Copyright K^ U7 CfflSRIGHT DEPOSm Were Coming, Bill, We're Coming* AND OTHER WAR POEMS BY GEORGE CORBIN FERINE (AUTHOR OF "The Poets and Verse-writers OF Maryland") DEDICATED TO OUR BOYS IN KHAKI AND OUR BOYS IN BLUE PRIVATELY PRINTED 1919 ^^ ^ MAR 21 1919 Cl.A51398« ^ . / INDEX Invocation To Those At Home 1 We're Coming, Bill, We're Coming 2 We'll Get You, Coon, We'll Get You. . . 5 How Would It Be, Boys, How Would It Be? 7 Never This Side of Berlin 9 What We Should Do 10 If It's Long To Tipperrary 11 The Kaiser's " Kultur " 12 Red Cross Nurses 13 Pack Up Your Things, Boys 14 Our Day 17 The First of Our Heroes Have Fallen. . . 19 Wouldn't It Be a Wonderful Thing 21 Over The Border 23 The Mother's Farewell to Her Boy 25 The Kaiser's Bluff 25 I Wonder 27 What's The Matter? 28 Back, Back, Mr. Hun! 29 A Serious Question 30 A Toast To The Navy 30 Three Cheers For The Men In Shipyards 31 Good Night 32 COPYRIGHT 1919 II^VOCATIO^ TO THOSE AT HOAIE. Dark though the night ai:)pears Through three long weary years We're not alone ; Though shadows deepen yet, Let Christians not forget God's on His throne! Though we send men and guns Fonvard to meet the Huns Raving out there, All of this strength and strain Will be at best in vain Backed not by prayer. Oh, Christians, one and al]. Lest all that's good should fall Pray for success ! Pray as you've never prayed, Pray and be not afraid, 'None can do less. No matter w^hat we hear Fear not, be of good cheer, All will go right : While God does live and reign Prayer ne'er has been in vain, Let us be bright ! WE'KE COMIJSTG, BILL, WE'EE COMING. We're coming, Bill, we're coming ! Do you know just what that means ? Thirty thousand aeroplanes And five billions in our jeans! A merchant fleet That can't be beat, Foodstuffs piled up galore. And when they go We'll plant and sow Foodstuffs as many more ! We're coming. Bill, we're coming, Uncle Sammy will be glad To meet you crucifier, For you've made him fighting mad I N'ow is the time He says each crime With interest you must pay ; Your orgies too At last are through, You've reached your reckoning day ! We're coming, Bill, we're coming, From the deep, the earth, the sky, A plaintive wail has reached us From young children as they cry ! Half clad! half fed! Some lucky dead ! And some too ill to feel ! Some lost ! some shot ! God knows what not. Some crushed heneath your heel ! We're coming, Bill, we're coming. You've made men forget their lives — A second call has reached us From the aged, girls and wives ! Your conscience dead. Your hands all red With children's blood, you sell And sacrifice To every vice Your wretched soul to hell ! We're coming, Bill, we're coming, And we'll wipe away the tears From children's eyes and women's Though it takes a thousand years ! And as for you, When we get through, As sure as you were born, You'll find your lands In other's hands, Yourself in stripes and shorn ! We're coming. Bill, we're coming! And there is no use to hide, For Pershing is our General, And our God will be our guide ! Bring up your guns ! Charge with your Huns ! Do everything you can ; A hopeless fight. This might o'er right. You fight 'gainst God and man ' WE'LL GET YOU, COON, WETL GET YOU. Hip, hip, hooray ! We're going awaj On a little hunting trip, That Kaiser coon We'll tree real soon, .He cannot from us slip ! We'll get you, coon, we'll get you We'll get you, coon, we'll get you We'll get you, coon, we'll get you Then we'll all come marching home. The old, old tree Is Germany, He's running round it now ! When we begin To all close in We'll get him anyhow ! We'll get you, coon, we'll get you ! etc. He's run a-muck Ar.d had the luck Three years to have full swing, 5 Though others fail To find his trail That coon home we will bring ! We'll get you, coon, we'll get you ! etc. Put on the pot, The stove keep hot, We'll cook him to a shred ! His skin is toug'h. That is no bluff, They say like iron's his head ! We'll get you, coon, we'll get you ! etc. The cooking through, What we will do With our unsavory treat, We'll dump it out With one great shout For hogs in the yard to eat ! We'll get you, coon, we'll get you ! etc. HOW WOULD