OF THE F J66 Copy 1 .9^^5^5^^3^^=^^«^«* ^^^^^-^^^r^^'-^^A I A CATALOGUE | I Colonial Exhibit ^" ..„. __ '^f/ Vfr ii | 4 " ills I LOAN EXHIBIT i OF MEMBERS AND FRIENDS. (i\ as /iS as H^ as Consisting of BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, DOCU- /f, T MENTS, MAPS, CHARTS, VIEWS, ^^ % PICTURES, PLANS, ETC. 'Hh Os (^\ f IRevv ©rleans, December 20tb, 1903. JJ dentennml tlransfer of Xoutsiana. A /IS 1 i OUT JUN 2 9 1917 CATALOGUE Consisting of BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, DOCU- MENTS, MAPS, CHARTS, VIEWS, PICTURES, PLANS, ETC. K No. TITLE. Owner. I. — BADGE, corriiniemorating erection of Henry Clay monument in i860. Mr. Caspar Cusachs. 2. — MEDAL with head of CarSos III, King of Spain. Mr. Caspar Cusachs. 3. — ^BRONZE MEDAL of Napoleon Bonaparte, commemorat- ing conquest of Illyria, in iSog. Mr. Caspar Cusachs. 4. — IRON ]\IEDAL, commemorating WelHngton's victory at Waterloo. Mr. Caspar Cusachs. 5. — COPPER COIN sent to^t^uisiana di.ring John Law^s con- trol of the Colony. Mr. Caspar Cusachs. 6.^POLITICAL BADGE with portrait of General Lewis Cass. Mr. Caspar Cusachs. 7.— POLITICAL BADGE of the Polk party in 1834. Mr. Caspar Cusachs. 8.— FATHER RAMON PALAO, miniature portrait. Mr. Cruzat. 9.— SPANISH TOBACCO CUTTER. Mr. Cusachs. 10.— PORTRAIT of Father Antonio Sedella. Mr. Cusachs. II.— NEW ORLEANS street car tickets of 1862. . Mr. Cusaclis. 12. — POLITICAL MEDAL of Gen. Harrison's party in cam- paign for presidency, 1840. Mr. Cusachs. 13. — PORTRAIT of Governor Derl)igny. ^Mr. Cusachs. 14. INDIAN PIPE from mound at Tigerville, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. Dr. Bauer. 15.^-PORTRAIT of Valcour Aim7._DIARIO DE LAS OPERACIONES de la expedition con- tra la plaza de Panzacola, etc., de Barnardo de Galvez (1780). Madrid. Mr. Cusachs. 398.— COLLECTION OF NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS of 1767, relating to Louisiana and Florida. Mr. Cusachs. 399.— REVUE LOUISIANAISE, Tome V, New Orleans. Mr. Cusachs. 400. — ^R. THOMASSY. De la Salle et ses relations inedites de la decouverte du Mississippi. Paris, 1859.- Mr. Cusachs. 401. — OIL PAINTING, Historical study showing incident of the, transfer of Louisiana, Dec. 20, 1803, American colors being raised in Place d'Armes in centre of military group which includes local militia company commanded by Col. Bellechasse; American troops saluting; in background Kentuckians and citizens, the Cathedral of 1794 and Hotel de Ville on gallery of which stands Laussat, "Wil- kinson and Claiborne. This picture has been painted after studies of more than two years by Thure de Thul- strup, of New York City, and is valued at $5000. Mr. Thulstrup. EXHIBIT OF T. P. THOMPSON. SECTION III. 402. — ARPIN, (P.) Biographic de L. M. Gottschalk, Pianiste American. Paper 64 pp. New York, 1853. — 21 — EXHIBIT OF T. P. THOMPSON, SECTION III. 403.— AUDUBON. (John James) The Ouadrnpcds of North America. 3 Vols. Royal 8 vo. Morocco. New York, 1849. 404. — AUDUBON, (John James) The Birds of America, from Drawings made in the United States. 7 Vols. Royal 8 vo. Morocco. 404. — BRADBURY, (John) Travels in the Interior of America. London, 1819. 