ALOCiL : '.VISED EDITH Class __TJtkiii Book ^_ GopightN . , '■ -x COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. /WPcRflB* ^mem ■J* REVISED EDITION Catalogue "F 1904 GENERAL PLUMBING GOODS CATALOGUE Revised Edition Revised Edition L. Wolff Manufacturing Co. {ESTABLISHED 1855) MANUFACTURERS OF PLUMBING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION GENERAL OFFICES, 93 WEST LAKE STREET FACTORIES : 93-117 West Lake Street 733-741 Fulton Street .1 754-776 Fulton Street 794-852 Carroll Avenue 825-861 Carroll Avenue Show Rooms, 91 Dearborn Street CHICAGO, U. S. A. BRANCH : 1533-1537 Blake Street, DENVER, COLO. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1904, by the L. Wolff Manufacturing Company. in rne office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. D. C. LI8RAf?v ml CONGRESS Two Cspies Received MAR 23 1904 «-. Copyright Entry CiXSS "a. xXc. No. COPY S PREFACE l^o^T General Catalogue "F," Revised Edition, 1904 \AJE take pleasure in presenting Revised Edition Catalogue "F," 1904, consisting * * of 864 pages, containing 230 pages not previously published. The enlarged size denotes the addition of new lines of Improved Plumbing Goods manufactured by us and used by the Plumbing Trade. To make Catalogue " F" a desirable reference book for the trade, we devote it to Plumbing Goods exclusively. The illustrative engravings are as nearly like our fixtures in general outline and design as possible, and, where found necessary, sectional and detail drawings are added. We have endeavored to make the descriptions, as to quality and condition, complete and explicit, and the price lists plain and easily understood. The wood engravings are made by us after our own drawings, involving great expense and much labor; we have, therefore, copyrighted this Catalogue and will fully protect our rights. NOTICE. Customers will please not ask us for Electrotypes of Cuts in this Catalogue. The Cuts are intended only for our own use and benefit in seeking trade. They are our Advertising matter, and as such we desire to reserve them for our exclusive use. When ordering or specifying, be particular to give Catalogue name and plate number of article wanted; in so doing, errors and delays will be avoided. LC Cont rol Numb* fc Jnp9s J& 02642: TELEGRAPHIC CODE FOR CORRESPONDENCE. QUESTIONS. Vacancy. — How soon can you furnish ? Vacated. — At what price, and how soon can you furnish ? Vacation. — Can you furnish from stock? if not, how long would it take? Vacilate. — How long will it take you to make Vacuity. — Have you in stock? if not all, how many? Vagabond. — How many have you in stock? Vagarious. — Have you in stock ? Vagary. — How many can we depend upon? Vagrancy. — Can you furnish us promptly ? Vainglory.— Can you ship at once ? Vainness. — When will you ship our order? Valance. — When can you ship any part of our order? Valedicted. — When will you complete our order? Valentine. — We are waiting for the ; shall we ship balance without them? Valiantly. — Shall we enter order? Validation. — Can we substitute? Validity. — Have you sent prices as requested in our letter of the ? Answer. ANSWERS. Wabble. — We can furnish . Wabbling. — We have in stock. Wachfeuer. — We have none in stock. Wadded. — We have all in stock and can ship at once. Wadding.— We have all in stock and will ship at once. Wadhook. — We have the largest part in stock. Wadsett. — We have no in stock. Waeldchen. — We have in stock. Waffner. — We can ship part from stock and, balance in . Wafers. — It will take us about to make. Waftage. — Will ship at once. Wafting. — Will ship in days. Wafture. — We can ship immediately on receipt of order. Wag. — We -cannot furnish these goods at the time named. Wagegela. — Will ship earlier if possible. Wagerer. — We have no order. Wagering. — We have already shipped your order of . Wagging. — Too late to make alteration now. Waggish. — Have changed order referred to and will ship. Waggoner. — Will forward specifications by mail at once. .Wagtail. — We have sent price by mail. INSTRUCTIONS. Uberous. — Ship by rail. Ubication. — Ship by boat. Ubiquitous. — Ship by express. Unbraid. — One barrel. Udder. — If you cannot ship at once . Ugliness. — Ship what you have ready and let balance follow. Ugly. — If you cannot ship by the time named, advise us by telegraph. Ulcer. — Start tracer after. Ulcerate. — Wanted badly; when will you ship? Answer by telegraph. Ulceration. — Please send shipping instructions. Ulterior. — Please answer our letter (or telegram) of . Ultimatum. — Telegraph to-morrow early. Ultimity. — Ship the whole order in one lot. Ultraist. — Shipping instructions by mail. Umbellate. — -Rush shipment of . Umbilical. — Telegram received too late to stop shipment. Umbonate. — Ship at once, any portion of order. Umbrage. — Your order was snipped. Umbrageous. — We are holding order for the Umbratic. — Frieght rate in carloads, per 100 lbs. Umpirage. — Freight rate in less than carloads, per 100 lbs. Unaccorded. — Free on board. Unadored. — Will hold offer open. U nailing. — If you cannot ship by the time named, advise us by wire. Unalist. — Prices have advanced. Unalloyed. — See our letter of . Unanimity. — Send immediately duplicate of order of . Unapt. — Ship earliest date possible and wire what date it will be. Unawares. — Don't understand order ; give better particulars. Unbaked. — Forward specifications; we reauire them to get out material promptly. Unbar. — Must have sketch showing exact loca- tions of . Unbecoming . — Your letter received, but enclos- ure mentioned missing. Unbeliever. — On your order of . Unbending. — F. O. B. Chicago. Unbend.— F. O. B. Denver. Unbolted. — Carload lots. Unboned. — Less than carload lots. Unbound. — Must have at once. Uncamp. — Ship by express one dozen. Undaunt. — Ship by rail one gross. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. INDEX. INDEX TO FIGURE NUMBERS (NOT IN SEQUENCE). F-2541-2553 see page 344-352 Enameled Iron Lavatories. F-2558-2570 " " 362-368 Enameled Iron Lavatories. F-3477-3496 " " 4-5K "Duro" Stop Cocks. F-3500-3515 " ■■ 6-8 Star Pattern Work. F-3520-3521 " " 8% Extra Heavy Stop and Waste. F-3539-3671 " " 170^-182 F. & W. Fittings. F-3680-3682 " " 183 Cast Iron Drum Traps. F-3683-3698 " " 183-184 Special Cast Iron Fittings. F-3800-3896 " " 234-266K Monarch Porcelain Lavatories. F-3900-3915 " " 328-333 Monarch Porcelain Hospital Lavatories. F-3920-3921 " " 430-4303/2 Corona Enameled Iron Baths on Base. Air Boilers, Galvanized Iron 199 " Cocks 29 Alcohol Cocks 28 Alcove Drinking Fountains 559 Anchor Bowl 676 "Anchor" Drawn Steel Sinks 729 Water Closet 676 Apron Supports 390, 399 "Atlanta"Water Closets 647, 652 Attachments, Hose 124 " Shampoo 547 "Auriga" Water Closets 624, 625 Automatic Flushing Tanks 839 Syphon Wash Down Ranges . 682, 685 Water Closets 668 B Back Water Stop, The No-Flud 231 " Valve, Marsh 189 " Palmer 188 Backs, Sink 756 Bags, Tool 225 "Bailey" Slop Hopper 779 Ball Cocks, Compression 44, 45 " " Ground Key 23 ". Boston Self-closing 98 " Stem 77 Balls, Copper 219 " Rubber, Fuller 77 Barber Slabs 323, 327 Barrell Cocks 32 Bases for Valve Boxes 131 Basin Chain 117 Clamps 114,115 Cocks, Boston Self-closing 99 Bracket 93 Compression 46, 48, 60*, 62 " Compression Bracket 48 Basin Cocks, Doherty Self-closing 95 Extra Pattern Compression. 60£, 62 Fuller 78,80 Fuller Double .. .81,82 "Gielow" 92 Ground Key, 33 " Bracket 33 " Grates 110, 112 " Plugs 108, 109 " Waste, "Ideal" 389 " Wrench 223 Basins, Columbian 412 Earthenware 415, 416 " . Enameled Iron 417 "Ideal" 413 '•Illinois" 414 Sponge , 553 Tilting 553 Universal 416 Basket, Towel 403 Wire for Urinals 850 Bath Bibbs, Compression 40 " "Extra Pattern," Compression 55 ". Fuller 73,74 Bath Cocks, Compression 49, 51, 66, 68 " "Extra Pattern," Compression 66, 68 Fuller 88,90 Bath, Medical 548, 549 " Plugs 108 " Room Fittings 400, 408 " Hooks 406 " Tub, Child's 482 " " Decorations 499, 506 " "Moba" 478 " "Narro" 474,475 " Seat 399 " Tubs, "Corona" 419, 430i " "Corona" Hospital 468, 470 " Enameled Iron 418, 478 " "Lethean" Enameled Iron.430i, 437 " "Minerva" 438, 447 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. INDEX-Continued. Bath Tubs, "Monarch" Porcelain 486, 498^ "Natatoria" 467 "Neptuna" 455,460 "Novitas" 465 Porcelain Roman 491-498 J Roll Rim, French 470-473 "Sultana" 448-454 "Triton" 460-464 "Weelans" Porcelain 486 "Venetian" 474 with Base "Corona" 430-430^ " Waste and Washers 113 Baths, Needle and Shower 507-550 Rain 550 Bedfordshire Urinals 836-837 Bee Hive Strainers 112 Beer and Ale Work 30-32 Bell Trap, Brass 844 Bending Pins 222 Bends, Lead 213-214 Bibb Ends 124 " Washers 229-231 Bibbs, Boston Self-closing 96-97 " Compression 34-56 " Doherty Self-closing .. . 95 " "Extra Pattern," Compression . . .53-56 Fuller 69-76 Fuller Wash Tray 74-76 Gielow Self-closing 92-93 " Ground Key 1-3 Bidet, Porcelain 562^ Billings Pipe Bender 226 Blow Pipe 224 " Torch 226 Boilers, Galvanized Iron 194-200 Galvanized Iron Air 199 Range 194-197 Boiler Bracket, Wrought Iron 201 " Couplings 105-107 " Fittings, Malleable Iron.. 115 " Hangers 201 " Stands 201 Bolts, Copper 221 " Expansion 854 " Sink 754 " for Closet Stalls 853-854 " for Urinal and Closet Stalls 853 Borders, Hand Painted : 499 Bossing Stick 224 Boston Self-closing Ball Cocks 98 Basin Cocks 99 Bibbs 96-97 Hopper Cocks 98 Pantry Cocks 99 Stops 98 Urinal Cocks 842 Boston Self-closing Work 96-99 Bowl, Anchor 676 Bower Traps 216 Box, Extension Meter 131 " Peerless Stop Cock 128 " Stop Cock 128-130 " Valve Bases 131 " Water Service 128-130 Boxes, Buffalo 129 Gas Drip 131 Roadway 133-134 Service 128-130 Bracket Basin Cocks 93 " " " Compression 48 " Fuller 81-84 " Ground Key 33 Brackets , 393-394 Closet Tank Brass 564 Iron for Boilers 201 Sink 755 Brass Bell Trap 844 Brackets 394 Cesspools 192-193 Ferrules 102-103 Fittings 118-119 Hooks 406 Pumps 120 Screws 231 Sink Trap 758 Strainers 111-112 Traps, Lavatory No 397-398 Tubing i 117 Urinal Clamps 850 Braziers' Tanks 198 Bronzed Drinking Fountains 555-556 Brush Holders 405 Buffalo Boxes 129 Buzzells Basin Wrench 223 Calcium Light Tanks 199 Calking Chisels 221-222 "Capax," The, Water Closet 568-571 Caps, Hose 124 Car Hopper 674 Cases, Wood 387 Cast Brass Drum Trap 399 Iron Brackets 393 " Kitchen Sinks 750-754 " Soil Pipe 143 " Soil Pipe Fittings 144-184 " Traps 167-170 " Water Closet Fittings 566 Cellar Trap 193 Century Waste 352 IV L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. INDEX-Continued. Cesspool Plates 191 Cesspools, Brass 192-193 Hydrant, etc 190-193 Willetts 190 Chain, Basin 117 " Snaps 117 " Stays ... 116 Chains and Snaps 117 Check Valves 27 " and Guide 126 "Chicago Pattern" Ground Key Stops .. . .8^-9 "Childs Bath," Enameled Iron 482 China Pull, 564 Chipping Knives 222 Chisels 221-222 wood 221 Cigar Holder 406 Cistern Cocks, Ground Key 3 Valve 113 Clamps, Basin 114-115 Hydrant 125 Hose 124 "Clifton," The Monarch Porcelain Lavatory. 255-258 Closet Pans, Copper 219 " Repairers 218 * Stall, Bolts and Screws 853 " Stall Clamps . 851-852 " Stall Legs 851-852 " Stalls, marble 806^-807 " Stall Standards 851-852 " Tank, Brass Brackets 564 Cloths, Wiping 225 Cock, Alcohol 28 " Cooler 32 Cocks, Air 29 " Barrel 32 " Beer and Ale 30-32 " Doherty Self-closing 94-95 " Fuller Ball 77 " Gas Service 28 " Ground Key Shampoo 32-33 " " " Steam 28 " Liquor 32 * Meter 28 " Pantry, Fuller 86-87 " Racking 31 " Urinal 840-844 "Colers," Rubber Coupling 218 Columbian Basins 412 "Columbian" Connected Supply 300 " 386 Wash Tubs 803-805 Comb Holder 405 Combination Connecto, Supply and Waste . 384-385 Combination Soldering Nipples 212-213 Supply and Waste, "Moni- tor" 424-434-444-450 Combined Closet and Urinal 669 "Como," The Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory .236 Compass Saws 221 Compression Ball Cocks 44-45 Basin Cocks 46-48, 60J-62 Bath Bibbs . 40 " Cocks 49-51,66-67 Bibbs 34-56 " "Extra Pattern" :. . .53-56 Bracket Basin Cocks 48 "Connecto" Supply and Waste 385 Extra Pattern Basin Cocks . 60^-62 Hopper Cocks 43 Hydrant Cocks 44 Loose Key Bibbs 33-37 Pantry Cocks 47 Shampoo Cocks 48 Sill Cocks 44 Stops 41-42,57-59 Urinal Cocks 840-841 Wash Tray Bibbs 39 Work 34-68 " "Extra Pattern" . . . .52-68 Connected Supply and Waste, Columbian 385-386 "Connecto" Supply and Waste 384 Connection, Filter . 127 Continuous Waste for Wash Tubs 802 Controlling Tables 548-549 Cooler Cocks 32 Copper Balls 219 Closet Pans 219 " Milk and Oyster Kettle 219 Pantry Sinks 732-735 Showers 552 Corner Bath Tubs, Enameled Iron 466 " Sinks '...' 753 Urinals 838 "Cornova," The Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 259-260 "Corona, The," Bath Tubs, Hospital.. .468-470 "Corona," The, Enameled Iron Bath Tub 419-430i Corporation Stops 24 Coupling, Colers Rubber 218 Couplings, Boiler 105-107 Hose 123 Plain 105 Sink 755 Valve 105 Water Back 107 " for Wood Mains 25 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. INDEX-Continued. Cover, Stop Cock Box 127 " Street Washer 127 "Crescent" Heater 863 "Crown" Kitchen Sinks 708-7081 Cups, Bath Tub Rim 407 " Rubber Force 225 Cudell Traps 215 Cut Glass Pull 564 "Dearborn," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 253 "Decora" Water Closets 602-603 Decorated Basins 268-274 Decorations for Bath Tubs 499-506 Denver Vent Connection 127 Depot, Drinking Fountain 555-556 "Diamond" Drawn Steel Sinks 727 Doherty Self-closing Bibbs. 94-95 " Self-closing Hopper Cocks 95 " Self-closing Pantry Cocks 95 Self-closing Stops 94 Self-closing Urinal Cocks 843 Self-closing Work 94-95 Door Hinges for Closet Stalls 855 "Douglas" Heater 862 Drain Board, Enameled Iron 722 " Floor 193 Drawn Steel Sinks 727-729 " Pantry Sinks 728 " Sink Backs 727-729 Dresser 224 "Drexel," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 254 Drift Plugs 224 Drinking Fountains 554-562^ Bronzed 555-556 Enameled Iron .. .559-562 Marble 557-558 "Monarch" Porcelain 554-561 Drinking Fountains, School 560 Drum Traps, Cast Brass 399 " Iron 183 « Drawn Lead 211-212 "Duffy" Sink Strainer .' . 231 ''Dupont," The, Self-closing Basin Cock ... 100 "Duro" Patent Cap Stops 4-5£ Durostone Kitchen Sinks 694-707 Wash Sinks 382-383 Wash Tubs 783 Earthenware Basins 415-416 Columbian 412 "Ideal" 413 Earthenware Basins, "Illinois" 414 Economy Portable Showers 546 Eccentric, Fuller 77 Enameled Iron Basins 417 " Bath Tubs 418-478 " Mona 476-477 " Childs Bath 482 " Combined Sink and Wash Tub 781-782 Enameled Iron Corner Bath Tub 466 " " , Drinking Fountains . . . 559-562 Public.562i " Foot Tubs 479 " " Hospital Lavatories . . . 334-341 * Hospital Tubs 468-470 * " Hoppers 672-673 " Syphon Jet, Closet 671 " Kitchen Sinks 708-726 " Kitchen Sinks, "Rialto" 708^-709 Enameled Iron Kitchen Sinks, The "Crown" 708-708i Enameled Iron Lavatories 342-374 " Lavatories, with Colum- bian Basin 362-368 Enameled Iron "Prison" Closets 653-659 " " Receptor 516-525, 527 " Seat Tubs 480-481 « Sink Backs 756 " Slop Sinks 772-780 " Hospital ...759-761 * " Urinals 828-837 837 Washout 828-834 " Washout Closet 670 " Wash Sinks 379-381 " Tubs 794-797 " Wash Tub and Sink Com- bined 781-784 Enameled Iron Water Closets 634-674 Etna Waste 266 Expansion Belts 854 Joints 105 Tanks, Galvanized Iron 198 Extension Meter Box 131 "Extra Pattern" Compression Bath Bibbs . 55 " Compression Hopper Cocks 59-60 "Extra Pattern" Compression Bath Cock.. 67-68 " Shampoo Cocks 63-65 " " Compression Shower Cocks 57 "Extra Pattern" Compression Stops 57-59 " " Compression Wash Tray Bibbs 56-57 "Extra Pattern" Compression Work 52-68 VI L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. INDEX— Continued. "Extra Pattern" Ground Key Stops 8$' "Eureka" Water Lift 864 Factory Sinks "Durostone" 382-383 " Enameled Iron 379-381 Fasteners, Hose Strap 124 Ferrules, Brass 102-103 Filter Connection 127 Filters, Water 122 "Firmo," The Water Closet 600-601 Fittings, Bath Room 400-408 " Boiler Malleable Iron 115 Brass 118-119 Cast Iron, Fruin & Walker. . 170^-182 " Soil Pipe 144-184 " Water Closet 566 " Water Closet 184 Green House 164-166 Hydrant 125 Lavatory 384-408 Wash Tub 806 Floor Base, Marble, for Showers 512 " Chisels 221 " Drain 193 Flushing Tank for Urinals 839 Folding Needle and Shower Bath 508-509 Foot Tubs 479 Force Cups 225 French Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs 470-473 Frost Proof Water Closet 666-669 Fruin & Walker Fittings 170^-182 Fuller Ball Cock 77 " Ball Stem 77 " Basin Cocks 78-80 " Bath Bibbs 73-74 « Bibbs 69-76 " Bracket Basin Cocks 81-84 " Combination Bath Cocks 88-90 Supply and Waste ... 385 " Double Basin Cocks 81-82 " Eccentrics 77 " Hopper Cocks 76 " Hose Pipe 121 " Pantry Cocks 86-87 " Shampoo Cocks 83-85 " Stems 77 " Stops 76 " Urinal Cocks 844 " Wash Tray Bibbs 74-76 " Work 69-90 " " Trimmings 77 Furnace Plumbers 227 " Repairs 228 Galvanized Iron Boilers 194-200 " " Mixing Chamber 551 "Garda" Water Closets 644-646 Gas Cocks 28 " Drip Boxes 131 " Hooks 230 " Pliers 223 " Service Box . 129 Gem Spray Nozzle 122 German Silver Pantry Sinks 732-735, 746 Gielow Basin' Cocks 92 " Self-closing Bibbs 92-93 Work 92-93 Glass Rod, Towel Racks 403 " Urinal Stalls 813 "Glide" Water Closets 626-627 Globe and Angle Valves 26 Goose Neck Screw 126 Government Urinal Stalls 826 "Granada," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 265 Grates, Basin 110-112 "Gra vitas" Water Closets 642-643. Grease Box, Plumbers' 220 " Interceptor 757-758 " Trap .....757-758 Green House Pipe, Cast Iron 143 " Fittings 164-166 " Valves 166 Ground Key Ball Cocks 23 " Basin Cocks 33 " Bibbs 1-3 " Bracket Basin Cocks 33 " Cistern Cocks 3 " Hydrant Cock 21 " Inverted Curb Cocks 20-21 "' Oil Cocks 3 " Rain and Well Water Cocks . 23 " Shampoo Cocks 32-3 " ShoAver Stops 23 " . " Steam Cocks 28 " Stops 4-24 " " " Minneapolis Pattern . . 19 " Pat. Cap., "Duro".... 4-5J Star Pattern 6-8 " Work 1-33 Guide and Check 126 H Half Circle Urinals 838 " Round Sinks 753 Hammers 221 Handles, Rod 125 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. VII INDEX-Continued. Hangers, Iron Boiler 201 "Harris" Slop Sink 779 Hayden Pipe Wrench 223 Heaters, "Ideal" 861 "Heater," Instantaneous, Crescent 863 Heater, Instantaneous, Douglas 862 Heaters, Tobasco 860 Wilks 858-859 "Hecla" Water Closets 638 Hinges for Closet Stalls 855 "Hampton," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 263 Hclder, Cigar 406 Holders, Match Box 406 Sponge 404-405 Hooks, Bath Room 406 " Eight 117 " Gas 230 Pipe 161 " Plumbers' 230 Hopper and Slop Sink 780 " Car 674 Cocks, Boston Self-closing 98 " Compression 43 " Doherty Self-closing 95 " Ex. Pat, Compression .. . .59-60 " Fuller 76 " "Johnson" 99 Mclver 669-674 Traps, Cast Iron 185-187 Hoppers, Enameled Iron . . . 672-673 Oval "Prison" 659 Round "Prison" 659 Hose Attachments 124 " Bibb End 124 " Caps 124 " Clamps 124 " Couplings 123 " Increasers 124 " Nipples 123 " Pipes 121-122 " Pipes, Fuller 121 " Reducers 124 " Sprinklers 122 " Strap Fasteners 124 " Straps 124 " Valves 25 Hospital Lavatories 328-341 Enameled Iron .. .334-341 Shower and Needle Bath .... 537-540 Slop Sinks, Enameled Iron... .759-761 Porcelain 762-763 Tubs, Enameled Iron 468-470 "Huron," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 237 Hydrant Cesspools 190-193 Hydrant Clamps 125 Cocks : 21 " " Compression 44 Fittings 125 Nozzles 125-126 Repairs 137-138 Sockets 126 Hydrants, Murdock 135 Wall 134 Valve 135 Ideal Basins 413 "Ideal" Basin Waste. 389 Heaters 861 "Illinois" Basins 414 Increasers, Hose 124 Indicator, Closet Stall 856 Individual Syphon Range 677-685 Inlet Connections 847-850 Instantaneous Heaters 862-863 Interceptor, Grease 757-758 Inverted Key Curb Cocks .20-21 Iron Bar Strainers 191 " Cellar Traps 193 " Ferrule Trap Screw 103 "Irving," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 242-246-328 "Jeddo" Water Closets 612-613 Johnson Hopper Cocks 99 Joints, Expansion 105 K Kettle, Copper, Milk and Oyster 219 Key, Street Washer 126 Kitchen Sinks, Cast Iron 750-754 " " Enameled Iron 708-726 " " Monarch Porcelain 736-749 Slate and Durostone . . . 694-707 Knives, Chipping 222 Ladles 225 "Ladoga" Water Closets 621-622 "Laguna" Water Closets 604-608 Latch for Closet Stalls 856-857 Lavatories, Barber 323-328 Enameled Iron 342-374 " Barber .... 326-327 Vlll L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. INDEX- Lavatories, Enameled Iron, with Columbian Basin 362-368 Lavatories, Hospital, Marble 334-336 Hospital Monarch Porcelain.328-333 Marble 275-325 "Monarch" Porcelain 232-266^ Monarch Porcelain, The "Clif- ton" 255-258 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Cor- nova" 259-260 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Dear- born" 253 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Drexel" 254 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The, "Granada" 265 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Hampton" 263 Lavatories, Monarch P or c e 1 a i n , The "Huron" 237 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Irving" 242-246-328 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The Lexington 261-262 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Majestic" 264 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Marine" 234 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Montrose" 247-248-329-330 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Neva" 235 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Ontario" 238-241 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Pennington" 251-252 Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Regent" 266i-266i Lavatories, Monarch Porcelain, The "Terminal" 249-250 Lavatories, Standard 232-325 " . Surgeon Porcelain 333 Lavatory Fittings 384-408 Legs, No. 392 Mirrors 388 Stops 395 Supply Pipes 396-397 Traps No. 397-398 Universal 314 Valves 395 Lead and Brass Soldering Nipples 212-213 " Bends 213-214 " Drum Traps 211-212 " Traps 202-212 Leathers for Pumps 230 Legs for Closet Stalls 851-852 ■Continued. Legs, Lavatory No. O 392 " Sink 755 " Standard Lavatory 391 "Lethean," The Enameled Iron Bath Tub 430^-437 "Lexington," The Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 261-262 Lift and Force Pump 120 Lifting Attachment 693 Liquor Cocks 32 Lock Cocks for Oil Wagons 3 Loose Key Bibbs, Compression 36-37 " Fuller 73 " Urinal Cocks 841 "Lupus," The, Water Closet 572-575 M "Majestic," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 264 Malleable Iron Boiler Fittings '. . . 115 Marble Drinking Fountains 557-558 " Floor Base for Showers 512 " Hospital Lavatories 334-336 " Lavatories.. . 275-325 " Lavatory Shampoo 288 " Slabs 409-411 " Urinal Stalls 807-827 " Water Closet Stalls 806|-807 "Marine," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 234 Marsh, Back Water Valve 189 Match Box Holder 406 McClellan Trap Vent 215 Mclver Hopper 669-674 Medical Bath 548-549 Metal Trimmings for Stall Doors 855-857 Meter Cocks 28 "Minerva," The, Enameled Iron Bath Tubs 438 Minn Pattern Ground Key Stops 19 Mirrors, Lavatory 388 Mixing Chambers 551 "Mona,"Enameled Iron Bath Tubs 476-477 Monarch Porcelain Bath Tubs 496-498^ « " Drinking Fountains .554, 561 Lavatories 232-266^ Hospital 328-333 Plugs Ill Receptor 528-529 Seat Bath 483-485 Slop Sinks 764-770 Sinks 736-749 Wash Tubs 798-802 "Monitor" Combination Supply and Waste . . , 424-434-444-450 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. INDEX-Continued. "Montrose," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 247-248-329-330 Morrison Repair Connection 218 Moulds, Tack 220 Murdock Hydrants 135 Street Washers 135 N Name Plates 220 "Nautilus" Water Closets 662 "Narro," The, Enameled Iron Bath Tub.474-475 "Natatoria" Bath Tubs, Enameled Iron . . 467 Needle and Shower Baths 507-550 Baths, Hospital Shower 537-540 "Nemo" Water Closets 662 "Neptuna," Enameled Iron Baths . . . .455-460 "Neva," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 235 "Nioba," The, Enameled Iron Bath Tub. . . 478 Nipples for Wood Mains 25 Nipples, Hose 123 Nipples, Soldering 104 No-Flud Back Water Stop 231 "Novus," The, Seat Bath 480-481 Novitas Enameled Iron Bath Tubs 465 Nozzle, Gem Spray 122 Nozzles, Hydrant 125-126 Oakum 230 Ohligers Rubber Connection 218 Oil Tanks, Galvanized Iron 200 " Wagon Cocks 3 "Ontario," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 238-241 Overflow for Pantry Sinks Ill "P" Trap Enameled Closets 652-659 " Trap Superior Water Closet 589 Palmer Sewer Valve 188 Pantry Cocks, Boston Self-closing 99 " " Compression 47 Doherty Self-closing 95 Sink Overflow Ill Sinks, Copper 732-735 " Drawn Steel 728 " German Silver 746 " German Silver 732-735 " Monarch Porcelain 736-747 Paper Holder 407 Parmelee Wrench 224 "Parvus," The, Water Closet 598-599 Patent Cap Stops, "Duro" 4-5^ Patent Overflow Sinks 754 Peerless Stop Cock Box.. 128 "Pennington," The, Monarch Porcelain Lavatory 251-252 "Pilot" Water Closets 626-627 Pipe Bender, Billings 226 " Chairs 166 " Hooks 161 " Rests 162 " Straps 230 Pipes, Hose 121-122 Plain Couplings 105 Plate Glass Mirrors 388 " Glass Towel Shelf 403 Plates, Cesspool 191 Pliers 223 Plugs, Basin 108-109 " Bath 108-110 " Monarch Porcelain Ill « Sink 755 " Sink 110 " Slate Sink 110 " Wash Tray, 108-109 Plumbers' Force Pump 120 Friend 225 Furnace 227 Grease Box 220 Hooks 230 " Name Plates 220 Tools 220-231 Porcelain Bath Room Fittings 405 Baths, "Monarch" 486-498^ Bidet 562^ Closet Tanks 565 Drinking Fountain 554 Kitchen Sinks 736-749 " Lavatories, "Monarch" 232-266^ Monarch, Slop Sinks 764-770 Pantry Sinks 736-747 Wash Tubs 798-802 Portable Enameled Iron Bath Tubs . . .468-469 Shower "Economy" 546 "Porter" Self-closing Basin Cocks 100 Pots, Solder 225 "Presto" Water Closets 620 Prison Oval Hopper 659 " Round Hopper 659 " Water Closets, Enameled Iron. .653-659 Privy Sink, Lifting Attachment 693 " Sinks 693 "Progress" Water Closets 632 "Prospero" Water Closets 616-617 Pumps, Brass 120 Public Drinking Fountain 562-562i L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. INDEX— Continued. Public Drinking Fountain, Porcelain 562 £ " Urinals 832-834 Pump Leathers 230 Racking Cocks 31 Racks, Towel 400-402 Rain Baths 550 " and Well Water Cocks 23 Range Boilers 194-197 " Ventilating Connection 691 Ranges, Washout 686-692 Rasps 221 Receptor, Enameled Iron 516-525-527 Receptors, "Monarch" Porcelain 528-529 Reducers, Hose 124 "Regent," The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 266i-266J Repair Connection, Morrison 218 Repairs, Closet 218 Hydrant 137-138 Plumbers' Furnace 228 Service Box 138-139 Street Washer 138-139 Rests, Pipe 162 Rod 126 Reversible Stops, Ground Key 4-8 "Rhone" Water Closets 628-629 "Rialto" Kitchen Sinks 708J-709 Ricketts Rubber Elbows 217 Roadway Boxes 133-134 Rod Guide 564 " Handles 125 " Rests 126 "Roman" Porcelain Bath Tubs 491-498^ Roof Plates 162 Round Irons 221 Rubber Balls 77 Connection Ohligers 218 Coupling, Colers . . 218 Elbows, Ricketts . . 217 Stoppers 109 .Washers 229-231 Safe Waste Valve 114 "Safety" Car Hopper 674 Saws 221 School Drinking Fountains 560 Urinal Stalls 823-824 Screw, Goose Neck 126 " Drivers 222 Screws and Bolts for Stalls 853 Nickel Plated 231 Screws, Street Washer 126 " Trap 101 Seat Baths, The "Novus" 480-481 " Bath Tub 399 " Bath Tubs 480-485 " Tubs, Enameled Iron 480-481 " "Monarch" Porcelain 483-485 Self-closing Basin Cock, "The Dupont" 100 " Cocks, The "Porter" ... . 100 Bibbs, Gielow 92-93 Urinal Cocks 842-843 Work 91, 100 " Boston 96-99 " Gielow 92-93 " Telegraph 91 Service Box Repairs 138-139 Boxes 128-130 Sewer Traps 191 " Valve 114 " Valves, Palmer 188 Shampoo Attachments 547 " Cocks, Compression 48 " Fuller 83-85 Ground Key 32-33 Extra Pattern 63-65 " Lavatory, Marble 288 " Sprinklers 547 Shavehooks 222 Shelf, Towel . . : 402-403 Shields, Urinal 844 Short Hopper and Trap 653-659 Shower Baths, Folding Needle . . 508-509 " Needle 507-550 Bath Receptors 525-529 " Cocks, Ex. Pat. Compression 57 " Stops, Ground Key 23 Showers, Copper 552 " "Economy" Portable 546 Side Edge 224 Sill Cocks, Compression 44 Sink and Wash Tub, Comb 781-784 " Backs, Enameled Iron 756 Drawn Steel 727-729 " Belts 754 " Brackets 755 " Couplings 755 " Legs 755 " Plugs 110 " 755 " Trap 758 Sinks, Corner 753 " Half Round 753 " Patent Overflow 754 " Privy 693 Slabs, Barber 323-327 * Marble 409-411 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. XI INDEX-Continued. Slate Kitchen Sinks 694-707 " Sink Plugs HO " Urinal Stalls 807-827 Slop Hopper, "Bayley" 779 " Sink and Hopper 780 " "Harris" 779 " Sinks, Enameled Iron 772-780 " " Hospital, Enameled Iron. . . 759-761 " " Monarch Porcelain 764-770 " " Porcelain 762-763 " " Regular, Square 778 Soap Cups 407-408 Sockets, Hydrant 126 Soil Cup 224 Soil Pipe, Cast Iron I 43 « " Fittings 144-184 « « « Fruin& Walker.... 1701-182 " " Testing Plug 141 Solder 230 « Pots • 225 Soldering Nipple, Comb. Lead and Brass. 2 12-2 13 Nipples 104 Unions 104-105 "Solido" Water Closets . . . . .609-611 Sponge Basins 553 " Holders 404-405 Sprinklers, Hose i22 " Shampoo 547 Square Sinks 750-752 Slop Sinks ■••■■ 778 Stalls, Urinal 807-827 Standard Lavatories 232-325 " Lavatory Legs 391 Traps 389 Supply Pipes 390 Tanks 675 Water Closets 563-611 Standards for Closet Stalls 851-852 Stands for Boilers 2 °1 "Youngs" 201 "Star" Pattern Stops 6-8 Stays, Chain H 6 Steam Cocks 28 Steamer, Thawing 226 Steel Brackets 393 " Sinks, Drawn 727-729 " Storage Tanks 859 Stems, Fuller : 77 Stillson's Wrench 22 3 Stop Cock Box 128-130 " Cock Box Cover 127 Stops, Boston Self-closing 98 " Compression 41-42-57-59 " Corporation 24 " Doherty Self-closing 94 " "Extra Pattern" Compression 57-59 Stops, Fuller 76 " Ground Key 4-24 Lavatory 395 Stoppers, Rubber 109 Strainer, "Duffy" Sink 231 Strainers, Bee Hive 112 Brass 111-112 Iron Bar 191 Straps, Hose 124 Pipe 230 Street Washer Cover 127 Key 126 Screws 126 Repairs 128-129 " Washers, Murdock 135 Wolff's 136 Strikes and Bolts for Closet Stalls 856 "Sultana" Enameled Iron Bath Tubs 448 "Superior," The, Water Closet 576-591 Supply, Columbian Connected 300 Pipes, Lavatory 396-397 " Standard 396 Surgeon's, Lavatory, Porcelain 333 Syphon Jet Closet, Enameled Iron 671 Ranges 677-685 " Ranges, Automatic Wash-out. .682-685 Urinals 835 Urinals 808-809 Tables, Controlling 548-549 Tack Moulds 220 Tanks, Braziers' 198 Calcium Light 199 " Expansion, Galvanized Iron 198 " Galvanized Iron, Oil 200 " Porcelain Closet 565 " Storage 859 Water Closet 675 Tap Borers 222 Telegraph Self-closing Work 91 "Terminal, "The, Monarch Porcelain Lava- tory 249-250 Testing Plug, Soil Pipe 141 Thawing Steamer 226 Tilting Basins 553 Tinned Pipe Straps 230 "Tobasco" Heaters 860 Toilet Cases 387 " Paper Holder 407 Tool Bags 225 Tools, Plumbers' 220-231 Tooth Brush Receiver 405 Torch, Plumbers' 224-226 Towel Basket 403 Xll L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. INDEX- Towel Racks 400-402 Shelf 402-403 Trap, Brass Sink 758 Grease 757-758 " Screw, Iron Ferrule 103 " Screws 101 Traps, Bower 216 " Cudell 215 Cast Iron 167-170 " Drum 183 " Hopper 185-187 Drawn Lead 202-212 " Lavatory, No. O 397-398 Lead, Drawn 211-212 Sewer 191 " Standard Lavatory 389 Urinal 845-846 "Trava" Water Closets 618-619 Trimmings, Fuller Work 77 Trimo Wrench 223 "Triton" Enameled Iron Baths 460-464 Tubs, Foot 479 " Monarch Porcelain Seat 483-485 " Seat, Enameled Iron 480-485 Tumbler Holders 405 Turn Pin 224 Tubing, Brass , 117 U "Uganda" Water Closets 623 "Universal" Basins 416 Universal Recess Lavatory 314 Unions, Soldering 104-105 Urinal and Closet Combined 669 Cocks 840-844 " Clamps 850 Flushing Tanks 839 " Inlet Connections 847-850 " Shields 844 Stall Clamps 853 " Stalls 807-827 " for Schools 823-824 " " Government 826 " Glass 813 " Marble 807-827 " Slate 807-827 " Ventilated 825-826 Traps 845-846 Urinals, Bedfordshire 836-837 Cast Iron 838 Corner and Circle 838 Enameled Iron 828-837 Enameled Iron 837 Public 832-834 Syphon 835 Continued. Vacuum Valve 114 "Volero," The, Water Closet 592 Valve Box Bases 131 " Boxes 132 " Cistern 113 " Couplings 105 " Hydrant 135 " Marsh Back Water . 189 " Palmer Sewer. 188 " Safe Waste 114 " Sewer 114 Vacuum 114 Water Closet 675 Valves, Brass Hose 25 Check . . 27 Globe and Angle 26 " Green House 166 " Lavatory 395 "Vega" Water Closets 639 "Venetian," Bath Tubs, Enameled Iron . . . 474 Vent Connection, Denver 127 " McClellan Trap 215 Ventilated Urinal Stalls .825-826 Ventilating Connection 691 "Vigora," The, Water Closet 593-597 "Vindex" Water Closets 633 "Volante" Water Closets 630-631 "Vulcan" Water Closets 635-637 W Wall Hydrants 134 "Wautosa" Water Closets 640-641 Wash Basins, Decorated. 268-274 Down Enameled Iron Water Closet. 671 Out Closet, Enameled Iron 670 " Range 686-692 " Urinals 828-834 Sinks, Durostone 382-383 " Enameled Iron 378-381 Tray Bibbs, Compression 39 " " Ex. Pat. Compression.. 56-57 " Fuller 74-76 " Plugs 108-109-110 " Waste and Washer 113 Tub and Sink Fittings 806 " Wringer 799 Attachment 798 Tubs, Columbian 803-805 Durostone 783-793 " Enameled Iron 794 Monarch Porcelain 798-802 Washer Cutters 222 Washers, Bibb 229-231 Rubber 229-231 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Xlll INDEX-Continued. Waste and Overflow 399 " Washers 113 Century 352 Continous, for Wash Tubs 802 Etna 266 Water Back Couplings 107 Closets. "Anchor" 676 "Atlanta" 647-652 "Auriga" 624-625 " Automatic 668 "Capax" 568-571 "Decora" 602-603 Enameled Iron 634-674 " Enameled Iron, Syphon Jet . 671 " Wash Down. 671 " Wash Out.. 670 "Firma" 600-601 Fittings, Cast Iron 184 Frost Proof 666-669 "Garda" 644-646 "Glide" 626-627 "Gravitas" 642-643 "Hecla" 638 "Jeddo" 612-613 "Ladoga" 621-622 "Laguna" 604-608 "Lupus" 572-575 "Nautilus" 662 "Nemo" 662 "Parvus" 598-599 "Pilot" 626-627 "Presto" 620 "Prison" 653-659 "Progress" 632 "Prospero" 616-617 Ranges 686-692 " 677-692 "Rhone" 628-629 " Short Hopper and Trap. 653-659 "Solido" 609-611 Standard 563-611 "Superior" 576-591 Water Closets, "Superior" "P" Trap 589 Tanks, Standard 675 "Trava" 618-619 "Uganda" 623 Valve 675 "Vega" 639 "Vigora" 593-597 "Vindex" 633 "Volante" 630-631 "Volero" 592 "Vulcan" 635-637 "Wautosa" 640-641 "Yazoo" 614-615 "Yuba" 633 Filter 122 Lift, "Eureka" 864 Mixer, Galvanized Iron 551 Service Boxes 128-130 "Weelans" Porcelain Bath Tubs 486 Wilks Heater 858-859 Willett's Cesspools 190 Wiping Cloths 225 Wire Basket for Urinals 850 Wolff's Brass Urinal Traps 845-846 Frost Proof Water Closets. . . . .666-669 " Improved Inlet Connections . . .847-848 " Patent Drain Board 722 Folding Needle Bath . . . 508-509 " Plumbers' Furnace 227 Street Washers 136 Syphon Ranges 677-685 Wood Chisels 221 Wringer Attachment 798 for Porcelain Wash Tub 799 Wrenches 223-224 Yarning Chisels 221 "Yazoo" Water Closets 614-615 "'Youngs" Boiler Stands 201 "Yuba" Water Closets 633 I! 0.& ag > - M y .as M ■.9 3 8 £ s ° % JS » &1 a T3 OS e a oJ cj 4> CO t s s in o -* C h 3 33.2 o C o W gpq a •2 -c £ 3 O m O _ DENVER BRANCH— 1533-1537 BLA.KE STREET, DENVER, COLO. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. xvii Show Room Building, 91 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL, U. S. A. XV111 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. o 3 b/j o * **-» rf U to ■+■» z 3 a +- o c vG CJ M h >> 1 6 tH G >d G ■4-* o U «1 3 Vh ■+■» l/J rt r> <-M 3 a * a u £ u *-l *> ffi h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GROUND BIBBS. WITH CAST HANDLE. F-1.- (for lead pipe .) F- ■2.— (FOR IRON PIPE.* F-1. Rough, pei X ■ doz. ...$12.00 14.00 16.00 19.00 X 26.00 1 37.00 1* 60.00 1# 90.00 2-in. 180.00 F-1. Finished, " .... 13.50 15.50 18.00 21.50 29.00 41.00 70.00 110.00 210.00 f-2. Rough, 11 ... 13.00 15.00 18.00 22.00 30.00 43.00 68.00 100.00 200.00 f-2. Finished, " .... 14.50 16.50 20.00 24.50 33.00 47.00 78.00 120.00 230.00 For hose ends, " add 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 15.00 WITH BALL HANDLE. F-3.— (FOR LEAD PIPE.) F-4 X Yi f-3. With ball handle, finished, per doz $16.50 18.50 f-3. * " " N. P. "......... 18.00 20.00 f-4. « " finished, " 17.50 19.50 f-4. " " N. P. " 19.00 21.00 F 3 and 4 can be furnished up to 2-in. IRON PIPE.) .—(FOR % 21.00 H 24.50 X 33.00 1-in. 46.00 23.00 27.00 36.00 50.00 23.00 27.50 37.50 52.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 56.00 WITH BALL HANDLE. F-5. — (SCREWED FOR WOOD.) F-6-— ^FOR LEAD PIPE AND HOSE.) % n % h x 1 - in - f-5. Screwed for wood, ball handle, finished, per doz... $17. 50 19.50 23.00 27.50 37.00 52.00 f-6. Hose Bibb, ball handle, finished, per doz 23.00 26.50 36.50 51.00 N. P. " 25.00 29.00 39.00 55.00 Can be furnished up to 2-in. F-6. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GROUND BIBBS FOR IRON PIPE. WITH SHOULDER, F-7.— (WITH CAST HANDLE.) % F-7. Rough, perdoz $12.00 f-7. Finished, " .... 13.50 f-8. " " .... 16.50 f-8. N. P., " .... 18.00 F-8. — (WITH BALL HANDLE.) H 14.00 16.00 H 19.00 Y 26.00 1 37.00 1* 60.00 1# 90.00 2-in. 180.00 15.50 18.00 21.50 29.00 41.00 70.00 110.00 210.00 18.50 21.00 24.50 33.00 46.00 76.00 117.00 220.00 20.00 23.00 27.00 36.00 50.00 86.00 137.00 260.00 WITH SHOULDER. F-9.— (WITH CAST HANDLE FOR HOSE.) F-10.— (WITH BALL HANDLE FOR HOSE.) H % H Ya 1 IX 1# 2-in, f-£. Rough, perdoz... .,.$16.00 18.00 21.00 29.00 42.00 66.00 98.00 195.00 f-9, Finished, " 17.50 20.00 23.50 32.00 46.00 76.00 118.00 225.00 f-10. With ball handle, finished, perdoz 20.50 23.00 26.50 36.00 51.00 82.00 125.00 235.00 F-10. With ball handle, N. P. perdoz .,,,..22.00 25.00 29.00 39.00 55.00 92.00 145.00 275.00 F-11. F-11. F-12, F-12, WITHOUT SHOULDER. F-11. — (WITH CAST HANDLE FOR HOSE.) X H Rough, per doz $20.00 24.00 Finished, " 22.00 26.50 " 25.00 29.50 N. P. " 27.00 32.00 Any of the above Bibbs can be _~u F~12. — (WITH BALL HANDLE FOR HOSE.) 33.00 1 48.00 74.00 1# 108.00 2-in. 215.00 36.00 40.00 52.00 57.00 84.00 90.00 128.00 135.00 245.00 255.00 43.00 61.00 100.00 155.00 295.00 ^p to 2-in. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CISTERN COCKS, SCREWED FOR WOOD. si F-13. F-14. % % f-13. With plain coupling, rough, per doz. . . $24 .00 27 . 50 f-13. " hose " " " 23. CO 26.00 f-14. » hose " " " 20.00 23.50 f-14. " plain " " '• 21.00 24.50 Above Cocks can be furnished up to 2-in. M 1-in. 36.00 55.00 35.00 53.00 31.00 47.00 32.00 4-9.00 LOCK COCKS FOR OIL WAGONS. F-15. F-16. f-15. Finished, per doz ..$122.00 f-16. " " " „. .'... . 130.00 2 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE "DURO" WOLFPS " W PATTERN, REVERSIBLE PATENT CAP, STOP, AND STOP AND WASTE. PATENT APPLIED FOR. The " \\// " Pattern Reversible is our latest design Ground Key Work. It represents I I the highest grade of perfection. • Our aim has been to produce the best possible results regardless of cost. Every demand is met as to weight, appearance, strength, waterway, quality of material, workmanship, practicability, and utility. Only new raw metals are used in the composition of our Ground Key Work. When opening or closing the " \\// " Pattern Stops or Stop and Waste, the strain is divided equally between I | the cap, the body, the plug, and the W handle; consequently the plug, cap, or body cannot be broken or twisted. The Cap is so constructed and fitted that sand or dirt cannot reach any of the working parts, a highly important feature when stops are placed under ground. Each Stop is carefully tested under heavy water pressure and inspected before shipment is made. All lAf Pattern Stops are made of new metal and have Full Water Way. They are packed one dozen in a box, six arranged for right hand and six for left hand. Should all be wanted for right hand, being reversible, they can be changed as required in a moment. Our " \\// " Pattern Stops and Stop and Wastes are not the most expensive made, but ■ 1 we believe the best of their kind, and do not hesitate to recom- mend their use to the Plumbing Trade. OUR NAME IS PLAINLY STAMPED ON EACH STOP. When specifying or ordering please give catalogue name and number. Wolff's " \\// " Pattern Reversible Patent Cap Stop and Stop and Waste. w The " Duro " f 1 is the best made. When specifying mention the " Duro." L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE " DURO W WOLFF'S YY PATTERN PATENT CAP STOP AND WASTE. F-3477.— (IRON PIPE— STRAIGHT- WAY. Size Price per doz. 'A % 3 A l-in- $19.00 $24.00 $28.00 $41.00 The W-pattern has Sand and Dirt Proof Cap, is reversible, is extra heavy. THE " DURO WOLFF'S w PATTERN PATENT STOP CAP AND WASTE. F-3478.— LEAD AND IRON.) STRAIGHT-WAY. "--" * Size......... y 2 % U 1-in. Price per doz. $19. 00 $24.00 $28.00 $41.00 The W-pattern has Sand and Dirt Proof Cap, is reversible, is extra heavy. THE " DURO" argj WOLFF'S w PATTERN PATENT CAP STOP AND WASTE. F-3479.-(LEAD PIPE.) STRAIGHT-WAY. Size / 2 y s tf 1-in. Price per doz.$19.00 $24.00 $28.00 $41.00 The W-pattern has Sand and Dirt Proof Cap, is reversible, is extra heavy. Above are packed one dozen in box; six arranged for right hand, and six for left hand. LEVER HANDLE ALWAYS SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED. PATENT APPLIED FOR. 4*/ L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY THE " DURO WOLFF'S V w PATENT CAP STOP. STRAIGHT-WAY. F-3482.— (IRON PIPE STOP. Size. % H 3 X l-in Price per doz $17.00 $22.00 $2(5.00 $38.00 The W-pattern has Sand and Dirt Proof Cap, is re. • versible, is extra heavy. THE " DURO WOLFF'S w PATTERN PATENT CAP STOP. STRAIGHT-WAY. F-3483.— (LEAD AND IRON STOP.] Size. l-in. Price per doz. $11. 00 $22.00 $26.00 $38.00 The W-pattern has Sand and Dirt Proof Cap, is reversible, is extra heavy. THE " DURO" WOLFF'S W PATTERN PATENT CAP STOP. STRAIGHT-WAY. r -3484-. — (LEAD PIPE STOP.) Size V 2 V* 3/ l-i n . |jga Price per doz. $17. 00 $22.00 $26.00 $38.00 The W-pattern has Sand and Dirt Proof Cap, is reversible, is extra heavy. Above are packed one dozen in a box; six arranged for right hand, and six for left hand. LEVER HANDLE ALWAYS SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED. PATENT APPLIED FOR. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE " DURO W WOLFF'S YY PATTERN PATENT CAP STOP AND WASTE. ROUND-WAY. F-3488. - (IRON pipe-} Size yi yi Price per doz $23.00 $29.00 $34.00 $57.00 The W-pattern has Sand and Dirt Proof Cap, is reversible, is extra heavy. THE " DURO WOLFF'S W PATTERN PATENT STOP CAP AND WASTE. ROUND-WAY. F-3489. — (LEAD AND IRON.) Size. Vz H % 1-in. Price per doz. $23.00 $29.00 $34.00 $57.00 The W-pattern has Sand and Dirt Proof Cap, is reversible, is extra heavy. THE " DURO" W WOLFF'S W PATTERN PATENT CAP STOP AND WASTE. ROUND-WAY F-3490.-CLEAD PIPE.) Size. Yz 5 A % l-in. Price per doz. $23. 00 $29.00 $34.00 $57.00 mmi The W-pattern has Sand and Dust Proof Cap, is reversible, is extra heavy. Above are packed one dozen in a box; six arranged for right hand, and six for left hand. LEVER HANDLES ALWAYS SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED. PATENT APPLIED FOR. §y* L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE " DURO W WOLFF'S yy PATTERN PATENT CAP STOP— ROUND-WAY F-3494-.— (IRON PIPE STOP,) Size. % H 1-in. Price per doz $21.00 $27.00 $32.00 $54.00 The W-pattern has Sand and Dirt Proof Cap, is reversible, is extra heavy. THE "DURO \K ; mM WOLFF'S W PATTERN PATENT CAP-STOP ROUND WAY. F-34-95.— (lead and iron stop.) Size. y 2 h H i- in - Price per doz. $21. 00 $27.00 $32.00 $54.00 The W-pattern has Sand and Dirt Proof Cap, is reversible, is extra heavy. THE " DURO WOLFF'S w PATTERN PATENT CAP STOP ROUND-WAY. F3496-— (LEAD PIPE STOP. Size y 2 s/ s 3/ i_in. Price per doz. $21.00 $27.00 $32.00 $54.00 The W-pattern has Sand and Dirt Proof Cap, is reversible, is extra heavy. Above are packed one dozen in a box; Six arranged for right hand, and six for left hand. LEVER HANDLE ALWAYS SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED PATENT APPHfD FOF I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STAR" PATTERN REVERSIBLE STOP AND WASTE. STOP AND WASTE.— (PATENT APPLIED FOR.) The above is a new de&ign (Patent applied for) heavy Stop and Waste Cock, made of absolutely- new metal, perfectly ground and of the best workmanship throughout. The "Star" Pattern has full waterway, extra heavy stop, extra heavy lugs, and has japanned malleable iron handle, lever or T. It can be changed in a moment from right to left hand or vice- versa. They are packed one dozen in a box, six arranged for right-hand and six for left-hand. Should all be wanted for right-hand or left-hand, being reversible, they can be changed as required, in a moment. WOLFF'S "STAR" REVERSIBLE STOP AND WASTE. F-3500.-ORON PIPE.) Price per doz. $19.00 24.00 LEVER HANDLE ALWAYS SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED. 28.00 1-in. 41.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STAR" REVERSIBLE STOP AND WASTE. (PATENT APPLIED FOR.) F-3501. STOP AND WASTE.— (LEAD AND IRON PIPE.) % H Price per doz. $19.00 24.00 X 1-in. 28.00 41.00 F-3502. STOP AND WASTE.-(lead PIPE.) X A yi U i- in - Price per doz.... .$19.00 24.00 28.00 41.00 Above are packed one dozen in a box; six arranged for right hand, and six for left hand. LEVER HANDLE ALWAYS SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED. L- WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFF'S "STAR" REVERSIBLE STOP. (PATENT APPLIED FOR.) F-3505. STOP (IRON PIPE.) Price per doz 22 00 X 1-in. 26.00 38..00 F-3506. STOP (LEAD AND IRON PIPE.) K H 3 A 1-in- Price per doz $17.00 22.00 26,00 38.00 ! e Jwti F-3507. STOP (LEAD PIPE., 1 . in % % X 3q no Priceperdoz $17.00 22.00 26.00 °°' w Above are packed one dozen in a box; six arranged for right hand, and six for left hand. LEVER HANDLE ALWAYS SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STAR" REVERSIBLE ROUND-WAY STOP AND WASTE. (PATENT APPLIED FOR,) Price per doz F-3509. ROUND-WAY STOP AND WASTE. -(IRON PIPE.) 29.00 34.00 F-3510. ROUND-WAY STOP AND WASTE.— lead and iron pipe.) Price per doz $23 . 00 29.03 . 34.00 F-3511. ROUND-WAY STOP AND WASTE.— (lead pipe.) 1-in. .57.00 1-in. 57.00 3/ 1-in. 34.00 57.00 Price per doz $23.00 29.00 Above are packed one dozen in a box; six arranged for right hand, and six for left hand LEVER HANDLE ALWAYS SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STAR" REVERSIBLE ROUND-WAY STOP. (PATENT APPLIED FOR.) F-3513. ROUND-WAY STOP. -(IRON PIPE.) % H Price per doz $21.00 27.00 F-3514. ROUND-WAY STOP -(LEAD AND IRON PIPE.) Price per doz .$21.00 27.00 X 32.00 1-in. 54.00 % 1-in. 32.00 54.00 F-3515. ROUND-WAY STOP.-(LEAD PIPE.) l A H 3 4 i-in. Price per doz $21.00 27.00 32.00 54.00 Above are packed one dozen in a box; six arranged for right hand, and six for left hand. LEVER HANDLE ALWAYS SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. EXTRA PATTERN ROUGH STOP AND WASTE. F-3520.-CRIVET BOTTOM.) STOP AND WASTE MADE IN fi INCH FOR LEAD PIPE ONLY. PRICE UPON APPLICATION. F-3521.-CNUT AND WASHER.) STOP AND WASTE MADE IN Y?> INCH FOR LEAD PIPE ONLY. PRICE UPON APPLICATION. I. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROUGH STOP AND STOP AND WASTE FOR LEAD PIPE, T HANDLE, RIVET BOTTOM. F-47. F-48. H V* H % l-in. F-47. Rough Stop, per doz $14.00 15.00 19.00 21.50 33.00 F-48. Rough Stop and Waste, per doz 16.00 17.00 21.00 23.50 36.00 T HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER. F-49. F-50. H % H H 1 1% l l / 2 2-in. F-49. Rough Stop, per doz.... $15.00 17.00 22.00 26.00 38.00 60.00 90.00 180.00 F-50. Rough Stop and Waste, per doz 17.00 19.00 24.00 28.00 41.00 64.00 96.00 190.00 ROUND-WAY STOP AND STOP AND WASTE FOR LEAD PIPE T HANDLE, ROUND-WAY. F-51 .— (t handle.} F-52.-(t handle.) % V% U \ \% \Yz 2-in. r-51. Rough Stop, per doz $21.00 27.00 32.00 54.00 84.00 126.00 250.00 F-52. Rough Stop and Waste, per doz. 23.00 29.00 34.00 57.00 88.00 132.00 260.00 10 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY BALL-HANDLE STOP AND STOP AND WASTE FOR LEAD PIPE. (stop.) F-53. Finished, per doz $21.50 F-53. Nickel plated, per dpz 23.00 F-54. Finished Stop and Waste per doz. 23.50 F-54. Nickel Plated Stop and Waste, per doz 25.00 F-54. -(stop and waste.) % H Va 1-in. 24.00 30.00 36.00 52.00 26.00 32.50 38.50 55 00 26.00 32.00 38.00 55.00 28.00 34.50 40.50 58.00 LEVER-HANDLE STOP AND STOP AND WASTE, F-55. F-55. F-56. F-56. F-57. F-57. F-58. F-58. F-55.— (stop.) L.-H. Stop, rough, per doz $15 . 00 1 7 . 00 L.-H. Stop, finished, per doz 18.50 21 . 00 Lever-Handle Stop and Waste, rough, per doz 17.00 19.00 Lever-Handle Stop and Waste, finished, per doz 20.50 23.00 F-56. -(stop and waste.) 22.00 27.00 26.00 32.00 1 33.00 47.00 1* 60.00 \ x / 2 2-in. 90.00 180.00 24.00 28.00 41.00 64.00 96.00 190.00 29.00 34.00 50.00 F-57.— (stop.) F-58.— (stop and waste.) n % L.-H. Stop, rough, per doz $17.00 L.-H. Stop, finished, per doz 21 . 00 Lever-Handle Stop and Waste. rough, per doz. 19.00 24.00 28.00 41.00 64.00 96.00 190.00 Lever-Handle Stop and Waste, finished, per doz 23.00 29.00 34.00 50.00 H H i 1* IX 2-in. 22.00 26.00 38.00 60.00 90.00 180.00 27.00 32.00 47.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 11 LEVER-HANDLE ROUND-WAY STOPS. FOR LEAD PIPE. F-59. % F-59. Rough, per doz $21 .00 F-60. Finished '* 25.00 F-60. N. P., u 27.00 F-60. H U 1 IX 1# 2-in. 27.00 32.00 54.00 84.00 126.00 250.00 32.00 38.00 63.00 34.50 40.50 66.00 LEVER-HANDLE ROUND-WAY STOP AND WASTE, FOR LEAD PIPE. F-61 .—(stop and waste.) % F-61 . Rough, per doz $23.00 F-62. Finished, " 27.00 F-62 N. P., " 29.00 H 29.00 34.00 36.50 F-62.— (STOP AND WASTE.) % 1 1% \Yz 2-in. 34.00 57.00 88.00 132.00 260.00 40.00 66.00 42.50 69.00 T-HANDLE ROUND-WAY ROUGH STOPS. F-63.-(l.EAD PIPE.) F-64.-(iron PIPE.) H X 1 IX IK 2-in. F-63andF-64. Stops, per doz $21.00 27.00 32.00 54.00 84.00 126.00 250.00 F-63andF-64. " finished, per doz.. 25.00 32.00 38.00 63.00 12 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. STOP AND STOP AND WASTE FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. T HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER, FOR LEAD AND ' IRON PIPE. F-67.-(stop.) F-68.— (stop and waste.) H % F-67. Stop, per doz $15.00 17.00 F-67. " " Finished 18.50 21.00 F-68. Stop and Waste, per doz 17.00 19.00 F-68. " " " Finished... 20.50 23.00 H u 1 1% W 2- in. 22.00 26.00 38.00 60.00 90.00 180.00 27.00 32.00 47.00 24.00 28.00 41.00 64.00 96.00 190.00 29.00 34.00 50.00 ROUND-WAY STOP AND STOP AND WASTE. FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. F-69. -(stop.) F-70.— (stop and waste.) y* % x i F-69. Stop, per doz $21.00 27.00 32.00 54.00 F-69. " . 21.00 H X 1 ltf-in. 27.00 31.50 45.00 69.00 27.00 31.50 45.00 69.00 ROUND-WAY HYDRANT COCKS. NUT AND WASHER. F-132, F-1 33. F-1 32. For lead and iron pipe, per doz. F- 1 33 . For iron pipe, $25.00 32.00 25.00 32.00 37.50 37.50 1 1^-in. 61.00 93.00 61.00 93.00 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 28 RAIN AND WELL-WATER COCKS F-1 36.— (for lead pipe.) F-1 3T n — (for iron pipe. F-1 36. Per doz $75.00 100.00 F-137. " " 75.00 100.00 BALL COCKS. \% l^-in. 140.00 210.00 140.00 210.00 F-1 38.— (for lead pipe.) F-1 39. —(for iron pipe.) F-1 38. Lead Pipe Per doz. , $20 . 00 25.00 33.00 47.00 F=139. Iron Pipe Per doz. , 20.00 25.00 33.00 47.00 ROUGH SHOWER STOPS, FLANGE AND HANDLE. F-140. F-140. F-141. F-141. F-1 40. "(FOR LZAD PIPE.) F" 1 4 1 .-(FOR IRON PIPE.) Size .".. Inches, % % % 1 Rough body , finished flange and handle Per doz. , $26 . 0.0 32 .00 38 . 00 53 . 00 Rough body, nickel plated flange and handle Per doz., 28.50 34.50 41.00 56.00 Rough body, finished flange and handle Per doz., 26.00 32.00 38.00 53.00 Rough body, nickel plated flange and handle Per doz., 28.50 34.50 41.00 56.00 24 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, CORPORATION STOPS. F"142.-(for iron pipe. FOR MUELLER TAPPING MACHINE. F-1 43.- (with bent coupling.) H X S A U 1 IX 1# -2-in. f-142. For iron pipe, each $1.25 1.35 1.85 2.40 3.85 7.80 10.40 17.40 f-143. With bent coupling, each $1.45 1.60 2.25 2.85 4.50 9.00 12.00 20.00 Note:— F-143 can be furnished with straight coupling also; list same as for bent. FOR PAYNE TAPPING MACHINE. F-144.— (for iron pipe.) F-1 45. -(with bent coupling.) H "A % "A 1 1* 1& 2-in. f-144. For iron pipe, each $1.25 1.35 1.85 2.40 3.85 7.80 10.40 17.40 f-145. With bent coupling, each 1.45 1.60 2.25 2.85 4.50 9.00 12.00 20.00 NOTE: — F-145 can be furnished with straight coupling also; list same as for bent. SCREWED FOR WOOD. F-1 46. —(with straight coupling.) F-1 47. f-146. Each $1.90 f-147. Each 1 .65 2.60 3.25 5.00 2.20 2.80 4.35 Note: — F-146 can be furnished with bent coupling. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 25 COUPLINGS FOR WOOD MAINS, F-150. F-150- Per doz X % % 1-in. $10.00 12.00 14.00 20.00 NIPPLES FOR WOOD MAINS. F" 1 5 1 .—(iron service pipe.) F-151. Per doz F-152. " F-1 52.— (lead service pipe. X % % 1-in. 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 BRASS HOSE VALVES. IRON HANDLES. F-1 53.-(T-HANDLE.) F" 1 54. -(WHEEL HANDLE 1 1H IX 2 2^-in. Price, each, Rough Body, Plain $3.15 3.70 4.75 7.00 8.50 " " •' " Plated all over 3.65 4 30 5.50 8.00 9 75 26 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, STANDARD BRASS GLOBE, ANGLE AND CROSS VALVES. ANGLE VALVE. CROSS VALVE. GLOBE VALVE. F-155, F-156, F-157. F-155. Globe, each F-156. Angle, " F-157. Cross, " 72 72 SCREWED, WITH BRASS DISCS. M -X % % 1 1M Wz 2 2^ 3 ZY 2 4-in. .72 .77 1.00 1.26 1.80 2.52 3.50 5.30 10.00 14.40 26.50 36.00 .72 .77 1.00 1.26 1.80 2.52 3.50 5.30 10.00 14.40 26.50 36.00 1.25 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 8.00 16.00 24.00 SCREWED, WITH JENKINS' DISCS. M % H % 1 1M F-155. Globe, each $1.10 1.25 1.60 2.20 2.80 4.00 F-156. Angle, " 1.10 1.25 1.60 2.20 2.80 4.00 F-157. Cross, •■' 1.70 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.25 4.75 IK 2 2M 3-in. 5.50 8.75 15.75 22.00 5.50 8.75 15.75 22.00 6.25 9.50 20.00 27.50 FLANGED, WITH BRASS DISCS. y 2 % 1 \% \% 2 2% 3 3^ 4-in. Globe, each .$4.50 5.00 6.75 8.50 10.50 16.00 23.00 35.00 50.00 70.00 Angle, " 4.50 5.00 6.75 8.50 10.50 16.00 23.00 35.00 50.00 70.00 Cross, " 9.00 12.00 15.75 22.00 33. 0Q 45.00 75.00 100.00 FLANGED, WITH JENKINS' DISCS. 1 1M V/z 2 2% 3-in. Globe, each $6.00 9.00 11.00 16.50 25.00 34.00 Angle, " 6.00 9.00 11.00 16.50 25.00 34.00 Cross, k - , 8.64 11.45 15.10 22.70 32.82 44.30 GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES— WITH FINISHED BRASS WHEEL. SCREWED, WITH BRASS DISCS. Finished all over. each. $2.75 Finished and plated all over, each. . 3.25 3.00 3.50 3.15 3.70 3.50 4.10 1 4.25 4.90 1M 5.60 6.30 IK 7.00 7.75 2-in. 10.25 11.25 SCREWED, WITH JENKINS' DISCS. l A X 1 'Finished all over, each.... $3.50 4.00 4.75 Finished and plated all over, each 4.15 4.65 5.40 1# 6.50 7.15 8.50 9.15 2-in. 13.00 13.65 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 27 STANDARD BRASS CHECK VALVES. VERTICAL. ANGLE. F-163. F-164. F-165. WITH BRASS DISCS. Vs X % F-163. Horizontal, screwed, each $0 . 65 .65 .70 F-164. Vertical, " " .72 .77 F-165. Angle, " " .72 .72 .77 F-163. Horizontal, flanged, " F-164. Vertical, " " F-165. Angle, " " Vz % 1 IX IK 2 2^ 3 3^ 4-in. .90 1.15 1.60 2.25 3.15 4.75 9.00 13.00 21.00 32.50 1.00 1.26 1.80 2.52 3.50 5.30 10.00 14.40 26.50 36.00 1.00 1.26 1.80 2.52 3.50 5.30 10.00 11.40 26.50 36.00 4.40 4.90 6.50 8.25 10.15 15.50 22.00 33.50 47.50 66.50 4.50 5.00 6.75 8.5010.50 16.00 23.00 35.00 50.00 70.00 4.50 5.00 6.75 8.50 10.50 16 00 23.00 3^.00 50.00 70.00 WITH JENKINS' DISCS. Horizontal, Vertical, Angle, Horizontal, Vertical, Angle, screwed, each $1.10 1.10 1.10 flanged, % 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 74 1.90 1.90 1.90 4.75 4.75 4.75 1 2.60 2.60 2.60 5.50 5.50 5.50 3.60 3.60 3.60 7.80 7.80 7.80 5.00 5.00 5.00 9.80 9.80 9.80 2 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 2^ 13.50 13.50 13.50 22.80 22.80 22.80 3-in. 20.50 20.50 20.50 32.40 32.40 32.40 HORIZONTAL CHECK VALVE, WITH DRIP COCK. F-166 With Drip Cock, each . . . Without Drip Cock, each X % 1 IX 1%-in |2.15 2.55 3.15 4.05 5.40 1.85 2.20 2.70 3.60 4.90 28 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BRASS STEAM COCKS, F-1 67.— (flat head.) F-1 68.— (square head.) % % lfc-in F-167. Each $0.85 1.00 1.25 1.70 2.35 3.70 F-168. Bach 85 1.00 1.25 1.70 2.35 3.70 Made up to 3-inch. THREE-WAY STEAM COCK. UNION METER COCKS. F-1 69.-(SQUARE HEAD, EXTRA HEAVY.) F-1 70, F-169. Steam Cock, each |2.50 3.00 3.75 5.75 7.15 F-170. Meter * l " 1.40 1.55, 2.20 3.40 5.00 GAS SERVICE COCKS ALCOHOL COCKS. F-1 71 F-1 72. % H l A Ya 1 1% VA-in F-171. Each , $0.85 .95 1.05 1.30 1.70 2.60 3.60 F-1 72. Each 1.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 29 AIR COCKS. F-1 73. -(t handle.) F- 1 73 . T Handle, each F- 1 74 . Lever Handle, each . F-1 74. -(lever handle.) H H % %-m- |0.40 0.45 0.50 0.60 55 .60 .65 .75 30 U WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BEER AND ALE WORK. BEER COCKS. ALE COCKS. F-1 85.— (for ice box.) F-1 86. -(for ice box.) Length 14 16 18 20 22-in. F-185. Finished, each $3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 F-185. Nickel Plated, each 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 F-186. Finished, each 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 F-186. Nickel Plated, each 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 7.00 SHORT BEER COCKS. SHORT ALE COCKS F-1 87. Finished, 7 inches long, each $3.00 Finished, 9^2 inches long, each 3.25 Nickel Plated, each 3.75 F-1 88. Finished, each Nickel Plated, each. $3.00 3.75 BEER COCKS. BEER COCKS. F-1 89.— (solid flange.) F-1 90. -(loose flange.) Extreme Length between Flange and Lock-nuts 2 F-1 89. Finished, each $5.50 F-1 89. Nickel Plated, each 6.00 F-1 90, Finished, each 6.50 F-1 90. Nickel Plated, each 7.00 5 7-in. 6.50 7.50 7.00 8.00 7.50 8.50 8.00 9.00 Our Beer and Ale Cocks are extra heavy, and of the best metal, being made to stand the hard usage such goods are subjected to. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 31 RACKING COCKS. F-1 9 1 .—(to screw in.) F-1 92. -(to drive or solder in.) k % % % % 1-in- F-191. Finished, per doz $5.50 8.00 11.00 16.00 19.00 32.50 F^-192. (t " 5.00 7-50 10.00 14.50 17.00 30.00 LOOSE KEY COCKS. LEVER OR T" HANDLE F-1 93. —(TO DRIVE.) F D 1 94. -(FOR HOSE.) U % % % % 1 IX W2 2-in. F-193. Finished, per doz. $6.50 8.50 12.00 16.50 20.00 35.00 F-1 94. Rough, " 24.00 37.20 51.00 72.00 132.00 F-194. Finished. " 30.00 43.20 60.00 84.00 156.00 HEAVY RACKING COCKS, T" OR LEVER HANDLES-FOR BREWERS' AND DISTILLERS' USE. F-1 95. -(TO DRIVE.) F-1 96.-(LOOSE KEY.) % 1 1M W% 2-in. F-195. Rough, each $1.75 2.75 3.75 5.50 10.00 F-195. Finished, l< 2.25 3.25 4.50 6.50 12.00 F-196. Rough " 2.75 3.75 5.00 7.00 12.00 F-196. Finished," 3.25 4.25 5.75 8.00 14.00 32 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY COOLER COCKS. F-197. Va % K-in. Finished, per doz $8.00 9.00 10.50 Nickel Plated, per doz 9.50 10.50 12.00 LIQUOR COCKS. r, F" 198. -(HEAVY.) Finished, per doz $14.00 16.00 20.00 Nickel Plated 16.00 18.00 22.00 BARREL COCKS. F-199. Each. $3.00 GROUND BRACKET SHAMPOO COCK, F-215, Nickel plated, per doz $68 • 00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 33 GROUND BRACKET BASIN COCKS. F-216. F-2 1 T f-216. Nickel plated, per doz f-217. Nickel plated, " Finished same price as Nickel Plated. GROUND BASIN COCKS, 44.00 62.00 F-2 1 8. F-2 19. F-218. Nickel plated, per doz. f-219. Nickel plated, 45.00 52.00 ALL OUR BASIN COCKS ARE MADE WITH GROUND COUPLINGS 84 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS— LEAD PIPE. F-225. F-225. Rough, per doz $11.50 F-226. Finished t( 12.00 F-226. Nickel plated, per doz. . 