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f wi P
OCT -5 1917
This revised edition has been very largely rewritten. The
emphasis which was laid on motor processes' in the volume
when it appeared in 1907 has been more than justified by
recent developments of ''behaviorism" in psychology. The
present edition goes further than did the first in working out
the doctrines of functional psychology, especially in so far as
these use motor processes in explaining mental organization.
The doctrine of attitudes which was presented in the
first edition has been much expanded.
The applications of psychology have been elaborated,
especially through a new chapter on mental hygiene.
The view with regard to the importance of consciousness
in evolution which was set forth in my paper before the Amer-
ican Psychological Association in 1909 has been adopted as
a guiding principle in this volume. In keeping with this
view, the chapter on volition has been wholly rewritten, and
several earlier sections have been largely worked over.
Perhaps the simplest method of economizing the time
of those who are interested merely in the new parts will
be to enumerate the chapters which are not greatly modi-
fied. These are Chapters I, II, III, V, VIII, IX, X, XI,
XIV, and XVII. The remai,^)der of the volume includes
liberal revisions. Chapters IV, VI, VII, XII, XV, and
XVI are new or very largely so. The book has been freed
so far as possible from technical controversial discussions,
with the result that some chapters, notably Chapter XIII,
have been reduced.
Many new obligations have accumulated since the first
edition appeared. Those who have used the book in
class or have read it in individual study have in many
instances sent to the author helpful criticisms. All of
these have been kept in mind in the revision and are
here gratefully acknowledged.
C H. J.
Chicago, Illinois
There is very general agreement as to the main topics
which must be treated in a textbook on psychology. There
is, however, no accepted method of approaching these
topics, and, as a result, questions of emphasis and propor-
tion are always matters of individual judgment. It is,
accordingly, not out of place for one to attempt in his
preface to anticipate the criticism of those who take up
the book, by offering a general statement of the princi-
ples which have guided him in his particular form of
treatment. This book aims to develop a functional view
of mental life. Indeed, I am quite unable to accept the
contentions or sympathize with the views of the defenders
of a structural or purely^- analytical psychology. In the
second place, I have aimed to adopt the genetic method
of treatment. It may be well to remark that the term
''genetic" is used here in its broad sense to cover all that
relates to general evolution or individual development. In
the third place, I have attempted to give to the psycho-
logical conditions of mental life a more conspicuous place
than has been given by recent writers of general textbooks
on psychology. In doing this I have aimed to so coordi-
nate the material as to escape the criticism of producing
a loose mixture of physiology and introspective description.
In the fourth place, I have aimed to make as clear as
possible the significance of ideation as a unique and final
stage of evolution. The continuity running through the
evolution of the sensory and motor functions in all grades
of animal life is not, I believe, the most significant fact for
psychology. The clear recognition of this continuity which
the student reaches through studies of sensation and habit,
and even perception, is the firmest possible foundation on
which to base an inteUigent estimate of the significance
of human ideational processes. The clear comprehension
of the dominant importance of ideational processes in man's
life is at once the chief outcome of our study and the com-
plete justification for a science of psychology, distinct from
all of the other special disciplines which deal with life and
its variations. The purpose of this book may therefore be
stated in terms which mark as sharp a contrast as possible
with much that has been said and written of late regarding
the advantages of a biological point of view in the study
of consciousness. This work is intended to develop a
point of view which shall include all that is given in the
biological doctrine of adaptation, while at the same time it
passes beyond the biological doctrine to a more elaborate
principle of indirect ideational adaptation.
In the preparation of this book I am under double obli-
gation to A. C. Armstrong. As my first teacher in psy-
chology, he has by his broad sympathies and critical insight
influenced all of my work. Furthermore, he has given me
the benefit of his judgment in regard to all parts of this
book while it was in preparation. Two others I may men-
tion as teachers to whom I am largely indebted. The
direct influence of Wilhelm Wundt will be seen at many
points in this book. As the leader in the great advances
in modern psychology, especially in the adoption of experi-
mental methods, and as the most systematic writer in this
field, he has left his impression on all who have worked
in the Leipzig laboratory to an extent which makes such
a book as this in a very large sen^e of the word an expres-
sion of his teaching. Finally, I am indebted to William
James. I have received instruction from him only through
his writings, but take this opportunity of acknowledging his
unquestioned primacy in American psychological thought
and the influence of his genius in turning the attention of
all students to the functional explanations of mental life
which it is one of the aims of this book to diffuse.
My colleagues, Dr. R. P. Angier and Dr. E. H. Cameron,
read the manuscript and gave me many valuable sugges-
tions which have been incorporated into the text. Mr. C. H.
Smith assisted me in the preparation of the figures.
C. H. J.
New Haven, Connecticut
Psychology a study of conscious processes. The motive of wonder.
Discovery of individual differences as motive. Differences between
experience and physical facts. Place of consciousness in evolution.
The first method of psychology. Nervous processes as conditions of
consciousness. Studies of behavior. Overemphasis of slower forms
of mental activity through introspection. Experiment in psychology.
Explanation at variance with mere observation. Subdivisions of
psychology. Summary and definition of psychology. Definitions of
certain general psychological terms.
The introspective approach. Indirect method of approach to psy-
chological facts. Characteristics of unicellular animals. Simplest
types of behavior. Consciousness no more complex than behavior.
Behavior more limited than sensitivity. Specialization of cell struc-
tures and functions in higher animals. Specialized nervous processes.
Nervous processes of three distinct types. Behavior varied and much
more complex. Progressive evolution in both structure and behavior.
Centralized nervous system. Coordinating center of the body. Com-
plex paths within the nervous system. Experience comparable to
the lower forms of human experience. Differentiation of vertebrate
central nervous system. Two types of higher centers : first, higher
sensory centers ; second, indirect centers. Large indirect centers
characteristic of highest animals. Traces of past impressions also
present. Meaning of evolution of complex organisms. Inner organi-
zation essential to highest forms of personal behavior. Characteristics
of behavior of higher animals.
External plan like that of all vertebrates. General plan of the minute
nervous structure as related to consciousness. The nerve cell and its
parts. Complexity of structure related to forms of action. Synapses
as paths of organization. Paths in spinal cord. Reflex tracts. Trans-
mission to higher centers. All nervous organs in part independent
centers. Cerebellum. Cerebrum and its systems of fibers. Structure
of cerebrum as indicating way in which impulses are organized. Cere-
bral cortex complex. Localization of functions. Stimulation the first
method of discovering cerebral localization. Extirpation and com-
parison of pathological cases. Embryological methods. Association
areas. Significance of the central position of the general motor area.
Speech centers. Broca's convolution an association center. Phre-
nology not in accord with clearly known facts. Frontal association
area. General principles of nervous action. Active organs as termini
of all nervous impulses. Principle of facilitation. Principle of asso-
ciation of centers of high tension. Diffusion as opposed to organiza-
tion. Principle of progressive organization.
Classification derived from study of nervous organs. Classification
from observation superficial. Historical threefold classification. His-
torical twofold classification. Classification according to nervous
processes. Example of scientific analysis and classification. Relation
of classification to introspection. Sensations. Reactions and atti-
tudes. Fusion and perception. Memory. The process of ideation.
Higher forms of action. Relation to historic classification. Practical
Sensations not copies of external forces. Laws of sensation as one
of the first problems in psychology. Relation of sensations to sen-
sory nervous processes. Sensations as elements. Psycho-physics as
a division of psychology. Meaning of term ^'quality." Chromatic
(or color) series and achromatic (or gray) series. Fundamental color
names. The color spectrum and circle. Saturation, brightness, and
mixtures. External light. Comparison of physical and mental series.
Relation between the physical and the psychical facts dependent in
part on the organs of sense. Evolution of organ of vision. Organ of
sense as selective organ. The human eye — its muscles. The outer
wall and the lens. Transparent media. Choroid coat. The retina.
Rods and cones and their functions. Color blindness. Color-mixing.
Pigment-mixing subject to physical law. After-images. Contrasts.
Theories of color vision. Mrs. Franklin's ge.netic theory of processes
in the retina. Physical sound. Pitch, or tonal quality. Intensity, or
loudness. Complexity of a regular type the source of differences in
timbre. Noise due to irregular vibrations. Evolution of the ear. The
human ear, pinna, and meatus. The tympanic membrane. Air cham-
ber on inner side of the tympanic membrane. Chain of ossicles. The
inner ear. The semicircular canals. The cochlea and sensory areas
in the vestibule. Sensory cells in the cochlea. Contrast between
auditory and visual processes. Beats, difference tones. Summation
tones. Harmony not a matter of sensation. Absence of after-images
in auditory sensations. Tone deafness. Taste and smell differenti-
ations of a primitive chemical sense. Position of olfactory organ in
the nasal cavity. Structure and function of the olfactory surface.
Olfactory stimuli. Smell a rudimentary sense in man. Taste quali-
ties and taste organs specialized. Organs of taste. Gustatory stimuli.
Organs of touch. Differentiation of the tactual fibers ; temperature
spots. Pressure spots. Other '' spots." Relativity of temperature
sense ; chemical and mechanical senses. Organs of touch at the
periphery. Muscle sensations and organic sensations. Intensity a
general characteristic. Weber's Law. General statement of the law.
Mechanical explanation of Weber's Law. Other views regarding
Weber's Law.
All consciousness complex and selective. The selective character
of conscious processes related to sensory impressions. Selective
consciousness related to behavior. Common interests and their re-
lation to behavior. Study of evolution of organs of action as impor-
tant as study of senses. Evolution from gross muscles to highly
differentiated muscles. Behavior dependent on nervous control.
Coordination as necessary counterpart of differentiation. Individual
development in behavior. Inherited coordinations or instincts.
Glands as active organs. A constant tension of active organs
as background of all behavior. Meaning of sensory impressions
dependent upon inner conditions. Sensory processes and the
equilibrium of action. Importance of sensations dependent on
organization. Sensations unduly emphasized through introspection.
Attitudes. Attitudes not related to sensations but to behavior.
Relation of sensation to reaction.
Reactions toward objects and reactions away from objects. Pleasure
and displeasure. Cultivated feelings. Fear as a typical emotion.
How to change the attitude of fear. Fear an emotion of complex
beings. Fear and pathology. Parental love and altruism. Anger.
Other emotions. Emotions as fundamental forms of experience.
1' Higher forms of experience as related to behavior. Feelings of
organic type. Flexor and extensor movements related to character-
istic attitudes. Changes in circulatory movements as parallels of
conscious changes. Disappointment as negative emotion. External
attitudes. Attention as an attitude. Experiment to demonstrate
tension. Various forms of attention. Sympathy with fellow beings.
Sympathy involved in all recognition of objects. Illusion due to
muscular tension. Such muscular tensions common to many experi-
ences. All consciousness a form of sympathetic attention. Attitudes
as related to higher processes of recognition. .
Sensory experience always complex. Sensation combinations or
fusions. Space not a sensation, but a product of fusion. Tactual
space as a simple example of fusion. Subjective and objective
space. Perception and training. Development of spatial arrange-
ments in the course of individual experience. Vision and move-
ment as aids to touch. Tactual percepts of the blind. Wundt on the •
tactual perception of the blind. Lotze's local signs. Inner tactual
factors. Space not attached to any single sense. General conclu-
sions regarding tactual space. Auditory recognition of location.
Influence of movements in auditory experience of position. Quali-
tative differences and localization. Distance of sounds recognized
only indirectly. Unfamiliar sounds difficult to locate. Visual space
and optical illusions. Effects of practice. Percepts always complex.
Contrast. Common facts showing size to be a matter of relations.
Physiological conditions of visual perception. Psychological state-
ment. Photographic records of percepted movements. Relation
between size and distance. Definite optical relation between the
distance and the size of an object and the size of the retinal image
from this object. Berkeley's statement of the problem of visual
depth perception. Experiments on binocular vision. Difference
between the images in the two eyes. Stereoscopic figures and
appearance of solidity. Retinal rivalry. Factors other than those
contributed by the two eyes. Aerial perspective. Geometrical per-
spective and familiarity. Shadows. Intervening objects. Depth a
matter of complex perception. Relation to movements. General
movements as conditions of fusion of retinal sensations.. Space
a system of relations developed through fusion. Movement and
mechanical laws. Perception of individual objects. Mere coexist-
ence of sensations no explanation of unity in the percepts of
objects. Range of fusion determined by practical considerations.
Changes in percepts through repetition. Parallel development of
perception and habit. Time as a general form of experience. Ex-
perimental determination of the scope of "the present." Scope of
" the present " and its varying conditions. Time relations in verse
and related systems of experience. Time arrangement as condi-
tioned by the rhythmical changes in nervous processes. Perception
more than the flux of sensations. Discussions of perception.
Organic retentiveness. Remoter conditions of retention. Instincts.
Protective instincts. Food-taking instinct. Instincts established
through selection. Delayed instincts common. Impossibility of dis-
tinguishing instincts from later-acquired forms of behavior. Habits
from instincts and from independent conditions. Development of
habit through conflict of instincts. Nervous development concerned
in the selection of instincts. Habit as a modified instinct. Importance
of heredity in explaining consciousness. Diffusion a mark of lack
of organization. Development of habit from diffusion. Undeveloped
movements. Diffusion analogous to all forms of overproduction.
Conscious correlates of habit. Instinct, habit, and mental attitudes.
Applications of the doctrine of attitudes to social science.
Speech as a highly important special habit. Speech and ideas closely
interrelated. Speculations regarding the nature and origin of speech.
The special creation theory. The imitation theory. The interjection
theory. Roots of language in natural emotional expressions and their
imitation. Imitation. Other imitative communications of animals and
man. Value of sounds as means of social communication. Limita-
tion of forms of animal communication. The first stages of human
articulation like animal cries. Articulations selected from the sum
of possible activities. Evolution of ideas and speech. Gestures and
broad scope of attention. Evolution of gestures in direction of sim-
plification. Speech a highly specialized mode of behavior. Conse-
quences of specialization. Speech an indirect form of behavior.
Evolution of writing. Writing at first direct in form. Images
reduced to lowest terms as powers of reader increase. Written
symbols and their relation to sounds. The alphabet. Social motives
essential to the development of language. Social system as source
of the form of words. Social usage and the domination of individual
thought. Social ideas dominate individual life. Experimental evi-
dence of importance of words. Number terminology as a device
for recording possessions. Symbols for groups of tallies. Parallel
growth of number names and system of ideas. Development of
arithmetic depends on an appropriate system of numerals. Social
world unified through common forms of thought. Changes in words
as indications of changes in individual thought and social relations.
Illustration of change in words. Words as instruments of thought
beyond immediate experience. Images and verbal ideas. Mental
attitudes as characteristic phases of verbal ideas. Other illustrations
of thought relations. Concrete words. Examples of words arousing
tendencies toward action. Abstract words. Contrast between con-
crete images and abstract ideas. Particular images as obstructions to
thought. Ideas or indirect forms of experience characteristic of man.
The problem of describing ideas. Ideas not derived from present
impressions. Ideas as revivals. Advantages of relative independ-
ence of sensory impressions. Individual variations in imagery. The
accidents of individual experience and mental imagery. Dependence
on vividness and recency. The training of memory. Retention as
distinguished from recall. Association by contiguity. Association
by similarity. Association by contrast. New products evolved in
ideation. Ideas not all images. Tendency to revert to imagery type.
Advantages of indirect forms of experience. Animal behavior direct
and perceptual, human behavior indirect and ideational. Influence
of ideas on things. Tool-consciousness. Knowledge of nervous
process limited. Consciousness as product of evolution.
Adaptation through ideas. Early stages of barter. Barter perceptual.
Standard values. Symbolic values. Evolution from perception to
ideas. Higher controls of conduct. Ideational attitudes. Ideas as
substitutes for impressions. Imagination as reorganization of ideas.
Personifying imagination. Imaginations occasions of useless activi-
ties. Critical tests of imaginations. Empirical test often inapplica-
ble. The test of internal agreement. The criterion of coherency a
product of development. The demand for coherency as exhibited
in constructive scientific ideas. Uncritical imaginations. Literary
imagination and the canon of coherency. The uncritical forms of
thought which preceded science. First sciences limited to facts
remote from life. Scientific concepts. Validity of concepts. Abstrac-
tion. Generalization. Judgments and reasoning. Logic. Primitive
belief. Belief after hesitation. Belief a positive psychological fact.
Spurious verbal beHef. Habitual belief. Religious belief not in-
stinctive. Sentiments not instinctive. Social life and the higher
mental processes. Fields for the application of psychology of ideas.
The idea of self sometimes regarded as matter of direct knowledge.
Idea of self a concept. First stages of personal development not
self-conscious. Gradual discrimination of self from things. Child's
early notion of self largely objective. The idea of self as related to
discrimination between the objective and subjective. The self dis-
covered by contrast with not-self. Social consciousness and self-
consciousness. The self at first not a scientific concept, but a
practical concept. Cultivated self-consciousness. The religious
motive for self-consciousness. Scientific idea of personality. The
chief item in the concept of life the abstract idea of organization.
Unity of self. The self as an efficient cause. Self as a valid scien-
tific concept. Concept of unity. The self a concept.
Disorganized personality in contrast with normal self. Illusions and
hallucinations. Sleep, the influence of drugs, hypnosis, and insanity
as forms of disorganization. The physiological conditions of sleep.
The closing of avenues of stimulation in sleep. Various degrees of
dissociation. Dissociation in the central processes. Dreams as dis-
sociated groups of ideas. Dreams impressive only because they are
uncriticized. Motor processes suspended by dissociations in sleep.
Narcotic drugs dissociative in their effects. Effect of alcohol on
the nervous system. Overexcitation is also dissociative. Toxic
effects of certain diseases. These negative cases as evidences of the
relation between normal consciousness and organization. Hypnosis
a form of dissociation closely allied to sleep. Hypnosis as partial
dissociation. Methods of inducing hypnosis. Hypnosis more readily
induced after it has once been established in a subject. Various
characteristics of the hypnotized subject. Ideas not subjected to
criticism in hypnosis. Dual personalities in hypnosis. Dual per-
sonalities in other than hypnotic conditions. Dual and multiple per-
sonalities analogous to the various selves of normal life. Hypnosis
a transient condition, insanity permanent. Movements sometimes
normal in hypnosis, because the lower centers are not dissociated.
The after-effects of hypnosis tend to become permanent. Insanity
a permanent form of disorganization, introduced in many cases by
dissociation and settling into an abnormal reorganization. Melan-
cholia as a typical form of dissociation. Excessive excitation as a
second typical case of insanity. Fundamental disturbances of in-
stinctive and emotional life. Relation of psychiatry to psychology.
Voluntary action a special form of behavior. Instinctive behavior
different from voluntary action. Impulsive acts distinct from higher
forms of voluntary action. Impulsive acts as phases of general mus-
cular tension. Impulsive acts explicable through nervous organiza-
tion. Impulse comparable to involuntary attention. Impulse and
involuntary attention related to perception and habit. Simple case
of choice. Behavior of the higher types dependent on ideas. Volun-
tary action and its complex background as contrasted with lower
forms of behavior. Decision a process of balancing ideas. Decision
largely influenced by organization built out of past experiences.
The meaning of prevision. The problem of the freedom of the will.
Voluntary choice guided by purposes. Behavior of a higher type
is related to education. Early scientific studies of behavior purely
external. Purely external investigations not productive. Recent
investigations and their stress on introspection and analysis of
movement. Analysis of the form of movement. Concept of organ-
ization as fundamental in all psychological studies.
Hygiene a suggestive term for psychology. Relation of psycho-
logical hygiene to physiological. Coordination of bodily activities.
Control of excessive stimulations. Perceptual analysis. Perceptual
synthesis. Dangers of specialization. Control of perceptual atti-
tudes. Control of attitudes as a case of volition. Rules of whole-
some ideation. Economy of mental effort. Preparation as aid to
memory. Organization the key to all correct thought. The domi-
nation of thought by some leading idea. Language of great im-
portance in furnishing central ideas. The ineffectiveness of a
detached verbal idea. Higher organization as a cure for verbalism.
Self-directed organization as the goal of the higher mental life.
Psychology a basis of scientific thinking about human conduct.
Design in art as a psychological fact. Freedom in art. Architectural
harmony analogous to musical rhythm and harmony. Literary art
and ps^'-chological laws. Prose rhythms as related to the personal
organization of writers. Verse another example of the same type.
Literary content controlled by psychological laws. Feeling and
intuition. Many of the social sciences predominantly objective in
their methods. Introspective psychology and its limited support
to social science. Interrelation of psychology and social science.
Human evolution psychical. An hypothesis to explain the break be-
tween man and the animals. Spencer's application of psychology to
sociology. Relation of educational practices to scientific psychology.
Psychology as a preparation for the intelligent diagnosis of particular
situations which arise in educational practice. A curve illustrating
the process of learning. Significance of a '' plateau " in development.
Other examples of the same type of development. Motor habits in-
termittent. School training in its relation to the stage of develop-
ment attained by the mind. Significance of scientific studies often
indirect. Expression as an essential condition of mental life. Psy-
chology historically a part of philosophy. Relation of psychology to
philosophy closer than that of any of the special sciences. Psy-
chology and logic. Psychology and aesthetics. Psychology and
ethics. Psychology and metaphysics.
1 . Diagram for use in demonstration of the blind spot .... 9
2. Movements of a unicellular animal 16
3. The hydra 18
4. Much-enlarged section of a muscle cell and a sensory cell of a
hydra, together with the connecting cells which lie between
them 20
5. Outline of a starfish, and nervous system of the same ... 24
6. A stag beetle, showing the outline of the body and the dis-
tribution of the nerve cells and fibers 25
7. The nervous system of a frog as it would appear if the skin
and muscles and protecting bone were removed . . . . 28
8. Plate showing successive stages in the evolution of the verte-
brate nervous system 31
9. General form and position of central nervous organs ... 38
10. Two nerve cells 39
1 1 . A number of different types of connection between nerve fibers
and cells 40
1 2. The development in complexity of nerve cells in the course of
animal evolution and in the course of the development of a
single individual 41
13. Transverse section across the spinal cord 42
14. A diagram to illustrate the course of the sensory stimulation
when it passes upward from the level of the spinal cord at
which it is received 44
15. A diagrammatic section through a part of one of the folds in
the cerebellum 45
16. The brain seen from below and cut open to show the paths of
fibers from the cortex of the cerebrum to the lower organs 46
17. Sketch showing some of the association fibers connecting vari-
ous parts of the cortex of the cerebrum with one another 47
18. A transverse section across the two hemispheres in a plane
passing vertically through the cheek bones parallel to a
line connecting the two ears 48
19. Two sections representing portions of the cerebral cortex from
two areas of the human brain . 49
20. A diagrammatic section showing the structure of the cortex
of the cerebrum 50
21. The outUne of the lateral surface of the cerebrum with the
typical convolutions, as given by Flechsig . . . . . 52
22. The median surface of the human cerebrum showing, as in
Fig. 21, the various areas 53
23. Color circle 76
24. Wave forms ^^
25. A series of eyes which have reached various levels of
development 82
26. Diagrammatic section of the human eye 85
27. A diagrammatic section of the retina 88
28. Diagrammatic section showing the structure of the ear . . 104
29. Diagrammatic section of the sensory cells in the vestibule . 108
30. The structure in the cochlea as seen when a transverse sec- •
tion is made across the canal 109
3 1 . Diagram to represent the formation of beats 113
32. The inner cavity of the nose 116
33. Section showing the different cells which compose the mucous
lining of the nose in the olfactory region 117
34. Olfactory cells and supporting cells . 118
35. The depression between the sides of two papillae on the sur-
face of the tongue . . 119
36. A diagrammatic section of a single taste bulb showing the
character of the different cells 1 20
37. A diagramimatic sketch showing two neighboring taste bulbs 121
38 A. Tactual end organs . 124
38 B. A Pacinian corpuscle 124
38 C. A Missenian corpuscle 124
39. Two Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles of the type found by Ruffini
in the cutaneous connective tissue of the tip of the
human finger ' 125
40. The complex distribution of a tactual nerve fiber in the
immediate vicinity of a hair 126
41. Tooth of Gobinus showing distribution of nerve fiber through-
out the canal of the tooth . . . 127
42. A highly developed muscle cell 134
43. The contracted and relaxed state of a muscle 135
44. Diagram showing relation of sensory impressions to reactions 1 43
45. Involuntary hand movements made by the right and left hands
of an observer who is thinking of a building situated in
front of him 157
46. Unaesthetical balance 158
47. Miiller-Lyer illusion 172
48. Illusion of contrast 1 74
49. Zollner illusion 176
50. Poggendorff illusion 1 76
5 1 . Figures showing the path followed by the eye of an observer
in examining certain of the foregoing illusions . . . . 177
52. Relation of retinal image to objects 179
53. Binocular parallax 182
54. An Ojibwa love letter 220
^^. Ancient and modern Chinese writing 221
56. Derivation of the Roman letter M from the ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphic owl 222
^y. Association by similarity ^ 245
58. Fatigued cells - 280
59. Curve showing the intensity of sound necessary to awaken a
sleeper at different periods of sleep 282
60. Curves for sending and receiving telegraphic messages . . 338
61. Analysis of the receiving curve 340
Psychology a study of conscious processes. '' The under-
standing, like the eye, whilst it makes us see and perceive
all other things, takes no notice of itself ; and it requires
art and pains to set it at a distance, and make it its own
object." 1 Thus did one of the earliest Enghsh psychologists
point out the distinction between ordinary experience and
the scientific study of mental processes. A man may be
afraid, or enthusiastic, or lost in reverie ; in each case his
mind will be full of emotions and ideas, but he will not be
led by the intensity of his experiences to make them sub-
jects of analysis and explanation. Indeed, the more he is
absorbed in the experience itself, the less likely he is to
psychologize about himself. We all have the raw materials
for a science of mental processes within us, but we require
special motives to lead us to that careful study of these
processes which gives rise to the science of psychology.
The motive of wonder. The motives which have led men
to make a scientific study of their conscious processes are
numerous and varied in character. Perhaps the most com-
mon of these motives is to be found in the exceptional and
baffling experiences through which one passes from time to
time. I think I hear a voice, but find on examination that
no one spoke. I try to grasp an object, but find that for
1 John Locke, Essay concerning Human Understanding, Bk. I, chap, i,
sect. I.
my sense of touch the thing is not what it seems to be for
my sense of vision. Such experiences as these require some I
explanation, and even the most superficial observer is likely
to become interested, at least for the moment, in their inter-
pretation. Popular psychology seldom gets beyond this ex-
amination of striking and unique experiences ; consequently
the notion has gained wide currency that psychology is
devoted entirely to the investigation of occult phenomena.
Discovery of individual differences as motive. Interest in
exceptional experiences is hardly a sufficient motive, how-
ever, to lead to long-continued systematic study. It is to be
doubted whether psychology would ever have developed into
a serious science unless other more fundamental motives
had arisen to turn the attention of men to the examination
and explanation of their conscious processes. The more
fundamental motives began to appear as far back as the time
of the Greeks. These early thinkers found themselves in
bitter intellectual controversies. Given the same facts and
the same earnest effort to use these facts in the establish-
ment of truth, the Greeks found that two individuals often
arrive at opposite conclusions. This made it clear that like
facts may lead in two different minds to entirely different
processes of thought. So striking were the individual dif-
ferences that early thinkers despaired of finding any general
laws. Gradually, however, as the way in which men remem-
ber and the way in which men relate their ideas were studied,
it became apparent that back of the seeming variety there
are certain common forms of consciousness, certain funda-
mental laws of mental activity which can be discovered and
systematically arranged into a science of mental life. To this
task the Greek philosophers set theinselves wdth enthusiasm,
though with inadequate methods, and out of their efforts arose
the earliest schools of serious psychological investigation.
Differences between experience and physical facts. An-
other fundamental motive appeared early in the modern
period as a direct outgrowth of the discovery that there is
a disparity between the facts discovered by physical science
and the direct testimony of consciousness. Thus Sir Isaac
Newton discovered that he could break up white hght into
all the colors of the rainbow. Conscious experience of
white light is, on the contrary, absolutely simple and unana-
lyzable. Even among the students of physical science there
had never been any hesitation up to the time of Newton
in assuming that external white light is just as simple as
human consciousness of whiteness. The ancients had a
definite explanation of vision which shows that they explic-
itly believed in the simplicity of external white light. Light '
was for them a series of particles emanating from the object
and entering the eye. When they saw white, they believed
that the experience was due to white particles in the eye,
and that these white particles came from a white body. All
was uninterrupted likeness from the physical object to con-
sciousness. Such an explanation of white light as that
offered by the ancients was rendered utterly untenable by
Newton's discovery. When further investigations led physi-
cists to define light and other forms of physical energy
as modes of vibration, the breach between conscious experi-
ence and external reality became so wide that men felt com-
pelled to study conscious experience as well as physical facts.
It is noteworthy that the period during which Newton and
his successors were making their discoveries in physics was
a period of the profoundest interest in psychological problems.
Place of consciousness in evolution. As reenforcements
to the impetus given to psychological study by discoveries
in physics, new motives for such study arose with the
development of physiology, and especially with the estab-
lishment of the biological doctrine of evolution. Every
highly developed function of an animal is recognized in
biology as having its relation to the struggle for existence.
If an animal can run well, we find this ability serviceable
in saving the animal from enemies, or in helping it to
procure food. If an animal has keen vision, we find that
the animal depends on this sense in the essential activities
of life. With such facts clearly before us, we cannot escape
the question, What part does consciousness play in the
economy of life ? From the lower forms of animal life up
to the highest, we find a steady increase in the scope of
intelligence. In the highest animals we find mental evolu-
tion carried so far that' intelligence is very often of more
significance than any other single function or even group
of functions. Certainly this is true of man. The digestive
functions of a man differ very little from those of the
higher animals ; the muscles and bones and organs of cir-
culation in man are very much like those of his near rela-
tives in the animal kingdom. In matters of intelligence, on
the other hand, man has never been in any doubt as to the
wide difference between himself and even the highest of
the animals. Man lives in a world of ideas from, which
animals are excluded by their lack of intelligence and by
their lack of that means of social intercourse which is the
possession of man alone, namely, language. Furthermore,
in his dealings with the physical world man discovered the
use of tools through which he has been able to reshape his
environment. Man has, in short, through his conscious
activities, attained to a mode of struggle for existence which
is unique. We cannot understand and explain human life
and human institutions without studying the facts and laws
of consciousness, without raising the question of the relation
of consciousness to all of man's other attributes.
The first method of psychology. The methods of psy-
chological investigation have progressed with the rise of
each new motive for the study of conscious life. At first,
the method was one of direct self -observation. This method
J is known as introspection. When one has an emotion, others
may see its external expressions, but only the man himself
can observe the conscious state which constitutes the emo-
tion.^ In looking inward and observing this conscious state,
one is said to introspect.
The early psychologists were so impressed with the
importance of introspection that they regarded it as the
sole method of collecting facts for their science. They thus
seriously limited the scope of their studies. Mental proc-
esses are fully understood only when the relations of these
inner events to the outer world are taken into account.
When a man meets his friend and greets him, the psychol-
ogist is interested not only in the inner fact of conscious
recognition but also in the impression made on the eye, for
it is in this impression that recognition originates ; further-
more, the psychologist must study the bodily activities of
greeting which follow recognition. Indeed, the most pro-
ductive discoveries of modern psychology have come from
a study of the setting in which conscious processes belong.
Nervous processes as conditions of consciousness. Thus
we see that among the facts which are not open to intro-
spection but are of importance in explaining consciousness
are the processes which go on in the organs of sense and
in other parts of the nervous system. One cannot introspect
brain processes, but much light has been thrown on the way
in which men think by a study of both the structure and
action of the brain.
Studies of behavior. Another type of indirect or non-
introspective investigation which has of late been culti-
vated with very great advantage to psychology deals with
the facts of human and animal behavior. Here, as in the
examination of the nervous activities, it is possible to dis-
cover certain stages of development and to relate these to
the well-recognized general fact that there are progressive
stages of intelligence in the animal kingdom.
If these and other modes of indirect study of mental life
are judiciously added to introspective observations of one's
own conscious processes, psychology loses nothing of its
directness, and it gains much in breadth. ■
Overemphasis of slower forms of mental activity through
introspection. ^ further advantage which is secured by rec-
ognizing that introspection is not the only possible -method
of collecting psychological facts is that the experiences most
directly open to introspection are thrown into a truer per-
spective by the combination of indirect and direct examina-
tion. The student who depends solely on introspection will
give the largest share of his attention to that which is in the
foreground of consciousness, usually to some complex mental {
process which passes slowly across the stage of conscious- '
ness. He will often give undue weight to some single
experience because it is so clear, adopting this clear experi-
ence as typical, and depending upon it for the explanation
of many of the less obvious facts of mental life. For exam- |
pie, when one hears a word and stops to consider deliber-
ately the conscious process by which he interprets the word, |
he is very likely to experience a series of memory images
which follow upon the word and give it meaning. Thus, let
the reader ask himself what he thinks of when he sees the
word '' house." The more carefully he searches in his con-
sciousness, the more he becomes aware of trains of memory
images. Many psychologists having made this introspective
observation set it down as a general fact of all mental life
that the process of recognition always consists in the revival
of trains of memory images. If the skeptical observer ven-
tures to say that he does not find in his ordinary recognition
of words such attendant trains of memory images, he is
reproved for incomplete introspection. When we come to
the problem of recognition of words- in our later discussions,
this question will be taken up in detail, and it will be shown
that what is needed is not a formula borrowed from the
more elaborate, easily introspected case, in which recogni-
tion is slow and long drawn out. What is needed is a
formula derived from a study of habit. When we become
very famihar with an object we are less and less likely to
attach to it trains of images ; we respond to it promptly and
skillfully without waiting for a full picture to be developed
in the mind. So it is also with words. The more familiar
the word, the less the mind delays and pictures its mean-
ings. This example shows that psychology must not adopt
as its chief bases for explanation the long-draw^n-out mental
processes which furnish the most content for introspection.
Experiment in psychology. When psychology is recog-
nized as a broad science, dealing with many facts related
to consciousness as well as with consciousness itself, it will
be understood why recent studies in this field have made
liberal use of experimental methods. Experiment became
a conspicuous method in psychology about fifty years ago.
Prior to that time the observations of psychologists were
limited by the opportunities of personal experience. ^
Let us see the advantages of deliberate experimentation
by canvassing an example. A psychologist is studying
memory. He notes, when he tries to recall objects which
he has observed, that there is a certain incompleteness in
his mental reproduction and that this incompleteness be-
comes increasingly impressive with the passage of time. He
will hardly fail to find out by this sort of self-observation
much that will help him in describing his processes of
memory. Suppose, however, that he wishes to find out
with definiteness the law which memory exhibits in its
decay, or suppose that he wishes some final decision as to
the best way of examining groups of objects in order that
he may carry away a complete and permanent memory of
them. He wdll find it advantageous for this more complete
study to arrange the objects with a view to the questions
w^hich he wishes to answer. He will observe the objects
during a fixed period, and after a known interval will
submit his memory to a definite test. This illustration is
sufficient to show that there are advantages in the precise |
control of the conditions of observations, which is the first j
step in experimentation. If, now, the psychologist adds
certain aids in the way of apparatus which will make it |
easy to record the time intervals and to present the matter
to be memorized in absolutely uniform fashion, it will be
recognized at once that the more fully developed and pre-
cise method of investigatiou leads to a degree of accuracy
in ascertaining the facts which is otherwise quite impos-
siblerf The experimental method also makes it possible for
observers remote from one another to collect their observa-
tions under the same conditions, so that they can compare
their results and generalize the information which they have
There has been much discussion as to the exact place of
experiment in psychology, some holding that it is the only
true scientific method, others holding that it is very limited
in its application. Those who are most devoted to experi-
mental methods have sometimes gone so far as to assert
that experimental psychology is a separate discipline. Those
who criticize the method point out that the profounder
emotions, such as intense sorrow, and the higher forms of
abstract thought, such as are involved in a scientific dis-
covery, cannot be produced and modified at will. Both
extreme positions are to be avoided. Carefully prearranged'
observation under controlled conditions,/) wherever this is
possible, is the true ideal of scientific psychology. Where
experiment is not possible, other forms of observation must
and should be employed.
Explanation at variance with mere observation. It may
be well, both for the sake of defining the scope of psychol-
ogy and for the purpose of illustrating its methods, to call
attention to the fact that this science, like other sciences,
frequently brings out in its explanations facts which seem
to run counter to direct observation. Thus, before we study
any of the physical sciences, we observe that the surface of
the earth about us is apparently flat. As we progress in
science we come on facts which are incompatible with the
notion that the earth is flat. We note all these observations
and compare them, and finally accept as our general scien-
tific conclusion the statement that the earth is spherical and
not flat, as it seems to ordinary observation. Again, we do
not hesitate to accept the dictum of science that the earth is
moving at a tremendous rate, although we do not observe
the movement directly. These illustrations go to show
that scientific conclusions are broader in scope than single
observations, and frequently so different from the single
observations as to constitute essentially new facts.
Fig. I. Diagram for use in demonstration of the blind spot (see page 10)
When we leave physical science where we have learned
easily to accept the results of inference, and turn to psy-
chology, we do well to remember that earlier generations
less trained in the methods of science found it difficult,
indeed quite impossible, to substitute inferences about the
shape and motion of the earth for the facts of sense ex-
perience. We should therefore be prepared by the con-
sideration of these analogies to recognize the necessity of
comparison and interpretation in our psychology and to
overcome our own hesitation in accepting psychological
inferences as substitutes for introspective observations.
A simple mental experience which offers an excellent
opportunity for the application of the principle of inference
is as follows : Let an observer close one eye and look with
the open eye at the printed page before him. He will
undoubted^ observe what seems to be an uninterrupted
series of impressions coming to him from all parts of the
page. This is, however, quite as incomplete a description
of the facts as is the description of the earth's surface
based upon direct observation. To demxonstrate this, let
the observer close or cover the left eye and look steadily
with the right eye at the small cross in Fig. i. Now let
him move the book backward and forward from seven to
eight inches in front of his face until the black circle dis-
appears. He will thus discover that a certain part of the
page is not yielding an uninterrupted series of impressions.
The explanation of the facts here involved cannot be ob-
tained through introspective observation, for it depends on
the structure of the eye, there being in the sensory surface
• of the eye an area that cannot receive impressions. This
is the area where the optic nerve leaves the eye. This illus-
tration should prepare the student to find in the science of
psychology many statements about the nature of his conscious
processes which he cannot expect to verify by a simple proc-
ess of observation. Observation is indispensable, but the sci-
^/' entific understanding of consciousness requires an elaborate
interpretation of all the facts which can be obtained.
Subdivisions of psychology. ) Psychology as a science
dealing in a broad way with conscious processes and with
the conditions and results of these processes\ has proved
to be most fruitful in its applications. Wherever human
nature is to be influenced, whether it be in the writing of
an advertisement or in convincing a jury, the psychology of
the process is worth understanding. If the study of the
process can be made exact through experimentation and
comparison, applications will be the safer and more effec-
tive. There has been in recent years a vigorous cultivation
of psychology in all its possible forms and in all its possible
applications. Thus, there is a psychology of animal con-
sciousness. There is a psychology of the child's conscious-
ness, especially cultivated by those who v/ish to ascertain
the laws of mental development which underlie education.
There is a psychology of abnormal human minds known by
the special name of psychiatry. There is a psychology of the
products of human minds when they act in social groups,
as in the development of language, customs, and institutions.
This is called social psychology or folk psychology. Certain
other lines of subdivision are sometimes drawn. Thus,
experimental psychology has sometimes been marked off
from other forms of investigation. Physiological psychology
has also been treated as a separate science. Finally, it is
not uncommon to meet such titles as the psychology of art,
or of literature ; the psychology of religion, of the crowd ;
and so on through a long list of highly differentiated
Some confusion has resulted because of the tendency
of psychology to break up into so many minor disciplines.
The confusion disappears, however, as soon as one recog-
nizes that in methods and subject matter all the special
psychologies are merely prarts of the general science. The
explanation of the subdivisions is partly historical. As new
interests or new methods have asserted themselves, the
traditions of the earlier stage of psychology have often
resisted the innovation to such a degree that a new disci-
pline was for a time necessary to accomplish the develop-
ment of the science. In addition to these historical reasons,
the breadth of human, interests in the study of experience
is so great that the mastery of any single phase of mental
life involves a concentration somewhat more pronounced
than that which is required in many sections of the physical
Summary and definition of psychology. The special de-
partments of psychology cannot all be fully treated in a
general course, such as that which is to be given in the
following chapters. Much can be touched upon only by way
of illustration. The general treatment must confine itself to
the establishment of broad principles applicable in greater
or less degree to all of the special fields. With this neces-
sity of general exposition in mind, the statement with which
titiis introductory chapter began may be amplifi^ed as follows :
The legitimate function of a course in. general psychology
is to consider tlie_^typical processes of mental life with refer-
ence to their internal constitution and also with reference to
their external conditions ; to examine these processes with
the aid of experiments and observations from both the intro-
spective and impersonal points of view; and, finally, to relate
consciousness to the other phases of life, especially to human
and animal behavior, and also to external reality in such a
way as to furnish the basis for an adequate understanding
not only of individual consciousness but also of the experi- »
ence of all conscious beings. \
zrr^^efinitions of certain general psychological terms. In this j
statemicnt and throughout the chapter the terms ''conscious- \
ness," ''mental life," and "experience" have been used with-
out an}/ effort to define them. Complete critical definitions j
of these terms presuppose a knowledge of the results of
psychological study, for it is the function of psychology to j
ascertain the characteristics of consciousness. In the mean-
time there is no danger of confusion in the preliminary use
of the terms. Consciousness is what each one of us has
when he sees and hears, when he feels pleasure or sorrow,
when he imagines or reasons, or decides to pursue a line of
action. Experience is a general word which may conven-
iently be used to cover the same group of facts. Stones do
not experience impressions or emotions. Man, on the other
hand, lives in a world of experiences. His inner life is not
made up of objects, but of experiences of objects. When-
ever we think, or remember, or try to understand an object
presented to the senses, we have an experience. As pointed
out in the discussion of introspectioii>_cQnscious processes
may be distinguished from other facts by the possibility of
r ^ . .
self-observation or introspection, by which method alone
these conscious facts can be directly observed, j Facts of
external reality are open to general observation by many
different individuals ; conscious experiences are purely per-
sonal, open to introspective observation only^We sometimes
express the contrast between the facts of conscious experi-
ence and the facts of external reality by the use of the terms
''subjective" and ''objective." Whatever belongs exclusively
to the world of experience is called subjective. Thus, ideas
and feelings are subjective. The facts with which physics
and chemistry deal are not exclusively subjective ; they have
objective, external characteristics. Indeed, physics and chem-
istry are interested in facts only in so far as they are objec-
tive. For these natural sciences the subjective ideas of the
individual physicist or chemist are merely the means to an
end, which end is the intelligent comprehension of the ob-
jective world, frhe same antithesis which is expressed by
the terms " subjective " and " objective " is expressed by the
terms "psychical facts" and "physical facts." vThe former
are the directly known conscious processes ; the latter are
the facts of the external world as known through the senses
and as studied in the objective sciences. MThese remarks on
the various terms which are used in defining the sphere of
psychology serve to indicate, in a sufficiently unambiguous
way, the direction in which our studies must turn.
The introspective approach. There are two lines of pro-
cedure which may be adopted in the study of mental proc-
esses. On the one hand, we can begin with the description
of some personal experience and from this central fact move
outward until we arrive at a full explanation of all the causes
and conditions of this experience. Thus, when I try to re-
member the name of a person whom. I met some time ago,
I find that I can recall the vague general fact that it was
a short name, beginning with the letter '' E," but it requires
time and effort to fill in the rest. The questions which im-
mediately arise are such as these : Where is the storehouse
in which these memories were locked up ? Why did one
part of the name drop away and another part persist ? What
kind of effort is necessary to bring out the missing part ?
Evidently it will be necessary, before these questions can
be answered, to go outside of immediate consciousness.
Indirect method of approach to psychological facts. The
second line of procedure is the reverse of that just de-
scribed. We can approach personal experience from without,
reviewing briefly the conditions which make such experi-
ence possible and gradually coming to the particular facts
which at this moment fiJl the observer's mind. This mode
of taking up the study has the disadvantage of leaving
the student with the impression that psychology is very
remote from his inner experiences. On the other hand, it
has the advantage of supplying him from the first with a
body of facts which he is not able to contribute out of his
direct observation of himself. Some patience will be required
in coming thus indirectly to the study of mental processes,
and the student will need to keep in thought, with very little
aid from the text, the goal toward which the preliminary
study is leading.
The indirect method is the one with which we shall be-
gin. We shall take up, first, the facts of animal behavior
and nervous organization and shall thus lay the foundations
for an explanation of the facts of personal experience. Later
we shall review the facts of consciousness itself in the light
of this preliminary indirect study.
Characteristics of unicellular animals. Our method car-
ries us back to the most primitive forms of animal life.
Here we find minute microscopic beings whose whole body
consists of a single cell. This cell is made up of a mass
of living tissue known as protoplasm. Such a unicellular
animal is capable of moving about by contracting its tissue ;
it is capable of reproducing itself by cell division ; it is capa-
ble of digesting food and throwing out waste matter ; and,
finally, it is irritable when acted upon by external forces.
When the student examines life reduced to the low terms
which are exhibited in a unicellular animal, he realizes
more fully than he is likely to realize when examining
higher forms how thoroughly interdependent are all the
phases of an animal's life. Consider how impossible life
would be without the new supply of energy which comes
through digestion ; , how limited in scope life would be with-
out movement to bring the animal to new sources of food
and carry it out of danger, or without cell division to in-
crease the number of members in the species ; and how
utterly out of contact with the rest of the world the indi-
vidual would be without irritability. The fact that all these
functions appear in the simplest unicellular forms shows
how fundamental they are.
Simplest types of behavior. The only facts on which we
can base a judgment with regard to the inner processes in
such an animal are the facts of behavior. These appear to
be very simple. The animal has three forms of movement.
It swims forward and takes in food. If it encounters a
stimulus which is unfavorable, such as heat or acid, it darts
backward and swings around in a direction which takes its
mouth opening away from the stimulus. Fig. 2 shows a
series of movements as exe-
cuted by such an animal. The
figure represents one end of
a microscope slide which is
heated at the upper edge.
A unicellular organism, Oxyt-
richa, in the position i is
reached by the heat coming
from the upper part of the
slide. The animal reacts by
turning to the right (position
2). This intensifies the exci-
tation caused by the heat, and
the animal backs to position 3.
It then turns (position 4) and
swims forward (position 5),
again encountering the heat.
It then darts back (position 6), turns (position 7), and swims
forward until it comes against the wall of the trough (posi-
tion 8). It then reacts as before, by backing (positions 8-9),
and turning to the right (positions 9-10). This type of
reaction continues as long as its movements carry it either
against the wall or into the heated region. When it finally
gets away, as it must in time if it continues its reactions,
it swims forward, taking food as it did before disturbed.
Thus we see that there are in the lowest animals very limited
possibilities of behavior. . ^
Fig. 2. Movements of a unicellular
animal. (After Jennings)
Consciousness no more complex than behavior. This
meager repertoire of behavior betokens a relatively undif-
ferentiated inner life. Yet even this animal is influenced
by the impressions made upon it by the outer world. We
may think of the heat as setting up a commotion among
the molecules which make up the body, and this inner
commotion results in a recoil. We distinguish between the
irritability of the animal and its power of movement, but in
reality these two functions are one. The animal recoils
because it is internally aroused by the heat. Once the
extraordinary condition is removed, the animal begins to
exhibit its more peaceful form of behavior, namely, that
of swimming forward, this evidently being the natural ex-
pression of its calmer inner condition.
It is hardly possible for us to imagine, in terms of our
own consciousness, what must be the inner experience of
such an animal, if, indeed, we have any right to think of
it as having experience. Certainly a unicellular animal can
have discriminations only of the grossest sort. When all is
well and the animal is swimming forward and taking food,
the inner state must be one of well-being. When the shock
of a strong stimulus comes, there must be a kind of vague
inner excitement. The two inner states probably differ just
in the degree in which the forms of behavior differ.
Behavior more limited than sensitivity. If we study such
animals with respect to irritability, we find that they respond
to various forms of external energy. Thus, if light falls on
the water, some species will collect in the darkness, others
in the light, in such numbers as to indicate clearly in either
case that they are affected by the light. Again, pressure
due to contact with external objects, as shown above," and
also vibrations of the water are effective in producing more
or less intense movements. Acids or other strange chemical
substances in the water will produce reactions similar to
those called out by heat. In all these cases the animal
exhibits only a few fixed forms of reaction. Our inference
is that the inner processes aroused by all the different
forms of energy are alike. The further inference is that the
animal discriminates between that which calls for forward
movement and that which calls for
withdrawal, but is not able to make
any finer discriminations.
The study of unicellular organ-
isms leaves us, then, with four
important general facts on which
to base our study. Irritability is
a fundamental function of even
the lowest forms of protoplasm ;
it is at first very little differenti-
ated ; it is the function which
guides the animal in its responses
to its environment ; and, finally,
the description of behavior is a
very direct means of arriving at
an understanding of the inner
processes of irritability.
Specialization of cell structures
and functions in higher animals.
Turning: now from the unicellular
Fig. 3. The hydra
The figure shows a section through
the body and exhibits the two cellu-
lar layers with a neutral layer
between. The general body cavity
G is lined by cells which are
devoted entirely to the special
function of digestion (the mouth
opening is at M). R, R, R, R animal to a form somevv^hat higher
are the reproduction cells. The j^ ^j^^ ^^^j^ ^^ ^^^ ^j^^^ StrUCtur-
outer wall of the body is made ^
up of muscle cells and specialized ally the morc highly dcvcloped
sensitive cells. T T T are the ^^imals are characterized by the
tentacles. (Adapted from Haller) ^ ^ ^ ■'
fact that their bodies, instead of
consisting of a single cell, consist of an aggregation of cells ;
this we express by the statement that they are multicellular or-
ganisms. Fig. 3 represents a section of a simple multicellular
animal which lives in fresh water and is known as a hydra.
The animal is sack-shaped, with a mouth opening and ten-
tacles at its upper end. The figure shows the walls of the
sack-shaped body much magnified. The inner Hning of this
wall is made up of a layer of cells which are specialized to per-
form the function of digestion. The outer wall is specialized
in certain of its cells for the reception and transmission of
stimulations, and in other cells for the performance of move-
ments. The processes of reproduction are provided for at
special points in the body wall as indicated at R, Ry R, R,
in Fig. 3. Between the inner and outer layers there is an
intermediate layer of tissue, in w^hich cells sometimes appear
from one of the primary layers. The intermediate layer is not
sufficiently developed to constitute a separate series of organs.
The multiplication of cells and specialization of functions
here exhibited have advantages familiar to anyone who has
observed the analogous fact of division of labor in social
organizations. The cells of the body which are set apart for
special purposes do not lose the general characteristics which
belong to all living protoplasmic cells. For example, all the
cells of the body absorb the necessary nutrition to support
their individual lives, butthe cells outside of the digestive
layer do not take their nutrition from the external world ;
they derive it from the digestive cells which alone perform
the special function of digesting foreign particles. So also
with the function of irritability. This is not lost by the
specialized contractile cells and digestive cells ; it is merely
reduced in these cells to a very low point and is very highly
developed in the specialized sensitive or irritable cells, so
that the movement cells or muscle cells and all other parts
of the body come ultimately to receive their impressions
from the outer world, not directly, but through the neural
or sensory cells. The neural cells or nerve cells are special-
ized cells Vv^hich take over the function of irritability. They
are placed in the outer body wall, where they are in the
most favorable position to be acted upon by external forces
or stimuli, as forms of energy which affect the nervous sys-
tem are technically called. They develop a more complex
chemical structure than the other cells of the body, so that
they are more easily set in action by external forces. They ^
are, accordingly, highly important, but by no means inde-
pendent factors in the organic economy. They are developed,
not for some remote and separate life ol mere irritability or
sensitivity, but as essential parts of the developing organism,
acting as paths through which external forces enter the body
and cause inner states which will adapt the animal in its activ-
ities to the world in which it lives.
Even in the simple organism
under consideration, the process
of specialization has advanced so
far that there begin to appear
various classes of neural or irri-
table cells, each serving a special
function. Certain of these cells
serve the direct function of receiv-
ing impressions from the outer
Fig. 4. Much-enlarged section world, and are known as sensory
of a muscle cell and a sensory ,, - .. , ,1 r
cell of a hydra, together with ^ells, while Others scrve the func-
the connecting cells which he tion of transmitting the impulse to
the muscle cells. Fig. 4 shows a
much-enlarged section of the outer
body wall of a hydra. M is a mus-
cle cell, heavy and elongated to
make more effective the contractile
function. 5 is a sensory cell which receives impressions.
C, C, C, C are intermediate transmitting cells, and F, together
with the other fibers shown, carry the impression through C
from 5 to M.
Specialized nervous processes. The process which goes
on in the neural cells may be described as follows : Some
form of external energy acts upon the cells. The external
energy, as noted above, is called a stimulus. This sets up
a chemical process in the cell which is known as a process
between them
M, muscle cell ; -S, sensory cell ;
C, intermediate, cells ; /% fiber
connecting the sensory cells with
the central cells. (Adapted from
of excitation or a stimulation. The process of excitation
liberates energy which was stored up in the cell. This
liberated energy is transmitted to other cells in the body,
either to the secondary transmitting neural cells, C, C, or to
the active contractile cells such as M, This current of
nervous energy has been compared to an electric current.
It is, however, much slower than an electric current, its rate
of transmission being in the higher animals about one
hundred meters per second or less. We do not know its
exact character, but probably it is more like the succession
of combustions which takes place along the line of a fuse
of gunpowder. Our ignorance of the exact nature of the
nervous current need not delay the discussion, however, for
we shall find that the importance of nervous currents
for our further study depends upon their paths of trans-
mission rather than on their chemical nature. The path of
transmission will be determined primarily by the direction
and connections of the fibers which unite the cell in which
a given excitation originated with other parts of the body ;
secondarily, the path of transmission will depend on the
fatigued or unfatigued condition of the cells and on the
other currents of energy which are flowing through the system
at the same time. All these complex possibilities may be
summed up in the statement that in its transmission through
the neural organs every nervous excitation is directed and
is combined with other impulses, and is ultimately determined
in its effects by its path of transmission to the muscles or
glands and by its relation to other impulses. Furthermore,
as soon as it is recognized that nervous impulses consist in
currents of energy which have been liberated by the stimulus,
it will be recognized that every nervous current must pro-
duce some effect before it is dissipated ; for a current of
energy must do some work — it cannot disappear. The
effects produced by nervous impulses are of two kinds.
First, the energy may be absorbed in the course of its
transmission, in which case it will produce changes in the
condition of the nervous tissue, thus contributing to the
modification of the structure of that tissue. Second, it may
be carried to the natural outlet of all nervous excitations,
namely, the active organs of the body, where it will produce
some form of behavior. If it contributes to changes in
structure, these changes in structure will ultimately influ-
ence new incoming impulses which are on the way to the
active organs. We may therefore say that, directly or in-
directly, all incoming nervous impulses are transmitted to
the active organs of the body after being more or less
completely redirected or partially used to produce structural
changes in the nervous organs.
Nervous processes of three distinct types. The range of
nervous processes possible in the simple structures of a
hydra is' extremely limited ; for this very reason the funda-
mental characteristics of nervous processes are all the more
apparent. We can distinguish clearly the first step which
is the reception of the external stimulus.' This first step
is commonly described as a sensory nervous process. The
cell on which the stimulus acts is a receiving cell. The in-
termediate cells placed between the receiving cell and the
muscle are called transmitting cells or central cells. The
fibers passing from the central cells to the muscle or gland
are motor fibers. It will be seen that the) sensory,) central,
and'^motor processes cannot be sharply distinguished from
each other ; they are all phases of a single continuous
process, the end of which is always some active process in
the muscles ; but for purposes of scientific explanation it is
necessary to distinguish them as three distinct types.
Behavior varied and much more complex. If we contrast
the hydra with the unicellular organism studied in earlier para-
graphs, we are at once impressed by the fact that the hydra
has a greater variety of forms of behavior. To be sure, all
these forms of behavior belong under two fundamental types.
namely, that of moving forward to capture food and that of
withdrawing from danger. But each of these fundamental
forms of action has been developed so that it is more
elaborate and varied than it was in the unicellular animal.
Thus the tentacles move in such a way as to sweep food
into the mouth, and they contract in the presence of
unfavorable stimuli, even when the body as a whole is not
in full action. The body moves sideways, now in one
direction, now in another. In short, the more complex
animal is characterized by an increasing variety of action.
Not only so, but an action often consists of a series of
related movements, making a complex chain of acts, all
directed toward a single end. The body, for example,
comes in contact with a piece of food. The animal swings
around, the tentacles seize the particle, sweep it into the
mouth, and the inner digestive canal closes in on it and
begins its ingestion. Such a chain of cooperating acts
shows that a high level of evolution of behavior has been
reached where single elements of behavior are united into
complex coordinations.
From this point on we shall dwell chiefly on the structural
growth of the nervous system, but the statements made
regarding the behavior of hydra should be thought of as
repeated and even as amplified to correspond to each
progressive complication of nervous structures.
Progressive evolution in both structure and behavior.
When we turn from the hydra to the higher forms of life,
we find that the multiplication and specialization of cells go
on to the highest degree, producing in the animals at the
upper end of the scale a variety of forms of sensitivity and
of behavior which culminate in such capacities as those
exhibited in man.
Centralized nervous system. We must confine our survey
to a few of the major facts in this process of evolution. As
we ascend the. scale, there is a grouping of the central cells
into complex organs and, second, a differentiation of the
receptive or sensory cells resulting in the production of
special organs for the reception of a great variety of stimuli
such as light, sound, tastes, odors, and other forms of
energy. These two types of development may advantageously
be considered in succession. For the remainder of this
chapter, the differentiation of the sense organs will be
passed over and the evolu-
tion of the central organs
will be briefly sketched.
The nerve cells of the
hydra are scattered diffusely
throughout the body wall ;
there is no special part of
the body in which the cen-
tral cells are massed. The
higher animals all have a
more or less highly cen-
tralized nervous system. A
simple type of centralization
is seen in the starfish.
Fig. 5 shows the general
outline of this animal's body
and the distribution of the
central nervous cells. Each
double line represents a
group of cells. It will be
seen that there is for each arm a central group of cells, to
which sensory excitations come from the surface of the body
and from which motor impulses go out to the muscles.
There is also a central ring which binds together the differ-
ent arms and centralizes in a still higher degree the whole
animal. This ring is in the neighborhood of the mouth
opening, and its function is undoubtedly that of controlling
the whole animal in taking food.
Fig. 5. Outline of a starfish, and nerv-
ous system of the same
Each arm of the starfish is suppHed with
a series of nerve cells indicated by the
lines passing through the various arms.
From these nerve cells, fibers extend to
the surface and receive sensory impulses
and send out motor impulses. (After Loeb)
Another type of centralization appears in any one of the
segmented animals, such as an insect. Fig. 6 shows such a
centralized nervous system. Each segment has its group of
central cells, and all the segmental centers are related by
connecting fibers to one another and to the highly developed
group of cells in the first segments,
which are near the mouth opening.
Coordinating center of the body.
The development of a complex cen-
tral nervous system is of the high-
est importance in animal life. As
we have seen, the body cells of
the higher animals are specialized.
There must be some central con-
trolling group of cells or the body
would not be able to carry on its
manifold functions in a unified and
harmonious fashion. The central
nerv^ous system is the controlling
and unifying organ. The arms of
the starfish are made to serve the
mouth because the mouth ring of
nerve cells is the dominating organ
of the body. In the beetle all the
organs of locomotion are made to
serve the head, which is both the
entrance to the alimentary canal and
the seat of the important special
organs of sense, namely, the eyes and the feelers. The
central nervous system reproduces in outline the whole body
and is a connecting tract through which stimulations are
carried from one organ to the other.
It is hardly necessary to reiterate the statement made above
that this evolution of nervous structures is paralleled by an
evolution in behavior. The number of acts of which an insect
Fig. 6. A stag beetle, show-
ing the outline of the body
and the distribution of the
nerve cells and fibers
Each segment of the body has
a ganglion of cells G, G, G,
from which fibers F^ F^ F are
distributed to the surface of
the body for the reception of
stimulations and the distribu-
tion of motor impulses. The
ganglion in the front section
of the body is double and of
greater importance than those
in the posterior segments
is capable, the complexity of its methods of locomotion, of
protection, and of reproduction, — all attest the intimacy of
the relation between nervous structure and behavior.
Complex paths within the nervous system. Not only so,
but the central group of nerve cells begins to have certain
internal paths which take on the largest significance for the
animal's life. The energy which comes in at the sense
organ of a beetle sets up through the central nervous system
a most complex chain of acts. Think, for example, of such
an insect aroused by the smell of food. It first flies to the
spot, guided by the increasing intensity of the odor ; it lights
on the food and then seizes it. In such a series of acts
the nervous system has acted in the most complicated way to
control and keep in action the various muscles of the body
in the interests of the whole organism which is dependent
for its life on its ability to find food and absorb it.
Such considerations lead us to think of the nervous system
itself as a complex organ made up of dominant centers and
secondary centers with paths running between them. Our
later study will fully justify such a conception.
When the nervous system reaches this stage of organiza-
tion, many of its inner paths and centers are determined by
the animal's inheritance. Just as a starfish inherits arms and
a mouth from its race, and a beetle inherits legs and wings,
so each animal inherits certain paths through its central
nervous system. These inherited paths play a large part in
controlling the life of the individual animal. The insect takes
a certain type of food because its inherited sensory cells
respond in a certain definite way to certain odors. Other
special activities, such as depositing eggs and special modes
of flight designed to carry the animal away from enemies,
are due also to the organized tracts which run through the
nervous system. Indeed, it appears in the study of insects
and animals at the lower levels of evolution that practically all
their modes of behavior are determined through inheritance.
