\cb,-bA, s.f. a strong holding, firmness, strength. ^A]T)3015>-1 U 5 gHC)odl,-oill, pi. id. s.m. a blindper- ^ son, Ex. iv. 11. MaiCvííi. 22. — John ix. 6. — Matt. xi. 5. eAC,-C|5e, aa^.juiiq/ cioas. , lind. p.p. dyed, colour- ^ce, \ed, stained, Is. lxiii. e, )l. OaIIa6,-ai8, s.m. darkness, blind- ness, Eph. iv. 18. DAllAT)-&A^c,-A^r)-&Áic,s.m. blind- man's buff» OAllA|xÁn,-A^n, pi. id. s.m. a pur- blind person. 0 v. a. condem n, ^ damn, John viii.TO.— 1 Kings vhi. 32. OAn?rmi5ce, ind. p.p. condemned, damnable, damned, Tit. iii. 1 1 . 2 Pet. ii. 1. D'ArtrfA, (contr. of bo, prep, me, pers. pron, & the emphatic af- fix r a,) to myself, to me in par- ticidar. C&rbrA, g. id. pi, -Aióe, s.m. a dance, a dancing, Matt. xi. 17. & xiv. 6. — pi. Luke xv. 25. Oar^rA^-rugAe, v.n. dance. '0&n)\x-\x)z,-ze,-z], s.f. damnation, condemnation, Mul. 0&T),-&|t), &, -aha, pi, -adca, s.m. a song, Ex. xv. 2. Deut. xxxi. 19. — 2 Sam. xxii. 1. — 1 Kings iv. 32. Job xxxv- 10. a poem, averse, destiny; Pers. & Arab. Dana, a poet. Oai)a, ind. adj. bold, confident, Rom. x. 20. 2 Cor. vii. 16. im- pudent. OAt)Acb,-bA, s.f. confidence, bold- ness, plainness of speech, Ezek. xxviii. 26. Acts iv. 13. 2 Cor. iii. 12. — Acts xiii. 46. 0&r)Ai5,-i)u5% iv. 24.— Ex. v. 13 & 14. dearth, f) J *^_ OAO]|tfi3,-iu5Ab,v.a. enhance, in- & crease the price. OAOifirisce, ind. p.p. enhanced, increased in price. OAO|fiH5ceóift,-óftA,-ó|jtit>e, s.m. one that enhances or increases a price. DAoifirine, g. id. s.f. captivity, Ps. xiv. 7.— 1 Chron. v. 22. dearth. OAOffi n t>eAc,-t)i5, pi, -T)]5e, &, ^atipffá -neACA, s.m. a bond man , a l4»{S-j± captive, Deut. xxiv. 22. see Lev. xxvi. 13. & Is. xx. 4. OaoI,-0]1, pi. id. s.m. a bug, a beetle, a caterpillar, a chafer. r /ind. adj. hum an, of or P0)~zz~ y^ - belonging to man, Job * . *A g^°*;Jxii. 10. Acts xvii. 29. ' also, liberal, civil, hos- \pitable. ^ OAOrJAcb,-bA, s. f. liberality, jffi Xr bounti fulness, g. 2 Cor. ix. 11. Yi > humanity. t-Q* ^AWiíbv» OAoi)AcbAC,-A]5e, adj. liberal, given to hospitality, Is. xxxii. 5. 1 Tim. iii. 2. humane, civil. OAOft,-offte, adj. bond, enslaved, Gen. xxi. 10. — Gen. xxi. 10. dear in price, precious, guilty^ condemned. QUC 116 oe^ ^ /C M^XS OÁojt,-ot|tj pl.id.s.m. a bondvnav^ Gal. iii. 28. a guilty or con' demned person. O&o|t,-fu6,v.a. censure, condemn, doom, make dear. slave, a bond man. OAojxbocbj-oic&e, adj. doomed to misery. R.S. OAOftcl<\i>,-toii)e,-Ui)<\, s.f. slaves, plebeians. OAOftrrRACb, g. id.&,-bd,s.m.orf. bondage, slavery. ^\iv^ ^or5AtirluA3,-£jJ,-jytce,-' s.m. i/*e rabble, the plebeians. /£f >^- Oof6cAft)H]t7-rblA, adj. churlish, boorish, vain, ignorant. O'&jt, (contr. of be, or, bo, & &ft,) Oaji, prep. #y, through ,- Lat. Per. Daft, a def. v. thinks or think, as, &A]t l]ort) 9 metfiinks ; bcAc,-c&i5e, adj. wor- thy minded, noble minded. OeAga^ne, g. id. s.m. benevo- lence, a pious affection. JÁU ^££2L£}ic,-ce, s.f. a discharge, "Ecc. viii. 8. a divorce. \ i ; :i ^j/>- Oen*rr1*ir> s.m. a good conscience, g. 1 Pet. iii. 2].^ OeA5corn g. id. pi, -bee, s.m. a kind heart. OeAgcjtoibeACj-bjge, adj. kind, gentle, kind-hearted, 1 Cor. xiii. 4. see 1 Pet. ii. 18. OeAgcuAlUiseACivbA, s.f. fel- lowship >, C.P. DeA5p s,m - / ear i / holy fear, Heb. v. 7. OeA5^ocAl,-cA]l, pi. id. s m. a kind or well spoken word. OeAg^ocUcj-A^ge, adj. fair spo- ken, well spoken. Oe<\5£oi) r £u|ij, pi. id. s.m. good pleasure, g. Eph. i. 5. OeA5-5nú|r,-r e > pl,-rf,&-reACA, s.f. « grooc? or fair countenance. DeUc<\, s.f. a good opinion ; OeAgOAjtA- rbujl, id. OeAgrboUój-lcA, pi. id- s.m. a good recommendation, high praise. OeAJrbuince, ind. p.p. well bred, well educated. OeA5t)ór,-6|f , pi. id. s.m. a good custom, a sacred rite. OeA^norACj-Aige, adj. decent^ having good manners ~ DeA5obAÓ, v.a. do, make, John xiii. 27. 2 Tim. iv. 2. OéAtxx, appears to be an emphatic form of Oéan, as if a contraction of DéanrA. OéAtMP,-i}CA, s.m. a doing, g. Gal. ii. 10. an acting or performing. Oéar)AtKvr,-Air, s.m. *m ac/, deed, action, exertion, industry. OeAOArAGj-Ajge, adj. efficient, laborious, industrious, active. OeAr^rbalcA, ind. adj. perfect, Matt. v. 48. see, OjonsrWcA. OeAnrbAire^ój-Aige, adj. spruce, prim, coy. Oe<\oÓ5,-ói5e,-ó5A, s.f. a pinch of snuff, a small quantity of any comminuted matter, a grain, a handful. OéAi)cA, ind. p.p. done, made, performed, Rev. xvi. 17. OéAi)cAr,-e, s.m. an actor, a maker. OeAjtbj-OA, adj. persuaded, Rom, . xiv. 14. sur e, c erta in, true, ge- nuine, particular. Oe&|ab r DAft, v.a. prove, Dan. i. 12. — 2 Chron. ix. 1. Lev. xiv. 19. 1 Tim. iii. 10. certify, de- monstrate, affirm, put to the test. De<\|tbAC,-Ai5e, adj. sure, capable of proof Oe&ftbafe,-Ait>,&-bcA, s.m. assu- rance, experience, Acts xvii. 31. Rom. v. 4. proof, demonstra- tion, trial, certainty. OeAjtbA&ói|i,-ó[tA,-5jft]t>e,s.m.ím affirmer, a prover. Oe&jib-óoi5,-5e, s.f. sure confi- dence, C.P. OeA]abÓ5,-ó]5e,-55A, s.f. a touch- stone. OeA]ibfi.&cAi|i,-AxAji, pi, -Ajcfie, K$Z*r. &, 4meACA, s.m. a brother * '' Gen/iv. 8. 9. & 10.— Lev. xxi. 2.— Matt. i. 2. Luke viii. 21. fr. Oeaftb, &, bftACAjji. OeA|tb|tiv^c|teAcur,-u|f , pl.id.s.m. brotherhood, Zech. xi."14. OeArib|tAic|teATt)uil,-rblA,adj.6ro- therly, Amos i. 9. OeAfibcA, ind. p.p. adj. confirmed, proved, 1 Cor. xi. 19. OeAfibcAcb,-bA, s.f. demonstra- . tion, certainty, 1 Cor. ii. 4 Prov. xxii. 21. OeA]ibu|5 r u ja6, v. &. affirm, Luke /^ jL xxii. 59. — Acts xii. 15. see, ' ^ - OeAjib.. ^nA4u rt*fá ^UWrJ^- OeAjtc,-cAó, v.a. behold, Ps. lix. ^^- * 4. & lxxxiv. 9. observe, watch, think, examine, inspect, Gr. 3sgx-w. Oewrra into flames. or f. a fierce foe. see, W&riMjb. OGAft5fiu<\caft,-A]ji, pi. id. s.m. a bloody fight. ^ De,-t)Ab, v.a. take in hands, handle, act, do, accomplish, %-% com.Hf beívjinAr, &,ad n-beAfi- t)A|*, the neg. & interr. forms found in the ind. perf. of Dear). OeAjii)5]b,-&e, s.f. a hand, — g. Lev. xiv. 15. OeA]tr)ó|fieAc&,-bA, s.i. palmis- try, chiromancy. OeAftrjA rbu]]ie,g. id. s.f. common lady^s mantle, Alchemilla vul- C •r DeAjióil,-le^ adj. wretched, Rev. / iii. \1. poor, beggarly. ^OeAftóileActv&A, s.f. poverty, J want, wr etched ness. OeAitrcnu5AÓ,-u]5ce, pi. id. s m. excellency, Ecc. vii. 12. a joo- lishing, fyc. OeA|tr3DA|5eAC,-5i3e, adj. O'H. see, OeAitr50it|3. Oe&]tr5nui3,-5e, adj. excellent, goodly, Prov. xvii. 7* see 1 Sam. ix. 2. wise, prudent, bur- nished, polished ; from the old root, OeAjjxr, or, seAflirs, v » a « or n. polish, shine. OeAfyefre, adj. south, right, Matt. xii. 42. Rev. x. 2 — , Ex. xxix. 20. Lev. viii. 23. dexterous, trim, pretty, ready, proper. OeAf Arbii]l,-rblA, adj. southward, expert, ready, dexterous, OeA- rAc r At 5 e 3 id. OeAr5A6,-A|ó, pi. id. s.m. an off- scouring, lees, dregs, 1 Cor. iv. 13. — pi, Ps. lxxv. 8. Is. li. 17. Oee, s.m. a composer, a mender, fyc. OeAr ^ eA S> when the first vowel of the following syl- lable is either e, or,], see, OeAg. OeigbeACA, g. id. s.f. a good life. OeigbeurACj-Ajge, adj. virtuous, well-behaved. Oei5cfieibrbeAC,-Aj5e, ad], faith- ful, Gal. iii. 9. 1 Tim. vi. 2. R Oei5C|tíoó,-fce,-foÓA, s.f. a happy end. Oéi^eAnACj^Ajje, adj. last, 1 Cor xv. 26. 2 Cor. xi. 15. Oeig- 10WAÓ, id. Deut. xxv. 18. Oei35oiori?,-ri?A, pi. id. &, -toatica, s.m. a good work, — pi, John v. 29. see^Kom. xiii. 3. Oe^55T)iomAC,-Ai5e, adj. bene- volent, beneficent. Oe]5iori)cAit,-Ai|i,pl. id. s.m. good conduct. Oei5ti)éit),-ne, s. f. sincerity, gracefulness. Dei5rbe]rr)eAc,-t)|3e, adj. confi- dent, of good comfort, 2 Cor. v. 8. & xiii. 11. Oef5ri)iA0,-t)A, pi. id. s.m. good intent, benevolence. Oei5ri)iAnAc,-Ai5e, adj. well- meaning, benevolent. Dei5rcfu|tAÓ,-fiui3ce, pi. id. s.m. discipline. C.P. Oeil,-le,-leAi)A, s.f. a lathe, an axletree. De^lj-leAb, v.a. turn with a lathe, warp. Oeilb,-be,-beACA, s.f. a counte- nance, 1 Sam. xvi. 12. for other meanings see OeAlb, also, a warping. Oeilb, inf. id, v.a. warp, form, build, construct. Oeilbeó5,-ói5e,-Ó5A, s.f. a mini- ature, a picture, a little image or statue, a seal, Oe^lbfn, id. OeileA&óiri,-óitA,-duti8e, s.m. a turner, a miniature painter. OejleA&óijteACb r b<\, s. f. the trade of a turner, or engraver. Deil5t)eAc,-t>i5, s. m. thorns, g. Luke viii. 7. a spear this- tle, also, an eruptive dis- ease among children. Oei^fieine, g. id. s.f. the name of Fionn MacCumhaiVs stan- dard. 9ff Kl 1 oe ) 122 oe j A^ W%[ Oe | tt)gf ,-tt) j r, s.m. apaz> of shears, a scissors, Oeirijeiryre, s.f. id. Oe|rbp 9 -mr)e, adj. certain, sure, true, Num. x. 32. & passim. Oe]rt)i)e, g. id. s.f. certainty, as- surance. Oeirbii),-ri)t)e, s. f. certainty, Lukei. 4. properly, Centime, q.v. Oe|rbi)eAc,-t>i5e, adj. certain, 2 Cor. i. 13. see, OejrbiP. Oeirimj5,-iu5At>, v.a. prove, inf. Acts ix. 22. affirm, certify. Dejriwigce, ind. p.p. affirmed, proved, ratified. Detri)0i5reóift,-5ttA,-óitiiÓe, s.m. « prover, a certifier. Oeirbi)iu5,-bA, s.f. keenness, vio- lpeirceA]tCAc,-A]5e, adj lence, vehemence, Oéjtje, id. ^ em. OéioeAc&<\c,-Ai5e, adj. rwete, wr- OeirciobAl,-buil, pi. id. s.m. a \(j^ gent, vehement. OéifleAr,-neir, s. m. violence, fanaticism. Dé^eArAc^ige, adj. fierce, im- petuous, keen, ardent, quick, nimble. Oe|ft, see, UbAiji. De^ib^or,-^eArA, s. m. certain knowledge, persuasion, Gen. xliii. 7. Romans viii. 38. fr. OeAfib, &, -pior. Oeipb5rnori),-rbA, pi. id. &-mAft- ca, s.m. an axiom, a maxim , fr. beAfib, &, snjori). y^Oe\\\bf]\x\i, g, -fiu^tA, -feACfi<\c, Id &, -feACAja, pi, -jjivmeACA^ &> \ 4 -reACfuvcA., s.f. a sister, Gen. xii. 13. Rom. xvi. 1.— Gen. xxix. 13. Lev. xviii. 9. Ezek. xxiii. 31. Acts xxiii. 16 Mark vi. 3. Luke xiv. 26. fr. beAjtb, ^pDéific,-ce, s.f. alms, Matt. vi. 2, fr 3,& 4.— -Mark x. 46. John ix. 8. disciple, John xxi. 20, 23, & "2£_ Matt. x. 42.— Mark vi. 35. (;John ii. 11. Oeirsiobul, -u]l, id.— g. Matt. x. 42. Oeirc]téi&,-be, s.f. discretion. C.P. Barb. Oeircftéi&eAc,-bi5e,adj.í//.síTe££. DeireAcb,-bA, s.f. an ornament, Ex. xxxiii. 5. elegance, neat- ness, convenience. Oein> g« id. s.f. comeliness, 1 Cor. xii. 23. beauty, dexterity ; De^re, id. Oein3,-ui5 beo^ , in conclusion, 4- Oeoin,-De, s.f. will, purpose, Mark iv. 28.K2* Oeór)CAÓ,-Ai5e,adj.cOeómii3,-3eAÓ, grant, C. P.— -7 6 inf. Esth. v. 8. allow, vouch- safe, approve, consent. KA|fic, Tuesday ; OjA-céAb- AOjne, Wednesday 1 ÓjA-ÓAfi- bAO]n, Thursday; OjA-Aojne, Friday 1 0^-rACU||tn, Satur- day ; Pers. Di, Hind. Diu, Lat. Diu, by day. O ) ?v 124 O ) b Ha \i^ t}fAVAft|or,-fr, s.m. blasphemy, &G. Offn, Of<\6A, ind. adj. godly, pious, *3 'I, K j a divine , OfAÓArbufl,-ri)lA, id. O j AÓAcb^-b^sX^^eo^, qodlj - 'ness^Kcts xVu7z9rilom. i. 2U,— 1 Tim. iii. 16. divinity^ Of AÓAffte, g. id. pi, -fifóe, s.m. a divin e, a theologia n. OjA5,-b, v.a burn vio- lently, Of ah, may be placed before substantives, adjectives, & verbs, to increase the mean- ing to a great or intense degree, as OfAfn-^eAfts, great indig- nation ; Of An-f-ftuc, a rapid stream ; it is needless therefore to insert words so compounded. Of An-loir3eAC,-5f5e,adj. consum- ing, Heb. xii. 29. dreadfully consuming by fire. OfAf, g, béfrf, a num. s.f. two persons, Gen. iv. 19. — John viii. 17. applied only to per- sons or personified objects. Of<\r, g, feeff-e, pi, bf ata, s.f. an ear of corn, pi. Gen. xli. 5. Lev. xxiii. 14. see, Oeup OjACfiAfrivrbe, adj . desert, Deut. xx xii. 10. desolate. O'jb, (contr. of be jb, or bo fb ? ) \ Lev. xxv. 46. & 53. wrathful, vindictive. KihJ^q £--j" Ofoi|t,-fic, v.a. banish^ remove, Deut. xviii. 12. Eccl. xi. 10. ^X£f Ofbijic, s.f. 2 Cor. vi. 5. see, yj\ Ojbejftc. / <5 Ojbli5,-5e, adj. vile, worthless, mean, abject, destitute, poor, vulgar. C.P. Oibl]3,-]U5A6, v.a. make vile or wretched, demean. O^bligeAcbj-bA, s. f. vileness, meanness, wretchedness, desti- tution, poverty. C.P. í^J^ OjceAÍ),-i)tt?;,-b]on, v.a. preserve, Ps. cxl. 4. protect, shelter, fortify I DíjjéAfosACj-Aige, adj. beard- less. Dipifi,-j: |te,-^fieACA, s.f. a differ- ence ; see Ojrpfft. 0|5,-3e, s.f. a pit, a dyke, a trench, a ditch, Matt. xv. 14. Ojge, g. sing, of, Oeoc, drink, q.v. Col. ii. 16. Of3eAc,-3]3e, adj. full of pits or ' trenches. Ofgeolur, Lev. xxvi. 25. the fut. relative of OjogAjl, q.v. Ofle,-eAfJA, &, -eAJ2, pi, -eAi)A, s.f. a flood, Gen. vii. 6. Matt. xxiv. 39 Gen.ix. 11. 2 Pet. ii. 5. an inundation; see Df- Iton. OjleACb,-bA, pi. id. &,"} -bA]6e fseeO]l- OfleaGbA, g. id. pi. id. C leAcbA. &, -bApe, J OíleA5,-5AÓ, v.a. digest food, de- stroy. C^leA5A6,-A]6, pi. id. s.m. diges- tion, destruction. OjleÁgcA, ind. p.p. digested^ de- stroyed. OjleArvjje, &, bjrle, adj. faith- ful, Prov. xiii. 17. 1 Cor. i. 9. Cb.own, proper, Rom. viii. 3^. friendly, dear, beloved ; fr. the obs. s. bjl, love, h,z^\, warmth. DjlfOf, id. see Ofrle. Ojl5|tAbAc,-A]3e, adj. dearly be- loved ; see Phil. iv. 1. from the vz%j m CO til 7 XcgW ^l^^f ' J,-1°ij*> pi. id. s.f. a flood, a deluge, g. Gen. vii. 7, & 10. see Ojte. OftleAcbA, g. id. pi. id. &, -Ai8e, s.m. or f. a n orpha n, Deut. xiv. 29, & xvi. ll.--Ceut. xxiv. 17. pi. see Lam. v. 3. fr. bf, neg. particle, &, lACb, suck. OjlreAcb,-bA, s.f. friendship, re- lationship, love, faithfulness ; O jlre, id. #|-£ 0"|ít)eÁr, inf. id. v.a. undervalue, despise. * OfrbeAtyrbA, s.m. contempt, dis- respect. OjrijeArcA, ind. p.p. fo?s XxTTTn OjoJAlcACj-cuigj-cujge, s.m. an avenger, a revenger, Numb. xxxv. 24. — Deut. xix. 12. Ps. xliv. 16. Oío5Atc6j|t,-ófiA,-ói|iióe, s.m. a revenger, Num . xxxv. 1 9 . Rom. xiii. 4. — Num. xxxv. 25. CA, ind. adj. severe, re- vengeful, fierce. Oj055l\?5eAC&,-&A,s.f. satisfaction, a reward, payment, N um. xxxv. 32. Ps. xviii. 20. Phil. i. 1. OjoJlutnjj-lotDA, pi. id. s.m. a gleaning, Lev. xix. 9. — Jer. xlix. 9. leasing. Oio5lutm,inf id. v.&.glean, Deut. xxiv. 21. — Ruth ii. 2 & 3. lease, | OfolocbACj-A^e, faultless weed. Of, & loc&. Of05lu]ri)ceój!vófiA,-óift|8e, s.m. « gleaner, a weeder. OiojlutDcA, mc ^ P« P« gleaned, leased. D í°5n A irrre 5 s.f. see piogfiujr. Dfo5fiA]reA C,-r]5e 7 adj. esteemed, charitable, see 1 Thess. v. 13. 1 Pet. iv. 8. affectionate, be- loved. """ °í<>STiAireAc,-n5rns e » s,m - a beloved person, Rom. xvi. 8. an esteemed, affectionate, or charitable person. Dj05ftuftvr e J s.f. uprightness, Ps. cxix. 7. diligence, love, cha- rity. r &%^ Ofol,-lAC,-Ai5e, adj. displeased, Mark xiv. 5. Acts xii. 20. D(ort)ol,-Ub, v.a. dispraise, fr. bf, fcl <*m &, iDolr OjorboUb,-lcA, s. m. _ dispraise , -KiJ^ 2 Cor. vi. 3.-2 Cor. viii. 20. disparagement. OforbotcA, ind. p.p. reproved, re- jected, Ephes. v. 13. Heb. vi. 8. dispraised. Oíoit)olt5ijt,-ó|t<\,-ófftibe, s.m. a ; dispraiser, a slanderer. O join rAc,-Ai5e, adj. proud, 2 Tim. /£>? iii. 2. haughty, arrogant, Oj- on?Ar ag, m; ^l^A *&* Ófornur,-uir, s.m. arrogancy, 1 k^f \ Sam. ii. 3. jrride, haMghtiness^- Ofoo, g, bfn, &, yot)Á7 pi. idTíun. [^j a shelter, a defence, a protec- tion, a fence, a cover. \C^u OfooAb6i|t,-6ftA,-6||tibe, s.m. a shelter er, a protect or, a thatcher. £>|or)A]5,-t)ii3<\Ó,v.a. shelter, cover, staunch, protect; Of on,-i}AÓ, id. Ofoi)A]fie,-bt,s.f. perfection, — g. Col. iii. 14. Ojon5rt)*lcur> -ujr, s.m. id. Ojonlon5poftc,-put|tc, pi. id. s.m. a garrison, 1 Chron. xi. 16. fr. bfon, I005, &? po fie. O^o^fu^e, cpd. adv. (contr. fr. bo, &, 1oi)rui5e,) to, towards, unto, Luke xv. 18. OjoncA, ind. p.p. covered, shelter- ed, protected, staunched, fenced. Ofo|tb, comp. bffibe, adj. severe. DfottgAÓ, s.m. direction, Jer. x. 23. see 0^11546. Ofofi5Ab, v.a. inf. pres. to direct; Luke i. 79. see Offtjj. D J 129 O JS OfofijA^-uns s.m. righteousness) uprightness, Prov. xxi. 21. — Ps. cxliii. 10. 'h*p Ojoftnxv, g. id. pi, -aca, s.m. or f. m a troop i a company, a crowd ; Lat. Turma. OfOfliuir5,-5e, s.f. hastiness of temper, rashness, fierceness» °f°m u ir3 e ^ ó >-313 e > ad J* ras1 h /toward, hasty ', fierce. Oíofbójfij-fieACb, v.a. reason, dis- pute, — inf. Markviii. 17. Acts . ix. 29. OíorbójfieACb,~b&, s.f. disputa- tion, a reasoning, Acts xv. 2. — s Acts xxviii. 29. Oforc,-frce, pi. id. s.f. a barren person, Job xxiv. 21. also lees. Oíofx&t),-A]t), s.m. a gnashing of the teeth, Ps. xxxvii. 12. & cxii. 10. a chewing of the cud. ^Í°r5rir3 e > ac U' barren, Job xxxix. 6. dry. OfQrc,-irce, id. Ofors&iv&IOj s.m. Ps. cxii. 10. see Oforc&n, &, 5jorc&n. Ofof3AO^l,-le<\ó, v. a. scatter, Deut. xxx. 3. dissipate, untie. ÍPfOf5Ait,-Ai|t, s.m. 2^, v.a. profane, scorn, reject, see Lev. xviii. 21. Job xxxix. 18. OírbeA5A8,-5tifÓ, s.m. contempt, g. Esther i. 18. scorn, profane - ness, rejection. OírbeA5u]6,-u6A8, v.a. scorn, re- ject, Job xxxix. 18. Jer. ii. 37. see, OjrbeA5. Oirqive|te, adj. fierce, Job iv. 10. active, sudden, Off5j]t, id. Job x. 16. Ojrcftéjbj-be, s.f. discretion. Ojrc|tépeAÓ,-bi5e, adj. discreet, Gen. xli. 33.— Gen. xli. 39. .4 Ojrle, g. id. pi, -l^e, s.f. a die, ]£*>~b> dice. - " — -tefc D ) U ]30 DL] f&% K\ 7«> 1/04- tit'i Of fie, g. sing. fern. & the plur. form of O^lear, faithful, q.v. see 2 Tim. ii. 2. & Tit. i. 9. D|fteAcb,-&A, s.f. faithfulness, Ps. v. 9. love, f riend ship, loy- alty, Ojj4e7jd. O] rll5» - 1 u 3**S v * a - hide, — inf. 1 Sam. xxvi. 1. put out of the way. WJLÍhL Ojrlf3eAc,-5j8e, adj. deviating, straggling. D]c,-ce, s.f. need, want, deficie ncy, 2Cor.iv.4.&dR Asaprefix this is written in compound words, Of, Ojo, Ojoc, &, Ofc. OicbeAftcAc,-ui5, pi. id. &, -u^e, s.m. an outcast, pi. Is. Ivi. 8. see, OfbeAticAc. OjccejUe, g. id. s.f. folly, 'want of sense, Mul. '0]i6é]\\e^6,-\^e, adj. foolish, unreaso nable. /£* i£? /O ír ^')tc\o\\,-c]\l,s.m.dUi^ence,care, ^ attention, application, earnest \\,\^^ r L endeavour, 1 Thess. ivnX^ 11 ' RolnTxiii. 6. Col. i. 29. \L\\ ~\ -qollui5e, adj.ea7*- r >... n . nest, Rom. viii. 19. D ( «eAlUc, j , ^ xvi 12 Better > T i •• a a r- ^ . . || . [ Luke, xxn. 44. ai- J c ' A ' t Ugent, persevering, J assiduous. Ofccjiejbirb, ind. s.m. unbelief, see, 1 Tim. i. 13. cjieibjrb, in this compound is in the geni- tive, under the government of the subs. Djc, whatever be the case, of the whole word. Ojcj:f|i,-fte,-|ie<\cA, s.f. a differ- ence, Lev. x. 10. Rom. x. 12. OjcjiéAbACj-A'jgj-.Aige, s.m. a her- mit, an anchoret, a person hav- ing no common habitation or society ivitli others, an outcast, fr. bfc, &, cjicAb. a tribc^ £)jÚ5,-5 r b,-Óe, adj. immutable, Heb. vi. 18. Oo-ACAfltujgce, ind. p.p. immu- table . Oob, (contr.fr. bo b<\, or, bo bub.) it was. Oób,-bAt>, &, -b&]l, v. a. daub, plaster, inf. Deut. xxvii. 2. Heb. Dob, dung. DóbAbó]|ij-óttA,-óiítióe 5 s. m. a ; plasterer, a dauber. Oóh&iV&U, pi. id. &, -aIaca, s. f. a daubing, a plastering, Ex. ii. 3. 05bAireAc,-fi5e, adj. undying, immortal. Oóbajruigce, ind. p.p. immortal. Oob^|i,-A^, pi. id. s.m. water, Oobancu, a waterdog, i.e. an otter, see, Gú. Oób|tón,-óin, pi. id. s.m. sorrow, mourning, Ex. xv. 14. 1 Cor. v. 2. — Job iii. 8. fr. bo, intens. particle, &, bndn. OóbfióOj inf. id. v. a. mourn,— 'mi. K\ 1 Sam. xvi. 1. Oób|aó9Ac,-Af5e, adj. sorrowful, mournful, melancholy. Oóbu.|&eAcu]v u ir} s.m. ingrati- tude. OocAÓ,-Áibe, adj. likely , proba ble, OocA, ind. adj. id. OocAifij-cttA, pi. id. s.f. trouble, affliction, hardship, harm, hurt, fr. bo, priv. &, cuji. OócArr)Al,-é^,-re, adj. unspeakable, f/ ( h, 1 Pet. i. 8. fr. bo, &, w\$£\%f\ ' tell, prove. OófuUt)5CA, ind. p.p. intolerable, u\, grievous, fr. b6, &, puUms, D6^ulAn55,-5e,-3eACA, s. f. ow_- Af5£ guish, Rom. ii. 9. a torment, x^ pain, vexation, calamity j^_^//H J* Od5|Tuin5eAc,-5f5e, adj. pained, ^ ft tormented, perplexing, vexa- ' tious, wretched . Ooguu^eACj-^ige, adj. perplex- ing, grieved, troubled, vexa- tious. Oójb,-be, s.f. a plaster, a daub, Deut. xxvii. 2. Ezek. xiii. 12. Oó]b, (fr. bo, ]b,) to them, Matt, ii. 9. 05|beur,-r*, pi. id. s-m. bad |/J manners, vice. Wi i5e, adj. quarrelsome, ill-tempered. OófÓevDca, ind. p.p. impossible, Luke i. 37. difficult to be done. D6f^fteA5A|tcA, ind. p. p. unan- swerable, difficult to be answered. ^j^OófSj-ije, s.f. trust* hope, Ps. iv. ^ 5. Rom. viii. 24. opinion, con- jecture» Oóf5e<\rt)Ucb,-b "52ilf^ P 1 * id# / s.m. sorrow, onef, 2 Cor. ' ii. 3.-2 Cor. ii. 3 & 4, see, , Oo|lSio r . Kl-% £^t ^oii5ior 5 -3!r 5 -ái2i3.5 P 1 - ld - s - m « , /^ sorrow, grief, mourning, afflic- O JT. ^tion, Gen. iii. Í6.— Gen. xxxvn. 35. Mark iii 5.— Is. liii. 4.Kjift • DojljiorACj-Ajge, adj. grievous, / - 2^ afflicted, sorrowful, Gen. 1. 11. ^ 2_ i Sam. i. 15. Is. liii. 3. ^^I^Sj-Sg, adj. grievous, see Gen. xxi. 11, doleful, difficult, sorrow ful, see, Police. Dojlle, g. id. s.f. blindness, Gen. xix. 11. Oó|n)e<\fbA, adj. inestimable, un- speakable, Mul. -, , Ooimoe, g. id. pi. id. &, -eaca, ~ ' s.f. depth, Rom. xi. 33. Eph. iii. 18.— pi. Rev. ii e 24. the deep, the sea. ./ r> . 1 s.m. depth, M 4- Oo ^ e ^^'^)fundity £*ojrbt>i5,-iv5<\6, v.a. deepen, hol- low. Ooiu-&eAft5,-éift5e, adj. a red- dish dun, auburn. Oo\x)e&x),-x)ix)e, s.f. a tempest, cold /^X~~r weather , C.P. — Prov. xxv. 20. Oo]t)]or), id. fr. Do, neg, &, y\ox), weather. OojoeArjcA, adj. rainy, tempest- uous, cold, stormy, Ezra, x. 13. "Oó-\f)ye, adj. unutterable, Rom. viii. 26. fr. Dó, &, ]VT)]X* Dó-toiDpo^gce, ind. p.p. incon- vertible. Dofjtb,-be, adj. grievous, Prov. xv. 10. peevish, illnatured,sour, hard, quarrelsome, Lat.Dur-us. j Do^tbe a r,-b | r, s.m. grief, anguish, /^ J -i-4s Deut. xv. 10. 2 Sam. i. 9. /f adversity, mischief Oójjtéigce, ind. irreconcileable- DóijtiAglvigre, ind. p.p. hard to be governed. DojjijAftcA, ind. p.p. implacable, unruly, Rom. i. 31. Jas. iii. 8. insatiable. Dófjt|<\, s. f. implaca- bility, insaliableness. DojftjoncA, ind. adj. sullen, Doj fteancA, id. Oo|fil]t)5,-5e, s.f. a beach, a pro- montory. Do|jtoeó5,-ó]5e,-ó3A.s.f. a handle, also, a handstone. 1*ofli3 i^K-fLlj ff Z- ^ COL 134 o on Kth *IS~ 10 l\ V. OoiiifeóiTt ? -5|tA, pi, -5|iti3, &, -6i|ti6e, s.m. a porter, 2 Sara. xviii. 26. John x. 3. — pi. IS eh. vii. 73. Oojfireó||ieACb,-bA, s.f. the office of a door porter, xjb^ Oo]ttc,-0|xcAÓ,v.a.joow7iáí/5 shed, 2 Kings iv. 41. Ps. lxix. 24. — 1 Sara.xxv.26.Zeph. \\\.&. spill. Coatee, ind. p. p. poured out, Cant. i. 3. shed, spilled. OojficeACj-qgj-qge, s.m. a shed- der, one who sheds, Ezek. xviii. 10. OotficeACj-Aige, adj. spilling, shedding, pouring out. Oo|jiceóifi,-óitA,-6!fifóe, .s.m. a spiller, a shedder. T5o\tóe&\\,-cill,s.m.niggardliness, 2 Cor. ix. 7. churlishness. 'Oo<\tceA.l\&c r k]-5e,2Ldi.?iiggardly, churlish. Oójce, ind. p.p. parched, Ruth ii. 14. burned, singed. DófteA5Ar5r5Xl£5i. s - m ' perver- jtiy, — g. Matt. xvii. 17. incapa- hJUtfu f bein g taught. OoI^vJ^pl. id. s.m. á fishing net, a snare, a knot. Lat. Dol-us. Oól&OAfica, ind. p.p. unspeakable, inexpressible. OoU]ó,-óe, s.f. loss, damage, de- triment. OaUr,-&ir, pi. id. s.m. sorrow, mourning, Job. xxi. 17 — Ecc. iii. 4. desolation. r OóUvr AC,-Ai5e, a,d}. grievous, Helb. xii. 11. sad, melancholy. OoUrbA, ind. p. p. not easily lighted, not inflammable. Oolt]tvri},- U 1 fl ?> s ' m ' grief, anguish, vexation. Oolcttvn)Ac,-A]5e, adj. grievous, vexatious. D5lvbAcb,-bA, s.f. inflexibility, stubbornness. OólvbcA, ind. p.p. inflexible, un- bending. OortjAÓ, ind. ord. adj. second, as, ax) borpaó cvjb ber$,the twelfth part. Oorb OórsAficA, ind. p. p. not easily / separated. Oór5fivbAó,-Ai5e, adj. unsearch- able, see Prov. xxv. 3. /& 06r5V|óceAc,-c|5e, adj. foolishly 'l extravagant. h C5r5vibceAcb,-b, g. id. s.f. a sufficiency. OóccAf,-Air, s.m. comfort, confix Xl-^- dence , hope, Mark x. 49. 1 John v~R._ Rom. xv. 13. 1 Cor. ix. 10. OócAf,-Ajf, &, Oóccvp, -v|f, id. Rom. v. 5. Ooccftojbe, g. id. s.m. a heart- burn, vern. OoccvrACj-Ajge, adj. hopeful, Job. vi. 20. confident. Oóccvrv]5,-v5AÓ, v.n. frttfl ew, Jer. xlix. 4. — Jer. xxviii. 15. confide in. Oócv]5fi5ce, ind. p.p. hard to be understood, 2 Peter iii. 16. o n ^ 136 one OócY|5f|tvoe, adj. not easily understood. Oócv|5nr>e<\c,-Ai3e, adj. wanting understanding. OjiAbAtjie, g. id. pi. -woe, s.m. a //w<7c-ó|tA,-6]ttl6e, s.m. a painter, a statuary, a dresser, a polisher» OfteACArt)V]l,-rbU, adj. comely, handsome, showy. OfteArtytpA, s.m. a peop le, a tribe» /^,3 a family, Pro v. xxx. 25. Heb. . H iii. 17. OfieAncYib,-be,~bi, s.f. a flea. 0|ieAT)óf!vófiA,-óffiiÓe, s « m . an augur, a diviner by birds. OfteApAjgj-vgAÓ, v.a. climb, clam- ber ; OfieAp,-pAÓ, id. D|teApA^ieACb,-bA, s.f. a climb- ing, a scaling, 1 Sam. xiv. 13. Prov. xxi. 22. OfieAr,-ejre,-eArA, s.f. a brier, a bramble, Ezek. xxviii. 24. —Is. lv. 13 Is. x. 17. OfieArAc,-A|5e, adj. thorny, full of briers. OfieArAftnACj-A^-Aige, s. m. a place where brambles grow. OfieAró5,-ói5e,-ÓT;A, s.f. a bram- ble, pi. Isaiah xxxiv. 13. a brier. 0|té|rt)||te, g. id. pi. -fif, s.m. a ladder, Gen, xxviii. 12. a stair, fr. obs. v. Ojiéirr?, climb. 0|téfri7|fie-buj6e, s.m. yellow cen- taury, Chlora perforata. Ofiéirt)tfie-3ojtiT) ? s.m. woody night- shade, Solanum dulcamara. 0|teirt)i|ie-rr)vitie, s.m the lesser centaury, Gentiana centau- rium. O jte oj 5,-05 a6, v.n. wax old, rot,}\{ A Deut. xxix. 5. * * D|ieo|5ce,ind. p.p. rotten, musty. on j 137 on o Ofieo]5ceAcb,-&Aj s.f. rottenness, mustiness. «2^0|ie6lAt),-Ain, pi. id. s.m. a wren, j also, a silly person ; Ojteoiljr}, id. OjteólArjACb,-bA, s.f. silliness. OfteóUn-ceArbvi5,-A]r)-ceArbuj5, pi. id. s.m. a grasshopper. Lev. xi. 22. — pi. Amos vii. 1. OjiiACAjjte, g.id.pl. -|t"|be, s.m. an obstinate person, a plodding in- flexible person. OftjAGA]fteAcb,-bA, s. f. inflexibi- lity, obstinacy. Of^l,-te,-leAi)A, s.f. a drop glan- cing in the sun, a sparkle, a twinkle, a glimpse. % Oftilf*eAc,-fi5e, adj. radiant, daz- zling, glittering. 'O\i]0bby.,-&]]i,s.m.lees,dregs,gore. OjtfobAficA, ind. adj. mixed with dregs. D PÍ°5>-Í3 e rí5 eA cA, s.f. a drop. O|t|05Aitie, g. id. pi. -fi^be, s.m. a distiller. Ojijor>5Ao,-Ajo, pi. id. s. m. a plaything, a worthless pas- time. Ofiip,-pe, s.f. a snare, confusion, bustle, hurry. i< Ojijtyre, pi. id. -rf, &, -reACA, s.f. a brier ' 3 pl. Is. v. 6. ^M^lHJ^Cj-nSe, ad), full ofbram- I > <^ ^jfe^ o/* briers. OftireAC,-ri3, a coll. s.m. bram- bles, Luke vi. 44. Heb. vi. 8. lit. a thicket of thorns, a place where brambles or briers grow. 3^ ^T t ir eo 3r°!5 < V 6 5 s.f. an evil report, misinformation. OjtoccY<\ft,-n<\, pi. id. s.f. a curious art, pi. Acts xix. 19. lit. evil learning. DfiO]C5tHoii),-rbA,pl.id.&, -rijAjtcA, s. m. a wicked act, an evil work, Eccl. iv. 3. — 2 Tim. ii. 9. — I Sam. xii. 25. John v. 29. OfiofcgntortjACj-Aige, adj. evil do- ing, wicked, Is. ix. 17. D|tO]ó^rtoeAc,-i)^5e, adj. evil- minded. Ofto]C|ob,-i&, pi. id. s.m. a bridge. 0|tO|C-^orrjcAfi,-A]|i, s. m. ill-be- haviour. O|i0]crbeAr, g. id. &, -rca, s.m. ill . repute, evil estimation, see Lev. xxvii. 27. T3\\o]ciw&-\r),-r)e, s.f. malice, Col. iii. 8 1 Car. v. 8. ill will, me]!), is the same as the Latin "mens/' Opo|crr)e|rpeAC,-t)i5e, s.f. pusil- lanimity. Ofto]cri)eirt)i5,-iu5A&, v. a. dis- courage, see Deut. i. 28. OftO]Cii}etroiu5A8,-ui5ce, pi. id. s.m. discouragement, Numb, xxi. 4. D|io]cr)ió, g. id. &, -néice, pi, -rjeice, s.m. an evil thing, Neh. xiii. 17 Ps. cxli. 4. — Jer. iii. 5. OfioicjtfAgAilj-áUó, v. a. misgo- vern, misrule. O|io]crb|0|tu|&,-be, s.f. a wicked spirit, — g. Eph. vi. 16. 0|ioicrcéAl,-é]l, pi, -£aIa, &, -ealcA, s. m. an evil tiding, pi. onu 139 onu Ex- xxxiii. 4. a better spelling is, D|toic-f5eul,-é|l, pi, -eula, &, -eulcA. Orto|t>,-&e,-beAT)A, s.f. a starling. DfioiáeACív&A, pl.id.s.f. enchant- ment,^cc. x. 11. see, O|tA0j- beace». Ofioí5ion,-5in,-5ne, s.m. p thorn, Judges viii. 16.— Is. fv. 13.— Prov. xxii. 5. the black thorn or sloe tree, Ojiofgne Ac,-t)i5, s.m. ihorns,Gen. iii. 18. literally, a thicket of thorns, a place where thorns grow. Ofiofi^eACj-pise, adj. thorny, abounding in thorns, O|iof5t)e&.iv&ir), s - m - * ne black- thorn. OfiolU]|te, g. id. pi, -wóe, s.m. an idler, a sluggard, O|iolc, pi. id. s.m. a ridge, a back, a summit, the back- band of a cart horse. Dfiun3,-uir)5e, s.f. people, Is. ix. 16 Mark vi. 26. Rom. xv. 3. a troop, a crowd, see, Of-íoi^. OU 5 140 DUD r fa* DuA^b^u5<\6,-|*]5ce, s.m. gloomi- ness, — g. Zeph. i. 15. Ouai5, v.a. eai, 1 Sam. xxx. 12. 1 Kings xiii. 22. Dan. iv. 33. this appears to be a compound of bo, &, ]i, see Uaij. /ac£-/oote<*, as a subs, the herb black maiden hair. Dubc|to|beAc,-ó^5e, adj. black- hearted, joyless. OubgAUj-AJll, pi. id. s.m. a Dane. DvbU, g. id. pi. -Aióe, s.m. a^ sheath, 1 Sam. xvii. 51. a lin- ing, a covering. Oubl, v.a. double , fold, V>^ repeat. Dubt)A|nir,-utr? s - m - impudence, assumption, arrogance, M'N. OuboA|xurAc r A]5e, adj. impu- dent, assuming, arrogant, M'N. OubjtA, s.f. the noise of a horn, a trumpeting, also, con- tinual smoking. OYbó5,-ói5e,-Ó5<\, s.f. a box on the ear, a small horn or trumpet. Dvjbce, g. id. pi. -C]6e, s.m. a Duke, a governor, Gen. xxxvi. 41. 42. & 43. Matt. ii. 6.— pi. Ex. xv. 15. OvjbcfojvrAj-rAi)^ s.m. a tri- bute, Ezra vii. 24. literally, black rent. ^Ovjbft, g. id. s.f. blackness, ink. Ov|bé^5<\t)AC,-A^5e, adj. deep, profound, bottomless. Ov|beAliMc,-Ai5,-Ai5e, s. m. a necromancer, Deut. xviii. 11. OvibljAC,-cA, s.f. the spleen, fr. bvb, &j l]<\c. Dv]l,-le, s.f. greediness, affection, ,4 * delight, longing, 1 Chron. xxix. fi l% 3. 1 Tilers -Phil. i. 8. <) -V DvtU-le, pi. id. s.f. a n element , pi. Hind. Dhunee, « proprietor, rute 2 Peter iii. 10. a c reature . faX- — pi. people, Ps. lxxiv. 18. l\4 |i^£)Y}lb]fvbjie, adj. sac?, 1 Sam. i! 18. melancholy, gloomy. OvilbjfteAcb,-bA, s. f. gloom, sad- ness, melancholy, anxiety. Ovjle, g. id. s.f. a substance, a creature, Genesis vii. 4. Lev. xi. 46. DvileAr5,-ltr5, s.m. ahind of sea plant, Ov|leAr5 n * b-AOAij, broad-leaved pond weed, Pota- mogaton natans. /^/^/V 'li^ Ovjlle, g.id.pLicL &, -e aóa, tf/e#£ n /J Ps. i. 3. — pi. Gen. iii. 7. T5an7 ^ iv. 12. DvilleAbA|t,-Aitt» pi- id. s.m.jfo- liage, — g. Lev. xxvi. 36 Matt. xxiv. 32. OYilleÓ5,-ói5e,-ó5A, s.f. a Jeaf, Job. xiii. 25. —pi. Mark xi. 13. a page or leaf of a book. Ov|lle65-bA^ce,-6|5e-bAice, pi. -ojA-bAice, s. f. water lily, Nymphoea major aquatica. Ov|Ue65-b|i|3|be, s.f. dock cresses, nipple wort, Lapsana commu- nis, called also, Ov]lleó5 ry^i, &, Dv^lleÓ5 rbfn. Ov}ll|<\ m-ban, s.m. moun- tain laver, see, Ovile^fj. ^ v 1^13rl v 5^ 6 J v - a - bring forth leaves. Ov|lliYft-f:éicleAT), honey-suckle, Lonicera periclymenum. Ovjlliv]t-rpv|t)c,-ce, coltsfoot. Tussilago farfara. Cv|llri)|oU,-ri)illj pl.id. &,-rbiolU, s.m. a caterpillar. Ov^ne, g. id. pi, bAOjne, s.m. a [Cb í&zC man, John xix. 5. — John iii. 14.— Matt. v. 7. Heb. Chald. & old Pers. Dan, a chief ma- gistrate, & Adon, a lord. Arab. Span. & Irish, Don, high, noble, Ov|neATbUcb,-bpo|tc,-vf jtc, pi. id. s.m. a for- tified castle. OvorA, ind. p.p. of Ovo, shut up, closed. Ovft,-vjrie, adj. stupid, dull, hard, fa* Lat. Dur-us. ^"""^ OvfiAcbfa-iDóoAjg.id.s.m. round- ^"3 leafed sundew, moor grass, /J Drossera rotundifolia. OvfiAncA, ind. ad}. rigid, morose. OvjtAncAcb,-bA. s.f. rigidity, ri- gor, fr. the obs. adj. bv|t, hard, vernacularly pronounced, Oa- jtAncAcb. Ov|tcfiojóeAC,-6i5e, adj. hard- *fC2 hearted, vern. OAftcjiofoeAO. OvftbAl,-Ajl, pi. id. s.m. a cooing. Dvftb&n,-&in, pi. id. s.m. a mote, a particle of dust, also, a murmur, a purring, a hum- ming. Ov|i5<\tKA, ind. adj. surly, sour, repulsive, see, OvjtAncA. OurAco,-bA, s.f. watchfulness, fi% wakefulness. - ^^ OvrAigce, ind. p.p. awaked, stir- z>u) red up, roused. Ovr5v^5ce6||t,-6|iA,-ó]ft^Óe, s.m. a monitor, one who awakens. DvcaiJ, S- id. &, bvcAjge, pi. id. /1 -J s.m. or f. land, Gen. xlix. 15. — Gen. xxviii. 4. Num. xiii. 16.— pi. see Matt. xix. 29. Mark x. 30. a native land, a district, or terri tory, an he- reditary estate, I'rTthe obs. adj. Ovx,-c<\, natural, hereditary, natter. 7 e u b 143 e uc vccYjv v ir} sm « nativity, Ezek. xvi. 3 — Jer. xlvi. 16. native, J]£Xeditary_ right, hereditar y tempe d, a birth-place^ a patri- m onial inheritance . ~° 'vccvfACj-A^e, adj. hereditary, native, natural to one's family, national. >úccvf*Ac,-Ai5, pi. id. &, -, v.a. cfo, «c?/ * ^_ /y e ud 144 e AcbAifié, g. id. pi, -\i]6e, s.m. a historian, a chronicler. GACbA^fteACb^bA? s. f. history, historiography. Y^^,, CAcbfi&i),-&it>, pi. id. s.m. aw ^ / a 5" alien, a foreigner, see Matt. ^^\ xxvii. 7.~~^ e-AcUjrSj-^rS^? v * a - horse-whip. G-acIaiv^M^ s.m. a stable. ©ACftAÓ # -A]Ó, pi. id. s.m. horses, a stud or troop of horses, cavalry, Acts xxiii. 34. see, 6"ac. G&cfiAi),-A]i),pl.id. s. m. an im- pediment ', a quarrel. % GACCftATJACj-AfS, pi. -Ajje, &, ** ■ v 13? sm - an alien, a foreigner, Ps. lxix. 8. Acts x. 28.— pi. Obad. ver. 11. GACbjiArJAC, id. B<\b,-bÁ, s.f. jealousy, — g. Num. v. 14. Deut. xxxii. 16. see, 6vb. Oa&, owe o/ the negatives of the Irish in compound words ; the ten negatives are found in the following verse : . * "NeAm A5vf At), Aii), eAj, eAr, G", eAb b6, bf, pf,b-o|ib b^rbeAr. Jr>5, rt7í i)| roob ce^e, Oejc nb^vlcAO tja .^AOjÓihje. G"aóa, g. id. s.f. the aspen tree, the name of the fifth letter of ^ the modern Irish Alphabet, GAbACj-vfgj-v^je, s.m. a garment, Gen. xxxix. 18. — Ex. xxii 9. Matt. xiv. 36 — Ex. xxviii. 4. Rev. iv. 4. see, Brb&c. évb&il,-ÁU, pi. id- s.f. a spoil, a prey, 2 Chron. xxiv. 23. 1 Tim. Qbtfu&juteo vi. 6. — Judges v. 30. — Num. ~ ' — 'xxxi. 11. see, Gvb&jl. tfrL~r 6^b*105iot},-5ne, adj. weak, de-^ ^ ^fenceless. eAbAir)5»)eAC|>, g. id. &, -bA, s.m. or f. nakedness, a defenceless '.. stale,— g. Gen. xlii. 9. eAbAtjae, g. id. pi. -]\]6e, s.m. a . jealous person, see, OvbAtjie. /i/-^p e&o ; /^i M éAbAT),-A]n, pi. id. s.m. a face, a f£f k Jw^head, Jer. iii.3. — Gal. ii. 11. Rev. xiv. 9. more properly. 6"Yb<\n, Gr. E/3«v, an image. GAb^t^nj-All), pi. id. &, AT)A, s.m. a frontlet, Ex. xiii. 16. Deut. xi. 18. — pi. see Deut. vi. 8. GAbAjtgv^be, g. id. s.f. worship, fá\. intercessio n^ g. Acts xxiv. 11. Heb. vii. 25. mediation, fr. ejb]ft, &, 5V]6e. 6AbAfi5V|óceójji,-óftA, s. m. aw intercessor, a mediator. GAbAttrs&nr^Itt; pi. id. s.m. a parting, a separation, 2 Samuel xiv. 6. GAbAftcjiA, g. id. s.m. woow or din- ner time, the time when the sun is exactly between east and west. 6 Abf vUnjj-Aj^e, ^.intolerant, \Cl 1 impatien t.)) between you, Matt. xvi. 8. GAbc|teó||t,-óftA, s.f. imbecility, irresolution. 6 AbcjteójACj-Aige, adj. weak, irresolute, ignorant of the way. 6Abcfion},-itY}me, adj. light, nim- /£2, ble, brisk, Matt. xi. 30.— Ps. lxii. 9. fr. eAb, a neg. prefix, &, (^tC fat V<* e^ 5 145 e ul l4 e-A3lui rrr e,&, -xb P 1 - -re^cA, &, ^fc ~n%^ s.f. a church, Acts v. 11. Acts viii. 1 u 1 Cor. xi. 22. V GAbc|ioiD&t)j-&ii}5 pi. id. s.m. a bladder» OA&cfionju^AÓj-vfgce, pi. id. s.m. a lightening, an alleviation» G , Abc(iotDV|3,-rpA6, &, -tuvgAS, v.a. alleviate, lighten, inf. Is. lviii. 6. GabcftonvrDAO, id. GAbcfivftue, g. id. s.f. lightness, Luke xxiv. 11. 2 Cor. i. 17. GA3, a negative prefix answering to the Engl, prefix, in, or, un. 6^3, inf. id. v.a. die, see, 6^3. S % ^5^1,-3^ pi. id. s.m. see 2 Cor. v y ^ xii. 20. see, GasU Ki ^ tóV* k /^ G^cAojOj-neA^ v.a. moan, com- ^jplaiit, seeVC^oi*}' G<\3CAO]t),-ne, s.f. a moan, a la- ^ mentation, a sob, a groan» GA3coitf)fY}Ó,-8e, adj. inestima- ^ Me. C. P. 6^3cóffi,-ó|t<\, s. f. unrighteous- ness, iniquity, Rev. xxii. 1 1 .— ■- Luke xiii. 27. Acts i. 18. see, , 6v5cot]t. j^(^ ^ciilwfa, £j i£GA3cort)cftoii),-|tv|m, s.mi oppres- ' .fr sion, injustice , injury, u^wvwp» 8. 1 Cor. i t ~^BA3Cóft<\c,-o^5e, adj. unjust, op- > g nhilosoph ^ pressive, see, 6v3c5jiac. G Jonn xi - 4.— MattfTv. ^ 23. — Matt. viii. 17. infirm ity. l£, GA5C|tuc,-ocA, pi. id. s.m. dismay, H terror, 1 Sam. xvii. 11. G-^U, g. id. s.i.fear, Job xxviii. 28. — Actsx. 4. terror, timidity. G'A3l"""^ G ! Cor. xi. 11. see, GA3rbA|re,AÓ,-ri5e, adj. enormous, ^ vast, v£hi£?:wt,fa?no$. évvjmu^fj-re, s.f. want, dispensa- fcCl^. Hon, see the compound pre- position, a T)-é & GaUói}<\, occur. ^ery^iB^]^ Sk* / e & n 146 e^s GaU\6atjc<\, ind. adj. curious, 2 Peter i. 16. artificial, inge- jiiousy learned. 6&l<\ÓA, &, -^8e, s.m. a multitude, a herd, Ps. lxviii. 30. — pi. Gen. xlvii. 1. Ex. xii. 32. a drove. 6^mc,-^5 r A-f5e, s.m. cattle of any kind, Ps. 1. 10. /£ 2, *L GaIca, g, id. pl.-Ai6e, s.m. ajwvey^ I a drove, a trip (of goats), a rout (of wolves), a pace (of asses), a sounder (of wild boars), a troop (of horse). Galu^n, s.f. Acts xvii. 29. see, B<\lu]6ne^c,-]5e, adj. curious, in- genious, learned, expert. B&Uqgj-u^Aó, v.n. steal away, .j± l ' skulk off, elope, VS^Jx é*t), g. éw, pl._id. &, JavIm z. I s.m. a birA * Rev. xviii. 2. Eccl. xii. 4,— Matt. xiii. 4. see, ^ Gut?. GAT)-<\bUfj,-Aii}, s.m. owe wafer, Ex. xxix. 23. properly, 2\on- ^ AbUi). GAn&ic,-ce, s.f. one place, 1 Cor. i. 2. 6"<\r)<\ó-5At|iAi8, g. id. s.m. endive, Cichorium endivia. 6o%, 1 Cor. vi. 16.— 1 Cor. xii. 12. see, ^onóojtp. 05Úc. é<\nltt^5ceói[i,-6|t^,-ói]ti6e, s.m. a ^ poulterer, a fowler. GAt)-rbuit)i5|t),-5oe, s.f. one hope, Eph. iv. 4. properly, 3Von- > «WIS!* 6AmiA]|i,-]te, s.f. owe ím^, — g. Lev. xix. 33. Te^jt éAnvAjjie, a stranger. in ^Séu^x^ GAfibAltj-buill, pi. id. s.m.' a' tail, My t Rev. xii. 4. — Ex. xxix. 22. — Rev. ix. 10. fr. eant, end, &, bAll, member, or, jaji, &, bÁll. BAficluACftA, g. id. pi. id. s. f. a lizard, Lev. xi. 30. 6Afi£UiceAr,-qr, pi. id. an aris- tocracy, fr. the obs. Gau, Aeat/, &, plA]cee,-&eACA, s.f. an error, — g. 2 Sam. vi. 7. a fault, a mistake. , CAfltiV]beAc,-&f5e,adj. erroneous,^ < quarrelsome. Gar, a neg. prefix answering to the English in or un. BAjvfA, pi. id. s.m. a waterfall, Kj a cascade. ' G*fAoi)C4, g.id.s.m. rebellion^ Ps. v. 10. schism, disobedience, fr. e<\p, neg. &, aonc, or, Aonc^ig, agree. (O^^ GAfAoncACj-Atge, adj. disobedient, }($, factious, rebellious. IÍ2.& • / e u s 147 e us GAfArcSAiiVDe, s * f* a tumult, Amos ii. 2. &AfAtilui5,-5eAc&j v.a. charm, be- witch. G^fAttluigeActv&A, pi. id. s. f. witchcraft, incantation. 7 person, Ps. ix. 18. £«/ ^Garb^o, si. want, penury, Deut. 'J ii. 7. see, GArbujb. G-*rbAl,-uil v pl.id.s.m. aw apostle, Rom. xi. 13. 1 Cor. ix. 1,— pi. Mark vi. 30. 6e*c r 6i-5e, adj. deficient, i> wanting, poor , 1 Cor. xiii. 10. $ OAfbupeAc,-6i5,-6]5e, s. m. a needy person, Ps. xxxv. 10. & lxxxii. 3. 6Arc \J^~ GArcAuibeAjybjr, s, m. enmity, hostility. &1 1% ^ < ljB'ArcA|iA,-CAjtAb,-CAjji.&e^ s.m. aw , r adversary^ ah enem y, Am. iii. -1% 11.— pi. Ps. xxvn7 2. the dat. £• sing, is G-AfXAjt^b, Matthew v. 25. /^i.G^rcA|i cursing, Ps. cix. 17. a curse. . - GAr5uiÓ,-óe, adj. ready, 1 Tim. f-C/^ vi. 18. active, officious. ? Goif5U|DeACb,-bce, g. id. pi. -ceaoa , s.f. /^J Í— ,,, ^ sicknes s, an evil disease, a dis- /£#■ i'lhse^a plague, Ex. xxiíiT~5SC EecT vi. 2 — Job xxx. 18. — Mark iii. 10. GAcb,-b4, s. f» stubborn- ness,Deut. ix. 27. contumacy» G-acojua, (contr. fr. e^b^t i*b,) between them, Matf. xvi. 7. G^ccjtócATfie, &• id. s.f. cruelty, unmercifulness. (5&zz\idc&]\ie&c,-\\y5e,unmerciful. j3-oeAnb,-bA, adj. jfaZse, uncertain, fr. eA, neg. &, beAnb. GbjubeAlugAb,-^^, pi. id. s. m. separation, — g. Num. vi. 13. see, G'jb^jtóeAluJAÓ. C&m8eAlui5,-lu5Ab, v. a. sepa- rate, Num. vi. 5. — Num. vi. 2. see, G'f&iixóeAlitij. es^ceACj-cig, pi. id. &, -cige, s.m. or f. arc Egyptian, Gen. xxxix. 1. — Gen. xxxix. 5. — Gen. 1. 3. O], a neg. prefix, same as, eA, q.v. 0]b]|ac,-ce, s.f. a report, a saying, a calumny, 6^b]n, id. 6^bleó5,-ó|5e,-Ó5A, s.f. a burning or live coal. B]bleÓ5AC,-A]5e, adj. full of burn- ing coals, like burning coals. 0]bl|5,^u5AÓ, v.n. sparkle, glitter,, 6|CceAnc,-einc, pi. id. s.m. ini- quity, a trespass, Num. v. 31. Job. v. 16. — Num. vi. 12. Jer. xxxvi. 31. — Num. v. 31. 615- ceAfic, id. 6-jbeAc,-big,pl.id. s.m. — g. Eph. vi. 14. 6" j be ac ucbA, a breast- plate, see, Pub ac. 6]beA6,-bi6, &,-b]5ce, pi. id. s.m. armour, Rom. xiii. 12. fr. the obs. e^b, cloth. 3 hspH also ns a fom r s.m. used also as a fern. noun. 6|beA|tbcA, ind. adj. reprobate, 2 Cor. xiii. 5. & 6. loose, un- certain. ^\qq\xk)\x),-x\)X)q, adj. uncertain, doubtful, fluctuating. 