14.00 F-226 12.50 15.00 19.00 1 36.00 57.00 88.00 2-in. 180.00 13.00 16.00 20.00 40.00 65.00 100.00 200.00 15.50 18.50 22.50 43.00 69.00 108.00 212.00 COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS— LEAD PIPE. F-227. F-228. n % H X ] IX IX 2-in. F- ■227. Rough, per doz .... .... $13.50 14.50 17.00 21. .00 39 .00 61.00 94.00 190.00 F- -228. Finished, ' .... 14.00 15.00 18.00 22. 00 43. 00 69.00 106.00 210.00 F-228. Nickel plated, per doz.. 16.00 17.50 20.50 24.50 46.0ft 73.00 114.00 222.00 COMPRESSION BIBBS FOR IRON PIPE. F-229. 3 /8 F-229. Rough, per doz $12.50 F-230. Finished, " 13.00 WITHOUT SHOULDER. F-230. l A H X 1 IX iy 2 2-in. 14.50 18.00 23.00 42.00 65.00 98.00 200.00 15.00 19.00 24.00 46.00 73.00 110.00 220.00 F-230. Nickel plated, per doz.. 15.00 17.50 21.50 26.50 49.00 77.00 118.00 232.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. oo COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS FOR IRON PIPE, F-231 H F-231. Rough, per doz $11.50 F-232. Finished, " 12.00 F-232. Nickel plated, per doz. . , 14.00 WITH SHOULDER. F-232, % H H 1 IX 1% 2-in. 2.50 15.00 19.00 36.00 57.00 88.00 180.00 3.00 16.00 20.00 40.00 65.00 100.00 200.00 5.50 18.50 22.50 43.00 69.00 108.00 212.00 COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS FOR IRON PIPE. WITH SHOULDER. F-233. F-233. Rough, per doz $13.50 F-234. Finished, " 14.00 F-234. Nickel plated, per doz. . . 16.00 71 14.50 15.00 17.50 H 17.00 18.00 20.50 F-234 n 21.00 22.00 24.50 1 39.00 43.00 46.00 IX 61.00 69.00 73.00 1# 94.00 106.00 114.00 2-in. 190.00 210.00 222.00 COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS— SCREWED FOR WOOD. F-235. H F-235. Rough, per doz $12.50 F-236. Finished " 13.00 F-236. Nickel plated, per doz. . . 15.00 4 F-236, % H X 1 IX 1# 2-in. 14.50 18.00 23.00 42.00 65.00 98.00 200.00 15.00 19.00 24.00 46.00 73.00 110.00 220.00 17.50 21.50 26.50 49.00 77.00 118.00 232.00 36 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMPRESSION BIBBS. DETACHABLE SHANK. (plain. F-238. F-237. F-237. F-238. F-238. Finished, per doz $18 . 00 Nickel plated, per doz . 20.50 Finished, Hose Bnd, per doz 20 . 00 Nickel plated, Hose End, per doz 22.50 -(hose END.) H tf-in. 22.00 27.00 24.50 29.50 24.00 29.00 26.50 31.50 WITH LOOSE FLANGE. J F-239. -(detachable shank.) F-240.— (solid shank, for iron pipe.) F-239. Finished, for lead pipe, per doz $26.00 32.00 38.00 F-239. Nickel plated, for lead pipe, per doz 28.50 34.50 40.50 F-240. Finished, for iron pipe, per doz 21.00 26.00 31.00 F-240. Nickel plated, for iron pipe, per doz 23.50 28.50 33.50 F-241 .—(detachable shank, for iron pipe.) F-242. -(LOOSE KEY.) F-241. Finished, per doz ...$28.00 35.00 42.00 F-241. Nickel plated, per doz 30.50 37.50 44.50 F-242. Finished, per doz 24.00 28.00 34.00 F-242. Nickel plated, per doz 26.50 30.50 36.50 For Shank on F-241 one inch longer than shown on cut, add . 3.00 3.00 3.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 37 COMPRESSION BIBBS— LOOSE KEY. F-243.-(PLAIN, FOR LEAD PIPE.) F"244.-(HOSE END, FOR LEAD PIPE.) Yz H Ya !- in - F-243. Finished, per doz $19.00 22.00 27.00 48.00 F-243. Nickel plated, per doz 21.50 24.50 29.50 51.00 F-244. Finished, " 21.00 24.00 29.00 51.00 F-244. Nickel plated, H F-462. Finished, per doz $35.00 40.00 F-462. Nickel plated, per doz 41 .00 46.00 F-463. Finished, per doz , 30.00 35.00 F-463. Nickel plated, per doz 36.00 41.00 X 1-in. 48.00 72.00 56.00 82.00 43.00 67.00 51.00 77.00 FLANGE BIBB, FOR IRON PIPE, SOLID FLANGE. F-464.— (outside thread.) F-465.— (nut and bent coupling.) Y H X F-464. Finished, per doz $30.00 35.00 43.00 F-464. Nickel plated, per doz 36.00 41.00 51.00 F-465. Finished, per doz 41.00 46.00 54.00 F-465. Nickel plated, per doz 47.00 52.00 62.00 1-in. 56.00 66.00 82.00 92.00 WITH ADJUSTABLE FLANGE. F-466.— (with thimble.) F-467. -(nut and bent coupling.) % H X F-466. Finished, per doz $31.00 36.00 44.00 F-466. Nickel plated, per doz 37.00 42.00 52.00 F-467. Finished, per doz 45.00 50.00 58.00 F-467. Nickel plated, per doz 51.00 56.00 66.00 All our Fuller Work bears our stamp. 1-in. 64.00 74.00 84.00 94.00 76 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER WASH TRAY BIBBS. WITH ADJUSTABLE FLANGE. NUT AND BENT COUPLING. F-468. F-468. F-469. F-469. F-468.-(for iron pipe.) F-469. -(extra long shank.) K H U Finished, per doz $33.00 39.00 48.00 Nickel plated, per doz 39.00 45.00 56.00 Finished, long shank, per doz 49.00 54.00 62.00 Nickel plated, long shank, per doz 55.00 60.00 70.00 1-in. FULLER STOPS. F"470.-(for lead pipe.) % H F-470. Rough, per doz $19.00 23.00 F-470. Finished, tl 21.00 26.00 F-470. Nickel plated, per doz 26.00 32.00 F-471. Rough, " 19.00 23.00 F-471. Finished. " 21.00 26.00 F-471. Nickel plated, " 26.00 32.00 FULLER HOPPER F-472. -(for lead pipe.) F-471 .— (FOF» IRON PIPE.) u 1 1* 1* 2-in. 27.00 39.00 64.00 76.00 145.00 30.00 43.00 70.00 82.00 175.00 36.00 53.00 27.00 39.00 64.00 76.00 145.00 30.00 43.00 70.00 82.00 175.00 36.00 53.00 COCKS. F-473.— (for iron pipe.) F-472. Rough F-472. F-473. F-473. * Pressure ends. Finished Flange and Handle, per doz $23.00 Nickel plated " " " 27.00 Finished, " " " 23.00 Nickel plated " " " 27.00 All our Fuller Work bears our stamp. 28.00 33.00 28.00 33.00 M-in. 35.00 41.00 35.00 41.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 77 FULLER PATENT BALL COCKS. F-478. For lead or iron pipe, per doz. r- Sizes with Ball— s , Sizes without Ball v % % % 1 ' 1H 1H 2-in .$32.00 38.00 56.00 68.00 85.00 100.00 130.00 FULLER WORK TRIMMINGS. ECCENTRIC. RUBBER BALL. F-480. $0.75 1.00 1.25 2.00 BALL STEM WITH BALL. F-479. Per doz. , net . % and % % 1-in. .. $3.00 4.00 6.00 F-481. i^and% % 1-in. Per doz., net $3.00 4.00 6.00 78 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER BASIN COCKS. F-485.-(no. o.) Nickel Plated, per doz F-486.-(no i.) |40.00 Nickel Plated, per doz $40 00 F-487.-(no. 2.) F-488.-(no. 3.) Nickel Plated, per doz $44.00 Nickel Plated, per doz $60.00 Note. — F-488 (No. 3) Faucet is provided with Union Joint (see illustration), so the top part containing the Working Parts can be easily and quickly detached and replaced without disturbing any Joints or loosening the Body of Faucet from the Slab. All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING, BE CAREFUL TO GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 79 FULLER BASIN COCKS. F-489.-(no. 4.) F-490.-(no. 5. Nickel Plated, per doz $70.00 Nickel Plated, per doz $76.00 F-491.-(no. 10.) F-492.-(no. 12.) Nickel Plated, per doz $75.00 Nickel Plated, per doz $75.00 Note. — The Nos. 4, 5, 10 and 12 Faucets are provided with Union Joints (see illustration), so the top part of Faucet containing the Working Parts can be easily and quickly detached and replaced without disturbing any Joints or loosening the Body of the Faucet from the Slab. All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING, BE CAREFUL TO GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 80 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER BASIN COCKS. F-495.-(no. e.) F-496.-(no. 14.) Nickel Plated, per doz $60.00 Nickel Plated, per doz $58.00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add, per doz., $12.00. F-497.-(no. is. F-498.- (NO. 16.) Nickel Plated, per doz $60.00 Nickel Plated, per doz $66.00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add, per doz., $12.00. Note. — Nos. 6 and 16 Faucets are provided with Union Joints (see illustration), so the top part of Faucet containing the Working Parts can be easily and quickly detached and replaced without disturbing any Joints or loosening the Body of the Faucet from the Slab. All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING, BE CAREFUL TO GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 81 FULLER BRACKET BASIN COCKS. F-499. Nickel Plated, per doz $40.00 If Thimble is screwed for Iron Pipe, same price If with Black or Celluloid Handles, " " 12.00 Furnished with Right-hand Handle, as shown, unless otherwise specified. FULLER DOUBLE BASIN COCKS. OVAL PATTERN, WITH OVAL SOAP CUP. ROUND PATTERN, JEWEL CUP. F-500.— (with black handles.) F-501 .—(with black handles.) Nickel Plated, each $16.00 Nickel Plated, each $14.00 If with Brass Handles, deduct 2.00 If with Oval Soap Cup, add 2.00 If with Brass Handles, deduct 2.00 All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. 82 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER DOUBLE BRACKET BASIN COCK. WITH JEWEL CUP. F-504. Nickel Plated, each If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add. $12.00 2.00 FULLER DOUBLE BASIN COCK. WITH JEWEL CUP. F-505. Nickel Plated, each $14.00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add 2.00 F-504 and 505 are provided with Union Joints so the Working Parts of Faucet can be easily and quickly detached and replaced without disturbing Connections with Supply Pipes. All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER BRACKET BASIN COCKS. 83 F-506.— (with swinging tube.) F-507.— (with swinging tube, nut and BENT COUPLING.) Nickel Plated, per doz $52.00 Nickel Plated, per doz $62.00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add, per doz., $12.00. Above will always be sent with Right-hand Handle, as illustrated, unless otherwise ordered. FULLER BRACKET SHAMPOO COCKS. F-508.— (with swinging tube.) Nickel I lated, per doz $64 . 00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add, per doz 12.00 F-508 will be sent with Right-hand Handle, as shown, unless otherwise ordered. All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. 84 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER DOUBLE BRACKET SHAMPOO COCK. WITH SWINGING TUBE. F-509. Nickel Plated, each $22 .00 If with Stationary Tube, deduct 5.00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add 2.00 The Shampoo Tube of F-509 can be swung out of the way to either side. Note. — F-509 is provided with Union Joints, so the Working Parts of Faucet can be easily and quickly detached and replaced without disturbing any Joints or loosening Shanks or Couplings. All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 85 FULLER DOUBLE SHAMPOO COCKS. ■■ ==? F-510. Nickel Plated each, Metal Handles |20.00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add $4.00. F-511. Nickel Plated each, Metal Handles $14.00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add $2.00. F-511 has Swinging Tube with Hose and Sprinkler. F-512. Nickel Plated each, Metal Handles $22.00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add $2.00. F-512 has Swinging Tube. The Shair- poo and Basin Supply can be used separ- ately or together, as each has its own valves. All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. 86 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER PANTRY COCKS. NO. 1. NO. 2 NO. 8, f»-a F-51 5. "(NO. 1.) F-51 6. -(NO. 2.) F-51 7.-(no. 8) Nickel Plated, per doz. . $42.00 Nickel Plated, per doz. . $50.00 Nickel Plated, per doz. . $50.00 Add for Hose End, $3.00 per doz. All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 87 FULLER DOUBLE PANTRY COCKS. F-518. F-519. F-518. Nickel Plated, each $15 .00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add 2.00 F-519. Round Pattern, Nickel Plated, each 13 .00 F-519. Oval " " (; 14.00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add 2.00 All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. 88 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER COMBINATION BATH COCKS. F-520.-C CORONA" FULLER BATH COCK.) Nickel Plated, each . $12.00 F-521 .-(NO. 1. FULLER BATH COCK.) Nickel Plated, each $12 .00 All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 89 FULLER COMBINATION BATH COCKS. F-522, -(no. 2 x A fuller bath cock, with handles on top.) Nickel Plated, each .$14.00 F-523.— (NO. 3 FULLER BATH COCK.) Nickel Plated, with Black Handles, each All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. |15.00 90 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER COMBINATION BATH COCKS. F-524.-(no. a%.) Nickel Plated, each $15,00 If with Black or Celluloid Handles, add 200 F-525.-(no.4.) Nickel Plated, with Black Handles, each „ All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. $21.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 91 SELF-CLOSING WORK— TELEGRAPH HANDLE, BASIN COCKS. Finished, per doz $24.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 27 .00 LARGE PATTERN. Finished, per doz $30.00 Nickel Plated, per doz. 34.00 Add for Large Tubes, per doz .... 2 . 00 F-531 PLAIN BIBBS.— (for lead pipe.) Finished, per doz Nickel Plated, per doz $16.00 20.00 Yz 18.00 22.00 % 21.00 25,00 2£-m. 28.00 34.00 PLAIN BIBBS.— (for iron pipe, without shoulder.) Finished, per doz $17.00 20.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 21.00 24.00 % M-in. 24.00 32.00 28.00 38.00 PLAIN BIBBS.— (for iron pipe, with shoulder.) Finished, per doz $16.00 18.00 Nickel Plated, per doz $20.00 22.00 % M-in. 21.00 28.00 25.00 34.00 PLAIN BIBBS.— (with flange and thimble.) % H Finished, per doz $22.00 26.00 Nickel Plated, per doz « $28.00 32 00 % M-in. 30.00 42.00 36.00 50.00 92 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. "GIELOW" PATENT SELF-CLOSING WORK. BASIN COCKS. PANTRY COCKS. F-532. Finished, per doz $45.00 Nickel Plated, per doz . .-. 48.00 BIBBS FOR LEAD PIPE. F-533.— (with detachable shank.) Finished, per doz $36 . 00 Nickel Plated, per doz. 39.00 BIBBS FOR IRON PIPE. F-535.— (iron pipe.) Finished, per doz $33.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 36.00 F-534. Nickel Plated, per doz $64.00 F-536*— (special.) Finished, per doz $31 . 00 Nickel Plated, per doz 34 . 00 F-536 is made to screw into Fuller or Com- pression Tail Pieces already in place. When ordering, be particular to state if for COMPRESSION OR FULLER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 93 "GIELOW" PATENT SELF-CLOSING WORK. WITH ADJUSTABLE FLANGES. F-537. F-538. (DETACHABLE SHANK, FOR LEAD PIPE.) (DETACHABLE SHANK, FOR IRON PIPE.) Yz #-in. Yz >g-in. Nickel Plated, per doz $44 . 00 47 . 50 Nickel Plated, per doz $47 . 00 50 . 50 FOR IRON PIPE, OUTSIDE THREADS. FOR IRON PIPE, INSIDE THREADS. WITH SOLID FLANGE, THIMBLES WITH SQUARES. F-539.— (DETACHABLE SHANK.) F-540.— (DETACHABLE SHANK.) fg-in. Nickel Plated, per doz $43 . 00 46 . 00 Nickel Plated, per doz $42 . 00 45 . 00 NUT AND BENT COUPLINGS. BRACKET BASIN COCKS. F-541 .—(detachable shank.) F-542.— (detachable shank.) Yz >£-in. Nickel Plated, per doz. Nickel Plated, per doz $51.00 58.50 $50.50 94 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING WORK. F-548.— (for lead pipe.) Finished, per doz $30.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 36 .00 STOPS. 33.00 39.00 F-549.— (FOR IRON PIPE.) Y* %-m. Finished, per doz $30.00 33.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 36 . 00 39 . 00 F-550.-(for lead pipe.) Finished, per doz $27 . 00 Nickel Plated, per doz 33 . 00 PLAIN BIBBS. F-551 .-(for iron pipe.) M-in. Yz %-in. 30.00 Finished, per doz $27.00 30.00 36 . 00 Nickel Plated, per doz 33 . 00 36 . 00 F-552. -(flange and thimble.) Yz %-in. 38.00 44.00 F-553.— (flange, nut and bent coupling.) Finished, per doz $34.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 40.00 Add for Hose Ends on above Bibbs, per doz., $4.00 Finished, per doz $41.00 49.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 47 . 00 55 . 00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 95 DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING WORK. F-554. -(basin cock.) F-555. -(pantry cock.) F-556.-(for lead pipe.) Nickel Plated, per doz. . .$48.00 Nickel Plated, per doz. . .$64.00 y 2 ji-in. Fin. Fl., perdoz. .$31.00 34.00 N.P.FL.perdoz.. 34.00 37.00 DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING BIBBS. F-557. (detachable shank.) F-558. (detachable shank, adjustable flange.) WITH SOLID FLANGE, THIMBLES WITH SQUARES. F-559. (detachable shank, inside thread.) K l^-in. y 2 ^-in. y 2 y 8 -in. Nickel PI., p. dz. .$38.00 42.00 Nickel PI., p. dz. .$47.00 50.50 Nickel PI., p. dz. $43.00 47.00 96 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING WORK. LEAD PIPE, IRON PIPE. WITH ADJUSTABLE FLANGES F" 560. (—DETACHABLE SHANK.) Finished, per doz $43.00 $48.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 49 . 00 54 . 00 FOR IRON PIPE, OUTSIDE THREADS. F-561.— (DETACHABLE SHANK.) Finished, per doz $41.00 $46.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 48.00 52.00 FOR IRON PIPE, INSIDE THREADS WITH SOLID FLANGE, THIMBLES WITH SQUARES. F-562.— (DETACHABLE SHANK) Vz #-in. Finished, per doz $39.00 $43.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 45.00 49.00 PLAIN BIBBS, LEAD PIPES. F-563-— (DETACHABLE SHANK.) Finished, per doz $37.00 $41.00 Nickel Plated, per LEAD PIPE. F-633. -(BENT.) % 1-in. % % 1-in. 7.00 10.00 Plain Face, per doz .. $7.50 . 8.00 11.00 8.00 11.50 Ground Face, " .. 8.50 9.00 12.50 F-634.— ( STRAIGHT. * FOR LEAD PIPE, WITH OUTSIDE THREAD. F-635.-(bent.) Plain Face, per doz $6 . 50 Ground Face, " 7.50 % 7.00 8.00 1-in. 10.00 11.50 Plain Face, per doz $7.50 Ground Face, k< 8.50 8.00 9.00 1-in. 11.00 12.50 F-636.— (straight. LONG PATTERNS. F"637.-(BENT.) Ground Face, per doz $10.00 Ground Face, per doz. $11.00 108 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BASIN PLUGS. COMMON OVERFLOW. PATENT OVERFLOW. F-638. F-639. Finished, per doz #8.00 Finished, per doz Nickel Plated, per doz 8.50 Nickel Plated, per doz #9.00 9.50 BATH PLUGS. F-640. Finished, per doz Nickel Plated, per doz, % 1 m Vi 2 2K 3 4-in. #2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 7.00 15.00 18.00 36.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.50 8.00 17.00 21.00 40.00 WASH TRAY PLUGS. F-641 Finished, per doz. 1M #6.00 7.00 2 10.00 2K 17.00 3 22.00 4-in. 44.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 7.50 8.75 13.00 20.00 25.00 50.00 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 109 PLUGS WITH RUBBER STOPPERS. BASIN PLUG, C. O WASH TRAY PLUG. BASIN PLUG, P. O F-643. 1-in. Finished, per doz.. $4. 50 N. P., " .. 5.50 r-b44. F-645. i ih 1*4 2-in. 1-in. Fin., per doz. . . $8.00 9.00 13.50 20.00 Finished, per doz. $5. 00 N. P., " . 9.00 10.50 15.00 22.00 N. P., " . 6.00 PLUGS WITH RUBBER STOPPERS. SINK OR BATH PLUG. WASH TRAY PLUG RUBBER STOPPER. F-646. F-647. F-648. % 1 F-646. Finished, per doz $2.00 F-646. Nickel Plated, per doz 2.50 F-647. Wash Tray Plug, Finished, per doz 2 . 50 F-647. " " Nickel Plated, per doz 3.50 F-648. Rubber Stopper, per doz $1.00 1.00 \y* 1M IK 2-in. 2.25 3.50 5.00 2.75 4.00 6.00 3.25 4.00 6.00 4.25 5.00 7.50 .10 1.20 1.75 2.50 110 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SLATE OR SOAPSTONE SINK PLUGS. BATH OR SINK PLUGS, F-649. 1 1U '1% 2-in. Finished, per doz . . $15 . 00 16 .00 26 . 00 40 . 00 N. P., " ..17.00 19.00 29.00 44.00 Diameter of Flange, 1% 3 3% 3%-in. F-650.— (for iron pipe waste.) 1 1M m 2-in. Finished, per doz. .$12.00 13.00 20.00 30.00 N. P., " ..13.00 15.00 22.00 32.00 Diameter of Flange, same as F-649. GRATES. F"651.-(for monarch porcelain kitchen sink.) Diameter of Flange, 3^ inches. Size of Coupling, 1| u Finished, per doz $48.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 51.00 F-652. — (for porcelain slop sink.) Diameter of Flange, 3| inches. Size of Coupling, If " Finished, per doz $50.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 53.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Ill BRASS GRATES. F-6 53. -(overflow.) Finished, per doz $24.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 27 .00 F-654.— (for monarch porcelain sinks.) Diameter of Flange, 4 inches. Size of Coupling, 2% " Nickel Plated $70.00 BRASS STRAINERS. oJHIr F-6 5 5. -(fancy.; F-656. -(heavy bar.) 2 2% 3 F-655. Finished, per doz ....$1.80 2.40 3.00 F-655. Nickel Plated, per doz 2.80 4.20 5.00 3 4 5 F-656. Finished, per doz , $6.00 8.00 10.00 F-656. Nickel Plated, per doz 9.00 12.00 ..... 4- •in. 4 .80 7 .00 6- in. 14 .00 F-657. F-658. F-658. F-65T. —(ROUND.) F-657. Per doz... $0.60 1 .85 N. P. N. P. 95 1.40 m 1.20 1.80 1.45 2.25 2.40 4.25 2 1.80 3.00 3.00 5.25 2.40 4.20 3.60 6.25 F-658 3 3.00 5.00 4.20 7.25 —(convex.) 4 5 4.80 9.00 6-m. 12.00 0.00 12.00 15.00 112 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, RAISED BRASS STRAINERS. F-660. — (with flange.) F-66 1 .-(with trap screw.) 2 3 3^ 4-in. Finished, per doz.f 8.00 12.00 18.00 21.00 N. P., " ..10.00 15.00 22.00 30.00 Note. — F-660 and F-661 can be furnished up to 6-in 2 V-A 3 4-in. Finished, per doz . . $15 . 00 21 .00 30 . 00 48 . 00 N. P., <; .17.00 21.00 34.00 54.00 F"662.-(FOR IRON PIPE.) F"663.-(FOR URINAL TROUGH.) 2 2K 3 4-in. Finished, per doz.. $13.00 18.00 26.00 44.00 Nickel Plated, each $4.50 N. P., " .. 15.00 21.00 30.00 50.00 GRATES. WITH DETACHABLE STRAINERS, F-664. -(BASIN.) Nickel Plated, each $1.00 F-665.— (safe waste.) Nickel Plated, each $0.75 F-666.— (safe waste.) Nickel Plated, each $1.!2£ L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 113 WASTE AND WASHERS. WASH TRAY, WASTE AND WASHER. F-667. -(with lock-nut and coupling.) F-668. 1H IK-in. 1M IK 2 in. Finished, per doz $30.00 40.00 Finished, per doz . . $10.00 17.00 21.00 BATH WASTE AND WASHER. Finished, per doz $ 8.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 10.00 F-669. 9.00 12.00 11.00 14.00 2 23^ 3 4-in. 15.00 24.00 30.00 60.00 18.00 27.00 34.00 65.00 WITH STANDING PIPE. m lK-in. Finished, per doz $36.00 42.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 40.00 46.00 Made up to 4-inch ; prices upon application. CISTERN VALVE. With Tube, per doz $20.00 22.00 Without Tube. " 19.00 21.00 IX 2-in. 26.00 34.00 25.00 33.00 F-670. m L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BASIN CLAMPS. F-671. Per doz .'•... $1 .25 F-672. Per doz $2.00 Each. VACUUM VALVE WITH COUPLINGS. F-673-— (for copper boilers.) $5.00 Each, Each, BRASS SAFE WASTE VALVES. F-674. M 1 1M 1% 2-in. $0.75 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.25 BRASS SEWER VALVE, F-675 3 4 5 6 8 9-in. $1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 3.20 4.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 115 BASIN CLAMPS. F-676, Per doz. Nickel Plated . . . $3.00 NICKEL PLATED BASIN CLAMPS. F-677. Per doz. Nickel Plated . .$2.00 F-678. Per doz $2.50 GALVANIZED, MALLEABLE IRON BOILER FITTINGS. NO. 1— ELBOW. NO. 2— ELBOW WITH UNION F-680. NO. 3— COUPLING. NO. F-681. 4— COUPLING WITH UNION F-680. F-681. F-682. F-683. 9 F-682. Size — Inches Female Each F-683. Male x 1 .40 .75 .40 .75 Female Male U^ l A x l .40 .75 .40 ,75 Female Vz^A x ,40 .60 .40 80 Male 1 116 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CHAIN STAYS. NO. 4. NO. 2. NO. 3. NO. 0. F-686. F-688. F-689. Finished, per doz Nickel Plated, per doz. No. 0. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. $2.00 3.00 3.50 7.00 2.50 3.75 4.25 8.00 NO. 5. NO. 7, NO. 6. F-690. F-691 CAP TO COVER COCK HOLE F-693. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. Finished, per doz $8.00 8.00 10.00 Nickel Plated, per doz 9.00 9.00 12.00 F-693. Finished, per doz 3.50 11 Nickel Plated, per doz 4.50 '* Large Size, 23^-in. Flange, Nickel Plated, per doz 7.50 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 117 BASIN, BATH AND WASH TRAY CHAINS AND SNAPS, SAFETY LINKS. PLUMBERS LINKS. Brass Nickel Plated No. 00 Per box of 12 yards $1.25 $1.35 " " " "" " 1.50 1.60 " 1 " " " " " 1.85 1.95 " 2 " " " " " 2.30 2.40 Both the "Plumbers Link" and "Safety Link" Chain can be furnished on Reels of 500 ft. Price per 100 ft. No. 00 Brass $3.60 Nickel Plated $3.70 No. Brass $4.30 Nickel Plated $4.50 No. 1 Brass $5.20 Nickel Plated $5.50 No. 2 Brass $6.40 Nickel Plated $6.70 f* ^ ^ fg^ CHAIN-FOR HOPPER AND S. AND W. COCKS, ETC. Red Metal, per foot, net 08 Steel, per foot, net 04 CHAINS AND SNAPS. Basin, per dozen, No. 0. Bath, " No. 1 Wash Tray," No. 1. Brass $1.00 1.60 1.40 Nickel Plated $1.15 1.75 1.55 F-697. EIGHT HOOKS. CHAIN SNAPS OR SPLIT LINKS. mm. Brass, per gross $1.75 Nickeled, per gross. . . 2.00 No. 2% No. 2 No. 3 No. 5 Brass, per gross $2.00 Nickel " 2.15 $1.80 1.95 $1.50 1.65 $1.10 1.25 Brass, per gross $1.50 Nickeled, per doz. ... 1.75 SEAMLESS BRASS TUBING. Tubes are in 12 ft. lengths, but can be furnished in quantities from Mill any length up to 16 ft. Tubing cut to order extra price. Tinning Tubes 3 cents per pound extra in quantities of 100 feet or more. We keep in stock all sizes up to 2 in. inclusive both Half Hard and Annealed Tubing; the half hard is best adapted for general use, the annealed for bending purposes. Prices on Tubing larger than 3 inches on application. For Brass Fittings see pages 118-119. SEAMLESS DRAWN BRASS TUBES. Sizes, Inside Diameter, inches Outside Diameter, inches .... Length, feet ... Weight per running foot, lbs. 13 32 12 $0.25 4 11 0.43 43 64 12 0.62 72 fi 12 0.90 74- 12 1.25 1.70 W 1* 2 2/ 2 3 IX in 2H 2ji 3% 12 12 12 12 12 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.75 8.30 118 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY EIGHTH BEND. ELBOW. BRASS FITTINGS IRON PIPE THREADS. ELBOW WITH TAG. ELBOW WITH SIDE OUTLET. CROSS. F-702, TEE REDUCING TEE INCREASING ONE WAY. ONE SIZE ON SIDE. F-703. F-704. F-705. F-706. F-707. COUPLING COUPLING REDUC- CAp COUPLING. |NG ONE s|ZEt CAP. BUSHING TO LOCK-NUT. REDUCE ONE SIZE, HEXAGON. CLOSE NIPPLE. F-708. F-709. F-710. F-711. F-712. F-713. RETURN BEND OPEN. RETURN BEND CLOSE. UNION GROUND JOINT. F-714. PIPE FLANGE, CAST BRASS. F-715, F-716. F-717. F-720. STREET ELBOW. REDUCING ELBOW. F-721 F-722. F-725. F-726. F-727. F-728. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BRASS FITTINGS. 119 Size, inches, each X M % H M 1 1M V4 2 Eighth Bends, Rough, each $0.25 $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.75 $1.25 $1.65 $2.25 " Finished, each .42 .50 .68 .85 1.25 2.10 2.75 3.75 Elbows, Rough, each $6.'i2 .17 .21 .28 .35 .50 .85 1.10 1.50 " Finished, each .24 .34 .42 .56 .70 1.00 1.70 2.20 3.00 Elbows with Tag, Rough, each .30 .40 .60 .85 1.20 1.90 2.50 ' • k ' Finished, each . . .60 .80 1.20 1.70 2.40 3.20 4.25 with Side Outlet, Rough. each . . . . . . .30 .40 .60 .85 1.20 1.60 2.25 Elbows with Side Outlet, Finished. each .60 .80 1.20 1.70 2.40 3.20 4.25 Crosses, Rough, each .20 '.30 .40 .50 .60 .80 1.50 2.00 3.50 " Finished, each .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.60 3.00 4.00 7.00 Tees, Rough, each .15 .20 .30 .40 .50 .75 1.00 1.30 1.75 k< Finished, each .30 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.60 3.50 11 with Tag, Rough, each .25 .30 .40 .50 .70 1.00 1.35 1.80 3.00 " " Finished, each ... . .50 .60 .80 1.00 1.40 2.00 2.70 3.60 4.50 1 ' with Side Outlet, Rough, each .25 .30 .40 .50 .70 1.00 1.35 1.80 3.00 t; " (t Finished, " .50 .60 .80 1.00 1.40 2.00 2.70 3.60 4.50 " Reducing One Size, Rough, each .25 .38 .50 .63 .95 1.25 1.65 2.20 Tees, Reducing One Size, Finished, each . . . .50 .76 1.00 1.25 1.90 2.50 3.30 4.40 Tees. Increasing One Size on Side, Rough, each . . . .30 .45 .60 .70 1.00 1.50 1.75 2.50 Tees. Increasing One Size on Side, Finished, each • . . .60 .90 1.20 1.40 2.00 3.00 3.50 5.00 Couplings, Rough, each .10 .14 .16 .25 .37 .50 .60 .90 1.35 " Finished, each .20 28 .32 .50 .75 1.00 1.20 1.80 2.70 '" Reducing One Size, .10 .14 .16 .25 .37 .50 .60 .90 1.35 Couplings, Reducing One Size, Finished, each .20 .28 .32 .50 .75 1.00 1.20 1.80 2.70 Caps, Rough, each .15 .15 .20 .25 .35 .45 .60 .80 1.10 Finished, each .30 .30 .40 .50 .70 .90 1.20 1.60 2.20 Plugs, Rough, each .09 .10 .12 .15 .20 .28 .40 .50 .90 " Finished, each .18 .20 .24 .30 .40 .56 .80 1.00 1.80 Lock-nuts, Rough, each. .10 .10 .12 .15 .20 .30 .45 .70 .95 " Finished, each .20 .20 .24 .30 .40 .60 .90 1.40 1.90 Bushings, to Reduce One Size, Rough, each . .10 .12 .14 .21 .38 .50 .67 1.00 Bushings, Finished, each .20 .24 .28 .42 .76 1.00 1.35 2. CO " to Reduce Two Sizes, Rough , each .12 .14 .21 .38 .50 .67 1.00 Nipples, 4 in. long and less. each. . .15 .'20 .30 .35 .45 .60 .90 1.25 1.6U Nipples over 4 in. long, add for each additional inch for %-in 10c; for 1-in. 15c; for 13^-irj . 20c; for 1%-in. 25c; for 2-in. 30c, list . Finished Nipples are double the price of Rough. Vs M % H X 1 1M IK 2 Return Bends, Open, Rough, each. .70 .88 1.25 2.15 2.75 3.75 " " Finished, •* 1.40 1.75 2.50 4.30 5.50 7.50 " Close, Rough, " .60 .80 1.15 1.75 2.50 3.50 Unions, Ground Joints, " " !32 .'36 !o6 .70 .90 1.25 1.70 2.50 3.60 " " Finished," .32 .36 .50 .70 .90 1.25 1.70 2.50 3.60 Street Elbows, Rough, each .30 .40 .60 .85 1.20 1.60 2.25 " Finished, each .60 .80 1.20 1.70 2.40 3.20 4.25 Reducing Elbows, Rough, each.. ... .22 .26 .35 .45 .62 1.10 1.40 1.90 " Finished, each. . .44 .52 .70 .90 1.25 2.20 2.80 3.80 Pipe Flanges, Cast Brass, Finished, each Acorn Tips,F-725 and F-726, Rough, each Acorn Tips, F-725 and F-726, Fin- ished, each Acorn Tips, F-727 and F-728, Rough, each Acorn Tips, F 727 and F-728, Fin- ished, each .15 .22 .12 .18 60 20 28 .26 .60 .30 .40 .21 .31 80 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.i .35 ,45 28 38 45 .75 1.10 1.40 .60 1.00 1.50 2.00 .35 .45 ,50 85 1.15 ,65 1.10 1.50 1.50 2.00 For Nickel Plating, add 20 per cent to prices on above Brass Fittings. L20 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S BRASS PUMPS. BRASS BASIN PUMPS. F-732. Nickel Plated, each , , $14.00 BRASS LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS ON IRON FRAME. PLUMBERS' FORCE PUMPS— STEAM METAL. F-733. With Reversible Handle for Right or Left Each Hand, each $7.00 F-734. $10.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 121 FULLER HOSE PIPES. Our Fuller Hose Pipe throws a solid stream. No leakage. No Sprinkler or changing of tips necessary. It throws a spray in a great shower, varying to the finest mist. Its great durability, its perfect freedom from any liability of leakage, place it far in advance of other Hose Nozzles. All others have a ground-in key or plug ; these, if they do not leak to start with, do so the first season, being easily damaged by dropping on the ground, or by sand getting around the plug. If not ruined in this way, the first winter destroys them, as the water left in the key, when shut off, freezes; this expands the key so that it does not fit in its place, and forever after this causes it to leak badly. 'Any part lost or destroyed can be duplicated. F-735. SPRAY STREAM. SOLID STREAM. %-inch, per doz , $18.00 1-inch, " 30.00 BALL STEM. ECCENTRIC ■JfcP 3 ^ \ - m. a F-737. F-738. F-736.-(long pattern.) ^ in -^ %-inch, per doz $22.50 F-737. Per doz $4.00 5.00 1 " " 36.00 F-738. " 3.00 4.00 PLAIN HOSE PIPES. F-739.-(to TIE. M F-739. Per doz $3.50 F-740. " 3.50 irt -^ 1— ['- ■■..-.. ' F-740. -(to screw.) 1 1M IX 2 23^-in- 4.00 6.40 :.... 4.00 6.40 15.00 21.50 28.50 122 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY PLAIN HOSE PIPES. F"742.-(COCK, LARGE END. 10.50 15.00 1M 17 28.00 12 40.00 V/2 20 36.00 12-in. 55.00 2 20 50 00 2^-in. 24in. 100.00 THE GEM SPRAY NOZZLE. F-743. Finished, per doz Nickel Plated, per doz. % liu. $10.00 12.00 13.00 15.00 HOSE SPRINKLERS. F-744. 2 2M V-A 3-in. For Hose Pipe % % WATER FILTERS. 1 lM-in. Per doz $4 50 5.25 6.00 9 00 F-745. Copper, per doz , $1° 00 Nickel Plated, per doz 12.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 123 HOSE COUPLINGS F-748. % % 1 1* IK 2-in. Hose Pipe Thread, per doz #2.40 2.40 4.40 10.00 14.00 24.00 Iron Pipe Thread, '; 2.65 2.65 4.65 10.50 15.00 26.00 Female Half Hose Pipe Thread, per doz 1.80 1.80 3.00 7.20 9.60 16.20 k ' Iron " " " 1.80 1.80 3.25 7.80 10.80 17.40 F-749.— (with lugs.) F-750.-(BEIMT.) 2 2% 3 3% 4-in. F-749 Iron Pipe Thread, per doz $32.00 50.00 76.00 120.00 150.00 F-750. %-inch only, per doz $4.50 HOSE NIPPLES. F-751 .—(male.) F-752. -(FEMALE.) Per doz. 72 $3.50 7± 3.50 1 5.00 J->4 9.00 10.00 2 2^-in. 14.00 28.00 124 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HOSE ATTACHMENTS. HOSE SPLICE. HOSE CLAMPS. F-753, Brass, per doz $1.20 1.20 2.00 Malleable Iron, per lb 15 F-754. Per doz... $1.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 HOSE INCREASERS. HOSE REDUCERS. Per doz, F-755. 1 to % 1M to % 1M to l-in. 16.50 10.00 10.00 Per doz , F-756. % to 1 % to 134 % to 13^-in. $6.50 10.00 12.00 HOSE CAPS. F-757. 1. 1M ^ 2 2^-in. HOSE BIBB END. F-758. Perdoz.$4.20 6.00 8.40 10.80 15.00 24.00 Per doz $2.50 2.50 2.50 HOSE STRAPS. F-759. Per doz. \ lin. ).60 0.8C HOSE STRAP FASTENERS F-760. Y 2 to 1-inch, each $0.50 1% to 2^-inch, each .75 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 125 HYDRANT FITTINGS, F-761 . (FOR COMPRESSION COCKS.) F-762.— (triangular guide.) Brass, per doz $5.00 Per doz $8.00 Malleable Iron, per lb 15 ROD HANDLES. F-763. Brass, per doz $6.00 Malleable Iron, per doz 2.00 HYDRANT CLAMPS. F-764. F-765.— (tapped for iron pipe.) Brass, 3^ and %-in., per doz $2.50 Malleable Iron Tapped for %-in. Pipe, " % " 1-in. " 3.50 per lb $0.18 Malleable Iron, per lb 15 Malleable Iron, Tapped for %-in. Pipe, per lb 20 HYDRANT NOZZLES F"766.-(FOR LEAD PIPE.) % 1-in. F-767.-(FOR IRON PIPE.) >2 1-in. Per doz. .00 7.50 9.00 Perdoz , $7.00 8.50 10.00 126 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HYDRANT FITTINGS. HYDRANT NOZZLE, FOR IRON PIPE WITH FLANGE Per doz. 1.00 9.50 1-in, 11.00 F-768. HYDRANT SOCKETS. ROD RESTS. F-769. Brass, per doz $2.00 Malleable Iron, per lb .15 Cast Iron, per doz am F-770. $0.96 STREET WASHER SCREWS SHORT, FOR LEAD PIPE. SHORT, FOR IRON PIPE. F-771. % Short, per doz $4.50 Long, " 5 50 % 1-in. 5.00 6.00 6.00 8.50 Short, per doz Long, " X 1-in. 6.00 7.50 7.00 10 00 GOOSE NECK SCREW. GUIDE AND CHECK, FOR STREET WASHER. STREET WASHER KEY, MALLEABLE IRON. F-773, Per doz $5.00 F-774. Per doz $6 . 50 Brass, per doz F-775. $3.00 Per lb $0.15 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 127 STOP COCK BOX COVER. STREET WASHER COVER, F-776.— (WITH LATCH.) With Lugs to fasten to side of Wooden Box, each. $0.50 F"777.— (WITH HINGED LID. Street Washer Cover, each $1.25 Plumbers' Address Pattern, net, extra,. . . . 2.00 DENVER BRASS VENT CONNECTIONS. WITH GROUND JOINTS. STRAIGHT COUPLINGS. BENT COUPLINGS. F-778. -(OUTSIDE THREADS.) F-779.— (OUTSIDE THREADS.) STRAIGHT COUPLINGS. BENT COUPLINGS. F-780.— (INSIDE THREADS.) _■ _ Q4 , ^ . F-781.— (INSIDE THREADS.) Size I 1 / IK 2-in. Size \% \y 2 2-in. Price rough, per doz. . .$12.00 16.00 24.00 Price, per doz $14.00 18.00 27.00 FILTER CONNECTIONS. MADE TO LENGTHEN FULLER BIBBS. F-782. Brass. Nickel Plated. F-782 3^ in. long.... ea. 0.95 1.00 F-783. Brass. Nickel Plated. F-783. 2 in. long ea. 0.70 0.75 128 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PEERLESS STOP COCK BOX. MINNEAPOLIS PATTERN. No. 1 2 ft. to 4 ft $2 45 < V/ 2 2 ft. to 4^ ft 2 57 ' 2 3 ft. to 5 ft 2 69 ' 3 3^ ft. to 5,^ ft 2 81 ' 4 4 ft. to 6 ft 2 93 ' 5 5 ft. to 7 ft 3 17 < 6 6 ft. to 8 ft 3 41 '7 7 ft. to 9 ft. 3 65 ' 8 8 ft. to 10 ft... 3 89 ' 9 9 ft. toll ft 4 13 rOTJADiO F-787. F-788. MINNEAPOLIS PATTERN STOP COCKS ADAPTED FOR USE WITH ABOVE, The above style of box as will be noticed by reference to sectional cut F-788 has large stuffing box where upper part of box enters lower section, this allows vertical adjustment and at the same time forms water tight joint. The lower section is tapped to receive the stop cock also forming a tight joint, therefor nothing can enter the chamber which might in any way interfere with the free working of the rod or injuring the stop cock. These boxes will be found well adapted for use in sandy soil or quicksand, on account of its positive joints this box is water, sand or mud tight. Other styles of stop cocks which can be used with the stop box are shown on pages 19 and 2C . When ordering be particular to state what style of stop cock is to be used. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 129 EXTENSION. 12 in. Stationary, ft 2 ft. 4 ft. 8 ft. SERVICE OR STOP-COCK BOXES. F-790. WATER SERVICE BOX— BUFFALO OR MORGAN PATTERN. Diameter, 2^ inches. PRICE. . $0.55 . .60 10 in 4 in to 1 ft. 8 in to 2 ft 63 to 2 ft. 2 in 65 to 2 ft 6 in 68 to 3 ft , 72 to 3 ft 6 in 75 in. to 4 ft 80 in io 4 ft. 6 in 83 in. to 5 ft 90 in. to 5 ft 95 in. to 5 ft. 6 in 1.00 to 6 ft 1.05 to 6 ft 6 in 1.10 to 6 ft. 6 in 1.15 to 7 ft 1.20 to 7 ft. 6 in 1.25 io 8 ft. 6 in 1.30 F-790. For Repairs see page 140. F-791. GAS SERVICE BOX (WITH LARGE BASE) Diameter. '2% inches for 1, 1% and 2 inch Service Cocks. NUMBER. EXTENSION. G— 1, 1 ft. Stationary G— 1— A 1 ft. 2 in. to 1 ft. G— 1- B 1 ft 4 in. to 1 ft. G— 2 1 ft. 6 in. to 2 ft. G- 2- A 1 ft. 4 in. to 2 ft. G— 2 - B 1 ft. 4 in. to 2 ft. G- 2— C 1 ft. 10 in. to 2 ft. G- 2 -D 1 ft. 6 in. to 2 ft. G— 2% 1 ft. 10 in to 2 ft. G— %%.— A 1 ft 10 in. to 2 ft. G- 3 1 ft 10 in to 3 ft. G— 3— A 2 ft. 4 in. to 3 ft. G-3^ 2ft. 4in.to3ft. G— 4 3 ft. 4 in. to 4 ft. G — 4^, 3 ft. 4 in. to 4 ft. PRICE. $0.55 8 in 60 10 in..... 61 62 64 2 in 65 4 in 66 4 in 68 6 in 69 Sin 70 2 in 72 4 in 74 Sin 75 4 in 80 8 in 83 F-791 For Repairs, see page 140. 130 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-792. SERVICE BOXES WITH STATIONARY ROD. F-792.— FOR WATER OR GAS. NUMBER. EXTENSION. PRICE. R- 1. 11-inch Stationary $0, 70 R- 2. 1 ft. 2 in. to 1 ft. 8 in 75 R- 3. 1 ft. 4 in. to 2 ft. . 80 R- 4. 1 ft. 8 in. to 2 ft. 2 in . 85 R- 5. 1 ft. 8 in. to 2 ft. 6 in 90 R- 6. 1 ft. 10 in. to 3 ft 95 R- 7. 2 ft. 4 in. to 3 ft. 6 in 100 R 8. 2 ft 8 in. to 4 ft. 1 .05 R- 9. 3 ft. 2 in. to 4 ft. 6 in 1.10 R 10. 3 ft. 8 in. to 5 ft. 1.15 Rll. 3 ft. 2 in. to 5 ft. 1.20 R12. 3 ft. 8 in. to 5 ft. 6 in 1.25 R-13. 3 ft. 4 in. to 6 ft. , 1.30 R 14. 4 ft. 8 in. to 6 ft. 6 in 1.35 R-15. 3 ft. 8 in. to 6 ft. 6 in 1.40 R-16. 4 ft. 4 in. to 7 ft. 1.50 R-17. 4 ft. 8 in. to 7 ft. 6 in 1.60 R-18. 4 ft. 8 in. to 8 ft. 6 in 1.75 Combination Keys, each, extra 35 When ordering be particular to state if for Water or Gas. For repairs, see page 140. F-794. F-T95. F-796. SERVICE BOXES WITH BOTTOM SECTION TAPPED, F-793.-TO SCREW ON STOPS AS SHOWN ON PAGE 19. THEY CAN BE FURNISHED IN ANY OF THE SIZES GIVEN ABOVE. COVERS WILL BE FUR- NISHED FOR "WATER" OR "GAS" AS MAY BE DESIRED. These boxes are particularly adapted for use in sandy soil or quicksand. The illustration, F-793, shows box screwed on our "Minneapolis" Pattern Stop (see page 19) forming a water-tight joint. F-793, PRICES AND FURTHER INFORMATION UPON APPLICATION. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 131 EXTENSION METER BOX. GAS DRIP BOXES. F-798.-0MO.71.) F-799. (NO.178.) F-800.-(NO.106.) F-798. Extension for Meter Box; increases length, 14 inches $1.00 F-799. (No. 178.) Outside Diam. of Head ; 9-in., 16-in. long 2.25 F-800. (No. 106.) " t; " 7-in., 16-in. long 1.25 F"797.-(NO. 173.) F-797. (No. 173 ) Extension Meter Box; extends from 2 ft. 4 in. to 3 ft. 2 in. $2.75 BASES FOR VALVE BOXES. F-801 . (NO. 6.)— ROUND BASE F-802.— (NO. 6J-OVAL BASE F"803.— (NO. 140.) — ROUND DOME BASE WITH FLANGE. F"804.-(NO. 160.)-OVAL BASE. SEE NEXT PAGE FOR DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF BASES. 132 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. EXTENSION VALVE BOXES. WITH NO. 6 ROUND BASE. 5M"inch Shaft. SIZE EXTENSION. PRICE. AAA Stationary length 1 ft 5 in $2 . 45 AA Extends 1 ft. 10 in. to 2 ft. 4 in 2.85 " 2 ft. 4 in. to 3 ft. 4 in 3.00 ■ " 3 ft. to 4 ft 3.15 " 3 ft. 6 in to 4 ft. 6 in 3.30 " 4 ft. to 5 ft 3.50 " 3 ft 6 in. to 5 ft. 6 in 3.65 " 4 ft. to 6 ft 3.85 " 5 ft. to 6 ft 3.95 " 5 ft. to 7 ft 4.10 " 6 ft. to 7 ft 4.30 .... " 6 ft. to 8 ft 4.50 NATURAL GAS VALVE BOXES. FOR 6 AND 8-INCH VALVE. 5Minch Shaft. EXTENSION. PRICE. F-805.— (valve box with NO. 6 BASE.) SIZE. AAA Stationary length 1 ft. 5 in $2.45 AA Extends 1 ft 10 in. to 2 ft 4 in 2.85 A <: 2 ft 4 in. to 3 ft. 2 in 3.00 B l " 3 ft. to 4 ft 3.15 C tk 3 ft. 6 in. to 4 ft. 6 in 3.30 No. 58 Extension $0.80 F-806, F-808. No. 58 Extension. Extension for 5% inch Valve Boxes increas'g length 14 inches. DIMENSIONS OF BASES FOR VALVE BOXES. No. 6 Round Base, included in above prices, for 6-inch Round Valves or smaller sizes. This is the standard size used in quoting lengths and prices. Dimensions inside: Diameter at bottom, 14% inches ; height, 11 inches No. 4 Round Base, for 4-inch Valves or smaller sizes, reduces price of Valve Box 25 cents. This is used with either Round or Oval Valves. Dimensions inside: Diameter at bottom. 10J% inches; height. 8 inches. With this Base the Valve Box will be 3 inches shorter than with No. 6 Base. No. 8 Round Base, for 8 inch Round Valves or smaller sizes, increases price of Valve Box 25 cents. Dimensions inside: Diameter at bottom, 17^ inches; height 11 inches With this Base the Valve Box is the same length as with No. 6 Base. No. 16 Round Base, for 12 or 16-inch Round Valves, increases price of Valve Box $1 50 Dimensions inside: Diameter at bottom. 24 inches; height, 1534 inches. With this Base the Valve Box is 434 inches longer than with No. 6 Base. No 6 Oval Base, for 6 inch Oval Valves. This is the standard size used in quoting lengths and prices Dimensions inside: At bottom 15x11% inches ; height, 11 inches For 4-inch Valves and smaller, use No. 4 Round Base. No. 140 Dome Base, with Flange 17 inches square. This Base is especially adapted for us<- where Valves are set near the surface for any Valve up to 24 inches. With this Base, Valve Box will be 6 inches shorter than with No. 6. Price, same as No 6 Base. No. 160 Oval Base, for 16 inch Valves or smaller sizes increases price of Valve Box 35 cents Dimensions inside: At bottom, 21x12^ inches ; height, 9% inches. With this Base the Valve Box is 1% inches shorter than with the No. 6 Base. No. 162 Oval Base, for 24-inch Valves or smaller sizes increases price of the Valve Box $1.25. Dimensions inside : At bottom, 26x16 inches ; height, 10 inches. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, No. 6 ROUND BASE WILL BE SENT. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 133 ROUND HEAD ROADWAY BOXES. FOR WATER OR GAS. Diameter of Shaft, 43^ inches. NUMBER. EXTENSION. 41—0 . ... 1ft. 6 in. to 2 ft. 42— Q 2 ft. 3 in. to 2 ft. 10 in 42— R 2 ft. 3 in. to 3 ft. 6 in 43— R 2 ft. 10 in. to 4 ft. 44— R 3 ft. 3 in. to 4 ft. 6 in 45-R 3 ft. 10 in. to 5 ft. F-809. (WITH FLANGE BASE.) PRICE. $1.85 2.00 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 No. 49, Extension Section, to lengthen 18 inches, $0.60 Diameter of Shaft, 43^ inches. NO. 49. F-810. EXTENSION SECTION. NUMBER. KXTENSION 141— Q 1 ft. 6 in. to 2 ft. 142— Q 2 ft. 3 in. to 2 ft. 10 in 142-R 2 ft. 3 in. to 3 ft. 6 in 143— R 2 ft. 10 in. to 4 ft. 144— R 3 ft. 3 in. to 4 ft. 6 in 145— R 3 ft. 10 in. to 5 ft. PRICE. , $1.85 2.00 2.20 , 2.30 2.40 2.50 No. 49, Extension Section, to lengthen 18 inches. See F-810. F-81 1 .—(with OPEN BASE.) 134 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY SQUARE HEAD ROADWAY BOXES. FOR WATER OR GAS. Diameter of Shaft, 4^ inches. F-812. (WITH FLANGE BASE.) PRICE. NUMBER. EXTENSION. 41-S. . 1 ft. 9 in. to 2 ft. 7 in #1.95 42-S. . 2 ft. 3 in. to 3 ft 2.10 42-T. . 2 ft. 5 in. to 3 ft. 6 in 2.20 F-812 can be furnished in longer sizes than measurements given. NUMBER. 137.... 138.... 140-U. . 141-S.. 142-S.. 142-T. . F-813. (WITH OPEN BASE.) EXTENSION. PRICE. 12 in. long #1.65 16 in. long 1.75 1 ft. 6 in. to 2 ft 1.85 1 ft. 9 in. to 2 ft. 7 in 1.95 2 ft. 3 in. to 3 ft 2.10 2 ft. to 3 ft. 6 in 2.20 No. 49, 4X-in. Extension lengthens F-812 and F-813 18 inches, net 60c. See page 133. WALL HYDRANTS, F-814. THICKNESS OF WALL. 9 in. 13 in. 18 in. 24 in. 3/in. 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 7.00 5.00 9.00 10.00 F-814. Wall Hydrant is intended to be placed horizontally in wall of building and jamb nut is provided so that hydrant can be securely fastened to wall, at the same time bringing the flange of the hydrant close to wall making a neat joint. By using this style of fixture the freezing of pipes is obviated, which often occurs with the use of the ordinary sill cock. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 135 VALVE HYDRANTS AND STREET WASHERS— MURDOCK STYLE. NEW IMPROVED COMPRESSION AND SELF-CLOSING ANTI-FREEZING; WITH SEDIMENT CHAMBER ATTACHMENT AND GROUND UNION JOINT, FITTED FOR IRON OR LEAD PIPE F-81 6— (wheel hydrant.) F-81 T. -(street washers.) F-81 8. -(self-closing hydrant.) Thousands of these Hydrants have been in use throughout the United States for the past fourteen years, and have given entire satisfaction. Recent valuable improvements render this the most complete and durable Hydrant ever invented. Requires no digging up for repairs. By unscrewing the Nozzle and Top and lifting the Tube from the Stock, on the end of which is the Valve, a new Washer can be put on, which requires little or no mechanical skill. This, however, is not likely to occur in several years. To set in ground 3-ft. 4-ft. 5-ft. 6-ft. % inch HYDRANT, each $10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 1 '•' tl lt 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 % " " Self-Closing (F-818), each 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 % " STREET WASHER (F-817), each 8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 1 " " lt each 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 Hydrant Repairs kept in stock. in ordering be careful to state whether for iron or lead pipe. For Repairs, see pages 137, 138 and 139. 136 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S PATENT STREET WASHER. SIMPLE, DURABLE, CANNOT FREEZE, F-81 9.— (fitted for iron or lead pipe.) To set in ground 3-ft. 4-ft. %-inch Street Washer, each $ 8.50 9.50 1-inch " " " 10.00 11.00 In ordering be careful to state whether for Iron or Lead Pipe. 5-ft. 6-ft. 10.50 11.50 12.00 13.00 These Street Washers are durable, simple in construction and positively cannot freeze, as they waste very rapidly below the frost line. They need no other tool for taking them apart for repairing than a screw driver. No wrench is required. The two Iron Screws are removed, the whole working part can then be readily lifted out. The Iron Screws screw into a Brass Nut, so that it is impossible for them to rust. The Valve will never need repairing, more than putting on a simple leather washer, which can be cut out with a penknife. There is a large Iron Flange at the bottom of the Street Washer, below the frost line, which will not permit of the Street Washer being raised in the ground by frost. The Square Head for the Key is cast iron, and will not wear out in actual use half as fast as if it were brass; and is so made that it, too, can be easily taken off and renewed, should necessity require. Each Street Washer is tested at our works, so that we can guarantee every one of them. There are no ground joints to give out by using, and after they are once in the ground they will need no further repairing than to renew the leather washer, when it wears out. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 137 HYDRANT REPAIRS. F-820. CROSS HANDLE FOR HYDRANT. For %-in. Hydrant $0. 15 F-823. HYDRANT SCREW FOR TOP. For %-in Hydrant $0.40 F-827. HYDRANT TOP. For^-in. Hydrant $0.25 F-828. HYDRANT TOP, COMPLETE. For %-in. Hydrant $0.75 F-830. F-821. HYDRANT SLIDE. For %-\u. Hydrant $0.05 F-824. HYDRANT STIRRUP AND "T." For %-\n. Hydrant $0.25 F-825. HYDRANT BOLT AND NUT. For %-in. Hydrant $0.10 F-831 HYDRANT STOCK, TAPPED. F-822. HYDRANT BASE. For %-in. Hydrant $0.25 F-826. LEVER FOR SELF-CLOSING HYDRANT. For %-in. Hydrant $0.50 F-829. TOP FOR SELF-CLOSING HYDRANT. For %-in. Hydrant $0.50 13^ in. long, for %-in. Hydrant $0.60 13^ in. long, for %-in. Self-Closing Hydrant. . . 60 Note. — All of above parts will fit the Murdock style of Hydrant formerly sold by us, and as we make them now. HYDRANT NOZZLE AND LOCK-NUT. For %-in. Hydrant $0.40 F-832. STIRRUP AND "T" FOR SELF-CLOSING HYDRANT. For^-in Hydrant $0.60 WHEN ORDERING GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 138 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HYDRANT AND STREET WASHER REPAIRS, FOR HYDRANT OR STREET WASHER. F-834. BRASS VALVE BODY (PACKED). For %-in. Hydrant or Street Washer $0.75 For %-\\\. Hydrant or Street Washer $0.10 F-836. BOTTOM CONNECTION, COMPLETE. For %-in. Hydrant or Street Washer $1.35 F-837. BRASS VALVE STEM. For %-in. Hydrant or Street Washer. $0.40 F-838. SHOE GUIDE. For %-in. Hydrant or Street Washer $0.10 F-839. BOTTOM CONNECTION (TAPPED). For %-in. Hydrant or Street Washer, Iron. . . $0.30 Brass 75 F-840. BRASS TAILPIECE AND COUP- LING FOR IRON PIPE. For %-m. Hydrant or Street Washer $0.55 F-841. BRASS TAILPIECE AND COUP- LING FOR LEAD PIPE. For %in. Hydrant or Street Washer $0.50 VALVE PACKINGS FOR 3 /HN. HYDRANT OR STREET WASHER. Cup, Washer and Seat-Leather, per doz. sets (3 to a set) $1.50 Note;. — All of the above parts will fit the Murdock style of Hydrant and Street Washer form- erly sold by us, and as we make them now. WHEN ORDERING, BE CAREFUL TO GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 139 STREET WASHER REPAIRS. F-842. ^-in. Street Washer Top, for 2-in. Pipe, complete with Screw, Stirrup. Washer and Bolt $1.85 F-843. F-844. Screw Plate (Tapped), for To P with Lid for f^-in. M-in. Street Washer.. . .$0.25 Street Washer " # -^ Lid onl v 25 F-845. Brass Screw for %-in. Street Washer. .$0.30 F-846. Brass Stirrup for %-in. Street Washer $0.50 F-847. Screw Washer $0.05 NoTK. — All of above parts will fit the Mur- dock style Street Washer formerly sold by us, and as we make them now. F-848. Malleable Iron Key, for j^-in. Street Wash- er, per doz $1.50 REPAIRS FOR WOLFF'S STREET WASHER, F-850. Valve Plunger.. F-849. Top with Lid, with Brass Screws, for Wolffs % in. Street Washer $0.50 Brass Cap F-853. .30 F-85 1 . Hose Nozzle, with Cap and Screw $0 . 50 F-852. Valve Body $0.30 F-854. F-855. 10 Brass Screw $0.25 Hose Nozzle $0.30 140 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-858. SERVICE BOX REPAIRS UPPER SCREW SECTION. PRICE. For 2^-inch Service Box, 8 inches long $0.30 '• 2% " " " 12 " " 35 ■ l iy 2 " " " 18 " " 45 lk 2V 2 " " " 24 " " 55 " 2% " M " 36 " " ., ,.. .70 EXTENSION SECTION PRICE. No. 151, To increase length of 2^-in. Box, 9 in. $0.33 " 152, " " tl "■ 2^-in. " 16^ " -40 " 153, " lt " " 23^-in. " 28 " .50 «• 154, " " " lt 2^-in. « 36 " M F-859. -(regular bottom F-860. SECTION.) Price, one-half of complete Box. F-862. Cover, with Brass Bolt. F-863. 30 Cover, with Brass Bolt. . . $0.30 F"86 1 , — (natural gas BOTTOM SECTION.) F"864. r~865, Price, one half of complete Box. Brass Bolt, each $0.15 Key, each Above will fit our Boxes (Buffalo or Morgan Pattern) shown on page 129. $0.10 L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 141 WOLFF'S SOIL PIPE TESTING PLUG. SECTIONAL VIEW. F-866. F-866J Price, each. 2 3 4 5 6 8-in. |1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 4.50 This Plug will fit STANDARD OR EXTRA HEAVY PIPE; a perfectly tight joint can be made in a very short time, no matter how rough or uneven the pipe. The Rubber Ring is of the very best quality, and on account of its shape and that of the flanges compressing it, will retain its elasticity and last longer than any other made 142 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY CAST IRON SOIL PIPE AND FITTINGS. FOR PLUMBING, SEWERAGE AND GREEN HOUSE USE. The following section of this catalogue, pages 143 to 170, is devoted to illustrat- ing our make of Soil Pipe and Soil Pipe Fittings, comprising the most complete line ever shown. THE SUPERIOR QUALITY OF OUR CAST IRON PIPE IS TOO WELL KNOWN TO REQUIRE COMMENT. Weight, Full Size of Pipe, Uniform thickness, Depth and Strength >f Hub, are particulars in which we claim perfection. All our Pipe and Fittings except for Green- House use are coated hot with coal tar, unless otherwise ordered. Increased demand for our Soil Pipe and Fittings has necessitated the enlargement of our plant; therefore, with our present increased factory, storage and railroad facil- ities, we can ship promptly any quantity of these goods, as we keep on hand always a reserve stock sufficient for all demands. Enameled Pipe and Fittings can be furnished when desired, prices upon appli- cation. APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS OF SOIL PIPE AND FITTINGS. STANDARD. EXTRA HEAVY. Size Inches 2 3 4- 5 6 8 10 12 2 3 4, 5 6 8 10 12 Pipe, lbs. per foot. . . .3# 4^ §% S/ 2 10)4 18 25 30 by 2 9/ 2 13 17 20 33^ 44 54 Quarter Bend lbs . ea. , . . 4 5 j4 8 10 14^ ;34 41 6 8 12 15 20 44 74 Sixth Bend lbs, each,.. 3 4^ 6 8 11 24 32^ 4^ 6* 9K 12 16 35^ 59^ Eight Bend, " ..3 4^ 6 8 11 24 32^ 4X 6X 9/ 2 12 16 35/ 2 59^ T Branch, lbs each. . .4 8 10 15 20 38 55 7 13 20 25 34 50 104 Crosses, " ...5 10 12 16 24 45 10 20 24 32 48 85 Y Branch, " ...5 9 13 18 25 42 70 10 15 25 32 45 85 151 Half Y Branch " . . A% 6^ 10 14 16 9 13 18 24 30 Dbl Y Branch " ...8 11 18 26 37 12 20 32 42 60 Double Hubs, " ...3 4 6 8 10 16 26 4K 7 8 11 14 28 47 Straight Sleeve, " ...2% 4 5 6 7 4 6 7 9 10 Traps, " ...5# 10 19 26 35 9 18 28 45 68 Reducers, "... 3 4 6 8 9 4 6 8 11 16 Offsets. .2x8, 5 lbs; 3x8, 8 lbs; 4x 12, 15 lbs; Offsets.. 2x8, 9 lbs; 3x8, 15 lbs; 4x12, 23 lbs; 5x12, 20 lbs; 6x8, 22 lbs. 5x12, 30 lbs; 6: c8, 38 lbs. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 143 CAST IRON SOIL PIPE. F-868.— (single hub.) STANDARD. 2-inch, 5 feet long, per foot $0.24 3-inch, 5 feet long, per foot .32 4-inch, 5 feet long, per foot .40 5-inch, 5 feet long, per foot .60 6-inch, 5 feet long, per foot .70 7-inch, 5 feet long, per foot 1.00 8-inch, 5 feet long, per foot 1.25 10-inch, 5 feet long, per foot 2.00 12-inch, 5 feet long, per foot 3 00 15 inch, 5 feet long, per foot 4.50 EXTRA [ED1UM. HEAVY. $0.32 $0.35 .50 .65 .68 .80 .90 1.15 1.05 1.30 150 1.75 1.90 2.25 2.65 3.00 3.65 4.00 5.50 6.00 F-869.— (double hub.) STANDARD. 2-inch, per length of 5 feet $ 1.50 3-inch, per length of 5 feet 1.90 4-inch, per length of 5 feet 2.30 5-inch, per length of 5 feet - 3.50 6-inch, per length of 5 feet 4.25 7-inch, per length of 5 feet - 5.75 8-inch, per length of 5 feet 7.25 10-inch, per length of 5 feet 12.00 12-inch, per length of 5 feet _ 17.50 15-inch, per length of 5 feet ± 25.00 EXTRA MEDIUM. HEAVY. $ 1.90 $ 2.05 2.80 3.55 3.70 4.30 5.00 6.25 6.0*0 7.25 8.50 9.75 11.25 12.75 15.75 18.00 20.75 23.00 31.00 35.00 IMPORTANT.— our name is cast on every length. The Soil Pipe and Fittings in good plumbing should be first-class. Ours can be relied upon to meet every requirement as to workmanship, quality of iron, finish and uniformity of thickness. When specifying, mention name and number. Enameled Inside Pipe and Fittings can be furnished when desired. Prices upon application. 144 U WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. QUARTER BEND. STANDARD. 2-in | 0.40 3-in 65 4-in , .80 5-in 1.50 6-in 2.00 8-in 3.00 F- 870. 1(Hn 400 12-in 6.00 7-in ...:....'.. v........ 2.25 15-in ................:...,......-......!.... 10.00 QUARTER BEND. STANDARD. 2-in., with -2-in. Inlet # 1.40 3-in., " 2-in. " 1.65 4-in., '« 2-in. " 1.85 4-in., " 3-in. " 2.10 5-in., " 2-in. " 2.50 5-in., " 3-in. " „. 2.75 6-in., " 2-in. " 3.00 6-in., " 3-in. " 3.25 F " 87 Vn"l ( e W t'.) H S,DE 6-in., " «»• " 3-50 8-in., " 4-in. " 3.75 10-in., " 4-in. " 4.75 12-in., "4-in. 5W 6.75 Note. — F-873, Quarter Bend will always be sent with Inlet on "right hand side but can be furnished with the Inlet on left hand side when desired. EXTRA HEAVY $ 0.50 .95 1.15 2.00 2.75 4.00 5.00 8.00 3.00 15.00 EXTRA HEAVY. $ 1.50 1.95 2.15 2.40 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.00 4.25 4.75 5.75 8.75 shown F"872.-(WITH HEEL INLET.) QUARTER BEND. EXTRA STANDARD. HEAVY 2-in., with 2-in. Inlet $ 0.90 $ 1.00 3-in., " 2-in. " 1.15 1.45 4 in., " 2-in. " 1.35 1.65 4-in., " 3-in. " 1.45 1.75 5-in., " 2-in. " 2.00 2.50 5-in., " 3-in. " 2.10 2.60 6-in., " 2-in. 4 ' 2.50 3.25 6-in., 4t 3-in. lt 2.60 3.35 6-in., " 4-in. k< 2.75 3.50 8-in., " 4-in. " 3.75 4.75 10-in., " 4-in. " 4.75 5.75 12-in, " 4-in. 5 « 6.75 8.75 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 145 LONG SWEEP QUARTER BENDS. 4 inch 5 inch 4 inch $3.00 5 inch 4.00 INVERTED Y TAPPED FOR IRON PIPE. 2x1^ in. 2x2 in. 3x1)4 in. 3x2 in, 4x1^ in. 4x2 in, Standard. Thread #1.50 1.50 1.75 ..' „ 1.75 2.25 2.25 F-875 Ex. Heavy. $2.00 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.75 2.75 BATH TUB CONNECTION F-876. ^--87 6. Graduated Closet Fitting, adapted for use with Iron Water Closets when arranged in bat- teries of 10 Closets or less. See illustration in Water Closet Section of this catalogue. F-877. 2 x 2 x 2-inch Standard $2.00 4 x 4 x 2-inch .... ... Standard 3.00 FRESH AIR INLETS, F-878. (SHORT.) 4 inch each. $1.75 F-879. (REGULAR.) 4 inch each $1.75 146 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-881 .-(double hubs.) QUARTER BEND. STANDARD. 2-in $o . 70 3-in 95 4-in 5- in 2.00 6-in 2.50 EXTRA HEAVY |0.80 1.25 1.45 2.50 3.25 QUARTER BEND, DOUBLE QUARTER BEND. F-882. -(with spigot ends.) 1-in EXTRA HEAVY. . |1.25 F-883. STANDARD. 3x2 in...,. |1.25 4 x2in 1.65 4 x 4 in 2.50 EXTRA HEAVY *1.?5 2.00 3.25 LONG QUARTER BENDS STANDARD. 2 in., 14 in in the clear $1.10 3-in., 15 in ,k " 1.50 4-in., 18-in " <; 1.75 5-in., 18 in. " " 2.50 6-in., 18 in. " " 3.00 8-in., 18-in. " tk 5.50 EXTRA HEAVY. $1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.50 7.00 F-884. EXTRA STANDARD. HEAVY. 2-in., 14-in. in the clear $1.50 $2.00 3-in., 15-in. " " 2.25 2.75 4-in., 18-in. k " " 2.75 3.50 5-in., 18-in. kk " 3.50 4.50 6 in., 18-in u ' " 4.00 5.50 F"885.-(WITH FOOT-REST I*. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 147 LONG QUARTER BEND. F-886.— (with hand hole cover AND FOOT REST.) 2-in 14-in. 15-in. 18-in 18-in. , 18-in. in the clear STANDARD $2.00 EXTRA HEAVY $2.25 3-in. n 3.00 3.50 ,, 3.75 4.50 5-in a 4.50 5.50 6-in. w 5.25 6.50 LONG SIXTH BEND. FIFTH BEND. F-887. F-888. 1r-in., 18-in. in the clear, Extra Heavy $2.50 4-in., Standard $0.80 2-in., " 40 SIXTH BEND. EXTRA STANDARD. HEAVY- 2-in $0.40 $0.50 3in .65 -95 4 _i n .80 1.15 5 _ in 1.50 2.00 6-in 2.00 2.75 F-889. 8in 3.00 4.00 EIGHTH BEND. EXTRA STANDARD HEAVY. 2-in $0.40 $0.50 _J 3-in .65 .95 S!t 4_i n .80 1.15 5in 1-50 2.00 6-in 2.00 2.75 8-in 3.00 4.00 F " 890 - 10-in 4.00 5.00 12-in 6 . 00 8 . 00 ~r EIGHTH BEND. ■- "I 1 " 1 ' 1 ™ EXTRA STANDARD. HEAVY 2-in $0.70 $0.80 3-in -95 1-25 F-891 ."(DOUBLE HUBS) 4-in •• 110 1A5 148 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. LONG EIGHTH BEND. 4-inch. 18 inches in the clear. F-892. EXTRA HEAVY. $2.50 SIXTEENTH BEND. F-893. 2 inch. 3 4 5 STAND- extra ARD. HEAVY $0.40 $0.50 .65 .95 .80 1.15 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.75 3.00 4.00 "T" BRANCH F-894. STAND- ARD. 2 x 2-inch $0.60 3x3 ■' 1.00 3x2 * 90 4x4 '• 1.40 4x3 "' 1.30 4x2 " 1.20 5x5 " 2.00 5x4 '• 1.90 5x3 " 1.80 5x2 ) EXTRA ' T *"«-> STANDARD HEAVY. 2- in * *V« *9*n 2-in. Tapped for 2-in. pipe... lz£ ::::::■::::■:•:::: 1:?6 l:lo 2 -- Ta pp ed for ^- "■?- 5-inch 2.75 5.00 6-inch 3.75 6.00 INCREASING QUARTER BENDS. Bllli iIIIIIk in EXTRA HEAVY ..$1.15 .. 1.15 F-965-— (WITH CLEAN OUT.) 4 to -inch, each, extra heavy. . . 4-inch Brass Screw. .75 F-966.— (plain.) 4 to 6-inch, each, extra heavy. J2.25 NCREASING EIGHTH BENDS. F-967. — (WITH CLEAN OUT.) 4 to 6-inch, each, extra heavy $4.75 4-inch Brass Screw. 4 to F-9Q8,— (PLAIN.) i-inch, each, extra heavy. $2.25 Above fittings are adapted for use at bottom of Pipe Stack connecting 6 inch Main Sewer to 4-inch Riser. The Trap Screw shown in F-965 and 966 permits main sewer being easily reached for rodding purposes. RETURN BEND. GREEN-HOUSE PIPE FITTINGS. RETURN BEND. T-BRANCH. F-969. — (SINGLE HUB.) STAND. EX. H'Y. 2-inch.... $0.65 $0.90 3-inch.... 1.00 1.25 4-inch.... 1.50 2.00 5-inch.... 2.50 3.50 6-inch.... 3.00 4.00 F-970, 2-inch. 4-inch. 3-inch. (DOUBLE HUB.) EX. H'Y. STAND. $0.75 1.75 1.25 F-971.