THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN DUNN Class "' Book . ioD\Tie'rTi\° U H'^ CCFl-RIGHT DEPOSIT. THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN BY ARTHUR WILLIAM DUNN w FORMERLY DIRECTOR OF CIVJCS INDIANAPOLIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS REVISED AND ENLARGED D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO Copyright, 1907 antj 1914, By D. C. heath & CO. IK4 NOV 25 1914 GLA38S723 PREFACE The important changes in our community life, and especially in our methods of self-government, that have occurred during the seven years since the present volume was first published, have made a revision desirable. In no particular, however, has the original point of view been departed from, nor the method of presenting the subject modified. The soundness of a point of view and of a method of elementary in- struction in citizenship, which were novel seven years ago, has been abundantly confirmed by their wide acceptance and by visible results in the life of pupils and of communities. The only justification for the book, in its original or revised form, is in its point of view and method. It will be successful in the hands of the teacher in proportion as they are realized in the work of the classroom. In view of the importance of this fact, advantage has been taken of the opportunity offered by revision to reorganize and supplement the matter in the original " Preface " and " Suggestions to the Teacher,'' as an Introduction on "Aims and Methods," which, it is hoped, will be of service to the teacher who is seeking to make the work of instruc- tion in citizenship more effective. In the preface to the original edition the author acknowledged with gratitude the invaluable assistance derived, in the preparation of the book, from the test to which it was put, in a preliminary form, by a year's use in the schools of Indianapolis. He had the benefit of the practical experience, and the searching but sympathetic criticism, of thirty or forty teachers who were daily using the text in their classes. In addition to this, he now wishes to recognize the particular value, of which he has become fully conscious only with the lapse of time, of the spontaneous and frank, though unconscious, criticism of some twelve hundred pupils in those classes, as expressed in their daily reactions to their civics work. The best test of a method of instruction is in the response of the pupils to it. Such success' as the book has enjoyed is due in large measure to these two sources of suggestion, together with the cordial cooperation of Dr. Calvin N. Kendall, then Superintendent iv PREFACE of the Indianapolis schools, and now Commissioner of Education for New Jersey. The author would also again acknowledge his indebtedness to Dr. George E. Vincent, formerly of the University of Chicago, now Presi- dent of the Universit}- of Minnesota, and to Dr. Albion W. Small, of the University of Chicago, for the first suggestion of method of approaching the subject in their book. •• An Introduction to the Study of Society." and in courses taken with them in the University : and to Dr. Henry Suzzallo. then of Leland Stanford Junior University, now of Teachers College. New York, and to Professor Henn.- E. Bourne, of Western Resen-e University, for critical reading of the original manuscript. ARTHUR WILLIAM DUNN. Washington, September i, 1914. CONTENTS Introduction for Teachers : Aims and Methods CHAPTER I. The Beginning of a Community II. What is a Community? ..... III. The Site of the Community .... IV. What the People in Communities are Seeking V. The Family . VI. The Home and the Community VII. The Making of Americans .... VIII. How THE Relations between the People and the Land are made Permanent and Definite . IX. How THE Community aids the Citizen to satisfy his Desire for Health X. How THE Community aids the Citizen to protect his Life and Property XI. The Relation between the Community and the Citizen in Business Life XII. How THE Government aids the Citizen by Con trolling Business Relations .... XIII. How THE Community aids the Citizen in Trans portation and Communication XIV. Waste and Saving XV. How THE Community aids the Citizen to satisfy his Desire for Knowledge .... XVI. How the Community aids the Citizen to satisf\ his Desire for Beautiful Surroundings VI CONTENTS CHAPTER ~ PAGE XVII. How THE Community aids the Citizen to satisfy HIS Religious Desire 169 XVIII. What the Community does for those who C-\n- NOT OR will not CONTRIBUTE TO ITS PROGRESS 1 73 XIX. How THE Citizens of a Community govern Them- selves i8i XX. How OUR Methods of Self-government are changing 200 XXI. The Government of Rural Communities: Town- ship AND County 217 XXII. The Government of the City •. . . . 229 XXIII. The Government of the State .... 242 XXIV. The Government of the Nation .... 252 XXV. How the Expenses of Government are Met . 268 Appendix I. The Constitution of the United States . . .' . 281 II. Table showing the Number of Homes owned and the Number rented in Cities ...... 299 III. Immigration Tables ....... 300 Index 305 INTRODUCTION FOR TEACHERS Aims and Methods The justification and aim of The Community and the Citizen were stated, in the preface of the original edition, in these words from Professor Dewey's Ethical Principles Underlying Education : " The social work of the school is often limited to training for citizen- ship, and citizenship is then interpreted in a narrow sense as meaning capacity to vote intelligently, a disposition to obey laws, etc. . . . The child is to be not only a voter and a subject of law ; he is also to be a member of a family. . . . He is to be a worker, engaged in some occupation which will be of use to society and which will maintain his own independence and self-respect. He is to be a member of some particular neighborhood and community, and must contribute to the decencies and graces of civilization wherever he is. . . . To suppose . . . that a good citizen is anything more than a thoroughly efficient and serviceable member of society ... is a cramped superstition which it is hoped may soon disappear from educational discussion. . . . Training for citizenship is formal and nominal unless it develops the power of observation, analysis, and inference with respect to what makes up a social situation and the agencies through which it is modified." This broad view of citizenship, and the conviction that the chief busi- ness of the school is to train for citizenship in this sense, are controlling factors in the development of public education to-day. We hear much of " socializing " the work of the school, of adapting it to the needs of the child as a member of the community. The growing tendency to deal with pupils as individuals instead of en masse marks an attempt to help each one to find his proper place in the community. The increas- ing attention to the physical well-being of pupils, vocational training, school gardening, the reorganization of rural schools, and most of the other important recent developments in the public schools, aim at a viii INTRODUCTION FOR TEACHERS more efficient citizenship on the part of a larger proportion of those who attend school. Dr. F. M. ^NIcMurn,-. of Teachers College. New York, has ventured to judge the efficiency of all teaching on the basis of standards of purely social import (see McMurry. •■ Elementary School Standards." World Book Company) . While the work of the school in training for citizenship is thus by no means limited to instruction under the name of •• civics." this does not mean that there is no further need for systematic instruction in this subject. It only means that civics itself must be ••' socialized." adapted more closely to the needs of the pupil and of the community, both in subject-matter and in methods, in harmony with the tendency of educa- tion in general. This book is an attempt to help the teacher to accom- plish this. But even if the author were completely successful in his task, the effectiveness of the teaching still depends upon the teacher more than upon the book. If ci\'ics instruction is to be vital, the object of study must be. not the pages of the text-book, but the actual community of which the pupil is a member. The text is designed to be a guid-e to the facts and rela- tions of the pupil's own community life, and an interpretation of them. It will facilitate the proper use of the book in this respect, if the teacher will restate the titles of the chapters in terms of the community with which the pupils are familiar. Thus, the title of chapter I. ■• The Beginning of a Community." may be restated for the pupils of Browns- ville, Maryland (let us say), as "The Beginning of the Community of Brownsville," or •• of Mar}-land." The title of chapter IX may like- wise be restated, •■■ How Brownsville (or Mar}-land) Aids her Citizens to Satisfy their Desire for Health." This may be done for many of the chapters of the book, and will force comparison between the statements of the text and the real facts relating to '• Brownsville." The same thing should be done with the topics at the ends of the chapters. These are designed to direct the study to the actual com- munity, and to keep the text related always to the realities b)' which the pupil is surrounded. *• Whence does 'Brownsville ' get its author- ity to add to its territory- ? '" is more effective than " Whence does • the city' get its authority," etc. The topics given are only suggestive; others should often be substituted to fit the needs of the class and the conditions of the immediate community. Informal discussions of topics are often better than formal reports by individual pupils, although the latter have their place. The community spirit should be maintained AIMS AND METHODS ix in the conduct of the class. While one group of pupils is working cooperatively on one topic or set of topics, another group should be attacking other topics. Let each one acquire a sense of responsibility for a specific contribution to the progress of the class-community. Materials are not always easily available to furnish an answer to some of the topics, or to questions that arise in the course of the study. This should not be discouraging. A great many questions in real civic life have not yet been answered. The fact that a question cannot be answered does not destroy its usefulness. It is worth a great deal to discover that an important question exists. This is the first step in civic progress. Of course an attempt should be made to answer it, or to show why it cannot be answered. Here is what happened in one case: The teachers of civics were at first greatly disturbed because no printed material was available to enable the pupils or teachers to answer some apparently simple questions about the water supply of their city. It was not difficult to show, by discussion, that the questions were of real importance to the community. The pupils were asked to consult parents and friends on the subject, the result being to show that they also were ignorant in regard to this important matter. The first im- portant result, then, was to demonstrate that ignorance prevailed re- garding matters of prime importance to the community. A second result was that the school authorities took the matter up with the water company, who prepared a complete story of the development and present status of the water supply, and provided guides to take pupils, teachers, and parents through the power houses, filtration system, and other parts of the plant, at any time. The whole community was educated through the raising of questions which at first discouraged teachers and pupils because of a lack of information. In Newark, N.J., the public library has cooperated with the school authorities in gathering and publishing a large body of material relat- ing to the civic life and development of Newark. In Indianapolis the Commercial Club cooperated with the board of education in a similar way. A type of civics instruction in the schools that leads a commu- nity to seek and distribute information regarding itself proves its effec- tiveness. The type of civics which this text-book represents has pretty gen- erally acquired the name of •' community civics." There is danger of some confusion of ideas about the significance of this term. Com- X INTRODUCTION FOR TEACHERS muniU- civics does not relate merely to the local community (see chap- ter II). Its significance does not lie in its geographical implications, but in its implication of community relations, community of interests, community cooperation through government for the common good. The study of one's own town may be as lifeless and devoid of the spirit of communit}- civics as the study of the old-time ''civil government": while that spirit may be made thoroughly to infuse the study of the state and of the nation. It wHl be found that the relations between local, state, and national, and of all three to the interests of the indi- vidual, are constantly maintained throughout the chapters of the book. The teacher must never forget the community spirit, even when dealing with the national government. One way of helping to cultivate and maintain it is to nourish the community- spirit in the conduct of the class (see chapter XV). The illustrative lessons given later in the Introduction will be suggestive in this connection. Those who are bound by the traditions of the old-time, formal civil government sometimes profess to see in community civics an undue subordination of government to pri\-ate social activities. It may be well to caution the teacher against this false impression. Indeed. whether the impression be false or not depends largely on whether the teacher makes it so. As government is the chief means of commu- nity cooperation, so it is the controlling idea in community civics. It will be found that *'all roads lead to government" throughout this book. WTiat has been attempted is to present government in its per- spective, in its relations to the interests of the community and of the individual, even of the pupil. The idea of government is interwoven through every chapter, and the teacher should see that it is kept promi- nent. The last few chapters are devoted to a description of the gov- erning machinery. They are intentionally brief, for elementary pur- poses. They should be constantly related, during their study, to what has preceded. One of the errors that have persistently hindered the progress of civic education is the apparent assumption that the pupO will be a citi- zen only at some future time. Even children have, in simple form, the same civic interests from which all community action springs, and which are the foundation of all community- arrangements and institu- tions, including government. Every pupil has an interest of some kind in his physical well-being, in his own personal safety and that of his home and femOy possessions, in his father's occupation or business or AIMS AND METHODS xi his own future vocation (perhaps in small business enterprises of the present), in the matter of his education, in the appearance of his neighborhood, and in social activities. These are the very things for which government exists. What the civics teacher has to do is to bring these real civic interests of the pupil into the foreground of his consciousness, and relate them to the interests and activities of the community as a whole, and of government as the community''s means of cooperation. The first five chapters of the book are designed to establish this point of view ; the remainder of the book aims to carry out the idea consistently. Civic education consists not merely in acquiring a fund of informa- tion about one's community and its government. On the side of the pupil it is a process of growth ; on the side of the teacher it is a process of cultivating certain essential qualities of good citizenship. Effective civics instruction depends on a clear notion of what these qualities are, and the employment of methods adapted to their cultivation. The type lessons given later will illustrate the point made here ; but let us first see what some of the essential civic qualities are which civics instruction should aim to cultivate. First in importance is interest in one's civic relations. Bad citizen- ship is more often due to lack of interest than to lack of knowledge. To cultivate an abiding civic interest, which is one of the aims of civic education, means much more than " to make the subject interesting." It means to cultivate in the pupil a consciousness that these civic rela- tions are^ now and always, of vital moment to him. Closely allied to interest is motive. But real or apparent interest may sometimes lead to the setting up of wrong motives. A group of boys who were studying their own community from the standpoint of cleanliness and beauty, were "interested" by the offer of a prize to the boy who should bring in the largest number of discarded tin cans. The motive set up was wrong, and uncivic action resulted. Some of the boys hauled into the city wagon-loads of cans from the city's dumps ! Good citizenship can only grow out of right motives, which it should be an aim of civic education to cultivate. No one can be effective in civic life unless his '- team work " is good. The proper idea of government is that of a means of cooperation for the common good. The cultivation of a spirit and habit of codperatio?i should be another aim of civic education. Assuming an interest in civic affairs, a right motive, and a willing- xii INTRODUCTION FOR TEACHERS ness to work with others,, a man's citizenship \Yill not even then count for much unless he h2iS good J7idg7ne?it when confronted by a civic situa- tion, or by a choice of ci\'ic methods ; and unless he displays initiative in applying the methods to the situations. Civic education should therefore cultivate civic judgment and civic initiative. The only test that we have been in the habit of applying to our civics teaching in the past has been: How much do the children know? A certain fund of information is essential to good citizenship ; but mere knowledge will not of itself make a good citizen. Nevertheless, it is an aim of civic education to give a serviceable fund of information relat- ing to civic life. The problem which confronts the teacher and the maker of the course of study is : How much and what kind of informa- tion should be acquired by the pupil? No hard and fast rule can be given for determining just what information should be given under aU circumstances : but in general it may be said that information is valu- able in proportion as it may be and is related to the experience and interest of the pupil. We shall find that our civics teaching will become increasingly effec- tive if we continually test it by asking ourselves questions like the following : Does our civics teaching appeal to the pupil's present, actual interest as a citizen? Does it afford the pupil an adequate motive (cr) for studying the sub- ject, ij)) for participating in civic activities? Does it stimulate the pupil to cooperative activity in the interest of his own community {i.e.. his class, school, family, neighbor- hood, city, state, nation) ? Does it train the pupil's judgment relative to civic situations and methods of deahng with them? Does it cultivate in the pupil civic initiative? Does it select and organize information with reference to its relation to the civic experience and interest of the pupil? AIMS AND METHODS xiii A Lesson on How the Commnnity Aids the Citizen to Satisfy His Desire for Health (This lesson extended over several days, including observational work, discus- sions, etc. Text-book assignment in chapter IX was made only after the class discussion was well under way.) The pupils discussed informally what good health means to each one, and gave examples from their own experience of consequences of sickness. They discussed specific dangers to their own health, such as impure food, water, or air. They explained how they individually care for their own health, or how at times they are careless of it. They discussed how in many cases their health depends not merely on their own care, but on the care of others, and how the danger to health is increased where many people are gathered together. They gave examples of the dependence of each upon others for health protection, as in the case of epidemics. They derived from this the need for cooperation in the interest of health. They illustrated such cooperation in the home and in the school, and men- tioned rules that necessarily exist in home and school for health protection. They gave examples of neighborhood cooperation for health protection, such as combined eiforts for clean yards, alleys, and streets. After observation and inquiry, they reported on actual menaces to health in their own city, and made the logical deduction regarding the necessity for cooperation on the part of the entire city to avoid these dangers or to remove them. This raised the question as to whether the city did so cooperate, and led to a thorough discussion of how the city government pro- vides the means for such cooperation. They went into detail in regard to how the department of health insures pure water for the use of each family, provides for the removal of garbage from their back doors, and prevents the spread of contagious diseases. This brought under review the regulations (laws, ordinances) bearing on these matters, the activities of the various health officers, and how these are supervised by the board of health. The xiv ■ INTRODUCTION FOR TEACHERS relation of the latter to the people was discussed, and also the responsibility of each citizen for cooperation with the board of health for the health of the community. In a discussion of the various duties of the board of health, one boy asserted that "it passes pure food laws.'' Another at once objected. •• No. it is the national ^p^^m- ment that makes the pure food laws."' At once the horizon was broadened, the question why the national government acts in a case hke this was discussed, and the relation of the great packing houses (for example) to the common health interests of the entire nation was disclosed. This led to a consideration of other national health interests, and of what the national government is doing in this field. It also suggested the sphere of state activity, which was in turn related to the interests of the individual and to the activities of the local and the general governments. There was in this lesson no lack of information regarding govern- ment, but it was organized with reference to its relation to the pupil's experience. The entire exercise was built on his interest in physical well-being. Motive was supplied for the study both by the method of conducting the lesson, and by the relation the subject bore to common experience. The pupils were dealing with real things. They gathered their information largely from direct observation, from the give-and- take of discussion, from inquiries at home, from newspapers and printed reports, merely supplementing when necessary from text-books. They were ^i?/;/^ something all the time. The idea of cooperation was prom- inent in the subject-matter, while its spirit prevailed in the conduct of the class. The teacher was largely in the background — rather, she was merely one of the class. The pupils asked more questions than she. They were encouraged to make their own suggestions regarding sources of information and methods of procedure, thus stimulating initiative. Note, especially, the easy transition from a consideration of the local government to that of the national and state governments, of the relations between them, and of all to the individual. The time- worn question of which should come first was naturally solved : if the question of pure food laws had come up first in discussion the order of treatment would doubtless have been reversed. Still other points may be more clearly illustrated by the following AIMS AND METHODS XV Lesson from a Fall of Snow One morning after a heavy fall of snow the question was raised in a number of civics classes, " What will be the effects of this snowfall upon the life of the community?" It was soon developed, among other things, that it inter- fered seriously with traffic, resulting in interruption of the schools, of business, and of other community activities ; that it impeded the movements of the fire department ; that, if it were allowed to melt and freeze, it might be dangerous to life and limb ; and that, when it lay in dirty heaps, it marred the beauty of the city. The snowfall was thus seen in various community relations that had previ- ously been discussed by the classes in other aspects. Who cleaned the snow from the roadways? This was done for the citizens by the street cleaning department of ,the city government. Who cleaned it from the side- walks ? This was not done by the city, but was left in the hands of individual property owners. The pupils ob- served, on their way home, how many walks were cleaned, and made a report on the subject. Were the citizens left to their own discretion in the matter? No, for there was a city ordinance which commanded them to clean their walks. Why was the ordinance not obeyed? Why was it not enforced? What is the effect of having a law that is disregarded? The pupils were impressed by the facts. They talked about it at home. They wanted to do something about it. The question was, what could they do? Some suggested complaining to the authorities ; but it was decided after discussion that mere complaint seldom accomplishes much. Some thought that they could speak personally to of- fenders ; but this was voted to be slightly officious, and perhaps offensive to older citizens. It was suggested that groups of boys might clean the walks in their neighbor- hoods. As a commercial venture this was approved ; and in a few cases such groups cleaned walks before vacant lots as a public service. But it was concluded, in general, xvi INTRODUCTION FOR TEACHERS that for boys to go about cleaning other people's walks as a public service when these people were expected to do it for themselves, w-as shifting the burden of responsibilit}- in a harmful way. The actual result was that the boys pretty generally saw to it that their own walks were cleaned, having impressed upon them that the best civic service is usually performed in the regular course of one's daily tasks ; and. further, a public sentiment was created, starting in the class-rooms, extending to the homes, and being spread by ci\-ic organ- izations and the newspapers, until the householders saw to it that there was a great improvement in conditions during the remainder of the season. A number of suggestions may be derived from this lesson, but especially prominent are the stimulation of initiative and the training of judgment as to modes of ci\-ic action. It also illustrates wisely-guided pupil participation in a ci\-ic situation affecting the entire community. As action is the end of all good citizenship, so it is the end. as well as an invaluable means, of all good teaching. Pupils should be given abundant opportunity to live their civics in the school communit}- and, as far as possible, in the community outside of the school. While par- ticipation in real civic activities is a desirable means of civic training, its employment requires the best of judgment on the part of those who direct it. The incident of the boys who brought tin cans from the city's dumps in order to win a prize illustrates misdirected acti\'ity. A child that is learning to walk must walk in order to learn : but he should not be expected to walk far, nor to carry hea%y burdens. Ex- periments in pupil participation in ci\-ic matters that thnist them unduly into the public \-iew. or that impose upon them responsibilities that properly belong elsewhere, are questionable. The business of the school is to educate the child, and not to exploit him for a reformation of the community that the proper agencies, or the more responsible citizens, have failed to accomplish. THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN CHAPTER I THE BEGINNING OF A COMMUNITY Many years ago a company of people in the state of New York decided to found a settlement in the far West. Their purpose was to build a college for the whvthe education of Christian ministers. Their first settlement step toward actual settlement was to appoint was made an exploring committee to search for a suitable site, and a committee to find families who were willing to go. The exploring committee was given instructions to ex- amine the following points : 1. What is the quality of the water in wells , . , What the andsprmgs? ^ ^^pi^^^^ 2. Do the streams in the neighborhood rise committee in, or pass through, swamps ? Or do they rise ™ *° ^°°^ from springs ? Are they rapid or sluggish ? 3. Are there marshes in the vicinity ? 4. Is the land level or rolling ? 5. What is the quality and depth of the soil ? 6. Is there a convenient and abundant supply of timber and fuel ? 7. Is there water power ? If not, is there coal .-* 8. Are there navigable streams, or canals and roads already built or proposed ? 2 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN After three months' search a suitable location was found in a beautiful rolling prairie country, on the watershed be- The site tween two large rivers, neither of which was selected raore than fifty miles distant. The prairie land was very fertile. Near at hand was a large tract of wood- land containing oak, black walnut, and other fine trees, which afforded shelter during the first hard winter, before substantial houses could be built upon the open prairie, and supplied building material and fuel. There were numerous springs and streams which furnished water and good drainage. Since the settlement has become a city, one of these streams has become a menace to health be- cause of the refuse drained into it. Near by an abun- dance of coal was found, and in the course of time there was discovered a great deposit of shale, good for the mak- ing of paving brick, which is one of the chief industries of the city at the present time. The settlement was made before the day of railroads, and there were few wagon roads and no canals in the region. But the location was such that it was felt that roads were certain to center there in the near future. The committee to find families was also successful. Thirty families, comprising one hundred and seventy The families Persons, were found who would go to the new for the settlement the first year. The settlement settlement founded by these families still takes pride in the fact that it is a city of homes. The purpose of those who planned the settlement, ^ as we have seen, was to found a college to educate Christian r„„„,„ ministers. The famiUes chosen to make up the Lommon ^ interests of settlement were selected, therefore, with a view the settlers ^^ getting people who Avould take an interest in this purpose. The community was noted for its zeal for THE BEGINNING OF A COMMUNITY 3 education and religion. But this was not all that con- cerned them. If you will examine the instructions given to the exploring committee, you will see that care was to be taken to find a site favorable to health ; it must also be favorable to the production of wealth ; and there must be easy means of communication among themselves and with the outside world. Which of the instructions refer to these different things ? The little colony not only planned to build a church, a college, and a common school; they also built houses for shelter, they began to cultivate the soil, they put up a sawmill and a gristmill. Many of the necessary occupa- tions, such as making clothing and shoes, repairing tools, and making furniture, were at first carried on in each household, but soon carpenters, a blacksmith, a shoemaker, and other tradesmen settled in the community. For social life, the people had their singing schools and quilting parties. The colonists had acquired a township of land. Three sections were reserved for the site of the village and the college. The village was laid out in lots to be ^j^^ people sold to those who wished to build homes and united with places of business. The college land was tJ^ei^nd fenced in, and lots were reserved for the church, an academy, and a common school. Outside of the village the land was sold in half-sections and quarter-sections for farming. These farms were fenced in and improved by cultivation and by the erection of permanent buildings. The more the settlers improved the land, and the more they invested in their homes and business, the greater cer- tainty was there that the community would be permanent and prosperous. The early life of this little community was very simple. 4 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN Each man, with his neighbors' help, chopped and hauled Th lif f ^^^ ^^S^ ^^^^ which to build his cabin. In the the early edge of the grove there were '' a dozen or two community j^^ cabins, some built without a nail or a pane of glass ; with the spaces between the logs chinked with mud ; with outside chimneys made of clay and sticks ; with boxes, barrels, and short logs for chairs, a large box for the table, and a one-post bedstead^ for an honored guest." Each man was his own mechanic, some were their own cobblers, and the wives were the tailors and dressmakers. A family in " average circumstances " is described as having " enough money to pay taxes and postage." Serv- ants were rare and were on equal terms with the family. The cabins were adorned by such simple means as sticking four balls of clay upon the corners of the chimneys. It is said that it was strange " how quickly, under the good taste and deft fingers of the ladies of the colony, these cabins took on a cozy air and an appearance of beauty and refinement." Books and papers were few, and were handed about from house to house. Money was scarce, so that the exchange of goods took place by barter. Farm produce had to be hauled in wagons straight across the prairie to the nearest large town, fifty miles away. When any great undertaking was proposed, like the building of the church, all the men of the community united in the work. They chopped and hauled the logs from the grove, they hewed out the timbers, they put the frame together, and raised the building. The people in this little community, selected as they had been with great care by a committee, were at first remarkably harmonious. They were of one nationahty ; 1 A one-post bedstead was built in the corner of the room, the two walls serving as two sides of the bed. THE BEGINNING OF A COMMUNITY 5 they were of Puritan principles. They all rallied around the idea of the Christian college. If any differ- Government ences arose, they were at first settled by the of the church organization. But with the coming of *^°"^°^"°**y more settlers, and the development of new interests, it became necessary to form a goveimment. Such was the beginning of this community, which has developed until to-day it is a thriving city with handsome homes, busy streets, noisy factories, churches, schools, and libraries. It is an important railroad center, and is thus brought into the life of the world outside. It is a center of culture and refinement, and a pleasant place in which to live. FOR INVESTIGATION Keep in mind that your own co?nmunity is what you are to study, and that the text is merely a guide. This chapter is the true story of the founding of a community in Illinois. Every community, in- cluding your own, has had a beginning more or less like that of the one described here. The text with the following questions will suggest the kinds of things you should look for in your own community. 1. Can you find out how the site of your community happened to be selected ? 2. Take the list of instructions given to the exploring committee mentioned on page i, and answer the questions there asked with reference to your own community. 3. From what localities did the early settlers in your own com- munity come ? What led them to found a new community ? How did they make the journey from their old homes to the new settle- ment ? 4. Find true stories of pioneer life in your own community, or in your own state. 5. When Virginia was colonized, did the character of the site influ- ence the life of the colony ? Did the character of the people do so ? Answer these questions with reference to the other colonies. 6. What were the purposes that led the colonists to settle in New England ? Compare with the purposes of the settlers described in this chapter. 6 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN 7. Describe the life of the people in Massachusetts during the first few years of the colony. Compare with the life of the settle- ment described on page 4 of this chapter, and with the pioneer life of your own community. REFERENCES 1. Where possible, the pupil should gather information from old settlers of his acquaintance. 2. Where available, local histories should be made use of. County histories, reports of old settlers" meetings, etc., are useful. 3. Use any stories of pioneer life, like that of Lincoln's boyhood, to supplement local history. McMurry's '• Pioneer History Stories " (Macmillan) is good. 4. For questions 5-7, the ordinary school histories w^Il usually suffice w^here other books on colonial life are not available. 5. There is an excellent series of books on colonial life, suitable for pupils, by Alice Morse Earle. These will be useful throughout the study. Some of the titles are : " Colonial Dames and Good Wives " ; " Stage Coach and Tavern Days '" ; '' Home Life in Colonial Days " ; "Child Life in Colonial Days." 6. " Pioneer Indianapohs,"' by Ida Stearns Stickney (Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1907). This monograph of sixty-eight pages is a good type study of the early development of community life in its various impor- tant aspects. The material is organized so as to bring out the civic rela- tions and is in excellent literary form. This might well be a model for similar studies in other communities. It illustrates how- much material may be made available in almost any community by the cooperation of school authorities, teachers and civic organizations, libraries, or public- spirited citizens. 7. Small and Vincent, *' Introduction to the Study of Society,"' Book II, pp. 99-165: "The Natural History of a Society." (For the teacher.) CHAPTER II WHAT IS A COMMUNITY? The story of the founding of the colony in the West illustrates certain things that we should know about com- munities. Each one of us is a member of a community. We wish to know just what our community is, and how it grew. We wish especially to know what it does for us, and what we owe to it. The community whose beginnings we noticed in the last chapter consisted of a group of people who settled together in a single locality ^ and who were ji^^rA- bound to each other by comjnon interests. They tionof a were also subject to cominon laws. This may be *^°°^™^°^y taken as a definition of any community. Communities may be large or small ; that is, the people may be many or few, and the locality in which they live may include a large area or a small one. A group ^^ j. a of neighboring farmers with their families may small com- constitute a community. In this case the area ™"°^*^®s occupied may be large, while the people are few in number. Or the community may be a city, with a dense population in a comparatively small area. Each state in our Union is a community, and so is our nation, because each is com- posed of a group of people occupying a common territory and governed by common interests and common laws. The nation is composed of state communities, and each state is made up of many city and rural communities. You may live in a small city which is a community in 7 8 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN itself, with its group of people, its boundaries, its common Communi- interests, and its common laws. A few miles ties unite outside of your city is a community of farmers, ones whose houses are far apart, but who have common interests, such as keeping up the roads and the bridges in their neighborhood. The farmers bring their produce to the city for the use of the people there, and in turn depend upon the city for many of their necessities and pleasures. The country and the city communities thus have certain interests in common, and their dealings with each other are regulated by common laws. You are, therefore, a mem- ber not only of your city community, but also of a larger community including the farmers. You belong also to the community of the whole state, and to a still larger one including the nation. No community ever began its existence fully formed, but each has grown from small beginnings. It is Hke the Communi- growth of a plant from the seed. You may have hes g^o^ seen a tangled mass of vines growing from a beginnings common root, with the branches and tendrils so interwoven that it is difficult to trace one of them back to the main trunk. So in a great community like a city, or like our nation, we find the structure and the organization so complicated that it is often difficult to understand them. It is easier to take a community in its simpler stages, like that of the last chapter, for a beginning of our study. Being a member of a community means that each one Member- ^^ ^^ takes part in, and contributes to, its life, ship in a The hand is a member of the body; it receives community |^-^ from the body and contributes to its life. If the body is sick, the hand cannot do its work well ; if the hand is crippled, the body suffers. So your life is closely interwoven with that of the community of which WHAT IS A COMMUNITY? 9 you are a member. The best of your life comes from participation in its life. You can imagine yourself shut off from mankind, Hke Robinson Crusoe ; but what a narrow life you would lead ! CitizeiisJiip means just this member- ship in the community, with its giving to and receiving from the community's life; and good citizenship means performing well one's part as a member of the community. Citizenship carries with it certain privileges and certain duties. FOR INVESTIGATION 1 . Talk over in class the four essentials of a community — the group of people, the site, the common interests, and the common laws. Apply these essentials to your own community. 2. Is your class a community? Explain. What are its common interests ? Are its laws written or unwritten ? 3. Show how the different classes in your school are bound together by interests common to the whole school. Compare this union of classes into a school with the union of states into a nation. 4. What are some of the things in which your family and your nearest neighbors have a common interest because of living close together ? 5. What are some of the things in which the people of a city and the neighboring farmers have a common interest ? 6. Name some things in which all the cities of a state have a com- mon interest. What are some things in which the whole nation has a common interest? 7. Show how an injury or a benefit to one person may be an injury or a benefit to the whole community of which the person is a member. Show how an injury or a benefit to a community will injure or benefit the individual members of the community. 8. Can you be a member of your class without doing it either good or harm? If a member of a community contributes nothing to its wel- fare, can he avoid being harmful to it? Explain. 9. What are some of the things that a citizen receives from his community? 10. Think of some ways in which a citizen may contribute to the welfare of his community. CHAPTER III THE SITE OF THE COMMUNITY In beginning our study we must remember that the people and the locality both contribute something to make our community what it is. The geographical features of the land enter into the life of the community in many ways. In its relation Importance to the land, we may compare the growth of a of the land community to the growth of a plant. The plant derives its support from the soil. Some kinds of plants flourish in one kind of soil, other kinds in other soils. In the case of all plants, their size and fruitfulness depend not merely on the kind of seed sown, but also on the character of the soil. It is the same with communi- ties. Whether a community shall live or die may depend entirely on the character of its site. The importance of the character of the land is seen clearly in the account of the founding of the community in the first chapter. The site of a community is not always selected so carefully as in that case ; but the in- fluence of the site is always important. Natural geographical conditions usually determine where large cities shall grow. Nature seems to have In deter- planned the mouth of the Hudson River as the w^^cities ^^^^ °^ ^^^ greatest city on the Atlantic coast, shau grow A good harbor, like that of Boston or San Fran- cisco ; the junction of two navigable rivers, as at Pittsburg or St. Louis ; the falls of a river, checking navigation THE SITE OF THE COMMUNITY II and affording water power, as at Minneapolis or Louisville ; the head of a river estuary, as at Quebec or Philadelphia ; the center of a rich region where roads naturally cross, as at IndianapoHs — all these are conditions favoring, if not determining, the growth of large communities. The health of a community depends in many ways on the character of the land. Low, flat regions are Hkely to be unhealthful. Sluggish streams and lakes in relation that tend to become stagnant breed disease. '*°^®^*^ The supply of drinking water is an important matter, and often depends on the character of the underlying rocks into which wells are sunk. These geographical influences become of the greatest importance in cities where the population is dense, for the artificial drainage may be good or bad according to the character of the natural drainage ; and the water supply is in much greater danger of pollution in the city than in smaller communities. A stream which is naturally clear and sparkling may be- come, in the heart of a city, a foul breeding place of disease. Climate is also one of the conditions that influence com- munity life. A little thought will show how climate may determine the mode of life — the character of influence of the houses, the form of clothing, and even the climate nature of the sports and amusements of the people. The natural resources of a region go far to determine the character of a community through the forms of industry and the consequent modes of life to which they jj^^^^^q lead. The fertility of the soil, the presence of of natural mineral ores of different kinds, or of abundance ^®^°"^*^®^ of fuel, or of forest products, or of water power, determine the kinds of occupations, the size of communities, the char- acter of the population, and even to a large extent the nature of the laws and the forms of government. Can 12 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN you not name some cities in the United States that are celebrated for industries which depend on the presence of important natural resources ? In many rural communities the farmers are almost com- pletely isolated from one another during a part of the year because the roads are impassable, owing to a soil which forms a deep mud, or to the fiat and swampy character of Influence ^^^ land. This condition interferes with the of surface Social, business, and intellectual Hfe of the farm- features . , . ers, and mtiuences their relations with one another in many ways. An unusually hilly site may affect the social and the business Hfe of a city. A river and its branches may divide a city into parts more or less distinct and with differing characteristics. Such a city is Chicago, with its North, West, and South Sides. Virginia affords an example of how the land may shape the character and the history of a large community. The Influence of development of this colony and state was de- geography termined to a remarkable extent by conditions develop- °^ cHmate, soil, and surface which encouraged ment of the Cultivation of the tobacco plant. This in- ^g^nia. dustry required large plantations, which were dis- tributed along the shores of the na\*igable rivers, of which there were many. These rivers were large enough to per- mit the ocean vessels of that time to pass some distance up their courses. Therefore each planter had his wharf, at which he loaded his tobacco for shipment and received manufactured goods from abroad. These conditions dis- couraged the growth of cities, and the population remained almost wholly rural. i\n abundance of cheap labor was necessary, and hence slavery gained a foothold. The scattering of the population over wide areas made it dif- THE SITE OF THE COMMUNITY 13 ficult for the people to come together at a common meet- ing place, so that the township organization with its government by town-meeting, such as was found in New England, was impracticable, and the county system of government developed instead (see chapter XXI). In New England, on the other hand, the infertility of the soil, the severity of the winters, the hilly character of the region, the presence of abundant water power, the excellence of the fisheries along the coast, and the hostility of the native Indian tribes all contributed to the concentra- tion of the population in towns and helped to determine the mode of life and a form of local government quite dif- ferent from that of Virginia. The character of our national community depends in a large measure on the character of the land. Rich resources have made our land a place of opportunity to all. ^j^^ j^^^^ East of the Rocky Mountains, at least, the of our country is well fitted geographically to be the home of a single great nation rather than of many small ones. The whole region from the Rockies to the Alle- ghanies is closely bound together by river systems. The navigable rivers in early days, and the conditions which have made the building of railroads easy in later times, have hastened the settlement of the country. Our situation between the two great oceans has protected us from foreign aggression, and it has also given us a great advantage in the commerce of the world. Yet we have had many geo- graphical difficulties to overcome. If it were not for the wonderful development of means of rapid transportation and communication, such as the railroad, the telegraph and the telephone, the postal system and the newspapers, it might have been very difficult for our great country to hold^ together under one government, because of the geographical 14 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN differences of the different sections. '' For the creation of the nation the conquest of her proper territory from Nature was first necessary. ... A bold race has derived inspi- ration from the size, the difficulty, the danger of the task." FOR INVESTIGATION 1 . a. If you live on a farm or are well acquainted with one, make a sketch map of it, showing position of highlands, lowlands, marshes, timber, streams ; also houses, barns, roads, bridges. d. Did the features of the land determine the location of the build- ings? Of the roads and bridges? The drainage of the farm? The kinds of crops raised on different parts of the farm ? c. Has the character of the land influenced the life of the farmer's family in any way? (Bear in mind climate, the change of seasons, the presence of woods, good or bad roads ; and think of their effects upon going to school or church, amusements, social Hfe.) 2. Can you discover any advantages in the site of the town in which you live, or of the one nearest to your home, that determined its loca- tion ? How? 3. Make a map of the site of your town or city showing the natural drainage ; i.e. the streams into which the land is drained. Is the drainage good or bad? Is it equally good in all parts of the city ? 4. What are the natural resources of the region in which your com- munity is situated? How have they influenced the life of the com- munity ? 5. Are the geographical conditions in your community favorable to good roads in the country districts? Explain fully. How does this influence the life of the towns ? Of the farmers ? 6. Is your community divided into districts or regions by any natural features (hills, streams, etc.) ? Can you show any results of this fact upon the life of the community ? 7. What geographical conditions affect your supply of drinking water? 8. Is your state noted for any particular industries? If so, what geographical conditions have helped to make it so? 9. What geographical difficulties had to be overcome in the develop- ment of your atate? How has the state government helped to over- come them? 10. Describe some important work now being done by the national government to overcome geographical difficulties. THE SITE OF THE COMMUNITY 15 1 1 . Do you know of any laws in your state that are due to particular geographical conditions (such as the laws relating to water rights in an irrigated region) ? 12. Explain how differences in geographical conditions once nearly divided our nation into two. 13. What geographical sections of our nation would perhaps be most likely to become independent politically if it were not for the invention of easy means of communication ? REFERENCES The teacher should see that the work in this cliapter is correlated with the pupiPs work in geography. CHAPTER IV WHAT THE PEOPLE L\ COMMUNITIES ARE SEEKING Man has been called a bundle of wants, and these wants are constantly leading him to act in such a way as to satisfy them. First of all, men desire life and health. They will or- dinarily give up anything in order to preserve their live§. Good health is one of the most priceless pos- ^^^ ^^^^^ sessions. A perfectly sound and healthy body for life and is one of the greatest joys a man can have, ^^^^^ and without it he is unable to satisfy his other desires to the fullest extent. Recall the provisions made for the protection of hfe and health by the colonists mentioned in the first chapter. Another thing that people want is to own something. Bovs and girls like to have things that they can call their own. The things that men seek to own — houses, The desire cattle, books, pictures, and the like — constitute ^°^ wealth wealth. The desire for wealth is a very strong one, stronger in some persons than in others. What a man owns is valuable because of what he can do with it. It helps him to sustain and protect life. It enables him to enjoy comforts and luxuries that he could not otherwise have. It makes it possible for him to educate himself, to satisfy his desire for art, to travel, and to enter more fully into social life. Men engage in farming, in manufac- turing, in buying and selling, and many other forms of business to satisfy their desire for wealth. i6 WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE SEEKING 1 7 Men also want knowledge. That is why children ask so many questions, and why boys like to take things to pieces _.- , _ to see how they are made. It is this desire sire for that led Peary to the arctic regions, and Living- knowledge g^Qj^g ^Q ^^^ ^^^^^ ^f Africa. It lies at the foundation of all science. It was one of the foremost desires that led to the founding of the settlement in the West (chapter I). Men also take pleasure in things that are beautiful. This may lead to travel, to the collection of pictures, to the erection of beautiful buildings, and to the maintenance of The desire well-kept Streets and lawns. There is a great for beauty variety of activities for the satisfaction of the desire for beautiful things. How did this desire show itself in the community mentioned in the first chapter ? No race or tribe of men has ever been known that did not have some form of religion. The religious desire is The desire characteristic of men. In every community for right- there are certain things that men do to satisfy it. eousness j^ ^^^ 1^^ ^-^^ sacrificing of animals, as among the ancient Hebrews. It may be the throwing of chil- dren to the crocodiles, as in India. It may be the build- ing of beautiful temples, as in ancient Greece. It may be waging a great war, like the Crusades ; or it may be the founding of a hospital or some other charitable institu- tion. The desire for the spread of religion was the chief motive of the settlers mentioned in the first chapter. Man desires companionship. He has been called a social animal. He engages in many forms of activity to gratify The desire his desire to associate with other men. How for com- £^jj ^Q^j^ ^l^jg desire be satisfied in the little panion- •' ship community founded in the West ? Many of the things that men do are the result of several l8 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN of these desires \Yorkmg together. A man's desires for knowledge, for beautiful scenery, and for health ^ , . may combine to lead him to the mountains, tions of When Columbus sailed on his voyage of dis- ^®^""®^ covery, he was led by his desire for knowledge, his desire for wealth, and his desire to extend the influence of Chris- tianity. Sometimes one desire may seem to ob- 1 1 • • ^ IT r ^^® desire scure every other desire in the hfe of a person, sometimes The love of wealth may take such possession of a shuts out all . , -,. others man that he becomes a miser, or perhaps dis- honest. It has sometimes happened that a man has be- come so enthusiastic in the pursuit of art, or of science, that he has sacrificed his health, or even hfe itself, as in the case of Andre, who attempted to reach the north pole in a balloon. History tells us of men who were so devoted to what they believed to be their rehgious duty that they became hermits, shutting themselves away from all com- pan ionship, denying themselves riches, mutilating ^^^ ^gjj. and starving the body, and even suffering death, rounded But in every normal person there are found all the desires named, and t/ie well-roimded life is made iip of activities to satisfy all of these desires i^i due proportion. Two persons may have the same desires, but may at- tempt to satisfy them in different ways. The Flathead Indians bind boards upon the foreheads of their Different children, flattenino- them, because thev think the "^^^^ °^ sa.tisfvinfic result is beautiful. A certain people blacken the same their teeth and scorn Europeans who have ^^^^^ " white teeth hke dogs." So among us there are people who seem to take deUght in things that are repugnant to others. The miser and the spendthrift both have wrong ideas of the use of wealth. One man's desire for com- panionship may lead him into profitable associations with WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE SEEKING 19 others. The same desire in another may lead him to waste his time in the evil influences of the saloon. Where there are so many desires and so many ways of satisfying them it is not strange that the activities of peo- Conflicts of P^^ sometimes conflict. The robber, in his pur- desires and suit of wealth, conflicts with the desires of o ac ivi les ^^j^^j-g^ q^q ^^^ ^^y Q^ect a cheap and ugly building that is a nuisance in the neighborhood. An em- ployer may maintain a poorly ventilated factory or store that endangers the health of those who work for him. A crowd of young people in their love of sport and com- panionship may interfere with the peaceful pursuits and the comfort of others. That community is best to live in, in which each citizen not only has the greatest opportunity to satisfy his desires in Hfe, but also recognizes the fact that all other citizens have their desires, and an equal right to satisfy them. In the course of time men, living together in communi- ties, have developed various means to secure harmony, Mean t ^^^ ^^ prevent the rights of one from being secure interfered with by others. Three means to harmony gecure these results are : 1. T/ie school. Its chief purpose is to train children for citizenship ; that is, for membership in the community. (See chapter XV.) 2. The chtLTch. It works through the religious desires of men. Its service in helping men to live harmoniously to- gether may be expressed by its teaching, " Do unto others as ye would be done by." 3. Government. It establishes and enforces laws for the common good, which all should wiUingly observe. It is not something placed over us from without, to tyrannize over us, and to be feared and antagonized. It is a friend 20 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN of our own making, and should be cherished and sup- ported by every citizen to the fullest extent possible. The beneficent purpose of government is stated in the preamble of the Constitution of the United States, which reads : Wey ''the people of the United States, in order to form a more peifect union, establish justice, insure domestic tran- qnillity, provide for the common defense, pj'omote the general welfai'e, and secure the blessings of libei'ty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordaiji a7id establish this Constitutioji for the United States of America. FOR INVESTIGATION The f5nal impression to be left prominent in the mind of the pupil as a result of the study of this chapter is that of government and laiu as means of cooperation. 1 . What things are done in your own home for the purpose of satis- fying the desires mentioned in this chapter ? 2. What are some of the things, outside of your home, that the people of your community do to satisfy these desires ? 3. What desires are gratified by a person who does the following things : paints his house : attends a concert ; visits a sick friend : buys a book ; makes a garden ; keeps a dog : takes out a fire-insurance policy ; keeps a store ; goes to church : attends a lecture ? 4. Show how the following arrangements help you and others to satisfy the desires named : paved streets ; the post office ; a hospital ; a library : a court house ; a market ; the telephone ; sewers ; a fire department : a park. Name other community arrangements or institu- tions and explain them in the same way. 5. Show how a person's desire for companionship may conflict with his desire for knowledge ; how his desire for wealth may conflict with his desire for health or for companionship. 6. Give illustrations of how some persons, in satisfying their desires, interfere with the attempts of others to satisfy theirs. 7. Does community life make it easier, or more difficult, for men to satisfy their desire for life ; for health : for wealth : for knowledge : for beauty; for religion? Explain. 8. Show how, in the school, the pupil who " does as he pleases '' interferes \^ith the Hberty of others. Is it right that his own liberty WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE SEEKING 21 should then be restricted? Why? Is liberty the right to "do as one pleases" ? 9. Discuss some rules that regulate conduct in your home ; in your school ; on your playground ; on the street. Show how such rules are necessary to prevent conflict of interests. Compare such rules with city or state laws. 10. Study together in class the first ten amendments to the Con- stitution of the United States and, if possible, a part of the bill of rights of your state constitution. Find how many of the desires mentioned in this chapter are there provided for. 11. Mention one way in which, government helps you to satisfy each of the desires mentioned in this chapter. 12. Discuss the idea of government as a means by which the people may cooperate for the common good, and illustrate it with particular cases. REFERENCE Small and Vincent, " Introduction to the Study of Society," pp. 169- 182. (Book III, chap. I.) (For the teacher.) CHAPTER V THE F.-\.MILY It was pointed out in the first chapter that the commun- ity in the West was settled by families, and grew up to ^, ^ ., be ^ citv of Jiomcs. There are communities in The family -■ -^ in the our land in which a large part of the popula- commumty ^^^^^ -^ without homes in the true sense of the word. In the far West there are mining towns, and in the North lumber camps, composed almost en- tirely of men without families. In such communities life is rough, some of the best features of civiUzed Life are lacking, and the community is likely to be lawless. In cities there are thousands of people who live in dwelling places with very little that we usually associate with home life. Many, indeed, have not even regular dwelling places, as in the case of tramps. There are thousands of unfortunate, homeless children adrift in our great cities. It is largely in the drifting, homeless population that the dis- orderly and criminal classes are found. The family and the home are of the greatest importance to a community, first because of what they do for the individual citizen in help- ing him to satisfy the desires of life, and second because of the services they render to the community as a whole. What the normal family does for its members can best be understood if we first study the Hfe of a pioneer family, The pioneer cast almost entirely upon its own resources in a family ^g^y countrv. Tempted by stories of rich lands in the West and greater opportunities of gaining a Hveli- THE FAMILY 23 hood and accumulating wealth, this family had packed its household goods and, with a team of horses and a wagon, had undertaken the journey of six weeks or more into the wil- derness. It selected a spot in an open space in the forest, not far from the banks of a stream, where the conditions of the land gave promise of making a new home safe, pleasant, and productive of good results. The family then was miles from any other human abode. There were no roads con- necting it with civiHzation except the rough " trace " by which it found its way into the forest. The family was face to face with the great wilderness, whose conquest was for the present its chief task. The husband and father immediately began to make a home. With the help of his son, he cut down trees from the forest and built a log house. He became providing a woodcutter, carpenter, and builder. They made shelter some simple furniture, and built a great fireplace of clay and sticks, with an oven. Fuel was found in abundance in the forest. The open space in the forest around the house was enlarged by clearing away the trees, the ground was plowed, and grain and vegetables were planted, providing The grain was cut and threshed by hand, and ^°°^ ground into meal in a home-made stone mill. For fresh meat they had to depend chiefly upon game from the forest. Some necessities, such as salt and powder, and a few lux- uries, such as coffee, had to be brought with Exchange great difficulty from the nearest settlement many of goods miles away. In exchange for these things they gave their surplus farm products and a few furs from animals trapped during the winter. Money was almost never seen in this Western country. The man built a forge. Under the stress of necessity, 24 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN and aided by some little experience gained in the East, he Occupations was able to repair his tools, and even to make and the^^ ^^ ^^^^' ones, to shoe his horses, and to do many mother other things necessary on the farm. He experi- mented in making moccasins and even shoes. He began the raising of sheep and cultivated flax. A spinning wheel and a hand loom were set up in the house, and coarse but serviceable clothing was made by the mother's hand. Little was to be feared, in those early days, frorn thieves and marauders, although there were occasional rumors Protection of threatened Indian attacks. Against possible against dansfers of this kind the father was a watchful violence and ^ disease protector. Another enemy more difficult to cope wnth was sickness, due to the presence of a swamp near at hand. The medicine chest, supplemented by roots and herbs from the forest, was a valuable part of the family equipment. The mother proved herself a sympathetic and resourceful physician and nurse. She also saw to it that the cause of disease was reduced as much as possible by keeping the premises clean. The education of the children had to be looked after. The son was taught the duties of the farm and the use of Education tools of all kinds. He became a skillful woods- and art man. The older girl learned the duties of the household, how to spin and weave, and many other things to fit her for the life she had to lead. The mother taught the vounsrest child to read, and instructed all in ideas of right lining. She planted a little flower garden in the doorvard, and trained vines over the house. With the crude materials at hand, she used her taste to the utmost in beautifying the children's clothes. The parents were religious people in accordance with their early training. The family Bible occupied a promi- THE FAMILY 25 nent place in the household, and from it every day the father read to the family group. There was no church for miles around. There was httle companionship for the members of this family outside of the family group; but within the group there was the closest association. The children interested themselves in the work of the parents, and the parents entered sympathetically into the pastimes of the children. They read and sang together. The chil- dren had their sports in fields and woods, appropriate to the seasons. For want of other companions they made pets of all the domestic animals. An occasional traveler was welcomed in the home with the freest hospitaUty. The occupations of the day were carried on in regular order; each had his special duties to perform at certain times. The children rendered obedience to their Govern- parents. The father was the recognized head of ment the family. His word was law. Yet he constantly had the best interests of the family at heart, and was kind and thoughtful with all his sternness. Such was the life of the pioneer family. It was crude and imperfect ; but you see that all the kinds of desires that men have were provided for more or less completely within the family itself. It looked after the protection of life and health, the production of wealth, the education, the religious training, and the social life of its members. In the course of time other families came into the neigh- borhood. Then an organization into a larger j.