IT BE, BOYS, HOW WOULD IT BE? How would it be^ boys, bow would it be Witb tbe Germans, Austrians, Turks, all tbree, If looking across tbat "l^o Man's Land'' Wbere notbing can live or notbing stand, Wbere belcbing guns are tbe only sound And liquid fire to be seen around, If tbe Grermans, Austrians, Turks, all tbree Had Grant to face and R. E. Lee ! How would it be, boys, bow would it he ? How would it be, boys, bow would it he If our dream could be reality ? And Jackson was tbere upon tbe rigbt, Witb Stuart, tbat young and gallant knigbt! And D. H. Hill and McClellen too, Wbo questions tbat tbey would not "go tbrougb" ! Tbe Germans, Austrians, Turks, all tbree One more lone nigbt in security Migbt sleep if it suited tbis galaxy ! How would it be, boys, bow would it be. As tbe sun was rising o'er vale and tree, 7 If Lee gave the order short and clear, (Though a thousand Hindenhergs were near ! ) ^^Up, (Charge, bojs, charge, quick over the top!" What earthly thing could the boys then stop ? Barbed wire and shot and flame all three Make some men waver, would Grant and Lee! How would it ^be, boys, how would how would it be ? How would it bo, boys, how would it be With the Germans, Austrians, Turks, all three With their trenches reached, now hand to hand. If Jackson should quickly give command : ^^Give them the bayonet, boys, they'll see That the Stars and Stripes spell victory !" Would the Germans, Austrians, Turks, all thrpft mtsay: "We'll SUEEEI^DEK to Grant and Lee !" How would it be, boys, how would it be ? NEVER THIS SIDE OE BEELm. Kever this side of Berlin, Boys, N"ever this side of Berlin Will we turn or stop, but over the top Till we all are landed in ! And the wretched foe i^ow cowering low Will throw down his bloody guns — Then many a mile To a rocky aisle We will ship the dastard Huns I The sound of cannon will cease. Boys, The sound of caimon will cease. And the half-dead woman and handlesa child We will quickly then release ; And the fields again Will all teem with grain And brightly will shine the sun — But all over hell Will the tortured yell Arise from a burning Hun ! WHAT WE SHOULD DO. When a spy comes crawling and creeping To do some low down deed, Like a sinuous, shining reptile To bite the hands that feed — A thing so low Should have no show But an ounce of red hot lead ! Any old place, Don't try the case, Just see that the reptile's dead ! When men say: "Fm patriotic!" But let their actions fail To show they really are with us They should be sent to jail ! If there's a doubt I'd kick them out. This is but a suggestion ; A jail's the place. For there they're safe, We have no time to question ! With the Huns o'er-running Europe With fire and sword and gun, 10 And liberty in the balance — We've got to stand as one ! I'd make the air Here, everywhere, For them who with us dwell, So hot if they Should us betray They'd think they lived in hell ! IF IT'S LOl^G TO TIPPERRAHY. If it's long to Tipperrary And as far to gay 'Tarie," All roads we'll find are shorter now That lead to Germany ! For Pershing, Pershing Has gone to act as guide, And Pershing, Pershing ^ They cannot keep outside ! Old Joffre spoiled the Kaiser's dinner On that 25th we know, And the western front is holding Notwithstanding every blow ! But Pershing, Pershing Is going to Berlin, 11 Yes, Pershiiig, Pershing On William will drop in ! Though he doesn't care to visit, That is as a usual thing, He has got a sort of longing To see that old Kaiser-King ! And Pershing, Pershing Will surelj make that call, Or Pershing, Pershing Will not come back at all ! THE KAISER'S ^'KULTUR." So you've cut the throat of a soldier ! Of a boy of the U. S. A., And will iron crosses reward you Again for this fiendish display ! Is this what the Kaiser calls ^^Kultur ?" (Hanging should be your reward !) Do such acts inspire the Kaiser To say : ^Tet us onward with God !" Such acts and such blasphemy ever Lead but to one end that is sure, 12 That end is defeat and oblivion To Germany and her ''Kultur !" EED CEOSS NURSES. If prayers for yonr safe-keeping, For happiness and health, For a reward far greater Than can be had with wealth, Would bring you these, who suffer For us in field and glen. Our prayers, oh dearest nurses. Would rise from countless men ! For we know you are waiting, As oft we lonely stand While shots are falling round us, To lend a helping hand ; To bathe the feverish forehead. To quench the thirst with drink, To pen last words to Mother If we stand on life's brink ! Though sorely tried with patience. Though heart-sore half the while. Yet ever waiting for us To greet us with a smile ! 