— (HUB ENDS.) 4-inch $1.50 2.25 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 165 GREEN-HOUSE PIPE FITTINGS. RETURN BENDS. CROSS WITH HUBS. F-975.— (hub outlet.) F-976. -(spigot outlet.) F-977. 4-in $2.00 4-in $2.00 4-in $2.00 QUADRUPLE ELBOWS. TRIPLE ELBOWS. F-978. 4-in #4.00 4-in. F-979. $3.25 H** BRANCH. DOUBLE ELBOWS. THREE-WAY BRANCH TEES. F-980. -(THREE HUBS.) F"98 1 . F"982. 4-in.... $2.00 4-in ........ $2.50 4-in...................... $3.25 166 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PIPE BANDS- PIPE CHAIRS. F-983.-(WITH OUTLET.) STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. 2 x 2-inch $0.75 $1.50 3 x 3-inch 1.00 1.75 3 x 2-inch 1.00 1.75 4 x 4 inch 1.25 2.00 4x3inch 1.25 2.00 4x2inch 1.25 2.00 5x5inch 1.75 2.75 5 x 4-inch 1.75 2.75 5 x 3-inch 1.75 2.75 5x2inch 1.75 2.75 6 x 6-inch 2.25 3.50 6 x 5-inch 2.25 3.50 6 x 4-inch 2.25 3.50 6 x 3-inch 2.25 3.50 6 x 2-inch 2.25 3.50 PIPE BANDS. F-986. STANDARD. EX. HEAVY. 2-inch $0.45 $0.90 3-inch .60 1.15 4-inch .80 1.50 5-inch 1.25 2.00 6-inch 1.75 2.75 8-inch 2.25 4.00 GREEN-HOUSE VALVE. F-988.— (HAS 4-INCH waterway.) 4-inch, Net $6.00 F-984. 4-inch, for 2 Pipes $0.25 PIPE CHAIRS. F-985. 4-inch, for 3 Pipes $0.50 PIPE CHAIRS. F-987. 4-inch, for 4 Pipes $0.75 GREEN -HOUSE BUTTERFLY VALVE. F-989. 4-inch, Net $3.50 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 167 S" TRAP. THREE-QUARTER "S" TRAP. F 2-in ■990. -(plain.) STANDARD. $0.80 EXTRA HEAVY $1.25 2.00 3 in 1.25 4-in 1.75 2.75 5-in 3.50 4.50 6-in 4.50 6.00 F-991 .-(PLAIN.) EXTRA STANDARD. HEAVY. 2-in $0.80 $1 25 3-in 1.25 2.00 4-in 1.75 2.75 5-in 3.50 4.50 6-in 4.50 6.00 HALF "S" TRAP. S" TRAP. F-992, 2-in 3-in 4-in 5-in 6-in F-993.— (with brass screw.) (plain.) EXTRA EXTRA STANDARD . HEAVY. STANDARD. HEAVY ... $0.80 $1.25 2-in., \% -in. Screw. . . . .... $3.30 $3.75 1.25 2.00 2.75 4.50 6.00 3-in., 2 4-in., 3 5-in., 3 6-in., 4 in. in. in. in. u If < ( .... 3.75 .... 4.25 .... 6.00 • • • • 7.00 4.50 ... 1.75 5.25 . . . 3.50 7.00 • • • 4.50 8.50 THREE-QUARTER "S" TRAP. HALF "S" TRAP. F-994.-(with brass screw.) 2-in 3-in 4-in 5-in., 3 6-in , 4 l%-\w. Screw 2 : 3 in. in. F-995.— (with brass screw.) EXTRA EXTRA STANDARD. HEAVY. STANDARD. HEAVY .. $3.30 $3.75 2-in. , \% in. Screw. . . $3.30 $3.75 .. 3.75 4.50 3-in. , 2 in. < i 3.75 4.50 .. 4.25 5.25 4-in. , 3 in. " ... 4.25 5.25 . . 6.00 7.00 5-in. 3 in. < < 6.00 7.00 • • 7.00 8.50 6-in. 4 in. " ... 7.00 8.50 168 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. S" TRAP. F-996.— (with vent.) EXTRA STANDARD. HEAVY. 2-inch, with 2-inch Vent $1.25 $1.75 3-inch, with 2-inch Vent 1.75 2.50 4-inch, with 2 inch Vent 2.25 3.25 5-inch, with 2-inch Vent 4.00 5.00 6-inch, with 2-inch Vent. 5.00 6.50 7-inch, with 2-inch Vent , 7.50 9.50 8-inch, with 2-inch Vent 9.50 12.50 F-997.— (with vent.) F-998.-(WITH VENT.) THREE-QUARTER "S" TRAP. STANDARD. 2-inch, with 2-inch Vent $1.25 3-inch, with 2-inch Vent 1.75 4-inch, with 2-inch Vent 2.25 5-inch, with 2-inch Vent 4.00 6-inch, with 2-inch Vent 5.00 HALF "S" TRAP. STANDARD. 2-inch, with 2-inch Vent $1.25 3-inch, with 2-inch Vent 1.75 4-inch, with 2-inch Vent 2 .25 5-inch, with 2-inch Vent 4.00 6-inch, with 2-inch Vent „ . . . 5.00 EXTRA HEAVY. $1.75 2.50 3.25 5.00 6.50 EXTRA HEAVY. $1.75 2.50 3.25 5.00 6.50 RUNNING TRAPS. STANDARD. 2-inch, with 2-inch Vent. $1.25 4-inch, with 4 inch Vent 2.50 5-inch, with 4 inch Vent 4.25 6-inch, with 4-inch Vent . . 5.25 8-inch, with 4 inch Vent 9.75 10-inch, with 6-inch Vent. 16.00 12-inch, with 6 inch Vent 22.00 EXTRA HEAVY. $1.75 3.50 5.25 6.75 12.75 22.00 32.00 WITH HUB FOR VENT.) L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 169 S" TRAPS F-1 000.-(WITH VENT AND BRASS SCREW.) STANDARD. 2-in., with 2-in. Vent and 13^-in. Brass Screw. . $3.75 3-in., with 2 in. Vent and 2 in. Brass Screw. . 4.25 4-in., with 2 in. Vent and 3 in. Brass Screw. . 4.T5 5 in., with 2 in. Vent and 3 in. Brass Screw. . 6.50 6-in., with 2 in. Vent and 4 in. Brass Screw. . 7.50 THREE-QUARTER "S" TRAPS. 2-in., with 2-in. Vent and l 1 2 -in. Brass Screw. . $3.75 3-in., with 2-in. Vent and 2 in. Brass Screw. . 4.25 4-in., with 2-in. Vent and 3 in. Brass Screw. . 4.75 5-in., with 2-in. Vent and 3 in. Brass Screw. . 6.50 6-in., with 2-in. Vent and 4 in. Brass Screw. . 7.50 EXTRA HEAVY. |4.25 5.00 5.75 7.50 9.00 54.25 5.00 5.75 7.50 9.00 F-1 001 .-(WITH VENT AND BRASS SCREW.) F-1 002." (WITH VENT AND BRASS SCREW.) HALF "S" TRAPS. 2-in., with 2-in. Vent and l}o in. Brass Screw. . 3-in., with 2-in. Vent and 2 in. Brass Screw. . 4-in., with 2-in. Vent and 3 in. Brass Screw. . 5-in., with 2-in. Vent and 3 in. Brass Screw. . 6-in., with 2-in. Vent and 4 in. Brass Screw. . $3.75 4.25 4.75 6.50 7.50 $4.25 5.00 5.75 7.50 9.00 F"1 003.-(WITH HAND HOLE COVER AND HEEL INLET.) "S" TRAPS. 4-in., " S " Trap $2.50 $3.50 4-in. ^"S"Trap 2.50 3.50 4-in., % l 'S" Trap 2.50 3.50 F-1 004.— (WITH HAND HOLE, COVER AND SIDE INLET.) HALF "S" TRAPS. 4-in., i. 2 " S " Trap $3.00 $4,00 4-in., % "S" Trap 3.00 4.00 4-in.. l -S" Trap 3.00 400 170 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. S" TRAP. F-1005.— (WITH HAND HOLE AND COVER.) SEE LIST BELOW. THREE-QUARTER "S" TRAP. F-1006-— (WITH HAND HOLE AND COVER.) SEE LIST BELOW. HALF "S" TRAP. F-1007.— (WITH HAND HOLE AND COVER.) PRICES OF F-1005, 1006 AND 1007. EXTRA STANDARD. HEAVY. 2-inch $1.00 $1.50 3-inch 1.50 2.25 4-inch 2.00 3.00 5-inch 3.75 4.75 6-inch 4.75 6.25 RUNNING TRAP. WITH HALF Y-BRANCH AND VENT. F-1008. EXTRA STANDARD. HEAVY. 6-inch with 4-in. Vent Hubs $5.50 $7.00 RUNNING TRAP. F-1009-— (WITH HAND HOLE AND COVER.) 2-inch STANDARD. ..' $1.00 HEAVY $1.50 3-inch 1.50 2.25 4-inch 2.00 3.00 5-inch . . . 3.75 4.75 6-inch 4.75 6.25 8-inch 9.25 12.50 10-inch 15.00 21.00 12-inch 21.00 31.00 RUNNING TRAPS. EXTRA STANDARD. HEAVY. 4-inch, with 4-inch Vents $ 3,25 $ 4.25 5-inch, with 4-inch Vents 5.00 6.00 6-inch, with 4-inch Vents 6.00 7.50 8-inch, with 6-inch Vents 11.00 14.00 10-inch, with 6-inch Vents 17.00 23.00 12-inch, with 6-inch Vents 23.00 33.00 F-1010.— (WITH HUBS FOR DOUBLE VENT. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 170± THE F. & W. SYSTEM. Messrs. Fruin & Walker have invented a combination drainage and vent tee, in which it is impossible for the secretion of rust and other foreign substances to lodge and remain. In their system, as fast as rust forms in the vent pipe, it falls into the drainage part of their special tee, from which it is carried away by the flow of water from the sani- tary fixtures. In this invention, it can be readily seen that an important improvement has been made. They have also invented a series of special fittings and connections for venting and reventing, by which perfect ventilation is maintained at all times. All the F. & W. Fittings possess the further advantage of displacing two or more ordinary fittings, with their contingent joints, thereby reducing the cost of material and installation, as well as decreasing the liability of leakage. We particularly invite the attention of Architects, Builders, Plumbers and all who are interested, to the many points of advantage — some of which are named below — gained by using F. & W. Fittings. Syphoning is impossible. Rust cannot accumulate. There is positive circulation of all at all times through both vent and revent. When testing, every joint in the revent, as well as the main stack is under water pressure, thereby reducing the possibility of leakage of sewer gas to a minimum. The F. & W. Fittings require less room between partitions than other systems. They are cheaper, and when properly connected, they are practical, sanitary and durable. The F. & W. System should be insisted upon by every sanitary board, architect and plumber, where economy of space, sanitary efficiency, durability and simplicity are desired. The letters F. & W. are cast on every fitting. All F. & W. Fittings are protected by United States letters patent. Made extra heavy only. A glance at the section of stack made up of cast iron soil pipe, and F. & W. Fit- tings shown in the accompanying cut, is sufficient to establish the superiority of F. & W. Fittings over all other fittings in the market. They occupy less wall space. Their curves and angles are easy and are in the natural direction of the air currents, thereby decreasing friction and increasing the circulation of air throughout the entire system. When used as shown in this cut, together with other fittings, which we manufacture, they insure freedom from all rust and scale, and give positive ventilation at all times. 170* L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. & W. PATENTED COMBINATION VENT AND RE-VENT FITTINGS. F-3539. ARRANGED FOR BATH TUB, LAVATORY, CLOSET AND KITCHEN SINK. The Plumbing ordinances of many cities require that the sink waste pipe be run independently to a catch basin to prevent grease from entering the main sewer. The above illustration shows F. & W. Fittings in position as required by such ordinances, where only one stack of revent pipe is used, and with such marked economy in labor, material and space as to warrant their use in combinations of all kinds of sanitary work where each fixture must be independently revented. F-3540 shows the Fixtures placed to suit arrangement of pipes and fittings as _ in F-3539. The large variety of F. & W. fit- tings shown in following pages make it pos- sible to arrange the location of Fixtures to suit any desired plan. F~3540.-(FLOOR PLAN.) L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 171 F. & W. PATENTED COMBINATION VENT AND RE-VENT FITTINGS. F-3666-> <-F-368l F-3544.-DOUBLE SET OF FIXTURES. MSS&J. p36|5 ,- soiLPIPE F 3682': I ( F^Ts i | ^«TE ,j£ F-3544 is an arrangement of Fittings where F. & W. Crosses and other double fittings are used to accommodate 2 sets of Fixtures in adjacent bath rooms. By using the regular F. & W. Tee and single fittings, the plan is changed into a single run. The accompanying illustrations demonstrate the economy, compactness aud adaptability of the F. & W. System. F-3545.-FLOOR PLAN, 172 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F. & W. PATENTED FITTINGS ARRANGED FOR SINGLE AND DOUBLE SINK STACKS. KITCHEN SINKS. F-3548.-SINGLE SINK STACK. F-3550.-DOUBLE SINK STACK. (SEE OPPOSITE PAGE FOR DESCRIPTION.) L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 173 F-3548 and F-3550. The arrangement of F. & W. Fittings as shown on opposite page is intended to receive sinks singly (F-3548) or double (F-3550). For the single run the stack can be 2 or 3 inch; for the double run stack can be 3 inch its entire length or 4 inch on lower end and reduced to 3 inch as it nears the roof. In basement, pipe, fittings and trap connections are shown for Laundry Tubs, the Drum Traps shown (F-3680) are our Special Cast Iron Traps, Enameled Inside. An inspection of the plans on opposite page showing stacks made up of cast iron soil pipe, and F. & W. Fittings, is sufficient to establish the superiority of F. & W. Fit- tings over all other fittings in the market. They occupy less wall space. Their curves and angles are easy and are in the natural direction of the air currents, thereby decreasing friction and increasing the circulation of air throughout the entire system. When used as shown together with other fittings which we manufacture, they insure freedom from all rust and scale and give positive ventilation at all times. 174 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. & W. PATENTED COMBINATION VENT AND RE-VENT FITTINGS. F. & W. SANITARY TEES.-RIGHT HAND. LIST SIZE A B C 2-in. xlj^-in x 1^-in. tapped 2-in. xl^-in x 2-in. CI 2-in. x 2-in. xl^-in. ( < 2-in. x 2-in. x2-in. < ( 3-in. xl^-in . xl^-in. ( ( A B 3-in. xlj^-in 3-in. x 2-in. .x2-in. xl>£-in. << jr. TUPE|| 3-in. x2-in. 3-in. x2-in. x2-in. x3-in. " 11 1 1 ilP c 3-in. x3-in. xl^-in. " ■1 ■y^ 3-in. x 3-in. x2-in. " II 3-in. x 4-in. xlj£-in. " Iff 3-in. x4-in. x2-in. " Ii 1 4-in. x2-in. xl^-in. " | J 4-in. x2-in. x 2-in. " 4-in. x2-in. x4-in. Hub F-3575. 4-in. x3-in. x4-in. " RIGHT HAND. 5-in. x2-in. xl^-in. tapped 5-in. x2-in. x 2-in. " 5-in. x2-in. x 4-in. Hub 5-in. x3-in. x4-in. < < 5-in. x4-in. x4-in. " B A F-3576. LEFT HAND. J2.00 . 2.00 . 2.00 . 2.00 . 2.50 . 2.50 . 2.50 . 2.. 50 . 2.75 . 2.75 . 2.75 . 3.00 3.00 . 3.25 . 3.25 . 3.25 . 3.50 4.00 . 4.00 . 4.00 . 4.50 . 5.00 PATENTED; MAY 28, 1901: DEC. 17, 1901. OTHER PATENTS PENDING. F. & W. SANITARY TEES.-LEFT HAND. A 2-in. 2-in. 2-in. 2-in. 3-in. 3-in. 3-in. 3-in. 3-in. 3-in. 3-in. 3-in. 3-in. 4-in. 4-in. 4-in. 4-in. 5-in. 5-in 5-in 5-in 5-in SIZE LIST B C xl>^-in. xl>^ -in. tapped $2.00 xl^-in. x2-in. x2-in. xl>^-in. x2-in. x2-in. xl^-in. xl>^-in. x2-in. xl>^-in. x2-in. x 3-in. xl^-in. x2-in. xl^-in. xl^-in x2-in. , x2-in. x2-in. x3-in. x3-in. x4-in. x 4-in. . x 2-in. . x 2-in. . x2-in. . x3-in. . x 2-iu. . x 2-in. . x2-in. . x3-in. . x4-in. x2-m. xl>£-in. x 2-in. x 4-in. x4-in. Hub xl^ -in. tapped 4 x2-in. " 4 x4-in. Hub 4 x4-in. " 4 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.25 3.25 3.2 5 3.50 00 00 00 50 4-in. 5.00 F. & W. IS CAST ON EACH FITTING. SEE PAGES 170-172 FOR ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING MANNER IN WHICH ABOVE FITTINGS CAN BE USED IN F. & W. RE-VENT SYSTEM. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 175 F. & W. CROSS WITH DOUBLE VENT OPENINGS. PATENTED MAY 28, 1901; DEC. 17, 1901, OTHER PATENTS PENDING. F-3585, F. & W. CROSS WITH DOUBLE VENT OPENING. DOUBLE VENT. SIZE LIST A B C 2 -in. x 1)4 -in. xl^-in. tapped $3.00 2-in. xl^-in. x2-in. " .. 3.00 3-in.xl^-in. xl^-in. " 3.50 3-in. x 1^-in. x 2-in. " 3 . 50 4-in. x 2-in. x 4-in . Hub 4 . 50 5-in.x2-in. x4-in. " 5.50 6 -in x 2-in. x 4-in. " . 6 . 50 F-3586, F. &. W. CROSS WITH SINGLE VENT. ■Be r & W. CROSS WITH SINGLE VENT OPENING. SINGLE VENT. SIZE LIST A B C 2-in.xl^-in. xl^-in $3.00 2-in. x 2-in. xl^-in. 3.00 2-in. x 2-in. x2-in 3.00 2-in. xl^-in.x 2-in 3.00 4-in. x 2-in. x 4-in. . 5 . 00 F. & W. IS CAST ON EACH FITTING. SEE PAGES 170-172 FOR ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING MANNER IN WHICH ABOVE FITTINGS CAN BE USED IN F. & W. RE-VENT SYSTEM. 176 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F. & W. PATENTED COMBINATION VENT AND RE-VENT FITTINGS. A B F-3593.-(RIGHT HAND.) SANITARY TEES WITH BATH INLET. SIZE LIST A B C D 4-in. x 2-in. x 4-in. x 2-in $3 . 75 5-in. x 2-in. x 4-in. x 2-in 4 . 50 5-in. x 3-in. x 4-in. x 2. in 5 . 00 5-in. x 4-in. x 4-in. x 2-in 5.50 F-3594.-(LEFT HAND.) SANITARY TEES WITH BATH INLET. SIZE LIST A B C D 4-in. x 2-in. x4-in. x2-in .$3.75 5-in. x2-in. x4-in. x2-in 4.50 5-in. x 3-in. x 4-in. x 2-in 5 . 00 5-in. x4-in. x4-in. x2-in 5.50 F"3601.-(TO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 1. 2-inch Combination Ventilating Branch with 2-inch Side Inlet (Hub to calk) and long off- set. Price each $2.70 F-3602.-(to CALK.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 2. 2-inch Combination Ventila- ting Branch with 2-inch Side Inlet (Hub to calk) and LONG offset. F-3603.-(to CALK.) 3 INCH. F. & W. FITTING NO. 3. 3-inch Combination Ventilating Branch with 2-inch Side Inlet (Hub to calk) and long off- Price each. ,$2.00 Price each ,300 SEE PAGES 170-172 FOR ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING MANNER IN WHICH ABOVE FITTINGS CAN BE USED IN F. & W. RE-VENT SYSTEM. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 177 COMBINATION VENTILATING FITTINGS FOR RE-VENTING . .. 4-INCH SOIL PIPE STACK. F~3604.— (tapped on side.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 4. 2-inch Combination Ventilating Branch with Side Inlet (Tapped \y 2 in.) and long offset. F-3605.— (tapped on side.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 5. 2-inch Combination Ventilating Branch with Side Inlet (Tapped \y 2 in. ) and short offset. Price each. . . $2.70 Price each, $2.00 F-3606.— (tapped on side.) 3 INCH. F. & W. FITTING NO. 6. 3-inch Combination Ventilating Branch with Side Inlet (Tapped \y 2 in. ) and long offset. Price each ..$3.00 F-3607. (FOR CALKING.) F. & W. FITTING No. 7. 2-inch Ventilating long offset with side inlet. F-3608. (FOR CALKING.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 8. F-3609. (tapped on side.) F. & W. FITTING No. 9. 2-inch Ventilating short offset with side 2-inch Ventilating long inlet. offset with side inlet Tapped 1J4 in. ^3'4— 4 - F-3610. (tapped on side.) F. & W. FITTING No. 10. 2-inch Ventilating short offset with side inlet Tapped l l / 2 inch. Price each $2.50 Price each $2.00 Price each $2.50 Price each $2.00 SEE PAGES 170-172 FOR ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING MANNER IN WHICH ABOVE FITTINGS CAN BE USED IN F. & W. RE-VENT SYSTEM. 178 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, COMBINATION VENTILATING FITTINGS FOR RE-VENTING 4-INCH SOIL PIPE STACK. F-3612.-(TO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING No. 12. 2-inch Combination Ventilating Branch with long offset. F-3614.-(TO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 14. 2-inch Plain, long offset. 2 2 F-3615.— (TO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING No. 15. 2-inch Double Vent. Branch for 4-inch Cross. Price each., ........ .$2.30 Price each $1.50 Price each $2.50 TEE BRANCH AND INCREASERS. F-3618.— (TO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING No. 18. Tee with Vent Branch for 4-in. Stack. F"36l9.-(TO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING No. 19. Increaser with Vent Branch for 4-inch Stack. F-3620. {FOR 2-IN. STACK.) F. & W. FITTING No. 20. Increaser with Vent Branch for 2-in. Stack to Calk. Price each 4x4x2 in $1.80 Price each, 5x4x2 in. ..$2.60 Price each 4x2x2 in $2.10 SEE PAGES 170-172 FOR ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING MANNER IN WHICH ABOVE FITTINGS CAN BE USED IN F. & W. RE-VENT SYSTEM. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 179 COMBINATION VENTILATING FITTINGS FOR RE-VENTING KITCHEN SINKS AND LAVATORIES. F-3625.-(to CALK.) F. & W. FITTING No. 25. 2-inch Combination Ventila- ting Branch with short OFFSET. Price each. .80 F-3626.-'to CALK.) F.&W. FITTING No. 26. 2-inch Combination Ventilating Branch with Side Inlet. (Hub to Calk) and short OFFSET. Price each $2.00 F-3627. (TAPPED ON SIDE.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 27. 2-inch Combination Ven- tilating Branch with Side Inlet. (Tapped iy 2 in.) and SHORT OFFSET. Price each $2.00 ABOVE FITTINGS ARE FOR SINKS AND LAVATORIES, F-3630.— (TO CALK.) F.&W. FITTING No. 30. Tee with Ventilating Branch for 2-inch Stack. Price each, 2x2x2 in. .. $1.20 F-3631.— (TO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING No. 31. ■ 2x1 ]4, inch Reducing Offset. Price each $1 = 10 F-3632.-(to CALK.) F.&W. FITTING NO. 32. 2x1 Yz inch. Reducing Eight Bend. Price each , .0.50 ABOVE FITTINGS ARE FOR SINKS AND LAVATORIES. SEE PAGES 170-172 FOR ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING MANNER IN WHICH ABOVE FITTINGS CAN BE USED IN F. & W. RE-VENT SYSTEM. 180 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMBINATION VENTILATING FITTINGS. F-3635-— (TO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING No. 35. 1 y 2 - inch Extension Piece 18 inches long. Price each 0.50 2/4 F-3636.-(to CALK.) F. & W. FITTING No. 36. Basin Re-Vent Ell, 1^x2 in. , 16 in. long. Price each $1.10 F-3637.-0TO CALK.) F. &W. FITTING NO. 37. Basin Re-Vent Tee 16 in. long. Price each $1.30 F-3639. (TAPPED.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 39. Combination Vent and Waste. T.I/ F-3640. (TO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 40. Combination Vent and Waste. Price each $2.20 Price each. . .$2.20 NOTE: — The r, F. & w. combination vent and waste" is a very convenient fitting when the fixtures in the bathroom are so arranged that it can be used. The trap being connected to upper inlet and the lower end to waste pipe under floor keeps the floor space free of pipes. The side openings are tapped l l / 2 inch standard thread and receive P trap. The lower opening in No. 39 is tapped l l / 2 inch and No. 40 has hub to be connected with Drum Trap or Waste Pipe underneath floor. SPECIAL THREE AND FOUR WAY FITTINGS. 2 T. 2 T. 2 T. 2"T F-3646. (three-way.) 2 T. 2 T. F-3647. (thr::e-way.) 2 T. 2 T. F-3648. (four-way.) F. & W. FITTING F. & W. FITTING F. & W. FITTING NO. 46. NO 47. NO. 48 PRICE PRICE PRICE Each, 2-in.. 50c Ea., 2-in. . . .50c Ea. , 2-in . . . 90c Ea., 1^ in.. 40c Ea., 1^ in. .40c Ea., 1^-in. .75c ABOVE ARE FOft WROUGHT IRON RE-VENT. F-3649.-BASIN RE-VENT ELL. t-3"^ iVr. F. & W. FITTING NO. 49. 1^-in. Calk and lj£-in. Tap 0.50 F-3649. SEE PAGES 170-172 FOR ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING MANNER IN WHICH ABOVE FITTINGS CAN BE USED IN F. & W. RE-VENT SYSTEM. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 181 COMBINATION VENTILATING FITTINGS. F-3656.-(tapped.) F. & W. FITTING No. 56. Double Basin Re-Vent Ell tapped \% inch. F-3658. F-365T.— (TO CALK.) F. &W. FITTING No. 57. Double Basin Re- Vent Ell with Hubs to Calk. F-3659. Price each $2.20 p r i ce each $2.20 F-3658. F. & W. FITTING NO. 58. Tee Branch Three Hubs. Price each. . .$1.00 F-3659. F. & W. FITTING NO. 59. Basin Re-Vent Tee SHORT. Price $1.00 92 F-3660.-CTAPPED.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 60. Double Combination Vent and Waste with 2-in. Vent outlet for horizon- tal CONNECTION. Price each $4 . 00 All inlets are tapped \ l / 2 in. F-3661.-CTO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 61. Double Combination Vent and Waste with 2-in. Vent outlet for horizon- tal CONNECTION. 2. _ ; — ' I F-3666. F. & W. FITTING NO. 66. 2-inch Extra Long Quarter Bend. Price each $4.00 Price each $1.50 Upper inlets are tapped 1% in., lower inlets 2-in. Hubs. NOTE:— f-3660, F-3661 F. & W. DOUBLE COMBINATION VENT and WASTE Fittings can be used to connect two lavatories placed at ends of pipe runs, located in adjoining rooms. (See plan on page 171.) On page 171 plan shows bath tubs at the end of run, and lavatories between bath tub and closet ; should it be desirable to locate these fixtures, vice versa, use the above fitting. Fitting No. 60 (F-3660 i being placed within the walls of the partition, (see plan page 171) with its lower end beneath the floor line; and connected with other F. & W. Fittings, made for the pur- pose, allows the connection of the Lavatory Traps direct into its upper inlets, and the lower ends being connected to waste pipes under floor keeps the floor space free of pipes. This is desirable from a Sanitary Standpoint, as well as general appearance and accessability for cleaning purposes. 182 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY COMBINATION VENTILATING FITTINGS. F-36 67. —(TAPPED.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 67. Double Combination Vent and Waste with 2-inch Vent Outlet for vertical Connection. Price each ...$4.00 All inlets are tapped 1)4 inch. F-3668.— (TO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 68. Double Combination Vent and Waste with 2-inch Vent Outlet for vertical Connection. Price each $4.00 Upper inlets are tapped 1)4 in. Lower inlets 2 inch Hubs. F -3669.— (TO CALK.) F. & W. FITTING NO. 69. Double Vent Branch for 2-in. Cross. Price each ........ : . . $1 . 50 NOTE: — f-3667 and F-3668 are arranged with 2-inch outlets for Vertical connection with the Vent Stack, otherwise they are similar to F-3660 and F-3661. see note on page 181. CVJ 8 SPECIAL CAST IRON PIPE. 0" F-3676. 1)4 inch Special Cast Iron Pipe — made in 5 foot lengths. F-3670, F-3671. (TAPPED.) (TO CALK.) LONG TEE BRANCHES IADE 14 IN., 20 IN., 24 IN. OR 30 EN. LONG. TAPPED OR FOR CALKING. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 183 SPECIAL CAST IRON FITTINGS. F-3680. Cast Iron Drum Trap with N. P. Brass Trap Screw. Price, ea. Painted $4 . 50 Enam 'I'd inside 5.25 F-3681. Cast Iron Drum Trap with N. P. Brass Trap Screw. With Left Hand Side Open- ing. Price ea. , Painted . $5 . 00 " " Enam'l'd inside 5.75 F-3682. Cast Iron Drum Trap with N. P. Brass Trap Screw. With Right Hand Side Open- ing. Price, ea., Painted $5.00 " " Enam'Pd inside 5.75 NOTE: — The abvove Drum Traps are so constructed that a very deep Water Seal is obtained and the center of all openings are kept on a line. A clean out screw on the inside can be removed in case of stoppage, by first removing the Trap screw and then the clean out screw access is had to all parts of the Trap and the inlet and outlet pipes can be reached for rodding. T.lVa F-3683. 2 INCH SPECIAL ELBOW WITH 1^-INCH TAPPED INLET. Price each, 6 inches long Price each, 12 " " Price each ,16 " ' ' Price each, 18 " " ... .$0.75 1.00 1.10 1.20 Price each, 21 " " Price each, 30 " " 1.40 1.50 Price each, 36 " " 1.80 F-3684. (TO CALK.) 4 INCH SPECIAL ELBOW WITH 2-INCH SIDE INLET. Price each, 18 inches long (as shown) Extra Heavy $3.50 We can furnish f-3684 in shorter lengths if desired. MOTE: — Above Fittings can be furnished with the Inlet-openings tapped if desired, price upon application. SPECIAL SANITARY TEE. (TAPPED ON SIDE.) Made in 2-inch Extra Heavy tapped on side for 2-inch or \y 2 inch iron pipe. SPECIAL SANITARY CROSS. (TAPPED ON SIDE.) Made in 2-inch Extra Heavy tapped on side for 2-inch ox\y 2 - inch iron pipe. F-3686. F-3687. 6EE PAGES 170-172 FOR ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING MANNER IN WHICH ABOVE FITTINGS CAN BE USED IN F. & W. RE-VENT SYSTEM. 184 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SPECIAL CAST IRON WATER CLOSET WASTE FITTINGS. F-3688. 4-inch Extra Heavy Waste Fit- ting with Floor Flange Integral. F-3689. F-3690. 4-inch Extra Heavy Waste Fit- 4-inch Extra Heavy Waste ting wkh pioor Flange Integral Fitting with Floor Flange and side Vent> threaded for Integral and Side Vent to iron pipe, calk. The flanges are made so outlet end of water closet bowl will fit into it, and bolt holes are tapped to fit corresponding openings in water closet bowl. The usual length of above fitting is 24 inches, but can be furnished any length, to order. T. 4 F-3697. 4-inch Extra Heavy Waste Fitting with Floor Flange Integral. F-3692. 4-inch Cast Brass Floor Flange threaded for iron pipe for use in connection with Durham System of piping. 4" F-3691. 4-inch Special Waste Fitting with thread inside to receive 4-inch Flange f-3692 and with vent opening 15 inches below floor, so vent pipe may be car- ried below floor joist. F-3698. 4-inch. Extra Heavy Waste Fitting with thread inside, to receive 4-inch Brass Flange f-3692. PRICES ON APPLICATION. SEE PAGES 170-172 FOR ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING MANNER IN WHICH ABOVE FITTINGS CAN BE USED IN F. & W. RE-VENT SYSTEM. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 185 FULL "S" HOPPER TRAPS. FOR LEAD PIPE CONNECTION. PRICE OF F-1011 AND F-1012, Size 4 inch. Plain each, $1.75 Enameled Inside each, 2.50 Enameled In and Out each, 3.50 F-1011.-(HIGH PATTERN.) F-1012.-(LOW PATTERN.) PRICE OF F-1013 AND F-1014. Size 4 inch. Plain each, $1. 75 Enameled Inside .each, 2.50 Enameled In and Out each, 3.50 F-1013.— (HIGH pattern WITH HAND HOLE AND COVER.) F-1014. — (LOW PATTERN WITH HAND HOLE AND COVER.) PRICE OF F-1015 AND F-1016 Size 4 inch. Plain each, $1.75 Enameled Inside each, 2.50 Enameled In and Out each, 3.50 ^IU_i F-1015.— (HIGH PATTERN WITH VENT HUB. F-1016. — (LOW PATTERN WITH HUB VENT.) PRICE OF F-1017 AND F-1018. Size 4 inch. Plain each, $2.75 Enameled Inside each, 3.50 Enameled In and Out each, 4 50 F-1017.— (HIGH PATTERN WITH BRASS VENT. F-1017 and F-1018 for Iron Pipe same price. F-1018. — (LOW PATTERN WITH BRASS VENT.) 186 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULL "S" HOPPER TRAPS. FOR IRON PIPE CONNECTION. F-1019.-(HiGH PATTERN.) F-1020. — (HIGH PATTERN WITH HAND HOLE AND COVER.) F-1021. — (HIGH PATTERN WITH HUB VENT.) F"1022.-(LOW PATTERN.) F-1023.— (LOW PATTERN WITH HAND HOLE AND COVER. F-1024.— (LOW PATTERN WITH HUB VENT. THREE-QUARTER "S" HOPPER TRAPS. F-1025.(HIGH PATTERN.) F-1026.— (HIGH PATTERN WITH HAND HOLE AND COVER.) F-1027.— (HIGH PATTERN • WITH HUB VENT.) F-1028- (LOW PATTERN.) F"1029-— (LOW PATTERN WITH HAND HOLE AND COVER.) F-1030.— (LOW PATTERN WITH HUB VENT.) PRICE LIST OF ABOVE TRAPS FROM F-1019 TO F-1030 INCLUSIVE. Size, 4 inch. Plain each, $1.75 Enameled Inside , , , . . „ each, 2.50 Enameled In and Out , . , ................. each, 3.50 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 187 F"1031.-(HIGH PATTERN.) HOPPER TRAPS FOR IRON PIPE CONNECTION, F-1032.— (HIGH PATTERN WITH HAND HOLE AND COVER.) F-1033. — (HIGH PATTERN WITH HUB VENT.) F-1034. -(LOW PATTERN.) F-1035.~(LOW PATTERN F-1036.- (LOW PATTERN WITH HAND HOLE WITH HUB VENT. AND COVER. PRICE LIST OF ABOVE TRAPS— F-1031 TO F-1036 INCLUSIVE. Size, 4 inch. Plain. each, I 1 - 75 Enameled Inside each, 2.50 Enameled In and Out each, 3.50 HOPPER TRAPS FOR IRON PIPE WITH BRASS VENT. PRICE OF F-1037 AND F-1038. Size 4 inch. Plain each, $2.75 Enameled Inside each, 3.50 Enameled In and Out each, 4.50 F-1037. (HIGH PATTERN.) F-1038. -(HIGH PATTERN) PRICE OF F-1039 AND F-1040. Size 4 inch. Plain each, $2.75 Enameled Inside each, 3.50 Enameled In and Out each, 4.50 F-1039. (LOW PATTERN.) F-1040. -(LOW PATTERN) 188 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PALMER SEWER VALVE. F-1041. WITH HAND HOLE COVER. F-1041. Price, Valve and Setting. F-1042. F-1042. WITH HUB FOR PIPE EXTENSION. 2 3 4 5 6 8-in. $6.00 6.50 7.50 9.00 10.00 15.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 F-1043. F-1044. SECTION OF F-1041. PIPE EXTENSION WITH SCREW FOR SEWER VALVE F-1042. Price, 4-inch extension, 24 inches long, for 2-inch Trap, each $3.00 " 6-inch " 24 inches " " 4-inch " " 5.00 " 8-inch " 24 inches " " 6-inch " " 10.00 F-1042 in connection with F-1044 Extension, permit Valve and Setting to be placed under ground. The Trap Screw on Extension, when unscrewed, gives access to Valve below. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 189 THE MARSH OPEN WAY BACK WATER VALVE. WEIGHT F-1045.-(NO. 1 FOR SEWER.) F-1046.-(NO. 2 FOR SEWER.) Size, inches 4 6 8 9 2 WITH TRAP Bach $11.00 16.00 22.00 28.00 For ea. threaded si 4 fi a q end, add, net. . 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 ^ lze 4 b 8 y Length, end to ^ ach $12.50 18.00 25.00 32.00 end, inches... 21 24 29 31 For each Height, from cen- threaded ter of hub, in. 7y 2 10 10^ 12# end > add net L0 ° 125 !- 50 17 5 Size of manhole inches 6x10 7x13 9x15 10x18 Adapted for back water purposes on either public or private sewers. The principle of the valve is that of an adjustable balanced disc, operated by a float. By the adjustment of a lead button the disc may be kept at any desired distance from the seat. The action of the backing water raises the float balance weight and forces the disc against the seat. This valve is fitted with a relief near the top which permits air to pass into or out of the valve as circumstances may require. This relief opening is tapped for 3^ -inch iron pipe, and must be either connected with the air inlet or revent pipes or carried above the surface of the ground. FOR AREAS. Size, inches - 4 6 Price, Bach No. 3 or No. 4 $5.00 $8.00 For each threaded end, add, net, 1.00 1.25 PSTN DIMENSIONS OF NO. 3. I Size hand hole, inches 5 8 W" Length, inches 12X ^ l A „_ju^ jjiy- DIMENSIONS OF NO. 4. Size hand hole, inches 5 8 Length from center hand hole, in. 7% 11 Height from center outlet, inches 7]/ 2 9)4 F-1047.-NO. 3. F-1048.-NO. 4. F-1049. NO. 5-FOR AREAS WITH TRAP. Size, inches 4 Bach ' $6.50 Threaded end to order net 1.00 Size hand hole, inches 5 Length from center hand hole, inches 14 Height from center outlet, inches 8 $10.00 1.25 8 15 9^ Adapted for floor wash purposes, areas, stable drains, furnace pits, ice box and safe waste drains, etc. This valve has a floating ball, which rests in a chamber at one side of the fitting, leaving an un- obstructed waterway; but under the influence of backing water the ball floats against the seat under the grating and makes a sure and absolute seal. The ball has a rubber exterior and cannot be collapsed, and under ordinary conditions will last for years in good order. 190 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HYDRANT CESSPOOLS. F-1050 6 INCHES DEEP. Gal- Enam- Plain, vanized. eled. 12 x 12, each. $1.50 2.25 3.50 11 x 14, 1.65 2.50 3.75 16 x 16, 1.80 2.75 4.25 18 x 18, 2.10 3.25 5.00 F-1 050.~ (WITH BELL TRAP> OUTLET ,S 2-INCH.) F-1051 WILLETT'S CESSPOOL. F-1 052.— (with trap.) F-1051 6 INCHES DEEP. Gal- Enam- Plain. vanized. eled. 12 x 12, each .$1.00 1.50 2.25 14 x 14, i; 1.15 1.75 2.75 16 x 16, " 1.30 1.95 3.50 18 x 18, n 1.60 2.50 4.50 WILLETT'S CESSPOOL. Price, each # 3 - 00 •■ Enameled, each V^w- ^ *"* ' Outlet of F-1052 and 1053 is 4-inch. F-1 053. "(WITH TRAP AND HOPPER.) $5.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 191 HYDRANT CESSPOOLS. WITH WASTE PIPE CONNECTIONS. F-1054. PLAIN. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED. 12 x 12 inches, 6 inches deep, each $1 . 00 1 . 50 2 . 25 14 x 14 inches, 6 inches deep, ,k 115 1.75 2.75 16 x 16 inches, 6 inches deep, " 1.30 1.95 3.50 SEWER TRAPS. ^ _ ROUND BAR STRAINERS, F-1056. 1055. PLAIN. ENAMELED. 16 x 16 inches, each $2.50 $5.50 Sewer Traps with Strainers, to prevent the passage of anything except water, and arranged with Inverted Bell underneath, to prevent nauseous gases from arising. CESSPOOL 4-inch, each 5-inch, 6-inch, 7-inch, 8-inch, 9-inch, PLATES. $0.20 .25 .30 .50 .65 .80 F-1057. 6x8 inches each 6x6 inches, 4i .50 .40 F-1058. 6x 8 inches, each $0.50 7x9 inches. " 65 10x10 inches, " 90 10x12 inches, " 1.05 12x12 inches, " 1.20 F-1059. inch, each $0.30 192 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. LARGE CESSPOOLS. WITH BELL TRAP AND GRATING. F-1060. F-1061 Size, inches. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. 12 x 12 x 10, each $3.75 $ 7.50 $ 9.75 16 x 16 x 10. each 4.50 10.00 13.00 18 x 18, Extra Large, see F-1064-j opposite page. 16 x 16 X 10 inches deep with polished brass Grate and Top, Galvanized Body $40.00 CAST IRON CESSPOOLS. WITH BELL TRAP. F-1062.— (CAST ,RON -> Cast Iron Cesspool with Bell Trap. Standard. Extra Heavy. 6x6 inches $0.75 $1.35 9x9 inches 1.00 1.50 13x13 inches 2.50 3.75 Can also be furnished Galvanized or Enameled. Miiiiiii SECCTIONAL CUT OF F-1Q62 AND 1063. F-1063. Cast Iron Cesspool with Bell Trap and Hinged Strainer. Standard. Extra Heavy- 6x6 inches $1-00 $1.50 9x9 inches 1-35 1.85 13 x 13 inches 3.00 4.25 For Iron Pipe Thread add for 6 in., $1.00 ; for 9 in., $1.25; for 13 in., $2.25. When ordering state if male or female Thread. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 193 CAST BRASS AND IRON CESSPOOLS. F-1064. EXTRA LARGE CESS POOL, WITH BELL TRAP, FOR BREWERIES, STABLES, ETC. Size, 18 x 18 x 10 inches deep with 6-inch outlet. Painted. Galvanized. Knameled. Price .$10.00 $20.00 $25.00 CESSPOOLS WITH BELL TRAP AND HINGED STRAINER. F-1065.— (CAST BRASS.) Brass. NickeJ Plated 6x6 inches, each $ 3.50 $ 4.25 9x 9 inches, each 8.00 9 75 13 x 13 inches, each 15.00 17.00 IRON CELLAR TRAP. F-1066.— (CAST BRASS.) IRON PIPE THREAD. Brass. Nickel Plated. 6x6x2 inch Thread . . .$ 4.25 $ 5.00 9x 9x2 inch Thread .. . 9.00 10.75 13 x 13 x 4 inch Thread ... 16.50 18.50 Above can be furnished with Inside Thread at same price. FLOOR DRAIN WITH TRAP* F-106T.— CAST IRON. 9x 9 in., each, Painted.. $1.25 Galv..$2.50 12 x 12 in., each, Painted. . 1.60 Galv. . 3.25 F-1068.— CAST BRASS. Price, each, Brass $7.00 N. P. .$8.00 194 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GALVANIZED RANGE BOILERS. We are operating a complete and extensive plant for the manufacture of Range Boilers. The Best Materials, Improved Machinery, Skilled Workmanship and careful attention to every detail in the process of manufacture, insures our customers first- class goods. Each boiler is subjected to a severe test and is thoroughly inspected before shipment. DOING OUR OWN GALVANIZING; MAKING OUR OWN RIVETS; DOING THE DRAWING UP work of the heads and bottoms, all of which is not done by other makers, is a further guarantee that our customers can rely on our boilers being thoroughly well made in all parts. Increased Manufacturing and Rail Road facilities enable us to supply promptly and in any quantity any of the following: GALVANIZED RANGE BOILERS, STANDARD OR EXTRA HEAVY] COIL BOILERS, HORIZON- TAL AND VERTICAL; EXPANSION TANKS, BRAZIERS TANKS, AIR BOILERS FOR BEER PUMPS, ATOMIZERS, ACETYLENE GAS AND CALCIUM LIGHT TANKS; OIL TANKS, SMALL AIR TANKS, FILTER AND STORAGE TANKS, ETC. Note. — All Boilers have spuds tapped for 1 inch Iron Pipe unless otherwise or- dered. For larger tappings extra charge will be made as follows: 1% in. 25c. net. %y 2 in. $1.00 net. \y 2 in. 25c. net. 3 in. $1.50 net. 2 in. 50c. net„ 4 in. $2.00 net. HORIZONTAL RANGE BOILER, F-1075. Galvanized Horizontal Range Boilers. Prices same as for F-1076 (see opposite page). As we manufacture our own boilers, boilers with special openings to fit measurements can be furnished on short notice. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 195 GALVANIZED RANGE BOILERS I II II Capacity. Size. Price. 12 gallons, 36 inches by 10 inches $12.50 17 gallons, 34 inches by 12 inches 14.50 18 gallons, 3 feet by 12 inches 14.50 21 gallons, 3)4 feet by 12 inches 15.50 24 gallons, 4 feet by 12 inches 15.75 24 gallons, 3 feet by 14 inches 19.00 27 gallons, 4/ 2 feet by 12 inches 18.50 28 gallons, 3% feet by 14 inches 20.25 30 gallons, 5 feet by 12 inches 19.00 32 gallons, 4 feet by 14 inches 21.00 35 gallons, 5 feet by 13 inches 21.00 36 gallons, 6 feet by 12 inches 24.50 36 gallons, \]/ z feet by 14 inches 21.50 40 gallons, 5 feet by 14 inches 24.00 42 gallons, 4 feet by 16 inches 26.00 47 gallons, 4% feet by 16 inches 30.00 48 gallons, 6 feet by 14 inches 30.00 52 gallons, 5 feet by 16 inches 31.00 53 gallons, 4 feet by 18 inches 31.00 63 gallons, 6 feet by 16 inches 38.00 66 gallons, 5 feet by 18 inches 38.00 79 gallons, 6 feet by 18 inches 44.00 82 gallons, 5 feet by 20 inches 45.50 98 gallons, 6 feet by 20 inches 61.50 100 gallons, 5 feet by 22 inches 63.50 120 gallons, 6 feet by 22 inches 74.00 120 gallons, 5 feet by 24 inches 72.50 144 gallons, 6 feet by 24 inches ...103.00 168 gallons, 7 feet by 24 inches 120.00 192 gallons, 8 feet by 24 inches 132.00 Boilers less than 24 by 12 inches 12.00 Boilers less than 34 by 12 and over 24 inches 12.50 Boilers less than 36 by 12 and over 34 inches 14.50 N. B. — The above prices are for Boilers only. Note. — We also make extra heavy boilers of above sizes. When ordering such Boilers, be careful to specify same "extra HEAVY." For each outlet larger than 1 inch, extra charge will be made (see page 191. F-1076, 196 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GALVANIZED RANGE BOILER WITH GALVANIZED IRON STEAM COIL. GALVANIZED RANGE BOILERS. WITH GALVANIZED IRON STEAM COIL. ' (j), ^^<3li »m 111 II 111 liiii ii Ill ;l 111 lip in Capacity. Size. 30 gallons, 5 feet by 12 inches 40 gallons, 5 feet by 14 inches note: These Boilers can 52 gallons, 5 feet by 16 inches be furnished standard 63 gallons, 6 feet by 16 inches and EXTRA HEAVY--We 66 gallons, 5 feet by 18 inches recommend the Extra 82 gallons, 5 feet by 20 inches Heavy. 100 gallons, 5 feet by 22 inches 120 gallons, 6 feet by 22 inches 120 gallons, 5 feet by 24 inches Prices of F— 1077, 1078, 144 gallons, 6 feet by 24 inches 1079 and 1080 quoted on 168 gallons, 7 feet by 24 inches application. 192 gallons, 8 feet by 24 inches Should other size Boilers be required see page 195, any of the sizes given on that page can be furnished with coil. We manufacture Boilers, as shown in F-1077 with Galvanized Iron Steam Coil inside to heat the water by steam, especially foi use in places where a large quantity of hot water is required, and steam can be had for heating purposes,' or in hotels, public insti- tutions, hospitals, asylums, etc. Accompanying illustration shows the Coil inside of Boiler, the inlet and outlet for the steam, also the regular 1 inch pipe openings for the connection to water back; these openings are always provided so that they can be used to make connection with the water back in range if desired, or plugged if steam only is used. F-1077 is intended to be set up vertically, on regular boiler stands, as shown on page 201. See opposite page for Boilers with Horizontal Coil inside. Note. — When ordering, always state the number of POUNDS of steam pressure to be used on the coil. F-1077. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 197 GALVANIZED RANGE BOILERS— HORIZONTAL. WITH GALVANIZED IRON STEAM COIL INSIDE. P-1078--(WITH STEAM INLET AT TOP.) Prices same as for Vertical Boiler (see F-1077. ) Note. — When ordering, always state the number of pounds of steam pressure to be used on the coil. F-1079-"(WITH STEAM INLET AT BOTTOM.) Prices same as for Vertical Boiler (see F-1077. ) NOTE. — When ordering, always state the number of pounds of steam pressure to be used on the coil. F-1080--(WITH STEAM INLET AT END.) Prices same as for Vertical Boiler (see F-1077. ) Note.— When ordering, always state the number of pounds of steam pressure to be used on the coil. 198 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GALVANIZED HOT WATER EXPANSION TANKS. F-1081. SHMSP -I L y . *d& i i;!!! l|i;,i| i ' ,J ' h' ■ i'll * M if""' 1 *, ii" ; ;" '& vj '■' 3K CAPACITY. SIZE. PRICE b% gallons, 9 x 20 inches, each 4 6.50 8 gallons, 10 x 20 inches, each 7.50 10 gallons, 12 x 20 inches, each 8.00 12 gallons, 12 x 24 inches, each 8.50 15 gallons, 12 x 30 inches, each 9.00 18 gallons, 12 x 36 inches, each 9.50 20 gallons, 14 x 30 inches, each 12.50 24 gallons, 14 x 36 inches, each 13.00 26 gallons, 16 x 30 inches, each 14.00 32 gallons, 16 x 36 inches, each 15.00 42 gallons, 16 x 48 inches, each 16.50 66 gallons, 18 x 60 inches, each 31.00 82 gallons, 20 x 60 inches, each 37.00 100 gallons, 22 x 60 inches, each 51.00 120 gallons, 24 x 60 inches, each 58.00 F-1081, GALVANIZED IRON BRAZIERS TANKS. F-1082, CAPACITY. 4 gallons, 4 gallons, 5 gallons, 5 gallons, 6 gallons, 6 gallons, 1% gallons, 10 gallons, 12 gallons, 15 gallons, y x 10 x 10 x 9x 12 x 10 x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12 x SIZE. 15 inches, each. . . 12 inches, each. . .« 15 inches, each. . . 18 inches, each. . . 12 inches, each. . . 18 inches, each. . . 15 inches, each. . . 20 inches, each. . . 24 inches, each. . . 30 inches, each. . . F-1082. As there is considerable variation in the location of PREFERABLE IN ORDER TO AVOID DELAY IN SHIPMENT ING SIZE and location of such openings. PRICE I 6.00 6.00 6.25 6.25 6.50 6.50 7.00 8.00 8.50 10.00 the openings required in Braziers Tanks, it is THAT SKETCH IS SENT WITH ORDER, GIV- L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 199 F-1083. Hi i !! I'l'li'l |" : •■■■ ' If" « % % m |i!Ei!i!i:! |; ;!:;ii' i| ;v i i! | i!| : iS GALVANIZED IRON AIR BOILERS. FOR BEER PUMPS, ATOMIZERS, ACETYLENE GAS, ETC. F-1083. CAPACITY. 5 gallons, 6£ gallons, 8 gallons, 18 gallons, 21 gallons, 24 gallons, 30 gallons, 40 gallons, 52 gallons, CAPACITY. 18 gallons, 24 gallons, 30 gallons, 40 gallons, SIZE. 8 x 24 inches, each. 8 x 30 inches, each. PRICE $6.25 7.00 10 x 22 inches, each 8.00 12 x 36 inches, each 14.50 12 x 42 inches, each 15.50 12 x 48 inches, each 15.75 12 x 60 inches, each 19.00 14 x 60 inches, each 24.00 16 x 60 inches, each 31.50 GALVANIZED IRON CALCIUM LIGHT TANKS. F-1084. SIZE. • PRICE 12 x 36 inches, each $14.50 12 x 48 inches, each 15.75 12 x 60 inches, each 19.00 14 x 60 inches, each 24.00 Should other sizes be required and special tappings be necessary sketch should be sent with order. Special size boilers made to order. F-1084. 200 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GALVANIZED OIL TANKS. FOR THE STORAGE OF OILS. F-1086, F-1087, 25 Gallons 16 x 30 inches, Galvanized Price $ 14.00 50 " 24x30 " " " 22.00 100 " 24x60 " " " 38.00 NOTE. — PRICES ARE FOR TANKS ONLY; BIBBS AND GUAGES EXTRA. When ordering be particular to give figure number. GASOLINE ENGINE TANKS. 18 Gallons 12 x 36 inches, Galvanized Price $ 14.50 53 " 18x48 " " " 31.50 if SMALL SPECIAL TANKS. F-1089. 4 Gallons 9 x 15 inches, Galvanized. 4 " 10 x 12 5 " 8x24 5 " 9x18 5 " 10x15 6)4 " 8x30 ...Price $ 6.00 ... " 6.00 ... " 6.25 ... " 6.25 ... " 6.25 ...■ " 7.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 201 BOILER STANDS. For 30 Gallon Boiler, or smaller, 12-in Ring, each. . . .$1.25 For 35 Gallon Boiler, 13-inch Ring, each 1.30 For ' 40 Gallon Boiler, 14-inch Ring, each 1.40 For 52 Gallon Boiler, 16-inch Ring, each 1.85 For 66 Gallon Boiler, 18-inch Ring, each 2.00 For 82 Gallon Boiler, 20-inch Ring, each 2.25 For 100 Gallon Boiler, 22-inch Ring, each 2.75 For 120 Gallon Boiler, or over, 24-inch Ring, each 3.50 Km . Hi »* %% - J8k State if wanted for Iron or Copper Boilers. 1 F-1092, 6 inches shorter than Regular, same price as F-1091. F-1092-(6-in. & ' ^ SHORTER THAN REGULAR.) REGULAR.) WROUGHT IRON BRACKET. WROUGHT IRON HANGERS. F-1093. F-1094. Hangers Brackets per pair. per pair. 12-in. per pair, List $ 6.50 $11.00 14-in. per pair, List 6.80 11.50 16-in. per pair, List 7.00 12.50 18-in. per pair, List 7.50 13.50 20-in. per pair, List 8.00 19.00 22-in. per pair, List 8.80 20.00 24-in. per pair, List 9.80 28.00 F-1093-(for HORIZONTAL BOILER.) Are made to order for any size Boiler. F-1094-(for horizontal boiler.) YOUNG'S ADJUSTABLE BOILER STAND. PI,AIN GALV'D 12-inch Ring $1.25 $2.50 13-inch Ring 1.30 2.60 14-inch Ring '. . 1.40 2.70 15-inch Ring 1.50 3.00 16-inch Ring 1.75 3.25 17-inch Ring 1.85 3.60 18-inch Ring 2.00 3.80 20-inch Ring 2.25 4.50 22-inch Ring . , 2.75 5.00 24-inch Ring 3.50 6.50 For Galvanized Malleable Iron Boiler Couplings, see page 115. F-1095. 202 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S DRAWN LEAD TRAPS AND BENDS. We are now making drawn lead traps and bends, both regular and special, for the manu- facture of which we have in operation a fully equipped plant, and are prepared to furnish Traps of every description and in any quantity, equal in appearance, outline and quality to any in the market. The Trap and Vent Screws are secured to the lead in such a manner that a perfect and permanent joint is assured — they do not project on inside of trap, consequently a FULL, clear waterway is obtained. STOCK PACKAGES CARRIED IN STOCK READY FOR SHIPMENT. NUMBER OF REGULAR TRAPS, PLAIN AND VENTED, IN BARREL. 13^ -inch. 1%-inch. 2-inch. 4-inch. Plain. Vented. Plain. Vented. Plain. Vented. Plain. Full "S" 75 50 50 36 25 20 6 % "S" 75 50 50 36 25 20 6 % "S" or "P" 75 50 50 36 25 25 8 Running 100 72 72 50 36 24 Running ' ' Y' ' 75 36 50 24 25 Bag 50 36 36 24 18 Short Bends 150 76 60 18 Long Bends 100 46 36 12 Stock Packages of Extra Long Traps contain approximately 24 — 1^-inch, 24 — 1%-inch, and 18 — 2-inch Traps, respectively. STANDARD WEIGHT. EX. HEAVY WEIGHT, Weight of Lead per running foot. VA-lb. 25Mto. 35M*. 5-lb. 6-11). 2K-11>. 3X-1H. 4^-lb. 6-lb. 8-l*>. INCH. VA INCH. 2 INCH. 3 INCH. 4 INCH. INCH. VA INCH. 2 INCH. 3 INCH. 4 INCH. For each inch of excess length over listed size, on any shape of Trap or Bend, add to the list of nearest listed size. " .03* .04* 0.6± .10f .12 .05 .07 .08* .12 .15 Note. — Dimemsion scales of our Traps will be furnished upon application. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 208 WOLFF'S DRAWN LEAD TRAPS. F-1 100. F-1 101 F-1 1 02.-(three-quarter"s' 1M F-1 100. FULL "S" STANDARD $0.58 F-1100. Full "S" Ex. Heavy . 87 F-1 101. HALF "S" STANDARD .51 F-1101. Half "S" Ex. Heavy 77 F-1 102. THREE-QUARTER "S" STANDARD .55 F-1102. Three-Quarter ' 'S' ' Ex. Heavy 81 IK 2 3 4-in. 0.90 $1.38 $2.69 $3.25 1.25 1.85 3.09 4.30 .75 1.20 2.24 2.49 1.09 1.57 2.58 3.25 .81 1.30 2.62 3.07 1.15 1.73 2.97 3.95 F-1 1 03.— (running.) 13^-inch, Standard. . $0.48 Ex. Heavy IK 2 3 4 .72 1.13 2.09 2.53 SO. 70 1.03 1.46 2.35 3.28 F-1 1 04.— (running "y") lM-inch, Standard. . $0.52 Ex. Heavy. .$0.74 IK " " .. .76 » .. 1.09 2 " " 1.34 « .. 1.61 1M Standard $0.82 Ex. Heavy 1.23 IK $1.15 1.65 2-in. $1.67 2.18 F-1 1 05.— (RUNNING— LONG OUTLET.) All except 4-inch have Rough Brass Trap Screws. For Finished or Nickel Plated Trap Screws, add 15 cents to above lists. Orders will be filled with standard weight Traps unless otherwise specified. For stock packages and weight of lead, see page 202. 204 L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S DRAWN LEAD TRAPS. EXTRA LONG OUTLET. F-1 106. Standard. Ex. Heavy. lX-inch......$0.93 $1-44 \y 2 " ...... 1.36 1.95 2 " ...... 2.00 2.69 F-1 107. Standard. Ex. Heavy. l^-inch.„....$0.85 #1.28 iy 2 " ...... 1.19 1.72 2 " ...... 1.76 2.33 F-1 106. -(FULL "S") F-1 1 07.— (three-quarter "S") F-1 108. "(HALF ' S") F-1 108. 1M m 2-in. Standard $0.76 $1.02 $1.55 Ex. Heavy...... ..... 1.14 1.50 2.02 Traps with extra long outlet are designated "Extra Long O." Standard . F-1 1 09. -(running "y- \% -inch $0.83 1^-inch, Ex. Heavy 1, 1.23 .$1.15 1.52 2-inch.... .....$1.82 2 " 2.23 Traps with extra long outlet are designated "Extra Long O." If with Finished or Nickel Plated Trap Screws instead of Rough Brass, add 15 cents. Orders will be filled with standard weight Traps unless otherwise specified. For stock packages and weight of lead, see page 202. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 20; WOLFF'S DRAWN LEAD TRAPS. EXTRA LONG I" (INLET.) F-1 1 1 0.-(full "s") F-1 1 1 1 .-(three-quarter"s-) F-1 1 1 2. -(HALF "S") Standard. Ex. Heavy. Standard. Ex. Heavy. Standard. Ex. Heavy. 13^-inch.. $0.93 $1.44 1^-inch. . $0.85 $1,28 l^-inch. . $0.76 $1.14 1% " .. 1.36 1.95 iy 2 » .. 1.19 1.72 1% " .. 1.02 1.50 2 " .. 2.00 2.69 2 " .. 1.76 2.33 2 " .. 1.55 2.02 F-1 1 1 3. -(running.) 1M IK 2-in. Standard $0.82 $1.15 $1.67 Ex. Heavy „. 1.23 1.65 2.18 F-1 1 14. -(RUNNING "Y") Standard . , Ex. Heavv 1M V/ 2 2-in. $0.83 $1.15 $1.82 123 1.52 2.23 Traps with extra long inlet are designated "Extra Long I." If with Finished or Nickel Plated Trap Screws instead of Rough Brass, add 15 cents. Orders will be filled with standard weight Traps unless otherwise specified. For stock packages and weight of lead, see page 202. 06 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. EXTRA LONG O " OUTLET BAG. WOLFF'S DRAWN LEAD TRAPS EX. LONG BAG. EXTRA LONG "l" (INLET), BAG. F-1 1 15. Standard. Ex. Heavy, l&inch.. $1.09 $1.67 1% " .-. 1.58 2.24 2 " .. 2.34 3.11 F-1 1 16. Standard. Ex. Heavy. lM-inch.. $1.09 $1.67 1% "'.. 1.58 2.24 2 " .. 2.34 3.11 F-1 1 17. Standard. Ex. Heavy lM-inch.. $1.09 $1.67 1% " .. 1.58 2.24 2 " .. 2.34 3.11 FULL BAG. EXTRA LONG HALF "S" BAG. F-1 1 18. Standard. 134 -inch. IK " 2 1.08 1.73 F-1 1 19. Ex. Heavy. Standard. Ex. Heavy $1.06 lM-inch $0.88 $1.26 1.54 V/ 2 " 1.23 1.74 2.33 2 " 1.98 2.53 Above are also made in 3 and 4-inch. If with Finished or Nickel Plated Trap Screws instead of Rough Brass, add 15 cents to above list prices. Orders will be filled with standard weight Traps unless otherwise specified. For stock packages and weight of lead, see page 202. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 207 WOLFF'S DRAWN LEAD TRAPS. VENTED. F-1 120.HFULL "S") F-1 121 .-(HALF "S") lM-in. F-1120. FULL rr S JJ STANDARD $1.38 F-1120. " " Ex. Heavy i.67 F-1121. HALF rr S" STANDARD 1.31 F-1121. " " Ex. Heavy... 1>5 7 F-1122. THREE-QUARTER tr S JJ STANDARD 1.35 F-1122. " " "Ex. Heavy.. 1-61 F-1 1 22. "(THREE-QUARTER "s' 2-in. with 2-in. with LM-in. 1^-in.Vent. 2-in. Vent. $1.85 $2.33 $2.63 2.20 2.80 3.10 1.70 2.15 2.45 2.04 2.52 2.82 1.76 2.25 2.55 2.10 2.68 2.98 F-1 1 23. -(RUNNING.) 2-in., with 2-in., with IX -in. 13^-in. 1^-in.Vent. 2-in.Vent Standard. .$1.28 $1.67 $2.08 $2.38 Ex. Heavy 1.50 1.98 2.41 2.71 F-1 1 24. -(running "y") 2-in., with 2-in., with 13^-in. 13^-in. l^'-in.Vent. 2-in. Vent Standard.. $1.32 $1.71 $2.29 $2.59 Ex. Heavy 1.54 2.04 2.56 2.86 Above are also made in 3 and 4-inch. Eighth (%) bend Tailpieces will be sent unless otherwise ordered. If with Finished Vent instead of Rough Brass, add for 1% and 1^-inch Vents, 40 cents* for 2-inch, 50 cents. If with Nickel Plated Vent instead of Rough Brass, add for 1% and 13^-inch Vents, 50 cents; for 2-inch, 60 cents. Orders will be filled with standard weight Traps unless otherwise specified. For stock packages and weight of lead, see page 202. 208 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S DRAWN LEAD TRAPS. VENTED-EXTRA LONG "O" (OUTLET.) F-1 1 26. "(THREE-QUARTER "s") F-1 125. -(FULL "s") 2-in., with 2-in., with 2-in.,with 2-in.,with 13^-in. 13^-in. 1^-in.Vent. 2-in. Vent. 13^-in. 1^-in. 1^-in.Vent. 2-in. Vent. Standard... $1.73 $2.31 $2.95 $3.25 Standard. .$1.65 $2.14 $2.71 $3.01 Ex. Heavy. 2.24 2.90 3.64 3.94 Ex. Heavy 2.08 2.67 3.28 3.58 F-1 1 27. -(RUNNING.) F-1 128.~(HALF "S") 2-in., with 2-in., with 2-in., with 2-in., with 134-in. 1^-in. 1% -in. Vent. 2-in. Vent. 1^-in. 1^-in. 13^-in.Vent. 2-in. Vent. Standard... $1.62 $2.10 $2.62 $2.92 Standard. .$1.56 $1.97 $2.50 $2.80 Ex. Heavy. 2.03 2.60 3.13 3.43 Ex. Heavy 1.94 2.45 2.97 3.27 Traps with extra long outlet are designated "Extra Long O." Eighth (%) bend Tailpieces will be sent unless otherwise ordered. It with Finished Vent instead of Rough Brass, add for 134 an d 1^-inch Vents, 40 cents; 2-inch, 50 cents. If with Nickel Plated Vent instead of Rough Brass, add for 1^ and 1%-inch Vents, 50 cents; 2-inch, 60 cents. Orders will be filled with standard weight Traps unless otherwise specified. For stock packages and weight of lead, see page 202. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 209 WOLFF'S DRAWN LEAD TRAPS— VENTED. EXTRA LONG "l" (INLET.) F-1 1 29.~(FULL "S") F-1 130. "(HALF F-1 1 31 .—(three-quarter "S") F-1 129. FULL F-1129. Full F-1 130 F-1130. F-1 131 F-1131. 1M S" STANDARD $1.73 'S" Ex. Heavy .. "S" STANDARD .vW0$$otJWB[ II Price, each $1.75 WOLFF'S SPECIAL GREASE BOX. Till F " 1190 " II I W Price, each $2.75 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 221 PLUMBERS' TOOLS. HAMMERS Small, each Large, '• WOOD CHISELS. F-1 192 2-in. Blade, 14 in , each . . 1-in. " 103^ in , each |0.96 .50 SAWS. F-1 193. Single Edge, each . Double " " 12 14-in. ;0.85 1.00 1.50 1.75 COMPASS SAWS. F-1 195. 10 12-in. Each $0.45 .50 RASPS. F-1 197. 10 12 14 in. Half Round per doz. $10.20 14. CO 18.50 Flat, per doz .9.50 13.00 17.30 COPPER HATCHET BOLTS. COPPER POINTED BOLTS. F-1 196. Per pound $0.50 Per doz. ROUND IRONS. (^ F-11 98. 5.00 11.00 13.00 CALKING CHISELS. FLOOR CHISELS. F-1 199. Length, 15 inches; Width of Blade, 3 inches. Each $1.80 COLD CHISELS. Each. F-1201, 45 .50 10 .60 12-in. .65 Each. Each. F-1 200. i. 50 YARNING CHISELS. F-1 202, $0.50 222 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PLUMBERS' TOOLS. OFFSET CALKING CHISELS. SHAVEHOOKS. F-121 1. New York Pattern, per doz .$4.00 Philadelphia Pattern, " ....4.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 223 PLUMBERS' TOOLS TRIMO PIPE WRENCH. F-1213. PRICE LIST. Length, open- -Inches \ 6 8 10 14 18 24 36 48 Js-in. wire to V^-in. pipe % -in. wire to %-in. pipe Ys -in. wire to 1-in. pipe % -in. wire to l^-in. pipe i^-in.wire to 2-in. pipe K-in. wire to 2V£-in. pipe H-in. pipe to 3V£-in. pipe 1-in. pipe to I 5-in. pipe Price ] . Jaw $2.00 .67 .20 .25 .25 $2.00 .67 .20 .25 .25 $2.25 .75 .27 .33 .33 $3.00 1.00 .35 .50 .45 $ 1.33 .42 .55 .55 $6.00 2.00 .50 .65 .65 $12.00 4.00 .65 1.00 .75 $18.00 6.00 2. Nut.... 3. Inserted 4. Frame . Jaw. . .80 1.25 1.00 IN ORDERING PARTS STATE THE SIZE OF WRENCH. All sizes to 36-in. packed in wood boxes of J£ dozen. 36 and 48-in. packed in wood boxes of % dozen. Note — When ordering parts for Wrenches state whether for Trimo or for Trimo A. The name is stamped on each handle. STILLSOIM'S WRENCH F-1214. GAS PLIERS. Takes Pipe from % to 1 % to 1% Length, open, ins., Each Jaws, each Frame, each Nuts, each 10 $2.25 .75 .33 .27 14 3.00 1.00 .45 .35 to 2 34 to 2^-in. 24 6.00 2.00 .65 18 4.00 1.33 .55 .42 .50 F-1 21 5.- (BLACK HANDLE.) 8 9 10 11 12-in. Perdoz....$12.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 BURNER PLIERS. F-1 21 7. Polished, 5-inch, per doz $8.00 6-inch, " 9.00 Add for Nickel Plating, per doz.. list 1.50 COMBINATION PLIERS. F-1 21 8. 6-inch, Nickel Plated, each $1.25 10-inch, " " " 1.75 HAYDEN PIPE WRENCH. F-1 21 6. No. 2, 10-inch for % t % and 1-inch Pipe, each 81.25 Clamps, each . 75 No. 3, 18-inch for 1>4, 1% and 2-inch Pipe, each 2.50 Clamps, each 1 . 50 BUZZELL'S PATENT BASIN WRENCH. F-1219. Per doz > . .S14.00 224 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PLUMBERS' TOOLS. PARMELEE'S PATENT GIRDLE PIPE WRENCH. No. 1. For %, % and %-in. Pipe, each $4. 00 No. 2. " %, 1, 13^, V/ % and 2-in. Pipe, each. . . 4.50 PRICES OF PARTS. No. 1 Stock |1.00 No. 2 " 1.50 No. 1 Girths, each 75 No. 2 " " 1.00 F-1220. TURN PIN. SOIL CUP. DRIFT PLUG. F-1221. F-1222. F-1223. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, per doz.$3.00 Copper, per doz $5.00 1, 1^, 13^ and 2-in., per doz. $2.00 BLOW PIPE. I I SIDE EDGE r F-1225. Taper, Nickel Ends, per doz. . . " Common, " TORCH. $9.50 4.50 F-1226. Per doz $10.00 BOSSING STICK F-1227. Per doz. F-1228. Brass, with Side Filler, each $2.00 $10.00 " without " " 1.35 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 22, PLUMBERS' TOOLS. SOLDER POTS. LADLES. F-1 233. -(wrought iron.) 2K 3 3}{ 4 5 6-in. Perdoz....$3.75 4.65 5.50 6.50 8.75 10.00 F-1 232. Inches on top, 5 6 6^ 8 9 10>^ 13 J£ Each, $0.40 .60 .70 .90 1.15 1,60 3.20 TOOL BAGS. F-1 234, Plain, each |4 . 50 Leather Bottom, each 5 . 50 Leather Bottom and Sides, each 6.50 WIPING CLOTHS. F-1 236.— (assorted sizes.) Moleskin, each Ticking, " RUBBER FORCE CUPS. "Til F-1 235. No. 1, each $0.50 No. 2, " 75 No. 3, " 1.00 PLUMBERS' FRIEND. .$0.25 . .15 F-1 237. Price, each «$2.0C 226 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BILLINGS PIPE BENDER. Mimmiimmimmtii, Each, F-1238. Set of above sizes 1 1M IK 2-in $0.35 .50 .70 .90 2.40 F-1239. IMPROVED BLOW PIPE OR TORCH. FOR PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS, ELECTRI- CIANS, STEAM FITTERS, CORNICE MAKERS, BELL HANGERS, ETC. to start flame, open burner pin enough to half fill cup with oil. then shut it "»ffand light cup, and when nearly out, open burner to the desired flame. the blaze can be graduated after burner is heated, from two feet of fearfully intense solid fire down to a delicately pointed blue blaze, half an inch in length. Price, each $6.00 THAWING STEAMER TO GO INTO PLUMBERS' BLAST FURNACE IN PLACE OF SOLDER POT. F-1240, The Steamer is of heavy copper, and is well and substantially made. It is furnished as shown with Safety Valve and Filling Cock. It carries enough water to raise steam for continual use for about two hours. One quarter inch Hose to go on Pet Cock to conduct steam where needed. Steamer, net $5 00 Hose, extra, per foot 09 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 227 WOLFF'S IMPROVED PLUMBERS FURNACES. F-1241. Wolff's Improved Plumbers Furnace HAS DRAWN STEEL RESERVOIR-- Heavily Galvanized. DRAWN STEEL COIL CUP. WROUGHT STEEL BOTTOM. PATENT WIRE HANDLE. IMPROVED FILLING PLUG. SAFETY AIR COCK JOINTS. NO CAST-IRON PARTS. It weighs less than any other Furnace now in use. PRICE, EACH $6.00 In placing on the market Wolff's Improved Plumbers Furnace, PLUMBERS' LARGE BLAST FURNACE. F-1242. Furnace, with 8-inch Solder Pot- each $10.00 We have fully succeeded in producing: THE BEST FURNACE MADE. Most perfect in every detail. Of the highest efficiency. In operation, posi- tive and reliable. Of substantial con- struction; combining lightness, strength and durability, at no more cost to the trade than the old style. All component parts are interchangea- ble, being accurately made and fitted before shipment. REPAIRS:-- Re g mar Repairs shown on next page will fit our "IMPROVED FURNACE." 