^^ family community began. The settlers rendered aid to relieved by each other in building houses and gathering crops. zatio?of°a Many of the occupations formerly carried on larger in the family were now transferred to members ^®™™"^^^ of the community who made these occupations their 26 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN business. A school was organized to provide a better education than could be offered in the home, and a church was built at the crossroads. A government also was organized. Although, as a communit}^ grows, various means arise to help the family to pro\'ide for the wants of its members, The re on- ^^^ family must always bear an important part of sibiiity of the responsibility for the welfare of its members, the family ^^-^ matter how good the doctors, the health of the people in any community depends more on the family than on anything else. Xo matter how efficient the schools, a great responsibihty rests on the family for the proper education of the children. No matter hoAv many social organizations there mav be in the community, the social life of the home is the most important of all and the most far-reaching in its results. No matter how excellent the government of a community may be, it can have httle good result if the government in the home is lacking. The surest way to secure good government in the com- munity is through careful government in the homes that make up the community, ^'o ^natter hozv large the com- annuity, or Jioiv completely it is organized, tJie family re- mains one of the most important vieatis to provide for tJie li'ants of the citizens. FOR INVESTIGATION 1. Find out what you can about femily life in the pioneer days of your own community : the kind of dwellings ; where the food supply came from; how health was cared for: the occupations in the household; what was done to beautif}* the home : the social amusements. 2. Show to what extent the needs of a farmer's family in your own neighborhood are satisfied by its own efforts. 3. Obsen-e whether your own family is chiefly dependent on itself for its needs, or depends on arrangements supplied by the commu- nity. THE FAMILY 2/ 4. Compare the advantages of the average country family with those of the average city family, with respect to satisfying the desires of life. Or, debate the question : Home life in the country has greater advan- tages than home life in the city. 5. Study the way in which the average family governs itself. Why is this government necessary? 6. Are there in your community many people without homes, as explained in the first paragraph of this chapter? REFERENCES See references under Chapter I. Beard, "American Citizenship," pp. 21-32. Different kinds of homes. Beard, "American City Government," pp. 1-30. Family life in cities. Gillette, "Constructive Rural Sociology," pp. 57-76. Advantages and disadvantages of farm life. CHAPTER VI THE HOME .\XD THE COMMUXITY **No nation can be destroyed while it possesses a good home fife." The normal family not only does much to pro\*ide for the welfare of the indmdual, but it also performs certain valuable services for the com m unit}- as a whole. In the first place, the family has been called " a school of all the virtues"' that go to make gcid citizenship. It The family is a school in which not only the children, but f?"^^= a'_so :::e parents, are trained for citizenship, citizens It has been said that if a man is a good hus- band, a good father, a good son, or a good brother, the probabiht}- is that he vvtH also be a good citizen in the community. And we must not forget the i^ives, mothers, daughters, and sisters. The qualit}- of the citizenship of the women of a communit}" is perhaps shown more in their family life than that of the men, because such a large part of their lives is spent in the family and the household, and also because their influence there is so great in molding the character of the men. In the family- are developed thoughtfulness for others, the spirit of self- sacrifice, loyalt}- to the group of which the indi\-idual is a member, respect for the opinions of those of long ex- perience, obedience to the head of the family and to the rules which have been estabhshed for the welfare of all. If these and other qualities of good citizenship are not 28 THE HOME AND THE COMiMUNITY 29 cultivated there, the family is not in a healthy condition, and is not doing its full service to the community. There is no other kind of property that gives such satis- faction to the owner as a home. Men usually look forward with eagerness to the time when they can own The owning their homes, and take great pride in that owner- ^^ * ^°^^ ship when it is acquired. Many families live in homes which they do not themselves own ; they rent from others. When that is the case, there is lacking one of the strongest influences that make the home life complete. The ownership of a home adds another bond of union among the members of the family through the common interest which it affords. A man has a greater interest in improving and beautifying a home that he owns than one that he rents from another. A family that owns its home will usually take a greater interest in the community in which it lives than the family that owns no home. It feels a se-nse of proprie- Creates torship in a part of the community land. The ^^*^^g^* value of a home will increase in proportion to community the prosperity of the community as a whole. Its owner will therefore be inclined to do all he can to promote the welfare of the community for the sake of his family. A community that is made up largely of homes owned by their occupants is hkely to be prosperous on this account, Modest Home. 30 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN and its citizens will be loyal to it. This is why the commu- nity mentioned in the first chapter has reason to boast that it is a city of homes. In large cities, where people are crowded together in a comparatively small area, it is difficult for all to get pos- session of a piece of fei^d^ " " "^^.^ te ^M^^ ^--^^ -- ' _ : ground suitable for The land, being A Wretched Dwelling. home. in great demand, be- comes very valuable, so that many famiHes are unable to buy it, or even to pay the necessary price for the use of it The result is that such families are driven to make their homes in the least desirable locaHties in the community. _ ^ Thev mav resort to the lowlands alono^ a river Dangers to ^ - ^ home life flo^Tug through the community, where the land m cities ^^ unhealthful and in danger of floods. In some river towns most wretched dwelling places may be found in such localities. In large cities many families are often crowded together in buildings owned by men who can get better returns by charging small rents to many families than they could by charging larger rents to a few. These crowded dwelling places, which often do not deserve the name of homes, are called tenements, and the section of the city where the crowding is the worst and the buildings are the poorest constitutes what is known as the slums. These tenement dwellings involve all sorts of evils. Where so many families Hve in one building, and where many buildings are crowded together without space between, there cannot be the privacy that is essential to good home hfe. Such conditions are also detrimental to health. The THE HOME AND THE COMMUNITY 31 sunlight never penetrates to the interior of some of these buildings. They are ill-ventilated and unsanitary. There is no room for playgrounds for the children. Among a crowd of people in such wretched dwellings there are al- ways many ignorant, immoral, and vicious persons, who have a bad influence upon others with whom they are con- stantly thrown. Criminals often find a safe hiding place in the dark and crowded tenements of the slums. Families living in such conditions as we have described are less likely to take an interest in the welfare of the community and to contribute to its well-being, ^j^^ ijuj-den On the other hand, their part of the community of the worst is a constant burden and menace to the whole upwi^the^*^ community. Fires are likely to start among the whole crowded and poorly constructed buildings, and *^°™™"^**y to spread to other parts of the city. The unsanitary con- ditions invite epidemics of disease, which may not easily be restricted to the district where they originate. Dis- order, vice, and crime are more frequent there, requiring police supervision, which has to be paid for by the whole community. In many ways the possessor of the good home in the better part of the city has to bear the burden of, and help pay for, the existence of these poor homes. A very large part of the expense of government could be avoided if the poor homes of the city could be converted into pleasant homes, with plenty of room, light, and fresh air. Much of government is made necessary in Qoygrnme t order to take the place of what is lacking iji the and the home life of the community. ' °°^® In many large cities a movement has been begun for the improvement of conditions in the tenement districts. The old, unhealthful tenements are being removed and better ones built. More sunlight is being let in and better 32 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN plumbing introduced. Open courts, or yards, are pro- \dded in order that the people may get out of doors. „ , Parks and playo-rounds are beins; established Movement r ^ o o ^ toward in the vicinity of the crowded districts. The reform introduction of rapid transportation has done much to induce people to move out to the suburbs, where life is more healthful and where conditions are better for home life. It is much better, however, to prevent wretched home conditions from gaining a foothold in the community than to have to correct them after they have appeared. They are conditions that tend to appear wherever the population is rapidly increasing. Some of our city and state govern- ments have taken hold of the problem of the tenement, and laws have been passed, prohibiting^ the Laws pro- ^ . tectingthe building of dwellings without sufficient space ^°^^ around them to admit light and air, requiring good sanitation, and forbidding the overcrowding of peo- ple in a single building. Unfortunately these laws are violated, and the government frequently fails to enforce them. In the smaller cities, where such conditions have not become sufficiently apparent to attract notice, there are often very few laws upon the subject. It is in these cities that especial care should be taken to prevent the growth of dangerous tenements, by the enactment of pre- ventive laws. It is not merely the character of the dwelling, however, that is of concern to the community. In recent years many laws have been enacted to protect the breadwinners of famihes against accident or the contracting of disease in their occupations ; to shorten the hours of labor, so that workmen may have more leisure time for recreation and self-improvement; to reduce the hardships of women's THE HOME AND THE COMMUNITY 33 work ; to abolish child labor ; to secure the payment of just wages so as to assure a proper standard of living ; and in other ways to insure a better home life as the foundation of a wholesome community life and of good citizenship. It is not to be supposed that unwholesome family life is restricted wholly to the homes of the poor. Some of the worst homes are occasionally found in surroundings of luxury. Unless the relations between husband and wife, between parents and children, and between brothers and sisters, are of the right kind, the home will be imper- fect, even though it be sheltered in a beautiful dwelling ; and it will fail to perform its best service to the com- munity. FOR INVESTIGATION 1. Do most of the people in your neighborhood own their homes, or do they rent ? Can you give illustrations to show that home owners take a greater interest in the community than those who rent ? 2. Is there some section of your community where most of the peo- ple own their homes, and another section where most of the people rent ? If so, do you notice any difference in the general appearance of the two sections ? Do you think that the difference, if any, is due in any part to the fact that some of the people own and some rent ? 3. In the back of the book (page 299) there is a table showing the number of homes owned and the number rented in the cities of the United States having 100,000 population or over. a. Find the city having the smallest per cent of homes owned. How do you account for the small per cent in this city? b. Find cities having large per cents of homes owned. Can you account for this from what you know of these cities ? c. Can you account for the fact that Washington, D.C., has such a large per cent of rented homes? d. Find out for what Fall River, Mass., is noted. Do you think there is any relation between this fact and the large number of hired homes? e. Find the figures of your own city, if it is in the table, or the nearest one to you, and compare it with other cities of about the same size. 34 THE COMMUNITY .AJsD THE CITIZEN 4. Observe the character of the homes (dwellings, yards, gardens), as you pass from the center of your city to its outskirts. Is there any difference in their appearance? If so. why is it? 5. Is there any tendency for formers' femilies in your neighborhood to move to the dty? If so. try to find the reasons for it. What be- comes of their farms when the femilies move away ? 6. Is there any tendency for femilies in the city to move toward the outskirts of the city, or to the suburbs? If so. why? Is it chiefly the poorer people or the well-to-do? What happens to their old dwellings in the center of the cit\- ? 7. Are flats and apartment buildings being erected to any extent in vour community? If so. try to find the causes. What are some of the ettects on family life of dwelling in flats ? 8. What is being done in your community to improve the home life of the poorest fonulies ? 9. Can you think of any public institutions in your commu- nitv that are made necessary by imperfect conditions of home life? 10. If there is no law forbidding it has a man the right to make all the monev he can by crowding as many tenants into a house as it will hold ? Explain. 11. Show how good home life tends to de:rr:.5r ::-e need for gov- ernment. 12. Are there any tenement-house laws in your community? If so, what are some of the most important? REFERENCES Riis, Jacob A., " How the Other Half Lives." Riis, Jacob A., "The Battle with the S!m~ = ." Mr. Riis's books are very interesting £z.i ■ t!::\:l to an understa n di ng of the conditions of the slums. Cope, Henry ¥.. " The Home as the School of Social Li\Tng.'' pub- lished by American Baptist Pubhcation Society. Philadelphia. 1910. Hamilton. John, '•What the Government is Doing and Should Do for Home and Children." in National Congress of Mothers Magazine, June, 1909. pp. 288-293. Henderson, -The Social Spirit in America.** chapter II: "Home- Making as a Social Art.** and chapter IV: -Better Houses for the People.*' - Slums of Great Ciries. " Seventh Annual Report of the Commis- sioner of Labor, by E. R. L. Gould. Washington, 1894. THE HOME AND THE COMMUNITY 35 *' Housing of the Working People," Eighth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor, by E. R. L. Gould, 1895. " Housing and Town Planning," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, January, 1914. " Housing Problems in America," Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Housing, 191 2. " Homesteads for Workingmen," Labor Bulletin No. 88, January, 191 2, Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics. The Survey, published weekly at 105 E. 22d Street, New York City, is a useful journal in connection with many phases of civic and social life. Its numbers contain material on the subject of this chapter. A Tenement Back Yard. CHAPTER VII THE MAKING OF AMERICANS Next to the ties of family relationship, those of common nationality and language are perhaps the strongest in bind- The bond of ing people together in groups. Americans in nationauty foreign cities usually drift together and take lodg- ings in the same locality. When foreigners come to this countr\' thev tend to 2:roup themselves tosrether accordins: to their nationality or language. This kind of grouping may assume great importance in a country like ours, where many thousands of foreigners are pouring in upon us every year. America has always been a land of opportunity, and milhons of people have come here from foreign lands for the The foreign purpose of bettering their condition. Some have the United come. Hke the Pilgrims of Plvmouth, for religious States freedom. Others have come, hke the founders of Massachusetts Bay Colony, for political freedom. ]\Iany more have come merelv to better their material welfare. Thousands are coming every year because here work is plentiful, and the opportunity is great to earn, not merely a living, but land and a home with comforts that were im- possible in their native lands. In the ten years from 1901 to 1910, 8,795,386 immigrants entered the United States, and in the three years following (1911-13) almost 3.000,- 000 more arrived.^ Among them are representatives of every countr}* of Europe and many from other lands. ^ See Appendix, pp. 3C>o-304, Tables of Immigration. 36 THE MAKING OF AMERICANS 37 The tendency of these incoming foreigners is to drift to sections of the United States, or of the large cities, where large numbers of their countrymen have already Djstribu- made their homes. There are sections of the tion of states of the Northwest, for example, where al- ^o^'^'S^^rs most the entire population is Scandinavian, as in parts of Minnesota. In other states we may often find large farm- ing communities of Scotch or of Germans, as in parts of Immigrants awaiting Inspection at Ellis Island, New York Harbor. Illinois and Pennsylvania. In some of the coal-mining regions, as in western Pennsylvania and in West Virginia, there is a large population from the Slavic countries of cen- tral and eastern Europe. Manufacturing towns often have 38 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN large populations of some one nationality, like the Belgian glass-workers in some parts of Indiana. In cities, where many foreigners settle, they usually arrange themselves by nationality in different sections of the city. Thus we find in New York a section occupied almost exclusively by Italians, another by Chinese, another by Greeks, another by Jews, and so on. These different nationalities not only tend to Hve in groups, but they also think and act in groups. It is very Foreign common to hear at election time of the " German within the vote" and the "Irish vote." There are also dif- nation tend ferences in ideas of thrift and industrv, in forms to act as . - units of architecture, m home lite, and m many other ways. One section of a city may be thrifty and law-abid- ing because of the habits of the nationality occupying it, while another section will be unsightly and disorderly. There might' be great danger to the peace and unity of the United States through the immigration of so many The United foreigners, if they actually remained for any nation of length of time as distinct national groups within foreigners our country. But this is not usually the case. IMost of these immigrants begin a process of transforma- tion from Germans, Irish, Poles, or whatever their nation- ality, into Americans, almost as soon as they have landed. We are a nation of foreigners. Many Americans do not have to go back very far until they find some ancestor just immigrating into this country from a foreign land. The hundreds of thousands who are coming to our shores The growth ^^^^ ^'"^^^ ^^'^^^' ^^ ^^^ course of 3. few years, be of common proud of the name of American ; and their interests children, born here, will not be distinguishable from the great mass of Americans. This breaking down of the differences between the nationalities within our THE MAKING OF AMERICANS 39 A German Immigrant Family. country is due to the growth of common interests among all who live here. All came here for greater freedom of re- ligion, of political belief, of labor. Our government allows to all equal opportunities and equal rights. In recent years there has been a great change in the character of the immigration to this country. Formerly most of our immigrants came from northern and ^, western Europe — the British Islands, Scandi- type of im- navia, Germany. At present the countries of "^'sration southern and eastern Europe are sending us the great multitudes — Russia, Poland, Italy, Greece (see tables, pp. 300-302). These southern and eastern peoples differ greatly from the northern and western peoples in physical appearance and in language, thus making more difficult the blending of the population. They also differ in their social and pohtical experience, in their industrial skill and 40 THE COMMUNITY AXD THE CITIZEN Standards of living. The majority of them are unskilled laborers. A much smaller percentage remain in this countr}'- to establish homes than is the case with the earlier immi- grants. They are also more slow to become legal citizens. On the other hand, it is well to remember that mere difference of language and customs by no means implies What the inferiority of character or ability. It some- bri^rSth times happens that immigrants who have diffi- him cultv in finding suitable occupations, or who are forced to take the work of day laborers to earn their Hving, are perhaps skilled in some special vocation, or talented in music or art, but are prevented from finding their proper places merely through ignorance of our language and cus- toms. They come from countries whose histories are much longer than ours and often represent civilizations in manv respects richer than our own. The great majority of those who enter come with the same noble desire for liberty that inspired the early colonists. In our pride in our own country and its people, its language and its in- stitutions, we must not underestimate the value of what the immigrant may bring to us. While hastening in every possible way the adjustment of the immigrant to the spirit of American Hfe, we should, in turn, respect the heritage that he brings with him and profit by the good that he has to offer. Not only is he to be made into an American ; he is also to help make America. There are certain classes of foreigners whom our gov- ernment does not permit to enter, or who may be returned p- , to their native countries if they succeed in land- immigrants ing bv eluding the vigilance of the immigration ^'^^^ ^ officers. Idiots or insane persons, persons af- flicted with dangerous contagious diseases, paupers and pro- fessional beggars, persons who for any reason are unable THE MAKING OF AMERICANS 4I to care for themselves and are likely to become a public charge, criminals, grossly immoral persons, persons brought over under contract to perform any kind of labor, are the principal classes excluded. During the year ending June, 191 3> 19*605 such persons were prevented from landing, and 3,461 were sent back after having landed. Copyright by American Pre U. S. Immigrant Station, Ellis Island. View from an aeroplane. In 1882 Congress passed a law known as the Chinese Exclusion Act. This is the only case in which our gov- ernment has excluded a nationahty. The chief reason for it in this case is that the Chinese fail to become American- ized in any degree. They remain a completely foreign community on American shores, widely different in race, language, and habits, while they supplant American labor- ers on the farms, in the mines, and in other occupations through their willingness to work for lower wages. Should immigration be further restricted ? And, if so, by what means ? In 1907 an Immigration Com- mission of nine members was created by Con- ^"^^®5 -' restriction gress to make a thorough study of the problem. In its report the Commission said, " While the American 42 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN people, as in the past, welcome the oppressed of other lands, care should be taken that immigration be such both in quality and quantity as not to make too difficult the process of assimilation." One of the methods most often suggested to keep out undesirable immigrants is to exclude all who cannot read or write in some language. Other methods proposed are to increase the "head tax" that each immigrant is required to pay on entering, to increase the amount of money that each immigrant must have in his possession when he lands, or to exclude all unskilled laborers who are not accompanied by their wives or fam- ilies. To hasten the process of " assimilation," it is also im- portant that the immigrants should be distributed through Distribution ^^^ country where their services are most of needed and where their own opportunities for immigrants g^(.(3gss ^^q greatest. The crowding of large numbers of immigrants in colonies in the large cities not only makes our own cit}' problems more difficult, but it also makes it more difficult for the immigrants themselves to obtain desirable homes and occupations, and retards their assimilation with the American people. The United States Bureau of Immigration, in cooperation with the state governments, is seeking to distribute the immigrants to the best advantage of themselves and of the nation. The Constitution of the United States says: "All per- sons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject NaturaU- to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the zation United States and of the state wherein they reside " (Amendment XIV). In order to become legal citizens of the United States, therefore, persons born in foreign countries must go through the process of naturali- zation. They must have lived in the United States at THE MAKING OF AMERICANS 43 least five years and in the state one year, and must have declared, before a court, their intention of becoming citi- zens at least two years before their citizenship papers are given to them. They must also prove good character and declare their intention of observing the principles of the Constitution. They then have all the rights of native- born citizens, except that they may not hold the office of President or Vice-President. Women may be naturalized as well as men ; but a woman becomes a citizen without naturalization when her husband is naturalized, or when she marries a citizen. Children under twenty-one years of age also become legal citizens by the naturalization of their parents. On the other hand, children born abroad of parents who are citi- zens of the United States are citizens of the United States in spite of their foreign birth. The privilege of naturalization has not been extended to members of the MongoHan race. Persons of foreign birth who have not been naturalized are known as aliens. There are several millions of aliens residing in our country. They enjoy almost, although not quite, all the privileges of citizens. They are entitled to full protection of their lives and property by our government ; they may move freely about the country and engage in business ; they are entitled to all the privileges of the state courts, and to some privileges of the national courts; they have freedom of religious belief. In some states there are restrictions against the holding of real estate by aliens ; but many states allow it and by the Homestead Act (see page 48) Congress has given millions of acres to them. In some states aliens may even vote for state and national officers after having de- clared their intention of becoming citizens. 44 THE COMMUNITY AXD THE CITIZEN In the development of our great country, with its vast areas of land to be reduced to the use of man, and with its abundant resources of all kinds, it has always it is been considered desirable that foreigners should J^^at thT^ come to our land to make it their home. But it foreigners is plain that if they are to be valuable members f^orm^iito of our community, they must have or acquire Americans full sympathy with our American ideas. They must be- come blended with the mass of Americans among whom they live, and become Americans themselves, not merely in dress and language, but in their spirit and prin- ciples. Down to the present time this blending has gone on easily and rapidly, because the great mass of the popu- lation has always been native born. With the increasing tide of immigration from foreign lands the problem be- comes more serious, and calls for greater caution on the part of government as to the admission of immigrants. Most of those who come will undoubtedly make excellent citizens. But there are many who will contribute nothing to our welfare, and some who will even antagonize the law and order which are so necessary in a community. It is necessary that every means be adopted to instruct those who come to our land in the ideals of American citizenship, and to make of them not merely The partakers of our liberty, but contributors to ^^^^biic° our community welfare. The school performs school an important sendee in this direction. It not only in- structs the children of foreigners in the English lan- guage. United States history, and other subjects that acquaint them with American ideas, but by bringing them in constant association with American children the school hastens the adoption of American ways. Thus these chil- dren of foreigners are rapidly transformed into Americans. THE MAKING OF AMERICANS 45 The very nature of the American government tends to destroy all differences of nationahty. It is a fundamental ^, idea of our government that there are certain influence of political rights and privileges held by all in com- government ^^^^^ which it is the business of the government to protect. Our government is a strong bond of union, not because it holds us together in a forced union, but because we all have an equal interest and share in its benefits and responsibilities. FOR INVESTIGATION I. Let each pupil in the class fill in the following blank. Tabulate the results for the whole class on the blackboard, in order to show the blending of nationalities in the present class : Table showing Nationality of Father J Father's father 1- Father's mother Father's grandparents \ Mother f Mother's father --< \ Mother's grandparents < 1 Mother's- mother 2. Make a list of the different nationalities to be found in your com- munity. Do any of these nationalities tend to form groups by them- selves ? If so, show on a map of your community how this grouping has taken place. 3. Is there any farming community in your neighborhood composed entirely of some one nationality ? Are there any industries in your com- munity in which the workmen are wholly or largely of some foreign nationality? 4. Do any of the foreign nationalities in your community tend to act as units (z.e. the Irish by themselves, the Italians by themselves) in politics, in religious matters, or in business? 5. Are there any communities in your state composed largely of some one foreign nationality ? Where are they? Why did these foreigners settle there ? What are their occupations ? 46 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN 6. Gather some facts regarding the number of immigrants to this country, their nationalities, their character and conditions, their dis- tribution through the country and in cities. (See immigration tables in the appendix, page 301 ; and for further details, see also the references below.) 7. Debate the question : Foreign immigration should be further re- stricted by the United States. 8. Debate the question : The Chinese should be allowed free admis- sion to the United States as in the case of other foreigners. 9. Do you think it is right that aliens should be allowed to vote, as in some states of the Union? Why? 10. Look up the subject of fraudulent naturaUzation. (See Mayo- Smith, '^Emigration and Immigration," pp. 83-85; Hall, "Immigra- tion,"^ pp. 192-197.) 11. Why would the persons excluded by the methods mentioned on page 42 be ••' undesirable " immigrants ? ^ 12. In the table, pages 301-303. note the number of each nationality departing from this country as compared with the number entering. Which nationahties show the largest per cent remaining ? What reasons can you suggest for the large numbers departing ? 13. Report on organization and work of the United States Bureau of Immigration and the method of inspecting immigrants. REFERENCES Hall. Prescott F.. •• Immigration." Holt (1906). Steiner. E. A.. -On the Trail of the Immigrant," Revell (1906). Steiner. E. A.. "The Immigrant Tide." Revell (1909). Antin. Mary. "The Promised Land." Houghton Mitflin Co. (1912). Jenks and Lauck. " The Immigration Problem." Funk & Wagnalls (1913)- Immigration Laws. United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Immigration, 191 3. Naturalization Laws and Regulations. United States Department of Labor. Bureau of Naturalization. 1913. In the American Magai~ine. beginning March. 1914. there is an interesting and suggestive series of articles by Mary Antin under the general subject. " They who Knock at our Gates." In the Popular Science Monthly, Vols. 63-66 (1903-1905). there is a series of interesting articles on many phases of immigration by Dr. Allan McLaughlin, of the L'nited States Marine-Hospital Service. See also the " Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature " for current articles. CHAPTER VIII HOW THE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE PEOPLE AND THE LAND ARE MADE PERMANENT AND DEFINITE One of the things that distinguish civiHzed men from savages is the fixed and permanent character of their com- munities. Travelers through the unbroken wil- civUization derness of America before its settlement by white marked by , , , T 1 permanence men reported that they saw many deserted ofcommun- villages. The hunting life of the Indians made i*^®^ a fixed dwelUng place undesirable, if not impossible. Their organization into clans and tribes made it of little impor- tance whether they lived in one place or another. In civilized communities, on the other hand, the land is divided into wards, and townships, and counties, and states ; and citizens have certain rights and duties which they can enjoy, or exercise, only in that division of the land where they live permanently. In the development of man, every step that united him more closely with the land was a step in the direction of civilization, as when he passed from the life of the hunter to that of the herdsman, or from the life of the herdsman to that of the farmer. The community described in the first chapter did not pitch its tents with the idea of soon moving on. It made arrangements to become a permanent commu- perma- nity with definite boundaries and divisions of ^f^^® ^ . -' aimed at m land (see page 3). A community grows and founding a prospers in proportion as the people and the community land unite definitely and permanently. 47 48 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN The family helps to bring about this union in a very im- portant way through the building of a home (see page 29). The service When the European nations were attempting to faiidf in colonize America, many of the first settlements this respect failed, chiefly because the settlers were adven- turers who had no intention of building homes here. It soon became apparent to the English that if they were to have permanent settlements in this country, it would be necessary to induce men to bring their families and found permanent homes. In the course of its history our nation has come into possession of vast territories that would be useless if they The were not occupied by a population that would settlement develop their resources. Our government has national hastened the occupation of this land by appeal- domain jj^g ^Q men's desire to own homes. To the men who fought in the Revolutionary War the government gave about 10,000,000 acres of land for settlement, and to the veterans of the Mexican War 60,000,000 acres, or about as much as is comprised in the two states of Indiana and Illinois. In 1862 Congress passed the Homestead Act, which provided that any head of a family might receive a quarter-section of land (160 acres) if he would live on it for five years and pay a small fee. Under this law about 200,000,000 acres have been disposed of for settlement, or nearly as much as the land included in the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, ^Minnesota, and Michigan. Besides this, large areas have been sold to individuals at the low price of from Si. 25 to S2.50 per acre. Not only farming land, but land rich in timber and minerals has thus been made productive. More than 150,000,000 acres have been given by the government to some of the great West- em railroads, which have performed a valuable service in RELATIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE AND LAND 49 opening and developing the new lands. The nation has been enriched, while at the same time individuals, families, and business enterprises have been benefited. In 191 3 there were in the United States, not including Alaska and our new island possessions, 297,927,203 acres of land still open to settlement. 4 Y X 3 ^ Q ii 1 2 BAS S 1 LI NE 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 -z. 2 Z en 3 W 4 I. X is Y " Z " W" township 3 north " 4 " " 2 south 4 " range 3 west " 4 „east tt 2 iC " 3 west. After the Revolutionary War settlers began to enter the Ohio Valley and claim land for farms. Each settler laid out his own farm with little regard to the claims ^j^^ ^^^_ of others. The result was great confusion and ernment many disputes over boundary lines. The govern- ^^^®y ment finally put an end to this state of affairs by making a survey of the whole region and establishing lines by means of which land could be located with certainty. The accompanying diagrams will help to make clear the plan. The survey was begun by establishing certain north and south lines called principal meridiaits. There 50 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN are now twenty-four of these, the first being the line that separates Ohio from Indiana. The last runs through Oregon. At intervals of six miles east and west of the principal meridians were established other meridians called range lines. A parallel of latitude across this country was then chosen as a base line, and at intervals Correction !w' Base Une Line of six miles north and south of the base line other lines were established called township lines. Thus the country was divided into tozvnships, six miles square. These town- ships were then numbered east or west from a principal meridian, and north or south from the base line. Since the meridians converge as we go north (see globe), the townships would not be exactly square, but would become smaller as we go toward the pole. To correct this, certain parallels north and south of the base line were chosen as cor- rection lines from which the survey began again, as from the base line. Each township was divided into sections one mile square, which therefore contained 640 acres. These sections were numbered in each township from i to 36. Each section is divided into halves and quarters. The farm of each settler may be located exactly by means of this sur\^ey, and his boundaries are recorded in the offices of the government so that there can be no possible dispute over RELATIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE AND LAND 51 them. In cities the land is further subdivided into lots which are also numbered and recorded. Definiteness and permanence are thus secured. A great deal of the land of the nation remains unsettled. This is called public land. Some of it, in its natural con- dition, is unfit for settlement because of its bar- „ ^,. , , , Public Land ren or swampy character. The national govern- ment is reclaiming much of the arid land of the West to man's use. In 1902 Congress created the Reclamation Service. It has constructed reservoirs and a net-work of 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 a 8 9 10 II 12 18 17 16 15 14 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 30 29 28 27 26 25 31 32 33 34 35 36 40 acres NE'4 NWJ4 Ny^ NE>^ 80 acres SEK NEK 40 acres 100 acres SWM ICO acres SEJ4 IV. A Section (640 acres) Suppose this to be section a of diagram III. Then the 160 acres in the lower . ^, . „ . , ^ right-hand corner is the southeast III. A Township Showmg Sections. (36 square , ^f 3ection 8 of township 3 north in miles.) Suppose this to be township X in diagram I. ^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Then the section named a is section 8 of township 3 nE J NW J is the northeast \ of the north in range 3 west. northwest \ of section 8 of township 3 north in range 3 west. canals by which the water from distant streams has been conducted through the arid regions, transforming them into productive farm lands, which have been thrown open to settlement. By 191 3, 1,200,000 acres had been reclaimed by this system of irrigation. Another part of the public land consists of the national forests, of which there were one hundred and sixty-three in 191 3, embracing 186,616,648 acres. 52 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN The right of the citizen to be secure in his property is held very sacred in the United States; but when the Government interests of the individual conflict with those of control of ^^ communitv, the former have to vield. The pnvate - ' • -u ■ t. property government may control the way m which a citizen uses his land. It may say to him, '' You must keep your premises clean, so as not to endanger the health of the community" (chapter IX). Or, ''Within certam Hmits you shall not erect wooden buildings, be- cause of the danger to the communit}- from fire" (chap- ter X). It may prohibit some kinds of business in certain parts of the community if they would interfere with safet)' or comfort, as in the case of saloons. If the interests of the whole community demand it, the Diversion Dam on Truckee River, l^h^v^ua. When the gates in the dam are shut, the river below the dam becomes dry, and the water is diverted through the headgates into the canal in the foreground. Truckee Irrigation Canal, Nevada. The canal is cement-lined and during the irrigating season carries the entire flow of the Truckee River thirty miles into the valley of the Carson River, the flow of which it supplements, and is then led by ditches over the land. RELATIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE AND LAND 53 government may even take away the land of a citizen and devote it to public uses. This is called the right ^^^ ^^^^^ of eminent domain. For example, if the national of eminent government wishes to build a post office, it may ^°°^^"^ condemn the property of private citizens, and remove all buildings. The state has the same right and permits Furrow irrigation, Arizona. cities, counties, and townships to exercise it. Thus, if the interests of the community call for a new street, it may be constructed through the property of individuals, even to the extent of removing buildings. So, also, a road may be built through a man's farm by the county government. The state also grants the exercise of the right of eminent domain to railroads, because of the important public serv- ice rendered by them. In exercising the right of emi- nent domain a very important condition must be complied with : the citizeji must be paid a just amount foi' his property. The Constitution of the United States provides, ** nor shall private property be taken for public use without just com- 54 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN pensation " (Amendment V, last clause). If a dispute arises between the citizen and the government (or the railroad) over the price of the land, the matter mav be brought before a court for settlement. Communities may grant the use of their highways to private corporations that render important public service, ^ such as street railways, telephone and telegraph granting of companies, and water and gas companies. The franchises ^-g.^^ ^^ ^^^^ pubhc land in this 3vay is called a francJiise. In return for the privileges of a franchise the corporation must render definite services to the com- munity, such as supplying hght of a good quality, water that is pure, street-car service that can be depended upon. The government in granting the franchise is acting solely for the community, and should look -carefully after the community's welfare. Unfortunately the officers of the government do not always do their duty in this matter, and franchises are granted that benefit a few individuals without securing due advantage to the community (see chapter XII I). It was said in the first paragraph of this chapter that our rights and duties as citizens are determined largely by our place of residence. Citizens of the United States have certain political rights, such as voting and holding office, and certain duties, such as paying taxes. These Political rights may be enjoyed, and the duties performed, divisions of only within certain districts which the govern- ment creates for this purpose. Were it not for this restriction, unutterable confusion would exist. Thus, a citizen has the right to vote within the state where he lives but not in any other state. The boundaries of the states are established by the national government (except the original thirteen states of the Union, whose boundaries RELATIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE AND LAND 55 were fixed before the national government was organized) ; but they may not be changed afterward without the con- sent of the state. The states organize themselves into counties and townships.^ Villages and cities are granted definite boundaries by the state government, and organ- ize themselves into wards and precincts. There are also congressional, judicial, and revenue districts, the boundaries of which are fixed by the governments of the states or nation. Residence in any of these districts carries with it duties and rights that the citizen does not have elsewhere. The widely varied topics of this chapter illustrate the numerous ways in which our national, state and local gov- ernments serve us by giving permanence and definiteness to our relations with the land we occupy, and by securing to the community and to the citizen the largest possible benefits from the land. FOR INVESTIGATION 1. What were the original boundaries of the town or city in which you live ? How was the original town laid out? On a map of your city mark the original city limits. 2. Whence does the city get its authority to add to its territory ? 3. Report on the coming of the first important factories to your com- munity, and show how they gave permanence to the community. 4. Report on the coming of the first railroad to your community, and its effect on the permanence and growth of the community. 5. Are there any business associations in your community that aid citizens in obtaining homes of their own, such as Building and Loan Associations ? If so, report how they operate. 6. Find out from a real estate agent, or in some other way, how a piece of land in your community is laid off into lots. 7. Make a map of your county, showing townships. 1 In the West \}i\\?, political township usually corresponds with the township sur- veyed by the national government. See pages 49-50. §6 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN 8. Find out in what range your township is with reference to the nearest principal meridian. Also, what is the number of your township from the base line? (These facts may be learned from the map of the United States, published by the U. S. Land Office, and mentioned below.) 9. If you live in a city, tr}- to locate the lot in which you dwell by lot number, section, township, etc. (See the deed giving title to the property, or the records in the county clerk's office, or in the office of the city engineer.) 10. Report more fully upon the Homestead Law. (See references.) 11. Do you know any instance of the exercise of the right of emi- nent domain in your community ? Explain. 12. What are some of the ways in which the government regulates the use of the land you live on? 13. Make a list of the lands owned by government in 3-our com- munity, and state whether they belong to nation, state, or local com- munity. 14. Describe the ward divisions of your city. How were they laid out ? How may their boundaries be changed ? 15. Are there any forest or park reservations in your state ? If so, what is their purpose ? Locate them. Do they belong to state or nation ? 16. Report on what has been done in the reclaiming of desert lands in the West or in your state by irrigation. (See references.) 17. Has any land been given to your state by the national govern- ment for purposes other than schools ? If so, what ? REFERENCES A map of the United States published by the U. S. Land Office, which can be secured for $ i .00, shows the government sur\'ey of the Western lands, including principal meridians, base lines, and township and range lines. It also shows forest and Indian reservations, light- houses and life-saving stations, and other matters useful in the study. County and city maps are usually available at the city and county offices, if nowhere else. Such maps should be in each civics classroom. Reports of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, Depart- ment of the Interior, Washington. D.C. "Vacant Public Lands in the United States," Circular No. 259, General Land Office. Department of the Interior, 1913. Twelfth Annual Report of the Reclamation Service, Department of the Interior, 1912-13. Report of the Secretary' of the Interior. 1912-13. RELATIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE AND LAND 57 "The Nation's Undeveloped Resources/' by Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior, in the National Geographic Magazine^ February, 1914- The "New International Encyclopedia" and the "Encyclopedia Americana " are excellent for looking up topics of national importance, such as Irrigation, Public Lands, Homestead Act. These encyclopedias will be of use throughout the study. Hart's " Actual Government " has an excellent chapter on Land and Landholding, including a discussion of private, corporate, and govern- ment landholding, the public lands, the government survey, the Home- stead Act. This book is most valuable as a book for the teacher's desk, and will be found to cover practically every topic, local, state, or national, referred to in this text-book. On the subject of irrigation the following are good : The Pacific Monthly, September, 1906. Contains a series of articles explaining the work of the United States Reclamation Service in the various irrigation dis- tricts of the West. " An Object Lesson in Irrigation," Review 0/ Reviezus, 31 : 701 (1905). " The Winning of the Desert," Outing, 45: 545 (1905). "The Government as a Homemaker," The World To-day, 10: 156 (1906). "Reclamation," Outlook, 2,2,: 933 (1906). " Uncle Sam's Romance with Science and the Soil," Arena, 35 : 36. See also " Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature." CHAPTER IX HOW THE COMMUNITY AIDS THE CITIZEN TO SATISFY HIS DESIRE FOR HEALTH Communities have developed through the efforts of men to satisfy their desires (see chapter IV). In so far as the community provides for the wants of its citizens, it is a good community ; if it fails to provide for any of them, it is an imperfect community, and the lives of the citizens will be incomplete. The deshe for health is the first to be provided for. In the conditions in which the pioneer family lived, life and health were almost wholly dependent upon the efforts The pro- and the arrangements of the family itself. tection _ With the clearing of the wilderness and the of health m ^ the family advance of civihzation, the preservation of life and health has become much less simple and direct. Not that the responsibility of the family has decreased in any way : it has rather become greater ; but the health of the individual has become dependent upon so many things outside of the family that the latter alone cannot provide fully for it. With the growth of the community, while the dangers peculiar to the wilderness have disappeared, new ones New have arisen to beset the life and health of the dangers citizen. Streams that were originally clear and arise with the sparkling, supplying fish for food and water to growth of drink, when passing through the crowded set- commum- x- o o ^ ties tlements of men become impure with the refuse of factories and the sewage of dweUings. They then pour 58 I. A section of the canal cut through solid rock. 2. A section of the canal where it passes from the solid rock to the soft earth. 3. The Chicago Drainage Canal. Three Views of the Chicago Drainage Canal. THE PROTECTION OF HEALTH ^g forth vile odors and disease germs. The drinking water from wells and streams becomes unsafe. With the in- crease of population the danger of epidemics of disease increases. Impure and unwholesome food is sold in the markets and over the counters of the stores. Wild beasts and savages are no longer to be feared ; but unprotected railroad crossings, rapidly running trolley cars and automo- biles, poorly constructed buildings and elevators, burning buildings, and robbers and thugs, constantly threaten the life of the unwary. In the crowded cities a vigorous out- door life is wanting. Men, women, and children grow pale and sickly because of indoor occupations, lack of exercise, and the breathing of air vitiated by smoke and foul odors. Whatever disadvantages the country child may suffer from an isolated life, his chances for a sound and healthy body, a most priceless possession, are generally greater than the city child's. As the community grows and the people become busy with their various caUings, it becomes necessary to arrange for systematic protection, and to center the re- Government sponsibility for it upon some designated person is given or group of persons. With the organization of t^g health a government, it is given supervision over the arrange- 111 XI ' ^ ments health arrangements. In the community de- scribed in the first chapter, the trustees of the town were assigned the duty of ** securing the general health of the inhabitants," and of ** keeping in repair the drains and sewers." When the stream which ran through the town became clogged with sawdust from the mill, the trustees appointed a committee of one to investigate. He reported and pledged himself, " should mildness and good nature fail, to lend a hand in applying the strong arm of the law." Again, a little later, information was received of the 6o THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN approach of a band of Swedish immigrants afflicted with cholera. Aid was sent to them, but they were warned not to enter the town, and an appeal was published in the little newspaper urging all to '' use every means to avert the impending danger. Let your premises be thoroughly cleansed and purified. Remove ever}'thing that will tend to invite disease." A board of health was soon created, and a cominissioner of health was appointed who was to have general supervision over the sanitation of the town and report to the board for action. A JiealtJi policeman was also appointed. He inspected drains, sinks, and cellars in private houses, and fruits and meats in the mar- kets. X city piiysician was appointed to care for the sick among the poor, and was paid by the community for his sen'ices. In large cities the officers who have supervision of the health arrangements are more numerous than in the smaller communities, and their duties are more exten- sive. They are all usually under the direction of the board of health: With the growth of a community the separate and inadequate drains of individual householders soon give ^ wav to an extensive svstem of sewers under- Sewers and water lying all the Streets, connections being made with supply every lot and house in the city. Here the natural slope and drainage of the community become very important, because they determine the ease and effectiveness with which the sewage can be carried away. Sometimes it is drained into a stream that runs through or near the city. This is dan- gerous to health unless the stream is converted into a closed sewer of is keptpurified in someway. In Chicago the sewage is drained into the Chicago River, and thus, until recently, was carried into Lake Michigan, whence the people draw their supply of drinking water. The result was a great deal of THE PROTECTION OF HEALTH 6 1 sickness, such as typhoid fever. The river also was a menace to health, because it was a foul-smelling and disease- breeding stream. Chemists were employed by the city to examine the drinking water and report its condition in the newspapers each day. The more careful families boiled all water used for drinking. But in spite of these pre- FiLTER Beds of the Indianapolis Water Works. Water from White River is brought to these beds, where it is filtered through layers of sand, gravel, and perforated tile. See next illustration. cautions thousands of people were made sick, and many died each year as a result of drinking this bad water. This situation was greatly improved by the construction of a drainage canal which carries the water of the Chicago River into the IlHnois River, and thence into the Missis- sippi, instead of allowing it to flow into the lake. This effectually disposes of the sewage of the city, keeps the river flushed and pure, and prevents the lake from being contaminated. A few years ago an epidemic of typhoid fever appeared in an Eastern city, resulting in the death of a great 62 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN many people and the sickness of many more. A careful inspection disclosed the fact that there had been a case of t}'phoid fever in a family living near the reservoir from which the city drew its water supply, and that this family had not been careful in the disposal of its sewage. The ground about the house had become infected with the disease, and heavy rains had carried the disease germs into Filter Bed of the Indianapolis Water Works. This %-ie\v shows the bed in process of construction : at the bottom a layer of per- forated tile, and upon this a layer of gravel is being placed. Upon this wiU be a layer of sand. the reservoir. This case illustrates the important connection between the drainage, the water supply, and the health of a community. It illustrates also the heavy responsibility of the individual citizen and family for the welfare of the whole community. The larger the community, the greater is the problem of preserving health. The most important precaution against disease is clean- liness. This is a matter that must be looked after principally in the home. Lf each family would take proper Cleanliness precautions to secure cleanliness and plenty of THE PROTECTION OF HEALTH 63 fresh air, not only would the problem of disease in the community be largely solved, but the expense of govern- ment would be greatly decreased. Because of the failure of the family and of the individual citizen to do their part, the community, through its government, enacts ordinances to compel people to keep their premises clean and their drains in proper condition. Ordinances usually exist to prevent the filthy and dangerous practice of spitting in public places. This practice is one of the most effective means of spreading some of the worst diseases, such as tuberculosis or consumption, and the ordinances to prevent it are among the most important enacted by our city govern- ments. Unfortunately they are also among those most seldom enforced and most often violated. Here is one of the cases where constant and concerted action on the part of all cleanly and well-informed persons is necessary to secure the enforcement of the law. Every city has its street-cleaning department, which does not always do its work as well as it should. In -large cities it consists of an army of men, with horses and wagons and suitable machinery for sweeping cleaning and cleansing the streets and alleys. These men f^^ smoke are under the supervision of a board or a "^^^^^ ^°° commissioner, acting under the authority of the government (see chapter XXII). There are also smoke inspectors^ whose work is important in keeping the atmosphere pure. If the stoking of the furnaces in factories and large build- ings is done properly, the smoke nuisance can be greatly lessened. There are smoke consumers which aid in the consumption of the smoke that is otherwise poured out of the chimneys over the community ; but the expense and trouble of putting them in prevents many men from doing so. The community should insist, however, that the smoke 64 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN nuisance be removed as far as possible, not only because it is detrimental to health, but also because it mars the beauty of the city. Of great importance in large cities is the system of parks provided for the recreation of the people. In small towns parks are not of such great importance from the play- standpoint of health ; but in crowded cities every grounds breathing place, where fresh, pure air and grass and trees can be found and enjo3'ed by the people, is of un- told value. One of the best of the charitable works in large cities is that by which thousands of poor children are sent to the country or the seashore, or to "fresh-air farms," during the summer months. This is doing much to lessen the death rate and the sickness in the crowded tenement dis- tricts. In the rapid growth of American cities not enough care has been taken to provide for parks. Provision should be made in all growing cities to leave spaces that may be converted into beautiful and refreshing parks as need arises. In some cities playgrounds are being established and pro- vided with tennis courts, ball grounds, and gymnastic appa- ratus. The opening of school yards as playgrounds during vacation periods is a good practice that is growing. Cities have hospitals, some supported by private organi- zations, such as churches, and some supported at public Hospitals; expense. The public hospitals are under the quarantine charge of physicians, surgeons, and nurses paid out of the public treasury. Precautions are taken against the spread of contagious diseases. The government has the right to declare a quarantine against a home, or even against a whole section of the city ; this means that, in case of the existence of a contagious disease, the occu- pants of the dwelhng or of the section of the city may be prevented from leaving it, and others prevented from THE PROTECTION OF HEALTH 65 entering it. Physicians are required by law to report contagious disease to the health officers, who placard the house, proclaiming the existence of the disease. Persons in whose homes such diseases exist may be prevented from going about their ordinary business, and the children from going to school. Physicians sometimes grow care- less about reporting such cases of sickness, and families, thinking solely of their own convenience, often try to con- ceal the presence of contagious disease in their homes. This is not good citizenship. Such families endanger the health of others. Much is being done in some of our cities to prevent the spread of disease by a systematic medical inspection in the schools. Just as an individual, or a family, is dependent for health on other individuals and families in the neighborhood, so also a community is more or less dependent on other communities for its health. This is especially true in these days when the means of communication are so fully developed and when travehng is so common. Contagious diseases spread rapidly from town to town, and not infre- quently cover large districts at the same time. When an epidemic of smallpox breaks out in one city, it is Dependence likely to appear in other cities, and even in the of one country districts. Any ship that enters our har- ^p™™""^ ^ bors may bring with it diseases from the slums another for of Europe or of Asia. When a factory pollutes the stream that runs by it with refuse, it threatens the health, not only of the immediate community in which it is situated, but also of other communities farther down the stream. When Chicago turned its sewage into the drain- age canal, and thence into the IlHnois and Mississippi rivers, cities and towns for many miles along these streams became very much alarmed, and St. Louis, which derives 66 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN its drinking water from the Mississippi, brought suit in the courts against Chicago. Fortunately, in this case, it was proved that the water becomes freed from impurities, by contact with the air, before it reaches these other cities. Our community life is very compHcated, and it is not always easy to foresee how the actions of one individual or community may affect the lives of others. On account of this interdependence in matters pertaining to health, it is not safe to leave their regulation wholly to each separate community, any more than to for^state leave it to each separate family. The common supervision interests of all the communities within a given over health ^ , . . area must be guarded by some common au- thority. Hence the state, through its government, makes provision for the health of all the people subject to its laws. There is a state board of health which has super- vision over these matters. The state government en- deavors to prevent the pollution of the streams. Laws are enacted to prevent the adulteration of foods. A state government may declare a quarantine against neighbor- ing states when contagious diseases are prevalent. When yellow fever appears in New Orleans, the surrounding states often refuse to allow passengers on the railways to enter from Louisiana except after the most rigid medical inspection. City, county, and township governments, in their regulation of matters pertaining to health, must con- form to the broader regulations of the state. While the protection of the health of citizens is left almost entirely in the hands of the state and local gov- ernments, there are some things that can be better looked after by the national government, because they are of national interest. All immigrants from foreign countries are required to undergo a medical inspection before they THE PROTECTION OF HEALTH 6/ are allowed to land. If signs of disease are found, the passengers of the ship may be quarantined until the danger of contagion is past. Immigrants who are in ^^atth such physical condition that they are unable to national care for themselves, and would therefore be a doerfw^the burden on the community, are required to re- health of turn to the country from which they came. In "*^^®^^ a recent session of Congress laws were passed providing for the inspection of meats put up in the packing houses of the country, and to prevent the adulteration of foods with injurious materials. Since the product of a great packing or canning estabhshment is sent all over the country, its purity is a matter of national interest, and therefore is a proper subject for regulation by the national government. The engineers and medical staff of the United States army have done much in recent years to prevent loss of life through the ravages of disease. Not only have they found ways to prevent epidemics of typhoid fever and other diseases that formerly prevailed in military camps and destroyed more soldiers' lives than were lost in battle, but they have even caused such dread diseases as smallpox and yellow fever to disappear almost completely from re- gions occupied by our army, as in Cuba, Panama, and the PhiHppines. This has* been done in part by better sani- tary arrangements, in part by discovering how such dis- eases were carried, as by mosquitoes or rats, and destroy- ing the carriers, in part by medical discoveries that prevent people from contracting the diseases. This service of our army engineers and medical men has been of untold bene- fit to the entire world. The community is thus doing a great deal, through gov- ernment, to preserve the Hfe and health of its citizens, and 6S THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN it owes to each citizen a reasonable assurance that protec- tion will be afforded. On the other hand, each citizen owes something to the community in this matter. As we have seen, the health of the whole community depends _., _ largely upon the cleanliness and w^atchfulness sibiuty of of each family. The responsibility of the citi- the citizen ^^^ ^^^^ much further than this. He should do what he can to secure from the government the best possible service in these matters. If a man employs a watchman to guard his premises at night, and the watch- man fails to do his duty, the owner will certainly call him to task, and will take every precaution against a repetition of the negligence. The people have a right to demand that their government watchmen do their work well, and to hold them accountable for every failure. It is unfortunate that the officials charged with important duties of govern- ment, even in such matters as protecting our lives and health, often become negligent and careless. They can- not be relieved of the blame for this. Yet their poor serv- ice is largely the fault of the citizens themselves, who do not take the trouble or the interest to inquire how their servants are doing their work, or to call them to account when it is badly done. Each citizen must constantly keep his eyes open, and endeavor to maintain a lively public sentiment in these matters by constant discussion. He should always be wilHng to call attention to any remissness in the enforcement of the laws. This is not merely a duty to others ; his own welfare depends on it. FOR mVESTIGATION I. When your community was first founded, were the geographical conditions favorable or unfavorable to health? As the community has grown, have these geographical conditions become more or less fevorable? Explain. THE PROTECTION OF HEALTH 69 2. How is health cared for in the average farmer's family? In a city family? 