Experience comparable to the lower forms of human
experience. If we try to guess what are the experiences of
such an animal, we must not draw on our own experiences
of meditation and deHberation. Dehberate casting about in
thought for a course of action is far from characteristic of an
insect. The analogy which we should borrow from human
experience is the analogy of a fully organized habit or, better,
the analogy of one of our own inherited modes of action,
such as that exhibited in the winking of the eye or jerking
the head aside when an object moves rapidly toward the face,
threatening to strike it. Conscious experience is made up
in such cases, not of clearly defined knowledge of the thing
which gives rise to the experience, but rather of a vague
excitement, followed by unrest when the instinctive winking
or dodging does not adequately meet the requirements of
the situation, and by satisfaction when the activity proves
Differentiation of vertebrate central nervous system.
Passing by long steps up the scale of life, we may next
consider the nervous system of one of the lower vertebrates.
Here we find that the centralized organization has gone be-
yond that seen in the insects, but it is yet relatively simple.
Fig. 7 shows the general form of the frog's nervous
system looked at from above. In all of the vertebrates the
nervous system is incased in the bones of the vertebral
column and skull, so that the view here presented shows
the appearance of the nervous organs after the bones and
muscles and skin which cover these organs in the normal
animal have been removed. The frog's nervous system may
be roughly divided into two main sections. The first part
lying behind the cerebellum consists of the long cylindrical
spinal cord with the medulla, which is essentially an enlarge-
ment at the upper end of the cord. The cord and medulla
are directly connected with the surface of the body by means
of a great number of fibers. The incoming sensory impulses
from the skin are received through certain of these fibers,
and motor impulses are distributed to the muscles through
others. There are many cells
in the cord and medulla, their
chief function being to form
links of connection between
the incoming sensory fibers
and the outgoing motor fibers.
If the cord and medulla are
separated from the higher cen-
ters by a cut just below the
cerebellum, the animal con-
tinues to live and is capable
of certain simple responses to
sensory stimuli, the only depar-
ture from the normal being that
activities called out by stimuli
and muscles and protecting bone show a machinc-like regularity.
were removed t-i •r j r 'j •
Ihus, II a drop oi acid is
A, spinal cord with some of the nerve
fibers which extend from this organ
to the surface of the body (in the
posterior region a plexus of fibers
extends to each of the posterior ex-
tremities ; in the anterior region^ a
plexus extends to each of the anterior
extremities) ; B, medulla ; C, cerebel-
lum ; D, optic lobes, which are con-
nected with the eyes by optic fibers that
pass underneath the brain ; E, optic
thalami ; F, cerebral hemisphere. The
anterior portions of the hemispheres
constitute what are known as the olfac-
tory lobes. These lobes are directly
connected by means of the fibers shown
in the figure with the olfactory region.
Many of the nerve fibers which extend
from the medulla to the surface of the
body are omitted in this drawing
Fig. 7. The nervous system of a
frog as it would appear if the skin
applied to the skin of the frog's
trunk, the nearest leg brushes
off the excited spot. The acid
sets up a sensory process ; this
travels up to the cord and
there passes through certain
central cells and is sent back
along motor fibers to the mus-
cles. The whole process is
like that described a few pages
back as taking place in the
hydra. There is no evidence
that a frog having its spinal
cord severed from the higher
centers has any ability to carry on the higher processes of
discriminating reaction which involve intelligence.
If the frog is normal, — that is, if the connection be-
tween, the spinal cord and the higher centers is intact, — the
impulses received by the cord, in addition to circulating
through the lower centers, are carried up to the higher
centers. Here they are influenced by the action of higher
Two types of higher centers : first, higher sensory centers ;
second, indirect centers. The centers above the cord and
medulla, which constitute the higher group of structures in
the frog's central nervous system, are of two kinds. First,
there are certain sensory centers, namely, the large optic
lobes and the olfactory lobes. These connect respectively
with the eyes and nose of the frog and receive sensory
impulses from these higher senses. The large size and
forward position of these two centers indicate the impor-
tance of the functions which they perform in the animal's
life. Especially, the large size of the optic lobes is directly
related to the fact that the frog uses its sense of sight in
capturing the insects on which it subsists. Second, there
are, as will be seen from an examination of the figure,
certain parts of the upper brain which have no direct
connection with the surface of the body. Thus there are
large masses of tissue in the cerebrum and in the optic
thalami which lie between the olfactory and optic centers.
These are higher centers, where the processes which
are received in the sensory centers may flow together
and fuse into higher and more complex forms of nervous
The meaning of these higher centers will be understood
if we use an analogy. In a large business concern there are
minor clerks and managers who attend to all the immediate
details. These lower officers are in contact with the outer
world. Far removed from such direct contact, in a quiet,
central office is a central manager, to whom the minor offi-
cers report when they need to bring other workers in the
establishment into cooperation or when they have problems
requiring greater deliberation and broader views than they
can command.
The indirect nervous centers are fusion centers or associa-
tion centers, to which all the lower centers refer their activi-
ties when these activities need a higher coordination. There
is thus developed within the nervous system a higher level,
which is of superior importance.
Large indirect centers characteristic of highest animals.
If we follow the evolution of the nervous system from the
frog up to man, the most impressive fact is that these in-
direct centers are the ones which show marked enlarge-
ment. A study of Fig. 8 will bring out the facts. A,
in the upper left-hand corner of this plate, shows the
brain of a codfish. At the right is the cord, enlarging
under the cerebellum into the medulla. The cerebellum is
much more fully developed than in the case of the frog.
This is one of the indirect centers referred to in the open-
ing sentence of this paragraph. The midbrain, which is
the optical center, is very large, and at the extreme left
the olfactory region can be seen. The cerebrum consists
in this case solely of the corpus striatum, an organ which
in the higher brains is subordinated to the cortex of the
By in the plate, needs no special discussion. The in-
crease in relative importance of the cerebrum is unmistak-
able. In C the preponderance of the indirect centers is
even more evident. The surface of the cerebellum is folded
so as to make more room at the surface of this organ for
the nerve cells.
Finally, D shows the final type of brain which is char-
acteristic of the highest animals. The cerebrum literally
covers all the forward organs. It is folded or convoluted on
its surface for the same reason as the cerebellum. The
cord, medulla, and other lower organs are present and,
>— c
,. — ,
T ' ■'<
06 '^
6 ^
considering the size of the animal's body, are organs of about
the same importance as in the frog or codfish. The cerebrum
and, to a less extent, the cerebellum are the organs which
attract attention. The higher functions of the dog both in
behavior and in the realm of intelligence must be related to
the enormous development of his cerebrum. It is in the
indirect centers of the cerebrum that those nervous processes
take place which condition intelligence and the correspond-
ing types of behavior. In the lower animals a sensory im-
pulse passes very directly through a relatively small amount
of central tissue to the organs of action. In these lower
animals, also, most of the paths of transmission are in-
herited. In the higher forms, on the other hand, there is a
vast amount of tissue, and the sensory impulse may be greatly
modified by traveling along a complicated route before it is
discharged into the muscles. In the course of this long
journey it may be united with many sensory impulses from
other sources, so that the final action is the resultant of
many cooperating impulses.
Traces of past impressions also present. Not only so,
but this complex tissue becomes a storehouse for a great
\/ variety of changes in structure which result from the recep-
tion of sensory impressions and the sending out of motor
impulses. The phrase ''tablets of memory" begins to take
on a very vivid meaning to the student of brain anatomy.
Here in the central masses of tissue to which the rest of
the nervous system reports are the real seats of organized
personal life, the records of which are deposited in the
course of experience.
Meaning of evolution of complex organisms. The pro-
found significance of this increasing inner complexity of the
nervous system can be understood only when we recognize
that increased inner complexity has always been the outcome
of animal evolution in every organ and every function.
Let us study, for example, the evolution of those organs
of the body that produce the temperature which is charac-
teristic of the higher, so-called warm-blooded, animals. The
simple organism is without the power of generating a con-
stant inner temperature and is therefore utterly dependent
for its body temperature on the environment. As a result.
such an animal cannot carry on vigorous life in the cold.
The complex organism, on the other hand, has purchased
self-sufficiency in matters of temperature by the evolution
of a complex set of temperature-producing organs. The
range of such an organism's life is consequently enormously
Another striking example of increasing self-sufficiency is
furnished by studies of the reproductive processes. In the
simple forms of life the offspring is exposed very early to
the mercies of the environment. The parent organism has
no adequate means of protecting the young. Gradually the
parent grows more complex and in the same degree better
able to protect the offspring. There is an increase in the
food supply deposited with the egg and an increase in pro-
tective devices. The goal of this line of evolution is reached
when the parent becomes sufficiently complex in structure
to provide for the elaborate development of the offspring
within the parent organism. The whole process of evolution
is here seen to lead in the direction of self-sufficiency on
the part of the organism. Instead of depending on the
chances of environmental conditions, the organism builds
up an environment of its own within which its reproductive
processes may be brought to a high degree of completion
before exposing the product to the external world.
Every organ of the complex animal bears witness to the
truth that inner self-sufficiency is the end toward which
organic evolution has been progressing. There are organs
for the storing of energy, so that the individual shall be
relatively free from the necessity of securing immediate
nutrition. There are organs for the secretions of chemical
reagents which shall convert the raw material used as food
into proper ingredients for the building up of body tissues.
Organisms have always exhibited in their higher forms
organs of mobility, which make them free to move at their
own initiative.
In all these cases the obvious significance of increasing
complexity is increasing autonomy of the individual. The
process of evolution has resulted in a more stable set of
inner conditions, which make it possible for the vital proc-
\y' esses to go on without interruption or hazard from fluctua-
tions in the outer world.
Inner organization essential to highest forms of personal
behavior. The meaning of a complex nervous system thus
becomes clear. Nature is evolving an organism in which
inner processes are to be of prime importance. Impressions
must be received fromx the outer world, but the important
question now is. What will be done with these impressions
in the inner nervous system, where the impression is distrib-
uted and combined with other impressions and with traces
of past impressions } .
We are thus brought to the point where we realize the
meaning of the sharp antithesis between inner personality
and sensory impressions. Two men receive the same im-
pression ; to one it means much, to the other little. The
reason for the difference is that in one case there is a highly
organized central response, in the other there is no such
Our later chapters will have much to say about the inner
organization of the nervous system. In the meantime, it
should be kept in mind that behavior runs parallel with this
highest evolution. Man is not only complex in his inner
nervous life, but he is complex in his acts. When one
thinks of the complexity of speech or' of the forms of skill
exhibited in the arts, one realizes that behavior and nervous
organization go hand in hand at the highest levels of life
as well as at the lower levels, which were studied in the
opening paragraphs of this chapter.
Characteristics of behavior of higher animals. The pur-
poses of our present discussion will be best served, there-
fore, by reviewing briefly some of the characteristics of the
behavior of the higher animals. First, the variety of move-
ments is vastly increased. Up to a certain point in animal
evolution the number of organs of movement, of limbs and
oral muscles for example, increases to meet the increasing
needs of the animal ; but ultimately a point is reached where
development of movement goes forward without any corre-
sponding development of new limbs or muscles. This later
stage is characterized by the development of nervous struc-
tures which make it possible to use the given muscles in a
greater variety of combinations. Thus a skilled artisan de-
pends for his perfected movements, not on the development
of new arm muscles or finger muscles, but on the develop-
ment of finer coordinations of those muscles which all human
beings possess.
A second striking fact of behavior which parallels the
development of complex nervous centers is that slight stim-
uli may set up the m^ost elaborate processes. The value of
the stim.ulus in such a case is determined not by the in-
tensity or quality whichjt has in itself but by the complex
organization which it arouses to action. Conversely, a strong
stimulus may be absorbed in the elaborate organization and
produce no immediate effect. These statements can be illus-
trated by the behavior of a frog under the two kinds of
conditions discussed above, namely, when the animal has
been deprived of its higher centers and when its nervous
system is intact. If a stimulus is applied under the former
and simpler conditions, a response will follow immediately
with mechanical regularity. This response wall be of a very
simple and direct type, usually consisting in a movement of
one of the legs up to the point of irritation. In a second
case we may apply the same stimulus to a frog in which the
cord and medulla are connected with the higher centers.
The reaction in this case wall be of an entirely different
character. It will usually not come immediately, and its
form will depend on a great variety of complex conditions.
Thus, the frog may jump away, it may croak, or there may be
a complete absence of apparent reaction. If such results as
these appear in so simple an animal as a frog, the complexity
of possible organization in a human being can be imagined.
Third, as perhaps the most important result of the de-
velopment of indirect nervous centers, is the fact that the
impressions and activities which appear in the course of
individual life are stored up and enter very largely into
the determination of nervous organization. As pointed out
above, the lower direct centers are in the main determined
in structure by heredity ; the higher centers, on the other
hand, are found to be undeveloped at birth, so that the
stimuli which act upon the individual find at the beginning
of life a mass of undeveloped tracts through which they
may be transmitted. It has long been recognized that the
infancy of all the higher animals, especially human infancy,
is very much longer than the infancy of the lower forms.
The reason for this appears as soon as we recognize that
the higher centers of the nervous system are not mapped
out by heredity and require time to mature.
The statements which have been made throughout the chapter
may be summarized in a table. This table shows the steady growth
in the complexity of animal structure and animal behavior and
opens the way for an understanding of the place of consciousness
in the economy of life.
Lowest Forms
Highest Forms
Very simple
Most complex
cells diffused
through wall
of body
and central-
by the great
of indirect
Lowest Forms
Highest Forms
of Sense
Very little, if
indeed at all,
Further dif-
reaching com-
plete differen-
tiation (see
later chapter)
Grows more
and more
Most complex
^, limited in
a, increasing
in variety
as compared
with unicellu-
lar forms
a^ shows va-
riety of in-
stinctive acts
a^ specialized
movements of
great variety
b^ made up of
single acts
b^ made up of
simple series
b^ made up of
of factors
^, long coordi-
nated trains
<:, very little
modified by
r, very little
modified by
<:, somewhat
modified by
c^ guided
chiefly by
d^ follows
very directly
on stimulus
, man. The possi-
bility of developing definite paths
between various neurones increases
in proportion to the increase in the
number and complexity of the den-
drites from the cells, a is sl neuroblast
without dendrites, from the earlier
embryonic development of a human
brain> d shows the beginnings of den-
drites at the upper end of the cell.
In c, in d, and in e the dendrites
increase. The form of the mature cell
can be seen by referring to D in the
upper series. (After Cajal)
Paths in spinal cord. Let us follow a sensory impulse
through the lower paths of connection in the spinal cord.
Fig. 13 shows a magnified section across the cord. The
left side of the figure shows the appearance of the section
as seen under the microscope, while the right side is dia-
grammatic and allows one to trace some of the paths
through the tissue. The figure shovv^s that the cord is
bilateral ; that is, made up of two similar parts, one for
each side of the body. The nervous system throughout is
Fig. 13. Transverse section across the spinal cord
bilateral, just as are the nostrils and eyes and arms. In the
middle of the cord is a mass of cells. They have a gray
color and are called, collectively, gray matter. Around the
mass of cells are bundles of fibers which, because of their
glistening white color, are clearly distinguishable from the
cells. Some fibers are seen running into the cord and out
of it at the level of the section ; some are running back
and forth within the cord ; the majority appear as mere
spots because they run in a direction perpendicular to the
plane of this section and are cut squarely across in making
the section.
On the right side of the figure at A is seen a nerve
trunk, or cable-Hke bundle made up of many nerve fibers.
This bundle of fibers breaks up into two roots ; the root P
is a sensory root along which sensory impulses enter the
cord ; the root M is a motor root along which impulses
leave the cord on their way to the muscles. At {7 is a
group of cells outside the cord, constituting an independent
ganglion. These are the cells which send their fibers to the
skin and receive the impression of touch. If one has the
patience to trace the fibers i, 2, 3, and 4, one will find
typical paths across the cord. This diagram alone is not
adequate, however, for many of the fibers must be shown in
a flat section of this kind as abruptly broken off. They
pass in reality out of the level of this section. Fig. 14 is
therefore added to give an idea of the way in which the
various levels of the cord are related to each other and
to the cerebrum. B represents a section of the spinal
cord \ A, ?i portion of the cerebral cortex. D^ represents
a region of the skin in which the sensory ending of a
tactual fiber from the cell D is distributed. A pressure
stimulation acting upon D^ will excite the nerve cell and
send a stimulation inward, as indicated by the arrows.
This stimulation will pass upward and downward to various
levels of the cord, as indicated by the branching of the
incoming fiber at e. Certain portions of this incoming stim-
ulation will be distributed through the spinal cord at differ-
ent levels, as indicated by the small collateral branches
passing horizontally out of the branches of the sensory
fiber (see also Fig. 13). At /" the incoming fiber communi-
cates with a nerve cell which, in turn, connects with the
cerebrum. This diagram is much too simple, more than
one cell being necessary for the transmission of this stimu-
lation to the higher centers. When the stimulus reaches g
in the cerebral cortex, it acts upon the large cell there shown,
and is transformed into a motor impulse. It then passes
downward along the fiber a^ which gives off horizontal
collaterals at different levels of the cord. Through one of
these collaterals or through the termination of the centrif-
ugal fiber, as indicated at ^, the stimulus is transmitted to
a motor cell in the
spinal cord, and
from this cell is
carried outward to
the muscles indi-
cated at C,
Reflex tracts.
When a sensory
stimulation passes
through the cord
and comes out in
an immediate reac-
tion, the pr(5cess
is called a reflex.
Thus, when one
touches a hot iron
and jerks back the
hand, such a proc-
ess is exhibited.
The nerve cells in
the cord are in this
Fig. 14. A diagram to illustrate the course of the fashion in control
sensory stimulation when it passes upward from c -pp^.^,, ^f j-Up
the level of the spinal cord at which it is received. •'
(After Cajal) sil^plest forms of
behavior, such as
the organic processes involved in digestion, and the simpler
protective movements, such as the withdrawing of the
hand above referred to. The nerve cells of the cord are
larger than in other parts of the system, hence do not
fatigue as readily; they watch over the body when the cells
in the higher centers are asleep.
Transmission to higher centers. In addition to serving
as a seat for the reflex centers, the cord is a communicating
cable, as was shown in Fig. 14, carrying up to the brain
messages from the surface of the body and carrying back
messages to the muscles.
All nervous organs in part inde-
pendent centers. The higher nervous
centers above the cord are more
elaborate organs, but they are in
essential structure the same as the
cord. Below the cerebrum every
organ of the nervous system may be
said to consist, like the cord, of a
combination of relatively independent
cell centers and transmitting tracts.
In the cerebrum the whole surface
of the organ is made up of inde-
pendent cell centers.
Cerebellum. In the cerebellum the
central function predominates. This
. . cells c and to the larger
can be shown by exammmg a section cell b. From b, the stimu-
of this organ. Fig. 15 shows one of ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ out^vard along
the descending fiber, d also
the lamellae, or folds of the cere- shows the termination of an
bellum, much enlarged. It will be incoming fiber. The organs
here figured serve to redis-
seen from this section that the cells tribute impulses from other
lie, not in the center of the orp:an as p^^^ ^^ ^^ nervous system.
. ' . , . . . ^ (After Cajal)
m the spmai cord, but at the outer
surface. Fibers enter the cerebellum in bundles and termi-
nate in a fine network of fibrils about the cells which are
situated on the surface. The surface, which is technically
known as the cortex, is increased very greatly in extent by
the folding, which can be seen in any figure representing
this organ. The result of the folding is that provision is
made for an enormous number of cells in a relatively
small cubical space. Through the action of the cells in
Fig. 15. A diagrammatic
section through a part of
one of the folds in the
A fiber, a^ entering from
some other part of the cen-
tral nervous system, distrib-
utes its impulse to the small
the cerebellar cortex, an impulse which comes into thi
cerebellum as a single impulse from one of the higher
centers, as, for example, from the cerebrum, may be sub-
divided into a great number of currents so as to arouse,
Corpus Callosum
Fig. 1 6. The brain seen from below and cut open to show the paths of
fibers from the cortex of the cerebrum to the lower organs
In the lower part of the figure near the middle is the medulla. One side of the
cerebellum is shown on the left. Sections of the cerebral cortex constitute the chief
part of the figure, especially at the left above and below. From the cortex peduncular
fibers pass downward. Near the top of the figure the heavy band of fibers constituting
the corpus callosum crosses from one hemisphere to the other. (After Edinger)
when distributed to the active organs, a whole system of
muscles. Indeed, there is evidence that the cells of the
cerebellum contribute in the way indicated to muscular
coordinations in all parts of the body.
Cerebrum and its systems of fibers. From the cord and
cerebellum and the other minor centers of the nervous sys-
tem we turn to the cerebrum. Our study of the evolution
of the nervous system showed the dominating importance
of this organ in all of the higher animals. The cerebrum
is a complex organ to which sensory impulses come from
all parts of the body and from which motor impulses are
sent out to all the voluntary muscles. It is not directly
Fig. 17. Sketch showing some of the association fibers connecting various
parts of the cortex of the cerebrum with one another. (iVfter Edinger)
connected with the surface of the body, but is indirectly
the organ in control of all parts of the body. It is a cen-
tral clearing house for the organism. It is the part of the
body most intimately related to consciousness.
In structure the cerebrum consists of an external folded
or convoluted layer of cells known as the cortex. This cor-
tex is from one eighth to one twelfth of an inch in thick-
ness and shows many variations in structure in its different
parts. To these variations in the structure of the cortex
further reference will be made later. The central mass of
the cerebrum is composed of fibers which provide for the
connection of each point of the cerebral cortex with every
other part of the nervous system. The general structure of
the cerebrum may, perhaps, be comprehended most easily
by referring to the systems of cerebral fibers. There are
three types or systems of
First, there are great
bundles of fibers connect-
ing the cerebrum with the
lower centers and constitut-
ing the paths along which
motor impulses descend.
These constitute the pe-
duncular tract. Some of
these fibers were shown
in the diagram illustrating
Fig. i8. A transverse section across the the paths in the spinal
tv70 hemispheres in a plane passing verti- cord (Fig. I4) ; the whole
cally throusfh the cheek bones parallel , . i • t— /-
i r ^- ^u 4. system is shown m l^is^. 16.
to a line connecting the two ears -^ ^
• . . , , ^, , . , , ,. , Second, there are fibers, as
This section shows the fibers which estabhsh \ ^ \
communication between the two hemispheres. Shown In -Tig. I /^ whlch
When the fibers in this figure are supple- ^onnect the different poiutS
of the cortex of one hemi-
sphere with other points
in the same hemisphere.
These fibers are techni-
cally known as association fibers. The third bundle of fibers
extends from one hemisphere of the cerebrum to the other
hemisphere. The fibers of this group are known as the
commissural fibers, and go to make up the corpus callosum,
or bridge of fibers, conspicuous in any median section of
the cerebrum and shown in Fig. 18. This bridge was also
shown in Fig. 16. ' .
mented by those represented in the two
preceding figures, it will be seen that every
point on the cortex of the cerebrum is in
communication with all other parts of the
nervous system. (After Edinger)
Structure of cerebrum as indicating way in which impulses
are organized. No clearer evidence of the function of the
cerebrum can be found than that which is given in the
structure of its systems of fibers. An impulse which reaches
the cells of the cerebral cortex through the sensory, or
incoming, fibers of the peduncular tract is brought to the
cortex for the purposes of redistribution and combination
with other impulses. The elaborate system of interconnect-
ing tracts provides for infinite recombinations of nervous
Fig. 19. Two sections representing portions of the cerebral cortex from
two areas of the human brain
On the left there are shown the sixth and seventh layers of the visual center. The
horizontal distribution of the dendrites of the large pyramidal cells is characteristic
of this region. On the right is a part of the motor center, showing giant pyramidal
cells which in size and distribution of dendrites differ from those in other centers.
(After Cajal)
impulses. We shall refer in all of our later discussions to
the organization of nervous processes which goes on in the
cerebrum. The term ''organization," so used, refers to the
fact that a nervous impulse, when it reaches the cerebrum,
is united with other impulses and is carried along complex
series of paths, until finally it is discharged into the motor
channels which pass outward to the muscles. No impulse
which reaches the cerebrum can escape combination with
other impulses ; the purpose of the whole structure is to
provide channels for the most complete interrelating of all
the higher nervous processes.
Cerebral cortex complex. The cortex of the cerebrum
has a structure of such complexity that it h^s been impos-
sible, until very recently, to define with
anything like certainty its various parts.
Fig. 19 represents two typically different
areas. An examination of these dia-
grams shows that the cells are of differ-
ent types and the mode of interlacing
of their dendrites is different. Fig. 20
shows a diagrammatic representation of
some of the different elements which
are characteristic of the cerebrum. By
means of this figure the cells and fibers
which in reality are interlaced can be
distinguished from each other.
Localization of functions. Though we
are ignorant of the meaning of many of
the details of cortical structure, we are
well informed as to the functions of
many areas of the cortex. The cortex
may be divided into three kinds of areas
or centers ; these are sensory areas,
motor areas, and association areas. The
sensory areas are those which have the
most direct relations to the various
organs of sense ; the motor areas are
those which stand in most direct rela-
does not represent ade- ^ions to the active orgaus. There is no
quateiy the complexity of part of tlic ccrcbrum which has simple
the structure. Many small i • i* . i .- ^ ^i r
cells are not here repre- ^^d immediate relations to the surface
sented. A general impres- of the body, SO tHat the tCrmS "~ SCUSOry"
gain;d^f"he fig^'^re o'f ^^^ '' motor '' are merely relative terms,
the complexity of the cor- the scusory ccutcrs being those points
tex. ( ter E mger) ^^ which the Stimulations from the organs
of sense are first received in the cerebrum, the motor areas
Fig. 20. ■ A diagram-
matic section showing
the structure of the
cortex of the cerebrum
On the left-hand side of
the figure the cells alone
are shown. On the right-
hand side of the figure
the fiber systems alone
are indicated. The figure
being those points from which the stimulations pass out of
the cerebrum on their way to the muscles. The association
areas, as the name indicates, are areas of a still more indi-
rect character, in which sensory impulses, after being received
in the sensory areas, are recombined and redistributed. In a
very proper sense of the term, all cerebral areas are associ-
ative areas, for they all serve the function of indirect com-
bination and distribution of nervous impulses. Those which
are specifically designated as associative have claim to the
specific name because they perform a function of even higher
combination than do the others. Figs. 21 and 22 show the
centers of these types which appear on the surfaces of the
human cerebrum.
Stimulation the first method of discovering cerebral locali-
zation. It may be interesting to digress for a moment from
the structure of the cortical centers for a discussion of the
methods by which these centers have been located. A great
number of experimxCnts have been tried on the higher
animals. Certain of the areas have been artificially stimulated,
and when muscles in different parts of the body have
responded promptly and regularly to these stimulations, the
connection betw-een the areas stimulated- and the muscles
thrown into action has been recorded. Evidently, artificial
stimulations of this kind w^ould be of little value in locating
sensory or association areas, for there are no clearly marked
muscular effects when the stimulus is applied to areas other
than those directly related to the muscles. For example,
the stimulation of the visual center would show only the
motor effects of such stimulation and would not give any
clear indication of the sensory character of the area.
Extirpation and comparison of pathological cases. A sec-
ond type of experiment which has been productive of results
depends upon extirpation of the tissues. Certain areas of the
cerebral cortex of animals are cut or burned out, and the loss
in function resulting from this removal of the nervous tissue
is carefully studied. This method can be used in locating
both sensory and motor centers. There are cases of disease
of the human nervous system analogous to these cases of
Fig. 21. The outline of the lateral surface of the cerebrum with the typical
convolutions, as given by Flechsig
The shaded portions indicating the sensory and motor centers, and the small circles
indicating certain well-defined association areas, are given according to Tschermak
in Nagel's " Handbuch der Physiologic des Menchen." Vertical lines in the shaded
areas indicate motor areas ; horizontal lines indicate sensory areas ; oblique lines
indicate sensory-motor areas. /, 7, /, 7, i are the motor areas for the toes and
foot; 2, 2, 2 are the motor areas for the shoulder, elbow, and wrist ; j, j, j, j are
the areas for the fingers and thumbs ; ^, 4^ 4, 4 are the motor areas for the eye
and other parts of the face ; j is the center for the vocal cords ; 6, for the tongue ;
7 is the sensory area for the head; 5, 8^ 5, 8 are the sensory areas for the regions
to which motor stimulations are distributed by the areas 1-6 ; 9, g are the sensory-
motor areas of the trunk ; 77, visual area and occipital area for the eye movements ;
72, auditory area and temporal center for visual fixation ; 7j, olfactory bulb ; 14^
probably olfactory area. The area where vertical and horizontal lines cross between
the motor areas 1-6 and the sensory areas 7, 8 is probably connected with the
muscle sense. A^ motor writing center; B, Broca's motor speech center; (T, prob-
ably memory-motor speech center ; Z), sensory music center ; E^ Wernicke's sensory
speech center ; F, memory-sensory speech center ; G\ mem.ory reading center ; H,
sensory reading center. All of these lettered areas are associational centers
extirpation in animals, and careful study of the loss of
human functions shows that the human cortex is subdivided
in much the same way as that of the higher mammals.
Embryological methods. There are other methods of
investigating cerebral areas which deal with the internal
structures. One of the most productive of these methods
depends upon the fact that the different areas of the cere-
brum do not develop at exactly the same period in the
embryological or infant life of a human being. The human
Fig. 22. The median surface of the human cerebrum showing, as in Fig. 21,
the various areas
8, sensory area for the lower extremities; g, g, sensory-motor areas for the trunk;
10, motor area of the lower extremities ; 11, visual area and occipital motor area for
visual fixation ; ij, olfactory bulb ; 14, probably olfactory area ; ij, ij, is, ij, olfactory
areas ; 16, 16, probably gustatory areas. (For reference to authorities for this figure,
see Fig. 21)
embryo exhibits in its early stages a development of the
nervous system about the central fold or fissure, known as
the fissure of Rolando. This area of earliest development
is in the region marked in Fig. 21 as the motor area and
the area of tactual sensitivity. Later, the nervous system
matures in the remaining sensory centers in such sequence
that it is possible, by the study of the microscopic anatomy,
to secure a fairly complete chronological account of the
development of the different regions. The association areas
are the latest to develop. Indeed, in the association areas
the development can be traced for a period after birth, and
indirect evidence seems to make it clear that the development
goes forward well on into mature life.
Association areas. The visual area in the occipital region,
as indicated in Figs. 21 and 22, is the area through which
impulses resulting from retinal stimulation are first intro-
duced into the cerebrum. A similar area for the reception
of auditory impulses appears, as indicated in Fig. 21, just
below the Sylvian fissure. Without entering further into a
discussion of the various centers, it will be enough to call
attention to the relation between the visual and auditory
areas and the association area lying between them. The
association area in question, known as the parietal associa-
tion area, has developed in the course of the evolution of
the cerebrum between the visual and the auditory centers as
the area in which the stimulations from these two centers
may be brought together and combined. There are many
evidences that the combinations of visual and auditory im-
pulses do, as a matter of fact, go on in the parietal associa-
tion center. For example, there is in this parietal region
one area which is of great importance in the function of
speech. If this association area involved in speech is dis-
turbed, the individual may remain quite capable of receiving
visual impressions through his eyes and of receiving audi-
tory impressions through his ears. He may even be capable
of articulation, which is a motor function, but he will lack
the ability to interpret the impressions which he receives
when he hears or sees words or to give expression to a
coherent series of ideas. The area in question has there-
fore been designated as the ideational area. It is ideational
rather than sensory, because it is the seat of a series of
functions more elaborate than those which are involved in
the mere reception of impressions. It is the center for the
combination of visual or auditory impressions. More than
this, the association area is a center which becomes more
and more highly organized in its inner structures through
use, so that its influence on any present impulses is, doubt-
less, such that we are justified in saying that it adds to
these impulses the effects of past experience. In an im-
portant sense it associates present impressions wdth past
impressions, as well as combines present impressions from
different senses. It thus serves in a large way the function
of a reorganizing center for visual and auditory impressions.
Significance of the central position of the general motor
area. Another important fact, which wdll be observed im-
mediately on the inspection of Figs. 21 and 22, is that the
general motor area occupies a relatively central position in
the cerebrum. Around the motor area are a group of asso-
ciation areas where impulses are united on their way to
motor discharge. The area of touch and of general sensi-
bility seems to offer an exception to the general rule of
distribution of sensoryand association centers around the
motor area. This sensory area is not separated from the
motor area by an association area, as are the other sensory
centers. We see in this relation of the cerebral centers for
touch and movement the structural fact which corresponds
to the functional fact that the skin and other tissues which
give rise to tactual sensations would naturally, as the earliest
organs, stand in so intimate a relation to the muscles that
the later and more highly developed organs of sense could
not be expected to duplicate this relation. As the primitive
tactual sensory surfaces came to be supplemented by new^er
and more highly specialized organs of sense, the nervous
centers for the newer senses were forced to take up more
remote and complex relations to the motor area, while the
original senses did not lose the intimate relation which
they bore from the first. The development of the higher
senses furnished also opportunity for greater variety in the
combination of sensory impulses ; consequently the associative
functions and the areas corresponding to them increased
with the development of variety in the sensory functions.
The association centers, which are the structural areas given
up to the function of working over sensory impulses, natu-
rally developed between the centers which performed func-
tions of reception, or the sensory functions, and those which
performed the functions of motor discharge. The topogra-
phy of the cerebral centers thus reflects directly the gradual
evolution of more and more elaborate system_s of nervous
Speech centers. Another group of facts which will serve
to make clear the character of the association areas is to be
found by examining that portion of the cerebrum which is
known as the speech area. This region of the brain was
first recognized by the anthropologist Broca as intimately
related to the functions of speech. He found that disease
in this area resulted in impairment of the patient's ability
to use or understand language. Later studies of aphasia, as
the pathological loss of speech is called, have increased our
knowledge of this area, especially since it has become pos-
sible through the examination of a large number of cases
to distinguish a variety of forms of partial aphasia. Thus,
a person may be able to understand words which he hears,
but be quite unable to understand words which he sees on
a printed page. This form of so-called visual aphasia is
paralleled by forms of auditory aphasia, in which the subject
is able to read, but cannot understand words which he hears
spoken. These two forms of partial aphasia indicate that
the connection between the speech center and either the
auditory or visual center may be interrupted without destroy-
ing the connection between the speech center and the other
sensory area. If the disease of the speech center is strictly
localized so as to interrupt only its connection with the
visual center, the other functions may remain intact, while
the visual forms of recognition of language are interrupted.
Conversely, if the connections with the auditory centers
alone 'are interrupted, visual recognition may continue.
Turning now to the various forms of motor aphasia, or
forms affecting the power of expression as distinguished
from the forms of sensory aphasia mentioned, we find that
an individual may lose the power of articulation without los-
ing the ability to write, or he may lose the ability to write
without losing the ability to articulate. In either one of
these forms of motor aphasia, the subject may be compara-
tively free from sensory deficiencies. The lack of ability to
articulate, when all of the other phases of the function of
speech are present, show^s that the connection with the visual
and auditory centers may be complete, as well as the con-
nection with the motor area for the hand movement involved
in writing, while the motor connection with the center which
sends impulses to the muscles of the vocal cords may be
tem.porarily or permanently interrupted.
Broca's convolution an association center. Broca's con-
volution thus turns out to be an association area in w^hich
a great variety of lines of connection converge. It is not a
part of the nervous system which acts independently in the
control of a separate faculty of speech ; it gains its signifi-
cance in the individual's life as a center for the organization
of stimulations received in other parts of the cortex and
transmitted through the cells and fibers of this area on the
way to the motor area.
Phrenology not in accord with clearly known facts. It
may be well to call attention at this point to the fundamental
distinction between the teachings of phrenology and the dis-
coveries of modern brain physiology. Phrenology maintained
that different parts of the brain are given over to different
faculties. For example, phrenology believed in a certain area
for the recognition of form, another area for the recognition
of number, an area for the function of parental love, and one
for the general trait of combativeness. There is no justifica-
tion for a theory of locaHzation based upon a subdivision of
consciousness into such mythological faculties. The cortex
can be subdivided into areas concerned first with sensory
impulses, second with motor impulses, and third with organi-
zation. Conscious processes must be considered as having
their physiological conditions, not in separate points assigned
to imaginary faculties, but rather in the organized activity
of sensory, motor, and association areas. For example, the
recognition of form naturally includes certain sensory func-
tions and certain associative processes. The general neural
basis for such sensory and associative processes we know,
as has been shown in the foregoing paragraphs. To be sure,
we do not know at the present time all the details of the
cerebral map, but the broader outlines are too'clearly defined
to leave any room for mistaken notions with regard to the
kind of functions which are provided for in the different
areas of the cerebrum.
Frontal association area. One area of the cerebrum which
has been the subject of much speculative discussion is the
frontal area, or that portion of the cerebrum which lies in
front of the motor area. In certain cases large portions of
this area have been destroyed without apparent interference
with the individual's normal functions. There is a famous
case known as the American Crowbar Case, in which a
common laborer, through an accident in blasting, had a very
large portion of this frontal lobe removed by a crowbar pass-
ing through the roof of his mouth and out through the top
of his skull. The individual in question continued to live
with no serious interruption of his regular nervous or phys-
ical functions. Such cases as this may possibly indicate
that the association areas are not fully developed in some
individuals. In general, it is doubtless true that association
areas, more than other parts of the nervous system, are left
open for development through individual experience. If this
conception is accepted, it is not surprising that an individual
might be deprived, as in the case cited, of the possibihty of
further development, or even of some of his higher forms
of association without the loss being obvious to himself or
to those who observe him. Recent experiments, which have
been tried in the extirpation of the small frontal area in cats
and monkeys, show clearly that the frontal area is the part
of the nervous system involved in newly acquired habits.
The fact that man, who alone of all the animals has a large
frontal lobe, is the learning animal par excellence further
confirms the general view derived from these experiments.
General principles of nervous action. It remains to call
attention to a few of the general facts which are known
with regard to action within the nervous organs.
Active organs as termini of all nervous impulses. Nerve
impulses under normal conditions always travel forward in
the single direction from the sensory centers toward the
motor centers. There is no reversing of a nervous current.
If it were otherwise, a central nervous process might travel
down a sensory fiber and arouse the sense organ. We
should see colors and hear sounds whenever the central
system was excited. Under normal conditions this does not
happen. The sensory impulses come only from the sense
organs and always move, even though the path be complex,
in the direction of the motor centers.
Principle of facilitation. When currents pass through
the nervous tissue they leave behind paths or tracts which
facilitate the later transmission of like impulses over like
paths. Indeed, it seems that in many cases this facilita-
tion of transmission goes far enough to reduce the length
of the path. Where the first transmission was over a long
complex path, later transmissions reach the same end by
a more direct route.
Principle of association of centers of high tension. When
two centers in the cerebrum are in simultaneous action,
there is a tendency for a path or connection to be set up
between the two. The active centers may be thought of as
points of high tension and the currents which they send out
tend to flow together.
Diffusion as opposed to organization. Impulses can travel
through the tissue not merely along the paths which are
defined by the branches of the cells but also fromi cell body
to cell body. This is especially true in the early stages of
the life of an individual when tracts are not fully devel-
oped, and it is true at all stages of individual development
for very strong stimulations. The result of such indefinite
transmission is a diffuse condition of excitement. Such dif-
fusion is often the first. stage of organization. After a period
of diffusion, paths are worked out to carry by definite chan-
nels impulses which at first were spread vaguely through the
nervous tissue.
Principle of progressive organization. Under the forego-
ing principles the nervous system is continually becoming
more and more highly organized. The effect of experience
is to be found not merely in the fact that certain paths are
recorded in the nerve cells, but also in the fact that in their
totality these parts develop into increasingly complex series
of interconnections. This is the essential fact which must
be kept in mind if we would understand the progress of the
individual from infancy to mature mental life. Each day's
experience builds up new systems of tracts in the nervous
tissues and thus leads to higher and higher levels of behavior
and experience.
If we keep this formula in mind, we shall be able to
understand the higher levels of consciousness. Such higher
levels are always due to the interrelating of lower forms of
experience. Ideas are made up of related present impres-
sions and the results of past impressions. Thoughts are
made up of interrelated ideas. The formula in every case
is one of more and more complex interrelations.
Classification derived from study of nervous organs. The
study of consciousness has often been taken up without the
preHminary discussion of the nervous system through which
the foregoing chapters have carried us. It would be entirely
legitimate, as remarked in an earlier chapter, to begin the
study of mental processes by looking inward on one's own
experiences and describing the various facts which intro-
spection there discovers. The array of facts which would
thus come to light would, however, be confusing in their
variety and complexity. It is much simpler to approach the
facts of mental life with the type of classification suggested
by the knowledge that sensory processes enter the central
organs and are there redistributed and organized on the way
to the motor organs. With this classification to guide us, '
the facts of experience fall into order and lend themselves
to orderly scientific treatment.
Classification from observation superficial. An analogy
will help to make clear the difficulty of classifying facts on
the basis of unguided observations. If an ordinary man were
asked to classify the organs of the body, he would begin by
pointing out the arms and legs as important subdivisions.
Then he would point out the trunk and head, and so on.
The student of physiology realizes that these gross external
subdivisions are, indeed, important, but they furnish for
science an inadequate basis of study as contrasted with such
fundamental distinctions as those between muscles and bones,
between organs of respiration and organs of circulation, and
so on. The moment we divide up the body on these last-
mentioned Hnes of functional differentiation we find that
our science is following productive trains of description
and explanation.
In much the same way popular distinctions of the dif-
ferent phases of experience must be revised before they can
be used by science. A striking illustration of this is to be
seen in the fact that in popular thought pleasure and pain
are usually treated as facts of the same order, though con-
trasted in quality. A moment's consideration will make it
clear that pain ordinarily arises from some definite point in
the bodyc It is a type of experience which we classify in
science along with those experiences which come from the
stimulations of the skin or the inner surfaces of the body
and are technicallv known as sensations. Pleasure, on the
other hand, has a totally different kind of origin. It is not
a phase of sensation ; it does not come from particular points
of stimulation. It must be treated as a type of experience
which grows out of general organic excitations of a much
more central character than those which are involved in the
production of pain. Again, such a term as '' attention,'' which
has a large practical use in ordinary life, is one of the most
confusing terms when it is carried over into scientific study.
If one recognizes, as he must in psychology, that attention
is capable of a great variety of different degrees, he will find
it possible to extend this term over every possible experience.
There are forms of intense and vivid consciousness for which
some term, such as ''vividness" or ''attention," is undoubtedly
required in science. There are other forms of consciousness
which are relatively vague and indistinct, yet when dealing
with these cases we cannot fail to recognize the necessity of
using the word " attention " or some such phrase as " low
degree of attention," if we have adopted the word into our
scientific vocabulary. These illustrations make clear the
problem which confronts psychology when the attempt is
made to secure an analysis which is at once satisfactory
for purposes of scientific treatment and explanation and in
keeping with ordinary introspective observations.
Historical threefold classification. In the history of psy-
chology many efforts have been made to develop an appro-
priate scientific classification of mental processes. One of
the classifications which was for a long time generally ac-
cepted is that which grouped all forms of experience under
the three general heads of knowledge, feeling, and volition.
There can be no doubt that such a threefold classification
describes certain fundamental differences in conscious ex-
perience. The man who is engaged in thinking out some
problem of science is certainly not at that moment absorbed
in an intense feeling or emotion. On the other hand, the
man who is thoroughly angry over some situation which has
arisen is by no means in a condition to consider logically
and judiciously the facts which appeal to his thoughtful
neighbor who is free from emotional excitement. It is some-
what more difificult to Justify the classification of volition as
different from knowledge and feeling, for no serious thought
is possible without some voluntary effort, and no emotion
ever arises without inducing some form of action. Yet,
even though volition is intimately interwoven in all forms
of knowledge and feeling, there are certain cases of decision
which are not to be regarded as typical processes of know-
ing, or processes of feeling; hence the term ''volition" is
needed for a full description of mental activities.
Historical twofold classification. Another somewhat dif-
ferent type of classification has been used by certain writers ;
according to this, only two different types of experience
are distinguished ; namely, knowledge on the one hand, and
active processes on the other. This twofold classification
offers less difficulty to explanatory science than the three-
fold classification, because it is more general. In bringing
together a great variety of facts under the active processes
so called, we are freed from the necessity of making any
sharp distinction between the feelings, which are undoubtedly
active aspects of consciousness, and decisions, which from
any point of view must be regarded as active.
Without ignoring in our later discussions the historic dis-
tinctions between knowledge, feeling, and volition, it will be
possible to draw from our study of the nervous system a
more productive classification.
Classification according to nervous processes. The most
fundamental fact discovered with regard to nervous struc-
tures was that they couple the sense organs with the organs
of behavior. Consciousness arises during the translation of
a sensory impression into a motor response. Every conscious
process will, first of all, have certain aspects which are due
to the sensory impression and, second, certain other aspects
which are related to the motor response.
Third, every nervous process in its passage from the sense
organ to the point of discharge encounters certain other
nervous processes and is fused with them. Consciousness
is in an important sense the result of fusions of many
impressions. Whoever would understand the facts of experi-
ence must ask how they are built up out of the combination
of many elements. We must study, therefore, the fusions
which condition conscious phenomena.
Fourth, every sense impression on its way to the motor
discharge is modified in character by past processes in the
nervous system. The past is brought over into the present
by the structural changes which are recorded in the nervous
system and influence every new impression in its passage
through this system.
Fifth, the most impressive lesson which was drawn from
the study of the evolution of animal forms was that in the
highest nervous systems great areas are set aside for a type
of indirect recombinations which are of such importance
that they must be distinguished from the fusions referred to
under third, above. The recombinations due to the action
of the association areas are of a higher order and are to be
distinguished as indirect or abstract processes.
^ Example of Scientific analysis and classification. The
classification of facts here outHned will, perhaps, be better
understood if an example is used. Let one look at a printed
word. The experience which results may seem to the un-
thinking observer to be a single simple process of recog-
nition. A mioment's consideration will bring out endless
complexities. In the first place, the experience breaks up
into impression and interpretation. There is a part of the
word-consciousness which comes from the page, a part which
comes from past experience. The part of the experience
which comes from the page proves on closer examination
to be complex. There are black and white impressions in
sharp contrast with each other which fuse into the complex
image of letters and unite into a single image of a word.
There are motor tendencies which often are vivid, — one
tends to say the word, or there is an incipient impulse to
obey its dictates as one realizes in one's own experience
when the word ''down" is contrasted with the word ''up."
Finally, the meaning calls up elaborate thought-processes
which carry one far beyond the present word and arouse
associations of indefinite complexity.
This example serves to show how even superficial study
of a single experience demonstrates the necessity of some
plan of classification under which the various aspects of a
mental process may be described and explained. Further-
more, the example is a fortunate one with which to demon-
strate the importance of those indirect elements of experience
not derived from sensation. The impression is the least
important part of the word-consciousness. Our scheme of
classification is important not merely as a means of securing
a complete description but also as clue to the scientific ex-
planation of mental processes. The student of psychology
must constantly keep in mind the necessity of standing
outside himself and getting a true perspective of his mental
processes. One is likely to overemphasize the impression
which comes from without and to overlook one's own con-
tribution ; it is accordingly the business of scientific psy-
chology to restore the balance and give a true emphasis to
that which comes out of past experience and that which is
due to the central and motor processes which attach to the
Relation of classification to introspection. The classifica-
tion of psychological problems is therefore frankly borrowed
from the clue furnished by the study of the nervous system
rather than left to the accidents of introspection. Intro-
spection will not be ignored, but the facts derived by looking
into experience will be ordered according to the formula
derived from objective studies. Perhaps a more fortunate
method of expression will be to say that the classification
having been determined through a study of nervous struc-
tures, introspection will be used to reveal the classes of facts
which the study of the nervous system teaches are important.
Sensations. First we shall seek facts of sensation. Im-
pressions come to us from the outer world through each
of the senses. Red, green, a shrill sound, a musical tone,
an odor, a taste, a pressure against the skin are typical
cases of this class. There is no difficulty in justifying an
examination of sensations.
Reactions and attitudes. Then there are reactions to
sensations. In some cases these reactions are very direct ;
this is true where the whole process is simple. Most ex-
periences have grown very complex and the reaction to the
impression comes only after an interval during which the
sensation has been coupled with many other factors of
experience. It is sometimes extraordinarily difficult to de-
termine how reactions are related to impressions. The
psychologist finds it better in such cases to postpone the
full discussion of reaction until after he studies the complex
of facts added to sensory impressions. A complete post-
ponement of the study of reactions would, however, m.ake
difficult the explanation of those simple processes in which
the reaction follows directly on the impression. The reac-
tions will therefore be taken up first in an introductory
way in chapters immediately following the treatment of
sensations, and later the topic will be amplified by a study of
the more remote and complex forms of organized reaction.
The conscious fact which parallels a reaction deserves
a name. The word '' attitude " serves very well this pur-
pose. We say in common parlance that we feel an attitude
of interest or disgust. Our study will show us that all atti-
tudes of mind are aspects of consciousness related to reac-
tions. We have attitudes of belief and incredulity, attitudes
of sympathy and aloofness. All these are as distinct from
sensations as facts of consciousness can be from each
other. We shall attempt a classification of some of the
more fundamental attitudes.
Fusion and perception. The term '' fusion " suggests cer-
tain simple combinations of sensory facts such as the recog-
nition of an orange as the source of a certain color, a
certain odor, a taste, and a sensation of roughness to the
touch. In experience all these qualities fuse. They are
located together in front of us or at the side. They make
up our experience of an object. We speak of the expe-
rience as a sense percept.
Memory. The term ''memory" includes a great many
factors of which we make use, but which we seldom unravel
from the complex of present experience. One meets a
friend, and past experience, unnoticed as a separate aspect
of mental life, determines one's whole recognition. One
reads into the present all the pleasant associations of earlier
days. On other occasions one labors to call up some for-
gotten or half-forgotten fact. The effort to recall makes
one actually aware of the distinction between the present and
the past. Here is an opportunity in treating of memory to
draw productive distinctions between many different kinds
of memory.
The process of ideation. There are ideas and combina-
tions of ideas which constitute the highest forms of men-
tal activity. The idea which one has when he thinks of
honesty is something more than sensation or attitude or
memory; it is the understanding of a whole series of rela-
tions. We speak of this as an abstract idea, meaning by
that term that we have cut loose from impressions and are
in a world of our own making. The processes of abstrac-
tion exhibit the creative power of a highly developed indi-
vidual as no other mental process can. The animals do not
have, so far as we can judge, abstract ideas. They have
sensations, attitudes, percepts, and memories, but their
powers of organization stop short of abstract ideas.
How one forms an abstraction is extremely difficult to
observe through mere introspection. A mind absorbed in
studying geometry cannot observe itself at work. That
is why abstract geometrical ideas are difficult to explain.
Obviously, however, the system of psychology which omitted
these would be altogether deficient.
Higher forms of action. After dealing with the processes
of ideation we may very properly come back to a reexam-
ination of behavior. Those forms of behavior which are
characteristic of mature intelligence are commonly grouped
together under the caption '' voluntary choice." The discus-
sion of voluntary choice will not duplicate the treatment of
reactions and attitudes as indicated on page 66.
Relation to historic classification. The foregoing classi-
fication is to be followed in the following chapters. For the
sake of keeping it in some relation with the historic classi-
fications, it may be said that the term '' knowledge " is in
a measure synonymous with sensation, perception, memory,.
and ideation. Feeling and volition are, roughly speaking,
synonymous with attitudes, while the higher forms of be-
havior classified under voluntary choice are quite synony-
mous with the higher phases of volition. The effort should
not be made, however, to push this reconciliation of the
two classifications too far. There is a large element of
effort and hence of volition in every fusion and every
formation of an abstraction. There is a large element of
feeling in most perceptions. The adoption of a classifi-
cation of psychological facts based on studies of nervous
processes is a frank abandonment of the historic threefold
Practical applications. Following the study of the various
classes of psychological facts will be certain studies of a
practical type which may be termed applications of psy-
chology. A part of these applications will be formulated
with a view to helping the student to see his own mental
processes from a psychological point of view. A part will
deal with some of the larger social problems, with a view to
showing that community life is capable of proper organiza-
tion only through a complete understanding of the nature of
human consciousness.
The following summary of the foregoing discussion will serve
as a guide to the subsequent chapters :
I. Sensations
This will require a description of the sense organs and their
action and a description of those aspects of consciousness which
come as impressions from the outer world.
II. Attitudes
This will require an explanation of the relation of consciousness
to bodily activity and a classification of forms of conscious ex-
periences which arise as a result of the individual'^ reactions to
III. Fusions of Sensations
As sensations become motives or sources of reactions they are
united into complexes. These complexes are called percepts and
are always present where an individual distinguishes objects in
the world about him.
IV. Memories
Past experiences are retained in structural changes in the
nervous system and either in explicitly distinguishable form or in
less obvious character enter into present experience. Psychology
must include under this head many facts which escape introspec-
tion. Here as elsewhere throughout the discussion the largest
regard must be had for the fact that the explanatory prin-
ciples of psychology depend on a clear understanding of motor
V. Ideas and Ideational Forms of Thought
These include all the higher forms of organized experience.
They are conditioned by the higher complexes which are de-
veloped in the cerebral association areas.
VI. Voluntary choice is the phrase employed to mark off the highest
forms of behavior from the lower forms. The concept of
personality enters into this discussion.
VII. Applications to individual experience and to social organizations.
Sensations not copies of external forces. For the ordinary
man there is no problem for psychology presented by a
sensation. A sensation is for his thinking an inner reflec-
tion or copy of an external fact. He dismisses as curious
speculation any statement which would tend to impair his
confidence in the directness of the relation between sensa-
tions and external or objective facts. Yet, as was pointed
out in an earlier chapter, the progress of science has forced
upon us a distinction between objective colors and sounds,
on the one hand, and subjective or experienced sensations
of color and sound, on- the other hand. For example, color
as we see it in our individual experiences is not a form of
vibration, while color as the physicist finds that he must
describe it in order to explain its physical nature is a form
of wave motion easily convertible into other wave motions,
such as those of heat, which in turn give us sensations of
a sort quite different from colors.
Laws of sensation as one of the first problems in psychol-
ogy. The moment we admit a distinction between subjec-
tive color and external light vibrations, certain important
scientifix questions immediately suggest themselves. Thus,
we are led to inquire what are the laws of subjective color
as distinguished from the physical laws of objective light ?
For example, in passing from one color in the subjective
series to the next color, as from red through orange and
yellow to green, we find ourselves taking a series of steps
and reaching qualitative differences so marked that we
speak of the sensations as opposite or as sharply contrasted.
This marked difference in quahties is related to animal
interests of a practical sort. Red fruits and green are to be
distinguished ; the color of the foliage and of the blossom
are to be discriminated. In physics, the transition from the
red vibration to the green is one continuous series of changes
in rate of vibration. All the vibrations are qualitatively alike;
there is no contrast. So far as light vibrations are concerned,
they are utterly heedless of animal interests.
Another example of the difference between the subjec-
tive series and the physical series is to be found in the fact
that sensations arise only from the middle of certain physi-
cal series. Thus the physicist knows that there are rays of
light made up of vibrations slower than those which give
us sensations of red, and that other rays are more rapid in
vibration than those which give sensations of violet. The
range of sensations of sound, in like fashion, is short, con-
trasted with the series of sound vibrations known to the
Relation of sensations to sensory nervous processes. The
relation between sensations in consciousness and physio-
logical processes in the organs of sense is much closer
than is the relation between sensations and the physical
facts above discussed. Thus, to take a striking illustration,
it is because we have an organ of sense which is affected
by light and no special organ affected by weak currents of
electricity that men overlooked for so long a period both
the prevalence of forms of electrical energy and the close
relation between light and electricity. Such an illustration
calls attention to the fact that experience differs in certain
of its aspects from the physical world, because experience
is related to the physical world only indirectly, through the
organs of sense.
Other examples are abundant. When the ear is aroused
by the complex sound coming from a drum and a trumpet^
there are sensations corresponding to each element of the
complex because the sensory cells receive the vibrations
from one instrument at one point and the vibrations from
the other at another point. The two elements of sound
do not obliterate each other or cause a blur in conscious-
ness. They do not give rise to a single sensation, even
though the sound wave which strikes the ear is a single
complex air vibration. The further details of this matter
will come out in later sections of this chapter.
Sensations as elements. Our first problem, then, is to
study sensations as related to the facts of physics and to
the facts of physiology of the sense organs. Later, we
shall study sensations in their relation to one another and
to the higher forms of experience. It will then be pointed
out that sensations as they appear in consciousness are
always elements of complex forms of knowledge. There is
no such experience as an isolated sensation of red or of
green or of sound. All sensations are referred to some
point in space ; they are associated with certain interpreta-
tions and otherwise brought into the stream of personal
experiences. But in all these later combinations, sensations
retain their qualitative independence to an extent which
justifies us in recognizing them for the purposes of science
as elements, or separate and distinct aspects of conscious-
ness. The problems of fusion of sensations with each other
and the laws of these fusions may therefore properly be
postponed ; for the present, we turn to a discussion of sen-
sations as elements of consciousness related to certain facts
of physics and to the processes in the organs of sense which
lie between the physical world and consciousness.
Psycho-physics as a division of psychology. The field of
study which we here enter has sometimes been called
psycho-physics. This name originated as the name of one
branch of the study of sensations to which our introductory
examples have not referred. Psycho-physics in its earlier
days studied especially the facts of intensity of sensation.
If a physical sound becomes stronger, it does not follow
that the related sensations will become stronger in a corre-
sponding degree. The facts of intensity will be referred to
briefly in our later discussions.
In taking up the problems of psycho-physics, we shall
begin with one of the most highly developed and highly
differentiated groups of sensory processes ; namely, those of
vision. We might have taken first the simpler sensations,
such as those of touch, but the facts regarding color are so
much more complex and significant that it will be advanta-
geous to encounter at once all the major principles involved
in such a study.
A, Visual Sensations
Meaning of term ''quality." Visual sensations, like all
sensations, can be described only to a person who has
experienced them. Red and blue and yellow and black are
names of visual sensations. If the reader has had experi-
ences corresponding to these words, he will recognize that
each of the experiences referred to is a unique fact in his
mental life. Red may be like orange or yellow ; it may be
soft and pleasing, or glaring and unpleasant ; but its essence
is its redness, and this essence, which is' called the quality
of the sensation, can be illustrated but cannot be defined in
terms of any other experience.
Chromatic (or color) series and achromatic (or gray) series.
If we consider all possible visual sensations, we notice at
once that there are two general groups, — those which
belong in the series of colors and those which belong in the
black-gray-white series. The latter series is in some respects
the simpler. Beginning with the darkest black, one may
arrange various shades of gray in an unbroken series up to
the brightest white. The color series is more complex. It
is made up of sensation qualities which, to be sure, shade.
into each other through intermediate colors ; but the members
of the series have a marked individuality which leads us to
designate them by a variety of entirely different names
rather than by a common term, such as is used in referring
to the gray series. Thus, red and yellow are different quali-
ties, though they shade into each other through orange ;
when we pass from one to the other, the transition is so
marked that we are compelled to describe red and yellow as
different qualities.
Fundamental color names. The question of how many
fundamental visual qualities there are, is one that has often
been discussed. Popular language has clearly marked out
at least four color qualities besides the blacks, grays, and
whites. These four colors are red, yellow, green, and blue.
The names of these colors are, as their form clearly indi-
cates, older than such derived names as orange, indigo,
violet, or any of the compound names, such as green-blue
and yellow-green. The loose use of the four older color
names makes it clear, -however, that there is no particular
red or green v/hich can be selected as having exclusive right
to the name. In making up a system of color terminology
for such works of reference as a dictionary, this fact comes
out very clearly. The best that can be done is to take the
average of a large number of usages and exhibit a sample
of the color chosen. Color names, therefore, while suggest-
ing something of the popular discrimination of colors, supply
no final evidence as to the number of primary sensation
The various scientific studies on this subject of the number
of color qualities may be divided into three groups. One
group regards red, green, and blue as the only primary
colors, all others being looked upon as derived forms. A
second group adds yellow, while a third group considers that
there are an indefinitely large number, certainly more than
four. The solution of the question, since it does not depend
merely upon introspective observation, waits upon the com-
plete formulation of certain facts discussed later.
The color spectrum and circle. More important than the
determination of the exact number of primary color qualities
is the presentation of a complete description of the series
of color experiences. The m.ost complete single series of
colors known to physics is produced by passing a pencil
of white light through a prism. The different colors which
compose this ray of
white light will be
refracted to different
positions, and the
whole will be spread
out into a colored
band with red at one
end and violet at
the other. Between
these lie orange, yel-
low, green, blue, in
the order given.
This whole series of
colors produced from
white light is called
the spectrum. Mixed
colors are not present in the spectrum, notably purple, which
consists of a mixture of red and blue. When purple is intro-
duced, the series of colors seems to return upon itself. For
this reason, the colors of the spectrum plus purple may con-
veniently be represented by a closed figure, either a triangle
or a circle. The color circle is given in Fig. 23. Four, or
better nine, color names are used to indicate some of the
chief qualities of the series, the exact number of such quali-
ties being left somewhat indefinite, for reasons indicated
above. Between the colors explicitly named in this circle
there are transitional forms of sensations.
Fig. 23. Color circle
The center of the circle represents white. All colors
placed at opposite ends of diameters of the circle
are complementary colors
Saturation, brightness, and mixtures. There are also
transitional forms of sensation from this color series to the
gray series. Thus, from any color there is a series of sen-
sations in which the color quality gradually fades into a
colorless gray of the same intensity as the original color.