6|beirbr^ocb,-bA, pi. id. s. f. un- certainty, doubt* &-\be]\t)- neAcb, id. B^bfonrsAjtj-nAb, v. a. separate, disperse, scatter. Gibionfolufj-mr, s. m.. twilight, 3 Prov. vii. 9. G|b]|i, Job. xxxvi. 26. see, ¥&]b]\i. 6]b^n, prep, among, between, Matt. ii. 6. Mark vi. 4. 6ibfnbeAlu7;Ab,-ui5re, pi. id. s.m. ^ a dr^rmce, discernment, sepigr *>■ ration * Acts xv. 9- Rom. iii. " * 22. 1 Cor. xi. 29 Numbers vi. 13. BfbjnbeAlut5,-lu5A&, v#a . sepa- rate, Num. vi. 5. — Num. vi. 2. divide, discern. G'jbjnguióejg. id. s.f. intercession. O'G. 6'jbjn5ui8ceó|n,-ónA,-ófni&e, s.m. an intercessor. 6 , ib]nrbeA&At),-A^i), pi. id. s.m. media Hon , int erven tion . Bjbiuri^eAbAnACj-Aige, adj. me- diate, indirect, mediatorial. OibjnrbeAbAncóin, - on-*, - ójn^e, s.m. a mediator, Gal. iii. 20. ■ 1 Tim. ii. 5 Gal. iii. 19. an intercessor. 6jbfnrbini5riu5, v.a. interpret, 6lbinri?inju5A&,-i5ce, pi. id. s.m. an interpretation, 1 Cor. xii. 30.— 1 Cor. xiv. 28. see Gen. xli. 11. e-ibince,D3iM5ceófn,-5nA,-ófnibe, s.m. a translator, an inter- preter. Gpr)eA»),-A]i), pl.id.s.m. a branch, or shoot of ivy. &\b\)e&x)-zc\xn\\\r),&jfi. ground ivy, Glechoma hederacea. G]j:eACb,-bA, consequence, & viii. 4. e j 5 s.f 149 e J N effect, avail, Cor. vii. 19. - j/l G|peAcbAc,-A]3e, adj. effectual, % efficient, 1 Cor. xvi. 9. Gal. Gijpe AcbArbujl,-rblA, adj. effectual, ^ efficient. ^ 1¥ &)£c£K&x v.n. j?rgk_Gal. iv. 27. ^— —Mark x. 47. Acts viii. 7. - Jas. v. 4- yC l^fn^ Gf3ceA|tc,-ceifxc, pl.id. s.m. tres~ u 1 **»£# pass, injustice, g. Num. vi. 12. p /'u/ £|3 c ^lU-1& e J m d. adj. without ten- /2-^ derstanding, foolish, Rom. i. ' 31. 2 Tim. ii. 23. J ZÍL Oijci^ce, ind. adj. uncertain, doubtful. &\\rr t "" Gf5C|i)ceAcb,-bA, pi. id. s.f. doubt, uncertainty. (%3- G , |5ct)e^|*t)A, ind. adj. dishonesty ' ' I Gf3ci)eAfbAcb,-b i. 21. & 23.— Ps. lxxxv. 8. ^J -£ G^e ^rbj-gnre, pL id. s.f. a cry^ Job / xxxiv. 28. — Ps. v. 2. — Jas. v. ^ 4. a shout, a shriek. Gi5eAn7có||t,-6ftA,-6i|t|t)e, s.m. « s] i outer, a crier. JW^eftety^x), s.m. necessity, 1 Cor. >) >^ix. 16. see,é|3ii). K^ f 6|3eAt)cAC,-A]5e, adj. ^rtrd, Gen. jj^f^ xxxv. 17. needful, neces sary, ^ l1 'fl^indispensabl^. {C)% d& - ir^S^r^irTp 1 - e 15re, s. m. a J ^ learned man, a man of science. ,/tf-L G^i ype, s.f. necessity, violence, J^ Luke ix. 22?^Hab. ii. 8. need, distress, force, oppres- rlil G|3|oi),\Ter. xxn. 3. see, éjseAtj. 2 e 15lP*> Heb. xi. (f 27.— Ex. xx. 2. G^be, ind. adj. mean, abject, faint. Gi5l|be<\cb,-b<\, s.f. meanness, (L\S^r. é|3W5r1 u 5 A& > va - i^e? ravish, }/.%- 2 Sam. xiii. 12. Cant. iv. 9. K1 V — Deut. xxii. 28- distress, op- ^ press. Gf50l5ce>*imj. p.p. forced, ra- vished, distressed, oppressed. ^15re, pi. of GfseAr, q.v. G]5reÁ,c,-| 4 i5e,adj. learned, scien- tific. Gj5n, g. id. s.f. learning, science ~- eminence. \ Gjle, ind. indef. adj. pron. other, j^j _^- Matt. ii. 12. Gr. v A>^-og,"Xat. ' J I "I Ali-us. Gjlib,-be, pl.id. s.f. a hind, Gen. xlix. 21.Jer. xiv. 5. see, G|l|c. / G]l]5,-iu3 xxiv. 13. G|l|5re, ind. p.p. called in ques- tion, accused. Gil|5ce5]tt,-6ftA,-6]|ti6e, s.m. an accuser, a creditor. G]l]c,-ce, pi. id. s.f. a hind, Prov. v. 19. — 2 Sam. xxii. 34 Job xxxix. 1. G^ljceAcvqge, adj. full of hinds. ** G|ltu3<\6,-i5ce, pi. id. s.m. an ac- &^\_ cusation,—g. Tit. ii. 3. Rev. oU^t^i xii. 10. Kl^Zu ^ittfjurfj} 0]\)ce^i),-c]f) t s.m. a morsel, g. frrxrh^ld- Heb. xii. 16. literally and pro- T perly, one meal, "Oocfio^S t rt)é AtMug A^jt e]T)ceAi)," I have fasted to-day on one meal. M'N. G|ocfie|beArb,-birb, s.m. one faith, Eph. iv. 5. &\x)T£\x), only begotten, John iii. 16. 1 John iv. 9. &\v%\v, id. see, aofojein, /. . e j n 150 e j c Wk K> /CiJh r r ,u h 6 |t>li)qi),-i)e,s.i. one wund 9 2 Cor. * xiii. 11. 6ji)]t> 3 g. id. s.m. any thing, Gen. xiv. 23. 6-|i)jieub,-|tui&, or, -ftobA, s. m. any thing, Ex. xxxii. 24. one thing, more properly, éjn- fiot>. B|nteAC,-q5e, s. m. a household, ^ g. Gal. vi. 10. é|i)cj5e<\|y5ir, s.m. a habitation ^ in the same house. G|i}ci|t,-jie, s.f. the same country. ^ g. 1 Thess. ii. 14. 6|pifb|l,-ble,-blf, s.f. an epistle, Col. iv. 16. 2 Pet. iii. 1. — pi. see 2 Pet. iii. 16. B|[tceAii)tt|l,-ri)U, adj. heretical. G||te,-iteAi), &, -]i|oó, s.f. Ireland, Dat. e-fxii^. Gfjte, g. id. pi. -it^ce, s.m. a bur- den, 2 Sam. xix. 35. e-]tte<\ó r tti5,-ítl5e, s.m. a bur- den, Is. xlvi. 2. &, 6*11113, g. id. pi. *5e, Large Ed. 1827. Gfjige, g. id. s. f. a rising , Gen. xxxii. 24. Ps. cxni. 3. BjjtgeACbj-bA, pi. id. s.f. the act of rising, an insurrection, Gjji|c,-ce, s.f. a ransom, Matt, xx. 28. a fine, particularly for bloodshed, a retribution, a re- quital. 6ffi|ceAc,-ci3,-ci5e, s. m. a here- tic, Tit. iii. 10. 6ffiiceAcb,-b -r^c*, sf. ow era, an account of time, chronological history. 0|n||-e^cb,-bA. S.f. chronology. 6frc, g. sing, of J Arc, q.v. Jonah i. 17. 6|rceACb,-bA, s.f. an exception j^ 2. or exclusion. 6|rciji,-cjte, g. id. s.f. a ridge of ' mounds, or mountains. 6jrb,-beACb, v.a. Iiear, hearken, /<^J^ Ps. iv. 1. Mark xii. 29 — Matt. xviii. 17. Acts iv. 19. hark, listen , be silent, attend. 6frbeAcb)-bA, s.m. hearing , Rom. %j£_ x. 17.— Matt. xi. Tf>. Heb. v - n - ;7se ogain. 6|piort)pl^|p,-iv|iA, pi. -Ajpe, or, k^ -&!fif, s.f. «ft' ensample, ajmt- Urn, a fashion, a parable, Job < f 3 xxvii.l. 2 Thess. iii. 9. Tit. ii. 7. — Ex. xxv. 9. Acts vii. 44. — ^ 1 Pet. v. 3. éjnon, pers. pron. emph. form, he, he himself 1 John ii. 2. GjreAU, id. §iriTWltej-n l í> s - f - cinoijster. 6]rc 5 Deut. v. l.see, 6ffb. 6-frteAcb, see, Birbeacb. 6jc,-te /m/, 1 Cor. viii. 3. see, 6dUc. ^|1^6'ólui5e, g. id. pi. -gee, s. m. a \ guide, a leader, Acts i. 16. — pi. Matt. xv. 14. Bólujóe, id. A- 6ólur,-vir, s.m. knowledge^ Acts /^3 ^f- iv. 13. Rom. TTTD^lRom. x . 2. s/a7/, ari, science, discern- ment. GoftOA, g. id. s.f. barley, Ex. ix. ^ 31.— Ruth i. 22. John vi. 13. 6pob,-oi&, s. m. an ephod, Ex. xxviii. 4. — Ex. xxviii. 28. 6ubA, g. id. s.f. Eve, Gen. iv. 1. Oubj-bA, pi. id. s. f. jealousy, zeal, Deut. xxxii. 21. Ps. lxix. 9 — Deut. xxxii. 21. Zeph. i. 18. Oub<\c,-Ai5 } -ui5e, s. m. cloth^,ynPr7 apparel, a garment, raiment, ^ ' Gen.xlix. 11. Actsxx.33.-Matt. ix. 20.— Gen. xxxv. 2. Matt. xvii. 2. a robe, a dress, cloth. Oub&]l,-&lA, pl.id.s.f. gain, profit, lucre, 2 Cor. xii. 17. & 18. — 1 Cor. x. 33. Tit. i. 11. Jas. iv. 13. — Num. xxxi. 11. BubAjjte, g. id. pi. -]tit>e, s.m. a jealous person. OubAlACj-a/jge, adj. gainful, pro- fitable, lucrative. OubrbAjVAtjie, adj. jealous, Deut. v. 9. Gubrt?A]tAcb,-bA, s. f. zeal, jea- lousy. 6ubui5,-u5AÓ, v.a. clothe, array, Job. xxix. 14. & xl. 10. dress. e-"3> g- éi3, &, eu3A, s. m. \l 1 ij£ death. K. /IJZZ ^ 6113, inf. id.v.n. die, Gen.xxxvni- 12. Job. ii. g.-^Num. xvii. 2. \l\ U^ G'u3c6||t,-ó|tA,pl.id. s.f. a wrong, an injustice, iniquity, 1 Cor. T i. 7.— Matt. vii. 23. 6u5cójiAc,-AJ5e, adj. injurious, 1 Tim. i. 13. unjust. 6u3-l|of,-leArA, pi. id. s.m.. a Churchyard, a burying ground. Oi^rjACj-A^ej-AcA, s.f. a wailing, A^^p^ a lamentation. O'G. 6u3rÁrt)iTjT^ri)U, adj. different, »% J Hb divers, Rom. xii. 6. STTÍm. iii. "o. see, 6 TUb 152 V&O Hi /d Ovló5<\ó,-ó^5ce, pi. id. s.m. an escaping , a stealing away. Gvló 15,-6546, v. n. steal away, elope, Genesis xxxi. 20. see, €McÓ5, inf. id. v. n. withdraw thyself, Gal. ii. 12. Ovlvj5ce6|p,-óft<\,-ó||i]6e, s.m. a deserter, an eloper. 6r\), g. éit), &, éojo, pi. id. s.m. a bird, Lev. xiv. 5. — Lev. xiv. 6. & 52. a fowl. Gr. Ojw-ai, see, Gat). 6vi)<\b&t),-*Mt)> pi. id. s.m. an aviary. OvnAbóni^oitA^oi^iÓé, s. m. a bird fancier, a bird catcher. Ovnloft5,-lv||t5, s.m. the same step, 2 Cor. xii. 18. properly, 3Vor)loft5. 6rr5Vi6,-6e, adj. ready, see, o* • IF, ^TTeAjin, £Ae «/<&?/* /ree,^ Me sixth letter of the modem Irish Alphabet. f-ifh iV ^ A > prep, against, under, to, b ««to, yor, om account of Matt. , jj, ^>^"Tv. 6. Ya, without the article ai), pre- fixed to a noun substantive gives V. ■' it an adverbial meaning, as, r?- d/e and foot timber of a spade, a spade. Yac,-ca, pi. id. s.f. a slit, a hole, a crevice. YAb,-A|b, s.m. a length, Eph. iii. K3i 1 8. a distance. ~~jZ[T. x ? Ta&a, comp.^Aibe, &,'^o]be, adj. ** long, Jos. vi. 5. — Luke xvi. 2. i John xvi. 21. distant, Arab. Fid, extensive. TAbAjlj-aU, pi. id. s.f. a delai/,^^ Gen. xliii. 10. tediousness. YAbAjl, inf. id. v.n. delay, see Ex. xxxii. 1. tarry. TbAD,-A]6, s.m. a spoiling, a spoil, Heb. x. 34. YAbólvArAC,-.<\i5e, adj. long- eared. YAb-cof *c,-Aj5e,adj. long-legged. T &5 153 t sfj TA-beoig, cpd. adv. finally ', Eph. vi. 10. 1 Peter iii. 8. fr. j;a, &, óeojg. TA&-£ój5ibe<\c,-bJ5e, adj. /o/?^- suffering, 1 Cor. xiii. 4. TxN&fhi|l]r>5r5 e > s -f- long-suffer- ing. TAb£u|lit)5ceAc,-c|5e, adj. long- suffering^ Ex. xxxiv. 6. Num. xiv. 18. T^bpuii]t)5eAc,-5i5e, id. Ps. ciii. 8. ^JÍ Ta&0|5,-65, v. a. provoke, kindle) t\ lighty inf. Is. iii. 8. the modern fornfis, TAbA^g. - <1$ TAb-f AogAfÁcvAige, adj. /ow^r- T^b-f A05U1I, g. id. s.m. length of life, Eph. vi. 3. TabuTjAOj-ujgce, pi. id. a length- ening, Deut. xxx. 20. a pro- longation, an extension, TAbui5,-u5At>, v.a. continue, pro- long, Ps. xxxvi. 10. — Deut. xi. 9. T<\e|t>, v.a. yield up, breathe forth. Gen. xlix. 33. see, Tao]&. T&ereAÓ,-cbe, pi. id. s.m. an ap- pearance or disposition (to laughter, )" T &ei§& *y S&lfie," an appearance of laughter, TAece, id. /\j*^T&5»-?ff*ll> v. a. depart from, 3 JLgave, Luke xiii. 31. — Acts vi. 2. 1 Cor. v. 10. ymY, aé«w- don, forsake, Heb. Fug, Gr. ®svy-u, Lat. Fug-io. V&3,-5A-il, v.a. take, get^ receive, ^find, Gen. xxvii. líTProv. iv. 5.— Matt. v. 42. 1 Cor. xiv. 31. Rev. v. 12. T&5fc|l s -&U, s.f. a getting, a find- ing, Prov. iv. 7. — Matt. ii. 8. 2 Cor. xi. 12. TA5AlcArAc,-At5e, ad). profitable, advantageous. Va5<\lcur,-u|r, s. m. profit, gain, advantage. 7?^ T&5ÉA, ind. p.p. of £&5, a£«w- doned, forsaken. TAic,-crit), v.a. se^, consider, Job /<($ >t xxxv. 5. Ps. xiv. 10. — Acts ii. 27. Rom. xv. 24. TA^ce, g. id. s.f. a stitch, a tatter. TA|cr|0,-]OiM, s.f. an appearance, a face, — g. John vii. 24. 2 Cor. x. 7. Gal. i. 22. sight, view, observation. T<u|l,-rblA, adj. prophetic. /\$ -%* Tai&i|iíi), g. id. pi. -t>|6e, s. f. a fairing, a gift, fr. the obs. T&]&]\i,afair, preserved in the French, Foire. y*M3,-5e, pi. id. s.m. a prophet, Matt. viii. 17.— pi. Matt. xi. 13. com, Gr. 3>áw. f<\ll,-le, s.f. a hiccough. TA]l,-le,-leACA, s.f. a sty. T&il, s.m. of destiny, only used in the g. as, Jrjjr £Ajl, Ireland, TAllbéitt),-ri7e, s.f. a blasting (as of corn, SlcJ TAilqtVre, &j -cArA, pi. -reAnA, s.f. «/?££, Jer. xviii. 22. see, G]y. Tm 154 raj &5 7? K r TFA]léA&,-é]b, pi. id. s.m. a wimple, a hood, Is. iii. 2% more pro- perly, 'V|léAb, id. T^i^e, g. id. pi. id. &, -3f, si. an ouche, — pi. Ex. xxviii. 13. a ring, a jewel, a wreath. TFAlll,4e,-li, s.f. an opportunity, ,uke xxii. 6. advanfage^Teisur^. TaiIIi5,-iu5a8, "v.ti. ,/&#, neglect, delay. TA]ll|5e, g. id.pl. -e^c*, s.f. a de- lay, a tarrying, neglect, Ex. xxii. 29. Ps. xl. 17. 1 Tim. iv. 14. a failing, see Job xxxi. 16. TP^lljge ACj-giÓe, adj .failing, nec^ lectf ul, drowsy, O'G. TAilliu5AÓ,-i5ce, pi. id. s.m. « failing, Is. xxxii. 6. neglect, a ~~d r étay. T&jlce, g. id. pi. -qge, &, -ceAÓa, s.f. a salutation, a greeting, a welcome, Mark ix. 15. — Acts xxv. 13. — Matt, xxiii. 7- Luke xi. 43. T&jlreAc^^je, adj. ready to wel- come, hospitable, agreeable. T&ilcigj-iujAÓ, v.a. greet, salute, wel come. T&]i)e, g. id. pi. -n j, s. m. a wart. Y&]X)e, g. id. s.f. a weakening ^or lessening see, ^Vrjb^A^e. T&jije, g. id. pi. -T)ióe, s.m. a ring. Gen. xxiv. 30. & xli. 42.— pi. Ex. xxv. 27. & xxvi. 29. a circle, 3Vji)e, id. com. Lat. An- nus, & annu-lus. Tr¥'4\,-'&]\, pi. id. &, p&lc*, s. m. a y hedge, Job. i. 10 — pi. Ps. lxxx. 12. & lxxxix. 40. a fold, a circle, a wall, Lat. Val-lum. TaIa^-ao, v.a. hedge, enclose, TaI,-Ia6, id. see Hos. ii. 6. TaU^ce, ind. p.p. hedged, en- closed, walled round. TAlAigceóijvóftAj-ójjtióe, s. m. a hedger, an encloser. )\<\Ufjte, g. id. pi. -|tiÓe, s.m. an ambler, a pacing horse. TAlAjfieÁcb^bA, s.f. an ambling pace, T^lAttAcb, id. TaIcat^o, g. id. pi. -|i]t>e, s. m. a scoffer, a cheat. TAlcAifie&cbj-bA, s.f. a scoffing, a cheating, ill conduct. T^lcA^e ^\oi)A]V, s. m. male pimpernel, Anagallis arvensis. TAlóofj-Óvtr, pi. id. s.m. a thorn hedge, Micah vii. 4. TallAjrbe, g. id. s.f. emptiness, vacancy. /j. [pTbW&xx),-^, adj. sound^ wjiole- fC}^ sonjg, Prov. xiv. 30. 1 Tim. no\F*IUi;, id. 1 TAllafoe, g. id. s.f. soundness, ljX health, Ps. xxxviii. "77*""*^"^" TAllÁir)eAÓ&,-bA } s. f. health. , ÍFaII|*a, ind. adj. false, slothful , \(.^tl Matt. xxv. 26. 2 Coi\ xi. ll 2 Peter ii. 1. TAllrAc,-Ai5ej Sidj. false, see Rev. xvi. 13. TAllfAcbj-bA, s. f. slothfulness, falsehood, Prov. xix. 15. pAllrAiv&l')? pl- id. s.m. a sloth- ful man, Proverbs xxvi. 13. & 15. TAUrvjgj-vgAÓ, v. a. falsify, inf. Amos viii. 5. TAUv|i)5,-5e ? -3e^cA, s. f. a man- tle, Judges iv. 18. 1 Sam. xxviii. 14.- — pl. Is. iii. 22. TAlrvoACj-digj-Aige, s.m. a fal- sifier. O'G. TAlrvr)Acb,-b. ' T^ } -A|i)e, adj. weah, faint, tow-X/^^Jk^ guid, infirrri^QQ, ^A]i)e. KlJ^ TA^lA3 5 -Ai5e 5 adj. weak, languid, 7 fatigued. TAi)vfb^beAC,-bi5e, adj. negli- gent, careless. TAobA|fic,-cA, s.f. the temper of t any sharp bladed instrument, the temper of steel or iron. TAobA|t,-A]fi, pl. id. s.m. an edge, Eccl. x. 10. Rev. xix. 15. see Ps. vii. 12. TAob|tAC,-Ai5e,adj.*/ti/r/?, edged. f^zJL- yAobfiAi3,-|tY5Ab, v.a. sharpen, " whet, set (as a razor, fyc.J T&obpy^ie, ind. p.p. sharpened. whetted, set. run 156 r us TAOcó5,-ó|5e,-ó5, v. a. give up (the ghost J Gen. xxv. 8. yield up, breathe forth, v.n. sleep, rest, depart. Y<\o|leAr),-ivi;i), pl. id. s.m. a sea- gull, TAOilleAcvlj3,-li5e, s. m. a rent- nant, Rom. xi. 5. Tao^o, si. pi. 2t)f t)A pAoilli&, the last half of January and first half of February, stormy month, perhaps from the obs. Yaoi.1, wolves, wolf month, the season of the wolf ravage. ^- / 2? . TAOfreAÓ,-ri&, s.m. amendment, ^AchrfWS John iv. 52. recovery., help, succour. fAOinbit?, g. id. s. f. confes- sion, Ezra x. 11. Daniel ix, 4. Y&ox),-o]X)&, adj. void, Gen. i. 2. Nah. ii. 10. empty, weak, foolish, TAjiAc-bv-bj-bvib, s. m. great fig- wort, kernel wort, Scrophu- laria nodosa. YajiaOj-aio, pi. id. s.m. a roost, a freight, a litter in a boat to re- ceive horses or cattle, Ya^i- caó, id. Ta|iai5,-|ia8, v. a. freight (a ship), TAjvitAé, id. Yivji&n,-&1T), s.m. wild garlick, mountain garlick, Allium ca- rinatum. jQ b^ Tajiaoji, interj. alg.s ! O'G. 7 ^* n^rr^lTj s ' m - a reason, 2 Thess. / iii. 2. aw argument. TAfiarba, ind. adj. sufto?, sofor, reasonable. T AficA, g. id. pi. - a( lj' w&/e, see, Tar, inf. id. v.n. grows enlarge, fa I _, sjyring, 2 Kings iv. 34. — Gen. ~uTW2 Cor. x. 15. Hebrews Ol,[{% xii. 15. K^-Vo Y&jv&ir> pl- id. s.m. a growth, ^jy an encreQse, Am. vii. 1. 2 Cor. x. 15.— Am. vii. 1. t^^fa TArACj-A^g^Ajje, s.m. a wilder- \(\ ness, a desert, Matt. iii. 1. & ' . xxiv. 26. 1 Cor. x. 5.— Num. '' - xxxiii. 6 r Jer. ix. 10. fr. the obs. adj. Y&r, empty, void. YArATbv|l,-ri?lA,adj. growing, also, wild, desert. Yat/caO, g. ^&ifcce, pl. id. s. m. a squeezing, a wringing, a press- ing, Lev. xx vi. 5. Prov. xxx. 33. more properly, TArjAÓ. TArcAÓ,-Aió, pl. id. s.m. a refuge, a shelter, Is. xxv. 4. — Job. xxiv. 8. spelled also, Ya^ao, " CAob at) "pArsAp, 1 ' the lee side, a nautical term. YArco|U,-le,-lce, s. f. a grove, Judges vi. 25. a young wood. TArójiArViivirl, pl.id.s.m. a plant, a grove, a vineyard, Gen. ii. 5. yesv 157 re^ & xxi. 23. Ps. lxxx. 15. Is. v. 7 — pi. Is. xvii. 10. T^TS^^j Prov. xxx. 33. see, T&rcaÓ. TAf5 pi. id. ji_cause, 2 Cor.v. 12. a reasonioccasion* W opportunity. TACAÓ^Afge, adj. causative, op- portune, see Ps. lxxxi. 15. Cl -g J Y, pi* id. s.m. a flute, Dan. iii. 5. — Dan. iii. 7. a flageolet, a pipe, a reed, also, a canal. TeAb&r)Ac,-Ai5,-^5e, s. m. a flute-player, a piper. TeAbAr)ACb,-bA, s.f- playing on a flute or pipe. /2r Té^ 158 re a. ^ YeAbAn, a defective v. 7 know, Now only used negatively, as, D| freAbAn. rné,-cu,-ré, pl- w 1 •peAbArnAn, see the emphatic form, x)] freAbAtrjAi fir)e, «;e Atzok? woi, Job xxxvi. 26. see Tjbjfi. Te<\b50]le, g. id. s. f. « noise in the stomach of some horses when trotting. U.I \~ TéAÓroA, g. of ye\6n),need, service, superintendence. C. P. ^ J^ /, YéÁórnArbu]l,-rblA, adj. service- able. TéAÓrt)AT)\ -k YéAÓn)AT)Aco,-bA, s. f. a butler- ship, g. Gen. xl. 21. a steward- ship, service. IFéAÓrnAOCA, ind. adj. belonging to the office of a butler, 8$c, official. TéAbn}&t)CAc,-A]3, a steward, Titus i. 7 pi. 1 Peter iv. 10. see, YeAOrnAHAG. VéAÓrt)Ar)CYf,-Yir, s.m. a dispen- sation, oversight, stewardship, 2 Kings xii. 11. Eph. iii. 2. Col. i. 25. YeAOnA, g. id. pi. -Aj6e, s.m. « company, a tribe, see peAÓAií). This masc. form is more used in the modern spoken language. T'e<\b65,-6|5e,-65 P 1 - peA5A, s. f. TeagA, g. id. pi. id. s. f. a beech- tree, Gr. &f)y-bg. Lat. Fag-us. T>Affltbe, comp. of rv*]t, q. v. Mar. v. 26. *lf TeAll,-e|lle, s.m. a conspiracy, 4± treason, treachery, 1 Sam. xxii. \m O; 8. 2 KingTxiTl4. & xv. 15. ? Lam. i. 2. deceit, iiiurdgx*/ /£/ p-* TeAll|*A, g. id. s. f. philosophy, Vt" learning, literature. TeAllrArb,-rbAO,-rbA]tj, s. m. a \Ol.^ philosopher . TeAllrATbnAc,-n\T3,-r)\i5e, s.m. « j^il philosopher, pi. Acts xvii. 18. TeAllrArbt)<\cb,-bA, s. f. philoso- phy, Col. ii. 8. learning, also ítc «/refer. TeAllcAC,-Ai5e, adj. deceitful, treacherous, Jer. iii. 10. TFeAllcAc.-Ai^-Aije, s.m. a wzwr- derer, Job xxiv. 14, & treacher- ous person. TeAllcói|t,-ófiA,-ót|V|b3, s. m. a traitor, C. P. a deceiver. TeAllcóf jteACb,-bA, s.f. treachery, deceit, villainy. TeArtjOACj-Ai^e, St f. weeds, sea- weeds, Jonah ii. 5. literally, a collection of sea iveeds, Alga marina. Ye Armij ivtDO a, s *f* sea-weed. TeAíjj-rjAÓ, v. a. flay, skin, see ft \ Í Micah iii. 3. jk^-^ YeAT)AÓ,-íjcA> pi. id. s m. a flay- ing, a skinning. YeAÍ)Ó5,-óf5e,-ó5A, s.f. a royston or carrion crow, see, Y10065. YeAi)cA,ind. p.p. flayed, skinned. TeA^c6]fx,-6|tA,-6|ii|6e, s. m. a flayer, a skinner. YeAn,-jic\it)j &, -jtAb, v.n. rain, /( V Gen. xix. 24. Ex. ix. 23— Amos iv. 7. for peAitAb, used impersonally in the perf. pass, see Amos iv. 7. The inf. act. peAHAÓ, signifies vernacularly, to happen, to fall on, as, " Ca ré A5 {reAnAÓ o\xnj Anotr-." it is falling on me now, i. e. / am now feeling the. conse- quences. re& 159 re á' l^cTeA^i, g. £|fi, pi. id. s.m. a man a husband, Gen. iii. 6. ""John iv. 17.— Matt. ix. 15. 1 Cor. v. 2 Matt. xxii. 30. Heb. Fear & Fir, Lat. Vir, Gr. 'Ag-jfs 3 The man, or God of war. TeAnAÓAr-cí5e,-A]i -boljA, s.m. one of the Belgoe, also, a scabbard, a, sheath. TeAji bjtAcv^e, g. £ifi bjtaoije, pi. id. s.m. a standard bearer, Isaiah x. 18. Te<\|t ceojl, g. p||t ceo^l, pi. id. s.m. a musician. TeAft cojrbéAb, g. jj||i coirrjevb, &, -pj|t cojrbéAbA, pi. id. s. m. a keeper, Gen. xxxix. 22 & 23. — Gen. xxxix. -21. see 1 Chron. ix. 19. ?C TeAjiÓA, hid. adj. male, Joshua "5^1 xvii. 2. manly, brave. TeAjibA, g. id. s.m. a wafc, Num. v. 3. Teji-beAglAbAjic^, s.m. arc orator, an eloquent man, Acts xxiv. 1. TeÁfi-b"|ceAt)CA, pl.id.s.m.arc e^e- cutioner, — g. Mark vi. 27. eAit-blfée, g. ^p-bl^e, PL «& s. m. a lawyer, Titus iii. 13. The pi. in use is, Ivcb blj^je, lawyers, see Luke xi. 45. TeAti-éAnvA^e, s.m. a strange?', a sojourner, Exodus xii, 45. Lev. xxii. JO. The pi. used in Lev. xxv. 23. is, AoréAt)- YAffte. TeAfi-f^b^se, s. m. a hunter, Gen. x. 9. The pi. in com- mon use is, lucb ^jAÓ^e. TeAjis, g. ^e^e, s. f. anger, wrath, Col. iii. 8. — Matt, xviii. 34. Rom. xiii. 4. & 5. TeAti3j an envious or jealous person. ^V TeA]tn,-t)A, s. m. an elder tree, Qj elder wood. The sixth letter rs§ of the modern Irish alphabet. I V TeA|tn65,-ój5e,-65A, s.f. an elder yk tree. y ^ ^ TeAfi-nvA6pórcA, s. m. a bride- groom, Matt. ix. 15. John ii. 9.— Jer. vii. 34. & xvi. 9. Matt. ix. 15. spelled also, £eA|t-T)YAp5rbA. TeAfi-Ojbjte, s. m. a workman, vernac. pi. Ivcb ojb|ie. TeÁj]t, better, Matt. v. 29. com- parative of x\)&\t, q.v. TeAflt*rbAf|i,-Amt, s. m, an over- plus, C. P. r eu ICO re j TeAttr^^, g- vem* e > P 1 - id - s. f. a pit or pool of water in the strand when the tide is at low ebb ; a passage across the strand at low ebb. TeAfltpH^-be, pi. -&Í, &, -beACA, s.f. a verse, C. P., also, a spin- dle, one of the bones of Vie cubit (the Ulna). Tea-fltoA, ind. adj. manly, 1 Cor. xvi. 13. YeA|tc, g, r e m c > p 1 - id - & > ^eA^icA, s. m. aw ííc/j a manly action, a virtue, a miracle . YeA|tc,-CA, pi. id. s.ra. a gra ve* a tomb, FeÁ~jfíc~TÁo], an epitaph* \k\ YeAji-cAbAftcA, s. m. a dispenser, {reAjt-cAbAftcA ad bli^e, a law- giver, — g. see Num. xxi 18. where it should be spelled, ■pi]a-cAbA]tCA ai) felige. Te A|tCAi5,-cv5A&, v.a. bury, inter. TeAjicAtb^V^lAj adj. reputable, miraculous, manly» YeAficAjvAir? s. m. manly con- duct, Lat. Virtus. TeAtri-cige, g. Firi-qSe, pi. id. s.m. a householder. YeAnc\ii)}-CAÍ)A, s. f. rain, Lev. xxvi. 4. Heb. vi. 7. — Job xxix. 23. Acts xiv. 17. TeAjicvi^eAÓ^^ige, adj. raining, £eAjtcAi)Ac,-t)Ai5e, id. TeAjt-vímpióe, g. £iji-vfmp|&e, s. m. a mediator, C. P. TeAr, see Tjor. TeA|*CATtj-^itt, p. id. s.m. evening, Lat. vesper, Gr. "Ec-rsg-os, vern. fív rcvjt, fo'iwe /o quit. TeArcA|tAC,-fiAi5e, adj. late, be- longing to eventide. YeAr&A, adv. henceforth, Matt. xxiii. 39. 1 Peter iv. 2. TéArÓ5, -óf^e ,~Ó5A, s. f. a beard, T6Arc(tAC,-Ai5,-A]5e, s.m. a muz- zle, Deut. xxv. 4. a bridle. This noun is sometimes fem. TeAcló5,-6j5e, s. f. ^e^iló^ ^a cjiAt), woodbine, common honey- suckle, lonicera periclymenum, spelled also, fe^cleÓ5, &, Te- leo 5 . Té|c,-é|ce, pi. -é|ceAC,-éice, &, -élceACA, s.f. a sinew, Gen. xxxii. 32. Is. xlviii. 4. — pi. Job xxx. 17. Ezek. xxxvii. 8- a vein. 7ef&il]6e, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a fol- lower, a servant Té1&1ji, ind. verbal s. a possibi- lity, a possible thing, Mark vi. 5. power, ability, see péAfcAti}. 7eión?,-rt)A, &,-rue, pl.-meAi)A, s.f. ^{,2,- wm/, necessity, Matt. ix. 12., 1 Cor. xii. 21. & 22. use, duty, /Q -fl occasion, see, YeAÓri)A.'?a<^ reo 161 reu Te\t)e, s. f. pi. the celebrated troops of the ancient Militia of Ireland, Arab. Fenna, troops, see, Y^an. Té|i)it>eAc&, g. id. &, -&a, s.f. the heroic achievements of the an- cient Irish Militia. Teifibe, better, John xii. 19. com- parative of rt}, pi. id. s.m. a ferret. \ JjpFéir,-re,-reAc<\, s * ^ a conven- tion, a synod, a convocation, also, a feast, an entertain- ment. Té]i, a sinew, Is. xlviii. 4. a vein, also, honeysuckle, see, Yejc. iZ Te]b,-tex\Vj v. n. wait on, gaze /4 on, look for, Ps. xxvii. 14. & foot* xxxvii. 34.— Ex. xix. 21. Acts *> xxiii. 2i»tfl£.' Aíj^/ Té]ccftvpAÓ,-pc3 xxxiv. 1. Luke viii. 35. Tevc ^r~ jugation of the defective verb, ^ TeubAiD» see, O'Brien's Gram. p.p. 123-126. Tev5rbvjr,-re, s. f. absence, Phil. ii. 12. want. TeY|i,-éjri, s.m. grass, hay, pas- UL T3U T J U ture, Gen. i. 11.1 Cor. iii. 12. | ix. 26. e, adj. feverish . fr? T|Ab|ivr-c|te<\cAc,-v|r-c|ieAC^|5, pi. id. s.m. «?2 ague. Tl^c, g. £i<\ió, pl.id.s.m. « raven, Lev. xi. 15. — Job xxviii. 7. — 1 Kings xvii. 6. Tjaó, g. id. pi. -c&, s.m. ifcZ>£, see Neh. x. 31. — g. Rom. iv. 4. — Luke xi. 4. in the modern lan- guage the sing, is become obs. see Matt, xviii. 27. 30. & 32. /v/ it-^ r 1 pl.-cU,s.f. 3 a too1; A > ^ev. xxiv. 20.. —Lev. xxiv. 20. Matt. v. 38.— Gen. xlix. 12. Heb. Akal. he eat, TfAcla, ^ofiA^f, late grown teeth, wisdom teeth. TfAcbvb, g. y]&\c bvib, pi. w&jc bvb s.m. y T|a8a, see, Tí^j^. lÍA^fr^. TjAbAc,-ÓY!5, s.m. venison, a hunting, a prey, Gen. xxvii. 3{ & xlix. 27. Prov. xii. 27.— Job 1 Sam. xxiv. 11. Ezek. xiii. 18. vern. bevn £| 1 K%í j Mark xiv. 65. Luke J xxiv. 48. Tf a8ca, ind. adj. wild, Gen. xvi. 12. see Job xxxix. 1. Ps. civ. 11. Ti^bvin,-ne,-r)fj s. f. a witness, Num. v. 13. Deut. xix. 16. & 18. see, Tf5,-5Atue, s. f. a wit- 7* TFJ 5 I 1(53 T J W «wí, see dat. case, n^S**!^ Gen. xxxi. 44. & 50. Ex. xxiii. 1. a testimony. TlATjvtóe, g. id. pL id. s.ra. a hunter, a huntsman. Tfod, comp. £é]le, adj. generous, liberal, hospitable, good. y-\c\&ct>,-b&, s.f. hospitality, libe- rality, hounti fulness. T|AlUc,«-Ai5,-Ai5e, s.m. a knight T|5e, g. id. s.f. a weaving, a twist ing, a twining. Tise, g. id. pi. - 31 óe, &, -^eAÓA, K\^ s.f. a jig, Is. xxxiv. 4. — Mark xi. 14. Rev. vi. 13. — Cant. ii. 13. Luke vi. 44. Cjiaí) f fse, a jig tree, see, Cftai). Ti5eAc&T),-3qr) ? pi. id. s. m. a wreath, — pi. 1 Kings vii. 17. a weaving, fr. T^g, q.v. errant, a champion, the mo- | T]^e^ó]\i,-ó\\A,-ó]n]6e, s. m. « dern meaning is rather, a wild i weaver, is. xxxviii. 12. — Ex. or savage looking man, perhaps I xxxv. 35. 1 Sam. xvii. 7. fr. £i, ra-'i'/c/, &, Uoc TlAlrbAi|teACb,-b 9 id. yet the very correct ver- nacular speakers always use ^jl^ó, when they mean a true bard; while pile may be a poet of a minor order. ,, T^le ACbj-bAj s. f. poetry, min~ /^3 "7 strelsy, Tjl]6eACb. id. Tfle s. f . a f£ figure^ a fashion, 1 Cor. iv. ^* • X^—Ts". xliv. 13 — Acts vii. 43. \!p TfogAftÓA, ind. adj. figurative, Mul. ?í°3f n v 13>- v 3 AÓ > v - a - figure, fa- shion. Mul. Tjo5A]ji,-<\[ia6, id. Tion,-nA ? -ncA, s.m. wí/?e, MdXt.Ujl ix. 17. — Ex. xxix.ioTMatt. xi. i 19. Heb. Yain, Lat. Vin-um, Gr. "Oiv-o$, i.e. Fo/v-o$. TfonOA, ind.adj. vinous, belonging to wine. v\ Oju .*&®^2i_ Tior)50]l,-le, s. f. mii i r v der,-^g. fo& Acts xxi. 38. 1 TimTTTl). TioogotiCj-grtjic, pi. id. s. m. a vineyard, C.P. YjonmAft, - &]]\e, adj. vinous, abounding in wine. T^ofjj-^e, adj. jfa*V, fine, white, Yit)lAtrAr,-Air> s.m. delicateness, true, sincere. Deut. xxviii. 56. |T|ot),-OAÓ, v. a., know, Gen. xix. V i Tirje, g.id.pl.-eAÓA, a testimony, I 8. /?•«/, examine, see, behold, see « witness, Acts xviii. 5. see | 1 Kings xviii. 36. also, skin, 2 Cor. xiii. 1. -< fiay> m this latter sense it is Tltje, g. id. s.f. whiteness, fair- vernac. T|ai;,-óaó. h^t (yfotMt^ ness. Carol. TfoíJAÓ,-<\ió,-A]&e, s.m. hair, Ex. '%- Tli)r3 ev VM> pi. id. -evU, &, xxv. 4. Lev. xiii. 3. & 10. fur, U -evlcA, s. m. a fable, C.P. a ro- \ also, a flaying or skinning, see, mance, a story ofDte Fenii. Tioi). Tinr5evUc,-A]5e, adj. romantic, Y]of)*t>tw&c,-*-\-5e, adj. hairy, fabulous. 2 Kings i. 8. rough. TjíJrsevUióe, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a T|oí)aoIc. whitewashed, \Ct narrator of romantic tales re- whited, Acts xxiii. 3. lating to the Fenii. Yioijbitviije, g. id. s.m. brass, Rev. ft* CAC,-At5e, adj. flowery. f|oi)vmA|t-bfivi5ce,-Ai]t-b|ivi5ce, pi. id. s.m, a ^'?ze press, Zeeh. xiv. 10. fr. f foo, &, umajt, a press- #«£. IPfofi, comp. ^íjte, adj. true, Ruth iii. 12 & passim. Tjo\i, an intensive prefix, spelled, Tf fi, when the first vowel of the following syllable is either, e, or, j. T]o|iA|C|teAc^r,-ATr, s.m. true re- pentance. C.P. T]ojtcAftA,-CA|iA&,-CAT]ifc>e, s. m. or f. a true friend, a confidant. TfOficorArbUcb,-&A, s. f. a pro- bability. TíopcorArbvil,-rbU,adj.jor00a£/e. TjoftctuvibceAC-j-ci^e, adj. tfr? ad J- «^ near, immediate, 'do ^jojtTjAji, imme- ' diately, Dunl. Tfo^ijUnj-Atn^, adj. pure, sincere, Ex. xxv. 29. 1 Peter ii. 2 Job. iv. 17. TfoftTjlAnAbj-ncA, s. m. sincerity, Tit. ii. 7. purity. Tíojr^loirje, g. id. s.f. sincerity, 1 Cor. v. 8. Tíoft5fi&ir),-&t)AC, s.f. a thorough detestation. Dunl. Tioft-toc&Aftj-Aiji, pl.id. Me lowest abyss or bottom. Tio|tmA, md. adj. truly noble, KJ-^r * truly excellent , illustrious. ) r jofi]i&.ibce4G,-ci5e, adj. truth- ' speaking, tru thfu I. Tiofi|i^i6ce<\c& r bA, s. f. truth, veracity, Tíopola, g. id. s.f. a good olive, — g. Rom. xi. 24. TiojijiYtVYin, pi. id. s.m. a firm resolve, Dunl. T|o|iYAcbA|i,-A]|t, pi. id. s.m. the uppermost top. YioftYApd, g. f. -A^rle, adj. no comp. truly noble, most pre- cious- Dunl. Tiojtvirse, g. id. -eAÓA, s.m. fresh f{,\f%T water, spring water \ Jas. iii. > 4/ 12.— Gen. xxvi. 19. K/ ?'if TíoiaYficójb,-be,-beAC<\, s. f. very wickedness, Ps. v. 9. T]or, g. -peAfA, s.m. knowledg e, fal/l Num. xv. 24. — Cien! ii. 9. Mark vi. 20 1 Thess. iii. 5. a notice, intelligence, a word, , - « message, com. Lat. Vis-iiSj^ /xl^y Te^tvrÁ, id: " \~ / T]Of,-|re, s.f. a vision, Ezek. vii. 26. see, T]y, Eat. Vis-us. 1 T]oy^c,-A]^e, adj. knowing, ex- pert, intelligent, skilful. jTY ■ ^tv rjn 166 ru t- T]0f|tAÓ,-At5e, adj. inquisitive, prying ', fowy. Tiofiiv5A6,-Y]5ce, pi. id. s.m. a visitation, Ex. iii. 16. — Luke xix. 44. pi. Dunl. an inquiry, a questioning, an ascertaining. Yjofr iv 155- v 5 < * í >? v » a - wW, Luke i. 68. inquire after, examine, ask for, see Gen. xxiv. 57. Tjorfivige, g. id. pi. id. s.f. a» in- quiry, C. P. Yjorfwisce, i n d. p. p. visited, questioned, inquired after, ex- amined. TFjocn&tv&l^s s - m - common wheat grass, Triticum repens. TíficeAfic, -éífic, s. m. genuine pure justice, righteousness. "FíjiceAfiCjg.f. é ift ce, adj.no comp. tfrw/*/ ./t/s^, or, righteous, most just< Dunl. TPi'rxólAÓAcOj g. id. s.f. Godliness. C. P. YffiojleAtvlre, adj. true, sincere. ¥ jfie, ind. adj. i-rwe, Jer. x. 10. 1 John v. 20. Tljij-pe, id. 1 John v. 20. Ui\y Tffté,-t>A, s.f. righteous- •tJ^/ ;*i£S$j Rom. xiv. 17. — Acts xni. ^I'T' / 10. 2 Cor. iii. 9. justice. ^T~ TífilOe, g. id. s.f. truth* John xiv. 6. 1 John i. 6— Mark xii. 14. Acts xxvi. 25. U\^ Tljt^eACj-oige, adj. frag, 1 Tim. i. 15. & iv. 9. just, faithful. T]]i]or), adj. no comp. male. T]\i]or)-^v, pi. id. s. m. a mate> Lev. iii. 1. 7iTt1oi)Ac,-vt5, pi. id. &, -Yjge, s.m. a male, Lev. vii. 6. — pi. Ex. xiii. 12. YilirilAC&AtMC^Aiae, adj. truly or absolutely necessary. Yir,-re, s.f. a vision, Is. i. 1. — 1 Chron. xvii. 15. Is. xxii. 1. also, a dream. T|ri5eAcb,-& ince, a hero. # F^|ce^tt)Uó&,-í)A, s. f. s//oí#, pomp, princeliness, generositi u Yl<\1ceAri)nY|*,-Yjr, s - m - Heaven, ' Deut. x. 14. — Gen. xxviii. 17. see, TlA]teA|*. Tl&lcearbujlj-rblA, adj. princely, generous, noble, pompous, ce- lestial. TFU|cpA| vc|j», pl.id. srn - Heaven, y^fl 1 Kings vin. 27. — Job xxvi. 1 fS^,.. — 1 Chron. xvi. 26. Heb. vii. 26. also, a kingdom, a domi-K*). Tuojij sovereignty, reign, j. - ind M\ ICloÁíM "to p[(2rt|3^ \C\* roc 167' f 7 fleAiveióc-eAÓaí s.f. a jfeas/, a "^ banquet, Gen. xix. 3. & xxi. 8. — Esth. v. 5. — Lev. xxiii. 2. Am. viii. 10. % TleAbAc^Aige, ad), feasting, con- ÍJ* vivial. TleAi)u|r5^? g- id s.f. water crow- foot, Ranunculus aquaticus. íjj^.TfeArSí^iTSí p 1 - id - &, -e*r3*> '' s.m. « garland, a wreath, a fil- let, a chain, a ring, a circle, a wand, a sheaf. TleAr5'AÓ,-Ai5,- TFljceAebj-bAj s.f. m oistur e^Ps. y xxxii. 4. ooziness, phlegm. TlicfneAC&A, g.id.s.m. sfeei. Yl]5>"5 e 5 s « f- common chickweed or stitcJvwort, Stellaria media, Tlioó,-t>A, s.m. id. Tliuc, comp. fl^ce, adj. u£et T Job xxiv. 8. Dan. iv. 33. rainy, moiM, damp. /C3 íéáfc- . TI|«o,-caó, v.a. watet, irrigate, —inf. Gen. ii. 10. Eccl. ii. 6. TIiuca&,-cca, pl.id.s.m. a wetting, rain, moisture. Hi ucn AjvMr, s.m. moisture, wet- ness, ooziness. Tl|ucfiiileAc,-l^ge, adj. having running or watery eyes, tearful. TIucta, g. id. s.m. a flux, Acts xxviii. 8. Barb. To, prep, under, towards, passim. TobAt|tc,-ce,-ci, s.f. a salve, Rev. iii. 18. a bathing or moistening as with eyewater. TocAil^|teurbAC&,-bA, s. m. ety- mology. YocA|l£fieurbAiÓe, gi id. pi. id. s.m. an etymologist. }j> YocAi]t, s.f. presence, company, 1 used only in the compound pre- TOo '-. ' £ positions as, a b-rocAin , toge- thej uvithi&cT Nisitt. ii. 11. TocaI,-aiI, pi. id. &, focIa, s^m^. a word. Matt. viii. 8 — Ex. viii. 31. Luke ii. 29.— 1 Cor. xiv. 19. a mandate, a promise, fr. the obs. subs, pdc, a voice, Lat. Vocal-is. ToclAC,-A]5e, adj. vocal, verbose, diffuse. YoclóuvóftA,-ófTM&e,s.m. a voca- bulary, a dictionary. Tocri)iii&, inf. id. v.a. puff at l meek deride, — inf. Ps. x. 5. Tocrrmi&,-&e, s.f. derision, Ps. ii. 4. scorn, ridicule, followed by the prep. A-jjt. Tocrr>u]beAc,-bi3e, adj. mocking, scoffing, jeering. Tób,-6|&, pi. id. &, po&A, s-m. a iwr/J a sod, land , a clod, com. Lat. Fod-io. Vo&Afi,-A]]i, s. m. fodder, hay, straw, provender, Barb. ToóIa, g. id. s. f. ewe of the an- cient names of Ireland. TobU, ind. adj. learned, explain- ing, OlUri? jroóU, the learned doctor* ToóorbAjr) 5 -ojiT)t)e, pi. -o-\vox)\, &, -0|ri)neACA, s. f. a gulph, Luke xvi. 26. T03 a itygQAti?, v.a ., serve , minister, Deut. x. 6 Gen. xxxi. 38. Ex. xxix. 1. v.n. suffice, be suffi- cient. To-jujivgttAO, id. To5Aiuc,-ce,-ceACA, s.f. a service, — g. Ex. xxxi. 10. ability. TogAinceACj-tjTje, adj. suffici- ent, serviceable, fit, good, ^05A1)CA, id. 'Fó5Aui,-3jtA, v. a. command, charge, cry, 1 Tim. iv. 11. & vi. 17. — 2 Chron. xiii. 12. see, TvA3A]]i, proclaim, shout. To5Ai|t,-Aijtc,v.n. tingle, resound, —inf. see 1 Sam. iii. 11. iH **% aft -4? zr x 05^1 L ros 168 TO J *& To5Ai)CAc,-cvj3,-cvi3e, s. m. a servant, an attendant — ,pl. Dunl. ^ goodness, Tó5<\t)c{,£. «gtf, respect. Kl^Jg TógnAÓ^gAncA, pi. id. s.m. a ser- /£/ 1 ráce, servitude, assistance. VoJuAigj-nYjAo, v.a. see, Togo^n, T63r)AtT),-Aiif), pl.id.s.m. a service, ^ Ex. i. 13. John xvl 27^- , u Ú. & 12. see, Tó~5lvn?c <\./^4li 1 Chron. xxviii. 14. see, Y05- Tó5lu3AÓ,-v]5ce, pi. id. s. m. «* nat>. Tó5|tA, inf. of t?65<\i|t, q.v. &, -o^íS^j 2 Chron. xiii. 12. more properly, jrv-ASfiAÓ. Tó5|tA, g. id. s. m. Acts x. 22. Tit. iii. 10.— Col. i. 28. see, Tó5|tAÓ. lF65|iAt>,-5|Y5<\ó 5 --|3ce, pi. id. s.m. a succession, a series, fr. po, &, cé|rr?, a step. Yojcre, comp. of To3Yr, q.v. Toibe, comp. of fA&e, g. id. s. f. length, Rom. ii. 4. r ) 169 Toj&íd, g. M. pl. -of3, s. m. a piece or parcel of land, Ruth iv. 3. 2 Kings iii. 25. a little sod, a small estate, dim. of Tób, / q. v. í/^To 15 1 b, -be, s.f. patience, suffer- "Í ,^?<7> Rom. vr~"£ 2 Pet. ííí. 15.— Rom. ii. 4. Jas. v. 10. vi£-Vof5|beAC,-&i5e, adj. patient^ 'J*J Rom. xii. 12. 2 Petr~íiiT97 suffering. Toi5i*e, comp. of Yosvf, q.v. "Foil, s. f. a while, used in the adverbial form, So £ó]t, yet, for a while. Tójl, interj. softly, £ó]l ! fó]l! softly! softly! ¥ó]\ebX),-x)ú)r]X), v.a. pursue after, follow, — inf. 1 Sam. xxvi. 18. fr. V o, &,le. tó^ YoileAnATVAjt), pl. id. s. m. a follower, a hanger on. TojleArAiVAitf, pl. id. s.m. an asp, — pl. Deut. xxxii. 33. TFofll,-leAri)Y|i)3 v.a. (gov. the dat. with bo,) fit, suit, much used in Connaught, where the first syllable of this and the follow- ing word are pronounced like "fell." ' TFojlleAri)nAc,-AJ3e, adj. meet, proper, fitting, suitable, expe- dient, C. P. YojllfeACj-rise, adj. declaratory, explanatory. To]Ufi5,-iv5,-5|tj, s. m. violence, cruelty, Ps. vii. 16. Ps. xxvii. 12 Ps. xviii. 48. Matt. xi. 12. fr. ^offt, &, é]3iou. To]\\- é|3eAt>, id. } r offié|3|or)c6|{i,-6ftA,-ó||ii6e J s.m. a violent or cruel person» T?1l lé 131 , V1 0, >> v - a - oppress, ha- rass, force, constrain. 1Fo|tiéi5i)i5,-iV3Aó, v.a. oppress. /■Oifr Kl- -fz fit' 7 TO J 170 TO) K3^ /ft % Kil y &J2> lyUA. si Toiftjre, ind. adj. o/ci, stricken in years, Gen. xviii. 12. Josh. xxiit. 1. & 2. see, 1 Cor. xiv. 20. also, perfect, complete, faultless. !"" To]|tfeAcb,-bA, s. f. perfection, old age, Vi)lró,&>-t>135Mpl. To||t5T;eAii},^id. s. m. cilmild- Toins^SrnS 1 '^^^ Ji^^inf. Prov. xxiv. 3. ^^ To|it5T)|5ce, ind. p.p. fo«7£. Tow5vv5teo]\i,-ó\i&,-ó\]i]ú,-eicTje, adj. w^g, abundant, Job. xxx. 14. Heb. vi. 17. for ^ójji, &, leACAr), Dunl. T6|file<\ci)ii|5,-u5<\6, v. a. extend, expand, enlarge. y-ó\y\z\t\)Q, g. id. s.f. an enlarge- ment, an overspreading, Ezek. xli. 7. Tó|ftlecnu3<\6,-eicoi5»Le, pi. id. s.m. id. Tój|tljor),-nAt>, v.a. multiply, Gen. xxxv. ll.fr. ^ó^ft, & ? l|ot7, com- plete, fulfil, fill up. T6|filíot)AÓ,-r)CA s pi. id. s. m. an addition, — g. 1 Kings, vii. 30. a completion, a supplement, an appendix. TójplforjcA, ind. p. p. completed, perfected, fulfilled. To|iarn,-roe,pl.-rni,&, -meACA, s.f. a form, 2 Cor. xi. 13. & 14. a manner, an usage, a ceremony. Lat. Form-a. Tó||tneA|ic,-é||tc, pi. id. s. m. op- pression, violence, Ex. iii. 9. Rev. xviii. 21 . fr. fójfi, &, neAjtc. Tóf jtt)eA|ttrbAii,-eAt;<\c,-i)]5e, adj. sedate, se- rious, tranquil, camposed. Tó|r&H)e, g. id. s.f. rest, calmness, seriousness, taciturnity, fr. tbe obs. s. Tójr, leisure, rest. TotreAit>,-rirb, s, m. recovery, re- freshment. Tojrse, see, To^uy. TO^ 171 TOM y ó]yze&Gd\\\,-ó\i*,-ó]]\i6e, s.m. a hireling. Tójrci 5,-1 v 5^5 v « a - hire 9 see Lev. xix. 13. 7oUc,-ui3,-ui3e, s.ra. a covering, a veil, 1 Cor. xi. 4. 2 Cor. iii. 14. & 15.— Ex. xxx. 6— Ex. xxv. 29. concealment, a mask, a screen. TFoUc&tv*MD, pi. id. s.m. a co- vering, a hiding place. ¥o\*bó]\\,-óy.&,-ó\]\\&e, s. m. a bleeder, one who lets blood. ToUi5, see, Tolujg^ TolAi5eAC,-5i5e,adj. secret hid- den, Rom. xvi. 25. 1 Pet. iii. 4. f oUftie, ind. p.p. AtY/, Eph. iii. 9. Col. 1 . 26. covered, concealed. ToUjgceACj-qge, adj.secrei, A/-ól tA >-ólT t 1^ e 9 s - m * owe ^Ao covers or hides. ToUid, see, Toilet). ÍFoU]i)eAcb,-&A,s.f. healthfulness. ToU^tt, see, TuUtp. If^JQFoUiVj comp. jojlrbe, adj. emghfa , r^. Gen. xxxi. 42. & xxxviíT 24. 4 72, v °id, vacant. Vs^l^P* ' ToIc,-ca&, v.a. bathe, cleanse by washing. ToÍca6,-a|6, pi. id. s.m. a bath, a cleansing of the hair by bathing, a ley of potash. TolUj voe, a dj. healthful, good, sound, wh^lesome^cóm^. Luke v. 39. see, Tallin. VolUii)i)AC,-Ai5e, adj. edifying, Dunl. folUn)r)U5A6,-ui5ce, pi. id s.m. edification, Rom. xiv. 19 — Rom. xv. 2. Eph. iv. 12. a government, a ruling. a ^TolUrt)t)utó,- u5To|tlArbur,-u]r, pi. id. s.m. ws^r- * pation, possession D. MacF. QpX&rvuf , ld/TiT Tó]iloi)r u 1í>> P*» id» s - m * jw«»j pl. Ps. cxvi. 3. deadly hatred, spite. TojttDA, g. id. pl. -Aj6e, s. m. a form, a seat, TwaftrpAb, id. ^^ Tofirt)4b,-A|b, pl.id.s.m. a grudge, \U* envy. ' $ To|trt)AbAc,-A]5e, adj. envious, grudging. Tojiru&il,-;fcU, pl. id. s. f. Aire, wages. To|in74vUc,-A|5 r A|5e, s.m. a A/re- ling. To\itt)^r),'ix]\), pl.id.s.m. a type, a mould. TójtoibeAjvbtr? pl. id. s. m. tra- dition, a rudiment, elementary instruction. TójtójtÓA, ind. adj. renowned, fa- mous. TFojiójibugAÓj-uijce, s.m. predesti- nation, a previous order, Toftójibui^-uTjAÓ, v. a. predesti- nate, order before hand. TofltAbAjacj-^Mitc, s.m. providence, C.P. foresight, fr. pop, before, TofftAn,-&it), pl. id. s.m. molesta- Hon, oppression, defeat. YW^offi&i^ACj-Aige, adj. molesting, *^S .oppressiv e. VTontbnir,-re, pl. id. &, -rf, s.m. sweet-briar, jessamine, Rosa rubiginosa. Toni&ubj-bA, pl. id. s.m. «w eyelid, — pl. Ps. xi. 4. Prov. iv. 25. a fringe. Vofftf-eibe, g. id. s.m. a dropsy. Tofliuri},-ri7A, pl» id. s. m see, Toffibub. To|tfti)uAji),-i)eA&, v. a. premedi- tate, fore think. To|trn)a4DCY5A&,-ui5ce, pl. id. premeditation, forethought. To]tfui3e6i]t,-6|iA,-6||i0e, s.m. a president, CeAi)rui3eoffi, id. TopcAcb, C.P. see, VujicAcb. To|icvr),-r|p, s.m. fortune, R. S. Barb. To^cvr)5, a tent, or any other covering made of timber ; or other mat- ter ; & poftc, the surface or area upon which the tent, or house, is formed. Toftvn5poricAG,-Af5,-Ai5e, s. m. a defender of a camp. Yorcofg^to^, v.a. hire, 2 Chron. xxv. 6. — 1 Chron. xix. 6. see, TPocAÓ,-Ai5,-Ai3e, s. m. the glan- ders, a disease in ho?*ses. ^ócGAÍAjft, -&]i]ieAC 9 -AicfieacA, s.f. a suburb, see, Lev. xxv. 34. TocjtATjAÓj-Aiój-Aióe, s.m. a bath, Is. xxxiv. 5, purification, a cleansing. 'Fdcitui^j-jtv^AÓ, v.a. baihe, — inf. Lev. xvii. 16. see, Lev. xvii. 15. TócftYti),-viti), pi. id. s.m. a noise, Mic. ii. 12. a great clamour . TocftvtivYiri}, s.m. great figwort, Scrophularia nodosa. T|tAigc,-ce, s.f. France. Y\i&]yc]Y,-ye, s. f. £/*e French language. T|tArt)a TfiA^uce, id. 1FftAOc,-oic, s. m. fierceness, fury, 2 Chron. xxx. 8. Job xx. 23. hunger. Tp.&oc,'0]c, pi. id. s.m. heath, Jer. xvii. 6. &, xlviii. 6. Erica vul- garis. TfiA0CAc,-<\i5e, adj. heathy. ^ furious, YfiAOc&A, ind. adj. I fierce, Tn&oc\T)*\i,-*]\ie, adj. (" angry, J O'G. YjtAocÓ3,-ói5e,-Ó5aI. r n ) 175 ^.JftStcM *l*f TfieAj-bA|l,-Al. &, -aUó, v. a. j minister, — inf. 1 Kings viii. 11. attend, wait on, serve , y j prepare, Yt^^rb^U^-lao, id. u\^Tfie^|*&<\t,-Ail, pi. id. s.m. servic^ i ministry, Numb. iv. 31. large Edn. 1827— .g. Ex. xxxix. 