405.— BERNARD, (Duke of Saxe Weimer) Travels in North America. Philadelphia, 1828. 406.— BERQUIN— DUVALLON— Viie de la Colonic Espagnole dti Mississippi. Paris, 1803. 407. — BARDE, (Alexandre) Histoire des Comites de Vigilance aiix Attakapas. 12 mo. Boards. Saint-Jean-Baptiste, La., 1861. 408.— BOURGEOIS. (M). Aucien Secretaire du conseil de Ville de la N'"ll Orleans. Voyage aux Etats-Unis. 8 vo. Boards. Paris, 1834. 409._BARBE-MARB01S, Histoire de la Louisiana, et de la Cession de cette Colonie par France, etc. 8 vo. Leather. Paris, 1829. 410.— BARTRAM, (Win.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, etc. 8 vo. Half Leather. London. 1792. 411.— BOURGEOIS, (M.) Aucien Secretaire du conseil de Ville de la N'lle Orleans. Voyage aux Etats-Unis. 8 vo. Boards. ' Paris, 1834. 412.— BRACKENRIDGE. (H. M.) Recollections of the West. 8 vo. Cloth. Philadelphia, 1818. 413.— COXE (Daniel) A Description of ihe English Province of Carolina. By the Spaniards called Florida and by the French La louisiane. 8 vo. Levant by Loyd. London, 1741. 4i4.~CATALOGUE, Library Edward Livingston. 8 vo. Paper. New York, 1885. 415.— DERBY. (Wm.) A Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana, etc. 8 vo. Half Leather. Philadelphia, 1816. 416.— DERBY, (Wm.) Map of Louisiana. Large. Folded in Boards. Philadelphia, 1816. 417.— DEBOUCHEL. (\'ictor) Histoire do la Louisiana. 12 mo. Boards. N'lle Orleans, 1841. — 22 — EXHIBIT OF T. P. THOMPSON, SECTION III. 418. — DUMONT, (De Montigny) Memoires Historiques Sur la Louisiana, etc. 12 mo. Old Calf. 2 Vols. Paris, 1753. 419.— DIMITRY, (John) History of Louisiana. 8 vo. Boards. New York, 1877. 420. — DIRECTORY, Lafon's Annuaire. 12 mo. Leather. New Orleans, 1808. 421.— DIRECTORY, J. A. Paxton. 8 vo. Boards. New Orleans, 1822. 422— DIRECTORY, Gibson's. 8 vo. Boards. New Orleans, 1838. 423.— DIRECTORY, New Orleans, 1842, (Pitts and Clarke), 2 Vols, in One-Half Leather. New Orleans, 1842. 424. — ^DIRECTORY, New Orleans Annual and Commercial for 1843. 12 mo. Boards. • New Orleans, 1842. 425. — DIRECTORY. Kimball and James, Business Directory Mississippi Valley for 1844. 8 vo. Boards. Cincinnati, 1844. 426.— DIRECTORY, Cohen's New Orleans, for 1855. 26 Por- traits, steel engravings. 2 vo. Boards. New Orleans, 1855. 427. — DUBROCA, L'itineraire des Francois dans la Louisiane, etc. 8 vo. Cloth. Paris, 1802. 428.— ELLICOTT, (Andrew) The Journal of. (Notes on Louisiana.) 4 vo. Leather. Philadelphia, 1802. 420 — FRENCH, (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louiana, etc. (1678-1691) Part I. 8 vo. Cloth. New York, 1846. 429.-VFRENCH, (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana, etc. Part II. 8 vo. Cloth. Philadelphia. 1850 431. — FRENCH, (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana. Part III. New York, 185 1. 432. — FRENCH, (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana. Part IV. 8 vo. Cloth. New York. 1852. 433. — FRENCH, (B. F.) Historical Memoirs of Louisiana. Part V. 8 vo. Cloth. New York, 1853. 434. — ^FRENCH, (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana, Part VI. 8 vo. Cloth. New York, 1867. 