Such a series is called a saturation series. The full color
is said to be a saturated quality ; the more the quality ap-
proaches gray, the less saturation it is said to have. Each
color is also capable of variations in brightness. A red of
Fig. 24. Wave forms
great light intensity is said to have a high degree of bright-
ness. A color of small light intensity is said to have a low
degree of brightness. The relation of brightness to satura-
tion is such that when a color becomes very bright or very
dim its characteristic quality tends to disappear. Finally,
color qualities may be compounded so as to produce a great
variety of intermediate qualities, such as orange-yellow and
blue-green, which are sometimes thought of as intermediate
qualities, sometimes as equally primary with the others.
External light. Turning now from the series of visual
sensations, let us review very briefly the characteristics of
external physical light. The physicist recognizes physical
light as a form of vibration in the luminiferous ether. These
ether vibrations have three characteristics ; namely, rate of
vibration, amplitude of vibration, and complexity of vibration.
For purposes of exposition we may compare light waves to
simple water waves, which are represented in outline in
Fig. 24. In waves of this type a single particle of water
oscillates up and down in straight lines, while the wave as
a whole travels in the horizontal direction.
The rapidity with which each particle oscillates is called
the rate of vibration. The rate determines the length of
the waves from crest to crest, so that we may refer to waves
as having different lengths : rapid vibrations corresponding
to short wave lengths, and the slow vibrations corresponding
to greater wave lengths. The amplitude of a^ wave is de-
termined by the extent of the oscillations of each particle.
The complexity of a wave depends on the mode of the
movement of the particles ; a complex movement results
from the action of a number of wave impulses acting on the
same particle at the same time. °
The wave forms represented in A, Fig. 24, have like
amplitude— that is, like range of movement above and below
the horizontal line — but differences in rate, one wave being
twice as rapid as the other. The waves in B are alike in
rate but different in amplitude. The lines i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
show the paths of six single particles which participate in
the larger wave motion. When a particle is in its original
position, it lies at some point along the horizontal line, as
at O, At successive periods it moves to the height i, 2,
or 3 or to the low level 4, 5, or 6. C represents a complex
wave form. The two regular waves, indicated in dotted lines,
acting upon the particles together, result in the complex
form of vibration represented in the full-drawn line.
Comparison of physical and mental series. In the follow-
ing table a comparison is exhibited between the physical facts
and the corresponding facts of sensory experience :
Physical Facts
Simple light vibrations of medium
These simple vibrations appear in
every possible rate, thus forming
a single continuous series of varia-
tions in rate
These rates vary from less than
435 rnillioi^ million vibrations per
(435 million million vibrations per
through all possible rates
to 769 million million vibrations
per second
and beyond
Compotcnd vibrations
The compound sometimes consists
of vibrations of about 435 to 500
million million per second, com-
bined with those of about 660-769
million million per second
In some cases widely different rates
are combined, sometimes in special
pairs, sometimes in more complex
In some cases various rates other
than those above mentioned are
Amplittide variations
Increase in amplitude to the highest
Decrease in amplitude to the lowest
Facts of Sensory Experienxe
Color sensations
The sensations differ in certain well-
marked stages, forming a series
of distinct color qualities, limited
in number
No color experience (sometimes
experience of warmth)
Successive qualities (yellow, green,
No color experience
Either whites, grays, less saturated
colors, or purples
White or gray
Various grays and unsaturated colors
Changes in intensity and saturation
Increase in intensity and decrease
in saturation toward white
Decrease in intensity and in satura-
tion toward black
Relation between the physical and the psychical facts
dependent in part on the organs of sense. The differences
between the physical series and the sensation series are so
striking that much scientific investigation has been devoted
to the effort to bridge over the differences, as far as possi-
ble, by setting between the two groups of processes described
in the above table a third group of processes ; namely, the
physiological processes in the eye and central nervous sys-
tem. Not infrequently it has been impossible, with the
means of scientific investigation in our possession, to dis-
cover by direct observation all the physiological links be-
tween certain physical facts and certain facts of experience.
In such cases, theories have been developed by science to
fill the gap. These theories go beyond direct observation
in their statements, but do so with definite regard to such
facts as can be observed. We turn, therefore, to a con-
sideration of some of the physiological facts and theories,
taking up, as a necessary introduction to the physiological
facts, a study of the structure of the eye.
Evolution of organ of vision. The human eye is a very
complex and highly sensitive organ. It will be well for us
in attempting to understand the eye, to go back to an earlier
point in the evolutionary series and begin our study with
more primitive visual organs. The line of evolution between
the simplest eyes and the human eye is not direct, for the
human eye is in its sensitive parts a division of the brain
brought to the surface of the body. The eyes of inverte-
brates show, however, how sensitivity to light first became
a specialized function of animal tissue.
Even in the lowest forms of plant and animal life there
is a certain sensitiveness to light. A flower is affected by
light, in some cases enough to produce movement on its
stem, in all cases in its inner growth conditions. So also the
unicellular animal forms are stimulated by light to vigorous
action. In the simpler multicellular animals, in addition to
the differentiation between neural cells and muscular cells
which was described in an earlier chapter, there is a further
differentiation among the neural cells. In the jellyfish, for
example, it is found that at certain points on the surface of
the body the cells of the nervous system are grouped into
small spots of pigmented cells (see Fig. 25, A), The pig-
ment is not a part of the nervous system, but it serves to
absorb the light which falls upon this part of the animal's
body more than do the unpigmented regions. The result
is that the influence of the light is enhanced by the pres-
ence of the pigment, and the growth of larger and more
sensitive sensory cells in the immediate neighborhood of
these spots brings about a condition which is favorable to the
reception of light. We may, for convenience, refer to the
pigment, since it is not true nervous tissue, as an accessory
organ. We shall find in the study of later developments of
the eye that the accessory parts of the eye are quite as im-
portant as the nervous organs themselves, the evolution of
the two groups of structures going on in parallel lines.
Higher forms of visual organs are represented in Fig. 25,
B and C, Thus we find a larger group of cells sensitive to
light stimulations. The pigment is present as in the most
primitive eyes, and the whole organ is placed in a depression
in the surface of the body. This depression serves to protect
the delicate cells more effectively than they could be pro-
tected on the general body surface, as in the case of the
jellyfish. This protection of the cells undoubtedly works to
the advantage of the cells, furnishing them the conditions
necessary for becoming more sensitive, while at the same
time the wall of the depression furnishes them the space in
which they become more numerous. In later stages of de-
velopment, as indicated in Fig. 25, /) and B, the depression
in the body wall is filled with a protecting fluid. This fluid
is of a thick, gelatinous consistency, and in the most primitive
forms translucent, not transparent. The light stimulation
Fig. 25. A series of eyes which have reached various levels of development*
which acts upon the sensory cells of such an eye as this
will obviously not be very intense or definite. Something
has been sacrificed to protection in the fluid, which obstructs
the light. This disadvantage is, however, more than offset
by the fact that the fluid furnishes favorable conditions for
increase in the number and sensitiveness of the cells. Such
an eye as this cannot distinguish more than vague changes
in illumination. An opaque object passing before the animal
might, by its shadow, be recognized as something standing
between the animal and the light, but the form or distance of
the object certainly could not be recognized except through
the intensity of the shadow and the period of its duration.
A bright object would give a somewhat more definite im-
pression, but nothing comparable to the impression received
by the eyes of the higher animals.
Later stages of development of the eye are represented
in the figure. In Fig. 25, D, E, and F, it will be seen that
the outer covering of the eyes begins to develop a lens. In the
earliest forms, this lens is spherical in shape. Such a shape
is mechanically simple, but optically very imperfect. The
image which it throws on the sensory surface is distorted,
and the different rays of light are focused at different points,
causing the hazy colored fringes technically known as chro-
matic aberrations.
Organ of sense as selective organ. Such an evolutionary
series as that just described could be made the basis of a
chapter on the relations of the animal's inner life and
* Fig. 25, ^, shows a simple pigment spot. The ordinary epitheHal cells which con-
stitute the surface of the body are represented at a. The pigment particles repre-
sented at pa make this portion of the surface of the body more susceptible to the
action of light. Fig. 25, ^, shows a somewhat more highly developed organ. The
surface of the body is here depressed so as to protect the sensory cells. These
specialized cells are notably larger than the epithelial cells at aa. This is the eye
of Patella. Fig. 25, C, represents the eye of Nautilus. The central cavity is filled
with water. Fig. 25, Z>, is a camera eye with a large lens filling its cavity ; op repre-
sents the lens. Fig. 25,^, is the camera eye of Murex with the cornea, <:, covering
the lens. Fig. 25, F, is the complete eye of cuttlefish with the lens, /; cornea, c\
iris, z, and other portions as before. (From Conn's " Method of Evolution ")
development to the outer world of nature. Evidently it is
greatly to the animal's advantage to be sensitive to changes
in light and thus also to gain indirectly impressions from all
objects which reflect or absorb light. The inner life processes
are very dependent on these impressions ; therefore, a part
of the organism is set aside to keep watch and guide the
organism. The organism is thus enabled to select from
the world in which it lives those impressions which have to
do with its own existence. Furthermore, as we shall find
when we come to study other organs of sense, other parts
of the body surface are specialized to keep the animal in
contact with aspects of the outer world other than light.
The organs of sense are accordingly to be defined as special-
ized avenues through which forces of the external world
that are important to the animal's life affect the organism.
The human eye — its muscles. We pass over the varying
forms of visual organs exhibited in the animal world and
take up briefly the human eye. The human eye is an inde-
pendent organ separated from the body y^bII and placed in
a protecting bony cavity or eye socket. Before taking up
the internal structure of the eyeball it may be well to refer
to the external muscles which hold it in place and move it
about independently of the head. These are important acces-
sory organs and increase the range of vision greatly by mak-
ing it possible to move the eyes easily without moving the
head. The human eye is supplied with six such muscles.
By means of these muscles the eye is capable of rotation,
with the nicest adjustments in any direction whatsoever.
In ordinary life the behavior of one eye is closely related
to the behavior of the other eye, so that the muscles coop-
erate in producing certain joint movements, or binocular
movements as they are called.
Many of the facts of human vision are closely related to
the fact that the eyes are themselves very active organs.
Looking at an object involves a great deal of muscular
adjustment. Looking to the left involves a different type of
muscular adjustment from that involved in looking straight
ahead. These facts should be borne in mind as important
for much of our later study.
The outer wall and the lens. A sectional view showing
the internal structure of the eyeball is given in Fig. 26.
It will be noted immediately that this organ is in many
Fig. 26. Diagrammatic section of the human eye
O, optic ner\-e ; S, sclerotic ; C, cornea ; A, choroid coat ; /, iris ; i?, retina ; V, vitreous
humor ; H, aqueous humor : L, crystalHne lens ; X, optic center of the lens ; d, blind
spot ; /, fovea centralis ; /, pupil ; J/, ciliary muscles, which control the curvature
of the lens ; Od, object outside of eye ; /;;z, image on the retina. (After Wundt)
respects more highly developed than any of the eyes repre-
sented in Fig. 25. By the development of an independent
outer wall of cartilage the eyeball has been made a free
portion of the body, as noted in the last paragraph. In the
second place, it will be observed that the lens, which we
saw in some of the lower forms as a spherical organ, has
been elaborated in the course of animal evolution, so that it
now has the very much more advantageous form of a double
convex lens, indicated in the figure at L, This lens has
certain other complexities in structure which tend to free it
from optical defects. It is not homogeneous throughout ;
furthermore, by means of the iris, or adjustable diaphragm,
which is placed in front of it, only the center, which is the
most efficient portion of the lens, is utilized in ordinary
vision. By means of certain muscles which form a circle
around the lens and control a transparent capsule which
surrounds it, the lens can be modified in form so that it is
made more or less convex according as light which is to be
focused upon the sensory surface comes from a source near
at hand or far away. The details of this adjustment of the
lens need not be discussd here ; it is enough to call atten-
tion to the fact that when the eye is to look at an object far
away, the lens is relatively less convex than when the eye
is looking at an object near at hand. The adjustment is
carried out reflexly. There are limits beyond which it is
impossible for the lens to adjust itself ; the near limit for
the normal eye is about eight inches from the eye, the re-
mote limit for the normal eye is at an infinite distance.
Individual imperfections in adjustment appear. For example,
the lens in old age becomes somewhat less elastic than in
early life and, because of this lack of elasticity, it is incapable
of taking on a high degree of convexity. Other abnormali-
ties appear, in that the far limit of certain eyes is at a rela-
tively short distance in front of the eye ; a person whose
limit of remote vision is thus nearer than a point infinitely
far away is described as near-sighted. Most of the defects
in the functioning of the lens can be relieved more or less
completely by the use of an artificial lens outside of the eye.
The function of the artificial lens is exactly that of the lens
in the eye, and the possibility of correcting defects in the
lens of the eye by various combinations of glass lenses is
limited only by the possibilities of physical optics. This
makes it perfectly clear that the lens is not to be treated
as a part of the nervous system but rather as an accessory
organ developed for the purpose of applying the stimulus
to the organ of sense in such a way as to produce a clearly
defined image on the retina.
Transparent media. In the human eye all of the media
through which the light must pass are highly transparent.
A certain portion of the outside coat of the eye — namely,
that portion which lies directly in front of the lens — is trans-
parent. Between this transparent wall, or so-called cornea,
and the lens of the eye there is a chamber filled with trans-
parent fluid known as the aqueous humor. The lens itself
is of a very high degree of transparency. Back of the lens
is a mass of gelatinous matter known as the vitreous humor,
which fills the whole eyeball and maintains the proper
spherical form of the eyeball. These transparent media are
products of evolution and show an important advance over
the translucent gelatinous substances which we find in the
more primitive eye.
Choroid coat. The pigment layer which was seen in the
most primitive eyes is present in the human eye in the so-
called choroid coat. It covers the whole inner surface of
the eyeball. It serves the same purpose as does the black
lining of a camera ; that is, it prevents the rays of light
which have acted upon the sensory surface from being
reflected back so as to interfere with other entering rays.
It is richly supplied with blood vessels, which provide for
the nutrition of the sensory cells.
The retina. We have, up to this point, referred only to
the accessory organs of the eye. We turn now to the exam-
ination of the retinal surface, which is the true sensory
organ. It is made up of a series of layers of cells dis-
tributed over the inner surface of the eyeball and placed
between the choroid coat and the vitreous humor. The
retinal layer is represented in section in Fig. 27. The rods
and cones, which constitute the inner layer lying next to
the choroid coat, are undoubtedly the organs which are
most immediately affected by the rays of light. The rods
and cones are highly developed cells which are specialized
for the reception of light stimulations. They may be
thought of as small ves-
sels containing chemical
substances which are
especially susceptible to
changes under the action
of light. The chemical
activity set up in the rods
and cones by the light
which enters the eye
liberates energy, which
is transmitted through
the successive layers of
cells represented in the
figure until, finally, it
reaches the large nerve
cells of the retina, indi-
cated at the level VIII in
the figure. The energy
which originally entered
the eye in the form of
vibration in the luminif-
erous ether is thus trans-
formed into chemical
action in nerve cells, and
the chemical action in the
nerve cells is transmitted
to the fibers which pass
out of the eyeball and
communicate with the
central nervous system.
Rods and cones and their functions. The rods and cones
undoubtedly represent different types of receiving organs.
The central part of the retina, which is more important for
Fig. 27. A diagrammatic section of the
/ is the pigment epithehum, // is the layer of
rods and cones. The rods are the small, slender
organs. In the retina the rods and cones are,
throughout the larger part of the organ, mixed
together ; in the fovea only cones appear. ///,
IV, V, VI, VII show various intermediate struc-
tures between the rods and cones and the nerve
cells which are situated at VIII. From the nerve
cells at VIII the optic fibers pass out, as indi-
cated at IX, toward the blind spot, where they
leave the eyeball. X represents the limiting
membrane of the retina. A ray of light entering
the eye passes through the retina in the direc-
tion from X to //. The light does not produce
any effect upon the cells or fibers until it reaches
the layer of rods and cones. (After Greeff)
clear vision than other portions, is made up of cones exclu-
sively. Passing from this limited central region of clear
vision, known 2i% \ki^ fovea centralis, toward the outer areas,
or periphery, of the retina, the rods become more and more
numerous. The functional differences which correspond to
these structural facts can be easily observed. Let a colored
light of moderate size and intensity be brought into the
outer part of an observer's field of vision. This light will
cast its image on the periphery of the retina where the rods
predominate, and the observer will not experience a color
sensation but rather a sensation of colorless light. If, now,
the colored light is gradually made to approach the center
of clear vision where the cones predominate, its color quality
will become more and more obvious, until, finally, at the
center of clear vision it will be clearly seen. We may state
this result in general form by saying that the center of clear
vision is also the center of color vision, while the areas at
the extreme periphery of the retina are totally color blind.
The areas intermediate between the extreme periphery of
the retina and the center of clear vision are partially color
blind ; that is, they respond to a limited number of colors.
This limitation of ability to respond to colors is offset in
the rods by a distinct advantage on the side of susceptibility
to slight changes in colorless light. An observer very fre-
quently has the experience early in the evening of seeing a
faint star in the outer edge of the field of vision, and finds
the moment he turns to look directly at the star that it is
impossible to see it. The periphery of the retina was suffi-
ciently sensitive to the slight illumination to make possible
a sensation from the faint star, whereas the center of the
retina was incapable of responding to this slight illumina-
tion. The significance of this differentiation of the retina in
the development of the animal kingdom is evident. The
periphery of the retina and the extreme edges of the field
of vision do not have the same significance for the animal
as the center. It is more advantageous that the animal should
be able to concentrate its highest forms of nervous activity
upon a limited area. On the other hand, it is important that
the outer regions of the retina should be sensitive in such
a way as to give immediate warning of any changes in illu-
mination, for changes in illumination mean movement, pos-
sibly the approach of danger, and this should be recognized
sufficiently to warn the observer. If, then, it is desirable to
give the object stricter attention, the eye can be turned so as
to bring the image upon the center of clear vision.
Color blindness. The differentiation between the different
parts of the retina, which has just been described as charac-
teristic of the normal retina, does not always appear. There
are certain persons whose eyes are not fully responsive
to colors ; these persons have at the center of the retina a
condition similar, at least so far as color processes are con-
cerned, to that which appears toward the periphery of the
normal retina. This inability to respond to different color
stimulations may in some cases be complete, so that the
individual sees the world as a normal individual sees an
engraving ; that is, as if it were made up only of differences
in light and shade without the quahtative differences which
we describe as color differences. A much larger number
of individuals have a partial deficiency, analogous to that
which appears in the intermediate zones of the normal
retina. The various forms of partial color blindness are
extremely difficult to define with precision, for the simple
reason that the color sensations of the partially color-blind
individual constitute his world of color sensations. He
usually has no means of comparing his experiences with
those of the normal individual. His efforts to describe his
own experiences to a normal individual are complicated
by the necessity of using terms devised for the normal
individual rather than for his own peculiar experiences.
Fortunately for science, there have been a few cases in
which the same person has been able to observe directly
both the normal color sensations and the partially color-
blind series. The defect in such individuals appears only
in one eye, while the other eye is of the normal type. It
has, furthermore, been possible by certain methods of com-
paring color mixtures to make an analysis of other cases of
color blindness. The net result of these investigations has
been to show that the color series of a partially color-blind
individual is of a simpler type than that of the normal in-
dividual with a fully developed retina. One very common
form of partial color blindness, known as ''red-green blind-
ness," has been thoroughly investigated. The following
table shows the comparison between the normal color system
and the two types of red-green blindness, which have been
worked out :
Type I
Type II
The red end of the spec-
trum short ; what is seen
is gray, or unsaturated
Unsaturated yellow
Unsaturated yellow
Unsaturated yellow
Unsaturated yellow
Gray, or unsaturated yellow
Such facts as are shown in this table and in the cases
of total color blindness emphasize the intimacy of the rela-
tion between retinal development and the development of
experience. They make it clear that the number of sensa-
tion qualities which an observer can distinguish depends
not on the number of physical processes in the outer
world but on the number of physiological processes which
are aroused in the nervous system by the various kinds of
physical energy.
Color-mixing. Another group of facts closely related to
those discussed above are the facts of color-mixing. If a
given point on the retina is stimulated at the same time by
two or more rays of differently colored light, the chemical
process set up cannot be the process which is appropriate
to either color acting alone. Experience shows that the
process is a compromise between the processes which would
have resulted if each ray had acted alone. Thus, if at the
same moment a ray of red light and a ray of yellow light
fall upon a single cone, the result is that the observer sees
orange, which corresponds in quality to the color lying in
the spectral series intermediate between red and yellow. If
instead of merely using red and yellow we use red, yellow,
and blue at the same time, we find, by observing the result-
ant sensation, that a compromise between the three chemical
tendencies in the cone is very different from any one of the
processes taken alone. Indeed, in such a case the retina
is not capable of giving a compromise color process, but
falls back into the process which the study of color blindness
shows to be the most primitive form of chemical activity ;
namely, the chemical process corresponding to gray, which
we found as the only process in the eye of the totally color-
blind person and in the periphery of the normal retina.
When all the colors of the spectrum fall at one time on a
cone, as in full daylight, the result is a sensation of pure
brightness or white.
If a red ray is mixed with a blue ray, a unique compromise
process results, which is not directly related to any of the
simple colors of nature ; namely, the process which gives
rise to a purple sensation. Purple is a color quality which
can be explained only in terms of the retinal process. Red
and blue, which are the physical facts conditioning the ex-
perience of purple, are at the extreme ends of the physical
spectral series, yet they cause in the retina a single process
which gives the sensation quality purple. This goes to show
that the retinal processes for red and blue are closely related
in character, in spite of the great difference in the respective
rates of vibration in the physical processes which excite
these retinal processes. The color circle, which was described
in an earlier paragraph, is therefore not to be explained as
a physical circle but as a circle of retinal processes and
corresponding experiences. Indeed, it may be said in gen-
eral that the laws of color-mixing are primarily laws of retinal
behavior rather than laws of the physical world. The fact
that all the colors of the spectrum when mixed together
produce gray is, as has been pointed out a number of times,
a physiological fact and a fact of experience rather than a
fact of physical vibrations.
The principles of color mixtures were worked out first by
physicists and have furnished a basis for most of the theories
of color vision. Briefly stated, the general principles of
color-mixing are as follows : When two colors near each
other in the spectral series enter the eye at the same time,
there results a sensation and a retinal process which is inter-
mediate to those demanded by the two colors when they act
alone upon the retina. This intermediate process is not the
same as that which would result from stimulation of the
retina by the intermediate pure color, for the sensation is
not as fully saturated as it would be if it had resulted from
the action of a pure color. As the distance between the two
colors of the mixture is gradually increased, the chromatic
quality of the resultant grows less and less marked, until
finally the sensation is of the simplest possible type ; namely,
the sensation gray. This shows that the retina is forced
by certain mixtures of very different colors to return to the
simple undifferentiated form of activity which characterized
it before the differentiation into chromatic qualities began.
Two colors which are opposed to each other in such a way
that they give when mixed no color whatsoever, but merely
the sensation gray, are known as complementary colors.
If the distance in the color circle between two colors which
enter into a mixture is greater than that required for the
complementary effect, the resulting color will be some shade
of purple. If purple is introduced in the color circle, there
is no shade of color which does not have its complement.
The color circle shown in Fig. 23 may be made, therefore,
the basis for discussion of complementary pairs, provided the
arrangements of the colors opposite each other are made
with this end in view. If more than two colors are mixed,
the total result will be the sum of the partial effects and
can be foreseen by considering the partial processes as if
they occurred successively.
Pigment-mixing subject to physical law. It may be well
to call explicit attention to the fact that the statements here
made regarding color mixtures do not apply to mixtures
of pigments. The mixture of pigments is a physical fact,
not a physiological process. The action of pigment on light
is to absorb certain rays and reflect others. Mixtures of
pigments affect light in a complex way, and hence produce
results which cannot be explained by merely inspecting the
separate pigments.
A single case of pigment-mixing may be taken as an ex-
ample. Thus, if yellow and blue pigments are mixed, they
produce an impression of green. This result is due to the
fact that the yellow pigment absorbs a good deal of light
and reflects only those colors which are near it in the spectral
series. Blue does the same. The only color which survives
the joint absorptions of yellow and blue pigment particles is
green, for green is reflected in a measure by both yellow
pigment particles and by blue. The fact that green results
in this case calls for an explanation ' absolutely different
from that which applies to the gray which results from the
mixture of yellow and blue light.
After-images. The consideration of certain other facts is
necessary to complete the discussion of visual sensations.
If light acts upon a retinal element for a given period, the
effect will continue for a time after the external light ceases
to act. The observer will notice what is known as an after-
image of the light at which he has been looking. Every-
one has doubtless observed the vivid after-images which
result from looking at the sun or other very bright objects.
Most of the after-images which we receive from ordinary
objects are so faint that they are overlooked, unless special
effort is made to notice them and to retain them. In gen-
eral, the experience which continues after the withdrawal of
the external light resembles only for a very brief interval the
sensation originally produced by the external light. So long
as the original impression and after-image are of the same
quality, the observer is said to have a positive after-image.
An example of such a positive after-image can easily be
secured by rapidly rotating a burning stick in a circle, when
the observer will see an uninterrupted circle of light, because
the stimulus returns to each of the points of the retina
before the original process has had time to change. Very
soon after the external stimulus is withdrawn, experience
undergoes a radical change. The general principle of this
change may be described by saying that every black changes
to white, every white to black, and every color to its comple-
ment. Since these changes are known from the conditions
to be due to physiological processes rather than to external
light, we describe the conditions for these after-images in
the following terms : The retina tends to set up as soon as
possible a process opposite to that which was produced by
the original stimulus. This chemical process, opposite in
character to that produced by the external stimulus, is due
to the tendency of the physiological organism to restore the
chemical substances which have been used up in the first
process of stimulation. The experience of the observer fol-
lows, during this process of recuperation, the retinal activity
rather than the external physical fact. Thus, after looking
for a time at a brilliant red light, the observer sees very
soon after the light is withdrawn a colored area of like
spatial form and extent as the original but of a quality ex-
actly complementary to the red ; namely, blue-green. In like
fashion, the negative after-image of a blue surface is yellow.
If the stimulating surface is black and white or gray rather
than colored, the negative after-image will be of such a
character that what was bright in the original image will ap-
pear dark in the after-image, and, conversely, what was dark
in the original image will appear white in the after-image.
Contrasts. After-effects in the retina very frequently
operate to modify the retinal processes produced by subse-
quent light stimulations. For example, let an observer who
has been looking steadily at a bright red light for a time
and has a strong tendency toward a green after-image look
at a blue surface ; the blue surface will not be seen in its
normal color, but will be seen as a mixture of blue and
green, the green being contributed in this case by the after-
image process in the retina. The mixtures between after-
effects and color stimulations here under discussion give
rise to many forms of color contrast. In view of the con-
tinual movement of the eye from point to point in the
field of vision, the observer is always carrying more or
less marked after-effects from a given part of the field of
vision to the neighboring parts. If, for example, a red and
a green field are placed in close juxtaposition, and the eye
after looking at the red surface tends to move in such a
way as to bring a portion of the retina which has been
stimulated by the red into a position such that it will
be stimulated by the green light, the green sensation re-
ceived from the summation of the external stimulation and
the after-im.age will be more intense than a green sensation
received without the preliminary stimulation from a red.
The result is that green seems to be more saturated when
it lies near red. In general, every color is emphasized by
being brought into close relation with its complementary,
and grays tend to take on colors complementary to sur-
rounding fields. This effect appears even when no eye
movements can be detected. There is probably a diffusion
of contrast effects through the retina even when the eye
fixates steadily a single point.
The tendency of grays to take on colors may be well
illustrated by shadows. If a field w^hich is illuminated by a
yellow light is interrupted by a shadow which is, in reality,
gray, this gray shadow will take on a bluish tinge by con-
trast with the yellow field. This fact has long been observed
by those who reproduce the colors of nature in painting, and
the shadows in painting will usually be found to be, not
reproductions of the physical facts, but rather reproductions
of the impression made upon the observer.
Theories of color vision. It remains to add a few remarks
concerning the less certain conclusions regarding the rela-
tion between light sensations and external ether vibrations.
The effort has frequently, been made to describe the physi-
ological processes in a single comprehensive formula or
theory, which shall include all the facts. No attempt will
here be made to review all of those theories. It wdll be
enough to present one of the simplest and most sug-
gestive, and leave it to the student to criticize and recon-
struct it in the light of the facts discussed above and
reviewed in the tables given below.
Mrs. Franklin's genetic theory of processes in the retina.
The theory which was formulated by Mrs. Franklin is as
follows : The primitive retina of the lower animals and the
periphery of the human retina have only one chemical
process with which to respond to all light stimuli. This
single chemical process, when set up through the action
of light, arouses in the central nervous system a process
which is the condition of a gray sensation. This is the
original undifferentiated type of retinal activity. As the
evolution of the retina goes forward, this original chemical
process, which may be called the gray process, is so subdi-
vided that colors produce certain partial phases of the
original chemical activity. The partial chemical activities
produce each a specialized form of nervous process and
a specialized form of sensory experience. The breaking up
of the gray process into special color processes begins with
a development, first, of the partial processes which corre-
spond on the one hand to blue, and on the other hand to
orange or yellow, sensations. This first differentiation cor-
responds to the wide difference between the extreme ends
of the spectral series. The original gray process does not
disappear with the rise of the blue and yellow processes,
but remains as the neutral and more general form of
response. At this stage the yellow and blue processes are
each called out by a great variety of stimulations. Thus,
the yellow process is aroused by red light, orange light, and
green light, as well as by yellow light. As the development
goes on, the yellow chemical process is subdivided into
more highly specialized processes, corresponding to red
and green. The result of this successive differentiation of
process is that the highly organized retina may, when
stimulated by the appropriate form of light vibration, re-
spond with specialized chemical processes to red, green,
yellow, or blue. If yellow and blue, which were the first
forms of light to arouse differentiated processes, act at the
same time upon the retina, the partial processes which are
differentiated out of the gray cannot both be in action at
once without being swallowed up in the original funda-
mental process of gray. If red and green act together upon
the retina, the yellow process appears as the more funda-
mental form of chemical process. The facts of color blind-
ness can be explained by stating that the differentiation of
chemical processes is not complete in the color-blind eye.
Negative and complementary after-images are due to the
physiological instability of the partial chemical substances
left in the retina after a process in which a colored light
has partially disintegrated the retinal substance. Contrast
has been included by earlier discussions under the same head
as after-images, though by a spread of stimulation effects con-
trasts appear where there are no immediate after-images.
The student will see at once that many of these statements
are hypothetical. They serve, however, to gather together the
facts, and they give a genetic account of primitive as w^ell
as of present retinal conditions. The theory or hypothesis
should be clearly distinguished from the facts, and yet it is
evident that the facts justify us in attempting to explain the
relation between physical processes and conscious processes
by something which goes on in the retina. In order to keep
the facts clearly in the foreground, it may be well to re-
turn to a general summary of the different groups of facts
discussed in this section.
Physical Facts
Physiological Processes
Full series of
Highly developed retina
A differentiated group
simple vibrations
with, however, a limited
of sensation quali-
number of modes of re-
ties including all
sponse to external light
Full series of
Partially developed retina
Partial color blindness
simple vibrations
with a number of possibili-
ties of response to exter-
nal stimulation which is
more limited than in the
normal retina
Full series of
Retina so little developed
Total color blindness
simple vibrations
as to have only one mode
of response
Physical Facts
Physiological Processes
Series of simple
Highly developed retina
Limited number of
with a limited number of
sensation qualities.
distinct modes of response
constituting a series
of distinct qualities
Two simple
Retinal response which
Single color sensa-
waves, closely re-
compromises between the
tion somewhat less
lated in number
two responses which
saturated than in
of vibrations, en-
would have resulted had
the simple series
tering the eye
the two vibrations acted
together, thus
making a com-
pound wave
Two simple
Retinal response which
A color very little
waves, very dif-
tends to take the simplest
saturated, or a
ferent in number
and most general form of
single purple or
of vibrations, en-
retinal behavior
gray _
tering the eye
together, thus
making a com-
pound wave
Large numbers
Simple response of the rudi-
of waves en-
mentary type
tering the eye
together, thus
making a most
complex wave
Physical Fact
Physiological Process
I. Strong light vibra-
Response followed ,by a
Color sensation con-
tion followed by
continued action of the
tinuing after exter-
the withdrawal of
retina and a final reversal
nal light and then
physical light
of the retinal process to
changing into com-
restore the tissue to its
plementary color
normal condition
B, Auditory Sensations
The task of defining sound sensations and of describing
their conditions will be a comparatively simple one on the
basis of the elaborate study already made of visual sensations.
Physical sound. The physical stimulus which causes the
nervous processes, which, in turn, condition auditory sensa-
tions, consists of longitudinal air vibrations. When a vibrat-
ing body strikes the air particles about it as it vibrates
backward and forward, the air particles are alternately driven
together and rebound from one another. Successive waves
of condensation and rarefaction result, and these waves are
carried forward in all directions until they strike some re-
ceiving surface, such as the ear. These air vibrations can
be defined in the same terms of rate, amplitude, and com-
plexity as were used for the light vibrations in the preceding
section (p. J J), although it should be noted that the form of
vibrations is different in the two cases.
Pitch, or tonal quality. With regard to the relation
between sensation and external sound vibration, it is to
be said, first, that when the objective waves are regular,
they give rise to experiences of tone ; when the vibrations
are irregular, the resulting sensation is one of noise. The
rates of the regular vibrations which are recognized as tones
are directly related to differences of pitch. Middle C on the
piano scale has a rate of vibration of two hundred and fifty-
six double vibrations per second. Toward the bass end of
the scale the vibrations decrease in rapidity, while toward
the treble they increase. The lowest rate which is ordinarily
heard by the normal ear is about thirty-two vibrations per
second, although rates of sixteen, or even ten, per second
have been described by some observers as audible. At the
upper end of the scale one can hear vibrations of thirty
thousand to forty thousand per second. Sounds produced
by insects are of this order.
Intensity, or loudness. Intensity of tone varies according
as the amplitude of vibration of the single air particles is
great or small.
Complexity of a regular type the source of differences in
timbre. Ordinary sensations of tone are produced by com-
plex waves. If two or more forms of vibration are transmitted
to a given particle of air at the same moment, the particle
will move in a path which is the resultant of all of the dif-
ferent paths through which it would have moved had the
various impulses of vibration acted upon it successively.
When one compares a given tone from the piano with the
tone of the same pitch from a violin, he will recognize that
the characteristics of the tones are different, though they
are of the same pitch. The violin string vibrates not only
as a whole but also in certain sections, and the piano wire
vibrates as a whole and at the same time in sections. The
rates of vibration of the string and wire as wholes may be
exactly the same. The sections in the two cases and the
rates of their vibration will nearly always be different. The
result is that any particle of air set in motion by either
piano wire or violin string will have its main path deter-
mined by the vibration of the whole wire or string, while
the minor details of vibration will be determined by the
vibrations of the sections of the wire or string. The phase
of tonal quality thus determined by the complex of minor
vibrations is known as timbre. The main, or fundamental,
tone is modified by the minor higher tones, or overtones as
they are called. Tones of the same pitch derived from vari-
ous instruments have various timbres, just in so far as they
have different overtones.
Noise due to irregular vibrations. The experience of
noise is dependent upon a form of vibration which is so
complex as to be highly irregular. A vague regularity ap-
pears in most noises. We speak, accordingly, of certain
noises as low and rumbling, and of others as high and shrill,
but for the most part the tendency toward regularity of
vibrations gives way in noises to a confusion of irregular
oscillations in the air particles.
Evolution of the ear. Turning from the physical stimulus
to the auditory organ, we find here, as in the case of the
eye, that by a long process of evolution there has been pro-
duced a sensory organ which has a variety of accessory parts
and a delicate sensory surface, which latter transforms the
air vibrations into nervous processes. The most primitive
ear, such as is found in the coelenterates, consists in a sack-
shaped opening in the side of the body. This sack-shaped
depression, or vesicle, contains hard calcareous particles, and
is lined by sensitive cells which are similar in their general
appearance to the cells in the primitive eye. The whole
organ can be easily explained by comparing it to a child's
ordinary rattle-box. If the animal is shaken, or if any
sound vibrations strike against the wall of the vesicle, the
calcareous particles, or otoliths as they are called, are set
in motion and tend to strike against the sensitive cells. The
result is that the cells will be stimulated by each movement
of the animal's body or by the vibrations which enter the
vesicle. As the ear develops through the animal series
there appear a number of accessory organs which serve to
facilitate the reception of vibrations, and there comes to be
a division between the tw^o original functions of the ear ;
namely, that of sensory response to the movements of
the body as a whole, and that of response to vibrations
from the water or air.
The human ear, pinna, and meatus. After this brief
reference to the primitive ear we may turn immediately to
a description of the human ear. The outer cartilaginous
organ, known as the pinna, has in man very little function.
It serves in a rudimentary way to concentrate the sound
waves and direct them toward the inner ear. The long
funnel-shaped pinna of a horse's ear serves a function which
has been lost in the process of evolution. By moving its
ear the horse collects sounds from different directions, and
thus becomes very acutely sensitive to sound and at the
same time recognizes the direction from which the sound
comes. But the horse loses fine qualitative shades of sound
Fig. 28. Diagrammatic section showing the structure of the ear
P, external pinna ; EM^ external meatus ; T, tympanic membrane ; /, internal
meatus, or tympanic cavity. Extending from the tympanic membrane to the inner
ear there are three bones constituting the chain of ossicles : malleus, incus, and
stapes. ET, Eustachian tube, passing from the internal meatus to the cavity of
the throat ; SC, one of the three semicircular canals ; AN^ the auditory nerve,
which divides into four parts as indicated in the figure, one branch connecting with
the semicircular canals, two with the parts of the vestibule, and the fourth with the
core of the cochlea, C. The canals of the cochlea are indicated in general outline ;
for details see Fig*. 30. The vestibule is the general region lying between the canals
and the cochlea. (Modified from Czermak)
because the funnel modifies in some measure the form of
the air vibrations. The human ear has so evolved that it
interferes little with quality. This shows that the sense of
hearing in man is not a locating sense but a sense devoted
to the finest discriminations in quality. The evolution of the
ear is undoubtedly related to the evolution of speech.
The cylindrical canal which connects the surface of the
body with the inner cavities of the ear is known as the ex-
ternal meatus. This canal is liberally supplied with protective
bristles, and with secretory glands which tend to protect the
ear from all foreign particles, and it is curved in shape so
that nothing but very small, slender objects can penetrate
to the inner parts of the ear.
Nature has a relatively easy problem of protection of deli-
cate organs in the case of the ear because air vibrations can
be conducted along a narrow passage. In the case of the
eye, the organ must lie exposed on the surface of the body.
Nature has put a ring of bony structures around the eye,
but the protection of the ear is much more complete.
The tympanic membrane. The inner end of the external
meatus is closed by means of a circular membrane, known
as the tympanic membrane. This tympanic membrane is a
composite membrane made up of circular and radial fibers.
It is slightly depressed in the middle so as to be somewhat
funnel-shaped and is loaded by being connected on its inner
surface with a small bone, known because of its shape as
the malleus, or hammer. The malleus is controlled by a
small muscle, known as the tensor tympani. When this
muscle is contracted it draws the malleus inward, and with
the malleus the tympanic membrane, thus increasing the
tension of the membrane and emphasizing its funnel-shaped
form. The adjustments of the tympanic membrane, as w^ell
as its shape, are of importance in giving the ear the largest
possible range of ability to receive sound vibrations. No
artificially constructed diaphragm, such as those employed
in the phonograph or telephone, is capable of as wide a
range of response to tones as is the adjustable, complex
diaphragm in the ear.
Air chamber on inner side of the tympanic membrane.
In the functioning of the tympanic membrane a difficult
mechanical problem arises, because the air pressure in the
external world is constantly undergoing changes. With every
change in the barometric pressure there would be an inter-
ference with the action of the tympanic membrane, if the
spaces behind this membrane were air-tight. Nature has,
accordingly, provided on the inner side of the tympanic
membrane an air chamber com.municating with the atmos-
phere so that any change in atmospheric pressure will result
in an equal change in the pressure on both sides of the
tympanic membrane. This air chamber on the inner side
of the tympanic membrane is known as the internal meatus,
or tympanic cavity. It consists of an irregular cavity in the
bone, which is in communication with the throat by means
of a small canal, known as the Eustachian tube. The wall
of the Eustachian tube is flexible, so that it collapses except
when a current of air is forced through it by a change in
pressure, either in the internal meatus or in the external
atmosphere. For this reason, the ordinary voice vibrations
which arise in the throat are not communicated directly to
the internal meatus.
Chain of ossicles. Since there is an air chamber on the
inner side of the tympanic membrane, there must be some
means of carrying the sound vibrations received on the tym-
panic membrane across this cavity to the inner ear. The
means for transmitting the vibrations received by the tym-
panic membrane consist of a chain of three small bones,
known as the chain of ossicles. The first of these ossicles
has been mentioned ; it is the malleus, or hammer, which
is attached by its long arm to the middle of the tympanic
membrane. The head of the malleus articulates with the
surface of the second bone, which is known as the incus
because of its anvil-shaped appearance. One of the branches
of the incus articulates in turn with the third bone, known
as the stapes, or stirrup. Any vibration received by the tym-
panic membrane is thus communicated to the stirrup. The
stirrup fits into an oval opening, known as the fenestra
ovalis, which leads into the inner ear. The stapes is con-
nected with the walls of this fenestra ovalis by means of
a membrane, so that it constitutes a tight-fitting piston
which can move backward and forward in the fenestra
ovalis. Beyond the oval window the inner ear is filled in
all of its parts with lymphatic fluid. Sound vibrations,
which are originally vibrations of air particles, are thus
transformed by the mechanism described into vibrations in
the lymphatic fluid which fills the inner ear.
The inner ear. The inner ear is divided into three prin-
cipal parts : vestibule, semicircular canals, and cochlea. The
vestibule is an irregular ovoid cavity about one fifth of an
inch in diameter, which opens on the one side into the snail-
shell-shaped cavity, known as the cochlea, and on the other
into a system of slender canals, known as the semicircular
canals. The vestibule itself is divided into two parts, known
as the saccule and utricle.
The semicircular canals. The semicircular canals are not
organs of hearing. They are organs which have taken up
in the process of evolution that function of the primitive
ear which was concerned with response to the grosser move-
ments of the animal's whole body. There are three of these
canals, and they lie in such positions that each one occupies
a different plane in space. Any change in the position of
the head, or of the body as a whole, will cause a redistri-
bution of the pressure within the system of canals, and this
change in pressure affects the nerve cells which are distrib-
uted in the wall of the enlarged portion, or ampulla, of
each canal. The whole system of canals serves as an organ
of equilibration. The sensory stimulations which come from
this organ do not give rise in developed human beings to
clearly differentiated sensations. The result is that the ordi-
nary observer does not know that he has a special sense
organ of equilibration. The stimulations are for the most
part taken up by the lower centers of the nervous system,
Fig. 29. Diagrammatic
section of the sensory
cells in the vestibule
The receiving cells are
situated on the surface, as
represented by S. These
receiving cells are sur-
rounded by supporting
cells, as indicated at A.
The nerve fiber is distrib-
uted among the receiving
cells. The true sensory cell
at G is in the ganglion,
rather than directly at the
surface. This sensory cell
sends its second fiber in-
ward to the central nervous
system, represented by C.
(After Herrick)
where they are distributed to the mus-
cles which keep the body erect ; they
probably never reach the higher regions
except in company with a great mass
of other excitations, such as touch sen-
sations from the soles of the feet and
muscle sensations from the neck and
trunk. When they become excessively
intense they give rise to the experience
of dizziness. In some cases the indirect
effects of their action come into con-
sciousness. When the reflex muscular
adjustment carried out by the lower
centers is unusual, as when one de-
scends suddenly in an elevator, the
muscular reactions, rather than the pri-
mary sensory stimulation, give rise to
a clearly recognizable experience. The
observer feels an unusual tension in
his abdominal muscles or muscles of
some other part of the body.
The cochlea and sensory areas in the
vestibule. Turning from the semicir-
cular canals to the other canal leading-
out of the vestibule, namely the coch-
lea, we find here the organs which
are concerned in the reception of tonal
stimulations. It is not clearly known
whether noise stimulations are received
in the cochlea or not. The probabili-
ties are that noise stimulations affect
certain cells constituting sensory areas
in the wall of the vestibule. At all
events, it is true that there are cells
situated in the wall of the vestibule
Scala ^^^
vestibuli ^
Scala tyrtipani
which seem to be suited to the reception of simple stimuH
(see Fig. 29). The vestibule is the direct descendant of
the primitive vesicle. This fact would seem to argue in
favor of the view that noise stimulations, which are undif-
ferentiated and probably earlier than tonal stimulations,
affect these cells in the vestibule. Whatever may be true
of noise, it is certain that the tonal
excitations are received through the
complicated structures which have
been developed, and appear in the
cochlea. The cochlea is a highly
developed organ, richly supplied
with cells and fibers for the recep-
tion of a great number of different
stimulations. It consists of a double
spiral canal, which winds around
two and a half times. The winding
of this canal is merely an anatomi-
cal device for compressing the
whole organ into as small a space
as possible. The canal, which is
cylindrical in form, is divided into
three parts, — the scala vestibuli,
the scala tympani, and the ductus
cochlearis. This division can best
be seen by making a section across
the cylindrical passage. Fig. 30
shows such a section with the division. The scala tympani
is partially separated from the rest of the cochlea by a bony
shelf which extends for some distance into the canal. The
division is completed by an important membrane. This
membrane, known as the basilar membrane, is made up of
a series of fibers which differ in length as the membrane
passes from the lower to the upper extremity of the canal.
At its lower extremity the fibers are short, and at the
Fig. 30. The structure in the
cochlea as seen when a trans-
verse section is made across
the canal
The parts are clearly marked in
the figure. Special attention
should be given to the basilar
membrane and the organ of
Corti situated upon it. The
nerve fibers are distributed
among the cells of the organ
of Corti from the ganglion in
a manner similar to that repre-
sented for the vestibular cells in
Fig. 29. (After Herrick)
upper end of the canal they are about twelve times as long.
Helmholtz, the great German physicist, called attention to
the striking similarity between the structure of the basilar
membrane and the system of strings of a musical instrument
capable of giving a variety of different tones. He also ad-
vanced the hypothesis that the fibers of the membrane are
so related to external tones that a given fiber is set in
vibration by each particular rate of vibration. It is a well-
known principle of physical science that any fiber or rod
will vibrate sympathetically with a tone which has the same
rate as it would assume itself, if it were set in vibration by
some other cause. This principle is known as the principle
of sympathetic resonance. The basilar membrane is so situ-
ated that the vibrations which enter the inner ear through
the fenestra ovalis reach it by passing up the scala vestibuli
and the ductus cochlearis. The scala tympani is a canal
which carries back the vibrations after they have acted on
the basilar membrane. It is connected at the upper end of
the cochlea with the scala vestibuli and serves to conduct
away the vibrations rather than allow them to be reflected
back into the vestibule ; for its lower end does not open into
the vestibule, but communicates through an opening, known
as the fenestra rotunda, with the internal meatus. The
basilar membrane thus stands in the direct path of the vibra-
tions, and it is, probably, the organ which takes up the
vibrations through sympathetic resonance and makes them
effective in exciting the sensory cells.
Sensory cells in the cochlea. A system of receiving
cells, analogous to the rods and cones in the eye, is placed
directly on the basilar membrane. At any given point they
form an arch extending across the membrane, and, there-
fore, are capable of taking up any vibration which sets the
fibers of the membrane in motion. The arch of cells is
shown in Fig. 30 and is known, from the physiologist who
first described it, as the organ of Corti. Among the cells
that constitute the organ of Corti there are distributed nerve
fibers which come from auditory ganghon or true sensory
nerve cells situated in a cavity in the bony core of the coch-
lea. Whenever the cells of Corti are set in vibration, they
excite the fibers. The external air wave is thus transformed
in the organ of Corti into a nervous process.
Contrast between auditory and visual processes. It is to
be noted that the transformation is of a distinctly different
type from that which takes place in the eye. In the eye
the physical stimulus produces a chemical activity in the
rods and cones. In the case of the ear the stimulus con-
tinues in the form of vibrations until it produces its final
effect upon the nerve cells. There is a less fundamental
change in the character of the stimulus as we pass from the
external world to the nervous process in the ear than there
is in the corresponding transition in the eye. This fact
shows itself most clearly when we come to deal with com-
pound sound vibrations. It makes no difference how many
tones are sounded before the tympanic membrane, the com-
plex vibration will be faithfully transmitted by the chain of
ossicles and the other accessory organs and will, at all
points in its transmission, be a detailed reproduction of the
total complex of sound impulses which gave rise to it.
Furthermore, it is shown by an examination of sensory
experience that there must be a separate sensory process
for each component of the tonal complex. If an observer
listens to a tonal complex, such as an orchestra, the sensory
excitations do not fuse as do the chemical processes result-
ing from a number of colors which act upon the retina
together. Each tone in the complex retains its independent
value for experience. It was this fact, together with the
form of the basilar membrane, which led Helmholtz to sug-
gest his hypothesis. Whether that particular hypothesis is
true or not, we may confidently assert that the different
parts of the organ of Corti are specialized in some way or
other, so that each rate of external vibration, whether it
reaches the cochlea alone or as part of a complex of vibra-
tions, excites a particular part of the sensory organ and so
gives rise to a distinct sensory process. The ear is thus
seen to be an analyzing sense capable of carrying to con-
sciousness at one and the same moment a vast complex of
sound. There is nothing in auditory sensation to corre-
spond to white among the retinal sensations unless it be
mere noise. But even here there is a fundamental differ-
ence, because the various elements of a noise can be heard
separately, especially if some of the elements have a tonal
character. For example, the ear has no difficulty in hearing
at the same time the noise produced by a train and the
sounds produced by the human voice.
Beats, difference tones. There are certain special cases of
complex air vibration which should be mentioned in this
discussion of sensations. If two closely related tones are
sounded together, they will reenforce the vibration of the
air particles which they affect so long as their phases are
alike, but the moment their phases come into such a relation
that one tends to set the air particle vibrating in a given
direction and the other tends to set the same air particle
vibrating in the opposite direction, they will partially counter-
act each other in such a way as to keep the air particle for
a moment in a state of equilibrium. Fig. 31 represents,
in the form of a water wave, two vibrations which at the
outset cooperate in giving a larger wave. As one lags
slightly behind the other, they come later to counteract each
other in such a way that no vibration takes place, as shown
at M, The result of such a combination of tones, which is
a purely physical affair, is that the observer receives not
only the two primary vibrations but also a series of rapid
variations in intensity, which succession of intensities fuses
into a new impression. The observer therefore hears, in
addition to the two fundamental tones, an alternate rising
and falling in the loudness of the sound, which fluctuation
gives rise to experiences known as beats. If these beats
are slow enough to be distinguishable, they will be recog-
nized as quite distinct from the tones. If, on the other
hand, they become too numerous to be separately apprehended,
they may sometimes be heard as an additional tone, when
they are designated as difference tones. For example, if
two tones, c and g^ are sounded together, these tones having
vibrations at the rates of 256 and 384 vibrations per second,
the result will be a complex in which both c and g will be dis-
tinctly heard ; but there will also be heard a third tone, the
Fig. 31. Diagram to represent the formation of beats
The two curves represented by the light hne and the dotted Hne begin together,
showing the same phase at the same time. The wave motion represented by the
dotted Hne is somewhat more rapid than that represented by the full line ; conse-
quently, the relation of the~two waves changes so that in the region M the two are
in opposite phases. The heavy line indicates the results of the combination of the
two waves, a^ b, <;, d, e^ /, g^ h indicate the strong curve which results from the
reenforcing influence of the two wave motions. M indicates the result of the coun-
teracting influence of the two. (After Ebbinghaus)
number of vibrations of which equals the difference between
the number of vibrations of c and g. That is, the difference
tone in this case will be a tone of 128 vibrations per second.
Summation tones. Again, there are complexities in the
tonal experience such that often tones are heard in a tonal
complex which, in number of vibrations, are equal to the
sum of the two fundamentals. Such tones are known as
summation tones. They do not seem to be purely physical
facts, explicable in terms of the physical effect upon the air
particles, for they cannot, in all cases, be reenforced by physi-
cal resonators (the apparatus which is commonly used in the
detection of single tones in tonal complexes). Summation
tones seem rather to be due to certain physiological proc-
esses, perhaps to interferences of the vibration processes
in the basilar membrane or to secondary vibrations in the
bony walls of the cochlea. In ordinary experiences differ-
ence tones and summation tones play no important part,
but the result of these tones upon harmonies and discords
in music is a matter of some importance and one which
has been made the subject of careful examination.
Harmony not a matter of sensation. By these discussions
of tonal sensations and their combinations we have been
led to the point where it would be appropriate to take up
the matter of harmony. Certain tones, when sounded to-
gether, give the observer an experience which is not merely
that of tones sounding together, but is also an experience
of the smooth fitting together of these tones, while other
combinations give the observer a distinct impression of jar
or discord. The effort has often been made -to explain
harmony and discord as due to beats and like facts ; that is,
to certain simple processes in the organ of sense. We shall
dismiss the matter in a somewhat dogmatic fashion by say-
ing that such explanations of harmony, by processes of a
purely sensory type, are not satisfactory. There is probably
a close relation between recognition of harmony and motor
processes, such as those of the vocal cords and those of the
inner organs which, as will be seen later, are aroused during
emotional experiences.
Absence of after-images in auditory sensations. Before
closing the discussion of tonal sensations it should be noted
that the nature of the auditory sensory process is such that
contrast and after-effects do not appear to any great extent
in tonal or noise sensations. The process in the nerve cells
terminates as soon as the external vibration ceases. This
characteristic of sound sensations explains why it is that
these sensations can be used in musical compositions. A
succession of colors, given in anything like the same
relation as a succession of tones in music, would produce a
hazy blur of after-effects.
Tone deafness. Cases of tonal deafness, or inability to
receive certain tones, have been described, A person capable
of the usual tonal discriminations in many parts of the
scale is quite unable to distinguish tones in a certain limited
part of the scale or at one end of the scale. This deficiency
is undoubtedly related to some lack of normal functioning
in a given region of the basilar membrane, or organ of
Corti. In old age a person may also show increasing
deficiency in ability to hear very high tones.
Without attempting to summarize all that has been said in the
discussions of tonal sensations, it may be advantageous to prepare
a table which may be used for the purposes of comparison with
the earlier tables referring to visual sensations.
Physical Vibration
Series of air vibrations
below 10 per second
Continuous series of
changes in rate of
air vibration from
32 per second to
30,000 or 40,000
per second
Same as above
Complex vibrations
Complex vibrations
Physiological Process
No physiological excitation
A very large number of dif-
ferent processes in the
basilar membrane and
organ of Corti ; the num-
ber being, however, less
than the number of phys-
ical processes
More limited number of phys-
iological processes because
of incomplete development
of the organ of Corti
Separate physiological proc-
ess for each component
of the complex
Interference of vibration in
the physiological organs
No sensation
Large number of sen-
sations ranging in
series from lowest
to highest pitch
Partial tone deafness
Recognizable com-
plex of tonal sen-
Summation tones not
paralleled by objec-
tive vibrations
C, Sensations of Taste and Smell
Taste and smell differentiations of a primitive chemical
sense. Sensations of taste and smell may be considered
together. Indeed, in the primitive forms of animal life,
taste and smell constitute a single chemical sense. Of the
two the sense of smell is distinctly later in its development,
appearing as an important separate sense with the appearance
of the air-breathing animals.
Position of olfactory organ in
the nasal cavity. It is unneces-
sary here for us to consider at
any great length the nasal cavities
in which the olfactory cells are
situated. These cavities are not
true accessories to the organ of
sense, as were the cavities in the
ear. The organ of sense is rather
Fig. 32. The inner cavity of accessory to the general organ of
the nose
The arrow A indicates the path of
the air in ordinary respiration ; B
indicates the path of the air when
the animal sniffs. The olfactory re-
gion is indicated by the black area
in the upper part of the cavity
respiration. The position of the
sensory cells is such that they are
not in the direct path of the great
volume of air which is used in
the process of respiration. Fig. 32
shows the area within the nasal
cavity which is covered by olfactory cells. The arrow A in
the figure indicates the path of the air current in ordinary
respiration. It will be noted that in such ordinary respira-
tion very little of the air is carried up into the upper part
of the nasal cavity and thus brought into contact with the
sensitive cells. If for any reason it is desirable that the
sensitive cells should receive the full current of air which
enters the nose, the animal must sniff the air forcibly into
the nasal cavity, in which case it will follow the direction of
the arrow ^5 in the figure.
structure and function of the olfactory surface. The
olfactory surface itself is made up of two kinds of cells,
as shown in Figs. 33 and 34. There are, first, certain
supporting cells which line the nasal
cavity ; and second, there are distributed
among the supporting cells true sensory
cells, from which fibers pass inward to
the central nervous system. The nerve
cells in this organ are immediately on the
surface, in such a position that particles
brought in through the air currents come
into direct contact with the cell body
proper. This direct exposure of the nerve
cells to stimulation is undoubtedly related
to the fact that these cells are very easily
fatigued. It is a well-recognized fact
that an odor which is very striking at
first soon grows less and less impressive,
even though the stin^ulus may continue Fig. 33. Section show-
in its original intensity. Furthermore, ^^^ ^^^ different cells
^ which compose the
the olfactory cells do not seem to be very mucous lining of the
definitely specialized, and there are no nose in the olfactory
By the staining process,
the special sensor)^ cells
are clearly distinguished
from the other cells as
black. In one of these
cells the nerve fiber will
be seen passing directly
out of the cell toward the
central organ
selective organs between the external
stimulus and the sensory organs which
determine the effect of the stimulus on
the nervous organs. There is, accord-
ingly, no clearly defined limit to the
number and variety of olfactory sensa-
tions. By way of contrast with the visual
organ, for example, there is, in the case
of the olfactory sense, nothing w^hich corresponds to the rods
or cones and operates to reduce all external stimulations to
a limited number of sensory processes. Consequently, the
number of olfactory sensations is very large, and the effort
to classify them is defeated by their variety.
Olfactory stimuli. With regard to the character of the
external stimuU which affect the cells of the olfactory sur-
face, our knowledge is somewhat hmited. Minute particles
probably detach themselves from external objects and are
carried by the air currents during inspiration into the nasal
cavity. These particles, or effluvia, produce a chemical effect
upon the olfactory cells. In general, it seems to be true
that those substances which are most fre-
quently brought into contact with the olfactory
surface produce the least effect, whereas new
and unfamiliar substances produce a strong
effect. The relation between the external
effluvia and the olfactory processes is probably
the outgrowth of the long evolutionary proc-
ess, in which the sense has developed as its
chief function the ability to warn animals of
the presence of unfamiliar substances in the
atmosphere. Noxious gases are, from the
nature of the case, relatively uncommon, and
the olfactory sense, in serving to warn us of
their presence, not only shows its adaptation
to the stimuli which are unusual but shows,
shown to be larger ^\^q ^hc sisfuificance of the whole develop-
than the true . .
sensory cell and mcnt as aimed at the preservation of the
somewhat differ- orP"ani<^m
ent in form ^
Smell a rudimentary sense in man. Ani-
mals make much larger use of the sense of smell than do
human beings. They often take advantage of the presence
of strange effluvia in the atmosphere and react positively
to these odors, seeking the source of the odor, if it leads
them, for example, to food. It is to be said in this con-
nection that the human sense of smell can be much more
highly cultivated than is commonly the case, if attention is
directed to these sensations in early life. Such attention aids
discrimination, but does not change the organ itself.
Fig. 34. Olfac-
tory cells and
supporting cells
(much magni-
The supporting
cells are here
Taste qualities and taste organs specialized. Turning from
smell to taste, we notice first that the qualities of taste sen-
sation are more easily reduced to a classified list. The quali-
ties most constantly recurring are bitter, sweet, sour, and
saline. If we add to the list al-
kaline and metallic, w^hich may
be compounds, it is possible to
classify all taste experiences as
belonging under the one or the
other of the six classes, or as
compounds of these. This re-
duction of all tastes to a few
qualities leads one to look for
structures in the organ of taste
which shall explain the reduc-
tion of the physical manifold
to a small number of sensory
qualities. The study of the
organs of taste showa that they
are specialized structures, prob-
ably of a selective character.
Organs of taste. The taste
organs are distributed through-
out the mouth and throat. They
appear in greatest abundance
on the papillae of the tongue.
Fig. 35 shows a magnified sec-
tion through the side of one of
the large papillae. At certain
points in the walls of the papilla
there can be distinguished groups of cells clustered in bulb-
shaped organs. These are known as the taste bulbs. Each
bulb is made up of a number of cells grouped about its wall
and constituting a minute pear-shaped organ (Fig. 36).
Among these cells in the bulb are distributed tactual nerve
Fig. 35. The depression between
the sides of two papillae on the
surface of the tongue
Liquids may pass down into this open-
ing. On its sides are taste bulbs. Their
number and distribution are indicated
in the figure
fibers and special taste fibers (Fig. 37), which come from
nerve cells. located in the immediate vicinity of the medulla.