1. Heb. i. 14. attendance, charge, foresight. YfteArbAt<\c,-A/f3e, adj. provi- dent, foresighted, attentive. Yfiearb<\lAcb,-t>A, s. f. a service, — g. Numb. iv. 47. TfteApfcxxUrt), g. id. &, -bodice, s.m. a service, 2 Chron. xxxv. 10.— -1 Chron. ix. 19. 1 Chron. xxviii. 14. see, YjieArbal TfiearcAjlce, g. sing, of ¥\ie&y- bAit, q.v. JC/ •iL (j^rTfiiocOArbAdj-Atge, adj. diligent* '^r Deut. xiii. 14. 1 Kings xx. 33. ' 7^ careful, sharp, keen, piercing, J 3^ Tyrtstlih. roughs fr. the obs. adj. & FtM°c> Tftioco. YpjocoUrb, g. -ojlrbe, -ojlce, &, -oltijA, pi. id, s.m. ministration, service, attendance, business, Num. i. 50. & xviii. 2 Gen. xxxix. 11. John ii. 5. Tfiíoc6]l,-ólAiT), v.a. serve, minis- ter, — inf. Ex. xxix. 30. Deut. xxi. 5. Acts vi. 2. fr. the obs. £jv)c,-re, s.f. suite, service, at- tendance. VTHcbeA|ac,-é]tic, s,m ' an opposi- tion % a contradiction, C.P. Ypíceó]l,-óLxÓ, serve, Luke xvii. 8. — 1 Cor. ix. 13. see, T\i]o- CÓfl. TMqn 5 -qte, adj. peevish, cross^ \i\ 2% earnest , fretful, sore. » TfioúfA, g. id. pi -A]6e, s. m. a h \fy kind of play, a mock wedding. TuACAib,-be,-b|, s.f. a jilt. YuAC<\ir,-r e > pl.-rb&,-ri3 e 3 s.f. a hole,— pi. Matt. viii. 20. a den, a cave, the ear tit af a £o_x . YuACArj-Air? pi. id. s.m. an outcry, fr. the obs. s. ^uac, a word. Yuacb, g. id. &, -b<\, s. m. co/e?, 2 Cor. xi. 27.— Ps. cxlvii. 17. Acts xxviii. 2. the colloquial gen. is the regular jru f Yiioa15,-ac, v. a. spoil, take__by -K^7" fgrp_e,— inf. Matt. xii. 29. Acts * xxiii. 10. put to flight, drive ■***■ fi*<*7 away. \C\^ > «*^{ YuAbftA6,-fiA]ce, pi. id. s.m. a rw- |/«| ? mour, also, a hindering. TWbu,5, see, Y^^ngT^ Aí^^, YuAbu]5eAc,-3]óe, adj. ravenous, ravening. Gen. xlix. 27. Yua- bu^gceAC, id. Is. xxxv. 9. YuAbujgce, ind. p. p. snatched^ away, banished, forced away. Yua5aiI,-aIa, pi. id. s.f. a sewing, a seam, a stitching. . L ' YuA5Ai|i,-5iie ureter* TuAiro,-Airne,-Ari)A, s.f. a &/a$£, a sound, Josh. vi. 5. 1 Cor. xiv. 8.— 1 Cor. xiii. 1. Heb. xii. 19. a noise, an echo* TuATTDneACj-rnge," adj. noisy, sounding, echoing. TuAirt)T)eArbu]l,-ri)U, adj. noisy, sounding. YvA-inwig, inf. id. v. n. sound, Ex. xix. 19 2 Chron. xiii. 12. resound, echo, TvAjfi, Jigund, 3 sing. perf. tense, of jrAg, q. v. Gal. ii. 21. TvAijte, g. id. s.f. coldness. TFva^|i1^cc, g. id. pi. -cjóe, s.m. a plaster, literally a mixture of oatmeal and cold water applied to a burn. TvAifir3evl,-éil, pi. -evU, &, -evlcA, s.m. a silly or foolish story. TvAi|aciÓeAcfc,-&, an eye to windward "Tr$nY±&&. id. Dunl. Í TvA]iAi5,-|t<\ó, v. a. coot",^—m[. (£tj^ Luke xvi. 24. v.n. wax Hoof, Yv<\ft r ]t4Ó, id. ¥ YAftAiTjce, ind. p.p. cooled. Tv<\|tAi3re6i|i r 6fiAC&,-bA, s.f. coldness, cold, chilliness. TvA|trbA|tbcAC&,-bA, s. f. numb- ness. TVarcAil, see TFvAfjuil. \ TPVarcAflce, p. p. redeemed, TvArcAtlcf^e, used subs. nom. pi. Is. lxii. 12. TWrcAlcóffvófiA, s.m. a He- 1 TU^ 177 'M*. T u J deemer, Job xix. 25. Tvaf- 3Alc5||t,id. 2^.TuArcU6,-cu]lce, s.m. a release, redemption, a ransom, Deut. xv. 2. — Lev. xxv. 51, & 52. Deut. xv. 2. ^VAj^AltACj-Aige, adj. aperient, giving freedom* '+W^ TVArjUój-slvjjce, s.m. a ran- '■ %b som, redemption , Job, xxxiii. Í) 2z> .24. Luke xxi. 281— Eph. iv. 30. I see, TV&pct<\8. TWfTjlvj 5,-31*6, redeem, deliver, — inf. Lev. xxv. 25. Gal. iv. 5. see, TFvAjTjttil. TvAr5V}l,-v^lc, v.a. deliver, re- deem, Ruth iv. 4. Ps. vi. 4 Acts vii. 34. TvAf5V]lce, ind. p.p, redeemed, ransomed, TvAf5V|lce^cb,-b<\, s.f. redemp- tion, enlargement, looseness, freedom, openness, ease, acti- vity. TvA|*5vilce6]]t,-5|tA, s.m. a Re- deemer, Dunl. TVAfn*8,-, s.m. anger, asto- nishment, tumult. TvAforj6ceAÓ,-C]5e, adj. tumul- tuous, Is. xxii. 2. astonishing. ,ywYu<\c,-tA, s. m. hatred, ernry^ I r- Numb. xxxv. 20. Job v. 2.— *r Ezek. xxxv. 11. see Hos. ix. 7. aversion, spite, abhor- rence. \C\fy\ /i j^JFvACAjgj-cvTjAÓ, v.&.hate, 2 Sam. 3 xiii. 22. John xvii. 14. — Ps. cv. 25. John vii. 7. detest, abhor. Tuac a' tnAbAjb, s.m.wo//"s &5eAc,-5i5e, adj. patient, enduring. TujlceAc^qge, adj. bloody, Ex. fit^jL hp iv. 25. & 26.-2 Sam. xxi. 1. n J f¥ Úiá Tu^ocj^ge, a-^id^jL,/^^-. z&&F Tu]lceAcb,-bA, s. f. bloodiness^) cruelty, bloodshed. Tw|n,-t)eAÓ, v.a. knead, 2 Sam. xiii. 8. bake, boil, dress. T\x]r)b]rtjeDz, see, To\^b^]rt)e]Dz. Tii1t)eAÓ,-t)jó, &, -rjce, s. to. « kneading, — g. Ex. viii. 3. Ex. xii. 34. yuft)eAbó|ji,-ó|tA,-ó|ft|8e, s.m. a baker, Gen. xi. 1. — see Gen. xl. 20. & Jer. xxxvii. 21. TujoeAbój|teAcb,-bA, s. f. the bu- siness of a baker. Tu"!T)sÓ5,-ói5e,-ó5A,s.f. a window, 2 Kings xiii. 17.— pi. Is. xxiv. 18. Tuf t)]ori)AC,-Ai5e, adj. strong, sub- v stantial, firm of purpose, R. S. Tii|t)peAc ? -]*]5, s. m. common en- chanter's nightshade, Circoea lutetiana. TU 178 TUS Tuu)j*e65,-0|5e,-ó3> v s.f. the com- mon ash trees 'Is. xliv. 14. Tuin^e, & £uji)reAi), id. Yu]TJrí*ó5 collie, s. f. the herb called Virga pastoris, also, mountain ash» Tu^nce, iud. p.p, kneaded, baked. 4te«1Fiili)ce5tfi,-5|tA,-6itti&e, s. m. a Tujr)ceó|iACb,-bA, s.f. £fté bu of baking. ^ o~ i O Tu|]teACA]|i,-ctte, adj. g/r, . ■» 4j aspec t* Ex. xxiii. \zSdeliberate. M ^ /> YuifteAefcy&A, s.f. a delay, a wait- ing, a staying. Yujttfeic,-q orb, v.a. «£*i?7, es/?y, Jer. xtviii. 19. — Num. viii. 24. 8p M*1 lJ^ TumiOTJ, g. to]jit>e, s.f. thejsha \ ]*if± J)itants of a cou ntry, a cro w vj^ theorem of a boat or ship^Otf hoop, a band \ *f¥ér swarmMÍ. \fc • c^Wvy /^ "' ^ 5 Tufjif e^qorb 3 -C|n?, s.ra. oversight, 2 Kings xxii. 9. «» overseeing. Tufjti5,-yieAc, v. n. «m/£, Gen. xxx. 27. — Job. xv. 22. Acts x. 24. & xviii. 20. stop, delay, lin- ger, abide, deliberate. YuittWi5,-i u 5 A *S v. el. form. ruftit)eitvre,pL-ri, &> -r§c^\^hvon. xvi. 21. Job. Tul5, (xxxvi. 2. Matt. vii. 4. tó. to 11- 2f TuUi?5, Acts xxi. 39. — Matt ./ ' xvi. 21. Acts ^xxi. 13. '^ TuIa^, s.f. an excuse, lib I permission, only used in s phrases as the folio wing, " Y\] ^uUvffi \e)x he]t 't)A b|te|COArb," literally, " Afoj excuse with him to be in his state of judge," i.e. He will needs be a judge, Gen . xím. 9j M| £ul&fft ÓAttj, Not li- berty, or excuse to me, i.e. / ?m*s/, ]r fml&iji t>Arb, It is ex- cuse or liberty to me, i.e. / ii. 9. — pi. 1. Kings x. 19. £2^_Klj% tience, forbearance, a prop, see % Cant. i. 11." (fo^T^ K/t *J YuUt^ACj-Aige, adj. patient) able to endure, forbearing, hardy, suffering. YulAr)5AC,-Ai5,-Ai3e, s. m. a suf- ferer, a patient, one that en- dures. M'N. T'iiUn3ti|óe, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a sufferer. 7ui)rA, g- id. pi. id. &, -Ape, s.ra. a fillet, — pi. Ex. xxxvi. S8. a 'FitttAC'ur,-ujf , pl id. s.m. expecta- tion, a watching, Pro v. x. 28. Is. xxi. 5. vigilance. Tu|tA]l,-AlA, pi. id. s. f. an .offer- ing, a c ommand , an excitement, Mul. TujiAr, comp. ^ttfA, adj. easy, — comp. Mark x. 25. able. TuitarbA, ind. adj. easy to accom-. plish, practicable. "Fuft^05|iA6,-3A|icA, pi. id. s.m. an u\ alarm, Num. x. 6. a warning. Yuftrb6ft,-6iti, s.m. a great many, the chief part. Dunl. TtificAcfc, g. id. &, -bA,pl. -bA, s.f. f{2^ a, helping, a refreshing, com- fort, Acts xviii. 27. 1 Cor. xvi. 18.— 2 Cor. i. 3. Heb. iv. 16. TuticAi-^-^cÁc&j v.a. help, comfort, /^ ^ — inf. 1 Thess. ii 1 1 fil Zil /4rT / T«|tcA|D,-ne, s.f. sufficiency, bail, security. Tu|icui5ce6.{ft,-6fiA,-6nt^6e, s. m. a comforter, a helper. YurA-l&e, a second form of the comp. of TujtAr, q.v. O'G. 5 ft b 179 no /~« ^ .1 •% 3, f5oftc, i^J 2/*e seventh letter of the modern Irish Alphabet. 5^2<25AO,-b^l, v.a. ta&£, Num. xxi. 1 Ps. xxxv. 2. Matt. ii. 20.— Job xxix. 13. Matt. i. 20. re- ceive, accept^ lay hold of, seize, make priso7ier, take possession of, hold, engage, this verb en- ters into a great number of idiomatic phrases. 10. 5&b-A, g. id. &, 5ab<\i), pi. 5A]boe, h s.m. a smith^ TS&m. xiii. 19. — pi. 2 Kings xxiv. 14. The older and purer speakers always called a smith, 3\&b<\fi 5AOAÍ). 3 ^ 540At>,-bcA, pi. id. s.m. Jdanaer^ 7^ jeopardy, Luke viii. 23. Acts "I J lax. 40. want. i g- id - & > - v 15 e > P 1 - - v l5 é e ? s.m. « tf/^V, Ex. xxii. 2. — Job xxx. 5. Zech. v. 4.— Matt. vi. 20. & xxvii. 44. also, 'Sa&vióe, g. id. ^AfeuiseACj-gige, adj. robbing, thievish. ^Abvi5eAcb,-bA, pi. id. s.f. theft, Matt. xv. 19.— Ex. xxii. 3. robbery. ^Afvfra, pi. id. s.m. a hook, any crooked instrument. \ f 5^Av 9 -^W> s.m. henbane, Hyo- cyamus. ^^3,-^15, pi. id. s.m. a cleft, a chink, a fissure, a crack. ^3^5,-5^6, v.a. & n. split into fis- sures, grow into chinks or flaws. 5&5 g. id. pi. -5]&e, s.m. a/bj», a coxcomb, Barb. 5<\jl,-leA&,v.a.ó'fcrt?7Z, ^027, seethe, evaporate- ^Ajlj-le, s. f. a steam, a smoke, a vapour, com. Lat. Cal-eo,latt/e shout, a war-cry, 5AftióeAG,-b|5e,adj. i /0Z(/wZ, Esth. v. 9. festive. 5&ittt>eACYr,-vir, s.m. joy 9 gtforj/, Luke ii. 10. Rom. v. 2. & 3. —Rom. xii. 12. 2 Cor. v. 12. gladness, rejoicing, pleasure. 15&i\ibify-]Y5*6,v.n.rejoice,I)eut. xxviii. 63. & xxxiii. 18. — Ps. xix. 8. be glad. 2^91— 5^jjt&|^ g. id. pi. -r>|6e, s. m. a (p garden. 3&}fte, g. id. s.m. laughter, Gen. xxi. 6. Jas. iv. 9. — Eccl. ii. 2. ^AjjieAlAG collAjnvAig collA-fiu, s. m. stinking hedge mustard, Erysimum allearia. l i fQipA]]ip i -he, adj. near, short, mo- {? mentary, see 3 a u. 3A^tleo5,-6]5e,-65A ? s.f. garlick, Num. xi. 5. — pi. heads of gar - lick. Allium sativum. > 5Aiftle55-rt)Yi|te, s.f. crow garlick, . Allium vineale. '4 ÍÍ ^Atjin?, Gen. iv. 26. inf. of 3ojft, \/jJ~o*\W)> g. 5*n">4> pi. id. &, 3A]t- ^- tdatja, s. f. a title , a calling, a n decree, Job xxxn. 21. 1 Pet. t-L-^ iTTa— Esth. iv. 8. Eph. i. 18. JCj& iv. 4. — pi. see also Job. rvV ^ dm kxxii. 22. an office, Sa^ he &i&, a profession, 3A]ftn) cop- ing, cock-crowing, Mark xiii. 35. 3 ^«^c men, 5AlfiYi7; ,-nAb, v> a. s icken , puntsji H 'i)Alifiv|§ce, ind. p. p. sickened, disordered. ^aIc^oh^a, g. id. pi. -Aloe, s. m. « trumpet, Matt. vi. 2. 5&n?&l,-Ail, pi. id. s. m. a fool, a stupid person, also, a camel, see, Garb^U. 3ai)5Aib,-be,-&í, s.f. deceit, false- hood, Ps. cxix. 118. — Ps. cix. 2, a /ore we»» fnc^. 3Ai)5a fAncAOA^vp Ab vjrne TjojjiceAfi ,|>aoÓaI be, ó'o ccori)focAlroy.i. 5AO]c A511}* bjl i .1. 5fiA6v^5ceo|it pa \)-e^\)^,, r '% ir loi)^ sÍojt, A5ur eA5- nvjóe, a^u|* ipionAi) bjl A5iir 5|tAt>AC." Antiquaries however assert that the name of Gaodhal is from the compound word formed of'gaoitJi' §• ' dil? which means a lover of learning, for * gaoitK is the same as wisdom or learning, and i dil" is the same as loving or fond. See derivation of the proper name c5ao6aI, in . Haliday's Vol. of Keating, page 230. ^AOjóeil^e, g. id. s.f. the Celtic language of the Irish and the Highland Scotch. 5ao1,-o]1, pi. id. s.m. family, hi/?, kindred, — g. Lev. xxi. 2. Acts vii. 14. "5aoI TjeneUjg, a de- scent. D. MacF. 3AOc,-oice,-ocA, s.f. a wind, Ex. x. 13. Mark vi. 48.— Luke viii. 23.— Matt. vii. 25. ?%*6 3<\ojce 3 s.m. a tempest. 5CA-fivAÓA, s. f. a blasting, 1 Kings viii. 37. -J/i'5&\i, comp. 5ojjte, adj. rc£arj ' ^ c/ose, — comp. Rom. xiii. 11. a n-5Afi, adv. near, see Matt. i. 18. Do ófivfb ai} A|n7|*|]t^A n-^Ajt, í7/e £ime í/rew wsv^, C5rb-5A]t, equally nigh. 3<\fi<\bAt),-&1i>,pl. id. s.m. a shell- ing, a taking off the husks of corn, bran, fyc. 5<\TtAbó3,-6|5e,-a5A, s. f. wild mustard, Synapis arvensis. 3AftAbójfi,-6ftA,-ó|fipe, s. m. see, ^AntSAbójtt. 5ajica, id. 3A|t|»Aii)V]l,-it)lA, adj. filthy, ob- scene, lewd. C. P. %Si ^Ajtrvivvjn, pi. id- s.m. a young jb°H? a l a d"> a servant, properly, OAprjt, i.e. 3a|* vft, iAc tender stem, see, ^aj*, Fr. Gargon. ^Aíic5i|t,-5|tA,-ót|tj6e, s. m. a cryer, a bawler. 5Afr*ir5 pi. id. &, SAfjtA, astern, Jr ajtalk,a plant, abunch, hence, \^ a youth, a military servant, and the pi. 3ArfiA, signifies a band of domestic troops or attendants on a great man, & more anciently, all mercenary soldiers, with this latter mean- ing of 5Ar, &, 3ArjtA, Com. the %.^Xlessi and Gessatoe of the ^Ar&Á^^Ladj. cunning, skilful, l SeLm.^Qjjjjéj/plever, gallant, neat, ingenious» 3A|*bAcb,-t)A, s.f. quickness, cun ning, cleverness, ingenuity. SArfiA, pi. of 5a|*, q.v. 5ac, g. id. pi. 3&ece, s. m. a ja- //, velin, a spear, Num. xxv. 7. — ^ 1 Sam. xvii. 7. — 1 Sam. xiii. 19. other forms of the gen. sing, are, 3ae, 5&1, &, 3AOJ ; and in the nora. pi. 3A1, 3A01, 5AecA, 6, 3AO|te, are also in use ; 'Sac )^,| 3|téjne, a sunbeam ; 3ACA, & 3,-Air), pi. id. s.m. a but- tock or haunch. M'N. 5eA 3' g- 3 é t5 e > P 1 - S^a, s - f - a branch, Johnxvi. 2. — pi. Matt, xxi. 8. Rom. xi. 16. moi*e pro- perly 3ev3, q.v. 3éA5Ár),-^in,pl.id.s.m. a branch, Ez. xxxi. 3. a small branch. 3éA3AttAc,-A]5e, adj. branchy, R. S. 5éA3AÓ,-Ai5e, id. 2>eAl, comp. 3|le, adj. white, Gen. xlix. 12. Ex. xvi. 31 Ps. li. 7. fair, bright, clear, com. Gr. xaX-osr. f 5e&l,-\&&,v.&. whiten,— inf. Mark ix, 3. bleach, 5eAlri3,-Y5AÓ,id. 5eAlAc,-AJ5e,-ACA, s.f. the moon, Matt. xxiv. 29. Rev. vi. 12. — Jer. viii. 2 Is. i .13. & 14. fr. 5eAl. — TeAji seAUf^e, a lunatic. SeAUcAÓj-lAigce, s.m. a bleach- ing, a whitening, SeAUb, g. 5eAlcA, s. m. id. YeAji 3CaIca evbAi3, a fuller. 5eAlACAn,-Air), pl* W. s.m. white- ness ; 5eAUÓAi) v|be, the white of an egg. 5eu 185 .+& 5eu SeAlAigte, ind. p.p. bleached, whitened. 5eAlAi),-Ain, pi. id. s. m. white- ness ; 'Seal&T) r>A rY]le,£//e#?7/ite of the eye, 5e<\Uu),-&io, s - m - lightning; S*i- geab seAUjt), a flash of light- ning. D. Mac.F. '^/ 3e*lboi)>-bvii),pl. id. s.m. ajpaiy J% row, Ps. Ixxxiv. 3. & cii. 7. — pi. Luke xii. 6. also 5e^lb^ ■a^t), pi. id . 3eAlb|tv^3,-3e, s. f. round-leaved sundew. Drosera rotundifolia. b SeAll, g. sill, pi. id. s. m. a te SÍ e, « prize, Deut. xxiv. i#»n ii^i Cor. ix. 24.— Déut. xxiv. iffin, 10. a promise, a vow, a wager, a mortgage ^ a favour, 1^- love ; " 20aji geall ofivj^e, /or ^ ourjmke. 9 ' Dunl. jri-jí^lí^ífij t £ 5é Allele atí)y | x), v. a. promise, Deut. x. 9 2 Peter ii. 19. pledge, vow, mortgage, 5eAll<\o,-ltA, pi. id. s.m. a pro- mise, Acts ii. 39. Rom. iv. 13. a bet, a pledge, a vow. 5eAllAri)Yio,-rbnA,-mt)AÓA, s.f. a promise, Luke xxiv. 49. — Acts ii. 33. & vii. 17.— pi. Rom. ix. 4. a pledge, a vow. " he 5e<\l- Uri)Yfn At)rt>A So, by promising him his life.'* 3eAlló5,-óf5e,-ó5A, s. f. salmon fry, a white trout. 'SeAltcA, ind. ip.rj. promised, vow- ed, pledged, betted. 5eAllcAT)Ar,-Aif*, s.m the act of promising. 5eAlcA, ind. p. p. whitened, bleached. 5eAlcAc,-Ai5e ? adj. jealous, fear- ful, astonished. 3e*lYf5t:eó|ft,-óft<\j-óf j^óe, s. m. a bleacher. ^eAnjAflACj-A^j-A^ge, s. m. a servant. 2 B 5eArbAji)-Aiti, pi. id. s.m. a blade of corn, Matt. xiii. 26. Mark iv. 28. also, corn in the blade, iv. the obs. s. ^>eAÚ?, a branch, a slip. 3eArncA0c,-cA0|ce, adj. pur- blind. ^eArop-ileAc^-lige, adj. blear» eyed. 3eAi),-i)A, s.m. approval, accep» fa tance, grace, Rom. xiv. 18« & xv. 16. Col. iii. 16. fondness, love, favour. ^^h^T* 1 ^ 5eADAC,-Atée, adj. greedy f^Ps. xvii. 12. covetous, also, cheer- ful, pleasant, fond. '5eAiMri;Ail,-rblA, adj. acceptable, ..Rom. xii. 1. 1 Tim. ii. 3. mo» dest, comely, pleasant. 5ear)ArblAÓb,-bA, s. f. modesty, , comeliness, gracefulness. / 5e6.vtt)r)Y]6,-Se, adj. chast e* Tit. j^ ii. 5. 1 Pet. iii. 2. pure^ y> 5eAnn?0Yj8eAc&,-bA, s< f. chas- ' tity, 2 Cor. vi. 6. purity. \C\ \ 5eATJAifte, g. id. pi. -|t|óe, s.m. a hammer, Judges iv. 21. a mallet. 5e a jM!P> a tribute. Co\m- i}e&X\i4ó 9 - concision, Phil. iii. 2. a share^ a reckoning. 3eAf]aAb6||t,-óft^,-6|fti6e, s. m. « cutter, a carver, an engraver, a hewer. Z)eAfliAbóffteAcb,-bA, s. f. a cut- ting, a carving, a hewing. 3eAjjtA50fii 3 -5Y]ftc, pi. id. s. m. a quail, — pi. Num. xi. 31. & 32. Ps. cv. 40. 5eAfft&t),-&ir), pi. id. s.m. a work horse, a hack ; 75e&\\ibt) ajio, a hobby. 5eejb]oij, &, 5eib|oi)<\r,-Aif, id. ^Io^i 1 ;} s - m - see > s *iM- Séib|oi),-b|n, id. id. &, -bfoiM, / v y s.m. afettet', a prison, great distress. \C\ 3^ 5é]bli5,-iv5A6, v.a. fetter 9 chain, U\ mortgage, pledge. .. , 3 e j 187 5e o 3é|5e§G&, s.f. id. « í£5eirt)peAÓ,-faiS,-Hlt>e, s.m. winter, <)&> Gen " viii " 22 — Acts xxvii. 12. '/23£- fr. the obs. s. T,*n), winter, &, * fiivtot, a quarter. 'Oejrbftv^-YTjAO, v.n. winter, see Is. xviii. 6. J^3ep),-neArbvjo, v.di.Jbegzt, Matt. i. 2. & 3 — John iii. 4. com. Lat. Gign-o, Gen-us. Gr. yh- oftai, ysvv-dc»), & ysv-os. 5eit)e0AC,-At3e, adj. genera- tive, genitive. '5e]Ve&\x)Y]v r tr)t)*,p\.id.s.f. birth, - z u ' T\/f„i.i. : io ~~r^r7: ^ begetting, Matt. i. lS.-^TJen. • ^, v. 22. a spring, 2 Kings ii. 21. 3eiij r i)e,-i?e aca, s.f. a ivedge^L.ait. Cun-eus. 3e]t)ce, ind. p.p. begotten. 5e]rjceAC,-c|5,pl, -ci5e,or,-c]óe, s.m. a Gentile, — pi. Is. xi. 10. & lx. 3. 5eit)ced||t r óftA,-ó||iit)e, s. m. a sower, a planter, a begetter. 5ejt)clfÓe } ind. adj. enchanted. K. 5ej|i,-jte, s.f. fat, Ex. xxix. 22. Lev. iii. 14. — Lev. viii. 26. tal- low, grease, suet. 5éjfte, g. id. s.f. sharpness, sub- /Zj ~£J tlety, sourness, keeness. 3éift5fr),-T)e, s. f. sea samphire, Crithmum maritimum. 5é|fi^)cle*óbAC,-Af5e,adj.sw5/fe, ingen ious, in ven live. 5é]fiincle. SéiUeADAbóiti, 1 Tim. i. 13. see, 5éiftleri)Y]i). /^ 5ev 5 , g. 3é|3e, pi. 3ev 3 A, s. f. a tr branch , — pi. Gen. xlix. 22. ""Markxi. 8. a limb or member, see 5é<\5- 3ev5, is the better spelling. SevjACj-Aige, adj. branchy, branching. 13^ 5eufi, comp. 3éi |te, sharp, per T (p feet, Ex. iv. 25. — Acts xxiii. 20. Heb. iv. 12. sharpz^ointed. sour, keen , severe, strict, saga- cious, shrill, bitter , tart. 3evfi. 5|oeA|tAlcA, adj. general, Heb. xii. 23. 3]ob,-bA, pi. id. s.m. a tail, a rug, anything rough, a rag. 5|obAC,-Ai5e, adj. hairy, rough, rugged» 5|obAl,-Ait, pi. id. s. m. a rag, a clout, cast clothes, swaddling- clothes, see Luke ii. 12. I 3 JO 189 3U 5|obó5,-ó|3e,-a5e, s. m. a client, fr. the obs. adj. 5joj:ag, dutiful, officious. 3tolc^c r cvt3, pi. id. &, -cvige, s.m. a reed, Is. xix. 6. Rev. xi. 1. — Matt, xxvii. 29. — Is. xix. 7. also, a place where reeds grow, for another meaning see the g. Ps. lxviii. 30. & for explana- tion see beacAC. 3folcAri)V]l,-ti)U, adj. made of reeds or broom. 5joIIa, g. id. pi. -Ivjgej-Ui&e, &, -IaÓa, s. m. a minister, a bearer, Luke iv. 20. — pi. 1 Kings x. 5. 2 Chron. ix. 4. a man servant, a lad, a page, a young man, an attendant, 5lolUrbYjl,-ri)lA, adj. servant-like. 3 fort) an Ac,-A]5,-A]5e,s.m.a hunts- man, a servant, a sports- man, 5ionbA]]t, g. id. s.m. January. 3f0ft<\c,-Aic, pi. id. s.m. a noise, a tumult, Ex. xxxii. 17. 2 Sam. xviii. 29. — Is. xxxiii. 3. 5|0]iACAc,-Ai5e, adj. noisy, tumul- tuous. 5io|tACAOj-&1»)} pi. id. s.m. a bab- bler, 3jo|tAiÍ7Ac,-Ai5e, adj. hungry, greedy. - '5]on>v^5,-v5 pi. id. s.m. a fir tree, a pine tree, — g. 2 Sam. vi. 5. Is. xli. 19. & lx. 13. 'SjvrcAj g. id. pi. -A^be, s.m. a can, a tankard, also, a name applied to a lazy strolling fellow. 5lAbAi|te, see G\*b&i\ie. 3Ubó5,-ó|5e,-ó5A, s.f. a catch, a handful, a theft. M'N. 751&C, g. jU^ce, pi. 5IACA, s.f. the palm of the hand, 2- at) 5lAi.ce, a handful, Ex. ix. 8. Num. v. 26. a grasp, a hold. 51ac,-ca8, v.a. take, catch, re- ceive, Ex. iv. 4. Rev. x. 9.— Matt. ii. 18. Acts i. 25. 'SlACAÓj-cvjgce, or, -cca, pi- id. s.m. an acceptance, a receiving, a catching, a grasp. Duul. oU 190 oU 3UcAbAiv*M n » pi. id. s.m. a re- pository. 3lACAb6i|t,-óftA,-ójti|be 5 s.m. are - ceiver, Is. xxxiii. 18. a catcher. 5lACAi|teA0b,-bA,s.f. a handling, a touching, an impressing, a seizure. 51acca, ind. p.p. caught, seized, taken, received, 5l\*\C]X) 9 g. id. pi. -i)]6e, s. m. a small handful, a little bundle, a faggot. 3Ui&jo, g. id. pi. -x)\6q, s. m. a glutton. 3l^bjrjeAC,-T)i5e, adj. gluttonous. 3lA]bfneAcb,-bA, s.f. gluttony. 5U]5fr), g. id. pi. -n|6e, s. m. « «7/y talkative fellow. 3lAirn,-roe, pi. -rtJeACA, &,-rb§rJA, s.f. censure, a great noise, a clamour, a common report, a pitiful complaint, a yelling, a howling. Lat. Clam-or. 3lívirb,-rbe,-rbeAÍ)A, s.f. censure, R. S. " Jr ole ao sl&iri) a civ Arov^ 4,^ Mere ts & bad re- port of him spread abroad" w see SIaiuj. J^Vs 3lAfi)e,g.id.s.f. cleannes s, purity, brightness, clearness. jv5lAit)eACb,-o<\, s. f. cleanness, & purity. 5l<\||*e, g. id. s.f. greenness, ver- dure, an azure hue, a green I colour, also, an eclipse. 31a|[— eAcb,-b&, s.f. id. ^Uirlevtvéltfj s.m. peppergrass, pepperwort. 5Urn,-n?AÓ, v.a. devour, gobble, seize eagerly, cry out. 5UrtM]tte, g. id. pi. -|ti6e, s.m. a noisy snappish fellow, a glutton. 3l&iDAifieacb,-be, s. m. a purifier, a cleanser, Mai. iii. Z.aweedcr. — pi. snuffers. 1 Kings vii. 50. 2 Chron. iv. 22. 5lAncó| |teACb,-bA, s.f. a cleansing, a purifying, a weeding. 51aod, inf. id. 3Uoóac, &, l^. sUoÓujg, v. 11. cry, — inf. Zech. / 5te 191 3ie iv. 7. call, bawl, roar, shout. Gr. xXa-u, to bewail. 51aoó,-oió, s.m. a roar, a shout, a cry, a call. 5Uo6ac,-óui5, s.m. a roaring, a shouting, a bawling. *>lAft,-AiTij s - m - a P u ddle, a collec- tion of mud. M'N. & SUr, g- sUir, pi. id. s.m. algck, Judg. iii. 23.— Cant. v. 5.— Neh. iii. 3. 3lAf,-A|fe, adj. #rm?. Rev. viii. 7. /?«/e, «í'flw. Lat. Glaucus. Gr. yXavxog. ^l<\rivn»-^it), pi. id. s. m. a salad, anything of the herb kind eaten green, as water cresses, $fc. \Jl~ 3Ufb&i),-b&|i)e, ac U- P^lc, Rev. vi. 8. 1 5Ur&A, ind. p.p. locked. 'SUr-^euftj-éijt, s.m. ormz grass. 'SlArgotiCj-guijtc, pi. id. s v . m. a green plot. 3lArli4c,-Aire, adj. greyish. 3UrÓ5,-6|5e 5 -ó5 3lé,comp. jléóe, adj. />wre, The /^-pl. 3 lébeisintheC.P.Edn.l819 5 / a ^ p. 189 .plain, gqod^ perfe ct, clean, ' ^" u 5lé Ijornr^ beAtA a'j* bejc a n)-AOt)Afi." a poor /z/e, and solitude is my great good. ^leAcujóe, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a combatant. 3leACii]ÓeAcb,-bA, s.f. strife, va- riance, iv. 'Slejc, q.v. SleA^lAOj-glAjrje, adj. bright, 1 , Kings, vii. 45- clear, pure. iVg-'SleAtvi)*, &, 5l]i), pi. TjleAÍjtA, s. m. a valley , Jer. xix. 6. — Deut. in. 16. Josh. xv. 8. — Jobxxxix. 10. a glen, see, 51 ji). 5leAT)Ac,-i)Aije, adj.^/w// o/" I'aZ- fe^s or #/ercs. 5lee, s. m. a wrestler. 5lé|3eAc,-A]ge, adj. noisy, upro- rious, tumultuous. 5leot>rb&n,-&iD, pi. id. s. m. a drowsy stupid fellow. oleoóri)AnAcb,-&A, s.f. drowsiness, stupidity, sluggishness. 5leoifc,-&e,-beAT)A, s.f. a slattern, a slut, applied to a man as a term of great contempt. 3leofbeArbu|l,-Ti)lA, adj. like a slattern, slovenly. 5le6ice, ind. adj. handsome, >} neat, pure, tight, curious. 5leófi4,i},-Aiíj, s.m. wild angelica, Algelica sylvestris. 5leor5&c,- bog a 5leu]*c<\, from the pre- pared or bent bow. '5leiif 4 cófTVÓji&,-ó]!iióe, s. m. a person who prepares, or re- pair Sy &C. 3liAbA|t,-A]]t, s.m. pertness, lo- quacity. '5l|Ab|iAc,-Ai3e, adj. loquacious, talkative, M 4 N. wanton, spright- ly, glittering. 3l|b,-be,-be> long locks. |(? /5l]0CAr,-Aif, s.m. wisdom, Matt, xi. 19. Rom. viii. 6,&7. — Luke i. 17. 1 Cor. ii. 4. prudence, cunning, wit, sagacity, craf- tiness. 5l|0CAr 5 & 3 5 lu 5*> s - m - « gurgling noise, the noise of a liquid escaping through a narrow aperture. 3lu5AC,-Ai5e, adj. making a gurgling noise, stammering^ 5lu5Aijte, g. id. pi. -fifoe, s.m. a stammerer. 2>Iu3aI,-aiI, pl.id. s.m. ^e clucking of a hen. 5lu5An,-A|t), pi. id. s.m. a clink. ■-. SilúioeACj-mse, s.f. the herb milk- wort. Polygona. 3lú|oeAC beA5 ? s.f. common knot- grass. Polygonum. '5lii]t)e4 S- 5 l ^1^ e » P 1 - id - & > 5 l ^í> " s.f. a generation, a knee, Deut. xxiii. 2. Is. xlv. 23.— pi. 1 Kings xix. 18. Matt. i. 17. a step, a degree. 5ur At) cfieAr 5IÚ1), to the third generation. 5lucA]|ie, g. id. pi. -]t|6e, s.m. a glutton. 3lucAi|teACbj-fc>A 5 s.f. gluttony. '5t)4.blu|vliiif, &, -Iota, s. m. cutweed. Pilago germanica. SiMfiluf, id. o>t;an,-,-c&pfeicl. s.m.wse, cms 1 Cor. ix. 12, & xi. 16. prac? tice, habit. 5r)Ác,-c6óu^5,g. id. -ge, &, -gee, pl.id. s.m. an office, a business, an obtaining, a profit, — g. Gen. xli. 13. Luke ii. 49. 2 Thess. ii. 14. ^nócujg, id. The vera. pronunciation is 3i)<\cu.]5. ^on goociqg fijAcc<\i) pi. id. &, -rf, b. f. a countenance, a face, Gen. xxxi. 5. 2 Cor. iv. 6. — Jas. i. 23. — Dan. i. 15. an aspect, an appearance, a notch, / 5i)ú^pt)ev\U,-Uó, v.a. counterfeit, deceive, dissemble. 5tjú|rri)e4lcói|i,-ó|iA,-óf{t]Óe, s.m. a dissembler, a deceiver. C.P. 'SoúrActv&A, s.f. the under lowing or moaning of a cow. M C N. 5i)urob&iva,in 5 s.m. a calf's muzzle, a muffle, any impediment. 2)obó5,-ói5e,-Ó5A, s.f. a little bill or mouth. Sobujgce, ind. p.p. beaked. 3o5, g. 51113, pi. id. &, 3054, s.m. a nod, a wagging of the head. 5o55A ? s.f. dotage. Oo^aIL •*15 e : s. m. the cackling of a hen, goose, duck, fyc. Oo|c,-ce,-ceArJA, s.f. a tossing up of the head in disdain, a scoff, a taunt. 3ofceArbuil,-ri)lA, a dj. inclined to toss up the head, scoffing, taunt- ing. * 7kll uv?*L ntfim f#*^ dicfc* ^%* * ^faXv/fa' 'MLwvry w ^ W^^Sá^ ^ 195 : o on 3o]b, inf. id. v.a. steal, 2 Sam. xv. 6. — John x. 10. pilfer, creep slowly. Heb. Gud. to come on. 5o]&,-be, s. f. a stealing, Ex. xx. 15. Mark, x. 19. a theft. 5oi5!0, g. id. pi. -T)]óe, s. m. a ífí7/y person, a coxcomb. 3o|le, g. id. pi. -If, s.f. a throat, a__stomgQfi, an appetite. Fr. f *r Gueule. Lat. Gul-a. ^J 3oill,-le*ri)utt?, v. a. displeas e, n _/£. grudge, Gen. xhiii. 17. fol- } I* lowed byjjjt. /CI %3 ^i^ 3o|lleAii)uii),-rijDA, pi. id. &, -rbrjACA, s.f. grief, sorrow. {j^ 5ojrb,-rbe, s.f ^a sore , anguish, 2 /£ Chron. vi. 28. Job. "xvT§4.— 2^Jp Is. xxx. 6. pain^ vexation, hurt, y damage, malice, spite. 3o^rbeATi)u^l,-rbU, adj. painful, sore, vexatious, spiteful. 5o]i),-r)e, s.f. a stroke, a wound, Matt. iv. 24. /-fi 5o]n, inf. 500, &, 50DAÓ, v. a. wound , pierce, hurt. 3ojnce, ind p. p. pierced, wound- ed. l^'do}^, inf. 5 a ^ fie , id . 5ot}C adj. foolish, fickle. 3o|iAÓ,-ftc&, s.m. a warming or heating . 5ofiAice<\rbu|l,-rbU,adj. croaking, screech ing, discon ten ted. 5ojirr>, comp. 5iiifirr)e, adj. &///?, Num. xv. 38. azure. 5o[imj g. 3u^|trr>, s.m. 6^^, /Ae colour blue, Ex. xxv. 4. an azure colour. 5ojtti)&iv&in, pi. id. s.m. blue- bottle, Centaurea cyanus. 5orttT)*u)-reAtti*|3, -&ir>-reAftt pi. id. s.m. heart's ease, pansy, Viola tricolor. 5o|tn?5Ur,-A|fe, adj. of an azure or blue colour. 5o[tmui5,-u5°T-o$. 3oftc<\, g. id. pi. id. s.f. famine^ dearth, Gen. xii. 10. Luke iv. 25. Acts xi. 28— Gen. xli. 27. 30. & 31.— Mark 13. 8. Luke xxi. 11. 3o|ac^fte&cfc>,-bA, s.f '. fondness, lovingness. 3fiAbrbAft,-A}jie,adj. loving, fond, affectionate. 5|t&bu5Ab,-uj5re, pi. id. s.m. an embracing, Eccl. iii. 5. — Eccl. iii. 5. act of loving or ad- miring. ^jiAÓu^-ugAÓ, love, Matt. xix. 19.— Mark xii. 33. I Thess. iv. 9. esteem. 25fi&6u]5?:eÓT!vótiA>"óirM& e i s. m. a /ar^É>|i&iÓceó||t, id. C. P. 5ftAj:,-p<\bv**v. a. write, i carve, Gr. r^áp-w. scrape, f 5\i&$&\) 9 -l\]t) 9 pi. id. s.m. a grub- bing axe. ^jiAjrAn da 5-cloc,s.m.5/o«e-cro/7, wall-pepper, Sedum acre. 5nA£At) b<\r>, s. m. white hore- hound, Marrubium vulgare, or Ballota alba. 3fiApAT) bub, s. m. black hore- hound, Ballota nigra. 3|iA|ícu^,-óu|t, v. &. engraft, graft. 5|tA5 r iv^3, pi. id. s.m. the croak- ing of a crow. 5jt&5A7 jte, g. id. pi. -rqbe, s. m. a glutton, a riotous eater, see Prov. xxiii. 20. 3ft&5<\oill,-le, s.f. the clucking of a hen, the cawing of a crow or daw 5fiAijn)eó|fij- the rabble, the mob, a meeting of the mob, 3 [t a x) ,- a ] x) , s . m . cor« , gnrtzin , Le v . xxiii. 14. 2 Sam. xvii. 28. 1 Cor. xv. 37. a grain of shot or hail, 5fiAnUc,-Ai3, s.m. corn. 3jtAn Iacah, s.m. lesser duckweed, Lemna minor. 5jiAíJA, ind. adj. shameful, ill-fa- voured, 1 Cor. xi. 6. ^/#/^/, nasty, abominable. 5]tAnbA, id. Gen. xli. 3. 5jiAorbA, ind. ad}. filthy, obscene, ribald, lewd. Dunl. 5fi&ofbAcb,-bA, s. f. obscenity, lewdness, ribaldry. 5ft&poJ, g. id. pi. -A^be, s. m. a three-pronged fork for agricul- tural use, a dung fork, 3jiAp,-f>A6, v.a. climb. 5pAr, g- id. &, -r s - m - ^grace, favour, Rom. v. 20. — John i. 16. Acts xiv. 3. — Acts iv. 33. Lat. Gratia. Gr. %«£/£. 5|tArA, ind. s.m. John i. 16 Ps. cii. 13. see OfiAr, see Dunl. 474 & 710. '5ft&r55,-ói3e,-ó3A, s.f. a grid- dle, also, a slap of the hand. 5[teAbCA, ind. p.p. struck, whip- ped severely, scorched. 3|iéA5,-^5e, s.f, Greece, Zech. ix. 13.— Dan. viii. 21. & x. 20. more properly, Tlrier^, -éfse, id. 5iiéA5Ac,-Ar5, pi. -v|3, &, -Yjge, a Greek, a Gentile, Acts xvi. 1. — John vii. 35. Acts xviii. 4. 'SfieAllACj-Aigej-AC*, s. f. clay, loam, dirt, as an adj. dirty. ^jteAiDv^aój-viTjce, pi. id. s. m. a laying hold of — g. Heb. vi. 18. a fastening, a holding, a biting, a griping, OíteAnrH3,-Y5<\b, v.a. catch, joiji jty&i — ' tOj — inf. Luke xi. 54. Acts v. * 13. seize^hold, gripe. K / -fa^t KfL^> 'SfieAnrqgce, ind. p.p. laid hold of, fastened, clenched, bitten. 5fieAn,-t)AÓ, v. a. grave, carve, Ex. xxviii. 36. — Ex. xxxi. 5. engrave, emboss. 5|te<\t)AS,-uc, s.m. love, friend- *£~ ship, jest, merrvrnent, / 5jieA,i)rT)AjVAi}te 3 s. m. witty, fa- cetious, pleasant, comical, amiable, affable, 3|aeAi)rbATiAcb,-bA, s.f. affability, facetiousness. 5|ieAi)v3AÓ,-vi3ce, pi. id. s. m. \,-fr~r e > s - f. Greek, Luke xxiii. 38. Sjte|m,-eAn) 3fi|oto|3in, g. id. s.m. sea sam- ' ^ phire, Crithmum maritimum. 3 fiiotlraijie sfrLZ-évC^, 5UU 199 oU U 3fifo|*ó||t,-6|iA,-6||ii6e ? s. m frying-pan. ^fiforcA, ind. p. p. stirred up, provoked, excited, %é ^ftíorv^-vgAÓ, v. n. & a. wax hot, Ex. xxxii. 19. excite, stir up, provoke, kindle, exhort, — inf. Dunl. 5f l í°r v 15 ée 5 ind. p. p. kindled, excited, stirred up, J 5pÍTi~V e 9-V eA V*9 s -f- a pimple, an inflammation of the skin, fire. ^pírsí^j g- id - P 1 - -"l óe 5 s - m - boiled meat. to. 5fadb, comp. jriv^be, adj. quick, active, smart, K^L ~ y 5poo, g. 3|tor)A, pl.id. s.ra. a spot, ^r a stain, a blemish. "" 25ftor)fiói;cAÓ,-Ai5e, adj. corpulent, gross. 'Sftopaój-AjÓ, pi. id. s.m. « sewer, a gully, 5jiop]r,-re, s. f. mallows, Malva. ^fiorfACj-iVige, adj. having a large snout. 5jtor j* of £Ae head. Gen. xlii. 38. Matt. x. 30.^Numb. vi. 5. ^rxúATjAój-Aige, adj. hairy, Ps. lxviii. 21. 5jxYA5AC,-Ai5j-Ai5e, s.m. a «pec- ire giant, an enchanter, a goblin. 5faÚA5A]|ie, g. id. ^l. -ji]6e, s.m. a hair-dresser . a i ^fiv*5 rbvifie, s.f. the herb called goldilocks. 5|tvAi6,-6e, pi. id. s.f. ajcheek, i^ly Lam. iii. SO.— pi. Cant. i. 10. ' a brow, an edge of a ridge or furrow, 'B\\\i^]xr),-n)e, s.f. sorrow, Jer. xlix. 23. gloom, surliness, ill-humour. '5\\uA]ny ] ]j, g. id. s. m. a surly felloiv, also, # frown or sw/A. 'SfiuAnjA, ind. adj, sullen, sulky, gloomy, cloudy, sour, morose. 'ZXfttiAroACj-Afse, id. 5rxu&rr?4cb,-b<\, s.f. gloominess, «jl — g. Joel ii, 2. surliness, mo- ' roseness. 5jaúbAifie, g. id. pi. -jijbe, s.m. a brewer, a distiller. '5|aúbA]|te-Acb 5 -bA, s.f. a brewing, a distilling. ^fmlUvTV^? pl- id. s. m. a cricket. 5ftuc, g. 5fiocA,pl.id. s.m. curds. 5ftuc, pi. id. s. m. a whirlwind, a vertigo, see, _ Oaoc 5UA||tbe^n. 5u pi. -ri, &, -re^A, fan I s. f. d anger ^ Acts xix. 27 R.S Ki^.f/%^?.f Ou\g. id. pi. -A]t>e, s.m. a gudgeon. 3Í15A, g. id. pi. -At> a, s.m. « .vo/a/g goose, a fat silly fel- low. hen.) 3r5A^lle, g. id. pi. -l]óe, s.m. a silly talkative person. 'SvjAjtOACj-Ajj, s.m. the cackling of a hen, f C[ ^ 5ú|6 9 -óé>, v. a. pray, beseecji, ' Matt. vi. 6'.— 1 Sam. xii. 23. implore, intreat. SujDe, g. id. pi. id. s.f. interces- sion, prayer, Is. liii. 12. — pi. 1 Tim. ii. 1. intreat y. 5fjóce5|jt,-óftA,-ótfiióe, s. m. a petitioner, one who prays. Svjl, inf. 5V I, v.n. weep, 2 Sam. xii. 21. Luke vuT.13. — Acts M xxi. 13. Phil. iii. 18. wail, cry, lament. 5Y|l|n?ne, g. id. s.f. calumny, re- proach. 3v|l]rt}r)eAc,-r)i5e, adj. calum- nious, reproachful, Sv|l^rnr)i5,-jV5A6, v. a. calum- niate, reproach. 5v|fifn, g. id. pi. -rjjóé, a spot, Lev. xiii. 24. a pimple, a Main, a wheal. 0~r]-[in)e, g. id. s. f. blueness, Prov. xx. 30. ?5Y]\\n)e&cb,-t>o>, s.f. id. 3v^|tme, comp. of 5£jiro, q.v. 5vi, g. 5V|l, &, 50U, pi. id. s.m. a weeping. Matt. ii. 18. — Ex. xii. 30. Deut. xxxiv. 8. Is. lxv. 19. 3úi)A, g. id. pi. -A]t>e, s. m. a gown. jj 5ví)a, g. id. pi. -Aj6e, s. m. a gun. 3v^a njóji, « cannon, 5yí)A&óf|t,-ó[iA,-óffi]óej s. m. a grower. 3vi)A]|teAct) 5 -bA, s.f. gunnery. u'ryzb, ind. p. p. wounded, slain, 3vfi, g. 5V|fi,&,5ojtA,s.m.« hatch- ing, incubation. 'Svft, conj. £/««£, Matt. ii. 9. 5vr, prep, wwfo, £0, Matt, iv. l.Ai/^f / 5vpc65,-ó|5e,-Ó5Aj s. f. a great clumsy girl, 5vc, g. 5ocA,pl.id. &, 5ocAt)A,s.m. f(\ 4 a voice. Matt. iii. 3. Rev.i. 10.— / 1 Cor. xiv. 11. Rev. i. 12.— Luke xxiii. 23. Rev. iv. 5. / 3 un 201 jun J> (1°5*3 the yew tree J the eighth letter of the modern Irish Alphabet. ), pers. pron. f. she, her, Matt. 1 L 18 ; # 5, g. id. «ft island. J Colvjm Cjlle. Jab, pers. proti. pi. they, them, Matt. ii. 10. /C3^f . \k Ja6,-8&6, v.a. jo?'^, hedge, skutj * Numb. xxv. 3. Ezra ix. 14. * Jj- surround, enclose. lUl Ja8<\&, g. ^aóca, pi. id. s. m. a shutting, 1 Sam. xxiii. 7. a surrounding. .V JAÓcxx, ind. p. p. shut, hedged, closed, joined, surrounded. )&]&, inf. 1AÓAÓ, v.a. Job iii. 23. Dan. xii. 4. see ]a6. JaII, g. éjlle, pi. 1<\IU, s. f. a leathern thong, a latchct, a leash, a string, a lace. jAlUcj-Aige^-ACA, s.f. a latchet, John i. 27. see Jail. ]AUó5,-ói5e,-ó5a£, Lev. xi. 19. Deut. xiv. 18. J Aft, adv. after, afterwards. JAfipi), after that, as a prep, '.it is used for Q]\\, at, upon. l&H, ind. s. the west, see S^ft. '«ijj» J*PAí),-liA1i), &j "T* v 1^j P^ id. ^ ^ s. m. ^rew, Numb. xxi. 32. — Acts xii] 10. Rev. xii. 5. 2 D Jafi6e<%r,-éfr, s. m. the south west. jAjib|i, ind. s. the north west. / \[~^ jArAcb, g. id. s.m. a loan, Deut. xxviii. 44. — 1 Sam. ii. 20, use. jAfA&j-A^b, id. J*r3> g- ^irs» P 1 - id - sm . « ./?*/', Numb. xi. 5. Jonah i. 17. — Deut. iv. 18. Jonah i. 17. Matt. xiii. 47.— Job xii. 8. Jatc, g- éirc, pl.éirc, id. J* r5 A3 \ce\i,fish at spawning. J*r3-5lfi, prep, betwixt, between, Ex. xi. 7. j&jpóeAUó, Ex. xi. 7. seee-|&i|t- 5eAlugAÓ. Jb|fieAf5AT),-Aii), pi. id. s. m. a putting asunder, a peace- making. JpeA|t!}, g. lFé|riu, Acts ii. 27. — Matt. v. 22. see Jjqiioi;. jFjn,-ne,-T)f, s. f. a gooseberry bush. The diphthongs and triphthongs of the Irish lan- guage that begin with ] are called " Ma cuts |VP>!-" Jj:fi|oi),-ii), s.m. hell, Job xi. 8. Rev. vi. 8. — 2 Sam. xxii. 6. óffívo Í& 0vw, lO j^rru. iArtib -~C~frÁ 04 aAay ' M |2tf 'c^ //yitZtrtAls* J 2t)0 203 j <®n Rev. i. 18. Lat, Infern-us, see Armstrong. / j\, 1vw°w*c>r A '\$ e 9 a dj- hellish. *\ Jm^b^ind. adj. id. K.'Jff^ J I, an mtens. prefix, meaning, much, great, many, various. Written Jol, when the first vowel of the following syllable is either of the broad vowels a, o, or v. JlbeurACj-A^e, adj. versatile, arch, sly, fr. ]l, &, beur. )lce&ftt>ai5e, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a jack of all trades. " M? é 5 ii. 3. - 1tvc]AX),-c&we, adj. far, utter, Is. x. 3. see Ps. ii. 8. long, remote. Jrt?óeA]ib,-b<\6, v.a. prove. jfj jfi)6eA|t5,-5AÓ, v. a. rebuke, convince, reproa ch* Ps. lxviii. 30. Luke xvii. 3. Rom. xv. 3. — Luke iv. 41. Jude ver. 15. Kty reprove. jrfjóeAftjAój-TjrA, pi. id. s.m. a reproach, a punishment, a reviling, Rom. xv. 3. 2 Cor. ii. 6. — 1 Cor. vi. 10. Jrt)beur)Arb,-nc4, s.m. a fashion, * Gen. vi. 15. Jrt)éAbAc,-A|5e, adj. jealous. JméAbAifie, g. id. pi. -ji]6e, s. m. a zealot. Jti)eA5lA, g. id. s.f. fear, dread, j\,| %/ terror . jnfeA5Uc,-A|3e, adj. affrighted, \{ \^r Jer. li. 32. fearful, te rrible^ Jti?e.A5lttt5?->*3^j v.a.jSr,~Gen. xv. 1. affright, terrify. JrpeAslu^ce, ind. p.p. affrighted, fC} J^- terrrfied, feared . /CH-S- 7 JnjeAl, Ex. xiii. 20. & xxv?25. * see Jro]ot. Jn}eA]tcur,-u||», pi. id. a playing, trickery, roguery. Jn^l,-lc, v.a. lick, anoint. Jri7tol, g. iiDil, pi. id. s.m. a j- border, Gen. xlix. 13. — Ex. xxv. 27. & xxxvii. 14. an edge. jrn]olUc,-Ai5e, adj. on the bor- ders, remote. tlFjA %U Jn^tt, inf. yxv^z^.^play, ganW;iC2?Z O.G. /vwúZmU/ -^pu i*> wMutJ JiDtttc,-ce,-cí, s.f. « goinlg, de- %3 l?~ parture, a removal. \ i yM'<\t£r\Orh* Jmit 10 ? inf.*I3. v. n. emigrate, «-*" remove, change abode. )vo]\vz,-td, pi. id. s.f. a game, a play, dalliance. TrpirtceAC,-c|5e, adj. playful, given to play or gambling. JrT)le<\CAi),-A|r), pi. id. s.m. a navel, Ezek. xvi. 4. )rv\\oc&y, id. )n)\\i ) ze, ind. p.p. licked, anointed. )n)\ir),-i)e, pi. -\)\, s.f. a nave] ', K / 'i- Job xl. 16. Prov. hi. 8. ~" — Jn?ní6e, g. id. pi. id. s.f. care, ^C ^ diligence, anxiety. ,l^n»ya^£ ^j ^ Jrt?i)í6e<\c,-ói5e, adj. careful, j ^^iX anxious, solicitous. J n 204 j n 3 \ i/ , £ Jnjpióe, g. id. pi. id. s.f. «Jte- /^1 \ seecMmj, a prayer, 2 Cor. v. 20. — 2 Cor. viii. 6. a request, a petition, Jrupit>ei5e, adj. interceding, petitioning. Jrt?pi6eAC r 8]5,-t>|5e, s.m. an in- tercessor, Is. lix. 16. a ^e££- tioner. f/ I 5cJi)wwye, g- id. pi. -itlbe, s. m. aw r €mperor. a, Jrt)puteAcb,-bA, s.f. an empire, a reign, Luke iii. 1. — Esth. i. 20. ]rt)pifieArbu]l,-rblA, adj. imperial. )ft)puj5,-7;e, v.a. beseech, entreat, pray, request. Jn)|ieAfVTt!t*j pi- id. s.m. conten- tion^ Job xl. 2. controversy, strife. 6 * Jr peAflt irrjjieAr 'i?a UA^rjeAr. Strife is better than want of society." Klrr ^í 1eA T^Vr^1^9 P 1 - id- &, -r&OA, ' ^ ^^T s.m. strife , a dis pute, a con- troversy, Prov. xxn 1 . 10. Acts xxiii. 7- — Deut. xvíl^8<— Prov. xv. 18. 1 CfjfTi! 11. B Gal. v. 20. jti7|teAr^t)Ac,-Ai5e, adj. unrea- sonable, controversial. U \%. JrttrtMori),-ri)A, pi. id. s.m. care, ' ^ diligence, sadne ss, dismay, i/ %s Jrt)fofort)Ac,-Ai5e, adj. dismayed, 7^ Jos, x. 25.~soá, careful, soli- citous. K1 ^ J«jceAcb,-bA, s. f. a departure -, ^ n Ezek. xxvi. 18.— 2 Tim. iv. 6. ' a going, a progress, scope, extent. JnjceAcb, inf. of )n)t]T>, q.v. jroctg, inf. imceAGb, v.n.go, wan- der, depart, Gen. xii. 19. Matt. ii. 20.— Gen. xx. 13. Matt. xiv. 16. Ii), an intens. prefix, meaning suitable, Jit, proper, it is spelled Jon, when followed by either of the broad vowels, a, o, or u. It sometimes has a negative signification. JoceAiju^ce, ind. p. p. saleable, fit to be bought. )x)C]\),-r)e, s.f. the brain, brains. JrjcfteACAÓj-ccA, pi. id. s. m. a prey, N ah. iii. 1. Jocfiei&ce, ind. p.p. credible, to be believed. jnfcéAncA, ind. p.p. good , Jtijto [i$. be^done, Rom. xiv. 21. 2 Cor. xi. 4. 1 Thess. iii. I. feasible, practicable. Jobe<\ftb,-bAb, v.a. try, Ps. xxvi. 2. prove. JnbfolcA, ind. adj. saleable, 'pay- able. JneAc, g. wis? s.m. hospitality, generosity, i^fiw ■ ' Jt)£eAón)A, ind. adj. serviceable, effective, K.2>^ JopllViie, a dj. marriageable, fr. ID, &, peA]t. ]o£iteA5Afiifcv, part. adj. answera- ble, responsible. JngeAi), g. lysine, pi. -jngeAnA, #/. s.f. « daugh ter, Ex. ii. 5. — Matt. x. 35.— Acts ii. 17. fr. 10, &, sei». ^ J n Till, inf. 1D5]Ic, v.a. feed, — infTTA ' Gen. xxxvii. 2. Mark v. 11. ' I graze , pasture. Jo5eil,-lc, id. "see Gen. xxix. 7. JoJilc,-ce, s.f. a feeding, Cant, ii. 16. a grazing, a pasture. Jt;5fteArt)AÓ,-tnuf5, pi. id. s. m. a persecutor, — pi. Lam. iv. 19. a pursuer. j!)5fieAn}&c,-AJ5e, adj. clutching, ravenous, persecuting, avari- ' cious. Jn5tt pi» id- &> inre<\CA, s.f. aw island. h)]V t)A b-ffoobao, £/*e island of woods, an ancient name of Ire- land, K. )\)]X gaIja,. 2Ae wo5/e Island, an ancient name of Ireland, K. h)]ze, ind. adj. edible, fit to be eaten, ]i)lei5ce, part. adj. legible, A^ Jorbe, g. id. s.f. aw estate or patri- J mony, also, land. K'$^ jJZ- Jnrt)éAóor)Ac,-rbu]t)ce, ind. part. adj. teacha- ble, Dunl. jfj, pers. pron. pi. we, us. Passim. Ji)beA|t,-b^fi, pi. id. s.m. pasture, Job xxxix. 8 John x. 9 Ps. lxxix. 13.-*Ps.lxv. 13. ]i)bjoft,id. t^Jy )t>be<\ft,-b]ft, pi. id. s.m. an est u- ' ary, the mouth of a river, a confluence of rivers. Jóe, emph. form of Ji), we our- selves, Rom. xv. 7. s. f. J5eAc,g. i0i5,pl. ii)5e } &,ii)eACA, s. m. a woof Lev. xiii. 52. &58. Ji)e18. Col.iii. 12. Philem. '5 > j ver. 7. entrails. Ivv adjust. \^\^q )x)ix, mf. jotrui* w e > & > ww> YSi. JelL shew, declare, Ex. ix. 1. Mark xiii. 4.— Luke i. 19. Acts xv. 3. & xvii. 21. 1óint),-rce, s.f. a telling, Judges vii. 15. a relating. Jfjlfce, ind. p.p. told, related. )f)\]^teó]]i,-ó\\^,-6]i[i]6e, s. m. an aimer, a forager, fr. the obs. " v - Ji)ll3j devise, forage, Ji)Tt>e,g. id. s.f. danger, Luke v. 7. Jijce, cpd. pers. pron. in her, in it, Matt. i. 20. 