iC TX 916 .K4 P4 1914 Copy 1 aiATE OF KENTUCKY HOTEL INSPECTOR LAW J. L. REED HOTEL INSPECTOR n 1917 i HOTEL INSPECTOR LAW AN ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OE KENTUCKY Approved March 23, 1914. CHAPTER 82. AN ACT relating to the equipment and regulating of hotels and restaurants, defining the same, and relating to the in- spection thereof, providing for penalties for violations of the provisions of the Act. Be it enacted hy the Legislature of the State of Kentucky : § 1. Every building of structure, kept, used as, maintained as, or advertised as, or held out to the public, to be a place where sleeping accommodations are furnished to the public whether with or with- out meals shall for the purpose of this act be deemed a hotel, Everj^ building or structure, and all buildings in connection, kept, used, or maintained as, or adver- tised as, or held out to the pul)lic to be a place where meals and lunches are served without sleeping ac- commodations, shall for the purpose of this act be deemed a restaurant and the person or persons in charge thereof wliether as owner lessee manager or agent for the purpose of this Act shall be deemed proprietor of such restaurant and whenever the word "restaurant" shall occur in this act it shall he const-'iied to mean such structure as described in this section. ) '2. For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act the Governor shall appoint a Commercial Traveler having had not less than six years practical road experience immediately pre- ceding his appointment as hotel inspector at a sahiry of Twenty-four Hundred Dollars per year payable monthly who shall hold office for two years and be approved by ^"he Attorney General. He shall keep such records as are necessary for pub- lic use and inspection, showing the conditions of all hotels and restaurants, together with the name or names of owner, proprietor or manager thereof and showing their sanitary conditions the number and conditions of fire escapes, and any other informa- tion that may be for the betterment of the public service and likewise shall assist in the enforcement of any orders promulgated by the State Board of Health and Pure Food Department of the State re- lating to hotels and restaurants. § 8. "Within sixty days after the effective date of this act and each year thereafter every person, firm or corporation now engaged in the business of conducting a hotel restaurant and every person firm or corporation who shall hereafter engage in conducting such business must procure an inspec- tor's certificate for each hotel or restaurant so con- ducted, or proposed to be conducted, provided that one certificate shall be sufficient for each combined hotel and restaurant where each are conducted in the same building and under the same management. Each certificate shall expire on the 31st day of De- cember next following its issuance. The hotel in- spector shall furnish to any person firm or corpora- tion desiring to conduct a hotel or restaurant an application blank to be filled out by such persons firm or corporation for a certificate thereof and which shall require such applicant to state the full name nnd address of tlie owner of the bnildirig the lessee and manager of sncli hotel or restaurant to- gether with the full description of the building and property to be used or proposed to be used for such business the location of the same the name under "which such business is to be conducted and such other information as may be required therein by the hotel inspector and such application shall be accom- panied by inspection fee for hotels of three dollars and an additional charge of twenty-five cents each for each additional bed-room in excess of ten and for restaurants Three Dollars and an additional charge of Twenty-five cents for each five chairs or stools or spaces vdiere persons are fed in excess of ten but no fee to exceed Ten ($10.00) Dollars and all such fees shall be turned in to the State Treas- ury on the first day of January, April, July and October of each year. Upon the approval of such application by such hotel inspector a certificate to conduct such busi- ness as such application is made for shall be issued by such hotel inspector. No hotel or restaurant shall be maintained and conducted in this State after the taking effect of this act without having secured a certificate therefor as herein provided and no certificate shall be transferable. Provided however, that after the making of applications for a certificate herein provided for and pending the issuance of such certificate such hotel and restau- rant shall be permitted to operate as such until the final refusal of such application by the inspector. Provided also that no hotel or restaurant shall be denied relief in the courts in action instituted by such hotel of restaurant by reasons of the fact that a certificate has not been issued to such hotel or restaurant. <^ 4. It shall be the duty of such hotel inspector to inspect or cause to be inspected at least once an- nually every hotel and restaurant in this State and for siicli purpose he shall have the right to enter and have access thereto at any reasonable time and wherever npon such inspection it shall be found that such business and property so inspected is not being conducted or is not equipped in the manner required by the provisions of this act or is being conducted in such manner as to violate any of the laws of this State it shall thereupon be the duty of the hotel inspector to notify the owner proprietor or agent in charge of such business or the owner or agent of the building so occupied of such condition so found and such owner proprietor or agent shall forthwith comply with the provisions of this act un- less otherwise herein provided reasonable time may be granted by the hotel inspector for compliance with the provisions of this act. § 5. Every hotel and restaurant in this State shall be properly plumbed, lighted and ventilated and shall be conducted in every department with strict regard to health comfort and safety of the guest. Provided that such proper lighting shall be construed to apply to both line five to both daylight and illumination and