3. If there are any records available from which to gain the infor- mation, compare the means of protecting health in the early days of your community with the means used at present. 4. If you live in a rural community, what is done by the county and township governments for the protection of your health ? 5. If there is a board of health in your city, of how many mem- bers does it consist? How is it chosen? What are its duties ? 6. What officers are employed by the city for the protection of health? Report on their various duties. 7. Report on the street-cleaning department — what it does, what it costs, how it is managed, etc. 8. Report on the sewage system of your community. How is the sewage disposed of ? Cost ? Efficiency? 9. Report on the methods of disposing of garbage in different cities. What methods seem to be best? What method is used in your city? 10. Report on the water supply for drinking purposes. To what extent are private wells used? What is the source of the public water supply? Compare the purity of the water from private wells and from the public supply. 11. Do you know of any epidemic (such as typhoid fever) that has appeared in your community, and that was directly traceable to impure drinking water? To impure milk? 12. Report on means of keeping the atmosphere pure in your community. 13. What means are employed in your community to secure pure food? 14. Report on the park system of your cornmunity. How is it man- aged? Is anything being done to establish pubHc playgrounds? 15. Is the ventilation of your school building good? Can you do anything yourself to improve it? 16. Write an essay on the subject, " The Relation of Athletics in the School to the Health of the Community.'' 17. Is there any kind of medical inspection in your school? If so, explain its working. Find out if there are any well-established cases where epidemics have been prevented or checked by school medical inspection in your community, or in other cities. 18. What are some of the ordinances in your community for the pro- tection of health? Are any of these ordinances commonly violated? If so, why? Can you do anything to help secure the enforcement of such ordinances? 70 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN 19. Report on the work of your state board of health. (So far as possible printed repons should be secured directly from the proper offices.) 20. What other state health officers are there? What is their work? 21 . Look up the story of how our government waged war on disease in Cuba. What have been the results? Why should our national gov- ernment interest itself in the matter ? (The same may be done with reference to the Philippines or the Panama Canal Zone.) 22. Look up the story of the most recent war against yellow fever in our own Southern states. Was it carried on by the local, state, or national orovemment? Whv? REFERENCES Allen. William H.. - Civics and Health."' Ginn & Company (1909). Burks. T- D. andF. W., " Health and the School." Appletons (1913). The last mentioned book contains a bibliography that will prove useful. The Uterature on public health is abundant. Reference should be made to the Readers" Guide to Periodical Literature under the gen- eral headings of " Health." •• Sanitation."" etc.. or under special headings such as ■• Street cleaning." ■• Food.*" etc. The following will be useful : Harper's Monthly, April, 1912 : " The Xew Meaning of Public Health," by Robert Bruere. The Outlook, Dec. 7, 1912 : " The Problem of National Health," by Earl Mayo. Annals American Academy of Political and Social Science, March, 1910 : " Pub- lic Recreation Facilities." March, 1911 : " The Public Health Movement." National Geographic Magasine, March, 1914: "Redeeming the Tropics," by W. J. Showalter. CHAPTER X HOW THE COMMUNITY AIDS THE CITIZEN TO PROTECT HIS LIFE AND PROPERTY One of the chief sources of danger to property, and often to life, is fire. The loss from fire in the United States every year averages about ^170,000,000. Much of Danger this might be avoided if each citizen were more ^^°°^ ^^^ careful ; but fire is too powerful an enemy to be left to the individual or to the family to cope with, especially in cities. If a farmer's house or barn is burned, he himself, or some member of his family, is usually to blame for it, and he must depend on his own efforts to prevent the loss. In the city the safety of a citizen's home depends largely on his neigh- bors. Fire is an enemy that endangers the whole commu- nity ; the whole community must unite for defense against it. In Philadelphia, in Benjamin Franklin's time, "each householder kept in his shop or his pantry a bucket and four- teen-foot swab ; while the city provided hooks, ^.^^j ladders, and three rude engines of English make, methods of At the first cry of fire the whole town was in ^^ ^ *^°^ excitement; the laborer quit his work, the apprentice dropped his tools, buyers and sellers swarmed from the market, and the shopkeeper, calling his wife to watch his goods, seized his bucket and hurried away. About the burning building all was confusion and disorder. No man was in authority. Each man did as he pleased. Some fell into line and helped to pass the full buckets from the pump to the engine, or the 71 -2 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN empty buckets from the engine to the pump; some caught up the hooks and pulled down blazing boards and shingles ; some rushed into the building with their bags, and came out laden with household stuff." Franklin, who was always on the lookout for opportunities to improve the condition of his community, thought that " if so much could be done in a way so bad, a hundredfold more could be done if a little order were introduced." He aided in the organization of several fire companies equipped with the best apparatus of the times and working together under discipline, which greatlv reduced the losses from fire in Philadelphia. At one time the fire companies of cities were volunteer organizations, whose eflficiency was kept up largely through the spirit of rivalry. Frequent tournaments were teer fire held in which the companies of the community, companies ^^ ^^ ^^^ neighboring towns, contested with each other in running, climbing ladders, and other feats. Such organizations may still be found in small communities. In modern cities the fire-fighting arrangements are much more complicated and effective. Steam fire engines and elaborate apparatus of all kinds have been in- fig°hti^^"" vented. Horses, trained until they show almost arrange- human intelligence, draw the engines and trucks ™^^*^ to the fire at a run. A system of electric sig- nals is in operation in every city, so that a fire can be announced instantly to the nearest fire station, and within a minute after the receipt of the signal the horses are going down the street at a gallop, with men and apparatus. The firemen are organized into permanent companies with per- fect discipline, and are paid by the community. The whole department is under the direction of a chief, who is appointed by the mayor or by a board. The New York Cit}- fire department is the largest in the world and com- THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND LIFE 73 prises about 5000 firemen, 1300 horses, 200 fire engines, more than 100 hook and ladder trucks, and several fire boats for the protection of property along the water front. An important part of the means of protection against fire is a reliable water supply. At first private wells and cisterns supplied water for fires ; then public The water cisterns were built at convenient points. Now supply every large city is supplied with water from some unfailing source. Cities on the Great Lakes, like Chicago, draw their water from them. Cincinnati and St. Louis receive theirs from the rivers on which they are situated. Inland cities sometimes get their water from deep wells. It is often necessary to provide storage reservoirs. The water is forced to every part of the city through pipes, and hydrants at the street corners or other convenient points serve for the attachment of hose. Waterworks are sometimes owned and operated by cities themselves, but usually by private companies which receive a franchise from the city. No department of the public service in cities is better organized or more efficient than the fire department. It has upon it a great responsibility, and the community will not be satisfied with anything but the greatest ^f city fi^r^ efficiency possible. The service requires men of depart- intelligence, sobriety, courage, and endurance ; men who are willing constantly to risk their lives for the good of all. It has been said that seven eighths of the fires that occur are the result of a lack of proper precautions in building. That this is true is due, in part, to a lack of in- „ ., ' ^ ' Faulty con- telligence on the part of builders ; in part to the struction of willingness of men to take chances for the sake ^"^^dings as ° a cause of of cheapness. In either case the person re- loss from sponsible for poor construction of buildings is a ^®^ 74 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN menace to the community. A builder is showing good citizenship when he does his job well ; poor citizenship, when he does it badly through ignorance, carelessness, or avarice. Communities try to protect themselves against loss of property and life from fire by means of laws regulating the Building materials used in construction, the height of ordinances buildings, the number of exits, the presence of fire escapes, and many other details. Building inspectors are appointed. An unsafe building may be condemned and its use forbidden until its defects are remedied. It would seem that the people would take a great interest in the safe construction of their buildings, and that the laws protecting them would be rigidly enforced ; but such is not always the case. For a long time no accident happens. The people become careless, and the laws regulating build- ing are violated constantly. Of 333 tenement houses which were being built in New York at one time, it is said that only 15 conformed to the law. It requires some great disaster to arouse the people to their own responsibility. Such was the Iroquois theatre fire in Chicago, in 1903, in which 600 people lost their lives. In order to prevent great loss to individuals from fire, fire insurance companies have been organized. It is to be noted, however, that insurance companies do Fire ' ^ insurance not actually prevent the loss of property. They companies ^lerely distribute that loss among many citizens. When a man insures his property, he has to pay the com- pany 2. proniiim for the protection afforded. The premi- ums of thousands of persons produce a large sum of money out of which the occasional losses by an individual are met. Thousands of property owners in all parts of the land are thus sharing in the losses of individuals. THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND LIFE 75 When the great fire occurred in San Francisco, following the earthquake in 1906, the loss fell very heavily on the in- surance companies. In order to meet the loss many com- panies raised the rates of insurance all over the country. Thus people everywhere were helping to bear the burden. Fire insurance companies have an influence in keeping fire departments efficient, for they raise the rates of in- surance when they think that fire protection is not so good as it should be. The people who have to pay these rates then demand better equipment and better organization in their fire departments. Property and life are endangered also by thieves and other enemies of good order. In rough communities on the frontier, before government and law are ^^ well established, as in the early days of CaUf or- from law- nia, the honest but rough citizens sometimes pro- ^^®^^®^^ tect themselves by voluntary organizations, frequently known as vigilance committees. They seek out offenders and punish them promptly, too often without giving them a fair trial. Similar methods are sometimes found in com- munities where there is a regular government, as in the case of "white-capping" and lynching parties. Such methods are full of evil. They are usually carried out under cover of darkness and in secret, thus opening a way for rowdy- ism and violence under a pretense of administering justice. A crowd of men gathered together hastily in a spirit of revenge quickly becomes a mob, and is likely to adminis- ter punishment to innocent persons, or cruel and inhuman punishment to the guilty. One of the most sacred rights of Americans is the right to a fair trial, before a jury of fellow-citizens, even though the accused is known to be guilty. This right jj^g ^^ j^^ ^^ is guaranteed in the Constitution of the United a fair trial 76 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN States, which says also that no cruel and unusual punish- ments shall be inflicted (see Amendments VI and VIII). It declares also that no person shall be " deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law" (Amendment V). Vigilance committees may be in a measure justified in communities where there is no regu- larly organized government or law; but white-capping and lynching parties in communities with regularly or- ganized governments are wholly without excuse. Such parties usurp powers granted by the Constitution to the existing government, and are as lawless as the original offender. They tend to create a disregard for law and order and disrespect for government. Our local governments have officers to protect the life and property of citizens, and to arrest persons who inter- fere with the rights of others. In townships there are constables; in counties, sheriffs and their deputies ; in cities, the poHce department. The police department requires a high degree of organization because of the complex conditions of city life. Before the middle of the last century the poHce of our cities were as poorly organized as the fire departments of Franklin's time. In New York, although the population numbered more than 300,000, the policing of the city at night was performed by a body of citizens who pursued other occu- pations during the day. In the city of greater New York the police force consists now of more than 10,000 men, as many as constituted the American army at its best during the Revolutionary War. It is organized very much Hke an army, under a chief of poHce and many subordinate officers. The poHce of a city patrol its streets at all times of the day and night to protect property and life against vio- THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND LIFE 17 lence. They keep order in crowds ; they guard Duties of dangerous street crossings, assisting people the police across and regulating the movements of vehicles ; they assist the health department in enforcing its regulations ; they render aid at fires in keeping the crowds back for their own safety, and to prevent interference with the work of the firemen ; they restore lost children to their homes. As in the case of the fire department, the duties of the police require strength, courage, and inteUigence. It is a misfortune, however, that the police departments of our cities are not always as efficient as the fire departments (see pages 235-6). The police department of the city often works together with the sheriff of the county and his dep- uties, and in times of great danger private citizens may be sworn into service to aid the police. At all times the police may call on private citizens for aid if necessary. Offenders against the persons or property of citizens are brought for trial before the police (or magistrates') courts of cities ; or, for more serious offenses, before the higher courts of the state (see chapter XXIII). Another important arrangement for the safety of prop- erty and life is a system of street lighting. In ancient cities, as in Rome, the streets were narrow and street crooked, and at night were totally dark, except ^^g^^^^g as citizens lighted their way with torches. Philadelphia had no regular system of street lamps until it was established by Franklin. Modern American cities as a rule have broad, straight, paved streets, illuminated at night by oil, gas, or electric fights. The street-lighting plant is some- times owned by the city and managed by the government ; but it is usually in the hands of private companies paid by the city for their services. Communities often regulate certain kinds of business for yS THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN the sake of safety. The manufacture of explosives is R ui ti n dangerous to life and property, and is therefore of business usually Carried on under restrictions as to the for safety location of the factory. The liquor traffic is often restricted to certain localities, and is checked by the im- position of license fees. In some communities it is pro- hibited altogether. A large part of the poHcing of a city is made necessary by the disorders growing out of the sale of intoxicating liquors. Pawn shops are subject to regulation by government to prevent them from receiv- ing and disposing of stolen goods. In a large community each man's life and safety de- pend, to a great extent, on the carefulness of others. Prevention The thousands of people who travel on the cars of accidents day are at the mercy of those who run the train — the engineer, the conductor, the switchman, the train dispatcher. Gross carelessness on the part of such responsible persons may be considered a criminal offense, and may be punished by the proper authorities ; but it is better to prevent accidents than to punish the responsible person after the accident occurs. Therefore the work of such persons is usually regulated by law, and arrange- ments are made to prevent accident. Railroads may be compelled to station watchmen at dangerous crossings, to provide gates that are closed at the approach of a train, or to run their tracks across streets on elevated roadways or underneath the street. The rate of speed at which a train, or electric car, or automobile may run is estabUshed by law, and violations of the law are punishable by fine. The government also appoints building inspectors and boiler inspectors. These are only examples of many pre- cautions taken to prevent accident to life and property. Here again we have to notice the constant violation and THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND LIFE 79 lax enforcement of the law. Trains rush through cities and across streets at unlawful speed. Street cars and Lax automobiles do the same. Railroads often resist enforcement , , of laws to as long as they can attempts to compel them prevent to elevate their tracks, or to provide safety accident gates. Elevators are run by incompetent persons and without inspection of the machinery. Inspectors do their work in a careless manner. Theatres are built without due regard to the number and position of exits. The individual who disregards the regulations imposed by the community, even in such slight matters as the speed of his bicycle, or the lighting of its lamp on a dark night, is help- ing to make his community an unsafe and unpleasant place in which to live. In 191 2, 78,700 persons lost their lives by accident in the United States. A much larger number were more or less seriously injured. For example, while ^ ^ there were 41 persons killed in Fourth of July for accident accidents, there were 947 who were injured. P'"®^®"*^^" Because of the movement for a more intelligent celebra- tion of Independence Day, the total number of such acci- dents decreased from 5623 in 1908 to 988 in 191 2. A very large number of injuries, many of them fatal, are received by persons in their regular occupations. These are known as industrial accidents. In the year 191 1, for example, there were 2719 men killed and 31,334 injured in the coal mines of the United States. The United States Bureau of Mines has been active in its efforts to increase the safety of mining operations, by investigating the causes of mine accidents and urging measures to prevent them. There is now a pretty general movement for the prevention of industrial accidents. In the American Museum of Safety in New York City there 8o THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN may be seen all kinds of de\'ices for the protection of those who work with machinery or in dangerous places. Railroads and industrial organizations are adopting " Safety First " as their watchword. In order to compel employers to take every possible precaution for the safety of their employees, laws have been passed, known as "employers' liabilit}' laws," which hold the employer re- sponsible for accidents occurring to workmen in their em- ploy. Many industrial accidents, however, are due wholly or in part to carelessness on the part of the workmen themselves. Both employers and employees have a moral, if not a legal, responsibility for the safety of themselves and others. Although the protection of property and life is largely in the hands of the local communities, most of the laws that local officers are called on to enforce are made by the state government, and apply ahke to all the communities of the state. The state militia corresponds, in a measure, to the police of cities. It consists of all able-bodied male citizens of The state the States and territories and of the District of °^ti^ Columbia, and of all able-bodied males of for- eign birth who have declared their intention to become citizens, who are between eighteen and forty-five years of age. It is di\-ided into two parts : the organized mihtia, known as the National Guard of the several states, terri- tories, or the District of Columbia ; and the reserve militia, including all the remainder of those eligible to serve. In case of riot or disorder or calamity which the local authority cannot handle, the governor of the state may send the National Guard to aid in restoring order, as in the case of recent labor troubles in the Colorado coal mines (see page 82), or during the floods in Ohio in 191 3. THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND LIFE 8 1 The militia may be called out by the President of the United States to suppress insurrection or to repel invasion. It then becomes a part of the volunteer forces of the army of the United States, is subject to the same regulations as the regular army, and may be used either within or with- out the territory of the United States. In the Revolution and in the War of 1812 the militia caused much trouble because of the jealousies of the sev- eral states. Governors sometimes refused to allow their miHtia to go outside of their states. Then, too, as in more recent wars, the militia has sometimes been poorly officered, poorly drilled, and impatient of discipHne. Laws have been passed by Congress to remedy these defects, the most recent being that of 1914, which gives the President au- thority to appoint the officers of the militia in time of war. For the defense of our national possessions and of the liberty of our citizens against enemies from without, we maintain an army and a navy. Our army is National very small as compared with the armies of other defense nations. Our geographical position, separated as we are from other great powers, has made a large standing army unnecessary. The belief of the founders of our nation was that a large standing army was dangerous to the liberties of the people and a burden of expense. Our policy there- fore has always been in favor of as small an army as is consistent with our national safety. In time of war our dependence has been chiefly on the militia or army of citi- zens enhsted for the occasion. At the time of the Civil War an army of more than 2,000,000 men was raised by enlistment in the North, and one of 1,000,000 men in the South. At the present time it would be possible to raise a vastly greater army than this, although our standing army of regular soldiers numbers less than 100,000 men. 82 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN The army not only defends our territory against invasion, but it may also be sent to any part of the world to protect the rights of American citizens. It may be called on to quell local disturbances when the state authorities are unable to do so. In the recent Colo- rado mine troubles referred to above (page 80) the state and local authorities failed to maintain order. The dis- The army Lawrenceburg, Ind., during the Flood of the Ohio River in 1883. turbance assumed national importance. Therefore the President of the United States, who is commander-in-chief of the army, sent national troops to take charge of the situ- ation. At the time of the earthquake and fire in San Francisco national troops from the fort near by were rushed into the city to help in maintaining order and in protecting property and life. They, of course, cooperated with the state militia and the city police. The national troops are usually more effective in restoring order than either the militia or the police. THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND LIFE 83 The navy is another means of national protection. It has been the policy of the American government to limit our navv to the smallest size consistent with _ '' The navy national safety, as in the case of the army. But because of our rapidly growing commerce and the increas- ing interests of American citizens in foreign lands, together with the acquisition of territory across the seas, a strong Building the Levee at Lawrenceburg, Ind., for the Protection of THE City against Floods. navy has become more essential than a large army. At the present time our navy compares favorably in strength with the navies of other large nations. Many people believe that our navy should be greatly strengthened year by year. Others believe that such war- like preparations should be checked. Both The peace parties are desirous of peace with all the world ; movement but one party believes that the surest way to maintain peace is to be thoroughly prepared for war, while the other party would impress the world with our peaceful intentions by ceasing to prepare for war. The cost of the 84 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN navy is increasing at a rapid rate with the increasing size of battleships and armaments. Proposals have recently been made to seek an agreement among the nations to stop naval construction for a time. Xo one nation feels that it can stop building as long as the others continue to do so. It is beUeved by the friends of this plan that it 1^ ! r.t. i ^j_ -'^ =^„"- — N % ^ - '' ^^^■i -:pz: ■=:i^" ^-'' %■ _.-^-"^ :dP ^^ / :t\* I--- -' '..^-1 An Ohio River Flood seen from the Top of the Le^tee at Lawrenceburg, Ixd. The city is now entirely protected by the great embankment Notice the railroad tracks on the levee for safety. would be a step in the direction of universal peace, besides relieving the nations of a vast burden of expense. The national government has done a great deal for the protection of life and property by removing obstructions Life-saving to navigation along the coast, by improving on the coast harbors, as at New York and at the mouth of the Columbia River, by erecting Hghthouses and establishing life-sa\ing stations. Every year the life- THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND LIFE 85 savers perform deeds of heroism by which scores of lives and thousands of dollars' worth of property are saved. The national government has constructed levees along some of our rivers, as on the lower courses of the Missis- sippi, for the protection of the land against floods. We may learn from this chapter that the protection of our lives and property is placed almost wholly in the hands of the local governments; that the state govern- ment acts only when the welfare of the Protection ctiiGfiv in whole state demands it, or when the difficulties the hands of to be met are beyond the powers of the local local and -' '- state gov- authorities; and that the national government ernments acts for the nation at large, and interferes in local pro- tection only when the interests of the whole nation are at stake, or when the local and state authorities prove them- selves incapable of handling the situation. FOR INVESTIGATION 1. What were the means of fighting fires in your community in the early days? How did the methods compare with those of Franklin's time? 2. Describe the organization of the fire department in your city. How is the highest degree of efficiency among the firemen secured? 3. Report on the waterworks system of your city. Is it efficient? If not, why ? 4. Try to find out the chief causes of the fires in your community in the last year. What may you do to prevent them? 5. From the city ordinances find some of the regulations regarding the construction of buildings. 6. Is there building inspection in your community? Is violation of building ordinances common? 7. Report on the duties of the constable. Of the sheriff. 8. Describe the organization of the police department. What qualifications must a man have to receive appointment as a policeman in your community? 9. Look up the services of Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia in 86 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN improving the fire department, the night watch, and the lighting of the streets (see Franklin's Autobiography). ID. What is the method of street lighting in your community? Is it done bv the community itself, or by a private company? Is it as well done as it should be ? 11. What kinds of business in your community are regulated for the protection of life and property ? 12. W^hat other ways can you find in which property is protected besides those mentioned in this chapter? 13. Investigate the subject of the \-iolation of speed regulations, and other regulations to secure safety on the streets of your city. 14. Have vou an organization of militia in your community? Find out what you can about its organization. Tr}- to find out something about the following points : a. What is the numerical strength of the militia in your state? b. How are its officers chosen? c. What in- stances do you know of your state militia being called out to suppress disorder? 15. Find out what you can about the organization of the United States army ; of the United States navy. 16. Find out what you can about the work of the life-saving service of the United States. 17. Report on instances of the use of the army in time of calamity other than war. 18. Report on the cost of a modem battleship, and of the American navy for one year. 19. Report on devices for the prevention of industrial accidents. 20. Discuss methods by which you may reduce the danger of accidents in vour dailv life. REFERENCES For information regarding the organization of branches of local gov- ernment, such as the fire and pohce departments, the cit}- charter and cit}' ordinances may be consulted. In many cases there may be printed reports of the departments in question. It will often be impracticable to expect the whole class to gather full information on such matters ; but one or two pupils may make special reports. Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography. Riis, Jacob, " Heroes Who Fight Fires." in Century Magazine, 33 : 483. Forman, " Advanced Civics," chapter XXXIII. Hart, A. B., " Actual Government," pp. 462-477. for the organization of the army, the navy, and the miUtia ; pp. 573-582 (fire protection, pohce, etc) . THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND LIFE 8/ Fairlie, J. A., " Municipal Administration," chapter VIII, " Public Health and Safety." "Wilcox, D. F., " The American City," chapter VI, " Municipal Insurance." " Chief Causes of Fires," in The American City, July, 1914, p. 41. Conkling, " City Government in the United States," chapters V, VI. Adams, W. H. S., " The Story of our Lighthouses and Light Ships." " Heroes of Peace," Century Magazine, 55 : 925 ; 58 : 210. " Organization and Methods of the Life-Saving Service " ; a pamphlet that may be obtained from the Superintendent of the Life-Saving Service, Washington, D.C. Report of the United States Life-Saving Service, 1913, Treasury Department, Washington, D.C. The location of lighthouses and life-saving stations may be seen on the Land Office Map of the United States already referred to. Report of the Secretary of War, 1913, Washington. Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1913, Washington. " The Doom of War," by Arthur Deerin Call. Published by the American Peace Society, 1914. Pp. 3-5 give striking figures relative to the cost of the navy. On the Peace Movement see the publications of the American Peace Society, Colorado Building, Washington, D.C. Publications of the American Museum of Safety, New York City. Publications of the National Council for Industrial Safety, Chicago. Lighthouse on the Shore of Lake Michigan. CHAPTER XI THE RELATION BETWEEN THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN IN BUSINESS LIFE A LARGE part of the activity of the people of every com- munity is due to their desire for wealth, and constitutes the Thebusi- business life of the community. It is well to nes^siife remember that, when we speak of wealth in community this connection, we do not necessarily mean great riches, but all m.aterial goods, however much or little, for which men are willing to work. In many people the desire for wealth is very strong, and some- times becomes a passion that smothers the other de- sires of life ; then it tends to make men narrow and selfish, and to interfere with their greatest usefulness in the com- munity. Wealth is worth having only when it contributes to the health, the knowledge, the beautiful surroundings — in a word, to the complete life of those who possess it. But whether the purpose be to attain completeness of life, or merely to satisfy greed, or perhaps to enjoy the excite- ment of the game of business, the business life of a com- munity always occupies a large part of the attention of the people. The dependence of each citizen on the community is nowhere seen more clearly than in his business life ; no- where is his responsibility to the community greater ; no- where is there greater opportunity for good citizenship. How dependent the individual is on the community for ss THE BUSINESS LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY 89 success in satisfying his desire for wealth might be shown in many ways, but we shall take only one or The pioneer two illustrations. The pioneer family was al- family was most wholly dependent on its own efforts for lig^e^y^on the accumulation of wealth, and consequently i*^®^ this wealth was very limited in quantity and quality. The articles of home manufacture were usually few and rough. There were few materials to select from, and the many things to be done left little time for doing any one thing except in the simplest way possible. All the members of the family contributed to the common re- sult, and they divided the work so that each had his special tasks and became more skillful than the others in their performance. All worked together for the common good, and each received a share of the results of the labor of all. As this small community consisting of one family was increased by other famiHes, a better opportunity was given for a division of labor. One member of the There- original family, who had formerly made the division of shoes for his family only, on account of his skill labor at that work and because of the demands of the addi- tional families, was now enabled to devote his entire time to shoe making. Members of these new families were skillful in other crafts, one a baker, another a weaver, another a miller, and another a blacksmith. The needs of the community for bread, clothing, flour, and tools were now sufficient to enable the baker, the weaver, the miller, and the blacksmith to devote their entire time to their trades, thus both increasing the amount and improving the quality of their products. One after another the duties of the farmer were lessened until finally it became his special business to provide farm products for the whole 90 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN community in return for the things that the others did for him. With the introduction of machinery and the building of factories where hundreds of men are employed, the Effect of division of tasks has become more complete, modem ^nd each worker rarely produces more than one organiza- thing. In well-organized factories, each work- tioii man devotes his entire time to producing one small part of each article. In a factory for the manufac- ture of milling machinery, for example, one set of work- men does nothing but chip the surface of millstones with hammers to make them rough. They apparently con- tribute very little to the general welfare; but the com- munity provides them with a living in order that they may do this one thing, and do it well. We say that they receive so much a day for their work. In realit}^ they are being suppUed with bread and meat, clothing and shelter, furniture and tools, medicines and doctors' serv- ices, education for their children, rehgious teaching on Sundavs, entertainment at the theaters, and scores of other things, in exchange for their monotonous and ap- parently unimportant work of putting rough surfaces on millstones. Division of occupations also takes place in accordance with geographical location. This is of great importance in a lar2:e communitv like our nation. In Geographi- ° - • ,u t,- -f a cai division some parts of the country corn is the chiel prod- of labor ^^^ . ^^ others cotton ; in others fruit. In some parts cattle or sheep raising takes the place of farming ; in other parts mining. The different metals are found in different localities. In one place lumbering is the chief occupation ; in another place fishing. One region becomes famous for its cotton manufactures; another for silk; THE BUSINESS LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY 91 another for iron. The gardener who gives his whole time to raising vegetables to supply the market of some small city receives in return bread from wheat raised in the Da- kotas ; clothing manufactured in New England from cotton raised in Texas, or from wool raised in Montana. He uses wagons made in Indiana of timber raised in the South and of iron mined in Minnesota and smelted in Ohio. WKS^L^'*'^" L PHI H^? •■■l^ETK- 1 ^3 1 RHB^^I^Kj^K. K^T''^ jyc^ ^-^i 1^ ^2^R| ^M ^^K [ ,^"4^ !^^J^-^ Bi^ 9 Kd^^a HI^^'^VBl 8 ^^^^■r%i BBi^^^B [^■H ■^^^^^^^^^^■^gSHj^^k ^V&^ HI A Market Scene. In these days of large business enterprises, the men who run the machines and perform labor of other kinds are not usually the men who furnish these machines Dependence and the other forms of capital. The men who °^ employer and em- furnish the capital and those who furnish the pioyeeon labor are dependent on each other. It is true ®*^^ ^^^^' that they often act toward each other as if their interests were antagonistic. Although the workingmen are far more numerous than their employers, the latter have usually had the advantage in a conflict, because their greater wealth enables them to sustain themselves in idleness for a time without suffering. In order to protect 92 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN their own interests workingmen in many trades and indus- tries have organized themselves into tinions, so that by acting together they may secure from their employers a recognition of their rights. This is well, provided that the unions remember always that their employers and the community at large also have rights which must be regarded. "Neither can take advantage of the other with- out the common interest suffering. The mutual object of both is to produce the best possible article at the lowest possible price, in order to place it within reach of the greatest possible number of purchasers." Thus we see how every worker in the community is dependent on all the other workers. The success of each depends very largely on how well the whole business organization of the community does its work. On the other hand, the community depends on each individual, and on each class of workers, to do his or its work well. Each citizen, as a worker in the business life of the com- munity, has upon him a great responsibility. A man engages in business activities primarily to satisfy the wants of himself and his family. But he can do this The life of a 01^1}' by performing work that will be useful to community others, and that will help to satisfy their desires. is a life of . . , . i ■ i ■ i i i productive A carpenter, m order to gam a livehhood and work to provide his family with the comforts of life, must build houses for others. He may be most concerned about what he will receive for his work ; the community is most concerned about what he produces. If he does care- ful, skillful work, he is considered a valuable member of the community. If he is careless, or a poor workman, he is considered in that respect a poor citizen. Good citizen- ship shows itself in the productive work of a man more than in any other way. THE BUSINESS LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY 93 The history of our country has been very largely a story of the clearing of forests, of the reclaiming of the soil for agriculture, of the opening of mines, and of j.^^ builder the growth of commerce, manufactures, and of our cities. It is a story of the building of railroads and steamboats, of telegraphs and telephones. The men who have done these things are as much the builders of m fiS ■ .:^%.-i' •.^»i^>' w. •,.„....^^^ —T— z 1^ ^ ! ^ Two Views of an Engine Factory. Showing how the factory has been given attractive appearance. Notice the vine-covered buildings and smoke-stack. our nation as the men who made our constitutions and organized our governments. The men and women who are to-day working on the farms or in the mines, in factories and shops, in stores and offices, or in other Unes of business, are as truly doing their country a service as those who hold the offices of government. Both kinds of service are necessary, and in either case patriotic citizenship consists in giving to the community the best service possible. It is important that the citizen should realize that, in the work by which he makes a living, he has a great responsibility toward the other members of the community. 94 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN The employee is responsible to his employer for the very best work he can do, for the employer is depending on him to help in producins; the best possible article The respon- ^ ^ '=' . i, sibiiity of ±or the use ot the community. The employer, the citizen ^^ ^^^ Other hand, is responsible for the in business ^ welfare of those who work for him. A con- stantly increasing number of employers are coming to realize that this means more than merely giving fair wages to the employees and are providing them with better places in which to work, with healthful and pleasant surroundings, and with arrangements for their comfort and convenience. In some cases employers are even aiding their workmen to secure pleasant and comfortable homes, knowing that the better their workmen are cared for by them, the more earnestly will they work for the success of the business. Everv citizen in his business life is under obhgations to the community as a whole. Xo man's business belongs to A citizen's himself alone ; it belongs also to the community, business is The community enters into a sort of agreement ^!^i?® with him in res^ard to his business, to the effect nity's that if he will perform a certain service for the usiness community, the community will support him. If he is a merchant or a manufacturer, the community has a right to expect from him honest goods and full measure. If he is a mechanic, it has the right to expect from him good workmanship. If he is engaged in the management of a railroad, it has a right to demand safety, comfort, and reasonable rates. No matter what his occupation may be, nor how large or how small his business, he is sure to show the character of his citizenship in the character of the product of his labor. But the citizen in business has a greater responsibility than for the quality of the product of his work. Business THE BUSINESS LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY 95 life, and in fact the whole life of the community, could not be successfully carried on if it were not for the con- fidence that men have in each other. Think for jhe respon- a moment what confusion and unhappiness there sibiiity of , . ^ , the citizen would be if it were not for this conhdence. for con- When we ride on the railroad, we need confidence fidence in the excellence of the work of those who made the loco- motive, of those who laid the rails and built the bridges, of those who run the train, and of those who arrange the schedule and give the signals. When we buy food, or clothing, or any other product of human labor, we must have confidence in the merchant and in the manufacturer before we willingly part with the money that we have earned by our own efforts. When we receive money for our work, we must have confidence in the government that stamps the bills with its promise to pay a certain sum. By far the greater part of the business dealings between individuals, between communities, and between nations, is carried on by a system of credit, which is based on the confidence that men feel in one another and in the arrangements of the business world. Men would never deposit their money in banks if it were not for the confi- dence they feel in the banks, and in the government and laws that are behind them. Every accident on the rail- roads causes men to lose confidence, not only in the man who was guilty of carelessness, but also in the management of railroads in general. When an employer finds that he cannot trust one of his employees, it tends to destroy con- fidence in all employees. Every failure on the part of an individual to meet his business obligations tends to destroy the confidence of men in one another's business integrity. In short, every exhibition of dishonesty or inefficiency on the part of a citizen in his business relations helps to 96 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN undermine the confidence of the community, and to shake the foundation upon which the community rests. It is one of the best marks of good citizenship to per- form the most efficient work possible, whatever one's call- ^ . . ins:. We call it patriotism when a man gives in business all that he has, even his hfe if necessary, tor the ^® good of his country, \\4thout stopping to con- sider whether he will receive an equal benefit in return. There is no higher type of patriotism than that which leads a citizen to perform his best service for the com- munity in his daily calHng, not for what he can get for it, but for what he can give. rOR INVESTIGATION 1. Find out what the early settlers in your community had to pay for the land. What is the same land worth now? What has produced the change in value ? 2. Compare the extent to which a farmer's family is dependent on others in making a lixing. with that to which a city family is dependent. 3. Make a list of tsvelve or fifteen different occupations in your com- munity. How many of these did each femily have to carry on for itself in the early days of your community ? 4. What advantages can you see in a di\ision of tasks or occupa- tions? What disadvantages? 5. Visit a factor}- in your community and report on the division of labor that you find there. 6. Take' the list of occupations mentioned in the paragraph on geo- graphical division of occupations (page 90) and locate on a map of the United States a region characterized by each. Show hov,- geographical conditions determine this division of occupations. 7. Is there a geographical division of occupations in 3-our state? Draw a map of your state and locate characteristic industries. 8. yi2ke a list of the different kinds of workmen that have been engaged in producing the different objects in your schoolroom. What different parts of the United States have contributed to the equipment of your schoolroom ? 9. Show how a strike of workmen against their emplo^-ers injures the emplovers ; the workmen themselves ; the whole community. (Use for illustration a strike that has occurred in your own community.) THE BUSINESS LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY 97 10. Is it true, in your community, that the most useful citizens are those who care more about the excellence of their work than about what they receive for it? Illustrate. 11. So far as your experience goes, what boys have been most success- ful in business — those who make it a practice to do all they can for their employers, or those who have tried to do the least possible ? 12. Who have been some of the builders of your own community by reason of their business life? Explain. 13. Show how a few dishonest pupils in a school will tend to destroy confidence throughout the whole school. What are some of the results of this loss cf confidence on the life of the school? 14. Do you know of any case in your community in which the failure of some individual to do his whole duty in business has shaken the confidence of the entire community? 15. Are there any business establishments in your community in which special efforts are made to provide for the welfare and comfort of the em- ployees ? What is the eff"ect upon the employees ? Upon the business? Upon the community ? REFERENCES Forman. "Advanced Civics," chapters XLVII, XLVIII. Smith, Adam, "The Wealth of Nations," Book I, chapters I-III (division of labor) . Meakin, Budgett, " Model Factories and Villages." Gives an excellent account of what employers are doing for their employees in this country and in Europe. Earle, Alice Morse, " Colonial Dames and Good Wives," chapter XII, ** Fire- side Industries." The Well-kept Home of an Employee of a Mining Company in Michigan. This company is much interested in the welfare of its employees, and encourages them in the improvement of their homes. CHAPTER XII HOW THE GOVERNMENT .-UDS THE CITIZEN BY CON- TROLLING BUSINESS RELATIONS Security in one's material possessions has always been one of the most sacred rights of Americans. The Revolu- The sacred- tionarv War was brought on because the English ^^^^ °i_ sfovernment persistently refused to recognize property t> r ^ o rights this right of the colonists. It took away a part of their property by taxation without asking their consent. It passed laws interfering with their commerce and manufactures. It quartered troops in their houses without their permission. It gave its officers unlimited power to search their houses and ships without duly pro- tecting the rights of innocent and law-abiding citizens. When independence had been won and a constitution was to be adopted, the people demanded a sure protection of this right to their property. They refused to ratify the Constitution until amendments guaranteeing security in their possessions had been promised. The colonists recognized the necessity of some regulation of their property rights and of their business relations by The desire government. Nowhere else do individuals come for self- into conflict with each other so often as in their government .. ,. ,^ . . ^. , .^ in business busmess relations. ]\Iost ot the disputes Drought matters before the courts for settlement are over busi- ness or property matters. Such matters concern the individual so closely that the colonists believed that their resiulation should be under their own control GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS LIFE 99 through their local colonial governments. The same idea prevailed when our Constitution was framed. Busi- ness matters were not placed under the authority of the national government, except such as concern the rela- tions between citizens of this country and those of foreign countries, or between citizens of two or more states. Each state has unlimited control over all business relations within its own borders. At the same time, it is the policy of our state governments to leave to each citizen as much individual freedom in his business activities as is consistent with the welfare of the community. When a group of men wish to organize as a corporation for manufacturing purposes, or to build and operate a rail- road, or to do an insurance business, it is almost gt^te always the state that gives them the authority, control over The state has done much to aid business by the business construction of roads (see chapter XIII). The relations state protects the interests of workingmen and working- women. Most of the states have laws permitting the incorporation of labor unions. State laws place restric- tions on the labor of children and limit the number of hours that women may work in factories. State laws also provide for the health of workers in factories and mines by requiring employers to maintain good sanitary con- ditions, and by a system of inspection to see that the requirements are carried out. In some of the more recent state constitutions special safeguards are thrown about the working classes. In the older constitutions such provisions are not found because, when these constitutions were framed, labor organizations and the factory system did not exist. In these older states the legislatures enact, from time to time, such laws as seem necessary. State laws also endeavor to prevent the community from being de- lOO THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN frauded by persons and corporations that seek to render dishonest or inefficient service. During the Revolutionary War and after it, until the Constitution was adopted, the thirteen states were bound to2:ether in a very loose Confederation merely The need of^ •> ^ a national for purposes of common defense. There were government £g^ jg^^yg applying to all the States alike. There was little uniformity among them in their methods of regulating the business relations of their citizens. Each state had its own form of money. Each was at liberty to levy taxes on goods brought from other states, thus tending to check commerce. So little uniformity was there, so bitter were the jealousies among the states, and so great did the confusion become, that the Confederation was about to fall to pieces, and the fruits of the Revolu- tion were in danger of being lost. It was this danger, due to the confusion in business affairs, that led to the calling of the convention that framed our present Constitu- tion. It was found necessary to have a government that could protect the common business interests of all the states alike. The Congress created by the Constitution was given the power, which the Congress of the Confederation had The powers not had, of laying and collecting taxes '' for the of Congress common defense and general welfare," but it in business , - . . matters was provided that the '' duties, imposts, and ex- cises shall be uniform throughout the United States " (Art. I, sec. 8, clause i). The states were forbidden to lay duties on goods coming in from other states, so that interstate commerce should not be interfered with. Congress was also given power '' to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes" (Art. I, sec. 8, clause 3). In GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS LIFE lOI order to maintain successful business relations in a com- munity it is necessary that there be a reliable and uniform system of money ; and since this was a matter of common interest to all the states, Congress was given power ** to coin money," and to "regulate the value thereof." Under these last powers Congress has established mints for the coining of money, has enacted laws providing for a uni- form currency, and has established a national banking system which is not merely an aid to the government in regulating the currency and in borrowing money, but is also a great convenience to the business men of the whole country. Congress was also given the power to fix the standard of weights and measures (Art. I, sec. 8, clause 5). Under its power to regulate foreign commerce, Con- gress has levied import duties sufficiently heavy to check the importation of foreign manufactures, and Regulation thus to encourage the manufacture of these of foreign articles at home. The question of the extent ^^^^^^'^^ to which imports should be taxed (the tariff question) has always been one of the main issues dividing the great political parties of the United States. At the very be- ginning of our national history Alexander Hamilton argued in favor of import duties so high as to exclude foreign manufactures, and thus to protect our own " infant indus- tries." Thomas Jefferson, who beheved that the chief sources of America's wealth would be agriculture and commerce, argued against such protective duties. He thought that a " free trade" policy would stimulate com- merce and agriculture. Hamilton's protective policy has prevailed during a large part of our history, although always opposed by one great party. To-day conditions are quite different from those of his time. We have become a great manufactur- 102 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN ing nation. Our industries are no longer "infant," but are very largely in the hands of wealthy and powerful corporations. The opponents of the protective tariff hold that it tends to raise prices and thus to increase the cost of living. Its friends argue, on the other hand, that it helps to maintain high wages by protecting the American workman against competition with the cheaper labor of foreign countries. The whole question is a very difficult one, and it is by no means easy to devise a tariff that will be wholly just to every producer as well as to the con- sumer in all parts of our country. A new tariff was enacted by Congress in 191 3, materially lowering the duties on many important articles. It is known as the Underwood Tariff, taking the name of the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Repre- sentatives, who was largely responsible for its form. Congress has also established a consular system to look after the commercial relations of this country with foreign nations. Consuls are appointed by our government to go to the important cities of all civilized countries. Among their many duties, they investigate the products and manufactures of the countries to which they are sent, try to create a market in those countries for products of the United States, and, in general, try to stimulate favorable business relations between our country and all the world. Under its power to regulate commerce among the sev- eral states, Congress has enacted a number of laws regu- lating the activities of railroads and other corporations whose business affects the entire nation. In 1887 an Interstate Commerce Act was passed to prevent cer- tain unjust business methods on the part of transpor- tation companies, such as charging rates that discriminate in favor of one individual or locality as against another. GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS LIFE 103 This law created an Interstate Commerce Commission with authority to inquire into the management of the busi- ness of ** common carriers," such as railroads, Regulation steamship lines, or express companies. A later of interstate law gives the Commission power also to fix the *^°™™®''*^® maximum rates which may be charged by such " common carriers." The history of business development in recent years has been marked by the growth of great business organi- zations known as corporations. » With the enormous capital at their command, and with the economies of management made possible by doing business on a large scale, these corporations have been enabled to gain control of many lines of business. Then, in some cases, a num- „ , ,. ' Regulation ber of corporations in the same Hne of business of have formed combinations known as trusts corporations which still further control business and prices. As a result of abuses of this power Congress, in 1890, passed an "Anti-Trust Law" which made illegal any "contract, combination ... or conspiracy in restraint of trade " among the states or with foreign nations, and made any person liable to punishment who should, alone or in com- bination with others, attempt to monopolize any part of interstate or foreign commerce. In 1903 a National Bureau of Corporations was created to investigate the organization and management of corporations. The extent to which corporations and trusts should be controlled by government, and the means. by which it should be done, are among the greatest questions before our country at the present time. In 1906 a Food and Drugs Act was passed to prevent " the manufacture, sale, or transportation " of impure, falsely labeled, poisonous, or injurious "foods, drugs, I04 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN medicines, and liquors," and a Bureau of Chemistry was created in the Department of Agriculture to investigate such mat-ters. These laws illustrate how the growth of business inter- ests affecting the entire nation has led the government to provide means of national cooperation unthought of by the makers of our Constitution. Among these means are three important departments of government, the Depart- ment of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, and the Department of Labor, the last two of which were established as separate departments in 191 3. While some of this regulation of business by the state and national governments imposes serious restrictions on The pxirpose particular business interests, its purpose is nev- of govern- ertheless to further the interests of the country to afford at large. The purpose of the government is not opportunity ^q hedge the citizen about with restrictions on his activities, but to afford to all the greatest possible opportunity for material prosperity. Sometimes the interests of the individual must yield before the interests of the community ; but usually, in the long run, the ad- vantage of the community will also be the advantage of the individual. Occasionally a law is unwisely or dishonestly enacted which benefits a small class to the detriment of the majority of the people. Such legislation is un-American, for the underlying principle of American government is the greatest possible good to the greatest possible number. FOR mVESTIGATION I. WTiich of the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States guarantee the property rights of citizens ? Explain each of these amendments. GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS LIFE 105 2. Get a list, or summary, of the laws passed during the last session of your state legislature, and note about what proportion of them are for the regulation of business matters. Study the list to get an idea of the different kinds of business matters dealt with. 3. Is there anything in your state constitution for the protection of the interests of the workingmen? Anything for the regulation of business corporations? 