13 Like one clear ray of sunlight Upon a storm-lashed sea, That smile to wounded soldiers Always appears to be ! If you were taken from us By some great unseen hand, Our lives would be like nature Far out in "^^o Man's Land !" A desert without water ! A night without a day ! Death without resurrection When life shall pass away ! PACK UP YOUR THINGS, BOYS. Pack up your things, boys, For what do you care, Duty is calling — You're wanted out there ! Mothers are waiting To bid you good-bye. Sisters and sweethearts With pride in their eye ! 14 Uncle Sam's with jou, He'll look to each need, Every heart's wishing You all a God-speed ! Think of jonr mission, Keep that in your view, Peace for all ages Depends now on you ! The flag that yon carry Has never heen foiled, Stand by it ever. Return it unsoiled ! Be kind to all women, For sacred's the name, 'No matter what country's For they're not to blame ! Pity all children, Neglect not a one. They don't even know What their daddys have done ! 15 But, when God wills it That you meet the foe, Be like a bull dog And never let go ! Fight like a madman That would his chains break ! Fight on for no less Your country's at stake, Fight like a demon, Fight on night and day, Fight with the fury Of lions at bay ! Fight without stopping, Fight all that you're worth, Fight till all Germans Are wiped from the earth ! Then with Old Glory Still clasped in your hand, You will return to Your own native land. 16 All now will love you Who ne'er loved before, While those who loved you Will love you the more. But this will give you The greatest delight ; You did your duty — You did what was right ! OUE DAY. Our Allies have fought well, Give them a breathing spell, Let us the powder smell It is our right ! For it is our day, Bring up the U. S. A., We'll show the Huns the way How we can fight ! Our flag plant on the top. Do not an instant stop, Woe to the foes who drop One with a shell ! 17 Line up the cannon too, Show what the tanks can do, We're going in and through Germany's hell ! Tell all our birdmen rise Like clouds before the eyes, Till iblack will be the skies With their wings spread ! Bring up grenades, we'll show How straight our boys can throw, Spare not the heartless foe Till all are dead! Shoot out our gaseous fumes. Though everything consumes From man to all that blooms — All in our way ! Trust not the foe at all When he pretends to fall, Give him another ball Where he does lay ! Eide straight across him too ! Do all that you can do ! He'd do the same to you. He calls that war ! 18 Give him all that lie wants, Show him that nothing daunts, Laugh at his boastful taunts And then some more ! THE FIRST OF OUR HEROES HAVE FALLEI^. The first of our heroes have fallen, To help to free Europe they tried. Protecting the women and children From worse than a death they have died ! They feared not the wrath of the Kaiser 'Ko matter how ruthless or strong. With pleasure they sprang in the trenches, Their lips bore a smile and a song ! Above them they planted Old Glory, So everyone plainly could see That emblem which ever has stood for One thing and that thing Liberty ! The boys they were greatly outnumbered, But there they were placed and to stay, 19 And all of the Kaiser's grim army Alive could not take all away ! The Huns they respect not the courage Of men who have made a good fight, Their sense of all morals so blighted They know not the wrong from the right ! They came like a wave of the ocean, Preceded by curtains of flame ! Well-seasoned in this kind of warfare. Delighting in this fiendish game ! The boys in the trenches they waited, More courage none living could show ! And when that wave broke on the trenches The boys were still facing the foe ! Two heroes fell mortally wounded, For Liberty gave up their lives ! A third one the Huns now surrounded And butchered to death with their knives ! And these are the crimes that the Kaiser Expects that his Maker will bless ! The Kaiser, in rage, has forgotten The Lord's promised wrongs to redress ! 