The cells of the taste bulb are chemically affected by certain
fluids which act upon them, and the chemical processes set
up within the peripheral cells are transmitted first to the nerve
fibers, and through these to the nerve cells, and, fimally, from
the receiving nerve cells
to the central nervous sys-
tem. Probably not all the
cells in the taste bulbs act
equally in receiving taste
stimulations. Some of the
cells in the bulbs seem to
be specialized for the taste
function, while others play
the part of supporting
cells. The peripheral or-
gans are not true nerve
cells, as were the receiv-
ing cells in the olfactory
organs ; they are interme-
FiG. 36. A diagrammatic section of a diatc between the scnsory
single taste bulb showing the character f^b^j-g and the OUtcr WOrld.
of the different cells ,-t-i • r
Iheir lunction is, un-
doubtedly, selective. This
accounts for the more
definite and independent,
character of the taste quali-
ties as compared with odors. The selective character of the
taste cells is strikingly shown by the fact that not all taste
bulbs receive with equal facility the various taste stimula-
tions. Thus, the cells in the back part of the tongue are
much more sensitive to stimulation from bitter substances.
Cells in the front part of the tongue respond more readily
to sweet solutions. On the sides of the tongue the areas
The cells marked n are the special sensory
cells. The cells marked ss are supporting
cells. It will be noticed that the cells consti-
tuting the bulb are somewhat larger than those
which form the general surrounding tissue
are especially sensitive to sour and saline stimulations. To
be sure, the localization is not absolute, especially for sour
and saline, but it is very far in advance of anything found
in the olfactory surface.
Gustatory stimuli. The substances which act upon these
taste bulbs must be in liquid form. If one dries the tongue
thoroughly, the substances
which would otherwise pro-
duce taste impressions can
be pressed against the
tongue without producing
any effect. For example,
a piece of dry salt placed
upon the dry surface of
the tongue will not give
rise to any taste sensation. '^ ^ ^
Fig. 37. A diagrammatic sketch show-
ing two neighboring taste bulbs
The supporting cells have been removed in
the two bulbs. The bulb on the right has
four specialized gustatory cells. The network
of fibers at the base of these cells shows the
mode of distribution of the gustatory nerve
fibers. In the bulb on the left and in the
intermediate tissue between the bulbs, the
terminations of the tactile nerv^e fiber are
shown. The tongue is thus seen to be an
organ of touch as well as of taste
D. Sensations of Touch
Organs of touch. The
group of sensations popu-
larly classified under the
sense of touch might very
properly have been con-
sidered at the beginning
of this chapter, for touch
is the human sense which
is most closely allied in character and in the structure of its
organs to the primitive senses of the lower animals. Indeed,
the surface of the body is a relatively undifferentiated mass
of protective and sensory cells, which are open to stimula-
tions of all kinds and capable of responding in some degree
to almost any form of external energy. The true nerve cells
for the sense of touch are situated in the immediate neigh-
borhood of the spinal cord. They are primitive bipolar cells,
as shown outside the cord in Figs. 13 and 14. The branch
•which passes out of one of these bipolar cells toward the
surface of the body is the receiving sensory fiber. When it
reaches the skin, it breaks up into a fine network of fibrils.
These fibrils are distributed among the cells of the skin.
The nerve fiber which travels inward from the receiving cell
extends into the spinal cord. Such a fiber was described
in the discussion of the spinal cord. It will be recalled that
this central fiber branches so as to extend upward and
downward through a large section of the spinal cord, send-
ing out at various levels collateral branches which transmit
the stimulation to the motor cells at the different levels of
the cord or transmit the stimulation to the higher nervous
Differentiation of the tactual fibers ; temperature spots.
The sensory fibers which pass to various parts of the surface
of the body seem to be differentiated in their functions to
some extent in spite of the uniformity of their structure.
For, while it is probably true that there is no region on the
surface of the body which is not susceptible to stimulation
in some degree by all forms of external energy, provided
the energy is strong enough, yet it is certain that there are
regions capable of responding easily to slight changes in
pressure and temperature. Indeed, there are areas which
show special susceptibility to pressure, and others which are
especially sensitive to temperature. The specialized areas are
usually points or, at most, limited areas. The most striking
demonstration of this differentiation of the skin can be se-
cured by taking a metallic point which has been reduced some-
what in temperature and passing this point slowly across the
skin. At intervals the point will be recognized as distinctly
cold, while on other parts of the skin it will be recognized
merely as an external pressure without temperature quality.
Those areas where the point is recognized as distinctly cold
have been designated cold spots.
Pressure spots. A second type of specialized points on the
surface of the skin includes those points which are specially
susceptible to stimulations of pressure. If one applies a fine
hair to points on the skin, it will be found that there are cer-
tain points at which the pressure will be recognized, while
there are other points from which no sensation will arise.
Those points which respond to the slightest stimulation are
called pressure spots. The number of pressure spots discov-
ered in any special region will depend, of course, upon the
intensity of the pressure exerted by the hair, so that the term
''pressure spot" is a relative term and depends for its exact
definition upon the intensity of the stimulus applied to the skin.
A part of this differentiation of sensory excitations is due
to the structures which surround the tactual sensory fibers,
but beyond this there is a demonstrated difference in the
receiving fibers themselves.
Other ''spots." Heat spots and pain spots can also be
found. The heat sp:)ts are much more diffuse and difficult
to locate than the cold spots, but they are analogous to the
cold spots in their response to changes in temperature stimu-
lation. Pain spots appear in certain parts of the body and
may, perhaps, be defined as specially sensitive pressure spots.
Whole areas of the body surface, as, for example, the cornea
of the eye, are so sensitive that any stimulation which is rec-
ognized at all will be recognized with the quality of pain rather
than that of simple pressure. There are certain reasons for
treating pain as distinct from pressure. Thus, when a sen-
sory nerve fiber has been injured and is gradually recovering
its functions, pain sensibility and pressure sensibility are
restored at different stages of the recovery.
Relativity of temperature sense ; chemical and mechanical
senses. One characteristic of the temperature spots is their
change in sensitivity when stimulated for a period of time by
any given temperature. For example, the hand which has
grown cold from a long exposure to cold air will react to water
of a moderate degree of temperature in such a way as to give
rise to the sensation of warmth, while the same hand, after
it has been exposed to
warm air, will give sen-
sations of cold from the
same water. This rela-
tivity, as it is called, of
the temperature sense is
due to the fact that the
nervous processes in-
volved are chemical proc-
esses which, when once
established, change the
Fig. 38 A. Tactual end organs condition of the sensory
A section of the cornea of the eye much magni- OrganS SO that the rCCCp-
fied. The small cells in the upper part of the tion of later Stimulations
figure show that the tissue is made up of a num- u i i
ber of small, compactly arranged cells. A nerve OependS UpOn DOth the
fiber is seen distributing its branches among present Stimulation and
these cells. This is a typical form of distribution , ^ . . . . _ .
of the tactual fiber, which ends freely in the the COndltlOn mduCCd by
surface of the body. (After Testute) past Stimulations. Simi-
lar facts have been noted
in the discussion of color
contrasts and olfactory
fatigue. There is no
marked relativity in the
case of sensory proc-
esses of hearing or of
pressure. There is a
basis in these differ-
ences with regard to rel-
FiG. 38 c. A Mis- ativity for a distinction
between the chemical
senses on the one hand,
including the temperature sense, the senses of smell, taste,
and vision, and the mechanical senses on the other hand,
Fig. 38 B. A Pa-
cinian corpuscle.
(After Testute)
senian corpuscle.
(After Testute)
including those which depend upon direct excitation of the
nerve fibers ; namely, pressure and hearing. The chemical
senses show greater relativity and more striking after-effects
than do the mechanical senses.
Organs of touch at the periphery. The peripheral endings
of tactual fibers are in some cases surrounded by special struc-
tures ; in other cases the fibers end freely among the cells of
the skin. A number of typical end organs are shown in
Figs. 38-41. Some evidence has been accumulated to show
that the differentiated qualities of
tactual sensation are related to these
specialized structures. Thus, there
are certain organs which appear in
the conjunctiva where there is no
sensitivity for pressure, but where
there is sensitivity for cold. This
leads to the inference that they are
special organs for cold. Again, cer-
tain tactual cells seem to be espe- ^ ^ r- 1 • ^^
— ^ Fig. 39. Iwo Golgi-Mazzoni
cially numerous in regions sensitive corpuscles of the type found
to pain. Pain, however, is the only by Ruffini in the cutaneous
type of sensation from certain other connective tissue of the tip
^ ^ . of the human finger
regions where the fibers end freely
among the epithelial cells. The evidence is, therefore, not
conclusive that the end organs in the skin are specialized;
they may be primarily protective organs.
Muscle sensations and organic sensations. Sensations from
the inner organs of the body have sometimes been classified
under the tactual sense ; sometimes they have been regarded
as constituting separate classes. All the inner organs of the
body have sensory nerve fibers similar to the tactual fibers
which end in the skin. Thus, the muscles, joints, linings of
the organs of the thoracic, and especially of the abdominal,
regions are all supplied with sensory nerves. In discussing
the experiences received from the limbs, it is sometimes
convenient to distinguish under the name ''muscle sensa-
tions" the experiences resulting from the excitation of the
sensory fibers ending in the muscles. In like manner,
sensations from the abdominal organs
are sometimes classified as organic
sensations. The motives for minute
analysis of these sensations from the
inner organs are not strong, because
•-^ these sensations are relatively un-
differentiated. In the normal course
of life they come into experience
with a great mass of skin sensations,
and they never are intense except
when they are abnormal.
E. Sensation Intensities
Intensity a general characteristic.
Fig. 40. Shows the com- While it has been necessary to dis-
plex distribution of a tactual . , . . . -
nerve fiber in the immediate ^^^s sensation qualities m terms of
vicinity of a hair the relation of these qualities to vari-
The freely ending nerve fibers OUS OrganS of SCUSC and varioUS f OrmS
in region A directly under the ^f external energy, it is possible to
epidermis are to be compared ^-^ ^
with the freely ending nerve treat the matter of scnsation intensi-
fibersshowninFig.38A. These ^j^g j^ ^ somcwhat morc general way.
fibers before their distribution • ^
in the area ^ form a network in The relation of changCS lU the iu-
the cutis in the area B. Around teusity of obj CCtivC SOUUds tO changCS
the shaft of the hair are certain ...
glandular tissues marked G in m the intensity of sound scnsatious
the figure. Branches from the jg of essentially the samc type as the
general nerve trunk are distrib- i • i 1 • ♦ r
uted, as indicated at X, about relation bctwccn the intensity of pres-
the hair and its surrounding tis- ^^j;q stimuli and prcssurc scnsations.
sues. (After Retzius) x i i • • • i • i r
indeed, it is m this sphere or sensa-
tion intensities that the general methods of modern experi-
mental investigation were first most fully developed. The
early experimental investigators had the largest confidence
that they would be able to develop general mathematical
formulas which would define the relations between external
stimuli and sensation intensity with a degree of comprehen-
siveness and precision comparable to that which is attained
in the physical sciences. As a result, they performed the most
laborious experiments and collected a mass of data which is
not equaled in quantity by the data relating to any other single
sphere of psychological phenomena.
Weber's Law. The general principle
which was established by these investiga-
tors is commonly known as Weber's Law.
This law states that the increase in sen-
sation intensity does not follow directly
the increase in the physical stimulus.
While the physical stimulus is increasing
either continuously or by additions of
small increments, the sensation increases
in recognizable intensity only after there
has been a certain percentage of increase
in the intensity of the external stimulus.
To make the matter concrete, if a certain
intensity of light is continuously increased
or is increased step by step by small ad-
ditional amounts of energy, there may
result in subjective experience no appreciable increase what-
soever. Before a change in the intensity of the sensation can
arise, the external light must be increased by about j^-^ of
its original intensity. Various investigators have found some-
what different fractions ranging from yig or j^j to -Jy, but
in any case when the fraction is determined for a given in-
tensity of light, say one hundred candlemeters, the same
fraction holds, at least approximately, for all other medium
intensities. The meaning of Weber's Law can be made
clear by considering the following negative illustration. If we
add to a single candle the small quantity of light necessary
Fig. 41. Tooth of
Gobinus showing dis-
tribution of nerve
fiber throughout the
canal of the tooth.
(After Retzius)
to Increase it by j^-^^ an observer will be able to recognize
the change. If, now, we add to a light of one thousand
candlepowers the same ^-l--^ of a single candlepower, the
effect will be absolutely unappreciable ; that is, the sensation
in consciousness will not be modified at all. Ten candle-
powers must be added to one thoii's'S.iid^feefore an appreciable
change takes place in the observer's experience.
General statement of the law. The law holds in general
for all spheres of sensation intensity. The ratio of increase
in the different spheres of sensation differs. Thus, while
it is j^-^ for light, it is given by Wundt as -^^-^ for pressure.
Other fractions are reported for other spheres of sensation.
In general, however, the relation is always of the same type.
It has been expressed briefly in the statement, if the sen-
sation is to increase in an arithmetical ratio, the stimulus
must increase in a geometrical ratio. The range of applica-
bility of this general principle is limited in each case to
stimuli of moderate intensities.
Mechanical explanation of Weber's Law. After the law
has been established as a statement of an empirical fact, it
is by no means easy to determine its value for the explana-
tion of mental life. It probably expresses a law of nervous
behavior which is a special case under the general mechanical
principle, that any increase in any form of physical activity
becomes more and more difficult as this activity reaches a
higher level of intensity. For example, it is extremely
difficult to add to the speed of a locomotive beyond a certain
point. If the locomotive is moving at the rate of fifteen
miles an hour, a moderate increase in the amount of energy
applied to the machinery will increase the speed by a mile
an hour. If, however, the engine is moving at the rate of
sixty miles an hour, the amount of energy which must be
expended to add one mile to its speed is very much greater
than the amount which was necessary to add this same in-
crement of speed when the engine was moving at the rate
of fifteen miles. This mechanical principle is applicable to
the action of the nervous system. If the external stimulus
acting upon the sense organs is producing a certain mod-
erate degree of chemical activity, that chemical activity can
be intensified by a small addition to the external stimulus.
If, however, the stimulus acting upon the nerve cells is so
strong that it demands nearly all of the energy that the cell
is capable of giving out, then the small addition to the
stimulus will produce no effect. Since this is a general
principle of all nervous behavior, it is a principle which
appears alike in all the different spheres of sensation.
Other views regarding Weber's Law. Other interpreta-
tions of Weber's Law have been given in the history of
psychology. One such interpretation, given by Fechner,
was of a most ambitious type and was intended by its author
to express in exact mathematical terms the general relation
between mind and matter. The significant fact which
Fechner was emphasizing, that the relation between con-
sciousness and the physical world is not direct, is abundantly
established by considerations of a more general character
than those which Fechner took up. We have seen in our
earlier discussions of sensation qualities that there are many
other phases of experience which do not parallel the physical
facts with which they are related. The importance of Weber's
Law as a demonstration of the indirectness of the relation
in question is, therefore, relatively less now than it was in
the time of Fechner, and his definite mathematical formulas
are of no value. The whole study of sensation intensities
was, indeed, more productive for general psychology in the
experimental methods which it served to cultivate than in
the contribution which it made to the content of psychology.
The discussion of sensation intensities may, accordingly, be
dismissed without further detail.
All consciousness complex and selective. A man comes
into a room and sees a piece of paper on the table. He
walks to the table, picks up the paper, and after looking at
it throws it down again. If we try to give a psychological
explanation of these acts, we find ourselves adopting some
such formula as this. The act of going to the table and
picking up the paper is due to curiosity and an inner desire.
Curiosity and desire are aroused by the sensory impression
which the paper made on the man's eye. After the first
act of picking up the paper, a new series of visual im-
pressions fell on the retina ; these new impressions aroused
a new series of inner processes and the act of throwing
down the paper followed. Experience is thought of under
this formula as a series of cycles, each beginning in a sen-
sation and ending in an act.
The formula is much too simple. When we consider
carefully the first statement '' sees a piece of paper," we find
at once that we are dealing not with a sense impression
alone ; we are dealing with a vigorous form of behavior.
The act of looking at an object involves the turning of the
two eyes in a very complicated way on the object and in-
volves also the focusing of the lenses inside the eyes. Not
only so, but looking at an object is a highly selective per-
^formance. The room into which the man came offered to
his vision a hundred shades of color and a hundred varieties
of brightness. Out of all these he fastened on one small
patcho The walls of the room were quite as bright as the
paper and very much more extensive ; they offered sensa-
tions which in their quahty and intensity would overwhelm
the piece of paper if sense impressions alone determined
the flow of mental life. The fact that the man looked
at the paper rather than at the walls is the first and most
essential fact which the psychologist must take into account
if he would give an adequate explanation of the later act of
picking up the paper.
The selective character of conscious processes related to
sensory impressions. Our common descriptions emphasize
the active character of the processes of recognition here
under discussion. We say the man is interested in pieces
of paper, while he has no special interest in walls. Or we
say that the man is trained to give attention to what is on
the table, but is indifferent to the walls of the room. Some-
times we go further and give the explanation of the man's
interests and his attention by saying that he has cultivated
certain associations or certain modes of thinking which
determine the directions in which his mind turns.
Such statements make it clear that psychology cannot rest
content with the explanation that each cycle of experience
begins with a sensory impression. By the time the mind
receives a sensory impression the selective process has gone
a long way ; the selective process which is involved in at-
tending to a sense impression is itself a preliminary stage
of no small importance.
It will not be amiss to recall at this point one of the
important lessons drawn from our study of the evolution of
the organs of sense. Our organs of sense are by their very
structure selective organs. The eye cannot respond to rays
of light below the red or beyond the violet. The ear does
not record sounds of the slowest rates of' vibration or those
of the highest pitch. Evidently the organism has been
determined in its evolution by causes which are more funda-
mental than those of mere sensation, for there has been no
evolution of universal sense organs, but only evolution of
organs capable of receiving certain impressions which the
organism can use in promoting its own life.
Selective consciousness related to behavior. The key to
this whole matter is found in a study of bodily activities.
Every animal is a reacting being. All its functions relate
to what it can do. For example, there is a certain range of
objects which are of such size that they can be picked up
by the human hand or moved by human fingers. It is an
impressive fact of biology that the range of human vision
corresponds to this range of action. We do not have micro-
scopic eyes like the fly. Nor, on the other hand, do we
have distance vision like the eagle's. With our present
organs of behavior we could not react to the minute objects
which the fly sees, nor could we use far-sighted eyes to ad-
vantage from our position near the ground, for even if we
could see at great distances, we could not move fast enough
to take advantage of our superior sight. The range of human
vision has been determined by the range of possible human
reactions. The impressions of the eye are of importance
only when there is a corresponding power of action.
Common interests and their relation to behavior. That
action is a determining consideration in mental life will be
clearly seen when one begins to look at ordinary experience
with a view to finding what is back of sensations. One who
is not interested in doing something with trees will pass
them a thousand times and never really see them. The
maple tree has a shape wholly different from that of the
elm. The barks of the two are quite different. The casual
observer passes these trees day after day and his retina
receives the appropriate sensory impressions with their vary-
ing characteristics, but the impressions go to waste. Let
this observer be induced to try to draw the trees, and his
experiences undergo a vast change. The impressions begin
to be vivid ; they have not undergone any modification in
their character as sensory excitations, but they have taken
on new importance in the psychological world. The psycho-
logical character of the impression can be described only
by saying that the impression has been selected for attention
or has been made vivid and distinct by virtue of the effort
to use it.
Another example is found in the familiar experience of
not hearing a clock tick so long as one is absorbed in read-
ing. When the reading is over and there are no dominating
ideas in the mind, the ticking begins to be heard. The fact
is, of course, that the ear recorded the ticking in both cases.
While one was reading, the nervous system was pouring its
energy into the eyes which were looking along the printed
lines. There was, furthermore, the general muscular reaction
characteristic of purely visual attention, the tense breathless
interest in the story on the printed page. The auditory im-
pressions were absorbed into this stream of active processes
and were lost. When the activity of reading is over and the
body and the nervous system fall back into the miscellaneous
activities characteristic of partial relaxation, there may be a
turning of the head to listen and then the ticking may
occupy the center of attention.
One might multiply examples indefinitely. On the street
we pay little or no attention to the people whom we are
passing. Our one purpose in most cases is to avoid collision,
and our attention to sensory experience is just enough to
serve this end. The skilled cabinetmaker sees in a piece
of furniture elements which the untrained layman would not
notice. The hunter observes what the stranger in the woods
overlooks. Everywhere it is behavior that determines the
emphasis on sensory impressions.
Study of evolution of organs of action as important as
study of senses. The relation of bodily activity to mental
processes will be more fully understood if we trace the evo-
lution of the muscular system and its operations much as we
traced the evolution of the organs of sense. In an earlier
chapter the primitive muscle cells in the body wall of the
hydra were shown in Fig. 4, and the contrast in both form
and function between the muscle cells and the neural cells
was pointed out. The muscle cell is large and elongated.
It is large so that it can store up more energy than could
be stored in a small cell, and its elongated form favors con-
traction. Fig. 42 shows a single muscle cell of one of the
higher animals. A muscle is made up of a mass of such
cells. Every muscle is supplied with a nerve the ends of
which are distributed to the cells and produce contractions
of the muscle by discharging motor impulses into the cells.
The phenomena of contraction are illustrated in Fig. 43.
This process of contraction consists in an inner chemical
change which uses up a part of the energy stored up in the
cell body. The proc-
esses may be com-
-r^ A 1-- 1-1 J 1 J in pared to combustion.
Fig. 42. A highly developed muscle cell ^
When a piece of
wood burns, it gives off a part of the energy stored up in
its complex chemical substances. So it is with the muscles ;
they give out energy and have left behind certain waste
products which may be described as the ash of combustion.
Evolution from gross muscles to highly differentiated
muscles. The highly specialized muscle cells of the type
shown in Fig. 42 have been evolved from the cells which
make up the surface of the body in such simple animals as
the hydra. Furthermore, the muscles of the higher animals
have in the course of evolution become differentiated into a
large number of highly specialized groups of muscle cells. A
single illustration will make clear the type of evolution which
has gone on in all parts of the body. The mouth of one of
the lower animals, such as a fish, is opened and closed by
very s- nple muscles. In the higher animal forms the differ-
entiation of muscles goes much further. The opening and
shutting of the human mouth, for example, is not a single
gross performance as in the fish. The muscles of the lips
have been evolved and so highly differentiated that one side
of the mouth can be moved, as it is in many forms of facial
expression, quite independently of the gross opening and
closing of the jaw, which is the only form of movement of
which the fish is capable.
In like manner the
hand exhibits a high
differentiation of the
muscles. When we
study the ability of a
human being to move
one finger apart from
the rest of the hand,
we realize how far dif-
ferentiation of the mus-
cles has gone.
Behavior dependent
on nervous control. The
highly differentiated
muscular system of the
human body takes on a
greater significance for
the student of psychol-
ogy when it is kept in
mind that the muscles
are always connected
with the nervous system and are absolutely dependent on
the nervous system for the impulses which cause their con-
traction. In the lowest animal forms the muscle cells had a
general irritability, but in the process of evolution the muscle
cells have been specialized to store up great quantities of
energy. They do not in their later specialized stage receive
impressions directly from the outer world. They contract
Fig. 43. The contracted and relaxed state
of a muscle
The dotted lines within the muscle show the
distribution of the nerve fiber
only when they are excited by nervous impulses. The higher
the animal, the more its muscles have becomxC dependent on
the nervous system. The result is that when the muscular
system becomes highly differentiated there must be a parallel
evolution of the nervous centers related to these muscles.
There has been, accordingly, a steady evolution of the con-
trolling nervous organs. When we study the human hand
and its complex possibilities of adjustment or when we
study the delicate movements of the human face, we must
always have in mind the fact that there are corresponding
differentiations of the nervous system.
Coordination as necessary counterpart of differentiation.
There is another consequence of this differentiation of
the motor organs which is of importance for our study.
The highly differentiated muscles may, indeed, contract
each by itself in the performance of some special function
for which it was evolved, but for the most part^the special
muscles act in systems. The individual muscle becomes
for the purpose of the moment not a separate organ, but
a part of a system of cooperating muscles. For example,
the single finger may move by itself, but in many of the
activities of life the single finger contributes its strength
to a grasping movement which enlists all the other fingers
and the whole hand. In a grasping movement the finger is
not a separate organ. Here, then, we have a complex situ-
ation ; the differentiated muscles which move the finger
must sometimes act separately, sometimes as parts of a
combination of many muscles. In the same way the
nervous centers must be both specialized and capable of
entering into combination.
Individual development in behavior. The history of indi-
vidual development of muscular control shows how conipli-
cated is this matter of muscular action. There is a natural
tendency on the part of the infant to contract certain of the
muscles of the body in a primitive gross combination. Thus,
the infant can close the hand on any small object like a
pencil which is laid across the palm. The fingers all enter
into this act, and the muscular system of the hand and arm
cooperate in a single performance. This primitive act is
very like that exhibited by the animals lower in the scale
than man. In the course of later life the child will have to
.acquire by practice the ability to move his individual fingers
without including the others. Thus, if he learns to play on
the piano, he must not move all the fingers together. In
such a case he must learn to differentiate the fingers from
each other.
Conversely, there arises even in infant life the necessity
of developing a careful cooperation between the different
parts of the body. The two hands must work together in
grasping an object. The head and eyes must turn toward
an object which the hand is to grasp. Later in life the
fingers which have become skilled in striking the piano
keys separately must cooperate in striking the chord.
In these examples the body is seen to be a highly evolved
system of reacting organs constantly developing, on the one
hand, in the direction of finer and more delicately adjusted
movements and, on the other hand, in the direction of
more complex combinations of these differentiated forms
of behavior.
In terms of our description we may distinguish three
stages of muscular activity, always recalling that there are
corresponding stages in the development of processes in
the nervous system. First, there are gross adjustments ;
second, differentiated forms of movement ; and third, coor-
dinated forms of action. The term '' coordination " here
introduced will recur frequently in later discussions. Its
meaning will be clear from the foregoing discussions. A
coordinated movement is one in which groups of differen-
tiated muscles cooperate under the control of nerve centers,
thus producing complex but completely unified acts.
Inherited coordinations or instincts. There is one impor-
tant fact of heredity which must be included in the pre-
liminary discussion of bodily movement before we are in a
position to understand fully the relation of behavior to con-
sciousness. The higher animals come into the world with
many coordinated forms of behavior fully provided for in
the inherited structure of their nervous systems. For ex-
ample, a human infant is able at the beginning of life to
use the lips and tongue in the complex act of sucking and
he is able also to swallow through the cooperation of the
muscles of the throat. Such an inherited complex of coor-
dinated acts is called an instinct. The nervous centers in
control of the lips and tongue are evidently coupled by
lines of connection which the long experience of the race
has laid down, and the infant is equipped from the first
not only with differentiated muscles and controlling centers
but with a fully developed organization in his nervous system
which results in the cooperation of the differentiated centers.
Glands as active organs. To this discussion of the devel-
opment of the muscles and their contraction should be adde(5
the comment that there is another group of active organs ;
namely, the glands. These secrete under the stimulus of
the nervous system, and their behavior can for purposes of
our discussion be regarded as like that of the muscles.
A constant tension of active organs as background of all
behavior. In order to understand the relation of the be-
havior of the muscles and glands to consciousness, one
general fact which is very commonly overlooked must be
kept clearly in view. The active organs of the body are
at all times during life in a state of tension. There are
constantly pouring out of the nervous system streams of
motor excitations. These are distributed to different parts
of the body in currents of varying intensity, but there
is always a stream of motor impulses going to the active
One reason why this fact is not clearly recognized is that
we ordinarily think of the nervous system as in action only
when some part of the body is actually moving. Thus, if
the hand moves from near the body to a distant point in
order to pick up some object, we realize that the muscles
of the arm are contracting. But if the individual sits
rigidly in his seat, resisting the impulse to reach for the
object, we overlook the fact that his muscles are on the
stretch, often to an extent involving much greater effort
than would be required to grasp the object.
Evidences without end could be adduced to show that
the muscles are in constant action. The neck muscles
are constantly in action holding up the head of a waking
man. Let the neck muscles relax for a moment, as they
do when the man begins to get drowsy, and gravity will
pull the head forward, giving a striking exhibition of the
work which the neck muscles are doing most of the time.
Again, consider what happens at all times by way of brac-
ing the body for mm^ements. The trunk muscles tighten
when the hand begins to reach out because the trunk must
balance the new weight which is taken up in the hand.
Not alone the trunk muscles but the whole inner mech-
anism of the body is drawn into action even by the most
trivial movement. The blood circulation accommodates it-
self to every act. This means that the contraction of an
arm muscle calls for more blood to the arm. The call
affects the heartbeat and the contraction of the muscles
in the arteries which control the pressure of the blood in
all parts of the body. The adjustment of blood circulation
affects respiration and digestion and the inner glandular
action, until finally the whole body is involved in the effort
to move the arm.
Meaning of sensory impressions dependent upon inner
conditions. We are now in a position to understand the facts
which were taken up in the early paragraphs of this chapter.
A sensory impression does not come into a nervous system
that is in suspense waiting to be aroused to action. A sen-
sory impression is not the first or primary step in a series
of nervous processes. The sensory impression comes into
an inner world full of action. The new impression may
change the mode of action or it may be absorbed into the
processes under way. Again, using another figure, we may
say that the inner world is constantly weaving its material
into a pattern. The new sensory impression is new raw
material. It may be necessary to shut down the machinery
and recast the pattern in order to deal with this new mate-
rial. Ordinarily it is not necessary to shut down. Ordinarily
the new raw material is perfectly familiar and with very little
disturbance of the routine is absorbed into the existing pat-
tern, and the machinery goes on as it was working.
Other analogies could be drawn on to help in describing
the situation ; the best are always those which are closest to
mental life itself. Thus a social group receives a newcomer.
The arrival is not the beginning of the group's social activ-
ity. The arrival may make no striking impression on the
conversation. On the other hand, the new arrival may turn
all currents of thought and social life into new channels.
The new social situation in any case will be the result of
what was, plus the modifying influence of what now is.
Sensory processes and the equilibrium of action. So it is
in the action of the nervous system. Before a particular
sensory impression comes, the nervous system is in a state of
general excitation. Continuous streams of incoming sensory
impulses and streams of outgoing motor processes constitute
a complex of nervous life. The character of this complex is
determined primarily by those inner paths of combination
which have been developed in the organism's history and
in its past struggles with the world. Into this inner world
with its stresses and strains comes a new sensory impulse.
In the great majority of cases the new impulse does not
work any radical effect. The central processes are under
way and they go on as before, absorbing into their main
current the little stream of new sensory energy. Every now
and then the new impulse is so strong or it fits into the
workings of the central nervous system with such a power
to change the equilibrium of action that a radical change
takes place. One is reading and hears his name called
from the next room. The name arouses action because it is
imperative in its command over one's action. The call need
not be strong, but it is one of the keys to a vigorous form
of behavior entirely opposed to reading. In such a case the
action is abruptly changed in its direction of operation.
Importance of sensations dependent on organization. Even
when one of the abrupt and impressive changes in central
nervous action comes, it is not the sensory impulse as such
which explains the change. The ability of the individual to
react is here the chief consideration. An impression can
never be strong unless the organization of the individual is
prepared to receive it. Indeed, as pointed out earlier in the
chapter, the whole evolution of the animal world indicates
that the sense organs themselves evolve in the direction
dictated by the demands for action.
Sensations unduly emphasized through introspection. The
discussion of activity as taken up thus far in this chapter
has made very few appeals to the reader's conscious analysis
of his own experiences. The reason is that the view of con-
sciousness here presented is not the one suggested by intro-
spection. Introspection tends to bring into overemphatic
relief new sensory impressions. It is not difficult to note
what goes on in consciousness when a color is seen or a
sound is heard, for the points in consciousness where a color
or a sound becomes vivid are relatively easy to distinguish
from the m.ain current of mental life. Consciousness pauses
for a moment and gives emphasis to the arrival of the new-
comer. It is much more difficult to look at the main current
of experience because a person is in the midst of the cur-
rent, absorbed in its movement and thus without any con-
trasts by means of which to make himself vividly aware of
that which fills his whole mind. Just as the social group
which was referred to a few paragraphs back is not aware
of its own atmosphere and of its own appearance but is
clearly conscious of the new member, so personal conscious-
ness must adopt new scientific methods of recognizing its
own characteristics.
Attitudes. Perhaps the use of a special term will help in
bringing out what is here being emphasized. There is in
every mental act an aspect which comes from the individual's
reactions on his impressions. We may call this aspect of
experience an attitude. Thus there are attitudes of liking
and disliking. If the attitude is vivid, one may readily ana-
lyze it out of the complex and say, '' I like the color or the
sound or the taste," or '' I dislike the impression." If the
attitude is not so vivid or so distinctive in character, it may
be more difficult to separate it for purpose of study from
the impression. A color may receive the attention of an
observer, thus arousing a very definite and positive attitude
called attention, but it is difficult to describe what one
means by the word '' attention." It is also difficult to dis-
entangle attention from the color experience itself. Yet a
moment's scientific consideration of the matter will make
it quite evident that the conditions of attention are to be
found in the individual's organization and active processes.
No sensory impression carries in itself the qualities which
command attention. Attention is a contribution of the inner
world ; it is an attitude of the individual.
Attitudes not related to sensations but to behavior. Our
attitudes are as manifold as our modes of response to im-
pressions and ideas. In the next chapter we shall select for
treatment some of the chief attitudes of ordinary life. In
the meantime, it is the purpose of this chapter to reiterate
the fact that all attitudes are phases of behavior. The psy-
chology of the individual must study modes of behavior
quite as much as sensations. Indeed, if one is to be empha-
sized more than the other, it is the business of science to
bring out the significance of behavior, since this is likely to
be overlooked by the superficial observer.
Relation of sensation to reaction. It may be well to summarize
the conclusions reached up to this point by means of a diagram.
^M .
1 u
Fig. 44. Diagram showing relation of sensory impressions to reactions
Let the rectangle at the left of Fig. 44 represent some object
in the physical world — a book or a piece of machinery. The ob-
ject has many physical characteristics which are represented by the
subdivisions i to 9. Some of these impress a human being ; others
do not. For example, the machine may send out waves of electric
energy for which we have no organ of sense ; the book may send
out ultraviolet rays of light which lie beyond the range of vision.
Subdivision 7 represents the power of emitting electric energy ;
subdivision 8, the power of giving out ultraviolet rays. When
energy from 7 and 8 reaches the surface of the human body there
is no organ for the reception of the stimulation. Subdivision i, on
the other hand, represents the power to reflect red light, and
subdivision 2 represents solidity or resistance to touch. These do
impress the human body if they strike the right points, as indicated
by the dotted lines continuing lines i a and 2 . Line i b represents
a ray of light which does not strike the eye, but strikes some part
of the skin and produces no effect.
Let us follow the dotted lines which represent currents of sen-
sory excitation entering the central nervous system from the eye
and finger. It is not usual for the central nervous system to receive
only two sensory impressions at any given moment, but for the
sake of simplicity the others are omitted.
As soon as these sensory processes enter the central nervous
system they begin to flow toward the muscles which constitute the
second surface of the body represented by the right-hand boundary
of the rectangle standing for the individual. In the muscular sys-
tem there are certain contractions — m^ //,/, r, s^ /, u^ and v^ which
are the results of motor impulses flowing out from the nervous
In the central nervous system the two incoming currents are
brought together by the organized paths in this system. They then
pass through the motor centers and are distributed in such a way
as to reenforce s ; that is, one of the muscular tensions which was
present from the first.
We commonly say that the sensory impressions caused the
reaction s. What really happened is that certain attributes of the
object aroused the sensory impulses which in turn were fused by
the individual's inner nervous organization in such a way that the
reaction s of which the individual was all along capable was brought
into emphatic play.
Consciousness does not reflect merely the entrance of sensory
impressions into the nervous system ; if it did, vision and touch
from the same object would remain as unrelated facts in expe-
rience. Consciousness includes the incoming impressions, but em-
phasizes the fact that they are combined on- the way to a common
center of motor discharge. Consciousness is related to the central
organization and thus to the reactions of the individual quite as
much as to the incoming sensory impressions.
We find ourselves, accordingly, in harmony with the conclusion
to which our general study of the nervous system led us. We .
found, it will be remembered, that the indirect centers of the cere-
brum — that is, the organizing areas of the brain — are the parts of
greatest importance to the student of conscious life. We now see
that this means that the fusion of sensory impressions on the way
to their discharge as motor processes is the physical fact most
closely related to consciousness. Consciousness does not depend
primarily on the character of sensory impressions or of muscular
contractions, but is determined largely by the organizing processes
which follow the reception of sense impressions and their discharge
into motor channels.
Reactions toward objects and reactions away from objects.
If we consider the simplest forms of animal behavior, we
find that they divide into two classes ; there are, on the one
side, activities in which the animal seeks those ends which
gratify, such as food, warmth, and contact with its own
kind ; and there are, on the other side, activities in which
the animal seeks to escape from harm. The simplest
animal forms show these two types of behavior, as has
been pointed out in an earlier chapter (Fig. 2, and p. 16).
The human infant shows the same fundamental forms of
Pleasure and displeasure. There are in conscious life
fundamental attitudes corresponding to these two types of
behavior. We like what we seek, and our attitude toward
impressions arousing this type of reaction is described by
the • common word ''pleasure." What we try to avoid
arouses within us the opposite attitude, or one of dis-
pleasure. In popular language the antithesis commonly ex-
pressed is between pleasure and pain. Pain is, in reality,
a very intense form of tactual sensation which comes from
the injury of bodily tissues. Such sensations stir up the
most violent efforts on the part of the organism to throw
off the offending object ; hence the common failure to dis-
tinguish between the sensory part of the experience and the
attitude of displeasure.
Pleasure and displeasure appear in a great variety of
particular forms. Thus, when the body is taking in food,
there is a series 'of activities which are among the most
gratifying that the individual can experience. The nervous
system is prepared to respond positively to the stream of
sensory stimulations which come to the organs of taste and
smell from objects suited to the organism. The organism
is coordinated in its internal behavior to receive the objects
that gratify, and the nervous activity accompanying the
whole process is of the most favorable type. Again, the
comfort of sitting in a warm, bright room is different from
that of taking food ; but here, as in taking food, all the
body's reactions are harmonious and favorable, and in a
general way the attitude of the individual is of the same
quality as that which appears in the act of taking food.
Displeasure exhibits in like manner different forms. The
odor of some object may be disgusting because it throws
the body into violent activities aimed at rejection. In the
same general way, one tries to get away from a glaring
light. In both cases the action is one of self-protection,
and the mental attitude is one of displeasure.
There are negative conditions as well as positive which
produce the typical attitudes of pleasure and displeasure.
Thus the organism which is deprived of food or of warmth
will make strenuous efforts to correct the deficiency, and
the attitude which accompanies these efforts may be of the
most intense displeasure. In like manner the relief which
comes with the escape from impending danger may give
the highest satisfaction.
Cultivated feelings. In general, it may be said that what-
ever impression promotes the normal reaction of the organ-
ism is accompanied by pleasure ; whatever defeats normal
behavior or arouses protective recoil is unpleasant.
The history of psychology is full of efforts to classify
pleasures and displeasures and to show the exact relations
of these phases of experience to sensations. The difficulty
in reaching any final classification is that with the progress
of individual development new types of pleasure and dis-
pleasure arise just in the degree in which one learns to seek
or reject objects. Each human being starts with an instinc-
tive tendency to seek certain ends and reject others. To
these fundamental likes and dislikes he adds others con-
nected with his mature experience. Thus each of us sets
up certain property rights. One likes to have at hand, sub-
ject to his instant command, certain conveniences. If one
cannot find his pen or his tennis racket, he is sometimes
thrown into a state of distress hardly less violent than that
exhibited by the infant who cannot find food. The tastes for
pens and tennis rackets are acquired by the use of these
instruments, they are in no sense of the word instinctive ;
but once the habits of use are organized they demand the
opportunity for expression, and satisfaction or its opposite
will attach to their presence or absence.
Fear as a typical emotion. One of the significant exam-
ples of a strong negative attitude appears in the experience
which we call fear. We sometimes speak of the instinct of
fear. There is, indeed, in every animal a strong tendency
to run away from everything that is strange or large or
overstimulating. So delicately is the nervous system poised
to protect the individual that when a strange or violent
stimulation comes to the organs of sense there follows an
overstimulation of all the active organs. This overstimula-
tion is accompanied by an inner state of agitation. The
inner agitation confuses all thought and is a source of
displeasure just because the inner chaos is ineffective and
incapable of arousing any coordinated forms of expression.
The frightened man is proverbially not intelligent. The fact
is that the frightened man is internally in a commotion, and
his mind is blurred because he cannot cope with the situa-
tion. His motor processes are stalled or incoordinated, and
his attitude is disagreeable and increasingly so the longer
his inability to deal with the situation continues.
Fear is a form of displeasure, but unique as contrasted
with the displeasure of rejecting an unacceptable taste or
color. Yet so general in character is fear that it may attach
to any violent form of excitement. Fear, which has been
described as the most primitive form of human displeasure,
does not disappear with modern life, but tends, rather, to
become more general and more intense. To be sure, it
attaches to new objects as man overcomes his first enemies,
but it is one of the most common attitudes of life. Primi-
tive man was afraid of an eclipse ; modern man is not.
Modern man is, however, thrown into a panic by an earth-
quake because it runs counter to all his established forms
of behavior to have the solid earth under his feet begin to
rock. The earth has been the base of all behavior, and
one is at a loss to control behavior when this base of action
changes. Not only so, but modern life contains new terrors
which were not known in earlier stages of civilization. The
embarrassment of appearing in public is one of the new
inventions of civilization. That there is much superfluous
excitement in this case is realized by everyone whose knees
have trembled and whose pulse has gone to one hundred
and thirty. The mental distress of the situation comes
from the fact that these forms of reaction are ineffective,
indeed are quite absurdly in the wrong direction.
How to change the attitude of fear. The common advice
given to children to go directly and investigate any object
of which they are afraid is in general good. The going
and the handling of an object give the individual a form of
reaction which is coordinated and normal as a substitute for
the agitation and for the ineffective inner agitation.
Fear an emotion of complex beings. Kipling has made a
tale out of the evolution of fear. The stupid, slow-going
bullocks in a night stampede in the camp tell how they
fight and criticize the elephant as a coward. The bullocks
tell how they draw the guns.
'' Then we tug the big gun all together -— Hey a — Hullah /
Heeyah ! Hullah I We do not climb like cats nor run like calves.
We go across the level plain, twenty yoke of us, till we are un-
yoked again, and we graze while the big guns talk across the plain
to some town with mud walls, and pieces of the wall fall out, and
the dust goes up as though many cattle were coming home."
^^ Oh ! And you choose that time for grazing do you ? " said the
young mule.
^^ That time or any other. Eating is always good. We eat till
we are yoked up again and tug the gun back to where Two Tails
is waiting for it. Sometimes there are big guns in the city that
speak back, and some of us are killed, and then there is all the
more grazing for those that are left. This is Fate — nothing but
Fate. None the less, Two Tails is a great coward. That is the
proper way to fight. We are brothers from Hapur. Our father
was a sacred bull of Shiva. We have spoken." . . .
Whereupon the elephant who has heard himself accused
of being a coward replies as follows :
^^ Well," said Two Tails, rubbing one hind leg against the other,
exactly like a little boy saying a piece, ^^ I don^t quite know whether
you 'd understand."
^^ We don't, but we have to pull the guns," said the bullocks.
^^ I know it, and I know you are a good deal braver than you
think you are. But it 's different with me. My battery captain
called me a Pachydermatous Anachronism the other day."
^^ That 's another way of fighting, I suppose ? " said Billy, who
was recovering his spirits.
^* You don't know what that means, of course, but I do. It
means betwixt and between, and that is just where I am. I can
see inside my head what will happen when a shell bursts ; and you
bullocks can't."
^^ I can," said the troop-horse. ^^ At least a little bit. I try not
to think about it."
^^ I can see more than you, and I do think about it. I know
there 's a great deal of me to take care of, and I know that nobody
knows how to cure me when I'm sick. All they can do is to stop
my driver's pay till I get well, and I can't trust my driver."
Two Tails stamped his foot till the iron ring on it jingled.
"Oh, I'm not talking to you. You can't see inside your heads."
'' No. We see out of our four eyes," said the bullocks. '' We
see straight in front of us."
'* If I could do that and nothing else you would n't be needed
to pull the big guns at all. If I was like my captain — he can see
things inside his head before the firing begins, and he shakes all
over, but he knows too much to run away — if I was like him I
could pull the guns. But if I were as wise as all that I should never
be here. I should be a king in the forest, as I used to be, sleeping
half the day and bathing when I liked. I have n't had a good bath
for a month." ^
Fear and pathology. The physicians who deal with mental
pathology report fear as the most common form of modern
mental breakdown. The fears of our present-day lives are
not the fears of the forest, but they are subtle and disorgan-
izing. They cannot be classified merely as unpleasurable
agitations ; they arise from violent and disorganizing forms
of disrupted nervous activity.
Parental love and altruism. Parental love for offspring
has been described as an instinct. Here again we have to do
with a complex attitude which can be understood only when
one studies the forms of behavior w^hich the parent culti-
vates. Nature has so organized the higher animals that they
protect their young. Gradually the compass of these protec-
tive activities wddens until a mother may be wholly absorbed
in the care of her offspring. The evolution of many of the
complex forms of social life is directly traceable to the
efforts of parents to care for their young. Fiske, in a very
interesting essay on the evolution of altruism, has shown
how the care of the child has brought into the world a
mental attitude wdiolly beyond animal instinct. Among primi-
tive animals behavior was at first aimed at self-preservation,
With the growth of parental solicitude has come a form of
1 Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book, pp. 284, 287-289. The Century
Company, 1914.
behavior which is at times so strong that a mother will
sacrifice herself and with supreme gratification undergo all
kinds of hardships in doing for her child that which will
protect him and promote his welfare. This in turn, as Fiske
points out, leads to other altruistic acts and attitudes em-
bracing companions and acquaintances. Cultivated modes
of behavior may, as in this case, create mental values which
are entirely unintelligible if we think only of individual
self -protection.
Anger. Anger is a mental attitude which accompanies an
effort to throw off restraint. There may be blind rage in
which the angry man beats aimlessly at everything which
is within reach, or there may be the subtle studied anger
which step by step proceeds to the final attack. Watson has
called attention in his experiments with infants to the fact
that a new-born infant will be thrown into a rage if its move-
ments are restricted. Hold an infant's head perfectly still
and anger will appear.
Other emotions. The list of attitudes could be indefinitely
amplified. Jealousy, shame, bashfulness, surprise, awe, rever-
ence are all names of special attitudes which grow out of the
efforts of the individual to deal in some active way with the
world about him. They all reduce in the last broad analysis
to pleasurable and unpleasurable experiences, but this gen-
eral classification obliterates the distinctions which can be
productively retained if, instead of merely trying to classify
attitudes, one develops the formula of explanation which in-
cludes all the rich variety of human reactions to a complex
Emotions as fundamental forms of experience. The fore-
going paragraphs will be recognized by every reader as deal-
ing with that aspect of experience which has always been
referred to under the terms '' feeling " and '' emotion." The
importance of the feelings must not be underestimated by
the student of human life. Sensory impressions are of
significance only as they arouse attitudes. It is the attitude
which reveals the individual ; and the attitude in turn is
the result of organized modes of response. The paths in
the nervous system along which sensory impressions travel
to their motor discharge, the central agitations which arise
in the nervous system as the sensory impressions are com-
bined and recombined, condition experience in a way that
cannot be overlooked by one who is interested in human
nature. Hum.an nature is what it is, not because of the
impressions which come to the eye and ear, but because of
the responses which are worked out through the central
nervous system.
Higher forms of experience as related to behavior. Thus
far we have been showing in a general way that attitudes are
related to reactions. The full significance of reactions for
individual mental life will become increasingly apparent as
the subsequent discussions canvass the different types of
organized behavior of human beings. We shall discover that
there are lower forms^f behavior and lower types of mental
attitude, and that the development of higher forms of expe-
rience involves the development of higher and more complex
forms of reaction. Indeed, the rest of our study wdll be a
study of human reactions and accompanying experiences.
The remainder of this chapter will be devoted to a study of
some of the more primitive and more fundamental attitudes.
Feelings of organic type. Many of the most primitive
adjustments of the motor organs of the body are internal
adjustments and have to do with the well-being of the body
itself. Accompanying these there is at all times a background
of feeling which colors all experience. There is the buoyant
feeling which one enjoys when he begins life on a bright,
clear day and the feeling of utter depression of a foggy day.
The reasons for such feelings can be understood from such
experiments as the following. The muscles of a waking
person are always under tension. Let the tension be tested
under conditions of varying stimulation. The individual can
be asked to show his muscular strength by means of a
dynamometer or simple apparatus for measuring the strength
of the grip. If such a test is made in a dark, silent room,
and a second test with the same person is subsequently made
in a room which is well lighted and full of sound, it will be
found that more work can be done in the latter case than
in the former. The additional light and sound have raised
the nervous and muscular tone to a higher level, so that
when the movement is undertaken, the motor impulses to
the muscles have the advantage of the higher initial tension.
It need hardly be pointed out that the conscious experience
of the reactor is different in the two cases described.
Flexor and extensor movements related to characteristic
attitudes. A second experiment is as follows : Let a person
be trained to make an outward swing of the arm with his
eyes closed. If a number of measurements are made, it is
possible to determine with great accuracy the range of error
of these movements. If the movements are made when the
senses are in a quiet condition without special stimulation,
they will not be of exactly the same length in successive
trials, but they will not differ widely from each other. After
these preliminary tests, let the reactor be given a strong
bitter or sweet taste sensation. The result will be that the
arm, in common with the other muscular organs of the body,
will take on a different tension. The tension in the case of
a sweet stimulus will tend to favor outward expansive move-
ments ; the tension in the case of a bitter stimulus will tend
to favor inward contracting m.ovements. The result will be
increased movements in these directions, even when the
person tries to move as before. In short, bitter tastes and
sweet tastes result in inner muscular tensions.
Changes in circulatory movements as parallels of con-
scious changes. One of the systems of muscles which is
most noticeably affected by any change in stimulation is the
system in control of the circulatory activities. If a recording
apparatus is so adjusted as to give a record of the rate and
intensity of the heartbeat, it will be found that there is a
constant rise and fall in the rate and intensity of circulatory
activity. The rise and fall can be shown in striking degree
by using in the course of the experiment some marked
stimulus, but even when no special stimulus is applied to
the organs of sense, there is a continuous flux and change
in the circulatory activities. Here, again, it is unnecessary
to point out that consciousness is constantly changing, and
that it changes most noticeably with the application of an
external stimulus. Indeed, so close is the relation between
activity and sensation in this latter case that it may safely
be said that there is never a change in sensory excitation
without a parallel change in circulatory activity.
Disappointment as negative emotion. Another case of this
internal type of reaction is to be found in the fact that the
body is from time to time thrown back on itself. For ex-
ample, one starts to go about some ordinary task and finds
that the energy he had mustered up for the work cannot
be used because he cannot find the tools for his work. The
energy which was to be expended in doing the work is
thrown back into the body, and the inner agitation is accom-
panied by what we call in ordinary life disappointment.
Here the nervous agitation is in the nature of a disagree-
able stopping of movements which were originally directed
outward but have suddenly been thrown inward.
External attitudes. There are many forms of reaction
with an outward turn which are less emotional in character
because the content of experience is less personal. We use
in such cases terms like ''satisfaction" or ''interest." The
man who makes a good stroke in golf enjoys- it and gets
satisfaction out of it, but he does not have so intense a per-
sonal experience as he has when he makes a bad stroke.
.The successful performance issues in a series of impressions
and ideas rich in content ; the unsuccessful act arouses vio-
lent internal circulatory reactions and unpleasant tensions of
all the muscles of the body.
Attention as an attitude. There is one very general fact
with regard to reactions to external objects. The individual
either turns toward an object, looking toward it, reaching
out for it, and bracing himself to deal with it, or else the
individual turns away from an impression, neglecting it or
actually rejecting it. The attitude side of these various forms
of response is described by a general term, — the term ''at-
tention." One attends to an object or is interested in it, or
in the other case he neglects it or exhibits a lack of interest
or concentration on it.
Experiment to demonstrate tension. Attention is the atti-
tude of reacting to an impression. The physical symptoms
of attention are well known ; there is the strained muscle,
the fixed gaze, the leaning forward to catch the new im-
pression which will in turn arouse more action. Much of
the reaction exhibited in a state of attention is for the pur-
pose of focusing the organs of sense on the source of the
sensations. The infant is constantly trying to get into contact
with everything for the purpose of getting more impressions.
All through life there is a tendency to move in the direc-
tion of an object which is in the center of attention. This
is shown experimentally as follows : Let the person to be
tested rest his hand on some recording apparatus which
moves with very little friction. A board suspended by a
long string and carrying a tracer at one end is a very good
apparatus with which to make this experiment. Now let the
subject close his eyes and think intently of his hand. The
recording point will make short excursions back and forth,
for there is no such condition as one of absolute rest of the
hand muscles, and under the conditions arranged very slight
movements are sufficient to produce a record. After noting
the range and kind of movement which will be made when
one thinks as steadily as he can of the hand, let the reactor
think intently of some object at his right or left. Let him
make an imaginary journey or draw in imagination some
simple geometrical figure. The result will be that the move-
ments of the recorder will be radically changed. There will
often be a tendency for the
new movement to take on
a form directly related to
the new subject of thought,
but in any case there will
be a change from the type
of movement which appears
when attention is concen-
trated on the hand, even if
the form of the new move-
ment is not directly trace-
able to the new experience.
Fig. 45 shows the records
of involuntary hand move-
ments of the type described.
Various forms of atten-
tion. Such an experiment
reveals the reason for the
use of words like ''atten-
tion, " ' ' concentration, ' ' and
'' interest " as partial syno-
nyms. The focusing of ac-
tivity on an object arouses
an emotional attitude ; hence we are justified in treating
attention and feeling as closely related.
The explanation of attention will perhaps be understood
most readily through consideration of those negative cases
where the individual neglects the objects about him, as
when we do not count the number of windows in a room.
Here the . impression goes into the nervous system, but
Fig. 45. Involuntary hand movements
made by the right and left hands of
an observer who is thinking of a build-
ing situated in front of him
The hands begin at the two points A, A ;
the building lies in the direction of the
movement which is here represented by
the downward extension of the two lines.
(After Jastrow)
is not made a center of any direct reaction. The impres-
sion is lost in the mass of reactions ; it is not individual-
ized. We say that it does not receive attention or arouse
Sympathy with fellow beings. Such general comments
on attention lead to the treatment of special cases. When-
ever we see a fellow being trying to do something, we tend
to share in the activity. The man who is lifting a weight
arouses all who see him to like effort. The singer who is
taking a high note will be followed by his audience with
sympathetic muscular efforts. Attention in these cases
issues in svmpathetic
Sympathy involved
in all recognition of
objects. Sympathy ex-
tends far beyond one's
fellow beings. All
that we include under
the term '' aesthetical
appreciation" belongs
under the same head-
FiG. 46. Unaesthetical balance
The two black spots are evidently not well sup-
ported by the fulcrum shown in the figure. There
is a restless feeling that the large figure should be
supported by the observer
ing. For example, let an observer look at an unsymmetrical
drawing, such as that shown in Fig. 46. The long horizon-
tal line with the black figures at its ends is not well sup-
ported at the fulcrum given in the figure. The feeling of
lack of balance in th/is figure is directly related to an active
tendency on the part of the • observer to offer his support
to the line as it carries the larger figure, and this tendency
to action which is inspired by the figures is accompanied by
a distinctly disagreeable experience, because it is continually
ineffective in producing its purpose. Examples of the feel-
ing of pleasure which comes from harmonious complexes
can be derived from the study of Greek architectural forms.
The Greeks recognized the fact that a column with perfectly
straight lines is not an aesthetic object. Such a column always
seems to be weaker in the center than at the extremities,
where there are larger masses of matter. There is therefore
a feeling of unrest inspired in the observer lest the column
should give way in the center, where the tension is great
and the material relatively reduced. The Greeks, accord-
ingly, made their columns larger in the middle than at the
extremities, and the result was that the observer, seeing the.
reenforcement at the critical part of the column, has a feel-
ing of satisfaction rather than of unrest in looking at the
lines. The term '' sympathy " is not used here as a figure
of speech. There is a real muscular tension involved in
observing a column lifting a weight, and through this
tension the observer enters into the situation as an active
Illusion due to muscular tension. The presence of mus-
cular tensions related to perception of weight can be demon-
strated in certain special cases. If one prepares two blocks of
exactly the same objective weight but of very different sizes,
so that one is, for example, about a foot cube and the other
three inches cube, the observer will find when he comes to
lift these two blocks that the smaller block seems decidedly
heavier than the larger one. The explanation of this fact
is to be found in the muscular preparation of the observer
when he first looks at the two blocks. The visual expe-
rience from the small block leads him to prepare to do a
small amount of work in lifting it, while the visual impres-
sion of the larger block is recognized in terms of a totally
different kind of muscular organization, which may be de-
scribed by saying that the observer prepares to do more
work in lifting the large block than he prepares to do in
lifting the smaller one. When, with these differences of
preparation, the observer lifts the two blocks, he finds that
his preparation does not coincide with the demands forced
upon him .through his direct contact with the blocks. There
is, therefore, a sharp disagreement between the original
preparation based on vision and the subsequent experience
dependent on touch. This disagreement expresses itself in
the form of an illusion with regard to weight. This illusion
is not due to sensations merely, but involves also prepa-
ration for active response. There can be no doubt that
whenever one looks at any ordinary object of manageable
size, he prepares to lift it. The preparation consists in an
incipient act, and this act is the physiological parallel of
an important phase of the observer's mental process of
Such muscular tensions common to many experiences.
This illusion of weight and similar facts from practical life
throw much light on the nature of the organization which
was referred to when it was stated, in discussing the aesthetic
attitude toward a column, that one sympathizes with the
column in the work which it does in supporting the mate-
rials placed upon it. There is a certain direct perceptual
estimation of the fitness of the column to do its work.
That estimation expresses itself immediately in the mus-
cular tension which is aroused in the observer as an inte-
gral part of the process of recognition. If the column is
inadequate, the observer is led to a strained attitude of
assisting it ; if the column is adequate to its task, there is
an attitude of satisfied recognition.
All consciousness a form of sympathetic attention. Thus
we find that as human attitudes become more complex they
are something more than feelings or emotions ; they include
also sympathies and discriminations which become parts of
higher intellectual recognitions. When one sympathizes with
a column, it is not a mere vague, general response ; it is a
discriminating response, bringing one into personal relations
to the outer world. In all the higher stages of mental
development one knows objects through one's sympathies
with them.
The discussion of attitudes leads us thus to broad con-
clusions about the nature of consciousness. Consciousness
is a function through which the individual attempts to put
himself in harmony with the outer world. He translates
the world into terms of his own responses and thus makes
the objects outside of himself a part of his own inner life.
After he has thus taken the outer world into his mental
life, a new possibility arises — that of carrying back into
the external world some of the rearrangements which are
first worked out in the purely subjective sphere. The indi-
vidual, by first fitting himself to the outer world, learns how
to mold the outer world to meet his inner needs and desires.
Attitudes as related to higher processes of recognition.
Psychology must study, then, those attitudes of feeling and
sympathy by which the inner world absorbs impressions and
makes them into personal experiences. It must then take
up the higher processes through which inner experience
is made effective in controlling the world from which
impressions first came.
Sensory experience always complex. The arrival of a
sense impression in the central nervous system has been
shown in eariier chapters to be only the first step in a
series of processes in which this impression is combined
with other sensory impressions and carried forward to a
motor discharge. It is hterally true that no sense impres-
sion ever comes into the central nervous system alone.
Even if we think of only a single sense organ, we realize
that it sends to the central nervous system at every
moment a series of impressions rather than a single sen-
sation. Thus, when the eye is stimulated by a colored
surface, it is not a single sensation which arrives in con-
sciousness, but a whole mass of sensations. The different
parts of the field would yield various shades and intensi-
ties even if the receiving cells in the eye were all alike
and all prepared to respond with absolute uniformity to
the stimulus. But, as was shown in the chapter on sen-
sation, various parts of the retina are different in their
ability to receive impressions. The result is that a colored
surface is the source of a most complex series of sensations.
The matter is further complicated by the simultaneous
arrival of impressions through different senses. Thus we
not only see a surface, we also touch it and may smell
it or hear it vibrate. At any given moment there are
impressions reaching the senses not from a single object
alone but from various objects. As we look at a colored
surface we receive touch sensations from contact with our
clothing and from the floor on which we stand ; we hear
sounds from the next room and breathe in odors which
have no relation to the colored surface.
Sensation combinations or fusions. In the midst of all
this world of sensations there must be selection and com-
bination. The individual works out, in the interests of
practical life, certain units of experience in which sensa-
tions are fused with each other and distinguished from
the rest of the world. For example, one sees an orange.
What he really sees is a complex background in the midst
of which there is a little patch of orange shade. He gets
a mass of odors, but attaches a particular aroma to the
particular patch of color. He is able, in the course of
this attention to his experience, to recognize that the color
and the aroma are nearer his right hand than his left.
What he has done in thus fusing a group of sensations
and locating the fused group on the right is designated
in technical psychological language by the term ''percep-
tion." One perceives objects ; that is, one recognizes cer-
tain groups of sensations as belonging together and as
different from the rest of the world.
Space not a sensation, but a product of fusion. In the
process of perceiving the world the individual develops
certain types of conscious experience which must be dis-
tinguished from sensations. Space is such a product of
organized experience. Space results from the fact that
sensations take on what we may call ''togetherness." To-
getherness is a product of fusion. The counterpart of
togetherness is separateness. The perceived orange is dis-
tinguished from other objects. The whole complex of
togetherness and separateness ultimately gets arranged into
a general map or system. In this system there ultimately
comes to be a right and left, an up and down. The world
is now recognized as arranged in order.
