.(?7/ E 642 .G71 Copy 1 ' m^Sr:zimnt fm Mm 29ih.. «t^ •■"...-de. „„d l,o„„,.ably discl,ar,ad Soldiers, Sailo,. ,..d Marioo. Will assemble at the Camp op Matthies Post ^ alley and Front streets, at 1 o'clock p m '<'• o. corner of Military, Fii lock p. M. remeu and Citizens will assemble on Main street be ORDER OF PROCESSION: Orchard City Band Members of the Grand Army of the Republi.,- Veteran Guards. Lyon Battery. Emmett Guards. Civil Societies. Cavalry. Firemen. Citizens. LINE OF MARCH: Form on Maiu street, right resting on JefFersou, twove dowu Main street to Valley, up Valley to Third, up Third to Jefterson, up Jeffer- son to Fourth, up Fourth to High street, out High to Aspeu Grove Cemetery. The line will move precisely at 2 o'clock p. m. EXERCISES' AT THE CEMETERY: After entering the Cemetery, the procession will proceed to the speaker's stand The band will play a dirge, and prayer will then be offered by Rev. Wm. Salter. After the prayer the following hymn will be sung by the Choral Union, ill which all present are iQ.vited to join: Memorial Mymn. [tune — OLD HUNDRED.] Lord of the earth, the sky, the sea, We raise our hearts in praise to Thee And ask Thy blessed presence while, Throus of Spring ; O'er their graves in rosy showers Scatter them, and softly sing : For celestial Liberty They died — they died for you and me. 'I'RXbUNE Co., Steam {'1