435. — FRENCH, (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida. 1 527-1702. Second Series. Part VII. 8 vo. Cloth. — 23 — EXHIBIT OF T. P. THOMPSON, SECTION III. 436. — FOR MAN. (ATaj. S. S.) Narrative of a Journey clown the Ohio and Mississippi in 1789-90. 8 vo. Cloth. Cincinnati. 1888 437. — GAYARRE, (Chas.) History of Louisiana. 4 Vols Leather. New Orleans, 1885 438.— GARCILASSO. (de la Vega) Histoire de la Floride, 1605 2 Vols. Old Leather. La Haye, 1735 439. — HUTCHINS. (Thos.) History, etc., of Louisiana and West Florida. Boards 8 vo. (Inlay). London, 1797. 440. — IMLAY, (Gilbert) A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of America. 8 vo. London, 1797. 441. — HACHARD, (Madeline) Relation du Voyage des Dames Ursuline de Rouen a la N'lle Orleans, 1727. 8 vo. half morocco. Paris, 1872. 442. — HENNEPIN, (Louis) Description de la Louisiana. 12 mo. Old Leather. Paris, 1698. 443. — JOLIFT, (Louis) Nouvelle Decouverte de plusieurs Na- tions dans la X"llc France en I'annee 1673 et 1674. 12 mo. Old Calf. Paris, 1681. 444. — KERR, (Lewis) Explication des Lois Criminelles du Ter- ritoire Orleans. 8 vo. Calf. N'lle Orleans, 1806. 445.— LEWIS and CLARKE, New Travels, etc. (Fisher) 12 mo. Leather. Philadelphia, 1812. 446.— LOUISIANA Historical Society Publications. \'o\. i. 8 vo. Boards. 447.— LIVINGSTON, (Edward) Systemc de Loi Pcnele de TEtat de la Louisiana. 8 vo. Cloth. N'lle Orleans, 1825. 448._LTVINGSTON, (Edward) Introductory Report to the Code of Prison Discipline, etc., for State of Louisiana. 8 vo. Boards. Philadelphia, 1827. 449. — LAVAL, (Le Pere) Voyage de la Louisiana. 8 vo. Leather. Paris, 1728. 450. — LAFITAU. (P.) Mocurs des Savages Ameriquains, 2 Vols. 4 to. Old Leather. Paris, 1724. 451.— MAGAZINE. De Bow's Review. \'olume I to XXX in- clusive. 452.— IMANUSCRIPT, Etat des Services du Sieur Aubry Capi- taine, Infantcrie dans les troupes du Royal Louisiana. 1765. Folio. 4 pp. n. d. — 24 — EXHIBIT OF T. P. THOMPSON, SECTION III. 453.— MANUSCRIPT, Public Documents Signed Gayoso de Lemos, Broutin, Pierre Derbigny, Vidal, et ai. Original 122 pp. 1798-99 454- — ^^MARGRY, (Pierre) Alemoires et Documents pour Servir a I'histoire des Origines Francaises des pays d'outre Mer 8 vo. (large edition), 6 Vols. Paris, 1879-88 455— MONTULE, (Ed. de) Recuil des Cartes et des Vues en Amerique, 1816. Folio Cloth. n. d. 456.— McDONOGH, (John) Succession of, and Will, Argu- ments, etc. 8 vo. Leather. New Orleans, 1860-66. 457. — MARGRY, (Pierre) Memoires et Documents pour Servir a I'histoire des Origines Francaises des pays d'outre Mer. 8 vo. (large edition.) 6 Vols. 458. — NORMAN, (B. M.) New Orleans and Environs. 16 mo. Cloth. New Orleans, 1845. 459- — ^PIKE, (Capt. Z. M.) Expeditions in Louisiana. Philadelphia, 1810 460. — ^PIKE, (Capt. Z. M.) Charts of Louisiana. New Spain, etc FolioBoards. Philadelphia, 1807 461. — PONTALBA, Consultation pour les Acquereurs de. 8 pp New Orleans, 1855 462.— ROQUETTE, (A.) Abbo and Caboo, a satire on Cable 16 mo. Paper. New Orleans, 1880 463.— ROQUETTE, (The Abbe Adrien) Wild Flowers. Paper ^2. New Orleans, 1848. 464.— SPARKS, (W. H.) The Memories of Fifty Years. Lou- isiana and Mississippi. 