that such proper plumbing shall be construed to mean that all plumbing and drainage shall be constructed and plumbed accord- ing to approved sanitary principle and such proper ventilation shall be construed to mean least one door and one window in each sleeping room. No room shall be used for a sleeping room which does not open to the outside of the building or light wells, air shafts or courts and all sleeping rooms shall have at least one window to the outside of the building or light wells, air shafts or courts and shall have one door opening on a hallway. In each sleeping room there must be at least one window with openings so arranged as to provide easy access to the outside of the building light wells, air shafts or courts. Provided that tho provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of tliis section shall not apply to any hotel in which the compartments are arranged on the cudi- cal plan or the dormitory plan in conformity with the provisions of local ordinances and regulations. Tn all cities towns and villages where a system of waterworks and sewerage is maintained for the pub- lic use every hotel and rooming-house shall within six months after the passage of this Act be equipped with suitable water closets for the accommodation of its guests ivith water closet or closets shall be connected by proper plumbing with such sewerage system, and the means of flushing such water closets with the water of said system in such manner as to prevent sewer gas or effluvia from arising there- from. All lavatories bath tubs sinks drains closets and urinals in such hotels must be connected and equipped in a similar manner both as to method and time. All cities, towns and villages not having a system of waterworks every hotel shall have properly con- structed privies or over vaults which shall be heated during the da^'s of the winter months from 6 a. m. to 10 p. ni., to receive the night soil the same to be kept clean and well screened at all times and free from tilth of every kind furnishing separate apart- ments for sexes each being properly designated. Each hotel in this State shall be provided with a main public wash room convenient and of easy access to guests. § 6. In all hotels and restaurants two stories high with ten or more sleeping rooms, where sleep- ing accommodations are furnished to the public, there shall be provided for each twenty-five hun- dred feet of area or fractional part thereof an ef- ficient chemical fire extinguisher conveniently lo- cated in a public hallway outside of the sleeping rooms, and always in condition for use, or a one and one-fourth inch inside stand pipe with hose con- 6 jiGction and a Lose ol sufficient lengtli always at- tached in sncli a hallway, which stand-pipe shall be supplied by a sufficient pressure of water. § 7. In all hotels and restaurants more than two> stories high, with ten or more sleeping rooms, where sleeping accommodations are furnished to the public, each six thousand feet of area or frac- tional part thereof shall be provided with a one and three-fourths inch stand-pipe, and sufficient one and one-fourth inch hose connected therewith on each floor and constantly furnished with suf- ficient water pressure from water works or pumpr? which can be put into instant action, or for each such area there shall be a two and one-half inch me- tallic stand-pipe with metallic ladder attached above the first story, located upon the outside of the wall extending above the roof, and so situated as to be accessible from the roof and each story above the first, wath valves and male hose connections at every story and on the roof, and female hose con- nection at base of the pipe of such size and pattern as to allow connection with the equipemnt of the local fire department. There shall also be provided for each eighty-five hundred feet of such area or fractional part thereof at least one efficient chemi- cal fire extinguisher on each floor containing sleep- ing apartments. If, for lack of waterworks or steam to operate pumps, the inside stand-pipe is impracticable, then in addition to the fire extin- guisher, there shall be placed in the hallway of each floor containing sleeping apartments one barrel of water and two pails labeled "For Fire Purposes Onl}'." For each twenty-five hundred feet of area or fraction thereof on such floor a red light shall be kept burning all night at the head of each stair- way above the first floor, and that near each ap- proach to a stationary fire escape in each sleeping room above the first floor, the following printed notice shall be conspicuously posted: "Exit in Case 7 of Fire." Upon leaving this room, turn to the (here insert right or left) and by passing (here in- sert distance in feet) you will reach a red light, which indicates (here insert j5re escapes or stair- ways)." § 8. That within six months after the passage of this Act every hotel and restaurant in this State, occupied and used as such, and which is more than two stories high, shall be equipped w^ith an iron stairway on the outside of the building extending from said cornice of said building to within twelve feet of the ground, and connecting on each floor above the ground with an opening from said floor, which stairway shall have platform landing at each floor not less than six feet in length and three feet in width, and which stairway and landing shall be guarded by an iron railing not less than thirty inches in height and shall be safely fastened and secured. Said stairway shall not be less than two feet wide, with steps not less than six inch tread and shall be placed at an angle of not more than forty-five degrees. The way of egress to such fire escapes shall at any times be kept free and clear of any and all obstructions of any and every nature. Fire escapes shall be placed where the hotel inspec- tor may direct. And if there are more than fifteen sleeping rooms on each floor above the third floor, there shall be provided one such described fire es- cape for fifteen sleeping rooms on each floor. Every hotel less than four stories high shall have hallways placarded to indicate all stairways and exits, and shall keep a five-eighths inch Manilla rope of sufficient length to reach the ground, hav- ing knots at least every fifteen inches apart, in each bedroom, such rope to be fastened six feet above the floor near the window, in a substantial manner and capable of sustaining at least five hundred pounds in weight. 