1i)ciT),-fjés-rjeACA, s# f # Tm/jfd^Gen. xxiii. 8. Rom. xiv. 5. — Acts xx. 19. & xxviii. 6. intentio n, understanding^ intelligence, ingenuity, Lat. lngen-ium. Jrjcii)e inf. id. v.a. /?a#, — inf. Matt. ^ ^ xviii. 25. requite, restore. J oca, g. id. s.m. «W embalming, Gen. 1. 2. see Jce. JocA]8e, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a payer, a tenant, a farmer. fv /*kJoób,-be, s.m. a sacrificer. Jotja, g. id. pi. -aÓa, s.m. the yew tree, the eighth letter of the modern Irish Alphabet. jogAjle, g. id. s.m. the lowest ori- fice of the stomach. Jo5Ái?,-*vín, pl- id. s. m. a bird's craw. Jol, a compositive prefix, signi- fy iiffg, variety, many, from the obs. verb jol, change* chequer, see J I. JolAti,-A]ji, pi. id. s.m. an eagle, Deut. xxxii. 11. — Rev. xii. 14. — Prov. xxx. 17. Luke xvii. 37. JolA|t5fiéA3Ac, a^Vr eagle, Lev. xi. 18. jolAjt C|orocjol- Iac, id. Deut. xiv. 17. JolbeuftU, g. id. pi. -Iaió, s. m. a different language, see beujalA. JolbvA6AÓ,-A|5e, adj. victorious, triumphant. JolÓArACj-Aige, adj. many co- \J(2 loured, of divers colours, Gen. xxxvii. 23. Judges v. 30. see Oac. JolgAftbAtv^iri pi. id. s.m. a great rejoicing, festivity. R. 8. (Ji- ll 2. Is H.S ts IM ; J 20 207 J 20 ]ol5ft e, adj. opulent, rich. \i*U^ joti}, an intens. prefix, signifying many, see ]otn, v. a. multiply, see Ex. vii. 3. Ka & \ i$, Jori)^i3,-3e, pi. id. s. i.anjmag^, ^ Ex. xx. 4. Lev. xxvi. I. 1 Cor. xi. 7. — Col. iii. 10. — Gen. xxxi. 19. Ex. xxiii. 24. a statue, Lat Imag-o. L lotion, inf. id. v. a. toss, throw, {0 JrurL Cjorn&iD, id. %^- }ort)<\|tte, g. id. pi. -pi5 e > s. m. a ^.tV ridge, — pi. Ps. lxv. 10. & cxxix. 3. a furrow, a wrinkle, Heb. Amir. JortMicbeAjt, see )otrj^-\ib]o\\. Vq ]onjA]cb|0[i,-bjji, pi. id. &, -be<\ftA, s. m. a rebuke, Prov. xiii. 8. — Hos. v. 9.— Ps, lxxvi. 6. ]oxx)b\iX)\o\i&c,-&]TA, g. id. s. m. anger. 1*." J 2*3 208 J ON *) }ort)6A ? ind. adj. many, Matt. vii. 22. 1 Cor. i. 26. much. Jon)bftYjb,-bfiub, &, -bfttqbjon, v. a. enclose, surround, besiege. }on)b!Wi&eó|ft ? -ótte ? s. m. . a besieger, an encloser. Jomóv]5,-5e,-5eACA, s.f. a couch, Ps. vi. 6. JomgAb^lj-ivU, s.f. an erring or straying, a shunning. /6^ jott)5Áoc r 5|t&ó, v. a. publish, di- vulge, report. jori)ri\t^u^[ luk^ JooACAft,-Afft, pi. id. s.m. the in- wards, Lev. iv. 8. — pi. Lev, iii. 9. entrails, the bowels. )oooYAfoce, ind. p.p.^ to be dug or reaped. 4, JoooYfb, g. id. s. f. the time of a *h woman s bearing or delivery, Job. iii. 16. — Luke ii. 6. also, any space of time. D. Mac F. Jor}colr)Y5 -yr marvel, a jvonder , Matt, xxvii. 14. — Luke xx. 26. see Acts iii. 11. Joo5l*n,-5lA|oe, adj. unclean; Fr. 10, neg. &, 3U0. JoT)5t)AÓ,-3oui6, &, -5A0CA, pi. hi °L*p\ -5AOCA, s.m. a wonder, aston- faU_ * ishment, a marvel, Deut. xiii. I** 2. Matt. xiii. 54. 2 Cor. xi. 14.— 2 Chron. xxxii. 31.— Ex. xi. 10, & xxxiv. 10. Joo50*lb, inf. 10050*6, v.n. won- der at. ] 005ft Aib,-6e, adj. worthy to be loved, dearly-loved. JooUrbA, part adj. inflammable. JooroAfcce, ind. part. adj. par- donable, fr. foo, &, roAfc. JoorbAf, see Jofjrbur. JoomolcA, ind. p.p. good, laudable, 1 Cor. v. 6. fr. yo\), &, tijoIca. joorbuccA, ind. p.p. quenchable. fr. foo, & 3 mttccA. JoomufO, comp. fooróufoe, &, aota, adj. beloved, dear^ loved, Deut. xxi. 15. Rom. xvi 5. Deut. xxi. 16. Luke vii. 42. kind, courteous. Q uataiI loorbufo, 00 fto loorbufo, dear or very dear Sir. JoorimioeAc,-oi5e, adj. lovely, de- sirable, amiable. Joi)Ab, cpd. pers. pron. (fr. aí), &, cu,) in thee. Matt. xxvi. 33. m. ] N 210 j OS U-i JoóAb,g.TO^u^,pl.id. s.m . ,a place , a seat, Deut. xii. 11 — -MattTn. 9. — Luke xx. 46. fr. -jot}, &, ajc. TeAft lorm^i), a deputy, a lieutenant. Joi?AbAcb,-bA, s. f. a residence, " Joi)AbAcb aca^o, a residence for some time" D. MacF. JopA]b, v cpd. pers.pren. (fr?Ai),&, lb,) in you, Matt. x. 2Jk bather. Jotjat), adj. no comp. equal, same, Jike. 1 lit 4£ 'if A. 4 'fjlA^gce, ina. p.p Jo^lAi5ce6j|i,-6ft 2-g ' ]oi)fiAióce 7 ind. part. adj. proper or fit to be said. yf fól ^ )oó|tu|c,-ce, adj. righteous, faith- kV JM, Job xxii. 3. Matt. xxv. 23. ^ Rev. xvii. 14. honest, just, ' ^ /> chaste. K/^4 2 r^1oi)|tu]c 3 g. id. pi. id. s.m. a ^sí ;wara, a righteous man, Job xxvii. 17. — Prov. xxiii. 24. Jor;re 1 a cpd. » i «2. prép. zi/Tfo , Acts xxv. 12. JorjcA, cpd. pers. pron. (fr. <\i), &, fAb,) m them, Matt. iv. 24. JoócAojbj-cAOjbe, s.f. trust, Job/C3" xv. 15. confidence. )ox)zo]T t ,-zo-5, v - a * return, Numb, x. 36. }o\)zy AOftuiJce, ind part. adj. fit to be worked, arable. JopiiACA]|t,-c]tA, adj. marriage- able. Us lyr^ jopujl, inf. iorfUb, &, joóUc, v.a. wash, 2 Sam. xii. 20. John ' lx. 7.— Matt. xv. 20. John xiii. 5. Kl-fcl )o\)\x\, conj. so that. Passim. Joi)poroA, ind. part. adj. mar- riageable. Jot>pAi6,-|tA6, v.a. celebrate, say properly. D. MacF. jor)fiA]6ce, ind. p.p. proper to be said, fit to be celebrated. ]ot>rrt><*cbui5ce, ind. part. adj. corrigible. Joi)fo|lri5ce, part. adj. revealable, accountable. Joi)rcfutirt)ei)c,-ce, s.f. an instru- ment, C.P. Barb. Joocujjre, ind. adj. very clear ',f£f* self-evident, O'G. Jot)cu]5ce, ind. p.p. comprehen - \/£ sjble, that may be understood. 4^hU JojibuU, Lev. viii. 25. see G^ib^U. * Jop5uil,-le,-lf, s.f. strife, a fray, a tumult, a broil, a contention. ' Jo|t5ujleAc,-li5e, adj. quarrel- some, contentious. f(a>\* iAZr^, JofapAjr,-re, s. f. the dropsy, Jojtópujr, id. Luke xiv. 2. ]0SU, g.id. s.m. JESUS, Matt. i. 21 Matt. i. 1. is J 211 J Ul • joj-bAffvbvMitc, v.a. abuse, M'N. Jofc<\]&,-^ibe 3 -AbA, s.f. a Aa/ra, a hough, — pi. Jos. xi. 6 & 9. Gr. /tf%-c£. Jof&AÓ, g. \QX*>b, pi. id. s. m. «?2 apartment, a place, a habitation, Heb. ix. 2. Rev. xvi. 7. also, jorba, g. id. literal^, a dining- room, fr. the root J or, eat, dine. jof*óA]*,-A]f 7 pi. id. s.m. an enter- _ tainm ent, a lodgi7ig. k\$Jfj Joj*6|p,-pe, sJThyssop, tev. xiv. 4. — Ex. xii. 22. see John xix. 29. }6c&. g. id. s.m. a /of, Matt. v. 18. i%3ozo>, g. íocan, s. f. thirst * — g. ^ 1 Cor. iv. 11. see dat. casein ^ 2 Cor. xi. 27. JocrbA|t,-A](iej adj. thirsty, 2 Sam. xvii. 29. fr. {oca, &, tr;6|t. JpiAl, g. ^|A|le, pi. id. s.f. an an- swer, a reply, " Wjoji cr]\i ré 1\i]*l ojtm, he did not even re- ply to me.' 1 ]fiireAc,-ri5e, adj. pious. D. MacF. Jm> g* im e > pi- imi> s - f -. a skirt > 3 8am. xv. 27. & xxiv. 4. aw end, a conclusion. ) r , a defect, assertive verb, it is, Matt. i. 18. perf. t)*£or, bvó ; fut bvr; subj. pres. Ub; subj. perf. TD-b publicly and privately, 1 ' see John vii. 10. Jriori3pl&]ft,-&{tA J -&|jie, s.f. a sign, 4^i example ; Num. xxvi. 10. Matt. i. 19. see CArYrrjpl&jft, &, einonjpUiTt. |rte^n,-^m, pi. id. s.m. a £#//é>y. Ml& inf - ír l ! v 5* 6 > v. a. cast N^^- down, abuse ; Ps. lvi. 7. — // « í 1 Cor. ix. 18. humble, abase, ^^^ lower . ** Ml5 ée "> ma *. PP- humbled, loiv- ered, abased. Ml v ££*V13 ée » s. m. humiliation, abamonent. Jc, inf.Jce, v.a. eat> Gen. iii. 6. /^i j£- Lukff xii. 19— Gen. xxxi. 54. Matt. xii. 4. gnaw, devour, consume. Gr. "eó-siv, to eat. Jce, g- id. s.f. an eating, Amos vii. 2. — 1 Cor. x. 7. jceAlAC&,-bA, s.f. a flying. Jqol- Acb, id. )zeó^,-d]^e,-ó^, s.f. a feather, a wing. Jce, id. ]qoiD]i^6 r ^i6, pi. id. s.m. « mw- ^r^% muring, a backbiting, a speak- " J ing agaiiisf; Num. xiv. 27. 2 Cor. xii. 20.— Rom. i. 30. 1 Pet. ii. 12. fr. ]i, &,]t&ió. J cj on? |t&p } -p&6, v. a. grudge, — inf. Ps. lix. 15. backbite, murmur, speak against. Jqornft&ibceAívcfT^, adj. back- biting, blaspheming ; Prov. xxv. 23. 2 Tim. iii. 2. Jci]a,-|ie, s.f. arable ground, soil, ground producing corn, fr. the obs. s. ]i, corn, &, cfri. Jcte, ind, p.p. eaten, consumed. JvbA|t,-<\iri, pi. id. s.m. a yew tree, JYTjAjt, &, Jvca(i, id. Jvbile, g. id. s.m. a, jubilee, Num. xxxvi. 4. — Lev. xxv. 40. ]vc.di|i,-jie, s.f. spawn, the roe of fish. jYCAiTteÓ5,-ói5e,-Ó5<\, s.f. the pea of fish, also, « spawner. JvbA]óe, g^. pi. id. s.m. & f . a l^^L. Jew, a Jewess, Acts xviii. 2. \jl ~& if > id. see Esth. 11. 5 & m. 4. £^2]^ Jvl, g. ]v|l, s. m. /«fy. ^-r^ pp-^^w^ J*Cl y^~ )r\, g. fv^l, pi. id. s.m. a mari ' compass, k nowledge* guide 212 UD mariner s ance, a mark, direction, course. ]vlcAi|\c,-ce,&, -ceAC,pl.-ceACA, s.f. « mariners chart. ]vlrT)Ajvev5, <^e Epiphany" L&bAC,-Ai5e, adj. abounding in mire, dirty, fr. LA]b, q.v. Itl I ^ L&bAiji, inf. Ub^ftc, v. a. speak , / v i * Ex. xi. 2.— Gen. xvin. 27. 1 Thess. i. 8. perhaps fr. the obs. tab, a lip, Lat. Lab-ium. \) f& ^aga^ic, g. UbA}tc|tAc r A|l. L<\5-bfiígeAc,-5i8e, adj. weak, discouraged, Dunl. fr. LA5, &, 1>PÍ5- LA5-c]toj6e-eAftbcAcb,-b "^- l&r3*&, v « a - smite, strike, overwhelm. t g. id. pi. -c0e, s. m. a Aeart/ stupid fellow. Z-<\]crieAÓ,-[ii5e,-]ie<\cA, s. f. ! the ruins of a building. L&n), g. l&^rbe, pi. lama, s. f. a hand, Gen. xlviii. 14. Matt. v. 30.— Deut. viii. 17. Matt. xii. 49. — Numb. viii. 10. Luke xx. 19. an arm, a handle, com. the old Gr. verb ha£-a, / take. L&rb,-rbA6,'v.a. dare, Acts v. 13. presume, C.P. take in hand, handle, feel. Li\rt)^]^,-^^b, id. 2_&tTHt|5ce, ind. p. p. seized, handled, also, shot. L&n, comp. l&ioe, adj. fall, Gen. xxv. 8. complete, satisfied. Lan, g. l&it), pi. id. &, Iaoca, s.m. ///A, ind. adj. flaming, Ps. cv. 32. 2 Thess. i. 8. Z~Af&,-&A, pl. id. s.m. a lading, Acts xxi. 3. a ballast. J-Arb, inf. Ur&Ab, v. a. lade, load, ballast. i-Ar5,-5<\t>, v.a. whip, lash. j£. ^Ar5u^ne, see LASpijne. KtJ, \<^X^~ I &% mi r ie^ 216 ten kj j 5^T ^ívcAiti, s.f. presence, 1 >-~V ^r°3rói5 e >- 5 A > s - f - a smal1 VJ5 flame or blaze, a short Jit of passion* Latca, ind. p\p. burned, lighted, Lev. xiii. 28. / leapACA, s.f. ajbed, Lev. ' CC xv. 4 —Am. iii. 12. Mark ii. 12.— 2 Sam. xvh\ 28. . t x, LeApA, id. vlfc. civ\x - tl4Ej»^f *^ % LeAb<\|a,-Aifi, pi. Id. s.m. a book, •*aj2~-^ 2 Kings xxii. 8. — 2 Kings £4^ xxii. 11, Heb. x. 7. — Acts xix. 19. a couch, com. Lat. Liber. Fr. Livré. LeAbAji&tv&lfl) pi. id. s. m. a little book, Rev. x. 2. & 8. LeAbAfi ujitfAige, s.m. a prayer book, C.P. LeAbÓ3,-5j3e,-Ó5<\, s.f. a piece, a fragment, a tatter. LeAbu]b,-be, pi. id. s.f. a bed, 2 Kings iv. 10. Heb. xiii. 4. Leapitjó, id. yi(\^V Le*c, g. le^ce, pi. leacA, s.f. « L Icier ti^ a stone > Ezek. iv. 1. — ^J Matt, xxvii. 60. ajag or jto *i£2f» rt tombstone. Leaca, g. leAcan, pi. lejcne, &, le<\cA]r)eAcA, pi. id. s.m. id. Le&c-o]bne, s.f. ice, a flake of ice, Ps. cxlvii. 17. see Le*c. LeAccA, ind. p.p. flat, flattened, Lev. xxi. 18. flagged. 3-eA&A||t,-ftc, v.a. tear, rend, man- it l '%) gle. Oss. l£*Y3[t lforb<\, --at 1 ) Morba, s.m. ^ burdock, Arctium lappa. í-e<\bA]taó, g. id. &, -bAjicA, s.m. destruction, Ezek. ix. 1. ,-bA, s.m. a little child, Matt, xviii. 4.— pi. Matt, xviii. 3. a fa- vourite or spoiled child. Leanbtqóe, ind. adj. childish, 1 Cor. xiii. 11. innocent. Le a oblige Acb,-ba, s.f. childhood, Eccl. xi. 10. LeAori}Ajn,-rbAbA, s.f. a follow- \\f^ trig, — g. 1 Cor. xi. 1. Eph. v. 1. LeAnrbu!)CAc,-tui5,-cuf5e, s.m. a follower. C.P. LeAi},-t)A,-rjcA, s. m. see L^oi)- lC]) e, s. m. a brewer, fr. leAi). Leap, g. l]|t, s.m. i/ze m*, the /'C/ surface of the sea, also, weecJ, necessity, want, see Judg. xix. 17. L^Afi, comp. lejfie, adj. clear, evident, plain, conspicuous.' Léaji, ind. adj. used only adver- bially, much, a great deal, " Ud rAoj^l 50 leafi, the whole world ^ see Lé]\i. LéAn^v\ic,-^Aicf|n, v.a. discern, — inf. 1 Kings iii. 1I T LeAtt^, g- le^|X3 ? s.m. a plain, also, a beaten road or path- way. LéA|tloir3,-lop5AÓ, v a. consume, Job i. 16. LéAprs&iV&lA, pi. id. s. f. a map. LeACA 5 Le / ^ a half 1 Kings iii. 15. Neh.^'i iii. 9. a moiety, a part, a_ pde. LeAc Arcjj, inside ; Q lejc, to the charge of, Dent, xxi. 8. ?V||t le^c, apart ; Ya le^c, severally; LeAC fie, beside. In compound words, Le<\c, sometimes answers to the English termination, ward, as, Le<\t ftAfi, westward, Deut. iii. 27. LeAC ceAr, southward, Ex, xxvi. 18. LeAc cuajó, northward, Ex. xl. 22. LeAC fojjt, eastward, 2 Kings xiii. 17. It sometimes signifies, one, as, ^fi leAc- glútt, orc £/*e one knee, Dunl. LeAÚ-fú|l, one-eye, Dunl. LeACAc-bu|8e,-AT5e-bu]t>e, s. f. common lady's mantle, Alche- milla vulgaris, also, the weed, commonly called, sea ribband. i-e<\.CAbAc,-Ai5e,adj. large, wide, extended, C.P. LeAcan, comp. le^cne, adj. broad, Neh. iii. 8. Job xi. 9. ^ LeACAnac,-<\i5,-^15 e ? s « m - a page of a book. Dunl. LeACAjt,-cA|]i,-c|te, pi. -bf, &, -&e,-7;ce, pi. id. s.m. a read- ing, — g. Acts xiii. 15. a pe- rusal. í-éi36Ar),-5ir), pi. id. s. m. a let- ting, a setting, a permitting. Lé^eAOCA, did}, proficient, learn- ed. LéigeAfj-gjr, pl« id. s.m. a cure, /{.!■ a healing, Jer. xxxiii. 6. Luke xiii. 32.— Luke vi. 17. Acts iv. 30. a. salve or medicine, /{J/i^ Léiáior, id. ^ ' 9 Lé|5eAi*AC,-Ai5e, adj. healing, sanative, medicinal. LéjgeAr W5 é v - a - heal* cure, Ps. vi. 2. & lx. 2. Xuke iv. 23. — Luke ix. 1. Lé]^te6]\i,-6\iA,-ó-\\i]6e, s. m. a reader. iLé|5ce6||teosCb,-&A, s.f. a reading, 2 Cor iii. 14. 1 Tim. iv. 13. f4 ?r '<*F7~ ie j 220 ie j u \u\ Létm, inf* id. &, l^immj, v. n. leap, Acts xiv. 10. — Gen. xxxi. 10. 2 Sam. vi. 16. Acts iii. 8. LeirDtJeAc, is also a vernac. inf. of this verb. Léiti},-ít)e 5 -tT)e<\i) ac U- excusing, pfone to excuse, excusatory. Leo, cpd. pers. pron. pi. (fr. le, &, !*&,) with them, Matt. v. 10. ^ Leowswon),-»)*, pi. id. &, -ri)A|t- vo ca, s. m. retribution, satisfac- tion* : Leoti?Ai)j-Air), pl- W« s - m - « ^'o»5 Gen. xlix. 9. Rev. v. 5. — Gen. xlix. 9. Rev. xiii. 2,— 1 Kings vii. 29. Gr. A\m, Lat. Leo, Leon, id. Gen. xlix, 9. see large Edn. 1827. LeorbADCA, ind. adj. lion-like, 2 Sam. xxiii. 20. 1 Chron. xi. 22. LeopcA, id. see 2 Sam. xxiii. 20. large Edn. 1827. /^/Leot), inf. leóoAÓ, v. a. sprain, £ wound, afflict K/ *^> l^uflLeóoAó, g. leótjcA, pl. id. s. m. a if s prainin g, a jwound . Irz. LeopcA, ind. p. p. sprained, \\4\tgr wounded, afflicted. )L\ ^h %~ Leóft, see Loft. LérlarscA, g. id. s. m. a clyster, fr. obs. s. le^r, a bladder, &, l g- leAgA, jpUd^s.m. aphy- K"b% s ician, Jer. vin. 22. Col. iv. 14.— Luke v. 31.— Gen. 1. 2. L^ac, comp. lé]ce, adj. grey, mouldy, hoary, Gen. xliv. 29. Jos. ix. 5. Job. xxxviii. 29. — Deut. xxxii. 25. L^ac, inf. Ijacaó, v. a. & n. make grey, grow grey. L^acaó, g. IjAjcce, s.m. a growing grey or mouldy, a making grey or mouldy, a grey tinge. L}Ac&tJ,-Á|n, pl« ^. s.m. common marigold, Chrysanthemum se- getum. L^cbÁOj-bAirje? adj. pale. L]Acbv|6e, ind. adj. tawny. LiAC50|iri),-5V]fiti)e, adj. azure, cerulean, pale blue. L^rlvr,-lv|r, &, lorA, s.m. mug- wort, Artemisia vulgaris. L]Acó3,-6|5e,-05g« ^Í5 e ? pi» MS^ e J s -f- a colour, a complexion or air of the face. " O'iornpAigeAbAjt a lygce aí), the colours of his counte- nance were changed? L^5, inf. l^Tje, v. a. lick, 1 Kings xviii. 38. lap, Judg. vii. 6. L^ge, g. id. s.f. a licking, a lap- ping. ^15 e ? g- id. s. f. a tomb, a monu- ment, a grave. D. MacF. Ligie, ind. p.p. licked, lambent. *-15 ce 5 g- id- s - ra - gruel, stirabout. L]5ceACAT),-Ái!), pi. id. s. m. a stirabout stick. Ljle, g. id. pi. Ijl^oe, s. f. a lily, Cant. ii. 1. — 1 Kings vii. 19. — Luke xii. 27. Lat. Lili-um. U /2- M^jJ-LM- s * m - fl ax -> linen, Ex. ,v l ^ ix. 31.— Lev. vi. llTTós. ii. 6. Lat. Lin-um. Gr. Aív-ov. see Lfon. VMfle, g. id.pl. Ifncjge, s.f. « foW, A Is. xxviii. 10. *T " Mnev&AÓj-A^-^Mge, s » m « fo'we» clothes, linen cloth, Ex. xxv. 4. Matt, xxvii. 59. Luke xxiv. 12. — Mark xiv. 52. John xx. 7. /£>'-3- 1^3» inf - l l25eAb> v - a - & n - A • press, leajpjL 1 Sam. xv. ly. \0\h* Luke v.TT— -Ps. xxix. §. fling, i' " ^L^eAÓ, g. Imsice, s.m. a flying off, a leaping, a skipping, a b ounding* a flinging. ^\x)\^,-^e^,y^aeUneate, draw, design. Ljr)15ceÓT|i,-ó|aA,-6iítióe, s. m. a delineator, a designer. Lji), cpd. pers. pron. (fr. le, &, jij ? ) with or £o ws, Matt. xii. 38. * /HOÓ/L U PL b*^ "rfrtl A/^- iM' L]5, g. Ij^e, pi. l|i)cí, &, l|óceACA, ^Y s. f. a pool, a pond, a lak e, a ^ strait, the entrance to a gulph. Lji), g. l^e, pi. l|pci, s. f. a time , (4j\ Luke i. 5. an age, a period, a generation, a race, an off- spring. ^r)ceAc,-ci5, s. m. ponds, a col- lection of ponds, Is. xix. 10. LioriAÓAfic,-ftAÓj g. lít>, pTTidTsTnT « portion, a number, <árate, Ex. xvi. 4. Mark v. 16. \> §* Ij^jS.m. Ex. ix. 31. large 7 see Lfo. M°9> g-iífí; pi- UotfCA, s.m. ft ^m, a net, Is. viii. 14 Matt. iv. 18. — Eccl. vii. 26. Is. xix. 8. l-jot), inf. Ijomó, v. a. fill, Gen. xliv. 1. — Gen. xlii. 25. satiate. com. Gr. A/ai/, much. tfor^b, g. Ijonz:*, pi. id. s. m. a filling, a fulness, a replenishing. jXjXjox)ú)&]i,-ú)&\y.e, adj. qbundqrit, Rom. xv. 29.— 2 Cor. vii. 15. & xi. 23. plentiful, numerous . íonrt?v|^e, g. id. s. f. a plenty, Gen. xli. 31. an abundance. Í- forwYj fie a cb,-b a, s. f. fulness, plenteousness, Rom. xi. 12. — Prov. xxi. 5. Matt, xxvii. 13. abundanc e,. l.]ox) t)& m-b<\n l*l$ e > fairy-flax, purging-flax, Linum cathar- . ticum. f |(p Xjoi), g. le ad, the humours of the body. ^10T;5ívt),-ív]i), s.m. a tract of un- cultivated land ; also, the name of a, village in the County Mayo. L]oi3&vb,-&v]b, pi. id. s.m. melan- choly, gloomy fits, hypochon- dria. Learjbrb, id. ^1oi)|iY0vD,-[tv^\it>,-^]ib, pi. id. s. m. a leo- pard, Is. xi. 6. — pi. Hab. i. 8. Barb. ^foj*, g. leArA, pi. id. s. f. a fort, a house, a habitation. r- MofbA, adj. slow, lingering, te-K3~^r dious . Mor&Ac&,-bA, s 'f- importunity, -f* — g. Luke xi. 8. tediousness. ^orc&}l,-4vlA, s. f. an enlisting, Barb. •LfocyCAO, v. n. be dismayed, see 2 Chron. xx. 17. — Jer. viii. 9. 'L-\ozz&]t),~&'\x)e, s. f. the Litany, L]ob&n,-&jr), s.m. id. Lfoc|t6]&,-be, pi. -bf, &, -beACA, /^/ J^- s. f. a rolling thing, a ball, Is. W xvii. 13. see LeAqi6|b. tj|*r)e, g. id. pi. -rvjóe, s.m. or f. a handful of flax, vera. Sljrne. L]cjort)Ai|te, g. id. pi. -]t]6e, s. m. or f. a dissembler, a cajoler. LjqofibA, ind. adj. literal, also, literary. L|cifi, g. IjCfie, &, liqieAc, pi. /c/ %7 l|CfteACA, s.f. a letter * 2 Cor. vii. 8.— Ezra iv. 7. & 11.— 2 Chron. xxx. 1. Lat. Liter-a. L]z\ie4c,-\i-\$e, adj. epistolary. L^vbAib, g. id. pi. -b<\]6e, s.m. a sluggard, vera. Lvb, g. Ivjb, % s.m. id. útrD^I-oV: ^i v 3> g- lv i5 e ? pi- \ d - s - m - a cr y-> a shout. i-jYri), id. L^vj, inf. id. v. n. cry out, shout. i^v5A1|ie, g. id. pi. -]t]&e, s.m. or f. a cajoler, fr. obs. s. ^iytj, ft sneaking look or gait, & peA]t. i-1v5Ajjie<\cb,-bA, s.f. cajolery. .. Ljvgvjlj-^vl, v. a. lament, bewail, \Jj\ JjL^ J see John xi. 35. 7— ] LjYji,-fiAt>, v. 2.. flog, beat. j --■ L 224 10Í adj. puckered, L r r tie a c,-ni5e shriveled. ~~*. Lob, inf. lobAp, v.a. & n. rot, Joel, i. 17.— Num. v. 21." Lobe, -bcAÓ,id. become putrid, putrify. rf,2^L Looa6, g. Iooca, s. m. rottenness, Prov. xii. 4. a festering , putre factio n. Z_ob^&vf*,-v]|', s.ra. rottenness, pu- trefaction. LóbAji, g. lobAiri, pi. id. s.m. a leper, Matt. viii. 2. — Lev. xiv. 2. Matt. xxvi. 6.— Matt. xi. 5. fr. lob, &, peAfi. LóbjtAÓ, Matt. viii. 3. see LúbjiA. LóbcA, ind. p.p, corrupted, Jas. v. 2. rotten, putrid. Loc, g. loc a, pi. id. s.m. a lake, a pool, Luke v. 1. John v. 2. Lat. Lac-us. jt- Loc, inf. Iocaó, v.a. hinder, re- i^ 6 ' 1 -' fuse, balk, stop. cLudum^ Lo~cÁt tt)ocaiti,-aiI níocAjjt^ s.m. brook lime, Veronica . becca- bunga. a J2 Lóc&n, g. Iócajt), s.m. chaff , Ps. i. 3 4. Is. xvii. 13. also7 sea- grass. "f^LocAi), g. locívjn, pi. id. s.m. a_ v %v pool, 1 Kings xxii. 38. 2 Sam. ~iv712. — Ps. lxxxiv. 6. a little pool, a puddle, dim. of Loc. Locati,-aiii, pi. id. s.m. a plane, dat pi. loc|t<\^b, Is. xliv. 13. LocAtirr)Ar),-Ain, pi. id. s.m. a pigmy, a dwarf rC% ! J^ *- oc& > g- Iocoa, pi. id. s. f. a fault, an accusation, Ex. v. 16.— 1 Pet. iii. 16— Gen. xli. 9. a crime, a flaw, a blemish. Loc&<\e,-, v. a. reprove, condemn,— mi. Eph. v. 11. Titus ii. 8. censure, blame, injure. % Loct)Ai5ce, * ind. p.p. censured, blamed, reproved, injured. r- Locb g* ^ u 13> a hollow, a pit, a pool, Gen. xxxii. 25. Jer. xli. 9. — Is. xxii. 9. & li. 1. a dyke of water. Lo5AT),-&ir), pi. id. s.m. a side or part of a country, also, a small pit or hole, the hollow- of the hand. L05ÓA, g. id. pi. log&AiÓe, s. m. an allowance or exemption, an indulgence. LogAbj-Ajb, pi. id. s.m. id. Dunl. Ló5rr)Ari,-Airie, adj. excellent, ^V famous, bright ± valuable. fr. the obs. s. 1 65, renoicrT. LogrbAfiACbj-bA, s. f. slatelines?, excellence, grandeur. Lo|l5eAC,-5i6e,-5^ACA, s. f. a milch cow, — pi. milk kine, i: LOJ 225 I 20 see I Sam. vi. 7. see taog- l^eAC. LoimfcioJb&iVívU, s.f. #«/■£ /w- verty, want, Lojrrje, g. id. s.f. see Lujnje. ^oi")r3N°r»-r c 4j pi. id. s - m - ruin, destruction, Lojfursfijor, inf. id. v.a. eradi- cate, ruin, ransack» A% ^op)5 eA rr31T% s * m * a navy^ , f~ 1 Kingsix. 27. Luir^ofvirj id. Lo^e^r AC,-A|5e, adj. abounding in ships. LoiT)3re<\c r ri3,-ri5 e > s. m. a l^ mariner. K. ^M-owsreóittj-óftA, pi. -5itt]3, &, -^ 6|rq6e, s. m. a s^jt? ?waw, a lV /rc/o*, — pi. 1 Kings ix. 27. O Ezek. xxvii. 8. ( § ^01D3n5r1u5* 6 > v * n * sail > set sail. Loin|b,-be,-b|, s.f. a churn dash. Lo|i)eArbuil,-rblAj adj. elegant, pleasant, neat, cheerful. Lo|r)eAriÓA, ind. adj. glistering, glorious, bright, 1 Chron. xxix. 2. Ps. lxxvi. 4. LojfjeAjibAcivbA, s.f. see Lojo- ]teATicA, ^ ' s. m. aw atonement, Numb. xv. 28.— Numb. xv. 28. a satisfaction^ * amends. foil Loircne<\c,-t>T5e, adj. burning, Lev. xiii. 23. fC3Jf 4 & l 1o]y^, inf. Iot*3a6, v. a. burn , V* Ezek. v. 4.— Ex. xxx. 20. J Luke i. 9. 2 G 2r laiYcy) \^er Loif5o^fnd. p. p. Gen. xxii. 6. Ex. x. 25. see Loir^ce. Lo|f5eAC,-3i3e, adj. burning, Is. ^ lxv. 5. Cjog lojfseAÓ, Kaving ~* the breast seared, hence an * ^""-&~ Amazon. K. 7 ^oir3lof),-ld,-1o^A, s. m. a /roy, —pi. Ex. viii. 4 & 6. Lojfsiteívnj-íviT), s.m. con? Jwrwi o^ the ear instead of being threshed. Uri&r; loifsfie&irj, bread made of oatmeal, the oats of which had been singed. Lo|r3 ée ? "rá- P* P- burnt, Jer. li. 25. scorched, parched* Ldjrqn, g. id. pi. -cfne, s.m. a lodging, a tabernacle, a tent, Gen. xxiv. 23. — Gen. xxiv. 25. Numb. iii. 7 Deut. xi. 6. LójT-bfOj id. L5|rxir)eAC,-ni5,-r;i3e, s. m. a lodger. n lofc, inf. Joe, v. a. wound * 2 (C% - Sam. xxii. 39. — 1 Cor. viii. 12. hurt. Lo|c, g. lo|ce, pi. Ioca &, lojc- eApA, s. f. a plague, Lev. xiii. 3. — Lev. xiv. 54. a wound, an ulcer. Loiqsce, ind. p. p. wounded, hurt. Lorn, comp. luirne, adj. shaven, bare, 1 Cor. xi. 6. & xv. 3Í . tort?,' -*nf. lorrjAb, v. a. shear, — inf. Gen. xxxi. 19. lay bare, plunder. LorrjAÓ, g. lorrjcA, s.m. baldness, Deut. xiv. 1. nakedness, a shearing, a stripping, a deso- lation. LorrjAÓ CAortAC, sheep shearing* LorpAbóiri,-óftA,-ó]rt|6e, s. m. a shearer, a plunderer. Z-oirjAiji, inf. loiTMjric, v.a. shear, fleece, strip. Lon)Ai|tc,-cly + a- Prvt/ VL^ k pope. L6rj, see Loo- LooftACj-A^Je, adj. glittering, bright, goodly, Deut. xxxii. 41. Job xxxvii; 21. James ii. 2. shining, burnished. Loi)p a6, g. id. &, -Ai6, pi. IoonA, s. f. volu- bility, particularly of speech. i-YAjmoeAcvn^e, adj. waving, Y. ranging, Lev. vii. 34. Prov. xxviii. 15. flying, volatile, rest- less, fickle, frisking, skipping, panting. Cjxoíóe W&jiwwe&c, a panting heart , Ps. xxxviii. 10. tc ^ín c-evi) lYA]n?oeAc, the flying bird." LYAjmrje Acb,-&A, s. f. volubility, restlessness, fickleness, a habit of frisking or skipping. LYA]n3t)|5,-niY5<\6, &, -neAcb, v. a. wave, Lev. viii. 27. move. LYAijrnnijce, ind. p. p. waved, moved, Lev. viii. 27. LYAioeACj-otje, adj, volatile, fickle, unsteady, changeable, flitting, always in motion, (as water.) « Í-vajc, g. Iyaca, s. f. ashes, Num.^3 ^_ xix. 9. — Ex. xxvii. 3. Lev. ^ * 16. Kl^ i-Imíx-t^ LYA]cbeApcAc,-A^5e, adj. hasty. the little finger . *- v a1ci3 3 -{Y3aS., v.n.LYA|ci3 ojic, LUU go to, Gen. xxxviii. 16. see LvAié|teAÓ,-jt^&, s. m. dust , ashes, Ex. ix. 9. Heb. ix. 13 —Job x. 9. Luke x. 11. LvAitjieA- ii)&r>,-&in, s.m. id. LvAic|teArbv]l,-rbU, adj. dusty, covered with ashes. LvAtDAifte, g. id. pi. -m&e, s.m. a navigator, a pilot, an astro- nomer. LvAmAitteAcb,-bA, s. f. activity, volubility of tongue. ^-vao, g* lv<\7rj, s. m. £Ae moon, Lat. Luna. O ja lvA]n, Monday. see OfA. LvAf, g. IvAjr, s. m. swiftness, " Le IvAf a cor, % A?s swift- ness Of foot,"" " Oa IVA]*, «5 swiftly as possible." Lva|*caó,-ca|8, &, -ccA, pi. id. s. m. a rocking, a moving, a swinging, Z-v a 1*3,-5 ad, v. a. rock, swing, jolt. LvA|»5AC,-A]5e, adj. moving, rock- ing. Lva]*5ívi),-^1^j pl« id. s.m. a swing, a cradle. LvAf5anAC,-Ai5e, adj. unsteady, rocking, swinging. LvAj*5AT)Acfc>,-bA, s. f. unsteadi- ness, the act of continued rock- ing or swinging. LYAf3Ár)AiÓe,g.id. pi. id. s.m. one who swings or rocks, a rower. Lya|*5Ca, ind. p.p. tossed, rocked. Lvac, comp. lvA]ce, adj. quick, speedy, swift, Deut. ix. 16. Ezra vi. 13. Job xxiv. 18. — John xx. 4. Eph. iv. 28. active, nim- ble. CAorjA, sooner, is used as an irregular comp. of Lyac, see Matt. i. 18. ótWfí* tt|%^ LvACAr,-A^r, s.m. speed, swiftness. l.Y^ic^r)zeAc y -z)^e, adj. talka- • tive, quick-spoken. 228 lUb LvAcJ'Aijie, g. iu. s. f. gladness, joy, Luke xxiii. 8. a shout oj triumph, Is. ix. 3. fr. Iyac, &, SAiite./i-^r^r/- /tt<\ $<*]><*, Lywvé5ÁifteAc,-ttiSe, adj. glad, joyful, Ps. v. 11. LvAtlÁrbACj-Afge, adj. dexterous, nimble-fingered, covetous. LvAclArt)Act>,-bA, s. f. dexterity, jugglery, legerdemain. LvAcrr)Ai|ieAch,-&A, s. f. activity, swiftness. LvAcrbAiij-A^e, adj. active, nim- ble, swift. LvAc|iArbÁo,-Átt>, s.m. dust, ashes. O'G. LvACY5A8,-Y]5ce, s. m. a hasten- ing, an accelerating. Lvacvj5,-v5a6, v.n. haste, 1 Sam. xx. 38. hurry, — v. a. accelerate. ^ Lvb, g. Ivjbe, pi. IvbA, s.f. a loop, * — pi. Ex7 xxvi. 4. & 5. a plait, ,/ a fold, a staple, also, craft, deceit. Lvb, inf. IvlpAó, v. a. bend, Ps. vii. 12. stoop, incline, turn, twist, warp. LvbAC,-Ai5e, WLu folding, bend- ing, crafty, o^mjiful, subtle. LúbAÓ, g. lúbA^c^^. m. a bend- ing, a winding, submission. Labette, g. id. pi. -pióe, s. m. a crafty fellow, a cringer. LúbÁo, g. lúbÁin, pi. id. s. m. a lamb, Ex. xxix. 39. Num. vii. 27. — Is. xi. 6. — Num. xxviii. 27. J-vAjAtt, id. The modern vernac. meaning of JLíibÁi), is, a fatted lamb or kid. LúbÁo,-A|T), pi. id. s. m. a bow, a little bend or loop, dim. of . " C&mvjb rcn|orcA A5 i)A Iycajo, «re are ruined by the mice." Lvc Lvcb, g. id. &, IvcbA, a coll. s. m. Jl^geople, folk, .Acts xvi. 15. 2 Tim. iii. 3. Lvcb, g. Ivcda, pi. id. s.m. a bur- den, a load, a freight, a cargo, ^^Lvc&rbA|t,-<\]ne, adj. full, loaded. *y Lvc&vjAoj-bYjgce, pi. id. s. m. a loading, a freighting. Lvóbvi5,-bv5 pl« id. s.m. a slovenly person. LYbAnAc,-A^e, adj. slovenly, sluggish, grovelling. LYbAUAcb,-bA, s. f. slovenliness, sluggishness. \% Lu^a, less, Matt. v. 19. comp. of be^s, q. v. K\\ LY5Abó5,-óf5e,-63A, s. f. the little finger. Lújbfi?, g. id. pi. -i)]óe, id. LY3<\bY3A6 r Yt5ce, pi. id. s. m. a diminishing, a lessening. l LY5AbYt7j,-Y5Ab, v. a. diminish, ftf/ -^f lessen. i iYjAbYigce, ind. p.p. lessened, di- minished. Z-Y5, pi. id. s.m. Judg. xvi. 9. see LvjgeACAn. LvíóeACAt),-A|0, pi. id. s. m. a Her in wait, — pi. Judg. xx- 38. LUJ 230 lUS Kl!^ *~ v '3, inf. luí5e,Y.n. lie, fall on , ^ Gen. xxxix. 7 2 Sam. xi. 11. Acts xx. 37. "Lujse AfceAc A] ft, encroach on" as a subst. «n encroachment* Dunl. LuíjeAcArjj-Air), pi. id. s.m. e, g. id. pi. -b]6e, s.m. a sluggard, a clown. Luirio, g. id. pi. -njóe, s.m. a /*7//e herb, dim of Lur. Lturtje, g. id. pi. -i)paca, s.f. a flame, a, blaze, a blush. Lurn;, R° m - i y * 12. see Long. s.f. a / scorpio?i grass, My- ta r ro ,oU, | oso1 í; sc ^p ioides -; Lur rDÓn, s.m. great white mul- len, Verbascum thapsus. hay rt)6\i bA-|DlOD, s.m. purple fox glove, ladys glove, see 2t)eAn- acad da rD-bAD H3 e ' Lur da iD-bneileÓ5, s. m. hear whortle berries, Uva ursi. Lur t)A ccDAtD, s.m. samphire, Crithmum maritimum. Lur da ccoatd bnjrce, s.m. cowz- wow comfrey, Symphylum offi- cinalis. Lur da ccdapad, s.m. #re#£ jtf s « m - kindness, meekness, 2 Cor. vi. 6. & x. 1. 2$AC&ori),-0|rt), pi. id. &, -orrjA,^ s.m. a child, Luke ii. 40. a young man* 2$<\c&ort) njn^, a fa young ladyT^^^^S^S 20d. s.m. « scholar, a student. 2D, £ urpnttryirurrt fC|T< ^AcnA^ój-AjJe, adj. wanton, j^? effeminate, 1 Tim. v. 11. see 1 Cor. vi. 9. sportive. 2tUcft, q.v. 20AbAt> juiaó, a 20a&ai?ca, ind. adj. coy, also, valiant, dexterous in the use of arms. 2t) T^ dUU^e, s.m. a dog, Ex. xi. 7. )v£2Pet. ii. 22 Deut. xxiii. 18. b Ps. xxii. 20.— Luke xvi. 21. Rev. xxii. 15. a mastiff '. KX'h 20AbftAb aIIca, s. m. a wolf, -—pi. Acts xx. 29. see Matt. vii. 15. for declension, see 2t)AbttA, pi. TDAÓrrjAtJA, s.m. or f. a defeat, a breach, Kif* ■ ÓrQ* *1 mál He 'til y 5 , ^y /W, i /t64^ 234 2D U J K'/ 6 a sally, ajlight; IrtjeAcc rxv r\)tibxx)&, á retreat from battle; 2t)<\]t>rt) rléjbe, a sudden erup- tion of waters out of a mountain. 2$<\15,-5e,-5eACA, s.f. aw affected attitude of the head, with a proud gait.^ 2tUi5&eAt?,-&]i)e,-&e,ivr)A, s. f. a damsel* a^JZMCfin, a maiden, Gen. xxivTTÍTMatt. i. 23. — Joel ij^S. — I Sam. ix. 11. PsJriv. 14. 2fl & > -bfteAc, pi. /£3 -bfieACA, s.f. a monastery. D. MacF. ~^ 2^A^eAcbr)A, g. id. pi. -Ape, s.m. oversight, Gen. xliii. 12. « delay, negligence, procras- tination, fr. obs. s. ruAjn, &, n)U, adj. early, fr. roAib^r), &, Atbu^l. 21}aií)]5HU5*ó, v.n. /\ V®% J 235 2Í)U J v. a. bewail, lament. 2^Aiíti)euUc 5 -Ui5, pi. id. &, -Ujge, s. m. « shipman, a sailor, a pilot, — pi. Acts xxvii. 27. Rev. xviii. 17. The pi. is spelled also -lujg. see Jonah i. 5. probably fr. n)\x]]\, the sea, &, i)eul 5 « star. 2# g. id. pi. -m &e J s - m - tt martyr, — g. Acts xxii. 20. Gr. Mágrug, « witness. 3* 2CAlticfiteAC,-iii3,-Ti15 e > s - m - tt — - - 1 Rev. see g, pi s. f. martyr- v. a. murder, martyr, xvii. 6. 2$Aiticjfie<\cb,-bA 5 maim, make a martyr of. S- 21) Aire, g. id s.f. grace, an adorn- U ing, Jas. i. 11. I Pet. iii. 3. .a. & 4. elegance, beauty, comeli- ' J ness. ~~~~~ "' ~"~ *t 2í)A]re<\c,-n5e, adj. delicate, I goodly, Deut. xxviii. 56. see J^~~Rev. xviii. 14. elegant, hand- Y some, beautiful, jjracef til. ' 2$AireAÓb,-bA, s. f. elegance, beauty, comeliness. l^2t),-bA, sHTliee 2t)Ai- reAcb. 2t)AireArbuil r rt)U. adj. see 2Daj- reAÓ. 2t)Airi3> inf. tT>Ain u 5*^> v - a - adorn, deck, beautify. 2C*irci0, g. id. pi. .„|g ej s# m . or f. a mastiff, also applied to a bold boy or girl. 2©AifC]|t,-cfie, s. f. «rme. ^ A ircr»13>-tft1«5A8, v.a. c#Mr«, 2^Airc|]t 5 »c[teAÓ, id. 2fl v - a « WW, Num. xxii. 6. Job. ii. 9. — Deut. xxiii. 4. Jas. iii. 9. swear. 2t)o>llY}"5eAciv&e, s. m. a curser, a maligner. 2t)Alóib,-be,-beACA, s. f. a whip, Prov. xxvi. 3. a scourge, a flail. 2DaIc<\, ind. adj. mild, gentle, modest, see S^ahca. %$&m, g. m/ ^_ 2tUn,-bA, s. f. a superin- tendance, regulation, the office or rank of a marshal. Uij^ 2$Afib, comp. TTjAijibe, adj. dead^ 1 l \\ Ex. xxi. 35. & 36. benumbed, torpid, spiritless, vapid, dull. ]*C\2z 2$Ajib, g. WAjftb, pi. id. s. m. a f , « v 7 deadpei^on, 1 Kings iii. 22. ^^^^^K—^Mm. xi. 5r kill^ Gen. xliii. 16. Num. xi. ~~~T57 Matt. ii. 16 Ex. ii. 14. & 15. 2t),x|tbAÓ>-bcA, s.m. a killing mur- der, slaughter ; ÍMum. xxxv. 15. — Luke xxiii. 25. Acts ix. I. 21)Ari)Y|l,-rT)U, adj. market- able, saleable. 2$Ajt5Ail,-AlA, pi. id. s.f. a buying, a bargaining. O'G. 2ÍU|t5'AlYió, g.id. pi. id. &, -lYjoe, s.m. a chapman, — pi. 2 Chron. ix. 14. a merchant, a bargain- maker, 2$a|iIa, g. id. s. m. marl, a kind of rich clay. 2t)A|irt)Yfi,-Yttt, pi. id. s.m. marble, fy — g. 1 Chron. xxix. 2. Cant. v. 15. Lat. M armor. 2t)AfltCAt)AC, See 2t)A|tCAt}AC. 2t)A|trAil,-AiA, pi. id. &, -aIaca, s. f. a marching of troops, a march. 2t)A, pi. Ifá ^n -ri)t)A, &,-rbt)Aibe, s. m. abear, t/iU 1 1 Sam. xvii. 34. — Rev. xm. "27 ' ' $ — pi. Is. lix. 11. fr. T17Á5, a plain, &, 5Ari)Yjr)j q. v. 2t)AtÓ5,-óf5e,-ó5A, s.f. a mattock, see 2 Chron. xxxiv. 6. 2í)Acfló5,-ói5,-ói5ce, s.m. a mul- titude, a congregation of peo- ple, perhaps fr. njAr, in the sense of strong, powerful, full, &, flog, an older form of rl v *3- 2Dé, pi. rti), pers. pron. /, Matt, ii. 15. &c, &c, com. Gr. accusat. //,s. 2^eAbAil,-blA, pi. id. si. subtlety, fálX- guile , Acts xiii. 10. 1 Peter ii. t l?!ulPs. cv. 2b.fraud,flattery. ^eAblACj-A^Je, a3J! deceitful, \C \ -jg treacherous, Ps. v. 6. see Jer. ' , ix. 2. 2í)eAblAc,-Ai5,-Ai5e, s.m. a ífe-^ésl-^ ceitful man. ^*^ 2^eAblY]5,-Y5AÓ, v. a. deceive, beguile, flatter. 2$eAb{iAc,-Ai5e, adj. merry, pleasant, cheerful. aaeu 240 ^e ft 2t)eACAiv*10> pi. itl- s. m. any tap-rooted plant, as, carrot, parsnip, &c. S^eACAi} bu^óe, s m. a carrot, Pastinaca tenuifolia sativa. 2í)eACA0 buibe An c-flejbe, s.m. mountain, or knot-rooted spurge, Tithymalus Hibernicus montanus. 2t)eAC<\r> boJA, s,m. great com- mon burdock, Lappa major. 2t)e<\cA]n, s.m. bugle, Ajuga. 21)eACAn eArA beanie, s. m. female piony. 2t)eAc<\n eAj-A f||t]t)e, s.m. male piony. *Ve |tA"ibf5, s.m. a radish, Rhaphanus hortensis. 2$eACAn 1113, s.m. common pars- nip, Pastinaca sativa. 2t)eACAi) ]t|j pjAÓAit), s.m. wild parsnip, Pastinaca sylvestris. 2t)eACAn rlejbe, s.m. great bas- tard black hellebore, Helli- borus niger fcetidus. s. m. great common bur- dock, burr, cLothburr, Bardana ma- jor, Arctium lappa. 2t)eACAt) u]\\e&\),s.m.elicampane, Helenium. 2DéAb, g. tnetb, pi. id. s. m. greatness , size, Col. ii. 1. see 2t)eACAn cobac, 2t)eACAT) CUA1), 2J)eAcar) cuaca*|1, great i Kz VI Ki ^DeAÓj g. tDCjÓe, pi. meAÓA, s.f. a balance, a measure, Pro v. xx. 23. Rev. vi. 5. — pi. Gen. xviii. 6. Ezek. v. 1. a scale for weighing. 2$éAbAifi,-b>e,-ÓfteACA, s.f. joy, mirth, jollity, the joyous mu- sic of the hounds when hunt- ing in full cry. 2t)eA&A|t, g. rnejbjie, pi. TneAbfiA, s.f. an Irish drinking cup of one piece, quadrangular, and hollowed with a chisel, also, a churn. 2*^65, g. roeit>3, &, trje^e, s.m. & f. whey, the thin serous part of milk separated from the curds. 2$e<\&5 Iao^, s. m. mid-day^K') 1 Kings xviii. 29. Actsf xxvi. 13. see 2t)eAÓoT), &, Lb. ^Oeaóoo ofbce, s.m. mid-night, Ex. xi. 4. Judg. xvi. 3. see 2$eAbon, &, Ofbce. 2t)eAb|iAC,-A^5e, adj. joyous, Is. xxiii. 7. glad, festive, pleasant, lively, fr. TDeAÓAift. 2t)éAbui3, inf. roéADu^AÓ, Judg. xix. 5. see Styeubujg. 2^eAbu]5,-u5<\b, v a. weigh, Gen. xxiii. 16. balance, the ver- nacular, inf. ÍS TUeAbACAT). Dunl. 280. 2t)eAÓu5Ab,-u|gce, pi. id. s.m. a balancing, Job xxxvii. 16. a weighing. 2t)eAbui5ceófji,-ófiA,-ófit]t>e, s.m. a craner, a weigher. 9tie*U, g. of HJjt, q.v. 2DeAlbucÁO,-Á|n, pi. id. s.m. a melon,— pi. Numb. xi. 5, Melo, Cucumis melo. #*■ we* 241 eu 2$eAll, g. rt^ll, pi. id. s. m. a | 2QeAi75AC',-A]5e, adj. crafty, de- \4^\1- ceitful , cunning. ^ 2$ eoo-zjai), -4v| 17, pi. id. s. m. see t)eAi)5&r). 2t)eAr)n?<*, g. r neA,t)tt)A]) ? pi. /^/ ^ rneAnrrjA, s.f. comfort, conso- tr J^/r 3 -*~ ■^jweisu, g. n)]u, pi. ia. s. m. a \ lump , a substance, a kno^jr^a , pi. id. s.m. a kid, Gen. xxxviii. 17. — Luke xv. 29 — Numb. vii. 87. 2!)eArjAn-Aebefft, s. m. a jack snipe. 3cur ^^\x), -tqr 3AH1&Í0, s.m.. spearmint, Mentha sativa. 2t)éAjt, see Styeuji. 2tyeAft, comp. rr^jte, adj. merry, glad, cheerful, joyous, spright- ly, valiant, 2^éA|tACÁn,-Á]t), pi. id. s. m. a thimble, fr. rpeuft, q. v. 2t)éAftACAi) r)<\ n)-b&x) nge, s - m « purple foxglove, lady's glove, Digitalis purpurea. This is the " Lur tr>óri b^njoo." 2tyéAfiAcb,-t>A, s. f. a fingering, a touching of a musical instrument with the fingers, fr. ti)eit|t. 2t)éAjt<\Ó,-Aió, pi. id. s. m. afflic- tion. Heb. Mara, to afflict. 2c e a. 242 ajeu /Ó /i A / * ? KOeApAjcoe, g. id. s.f. tf slight I acquaintance or knowledge. — >2)£ATibAl,-&il, pi. id. s. m. « '' mistake, error, random; " Ujicujt ri)eA|tbu^l 9 a random shot." 2t)eA|ió&r) inf. id. v. a. count, cotL- n -i ik —J2Í££"> t ax -> Gen. xv - 6. Ps. ///> '1 i x * 13. — Luke ii. 1. think , JSc*ukf&> ja^'9fi estimate * value, {esteem, weigh, calculate. fy^fa ^ ^V 2t)eA|% g. rue&rxA, s.m. opinion, knowledge, thought, estima- 4r^ s X. lion* Acts v. 13. Rom. xiii. 11. \^ 7\ 2 Cor. xi. 16.— Lev. xxvii. 27. L/ L+ respec t, conceit, reputation, a yVl /A measure. -3 A& ? v - a ' *»?#, mingle, f(£ stir. Lat. Misc-eo, &' Gr. M/tfy-w, 7" mú?. 2^eAf5A&,-Ai5ce, pi. id. s. m. ^/ a mixing, a stirring, a ming- ling. ~"~ 2$e, v. n. become faint or feeble, sink under cold or disease. 2í)éi&,-&e, s.f. quantity, number, Ex. xxxviii. 24. bigness, mag- nitude. Ui) rhe^i), inasmuch. 2í5é]6leACj-l]5e r leAGA, s. f. a bleating, 1 Sam. xv. 14. 2f)&j~ le<\c, id. see Judg. v. 16. com. Gr. pyX-ov, a sheep. 21)éiól|5,-Wc, v.n. bleat fas a sheep, J 2tyé^6l, &, Stjé^-Wc, id. Zfiéfflob,-]*), pi. id. s.m. a goafs chin and beard. 2$é|5toll,-lAc, v. n. bleat (as a goat.) 2t)éj5!obAi5,-bAÓ, id. 2tyei5iollfieACA, s.f. /0^y~ « harlot, an adult r ess, a whore, • , f „ í>^ii "Tos7~vT. 25. Rom. vii. 3. — Rev. / 1 xvii. 1. 2$ejfibfieAcur,-uir> s. m. whore- j^\£». dom, Ezek. xvi. 15. 2^ef]t3»"5e, s. f. rwsi, Matt. xvi. /^/-fe. 19.— Jas. v. 3. . /^ ^ e in5 e j g-id._pl._-sf, s - f - ttw e?? " tt) sign, ajtandard. 2^ej]t5eAc,-5]óe, "adj. rusty, fill of rust. %X)e]p]\l][ir),-iiiy, P'» id. s » m * a goss-hawk, a merlin. 2t)é1ftjn t)a rnAg, g. id. s. m. a#n- mony. Agrimonia Eupatria. 2t)ejfileAc,-l|5, pi. id. & -lise, s.m. athief, — pi. Luke xxiii. 33. a "^reUel, fr. t\e obs. s. rrjejfile, Thef>^K,')^r / ^ 2í)e|.|tleAcur,-u^, s.-m. theft, re- KZfj} \beilion, treason. / 2^é^ftct)eAc,-ni5e, adj. feeble^ Ps \Cl~'1y fÓLJf cv. 37. weak, fatigued, 2t)e]ftcoe% id 2De|t*5e6t|t,-6|iA r 6|tti8e, s. m. a drunkard ; Teaji rnejrse, id. 2Déiffr), g. id. pi. -m&e, s.f. a lit- tle dish, dim. of 2t)fAf, q.v. 2Deirt)ej g. mi, &, mforA, pi. ruf, 1 rnfofA, & miorArjA, s.f. a nionth, 1 Kings iv. 7. Hos. v. 7. Rev. xxii. 2. . — Gen. xxix. 14. Num. fxi. 20.— 1 Sam. vi. 1. Job. 39. 2. com. the old Lat. Mes-is. iEol. pug, the Dor. //,???, & Fr. ÍVIois, a month. 2DjAbÁn,-bAn), s. m. a megrim, vern. 2D]AjtAi},-Air), id. 2D]ac, g. rniA]5, pi. id. s. m. a measure. 2D|ArbAO]l,-le, s. f. a mewing (as a cat.) 2D]At>, g. roiAi)A, pL__id. s. m. \i, mind, destre^lusts, Matt. i. 19. Rom. xvi. 19 — pi. John viii. 44. wish, inclination, pleasure, delight. 2D]ATMc,-Ai5e, adj. desirous, wish- ful, longing, covetous, greedy. 2D]Ai}AC.-T)Ai5,-i)bfiY|o,-&e, s. f. brutal pas- sion, lust. 'WVomUtni^ k/*>4- 2DiAr>5vryvfr, pi. id. &, -yta, s.m. lust, concupiscence, Gal. v. 16. & 17. — Rom. vii. 8. a lotwing, a desire, pleasure. K/J *) /) 2Di405vrAC,-Ai5e, adj. plea sant, |^ Jer. xxiii. 10. desirous, covet- ous, lustful. 2DiAr)ri)Ap,-Aifie, adj. covetous greedy, lustful. Il\\ 2D) C 245 ?DJ L \AjtoWT, g. H7éire,pl. mfAfA, s. f. a £, cfes#, a mess, 2 Kings xxi. 13. — pi. Gen. xliii. 34. Ex. xxv. 29. a plate, a platter. 2J)jAr clvArAC, « porringer. 2^jbevf,-fA, pi. id.s.m. bad breed- ing or manners. 2$jbevrAC,-Ai5e, a,dj. ill-bred, un- genteel, immodest. 2^|céA&f a, g. id. pi. id. s.m. indig- nation, displeasure, Jer. x. 10. spelled, ^ícéA&fAt), 1 Sam. xxix. 7. &, 2DfcéA&fV|ó, Matt, xxvi. 8. 2t)jcérA, ind. adj. impudent, petulant. 9X)]cé}l\\6,-8e, foolish, 1 Cor. xv. 36. unwise, mad. 2t)jói<\ll, g. tvfcéjlle, s. f. mad- ness, 2 Pet. ii. 16. folly, im- pudence. 9X^}c]^\W]^e, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a simple person, Prov. xiv. 15. 9X)icir)e&\t)Y]W,-rr)X)<)i, pi. id. s. f. misfortune, mischance, mis- hap. 2$jcii)eArbYiijeAc r Ai5e, adj. un- fortunate. 2Uiqr)ce, ind. adj. uncertain, doubtful. 2#jciT}ceAcb,-bA, s.f. uncertainty, doubt. 2Dic|Yir)eAr,-t)irj s. m. disquiet, boisterousness. 2t)icl^v, g. id. s. m. dishonour, in- famy, disrepute. StycrjeArcA, ind. adj. dishonest, uncivil. 2^ícneAfCAc&,-bA, s.f. immodesty, dishonesty. 2$icfte|beAm,-b]rb, s. m. unbelief, Rom. xi. 20.— Matt. xiii. 58. 2DfC|te]brbeAC,-Ai5e, adj. faith- less, see Luke ix. 41. unbe- lieving. 2#fbeAtbAc r Ai5e, adj. unseemly, ill-formed. 2^íbeArbv]T),-rbt)A, pi. id. s.f. me- fy djtatio n. Dunl. 2$ I&1 005117 aIca, ind. adj. insuffi- cient, insecure. 