228 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. REPAIRS FOR PLUMBERS' BLAST FURNACE. HANDLE. 1ANDLE EAR. 4c. 4c. FILLING SCREW FOR OLD STYLE WOLFF'S FILLING SCREW. NEW STYLE FURNACE. TEE. ^P 4c. RUBBER BULB. PLUG. 4c. AIR PIPE. 10c. 10c. NpiK AIR COCK. 25c. 15c. SHIELD FOR TWO SOLDERING IRONS. BRASS NUTS. For Coil -^ .,-. , Cup, For Rod ' 1c. each. lc. each. BURNER. 75c. 10c. COIL WIRE. COIL. 25c. VALVE VALVE UPRIGHT STEM. UKMitaMI. HANDLE. 15c. 5c CONNECT- ING PIPE. VALVE 6c. 30 c. RESERVOIR. SHIELD NOS. 1 AND 2 TOP PLATE 15c. 25c. |1.50 Note : Any of the above parts will fit our old or new style furnace. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 229 BIBB WASHERS. mm I y "" F-124^ Jenkins Washers per 100 $2.00 Boss Washers per 100 1.00 Fiber Washers per 100 50 Hard Rubber Washers per 100 1.00 SOLID BIBB WASHERS. All made in y%, %, % an( i 1 inch. When ordering be particular to state the kind wanted. IDEAL BASIN AND BATH WASHER. F-1245. Made in y%, %, ^ and 1 inch. F-1246, RUBBER TOP PACKING. LEATHER AND FIBRE COUPLING WASHERS. PAPER BOILER COUPLING WASHERS. F-1247. Made in all sizes per 100, $1.00 F-1248. Made in y s , #, %', 1, \% and 2 in. When ordering, state if Leather or Fiber. BASIN RUBBER WASHER. F-1249. Sold by the doz. or 100. RUBBER WASHER FOR SINK COLLAR, Qu iiiiiriliuii F-1250. F-1251. F-1252. X% and \y z in., per doz. $1.00 Price per doz. 85c. Price per doz. $1.50 For Rickets Rubber Elbows, Ohliger and Color Rubber Connections see pages 217-218. 230 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, PLUMBER'S HOOKS. GAS HOOKS. TINNED PIPE STRAPS, F-1253. Per pound $0.25 F-1254. Size of Pipe % 3/ g Hooks, per 100, net. .$0.45 .55 .65 .80 1.00 1.30 1.60 2 00 Straps, per 100, net... 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3 50 2-in. F-1256, F-1257. 50-lb. Bale, per lb. . . .Market Rates. SOLDER. Per 100. /2 .$6.00 X l-in. 8.00 10.00 WASHER. (GALVANIZED iron.) F-1258. No. 1 Bar Solder Market Rates. Tinners' Solder, triangular Market Rates. Special price in case lots of 500 lbs. F-1259.(for bas.n COCKS) PUMP LEATHERS. F-1260, per doz. $1.50 F-1261, per doz 1.50 F-1261, with brass weights, per doz. 2.50 F-1260-— (CUP LEATHER.) F"1281. — (BOTTOM LEATHER.) PLUNGER PACKING WASHER. RUBBER HOSE WASHER. SEAT BUMPER TO SCREW. F-1262. per doz. F-1263. perlb. F-1264. per doz. F-1265. per doz For Ricketts, Rubber Elbows, Ohliger and Color Rubber Connections, see pages 217-218. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 231 NICKEL PLATED ROUND HEAD SLAB SCREWS AND WASHERS. SCREWS BEVELED WASHERS. F-1266. l^-in. Screws per doz., Nickel Plated $ .40 Washers, " " " , F-1267. 1^-in. 2-in. 2^ -in. 3-in. 3<4-in .50 60 .80 .75 .95 1.15 PATENT SINK STRAINER AND PLUG COMBINED. WILL KEEP SEWER GAS OUT OF YOUR KITCHEN STOPS THE WATER WITHOUT PLUG OR CHAIN F-1275. The Sink can be filled with water and used as a dish pan. Will not rust. Made of solid brass, and plated. PRICE. 4^-inch, plated brass, each - $0.75 4^-ineh, plated brass, each - .80 4%-inch, plated brass, each - .85 5 - inch, plated brass, each - 1.00 THE "NO-FLUD" NO. BACK WATER STOP PREVENTS EVAPORATION F-1276 STOPS THE WATER BACKING UP through Basement and Area Drains and prevents foul gases and odors arising from the sewers. UNLIKE the so-called Traps made for this purpose, its action is positive under all conditions. NO erratic rubber balls or swinging metal gates which are unseated or rendered useless by the accum- ulation of Sediment, Paper or Matches. PRICE, EACH $3.00 NO-FLUD" NO. 2. WITH OPENING FOR BOILER BLOW OFF FOR BOILER ROOMS F-1277. The Strainers in these stops are brass and will not rut>t. PRICE, EACH - - $3.50 Will fit 4 or 6-inch pipe. 232 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. it WOLFF'S STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES MONARCH PORCELAIN— MARBLE— ENAMELED IRON. LAVATORIES as manufactured by us are shown on pages 234 to 372, comprising Lavatory Com- binations adapted for use in Residences, Hotels, Office Buildings, Apartment Houses, Hospitals, Barracks, Factories, etc., etc. They are fitted with Supply and Waste Fittings of latest design and IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION. Monarch Porcelain is the product of our own Pottery located at Trenton , N. J. (see illustration on opposite page, showing Pottery, Ware Houses and Kilns. ) We have equipped this Plant with the latest and most modern improved appliances and are now in a position to furnish any of our goods in this line promptly and in any quantity for Domestic or Foreign use. We recommend our Monarch Porcelain Ware without hesitation; it is in appearance, finish and quality as fine and lasting as any made. QUALITY OF MARBLE and its finish should not be overlooked. All of our Marble is selected stock, deeply countersunk, carefully finished and highly polished. All the Marble parts and the Metal Supply and Waste Fittings are fitted and adjusted to each Lavatory before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when setting in place. OUR COMPLETE LAVATORIES WILL GIVE BETTER SATISFACTION AND DO NOT COST ANY MORE THAN THOSE WHERE THE MARBLE AND FITTINGS ARE MADE BY DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS. THE TRAPS, LEGS AND SUPPLY PIPES furnished with our "Standard" Lavatories are adjustable. The Supply Pipes are Iron Pipe size and of the best Annealed Brass Tubing. EARTHENWARE BASINS. Basins furnished with our "Standard" Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge, and carefully fitted; are made of "Duroware, " which will not craze or peel off. DURO-IYIETAL FITTINGS FOR LAVATORIES. Duro-Metal is a Solid Silvery Metal, harder and stronger than Brass, and wears better. It does not require Silver or Nickel Plating to give it Color, Brilliancy, Perfect Surface or Finish. Its color lasts as long as there is any metal left; the same effort to keep bright applied to Duro-Metal as now is required for Silver or Nickel Plated surfaces, will assure a beautiful polished surface always. Plated brass work in the course of time requires replating, entailing expense in taking out and replacing; Wolff's Duro-Metal fixtures need never be taken out. NOTE :— All articles made by us of our Duro-Metal have stamped on them the Trade Mark DURO" in addition to our name. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 233 I tV O * <+■» <« u .53 ♦ £ « a H * +■» o £ >S u Cft CO 8 >> o c +■» «t -t-> o w Oh o 3 ft. O *« O 3 vC -M rt 3 *H -8 m <$ 3 ^H 3 S a «i a w £ o Vi fc> as 234 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES. F-3800.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "MARINE. f-3800 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Marine," with Enameled Iron Adjustable Leg with Frame, Nickel Plated Cast Brass removable Overflow Strainer, Nickel Plated Cast Brass Waste Plug, and Nickel Plated Brass Chain Stay and Chain and special Low Down, Self- Closing Faucet. Class A Class B Class C PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH PATENT OVERFLOW - - $29.00 $22.00 $19.00 Can be furnished with Gielow Self -Closing or Low Down Extra Pattern Compression Faucet, same price. If with "Etna" Waste (see page 266) instead of Patent Overflow, add if with metal top, 2.00; add if with Porcelain top, $2.50. If with Nickel- Plated Brass Leg, add $2.00 Dimensions — Length, 20 inches; width, 20 inches; height of Back, 5 inches. If with Painted Iron Leg, deduct $1.00. The "Marine" is extensively used in steamboat and railroad work. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION "WOLFF'S MONARCH" PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 235 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES. F-3802.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN, THE "NEVA" f-3802 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory the "Neva," with Monarch iBmmm*mra*4&£k B9!S, with Enameled Iron adjustable Leg with Frame, Nickel- Plated Cast Brass removable Overflow Strainer, Nickel Plated Cast Brass Waste Plug, Chain Stay with Chain, and Special Low Down, Self-Closing Faucet. Size of Lavatory, 22 x 18 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH PATENT OVERFLOW, - - $26.00 $22-50 $17.50 If Faucet is wanted instead of Chain Stay, add $1.25. Can be furnished with Gielow Self-Closing or Low-Down Extra Pattern Compression Faucets at same price. If with "Etna" Waste (see page 266) instead of Patent Overflow, add if with metal top, $2.00; add if with Porcelain top, $2.50 If with Painted Iron Leg, deduct $1.00. In schools, public institutions, etc., any number of above Lavatories can be set up in a row. When set up in batteries above Lavatories should be furnished with a brass continuous Waste. We make a special fixture of this kind, adjustable and easily connected, for which we will be pleased to furnish prices upon application. Brass Traps and Supplies are shown on pages 396, 397, and 398. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 236 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. Class B Class C $26.00 $20.00 F-3805. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "COMO.") . F " 38 ° 5 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Coino" with Monarch Porcelain High Back with Enameled Iron Adjustable Leg with Frame, Nickel Plated Cast Brass removable overflow Strainer Nickel Plated Cast Brass Waste Plug; Chain Stay with Chain and special low down self-closing Faucet, Size of Lavatory, 22x18 inches. Class A PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH PATENT OVERFLOW - - $31.00 If Faucet is wanted instead of Chain Stay, add $1.25. Can be furnished with Giclow Self- Closing or Low-Down Extra Pattern Compression Faucet at same price. JJ J f c wi ^ "Htna" Waste (see page 2G6) instead of Patent Overflow, add if with metal top, $2 00- add if with Porcelain top, $2.50. If with Painted Iron Leg, deduct $1.00. wt, school . s > public institutions, etc., any number of the above Lavatories can be set up in a row \Y hen set up in batteries above Lavatories should be furnished with a Brass Continuous Waste We make a special fixture of this kind, adjustable and easily connected, for which we will be pleased to furnish prices upon application. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 237 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN F-3806. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "HURON.)" F-3806 includes Monarch Porcelain lavatory the "Huron" with Enameled Iron adjustable Leg with frame, and Nickel Plated Compression Combination Faucet for hot and cold water. Size of Lavatory, 22 xl8 inches; height of Back, 4 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $28.50 $23.00 $19.50 If with Painted Iron Leg, deduct $1.00. The "Huron" f-3806 has no Overflow, consequently no Stopper, but has Cast Brass Outlet Coupling. It is intended that persons using it should wash in running water; the combination Faucet as furnished above is of the very best construction and permits regulating the temperature of the water to suit persons using it. For factories, schools, etc., where it is necessary to put up a number of Lavatories in a row, and all of the Lavatories are used at the same time, it is desirable to supply them through one pipe controlled by a single valve, which can be turned on or off at will by the janitor or engineer. When so required F-3806 should be ordered with one opening only in center of back for a supply spout. when ordering or specifying, pleaseIgive catalogue name and number, and be particular to mention wolff j s monarch porcelain. 238 L- WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-3810- — (MONARCH PORCELAIN, THE "ONTARIO. ") f-3810 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Ontario," with high back and sides integral, with Monarch Porcelain Leg, with special frame to wall; two Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Fuller Faucets and Ideal Waste, polished and nickel plated top and grate. Size of Lavatory 25 x 19 inches; height of back, 7 inches. Class "A" Class "B" Class "C" PRICE, AS DESCRIBED, $40.50 $33.25 $27.50 Body of Ideal Waste is Nickel Plated on the rough, Ideal Wastes furnished with our Lavatories have extra large openings and will carry off water through overflow more readily than any other on the market. If with Nickel Plated Adjustable Brass Leg, add $2.75 If with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Adjustable Trap, add $3.50. The "Ontario" is particularly adapted for use in Office Buildings and Hotels; it is compact, of neat design, has back and ends which confine water to slab, and roomy oval basin. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 239 F-3811.— MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "ONTARIO.") f-3811 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Ontario," with High Back and sides integral, with large Patent Overflow, with Nickel Plated Cast Brass "Etna" Waste, with Porcelain Top, with Monarch Porcelain Leg, with special frame to wall; two Nickel Plated Brass Extra Pattern Com- pression Faucets. Size of Lavatory, 25 x 19 inches; height of back, 7 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $39.50 $32.50 $26.50 If with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Adjustable Trap, add $:s.50. The "Ontario" is particularly adapted for use in Office Buildings and Hotels; it is compact, of neat design, has back and ends which confine water to slab, and roomy oval basin. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION "WOLFF J S MONARCH" PORCELAIN. 240 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-3812.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN, THE ''ONTARIO" f-3812- includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory the "Ontario" with high back and sides integral, with large Patent Overflow, with Nickel Plated Cast Brass removable strainer, Plug and Chain, with Monarch Porcelain Leg, with special frame to wall; two Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Fuller Faucets. Size of Lavatory 25 x 19 inches; height of back, 7 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $37.00 $30.00 $24.00 If with Nickel Plated Adjustable Brass Leg, add $2.75. s -, J l wi ft "Etna" Waste (see page 266) instead of Patent Overflow, add if with metal top, $2.00; add if with Porcelain top, $2.50. If with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Adjustable Trap, add $3.50. The "Ontario" is particularly adapted for use in Office Buildings and Hotels; it is compact, of neat design, has back and ends which confine water to slab, and roomy oval basin. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 241 r -3814. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN, THE "ONTARIO.") f-3814 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Ontario," with high back and sides integral, with two Monarch Porcelain Legs, with special frame to wall; two Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Fuller Faucets and Ideal Waste, polished and nickel plated top and grate. Size of Lavatory 25 x 19 inches; height of back, 7 inches. Class "A' $43.50 Class "B" $35.75 Class "C $30.00 PRICE, AS DESCRIBED, - Body of Ideal Waste is Nickel Plated on the rough. Ideal Wastes furnished with our Lavatories have extra large openings and will carry off water through overflow more readily than any other on the market. If with Nickel Plated Adjustable Brass Leg, add $2.75. If with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Adjustable Trap, add $3.50. The "Ontario" is particularly adapted for use in Office Buildings and Hotels; it is compact, of neat design, has back and ends which confine water to slab, and roomy oval basin. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 242 L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY r "3818. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN, "THE "IRVING" WITH LARGE PATENT OVERFLOW, r, F " 3 f J 8 " includes Monarch Porcelaia Lavatory The "Irving" with large Patent Overflow with Removable Cast Brass Overflow Strainer and Waste Plug with Monarch Porcelain High Back and Legs two extra pattern Compression Faucets with china name plates on handles; two Nickel Plated Iron Pipe size Supply Pipes and Cast Brass Nickel Plated Standard Trap, with Vent to wall and and Waste to floor. Class A $44.50 $48.50 $50.50 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 25 X 21 INCHES PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 27 X 22 INCHES PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 30 X 22 INCHES If without Supply Pipes and with Cast Brass adjustable Trap, as shown Standard Trap shown, deduct $4 50 If with Class B and Class B $36.50 $39.50 $41 .00 F-1565 Class C $31 .50 $33.50 $34.50 instead of two Nickel Plated Brass Legs instead of Monarch Porcelain, add to Class A list *2 00- Class C, $2.50. ' ' F-3818 can be furnished with Enameled Iron Adjustable Legs at same price with Etna waste (see page 266), instead of Patent Overflow, add, if with metal top, $2.00 if with porcelain top, $2.50. p ' ' WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. If L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 243 F-3820.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "IRVING.") WITH "IDEAL" WASTE. F-3820 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory the "Irving," with "Ideal" waste, with Porcelain Top, with Monarch Porcelain High Back and Legs, two Extra Pattern Compression Faucets with china name plates on handles; two Nickel Plated Iron Pipe size Supply Pipes and Cast Brass Nickel Plated Standard Trap, with Vent to wall and Waste to floor. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 25 X 21 INCHES, - - $49.00 $41.00 $36.00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 27 X22 INCHES, - - 53.00 44.00 38.00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 30 X 22 INCHES, - - 55.00 45.00 39.00 If without Supply Pipes and with Cast Brass Adjustable Trap, as shown in F-1565 instead of Standard Trap shown, deduct *4.50. If with two Nickel Plated Brass Legs instead of Monarch Porcelain, add to class A list, $2.00; Class B and Class C, $2.50. F-3820 can be furnished with Enameled Iron Adjustable Legs at same price. Any of the Metal Parts of above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal. " Price on appli- cation. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF J S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 244 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, F-3821.-(MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORY, THE "IRVING.") f-3821 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Irving, ™\\JrT™^chP< , „, . ^ ^ _..-4.-u t~. i~;~ tto«/ii^o rm Waste and Valves Monarcn r< Snpply and Waste Fixture, with Porcelain Handles on Waste and . Val ^^Xes fndcSt Brfss Back and Monarch Porcelain Legs; two Nickel Plated Iron Pipe size Supply Pipes and Cast bras Nickel Plated Standard Trap with Waste to floor and Vent to wall. ^^ ^ PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 25 X 21 INCHES, - : $ 6o"io PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 27 X 22 INCHES, - %o%n Pmcl COMPCiTi AS DESCRIBED, 30X22 INCHES, - - ©2.50 If without Supply Pipes and with Cast Brass Adjustable Trap as shown in Sto ltw^^^ of Monarch Porcelain, add to Class t0 °F 3^1 B can n bVfu;nished with Enameled Iron Adjustable Legs at the same price TROUBLE All parts are fitted and adjusted before shipment, thus avoiding loss of and trouble ^To^rIc^^^ Bath-Room Fittings are Sb0 \ n nv n oF a t g h e e 3 M 9 etal Parts of above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on appli- cation/ ^Vfi^JSFSS^U*. PL-SE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND N UMBERj AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFPS MONARCH PORCELAIN. Class B Class C $48.50 $43.50 51.50 45.50 53.00 46.50 F-1565, instead of $2.00; L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 245 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES. F-3824.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "IRVING.") WITH IDEAL WASTE. F-3824 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Irving," with Polished and Nickel Plated all over, Ideal Waste with Porcelain Top, Monarch Porcelain High Back, two No. 14 Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets with China Handles, two Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Legs, Cast Brass Standard Trap with Waste to floor and Vent to wall, and two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Im- proved Air Chambers. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 25X2 1 INCHES, - $53.00 S46.00 $41.00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 27 X 22 INCHES, - - 57.00 48.50 43.00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 30 X 22 INCHES, - - 59.00 50.00 44.00 NOTE: If with Compression Connecto Supply and Waste Fixture (see F-3845, page 255), with Porcelain handles on Valves and Waste, and Straight Supply pipes without Air Chambers, instead of Fuller Faucets, Ideal Waste and Supplies shown, add $5.50. F-3824 can be furnished with Extra Pattern Compression Faucets, with Porcelain Handles and with Supply Pipes without Air Chambers; if so wanted, deduct $3.00. Any of the metal parts of the above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on ap- plication. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 246 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES, Class A Class B Class C $90.00 $75.00 S65.00 98.00 80.50 69.50 102.00 82.50 71 .50 F-3825. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN.) f-3825 includes two Monarch Porcelain Lavatories, "Irving" design, with Monarch Porcelain High Back, Oval Basins with Patent Overflow with removable Strainer, Plug and Chain; fitted with four Nickel Plated Brass Extra Pattern Compression Faucets, F-404, Metal Handles, three Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs with frame to wall, four Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, one Nickel Plated Brass 1^-inch Trap and Nickel Plated Brass Continuous Waste. PRICE TWO LAVATORIES, 25 X 2 1 INCHES EACH, PRICE TWO LAVATORIES, 27 X 22 INCHES EACH, PRICE TWO LAVATORIES, 30 X 22 INCHES EACH, note: Prices are for two Lavatories complete as described. If without Trap and Waste, deduct $11.50. If without Supply Pipes, deduct $6.00. If with Enameled Iron Adjustable Legs instead of Brass, deduct $9.00. If with "Etna" waste, (see page 266) instead of patent overflow, add if with metal top $2.00; if with porcelain top, $2.50 for each lavatory. Batteries consisting of more than two Lavatories (as shown) can be furnished; they will be ar- ranged to allow space between Lavatories, as above. Illustration shows Supply Pipes for each Basin, but can be furnished continuous, similar to Waste Pipe, with Stop Valves at end for the hot and cold water pipes. Any of the Metal Parts of the above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal. " Price on application. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 247 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORY PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 25X21 PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 27 X 22 PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 30X22 r "3826.— (monarch porcelain, the "montrose.") ROLL-RIM ALL AROUND, LARGE PATENT OVERFLOW. F-3826 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Montrose," with Roll-Rim on all sides; with Patent Overflow, with Nickel Plated cast Brass removable Strainer, Plug and Chain ; two Mon- arch Porcelain Legs with straps to wall; two Extra Pattern Low- Down Compression Faucets with China Name Plate. Legs and Straps are made to keep Lavatory free from wall; distance between wall and Roll-Rim being about 1% inches. Class A Class B Class C INCHES, ... $36.50 $28.00 $24.00 INCHES, ... 40.00 30.00 25.50 INCHES, ... 42.00 32.00 27.00 If with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Adjustable Trap, add $3.00. If with Nickel Plated Brass Legs instead of Monarch Porcelain, add to Class A lists, £2.00, and to Class B lists, $2.50. If with "Etna" Waste (see page 266) instead of Patent Overflow, add if with Metal Top, $2.00; if with Porcelain Top, $2.50. The "Montrose," having Roll-Rim all round, is specially adapted to bath rooms or large pub- lic wash rooms, where walls are tiled, such as hospitals, sanitariums, etc. The space between Lavatory and wall permits free access for cleaning purposes. Any of the Metal Parts of the above Lavatory can be furnishsd in "Duro-Metal. " Price on ap- plication. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 248 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES. F-3827.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "MONTROSE.") Legs and Braces are made to keep Lavatory free from Wall, the distance between Wall and Roll- Rim being about \ l / z inches. f-3827 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory the "Montrose," with Roll-Rim on all sides, fitted with two No. 14 Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets with Porcelain Handles, Nickel Plated "Ideal" Waste with Porcelain Handle, Cast Brass Legs with Support to Wall, Cast Brass Standard Trap, Cast Brass Standard Supply Pipes with Bulb Air Chambers, all Nickel Plated. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, - $49.75 $45.00 $40.75 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, - 53.25 47.00 42.50 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, - 54.75 49.00 43.50 If with Porcelain Legs instead of Brass, deduct from Class A list, $2.00; Class B list, $2.50. If without Supply Pipes, deduct $6.00. If with "Etna" Waste instead of "Ideal," deduct $2.00. For Glass, Comb, Brush and Soap holders, Towel Racks, etc., see elsewhere. NOTE: Any of the metal parts of above Lavatory can be furnished in DURO-METAL; price upon application. DURO-METAL. Duro-Metal is a Solid, Silvery Metal, harder and stronger than Brass, wears better and made of finer metals. It does not require Silver or Nickel Plating to give it Color, Brilliancy, Perfect Surface or Finish. Its color lasts as long as there is any metal left; the same effort to keep bright applied to Duro-Metal as now is required for Silver or Nickel Plated surfaces, will assure a beautiful polished surface always. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 249 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES. F-3830. — 'MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "TERMINAL.") f-3830 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory the "Terminal," with large Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated, Cast Brass "Etna" Waste, with Porcelain Top. Two Nickel Plated Brass Gielow Self- Closing Faucets and Monarch Porcelain Leg with frame to wall. Dimensions: Length, 24 inches; width, 23 inches; height of back, 7 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, - $39.50 $32.25 $26.50 If without "Etna" Waste, deduct $2.50. Low-Down, Extra Pattern Compression Faucets can be furnished instead of Self-Closing at same price. If with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Adjustable Trap, add $3.50. If with Nickel Plated Brass Leg, add $2.75. Any of the metal parts of above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro- Metal. " Price on appli- cation. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF J S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 250 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-3833. -(MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORY TH E "TERMINAL.") f-3833 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Terminal" with large Patent Overflow; Nickel Plated Cast Brass "Etna" Waste, with Porcelain Top; two Nickel Plated Brass Gielow Self Closing Faucets; two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to wall with Air Chambers and Stop Valves; Nickel Plated Cast Brass Adjustable Trap, Waste and Vent to wall; Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Leg and Iron Frame to Wall. Dimensions: Length, 24 inches; width, 23 inches; height of back, 7 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, - $50.75 $44.00 $38.25 With Monarch Porcelain Leg instead of Nickel Plated Brass, deduct £2.75. If without "Etna" Waste deduct $2.50. Low-Down Extra Pattern Compression Faucets can be furnished instead of Self- Closing at the same price. Any of the metal parts for above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on applica- tion. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L- WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 251 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES. F-3835.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORY THE "PENNINGTON") F-3835 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Pennington," with Monarch Porcelain Legs, with Straps to wall; Nickel Plated all over Brass "Ideal" Waste with Porcelain Top; Two No. 10 Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Faucets; Nickel Plated Cast Brass Standard Trap, Waste to Floor and Vent to wall. Dimensions: Length, 31 inches; width, 24 inches; height of back, 7 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, - $66.00 $52.50 $42.50 If with Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Legs, instead of Monarch Porcelain add $3.00. Body of "Ideal" Waste is Polished and Nickel Plated. If with Extra Pattern Compression Low-Down Faucets, deduct $1.00. All parts are fitted and adjusted before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when setting in place. For prices of Bath Room Accessories, Towel Racks, etc., see pages 399 to 408. Any of the Metal Parts of the above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on application. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 252 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES. F-3837.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORY THE "PENNINGTON.") f-3837 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Pennington" with Monarch Porcelain Legs, with straps to wall; all Nickel Plated Brass Compression Connecto Combination Supply and Waste with Porcelain Handles on Valves and Waste; Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and straight Supply Pipes. Dimensions: Length, 31 inches; width, 24 inches; height of back, 7 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, $75.50 $62.00 $52.00 For price of Mirror, Towel Rack, Glass and Sponge Holders and other bath room and Lavatory fittings, see pages 399 to 408. If F-3837 "Pennington" Lavatory is furnished with Fuller Connecto Combination Supply and Waste with Porcelain Handles and F-1506 Supply Pipes with air chambers, add $5. 00. Our Connecto Fixture has extra large openings and will carry off water through the overflow more readily than any other on the market. If with ISickel Plated Adjustable Brass I^egs, instead of Monarch Porcelain Iyegs, add $3.00. Any of the metal parts for above L,avatory can be furnished in "Duro Metal." Price on application. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF J S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 253 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORY. F-3840.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORY THE "DEARBORN." f-3840 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Dearborn," with Monarch Porcelain Back 15 inches high; Monarch Porcelain Legs with Straps to wall, Nickel Plated all over Brass "Ideal" Waste with Porcelain Top; two No. 14 Nickel Plated Brass Faucets with Porcelain Handles; Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, Waste to floor, Vent to wall, and two Nickel Plated Brass Standard Supply Pipes with Air Chambers. MADE IN TWO SIZES. Dimensions: 30 x 24 inches; 33 x 24 inches; 15-inch high back. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 30 X 24 INCHES, - - $69.00 $54.00 $48 00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 33 X 24 INCHES, - - 75.00 58.00 51 .00 II with Nickel Pfated Brass Adjustable Legs instead of Monarch Porcelain, add #3.00 note: If with Compression Connecto Supply and Waste Fitting, with Porcelain Handles on Valves and Waste and two Straight Supply Pipes instead of Faucets, Waste and Supply shown add |5.50. rtr J ' "Ideal" Wastes furnished with our Lavatories have extra large openings and will carry out water through the Overflow more readily than any other on the market. Any of the Metal Parts of above lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on applica- tion. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF J S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 254 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. r -3842.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORY, THE "DREXEL") Legs and braces are made to keep Lavatory free from wall, the distance between the wall and Roll- Rim being about 1%. inches. f-3842 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Drexel," with Monarch Porcelain Legs with special straps to wall; Nickel Plated all over Brass Ideal Waste with Porcelain top; two No. 14 Nickel Plated B ass Fuller Faucets with Porcelain Handles; Nickel Plated Brass adjustable Standard Trap, Waste to floor and Vent to wall, and two Nickel Plated Brass Standard Supply Pipes with air chambers. MADE IN TWO SIZES. ___^ Dimensions: 30 x 24 inches; 33x24 inches; IS iui'h lll^-JkUfc. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. 30 X 24 INCHES. - $62.00 $48.50 $42.50 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. 33 X 24 INCHES, - 67.00 52.50 45.50 If with Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Legs instead of Monarch Porcelain, add $3.00. Low-Down Extra Pattern Compression Faucets can be furnished instead of those shown at same price. NOTE; If with Compression Connecto Supply and Waste Fitting, with Porcelain Handles on Valve and Waste, and two straight Supply Pipes instead of Faucets, Waste and Supplies shown, add $5.50. Ideal Wastes furnished v\ ith our Lavatories have extra large openings and will carry out water through the Overflow more readily than any other on the market. Any of the metal parts of above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on applica- tion. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF J S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 255 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES F-3845.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "CLIFTON") f-384-5 includes the "Clifton" Monarch Porcelain Lavatory with Back, Sides and Apron in- tegral, with Compression Connecto Supply and Waste, with Porcelain Handles on Waste and Valves, two Nickel Plated Cast Brass Special Brackets, with Strap to wall. Dimensions: 24x21^ inches; height of back, 10 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, - $47.00 $41.00 $34.50 The "Clifton" is one of the latest designs in Monarch Porcelain Lavatories, designed for any first- class work, it is compact, symmetrical and practical, and should meet with much favor for use in office and apartment buildings. The exterior has the same glazed finish as the Lavatory, therefore easily kept clean, in fact, on account of its glazed exterior, nothing can adhere. We fit and adjust all fittings to our Lavatories, so plumbers will have little or no trouble in setting them in place. In universities, office and public buildings where the "Clifton" Lavatory is to be used, set up in batteries of two or more, we can furnish continuous Supply and Waste fittings, either in rough brass or Polished and Nickel Plated. See F-3825. Prices on application. Any of the Metal Parts for above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on ap- plication. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 256 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-3846. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN, THE "CLIFTON ... F " 3846 in . clu <*es the "Clifton" Monarch Porcelain Lavatory with Back, Sides and Apron integral with Compression Connecto" Supply and Waste, with Porcelain Handles on Waste and Valves, twc Nickel Plated Cast Brass Special Legs, with Straps to wall. Dimensions: 24x21^ inches; height of back, 10 inches. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED Class A $49.00 Class B 43.00 Class C 36.50 The Clifton is one of the latest designs in Monarch Porcelain Lavatories, designed for any first- class work, it is compact symmetrical and practical, and should meet with much favor for use in office and apartment building. The exterior has the same glazed finish as the Lavatory, therefore easily kept clean m fact, on account of its glazed exterior, nothing can adhere. We fit and adjust all fittings to our Lavatories, so plumbers will have little or no trouble in set^ ting them in place. - **. uni y ersiti es, office and public buildings where the "Clifton" Lavatory is to be used, set up in batteries of two or more, we can furnish continous Supply and Waste fittings, either in rough brass or Polished and Nickel Plated. See F-3825. Prices on application. S Any of the Metal Parts for above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal. " Price on ao- plication. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE THE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 25: Class B Class C $29.00 $2250 add, if with Metal F-3848.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "CLIFTON.") f- 3848 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Clifton," with Back, Sides and Apron in- tegral, with large Patent Overflow and Cast Brass removable Strainer and Plug; two No. 19 Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Faucets; two Nickel Plated Cast Brass special Brackets with Straps to wall. Dimensions: 24x21)4 inches; height of back, 10 inches. Class A PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, - $35.00 If with "Etna" Waste (see page 266) instead of Patent Overflow, as shown Top, $2.00; if with Porcelain Top, add $2.50. The ' 'Clifton" is one of the very latest designs in Monarch Porcelain Lavatories; designed for any first-class work. It is compact, symmetrical and practical, and should meet with much favor for use in office and apartment buildings. The exterior has the same glazed finish as the Lavatories, therefore easily kept clean. In fact, on account of the glazed exterior, nothing can adhere. We fit and adjust all the fittings to our Lavatories, and the plumber will have very little or no trouble in setting them in place. The above can be furnished with Extra Pattern Compression Low-Down Faucets at the same price. Any of the Metal Parts of the above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on ap- plication. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE THE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 258 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ■ -3850. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "CLIFTON. JJ ) f-3850 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Clifton," with Back, Sides and. Apron inte- gral, with "Ideal" Waste with Porcelain top; two No. 19 Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Faucets; two Nickel Plated Cast Brass special Brackets with Straps to wall. Dimensions: 24x21j^ inches; height of back, 10 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED .... $39.50 33.50 27.00 If with "Etna" Waste (see page 266) instead of "Ideal" Waste, as shown, deduct, if with Metal Top* $2.50; if with Porcelain Top, deduct $2.00. The "Clifton" is one of the very latest designs in Monarch Porcelain Lavatories designed for any first-class work. It is compact, symmetrical and practical, and should meet with much favor for use in office and apartment buildings. The exterior has the same glazed finish as the Lavatories, therefore easily kept clean. In fact, on account of the glazed exterior, nothing can adhere. We fit and adjust all the fittings to our Lavatories, and the plumber will have very little or no trouble in setting them in place. The above can be furnished with Extra Pattern Compression Low-Down Faucets at the same price. Any of the Metal Parts of the above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on ap- plication. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 259 iiiuiill! F-3860.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "CORNOVA. F-3860 includes Monarch Porcelain Corner Lavatory, the "Cornova," with Large Patent Over- flow; Nickel Plated Cast Brass removable Overflow Strainer and Brass Plug; two No. 19 Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Faucets and Monarch Porcelain Leg with Strap to Wall. Dimensions: Length on side, 23 inches; width, 32 inches. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, Class A Class B Class C $42.00 $32.00 $26.00 If with "Etna" Waste (see page 266) instead of Patent Overflow add, if with Metal Top, $2.00; if with Porcelain Top, $2.50. The above can be furnished with Extra Pattern Compression Low-Down Faucets at the same price. If with Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Leg instead of Monarch Porcelain, add $2.75. Any of the Metal Parts of the above Lavatories can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on application. See page 232 for particulars. note: Smaller size "Cornova" Lavatories can be furnished when desired. Price on application. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE THE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 260 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING OMPANY. F-3862.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "CORNOVA.") F-3862 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Cornova," with Nickel Plate all over, * 'Ideal" Waste with Porcelain Top; two No. 19 Nickel Plated Fuller Brass Faucets and Monarch Porcelain Leg with Strap to Wall. Dimensions: — Length on side, 23 inches; width, 32 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, - $46.50 $36.50 $30.50 If with Nickel Plated Brass Leg instead of Monarch Porcelain, add $2.75. If with Cast Brass Adjustable Trap, Waste and Vent to Wall, as shown in F-1565, add $3.50. "Ideal'' Wastes furnished with our Lavatories have extra large openings and will carry off water through Overflow more readily than any other on the market Any of the Metal Parts of the above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on ap- plication. See page 232 for particulars. note: Smaller size "Cornova" Lavatory can be furnished when desired. Price upon application. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE THE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. I. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 261 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES, F-3870. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN, THE "LEXINGTONS f-3870 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory with Raised Edge and Oval Basin, with Nickel Plated "Ideal" Waste with Porcelain Handle, two Nickel Plated No. 10 Fuller Faucets with Porcelain Handles, Nickel Plated Standard Trap and Supply Pipes with improved Air Chambers, and Nickel Plated Special Cast Brass Legs with Frame and Support to wall. MADE IN TWO SIZES. Class A Class B Class C PRICE AS DESCRIBED,, 33X24 INCHES - $69.00 60.00 54.00 PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 37 X 27 INCHES - - - 75.00 64.20 56.00 If with Low Down Extra Pattern Compression Faucets with Straight Supply Pipes, deduct $3.00. All parts are fitted and adjusted to each Lavatory before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when putting in place. For Wolff's Make Bath Room Accessories, such as Towel Racks, etc., see pages 399 to 408. Any of the metal parts for above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal. " Price on applica- tion. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE THE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 262 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Class A Class B Class C $70.00 61 . 00 55.00 76.00 65.00 58.00 F-3872. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN, THE "LEXINGTQN. JJ ) f-3872 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Lexington," with all Nickel Plated Fuller Connecto Combination Supply and Waste with Porcelain Handles on Valve and Waste, Nickel Plated Cast Brass Adjustable Trap and Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs with Special Frame to wall. MADE IN TWO SIZES. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 33 X 24 INCHES, - PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 37 X 27 INCHES, - PLATE GLASS SHELF WITH CAST BRASS NICKEL PLATED SUPPORTS - - $10.00 VA INCH BEVEL PLATE GLASS MIRROR WITH WOOD FRAME FINISHED ZINC WHITE 33X24 FRAME WITH 28X19-INCH. MIRROR - PRICE $20.00 37X27 " rr 31X22-INCH. rr - PRICE 25.00 If with Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, add $6.00. For Wolff's Make Bath Room Accessories, such as Towel Racks, etc., see pages 399 to 408. If with Compression "Connecto" Supply and Waste, deduct $2.00. Any of the Metal Parts of above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on appli- cation. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 263 F-38T5- — (MONARCH PORCELAIN, THE "HAMPTON, f-3875 includes Monarch Porcelain Pedestal Lavatory the "Hampton," with Plain Round Monarch Porcelain Pedestal, Compression "Connecto" Combination Supply and Waste, with Porcelain Handles on the Valves and Waste, with Special Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Trap. MADE IN TWO SIZES: 33X24 INCHES AND 37X27 INCHES. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 33 X 24 INCHES - - $72.00 59.00 50.00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 37 X 27 INCHES - - 82.00 66.00 55.00 If furnished with Fuller "Connecto" and Standard Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, add $8.00. The 37-inch size Lavatory is furnished with large size Pedestal. VA INCH BEVEL PLATE GLASS MIRROR WITH WOOD FRAME FINISHED ZINC WHITE 33X24 FRAME WITH 28X1 9-INCH MIRROR - PRICE 20.00 37X27 " rr 31 X 22-INCH " - PRICE 25.00 For Wolff's Make Bath Room Accessories, such as Towel Racks etc., see pages 399 to 408. All parts are fitted and adjusted to each Lavatory before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when putting in place. Any of the Metal Parts of the above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on application. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 264 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-3877.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN THE "MAJESTIC") f-3877 includes Monarch Porcelain Pedestal Lavatory, the "Majestic" with Fancy, Round Monarch Porcelain Pedestal, Compression "Connecto" Combination Supply and Waste, with Porcelain Handles on the Valves and Waste, with Special Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Trap. MADE IN TWO SIZES: 33X24- INCHES AND 37X27 INCHES. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED,, 33X24 INCHES - - $77.00 64.00 55.00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 37X27 INCHES - - 87.00 71.00 60.00 If furnished with Fuller ''Connecto" and Standard Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, add $8.00. The 37 inch size Lavatory is furnished with large size Pedestal. VA INCH BEVEL PLATE GLASS MIRROR WITH WOOD FRAME FINISHED ZINC WHITE 33X 24- FRAME WITH 28 X19-INCH MIRROR - PRICE $20.00 37X27 " " 31 X 22-INCH " - PRICE 25.00 For Wolff's Make Bath Room Accessories, such as Towel Racks, etc. , see pages 399 to 408. PLATE GLASS SHELF WITH CAST BRASS BRACKETS, EXTRA $10.00. All parts are fitted and adjusted to each Lavatory before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when putting in place. Any of the Metal Parts of the above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal. ' Price on application. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 265 rr ooo/n • 1 j "3880.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN. THE "GRANADA.") MADE IN TWO SIZES: 33X24 INCHES AND 37X27 INCHES. PR.CE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. 33X24 INCHES - - ^oo ^%0 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 37X27 INCHES - - 85.00 69.'oO If with Compression "Connecto" Supply and Waste instead of Fuller, deduct $2 00 PLATE G^ts^X^t^' ^^ HpeS ^ Impr ° Ved Air Chambers ' add *«■«) PLATE GLASS SHELF WITH CAST BRASS BRACKETS, EXTRA - - - The 37 inch size Lavatory is furnishd with large size Pedestal Oi A ^ii'lNCH - PRICE 25 OO For Wolff's Make Bath Room Accessories, such as Towel Racks, etc., see pages 399 to 408 trouble She* K&W™* 1 '° ""* ^'^ "^ Shi ™' thus *™^ *** <* time aud P licatmr f S* e ^el3rfo S rtrricut ;s eLaVat0ryCanbe ^-^diu "Duro-Metal." Price ou ap. Class C 53.00 56.00 $10.00 266 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "ETNA" WASTE. F-3890. — ("ETNA" WASTE.) The "Etna" Waste is a new design Waste made for use with our "Monarch" Porcelain Lavatories. It is of heavy construction, and simple in operation. The Plug, Lift Rod, Coupling and Handle are Nickel Plated Brass. rr ETNA JJ WASTE WHEN USED IN COMBINATION WITH OUR "MONARCH" PORCELAIN LAVATORIES, AS SHOWN ON PAGES 234 TO 266^ ADD, IF WITH METAL TOP $2.00; IF WITH PORCELAIN NAME PLATE, $2.50. L- WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 266£ WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES. =« F-3895. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN, THE "REGENT.") F-3895 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, The "Regent," with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs with Straps to wall, Nickel Plated all over "Ideal" Basin Waste with Porcelain Top, two No. 15 Special Fuller Faucets with Porcelain Handles, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, Waste to floor and Vent to wall and two Nickel Plated Standard Supply Pipes with Air Chambers. Dimensions: Length 33 inches, Width 25 inches, Height of Back 8 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, - $93.00 80.50 65.50 If with Extra Pattern Low Down Compression Faucets with Porcelain Handles and Straight Supply Pipes without Air Chambers, deduct $3.00. All parts are fitted and adjusted before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when setting in place. For Prices of Bath Room Accessories, such as Towel Racks, etc. , see pages 399 to 408. Any of the Metal Parts of the above I,avatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal," Price on application. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF J S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 266i L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN LAVATORIES. F-3896.— (MONARC H PORCELAIN LAVATORY THE "REGENT.") f-3896 includes Monarch Porcelain Lavatory, the "Regent," with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs with Straps to wall, all Nickel Plated Brass Compression Connecto Combination Supply and Waste with Porcelain Handles on Valves and Waste, Nickel Plated adjustable Standard Trap Waste to Floor and Vent to Wall, two Nickel Plated Straight Supply Pipes. Dimensions: Length, 33 inches; width, 25 inches; height of back, 8 inches. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. - $96.50 84.00 69.00 All parts are fitted and adjusted before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when setting in place. For prices of Bath Room Accessories, Towel Racks, etc., see pages 399 to 408. Any of the metal parts of above lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on application. See paee 2x2 for particulars. *^ F 6 "* WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 267 PRICES OF DECORATED BASINS Catalogue and design Number. IDEAL. OVAL. 14X 19 N. O. 14 X 17 N. O. 15 X 19 N. O. F-I340. Design 1, page 232 $15 00 $ 9 50 $12 00 F- 1 34 1 . Design 556, page 232 8 00 5 00 6 00 F- 1 342. Design 2, page 232 15 00 9 50 12 00 F.I 343. Design 673, page 233 7 00 4 00 5 00 F-1344. Design 957, page 233 6 50 3 50 4 50 F-1345. Design 668, page 233 7 00 4 00 5 00 F- 1346. Design 671, page 236 7 00 4 00 5 00 F-1347. Design 670, page 236 7 00 4 00 5 00 F-1348. Design 513, page 236 7 00 4 00 5 00 F-1349. Design 100, page 237 9 50 6 50 7 50 F-1349. Without embossing or gold tracing, page 237. . 7 00 4 00 5 00 F-1349. Without gold lines, page 238 7 50 4 50 5 50 F-1350. Design 392, not embossed, page 238 17 00 10 50 13 50 F- 1 35 1 . Design 1297, page 238 6 50 3 50 4 50 268 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Decorated Wash Basins. F !34l DESIGN No. 556. A hm -$V % # ^: F 1342 DESIGN No. 2. FOR PRICES AND SIZES SEE PAGE 267. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Decorated Wash Basins. 269 F 1345 DESIGN No. 668. FOR PRICES AND SIZES SEE PAGE 267. 272 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Decorated Wash Basins. F 1348 DESIGN No. 513. FOR PRICES AND SIZES SEE PAGE.267. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Decorated Wash Basins. 273 F 1351 DESIGN No. FOR PRICES AND SIZES SEE PAGE 267. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 275 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OVAL LAVATORY, WITHOUT BACK F-1360. — "IDEAL BASIN" WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER-. F-1360 Standard Lavatory includes 32 x 24 x 2 inches Italian Marble Slab, Countersunk extra deep, 14 x 19 "Ideal" Basin (Duroware) all Nickel Plated (Compression) "Connecto" Combination Supply and Waste with Porcelain Handles on Valves and Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Straight Supply Pipes, two Nickel Plated Cast Brass "Special" Legs with Nickel Plated Brass Braces to Wall and Nickel Plated Brass Basin Clamps. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "WOLFF'S" SPECIAL MOLDING, $67.25. (For price of Mirror, Brush Rack, etc. see below.) Oval Plate Glass Mirror (1^-in. Bevel) with Wood Frame finely finished in Zinc White, ex. $20.00. Porcelain Tooth Brush Receiver with Nickel Plated Brass Holder, (as shown) ex. $2.25. Nickel Plated Brass Comb and Brush Rack (as shown) extra, - 4.25. Porcelain Soap Dish with Nickel Plated Brass Holder (as shown) extra, - - 2.25. For other Bath Room Fittings see pages 399 to 408. If F-1360 Lavatory is furnished with Fuller Connecto Combination Supply and Waste with Porcelain Handles and F-1506 Supply Pipes with Air Chambers, add $2.00. The "Ideal" Basin can be furnished decorated, for designs and prices see pages 267 to 273. Above Lavatory can be furnished in Grey, Imperial and other Tennessee Marble, or in American and Italian Statuary Marble. All parts are fitted and adjusted before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when setting in place. 276 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN F-1363.— (WITH ORNAMENTAL BACK.) F-1363. "Standard" Lavatory includes 32x22x1 % -inch Italian Marble Slab, 18-inch Ornamen- tal Back with deeply Countersunk Marble Shelf, 24x6x1 >£ inches, and two Marble Brackets; 14x19 "Ideal" Basin (Duroware) Nickel Plated Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated No. 14 Fuller Faucets, Nicked Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes with Air Chambers, to Wall; two No. 26 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Brackets with Braces to Wall, and Nickel Plated Basin Clamps. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "ROLL-EDGE" MOLDING, - $55.75 If Faucets are furnished with porcelain handles and Ideal Waste with porcelain top add $1,50 \% -inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32x22, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer, extra, $8.75. F-1363 can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee and Old Red Tennessee Marbles, and in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles. All of our Marble Lavatories are of Selected Stock, deeply Countersunk, carefully finished, and highly polished. The "Ideal" Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular Oval and Straight Back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other Basin now in use. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. For Decorated Basins see pages 267 to 273. Towel Racks, Tumbler Holders, Brush Trays, Sponge Racks and other Bath Room Fittings are shown on pages 399 to 408. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F.-1363. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 27 r WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN, r F-1364. — (WITH FULLER CONNECTO: CHINA HANDLES.) F-1364. "Standard" Lavatory includes 32x22x1 *^-inch Italian Marble Slab, 18-inch Ornamental Back with deeply Countersunk Marble Shelf, 24x6x1)^ inches, and two Marble Brackets; 14x19 "Ideal" Basin (Duroware), Nickel Plated Fuller "Connecto" Supply and Waste with China Handles, Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes with Air Chambers, to Wall, two No. 26 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Brackets with Brace to Wall and Nickel Plated Basin Clamps. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "ROLL-EDGE" MOLDING, - $62.25 If with all Metal Handles on Supply and Waste instead of China deduct $1.50 \% -inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32x22, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer, extra, $8.75 F-1364 can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee and Old Red Tennessee Marbles, and in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles. All of our Marble Lavatories are of Selected stock, deeply Countersunk, carefully finished, and highly polished. THE "IDEAL" BASIN INCLUDED IN ABOVE LAVATORY IS THE SAME STYLE AS IN F-1363. If compression "connecto jj Supply and Waste with China Handles with Supply Pipes without Air Chambers is used in place of Fuller as shown, deduct $2.00. The "Connecto" combines the Hot and Cold Water Supplyandthe Waste of the Lavatory; a compact, substantial and most practical Lavatory Fixture. The Spout does not project into the Basin and has large opening, avoiding splashing. The "Connecto" either Fuller or Compression fitted as above with China Handles, we recommend as a high grade modern fixture. For Decorated Basins see pages 267 to 273. Towel Racks, Tumbler Holders, Brush Trays, Sponge Racks and other Bath Room Fittings are shown on pages 399 to 408. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1364. 278 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES-IDEAL BASIN F-1365. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1365 Lavatory includes 1^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32x22 inches, with Marble Mirror Frame and Back in one piece, 1^-inch Beveled Mirror, deeply Countersunk Marble Shelf 24x6x1 >£ inches, and two Marble Brackets, 14x19 Ideal Basin (Duroware) All Nickel Plated Com- pression " Connecto " Combination Supply and Waste, with Porcelain Handles on Valves and Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Straight Supply Pipes, Two Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs, with Brace to Wall and Nickel Plated Basin Clamps. PRICE, AS DESCRIBED, WITH "ROLL-EDGE" MOLDING - - - $97.00 If with All Metal Handles on Supply and Waste, deduct $2.50. If F-1365 Lavatory is furnished with FULLER "CONNECTO" SUPPLY AND WASTE, with Porcelain Handles and F-1506 Supply Pipes, with Air Chamber, add $2.00. Height of Lavatory, from Floor to top of Mirror Frame, is 6 ft. 8 in. Mirror is 26x32 inches. All parts are fitted and adjusted before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when setting in place. Towel Racks, Tumbler Holders, Brush Trays, Sponge Racks and other Bath-Room Fittings are shown on pages 399 to 408. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 279 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN F-1 366.— (ornamental mirror frame.) F-1366. ''Standard" Lavatory includes 32 x 22 x 1^-in. Italian Marble Slab, Shell Soap Cup and 5-in. Aprons, 16-in. Back and 3%-in. wide Marble Mirror Frame in one piece, 1%-in. 26 x 32-in. Beveled Mirror, 14 x 19 "Ideal" Basin (Duroware), all Nickel Plated "Connecto" Combination Supply and Waste, all Metal Handles (Compression Valves), Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes, Apron Supports and No. 19 Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Legs. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, "TRIPLE BEAD" MOLDING, - - - $96.75. If with Fuller Valves and Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, add $3.00. See pages 399-408. for Tumbler Holders, Brush Trays, etc. If with porcelain handles on Valves and Waste, add $2.50. Total Height from floor to top of Frame, 6 feet, 8% inches. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ; F-1366. 280 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN, *^^g} F-1 367.— (with ornamental back.) F-1367. "Standard" Lavatory includes 32 x 22 x 1% -in. Italian Marble Slab, Shell Soap Cup, 16-in. Ornamental Back and 5-in. Aprons, 14 x 19 ' "Ideal" Basin (Duroware): all Nickel Plated. "Connecto" Combination Supply and Waste, with all Metal Handles (Compression Valves), Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes, Nickel Plated Apron Supports and No. 19 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH " ROLL EDGE " MOLDING, - $56.75 For "Connecto" Supply and Waste with fuller valves and improved air chambers on Supply Pipes, add $3.00. If with porcelain handles on Valves and Waste, add$2.50. F-1367 can also be furnished in Gray, Imperial, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. The " Ideal " Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular Oval and Straight Back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other basin now in use. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of " duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER: VIZ.: F-1367. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 281 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN. F-1 368.— (with beaded molding.) F-1368. "Standard" Lavatory includes 32 x 22 x 13^-in. Italian Marble Slab, Shell Soap Cup, 16-in. Back and 5-in. Aprons, 1-i x 19 '"Ideal" Basin (Duroware): all Nickel Plated, "Connecto" Combination Supply and Waste, with all Metal Handles (Compression Valves), Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes, Nickel Plated Apron Supports and No. 19 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "TRIPLE BEAD " MOLDING, - - $55.25. For " Connecto " Supply and Waste with fuller valves and improved air chambers on Supply Pipes, add $3.00. 13^ -in. Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32 x 22, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer, extra, $8.75. If with porcelain handles on Valves and Waste, add $2.50. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. The l> Ideal " Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular Oval and Straight Back Basins. It is roomier' than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other basin now in use. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of " duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER: VIZ.: F-1368. 282 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN ^^^^? F-1 369. -(with beaded molding.) F-1369. " Standard " Lavatory includes 32 x 22 x 1^-in. Italian Marble Slab, Shell Soap Cup, 16-in. Back and 5-in. Aprons, 14x19 ''Ideal" Basin (Duroware): all Nickel Plated, "Connecto" Combination Supply and Waste, with all Metal Handles (Fuller Valves), Nickel Plated Brass Stand- ard Trap and Supply Pipes, with Improved Air Chambers, Nickel Plated Apron Supports and No. 19 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "TRIPLE BEAD" MOLDING, $58.25. 1)4 -in. Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32 x 22, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer, extra, $8.75. If with porcelain handles on Valves and Waste, add $1.50. Can be furnished in any kind of Marble or Onyx. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. The ' ' Ideal ' ' Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular Oval and Straight Back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other basin now in use. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER: VIZ.: F.1369. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 283 WOLFF'S ''STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN, u^>t — " — — -^^xv F-1 370. -(with ornamental back.) F-1370. "Standard" Lavatory includes 32 x 22 x 13^-in. Italian Marble Slab, Shell Soap Cup, 16-in. Ornamental Back and 5-in. Aprons, 1-4 x 19 ' "Ideal" Basin (Duroware): all Nickel Plated, "Connecto" Combination Supply and Waste, with all Metal Handles (Compression Valves), Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes, Nickel Plated Apron Supports and No. 8 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH " ROLL EDGE *' MOLDING, - - - $61.60. For "Connecto" Supply and Waste with fuller valves and improved air chambers on Supply Pipes, add $3.00. If with porcelain handles on Valves and Waste, add $2.50. F-1370 can also be furnished in Gray, Imperial, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. The '" Ideal " Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular Oval and Straight Back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other basin now in use. " Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of " duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER.' VIZ.: F-1370. 284 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN F-1371. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1371 Lavatory includes 1^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32 x 22 inches Shell Soap Cup and 5-inch Aprons, Marble Back and Mirror Frame in one piece, 1^-mch Beveled Mirror, 14x19 Ideal Basin (Duroware) all Nickel Plated Compression " Connecto " Combination Supply and Waste, with Porcelain Handles on Valves and Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Straight Supply Pipes, Apron Supports and No. 8 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs. PRICE, AS DESCRIBED, WITH "ROLL EDGE" MOLDING - - $95.00. If with all Metal Handles on Supply and Waste deduct $2.50. If F-1371 Lavatory is furnished with fuller "connecto" supply and waste, with Porcelain Handles and F-1506 Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers, add $2.00. Total Height, from Floor to Top of Frame, 6 ft. 4 in. All parts are fitted and adjusted before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when setting in place. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 285 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES—IDEAL BASIN, F-1 372. -(with fancy mirror.) F-1372. "Standard" Lavatory includes 32 x 22 x 13^-in. Italian Marble Slab, Shell Soap Cup and 5-in. Aprons, Marble Back and Mirror Frame in one piece, 1^-inch Fancy Beveled Mirror, 14 x 19 "Ideal" Basin (Duroware), all Nickel Plated, "Connecto" Combination Supply and Waste, with all Metal Handles (Compression Valves), Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes, Apron Supports and No 8 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "ROLL EDGE" MOLDING, - - $104.00. F-1372 can be furnished in Onyx, Fancy Imported or any Domestic Marble. If with porcelain handles on Valves and Waste, add $2.50. Extreme Width of Mirror Frame, 3 ft.; Total Height from floor to top of Frame, 6-ft. 4-in. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1372 286 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN, F-1373. F-1373. Lavatory includes l^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32 x 22-inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 16 inch high Back and 5-inch Apron on front and ends, 14 x 19 ' 'Ideal" Basin (Duroware), 3-inch wide Marble Mirror Frame and 13^-inch Beveled Mirror, two Tumbler Holders, two No. 10 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers, two Nickel Plated Apron Supports and Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Legs. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "TRIPLE BEAD" MOLDING, - - $82.25. Ij^-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32 x 22-inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $8.75. If with porcelain handles on Faucets and Waste, add $1.50. If without Tumbler Holders, deduct $3.00. F-1373 can also be furnished in Gray, Imperial, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy colored Imported Marbles; and any size, with right or left hand end as may be required. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 287 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN, F-1 3T5-— (with ideal waste.) F-1375. "Standard" Lavatory includes 32 x 22 x l^in. Italian Marble Slab, Shell Soap Cup, 16-in. Back and Sin. Aprons, 14x19 "Ideal" Basin (Duroware): two No. 10 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets, all Nickel Plated " Ideal " Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes, with Improved Air Chambers, Nickel Plated Apron Supports and No 19 Cast Brass Legs. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "TRIPLE BEAD" MOLDING, - - $54.25. 13^-in. Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32 x 22, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer, extra, $8.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 32 x 28%-in., extra $6.50. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. Towel Racks, Brush, Tumbler and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 399 to 408. The Supply Pipes, Trap and Legs are Adjustable F-1375 can also be furnished in Gray, Imperial, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx oi iancy-colored Imported Marbles. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1375. 288 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" SHAMPOO LAVATORY. F-1376. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1376 Standard Shampoo Lavatory includes 36 x 26 x 1^ inches Italian Marble Slab with 18 in. Ornamental Back and 5 in. Aprons, 14x19 in. ''Ideal" Basin (Duroware) all Nickel Plated Compression "Connecto" Combination Supply and Waste with Porcelain Handles on Valves and Waste, Nickel Plated Fuller Shampoo Faucet with Porcelain Handles and Shampoo Attachment with Rubber Hose and Sprinkler, Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Straight Supply Pipes, Nickel Plated Apron Supports and No. 19 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs. PRICE, AS DESCRIBED, WITH "ROLL-EDGE" MOLDING - - - $83.75 If with All Metal Handles on Supply Valves and Waste and on Shampoo Cock, deduct $3.25. If F-1376 Lavatory is furnished with FULLER "CONNECTO" SUPPLY AND WASTE, with Porcelain Handles and F-1506 Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers, add $2.00. The advantages obtained in the special design of this Lavatory, are, facility in Shampooing, proximity of bather to fixture in use, affords head rest and permits attendant to operate MORE THOROUGHLY and with greater protection to recipient. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 289 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN F-1 378. -(with ideal waste.) F-1378. l ' Standard" Lavatory includes 32 x 22 x 1^ in. Italian Marble Slab, Shell Soap Cup, 16-in. Back and Left Hand End, and Sin. Aprons, 14 x 19 "Ideal" Basin (Duroware): two No. 10 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets, all Nickel Plated u Ideal " Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes, with Improved Air Chambers, Nickel Plated Apron Sup- ports and No. 19 Cast Brass Leg. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "TRIPLE BEAD" MOLDING, $52.25. 13^-in. Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32x22, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer, extra, $8.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 32 x 28%-in. and 22 x 28%-in., extra, $11.00. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. Towel Racks, Brush, Tumbler and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 399 to 408. The Supply Pipes, Trap and L,eg are Adjustable F-1378 can also be furnished in Gray, Imperial, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1378. 290 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES-IDEAL BASIN. F-1379. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F— 1379 Standard Lavatory includes l^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Octagon Slab, 24x24 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 5-inch Apron on Front and 9-inch Apron Brackets on Sides. Marble Backs and Mirror Frames, two 1^-inch Beveled Mirrors, 14x19 Ideal Basin (Duroware). All Nickel Plated Compression " Connecto " Combination Supply and Waste, with Porcelain Han- dles on Valves and Waste , Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Straight Supply Pipes and Con- cealed Apron Supports. PRICE, AS DESCRIBED, - $95.50 If Slab is 26x26 inches, instead of 24x24, add $6.25 If with all Metal Handles on Valves and Waste, deduct $2.50. If with fuller connecto supply and waste, with Porcelain Handles and F-1506 Supply Pipes with Air Chambers, add $2.00. Total Height, from Floor to top of Frame, 6 ft. 8 in. All parts are fitted and adjusted before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when setting in place. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 291 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN F-1 380. -(with ideal waste.) F-1380. "Standard" L/avatory includes 13^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Octagon Slab, 24 x 24-inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 5-inch Apron on front and 9-inch Apron Brackets on sides, 16-inch High Backs, 14 x 19-inch "Ideal" Basin (Duroware), two No. 12 Fuller Faucets, all Nickel Plated Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers and two concealed Apron Supports. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH TRIPLE BEAD" MOLDING, $46.75. If Slab is 26 x 26 inches instead of 24 x 24 inches, add #2.00. 13^-inch Octagon Italian Marble Floor Slab, 24 x 24 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, #7.25. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. Towel Racks, Brush and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 399 to 408. The Supply Pipes and Trap are adjustable. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of " duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER I VIZ.: F-1380. 292 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORIES WITH "IDEAL" BASIN, F-1 381 .-(WITH "IDEAL" WASTE.) F-1381. ''Standard" Lavatory includes 32 x 22 x l}^-in. Italian Marble Slab, Shell Soap Cup, 16-in. High Back and Ends and 5-in. Apron on front, 14 x 19-in. "Ideal" Basin (Duroware), two No. 10 Fuller Faucets, all Nickel Plated Ideal Waste. Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, two Nickel Plated Apron Supports and two Nickel Plated Tumbler Holders PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, .... $5150. 13^-in. Italian Marble Floor Slab 32 x 22-in., deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $8.75 If without Tumbler Holders, deduct $3.00. Towel Racks, Brush and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 399 to 408. The Supply Pipes and Trap are adjustable. F-1381 can also be furnished in Gray, Imperial, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy- colored Imported Marbles. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. 'Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER! VIZ.:F-1381 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 293 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN, F-1382. F-1382. ' Standard" Lavatory includes 13^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32 x 22 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup and 16-inch High Back, 14 x 19-inch Ideal "Duroware" Emboss- ed Basin, two No. 4 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers and Stop Valves, and two No. 27 Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Brackets and Braces to Wall. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "TRIPLE BEAD" MOLDING, - - $52.00. Extra Fancy Shell Soap Cup or Brush Cup, extra, $3.25. 13^-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32 x 22-inches, with corners to conform with Slab, with Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $8.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 32 x 28%-inches, extra, $6.50. If with No. 26 Brackets, shown on page 391, deduct $1.00; if without Stop Valves, deduct $2.00. If with Plain, in place of Embossed Basin, deduct $1.00. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. Towel Racks, Brush, Tumbler and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 399 to 408. The Supply Pipes and Trap are Adjustable. F-1382 can also be furnished in Gray, Imperial, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.. F-1382. 294 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— IDEAL BASIN, F-1383. F-1383. Lavatory includes 13^-in. Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 22 x 32-in., with 12-in. High Back and 5-in. Apron on front and ends, 14 x 19-in. " Ideal " Basin (Duroware) and Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, two No. 4 Fuller Nickel Plated Faucets, No. O Nickel Plated Brass Trap, two Nickel Plated No. O Cast Brass Apron Legs, two No. O Apron Supports and two Nickel Plated No. O Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Floor Flanges. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, - - - $4-3.50. F-1383 can also be furnished with Right or Left Hand End (see F-1407) as may be desired; if so furnished, deduct from above price 85c. Can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1383. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 295 WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORIES— " IDEAL" BASIN, F-1384. F-1384- Lavatory includes 1^-in. Italian Marble Slab 22x30 in. and 12-in. Back, 14x19 "Ideal" Basin, all Nickel Plated "Ideal" Waste, two Nickel Plated Doherty Self-Closing Basin Cocks, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers and Loose Key Stop Valves, Nickel Plated Cast Brass No. O Trap with Adjustable Connection, Waste to floor and Vent to wall and two 16 X 18 Nickel Plated Brass Brackets Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, $37.50. If with Supply Pipes to floor, add 50c. If with Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to floor (F-1543), without Stop Valves, deduct $1.50. If with 1-in. Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $1.50. gielow self-closing faucets (F-532), can be furnished at same price. If with " Columbian" Basin, as shown in F-1659, deduct $2.50. Above can be arranged with any of our Lavatory Fittings, shown elsewhere, and furnished in any kind of Marble. THE SUPPLY PIPES ARE IRON PIPE SIZE, AND OF THE BEST ANNEALED DRAWN TUBING. For other Faucets, see elsewhere. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "duroware," which will not craze, crack or peel off. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1384. 96 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORIES— "IDEAL" BASIN F-1386. F-1386. Lavatory includes 134 -in. Italian Marble Slab 22x30 in. and 12-in. Back, and Left hand End, 14 x 19 "Ideal" Basin, all Nickel Plated * 'Ideal" Waste, two Nickel Plated Doherty Self- Closing Basin Cocks, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Loose Key Stop Valves, Nickel Plated Cast Brass No. O Trap with Adjustable Connection, Waste to floor and Vent to wall and one 16 x 18 Nickel Plated Brass Bracket and two Nickel Plated Angle Clamps. Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, ... $38.00. If with Supply Pipes to floor, add 50 cents. If with Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to floor (F-1543), without Stop Valves, deduct $1.50. If with 1-in. Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $1.50. gielow self-closing faucets (F-532), can be furnished at same price. If with "Columbian" Basin, as shown in F-1659, deduct $2.50. Above can be arranged with any of our Lavatory Fittings, shown elsewhere, and furnished in any kind of Marble. THE SUPPLY PIPES ARE IRON PIPE SIZE, AND OF THE BEST ANNEALED DRAWN TUBING. For other Faucets, see elsewhere. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "duroware," which will not craze, crack or peel off. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZI F-1386o L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 297 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— COLUMBIAN BASIN, F-1 387.— (COLUMBIAN BASIN.) F-1387. "Standard" Lavatory includes 134 -inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 30 x 20> with 12-inch Back, 14 x 19 Columbian Basin, two No. 14 Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Biass Trap and Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers and two 16 x 18 Nickel Plated Brass Brackets. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, $34.00. If with 10-inch Back, deduct 60c. If with Plain Bowl in place of Embossed, deduct $1 . 00. If with Ideal Basin and Nickel Plated Waste, as shown in F-1661 and F-1558, Nickel Plated Trap, and 21-inch wide Slab, add $3.50. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. See page 412 for Sectional Cut of Columbian Basin. The Supply Pipes are Iron Pipe size, and of the best Annealed Drawn Tubing. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ., F-1 367. 298 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. F-1 388.— (oval basin.) F-1388. "Standard" Lavatory includes 13^ -inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 30x20 inches, with 12-inch Back, 14 x 17 Oval Embossed Basin, with Patent Overflow and Rubber Stopper, two No. 14 Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Brass Trap, and Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers, and two 16 x 18-inch Nickel Plated Brass Brackets. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, $30.00 Deduct if with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, $3.50. If with Plain Bowl in place of Embossed, deduct 75 cents. If with 10-inch Back, deduct 60 cents. If with Nickel Plated all over Ideal Basin Waste, and No. O Nickel Plated Trap (F-1558), and 21-inch wide Slab, add $5.00. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. The Supply Pipes are Iron Pipe size, and of the best Annealed Drawn Brass Tubing. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ I F-1388. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 299 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— COLUMBIAN BASIN, Slg^g F-1389. F-1 389= " Standard " Lavatory includes 32 x 22 x I3^~in. Italian Marble Slab ; Shell Soap Cup, 16-in. Back and 5-in. Aprons, 14 x 19-in. Columbian Basin (Duroware), all Nickel Plated Compres- sion Supply Valves, Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes, Nickel Plated Apron Sup- ports and No. 19 Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Legs. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "TRIPLE BEAD" MOLDING, $51.75. If with Fuller Supply Valves, add $1.00. If with Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, add $3.00. F-1389. can be furnished in any kind of Marble, and with Molding as may be desired, also with 14 x 17 "Ideal" Basin. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ., F-1389. 300 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— COLUMBIAN BASIN F-1390. F-1390. Lavatory includes 13^ -inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 36 inches long by 22 inches across center, by 16 inches at Wall Ends, with 16-inch High Back and two Ends ( Ends 16x16 ) Ux 19 Columbian Basin (Duroware), Columbian Connected Supply with Ring Cup, Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes and four Brass Angle Clamps. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING $42.75. If with Fuller Supply Valves, add $1.00. If with Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, add $3.00. F-1390 can be furnished in any kind of Marble, and with Molding as may be desired, also with 14 x 17 "Ideal" Basin. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZI F-1390. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 301 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES — COLUMBIAN BASIN, F-1391. F-1391 Lavatory includes 13^-in. Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 22 x 32-in., with 12-in High Back and 5-in. Apron on front and ends, 14 x 19-in. " Columbian " Basin (Duroware) two No. 4 Fuller Nickel Plated Faucets, No. O Nickel Plated Brass Trap, two Nickel Plated No. O Cast Brass Apron Legs, two No. O Apron Supports and two Nickel Plated No. O Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Floor Flanges. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, $41.00. F-1391 can also be furnished with Right or Left Hand End (see F-1407) as may be desired; if so furnished, deduct from above price 85c. Can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F 1391 302 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORIES— COLUMBIAN BASIN. F-1 392.— (with back and left-hand end). F-1392. Lavatory includes 13^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 22x32 inches, and 12-incb High Back and Left-Hand End, 14x19 " Columbian " Basin with Removable Overflow Strainer, two Nickel Plated No. 10 Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Standard Supply Pipes, with Improved Air Chambers, Nickel Plated Standard Adjustable Trap with Vent to wall and one 18 x 20 Nickel Plated Brass Bracket. Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, - - - $38.50. If with " Ideal " Basin and " Ideal " Waste, as shown in F-1661, add $2.50. For other Faucets, see elsewhere. "Columbian " Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and care- fully fitted, and are made of "duroware," which will not craze, crack or peel off. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 303 WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORIES— COLUMBIAN BASIN. »Plf 1111;!:; ^l| : !|i| F-1 393.— (with single back). F-1 393. Lavatory includes 1^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 22x32 inches, and 12-inch High Back, 14x19 " Columbian " Basin with Removable Overflow Strainer, two Nickel Plated No. 10 Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Standard Supply Pipes, with Improved Air Chambers, Nickel Plated Standard Adjustable Trap with Vent to wall and two 18 x 20 Nickel Plated Brass Brackets. Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, - - - $38.25. If with " Ideal " Basin and " Ideal " Waste, as shown in F-1661, add $2.50. For other Faucets, see elsewhere. "Columbian " Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and care- fully fitted, and are made of "duroware," which will not craze, crack or peel off. 304 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORIES— COLUMBIAN BASIN F-1394-fWITH SINGLE BACK.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1394 Lavatory includes 1^-inch Italian Marble Slab 20x30 inches, and 12 inch Back, 14x19 "Columbian" Basin, two Nickel Plated " Gielow " Self Closing Basin Cocks, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers and Loose Key Stop Valves, lX-inch Nickel Plated Cast- Brass Trap with Adjustable Connection, two 16 x 18 Nickel Plated Brass Brackets and Nickel Plated Brass Basin Clamps. Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, with O. G. Molding $34.25 If with Supply Pipes to Floor, add 50c. If with Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to Floor (F-1543), without Stop Valves, deduct $1.50. If with 1-inch Air Chambers on Supply Pipes add $1.50. If with 14x19 " Ideal " Basin and " Ideal " Waste as shown on F-1661, with Nickel Plated Brass Trap F-1558, and 21-inch wide Slab, add $3.50. Can be furnished with other Faucets. THE SUPPLY PIPES ARE IRON PIPE SIZE, AND OF THE BEST ANNEALED DRAWN TUBING. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 305 WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORIES— COLUMBIAN BASIN, F-1395-(WITH BACK AND LEFT HAND END.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1395 Lavatory includes 1^-inch Italian Marble Slab 20x30 inches and 12-inch Back and Left Hand End, 14 x 19 "Columbian" Basin, two Nickel Plated "Gielow" Self-Closing Basin Cocks, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers and Loose Key Stop Valves; \}i -inch Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Trap with Adjustable Connection, one 16x18 Nickel Plated Brass Bracket, two Nickel Plated Brass Wall Supports and Nickel Plated Brass Basin Clamps. Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies. PRICE AS DESCRIBED with O. G. Molding - $35.00 If with Supply Pipes to Floor, add 50c. If with Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to floor (F-1543), without Stop Valves, deduct $1.50. If with 1-inch Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $1.50. If with 14x19 ' ' Ideal ' ' Basin and ' ' Ideal ' ' Waste as shown on F-1661 with Nickel Plated Brass Trap F-1558 and 21-inch wide Slab, add $3.75. Can be furnished with other Faucets. THE SUPPLY PIPES ARE IRON PIPE SIZE, AND OF THE BEST ANNEALED DRAWN TUBING. 306 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— COLUMBIAN BASIN. F-1 396. "(WITH COLUMBIAN BASIN.) F-1396. " Standard" Lavatory includes 13^-in. Countersunk Italian Marble Slab with 12 -in. high Backs, 14 x 19 " Columbian " Basin (Duroware) with Removable Overflow Strainer, two Nickel Plated " Extra Pattern " Compression Low-Down Faucets, No. O Nickel Plated Cast Brass Trap with Adjustable Connection, Waste to floor, Vent to wall and two Nickel Plated Brass Brackets (8 x 10). Slab 24 x 24 in. Slab 26 x 26-in. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $27.75 $29.00. If with 14 x 17 " Columbian " Basin, deduct $0.50. If with two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, F-1543, add $4.00. If with two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, F-1 506, add $6.00. If F-1396 is furnished with Nickel Plated all-over Ideal Waste and 14 x 19 Ideal Basin, add, $2.50. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. "Columbian " Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and care- fully fitted, and are made of "duroware," which will not craze, crack or peel off See page 412 showing section of "Columbian" Basin. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1396. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 307 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— COLUMBIAN BASIN, F-1 397. -(WITH COLUMBIAN BASIN.) F-1397. "Standard" Lavatory includes 13^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32 x 22- inches, with 12-inch High Back, 14 x 19-inch "Columbian" Basin (Duroware), with Removable Over- flow Strainer, two Nickel Plated No. 10 Fuller Faucets, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Loose Key Stop Valves, Nickel Plated Cast-Brass No. O Adjustable Trap with Vent to wall and Waste to floor and two Nickel Plated Cast-Brass No. 20 Offset Legs with Brass Slab Support to wall. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, $42.75. If with 14 x 17 Columbian Basin, deduct 50c. If with Supply Pipes to floor, add 50c. If with Supply Pipes to floor, with Air Chambers, without Stop Valves, deduct $1.50. If with 1-inch Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $1.50. If with 14x19 "Ideal" Basin and "Ideal" Waste, as shown in F-1661, add $2.50. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. F-1397 can also be furnished with End, and can be arranged with any of the Lavatory Fit- tings shown on pages 389 to 391, and furnished in any kind of Marble. See page 412 for Sectional Cut of Columbian Basin. The Supply Pipes are Iron Pipe size, and of the best Annealed Drawn Tubing. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER: VIZ.: F-1397. 308 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. F-1399. F-ia99o " Standard " Lavatory includes 1^-in. Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 54 x 22-in., with two Fancy Shell Soap Cups, 18-in. High Back and 5-in. Apron on front and ends, two 14 x 17- in. "Duroware" Oval Basins, four No. 10 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets with Brass all Metal Handles, Fuller Shampoo Faucet with Swing Tube and all Metal Handles, two Nickel Plated all over Ideal Wastes, two Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Traps, four Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports and two Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Legs. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, .... $98.75. 13^-in. Italian Marble Floor Slab 54 x 22 in., deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $13.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 54 x 2S}4 in., extra, $11.00. F-1399 can also be furnished in Gray, Imperial, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, or in Onyx and Fancy Colored Imported Marbles. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. Towel Racks, Brush and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 399 to 408. The Supply Pipes, Trap and Legs are adjustable. Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of " duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER I VIZ.: F-1399, I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 309 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. F-1400, F-1400. "Standard" Lavatory includes 1% -inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32 x 22 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 16-inch Back and 5-inch Apron, 14 x 17-inch Oval Basin (Duroware): two F-406 Nickel Plated Extra Pattern Compression Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, two Nickel Plated Apron Supports and Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Legs. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH O. G. MOLDING, - $46.50. lj^-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32 x 22 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $8.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 32 x 28% inches, extra, $6.50. The Trap and Legs are adjustable. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. Towel Racks, Brush, Tumbler and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 399 to 408. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1400. 310 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. F-1 401 .-(with ideal waste.) F-1401. "Standard" Lavatory includes 32 x 22 x 134 in. Italian Marble Slab, Shell Soap Cup, 16-in. Back and Left Hand End, and 5-in. Aprons, 14x17 Oval Basin (Duroware): two No. 10 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets, all Nickel Plated " Ideal " Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes, with Improved Air Chambers, Nickel Plated Apron Sup- ports and No. 19 Cast Brass Leg. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH TRIPLE BEAD' * MOLDING, - - $49.75. 13^-in. Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32 x 22, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer, extra, $8.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 32 x 28%-in. and 22 x 28%-in., extra, $11.00. ALL OF OUR MARBLE LAVATORIES ARE OF SELECTED STOCK, DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK, CAREFULLY FINISHED AND HIGHLY POLISHED. Towel Racks, Brush, Tumbler and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 399 to 408. The Supply Pipes, Trap and Leg are Adjustable F-1401 can also be furnished in Gray, Imperial, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ. I F-1401 . L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 311 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. F- 1 402. -(with oval basin.) o, n", 14 °f ' t(-inch. Brass Trap with Vent and Waste to Wall. (Exterior of Lavatory is Bronzed. ) Basin is Oval 12x15 inches. PRICE ENAMELED COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED $31.50. Additional Sections can be added as may be desired; Add for each Complete Section, (less Shampoo Faucet,) $23.00. IF LAVATORY IS ENAMELED OUTSIDE ADD $2.00. An entirely new feature, not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The shape of the 12 x 15-in. Basin is oval and of same size inside measurements as 14 x 17-in. Earthenware Basins and has Patent Overflow. The Slab has raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs; all parts are accessible and carefully fitted together; all exposed surfaces are either enameled, painted or bronzed, making it a substantial and perfectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 327 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BARBERS LAVATORY. F-1420. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1420 Includes Roll Rim Enameled Iron Double Barbers Lavatory with Enameled Connecting Plate, Bronzed Iron Legs, Patent Overflow Basins, Nickel Plated Chain and Coupling and Rubber Stoppers; four No. 6 Nickel Plated Fuller Basin Cocks, and F-511 Nickel Plated Shampoo Faucet. Size of each Lavatory, 18 x 24 in. ; size of Basin, 12 x 15 in. ; total size, 25 y 2 x 38 in. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED - - $43.50 Additional Sections can be added as may be required. For each additional Section, less Shampoo Faucet, add $34.50. F-1420 is intended to be placed in center of room so access can be had from all sides. Should single Lavatory be required to place against wall or partition, refer to F-1418, which can be arranged with legs. 328 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN HOSPITAL LAVATORIES F-3900. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN, THE "IRVING.") F-3900 includes Monarch Porcelain Hospital Lavatory, the "Irving," with large Patent Overflow with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Removable Strainer, and with Monarch Porcelain High Back; fitted with two Nickel Plated Brass Spouts, Nickel Plated Iron Pipe size Brass Supply Pipes, special Lifting Basin Plug with Lifting Rod attached to Foot Pedal, Nickel Plated Brass Trap with Vent to Wall, Wolff's Pedal Supply for hot and cold water with Pedal for Waste and two Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 25 X2 1 INCHES, - - $70.50 63.00 58.50 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 27 X 22 INCHES, - - 74.50 66.00 60.50 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 30X22 INCHES, - - 76.50 67.50 61.50 F-3900 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions, and for University use where the operator's hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply and Waste Valve of above is entirely con- trolled by foot power. The Floor Plates of Valve Boxes are made of Bronze and Pedals of Duro-Metal. Any of the metal parts for above lavatory can be furnished in "Duro Metal." Price on application. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 329 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN HOSPITAL LAVATORIES. F-3904.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN, THE "MONTROSE.") Legs and Braces are made to keep Lavatory free from Wall, the distance between Wall and Lavatory being about 1%. inches. F-3904 includes Monarch Porcelain Hospital Lavatory, the "Montrose" with Roll Rim on all sides with large Patent Overflow with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Removable Strainer fitted with two Nickel Plated Brass Spouts; Nickel Plated Iron Pipe size brass supply pipes; special lifting plug fitted with lifting rod attached to Foot Pedal; Nickel Plated Brass Trap with Vent to wall; Wolff's Pedal Supply for hot and cold water with Pedal for Waste and two Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, F-3904 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions, and for University use where the operator's hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply and Waste Valve of above is entirely controlled bv foot power. The Floor Plates of Valve Boxes are made of Bronze and Pedals of Duro- Metal. Any of the metal parts of the above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal. " Price on ap- plication. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF J S MONARCH PORCELAIN. Class A Class B Class C 25 X 21 INCHES, - $64.50 59.00 55.50 27 X 22 INCHES, - 68.00 61.50 57.00 30 X 22 INCHES, - 69.50 62.50 58.00 330 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN HOSPITAL LAVATORIES. F-3906.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN HOSPITAL LAVATORY.) Distance between wall and roll rim is \ T A inches. Class A Class B Class C $123.00 112.00 105.00 130.00 117.00 108.50 133.00 119.00 110.00 F-3906 includes two Monarch Porcelain "Montrose" Hospital La vatories with Roll Rim on all sides, Oval Basins with Patent Overflow with Cast Brass Removable Strainer and Waste Plug attached to Lifting Rod, fitted with four Nickel Plated Brass Spouts, four Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, three Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs, two Nickel Plated Brass Traps with Vents, and Wolff's Pedal Supply for Hot and Cold Water and Pedal for Waste Plug. PRICE TWO LAVATORIES, 25X21 INCHES, EACH PRICE TWO LAVATORIES, 27X22 INCHES, EACH PRICE TWO LAVATORIES, 30X22 INCHES, EACH NoTE: — Prices are for two Lavatories complete as described. If without Supply Pipes deduct $6.00. If with Enameled Iron Adjustable Legs, deduct $9.00 F-3906 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions, and for University use where the operator's hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply and Waste Valve of above is entirely controlled by foot power. The Floor Plates of Valve Boxes are made of Bronze and Pedals of Duro- Metal. Any of the Metal Parts for above Lavatory can be furnished in cation. See page 232 for particulars. 'Duro-Metal. " Price on appli- WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 331 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN HOSPITAL COMBINATION SINK AND LAVATORY. F-3910. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN SINK AND LAVATORY.) F-3910 includes Monarch Porcelain Surgeon's Combination Sink and Lavatory with Monarch Porcelain Legs; two "Ideal" Wastes with Porcelain Tops, two Nickel Plated Brass Spouts, two Fuller Pantry Cocks with Porcelain Handles, two No. Nickel Plated Cast Brass Traps; four Iron Pipe Size Supply Pipes, two of them with Air Chambers and two Nickel Plated Cast Brass Pedal Valves. Dimensions: Length over all 58 inches; width 25 inches; depth 6 inches inside; bowl 12x30 inches; sink 12x25 inches. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED - Class A $141.00 Class B 116.00 Class C 96.00 If it is necessary to place the above away from wall, we can furnish a Bronzed Iron Frame with four Enameled Iron Legs or with four Cast Brass Legs. Price upon application. F-3910 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions and for University use, where the operator's hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply to the Basin is entirely controlled by foot power Any of the Metal Parts of above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on appli- cation. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION "WOLFF'S MONARCH" PORCELAIN. 332 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN HOSPITAL SINK. F-3914.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN HOSPITAL SINK.) f-3914 includes Monarch Porcelain Hospital Sink with Monarch Porcelain Legs with two German Silver Tilting Basins, two Pedal Valves for Hot and Cold Water for each Basin, Supply Pipes and Spouts. Dimensions: 23x36 inches and 7 inches deep; 24x42 inches and 7 inches deep. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 23X36 INCHES - - $82.50 72.50 68.00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 24X42 INCHES - - 89.50 77.50 72.00 The Legs on the above have Straps to wall, these Straps are arranged that when the sink is set in place it will stand away from the wall, so access may be had all around for cleaning purposes. F-3914 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions and Universities, where the opera- tor's hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply is entirely controlled by foot power. It is provided with Tilting Basins. These may be emptied and again filled with fresh water with- out removing the object being treated. The Sink may be furnished with one basin only, but usually is wanted with two basins, as it en- ables the demonstrator to have before him two objects at the same time and in different receptacles. If vitreous Porcelain basins are furnished instead of metallic ones as shown, add $10. 00 for each basin. Any of the metal parts for above I,avatory can be furnished in "Duro Metal." Price on application. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 333 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN HOSPITAL LAVATORIES. F-3915. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN.) f-3915 includes Monarch Porcelain Surgeon's Lavatory, with two Monarch Porcelain Legs, with adjustable Braces to wall, Nickel Plated Brass Spout, and Cast Brass Trap, Iron Pipe size Supply- Pipe and Wolff's Pedal Supply with Valves for Hot and Cold Water with Bronze Plate and Duro- Metal Peda.s. Dimensions: Length over all, 36 inches; width, 24 inches; Bowl, 12>^xl6^ inches. COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, Class A $73.50 Class B 60.00 Class C 50.00 The Instrument trays have small openings so water can drain into Basin. If with additional Pedal to operate Waste, add $10.00. If it is necessary to place the , above Lavatory away from wall we can furnish a Bronzed Iron Frame with four Enameled Iron Legs or with four Cast Brass Legs. Price upon application. F-3915 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions and for Universities, where the operator's hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply of above is entirely controlled by foot power. The Floor Plates of Valve Boxes are made of Bronze and Pedals of Duro metal. Any of the metal parts of above Lavatory can be furnished in "Duro-Metal." Price on applica- tion. See page 232 for particulars. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 334 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S HOSPITAL LAVATORY. F-1 4-24. —(hospital lavatory.) F-1424. Hospital Lavatory includes 1 3^ -inch Italian Marble Slab, 72x22 inches, and 16-incn High Back, three 14x19 Columbian Basins (Duroware), six Duro-metal Supply Spouts and Chain Stays, three Nickel Plated Brass "Special" Half "S" Traps with continuous Waste, with Vent at end, and Nickel Plated 5-inch Drum Trap with Vent, two F-1511 and two F-1531 Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, and three Wolff's Pedal Supplies with Valves for hot and cold water, with Bronze Top and Duro-metal Pedals. The Pedal Valve Boxes can be furnished with Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH ROLL-EDGE" MOLDING, $149.50 F-1424 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions, and for University use where the operators' hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply of above is entirely controlled by foot power. Each Basin has a special Trap close to Outlet. The Drum Trap has removable top. The Floor Plates of Valve Boxes are made of Bronze and Pedals of Duro-metal. Combination Supply F-1428^ (page 338) can be furnished in place of separate Spouts, price is same. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 335 WOLFF'S HOSPITAL LAVATORY. F-1425. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1425 Hospital Lavatory includes lj^-inch Italian Marble Slab 48x22 inches, and 16-inch High Back, two 14 x 19 Columbian Basins (Duroware), four Nickel Plated Brass Supply Spouts, two Nickel Plated Brass "Special" Half "S" Traps with Vents to Wall, two F-1511 Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, two Wolff's Triple Combination Supply and Waste Pedals, with Lifting Rods for Basin Plugs and Nickel Plated Brass Basin Clamps. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH ROLL EDGE MOLDING $107.75. Price does not include Supply Pipes. It is intended that the Supply Pipes be concealed tinder Flooi and back of Tile Wall. F-1425 can be furnished with two F-1428^ Combination Spouts at same price as four Single Spouts. F-1425 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions and for University use where the operator's hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply of above is entirely controlled by foot power. Each Basin has a Special Trap close to outlet. The Floor Plates of Valve Boxes are made of Bronze and Pedals of Duro Metal. NOTE ANY OF THE METAL PARTS OF ABOVE LAVATORY CAN BE FURNISHED IN DURO-METAL SEE PAGE 232 FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. 136 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S HOSPITAL LAVATORY. YSSB\ F-1426. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1426 Hospital Lavatory includes 1^-inch Italian Marble Slab 32 x 22 in. with 16-in. Back and 5 in Aprons 14 x 19-in "Ideal" Basin (Duroware), fitted with two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Spouts, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to Floor, Nickel Plated « Ideal " Waste with Lifting Rod attached to Foot Pedal, Nickel Plated Standard Trap, Wolff's Pedal Supply for Hot and Cold Water, and Pedal for Waste, two Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Legs, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports and Nickel Plated Brass Basin Clamps. PRICE, AS DESCRIBED, WITH "ROLL EDGE" MOLDING $71.00 F 1426 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions, and for University use, where the operator's hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply and Waste Valve of above is entirely controlled by foot power. The Floor Plates of Valve Boxes are made of Bronze and Pedals of • Duro- Metal. Combination Supply, as shown in F-1428^, can be furnished in place of Separate Spouts, price is same. ANY OF THE METAL PARTS OF ABOVE LAVATORY CAN BE FURNISHED IN "DURO- METAL." PRICE ON APPLICATION. SEE PAGE 232. FOR PARTICULARS. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 337 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON HOSPITAL SINK. F-1427— (ENAMELED IRON.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Legs and Braces are made to keep Sink free from wall. F-1427 Hospital Sink includes 20 x 36-inch Enameled inside and outside Roll Rim Sink, with Brass Legs and frame to wall, 1^-inch Nickel Plated Brass Vented Trap, Two German Silver Remova- ble Tilting Basins, two Supply Spouts attached to Foot Pedals, and two Wolff's Pedal Supplies for Hot and Cold Water. Basins are 12 inches in diameter x 5 inches deep. PRICE, AS DESCRIBED, 20X36 INCH SINK 20X40 " 22X42 $85.00 86.00 87.00 F-1427 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions, and for University use, where the •operator's hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply of above is entirely controlled by foot power. The Floor Tlates of Valve Boxes are made of Bronze and Pedals of Duro-metal. 338 1^ WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S HOSPITAL LAVATORY. ■■■I m F"1428^. (COMBINATION SPOUT.) F-1428. F-1428 Hospital Lavatory includes 1^-inch Italian Marble Slab 30 x 20 inches and 12-inch High Back; 14 x 19-inch Columbian Basin (Duroware); two Duro-Metal Supply Spouts, Nickel Plated Brass Trap to wall, two 16 x 18-inch Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, one Wolff's Pedal Supply with Valve for Hot and Cold Water with Bronze Top and Duro-Metal Pedals and Nickel Plated Brass Basin Clamps. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH "ROLL EDGE" MOLDING, - $44.25. Price does not include Supply Pipes. It is intended that the Supply Pipes be Concealed under Floor and back of Tile Wall. F-1428 can be furnished with F-1428)^ Combination Spout at same price. PEDAL AND GIELOW SELF-CLOSING STOP. F-1429 Can be fitted to any Slabs now in place. ^ *"~ ^ F-1429. PRICE, ONE PEDAL WITH STOP, all Nickel Plated $10.00 When ordering F-1429 state if for 20, 21 or 22-inch Wide Slab. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 339 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON HOSPITAL LAVATORY. n y • --- : -■ •• .•x-p F-2539- — (FOR HOSPITALS, SANITARIUMS, ETC.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. f-2539 includes Roll-Rim Enameled Iron Hospital Lavatory, Bronzed outside, with 12-inch High Back, Oval Basin, fitted with two Nickel-plated Brass Spouts, Nickel-plated Brass Supply Pipes to Floor, Nickel-plated Brass " Ideal" Waste with Lifting Rod attached to Foot Pedal. Nickel-plated Brass No. Trap, Vent to Wall, Waste to Floor, Wolff's Pedal Supply for Hot and Cold Water with Pedal for Waste, and Enameled Iron Legs. MADE IN THREE SIZES. Size of Lavatory, inches 21>£ x 24 21 >£ x27 21>£ x30 Size of Bowl, inches. 12x15 12x15 12x15 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED INSIDE PRICE, COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, EN J L J D ALL OVER $52.50 54.25 53.50 55.75 54.50 56.75 If with Enameled Brackets in place of Legs, deduct $1.50. F-2539 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions, and for University use, where the operators' hands must be kept antiseptic. The Water Supply and Waste Valve of above is entirely controlled by foot power. The Floor Plates of Valve Boxes are made of Bronze and Pedals of "Duro- metal." Combination Supply F-1428>£ , can be furnished in place of separate spouts. Price is same. 340 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES, F-2540.— (FOR IDEAL WASTE. SPECIAL UNDER-ROLL.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-2540 includes Enameled Under Roll-Rim Lavatory with Oval Bowl and 12-inch high Enameled Roll-Rim Back with Soap Cup Nickel Plated Brass No. Trap to Floor, two No. Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Brass "Ideal Waste, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Enameled Iron Legs. Size of Lavatory, inches 21^x24 21^x27 21^x30 Size of Bowl, inches 12x15 12x15 12x15 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED INSIDE $28.50 29.50 30.50 PRICE LESS FIXTURES, Slab & Back only, with two EnTd I,egs, EnTd inside 13.50 14.50 15.50 JF ENAMELED ALL OVER, ADD 1.75 2.25 2.50 If with Enameled Brackets in Place of Legs, deduct $1.50. F-2540 is one of our new designs, especially adapted for use in Residences, Offices or Apartment Buildings. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON HOSPITAL LAVATORIES. 341 F-1434. — (ENAMELED LAVATORY. ROLL RIM ALL AROUND.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Legs and Braces are made to keep Lavatory free from Wall, the distance between Wall and Roll Rim being about \}4, inches. f-1434 includes Enameled Iron Hospital Lavatory with Roll Rim on all sides and Enameled Apron cast in one piece, Oval Basin with Patent Overflow and Waste Plug attached to Lifting Rod, fitied with two Nickel Plated Brass Spouts, 1^-inch Nickel Plated Brass Trap with Vent, Wolff's Pedal Supply for Hot and Cold Water with Pedal for Waste Plug; Enameled Iron Legs and two small Wall Brackets. MADE IN FOUR SIZES. Size of Lavatory, inches 18x24 20x24 21^x27 21^x30 S.ze of Bowl, inches 12x15 12x15 13x17 13x19 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED INSIDE - S45.50 46.50 50.50 53.00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. EN'L'D ALL OVER - $47.50 48.50 53.00 55.50 If with Enameled Brackets in place of Legs, deduct $1.50. The 21>^x27 and 2l>£x30 inch sizes can be furnished with "Ideal" waste as shown in F-1430 if desired; add to above prices $4.00. F-1434 is intended for use in Hospitals, Medical Institutions, and for University use, where the operators hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply and Waste Valves of above is entirely controlled by foot power. The Floor Plates of Valve Box are made of Bronze and the Pedals of "Duro-metal." 342 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-1438.— (enameled iron.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME OR NUMBER. F-1438 includes Enameled Roll-Rim Lavatory with Oval Bowl and Enameled Aprons cast in one piece, with 12-inch high Enameled Roll-Rim Back with Soap Cup, Nickel Plated Brass No. Trap to Floor, two No. Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Brass "Ideal" Waste, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Enameled Iron Legs. Size of Lavatory, inches 21>^ x24 21>^ x27 12x15 21^x30 12x15 Size of Bowl, inches 12x15 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED INSIDE - - $34.00 PRICE LESS FIXTURES, Slab & Back only, with two EnTd :Legs, EnTd inside 19.00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED ALL OVER - 36.25 PRICE LESS FIXTURES, Slab & Back only, with two EnTd X,egs, EnTd all over 21.25 If with Enameled Brackets in place of Legs, deduct $1.50. F-1438 is one of the finest fixtures in Enameled Iron Lavatories on the market and is adapted for Residences, Offices or Apartment Buildings. 35.50 20.50 38.00 23.00 38.00 23.00 40.50 25.50 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 343 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-1439. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1439 includes Enameled Roll-Rim Lavatory with Patent Overflow, Oval Bowl and Enameled' Aprons cast in one piece, with 12-inch High Enameled Roll-Rim Back with Soap Cup, 1^-inch Nickel Plated Brass Trap to Wall with Vent, two No. Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Faucets and two Enamel- ed Iron Brackets. Size of Lavatory, inches „ 18x24 20x24 20x27 Size of Bowl, inches 12 x 15 12 x 15 12 x 15 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. ENAMELED INSIDE - - $20.00 21.00 22.00 PRICE SLAB AND BACK ONLY, with Enameled Brackets, less Faucets and Trap, Enameled inside __--____ 14.00 15.00 16.00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED ALL OVER - 22.00 23.00 24.00 PRICE SLAB AND BACK ONLY., with Enameled Brackets, less Faucets and Trap, Enameled all over _-_--_-- 16.00 17.00 18.00 Can be Furnished with "Century" Waste, see F-2555 for price. Above is one of the finest fixtures in Enameled Iron Lavatories on the market and is adapted for Residences, Offices or Apartment Buildings. 344 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. 111!! F-2541.— (WITH LEFT HAND END AND BRACKET.*) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-2541 includes Enameled Roll-Rim Lavatory with Patent Overflow, Oval Bowl and Enameled Aprons, cast in one piece, with 12-inch High Enameled Roll-Rim Back with Soap Cup and lefv hand END, l 1 / inch Nickel-plated Brass Trap to Wall with Vent, two No. Nickel-plated Brass Fuller faucets and one Enameled Iron Bracket. Size of Lavatory, inches . ; . . 