4. What laws are there in your state for the regulation of the labor of children ? Of women ? 5. Is there any system of factory inspection in your state? If so, what is the nature and purpose of the inspection ? 6. Mention some recent laws passed by Congress under its power to regulate interstate commerce. 7. How does a bank help business men ? Are there any other banks besides national banks ? Explain. 8. How does money help in the transaction of business? 9. Investigate the organization and duties of the consular service. 10. Report on the various activities of the Department of Agriculture ; of Commerce ; of Labor. 11. Make a report on the business confusion during the time of the Confederation. 12. Discuss in class, in the simplest terms possible, the meaning of "protection " and '' free trade." Illustrate with concrete cases. What is the attitude of the present administration at Washington on the subject? 13. Discuss in class, in simple terms, the meaning of "corporation " and " trust." What is the attitude of the present adniinistration in regard to their control ? REFERENCES A copy of the state constitution should be on the teacher's desk for reference. It is probable that a summary of the laws passed by the last legislature can be obtained at the city or county offices. If not, it can be obtained from the office of the secretary of state of your state. It would be desir- able to have on the teacher's desk a copy of the revised statutes of the state. Copies of the laws regulating the labor of women and children, factory inspection, etc., can usually be had by applying to the bureaus or depart- ments of the state government dealing with such matters. The general treatment of these subjects, as also of the United States mint and the consular service, can be found in the New International Encyclopedia. I06 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN Fiske's "The Critical Period of American History '" lias an excellent chapter on the business confusion during the Confederation. (Chapter IV, •• Drifting toward Anarchy.") Hart's •• Actual Government "" will again be found useful in connection with this chapter : especially the chapters on •• Commercial Organiza- tion " (chapter XXVI) and -Foreign Commerce" (chapter XXIV), and the section on - Consuls." on page 436. Forman. •• Advanced Civics." chapters XL-XLIV. Beard. -American Citizenship." pp. 175-197: 231-236. Latest Annual Reports of the Secretaries of Agriculture. Commerce, and Labor. -Department of Commerce: Condensed History. Duties, and Prac- tical Operation." Government Printing Office. Washington. 1913. Report on Condition of Woman and Child Wage-Earners in the United States, vol. XIX. -Labor Laws and Factor}- Conditions." Prepared by the United States Commissioner of Labor. Charles P. Neil. Government Printing Office. Washington. 1912. CHAPTER XIII HOW THE COMMUNITY AIDS THE CITIZEN IN TRANS- PORTATION AND COMMUNICATION You will recall that in seeking a site for the community described in the first chapter, the exploring committee was to notice whether there were roads or canals near Community by. The very nature of a community implies ^^^® ^™Pi\®s J J J r commum- that there must be communication, for without cation it there could be no way of acting together. One of the obstacles in the way of united action among the thirteen American colonies was the absence of good roads connect- ing them. The trip from New York to Boston in those times required six days. A traveler tells us of spending a month in making the journey from New York to Washing* ton at a little later time. Under such conditions it is not strange that it was difficult to develop a spirit of union among the colonies. In the early part of the last century it cost ^125 to haul a ton of goods from Philadelphia to Pittsburg by wagon, the only means of transportation. It cost ;^2.50 q^^^^^ to carry a bushel of salt three hundred miles, transporta- Wheat could not profitably be transported by *^°^ wagon more than one hundred and fifty miles, because it could not be sold at a price to cover the cost of transporta- tion. When the cost of transportation was so great, the commonest articles of household use to-day were luxuries which the people could not afford. The cause of all this was excessively bad roads. 107 I08 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN The food supply of the nation comes from the farms. The raw materials for manufacture come from the farms, Importance ^^^ forest, and the mines. The comfort of living of country for all of US, in the city as well as in the country, ^°^ ^ depends in a great degree on the ease with which these raw products can be brought from the country districts. It is said that ninety-five per cent of every load by train, steamship, or express, must be carted over a highway.. The country roads are the foundation of our transportation system. And yet they have been given comparatively Httle attention, and America is far behind many other civilized countries in the construction and preservation of roads. The character of the land has great importance in de- termining good or bad roads. In the fertile prairies of the Geography ^^est, although the land is almost as level as a and good floor, the roads often become impassable in wet weather. Where there are hills, the cost of hauling is twice as much as in a level country, because only half as much can be hauled in each load. The effect of the character of the land on roadways seems not to have been fully considered in America. Many of our roads run straight over hills, or through swamp land, which adds both to the difficulties of transportation and to the expense of keeping the roads in repair. The methods of road building and repairing in the United States have been wasteful of the people's money. Wasteful Not onlv has little care been exercised, fre- road ° ^ ° quently, in the location of the roads, but making their construction and repair have been left to the farmers in the neighborhood. In Indiana, for example, each township trustee levies an annual tax on the property of the farmers for the purpose of road improve- ment. This tax may be worked out by the farmers. TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION 109 Every able-bodied man between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, residing in a road district of a township, is required to perform not less than two nor more than four days* labor on the public roads each year or to furnish a substitute; or he may pay to the road overseer ^1.50 a day for each day that he should have worked. The making of a good road requires scientific knowledge and skill, and is work that should be supervised by a trained engineer. The practice of requiring the improve- farmers to work on the roads should be aban- ™®°* "^ , , t ■ 1 • 1111 methods of doned, and the tax, paid m money, should be road devoted to the employment of skilled engineers, making Improvement in the character of the roads has been secured in some cases by placing their management in the hands of the county government instead of leaving it under the control of the township. Management by the county helps to secure more uniformly good roads over a larger area, and makes it possible to secure better super- vision, because the road taxes of the whole county can be devoted to the employment of a county engineer. In those sections where the people have shown that they really want good roads, much progress has been made toward getting them. The first thing necessary is to arouse pub- He interest in the matter. That there has been so little interest in the past is due to ignorance of the importance of the roads to the entire community, and of the methods by which they may be secured. In the last few years the National Good Roads Association has done much to arouse public interest and to secure legislation in many states. The farmers are likely to object to the first cost of im- provements, until it is shown that the better roads enable them to haul larger loads and to make quicker time, thus saving, in a few years, more than the improvements cost. no THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN In the beginning of our national histon* the question of road making became very important in connection with Construe- the Settlement of the West and the presentation tion of early qj -'^^ Union. Roads and canals were proposed left to the 1^ gi'ss.t numDers. ihe question at once arose states whether the national or the state govern- ment should aid in constructing highways. The only clauses in the Constitution that could be interpreted as gi\'ing the national government authority to construct roads were those besto\sTng the power '' to estabUsh post offices and post roads," "to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states," and to make war. The national government was cautious about exercising powers not expHcitly given to it, and the mak- ing of highways was left chiefly to the states or to private enterprise. IMany turnpikes were built by private com- panies, for the use of which tolls were charged. The one great example of road building by the United States government is the National, or Cumberland, Road. This road was authorized by Congress in 1 806, National and was to extend from Cumberland, ]\Id., ^°^^ into Ohio, to aid in the settlement of the West. It was extended finally as far west as Illinois. It after- ward passed under the control of the states through which it ran, and thence was given over to the management of tbe counties. The introduction of canals and of railroads caused the private turnpikes to become unprofitable, and the feeling srrew that the countn" highwavs were a matter State man- » . o . agement of for local management. i\t the present time it roads ^^ recognized that good countr}^ roads are a benefit, not only to the farmers li\-ing on them, but also to the people of that count}', and even to the whole state, TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION III including the towns and cities. Some of the states, mostly in the East, are therefore making a systematic reform in road making. The movement is slowly spreading west. In New Jersey a state highway law was passed in 1892. It created a state commissioner of public roads, and provided that when two thirds of the property owners along a road petition the county for improvements they shall be made. Old Wooden Bridge on the National Road crossing White River, Indianapolis. One tenth of the cost is paid by the property owners along the road, one third by the state, and the remainder by the people of the county in which the improvement is made. The expense is thus distributed over the whole state, although the main part is borne by the immediate com- munity. The work is done under the direction of a county engineer, but must be approved by the state commission. Similar systems have been adopted in other states. Road making, especially in an unsettled country, is dif- ficult, and the cost of transportation by wagon is heavy. In the early days of our country, therefore, River trans- water routes were always used when possible, portation The rivers were the natural highways into the West, and 112 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN schemes were early proposed to improve them, as when Washington urged the improvement of the Potomac. The invention of the steamboat by Robert Fulton in 1806 gave a great impetus to water transportation, and steamboats were soon plying the rivers, both in the East and in the West, as well as the Great Lakes. The rapid development of railways checked the use of the rivers, although they are still an important factor in the transportation system of our country. The commerce of the Great Lakes has steadily increased, and is to-day of enormous proportions. A great deal has been done by state and national gov- ernments for the improvement of our rivers. The River and Harbor Bill, passed every two years by Congress, River and involves one of the heaviest items of expense harbor im- by the government. For the benefit of na\dga- provemen ^.^^ ^^ ^^^ coast the national government has established a coast survey, by which the safe channels and the dangerous points along the coast are charted for the guidance of seamen. The advantages of water communication were so great in the days before railroads that the construction of canals was strongly uro;ed bv manv. Albert Gallatin, in Canals t=> j ^ ^ j > Jefferson's administration, proposed a series of coast\\*ise canals from New England to South Carolina. There was great opposition to such improvements at na- tional expense ; and, as in the case of roads, it was left chiefly for the states and private companies to undertake them. The most successful of the early canals built under state authority was the Erie Canal, connecting Lake Erie with the Hudson River and thus with the Atlantic. Its success aroused other states to similar enterprises. Some of these canals were successfully constructed and operated, but most of them were not. TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION 113 It was the coming of the railroads that caused the down- fall of the canal schemes. Under certain circumstances canals remain, nevertheless, an important means of trans- portation. The Erie Canal is still an important highway, and the state of New York is now spending ^100,000,000 to improve it so that large modern freight boats may navigate it. The United States government has built a number of important canals in recent times for the purpose of avoid- ing rapids in rivers, or to connect the Great Lakes. One of the largest of these is the canal at Sault Ste. Marie, be- tween Lake Superior on the one hand, and Lakes Huron and Michigan on the other. The greatest canal ever un- dertaken is the Panama Canal now nearing completion by the United States. It has been constructed under the greatest difficulties. Its cost will be about $400,000,000. It will shorten the voyage from New York to San Fran- cisco by 8000 miles, and will be of untold value to the entire world. Steam railways revolutionized transportation. They quickly displaced most of the older turnpikes and canals, and made travel rapid beyond the imagination ^ r ^^ ' ^r^i Railfoads of the people of earlier times. They soon cov- ered the country with a network of tracks until, at the present time, the railways of the United States would en- circle the globe eight and a half times, without counting second tracks and sidetracks. The importance of the rail- roads in the building of our nation can hardly be over- estimated. It is quite possible that the territory we now occupy could never have been included in a single nation if it were not for the railroads that bind together its widely separated parts. San Francisco and New York are to-day as close together, so far as ease of communication is con- cerned, as New York and Boston were in Washington's 114 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN time. Because of their great service to the country in this way, railroads have at various times been aided by both state and national governments. The national govern- ment gave to many states, in early times, large tracts of public land, the revenue from which was to be used in the work of constructing railroads. When the great Western roads were proposed, Congress gave about 100,000,000 acres of land to aid in the enterprise. Railroads in this country are owned by corporations chartered by the state governments or, in some cases, by the national government. Since the service they perform is of such a public character their conduct is regulated to a large extent, as we have seen, by the Interstate Commerce Commission (p. 103). Many of the states also have railway commissions and laws to regulate the business of railroads within the state boundaries. There are many who believe that railroads should be owned by the government, as is the case in many European countries. Another most important step in binding separate com- munities together, and especially in bringing isolated ^, ^ . communities into relation with lararer centers Electnc ^ interurban of life, is the recent growth of electric inter- ^^^^ urban railways. Many little communities not heretofore touched by steam railways have been brought into the stream of life of the larger community about them. There was a time not long ago when the life of the farmer was a Hfe of isolation. He had few of the advan- tages of the city, and seldom came into intimate contact with the life of the world. All this is rapidly being changed by the building of electric lines through the rural districts, together with the establishment of free rural mail delivery and the extension of telephones in the country. By these means city, town, and rural populations are being TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION bound more closely together. The people mingle more freely. What affects one for good or ill more quickly affects all. The whole country is being united more firmly into a single community. A Portion of the Lake Front, Chicago. Observe the railroad yards, the piers extending into the lake, and the viaduct over the railroads to the piers. Compare this scene with that in the illustration on page 140 The question of transportation in cities is an important one, and presents difficulties not found in rural commu- nities and small towns. First in importance is Transpor- the street itself. All cities have a department cities" «ie of government to manage the construction and street repairing of the streets, and employ engineers who under- Il6 THE COMML^NITY AXD THE CITIZEN Stand the principles of good street making. It is too often true, however, that street commissioners and other officers in control of the streets are appointed as a reward for pohtical ser\'ices rather than because of fitness for the work. Too often large contracts for street making are let, through political favoritism, to men who are more interested in the amount of money they can make out of the job than in the welfare of the community. Such con- tractors, and the officers of government who knowingly employ them, are enemies to the communitv. The streets are for the use of the people. No one has a right to block them unnecessarily to the inconvenience or Blocking danger of others. There are ordinances to pre- the streets yQ^t storekeepers and others from blocking the sidewalks with boxes or otherwise. These ordinances are often violated, making the way of the pedestrian both diffi- cult and dangerous, besides making the streets unsightly. In large cities the sidewalks and streets are necessarily crowded, and a sHght accident may block traffic completely for a time. It is necessary to use the streets in cities for the laying of sewer, water, and gas pipes, the stretching of telegraph, F hises telephone, and electric-hght wires, and the con- struction of street railways. Franchises for these purposes are granted, on tu'o conditions : first, definite serv- ices must be performed for the people ; and, second, the natural use of the streets by vehicles and pedestrians must not be interfered vrith. Here again we often find the rights of the people disregarded, both by the companies which ob- tain the franchises, and by the government officials who grant them. Sometimes franchises are carelessly drawn up and give away pri\-ileges to companies without safe-guard- ing the rights of the people, Sometimes the officers of TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION 11/ government dishonestly and un patriotically give- away the people's rights for private gain. Copyright, 1907, by Underwood ^^ Underwood, New York. Transportation in a Large City. Life in cities has been almost revolutionized by the devel- opment of rapid transportation by electric trolley cars. In some of the largest cities there are elevated j^ .^ railways, upon which trains are driven without transit in the delays necessary in surface transporta- "*^®^ tion. In New York and other cities there is also a system of subway transportation under the streets. Il8 THE CO:>IMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN The regular steam railways run trains a few minutes apart between the centers of all large cities and their suburbs. In a single year the surface,, elevated, and sub- way trains in the city of New York carried more than 860,000,000 passengers; in Boston, 270,000,000; and in Chicago the surface and elevated roads carried nearly 550,000,000. The city railways are owmed and operated by private cor- porations under franchises. It has been proposed that cities ^ should acquire possession of their transportation Government n r r ownership svstems and should operate them themselves, as of railways -^ done in many European cities. It is argued that the ser\-ice could then be made just as good as the people want it, and the fares could be reduced greatly. It is said, in reply to this, that if city governments can- not wiselv and honestly control the giving of franchises, and enforce their terms, how much less likely would the governments be to manage the entire business wisely and honestly. In community life there must be an exchange of ideas as well as a means of transporting goods and people. The Communi- nianufacturer must know what kinds of goods cation of the people want and what they will be willing to ^^^^^ pay for them. He must also know where he can get his materials for manufacture most advanta- geously. In a large country like ours the people in sections far removed from each other, Hke New England and Cali- fornia, would be likely to develop very great differences in manner of speech, in dress, in ways of thinking, and in forms of government, if they w^ere not in constant com- munication with each other. The exchange of ideas is kept up partly by means of travel. There is a constant min- gUng of the people of different sections. We have, besides, TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION 119 our postal system, the telegraph and telephone, and the newspaper. When an important event happens, the news of it is at once flashed to every part of the land and within a few hours, at most, is laid at our doors in the columns of a newspaper. The Constitution gives Congress power to create post offices and post roads, and the post-office system has existed from the beginning under the complete Postal control of the national government. At first the system mails were usually carried on horseback, sometimes by boys, or by old men who '* whiled away the hours by knit- ting woolen mittens and stockings" along the way. At the close of the Revolution letters were sent from New York to Boston two or three times a week. It sometimes required five weeks for a letter to go a distance now passed over in a single afternoon. Out of this small beginning has developed the extensive postal system which we enjoy to-day. Formerly, as to-day in very small communities, people went to the post office for their mail ; but now in all cities and large towns it is delivered at their doors. There is also a rural free delivery, postmen driving daily from farmhouse to farmhouse. In 191 3 a parcel post was established, which means a package express service here- tofore performed by private express companies. So great is the service performed by the telegraph, the trans-oceanic cable, and the telephone, that it is hard to see how life could go on without these means of Telegraph almost instantaneous communication connecting and business offices or homes, farmer and city dweller, ^ ^^ distant cities, and the nations of the world. The first tele- graph Hne in the United States was owned and operated as a part of the government postal service, as is now the case in some countries, but the telegraph and telephone 120 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN are now in the hands of private corporations. The Post- master General of the United States, in his report for 191 3, expresses his conviction that the Post-office Department should control all these means of communication and his belief that this will ultimately be the policy of the United States as of other countries. We must not close this chapter without reference to the wonderful invention of radio-comvuinication — wireless telegraphy — which is one more powerful means of bind- ing _ the whole world into one community with common interests. We prize it especially, perhaps, as a means of saving life on the sea. So much depends upon this means of communication that our government has passed special laws to prevent interference with important messages. Every one who operates a wireless station should conscien- tiously observe these laws. FOR INVESTIGATION 1. Look up the difficulties of travel and transportation in our country in the beginning of the nineteenth centuiy, and their eflfects on the life of the time. 2. Are the geographical conditions favorable to the making of good roads in your community? What is the condition of the country roads in your neighborhood during the winter? What effect do the road con- ditions have on the life of the farmer? On the life of the town people? 3. Who has control over the making and repairing of the country roads in your community? How is the expense of keeping them in re- pair met? Do the farmers work out their road tax? Are experienced persons employed to oversee the work of construction and repair? 4. Look up the histor}^ of road building in your state. Have there been any state roads ? If so, locate them on the map. Is your state government now taking any steps to improve the condition of the coun- try roads ? 5. Make a report on the history and influence of the National Road. Did it have any particular influence on the settlement of your state ? 6. Give an account of the use of rivers in your state for transporta- tion. To what extent are they used now? TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION 12 1 7. Do you know of any river improvement going on in your state? By whom is it being made, state or national government? 8. Make a report on the work of the United States Coast Survey. 9. Make a report on the building and influence of the Erie Canal. 10. Look up the history of canal building in your state. Have there been any successful canals operated there ? Are any of them still in operation ? 1 1 . Report on the purpose and history of the Panama Canal. What arrangements did our government have to make with other nations in regard to it? Of what advantage will it be to the world? What special advantages will the United States derive from it? 12. Report on the early history of railroad building in your state. 13. If there are interurban electric lines in your neighborhood, re- port what influence they have had on the life of the farmers ; on the prosperity of the cities. 14. How does your city government manage the building and re- pairing of the streets? If you wanted the street on which you live paved, how would you set about it? How would the expense be met? 15. Are the ordinances respecting the blocking of sidewalks observed in your community ? 16. If you have a street railway in your community, find out what the terms of the franchise are with reference to the use of the streets. Also with reference to the paving of the streets through which the tracks run. Are the people getting as good service from the street railways as they should ? If not, why ? 17. Debate the question, " Street railroads should be owned and operated by the city." 18. Report on rural free mail delivery in your neighborhood. What influence does it have on the improvement of the country roads ? (See Report of Postmaster General for 1913, pp. 32-33.) 19. Report on the organization of a large newspaper for the gather- ing and distribution of information. 20. Report on the laws regulating the use of wireless telegraph by amateurs. (Copies of the regulations may be obtained from the Bureau of Navigation, Department of Commerce, Washington.) 122 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN REFERENCES The Office of Public Roads. Department of Agriculture. Washington, D.C., has issued a series of circulars on the public roads of the differ- ent states, giving the mileage of improved and unimproved roads, road laws, etc. Some of the state governments have issued reports on the public roads of these states ; as in Indiana, the Report of the State Geologist for 1905 deals with the Roads and Road Materials of Indiana. Henderson, "The Social Spirit of America," chapter VI, " Good Roads and Communication." Hart, "Actual Government," chapter XXVII, " Transportation." Bryce, "The American Commonwealth," last edition, vol. II, chapter CIII, " Railroads." McMaster, "History of the American People," I: 11-13; 40-54; 67-70; II: 553-557; 560-563; III: 462-481. These references are good for the conditions of travel and communication in the early histon,^ of our countr^^ Also for the National Road, the Erie Canal, and the establishment of the Coast Survey. Earle, Ahce M., " Home Life in Colonial Days," chapter XIV, " Travel, Transportation, and Taverns." Earle, Ahce M. " Stage-Coach and Tavern Days." Sparks, " The Expansion of the American People," chapters XII, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXX. An entertaining account of the development of means of transportation. Chapter XXII deals with the Cumberland Road and the Erie Canal. Wilcox, "The American Cit>^" chapter II, "The Street," and chapter III, " The Control of PubUc Utihties." FairUe, "Municipal Administration," chapter XII, 291-307, "Urban Trans- portation." Makes a comparison between European and American systems. Report of the Postmaster General of the United States (1913), Government Printing Qfi&ce, Washington. " Promotion of Commerce." An outhne of the ser\ice maintained by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce and other bureaus and offices of the Government of the United States. Department of Commerce, Di\ision of PubUca- tions, Washington (1913). Report of the Secretan,- of Commerce (1913). Government Printing Office, Washington. Official Handbook of the Panama Canal (1913). Published by the Isthmian Canal Commission, Washington. In the National Geographic Magazine ior Februar}-, 1911, there is an article on " The Panama Canal," by Col. Geo. W. Goethals. In the same magazine for February, 1914, there is an article on " The Panama Canal," by Lt. Col. W. A. Sibert, one on " Battling with the Panama SUdes," by W. J. Showalter ; and one on " The Probable Effect of the Panama Canal on the Commercial Geography of the World," bv O. P. Austin. CHAPTER XIV WASTE AND SAVING In the accumulation of wealth, saving is as important as production. Waste must be avoided. There is usually Waste ^ good deal of waste in the household. There in the is waste in clothing through lack of proper care, ouse o through unwise purchasing of unsuitable ma- terials, and through extravagance in the purchase of un- necessary articles. There is waste in fuel, sometimes by overheating the houses, sometimes by improper care of the furnaces or stoves. One of the greatest wastes is in the matter of food. " Scraps " are thrown away that a skillful housekeeper would use. Unnecessary quantities of food are bought and prepared. Many a good dish is spoiled in the cooking. Another waste is due to ignorance of the nourishing values of different articles of food. The man who works with his hands in the open air, con- stantly exercising his muscles, needs a different kind of nourishment from the student who sits at his desk all day. Those who are fed on the wrong kinds of food, or on food improperly prepared, cannot do as good work as they otherwise could. Not the least important means of secur- ing good citizenship, as shown in effective work in the community, is a better management of the kitchens in the homes of the community. It is said that more than three fourths of the household expenditures in our country are made by the women. It 123 124 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN is a highly important service to the community for the girls who are to become the managers of the households to learn the lesson of saving. In the pioneer days women every girl learned at home the details of house are the management. In modern life, especially in of the cities, it is not always so. It is now recognized iiousehold that, in the attempts to improve the conditions of life in the slums of a city, one of the first things to do is to teach the people who live there how to save in their households, in order to get the best results from what they have. In recent years the school has been assuming some of the responsibility for the education of the girls in domestic science. Courses in cooking and sewing are jj^g respon- offered in an increasingly large number of pub- sibiiity of lie and private schools. Universities are training young women to become teachers of domestic science. It is being recognized, as it should be, that the skillful management of a household is as useful and honor- able a service to the community as the management of a business. The successful business man always tries to avoid waste. By introducing smoke consumers, or by employing skillful stokers, he converts the smoke of his furnaces waste in into steam power instead of pouring it out in business clouds over the community. In a well-managed sawmill not only is the body of the logs sawed into lumber, but the waste from this process is made into tool handles, chair rounds, and other small articles. The pieces of wood that are too small for manufacturing purposes may be sold in cities for kindling. Even the sawdust is put to various uses. When the refining of petroleum oil was first begun, there was a great deal of waste product. From this former waste there are now produced many valuable by- WASTE AND SAVING 125 products, such as paraffin, vaseline, and dyestuffs. The by-products of a manufacturing process are sometimes more valuable than the main product. Another kind of wastefulness is common in the home, in industry, in personal and public affairs. One's kitchen may be so poorly arranged that many unneces- scientific sary steps are taken in doing the daily work ; manage- or, it may not be the fault of the arrangement °^^° but of lack of plan in doing the work. Sometimes we see people working with tools that are dull or poorly adapted to the task in hand, when a Httle thought given to the matter, or a little time spent in putting the tools in good condition, would save time and effort besides securing better results. A brick mason once observed that many unnecessary motions were made in laying bricks. By de- vising a new kind of scaffolding which could always be kept in the same position in relation to the top of the wall, and by other adaptations, he made it possible for a man to lay two or three times as many bricks as before with no greater effort. A new profession has recently developed out of such facts, known as ** efficiency engineering." The " efficiency engineer " makes a business of studying industrial plants or business offices or occupations with a view to determin- ing how to get the largest possible results with the least waste of time, energy, and materials. The results are se- cured through " scientific management." While in a large business or industrial undertaking it may be necessary to employ a specially trained efficiency engineer, the principle of scientific management may be employed by each of us in our daily work. Saving does not mean hoarding. He who hoards is really wasteful, for the money that he hoards might be in- 126 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN vested in such a way that it would produce more wealth. He might buy machinery with it for manufac- is not turing purposes ; he might build houses with hoarding -^ ^^ rent; he might buy a stock of goods with it, and sell them at profit ; or he might lend the money to others who wish the use of it and receive interest. It is the duty of every person to save by investing the surplus of his earnings, so far as he is able to do so. In the g .^ ^ first place, he should endeavor to put it beyond investment a possibility that he shall ever be a burden on IS a uty others for his support, or for the support of his family, in time of sickness, old age, or lack of employment. In the second place, it is through the investment of sav- ings that productive industries are maintained, and the wealth of the community is increased. The man who saves by investment supplies the community with factories, machinery, railways, and other forms of capital. He also becomes an employer of labor. He thus contributes to the prosperity of the community. A postal savings system was estabhshed by the United States government in 191 1. At the end of two and one- Postal sav- half years there were $ 33,818,870 on deposit in ings banks 12,820 post offices that had been designated as depositories. Practically all of this large sum is made up of small savings that had been hidden away by wage- earners, many of them foreigners, who have confidence in the government but not in private savings banks. Many children make use of this method of saving. Savings stamps and savings cards may be bought at the post oflfice banks to help save amounts less than a dollar. When the amount reaches one dollar it may be deposited. This postal savings system is a benefit to the individual, by af- fording safety to his savings and paying interest on them, WASTE AND SAVING 12/ and also to the community, for it has drawn out from hid- ing places this large sum of money, which is thus placed in circulation for business purposes. Another means of saving is by insurance. A person may insure his property against loss by fire, storm, or bur- glary (see p. 74). He may also insure his family , r 1 ,. • . 1 1- Insurance or others dependent upon him agamst loss by reason of his death or injury. As in the case of fire in- surance, the premiums that he and thousands of others pay to a life or accident insurance company constitute a fund, which the company greatly increases by investment, and from which losses are paid to his beneficiaries (those who benefit by his insurance). By one form of life in- surance, the endowment plan, the insured person may him- self receive the full amount of his policy at the end of a ten, fifteen, or twenty year period, if he lives that long. In case of his death before the expiration of the period, his beneficiaries receive the full amount. Life insurance companies have a peculiarly sacred obli- gation, for they pledge themselves to protect widows and orphans against financial loss. Dishonesty or bad man- agement on their part is therefore especially blameworthy, as in the case of savings banks, where thousands of poor people deposit their small savings. Therefore the govern- ment subjects these corporations to careful investigation, and has enacted laws for the protection of policy holders against misuse of their insurance investments. The very abundance of the natural resources of our country has led us as a people to be wasteful conservation of them. Threatening exhaustion of some of of natural them has called attention to national spend- ^®^°"^*^®s thrift habits, and forced our government to take steps to ''conserve " these sources of wealth. 128 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN The rapid occupation of all available farming land led to the reclamation by irrigation of vast areas of supposedly waste land (see page 51). But even after its reclamation about half of it still remains idle. One reason for this is Reclamation ^'^^^ much of the irrigated land was taken up of land by "speculators,"' men who buy the land and hold it without farming it, expecting that it will increase in value through the improvement of other lands in the neighborhood by real settlers. While the speculators make large profits through the efforts of others, their land lies idle, and is therefore waste so far as national benefit is concerned. Such speculation has occurred also in mineral and other lands. In his annual report of 191 3, the Secretary of the Interior urges that the government take steps to prevent the acquisition of public lands except by settlers who will make them productive. When there were still available large areas of fertile land, it did not seem necessary to force each acre to pro- duce all that it was capable of producing. With the increasing needs of the people, it has become necessar}^ Conservation ^^ consenv'e the resources of the soil, which of the son means to make it yield all that it can at the same time that its power to yield in the future is not impaired. In the Department of Agriculture of the national government there is a Bureau of Soils, which studies the soils in all parts of the countr}^ and instructs farmers how to presence or increase the soil fertiht}-, and how to get the largest possible returns. The national government cooperates in such work with the state gov- ernments, many of which have agricultural departments and agricultural schools and experiment stations. Our forest resources have been sadly wasted by forest fires, by destructive methods of cutting timber, and in WASTE AND SAVING 1 29 other ways. This means not only the loss of the timber, but also an increased danger of floods with their con- sequent losses ; the drying up of the sources of streams, thus interfering with navigation, irri- gation, and water power ; and the more rapid erosion of the soil itself. The national government maintains a Forest Service, whose work of forest conservation is saving enormous wealth to the country. Many of the state gov- ernments are doing similar work. The national govern- ment has set aside a large number of national forests (see page 51), not for the purpose of preserving them as they stand, but to make them yield as much wealth to the nation as possible for all time to come. Water is a source of great wealth, and a cause of much destruction. Millions of dollars' worth waste from of damage is caused annually by floods. The floods work of the government in building levees along the banks of rivers to prevent flood destruction has already been mentioned (page 85). One purpose of the national forests on the watersheds of the country is to reduce the danger from floods. In some parts of the country, as in New England, reservoirs are constructed to receive and hold flood waters to prevent their overflowing the country. This " impounding " of flood waters in reservoirs is not only to prevent them from doing harm ; it is also to force them to do good. The floods thus imprisoned may be let out gradually in dry seasons to irrigate the land, as in the reclaimed lands of the West, or to furnish water power. Niagara Falls and other sources of water power have been harnessed to generate electrical power by which cities are lighted, street cars propelled, and wheels of industry turned. But only a small fraction of the power available in this country is used at present. I30 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN As communities grow in size, it becomes increasingly difficult and costly to provide every one with an adequate Water con- supply of pure water. The water supply system servation of Philadelphia has cost about S62, 000,000 and requires one and a quarter miUion dollars a year for its operation ; but so rapidly has the city grown that the present system is hardly adequate in the summer months. New York City is expending about $176,000,000 on its new water supply from the Catskill Mountains. So easy is it for a person to supply his needs from the tap in the wall or the hydrant on the lawn, that he forgets that water is not as free as the air he breathes. It even seems absurd to many people to speak of "wasting water." But it is one of the most common forms of waste. It has been estimated that by installing water meters throughout Philadelphia, a saving of 32,600,000 gallons daily could be effected, enousfh to relieve the strain on the water system for five years, at the present rate of the city's growth. ]\Iuch can be done by each person to conserve the communitv's water supplv. A very tiny stream run- ning constantly may mean a large waste in / ^y At 40 pounds pressure, in 24 hom's, .... a stream running through this size of opening would mean a waste of 170 gallons, 170 970 3600 through this opening a waste of 970 gallons, and through this opening a waste of 3600 gallons. the course of a day. The accompanying il- lustration, furnished by the Superintendent of Water Works of Milwaukee, Wis., will make this matter plain. WASTE AND SAVING I31 Land, soil, forests, and water are only a few of the natural resources that have been wasted, and that the government is seeking to conserve for perma- ^0^5^^^- nent use. At the end of this chapter will be tion of other found references to interesting accounts of this ^®^°"^^®^ work of the government, including that of the Bureau of Mines in conserving our mineral resources ; that of the Bureau of Fisheries in conserving the life of our streams, lakes, and coasts; that of the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture in protecting bird life largely to save crops and trees from the ravages of insects. In some of this work of conservation we may all have a direct part, as in protecting birds and in preventing waste of water. And in all cases we may help to mold pubHc opinion against wastefulness and to cultivate habits of thrift. On page 71 reference was made to the enormous waste by fire in the United States, much of which is preventable. Oreranizations are growino^ up in various places ,., . ? .? ^ ^, . Fire waste which, in cooperation with government authori- ties, are seeking to impress on the people the needlessness of this waste and how they can help to prevent it. This is a work in which children can do much to help. Wastefulness is often found in the management of the community's business by government. It is seen in many forms. Through a false idea of economy im- Waste in provements that would result in real economy government are not made, as when roads or streets are allowed to re- main unimproved, thus causing an unnecessary expense in transportation. For lack of funds pavements that have been built at great expense are allowed to go without repair from year to year until the whole work has to be done over again ; or the equipment of a fire department may be allowed to deteriorate, while the loss from fires in- 132 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN creases. In Philadelphia a saving of 330,000 a year was effected merely by a simple improvement of methods of cleaning the city hall. In Chicago 3200,000 a year was saved in the time of city employees by a slight change in the method by which they received their salary checks and had them cashed. Wastefulness in government may sometimes be attributed to the incompetence of officials, sometimes to their dishon- Who is estv. It is sometimes due to too little sense of responsible ' ., .,. . . ^ , . ,. for an responsibility on their part for the wise expendi- economicai ture of monev that belongs to the public; for govern- ' ^ ment? '"the public "' means to them nobody in particular. It is most often due, however, to bad management, to ineffective methods. But after all, wastefulness in the government of the community is largely the fault of the citizens themselves. They are inclined to place the respon- sibility for unwise expenditures and other forms of waste- fulness upon the officers of government, unmindful of the fact that it is their own business that is being mismanaged. Each citizen owes it to himself and to the community to use everv means at his command to secure an economical administration of the affairs of his community. One way of doing this is by keeping thoroughly informed about what the government is doing and how it does it, and by insisting that full information be provided by government itself, A person is alwavs stimulated to do his best work when he knows that his employers are interested in it and understand his duties and his problems. One of the best reasons why every citizen should know how his govern- ment is organized and how it works, is for the effect that this knowledge may have, not upon the citizen himself, but upon those who are attending to the citizen's business in go\*ernment positions. WASTE AND SAVING 133 FOR INVESTIGATION 1. What are some of the ways in which you are wasteful? 2. What are some ways of preventing waste in your household? 3. Is the kitchen in your home so arranged as to secure economy of time and of steps? Can you suggest ways of improving it? 4. By "scientific management" can you find a way of preparing your school work better and in shorter time, and thus save time for recreation and other activities ? 5. Investigate some factory or business establishment to find out how waste is avoided. 6. Visit a gas factory and find out what by-products of value result from the manufacture of gas. 7. What other industries do you know in which there are useful by- products ? 8. What are some of the ways in which men save by investment? Show how each of these methods of investment benefits the community. 9. Report on the postal savings system (see references). 10. Report on barren or swamp lands in your locality or state that have been or might be reclaimed. 11. Report on forest conservation by the national government. By your own state government. 12. What are the farmers in your locality doing to conserve the soil? 13. Report on the conservation of bird life. How does this result in saving for the farmers ? How can you help the farmers in this matter? 14. Report on the conservation of fish and game by the national government. 15. Report instances of economies eiTected in city government by the use of scientific management (see references to Bureaus of Municipal Research). REFERENCES " The Problem of Waste," Independent, 55 : 1324. " A Century of Waste," Independent, 52 : 2400. " The Utilization of Wastes," Engineering Magazine, 26: 118. " Reclaiming Waste," Current Literature, 30 : 743. " Conserving Waste Products," World's Work, 4 : 2352. " The Utilization of Waste," Forum, 32 : 74. " The Wastes of a Great City," Scribners Magazine, 34 : 387. Goodrich, " The Economic Disposal of a Town's Refuse." 134 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN " Changing Garbage Disposal from an Expense to a Revenue," Attierican City, 9: 244-5 (September, 1913). " Food from Waste Products," Literary Digest, 46: 15 (January 4, 1913). " Power from Waste Fuel," Scientific American Supplement, 75: 267 (April 26, 1913)- "Wealth from Wasted Gas," Technical World, 19: 37 (March, 1913). On Scientific Management see '• Readers' Guide to Periodical Litera- ture." A few references are : " Story of Emerson, High- Priest of the New Science of Efficiency," Review of Reviews, 48: 305-315 (September, 1913). " Putting ^\^oman and Her Home on a Business Basis," Review of Reviews (Februar}', 19 14). " Scientific Management in the Home," Outlook, April 13, 1912, and Sept. 14, 1912; Current Opinion, April, 1914. " Efficiency Movement," Harper s Weekly, Nov. 2, 1912. " Work done by the Economy and Efficiency Commission at Washington," Syste7n, April, 1913. On Conservation of Natural Resources, see •• Readers" Guide." f" The following government publications are valuable (Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.) : I2th Annual Report of the Reclamation Service (1913)'. Report of the Secretar\^ of the Interior (1913), pp. 1-24; 55-69; 70-71; 93-94. Report of the Director of the Bureau of Mines (1913), pp. 10-13; '^9- United States Bureau of Fisheries : Its Organization, Operations, and Achieve- ments (19 10). Fish-Culttural Practices in the United States Bureau of Fisheries (1910). " A Primer of Forestry," by Gifford Pinchot, Farmers' Bulletin issued by Depart- ment of Agriculture (1911), " Status of Forestr}- in the United States," by Treadwell Cleveland, Forestry Bulletin (1909). Report of the Secretaiy of Agriculture (1913). Report of the Third Assistant Postmaster General (1913), pp. 27-40, on Postal Savings. The Bureau of Municipal Research, 261 Broadway, New York City, and the similar Bureaus of Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and other cities, publish literature illustrating vividlv waste and economies in cit\- governments. CHAPTER XV HOW THE COMMUNITY AIDS THE CITIZEN TO SATISFY HIS DESIRE FOR KNOWLEDGE In 1607 the first permanent English colony was founded in Virginia. Sixty-four years after its founding Governor Berkeley reported to the king on the condition of Berkeley on the colony, and among other things he said, " I education thank God there are no free schools nor printing, and I hope we shall not have, these hundred years." A statement like this from one in authority seems strange to us now, when one of our chief causes of pride is our system of free schools and our busy printing presses. It is a good example of the belief of despotic rulers that much knowl- edge on the part of the people is dangerous. It is true that a despotic government cannot exist in a nation where the mass of the people are educated. What Governor Berke- ley wanted to see was a colony of loyal subjects of the king, contented because ignorant of their rights and powers, and without ambition to extend their liberties by revolting against the government of the king and his officers. Fortunately for the growth of a free and self-governing people. Governor Berkeley's ideas were not to prevail. The people of Virginia were eager enough for schools, The New though geographical conditions hindered their England development. Within a few years from the ^^^^ founding of Virginia, another group of colonists founded Massachusetts. Here a law was passed providing 135 136 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN that in every town of fifty householders an elementary school was to be estabUshed, and in every town of one hundred householders, a grammar school. New England grew under a system of free schools, free discussion, and a free press, and because of these things, one hundred years after Berkeley's time became a center of rebellion against English oppression. We must look first to the family as the most important arrangement for the education of the citizen. If education were left entirely to the family, however, it would ^j^ ^ be inadequately and unequally provided. A iiyand large proportion of the citizens of America are ^^^^^^^°°- foreigners. They and their children would make little headway in acquiring the knowledge that makes them in- telHgent citizens if their education were left for their families to accompHsh. The children of wealthy families might be highly educated by means of books and travel, and by the employment of private teachers at home; while the children of wage earners would have to get along with very little education. It is not a high degree of education on the part of a few that makes a republic like ours great. It is rather a fairly generous amount of knowledge permeating all ranks and classes. Since the community is to be the gainer by it, the community must afford a means of education that shall be within the reach of all. As was stated at the beginning of this chapter, Massa- chusetts at an early time recognized the importance of a generally educated people by establishing a sys- Education a tern of public schools. Connecticut made a fundamen- . ., . . r -1^1 , . tal idea of Similar provision soon afterward. Other colonies our govern- and sections of the country were slower about ™®^^ providing for the general education of the people, but in the course of time the Massachusetts way has EDUCATION 137 become characteristic of the American community. One of the foundation ideas of our free country is that there shall be the greatest possible freedom of thought and the most widespread information among the people. After the Revolutionary War, when the Ordinance of 1787 was en- acted by Congress for the government of the Western lands, it provided that " religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of man- kind, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged." When new states were created out of this Western land, it was provided that each should reserve one section of every township for school purposes. States ad- mitted after 1848 were to reserve two sections of each town- ship. Thus began the public school system in the great West. In the law of 1906, providing for the admission of Indian Territory and Oklahoma as the state of Okla- homa, it was provided that the proceeds from the sale of all public lands should be used for school purposes. The public schools of the United States are one of the largest items of expense to the government. In 1911-12 the states expended on their public elementary and high schools $482,886,793. This amounts cost of to about $26 a year for each child enrolled. Why education , - , . , , - , is justified should the community expend so much tor the education of its young people } Do they receive this edu- cation freely from the community for their own advantage alone ? Community life is never one-sided. The child is educated by the community not that he may get more out of life (although it is true that he may), but that he may be able to give mo7'e to the well-being of the community. Our nation is annually investing millions of dollars in its young people, expecting to get its returns in greatly increased efficiency in the services rendered to it by its citizens. 138 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN Training for citizenship is accomplished by the school chiefly in two ways : I. Through a course of instruction that will unfold to the pupil his various relations to life, and that will develop his powers of clear thinking and right action, schools ^Ve usually think of civics and history as the train for -(iwo subjects intended to train for citizenship, but every subject in the course of study should contribute to the same end. Language, literature, mathe- matics, science, manual arts, and vocational training, are The William Clark School, St. Louis, Mo. all intended to broaden the view of the individual, to de- velop an all-round manhood and womanhood, to cultivate the different desires and powers in such a way as to fit the individual for life in the community. 2. The second way in which the school should train for citizenship is in the life of the school itself. The school is a community and is also a part of the larger community about it. It is a mistake to think that the school is merely a place to prepare for Hfe. It is life. School children are doing just what the community expects them to be doing during their time of life. By so doing they are contrib- uting to the welfare of the community as well as receiving a benefit from it. EDUCATION 139 People learn to do things by practice. AH the principles of community life found in the world outside of the school are found also within the school. Here are xheprinci- grouped together a number of people with dif- p^^^ p^ 'j?™- fering desires and motives, but all possessing found in certain common interests. Here are probably *^® school represented several different nationalities going through the process of being molded into Americans by common instruction and by association with each other. Here are children from all classes in the community, all on an exactly equal footing before the laws of the school, and with exactly equal opportunities of showing their worth and winning advancement by their own efforts. This is the real idea of democracy that we are trying to realize in our national and local communities. If we ever realize it perfectly, it will be largely through the influence of the public schools. In the school is found the necessity for industry and productive work ; for a division of tasks and united action, under the direction of teachers, for the common good. Here is seen the necessity for organization and govern- ment in order that the greatest good for the greatest number may be secured. Here more or less responsi- bihty rests upon each member for the welfare of all. Failure or wrongdoing on the part of one not only brings disaster to himself, but tends to disturb the harmony and well-being of all. Certain phases of school life tend to de- velop particular quaUties of good citizenship ; in athletics courage, decisiveness in action, and the spirit of square dealing are emphasized. And so in the life of the school habits are formed by practice that will work good or ill by being perpetuated in the life of the larger community out- side of the school. 140 THE COMML'XITY AND THE CITIZEN In order to give pupils practice in community govern- ment, many schools are organized somewhat on the plan Pupil par- of a city or state, with corresponding officers, ticipationin ^^^^-^ ^^ ^ mavor, councilmen, and judges. The scnool - J ^ government '' school city" plan of pupil self-government is widely known. In other cases a large degree of pupil participation in the management of the school is secured The Work-shop of a Special School for Boys. without anv special organization like that of the school city. Opinions differ as to the desirability of the various self-government plans. It is clear, however, that no ma- chinery of self-government can be successful without a real community spirit among both pupils and teachers. Furthermore, it is important to remember that the school is not a city or a state, but a sc/ioo/ community, differing in manv particulars from the former. However valuable it may be, as a means of instruction, to adopt the form of EDUCATION 141 government found in the community outside of the school, the really important thing is to form habits of good private citizenship in the school community, under the natural conditions found in school life. Education is not only a privilege ; it is a duty, because every citizen owes it to his community to equip himself to render the best citizenship possible. In most Education of the states there are laws which require every * *^^*y child to attend school until a certain age (usually fourteen, fifteen, or sixteen), and parents are held responsible for the attendance of their children. A great many pupils, how- ever, drop out at the end of each grade for various reasons, so that a large proportion of those who enter fail to com- plete the entire course of the elementary school. The United States Bureau of Education estimates that only about one-fourth of the children who enter the first grade of the elementary school reach the high school, and of these only about forty per cent graduate. What is the cause of this loss in school attendance ? It is due in part to the fact that backward pupils, those who repeatedly fail of promotion, and reach the age ^^^ ^ when they may legally leave school before they children complete the course, dislike to remain in the leave school? lower grades with children much younger than themselves. It used to be thought that many of those who left did so because they ** had to work " to contribute to the support of their families. Investigations have shown, however, that it is not so often a real necessity of going to work, as it is a failure on the part of children and their parents to see why remaining in school is of any great advantage after the child is old enough to ''get a job." These facts have led educators and others to study seriously the question whether the schools are doing all 142 THE COMMUNITY .A^■D THE CITIZEN that they should for their pupils. Surely, if parents are required to keep their children in school until fourteen or Adjusting sLxteen years of age, it ought to be made plain schools to that it is worth while. It ought to be made so pupub nee s ^i^^ ^^^^ ^ -j^^y qj. g^j would be eager to remain until the course is completed, even if it required a longer time than tiiat fixed by law. Study of this question is leading to some important changes in school methods. It is leading to greater attention to the needs and capacities of the individual pupil. PupUs who have particular difficulties are given particular attention, and are not allowed to fall behind or drop out simply because others in the class have less difficult}-. In some cases there are special classes or special schools for pupils who do not get on well in the regular grades or who have special interests. In such schools manual or vocational training usually has a large place. But most important of all is the attempt that is being made by school authorities to adjust the entire course of study and the methods of teaching more closely to the real needs and interests of the pupUs, and to make it e\ident to ever}- boy and girl that it is to their interest to remain in school as long as possible. While the average cost of education throughout the U::::ed States is about S26 for each pupil enrolled, the cost of high schools is more than S50 for ever^- The respon- . -> j sibiiity of pupil enrolled in them. This higher education the high Qf ^ few bv the community- demands in return school pupil ' . , ' . .