2t5íb]orj5rbAlcAcb,-bA, s.f. tin-wor- thiness, insecurity. C. P. 2t)jólf5eArbv^-iT)lA, adj. unlaw- M. 2$;6l|fcjor)Ac,-Ai5e, adj. illegiti- )C mate. ^j 2$fb|ieAÓ,-CA, pi. id. s. m. defor- mity, an unseemly appearance. 2^|ó|ieACArbvjl,-Tt)lA, adj. deform- ed, disfigured. 2J3]£eAfiArblACb,-bA, s.f. unmanli- ness, effeminacy. ^lfreAtiArbv^lj-rblA, adj. unmanly, effeminate. 2í)}p|V5Ar)CAC,-Ai5e, adj. inhos- pitable, unworthy, illiberal. Dunl. 2#í£lY5AT)CAr,-Air, s. m. inhospi- tality, illiberality. 2í3í5eAtJ,-T)A, s. m. a dislike, dis- gust, displeasure, discontent, a grudge. ^Í3^ c r5Mce, adj. unwise, silly, inexperienced. 2t)f5liocvr,-Y|r, s.m. imprudence, silliness, folly. 2D?5t)|ori7,-roA, pi. id. &, -rbAfiCA, /C s.m. a misdeed, mischief 2^l5t)|ortJAc,-A"Í5e, adj. flagitious, wicked. 2$Í5fieAivtiir>, pi. id.s.m. a loath- ing, a disgust, disdain. 2t)jl, g. rt?eAU, s. f. honey, Mark i. 6. — Gen. xliii. 11. Luke . xxiv. 42. Lat. Mel, Gr. /mX-í. ' CjvfACAfi roeAlA, a honey- comb. 2D]lceo, g. id. &, -cj ac, s. m. mil- dew, Am. iv. 9. 2í)jle, g. id. pi. ti)jlce, s.m. ajjiim? j\\ sand, Num. xxxi. 5. — 1 Sam. T r <\ \ i 23 ) I 246 2D J N £2^- W & . i- #/ xvii. 18. — Deut. xxxiii. 17. Ps. cxix. 72. Lat. Mille. Style, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a mile, — g. Matt. v. 41. ^r 2tyleA&, g. tDtl^S, pi. ro^oe, s - m - a hero, a champion, a sol- die?', a Milesian, Lat. Miles, a soldier. Splits comp. iDillre, &, iDiUn, adj. sweet , Jas. iii. 11,— Judg. xiv. 18. Ps. xix. 10. savoury, flattering. 20 1 11, inf. n^lleae, v. a. destroy, overthrow, Deut. ix. 26. 2 Sam. xi. 25 Deut. x. 10. Matt. x. 28. spoil, ruin, in- jure. 2tylWó, g. tttillce, pi. id. s. m. destruction, Ps. xxxv. 8. Is. T^^^r xTlí^Matt. ii. 13. a spoiling, (! damage, injury. 2tylle&n, g. lujlle&jo, pi. id. s.m. an upbraiding, blame, Matt. xi. 20. ' 2^|lljvt;,-l]V|r), pi. id. &, -Ivoa, s. m. a million, see Gen. xxiv. 60. 2tyllre, g. id. s. f. graciousness, sweetness, 1 Pet. ii. 3. flat- tery. SSin,'} comp ' of2C|l ' r ' q - v - 2tyllreAÓ&,-b n^Y^ 7 2tyllce<\cvr,-Y|f, s. m. destruc- tion, Prov. xxiv. 2. ruin. 2t)illceAnvf*,-Yir, pi. id. s. m. an injury, a blunder* 2ty|llced|fvd|t&,-d]|ii5e, s. m. a destroyer, a spoiler, an op- pressor, Ex. xii. 23. Is- xvi. -1% 4 Job iii. 18. Is. Ii. 13.— Is. xlix. 17. 2tyUxeój fie a ci>,-b a, s. f. destruc- tion, injury, oppression. 2t)|llrbeAÓ&iv&ii}, pi. id. s. m. mallows, — pi. Job. xxx. 4. Malva sylvestris. The vernac. is, 2tyllri?eAC&ji). 2^ il^e, g. id. s. f. sweetness, see 2tyll r e. 2tytfe&D,-re&m, pi. id. s. m. any- tfj tJwieAr, inf. id. v. a. undervalue, despise. 2tyrbeAf*<\ri)Yjl,-ri)U, adj. disre- spectful. 2D|ti)eAfCA, ind. p. p. of 2tyrbear, despised, vile, 1 Sam. xv. 9. 2tyme|rne> v. a. misinter- pret, see 2D|oi5. 2tyi), g. mine, s. f. meal 2 2 Kings fty iv. 41. Is. xlvii. 2.— 1 Kings xvii. 14. Luke xiii. 21. 2t)jn, comp. mine, adj. small, flye, LA smooth, Ex. xxx. 36. — Prov. v. 3. soft, mild, gentle, tender, pulverized. Tevji mjn, tender mi 2t) j n 247 «JO grass. 5o tt)jr), gently, softly, com. Gr. fuv-uog, Welsh, Man, & Lat. Min-us. 2^íobfx^,-|*eA6, v. a. break into powder, crumble, pulverize. 2J)jr>e, g. id. s.f. a polish, Lam. iv. 7. smoothness, gentleness, fineness* 2í)ft)eAcb,-&A, s. f. id. 2$jT)éAc,-T)i3e, adj. mealy. 2J)ii}eA, pi. id. s. f. small rain, Deut. xxxii. 2. 2#jt)£eY|i,-éift, pi. id. s. m. grass, Gen. i. 12. tender grass. 2$íf)5* xvii. 3. make_ smootli, explain, i expound, fr. mfn. >2©íi)15ceó||t,-ó|iA,-6nti6e, s.m. a/2 expounder, a commentator. %§]W\oYb\i&]\,,-&\><\cb, v. a. minis- ter, — inf. Acts xiii. 2. Heb. x. 11. 2t)iniorbft&Uc&,-&A, pi. id. s.f. an office, a ministration, ministry, 1 Tim. iii. 10.— Luke i. 23. Eph. iv. 12. «fairest, g. id. pi. -cjtf, s. m. a minister, Rom. xv. 8. Col. i. 7.— pi. 1 Cor. iii. 5. 2^f0iv5<\6,-nv|5ce, pi. id. s. m. interpretation, 1 Cor. xii. 10. explanation. 2t)jr)le. 2tyoT)bftA&AC,-<\i5e, adj. grii^w or addicted to petty larceny. 2t)|Oi)b|tA&Y]7;e, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a petty thief. SíJjoobftvgrb&t^&itVí s. m. minced meat. 2DfO!)b|aff5,-V7;A8, v.a. stamp, (as under foot,) 2 Chron. xv. 16 2D|o5^t3,-^1t), pi. id. s. m. a kid> — pi. ^Gen. xxxi. 38. see 213joi3vi3,-r5^8, v.^swegz, Deut. f(J^ mince , crumb le. 'Yni'olíp{\\**£ r ttlé> bird, a titmouse. ix. 5. & x. 11.— Gen. xxiv. 3, Matt. xxvi. 74. 2i)loi)cAr,-4irj s. m. mint, — g* Matt, xxiii. 23. Mentha. 2$10i)cAr ÓA-jrjl, s. m. wall pelli- tory ; Parietaria. 2t) í oi) or,- 6 if, pi. id. &, -opA, s.m» distraction, unusual conduct. 2$íot)ófAc,-Ai3e, adj. insolent, unusual, morose. 2t)jonTtoirj 5 -ojr)e,-otJA, pi. id. s.m. a subdivision. K. 2í)|or)rcnvbv]5,-v5A6, v. a. inves- tigate, examine closely. Dunl. ^|or)r50ir,-ce, pi. id. s. f. a deli- cate flower. y$]ov)z\Y),-'&]x), pi. id. s.m. a small ll ~f$$]or)CA, comp. of 2t)jnjc, q. v. '^S^ioncAc&j-bA, s. f. often, 1 Cor. *T xi. 25. oft time s^ /£} X* 2t3|oncvA|icv5Ai),-cvi5ce, ; "pi. id. s. m. strict search or examina- tion. R.S.KIfc 2D|oncrA|itYi5,-Y3A& ? v.a. search strictly, examine diligently. Dunl. SU^ongAbYjge, g. id. pi. -bvjjce, s. m. a petty thief a petty lar- ceny robber. 2í3|on5Abv|5eAcb r b, v.a. displease, dissatisfy. 2Dfof&rc&, ind. p. p. displeased, dissatisfied, 2DforcY|r,-re, s. f. £7W#, Is. xi. 13. «p/fe, enmity, a grudge. 2fljorcyireAc,-f]5e, adj. spiteful, envious. /0-^"c ^^rS^Or^l^, pi- id. s.m. a swaZ/ I' wooden vessel for holding butter. ^í°r5 v TV v ir> s - m - see 20fofcvii«. 2Djorc&ib,-be, s. f. defamation, mis-statement. ;-~* 29iop-Ain)i)eAc,-oiSe, adj. irow- blesome, uncomfortable. 2tyjofY<\irbueAtvW, pl« ^. s * m * trouble 2 noise, affliction, Acts xv. 19. Gal. v. 12.— Matt. ix. 23. see Acts xx. 23. S^jof-vAjfiCj-ce, adj. churlish, un- generous, disagreeable. 2$jofvA]itceAfvcir, s.m. churlish- ness, a disagreeable disposition. 2tyorvuieAC&,-bA, s. f. measure- ment, mensuration. -f- 2©|Ofú|i r únt, pi. id. s. m. a ?nea- sure, Luke vi. 38. — 2 Cor. x. 13.— 1 Sam. xxv. 18. 2Djorú||xeAcb,-ó<\, s. f. a measure, Lev. xix. 35. 2$íocA]C|t),-c<\icDeAri?, v. a. tíYs- p lease, 2 Sam. xi. 27. 20iocAicoeAri),-c<\icoib, or, -cajc- t)]ii7, s. m. displeasure, Ps. vi. 1.— Deut. ix. 19. 2$íocv\icoeAri}Ac,-Ai5e, adj. tf7s#- greeable, unpleasant. 2DjocaI,-a|1, pi. id. s. m. metal, R. S. Lat. Metal-lum. . 2t)jocAUc,-Ai5e, adj. metallic. ^) J 2t)|ocApA6, g. id. &, -v]6, s. m. mishap, mischance, misfortune. g^ 1^L~ 2J)(oc<\pYit>,-t>e, adj. inapt, inac- tive, unready. 2$focAjibAc,-A]5e, adj. unprofit- able, Job. xv. 3. 2D|'ocAftbAcb,-bA, s. f. unprofita- bleness. 2t)|ocUcb, g. id. s. m. contempt, disrespect, displeasure. 29íocUcbrb> a jic a, ind. adj. muddy, rough, surly. 2t)o8rnAfi,-Aifte, adj. fashionable, modest, stately. 2J)oórAit)e, g. id. s. f. slavery, bondage, fealty, homage. 2$°5? g. woJa, s. m. Gal. i. 13. — Ex. xxi. 9. see 2t)o6. 2J)03<\1, g. tt)05Afl, pi. id. s.m. the apple (of the eye,) Zech. ii. 8. a husk, Num. vi. 4. a globe, the mesh of a net, a cluster of nuts, the shell of any fruit. 2t)o5vll,-v]U, pi. id. s. m. id. Num. vi. 4. 2t)o5AllAc,-Ai5e, adj. full of husks, clustering. 2t)o^c-ef|t5e,'g.id. s.f. early rising, %X)ó)b, g. mó]be, pi. id. s.f. a vow, Gen. xxxi. 13. Acts xxiii. 14. — Lev. xxvii. 8. — Num. xxx. 4. Job xxii. 27. 20ójb, inf. rtjójbeAri), v. a. vow, swear, devote, ascertain, 2t3ó|t>i5,-^v5AÓ, id. 2Uó]be, more, John xv. 2. a se- cond comp. of 2t)o>, q. v. 2t)oi6eATi?,-6ce, s. m. I Kings xx. 11. see 2©AO|6eArb. SEójbgeAllAÓj-geAllcA, s. m. a vow, Acts xviii. 18. ^Uóibjgce, ind. p.p. accursed, Jos. vi. 17. & 18. vowed, sworn, de- voted. 2t)of5l]&e, ind. adj. soft, plump, well-looking. M'N. 2t3o|U, g. mo|lle, s. f. delay, Acts xx. 16. hindrance. 2tto]lle, comp. of 2Da11, q. v. EOojlciu, g. id. pi. -Di6e, s.m. a small wether, dim. of 2t)olc, q.v. /3 2© j 252 2$ on 2Có|rDéii)c r se ? -cí, s - f - a moment, 1 Cor. xv. 52. 2 Cor. iv. 17. 2$ó]V, g. rt)ót}A, pi.tDÓiDce, s. f. íwrj^ /?eaí, a fa^j « mountain, an extensive common. S0)6i!)e63,-Si5e,-65A, s. f. see «D6053. 2t)6in£ev|t,-féiit, P 1 - ld - s - m - a meadow, Gen. xli. 2.— pi. see Judg. xx. 33. literally, moun^ tain grass. 2Coit>Al,-Ail, pi. id. s. m. a mop, Barb. SOóifi, written for the prefix, ad J- having high authority. £l)6||iceA|tc,-cé||tc,s.m. clemency, Acts xxiv. 4. strict justice. %X)d]i\c]on,-c]v, s. m. great love or esteem. 9JQóWÍe*\it*]i)rt*V*9 ?' f - 9 reat rain—g- Pro v. xxvii. 15. 2^5iitme^r 5 -r b ^ s.m. great repu- tation, or esteem. 2l}ójtameiroeAC,-i)i5, &, -nise, s.m. & f. magnanimity, high courage. 2flóittrnioi)*c,--r eAÓ ,-&]r), pi. id. s. m. a sort of soft Irish cheese, also, a slough or bog. 2$vlAc&t), id. 2t)oUb, g. tdoIca, pi. id. s. m. /^ j praise, thanksgiving, Deut. x.' 21.— Ps. cxvi. 17. Eph. i. 12. — 2 Sam. xxii. 50. see 2$ol. 2#ol&n,-&jn, pi. id. s. m. a $?/*«// /tea/? or hill, a brow- 2t)olc, g. njvjlc, pi. id. s. m. a wether-. 21)olcACj-Ai5e , adj. praiseworthy . 2$olcó]]t,-óftA,-ój|ii8e, s. m. a praiser, a panegyrist. 2t)orx\b<\fi,-Aifi, pi, id. s.m. a mur- muring, Num. xvii. 10. John vii. 12. 2$oobA|t, id. Ex. xvi. 2. 2t)oi}5Ac,-At5,-6, &, rnó|be, adj. <7>yy?/, 2 Kings xviii. 19. — Matt. vi. 25. John xv. 2. mighty, big, renoivned, large, extensive, see 2t)ó, &, 2t)ó]be. 21)ó|K\Ica, hid. adj. moral. 2Uó|iMcaó&,-&a, s.f. morality. 290 n 253 2DOPv "^2X)ó\i'<\\),-&W, s - m - many, much, if- Num. xxvi. 56. 2 Cor. viii. 15. IQ a multitude. xPop^jceACj-cige, adj. over- whelming, destructive. R.S. 2^ófico]-í>AtAC,-Ai5e, adj. /<^/% expensive, very costly* 2^ó|tc|toíóeAc,-ó]5e, adj. magna- nimous. 2#óftc|ioí8eAco,-&A, s. f. magna- nimity, 2^opcÚA]|ic,-cúA]icA, pi. id. &, -cu<\jtcAT)A, s. f. a grand tour, the visit of a King to his sub- jects, or of a Bishop to the Clergy of his diocese. 2#ó}acú|tycú]|*e, s. f. pomp, slate, pride. 2$ó|tcáireAÓ,-ri5e, adj. pompous, stately, haughty. 2J)óftcúri}AcbA, g. id. s. m. great power, Acts viii. 10. 2t)ojt- curbacb, g. id. &, -&a, s. m. ~ or f. id. ^kv 2t)ó|tóívUc,-Ai5e, adj. boasting, magnificent, proud. Dunl. 2D6ft5x\Ó, g. tt)0|t5V}5ce, s.m. cor- ruption, Lev. xxii. 25. Job xvii. 14. 2t)ó|t5&ittbeAC,-bi5e, adj. raptu- rous, delightful, 29ótt5&ifi&e<\GYr,-vir, s. m. ra/)- ture, delight, 2^ó|t5A]f5e, g. id. s. f. heroism, prowess. 2t)óji5ló|i^c,-^?5e, adj. boasting, high-worded. >% 2^6ji5|ta8, g. id. &, -5|t^8<\, s. m. great love, Eph. ii. 4. 2t)ójt5ft&Óri)Aji,-A]jte, adj. «ery lovely, ardently loving. ^ó\^\K'^]X),-\)e, s. f. abomination, Gen. xliii. 32. detestation. 2t)6filvAÓ,-lvA|3, &,-Ivaca, pl.id. s. m. « #ra?£ recompence, Heb. x. 35. a great price, great value. 2t)óftlvA|5,-3e, adj. precious, costly, Jas, v. 7. 1 Pet. ii. 6. — Is. xiii. 12. valuable, 2í)ó|i- lv*■ [A 2- ^ocY^ceACj-c^e, adj. feeling, ^ 5 sensibl e, pjrcejrtive^ StJíjuvlACj-Ai^-A^ge, s. m. swefe, tf S2W&, cowdung, excrement. 21)<\oileAc,-li5e,-le<\CA, s.f. id. 2^YC, g. TT)Y]Ce, pi. tDYCA, s. f. rt sow, a //Z#, — pi. swine, — g. Prov. xi. 22 — pi. Lev. xi. 7. Luke xv. 16. ^a 2t)úc, inf. múcAÓ, v. &.^yuhnch, Heb. xi. 34. — Cant. viii. 7. Matt. iii. 12. extinguish, smo- ther * StJucZb, g. mace*, s. m. a smo- thering, a)i extinguishing, suf- focation. Y^ 2tjvcA|6e,g. id.pl. i&.sxa.aswine <\M^ herd. S^YCAifte, g. id. pi. -^joe, s. m. a swine herd. 2t)vc<\ri/UcfcV&A, s. f. swinish- ness, moroseness. ^2t)vc<\n,Yil,-ri?U, adj. swinish, hoggish. 2Dvc-5A]r)e, g. id. s. f. a sand bank, a quicksand, fr. the obs. s. n?YC, a heap. 2t)Yc-ri)Q\xt. iv. 9- Luke xi. 1. —Ex. xiii. 21. Mark vi. 34. 2Dv^t},-i)e, s.f. the vine tree ; now obsolete except as the name of 2t), the tenth letter of the mo- dern Irish Alphabet. £* 29vfoce, g. id. pi. id. &,-qóe, s. f. a collar, a necklace. K. """" H ^Y]i)e^c, g. rt)Vjot5, pl.njvinige, s.m. a thicket of thorns, thorns, Matt. xiii. 7.— Matt. xiii. 22. 2©Y10evl,-é|l, pi. id. s. m. a neck, Ps. lxxv. 5. — Gen. xxvii. 16. Prov. vi. 21. — 2 Sam. xxii. 41. com. Lat. Monil-e. a necklace. SJJvjnevUcj-lige, adj. belonging to the neck. 2t)Yit)5,-5e,-5eAi)A, s. f. the mane of a horse. 2$Yfn5eAc,-5|8e, adj. having a flowing mane, belonging to a mane. 2fyv]t)icille, g. id. pi. -tije, s. m. a sleeve. 2t)vjr)C]lle, id. l l fi 2^Y]i)|5it)j-5r)e,-5t)eACA, s. f. con- 7f fidejice, cheer, hope, Matt.Tx. 2. Eph. i. 18. — Acts xxviii. 20. Heb. iii. 6. í |j^v-|ni3iueAC,-áiDiáe, a dj. confi- dential, Phil. iii. 4. Philem. ver. 21. stout, confident . 9$Y]X)ú)Q&\i,-\\b, s. m. hemlock, f Hos. x. 4. Am. vi. 12. S 2t)viijceAjib4, ind. adj. familiar, friendly, Lev. xix. 31. 2t)Y|i)ce*ftÓYfv v ir> s « m - favour, kindness, Num. xi. 15. Í Kings ii. 7. 2t)vii)ceAfieAC,-jii5e, adj. kind, friendly. 9$Y\i)Z]\i,-\\e, a coll. s. i.ajamiiy, men, peopl e, Gen. xxvm. 14. — GenTxliv. 1. Matt. v. 44. folk, inhabitants, a tribe, a clan. %t)ú]r)zeói\\,-ó\\&,-ó]\i]6e, s. m. a teacher. 2^Y7fi, g. idajia, pi. id. s. f. the sea, Heb. xi. 29. — -Ex. xiii. 18. Matt, xxiii. 15. Lat. Mar-e,: Arab. Mara. 2^Yi|t-b|túcí?,-&A,pl. id. s.f. a high tide. 2^Yjfi Hyai6, g. 2í)<\|tA nY<\]8>, s. f. the lied Sea * Jos. xxiv. 6. — Num. xxi. 4. ^Yfftpi^j-niYgAO, v. a. load, burthen, 1 Kings xii. 11. 2 ^ v li x 13l^j-o^ e >-5^ eA CA, s. f. a burden, a charge, 2 Cor. xii. 16. 1 Tim. v. 16. a family. Sl^^&in, id. ^viftjsineACj-njáe, adj. weighty, burdensome, Prov. xxvii. 3. having a large or heavy fa- mily. 21) Y] fine, g. id. s.f. fondness, ten- derness, natural affection. S^vjftneACj-nráe, adj. delicate, Prov. xxix. 21. tender, fond, affectionate, dear. 2t)Y^rineÓ5,-ó|5e,-Ó5 cevb, q.v. 20vjnAll,--nll, pl. id. s.m. a curb, a muzzle. 9X)y\, g. xx)r\\, pl.id. &, mvU, s.m. an axletree, 1 Kings vii. 32. — pl. 1 Kings vii. 33. a coni- cal heap, a mound. 2tyvUn,-&in, pl» id. s. m. a little hill, a knoll, a heap, stack of com,a rick ofhay,divn. of 2ÍM. 2tMc&TV&]n, pl» id. s.m. an owl, see Ulc<\bc&n. 2tMUc,-, g. tt)ú|i)ce, pl. id. s. m. instruction, Prov. xxxiii. 23. education. 2t)út)loc,-loc, s. m. mustard, — g. Matt. xiii. 31. 2t)iir53A|l,-Al, v. a. co^ nant, confederate. MA|órt)ceAT)5Al,-ceAi)5A|l, pi. id. s.m» a covenant, a confederacy, MAjrbbe, nom. pi. of MArbAjb, q.v. MA^rbbeAnuf,-ufr, s. m. enmity^ — g. Eph. ii. 15. MAjpcfn, g. id. pi. -nióe, s, m. a napkin, John xx. 7« MAjpcfo pocA, s. m. a pocket handkerchief M^]]ie, g. id. s. f. shame, confu- sion, 1 Chron. xix. 5. Rom. vi. 21.— 1 Sam. xx. 30. 1 Cor. xi, 22. MA^fi,-|te, id. 1 Cor* xiv. 35. bashfulness* M*v|fieAc,-|ii5e, adj. shameful^ bashful, sheepish, M&||tj3,-!tiu5AÓ, v.a. shame, — inf. 1 Cor. iv. 14. confuse, make ashamed. Mív|)t|5eAc£),-í)A, s. f. bashfulnesS) shame. MAif]ún,-ú|0, pi. id. s. m. ana* tion. M&inúncA, ind. adj. nationals MAtnA&ACj-Aige, adj. violent, Pá> vii. 16. hostile, inimical. M ArbA&Ar,-Air, pi. id. s.m. enmity r , hatred, hostility ; Gen. iii. 15. Gal. v. 20. MUO 258 n &n K^\ "N&rbaib, g. o&ri)<\b, pi. n&iróbe, &, t)&rbu|b, s.ra. & f. c m enemy , an adversary, Matt. xiii. 25. 1 Cor. xv. 26. — Ex. xxiii. 4. 2 Thess. iii. 15. — Deut. xxxii. 27. Luke xix. 27. Waoj, ind. num. adj. nine, 2 Sam. xxiv. X. "N^ojÓe, g. id. s.m. « young child, a babe, an infant, Matt. ii. 8. Heb. v. 13. "NAOibeAcbj-bA, s. f. infancy. C. P. ftAoióeacÓA, g. id. s. m. the gold- en number. WAOiÓeAcbA, an obs. adj. nine- teenth. U"lX~ V\&o]Se&\), g. rjAO|b|o, pi. id. s. m. 4. a young child, an infant , Ex. /JL ii. 6. 1 Cor. xiii. 11.— 1 Cor. n 4 xiii. 11. fr. a dim. form of the obs. s. n<\e, or t)A], a man or WAO]be,-íMT), pi- id. s. m. a young child, an infant, Matt, ii. 9. — pi. Luke xviii. 15. ^Aoi&eAnca, ind. adj. infantine, childish, "N g- t>A0fr3 e > P 1 - »* o r5*> s. f. a snipe. Vern. li\% tt, pi. id. s. m. a saint, Dan. viii. 13. — pi. Zech. xiv. 5. Naorbj-rtxsó, v. a. — inf. Deut. v. « 12. see Maorijuij. 'Naoitjaó, g. t)Aori)ui5ce, pi. id. s. m. sanctification, 1 Cor. i. 2. & vii. 14. M<\6, ind. num. adj. ninth, Matt. xx. 5. NAorbAÓ-beuj, ind. num. adj. nineteenth. Wbvxx)&-\t\y,'ye,-ye&c&, s. f. blas- phemy. O'G. flAorÍMiqreAÓ,-r|5e, adj. #/as- phemous. rl-3 e > s. f. a vestry, fr. ttAorb, &, c, v.a. Z>i?ie?, fie, chain, make fast, secure. "NAfSAiTte, g. id. pi. -ftpe, s.m. a surety, one that becomes bound for another. WAfSAitj-Aift, pi. id. s. m. a de- fence or fortification. ^H&cAffi, g. id. &, v^l£|ieAc, pi. t)iv|C|teACA, s. f. a serpent, an . *V adder , « viper, an asp, Gen. ,( f^xlix. 17. Num. xxi. 8. & 9.— Job. xx. 16. Ps. lviii. 4. Is. xiv. 29. Rev. xii. 14. H&jqfi, id. see Acts, xxviii. 3. Wei. Neidir. ^W&CAifi n|rbe, g. id. &, t)^cpeAc r^rbe, pi. t}&]qaeAÓA niri)e, s. f. a serpent \ a viper, an adder, Gen. iii. 13. Acts xxviii. 3. — — Is. xiv. 29— Ex. vii. 12. >qfteAc, ind. indef. pron. one, any \ one, some one, Matt. xiii. 12. WeAObAtiacy-Aije, adj. neutral. WeAC&AfiActv&A, s. f. neutra- lity. WeAc&Aft, ind. pron. neither. "NeAb, g. ne^b, pi. id. s.m. a nest, Deut. xxxii. 11. Job. xxix. 18.— pi. Matt. viii. 20. Lat. Nidus. NeAb, g. nibe, si. a nest. Vern. WeAbuigj-uTjAD, v. n. nestle, lie at ease like a bird in its nest, — v. a. make a nest, see Ezek. xxi. 6. NeAb,-bAÓ, id. MéAl, s. m.* see Weul. WeAri), a negative prefix, spelled rle^n?, when the first vowel of the following syllable is either of the slender vowels * e,or,. k We ait?, g. i)e]rbe,pl. neAt^óA, s.m. /? JHeaven, Gen. i. 1. Matt. v. ~34^Matt. iii. 2.— Gen. ii. 1. & 4. Gr. Nsp->j, a cloud. NeATt)Abu]ó,-óe, adj. immature, unripe. rleAttJApujoe, id. MeArbAc,-A]5e, adj. heavenly, di- vine. WeAit>Ai3eAncAc,-A]5e, adj. dispi- rited. O'G. NeArijAin, g. neArbOA, s. f. tor- mentil, steptfoil ; Tormentilla. An herb used, particularly in Connaught, as very effectual in tanning leather. M'N. It is employed also in the cure of dysentery on account of its as- tringent qualities. MeArt)Ainn)t)u|5ce, ind. part. adj. anonymous, nameless. NeArt?Aiitb,-be, s. f. remissness, negligence. y rleArbA-jfie, g. id. s. f. inadver- f\J 75 ten ce^carelessness. tteAri)A]fieAC,-|ti5e, adj. careless, heedless. C. P. W f eArbA]fteACufvuit% s.m. absence of sorrow or thought. MeArbAi|ti6,-6e, adj. worthless, unworthy of notice. NeAri)A|ceAncA, ind. adj. un- known. HeArbAjcfteÁCj-ftige, adj. impeni- tent. Dunl. MeArbAjéfijge, g. id. s. f. impeni- A-fi5e, adj. unble^ vnished, i mmac ulate. "NeArbcAficAnAc^Ajge, adj. íí«- charitable, unfriendly. fteAtboAjicAnAcbj-bA, s. f. uncha- ritableness, unfriendliness. ■NeAmclAot),-clAOii)e, adj. unpre- judiced, impartial. *NeArbct)A5AÓ,-Ai5e, adj. without knots. 'NeArbcoi5ilc,-ce, s. f. a neglect- ing, Col. ii. 23. untlirift. We^ NeArt)cuimfeAC,-fi5e, adj. infl-^ nite, incomprehensible, Neh. iii. 9.— C. P. NeArt)cu]r,-re, s. f. nonsense. WeAibcurijACDAÓj-Afje, adj. pow- erless. R. S. l1eArbcíiTiArp<\c r Ai5e, adj. care- less, Zeph. ii. 15. MeArbbbúileAiim|l,-ri)le, &, -glo^e, adj. unclean, Acts x. 14. Rom. xiv. 14. Me^rb5n^c<\c,-Ai5e,adj. unusual. We5fior)AC,-Ai5e, adj. blame- less, I Tim. iii. 2. & 10. Nednjloc&uiije, g. id. s. f. un- blameableness, 1 Thess. ii. 10. Me<\ri)lucbu]3,-u5AÓ, v.a. unload, disburthen. NeArt)-rr)Aice ac U« morose, peevish, gloomy. , NeArbfutrr),-me, s. f. disrepute, despicableness, Phil. ii. 7. 1 Thess. iv. 8. indifference, inattention, negligence. NeAtbfujrt)eArinql,-ri)l<\, adj. neg- '^^v ligent, inattentive. O'G. ti e^ 262 n e J fef WeAti:)cAbAGb,-bA, s. f. futility, Rom. iii. 31. immateriality. NeAmcAOAcbACj-Aije, adj. me/- fectual, Rom. iv. 14. futile, immaterial, MeATb-cAbAttr^c,-cAi5e, adj. sft'w- <7^, churlish. WeArbcA5AjicA, ind. adj. uncon- troverted. MeArbcATDceArbu|l,-rblA, adj. m- thankful, ungrateful. MeArbcAicr)eArbAÓ,-Ai5e,adj. ífrs- agreeable, unpleasant. R. S. NeArbcA|tb^c,-Ai5e, adj. unpro- fitable, Matt. xxv. 30. Philem. ver. 1 1 . WeAii}cA|abAcb,-bA, s. f. unprofit- ableness. NeArbcAjibuiÓe, g. id. s.f. unpro- fitableness, Heb. vii. 18. WeArbc<\c<\oifieAc,-fti5e, adj. rco£ ^ww #o slander, 1 Tim. iii. 11. 'T4;i*vrbcoil,-coU, s. f. reluctance, unwillingness. WeAti)cojWc,-l]5e, adj. unwill- ing, reluctant. MeArbcojluigj-uJAÓ, v. a. dissa- tisfy. NeArbtoftArblAcb,-bA, s. f. steri- lity, infertility. WeAn)to|ic<\c,-Ai5e, adj. unfruit- ful, 1 Cor. xiv. 14. HeArbqi&CAttmilj-ri?U, adj. un- seasonable. WeAti)C|i6c^|teAÓ,-|t^5e, adj. un- merciful, Rom. i. 31. WeArbcftu&illeAbj-ligce, s. m. in- corruption, 1 Cor. xv. 53. WeArbcftuAillige, s. m. incorrup- tible, 1 Cor. ix. 25. undefiled. MeArbcuf5r]oi)<\c,-A|5e, adj. with- out understanding, Rom. i. 21. WeArbcutjireACj-nS^j a( ^j- f'wcfe- fatigable, unwearied. NeArbui|ieArb<\c,-Ai5e,adj. ( /tfwZ£- fci*, Heb. viii. 7. wanting no- thing. WeArbullAm,-Uirbe, adj. unpre- pared, 2 Cor. ix. 4. WeAmurbAlj-uAjrble, adj. proud, disobedient. ^e^n)nr),-u]T), pi. id. s.m. « pearl, — g. Matt. xiii. 46. a diamond, mother of pearl. Me,-6e, adj. unwor- thy, 1 Cor. xi. 27. improper, unfit. Neiri)iOT)Ti)uir>,-r)e, ac y # hated, Deut. xxi. 15. — see Deut. xxi. 16. unpleasant, morose, see JonrbuiD. We|rb]ulrr)Afi,-4llte } adj. wcírá, r í^* see 1 Cor. i. 21^/eeble. 111% Metri)t)|ó, g. id. &, -i)e]ce, s. m. / 4 ru&ght, Prov. xx. 14 nothing, jj^r^^ ^kentity . R. S%. s - Weirbi)l5,-1 U 5 A *S v. a. ann^L an- nihilate. V ^H^ Me|ri)fiéArtiocA, ind. adj. unrea- sonable, Acts xxv. 27. We|ri)|t^ct)ATjAc,-Ai5e, adj. unne- cessary, unincumbent. R. S. Neiri)|H s - *• a loathing, disgust. He]rr>rpleAÓ*c,-.<\J5«j adj. ^cZe- pendent* Me> v.a. ^W/d, colour, brighten, fr. the obs. adj. x)\*xk), bright, pleasant, beautiful. N|Anr5<>c,-oc lviii. 4 Ps. lviii. 4. Acts xxviii. 3. venom, b itterne ss, !rj-WirbeAibu|l,-ti)lAj adj. poisonous, envenomed, banefuL _ Njrbrje a c,-i)]3e, adj. fierce, sore, Gen. xlix. 7. Rev. xvi. 2. rt- nomoas, passionate, peevish, waspish. Mlopó3,-ói5e,-Ó3<\, s. f. tf pinch, a nip. Wfojt, adv. (contr.fr r>i, not, &, ]io, a prefix of the perfect tense,) not, Matt. i. 25. it is only used before the perfect tense. Mjor, (contr. of djS, a tiring, a, that, &, tr, /*,) used as a prefix to adjectives in the comparative . ^ degree. ÍMo, conj or, otherwise, Lev. i. 14. 2 Sam. xviii. 13. Mo 30, until. ' Moc, ind. rel. pron. rfo, which, Matt. i. 23. & iv. 14. Mócao, ind. adj. ninety, Gen. v. 9. Noca, id. WócAbAb, ind. ord. adj. nine- tieth. Wocb, an obs. s. night, now only used in the adv. 21 rjocb, to- ri night. Lat. Noct-u. % MocbAb,-Ai3Ée, pi. id. s.m. a ma- *L. uifestation, Rom. xvi. 26. « stripping, a discovering, a re- ^ vealing. life Hoóbuí3,-5e, adj. naked, Is. xx. 2. 3. & 4. uncovered, bare. Mocbu|3,-u5e, g. id. pi. id. s." m. a newsmonger. WuAill,-le,-leAc<\, s. f. a roaring, Job. iv. 10. a howl. WuaU,-U6, v. n. Aow/, Jer. xlix. 3. roar- NuAllpuittACj-cuiT^-cujge, s. m. a howling, Am. viii. 3. — Zech. xi. 3. a roaring. NuaIItjuIia, g. id. pi. id. s. m. la - /A rnentatio n, a roaring, Jer. ix. 20.— pi. Job. iii. 24. Wu<\U;5uc,-5oca, pi. id. s. m. a howling voice, a roar ; see , MuAllgucACj-AiJe, adj. having a howling or roaring voice. WuAjt, an obs. s. ^oe, sorrow, only used as an interjection, as, 2$o oua]i, wzy sorrow ! alas ! Wujje, adv. always preceded by 50, as, 3o nuT5e, MHftV, Matt. _xviii. 21. Nu]i),-t)e, s. f. «w tfs/i V»iiiJ^. v| Heb. x. 11. ' O5, comp. oi5e, Sidy young, Matt. ; ii; 20.-Gen.ix.24.'Luke xv. 12. O54.cb.-bA, s. f. virginity, Judg. xi. 37.. — Deut. xxii. 15. OjArn^Afit), s. m. an occult man- ner of writing used by the aw / ^ cient Irish. 0"%^\ 05AJ)AC,-At5, pi. id. s. m. a lad, /^3^! a young man, Acts xx. 12. — ^ Gen- xxi. 12.— Mark xiv. 51. 05&r>r4Cb, g. id. &, -ba, s. m. or ^ f. youth, — g. Gen. xliii. 33. 0^dYzó]\\,-ó]i>s,-ó]\i]be, s. m. <7 host, a keeper of a house of en- tertainment. ) j Ó 268 j OsI&Cj-aojc, pL id. &, -aca, s. m. j a man, a servant ; Gen. xxiv. 26. — Matt. viii. 27 Deut. I xii. 12. Joel i. 9. a young mart ; > fr. 05, &, Iaoc. \(j\%-r Osl^cAfj-Aif, s.m. slavery, ser- j vitude ; also, heroism, likevdse, a servile kind of Irish vwrse, which is not confined to the strUtt rules of pure Irish verse, either with regard to true cor- respondence or true union. 05lY]óeAcb,-bA, s. f. bashfulness, youthful awe. 0]blio3A|ó,-r>e, pi. -bj, &, -beACA, s. f» aw obligation. 0|bije, comp. of Odaí), q. v. 0|b|i]5, g. id. pi. -ge, s. m. a work- man, a labourer, Ex. xxxviii. 23. Luke x. 7. K*b JMc 0lbfi]^,-]v^A6, v. a. ^o?*A, Gal. ii. 8.— ÍKings viCTO Cor. iv. 12. Ojbiijgce, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a worker, 1 Kings vii. 14. see 0|bfM5ceó|ft. 0|bfi?5ceó||t,-ófiA,-6i|tióe, s. m. a workman, a labourer. 0jbfiiY5<\b,-j7;ce, pi. id. s. m. a working, Eph. iv. 16. an ope- ration. 0|breAÓ,-r]5e, adj. terrible, won- derful, strange, vain, silly. OffeCiP, g. id. pi. ojoceAbA, s. f. night, 1 Cor. xi. 23. — Luke v. 5— Job. vii. 3. /É/2/f -'Ojóe, g. id. pi. o|60e, s.m. «j££_- ' velle r, a ivaTjfaHng^mjSn, an alien ; Lev. xxv. 47. 2 Sam. xii. 4. Job. xix. 15. 0;be, g- id. pi. oj&ióe, s. m. a tu- tor, an instructor. Of be aU C'ioiikv, (i foster-father. Oibe-bÁfrció, s - m * a godfather. 6oAcr»,-0A, s. f. a travelling, a wayfaring, an entertainment, a night's lodging. 72 0]be wfp)te, s. m. a teacher, a tutor. OjbeACAr,-Air, s.m. instruction. OibeAr,-bir, s. m. instruction, Ys counse l, tuition, nurture. C.P. OibeAf bé|l, s.m. oral instruction. tradition berloiOeA|* 3 ~b|r, s.m:'; Oí&ir», g. oíóne, s. f. ice, — g. Job /£ j vi. 16. Ps. cxlvii. 17. also, «now. Ofófie, g. id. pi. -w^e, s.m. Mark xii. 7. — pi. Rom. viii. 17. see 0i3tte. Oj&jteACb r bA, s. f. Rom. iv. 16. — Acts xxvi 18. see 0*3- jteACb. 0í6|ieArbv]l,-Tt)lA 9 adj. frosty. 0]£i5,-5e 5 -5Í, s. 1*. an office, a mi- hCl nistty , 1 Tim. iii. 1. Keb. viii. 6. — Luke i. S. a j.ost, em- ployment, situation ; Lat. Offic- ium. Oip^eACj-^g, pi. id. s. m. an officer, — pi. John .vii. 46. & xviii. 3. 0|^i5eAC Ajfim, a mi- litary officer. 0fpi5eArbv]l r ri)lA, adj. official. 0]g, g. oige, pi. 03A, s I a virgin, 2 Cor. xi. 2.^-Luke i. 27.— Rev. xiv. 4. a maid. 0j5 be ad, g. 015 rt)t)A,pl. id. s f. a damsel, Gen. xxiv. 16. a young ^ woman. 0|5e, g. id. s. f. youth, 1 Tim. iv. j^2 12.-2 Tim. ÍIT227 Ofge-córDAlcA, g. id. pi. id. s. f. a file, 1 iSam. xiii. 21. 0|3e, id, OigeAi), g. id. &, -3,0, pi. -500, -51)150, &, -51)0 Abv\, s.m. n pan, a pot, a potsherd, 2 Sam. xiii. 9 2 Kings iv. 38.— Mic. iii. 3. — Ex. xxvii. 3. & xxxviii. 3. Is. xlv. 9. a cauldron. O150AP b|iv|jce, s. m. re f tying pa. 1, Lev. ii. 7. OJ t 269 OfjeAjvsitt, s. m. snow; Le s - m - a?i IV heir, Matt. xxi. 38.— pi. Gal. iii. 29. Lat. Hcere-s ; Old. Fr. Hoire. 0'5fie mania., aw heiress. 0f5T^eAC&,-&A, pi. id. s. f. aw iw- heritance, Matt. v. 5. Gal. iii. 18.— Ex. xv. 17. Eph. i. 18. birthright, patrimony. 0í5rteAcbAn)V]l,-TÍ?U, adj» heredi- tar v- faSA5 s.f. horror, dis- gust. 0|lceArbvfl 3 -n)lA, nauseous., shock- ing, horrible, disgusting. 0|lc||teAc r nt5, s. m. mercy, Ps. ciii. [<(/}) -^~ 11. & cix. 12. liberality, ge- \\-2~- nerosity. £ Ojt)eACArbvjl,-ri)lA, adj. merciful, generous, liberal; fr. the obs. s. f. o]i),-t)e,a loan, profit, gain. 0]\)rv]t>, g. id. pi. -be, s. m. or f. a simpleton, a fool, — g. Ps. xix. 7. Ezek. xlv. 20. — -pi. > Matt. xxv. 8. 0jr)iT)|beAc,-t^7;e, adj. foolish, Prov. xvii. 25. Matt. xxv. 2. 5z'%, simple. 0|0it)|beACb,-bA, s.f. ^/0%, «iVw- ^ plicity. 0|t?reAc,-ri5e,-re, c é | fet>o , &, -ceajtbA, pi. id. s-m id. )Xt 270 o j n 0|!tcoAfAC,-e ? s.m. a treasurer, Ezra i. 8. 0|TiC|re<\ób r bA, s.f. Esth. ix. 19. & 22. see OiftceArAcb. 0|TiCTiei&eArb,-b|it), s.m. supersti- ^ Hon. C. P. / YvV^!t l ^ e" c ^5 adj. worthy, excel- ' y~~~ lent,— comp. Heb. in. 3. & viii. ' // *> **- ®" C ^V> w£^c, illustrious, ho- Ar-r^i'H nor able, toy?, "~a7^ 7* 74 — y OijibeATtCj-ceAt», v. a. & n. wa^- nify, — inf. Jos. iii 7. exalt, en- noble, dignify, flourish, be fa- mous. j>. ^OiitoeAjtCYjvYir, s. m. excellency, *i Gen. xlix. 3.-2. Cor. iv. 7. lustre, nobility, splendour. 0||iblíocb,-bA, pi. id. s. f. a sledg- ing, a hammering. 0|Tie<\cb,-b<\, s. f. a faction, a . party, a clan. y^ ó mo Acbvr, -vjr, pi. id. s. m. an •— 'tssembly, Lev. viii. 4. Jei\ ix. 0]fteAb,-é|b, s. m as much, Gen. j^ff xliv. 1. an equal quantity, an equal number. Oijiiob, id. 0||teAn7,-rbA.T).-Tj2Ajj2j s. m. a Hi ploughman, Am ix. 13. OtfieArbAir},-Tt)nA, pi. id. s.f. an in- \>C) fluence, — pi. Job. xxxviii. 31. 0|fieArbr)Ac,-r)V|5e, adj. meet, 2 \C Tim. ii. 21. proper, fit, expe- dient, accommodated ; fr. the v. offi, q. v. 0|T*eArbr)aeb 3 -bA, s. f. meetness, fitness, expediency. Oirt^fbeACj-biT^-bige, s.m. a mu- /<0 ¥ ^ sicia ji. Offisjievfvéir, s. m. embroidery, ornament, tapestry, needle or tambour work. 0lTM3H v 5 A *S v. a. overlay with gold, enchase with gold, form devices in gold. 0||irb|AT3 r T)<\, pi. id. s.m. covetous- ^ ness, avarice. 0|ftrrM^i)*,-bt)e, s. f. see 0|jab]bin. 0|ftrbibi)eAc,-i)]5e, adj. venerable, honourable, respectable. 0|ftr),-T)eAb, v. a. ordain, put in authority, order. Ó|rtr)eAÓ,-r)ib,~i)|be, s. m. an or- (WJI dering,an ordination, — g. C.P. ^Í OifinerlcA, ind. part. adj. orna- '- ^ mental, neat, elegant. 0ijti)eir,-r e 5-nj s -f- a tool+a tack- ^3, ling, an inJlhim^t^Acts^it^i, vii 19. — 1 Kings Vvi. 7.— Ps. 13. furniture. \|6)J$f 0|[iuireóni,-6Ti<\j-5f|t|6e, s. m. a mechanic. 0|?tcfOft,-c|ft, s. m. theEgst, after f{/j tomorrow, the day following, Luke xiii. 33. — Num. xxiii. 7. La a v-o\\\ie*]\,theday after to- morrow, a future day; literally, OIC 271 on o a day in the East ; fr. ojji, an obs. s. a border, or East. £ Oi]ice s. f. the North-east. 0ircé]rpr)i5,-iY5AÓ, v.a. exalt, dig- nify, raise to eminence. dr ne, g. id. pi. -|i|8e, s. m. an oyster. 0fteÓ5,-5i5e,-ó5<\, s. f. « gentle blast, a puff of wind, a light squall, a gust of wind. 0]CfU,-cfieAcVcjie<\cA, s. f. a bank or ridge in the sea, a shoal or shallow, a low promontory jut- ting into the sea, an oyster bank, • " Oicífi 5<\.ir)eirb, a sand bank" 01, inf. id. v. a. drink, — inf. Ex. > xxxii. 6. Matt. xx. 22. H< 01, g. 6jl, s. m. a drinking, Esth. " — i. 8. ^ " 01, a def. v. say or said ; 01 r^> says he, or said he ; 01 rf, says she, or said she,- 01 ri*b, sa*/ íAe^/, or sazd they, 01a, .g. id. s. f. oil, ointment ; Gen. xxviii. 18. Matt. xxvi. 9.— Deut. xii. 17. Matt. xxvi. 12. Lat. Ole-um. C\\&xj oU, an olive, an olive tree, Job xv. „23. 0Uc*u),-&it), pi. id. s. m. a ca- rousal. OIaóa, ind. adj. oiled, Ex. xxix. 23. 0U-lej5ir,,g. id. s. f. a salve. 0Umv]l,-rbU, adj. oily. OUrj, g. oIIa, s. f. wool, Prov. xxxi. 13. Ezek. xliv. 17. — Lev. xiii. 47. Judg. vi. 37. see Rev. i. 14. Lat. Lan-a. Olc, comp. me ata, adj. bad, vile, Lev. xxvii. 33. — Job. xxx. 8. Matt. ix. 16. wicked, see 2l) ir ce. Olc, g. vjlc, pi. id. s.m.evil, Rom. fa *T vii. 19.— Matt. v. 39. mischief, ^C^ harm. OlcAr,-Air, s. m. badness, Gen. xli. 19- naughtiness, mischief. OllArb,-A]ri}e, adj. Ps. xlvi. i. see UlUrii. OllArbj-A^rb, &, -Arb, pi. -Ajri), &, -ArbAin, s. f. a doctor, a chief professor of any science. OUatíj b]AÓAcbA, a Doctor of divinity. OlUrb I A3 a, a Doctor of laws, Sfc. OlUtt)AitvrbnA, pi. id. s. f. in- struction. OlUrbAUCA, ind. part. adj. learned, OlUrbtMcb r bA, s.f. projessorship, superiority. Ollijloivoitt, s. m. bombast, fus- tian; fr. obs. adj. ol, great, &, 3W- OUrbAjceAjvra, s.f. great riches. 0ri7Afi,-Aija, pi. id. s. m. <7 press, a font, Joel iii. 13. OirjAfi b&ifbis, a baptismal font. C. P. see OrobjtA, g. id. s.m. see OrDfia. •0rr)6|&eAc,-b]5e, adj. see tltnój- „ beAc. On?ór,-ófr, s. m. obedience, hurni- > lity, respect. r ^ i OnjorACj-uige, adj. respectful, obedient, humble. OrDft^, g. id. s. m. amber, — g. Ezek. i. 4. Ó't), cpd. prep, (contr.fr. 6, from, &, ai), i//e,^ from the, Matt. „ i. 18. Oopvpcvig, v. a. Jer. vi. 26. see Ur)pvpcvi5. 0h5,-5a6, v. a. Luke vii. 46. see Oi)cú,-cv|T), or, -cvn, pi. -cvjd, J-C^^Z- ^ or, -coo a, s. m. a leopard, see Cú. — — ' o.no 272 o ni 0>)Ó||1,-6flA, pi. id. &, -ÓflACA, S.f. honour, Matt. ii. 8. — -Rom. ix. 21. Lat. Honor. rifiJ^- OuóftACj^vjte, adj. ho nourabl e* a Ks fci% Heb. xni. 4 Gen. xxxiv. 19. Luke xiv. 8. 0i)óftv|3,-jtv£A6, v.a. honour, wor- ship, Matt. xv. 4. — Matt. ii. 2. respect, revere, reverence. 06 1 ]\, -Paó, v.a. id. 0t)ó|iv5At),-vi5ce, pi. id. s. m. aw ." honouring, a reverencing. Oft, g. 6||t, s.m. #o/d, Matt, xxiii. 17.— Ex. xi. 2. Rev. xyiii. 12. Lat. Aur-um. Fr. Or. OfiACvjl, g. id. pi. id. s. m. an oracle, 1 Kings vi. 19. — 1 Kings ^ vi. 31. Lat. Qracul-um. OftAb, g. ójiajó, &, óficA, s.m. e#- cellency, an enticing, 1 Cor. ii. 1. Col. ii. A. a gilding. OttA5&o,-&iD, s.m. wild marjoram ; ^ Oraganum vulgare. 0|tA]b,-be,-beACA, s. f. a prayer, an oration, a collect, Acts xii. 21. & C. P. 6n&lb At) Cis- ^ eAni)A, /Zte LorcCs Prayer. 0ftiv|beAc,-b|5e, adj. declamatory, abounding in harangues. OftArg, inf. ó|xaó, v. a, bedeck, > gtf/S, entice. Opa^rbe, g. id. pi. -bj, s. f. s - m * artillery, ord- nance. Barb. 0fibv5A6,-vi3,&,-Vf3i;e,pl.id.8.m.-|^3 a ^decree * an order, a custom, ordinaMce, tradition, Micah vii. u 11. Acts xviii. 23 2 Chron. r viii. 14. Ezra iii. 10. Mark vii. 3. — Acts vi. 14. an ap- £. pointmen t, 2 Sam. xv. 3. 0ftbv|3,-v3^6, v. a. ordain, wish, (£' appoint, Mark in. 14. — Job -ijt xxxi. 30. Is. lxi. 3. order, ar- ^ range<, c ommand, pr escribe. ( J 3Vp3°n>« 0p3An,-{ip, g. vjfip, s. m. houseleek ; Sempervivum tectorum, see Ofiit s « %• squeamishness. Q\\i&-\Ye be ,-ytfe, adj. squeamish. Ofttc»7 Ofb<\, g. id. pi. ófbAfóe, s. m. a /v2--^ lodging, an inn, Acts xxi. 16. ^ UTExTiv. 24. Luke ii. 7. 0rbó|ti,-óti&,- Ójfxi6e , s. m. a H%2- host, Rom. xvi. 23. an inn- I keep er. ,^ «w Ofsvfl, inf. ofTjUb^ &, ofsv^lc, ^^ v. a. operL, Prov. xx. 13. — Matt. ^ xx. 33. Acts xxvi. 18. Of ffe^U, adv. privately, Matt. i. 19. secretly, softly ; fr. ffgll, low. Of nab, g. id. pi. -ÓA, s.m. a groan- ing, a sighing, a sigh, Job xxiii. 2. Ps. lxxix. 11. — Mark viii. 12. — Lam. i. 22. a sob. 0ft)<\bAc,-<\i5e, adj. mournful, sighing, groaning, sobbing. Orrxxbab, s. m. Ps. lxxix. 11. see OfOAÓ. 0f0Ai5e|l,-le, s.f. a groaning, a sobbing, a sighing. 0ft>vi5,-5e, &, -Jejjlj v. a. sigh, groan, Is. xxxviii. 14. Ezek. xxi. 6. — John xi. 38. Rom. viii. 22. sob. OfOApe, &, of oaÓ, are other forms of the infinitive. Of f &\i,~*]\i 9 pi. id. s. m. a burden on the back. 0ffAfxóift,-óji pl* ^. s. m. sickne ss, /■{, weakness ; fr. oc<\jt, sicA. Ix^vUb ^ /i & VHA-f lie* & J .ft P P, (Pe|c, dwarf elder,) the thir- teenth letter of the modern Irish Alphabet. P&b&]l,-&U, pi. id. s. f. a pave- ment, Ezek. xl. 17. & 18 — Ezek. xlii. 3. Pac,-c<\6, v. a. pack, load, heap up ; Pacai5,-cv5aó, id. Paca, g. id. pi. -Ajóe, s. m. a pack. pAC*i|te, g. id. pi. -|t|8e, s. m. a packman, a pedlar, pACA]fieevt,-é|l, pi. id. s. m. a pan- net, a piece of wood. i^P park. O'G. | pA]rtiltr»-r e J s -f- p#^/j — g- Matt. iv. 24. Matt. ix. 6. Gr. P&l|tc,-ce,-ce<\ÓA, s. f. a part, Rev. xviii. 4. a share, a por- tion» P'&i\\ze&c-z\^e, adj. partaking, Phil. i. 7. J Tim. v. 22. Rev. xviii. 4. sharing, dividing, ge- nerous. P<\1fice4cvf,-vjr, pi id. s. m. par- ticipation, partnership. P&t|tq6e, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a partner, an associate, a sharer. P&1ftq5,-1Y5AÓ, v. a. share, di- vide, partake, communicate, portion. P*v]jVf*e, s. f. a suffering, afflic- 7 tion, passion ; 2 Cor. i. 5. 2 Tim. iii. 11— Acts i. 13. pAjj&e, g. id. pi. -&i3e, s. m. & f. J^_ a child; Gr. TJoug, Dor. accusat. ^ P&jrbít?, g. id. pi. -ni6e, s.m. an infant, a little child. P&in3r1 v 5<^s v - a - crucify, tor- ment, cause to suffer. PAlt,-ce,-ceAÍ} s.f. a partridge, 1 Sam. xxvi. 20. Jer. xvii. 11. P&Ur 5 -*Mr> pi- id. s. m. a palace, K^ 1 Chron. xxix. 1.— Phil. l. 13. — Lam. ii. 5. Pvo,-úji), pi. id. s. m. a par- /vjfc don, forgiveness. C. P. P s. m. a parishioner. . pA|ftCAtv ~~íl Pe<\CAc r £f soul, 1 Cor. x. 8. — Heb. i. 3. tirr Pet. iii. 20. Peéipe, pi. p]ADCA, s. f. a £- JwilLi a torment, a pang ; Ps. ^--yi xlviii. 6. 1 John iv. 18 Luke * xvi. 28. — Is. xiii. 8. Lat. Pcen-a, n Gr. iioiv-7]. -^-Pf<\n,-nAÓ 5 v. a. torment, — inf. f Mark v. 7. Luke viii. 28. distress, pain, annoy, punish ; Pjbói]i,-ó\ie, pi. id. s. f. a tor- ment, — g. Rev. xviii. 10. an affliction. ^,p]Arr,-re, pi. id. s. f. Joel i. 4. Y see Péjrc. P|c,-ce, s. f. pitch, slime, Gen. vi. 14.— Gen. xiv. 10. Lat. Fix. Pfce, g. id. pi. -cf, s. f. a pike, a long spear, a pitchfork. Pjcójb, s. f. — g. 1 Sam. xiii. 20. see P]Ocoi&. PlSi'J? g- id. pi. -tM&e, s.m. a nog- gin, a small vessel, a pitcher. Pl3lOj-oe,-neACA, s. f. a penny, Mark xii. 15. Pllbft), s.f. see Tilbfp. P|lljr),-r)e,-t)f, s. f. a pillion, a pannell, a pack-saddle. Plllivftj-uifi, pi. id. s. m. a pil- low. Pjlrev|t,-é||t, pi. id. s.m. a fish called a pilchard. P\x)c\x), g. id. pi. -n|6e, s. m. a gillyflower ; also, a very small fresh-water fish. Pfi>5?t), s. f. see P\%\x). Píob,-b<\, pi. id. s. m. a pipe,ls. v. 12. 1 Cor. xiv. 7.— pi. Zech. iv. 2. P)ob&bó]\i,-ó\i&,-d\\i]Se, s. m. a pipe-maker. Pjob<\i|te, g. id. pi. -tm&>, s. m. a /t } piper, see Rev. xviii. 22. PíobA]|ie-W5, P 1 - id - s - m - a Py- garg, a bison, Deut. xiv. 5. PlolUijie, g. id. pi. -tn&e, s. m. a hill. P|oló|ti,-óttA, s. f. a pillory; Pjolóib,-&e, s. f. id. PjoIoca, g. id. pi. -^ióe, s. m. a pilot. M'N. P|oi)r^j g- id. pi. -A^óe, s. m. ar- tifice, guile, skill, cunning. P|or)rófTieACb,-bA, s.f. skilfulness, wiliness, fencing. Pjor)úr?""ir? pi. id. .s. m. punish- P ment, death, Lev. xxvi. 41. 2 Thess. i. 9 Acts iv. 21. & xii. 19. £í°F' "IseePjob. PfO|tAib,-be,-bi, s.f. a pirate. P{Ofi&ibelA, adj. contagi* ous, pestilential. \ Pl^vi5eAr)AC,-Ai^,-Ai5e, s. m. a m ischievous fellow. M ' N. PlAiué|b,-éibe,-éAbA, s. f. a pla- net, see 2 Kings xxiii. 5. Lat.i Planet-a. PlAicit),-i)e,-T)eA^A, s. f. a skull, " PIaicio at) oji), the crown of the head: 1 PIaicú), g. id. pi. -njóe, s. m. a small plate. PIada, g. id. pi. -A]6e, s.m. a car- penter's plane, also, Locao, q. v. PIat)c,-ca6, v. a. strike severely, M'N. PlAObA, g. id. pi. -Aj6e, s. m. a plant, Matt. xv. 13. Lat. Plant-a. PlAt)bvi5,-v5. planted : C. P. PlAi)bY|5ceó|ft,-óftA,-óffi|be, s. m. a planter. VÁ$Z4\ in Wé*j*r*L , wi é for. ^i ffc, PiU 279 PÓo PUf&nvi3,-Y5<\ó, v. a. piaster, \ Plvct^n^cbj-bA, s. f. imperii- daub; Pl&rbn&il, inf. id. v. a. I nence. see id. Barb V PIaca, g. id. pi. -Aióe, s. m. a plate, Ex. xxviii. 36. PléAbívjl,-AlA, pi. id s. f. ad- vocacy, pleading. Mnl. & O'G. PléAbA]l,inf. id. plead, advocate; Mul. PleAjiACA, g. id. pi. -Aióe, s. m. uproar, confusion. R. S. PléAf3,-3A8, v. a. crack, burst, break, strike. O'G. PteAr3,g.pteir3e,pi.piéiras5A, s. f. « crack, a noise, a load blow, PléAr5Ac,-Ai5e, adj. cracking, noisy, thumping. PléAf 3«8,-aió, pi. id. 1 S id pleasure. Barb. PljotDAitte, g. id. pi. -pl&e, s. m. a fresh well- looking man. M'N. Plob, g. plvjb, pi. id. s. m. a pool of standing water ,• PlobArj, -ivjn, pi. id. s. m. id. PIobAr)ACb,-bA, s. f. paddling or rowing in water. Plojb, g. plv^be, pi. plv^beA^A, s. f. a blanket. PlvbAifirfivne, s. f. common marsh marigold ; Caltha pa- lustris. +* Plvc,-v]ce,-vcA, s.f. the cheek. PlvcAC,-Ai5e, adj. having large cheeks, blubber cheeked, lumpy, bunchy. PIúc,-caó, v. a. press, squeeze, smother, PIúcaÓj-óca, pi. id. s. m. a press- ing, a squeezing, a smother- ing, Luke, viii. 45. PlvcAjitej g. id. pi. -jipe, s. m. a fellow with large cheeks. PlvcbA, ind. p. p. smothered, pressed, squeezed. PlYirpbir,-t*e,-H, s.f. a plumb ; pronounced Plvrtjrnir. Plvjfiín reA03At7,-A]i), s.m. sheep's sorrel, mountain clover; Ru- tnex acetosella, Trifolium al- pestre. PlvnjbA, g. id. pi. -A|be, s. m. a plummet, pronounced PlvrpnjA. Lat. Plumb-um. Plúp, g. plain» s. m. flour, /^/-%> meal ; 1 Sam. xxviii. 24-. — Gen. xviii. 6. Judg. vi. 19. Plan r><* b-peAn, the choice of men. PlúnACj-Aige, adj. mealy, full of meal. ^*rs*i«i>*c»-*is.-*ise,5pteA rs .|Pob*i,-*,i, &, -v ( i )P i. 1 ,v l bte«c», K,n% Jplétfiún, -ú]\i, pi. id. s. m. | s. m. people , Ex. xv. 16. — Ex. xxiii. 11. Luke vii. 1 — Gen. xxvii. 