1 8 x 24 Size of Bowl, inches 12 x 15 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED INSIDE - $22.00 PRICE LESS FAUCETS AND TRAPS, ENAMELED INSIDE - 16.00 IF ENAMELED ALL OVER ADD ------ 2.00 Can be furnished with " Century " Waste. See F-2555 for price. 20x24 20x27 12x15 12x15 23.50 24.50 17.50 18.50 2.00 2.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 345 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-254-2. — (WITH LEFT HAND END AND LEG.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-2542 includes Enameled Roll-Rim Lavatory with Oval Bowl and Enameled Aprons cast in one piece, with 12-inch high Enameled Roll-Rim Back and Soap Cup and left hand end. Nickel Plated Brass No. Trap to Floor, two No. Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Brass "Ideal" Waste, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Enameled Leg. Size of Lavatory, inches 21>^ x 21 Size of Bowl, inches 12 x 15 $36.25 21 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. ENAMELED INSIDE PRICE, SLAB AND BACK ONLY, WITH ENAMELED LEG NO FIXTURES - - IF ENAMELED ALL OVER ADD ----- $21.25 $2.25 Yz xZi 12x15 37.75 22.75 2.50 21^x30 12 x 15 40.25 25.25 2.50 If with Bracket in place of Leg, deduct 75c. 346 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-2543.— (WITH RIGHT HAND END AND BRACKET.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-2 543 includes Enameled Roll-Rim Lavatory with Patent Overflow, Oval Bowl and Enameled Aprons cast in one piece with 12-inch high Enameled Roll-Rim Back with Soap Cup and right hand end, 1 1^ inch. Nickel-plated Brass Trap to wall with Vent, two No. Nickel-plated Brass Fuller Faucets and one Enameled Iron Bracket. Size of Lavatory, inches 18x24 20x24 20x27 Size of Bowl, inches 12x15 12x15 12x15 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. ENAMELED INSIDE - $22.00 23.50 24.50 PRICE, LESS FAUCETS AND TRAP, ENAMELED INSIDE - 16.00 17.50 18.50 IF ENAMELED ALL OVER, ADD 2.00 2.00 2.00 Can be furnished with "Century" Waste, see F-2555 for price. L- WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 347 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES, F-2544. — (WITH RIGHT HAND END AND LEG.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING J PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. f-2544 includes Enameled Roll-Rim Lavatory with Oval Bowl and Enameled Aprons cast in one piece, with 12-inch High Enameled Roll Rim Back and Soap Cup and right hand end. Nickel Plated Brass No. Trap to Floor, two No. Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Brass " Ideal " Waste, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Enameled Leg. Size of Lavatory, inches Size of Bowl, inches 12 x 15 $36.25 21^x24 21^x27 21^x30 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED INSIDE PRICE SLAB AND BACKS ONLY, WITH ENAMELED LEG, NO FIXTURES IF ENAMELED ALL OVER ADD - $21.25 2.25 12x15 37.75 22.75 2.50 12x15 40.25 25.25 2.50 If with Bracket in place of Leg, deduct 75c. 348 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-254-5.— (TWO COMPLETE SECTIONS.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME OR NUMBER. F-2545 includes two Enameled Iron Roll-Rim Lavatories with Oval Bowls and Enameled Aprons cast in one piece, with 12-inch high Enameled Roll-Rim Backs with Soap Cups, two Nickel-Plated Brass No. Traps to Floor, four No. Nickel-Plated Brass Fuller Faucets* two Nickel-Plated Brass "Ideal" Wastes, four Nickel-Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and three Enameled Iron Legs. The distance between Lavatories is about \y 2 inches. Size of each Lavatory, inches. Size of Bowl, inches PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED (two complete sections) ENAMELED INSIDE FOR EACH COMPLETE ADDITIONAL SECTION (one lava- tory) ENAMELED INSIDE, ADD - PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED (two complete sections) ENAMELED ALL OVER FOR EACH COMPLETE ADDITIONAL SECTION (one lava- tory) ENAMELED ALL OVER, ADD - 21^x24 21^x27 21^x30 12x15 12x15 12x15 $67.75 70.75 75.75 $33.75 35.25 37.75 $72.25 75.75 80.75 $36.00 37.75 40.25 For price of Slab and Back only, see F-1438. If with Enameled Brackets instead of Legs as shown, deduct $2.25. For Right or Left Hand End, add $3.00. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 349 F-2547.— (FOR RECESS.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-2547 includes Enameled Iron Roll Rim Recess Lavatory, Oval Bowl and Enameled Apron cast in one piece, with 12-inch high Enameled Roll-Rim Back and two Ends, Soap Cup, Nickel-Plated Brass No. Trap to Floor, two No. Nickel-Plated Brass Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Brass "Ideal" Waste, and two Nickel- Plated Brass Supply Pipes wiih Air Chambers. MADE IN TWO SIZES. Size of Lavatory, inches , Size of Bowl, inches PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED INSIDE - PRICE, SLAB AND BACK, WITH ENDS; NO FIXTURES, EN'UD INSIDE IF ENAMELED ALL OVER, ADD Dimensions: Length, 24 and 30 inches; Width, 21 inches; Bowl, 12x15 inches. The above are regularly made in two sizes, viz: to fit recess 24 and 30 inches, but if sufficient time is given, special sizes between 24 and 30 inches long can be made to order. Prices upon application. Note — We do not guarantee to make above in special sizes to fit a built recess. Recess should be made to fit slab. 21x24 21x30 12x15 12x15 $36.50 40.50 $21.50 25.50 $2.25 2.25 350 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-2549.-(TWO COMPLETE SECTIONS— ALL ROLL RIM.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME OR NUMBER. Legs and Braces are made to keep Lavatory free from Wall; the distance between Wall and Roll Rim being about 1% inches. f-2549 includes two Enameled Iron all Roll Rim Lavatories and Enameled Aprons cast in one piece, Oval Bowls with large Patent Overflow with Nickel-Plated Brass Removable Strainer; two 1% Nickel-Plated Brass Traps with Vents; four No. Nickel- Plated Brass Fuller Faucets; four Nickel- Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and three Enameled Iron Legs and small Wall Brackets. The distance between Lavatories is about 1% inches. Size of Lavatory, inches 18 x24 20 x 24 Size of Bowl, inches 12x15 12x15 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED (two complete sections) ENAMELED INSIDE $48.75 50.75 FOR EACH COMPLETE ADDITIONAL SECTION (one lava- tory) ENAMELED INSIDE, ADD - $24.25 25.25 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED (two complete sections) ENAMELED ALL OVER, ... - $52.75 54.75 FOR EACH COMPLETE ADDITIONAL SECTION (onelava- tory) ENAMELED ALL OVER, ADD - $26.25 27.25 PRICE SINGLE LAVATORY, with two Enameled Iron Legs, less Faucets, Trap and Pipes - $14.50 15.50 Can be Furnished with "Century" Waste, see F-2555, for price. 21>^x27 21^x30 13x17 13x19 58.75 29.25 63.75 31.75 19.50 63.75 31.75 68.75 34.25 22.00 The above Lavatory being made with Roll Rim on all sides makes it a desirable fixture to place in center of room, either single or in groups of two, four, six, eight, ten or more. Such arrangement will require changes in the Traps and probably different construction of the Supply Pipes, therefore prices are not given but will be furnished upon application. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 351 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-2551.— (ALL ROLL-RIM.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Brackets are made to keep Lavatory free from wall. Distance from wall to Roll-Rim is about ly 2 inches F-2551 includes Enameled All Roll-Rim Lavatory and Enameled Apron cast in one piece, Oval Bowl with large Patent Overflow with Nickel Plated Brass Removable Strainer; 1% inch Nickel Plated Brass Trap with Vent, two No. Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Faucets, and two Enameled Iron Brackets 21^x27 21^x30 Size of each Lavatory, inches 18x24 20x24 Size of Bowl , inches 12x15 12x15 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED INSIDE $18.50 19.50 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED ALL OVER 20.50 21.50 PRICE LAVATORY ONLY, with Brackets, less Faucets and Traps, Enameled inside - - - - - -12.50 13.50 PRICE LAVATORY ONLY, with Brackets, less Faucets and Traps, Enameled all over ------ 14.50 15.50 13x17 23.50 26.00 13x19 26.00 28.50 17.50 20.00 14.50 15.50 20.00 22.50 Can be Furnished with "Century" Waste F-2555. If with Enameled Legs with Wall Pieces in place of Brackets add $2.00. Two No. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chamber extra $4.00. 352 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-2553. — (SLAB, APRON AND BACK CAST IN ONE PIECE.) Size of Slab, 18 x 21 inches; Height of Back, 8 inches; Size of Bowl, 11 x 15 inches. Half Circle Roll-Edge Slab, with 8-inch Back and Apron cast in one piece, with 11 x 15-inch Bowl, Soap Cup, Patent Overflow with Removable Nickel Plated Brass Strainer and Bronzed Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated Plug and Coupling with Rubber Stopper. PRICE AS DESCRIBED. ENAMELED INSIDE, WITH ENAMELED BRACKETS - $11,00 PRICE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED ALL OVER, WITH ENAMELED BRACKETS - $13.00 Can be furnished with "Century" Waste, see F-2555 below. THE "CENTURY" WASTE. F-2555. -(CENTURY WASTE.) The "Century" Waste is a new design Waste made for use with our Enameled Iron Basins. It is of heavy construction, and simple in operation. The Overflow in Slab is very large, allowing easy access for clean- ing purposes. The Overflow is Enameled. The Plug, Lift Rod, Coupling and Handles are Nickel-Plated Brass. '"CENTURY" WASTE when used in com- bination with Enameled Iron Lavatories F-1439 - 2541 - 2549 - 2551-2560-2562- 2565-2566-2568 and 2570. add, if with Metal Top, - $3.50 If with China Name Plate, - $4.00 WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. U WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 353 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES, F-1440. f-1440 includes Roll-Rim Enameled Lavatory, Bronzed Outside, with Soap Cup and Oval Basin with Wolff's Patent Enameled Overflow, Chain, Snap and Stopper, 10>£-inch High Enameled Roll- Rim Back, two Nickel-Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel Plated l^-inch Brass Trap with Vent and Waste to Wall, and two Nickel-Plated Boston Low-Down Self-Closing Faucets. MADE IN TWO SIZES. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 16 x 20 inches, with llxl4-in. Basin, and 15xl7-in. Brackets - $20.50 PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 18 x 24 inches, with 12xl5-in. Basin, and 16xl8-in. Brackets - $23.00 If with Polished Brass Trap and Brackets in place of Nickel-Plated, deduct 75c. If with one Faucet only and No. 3 Chain Stay, deduct $1.75. If without Faucets, deduct $4.00. If without Trap, deduct $3.00. If without Nickel-Plated Brass Brackets, deduct for 15 x 17-inch, $4.50, and for 16 x 18-inch, $5.00. If with Bronzed Iron Brackets instead of Nickel-Plated Brass, deduct $3.50 and $4.00. If Enameled outside, add $2.50. The above style of Enameled Lavatory will be found a most desirable and practical sanitary fixt- ure for schools, public buildings, athletic institutions, railroad depots, government barracks, etc. As shown, Faucets for both hot and cold water are provided; other style Faucets may be used however, and for cold water only, the other Faucet hole being capped, or Chain Stay used. An entirely new feature, not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The shape of the 12 x 15-inch Basin is oval and of same size inside measurements as 14 x 17-inch Earthenware Basins and has Patent Over- flow. The Lavatory has raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs; all parts are accessible and carefully fitted together; all exposed surfaces are either enameled, painted or bronzed, making it a substantial and perfectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 354 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-1441. MADE IN TWO SIZES. F-1441 includes Roll-Riui Enameled Lavatory, Bronzed Outside, with Soap Cup and Oval Basin with Wolff's Patent Enameled Overflow, Chain, Snap and Stopper, 10^-inch High Enameled Back and Iyel't-Hand End, one Nickel-Plated Brass Bracket, Nickel Plated 1% -inch Brass Trap with Vent and Waste to Wall, and two Nickel-Plated Boston Low-Down Self -Closing Faucets. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 16 x 20 inches, with llxl4-in. Basin, and 15xl7-in. Brackets - $20.25 PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 18 x 24 inches, with 12xl5-in. Basin, and 16xl8-in. Brackets - $22.50 If without Nickel Plated Brass Trap, deduct $3.00. * If without Nickel-Plated Brass Brackets, deduct for 15 x 17-inch, $2.25, and for 16 x 18-inch, $2.50. If with Bronzed Iron Brackets instead of Nickel-Plated Brass, deduct $1.75 and $2.00. If with Polished Brass Trap and Brackets in place of Nickel-Plated, deduct 50c. If with one Faucet only and No. 3 Chain Stay, deduct $1.75. If without Faucets, deduct $4.00. If Enameled all over, add $2.50. Can be furnished with " Doherty " Faucets at same price. The above style of Enameled Lavatory will be found a most desirable and practical sanitary fixt- ure for schools, public buildings, athletic institutions, railroad depots, government barracks, etc. As shown, Faucets for both hot and cold water are provided; other style Faucets may be used however, and for cold water only, the other Faucet hole being capped, or Chain Stay used. An entirely new feature, not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The shape of the 12 x 15-inch Basin is oval and of same size inside measurements as 14 x 17-inch Earthenware Basins and has Patent Over- flow. The Lavatory has raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs; all parts are accessible and carefully fitted together; all exposed surfaces are either enameled, painted or bronzed, making it a substantial and perfectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 355 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES, F-1442. MADE IN TWO SIZES. F-1442 includes Roll-Rim Enameled Lavatory, Bronzed Outside, with Soap Cup and Oval Basin with Wolff's Patent Enameled Overflow, Chain, Snap and Stopper, Enameled Roll-Rim Back 10}4 inches High, two Bonzed Cast Iron Legs, Nickel Plated l^-inch Brass Trap with Vent and Waste tc* Wall, and two Nickel-Plated Boston Low-Down Self-Closing Faucets. The 16 x 20-inch size has Oval Bowl Opening 11 x 14 inches. The 18 x 24-inch size has Oval Bowl Opening 12 x 15 inches. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 16x20 inches, with 11 xl4-in. Basin, - $17.00 PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 18x24 inches, with 12xlo-in. Basin, - $19.00 If without Trap, deduct $3.00. If without Faucet, deduct $4.00. If Enameled outside, with Enameled Legs, add $3. 50. Can be furnished with other style Trap and Faucets, as may be desired. If with Galvanized Legs, add $1.00. The above style of Enameled Lavatory will be found a most desirable and practical sanitary fixt- ure for schools, public buildings, athletic institutions, railroad depots, government barracks, etc. As shown, Faucets for both hot and cold water are provided; other style Faucets may be used however, and for cold water only, the other Faucet hole being capped, or Chain Stay used. An entirely new feature, not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The shape of the 12 x 15-inch Basin is oval and of same size inside measurements as 14 x 17-inch Earthenware Basins and has Patent Over- flow. The Lavatory has raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs; all parts are accessible and carefully fitted together; all exposed surfaces are either enameled, painted or bronzed, making it a substantial and perfectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 356 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORY. MADE IN TWO SIZES. F-144-3.-'WITH OVAL BOWL.) f-144-3 includes Roll-Rim Enameled Lavatory, Bronzed outside, with Soap Cup and Oval Basin, with Wolff's Patent Enameled Overflow, Chain, Snap and Stopper, Enameled Roll-Rim Back and Left Hand End, 10^-inches high, Bronzed Cast Iron Leg, Nickel Plated lX-inch Brass Trap with Vent and Waste to Wall, and two Nickel Plated Boston Low-Down Self-Closing Faucets. The 16 x 20- inch size has Oval Bowl Opening, 11 x 14 inches. The 18 x 24-inch size has Oval Bowl Opening, 12 x 15 inches. PRICES AS DESCRIBED, 16 X 20 INCHES, - $19.00 PRICES AS DESCRIBED, 18 X 24 INCHES, - - - - - - 21.00 If without Trap, deduct $3.00. If with Galvanized Leg, add 50 cents. Can be furnished with Right Hand End if desired. If enameled outside with Enameled Leg, add $3.00. The above style of Enameled Lavatory will be found a most desirable and practical sanitary fixture for schools, public buildings, athletic institutions, railroad depots, government barracks, etc. As shown, Faucets for both hot and cold water are provided; other style Faucets may be used, how- ever, and for cold water only, the other Faucet hole being capped, or Chain Stay used. An entirely new feature not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The shape of the 12 x 15-inch Basin is oval and of same size inside measurement as 14 x 17-inch Earthenware Basins and has Patent Overflow. The Slab has raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs; all parts are acces- sible and carefully fitted together; all exposed surfaces are either Enameled, Painted or Bronzed, making a substantial and perfectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 357 WOLFF'S ENAMELED LAVATORIES. F-144A. F-1444. Enameled Roll-Rim Lavatory , Bronzed outside, with Soap Cup, 10y 2 -m. High Back, Oval Basin with Patent Over- flow Strainer, Chain, Waste Plug and coupling, all Nickel Plated, Rubber Stop- per and two Bronzed Iron Brackets. Price, 16x20 inches, Enameled inside, with Bronzed Brackets. . .$ 9.00 Price, ]6x20 inches, Enameled all over, with En'l'd Brackets. . . 11.50 Price, 18x24 inches, Enameled inside, with Bronzed Brackets. . . 11.00 Price, 18x24 inches, Enameled all over, with En'l'd Brackets. . . 13.50 F-1445. F-1445. Enameled Roll-Rim Lava- tory, Bronzed outside, with Soap Cup, 10^ inch High Back and Right Hand End, Oval Basin with Patent Overflow Strainer, Chain, Waste Plug and Coup- ling, all Nickel Plated, Rubber Stop- per and one Bronzed Iron Bracket. ADD FOR END TO PRICES F-1444. $2.00. OF F-1446. F-1446. Enameled Roll-Rim Lav- atory, Bronzed outside, with Soap Cup, 10^ -inch High Back and Left Hand End, Oval Basin with Patent Over- flow Strainer, Chain, Waste Plug and Coupling, all Nickel Plated, Rubber Stopper and one Bronzed Iron Bracket. ADD FOR END TO PRICES OF F-1444. $2.00. DIMENSIONS OF F-1444, AND F-1446. F-1445 Made in two Sizes. Size of ea. Section . . 16x20 in. 18x24 in. Height of Back . 10 >£ in. 10^ in Length over all . . 20 in. 24 in. Size of Basin . . . 11x14 in. 12x15 in. 358 L WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY ROLL-EDGE CAST IRON ENAMELED LAVATORIES. PATENTED. F-1447. Roll-Edge Slab and Bowl with Back and Patent Overflow. Length of Back, 13 inches; diameter of Bowl, 12 inches. prices, with Nickel Plated Brass Coupling and Rubber Stopper, Enameled inside ENAMELED ALL OVER. F-1448. Roll-Edge Slab and Bowl for corner, with Backs and Patent Overflow Length on Side, 12>^ inches; diameter of Bowl, 12 inches. PRICES, with Nickel Plated Brass Coupling and Rubber Stopper, Enameled inside ENAMELED ALL OVER - - - - - - Above are cast in one piece and have Roll-Edge. S4.0O S5.0O $4.0O $5.0O L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 359 ROLL-EDGE CAST IRON ENAMELED LAVATORIES. PATENTED. F-1449. — (WITH OVAL BOWL.) Length of Back, 19 inches; Bowl, 11x14 inches. Roll-Edge Slab with 11x14 inch Oval Bowl, Back, Soap Cup, Patent Overflow with Removable Nickel Plated Brass Strainer and Bronzed Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated Coupling and Rubber Stopper. PRICE, ENAMELED INSIDE - PRICE, ENAMELED ALL OVER, ENAMELED BRACKET $7.00 $9.50 F-1450.— (WITH OVAL BOWL.) Length on Side, 15 inches; Bowl, 11 x 14 inches. Roll-Edge Slab for corner, with 11 x 14-inch Oval Bowl, Backs, Soap Cup; Patent Overflow with Removable Nickel Plated Brass Strainer, with Nickel Plated Coupling and Rubber Stopper. PRICE, ENAMELED INSIDE PRICE, ENAMELED ALL OVER $7.00 $9.50 F-1449 and F-1450 are cast in one piece, have large Improved Patent Overflow, Roll-Edge, Ornamental Exterior, and have Soap Cups. 360 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROLL-EDGE CAST-IRON ENAMELED LAVATORIES (patented.) F-1451.— (WITH COLUMBIAN BASIN.) Length of Back, 21 inches; Bowl, 11x14 inches. Roll-Edge Slab with 11 x 14-inch Oval Bowl, Back, Soap Cup, Patent Overflow with Removable Nickel Plated Brass Strainer and Bronzed Iron Brackets. Nickel Plated Plug and Coupling and Rubber Stopper. r & PRICE, ENAMELED INSIDE $7.00 PRICE, ENAMELED ALL OVE R 9.50 F-1452.— (WITH COLUMBIAN BASIN,) Length on Sides, 15 inches; Bowl, 11x14 inches. Roll-Edge Slab for corner, with 11 x 14-inch Oval Bowl, Backs, Soap Cup, Patent Overflow with Removable N. P. Brass Strainer, with Nickel Plated Plug and Coupling and Rubber Stopper. PRICE, ENAMELED INSIDE PRICE, ENAMELED ALL OVER $7.00 9.00 "Columbian" shaped basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular oval and straight back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner, and will empty more rapidly than any other Basin now in u*e. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 361 ROLL-EDGE CAST-IRON ENAMELED LAVATORIES. PATENTED. F-14-53-— (WITH COLUMBIAN BASIN.) Size of Slab, 18 x 21 inches; Bowl, 11 x 15 inches. Roll-Edge Slab, with 11x15 inch Bowl, Back, Soap Cup, Patent Overflow with Removable Nickel Plated Brass Strainer and Bronzed Iron Brackets, Nickel-Plated Plug and Coupling and Rubber Stopper. PRICE, ENAMELED, BRONZED OUTSIDE, WITH BRONZED BRACKETS - - $ 7.75 PRICE, ENAMELED IN AND OUTSIDE, WITH ENAMELED BRACKETS - - 10.50 F-1454.— (CORNER BASIN.) Roll-Edge Slab and Bowl with 2% inch Back cast in one piece, Patent Overflow. Length on Side, 12 l / 2 inches; Diameter of Basin, 12 inches. PRICE, WITH NICKEL PLATED BRASS COUPLING AND RUBBER STOPPER, EN J L J D $4.00 IF ENAMELED ALL OVER, ADD - 1.50 F-1451, F-1452, F-1453, and F-1454 are cast in one piece, have large Improved Patent Overflow, Roll-Edge. 362 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-2558.— (ROUND BOWL FOR IDEAL WASTE.) Length of Back, 13 inches; distance from front to back, 16 inches; diameter of Bowl, 12 inches. Roll Edge Slab and Bowl with 6-inch High Back, with Nickel Plated Brass Ideal Waste. PRICE, ENAMELED INSIDE, BRONZED EXTERIOR, WITH WASTE $8.50 F-2559. — (CAST IN ONE PIECE WITH COLUMBIAN BASIN.) Length on side, 19 inches; Bowl 11x15 inches. Roll Edge Slab for corner, with 11 x 15 inch Columbian Bowl and Backs cast in one piece; Soap Cup, large patent Overflow, with Removable Brass Strainer, with Nickel-Plated Plug and Coupling and Rubber Stopper. PRICE, ENAMELED, BRONZED OUTSIDE, LESS FAUCETS $ 8.25 PRICE, ENAMELED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, LESS FAUCETS, .... 10.25 If with Century Waste F-2555, add $3.50. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 363 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-2560.— (BACK, SLAB AND BOWL CAST IN ONE PIECE.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASElGIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Size of slab, 18x24 inches. Height of Back, 10 inches. Size of Bowl, 11 x 15 inches. f— 2 560 includes Enameled Roll Rim Lavatory with Columbian Basin; 10-inch high Back cast in one piece j Nickel-Plated Soap Cup; Large patent Overflow with Removable Nickel- Plated Brass Strainer; Nickel-Plated Plug Coupling and Rubber Stopper and two No. Nickel-Plated Fuller Basin Cocks. PRICE, COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, Enameled inside. Bronzed outside, and Bronzed Brackets, $14.50 PRICE, LESS FAUCETSj Enameled inside. Bronzed outside, and Bronzed Brackets. 11.50 PRICE, COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, Enameled inside and outside, and Enameled Brackets, PRICE, LESS FAUCETS, Enameled inside and outside, and Enameled Brackets, 17.25 14.25 If with Century Waste, F-2555 add $3.50. 364 L- WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F""2562.-(SLAB J APRONS AND BACK IN ONE PIECE. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Sizes: 18x24 with 10-inch Back; 20x24 with 12-inch Back; Size of Bowl, 11x15 inches. F-2 562 includes Enameled Roll Rim Lavatory with Columbian Basin, Enameled Aprons and High Back, cast in one piece. Nickel Plated Soap Cup, Large Patent Overflow, with Removable Strainer, Nickle Plated Plug Coupling, and Rubber Stopper and two No. Nickel Plated Fuller Basin Cocks. 18X24 20X24 COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED INSIDE, WITH EN J L J D BRACKETS $18.00 21.50 COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, EN J L J D ALL OVER, WITH EN J L J D BRACKETS 20.00 23.75 If without Faucets, deduct $3.00. For price of "Century" Waste see F-2555. f-2562 is one of our new designs; a perfect, complete fixture, suitable for the finest work; as an office lavatory it has no equal. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 365 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-2565.— (SLAB, BACK AND APRON CAST IN ONE PIECE.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Length on Side, 19 inches; Bowl, 11x15 inches; Hight of Backs, 8 inches. Roll Edge Slab for Corner, with Apron and Backs cast in one piece; 11 x 15-inch Columbian Bowl; Soap Cup, large Patent Overflow with Removable Brass Strainer; Nickel- Plated Plug, Coupling and Rubber Stopper and two No. Fuller Basin Cocks. PRICE, ENAMELED INSIDE, WITH FAUCETS PRICE, ENAMELED ALL OVER, WITH FAUCETS $13.75 15.75 If without Faucets, deduct $3.00. For Century Waste see F-2555. 366 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-2566. — (SLAB, BACK AND APRON CAST IN ONE PIECE. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Length on Side, 16 inches; Bowl, 11 x 11 inches; Height of Back, 6 inches; Apron, 4^j inches. Roll Edge Slab for Corner with Apron and Backs cast in one piece; 11x11 inch Oval Bowl, Soap Cup, large Patent Overflow w 7 ith Removable Brass Strainer; Nickel Plated Plug, Coupling and Rub- ber Stopper and two Xo. Fuller Basin Cocks. PRICE, ENAMELED INSIDE, WITH FAUCETS PRICE, ENAMELED ALL OVER, WITH FAUCETS $13.00 $15.00 If without Faucets, deduct $3.00. F-2565 and 2506 Corner Lavatories are some of our new designs; perfect complete fixtures, suitable for the finest work. As Office Lavatories they have no equal. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 167 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES, F-2568- — (SPECIAL UNDER-ROLL, 12-INCH BACK.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-2568 includes Enameled Lavatory, Bronzed outside, with special Under Roll-Rim with 12-inch High Back; II x 15-inch Columbian Basin, Soap Cup, large patent Overflow, Removable Overflow Strainer, Chain Plug and Rubber Stopper, Bronzed Iron Brackets and two No. Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets. Made in one size only, 18x24 inches. PRICE, COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, Enameled inside, Bronzed t utside, and Bronzed Brackets, $16.00 PRICE, LESS FAUCETS, Enameled inside, Bronzed outside, and Bronzed Brackets, 13.00 PRICE, COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, Enameled inside and outside, and Enameled Brackets, - 18.50 PRICE, LESS FAUCETS, Enameled inside and outside, and Enameled Brackets - 15.50 If furnished with "Century" Waste F-2555, add $3. 50. 368 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. THIS HAS D-SHAPE BASIN. F-2570.— (SPECIAL UNDER-ROLL, 12-INCH BACK.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. f-2570 includes three sections Under Roll-Rim Enameled Lavatories, Bronzed outside, with Soap Cups and 12-inch High Backs, 11x15 inch Columbian Basins with large patent Overflow, Removable Overflow Strainer, Chain, Waste Plug and Coupling, all Nickel Plated, Rubber Stoppers, four Bronzed Iron Brackets and six No. Fuller Basin Cocks. Made in one size only, each section 18 x 24 inches, with 11 x 15-inch Columbian Basin. PRICE, ENAMELED INSIDE LAVATORY, with three Slabsand Bowls, as shown and described - $51.00 PRICE, " " " with three Slabs and Bowls, less Faucets - - 42.00 FOR ENAMELED ALL OVER, with Enameled Brackets, add for each section - * - - - - 2.50 Above can be furnished with Boston Self-Closing Faucets, Doherty or Gielow Faucets. For prices see elsewhere. Right or Left End Piece, each $2.50. Can be furnished in any number of sections. Rough-Brass Continous Waste, per section, $1.75; same Polished and Nickel Plated, per section $3.00. If with "Century" Waste F-2555, add for each section $3.50. The above style of Enameled Lavatory will be found a most desirable and practical sanitary fixture for schools, public buildings, athletic institutions, railroad depots, government barracks, etc. A Brass Trap may be used, or, where practical, a continous Waste with Trap as shown in F-1463. An entirely new feature, not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The Basin is D shape, has Patent Overflow with N P. Brass Removable Strainer. The Slab has a raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs; all parts are accessible and carefully fitted together; all exposed surfaces are either enameled, painted or bronzed, making it a substantial and perfectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 369 WOLFF'S ROLL-RIM ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-1455. (WITH oval basin and patent overflow.) F-1455 includes two sections Roll-Rim Enameled Lavatories, Bronzed outside, with Soap Cups and 10>^-inch High Backs, Oval Basins with Patent Overflow, Overflow Strainer, Chain, Waste Plug and Coupling, all Nickel Plated, Rubber Stoppers and three Bronzed Iron Brackets. Made in two sizes. DIMENSIONS. SIZE OF EACH SECTION 16X20 18X24 Height of Back 10 >£ in. 10y 2 in. Length over all (two Sections), 40 in. 48 in. Size of Basin, 11x14 in. 12x15 in. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED INSIDE, WITH BRONZED BRACKETS $20.00 24.00 ALL OVER, WITH ENAMELED " - 25.00 29.00 For Enameled Brackets, add for each Bracket, 50c. If with Bronzed Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Brackets, add for each, 25c. If with Enameled Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Brackets, add for each, $1.00. ABOVE CAN BE FURNISHED GALVANIZED OR PAINTED WHEN DESIRED. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 370 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ROLL-RIM ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES WITH PATENT OVERFLOW. (patented.) i!lii|i!i!J!l!ii!ll!l!li!illli F -145T. — (WITH OVAL BASIN AND RIGHT HAND END.) f-1457 includes two sections Roll-Rim Enameled Lavatories, with RIGHT hand end. Bronzed outside, with Soap Cups and 10)4 -inch High Backs and End, Oval Basins with Patent Overflow, Overflow Strainer. Chain, Waste Plug and Coupling, all Nickel Plated, Rubber Stoppers and two Bronzed Iron Brackets. MADE IN TWO SIZES. DIMENSIONS. Size of each Section ... 16 x 20 in. Height of Back . , 10)4 in. Length over all (two Sections) 40 in. Size of Basin .11 x 14 in. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED ----- $22.00 FOR ADDITIONAL SECTIONS (including one Bracket) add for each - 10.00 lor Enameled Brackets, add for each Bracket, 50c. If with Bronzed Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Brackets, add for each, 25c. If with Enameled Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Brackets, add for each, $1.00. Above can be furnished Galvanized or Painted when desired, 18 x 24 in. 10 }4 in. 48 in. 12 x 15 in. $26.00 12. OO WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. If above are Enameled all over, with Enameled Brackets, add for each section, $2.50- L- WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 371 WOLFF'S ROLL-RIM ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. WITH PATENT OVERFLOW. (patented. I F-1458, — (WITH OVAL BASIN AND LEFT HAND END.) f-1458 includes two sections Roll-Rim Enameled Lavatories, with left hand end, Bronzed outside, with Soap Cups and 10^-inch High Backs and End, Oval Basins with Patent Overflow, Over- flow Strainer, Chain, Waste Plug and Coupling, all Nickel Plated, Rubber Stoppers and two Bronzed Iron Brackets. MADE IN TWO SIZES. DIMENSIONS. Size of each Section 16 x 20 in. 18 x 24 in. Height of Back. . . loy 2 i n . ioy 2 i n . Length over all (two Sections) 40 in. 48 in. Size of Basin 11 x 14 in. 12 x 15 in. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, ENAMELED, - $22.00 $26.00 FOR ADDITIONAL SECTIONS (including one Bracket), add for each - 10.00 12.00 For Enameled Brackets, add for each Bracket, 50c. If with Bronzed Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Brackets, add for each, 25c. If with Enameled Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Brackets, add for each $1.00. Above can be furnished Galvanized or painted when desired. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. If above are Enameled all over, with Enameled Brackets, add for each section, $2.50. 372 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. (patented) ,. ,, ; , : ,|. :!l';|||-'-:--:!,-. ■ . ; . :l ,i. ; ...-.-;;i:-. ..... ,.,,,.,.., ■■■ ■;■'■'' -jii ■n # F"14-59«— (OVAL BOWLS. WITH PATENT OVERFLOW.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. f-1459 includes five sections Roll-Rim Enameled Lavatories, Bronzed outside, with Soap Cups and 10^-inch High Backs, Oval Basins with Patent Overflow, Overflow Strainer, Chain, Waste Plug and Coupling, all Nickel Plated, Rubber Stoppers, six Bronzed Iron Brackets and ten Doherty Self-Closing Faucets. MADE IN TWO SIZES. 20X16 with 11 X 14-inch Basin, 10/^-inch Back 24 X 18 with 12 X 15-inch Basin 10/^-inch Back $70.00 14.00 $80-00 16.00 PRICE, ENAMELED SECTIONAL LAVATORY with five Slabs and Bowls, as shown and described FOR EACH ADDITIONAL COMPLETE SECTION, ADD FOR ENAMELED ALL OVER, WITH ENAMELED BRACKETS, ADD FOR EACH SECTION If without Faucets, deduct for each Faucet, $2.00. Closing Faucets instead of Doherty at same price. For Gielow Faucets, see page 92. Right or Left End Piece, each $2.00. Can be furnished in any number of sections. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, per section, $1.75; same Polished and Nickel Plated, per section, $3.00 2.50 Above can be furnished with 2.50 Boston Self- F-1460.— (OVAL BOWLS, WITH PATENT OVERFLOW.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. MADE IN TWO SIZES. For price of F-1460 add to price of F-1459 $1.00 extra for each Leg. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 373 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. PATENTED. p-1462. MADE IN TWO SIZES. f-1462 Sectional Double Lavatory includes ten (five on each side) Enameled Iron Combined Slabs and Bowls, with Oval Basins with Wolff's Patent Overflow and Improved Overflow Strainer, Soap Cup, Nickel Plated Chain, Snap and Stopper and Enameled Connecting Plate, Bronzed Iron Legs and two Doherty Self-Closing Faucets for each Slab. Connecting plate adds 2 inches to the width. PRICES. note: The Trap and Continuous Waste are not included in prices below. Prices on application. PRICES 20 x 16 Section 24 x 18 Section with 11 x 14 inch Basin with 12 x 15 inch Basin PRICE ENAMELED DOUBLE LAVATORY, with ten Slabs and Bowls (five on each side), as described - I F M O R E than five sections are desired, add for each additional com- plete section, two Slabs (one on each side), - SHOULD LESS than five Sections (not less than two) as shown, be desired, deduct for each complete Section, - IF SLABS ONLY are Enameled all over, add for each Double Section If without Faucets, deduct for each Faucet, #2.00. Above can be furnished with Boston Self-Closing Faucets at same price. Can be furnished in any number of Sections. The above style of Enameled Lavatory will be found a most desirable and practical sanitary fixture for schools, public buildings, athletic institutions, railroad depots, government barracks, etc. As shown, Doherty Faucets for both hot and cold water are provided; other style Faucets maybe used, however, and for cold water only, the other Faucet hole being capped. An entirely new feature, not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The shape of the Basin is Oval, has Patent Overflow with Improved Enameled Overflow Stainer. The Slab has a raised edge simi- lar to Countersunk Marble Slabs; all parts are accessible and carefully fitted together, all exposed surfaces are either enameled, painted or bronzed, making it a substantial and perfectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. $150.00 $170.00 30.00 34.00 30.00 34.00 4.00 4.00 374 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. F-1463. F-1463. Sectional Lavatory includes four Enameled Iron Combined Slabs and Bowls, each 24 x 18 inches, with 12 x 15-inch Square Basin with Patent Overflow and Improved Overflow Strainer, Chain, Snap and Stopper and 10% inch high Enameled Back, Bronzed Iron Brackets, Soap Cup and two Nickel Plated Special Fuller Bibbs, with Connected Galvanized Iron Supply Pipes with Loose Key Stop Cocks, Rough Brass Continuous Waste and Trap. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $83.50 If without Brass Trap, deduct $1.00; if without Brass Continuous Waste or Trap, deduct $10.00. For each additional Complete Section with Galvanized Supply Pipes but without Waste or Trap, add $17 . 50. Add for Waste for each additional Section, $1 . 75. If without the two Nickel Plated Loose Key Stops, deduct $2.00. Above Lavatory can be furnished in any number of Sections. If used with Legs in place of Brackets, add for each Section, $1.00. CORNER SECTIONS FOR CAST-IRON SECTIONAL WASH SINK. F- 1 464. -(with roll rim.) F- 1 465. -(with roll rim.) F-1464 and 1465 are intended for use with F-1466 Sectional Wash Sink, when necessary to turn corners. When desired, outlet can be placed in Corner Section. Painted Galvanized. Enameled Add to prices of F-1466 for Corner Section either F-1464 or F-1465. . $20.00 $34.00 $37.00 WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 375 WOLFF'S CAST-IRON ROLL RIM SECTIONAL WASH SINK. PAINTED, GALVANIZED OR ENAMELED. F-1466-— (ROLL RIM WASH SINK. J WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1466 Sectional roll rim wash sink of three Sections, each 5 feet long, with 12-inch high Back, with Waste Outlet in center, Overflow Connection, Galvanized Iron Concealed Supply Pipe with two Brass "Extra Pattern" Compression Faucets for each Section, Galvanized Soap Cups, Loose Key Stop, Painted Iron Brackets and 1)4 in. Rough Brass Trap with Vent. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, (15 FT.) Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. $70.75 100.75 104.75 If without Stop Cock, deduct SI. 25; If without Concealed Galvanized Supply Pipe deduct $10.50; If without Trap, deduct $4.50. The Wash Sink can be furnished in one Section only or in Sections up to 45 feet long, and to turn Corners, see F-1464 and 1465. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF OTHER SIZES. Width of Sink, Front to Back 18 in. ; Width inside 14 in. ; Depth at Outlet 8)4 in., Height of Back 12 in. ; Depth of Back 2*4 in. Length of Sinks 5 ft. 8 ft. 10 ft. 12 ft. 15 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. Prices, including enameled ) Sink. Back, Soap Cups l$27.00 43.20 54.00 64.80 81.00 97.20 108.00 134.80 and Brackets. J FAUCETS, TRAP, STOP COCK OR SUPPLY PIPE NOT INCLUDED— SEE BELOW. Nickel Plated Brass Faucets extra, each, $1.25; Painted Iron Brackets, each, 50c; 1)4 in, Rough Brass Trap, extra, 4.50; Loose Key Stop, extra, 1.25. Concealed Galvanized Supply Pipe with Special Brass "T' r , add for each Faucet extra, 1.75. NOTE. — When ordering above complete with Concealed Supply Pipe, state if Inlet or Stop Cock is to be on Right or Left Hand End. :i7G L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CAST-IRON ROLL-RIM SECTIONAL WASH SINK, WITH LEGS. F-1467. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1467 Sectional roll rim wash sink of three Sections, each 5 feet long, with 12-inch high Back, with Waste Outlet in center, and Overflow Connection, Galvanized Iron Concealed Supply Pipe with two Brass "Extra Pattern" Compression Faucets for each Section, Galvanized Soap Cups, Loose Key Stop, Painted Iron Legs and \]/ 2 in. Rough Brass Trap. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, (15 FT.) Painted Galvanized Enameled $74.75 104.75 108.75 If without Stop Cock, deduct $1.25; If without Concealed Galvanized Supply Pipe deduct $10.50 If without Trap, deduct $4.50. The Wash Sink can be furnished in one Section only or in Sections up to 45 feet long, and to turn Corners, see F-1464 and 1465. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF OTHER SIZES. Width of Sink Front to Back 18 in.; Width inside 14 in.; Depth at Outlet 8>£ in. Height of Back 12 in. ; Depth of Back 2# in. 5 ft. 8 ft. 10 ft. 12 ft. 15 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. | $29 Length of Sinks Prices, including Enam'l'd Sink, Back, Soap Cups " - " : and Legs. Nickel Plated Brass Faucets extra, each, $1.25; Painted Iron Legs, each, $1.50; \y z in. Rough Brass Trap, extra, 4.50; Loose Key Stop, extra, 1.25; Concealed Galvanized Supply Pipe with Special Brass "T", add for each Faucet extra, 1.75. NOTE. — When ordering above complete with Concealed Supply Pipe, state if Inlet or Stop Cock is to be on Right or Left Hand End. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 377 WOLFF'S EXTRA WIDE ROLL-RIM SECTIONAL WASH SINK. F-1470. F- 14-70. Represents Extra Wide Roll-Rim Sectional Wash Sink of three Sections, each Section 3 feet long by 24 inches wide, with 15-inch High Back, 1^-inch Waste Plug with Coupling and Tail- piece, Bronzed Iron Brackets and two Extra Pattern Compression Faucets. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. PRICES, THREE SECTIONS, each 3 feet long by 24 inches wide (9 feet over all ), with two Faucets and Brackets as shown $47.50 $80.50 $86.50 Add for each additional Section, 3 feet long 17 . 50 28 . 50 30 .50 If with Standing Overflow, add $2.00. 1%-inch Rough Brass Trap with Vent, extra, $4.50. Extra Brass Faucets, each, $1.25. F-1471. F- 1 47 1 . Extra Wide Roll-Rim Sectional Wash Sink of three Sections, each Section 3 feet long by 24 inches wide, with 15-inch High Back, l^o-inch Waste Plug with Coupling and Tailpiece, Bronzed Iron Legs and two Extra Pattern Compression Faucets. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. PRICES, THREE SECTIONS, each 3 feet long by 24 inches wide (9 feet over all), with two Faucets and Legs as shown $50.50 $83.50 $89. 50 Add for each additional Section, 3 feet long 18.50 29.50 31.50- Above Sinks are especially made for use in hotels, hospitals, barracks, etc., where wide, large Sinks are required. 378 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED ROLL RIM WASH SINKS. F-1472-CCAST IN ONE PIECE.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1472 Enameled Roll Rim Wash Sink cast in one piece with 2^-inch x 12-inch High Back, with Waste Outlet in Center, Overflow Connection, Galvanized Iron Concealed Supply Pipe with Brass ' ' Extra Pattern ' ' Compression Faucets, Galvanized Soap Cup, Loose Key Stop, two Bronzed Iron Brackets and 1)4 -inch Rough Brass Trap with Vent. Dimensions and Prices. Width of Sink, Front to Back, 18 in.; Width inside, 14 in.; Depth, 6 in. PRICE, ENAMELED Complete as Described. Length of Sink. 30 inches 36 " 48 " 60 " 72 " Number of Faucets. Number of Soap Cups. PRICE. $25.25 28.00 36.25 44.75 53.15 If furnished with 8 Expansion Bolts instead of regular, add extra $1.50. If without Stop Cock, deduct $1.25: If without Brass Trap, deduct $4.50: If without Concealed Supply Pipe, deduct for each Faucet, $1.75. NOTE. — When ordering above complete with Concealed Supply Pipe, state if Stop Cock is to be ■on Right or Left Hand End. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S WASH SINKS FOR FACTORIES, F-1473-— (ROLL RIM DOUBLE SINK.) F-1473 Includes Cast Iron Roll Rim Double Wash Sink painted inside and outside, 24 inches wide by 6 inches deep, with Painted Cast Iron Legs and Braces, fitted with % -inch Galvanized Supply Pipe supported on Brackets, Extra Pattern Compression Bibbs and Compression Loose Key Stop Cock, Galvanized Soap Cups, Standing Overflow and two-inch Painted Cast Iron Trap with Brass Trap Screw. Dimensions and Prices. o- _ o- l Painted Inside Enameled Inside oize vDiiiii, and outside Painted Outside 72 x 24 x 6 inches with 8 Bibbs 3 Legs, Price as described $41 .50 $ 76.50 108 x 24 x 6 inches with 12 " 4 " " " 58.50 106.00 144 x 24 x 6 inches with 16 il ? s ' " " 76.00 139.00 Adapted for use in Factories Barracks, Public Institutions, Etc. 380 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ROLL RIM WASH SINKS FOR FACTORIES. F-1474.— (ROLL RIM WASH SINK.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1474 Sectional roll rim wash sink of three Sections, each 5 feet long, with 12-inch high Back, with Waste Outlet in center, Overflow Connection, Galvanized Iron Concealed Supply Pipe with two Brass " Extra Pattern " Compression Faucets for each Section, Galvanized Perforated Spray Pipe with Valve, Galvanized Soap Cups, Loose Key Stop, Painted Iron Brackets and l>£-in. Rough Brass Trap with Vent. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, (15 FEET) ... $79.50 $109.50 $113.50 If without Trap, deduct $4.50. The Wash Sink can be furnished in one Section of 5 feet or in Sections up to 45 feet long, and to turn Corners, see F-1464 and F-1465. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF OTHER SIZES, Width of Sink, Front to Back, 18 in.; Width inside, 14 in.; Depth at Outlet, S/ 2 in.; Height of Back, 12 in.; Depth of Back, 2 1 / in. 5 ft. 8 ft. 10 ft. 12 ft. 15 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. PRICES COMPLETE AS i DESCRIBED ABOVE [■ $42.50 63.20 78.00 92.80 113.50 134.45 149.25 184.55 ENAMELED ' If without Faucets, deduct for each, $1.25; If without Brass Trap, deduct $4.50. the spray pipe feature of above Wash Sink is intended to furnish clean water for rinsing purposes after hands have had preliminary cleaning in the sink. By this arrangement clean water can also be had for face-washing purposes. The Spray extends along the Entire Length of Sink and can be shut off during working hours without interfering with the supply of the Faucets. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 381 WOLFF'S ROLL RIM WASH SINKS FOR FACTORIES. F-1475— (DOUBLE, ROLL RIM WASH SINK.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1475 Sectional DOUBLE, ROLL RIM WASH SINK of six sections, three on each side, each five feet long, with 12-inch high Backs, with Waste Outlet in center, Overflow Connection, Galvanized Iron Concealed Supply Pipe with two Brass ' ' Extra Pattern ' ' Compression Faucets for each Section , Galvanized Perforated Spray Pipe with Valve, Galvanized Soap Cups, two Loose Key Stops, Painted Iron Legs and Braces. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (15 FEET ON EACH SIDE - $160.00 $219.00 $227.00 The Wash Sink can be furnished in one Double Section of 5 feet or in Sections up to 45 feet long. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF OTHER SIZES. Width of Sink, Front to Back, 18 in.; Width inside, 14 in.; Depth at Outlet, 8>£-in. Height of Back, 12 in.; Depth of Back, 2% in. NUMBERFT. ON EACH SIDE 5 ft. 8 ft. 10 ft. 12 ft. 15 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. PRICE DOUBLE SINK COM- i PLETE AS DESCRIBED >- $85.00 126.00 156.00 185.00 227.00 270.00 300.00 370. OO ABOVE; ENAMELED ' If without Faucets, deduct for each, $1.25. the spray pipe feature of above Wash Sink is intended to furnish clean water for rinsing purposes after hands have had preliminary cleaning in the sink. By this arrangement clean water can also be had for face-washing purposes. The Spray extends along the entire Length of Sink and can be shut off during working hours without interfering with the supply of the Faucets. 382 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S DURO STONE WASH SINKS FOR FACTORIES. F-1476. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1476 Includes three sections of Duro Stone Factory Wash Sink with 12-inch High Back, each Section divided into Compartments, fitted with Perforated Spray Pipes and "Extra Pattern" Compression Faucets, Loose Key Stop, Standing Overflow in front compartment of Bach Section Connected by Continuous Rough Brass Waste and Supported on Painted Iron Legs. AS THE ABOVE ARE USUALLY MADE TO ORDER TO SUIT REQUIREMENTS, WE DO NOT APPEND PRICE WHICH WILL BE CHEERFULLY FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION. These Sinks we make in Sections, each Section 6 inches deep, 22 inches wide and up to 8 feet long. The illustration shows a Wash Sink 18 feet long, being three Sections of 6 feet each, each Section is divided by a partition, making two compartments, one for preliminary wash and one for rinsing. The water from the Spray Pipe and Faucets flows into the rear compartment and overflows into the preliminary wash compartment, from these into the overflows. This arrangement provides clean water at all times for rinsing and face washing. FOR OTHER COMBINATIONS OF FACTORY WASH SINKS SEE PAGES 372 TO 383. 1+ WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 383 WOLFF'S DURO STONE WASH SINKS FOR FACTORIES. F-1478-(DOUBLE SINK.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1478 Includes two Sections of Duro Stone Factory Wash Sink, each Section divided into Compartments, Standing Overflow in front compartment of Bach Section Connected by Rough Brass Waste and Supported on Painted Iron Legs. AS THE ABOVE ARE USUALLY MADE TO ORDER TO SUIT REQUIREMENTS, WE DO NOT APPEND PRICE, WHICH WILL BE CHEERFULLY FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION. These Sinks we make in Sections, each Section 6 inches deep, 39 inches wide and up to 8 feet long. The illustration shows a Wash Sink 16 feet long, being two Sections of 8 feet each, each Section is divided by partitions, making three compartments, one for preliminary wash and two for rinsing. The water from the Spray Pipe flows into the center compartment and overflows into the preliminary wash compartments, from these into the overflows. This arrangement provides clean water at all times for rinsing and face washing. F-1478 is intended to be placed in room so it can be approached from all sides thus affording a large number access at the same time. FOR OTHER COMBINATIONS OF FACTORY WASH SINKS SEE PAGES 372^0 383, 384 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD LAVATORY FITTINGS. F-1485. COMPRESSION "CONNECTO" SUPPLY AND WASTE With Porcelain Handles on Valves and Waste. Sold with Wolff's Complete Lavatories only. NOTE F-1486. FULLER "CONNECTO JJ SUPPLY AND WASTE With Porcelain Handles on Valves and Waste. Sold with Wolff's Complete Lavatories only. F-1485 and 1486 can be furnished in duro metal. See page 232. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY ;85 WOLFF'S STANDARD LAVATORY FITTINGS, F-1487. COMPRESSION COMBINATION SUPPLY AND WASTE With Porcelain Handles on Valves and "Waste. Furnished with Wolff's Complete Lavatories Only. F-1488. FULLER COMBINATION SUPPLY AND WASTE With Porcelain Handles on Valves and Waste. Furnished with Wolff's Complete Lavatories only. NOTE: F-1487 and 1488 can be furnished in duro-metal. See page 232. 386 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD LAVATORY FITTINGS. F-1489— (COMPRESSION.) "COLUMBIAN" CONNECTED SUPPLY With Porcelain Handles, Compression Valves. Furnished only with Wolff's Complete Lavatories. NOTE: F-1490-(fuller.) "COLUMBIAN CONNECTED SUPPLY^ With Porcelain Handles, Fuller Valves. Furnished only with Wolff's Complete Lavatories. F-1489 and 1490 can be furnished in duro metal, See page 232 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 387 TOILET CASES FOR BATH ROOMS. F-1491— (FOR CORNER.) F-1491 Includes Solid Mahogany Toilet Case with Plate Glass Shelves, and Bevel Plate Glass Mirror in Door. Solid Brass Trimmings. PRICE, AS DESCRIBED, 24-INCH ACROSS FRONT $30.00 F-1492, SECTION of F-1492, F-1492 Includes Solid Mahogany Toilet Case, with Plate Glass Shelves, and Bevel Plate Glase Mirror in Door. Solid Brass Trimmings. PRICE, 24 X 30 X 6 INCHES $28.00 These Toilet Cases are made of the very best seasoned Hardwood, carefully made and highly finished; the shelves are made of Polished Plate Glass, and can be raised or lowered to suit; the mirrors are the best quality Bevel Plate Glass, with Hardwood backing; the cases are finished inside as finely and carefully as on the outside. The price given above is for Mahogany; we can furnish them in Quartered Oak or any other Hardwood, as ma}* be required to match the woodwork of room; other sizes than those given can be made to order. 388 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PLATE GLASS MIRRORS FOR LAVATORIES. F-1497-(oval.) F-1498-(round.) beveled plate glass mirrors with zinc white finished wood frame. Price, Oval 33 x 24 $20.00 Price, Round 26-in. diameter $20.00 " 36x27 25.00 " " 30-in. " ......... 25.00 F-1499— (3-4-INCH BRASS FRAME.) BEVELED PLATE GLASS MIRROR WITH K-INCH N. P. BRASS FRAME Price, 24 x 18 $10.00 " 26x18 11.50 " 30x18 12.50 " 32x18 13.50 F-1501. BEVELED PLATE GLASS MIRROR WITH 1^-INCH N. P. BRASS FRAME. Price, 24 x 24 $12.00 " 26x18 13.50 " 30x18 15.00 " 32x18 17.00 F-1500— (1-INCH BRASS FRAME.) BEVELED PLATE GLASS MIRROR WITH 1-INCH N. P. BRASS FRAME, Price, 26 x 18 $14.00 " 30x18 15.50 " 32x18 16.50 " 32x24 25.00 F-1502. BEVELED PLATE GLASS MIRROR WITH 2-INCH N. P. CAST BRASS FRAME. Price, 30 x 18 $22.00 " 32x18 24.00 " 32x24 28.00 " 30x36 , 35.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. d89 STANDARD LAVATORY FITTINGS. F-1503. Wolff's "Ideal" Waste, Adjustable. IDEAL BASIN WASTE. Nickel plated with China Handle " Metal Can be furnished in Duro Metal when desired. STANDARD LAVATORY TRAPS. F-1504. Adjustable "Standard" Lavatory Trap to wall. F-1504 and 1505 can be furnished in Duro-Metal when desired. F-1505. Adjustable ' 'Standard" Lavatory Trap to floor. 390 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" LAVATORY FITTINGS. 1508. 'Standard" Supply Pipe to wall, with Wolff's Improv- ed Air Chamber and Stop Valve. F-1506. 'Standard" Supply Pipe, with Wolff's Improved Air Chamber. K3 F-1507. •Standard" Supply Pipe, with Wolff's Improved Air Cham- ber and Stop Valve. QA ^Q_^ F-1509 For Left- Hand End. For Right-Hand End. 'Standard" Apron Supports for 5-inch Apron F-1510. "Standard" Supply Pipe to wall, with Wolff's Improv- ed Air Chamber. These Fittings are for our 'Standard" Lavatories shown on preceeding pages, and may be substituted for Fixtures shown in those illustrations. All of above Fittings are Adjustable, and can be easily, quickly and securely connected. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 391 STANDARD LAVATORY FITTINGS. F-1511. Nickel Plated Cast Brass Lavatory Bracket No. 26. F-1513-— (NO. 19) N.P. Cast Brass Re- cess Lavatory Leg, for 5 inch Apron. F-1514-— (NO. 21) N.P. Ex. Heavy Cast Brass Recess Con- cealed Lav. Leg, with Apron Support. F-1515-— (NO. 8) N. P. Cast Brass Re- cess Lavatory Leg, for ry Leg, for 5 inch Apron. F-1516-— (N0.13> Nickel Plated Cast Brass Lavatorv Leg, with Brace to Wall. Note. — F— 1516 can be furnished in Galvanized or Bower-Barffed Iron. 392 I* WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, w r r$ orq ■T3 P (D P* n pa i O p bd r W H Crq U3 w t- 1 5' org o J" p o r' o ■ 01 r- 1 > 00 p *1 o r> ►1 r" ■n 3 o 13* 01 ^ ^ CO o > < > H o O > ■< CO H r DO m 30 O > CO CO CO z o $ 8 • oi ^^^^^^mz co 30 > 0) CO H C CD m m O CO > >-t o p s* • 01 B- g ro & 10 B* o ■n 2. !* 3 1 a> ? 01 t for Apro *> 10 oo W p F-152 BRACE No Regular Brace t o w • :!* P ^ M' Crq r n H I O > CO H 00 3D > CO CO H <: o CO L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 393 CAST IRON AND STEEL SLAB BRACKETS. F-1525. NICKEL PLATED CAST IRON. Slab Brackets 16 x 16 and 16 x 18 inches. F-1526. ENAMELED CAST IRON. Slab Brackets 16 x 16 inches. " 16 x 18 inches. " 18 x 20 inches. F-1527. NICKEL PLATED STEEL. Slab Brackets 16 x 18 inches. F-1528. NICKEL PLATED STEEL. Slab Brackets 16 x 18 inches. F-1529. NICKEL PLATED CAST IRON. Small Slab Brackets 6x8 inches. 8x10 NOTE: F-1525, F-1526, F-1527 AND F-1528 CAN BE SHIPPED IN PAIRS OR IN CASES CONTAINING 24 BRACKETS. 394 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. LAVATORY FITTINGS. HEAVY BRASS LAVATORY BRACKET. F-1531. Made in three sizes. 15 x 17, 16 x 18 and 18 x 20. 15 x 17 Polished Brass each $2.00 NO. CAST BRASS SLAB BRACKET. F-1532. Size, 18 x 20. Polished Brass each, $2.25 Nickel Plated 2.50 15 x 17 Nickel Plated ' 2.25 16 x 18 Polished Brass ' 2.25 16 x 18 Nickel Plated ' 2.50 18 x 20 Polished Brass 2.50 18 x 20 Nickel Plated < 2.75 NO. APRON BRACKET F-1533. Size, 18 x 20, for 5-inch Apron. Polished Brass each, $ Nickel Plated " F-1534. BRASS ORNAMENTAL TUBE BRACKET. With Brace to Wall. Size, 18 x 20. Polished Brass. each $1.85 Nickel Plated " 2.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 39; LAVATORY STOPS. F-1535-(STRAIGHT.l F-1536— (ANGLE.) 7% /2-mcil. y t/ [ nc h Nickel Plated Brass, each $1.50 $2.00 Nickel Plated Brass, each $1.50 $2.00 LAVATORY VALVES. F-1 537— (STRAIGHT.] F"1538-(ANGLE.) JENKINS DISC STOPS. Nickel Plated, each. H 72 |^-inch. $2.40 2.65 3.20 396 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. LAVATORY SUPPLY PIPES. F-1542 F-1543 F-1544 F-1545 F-1546 F-1547 F-1548 F-1549 Lavatory Supply Pipes ^-inch Iron Pipe Size. With Slip Joint with Rubber Gasket and Brass Washer and Floor Flange. PRICE, - POLISHED BRASS, EACH NICKEL PLATED BRASS PRICE, POLISHED BRASS, EACH NICKEL PLATED BRASS EACH F-1542 F-1543 F-1544 F-1545 $1.25 1 .80 2.75 2.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 2.25 F-1546 F-1547 F-1548 F-1549 $1.80 2.75 2.50 2.50 2.00 3.00 2.75 2.75 Prices include Floor Flanges. All our Supply Pipes are made of the BEST BRASS PIPE, IRON PIPE SIZE, and are tested before shipment. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 397 LAVATORY SUPPLY PIPES. F-1550. F-1551. F-1552. F-1553. Lavatory Supply Pipes ^-inch Iron Pipe Size. With Slip Joint with Rubber Gasket and Brass Washer. POLISHED BRASS, EACH NICKEL PLATED, EACH F-1550 F-1551 F-1552 $2.00 2.50 1.00 2.25 2.75 1.25 F-1554. F-1553 F-1554 1.80 2.50 2.00 2.75 Polished Brass, each $3.50 Nickel Plated " 4.00 htfN I ft i NO. CAST BRASS TRAPS. PRICE OF F-1558 AND ' F-1559 1 '"nnfifj 11 F-1559— (WASTE AND VENT TO WALL.) F"1558-(WITH VENT TO WALL.) 398 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY CAST BRASS LAVATORY TRAPS F-1561. Polished Brass, each. Nickel Plated, each. . F-1562. Polished Brass, each $2.50 $3.50 Nickel Plated, each 2.75 3.75 1# $2.75 3.00 F-1561— (VENT TO WALL.) F-1562— (WITHOUT VENT.) F-1563. Polished Brass, each. .$3.25 $4.25 Nickel Plated, each. . . 3.50 4.50 F-1564. \% l l / 2 -in. Polished Brass, ea.$2.75 $3.75 Nickel Plated, ea. 3.00 4.00 F-1563— (VENT TO WALL.) F-1565-(TO WALL.) Polished Brass, ea.$2.75 $3.75 Nickel Plated, ea. . 3.00 4.00 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 399 CAST BRASS LAVATORY TRAPS. F-1566. 