—. greater semce to the commumt}\ The com- munit}^ has a right to expect more from an educated man than from an uneducated one; more from a high school graduate than from one who has not attended high school. A hberal education is not intended to reheve a person EDUCATION 143 from hard work, but to fit him for more and better work than he could do otherwise. The duty of education falls on the state, and not on the national government. The state, in turn, has left the matter largely in the hands of the local com- „, . munities. For this reason we find a good deal in the hands of variety in the organization and management ^^cai^^^ *^^ of schools. Usually, in rural communities, the govern- township or county is divided into school °^®^*^ districts. If the district is small, it has but one school. Sometimes the township, or even the county, constitutes a single district, and then there are probably several schools under a single management. In some cases the school business is transacted directly by the voters of the district, who assemble at stated times for the purpose. Usually it is placed in the hands of one or more com- mitteemen or trustees, who are elected by the people. In most cases all the schools of a county are united under the management of a board, which sometimes con- Township sists of the several township trustees. The ^nd county ^ manage- board of trustees looks after the school build- ment ings, employs teachers, and often selects the text-books to be used. In order to secure uniformity and excellence in all the schools of the county there is usually a county superintendent, appointed by the board or elected by the people, whose business it is to supervise the actual work of the schools. Rural schools are often poorly organized. The terms are too short. Pupils of all ages and all stages of advance- ment are grouped together in one room, often in the same classes, and taught by the same teacher. This defect has in some places been partly overcome by consolidating the schools of the township in one centrally located build- 144 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN ing, where the pupils can be graded, and where several teachers can be employed under the supervision of a prin- The organ- ^ip^^- ^ single township high school is often secured by this method of consolidation, al- though the separate districts could not support one. The difficulty in the way of consolidation has been the distance the pupils have to travel from the remote parts of the township. This difficulty has been met in some states by providing means of con- veyance at pubhc expense. ization and manage- ment of country schools City schools A Rural District School. In cities the organization of schools can be more per- fectly effected. The large number of children makes it possible to grade them from the primary classes up to the high school. The compactness of the population makes it easier to supervise the work of all the schools alike and to secure unity throughout the school system. Better buildings, better equipment, and better teachers can be afforded. The schools are under the management of a board, the members of which are some- times elected by the people and sometimes appointed, and a superintendent, w^ho is usually elected by the board. EDUCATION 145 City school boards are usually given wide powers in school matters, and act more or less independently of the other branches of the government, in order to secure free- dom from political influence. Conditions of life in cities differ so much from condi- tions in the country that the state allows cities great lib- A Consolidated Rural School in Indiana. Observe the large number of children in attendance, and the wagons by which they are carried to and from school. erty in organizing and managing their school systems. The schools of the smaller towns and rural districts are usually controlled in their general methods by a g^^^^ central state authority. There is a state board control of of education, and often a state superintendent. The state superintendent is chosen sometimes by elec- tion, sometimes by appointment. In some states the text-books used are prescribed for the whole state by the 146 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN state board of education. In some cases they are fur. nished free to the pupils at the expense of the state. A number of the states provide state universities for the higher education of their young men and women. These state universities afford not only a broad collegiate universities education that will better fit any one for life in the community, but they also offer special training for the law, for medicine, for engineering, and for other profes- sions. Attendance at the state universities is usually free to citizens of the state ; but so excellent are these institu- tions that they generally attract students from other states, who are required to pay tuition. While education is thus chiefly in the hands of the state, the national government is not wholly inactive in the mat- Educational ter. We have seen how it gave a start to the nat^ionai ^ educational work of the states by the donation government of tracts of land. In addition to this it has established a Bureau of Education, at the head of which is the United States Commissioner of Education. His duties are chiefly to collect information on educational matters, to publish this information in reports and bulletins, and to exercise an influence on educational movements through- out the country. The national government maintains mili- tary and naval schools, schools for the Indians, and schools for the city of Washington. We have given our attention to the public school system as the chief means of education directly controlled by 0th government. must not be supposed that educational this is all the community does for this purpose, institutions -pj-^gj-g g^j-g thousands of private schools scattered over the country, especially in the cities. There are paro- chial schools ; that is, schools managed by certain churches, as in the case of the Roman Catholic church. There are EDUCATION 147 many colleges which are self-supporting, or derive their support from private funds. There are schools for the deaf and dumb, and for the blind, supported by the state. There are thousands of libraries all over the country, many of which are public libraries for the free use of the citizens. These are a valuable ally of the public schools, and are sometimes managed by the school board in cities. Many % High School, Fort Wayne, Ind. of the states have state libraries, and at Washington there is the great Congressional library, a national in- stitution. In the colonial days of New England the town meeting was one of the greatest educational forces. Here the peo- ple gathered to discuss matters of common in- Freedom of terest. Every citizen was educated on matters speech, of the press, of public importance. This widespread infor- and of mation is important in a republic like ours. The assemblage love of meeting together to discuss public questions, or to hear them discussed by well-informed persons, is very 148 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN striking in America. We have only to compare ourselves with some of the countries of the world, like Russia, where men may be sent into exile for expressing their thoughts too freely, where public meetings are largely forbidden, and where no news may be printed in the newspapers until it has been examined by government officials, to be thankful that our Constitution provides that " Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people freely to assem- ble" (Amendment I). The town meeting has almost disappeared. But in its place manv other means for the discussion of public ques- tions have arisen. In this connection we again come back to the pubhc school house. The people are just beginning ^ , to realize that their school buildings, which The school ° a civic have generally stood idle except during the center hours when school is in session, might have a much wider use, and afford an excellent place for neigh- borhood meetings. In many localities, therefore, in both city and rural communities, the school houses have be- come civic or social centers of great influence in the education of the people through neighborhood discussion of public questions. It is the town meeting idea adapted to modern conditions. " It is in this idea of the school as a social center that the whole modern evolution in educa- tion finds its completion. The school building becomes not merely a place for educating the young, it is the place where the whole community educates itself, adults as well as children." EDUCATION 149 FOR INVESTIGATION 1 . Find what you can about the school life of the child in colonial New England ; in colonial Virginia. 2. Find what you can about the first schools in your own com- munity. How did they differ from the schools of to-day? How long was the school term ? Did all children attend ? Were they private schools, or public? Where did they get teachers? How well were the teachers paid? 3. What does the family do for the education of the children that the school cannot do? What does the school do that the family cannot? 4. What does your state constitution provide with regard to education ? 5. Describe the organization of the schools in your township and county. 6. If the schools in your community are graded, when and why did the grading take place? Show how the graded system is better than the ungraded system. 7. Are the country schools consolidated in any part of your state? If so, how does the system work? What are some of the advantages of consolidating small country schools ? 8. If you live in a city, describe in detail the organization of the city schools. Describe the board of education, number of members, term of office, powers, etc. 9. What are the qualifications prescribed for teachers in your com- munity? How are the teachers selected? 10. Describe the work of the state board of education and that of the state superintendent of education in your state. 11. How are the school books selected in your state? In your city? Are they free to the children? What advantages and disad- vantages result from free school books ? 12. What do the public schools cost your city each year ? Your county? Your state? 13. Compare the school community of which you are a member with the community outside of the school, as suggested on page 139 of this chapter. 14. How does the government of your school differ from the gov- ernment of the city or town in which you live? What is the reason for this difference? Would it be wise to make the government of the school more like that of the city? Give your reasons. Look up plans of pupil self-government and report your opinion of them (see refer- ences below). 150 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN 15. What are the compiilson- education laws of your state? How are truants looked after in your communit}* ? 16. What reasons can you give why the high school should be maintained at the expense of the community, in spite of the small proportional attendance and the large proportional cost? 17. Make a list of the educational agencies in your communit}- out- side of the public school. 18. See the reports of your city supenntendent of schools and report on improvements in your school system during the past few years. What recommendations for future improvement does he make? 19. Report on the present or possible use of schoolhouses in your community outside of school hours. 20. What means of discussion take the place of the town meeting in your community? 21. What improvements are being made in rural schools to adapt them to the needs of rural communities? REFERENCES Hart, ■• Actual Government." chapter XX^'III, - Education." Forman, •• Advanced Ci\-ics." chapter XLVI. Dewey, John. •• The School and Society.'" Henderson. C. R.. -The Social Spirit in America." chapter XII. *'The Social Spirit in the State School System." Earle. Alice M., •• Child Life in Colonial Davs.'' chapters III-VI. King. IrA-ing, "Social Aspects of Education " (1913). *• A book of sources and original discussions with annotated bibliographies.-- This book contains chapters on various topics mentioned in the text, and will be found useful because of the reproduction of discussions by au- thorities on the various subjects and for the bibliographies. It con- tains chapters on : " The Social Relations of Home and School " (ch. IV). " The School as a Center of Social Life in the Community.- " fch. V) . " The Social Need for Continuing the Education of the Adult " (ch. VI) . " Industrial and Vocational Education " (ch, IX). "Pupil Self-Govemment " (ch. XVI) . Perr}\ C. "Wider Use of the School Plant" (1910). Welling. Richard. " Some Facts about Pupil Self-Govemment." A pamphlet published by the School Citizens' Committee. 2 W^all Street New York City. A good summan.- in favor of self-government. Clapp. H. L., " Self-Govemment in Public Schools." Education. 29 : 335-3-34 (1909)- Arguments against. EDUCATION 151 Morehouse, Frances M., " The DiscipHne of the School," chapter iv. For these and other topics see " Readers' Guide to Periodical Litera- ture." Reports of the City Superintendent of Schools, of the State Commis- sioner or Board of Education, and of the United States Commissioner of Education should be used. The U. S. Bureau of Education issues Bulletins on many phases of education. A list of these may be obtained by writing the Bureau. The McKinley High School, St. Louis, Mo. CHAPTER XVI HOW THE COMMUNITY AIDS THE CITIZEN TO SATISFY HIS DESIRE FOR BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS Ix one important way the growth of communities has tended to destroy the beautiful surroundings of man. It View of a River Froxt. Notice the iinsightly sheds, the heaps of refuse, and the smoking factories. Civilization is a misfortune that much of the natural beauty destroys of the landscape must disappear before the ad- much beauty of vance of civilization. The forest and the flower- nature clothed prairie are transformed into farms and building sites. The hills are cut away for the resources that they contain. The streams are lined with ugly and 152 CIVIC BEAUTY 1 53 noisy factories, and clogged with refuse. The sky is obscured with smoke. The community, acting sometimes through the govern- ment and sometimes in other ways, may prevent a great deal of unnecessary destruction of the beauty of . Unnecessary nature. The national government and some of destruction the states have forestry bureaus, which have of natural beauty for their purpose the preservation of the forests. Needless pollution of streams may be checked by state Boulevard on the Bank of a Stream. This stream is thus made a most attractive feature in the heart of a large city. laws, and their natural beauty in a measure preserved by preventing dilapidated and untidy premises along their banks in cities, and in some cases by converting their banks into parks. Sentiment may be aroused among the boys, in the school and otherwise, against the killing of birds. Much natural scenery may be preserved by the creation of national and state parks, as in the case of the Yellowstone and the Yosemite. Niagara Falls is now in 154 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN danger of being transformed from one of the great wonders of nature into a mere sluice for the turning of mill wheels unless the government can be induced by public sentiment to prevent it. If natural beauty tends to disappear before the growth of communities, the opportunity for art increases. Beauti- ful houses and imposino- business blocks make Community a i, • r -i -. life creates their appearance. Art galleries are founded. opportuni- Relio-ious Organizations and institutions of other ties for art _ ° ° , , . , , ., , kinds grace the community with beautiful A Beautiful Back Yard. By courtesy of the National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio. churches and other structures. Schools cultivate the taste for beautiful things, and the people are taught how to enjoy life in ways that they could not if they lived in isolation. The place to begin beautifying the community is in the home. The citizen who is careless about the appearance of his own home is almost sure to have little in- terest in the appearance of the rest of the com- munity. A home that is unsightly takes away from the Beauty in the home CIVIC BEAUTY 55 enjoyment of all who see it. The first essential to beauty is neatness and orderliness. But it is possible to do more than merely to keep the premises clean and in order. Grass can be made to cover bare ground, or to take the place of weeds. There is almost always a spot for vines and flowers to grow, if it is only in window boxes. It is wonderful what a transformation has often taken place even among the crowded dwellings of the poor in the heart of cities, by School Gardening in St. Louis. the introduction of vines over the fences, a flower bed in the small rear yard, and boxes of growing plants at the windows. The practice of thus adorning the dwelling place is contagious, and spreads from home to home, and from neighborhood to neighborhood. One well-kept lawn in a neighborhood is followed by others, until whole squares and whole streets present an unbroken view of beauty. It is wonderful how much children can do toward mak- ing the community beautiful in this way. In Cleveland 156 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN there is a Home Gardening Association, working chiefly The through the school children, which has trans- children's formed home yards, school grounds, and vacant oppor ty j^^g ^^^^ barren and disorderly spots, in many cases, into beautiful flower and vegetable gardens. This Association early learned that " the easiest and surest way A School Garden. Picking and crating tomatoes. to results is through the enthusiasm of youth." In most phases of community life we usually think that active citi- zenship is for men and women ; but in the beautifying of the community, in which a high type of citizenship can be shown, the children may take an active and prominent part, and are doing so in many communities. It is appropriate that the school and the home should work together in this matter. The school buildings scattered CIVIC BEAUTY 1 57 throughout a city, and also in the country districts, should be centers of pride in their neighborhoods be- Beauty in cause of their beauty. Happily, communities *^® school are beginning to realize this, and the architecture of schools is improving. Even if the buildings are old and ugly, their surroundings, in most cases, can be made beautiful and in A Well-kept Street. Notice lawns, pavements, water hydrant, mail-box, telephone poles. this the children can have a part. The work of the Cleve- land Home Gardening Association began with the improve- ment of a school yard in the heart of the city. A city is judged by the appearance of its streets perhaps more than in any other way, unless it is by the appearance of its homes. The eye passes naturally from Beauty in one to the other. The street is public property, t^® street This means that each citizen has a share in it ; he has a right to its use, and a right to expect that it will be kept in 158 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN good repair and good order. He also has a share of the responsibility for keeping it so. There was a time in certain cities when each householder was required to keep the street directly adjacent to his property swept and in good order. At first this was done by the householder himself, or by his servant. Then a group of neighbors would unite in employing some one to do it for the neighborhood, or for the whole street. In the course of time it was found that the work could be done better and more economically by placing it all under the direction of a central authority, and by having a body of men give their whole time to it. The nsi expense was met by taxing the householders. bUity of the Now that the care of the streets has been shifted citizen from the individual householder to the govern- ment of the community, the householder has come to feel, in many cases, that he has also shifted the responsibility ; but the employer is responsible for the work of those whom he employs. In city communities good pavements are perhaps the first essential to beautiful streets. Holes and uneven Pavements; places are unsightly as well as unsafe. A rough noise pavement also adds to the noise of a city. The desire for the beautiful may be satisfied as much through the ear as through the eye. Noises are often our safe- guards against danger. This is the excuse for gongs on street cars and fire engines, bells on bicycles, and whistles on locomotives. But the noise in most of our large cities is unnecessarily great and trying. In some cities ordinances exist to decrease the amount of noise, as where iron pipes must be wrapped before they are hauled through the streets, where the shrill whistle of interurban cars is forbidden within the city limits, or where the calling by hucksters and newsboys is forbidden. CIVIC BEAUTY 159 In the matter of clean streets, as in so many other things, prevention is better than cure. Refuse is often swept or thrown into the streets, and paper is uttering strewn along them that should be disposed of in ^^^ streets some other way. Ordinances sometimes exist forbidding such unnecessary littering of the streets, but they are in the class of regulations commonly disregarded. In some A Street in St. Louis. cities boxes are provided on the street corners to receive waste paper and other matter. Care must be taken that such boxes shall not themselves be unsightly. It has been said by some observing persons that school children are largely responsible for the unsightly appear- ance of our streets from the scattering of scraps of paper. It may not be true that school children are any more in- clined to throw scraps in the streets than other people. It is true, though, that they have unusual temptation, as they come from school with an accumulation of papers that they no longer want. Their large numbers make possible i6o THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN a good deal of paper scattering in a few minutes. If children can do a great deal toward beautifying the community by gardening at home and on the school grounds, they can also do a great deal to prevent an un- An Unsightly Neighborhood. sightly appearance by refraining from throwing papers. Habits formed in school go a long way in such matters. Boys and girls who scatter scraps of paper in the schooh room and halls, will do the same thing on the streets and in other public places. Among the most beautiful objects in nature are trees. CIVIC BEAUTY l6l They are also among the objects that have been most recklessly sacrificed by growing communities. The beauty Nothing adds more to the attractiveness of a octrees village or a city than shaded lawns and tree-arched streets. What is more pleasant than a country road lined with beautiful trees ? The trees of many communities are suffering from the ravages of insects and parasites. The government is doing a great deal toward discovering means to Destruction destroy the tree pests, and to acquaint the peo- ^^J' ™"*^' pie with these means. The trees also have trees enemies among men, to whom they would contribute so much in health and pleasure. In the first place, men clear away fine trees, sometimes necessarily, but often unnecessarily, to make way for so-called " improvements." Magnificent trees are sacrificed ift order that an ordinary- looking house may be built at a particular spot. Often a home would be improved a hundred fold in appear- ance, if the trees were left and the house placed farther back or to one side. A great deal of monotony is pro- duced in our streets and an opportunity for a display of artistic taste is lost, by building our houses too much alike, and all at exactly the same distance from the street, without regard to the nature of the lots or the disposition of the trees and other natural features upon them. In the second place we do not take sufficient care to re- place trees that die, or that are necessarily cut down. In some European cities it is required by law that every tree that dies or is removed, unless removed to prevent crowding, must be replaced by another. Trees are of comparatively slow growth, and this may be one reason why householders hesitate to plant them, fearing that they may never get the benefit of them. This shows a lack of community 1 62 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN spirit. Arbor Day affords an opportunity for children to do something in this connection. The systematic planting of trees on this day not only helps to beautify the com- munity- at once, but is a splendid lesson in citizenship. One of the worst kinds of tree mutilation is that which makes way for telegraph or telephone poles and wires. This is an evil that ex- ists both in the country a:::i ::: the cizv. ^lany a beautiiul street or road has been made unsightly by such mutilation of trees. This is a matter for the communit}^ gov- ernment to control ; but the government will not T^ MUTILATION ON A COUNTRY RO.^. ^^^^jj^, ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^.^, zens show an interest in the presen'ation of the trees. Telegraph, telephone, and trolley poles are in themselves unsigbtlv. In the business portions of cities the network Poles of wires is dangerous in time of fire, and this and wires j^g^g ]g J ^q their removal in many cities. This has been accomphshed by placing the wires underground. Civic beauty has strong claims to the removal of such un- sigbtlv objects from the streets. Public sentiment is slowly being awakened in regard to this matter, and the time is coming when the \-iew of a beautiful street will not be obstructed by Hnes of ugly poles and a network of wires. Another means of disfiguring our streets is by a reck- less use of advertising. Men have a right to attract at- tention to their wares ; but thought should be Advertise- ' . , ments and given to the means, tne time, and the piace or biUboards ^oing SO. We allow beautiful features of our com- CIVIC BEAUTY 163 munities to be marred, and ugly features made more ugly, by permitting citizens to exercise perfect freedom in advertising for private gain. Unattractive signs are nailed to beauti- ful trees, which should not be marred by any kind of sign. Ugly telephone poles are made still uglier by the same means. Attractive residence streets are made unattractive W^'' mww^ m-^ A View in a City Park. by huge billboards with inartistic signs upon them. Even the signs on business blocks, where they have a right to be, are often inartistic and wholly out of harmony with the architecture of the street. All cities have their systems of parks and boulevards, though they are developed more fully in some cities than in others. Boston has 15,000 acres devoted to Parks and parks, which are connected with each other by boulevards boulevards, and include a stretch of ocean beach. Some i64 THE COMMUNITY -\XD THE CITIZEN cities have preserved in their midst a bit of natural scenery to refresh the eye. In some of the larger cities spaces are be- ing cleared of tumble-do\Yn buildings in the crowded portions to make way for small parks with grass and trees, flowers and fountains, which may bring a little pleasure into the lives of those who seldom enjoy the fresh air of the country. An Uximpro'^ild Corner. The same comer is sho\\-n improved in the next iUustration. By courtesy of the National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio. Such is the little park at ^Mulberry Bend, in Xew York, which was once the center of the most \'icious part of the slums. Parks and boulevards are under the care of boards of park commissioners, who sometimes also have care over the trees of all the streets. Sometimes the trees are placed under the charge of special tree commissioners or foresters. Smoke is another of the accompaniments of growing Prevention Communities. Smoke, like the network of wires of smoke jj^ ^]^g Streets, has been assumed to be a neces- sary sign of material prosperity. As the wires are dis- CIVIC BEAUTY 165 appearing beneath the surface of the streets, it is also being found that clouds of black smoke are not necessary to industry. A few large cities have earnestly determined to be free from the smoke, ordinances have been passed and enforced against it, and the beauty of the com- munities has been greatly increased as a result. A Corner Improved. The same as in the preceding illustration. By courtesy of the National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio. Ugly features of community life have been mentioned only to emphasize the fact that our communities are doing more to-day than ever before to get rid of them. _ . There is a steady improvement in the character for beauty of the architecture in our cities. The people of ^^ growing ^ '^ stronger in small means are living, not only in more com- our com- fortable homes, but in more beautiful ones. ™^^**^®^ Their taste for beauty and refinement is steadily growing. The streets are constantly becoming more pleasant to look upon. Art museums are being established in increasing 1 66 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN numbers. Civic Improvement Associations and similar or- ganizations exist in almost every city and town. Cities themselves are more thoughtfully planning their growth by reserving lands for parks and parkways, by laying out boulevards, by grouping public buildings, by regulating the height of buildings, and by preventing the growth of slums. But thete is still much to be accomplished in this direction, and its accomplishment depends on the citizens of the present and the future. The improvement in the surroundings of the people is bound to produce a better citizenship, ^len and women Beautiful ^°^^ ^^^^^ spirits, become depressed, when their surround- surroundings are unpleasant. They lose hope Sfce^better ^^^ ambition. Much of the vice and crime of citizen- large cities is no doubt induced by this cause. ^ One of the first steps toward transforming men and women into good citizens, who will contribute to the welfare of the community, is to give them pleasant surroundinsfs. o FOR INVESTIGATION 1 . Has any natural scenery been destroyed by the growth of your community? Was it altogether necessary? 2. Is anything being done in your community to prevent unneces- sary destruction of natural beauty? 3. What relation has the killing of birds to civic beauty? 4. Report on the use of Niagara Falls as a power for industrial pur- poses. What is being done to preserve this natural wonder? Do you think that the usefulness of the Falls in industry justifies the destruction of their beauty ? 5. Is your community notable for its beautiful homes? In what sections of the community is the greatest care taken in this respect ? Why is it? 6. Observe the premises of the homes in your neighborhood, begin- ning with your own. with reference to the care of the lawn : growth of weeds ; the accumulation of rubbish ; the neatness of the back yards ; CIVIC BEAUTY 167 the growth of flowers; the care of the streets and alleys adjoining. Make a report of conditions, and suggest improvements. 7. Let each pupil report a plan to improve the appearance of his own yard. Begin a systematic movement to put these plans into effect. 8. Is your school as beautiful as it could be in the appearance of the yard? In the care of the halls and rooms? -Could you do anything to improve it? Do the people in the neighborhood take pride in the school building and grounds ? If not, how could they be made to do so ? 9. Are the streets in your community beautiful? If not, what are their defects? If they are, what consdtutes their beauty? 10. Report on the character of the pavements with reference to their appearance. 11. What noises in your community are unnecessary? How could they be lessened? 12. What is done in your community to keep the streets clean? What ordinances exist on this matter? Are they observed and en- forced ? 13. Observe the trees in your neighborhood, in streets and lawns, and report on their general condition and appearance. Is care taken to preserve beautiful trees? Is anything being done in a systematic way in tree planting? Are the trees being mutilated or destroyed by linemen or otherwise? Is any attempt being made to create a senti- ment in favor of the trees? Does the city government provide any one to care for the trees in the streets? 14. Make a report on street advertisements in your neighborhood. Observe w4iether the appearance of the streets, or of private property, is marred by such adverdsements. 15. Report on the parks and boulevards of your community. De- scribe their points of beauty. Are they used by the people freely? How are they managed? 16. What societies exist in your community to improve its appear- ance? How do they work? 17. Is your community active at the present time in beautifying the streets and public places by the erection of statuary, monuments, foun- tains, and in other ways? 18. Is the architecture of your community improving in character? Observe residences, business blocks, churches, schools, and public buildings. 19. Select one of the most beautiful buildings in your community and give a detailed description of it. 20. Is anything being done in your community to cultivate a taste for beautiful surroundings among those who live in the tenements, or in the poorer quarters of the city ? l68 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN 2 1 . Make a report on city planning. If any plan exists for your city, describe it with the help of maps and diagrams. 22. Write an essay on the relation between civic beauty and good citizenship. REFERENCES Robinson. -The Improvement of Towns and Cities." Robinson, •• Modern City Art." Eggleston, N. H., "Home and Its Surraundings." Henderson, " The Social Spirit in America,'' chapter XIV, '-Social- ized Beauty and Recreation." The magazine literature on the subject of civic beauty is abundant. See the - Readers" Guide to Periodical Literature." The American City contains in every issue valuable material on the subject of this chapter. Unwin. Ravmond : -Town Planning in Practice." A standard work, illustrated, but rather high priced ($600. Scribners). Proceedings of Conferences on City Planning. Address Flavel Shurtleff, Secy., Boston. Greene, M. Louise. " Among School Gardens." Charities Pubhcation Committee. New York. McFarland, J. Horace. -Furnishing the Streets in Suburban Com- munities," in Suburban Life, February, 1 9 1 1 . Publications of the American Civic Association. Washington, D.C Include pamphlets on city planning, parks, billboards smoke nuisance, etc. CHAPTER XVII HOW THE COMMUNITY AIDS THE CITIZEN TO SATISFY HIS RELIGIOUS DESIRE The community described in the first chapter grew around the college and the church, which occupied the most important place in the minds and hearts of the settlers. Every one of those first families was deeply religious. The simple social Ufe of the early days centered chiefly in the church. The only government of the village, for a brief period, was the government of the church organiza- tion. These people were of Puritan descent and principles, and they remind us of the colonists of New P^ngland. The love of religion has played a very important part in the history of the world. Perhaps no other motive has driven men to action more powerfully than this. Religion In the history of our land this is shown. The ^^^ been a 1 • r 1 ^ r ^^ • pOWefful desire for the spread of rehgion was not the motive in least of the motives that brought Columbus to history America. The Spaniards made their conquests in the name of religion, and they estabhshed missions wherever they went. The priests led the way in the French explora- tion and settlement of America. The Pilgrims came to Plymouth to find freedom of reHgious worship, and all through the history of the various colonies religious ques- tions had an important influence. When the English colonies in America were founded, England, like most other countries of the world, had a state religion and a state church. That is, the government 169 lyo THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN prescribed what form of religion thie people must observe. The Puritans came to America because they could not conform to these requirements, and desired liberty to wor- ship as they beheved to be right. We might think that, since they desired religious liberty for them- mtofer°i^ce selves, when they came to America they should in colonial ^ave granted equal liberty to others who came to times , . , r^ 1 1 T-i their settlements. Such was not the case. 1 he Puritans were intolerant of all who differed from them in re- ligious matters. They hated the rehgious ceremonies of the Roman CathoHc church. They drove the Quakers away from their settlements, and even put some of them to death. Roger WiUiams was driven out from Massachusetts partly because of his religious views. The Roman Catholics, the Quakers, and the Episcopalians were about as intolerant of the Puritans and of each other as the Puritans were of them. It was considered a remarkable thing when Mary- land was founded by Roman Catholics and Protestants together, and that they lived side by side in harmony. In most of the colonies there was a very close relation between the church and the government, as there was in The relation England, although it was not always the Church between the ^^ En2:land that was recognized in the colonies. church and ° ^ _ the govern- In some colonies no one could enjoy full politi- ^!^^"^ cal riofhts, such as the rio-ht to vote and to hold colonial & ' o times office, except members of the church officially recognized in the colony. In Xew England the ministers were usually the most influential men in the affairs of gov- ernment. Many of the laws were taken directly from the Bible, and men were tried in the courts and punished for violation of commonly accepted religious beliefs, as for breaking the Sabbath or swearing. Thus in various ways the government controlled the religious life of the people. GOVERNMENT AND RELIGION i;i After the Revolution the connection between the church and the government gradually became less' complete. Re- strictions on the right to vote because of relisrious ^ ° ° Separation beliefs rapidly disappeared. With the growth of between democratic ideas, according to which one man ^^^R^ has as much right to his opinions as another; govern- with the increasing immigration of people of °^®^* different nationality and religious beUef ; and with the de- velopment of means of communication by which people of different sections were brought into contact with one an- other, men became more tolerant of each other's beliefs and forms of worship. It came to be recognized that a man's religious opinions were a matter for his own individual con- science, not to be dictated or controlled by government. Accordingly, when the Constitution of the United States was adopted, an amendment was added declaring that '' Congress shall make no law respecting an estabhshment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof " (Amend- ment I). The federal Constitution does not, however, prohibit the states from exercising control over matters of religion. Some of the states continued, for a time, to require religious qualifications for voting. Some re- fused to accept testimony in the courts from persons who denied the existence of God. In a few cases churches have received aid from the state. Nevertheless, most state constitutions now prohibit governmental support of churches, although it is customary for state governments to exempt from taxation the property of churches. The Ordinance of 1787, in providing for the first gov- ernment of the Northwest Territory, said, *' Religion, mo- rality, and education being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." Religion and 1^2 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN education are here coupled together and recognized as The attitude two of the greatest influences in the progress of our Qf a^ nation. A man's beliefs have much to government . , , . tt- i • toward do With his conduct. His rehgion consists of reUgion ^^g attitude, not only toward God, but also toward his fellow-men. It teaches him to love his neigh- bor as himself, and to do unto others as he would be done by. If all men did these things, we should have better communities and better citizenship. But so far as our government is concerned, its attitude toward the religious life of the citizen is merely to allow the greatest possible personal liberty in the matter, and to offer the fullest op- portunity for rehgious influences to develop the qualities of good citizenship. FOR INVESTIGATION 1. Make a list of some of the great historical events in the world that were due to religious causes. 2. Let indiddual pupils make reports on the following topics: a. The rehgious life of the Puritans in New England. b. The story of the Quakers in Pennsylvania. c. The story of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson. d. Religious toleration in Maryland. e. The relation between the church and the government in colonial Massachusetts. 3. Report on the religious life of your community in early days. 4. What different religious sects or denominations ai'e represented in your community to-day? What other religious organizations are there besides the churches? What do they do for the community? 5 . Are there any schools, hospitals, or other institutions in your com- munity supported by rehgious organizations? 6. What does the constitution of your state say about religion ? 7. What pro\-ision is there about teaching rehgion in the public schools? Why is this? REFERENCES Howe. Daniel Waite. '• The Puritan RepubHc." Hart, '-Actual Government/" chapter XXIX. CHAPTER XVIII WHAT THE COMMUNITY DOES FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT OR WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE TO ITS PROGRESS There are three classes of persons who contribute noth- ing to the advancement of the community. The first class consists of those who are physically or mentally unable to do so, a class known as defectives. The sec- Defectives, ond class consists of those who, though physi- and^deiin?' cally able to do something, are, nevertheless, not quents self-supporting, and depend on the community to support them. These are called dependents. The third class con- sists of those who live in positive violation of the law of the community. These are criminals. These three classes of people have to be taken account of in every com- munity, and if they cannot be made to contribute to the common welfare, they must at least be prevented from doing harm. There was a time in the development of mankind when the physically defective — the bUnd, the crippled, the hope- lessly ill, and the aged — were such a serious burden to the community that it was considered necessary Treatment to put them to death. This was a time when J^eslbythe' the very existence of the community depended uncivilized on the physical strength of its members. If a man was not a fighter and a food getter, he endangered the exist- ence of his fellows. He had to be fed from the hard- earned stores of the others, and had to be defended against enemies. Many savage tribes put to death the 173 174 THE COM-MUNITY AND THE CITIZEN hopelessly sick, the aged, and the crippled. The an- cient Spartans exposed sickly children to die upon the mountains. As men have become civihzed, as sympathy for others has become stronger, and as it has become easier to sustain hfe, the weak and the helpless have been taken under the It is the care of the strong, and it is now considered the duty of the (^^j^y Qf |-}^g communitv to provide for those who communii^ ' . ,, , . ' - , ' ^ to care for are phvsically unable to care for themselves. In the helpless niany cases the defective may be benefited to such an extent that he may become self-supporting, and able even to contribute something to the welfare of the communitv. The bUnd and the deaf and dumb may be educated by special methods so that they may engage in various occupations for their own support and happiness. The government has established schools and asylums for these unfortunate classes. The government also main- tains hospitals for the insane, where they are not only prevented from doing harm to others, but where they are also made happier, and often cured and restored to use- fukiess. There are institutions for the helplessly crip- pled and the hopelessly ill, where their suffering may at least be alleviated. There are also institutions for the homeless aged, and for orphaned children. The work of caring for this class of citizens is in the hands of the state, not of the national government. Local It is a care Communities, and especially cities, often do much of the state f^j- ^|^g ^^^^ of []^^\^ defective members. But the work is so costly that it is chiefly concentrated in the hands of the state government, which maintains in- stitutions for the purpose in a few favorable localities, to which the sufferers are brought from all parts of the state. The dependent class of people, as distinguished from the CHARITY AND CRIME 175 defective class, consists of those who through poverty are a burden on the community. Poverty may . , . , .1. . 1 r , Poverty be due to physical mabihty to provide for one s self. If this is the case, there are the institutions already mentioned to care for such dependents. But the poverty may be due, in some cases, merely to bad management and a lack of foresight. It may often be due to drunken- ness on the part of one or both of the parents, or to lazy and shiftless habits, or to a desire to live at the expense of others rather than by honest effort. The care of the poor was at one time almost wholly in the hands of the church, and the church still does a great deal to this end. In the reign of Queen Eliza- ^ ^ 7 T- T , 1. Poor relief beth a law was passed by the English parha- ment requiring each parish to care for its own poor. Since then the government has done much to relieve poverty, and poor laws were enacted in America modeled after those of England. Poor relief is considered a matter for the local community to regulate. Poverty has always appealed to the sympathies of people, and voluntary efforts on the part of individuals and societies to relieve it have long been com- ^^^ danger mon. Until recently this relief has been offered inunorgan- in an altogether disorganized way, each giver "® c any •giving as he saw fit, without knowledge of the real needs of the applicant for relief, or of what other persons and societies were doing. This kind of charity has some- times done more harm than good. It may, indeed, often re- lieve thesuffering of the really needy ; but it has justasoften encouraged the unworthy to expect charity, and has tended to increase the dependent class instead of diminishing it. There are many people v/ho will make no effort to support themselves so long as they feel that others will support i;6 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN them. Many professional beggars make a good living by taking advantage of the sympathies of random givers. During a certain period of great suffering among the very poor of American cities, due to unusually hard times, free eating houses were established in the hope of rehevin^ the situation. The free food attracted hundreds away from the work they had, and greatly increased the army of the unemployed. Thoughtless or unwise giving may make paupers of many who would otherwise be self-supporting. In nearly all of our large cities at the present time, and in many of the smaller ones, the rehef of the poor is be- Charity coming more systematic. Charity bureaus, or organization societies, have been created, which seek to secure cooperation among all the charitable organizations of the community. They investigate the worthiness of applicants for rehef. They expose impostors, of whom there are a great many. They seek to remove the causes of poverty rather than merely to relieve the needs of the poor for the time being. They find employment for those who need it and are able to take it. They wage war against the evils of tenement life. They encourage the unfortunate by giving them better opportunities and by creating in them new ideals of life. It is of course necessary and desirable to relieve actital suffering by gifts of food, clothing, and other necessities. It is much more important to provide an opportunity, and to create a desire, for self-support by productive work. It is better for the unfortunate individual, for it gives him greater self-respect, and makes him more independent ; and it is better for the community, because it transforms those who have been a burden to others into producers and contributors to the general welfare. The third class of persons who contribute no good to CHARITY AND CRIME 177 the community is the criminal class. This may be said to include all offenders against the law and order Crime of the community, the enemies to the rights of other people. The method of dealing with criminals has changed very greatly in the progress of civiHzation. Formerly the main idea was punishment, or retaliation. It was Treatment •'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a Hfe ^ear^'""^^ for a Hfe." Well into the last century, even times in our own country, the penalties inflicted were often terrible. Offenders were imprisoned in dark and filthy underground cells. Tongues were pierced, ears cut off, and marks branded upon the body with hot irons. Pris- oners were placed in stocks and held up to the ridicule and abuse of passers-by. At the present time our ideas of the treatment of crimi- nals are very different. The criminal is still an offender against the community, and he is still believed xhe to deserve punishment of some kind. Much protection , 1 .1 ^ , ofthe more miportant than the punishment of the community criminal, however, is the protection of the com- ^^^t^^ ^ . , reformation munity against any future crimes. Two ideas of the are uppermost in our present methods of deal- ^^^^^^^ ing with criminals. The first is to place them, temporarily at least, where they cannot harm the community. The second is to reform them — or to cure them, for crime is now considered as a result of a mental and moral, if not physical, disease. Except in the case of the very worst crimes, which may be punishable by death or life impris- onment, the effort is usually made to return the offender to the community, in the course of time, as a useful citizen. Cruel and inhuman punishments have been abandoned. The death penalty has been abolished, even for murder, 1 78 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN in some states. It is now quite common to imprison offenders with an indeterminate sentence ; that is, they are sent to prison for a period the length of which will depend on the conduct of the prisoner himself and on the inclina- tion he shows to live right in the community. Prisoners are comfortably housed and clothed, and are given whole- some food and, if necessary, medical attention. Where the prisoners are illiterate, they are often given instruction in the common branches of education. They are made to work, not so much with the idea of punishment as to teach them habits of industry and to instruct them in some man- ner of making an honest living. Greater care than formerly is now taken to prevent crime, in preference to punishing the criminal after the ^, crime is committed. Youthful offenders are The prevention sent to reform schools, rather than to prisons ot crime designed for more hardened criminals. It was once the custom to imprison young offenders, guilty of some minor offense, together with older and har- dened criminals guilty of serious crimes. The result of this was to harden the younger ones by association with the others. In a few cities juvenile courts have been estabhshed, where only young offenders are tried. Those who have just begun their criminal career are often not punished at all, but are placed on probation ; that is, they are given their liberty, but under the eyes of probation officers, or "official parents," who look after them and aid them to get a start in life. Many, who would by punish- ment be hardened, are thus led to become good citizens. The regulation of crime and the correction of criminals are almost wholly under the control of the state govern- ments. What is considered a crime in one state is not always a crime in another state; that is, while the CHARITY AND CRIME 1 79 act may be just as harmful to the community in one state as in another, some states may have no law on Regulation the subject. Unless an act is in violation of of crime by the law, it is not legally a crime and cannot ^ ®s*^*® be punished as such. The same crime may be punishable in different ways in different states, because the kind of punishment is determined by state law. It would be well if the states could agree more closely in regard to what constitutes crime, and how it should be treated. The national government has jurisdiction over some kinds of crimes. Since the entire government of the territories and of the District of Columbia is in _ , . Regulation the hands of Congress, this body defines crmie of crime by in these places and fixes its penalties. Crimes the national ^ '■ government against national law, wherever they are com- mitted, are punishable by the national government. The accused person is tried before a federal court in the state where the crime is committed. For instance, violation of the postal laws, counterfeiting money, or evading the laws for the regulation of interstate commerce are crimes punishable by the national government. The national government also has jurisdiction over crimes against the laws of nations, as contained in treaties, and over piracy. One crime against the nation is punishable by death, — treason, the worse crime recognized by civilized nations. The Constitution defines treason against the United States as " levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort" (Art. Ill, sec. 3). In order to convict a person of treason there must be two witnesses of the treasonable act to give evidence against him. In order that no injustice may be done to innocent persons, the rights of accused persons are protected care- l8o THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN fully by the Constitution of the United States. It is a The pro- principle of law that every accused person is the lights of ^ssumed to be innocent until he is proved to be the accused guilty. Every precaution is taken to secure for him a fair trial. He is entitled to a trial by a jury of his fellow-citizens in the locaUty where the crime occurred. The accusing witnesses must give their evidence to the court in the presence of the accused and he is entitled to witnesses in his favor, as well as lawyers to defend him. He may not be compelled to testify against himself. These are a few of the careful provisions made to protect even a guilty citizen against injustice. FOR mVESTIGATION 1. What public institutions are there in your community for the care of defective persons? Are tiiere any private institutions of a si.nilar kind? 2. Make a list of all the institutions and associations that you know of in your community for the care of the poor. 3. Is there charity organization in your community? Find out its methods of work. 4. What does your local government do for the relief of the poor? 5. Report on the treatment of criminals in colonial times. (See McMaster. •■ Histon,- of the American People." vol. I, pp. 93-102.) 6. What reform schools are there in your state? How are the in- mates of these schools dealt with ? 7. Is there a juvenile court in your community? If so, report on its work, and describe the work of the probation officers. 8. Debate the question. •• Capital punishment should be abolished.'" REFERENCES Henderson. •'•' The Social Spirit in America." chapter XV. Henderson. •• Dependents. Defectives, and Dehnquents." Warner. •• American Charities.*' Wines, '• Punishment and Reformation."' Morrison, •• Juvenile OtTenders." Forman. '• Advanced Civics." chapters XLIX. L. Goodnow, *• City Government in the United States," chapter X. CHAPTER XIX HOW THE CITIZENS OF A COMMUNITY GOVERN THEMSELVES We have now looked at the life of the community from several points of view. We have seen that the people are striving to satisfy their desires in a variety of The purpose ways. We have seen that there are common of govern- interests, and that the welfare of one is the wel- ™®°* fare of all. Yet it does not always seem so. Men do not always recognize their dependence on, and obligation to, others. Sometimes they lack sufficient knowledge to do so. Sometimes they selfishly disregard the rights of others, as, for example, when a man persists in clouding the at- mosphere with smoke from his factory, although he knows it is injuring the community ; or when a railroad charges unjust rates, or affords inadequate facilities for trans- portation. Consequently we often get the impression that community life is a Hfe of conflict rather than of harmoni- ous action. Under such imperfect conditions there must be some just agency that is more far-sighted than any individual can be, to secure the intelligent working to- gether of all. Such an agency government is intended to be. The first idea that we must understand about gov- ernment in America is that it is intended to be Govern- ., /- 7 7 7 7 • ment the t/ie servant of t/ie peopte and not tlieir master, servant, not When it begins to act contrary to the will of t^® master, the people, it goes beyond its rightful powers, people i8i 1 82 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN The American colonists sought their independence from England because the EngHsh government in- sisted on taxing them, and otherwise exercising authority over them, luithout tJieir consent. In 17S7 a convention of leading m^n of the country, chosen by their respective states, met in Philadelphia, and after four months of dis- cussion laid before the people of the thirteen states a Con- stitution, containing a plan of government. The preamble of this Constitution emphasizes the fact that this gov- ernment was estabhshed by the people to do certain things for them. The simplest form of self-government is where the people meet together and make their own laws. Such Direct and ^^'-^ ^^^ town meeting in New England. When representa- ^^ communir\' grows large, it becomes imprac- govern-' ticable for the citizens to attend to the details of ment o;overnment bv such means. Then thev resort to the plan of selecting certain of their number to perform the work of government for them. This is representative self-government. The representatives ^y the people, chosen by the people, act /t?/' the people. The next fact about our government that we must understand is its threefold character. In the preceding The three- chapters there has been constant reference to fold char- local. State, and national governments. Each acter of our . ' . ^ , i r n ^-u t^ ■ t,*. govern- o± US IS under the control of all three. It might ^eni seem, at first thought, that we are greatly op- pressed with government. We must remember that ive, the people, are our own rulers, and that we have simply found it more convenient and more to our advantage to have three groups of governing machinery than one. Each group has its particular work to do for us. Let us now see how the division of poivers is made among them. HOW THE COMMUNITY GOVERNS ITSELF 183 The first division of powers is that between the state and national governments. When the Constitution was made, the thirteen states were already in ex- jjj^jgjQjj ^ istence, each with its own government organized powers be- under a state constitution. Why, then, was it Jj^^^^^ necessary to have a national government in state govem- addition ? It was because while the states were ^^^^ thirteen separate communities in many particulars, they were, in other particulars, only parts of one community with certain interests common to all alike. This was illustrated in chapter XII (see page 100). The union of a number of states under a central government constitutes a federal nation. The central government is called the federal government. The federal government may exercise only such powers as are granted to it by the people in the Constitution, and these powers are few in number though very important. They are enumerated in section 8 of article I of the Con- stitution. All other powers are left with the states. The tenth amendment to the Constitution says, ''The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states [see Art. I, sec. 10], are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." By this arrangement the states retain by far the greater part of the governing powers. Where the national government controls our conduct once, the state government controls it many times. The state government protects us in our re- ligious rights (chapter XVII), provides for our education (chapter XV), determines who shall have the right to vote (page 188), prescribes the rules of marriage and of family relations, has almost the entire care of our health (chapter IX), protects our property (chapter X), controls business relations of every kind except where foreign and interstate l84 THE COMMUNITY .\ND THE CITIZEN relations are concerned (chapter XII). and provides for the prevention and punishment of crime, except in a very few cases that come under national control, such as the coun- terfeiting of money and the robbing of the mails (chap- ter XVIII). In -this division of powers between state and national governments we see the American love for self-govern- ment emphasized. The people of each state retain for themselves the regulation of almost all the details of their lives. In the course of our histor}', however, as the nation has beccir.e r:". :re closely bound together by common in- terest:. ? - d as one part has become more dependent upon orrers, : :e:e has been a constant tendency for the national government to extend the scope of its powers by a broad ijiterprctation of certain clauses in the Constitution. For example, it was by a broad interpretation of the power to regulate interstate commerce that Congress enacted pure food laws, thus protecting the health of the people, which has been considered primarily a duty of the state, against the distribution of injurious or unwholesome food materials. In other ways the national government is extending its ac- ti\-ities in behalf of the pubUc welfare, where the interests of the nation as a whole demand it. The second division of the powers of government is be- tween the central state government and the government Relation be- of local Communities. The relation between the nveen state ]ocal and State 2:ovemments is somewhat differ- and local govern- ent from the relation between the state and the ments national governments. The state governments are in no sense branches of the national government. State and national governments both get their powers directly from the people. The local governments are merely branches of the state government, and get their 3. Finishing the road. Road Making by the National Government. This road in Tennessee was selected for improvement as an object lesson. The photographs were furnished by the Public Roads Inquiry Office, Dept. of Agriculture. HOW THE COMMUNITY GOVERNS ITSELF 185 powers from it, and not from the people of the local com- munity. The state government is organized according to a plan laid down in the state constitution, which is framed by the people themselves. A city government is organized according to a plan laid down in a charter, which is granted to the people of the city by the state. The local governments have for their work primarily the carrying out of the laws enacted by the state government. Their duties are chiefly administrative. For example, there is a state law against burglary ; but it is the local officers who protect property against burglars and arrest offenders. Local governments are allowed some law-making powers, especially in cities^ where the city council enacts ordinances (see chapter XXII). The principle of the division of powers between state and local governments, however, is the same as in the division between national and state governments ; that is, to leave matters that touch the life of the individual most closely, and are of purely local interest, in the hands of the local government as much as possible, while matters of more general interest, such as the regulation of the rail- roads and matters of general health, are regulated by the central state government. The relation of the different governments to each other and to the people is shown by the diagram on page 186. A third important feature of the organization of our government is the separation of powers among the three branches — legislative, executive, and judicial, ^he sepa- The laws are made by the legislative branch, ration of The enforcement of these laws is intrusted to it^fJfJlX.®' executive, the executive branch. If any question arises as and judi- to the meaning of the laws, it is finally settled "^ powers by the judicial branch. The purpose of the separation of powers is to prevent any one man, or group of men, from l86 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN The people govern themselves through the machinerv of r/^ y ^ p n < en O o r^ . <: n — . i^ n_ M o 5 '^ ^ ^5 ^ v: o n 2 en II' P 2— 9.2=^= = ^ o P J^S-:^ 00^ ^'^o o o J^ ^. ^ ^ §- ^ = .= ctq' p* ;:; -1 •-! o r- .,"x ,_ <-i- S n n ^ '^ •=.