8 vo. Cloth. Philadelphia, 1872. 465. — TONTI, (Le Chevalier) Derniers Decouvertes dans 1 'Amerique Septentrionale de M. de la Salle. 8 vo. Old Leather. Paris, 1697. 466.— PRIST, (N. B.) (New Orleans). Whist: American Leads and Their History. 12 mo. Cloth. New York, 1900. 467. — THIERS, (Adolphe) John Law and the Mississippi Bub- ble. 8 vo. Cloth. New York, 1859. 468.— THOAIASSY, (R.) Geologic Pratique de la Louisiane. 5 to. Cloth. New Orleans, i860. 469. — ^ULLOA, (Gov. Ant. de) Memoires Philosophiques, etc. 8 vo. 2 Vols, in one. Paris, 1787. — 25 — EXHIBIT OF T. P. THOMPSON, SECTION III. 470. — VERGENNES, CSL do) Mcnioiro Historique et Politique Sur La Louisiana. 8 vo. Boards. Paris, 1802. 471. — WTLKIN'SON, (General James) Memoirs of My Own Times. 8 vo. 3 Vols. Leather. Philadelphia, 1816. 472.— WILKINSON, (James) Diagrams and Plans, 4 to. Atlas, 22 Maps. Philadelphia, 1816. 498. — MEDAL struck to commemorate the contennary of found- ing of the City of Baltimore, 1880. Miss Grace King. 499. — CAST OF STEEL of Governor Estevan Miro. Mrs. Gayarre. 500. — MINIATL'RE, Carlos Gayarre, father of Judge Charles Gavarre, the historian. Mrs. Gavarre. \ EXHIBIT OF LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 593. — PORTRAIT of Pierre Margry, historian and compiler of documents relative to the French discoveries and settle- ments in Canada and Louisiana. 594. — BOUND \'OLUME of official French laws and regula- tions, relating to Louisiana, 1720-29. 595'.- BOUND VOLUME MANUSCRIPT, Journal Historique of La Harpe. 596.— BOUND VOLUME of French orders and official docu- ments relating to Louisiana, 1690- 1719. 597.— PUBLICATIONS of Louisiana Historical Society. 598. — BOUND VOU]\IE French and Spanish Manuscript, from 1679 to 1769. 599. — JOUTEL, "Journal Historique." Paris, 1713. 600. — HENNEPIN, "Discoveries of a Vast Country in America between New France and New Mexico." London, 1699. 601.— DOCUMENTS SUR LA LOUISIANE, 2 volumes manu- script. Copies made by Pierre Margry for the Louisiana Historical Society from papers in the Archives de la ]\Iarinc and Bibliothque Nationale, Paris. 602. — MAGNE, Copies of manuscript relating to French settle- ment of Louisiana. Fly leaf shows coat-of-arms of Cliarls Le Moyne, father of Iberville and Bienville. 603. — LOUIS HENNEPIN, "Nouveau \'oyage d'un Pais plus grand^que I'Europe." Utrecht, 1698. — 26 — EXHIBIT OF LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 604.— RECUEIL DE VOYAGES de M. Thevenot. Paris, 1681. 605.— LOUIS HENNEPIN, "Nouvelle Decouverte d'un Tres Grand Pays situe dans lAmerique entre la Nouveau Mexique et la Mev Glaciale. Amsterdam, 1698. 606.— SPANISH MANUSCRIPTS, Mississippi Valley, 4 bound volumes, 1783-1807. looi. — TABLEAU dcs forces militaires espagnoles existant en la Louisiane et la Floride, 1803. Mr. Cusachs. 1002.— JOURNAL HISTORIQUE, commence par S. Bougues, Secretaire due Conseil, 1722. Mr. Limongi. 1003.— LETTER OF GOVERNOR MIRO or Louisiana to three connmissioners of the State of Georgia. Mr. Cusachs. 1004.— WEST FELICIANA PARISH POLICE REGULA- TIONS, 1807-08. Mr. Cusachs. 1005.— CONSTITUTION of Louisiana Bible Society, 1813. Mr. Cusachs. 