4^-in. Diameter 8^ -in. High iy 2 -in. Outlet 1^-in. Inlet Pol. Brass. $10.00 N. P 11.50 1567. 5-in. Diameter 10-in. High for 2-in. Connection Polished Brass $16.00 Nickel Plated .. 18.00 F-1568. 4-in. Diameter 8)^ -in. High 1^-in. Outlet 1^-in. Inlet To go under floor. Trap Screw only Finished, Body Rough. Pol. Brass.. $7.00 N. P 8.00 WASTE AND OVERFLOW CONNECTION WITH COUPLING AND TAIL PIECE. F-1569— (FOR C. O. BASINS.) Polished Brass, each $1.50 Nickel Plated, " 1.75 CAST BRASS APRON ! SUPPORTS. r-* p__ P \ \ , i / ( J F-1570. For Left Hand End. For Right Hand End. No. Cast Brass Apron Supports. F-1571. ADJUSTABLE BATH TUB SEAT. Price, each $2.25 400 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-1576— (THREE RODS.) Size, length over all 20 F-1574 Nickel Plated Brass, each (SINGLE ROD) - $2.50 F-1575 " " " " (TWO RODS) - 3.00 F-1576 " " " " (THREE RODS) - 4.00 Any of above can be made to order of any length desired SWINGING TOWEL RACKS. 24 30 36 in. 3.00 3.50 4.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 4.75 5.50 6.50 F-15T7— (WITH FOUR ARMS.) Nickel Plated each $4.00 F-1578— (WITH TWO ARMS.) Nickel Plated .each (6-in. Bars) $1.50 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 401 F-1581— (THREE RODS.) Size, length over all 20 F-1 579 Nickel Plated Brass (SINGLE ROD) - - $1.75 F-1580 " " " (TWO RODS) - - 2.25 F-1581 " " " (THREE RODS) - - 2.75 Any of above can be made to order of any length desired. 24 30 36 in. 2.00 2.25 2.75 2.50 2.75 3.50 3.25 3.75 4.50 _ „„ , , ,-„ I— - « 'ffff? F-1582— (NICKEL plated brass.) Price, each, 20-inch, $1.50; 24-inch, $1.75; 30-inch, $2.00. ■■■11^ F-1583— (nickel plated brass.) Price, each, 20 inch, $1.25; 24-inch, $1.50; 30-inch, $1.75. 402 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NICKEL PLATED BRASS TOWEL RACKS, F" I 584— (ROLLER TOWEL RACK.) Roller is 18)4 inches long. Nickel Plated Brass, each $3.00 Nickel Plated Brass, each , $4.25 F-1585-(WITH LOCK.) Has Lock so Towel cannot be Removed. I ! Illi F-1586— (TOWEL SHELF AND RACK.) Nickel Plated Brass, each, 20-inch $5.00; 24-inch, each, $5.75 F-1587— (TOWEL SHELF.) Nickel Plated Brass, each, 20-inch, $4.00; 24-inch, each $4.75 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 403 BATH ROOM FITTINGS. F-1588— (FREE FROM WALL.) F-1588— (1 INCH FROM WALL.) PLATE GLASS SHELF. ^-inch thick x 5 inches wide supported on Nickel Plated Brass Brackets. Made to order to length desired. F-1589. PLATE GLASS SHELF. ^-inch thick x 5 inches wide supported on Nickel Plated Brass Brackets. Made to order to length desired. F-1589. F-1590. TOWEL RACK WITH GLASS ROD. With Nickel Plated Brass Wall Supports. 18-in. long, $2.75; 24-in. long, $3.00; 30-in. long, $3.25. F-1591. TOWEL BASKET. Nickel Plated Brass $14.00 F"1592-(with swinging hooks.) Height, 20 inches; Diameter, 12 inches. Nickel Plated Brass $4.00 404 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BATH ROOM FITTINGS— SPONGE HOLDERS. Ill, '""I "" F-1593— (CAST BRASS.) OVAL SPONGE HOLDER. Nickel Plated Brass, 9^ x 7>£ inches $5.00 F-1594— (CAST BRASS.) ROUND SPONGE HOLDER. Nickel Plated Brass $3.50 F-1595— (CAST BRASS.) NICKEL PLATED BRASS, 11X16 INCHES, $8.00 F-1596. SPONGE HOLDER AND SOAP DISH. Nickel Plated Brass. $3.25 To hang over rim of Bath Tub. F-1597. SPONGE HOLDER FOR BATH TUB. Nickel Plated Brass $2.00 F-1598. SPONGE HOLDER WITH BRACKET. Nickel Plated Brass $3.25 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 40; BATH ROOM FITTINGS. F-1599. N. P. Cast Brass Tumbler Holder.$1.25 F-1600. Nickel Plated Cast Brass Tumbler Holder, Fancy $1.75 F-1601. N. P. Cast Brass Holder, with Porce- lain Tooth Brush Re- ceiver and Porcelain Soap Dish $6.50 F-1602. Nickel Plated Cast Brass Holder, with Porcelain Tooth Brush Receiver $4.25 Tumbler not included. F-1603. N. P. Brass Tooth Brush Holder $1.50 F-1604. N. P. Brass Tooth Brush Holder $1.25 F-1605. Nickel Plated Cast Brass Tooth Brush Holder with Porce- lain Receiver. .$2.25 F-1607. Nickel Plated Cast Brass Brush Holder.. $6.00 F-1609. Nickel Plated Brass Comb Holder $1.00 F-1606. Nickel Plated Cast Brass Brush Holder $6.00 F-1608. Nickel Plated Cast Brass Holder with Porcelain Tooth Brush Re- ceiver, Porcelain Mug and Porce- lain Soap Dish $9.25 Tumbler not included. 406 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BATH ROOM FITTINGS. F-16I0-(CAST BRASS.) F"1611-(CAST BRASS.) F-1612~rCAST BRASS.) N. P. Brass Hook, each.. 30c N. P. Brass Hook, each $1.00 N. P. Brass Hook, each.. 50c F-1613-(CAST BRASS.) F-1614— (CAST BRASS.) F"1615-(CAST BRASS.) N. P. Brass Hook, each.. 75c N. P. Brass Hook, each $1.00 N. P. Brass, each 50c F-1616-(cast brass.) F-1617. F-1618. N. P. Brass Hook, each.. $1.00 Match Box Holder N. P. Brass.$1.25 Match Holder N.P. Brass$1.50 F-1619. Cigar Holder, N. P. Brass. F-1620. G0c Cigar Holder, N. P. Brass 70c L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 407 BATHROOM FITTINGS. BRASS SOAP CUP FOR BATH TUB RIM. BRASS SOAP CUP FOR BATH TUB RIM. F-1631. Nickel Plated, 3 x 4^ in $2.25 Nickel Plated, 3 x 6 in 2.50 BRASS SOAP CUP. F-1633. Nickel Plated, 3 x 4^ in $1.75 Nickel Plated, 3 x 6 in 2.00 PAPER HOLDER. F-1635. Nickel Plated, each F-1632, Nickel Plated, V/ % x 6 in. . . . $2.50 PAPER HOLDER. F-1634. For Sheet Paper, Nickel Plated. PAPER HOLDER. ,$2.00 F-1636. $1.50 For Roll Paper, Nickel Plated $3.00 408 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BATH ROOM FITTINGS. F-1637— (FOR CORNERS.) Nickel Plated Cast Brass Soap Holder with removable cup $2.75 F-1638. Nickel Plated Cast Brass Oval Soap Holder with, removable cup $2.75 F-1639. Nickel Plated Cast Brass Soap Cup. .$1.75 F-1640. Nickel Plated Cast Brass Soap Holder with Porcelain Dish $2.25 F-1641. N. P. Cast Brass Oval Soap Hold- er with remova- ble Cup $2.75 F-1642. N. P. Cast Brass Square Soap Holder with re- movable Cup... $3.25 F-1643-(FOR CORNER.) Nickel Plated Brass Soap Cup .75 F-1644-CFOR STRAIGHT WALL.) Nickel Plated Brass Soap Cup « -75 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 409 MARBLE SLABS, F-1 645.— (two backs, for corner.) NUMBER OF FEET IN SLABS. 18 19 20 21 22 24-in. 4-ft. 11-in. 5-ft. 4-in. 5-ft. 9-in. 6-ft. 2-in. 6-ft. 7-in. 7-ft. 6-in. 5-ft. 5-in. 5-ft.lO-in. 6-ft. 4-in. 6-ft. 9-in. 7-ft. 3-in. 8-ft. 2-in. 6-ft. 6-ft. 5-in. 6-ft.ll-in. 7-ft. 4-in. 7-ft.ll-in. 8-ft. 11-in. Size of Slabs 8-INCH BACKS 10-INCH BACKS 12-INCH BACKS All Slabs have 8-inch Backs, unless otherwise ordered. In ordering Slabs, be particular to state size, kind of Marble, number of Cock Holes, if for Chain Stay and Clamps, size of Bowl, and whether round, oval or square. In calculating measurements add one inch to each finished edge. 1 646.— (single back.) NUMBER OF FEET IN SLABS. Size of Slabs . 8-IN. BACKS, 10-IN. BACKS, 1 2-IN . BACKS, 19x24 5-ft. 3-in. 5-ft. 7-in. 6-ft. 20x24 5-ft. 6-in. 5-ft.lO-in. 6-ft. 2-in. 20x26 5-ft.lO-in. 6-ft. 3-in. 6-ft. 8 in. 20x28 6-ft.4-in. 6-ft. 9-in. 7-ft.2-in. 20x30 6-ft. 8-in. 7-ft. 2-in. 7-ft. 7-in. 22x28 22x30 22x36-in. 6-ft. 9-in. 7-ft. 1-in. 8-ft. 6-in. 7-ft. 2-in. 7-ft. 6-in. 9-ft. 7-ft. 7-in. 8-ft. 9-ft. 6-in. N. B. — Slabs ordered without Backs or Sides cost more per square foot. Slabs for Combination Cocks and Oval Bowls must not be less than 22 inches wide. F-1 647.— (with back and two ends.) The above cut represents the Slab with Nosings or End Projections, to finish on the wall. When Nosings are made they are measured to extreme ends, and also one inch for the edge. In ordering Recess Slabs great care should be exercised in sending us the exact width and depth of Recess. 410 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MARBLE SLABS. F-1 648.— (with back and right hand end.) NUMBER OF FEET IN SLABS. Size of Slabs, 19x24 20x24 20x26 20x28 20x30 s-i N. backs, 6-ft. 4-in. 6-ft. 7-in. 7-ft. 7-ft. 5-in. 7-ft. 10-in. 10-in. backs, 6-ft.ll-in. 7-ft. 2-in. 7 ft. 8-in. 8-ft. 1-in. 8-ft. 6-in. 12-iN. backs, 7-ft. 7-in. 7-ft.l0-in. 8 ft. 4-in. 8 ft. 9-in. 9 ft. 3-in. 22x28 22x30 22x36-in. 7-ft. 11-in. 8-ft. 3-in. 9-ft. 8-in. 8 ft. 8-in. 9-ft. 10-ft. 6-in. 9-ft. 4-in. 9-ft.l0-in. 11-ft. 4-in. F-1 649.— (with back and left hand end.) NUMBER OF FEET IN SLABS. Size of Slabs, 19x24 20x24 20x26 20x28 20x30 22x28 8-in. backs, 6-ft. 4-in. 6 ft. 7 in. 7-ft. 7 ft. 5 in. 7-ft.l0 in. 7-ft.ll-in. 10 IN. backs, 6-ft.ll-in. 7-ft. 2-in. 7-ft. 8-in. 8-ft. 1-in. 8-ft. 6 in. 8 ft. 8-ki. 12IN. backs, 7-ft. 7-in. 7-ft.l0-in. 8 ft. 4-in. 8-ft. 9-in. 9 ft. 3-in. 9-ft. 4-in. In ordering Slabs, be particular to state size, kind of Marble, number of Cock Holes, if for Chain Stay and Clamps, size of Bowl, and whether round, oval or square. 22x30 22x36-in. 8-ft. 3-in. 9 ft. 8-in. 9-ft. 10-ft. 6-in. 9-ft. 10 in. 11-ft. 4-in. F-1 650.— (WITH BACK and two ends.) The above cut represents Slab to finish flush with the wall. Recess Slabs vary so in size that a table of measurement would be of no benefit to customers. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 411 MARBLE SLABS. WITH BACK AND ONE END, ALSO WITH APRON ON FRONT AND END. F-1651. The above cut represents a Slab with holes for three Basins, and with Apron on front and end. These Slabs can be made for any number of Basins, with Back and End, either right or left hand, and front Apron to suit; or can be made with Back only and Apron on both ends as well as in front. When more than four Basins are wanted, the Slab will have to be made of two or more pieces of marble. MOLDINGS FOR WOLFF'S "STANDARD" LAVATORIES. F-1652. Sectional Cut showing O. G. Molding. F-1653. Sectional cut showing Fillet and Chamfer Molding. F-1654. F-1655. Sectional Cut showing Plain Chamfer Molding. Sectional Cut showing Triple Bead Molding. When ordering Lavatories be particular to state what kind of Molding is wanted. SOAP CUP FOR "STANDARD" LAVATORIES. When ordering, if this style is wanted, be particular to give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: F-1656. F-1 656. -("fancy" shell soap cup.) 412 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES— COLUMBIAN BASIN, F-1658. PRICE, "COLUMBIAN" BASIN "DUROWARE." EACH 14x17 S6.00. 14x19 S6.50. F-1659. Cross Section of F-1658. Our " Columbian" Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regu- lar oval and straight back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other Basin now in use. The Overflow, as will be seen by referring to sectional cut, is placed entirely out of the way, has a large, unobstructed Waterway, and by swinging Strainer to one side is readily accessible for clean- ing purposes. The Brass Waste and Overflow Plug is provided with smooth, round Grate Bars instead of the old style Strainer arrangement. The Bars are so arranged that matter which could cause stoppage in the Trap or Pipes cannot pass. The Bars being round and smooth and pointing downward, horizontal flat surfaces are thus avoided; therefore, this part of the Plug is thoroughly flushed and cleaned each time the Basin is emptied. Stoppage in the Plug, caused by soapy residue, etc., which in the old style arrangement readily accumulates on the projecting horizontal surfaces, hardens there, and eventually closes up the open- ings in the Strainer, cannot occur in our improved Waste Plugs. Metal parts are carefully fitted to each Basin. Basins are selected, and ground on top edge, and are made of "Duroware," which is absolutely non-absorbent and impervious to all moistures and positively will not craze. "Duroware" is fired to such an extreme degree of heat that the glaze and body are partially fused, forming a strong, semi fused uniform material throughout; therefore, the glaze cannot, like regular ware, craze, crack or peel off. Above can be furnished with any of our Lavatories. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 4113 WOLFF'S "IDEAL" DUROWARE BASIN, FOR "IDEAL" BASIN WASTE. fj^" F-1660. PRICE, "IDEAL" BASIN, "DUROWARE," BASIN ONLY, EACH 14 x 17 14 x 19 $4.00 $4.50 F-1661. Cross Section of F-1660. The u Ideal " Basin is in quality, shape, outline and dimensions the same as the " Columbian " Basin shown and described on opposite page, except that it has no Overflow, being intended for use with our Lavatories, fitted with our " Ideal " Basin Waste, as shown in F-1661. 414 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S DURO-WARE BASIN THE "ILLINOIS.'' F-1662-(DURO-WARE.) '^ ' 14 x 17 14 x 19 Price, The " Illinois " Basin $7.00 $7.50 F-1663. CROSS SECTION OF F-1662, Our " Illinois " Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular oval and straight back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other Basin now in use. THE ILLINOIS BASIN is fitted with a new and improved style of lifting rod with plug attached. The joint between rod and plug is a metal-base joint, insuring the perfect seating of plug always. Stoppage in the Plug, caused by soapy residue, etc., which in the old style arrangement readily accumulates on the projecting horizontal surfaces, hardens there, and eventually closes up the openings in the Strainer, cannot occur in our improved Waste Plugs. Metal parts are carefully fitted to each Basin. Basins are selected, and ground on top edge, and are made of "Duroware," which is absolutely non-absorbent and impervious to all moistures and positively will not craze. " Duroware " is fired to such an extreme degree of heat that the glaze and body are partially fused, forming a strong, semi-fused uniform material throughout; there- fore, the glaze cannot, like regular ware, craze, crack or peel off. Above can be furnished with any of our Lavatories. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 415 EARTHENWARE BASINS. COMMON OVERFLOW. NO OVERFLOW. F-1664. F-1665. F-1664. Common Overflow, each. F-1665. No Overflow, each 12 13 14 15 16-in. $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 PATENT OVERFLOW. PATENT OVERFLOW. F-1666. — (FOR RUBBER PLUG.) F-1667.— (FOR METAL PLUG.) 12 13 14 15 16-in. F-1666. P. O. Rubber Plug, each $1.50 1.50 1.50 2.50 3.00 F-1667. P. O. Metal Plug, each 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.00 2.50 416 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. EARTHENWARE BASINS, F-1670-(ovalj F-1671-(oval.) 14x17 15x19 16x21 Oval Basins, No Overflow, each $2.50 3.50 4.50 " Com. " each 2.50 3.50 4.50 Pat. " each 3.00 4.00 5.00 " Pat. " for Rubber Plug, each.... 3.50 4.50 5.50 Add for Embossing, $1.00. SQUARE BASIN UNIVERSAL" RECESS BASIN. F-1674. 14x17 Square Basins, No Overflow, each, $5. 00 :< " Com. " each, 5.00 Add for Embossing, $1.00 F-1675 Nickel Plated Waste and Overflow, each Nickel Plated Waste and Overflow, each, If Embossed, add $1.00. 14x17 $7.00 15 x 19 8.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 417 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BASINS. ENAMELED "COLUMBIAN" BASIN, F-1676. With Brass Overflow Connection Plug and Chain. Price, each $5.00 See F-1677 sectional cut. F-1677. Section of F-1676. ENAMELED IRON ROUND BASIN, ENAMELED IRON OVAL BASIN, F-1678.— (ROUND.) Galvanized Enameled 2.20 2.80 Painted 14 in. P. 0. $1.70 14 in. C. 0. 1.40 2.00 2.40 14 in. N. 0. 1.40 2.00 2.40 NOTE— Prices of F-1678 and 1679 Enameled Basins include Nickel Plated Brass Plug and Coupling and Rubber Stopper. F-1679.— (oval.) Painted Galvanized Enamel 14 x 17 in. P. 0. $2.50 3.00 3.50 14 x 17 in. C. 0. 1.90 2.50 3.00 14 x 17 in. N. 0. 1.90 2.50 3.00 15 x 19 in. P. 0. 3.00 3.25 3.80 15 x 19 in. C. 0. 2.25 3.00 3.50 15 x 19 in. N. 0. 2.25 3.00 3.50 418 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BATHS. An extensive plant especially equipped for Enameling purposes, a quality of Enamel unsurpassed, perfect workmanship and thorough experience, enable us to place on the market Enameled Iron Bath Tubs of every size and description, which are fully illustrated in the following 80 pages. We have not confined our product to the old designs on the market for many years, but have introduced mostly Baths of our own designs, new and original in outline and construction, meeting every requirement of modern ideas. These are termed "Wolff's New Model Baths," and are shown on pages 419 to 498. When modeling our patterns for the regular shape Baths, changes were made, greatly improving this style in outline, appearance and construction, with a view to improve not only the shape of the tub, but to enable us to fit to them the necessary supply and waste attachments in a far better manner than yet attained. This illustration shows our overflow connection, made of cast brass and furnished with a coupling and tailpiece, enabling plumber to make a per- manent and safe connection; impossible with the iron outlet and putty joint. The waste opening is near the end of the tub, removed as far as possible from interference with bather, therefore standing overflow can be used (see our " Monitor,") when desired, to good advantage. The waste plug is provided with grate bars instead of the old style strainer arrangement; the bars are so arranged that matter which could cause stoppage in the trap or pipe cannot pass; the bars being rounded and smooth and pointing downward, horizontal flat surfaces are avoided. PATENTED JUNE 18, 1895. Showing how Legs are Secured on our Baths. Legs are secured to our Bath Tubs with bolts as shown in illustration; by this mode of fastening the Plumber saves time, as the legs are easily and quickly attached. In addition to the slot and bolt a downward projecting skirt is cast on the tub itself surrounding and hiding from view the joint between the leg and the tub. The projecting skirt also holds the removable leg firmly to the tub, so that it cannot become loose or fall off accidentally. This invention makes it possible to secure a neat, smooth and continuous finish at the junction between the leg and the tub, which was impossible in the old way. All Brass Work furnished is of Our Own Manufacture. BEFORE SHIPMENT IS MADE EACH TUB IS CAREFULLY INSPECTED AND LABELED, SHOWING NAME AND STYLE OF TUB AND HOW FITTED. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 41 9 fl 10 CVJ ■ eq in CD rt! CO +j a ^ "1 N*>°° 6 , iO -P (0 u "? c *o ca i-i +j 'X £ .* C ' o •fi to ii^s > o .5 >0 •+-> CM TJ U r- tH Ph 0) 3 "a; ■4-> „ a. W) 3 (D o 10 III z < *rt •1 ^m o (0 i-i I z CD JH L. 5 u z -4-> cd 2 a C s 0) !_ c U 0) rt 3 £ " £ CO u en o" tJ CO u j= rt m "3 pq E w ■d s o (0 o rt oof S u Q <0 1) D V (0 i U. 5 3 H < (0 ui o H u & N E 0) h4 0. 420 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." x3Ari »ow *@»ri>©*H ^o^-'xa^ m^* -i*®*fci>&£i*®*!Sg« F-1691. F-1691. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated Fuller "Corona" Double Bath Faucet, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer with Brass Coupling and Tailpiece, Nickel Plated Chain, Rubber Stopper and Brass Waste Plug. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30^ inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. 4^-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. Length over Rim (including Fittings) 4-ft. 2-in. 4-ft. 8-in, 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $27.00 $27.00 $30.00 $33.75 If with two Nickel Plated Bra'ss Supply Pipes, add $2.75. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled, $1.00. 6 ft. 6-ft. 2-in. $38.25 F-1692. F-1692. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated Fuller "Corona" Double Bath Faucet, No. O Rough Brass Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES! Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30^ inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. 4^ ft. 5-ft. 5Kft. 6-ft. Length over Rim (including Fittings) 4-ft. 2-in. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. 6-ft. 2-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $29.00 $29.00 $32.00 $35.75 $40.25 If Waste Connection is Polished and Nickel Plated, add $0.50 WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 421 WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." pfX^v X>V »G%-' Jk^V s^S}^- >C^fc-' **kifc> V£tffc!>£>* >>e^*r >^3 F-1693. F-1693. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, new design Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated Fuller "Corona" Double Bath Faucet No. 1, Rough Brass Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30 1 ^ inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. 4^-ft. 5-ft. 53^-ft. 6-it. Length over Rim (including Fittings) 4 ft. 2-in. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. 6-ft. 2-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED, $29.75 $29.75 $32.75 $36.50 $41.00 If Waste Connection is Polished and Nickel Plated, add $0.50; if Nickel Plated on the Rough, add 25 cents. If with two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, add $2.75; if with Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers, add $5 . 25 . Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, $1.00. OVERFLOW CONNECTIONS. 1K-INCH OUTLET. 1K-INCH OUTLET. 2-INCH OUTLET. F-1694. NO.O. F-1695. NO. 1. F-1696. NO. 2. Rough Brass $2.00 Rough Brass. . . $2.75 Rough Brass 54.2." Nickel Plated 2.50 Nickel Plated $3.25 Nickel Plated $5.00 Above prices apply only when furnished with Tubs. 422 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS, THE "CORONA.'' I I ! XjHtI SlPfe] K^I^CVV-I *£3ft~1>6V%rl S^fe-l^®ifel>®(f4i<^iH^ F-1697. F-1697. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated Fuller "Corona" Double Bath Faucet and Polished Brass Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30% inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. 4%-ft. 5-ft. 5%-ft. 6-ft. Length over Rim 4-ft. 2-in. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. 6-ft. 2-in. Length, including Fittings 4-ft. 5-in. 4-ft. 11-in. 5-ft. 5-in. 5-ft. 11-in. 6-ft. 5-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $34.00 $34.00 $37.00 $40.75 $45.25 If Ideal Waste is Nickel Plated on the Rough, deduct $0.50. BRASS TRAP FOR IDEAL WASTE. F-1698. Brass, each $3.25 Nickel Plated, each 4 .00 If with two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, add $2. 75; if with Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers, add $5.25. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, $1.00. If Tub is Finished Zinc White outside, add $18.00; two Gold Bands, extra, $3.00. The Fixtures for our Tubs are of Special Design, our own make, Standard Grade, and are carefully fitted and adjusted. Each Tub is thoroughly inspected before ship- ment. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 423 WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." i I i ! I i „ S^S2^^ >^fr-l> ^teH ^vlso^i ^>fe-'^ ^S® g&SSSfeS^, I F-1699. F-1699. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim and Wolff's Fuller "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, Nickel Plated. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES! Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 303^ inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. 4^-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. Length over Rim (including Fittings )4-ft. 2-in. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $31.00 $31-00 $34.00 $37.75 If with two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, add $2.50. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, $1.00. 6-ft. 6-ft 2-in. $42.25 "MONITOR" COMBINATION SUPPLY AND WASTE— PATENTED. Our Improved "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow is a simple and most practical modern sanitary arrangement, being placed very near the end of the Tub, it does not interfere with the bather. The waste opening is two inches clear, therefore Tub can be quickly emptied, the waste pipes at the same time receiving a thorough flushing. All parts are accessible. By removing cap on tube, the inside of same can be reached and kept as clean as its exterior surface. By comparing prices it will be seen that our "Monitor" attachment is hardly more expen- sive than the ordinary old style overflow, plug and chain arrangement. PATENTED. "Monitor' ' Combination Supply Waste and Overflow, as included in F-1699 (Fuller). WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ : F-1699. 424 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA " i I ^^^^^M^^^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ F-1700. F-1700. Includes White Enameled " Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim and Wolff's Compression " Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, Nickel Plated. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES! Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30^" inches; Depth Inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. Length over Rim (including Fittings) 4-ft. 2-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $31.00 If with two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, add $2.50. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, $1.00. 4K-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. 6-ft. 2-in. $31-00 $34.00 $37.75 $42.25 41 MONITOR" COMBINATION SUPPLY AND WASTE— PATENTED. INCLUDED IN F-1 7O0 (COMPRESSION.) Our Improved "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow is a simple and most practical modern sanitary arrange- ment; being placed very near the end of the Tub it does not interfere with the bather. The waste opening is two inches clear, therefore Tub can be quickly emptied, the waste pipes at the same time receiving a thorough flushing. All parts are accessible. By removing cap on tube the inside of same can be reached and kept as clean as its exterior surface. By comparing prices it will be seen that our ' ' Monitor ' ' attachment is hardly more expensive than the ordinary old style overflow, plug and chain arrangement. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 42, WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." FOR PUBLIC BATHS, SANITARIUMS, HOSPITALS, BARRACKS, ETC. F-1701, 1702 and 1703. Baths are provided with Fixtures suitable for Public Baths, Sanitariums, Hospitals, etc. F-1701 has extra large Supply and Waste Fittings. The Faucets each have a full inch waterway, and the Waste Plug has a 2-inch Stopper and Outlet, therefore Tub can be filled with water and emptied in the least possible time, an important feature where baths must be given in rapid succession. For Sanitariums and Hotels at bathing resorts F-1702, shown on next page, is a desirable arrangement. The Supply and Waste Fittings have extra large openings, 1-inch Supply and 2-inch Outlet, and is provided with Supply Pipes to floor. When desired, Nickel Plated Overflow can be furnished. F-1703 is adapted for use in Hospitals, Asylums, etc. The Fixtures, as shown, have no loose or removable parts. The Supply Fixtures can be operated only by the attendant, and should Plug and Chain be objectionable, valve arrangement can be furnished for the waste. Any of our Tubs can be furnished with fixtures as shown in illustrations mentioned. F-1701. F-1701. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, witht^o Nickel Plated Special 1-inch "Extra Pattern" Compression Faucets, Overflow Strainer and Chain. Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2-inch Outlet and 2 inch Rubber Stopper. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES : Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30% inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. Length over Rim 4-ft. 2-in. Length (including Fittings) 4-ft. 4-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $30.00 If with two 1-inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, add $4.00. F-1701. has extra large Supply and Waste Fittings. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1701. 4^-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. 6-ft. 2-in 4-ft. 10-in. 5-ft. 4-in. 5-ft. 10-in. 6-ft. 4-in. $30.00 $33.00 $36.75 $41.25 426 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. FOR PUBLIC BATHS, SANITARIUMS, HOSPITALS, BARRACKS, ETC. I I I I I I I l_ F-1702. F-1702. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath with new design Enameled Rim, with 1-inch Nickel Plated Special Compression Supply Fittings, 1-inch Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, Over- flow Strainer and Chain, Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2-inch Outlet and 2-inch Rubber Stopper. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30% inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. 4%-ft. 5-ft 5%-ft. 6-ft. Length over Rim 4-ft. 2-in. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. 6 ft. 2-in. Length (including Fittings) 4-ft. 5-in. 4 ft. 11-in. 5-ft. 5-in. 5-ft. 11 in. 6-ft. 5-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $37.00 $37.00 $40.00 $43.75 $48.25 If Fixtures are not Nickel Plated, deduct $1 .00. See page 421 for Overflow Connections. 2k^rl»g»rl K^-'^Vl :&@ft~!>6l3BH F-1703. F-1703. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, Loose Key Brass Valves with Bottom Supply Connection, No. 1 Rough Brass Overflow and Waste Connec- tion with Overflow Strainer, Chain and Rubber Stopper. Fixtures inside of Tub are Nickel Plated. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. 43^-ft. 5-ft. 53^-ft. Length over Rim (including Fittings)4-ft. 2-in. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2 in. 5-ft. 8-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $34.50 $34.50 $37.50 $41.25 If Fixtures are Polished and Nickel Plated, add $2.00. If with Supply Pipes to floor and Waste Coupling to floor, add $1 . 00 . If Tailpieces are bushed for Iron Pipe, add $1.00. WHEN ordering or specifying, please give catalogue name and number 6-ft. 6-ft. 2 in. $45.75 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 427 WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA. I ^ m ^S!^,^^^S 1 lSMl^^l^SI^S^S§i ) i v Ss^: F-1 704.— (handles through rim.) F-1704. Includes White Enameled " Corona " Bath with new design Enameled Rim, Polished and all Nickel Plated Compression Supply Fittings with Supply Pipes to floor, Polished and Nickel Plated Connected Overflow and Waste Connection. 4%-ft. 5-ft. 5%-ft. 6-ft. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. 6-ft. 2-in $36.00 $39.00 $42.75 $47.25 DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30% inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. Length over Rim (including Fittings) 4-ft. 2-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $36.00 If with No. 1 (1%-inch) F-1695 Connected Overflow and Waste Connection with Cleanout Screw, add $0.75. If with No. 2 (2-inch) F-1696 Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, add $2.50. If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $1 .00. If Tub is Finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00. If with two Gold Bands, add, extra, $3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75. Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00, Designs and prices of Hand-Painted Borders will be furnished upon application. No additional space is required for Supply and Waste Fittings. See illustration. The Fixtures for our Tubs are of special design, our own make, standard grade, and are carefully fitted and adjusted. Each Tub is thoroughly inspected before shipment. WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1704. 428 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS, THE "CORONA." F-1705. F-1705. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30% inches; Depth Inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. Length over Rim 4-ft. 2-in. Length (including Fittings) . . 4-ft. 5-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $42.00 4%-ft. 5-ft. 5%-ft. 6-ft. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. 6-ft. 2-in. 4-ft. 11-in. 5-ft. 5-in. 5-ft. 11-in. 6-ft. 5-in. $42.00 $45.00 $48.75 $53.25 FULLER SUPPLY FITTINGS WITH WOLFF'S AIR CHAMBERS, Can be furnished with Fuller Supply Fittings ; see F-1706, as shown on this page. If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $2.00. If Tub is Finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00; if with two Gold Bands, add extra, $3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron Legs, each, extra, $1.00. Designs and Prices of Hand-Tainted Borders furnished upon application. DIMENSIONS OF 1^-INCH DEEPLY COUNTER- SUNK ITALIAN MARBLE FLOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE, WITH NICKEL PLATED SAFE WASTE GRATE. SIZE OF TUB 43^-ft. 5-ft. Size of Slab 5-ft. 6-in. x 2-ft. 8-in. 6-ft. x 2-ft. 8-in. SIZE OF TUB 5>^-ft. 6-ft. Size of Slab 6-ft. 6-in. x 2 ft. 8-in. 7-ft. x 2-ft. 8-in. F-1706. F-1706 can be furnished with F- 1705 Bath Tub, instead of Com- pression Valves, as shown. Add to prices of F-1705, if with Air Chambers, $2.50. If without Air Chambers, price is same. The Supply and Waste Fittings are our own make 1 standard grade, and are carefully fitted to each tub before shipment. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 429 WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA. F-1707. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1707 includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled extension Rim, Polished and Nickel Plated all over, special Compression Supply Fittings, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30 >£ inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub, - - 4 ft. ±% ft. 5 ft. 5^ ft. 6 ft. Length over all - 4 ft. ?>y 2 in. 4 ft. 9^ in. 5 ft. 3^ in. 5 ft. 9^ in. 6 ft. 3^ in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $48.00 $48.00 $53.00 $58.00 $63.00 F-1708— (LOW DOWN BELL SUPPLY.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F'*7C8 Includes White Enameled " Corona " Bath, with new design Enameled extension Rim, Polished and Nickel Plated all over, special Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30J^ inches; Depth inside, IT inches. Size of Tub, - 4 ft. 4^ ft. 5 ft. 5^ ft. 6 ft. Length over all - 4 ft. Zyi in. 4 ft. 9/ 2 in. 5 ft. 3*4 in. 5 ft. 9^ in. 6 ft. 3>£ in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED-. $50.00 $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 $65.00 430 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." F" 3920.— (WITH CAST IRON BASE.) F-3920 includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim and Cast Iron Base, Nickel Plated Fuller "Corona" Double Bath Faucet and Polished Brass Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Base, 23 inches; Width over all, 30>^ inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. S.ZEOFTUB 5-ft 5/ 2 -ft. Length over Rim 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. Length, including Fittings 5-ft. 5-in. 5-ft. 11-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $40.75 45.75 If Ideal Waste is Nickel Plated on the Rough, deduct 50c. BRASS TRAP FOR IDEAL WASTE. If with two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, add $2.75, if with Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers, add $5.25. If Tub is Finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00; two Gold Bands, extra, $3.00. The Fixtures for our Tubs are of Special Design, our own make, Standard Grade, and are carefully fitted and adjusted. Each Tub is thoroughly inspected before ship- ment. F-1698. Brass, each $3 . 25 Nickel Plated, each. 4.00 WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 430i WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." F" 3921.— (WITH CAST IRON BASE.) F-3921 includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, with Cast Iron Base, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Base, 23 inches; Width over all, 30>^ inches; Depth Inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 5 ft. 5j^-ft. Length over Rim 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. Length, including Fittings 5-ft. 5-in. 5-ft. 11-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $48.75 53.75 FULLER SUPPLY FITTINGS. WITH WOLFF'S AIR CHAMBERS Can be furnished with Fuller Supply Fittings; see F-1706, as shown on this page. If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $2.00. If Tub is Finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00; if with two Gold Bands, add extra, $3.00. Designs and Prices of Hand-Painted Borders furnished upon application. DIMENSIONS OF 1&-INCH DEEPLY COUNTER- SUNK ITALIAN MARBLE FLOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE, WITH NICKEL PLATED SAFE WASTE GRATE. SIZE OF TUB 5-ft. Size of Slab 6-ft. x2-ft. 8-in. SIZE OF TUI Size of Slab . . 5^ -ft. ft. 6-in.x2ft. 8-in. F-1706. F-1706 can be furnished wilh F-3921 Bath Tub, instead of Com- pression Valves, as shown. Add to prices of F-3921, if with Air Chambers, $2. 50. If without Air Chambers, price is same. The Supply and Waste Fittings are our own make, standard grade, and are carefully fitted to each tub before shipment. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 430£ L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CO I h- < OQ z o DC HI < z HI |! dc o DC ■ DC LU Q Z D CO LL Ll -I o 5 0) O S m O ■J 1 O 10 3 CO « O O G 03 3 n PQ .3 -*-> O .g d O vT A 5 3 lO m 03 ^ +-> CO £ o 03 03 o u d s O .2 CO ■a t- <0 'nH 0) £ A z •d ■4-> 1 £ Q 03 rt "S B .3° S a u °cu 3 3 3 w 1 * 03 03 03 .E LU E ^3 Vh ffl Tj PQ 3 'd o (0 ctf " LU 0) CD Q o 1^ O 'a D (0 < ll § U u o 3 N (E 0) a. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 431 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "LETHEAN." F-1710. F-1710. includes White Enameled " Lethean" Bath, with 4-inch Enameled Under- Roll Rim, Nickel Plated Special Fuller Double Faucet, No. 1, Rough Brass Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 22 inches ; Width over all, 33 inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 4^-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED, WHITE ENAMELED $38.75 $42.75 $46.75 $50.75 If Overflow Connection is Polished Brass Nickel Plated, add $0.50; if Nickel Plated on the Rough, add 25c. Add for two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, $2.75; if with Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers, add $5.25. If with Rough Brass Trap with Vent, as shown in F-1711, add $3.00; if Polished and Nickel Plated, add $3.50. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, $1.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00; Two Gold Bands, extra, $3.00. Designs and Prices of Hand-Painted Borders furnished upon application. The Supply and Waste Fittings are our own make, standard grade, and are carefully fitted to each tub before shipment. CAST BRASS "LETHEAN" BATH TUB TRAP. F-171 1 F-1711. can be used on F-1710 Bath instead of Coup- ling. This Trap is reversible and can, when desired, be used as indicated by dotted lines. Prices given above. WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 432 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "LETHEAN *- I l i i I i r| fe3^'iS3A^$»^''W;^^ F-1712. F-1712. Includes White Enameled ''Lethean'' Bath, with 4-inch Enameled Under- Roll Rim, Nickel Plated Special Fuller Double Faucet, Polished Brass Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, and two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, with Wolff's Air Chambers. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 22 inches; Width over all, 33 inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 7. . ±%-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES, AS DESCRIBED, WHITE ENAMELED $49.25 $53.25 $57.25 $61.25 If Waste is Polished and Nickel Plated on Top and Grate and Nickel Plated on Rough Body, deduct |0.50. If without Supply Pipes, deduct $5.25; if with Supply Pipes without Air Chambers, deduct $2.50, Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, $1.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00; Two Gold Bands, extra, $3.00 If with Decorated Borders, prices upon application. The ''Lethean" is one of our "New Model" Baths, and has a 4-inch special design under-roll rim. This tub is about two inches less in height and is wider than the ordinary bath tub. The Supply and Waste Fixtures are of special design and are perfectly fitted to and through the rim, thus requiring no additional space. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1712. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS, THE " LETHEAN _L. LI . ! "T r "1 """"" m 1 1 ! I f 1 F-1713. F-1713. Includes White Enameled "Lethean" Bath, with 4-inch Enameled Under-Roll Rim and Wolff's Fuller "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow and Rough Cast-Brass Trap with Vent. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES '. Height on Legs, 22 inches ; Width over all, 33 inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 4^-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft PRICES AS DESCRIBED, White Enameled $43.00 $47.00 $51.00 $55.00 (PATENTED.) "Monitor" Combination Supply Waste and Overflow, as included in F-1713 (Fuller). If Trap is Polished Brass Nickel Plated, add $0.50 If without Trap, deduct $3.00 Two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, extra, $2.50; Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers, $5. 00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00; Two Gold Bands, extra, $3.00. The "Lethean" is one of our "New Model" Baths, and has a 4 inch special design under-roll rim. The tub is about two inches less in height and is wider than the ordinary bath tubs. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 434 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "LETHEAN." i I i i '^Td^ ^^'^g^ F-1714. F-1714. Includes White Enameled "Lethean" Bath, with 4-inch Enameled Under-Roll Rim and Wolff's Compression "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, Nickel Plated. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 22 inches; Width over all, 33 inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 4^-ft 5-ft. 53^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED, White Enameled $40.00 $44.00 $48.00 $52.00 If with Straight Coupling to floor with Flange Nickel Plated, add 50 cents. If with Rough Brass Trap as in F-1713, add $3.00; if Polished and Nickel Plated, add $3.50, Add for two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, $2.50. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled, each, extra, $1.00. Our Improved ' ' Monitor ' • Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow ' ' Patented " is a simple and most practical modern sanitary arrangement ; being placed very near the end of the Tub, it does not interfere with the bather. The waste opening is 2 inches clear, therefore Tub can be quickly emptied, the waste pipes at the same time receiving a thorough flushing. All parts are accessible. By removing cap on tube, the inside of same can be reached and kept as clean as its exterior surface. By comparing prices it will be seen that our ' ' Monitor ' ' attachment is hardly more expensive than the ordinary old style overflow, plug and chain arrangement. PATENTED. 'Monitor" Combination Supply Waste and Overflow, as included in F-1714. ( Compression ) . WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. VIZ, ' F-1714. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 435 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "LETHEAN." ^ I ( I I I ^8 ^1S@W©&$«^^^^^ F-1715. F-1 71 5. Includes White Enameled ''Lethean" Bath, with 4-inch Under- Roll Rim, with Polish- ed and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste and Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 22 inches; Width over all, 33 inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over all) 4^-ft. 5 ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $53.00 $57.00 $61.00 $65.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, deduct $2.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00; two Gold Bands, extra, $3.00. For Fuller Supply Fittings, see F-1716, shown below. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF 1K-INCH DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK ITALIAN MARBLE FLOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE, WITH NICKEL PLATED SAFE WASTE GRATE: SIZE OF TUB 4^-ft. 5-ft. 53^-ft 6 ft. Size of Slab. ... . ...5 ft. x 2 ft. 11 in. 5 ft.6 in.x2 ft.ll in. 6 ft.x2 ft 11 in. 6 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 11 in. F-1716. The "Lethean" is one of our ''New Model" Baths, and has a 4-inch special design under-roll rim. This tub is about two inches less in height and is wider than the ordinary bath tubs. The Supply and Waste Fixtures are of special design ani are perfectly fitted to and through the rim, thus requiring its additional space. FULLER SUPPLY FITTINGS, WITH WOLFF'S AIR CHAMBERS. F-1716. Can be furnished with F-1715 Bath Tub, insteai of Compression Valves, as shown. Add to prices of F-1715, if with Air Chambers, $2.50. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 436 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-1718— (WITH NEEDLE BATH.) F-1718 Includes White Enameled "Lethean" Bath with 4-inch Under-Roll Enameled Rim, Finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over " Ideal " Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes and Nickel Plated Brass Needle Bath with overhead Shower, Supply Pipes and 24 x 30- inch Oval Curtain Ring with Rubber Curtain, Rings and Holder. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 22 inches; Width over all, 33 inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over all) 4^-ft. 5-ft. 5>£-ft. 6-ft PRICES, AS DESCRIBED $117.00 $121.00 $125.00 $129.00 The Supply and Waste Fixtures are of special design and are perfectly fitted to and through the r im , thus requiring no additional space. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 437 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS, THE " LETHEAN F-1719. F-1719. Includes White Enameled "Lethean" Bath, with 4-inch Under- Roll Rim, Finished Zinc White Outside with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for bottom supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes and Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo with Mixing Chamber and Sprinkler. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: SIZE OF TUB 43^-ft. 5-ft. 53^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $81.00 $85.00 $89.00 $93.00 Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75. If with Check Valves on Shower Supply Pipes, add $5.00. Tub can be finished outside in Tints or with Decorated Border. Prices upon Application. Can also be furnished with Fuller Supply Fittings ; see F-1716. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF 1^-INCH DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK ITALIAN MARBLE FLOOR SLABS, WITH NICKEL PLATED SAFE WASTE GRATE: SIZE OF TUB... 4K"ft. 5-ft. 53^-ft. 6-ft. Size of Slab 5 ft. x 2 ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 11 in. 6 ft. x 2 ft. 11 in. 6 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 11 in. The " Lethean " is one of our " New Model " Baths, and has a 4-inch special design under- roll rim. This tub is about two inches less in height and is wider than the ordinary bath tubs. The Supply and Waste Fixtures are of special design and are perfectly fitted to and through the rim, thus requiring no additional space. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ ! F-1719 438 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CO I H < QQ O ■ DC LU Q Z D < > DC 111 Z LU X H CM S *tf o a 10 03 d oJ bo CD « .5 # Oh 3 O u en 10 o « 4 o £ '1 »o & u cu a '8 -l-> w. 1 o O *? 10 (0 u iO (0 cu OS # o rH »d cu" a; T3 03 *(0 S 1—1 o *a; *? o cu 2 ^ <0 „ . •> s .. en cu 2 0) Id •3 , O d o Q. CO 4-1 CU Q y _^ ^ Z 'cS pj < P (0 z CU > o CJ A "T 1 (0 CO z Td ;d u 2 g '5 5 en ,3 CU Id PQ CJ „ S X cu 3 en a bJO cu ~ A nj fl cu o "a; +-> d ^H o3 _bJO "53 cu bb 3 N 1 5 J : ^ s £ 5 a i to cu en 03 c > a TJ £ fc 13 I— i en en JO — 1 OC 2 pq a •* 111 ,_! •d B 1 o CM ■ o3 cu" CJ cu P u C > (0 ■ < 'Si u i» J o I E H a ) A. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 439 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "MINERVA. w ;~ct2 ~m ^^ : l ■ ->?', " V- W , C^.yf>- ^.-^V, >'r^ . PRICES AS DESCRIBED $33.00 $36.50 $41.00 $45 50 Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe Size, extra, $2.75. If with Supply Pipes wi L .h Wolff's Air Chambers, add $5.25. F-1722 can be furnished with Compression Faucet See page 440 for Overflow Connection and Trap. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE NAME AND NUMBER OF CATALOGUE, VIZ.: F~17a2 440 L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS, THE "MINERVA." w ..II I', r? F-1723. F-1723. Includes White Enameled "Minerva" Bath, with 3-inch Enameled Under-Roll Rim Nickel Plated Special Fuller Double Faucet No. 1, Rough Brass Connected Overflow and Waste Con' nection, Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 24^ inches; Width over all, 31 inches; Depth inside, 19 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 4^-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. Length, including Fittings 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. 6-ft. 2-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $35.75 $39.25 $43.75 $48.25 CAST BRASS BATH TUB TRAP. 7 T F-1724. F-1724 can be used on F-1723 Bath instead of Coupling. Prices given above. If Overflow Connection is Polished Brass Nickel Plated, add gO.50; if Nickel Plated on the Rough, add 25 cents. Add for two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, with Wolff's Air Chambers, $5.25; if without Air Chambers, add $2.75. If with Rough Brass Trap with Vent, as shown in F-1724, add $3.00; if Polished and Nickel Plated, add $3.50. Extra Long Vent to Wall, extra, 75 cents. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enam- eled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, <*dd $13.00; Two Gold Bands, extra, $3.00. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATA- LOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 441 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. FOR PUBLIC BATHS, SANITARIUMS, HOSPITALS, BARRACKS, ETC. «S „„„„,.. ! ! c &. - ■■■<■-%. ^- -rC^rO^i £ i&i^&j> *&M c ^W7^j^7Z^.J^7^i: F-1 725.— "minerva." F-1 725. Includes White Enameled " Minerva " Bath, with 3 inch Under-Roll Enameled Rim with 1-inch Nickel Plated Special Compression Supply fittings, with 1-inch Nickel Plated Supply- Pipes. Overflow Strainer and Chain, Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2-inch Outlet and 2-inch Rubber Stopper. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES:' SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 4^-ft. 5-ft. 5^ ft. 6-ft. Length, including Fittings 4 ft. 9 in. 5 ft. 3 in. 5 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 3 in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $43.00 $46.50 $51.00 $55.50 If Fixtures are not Nickel Plated, deduct $1 . 00. For Overflow Connections, see page 421. F-1 726. -"minerva." F-1 726. Includes White Enameled "Minerva" Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Enameled Rim, with two Nickel Plated Special 1 inch "Extra Pattern" Compression Faucets (Plain Cross Handle), Overflow Strainer and Chain, Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2 inch Outlet and 2-inch Stopper. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 4^-ft. 5-ft. 53^-ft. 6-ft. Length, including Fittings 4 ft. 7 in. 5 ft. 1 in. 5 ft. 7 in. 6 ft. 1 in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $36.00 $39.50 $44.00 $48.50 If with two 1-inch Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, add $4.00. If with Celluloid Handles, add $4.00. NOTE- — The Supply fittings of F-1725 and F-1726 have full 1-inch Waterways and the Wastes have 2 inch Openings, therefore Tub can be filled and emptied rapidly. 442 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE " MINERVA. *®&\. p$^i(K^if ft. 5-ft. 5%-ft. 6-ft. Length, including Fittings 4 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 4 in. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $76.00 $79.50 $84.00 $88.50 If with Check Valves on the Shampoo Supply Pipes, add $5.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75. Tub can be finished outside in Tints or with Decorated Border; prices and designs upon application. Can also be furnished with Fuller Supply Fittings; see page 445. DIMENSIONS OF 1K-INCH DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK ITALIAN MARBLE FLOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE, WITH NICKEL PLATED SAFE WASTE GRATE! SIZE OF TUB 4^-ft. 5-ft. 53^-ft. 6-ft. Size of Slab 5 ft. 6 in.x2 ft. 9 in. 6 ft.x2 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 6 in.x2 ft. 9 in. 7 ft.x2 ft. 9 in. The "Minerva" is classed with our "New Model Baths.'' These Baths are the very newest in design, are of superior outline and construction, designed to meet every requirement of a modern bath. The Waste and Supply Fixtures are of special design, well made, finely finished, and care- fully fitted to each tub. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1735. 448 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CO I < CO Z o DC HI I i O ■ DC LU Q Z D CO LL LL -I o o u o T3 rr £ n ■ P 00 Q CO X z s o < ^m i to 1 * z Ll T* o T3 . s * w '51 CO Td CO fl P< pi o o . o "V CO ". o £ o Jo <0 OS lO CO p, Q .51° .5 +j +j "5 en .Q pi H J- O Q rj Ul to 2 C DC cj o M 0) ^ UJ m q r- rf Id O H E (/) 0. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 449 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "SULTANA." I I i I I sun ;::iiii!!iii.!iiiiiiii.:. ! ! <>: ] iii;,;:fiiipriiiiiiii!ii!ii in;; ^M F-1739. F-1739. Includes "Sultana" White Enameled Bath, with 4%-inch Under-Roll Rim, Nickel Plated Special Fuller Double Faucet, Polished Brass Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, and Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 24^ inches; Width over all, 34 inches; Depth inside, 19 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over all) 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED S51.25 $55.25 $59.25 If without Supply Pipes and Air Chambers as shown, deduct $5.25. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00; if with two Gold Bands, add extra, $3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. Designs and Prices of Hand-Painted Borders furnished on application. F-1739 can be furnished with Compression Faucet if desired. FOR SIZES AND PRICES OF MARBLE FLOOR SLABS SEE PAGE 452. Our Extra Wide under-roll rim is a new invention, never before attempted in the manufacture of Cast-Iron Enameled Baths by other makers. It is a perfect continuous enameled roll, which in appearance far surpasses the All-Porcelain Bath, and is incomparably superior to the ordinary roll- rim enameled iron baths. In general appearance, beauty of outline and finish, and quality of enamel, these Baths are un- equaled. We claim for these Baths that of being the very newest in design and of most approved con- struction, fully meeting every requirement of a modern perfect Bath Tub. The Fixtures for these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each Bath before shipment. By referring to illustration it will be seen that the Supply and Waste Fittings are perfectly fitted to and through the rim, thus requiring no additional space for these Fixtures. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1739 450 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "SULTANA.'' F-1740. F-1 740. Includes "Sultana" White Enameled Bath, with 4%-inch Under-Roll Rim and Wolff's Fuller "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow (Patented), Nickel Plated. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 24}^ inches ; Width over all, 34 inches ; Depth inside, 19 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over all) 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $42.00 $46.00 $50.00 Add for two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, $2.50; if with Supply Pipes with Wolff's Ait Chambers, add $5.00. "MONITOR" COMBINATION SUPPLY AND WASTE—PATENTED. Our Improved "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow is a simple and most practical modern san- itary arrangement ; being placed very near the end of the Tub, it does not interfere with the bather. The waste OPENING IS TWO INCHES clear, therefore Tub can be quickly emptied, the waste pipes at the same time re- ceiving a thorough flushing. All parts are accessible. By removing cap on tube, the inside of same can be reach- ed and kept as clean as its exterior surface. By com- paring prices it will be seen that our ' Monitor" attach- ment is hardly more expen- PATENTED. Monitor' ' Combination Sup- ply Waste and Overflow (Compression), same price as Fuller. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ. I F-1740. PATENTED. "Monitor" Combination Supply Waste sive than the ordinary old and Overflow, as included in style overflow, plug and F-1740 (Fuller), chain arrangement. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 451 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "SULTANA." KiiPPmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiSiiiliiii^ :;ziiit- F-1741. F-1741 . Includes " Sultana " White Enameled Bath, with 4% inch Under-Roll Rim. Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste and Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 24^ inches ; Width over all, 34 inches ; Depth inside, 19 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over all) 5-ft. 5% ft. 6-ft PRICES AS DESCRIBED $55.00 $59.00 $63.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $2.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00; if with two Gold Bands, add extra, $3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75 ; Enameled Iron Legs, each, extra $1.00. Can be furnished with Fuller Supply Fittings, see F-1742 For dimensions and prices of lM-inch Deeply Countersunk OJW Italian Marble Floor Slabs, see page 452. -"^^^^^ _ j By referring to illustration it will be seen that the Supply and Waste Fittings are perfectly fitted to and through the rim thus requiring no additional space for these Fixtures. F-1742 FULLER SUPPLY FITTINGS. WITH WOLFF'S AIR CHAMBERS. F-1742. can be furnished with F-1741 Bath Tub, instead of Compression Valves, as shown. Add to prices of F-1741, if with Air Chambers. $3.00. WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 452 L,. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "SULTANA. *& ! F-1743. F-1743. Includes "Sultana" White Enameled Bath, with 4%-inch Under-Roll Rim, Finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste and Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes. Legs finished same as Tub. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 24% inches ; Width over all, 34 inches ; Depth inside, 19 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 5-ft. 5%-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $71.00 $75.00 $79.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $2.00. If without Gold Bands, deduct, $3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75. Enameled Iron Legs, each, extra, $1.00. Designs and Prices of Hand-Painted Borders furnished on application. Fuller Supply Fittings same price as Compression ; if with Air Chambers, as shown on page 451, add $3.00. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF 1X-INCH DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK ITALIAN MARBLE FLOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE, WITH NICKEL PLATED SAFE WASTE GRATES. SIZE OF TUB. SIZE OF SLAB 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. 