• J-^ '-^ cfl «» o ft; 73 HOW THE COMMUNITY GOVERNS ITSELF 187 acquiring too much authority and becoming despotic. The legislative body may restrain the executive by refusing to appropriate money for executive purposes, as often hap- pened in the colonies; or it may impeach the executive (see page 256). The executive may veto a law passed by the legislature. The judicial branch has the final power to determine whether a law is in accordance with the consti- tution. There is thus a system of checks and balances by which each branch of government is restrained by the others, thus safeguarding the liberties of the people. This system is found, to a greater or less extent, in local, state, and national governments, though it is less definite in cities. It is a principle of American government that the people's representatives shall be chosen by the people of the various localities from their own number. Represent- The English colonists in America felt that they chos^enby were not represented in the House of Commons, the people because they did not have a voice in choosing q^iq^^I representatives to that body, nor did any member districts of the House come from America. In the early history of Massachusetts the people gradually allowed the taxing power to fall into the hands of a few men called the gov- ernor's assistants, who held office from year to year with- out reelection. One day the people at Watertown decided ** that it was not safe to pay moneys after that sort, for fear of bringing themselves and posterity into bondage." Therefore " every town chose two men [from its own citizens] to be at the next court to advise with the governor and assistants about the raising of a public stock, so as what they should agree upon should bind all." This idea has determined the usual practice in the United States. City councils commonly consist of representatives from the 1 88 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN several city wards, though this is not always true. In some states at least, each township has its representatives on the board of county commissioners. Each state is divided into districts, from each of which a representative is sent to the state legislature, and into other districts from each of which a representative is sent to the lower house of the national Congress. Each state has two representatives in the United States Senate. The right to vote for representatives in the government is called the suffrage. It is not a right that all citizens The suf- possess, like the right to life, liberty, and prop- frage erty. It is a privilege bestowed by the state on those who have certain qualifications. These qualifica- tions are prescribed by the state constitutions. Only in one case does the United States Constitution limit the right of the state to regulate the suffrage ; that limitation is found in th-e fifteenth amendment, adopted after the Civil War, which reads, ''The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." At the beginning of our history the right to vote was limited to a relatively small number of the citizens. These Ouaiifica- restrictions have largely been removed. We tions for have become more democratic. But there are e su rage ^^^^ g^^^g restrictions, which vary more or less in the different states. In no state may any one vote who is under twenty-one years of age. All states require a residence in the state, and in the county and city ward, for a certain time prior to voting. In colonial times the right to vote was denied to all who did not own a certain amount of property. ^ To-day property restrictions have been almost wholly removed. It was also common, in colonial times, to HOW THE COMMUNITY GOVERNS ITSELF 189 deny the right to vote to all who were not members of the church (see page 170). All religious quahfications have long since been removed. The suffrage is denied to citi- zens who are mentally unsound, and in some states to those who cannot read and write, and to paupers. A citizen may also be disqualified from voting by crime. With compara- tively few exceptions, all male citizens who are twenty-one years of age or over possess the suffrage. In a few states even ahens may vote at all elections, provided they have declared their intention of becoming citizens. The suffrage has long been denied to women, but there is now a strong movement in favor of extending it to them. As early as 1691 women property holders in woman colonial Massachusetts were permitted to vote, suffrage New Jersey by its first constitution gave the suffrage to women, provided they owned a certain amount of property, but the right was taken from them early in the last century. Since that time, the first state to grant the suffrage to women on full equality with men was Wyoming, which entered the Union in 1890 with a constitutional provision for it. Colorado followed the example of Wyoming in 1893, and Utah and Idaho in 1896. Not until 1910 did another state extend full suffrage to women, when the state of Washington did so, followed during the next two years by California, Kansas, Oregon and Arizona. In addition to these nine states which at present possess complete woman suffrage, Illinois now permits women to vote for presidential electors, for all elective city officers, and for some state and county officers ; the suffrage has been granted to the women of the territory of Alaska ; about twenty states permit women to vote on school ques- tions, or to exercise the suffrage in other restricted ways ; and a number of states are about to submit to a vote of the 190 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN people amendments to their constitutions which, if adopted, will very much extend the political equality of women. If at an election each voter should cast his vote for the man of his individual choice, it might easily happen that Nomina- among the many men voted for no one would tions fairly represent a large number of citizens. It is necessary that the choice of the voters be limited to a few men who are nominated as the regular candidates for the offices in question. The method of nomination that has long been practiced is very complicated. It was not prescribed in the state or national constitutions, nor by law, but grew up gradually and became fixed by custom. In order to understand it, it is necessary to know some- thing about political parties. In every community there are differences of opinion on almost any question, as in religion, in educational matters, PoHticai 0^ in business poHcy. If any such question is parties to be acted upon, those whose opinions are alike will act together in opposition to those who think differ- ently. In questions of government there are differences of opinion. In the division of the people on any such question, those who think ahke and act together systemati- cally and constantly constitute a political part}\ The party mav be of a local character and may be formed with refer- ence to a local question, such as the paving of the streets or the licensing of saloons ; or it may be national in its extent and arise out of some great national question, such as the extension of slavery or the acquiring of new territory. When Washington was first elected President, questions of governmental pohcy had not yet divided the people, and his popularity was so great that all united on him as their choice for the presidency. When differences of opinion arose over the bank, foreign policy, internal im- HOW THE COMMUNITY GOVERNS ITSELF 191 provements, and other matters, each party strove to elect rep- resentatives to the government who would carry out its ideas. It must first of all agree on a single candidate for each of the offices, so that the party's vote would not be divided. The first method used by the parties for the nomination of a candidate for the presidency was for the representa- tives of each party in Congress to meet and i^etho^g of make the nomination. This method after a nominating while became unpopular because the nomina- tion fell into the hands of a small group of politicians, and the people felt that they did not have a sufficient voice in the matter. Then the custom arose of making the nomi- nations in the several states. Sometimes it was done by the party members of the state legislature. The custom gradually began to prevail of holding state conventions composed of delegates elected especially for the purpose by the people of the state. This method had the advan- tage of placing the nomination more directly in the hands of the people. It had the disadvantage of tending to divide the party, for each state was likely to nominate its own favorite candidate regardless of the action of the other states. This difficulty was finally overcome by placing the nomination of the candidates for the presidency and the vice-presidency in the hands of a national convention com- posed of delegates from all the states. This is the method still in use for the nomination of the President and the Vice-President. For the nomination of officers other than the President and Vice-President the nominating convention is giving way, in some states, to another method which is Primary described on page 193. But since it is still elections widely used let us briefly describe the steps leading to it. Let us suppose that an election time is approaching, and 192 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN that local, state, and national officers are to be elected at one time, although this is not always the case. Several months before the election day, the proper committees of each party call for what have been known as the primary elections. These must not be confused with the direct primaries to be described later. The so-called primary elections are elections held in each of the smallest (pri- marv) election districts of the state. In cities the primary district is a zuard, or precinct of the ward ; in rural com- munities it is the township, or precinct of the township. It is the business of the primary election to nominate can- didates for offices of the primary district, as ward council- men or township trustees, and to elect delegates to iwmijiat- ing co?ii'entio?is of larger districts. This business is trans- acted sometimes by ballot, each voter going to the voting place some time during the day ; sometimes in a meeting, or caucus, of the voters, very much on the order of a town- meeting. The primary elections are follow^ed in due time by the various conventions to nominate candidates for the offices Nominating 0^ ^^^ districts which they represent, and to conventions choose delegates to still other conventions for larger districts. County conventions nominate for county offices ; city conventions for city offices ; assembly district conventions for the lower house of the state legislature; senatorial district conventions for the state senate ; con- cessional district conventions for the lower house of con- o gress ; and state conventions for state offices. The state conventions elect delegates to the national convention for the nomination of the President and Vice-President. The nominees are chosen from among a number of men who have pre\-iously been announced as candidates, or who have been determined upon by the party managers. HOW THE COMiMUNITY GOVERNS ITSELF 193 Faithful party members are expected by the party managers to render their support to the candidates nomi- nated by their respective primaries and conven- independ- tions ; but at every election there are many in- ^^t voting dependent voters who scratch their ballots, that is, scratch off the names of some of their party candidates and sub- stitute the names of candidates of other parties. This is largely due to the fact that many voters think it more im- portant to elect good men than that any particular party should possess all the offices. Ballot scratching has been more common in local elections than in national elections, because party lines are not so clearly drawn in the former as in the latter ; but it has been increasing even in national elections, and seems to indicate that the voters are form- ing the habit of deciding for themselves as to the desira- bility of candidates, instead of allowing a group of party leaders to decide for them. The method of nomination that has just been described is not only complicated, but it is objected to on other grounds, chiefly because it places the determina- „ . . tion of the candidates for election in the hands by direct of a few party leaders instead of in the hands P"°^^"®^ of the people themselves. In many states, therefore, it has already been supplanted by nomination by direct pri- maries. In most of the states that have adopted this method, both state and local officers are so nominated, but in others the direct primary is used only for the nomina- tion of local officers, the state officers being nominated by the convention system as of old. It seems probable that the direct primary will soon become the regular method of nomination in all states. The methods of conducting direct primaries differ in different states ; but, in general, any citizen possessing 194 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN the proper qualifications for holding office may become a candidate for nomination to a given office by securing the signatures of a specified number of voters to a petition. His name is then placed on the primar}^ ballot of his party along with the names of all others who have filed similar petitions. On the day of the primaries the voters go to the polls, or voting places, and cast their ballots as at a regular election, after ha\-ing marked the names of the candidates of their choice. The candidate for a given office who receives the largest number of votes (in some cases a majority is required) becomes the nominee of his party for that office. The direct primary is followed in due time by the regular election, at which the contest is between the nominees of the various parties. While the President of the United States is still nomi- nated bv a national convention, in a number of states laws „ .^ . , have been passed pro\ddin2^ for presidential Presidential r r o .r preferential preferential primaries, at which the voters at pnmanes ^^^ ^oVis> express their preference for the presi- dential candidate. The delegates to the national conven- tions from a state holding such a primary are thus instructed bv the voters for whom to vote as their nominee. Bills have been introduced in Congress to provide for presiden- tial nominating primaries throughout the United States. So far none of these has become law ; but, if such a law is enacted, it will do away with the national conventions for nominating the President and Vice-President. The period of three or four months between the nomi- nations and the election day is spent by each party in The cam- trA'ing to win support for its candidates. The paign winning of votes sometimes seems to be the all- important thing, not always, unfortunately, with due re- gard to the right or wrong of the methods used. HOW THE COMMUNITY GOVERNS ITSELF 195 At a specified time before election day, every voter is required to register at his proper voting place. . This means recording his name, age, residence, and other Registration information necessary to prove his right to vote, ^^^ election and is intended to prevent fraudulent voting. On election day he again goes to the polls, is given a ballot upon which An Election Scene. Each voter has his name checked off from the book where it is registered, and then passes into the building, where he casts his vote. are printed the names of all candidates, and in the privacy of a voting booth marks the names of those candidates for whom he wishes to cast his vote. He then hands his bal- lot folded to an election officer who deposits it in the ballot box to await counting at the end of the election day. To arrange for the nominations, to carry on the cam- paign, and to provide for the elections, requires a thorough organization of the party. The management is largely in 196 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN the hands of committees. Each of the election districts named above, from the ward to the state and nation, has ^ . its central committee. It is the business of Organiza- tion of the these committees to keep in touch with the ^^^^ voters, to gather and distribute information, to collect and disburse funds for the conduct of the campaign, to provide speakers, publish literature, and to do many other things. The committees of the larger districts, and especially the state and national committees, are of great importance and exert great influence. The chairmanship of the national committee is sought by ambitious men as much as the highest public offices in our government. We have been speaking, for convenience, as if there were only one campaign and one election time for all Frequency offices in our government, local, state, and of elections national. This is not, in fact, the case. The terms are not the same length for all offices. The Presi- dent and the Vice-President are elected for four years, members of the House of Representatives for two years, judges for the state courts, when not appointed, for from two to twenty-one years, governors for from one to four years. The practice in the United States is to make the terms of office short in order to give the people a chance frequently to express their approval or disapproval of the service rendered by their representatives. The frequency of elections is increased by the fact that in many cases local elections are held at different times from national elections. The purpose of this is primarily to prevent the confusion of local with national questions. At times of national elections attention is centered so completely upon the great national issues and the election of the chief magistrate of the land, that questions of purely local im- portance would be likely to be neglected. Besides, local HOW THE COMMUNITY GOVERNS ITSELF 197 questions usually have nothing to do with the divisions between the great national political parties. Not all of our representatives in the government are chosen by a direct vote of the people. Although the gov- ernors of all states are now so chosen, it was indirect once the common practice for the state legisla- election of tures to elect them. United States senators sentativesof have always been chosen by the legislatures of government their respective states in accordance with the provision of the Constitution (Art. i, sec. 3, clause i); but by an amendment to the Constitution enacted in 191 3, the sena- tors will hereafter be elected by direct vote of the people of their respective states. The Constitution of the United States provides that the President and the Vice-President shall be elected by a group of men from each state, called electors (Art. II, sec. i, clause 2 ; Amendment XII). Each state may appoint its electors in any manner it chooses. Formerly they were appointed by the state legislatures; but to-day they are elected by popular vote in all the states. When the voters go to the polls on election day in November, they in reality cast their ballots for the electors, who have been nominated in the state convention, and not for the Presi- dent and the Vice-President directly. The intention of the Constitution was that the electors should have the choice of the President entirely in their hands, the thought being that they would be better able than the people to select a capable man for the office. Since the party system, with its method of making presidential nomina- tions, has arisen, the choice by the electors is a mere form, for they invariably vote for the candidates nominated by their parties. By far the greater number of those who serve the peo- 198 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN pie in government offices are not elected at all, but are ap- pointed by various executive officers, such as the President, . . the governors, the mayors of cities, and their Appoint- ^ ' -^ • 1 1 r mentof subordinates. It \Yould be impracticable for officers ^i^g people to elect all the thousands of officers and employees necessary for carrying on the work of the government. It is deemed better to elect only the chief officials, upon whose work the people can keep their eyes with comparative ease, and to hold them responsible, not only for their own work, but also for the work of all those whom they appoint to subordinate positions. We have said that government is the ser^-ant, and not the master, of the people. What, then, about obedience to the Sfovernment.^ Shall masters obey their serv- The citizen ^ . ^ ., ... , must obey ants } The feeling of personal respojistbility for the govern- ^^^q conduct of community affairs, and obedience, ment as the -^ . agent of the are two of the most essential qualities of good community citizenship. The government represents the community, and the individual is called on to obey the government as the agent of the community. When the government says to an individual that he must do this, or that he must not do that, it is the voice of the people speak- ing to him through the government. It was WilHam Penn who said: '' Any government is free to the people under it ivJiere the lazvs rule and the people are a party to those lazus. L iberty without obediefice is confusion, and obedie?ice without liberty is slai'ery.'" FOR INVESTIGATION 1. Re\-iew together in class the preamble of the Constitution, notic- ing carefully the thought and the language. 2. Discuss direct and indirect self-government. Does direct self- government exist in any way in your community ? 3. Discuss in class the meaning of democracy : of a republic. What other forms of government are there besides republics ? HOW THE COMMUNITY GOVERNS ITSELF 199 4. Discuss the meaning of a federal nation, and of the federal gov- ernment. 5. Study the powers of Congress enumerated in Art. I, sec. 8, of the Constitution ; the powers denied to the states in Art. I, sec. 10. 6. Discuss some of the powers that may be exercised by both state and national governments. 7. Discuss in class how the relations between state and local govern- ments differ from the relations between state and national governments. 8. Give examples of how the local government carries out the pro- visions of state laws. 9. Give examples of some of the laws enacted by your local govern- ment. 10. What are the advantages of having our representatives live in our own locality ? What disadvantages might arise from this custom ? 11. What are the qualifications for the suffrage in your state.? Do you think that the suffrage should be further extended, or restricted? 12. Report on the meaning of the fifteenth amendment to the Con- stitution, and the historical reason for its enactment. 13. What are the great poHtical parties of to-day ? What are some of the questions on which they are opposed to each other ? 14. Are there, or have there been, in your community any local political parties growing out of local questions ? 15. How are nominations made in your community ? 16. Describe how an election is conducted in your community. (Special attention should be given to this while an election is in process.) 17. Find out what you can about the organization in your community and state of the party which you favor (committees, etc.). 18. Describe methods used in conducting a political campaign. 19. What is the method of electing the President as given in the Constitution, Art. II, sec. 2, and Amendment XII ? Discuss in class the purpose of this method, and how the method actually works. 20. How many persons hold government positions in your commu- nity ? What proportion of them are elected? Appointed? REFERENCES Hart, "Actual Government," chapters III-V. Forman, " Advanced Civics," chapters II-VII, X, XI, XIV, XXX, XLV. Bryce, " The American Commonwealth " (last edition), vol. I, chap- ters XXVII, XXVIII; vol. II, chapters LIII-LV ; LIX, LX, LXVI, LXIX-LXXI (abridged edition, chapters XXVI, XXVII, LII-LIV). See other standard text-books on civil government. CHAPTER XX HOW OUR METHODS OF SELF-GO VERXMEXT ARE CHANGING A GREAT many changes are taking place in our methods of self-government. Some of them are due to the fact T^/r ^t, J f that the older methods do not always work as MetlLods of government originally intended. Others are due to chang- c ange ^^^ conditions in our community life, which necessitate corresponding changes in the governing ma- chinery. Still others are due to changes in our ideas of what government should do for us. I\Iany of them are ex- perimental in character and may be permanent or not ac- cording as they prove, in the course of time, to meet real needs. Such experiments are often tried in some one locality, or state, and become more generally adopted only when they prove successful. In general, most of these changes have been in the direction of giving to a larger number of the people a more direct part in government; that is, in the direction of a more complete democracy. At the same time their aim has been to insure better gov- ernment by the people's representatives. We speak of our government as a government by the R stri t d people. As a matter of fact, comparatively few self-govern- of the people have ever taken any direct part ^^^ in governing. The founders of our national government had no idea of giving all the people a direct voice in their government. They believed that safety CHANGING METHODS Of^ SELF-GOVERNMENT 201 and good order depended on keeping the control of gov- ernment in the hands of the most competent portion of the people. We have seen how the suffrage was originally restricted, and how it has been extended only by very gradual stages. It was this fear of the masses of the people that led the makers of the Constitution to adopt the clumsy, and now useless, method of electing the President by means of a chosen body of electors (see page 197). Many citizens have lacked sufficient interest to take part in government as much as they could. 3gif_go^_ They do in this as they are inclined to do in emment de- other matters: having employed some one to {f^^ interest look after the business of government for them, of ailciti- they feel relieved of all responsibility. If we are to be a really self-governing people, each citizen must take an active part. There are only a few ways in which most citizens can take actual pait in governing, but these are very important. Not many citizens can hold office. In a self- The duty of governing community it is the duty of a citizen, taking office as well as a privilege, to take office when the community calls upon him. It may seem unnecessary to emphasize this, for usually there are more men who want office than there are offices to fill. The trouble is that the men who seek office do not always make the best officers. The men who will look after the community business best are most often men who have large interests of their own. The wide-awake community that is fully alive to its best inter- ests will usually look among these busy, successful men and say to one of them, " You are capable, honest, and successful in managing your own affairs ; we want you to help manage the community's affairs in office." Unfortu- nately such men too often shrink from the burdens and 202 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN cares of office, or from giving up the necessary time from their own business. Patriotism to one's community calls for just such sacrihces. The same lack of patriotism is shown in a smaller way by a larger number of citizens who make all manner of Patriotism in sxcuscs to avoid public service of various kinds. jury sen-ice ^j\_ good example of this is in jury ser\'ice. Every person accused of crime or sued at law has the right to trial before a jury of his fellow-citizens (Constitution, Amendments VI and VII). Nearly every man may be called upon to ser^-e on a jury, and he is shirking an im- portant responsibihty if, without good cause, he seeks to avoid it. There are some classes of men who are regularly and properly excused from jury sen,-ice, such as physicians. Other men may, at times, have a valid excuse for not serving. The fact that it is so difficult to get jurymen from the best classes of citizens often results in juries of idlers and ignorant men. One of the strongest safeguards against injustice is thus weakened. The papng of taxes is a most important way of taking part in the government. All citizens who have property Patriotism ^^^ taxed to help pay the expense of govern- in paying ment. It is surprising to find how many citi- ^^^^ zens endeavor to avoid paying their share toward sustaining the government in its work for them. Another way of taking part in government is by voting for the nomination and election of officers. Thousands of Patriotism voters fail to register or to cast their votes, in voting throwing away the privilege of self-government, and allowing others to govern them. This is especially true at the primaries held to elect delegates to the nomi- nating conventions. The choice of good men for the highest offices in the land, even the President, depends on CHANGING METHODS OF SELF-GOVERNMENT 203 the choice of good men at these primaries. Yet it is notorious that the primaries are poorly attended. There are several reasons for this. One is that men feel too busy to leave their work, or they consider the election of delesrates and the nomination of „^, . Why men local officers too unimportant to take their time, do not at- Another reason voters srive for not attending tend the '^ . , . , pnmanes the primaries is that they are unacquainted with the candidates for nomination or election, and therefore cannot vote intelligently. In large communities where men do not know all their neighbors, it is difficult for the ordinary busy citizen to keep informed in regard to the merits of the various candidates. If a citizen is sufficiently interested, and does not wait until a day or two before the primary to inform himself, it is usually possible for him to enlighten himself sufficiently to cast his vote wisely. This excuse is often an admission of flagging interest in what is going on in the community during the time between elections. In many of our cities there are associations of citizens which publish, before election time, the names of the candidates of all parties with a sketch of their records as citizens and pubHc servants. At the primaries in New York City in 191 2 a ballot fourteen feet long was used, containing 590 names. While this is an extreme case, it illustrates the The short difficulty which the conscientious voter faces Fallot when he tries to vote intelligently. In order to remove this difficulty a movement has been gaining headway in favor of a s/iort ballot. As the name indicates, the plan is to reduce the number of names to be voted for to a very brief list. The chief means of accomplishing this is by having only the most important officials elected by the people, leaving the less important ones to be appointed 204 THE COMMUNITY AXD THE CITIZEN by those elected. The few elective officials would thus stand out prominently before the voters, and could be held responsible by the people for the appointment of capable subordinates. This plan not only makes it easier for the voter to vote intelligently, but also tends to secure more capable men in office. Another thing that has kept many voters away from the primaries of the old type is the feeling that their votes have no real influence, either because of unfair Pnmanes controUed treatment at the primaries, or because the ac- by a few ^-^^^ ^£ ^i^^ primary and of the later nominating convention is determined beforehand by a few party leaders. Even these are not sufficient reasons. By stay- ing away the timid voters abandon the fight, before it is begun, to the small but wide-awake group of politicians, who can therefore run things as they please, whether for good or for ill. Nomination of all candidates by direct vote of the people (see page 193) largely removes this excuse of the voter for not taking interest in the primaries, since it gives him a real voice in the choice of candidates, and increases the probability of nominating acceptable men. This brings us to some of the dangers to self-govern- ment resulting from the way in which political parties are •organized and managed. Political parties are unavoidable under a form of gov- ernment like ours. They are the means of securing united ^ , action anions^ the voters who think alike. A Dangers of ° the party voter cannot accomplish much unless he belongs ^^^^ to a party and works and votes with it. Yet it must be remembered that a party is merely a means to ac- comphsh a result, and not in itself a sacred thing. The purpose of a party should be to secure good government for all the people. The words of Washington in his Fare- CHANGING METHODS OF SELF-GOVERNMENT 205 well Address should always be kept in mind by the pa- triotic American citizen. He said: "The spirit [of party], unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed ; but in those of the popular form it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy. The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissensions . . . is itself a frightful despotism. . . . The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it." To secure united action among the members of a party there must be organization under the direction of leaders. Each city ward has its leader, or leaders, who . .... The party gain their position through their ability to influ- machine, ence the voters of the ward and to hold them "^s^ *^^ bosses together. These ward leaders are under the authority of a leader, or group of leaders, for the whole city. If one leader gains great influence over the party in the city, or in the state, he is called a boss. This or- ganization extends throughout the nation, with branches in every community. The organization is often called the machine, the group of leaders controlling the machine is a political 7Hng, and the boss is the commander-in- chief of all, his influence sometimes being limited to a city, or extending over a state or even the whole nation. These names — machine, ring, and boss — were applied by the party's enemies. They do agement not necessarily mean anything bad. A machine ^o^ selfish (that is, an organization) is necessary, and there must be bosses, or leaders. The evil connected with these 206 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN things arises from the fact that the machine sometimes falls into the hands of ambitious, but unscrupulous, bosses and rings, who manage the part}' merely for the part}^'s sake, or what is worse, for their own selfish ends. It sometimes happens that bosses and rings are them- j. ■ ^ ^ selves under the domination of wealthy corpora- of wealthy tions which are seeking to secure legislation corporations f^vQj.^|3ie to their own interests. In such cases the people are not their own governors, but are subject to the domination of the corporations, The leaders of a party use various methods to maintain their control over the voters, and over the subordinate leaders. Sometimes thev do it bv arsrument and How the . . 1 ' 1 ' . , party main- persuasion, sometimes by threats, sometimes by tains control promises of reward, and sometimes by actual over voters . briber}'. A common method is to hold before the party worker the promise of reward by appointment to some office of government. It was formerly customar}- for each party to have its ticket ( list of candidates ) printed separately and usually Secrecy of ^'^ paper of different color from that of other the baUot party ballots. It was then easy for watchers to see how each man voted, and he could be held to account if he did not vote as expected. This method of controlling a i^i^'s v::e vns prevented b-.- the intro- duction of the A:is:r,7^:,::: r.?dV:, v,-l:i:h conriins :::e names of the candidates of all parties on a single sheet. Each voter receives c::e of these from the elerrior. ontcers at the polls, and retires alone into a bootfx v/nere he marks the names of the candidates for whom he \\ishes to vote, un- seen by any one. The secrecy of his ballot gives him greater independence. A more recent innovation is the z-oting viachinc, a mechanical device by means of which CHANGING METHODS OF SELF-GOVERNMENT 207 the voter registers his vote by operating a set of levers. The vote is registered and counted at one time by the machine, thus reducing the chance of fraud. Where the people are divided into parties, it is of course the opinions and policies of the victorious party that will be carried out by the government. The de- ^ . . feated party or parties must yield to the victors, minority We often say that in a democratic form of gov- ^^® ernment the majority rules. But where there are more than two political parties, as is usually the case in the United States, no one of the parties may include a ma- jority of the people; the two or more defeated parties may together include many more people than the one vic- torious party. In such cases, which are very common, it is a minority that rules, and the majority that has to yield. But whether it is the representatives of the majority or of the minority that administer the government, they should not forget that while they are in power they should govern as nearly as possible in the interest of a// the people. The defeated parties should always have a means of ex- pressing their views in the councils of government, and their views should be given every possible consideration. One plan to secure this result is that of p7'oportional representation in legislative bodies, such as state legisla- tures and city councils. By this plan several „ _^. •' J f Proportional representatives are elected from each election representa- district, and these are divided proportionally *^°" among the parties. Thus, if the parties are of equal strength in a given district, they will have an equal num- ber of representatives ; if one is twice as strong as another, it will have twice as many representatives as the other. The important thing is that each political group secures fair representation irr the legislative body. 208 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN Another plan by which to secure elections that are in closer accord with the will of the majority of voters is that Preferential 0^ preferential voting. This plan, which has voting been adopted in some localities, is used where one of several candidates is to be elected to a single ad- ministrative office. It is somewhat complicated in detail, and in fact there are various methods by which the plan is carried out. In general, however, it is a plan by which each voter, in addition to indicating his first choice for the office, may mark the other candidates in the order of his preference ; so that, if it proves that his first choice cannot be elected, his second choice may be taken into account ; or, if that fails, his third choice, and so on. Besides these devices to give the people greater control over the choice of their representatives, there are still others by which these representatives may be more completely controlled after they are elected. One of these is known as the re call. This is a method by which the people may remove an elective official from office before his term expires. If a number of citizens believe that an official is not properly fulfilling the obliga- tions of his office, a petition signed by a specified number of voters will necessitate an election to determine whether the official shall remain in office or be supplanted by another. Elective officials are thus made more directly re- sponsible to the people for their acts. The recall has been used in a good many western communities io\ the removal of mayors, city councilmen, school directors, and others. The people are also acquiring a more direct control over the making of the laws. They always had the right, except in Delaware, to vote on proposed amendments to the state constitutions; and by the town meeting plan (see page 218; they have themselves made laws to regulate CHANGING METHODS OF SELF-GOVERNMENT 209 local affairs. But in recent years a number of states and a great many local communities have extended the direct action of the people in law-making by means of the initia- tive and the referendum. The initiative is the right of the voters to initiate, or start, legislation. By means of it a specified number of voters may themselves, by petition, propose a ^^.. .. law ; and if the legislature does not act upon it, and it must be submitted to the people for their vote ^^^^^^^^^""^ at the next election. On the other hand, if the legislature passes a law that is not pleasing to a considerable number of the people, a petition signed by a specified number of voters will require the law to be referred to the people for their approval or rejection. This is the referendum. The object of the initiative and the referendurn is to force legislative bodies to act in accordance with the will of the people whom they represent ; or, if they do not do so, to overrule them. These means of direct law-making are now in use in many localities, and are spreading. The chief arguments against them are that our state governments Arguments were intended to be representative and not for and direct, and that the people as a whole are not direct sufficiently informed to vote intelligently upon legislation important laws. In reply to this it is said that it is not expected that the people will exercise the power of law- making except in cases where the legislative bodies fail to represent them faithfully, and that the legislatures will be more considerate of the will of the people in view of the power possessed by the latter to overrule them. It is said, further, that in a democratic form of government the people ought to be informed regarding important public questions with which their legislatures are deaHng, 210 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN and that this is more likely to be the case if they know that they may be called upon to deal with these questions directly at any time. In order to provide every possible means for inteUigent action by the people, it is the practice in some states where the initiative and referendum prevail, to circulate printed copies of proposed laws with a state- ment of all important arguments on both sides. By far the greater number of the offices of government are filled by appointment and not by election. These ap- The civil pointive places constitute the civil service, service There are about three hundred thousand such offices or positions under the national government, and prob- ably as many more under the state and local governments. It is necessary that some of the more important of these offices should be filled by men who will sympathize with the poHcy of the government as indicated by the party in power, as in the positions of the cabinet officers who are advisors with the President and carry out his policy. There are, however, some offices in which party feeling should not be allowed to enter at all, as in the case of judges of our courts. Their business is to interpret the law and to render justice, which is always the same under any party. There are many thousands of other offices, or government positions, in which a man's party beliefs would make no difference in the performance of his duty, as in the case of postmen and mail clerks. It early became the practice of a victorious party to dis- miss many members of the defeated party who were hold- The spoils i^& government positions, and to fill their places system with its Own members. This plan began in the national government under Andrew Jackson, and is known as the spoils system, because it was founded on the princi- ple that "to the victors belong the spoils." CHANGING METHODS OF SELF-GOVERNMENT 211 The spoils system brought with it a train of evils. The changes made in the civil service with each change of ad- ministration were injurious to the efficiency of oovem- the service. The worst evil was the habit it ment offices are posts cultivated of looking upon the offices of govern- of service, ment as booty, to be sought for, and even fought not a reward for, as rewards for party service. The man who works for a party merely for what he can get out of it in the shape of a salaried office is not a safe man for the people to put their confidence in as their representative in gov- ernment. A great deal has been done in the last few years to de- stroy the spoils system of making appointments to office. In 1883 a civil service law was passed, and a Civil Service Commission created by Congress, system in for the purpose of improving conditions. By *^® ^y^'^ this act a merit system of making appointments was introduced. By the merit system, candidates for the civil service must pass a competitive examination to show fitness, and when appointed, they hold office during good behavior. At first this system was applied to only a few of the offices, but the number of offices in which it oper- ates has steadily increased, until to-day more than half of the national offices are subject to it. The merit system of appointment has been adopted also in some states and cities. One of the most promising of the changes that are taking place in our methods of self-government is to be seen in the increasing effort to fill all positions j^gg^jfo,. in the government service with persons who business are trained in the kind of work they are to ™®* ° ^ perform, and are capable of applying good business methods to the public business. Although dishonesty and 212 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN corruption have been too frequent, a far more prevalent cause of bad government has been the simple lack of business methods and good management. Various agencies are now at work studying the w^ork and methods of the many departments and offices of government with a view to discovering how they may be conducted more economically and more efficiently. In some of our cities there are "bureaus of municipal re- search "' for this purpose. Their attention has been directed chiefly to the study of the methods of city gov- ernment,, but they are now extending their activities to include county, state, and national governments. Largely through the influence of such private agencies, govern- ments themselves are beginning to provide means for self-study. Thus, the department of education in New York City has created a bureau of investigation to work constantly for more effective methods of attending to the enormous business of the public schools of that city. The federal government has a commission to study and im- prove its methods of keeping accounts and handling its routine business. In some foreign countries the public service offers careers for which young men go into training, as they would o-o into training for the practice of law. Public ser- * o i ' vice as a or medicine, or business. In our country the career feeUng has seemed to prevail that not only has every citizen a rigJit to hold office, but that he is competent to do so if he has sufficient influence to secure an election or an appointment. This idea is changing, and the time is apparently coming when, in this country also, the pubHc service will offer an honorable career to be prepared for by systematic training, or by ex- perience in similar kinds of work, or both. A number of CHANGING METHODS OF SELF-GOVERNMENT 213 our universities now have departments to provide such training for young men, and other agencies with a similar purpose are growing up. Trained service in all depart- ments of the public business cannot be expected, however, unless there is a public demand for it. The people them- selves must recognize the need for it and insist upon having it. This chapter has shown how the voters, who have been inclined to throw all responsibility for government upon their representatives, are taking upon themselves Regoonsi- more and more direct responsibility. In like biiityofthe manner, citizens who cannot vote are inclined ^^^'^^^^^ to throw all responsibility upon those who can. There are many ways in which the non-voting citizen may help to improve the methods of government, but chief among these is by keeping thoroughly informed regarding the community needs, how they may best be met, and how government actually does meet them, or fails to meet them. One reason for the need of information on the part of non-voters is that they have many opportunities to work with private organizations in the interest of public needs, such as the public health, public safety, education, and so on, and through such organizations to bring direct pressure to bear upon government. Another reason is that many of these non-voters may soon have the power to vote, and should be prepared to exercise the power effectively. A third reason, and perhaps the most im- portant, is that an employee is stimulated to do his best work when he knows that his employer is interested in and thoroughly understands his work. Lack of interest on the part of the employer breeds lack of interest and incom- petency on the part of the employee. The best reason the citizen has for knowing about his government is be- 214 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN cause of the effect that his possession of that knowledge has upon those who administer his business in government. Perhaps the chief defects of our system of self-govern- ment may be summarized as those which prevent the citizen from reallv having a voice in his own govern- Conditions ' ^ ... , , . are getting ment, and those which prevent the choice of better, not j^g^ most Competent and most trustw^orthy to hold office and administer our affairs. These defects were not anticipated when our governments were first formed, but have developed with the increasing com- plexity of our communities until they have in some cases become acute and cause patriotic citizens some anxiety. We must not, however, get a wrong impression of the situation. Any plan, however excellent, is bound to mis- carry at times when it is in the hands of imperfect human beings. It must not be supposed that our plan of govern- ment is wrong because it is sometimes wrongly used. Neither must it be supposed that it is wrongly used in the hands of all officers. Instead, we have great reason to be hopeful that the defects in our government will disappear. We can feel assured that the great majority of the people will do right when they see the right, and that there are to-day many honest and patriotic leaders who are earnestly striving to give the people the best that government can secure. Conditions are not getting worse, but better. If we see more corruption to-day than formerly, it is rather because we are opening our eyes, and are striving more earnestly to uproot the evils. FOR INVESTIGATION 1. Discuss in class the question Avhether we are a democracy or an oligarchy. 2. Why is holding office a duty? Why is it a privilege? CHANGING METHODS OF SELF-GOVERNMENT 21 5 3. How are jurymen selected? What will debar a man from serv- ing on a jury ? What would you consider a good excuse for an ordinary business man's not serving when called on? 4. Are the primaries in your community well attended? Try to find out the reasons for non-attendance from some of the men of your acquaintance. 5. Is there any organization in your community that tries to inform the people of the records and character of the candidates for nomina- tion and election? Why might it be difficult to get reliable informa- tion in regard to these matters? 6. Have any laws been passed recently in your state for the reform of the primaries? What are the main features of these new laws? 7. Study those parts of Washington's Farewell Address that deal with political parties. Discuss carefully his meaning. 8. Investigate the methods of conducting primaries in the worst districts of large cities. Where are they held? How are they man- aged? Are similar methods used anywhere in your own city? 9. What per cent of the qualified voters in your city (or county) voted at the last election? 10. How many names to be voted for were on the county ticket of the party you favor at the last election ? On the city ticket ? On the state ticket? 11. What do men of your acquaintance think of the desirability of a short ballot in your community? Give their arguments. 12. If proportional representation exists in your community or state, discuss it in detail. Also, preferential voting, the recall, the initiative and the referendum. 13. Report on the application of the spoils system under Jackson's administration. 14. Report on the history of civil service reform. 15. Is the merit system of appointment used in your state? 16. Is the merit system of appointment used in your city govern- ment? How does it work? 17. Are voting machines used in your community? How do they work? REFERENCES Bryce, "The American Commonwealth," vol. II, chapters LXIII^ LXV, LXVII, LXVIII; LXXXVIII, LXXXIX ; XCVII. XCVIII. Roosevelt, "Essays on Practical Politics," "American Ideals and Other Essays." Also, "What Americanism Means," Forum, 17 : 196- 206. 2l6 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN Allen, William H. : •• \Vo:rian"s Part in Government." (Dodd. Mead & Co.. 191 1.) The magazine ^//^, published quarterly at 1520 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, is devoted to the " promotion of improvements in govern- ment, especially of those methods that will result in a more perfect democracy. ■■ It explains and gives the current record of such subjects as the initiative and referendum, the recall, direct primaries, propor- tional representation, etc. The January number. 191 3. is particularly good. The American Proportional Representation League (Secretar}-. C. G. Hoag. Haverford. Pa.) publishes pamphlets relating to this subject. They are rather technical. The National Short Ballot Organization. 3S3 Fourth Avenue. New York, issues numerous publications. The Legislative Reference Bureau. Monrpelier. Vt.. in 1914 issued a pamphlet on Direct Primaries. It contains a tabulation of argu- ments both for and against. Bureaus of Municipal Research in New York. Philadelphia. Cincin- nati, and other cities, issue useful publications on emciency in city gov- ernment. For civil ser^-ice reform see : Fifteenth Annual Report of the U. S. Civil Service Commission, pp. 489-502, for an account of the growth of civil service reform. Also later reports. Roosevelt, " An Object Lesson in Civil Service Reform," Atlantic Monthly, (rj : 252-257 ; " Present Status of Civil Service Reform," Atlantic Monthly, 75 : 239-246 ; "Six Years of Civil Service ^^iorm^" Scribner s Magazine, 18: 238-247 (also in " American Ideals and Other Essays "). The spoils system under Jackson, McMaster. •• History of the People of the L'nited States." vol. V. pp. 523-536. Ballot Reform. Johnson's Encyclopedia. Electoral Reform. New International Encyclopedia. Elections. Encyclopedia Americana. See also Readers" Guide to Periodical Literature on the various topics of the chapter. CHAPTER XXI THE GOVERNMENT OF RURAL COMMUNITIES: TOWN- SHIP AND COUNTY The English colonists who settled in America were familiar with forms of both national and local government in England. Their removal to America did not at first change their national government in any way, for the EngUsh government remained theirs. To meet their local needs, on the other hand, it was necessary to establish some form of local government in this country. In doing so, it was natural that they should imitate the forms with which they had been familiar in England. In the early times of English history the smallest politi- cal division of the land was the tozvn, which, in those days, consisted of a palisaded village with surrounding farm and pasture land; it was governed by a township meeting of the men of the town, or town meeting. ^^ ^°wn In the troublous course of early English history, these towns lost their right of direct self-government. Meanwhile another division of the land had appeared for purposes of church government. This was t\\Q parish, which was under the control of the parish priest. The parish usually coincided in area with the older town. The people of the parish met in a vestiy meeting, to assess the church rates for church expenses and the care of the poor. As the powers of the town meeting declined, the vestry meeting gradually assumed them, until it became really the same thing as the older town meeting. 217 2i8 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN When the Puritans left England because of restrictions on their religious liberty, they went in congregations ; and the ^"^'tien they settled in Massachusetts, they settled township in little palisaded communities around the church. system was u^^^qj. these Conditions it was natural that the adopted in New Eng- New England colonists should adopt the town, ^^^ or parish, form of government with which they were famihar. Each little community, including the village and the surrounding farms, was called a town, or township, The town ^^^ ^"^'^s governed by a meeting of all the freemen meeting (landholders) who belonged to the church. This meeting was called the tozi'u meeting. It originally met in the church, but afterward in the toivn house. It levied taxes for church purposes, to provide for the poor, and to pay the expenses of government. It provided for a school. It authorized the construction and repair of roads and bridges. The laws enacted by the town meeting were called by-laws, which means town laws- For the execution of the by-laws it was necessar}^ for the town meeting to elect officers. First of all, there were Town from three to nine selectmen, the number vary- officers ing with the size of the township. They had general supervision over all community business. They represented the town when the town meeting was not in session, and called the town meeting when necessary. The toum clerk kept the records of the business of the town. The toivn treasurer received the taxes of the people, and paid the expenses of the community. There were tax assessors, who determined the amount of tax each citizen must pay, and overseers of the poor. The constable served warrants issued by the selectmen, arrested criminals, and sometimes collected the taxes. Each town had also a school committee. TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY 219 In England, at the time when America was colonized, the parish was only a part of the local government. There was also the shirey or county. The county origin of included a number of parishes, or townships, the county Over the county there was a government which at one time was composed of representatives from the townships and cities, but which afterward consisted of a number of justices of the peace appointed by the king. These justices constituted the court of quarter sessions, meeting every quarter of the year to hold court. They were both a judi- cial body, trying cases at law, and an administrative body, managing the affairs of the county. The colonists of Virginia did not come Hke the Pilgrims for religious freedom, or like the later settlers of Massa- chusetts for political freedom. They came in ^j^^ county search of wealth. Virginia is a rich farming system in country, in which the cultivation of tobacco in ^^8^* great plantations proved to be the most profitable industry. The colonists scattered themselves along the rivers, as planters, instead of living in compact communities like the New England colonists. When they organized themselves for local government, therefore, they adopted the English plan of county government, instead of the township plan. The whole colony was divided into counties, over each of which was placed a county court, consisting of eight justices of the peace. These justices were appointed by the governor of the colony, as in England they were appointed by the king, but they could themselves fill vacancies in their number. The county court was primarily a judicial body, trying cases at law, and meeting for the purpose about once a month at a designated point called the county seat. It had also administrative powers, as in England. It appointed highway surveyors and constables. It levied 220 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN taxes for the maintenance of roads and bridges, and for other expenses of government. In each county there was a sheriff, appointed by the colonial governor. His chief duties were to execute the judgments of the court, and to serve as treasurer and tax collector. Another important officer was the county lieutenant, who had command of the militia. mm.'''^ p^aiittiH Comrrigfa, 1906, by Bttrcnt PubUsTiing Co. Court House, Dex^-er, Colo. Thus we find two forms of local government in the colo- nies. Both were brought from England, but each was Two forms adapted to the peculiar conditions in which the of local colonists found themselves. The township sys- govem- ^ -' ment tem prevailed throughout New England, where it is still the unit of the political organization. The town meeting may still be found in many small communities, TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY 221 although it has necessarily been abandoned for the repre- sentative system in the larger communities. The county system prevailed, with some variations, throughout the Southern colonies, where the conditions of life were very much aUke, and it is to-day the unit of the political organi- zation throughout the Southern states. New York and Pennsylvania, lying between New Eng- land and the Southern colonies, were influenced in their forms of local government by both sections, jhe mixed They developed both township and county, type In New York the township predominated, and it was organ- ized very much as in New England. The townships, how- ever, were grouped into counties, and each township in a county elected each year a member of the county board of supervisors. In Pennsylvania, also, there were both town- ship and county, but the latter predominated over the town- ship. The county officers in Pennsylvania were all elected by the people of the county, instead of being appointed by the governor as in Virginia. Throughout the West the mixed form of township-county government prevails, sometimes the township, sometimes the county, predominating. The influence of the township is especially strong in the Northwest, where there The influ- is a large New England population. In Michi- the town gan, northern lUinois, and other parts of the meeting Northwest, the town meeting still manages the affairs of the township. The influence of the town meeting in developing a strong citizenship has been very great. All voters have the right to attend and to take part in the discussion and settlement of affairs. Experience shows that, as a rule, they take advantage of their right. Others besides voters often attend in order to listen to the discus- sions. The town meeting thus becomes a school of instruc- 222 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN tion in public matters. Nowhere else do we find such general interest in public questions as in the parts of the CopyrigU, 1906, by Letroii Fxiblishing Co. Court House, Detroit, Mich. country where the town meeting prevails. It encourages healthy, active citizenship. The county system of representative government is more TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY 223 practicable throughout the West than the township with government by town meeting. The country is ^j^^ town- almost wholly agricultural and the population is ship in the widely scattered. On the other hand, the exist- ^®^* ence of the congressional townships surveyed by the na- tional government to aid in the settlement of the land (see page 49), suggested that they be adopted as civil town- ships for purposes of local government. Everywhere throughout the West, therefore, we find both township and county governments with varying relations between them. Even in the South the counties are tending to break up into smaller divisions for some purposes of local government, especially in connection with school administration. The principle of local self-government is strong among the peo- ple, and they prefer the smaller township to the county as the unit of government. Except in the Northwest, how- ever, the government of the township is now representative. It is in the hands of township trustees, who correspond to the earlier selectmen ; the clerk, who keeps the records ; the tax assessors and collectors ; the justice of the peace, who presides over the township court for the trial of minor cases ; the school trustees ; the overseers of the poor ; and numerous minor officers. At the present time the most im- portant matters under the control of the township govern- ment are the schools, the roads, and the poor. The main governing body of the county is the board of county commissioners, or supervisors. They administer the affairs of the county : they fix the rate of tax- xhe West- ation ; appropriate money for the building and ^^ county repairing of public buildings, such as the courthouse and jail, and for the construction of roads and bridges; and ap- point subordinate officials. Every county has its court, which is of higher grade than the township justice court, and 224 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN is held at the county seat. The commands of the court are carried out by the sheriff, who also maintains order in the county and usually has charge of the county jail and its inmates. There are various other officers, among whom are the county treasurer, the tax assessors and collectors, the superintendent of schools, the clerk, the coroner, and the surveyor. In those states where the township has the chief impor- tance in local government, the county exists for little more than judicial purposes. In other states the county govern- ment has many of the powers which the township govern- ment exercises elsewhere. There seems to be a growing tendency to centralize the administration of many local affairs in the county government, or at least to give the county government supervision over the affairs of the townships. This is seen in the administration of the schools and of roads. This supervision secures greater uniformity and efficiency than would be the case if each township had exclusive control over these matters. The government of rural communities seems a compara- tively simple matter. The pressing . problems of city and Importance national government have thrown it into the of local background. But it has an importance that de- government 1.1. 1 ■ r mands the mterest and attention of every citizen. In the first place, the township and county have always been the units of local self-government. No matter how isolated a farmer and his family may be, these governments provide him with a direct means of cooperating with others for the satisfaction of his immediate wants and the protec- tion of his rights. Besides, upon the excellence of these local means of self-government depends in large measure the success or failure of the general governments of state and nation. TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY 225 In the second place, these forms of local government have acquired new importance because of the very fact of the growth of cities and the increasing com- Adaptation plexity of community life. They were origi- to local nally adapted to the peculiar needs of rural communities and small towns. To-day, however, many counties contain large city populations. Some, in fact, are occupied wholly by large cities, as in the case of New York City and Chicago. We have seen how the old form of township government by town-meeting has had to give way before increasing population. But in spite of the great changes in conditions through the transformation of rural into urban, or partly urban, communities, the form of county government has remained almost unchanged. Where cities have grown up within counties their gov- ernments overlap and duplicate, in many ways, the county governments. This often results in conflict of q-^^^^^ ^^^^ authority, wastefulness, and inefficiency. Den- counties ver has solved the difficulty by consolidating ®^®^*p city and county by providing for a single board of five commissioners at the head of both city and county govern- ments, and making city and county officers subordinate to this board. In Alameda County, California, where a part of the county is distinctly rural and another part made up of a group of cities, it is proposed to have a county board of which the mayors of the cities will be members, and to consolidate some of the county and city offices. Another feature of county government which is con- sidered weak, especially where the population is large, is the large number of elective officers. In Cali- short ballot fornia, for example, there were formerly elected ^° counties in each county every four years five commissioners, a sheriff, a county superintendent of schools, a coroner, a 226 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN public administrator, a county clerk, a district attorney, an auditor, a treasurer, a tax collector, an assessor, a recorder and a surveyor, besides a number of constables and justices of the peace. Each of these officers, being elected by the people, would feel independent of all the others, so that instead of perfect cooperation, there might be lack of har- mony and unity in the administration of the county busi- ness. Besides this, since many of the offices thus filled by election are comparatively obscure, the people do not take great interest in them. Some of the office holders are often wholly unknown to many of the voters. The result is likely to be an inferior type of officials. The remedy proposed for this, and already in practice in some states, is the short ballot (see page 203). The present law in Los Angeles County, California, for example, provides for the election of not more than three officers in any one year, while most of the offices are filled by appointment. The county is an administrative division of the state. That is, an important part of the work of its government Home rule ^^ ^^ administer the laws of the state within its for counties boundaries. For this reason there must be some uniformity among all the counties and some control over them by the state government. On the other hand, there are many matters of purely local concern that come under the jurisdiction of the county government. Where there are such differences among the counties as exist in most of the states, many believe that better results would be obtained in matters of purely local interest if a larger degree of home rule were allowed. Again California has taken the lead in this matter by enacting a state law which allows to each county the right to adopt its own charter, or form of local government, a right which the cities of that state have enjoyed for some time past. TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY 22/ In these and other ways county government is being modified, especially in the West, to meet the changing conditions of community life. FOR INVESTIGATION 1. Is the township or the county the more important division for local rural government in your state ? Can you explain why ? 2. Are town meetings ever held in your state ? If so, have you ever attended one ? Describe the meeting. 3. What are your township officers ? Make a list of them, and state their duties. 4. How are the various township officers chosen ? 5. Is there any law-making, or legislative, body in your township .'* If so, with what kinds of things do its laws deal ? 6. How are the laws enforced in your township ? 7. Are there any courts in your township ? If so, what are they ? What kinds of cases do they try ? 8. Make a list of your county officers. State their duties. 9. How are the county officers chosen ? 10. What legislative body is there in your county ? 11. What executive officers are there? 