1006.— CODE OF O'REILLY, 1769. Mr. Cusachs. 1007.— OFFICIAL PAPERS and Orders of Gen. David B. Mor- gan, Campaign of 1814-15. Mr. Cusachs. 1008. — 'CODE noir on loi municipale servant de reglements pour les negres, 1769. Mr. Cusachs. 1009.— WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. Ori- ginal pamphlet, Sept. 17, 1796. Mr. Cusachs. loio.— CORRESPONDENCE of United States Quartermaster in Florida War, 1836. Mr. Cusachs. ion. — CODE noir on Edit du Roy servant de reglement . . . pour les negres. Paris, 1685. ^^r- Cusachs. 1012.— MONITEUR DE LA LOUISLA.NE, 1802-3. Bound volume. Mr. Cusachs. 1013.— DESCRIPTION OF WRECK of Capt. Genel-al Aubry in "Le Pere de Famille," 1769. Mt. Cusachs. T014.— CODE DE POLICE, de la Nouvelle Orleans, 1812. Mr. Cusachs. 1015. — ^LAVAL'S VOYAGE dans la Louisiane, 1720, with book plate of Laussat. Mr. Cusachs. — 27 — No. TITLE. Owner. 1016. — NOTE sur un enormo fossile trovive dans la Louisiane. By A. Riviere. Mr. Cusaohs. 1017.— FRANCE ET ESPAGNE on La Louisiane en 1768 et 1769. Drame en 4 actes. Par Placide Canonge. Mr. Qisachs. 1018.— HTSTORTCAL ACCOUNT of Hancock County. By J. F. H. Claiborne. Pamphlet. Mr. Cusachs. 1019.— BASIL HALL'S VIEWS of the Balize and the City of New Orleans, 1727. Mr. Cusachs. 1020.— RULES OF THE COLLEGE OF ORLEANS. Mr. Cusachs. 1021.— FLORA OF LOUISIANA. By Robin & Rafinesque, New York, 1817. 1022. — AN ORATION on the Cession of Louisiana to the United States. Delivered May 12, 1804, by David Ramsay. Mr. Cusachs. 1023.— MR. OUINCY'S SPEECH on the bill for admitting the territory of New Orleans into the Union, January 14, 181 1. Mr. Cusachs. 1024. — VIEW of political and civil situation of Louisiana from the 30th of November, 1803, to the ist of October, 1804. By a native. (Translated from the French.) Mr. Cusachs. I025.^PR0JECT D'UN CANAL entre I'ocean Atlantique et le Pacifique. Par J. T. Landreau. Lima, 1866. Mr. Cusachs. 1026.— AUX ELECTEURS de I'Etat de la Louisiane. (By Chas. Gayarre.) New Orleans, 1827. Mr. Cusachs. 1027.— AlUX ELECTEURS de I'Etate de la Louisiane. Reponse due Creole. (Etienne Mazureau.) New Orleans-, 1827. Mr. Cusachs. 1028.— PORTRAITS LITTERAIRES de la Nouvelle Orleans, par Charles Testut. New Orleans, 1850. Mr. Cusachs. 1029.— ESQUISSES LOCALES par un inconnu. New Orleans, 1847. ^^^- Cusachs. 1030.— THE HISTORY OF THE EXPEDITION TO CUBA. New Orleans, 1850. Mr. Cusachs 1031. — MAP, Le Vieux Mexique on Nouvelle Espagne avec les costes de la Floride. 1702, par le Fer. (One of the series in the volume showing the Spanish possessions under Charles V.) Mr. Cusachs. — 28 — No. TITLE. Owner. 1032. — MEMOIRES sur la Louisiane et la Nouvelle Orleans. Par. M. * * * Paris, 1804. Mr. Cusachs. 1033.— EDWARD LIVINGSTONES PAMPHLET on the Bat- ture Case, New Orleans, 1808. Air. Cusachs. 1034.— AIISSISSIPPI QUESTION, Report of debate in United States Senate in February, 1803, on certain resolutions concerning the violation of the right of deposit in the Island of Orleans. Philadelphia, 1803. Mr. Cusachs. 1035. — SHORT LETTER to a member of Congress concerning the Territory of Orleans. By Jeremiah Brown. Wash- ington, 1806. Mr. Cusachs. 