8 Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the nse of any recog- nized automatic fire escapes in lieu of knotted rope. Whenever it shall be proposed to erect a build- ing three stories or more in height, intended for use as a hotel in this State, it shall be the duty of the owner, contractor or builder of such hotel to con- struct same so that one main hall on each floor above the ground floor shall run through to the outside wall of said building, and every building converted into a hotel after the passage of this Act must com- ply with the provisions thereof. Provided, however, that the provisions of this Act relating to outside fire escapes and ropes of auto- matic appliances shall not apply to hotels having or making provisions for interior fire-proof stair- ways approved as such by the hotel inspector All hotels in this State shall hereafter provide each bedroom with at least two clean towels daily for each guest, and shall also provide the main pub- lic wash-room with clean individual towels, main- taining same in view and reach and for the use of guests during the regular meal hour, and where no regular meal hours are maintained then between the hours of 6 :30 a. m. and 9 :00 a. m., and 11 :30 a. m. and 2:00 a. m., and 6:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m., so that no two or more guests will be required to use the same towel unless it has first been washed. Such individual towels shall not be less than ten inches wide and fifteen inches long after being washed. Provided, that this shall not prohibit the use of individual paper towels in such wash-rooms. All hotels hereafter shall provide each bed, bunk, cot or sleeping place for the use of guests, with pil- low slips and under and top sheets; each sheet, on and after the first of January, 1915, shall be made 99 inches long and of sufficient width to completely cover the mattress and springs; provided, that a sheet shall not be used wdiich measures less than 90 inches after it lias Ix'cii lauirloreil. Said sheets and pillow slJi)s to be made of wliite cotton or linen, and all such sheets and pillow slips, after being used by one guest, must be washed and ironed before they are Jised by another guest, a clean set being fur- nislied each succeeding guest. All bedding, including mattresses, quiUs, blankets, pillows, sheets and comforts, used in any hotel in this State must be thoroughly aired, disinfected and kept clean. Provided, that no bedding, including mattresses, quilts, blankets, pillows, sheets or com- forts, shall be used which are worn out or unfit for further use. Any room in any hotel or restaurant infected with vermin or bed bugs shall l)e fumigated, disinfected and renovated at the expense of the proprietor of the said hotel until said vermin or bedbugs are ex- terminated. All notices to be served by tlie hotel inspector provided for in this Act sliall be in writing, and shall be either delivered personally, or by registered letter to the owner, agent, lessee or manager of such hotel or restaurant. Any person, firm or corporation who shall operate a hotel or restaurant in this State, or who shall let a building used for such business without having first complied with the provisions of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction theieof by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment ill the county jail for not more than ninety days. The county attorney of each county in this State is hereby authorized and required upon complaint on oath of the hotel ins])ector or other persons, to prosecute to termination before any court of compe- tent jurisdiction, in the name of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, a proper action or proceeding against any person or persons violating the provisions of this Act. 10 § 9. Whenever the owner, manager or person in charge of any hotel or restaurant shall have been convicted as provided in the preceding section, and shall for a period of sixty days after such conviction fail to comiDly with any provisions of this Act, the certificate granted to such person to conduct busi- ness may be cancelled by the hotel inspector. <§, 10. The hotel inspector shall appoint one dep- uty inspector, at a salary of two thousand dollars per year, whose term of office shall be of the same duration as that of the hotel inspector, and also one stenographer at a salary not to exceed eight hun- dred dollars per annum, who shall assist under his direction in performing the duties imposed by this Act. § 11. On or before the 15th day of each month, the hotel inspector shall certify to the State Auditor the amount due him and his deputies as compensa- tion and necessary expenses for the preceding month, also the items and amount of all expenses necessarily incurred by him in his duties, including the cost of blanks, stationery, postage and travel and also the amount due the stenographer as com- pensation for the preceding month, and such sala- ries, mileage and expenses being duly audited shall be paid by the State out of the funds accruing from the inspection fees provided for in this Act. In no event shall the entire expense exceed ten thousand dollars per annum. The office of the hotel inspector shall be in the State Capitol. § 12. Every hotel or restaurant securing a cer- terficate under the provisions of this Act shall keep the same posted in a conspicuous place in the office of such hotel or restaurant. All prosecutions under this Act shall be conducted by the county attorney of the county in which the offense was committed. 11 § 13. All Acts or parts of Acts conflicting with any of the preceding sections of this Act are hereby- repealed, and this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 23, 1914. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 759 258 9 • THE STATE JOURNAL COMPANY Printers to the Commonwealth Frankfort, Ky. iL^^f^fiR y OF £°'^G/?e; SS 014 759" 25s 9 ♦