12. Do the county legislative officers have any executive powers ? 13. Are there any county courts in your county ? What kinds of cases do they try ? 14. What buildings belong to your county and township ? What are their uses ? 15. Make a map of your county, showing townships. Notice the shape of the townships and the county. Do their boundaries follow the lines of the government survey ? Explain any irregularities in the shape of the townships. Locate the county seat. 16. Find out how many of your township and county officers your father now knows by name. Compare notes in class on this point. Does the result show great interest in township and county government or not ? 17. Can you find cases in your community in which the duties of various local officers duplicate each other ? 18. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of applying the short ballot to your own county. Also the desirability of a larger degree of home rule for your county. 228 THE COMMUNITY AXD THE CITIZEN REFERENCES Hart "Actual Government," chapter X. Forman. *• Advanced Civics,"' chapters XXVI-XXVIII. Br\-ce. •• The American Commonwealth," vol. I, chapters XLVIII, XLIX (abridged edition, chapters XLVII, XLVIII). Fiske. •• Ci\-il Government-" chapters II-IV. '•New England Town Meeting of To-day/* Outlook, 'j^ : 405-409 (1903)- '•Description of a Town Meeting." Outlook. 32 : 561-565 (1906). '• Town Meetings for Cities." Xation. 32 : 434 (1906). ••Brookline and Her Government by Direct Legislation." Arena, 34:39-91 (1905)- .Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science^ vol. XLVII, May. 1914: "County Government." The most compre- hensive study of county government yet published. Part I deals with " T\'pes of count}- government " ; Part II with •• T\-pical problems of county government "' ; Part III with " Plans for the reorganization of count}- government." The New York Short Ballot Association (381 Fourth Ave.) has is- sued in pamphlet form the proceedings of the 1913 and 1914 meetings of the Conference for the Study and Reform of County Government. CHAPTER XXII THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY The growth of cities in the United States has been very rapid. In 1790, when the first census was taken, there were in the United States only six cities with R^pjjj a population of 8000 or more. The largest, growth of Philadelphia, had but 28,500 people, and all to- "*^^^ gether the six cities contained 132,000 population. In 1 9 10 there were yjZ cities of 8000 population or more, comprising a total of 35,726,720 people. New York at the last census had four and three-quarters million, while Chicago, which was founded only in 1830, had consider- ably more than two milUon population. In 1790 but 3.3 per cent of the total population of the country lived in cities ; to-day, cities contain about 40 per cent of the total population. Cities have brought with them serious problems of com- munity Hfe and of government. Where so many people are crowded together, there are many conflict- proijiemg of ing interests. Each person is more dependent city govern- on others for his well-being than is the case in °^^"* rural communities. The mixed character of the population found in most large cities also presents problems difficult of solution (see chapter VII). Other problems are found in the distribution of the population, involving the question of transportation and that of the crowded tenement dis- tricts. Still other difficulties arise from the rapid growth of cities to a size originally unexpected. In the early days of Chicago, for example, men had no idea that it would ever 229 230 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN be a great city. Care is not taken, under such circum- stances, to plan these young cities for the accommodation of future crowds. As it is, American cities are constantly being made over, often resulting in an unsymmetrical ap- pearance and perhaps in great inconvenience. These and other problems did not attract much attention until after the Civil War ; since then city government has become one of the greatest problems before the American people. Cities, like counties and townships, receive their right of self-government from the state. Their form of govern- ment and the powers they may exercise are pre- ceive their scribed in a charter granted by the legislature, "^^^°^ iust as some of the colonies received charters self-govern- -' ment from from the king. The city does not always have the state qy^u the right of ratifying the charter. Since the charters are often long and detailed, and since the legislature usually holds the right to change them at will, the amount of self-government left to the city may be very limited. This control over the details of the business of Control by cities by state legislatures is considered one of legislature the chief obstacles to good city government. Legislators from all parts of the state, many of them from rural districts, cannot know the peculiar needs of the city so well as the people of the city themselves. Besides, it is much easier for scheming politicians and corrupt cor- porations to exercise an influence over a few legislators than over the citizens of the city. This interference by state legislatures has been checked somewhat by the provision in some states for a general form Tendency of charter for all cities of about the same size. seW-gov-^^^ The legislature cannot, then, modify the charter emment of one city without similarly modifying the charters of all cities of the same class, and this is likely to THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY 231 arouse opposition. On the other hand, this plan may make it difficult for a city to have its charter changed when it wants to do so, because of the possible opposition to such changes on the part of other'cities in the same class. Copyright, 1906, by Detroit Publishing Co. City Hall, Boston, Mass. In a number of states, as in CaHfornia, cities are allowed by the state to draft their own form of government, which, after having been ratified by the voters of the city, is sub- mitted to the legislature for approval. This principle of home rule for cities is spreading at the present time. 232 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN The form of government for cities in the United States has undergone a good many changes, and at the present time varies to a considerable extent in different cities. As in the case of state and national governments, city govern- ments exercise legislative, executive and judicial powers, but the separation of these powers (see page 185) has not always been clearly marked. In the form of city government that has been most common in recent years the legislative power is vested in The city ^ ^ity council. Its members are elected by the council people, the city being divided into ivards, from each of which one or more representatives are chosen. In some cases the council consists of two chambers, an upper chamber, or board of aldermen, and a lower chamber, or com'inoji couiiciL The upper chamber is always the smaller. The term of office of councilmen is short, usually one or two years. Their salaries generally are small. For the transaction of business the council is organized into committees, such as the committee on streets, on public buildings, and on finance. The mayor ordinarily presides over the meetings of the council, and sometimes has the power to I'eto its acts. There was a time when practically all of the powers of government were held by the council. It had administra- tive, as well as law-making, powers. The business of the fire department, the police, the streets, was managed by its committees, or by officers appointed by the council. There was a mayor, elected by the people, but he had very little power. He was little more than a presiding officer for the council. He was often a magistrate with judicial powers. This form of government proved unsatisfactory. There were several objections to it. One was the difficulty of fixing responsibihty. It also resulted in a lack of unity THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY 233 in government, since the various committees were not always harmonious. Furthermore, the elective council members were frequently incompetent to direct _ the business of the various city departments, government These defects resulted in an important change ^^ council by which the powers of the council were greatly reduced, while those of the mayor were correspondingly increased. The council had never had wide legislative powers, since they extended only to matters of local concern not regu- lated by state law. Its most important legislative power is that of controlling taxation and expenditures for city purposes. In some cities even this power was restricted by a special board of estimate with large powers over the city's finances, as in the City of New York. Another im- portant power of the council is that of granting franchises (see page 54). The council was stripped entirely of its ad- ministrative powers. The mayor became the real executive head of the city. He is elected by popular vote Executive, in all cities, for a term varying from one to The mayor five years. His salary also varies from a very small sum in many cities to ;^ 15,000 in New York City. The work of administering the business of a large city is so great and so complex that it has to be subdivided. Hence there are various administrative depart- ^^^-^ ments under the supervisioii of chiefs or boards, tive depart- Perhaps the most important of these is the ™®^*^ department that manages the money affairs of the city. There is always a treasurer, who has the care of the city's funds and who makes payments when authorized by the proper authorities. In some cities there is also a controller, who is the real director of the finance department. We have heard before of the health department, usually man- aged by a board (see page 60); the fire department (page 234 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN 72) and Xh^ police dtpartment {^^2.gQ ^6), both of which are sometimes united mider the supervision of a board of safety ; the sirtct department {^?igQ 115) and the building department, which are also sometimes combined under a board of public luorks. The street-cleajmig department (page 63) is often separate from the street department, CovvrigM, 1906, h City Hall, Louisville, Ky. which looks after the construction and repairing of the streets. The department of edncativn is under the man- agement of a board of school commissiojiers (page 144). These are only a few of the administrative branches found in our various cities, and each one of these is subdivided into several divisions or bureaus. Under them is a large number of subordinate officers and employees. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY 235 In America there has always been a fear of giving any one man too much power. It was this that led, at one time, to placing the government in the hands of the council. It has also led to the tionof election by popular vote, and for short terms, powers in of many of the administrative officers, in the belief that by so doing the people could keep their hands directly on the administration of the city's business. In the complexity of the affairs of a city, and with the numer- ous officers necessary to manage them, it is impossible for the people to hold every officer responsible to themselves, or even to know them. When anything goes wrong, it has been found almost impossible to fix the responsibility on any one. In handling the vast sums of money neces- sary in city government, and in the granting of franchises and the letting of contracts, there is abundant opportunity for things to go wrong. Therefore the tendency has been, in our best governed cities, to give the mayor full power to appoint his subordinates, as well as to remove them, at least in the case of the more responsible positions, and then to hold him responsible for the acts of his appointees. City government has suffered greatly from the spoils system (page 210). When a new mayor is elected, he usually appoints new boards and heads of departments, and these, in turn, too frequently parties and remove subordinates in their departments to "*y govern- make way for personal or political friends. One of the chief causes for this is the part that the na- tional political parties take in city elections. National po- Htical questions have no place in city elections. Cities have local self-government in order to manage their local business, such as paving streets, granting franchises, pro- tecting property and health. These are purely business 236 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN matters that demand business ability and honesty on the part of those who manage them, and have no relation to the great national issues that di\ide the parties against each other. The national parties retain their hold on cit)^ affairs partly to prevent party spirit and interest from flagging in the period ber^'een national elections, and partlv to have at their disposal the vast number of city offices as rewards for faithful part}- workers in the com- munitv. The result of this is that not only the responsible positions at the head of administrative departments, but minor positions, such as those of policemen and of clerks in the ch." :fhces, are too often filled with men who have some claim on the party in power, but very little on the confidence of the people. One means of remo\Tng cities from partisan control is bv holding city elections at a different time from state and Civil service national elections, in the hope of avoiding con- refonn fusion between local and national questions. More important than this is the introduction of the merit svstem in the appointment of cit}' officials and emplo3^ees (see page 2 1 1 ). Good city government cannot be expected until those who carry it on hold their positions solely on the ground of efficienc}^ and faithfulness to the trust re- posed in them. Two forms of government very different from that alreadv described have recently been introduced in many ^ . . ciries. One of these is the commissioji form. Commission -^ form of Bv this plan the government is placed wholly in government ^^^ hands of a commission of from three to nine men (most often five) who are elected by the people at large. One member of the commission is designated as mayor, but he has no powers different from those of the other members. He presides over the meetings of the THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY 237 commission, and on public occasions acts as the official head of the city. The commission as a whole acts as a legislative body and decides on the policy to be followed by the government. Each member of the commission is placed at the head of one of the main departments of the city government. Thus there is a commissioner of public works, a commissioner of finance, a commissioner of public safety, and so on. This form of city government was first adopted in Gal- veston, Texas, after the city had been devastated by storm and flood, and when the crisis demanded a simple, but energetic and efficient, business management. Since then it has spread widely, having been adopted with slight vari- ations by hundreds of cities in many states. Some of the advantages of the commission plan are said to be : (i) that it prevents the concentration of too much power in the hands of one man, the mayor; ., ^ ' -^ ' Advantages (2) that it supplants the large council with the of commis- small commission, which makes it easier for the ®^°^^°^™ people to hold their legislative body responsible for its acts ; (3) that it fixes the responsibility for the man- agement of each department of government upon one man ; (4) that it facilitates the transaction of the city's business. Under the old plan of government there are often many delays in getting business through the council, with its numerous committees, and through the various administrative offices. Under the commission form each commissioner is on duty all the time. The several commis- sioners may hold a joint meeting at any time as the occasion demands ; the old council meets but once a week, at night. Under the commission form of government the principle of the short ballot is applied (see page 203). It is also usu- ally accompanied by the initiative, the referendum, and the 238 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN recall, which are additional means for holding the mem- bers of the commission and their subordinates responsible directly to the people (see page 208). The chief objections to the commission plan are two. It is said by many to be unwise to combine legislative and ^^. . administrative powers in one body. It is further Objections ^ to commis- urged that the commission plan tends to break sion form ^^ ^^^ ^•^^^. government into three, five, or more parts, without sufficient provision for unit}\ These objec- tions are said to be overcome, in large measure, by the most recent form of city government now in operation in a few cities. This is the city-majiager plan. The citv-manager plan of government is Hke the com- mission plan in that there is a commission, or small coun- cil, of three or five men (rarelv more). But it City-man- ^ ager plan differs from the commission plan in that the of govern- commission appoints a " citv manager " to mem ^^ .' . . whom is given full power to admmister, or man- age, the cit}''s business in all its departments, and to ap- point his own subordinates. The commission becomes wholly a legislative bodv, determines what the policy of the government shall be, appoints the manager, and holds him responsible for the conduct of the city's affairs. It may also remove the manager from office at any time. The people, on the other hand, hold the commission re- sponsible for the manager's acts, and usually have the power of recall over its members. The relation between the commission and the manager is like that between a board of directors in a business organization and the man- ager or superintendent whom they choose : or Uke that between a board of education and the superintendent of schools. In fact, the commission becomes a board of di- rectors for the city, and the city manager is their expert superintendent. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY 239 The position of city manager requires large ability and thorough training. Therefore, in most cases, the council is given authority to seek its manager wherever Expert man- he may be found throughout the country, and agement the salary is large enough to attract competent men. When the city of Sumter, S. C, which was the first city to adopt the city-manager plan, sought a manager, it adver- tised widely throughout the country. One hundred and fifty replies to the advertisement were received, mostly from trained civil engineers, and from this Hst the com- mission made its choice. The city-manager plan of government has spread from Sumter, S. C, to a number of other cities, especially in Ohio. It may still be said to be an experiment, but it seems to be growing in favor. The chief of city- advantages claimed for it are that it applies to manager 1 . . 1 r 1 1 . plan city government the principles of good business management ; that it simplifies and unifies the transaction of the city's business ; that it places city government in the hands of experts; that it fixes responsibiUty in one place ; that it avoids the confusion between legislative and executive powers that is said to be a fault of the commis- sion plan ; and that it gives the people full control over their city government. For the exercise of the judicial powers of government cities have courts. There are police courts before which are brought persons arrested by the police for minor offenses ; there are higher criminal courts for the trial of more serious cases ; and there are civil courts for the settlement of disputes over property rights. In many cities there are, in addition, special courts of vari- ous kinds, such as juvenile courts for the trial of juvenile offenders (see page 178). In some of the large cities there 240 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN are night courts, to provide immediate trial for the large number of persons arrested at night. The judges of the various courts are sometimes appointed by the mavor, sometimes elected by the people. A great deal depends on the efifectiveness ^ith which the courts are conducted. It is of course important to all Importance Concerned that impartial justice be administered of courts ^j^ every case. Further, a wise judge mav do much to turn offenders away from paths of crime, while an unwise or unscrupulous judge may harden or embitter those brought before him. The police courts also have much to do with the efficiency of the police department. The poHce can hardly be expected to be diligent in bring- ing offenders to trial if there is any doubt about receiWng the full support of the courts. It is highly important that the citizen should look carefullv after the character and fitness of the judges, and the methods b}' which justice is administered. FOR mVESTIGATION 1. What causes have led to the rapid growth of American cities ? 2. Investigate your city charter with respect to the following points : By whom was it drafted ? Did the people of the city have any voice in determining what the charter should contain ? Has it ever been changed, and if so. how? Is it a special charter for your city alone, or is it a general charter, hke that of other cities of the same size .'* 3. Investigate your city councU with respect to the following points : Has it one or two chambers ? How are its members chosen ? How many members from each ward? What is their term of office? What are the qualifications for councilmen? What is their salary? Where and how often do they meet? Who presides at its meetings? What are the important committees of the council ? 4. How is the mayor of your cit}- chosen ? What is his salary- ? His term of office? Is the mayor of your cit}- often reelected for a second or third term? 5 . Does the mayor in your city have large appointing powers ? Does he have full power of removal from office ? Is he held responsible for THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY 241 the acts of the various administrative departments ? Does he have the veto power over the acts of the council? 6. Make a list of the administrative departments of your city govern- ment. Report on the organization of each department. How are the heads of the various departments chosen ? What are the duties of each department ? 7. Do any of these administrative departments have legislative powers? Does the council have any executive powers? 8. Ascertain about how many persons are employed by the city government. In what departments do you find the largest force of employees? 9. Does the merit system of appointment prevail in your city? If so, to what extent? ID. Describe the commission form of city government; the city- manager plan ; compare the two. II. Discuss in class the reasons for the many changes in the forms of city government. ^ REFERENCES Hart, '^Actual Government," chapters XI, XII. Forman, ''Advanced Civics," chapter XXIX. Bryce, '' The American Commonwealth," vol. II, chapters L-LII (abridged edition, chapters XLIX-LI). Goodnow, "City Government in the United States," "Municipal Problems." Beard, "American City Government" (Century Company, 191 2). Bru^re, "The New City Government" (Appleton, 1912). Woodruff, "City Government by Commission" (Appleton, 191 2). "The City Manager Plan of Municipal Government," a pamphlet issued by the National Short Ballot Association, New York, 1913. Wilcox, " The American City." Fairlie, " Municipal Administration." Howe, " The City, the Hope of Democracy." On state control of cities, see : Beard, " American City Government, pp. 31-51. Goodnow, " City Government in the United States, chapters V, VI. Wilcox, " The American City," chapter XI. Goodnow, " Municipal Problems," chapter IV. On national parties and city government, see : Goodnow, " Municipal Problems," chapter VIII. See Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature for recent magazine articles. CHAPTER XXIII THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE Each state in the Union has a written constitution. This constitution is the fundamental law of the state, and State con- gi^'^s to the government its form and powers. stitutions It is a law made by the people themselves, is superior to laws made by the legislature, and cannot be changed in any way except by the people themselves. The constitutions of the original thirteen states were adopted when these states declared their independence from England, and took the place of the colonial charters which had been granted by the king. They were a sub- stitution of self-government for government by the king. The other states adopted their constitutions when they entered the Union. Each state constitution was framed bv a convention of delegates chosen by the people for this purpose, and was ratified, in most cases, by a vote of the people. The constitution provides for its own amendment and re\'ision if defects appear, or if conditions change to such ^^ . an extent that its provisions are not adequate, ment and Am^endment of the constitution consists merely revision ^ changing some of its pro\'isions ; re\4sion is a recasting of the whole constitution. Both processes re- quire the consent of the voters of the state. Amendments are usually enacted by the legislature and submitted to the vote of the people at the polls. Revision usually takes 242 • THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE 243 place by means of a convention of delegates elected by the people for the purpose. The revised constitution is nearly always submitted to the vote of the people. In some states the constitution requires the legislature to give the people an opportunity to revise the constitution at stated intervals, say every ten or twenty years. The constitution thus represents the supreme will of the people, and is intended to prevent any encroachment on their rights and liberties either by themselves or j,^^ consti- by the government which the constitution creates, tution repre- One of the most important parts of every state gupfej^^ constitution, therefore, is the dz// of rights, which win of the is a detailed statement of the rights which must P®°P® not be infringed on by the government. In almost every state, the bill of rights occupies a prominent place in the first part of the constitution. The main part of each constitution contains the plan of government. Although the governments of the states differ in details to meet the peculiar conditions q^^^^^ lan of each, the general plan is the same in all. of govern- The federal Constitution guarantees to each °^®°* state a republican form of government (Art. IV, sec. 4); that is, a form of self-government without the domination of a king. In each state the government is divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches, with a separa- tion of powers much more complete than is usual in cities (page 232). In all the states, at the present time, the legislature con- sists of two chambers, or houses. The upper chamber, or senate^ is usually from one third to one half the xhe legis- size of the lower chamber, or house of represent- Mature atives. In the two-chambered legislature we have an- other illustration of the system of checks and balances ; 244 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN ' for every bilL or proposed measure, must pass each house separately before it can become a law. The people have always been afraid of the law-making power, and have hedged it around with restrictions and pro\isions to make Checks on hast}" law-making difficult. For this reason, not ^^^" only must the law pass each house separately, power but in everv state but one the sfovernor is sdven a check on the legislature in his I'tto power. A bill to become a law must be signed by the governor. If he dis- approves of the bill, he may prevent its passage by vetoing it, or recording his vote against it. However, the legisla- ture may overcome the governor's veto by again passing the bill, usually by a two-thirds majorit}'. The members of the legislature are chosen bv papular vote. In many of the states the legislature meets but once in two years, and its sessions are Umited to a period of from forty to ninety days, both of which pro\dsions are intended to prevent too much law-making. The lieutenant governor usually presides over the senate, while the house of repre- sentatives elects a speaker to preside. The speaker and the president of the senate have the power of appointing the committees in the two houses, by which most of the business of law-making is done. The h=-^ power of the legislature extends to any subject v.h.arever. except as it is Hmited by the Constitution Restrictions ' Art. I. sec. lo), the laws, and the treaties of the iTt^e'bf " ^'"^-^^ -^^^^5' ^^ by ^^^ constitution of the the people State. The earlier state constitutions were short, and contained few restrictions on the power of the legisla- ture. But partly through the love of the people for direct self-government, and partly because of a growing fear of the power of legislatures, the tendencv has been to insert more details in the constitutions of the newer states, and THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE 245 to leave less to the discretion of the legislatures. The initiative and the referendum, which have been introduced in a number of the states (see page 209), serve as a further means by which the people have undertaken to curb the power of the legislature. Indiana State House. A great many influences are brought to bear on state legislatures, which determine more or less completely the character of the laws passed. Legislation is influence on often dictated by a political boss (see page 205), legislation who may, in turn, be the representative of private interests. Citizens and corporations who have special interests which they wish the legislature to favor go, or send their repre- sentatives, to the legislative halls and committee rooms, and try to bring influences to bear on the legislators to secure the passage of the desired laws. This is known as lobby- ing. 246 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN Legislatures watch for every expression of public opin- ion on questions that come before them. The opinion of Public the people expressed through the newspapers, opinion by pubUc meetings, or by personal letters, has a great influence. This is one of the strongest safeguards of self-government. Law-makers seldom dare to meet the dis- approval of the people when it is clearly and strongly ex- pressed. From this it is evident that the responsibility of the citizen for his own self-government does not end when he elects his representative to the legislature. He must have opinions of his own on public questions, and must make them known. As in city governments, the executive branch of state government is divided and subdivided into numerous de- The execu- partments, bureaus, and commissions. The ti^® chief executive officer is the governor, who is elected by the people, and whose term of office varies from one to four years. His chief duty, in theory, is to see that the laws of the state are faithfully executed. In fact, however, the governor does not have the power to enforce the laws that we should expect him to have. As we have seen (page 185), counties and townships and even cities are administrative divisions of the state government, and the enforcement of state laws is largely in the hands of local officers. Over these local officers the governor usually has no authorit}'. He cannot remove them in case they fail to enforce the laws. Only in extreme cases, such as riot, or other serious disturbance, which the local authorities prove incapable of handling, may the governor intervene with the state militia, of which he is the commander-in-chief. Still further, the governor is only one of the executive officers of the state. Among the most important of the other executive officers are the treasurer ; the auditor (or THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE 247 comptroller^, who manages the financial affairs of the state, and instructs the treasurer what moneys to pay out ; the secretary of state, who keeps the records of the ^j^^ , , state ; the attorjiey-generalj who is the legal ad- of depart- visor of the executive heads, and represents the ^^^ ^ state in court ; and the superintendent of schools. These officers do not constitute a governor's cabmet, as the similar officers in the national government do for the President (see page 259). They are not appointed by him, as a rule, nor are they, removable by him. They may belong to dif- ferent parties. They are elected, in most cases, directly by the people, and the governor has no authority over them. This was intended to give the people more direct „ control over the executive business of the state, responsibil- and to prevent the governor from assuming too **^ much power. In reality it weakens the executive, for it divides responsibility. On the other hand, the governor has considerable in- fluence over legislation. Not only has he the veto power, already mentioned, but he may recommend, in r^^^ ^^^^.^ formal messages to the legislature, legislation of the gov- that he thinks should be enacted. He frequently ^™°^ goes about the state making speeches for or against pro- posed legislation, thus creating a public opinion which the legislature fears to disregard. The governor may also call special sessions of the legislature' to force consideration of measures that have not been attended to in the regular sessions. Among the powers of the governor is that of pardoning criminals ; but even this power is in some states transferred to a board of pardons. He also has the power of appoint- ment to many state positions, as in the case of heads of ad- ministrative bureaus and state institutions, such as forestry 248 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN bureaus, and institutions for the blind, deaf, and insane ; and members of special commissions and boards, such as railway commissions and boards of health and charities. The approval of the legislature is usually required in the governor's appointments. Questions are constantly arising as to the meaning of the law, or how it applies to a particular case. To decide such questions the state constitution provides a The courts ^ ^ . . ....... system of courts, constitutmg the judicial branch of government. They are the stronghold of the citizen against injustice. The most numerous courts are the justices' courts, at least one of which is to be found in every community, Justices' easily accessible to the people. They are the courts lowest grade of state courts, before which are tried pettv offenses against law and order and trifling dis- putes over property. The judges who preside over these courts are ca.\lQd jitstices of the peace. In cities there are other courts of the same class, known as police courts, which are made necessary by the great number of misdemeanors committed in city life. Next above the justices' courts are the district, or cir- cuit, courts. They are called district courts because the District State is divided into judicial districts (see page courts ^-^^ each of which has a single court of this grade. Thev are called circuit courts because the presid- ing judge holds the court first in one county of the dis- trict, and then in another, until the circuit of the counties is completed. It is before the circuit or district courts that the ma- jority of cases of importance are brought for trial. Many cases first tried before a justice's court are appealed to the district court for a second trial. This is because, in the first THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE 249 place, district judges are more able and better trained men than the justices of the peace; and because, in the second place, 2. jury trial may always be had in the district court. The Constitution of the United State provides that every man shall have the right to trial by jury in all criminal cases, and in civil cases involving a sum of more than ^20 (Amendments VI and VII). In large cities there are often criminal courts, and other special courts, to meet the needs of city life, and to relieve the district courts of a portion of the work that ^^^ ^^^ would otherwise come before them. In some county states there is also a county court for each county, *^°"'"*^ besides /;'^^<^/r, chancery, and other courts, for the trial of special classes of cases. Each state has one supreme court, which usually holds its sessions at the state capital, although for convenience it sometimes holds sessions in other cities. It supreme consists of several judges, who are presided ^^^^^ over by a chief justice. The work of this court is almost altogether appellate ; that is, the cases tried before it are usually appealed to it from the lower courts. There are, however, certain classes of cases that come before the supreme court for first trial, such as cases in which the official action of state officers is in question. In the first constitutions of the original thirteen states it was provided that the judges should be appointed by the governor or chosen by the legislature. As xheaoooint- the movement toward a more democratic govern- ment of ment grew, the states began to provide for the ^" ^^^ election of their judges by the people. In most of the states, at the present time, the judges are so chosen, though in some they are appointed by the governor and in others by the legislature. The election, of the judges by 2 50 THE COM.MUXITY AND THE CITIZEN the people, at the same time with other state officers, tends to make their selection a matter of party politics. This is especially true when they are elected for short terms, as is usually the case. The courts should be entirely removed from partisan disputes, and this is best accomplished by a life tenure of office, as is the case in the federal courts. It has been proposed to give the people a certain con- trol over the judges, as over executive officers, by applying RecaU of ^^le principle of the recall ; only in this case it decisions jg ^ot a recall of the judge himself, but of his decision, that is proposed. For example, if a judge should declare a law unconstitutional, a number of voters might, by petition, require the question to be voted on at an elec- tion. If a majority of the voters agreed with the judge, his decision would stand ; otherwise it would not. It is said by the friends of this idea that if the people make the constitution, they should have the final right of declar- ing what they intended it to miean. The recall of judicial decisions is so far permitted in but one state, Colorado. FOR mVZSTIGATION 1. Report on the first constitutional convention of your state. 2. Has 3-our state constitution ever been revised ? How many times ? How was it done ? 3. How many amendments have been made to your state constitu- tion ? What is the method of amendment provided in your constitu- tion ? 4. Describe the organization of the legislature. How often does it meet ? How long are its sessions ? 5. What restrictions are placed on the legislature by Art. I. sec 10. of the federal Constitution ? 6. Is the legislature in your state positively forbidden to do certain things by the state constitution ? What are they ? 7. What different courts exist in your state ? 8. How are iur\-men selected ? 9. If you live in a large city, what special cit}- courts exist there ? THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE 25 1 10. How are the judges chosen in your state ? What is their term of office ? 11. Debate the question, " The judges of the state courts should be appointed by the governor for life." 12. What are the executive departments in your state ? How are their heads chosen ? 13. Does the governor of your state have the pardoning power, or is there a board of pardons ? Is the pardoning power often exercised ? 14. Does the governor of your state often exercise the veto power ? How may a bill be passed over his veto ? REFERENCES Hart, "Actual Government," chapters VI-IX. Forman, "Advanced Civics," chapters XXII-XXIV. Bryce, "The American Commonwealth," vol. II, part II. Beard, "American Citizenship," chaps. IX, XV. Copies of the state constitution should be available. CHAPTER XXIV THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NATION The American colonists sought their independence be- cause of the despotism of king and parhament, and they had instilled in them a fear and hatred of a nes^s'of the powerful centralized government. When they govern- declared their independence, therefore, it was as the^Axticfes thirteen states, independent of each other as of Confeder- ^yell as of England. They did create a central government under the Articles of Confedera- tion ; but this government was only for purposes of com- mon defense. It had no power to tax the people ; it had no executive authority to compel them to do its bidding. The experience of the people under the Confederation taught them that there were common interests among the states that were not being protected, and conflicting inter- ests that were rapidly leading to disunion and anarchy (page lOO). They discovered the truth that no government is even worse than a despotic government. A convention of leading men was therefore called in 1787 for the purpose of amending the weak points of the The consti- ^^^icles of Confederation. These Articles pro- tutionai vided that no amendment could be made without convention ^^ unanimous consent of the states ; and this could not be obtained from the jealous and quarreling states. In this extremity the wise leaders of the conven- tion determined to frame an entirely new constitution, 2:;2 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NATION 253 totally changing the form of government, and to submit it to the people for their acceptance or rejection. This they did ; and after the greatest difficulty the new Constitution was ratified by the people of a sufficient number of states to make it binding on them. In due time it was ratified by all of the original thirteen states. The Constitution prescribes, in Article V, the methods by which it may be amended. These methods are suffi- ciently difficult to prevent frequent or hasty Method of changes in the fundamental law, but not so amendment difficult as to prohibit changes when it is clearly the will of the people that they be made. Amendments may be proposed either by Congress, when two thirds of both houses deem it necessary ; or by a national convention called for the purpose by Congress on the request of the leg- islatures of two thirds of the states. When amendments have been proposed by either of these methods they must be ratified by at least three fourths of the states acting through their legislatures or through state conventions, as Congress may indicate. Seventeen amendments to the Constitution have been made since its adoption. The first great problem that the constitutional conven- tion had to solve was the creation of a government strong enough to protect the common interests of all Distribution the states, while not so powerful as to destroy °^ powers their independence. This problem was solved by the carefully adjusted distribution of powers referred to on page 183. First, there were CQ,rt3.m powers gra?ited exclu- sively to the federal government, such as to make war and peace, to make treaties and alliances, to send and receive ambassadors, to regulate foreign and interstate commerce, to coin money, and some others. Second, there were certain povuei's to be exercised concjtrrently by both state 2 54 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN and national governments, such as the power of taxation and of borrowing money. Third, there v;qtq pozvers denied to the federal government {^^^ Art. I, sec. 9; Amendments I-VIII). Fourth, there were poivcrs denied to the states (Art. I, sec. 10). Fifth, all ''powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people "" ( Amendment X ). In the general plan of the national government the convention was influenced by the plan of the state gov- ernments. Provision was therefore made for a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, with the same separa- tion of powers that is found in the states. The question at once arose as to the basis of represen- tation in the Congress, which was to consist of t^vo houses. Representa- Some of the delegates, representing the smaller tion in states, believed that all the states should have ongres,s q^^ representation, thus keeping prominent the idea that the Union was a mere league of states. Dele- gates from the larger states, on the other hand, arguing that the states together constituted a single nation, believed that the several states should be represented in proportion to their population. The contest was settled by a compro- mise, according to which each state was to have two representatives in the Senate, and proportional represen- tation in the House of Representatives. According to the apportionment following the census of 1910. there is one representative for every 212,407 people, making a total of 435 members in the House of Representatives. The members of the House of Representatives are elected by direct vote of the people, one from each of the congres- sional districts into which each state is divided. The number of concTessional districts in each state is deter- THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NATION 255 mined by the population of the state at the most recent census. The members of the Senate are considered as representing their states, rather than the people, xhe Senate It was orisfinally provided that they should be and the 1,1 1., /AT X House of elected by the state legislatures (Art. 1, sec. 3), Represent- but by the seventeenth amendment to the Con- stives stitution they will hereafter be elected by vote of the people. A higher age qualification was fixed for membership in the Senate than in the House (Art. I, sec. 2, clause 2 ; sec. 3, clause 3). The term of office of senators is six years, while that of representatives is only two. The term of office of only one third of the senators expires at the same time, so that at least two thirds of the Senate is always experienced, while the House may be almost entirely made over at any election. These and other causes have made the Senate a more dignified and conservative body than the House of Representatives. The greater conservatism of the Senate was intended, in part, as a check on the impetuosity of the direct representa- tives of the people, and, in part, to fit it for its , . ^1 r- Powers of special executive duties. 1 he Senate must con- the Senate firm all appointments made by the President, and the House and must, by a two thirds vote, ratify all treaties made by the President before they can go into effect (Art. n, sec. 2). The Senate moves more slowly in its delibera- tions than the House, takes more time for debate, and exercises a steadying influence on the lower and more numerous body. On the other hand, the House serves as a check on the Senate and has certain powers not held by the latter. All bills for raising revenue must originate in the House, although the Senate may suggest amendments to them (Art. I, sec. 7). All other bills may originate in either house, but must pass each house separately. The 256 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN House has the sole power of impeachment ; but the Senate must act as the court to try the impeachment (Art. I, sec. 2, clause 5 ; sec. 3, clause 6). Six judges, one President, and one Secretar}^ of War have been impeached by the House of Representatives in our history, but only in the cases of three of the judges did the Senate convict. Both houses of Congress are organized into a large number of committees, by which most of the work of ^ .^ leo;islation is done. Every bill proposed in either Committees ^ j ir r and the house is referred to its appropriate committee spe er £^^ consideration. A large proportion of these bills never come out of committee at all. Those that are reported back to Congress are usually passed or not in accordance with the recommendation of the committees. Until recently the committees of the House of Represent- atives were appointed by the Speaker, who is the presid- ing officer of the House, elected by it, and of course representing the majority. This control over the com- mittees gave the Speaker great power over legislation. At present, however, the committees of the House are elected by it, a majority of each committee representing the majority party of the House. By this and other means the power of the Speaker has been materially reduced. The committees of the Senate are elected by that body. One of the chief defects of the government under the Articles of Confederation was the lack of a strong execu- The execu- ^^^'^- ^^^^ ^^^ memory of the despotism of the tive king caused opposition, in the convention of 1787, to the estabhshment of a single executive head. Ex- perience in the state governments, however, had shown that a single executive head was not dangerous if his powers were properly limited and checked. The result was that THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NATION 257 the executive branch of the national government was made to consist of a President, with a short term of four years, who shall be removable from office by impeachment if he ventures to assume powers not conferred on him. A Vice- President also was created, who, however, has no executive powers except in the event of the President's death, when he assumes that office. He is presiding officer over the Senate, but he has no vote in legislation except in case of a tie. The President and the Vice-President are elected by the peculiar electoral system described on page 197 (Constitution, Art. II, sec. i, and Amendment XII). This method, originally intended to remove the choice from the control of the masses, fails to do so, and is now a mere form because of the development of the party system of making nominations. Although in the states the executive power is divided among the governor and other officers (see page 246), in the national government it is concentrated com- ^ ^ pletely in the hands of the President. The tion of exec- heads of the executive departments y constituting "*^^® power the President's cabinet, are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate (Art. II, sec. 2, clause 2) and are removable by him. They are responsible to him alone, and carry oiit the policy of government dic- tated by him. If anything goes wrong in any of the execu- tive departments, the people hold the President responsible for it, and may show their disapproval at the next election. The President's power to make appointments, like his power to make treaties with foreign nations, is jj^^ power limited by requiring the advice and consent of the of the Presi- Senate. On the other hand, the President has ^^* a check on legislation in his veto power, although Congress may pass a law over the President's veto by a two thirds 2 58 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN vote. The veto power of the President was intended to prevent Congress from going beyond the powers granted to it in the Constitution. It has often been exercised, how- ever, merely because the President disapproved the meas- ure enacted by Congress. The President has exercised the veto power much more in recent years than formerly. Congress very rarely passes a law over the President's veto. The President has some further influence in legisla- tion by his power to call special sessions of Congress and through his messages to Congress, in which he suggests questions that, in his opinion, demand legislative action. In the appointment of the subordinate officers and em- ployees of the civil service, Congress, and especially the Encroach- Senate, is accused of encroaching on the powers 'f^^'i,'"'. of the President. The latter, in seeking for the Presi- '^ dent's ap- suitable persons to fill the thousands of places pointing ^ j^- disposal in all parts of the countrv, has power by r r ^ ' Congress naturally come to depend largely on the senators and representatives from the different sections for informa- tion regarding the qualifications of the candidates. Be- cause of this, the members of Congress have, in the course of time, assumed the right to make nominations for these offices, and expect the President to accept their suggestions. The President has often been forced to accede to the wishes of congressmen in the matter of appointment by their refusal to enact legislation that he wishes unless he does accede. In this way the Congress has, in a measure, taken upon itself some of the powers that belong to the President. Generally speaking, this has lowered the efficiency of the civil service by encouraging the spoils system. This evil has, in part, been checked by the introduction of the merit system of appointment to a large proportion of the offices in the civil ser\dce (see page 211). THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NATION 259 The President's cabinet is made up of the heads of the ten executive departments — State, the Treasury, War, the Navy, Justice, Post Office, the Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, and Labor. Through the Department of State relations are main- tained between the United States and foreign powers. The Secretary of State is in constant communi- Department cation with the ambassadors, ministers, consuls, ^^ state and other representatives of our government in foreign countries, and with the similar representatives of foreign governments in this country. . He is also the channel of communication between the President of the United States and the governors of the several states. Through him the rights of American citizens in foreign countries are looked after. The Secretary of State is the first in rank among the cabinet members, and would by law succeed to the Presidency in case of the death or removal of both the President and the Vice-President. The Secretary of the Treasury is the financial manager of the national government. Besides having charge of the planning and collection of the revenues, the coin- Treasury age and printing of money, and other financial Department matters, he also controls the construction and maintenance of public buildings and administers the life-saving service and the public health service of the national government. The Secretary of War has control, under the President, of the military establishment of the nation. He also ad- ministers river and harbor improvements and war the prevention of obstruction to navigation. Department He has direction of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, which supervises the civil government of Porto Rico and the Philippines. The Attorney-General is the head of the Department of 26o THE CO.ALAIUNITY AND THE CITIZEN Justice. He is the chief law officer of the government, Department representing it in court either personally or of Justice through subordinates, and giving legal advice to the President and the heads of the other departments. The Postmaster General directs the Post Office Depart- Post Office rnent. Besides administering the regular postal Department service in all its branches, he also has charge of the newly established postal savings system. The Secretary of the Navy superintends all matters per- Ifavy taining to the "construction, manning, equip- Department nient, and employment of vessels of war." The Secretary of the Interior has under his administra- tion a wide variety of matters pertaining to the internal Department ^^^^^^^^ of the nation. Through many bureaus of the and divisions of the department he has charge Intenor ^£ ^^iq public lands, the care of the national parks, the giving of patents for inventions, the pension- ing of old soldiers, Indian affairs, education, the reclama- tion ser\'ice, the geological survey, the improvement of methods of mining and the safety of miners, certain mat- ters pertaining to the territories of the United States, and the supervision of certain hospitals and charitable institu- tions in the District of Columbia. The Secretary of Agriculture promotes, through the various divisions of his department, the general agricul- ^ _^ ^ tural interests of the countrv. In his depart- Department - ^ of Agri- ment are bureaus of animal industry, of plant culture industry, of soils, of chemistry, of entomology (for the study of insects in their relations to agriculture), and of biology (for the study of animals and birds in the same relations). He also administers the weather bureau and the forest service and assists in the development of good roads through the office of public roads. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NATION 26 1 The Secretary of Commerce has charge of the depart- ment whose business is to promote the commercial inter- ests of the nation. The Bureau of Foreign and department Domestic Commerce aids in the development ofCom- of the manufacturing industries and in finding °^®^^® markets for them. It collects information regarding the trade conditions at home and abroad. The Department of Commerce also includes the Bureau of Corporations, the Census Bureau, and the Bureaus of Lighthouses, of Navi- gation, and of Fisheries. The Secretary of Labor is the head of the most recently established executive department, and is charged with the duty of " fostering, promoting, and developing Department the welfare of the wage earners of the United °^ ^^^^^ States, improving their working conditions, and advancing their opportunities for profitable employment." Among the important bureaus of this department are the Bureaus of Immigration and of Naturalization, and the Children's Bureau, recently established to " investigate and report upon all matters pertaining to the welfare of children and child Ufe among all classes of our people." This brief description of these executive departments will serve to suggest the great variety of ways in which the national government is looking after the common wel- fare, the common interests of the national community, touching the lives of all of us at many points. The Constitution provides for a system of federal courts entirely distinct from the state courts. It says, " The judi- cial power of the United States shall be vested The judi- in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior "^y courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and estabhsh " (Art. Ill, sec. i). The number of judges in the Supreme Court is determined by Congress, and at 262 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN present is nine. They meet at Washington and are pre- sided over by one of their number, who is designated as the Chief Justice. In addition to the Supreme Court, there are nine circuit courts of appeals, each circuit including several states; and seventy-nine district courts. There is also a coui-t of claims, before which are brought claims against the government : and a coiij-t of customs appeals. The judges of all the federal courts are appointed by the President and hold office '''' during good beha\-ior" (Art. Ill, sec. I). The powers of the federal courts are stated in the Con- stitution (x\rt. Ill, sec. 2). In general, they may be said Powers of ^^ include cases of a national or interstate char- the federal acter. A case nrst brought to trial before a courts 1 111-^ State court may be appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States when the Constitution, the laws, or the treaties of the United States are involved. Its decisions are final over those of the state courts. It is the final authority ("under the people themselves) in the interpretation of the Constitution. It may declare null and void an act of Congress or any state law which, in its opinion, is contrary to the pro\*isions of the Constitution. It might seem that the Supreme Court thus has power which might make it despotic, and give it control over the other branches of the government; but it has no means of enforcing a despotic judgment That must be done by the executive. If the court should attempt to push its authoritv too far, it would find itself in conflict with both Congress and the executive. At the elections the people would show whether they supported the court or the other branches of government. And, finally, Congress has the weapon of impeachment by which offending judges may be removed. The Supreme Court has excited the admiration of the THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NATION 263 world, not only because of its purpose as defender of the Constitution, but because of the ability and integrity its judges have shown in performing their duty. It has always, with one or two possible exceptions, shown a strong disposition to render its opinions in accordance with the intentions of the Constitution, and thus to be strictly representative of the people. Besides the thirteen original states which were united under the Constitution in the beginning, the United States at that time included territorial domains extend- 1 1 n/r--''T-.- T 1 "^^6 terri- nig westward to the Mississippi River. In the tories of the course of events our nation expanded by the United acquisition of new territory until it reached the Pacific Ocean. This domain had to be governed. For this purpose Congress organized it into /^m/^r/^i- under the direct control of the federal government, but granting to them limited powers of self-government through legisla- tures of their own. To these territories Congress held out the promise of statehood, when their population and other conditions should warrant it, on exactly equal terms with the original thirteen states. To-day our national flag con- tains forty-eight stars, and no part of continental United States (exclusive of Alaska) remains under a territorial form of government. The territorial expansion of the United States has con- tinued, however, beyond its natural continental boundaries. Alaska was purchased in 1867. As a result of Territorial the Spanish war Porto Rico and the Philippine expansion Islands came into our possession. Hawaii was annexed about the same time, and a number of small islands in the Pacific have been acquired as naval stations. All of these territories and possessions are under the control of the federal government. 264 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEX Alaska and Hawaii are regularly organized territories, just as Arizona and New Mexico were before they were Alaska and recently admitted as states. The government of Hawaii each consists of a governor, appointed by the President -^ith the advice and consent of the Senate ; a legislature of two houses, whose members are elected by the people of the territory ; and courts, whose judges are appointed by the President. The people of each territory also elect a delegate to Congress, with the right to take part in its debates but not to vote. Congress has power to admit these territories to statehood. . The Philippines, Porto Rico, and the other islands be- longing to the United States are possessions rather than territories. They are more completely controlled by the federal government than Alaska and Hawaii. At the head of the general government of the Philip- pines is the Philippine Commnssion, which consists of a ThePhmp- Governor-General and eight commissioners, all pine Islands gf whom are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. Five members of the Commission are heads of executive departments, as wxll as having legislative powers. The other four members have only legislative powers. The Commission also constitutes the upper house of the legislature, the low^er house consisting of members elected by the people of the various districts into which the civiUzed portion of the islands is di\ided. For the unci\dlized por- tion of the islands the Commission of nine is the sole legis- lative body. There is also a system of courts. The judges of the Supreme Court of the islands are appointed by the Presi- dent, while those of the lower courts are appointed by the Governor-General with the approval of the Commission. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NATION 265 The Philippines also have two resident commissioners to the United States, with seats in the House of Representa- tives but without the right to vote. The Philippines are divided into a number of provinces, each of which is governed by a provincial board of three members. Each province consists of a number of " mu- nicipalities," each with its own local government. It has been the policy of the federal government to give to the Philippine Islands, as also to Porto Rico, as large a degree of self-government as possible, «, ,, and to educate the people for it as rapidly as ment in the may be. The municipalities are almost wholly ^ ippmes self-governing, with supervision only of their financial affairs and of the police. Of the three members of the provincial boards two are elected by the people, and the third (the treasurer), while appointed by the Governor- General, is often a Filipino. In the general government, five of the nine members of the Commission have been Filipinos, and the lower house of the legislature is elected by the people. All of the justices of the peace and many of the higher judges' are natives. In 19 12 nearly 6000 Filipinos competed in the examinations for civil service positions, and two thirds of these positions were held by them. In appointing the first Philippine Commission President McKinley said, " The commission should bear in mind that the government which they are establishing is Rggyitsof designed not for our satisfaction . . . but for American the happiness, peace, and prosperity of the Phil- ^ ® ippine Islands." A great deal of money has been expended in carrying out this policy. Most notable, perhaps, of all the work done by our government in the PhiUppines is that by which such dread diseases as cholera, smallpox, and the 266 THE COMMUNITY .IXD THE CITIZEN bubonic plague have been fought and largely stamped out. In addition to this an educational system has been estab- lished, roads and other means of communication improved, and steps taken to conserve the rich natural resources of the islands. The government of Porto Rico is very similar in its plan to that of the Philippines, consisting of a governor, appointed by the President ; a legislature of two houses, — an upper house of eleven members ap- pointed by the President, five of whom must be natives, and a lower house elected by the people ; and a system of courts. There are also self-governing municipahties, and a resident commissioner to the United States. The federal government supen'ises the government of Porto Rico and of the Philippines through the Bureau of Insular Affairs in the War Department. Whether the Philippines and Porto Rico shall be allowed to pass into the stage of territorial government with the promise of future statehood, or shall be trained in self- government until they shall be granted more or less com- plete independence of the United States, is one of the questions for the future to answer. Each course has its advocates. Our smaller insular possessions, such as Guam and the Samoan Islands, are merely naval stations and are governed bv the naval commandants stationed there. The District of Columbia, including \\'ashington, the seat of the federal government, is governed wholly by Congress as its legisla- ture, and by executive and judicial officers appointed by the President. Its people have absolutely no powers of self- ofovernment. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NATION 267 FOR INVESTIGATION 1. Report on the story of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Also on the ratification of the Constitution by the states. 2. Study the organization of Congress as provided in the Constitu- tion. 3. Report on the powers of the speaker of the House of Representa- tives. 4. Why should bills for the raising of revenue originate in the House ? 5. Make a list of the powers of the President as contained in the Constitution. 6. What are the several executive departments ? What are their duties? Who are the members of the cabinet at the present time? 7. Study the powers of the federal courts as given in the Constitu- tion. 8. Make as complete a list as possible of the different checks and balances provided in the organization of the federal government. 9. Report on the work accomplished in the Philippine Islands under the American government. Also in Porto Rico. 10. Debate the question, ''The Philippine Islands should ultimately be granted their independence." 11. Report on the importance of Alaska as a part of the United States. REFERENCES Beard, "American Citizenship,*' chapters VIII, XV. Haskin, "The American Government." The several chapters give popular descriptions of the work of the various branches and depart- ments of the federal government. Hart, "Actual Government," chapters XIII-XVII. Forman, "Advanced Civics," chapters XVI-XXI. -Bryce, "The American Commonwealth," vol. I, part I. Fiske, " The Critical Period of American History," chapters VI, VII (the framing and ratification of the Constitution). "The Territory of Alaska, General Information Regarding," Gov- ernment Printing Office. "The Philippine Islands," issued by the Bureau of Insular Aftairs, War Department. Government Printing Office. Report of the Philippine Commission, 1913. Government Printing Office. Register of Porto Rico for 191 1, and the Report of the Governor of Porto Rico, 1913. Government Printing Office. CHAPTER XXV HOW THE EXPENSES OF GOVERNMENT ARE MET All this machinen- of government, and all the work that it does for the people, costs the people a great deal. The thousands of citizens who are employed in conduct- ing the affairs of government must be paid for their services — although there are some offices to which no salaries are attached. There must be office buildings for the transaction of pubHc business, such as post offices, capitol buildings, and courthouses. Schoolhouses, parks, hospitals, and prisons must be paid for. Materials must be bought and workmen employed to build na^-ies, to construct roads and bridges, to pave streets and lay sewers, and to do the many other things that govern- ment does for us. Occasionally, some great emergency arises, like a war, which demands enormous sums of money. The cost of the national government each year is much more than the cost of all the state governments together ; , ^ but the cost of our local governments throughout The cost of ^ ^ govern- the country is, each year, more than that of ^^^^ the national and state governments together. This may be surprising; but it is due to the costhness of pa\'ing streets, maintaining pohce and fire departments and the public schools, and of making the many improve- ments necessitated by the rapid growth of our cities. The immense cost of our governments is beyond our powers of imagination. It may be roughly stated as 268 THE EXPENSES OF GOVERNMENT 269 about $2,000,000,000. It may help you to understand this enormous sum of money if you will calculate how long it would take a man to count it, supposing that he works constantly eight hours a day, and counts $ i every sec- ond, or $60 a minute. This great sum of money must be raised each year. The people of each local community — township, county, or city — must pay the expense of their local government; the people of the whole state unite in paying the expense of the state government; and the people of the nation contribute to the expenses of the national government. They do this chiefly by paying taxes. Taxes are a contribution that the people are required by the government to pay to meet the cost of the government. The people have never enjoyed paying taxes. The gov- ernment seems to put its hand into their pockets and take what belongs to them. Taxation has often seemed an act of oppression, and it may become so when it is im- posed on the people without their consent, and when it is for purposes other than their own welfare. Very jaxationis light taxes imposed on the American colonists notoppres- by the English government without their consent ^^*^^ seemed oppressive to them and led to the Revolution. Taxation by our government should not be an act of op- pression, because the people, being self-governing, are sup- posed to tax themselves ; and because, in the second place, the taxes are supposed to be spent for the benefit of the people themselves. It is only just that a person shall pay for what he gets. He has no more right to complain about paying for the protection and benefit that he receives from the government than he has to complain about pay- ing the carpenter for building his house — provided, of course, that the government performs efficiently and eco- 2/0 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN nomically the work expected of it. It is true that taxation, even in our country at the present time, may sometimes be unwise, and may weigh unjustly upon some of the people for reasons that will be mentioned later in the chapter ; but as a rule, the amount that each person has to pay to the government in taxes is insignificant in proportion to the great benefit that he receives. The American colonies objected to taxation by the Eng- lish government because they had no voice in the matter. Each colony believed that it should have the right to levy its own taxes through its representatives in the seif-taxa- colonial legislature. After they had won their federS^^^^ independence they still objected to giving up govern- the right of self-taxation even to the central °^®^* government of the Confederation. When the Congress needed money, even to carry on the war for in- dependence, it could only ask the states for it, and had no power to demand it or to collect it. The taxing power rested with the state legislatures, composed of the representa- tives of the people. This lack of power on the part of the central government caused great confusion and distress both during and after the Revolution, because the states were jealous of each other, and their interests conflicted to such an extent that they could not always be depended on to provide the money necessary for the common in- terests of all. It soon became apparent that, if the new nation were to continue to exist, it would be necessary for the central government to have the power to tax/^r cej'tain purposes. This was one of the chief reasons for framing a new Constitution, creating a Congress which was to have power " to lay and collect taxes . . . to pay the debts a7td provide for tJie common defense and general zvelfare of the United States" (Art. I, sec. 3, clause i). But the Consti- THE EXPENSES OF GOVERNMENT 2/1 tution was careful to provide that " all bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives," which is the branch of Congress most closely representa- tive of the people (Art. I, sec. 7). For all other mat- ters not of national importance the taxing power rests with the representatives of the people in the state legis- latures and in the local legislative bodies, such as the city council and the board of county commissioners. Taxation may be direct or indirect. Direct taxes are those which are paid directly and finally by the person against whom the government assesses them, direct and A tax on land, or on household furniture, is indirect intended to be borne by the person who owns ^^'°^ the land or the furniture. Indirect taxes, on the other hand, may be transferred from one person to another. A tax on imported goods may be levied against the importer. But he adds the amount of the tax to the price of the goods when he sells them to dealers. The dealers, in turn, add the amount of the tax to the price which they receive from the people who buy the goods. When you buy silk that has been imported from France, you indirectly pay a small part of the tax that was originally assessed against the importer. A tax on houses and land, which is usually considered a direct tax, may become indirect if the owner rents his property ; for he may make the rent high enough to cover the tax, which thus falls on the renter. Almost all of the taxes levied and collected by the state and local governments are direct taxes, and con- j^j^g^.^ ^^xa- sist chiefly of taxes on property, which is divided tion by into real estate, consisting of land and buildings, and^iocai and personal property, including furniture, govern- jewelry, money, and other forms of movable property. In the payment of the tax on property it is 2/2 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN intended that each taxpayer shall pay in proportion to the amount of his property. The man who owns twice as much property as another should pay twice as much tax. Anything else would be unjust. In order to know how much tax a citizen must pay, it is first of all necessary to know how much money will be needed to run the government for a year. This is nary esti- determined beforehand by the heads of the vari- mate of Q^g departments of the government, who make expenses , ^ , an estmiate of the amount of money needed. A man usually considers it good business management of his private affairs when he comes out at the end of the year with a surplus on hand, something saved above his expenses. Not so with the government. It is a sign of good business management of the affairs of government when the treasury is practically empty at the end of the year. That is to say, it is not considered good manage- ment to levy more taxes than are actually needed. A good government will make the burden of taxation just as light as possible, and yet cover all expenses so that there will be no deficit at the end of the year. • The second thing to be found out, in determining the amount of tax each citizen must pay, is the value of all the The assess- property in the community in which the tax is to ment ^g levied. This is called assessing the value of the property. The assessment is made by officers known as assessors, who are sometimes elected by the people and sometimes appointed. There is an assessor for each local division of the state, as for the county, or township, or city. The assessor and his assistants visit and inspect the prop- erty of each citizen in the district, question the owner, and assess a value on the property. The sum of the individual assessments makes the total assessment for the district; THE EXPENSES OF GOVERNMENT 273 and the sum of the valuations of all the districts makes the valuation for the entire state. Knowing the amount of money to be expended by the government, and also the value of all the property in the community, it is now possible to find the rate of xhe rate of taxation — that is, the percentage of his prop- taxation erty that each citizen must pay. This is done by dividing the total expenditures for the year by the total assessment. Thus, if the necessary expenditures amount to ^100,000 and the total assessment amounts to $10,000,000, the rate of taxation is found by dividing 100,000 by 10,000,000, which gives one hundredth, or one per cent. Each tax- payer, therefore, would have to pay one per cent of the assessed value of his property. A property owner in a city must pay a certain rate of tax toward the expenses of the city government, another rate toward the expenses of the state government. He pays his entire tax into the treasury of the city or of the county, where it is divided into the shares belonging to the city, the county, and the state. It is not easy to secure a perfectly just tax. In the first place, it is not easy to estimate the real worth of a man's property, even when it can all be seen. One EquaUza- man's property may be assessed too high, and tio^ another man's too low. In order to correct such inequali- ties there is often a board of equalization, before which complaints may be brought, and by which corrections are made. Sometimes the county commissioners act in this capacity. In the assessment of the state taxes also there may be great inequalities among the different counties, due to the varying accuracy of the different assessors. There is usually a state board of equalization to adjust these differences. 274 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN Such inequalities in taxation as those just mentioned are unfortunate, but they are accidental and can usually be corrected. There are other inequalities due to tali^°^°m- dishonest and unpatriotic attempts on the part jury to of some citizens to avoid their fair share of mui^*^" taxation. It is not easy to avoid paying taxes on buildings and land, because these forms of property cannot be hidden ; but there are many forms of personal property that can easily be kept out of sight, and it is usually those who can best afford to pay who have the most of this kind of property. There seems to be a feel- ing among a great many people that it is justifiable to " get ahead of the government" by avoiding the taxes for which it asks. In reality the people who avoid paying their just taxes defraud, not the government, but their fellow-citizens and neighbors. In their attempt to get something for nothing, they shift the burden of taxation on others, who are, in many cases, less able to pay than they. The smaller the amount of property assessed throughout the commu- nity, the higher the rate of taxation that each citizen has to pay. Those who withhold their property from assess- ment not only shirk their responsibility, but also increase the burden of the other members of the community. State and local governments impose other forms of taxes than the general property tax. In some states there is a s eciai ^^^^' °^ capitation tax, which is a tax on the per- forms of son and not on the property. It varies from taxation ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ dollars. In some states there is an income tax, levied, not on the amount of property a man has, but on the income he receives. Some states have an inheritance tax, levied on property received by inheri- tance. There is a corporation tax, levied on corporations doins: business in the state. In addition to these forms THE EXPENSES OF GOVERNMENT 275 of taxation, there are revenues derived by state and lo- cal governments from various kinds of licenses, fees, and special assessments. Men who conduct certain Licenses kinds of business must pay the government of *^d fees state or locality a license fee, as in the case of peddlers, saloon keepers, and pawnbrokers. Such licenses are in- tended, usually, to restrict such businesses as well as to secure a revenue. In most cities a license fee must be paid on all vehicles, including bicycles. When sewers are laid or roads built, they are often paid for, in part at least, by special assessments against the property owners most directly benefited. Finally, there are fines collected in the courts, which are turned into the public revenues. These special taxes and fees are often devoted to special purposes, as when the license fees on vehicles are used to keep up the roads and pavements, or when saloon licenses are used for the benefit of the schools. Some kinds of property may be exempt from taxation ; that is, no tax is levied against them. For example, pub- He school buildings and property are exempt. Church property, the property of colleges, public hospitals, public buildings such as courthouses, charitable institutions, and other forms of property of a pubHc char- acter, used for the public benefit and not for profit, are exempt from taxation. While the state and local governments derive most of their revenues from direct taxation, the national gov- ernment derives most of its revenues from in- indirect tax- direct taxation. The Constitution permits Con- ationbythe , , , T 1 . ,. national gress to levy both direct and mdirect taxes. govern- Direct taxes have been levied by the national ™®°* government several times in our history, but they have been objected to in the past for two reasons. In the 2/6 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN first place, the Constitution provides that direct taxes " shall be apportioned among the several states . . . according to their respective numbers." That is, if the national government should decide to levy a tax on land, it would first determine how much of a tax is needed al- together, and would then call on the states to pay their share in proportion to their population. A state having twice the population of another would also pay twice the tax of the other. In practice it has been found very diffi- cult to apportion a tax in this way, and do it justly. Another reason why the national government prefers to Direct fed- employ indirect, rather than direct, taxation is erai tazes because indirect taxes can be collected so much more easily than direct taxes, and without attracting the attention of the people so much. The people prefer local self-taxation, and might feel more antagonistic to a tax collector representing the far-away central authority. In 191 3, however, the sixteenth amendment to the Constitu- tion became effective, which gives Congress power to levy a direct tax on incomes of corporations and private per- sons. Unmarried persons with an income of less than S3000, and married couples with an income of less than S4000, are exempt from this tax. The national government raises most of its money by means of import duties and excise taxes. Import duties. Imports and ^-^ already explained, are taxes on imported excises goods, paid at first by the importer, but finally by the people in all parts of the country w^ho use the goods. This form of taxation is very little felt by the people, and yet ver}" large sums of money are raised by means of it. The excise is a tax le\'ied on goods manufactured in this countr}\ This form of taxation was once very unpopular, because it seemed a restriction on the industry of the THE EXPExNSES OF GOVERNMENT 277 country by the national government. The chief manu- factures taxed in this way are alcohoHc liquors and tobacco in its various forms. This tax also, though at first paid by the manufacturers, is distributed among the people who use the articles. For the collection of import duties all imported goods are required to pass through customs houses at important cities, mostly on the borders of the country, but Collection sometimes in the interior, where the goods are of duties inspected by customs officers and the taxis collected. For the collection of excise taxes the country is divided into internal revenue districts^ in each of which is a revenue collector with assistants, who visit distilleries, breweries, and tobacco factories to collect the tax. Additional revenue is obtained by the national govern- ment through the sale of public lands and the receipts of the postal service. In time of war, or to pay for great permanent improve- ments like the Panama Canal, or to meet a deficit in the treasury, it becomes necessary to borrow large Borrowing sums of money. Borrowing under such circum- money stances is justifiable for two reasons. First, because an increase in the taxes cannot be secured quickly enough to meet the emergency. In the second place, it is just that the expense of a great war or of a permanent improvement should be distributed over a considerable length of time, because future generations are affected by it as much as the present. The money is borrowed, therefore, and is paid back by taxation during a long period of years. The usual method of borrowing is by the sale of government bonds, which are bought by individuals and financial insti- tutions, and upon which the government pays interest. It is then necessary for the government to lay aside a fund 2/8 THE COMMUNITY AND THE CITIZEN from its revenues during a period of years to pay off its indebtedness. There has never been, in the national finances, the same careful adjustment between receipts and expenditures that we now find, for example, in many of our city governments. The revenues are a more or less uncertain quantity, because it cannot be told in advance with accuracy what the im- ports will amount to, nor what the incomes of corporations and individuals will be. Unexpected deficits and surpluses appear in the treasury. Appropriations are often made recklesslv bv Congress, sometimes resulting in insufficient funds for important work, sometimes in extravagant ex- penditures for purposes of little general value. There is need for improvement in the business methods of the national government that will result at once in greater economy and greater efificiency. FOR INVESTIGATION 1 . Tr}' to find out. from printed reports of the treasurer, what the annual expense of yaur city (or county or township) is. Make a list of some of the more important items of expense, such as salaries, build- ings, streets, etc. 2. Find out what the rate of taxation is for your city ; for your county : for your state. 3. How is the expense of the public schools met in your commu- nity ? 4. Is there a tax on vehicles in your community? To what use is this money put? 5. What kinds of business are conducted in your community under license? What is the amount of the saloon license? To w'hat use is the revenue from this source put? 6. Obtain a tax list from the office of the assessor and note the items listed. 7. How is the expense of constructing a sewer met in your com- munity? Of paving a street? 8. Is there any limit to the amount of taxes that your city council (or county commissioners) may levy ? THE EXPENSES OF GOVERNMENT 279 9. Does your city charter limit the amount that your city may borrow? Does the state constitution limit the amount that can be bor- rowed by the state? If so, why? 10. To whom, and at what times, are the taxes paid in your com- munity ? 11. Report on the practice of "log-roUing"' in Congress. What are its effects? 12. What is meant by the " single tax"? What are the arguments for it? REFERENCES Hart, "Actual Government," chapters XXI-XXII. Forman, "Advanced Civics," chapters XXXV-XXXIX. Fiske, "Civil Government," chapter I. Wilcox, "The American City," chapters XH, XIH. APPENDIX THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Preamble We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, estabHsh justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the bless- ings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I Section I All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Section II 1. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislature. 2. No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. 3. Representatives [and direct taxes] ^ shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, [which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other 1 Modified by Amendment XVI. V 281 282 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES persons.] ^ The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one Represen- tative ; [and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five. New York six, New Jersey four. Pennsylvania eight. Delaware one. Mary- land six, Virginia ten. North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.] ^ 4. When vacancies happen in the representation from any State, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. 5. The House of Representatives shaU choose their Speaker and other ofiicers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. Section III 1. [The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators fi-om each State, chosen by the legislature thereof, for six years : and each Senator shall have one vote.]- 2. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year : of the second class, at the expira- tion of the fourth year, and of the third class, at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one third may be chosen even,- second year ; and if vacancies happen by resignation or otherwise during the recess of the legislature of any State, the executive thereof may make temporary aj> pointments until the next meeting of the legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. 3. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and v.-ho shall not. when elected, be an inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. 4. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. 5. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President 1 The clauses in brackets have been superseded by Amendments XIII and XIV. 2 Superseded bv Amendment XVII. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 283 pro tempore in the absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exer- cise the office of President of the United States. 6. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: and no person shall be convicted without the concur- rence of two-thirds of the members present. 7. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disquahfication to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States ; but the party con- victed shall, nevertheless, be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to law. Section IV 1. The times, places, and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each State by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators. 2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meetings shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. Section V 1. Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall con- stitute a quorum XQ do business ; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties, as each house may provide. 2. Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member. 3. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judg- ment require secrecy, and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of one fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. 4. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. 284 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES Section VI 1. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall, in all cases except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their atten- dance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any other place. 2. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no person holding any office under the United States shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. Section VII 1. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Repre- sentatives : but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. 2. Ever}- bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate shall, before it become a law, be presented to the Presi- dent of the United States ; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal and proceed to reconsider it. If after such reconsideration two thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be recon- sidered, and if approved by two thirds of that house it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. 3. Ever}' order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 285 United States; and before the same shall take eflfect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. Section VIII The Congress shall have power : 1. To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; 2. To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; 3. To regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes ; 4. To establish an uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States ; 5. To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; 6. To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States ; 7. To establish post-offices and post-roads ; 8. To promote the progress of science and useful arts by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their re- spective writings and discoveries ; 9. To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court; 10. To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas and offenses against the law of nations ; 11. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; 12. To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; 13. To provide and maintain a navy ; 14. To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; , 1 r ^1 15. To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws ot tne Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; 16. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively the appoint- 286 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ment of the officers, and the authority of iraining the militia according to the disciphne prescribed by Congress ; 17. To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may. by cession of particular States and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings : and 18. To make all laws which shaU be necessan.- and proper for carr\-- ing into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. Section IX 1 . [The migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person.] ^ 2. The privilege of the vrrit of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. 3. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. 4. No capitation [or other direct] - tax shall be laid, unless in pro- portion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken. 5. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State. 6. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over those of another ; nor shall vessels bound to or from one State be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. 7. No money shaU be drawn from the Treasury- but in consequence of appropriations made by law : and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shaU be published from time to time. 8 . No title of nobility shaU be granted by the United States ; and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them shaU, without the consent of 'the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign State. 1 A temporary clause no longer in force. 2 Modified by Amendment X\'I, CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 287 Section X 1. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obliga- tion of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. 2. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any im- posts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws ; and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any State on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the Treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. 3. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another State or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. ARTICLE II Section I 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and together with the Vice-President, chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : 2. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress ; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. 3. [The electors shall meet in their respective States and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the govern- ment of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole 288 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES number of electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President ; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote ; a quorum for this pur- pose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a. choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the Vice-President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice-President.] ^ 4. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors and the day on which they shall give their votes, which day shall be the same throughout the United States. 5. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. 6. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-President, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resigna- tion, or inability, both of the President and Vice-President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act ac- cordingly until the disabihty be removed or a President shall be elected. 7. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States or any of them. 8. Before he enter on the execution of his office he shall take the following oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." 1 Superseded by Amendment XII. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 289 Section II 1. The President shall be Commander-in-chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. 2. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur ; and he shall nominate, and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of depart- ments. 3. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Section III He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of dis- agreement between them with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall re- ceive ambassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. Section IV The President, Vice-President and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. 290 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE III Section I The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Su- preme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good beha^-ior. and shall, at stated times, receive for their sendees a compensation which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Section II 1. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States,, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authorit}' ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other pubHc ministers, and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more States ; between a State and citizens of another State ; be- tween citizens of different States ; between citizens of the same State claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a State, or the citizens thereof, and foreign States, citizens, or subjects. 2. In all cases, affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which -a State shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In aU the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shaU make. 3. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jur}- : and such trial shaU be held in the State where the said crimes shall have been committed : but when not committed within any State, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. Section III 1. Treason against the United States shall consist only in le^-ying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and com- fort. No person shall be con\ncted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. 2. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture except during the life of the person attained. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 291 ARTICLE IV Section I Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State. And the Con- gress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. Section II 1. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States. 2. A person charged in any State with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another State, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having jurisdiction of the crime. 3. [No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or reg- ulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due.] ^ Section III 1. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State ; nor any State be formed by the junction of two or more States or parts of States, without the consent of the legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. 2. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all need- ful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property be- longing to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular State. Section IV The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened), against domestic violence. 1 Superseded by Amendment XIII. 292 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE V The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which in either case shall be vaKd to all intents and purposes as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress, provided that [no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thou- sand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that] i no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. ARTICLE VI 1. All debts contracted and engagements entered into,, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution as under the Confederation. 2. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every State s'hall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary not- withstanding. 3. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several State legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no reli- gious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. ARTICLE VH The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratify- ing the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the States present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one 1 Temporary in its nature. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 293 thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the Independ- ence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names. George Washington, President, and Deputy from Virginia. New Hampshire — John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman. Massachusetts — Nathaniel Gorham, Rufus King. Connecticut — William Samuel Johnson, Roger Sherman. New York — Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey — William Livingston, David Brearley, William Paterson, Jonathan Dayton. Pennsylvania — Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Mifflin, Robert Morris, George Clymer, Thomas Fitzsimons, Jared Ingersoll, James Wilson, Gouverneur Morris. Delaware — George Read, Gunning Bedford, Jr., John Dickinson, Richard Bassett, Jacob Broom. Maryland — James McHenry, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, Daniel Carroll. Virginia — John Blair, James Madison, Jr. North Carolina — William Blount, Richard Dobbs Spaight, Hugh Williamson. South Carolina — John Rutledge, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Charles Pinckney, Pierce Butler. Georgia — William Few, Abraham Baldwin. Attest : William Jackson, Secretary, ARTICLES in addition to and amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress and ratified by the Legisla- tures of the several States, pursuant to the Fifth Article of the Consti- tution. ARTICLE I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. ARTICLE II A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. 294 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE III No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ARTICLE IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be vio- lated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. ARTICLE V No persons shall be held to answer for a capital or other^vise infa- mous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, ex- cept in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of hfe or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, hberty or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use with- out just compensation. ARTICLE VI In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him, to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. ARTICLE VII In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. ARTICLE VIII Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 295 ARTICLE IX The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people. ARTICLE XI The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. ARTICLE XII I. The electors shall meet in their respective States and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each ; which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceed- ing three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Rep- resentatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President the votes shall be taken by States, the rep- resentation from each State having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, 296 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. 2. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President shall be the Vice-President if such number be a majorit\- of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall choose the Vice-President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be ehgible to that of Vice-President of the United States. ARTICLE XIII Section i. Neither slaven,- nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the part}' shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. ARTICLE XIV Section i . All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the pri^dleges or immunities of citizens of the United States ; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, coimting the whole num- ber of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a State, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age. and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the pro- portion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male dtizehs twenty-one years of age in such State. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 297 Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Con- gress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two thirds of each house, remove such dis- ability. Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall as- sume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or eman- cipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appro- priate legislation, the provisions of this article. ARTICLE XV Section i. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. ARTICLE XVI The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration. ARTICLE XVII The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years ; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the 298 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES qualifications required for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislature. When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of the State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies : Provided. That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct. This amendment shall not be so construed as to aftect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution. APPENDIX 299 OWNERSHIP OF HOMES IN CITIES HAVING, IN 1910, 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE Cities Albany, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. Boston, Mass. . . Bridgeport, Conn. Buffalo, N. Y. . . Cambridge, Mass. Chicago, 111. . . Cincinnati, Ohio . Cleveland, Ohio Columbus, Ohio . Dayton, Ohio . . Denver, Col. . . Detroit, Mich. Fall River, Mass. . Grand Rapids, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind. Jersey City, N. J. Kansas City, Mo. . Los Angeles, Cal. . Louisville, Ky. . . Lowell, Mass. . . Memphis, Tenn. . Milwaukee, Wis. . Minneapolis, Minn. Nashville, Tenn. . , New Haven, Conn. , New Orleans, La. New York, N. Y. . , Manhattan Borough Bronx Borough Owned 6,338 8,580 38,400 8,910 23,496 4,671 30,592 4,282 121,447 19.965 43473 14,862 10,596 17774 40,471 4,317 12,599 19,036 11,209 20,711 34,159 13,603 4,848 7,541 28,824 24,539 7,879 7,326 16,273 117,740 14,103 12,071 Rented 17,189 26,213 75.381 21,115 114,312 16,504 58,745 18,378 342,472 66,153 80,005 26,787 17,244 31,342 57,831 19,926 13,690 38,702 44,394 36,537 42,202 37,621 16,761 22,363 50,352 36,195 17,868 21,394 54,113 884,616 468,g27 80,114 Per cent Owned 26.9 24.7 33-7 29.7 17. 1 22.1 34.2 18.9 26.2 23.2 55-2 35-7 38.1 36.2 41.2 17.8 47-9 33-0 20.2 36.2 44-7 26.6 22.4 25.2 36.4 40.4 30.6 25.5 23.1 11.7 2.9 1 3-1 300 APPENDIX OWNERSHIP OF HOMES IN CITIES HAVING. IN 1910, 100,000 INHABITANTS OR ^lO^Y.— Continued Cities Owned Rented Per cent Owned New York. N.Y.- Brooklyn Boroi Queens Boroiig Richmond Bon Newark, N. J. . Oakland, Cal. . Omaha, Neb. Paterson. N. J. PhHadelphia, Pa. Pittsburgh. Pa. Portland, Ore. . Pro\-idence, R. I. Richmond, Va. Rochester, N. Y. St. Louis, Mo. . St. Paul, :\Iinn. San Francisco. Cal Scranton. Pa. . Seattle, Wash. . Spokane. Wash. Syracuse. N. Y. Toledo, Ohio . Washington. D. C Worcester, Mass. -Cc igh h nig rnti nuea 1 63,842 21,176 6,548 I5.II9 16,870 10,095 6,538 83,262 29.983 18,509 10,071 6,255 19.321 37.761 16,665 27.500 9.7II 22,167 11,165 12,202 17,170 17.375 7-431 284,739 40,020 10,816 60,473 19.263 15,269 20,714 229,354 77,288 21.495 38,276 19,801 26,525 113,515 23,826 55,946 16,116 27,245 10,610 18,547 21,609 51.607 23.057 18.3 34-6 37-7 20.0 46.7 39.8 24.0 26.6 28.0 46.3 20.8 24.0 42.1 25.0 41.2 33-0 37.6 449 51-3 39-7 44-3 25.2 24.4. IMMIGRATION BY DECADES. 1821 TO 1913 1821 to 1830 . . • . 143,439 1871 to 1880 . . . 2.812,191 1831 to 1840 . . • • 599,125 1881 to 1890 . . . 5,246.613 1841 to 1850 . . • • 1.713-251 1891 to 1900 . . . 3,687,564 1851 to i860 . . . .2.598.214 1901 to 1910 . . . 8.795,386 1861 to 1870 . . • • 2,314.824 191 1 to 1913 (3 years) 3,090,912 APPENDIX 301 IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1913 Countries Austria Hungary Belgium Bulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro . . Denmark France, including Corsica German Empire Greece Italy, including Sicily and Sardinia . Netherlands Norway Portugal, including Cape Verde and Azores Islands ........ Roumania Russian Empire and Finland . . Spain, including Canary and Balearic Islands Sweden . . . . Switzerland Turkey in Europe United Kingdom : England Ireland . Scotland ......... Wales Other Europe Total Europe . . . . . . China Japan India Turkey in Asia Other Asia Total Asia Immigrant Aliens A dmitted 161,525 133,236 8,043 1,988 7,016 I0074 24,270 311-393 7A7^ 9,525 16,204 2,502 340,461 7,610 18,872 4,361 15,093 48,016 30,829 16,105 3'- 1 78 411 1,216,251 2,338 9,251 193 27,187 1,051 40,020 Emigrant Aliens Departed 32,691 903 9739 649 3,905 5,294 31,017 91,696 640 1,854 2,083 345 30,489 2,316 2,316 507 4,992 6,582 3,322 2,379 177 16 265,149 2,426 778 240 1,404 107 4,955 302 APPENDIX IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1913 — Co?itmued C::rr. zrits Immigrant Aliens Ad?ni:tcd Emigrant A'.icis Departed Africa Australia. Tasmania, and New Pacific islands (not specified) British x^orth Amerif^^ Zealand 1-539 1.3S4 125 8 1,002 1,674 12.994 4.828 14.312 24 220 704 29 5^-433 Central America Mexico .... South America . . . . . . . 1,051 1472 I r We'^t Indies Grand total 1.-374,153 331,120 IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION BY STATES FOR YEAR ENDING TUNE 30. 1913 States Alabama . . . . Alaska Arizona . . . . Arkansas . . . . California . . . . Colorado . . . . Connecticut . . . Delaware . . . . District of Columbia Florida Georgia . . . . Hawaii . . . . Idaho lUinois Inimi([rafit Aliens Emigrafit Aliens A.djnittid Departed 1.266 401 829 107 4.227 648 408 61 35-235 8,568 6.443 1742 40.934 6,796 2,208 260 1,882 3S8 5,758 2,746 852 I7T 7,719 1-3 1.887 409 123.936 -^l-m APPENDIX 303 IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION BY STATES FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, i^i-^ — Coiitimied States Indiana . . . . Iowa Kansas . . . . Kentucky . Louisiana . . . Maine . . . . Maryland . . . Massachusetts Michigan . . , Minnesota . . . Mississippi . . Missouri . . . Montana . . , Nebraska . . . Nevada . . . . New Hampshire . New Jersey . . New Mexico . , New York . . North Carolina . North Dakota Ohio . . . . Oklahoma . . . Oregon . . . . Pennsylvania . . Philippine Islands Porto Rico . . Rhode Island . . South Carolina . South Dakota . . Tennessee . . . Texas . . . . Utah . . . . Im m igra nt A lie n s Emigrant Aliens Admitted Departed 15,099 4,055 9.524 1,464 4,034 633 818 187 1,912 490 7^361 734 9432 1,238 1 15773 18,356 68,997 8,045 21,762 3,066 443 50 13,002 3-587 6,558 990 7,016 739 1,082 418 8,922 1,732 70,152 13,378 830 277 376,011 88,937 450 83 4,853 240 72,902 13,985 1,121 247 5,590 1,422 215,375 47,389 17 2 984 883 15470 2,762 286 55 1,818 210 887 143 12,240 901 3^63 1,384 304 APPENDIX LMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION BY STATES FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. i^i^— Continued States Vermont .... Virginia .... Washington . West Virginia . . Wisconsin .... Wyoming .... Unknown .... Total . . . Im77iigra7it Aliens Emigrant Aliens A dm itted Depa rted 4.064 580 2,006 438 20,460 2.967 12,037 3,668 26,646 4,241 1,272 529 52,059 1,374.153 331,120 INDEX Accident, protection against, 32; injury by, 79. Accidents, prevention of, 78-80; industrial, 80. Administrative departments, of cities, 233, 234; of the state, 246, 247 ; of the national government, 259-261. Administrative duties of local gov- ernments, 185, 226. Advertisements, 162. Agriculture, Department of, 104, 128, 260. Alaska, 49, 263, 264. Aliens, 43, 189. Amendment, of state constitutions, 242 ; of United States Constitu- tion, 253 ; of Articles of Confedera- tion, 252. American Museum of Safety, 79. Americans, making of, 36-45. Andre, 18. Appointment of ofificers, 198, 210, 211, 226, 235; of federal judges, 262 ; governor's power of, 247, 249; President's power of, 257, 258. Apportionment, 254. Arbor Day, 162. Architecture, 165. Arizona, 264. Army, 81, 82; health work of, 67. Art, 154. Articles of Confederation, 252, 256. Assemblage, freedom of, 147, 148. Assessment, 272. Assessments, special, 275. Assessors, 272. Assimilation of immigration, 42. Asylums, 174. Attorney General, state, 247 ; United States, 259. Auditor, state, 246. Australian ballot, 206. Ballot, short, 203 ; Australian, 206 ; secrecy of the, 206 ; scratching, 193- Banking system, national, loi. Banks, savings, 127; postal savings, 126. Beauty, desire for, 17; in the pioneer home, 24; what the community does for, 152-166. Berkeley, Governor, 135. Bill, legislative, 244; of rights, 243. Billboards, 162. Bird life, protection of, 131. Bonds, government, 277. Borrowing money, 277. Boss, political, 205, 245. Boston, 10, 107, 118, 163. Boulevards, 163. Builders of the nation, 93. Building, ordinances, 74; depart- ment, 234. Buildings, construction of, 73. Bureaus of municipal research, 212. Business life, 88-96; regulation of, 77, 78, 98-104; waste in, 124. By-laws, 218. By-products, 124. Cabinet, 247, 257, 259-261. California, 225, 226, 231. Campaign, election, 194. 305 3o6 INDEX Canals. 112, 113. Capitation tax {see Poll Tax). Caucus, 192. Census bureau, 261. Charity, 175, 176; organization, 176. Charter, cit}-, 185, 230, 231 ; colonial, 242. Checks and balances, 1S7, 243, Chemistry, bureau of, 104. Chicago, 12, 60, 65, 7s, 74, 118, 132. Child labor, 2,3^ 99- Children, as citizens, 43. Children's bureau, 261. Chinese, exclusion of, 41. Church, the, 19, 169, 170, 171, 175. Cincinnati, 73. Circuit courts, 248. Cities, geographical conditions of growth, 10; home life in, 30, 31; foreigners in, 38, 42 ; subdi^-isions of, 51 ; exercise right of eminent domain, 53 ; health in, 59, 60, 63- 65 ; fire protection in, 72, 73 ; pohce in, 76 ; street Kghting in, 77 ; transportation in, 11 5-1 18; edu- cation in, 144, 145; beaut)^ in, 155-166; charit}- in, 174-176; primarj^ districts of, 192; merit sj-stem in, 211, 236; growth of, 229; problems of, 229; self-gov- ernment of, 230; relation of, to the state, 230; government of, 229-240. Citizens, naturalized, 42. Citizenship, 9 ; the family a school of, 28; of women, 28; qualities of good, 28; good, 9, 65, 74, 88, 92, 94; schools train for, 137-141. City, gover nm ent of the, 229-241. City council, 2^2, 233. Cit}" manager plan, 238, 239. Ci^*ic center, 14S. Ci\"ic improvement associations, 166. Civil ser^-ice, 210, 258; commission, 211; reform in cities, 236. Cleanhness, 62, 63. ; Cleveland. 155. 157. j Climate, 11. Coast sur\-ey, 112. i Colleges, 147. Colonial charters, 242. Colonies,- 107, 136, 169, 170, 220, 221, 270. Colomsts, 3, 98, 135, 169, 182, 187, 217, 218, 219, 252, 269. Colonize, 48. Colon}', in the West, 3 ; Virginia, 12, 135, 219; Massachusetts Bay, 36. Colorado, 80, 82, 250. Columbus. 18. Co mm erce, 101-103 ; department of, 104, 261 ; bureau of foreign and domestic, 261. Commission form of government. 236-238. Committees, party, 196; legislative, 244,256. Communication, 3 ; transportation and, 107-122. Communities, kinds of, 7 ; growth of, 7; permanence of, 47 ; dependence on each other, 65. Community, the beginning of, 1-5 ; site of, I, 2, 10-14; nature of, 7-9; definition of, 7; school-, 139; membership in, 8, 9. Companionship, 17, 25. Comptroller, state, 247. Confederation, the, 100, 252; Articles of (see Articles). Confidence, 95, 96. Congress, organization and powers, 254-256, 258.^ Congressional districts, 254. Connecticut, 136. Consen-ation of natural resources, 127-131. Constables, 76, 218, 226. Constitution, of the United States, 20, 42, 75, 76, 98, 99, 100, no, 119, 148, 171, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 197, 243, 249, 252, 253, 254, 255, INDEX 307 256, 257, 258, 261, 262, 270, 280- 297 ; its framing and ratification, 182, 253; amendment of, 253; interpretation of, 184. Constitutions, state, 99, 171, 189, 190, 208, 242, 243, 244; amendment of , 242. Consuls, 102. Convention, constitutional, 252, 253; nominating, 192. Corporation tax, 274. Corporations, growth of, 103 ; con- trol of, 102, 103 ; domination by, 206; bureau of, 103, 261. Country, advantages of life in, 59. County, in the West, 223, 224; government of the, 219-227; as state administrative division, 246 ; courts, 249; supervisors, 221. Courts, city, 239, 240. Courts, federal, 261-263 > supreme, 261 ; circuit, 262 ; district, 262 ; of claims, 262 ; of customs appeals, 262. Courts, state, 77, 248-250; justices', 248; police, 77, 248; district, 248; circuit, 248; criminal, 249; county, 249 ; probate, 249 ; chan- cery, 249; supreme, 249. Credit, 95. Crime, 177, 180; regulation by state, 179; by federal government, 179; prevention of, 178. Criminal courts, 249. Criminals, 31, 173, 177. Cuba, 67. Defectives, 173, 174. Defects in self-government, 214. Defense, national, 81-83. Delinquents, 173. Democratic, 188. Dependence of the citizen on the community, 88-92, Dependents, 173, 174-176. Desires, 16-20; combinations of , 18; conflict of, 19 ; provided for by the family, 25 ; by the community, 58. Disease, protection against, 24; occupational, 32. Distribution of powers, 253. District courts, 248. District of Columbia, 266. Division of labor, 89, 90; geographi- cal, 90, 91. Division of powers, 182-186. Domain, eminent, 53 ; national, 48. Domestic science, 1 24. Education, 3, 135-148; in the pioneer family, 24 ; a duty, 141 ; department of, 234 ; United States Bureau of, 146; commissioner of, 146. Efficiency engineering, 125. Election, 195; indirect, 197; of the President, 197. Elections, 195; primary, 192; fre- quency of, 196. Electors, presidential, 197. Electric railways, 114. Eminent domain, 53. Employee, responsibility of the, 91- 94; and employer, 91. Employer, relation to employee, 91. Employer's liability laws, 80. Equalization, boards of, 273. Erie canal, 112, 113. Estimate, boards of, 233. Exchange of goods, 23. Excise taxes, 276. Executive powers, 185 ; in cities, 233 ; of the state, 246-248 ; of the national gov^ernment, 256-258; departments, 259-261. Exemptions, 275. Families, i, 2, 22. Family, 4, 22-26; services of, 22; responsibility of, 26 ; a training school for citizens, 28; unites 3o8 INDEX people and land, 48; protects health, 58 ; education in, 136. Federal government, 183; nation. 183. Fees, 275. Fire, loss from, 71 ; protection against, 71-75 ; danger from, 31 ; department. 2^7, : waste from, 131 ; insurance, 74. Fisheries, bureau of, 131, 261. Floods, protection against, 85 ; waste from, 129; prevention of , 129. Food, impure, 103 ; and drugs act, 103. Foreign commerce, regulation of, loi, 102. Foreigners, 36-45 ; in cities, 38 ; distribution of, 37, 38 (see I mm i grants. Immigration) . Forest service, 129. Forestr}-, 129; bureau of , 1 5 3 . Forests, national, 51. Franchises. 54, 116, 233. Franklin, Benjamin, 71, 76^. 77. Freedom, ind!\-idual, 99; of speech, press, and assemblage, 147, 14S. Free trade, loi. Gardens. 156, 157. Geographical conditions, i, 2, 10-14. Government, 5, 19, 25, 26, 31, 53, 54, 68, 75, 93, 98, 104, 127, 131, 132: 135, 137, 140, 153, 154, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 181-199, 200- 216, 26S-279. Government, local, 13, 32, 52, 54,55, 59, 60, 63, 64, 72, 73, 74, 76-78, 80, 85, 99, 108, 109, no. III, 115, 116, 118, 130, 143, 144, 145, 158, 162, 182, 184, 185, 186, 188, 196, 209, 210, 217-228, 229-241, 246, 268, 269, 271, 273, 274, 275. Government, national, 13, 39, 40, 41. 42, 45, 48, 49, 54, 55, 66, 67, 79, 81—85, 95, 99, 100-104, no, 112, 113, 119, 120, 126, 127-129, 131, 137, 146, 153, 179, 182, 183, 184, j 186, 196, 223, 235, 252-267, 268, I 270, 275-278. i Government, purpose of, 19, 20, 104, 181 ; cost of, 268 ; ownership of raHwaj's, 118; ownership of tele- graph, 119, 120; waste in, 131, j 132; threefold character of, 182. I Government, state, 32, 42, 53, 55, 66, j 80, 81, 85, 99, 100, 104, III, 112, 113, 114, 141, 143, 145, 146, 153, 171, 174, 178, 182, 183, 184, 186, 188, 189, 196, 209, 210, 226, 230, 242-251, 259, 263, 268, 271, 273, 274, 275. Governor, the, 246, Great lakes, 112, 113. Guam, 266. Hamilton, Alexander, loi. Harmony, means to secure, 19. Hawaii, 263, 264. Health, 3, 11; desire for. 16. 58; in the pioneer family, 2^: in slimas, 30, 31; protection of, 58-70; dangers to, 58, 59; board of, 60; commissioner of, 60; policeman, 60; state control of, 66; state board of, 66; national control of, 66; department of, 2;^;^. High schools, 142. Highways, state control of, no, in. Hoarding, 125. Home, making of a, 23; and the commimit}-, 28-35; owning a, 29; ownership (table), 298; life, dangers to, 30; laws protecting the, 32; beaut>' in the, 154. Home gardening association, 156, 157- Home rule in cities. 231 ; in counties, 226. Homes, citv- of, 2. 22, 30; desire to own, 48 ; of workingmen, 94. Homestead act, 43, 48. Hospitals, 64. INDEX 309 Idaho, 189. Illinois, 5,37. Immigrant, contribution of the, 40. Immigrants, reasons for coming, 36, 39; number of, 36, 299 (tables), distribution of, 37, 38, 42; ex- cluded, 40, 41 ; in cities, 42 ; assimilation of, 42, 44; medical inspection of, 66. Immigration, character of, 39 ; com- mission, 41 ; restriction of, 41, 42 ; bureau of, 42, 261 ; tables, 299- 303 (see Foreigners, Immigrants). Impeachment, 256, 257. Import duties, loi, 276. Income tax, 274, 276. Indiana, 38, 108. Indianapolis, 61, 62. Indians, 18, 24, 47; schools for, 146. Industrial organization, 90. Inheritance tax, 274. Initiative, 209, 245. Insular affairs, bureau of, 259, 266. Insurance, fire, 74; life, 127. Interests, 2, 3, 7. Interior, department of, 260. Internal revenue districts, 277. Interstate commerce, regulation of, 102, 103 ; act, 102 ; commission, 103, 114. Interurban electric railways, 114. Investment, 126. Irrigation, 51. Jackson, Andrew, 210. Jefferson, Thomas, loi. Judges, appointment of, — state, 249 ; federal, 262. Judicial branch of government, 185; of cities, 239; of states, 248-250; of the nation, 260, 261 ; districts, 55,248. Judiciary, 261. Jury service, 202 ; trial by, 75, 249. Justice, department of, 259, 260. Justices' courts, 248; of the peace, 248. Juvenile courts, 178. Kansas, 189. Knowledge, desire for, 17, 135-151. Labor, department of, 104, 261 ; unions, 92, 99, Land, 3, 47-57; divisions of, 47, 54; occupation of, 48 ; open to settle- ment, 49 ; survey of, 49-5 1 ; pubUc, 51 ; given to railroads, 48, 114; reclamation of , 1 28. Law, in the family, 25 ; lax enforce- ment of, 63, 78, 79, Law breakers, 75. Law-making power, 244. Lawrenceburg, 82, 83, 84. Laws, common, 7 ; as a means to secure harmony, 19; protecting the home, 32. Legislation, direct, 208-210; gov- ernor'^ power over, 247 ; Presi- dent's power over, 257. Legislative branch of government, 185; in cities, 232, 237, 238; in states, 243-246; in the national government, 254-256. Legislature, 243-246. Libraries, 147. Licenses, 275. Lieutenant governor, 244. Life, desire for, 16 ; well rounded, 18 ; protection of, 71-87; insurance, 127; saving service, 84. Lighthouses, 84; bureau of, 261. Liquor traffic, 78. Livingstone, 17. Lobbying, 245. Local government (see Government) . Louisville, 11. Lynching, 75, 76. Machine, party, 205 ; voting, 206. Majority rule, 207. 310 INDEX IManiand, 170. ^Massachusetts, colony, 36; educa- tion in, 135, 136. Mayor, 232, 233, 235. ^lembership in the conununit}^, 8. ^lerit svstem, 211; in cities, 236, 25S. ' ^Messages, President's, 258. ]\Iilitar}- schools, 146. Mihtia, 80, 81. INIilwaukee, 130. Klines, bureau of, 131. IMinneapohs, 11. ^Minnesota, 37. ^Minority rule, 207. !Mints, loi. Money, 4, 23, 100, loi, 277. Xation, government of the, 252-267 (see Government) ; builders of the, 93- National government (see Govern- ment). National guard, 80. NationaHty, bond of, 4, 36. Natural resources, conservation of, 127. Naturalization, 42; bureau, 261. Naval schools, 146. Na^■igation, bureau of, 261. Na^y, 81, 83, 84; department of, 260. New England, 13 ; schools in, 136. New Jersey, in, 189. New Mexico, 264. New Orleans, 66. Newspaper, 119. New York City, 38, 72, 74, 76, 79, 117, 118, 130, 203, 212, 233. Niagara FaUs, 129. Noise, 158. No min ations, 190-194. Northwest Territor>^, 171. Obedience, 28, 198. Occupations, 3, 23, 24, 25, 90. Office, duty of taking, 201. Ohio, 80, 239. Oklahoma, 137. Ordinance of 1787, 137, 171. Ordinances, building, 74, Oregon, 189. Panama, 67. Panama canal, 113. Parcel post, 119. Pardons, board of, 247, Parish, 217. Parks, 2>2: 64, 153, 163, 166. Participation by children in school government, 140. Parties, poHtical, 190; organization of, 195, 196; and city government, Party spirit, 204, 205. Patriotism, 93, 96, 202. Pavements, 158. Pawn shops, 78. Peace movement, 83, 84. Pean,-, 17. Perm, William, 198. Pennsylvania, 37. Permanence, a necessit}- in com- mimit}' life, 47. Philadelphia, 11, 71, 72, 77, 130, 132, 229. Philippines, 67, 259, 263, 264, 265, 266. Pioneer life, 4; family, 22-26, 89, Piracy, 179. I Pittsburg, 10. Playgrounds, 31, 32, 64. j Ph-mouth, 36. Poles, telegraph and telephone, 162. Police, 76, 77;- courts, 248; de- partment, 234. Polls, 194, 195, 206. PoU tax, 274. Poor relief, 175. Porto Rico, 259, 263, 264, 266. Postal sa\"Tngs system, 126. Postal service, 119. Postmaster General, 120. INDEX 311 Post Office Department, 120, 260. Poverty, 175. Preamble to the Constitution, 20, 182. Preferential primaries, 194; voting, 208. President, naturalized citizens may not become, 43; and the mihtia, 81; nomination of, 191, 192; election of, 197; powers of, 257. Press, freedom of, 147. Primaries, 203, 204; direct, 193, 194; preferential, 194. Primary elections, 191,192; districts, 192, Probation officers, 178. Property, protection of, 71-87; rights, 52, 98. Proportional representation, 207. Protection, in the pioneer family, 24 ; of life and property, 71-87; of health, 58-69. Public opinion, 246. Public schools, 137-145 ; cost of, 137 ; train for citizenship, 137-141. Pubhc service, as a career, 211-213. Public works, board of, 234. Punishment, 177. Pure food laws, 67, 103. Puritans, 170, 218. Quarantine, 64, 66. Quebec, 11. Radio-communication, 120. Railroads, lands given to, 48. Railway commissions, 114. Railways, 112, 113, 114; govern- ment ownership of, 118. Recall, the, 208 ; of judicial decisions, 250. Reclamation, of land, 128; service, SI. Referendum, 209, 245. Registration, 195. Religion, 3, 17, 25, 169, 170; attitude of government toward, 172. Religious desire, 169. Representation, basis of, 254. Representative government, 182. Representatives, chosen from local districts, 187, 188; House of — state, 243, national, 254-256. Republican form of government, 243. Resources, natural, i, 2, 11; conser- vation of, 1 27-131. ResponsibiHty, sense of personal, 198 ; of the citizen, 88, 94, 95, 124, 132, 158, 201, 213, 274; of the state executive, 247 ; of the President, 257- Revenue, bills for raising, 255; districts, 277. Revision of Constitutions, 242, Revolutionary War, 48, 49, 98, 100, 137- Righteousness, desire for, 17. Rings, poHtical, 205. River and harbor bill, 112. Rivers as highways, iii, 112. Road, the national, no. Roads, lack of, 23 ; state control of, 99 ; importance of, 108 ; methods of building, 108, 109 (see High- ways). Rural communities, 114; govern- ment of, 217-227; schools, 143, 144; free mail dehvery, 119. Safety, board of, 234. Saint Louis, 65, 73. Samoan Islands, 266. San Francisco, 10, 75, 82. Saving, waste and, 123-134; by in- vestment, 125; by children, 126; by life insurance, 127. Savings, postal, 126. School, the public, its purpose, 19 ; influence on immigrants, 44; school city, 140; attendance, 141; as a civic center, 148. Schools, organization of, 143-145 ; private and parochial, 146 ; medi- 312 INDEX cal inspection in, 6$ ; adjust- ting to pupils' needs, 142. Scientific management, 125. Selectmen, 21S. j Self-government, 98, 99, 1S1-214; : direct and representative, 182; changing methods of, 200-214; '. restricted, 200, 201 ; in insular I possessions, 265 ; in schools, 140. I Senate, state. :_;: national. 254- 256.' Senators, eleciion 01, 197, 255. Separation of powers, 185, 187, 243.-254. _ Settlement in the West, 1-5, 7, 10, 16, 17, 22, 30, 47, 59, 60, 107, 169. Sewers, 60-62. Sheriff, 76, 220, 224, 225. Short ballot, 203, 225, 226. Site of a community-, i, 2, 10-14, 107. Slimis, 30. Smoke, 6^. 164. Social life, 3, 25. Soil, con3er\-ation of, 128. Soils, bureau of, 128. South Carolina, 239. Spain, war with, 263. Speaker, 244, 256. Speech, free, 147. Spoils system, 210, 211, 258, State (see Govern tueut) ; department of, 259; gove rnm ent of the, 242- 251- State universities, 146. Steamboat, 112. Street, cleaning, 63 ; lighting, 77 ; blocking of, 116; its importance, 115-117; appearance of, 157-163; department, 234. Suffrage, 188-190; woman, 189, 190. Superintendent, of schools — count}', 143- cit}-, 144, state, 145. Supreme court — state, 249, fed- eral, 261. Sur\-ey of public lands, 49. Tariff, loi, 102. Taxation, 268-279. ~ Taxes, 100, 202. Telegraph, 119. Telephone, 114, 119. Tenements, 30-32. Terms of office, 196. Territories, 263-266. Texas, 237. Town meeting, 147, 148, 182, 217, 218, 221, 222. Township, 50, 22^; government of, 217, 218; as state administrative di^^sion, 246. Transp>ortation, 3 2 ; and commimi- cation, 107-120. Treason, 1 79. Treasurer, state, 246. Treasury-, department of the, 259. Treaties, 257. Trees, protection of, 160-162. Trial by jur\-, 75. 180. Trusts, 1C3. Turnpikes, no. Utah, 189. Vestr\-, 217. Veto, 187, 232, 244, 257, 258. Vice-President, 43, 197, 257. Vigilance committees, 75, 76. Virginia, 12, 13, 135, 219. Voting, independent, 193 ; duty of, 202 ; preferential, 208 ; machine, 206. War, Department of, 259. Washington, George, 190; farewell address of, 204. Washington, D.C., 146, 147. Waste, and sa\Tng, 123-134; in the household, 123, 125; in business, 124; of natural resources, 127- 131; of water, 130; b}* fire, 131; in government, 131, 132. Water, supply, 60-62, 73, 130; INDEX 313 conservation of, 129, power, 129; 130. Wealth, 3, 23 ; desire for, 15, Weather bureau, 260. Weights and measures, loi. West, settlement of the, no. West Virginia, 37. Wireless telegraphy, 120. Woman suffrage, 189, 190. Women, citizenship of, 28; naturali- zation of, 43 ; managers of the household, 124. Wyoming, 189. Yellowstone Park, 153. Yosemite, the, 153. .IBRARv OF CONGRESS 011 795 500 A