1036.— MEMOIRE SUR LA LOUISIANE (1717), by Fran- cois le Maire, prete parisien de la maison et seminaire des Missions e'trangeres. (Printed for Mr. Wm. Beer, New Orleans. Mr. Cusachs. 1037. — ^DOCUMENT signed by Estevan Miro, Spanish Governor of Louisiana. Mr. Cusachs. 1038 to 1041.— VIEWS OF OLD PARISH PRISON. Mr. Cusachs. 1052.— NOTARIAL ACT, sale of slave in New Orleans, 1859. Judge Seymour. 1053.— SHERIFF'S MONITION, emancipation of slave, New Orleans, 1826. Judge Seymour. 1054.— "GAZETTE" of January 4, 1800, Ulster County, N. Y., advertising sale of slave. Judge Seymour. 1055. — BIIL OF SALE of negro wench by John Roosevelt to James Morris for five pounds in the City of New York, 5 April, 1796. Judge Seymour. 1056.— "THE TELEGRAPHIC," New Orleans, 1805. Sale of slaves. Judge Seymour. 1070. — ^PLAN of the Fort of New Madrid or Anse a la Graisse, by Collot, 1794. Mr. Cusachs. 1071. — ENGRAVING by Collot, 1794. Indian of the Mandanes. Mr. Cusachs. 1072. — INDIAN of the Nation of Shawanoes, by Collot. Mr. Cusachs. 1073. — PLAN of the rapids of the Ohio, latitude of Louisville, Collot, 1794. Mr. Cusachs. IC74. — INDIAN of the Kaskaskias, by Collot, 1794. Mr. Cusachs. 1075. — ^BRANCH of the river Juniata. Alap by Collot, 1794. Mr. Cusachs. 1076. — PLAN of old fort in the State of Kentucky, Collot. Mr. Cusachs. — 29 — No. TITLE. Owner. 1077. — PLAN of Nogalos on the Mississippi, by Collot. Mr. Cusachs. 1078. — PLAN of Fort des Ecores at Margot on the Mississippi, by Collot, 1794. Mr. Cusaclis. 1079.— DOCUMENT signed by Baron Carondelet, Spanish Gov- ernor of Louisiana. Mr; Cusachs. 1080.— PASS GRANTED TO VESSEL (1815). signed by President James Madison. Afr. Cruzat. 1081.— COMMISSION as Captain in U. S. Navy, signed by President Andrew Jackson. ' Mr. Cruzat. 1082.— PR0CLA:\IATI0N of Governor Bernardo de Galvoz {'^777)^ regulating price of provisions and time and place of holding market in New Orleans. Mr. Cruzat. 1083.— CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASE of land on Lake Borgne for Fort (1856), signed by Brevet Major G. T. Beauregard. Mr. Cusachs. 1084. — PLAN for projected town of \^ersaillcs in St. Bernard Parish, La., to be built on the old Chalmette Planta- tion. Mr. Cusachs. 1085. — CIRCULAR LETTER addressed to departments and forts in the Western Division in regard to fortification (1846), signed by Gen. E. P. Gaines. Mr. Cusachs. 1086.— CERTIFICATE v'i8i7), with signatures of Gov. Jas. Villere and Secretary of State Maxureau of Louisiana. Mr. Cusachs. 1087. — MEMORIAL of Rossel's services as Marine, 1705. Mr. Cusachs. 1088.— CERTIFICATE of Gov. W. C. C. Claiborne that he has signed an Act of Legislature granting a divorce, 1807. Mr. Cusachs. 1089. — PASSPORT to Francisco Romana, officer of 2nd regiment of Louisiana. Mexico, 1769. signed by Branciforte. Mr. Cusachs. 1090. — CERTIFICATE with signature of Intendant Salmon. 1740. Mr. Cusachs. 109 1. —CERTIFICATE OF DISCHARGE from active service of Don Francisco Bouligny. !Mr. Cusachs. 1092.— PLAN OF LOWER MISSISSIPPI, by Gen. David Morgan, in campaign of 1814-15. Mr. Cusachs. T093.