29. Rev. xvii. 15. a con-\C\&%. tribe. Lat. Po- gregation, "pul-us. ~~~ Poc, g. pv^c, pi. id. &, pocA, s.m. a he goat, Dan. viii. 8. — pi. Gen. xxx. 35. Póca, g. id. pi. -Ajóe, s. m. a pocket, a pouch, a bag. PocÁiv<)) pi. id. a little he goat ; dim. of Poc, q. v. Poc Fjoij, g. pV|C J?]!), pi. pV|C, &, pocA piorJA, a roebuck, Deut. xv. 22. — pi. see 1 Kings iv. 23. Poc S^bAin? s.m. a he goat, Prov. xxx. 31. Poc ]ivAb, g. pv|c n v ^l^> pi* pvjc, &, pocA n>"AbA, s. m. a roebuck, Deut. xiv. 5. P05, inf. PÓ5AÓ, v. a. kiss, Gen. xxvii. 26 Gen. xxxi. 28. Luke vii. 45. P05, g. pói 5 e, pi. P03A, s. f. a kiss, Ex. xviii. 7. — 2 Sam. -V -f p 5n 280 PHU xx. 9. Luke xxii. 47.— Prov. xxvii. 6. Pó5<\8, g. P65CA, s. m. the act of kissing. Po56i|t,-6|tA,-ó|tn6e, s.m.a kisser. Póiftfn, g. id. pi. -t)i6e, s. m. a small seed potatoe, a seedling. Pó|r5eDY]r, & not Por&A, is generally used in the pi. see Gen. xxxiv. 9. Por&A, g- id. pi. -, s. f. bastard cress or mustard, penny cress ; Thlapsi arvense. PjtAireac pj<\6A.|f}, s. f. common >*' mild goosefoot, orache, white goosefoot ; Chenopodium al- bum. PfiAireAÓ 5Afib, s. f. wild mus- tard, charlock ; Sinapis ar- vensis. P|i41!*eAC jlAf, s. f. fig-leaved goosefoot ; Chenopodium fici- folium. PjiA'lfeAC rbfn, s. f. wild orache • Artiplex hastata. PjtAife-n5e, s. m. a chief captain, Gen. xxi. 22. P|tfOft?cvf,-cvfr, pi. id. s. m. the first, Num. xxiv. 20. first chief, first foundation. PftjOti)VACb<\ti&T),-Afr), pi. id. &, -Ada, s. m. a chief governor, Jer. xx. 1. PftiorbvACbAftAOACb,-b<\, s.f. chief government or sway. Pfifort)V5bAft,-Aifi, pi. id. s. m. a chief author. Mul. Pfifonr** g» id. pi. -*]óe, s. m. a \£ prince, Rev. i. 5. — Eph. ii. 2. — Gen. xii. 15. PftionrArnUcb,-bA, s. f. princeli- ness. P|tforjrArT)V|l,-rblA, adj. princely. Pftforúnr^l^j pl- id. s.m. a prison, /?C — g. Luke xxii. 33. Acts v. 19. PfVjorúr)AG,-Ai5 r Af5e, s.m. a pri- soner, Acts xxiii. 18. — pi. Acts xvi. 25. see bfiA^bjouAc. PjiforúoAcbj-bA, s. f. imprison- ment. Pf\6|6e, s. m. a veil or covering for the eyes. Pvflpjb,-be, s.f. a, pulpit. Barb. Pvp)ce, g. id. pi. -q, s f. a point, an article, a jot, a tittle. PvfOcealcA, ind. adj. precise, punctual. Py\\iz\x), g. id. pi. -i)|óe, s. m. a small port or harbour, dim. of Pope, q. v. Pvjrft), g.id. pi. -t)i5, &, -i) 1 8e, s. m. a lip, Lev. xiii. 45.— pi. 1 Sam. i. 13. Prov. iv. 24. see Eccl. x. 12. dim. of Pvr, q. v. also, a kitten. Prryc, g. -pr]vc, pi. id. s. m. a point, a tittle, a whit. O'G. Pvnc5Ur,-Air, s. m. purple melic grass ; Meliea ccerulea. Prx)^x),-^}Y)e,-^\)^, s. f. a sheaf, Lev. xxiii. 11. Job xxiv. 10. — pi. Gen. xxxvii. 7. a bundle of straw or hay. Pvi)c tory ; 3L-4Ms& place of punish- / /Í-» ment, the existence of which is fully believed by Romanists, but is plainty repugnant t o-tbe /J ^t^fif -word of God, coo 1 John i. l/'y If &c &c GUvi^' pYft5AbójjteAcb,-fcA, s. f. a puri^wuvwl 4**. fication, a purifying. PvjiTjójiv&e, pi. -bi, or -beac^, s. f. a purge, a dose of aperient medicine. Pv|i56|beAc,-b]5e, adj. purgative, cathartic, laxative. j> Pvfipvi jt, g. id. pi. i d. purple ^Ex. K%i£ xxv. 4. Luke. xvi. ly.-^Mark xv. 17. John xix. 2. Pvp, g. pv|r, pi. id. &, pvrA, s.m. a Up, Ps. xii. 3. — pi. Ps. xii. 4. & xxxi. 18. PvrAc,-At5e, adj. blubber-lipped, thick- ipped. Pvr, v. a. say, Gen. xiii. 14. & xlii. 9.— Matt. i. 22. Acts i. 6. Gr. péw, / say. nAfbeAti)lAci),-t>-5 eA ^ A > s - i- a Jit of sickness or madness. Uaióibéf r,-re, -rj, s. f. « romance, a gasconade, a low composi- tion. HA1órbéiree, s. f. a range, — pi. Lev, xi. 35. a rank. 1?AfpéAfi,-é|!t, pi. id. s. m. a ra- pier. Riv^c, he reached, contr. fr. jto, Xlb\ie, g. icT. pi. id. &, -ce<\i)AC,-xM5e, oared, furnished with oars. Uívrb<\cí?,-t>, q. v. narnAi5,-ti}AÓ, v. a. row ; H&ri?, inf. id. &, -rbaó, v. a. id. nAri?*ille,g. id. pi. -If, s. f. a ra- ving in sickness, a doating. Hamuli, comp. T»eime,&, jieimfie, adj. fat, thick, Gen. xli. 2. & xlix. 20. — see small and large Edd. 1 Kings xii. 10. & Dan. i. 15. plump, fleshy. TCArn&ty&ir, pi. id. s. m. a ro- mance, a fable, foolish talk. HAru&rAC,-<\i5e, adj. romantic, fabulous. TUrbvige, g id. pi. -gee, s. m. a ^ rower, — pi. Ezek. xxvii. 26. ^ An 5r5 A > pl- id. s.m. a rank, se- ries, order, also, a wrinkle. UAnjACj-Aige, adj. wrinkled. U<\t>5ivi?,-&1i)j pi. id. s. m. a step of a ladder. U&i), g. p&ii)e, pi. n'W*, s. f. a spade ; Xlbb&i), id. Xl*x),-x)*&, v. a. Deut. xxxii. 8. see Uojó, see also Rev. xvi. 19. Xl*x),-?)*i pi. id. s. m. a part, — g. 1 Cor. ix. 13. see Uom. ^Y^Ui^-.-Luj-i^'co flZ' jiiffcriA^ *± p^rrnJowJ^ H4^/í^ ,(rfl- nas 286 nea K % n'4,]\iz,-ze,-ze&f)& 9 s. f. a par- ticipation, a division. H<\irp&|ftce<\c,-q5e, adj. parta- king, participating. nAÍ)p^]tice^ri}Ucb,-&A, s. f. par- ticipation. >^^ HAT)p&ificeA?i?Y|l^jl^ adj. par- taking, Eph. ^^^W Xl^f)p'^]\iz]^,-]Y^6, v. a. partici- pate, divide, partake. HAOpiMtttise, g. id. pi. -cijce, s.m. a partaker, a participator. HATrp&i|tc|Y5A&,-ci5ce,pl. id. s.m. a partaking, a participation. Uaíjca, ind. p. p. divided, see Police. UAÍ)c<\cí>,-bA, s. f. versification, poetry. T^orvgAÓj-v^ce, pi* id- s. m. a searching, a rummaging, a ran- sacking. n-*15 e ,-aca, s. f. a rambling woman, a jilt, a gipsey. Ha- X pl. id. s. m. rt shrub- bery, brushwood, underwood. HAf&t), v. a. Gal. iv. 27. — Acts xiv. 14. see Herb. ne<\b £ He ac, inf. jtej^v. a. sell, Gen. xxv. 31. Matt. xix. 21 — Ex. xxi. 8. Matt, xviii. 25. fted|ft,-óítA,-ó|n|8e, s. m. a Kl4 A £ % fdá i neti 287 n é j seller; Acts xvi. 14. an auc- tioneer, HeacAifie, g. id. pi. -ftióe, s. m. a seller ; Ezek. vii. 12. & 13. T3eACA}fteAci>,-&A, s. f. a sale, an auction, UeAcb,-bA, pi. id. s. m. a law, a statute, I Cor. xiv. 34. Luke ii. 22. Heb. x. 8. — Lev. xviii. 26. an ordinance, com. Lat. Rect-um. Pe adj. legislative, giving laws. fei&liro jteAcbrijAji, Feilim the law-maker. néAcrireAc 3 -]*]5e, adj. easy tem- pered. UéAlc, g. fierce, pi. |téAlcA, &, |iéAlcAÍ), v . a. fore- name. néAtuAitte, g. id. pi. -jiit>e, s. m. a traveller, a wayfaring man. Xle&ri)*]b]r),-ir)e, &, -cnivJAÓ, v.a. see PevrixxiciT). ReArbAicrje, g. id. s. f. foreknow- ledge, previous acquaintance. fteATDAicfiir,-re, s. f. prediction, divination, augury. TCeArt)Aic|t|reóitt, - ójia, - ójfiióe, s. m. a diviner, an augur. neAtt?Ari)A|ic,-Aific, s.m. foresight. * L "n rceArb*ft,comp |te^rb|te 5 &, \ie\nje, adj. see T*Art)Afi. neArbblAf,-fAÓ, v. a. foretaste. UeAri)citoiC]0^,-c^, pi. id. &, -eve, s. m. a foreskin, Hab. ii. 16. — Gen. xvii. 11. 1 Sam. xviii. 27. neAri)fAir&ioe, g. id. s. f. a pro- phecy. TCeo|ibY5 ^^^&, -Apce, pi. id. s. m. a former citation, a pre- amble, a foretelling. Xle*ú)\i&\ó,-y.&b, v. a. foretell, 2 Cor. xiii. 2. preface, fore- cite. Xle^n)i(i\\6ze, ind. p. p. foretold, aforesaid, forecited. HeAmtiYJAOj-Y^gce, s. m. a wax- ing gross, a fattening, Acts xxviii. 27. a coagulation, PeArbivHSj-YTjAO, v. a. fatten, make fat, — v. n. become fat. PeAmrWYAitvoeAO, v. n. fore- think, pre- conceive. HeACACAtvAir, s. m. a rutting, a tupping, UéAóUnr^l^} pl- id. s.m. a star, a luminary, TCéAólAT)Ac&,-& V grave:v|n, v. a. /?re- destinate, Eph. i. 5. resolve, appoint, assign, Xl'e\xx)C\x)e*t>,-x)\6, s. m. predesti- nation, purpose, Eph. i. 11. — Eph. iii. 11. Yte]wcwc)r^6, -rig, &, -ci5ce, s.m. id. C. P. Tle\wb\\\]^,-]r^6, v. a. prevent, go before, anticipate. C. P. Yle]ir)e, g. id. s. f. fatness, pride, thickness. né|ti)eAt>fiAÓ,-OA|trA, pi. id. s. m. the forenoon. % TCéirT)e<\rT)lAcb,-bA, s. f. consis- tency, sway, authority. T3é)rt7ei)vjre, g. id. s.f. a fore- witnessing , 1 Pet. i. 11. TCéirbj:ior,-fe*]\\e, g. id. pi. -fii&e, &, -fieAÓA, s. m. a forerunner. K. Tlé}]i, dat. sing, of H^ft, q. v. ge- ^c nerally used in the cpd. pre- positions, & ftéjft, &Oo ftéw, ^' q/ter, accordin g to ; Gen. jLviii. K\ 11. Matt. ii. 16. Héire, g. id. pi. -rf, s. f. a span, Ex. xxviii. 16. 1 Sam. xvii. 4. — Lam. ii. 20. Vt£)ie, g. id. pi. id . -ceA&A, &, ^< -ci6e , s. m. a ram, Gen. xxii. "13T^-Ex. xxix7l9. & 32.— Gen. xxxi. 10. 12. & 38. Num. vii. 88. néjceAc,-ti3,-ci5e, s. m. a plain, — g. Deut. ii. 8. see TCéjó- ceAc. né|ceAC,-cf3,-c|je, s.m. a recon- ciliation,— g. 2 Cor. v. 18. & 19. see UejoceAc. , , ** neu 289 n j u 4» Uejce-itevbcA, s. m. a battering- ram. Hé]ce co5<\]8, id. see Hé|ce, & HevbAÓ. néici5,-ceAc„ v. a. agree, recon- cile,— mi. Luke xii. 58. rec- tify, arrange, settle, conciliate, disentangle. Hé|qneAcb,-bA, s. f. a rutting. Heofó,-oó<\b, v. n. freeze, — v. a. cause to freeze, HeoóA, s. m. phlegm, rheum, catarrh, mucous saliva- TleYtr)&c,-M5e,s.m.phlegmy, rheu- matic, afflicted with catarrh. Hevrr)*|qr),-ci;)e 3 &, -ctjjvtjaó, v. a. foreknow, Rom. viii. 29. nevrbc|tO]ceAÓ,-c|}), s. m. Gen. xvii. 11. & 14. see Vl£]\vc\\o\- CfOÍj.' 2 p I Revrboitbvtijj-v^Ab. v. a. Rom. viii. 29. see HeAróojabvjg. Hevri) fi&]ó,-]t&8, v. a. proclaim, 2 Kings xxiii. 16. see He<\rb- Hevrvo,-vtt), pi. id. s. m. a rea- son, — pi. 1 Pet. iii. 15. HevrvocA, ind. adj. reasonable, rational. Mul. nev|rr)CAC&,-bA, s. f. reason, ra- tiocination, argument. Hja, cpd. pron. (fr. jte, with, &, f, her,) to her, with her ; Luke i. 30. H|Ab<\c,-Ai5e, adj. grey, brindled, roan, swarthy, grizzled. HiAbAc,-A]5, s. m. pasture louse- wort, or dwarf red rattle ; Pe- dicularis sylvatica. HfAbó5,-6]5e ? -Ó5A, s. f. a lark; H1AOÓ5 itjooa, s. f. a titlark ; HfAb65 coflle, a woodlark. H| pi. id. s. m. dis- cipline, order. M C N. í^AJAjlcceAjtOAÓ^-Afjj-Aijé, s.m, a square. Kft n j k 290 n 1 5 PtA5AjlceAC,-ci5e, adj. regular, according to rule, orderly peaceful, sober. UlA5Ailce<\c&,-t>A, s. f. regularity, orderliness, sobriety. T*]A5e, s. m. Ex. xxii. 28. see Tt]A^W^ieó]]\. Vt]^ÍAc,-A^e,-^CA, s. f. a brawl- ing contentious woman. HlAglójttj-ófiA, pi. -óijtióe, or, -6|ft|3, s. m — pi. Ps. ii. 2. see nfAglvjgceóiit. njATjlYTjAbj-vigce, pi. id. s. m. a ruling, Gen. xli. 40. a govern- ment, a direction, a manage- ment. H1A5UÓ, s. m. id. Is. ix. 6. UjATjlY^gj-YTjAe, v. a. rule, reign ; Prov. xxii. 7. — Col. iii. 15. 1 Tim. iii. 12. govern, direct, regulate ; HjA^ilj-gUo, v. a. id. — inf. Gen. i. 16. v. * U|A5lvi5ceóV|t,-6|tA,-6||X|6e, s. m. a ruler ; Hab. i. 14. 1 Kings i. 35. a governor, a director, a manager, a regulator. Yl]&n), adv. ever; Deut. iv. 33. f always, at any time. (0L-\ ty*]h g. jt&me , pi. m*p with you ; Matt, xxvi. 29- U|be, g. id. pi. -e<\CA, s. f. see HYjbe. U^be|t»,-be,-&eACA, s. f. a musical reed, a pipe, a melody, merri- ment. Hlbei&eAC,-&i5e, adj. furnished with reeds (as a wind instru- ment, J musical, melodious, merry. H)beÓ5,-ói3e,-ó3A, s. f. a rag, a clout, a tatter, a tassel, a fringe. Hlbeo5Ac,-<\i5e, adj. ragged, clouted, tattered, tasselled, fringed. U]bleAÓ,-lij, pi. -l^ge, &, -leacA, s. m. a long string or line, any thing much entangled, knotti- ness. Vl\s\]\e, g. id. pi. -ni&^j &, -fteAÓa, s. m. a knight. O'H. Hjb|iieAÓt> r b<\, s. f. Jcnighthood. TviO|fte<\?i7Yil,-rblA, adj. knightly. Hf^, .g. id. pi. \\\^te, s. m. a king, Matt. ii. 1.— Matt. v. 35 Matt. xvii. 25. Hind. Raj-a, Lat Rex, Fr. Roi. ftl5r5 e > pl.-3ceACA,&, jiíojcaca, s. f. an arm, Ps. x. 15. — Is. ix. 20. — Job. xxii. 9. see Ezek. xxx. 24. & 25. the arm from the elbow to the wrist, a cubit, a felloe ; see 1 Kings vii. 33. n ) n 291 n Jo m f Ujg, inf. ^ACbAin, &, po cbZitk f^" v. a. & n. contain, reach, at- tain,— mi. 2 Chron. ÍTX2 Cor. x. 14. Phil. iii. 11. arrive, come, also, consent, approve. H|5 beAD, g. ^13 "J"^» P 1 - id - s - f - a queenlike or superior woman. ní5cir&e, g. id. pi. -bf, s. f. a Royal treasury ; see G^rbe. "f- Hige, g. id. s. m. a reign, 2 Kings jfcgAxxiv. 12. a sov ereignty , a king- W>\dom. K. \j^Xl\i\x), comp. ni5» e > ad J- &KS^i. /# tenacious, abViesvvé, stiff ; also, drowsy, sluggish, dilatory. Xt\T,rx)\ox),-Y) # -W> s. m. '/ delay ; Matt. xxiv. 48. stiff - ii^ ness, tenacity. ft|7;oTor, id. /^ n^joeAf UbAficA, arc impedi- ment of speech. Hj7;ni5,-neAÓ, v. a. stiffen ; 2 Chron. xxxvi. 13. ?waAe flfl^e- s/ve or clammy, delay, procras- tinate, — v. n. become adhesive or clammy. Uf5-|i&ic,-c-5 e > s - f : greater burr- reed ; Sparganium erectum. ftíjceAc, s. m. an arm ; see Uyj. Hlll,-leAb,v.a. sift, rid die, winnow. TC|lleAÓ,-lió, &, -li5ce, pi. id. s. m. a sifting, a riddling, a win- nowing. Xl]\[eb\),-'&w, pi. id. s. m. a riddle or coarse sieve, a fan. U\TX)e]-^e, g. id. s. f. delicateness, pride ; Deut. xxviii. 56. Job xli. 15. finery, gorgeousness. Uírt)|AÓ,-rbibe, s.f. delicacy, finery, Jer. xlviii. 29. - Um5c,-ce, v. n. dance, inf. 1 Sam. xviii. 6. U^nc,-ce, id. — Tl|i)5ce, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a dance, Ex. xxxii. 19. 2 Sam. vi. 14. — Judg. xxi. 21 — Ex. xv. 20. see Jer. xxxi. 4. ft f nee, id. RfD5cceóifvófiA,-6fti|óe, s . m# a dancer. Uiocceójit, id. H]i),-i)e, a cpd. pron. (fr. \ie, & ji),) MttVA ws ; Matt. i. 23. Xl)x),-r)e, s. f. ajpoint ; Jer. xvii. yf~ 1. Me to/? of anything, a pro- ^fy montory or foreland. ^~~ nii)eAc,-ni5e, adj. sharp, Prov. xxv. 18. pointed, barbed. Hfobó|b,-be, s. f. « spendthrift. HíobójbeAcbj-bA, s. f. prodigality. H]ocb,-bA, pi. id. s. m. form, U\ jj^~ Phil. ii. 7. Heb. xi. 12. shape, <^ likeness, state, conMUon, place. /^J 2j=- HfocbAnAC, s. m. seeUfAcbAT)Ac. ^** Tl^oboft, very great, Matt. ii. 18. "Ho]ri?ilir, very sweet. Hó-Árt&, most high, superlative ab- solute ; "Ro-A^jibe, most highest, a compound superlative, ap- plied only to the Deity, see Deut. xxxii. 8. UóbA, g. id. pi. -Ape, s. m. a robe, Ex. xxxix. 23. & 24. RobAjl, inf. id. v. a. rob. O'G. Barb. HobAil,-AlA, pi. id. s. f. robbery, plunder. Barb. Hó-baoTjUó, adj. no comp. very fearful, Heb. x. 31. Uo-blArbA, ind. adj. no comp. very sweet. Ró-bvjbeAÓ, adj. no comp. very thankful. TCó-cÁmbeArbYil, adj. no comp. exceedingly courteous and friendly. Uo-ceAuArnvil, adj. no comp. very loving, 2 Tim. iii. 2. nocbAjt), s. f . a journeying, Acts xxii. 6. a reaching, an arriving at, an ascent. TCocbvjt), id. Xld-c[]\-be, ind. adj. no comip. very expert. TCó-cvft<\rT?,-A!n), s.m. carefulness, 1 Cor. vii. 32. eager anxiety. Hó-cviiAn)AC, adj. no comp. ex- ceedingly careful, very anxious, very vigilant. TCó-cújiaca, ind. adj. no comp. very courageous, Jos. i, 7. Tlob, g. pop, pi. id. s. m. a road, a way, a track, a passage. TCó-Óo|oeAncA, ind. adj.no comp. very stormy, exceedingly tern- pestuous. nó-6óccvr,-vtr } s. m. great confi- dence, — g. 2 Cor. viii. 22. nó-bóccvr ac, adj. no comp. eai- ceedingly confident. n o j 29; no j Uó-tmcftAc&AC, adj. no comp. ex- no|ri)bfiTACAf|t,-btt]AC<\ft, &, -bfief- ceedingly diligent, very ear nest. nó-eóUó, adj. no comp. very skil- ful, exceedingly knowing, Pó-f oi),-pv^, pi. id. s. m. an ear- nest longing, a keen desire. TCó-£oíjrt)4Tt, adj. no comp. very desirous, very willing. T}ó-£vlAi05ceAc, adj. no comp. exceedingly patient. Ho5,-5<\t>, v. a. choose, select, wish. Z fto5A,-5eólvr r Y]r, s. m. foreknow- ledge, precognition, anticipa- tion. Tl6]\verb,-é]t), s. m. exceeding greatness, Eph. i. 19. Vto\n)^ercA]D,-f^cr]ot)^, s. f. fo res igh t, forecast. Uojrr>reAC 5 -ri5e,-reAÓA, g, f. a jilt, a harlot. Xto\x)e, s. f. hair, particularly, of a horse's tail or mane. Uó|oeAC } -r>i5e, adj. hairy, crini- gerous. Hójt)eYbAc,-bYi7j,-bYf5e, s. m. haircloth. faJp \lo\t), inf. id. v. a. divide^ Ezek. r^%\^ v. 1. — Luke xii. 13. 1 Cor. xii. 11. impart, distribute, share . <• ftoji), g. jto^e, &, fioi^pl. ttoi^A, . , >j s. f. a part, a portion, Deut. \\\ ^n x. 9.— Gen. xlviii. 22. Job. \ xxiv. 18. — Ezek. xlvii. 13. a share, a divisio n, a class. HóirjeAC,-í)i5, s. m. hair, — g. 1 Kings xxi. 27. horse hair ; see TvvAióneAc. TCojijte, ind. p. p. divided, Matt. xii. 25. distributed, shared. TIo}\]x),-v)q, s. f. rosin. Hó|rceAÓ,-ti5, pi. id. s. m. a roach, a kind of fish. Hóirqo, g. id. pi. -t>|óe, s. f. a gridiron. O'G. Xlo]t,-ie, pi. jioca, &, 110CAÓA, s.f. (y^\ Jg a whee l, Ecc. xii. 6. Ezek. i. /j. ] 6— Ezek. i. 16.— Ezek. i. 20. ''' 10 Lat. Rot-a. T}o]ci5,-ceAC&, v. n. agree with, stretch, — inf. C. P. Hojtcjg, id. see Ex. xxvi. 28. Pottle asát),-^! 1 ^ pi. id. s. m. a circle, a wheel, a twirl. UT> ^'■^***** now 294 nor Tlo]ile!\r),-'e]y, &, -eív^. pi/ id. s. m. awheel; Ezek. x. 9. — 1 Kings vii. 32. — Ex. xiv. 25. Ezek. i. 21. also, « riddle, a pully, a roller, the knee pan. Lat. Rotula. TCojcle&i;)4c,-T)i5e, adj. having wheels. no|cle6||t,-6tt&,) before me, Do cv ceeding magnijical, magnifi- cent ; 1 Chron. xxii. 5. nó-rbófiÓAUc&,-b<\, s-f. exceeding magnificence. Tlóú)v\b, cpd. pron. (fr. fiofrb, & fjb,) before you, Matt. v. 12. *■ PorbviftCj-rbAjicA, pi. id. s. f. a //if//* or spring tide, a full sea; fr. ]to, & njYijt. Hoi), g. iu>|0, pl- t»ó|i)ce, & |tói)CA, ^ s. m. a seal, a sea calf. U ijfi Hon, g. |ió|p, pi. |i6|ik< v , s. m. xi. 3. see Ud\\)e. TConc,-c<\6, v. n. snore. Vlor)5<\, g. id. pi. -*]óe, s. m. a rung, a joining spar, the timbers or ribs of a boat. noi)5pl- id. s. m. a pro- montory ; generally found as a prefix in the proper names of places. PorA, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a rose, Cant. ii. 1. Hór, g. t 10 !!*? pi- id- s. m. id. Hor&n,-&|r),pl. id. s.m. a shrub. Hórb,-bAÓ, v. a. roast, grill, toast, parch. O'G. UórbAÓ,-bA, &, -bvigce, pi. id. s. m. a roasting, a toasting, a grilling. Rórbvjgce, ind. p. p. roasted ; Luke xxiv. 42. grilled, toasted. ft°r3> £• FHr3i P 1 - id - s - m - the W\ eyej eyesight, a poetic compo- sition ; used only in poetry. TCoj^-caca, s. m. an incitement to battle, an address to an army ; fr. fivjrs, & cac. ftoj^óalUój-lvigce, s.m. a blind- folding, an error, a mistake. nórUc&n, g. iió|rUc&p, s. m. lesser duck meat ; Lemna minor. Hórri)V|fie, g. id. s, m. the flower rosemary. Rórc,-cAÓ, v. a. roast ; Uór,-rAb, id. see Prov. xii. 27. Edn. of 1681. nor,-r<\, pi. id. &, ftocAba, s. m. a wheel, the rim of a wheel ; see Uojc. nu^ 295 adj. no corap. very pleasan t Uo-úl63,-6i5e,-65e- longing to a deceitful inten- tion. náiT3cléitieAC,-fii3, pi. -pige, &, -fia<\ÓA, s. m. a private secre- tary. rcttii?biAtt)Aiti,-mttA, pi. id. s. f. « mystery, Col. i. 26. Rev. xvii. 7.— Eph. iii. 9. — 1 Cor. xiv. 2. a secret purpose; literally, a dark secret ; fr. juii), &, bfArijA^. Ur|i)blAri7jtao,-A|3e, adj. myste- rious, mystical, see 2 Cor. xii. 4. rcvfuttvfre, s.m. male pimpernel; Anagalis arvensis. Hvjfte, g. id. pi. -|i]8e, s.m. a knight. T^b^te, id. q.v. Uv^,-re, s. f. the elder tree, the name of XI, the fourteenth let- ter of the modern Irish Al- phabet. HvjreArbUcbj-bA, s. f. disorder I i- ness, rashness. HvfreAri)Yfl,-rbU, adj. disorderly, rash. Hvj reancA, ind. adj. speedy, quick, hasty. TCutr3r3 e r5 e *i)Aj s. f. a skir- mish, noise, report. Hújr3j inf. jmr3ójfte<\cb,-&A, s.f. a sawing ; S&jóbéifteAC&j-bA, s. f. id. S^biv]l, inf. id. v. a. save, Matt. viii. 25 Matt, xviii. 11. Heb. xi. 7. rescue, protect, defend, spare. Sao* 1,-aIa, pi. id. s. f. a saving, a sparing, a protecting, a safety, frugality. S<\b&]lce, ind. p. p. see SAb&tcA. - SaBaI,-*^, pi. id. s. m. a bam, a granary. Sl3e,s.f. a Sabbath, Ex. xvi. 25.— Ex. xvi. 23. Matt. xii. 5. — Lev. xix. 30. SA.brA, g. id. pi. -A^be, s. m. sauce 2q of any kind, condiment, gravy. Sac, g. r A 1 C > pl- id. s. ra. a sack ; Gen. xliv. 11 Gen. xlii. 27. — Gen. xliv. 1. a bag; Heb. Sak. Gr. iá%-%os, Lat. Sac-cus. This word is to be found with very little variation in almost all languages, and in the same sig- nification. Sac,-c<\6, v. a. press into a bag or sack ; also, sack or de- stroy. Saca^-a^, s. m. a pressing or filling into a sack or bag ; also, a sacking or destroying ; Sa- ca^I,-áU, s. f. id. SACÁn,-^in> pi. id. s. m. a Utile sack or bag, dim. of S&c ; also, a trifling or unmannerly fel- low, a short corpulent fellow. SAC|tÁi!Ue}nc,-ce,-qóe, s. f. a sa- crament. C. P. SAcpiFir,-re,-ri, s. f. a sacrifice. Sacp ahvao, s. f. England. SacfAnACj-Aige, adj. English. SAcrAi)Ac,-<\t5,-Ai5e, s. m. an Englishman, a Saxon. SAcr-bevjilA, g. id. s. m. the Eng- lish language, the Anglo-Saxon. SAcr-bevjtlArbvilj-rbU, adj. of or belonging to the English tongue. s U J 298 S &J . priest; Gen. xiv. 18. — Luke TTISfp^pl. Heb. viii. 4. Rev. i. GÍ Lat. Sacerd-os. S^5<\ricACt>,-bxN, s. m. or f. a priesthood ; Heb. vii. 5. — Num. xvi. 10. Num. xxv. 13. HeB. vii. 11. SajAjicArbvilj-rbU, adj. priestly, \ sacerdotal» S A]cevbAc,-bv]3, s. m. sackcloth ; 2 Sam. Hi. 31. Is. xx. 2.— 2 Kings xix. 2, S«\|ó,-6e, s. f. satiety, sufficiency, riches, treasure, store of mo- ney. \(x lA-SAió&jiv-bfte, adj. nV/a ; lluth ' , ir iii. B. Rev. xiii. 16.— Ps. xlv. ^ U ^, riches; Horn. ix. 23. Eph. i. *!2p- "Tfí^Matt. xiii. 2-2.— Eccl. v. | 13. wealth, opulence, affluence ; S*?/; Ps. xli. 9.— pi. Gen. xlix. 17. see Hos. xii. 3. SaI, g. fAjl. s. m. defilement, ' ^/tf//, c&W, dross. C. P. SAUcj-Aige, &, fA^lce, adj. un- clean, filthy ; Tit. i. 15. — Job xv. 16. dirty, foul, nasty, sor- did^ vile, despicable, polluted, defiled. SaIacaji, see SaIcaji./w ^tp S<\U^5,-lv5<\6, v. a. defile, pro- fane, dishonour, pollute, conta- minate, besmear with dirt, spoil. SAtA]|i,-lívrt, v. a. seeSolacAjjt. SaUp,-Iy|í), s. m. sail ; Matt. v. 13.— Gen. xix. 26. Lat. Sal. Gr. "A as. SaUn&iVA|t), pi id. s. m. a salt- pit. SaIaí^a, hid. adj. saline, briny. SAl&ftCACj-Aige, adj. industrious, provident. SaIacaijvIahcaj s. m. provision, industry. SAlb|iv5AÓ,-vj7;ce, s. m» a bruis- ing on the heel. Salbjtvigj-YTjAb, v. a. bruise the heel. SAlcAÓ,-CY|5ce, s. m. a defiling, a pollution, a rendering un- clean. SAlcAft,-A]jt, s. m. filth, filthi- ness ; 1 Cor. iv. 13. 2^Cor> ^vn? 1. — 1 Pet. iii. 21. impu- rity, nastiness. SAl-clvA^re,g. r S &29 300 s ^O C-Ajfil, S<\lc*|ji t)A jini), see SAltA]|t,-|tc, &, ralcAjtc, v. a. tread. Job xl. 12. — Is i. 12. . Matt. v. 13. trample. SAlcA}jtc,-<\ince, &, -AjtcA,pl. id. s. f. a treading, — g. Is. xvi. 10. & xxii. 5. a trampling. Se, s. m. a Salter, a saltmonger. Sarb, comp. y*ime, adj. eqsy, pleasant, sweet* mild, gentle, quiet, still, happij . %\kk), g. vt)1a, adj. like, such ; 1 Cor. xv. 35. Lat. Simil-is. see SArbvjl. Sbrx), see SaítjIvtjaó. Sívri)lv5^b,-v]gre, pi. id. s. m. a jimilitude* a parable ; Deut. lv. 12. Job. xxix. IT'an image, an emblem, a c ornparison . S^rblvjjj-vjAÓ, v. a. liken, com- pare, see Matt. vii.~2l. S,-^, s. f. covetousness, greediness, cupidity, inclina- tion, desire. Sane, g. rajnc, s. m. id. SAntvgAbj-Yjgce, s. m. the act of desiring or coveting, Acts xix. 30. u S&hcy|5,-vja6, v. a. covet^ Jos. ■*" vii. 21.— 1 Tim. y'l^Tr^esjre, i/ « lust after. SaoB, comp. r<\0|be, adj. foolish, U see Acts xx. 30. silly, err one- s ^o 301 sue ous, apt to be led astray, wrong, mad. \A, s. f. the trade of a carpenter, joiner, or mason, SAoifiriSr^S* 6 ? v. a. cheapen. S ~ / S^ofiCACj-Aige, adj. servile, labo- rious, toilsome, diligent. Saojico]1,-coU, s. f. free will. S~ gression, a trespass ; Jos. xxii. contend. E 22. 1 John iii. 4. — Lev. vi. 17. Sb&ijin, g. rb&itna, pi. id. s. f. a Ps. lix. 3. see Jas. ii. 9. a contest, a, wrestling, a labour- conquering, oppression, a plun- ing, 1 Cor. ix. 25. & 26. Eph dering, a subjugation, a res- vi. 12. — Col. iv. 12. distress, cuing. fn -^- a struggle, a rivalry / V~ JjL S&|tY|5,-YgAÓ, v - a. press, trgjis- Sb\]]it)Cv\ri)Yjl,-r" U, adj. given to y gress , surpass j. Gen, xix. 3. — wrestling, contentious, qnar- VV Wh. xhi. 27. see Phil. iv. 7. ' rclsome. oppress, distress, wrong, har- [ SoAflt&tV^M'S pL id. s.m. a purse, rass , rescue violently, conquer, . Luke x. 4. see Sp v \ffi&u. subjugate, inju re, o ppressZJL I *&! S b ft 05 a ] 1 1 e , g. id. pi. -l^oe, s. f. . \ S<\]tYi3ce<\c,-C|^e, adj. oj)pressive, a, cab, 2 Kings vi. 25. /// disperse. ScAicce, ind. p. p. cut, pruned, lopped off, dispersed. ScaIa, g. id. pi. -A|6e, &, -a6a, s. m. a cup, a bond, a balance, Gen. xliv. 2. — 1 Kings vii. 26. Ps. xi. 6.— Ex. xxv. 29. & 31. Lev. xix. 36. Jer. xxxv. 5. a scale. ScAUtn,-&ii), pi. id. s. m. a shade, a hut, — pi. Num. i. 53. a stage, a scaffold. ScAllACAn,-Ait), pi. id. s. m. an unfledged bird ; ScaIcad, -aid, s. m. id. ScAttlvjAÓj-vigce, pi. id. s. m. a scandalizing, a reproaching. Scat)a]1,-í)Ia,-t)Iaca, s. f. a re- proach, blasphemy ; Ps. xxxi. 13. — 1 Sam. xxv. 39. Job. xx. 3. — Ezek. xxxv. 12. an of- fence, scandal, slander, a ca- lumny, a disgrace. Scai)yjI, id. Ps. xxxi. 13. Gr. Sxa^aX-ov, Lat. Seagal-urn. ScAi)AlAc,^q5e, adj. scandalous, . calumnious, slandering, dis- graceful, shameful. ScAT3AD,-A|r), pi. id. s. m. a thin membrane, a film, the caul which covers the lungs. ScAt}lvi3,-Y5AÓ, v. a. blaspheme, reproach, — inf. 2 Sam. xii. 14. scandalize, calumniate; see Luke xvii. 2. ScAr)lv|5ceó|fi,-6fiA,-5]|iiÓe, s.m. a blasphemer, — g. Ps. xliv. 16. a calumniator, a scandalizer. ScAT)ftA6 r tiAi6, &, -TiA|5ce,pl. id. UJlj s. m. a surprise, a fright, con- fusion, a dispersing, a scat- tering. O.GTT^" ScAr)fivi5,-v5AÓ,\v. a. scatter, |£^jj Zech. xiii. 7. scare, affright, disperse through fear, coti- found. Sc AojT r leA&, v. a. loose, Jos. v. 15. untie, disperse, spread, scatter, unfold, unsew. . ScAO|leAt>,-lce, pi. id. s. m. a K/í ^) loosening, an untying* a spreading, an extending, a di- vulging, a scatt erin g. S c a o 1 1 c e a c,- c | jje , adj . dissolve n t, "¥ see 304 s a ftr apt to spread or scatter, dif- fuse, apt to divulge, spread abroad. ScAojlceAGb,-bA, s. f. a prone- ness to spread or scatter, to loosen or divulge, diffuseness, a looseness, laxity. ScAOfc,-ce, pi. id. s. f. a swarm, a flight of birds, a multitude ; Scaoc,-o]c, s. m. id. ScAp,-pAb, v.a. squander, waste, spend, scatter, disperse, spread. ScAp,-6]be, s. f. scarlet, — g. Josh. ii. 18. & 21. Ed. 1681. Scac,-c<\, pi. id. s. m. a shade, a shadow, Ps. exxi. 5. Jonah iv. 6. — Heb. ix. 5. a protection, If *\j£j a shelter, a veil, aj^retence^ •n has hfulness, fear. SjAcTTd. Sc&CAC,- a dj« timid, fear- ful, bashful, shady. Scé*l,-é|l, &, -éo]í, pi. -é*U, &, -£aIca, s. m. — pi. Num. xiii. 26. see S5evl. SceAllAo,-&in, pi. id. s. m. a ker- nel, Num. vi. 4. a slice, parti- cularly, a slice ofapotatoe with an eye in it cut off for set- ting. M> Sce<\lp,-éilpe,-eAlpa, s. f. a cleft, see Is. lvii. 5. Jer. xlix. 16. a splinter, a piece, a fragment, a cliff. SceAC, g. rce^ce, pi. fce adj. greedy, snatching, grasping, abusive, foul-mouthed. ScUtT)Acb,-&A, s. f. ahusivenes, scolding, an inclination to snatch or grasp greedily. ScUrbA^fie, g. id. pi. -|i]6e, s. m. a usurper, a snatcher, one who seizes by force, an abusive foul- mouthed fellow. Scl&tA,g,id. pl.-Ai8f,s.m. aslate. Scleo, g. id. s. m. high language, pompous words. Seleó]t >,-&g , s. f. a sijjrferson. Sc\o]tj0f,s. f. filth, dirt. Scóio,-be,-&e<,\i)A, s. f. a neck. ScoJ5,-5e,-5eAfJA, s. f. a throat. Sco]l, s.f. see^»50|l. Sco]lc,-ce^^R a. cleave, Judg. xv. 19. s^K, rent&Uar, burst. Scoilc,-ce,-ceACe, s. m. a diminutive little fellow, a scrap, £ £cfiAjf*ce, g. id. pi. -z\6e, s. m. a sluggard, Prov. xxvi. 16. an indolent person. ScfuvirteACj-cigfS adj. slothful, lazy, indolent. ScftAifceAC&,-&A, s. f. laziness, slothfulness, indolence, ScfiAt|'ce4tr>lAc&,-&A, s. f. lazi- ness, slothfulness. ScrtA]fceArbv^l,-rblA, adj. see ScftAfl*ceAC. Scfie<\b,-bAÓ, v. n. cr«/, life Judg. x. 12. shout, bawl, see Ssfieab. ScfieAb.,-eirbe, s. f. abhorrence. ScjieApAl,-Ail, pi. id. s.m. a scru- ple in weight. Scfijbitjj-tje, s. f. writing, Ex. xxxix. 30. — Esth. i. 22. fr. pcftfob. Softer) beAlvfgce, a bill of divorcement, Deut. xxiv. 1. Sc|iíbné6fft,-ó|iA,-óftii8e, s. m. a scribe, a writer s 2 Kings xii. 10.— Ps. xlv. 1. Sc|tíbneópAco,-í>A, s. f. the pro- fession of a scribe, writing. Scttfob,-b<\8, v. a. scrape, — inf. Job. ii. 8. rub the surface, scratch, draw lines or strokes on the surface, lay waste. ~}/t Scfifob,-fbe, &, -job<\, pi. -foba, v> s. f, a scratch, a scrape, notch, a track, a mark, a line, a furrow, — g. K. 344. Scfifob<\c,-A]5e, adj. scratching, scraping, prone to scratch. ScftíobA8,-bcó|fte<\c&,-&A, s. f. a de- stroying^ a spoiling, a sweep- ing away. Scp]0i*c4, ind. p. p. ruined, de- stroyed, swept away. Scfi|orcó|fi,-ófi<\,-ó|fiióe, s. m. — g. Ps. xvii. 4. see Scfijor^- bdiit. Scfioba, g. id. pi. -AÓ,-A]5e, adj. restive, testy, peevish, pettish. S&o&ArbVjtj-rbU, adj. restive, pee- vish. Sbojb,-be, s.f. sulkiness, peevish- ness, restiveness. S&ojftm,-rDe,-meÁÓA, s £ a tem- pest, Matt. viii. ^lít— Heb. xii. J 8. a storm. S bo | ji it) e * rb y 1 1,- rbt a, adj. tempes- tuous^ stormy. S&61, g. rbójl, pi. id. &', rbólcou s. m. a stool, 2 Kings iv. 10. Heb. i. 13. Sból-cor, a foot- stool, Heb. i. 13. Sból-co]re, id. SbjiiopAC,-Ai5e,-ACA, s.f. a whore, a harlot, a fornicator, PrOv. xxiii. 27. — -Deut. xxiii. 18. 1 Cor. vi. 15.— pi. Matt. xxi. 31. 1 Cor. v. 10. Sb|t?opACArt)v]l,-rnlA, adj. whor- ish. Sb|i|opAÓ<\r,-<*ír> s.in. fornica- tion, 1 Cor. v. 1. — 1 Cor. vii. 2. whoredom. Se, pers. pron. he, Matt. i. 2], Se, apron, emph. suffix, self; as, 2t)|re, / myself. 'Sé, (fr. }y é,) it is he, it is it. SeAb, Ex. xx. 1 1. " v SpaOac,-,-bvi6e, s. f. a heifer, — g. Heb ix. 13. SeAcb, ind. num. adj. seven, Gen. xli. 2. Se£]llte, ind. part. adj. seven- fold. Se<\cb-&ev5, ind. num. adj. se- venteen, Gen. xxxvii. 2. SpAcbrbao, ind. ord. adj. seventh, Ex. xx. 10. 309 ^ sea All,-,-fcA, s. f. vicissitude, alternate change. SeAUt),-&in, pi. id. s. m. a halter or rope used for execution. SeAUi)AC,-A^5,-oii5e, s.m. ahang- man, an executioner. Se^UncA, ind. adj. rigid, rigo- rous. SeAlancAC&,-&A, s. f. rigour, ri- gidity. SeAlb, g. re|lbe, pi. reAlbA, &, '• r % re Alb aó a, s. f. a herd, a flock, r- ^ ^ a drove, Matt. viii. 30, — pi. Gen. xxix. 8. Num. xi. 22. see Gen. xxxii. 16. Us\ (j£- ^ e *; £ *f possession, 1 Cor. vi. 9. — Gen~ Un^ xxxvi. 43. 1 Kings xxi. 16. — ^ J Gen. xxxiv. 10. jnheriíanc^; The vernacular form is Se^lb, q. v. SeAlbAc,-Ai5e, adj. possessive. I J f\ 2- SeAlbAbóifi, - óftA, pi. -óimóe, &, ' H . -ó|ir|6e, s. m. an owner , a pos- Vfcólb&nsessor, Ex. xxf 29.— pi. Zech. * xi. 5. a proprietor, an occu- pant ; Se<\lbcójft,-ófiA,-ój|i|óe, s. m. id. SeAlbAn,-ivin, pi. id. s. m. a herd, see 1 Chron. xxvii. 29. a drove, a flock of small cattle. SeAlbó5,-ó|5e, s.f. sorrel; Seal- bó^ ?\ob&, wood sorrel. SeAlbvgAÓj-viTjce, s. m. an own- ing, a possessing, a taking pos- session. Num. xxi. 24.-^-Lev. xx. 24. inherit, own. SeAlbvi5ceó]fi,-ó[iA,-6|p]6e, s. m. see SeAlbAi)6|ft. SeAlj, g. rei»5e, P 1 - r e * l 3*> s » f - K\ . a hunt, a chase ; Vern. form, Se|l 5 , q- v. SeA^ACj-Aige, adj. belonging to hunting, fond of hunting. SeAl5A|jte, g. id. pi. -fieAÓA, &, -pióe, s. m. a hunter, Gen. x. 9. — pi» Jer. xvi. 16. a fowler, a huntsman ; fr. feA.15, & jreAii. SeAl3A^ieACi),-OA, s.f. a hunting, a fowling, the business of a huntsman or fowler. SeAtuAfi, g. reimue, pi. reArr?ftA, s. f. trefoil, clover. SeArr7ftó5,-ói5e,-55 foil, broad clover ; Trifolium pratense. SeAmAfi cjte, s. f. male speedwell ; Veronica officinalis. SeArnAfi rbvjne, s. f. female pim- pernel, yellow wood loosestrife ; Anagallis fosmina. SeAti)|»55,-ói5e,-ó5A, s. f. wood sorrel; Oxalis acetosella. SeAt), comp. rjjie, adj. old, an- U\ ^ tient, Jos. xiii. 1. Judg. v. 21. — Num. xxvi. 5. Lat. Sen-ex. SéAr),-i)AÓ, v.a. deny, Matt, xxvk 72. John xviii. 25. see Seyo. SeAUAcvjó, s. m. see SeAUcvjó. SeAUACVf. s. m. see SeAncvp. SeAnA|&,-í5e, s. f. a synod, a se- nate. SeAi)Airt)rHVrij ie >-p°l lA > s - ^old time, Gen. vi. 4. fr. reAn, An;, & n°i 1 ' SeAlbvjjj-vgAÓ, v. a. possess, SéAOAii)v|l,-rblA, adj. prosperous s e u 311 sea 2 Chron. vii. 11. happy ; pro- perly, Sev!)ATT)vil,-rbU, q. v. Se -&]i\\eAe&, s. m. a grandfather, an elder, a senator. Sean-bear), g. reAt)-rt)OA, pi. id. s. f. an old woman. SeAt)-boUó,-Aió, s. m. a musty or stale smell. SeAT)-bfió5,-ói5e,-ó5A, s. f. an old shoe, — pi. Jos. ix. 5. SeAo-corrxxftcA, g. id. pi. -ir]6e, &, -CA&A, s. m. an old token or mark, an old sign or monument. SeAt)-coi)tiAÓ,-r)A|icA, pi. id. s.m. an old covenant, Heb. viii. 13. ;fc SeaocYjo, g. id. pi. -6e, s. m. a 57 recorder, a chronicler ; 2 Sam. ?| viii. 16. an antiquarian, a his- torian. " ~ ^~ SeAt)-cvirbf)e, g. id. s. f. old re- membrance, the memory of an- tient days. H^£JSeAt}CYfv v ir5 pi. id. s.m. « re- cf^ gistry, a genealogy ; Neh. vii. 64 pi. Tit. iii. 9. antiquity, histor y, pedigree, antient law, knowledge of any hind, an an- tient tale or sto ry ; fr. reao, & cTjp -/— SeAtJ&A, ind. adj. old, Ps. vi. 7. antient, antique, aged. SeAo&Acb,-&A, s. f. antiquity, se- niority. Sert)ófftí3e, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a preacher. Se.Aon)óftYi5,-Y7;A&, v. a. proclaim, publish, preach ; Rev. v. 2. — Mark v. 20. Rom. xv. 20. SeanrtjoncYio, g. id. pi. -be, s. m. a preacher, Rom. x. 14. — Eccl. i. 1. SeAT)óuvóft<\, pi. -ójtMSe, &, j^^f -6(tA6<\, s. m. an elder, 1 Tim. t ^ v. 1 1 Tim. v. 19 Gen. " 1. 7. Tit. i. 5. fr. rear», jreAft Seanóffie<\cb,-bA, s. f. ohl & /^ life, /A ^ /Ac ,/?/2A sta^e of human from fifty four to eighty four years of age s SeaT)6nÓAG&,-b<\, \L\-k s. f. id. k,lf SeAi)-ii^6,-|tívi6,-ttAjÓce, s. m. a I s eu 312 se^ \C\\ 4} 4; proverb^ Deut. xxviii. 37. — pi. j Prov. i. 1 . an old saying. ^pAijrsevUcj-ai^e, adj. archaeo- logical. SeAorsevUcbj-bA, s. f. archaeo- logy. Se&i^evU^oe, g. id. pi. id. s. m. r J\ Sfrrt\ archaeologist, a relatcr of stories of the olden time. Se r^mce, pi. feAjtcA, s. m. & f. love, affect- ion; "SeAGb reAjiCA wo c|xo]oe cv, the seven loves of my heart thou art" Se v. a. ivither, lan- guish ; Mark iv. 6. — Is. xxxiii. 9. dry, shrivel, blast — v. n. be^ a! { come dry~~of withered, grow ' languid. ""— ' SeAfi5A6,-5V|5ce, s. m. a wither- ing, Mark iii. 1. a blasting, a shrivelling, a drying up, a scorching ; SeAj^cAÓ, id. Luke vi. 6. SeAn5At)Ac,-. xxxv. 2. , Rom. x. 3. endure. 1 K%% Se^rArb, g. reAr&A, s.m. a stand- ing, a defence, 1 Cor. x. 12 — Phil. i. 17. a footing, an endu- ring, stability. SeArc, adj. Ex. xxiii. 26. seej SeArj. SeArcab, ind. num. adj. sixty^ *" Lev. xxvii. 3. SeAfSAb, 100* Gen. v. 18. & 20. SeArs, com P- r e irs e » ad J- dr y> barren / t)ó fear^, a dry cow. SeAr5Acb,-&A, s. f. barrenness^ sterility, SeAfSAbAÓ, ind. ord. adj. sixtieth. se j 313 s e ^ iÍJSé|&,-beAÓ, v. n. & a. blow, jl?r breathe,,, sound, Judg. iii. 27. * John xx. 22. — Lev. xxv. 9. Acts ix. 1. pant, puff. , jiSé|beAÓ,-bce, pi. id. s. m. a puff] ^ Job. xi. 20. a blowing ^ a blast, a breathing. Vjltf Sejbce, ind. p. p. brown, blown up, blasted, puffed. J~ Seilb,-b>, pi. realb*, s. f. see °\ 2 s Sejme, g. id. Seirbe<\cb,-b<\, Sealb. This form is more used at present. Se]le, g. id. pi. -Ijbf, s. f. a spi% m spittle, John ix. 6.— Mark viii. 23.— Mark xiv. 65. | SejleAc,-l-j5e, adj. spitting, sali- vous, mucous. Se 1 l 3>-o e > s «. f - see Seals- K*L tO Sejljbe, g. id. pi. -b]6e, s. m. a snail, Lev. xi. 30. Ps. Iviii. 8. SeiliTJi&e, g. id. pi. -bjóe, s. m. id. Seil]3 ? -leA5, v. n. spit, — inf. Mark vii. 33. £e]lc,-re, s. f. a dropping, a dri- velling, salivation. Se]ú),-voe, adj. mild, modest, ten- der, smooth, quiet, calm, gentle, placid ; com. Lat. Suav-is. s. f. quietness, calmness, mild- ness, gentleness, kindness, smooth- ness, clemency. Se|rbi5,-tv5A6, v. a. & n. quiet, calm, soothe, smooth, become quiet or calm, become kind or gentle. Seirt)]leYii,-é||i, pi. id. s. m. a chimney, a vent. Seirbjt),-ri7oe,-rbr)eAC<\, s. f. a black-headed bog rush ; " Schce- nus nigricans." " Sejrbji} IvACflA." Se-\x)ce]\iz,-ze,-te&c&, g. f. an old rag, — pi. Jer. xxxviii. 11. Se]neAcb,-bA, s. f. old age; fr. rear), q. v. Seii)S|ob*l,-Ail, pi. id. s. m. an old clout, — pi. Jer. xxxviii. 1 1 . SeintD, g. reannjA, &, reimwe, s. f. minstrelsy, — g. 2 Kings iii. 15. a singing, a warbling, a ringing (as of a bell.) Se|i)i6, g. id. &, -tjéfre, pi. id. s. m. an old thing, — pi. 2 Cor. v. 17. see W\6. s e ) 314 s e 6 ._,_ Sejii)re<\tt,-]*tti, pi. id. s. m. — pi. Acts xv. 6. see S|nreAfi. Hfl£~ SefT)fieAcb,-bA, pi. id. s. m. an old 1^ W law, the JHd Testament O'H. Sei!)c|Ort}r)A, g. id. s. f. the Old Testament, — g. 2 Cor. iii. í 14. SeipeAl,-6|l, pi. id. s. m. a chapel, Am. vii. 13. Sepél, id. Barb. Séiitbe, Eccl. vii. 26. corap. of SeAjxb, q. v. ^1 s. i.bitterne&s, fl\%- Sembe,g.id. I >»«^ M asperity, Ir. J reAftb, q. v. Sefpbír,-re,-rí, s. f. # service, a ministering, bondage, Rev. xxii. 3.— Matt. xx. 28. Acts xxvi. 7. Rom. viii. 15. z£0/*& 3 labour, advantage, profit, use. Sejrtbire<\o,-ri5e ? adj. service- able, useful, profitable. SeitibireAc,-ns, pi- ~ri3 e » & > -reACA, s. m. « servant, see Gen. ix. 25. 26. & 27. Sejjic,-ce, s. f. see .SeAfic. Se^e, g. id. s. f. a fading away, 1 Pet. i. 4. a withering, a shrivelling, a decaying, a con- sumption ; fr. reA|t5, q- v. Sejjtse, comp. of &eAp5j q. v. / Sejft5lió,-6e, adj. withered, de- ^<\\w cayed, shrivelled. ^ 'e^/Seiitice^DriviD, pi. id. s. m. a Vrv silkworm. i/Si j£ Sei^lpe, g. id. s. f. a withering^ )*- J id John v. 3. a consumption. Seire<\ó-bev5, mTTTnum. adj. six- teenth, 1 Chron. xxiv. 14. Seir3r3 e 5 ac U- Cant. iv. 2. see Se^rs- Seir3,-5e, s. f. sedge, bogreed. Seir5 e * ó r315 e > ad j- sedgy, abounding in bogreeds. Semofi, g. r e ini<> s. m. six per- sons, 1 Chron. iii. 4. 10 v Sei|'|iio,-ii|T), pi. id. s. m. a Ses- sion or Assizes. Se|rtieACj-fi!5e,-jieACA, s. f. a plough, a team of six horses ; Sej|-fieAC ^eA|tv\|0j a plough land; " 2©]lleAi) CA^^ne eAC, '5 v f n^lWr) eAc reirjieAc, one nail spoils a horse, and one horse spoils a team of six." í^, Sejce, g. id. pi. -t\, s. f. a shin^a hide, Ex» xxix. 14. Lev. ix. 11. £/ n \ ' Se|ceAb6|ft,-6|a<\,-6||ii8e, s. m. a skinner. Seicjte-5 AÓ > v - a - strain, digest, 1-C / -^=j cleanse, filter ; see Matt, xxiii 24. £54546,-5^0, &,-5cv]5ce, pi. id. s. m. a straining, a cleansing, a filtering. S5Ai5neAn,-*Mr), pi. id. s. m. C.P. see S50]5neAT). f^JU-s S5Aile, g. id. s. f. a skaaJtw, Acts ^ v. 15. Co\. ii. 17. see ScAjle. S5AileAn,-A|n, pi. id. s. m. a shade, a fan, an umbrella. S5&ili6eAcb,-bj6e, s. f. a;?. umbrella, a veil ; S5A1IÍ1) 5fiéfr>e, a parasol. S5Ó5,-ói5e,-Ó5A, s. f. the lungs, fr. the obs. r 5<\rb, a lobe of the lungs. S5AÍ3Vfl,-fjU,-íjlACA, s. f. 1 Tim. iii. 7. — pi. Luke xvii. 1. S5aí)aiI, id. Matt. xiii. 41. see ScApa-fl. Is SjAO^lj-leAÓ, v. a. put off, loose± /3 If-tyo, Acts vii. 33. Rev. ix. V/iJ2^ "14,— Acts iii. 13. see S'c^ojl. /* I ft- SjAoileAÓj-lce, pi. id. s. m. a re- leasing, — g. Acts xxiv. 26. see ScAOjieAb. S5AollA]fie, g. id. pi. -fi|8e, s. m. a shy or timid creature. SjAollrbA^fieACbj-bA, s.f. shyness, coyness. S3AolltÍ7Aii,-A||te, adj. shy, timid. /V3 ^SjAjlj-ftAÓ, &, -|1ATÍ7VJ0, V. a.j>£- / parate, Gal. ii. 12. pjrrf SgAjiAb, s. m. Heb. vn. 26. see ScA|tAÓ. S5AiiAri)V]t),-rbuA, pi. id. s. f. a separation, a parting; see Sec*. fiab. S5&jib > -bAb, v. a. squirt, pour out, sprinkle with a syringe. Hi S5A|tbAÓ,-bÚA, pi. id. s. m. a squirting, a pouring out. SjAfibAifie, g. id. pi. -fi^be, s. m. a squirt, a syringe ; also, a thoughtless babbler. Sj&iilAóbj-ójbe, s. f. scarlet, — g. Rev. xvii. 3. & xviii. 12. £5Ac,-ca6, v. a, prune, lop, cut off; S5AC r cA, pi. id. s. m. — g. Heb. ix. 5. see Sc&c. S5ACA, g. id. pi. -A^Oe, s. m. a drove, a multitude. S^ACAc&iv&in, pi. id. s.m. a tail, the long hair groiuing on the tail ; Vernac. S50CAC&T). S^ACAb, g. f5Aice, pi. id. s. m. a pruning, a lopping, a cutting down ; also, a shred, a skir- mishing. Sj&cAtv^Mttj pi- id. s. m. a spec- /£ tacle, a glass, a mirror, 1 Cor. iv. 9. — Is. iii.'^oT^see Sca- CAl). SjAcbvA^lj-bvAlAb, v. a. thresh lightly or in part, beat lightly ; Vernac. SjócbvAil. S5AcbvAlAb,-Ailce, pi. id. s. m. a threshing lightly or in part, a beating out lightly. S5<\có5,-ó)5e,-Ó5A, s. f. trefoil in flower, the flower of horse trefoil. S5ACÓ5 -piAÓA^, s. f. bog down, cotton grass ; Eriophorum po- lystachion. CeAnAbAi; njói)A, id. q. v. SjeAC, s. f. see SceAÓ. SjeAc cvrbjiA, the sweet briar ; SjeAC it)AbjiA, the dog rose ; Rosa canina. S5eAÓAT)Ac,-At5e, adj. bushy, full of brambles. S5e^có3 r ó|5e,-53A, s. f. a little bush. S5eAb,-bA, pi. id. s. f. a speck, a white spot, (particularly, on ^™ S 5 é 317 S 5 j the forehead of a horse J an ornament. S5é|lbeA|icAÓ.