20 That fulfillment surely is coming As Christians believe and all know, The Kaiser, his land and his people Will bear the full force of the blow ! The Earth was not made for one person, A tyrant to sway with his hand. With all of the people upon it As" slaves to be tilling his land ! Who thinks such a thing is a madman ! He's infinitely worse than a fool — The Kaiser's entirely forgotten It's God and not he that does rule ! WOULD:^r'T IT BE A WOJ^DEEEUL THIISrG. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing, A wonderful thing, a wonderful thing, While all around the guns did pop To be the first man over the top ! With one great yell, a terrible yell. Like a million demons loosed from hell I My, boys ! O, boys ! wouldn't it be some fun? 21 Mj, boys! O, boys! wouldnH you love to face, Wouldn't you love to face, wouldn't you love to face The Kaiser's men^ their hands all red, Butchers of women and children in bed ! With a cross for bravery pinned to each, Eewards for ^^Kultur" the Kaiser would teach ! My, boys ! O, boys ! to teach them with a gun! Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing, A wonderful thing, a wonderful thing To capture the Kaiser in a snooze. In a champagne booze, in a champagne booze! To tar and feather him "ohne" clothes, And lead him back with a ring in his nose ! My, boys! O, boys! wouldn't our Allies say: ^^Hooray ! hooray ! for the U. S. A. ! And the khaki boys of the Blue and Gray !" 22 OVER THE BORDER. Over the border, Tliat is the order, Into the Kaiser's realm! The way is not long — We cannot go wrong — Old Sammy's at the helm ! Our faces will beam As we put on steam To leave for over there, iVnd each mile we go Will drag by too slow. Why can't we go by air ? You know you will hear From us, Mother dear. As soon as we arrive, And that we're not dead You will find instead We're very much alive ! And the Kaiser too With his demon crew Will know that we're about 23 But that is not all, Though thej scream and bawl Thej cannot keep us out ! And how they will feel, And how they will squeal And feel and squeal again, When upon the air Will arise everywhere The Star-Spangled Banner's strain And then they will hear A terrible cheer From us the Blue and Gray — The order at last Will then have been passed To clear the Huns away ! Over the border. That is the order, Into the Kaiser's realm ! The way is not long — We cannot go wrong — Old Sammy's at the helm! 24 THE MOTHER'S FAREWELL TO HER BOY. In bidding joii farewell, dear boy, I do not hesitate nor cry, But bid you go with all my heart To conquer or to die ! If this were but a war for wealth Or conquest, then my heart would break, But 'tis for liberty or death, A world's peace is at stake ! The men who willed to us this land Were freemen both in limb and brain, And God forbid while time shall last Their children wear a chain ! I say therefore again farewell, I^or do I hesitate nor cry. But bid you go with all my heart To conquer or to die ! THE KAISER'S BLUFF. ^^Hello there !" said the Kaiser To Uncle Sam one day, ^'1 dare you cross the water And get into the fray !" 25 When Sammy heard the bluffing He pushed off from the shore, And said : ^'Well, Bill, I'm coming To show you what is warl" The Kaiser's knees then trembled, He thought his bluff would go Or never would have tried it. He Sammy didn't know ! But Sammy be meant business And landed mighty quick. And said : "Come on I'm ready, Though fussing I don't pick !" With that he raps old Kuppreoht Right square upon the eye ! Then Hindenberg he thrashes Until he makes him cry. The other German leaders Said : "We must be discreet !" Then without hesitating Took quickly to their feet ! 