Tactual space as a simple example of fusion. One of
the earliest experimental studies in space perception dealt
with the spatial arrangement of tactual experiences. In
his effort to find some method of testing the sensitivity
of the skin, Weber measured the distances which must
lie between two stimulated points on the skin in different
parts of the body before the points may be recognized as
separate. He found that in much-used regions, such as
the ends of the fingers, the lips, and the tongue, the distances
which are necessary between points, in order that they may
be distinguished, are very small, often less than a single
millimeter ; while on the upper arm or the middle of the
back the points must be separated by three to six centi-
meters in order to be recognized as two. Furthermore, as
has been abundantly shown since the time of Weber, there
is the greatest uncertainty in the estimation of distances
and directions in the regions where discrimination of points
is difficult.
Subjective and objective space. On the basis of these
facts we may emphasize the difference between external
space and our recognition of space. Two millimeters of
extension on the middle of the back are for the geometri-
cian equivalent in all respects to the same distance on the
finger. For the observer who perceives these two regions
through the sense of touch, the recognition of the two dis-
tances is not a geometrical fact, uniform for all parts of the
body, but a complex of varying experiences.
Perception and training. Experiments of the kind which
Weber tried can be carried farther. Thus, it has been
shown that after a little training regions of the skin where
the discrimination was relatively difficult can be developed
so as to permit of very much finer discrimination than
that which was exhibited at first. In other words, without
any radical change in ^ the sensory conditions, practice will
rapidly refine space perception. Again, if any region of the
skin is stimulated by means of a continuous line rather than
by two separate points, it will be found that the greater
mass of sensations received from the line facilitates dis-
crimination. A line can be recognized as having exten-
sion when it is about one third as long as the distance
between two points which are just discriminated as sepa-
rate from each other. The difficulty of discriminating two
points when they are presented alone is not due to the
character of the sensations from the points, but rather to
the difficulty of discriminating them without the aid of a
more complete sensory series derived from the stimulation
of points between.
Development of spatial arrangements in the course of
individual experience. In our search for an explanation
of the facts of tactual perception of space, let us ask
what is the course of individual development. Anyone
who observes an infant recognizes that early in life there
is the greatest uncertainty in locating stimulations on the
skin. If the skin of an infant is vigorously stimulated
either by some accident or by the efforts of someone who
is interested in making an experimental investigation, it
will be found that the infant moves its hands about in the
most indefinite fashion, often failing entirely to reach the
irritated spot. We can understand the infant's difficulty
if we try to locate with precision some point which has
been stimulated on the skin of the upper arm. The infant
has sensation enough, just as we have when stimulated in
an undeveloped region, but the sensation is not properly
related to other sensations. It has no recognized relations
which give it a definite place in a well-ordered sequence
of tactual or visual qualities, because the well-ordered
sequence has not yet been built up. An established series
of relations of some definite kind is necessary before the
sensation can enter into distinct spatially-ordered percepts.
Until a definite series of space notions is developed, the
sensation will enter only into vague fusions, and localiza-
tion will be altogether incomplete. The change from vague
to definite localization requires much experience and atten-
tion. Indeed, it is a fact easily verified that no sensation
becomes definite in its relations until the practical needs
of life demand such definiteness. The reason w^hy an
adult discriminates points on the end of the finger and
not those on his back is that in the course of life he
has been obliged to use his finger sensations. Use has
led to an arrangement of points, to the development of
what may 'figuratively be called a map. This map is devel-
oped by recognizing again and again the relation of a
finger to the palm of the hand and of the palm of the
hand to the elbow, and so on, until the various parts of
the body are thought of as in a fixed relation. The map
then takes on a kind of independence and remains in
the mind as distinct from any particular sensations. The
adult knows the parts of his body even when they are
not actually stimulated at the moment.
Vision and movement as aids to touch. This process of
developing definiteness in tactual localization has undoubtedly
been very greatly facilitated by the presence of vision. Even
in adult life one can often find himself making his experience
of a tactual stimulation more exact and complete by looking
at the point irritated, thus relating the tactual sensation to
visual sensations. The process of localization of tactual sen-
sations is also very largely dependent on movement. It is an
empirical fact that the perceptual arrangement of skin sensa-
tions is most complete in the most mobile parts of the body.
A number of careful experimental observers at one time ex-
plored the whole surface of the skin and showed that in any
given region that part w^hich is most mobile is the part on
which points are most easily discriminated. Thus the hand
is the most highly developed part of the arm ; the foot is the
most highly developed part of the leg.
Tactual percepts of the blind. In some respects the tactual
perception of blind persons is more highly developed than
that of persons who have vision. The blind are not supplied
with better organs of touch, but they make more discriminat-
ing use of such experiences as they receive through the skin.
They also make more use of movements than do normal per-
sons, as may be observqd in the fact that they restlessly
explore every object which comes within their reach. The
limitations of the space perception of the blind appear when
complex objects are presented for recognition. When the
mass of sensory impressions is great, the discrimination and
fusion of these sensations become very difficult. This fact is
strikingly illustrated by the history of the raised letters used
in books for the blind. The most natural way of producing
such books, and the way which was followed at first, was to
print in raised lines the same letter forms as were used for
persons who read visually. For vision the complex lines of
ordinary printed letters offer no difficulties, because vision is
so highly organized that it discriminates easily the ordinary
printed forms. No one realized that touch being so much
coarser than vision would discriminate forms less easily.
Such proved, however, to be the case. The letters for the
blind have, accordingly, been simplified until in one of the
best and most recent systems the letters are made up entirely
of points. These points are easy to distinguish and, being
placed near one another, are also easy to recognize in groups.
Wundt on the tactual perception of the blind. The char-
acter of tactual perception in the case of the blind is thus
illustrated and discussed by Wundt :
The way in which the blind alphabet is read shows clearly
how the space ideas of the blind have developed. As a rule, the
index fingers of both hands are used in blind reading. The right
finger precedes and apprehends a group of points simultaneously
(synthetic touch), the left finger follows somewhat more slowly
and apprehends the single points successively (analytic touch).
Both the synthetic and analytic impressions are united and referred
to the same object. This method of procedure shows clearly that
the spatial discrimination of tactual impressions is no more imme-
diately given in this case than in the case where vision w^as present,
but that in the case of the blind the movements by means of which
the finger that is used in analytic touch passes from point to point
play the same part as did the accompanying visual ideas in the
normal cases with vision.
Lotze's local signs. Another method of describing the tac-
tual perception of space is that adopted by Lotze, one of the
earliest of the writers on physiological psychology. Every
point on the surface of the body gives rise, said Lotze, to a
tactual sensation which in addition to its general quality and
intensity as a tactual sensation has a peculiar and character-
istic shading due to the structure of the skin at the particular
point where the stimulus is applied. Thus, if the same pres-
sure is applied to the lips and the forehead, the resulting sen-
sations will, in spite of general likeness, be slightly different
in the two cases, because there is soft muscular tissue under
the skin of the lips and hard bony tissue under the skin of
the forehead. These slight differences between tactual sen-
sations which are due to locality lead the observer to arrange
his tactual sensations in certain systems or series. The quali-
tative shadings are thus transformed into spatial series. The
qualitative differences come to signify position and are con-
sequently designated as local signs. Their character as local
sig7is is derived from the spatial system to which they are
referred ; they are individually merely qualitative differences.
Inner tactual factors. The factors which enter into tactual
space percepts are probably derived in part from the inner
organs, such as the semicircular canals, the joints, and the
muscles. From the semicircular canals, as pointed out in
an earlier chapter, there is a constant stream of excitations
reaching the central nervous system with every change in
the position of the body. The limbs in their movements
give rise to sensations in the joints and muscles. While the
child is exploring the surface of his body and attaining the
degree of ability to discriminate points which is shown by
Weber's experiments, he is also learning through muscle
sensations to recognize distances away from the surface of
his body by reaching for things about him. He is learning
through the sensations from his semicircular canals that
there is a fundamental distinction between '' right side up "
and oblique or inverted positions. He is learning through
joint sensations to recognize how many steps must be taken
to cross certain stretches of space.
Space not attached to any single sense. The striking
fact is that ultimately all these different sensory factors are
arranged into the same space form. There is not one tactual
space, and another space for muscle sensations, and another
for joint sensations. All are fused into a single system.
The spatial order is a relational fact ; that is, it is a product
of the fusion or putting together of sensations. Whenever
sensations are fused into the spatial relation they take on a
character different from that which can be assigned to them
when they are considered alone.
General conclusions regarding tactual space. From this
survey of the facts of tactual space we have derived several
important conclusions. Space is a complex. Space is not a
sensation quality, but a relational form of experience. Tactual
space is not explicable without reference to the general for-
mula of organization which includes other sensations also.
We are, accordingly, justified in postponing the general
explanation of space perception until we have taken up the
facts regarding the arrangement of auditory and visual sen-
sations in the spatial form.
Auditory recognition of location. Experiments on the
localization of sounds may be made as follows : Let a sound
^be produced in the median plane, which passes vertically
through the head from in front backward, midway between
the two ears. If the sound is simple in quality, as, for ex-
ample, a sharp click of some kind, and the observer's eyes
are closed so as to eliminate vision and make him entirely
dependent on hearing, the localization of the sound will in
the majority of cases be erroneous. The sound will always
be localized somewhere in the median plane, but its exact
position in this plane cannot be recognized. If, on the other
hand, the sound is moved slightly to the right or left of the
median plane, it will be found that the observer can local-
ize the sound with great accuracy. The explanation of the
observer's ability to locate sounds coming from the side is
simple and depends chiefly upon the fact that the observer
receives from such a sound different intensities of sensation
in the two ears. P>om. all positions in the median plane the
two groups of sensations received in the two ears have equal
intensities, whereas the intensities of sounds received in the
two ears from any position outside of the median plane are
Influence of movements in auditory experience of position.
Undoubtedly here, as in the case of tactual space, the facts
of movement are of great significance in organizing sensory
experience. If a sound on one side of the head is more
intense than the sound on the other, there will be a strong
tendency to readjust the head in such a way that the stronger
sound shall be made even more intense and the weaker
group of sensations shall be made still fainter by the move-
ment of the head. If a sound is in the median plane and
there is difficulty in getting at its precise localization, there
is frequently a noticeable effort on the part of the observer
to bring the head into such a position that a more satisfac-
tory determination of position shall be possible through a
modification of the intensities of the sensations from the two
ears. Often auditory perception issues in a movement which
tends to bring the eyes toward the source of the sound.
The same tendency which was noted in the discussion of
tactual sensations to fuse various kinds of sensations into a
single spatial system is obvious in this effort to supplement
hearing by vision.
Qualitative differences and localization. The explanation
which has been presented can be made more elaborate by
giving attention to qualitative differences as well as to differ-
ences in intensity in the two groups of sensations received
by the two ears. There can be no doubt that the external
pinna of the ear modifies somewhat the character of the
sound as it enters the auditory canals. If a complex sound
strikes the pinna from in front, its quality will be different
from that which would result if the same sound is carried
into the ear from behind. As a result of these qualitative
modifications produced by the external ear, we are able to
localize sounds even in the median plane, provided they
are of complex quality. The human voice, for example, in
the median plane of the head, can usually be recognized
with great precision as coming from a point in front or
behind. This is due to the fact that the voice is complex
in quality.
Distance of sounds recognized only indirectly. The dis-
cussion of the recognition of the direction from which
sounds come may be supplemented by reference to the fact
that the recognition of the distance of sounds also involves
a large body of organized experiences. If one hears the
human voice sounding very faintly in his ears, his frequent
experience with voices and their normal intensity when the
speakers are near at hand will lead him to recognize that
the person speaking is far away. Furthermore, the qualita-
tive character of the sound as well as its intensity is modi-
fied by the remoteness of its source, the elements of the
sound being less distinct when it is transmitted from a
great distance to the ear. The intensity and quality are,
accordingly, both utilized in interpretations of distance so
long as the sound is familiar.
Unfamiliar sounds difficult to locate. In contrast to the
relatively easy estimation of the distance of a familiar sound,
it is extremely difficult to estimate the distance of the source
of an unfamiliar sound. An experiment may be tried by
producing an unfamiliar sound, such as that which results
from snapping a card in the neighborhood of an observer's
head. Until this sound has become familiar the errors in
estimation of distance will be very noticeable.
Visual space and optical illusions. If we turn from audi-
tory space perception to visual experiences, we find a rich
variety of examples which show how complex is the process
Fig. 47. Miiller-Lyer illusion
The length of the horizontal line A is equal to the length of the horizontal line B.
(For further discussion of the figure see text)
of arranging sensations in a spatial order. There are certain
cases of incorrect perception of length and direction of
figures in plane surfaces, constituting what are known as
geometrical optical illusions. These are especially clear
examples of complex perception. Take, for example, the
illusion represented in Fig. 47. The two lines A and B are
in reality equal to each other, but the observer will recog-
nize at once that they seem to be of different lengths. The
retinal image of each line is distmct and clear ; the apparent
inequality cannot, therefore, be attributed to any confusion
in the retinal processes ; it must be attributed to some kind
of perceptual complexity. The explanation of the source of.
this illusion has been the subject of much discussion, and
it is probably true that no single statement will account for
the apparent inequality of A and B, In a general way it
may be said that one cannot look at A and B without
including in his field of vision the oblique lines, and the
oblique lines are such striking and unfamiliar additions to
the horizontal lines that they are not neglected as they
should be in perceiving the length of the horizontals. If,
in addition to this general statement, we attempt to show
in detail how the oblique lines affect the horizontals, there
are a number of facts which may be noted. The oblique
lines produce less of an effect upon some observers than
upon others. This can be shown by making quantitative
determinations of the intensity of the illusion. For this
purpose one of the figures of the pair under discussion is
made adjustable, and the observer sets it until it seems to
him equal to the other figure. When the two seem equal
they will be in reality different. The amount of difference
can now be readily measured, and the results from various
observers compared. Not only are the results of such meas-
urements different for different observers, but the same indi-
vidual will at various times give different results.
Effects of practice. One especially significant case of in-
dividual variation is that in which the observer deliberately
sets about comparing the figures a great number of times
for the purpose of becoming familiar with them. Three
stages of change in interpretation show themselves in such
a practice series. First, the observer takes a general view
of the whole figure, as does the ordinary observer who
looks casually at the illusion ; he gets in this case a strong
illusion. Second, the observer tries to look at the long lines
and neglect the obliques ; that is, he makes an effort to
overcome the disturbing influence in a negative way. During
this period of conscious neglect of the obliques the illusion
grows somewhat weaker, but it does not disappear. Finally,
in the third stage, the observer reaches the point where
there is no need of an effort to neglect the obUques. In-
terpretation may be said to be so completely worked out in
this stage that the obliques and the long lines fall into their
proper relations without interfering with one another. Each
is included in the percept, but in its true significance. At
this stage the illusion is entirely overcome.
Percepts always complex. Such facts as these make it
clear that a visual percept includes all the factors in the
field of vision. If these factors are conflicting, they may
result in grotesque misinterpretations. If, on the other
hand, they are thoroughly assimilated into the percept, they
-i h
Fig. 48. Illusion of contrast
The middle portion of the short horizontal line marked off by the verticals seems
longer than the equal distance marked off in the long horizontal line
take their appropriate relations and no longer disturb the
total process of perception.
Contrast. A great many other illustrations could be
brought forward to show the relation of one part of the
visual field to all other parts. Thus, one cannot look at a
line on a large blackboard and fail to be influenced in his
estimation of the length of the line by the large surround-
ing space. Conversely, a line drawn on a small sheet of
paper is always interpreted in terms of the paper as either
relatively long or relatively short. Objects seem very differ-
ent in size when seen outdoors and again in a small room.
Fig. 48 illustrates this principle by showing a short central
line as part of a long line in one case and as part of a
short line in a second case, with the result that the central
line seems to be of different lengths in the two cases.
Common facts showing size to be a matter of relations.
Other complications than those from the surrounding visual
field also influence one's perception of size. The natural
standards of size which depend upon familiarity and upon
the relations of objects to one's own body are constantly
influencing perception. Time and again descriptions have
been given by observers of the fact that a road seems
longer the first time one passes over it, when all the
sights are unfamiliar ; and many have also referred to the
fact that places known in childhood always seem small when
revisited in mature life.
Physiological conditions of visual perception. The signifi-
cance of all these facts for our understanding of visual space
is not hard to find. Putting the matter in physiological
terms, we may say that when series of visual stimulations
from a given line or figure reach the visual center, they find
there a larger series of excitations from other points on the
retina and a series of organized modes of response derived
from past experience. Each excitation takes its place in
this complex.
Psychological statement. Putting the same matter in psy-
chological terms, we may say that every sensation becomes
part of a fixed order. This order or spatial arrangement is
something other than the sensations ; it is a product of
perceptual fusion.
Photographic records of percepted movements. A clearer
understanding of the matter will be reached by considering
the results of photographic investigations, in which the path
of the eye movement in looking over certain illusory figures
has been determined. In Fig. 49 there is presented one of
the most striking of the illusions of direction. The long lines
are in reality parallel with each other, but the obliques are
far too distracting to permit the ordinary observer to recog-
nize the true relations between the parallel lines. Fig. 50
shows another illusion of direction. The oblique lines are
parts of a single line, but seem to extend in slightly different
directions because of the interrupting space between the
Fig. 49. Zoilner illusion
The long lines are parallel with each other
parallels. Fig. 5 1 shows the paths in which photographs indi-
cate that the eye of an observer moved in attempting to look
at the illusions discussed. In Fig, 51, ^, the movement over
the Zoilner pattern is shown. It is evident from the move-
ments indicated in the photographs that the sensation factors
are not fully mastered so as to permit coordinated move-
ments along the parallel lines. The result is that though
these lines give perfectly clear retinal images, they do not
stand in their true relations in experience.
The photographs show that often there
is sufficient fusion of the sensory factors
to permit a single movement in follow-
ing a line, and this single movement is
in the general part of the field of vision
in which the line lies, but it is only a
gross general approximation to the line.
This corresponds exactly to the fact that
the experience of the figure consists of
a gross general perception of the long
line and its obliques. One observer, after these preliminary
photographs of his eye movements in looking at the Zoilner
Fig. 50. Poggendorff
A^ B are parts of the same
straight line
3>r 3.
Fig. 51. These figures show the path followed by the eye of an observer
in examining certain of the foregoing illusions
In each of the figures the path of the eye movement is indicated by a supplemen-
tary line. The numbers placed along these supplementary lines indicate the points
at which a pause was made in the course of the eye movement. In Fig. 51, A, the
observer was attempting to follow the long line of the illusion. It will be noticed
that he departs from the long line, and at the extreme end of the movement, as at
2 and 5, makes a short corrective movement by which he again fixates the long
line. In Fig. $1, B, the distracting influence of the vertical lines is obvious, as is also
the difficulty of moving the eye across the open space in any such way as to reach
the point of interconnection between the vertical and oblique lines. In Fig. 51, C,
it will be noted that the eye movement is very free in that part of the figure which
is overestimated, and much restricted whenever the eye approaches one of the
acute angles. This is indicated by the frequent pause in 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. In 8 it
will be noted that the eye is deflected from the horizontal line by the oblique
pattern, put himself through a series of quantitative tests
with the figure. In this practice series he gradually over-
came the distracting effects of the oblique lines, and the
illusion disappeared. A second series of photographs taken
after the practice series showed that his eye followed the
long line with great precision. Photographs with other
illusions show clearly the distracting effects of the additional
lines as indicated in full in Fig. 46.
Relation between size and distance. When we study the
relation of size to distance from the observer, we find a
series of complexities even greater than those which have
appeared thus far. In order to demonstrate this experi-
mentally an observer should first secure an after-fmage
through the steady fi.xation of some bright object. The
after-image covers a certain number of retinal elements and
may be considered as giving, as long as it lasts, a constant
group of sensations. When the observer is looking at the
object this mass of sensations will be interpreted as having
a certain definite size and distance. When the same mass
of impressions comes from the after-image, it can easily be
related to different distances, and with each change in ap-
parent distance it will take on a different apparent size.
The change in distance can easily be produced by looking
at various surfaces which are at different distances. The
after-image will seem in each case to be on the surface at
which the observer is looking at the moment, whatever the
distance of that surface. The after-image will seem smaller
when the surface on which it is projected is nearer than the
original object from which the image was derived, and larger
when the surface is farther away.
Definite optical relation between the distance and the size
of an object and the size of the retinal image from this
object. This series of observations makes it clear that the
size of a retinal image does not determine the interpretation
of the size of an object without reference to the additional
fact of distance. A given retinal image, for the after-image
on the retina remained the same throughout the series of
observations, may be interpreted as a large object far away
or as a small object near at hand. The optical principle
which underlies this series of observations is illustrated in
Fig. 52. In this figure the retinal image is represented by
the inverted arrow AB, and the lines from the extremities
of this image passing through the optical center of the lens
determine the positions of various external objects, any one
of which satisfies the image. It will be seen from this
Fig. 52. The retinal image AB may be equally well related to any one of
the objects ad, a'b\ a''b"
drawing that a succession of arrows outside of the eye, differ-
ing in length from each other, may all cast the same retinal
image. This general principle is doubtless familiar to every-
one when stated in the following simple terms : A small
object such as the finger held near the eye can shut out the
image of a large remote object, such as a tree or a building.
When, now, the after-image in the experiment is projected
to distances near and far away, its significance and perceptual
interpretation are immediately modified, even though the
retinal sensations are uniform in volume and distribution on
the sensory surface of the eye.
Berkeley's statement of the problem of visual depth per-
ception. These observations lead us to a problem which was
so clearly .stated by one of the early writers in the modern
period of psychology that we may quote his statement in
full. In a treatise published in 1709 Bishop Berkeley said:
It is, I think, agreed by all that distance of itself, and immedi-
ately, cannot be seen. For distance being a line directed endwise
to the eye, it projects only one point on the fund of the eye —
which point remains invariably the same, whether the distance be
longer or shorter. I find it also acknowledged that the estimate we
make of the distance of objects considerably remote is rather an
act of judgment grounded on experience than of sense.
Berkeley goes forward in the remainder of the ''Essay toward
a New Theory of Vision " to account for this process, which
he calls a process of judgment. He draws attention to the
fact that whenever one looks at an object near at hand he
rotates his two eyes toward the nose so that the points of
view from which he observes the object are different in the
two eyes. He asserts that the convergence of the two eyes,
as their inward rotation is called, gives rise to certain experi-
ences of movement, which are utilized as interpreting factors.
Experiments on binocular vision. The researches of
modern experimental psychology have confirmed, in general,
Berkeley's explanation, though they emphasize more than
he did the differences between the two sets of retinal im-
pressions received in the two eyes. The fact that the two
eyes contribute a complex of sensations through which we
perceive distance has been abundantly confirmed. The
reasoning involved is as follows : If distance is recognized
as a result of a complex of sensations coming from the two
eyes, then it should be possible to show that the recognition
of depth is seriously interfered with by the withdrawal of
any of the factors contributed by the two eyes. It is not
possible to remove altogether the influence of both eyes,
even when one is closed ; hence, vision can never be reduced
to strictly monocular vision, but the following simple experi-
ment may be tried to show the dependence of the clear
recognition of depth upon vision with two eyes. If an ob-
server covers one eye and then attempts to bring his finger
directly over some object which stands in front of the open
eye, he will find that the ability to bring the finger directly
over the object in question is very much less than his ability
to do so under the ordinary conditions of binocular vision.
A direct observation of the same general fact can be made
if the observer will note carefully the difference in the ap-
parent solidity and remoteness of objects when he observes
them first with a single eye and immediately afterward with
both eyes open. These observations show that the complete
recognition of distance and depth involves all the sensory
factors from the two eyes ; whenever there is any disturbance
of the normal conditions the result appears in incomplete
perception, for the relational or perceptual process does not
in such cases have its normal complex of content with which
to deal.
Difference between the images in the two eyes. The con-
tributions made to experience by the two eyes are different,
as can be clearly seen if an observer will hold some solid
object near the face and look at it, first with one eye open
and then with the other. The difference between the two
views in the two eyes can be briefly defined by saying that
with the right eye one sees more of the right side of a solid
object and less of the left side, while with the left eye one
sees more of the left side of a solid object and less of the
right side. These relations are made clear in Fig. 53.
When the two retinal images from the solid object are
received by an observer, they are immediately fused with
each other into a single perceptual complex, as were the
two groups of auditory sensations discussed in an earlier
section of this chapter.
Stereoscopic figures and appearance of solidity. There is
an apparatus often used for purposes of amusement, in which
the principle that the appearance of solidity depends upon
disparity of the two retinal images is utilized to produce the
appearance of solidity even when no solid object is present.
The apparatus in question is the stereoscope. Photographs
are taken or drawings are made, corresponding in form to
the retinal images which
would be obtained by two
eyes if they were look-
ing at a solid figure or
series of figures at differ-
ent depths. The two
drawings or photographs
are then projected by
means of the stereoscope
into the two eyes of an
observer in such a way
that the right retina is
stimulated by the image
appropriate to the right
eye, and the left retina
is stimulated by the fig-
ure appropriate to the
left eye. The observer,
who thus receives the
sensory impressions ap-
propriate to solidity, will
naturally fuse the two
images and will see in
space before him a solid
object which, in reality,
is not there, but which
is adequately represented by the two flat drawings projected
into his eyes. A great many experiments can be tried with
the stereoscope which make clear the significance of the
two retinal images for the recognition of solidity and depth.
It can thus be shown that the fused resultant, that is, the
Fig. 53. Showing binocular parallax
The cube BDAC is held near the two eyes
with the result that the right eye sees the
surface DA and the right side of the cube,
while the left eye sees the surface DA and
the left side of the cube. If a plane is passed
through the rays of light which enter the eye
from the cube, as indicated by the dotted line
in the figure,, it will be seen that the retinal
images of the two eyes contain each a distinct
element. The eye on the left-hand side of the
figure has a retinal image corresponding to
BD^ which is absent in the other eye. Further
details will be obvious from the figure
percept of a solid object, does not derive its characteristics
from either one of the retinal impressions considered in
itself, for each image so considered is deficient in solidity.
The fusion is, in a very proper sense of the word, a compro-
mise between the two different images, and there appears as
a result of fusion at least one characteristic which neither
figure had in itself ; namely, the characteristic of clearly
defined solidity.
Retinal rivalry. When the binocular images are totally
different, as in certain experiments which may be arranged
with the stereoscope, the observer finds that it is impossible
for him to fuse the two groups of impressions.- Thus, if he
looks with one eye at a series of horizontal lines, and with
the other at a series of vertical lines, he will see the fields
in succession. The group of sensations coming from one
retina will first be recognized in clear consciousness and
will then fade out and give place to the sensations derived
from the second retina. There is thus an oscillation in
experience which is vividly described by the term '' retinal
rivalry." In retinal rivalry there is obviously a lack of fusion
of the sensations. The artificial differences in binocular
images here produced are so foreign to the experiences
which present themselves in ordinary life that the observer
is unable to fuse them into a single conscious process. If
such strange combinations of sensations are to be in any
way related, it must be in a temporal succession of mental
activities rather than in a single spatial form.
Factors other than those contributed by the two eyes.
The recognition of depth through the fusion of two groups
of retinal sensations is not the only form of visual recogni-
tion of depth. Other factors of experience and other types
of relation may enter into the complex. In every case, how-
ever, the factors or relations which contribute to the inter-
pretation of solidity are, like the differences in binocular
vision just discussed, complexes which get their significance
and value not because of their sensation qualities but by
virtue of the relations into which the sensations are brought.
Aerial perspective. The first facts to which reference may
be made are the differences in colors and sharpness of out-
line which appear when objects are seen through different
thicknesses of atmosphere. Remote colors are always dull
and darker in shade than colors near at hand, and the out-
lines of remote objects are ill-defined. We are so trained
in the interpretation of these general facts that in looking
at a landscape we pay very little attention to color quality or
to the lack of clearness in outline, but utilize these immedi-
ately for purposes of depth perception ; that is, the sensa-
tions are not recognized as distinct facts in experience, but
are allowed to serve their function, which is to indicate the
position of the object from which they come. Let the ob-
server carefully compare his experience of distant fields in
the landscape with fields near at hand. He will find that
the remoter greens are blue in cast, even though under
ordinary circumstances his attention is not directed to these
differences in color shades. The same truth is well illus-
trated by the fact that persons who have been accustomed
to living in a moist atmosphere always misinterpret distances
when they go to regions where the air is clear and free from
moisture. Great distances seen through clear air are under-
estimated because of the small effect which the air produces
in modifying the colors and outlines of objects.
Geometrical perspective and familiarity. Another impor-
tant means of recognizing depth is through the familiarity
which we have acquired with certain common objects. If a
given object is carried farther and farther away from the
eye, it will cast upon the retina a smaller and smaller image.
If a man first observed at a distance of ten feet moves to
a distance of twenty feet, the size of the retinal image and,
consequently, the mass of sensations derived from this man
will decrease one half. We seldom interpret such changes
in the size of a retinal image of a familiar object as changes
in the size of the object itself ; thus, we never say that a
receding man has dwarfed to half his original size. We
have learned by long experience that most of the objects of
our environment are permanent in size and that the changes
in our sensations merely indicate changes in the position of
these objects. In this way we build up an elaborate series
of recognitions of differences in depth. How completely we
depend upon this recognition of familiar objects for our
interpretation of unfamiliar or undefined experiences will be
recognized if it is remembered that the interpretation of the
size and distance of objects in photographs is always uncer-
tain unless some familiar figure, such as that of a human
being, appears as a scale by which to gauge the sizes of the
other objects.
Shadows. Another factor which is sometimes significant
in giving rise to the interpretation of depth is found in the
shadows cast by objects. The apparent solidity of a bank of
clouds in the sky cannot depend upon binocular differences,
because the clouds are too remote. They are also quite un-
familiar, and may be without color ; therefore the methods
of interpretation w^hich we have described up to this point
are quite inadequate to explain their apparent solidity. The
shadows which they cast upon each other are, however, so
clear in their indication of differences of position with refer-
ence to the sun that we immediately recognize a bank of
shaded clouds as made up of parts differing in distance from
.us. The same principle of recognition of solidity is utilized
in all flat drawings intended to represent solid objects. Such
flat drawings can always be made to suggest solidity with
vividness when they are shaded in a way corresponding to
the objects themselves.
Intervening objects. Finally, we make use of the fact that
near objects very frequently cut off our vision of remote ob-
jects. Thus, if a tree which can be seen in all of its parts
cuts off a portion of a house or other object, we perceive
the house not as divided by the tree but as standing behind
it. Here again we interpret our sensations as indicating dif-
ferences in position rather than differences in the objects
Depth a matter of complex perception. One cannot re-
view this series of facts with regard to the visual interpreta-
tion of depth without being confirmed in his view that space
perception is a process in which sensory factors are related
to each other in the most complex manner. No retinal im-
pression has its value for mental life fully determined until
it is brought into relation with other sensations.
Relation to movements. As in the case of tactual percepts,
so here there is a close relation between visual space and
movements. In the first place, movements of the eyes are
intimately related in their development to visual recognition
of space. When an infant attempts to turn his two eyes on
the same point of fixation, his movements are frequently so
slow and irregular that they have the appearance, especially
in photographs, of cross-eyed movements. Even in adult
life it is shown by rapid photographs that the two eyes often
move to a point of fixation in such a way that while one eye
moves rapidly, the other comes up in an irregular, relatively
slow movement. The development of a coordinated move-
ment is thus seen to be the product of effort and concentra-
tion. That a coordinated movement has been developed at
all shows how significant it is for the individual that he
should acquire a unitary motor response to the complex of
retinal sensations. The unity of response stands, indeed, in
sharpest contrast to the complexity of the sensory factors.
The organized ability to coordinate the two eyes depends on
the development of a system in which each phase of experi-
ence, without losing its individual reality, is taken up in the
single unitary system. Space and the coordinated system
of ocular movements are thus seen to be very intimately
related. The complex of movements has a unity which re-
sults from the union of all of the different phases of binocular
movement into a single coordinated act. Space is also a
system in which every point has a certain character of its
own and at the same time has characteristics which attach
to it as part of the general system.
General movements as conditions of fusion of retinal sen-
sations. In the second place, the relation of visual space
perception to organized behavior becomes clearer when it
is noticed that the unity of visual percepts is demanded not
only in the coordinations of eye movements but also in the
coordinations of all forms of behavior which are guided by
vision. If one reaches out his hand to grasp an object, his
sensory impressions of the object will be derived from two
eyes, but the reaction to be effective must be to all the
sensations at once.
Space a system of relations developed through fusion.
Our treatments of space perception in the sphere of touch,
hearing, and vision bring us to a general conclusion that
space is a closed system built up through the fusion of
sensations and, further,- that this system is closely related
to bodily movements.
Movement and mechanical laws. The evidence that
there is a close relation between space and bodily move-
ment appears in the fact that space as we perceive it ex-
presses those mechanical laws which govern all bodily
movements. Human central nervous organization and re-
lated muscular movements are, from the very nature of
mechanical law with which the movements must comply,
capable of only a very definite system of developments.
One cannot move his hand at the same time toward the left
and the right. Left and right come to be, therefore, clearly
distinguished directions in the organization of human re-
sponses to sensations. One cannot move his hand back-
ward and forward in the same movement. As a result, all
sensations which are to be related to movements are ulti-
mately assigned to places either in front or behind, never
in both positions at the same time. The child begins life
without a thorough organization of his movements and,
correspondingly, without any definite spatial forms of per-
ception. The two develop together as he actively adjusts
himself to the world about him. Finally, as he becomes
master of his movements he finds that his perceptual world
also has taken on certain definite sequences of arrangement
which are so stable and systematic and so harmonious with
what he comes to know theoretically of mechanical law that
he can study the spatial system as he finds it in his per-
ceptual consciousness and relate this spatial form of percep-
tion to his science of mechanics without the slightest fear
of finding any incongruity in the two groups of facts. It
should be noted here again that such a complete system of
space is much more than a series of sensations. Sensation
qualities are necessary as the factors with which the indi-
vidual must deal ; they constitute the material or content of
experience, but the spatial form of perception is a product
of perceptual fusion. Every sensation is related to every
other not because of its quality or intensity but because
every sensation must, in the organization of impressions,
take its place in a serial system before it can serve any defi-
nite function in individual life or have any clearly marked
place in consciousness.
Perception of individual objects. There are many forms
of perceptual fusion which supplement the fusions entering
into the closed system of space. To the ordinary observer
an object recognized through the two senses of taste and
smell is so unitary in character that he does not realize that
any fusion of discrete sensations has taken place. By a
simple experiment one can easily show that the perception
of any article of food involves a number of distinct sensa-
tions. Let the observer taste of some familiar substance,
such as coffee, and at the same time, by holding the nose,
prevent the air from coming into contact with the olfactory
organ, and coffee becomes a sweet liquid with little or no
flavor ; even castor oil becomes an inoffensive thick oil
under like conditions. Why is it that in ordinary expe-
rience tastes and odors are united ? It is because, in spite
of the separation of the gustatory and olfactory organs, there
is a constant demand in life that tastes and odors shall be
used together in guiding conduct. The whole inner organi-
zation of the individual is such that these different sensory
qualities have a joint significance for perception and for
behavior. There is a distinction on the qualitative side
between tastes on the one hand, and odors on the other,
because the sensory organs for the two qualities are differ-
ent ; but there is the most intimate perceptual fusion to
serve as a guide to conduct.
There are perceptual fusions in every sphere of sensa-
tion quite as compact as those of taste and smell and as
various in character as the objects in the world about us.
Mere coexistence of sensations no explanation of unity
in the percepts of objects. The physiological condition of
this unity in the perception of single objects is not to be
found in the sensory processes themselves, any more than
was the physiological condition for the perception of space.
The sensory processes derived from things are very differ-
ent in type and in the points at which they are received
into the central nervous system. The unity of perception
is not to be accounted for by the fact that all the sensory
excitations are in the brain together, for not all of the sen-
sations that are in consciousness at the same time fuse into
a single percept. When we recognize a single object we
do so by distinguishing it from its surroundings as well as
by fusing its various attributes into a single percept. Thus,
one recognizes the book he is reading by distinguishing it
from his hands and from the bookcase in the background.
Range of fusion determined by practical considerations.
Again, as in the treatment of the fusion which leads to
space perception, we must appeal to the central coordina-
tions which are worked out under the stress of practical
demands. One fuses sensory factors into the percept of a
thing because he can adjust himself to certain aspects of
experience in a single act. Thus, one speaks of a book-
case and its contents as a single object when he merely
wishes to name over the articles of furniture in his room.
He distinguishes the separate books as objects when he
wishes to take them out and use them. The range of one's
experience of a thing is thus seen to depend not on sen-
sory processes but on the practical motives which lead to
the synthesis of more or less comprehensive groups of
these sensations into single phases of experience.
Changes in percepts through repetition. The fusion of
factors into single groups becomes easier after repetition.
Thus the expert rifleman comes to recognize at once the
movement of his game, the distance of the game from
himself, and the wind which will influence his shot, factors
which might have coexisted indefinitely without being fused.
All this he has acquired as the result of repeated eft^orts to
shape his conduct in accordance with the demands of his
total environment. Indeed, such a case of acquired fusion of
widely divergent sensory factors may very frequently involve
in its earliest stages conscious effort to adapt action to whole
groups of sensations. The unity is made more and more
compact as repeated efforts are undertaken to recognize the
factors together, so that ultimately the perceptual unity, which
began in a conscious relating of factors, becomes a synthetic
unity of the ordinary type ; thus, we learn to see pen and
hand and paper together when we learn to write, until all
the factors which enter into the act of writing and its con-
scious control are unified, and the final consciousness seems
very simple, although it is a complex of many factors.
Parallel development of perception and habit. Discus-
sions of perceptual fusion might be carried over directly into
the discussion of habits so as to show that the development
of organized perception and the development of organized
activity always go hand in hand. The training of eye and
hand in any technical art, of ear and vocal cords in singing
or speaking, of ear and hand in playing a musical instru-
ment, go together in practical experience. The expert in
every line not only acts more skillfully but he sees or hears
more skillfully and comprehensively. Perception is discrimi-
native and complete just in so far as the factors of experi-
ence are organized into wholes appropriate for individual
reaction. Our present purposes, how^ever, can be fully satis-
fied without a complete study of habits. The perceptual
fusion involved in the recognition of an object is one phase
of organization ; habit is an expression of this organization
and will be taken up in a separate, later chapter.
Time as a general form of experience. Before leaving
the subject of perception it is important that we consider
briefly a form of arrangement which has often been re-
garded as similar in character to the space form ; namely,
time. Time, like space, involves a relation betw^een several
factors of experience. Like space, it is not a sensation
quality. It is even more general in character than space,
for it is not merely a form of perception ; it is also, and
indeed chiefly, a form of the indirect, or memory, experi-
ences. A percept is always in the time series, but it is
always in that portion of the time series which we call
''the present." It will, accordingly, be appropriate for us
to discuss in this connection some of the attributes of ''the
present," leaving the other phases of time consciousness to
be taken up in connection with memory.
Experimental determination of the scope of '' the
present." "The present" is not a single point of experi-
ence ; it is a group of experiences. Some experimental
evidence as to the possible length of ''the present'' may
be gained as follows : Tap rapidly on the table at inter-
vals of half a second or less, producing a series of sounds,
and find how many taps of this kind can be grouped into
a single easily apprehended unity. The observer will have
little difficulty in determining the limit of such a series if
he will simply listen to the taps and refrain from counting.
A short series of five or six taps will leave behind in
consciousness a feeling of perfect definiteness and ease of
apprehension. If such a series is exactly repeated, or if a
second slightly different series is sounded, the observer
will be in no doubt as to the likeness or unlikeness of
the two series. If, on the other hand, a series of twenty
or thirty taps is sounded, the observer will recognize that
at a certain point in the series a state of confusion sets in.
The series is no longer apprehended as a unity, but has
a vaguely defined massiveness which seems to elude the
mental grasp.
Scope of '' the present" and its varying conditions. The
ability of the observer to group together a series of experi-
ences is radically modified when the series itself is changed.
Thus, if every third tap is made stronger than the others,
or if it is given a slightly different quality, as in a series
of musical notes, the scope of the immediately recognized
group will be much increased. If the taps come irregu-
larly, either in point of interval or in point of intensity or
quality, the scope of the unitary group will be decreased.
Time relations in verse and related systems of experience.
All these facts appear in such practical forms of time per-
ception as those which are utilized in making up English
verse. The recognition of the successive feet in poetry is
facilitated by grouping the sounds into simple compact
groups. The character of each group is determined by
variations in intensity, quality, and content in such a
large number of ways as to satisfy the demand for novelty
in experience, while at the same time retaining very fully
the characteristics necessary for temporal uniformity in the
successive groups of factors.
Time arrangement as conditioned by the rhythmical
changes in nervous processes. To find a precise physio-
logical basis for the time grouping of experience will
require the discovery of processes which are much more
general than those which constitute the physiological basis
for space perception and for general perceptual unity as
exhibited in the recognition of objects. Indeed, we must
go far enough, as indicated above, to recognize that the
conditions of temporal discrimination are involved in indi-
rect memory processes even more than in perception.
Such a general characteristic is to be found in the fact
that all nervous processes are constantly fluctuating in
intensity because the inner nervous condition is never
in equilibrium. The nervous condition is a living process,
now rising to a higher intensity, now declining to a low
intensity. This can be seen if an observer will pick out
in the constellation Pleiades a faint star which is just
visible, and watch it for a time. He will find that it disap-
pears and then reappears for an interval, only to disappear
again. The rhythmical change is here so complete that
it is perceived as a change in the object. A like fluctu-
ation of intensity is present in all sensory impressions,
even if the sensation is so strong that its decrease in
intensity does not cause it to disappear entirely.
Perception more than the flux of sensations. In addition
to the fluctuations in experience which result from the con-
ditions in the nervous system, there are changes which arise
from the relation of the observer to the object. For example,
as one makes his way down the street he sees some object
for a moment and then loses sight of it until he comes
once more to a point from which he can observe it. In all
this flux of experience action must be based on a recognition
of the permanency of objects which transcends present
sensations. We project our fluctuating sensations into a
series which provides for time changes which are not
changes in the things themselves. Thus we find new evi-
dence that experience is organized out of sensations but
goes far beyond sensory quahties and intensities in the
attributes which it exhibits. Time is not a sensation ; it
is a form in which sensations are held because the mind
recognizes in objects a permanency which extends beyond
present personal experience.
Discussions of perception. The discussion of perception may
be closed with a brief summary. Perception involves, first, a
spatial order ; second, the compact fusion of sensations into
percepts of separate objects in the world ; and third, the begin-
ning of a temporal order. The spatial arrangement is intimately
connected with movement, being the arrangement given to sen-
sory factors under the mechanical demands for characteristically
different reactions to different sensory factors in the total mass
of experience. Fusion of sensations into separate recognitions of
objects is, like spatial arrangement, related to activity, for all
those phases of sensory experience will be fused together which
require one and the same response. Finally, time recognition
depends on the flux in experience which comes to be recognized
as a flux not interfering with the permanency of objects.
Organic retentiveness. Up to this point only casual ref-
erence has been made to the fact that the nervous system
is constantly undergoing structural changes as a result of
use. When an impulse passes from cell to cell, it leaves
behind a path which makes it easier for some new impulse
at a later period to pass along the same course. In this way
it is also made easier for later impulses to be brought
together. Very soon the effects of past experience become
so complicated that it is impossible to picture them in
detail. Thus, when one learns the name of an object,
there must be traced through the nervous system a series
of paths which make it possible in all later experience for
the percept of that object to arouse the tendency to articu-
late the name. Or, to take another type of example, w^hen
one has thought of Europe and Asia as parts of a great
continental mass, it becomes easier in all future experience
to couple these two ideas in thought.
The facts referred to in the last paragraph are grouped
together under such general terms as '' organic memory " or
''retentiveness." It is one of the most important facts about
the nervous system that it is highly retentive. As a result
of this retentiveness, present action of any part of the
nervous system is explicable only in small measure by
the impressions of the moment. The present impression
is received into a network of paths which carry the im-
pulse here and there in accordance with past experiences
through traces left behind by such experiences.
Remoter conditions of retention. Considered in a large
way, all structures of the nervous system are the results of
past development. The coordinations which the child in-
herits result from racial experiences, and no individual can
face the world without reflecting in all of his instinctive
attitudes the fundamental experiences of his ancestors.
Ordinarily we do not think of these remoter effects of
experience. We use the terms '' memory '' and '' retention "
to refer to those phases of personal experience which we con-
sciously connect with our own past contact with things and
people. When the ordinary man uses the term '' memory,"
he thinks of a reinstatement as nearly as possible of some
situation experienced at an earlier date. One remembers
what he saw and did yesterday. For the psychologist this
is only one case of retention and revival. From the doings
of yesterday there come over into to-day many influences
which are difficult to observe directly. There is skill of
hand which is the product of a slow^ and systematic learn-
ing process ; there is accuracy of spatial reference which
makes it possible for the individual to put his hand with
precision on the object before him or at the right or left.
There are modes of attention ; there are attitudes of fear
and anger, all of which come out of the past development
of the individual but are ordinarily not recognized as due
to nervous retention.
Before taking up the cases of memory which are usually
recognized as coming under that name, it will be well to
study those less noticed forms of organization which bring
the past into the present and affect the present without
being recognized through introspection.
Instincts. The simplest cases of this type are the instincts.
As was pointed out in an earlier chapter, every individual
is born with certain main outlines of his nervous structure
provided through inheritance, exactly as the other structures of
his body are provided through inheritance. If an individual
has arms and legs, he will also have the nerve fibers to
connect the muscles of these extremities with the spinal
cord. The structure of the sense organs is also provided
through inheritance, and, as has been made clear in earlier
discussions, there is little or no change in the character of
these organs in the course of individual experience. Inherit-
ance, however, goes even further than to provide these main
structures. The central organs themselves are, to some ex-
tent, mapped out at the beginning of individual life. The
result of this central organization is that at the time of birth
the muscles of the body are not merely under the general
control of the nervous system, they are under the control
of organized centers which are able, to a certain extent, to
coordinate the activities of different parts of the body.
Protective instincts. Illustrations of instincts occur in
the life of any animal and in the early life of human infants.
For example, if a young bird hears a loud sound, this sound
not only discharges itself through the nervous system, but
because of the internal organization of the nervous system
the sound will discharge itself into the muscles of the whole
body in that form of behavior commonly described as feign-
ing death. The individual bird does not recognize the
significance or value of its behavior, at least the first time
it executes it. The act can therefore not be explained as
due in any way to individual intelligence. Furthermore, the
same form of action appears in all members of the species.
The organization which controls the activity has been worked
out in the course of the experience of the bird's ancestors
as a form of protective movement to be put into operation
whenever the animal is threatened by an approaching enemy.
To say that the young bird which performs this movement
is cognizant of danger and assumes an appropriate attitude
would be to invert the true relations exhibited in the situa-
tion. The mode of behavior is immediate and depends
directly upon the external stimulation plus the inherited
organization. The attitude of fear results from the action
which takes place without the animal's control or choice.
The inner experience of fear is just as much determined
through heredity as is the ability to hear the sound through
the ear or the ability to tespond to the sound with the
muscles of the body.
Food-taking instinct. Other typical illustrations of organ-
ized instinctive modes of behavior may be drawn from a
study of the human infant. One of the most fundamental
instincts of the infant is the instinct of sucking. Any young
mammal responds to a small object placed between its
lips by a complex form of reaction which nature has pro-
vided as the only possible means of supporting the animal's
life during a period when individual experience is not
sufficiently mature to guide it in securing its own food. The
form of consciousness which accompanies this instinctive
behavior is, of course, a matter of speculation, but it seems
highly probable that the experience of the infant is one of
emotional excitement and of satisfaction when the act finds
some appropriate object on which to express itself.
Instincts established through selection. The process by
which the instincts have been evolved is most elaborate. In
the later stages of animal evolution those members of a
species which do not exhibit the highly organized instincts
of protection and food-taking perish. It is easy to see how
the instincts are perpetuated through natural selection. In
somewhat the same fashion we can imagine how, through
a long regressive series, those nervous systems were gradu-
ally selected which provided the forms of reaction most
favorable to the preservation of life.
Delayed instincts common. In treating of human instincts
the matter is somewhat complicated by the fact that a great
many instincts are present only in incipient forms at the
beginning of life and are fully matured at a relatively late
period. A good illustration of such a delayed instinct is
found in the tendency of the young child to walk. That
this tendency is inherited is shown by the fact that it will
mature, even if there is little or no individual practice. The
common development of the young child is a mixture of
maturing instincts and ambitious efforts on the part of
the child himself and of those surrounding him to hasten
the development which would naturally come, even if no
exertions were made in that direction. Certain interesting
cases are on record which show that children who for one
reason or another had never made any individual effort to
mature this mode of' activity suddenly exhibited it under
suitable conditions in a fully developed form. Young animals
have frequently been experimented upon in a way to show
that their modes of locomotion are wholly instinctive, even
though locomotion develops only at a relatively late period
in life. Thus young birds which have been incubated in
isolation and have been caged until they reached full
maturity will fly with the natural mode of flight of their
species as soon as they are liberated.
Impossibility of distinguishing instincts from later-acquired
forms of behavior. As there are instinctive modes of be-
havior which develop somewhat slowly during the early years
of life, it is impossible to draw a line and say that every
form of activity which matures after a certain period is in-
dependent of direct hereditary organizations. It is equally
impossible to say, on the other hand, that the inherited
tracts in the nervous system are in no wise modified in the
course of individual experience. Indeed, it is always true
that on the foundation of inherited coordinations there is
built up a system of refinements and modifications which
constitute the characteristic mark of the individual.
Habits from instincts and from independent conditions.
Instincts are sometimes simplified in the course of use ; at
other times they are united into larger systems of action or
are broken up into their elements and recombined into new
types of composite activity. We turn, then, to the consid-
eration of these processes of activity which are related to
instincts merely as outgrowths and may therefore be treated
as the products of individual experience. Those modes of
behavior which depend upon individual experience are called
habits. In order to make clear the relation of habit to in-
stinct, it should be pointed out that not all habits grow
directly out of single well-defined instincts. For the pur-
poses of our discussion two classes of habits may be dis-
tinguished : first, there are habits which develop out of
instincts ; second, there are habits which develop by a
process of selection from among the diffuse activities which
appear whenever there is no definite mode of instinctive
behavior which serves as a foundation for development. We
may refer to these two types of habits as habits developed
from instincts and habits developed from diffusion.
Development of habit through conflict of instincts. An
illustration of a habit developed from instincts is found in
the case in which a child develops a certain definite attitude
toward certain animals. This attitude of the child can in
many cases be shown to have originated out of a conflict be-
tween two tendencies. There are two fundamental instinc-
tive tendencies in every child, indeed in every young animal.
Every young animal tends, on the one hand, to run away
from any strange or unusually intense stimulation. A large
object moving toward the eyes, a loud sound attacking the
auditory organs, or a strange odor or taste will stir up in a
young animal a mode of action of the protective type. There
is, on the other hand, among all of the higher animals an
instinct toward contact with members of the same species
and with related forms of animal life. Thus, young birds
naturally tend to keep close to any member of their species
and to other objects which are in any way similar to mem-
bers of their own species. So also do young mammals.
Young puppies and young kittens are extremely fond of
companionship, and even certain of the more soHtary ani-
mals naturally herd in packs or in small groups, especially
when young. The human infant exhibits both of the two
fundamental instinctive tendencies which have just been
described. When, accordingly, the child is for the first time
confronted by an animal, its reaction may be one of with-
drawal or one of friendly contact. Which of the two natural
tendencies is actually selected will depend upon a variety of
circumstances. If the instinct of flight or protective activity
is strong, either because the individual child is disposed to
react in this way more emphatically than in the direction of
social contact or if the instinct of protection is rendered
especially pronounced by some accident of excessive external
stimulation at the particular moment, then the instinct of
fear will dominate and the social instinct will be suppressed.
In such a case the specialized habit will begin to form in
the general direction of fear. Sometimes the attitude is so
thoroughly determined by the first contact with the animal
that all through life the individual tends to follow the initial
impulse received at the first experience. There are persons
who have a very strong attitude of fear for cats and dogs,
which attitude has become a fixed individual habit after
being selected from among the various possible instinctive
modes of response which existed through inheritance at the
beginning of life.
Nervous development concerned in the selection of in-
stincts. The nervous mechanism involved in a habit which
has resulted from selection among instincts is relatively easy
to explain. We need only to assume that the stimulation
which is given at the first experience has two possible lines
of discharge, either one of which would be through a well-
defined instinctive tract. The conditions of the first en-
counter carry the stimulation in question into one of the
two instinctive channels, and thereafter this selected channel
becomes the natural and easy path of discharge for the
stimulus whenever it recurs. The habit is, accordingly, de-
pendent upon individual experience only in the one respect
that individual experience determines which of the possible
instincts shall be selected.
Habit as a modified instinct. A second somewhat differ-
ent type of derivation of habit from instinct is found in cases
in which the final mode of activity is not along the line of
any single instinct, but is a compromise in which one instinct
is modified by conflict with other instinctive tendencies.
Suppose, for example, that the human infant who naturally
tends to be afraid of an animal is encouraged by circum-
stances to assume a friendly attitude toward the animal of
which he is naturally afraid. His attitude and mode of re-
action may be modified to a greater or less extent, so that
instead of expressing the full tendency of his instinct to run
away, he may have merely a suppressed internal recoil from
the animal, while all of his grosser protective movements
are modified. Many of the human instincts are probably
thus somewhat reduced in intensitv and in their form of ex-
pression. Darwin argued at length that the expressions of
human and animal emotions are in many cases simply
reduced instinctive forms of behavior. Many of the facial
expressions in human beings are, according to his view,
remains of early forms of activity in the jaw and mouth
muscles, which once accompanied real combat. The changes
in circulation and respiration which come with fear and
embarrassment are to be regarded as partial expressions of
certain fundamental instincts. For example, when we are
frightened there is for an instant a pause in all the internal
activities preparatory to the violent activities necessary to
flight, and after this first pause there comes a rapid beating
of the heart which originally accompanied flight. When in
mature life one refuses to indulge in flight, he may, never-
theless, have all the internal activities. If, however, he
persists in refusing to run, the inherited tendency may,
through this fact, be gradually overcome even to the point
of disappearance.
Importance of heredity in explaining consciousness. Such
examples as these tend to emphasize heredity. The indi-
vidual is seen to begin life with a large stock of possible
habits and instinctive attitudes. His final attitudes are deter-
mined in kind and degree by the circumstances of individual
life, but a great number of the fundamental possibilities in
human nature are given at the beginning of life. We may
say, therefore, that an individual is born with a large stock
of attitudes quite as much as with a large supply of organs
of sense and forms of possible sensory experience. The in-
herited attitudes are not specific in their application until
after individual experience has worked out the application,
but they are native and explicable only in terms that recog-
nize their fundamentally hereditary character.
Diffusion a mark of lack of organization. Turning now
from the habits which are developed through the selection
and miodification of instincts, we come to the habits which
cannot properly be traced to any single instinct or group of
instincts. Let us suppose that a stimulus or a combination
of stimulations is introduced into the nervous system^ of the
child but finds no specific channel of discharge open to it
through inherited organization. This stimulation will pro-
duce an excitation which will be very widely distributed
throughout the whole nervous system, because it has no
specific channel of discharge and because, as free energy,
it must be transmitted through the nervous system until it
finds a discharge into the active organs. The stimulation
will ultimately issue through the avenues of motor dis-
charge into the active organs of the body, but instead of
issuing in a well-coordinated series it will be distributed
diffusely and irregularly and will affect a great number of
muscles. An example of the diffuse distribution of stimula-
tion in mature life is seen when one is suddenly startled by
an unexpected loud noise, and there follows a general con-
traction of the muscles throughout the whole body. Such a
strong stimulus breaks over all of the bounds of organization
in the central nervous system and is distributed diffusely
throughout the body. A diffuse distribution of the stimula-
tion is clearly a disadvantage to the individual. The state
of the organism after the stimulation is such that the indi-
vidual is not well adapted to his environment, his activities
are not concentrated in any single direction, and he is alto-
gether unprepared to meet the future demands which the
stimulation may impose upon him. Furthermore, it can
easily be observed that the mental attitude which accom-
panies such diffuse activity is quite as unorganized as the
bodily attitude, and this, also, is an intolerable condition for
any individual. The process of modifying such a diffuse
reaction, of developing definite and precise attitudes on the
mental side and well-coordinated movements on the physical
side, is a long, complex process, carried out by the organism
and by consciousness with the delays and complications
which appear in every process of natural development.
Development of habit from diffusion. If we take a form
of activity which has little or no instinctive background, such
as the activity involved in writing, and observe the early
stages of the effort to develop this type of activity into a
habit, we discover the characteristics of a diffuse activity.
It will be found, first, that movement is excessive in both
extent and intensity. The child who is learning to write
moves not only the necessary muscles of the fingers and
hand directly engaged in wTiting, but the muscles of the
other hand as well. He also moves the muscles of the face.
The diffusion of the excitation throughout the whole organ-
ism is one of the most obvious facts to be observed in such
a case. In the second place, the elements of movement
which are present are not coordinated into harmonious
wholes. The various muscular contractions involved in the
earliest attempts at writing seldom enter into such relations
that there is economy in their several activities. This will
be apparent if one observes the way in which the fingers
and the hand act during the child's formation of series of
letters. There must always be a movement of the hand
during writing to carry the fingers across the page. In the
child's writing the fingers are used as long as they can be
used without any cooperating hand movement. The hand
is brought into play only after the fingers have become so
cramped that they can no longer make lines. When this
cramping of the fingers reaches such a point that it can go
no farther, the finger movement is altogether suspended for
a moment and the hand is moved forward in a distinct and
relatively separate act. The writing then proceeds as before,
the fingers being used quite to the exclusion of the hand.
This obvious lack of combined activity of the hand and
fingers illustrates a general fact which is also exhibited by
the incoordination of the learner's several fingers in relation
to one another. The thumb and first finger do not at the
outset cooperate with each other in the harmonious way in
which they should. For example, at the beginning of an
upward stroke, as in the written letter /, the first finger
presses downward against the pencil or pen more vigorously
than is necessary and, as a result, the thumb is called upon
to do an excess of work in order to overcome the unneces-
sary downward pressure of the first finger. There is thus a
lack of harmony and even a certain degree of interference
in the organs which are directly involved in the activity.
The explanation of diffusion and incoordination at the be-
ginning of development is similar to the explanation of the
general diffusion of the activity throughout the whole muscu-
lar system in the case of a sudden loud noise. In both cases
the nervous impulses which excite the muscles do not follow
definite channels. In the case now under consideration the
channels are not yet developed, while in the case of the loud
sound they are not able to confine the strong discharge to
definite paths.
Undeveloped movements. Another characteristic of an
undeveloped movement is one which is closely related to its
incoordination, and consists in the fact that the various phases
of movement are all of brief duration, not being united with
each other into a continuous series. If one examines the
writing of a child, he finds that the lines, instead of being
continuous, fluent lines, are made up of short, irregular parts.
The direction of the movement in these short, irregular parts
is very frequently away from the general direction which the
movement should follow. We may say that the movement
is a succession of efforts to produce the line rather than a
sequence of coordinated muscular contractions appropriate
to the general movement. When the movement develops,
as it does after practice, the different elements are bound
together in such a way that their sequence cannot be detected ;
they are no longer separate factors. The adult who begins
to write the letter / does not make a series of separate move-
ments as the pencil is carried along the upward stroke. He
does, however, make a series of muscular contractions. The
transition from the irregular succession of separate move-
ments to a series of contractions constituting phases of a
single complex activity, which, however, is thoroughly uni-
fied, results from the coupling together of a series of nervous
tracts which provide for the proper temporal distribution of
the motor excitation.
Diffusion analogous to all forms of overproduction. It is
clear from the foregoing study of the characteristics of an
undeveloped activity that nature approaches this problem of
development in the same way in which all the problems of
developmicnt are approached ; namely, through excessive pro-
ductions and selection of the proper elements. Since the child
does not have the proper nervous organization to control
ihis movements, nature has provided that he shall make a
superabundance of movements involving all of the different
parts of the body, even those which are not directly con-
cerned in the final activity. If, in this excess of movement,
certain factors accomplish the end toward which the indi-
vidual is working, these successful constituents of movement
will gradually be em.phasized and the unsuccessful constitu-
ents will gradually be eliminated, until finally diffusion gives
way to a limited number of precise and well-defined combina-
tions of activity. If the selected factors are repeated together
a sufificient number of times, the nervous activities involved
in each particular phase of the movement gradually become
connected with each other.
Conscious correlates of habit. The conscious accompani-
ments of action which has grown habitual are easily described.
There is a feeling of familiarity when one is trained to respond
to sensations ; there is a definiteness of discrimination which
makes one's percepts sure and clear. Too often the psychology
of habit has been guilty of the statement that habituation leads
to unconsciousness. This is not the case. When we can deal
skillfully with any situation, we have an attitude of attention
and of assurance wholly different from the attitude of indefi-
nite excitement which accompanies diffusion. The skillful
man is the discerning man ; his discernments may disregard
certain factors and emphasize others, but, on the whole,
he will give attention to that which is most important in
guiding action.
Instinct, habit, and mental attitudes. The reader will be
able without detailed discussion to see the relation of this
chapter to the earlier chapter which deals with mental atti-
tudes. All mental life exhibits natural likes and dislikes,
acquired sympathies and antipathies, forms of attention and
interest. These are related, as was shown before, to modes
of reaction. We now see how these tastes and interests arc
developed as a part of the individual's adjustment of himself
to the world. Some tastes are traceable to inherited instincts,
others to acquired habits, and so on through the Hst. The
important fact for psychology is that past experience comes
over into the present in the form of fundamental attitudes
and tendencies. The introspective observer is likely to make
the mistake of thinking that his likes and dislikes are the
products of his present thinking, when in reality they come
to him from a remote past, even in some cases from his
racial inheritances.