-A|5,-A]5e, s. m. a talebearer. SjeAfcACj-^ige, adj. speckled, ] S^é]lbé ^\\t^cb,-b^, s. m t the act sky-coloured, fond of ornament, of talebearing, marked with a white spot ; S^é-\\ieACb^]\e, g. id. pi. -fi^oe, Wevl fTjeabAO, a cirrocumulus s. m. a bearer of news, a tale- cloud, bearer. S^eA&v^-vgAó, v. a. mark with S^ú),-tve, s.f. beauty, \Cov.\^\)^\ a ivhite spot, bedeck, adorn, vii. 31. — Ps. l."*2! Is. iii. 24. beautify, garnish. ornament, personal elegance, C- S5e<\llA54c,-Ai5, s. m. wild mus- tard. S7je<\lp,-pa 5-cloc, id. SjeAif) c\io-\r), s. m. polypody of the oak ; S3e<\ri? at) £>Aftv]3, id. Polypodium quercinum. S^eAW,-rrj^6, v. a. scold, re- proach. S5e<\ri)A0il,-le, s. f. a yelp, a using of severe or cutting words. S-zjéAt), g. rs^ine, s.f. a wild look, terror, fright, astonishment. S7je<\cAc,-q5, a coll. s. m. thorns, Heb. vi. 8. literally, a thicket of thorns, a place where thorns grow. Sje^lj-le, s. f. skill, knowledge, dexterity. S5e|leATt)V|l,-Tbl g. r3*A & > rs^oii, pi. HjevU , &, ^evlcA, s. m. a word, tidings , — pi. Gen. xxix. 13. Num. xiii. 26. a tale, a story, a legend, news. The genitive r5 eo !^ is from the nom. S5eol, which is seldom used. SjevUcj-Ajse, adj. historical, fond of relating tales or news. Sjevlv^óe, g. id. pi. -ore, s. m. a reciter of tales or legends, a historian, a newsmonger. SjevlviJeAC&^&A, s. f. tidings, — g. 2 Sam. iv. 10. a tale, a story, a legend. S5|Ari}AC,-A]5e, adj. beautiful, fair ; Gen. xxix. 17. & xxxix. 6. Gal. vi. 12. handsome, ele- gant, lovely. S7;iArb,-&<\, s. f. beauty, 2 Sam. xiv. 25. loveliness, elegance. SjjA-iijAlSj-rijv^At), v.a. beautify ; K*y S o) 318 s 5 Ki C. P. — Is. xvi. 13. adorn, be- deck) dress ; see Sc^rbAig. s 5Í é 3 P 1 - r5 eAi ^> s \f- aknife^ a dagger ; Gen. xxii. 6. Judg. iii. 21. see Sc|at>. S 51^> g- rs e i ée > P 1 - r5i Ai; A, s - f - Eph. vi. 16. see Sciott. /& ^" SjfAéeiDj-^iDj pl- id. s. m — pi. "^ Rev. iv. 8. see Sc]acai). ^513» _ 3 e 5 v - a - P ut to shame, — inf. Heb. vi. 6. mock, deride, scorn, taunt» S»5t5 e > g. id. s. f. mockery, a scof- fing ; Gal. vi. 7.-2 Pet. iii. 3. derision, ridicule, a taunt, waggery, buffoonery. Sj^eArbvjlj-mU, adj. scornful, derisive, ridiculous. S 513lP e > g- id - P 1 - -W Se > s ; m - a buffoon, a mocker, a derider, a scorner, a taunter, a wag. S^j^jjie^cbj-bA, s. f. mockery, de- rision, the act of taunting, waggery, buffoonery. S^léAtvéib, pi. id. s. m. a skillet or saucepan. S5iU|n,-ne, pi. -Vh &> -neAcA, si. a shilling. S-^]újeA\,-r\}]\, pi. id. s. m. a pent- house, the eaves of a houie. SjiivrjeAb, v. n. bounce, rush. S51i)eÓ5,-ó|5e,-Ó5A, s. f. a flight, a sudden start. Sjjobj-bAÓ, v. a. snatch, sweep quickly away. S5^ob-^]ohó\,-ó]\, pi. id. s. m. a barn, a garner ; Luke xii. 24. — 2 Kings vi. 27.— Ps. cxliv. 13. Luke xii. 18. a granary. Sjjobcoi, ind. p. p. snatched away. S^ipllyUSj v. a. shell grain, se- parate corn from the husk. S5|oIIaó,-Ica. s. m. a shelling of fttmUs decidence. k\ 4 i S J] oil z a, ind. p. p. shelled, sepa- rated from the husk, hulled ; also, neat, spruce, trim, ac- tive. SjioficAiÓj-be, adj. active, neat, tidy, tight, spruce, busy. S5 1 o]tcA, g. id. pi. -Ai6e, s, m. a skirt, an edge, a border. S5foc ? -ccA, pi. id. s. f. a partition of wattled rods. Sojrqne, g. id. pi. -fn&e, s. m. a jester, a droll, a prater. S51Cj-ce, s. f. see Sc|c. ^Sl^lMyrAt), v. a. sco urge, — inf. (^ Acts xxii. 25. whipjlasfi, per- „ i secuie, pursue. ^Sl^^r^j g- id. pi. -Aióe, s. f. \-Po* 6 > v - a scourge, U — inf. Mark xv. 15. see ^5^1?rP e > s « f» ostentation, a vaunting. SjléipeAc^pije, adj. ostenta- tious, vaunting. * S5lé|pe][te, g. id.pl. -ft]6e, s. m. an ostentatious fellow, a silly vaunt er. SjléipeijieAcfej-bA, s. f. ostenta- tiousness, silly vaunting. S5leo|55,-be, s. f. slovenliness, filth ; also, a sloven, a slattern, a silly fellow. S^[eo]be^WY]l,-w\ a, adj. slovenly, drabbish, sluttish, silly. S5l-[vtiAc,-Aj5e,-ACA, s. f. a slat- tern, a slut, a gossip. | S5livriAcb r bA, s. f. sluttis/tness, idle gossip, 8$c. i S5ó|b r be, s. f. pride, pomp, shore, pedantry, coquetry. S50i&eArr)Yil,-rblA, adj. shewy, po mpous , fopp ish , pad a n t ic . S5oi5ueAn,-eit), pi. id. s. m. a fan, Jer. xv. 7. S50]l,-le, pi. -Iccaca, k, f^olcA s. f. a school, Acts xix. Í). S 5 319 S5U Lat. Schol-a, Gr. 2 XOX-»). Fr E-cole. S5oilc,-ceAÓ, v. a. see Sco^lc. S5ol, a young man. S 5 0C > g- r5 v 1 c > pi- id. s. m. a shot, a reckoning, a joint col- lection for a feast or reckon- ing. s 5H^tvbAt>, v.a. engrave, scratch, scrape, wipe off. £-% S 5 olb > S- r5 v 1 lb > & > T5 v 1 lbe ? P 1 - s 3l^ bA adj. rough, rag f5vilb, &, x 5olb5fi1orA&ó|ji,-ó|tA,-c'!|ti8e, s. m. 1 Cor. x. 10. see ScftjorA- b6||i. S5|xYbA,l,-A]l, pi. id. s. m. a scruple. Szj^vbAlAÓj-Aige, adj. scrupulous, nicyu <- S^prb^bAÓ, v. a. see Scfiút>. S5|túbv^5re6||t,-ófiA,-6||ti6e, s.m. a searcher, Rom. viii. 27. Rev. ii. 23. fr. rspúb' S3T*v|bleAC,-lj5, s. m. rubbish, refuse, a heap of rubbish. s 3t* v 1_3frj S' id * P 1 - -^1 6e J s - m - a neck, the neck of a bottle, a ludicrous name for the neck, a short-necked person. S 5n v c, 8*- TWHS'i & ' r31 10c *> Pi- id. s. m. a mean contemptible person, a niggard ; Sg^tvcA, g. id. pi. -Aióe, s. m. id. S5javcAC,-A^5e, adj. mean, con- temptible, niggardly ; ^aIa^i rsrivcAO, the itch. S5YAb ? -bAt>, v. a. see ScvAb. S5VAbAbó]|t,-óftA,-ó]|i|óe, s. m. a sweeper, a scavenger, a br usher. Sjv^bAiTte, g- id. pi. -ftl6e, s. m. a sweeper, a scavenger. S3Y0wbcA, ind. p. p. Matt. xii. 44<. see ScvAbcA. SsvAine, g. id. pi. -t)i, s. f. a swarm or crowd of any sort of animals, particularly, of men, it is a word of contempt. S5VU1, inf. r3Yfi,..v. a. Gen. xxiv. 15. see ScYjfU s 3 v p> g- rs v m> P 1 - id - s - m - 1 Thess. i. 3. see Scyji. S3uit,-^A6, v. a. scour, cleanse, purge, purify. £3Ú|tAÓ,-ficA, pi. id. s. m. a scour- ing, a cleansing, a purging, a purifying. Sf, pers. pron. f. she, it, Matt. i. 21. emph. form, S^-re, she her- self. Sja, farther, more remote, more UfU distant, an irr. comp. of Ya&a, L q. v. J&M SjAbftA, g. id. pi. -A]t)e, s. f. a^u fairy, a sprite. SjAb, a pers. pron. they ; emph. form S|Afc>-rAn, they themselves. S } D 321 S J N S]<\r), g. fé|r)e, pi. n<\nc<\, s. f. a voice, a sound. SjAi^óe, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a crier out, a bawler. SjAi}A|óe<\ct>,-&A ? s. f. a yelling, a bawling. S| v# a * Provide, con- trive, shift. SlCfT), g- id. pi. -m6e, s. m. a chicUen. Sjó, g. f joe, pi. id. &, rfaÓA, s. f. a fairy hill or hillock. Sj&e, g. id. s. f. a blast, a puff. S]beAÓ,-b]ó, s. m. see Sé]be<\6. SjbeAD-gAOice, g. ríbéjo-5-5 e > P 1 - id - s - f - a f a "y> « sprig ht. S f5 eo 5ró|3e,-ó5 < \, s. f. a fairy. S|5!«V5ne, pi. id. s. f. a sign, a fc£^al taAe// ; C. P. Lat. Sign-um. ^ / i__ SlSl^^-UlvSAÓ, v. a. ^/?, if * 53 mark. ' ~^ Sfgnevbj-éib, pi. id. s.m. a signet, — g. Ex. xxviii. 36 — pi. Ex. xxxix. 6. Sjt,-le<\6, &, file, v. a. & n. drop, fJi J well, Ps. lxviii. 9 Ps. cxix. / 2^ / 28. Cant. v. 13. fall in drops, ul-^O drip, shed, distil. S|leAb,-l]ó, &, -Ice, pi. id. s. m. \5 ]l,-g lie, adj. singular, Lev. xxvii. 2. single, unmixed, S\x)ix), g. id. pi. -\)\6e, s. i. a nip- ple ; dim. of S]t)e, q.v. S]f), a pers. pron. pi. we ; emph. form, S|t)-T)e, we ourselves, S]x), inf. yQ\x)uo, v. a. play, sing ; 2 Sam. vi. 5. — 1 Sam. xviii. 6. Eph. v. 19. warble, carol ,• singing and dancing, }C\-^ S]t)rem,~yw 9 pi. id. s. m. «rc eZifer person, an elder ; Gen. xxv. 23. — Gen. xxix. 16. — Matt. xxvi. 27. Acts. iv. 5. an cestors^ a chief or head of a family ; S^r)y\o\i, id. " Or} rit)n°Ti 3 v r Al) r°in°n>/™ m the eldest to the youngest. 1 '' S]fjr|OftAfvAir, s » m * antiquity, long standing in a place. S]i)rweACi>,-&A, s. f. antiquity, Is. xxiii. 7. eldership, ances- try, seniority, superiority, descent ; S|í)r|ojtÓAc&,-&<\, s. f. id. Sfijce, ind. p. p. stretched out, Ex. vi. 6. lengthened, ex- tended. Since cnYri)ó5,-ó]5e,-ó5A, s. f. a silkworm, s 'm> g« r*5 e > p 1 - rj°5*> s. f. « shock (of corn,) a streak ; Job. v. 26. — pi. Gen. xxx. 37. a rick of corn, Sío5AÓ,-Ai5e, adj. streaked, Gen. xxx. 39. striped; S]o^ú)r\\, ri?U, adj. id. ^í°3 3>~ 13 e >" 3*j s. f. a small rick of corn; dim. of Sfoj, q.v. ^i°l? g- Til> pl« ríolcA, s. m. a s*?é?í/, Gen. xlvii. 19. & 23. — Matt. xiii. 3. & 4.— pi. see Deut. xxii. 9. corn, issue^ a h tribe, a clan, progeny, de- scendan ts. Sfol,-Uó, v. a. sow, propagate : S folv]5,- v5<\6, v.a. id. S|oIa6,-Ica, pi. id. s. m. a sowing ', /-( a breeding, a propagating. SfoUbói!i,-ófiA,-6ffiióe, s. m. a - sower. Matt. xiii. 3.— Matt. xiii. 18. a seedsman. s ) 323 S.JO SíoUb5||ieAcb,-bA, s. f. the em- ployment of sowing, the busi- ness of a seedsman. SjoU-Dj-^i), pi. id. s. m. a strainer, a colander, a fil- terer. Sjolóviftj-cvft, v. a. sow, Judg. ix. 45. — Is. xxviii. 24. put in seed. !Í Sfolcvfi,-cv]ft, &, -cvjtcA, s. m. a sowing, s eed- sowing, Job. xxxi. 8. — Gen. viii. 22. see Lev. xi. 37. S]o\cY\ii&, ind. p. p. sown, planted. SjolU, g. id. pi. - v. a ft£{£é continu- ally, turn constantly. S]OficobUó,-be, adj. eternal, Is. Ix. 15. perpetual. S]0ic&-\r),-i\r)6, s. f. peace, Jolm xx. 21. & 26.--Matt. v. 9. Acts x. 36. fr. f foe, peace. S|occAji)ceAc,-C|5e, adj. peace- able, quiet. Sjoccaoca, iud. adj. peaceable, 1 Tim. ii. 2. quiet, tran- quil. SfOccADCA]óe, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a peacemaker. SfoccojrpéA&AiÓe, g. id. pi. id. s.m. a preserver of the peace, a constable. Sf|t, see Sfofi. Sffi,-jte g- mt^s &, reAcjtAc, pi. b tt v ir ie ^cAc,-r)ví5e,-t)ACA, s. f. a whispering, 2 Cor. xii. 20. — Rom. i. 29. SUbAc&t),-c&ir), s. m. sloake, a species of edible sea-weed ga- thered from rocks, but differ- ent from the kind of sea-weed called, Ov^Wrs. £Ub|t rUbcA, pi. id. s. m. robbery, Phil. ii. 6. theft, larceny. S>\&t), inf. id. v. a. rob, Prov. xxii. 2*2. — 1 Sam. xxiii. 1. steal, plunder. SlAbrbA, s. f. robbery, Ps. lxii. 10. plunder, thievery. SU|5&e&r>,-&!9, pi. id. S. m. a cough or cold. SUjnce, g. id. s. f. soundness, ... salvatio n* a healing ; Acts iii. 16.— Luke i. 69. Acts iv. 22. health, a toast ,• fr. rUi); com. Fr. Santé. SUince<\rbUcb,-ba, s. f. health- fulness, benignity, Sl&iuee&ri)Yil,-rblA, adj. health- ful ; C. P. salutary, whole- some, salubrious. SUicft), g. id. pi. -ye, &, -Di8e, s. f. a sprig, — pi. Is. xviii. 5. dim. of SUc. S>\&x\),-'&]w)&,-b,rx)b, s. f. a lock or handful of hair or wool. Sl&n},-mAÓ, v « a» teaze, pluck, card, comb. Sl&rt)<\c,-Ai5e, adj. teazing, plucking, combing, carding. Sl&O, comp. fUjne, adj. whole^ healed, Luke vii. 7. entire, safe, sound, healthy, unin- jured ; com. Lat. San-us. Sl&o, g. rl&jr>, s. m. « defiance, Num. xxiii. 7. & 8. more pro- perly, Orbflivr), i. e. bvb, & r Un, a black farewell ; also, a protection, a surety or se- curity ; SU» leac, fare thee well. SUotvjvlvjr, &> "W*j P*- *d. s. m. £/ ribwort, rib- grass, plantain ; Plantago lanceolata. Slivi)Y|5,-t)V5A&, v. a. heal, savej.\ Num. xii. 13.— Matt. xix. 25. 1 ,^-Acts. iv. 12. cure,, make whole. ' Sl&ijvjgeAcbj-ba, s. f, a passport y \ a saving. S\íx\)y]^ieó]^\,-ó\i^j l -ó]\\]i)e, s. m. t/ <* a Saviour,^É^h. v. 23.--Tit. ' vX i. 3. Sl&r)Y5A6,-Yi5ce, s. m. salvation, a healing ; Acts. iv. 12. — Luke v. 17. Acts xiv. 9. a curing, a saving. SUob,-bA v s. m. murder, slaugh- . ter ; also, a raft or float? 2 Chron. ii. 16. SUob,-bAÓ, v. a. slay, murder, also, slide or draw after. SUp pi. id. s. m. Me Awee/, Mark v. 6. — Matt. xvii. 14. bow down, adore. jJ-Slé<\cbYjn,-bdD s - f - ^ ° a s pear \ a pike, a lance. SteA5Ac,-A]5e ? adj. armed with a spear or dart, like a spear or dart. Sle&gAtVAii}, pi. id. s. m. a kind of turf spade with a wing at one side. SleArbr)&r>, -&|t>, pi- id. s. m. smoothness, sliding, slipperi- ness ; Gafli rlgrbn&in, a sledge. SleArbnvJADj-v^ce, pi. id. s. m. a sliding, Jer. ii. 19. a gliding, a slipping. SleAri)ovig,-Y5A6, v. a. & n. slip, Ps. lxxiii. 2 Jer. viii, 5. slide, stumble, make slippery or smooth. Sle<\rbY|T),-rt)f) £l|ob4iji,-bftAt>, v. a. drag along. Sl^oób, g. rleacba, s. m. seed, ^ off spring , posterity* family ;^^C r LJZ. ^TJeutTx. loTRev. xxii. 16.— V. Gen. xlv. 7. Mark xii. 19.—. %i % Num. iii. 20. & 21. a race, a * lineage, a tribe, a clan. li.%rf Sliocbri)A|v 5&o,-&ji), pi. id. s. m. a shell, a conch, a scale (of a balance J a bomb, a hull ; SI105&0 cjieAcvji), a scollop shell ; Sl}0£&t) r)e&n)Y]\), mother of pearl ; Sl^at) corner, the scales of a balance ; dim. of Sli 3 e. Sl|05^r)AC,-A^3e, adj. shelly, abounding in shells. SlfonvmAÓ, v. a. flatter, smooth, gloss over. SlfOtDAbóitVÓfiAj-óiftióe, s. m. a flatterer, a thief. SlfoiDAboifte^civbA, s. f. flat- tery, 1 Thess. ii. 5. thievery. SlfortjAifte, g. id. pi. -fijóe, s. m. see Slforr)<\bó||t. Slíoir»A^tte<\cb,-bA, s. f. see Slfort)Abójfie<\cb. SlnVT e 5-r e *í) Pi id- s. m.— g. Ex.^1 xiv. 4. DeutTTi. 14. — Rev. xix. j j 14. see Acts xxviii. 16. see SIvaj. Sl6|5ce, ind. p. p. beaten, Ex. xxv. 18. also, robbed. ^lom,-i)eA6, v. a. surname, Is. "xlv. 4. Slo)i)e, g. id. pi. -r)te, s.m. a sur- name, a surnaming, a patrony» mic. Slo|i)ceArbvil,-rblA, adj. genealo- gical, skilled in or fond of ge- nealogy. Slo|rjceójfi,-ófiA,-ó{riióe, s. m. a genealogist. Sloirjceó|iteAÓd,-b<\, s. f. the act or habit of tracing genealo- gies. Slojc, inf. rtor, v. a. rob, beat. Stofc,-ce, s. f. roguery, villainy, battery. Slo^qfte, g. id. pi. -}i)6e, s. ra. a rogue, a villain. Slofqfte<\cb,-b<\, s. f. roguery, villainy. SlvA3,-Ai5,-A, s. f. gluttony, extravagance. Slv5c&i},-&it), pi. id. s. m. a whirl- pool ; Slv5-poll,g. r lv 15-P v 1 U > pi. id. s. m. id. /£Slv|5, inf. flv5AÓ, v.a. eat, swal- l D low , devour, Rev. x. 9. & 10. — Jonah i. 17. Gal. v. 15. , gulp_JmtW. K/ -%>fc>fr 1^ Slvi5fn, g. id. pi. -irjóe, s. m. the neck of a bottle. Vernac. S 5 lv 15 fn ^,^ j^-ori)Acb,g. id. ftT)A|Ob, &, rrqacba, '/ s. m. chastisement, corr ection^ Deut. xi. 2. 1 Cor. ix. 27. discipline, authority, awe, sub- jection, controuls Sft>AcbArbv|l,-tblA, adj. authorita- tive, commanding, overbearing, peremptory. SiDACbri^b, -vjTjée, pi. id. s. m. r a chastening, correct ion ; Job 6 v. 17. Heb. xiT. 7.^Prov. vii. 22. & xxii. 15. severe reproof, rule, awe, subjection. /£S rt? é 1T ie » pi- i( l- & j f ri)evft s - f - a chin, a smile, mirth ; Sxyy 3Í* id. Smf5e<\6j-5]6, pi. id. s.m. ei smile, mirth. Sroi5eAt>,-5ib, pi. id. s. m. a chin, Srt)i5{b,-&e, s. f. id. Stui5éA&Ac,-bvi5,-t>Yí5e, s. m. a chin-cloth, Srt)|Ofi, g. rnjeAfia, s. m. marrow, Job. xxi. 24. Is. xxv. 6 Heb. iv. 12. pith, strength, pluck, the best part of any thing. StDioti<\rblac&,-bA, s. f. activity, manliness, briskness, liveliness, Smio|i,-íMT), pl- id. s. m. a stock, Jer. ii. 27. d MocA-, a log. Stt)YA|r),-i)eAt>, v. a. think, medi- tate ; 1 Tim. iv. 15.— Matt. i. 20. 2 Cor. iii. 5. consider, reflect, ponder, imagine, devise, Srí)VAit)e<\ó,-t)ce, pl. id. s. m. ]C\ thou ght-, mind, Pro v. xxiv. 9. 1 Pet. iv. 1. a notion* a fancy , K/ an imagination. rr^tLwíXítnru hC) SrrjvApceACj-cige, adj. thought- ful, pensive, consider ative, pru- dent, reflecting ; Srtjv^^ceA- rbv}l,-rbtA, adj. id. SfDVAiDqgceójft, - 6jtA, - 6|fipe, s. m. a thinker, a cogitator. SrDVAirjC]vgAÓ,-ci5ce, pl. id. s. m. Deut. xv. 9.— pl. Dan. vii. 28. Matt. xv. 19. see Sri)YeAb. Srt)VA]f,-re, s. f. shivers, sjplin- ters ; also, marrow. Srrjv^j-v^, &, -y 5 a, pl. id. s. m. spittle, saliva ; Sti)V5 v a 3-cyac, cuckoo spittle, wood- seare. Srt)Y5Ai}AG,-Ai5e, adj. stout, hearty, jolly. SnAort)AT)AC,-Ai5e, s. m. a stout jolly fellow. Sn&jyfA, s. m. regularity, order, decency, elegance, neatness, gloss, ornament, polish, an analysis ; St)AfAcb,-bA, s.f. id. Stj&fACj-Aige, adj. neat, trim, elegant, regular. St)arAbó|ft,-ófiA,-óitti8e, s. m. a refiner, a critic, a trimmer, an analyser. SnAfAbóijteAcb,-bA, s. f. an orna- menting, a refining, an ana- lyzing. £>0&r A 13»-r v 3 A b^ v. a. bedeck, or- nament, trim, lop tastefully (as a hedge or tree,) dissect, ana- lyze, criticise ; Sfl&tVfAÓ, v. a. id. SnafrbAfij-Aitxe, adj. neat, elegant, decent, accurate, trimmed, lop- ped, dainty, ornamental. SnivfcA, ind. part. adj. neat, trim- med, lopped. SnÁc, g. id. s.m.^arn, 1 Kings x. *C °^L 28. 2 Chron. l. 16. a line, a 7 t^ead. H\ be < \Cl>% S patAb,-cvibe, -tr\6\ , s.f .a needle, %° — g. Ex. xxvír~36. Gfió t)A ~~~ti~ yx)'&tv\o£, the eye of aneedTe, Matt. xix. 24. ObAm fnivcy]b£, needle-work ; PsTxTv. 14. Si)ÁCAbÁn,-Áirj, pi. id. s. m. a needle case ; also, a sandal. SnívcAb6f|i,-ó|tA,-6||ii6e, s. m. a needle-maker. SpeAcbA, g. id. s. m. snow, Job vi. 16. — Job xxxviii. 22. HeocA ATjvf yx)e&ct>b, frost and snow ; C\o]6 foeAcbA, g. id. pi. id. &, cIoca f neAcbA, s. m. hail, Ex. ix. 18. — Job. xxxviii. 22.— pi. hailstones, Ps. xviii. 12. SueAcbAC,-bAj5e j adj ^ bneAcbArr)\Ti,-rt)lA, j J ^ SoeA3 r 3A,pUd. l sJ nit , Soib,-be,pl. id. JjoJ^ — ' SneA5Ac,-A]5e, adj. full of nits, like nits, nitty. Snforb, inf. id. &, -rbACAt), v. a. spin, twist, wind, twine, curl ; see Ex. xxxv. 25. & Matt. vi. 28. com. Gr. New. St)iori7,-ri)4, &, -ri?cA, pi. id. s. m. i S 332 s be a spinning, a twisting, a twin- ing. Si)forbAC ? -A]>5e, adj. spinning, twisting, twining, tending to twist or twine. St)]orv&G&v,-&ir), pi. id. s. m. a spinning, a twisting, a twining, Sp]ori)Ab6f|i,-6|tA,-6|ix|6e, s. m. a spinner, a tivister, Sr)íorb<\í>ó|fte<\cb ? -t>,-óe, adj. courteous, 1 Pet. iii. 8. Socaiji, comp. rocjiA, adj. secure, Judg. xviii. 7. easy, tranquil, comfortable, safe, smooth; com. Lat. Secur-us. SócArbAlj-rbvjl, s. m. comfort, ^; liberty, rest, ease, Job7~x\ 20. Acts xxiv. 23. — Ex. xxxi. 15. 2 Cor. viii. 13. SocArbUcj-AiJe, adj. easy, tole- rable ; Ex. xviii. 22.— Matt, x. 15. mild, gentle , Soca^yjI, -ri7U, adj. id. S C 333 SCT \£ SocAji,-Aifi, pi. id. s. m. wealth, 5 Acts xix. 25. grat'ft, profit, Xji emolument) advantage, prospe- W rity, comfort, ease, benefit. f^fX. * SocAfi\iid]]\,-ó\i6,-d\n]&e , s. m. a | Y Sócrl 5 -vjl, s. m. O'G. see So- CArbAl. SdcrrvU, ind. p. p. easily formed or shaped. SobAipe, g. id. pi. -jt]6e, s. m. a stout man, a clumsy awkward fellow ; also, a trotting horse. SobA[t,-Ai|t, s. m. a trotting, a trot, Sob^ACj-Ajge, adj. able to trot. audible. Socn7A]5,-5e, adj. meek; C. P. soft, well-looking. S5córiMiftWc,-li5e, adj. easily advised. SócoffivjTjre, ind. p. p. easily agi- tated, passionate. SóconiYi5eAcb,-&A, s. f. agita- tion, instability. Sócorri)Y]l,-ri}lA, adj. conform- able. ^X ^■_ SocjiA]b,-be,-beACA, s. f. a fune- 7 _ rg ^ a multitude of people, a f ; ?=2 host, an army. lí /Sócjio)óceAc,-ci5e, adj. freer hearted, k ind-h earted, 2Chron. xxix. 31. Eph iv. 32. good- natured ; fr. the prefix, ró, q. v. &, cjt<*jóe. ^VL^Sócftoíóc:eACb,-bA, s. f. soberness ; *"" C. P. good nature, cordiality, kind-heartedness. Soc|tv5AÓ,-v|5ce,pl. id. s. m. a foundation, Luke vi. 48. an establishing, a quieting, an as- suaging, a comforting. Socfivjgj-vgAÓ, v. a. & n. rest, — inf. Ezek. xxiv. 13. make steady, establish, found, ap- point, stand firm, compose, as- suage, appease. Socfiv^ce, ind. p. p. founded, Luke vi. 48. established, set- tled, placed on a firm footing, determined. trotter. S5óe<\lbAC,-A]5e, adj. well- formed, handsome, comely ; fr. ' the prefix ró, & beAlb. q. v. SóóevocA, ind. p. p. see Sd\- ÓevpcA. SoóeAjtbcA, ind. part. adj. easily proved, evincible, easily de- monstrable. SóóibjoncA, ind. part. adj. see SoiojbjoucA. Sóbfivjbce, ind. part. adj. easily shut. Sóbrvftj-vjfi, s. m. fatness, lus- ciousness. SdbrvftACj-A^e, adj. fat, lus- cious. Sa-effiAibeACj-bige, adj. easily led astray, fallible. SópA5<\U, ind. adj. easily got, attainable. SópAjcre, ind. adj. see SafAjc- reac. SopAicreAc,-ri5e, adj. visible, see Col. i. 16. conspicuous ; SófrAJ5reAC,-n5e, id. Sóf Aicrioi}Ac,-i.)A]5e, adj. see Só^A]creAc. SopAjcnrvnot)*, s - f* visibility, — g. Gen. xxxviii. 14. conspi- cuousness. Sój*olAC,-Ai5e, adj. easily hidden, concealable. Só£vlAjr)5eAc,-5J5e, adj. easily endured, tolerable. * ~J r SO) 334 S 0) t 1* \C\ X S05, g. r°l5> s » m - a dainty, pleasure, riot, Gen. xlix. 20. 2 Pet. ii. 13. luxury, luxurious ease, joy, sumptuousness, pros- perity. SóJabAlVj ind. part. adj. easily taken, capable, capacious. Só5 adj. well bred, mannerly, courtly. S6\b\i]yze, ind. part. adj. easily broke?t, brittle frail. Soibir3evl,-3éil, pi. id. s. m.— g. 2 Tim. iv. 5. see .Soif3éAl. So]br5evlvpe, g. id. pi. id. s.m. an Evangelist ; see Eph. iv. 11. Soicé*&,-él&, pi. id. s. m. a socket; see Ex. xxxviii. 27. — Ex. xxxviii. 27. — pi. Ex. xxvi. 25. & xxxviii. 27. £ó|cftej&ce, ind. part. adj. easily believed, credible. Sójcfte|bexMT}V]l,-ri)U, adj. cre- dulous. Sd]G |teibrbe<\c,-rTH3,-rr)i5e, s. m. a credulous person. Só]c]\e-\bY]t),-Y\oy&, s. f. credi- bility. SójóevncA, ind. part. adj. possi- ble, Mark ix. 23. practicable, easily done. St&iot)CA, ind. part. adj. easily defended, defensible. Soipillce, ind. part. adj. pliable, flexible, easily folded. Sojgbeójjt, s. m. Jer. Ii. 3. Sajj- beojft, id. see SA^bjvfi. So jjb | Yft,-Y||t ? pi. id. s. m. an archer, a soldier, Gen. xxi. 20. Lat. Sagittar-ius. Soi5biYjtcA, ind. adj. trained, Gen. xiv. 14. disciplined, brave. \L*X >Í5eAb,-3&e, pi. id. s. f. 2 Kings " to / ix. 24. — Gen. xxi. 16. — 2 r£ Kings xiii. 15. see S&fgeab. f/T * Soí5eAb6||t,-6ftA,-6t[i|3, s. m.— Jl 1 pi. Job xvi. 13. see Soj3b|Yft. Sof5ce^c,-ci3,-c|5e,s.ra. a vessel, fe a bushel, a pot, Mark xi/TS. ' Acts xi. 5. — Mark iv. 21.— 7/ John ii. 6. & 7. 2 Tim. ii. 20. So ix. a pitcher. lC\^fá Só7lbeíreAcb,-bAjs. f.joy, com- fort, pleasure. 11. S. Soilbiji,-bfte, adj. cheerful, 2 Cor. ix. 7. merry, happy. SojlbjfteACbj-bA, s. f. cheerful- ness, merriment, good humour. Sójle-íxgcA, ind. part. adj. fusible, easily melted. So]\e&xz<\\i,-z&]\i, pi. id. s. m. a flag, Job. viii. 11. Is. xix. 6. — Ex. ii. 5. SojlforcAji, s. m. id. Sójlejgce, ind. part. adj. easily read, legible. Soileó3,-ót5e,-Ó5A, s.f. a ivilloic, — pi. Lev. xxiii. 40. see Sv|l- leó 5 . Áx^s-xx -p/1^3 |}o1-íóarni S J 335 SOL Soil|of,-ljf, s. m. officiousness, gratitude, flattery, partiality. So^l|ofAC,-^5e, adj. officious, grateful, flattering, partial. Senile <\fi,-éi ft, pi.' id. s. m. a cel- lar. Barb. nSo-\\\é]\i,-]ie, adj. plain^ Deut. xxvii. 8. m anifest T clear, bright, lucid, clean, transparent, evi- dent, intelligible, conspicuous, apparent, explicit, incontest- able. SoilléifteAcfcv&A, s. f. clearness, brightness, effulgence, perspi- cuity. i^ Sofllre, g. id. pi. id. &, -nge, s * £ ** a light, a brightness, a lamp, Matt. iv. 16. Acts xxvi. 13. — 2 Cor. xi. 14. — Ex. xxv. 37. Ps. exxxvi. 7. clearness, effulgence, a luminary. >£ Sojllre n* rvl, s.f. the herb eye- bright ; Euphrasia. j£_SojllreAC,-ri3e, adj.j&Wg^Lev. xiii. 23. clear, transparent, shining, causing light, lumi- nous, lightsome, effulgent, ra- diant. Sojllre Acbj-bA, s.f. see Sojllre. So|llreivT),-^|t), pi. id. s. m. a torch, a taper. So|lln5,-iv3<\ó, v. a. & n. shew, shine, — inf. Acts xviii. 28. 2 Cor. iv. 6. brighten, en- SojrsevlYjbe, g. id. pi. id. s. m Soiji, ind. adj. Eastern, Gen. /// j^ .'. xxviii. 14. Matt. ii. 1. easterly, l& eastward. 7 Sojfib,-be, adj. affable, easy, fa-fT* ealHh^MÍet, pro sperous . SotftBe, g. id. 17 i. affability, Ji if- ease, calmness, quietness, pros- perity. So]jtbeAc&,-bA, s. f. affability, ease ; see So||tbe. SojpbeAr s -b|r ? s. m. see Sojftbe. Soffibe<\r<%ó,-A)5e, adj. prosper- ous, successful, thriving. Sojiabigj-jvjAÓ, v. a. & n. prm- f£ *L~> per, Ps. cxviii. 25. — C. P. suc- ceed, thrive. S6|itn,-ne,-nf, s. f. a furnace, Is. xxxi. 9. — Ex. ix. 8. see Softt). SojreAft, K. 290. see SórA]t. Soir5éAl,-3&il, s. m. a Gospel, Rev. xiv. 6. — Rom. i. 15. So] rséAlj-lvJAÓ, v. a. publish, preach, Ps. lxviii. 11. — Acts viii. 12. Eph. iii. 8. preach the Gospel; fr. ró, & njevl. So|r5evlv|3,-v5A C&f5A, ///e feast of Easter ; La rol- lArbnA, « /*, g. rvjp, pi. id. s. m. a wisp, a handful of hay or straw. SópA, g. id. s. m. soap, Mai. iii. 2. properly, ^AlUo'leAO, q.v. Sop, g. rviri, pi. id. s. m. a louse ; particularly applied to pigs, as, So\i rt)y]ce, a pig-louse. Sd\i\),g. róijtt), pi. id. s.m. a kiln, a furnace, 2 Sam. xii. 31. — Ezek. xxii. 18. & 22. an oven, the chimney or flue of a kiln or oven. Sópc, g. róific, pi. id. s. m. man - f£j ner, Mark xiii. 1. a sort, spe- % '~~cies, a kind. [ SórA|i,-Ai|i, pi. id. s.m. a younger person, a junior, Gen. xxix. 26.— Gen. xxix. 16. SocaI,-aiI, s.m. pride, arrogance, flattery, cajolery. SocAUc r Ai5e, adj. proud, arro- gant, fawning, flattering. SPK 337 SPU SocaIvi3,-y5<*6, v. a. & n. flatter; see Deut. xxxii. 11. boast, brag. Sócv]5]"e,-f|o^A, s. f. comprehen- sion. Sócvispoivnne, adj. easily un- derstood, 1 Cor. xiv. 9. com- prehensible; Sócv]5re, g. rp a lethargy, an apoplexy ; fr. |*pA]b, & SpA]UeAÓ,-l|6, s. in. a check, abuse, shame. Sp^lpjt}, g. id. pi. -pjóe, s. ra. a mean fellow, a common la- bourer. Sp&ioe&c,-t)!5,-r)J5e, s. m. a Spaniard. Sp&jóeAC,-t)l5e, adj. Spanish. Sp&ji)ir,-re, s. f. the Spanish language. j SpAií)e<\Tt,-TJéijt, pi. id. s.m. « SpA|]to, inf. id. v. n. Gen. xxx. 8. see SbAjfiT). SpAiftr), g. rpA|anA, s.m. ajSjn- jrit, a ghost, 1 Tim. iv. 1. — Mark iii. 29.— Heb. i. 14. f~£ SpjofiAbAlcA, ind. adj. spiritual, 1 Cor. ii. 13. & xv. 44. ghostly, incorporeal. f-\ SpfofiAi&,-be,-fc>it>e, s. f. a spiri t* — g. Lev. ii. 27. — pi. Luke x. 20* SpjoftA]be<\rbv]l,-rbl<\, adj. spi- rited, magnanimous. SpjorjtA, g. id. pi. -^ióe, s. m. a spice, Ex. xxx. 34.— pJ. Luke xxiii. 56. Sp|ocÓ5,-ój5e,-Ó5, v. a. flatter; see Prov. vii. 5. boast, tell falsehood with a view to flatter. Splf00AC,-A15e,-ACA, 8 . f. fad ^2, U meat, carrion. K coJUU a. L-olJÍ cmvmvQ^ Spl|Yc&o,-AiD, pi. id. s. m. a pouch, a bag, a leathern purse. SpliYqiAC,-A|5, s. m. bad beer, swipes. Spoó,-cAÓ, v. a. rob, plunder, spoil, provoke, affront. SpóbU, g. id. pi. -a6a, s. m. — pi. 1 Sam. xi. 7. see SpólU. Sp6|lfo, g. id. pi. -t)|8e, s. m. a small joint of meat. Sp5jpc,-ce, s. f. sport, pleasure, diversion, fun, pastime, moc- kery ; Sp6|ic,-ó]jtc, s. m. id. Sp6^ceArblAcb,-bA, s. f. sport- fulness, conceitedness, a habit of jeering or deriding. Sp5i|tceArt)Y|l,-rblA, adj. sport- ful, sportive, funny, deriding, jeering. Spól,-ó|l, pi. id. s. m. a shuttle, Job vii. 6. SpolU, g. id. pi. -Iy]j, s. m. a i^_ jQÍece of flesh, 2 Sam. vi. 19. 11 f' 1 Chron. xvi. 3. — pi. Lev. viii. 20. Sponc, g. rpvjnc, pi. id. s. m. a sponge, — g. Matt, xxvii. 48. a tinder, touchwood ; Lat. Spong-ia, Gr. 2-~óyy-og. ^ Spop,-|t<\6, v. a. spur, goad, stir Kl-^Z, on. Spofi, g. rpviji, pi spur, a talon. id. s, m. a 4 s pn 340 snu SJ SpO|tAb6|ft,-6ftA,-6ifi|6e ? s. m. a spurmaker. Spoc,-CA&, v. a. geld, castrate, - . spay. Spocaó, g. rpo|tce, s. m. a geld- ing, a spaying, a castrating. SpocA&óuvó|a<\,-ój|iiÓe, s. m. a gelder. SpocAboitteAcb,-bA, s.,f. the bu- siness of a gelder, emascula- tion. SpftUcb,-bA, s. f. spruce- ness, tidiness, neatness. Spftr]f*e<\rt>vil,-rbU, adj. spruce, neat, tidy, trim. SpYAic,-ce,-ceAr)A, s. f. a welt, a callous tumour, pettishness ; also, the pinnacle of a tower. SpvajceACj-cige, adj. pettish ; also, callous (as a tumour,) pinnacled. Spvfi},-t)eAb, v. a. rob, spoil, plunder. Spv]TjeAb6|fi,-6fiA,-.6||ttóe, s. m, a robber, a plunderer. SpYfjif-e, g. id. s.f. spurge, milk- wood ; Euphorbia. Spvr)ó5,-ói5e,-Ó5A, s.f. a spoon. SjtAc,-CAb, v. a. tear, pull, rob, spoil, extort. SftACAÓ,-Aib, pi. id. s. m. a tear- ing, a snatching, a rending, a pulling, a rent, a fissure, a thrust, a jerk, a spoiling, an extortion. S|tACAjfte,g. id. pi. -m&e, s. m. a. snatcher, a tearer, a griper, an extortioner. SjtACAijteAcb,-bA, s. f. a raven- ing, an extortion, Luke xi. 39.— 1 Cor. v. 10. the habit of tearing, or snatching. SfiabAjbe, g. id. pi. id. s. m. an idler, a street -walker ; ftv niAjb, q. v. sua 341 s nu f Sfi&bAibee, s.m. a sneaking half-starved fel- low, S pe<\cv is,-v5a6, v. a. spread, Prov. xxix. 5. draw out, ex- tend, plant in rows or ranks. SfiTAP,--ftvc. S|tvcívi)Ac,-Ai5e, adj. /«// of streamlets, like a rill, pur ling, gurgling. SfivcUi5,-tAÓ, v.a. rinse, cleanse, wash, scour. S|tYclÓ5,-ói3e,-ó5,-&]T), pl« id. s. m. a little stack, a little stake, a post or pillar. Sz&c'6.x),-&)x), pi. id. s.m. a thorn, a stump. Sc&CY5<\ó,-Yi5ce, pi. id. s. m. a piling, a heaping, a forming into stacks or shocks. Sc<\t>, inf. id. v. a. & n. stop, stay, stand ; com. Lat. Stat-um. Sca*v&<\, pi. id. s. m. a stop, a pause, an interruption, a de- lay, a period, a hindrance. ScAbcACj-Ajge, adj. apt to stop or pause. Sc&|&,-&i&e,-&&A, s.f. see St>&]b.\£\ " Sc&i&eArblAC&,-&A, s. f. stateli- ness, self-importance. Sc&i&e<\ri)V|l,-rblA, adj. stately, portly, pompous, lordly, mag- nificent. StA|ó5,-5e,-5eACA, s. f. a gullet, a windpipe, a gut. ScAjgfte, g. id. pi. -e&ÓA, s.f. see Sfc><\]ófie. ScaiI,-aUc,-pivil,-;\U, pi. id. s. f. a stamping, a prancing ; O'G. Sc&v, g. f c&ji), s. m. tin, Num. SCO 343 s c n xxxi. 22. Is. i. 25. pewter ; Lat. Stan-imm. ScA0Abó|jt,-6|aA,-6ifxjbe, s. m. a tinker. Sc5e,-AT)5A, s. f. a perch. Scaí)a, g. id. pi. -A^oe, s. m. a vat, a barrel. ScA^be, g. id. pi. id. s. m. an historian; K. fr. rtAiji. Sc&Ticóffi,-Ó!iA,-ói]iit>e, s*m. «w historian ; fr. rcAift. ScAcvib,-be,-bf, s. f. « statute, Jos. xxiv. 5. Edn. 1681. — pi. Lev. xx. 22. com. Lat. Sta- tu t-um. SceAf63,-6|5e,-ó5A, s. f. a staff, a stick, a club, a crutch. S> ce 15r3 e > pi. id. s. f. see Sca^ój. SqAll,-Ub, v. a. rend, 1 Kings xiv. 8. cut into stripes. ScfAll, g. rcéjll, pi. id. s. m. a streak, a strip, a stripe. ScfV *v C 15') adv - within, in, 1 Cor. v. 12. Sz]0C4.]]\e, g. id. pi. -fiióe, s. m. a miser, a niggardly fellow. SciocAifteAcb,-bA, s. f, miserli- ness, avarice. Sqopóip,-pe,-pí, s. f. a stirrup. Scob,-bAÓ, v. a. stab, root out, grub up, thrust, push. Scoc, g. rcY^c, &, rcvjce, pi. rcv^c, &, rtocA, s. m. & f . a trumpet, Judg. vii. 16. — Ex. xx. 18. Heb. xii. 19.— Num. x. 8. ; also, a stock, a pillar, a bulb ; Scoc leApcA, a bed- stead ; Scoc Ivjr^e, a gun- wale. Scoca, g. id. pi. -Aióe, s. m. a stocking. Sc6cAC,-Ai3,-Ai5e, s. m. an idle fellow who lives on the industry of others; also, a young grown- up fellow of 15 or 16 years of age. ScocAijie, g. id. pi. -fxi6e, s. m. a trumpeter ; also, a lazy idler. ScocAifteAC&,-fc>A, s. f. the busi- ness of a trumpeter, a trum- peting ; also, a lounging lazi- ness. Scój|tC]rbe, g. id. pi. -bf, s. m. a hoarded treasure ; O'G. see Cirbe. Scot, s. m. 1 Sam. iv. 13. see Sból. Scop,-pa6, v. a. stop, — inf. Tit. i. 11. plug. Scófi, g. fcójfi, pi. id. s. m. a store, ammunition, treasure, a hoard, a quantity of goods, a storehouse. Sc6|tvr,-vif, pi. id. s. m. a store, — g. Luke xii. 24. see Scoji. ScftAbó]b,-be,-bf, s. f. a prosti- tute. Sc|iac,-aic, pi. id. s. m. a streak, a stripe, a strickle. Sc|iác,-caó,v. a. tear, pull, rend, streak, tatter ; ScjiACAfl,-lc, ^ v. a. id. O'G. ScfiAic,-ce, s. f. pride, haughti- ness, conceit. ScjtAiceACj-qge, adj. proud, haughty, conceited. ScitÁ]ceAri)Yil,-rblA, adj. proud, haughty. Sc|t<\]pleAC,-li3,-l|5e, s. m. a lazy able-bodied fellow ; M'N. ScftAT)3Aijte, g. id. pi. -|t]be, s. m. a lazy contentious fellow. Sc]tAT)5A]fieAcb,-bA, s.f. laziness, strife, contention. ScjiAOil,-leAÓ, v. a. pull, pluck, draw after, tear in pieces. *\ sen 344 s uu Scfi<\o|t,-le,-leAÍJA, s. f. a s/w£ ; ScfiAOileÓ5,-óf5e,-ó5A, s.f. id. ScjtApA, g. id. pi. -Ape, s. m. a strap, a latchet. ScfieAcl&r),-&jr), pi» id. s. m. a band, a gaiter, swaddling clothes, Sc|t]llfo, g. id. pi. -r>i8e, s. f. a gaiter, anything that dangles. ScjtjoCj-fcej-iocA, s. f. see SqtAc. ScjiiocACj-Aige, adj. streaked. ScftiopAc,-pvj3e,-p, v. a. tear, rend. ScvACAG,-A]5e, adj. gruff, light- headed, boorish. ScvAic,-ce,-ceAt)A, s. f. a little hill, a wall, a pinnacle, a small projecting promontory. ScYAfrr),-tT)e, s. f. device, air, mien, modesty. StvAH)A, ind. adj. modest, dis- creet, demure, temperate. ScvAiT)Ac&,-bA, s. f. modesty, mo- deration, prudence, sobriety, temperance, discretion. ScYCAÓ,-Af7;e, adj. horned, stiff, rigid, hilly, rugged. ScvcAifie, g. id. pi. -fipe, s. m. a stiff conceited little fellow, a miser. ScvcÁi),-Afp, pi. id. s.m. a stump, a projection, a small conical hill. Scvi&evtvejjt, pi» id. s. m. a study. ScY|beYfaAC,-<\i7je, adj. studious. ScY}fice*ri?l: 4 SU5 345 SvAfiACATVAjf, s. m. insignifi- cance^ meanness, contempt, ser- vility, SvAficAjVAfr, s - m » w *ti drollery, mirth; R. S. SvAf, adv. up, upwards, above ; Matt. iii. 16. used with a verb of motion. SvACA&,-A]cce, s. m. a kneading, a mixing together, *r Svac bo fú-5A, sooty ; M'Curtin. see Sx]tce. Sújac, -Ajje, adj. merry, Judg. xix. 6. cheerful, glad, joyous, jocose, frolicksome, playful, mirthful, Sú5aca|*,-aii*, s. m. cheerfulness, mirth, Prov. xiv. 13. — Eccl. xi. 9. glee, frolick, sport , game, SújaÓj-ajÓ, s. m. mirth, — g. 1 Kings iv. 20. see Sú^ACAf . Su5A|6eAC&,-t)A, s. f. joyousness, sport, play, jocundity. SúsAráiU-gle, s. f. joyousness, sport ; Su5AO]l,-le, s. f. id. R. S. Sulfite, g. id. pi. -|tit>e, s. m. a droll fellow, a merryandrew. SvgAttj-Ajn, pi. id. s^m. a sucker, a soaker ; also, a young pig. SújÁOj-^iD» pi. id. s. m. a straw or hay rope, a straw collar for draught horses. Sú5CftAob,-o]be,-obA, s. f. a rasp- berry. Sú5-&AjtAc,-|iYf5, s.m. a misletoe. Sú5ri)Atv, pi. id. s. m. a seat , Job xxix. 7. Ps. i. 1. for other meanings, see Sv^ce. Svf6eArbv^l,-ri)U, adj. calm, set- ^ tied, quiet, sedate, ] Svfój fee, g. id. pi. -cf, s. f. a seat, a matted boss to sit on, SvjotYTjAOj-OviTjce, pi. id. s. m. a situation, 2 Kings ii. 19. a setting, a planting*^»- placin g, a seating, S v 15>"S e > v. n. sit, Ruth iii. 18. Matt. xx. 23. Svjt>,-6e,id. Svige, g. id. &, rvígce, s. m — g. Luke xx. 46. see Syfoe. Svf3i5,-iv3i5e, s. m. a sweet-heart, a suitor, a lover. SY|jii6eAc,-6i5e, adj. courting, wooing. Sv^jtjgj-ge, v.a. wóo, court, sue. K3 Súirítfj g. id. pi. -njóe, s. m. a little rug or coverlet, Sújfce, g. id. pi. -cjje, s. m. a flail, a threshing instrument, Is. xxviii. 27. — -pi. 2 Sam. xxiv. 22. ÍV tL cvr- QJAs líÁrff 347 SfyrceAcb,-bA, s. f. threshing. Súirteój!t,-óftA,-ójtti8e, s. m. a thresher with a flail. -v SútfC|t|5,-^v5A8, v. a. thresh with a flail. Sd]ice, g. id. s. m. soot. s. f. the herb lovage ; Ligustieum levisticum. Sv^5Aoc,-o^ce,-ocA, s. f. a blast, 2 Chron. vi. 28. also, a boast, a gasconade. SvofiAÓAc,-A,i3e, adj. special, particular. Sú|tAfUce, ind. adj. sure, certain, precise. Súf a, g. id. pi. -Aj6e, s. m. a rug, a coverlet. SycáI,-ajI, s. m. pride, arro- gance. SYCAUc 3 -Ai5e, adj. proud, arro- gant, y^ SYiY]t),-r)e, adj. prosperous, per- \C \ j petual, Jos. i. 8. PsT ix. 6. m »f -Í- everlastin g ; Syc,-i)e, s.f. id. / Svcv^eAcb,-b<\, s. f. eternity, perpetuity. \ C (Cejoe, furze; Genista spi- nosa,) the name of the six- teenth letter of the modern Irish Alphabet. <\, s. f. a playing, a gaming. \7~ C^|bfte<\6 r ít]Ó, pi. id. s. m. a vi- ^ sion ; see 2 Cor. xii. 1 . a llreám, an appearance, a reve- , lotion. ~i CXJFfVfgj-ivJAÓ, vM.jhwmij have an intellectual vision. (Lc C adj. /owd, Ps. xcviii. 4. ; also, pleasant, merry. Civ|lfv|t,-vt|t, pi. id. s. m. a tai- lor ; Fr. Tailleur. Civil]V|i<\cb,-bA, s. f. tailoring. Grille, g. id. pi. -If, s. f. «/,-bA, s. m. « grave- stone ; literally, the stone of rest, a heap of stones collected on the spot where a person has been killed or buried. C&irbleAr3,-eir3, s. m. sloth, , .• Prov. xii. 24. sport, game, .' mirth, backgammon, chess. Cív^rbnevllj-éill, pi. id. s. m. a slumber, Ps. cxxi. 4. Prov. vi. 4. a trance^ a swoon, an i-L I <~- e cslacy . C&irrwevlUcj-AiTje, adj. slumber- ing, like a trance or swoon. C&|ri)reAtMÓ,-T)<\i&, pi. id. s. m. an appearance, Num. ix. 15. C&jn, g. ciu)<\, pi. t&irjce, s. f. a fine, a spoil, plunder, a flock, cattle. CAifibe, g. id. pi. -be^ÓA, s. m. profit, advantage, benefit, 1 Cor. ix. 10.— 1 Cor. xii. 7. . & rition. (y C<\ibre<\c,-r]5e, shewy. gain. CAjfibeACj-bjge, adj. beneficial JC/ profita ble, advantageous. C&iitbeAU, v. a. offer, Acts viii. 18. /ry, endeavour, bid, 1, Cc^fiife a cb,-bA, s. f. favour, %%- Josh. xi. 20. Is. xxvii. 11. af- fection, loyalty, friendship, trust, fidelity, attachment. CAiftleAtiAC,-4i5e, adj. transma* rine, foreign ; C. P. G*W5e, g. id. pi. -5]6e, s. m. a pin, a nail, Ex. xxvii. 19. Judg. iv. 21. — pi. Ex. xxvii. 19. & xxxv. 18. see Num. iv. 32. V*W5ted]]i,~d\\&,-Ó]\ifie, s. m. ♦. a drawer, Deut. xxix. H. — pi. Jos. ix. 21. & 27. j^\ jjl~ CAifttJijVTieAcb, v. a. prophesy^ >kr divine, 1 Sam. xixr^23. & 24. /£- CAiflijlite, S' id, s. f. divination, prophecy \_G en. xliv. 5. Ezek. xii. 24. CAtntjeAitAÓbj-bA, s. f. the act of divining or prophesying. C*]flii)5ce, ind. p.p. drawn, Ps lv. 21. c*MtireAc,-ri5,-ri3 e > s * m# a threshold, — pi. Ezek. x. 4. CA1itr51tV510D"r eA ^ , S s> ^ ine exter- nal appearance of a thing ; Dunl. CAijyfe, adj. wet, moist, damp, cowardly. CAirbéAi),-t)AÓ, v. a. skew, Ex. xxxiii. 18. — Deut. iii. 24. Matt. xvi. 1. reveal, discover ; GA|t*beYtvt)A&, id. /&Wb fa"**"*' 350 C & J CA||*béAi)AÓ,»r)c^, pi. id. s. m. a vision, a revelatio n, Gen. xv. I. I CorTxivTM.— Gal. ii. 2. — pi. Acts ii. 17. an evidence, a demonstration ; also, the Apocalypse, the book of Reve- lation ; C -^- cl U&rosit, a saving, a treasure, a pledge; see Matt. iii. 12. CAtf5|6,r3e<\6, v. a. keep, Neh. ii. I. Luke ii. 19. treasure, hoard, lay up x store, deposits ^ A lr5! s - f» mental re- servation, equivocation. CA^5-tonAb,-nvib, pi. id. s. m. a storehouse. t&lY5te, ind. p. p. stored, hoarded, laid up. CA^5ceóitt,-ójiA,-ÓTft]Óe, s. m. a hoarder, one who stores or lays up. CA^leAC,-l|5, s. m. moisture, Luke viii. 6. a wetting. £-1 v 5**>> v » a « moisten, wet. CAffce, g. id. pi. -c]£e, s. f. a. tache, Ex. xxvi. 11.— pi. Ex. A ft I t« C*V2t) 351 C*IN &-' xxvi. 11. C^cre, g. id. pi. -ri6e, s. f. id.— pi. Ex. xxxix. 33. a button, a loop, a catch. love, satisfaction, delight. £> C^icT)e<\rt)AC,-^i5e, adj. gooo\ly, pleasant, acceptable, Gen. xxvii. 15. & xlix. 15. Rom. xv. 31. — Prov. xxi. 3. a]elighS- fjjz. -Jul, grateful, satisfactory ; Cx\ict)éAri)vil,-it)U, adj. id. CAicne^ri)Acb,-bA, s. f. accepta- bility, pleasantness, delight, satisfaction. CAictti3,-i)eArt) 5 v. a. please, de- light. Gbijg. civil, pi. id. s. m. a coop- erf s axe or adze. , j^j ^\ CaUrivUirb, &, -IrbAjx, pi. -Ica, s. m. & f. earthy ground, Gen. /. (f_ i. 24. Ex. iii. 5. — Gen. iii. ■** y 19. Matt. v. 5. land^ soil, country. CaU^a^ca, ind. adj. earthly, ter- restrial, mineral. íf* CaIcadca, ind. adj. strong, lusty. £f ó UaII, adv. over, Num. viii. 2. ow lAe other side, yonder, injKe gth£rjworidj^ always used in eonnectíónwíth a verb of rest. CaII,4aó, v. a. cut, ft. tal, q.v. CAlUt>,-lYifje,-Ui)A|rceAcb,-bA, s. f. thanistry, law of senior succession under which the eldest of a family was entitled to succeed to the sovereignty or lordship on the death of the reigning prince or lord. I cevo 352 ZKP £\ IV &% CivDAirceAti)V]l,-mU, adj. sz^az/- ing or acting like a thanist. CAOAttsvftVDe, pi. -ncf, &, -nceAbA, s. f. a syllogism, C&t)AtvioAC,-Ai5e, adj. subject to fits, apt to overflow, emptying. ]U Cao8idaó,-!T)ca, s. m. a pouring out, an overflowing, an empty- ing, a pumping. CAoónjAifte, g. id. pi. -^be, s. m. one who works at a pump, a drawer ; also, a pump, CAOt>n)Átt,-Átn,pl. id. s.m. a small wooden vessel for throwing water out of boats, a pump, a ladle; CAObrt)Ai)-Aé|ft, an air pump, CAojreAc,-n3,-ri3 e > s - m. " Hfl chieftain, a general, CAolórt)<\c,-Ai3,-Ai5e, s. m. a par- ricide, one that kills father, mo- ther or brother. Cao|* ? g. cAO]f, s. m. dough, a lump of dough, Ex. xii. 34. & 39. 1 Cor. v. 6. & 7.— Neh. x. 37. Caojf ,-f e, s.f. id. CAO|*Ac,-Ai3e, adj. of or belong- ing to dough. . empty, pour out. CA0J-5A, an irr. comp. & super!, of Lvac ; first, before, rather, Num. xviii. 