26 Then Sammy shaved the Kaiser And gave him a new suit, The striped ooat and the trousers Made him look awfully cute ! And round his neck was fastened An iron ball and chain, So that this dangerous criminal Could not get loose again ! Then back old Sammy brought him, That all the world might see The fate of all world-beaters Who go upon a spree ! I WOI^DER? I wonder what the Huns will say Some morning at the break of day, When suddenly to left and right A thousand flags will rise to sight, A thousand flags that like the skies Shine with a myriad starry eyes, And like the stars in heaven's crown — No living man can pull them down ! 27 I wonder what the Huns will do When those proud flags come charging through Barbed wire^ and shot, right up the hill, If they'll believe their Kaiser Bill When in the future he will say : "A great big 'bluffs this U. S. A. !" Then as his men throw down their guns — ^'A Blue or Gray is worth two Huns !'' WHAT'S THE MATTEK? Say, what's the matter, Hindenburg ? And you too. Kaiser Bill ? And Ludendorff and Ruprecht too Have you all got your fill ? It's true the valleys they are packed With your reclining sons. And all of them upon their breasts Bear crosses — wooden ones ! The very streams are running red With your men's blood, who give ITp living on the earth to go And with the fishes live! 28 In hell old Belzebub complains His rest is even broken, For now there's not a single word In hell but German spoken ! BACK, BACK, MR. HUX ! Back, back, back, get back, Mr. Hnn ! You can't stop, we've got you on the run ! You'd better stop your revels ! Here come the Blue Devils ! ^Yatch out, watch out, watch out, Mr. Hun ! Back, back, back, get back, Mr. Vulture ! Back to hell, you and all your culture ! You'd better stop your bumming — The Tommies they are coming — Beat it, beat it, beat it, Mr. Vulture ! Back, back, back, get back, Mr. Liar ! Back of the Rhine, you've got to retire! You'd better stop your striving — For Uncle Sam's arriving — Good bye, good bye, good bye, Mr. Liar ! 29 A SERIOUS QUESTION. Oh what shall we do with the Kaiser ? Oh where shall we send him to dwell ? For there is no land that will have him. They don't even want him in hell 1 The ocean's filled up with his U-boats, And Bill has no wings for the air ! It seems neither God nor the devil JSTor man wants the wretch anywhere ! A TOAST TO THE NAVY. To our boys who know no fears ! Who more than a hundred years Have been our pride and boast ! To our sailors on the sea, Our Marines — ^where'er they be — I drink this toast! 30 THREE CHEERS FOR THE ME^ IN SHIPYARDS. Three cheers for the men in shipyards ! The men with the hammer and saw, The rivetters too And -all of the crew, For every blow They make we all know Is a rap at the Kaiser's door ! Three cheers for the men in shipyards ! The men with the brawn and muscle — Before you count three They will bridge the sea. With scarcely a loss For our boys to cross, Then watch out, Bill, for a tussel ! Three cheers for the men in shipyards ! For they're every one as true A patriot quite As any knight Who shoulders a gam To look for a Hun, Or a barrage of fire goes through ! 32 Three cheers for the men in shipyards ! Who' re patiently toiling each day, Who holidays give, That Liberty live. For every one The sun shines upon When they have themselves passed away ! Three cheers for the men in shipyards ! The men who are speeding the fall Of the devil's rule, (For William's his tool !) That might's over right, Though not in God's sight ! May the Lord bless you one and all. GOOD NIGHT. If we've sent abroad already A million men or more, You see, old Bill, and don't forget, We're making good that's sure ! And we're coming, we're coming With Yankee Doodle humming. And if we find you bumming Still in Belgium say — Good night ! 31 Then we're going to send a second To see the first is well, And I'll tell to you a secret — They too can fight like hell 1 And we're coming, we're coming With Yankee Doodle humming, And if we find you bumming Still in France then say — Good night ! Then we're going to send another, Their mission will be fun, The only thing that they will do Is ^^Deutschland" over-run ! And we're coming, we're coming With Yankee Doodle humming. And here will end your bumming To the world you'll say — Good night ! 33 I m A liliii 018 3921009 *1?