Applications of the doctrine of attitudes to social science.
What is shown by these few examples is of the greatest im-
portance for the social sciences. Social life has developed
innumerable habits in the individual. We pass each other
on the right ; we accost our friends on the street ; we gather
about the table and take our food in an orderly way. In these
and a thousand of the customs of social life we record the
experience of the past. At the moment we find ourselves in
sympathy with our surroundings. Indeed, we should be most
uncomfortable if our surroundings did not call for those forms
of behavior which are laid down by habit in our nervous sys-
tems. Personal habits and social customs have thus come to
be two aspects of a single line of development. Here again
we are often too much in the midst of the experience itself
to see how our social attitudes came into being and what is
their real character.
Speech as a highly important special habit. Among the
habits developed by human beings none is so elaborate as
speech ; none is so intimately related to the higher levels
to which human experience attains. Speech is evidently a
form of muscular behavior, as can be readily observed if one
notes the movements in the thorax, larynx, and mouth dur-
ing articulation. So complex, however, are the mental proc-
esses related to the movements involved in speech that we
ordinarily overlook entirely the physical side of the process
and think of speech only as one of the higher forms of
mental activity.
Speech and ideas closely interrelated. There would be
logical justification for a postponement of the discussion of
speech until after the description and classification of ideas
and of those thought processes which develop with the
evolution of language. Speech would then be treated, as it
is in the thinking of most people, as a product or expression
of higher intelligence. But speech is more than a product
of thought ; it is the instrument which makes thought pos-
sible ; or, differently expressed, it is the kind of reaction
which is essential to the higher attitudes of discrimination
and comparison. Just as the processes of perception are
not merely receptive but involve reactions, so the higher
thought processes are active and depend for their character
on those forms of behavior which make up the speech habit.
We are justified, therefore, in discussing speech before treat-
ing of ideas, even though we shall have frequent occasion in
this chapter to refer to the higher mental processes before
we have described them in detail.
Speculations regarding the nature and origin of speech.
Speech has from the earliest history been recognized by man
as a unique power. It is the distinguishing characteristic
between Greek and barbarian, between Hebrew and gentile.
In more emphatic degree, it is the mark of distinction be-
tween man and his nearest relatives in the animal kingdom.
Long before there was a science of human nature, man
speculated curiously as to the source from which language
came. His first answer was that the Deity gave it to him
by a special act of creation.
The special creation theory. The special creation theory
of the origin of language ignores, however, certain facts
which are too obvious to be set aside. It ignores the fact
that animals have the ability to make certain vocal sounds
which they utilize for purposes of communication with one an-
other. We cannot explain how it is that animals have modes
of expression so closely related to human language without,
at the same time, recognizing the natural origin of language
itself. Furthermore, the processes of human expression are
constantly undergoing changes and developments which are
so natural and so definite in their character that it seems
probable that language has always been evolving just as it
is at the present time. If the principles under which lan-
guage as we know it is developing can be ascertained, it is
reasonable to project these laws back of the historical period
and to assume that the beginnings of language were also
under the regular laws of development. The creation theory
has therefore gradually given way to various theories which
attempt to give a naturalistic explanation of language.
The imitation theory. It has sometimes been held in later
speculation that language originated from the tendency to
imitate sounds. This theory, while it would explain certain
of the special forms of words, cannot give any adequate
account of the way in which an individual develops the power
of turning imitation to the special ends of speech. There
are a number of different animals that are capable of a wide
range of imitation, but they have never developed a lan-
guage, as has man. This is clear evidence that the essence
of language is not to be found in imitation, but rather in the
use to which the imitative power is put.
The interjection theory. It has also been suggested that
language developed out of the interjections which man natu-
rally used in his most primitive stage of development. If
he was astonished by any sudden stimulation, he naturally
gave forth ejaculations in response to the sudden excitation.
These ejaculations, it is said, came gradually to have the
power of calling to mind the situations to which they be-
longed and ultimately became the means of communication.
Here again the objection to the theory is not that it seems
improbable that man began with simple forms of expres-
sion, but that the theory does not explain how these simple
forms of expression acquired a meaning and importance
which they did not have at the beginning. What is needed,
rather than a formal description of the first expressions used
by primitive man, is a consistent psychological explanation of
how the ejaculations came to have significance for mental life
and to serve as the vehicles for elaborate thought processes.
Roots of language in natural emotional expressions and
their imitation. The psychological explanation of language
begins with a general reference to the statements made in
earlier chapters. Every sensory stimulation arouses some
form of bodily activity. The muscles of the organs of cir-
culation and the muscles of the limbs, as well as other
internal and external muscles, are constantly engaged in
making responses to external stimuli. Among the muscles
of the body which with the others are involved in expres-
sive activities are the muscles which control the organs of
respiration. There can be no stimulation of any kind which
does not affect more or less the character of the movements
of inspiration and expiration. In making these general state-
ments, we find no necessity for distinguishing between the
animals and man ; so far as the general facts of relation
between sensations and expression are concerned, they have
like characteristics. That an air-breathing animal should pro-
duce sounds through irregularities in its respiratory move-
ments when it is excited by an external stimulus, especially
if that stimulus is violent, is quite as natural as that its hair
should rise when it is afraid or that its muscles should
tremble when it is aroused to anger or to flight.
Imitation. The important step in the development of lan-
guage is the acquirement of the ability to use the movements
of the vocal cords for purposes other than those of individ-
ual emotional expression. The acquirement of this ability is
a matter of long evolution and depends in its first stages
upon social imitation. The importance of imitation in affect-
ing the character of animal behavior appears as soon as ani-
mals begin to live in packs or herds or other social groups.
Other imitative communications of animals and man. So
far as communication through imitation is concerned, there
is no reason why attention should be confined exclusively to
the forms of activity which result in sounds. All animals
imitate the activities of other members of their species on a
very large scale. The stampede of a herd of cattle is an ex-
cellent illustration of the importance of the tendency toward
imitation. The frightened animal which starts the stampede
does not consciously purpose to communicate its fright to
the other members of the herd ; it is performing a natural
act of its individual life. Incidentally, it affects all those
about it by arousing in them a violent form of imitative
activity. The stampeding herd may have no consciousness
whatever of the original cause of fear in one of its mem-
bers ; the real cause of the stampede and of the resulting
excitement in the herd is the example of the one frightened
animal. Thus we see that the activity of an animal takes on,
because of the reaction of its social environment, a signifi-
cance which the original act never could have had unless it
had been imitated.
Value of sounds as means of social communication. What
is true of activity in general is true of activities which result
in sounds. The sound produced by the activities of the vocal
cords can impress itself readily upon the ears of some other
animal, more readily by far than the visual impression of
trembling or of general muscular tension. If, now, the ani-
mal which hears the sound has itself produced this sound
or one closely resembling it in quality and intensity, there
will be a natural tendency for the sound stimulation to arouse
in the second animal a sympathetic response. Witness the
tendency of all the dogs in a community to bark together
or of all the roosters to begin crowing together when one
gives the signal. The result of imitating the sound will be
to throw the imitating animal into an emotional state very
similar to that of the animal which first made the noise.
This result will be more likely to follow if the two animals
are closely related in their organization and types of activity.
There will be ^'datively less tendency to sympathize with an
animal of entirely different organization and habits, for the
activity aroused through imitation in the listening animal
will not agree in character with the activity of the animal
which sets the example. Thus, one can judge from his own
experience that there is very little possibility of arousing in
a human being the mental state which appears in dogs or
cats through imitation of the sounds which they produce.
In general, imitation of sound is valuable as a means of
arousing sympathy only between animals sufficiently related
to each other to have similar modes of producing sound.
Limitation of forms of animal communication. Given the
similarity of organization which makes imitated sounds sig-
nificant, we have a type of communication provided which
is widely utilized in the animal world. The food calls and
the danger signals of birds are significant to other members
of the flock. Such calls have definite natural relations to the
organized responses of all members of the species. It is to
be noted that these calls do not constitute a language in the
sense in which human sounds constitute a language, for the
bird calls are incapable of conveying definite ideas, such as
ideas of the kind of food or the particular kind of danger dis-
covered by the animal which makes the sound. The sounds
serve merely to arouse certain attitudes. An animal can
induce in its fellows a tendency to fear and flight by means
of cries which in the history of each member of the flock have
been associated with fear, but the animal can go no farther in
its communications than to arouse emotional attitudes.
The first stages of human articulation like animal cries.
There are stages of human infancy which are closely re-
lated to the stages of animal life thus far described. The
human infant does not at first make sounds as the result of
any conscious desire to communicate its feelings to those
about it, much less does it use its sounds for verbal dis-
cussion of the details of its conscious experiences. The
infant makes noises exactly as it swings its arms and legs,
because the muscular contractions which produce these
noises are instinctive motor expressions related through
heredity to the stimuli which arouse them. Later there
appears a strong tendency to imitate others of its own kind,
and this imitation may serve to put the infant in some con-
tact with its social environment and give it a medium of
communication comparable in character to that which we
find in animals. This is not language, however, for imitation
alone is not enough to develop language. Further processes
must take place before the full development is effected.
Articulations selected from the sum of possible activities.
While imitation applies to many different forms of activity,
such as those of the limbs or face, a moment's consideration
will make it clear that the activities which produce sounds
have a number of unique advantages as vehicles of imitative
communication. The ability to produce sounds depends
largely upon the animal itself and very little upon external
conditions. Contrast sound with visual impressions. Visual
impressions are cut off in the dark ; they are cut off by
intervening objects and by a turning of the head of the
observer. Sounds travel wherever there is air ; they are as
easy to produce in the darkness as in daylight ; they can
easily be varied in intensity. For these reasons they come
to be the chief means of social communication, even among
the animals. The result is that the vocal cords and the
ability to discriminate sounds are highly developed long
before the development of language proper.
Evolution of ideas and speech. The advance which human
language makes beyond animal communication consists in
the fact that human language relates sounds to ideas as
well as to emotional attitudes. This step cannot be taken
until ideas are present in the minds of both parties to the
communication. We find ourselves, therefore, at this point
involved in a perplexing circle. Human mental processes
as we know them are intimately related to language. Even
when we think about our own most direct experiences, we
use words. Yet these words are not explicable except when
we assume complex ideational processes as the necessary
conditions for their development and interpretation. Did
human mental advance result from the development of
language, or did language result from the development of
ideas ? The only answer to this question is that language and
ideational processes developed together and are necessary to
each other.
In describing the first stages of the development of true
language we may assume, therefore, that both speaker and
auditor have reached a stage of development where it is
possible to have higher nervous and conscious processes.
Such higher processes are to be contrasted with mere emo-
tional attitudes. For example, if one sees his fellow being
pointing in a certain direction, there is a strong tendency
to turn and look in the same direction. There will result
in this case not an emotion but a common attention to some
object. The gesture of pointing is, accordingly, a mode of
communication which rises to a higher level than does the
cry of fear or the food call. Its development opens the way
for a higher system of communication.
Gestures and broad scope of attention. Still higher is
the gesture that depicts some elaborate act. Thus, when a
man is hungry he will point to his mouth and make the
gesture of taking up food and carrying it to his mouth.
This simple gesture will not be made by an animal, because
the animal has only a limited range of attention. If the
animal thinks of food, it cannot entertain any other ideas.
It spends all its mental energy seeking food rather than
trying to communicate with some other animal. In human
life there is breadth of attention exhibited in a gesture.
The person who makes a gesture includes in his experience
the person with whom he wishes to communicate, plus the
idea which is to be communicated. The animal m.ay have
a simple idea but not the complex of ideas involved even
in gesture.
This ability of man to have two centers of attention can
be explained anatomically by recalling that man has great
masses of cerebral tissue within which impulses can be
worked over. The animal has only a little brain tissue, and
any impulse received in the brain must be discharged very
soon in the form of a motor impulse. The hungry animal
must act at once in the effort to remove hunger. Man, on
the other hand, has enough brain tissue to hold the impulse
in suspense, unite it with impressions from his fellow beings,
and act in a complex way with full regard both to his fellow
beings and to his hunger.
Gesture, or gesture language as it is called, is thus seen
to be not merely a complex form of behavior but one which
expresses a new type of relationship between the reactor
and his environment. Gesture is a social form of behavior
involving attention to persons as well as to objects. Indeed,
gesture supersedes the more direct forms of attack on objects.
Evolution of gestures in direction of simplification. The
earliest forms of social communications undoubtedly included
much gesture if, indeed, they were not limited altogether
to gesture. The term ''natural sign" has been used in
describing these early gestures. The gesture was so full
and pantomimic in character that the interpretation was
almost as direct as in the case of an emotional expression.
The gesture could be interpreted by anyone who had passed
through an experience at all like that of the person making
the gesture. All that we need to assume by way of explanation
of gesture is the law of social imitation which was stated in
earlier paragraphs and the higher power of reviving ideas.
The later development .of gesture language brought with
it a reduction of the gesture so that it became a mere rem-
nant of the earlier act. This reduction to a simpler act was
possible within the group of those who had learned to com-
municate with each other. Thus, instead of requiring the
full pantomime to communicate the fact that one was hungry,
it came to be enough that one pointed in the direction of the
mouth. A mere clue served to arouse the idea. This stage
is reached when both the parties to the communication have
developed the power of supplying the ideas needed for
interpretation to such a high level that it is very easy to
call out the idea by the slightest hint.
Speech a highly specialized mode of behavior. This de-
velopment, which made it less and less important that the
gesture be a full pantomime, opened the way for a selection
of certain particular forms of activity which became the
vehicles of communication and were wholly set aside for
that purpose. The vocal cords were not available as organs
for communication of ideas so long as the ideas had to be
depicted in full by means of elaborately imitable gestures.
But as the need of gestures diminished and the power of
supplying ideas increased, the vocal cords proved increas-
ingly useful as special organs of social communication just
because they were not otherwise used. The hands which
were used for communication during the period when ges-
ture was evolving were in demand for the direct practical
activities of life. When two individuals wish to communi-
cate with each other, it is often extremely inconvenient to
suspend all other activity, to lay down what one may be
carrying, to come where one may be clearly seen, for the
purpose of holding a parley. The vocal cords, on the other
hand, are not required for the practical purposes of life.
They are easily disconnected in their action from the gen-
eral mass of the muscles and, therefore, very naturally
became the organs for a system of social activities.
One of the most primitive forms of vocal art is the
work song. This illustrates strikingly the relation of vocal
reactions to handwork. The workers secured social coopera-
tion through the song, their hands in the meantime being
occupied in practical work.
Consequences of specialization. The fact that speech thus
separates itself from other forms of bodily activity and be-
comes a highly specialized system of behavior brings with
it a number of important consequences. First, it is possible
for speech to develop to a high level without involving
the corresponding development of any of the practical arts.
What is sometimes called pure verbalism may result. Thus
a student may acquire mere words and not have any power
of applying the words which he repeats to other forms of
Second, the specialized character of speech results in
the sharp differentiation of one local language from that
of other sections. Ultimately each language grows so far
from the parent root that it is wholly unintelligible except
to those who are trained in its special forms.
Third, there is a possibility that ideas will be attached
to sounds so loosely and ambiguously that the two parties
to communication will drift far apart in their interpretations
while using one and the same sounds.
Speech an indirect form of behavior. Speech as a form
of behavior thus lacks that direct relation to the outer
world which most habits exhibit. It takes on a highly
artificial character. Its uses are controlled by social con-
vention rather than by natural necessity. We may therefore
very properly describe speech as an indirect, conventional
form of behavior.
Evolution of writing. The stages of evolution of speech
which have been described in the foregoing paragraphs
are exemplified in essentially the same sequence, though in
slightly different form, in the evolution of the art of writing.
Writing at first direct in form. The earliest stages of
writing were those in which pictographic forms were used ;
that is, a direct picture was draw^n upon the writing surface,
reproducing as nearly as possible the kind of impression
made upon the observer by the object itself (see Fig. 54).
To be sure, the drawing used to represent the object was
not an exact reproduction or full copy of the object, but it
was a fairly direct image. The visual image was thus
aroused by a direct appeal to the eye. Anyone could read
a document written in this pictographic form if he had
ever seen the objects to which the pictures referred. There
was no special relation between the pictures or visual forms
at this stage of development and the sounds used in articu-
late language. Concrete examples of such writing are seen
in early monuments, where the moon is represented by
the crescent, a king by the drawing of a man wearing a
crown. An example of this stage of writing is also supplied
by the ancient Chinese forms shown in the upper Hne
of Fig. 55.
Images reduced to lowest terms as powers of reader
increase. The next stage of development in writing began
when the pictographic forms were reduced in complexity
to the simplest possible lines. The reduction of the picture
to a few sketchy lines depended upon the growing ability of
the reader to contribute the necessary interpretation. All
that was needed in the figure was something which would
Fig. 54. An Ojibwa love letter, recorded and explained by Garrick Mallery
in the Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1 888-1 889, p. 363
The writer, a girl of the Bear totem, b^ summons her lover, who belongs to the
Mud Puppy totem, d^ along the various trails indicated, to the lodge, ^, from which
the beckoning hand protrudes. The inclosed figures at /,/, and k are lakes. ^ The
crosses indicate that the girl and her companions are Christians. " The clear indi-
cations of locality," writes Mallery, " serve as well as if in a city a young woman had
sent an invitation to her young man to call at a certain street and number "
suggest the idea to the reader's mind. The simplification
of the written forms is attained very early, as is seen even
in the figures which are used by savage tribes. Thus, to
represent the number of an enemy's army, it is not neces-
sary to draw full figures of the forms of the enemy ; it is
enough if single straight lines are drawn with some brief
indication, perhaps at the beginning of the series of lines,
to show that these stand each for an individual enemy.
This simplification of the drawing leaves the written sym-
bol with very much larger possibilities of entering into
new relations in the mind of the reader. Instead, now, of
being a specific drawing related to a specific object, it
invites by its simple character a number of different inter-
pretations. A straight line, for example, can represent
not only the number of an enemy's army, but it can rep-
resent also the number of sheep in a flock, or the number
of tents in a village, or anything else which is capable of
enumeration. The use of a straight line for these various
purposes stimulates new mental developments. This is
shown by the fact that the development of the idea of the
N ^ H * *
Fig. 55. Ancient and modern Chinese writing
The upper Hne shows ancient forms of Chinese writing ; the lower Hne shows the
derived modern forms. Reading from left to right, the characters signify "sun,"
"moon," "mountain," "tree" (or "wood"), "dog"
number relation, as distinguished from the mass of possible
relations in which an object may stand, is greatly facilitated
by this general written symbol for numbers. The intimate
relation between the development of ideas on the one hand
and the development of symbols on the other is here very
strikingly illustrated. The drawing becomes more useful
because it is associated with more elaborate ideas, while the
ideas develop because they find in the drawing a definite
content which helps to mark and give separate character to
the idea. Striking examples of the simplification of form
in order to facilitate the writing of symbols are shown in
Figs. 55 and 56.
Written symbols and their relation to sounds. As soon
as the drawing began to lose its significance as a direct
perceptual reproduction of the object and took on new
and broader meanings through the associations which at-
tached to it, the written form became a symbol rather
than a direct appeal to visual memory. As a symbol it
stood for something which, in itself, it was not. The way
Fig. 56. Derivation of the Roman letter M from the ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphic owl
The four forms in the upper part of the figure are Egyptian forms. The first on the
left is the usual hieroglyphic picture of the owl, or, as it was called in the Egyptian
language, mulak. The three remaining upper forms are found in the writings of the
Egyptian priests. The first form on the left of the lower series is an ancient Semitic
form. Then follow in order an ancient Greek form and two later Greek forms.
(From I. Taylor's "The Alphabet," pp. 9, 10)
was thus opened for the written symbol to enter into rela-
tion with oral speech, which is also a form of symbolism
(see Fig. 56). Articulate sounds are simplified forms of
experience capable through association wdth ideas of ex-
pressing meanings not directly related to the sounds them-
selves. When the written symbol began to be related to the
sound symbol, there was at first a loose and irregular relation
between them. The Egyptians seem to have established
such relations to some extent. They wrote at times with
pictures standing for sounds as we now write in rebus puz-
zles. In such puzzles the picture of an object is intended to
call up in the mind of the reader not the special group of
ideas appropriate to the object represented in the picture
but rather the sound which serves as the name of this object.
When the sound is once suggested to the reader, he is sup-
posed to attend to that and to connect with it certain other
associations appropriate to the sound. To take a modern
illustration, we may, for example, use the picture of the eye
to stand for the first personal pronoun. The relationship
between the picture and the idea for which it is used is
in this case through the sound of the name of the object
depicted. That the early alphabets are of this type of
rebus pictures appears in their names. The first three
letters of the Hebrew alphabet, for example, are named,
respectively, aleph, which means ''ox," beth, which means
''house," 2Xidi gimmel, which means "camel."
The alphabet. The complete development of a sound
alphabet from this type of rebus writing required, doubt-
less, much experimentation on the part of the nations
which succeeded in establishing the association. The Phoe-
nicians have generally been credited with the invention of
the forms and relations which we now use. Their contri-
bution to civilization cannot be overestimated. It consisted
not in the presentation of new material or content to con-
scious experience but rather in bringing together by asso-
ciation groups of contents which, in their new relation,
transformed the whole process of thought and expression.
They associated visual and auditory content and gave to
the visual factors a meaning which originally attached to
the sound. Pictures thus came to mean sounds rather than
objects (see Fig. 56).
Social motives essential to the development of language.
The ideational interpretations which appear in developed
language could never have reached the elaborate form
which they have at present if there had not been social
cooperation. The tendency of the individual when left to
himself is to drop back into the direct adjustments which
are appropriate to his own life. He might possibly develop
articulation to a certain extent for his own sake, but the
chief impulse to the development of language comes
through intercourse with others. As we have seen, the
development of the simplest forms of communication, as
in animals, is a matter of social imitation. Writing is also
an outgrowth of social relations. It is extremely doubtful
whether even the child of civilized parents would ever have
any sufficient motive for the development of writing if it
were not for the social encouragement which he receives.
Social system as source of the form of words. Further-
more, we depend upon our social relations not merely for
the incentives to the development of language but also for
the particular forms which oral and written language shall
take. It is much more convenient for a child born into a
civilized community to adapt himself to the complex symbol-
ism which he finds in the possession of his elders than to
develop anything of the sort for himself. It is true that
tendencies exist early in life toward the development of
individual forms of expression. A child frequently uses a
certain sound in a connection which cannot be explained
by reference to social usage. It may be a purely individual
combination, or a crude effort to adopt something which
has been suggested by the environment. This tendency to
give sounds a meaning might prove sufficient to work out
a kind of language, even if the individual were entirely
isolated from his fellows ; but the natural tendencies are
very early superseded by the stronger tendencies of social
imitation, and in the end the social system completely
dominates individual development, dictating in all cases the
forms of words.
Social usage and the domination of individual thought.
In adopting the forms of expression used by those about
us, we are led to take up certain general social forms of
thought which ultimately control the whole mental life. The
effect of this social influence is so far-reaching that it is
quite proper to say that an individual is, in a very large
measure, the creation of his social relations, at least in the
higher phases of his mental life. The fundamental forms
of direct activity, which constitute the personal habits by
which we have succeeded in adapting ourselves to the
demands of the physical world, are to a certain extent
unsocial. They are, to be sure, alike in different individuals
because they have grown up, as was shown in our earlier
discussion, under the demands of a common physical
environment. Our forms of space perception, for example,
are not the creations of our own individual caprice but
rather the arrangement whicK we have given our sensory
experiences in our effort to fit ourselves to a world which
dictates these space relations to us. Since we have all grown
up in the same space world, our space ideas are alike.
The community of social ideas expressed in language is of
a different type. Even the direct, relatively unsocial forms
of perception are influenced by these higher social forms
of thought. If, for example, there is no word in a certain
social environment for long spatial distances except a word
which refers to a certain number of days' journeys, it is not
likely that the individual will feel any tendency to discrimi-
nate fifteen miles from seventeen. His attitude in this
matter will be determined by the attitude of his social
environment, and he will neglect in his thought, as do
those about him, the finer details of distance. Similarly, if
there are no names for certain forms of property rights, it
is not likely that the individual will, of his own initiative,
recognize these forms of right as belonging to those who
constitute the social group with him.
Social ideas dominate individual life. The history of
thought has been, in large measure, the history of the
development of certain social ideas which could be marked
with definite names and made subjects of thought, because
they were so marked. Consider for a moment the difficul-
ties which would be experienced in conducting any train
of thought with regard to the forces of physical nature if
there were no names for the different forces and no fully
developed definitions to give each name clearly recognized
character. If it is true in a general way that general ten-
dencies of thought have been dependent upon the develop-
ment of words to express ideas, it is still more true in the
case of the individual that his mental tendencies are very
largely determined by the forms of social thought expressed
in words. A child who has had his attention called to
certain colors and who is, at the same timxC, given a name
for these colors is more likely to identify them in later
experience than if no name had been given. The name
serves as an incentive to the concentration of attention
upon a particular phase of experience which would otherwise
be lost in the general mass of sensations. Without the
word the possibility of dwelling upon the single phase of
experience in thought would be small. This is the reason
why the retention of facts in memory is so closely related
to the naming of objects.
Experimental evidence of importance of words. Some
experimental evidence can be adduced to show that names
are of great importance in this respect. If one is confronted
with a large number of pieces of gray paper ranging from
black to white, and is asked to discriminate as many of
these different grays as he is able to recognize with certainty,
it will be found that he can distinguish ordinarily about five
classes of gray shades. He can distinguish the very dark
from those which are medium dark, the very light from
those that are medium light, and he can place between the
dark and the light grays a middle shade which he is not
disposed to classify as either light or dark. Beyond this
fivefold discrimination he will find that he is very uncertain.
If, now, after making this test under ordinary conditions,
the individual is allowed to examine the various shades of
gray and to adopt a series of names or numbers for them,
it will be found that he can notably increase the range
and certainty of his discrimination. The names furnish, as
stated above, definite means of concentrating attention upon
slight differences which existed from the first but were not
noted in experience. Furthermore, when these slight differ-
ences have been discriminated and marked by the attachment
to them of definite names, they become permanent additions
to the individual's equipment and can be retained more easily
than they could be as mere unnamed sensation qualities.
Number terminology as a device for recording posses-
sions. One of the best illustrations of the significance for
mental life of the creation of a terminology is found in the
ease with which a developed individual uses numbers. In
general, it may be said that primitive languages have only
a very meager number terminology. Savage tribes have
frequently been known to have no number terminology
reaching above ten, and in some cases tribes have been
reported with a number terminology not reaching beyond
three. There are certain forms of direct perceptual experi-
ence which can be utilized up to a certain point instead of
the developed number system which we now have. If a
herdsman has a herd of cattle for a period long enough to
become acquainted with its individual members, he can
recognize the size of the herd by recalling the individuals
which make it up. If one has material possessions which
can be heaped together, he will come to estimate his wealth
directly through the general impression made upon him by
collecting all of his wealth at a single point. As soon as
the direct recollection of each individual possession came,
in the development of human wealth, to be too cumbersome
a form of representation, and the collective image became
too vague to be relied upon, man naturally endeavored to
devise a method of recording his property and retaining it
in consciousness in some simplified form. Instead of trying
to remember every one of his possessions, he adopted some
system of tally. At first he began counting off on his
fingers each different article which he wished later to be
able to recognize, or he adopted in some cases one of the
more elaborate methods found among savages who use
pebbles or shells. The Latin root which appears in our
word ''calculate" and all related words is the word for
pebble, and indicates that the early forms of computation
among the Romans consisted in the use of pebbles.
Symbols for groups of tallies. As soon as the system of
enumeration became complex, there naturally arose the
necessity for grouping the tallies so that they could be
easily surveyed. The method of grouping the tally marks
in a system convenient for recognition is suggested by the
five fingers on the hand, and this is often adopted, even by
savage peoples. A clear indication that this grouping ap-
peared in the natural tally systems can be seen in the symbols
used by the Romans to indicate numbers, for in this system
the number five and the number ten are crucial points in
the notation, and show the adoption of a new group symbol
to include many individual symbols in a more compact form.
Parallel growth of number names and system of ideas.
As the number system was worked out into a system of
major and minor groups there was a tendency to develop
a system of articulation directly related to the tally system.
Number of the primitive tally form probably developed just
as did writing, without reference to speech. The creation
of words which should express number was slow, as indi-
cated by reference to savage language, because in this case
the symbolical system needed to develop to a high degree
before the demand for corresponding articulation was felt.
As soon as the demand for articulation became sufficiently
pressing, the words appeared, and they show distinctly in
their character the tendency toward groups. Further than
this, the names for successive tallies came to be the means,
not only of referring to individual marks but also of refer-
ring to the serial arrangement of these marks. Thus, the
names ''one," ''two," "three," etc. are not significant
merely as names of tally marks ; they have also each its
special significance as the name of a special position in
the total series.
Development of arithmetic depends on an appropriate
system of numerals. The advantage to the child who finds
a complete number terminology developed is very great.
The more perfect this terminology for purposes of express-
ing quantitative relations, the more complete and rapid will
be his initiation into the forms of thought which the
terminology expresses. The historical illustration of this
fact is to be found in the acceptance by European nations
of a system of notation which was imported from the East
in the Renaissance period. The written number symbols
which had been used by the Romans were crude and
rendered any forms of arithmetical manipulation extremely
difficult. The Arabic system was so much more complete
and economical that it immediately took the place of the
older and cruder symbolism. How long it would take an
individual child to acquire independently anything like the
mathematical ability which, with the aid of his social en-
vironment, he acquires through the adoption of the developed
Arabic number system can hardly be imagined. Certain it
is that his forms of thought are now dominated by the
social system into which he is born, and this system was
in turn borrowed in toto from non-European nations.
Social world unified through common forms of thought.
There is in this acceptance of the social system not only an
economy which operates to the advantage of the individual,
but there is the additional fact that the individual becomes
thereby a part of the social whole in a fashion which is sig-
nificant for society as well as for himself. We are bound
together as intelligent beings by the common systems of
tradition and language to a degree which makes us no longer
centers of merely individual adaptation, but rather parts of
a general organization which has a certain unity and exer-
cises a dominating influence over many individuals. This
social unity perpetuates customs and practices so that we
have, in addition to the bodily structures which we inherit,
a social heredity which guides us in the activities of per-
sonal life. Language is the chief medium for this social
Changes in words as indications of changes in individual
thought and social relations. It is in connection with the
development of social institutions that we find the most radical
changes in human language. If an individual comes upon a
new idea and coins a new word for its expression, the new
word gains standing and comes to be a part of the perma-
nent language of the community only when others feel the
same necessity as the inventor of the word for this new
means of expression. When, therefore, we have a long his-
tory of variations in any word we may depend upon it that
there has been a corresponding series of social as well as
of individual experiences related to the word. The detailed
history of words is a detailed history of individual mental
attitudes toward the world, and at the same time a detailed
history of the social relations in which individuals have joined.
Illustration of change in words. It will not be in place in
this connection to enter into any elaborate linguistic studies,
but one illustration may be used to indicate something of
the character of the psychological and social study which
grows out of the history of words. In his '' English Past
and Present,'' Trench gives an account of the development
of the word ''gossip/' This word was originally used at bap-
tismal ceremonies and referred to the sponsor who stood for
the child in a way analogous to that in which to-day the god-
parent stands as sponsor for the child. The first three letters
of the word '' gossip " are derived directly from the word
''God," and the second part of the word, namely ''sip," is
a modification of the word " sib," which is even now used
in Scotland to indicate a relative. When the social institu-
tion of baptism was a matter of larger community signifi-
cance than it is to-day, the word was needed to express the
relationship of the individuals involved in the ceremony ;
but being a general form of expression rather than an image
of a particular individual, it came easily to refer to other
phases of social contact than that which was primarily thought
of in connection with the baptismal ceremony itself. The
worthy sponsors of the child unquestionably indulged, even
in the early days of the ceremony, in certain exchanges of
information with regard to other members of the community,
and this social function which the individual served was very
readily connected with the word coined to refer primarily to
the religious function. As the religious ceremony came to be
less and less elaborate, and there was a decreasing demand
for reference to the religious function, the word gradually
drifted over to the second phase of meaning. It is probably
true that the aberration of form, which appears in softening
the d in'' God" to an s, made this transfer of meaning easier.
Indeed, as we have seen at various points in our discussions,
words become true symbols only because they are simplified
so as to take on easily new types of relation. Thus, the
word "gossip" ultimately lost its original meaning and came
to signify something which it signified only very vaguely to
the minds of those who first used it. Furthermore, it is
clear that this transfer of meaning is directly related to the
development of the social institution with which the word
was connected. The mental attitude of the individual who
uses the word to-day and the social character of the insti-
tution are both entirely different from the attitude and
institution of earlier times.
Words as instruments of thought beyond immediate ex-
perience. Other illustrations of the developments which take
place in language can be found in the introduction of new
words with new inventions and new discoveries in science.
Once the habit of using words is thoroughly established in
a community or individual, it furnishes an easy method of
marking any experience which it is desired to consider apart
from the general setting in which that experience appears.
If to-day a civilized individual wishes to think of certain
relations such as the physical force of gravity, or the eco-
nomic facts of value, and to consider the bearings of the
factors which enter into these relations, he will devise some
word or phrase by which to mark the relations and hold
them clearly before his thought while he considers all of the
facts. There comes to be thus a system of experiences which
we are justified in describing as constructed in consciousness
for the purpose of guiding attention ; these constructs have,
as contrasted with ordinary mental images, very little con-
tent. Indeed, the reduction of the content of thought to the
lowest possible minimum is the tendency of all mental evo-
lution. The child has undoubtedly a more concrete imagery
than the adult. The adult finds as he learns to use words
fluently that the imagery which at fi.rst was necessary to ex-
plain them falls away. The result is that great ranges of
thought can be much condensed ; as, for example, when all
the cases of falling bodies are thought of at once under the
single term '' gravity.'' In the discussion of habits it was
shown that as experience becomes more completely organ-
ized into habits, the memory content and even the sensory
contents receive less attention. An organized attitude is sub-
stituted for a complex of content factors. In somewhat
analogous manner, words may be regarded as rneans of
epitomizing consciousness, while they permit the highest
type of ideational elaboration of experience. The widest
variety of content factors may be related to words ; that is,
the use of a word is often cultivated under the guiding in-
fluences of concrete content, as when the child builds up
the idea of animal through direct perceptual contact with
dogs and horses. After a time the concrete memory images
attached to the word fade out and leave the word as a
substitute, as a minimum content to which (as when the
man condenses his whole attitude towards all kinds of ani-
mals into a single compact experience) an elaborately organ-
ized meaning may attach.
Images and verbal ideas. When, therefore, we ask what
it is that a person thinks of in his use of a word, we shall
certainly go astray if we attempt to answer that the word
calls up all of the concrete experiences with which it has
been connected and with which it may be connected. For
example, let the reader ask himself what presents itself in
consciousness when he sees the word '' animal." It would
be still better if, instead of choosing some word thrown into
the text as an isolated illustration, we should ask the reader
to give an account of the mental experiences through which
he passed when he observed one of the words that came
in the course of the general discussion. For example, what
was called up a moment ago when the eye passed the very
definite word ''text" ? The answer to these questions with
regard to the content of consciousness at the moment of
recognition of words will certainly not be that the mind is
filled with trains of concrete images.
Mental attitudes as characteristic phases of verbal ideas.
The consciousness of a word has sometimes been described
as a feeling or an attitude, and such a description as this
unquestionably comes nearer to the truth than does the
explanation of meaning through images, which has some-
times appeared in psychological discussions of this matter.
A general term such as '* animal" or ''text" turns the
thought of the reader in one direction or the other without
filling the mind with definite contents. The content of experi-
ence arises rather from the total phrase or sentence ; the
single word indicates only the direction in which this content
is to be sought, or in which it is to be applied in some future
stage of mental activity. For example, if I say that all ani-
mals are subject to man's dominion, there is much more of
attitude in the whole experience than there is content. We
look down upon the animals ; we feel their inferiority ; we
recognize ourselves as above them. The attitude of mind
experienced is the all-important fact. There is an experi-
ence of personal elation, which may perhaps be worked out
into imagery, if one contemplates it long enough. Thus,
one may turn the thought into images by thinking of him-
self for the moment as the representative man looking down
upon the animals gathered as he saw them in childhood in
some picture of Adam naming the animals. But all this
concreteness in one's description of the animals and of him-
self is recognized as too picturesque to be true to ordinary
experience. We can stop and fill out the attitude with ap-
propriate imagery if we like, but we do not ordinarily do
so. The truer statement is that the idea comes as a single
simple attitude and prepares one to go on from a position
of superiority to some appropriate sequent relation. The
value of the words lies in the fact that they carry experi-
ence forward, furnishing only so much content as is neces-
sary to support thought without overloading experience with
all the detail.
Other illustrations of thought relations. Again, take
another illustration which shows that there may be nicety of
shading in our thought relations without much content. If
v/e use such a word as '' savage," we are likely to take an
attitude of superiority somewhat analogous to that taken
toward the animals, but flavored more than the former idea
with a concession of equality. If we speak of higher beings,
such as angels, we assume an entirely different attitude,
without necessarily giving ourselves the trouble to fill in
any definite content. Indeed, the content of any thought
referring to the higher beings is recognized everywhere as
more or less of a makeshift, in that we fill in the unknown
with such images as we can borrow from ordinary life, the
images being symbols, not true representations.
Concrete words. All this has been expressed by certain
psychologists in the statement that general ideas are in es-
sence nothing but dispositions toward activity. Here we have
a formula which is very closely related to the formula which
we derived in our discussion of the development of percepts.
There are, undoubtedly, direct motor habits and consequent
attitudes in connection with many concrete words. It is, on
the other hand, probably not true that the bodily attitude as-
sumed when we think of the word ''animal" is anything like
a complete bodily attitude such as would be assumed in the
presence of animals in concrete experience. The mental
attitude aroused by the word probably has as its direct physi-
ological parallel a bodily movement which is a much-reduced
resultant of earlier direct attitudes. It is in its present form
merely a faint reverberation, significant not for direct adap-
tation but merely as a step in the development of a general
and perhaps very remote form of activity. The present atti-
tude is one of those indirect forms of human adjustment
which render the experience of man freer and more idea-
tional than the experience of the animals. The bodily move-
ment in such cases is symbolical and transient, assumed
merely for the sake of carrying the individual forward into
a more complete state which lies beyond.
Examples of words arousing tendencies toward action. The
matter may be made clear by considering what happens when
by means of words one is told that he is to go first to the
right until he reaches a certain place, and is then to turn
toward the left and go straight ahead. There are clearly cer-
tain tendencies toward direct bodily movements aroused by
the words '' right " and '' left " and '' straight ahead." These
tendencies toward movement, it is true, are not significant as
present adaptations to the environment ; they are significant
merely because they give the thinking individual a certain
tendency, which may, indeed, work itself out later in a much
more fully developed and concrete form, but is at present a
kind of suppressed, incipient form of action. If one has
thought out a series of movements toward the right and left,
he will have developed within himself a form of behavior
which, on the presentation of the appropriate stimulation in
the form of the signpost or building at which he is to turn,
will serve as a sufficient preliminary organization to arouse a
significant anc| concrete form of behavior. The preliminary
thought attitude and faint bodily expression serve, therefore,
in a tentative way to aid subsequent direct adaptations.
Abstract words. If, now, we choose as our illustration
not words of direction but abstract phrases, such as the
phrases by which men are exhorted to patriotism, obviously
the emotional stirring which one feels as the result of these
exhortations is by no means adequate to explain the true sig-
nificance of the word ''patriotism." A man cannot become
truly patriotic by going through the inner stirrings which this
word arouses. Indeed, in not a few cases vague emotional
responses check rather than promote the development of true
interpretations because the vague response satisfies the need
of the mind for experience but gives no complete or adequate
content. The trouble with the emotional response lies not
in the fact that it is emotional but in the impossibility of its
expressing fully the whole significance which the word must
carry. Such an abstract term as that under discussion can be
made potent for direct bodily organization only when it is
supplied through proper settings with some definite and final
purpose of an active kind. To be truly patriotic one must be
aroused to some definite form of public service. The final
purpose will then be like the concrete words '' left " and
'' right." The abstract word taken alone is the expression of
a relation. If it is treated as a final factor of experience, it
will dissipate itself in vague emotional reactions.
To take still another illustration : If in the course of a
scientific discussion one is told that a certain problem needs
very much to be investigated, the word '' problem " will arouse
within the individual some kind of a responsive attitude which
can be described in a general way as an attitude of hesitation,
of turning hither and thither in the search for a solution. But
the conscious process will be more than the attitude of hesi-
tation and turning, for it will have a form and significance
determined by the whole train of ideas into the midst of which
this attitude of hesitation and turning is injected. Thus, if
the problem is in geology, the attitude of inquiry will be very
different from that which would be assumed if the train of
thought related to astronomy. We may therefore speak of
the attitude aroused by the word ''problem" as wholly rela-
tional in its character. Another way of expressing the matter
is to say that the attitude is in the world of ideas for the time
being rather than in the world of practical adjustments. We
mean by such statements as these that the attitude is merely
a temporary step in the process of ideational organization ; it
is not an immediate reaction on any object. It is an indirect
and elaborate phase of adaptation ; it has value and signifi-
cance because of the turn which it gives to the ideational
process rather than because of the concrete imagery or
reaction to the world of things.
Contrast between concrete images and abstract ideas. The
indirectness of verbal forms of consciousness and of the re-
lated nervous processes involves, as has often been noted in
discussions of language, certain dangers of possible malad-
justment. Concrete images and direct forms of experience
cannot, because of their limited nature, be turned in very
many directions. Verbal ideas, on the other hand, espe-
cially if they are abstract, are capable of a great variety of
connections because they are so meager and schematic in
individual content.
Besides this, there is a disadvantage in the use of ab-
stract terms in that two individuals, while they may start
with the same general tendency of attention, may, in the
course of the use of the words, drift apart, without being as
clearly conscious of their divergence from each other as they
would be if they dealt constantly with concrete percepts. It
is a much more definite method of interchanging ideas to
demonstrate the objects themselves, or to demonstrate some
concrete representations of the objects, such as pictures or
models. If one does not have pictures or models, he natu-
rally tries to correct the errors which are likely to creep in
when he is using words, by calling up from time to time as
concrete an image in the mind of his listener as it is possi-
ble to evoke by the use of words. We all of us feel the relief
in any continued discourse when a figure of speech, or an
illustration, is used. The figure of speech gives us a fairly
concrete image with which to deal. The image in this case
may be remote from the immediate subject of thought, it may
be related to the present discussion only as a kind of rough
analogy, but the presence of some characteristic which illus-
trates and renders concrete the abstract discussion is a relief
in the midst of abstract relational terms and furnishes the
means of correcting possible tendencies toward divergence
of thought between the speaker and the listener. An illus-
tration is even more definite in its character, and so long as
it calls up in the minds of the speaker and listener the same
kind of concrete images, it is a direct corrective of the possible
looseness of verbal thought and verbal communication.
Particular images as obstructions to thought. How far
one should be picturesque in his language, and how far one
should, on the other hand, use terms which are not related
to definite mental pictures, is a matter which must be deter-
mined by the demands of the particular situation at hand. It
would be quite impossible in any generalized science like
physics continually to deal with concrete illustrations. If the
scientist speaks, for example, of the general law of gravity,
he cannot be dealing with all of the specific cases of gravity
known to his, experience, nor can he feel himself bound to a
single illustration. He may come back to the single illustra-
tion in order to hold his verbal idea true to the concrete facts,
but he should cultivate the ability to get away from the con-
crete cases into the wider sweep of thought which is covered
by the general word.
Ideas or indirect forms of experience characteristic of man.
In concluding this discussion of language it will be well to
reiterate that human life has taken on, through the develop-
ment of indirect modes of consciousness and behavior, an
aspect which differentiates it altogether from the life of ani-
mals. The consequences for human nature of the evolution
of a mode of reaction such as speech is, are unlimited in im-
portance. The full significance of this unique mode of be-
havior will become increasingly apparent as we canvass in
detail the problems of ideation and abstraction.
The problem of describing ideas. Throughout the last chap-
ter reference was made to ideas without any effort to describe
in full these important phases of experience. It now becomes
necessary for us to take up the treatment of ideas and of the
complex processes of thought which are made up of ideas.
The way has been prepared for this discussion by the con-
clusions reached in all earlier chapters. Let us review briefly
the essentials of our earlier studies. First, animals develop
inner states in their efforts to respond to sensory stimuli.
Second, the higher animals become increasingly able to carry
on elaborate internal readjustments. Corresponding to these
elaborate readjustments are certain complexes of sensations
and certain attitudes which gradually grow more and more
highly differentiated. Third, the inner organization of man
and his closest relatives in the animal world is such that ex-
perience is progressively recorded in the form of habits of
reaction and corresponding mental states.
We are now ready to ask what is the form of this inner
enriched mental life which man develops in the course of
experience. Our popular language is well supplied with w^ords
referring to these products of experience. We say that man
stores up in memory ideas and thoughts. We speak of re-
calling the past, of images in the mind, of an inner world
of thoughts and thought relations.
Ideas not derived from present impressions. In all such
phrases as the above there is a sharp contrast between
present sensory impressions and the experiences which are
brought over from the past. There is also a recognition of
the overwhelming volume of past experiences. The indi-
vidual faces the world of the present moment with a mind
set and prepared through long training. What we call
intelligence is not the impression of the moment but a
body of experiences drawn out of the past.
Ideas as revivals. Let us consider some of the simplest
types of ideas. If one closes his eyes and thinks of the
scene which a moment before impressed itself upon his
vision, he will recognize that his consciousness is filled with
a substitute for direct visual sensations and percepts ; this
substitute is called a memory image. When one thinks of
an absent acquaintance, the memory image may contain
factors which are substitutes for direct auditory impressions
of the voice. When one thinks of a rough surface without
touching it, the image contains substitutes for tactual factors
and their perceptual organization. These illustrations serve
to emphasize the scope of the word ''image," which it will
be seen is used not merely for vision but also for all spheres
of experience.
Advantages of relative independence of sensory impres-
sions. Before taking up any of the details regarding the
character and laws of memory images, it will be well to
dwell briefly upon the great advantage to the individual of
possessing these substitutes for direct impressions. The
mind supplied with memory images is relatively independent
of contact with objects ; the images may serve as the basis
for attitudes and for reconstructive organizations which may
be of the highest significance in individual life. A common-
place illustration of this advantage is seen whenever one
runs over in his mind the various places in which he has
been and where he might have left a lost object. More
complex illustrations may be drawn from the mental activi-
ties of an inventor who thinks out many combinations, thus
using the . irnages in consciousness as substitutes for real
objects. To be sure, there are certain disadvantages which
connect themselves with these advantages. The inventor can
make more mistakes in this imagery than he could if he
tried to fit together real things, and one's false memory of
where he left his property may lead him far astray. But
taken in the large, the freedom from the necessity of always
waiting for direct impressions is one of the great superiorities
of the higher forms of mental life.
Individual variations in imagery. One of the most im-
portant statements to be made in the description of memory
images is that different individuals show great differences in
the character and vividness of their memory images. Some
years ago Galton asked a number of individuals to test their
mental imagery by calling up as definitely and fully as possi-
ble the familiar objects of the breakfast table. After the
memory image had been called up, the observer was requested
to state how clear the mental image was in color and form
and other characteristics. Some of the observers said that
they recalled objects with a vividness and detail altogether
comparable to their perceptual experience. These Galton
called good visualizers. Others described their memory
images as extremely vague and hazy. Still others, who were
between the extreme classes, stated that their mental images
were restricted in extent and were relatively fainter than the
percepts themselves but, nevertheless, fairly comparable in
general character to direct sensory experiences. Galton's
tests have frequently been repeated, and his results have
been fully corroborated. Furthermore, it has been found
that persons who have faint visual images have, in some
cases, vivid auditory images. Some persons have vivid tac-
tual imagery or vivid memory of movements. The blind,
for example, can have no visual memories ; their memory
consciousness must therefore be filled by a totally different
type of content from that which exists in the mind of the
normal individual.
The accidents of individual experience and mental imagery.
Not only is the type of memory very different in different
individuals, but the special contents differ according to the
accidents of individual experience. Thus, if two persons
have looked at the same scene from two different points of
view, their imagery will be different ; certain near and vivid
factors for one person will be vague and remote for the
other. Then, too, individual attitudes react upon the con-
tents of experience to determine the character of imagery.
If an especially pleasing or disagreeable color has been pre-
sented to a given individual, it may continue in his memory
for a long time, while a second individual looking at the
same color, but not greatly pleased or displeased by it, may
very soon forget it altogether.
Dependence on vividness and recency. In spite of indi-
vidual differences in mental imagery, there are certain gen-
eral statements which apply to all persons and all types of
memory. All other conditions being equal, memory de-
pends upon the vividness and recency of the sensory im-
pression. It should be noticed that memory does not depend
on intensity but on vividness. If intensity results in the con-
centration of attention upon the impression, then intensity
may indirectly help to fix the impression ; but a faint
impression upon which attention has been centered will
continue in memory long after the disappearance of an imi-
pression which passes without attention. The recency of an
impression is also a matter of importance. Careful quanti-
tative tests show that impressions fade with relative rapidity
at first and at a very gradual rate later. We forget many
impressions entirely in the first few moments after they are
received. What we retain beyond the first brief period is
more likely to continue as a relatively permanent addition
to the content of consciousness.
The training of memory. Much may be said with regard
to the scope of memory and with regard to the possibility
of increasing the scope of memory by training. It is doubt-
less true that the abihty to retain impressions differs greatly
with different individuals ; some retaining many impressions
and carrying them forward through long periods, others
having little or no ability to retain. So clearly marked are
these natural characteristics of different individuals that the
changes produced through practice are relatively small. In-
deed, Professor James asserts that there is no possibility of
changing the degree of natural retentiveness through train-
ing. This statement has been shown to be out of harmony
with the facts, for there are evidences of increase in the
scope of memory through training. Nevertheless, Pro-
fessor James's statement is probably much nearer the truth
than the popular assumption that memory can be radically
changed through practice.
Retention as distinguished from recall. Another general
fact regarding memory is that experiences are not actively
recalled without some present impression or related memory
which serves as the m.otive or occasion for the exercise of
memory. The mere retention of an impression is not the
whole of memory. For example, at this moment there must
be retained by every reader of these words hundreds of
proper names. There is no motive for the recall of most
of them. If one should find in the text, however, such a
phrase as ''author of the Iliad," one of the proper names
would be recalled and memory would become active for that
one name. This name might in turn suggest other memories.
The fact that memories are thus linked together and that
active recall is always a matter of a train or sequence of
processes was noticed long ago by Aristotle. He described
the principles of memory, or, as they were later designated,
the laws of association. There are two general principles
of association which we may note : first, the principle of
association by contiguity ; and, second, the principle of
association by similarity or contrast.
Association by contiguity. When one thinks of the letter
A he is very hkely to recall also the letter B^ because the
two have so often followed each other in experience. The
first line of a poem suggests the second ; the sight of one
of two intimate friends suggests the other. In general,
when two experiences have been intimately related in earlier
experience, the appearance of one is likely to serve as a
sufficient motive for the recall of the
Association by similarity. When
one sees a face which has eyes, or
nose, or mouth like those of another
person, the like feature is in many
cases enough to recall the absent
person. In such a case as this the
two faces now associated need never
have appeared together in the past ;
it is enough that they contain the
same feature. This relation between
two experiences having a common
factor is evidently a more complex
fact than association by contiguity,
for it involves a sufficient analysis
or concentration of attention upon a
single feature to separate it from its
present surroundings and make it the link of connection with
a group of experiences not now present. The diagram in
Fig. 57 represents the situation. The circle A represents a
single feature of the face now seen \ b, b, b are the other
features. In a past experience, A has been part of a system
of features of which c, <:, c, were the others. If A becomes
the subject of special attention, it can revive the elements
c, c, c^ and thus detach itself from b, b, b the features of
the present complex in which it stands. In general, then,
whenever a factor of experience now present has appeared
Fig. 57. Association by
The full-drawn circles repre-
sent the elements of the pres-
ent experience. Of these ele-
ments A attaches itself also
to the system of elements rep-
resented by the dotted line
circles. A, when taken with
the circles 3, b, b, constitutes
the present experience ; A,
when taken with the circles
c^ c, c, constitutes the recalled
experience. A is obviously
the center of relations be-
tween the two systems
in earlier experiences in a different combination, the earlier
combination may be recalled through association by similarity.
Association by contrast. Association by contrast will be
clear after the foregoing discussion of association by simi-
larity, for no contrast can exist without like elements. One
may contrast a candle and the sun because they both give
light, or the moon and a coin because they are both round,
but in each of these cases the basis of the contrast is a
common factor.
New products evolved in ideation. Thus it is seen that
memory images do not represent merely the traces of earlier
experiences, but by continual association and readjustments
memory images change their character and in the later
stages show quite as much the effects of readjustments in
mental life as the results of initial impression. When two
ideas have been associated by contrast, there is an analysis
which tends to break up the original memory images and
bring to clear consciousness one element of the associated
ideas together with what we may properly call the new idea
of contrast. When the idea of contrast arises, the descrip-
tive term '' image " becomes less appropriate than it was
for the simple ideas with which the discussion began.
Ideas not all images. The idea of contrast is an idea of
a higher type. It is very difficult to state what is the con-
tent of such an idea. It is a kind of shock of difference,
a feeling of intellectual opposition. Indeed, there are many
psychologists who insist on the use of the term ''imageless
thought " in describing such an idea. They mean by this
term to draw attention to the fact that the mind deals at
these higher levels not with definite revivals of sensory con-
tent but with certain tendencies of consciousness which are
to be sharply distinguished from memory images. Perhaps
the best description which can be given will be by the use
of an analogy. The mind is calling up a series of images
when suddenly it turns in a new direction. The abrupt
turning is a real experience, often very vivid and important
for all later thinking. Just at the moment of turning there
must have been an experience. What was the experience
of turning ? It was an experience which linked together
two images, but it was not in itself an image.
Tendency to revert to imagery type. The more complex
ideational experience becomes, the more elements there are
which must thus be described as imageless. On the other
hand, it is to be noted that there is a tendency to develop
devices by which the mind can mark and hold steadily
before it these imageless ideas. When one has had the
experience of contrast, one tends to mark the experience
by a word which will give it enough content to make it
a stable unit in thought.
Advantages of indirect forms of experience. All these
statements draw attention to the fact that ideas are, more
than any other phase of experience, flexible and subject to
inner readjustment. Thus, even when dealing with revivals
of perceptual experiences every person has his own peculiar
image depending on his point of observation and his per-
sonal powers of retention. Courts of law are familiar with
this fact and attempt to eliminate by comparison of much
testimony the purely personal elements which always attach
to a memory image.
The flexibility of ideas, as has already been pointed out,
may be of great advantage because it puts the individual in
possession of a device for thinking out changes in the per-
ceptual world. When men put together ideas, they do so
because ideas are flexible. If they get them put together
in a productive way, they often make up a model to which
later the hard material world may be made to conform.
We are brought by this statement, as we have been sev-
eral times before, to a recognition of the distinction between
direct and indirect modes of adjustment to the world. The
physiological conditions necessary to the formation of ideas
are undoubtedly provided for in the nervous processes which
go on in the association areas of the cerebrum. In the
lower animals, where the association areas are small or
lacking, there is little evidence of ideas. In these animals
sensory processes pass to motor discharge with greater
directness than in man. In like manner the infant seems
to be wholly absorbed in percepts. This is related to the
fact that the tracts in the association areas are the latest to
develop, the process of development being, as noted in an
earlier chapter, distinctly traceable for a period after birth.
Animal behavior direct and perceptual, human behavior
indirect and ideational. The significance of the evolution
of the association areas can be seen by contrasting the
modes of human behavior with the modes of behavior ex-
hibited lower in the scale of life. If an animal is aroused
to anger by some stimulation, it responds by directly attack-
ing the source of the stimulation. If an animal is pleased
by some form of agreeable excitation, it makes clear its
pleasure in an immediate reaction. There is in animal life
very little delay or indirection in response. When we con-
trast all this with human life, we are impressed by the fact
that man's activities -are most of them indirect. They re-
quire more time to mature. Thus, if a man sees an object
passing before him, he may be thrown into a long train of
thought rather than into a direct series of activities. The
long train of thought is possible because man has a com-
plex central nervous system through which the impression
may circulate before it passes out as a motor impulse. Or
man's action may be indirect in another sense, as was shown
in the chapter on speech. Instead of attacking the object
directly, he may call his neighbor and talk the matter over
with him, ultimately arriving at a mode of action only after
a long series of verbal preparations and plans which are
indirect and related onlv in the most remote fashion to the
object which yielded the original impression.
The world of ideas comes ultimately to be a world of
superior importance. Its laws of association are free and
independent of the world of things. One can think of the
cities of the country as belonging together because in the
mind cities are associated, while in reality they are held
apart by great stretches of territory.
Influence of ideas on things. The result of the evolution
of this inner world of ideas is that man ultimately puts
together not only in his mind but in his actual conduct
elements of the world which would never have been put
together except for the laws of mental association. The
laws of association are thus made to dominate the world
of things.
Tool-consciousness, Take, for example, the invention of
tools. Primitive man was cut by a stone or torn by a
thorn. Did he merely cry out with pain as an unintelli-
gent animal might ? Not at all. He saw that the sharp
edge which had injured him might be of great use to him
if it could be brought into new relations. So he picked
up the stone and plucked the thorn and put them to the
uses which he saw first in his own mind and afterward
realized in material readjustments.
Knowledge of nervous process limited. It must be
frankly admitted that this discussion has carried us beyond
our knowledge of the conditions in the nervous system.
We know in a general way what association areas are,
but we do not know the details of their organization. We
know ideas introspectively more intimately than we know
their objective conditions.
Traditionally, psychology has begun with ideas and given
less attention to those lower and simpler forms of experi-
ence with which we dealt in earlier chapters. For this
reason the science of psychology has suffered in its rela-
tions to the biological sciences. Either ideas have been
thought of as facts wholly apart from bodily life or they
have been declared in a vague way to be dependent on
laws of physical being. Psychology has oscillated between
a purely theoretical spiritualism and a crass materialism.
The mind has been regarded either as wholly distinct or
as part of the bodily phenomena.
Consciousness as product of evolution. The view to which
our study has led us can be expressed in evolutionary terms.
Gradually the animal world, in working out its reactions to
the environment, has evolved an inner world conditioned
by indirect and tentative reactions. This inner world is
social in many of its characteristics ; that is, it is a world
through which individuals of the same type are drawn into
sympathetic communication. The inner world is one in
which ideas as substitutes for things are rearranged. The
inner world is thus distinct from the lower levels of bodily
adjustment, but is at the same time a part of the economy
of individual relation to the world and is directly evolved
out of. the efforts at direct adjustment.
Such an explanation of the place of consciousness in
evolution gives us the fullest justification for our emphasis
on those aspects of ideas which are not copies or reproduc-
tions of sensory impressions but new modes of rearranging
We shall continue our discussion, accordingly, with a
treatment of the changes produced in experience through
the most elaborate rearrangements in ideas. *" .
Adaptation through ideas. The animal adapts itself to
its environment by cultivating better modes of direct reac-
tion, such as greater speed of running or greater skill in
the use of its teeth or claws. Gradually there appears
in the highest animals a new mode of adjustment in the
tendency to organize into social groups. The social group
is a protective device which gives the individual greater
strength than he can cultivate in his own individual organ-
ism. As soon as the social group evolves there must grow
up, and there do grow up, types of activity designed to
hold the group together. In man this latter phase of evo-
lution culminates, and social cooperation becomes one of the
dominant facts in life. No longer does man compete with
his enemies by cultivating greater and stronger muscles ;
he meets the struggle for existence by social cooperation.
His reactions on the world are in large measure indirect.
He invehts a world of social forms which can be described
only by saying that it is an artificial environment of human
In a very real sense this means the evolution of a new
type of adaptation. The competitions of human life are at
a new level, whollv different from those of animal life.
The character of this new type of adaptation can be studied
through an analysis of one system of human behavior such
as commerce, which has no parallel whatsoever in the
animal world.
Early stages of barter. In the earliest stages of exchange
the parties to the transaction demanded direct contact with
the objects bartered. Even at this primitive stage much
self-control and much regard for social relations are ex-
hibited. The fact that men will barter at all proves that
they have cultivated ideas to the extent of refraining from
mere brutal seizure of that which they desire and to the
extent of realizing the possibility of giving up one thing
for another. Barter involves in its crudest form some
powers of thought and some attention to social relations.
But barter is always perceptual in its demand that the
commodities to be exchanged be directly accessible in
tangible and visible form.
Barter perceptual. The stories of primitive barter which
show the savage duped by the gaudy color of cheap wares
bear eloquent testimony to the fact that perception is at
this early stage not yet replaced by ideas.
Standard values. After barter began to be understood
and widely practiced, there was cultivated a desire for uni-
formity ; that is, for standard methods of exchange. Some
commodity more durable in its qualities than the rest began
to serve as a common standard to which all transactions
were referred. Among hunting tribes all barter is standard-
ized in terms of furs. In grazing communities sheep and
cattle become the standards. Through the use of such
standards, ideas of uniform value were developed, and the
mere showy perceptual characteristics of objects receded
into the background.
Symbolic values. The next step in exchange comes
when some very permanent commodity takes on symbolic
value. Wampum is prized not alone because it is a beau-
tiful string of shells but because it serves as a counter and
may be passed around as a promissory note for future
delivery of a stipulated number of pelts or tents or arrows.
By the time this stage is reached we must assume high
powers of association. Wampum has value now because
it calls up ideas and because the social group in increasing
measure guarantees the ideas connected with the symbol.