— LETTER (T824) from Attornev of Isabella de Osorno, wife of Spanish (Governor of Alobile, in regard to slaves confiscated by the United States government in t8i8. Mr. Cusachs. —30 — No. TITLE. Owner 1094.— CONCESSION OF LAND by Governor d'Abadie in 1763. Mr. Cusachs. 1095. — PASSPORT given to Madame Osorno to go from New Orleans to Pensacola with her slaves and attendants, 1817. Mr. Cusachs. 1096.— CONCESSION OF LAND by Bernardo de Galvez. Mr. Cusachs. 1097.— DOCUMENT with signature of Estevan Miro, 1788. Mr. Cusachs. 1098. — LETTER (1804) from James Caller to Don Osorno in re- gard to criminals escaped from the Mississippi Territory into the Spanish possessions. Mr. Cusachs. 1099. — DOCUMENT with signature of Carondelet, 1793. 1 100. — LETTER from Jas. Caller to Governor Osorno of Mobile on same subject as 1098. Mr. Cusachs. iioi.— LAND COMMISSION by Gayoso de Lemos, Spanish Governor of Louisiana (1798). Mr. Cusachs. 1 102. — ENGRAVING by Collot, 1794. French habitation in the country of the Illinois. Mr. Cusachs. I 1 103. — ^PASSPORT to Don Pedro Rousseau, signed by Gov. Gayoso de Lemos (1793). Mr. Cusachs. 1 104. — ^PASSPORT signed by Don Joseph de Orne. Mr. Cusachs. 1 105.— INSTRUCTIONS given to Don Pedro Rousseau of the Spanish navy, signed Carondelet. Mr. Cusachs. 1 106.— AUTOGRAPH LETTER of Baron Carondelet to Pedro Rousseau. Mr. Cusachs. 1 107. — PASSPORT to Pedro Rousseau, signed Salcedo, Spanish Governor of Louisiana. Mr. Cusachs. 1 108.— COMMISSION, signed by Carlos III of Spain. Mr. Cusachs. 1 109. — iCERTIFICATE, Gov. Galvez to Rousseau. ■Mr. Cusachs. mo. — Report of Pedro Rousseau on Battle of Pensacola, 1806. Mr. Cusachs.. II 1 1. — DOCUMENT with signature of Carondelet. Mr. Cusachs. 1501.— COMMISSION (1805) to David B. Morgan as justice of peace in County of Concordia, signed by Gov. C. Clai- borne. Jwdge Seymour. 1502.— CERTIFICATE OF BAPTISM (1821) signed by Pere Antoine (Aontonio de Scdella.) Ji-^dge Seymour. 1503.— AUTOGRAPH LETTER of Andrew Jackson, 1821. Judge Seymour. — 31 — No. TITLE. Owner. 1504.— PHOTOGRAPH of Lieut. Gov. D. B. Penn. Judo^e Seymour. 1505.— TAX RECEIPTS OF LOUISIANA, 1807-1^5. Judge Seymour. 1506.— AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES of Louisiana Governors. Judge Sevinour. 1507.— AUTOGRAPH LETTER of Andre\v Jackson. Judge Seymour. 1508.— MARRLAGE LICENSE signed by Gov. Clai'lwrne, 1805. Judge Seymour. T509. — DOCUMENT with signature and coat-of-arms of Ber- nardo de Galvez, Spanish Governor of Louisiana. Judge Seymour. 1510.— SPANISH PASSPORT, 1784, signed Christoval de Zayas. J^^<^lgp Sovmour. 1512.— FACSLMTLE OF LETTER from New Orleans (1804) by Colonial Prefect Loussat. J^clge Seymour. 1513. — DOCUMENT with signature of Louis XV of France, (1765). Judge Seymour. 1514.— ^CAPTAIN'S COMMISSION, signature of lx)uis XIV, 1658. Judge Se_\mour. 1515. — DOCU]\IENT (1761) with signatures of Kcrlerpc. French Governor of Louisiana, and his Intondant Roche- more. Judge Seymour. 1516. — LETTER from Louis XI\' to Due d'Aguesseau, 1676. ' Judge Seymour. 1518.— AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES of Delachaise, St.' Denis, Grandmaison, Masson, Duplessis, Marigny de Mande- ville, Macarty, Lafreniere, etc. Judge Seymour. 