13. Matt. i. 18. & xxv. 9. gooner^than : CAorsACj-Aige, adj. pouring, overflowing, brim-full. C<\or5Ab,-5c pi. id. s. m. a bull, an ox, Is. li. 20,— -pi. Acts xiv. 13. Lat. Taur-us. Gr. Tavg-o$; Caftb rivn^v, a pa- rish bull. %r- Ca^da, g. id. s. m,jprofity lucre, Mark viii. 36.— 1 Sam. viii. . 3. gain; CAitbAGb,-bA, s.f. id. CAfibacj-A^e, adj. expedient, fruitful, 1 Cor. x. 23. Phil. i. 22. profitable, lucrative, effec- tual, valid. ^A|tbAioeACb,-bA, s. f. fruitful- ness, advancement in fruitful- ness, gain, profit, productive- ness. CAjtb&tv&it), pi. id. s. m. a young bull, a little bull ; dim. of Cafib, q. v. Cajioaoca, had. adj. bull-faced, v., fierce, stern, boorish. '-CAjibvjgj-vijAÓ, v. a. &n. profit, — inf. Is. xlvii. J2. gain, be- come profitable, benefit. CAftcAfrr>i5,-]V5AÓ, v. a. — inf. 1 Cor. xi. 22. see CAfievjrrHS- CAficeAi), cpd. conj. though, although ; fr. caji, & ceAi). CAttcv^rne, g. id. s. f. despicabi- Ka Of— lity, contempt, Acts xix. 27. 1 Tim, lv. 12. — g. Rom. i. 30. affront, abuse, disparage- ment. CA|tcY|rr>eAc 5 -oi5e, adj. vile \ Dent. xxv. 3. 1 Sam. xv. 9. 2 Sam. vi. 22. contemptuous, despicable, reproachful^ scorn- ful. CAftcv|roeAÓ,-t)|5, pi. id. s< m. a scorner, Prov. xiv. 6.. — pi. Prov. iii. 34. an abuser, a de- tractor, a contemner. CAjtcv|ri;eAcb,-bA, s. f. reproach, Ezek. xxxvi. 15. see Cajx- cujroe» CA]tcv|fni5,-iv5A8, v. a. profane, -—inf. Lev. xx. 3. despise, con- temn, revile, scorn, derogate. CATtcvírtJJSéeóifi, - 6|tA, - ófj^óe, s. m. a reviler, an abuser, a de- tractor. CAp-étr? a cpd. adv. after, Matt. i. 18. afterwards ; it go- verns the gen. case. CAftp-|íjeÓ5,-ó]5e,-ó5A s. f. a casement. CAfigAOAlACj-Ajse, adj. transi- tory ; C. P. CA|t5Ajb,-be,-beACA, s.f. a target, a shield; Barb. CAft5AjbeAÓ,-bJ5e, adj. like a target, of or belonging to a target, armed with a shield. CajiIa, a defective verb, it hap- k^, pened, fell out, 2 Sam. xx. 1> <-* Luke x. 30. & 31. it came to pass, befell; used in the 3rd. K2-^ pers. singular a nd plural of *\T rW perfect indicative and subj uric - tive. SCajiIai&,-IoÓ,, v. a. draw together (as sheaves of corn,) into one place, make a stack or rick Kit zo CKXl 354 rue CATilobj-lviJce, s - m « a drawing \ aiji Ajr, a revulsion, a retrac- in of corn or hay. lion. CAttruoc MB ce^ 355 cetv C&cAifte, g. id. pl. -|t|óe, s. m. a welder, a solderer, a joiner ; also, a lazy trifling fellow. C5V|6 7 id. ceu M.J 2 Cor. x. 2. stiff, rigidj JJrn L /< strait, tight, tense. Ce, v. a. & n. embrace, greet, cleave to, join ; Gen. xxix. 13. Tit. iii. 15 Jer. xiii. 11. see Is. ix. 11. strain^ press, tighten , brace, rivet, bind ; cbm. Tat. Tend-o, & Gr. Ti/v-w. K3 £ffr Ce<\i)A&,-i)CA, s. m. a binding, a /^3 fastening, a tightening, a straitening, stiffness, rigi- dity, a bracing. Ce<\iJA]]te, g. id. pi. -fi^Oe, s. m. a press, a tightener, an op- pressor ; also, the roaring of the sea in a cave. CeAt)Ar,-A]r, s. m. independence, austerity. CeAi^&jCj-ce, s.f. an abundance, Phil. iv. 18. a sufficiency, a surfeit, a full meal. CeArjcA 5 ind. p. p. joined, closely pressed or tightened together. CeAtje&r),-^n5 pi. id. s. m. a press, a squeezer, a tighten- ing together. CeAjtc, comp. re^jtce, adj. few, ffclM Gen. xlvii. 9. Lev. xxvi. 22. rare, scarce, unusual. CéAftrtjA, g. id. pi. -Aj8e, s. m. a term, a law term, a period ; Mul. CeAfirt)At),-A|i), pi. id. s. m. Lat. fa\\ Termin-us ; such land as be- longed to the church which formerly protected, and was a place of refuge for people in Ireland, Glebe land ; hence j Ce<\t)5A]Tie, g. id. pi. -jtibe, s.m. it still means, a shelter, aj>ro- fy 1j % , a linguist, an orator, a talka- tec t ion, a defence, a sajLCtu^YJ) *i J*ry, a place of security Oeafimoi), & Ce, v. n. pass Coaíí, comp. cepje, adj. bold, \ away, — inf. 10. de- c e j 357 ~ e ) scend, evade, escape, fly from, recover from. CeAflVT 1 ^? s - m - pitch, tar ; _Barb. CeAfltj-ftAÓ, v. a. smear with j pitch or tar. 'jfarCe*xrV*i s ' m - heat, Rev. vii. _3 16. — 2 Sam. iv. 5. warmth. Ce<\yb&c,-b&ii>; s. m. Ae«i, — g. "J" Jer. xxxvi/30. sultriness, hot weather. \i\*^ f-C'^f CeAfbA^-bvgAb, v. a. prove, tempt ; Ps. xxvi. 2.— Mark viii. 11. try, fail, want. Ce£, Rev. iii. 15. & 16. warm, sultry. Cejc, inf. cejceArtj, v. n. escape, flee. Gen. xix. 17. Matt. ii. ,13^— Matt. iii. 7. Luke iii. 7. I desert. o- ^Cejce &, -Ttvj^e, pi. -jtAi)A, i. & f . a border, a boun- dary, a partition ; Deut. iii. 16,-1-Gen. xlix. 26. Eph. ii. 14. — Ex. xxiii. 31. Acts xvii. 26. a limit, an outline. CeoftancA, ind. adj. definite, li- mited, bounded. GeocAc&n,-&]t), pi. id. s. m. a- warming-pan, a chafing-dish. Ceycbj-bAO, v. a. curdle, Job x. 10. coagulate. CevcbAÓj-bvjgce, s. m. a curd- ling, a coagulation, a congeal- ing. /,/<* \f- Cevb, g. t**|b, &, teybA, pi. id. \ s. m. a string of a musical in- /^l-fj^^ strument, a cord; see Ps. oxxxiii. 2. & cxliv. 9. — pi. Num iv. 32. a rq pe.^ CevbAc,-A]5e, adj. stringed, ha- ving many strings, Cev&Ajfie, g. id. pi. -jtióe, s. m. a rope-maker ; GevbAC&n, -&]t), pi. id. s. m. id. Cevt>bfiAi5ib,-5be, s. f. a collar, a necklace. Cevb-cleAp-^e, g. id.pl. id. s.m. a rope-dancer. * CevlcÓ5,-có|5, s. m. a creeping unawares. Jude ver. a ac stealing in or out. Cevlc6í3,-có3, v. a.. & n. come in privately, creep in, purloin , Gal. ii. 4 2 Tim. iii. 6. Tit ii. 10. steal out. C}ac, g. id. &, cjce, pi. s. m. & f. a scrip, a C|ACA, bag ; allet, Luke ix. 3. & x. 4. a 1m a pouch. GtAcó5,-Ó!5e,-Ó5A, s. f. a small bag or scrip, a small wallet. Cf pi- id. s » m ' — pi- John xiv. 2. see CeAgAf. C|A|tAC,-Aig,-Ai3e, s. m. a crup- per, a buttock, a tripe. Cib]tvbjieA8, v. n. spring (as a well,) Num. xxi. 17. flow. Cft, g. cjte, pi . cfjce^ « house, ^-M ~Gen. xtv. 2. Matt. vii. 25.— ^£ Matt. x. 6.— Ex. i. 21. Luke ft^ xx. 47. a mansion ; more pro- Z&Á perly, CeAc, q. v. Ci5eArbv|l,-rblA, adj. domestic, belonging to a house. CjgeAjtDA, g- id. pi. -nv^óe, s. in. ajord, an owner, Gen. xxiv. )^\ 40. — Acts ii. 21. — Num. xxi. 28. Luke xix. 33. a name given to any proprietor, a chief ruler, a dynast, a supe- rior, a title of respect ; Lat. Tyrann-us, Gr. Tvww-og. CijeAfiDArblacbj-bA, s. f. lordli- ness, lordship. Cj'5eAfU)Arbvil,-if)lA, adj. impe- rious ; see Ezek. xvi. 30. lordly, haughty, domineer- ing. Cí5eAitovi5,-v5AÓ, &, -vjgeACb, v. n. reign, liom. v. 21. rule over. CjgeAjirrvfj-YU', s. m. dominion, Judg. v. 13. Rom. vi. 9. — Eph. i. 21. lordship, mastery, supremacy, power, ^ j urisdic- , Hon, estate. -M>^ JL I CjgeAfj-j^, s. m. housekeeping, ^^ husbandry. c) n 359 C J Ci5eArAC,-Ai5e, adj. domestic, fond of or belonging-to house- keeping or husbandry. CjleAÓ, g. id. s. m. the poop of a ship,—g. Mark iv. 38. Cfrrvrne, s. f. fear, honour, dread, pride, estimation ; com. Lat. Tim-eo, and Gr. C]mce<\ll, C|rr)C|oll, a cpd. prep, govern- ing a genit. case, 4. about, Matt, iii rownd^a])out . CiniceAllge&fltAtvttcA, s. m. m-- cumcision, Acts xi. 3. — Ex. iv. 26. Rom. xv. 8. Cirocfllse&ttvfiAÓ, v. a. circum- cise, Josh. v. 2. — Luke i. 59. Acts xxi. 21. fr. c^c^oU, & 3e&jt|u A2feimcToU,-Cjll, pi. id. s. m. a cir- cuit, a compass, a circumfe- rence, CitDcioll,-lv5<\8, v. a. compass, is Job. xix. 6. — 2 Chron. iv. 3. surround, encompass \Cl^n 2^CioiDqoll s. m. sickness, Cjnior, J Deut. xxix. 22. 2 Kings xiii. 14. — Matt. iv. 23. disease ; C|TJe.&r ale, tf^e $roW ; Ci^e^r *v TM3> scrofula ; C]y- e*y CAjttjce, or cle^be, a con- sumption ; Cii)eAf clo^e, travail, childbirth ; CjijeAr i)A seaUjge, lunacy ; GtóeAf 30)116, a stomach complaint ;\ Cirje6ft, tf/ie falling sickn ess, epilepsy. Cii)eAfAC,- m d. ac lj- ^*^, Deut. xxxiii. 2. Eph. vi. 16. Cioól,-ójl, pi. id. s.m. K. 258. see Cjonól. C|t)rc]o&Al,-A^l, s. m. instruc- tion, judicious management. CfobAl,-Ail, pi. id. s. m. « ízVfe, John xix. 19. & 20.— pi. Job xxxii. 22. Edn. 1681. a super- ~ scription, an epitaph; C]0&aiI rple,-lv|cce, pi. id. s. rn. a gift, Jas. i. 17. — Num. xviii. 7. & 11.— Matt. ii. 11. a pre- sent, a donation. C]OóUic,-ac<\8, v. a. grant ; C. P. — Acts iii. ^4. bestow, present. C]o5TÁ7céeAc,-c]3e, adj. plenti- ful, Ps. lxviii. 9. bountiful, donative. Ciot>Ujcceó|jvófiA,-ófft|8e, s.m. a giver, a bestow er of gifts , C. P. Cjolp,-pAÓ, v. a. snatch, grasp eagerly, cut away, GjolpAijte, g. id. pi. -jt|8e, s. m. a snatcher, a cut-purse, a thief, a censor, a caviller, CjoiDAjlj-le, v. a. eat. Cjotu&ii?, inf. id. v. a. & n. drive, fall on, thrust ; Gen. iii. 24. 1 Sam. xxii. 18. — Deut. xiii. 10. Cjortjívjt) Ajp, fall upon him. m **4 '•i-fr I C JO 360 C J Clort)A|ti, inf. id. v. a. bequeathe bestow, leave by will, deliver, \ dedicate, entrust) give up. C]Oii)&ir)c,-ce, s. f. a driving, a , thrusting, a proceeding. Ciorrj&lcAjVAjr, s » m » victuals, eatables. U^ i. Cion)Anc6||t,-6ft<\,-ó||t0e % s. m. owe «0#o bequeaths, attest a to r^ one who entrusts any tiling for security into the hands of another. Cfon)c<\it>c,-ce,-ceAi)*u)&c,-A|3, áúxx ~* láe ' s * m * id ' rT :- 3 ^1°^r v !3r v 3^5 v « a - collect, bring together. ,^ C|ornfV5AÓ,-v^5ce, pi. id. s. m. a collection. C|ón?Yt)CA, ind. p. p. consecrated, dedicated, bequeathed, given up ; Dunl. CjomAncA, id. CjorjfX|iA, g. id. s. m. a portion, a dower, a reward, wanes. ^loprSAliVSDAri), v. a. begin, cfc- vise, determine ; Luke xxi. 1? ^ Ex. xxxi. 4. 1 Sam. xx. 9. plot, project. K/^4 C]oi)f5<\0EAc,-tAi5e, adj. indus- trious, 1 Kings xi. 28. con- trivant, ingenious, diligent, adventurous. G]oi)|*5t)e, s.m. a begin- ner, a deviser, a contriver. Ctonól,-ó|l, pi. id. s. m. a gather- ing, 1 Cor. xvi. 2. a collec- tion, a congregation, an as- semblage. Cionc<\j5,-co8, v. a. turn, alter, reverse, invert, convert. Cforjcoój-coió, s. m. a turning about or bach, a conversion, an inversion J&& %i(ur^i^A^r\j Cjonvfj-rfr, pi. ici. s. m. a tart' yard. CfoftArbUcbj-fcA, s. f. homeliness, convenience, commodiousness. Cioft<\rbYil,-ri)lA, adj. sheltered, warm, snug, commodious, con- venien t. Cíott&i)AC r .<*, s.f. droughty faction, comfort, pleasure, 7 C|Ofitt>AlAcb, j thirst. \ Cioftmv|^,-rr)v5A6, v. a. wipe, J'Tq i/rw, John xi. 2. — Luke vii. M 3P CjofimvgAiVviTjce, s. m. a <7r*/- //?{7, a parching. CfoficA, nom. pi. of Cjp, q. v. Ciofica, ind. p. p. kiln- dried. CfoftcAÓj-Aijj-Aige, s. m. a pa- triot, a countryman. iadj. born of a country, homebred, national. Cfft, g. cffte, pi. cfoftc*, s. f. a land, a country ji nation, Jer. xxii. 10. — Gen. xxiii. 7. Matt. | xiv. 35. — Ezek. v. 6. a region, land as opposed to water ; com. Lat. Ter-ra, & the Gr. T%-gw, & Tg|-,-&]n, pi. id. s. m. a guar- I jealousy, Acts xiii. 45. Horn. rel, a grudge, Mark vi. 19. \ X. 19. — Rom. xi. 11. — 1 Pet. C)vbftv|b,-be, pi. id. & -beACA, , ii. 1. zeal, bigotry. ^c s. f. a fountain, a cistern, Jas. | CovcAc,-A]5e, a.d.].jenvious, jea- K*) if iii. 11. — pi. Jer. ii. 13. Rev. lous. **— ^xiv. 7. a spring, a well. Covcóffi, 6jtA,-ófrx]t>e, s. m. an J-£C]Y7;,~vf5e 4 adj. thick, bountiful, envious or covetous man, ajea- (f 1 Kings viii. 12. 2 Cor. ix. 6. lous lover. close, dens e, gross, dull, foggy, fat. C]V5Abvr,-vjr 5 s. m. thickness, 1 Kings vii. 26. closeness, denseness, grossness, consis- tence. C]vt^|5,-v5 '* Gen. xxix. 2. — Gen. xxvi. 18. 2 Pet. ii. 17. a spring, afouw tain, a source. C$5 362 CO] fo CocAfftb,-AjtbAt>, v. a. ?Ww, ree/ thread or yarn ; Coc^jt, -Aft, &, -a^jic, v. a. id. CócAjt,-Aift, pi. id. s. m. a pas- sage >, Is. x. 29. a causeway, a pavement. CocAjt&A&j-AiÓ, s. m. a winding up, a reeling of thread or yam» CooAtVAff, s. m. aw itch, 2 Tim. iv. 3. mange, an itching. &ocb, g. id. s. m. peace, silence ; Acts xii. 17. 1 Cor. xiv. 34. CocbAc,-^5e, \ adj. still, Ex. CocbA»i>vil,-rbU, J xv. 16. silent. Coóv]l,-lc, v. a. dig, rooi ; Ezek. via. 8. — Jer. 10. S delve, f^ quarry. Cocv^Icj-ca, s. f. a digging, Jer. ii. 34. Matt. xxv. 18. a delv- ing, a mining, a hollow. rj C05, inf. cosbAjl, v. a. build, take up, Num. xxiii. 1. Mark x. 21.— Matt. xxvi. 61. lift* carry, exact (as a tribute.) Co5,-53c<%, pi. id. s. f. election, — g. Rom. ix. 11. /yFfc.. 1. 27. choose, pick, cull. M-fp ^< Co5|t^, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a pur- pose, — g 2 Cor. ix. 7. a cfe- m>£, a will, pleasure, inclina- tion. C05C a, ind. part. adj. wave, heave, Lev. vii. 34. Deut xii. 17. lifted up, built. C05CA, ind. p. p. chosen, elect, I Pet. ii. 9. 2 John ver. 1. Co]béitTvri}e, pi. id. &, -tt)e&t)&, s. f. a blemish, Ex. xii. 5. Lev. i. 10. a reproach, a slaiir, a scandal. ^TjpT 4 ^ " Co|bé|rt)eAc,-tt)i3ej adj. blemish- ed, stained, scandalous, re- ,proachful. Cojbfxe, g. id. pi. -e2. volunta- ry, merito- rious, de- serving. CO ) 363 K J* Co|lceAi)<\r,-Ajr, s.m. desert , me- rit, willingness. Co|rbfeTt)vjl,-rbl &óf[ó5e&\\z,-bé]\iz, pi. id. s. m. 3 mjnuficence^a gift, a present, CoijtbeAfvcAÓj-Aige, adj. gene- rous, liberal, munificent. <^q CoiitbeAftcAjvAir? pi. id. s. m. goodness, Rom. xi. 22. bounty, liberality, a gift, munificence. Coifibej|tc,-beifice,-beAficA, s. f. a tradition, — pi. 2 Thess. ii. 15. a giving up, a delivering, an oblation, an offering. Coijtb]ft,-tic, v. a. offer, deliver, Gen. xxii. 13. — 1 Cor. v. 5. give up, yield, transfer. Có|fieAC&,-& smutty, va- 1 ' ' ' J poury. Có|ceAC&r>,-&]i), pi. id. s. m. a chimney r , a vent. Cójce&r>, -&!«)> pi. id. s. m. a cow- flagration, a burning of a house or effects. CojceAf&Arl^AiI, pi. id. s. m. a multitude, Judg. iv. 7. a fac- tion, a party ; also, arrogance, presumption. Cóieft), g. id. pi. -t>i8e, s. m. a small toast, a small bit of meat broiled on embers. Có|C|ieAC,-iii5e,-jte<\cA5 s. f. a conflagration. Cc>]C]ii5,-iv5e, ^ Co\U]\\e,g. id- pi. 'H]be, > Colló|tt,-ófiA,-Ó!fi!Óe, j a piercer, a borer. Colic a, ind. p. p. pierced, per- forated, bored. Colic Ac,- -óf3e,-ó5A, s, f. a clew of yarn. Cop&i]vr e >-n>s. f. y a to- CopAf,-A]f, pi. id. s.m.J paz, Job xxviii. 19. Ezek. xxviii. 13. fo Rev. xxi. 20. K-^l Co ft, g. cv|p,pl. id. s. m. a tower, a bulwark, Gen. xi, 4.— Gen. xi. 5. — Deut. xx. 20. Is. xxx. 25. a castle, a spire, a steeple ; Lat. Tur-ris. Co\\, g. tvjft, pi. id. s. m. a bush, a shrub, a crest. CoftACAf b|T5e, s. m. fruit, Matt. iii. 10. — g. Luke xiii. 6. Phil. iv. 17.— Luke iii. 8. & xii. 17. profit, produce, benefit, increase. Co|tA]óeACj-6]5e, adj. fertile, fruitful. CofiArbvjlj-rpU, adj. fertile. Co|tArbUch,-bA, s. f. fruit) illness, productiveness. Copals-Ait), pi. id. s. ra. a great noise, a sound, Jos. vi. 10. Acts. ii. 2. Coft&r^.&n), pi. id. s. m. a sort of white red-headed maggot cfe- structive to corn, (particularly to oats,) to the stomachs of horses, and to potatoes. CojtAjvAir? pL id. s. m. a journey, weariness, grief ip Cope, g. cvjjtc, pi, id. s. m. a boar, a hog ; Copc-AllcA, a wild boar. Coftcvt5,-v5 ad j- pregnant, /iu/X CoflftAC, CojtflCAC, JwitfuU Ex. xxi. 22 j>MattTiT 18.— -see Is. xxxii. 12. prolific, productive. Cóllpé A ó,jj?^'^^ wakin 'J Ú Cojtcófr, s. f. Lev. xi. 29. see Cotrtqr. ^óf^lSrXlZíÉ^ÍS v « a. pursue, \0]-h* Gen. xiv. 14. — Judg. vhi. 5. CofiYjgeao&j-bA, s. f. pursuit, Josh. ii. 5. Job xxx. 15. CófiYf5ceónv5ttA ? -ó]ft]óe, s. m. a pursuer ; CojiYtje, g. id. pi. id. s. ra. id. CorACj-m^-p-lSe, s. m. a be^ \^[X-\ ginn ing, Ps. cxi. 10. Rev. i. {a o. — pi. see Num. x. 10. a front, foundation, origin, the prow (of a ship.) "Cox*>, ind. s, m. silence, quiet- (^lí^- ness ; see Cocb. CofYgAb,-Yi5ce,pl. id. s. m. a be- ginning, Gal. iii. 3. CorYi5,-Y5& discourse, a treatise. ** C|tAÓboó,-bY|6,-bY^óe, ?. m. tra m dilion, — g. Col. ii. 8. a dis~ course, a treatise* t ,l en & 366 cue .:' #?. !&* CfiAC&&il,-&l, v. a. & n. empty, _ drain* pour out, ebb. "U \b c P*15r*3*» P 1 - id - sTf- rt ,4<^€? r^'^/V' Acts xxvii. 39. — Matt. xiii. *M /c/ «Zwte, subdue ; also, oppress, overwhelm, destroy, overthrow. Ctt C]t^CAri) v ]l,-ri7U, adj. timely, sea- sonable. Cfi&cooi}*, g. id. pi. -A]8e, s. m. evening ^ Lev. xi. 24. & 25. — Gen. xxiv. 11. Jas. v. 7. noon- tide, afternoon ; Cfi&c «a tT)A|t>ne, morn, morntide. Cfie, a conj. & prep, because, through, by. CfieAb,-ejbe,-eAbA, s.f. a family,^! a^tribe ; Num. xxvi. 16. & Tf^-Num. x. 16. & 19.— Num. xxvi. 7. Matt. xxiv. 30. a clan. CpeAb, -bí5ceó||i,-6ft<\,-ó]fijóe, s. m. a guide, Pro v. vi. 7. a leader, a conductor ; Cfieo|tv|5e. g. id. pi. id. s. m. id. i^ Cfievn,-feiue, adj. migJxLy, Rev. /*-^ xviii. 10. strong, brave, va- liant, 'powerful; CfteYorijAfi, -^jfte, adj. id. CjievnAjyAir, s. m. strength, power, bravery, valour, chi- ft k Cftf, ind. card. adj. three, Matt, xvii. 4. Cji|AÓ5Ajft&eA{VbíT, pi. id. s. m. a triumph, a royal triumph ; fr. cfif a&, a king, & SAjftbear, M-^-h ^lA inf- *d. v - a * & ™. journey, «1^ devise, go, — inf. Num. x. 29. ' ^Prov. xvi. 30. Acts xxi. 2. purpose, intend, march, walk, V travel. (M I}},. Cpf aII,-Ua, pi. id. s.ra. a journey, flj a purpose, agoing, a march, a K^/p design, a plot. CjtiAlUjfie, g. id. pi. -wóe, s. m. a traveller, a wayfaring man ; jCfttAlUc,-Ai5,-^i5e, s. m. id. /Cl ^L^I 1 ^»""*» P^ *d. s - m * a '/«Vrf p#r/, a third, a district ; fr. ~r%~- c|tf, &, aoo ; 0& cjtjAi), *aw- Cft'iAoac, adj. no comp. Mree by three; Lat. Terni. GfifAt)c&i?,-&fi), pi. id. s. m. a tri- angle, a three-cornered piece of bread. Cpic,-ce, adj. frequent, quick, . nimble, dexterous ; Ho eftje, iáv. often. CjifceAjtOAc, adj. no comp. f/i- angular. Cjt|cor s * m - grains. Cjtjor5*u),-&|T), pi. id. s.m. see CtufliorrjAc, adj. no comp. £n- lateral. CjtjYc, g. id. s. m. iAe hooping cough. |£Cfiiv|t,-4]|i, coll. s. m. three per- ^^sons; fr. cfif, & ^e^\i.-Xhi^^/C' 'jXC\i]íi\;-ú\Y 9 pi. id. &, cftjúf a, s. m. *~ « #ose ; see Dan. iii. 21. a trowsers, pantaloons and stock- ings in one piece ; C|t|YOAr, -o^r, pi. id. s. m. CftocAijie, g. id. s. f. mercy, Rom. ix. 15. — 2 Cor. i. 3. compas- sion. '^ Cft5cAiti§c,"*4g^,adj. ") merciful, CfiocAjttxx, ind. adj. J kind ; Ex. xxxxiv. 6. Eph. iv. 32. CiiocIyj5,-y5<\ó, v. a. profane — inf. Neh. xiii. 17. taint, rot, loose. CjiobACj-^Tje, adj. quarrelsome, riotous. CfiobvjTje, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a fighter, a quarrelsome person. Cjtofb, g. cftotxx, pi. id. s. f. a fight, — g. Heb. x. 32, a quar- rel &%,% C|ioi&, inf. id. v. a. & n. fight, strive, battle, 1 Sam. xv. 18. — Ex. ii. 13. Deut. xx. 1. scold, contend, wrangle. 3 B ^oik-See, pi- id. s^ a fooL, — g. Is. i. 6. Acts vii. ó. ^e sole of the foot, a foot in length ; C]to]5-leAcA, s. f. heaviness, weight, steadiness, irksomeness, judgment ; Cjioir^e, g. id. s. f. id. C|to^r5, inf. cjxoj^aó, v. n. feisty 2 Sam. xii. 21. '--Matt. vi. 16. Íadj. fast- ing, absti- nent, given to fasting. Cfton?, comp. cfrv?rt)e, &, Cfi>?n7|be, adj. heavy, 1 Sam. iv. 18. Is. vi. 10.— Job vi. 3. Mark xii. 40. weighty, ponderous, deep (as sleep,) sad, melancholy, pregnant, oppressive, painful, serious, grave. Cfton}, g. cfiYjm, s. m. a charge, a burden , 2 Cor. xi. 9. blame, rebuke. l C\\ort)'<\x),-'&\x), pi. id. s. m. a great weight, the back-band of the plough traces ; also, the dwarf elder or bore tree. C|torr)cioc 5 -ce<\CA, pi. id.& -ce&i- aí)a, s. f. a heavy shower ; O'G. see C|oc. C|ton}cofc>lfvAtVAiT), s. m. a heavy sleep, a lethargy. CfiorDYJ5,-Y5&t>, v. a. make heavy, aggravate, load, burden. £~ C|toit)Y5, pi. id. s. m. a pace, a jump ; Vernac. Cfiop)&o. Cfiors, g. citYjrs, pi. id. s. m. a codfish. CfiorjAb, g. c|ioi]*5ce } &, -5A|6, pi. id. s. m. a fasting, a fust, Ezra viii. 21. Mark ii. 18.— Jer. xxxvi. 6. com. Gr. í^tóa in 'EúiXo-ó^axsia, Col. ii. 23. Crior5*u),-&io, pi. id. a.m. furni- ture, household goods. Ciiorló5,-5|5e,-Ó5A, s. f. a jump, a hop, a leap; see Cupló^. C|iorló5<\c,-Ai5e, adj. hopping, leap ing, ju trip ing. Cftorcv\rbla.cb,-&<\, s. f. sturdi- ness, noise. CfiorcArr)Y]l,-rbU, adj. sturdy, t\ noisy. Cftort&tv&ir), pi. id. s. m. a crutch , a prop, a support, a pilgrim' sstaff. "jz^.^ CfiocAft,-<\ifi, s. m. rubbish; see Neh. iv. 10. C|iY^f CuYAlU. OiivaiU|5 UeAb,v.a. corrupt* \C\}, Gen. vi. 12.— / >Rom. i. 23. pollute, violate, defile, adul- terate, profane. C|iY<\iUe<\t>,-lli5ce, s. m. corrupt k. 2, lion, Ps. xlix. 9. 1 Cor. xv. i£ 50— 2 Kings xxiii. 13. Acts ^ xiii. 34. a slur, a stain, pollu- tion, dcjilcmcnt. adulteration. J cuu 37 CU b CfivAilleADCA, ind. adj. wretched, j nor&l, Job. xxvi. 7. — Ps. xlviii. Rom. vii. 24. miserable. 2. Zeph. ii. 13. •j: CftYAillT6,-6e, adj. corrupt, 1 Cor. CvAic^ée ^éa , s. f. a few'- '\T~'?^§L xv. 42. miserable, wretgjied, polluted, base, defiled. + CjivAill|óeAco,-í),-*Mn, pi. id. s. m. stuff, Gen. xxxi. 37. goods, chattels, furniture, lumber, a vesture, a mantle, a covering, clothes ; see Cjtors^r). Cv, pers. pron. thou, Matt. i. 21. Lat. Tu 5 Gr. Tv, Fr. Tu. *-|£ VA 3>-*15 e > P 1 - -^5^ &> -a^a, s. f. an^axe, Matt. iii. 10. — Deut.^xxTlP. 1 Sam. xiiL 20. — pi. see 2 Sam. xii. 31. com. Gr. iw, & Fr. Tuer. Cvatj-caca, s. f. a battle-axe, Jer. Ii. 20. fr. cya5,& cct, q.v. CvA^gj-je, s. f. i/ie north, Gen. xxviii. 14. Cvaió, id. CvAnt},-rt)A, pi. id. s. f. a dyke, a fence, a hedge, a fort, a vil- lage, a fortified town. ^^inSfr, g- . id - pl- -i)]6e, s. m. a ;M hatchell, a washing staff. ^CvAi]t]rt) 5 -|tri7e, s. f. # guess, a ' conjecture, a hint, an opinion, a drift, aim; " T&o) Évjfqrn *£^_ - '*4 bo fUince, fo /% health. Iík*A\\}W> awkward ungainly person. CvA]|tir5,-5e, s. f. Td. pl.^Ajóe, s. m. a Un fj£~ tomb, Job xxi. 32.-— Matt. (? xxviii. 1.— Matt. xx\ ii. 52. CvApollj-pv^U, pi. id. s. m. a whirlpool. r~ Cyaji, inf. id. v. a. forebode, pre- /v? ^zg£, guess, portend. l£i% CvAft,-ATfi, pL id. c« omen, a fore- MCL boding, a forerunner ; Ti 2D a fir a cjlim cvAfT 'pÍA^&A," a dry March forebodes a good growth of plants. Ki ' A~ CvAfiACAO,-A]ij, pi. id. s. m. a bleacher. CvAiiArbAl,-Ail, pi. id. s. m. wages, hire, Rom. vi. 23. Jas. v. 4. Mark i. 20. 2 Cor. xi. 8. fee, salary. CvAfiAr&Alv^, g. id. pi. ~5e, s.m. a hireling, John x. 12. also, a man who hires. CvAftAf 5ba^l,-ÁlA,pl. id. s. f. «re- K*}j %2^ port, a rumour, Num. xiv. 37. / Rom. i. 8 — pi. 1 Sam. ii. 24. -r^ Mark xiii. 7. character. tiT&' clli^T 991 CvA|i5Ar) 3 -Atn, pi. id. s. m. noise, &J tumult, discontent ; also, a bee- tle or washing staff'. Cyaca, g. id. pi. -A^óe, &, -aóa, JC_ s.m. an unlearned man, 1 Cor. /-2. f- xiv. 24. — 1 Cor. xiv. 16. — 1 Cor. xiv. 23. a plebeian, a layman, CvACAc,-A]5e, adj. unlearned, boorish. CvAC<\UÁn,-&ii}, pi. id. s. m. an Cv-! v 3f*» v - n - flow,— mi. Prov. xviii. 4. inundate, over- flow- \L\^ Cr]\\,-\e^6,-l]OÚ), &, -te -i°r3 A J s. m. a saw, Is. x. 15. Cvuale<\c&n,-&jn, pi. id. s. m. a roller. _ ASti . J C7v||il]t)5, inf. id. v. n. desce nd* \{% C Qme d own ; Ex. xix. 18. Luke ^U xix. 6.— Matt. iii. 16. John / i. 32. Cvi|tl^t)5)-5e, s. f. a descent, a, fall. . ^ Cvijtre, g. id. s. f. heaviness, sor- V row, Luke xviii. 23. Rom. ix. > 2. — Acts xx. 38. weariness, /JJ^ fatigue, sadne ss. ^ Cv^reacj-nse, adj. wean/, Ps. ^ lxviii. 9. Gal. vi. 9. tired, woful, mournful, sorrowful, /vl^j CVijtriSriirSA&j v. a. weary, tire, fatigue; see Gal. iv. 11. ' en in 373 ens Cr^ r,-re, s. f. frankincense, in- cense, Matt. ii. 11. — Ex. xxx. 27. Luke i. 11. CvifeóitvófiA, pi. -6]|t|óe, &, -óijteAbA, s. m. a censer, Heb. ix. 4. — pi. see Num. iv. 14. CvirleAÓ,-l]6, s. m. an offence, Phil. i. 10.— Rom. ix. 33. I Pet. ii. 8. a slip, a stumble, fortune, failure, faltering, a fall; Cvjrle, g"» id. s. f. id. Ce<\p cv^l]ó, a stumbling- block, Lev. xix. 14. Cvifl|5,-le^6, v. n. slip, fail, stumble. *j>CYjriT>eAt>,-ii}íóe, s. m. delivery, / childbirth, nativity, Ex i. 16. — Gen. xxv. 24. Ex. i. 16. & 17. Cvirroi5,-iDeAó, v » a - bear, tra- vail, Luke xxiii. 29. — 1 Sam. iv. 19. bring forth. $-fcjCvfrrt)i5ceó|]vóftA,-óitti8e, s. m. ^ « begetter, a pare nt 1 John v. 1. — pi. see 1 Tim. v. 4. Cv|rqún,-ú]n, s. m. a groat, four pence. JL Cvjc, inf. cvjcirt), v. n. fall, Gen. H xv. 12.— Luke xvi. TT: Heb. x. 31. happen, befall. £ Cu|C]it), inf. of Cv|c, q.v. Cv|qn? r cn9e, s. f. a fall, a fall- ing ; Luke vi. 49. — Ezek. xxvi. 15. Rom. xiv. 13. Cv^ca, ind. p. p. given ; Dunl. U^CvUc,-lc<\, pi. id. &, -Ica&a, s. f. ^ H q^Jiillj a hillock, a knoll, a mound ; D. M'F. CyIa^-Iac, -Iaca, s. f. id. CvUó&n,-^, pi. id. s. m. a little knoll, a mound, a green emi- nence, the top of a gently rising ground. CyIIa, g. id. pi. -Ape, s. f. a green, a common. Cvrt) r n)AÓ, v. a. dip, Ruth ii. 14. 5% \ — Luke xvi. 24. immerse, steep, bathe. Cvn7AÓ,-rt)CA, pi. id. s. m. a sea- soning, Col. iv. 6. a dipping, an immersion, a diving. Cvn)Ab6i]t,-6fi, pi. id. s. m. a sod, a tuft, a hillock in a bog. Cvftvjvvir, pi. id. s. m. a Jour- /\^ij, nejl, a road; Gen. xxiv. 21. 1 Sam. xxvii. 10. — Is. xxxiii. 8, a voyage, an expedition, a pilgrimage. Cv]tv|*AC,-Ai5e, adj. of or per- taining to a voyage or expedi- tion. CvjtYf*Ac,-A]5,-Ai5e, s. m. a tra- veller, a pilgrim, a voyager. Cur, g. tvjr, pi. id. s. m. a be- ginning, a commencement, an origin, the foremost part, as, the front or van of an army. CvrA, emph. pers. pron. thou thyself, Matt. ii. 6. even thou. Cvríó5,-5AÓ, v. n. skip,-— inf. Cant, ii, 8. leap, jump. , a skip, a jump, a hop; also, Cfioflós. Cvrló5<\ó,-Ai5e, adj. skipping, leaping, desultory. Cvc<\c,-A]5e, adj. stinking, filthy, V- ungainly ; see Cu&cac. CvcAjTjiVgle, s. f. t/*>tf, ^//i, awkwardness. u w U, (U|i, heath,) the name of the seventeenth letter of the modern Irish Alphabet. Ua, prep, from, out of Ha, g. v|, pi. id. s. m. a grandson, a descendant, '■ ^ lUbAfvAip, s. m. pride, 1 John •V- ii. 16 Lev. xxvi. 19. Job xli. 34. insolence, pomp, vain- glory. l£ v sy Uag&a|i,-ai|i, pi. id. s. m. thejtop^ surface or upper part of any- thing ; cream, the upper leather of a shoe. U>, s.f. rule, prin- cipality, Gen. iii. 16. 1 Cor. xv. 24. — Eph. i. 2L dominion, government, supremacy, supe- riority. Had, cpd. pron. from him ; fr. va, & é. liA|b, cpd. pron. from you; fr. ya, & )h. UAjbfieACj-jtije, s. m. proud, 1 Tim. vi. 4. haughty, vain- glorious, insolent, arrogant. IlA]b]teAC,-|i]3 ? -|ii5e, s. m. a proud man, Ps. cxix. 21. a vain-glorious or arrogant man. UAjbfieAÓiv&A, s. f. pride, arro- gance, haughtiness. I1ai5, m f- v ^3' v * a * eat > % Sam. xii. 20. &2L. pf.r n tÍAl?;,-?;e/p l. id. &, ya^a, s. i. a jjrave/ Num. xix. 16. Pro v. i. 12.— Gen. xlii. 38. Job. xxi. 32. — Ex. xiv. 11. a den, a cave, a cavern ; also U^m. UA^3r)eAc,-r)j^e, adj. desolate, se- cret, Lev. xxvi. 33. Deut. xxvii. 15. — Ezek. vi. 14. lone- some, solitary, deserted ; UA15- ueArAc,-A]5e, adj. id. \0) n 7? U^ J 375 tr&L lUi5t)e4Ó,-t)i5,-tM5 e > s. m. a soli- tary man, Ps. lxviii. 6. Uwsvctc&Vr'AW, pl- i d - s. m. « solitary person, UaisneAivuir» s - m - desolation, g. Lev. xxvi. 31. & 32. /crce- #»£«** retirement, privacy 5 UAfgofo|y, v. n. roar, howl, pell, — v. a. elevate, render proud or vain ; corn. Lat. Ulul-O, Gr. OXo\-vgu. Ue. U*]\t), g. r^]ú)e, &, vaiíja, pl. YAti)A, s. f. a cave, an oven, a den, Gen. xix. 30. Lev. xi. 35. — Dan. vi. 17. see Uajt;. UAi,tr)oeACb,-bA, s. f. dreadful- U&]v, cpd. pron. from us ; fr. va, & irj. XlAipe, id. tZAift,-fte, pl. id. s. f. an hour, a f^/J^j time ; Matt. xxvi. 45. Job. /*<» U|6e, s. m. a lamb Jim ; dim. of Haw, q. v. vi. 17.— Matt. xxiv. 36 Gen. xxxi. 7. & 41. com. Lat. Hor-a; Gr. "iig-a, Fr. Heur-e. UA]|ieAcÁt),-A]n, pl. id. s. m. a time-piece. UAifieA&óf]i,-óitA,-ói|ijÓe, s. m. « watch, a clock ,- UAifieabójfi 3A]t)|rb, # sand-glass ; Uajji- eAbójji 3|iéjr)e, a sundial. llAt|ieAb6in-)6e, g. id. pl. -bee, s. m. a watch-maker, a clock- maker. tlAiJiPArbvilj-rblA, adj. hourly. UAift5Aii?rbeAC,-rbi5,-rr)i5e, s. m. an hour-glass, a sand-glass. UAjrle, g. id. s. f. gentility (as of appearance and manners,^ liberality, generosity. UA]f4eAcb,-bA, s- £■ gentility, nobility, pride, generosity. ^ A ir^55-1 v 3^^> v - a. ennoble, ex- alt, dignify. V.tK\z, cpd. pron. from thee ; Matt. xii. 38. from it ; fr. " -V £, *.?* YA, & CV. UAjce, cpd. pron. from her, Luke i. 38. from it ; fr. vo, & f. llAjroe, g. id. pl. -njbe, s. f. a .)S. pillar, Gen. xxxi. 13. — pl. ^ Num. iv. 32. Job ix. 6. a post, a pedestal, a column ; also, a hinge, a wooden pin. VÍ4S]ir)]-^ r -\\^, v. a. prop, sup- port. HAlAC,-Ai3,-Ai7;e, s. m. a burden, - Num. xi. 17 Num. iv. 31. — Matt, xxiii. 4. a load, a task, a heavy charge, an op- pressive weight. llAlUc,-Ai5e, adj. haughty, Is. i/ j %z. iii. 16. conceite d, airij, proud, t& arrogant, vain-glorious, silly, u& s 376 UÓA KaJL \i\^ 1° «AW sportive, playful, fantastic, freakish, light, lewd; fr. uajII, haughtiness, IIaIIacaivaio, pi. id. s. m. a coxcomb, a fop, a gallant. UAUAcvjvvjr, s. m. lewdness, Ezek. xvi. 43. silliness, con- ceit, airiness, vanity, gallan- try, foppery. 1lAUApeAC&,-&A, s# f conceited- ness, airiness* ostentation, coquetry. U&llFVftcACj-Ai^-AfTje, s. m. a mourning, a howling ; Matt, ii. 18. Jas. v. l. see Ua^U- peAftcAcb. UaIIjvIj-tjoIa, s. m. a roaring, Is. v. 29. — Is. xix. 7. see 5vl. llArbAt),-Ajn, s. ra. dread, awe, Ex. xv. 16. Ps. iv. 4. terror, dismay, amazement, horror. Ari}CAr,-r mighty, Ex. xxxiv. 10.— Ps. { %> xciii. 4. M\^r {vtrrrd<^> \\ %. Ub, g. v]be 5 pi. vjDe&CA, s. f. see // % UoaU,-aiU, pi. voaIIa, & vbU, A^iC s. m. an apple, a fruit ; Deut. "& xxxii. 10.— pi. 2 i5am. xvi. 2. K/Li| Rev. vi. 13. C|t<\t) vbAll, an /Ya apple__tree^; UbAl ha le^re, ' the hip bone ; tlbAll bA]|teAc, a nut-gall ; UbAll oa rvl, the apple of the eye. UbAll-goftCj-gvijic, pi. id. s. m. an orchard, — pi. Eecl. ii. 5. Uc ! interj. oh ! alas I UcAf|te, g. id. pi. -|t|6e, s. m. a fuller, — g. 2 Kings xviii. 17. Is vii. 3. a cottoner, a napper - of frieze or other cloth, UcAifieAC&,-bA, s. f. the business of a fuller of cloth. Uc<\r-piAÓAp),-Air-^!^ÓA]n, s. m. common mallow ; Malva sylvestris ; UcAr-TjiArJCAc, dwarf mallow ,- Malva ro- tundifolia. IC'I^ ,fi/uM" X ( l ■ ; UcbAÓACAc r Ai3e, adj. adoptive. Ucbrb<\CAcb.-b<\, s.f.l , ,. ii . w • a • r adoption. UcbrtMCAb,- g.v]5e,pl.id. &,V|geAÓA,s.f. an egg, Luke xi. 12.— Job vi. 6. — Deut. xxii. 6. Job xxxix. 14. l35Acb,-bA, s. f. a will, a testa- ment, a confession at the point of death. U5A5&T7,-&|t> 5 pi. id. s. m. a cus- tard. U 5 A 1^> g« vAjgtDe, pi. VA5117A, s. f. harness, Gen. xxxi. 34. 3 c 377 1 U J L / /5 7 traces, the geers of a loom, horse trappings. U3Anrv|5,-Y5A6, v. a. harness, Jer. xlvi. 4. see Gen. xxii. 3. accoutre, equip, yoke, dress, arm. U5*vn,-&it>, pi. id. s. m. the craw _ of a fowl; M'N. UgbAjij-Aift, pi. id. s. m. an au- /Í3~Tj - thor, 1 Cor. xiv. 33. Heb. v. 3 9. — pi. C. P. Lat. Auctor, ^ Fr. Auteur. UjbAfiACj-Ajje, adj. authorita- tive, authentic ,• Ce^n^A vtj- _ bA[tAc, aw original language. UgbAfjt&iVAjr, pi. id. s. m. au- thority power, Matt. xxi. 23. _ ^cts. lv. 7. dominion. UjbAntAfACj-A^e, adj. authen- tic, authoritative, superior, powerful. U51DV16, v. a. Gen. xxii. 3. see U5ATOV15. Ugmvjgce, ind. p. p. harnessed, Ex. xiii. 18. armed, equip- ped. Ufbfit,-b[tej-bfieÁc, pi. id. s. m. a $ * numerator, an arithmetician. \l-\cbé]be&b,-b]b, pi. id. s. m. a breastplate, an habergeon, Ex. xxviii. 4. Job xli. 26. U^be, g. id. s. f. a journey, Ex. *£_ v. 3. Num. xi. 31. a way, a stage, a degree. XX]\e, ind. indef. pron. all, Matt, i. 22. whole, every ; So b"V|le, adv. altogether, wholly, com- pletely ; com. Gr. "OX-og, U^leAcbj-bA, s. f. universality. U]\e&cYti)&cb,-bb, s. f. omnipo- tence. U|leAcvrbAcbAc r Ai5e, adj. al- mighty, omnipotent, Rev. i. 8j uA Kii» u j n 378 U ] S **h % I " : :' U]leAcvri)<\cbAC,-&v^5, s. m. The Almighty >, — g. Job v. 17. VL]\e 50 \e]\i, adv. altogether. U|le-]ce, g. id. s. m. «ZZ /teaZ, misletoe. U]lle,-eATJ,-eAr),-Uce ? s. m. a folding around. H]n)]\i,-ú)ne,-ú)\ie&c&, s.f. Ex. v. 8. & 18. see Ufi]ji. UirbifieACj-pige, a °\j« numerous, Mi JÍ vK í> Ujrtrpe, cpd. pron. orc or about her or it. H]t>5e, g. id. pi. -e<\cA, s. f. an ingot, an ounce,- U^e ójjt Do Aittsicc. .?* U]ijerT)e|Dc,-ce,-ci5, s. f. oirarf- ment x John xii. 3 — John xii. 3. — Luke xxiii. 56. U]x)]Yr) 9 -^ry, pi. id. s. m. an onion, — pi. Num. xi. 5. Fr. Ognon. UinreAi),-nt)> s. m. the ash tree, the timber of the ash tree. Uir)re .vG||t, g. v]|te, s.f. Jt/rce/, A, s.f. id. fr. refresh. UiTteArb<\c,-*i3e, adj. needy, beggarly, Ps. lxxxvi. 1. Gal. iv. 9. indigent, needy^ abject, deficient. U|fie<\rbAc,-"ó5^> s - £ a &w£; XI I re 65 co 1 lie, a wwoíí /«r#. 1W ustou I iu^ir3 e J g- ld - P 1 - -3 e * 6 *> & > "3l ée ; *V"s. m. water, John ii. 9. — Matt. xxviiT"24^-Gen. i. 9. & 20. Ex. xiv. 21. UifTje beACA, usquebaugh, whiskey ; lite- rally, water of life ; H]\"$e weA|tcrt)A|i, aqua for tis. Uir5eATT)Y|l,-rblA, adj. miry, see Ezek. xlvii. 11. aquatic, wa- tery, moist, moorish, fenny, swampy. tl^f 515,-ivóaÓ, v. a. water, mois- ten, wet, irrigate. UIaÓj-a^ó, s. m. f&e province of Ulster. TllcAbc&iv&in, pi. id. s. m. arc owZ, Lev. xi. 16. — pi. Is. xliii. 20. CA%-tllUri),-A|rbe, adj. ready, 2 Cor. ix. 2 & 3. p repared * prompt, mature, done. Ullii)Act),-bA, s. f. forwardness, — g. 2 Cor. ix. 2. prepara- tion, readiness, completeness. !^UllrbY5<\6,-Yi5ce, pi. id. s. m. a I JZI^IMrgJwn, 1 Chron. xxii. 5. —Matt. xxvi. 17. & xxvii. 62. a making ready s Lis, ad vll- rbvf^ce, the day of the prepa- ration, Mark xv. 42. ^yj^UftJvigy-v^AO, v. a. make ready, ^f prepare, Gen. xliii. 16. Luke )fa xvn. 8 — Ex. xv. 2. Acts x. 10. ' put in otder, provide. /Aji3, cpd. pron. about us, Matt vi. 31. upon us j fr. YXX), & |i). UiuAifte, g. id. pi. -jtióe, s. m. see JorpAifie. UrbAi|ie, g. id. pi. -|t]8e, s. m. a tinker, a brazier ; fr. vrr?A. UrbAl, comp. ÚAjffile, adj. //itm- ble, subject, Rom. xiii. 1. 1 Pet. v. 5. submissive, obe- dient, subordinate ; com. Lat. Humil-is. * Uri)Al,-Ail, pi. id. s. m. an humble jC^^ft person, Ps. x. 12. & lxix. 32. Uii)Alójb ? -be, s. f. obeisance. UrbAlvifltiri7,-n}e, s. f. obedience ; C. P. Um\ir]b, q.v. Umt>\iYpie, ind. p. p. circum- scribed, enclosed. UmfAir5j-&T5A8, v * a * embrace ; C. P. squeeze closely ; fr. vrp, & T*ir3> q- v. Um5AOc,-o|ce,-ocA, s. f. a whirl- wind ; fr. vrt}, & 5AOC, q. v. UrbU, g. id. s. m. obeisance, a falling down, Gen. xliii. 28. — Matt, xviii. 26. submission, humility* o bedien ce. UrbÍACb,^^ sTf. fnuniUty, ohe- jlience^ Acts xx. 19. — Rom. i. 5. UtT)lv|5eAC&,-bA, s. f. id. j^j I nn ] 380 line m Urbl6|beAc,-b|5e, adj. transi- tory ; Dunl. Urblv5A6.-vi5ce, s. m. obedience, — g. 2 Cor. x. 5. seeUrblA. Urt)lvj5,-Y5AÓ, v. a. obey, wor- ship, humble, Gen. xxvii. 13. Ps. xlv. 11. Prov. vi. 3. — Ex. x. 3. Acts v. 29. humiliate, make submissive. VLwo^e^c,-h]^e, adj. cross, ill- tempered, pettish ; M C N. UrppAj cpd. pron. about them, upon them ; fr. yit>, & JAb. Uri}f*vi5,-5e, v. a. besiege s fr. vrt), & prig. IlnbfiACj-A^e, adj. proud, saucy, ^ impertinen t, insolen t. Uopv|]tc, inf. id. v. n. wallow, — inf. 2 SamT xx. 12. Mark ^ ix. 20. tumble, toss. ur)pv|tcAc,-Ai5,-^i5e, s.m. a wal- lowing, — g. 2 Pet. ii. 22. _ a tossing, a tumbling ; Urj- £Y|jic,-ce, s. f. id. U05, inf. vn5<\&, v. a. anoint, Rev. iii. 18— Mark xiv. 8. Jas. v. 14. besmear, daub ; Lat. Ung-uo, I anoint. U^S&rS^'VS^j s - £ see 3°tf3A. 1105*6,-56*, s. m. aw unction, 1 John ii. 27. an anointing, ointment. 1105*16,-5*6, v. a. Ruth iii. 3. see 1X1)5. Ut;5Aifie, g. id. pi. -]t]6e 5 s. m. an anoint er. 1X056*, ind. p. p. anointing, anointed, Ex. xxix. 7. Lev. iv. 3. IX05C*, g. id. s. m. an anointed one, — g. 1 Sam. xii. 5. Ui)5r,Ac,-Ai3, s. m. cm anointed one, 1 Sam. xxiv. 6. — 1 Sam. _ xii. 3. Ps. ii. 2. Uofcoftu, g. id. pi. -0]|in, s.m. an unicorn, — g. Num. xxiii. 22. see Dent, xxxiii. 17.* Ut)fA, g. id. pi. -A^Oe, s. m. an ounce ; Lat. Unc-ia ; Fr."- ^ Once. P lift, g. vjji, s. m. heath, the name of II, £Ae seventeenth letter of the modern Irish Alpha-* bet. Uji, an intens. adv. prefix signi- - fying, very. Up, comp. ú^jte, adj. fresh, — comp. Job xxxiii. 25. new, ^ recent, raw, tender. Ujt*ó,-*|6, s. m. good condition^ j, apparel. UjtAice*cb,-b*, pi. id. s. f. a primer, rudiments of educa- ^ tion. U|iAi5, m ^- "1^5*6, v * a * & n - re " fresh, renew, become fresh, ^ make fresh. U|a*-| jib,-be, s. £ /t^/i ground; ^ fr. u^, & *|ib. UfiArbv|l,-rt?lA, adj. fresh, flour' ishitig, juicy. ll|i*r, comp. vf a, &, vr*]be, adj. easy, — comp. Matt. ix. 5. Luke xviii. 25. feasible, prac- ticable, possible. IX jt a r , - a 1 f*, s.m. power, ability ; ^ Dunl. XX\fo\b\i,-ie i a.&].frititful,abound- ^ ing in blossom. UftblAf ,-*ir, pi. id. s. m. a fresh taste or savour, a new flavour ^ or relish» U|tbl*c,-c*, pi. id. s. m. a fresh blossom, a new flower. lXfic&t),-A|i), pi. id. s. m. a pig» Uftc*fx,-*iri,pl.id. s. m. — g. Luke ^ xxift Ail. see lljtcvfi. U|tcle<\rAc,-Ai5e, adj. active, nimble, quick in performing tricks. lllicó]tvbe,-be*ó*, s - f- offence, mischief, i ricke dnqss .; Gen. ^C 9 *) xx. 9.— Ex. xxxii. 22. 2 Sam. ^£ vii. 10. harm, calamity, loss, I rf Um „ 381 accident j adversity, violence, injury iinn ^j*Lll|icó|&eAc,-&i5e, adj. perverse, ^ Prov. xix. 1. mischievous, ca- lamitous, adverse, pernicious, ^^yjwicked. !*%Ji~ ' U|to6|beAC,-b]5,-bj5e, s. m. a wicked person, — g. Ps. cix. 2. __ a mischievous person, U|icftoíóe<\ó,-b|5e, adj. tender- . . hearted. wBn,X|tcY|VY]ji, pi. id. s. m. a shot, ' — g. Gen. xxi. 16. a cast," a throw, a gun-shot, a fling, a . ^ sudden sally, ^QTUp&vjAÓj-vígce, pi. id. s. m. an * eclipse, an eclipsing, adark- ening^ Kl!&\^ U(í^pbeAC,-b|5ef adj. joyful, ^ merry, U|t5a||tbe<\cA|*,-A^, pi. id. s. m. a rejoicing, congratulation, great rejoicing; UfiTj&jjtbeAr, _ -bif, pi. id. s. m. id. J°ice , Zech. ix. 9. — 1 Kings 1. 45. 1 Chron. xiii. 8. console. /£ÍfUíi5& 1t xbiY5Ab r i5ce, pi. id. s. m. 1° cb_jconsolation, — pi. Job. xxi. 2. a congratulation, a great __ rejoicing . KZ% ^ftsTt&i)*, ind. aflj. very ugly, J£r ¥ ^ monstrous, U|il&bAiftceAC,-q7;e, adj. elo- _ quent, oratorical, ^, ^ /VtU|tl^b|t<\, g. id. s. m. speech, ut^ y terance , Luke i. SgT T~ Cor. / 1. 5. — Col. iv. 3. ll|il&bAi]ic, fc- -bjtA, s.f. id. rhetoric, eloquence, j ^ graceful speaking. U|tl^m r iv|rbe, adj. ready-handed, ^ neat, trim, tidy, ready. Uftl&mvióe, g. id. pi. id. s. m. a ^ possessor, Ujalívrbvr,-Y^r, s. m. possession^ supreme_jpower, authority, *#*■ captivity. l-Cb 74 Ujtlar>,-<)e, ad), full, complete; ^ fr. v|t, & l&t). UfiUi) r ^i), pi. id. s. m. « sto#%* UplAíj rleA5 ad J* fervent, _ zealous. U|tlvACA]|t,-c|tA, s. f. green ^ rushes. Ufirbajvaifie, adj. fresh, cooling, ^flourishing, new. Ujiri)&|i — ' m i. 1 Cor. xi. 4. Eph. vi. 18. Ufiovige, g. id. pi. -gee, s. f. a jnm^er, Job xvi. 17.— Is. lvi. TT^Matt. \i, 7.— pi. Acts x. 4. UfltA, g. id. pi. -Áibe, s. m. « szirefy, Heb. vii. 22.— pi. C. P. a good author, authority, a de- fendant at law, power, strength^ a chieftain, " * - -we, s. f. place, obe- dience, Gal. ii. 5. Tit. fiii.' 1. submission, re- spect, honour, defe- rence, Un^Aj(Sii;,- or huckle bone. 11\\i'&t)z&, ind. adj. bold, daring, dauntless, powerful, capable, confident in one's own strength or capacity ; tljtjiY5<\r)CA, ind. adj. O'G. id. Uitji&ticAc&,-&A, s. f. boldness, intrepidity, confidence in one's own strength or capacity. UttjiU, g. id. s. m. the hair of the head. Vly,]\\&]r),-&]xje,-&T)4i, s. f. a staff of a spear. Upnf lv 15>-v3A&, &, -v-5*V, v. a. vomit, see Pro v. xxiii. 8. con- vulse. XX|tfiflv5Ai),-Ain, pi. id. s. m. a vomiting. Ufi|tti8A|*,-<\]|*,pl.id.s.m. asurety, Gen. xliii. 9. Ps. cxix. 122. a security, a warrant, a bond, an insurance, an authority, a bail, a caution, boldness, cou- rage, haughtiness ; XX fi jtúr, -ii] r , s. m. id. UfiitúÓAfAÓj-A^e, adj. requiring bail warrant or security, se- cure, constant, bold, intrepid, haughty. Ujitivigce, ind. p. p. bailed, se- cured. UjtftvgADcA, ind. adj. O'G. for meanings see Ujijt&ncA. Ujtftúr r úir ? s.m. see U|tftúÓAf\ Uft|*A,--°15 e »"ó5<\, s. f. a pang, a sudden pain, a gasp, a throe. Urúi]t e ? g- id. pl. -pi&e, &, -jieAÓa, s. m. an usurer, Ex. xxii. 25. 13 rúiTie Acb,-bA, s. f. usury, Ex. xxii. 25. Lev. xxv. 36. — Ps. xv. 5. TOjnceuNN.