As with wampum, so with the metals. The ideational
values are finally marked on the metal. Then comes the
paper substitute for the metal and finally the various forms
of commercial credit of modern commerce. One has only
to represent to himself the scene which would follow if a
bank note were offered to a savage hunter in exchange for
game to realize how far from direct perceptual experience
modern commerce has gone.
Evolution from perception to ideas. This sketch of the
evolution of barter into commercial exchange could be par-
alleled in every field of human action. Manufacturing with
machinery has replaced the simpler direct contacts of primi-
tive life. Travel by borrowed power of animals and finally
by mechanical forces has largely replaced migration of the
savage type. Sanitary regulations and settled modes of urban
life have replaced the life of the forest and the wilderness.
How has all this evolution come about ? There is one and
only one answer. Man has learned to combine and recom-
bine ideas, to call on his neighbor for cooperation and for
the further comparison of ideas, and to meet the needs of
life indirectly rather than by direct perceptual responses.
Higher controls of conduct. The transformation of life
thus outlined has not gone on without bringing about the
most radical internal changes in the mind of man. To
the direct and vivid emotions which accompany instinctive
reaction have been added trains of ideas which lead to
deliberate forms of behavior. Human nature has become
complex. There is an element of animal life and of primi-
tive devotion to perceptions in every man. We shall never
outgrow instincts or our native impulses to seize the things
about *us. But above and beyond these direct modes of
adaptation there is the higher world of ideas. In dealing
with this higher world a new type of experience has been
evolved. There are new pleasures which come from the fit-
ting together of ideas. There are new forms of displeasure
which come from the clash of ideas.
Ideational attitudes. For example, there is a shock when
one hears a profane word which is little less than the shock
from a physical blow. The name of the Deity has associated
itself in all experience with the attitude of reverence, and
when this name is taken out of its proper associations and
used in a reckless fashion, the emotional recoil is violent.
Other examples can be drawn from the cultivated demands
for the use of proper grammatical forms. The child gradu-
ally learns that a plural noun demands a plural verb. The
shock which comes from hearing a violation of this rule is
quite as unpleasant as the shock from a sharp, cold breeze
striking the skin. Furthermore, the inner muscular recoils
in the two cases are not unlike. Both involve, among other
factors, an interruption of respiration and a change in the
rate of the heartbeat.
Ideas as substitutes for impressions. When we speak of
the world of ideas as a real world, all the foregoing con-
siderations must be kept in mind. Ideas are real in prompting
behavior and in giving directions to our acts. Ideas may
be followed by habitual reactions until they come to demand
these reactions quite as much as do things seen through
the eye or heard through the ear. Ideas may influence the
train of attention quite as much as percepts. For example,
the man who is lost in thought does not attend to the ob-
ject coming toward his eyes. In short, ideas have values
comparable in all respects to percepts and in some respects
quite superior.
Imagination as reorganization of ideas. In this chapter
we shall discuss some of the changes which take place in
this world of ideas, for it is important if we are to under-
stand the world in which man lives that we shall know the
laws of change in his world of ideas. In an earlier connec-
tion the laws of memory were discussed. It was there
shown that in som.e measure the mind holds its ideas fixed
and brings them back under proper conditions so that past
experiences may operate in present surroundings. When
ideas are thus carried forward, they are called memories in
the strict sense, or sometimes they are called images. It
was pointed out in that earlier treatment of the matter that
memories undergo a change in experience. We now turn
to the more elaborate types of such change. For these
types of change there are a number of names. Sometimes
ideas are described as imaginations. This term is used to
indicate that a mere rearrangement of elements of memories
has been made. One imagines a horse with wings. The
source of the idea ''horse" is memory, likewise of the idea
''wings," but the union of these two sets of ideas is an act
of the imagination. When the combinations which go on
in consciousness are purely capricious, we speak of fanciful
imaginations. When, on the other hand, recombinations of
mental processes are worked out systematically and coher-
ently, we speak of scientific imagination. Thus a dragon is a
fancy ; the imagination of a Columbus or a Watt is scientific
and constructive.
Personifying imagination. One of the most primitive
forms of imagination is that exhibited by savages when
they attribute to inanimate objects the personal character-
istics which they find in themselves. The savage never
thinks of thunder or of the wind without putting back of it
in his imagination some personal agency. This form of con-
structive thought is the simplest which could originate in
a personal consciousness. An emotion of anger is a more
direct explanation for a natural catastrophe than is some
abstract statement referring to physical force. To modern
thought the myths of early peoples seem like the play of
the most capricious imagination ; to the mind untrained in
the forms of critical scientific imagination nothing could
be more natural than a myth. Even the trained mind
derives pleasure from the personification of objects, because
it is easy to use the factors from personal experience in all
manner of combinations.
Imaginations occasions of useless activities. Early man
was led by his imaginations to undertake many useless
forms of activity. Thus, he attempted to propitiate the
personalities which his own mind had put into streams and
mountains and trees. There was no direct evidence that
his imaginations were not in conformity with the facts, and
hence the imaginations went on increasing in complexity
until they broke down by their own incoherency.
Critical tests of imaginations. This reference to the fanci-
ful imaginations of primitive man introduces us to the
discussion of the more productive forms of imagination in
which the mind does not weave together factors of experi-
ence capriciously, but under the guidance of conditions
which limit the freedom of the constructive process. When
imagination is used for purposes of practical construction,
or for the later purposes of science, its products must be
subjected to critical examination by the individual who
develops them. A first principle of criticism of imagination
may be described as the principle of empirical test through
application. The constructs of imagination may be used to
guide activities, and if the activities are not successful, it
will obviously be necessary to go over again the combinations
which were worked out in consciousness and to revise these
combinations with a view to making them more suitable
bases for action. We may speak of this form of criticism
as the practical or empirical test of imagination. If, for
example, a given individual finds that he must get across
a certain stream, he is likely, if he has time and the neces-
sary mental development, to consider first in imagination
the means by which he can get across. He determines in
thought that it would be possible by bringing together
certain appliances to make the passage easy. If, on trying
the expedients which have suggested themselves in his
thought process, he finds that the idea is a good one,
his imagination receives the confirmation which comes from
practical utility. If, on the other hand, his imagined device
breaks down when put to the practical test, he will be led
to further considerations of a more elaborate character, in
order to correct the deficiences which have been shown by
the practical test to exist in his imagination.
Empirical test often inapplicable. There are many ideal
constructions which cannot be subjected directly to practical
tests. For example, in the course of human history man has
constantly been trying to reconstruct in imagination the process
of the development of the earth on which he lives. Our modern
science of geology is an elaborate effort to reconstruct the
history of the earth. Obviously, the ideas reached by geology
cannot be tested by any single practical act. Man has de-
veloped, accordingly, a system of criteria by which he tests
the validity of his ideal constructions, even when these ideal
constructions are not directly intended for the practical uses
of life. These theoretical criteria, as we may call them, can
be shown to grow out of the nature of experience itself.
The test of internal agreement. It is demanded by every
human consciousness that the elements of any given idea
shall be harmonious. We have seen that it is true of per-
ceptual processes that they have unity and arrangement, such
that all of the conflicting qualitative factors are provided for
in a single experience through the arrangement of the ele-
ments of experience in spatial and temporal series. Thus,
even in perceptual consciousness, a certain coherency and
harmony are required of the elements before they can enter
into the percept. Still more when we come to the constructs
of imagination is there a demand for harmony of relations
among the factors which are presented. Thus it would be
difficult to think of one physical substance as subject to gravity
and another as not. If any factor or relation is recognizably
incongruous with the system of experiences into which it is
introduced, then that system of experience will have to be
rearranged until the whole organization is adapted to the re-
ception of the element which was out of harmony with the
other elements, or else the incongruous element will have to
be rejected. Thus, if all substances fall toward the earth and
smoke rises, we must devise an explanation. Scientific imagi-
nation, when not susceptible to practical tests, is thus nothing
more nor less than the effort to develop an elaborate system
of congruous ideas.
The criterion of coherency a product of development.
Primitive man does not have this criterion of the harmony
of all of the elements of thought as fully developed as
does modern science. This is in part due to the limitations
of primitive experience : as when a savage believes thunder
to be a voice because he knows little of either the thunder
or of the mechanism which produces the voice. It is in
part due to a general uncritical attitude : as when in Greek
mythology the earth is borne upon the shoulders of Atlas
because attention was not ordinarily concentrated on the
necessity of supporting Atlas.
The demand for coherency as exhibited in constructive
scientific ideas. It cannot be asserted that the criterion of
harmony among the elements of imagination is applied with
full success even in modern science, but examples can be
given without limit of its application. Thus, it is quite im-
possible for us to think of the earth and the sun as related
to each other without, at the same time, conceiving of some
kind of bridge between the earth and the sun. Science has
therefore developed the notion of the ether as a continuous
substance between the earth and all other points in the uni-
verse. The ether is not a factor of direct experience in any
form. It is demanded in scientific considerations in order to
make the idea of the solar system and of the universe a co-
herent thinkable idea. Ether may, accordingly, be called a
product of imagination. This statement does not deal with
the question of its objective reality ; it merely asserts that
ether comes into scientific experience in response to a demand
for harmony in the ideational system, not through perception.
Uncritical imaginations. The extent to which imaginations
are criticized depends upon the development of the individ-
ual who possesses them and upon the type of ideas under
examination. A good illustration of the dependence of criti-
cism on individual development was given above in discuss-
ing the myths of primitive peoples. Another may be found
in the imaginations of children. It has frequently been said
that children are more imaginative than adults. This state-
ment is based on the observation that a child will imagine
many things in connection with its toys and derive a great
deal of satisfaction from these imaginations, when an adult
would be so clearly conscious of the falsity of the imagina-
tions that he would derive little pleasure from them. This
observation does not show that the child is more imaginative
than the adult, but it shows that the imaginations in early life
are not subjected to any careful criticism. Almost any men-
tal combination is accepted by the child and enjoyed for the
moment without serious criticism. Indeed, the child's experi-
ence is often like the savage's, too meager to make it possi-
ble for him to construct any systems of thought that shall
constitute the basis for the criticism of his particular imagi-
nation. Furthermore, many of the child's activities are not
sufficiently serious to constitute practical tests for his imagi-
native constructs. As life goes on and the systems of thought
become more and more closely united with each other, and
the practical demands of individual existence come to be
more strenuous, the indulgence in fanciful imaginations un-
checked by criticism becomes less common than it was in
early childhood.
Literary imagination and the canon of coherency. An illus-
tration of the way in which the products of imagination may
be subjected to different kinds of criticism is to be found in
the case of literary forms. Literature is an effort to construct
through the exercise of imagination a system of thought
which deals with human interests and human activities. If
this constructive process purports to be held closely in agree-
ment with certain records, we call it historical in character,
and we demand that it shall conform to the canons of con-
gruity with all the legitimate records of the period in question.
If the construction is, on the other hand, confessedly free
from any particular reference to definite situations, we call it
imaginative literature and recognize its product as fiction.
Even in this case we demand of literature that it shall have
relation to experience. A wholly unnatural creation has no
justification, even in fiction. The particular circumstances
which are grouped together may be circumstances which
never were brought together in the course of human history
or individual life, but the principles of combination must
be recognizable as principles in harmony with the general
nature of human experience.
The canons of criticism in literature are by no means as
clearly definable as are the canons of criticism in scientific
thought. The reason for this is that literature includes wide
variations in types of individual experience and consequently
permits laxness in the demand that the imagined experiences
shall conform to the particular type of any individual's life.
It is not difficult for us to accept certain rather grotesque and
unusual combinations, provided these combinations of experi-
ence are referred to periods in time or points in space remote
from those with which we are ordinarily in contact.
The uncritical forms of thought which preceded science.
The beginnings of what we call scientific thought are obscure,
because the careful comparison of scientific ideas is preceded,
at times by much practical adjustment of activity to the
environment and, at other times, by much uncritical specula-
tion. The practical effort to adjust one's activities to the
world leads to certain systems of ideas. Thus, the child
always looks for the causes of the happenings which come
into his experience long before he formulates in clear, explicit
thought the statement that every event has a cause. When
he hears a noise, he has a vague notion of something back of
the noise. In the same way men must have sought causes in
practical life long before there was any science. They also
had ideas which they used in the constructive activities of
life, such as ideas regarding the strength and durability of
certain building materials. In addition to these practical
ideas there were speculative ideas. Superstitions of all kinds
flourished in the uncritical thought of primitive man. If a
bird flew across his path, he thought of infinite varieties of
good or ill. There is a certain sense in which all these
superstitious and practical ideas constitute the beginnings
of science. They furnished the thought material which,
when sifted and organized into systematic form, constitutes
science. The methods for sifting and organizing this thought
material are the essential additions to mental life which came
with science.
First sciences limited to facts remote from life. When
the systems of coherent ideas began to emerge from the
original chaos of practical and superstitious constructs, it is
striking that the facts remote from individual control w^ere
the earliest to yield to the organizing endeavors of thought.
It was possible to construct a system of consistent scientific
ideas regarding celestial movements, because these remoter
facts were far enough* from individual life to be observed
without perplexing minor incongruities. The nearer facts of
any situation are too full of variations to fall into anything
like an harmonious system without the most elaborate idea-
tional reconstruction. Thus, a science of social relations and
a science of mental processes could develop only after man
had become so thoroughly devoted to the forms of scientific
thought that he could follow facts in long series, could
deliberately assume some attitude other than that of direct
personal relationship^ and, consequently, could trace out
certain abstract relations in the midst of the complex of
varying elements.
Scientific concepts. Let us consider one of the scientific
constructs built up in the course of the development of phys-
ical science. Such a construct is called a scientific concept.
An example of such a concept is that of the atom. Man
found, as he examined the bodies about him, that these
bodies underwent certain changes which were indicative of
unperceived characteristics. It was important to understand
these characteristics in dealing with the bodies for practical
purposes. For example, water freezes, stones crumble, metals
expand and contract with changes in temperature. Man must
have noted many of these changes and many of their condi-
tions very early in his dealings with such substances, but he
had no direct means of observing what went on in the mass
of the matter itself. He therefore set about, at least as far
back as the early Greeks, trying to form some idea of the
changes which must take place within the substance, in order
to explain the changes which he observed. Certain of the
Greek thinkers drew upon the forms of experience with
which they were familiar — namely, their experience of com-
posite matter made of separate parts — and formulated the
concept that all substances are made up of particles which
are separated by intervals of space. They concluded, further,
that the particles which they assumed as the elements of the
substance must be capable of greater and less separation
from one another, as in expansion and contraction, and also
that they must be capable of rearrangements, such that the
appearance of the whole substance is modified without de-
stroying the particles. Through such considerations as these,
some of the early scientists came ultimately to refer to the
smallest particles of any given substance as atoms, and to
describe these atoms as separated from one another by space,
and as constituting by their composition the observed body.
The physicist or chemist to-day uses this very valuable con-
cept in his thought about substances ; he constantly refers
to atoms, although he never expects that he will be able to
see an atom, or to test the validity of his mental construct
by the sense of touch. Indeed, the atom is an idea needed
by science just because science has to bring together into
an harmonious ideal system more than can be discovered in
any single inspection or handling of an object.
Validity of concepts. When such statements as these are
made, some persons think that the validity of the scientific
concept is seriously called in question. On the contrary,
there is no higher guarantee for any form of knowledge
than that it is demanded in order to render congruous the
whole system of experience. As we have seen, in all of the
earlier discussions of perception and ideation, experience has
many higher phases which cannot be resolved into direct
sensory elements. The validity of space as a form of ex-
perience cannot be called in question because it is a relational
rather than* a sensational phase of experience. For similar
reasons, the construction of a concept is justified as a result
of a higher organization of experience. The method of arriv-
ing at such an ideal construct is indeed indirect ; but the
concept has all of the validity which belongs to experience
as an organized system.
Abstraction. When ideas are completely under the con-
trol of the individual, they may be arranged according to
principles which are set up by thought itself. Thus, one
may decide that it is desirable to group together all round
objects or all hollow objects. There then arises an idea of
roundness or of hollowness which is called an abstract idea.
The term ''abstract" means that something has been ''cut
off." When we think of roundness alone, we neglect color
and position and weight. We can cut off the one quaHty
and make it a subject of attention because the power of
thought has been developed to the point where inner motives
are stronger than external motives.
Generalization. Furthermore, whenever the mind reaches
the stage where it can select and concentrate on single as-
pects or attributes of experience, it can at the same time
group together under each selected attribute many individual
cases. This is called the power of generalization. Thus,
once the mind has fixed on roundness as a selected attribute
of objects, it can bring together and group in one class the
earth, a ball, an apple, etc.
Abstraction and generalization are valuable not merely as
feats of inner control ; they make possible highly developed
forms of conduct. If one can select and hold steadily be-
fore the mind one aspect of an object, conduct can be made
more effective through concentration than when the observer
is distracted and confused by an effort to deal with unanalyzed
We shall find ourselves coming back to this topic later
when we take up volition as the highest form of behavior.
The more fully ideas are abstracted and generalized, the
more conduct will be guided by inner motives. The man
who sees values in objects and decides to be thrifty is guided
by an abstraction and is so far forth acting in response to
an inner motive.
Judgments and reasoning. After a concept has been for-
mulated, it may become part of a still more complex mental
process which includes several ideas. Thus, when two con-
cepts are related as in the statement '' The sun is the center
of the solar system," the whole process is termed a judgment.
When two or more judgments are united for the purpose
of setting up an even more complex combination, the whole
process is called reasoning. An examiple of reasoning is as
follows: The sun is the center of the solar system; any
central body in a system of this type must have a control-
Hng influence over the other members of the system ; hence
we should look for the control of the sun over the earth and
the other planets.
Logic. It is not in place here to give an account of the
various types of judgment and reasoning. It is the function
of the science of logic to study the complex processes of
thought and to develop the rules under which the validity
of these processes may be tested. We must content our-
selves in an introductory treatment such as this with certain
comments which will serve to call attention to the psycho-
logical character of these complex forms of ideational experi-
ence. Perhaps the best single topic with which to introdupe
a psychology of logic is the topic of belief. Let us consider,
therefore, what is meant by the statement '' I believe a
certain conclusion to be true."
Primitive belief. The first and most direct case of belief
is that in which I assent to any combination of ideas be-
cause my natural tendency is to accept combinations of ideas
when there is no reason to deny what is presented. The
psychological fact is that ideas which stand together in the
mind unchallenged by other experiences are accepted as
coherent and acceptable. Thus, when I was a child I be-
lieved in Jack the Giant Killer and Jack and the Bean Stalk
because my experience was too limited to deny these stories.
Belief after hesitation. A higher form of belief comes
after one has hesitated. In such cases the statements are
not immediately accepted. This means that they arouse
series of associations which suggest various conflicting forms
of statement. At this stage there is a restlessness, and other
forms of statement are tried ; other authorities are cited. It
may be that one goes out and tests the conclusion by practi-
cal behavior. If the first opposition is broken down by one
or the other of these influences, there results in the end a
waning of the suggested contradictions.
Belief a positive psychological fact. 'jThere can be no
doubt that belief in all these cases is something more than
the mere hearing of certain sounds or the mere coupling
together of certain ideas. When we say that the idea is
accepted, we undoubtedly refer to some positive physiolog-
ical process. Belief is related to the fact that a sensory
impression goes through the nervous system to some form
of positive expression without being opposed. If it were
checked by encountering some current opposing it, we
should be restless and the feeling would be one of hesita-
tion. Assent is a genuine process of a positive type. Such
a positive process will usually issue in a definite motor re-
sponse. It may be that the motor process is a mere nod
of the head or an inner emotional twinge. The important
fact is that the nervous process issues in a positive dis-
charge. The motor discharge may be in itself insignificant,
but the fact that it occurs and the fact that it is positive
in character give to experience that special turn or coloring
which we designate by the term '' belief."
Spurious verbal belief. Such considerations lead to brief
comment on what is called mere verbal assent. It is possi-
ble for one to give assent carelessly by merely repeating
what he hears. Many students accept what they find in
books in this way. The motor paths leading to the speech
centers seem to be stimulated directly by the eyes as they
read, or by the ears as they hear. Reaction is of little value
in such cases. It is a kind of shunt circuit. The impres-
sion does not get mixed in the association areas with any
forms of ideation which confuse or interrupt the direct
transmission to the speech center. The result is a specious
belief and a useless form of nervous and mental reaction.
There is nothing more fatal to true mental organization
than this short-circuiting of the eyes and ears to the vocal
centers. It is one of the penalties which man pays for the
development of an indirect mode of behavior.
Habitual belief. Another highly developed form of belief
is that which comes from the organization in individual life
of certain habitual modes of response. Thus the physicist
learns, in spite of sensory testimony to the contrary, to
think of every substance as porous. He finds that his be-
liefs are all conditioned by conformity to this cultivated
idea. If any remark is made or any fact turns up which
runs counter to this accepted principle, the new proposal
wall be rejected. Beliefs are thus not unlike the funda-
mental emotional attitudes. They are very real factors in
thought, though they are not made up of memory images.
Religious belief not instinctive. Certain wTiters, im-
pressed with the similarity of beliefs to emotional attitudes,
have regarded certain w^ell-established beliefs, such as reli-
gious beliefs, as instinctive." The belief in the Deity, in im-
mortality, in the certainty of moral categories, is held by
these authors to be no less primitive in human nature than
the fundamental desire for food, for physical comfort, and for
companionship. On the other hand, it is held by others that
such beliefs are the results of developed systems of ideas.
Sentiments not instinctive. The latter formula, which is
the more defensible, suggests the explanation of many of
the so-called sentiments and tastes of later life. They are
connected with acquired modes of behavior. Certainly, if
one studies the life and practices of savages, he finds a
striking parallelism between behavior and tribal belief. The
savage practices certain customs, and they come to have for
him the sanction of the highest religious demands. So in
civilized life as well. The sanctions of society are bred into
our very beings until we believe in the necessity of social
Social life and the higher mental processes. Efforts have
been made in the recent literature of sociology and psychol-
ogy to explain social institutions as the products of instinc-
tive tendencies. The argument of this chapter is that belief
which grows out of systematic thinking, while it may have
the appearance of an instinctive emotion, is in reahty the
product of the highest types of mental activity. Social
sanctions are evolved through association and comparisons
of ideas and through the evolution of modes of social be-
havior. Society may rest on instinctive tendencies, but its
forms and operations are all worked out through the use of
language. Everywhere in social life one finds abstractions,
now of a higher type, now of a lower. Social life is a proa-
uct of thought and ideation, not of blind instinct.
Fields for the application of psychology of ideas. This
chapter must close with these mere outlines of discussions
of the higher mental life. That there is a field for a psy-
chological study of all the higher forms of appreciation is
indicated by what has been said. This matter will be
touched on again in a later chapter dealing with the appli-
cations of psychology.
There is a psychology of invention in which the indi-
vidual is studied at those critical moments when a new set
of associations is being evolved within him. There is a
psychology of education which must distinguish between
learning of a true type and learning to repeat words out of
books. There is a psychology of social theory and social
conduct. The formula for all of these is a formula of organ-
ized mental processes leading to various forms of expres-
sion. If the student has grasped the import of this general
formula, he will be able to unravel the particular types of
organization which appear in each of these spheres.
The idea of self sometimes regarded as matter of direct
knowledge. Among the ideas which are built up in practical
life and refined by scientific study, there is one which is of
special significance to the student of psychology. It is the
idea which each person has of himself. So significant is
this idea for. our ordinary thought that it has sometimes
been described in terms which imply that one knows one-
self directly as though through some kind of immediate per-
ception. One is supposed to look within and there find an
inner reality which is known and recognized without any of
the ordinary steps that enter into the process of knowing
Idea of self a concept. That the self is a being which
can be directly perceived is, however, contradicted by all the
facts of development. The child does not know himself
until after he has had a series of experiences. Even the
adult has something to learn about himself with each new
turn of conscious life. The idea of self must therefore be
described as a concept which matures in the course of ex-
perience just as does any other scientific or practical idea.
First stages of personal development not self-conscious.
Let us attempt to formulate what we know of the most
primitive stages of experience, in order that we may arrive
at some notion of what consciousness is like before there is
any recognition of the self. The simplest forms of animal
behavior, as has been repeatedly pointed out, do not indicate
any clear marking off of impression from expression. The
activity which follows upon impression is so direct that there
is no time for the interpolation of any factor, either in the
nervous system or in consciousness, between impression and
expression. Much the same kind of situation appears when
we examine the human infant. There is an inherited mech-
anism in the instincts which supplies appropriate responses
to stimuli, and as a result there is little or no consciousness
of any kind involved in reacting to the impression — cer-
tainly no recognition of one's own personality. Sensation
and response blend in an experience which is overwhelm-
ingly emotional in character and not at all capable of dis-
tinguishing one factor of the situation from another. Such
experience includes no separate idea of oneself.
Gradual discrimination of self from things. The develop-
ment from this point is toward the discrimination of phases
of experience. Probably there is a gradual differentiation of
the sensory elements from one another and of the sensory
elements from the individual's attitudes and responses. As
soon as things begin to be recognized, there must be a
tendency to formulate all one's feelings and attitudes into
a kind of personal unity or self. The construction of such
a personal core or self in contrast with things is a slow and
complex process.
Child's early notion of self largely objective. Undoubt-
edly, a child's contact vs^ith his own body is very important
in building up some early crude distinctions between im-
pressions and attitudes. When the child handles his own
feet, he finds that the impression he receives, and the atti-
tudes into which he is thrown by the double stimulation of
two parts of his body, are entirely different from the impres-
sions which he receives and the simpler attitudes into which
he is thrown by the stimulation of one of his members
through some external object. He thus comes to distinguish
between his body and the external world. The body is a
part of the world with characteristics different from the
other factors which he recognizes through his senses. There
is probably some ground in this fact for the statement that
the child's earliest recognition of himself is of the nature of
a percept and relates to his physical organism. The rela-
tively objective character of the experience of self at this
stage is shown by the fact that, in addition to his own body,
the child attaches to himself, as a part of what he calls him-
self, the possessions which he comes to recognize as his
individual property. The external world is broken up into the
nteutn and tuum^ and the general notion of that which belongs
to the individual himself is gradually distinguished from that
which belongs to others, but the meum is not primarily a sub-
jective fact. It is looked at through consciousness, but that
consciousness is very little self-consciousness in the purely
subjective sense in which we use that term in mature life.
The idea of self as related to discrimination between the
objective and subjective. Such considerations as these tend
to show that the idea of self is a product of discrimina-
tive analysis rather than a fact of immediate perceptual
consciousness. So far as we understand immediate con-
sciousness in its early stages, there appears to be little or
no ground for assuming that there is present any complete
discrimination of the self on the one hand and things on
the other. Even in mature life the distinction between the
self and nonself is not always drawn. The man who is
hurrying to catch a street car has a vivid experience, but
it is not nicely analyzed. The hungry man with food before
him is little more self-conscious, if, indeed, any more self-
conscious, than the animal which spends all of its time and
energy in the eager pursuit of food.
The self discovered by contrast with not-self. What
brings any individual to a clear recognition of himself will
probably depend upon the accidents of individual fortune.
The struggle of personal interests with some unyielding
objective fact may accomplish it. The development of an
idea of some other self, opposed in interest to the self, is
often a powerful incentive to the recognition of one's own
self. Historically, it has repeatedly been pointed out that
the national spirit, which is analogous to personal self-
consciousness, often grows out of some contest. In like
fashion, the clear idea of the self undoubtedly rises out of
some contest of opposing interests.
Social consciousness and self-consciousness. The conflict
of interests may take a purely social form, as in the use of
language. One sees that all the words referring to spatial
directions, for example, center about one's own body. One
finds that active or passive verbs have reference to some
person. One finds, in short, that one's own expressions are
arranged and organized around a different center than are
the expressions of every other human being. So impressive
does this contrast between individual attitudes become that
ultimately, when we find ourselves in agreement with others,
we are impressed with the agreement, as in earlier cases we
were impressed by the differences, in mental attitude. The
result is that our contact with the social world is a constant
stimulus to the development of a more and more clearly
defined recognition of the self. The child undoubtedly
comes to self-consciousness through his use of language
more than through any other means.
The self at first not a scientific concept, but a practical
concept. Some idea of the self, based upon discrimination
of one's own attitudes from the attitudes of other persons,
is developed in a wholly unscientifixC way by every individual,
just as the discrimination of the individual body and of
one's personal possessions from the rest of the physical
world arises naturally in the course of personal life without
any effort at systematic definition. Beyond this natural dis-
crimination one may attempt to cultivate a more highly
refined formulation of his personal attitudes and personal
characteristics, and yet not pass directly into science.
Cultivated self -consciousness. To illustrate certain cases
in which self-consciousness takes a form other than the
scientific, we may refer first to literary criticism. If a
reader begins the criticism of any piece of literature, he
will constantly be contrasting the impression which the
author intended to produce with the personal attitude
aroused in himself through the statements which he reads.
There will thus be a certain social contrast between the
individual and the author, and this is deliberately cultivated
for the purpose of refining and critically elaborating one's
own taste. In some cases this may take the form of an
effort to conform personal tastes or attitudes to the stand-
ards which have evidently been adopted by great masters.
There is here an unquestionable tendency to refine self-
consciousness at the same time that one cultivates attitudes
toward the objective facts.
The religious motive for self -consciousness. Another
illustration of the nonscientific cultivation of the concept
of the self will appear if we refer to the attitude which is
assumed by many individuals in the contemplation of their
own origin and destiny. The religious attitude has un-
doubtedly contributed more to the definition of self in the
minds of unscientific individuals than any other system of
thought or activity in the world's history. One here asks
himself how fully his own personal attitudes conform to
what he understands to be the demands of the laws gov-
erning his destiny. The system of laws, which he accepts
as a system of higher law, may be derived from very dif-
ferent sources ; but in any case, whether it be the religious
faith of the savage or the systematized theology of the
most highly cultivated devotee of an elaborate religious
system, there is always in religious thought and aspiration a
comparison between the demands of the religious system and
the demands of individual interest and feeling. The notion
of the self comes to have a compactness and importance
under this system of religious self-examination which it
could never attain by mere social contrast with the experi-
ences of other individuals or in the presence of physical
objects. Questions of ultimate destiny arise, and these
are answered in terms of a self which is much more
highly elaborated than the bodily or material self upon
which man concentrates his attention in the early stages
of individual life or the primitive stages of mental develop-
ment. We find, however, many indications, as we look
into savage customs, of a curious mixture of the primitive
bodily self and the religious self. The savage always pro-
tects with great care the bodily remains of those whom he
would serve, and he mutilates and destroys the body of an
enemy. The bodily self is here recognized as the tangible
aspect of personality.
Scientific idea of personality. As contrasted with these
unsystematic efforts at self-realization, the science of psy-
chology aims to build up a thorough idea of the nature
and relations of the self. The self becomes for our science
a being whose laws of organized life must be discovered
and explained.
The self can be fully described and understood only
through studies of the type which have been outlined in
the foregoing chapters. The self is a being which per-
ceives and forms concepts ; it remembers and expresses
itself in regular habits. It is characterized by emotions
and by elaborate ideational forms of thought. The self is,
however, not merely a chance collection of percepts and
habits and ideas. There is one attribute of the conscious
self which stands out as of paramount importance. The
self is a unity. It expresses itself now in one direction,
now in another, but in all its various manifestations it is
an organized unit. Whatever conscious states the self pos-
sesses are modified by virtue of the fact that all aspects
of individual consciousness are united in the one being.
The only analogy which can be used in expounding this
type of being is the analogy of life. The living being is
an organized unity.
The chief item in the concept of life the abstract idea
of organization. Such statements as the foregoing are con-
fusing to certain students of science. They profess to
know what an atom or an object is, but they say of life
that it is not a scientific entity because it is not simple,
and they say of conscious selves that they are not entities
in any such scientific sense as are atoms and physical
forces. Some chemists, for example, would reduce life to
mere coexistence of atoms in a complex molecule of pro-
toplasm. It is, indeed, true that there is a chemistry of
protoplasm. The significant fact, however, is that once
the molecule of protoplasm became organized it began to
exercise functions which were absolutely new. It began
to reproduce, to contract, to show irritability, and to take
in foreign particles and transform them into new molecules
of protoplasm. The world began to take on a new aspect
when protoplasm came into it. One cannot continually
look backward to chemical elements in treating of pro-
toplasm ; he must look forward to the effects produced
by protoplasm.
Unity of self. So it is with a conscious being. Such
a being is conditioned by sense organs and central nervous
processes, but a description of these conditions does not
exhaust the account. The self has become through organi-
zation a unit in the world, capable of affecting in some
measure the doings of this world.
The self as an efficient cause. A conscious being is, ac-
cordingly, different from a being not endowed with mind just
in the degree in which the conscious being can produce
effects which depend on consciousness. To deny the reality
of the conscious self is to repudiate a scientific concept which
is as fully justified as the concept solar system.
Self as a valid scientific concept. Yet certain writers
deny the right of science to deal with the idea of self.
They say that the self is never seen as is the object which
gives us a visual impression. They say that physical reality
can be known, but the knowing self is something intangible
and unapproachable by scientific methods. The difficulty in
the whole situation is that the individual who is trying to
explain and understand himself sometimes loses sight of
the central fact of his own mental life, as he explores the
conditions which surround this central personality. The
central personality is' taken so much for granted that sci-
entific description tends to deal with all that leads up to
personality, and there it stops, finding its chief subjects
of thought in these surrounding facts rather than in the
central result of all the organized conditions. Some day
the historian of thought will write it down as one of the
curious fallacies of immature science that certain physiol-
ogists, biologists, and even psychologists, were satisfied to
call their own personalities mere by-products, without es-
sential significance in the world, just because they did not
find consciousness capable of description in the regular scien-
tific formulas adopted for the discussion and explanation of
external reality.
One hardly knows how to find phrases in which to
answer those who hold consciousness to be less real and
potent than physical forces. Certainly, nature has protected
and conserved consciousness throughout the whole develop-
ment of the animal kingdom. Certainly, the world is dif-
ferent because consciousness has been evolved. Certainly,
consciousness is no less real than are its conditions ; and,
finally, consciousness is certainly much more directly
approachable to the student of science than is matter.
Concept of unity. These are the statements which de-
scribe the psychologist's concept of the self. Such a con-
cept is no less clear and well established than the concepts
of all science. Indeed, it is from one's own ideas of him-
self that the notion of external unities is derived. When
one comes back time and time again to the same object and
recognizes it as familiar and attributes to it a continuity
which goes far beyond anything he can observe through his
senses, he is projecting a concept of unity derived from his
own experience into the world of outer realities. When sci-
ence thinks of the earth as a unity, or of the universe as a
unity, this is a concept, not a percept. The same kind of
comprehensive generalization appears in the practical and
scientific study of self. It is probably not true that animals
recognize their ow^n unity. Experience with them is, as it
is with us, a succession of interrelated events, but the sur-
vey of the total succession is not possible in the undeveloped
animal consciousness. It is probably not true that children
have any broad view of the unity of their personalities. The
ability to remember is one of the most significant special
experiences from which we derive the content with which to
construct a broader self. The ultimate recognition of the most
comprehensive unity is a conceptual rather than perceptual
fact, even after memory has made its full contribution.
The self a concept. One must be satisfied with a scien-
tific description of the self. One can never see the self
directly. To demand that the details of the total unity be
filled in with a concrete image or illustration is to demand
even more than natural science would demand, if it required
a direct perceptual representation of its ultimate substances,
such as the atoms.
Disorganized personality in contrast with normal self.
The discussions of the last chapter, as well as the detailed
description of mental processes of various types, show how
essential is the concept of self unity. This lesson is power-
fully reenforced by considering certain abnormal states in
which the unitary self gives way to disintegrating forces and
leaves the self broken down and unable to play its part in
the world.
Illusions and hallucinations. Every form of mental pa-
thology or abnormality is in some sense a case of malorgani-
zation or disintegration. There are certain mild cases of
irregularity which may be classed as forms of maladaptation,
rather than distinctly pathological cases. Such are, for ex-
ample, our geometrical illusions. As we saw in our earlier
discussions, an illusion is always an incomplete organization
of the sensations presented to the observer. Defects in or-
ganization may be carried very much further in the case of
a person who has what are known as hallucinations. An
individual may, for example, have an irritation upon some
part of the skin which, under normal conditions, would be
neglected or, at most, treated as an inconvenient excitation
of the part ; but if the organizations of mental life are un-
stable because of some general diseased condition of the
individual, this excitation in a certain part of the skin may
become the center for a most abnormal combination of ex-
periences and may lead to the development of a distinctly
abnormal type of interpretation. Everything that suggests
itself to the mind may be made subservient to this stimula-
tion, until finally the person constructs an imaginary world,
giving the abnormal excitation a value and importance which,
in normal life, it could never have had. He may come to
believe that he is made of glass or stone, or he may think
that someone is attacking him with poisons or acids. These
illustrations will serve to make clear what is meant by the
statement that abnormal mental experiences are always ex-
periences which result from irregularities in organization,
and commonly involve more or less disorganization or dis-
sociation of the elements which should be combined.
Sleep, the influence of drugs, hypnosis, and insanity as
forms of disorganization. We may examine three distinct
cases of dissociation in order to make clear in detail what
is meant by mental disorganization. First, there is in sleep
a form of normal suspension of central nervous activity which
has been provided by nature for the purpose of recuperating
the individual. This nervous condition is accompanied by a
temporary interruption of normal conscious processes. Sec-
ond, there are certain forms of dissociation and partial re-
construction which are very similar in character to sleep, but
do not serve the purposes of recuperation as does normal
sleep. The conditions here referred to may be induced by
the use of drugs or by certain other devices, conspicuous
among which are the methods of inducing hypnosis. Finally,
the dissociations and "partial reconstructions, which are tem-
porary in hypnosis and after the use of certain drugs, may
appear in a great variety of relatively permanent forms in
the different types of insanity. One or two of these typical
forms of insanity will be referred to later, in order to
exemplify the conditions which result from permanent
The physiological conditions of sleep. The physiological
conditions which present themselves in the nervous system
during sleep are not fully understood, but their general
character can be described with sufificient clearness for our
purposes. In the first place, the condition of fatigue in the
nerve cell has been found to be a condition of somewhat
depleted tissue in the cell body. There are also certain
chemical changes resulting from fatigue. These are demon-
strated by the different degrees
to which fatigued and normal
cells respectively take on the
coloring substances which are
used in staining microscopic
sections of the tissue. The
protoplasm of the fatigued
cells, as seen from Fig. 58, is
in part exhausted as a result
of the processes of stimulation
through which they have passed.
Sleep must be a condition in
which these cells are supplied
with nutrition and return to
their normal state of energy
and activity. During the period
of sleep, each cell seems to be
capable of insulating itself from
the neighboring parts of the
nervous system. There are
some extreme conditions, prob-
ably pathological in character,
in which the dendrites of the
nerve cells curl up and form,
instead of extending branches, little knotty balls across
which stimulations cannot easily pass. This curling up of
the dendrites is probably a very much more radical change
than occurs under the ordinary conditions of sleep. The
synapses, or interlacing of fibers, which connect a cell
with other cells or incoming fibers, are interrupted in most
Fig. 58. Fatigued cells
Two sections A and B from the first
thoracic spinal ganglion of a cat. B is
from the ganglion which has been elec-
trically stimulated through its nerve
for five hours. A is from a correspond-
ing resting ganglion. The nuclei N of
the fatigued cells are seen to take a
darker stain and to be very irregular
in outline. The general protoplasm of
the cell bodies is also less uniform in
density in the fatigued cells. (After
cases, not by any gross movement of the dendrites but rather
by some chemical change in the tissue which makes it
difficult for the stimulation to pass across from one cell to
another. There are known chemical substances which affect
primarily the synapses and prevent stimulations from being
transmitted from cell to cell. All of these indications go to
show that the nerve cell, when it enters on the process of
recuperation, tends to give up its normal transmitting func-
tion, and devotes itself for the time being to the processes
of building up tissue.
The closing of avenues of stimulation in sleep. The ex-
ternal characteristics of a sleeping individual are clearly
intelligible in terms of the physiological changes which have
been described. In the first place, the individual becomes
less and less susceptible to stimulations from the outside
world. This means that w^hen any form of external energy
acts on the nervous system, it finds the nervous system rela-
tively inert. The receiving organs are closed and their cells
are probably in a chemical condition unfavorable to any vig-
orous activity. Even when stimulations are received at the
periphery and are transmitted to the central nervous system,
they make headway through the tissues with the greatest
difficulty. They do not follow the well-defined paths which
are used in normal life, but are diffused throughout the
whole organ.
Various degrees of dissociation. The condition of the
individual need not be a condition of complete sleep in
order to show this inertness of the nervous system. There
are many conditions of fatigue in which the nervous system
shows, before sleep sets in, more or less of a tendency to
resist external stimulation. Furthermore, the different stages
of sleep are by no means equal in their degree of dissocia-
tion. This has been shown by experiments in which the
amount of noise necessary to arouse a sleeping individual
has been made the measure of the intensity of sleep. The
result of such experiments is to show that a person goes to
sleep rapidly and profoundly during the early part of the
night, and from this time on gradually comes back to a con-
dition of susceptibility to stimulation. Fig. 59 shows a sleep
cur\'e of the kind which results from these experiments.
'A '
i \'
- 1 \ 1
/ \ ' ^
/' V
-/ 1 \ ' '
7 ' \ i
r 1 1 i ^^^^ ■
Hours 0.5 1.0 1.5 ^.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 7.
Fig. 59. Curve showing the intensity of sound necessary to awaken a
sleeper at different periods of sleep
Along the horizontal line are represented the hours of sleep ; along the vertical, the
relative intensities of sound. Thus, at the end of the first ?ialf hour an intensit}' of
sound somewhat over six hundred is necessar\^ to awaken the sleeper. At the end
of two hours the intensity of sound is approximately one hundred. The cun-e indi-
cates that the sleeper falls rapidly into a profound sleep and then gradually comes
into a condition of ver\' light slumber preceding for a long time the waking. (After
The cur\"e rises rapidly, indicating, as stated, that the amount
of stimulation necessar}' to arouse the nerV'Ous system in-
creases rapidly in the early hours of sleep; it falls off
gradually toward the end, indicating a gradual waking of
the subject.
Dissociation in the central processes. Not only are the
cells of the sleeper's nen'ous system imper\dous to external
stimulation, but they are uncoupled in such a way that the
stimulations which succeed in entering the nerv^ous system
do not follow the ordinary paths of discharge. This uncoup-
ling of the central nerve cells does not take place in equal
degree in all parts of the nervous system. The large cells
of the spinal cord are able to resist the effects of fatigue,
and the spinal cord may be said never to sleep under normal
conditions. For this reason, stimulations which reach the
spinal cord from the surface of the body are always trans-
formed into reflex impulses and sent to the muscles of the
trunk and limbs. The spinal cord is in this case uncoupled,
not within itself, but only with reference to the higher centers.
The reflexes are very much simpler in form and more likely
to appear under these conditions than when the stimulus has
an open path to the higher centers. Thus a cold or uncom-
fortable hand will always be moved reflexly in sleep. The
medulla, like the cord, seems to be able to resist, to a great
extent, the tendencies toward fatigue, for many of the organic
processes, such as circulation and respiration, are maintained
through the nerv^e centers in the medulla, while the rest of
the nervous system is closed to external stimulation and to
any well-ordered activities.
Dreams as dissociated groups of ideas. One effect of the
uncoupling of the various ner\'e tracts in the organs of the
central nervous system above the medulla is that any proc-
esses which take place in these higher organs because of
strong stimulations, or because of some abnormal excita-
bility in the nen^ous system, are fleeting and irregular. The
higher centers probably do not all of them sink into the
same deo:ree of inactivitv even in a normal individual, and
the slightest abnormality may result in a heightened acti\ity
in certain parts. The facts of consciousness which corre-
spond to these irregular, detached activities in the central
nervous system during sleep are easily understood w'hen it
is recognized that the ner^'ous system is acting not as a
single organized system but as a disorganized group of
centers. To put the matter in terms of experience, one may
say that an idea which presents itself during sleep is not
related to the general body of ideas by which the experi-
ences of ordinary life are checked and held under criticism.
If, in ordinary life, the idea suggests itself to some indi-
vidual that he has enormous possessions, he is immediately
reminded by the evidences of his senses and by the familiar
surroundings and limitations of his sphere of action that the
idea is merely a subjective imagination. If, on the other
hand, one should have this idea in his dreams, under con-
ditions which would remove it from all restricting relations,
it would obviously be compelling in its force and would be
accepted by consciousness as an unqualified and unlimited
truth. It would be dissociated from the other ideas which
fill normal consciousness, and ti *s dissociation would deter-
mine its character in such a way as to make it distinctly
different from the processes of coherent thought built up in
normal life.
Dreams impressive only because they are uncriticized.
It will be seen from such considerations as these that a
mature individual is brought in his sleep into a condition
somewhat similar to that exhibited in the irregular and un-
restrained imaginings of children. The young child con-
structs imaginations and is quite unable to criticize them
because of his lack of experience and because of the lack of
organization within his experience. The lines of organiza-
tion are not laid down in the child; in the dreaming adult,
though systems of ideas have been built up, they are for
the time being interrupted, and the processes of mental life
lapse into unsystematic and uncritical forms. There is, for
this reason, a certain freedom from all kinds of restraint,
which accounts for the highly erratic character of dreams.
Motor processes suspended by dissociations in sleep. The
third characteristic of sleep follows naturally from these
which we have been discussing. Muscular movements are
almost completely suspended in normal sleep. The muscles,
relax more than they do in any condition of waking life, just
because the nervous system sends only very much reduced
stimulations to the muscles, and, as we have repeatedly
seen, the muscles are quite unable to perform their work
when they are not stimulated by the nerves. The few
straggling stimulations which succeed in getting through
the nervous system to the muscles are lower reflexes or they
are irregular and without coordination. The movements
which appear are, therefore, often more incoherent than the
fleeting dream experiences which accompany the activities
in the central nervous organs. Indeed, in most cases, any
intense movements of the muscles during sleep indicate a
distinctly abnormal condition and are closely related in char-
acter to the irregular coordinations which appear in certain
forms of drug poisoning.
Narcotic drugs dissociative in their effects. The discus-
sion of the phenomena which attend the use of drugs will
aid in the understanding of what has been said about sleep.
It is a familiar fact that certain narcotics produce a condi-
tion very closely related to sleep. The narcotic drug closes
the avenues of sensory reception, reduces central activity or
renders its processes irregular and incoherent, and suspends
muscular contraction. If the drug is taken in a relatively
small dose, so that its effect upon the nervous system is
slight, these various effects may be produced in slight
degree only. The effect in this case will be most marked
in the irregularity of ideas and in the incoordination of
the movements.
Effect of alcohol on the nervous system. A familiar effect
of a drug is the intoxication which is produced by alcohol.
The chemical condition of nerve cells and consequently the
relations between them are in some way affected by alcohol,
and the stimulations are interrupted or become irregular
in their transmission through the tissues. The fact that a
man under the influence of alcohol sees things moving
irregularly, or sees them double, depends upon the incoordina-
tion of the muscles of the eyes. The fact that he is unable
to walk steadily shows the incoordination of the muscles of
the legs. There is a corresponding irregularity in the flow of
his ideas ; and his credulousness for the ideas which suggest
themselves to him is analogous to the ordinary credulous-
ness of a dreaming sleeper. The imperviousness of such to
individual to the stimulations of the outside world is also
a well-known fact.
Overexcitation is also dissociative. In the case of any
one of the drugs which produces dissociative conditions in
the nervous system, the condition may be overcome by the
ordinary processes of recuperation by which the organism
throws out the drug. In some cases the effort of the organ-
ism to restore the normal condition leads to a reaction which
is abnormally intense. We may then have for a time, as a
result of reaction to the drug, a state of hypersensitivity and
a more vigorous activity within the central nervous system
and in the muscles. The dissociating effects of such intense
activity in the nervous system may be, so far as consciousness
and muscular coordination are concerned, quite as abnormal
as the depressing effects of fatigue or complete suspension
of nervous activity. Thus, if the stimulations coming to the
central nervous system are much increased in their intensity
because the nervous tissue has been thrown into a condition
of heightened activity, there may be an irregularity in the
central nervous processes due to the abnormally strong cur-
rents of excitation and to the impossibility of restraining
these currents of stimulation within the ordinary channels
of connection and discharge. The disorganization here is
like the disorganized behavior of a stream that overflows
its banks.
Toxic effects of certain diseases. There are certain condi-
tions produced in nature which are quite analogous to those
which are produced by drugs. Such conditions appear in.
fevers when the organism is under the influence of certain
toxic substances produced by the organism itself or by
bacteria lodged in the body ; under such conditions the
nervous system is rendered hypersensitive through the
chemical action of these foreign substances on the tissues.
The delirium of the fever patient presents clearly the picture
of too intense activity in the central nervous system, and the
muscular activity of such an individual is directly related to
his irregular and excessive central processes. Such a person
may also be excessively sensitive to slight sounds or other
irritations of the organs of sense.
These negative cases as evidences of the relation between
normal consciousness and organization. These different
cases show the relation between nervous organization and
mental organization, and by their negative characteristics con-
firm the discussions of the preceding chapters, in which it
has been maintained that normal mental life is a continuous
process of integration and organization.
Hypnosis a form of dissociation closely allied to sleep.
The condition known as hypnosis has long been the source
of superstitious wonder, and much has been said and written
in regard to it which would tend to increase the mystery
which attaches to it. In many respects it is a condition
closely related to normal sleep. On the other hand, it has
certain peculiar characteristics which differentiate it from
ordinary sleep. These peculiarities can, however, be fully
understood under the formula adopted in explanation of
normal sleep, provided that formula is slightly modified to
include certain specialized forms of dissociation.
Hypnosis as partial dissociation. While normal sleep in-
volves the uncoupling or dissociation of the nervous ele-
ments, especially of the type which suspends activity in
the higher centers, hypnosis involves a dissociation which
is partial and leaves a part of the higher centers in action.
To put the matter in simple terms, we may say that in
normal sleep the cerebrum is dissociated from the lower
centers, and all the centers in the cerebrum are dissociated
from each other ; whereas, in hypnosis only a part of the
cerebrum is dissociated from the lower centers. The
remaining part of the cerebrum continues to carry on its
activities and, indeed, profits by the cessation of activity
in the dormant portion, for the active part of the nervous
system is, in such a case as this, supplied with an unusually
large amount of blood, and its activity may reach a much
higher level of intensity, because of this superior nutritive
supply and because of the concentration of all of the nerv-
ous activity in one region. Such a crude statement as this
is undoubtedly too simple in its terms, and yet it represents
the situation in principle.
Methods of inducing hypnosis. The way in which the con-
dition of partial or hypnotic dissociation is produced in the
nervous system differs with the practice of different hypno-
tizers. One of the characteristic methods of producing
hypnosis is to require the subject to gaze at some bright
object until a kind of partial stupor comes over him. He
may then be aroused to activity through the sense of hear-
ing. The ideas which he receives and the activities which
he performs have, under these conditions, many of the
characteristics of dissociation. Another way of producing
hypnosis is to soothe the subject into a sleeplike condition.
Stroking the forehead or the face is very commonly prac-
ticed by hypnotizers. Here again, the appeal to the subject,
after the dormant condition has set in, is through the sense
of hearing or even through the sense of vision.
Hypnosis more readily induced after it has once been estab-
lished in a subject. When a subject has been frequently
hypnotized, it is possible to reproduce the hypnotic condi-
tion without elaborate preliminaries. The subject acquires
what may be called a habit of dissociation. A simple order
from the hypnotizer is enough to throw the subject into the
condition. Sometimes the habit is carried to such an ex-
tent that the subject is able to throw himself into the hyp-
notic condition. Such self-induced hypnosis is known as
auto-hypnosis. The ability to produce the hypnotic state
in the subject does not depend upon any peculiar powers
on the part of the hypnotizer ; it depends rather upon his
ability so to influence his subject that the condition of par-
tial sleep described shall be induced. The essential condi-
tion with which the subject himself must comply, in order
to come under the influence of a hypnotizer, is that he con-
centrate his attention. The only persons who cannot be
hypnotized are young children, idiots, and insane persons,
all of whom are unable to concentrate attention. This state-
ment effectually disposes of the popular belief that only
weak-minded persons can be hypnotized. The most effec-
tive method of avoiding hypnosis is to scatter attention as
much as possible over a great variety of objects. Concen-
tration of attention is always favorable to hypnosis and
allied conditions. The audience which gives close attention
to a speaker or performer is susceptible to a species of
hypnosis ; while, on the other hand, there is no danger of
hypnosis in a distracted audience. The methods of induc-
ing hypnosis have been accidentally discovered from time
to time by performers who are then able to give striking
exhibitions of their discovery. Many oriental jugglers be-
gin their performance, the success of which undoubtedly
depends upon their hypnotic influence over their audiences,
with a dance in which the body of the performer is moved
with a gradually increasing speed, which inevitably induces
a gradually increased concentration of attention on the part
of the observer. When this dance grows more and more
rapid and more and more engaging to the attention, the
observer is completely mastered and the main performance
may be undertaken. The hypnotic influence of such a dance
is very frequently augmented by the burning of incense.
which has more or less of a narcotic effect upon the ob-
servers. In Hke manner, certain animals are probably
drawn into a hypnotic state by the movement of snakes.
This has frequently been reported in the case of birds and
Various characteristics of the hypnotized subject. When
the hypnotic state has been produced, the phenomena ex-
hibited are of two distinct types. First, there is a suspen-
sion of certain activities, and, second, there is an abnorm^al
heightening of other activities. This may be seen with
reference to the reception of sensory stimulations. Certain
stimulations are no longer received by the hypnotized sub-
ject. For this reason the condition has sometimes been
used by savage tribes for surgical purposes, exactly as in
modern life we use drugs which will produce a dissociation
of the nervous system and thus prevent pain from exces-
sive external stimulation. On the other hand, certain other
senses may be opened to stimulation. A hypnotized subject
may be wholly anaesthetic in his skin, while still retaining
the ability to receive impressions through certain of his
other senses. Indeed, the concentration of nervous activity
in certain particular senses results in such a heightening
of their ability to receive impressions that the subject may
perform most astonishing feats of sensory receptivity. He
may hear very faint sounds or he may see remote visual
objects. It is to be noted that this hypersesthesia of the
senses is not so extraordinaiy as it would at first sight seem
to be. We all become hyperaesthetic when we concentrate
attention in any direction. If one is listening for an im-
portant signal or watching for some object which is of
great importance to him, he will be using his nervous
energy in the emphasized direction and will be correspond-
ingly impervious to impressions from other sources. The
conditions in hypnosis are merely exaggerations of those
which appear in ordinary life.
Ideas not subjected to criticism in hypnosis. Turning
from the sensory processes to the central processes, we
find again that certain activities are entirely in abeyance,
while others are much intensified. If, for example, it is
suggested to a hypnotized subject that he is an animal
instead of a human being, the suggested idea may take such
large possession of him as to command his whole attention
and guide his activity. If a normal individual is told that
he is an animal, he immediately brings to bear upon the
suggested idea a great variety of incompatible experiences,
which make it clear that the statement is false and unaccept-
able. In the case of the hypnotized subject, very much as
in the case of the dreamer, the corrective ideas, which con-
stitute the fabric of normal life, are absent, so that the
single idea takes full possession of the mind and commands
belief as the accepted content of consciousness. This credu-
lousness of the hypnotic consciousness is described by say-
ing that the subject is very open to suggestion. Anything
that is said to him will be accepted, and any form of inter-
pretation of experience which is offered to him will be
taken up without serious question and without any effort
on his part to criticize the ideas which have been given him
by the hypnotizer. Suggestibility has very frequently been
emphasized to the exclusion of the converse fact that the
hypnotized subject is quite incapable of subjecting any ideas
to critical comparison. So also the positive increase in
sensitivity has been the impressive fact ; the diminution of
sensibility has often been overlooked. The negative con-
siderations are, however, essential to a complete under-
standing of the case, just as the negative considerations
are of importance if we would understand the credulousness
exhibited in dreams.
Dual personalities in hypnosis. The central nervous con-
ditions which are induced in hypnosis are sometimes suffi-
ciently unstable to produce the most complex phenomena.
It is sometimes found that the dissociated parts of the cere-
brum are not only dissociated from each other, but they
are also, to a certain extent, capable of independent action.
Thus, while one part of the cerebrum seems to be dealing
with impressions received through the sense of hearing,
another part may be engaged in responding to tactual im-
pressions. Or, the case may be rendered even more com-
plicated by the fact that the impressions coming from one
ear seem to serve as stimulations for certain activities, while
auditory impressions received on the opposite side of the
body are effective in producing an entirely different set of
experiences and responses. There result in such cases
what are known as dual and multiple personalities. By
personality, as the term is used in such cases, is meant
any organized group or system of ideas and activities.
The various groups of systematized activities and ideas
which exist side by side in a hypnotized subject owe
their separation to nervous and mental dissociation ; each
personality is, therefore, a relatively less complex system
than that which exists when the whole cerebrum is acting
as a single organ. The division of an individual into a.
number of systems of organization appears in other states
than the hypnotic state, and it may result in certain per-
manent or certain temporary disruptions of personality,
which have been noted in such stories as that of Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde.
Dual personalities in other than hypnotic conditions.
From time to time one reads of a case of lapse in memory
which afnounts to a dissociation of personality. A man for-
gets who he is or what business he has, been following. He
is sufficiently normal in his general organization to respond
to a great variety of impressions in a regular fashion, but
the complex structure of mental life breaks down and
the man is only partly reconstructed in the second self.
Tertiary and quaternary personalities may appear in all
possible combinations. The secondary or tertiary personality
may know its fellows, but may be itself quite forgotten.
Several cases have been described in which personality B
knows not only its own acts and emotions but also the acts
and emotions of the other personality A, Sometimes B not
only knows but heartily dislikes A. Sometimes two per-
sonalities exist simultaneously wdthin the same body and
seem to have separate lives and characters. The writer
knew of a case of a young man who was the object of
superstitious wonder in the village in which he lived, be-
cause he had two personalities. These two personalities
knew each other and held long discussions with each other.
Often, when they came to a turn in the road, they dis-
agreed with each other as to the direction in which their
body should move, and the passer-by could see the abnormal
man mumbling an argument between his two selves.
Dual and multiple personalities analogous to the various
selves of normal life. The details of such cases are baffling
iij the extremic, but nothing can be clearer from our earlier
studies than the general formula of dissociation, with the
added fact of partial organization around different centers.
The matter becomes more intelligible if we remember that
even in ordinary life there is a subdivision of experience
into different systems. We distinguish, even in common
parlance, between the business self, the social self, and so
on. Each one of these selves is only partially related to the
other systems of experience and forms of behavior. The
man w^ho is buried in the details of a business transaction
is just as oblivious to considerations of a literary sort as the
hypnotized subject is oblivious to a certain group of possible
experiences. We do not call the ordinary absorption of the
self in business a case of multiple personality, because
the neglected personality in the case of the business man
is not so remote but that it can be immediately called out,
if he turns, his attention to some literary considerations.
The normal individual is capable of transferring his atten-
tion and interest from center to center according as the
external environment demands, while the hypnotized subject
or abnormal person is, through dissociation, quite incapable
of a rapid transfer of attention or of correlating the different
phases of his experience.
Hypnosis a transient condition, insanity permanent. We
shall return to the discussion of multiple personality under
the general head of insanity, for the fundamental distinction
between insanity and hypnosis is to be found in the degree
of permanency which is attained in the former state, as
contrasted with the more transient character of the hypnotic
Movements sometimes normal in hypnosis , because the
lower centers are not dissociated. In the meantime, it is
necessary to add a few comments on the motor activities of
hypnotized subjects. These motor activities frequently ex-
hibit little or no departure from the ordinary coordinations
of normal life. The hypnotized subject is capable of walk-
ing, often of writing or producing certain other complex
forms of movement. Such continuation of the bodily coordi-
nations is explicable on the ground that the lower centers of
the nervous system are not dissociated by the changes that
take place in the higher centers. Whenever the higher
centers are able to send stimulations to the lower centers,
these lower centers are capable of responding with their
usual degree of coordination. The lack of organization is
exhibited rather in the inability to maintain a normal bal-
ance between the various centers which call the lower centers
into play. It is to be noted, however, that the movements
of hypnotized subjects sometimes indicate by their clumsi-
ness and lack of precision that the disintegrating force has
affected certain of the motor channels as well as the central
organizations. This is especially true when the attempted
act involves a complicated coordination.
The after-effects of hypnosis tend to become permanent.
There is one group of facts in hypnosis which should
perhaps be made the subject of special comments. The
suggestions received by the hypnotized subject may, in
some cases, be carried over so as to become operative in a
later period, after the subject has apparently recovered from
the hypnotic trance. Such after-effects are known as post-
hypnotic effects, and the suggestions are described as
post-hypnotic suggestions. Even more significant is the fact
that after-effects of the hypnotic trance are of a general
kind. It is a fact that the effect of the hypnotic state is in
the direction of a perpetuation of dissociative tendencies.
Sleep is transient and leads to a more vigorous form of
activity after it is over. Hypnosis, on the other hand, tends
not to restore the nervous system to a more vigorous condi-
tion but to perpetuate dissociation. This is due to the fact
that sleep is negative, while hypnosis is positive in certain
* of its phases, in that it trains certain centers to act without
reference to others. It therefore operates by virtue of its
positive phases toward permanent disorganization. It is for
such reasons as these that the use of hypnosis is in general
to be avoided. The disorganizing effects of hypnosis are of
the same general type as the disrupting tendencies of certain
drugs. The individual, who with sufficient frequency comes
under the influence of these drugs or of hypnosis, will
ultimately settle into a state of nervous disorganization from
which it will be quite impossible for him to recover, even
when recovery is demanded for the purposes of normal
life. Hypnosis is not utilized by reputable practitioners,
because its ultimate effects are not as readily controllable
as are the effects even of the narcotic drugs ; and there is
no justification whatever for the use of hypnosis as a means
of amusement, any more than there would be for using a
strong narcotic drug to bring an individual into a condition
which would make him a source of entertainment.