1938.— AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT of Estevan Gayarre. Mrs. Chas. Gayarre. i()39._AUTOGRAPH, Charles de Grandpre. (T803). Mrs. Chas. Gayarre. 1940.— MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENTS of Gayarre family. Mrs. Chas. Gayarre. 1941. — R. THOMASSY, "Cartngraphie de la Louisiane," Nouvelle Orleans, 1859. Mr. Cusachs. 1942. — ^COMMISSION as aide-do-camp to Acting Governor Dupre, given (1830) to Charles Gayarre. Mrs. Chas. Gavarre. 1943.— AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT of Etienne de Bore. Mrs. Chas. Gavarre. 1944.— CERTIFICATE OF BAPTISM (of Carlos Gayarre, father of Judge Gayarre. the historian, signed by Pere Antoine) (Antonio de Sedella). Mrs. Chas. Gayarre. ic)45._CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE of J. A. Gayarre and Charlotte Grandpre, grandparents of Judge Gayarre. Mrs. Chas. Gavarre _ 32 — 014 544 103 No. TITLE. " Owner. 1947. — COMMISSION as First Lieutenant in French Army to Carlos Gayarre, signed by Laussat, (1803). Mrs. Chas. Gayarre. 1948.— AUTHORIZATION of Charles Gayarre to practice law in Pennsylvania (1820). Mrs. Chas. Gavarre. I949-— ETAT DES SERVICES du Sieur dc Pontalba. Miss Grace King. 1950.— BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE (duplicate of 1944). Mrs. Chas. Gavarre. 1951.— PORTRAIT of Baron de Pontalba. Miss King. 1952. — LETTER of present Alarquis de Pontalba accompanying above portrait. Miss King. 1953-— GENEALOGY of the Rigaud de Vandreuil family. Miss King. 1954.— MANUSCRIPT INSTRUCTS of Carlos Gayarre to his family. Mrs. Chas. Gayarre. I955-— PASSPORT to Charles Gayarre signed by Daniel Web- ster, Secretary of State, (1857). Mrs. Gayarre. i956.^COM'MISSION to Joshua Lewis as Judge in Territory of Orleans, signed by President Jefiferson (1807). Dr. Ernest Lewis. 1957. — LETTER from Mrs. Brown, wife of minister to France, 1804. Mrs. Norvin Harris. 1958.— SAME AS ABOVE. Mrs. Norvin Harris. 1959. — ACT OF SALE to Louis Macarty of part oi Bienville's property. Mr. Ernest Villere. i96o.-^MANUSCRIPT TITLES and description of property of Sieur de Bienville in Louisiana. Mr. Ernest Villere. 1961. — PLAN of Bienville's property, 1785. Mr. Ernest Villere. 1862.— MANUSCRIPT of Jose Antonio de Hoa y Cacho. Ad- ministrator General de Rentas Reales en Louisiana, 1790-1803. Mrs. Le Blanc. 1963.— MANUSCRIPT TITLES of Sieur de Bienville's pro- perty, 1743. Mr. Ernest Villere. 1964.— MANUSCRIPT SURVEY of Bienville's lands, 1737. Mr. Ernest Villere. 1965.— MANUSCRIPT ADJUDICATION SALE (1759) of Bienville's property. Mr. Ernest Villere. 1966. — ^FLAG presented by the ladies of New Orleans to General Andrew Jackson after the Battle of New Orleans, 181 5. Mr. Caspar Cusachs. 1042.— PERE ANTOINE'S DATE -PALM, cut by Dr. Jos. Jones in 1889. Pere Antoine came to New Orleans 1774. died 1829. Mrs. Jos. Jones. i043._PICAYUNE'S HISTORY ST. LOUIS CATHEDRAL, issue April, 1893. Mrs. Jos. Jones. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS nil II 111 mil 1 '111 014 544 103 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 'lllllllllllllllllllllll 014 544 103 i ^