Insanity a permanent form of disorganization, intro-
duced in many cases by dissociation and settling into an
abnormal reorganization. As has been indicated in the
eariier paragraphs, insanity is a form of relatively permanent
dissociation. Certain forms of delirium, which have been
referred to before, furnish the best introduction to the study
of insanity. In delirium the subject is so highly excitable
that the normal avenues of stimulation and discharge are
for the time being completely disrupted, and the currents
of nervous activity and the corresponding facts of experience
are dissociated. As delirium disappears and gives place to
the usual intensity of nervous activity the individual may
return to the earlier normal condition or, on the other
hand, there may be left behind a permanent abnormal state,
because the earlier forms of organization are not fully
restored. One of the most characteristic symptoms of all
forms of insanity is found to be the existence of certain
hallucinations or fundamental abnormalities in the subject's
world of ideas. The insane person believes himself to be
Julius Caesar or some Biblical character, or even some
divinity. There is no difficulty in recognizing the fact that
the idea of transferred identity may come into the mind of
any normal individual. It is, however, in the case of a
normal individual immediately criticized and abandoned,
because of its incompatibility with the person's general
knowledge of the world and his place in it. When the
compact organization which has been built up in normal
experiences has once given way, and the idea that one is
Julius Caesar or some other character has presented itself
as a center of reconstruction in the midst of the resulting
chaos, there is a possibility of an abnormal reorganization
of experience. The individual is no longer restrained by
that system of ideas which has been laboriously built up
through contact with the world ; the result is that the whole
later ideational life of the individual loses its adaptation to
the real world. The characteristic fact in certain cases
of insanity is, accordingly, not describable in simple terms
of dissociation ; it is rather to be defined in terms of disso-
ciation with an abnormal association or integration following
upon the breaking down of the normal system. In other
cases, disintegration is the more obvious fact. The individual
simply loses control of his ideas, and his mind seems to be
flooded with an incoherent mass of experience. His words
reflect this incoherency of ideas, and his behavior indicates
an absence of self-control. Such disintegrated forms of
consciousness and behavior commonly appear in the last
stages of almost every kind of insanity, even where there
has been for a time reorganization about an abnormal center.
Melancholia as a typical form of dissociation. One of
the very general forms of dissociative abnormality is that
which appears in so-called melancholia. In melancholia
there is a general reduction of all the bodily activities,
including the activities in the nervous system. The subject
becomes phlegmatic and depressed in all his functions.
The whole feeling tone of experience takes on a marked
disagreeable character, which can be explained in terms of
our earlier discussion of feeling by saying that the individual
does not arouse himself easily to respond to any form of
stimulation, and when his nervous system is in any way
aroused by powerful external excitation, the reaction upon
the stimulus is so laborious and contrary to his tendencies
and mood that he has a strong feeling tone of a disagree-
able type. The ideas which such a subject has are often
organized about each other in a way that furnishes a kind
of false explanation of the subject's mood. The melancholic
subject has certain grievances against the world. Sometimes
these grievances are of a trivial character and make it clear
that the grievance could not have been the exciting cause of
the subject's condition. Sometimes the grievance is more
real and furnishes an apparent ground for the condition.
Even in such a case it is to be said that the person*s
physical condition must have developed into one of general
debility before the apparent cause of his mental conditions
could have become the source of abnormal melancholia.
The distinction between a passing case of depression in-
normal life and melancholia is that passing depression is
temporary, and nature rebounds from it in such a way as
to produce normal conditions after the depressing circum-
stances are past. In the case of melancholia the depressing
tendencies become permanent, and it is this permanency
rather than the fact of depression or its corresponding
nervous conditions which constitutes the characteristic fact
in insanity. Indeed, one can find almost every possible
grade of transition from normal life to extreme abnormality.
The result is that those who have made a special study of
these transitions, and those whose attention is for the first
time called to the possibility of such transition, are likely
to indulge in the extravagant statement that all persons are
at times or on certain subjects more or less insane. It is
undoubtedly true that all persons do depart at times from
the type of mental and bodily organization which constitutes
normal life, but unless these states become fixed and lead
to distorted and unadapted forms of behavior, they should
not be classified as cases of insanity.
Excessive excitation as a second typical case of insanity.
The opposite tendency to the melancholic condition just
described appears in certain cases of excessive excitation.
A person when abnormally excited is very frequently pos-
sessed of excessive bodily strength. This is not due to any
change in the structure of his muscles, but rather to the
fact that the nervous system which is in control of the mus-
cles is sending to the active organs stimulations of excessive
intensity. There are numerous cases in normal life which
will help us to understand this fact. If an individual is
fatigued, encouragement and stimulation from the outside
world will appreciably increase his ability to execute muscular
movements. In the same way an individual may be so
stimulated by abnormal substances in the blood that his
whole nervous behavior is raised to a high level of activity
and the motor discharges are abnormally intense. The
muscular activity of such a person is typical of his whole
condition. His ideas come in an overwhelming flood and
lead him into the most extravagant excesses of imagination
and lack of self-control.
Fundamental disturbances of instinctive and emotional
life. Of late much attention has been given to the fact that
in all cases of dissociation the fundamental instincts assert
themselves and play a leading part in the behavior and
ideation of the abnormal individual. For example, there
are types of fear which haunt a patient and distract him
from all normal modes of thought and life. Or the sex
instinct becomes dominant, or the food instinct leads to
irregular or irrational behavior. The mode of treatment
which is adopted in such cases aims in part to restore
normal nutritive conditions and then proceeds on the as-
sumption that the individual must be started on the road to
a reconstruction of his mental world. Often the shortest
route to this latter goal is to bring out in explicit detail some
of the deep-seated dissociations. Thus, the person who is
suffering from terror tis made aware of the sources of his
terror and is encouraged to reorganize his thinking and his
attitudes toward the object of his dissociation. The abnormal
state can be compared to physical clumsiness. The indi-
vidual whose muscles will not coordinate must develop
physical cooperation of the organs of his body by using
them in a well-ordered, systematic fashion. So with the
person suffering from mental incoordination, there must be
a well-directed effort at mental recoordination.
Relation of psychiatry to psychology. These illustrations
must suffice for our present purposes. There are all possible
combinations of disintegration and reorganization exhibited
in insanity. There is a science known as psychiatry which
deals with these forms of dissociation and abnormal associ-
ation, and there is a large field of practical observation and
study open here to the trained scientist. The chief lesson
for our general science is that the normal processes are
processes of integration leading to forms of association which
contribute to adaptation. There are frequently illustrations
which throw light upon important principles of normal asso-
ciation, to be found by making a careful study of the facts
of dissociation, but in general the explanation of abnormal
states is made easier by a careful examination of normal
processes rather than the reverse. It does not follow that
dissociation will be along the same lines as association, and
the effort to work out the details of one by the other often
leads to fallacies. The general tendency of normal life is,
however, obviously in the direction of adaptive organization ;
the tendency of sleep, hypnosis, and insanity, on the other
hand, is in the opposite direction. The particular path fol-
lowed in each case can be defined only through empirical
examination of the case.
Voluntary action a special form of behavior. Though the
preceding chapters have discussed at length many of the
relations between bodily activity and mental processes, they
have not dealt specifically with that form of behavior which
is described by the term ''voluntary choice." One may
reach out and pick up the book before him, or one may
decide not to touch the book. One may take the pen and
sign a contract, or one may refuse to sign. The whole per-
sonality enters into such a decision, and we recognize both
in ordinary thought and in scientific consideration of the
matter that the ability to choose, especially the ability to
choose wisely and consistently, is the supreme power culti-
vated in the development of the individual. Our penal code
recognizes the fact that an immature child is not responsible
for his actions in the measure in which a full-grown man is
responsible. Those who are mentally defective are exempt
from the penalties of the law just in the degree in which
they fall short of normal development. These and other
illustrations of common practice show that voluntary choice
is the fullest expression of the developed normal self.
Instinctive behavior different from voluntary action. The
explanation of voluntary action depends on a series of dis-
tinctions which have been implied in earlier chapters. Thus
instinctive acts are not forms of voluntary behavior. For
example, the infant swallows not from deliberate choice but
because nature has provided a nervous and muscular mecha-
nism which responds promptly to the proper sensory stimulus.
One has only to think of the cases in adult experience where
the swallowing reflex acts when the swallower vv^ould gladly
check it. Furthermore, most people do not know that they
cannot carry out the act of swallowing without a proper sen-
sory stimulus. Let one try the experiment of swallowing
five times in succession. All the saliva in the mouth will
have been swallowed the second or third time the effort is
made, and after that the mechanism refuses to work until
more sensory stimulation is supplied. Instinctive acts are
therefore different from volitions. Sometimes we can volun-
tarily check one of these acts, although here our powers are
limited, and we can in some measure decide when an act
provided by the inherited nervous mechanism shall be
allowed to take place, but here again our control is limited
as shown in the example given above.
Impulsive acts distinct from higher forms of voluntary
action. If we follow the development of an individual from
infancy, we find that there are other forms of behavior which
resemble the instincts in that they are not fully under con-
trol. For this general class of acts we commonly use the
term ''impulsive acts/' It is almost impossible not to imi-
tate a yawn ; it is very difficult not to look around when one
hears an unfamiliar noise. The impulse to take food when
one is hungry is very strong ; the impulse to strike back
when one is struck is so strong that the interpretation of re-
sponsibility is always based on an examination of provocation.
Impulsive acts as phases of general muscular tension.
Impulsive acts can be explained by formulas which have
been discussed at length in earlier chapters. It was there
pointed out that the whole organism is constantly at a higher
.or lower level of tension. The muscles of a waking person
are always on the stretch. There are internal activities of
respiration and circulation and digestion which are not only
in a state of tension but are in an actual state of continuous
operation. The eyes are usually focused on some object ;
the hand is seldom at rest and still more seldom in a state
of relaxation. This state of muscular tension and internal
action is due to the continuous stream of nervous impulses
which flow out to the active organs. The outgoing motor
impulses are in turn the results of the sensory stimulations
of the moment and the reverberations of sensory impressions
which are circulating through the massive cerebrum.
Impulsive acts explicable through nervous organization.
An impulsive act exhibits in its particular form the past
experience and training of the individual. We often judge
of a person's character and education by his impulsive acts.
The spy who was betrayed by his impulsive and wholly
uncontrolled response to a sudden military order to stand
to attention exhibited his training by his very lack of vol-
untary control. One may guide his impulses in some
measure by the slow process of changing his habits. If
one tends to look up from his work every time a shadow
passes over his desk, one may overcome this tendency by self-
discipline ; but in that case the inadvertent lapses into the
old mode of looking up will furnish the strongest evidence
of the difference between impulse and voluntary control.
Impulse comparable to involuntary attention. The term
''impulse" as applied to behavior finds a parallel in certain
terms which are used in describing strictly mental processes.
.One tends to look at any object that moves through the
edge of the field of vision. This is an impulsive tendency.
On the psychical side we describe this fact by saying that
moving objects in the edge of the field of vision attract
involuntary attention. Attention of the involuntary type is
then contrasted with certain higher types of attention
which are designated as voluntary. Thus, when one keeps
his eyes fixed steadily on the signal which he is set to
watch in spite of distracting appeals to his involuntary
attention, we speak of his effort as an exhibition of volun-
tary choice or self-control.
Impulse and involuntary attention related to perception
and habit. It is hardly necessary to elaborate here the
matter of the relation of impulsive activity to perception
and habit. Our earlier chapters have abundantly illustrated
this relation and shown its importance. We have, however,
reached the point where we must face the problem of the
distinction between voluntary attention and all lower forms of
perception and thought, and the problem of the distinction
between voluntary action and impulse.
Simple case of choice. Perhaps the best method of
making progress toward the solution of our problem is to
analyze one of the simpler cases of volition. For this pur-
pose let us consider choice in the presence of two clearly
apprehended alternatives. There lies before the man who
is out on a walk a fork in the road. Sometimes he will
thoughtlessly strike out on that path which he has often
followed, or because he is absorbed in thought he will be
guided by mere accident. But in the case in which we are
interested he sees the two roads clearly ; each is inviting,
and in terms of his experience and training, equally acces-
sible ; he may even pause a moment and then he turns to
the left or right. We can explain this turning in a broad,
loose way by using such phrases as ''he decided," ''he
chose," "he selected." The impressive fact about each
of these phrases is that it brings out the truth that we are
in the presence of an explanation which includes and in-
volves personality. We may speak of impulse in an imper-
sonal way. One is led to do something when he acts under
the spell of impulse, but one makes the decision himself
when he chooses his road.
Behavior of the higher types dependent on ideas. The
broad terms of our explanation do not satisfy the demand
for a scientific account of the process of choice. We
must go into greater detail. We can do this in some
measure by pointing out that bodily activity is related to
ideas no less than it is to percepts. One thinks of a tall
object and, as we have seen in an earlier chapter, he tends
to move his eye and his hand upward. One thinks over
an offense which has been committed against him and he
grows red with rage and tense for an attack. Ideas are
related to actions because the nervous processes involved
in the formation of ideas are, like all nervous processes,
parts of a succession of processes leading to a motor dis-
charge. In the association areas of the cerebrum there
are complex nervous combinations and deposits of earlier
excitations which are the immediate conditions of ideation
and at the same time links in the chain of processes
connecting the sense organs with the motor centers.
When as a result of experience an individual becomes
mature enough so that his sensory impulses are taken up
into a highly developed train of cerebral processes before
they are allowed to go to the motor centers, we say of the
individual that he acts on the basis of ideas. We mean by
this statement that the instinctive tracts are relatively less
and less important in this individual's life. We mean that
the inner organization is more and more important. The
inner organization of the cerebrum is, as we have seen,
relatively remote from mere sensation. Hence, when the
inner processes come more into control we find the expla-
nation of individual conduct not in present impressions
but in past experience. The first and most evident con-
clusion about voluntary choice is therefore that it depends
on a high development of central paths and is related to
the higher conscious processes.
Voluntary action and its complex background as contrasted
with lower forms of behavior. The significance of the fore-
going conclusion will be fully grasped only when it is re-
called that the central or ideational conscious processes are
complex as contrasted with mere perceptions and other
conscious processes which involve only the lower elements
of the nervous system and the lower phases of experience.
An idea is a composite of experience. The general fact
about ideational consciousness is that it brings into a single
instant of experience a vast variety of elements. Conduct
which is based on ideation is, accordingly, conduct which
springs, not out of some simple single impression, but out
of a combination of manifold impressions.
We have commented in earlier chapters on the advantage
which comes to the individual from the possession of a
world of ideas in which the whole of experience can be
compactly represented and readily rearranged. We see now
the advantage to conduct of ideational powers. The indi-
vidual who has ideas can act on a broader basis than can
the victim of mere impulse, or the undeveloped individual
who has only the most immediate sensory motives for his
comings and goings.
Decision a process of balancing ideas. Let us consider
once more our individual who must choose at the fork of the
road v/hich branch he will follow. No outsider can fathom
his choice. The inner world is the scene of a balancing
and comparing, and out of this inner world comes a decision
which turns the scale of muscular tension and results in a
movement. If at the moment before decision an outsider
would influence choice, he must appeal to the inner world ;
he must reach the thought process of the individual who
is deciding.
Decision largely influenced by organization built out of past
experiences. When we trace decision back into the inner
world, we find justification for a second general conclusion.
Volition is determined in very large measure by past experi-
ences. All ideas, as we know, are explicable only in terms of
organizations of experience which have been set up in the past.
The choice which an individual makes to-day has its roots in
the experiences of yesterday and of the earlier education be-
fore yesterday. To be sure, the present may bring into the
mind a manifold of experiences out of which choice must
issue, but this manifold will be arranged and organized in
terms which comport with the past as well as with the present.
We know in ordinary life that it is safe to assume that an
individual who has made his decisions thus and so in the past
will in the future exhibit like tendencies of choice.
The relation of choice to past experience is impressively
illustrated by the fact that voluntary attention is controlled
by what one has learned to think about. If one puts oneself
through a series of experiences in which aesthetical objects
are again and again examined and recorded in thought, it is
safe to predict that aesthetic objects will in the future be centers
of long concentrated attention. If one gives heed for years
to matters of business to the exclusion of all other objects of
thought, it is sure to be a great deal easier to fix attention on
matters of this type in all future experience.
We come back to the formula with which our explanation
began. Whatever enters into the personality of a man enters
into his voluntary choice. When a man chooses, he expresses
his personality. This is the essential fact about volition ; choice
is not an arbitrary, sudden mode of thought or action ; it is,
rather, the consummate expression of all that has entered
into individual life.
The meaning of prevision. While emphasizing the impor-
tance of past experience in the development of voluntary con-
trol it is important that we should understand also the fact
that volition looks by m.eans of imagination into the future.
One recombines ideas and foresees in this world of ideas
certain consequences of this or that combination. Behavior
is then dominated, not by present impressions or by habits
alone, it is guided by the products of imagination. The thinker
has tried out consequences in the world of thought and has
the advantage in conduct of these purely mental trials. The
power of imagination thus comes to be more important for
human conduct than even habit or instinct.
For example, the general plans his movements with a map
before him and with a thousand items of information in mind
about the enemy and his own forces. His final orders are the
results of his comparisons and mental experiments.
The power of choice becomes thus a matter of the relation
of complex ideational processes to behavior. Conduct is re-
lated to ideas, and any elaborate process of combining ideas
which results in a new idea will influence behavior.
The problem of the freedom of the will. We are now in
a position to consider one of the problems which has long
been a subject of hot debate among students of human life
and conduct ; namely, the problem of the freedom of the will.
It has been argued on the one side that in a given emergency
an individual can follow any one of the various courses which
lie before him. The five or six paths which he might follow
all attract him, but he is free to follow the one which he
chooses. So far we must agree. But the extremists seem to
argue at times that the chooser is in no wise bound even by
his own earlier experiences and training. The individual is
free in the absolute sense, we are sometimes told. He may
at this given moment strike out without reference to his past
or to any other cause. His action is without determining
cause. He is a wholly independent being, unguided by any
outer or inner considerations except as he is willing in his
sovereign independence to give heed to these considerations.
This last statement of the doctrine has sometimes been called
the doctrine of libertarianism. For this view there is no evi-
dence. Personality is never free from its own past, even when
it is producing new combinations of ideas through imagination.
Personality is a product of organization. Personality is the
name of that individual nature which has been developed out
of the play and interplay of impressions and instincts and
conscious comparisons and imaginations. Personality is never
free from itself. Voluntary choice is an expression of per-
sonality, not of sheer caprice.
Voluntary choice guided by purposes. The conclusion
to which we are thus led gives the largest emphasis to those
reorganizations of experience which were discussed in the
chapter on concepts. We saw in that chapter how a dominant
inner purpose may control the organization of all thought.
I may resolve to think about a geometrical proposition, and
all my ideational processes will be rearranged and worked out
in conformity with this central purpose. The rise in the mind
of a dominant idea is therefore an important event, not merely
in a vague, abstract sense, but in a practical sense as well.
When some personality takes up with fixed purpose a definite
line of thought, his own conduct and ultimately that of his
social environment will be affected. This is what was meant
by the statement that consciousness is a cause and a very
potent cause in the world of affairs.
Behavior of a higher type is related to education. A text-
book on the science of human mental processes is not the
place for a homily on -conduct, but it is so obvious an in-
ference from what has been said that one can hardly refrain
from recording the principle that all choice and all signifi-
cant human influence in the world are dependent for their
character on the growth of ideas. He who would influence
his ow^n conduct or that of others must therefore look to
the roots of conduct in organized processes of ideation and
It wall be proper, therefore, for us to follow the study of
voluntary behavior by a discussion of some of the more
obvious devices by which human choices may be turned in
the direction of fruitful and efficient developments.
Early scientific studies of behavior purely external. Before
we apply the lessons we have learned, we owe it to the his-
tory of scientific method to comment briefly on the develop-
ment of scientific studies of human behavior. The earliest
scientific investigations of bodily activities were undertaken
from a wholly external point of view. The specific method
which was used for such investigations was devised by the
astronomers who were interested in understanding the defi-
ciencies of human movements when attempts were made to
use these movements in recording the transit of stars through
the field of the telescope. The astronomers found that the
hand cannot be moved as soon as the eye sees a light.
They therefore measured the interval which elapsed between
visual impression and hand movement. They found further
that different individuals have different personal equations,
or periods of reaction. Evidently the observations of the as-
tronomers are very suggestive as foundations for psychological
investigations. The early psychological investigators, how-
ever, did not transform the method into a psychological
method ; they took it over unmodified. Their investigations
of the active processes were not based upon any elaborate
analysis. Certain simple movements were measured with
reference to the time which elapsed between the stimulus
and the muscular contraction, exactly as this time had been
measured by the astronomers. The investigation of this time
of reaction was treated as an indirect means of getting at the
complexity of the nervous and conscious processes preceding
the reaction. It was found, for example, that the length of
time required for a simple reaction was appreciably shorter
than the length of time required for a reaction which involved
the discrimination of two simple colors from each other. Thus,
if the reactor were required to move his finger as soon as
possible after being stimulated by a flash of light, the meas-
urement of this interval gave what was called a simple reac-
tion time of about yq^-^q of a second, or 1 80 cr, the letter a
being used as the symbol for a thousandth of a second. If,
on the other hand, the experiment was arranged in such a
way that a number of different colors could be presented to
the subject, and it was prescribed that he should react only
after a clear recognition of one of these colors, then the clear
recognition or discrimination added appreciably to the time
which elapsed between the giving of the stimulus and the
movement, sometimes as much as 60 cr. This longer period
of time was known as discrimination time. Again, if instead
of reacting always with the same hand or finger the reactor
was instructed to respond to one kind of stimulation with one
•movement and to another kind of stimulation with a second
movement, the process involved not merely discrimination
but also a simple choice of the organ to be moved. The
reaction time in this case was called choice time.
Purely external investigations not productive. The earlier
experimenters on reaction were satisfied to seek exact defi-
nitions of the lengths of these various kinds of reaction
time. They paid little or no attention to introspection on
the part of the reactor. The results of a large number of
reactions were averaged, and the comparison between differ-
ent simple mental processes was made in terms of these
general averages. The outcome for psychology of these ex-
ternal studies was by no means large. There is very little
contribution to the knowledge of human nature in the details
of reaction times.
Recent investigations and their stress on introspection and
analysis of movement. Recent investigations of reactions
differ from the earlier external measurements in two re-
spects. First, the effort has been made to find out, as far
as possible, what are the conditions in the experience of
the reactor during the reaction process. Attention has been
called, for example, to the fact that if the reactor's atten-
tion is turned toward his hand, rather than toward the organ
of sense which is to be stimulated, the time of reaction will
for most individuals be shorter. A distinction may therefore
be drawn between so-called muscular reactions and sensory
reactions. The average difference in time corresponding to
this introspective difference is often as great as 1000-. Again,
the different types of discrimination and choice have been
introspectively examined. The question of whether the
content of consciousness before a choice reaction is an image
of the movement to be executed, or a concentration of atten-
tion upon the sensation received, has been introspectively
studied. The results of these introspective studies have done
m.uch to clear up the psychological doctrine of volition. Fur-
thermore, the general outcome of a more careful examina-
tion of conscious correlates of reaction has shown how utterly
formal was the gross averaging of all kinds of cases in the
earlier investigations. It may be said that no introspective
differences ever occur without some modification in the dura-
tion of the reaction process ; hence, differences in duration
are highly significant when supported by introspective ob-
servation and should not be eliminated by an arbitrary
method of mathematical averaging.
Analysis of the form of movement. The second way in
which recent reaction experiments have been elaborated is
by analyzing the forms of the reaction movement. It was
formerly assumed that the act of lifting the hand from a
reaction key was so simple a process that it could be re-
garded as uniform in character throughout a long series of
experiments. Recent investigations show that there is no
such thing as an absolutely uniform series of movement proc-
esses. There are certain reactors, for example, who, when
they make an effort to lift the hand as rapidly as possible,
frequently go through a preliminary downward movement
before beginning the upward movement. There are other
preliminary phases of movement which prepare the way for
the final reaction, and the relation between these preliminary
movements and the final movement of the hand may be so
complicated as to influence measurably the duration of the
reaction period. The relation of these, complexities of move-
ment to nervous organization is most intimate. The studies
in earlier chapters of the relation of perception and feeling
to reaction have indicated the significance for psychology
of the analysis of reactions. By way of criticism of the
earlier studies, it may be said that they treated reactions as if
they were merely uniform mechanical processes. The recent
investigations have made it clear that the study of muscular
behavior is productive only when it is related to a complete
account of the introspective processes and the antecedent or-
ganizations which condition the particular form of movement.
Concept of organization as fundamental in all psychologi-
cal studies. The study of movement has therefore brought
us back to the consideration of principles of organization.
Volition' and impulse are merely the active correlates of or-
ganized forms of ideational and perceptual experience. The
earlier studies of mental activity and the present study of
behavior are mutually supplementary. We do not require
any unique formulas or the recognition of any new factors.
Behavior is a necessary and ever-present physical correlate
of experience and, at the same time, a product of all those
organizations which lie back of experience itself.
Hygiene a suggestive teriu for psychology. Just as there
is a way of keeping one's physical organs in good condition
through the adoption of rational principles of nutrition and
exercise and sleep, so there is a way of organizing one's
mental processes with a view to meeting most efficiently the
demands of life.
Relation of psychological hygiene to physiological. The
first maxim of mental hygiene is that the nervous system
must be kept in a healthy condition. Indeed, physical hy-
giene here becomes an essential part of the application of
psychology. If the nutrition of the body is defective, the
nervous system suffers with the other organs, and the mental
processes become abnormal. The same is true of sleep and
the excretory processes. The body must be in good condition
if the mind is to do its work.
Coordination of bodily activities. Assuming for the pur-
poses of our discussion that the general physiological condi-
tion is favorable, the next maxim of mental hygiene is that
all one's activities must be brought into harmonious coopera-
tion, for the first function of the central nervous system is
to control and coordinate the parts of the body. Thus, when
muscles are contracting vigorously, there is a call for blood
in the particular part of the body which is in action. The
nervous system must distribute the blood supply of the body
in such a way as to meet the strenuous local demand and at
the same time keep all of the supporting organs properly
supplied. The young child has to acquire the ability to do
this. At first his organic activities are subject to all kinds
of distractions and incoordinations. He is unprepared for any
sustained effort because his body is not yet a well-coordinated
Perhaps the most striking illustration of the incoordina-
tion of a child's body is seen in the fact that excitement of
any kind interferes with digestion. Digestion is in very
large measure an active process. The glands are active in
secretion, and the muscles of the digestive organs contract
in rhythmical movements that are necessary in carrying the
food through the alimentary tract. The elaborate system of
organs thus involved in digestion must cooperate or the whole
process will be disturbed. Suppose that all is going well,
when suddenly a shock of violent stimulation comes to the
nervous system. The flood of uncontrolled excitement will
be discharged by the motor fibers into the inner muscular
system, and digestion and circulation and respiration will
be violently disturbed. It is one of the important • results
of training that disturbances of this type are overcome in
increasing measure. The mature nervous system tends to
check and distribute excitements so that the organism may
not be disturbed in its fundamental activities.
Little children are very often disturbed by mere social
excitements to an extent which seriously interferes with
life. An adult, on the other hand, can receive the same
kind and amount of stimulation and not be distracted from
the inner activities of organic life. The training of one-
self to receive all sorts of external stimulations without dis-
locating the inner machinery is one of the important lines
of personal training.
Control of excessive stimulations. The formulas which
can be adopted for such training are apparently contradic-
tory. First, one should have regular habits of life. This
will set up wholesome and balanced forms of action.
Second, one should expose himself from time to time to
irregular and exciting situations. Or, perhaps better put, one
is sure, if he Uves in the world with its various kinds of
experience, to be drawn out of mere routine by forms of
excitement which tend to break up his simple habits of life.
Then one should aim to overcome the disturbance of inner
life by deliberately controlling the excitement in order to
give the organic habits an opportunity to reassert them-
selves. Control often means relaxation. Let an excited
person take two or three long breaths ; let him relax the
jaw muscles or the muscles of the hands. Excitement which
tightens up the muscles can often be overcome by these
sheer physical devices. If the physical devices do not
suffice, let there be an appeal to voluntary effort. If the
excitement is one of fear, let the excited person face the
problem and explore the source of the fear. Let one reason
himself, if he can, into a less tense attitude. The fact is
that every experienced adult has in the course of his life
come to the point where he can deal more or less success-
fully with excitement. Ability to master excitement shows
an internal state of coordination of a high type. The organ-
ism has acquired ability to undertake several kinds of action
at once without interfering with its own life.
While emphasizing the importance of internal harmony,
it may be well to refer once more to the disintegrating
effects which follow chronic incoordination. All the disso-
ciations which were discussed in an earlier chapter have in
them elements of internal discord. The individual whose
nervous system is sending out conflicting and discordant
impulses is an unhappy individual in his conscious experi-
ence and an incoordinated individual in his active life.
Perceptual analysis. A third maxim of mental hygiene is
one which relates to perception. All progress in perception
and in muscular coordination results from particularization
or concentration of attention on definite items of experience.
It is worth the effort for everyone to learn to analyze the
objects in his environment. Even if one is not going to use
the details of information at the moment, it is valuable from
the point of view of future adaptation to be able to concen-
trate attention and action on particular aspects of a situa-
tion. Most games illustrate this kind of demand. If a boy
learns to catch a ball, he trains himself in concentration of
attention and control of his muscles. In the animal world
nature provides young animals with a play impulse through
which the untrained individual is led into exploratory forms
of behavior which in later life will be of use in nosing out
real enemies and real prey.
As a practical measure of self-training, it may be urged
that everyone ought always to analyze what he encounters.
He should notice the details of behavior of those whom he
meets ; he should note the contour of the objects he sees.
If he gets a hint that there are details which he has over-
looked, let him train himself to go back and find these
details. The value of such self-control is not merely in the
results gained at the moment, but in the conscious tendency
to analyze. It was pointed out in an earlier chapter that
perception is an active process initiated by the individual.
The application of that lesson is that the individual must
be active if he would perceive completely.
Perceptual synthesis. The counterpart of the foregoing
demand for analysis is the demand that one cultivate the
power of grasping many impressions at the same time. The
observer should train himself to recognize at a glance as
much as possible. It is said that the schools which train
performers to give exhibitions of ability to recall a whole
box full of trinkets after a single glance begin in childhood
by exposing to the prospective performer for recognition,
after a very brief exposure, three objects, then four, then
five, and so on. The scope of attention is thus broadened.
All forms of expert observation involve this breadth of
apprehension. The expertness cultivated in reading involves
the power of recognizing at a glance a series of words. The
child is limited in his ability to grasp words and only gradu-
ally reaches the stage where he can take in many at once.
The poor reader is found to be one who has made little
progress in the cultivation of a broad range of attention.
Many an adult is seriously handicapped because he can
recognize at a glance only one word. The individual who
finds himself thus limited should train himself by going
rapidly over familiar material. The familiarity will give the
necessary clearness to details, for familiarity is likely to im-
ply some earlier analysis. The rapid view of the familiar
material will help to synthesize many elements into a single
experience. The limits to which skill may be cultivated in
this matter are described by saying that an expert reader
can very often surpass by two or three hundred per cent
an ordinary reader.
What is true of reading is true of other situations in
which expertness can be cultivated. The person who draws
learns not only to see minutely but to take in the totality
of a situation. The architect sees many features of a build-
ing and shows a grasp of both detail and general appear-
ance which the untrained individual can hardly compre-
hend. The skilled artisan sees more in every piece of
work of the type which he knows than can an inexpert
Dangers of specialization. There appears at this point
one of the crucial difficulties in education. Perception is a
process in which individual development is often highly
specialized. For example, the skilled artisan may see much
in the kind of materials with which he is used to dealing
and be quite oblivious to other perceptual facts ; the shoe-
maker sees the shoes which a passerby wears, but has no
interest in his tailoring. The fact is that perception is closely
related, as was shown in an earlier chapter, to special train- '
ing in direct manipulation. The extension of experience to
include many different kinds of percepts will therefore re-
quire deliberate effort on the part of the observer ; other-
wise he will fall into narrow modes of seeing only a small
part of the world.
Control of perceptual attitudes. Not only so, but the
limited range of ordinary perceptual experience is exhibited
in the fact that our attitudes toward the objects about us
are very often quite irrational. One dislikes a person whom
one meets, for no better reason than that the stranger re-
sembles an acquaintance whom the observer does not like.
The child likes a color because he saw it first in an agree-
able setting. If experience takes its course without super-
vision, these attitudes become fixed and the narrowness of
perceptual interpretation passes into a lifelong habit.
Practical study of one's own attitudes ought to raise one
above the level of accidental attitudes. It often requires
time and effort to set aside one of the ready-made reactions
which so easily attach to percepts. The person who is afraid
of thunder and lightning may have to drill himself for years
to overcome this attitude which has become second nature,
but a new attitude can be cultivated by anyone who will set
himself to the task.
Control of attitudes as a case of volition. In general, the
types of training which have been advocated in the last two
paragraphs are types which can be accomplished only through
the domination of experience by higher mental processes.
A man must know something of himself in an ideational way
if he is deliberately to cultivate new ranges of perception and
new attitudes. What he accomplishes through self-control
will ultimately reach back into his perceptual life and will
make him alert about many new opportunities to see and
hear; it will also make his personal attitudes more rational.
The result will be a richer perceptual life and a more whole-
some series of attitudes. Perception will thus grow and
overcome the inherent tendency toward specialization.
Rules of wholesome ideation. When one comes to
memory and ideation, to language and abstraction, the field
of applications in personal life is unbounded. A fev/ par-
ticular maxims of mental hygiene in these fields may be
selected, but the student will have to supply for his own case
most of the rules which will insure success of his mental
Economy of mental effort. One of the special problems
of memory is the problem of economy of effort. If one has
a passage of prose to learn by heart, how should he do it —
by learning a line at a time or by taking in large units ?
The answer supplied by careful experimentation is that he
should learn by large units. The reason why learning by
large units is advantageous is not far to seek. If one reads
to the end of a line and then goes back to the beginning of
the line, he sets up an association between the two ends of
the same line, whereas he ought to set up an association
between the end of the first line and the beginning of
the next.
The maxim that one should learn by large units can be
amplified to include many cognate cases. The student trans-
lating a foreign word looks up the word in the vocabulary
and glances through a long list of meanings, most of which
he rejects. It would be economy of mental effort in the
long run if he would master all the meanings, rejecting none
but including all in a complete view of the word. The failure
of the student to see this is due to the apparent ease of
accomplishing the limited immediate purpose, whereas he
ought to cultivate a broad, though more remote, purpose.
Preparation as aid to memory. Another general principle
of memory is that even a very abstract scheme which pre-
pares the mind in advance to retain experiences will make
it possible to hold more in memory than can be taken in
if the material is not arranged. This is illustrated by the
man who prepared himself to remember long arbitrary lists
of words by setting up in his mind a series of a hundred
rooms, arranged in fixed order, in each of which was hung
a single mental picture ; then when the words to be re-
membered were given, he associated one with each succes-
sive mental room and picture. Later, by going through the
rooms in order, he could recall the series of associated
ideas. The prearranged mental scheme was the key to his
power to retain.
Still better is a rational scheme. The student of science
gets ultimately an outline of his subject in mind, and every
new author whom he reads falls into this scheme and is
classified in detail. A trained student thus cultivates a
method of remembering a great body of opinion by classi-
fying it.
If one wants to learn to remember what cards have been
played in a card game, let him have a plan of arranging
his own hand, and then the accidents of the game will be
forced into an orderly scheme.
Organization the key to all correct thought. The general
formula which emerges from all these examples is the
formula of organization. Ideas should be arranged. When
ideas are arranged, they can be carried in greater bulk
than when they are isolated. Indeed, they can never be
isolated in any absolute sense because some kind of asso-
ciation will always couple them together. Arrangement
means, therefore, an association which is dominated by
some clear purpose or plan.
The domination of thought by some leading idea. This,
general formula can be employed also in treating briefly
some of the phases of abstraction. The world is for each
individual rearranged in terms of personal interests and
personal modes of abstraction. The man whose ambition
is wealth selects out of everything that comes into his
experience those elements which have to do with money.
He comes ultimately to see the world from the one point
of view. The man whose ambition is power sees men and
things from an entirely different point of view. The man
without ambition drifts about, looking at his world to-day
from one point of view, to-morrow from another. Abstrac-
tion is the most subtle and pervasive fact in individual life.
We all transform the worlds in which we live by the pur-
poses which control us in life. So absorbed do we become
in our personal points of view that it requires a serious jolt
to bring us back to the point where we are willing to make
Language of great importance in furnishing central ideas.
The importance of language as an instrument of social ab-
straction will be instantly recognized in the light of what
has gone before. There are phrases current in language
which dominate personal thought and make our thinking
like that of our neighbors. Take such a word as ''effi-
ciency " ; the world is different to a man after he acquires
that word as a part of his working vocabulary.
The ineffectiveness of a detached verbal idea. The mean-
ing of these statements for individual development can
hardly be misunderstood. The practices of the schools in
making language subjects the center of the course of study
can be defended in the light of a psychological study of
language. To be sure there is danger in mere verbal
reactions. Language subjects in the schools need to be
brought back into relation with the practical activities of
life in order to insure the use of words as instruments
of real abstraction and social intercourse. Mere words may
be trivial, but words as guides to thought and as instru-
ments for the determination of abstractions are powerful
factors in controlling personal thought and action.
To the student who spends most of his time dealing
with books perhaps the warning in the last paragraph
should be made somewhat clearer. The cerebrum is so
complex in its structure that a tract may be established
through its tissue, leading from the visual center directly
to the speech center. Words read will be repeated, but if
this short circuit alone is set in action, the process will
have to be described as one of mere repetition.
Higher organization as a cure for verbalism. The remedy
for mere verbalism is the development of larger systems of
behavior. The eye may see a long stick and the hand
may use this stick under the guidance of organized experi-
ence to pry up a weight. This reaction with the stick may
not arouse at all the speech tract above described, even
though the speech tract has been aroused by a textbook
in physics to repeat a passage about a lever. The indi-
vidual thus contains within his complex life one series
which is a series of reactions with a real lever and another
series which tells about levers. There is a possibility that
these two tracts existing side by side will not affect each
other in any way. The individual who is aware of this
dangerous type of separation of relatable activities within
himself will make a conscious effort to unite verbal reac-
tions with practical reactions. He will aim to set up a
higher internal organization including both speech and
hand adjustment.
A neglect of this demand for complete internal develop-
ment is one of the most serious dangers of our present-day
education. The real trouble is not that words in themselves
are bad or that handwork in itself is limited, but in the
rush of modern life the two are cultivated side by side and
neither gets the benefit of the other. What is needed is
a higher type of organization which will include the ver-
bal or theoretical discussion of levers and the illuminating
experiences that come from having levers in the hand.
This higher form of experience will bring to practical life
all the advantages of abstraction and to abstract life all
the advantages of concrete application. Both ends can be
reached in one and the same individual.'
Self-directed organization as the goal of the higher mental
life. Again we find ourselves speaking in terms of higher
forms of organization. Wherever the individual can compre-
hend in a single system of nervous or mental organization
more elements, there the adaptations of life and experience
will be broader and better. The lesson is clear. The indi-
vidual must seek of his own initiative those higher forms
of organization which will realize most fully the possibilities
of his life.
The highest level of individual organization is reached
when mental development becomes a matter of voluntary
control. Under the definition of volition which was worked
out in the last chapter it was seen that volition consists in
a control of action through intellectual prevision of results.
So it is also in the mental world. When the mind by self-
study sees the goal which self-development should reach,
it is possible by voluntary effort to move toward this goal.
Thus we have seen how knowledge of the nature of per-
ceptual attitudes may guide one in modifying these atti-
tudes. In like fashion, knowledge of the limitations of
study of theory may guide one in cultivating applications.
Knowledge of one's own limitations may lead to a per-
sistent attack upon these limitations. In short, voluntary
self-development means the cultivation of the broadest
possible systems of behavior.
Psychology a basis of scientific thinking about human
conduct. There are many phases of practical and scientific
thought regarding human activity which are illuminated by
the study of psychology. Indeed, wherever human nature is
a factor in any set of phenomena, there is need of a clear
understanding of the human contribution to the situation,
and this can be supplied in scientific form only by a study
of psychology. The complete demonstration of the useful-
ness of psychology would require a series of supplementary
chapters. It will be enough for our present purposes if the
general outlines of some of these discussions are presented.
Design in art as a psychological fact. Our first illustration
can be drawn from the field of the fine arts. This is a sphere
in which the relations of the individual to his external en-
vironment are relatively free. When the artist paints a pic-
ture, he is guided, so far as the design of his production is
concerned, by the laws of his own taste. Art grows out of
the demand for subjective satisfactions, not out of any com-
pulsion imposed by the physical world. It is for this reason
that psychology draws many of its best illustrations from the
sphere of art. If we find a general principle running through
art, we are led at once to the conclusion that there is a cor-
responding tendency in human nature. Certain simple illus-
trations may be offered. Thus, there is a certain proportion
between the long and short sides of rectangular figures which
is pleasant to look at. The proportion can be expressed mathe-
matically by saying that the long side is to the short side as
the sum of both is to the long side. If we examine those
objects which have been freely constructed without special
external limitations, we shall find that a great many of them
take on this proportion. For example, when an extensive
series of measurements was made of the two legs of orna-
mental crosses, it was found that they maintain the propor-
tion described. This fact can have no objective explanation
and must have been dictated by human subjective attitudes.
Freedom in art. Again, certain of the types of sym-
metry in architecture are efforts to meet the demands of
human nature rather than of external requirements. If we
examine the forms of architecture which grew up in a period
when men were free, so far as the external environment was
concerned, to construct buildings of any size which they
pleased, rather than to fit their constructions to the require-
ments of a city building lot, we find that the size and form
of these free buildings assumed certain general proportions
which were determined, not by the external conditions, but
rather by the demands of taste. Indeed, one of the funda-
mental distinctions between ancient and modern architecture
is a distinction which can be described by saying that the
early builders followed their sense of proportion, while modern
builders follow certain definite laws of mechanical construc-
tion. A Gothic cathedral of the pure type very commonly
exhibits certain irregularities in the position and size of its
columns, which yield in the mass an impression of solidity
and symmetry that could not be obtained if every part of the
building had been made to conform to exact mechanical rules.
A modern building is constructed with definite reference to
mathematical regularity of dimensions and with reference
also to the strain which is to be placed upon every given
part of its floors and walls. There is little tendency to
use the material freely ; there is much greater tendency to do
only what is necessary to meet the simpler mechanical re-
quirements. A column made of steel is designed to support
a certain weight, and the size of the column used in a build-
ing is usually determined by the weight which it is to carry
rather than by its appearance. The immediate effect of at-
tention to such mechanical requirements is that we have
many ugly buildings.
Architectural harmony analogous to musical rhythm and
harmony. There are many indications in the earlier, freer
architecture of the Greeks that they followed certain broad
principles of rhythmical proportion which correspond so closely
to what we find to be the principles of musical rhythm and
harmony, that there is a suggestion of a common type of
human organization lying back of both spheres of art. It has
been pointed out, for example, that the height of a Greek
column is an exact multiple of its diameter. Furthermore, the
space between the columns always stands in definite relation
to the diameter of the column. In details of construction
also, as, for example, in the various portions of the decora-
tions in the Ionic capital, the parts are related to each other
in definite unit ratios, so that a constructive symmetry runs
through the whole and gives the observer a feeling of com-
posure and unity.
Literary art and psychological laws. What is true of
architecture is much more obvious with reference to literary
art. It is clear that the laws of literary composition must be
laws of human nature, and the great artists have unquestion-
ably followed with sufficient closeness the demands of human
nature to leave their works as standards for future develop-
ment and as expressions of the direction in which all individual
development must tend.
Prose rhythms as related to the personal organization of
writers. Some purely formal indications of the complete-
ness with which great literature conforms to the demands of
human nature may be found in the fact that there are even
in prose compositions certain typical rhythms which give to
these compositions a regular symmetry of character, which
undoubtedly constitutes one of its charms. It is a striking
example of the fact that art may outstrip science, that it is
not yet possible to give any complete theoretical account of
the prose rhythms of the best writers. Evidently those who
have contributed the great works to literature have succeeded
in utilizing the language in which they wrote in such a way
as to express an internal organization of their own which was
altogether appropriate to their theme and to the vernacular,
and this they have done spontaneously and very often without
complete theoretical recognition of what they were doing.
When the student of such prose arrives by laborious analysis
at some knowledge of the rhythms which it contains, he is
not creating rhythms, but rather rediscovering by the tardy
methods of scientific analysis a formula which has been
achieved by the great writer through intuition.
Verse another example of the same type. If the forms
of prose composition have exhibited complexity of structure,
together with a fundamental regularity of form, it is even
more true of verse that its masters have never followed rigid
mechanical principles in their work. And yet they have ade-
quately met the demands of human nature. Their conformity
to a limited group of principles is seen in their adherence to
certain regular forms which are sufficiently obvious to be imi-
tated in gross outline by writers of less taste and power ; but
the full and effective use of verse forms has always involved
a certain freedom of manipulation which has defied any com-
plete theoretical account. Psychology must frankly admit in
such a case as this that it follows in the steps of a complete
adaptation, very far behind the adaptation itself. Neverthe-
less, the psychological problem is clear, and a general sug-
gestion as to the explanation of these. facts may be found in
what has been said in an earlier connection regarding the
nature of rhythm. Whatever the unknown details, rhythm
is certainly in keeping with the natural demands of the nerv-
ous system. Because the nervous system is rhythmical in a
complex way in its own functioning, it responds favorably to
rhythms of impressions.
Literary content controlled by psychological laws. It is
not alone in its form that literature expresses the demands
of human nature ; the content may be studied from the same
point of view. It is possible by a psychological'-a:nalysis to
throw much light on one case which te^>^been the subject of
much mystical speculation. It has often been suggested that
human intuitions and vague feelings frequently bring us much
nearer to that which afterward proves to be the truth than do
our most elaborate processes of reasoning. The poet has
always claimed for himself a higher position than he would
allow to the scientist who is bound by the demands of rigid
evidence. We often speak of the insights of the artist, and
mean by this phrase that the artist sees beyond the ordinary
facts of definite observation and clear vision to ranges of facts
which are of importance, but are not open to our inspection.
Feeling and intuition. What has been said in an earlier
chapter with regard to the nature of feelings will be of some
assistance in clearing up the paradox which here appears.
When explaining the feelings, we discovered that whatever
runs counter to the organized nature of the individual will
arouse a disagreeable feeling. Whatever is in fundamental
agreement with nature will give pleasure. If now the ex-
periences of life are in subtle agreement or disagreement
with the organization of the individual, it does not follow
that the individual will become clearly conscious of this fact
in ideational or abstract terms, and yet he may be vividly
aware of the disagreeable feeling imposed upon him by a
certain experience. For example, as we have seen in earlier
discussions, the organization of an animal may be such that
certain color stimulations are fundamentally opposed to its
natural organization. Feeling is, therefore, a kind of spon-
taneous adjustment with a practical value which often sur-
passes that of incomplete theoretical judgments. Feeling
may be relied upon in those situations where the organiza-
tion is simple enough or the response direct enough to
give an unbiased reflection of the individual's relation to the
impression. On the other hand, when life becomes complex,
as it is in human beings, native instincts and native feelings
are often overlaid by a series of developments so indirect
that there comes to be a certain rivalry between the author-
ity of feeling and the authority of abstract knowledge.
There can be no doubt, for example, that the social selec-
tions by which one determines who shall be his friends are
dependent in large measure on intuitions, but one does not
need to be very old or worldly-wise to recognize that the
complexities of social life are such that the instinctive feel-
ings which we have in making the acquaintance of new
individuals are not always safe guides in the development
of social relations. What is true of social relations is true,
undoubtedly, of artistic intuitions and of larger intuitions of
universal truth. It is quite impossible to persuade one who
regards a line of poetry as beautiful that it is not beautiful
because it violates some rigid law of versification. It is
quite impossible to convince one who enjoys a certain pic-
ture that the picture is deficient because it does not comply
with certain canons of a certain school of art. On the other
hand, it is frequently possible, by a series of educative con-
tacts with better artistic and literary forms, gradually to
modify an individual's organized feelings so that he shall
completely change the character of his judgment. Intuition
is, therefore, not a separate and distinct faculty of life ; it is
rather an expression of that immediate form of recognition
of congruity or incongruity which characterizes the feelings
as distinguished from abstract theoretical knowledge. The
statement made by the poet may express an attitude which
is true to the facts and will later be fully explicated by the
clearer ideational view cultivated in abstract thought. There
is no ultimate opposition between feeling and thought.
Many of the social sciences predominantly objective in
their methods. When we turn from the discussion of art
and feeling to certain more practical spheres of investigation
involving human nature, — namely, those taken up in the
social sciences and anthropology, — we find that the study of
psychology is very direct in its application to these spheres
of study and explanation. It has not always been fully
recognized that psychology has a relation to the social
sciences. Certain schools of social scientists have treated
the institutions which they study merely as objective facts.
To show this, we may take as an illustration one of the
oldest of social sciences ; namely, the science which deals
with language. Language is a product of human activity
which has a sufficiently independent existence to make it
an easy subject for examination and analysis. To trace the
history of a word is to undertake an investigation which
calls for little reference to the individuals who may have
made use of this word. In like fashion, the study of a sys-
tem of sounds and written symbols may result in the dis-
covery of certain regularities and laws of phonetics without
reference to the human beings who used this language and
who were the ultimate sources of regularities in the lan-
guage itself. The same historical and objective methods
have been applied to the study of other institutions. For
example, religious systems have been described and their
uniformities and divergencies have been ascertained without
more than a passing reference to the individuals who
developed these systems or adhered to them.
Introspective psychology and its limited support to social
science. The tendency to confine attention to an objective
study of human institutions has been strengthened by the
attitude which for a long time prevailed in psychology, when
the chief method of investigation was the introspective
method, according to which the individual attempted to dis-
cover the laws of mental life through an examination of
his own immediate experience, and with very Uttle refer-
ence to the modifying influence of his fellow beings or the
secondary factors of his environment. When the problem
of psychology is more broadly conceived, so that it is seen
that the character of human mental life can be defined only
by a more elaborate study of numerous examples and ex-
ternal relations, the spheres of institutional study and of
psychological investigation are gradually brought nearer to
each other.
Interrelation of psychology and social science. In the
course of recent psychological study, much valuable illus-
trative material has been borrowed from the sciences which
deal with language and from anthropology. Psychology has
thus expanded under the influence of the new body of
material which has been adopted into it. The methods of
psychology have become more objective, and the results
of individual introspection have been broadened. On the
other hand, the scientific study of all other human beings
m.ust be based upon one's own personal experiences. One
naturally thinks of primitive man in terms of his own men-
tal experiences. If there is no scientific study of the matter,
the student is likely to carry over analogies and apply them
to cases where they do not illustrate, but rather obscure,
the truth. Thus, as has been pointed out by a recent writer,
there is a widespread tendency to describe the mental abili-
ties of savages by means of a succession of negatives. Savages
do not count, they do not have a full series of color terms,
they do not paint pictures or write. All these negatives
are mere expressions of the natural tendency to accept our-
selves as standards. We should become sufficiently imper-
sonal in our studies to recognize that savages probably have
a nicety of space perception which is very much greater
than ours. They may not select color qualities and name
them, but for the finer grades of variation in plant and
animal life as indicated by color they have the most highly
developed discrimination. Not only the savage, but even
our contemporaries in different civilizations from our own,
are exceedingly baffling unless we make some study of their
types of mental development. The institutions of Tibet,
China, and Japan are obviously different from our own, but
the character of the mental processes back of these insti-
tutions has been little thought of and little studied. The
careful scientific study of the mental characteristics of
different peoples is one of the most promising lines of
extension of psychological study.
Human evolution psychical. So intimately is social
organization bound up wdth the mental development of the
individual that we are justified in the statement that psychol-
ogy is the basis of any explanatory account of social insti-
tutions. There is one particular anthropological problem
where the significance of psychological analysis can be
made very clear. Anthropology has never succeeded in
finding structural modifications in the human body which
would at all adequately account for the great superiority of
highly developed races over the more primitive tribes of
mankind. Even the explanation of the crucial development
by which man became differentiated from the animals is
one of the obscure chapters in anthropology. It cannot be
denied that the explanation of all these matters must be
sought in terms which refer to the development of intelli-
gence, especially the development of language and the use
of tools, as has been indicated in an earlier discussion.
The problem of anthropology^ is thus distinguished from
the purely biological problem, w^here intelligence is not rec-
ognized as playing any part. How could a certain group of
animals suddenly break away from the established type of
evolution in which changes in structures played a large part
and become animals characterized by intelligence, meet-
ing the emergencies of their lives by a mental adaptation
of themselves rather than by a purely physical adaptation ?
Why should this group of animals turn to the develop-
ment of all the instruments of civilization ? The problem
stated in this form becomes a problem of functional de-
velopment rather than a problem of physical development.
This animal must have been driven at some time into a
situation where his development turned upon his ability
to adopt a new type of behavior and a new mode of life.
There can be no doubt that the scientific explanation of
the breach between man and the animals depends upon
the recognition of a transformation in the mode of behavior
and mental life rather than upon any fact of gross bodily
change. Put in another way, the statement may be made
that we need no animal form to serve as a connecting
link between man and the animals. The common struc-
ture, the common physical needs of man and the animals,
are now made out so fully that what science requires is an
explanation of the gap, rather than the link, between man
and the animals. The doctrine of biological evolution has
successfully established the principle of continuity. It re-
mains for genetic psychology to explain the discontinuity
which appears when intelligence begins to dominate, when
sensory-motor adjustments of the reflex and instinctive type
give place to habit acquired through individual intelligence
and to the more elaborate forms of thought.
A hypothesis to explain the break between man and
the animals* An interesting hypothesis has been suggested
which illustrates the possibility of assuming a distinctly func-
tional attitude toward the question of the evolution of man.
This hypothesis suggests that the gradual changes in physi-
cal organization which characterize all of the different species
of primates lead up to the appearance of man only because
at one time a number of these primates were forced, prob-
ably by the emergencies of a glacial climate in certain quar-
ters in which they were confined, to adopt a mode of life
which brought them down out of the trees and forced upon
them types of activity which led to their construction of arti-
ficial shelters and to the preparation of forms of food which
had not been previously utilized by their race. The change
here assumed depends on the rise of a powerful motive for
new ways of behavior. Whatever change there was in the
individual consisted in the opening of new paths in the cen-
tral nervous system. This change in the trend of evolution,
when once it appeared, was so important that the further
history of the group of animals which succeeded in effecting
it was in the direction of adaptation through intelligence
and nervous organization rather than through gross changes
in bodily structures. Whether we give any credence to this
hypothesis or not, it expresses admirably the functional atti-
tude in the explanation of human evolution. It expresses
clearly the fact that the nature of mental and functional
adaptation is the significant problem for anthropology rather
than the mere search for changes in physical organization ;
it gives to anthropology a definite impetus in the direction
of the study of mental organization, as distinguished from
the study of bodily structures.
Spencer's application of psychology to sociology. Another
illustration from a later period of human development which
will also emphasize the significance of psychological study
for anthropology is to be found in Spencer's discussions, in
which he calls attention to the fact that the growth of civili-
zation depends upon the broadening of the individual's men-
tal horizon. He points out the fact that the savage who had
interest in only a small range of territory and the present
enjoyment of objects immediately about him gradually de-
veloped into the semicivilized man interested in a larger
territory, a larger number of individuals, and a longer period
of time. The planting of crops and the erection of perma-
nent buildings cannot be explained by objective conditions
as has sometimes been attempted in the history of civiliza-
tion. There must be ideas and imaginations in the mind of
some active being before the future can be anticipated suffi-
ciently to lead to the planting of the crop or the erection
of the building.
Relation of educational practices to scientific psychology.
Conspicuous among the social institutions to which psychol-
ogy may be applied in a direct and practical fashion is the
institution of education. Here again is a type of adaptation
which has grown in an unscientific way to a high degree of
maturity. This statement implies no disposition to deny the
effectiveness of many of the practices of educational institu-
tions. They may be effective without being scientific. They
are the outgrowth of a need which has been felt by every
generation, and the educational institutions which have been
developed in response to this general need have been refined
and modified in view of experience, until finally they express
with a high degree of perfection the final judgment of many
generations upon important questions connected with the
training of the younger generation. Yet there are obvious
reasons why these historical institutions should be reexam-
ined. Some of the uncritical methods of education are found |
to be wasteful ; again, the educational practices of different
peoples or different sections of the same nation are found i
to be inharmonious. There arises, therefore, a demand for
a careful analysis of the whole situation and the establish-
ment of those practices which scientific analysis can justify.
It is true that many hold the same attitude with regard to
education that they do with regard to art ; namely, that it is
safer to rely upon the intuitions of human feeling than to
attempt to formulate an abstract system of education. Those
who adopt this position with regard to the advantages of in-
tuition in education have justification for their position, in
so far as educational practices are refined to a point beyond
our knowledge of the laws of human development. The
most acceptable plea for a scientific study of education which
could be presented to such persons would consist in a plea
for a more complete knowledge of the same sort which they
have in their native intuitions. It might be said, for exam-
ple, that the study of educational methods involves nothing
more than the bringing together of the individual experi-
ences and practices of all those who have become skilled in
educational practice. A comparative study would help to
eliminate those individual intuitions which are incorrect,
because they are based upon too narrow experience.
Psychology as a preparation for the intelligent diagnosis
of particular situations which arise in educational practice.
The final examination of educational practices must go much
further, however, than is implied in this appeal for a com-
parative study of intuitions. Attention must be called to the
fact that much of our devotion to traditional educational prac-
tices is nothing more or less than a deliberate confession of
our ignorance of the way in which the human mind develops.
When a teacher is confronted by children who are unable
to comprehend the lesson which has been set, he very com-
monly can make no analysis of the child's difficulty. He
then covers up his ignorance of the step which should be
taken by requiring repeated efforts on the child's part, until
in some unknown fashion the difficulties are mastered. It
does not follow that the particular difficulty encountered in
any given case would have been recognizable if the teacher
had made a study of human development in other individ-
uals, but the probability that the trained teacher will be able
to make a scientific analysis of the difficult situation at hand
is increased if he becomes acquainted with the principles
and results of scientific psychology. Intuition should there-
fore be supplemented by as full an account as can be given
of the way in which mental processes go on and of the
methods by which these processes may be examined.
A few illustrations may serve to make clear the place
and value of the psychological study of educational prob-
lems. First, a number of investigations have recently been
undertaken with a view to defining in detail the course of
development of certain habits. Broadly stated, the conclu-
sions of these studies show that no habit develops in all of
its stages at a uniform rate. There is at the outset a period
during which improvement is relatively very rapid ; this is
followed by a period of slow development, which in turn
gives way to successive periods of rapid and slow growth.
Weeks of Fractice
8 12 16 20 24
i l. 1 I I
— ^
? 90
a, 80
^ 60
^ 50
/"^ Slowest Main Line Bate /
— /
- /
- } y^
/ y
Fig. 6o. Curves for sending and receiving telegraphic messages
The curve is pubHshed by Bryan and Harter. The number of weeks of practice is
indicated in the upper part of the figure. The number of letters v/hich can be
received and sent in a minute is represented in the vertical. The figure is divided
by a horizontal line, which shows the standard rate
A curve illustrating the process of learning. One of the
earliest investigations of the way in which an individual
learns may be described in detail. This investigation was
undertaken to determine the rate at which a learner acquired
the ability to send and receive telegraphic messages. The
selection of this particular case for the test was due to the
ease with which measurements of proficiency could be made
and to the maturity of the persons investigated, which made
it easy to subject them to a series of tests. In Fig. 6o the
results of the investigation are represented in a curve. Along
the top of the figure are marked the successive weeks during
which the investigation was carried on ; along the vertical
line at the left the number of letters which could be received
or sent in a minute. A single point on the curve repre-
sents, accordingly, both a stage in the practice series and
the number of letters which could be received or sent dur-
ing a minute at this stage of development. The curves taken
in their entirety represent the gradual increase in the ability
of the subject. It will be noticed, in the first place, that the
improvement in sending and in receiving messages followed
an entirely different course, both with reference to rate of
improvement and also with reference to the successive stages
of development. Concentrating attention for the moment
upon the curve which records improvement in receiving,
we see that the development is at first rapid and then for a
long time practically stationary. After the stationary period,
or plateau as the authors called this part of the figure, came
a second rapid rise in the curve.
Significance of a ''plateau" in development. In Fig. 61
a second curve of the same sort is shown, w^hich makes it
possible to explain the pause, or plateau, in development.
The lowest curve in this second diagram represents the
development of proficiency in recognizing isolated letters.
The second curve represents the development of proficiency
in receiving isolated words which did not unite into sentences,
and the full curve represents, as before, the development of
efficiency in receiving words which constituted sentences. It
will be noticed that the ability to receive isolated letters and
the ability to receive isolated words developed rapidly for a
time, until they reached their maxima, and then they con-
tinued indefinitely at the same level. This level is so related
to the plateau in the total curve that the plateau can safely
be defined as the period during which the subject was in
the word stage of development, rather than in the sentence
stage. Only after the ability to receive single words had
been thoroughly matured was a new type of development
Other examples of the same type of development. Such
an analysis as this of a case of learning shows much with
regard to the psychological character of the process. It also
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