5-ft. 6-in. x 3-ft. 6-ft. x 3-ft. 6-ft. 6-in. x 3-ft. The Fixtures for these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each Bath before Shipment. By referring to illustration, it will be seen that the Supply and Waste Fittings are perfectly fitted to and through the rim, thus requiring no additional space for these Fixtures. WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1743. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 453 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS, THE "SULTANA." F-1744. F-1744. Includes "Sultana" White Enameled Bath, with 4%-inch Under-Roll Rim, Finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel Plated Brass Oval Perforated Ring Shower, with Supply Pipes, Shampoo and 24 x 30 inch Oval Curtain Ring, with Rubber Curtain, Rings and Holder. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $126.00 $130.00 $134.00 Dimensions are same as F-1743. If with Check Valves on Shower Supply Pipes, add $5.00. [f with regular Round Overhead Shower, deduct $5.00. Designs for Decorative Borders on application. FOR PRICES OF MARBLE FLOOR SLABS, SEE PAGE 452. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ., F-1744. 454 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "SULTANA. F-1745. F-1745. Includes "Sultana" White Enameled Bath, with 4%-inch Under- R.oll Rim, Finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and Wolff's F-1840 Patent Folding Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated, Rubber Curtain, Curtain Rings and Hooks. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim; PRICES AS DESCRIBED 53^-ft. 6-ft. $225.00 $229.00 FOR PRICES OF MARBLE FLOOR SLABS SEE PAGE 452. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1745. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 45, £L5.c m «-+•. Sb- pa J! 5* Wo < ^ o ^ re en Jrt p £• o P °%6 ft »-h rD 3 < O a> > tr rT J' o o it? p W~* o p re crs & " cu~ n> * e. x n> r+ P &. J 8 P-o • £** o 3 CTQ o • o CO N\ en & o ' 0) oft O !* O 456 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS, THE "NEPTUNA." ^^ 'niiii 1 ■■■ii:'" : : " nr""" F-1747. F-1747. Includes "Neptuna" White Enameled Bath, with 4%-inch Under-Roll Rim, Finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Fuller Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers and Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo with Mixing Chamber and Sprinkler. Legs Finished same as Tub. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 24^ inches; Width over all, 35 inches; Depth inside, 19 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $90.50 $94.00 $97.50 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $2.00. If without Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, deduct $2.50. If without Gold Bands, deduct $3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron each, extra, $1.00. Designs and Prices of Hand-Painted Borders on application. If with Compression Supply Fittings without Air Chambers, deduct 52 . 50 . DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK ITALIAN MARBLE FLOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE, WITH NICKEL PLATED SAFE WASTE GRATES: SIZE OF TUB. . SIZE OF SLAB. 5-ft. 5-ft. -in. x 3-ft. 1-in. 5^-ft. -ft. x 3-ft. 1-in. 6-ft. 6-ft. 6-in. x 3-ft. 1 in. The Fixtures for these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished, and carefully fitted to each Bath before shipment. By referring to illustration, it will be seen that the Supply and Waste Fittings are perfectly fitted to and through the Rim, thus requiring no additional space for these Fixtures. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1747. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 457 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "NEPTUNA." F-1748. F-1748. Includes "Neptuna" White Enameled Bath, with 4% inch Under-Roll Rim Finished Zinc White outside with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, and Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. Legs Finished same as Tub. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 243^ inches ; Width over all, 35 inches ; Depth inside, 19 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 5-ft. 5%-it. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED, Finished outside $76.00 $79.50 $83.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $2.00. If without Gold Bands, deduct $3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75. Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. Designs and Prices of Hand-Painted Borders furnished upon application. Fuller Supply Fittings same price as Compression. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK ITALIAN MARBLE FLOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE, WITH NICKEL PLATED SAFE WASTE GRATES. SIZE OF TUB. . SIZE OF SLAB. 5-ft. 5^ -ft. 6-ft. 5-ft. 6-in. x 3-ft. 1-in. 6-ft. x 3-ft. 1-in. 6-ft. 6-in. x 3-ft. 1-in. The Fixtures for these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each Bath in our factory before shipment. By referring to illustration it will be seen that the Supply and Waste Fittings are perfectly fitted co and through the Rim, thus requiring no additional space for these Fixtures. WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1748. 45; L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS, THE "NEPTUNA." F-1749. Dimensions of Tub are same as F-1748 F- 174-9. Includes "Neptuna" White Enameled Bath, with 4%-inch Under-Roll Rim. finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and Wolff's F-1840 Patent Folding Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated, with Rubber Cur- tains, Curtain Rings and Hooks. 5^-ft. 6-ft. $229.50 $233. OO SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) PRICES AS DESCRIBED If without Gold Bands, deduct $4.00. FOR PRICES OF MARBLE FLOOR SLABS SEE PAGE 452. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1749 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 459 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE " NEPTUNA." F-1750. F-1750. Includes "Neptuna" White Enameled Bath, with 4%-inch Under-Roll Rim, Finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over, Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and F-1864 Nickel Plated Brass Shower with Supply Pipes, Shampoo and 24 x 30-inch Oval Curtain Ring, with Rubber Curtain, Rings and Holder. SIZE OF TUB (Length over all) 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED (Finished Outside) $126.00 $129.50 $133.00 Dimensions are same as F-1746. If with Check Valves on Shower Supply Pipes, add $5 . 00. If with Oval Perforated Ring Shower (F-1865), add $5 .00. Designs and prices of Decorative Borders furnished upon application. FOR PRICES OF MARBLE FLOOR SLABS, SEE PAGE 452. WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1750. 460 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Ph CO J* en o y * Ph p. y CO •£ — en 'd Ph a3 O P4 ^ . -§ y 10 g r* o _ 7 .S6 pq ° Ph o y © in $ fe o . o . «£ -I ° T3 <£ o P. Ph y - a £ 3 * ui ^ 2 g Q. CO CO i * z o 2 * UI ^ 2 .. b)0 v o a -1 8$ CQ Sis y y O -"ui m q ° ui UI o "E CO 0. y Jh «H-I 03 t-H !p< o o r£ O £ 12 °. ^ T3 ** - O cfi cd ^r ° « bjo y bf) O 3 M y C L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 4 HI WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "TRITON. F-1754. F-1754. Includes " Triton " White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Rim, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, and Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 22^ inches; Width over all, 32 inches; Depth, inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $55.00 $59.00 $63.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $2.00. If Tub is Finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00; if with two Gold Bands, add extra, $3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75 ; Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. Designs and Prices of Hand-Painted Borders furnished upon application. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF DEEPLY COUNTERSUNK ITALIAN MARBLE FLOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE, WITH NICKEL PLATED SAFE WASTE GRATES: SIZE OF TUB 5-ft. 5J^-ft. 6-ft. SIZE OF SLAB 5-ft. 6-in. x 3-ft. 6-ft. x 3-ft. 6-ft. 6-in. x 3-ft. Our under-roll rim is a new invention, never before attempted in the manufacture of Cast-Iron Enameled Baths by other makers. The Rim is a perfect continuous enameled roll, which in appear- ance far surpasses the All-Porcelain Bath, and is incomparably superior to the ordinary roll-rim enameled iron baths. In general appearance, beauty of outline and finish, and quality of enamel, these Baths are unequaled. We claim for these Baths that of being the very newest in design and of most approved construc- tion, fully meeting every requirement of a modern perfect Bath Tub. The Fixtures of these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each Bath before shipment. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ. : F-1754. 462 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "TRITON." F-1755. F-1755. Includes White Enameled "Triton" Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Rim, Finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Fuller Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes and Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo with Mixing Chamber and Sprinkler. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 22% inches ; Width over all, 32 inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $83.00 * $87.00 $91.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $2.00. If with Wolff's Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $2.50. If Tub is not finished Zinc White outside, deduct $13.00; if without Gold Bands, deduct $3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. Our under-roll rim is a new invention, never before attempted in the manufacture of Cast-Iron Enameled Baths by other makers. The Rim is a perfect continuous enameled roll, which in appear- ance far surpasses the All-Porcelain Bath, and is incomparably superior to the ordinary roll-rim enameled iron baths. In general appearance, beauty of outline and finish, and quality of enamel, these Baths are unequaled. We claim for these Baths that of being the very newest in design and of most approved con- struction, fully meeting every requirement of a modern perfect Bath Tub. The Fixtures for these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each Bath before shipment. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER! VIZ.: F-1755. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 463 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "TRITON." F-1756. F-1756. Includes "Triton" White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Rim, Finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fit- tings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste. Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel Plated Brass Shower with Supply Pipes, Shampoo and 24 x 30-inch Oval Curtain Ring with Rubber Curtain, Rings and Holder. SIZE OF TUB (Length over all) 5-ft. 53^-ft. 6-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED (Finished outside) $121.00 $125.00 $129.00 Dimensions are same as F-1754. If with Check Valves on Shower Supply Pipes, add $5 . 00 . WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ. '. F-1756. 464 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE '"TRITON." -'4£&®&gm uid ■-,.,.. mv 1 " 1 nmgl 1,1 i 1 1 ••""I '" 1 1 '1 -T- _i 1 I ■ 1 uipyjpiiiii Jl ill F-1757. F-1757. Includes "Triton" White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Rim, Finished Zinc White Outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and Wolff's F-1840 Patent Folding Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated ; Rubber Curtain, Curtain Rings and Hooks. SIZE OF TUB (Length over Rim) 5^-ft. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $225.00 See page 508 showing sectional cut of Needle Bath. FOR PRICES OF MARBLE FLOOR SLABS, SEE PAGE 461. > 6-ft. $229. OO WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE G!V£ CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1757 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 46: WOLFF'S NEW DESIGN, UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATH, THE "NOVITAS" (PATENTED). ^>^ ^is\ F-1 759. -(with high head end.) F-1759. "Novitas" Bath, White Enameled, with Under-Roll Rim and Wolff 's Fuller Monitor Combination Supply and Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes with Air Chambers, Finished Zinc White Outside with two Gold Bands. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Length over Rim, 5 feet 2% inches; width 33% inches; 16 inches deep; height at head end from floor, 30 inches. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $1 00.00 If without Zinc White Finish or Gold Bands, deduct $20.00. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1759 466 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BATHS. F-1760— (ENAMELED IRON.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1760 Includes White Enameled " Corona " Design Bath with Square Projecting Rim, Nickel Plated " Ideal " Waste and Special Compression Supply Fittings, with Supply Pipes to floor. Fixtures are Nickel Plated on the rough below rim. PRICE, AS DESCRIBED $57.50 DIMENSIONS: Height on Legs, 23 inches; Depth inside, 17 inches; Width over all, 28)4 inches; Length over all, 5 feet 8 inches. F-1760 Enameled Bath has square projecting rim, with sufficient projection to allow the placing of Tiles on front and end, and marble slab at foot end, which can be removed to allow access to the fixtures L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 467 WOLFF'S EXTRA LARGE ENAMELED IRON BATH THE "NATATORIA' _, til. 1 I , J . I I - -;„..,..-'...-■•'•- ... F-1 762. -(EXTRA LARGE.) F-1762. "Natatoria" White Enameled Iron Bath, with 3^-inch Roll Rim, Polished and all Nickel Plated Compression Supply Fittings with large Spout coming over Rim ; Supply Pipes to floor, Polished and all Nickel Plated, No. 2 Connected Overflow and Waste Connection. DIMENSIONS AND PRICE: Length over Rim, 6 feet, 7 inches; Width over all, 34 inches; Width inside, 27 inches; Height on Legs, 24^ inches; Depth inside, 19 inches. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (6 feet, 7 inches long), White Enameled $85.00 As will be seen by dimensions, the "Natatoria" is of extra large size, wider and longer than any other Enameled Tub in use. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1762. 468 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "PORTABLE" ENAMELED IRON BATHS THE "CORONA. _J 1 1 1 1 I , J _ 1 F-1 763.— (for hospitals and asylums.) F-1763. Includes White Enameled ' 'Corona" Bath with Wheels; new design Enameled Rim. 13^-inch Brass Outlet with Valve and Double Rubber-tired Wheels. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: SIZEOFTUB 4-ft. 4^-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. Length over Rim 4-ft. 2-in. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED $46.00 $46,00 $49.00 $52.75 Above can be furnished with Carriage having Swiveled Axle if desired. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ.: F-1763. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 469 WOLFF'S PORTABLE ENAMELED IRON BATHS THE "CORONA." F-1765— (FOR HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1765 Includes White Enameled "Corona " Bath, new design Enameled Rim, 1^-inch Brass Outlet with Valves and Rubber Tired Wheels, with Wrought Iron Handle and Swiveled Axle. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES. SIZE OF TUB. . 4-ft. 4^-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft Length over Rim : . . „ . . . 4 _f t . 2 -in. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. PRICES, AS DESCRIBED..... $46.00 $46.00 $49.00 $52.75 Each Tub is carefully inspected before shipment and bears our guarantee label. 470 U WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA"— WITH EXTENSION LEGS. '^ ^-^ & $&emm»^ uwasm .-' ^&tei*ffp^^ F-1 766. -(for hospitals and asylums.) TOP OF RIM 30 INCHES FROM FLOOR. F-1 766. Includes White Enameled " Corona " Bath with new design Enameled Rim, Polished and all Nickel Plated Compression Supply Fittings with Supply Pipes to floor, Polished and Nickel Plated Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, and Legs with Brass Extension. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 30 inches; Width over all, 30% inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. 4%-ft. 5-ft. 5%-ft. Length over Rim (including Fittings) 4-ft. 2-in. 4-ft. 8-in. 5-ft. 2-in. 5-ft. 8-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED, White Enameled... $54.00 $54.00 $57.00 $60.75 If with No. 1 (1%-inch) F-1695 Connected Overflow and Waste Connection with Cleanout Screw, add $0.75. If with No. 2 (2-inch) F-1696 Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, add $2.50. If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $1.00. If Tub is Finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00. If with two Gold Bands, add, extra, $3.00. No additional space is required for Supply and Waste Fittings. See illustration. The Legs can be furnished with Flange Base instead of Ball if desired. Above will be found to be a convenient and very practical arrangement where patient requires rubbing, or local treatment while in the Bath. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 471 WOLFF'S ROLL-RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. 1767. F-1767. Includes White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch wide Enameled Roll-Rim, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer, and Waste Plug with Rubber Stopper. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 27 inches ; Width over all, 29 inches SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. 4%-ft. Length over Rim 4-ft. 3-in. 4-ft. 9 in. Length over all 4-ft. 4-in. 4-ft. 10-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED .White Enameled $28.00 $28.00 Depth inside, 20 inches 5-ft. 5^-ft. 5-ft. 3-in. 5-ft. 4-in. $31.50 5-ft. y m. 5-ft. 10-in. $35.50 6-ft. 6-ft. 3-in. 6-ft. 4-in. $43.00 Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron Legs, each, extra, $1.00. F-1768. F-1768. Includes White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch Wide Enameled Roll-Rim, No. 1 Nickel Plated Fuller Double Bath Faucet, No. O Rough Brass Waste and Overflow Connection, with Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 27 inches; Width over all, 29 inches; Depth inside, 20 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. 4^-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. Length over Rim 4-ft. 3-in. 4-ft. 9-in. 5-ft. 3-in. 5-ft. 9-in. 6-ft. 3-in. Length (including Fittings) 4-ft. 4-in. 4-ft. 10 in. 5-ft. 4-in. 5-ft. 10-in. 6-ft. 6-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED, White Enameled $33.00 $33.00 $36. 50 $40.50 $48.00 If Overflow Connection is Polished Brass, Nickel Plated, add $0.50; if Nickel Plated on the Rough, add 25 cents. Add for two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe Size, with Wolff's Air Chambers, $5.25; if without Air Chambers, add $2.75. 472 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON ROLL-RIM BATHS. F-1769, 1770 and 1771 Baths are provided with fixtures suitable for Public Baths, Sanitariums, Hospitals, Barracks, etc. F-1769 has extra large Supply and Waste Fittings. The Faucets each have a full inch waterway, and the Waste Plug has a 2 inch Stopper and Outlet ; therefore, Tub can be filled with water and emptied in the least possible time, an important feature where baths must be given in rapid succession. For Sanitariums and Hotels at bathing resorts, F-1770, shown on opposite page, is a desirable arrangement. The Supply and Waste Fittings have extra large openings, 1-inch Supply and 2-inch Outlet, and is provided with Supply Pipes to floor. When desired, Nickel Plated Overflow can be furnished. F-1771 is adapted for use iir Hospitals, Asylums, etc. The fixtures, as shown, have no loose or removable parts. The Supply Fixtures can be operated only by the attendant, and should Plug and Chain be objectionable, valve arrangement can be furnished for the waste. Any of our French shape Tubs can be furnished with fixtures as shown on this and opposite page. r i - -v^S- 1 i ~^S=;L^ i "\ 1:1 ~~i fjifc Ilii^ - - ! ilSE 1 1 it L 1 ill pil jBBH \|^==== .,:=_,----- "---i_-l -:--? - = -=^. HR\ ^^^-' =£^SS A== 1 ! ^f^T^ m --fr -w--. - ^-=, F-1769. F-1769. Includes White Enameled Bath with 3 inch wide Enameled Roll-Rim, with two Nickel Plated Special 1-inch ' 'Extra Pattern" Compression Faucets, Overflow Strainer and Chain, Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2-inch Outlet and 2 inch Rubber Stopper. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES! Height on Legs, 26 inches ; Width over all, 29 inches ; Depth inside, 20 inches. SIZE OF TUB ,. 4-ft. 4%-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. Length over Rim . . . 4-ft. 3-in. 4 ft. 9-in. 5-ft. 3-in. 5-ft. 9-in. 6-ft.3 in. Length, including Fittings 4-ft. 4-in. 4 ft. 10-in. 5-ft. 4 in. 5-ft.lO-in. 6-ft.4-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED, White Enameled, $34.00 $34.00 $37.50 $41.50 $49.00 If with two 1-inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, add $4.00. If with Monitor Standing Overflow, add $2.50. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. Note. — F-1769 has extra large Supply and Waste Fittings. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, VIZ. '. F-1769 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 473 WOLFF'S ROLL-RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. FOR PUBLIC BATHS, SANITARIUMS, HOSPITALS, BARRACKS, ETC. • i =s*a~ . ! I i ^c^r— T~*v F-1770. F-1770. Includes White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch wide Enameled Roll-Rim, with 1 inch Nickel Plated Special Compression Supply Fittings, with 1-inch Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, Over- flow Strainer and Chain, Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2 inch Outlet and 2-inch Rubber Stopper. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Height on Legs, 27 inches ; Width over all, 29 inches ; Depth inside, 20 inches. SIZE OF TUB 4 ft. Length over Rim 4-ft 3-in. Length, including Fittings 4-ft. 6-in. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, White Enameled. $41.00 4^-ft. 4-ft. 9-in 5-ft. $41.00 5-ft. 5-ft. 3-iii. 5-ft. 6 in. $44.50 5K-ft 6-ft. 5-ft. 9 in. 6-ft. 3-in. 6-ft. 6-ft. 6-in. $48.50 $56.00 If fixtures are not Nickel Plated deduct $1.00. F-1771. F-1 771 . Includes White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch wide Enameled Roll-Rim, Loose Key Brass Valves with Bottom Supply Connection, Rough Brass Overflow and Waste Connection with Overflow Strainer, Chain and Rubber Stopper. Fixtures inside of Tub are Nickel Plated. SIZE OF TUB 4-ft. 4^-ft. 5-ft 5^-ft. 6 ft. Length over Rim 4-ft. 3-in. 4 ft. 9-in 5-ft. 3-in. 5-ft. 9-in. 6 ft. 3-in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED, White Enameled, $38.50 $38.50 $42.00 $46.00 $53.50 If Fixtures are Polished and Nickel Plated, add |2.00. If Tailpieces are bushed for Iron Pipe, add $1 00. Dimensions are same as F-1770. If with Supply Pipes to floor and Waste Coupling to floor, add $1.00. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 474: L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BATHS. JTj&^ : F-1T72.— (LOW-DOWN PATTERN THE "VENETIAN.") WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-17 72 Includes White Enameled ''Venetian '' Bath, "Low-down" Pattern with 3-inch wide Enameled Roll Rim, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Fuller Supply Fittings, arranged for bottom Supply with Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel Plated all over " Ideal " Bath Waste. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 22>£ inches; Width over all, 32 inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. SIZE OF TUB (Length Outside - - 4}^ ft. 5 ft. 5)4 ft. 6 ft, PRICES AS DESCRIBED, White Enameled -$50.00 $54.00 $59.00 $64.00 Can be furnished with Compression Valves instead of Fuller Faucet, at same price. THE " NARRO"— FOR SMALL BATH ROOMS. F-1777.— (THE "NARRO" GUARANTEED.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GJVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1777 includes "Narro" guaranteed White Enameled Bath with 1^-inch Enameled Roll Rim, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer with Brass Coupling and Tailpiece, Nickel Plated Chain, Rubber Stopper and Waste Plug. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 22 inches; Width over all, 25 inches; Depth inside, 16 inches. SIZE OF TUB, - 4 ft. 4>£ft. 5 ft. 5^ ft. 6 ft. Length over Rim, - - 4 ft. 1 in. 4 ft. 7 in. 5 ft. 1 in. 5 ft. 7 in. 6 ft. 1 in. PRICES AS DESCRIBED, Guaranteed $24.00 $24.00 $27.00 $30.75 $35.25 DESIGNED FOR USE IN SMALL BATH ROOMS AND TO REPLACE COPPER TUBS. EACH TUB IS INSPECTED AND BEARS OUR GUARANTEE LABEL. I,-. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 475 THE "NARRO"— FOR SMALL BATH ROOMS, F-1778-— (THE " NARRO" GUARANTEED.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1 7 78 Includes " Narro " guaranteed White Enameled Bath with 1^-inch Enameled Roll Rim, No. 1 Nickel Plated Fuller Double Bath Faucet, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer with Brass Coupling and Tailpiece, Nickel Plated Chain, Rubber Stopper and Brass Waste Plug. Dimensions and Sizes. Height on Legs, 22 inches; Width over all, 25 inches; Depth inside, 16 inches. Size of Tub, - 4 ft. 4^ ft. 5 ft. 5/ 2 ft. Length over Rim, - - 4 ft. 1 in. 4 ft. 7 in. 5 ft. 1 in. 5 ft. 7 in. Prices as described, gu Aran teed m $27.00 $27.00 $30.00 $33.75 DESIGNED FOR USE IN SMALL BATH ROOMS AND TO REPLACE COPPER TUBS. " NARRO" Bath, F-1778, is of the same grade as our well known "Corona" tubs: each tub is INSPECTED AND BEARS OUR GUARANTEE LABEL. 6 ft. 6 ft. 1 in. $38.25 F-1779.— (THE "NARRO" GUARANTEED. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1779 Includes "Narro" guaranteed White Enameled Bath with 1^-inch Enameled Roll Rim, No. 1 Nickel Plated Fuller Double Bath Faucet, No. Nickel Plated Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, Rubber Stopper, Nickel Plated Chain and two Iron Pipe Size Brass offset Supply Pipes with Floor Flanges. Dimensions are Same as F-1778. Size, - Prices as described, guaranteed, 4 ft. 4^ft. 5 ft. 5^ft. 6 ft $32.25 S32.25 $35.25 $39.00 $43.50 F-1778 AND F-1779 TUBS ARE DESIGNED FOR USE IN SMALL BATH ROOMS AND TO REPLACE COPPER TUBS. The " narro " Bath, F-1779 is of the same grade as our well known " Corona " tubs; each tub is INSPECTED AND BEARS OUR GUARANTEE LABEL. 476 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE " MONA"— FOR SMALL BATH ROOMS. F-1780. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1780 Includes "Mona" White Enameled Bath, with 1^-inch Enameled Roll Rim, No. 1 Nickel Plated Fuller Double Bath Faucet, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer with Brass Coupling and Tailpiece, Nickel Plated Chain, Rubber Stopper and Brass Waste Plug. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 22 inches; Width over all, 25 inches; Depth inside, 16 inches. Size of Tub, - - » 4 ft. 4^ ft. 5 ft. 5^ ft. 6 ft. Length over Rim, - - 4 ft. 1 in. 4 ft. 7 in. 5 ft. 1 in. 5 ft. 7 in. 6 ft. 1 in. Prices as described, - - $24.75 $24.75 $27.00 $30.75 $35.25 DESIGNED FOR USE IN SMALL BATH ROOMS AND TO REPLACE COPPER TUBS. The " mona" Bath, F-1780, is not classed with our guaranteed grade of tubs, therefore will not havt our guarantee label attached. We will replace " Mona " tubs should defects appear before being set in place on job. F-1781. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1781 Includes "Mona" White Enameled Bath, with lj£-inch Enameled Roll Rim, No. J Nickel Plated Fuller Bath Faucet, Nickel Plated Connected Overflow and Waste Connection with Rubber Stopper and Chain, and two Nickel Plated Iron Pipe Size Supply Pipes with Floor Flanges. Size, Prices as described, Dimensions are Same as F-1780. 4 ft. ±y 2 ft. 5 ft. - $30.00 $30.00 $32.25 5#ft. $36.00 6 ft $40.50 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 477 THE " MONA "—FOR SMALL BATH ROOMS. F-1782. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. di * j" 1 ^ 82 includes "Mona" White Enameled Bath, with 1^-inch Enameled Roll Rim, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer with Brass Coupling and Tailpiece, Nickel Plated Chain, Rubber Stopper and Brass Waste Plug. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 22 inches; Width over all, 25 inches; Depth inside, 16 inches. Size of Tub, - . 4 ft. 4^ ft. 5 ft. 5^ ft. 6 ft. Length over Rim, - - 4 ft. 1 in. 4 ft. 7 in. 5 ft. 1 in. 5 ft. 7 in. 6 ft. 1 in. Prices as described, - - $21.75 $21.75 $24.00 $27.75 $32.25 F-1783. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1783 includes "Mona" White Enameled Bath, withl^-inch Enameled Roll Rim, No. 1 Nickel Plated Fuller Bath Faucet, Nickel Plated Connected Overflow and Waste Connection with Rubber Stopper and Chain. Dimensions are Same as F-1780. Size ' " " " " 4 ft. 4^ ft. 5 ft. hyi ft. 6 ft. Prices as described, - - $27.25 $27.25 $29.50 $33.25 $37.75 DESIGNED FOR USE IN SMALL BATH ROOMS AND TO REPLACE COPPER TUBS. The "mona^ Bath, F-1782 and F-1783 are not classed with our guaranteed grade of tubs, therefore will not have our guarantee label attached. We will replace "Mona" tubs should defects appear before being set in place on job. 478 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BATHS— THE » NIOBA.' (X, F-1784.-(THE "NIOBA.") F-1784 includes "Nioba" White Enameled Bath with 2>£-inch Enameled Roll Rim, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer, with Brass Coupling and Tailpiece and Nickel Plated Brass Waste Plug with Rubber Stopper. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 22 inches; Width over all, 29 X inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub, 4 ft. 4>£ ft. 5 ft. 5y 2 ft. 6 ft. Length over Rim, - - - 4 ft. 0^ in. 4 ft. 6^ in. 5 ft. Q% in. 5 ft. 6% in. 6 ft. 0^ in. Price, White Enameled, TUB ON LY* $21.75 $21.75 $24.00 $27.75 $32.25 Note: Tubs, unless otherwise ordered, will be sent with cock holes drilled 3^ inches from center to center. THE " NIOBA. " F-1785- — (THE "NIOBA.") F-1785 i> eludes "Nioba" White Enameled Bath, with 2j^-inch Enameled Roll Rim, No 1 Nickel Plated Fuller Double Bath Faucet, Nickel Plated Connected Overflow and Waste Connec- tion with Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain and Nickel Plated Iron Pipe size Supply Pipes with Floor Flanges. Dimensions are Same as F-1784. Size of Tub, - 4 ft. 4>£ ft. 5 ft. 5>£ ft. 6 ft. Length over Rim, - - - 4 ft. 0^ in. 4 ft. 6^ in. 5 ft. 0% in. 5 ft. 6*4 in. 6 ft. 1 / in. Price as described, White Enameled. $30.00 $30.00 $32.25 $36.00 $40.50 If without Supply Pipes, deduct $2.75. The " NIOBA " bath is not classed with our guaranteed grade of tubs, therefore will not have our guarantee label attached. We will replace "Nioba" tubs should defects appear before being set in place on job. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 47!» WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON FOOT BATH F-1791. F-1791 Includes White Enameled Iron Foot Tub, Finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Bands, Nickel Plated all over Compression Supph Plated all over ' ' Ideal ' ' Waste and Supply Pipes. PRICE AS DESCRIBED Nickel If without Zinc White Finish or Gold Bands, deduct $7.00. $35.50 F-1792-0mproved foot bath.) F-1792 Includes Enameled Iron Foot Bath with ornamental legs and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings and " Ideal " Waste. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $47.50 If Finished Zinc White outside, add $8.00. F-1792 Foot Tub is more convenient for foot bathing than the regular tub; the raised lateral surface shown permits the comfortable resting of the foot and prevents water from getting on the floor, and obviates the necessity of placing the foot on the roll edge or on the floor. 480 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE "NOVUS" UNDER-ROLL RIM SEAT BATH— PATENTED. F-1793. F-1793 Includes "Novus" White Enameled Under-Roll Rim Seat Bath, with Nickel Plated Combination Supply for Bottom Spray, Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated Ideal Waste and Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - - $73.00 If finished Zinc White outside, add $7.00; two Gold Bands, extra, $2.00. F-1794. F-1794 Includes "Novus" White Enameled Under-Roll Rim Seat Bath, with Combination Wave and Spray, Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply Nickel Plated Ideal Waste and Supply Pipes. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $80.00 Tf finished Zinc White outside, add $7.00; two Gold Bands, extra, $2.00. Italian Marble Floor Slabs, $1.50 per foot extra. L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 481 THE "NOVUS" UNDER-ROLL RIM SEAT BATH— PATENTED, F-1795. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1795 Includes " Novus " White Enameled Under-Roll Rim Seat Bath, with Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated "Ideal" Waste and Supply Pipes. PRICE-AS DESCRIBED, $45.50 THE If Finished Zinc White outside, add $7 00; two Gold Bands, extra, $2.00. Italian Marble Floor Slabs, $1.50 per foot extra. NOVUS" IS A NEW DESIGN, BETTER ADAPTED FOR SEAT BATH PURPOSES THAN ANY STYLE NOW MADE. ENAMELED IRON ROLL-RIM SEAT BATH. F-1796. F-1796 Includes White Enameled Roll-Rim Seat Bath, Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over "Ideal" Waste and Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. DIMENSIONS: Length over Rim, 28 inches; Length, including Fittings, 32 inches; Width, 27 inches; Height at Front, 12 inches; Height at Back, 19 inches; Width of Roll, 2 inches. PRICE, AS DESCRIBED - TUB ONLY, WITHOUT FITTINGS $38-50 $25.00 $9.00 If with Zinc White Finish outside, add $7.00; same, with two Gold Bands, Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $2.50. Fuller Supply Fittings without Air Chambers, same price; Wolff's Air Chambers, extra, $3.00 482 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON CHILDS BATH F-1797— (ENAMELED IRON BATH FOR CHILDREN.*) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Size 20 inches wide x 30 inches long x 12 inches deep. F-1 797 Includes Enameled Iron Childs Bath, Finished Zinc White outside with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over " Ideal " Bath Waste and Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, and Nickel Plated Brass Legs. PRICE, AS DESCRIBED _„_------ $66.00 Unless otherwise ordered F-1797 is sent with legs so top edge of Tub will be 30 inches from floor. If without Gold Bands, deduct $2.00. If without Zinc White or Gold Bands, deduct $7.00. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 483 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN SEAT BATHS. F-1T99 — (ON BASE— MONUMENT PATTERN.) "MONARCH" PORCELAIN ROLL RIM SEAT BATH ON BASE. F-1799 includes Monarch Porcelain Roll Rim Seat Bath — Monument Pattern — with Base, Fin- ished Zinc White Outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fitting — with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves. Class A Class B Class C PRICE AS DESCRIBED, ------ $90.50 70.50 60.50 If with Two Gold Bands, add $ 2.00. If Tub is Glazed all over, add 15.00. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make — made of fine metal carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumber will have no trouble in fitting the parts together. The Nickel Plating is extra heavy. The above fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro Metal. DURO-METAL. Duro-Metal is a Solid, Silvery Metal, harder and stronger than Brass, wears better and made of finer metals. It does not require Silver or Nickel Plating to give it Color, Brilliancy, Perfect Surface or Finish. Its color lasts as long as there is any metal left; the same effort to keep bright applied to Duro-Metal as now is required for Silver or Nickel Plated surfaces, will assure a beautiful polished surface always. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 484 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN SEAT BATH F-1800.— PORCELAIN ROLI RIM SEAT BATH ON REGULAR BASE. F-1800— Includes "Monarch" Porcelain Roll Rim Seat Bath with Base— regular pattern— Finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fitting, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, Class A $90.50 Class B 70.50 Class C 60.50 If with two gold bands, add $ 2.00. If tub is glazed all over, add 15.00. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts together. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 485 WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN SEAT BATHS, F-1801 PORCELAIN ROLL RIM SEAT BATH ON FEET. F-1801 — Includes "Monarch" Porcelain Roll Rim Seat Bath, Finished Zinc White outside with two Gold Bands, with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fitting, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves. This Bath is set up on 4 Marble Feet. Class A Class B Class C PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - - $79.00 67.00 59.00 Two Porcelain Supports instead of Marble Feet can be furnished at same price. If without Gold Bands, deduct $2.00. If without Zinc White Finish and Gold Bands, deduct $12.00. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts together. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 486 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F-1802 — (ROLL-RIM ON BASE tr WEELAN J S J * PATTERN.) F-1802 — Includes Monarch Porcelain Roll-Rim Bath — on Base — Finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fittings, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves. Dimensions: Width outside at top 32^ inches; Depth inside 19 inches; Height outside 21 Yt. inches. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET 6 INCHES LONG, Class A Class B Class C $165.00 127.50 96.25 180.00 138.00 103.00 If without Zinc White Finish, deduct $15.00. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal, carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts together. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 48; WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS F-1803.— (FRENCH PATTERN ON BASE.) F " 1803 — Includes Monarch Porcelain— French Pattern— Roll -Rim Bath on Base, Finished Zinc Y\ hite outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fittings with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves, and Nickel Plated Brass Combination Needle and Shower Bath with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Shower with upper Self- Closing Valve, Nickel Plated Brass Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain, and Iron Pipe size Supply Pipe with Check Valves. PF F Dimensions: Width outside 32 inches; Depth inside 19 inches. Class A $203.00 213.00 228.00 6 FEET LONG, 248.00 If without Zinc White Finish, deduct 15.00. PRICE AS DESCRIBED WITH SHOWER, 4 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE AS DESCRIBED WITH SHOWER, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE AS DESCRIBED WITH SHOWER, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE AS DESCRIBED WITH SHOWER Class B Class C 168.50 139.75 1 75.50 144.25 186.00 151.00 200.00 160.00 To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE THE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 488 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATH. F-1804.— (FRENCH PATTERN ON FEET.) F -1804— Includes Monarch Porcelain French Pattern Roll-Rim Bath on Porcelain Feet, finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fittings with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves, and Nickel Plated Brass Shower with Iron Pipe size Supply Pipes with Check Valves, Shampoo; Nickel Plated Brass Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain. Dimensions: Width outside 32 inches; Depth inside 19 inches. Class A $191.00 201.00 211.00 231.00 Class B 159.50 166.50 173.50 187.50 Class C 133.25 137.75 142.25 151.25 PRICE AS DESCRIBED WITH SHOWER, 4 FT. 6 IN LONG, PRICE AS DESCRIBED WITH SHOWER, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE AS DESCRIBED WITH SHOWER, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE AS DESCRIBED WITH SHOWER. 6 FEET LONG, If without Zinc White Finish, deduct $15.00. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal, carefully finished accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts to gether. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 489 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F-1805.— (FRENCH PATTERN ON FEET.) F-1805— Includes Monarch Porcelain French Pattern Roll-Rim Bath on Porcelain Feet, finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fittings, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves. Dimensions: Width outside 32 inches; Depth inside 19 inches. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 4 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 6 FEET LONG, Note: If without Zinc White Finish, deduct $15.00. If with two Gold Bands, add - 4.00. Class A Class B Class C $149.00 117.50 91.25 159.00 124.50 95.75 169.00 131.50 100.25 189.00 145.50 109.25 The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal, carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts to- gether. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro- Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 490 L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F-1809- — (FRENCH PATTERN ON BASE.) F-1809 — Includes Monarch Porcelain French Pattern Roll-Rim Bath on Base, finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fittings, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves. Dimensions: Width outside 32 inches; Depth inside 19 inches. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 4 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 6 FEET LONG, Class A Class B Class C >1 55.00 120.50 91 .75 1 65.00 127.50 96.25 180.00 138.00 103.00 200.00 152.00 112.00 Note: If without Zinc White Finish, deduct $15.00. If with two Gold Bands, add - 4.00. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal, carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts to- gether. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 491 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F-1807. — (ROLL-RIM ROMAN BATH ON FEET.) F-1807---Includes Monarch Porcelain Roman Pattern Roll-Rim Bath on feet, finished Zinc White outside with two Gold Bands, with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Combination Supply and Waste Fitting, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Pipes. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 4 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 6 FEET LONG, Class A Class B Class C $153,00 1 21.50 95.25 163.00 128.50 99.75 173.00 135.50 104 = 25 193.00 149.50 113.25 Note: Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fitting can be furnished instead of Fuller as shown, at the same price. If without Gold Bands, deduct $4.00. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal, carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts to- gether. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro- Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 492 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F-1810i — (ROLL-RIM ROMAN PORCELAIN BATH ON BASE.) F-1810 — Includes Monarch Porcelain Roman Pattern Roll-Rim Bath with Base, finished Zinc White outside, with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Fuller Combination Supply and Waste Fitting, Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Pipes. » PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 6 FEET LONG, 21ass A Class B Class C 165.00 127.50 96.25 180.00 138.00 103.00 200.00 152.00 112.00 Compression Supply and Waste Fitting can be furnished instead of Fuller as shown, at same price. If without Zinc White Finish, deduct $15.00. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal, carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts to- gether. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 493 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F-1812 — (ROMAN BATH SPECIAL DESIGN WITH BASE.) F-181 2— Includes Monarch Porcelain Roman Bath— Special Design— with Base, finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fittings, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Pipes. Dimensions: Length 5 feet 8 inches; Width outside, not including fixtures, 34 inches; Height outside 21 % inches Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 8 IN. LONG, $200.00 152.00 110.00 Fuller Compression Supply and Waste Fitting can be furnished instead of Compression as shown, at same price. If without Zinc White Finish, deduct 515.00. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal, carefully finished accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts to- gether. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. 'HEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF J S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 494 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F-1813. — (WITH CURVED FRONT--FOR LEFT HAND CORNER.) F-1813 — Includes Monarch Porcelain Roll-Rim Bath with Curved Front, finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fit- ting, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Pipes. Dimensions: Width 32 inches; Depth outside 21 inches; Depth inside 19 inches. F-1813 IS FOR LEFT HAND CORNER. Class A Class B Class C 5190.00 145.00 107.50 200.00 152.00 11 2.00 220.00 166.00 1 21.00 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 6 FEET LONG, Note: Fuller Supply Fitting may be furnished instead of Compression, at the same price, Nickel Plated Brass Hand Rail, as shown, extra $4.00. For price of Soap Cups, Towel Racks, etc., see pages 399 to 408. (The back and end of above tub are to be built into the wall, and base is set into the floor; the tiling finishing up to the ends and base and on top of tub, makes a perfect finish and water tight joints.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 495 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F"1814.— (WITH CURVED FRONT--FOR RIGHT HAND CORNER.) F-1814 — Includes Monarch Porcelain Roll-Rim Bath with curved Front, finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fit- ting, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Pipes. Dimensions: Width 32 inches; Depth outside 21 inches; Depth inside 19 inches. F-1814- IS FOR RIGHT HAND CORNER. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 6 FEET LONG, Class A $190.00 200.00 220.00 Class B 145.00 152.00 166.00 Class C 107.50 112.00 121.00 Note: Fuller Supply Fitting may be furnished instead of Compression, at the same price. Nickel Plated Brass Hand Rail, as shown, extra $4.00. For price of Soap Cups, Towel Racks, etc., see pages 399 to 408. (The back and end of above tub are to be built into the wall, and base is set into the floor; the tiling finishing up to the ends and base and on top of tub, makes a perfect finish and water tight joints. ) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 496 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F-1815. — (FRENCH PATTERN--CURVED DESIGN.) F-1815 — Includes Monarch Porcelain Curved Design (see sectional cut) French Pattern Roll-Rim Rath on Base, finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fitting, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves. Dimensions: Width outside 32 inches; Depth inside 19 inches. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 6 FEET LONG, Class A $180.00 1 95.00 215.00 Class B 137.50 148.00 162.00 Class C 104.00 110.00 120.00 Note: Outline as shown in above Section is carried all around. If without Zinc White Finish, deduct $15.00. If with two Gold Bands, add - 4.00. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal, carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts together. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 497 J WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN BATHS. §D^ F-1816. — (FRENCH PATTERN--FOR TILED WALL.) F-1816 — Includes Monarch Porcelain Curved Design (see sectional cut) French Pattern Roll-Rim Bath on Base, with square edge on wall side to be built into tiled wall, finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fitting, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves. Dimensions: Width outside 32 inches; Depth inside 19 inches. Note: The above tub has square edge on wall side, so that it can be built into the wall. It has curved front and ends of same outline as shown in sectional cut on page 496. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, Class A $1 90.00 205.00 Class B 145.00 156.00 Class C 110.00 115.00 Note: If with Nickel Plated Brass Hand Rail, as shown, add $4.00. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal, carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts to- gether. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 498 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F-1817. (FRENCH PATTERN--FOR WALL AND LEFT HAND CORNER.) F-1817 — Includes Monarch Porcelain Curved Design French Pattern Roll-Rim Bath on Base with Square Edge on wall side and Left Hand end to be built into tiled wall, finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's special design Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination concealed Supply and Waste Fitting, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves. Dimensions: Width outside 32 inches; Depth inside 19 inches. Note: The above tub has square edge on wall side and Left Hand end, so that it can be built into the wall. Has curved front and ends of same outline as shown in sectional cut on page 496. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, Class A Class B Class C $205.00 157.50 117.50 215.00 165.00 122.00 The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal, carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts together. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 498i WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F-1818.— (ROMAN ON BASE--CURVED DESIGN.) F-1818 — Includes Monarch Porcelain Roman Bath (curved design) on Base, finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fitting, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Handles on Supply Valves. Dimensions: Width outside 32 inches; Depth inside 19 inches. Note: F-1818 Bath has curved sides and ends of same outline as shown in sectional cut on page 496. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG: Class A Class B Class C $180.00 137.50 101.50 195.00 148.00 110.00 For Showers and Needle Baths see pages 513 to 547. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal carefully finished accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts together. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above Fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 498| L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN BATHS. F-1819. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN ROMAN--CURVED DESIGN.) F-1819 — Includes Monarch Porcelain Roman Bath (curved design) on Base, finished Zinc White outside with Wolff's Pattern Nickel Plated Brass Compression Combination Supply and Waste Fit- ting, with Porcelain Top on Waste and Porcelain Plandles on Supply Valves, and Wolff's F-1840 Patent Folding Needle and Shower Bath — all Nickel Plated Brass, Supply Pipes with Check Valves aiid Rubber Curtain. Class A Class B Class C PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FEET LONG, - $330.00 287.50 251.50 PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, 5 FT. 6 IN. LONG, 345.00 298.00 260.00 For other Showers and Needle Baths see pages 513 to 547. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER, AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. Z!. CD o Q. CD - L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Hand Painted Borders for Bath Tub Decoration. 499 ^ V. . :/\ CD 00 Q. O ^ S- o w c 00 ¥ 500 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Hand Painted Borders for Bath Tub Decoration. CD 00 CO ro 00 £» CD O cT m GO CD O O -z. Q. CD -z. w p O K> 3 LC 00 O T) cr o* CD CD SB Q. C? Q_ CD CD Q. t» CD 3" X H c $» cr O -fee , to 3" O CD b -o p o' -4, CD o O 00 31 CD 3* <"•" co" H 3" c o cr 3 ■kft -H N> c CO o O -x,^ w w a^ p p V:; x /r r L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Hand Painted Borders for Bath Tub Decoration. 501 ■v Tl o © 00 CO NO 0) CJ1 CD _^ O O m ""■ O) 00 O O 502 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Hand Painted Borders for Bath Tub Decoration. U-'/, : £** ^ ^^> o O O" CD £» a. Q. CD Q. CD X o o" CD H c tx CXI 8 -\ CO CD P O b o /■ ^ ; ^ v. 4 ^ y * 4 ■■:" L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Hand Painted Borders for Bath Tub Decoration. 503 / T> o' Tl CD c/> 00 S» to CD cT o m CD di O Q. O CD v> z p O 3 w tc O T) D" o CD e> _+, Q. O Q. -« CD CD Q. P> CD 3 X H p c cr o -to 3- Oi CD b •o p o o CD O C/) CD 31 So 3* H V)' c 3" cr o -W 3 to -1 b C o r ,w a#w ^p 7 fc» 7 504 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Hand Painted Borders for Bath Tub Decoration. $£$<' m ctPTVc- 4A ro (Jl b o L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Hand Painted Borders for Bath Tub Decoration. 505 k ?>. CO OJ CD -^ o" O rn CO GO O O Q. Z CD ■z. CO p O 3 CO tc ^j rt o "0 cr 2. CD O 03 CD Q. Q. cT CD Q. CD S» CD X 3" 3 H c o cr ,_► -eo- 3- CTl CD k> -o ai o CD o O^ O) CD 31 S» 3^ r-t- Co" H 3" c cr o 3 -fee . CO !> W >tf 4^ ^ <^^| ^J L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Hand Painted Borders for Bath Tub Decoration. *U t» w CD cT O -i m 00 o O Q. Z CD c/5 o O 3 -e» if. • r+ o T> xy 3. CD O a> CD Q_ Q. O CD Q. CD CD 0> X 3- 3 H c O cr r+ ■W 3" CT> CD ro T5 Ul ■ O* -* p> In P cT ■i C/3 CD S» itf L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 50 WOLFF'S NEEDLE AND SHOWER BATHS. the following fifty pages (508 to 558) are devoted to illustrations, descriptions and price lists of Needle and Shower Baths as manufactured by us. we desire to call attention particularly to the fact that we make every part of these Fixtures; we use only the very best materials, and insist on the very closest inspection and super- vision while under construction, and careful tests of all parts before shipment, all component parts are fitted and adjusted to perfection. Plumber will experience no difficulty or loss of time in setting- up our Needle and Shower Baths. Experience of many years in manufacturing this class of goods enable us to produce practical and efficient Needle and Shower Baths. special needle baths to fit a particular space or to meet requirements not covered in our Illustrations will be made to order, correspondence is solicited stating requirements enabling us to furnish drawings, which we will be pleased to do. marble stalls and brass trimmings for use with Needle Baths we also make at our facto- ries, the finish and quality being of the same High Grade as our Lavatory work. special catalogue showing Baths for use in Sanitariums ; Hospitals, Asylums, Prisons or Hotels, Turkish Baths, etc., furnished upon application. 508 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S PATENT FOLDING NEEDLE AND SHOWER BATH WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, F-1840. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Wolff's Patent Folding Needle and Shower Bath, with Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain, Nickel Plated. PRICE, AS DESCRIBED, WTIH CAST BRASS SHOWER - - - $150.00 If with Nickel Plated Supply Pipes to floor, add $8.00. 1^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk 1^-inch, 34 x 36 inches, with 6-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 3-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $20.00. Can be furnished as above, or fitted to any style of bath tub, equally well at end or on side; see pages 454, 458 and 464 for illustrations of above in combination with baths. F-1840 Shows the Folding Bath set up for general Needle and Shower Bath purposes; the Curtain can be drawn forward and together in front so the spray can be confined within the Curtain Ring Space. The Shower and Needle Bath can be operated separately or together as desired, as each is governed by its own Valves. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 509 WOLFF'S PATENT NEEDLE, FOLDING AND SHOWER BATH F-1841 WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Wolff's Patent Folding Needle and Shower Bath with Curtain Ring. PRICE AS DESCRIBED - $100.00 Add extra for Rubber Curtain, $20.00. F-1841 Shows the Folding Bath set up for general Needle and Shower Bath purposes. Curtain can be drawn forward and together in front so the spray can be confined within the Ring Space. The Shower and Needle Bath can be operated separately or together as desired, as each is governed bv its own Valves. 510 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-1842. Wolff's Patent Nickel Plated Brass Combination Needle, Shower, Bidet, Liver Spray Bath and Special Spinal Bath, with 6-inch Waste Strainer with 3-inch Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED ------ $400.00 F-1842 Is the most Complete and efficient Combination Bath made and is especially adapted for use in Turkish or Russian Baths, all parts are detachable, therefore any part of the fixture can be taken out and cleaned or to remove sediment which may have clogged up the perforations. The Mixing Chamber and Thermometer enables operator to regulate the temperature of water to any degree of heat or cold, before using, or while using. The Needle Spray, Shower, Douche, Bidet or Liver Sprays can be used separately or together, as desired, as each is governed by its own Valves, or only half of the Spray pipes may be used if desired. The Spinal Bath can be operated alone. If chose contemplating purchasing a Needle Bath as above, will correspond with us we will be pleased to furnish sectional drawings and dimensions, and references and locations where our Improved Needle Bath is in use. To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the pressure should be at least 20 pounds. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 511 F-1843. Wolff's Nickel Plated Combination Needle, Shower, Bidet and Liver Spray Bath, with 6-inch Waste Strainer and 3-inch Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $350.00 F-1843 is similar to F-1842 with the exception of the Spinal Bath, which is omitted on above. As shown, it is provided with a Thermometer and Mixing Chamber, and arranged for hot and cold water, but can also be furnished without the Thermometer and Mixing Chamber, or for cold water only, as may be desired. Union Couplings are provided, so any part of the fixture can be easily detached when necessary for cleaning or to remove sediment which may have clogged up the perfo- rations. To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the pressure should be at least 20 pounds. 512 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-1844. F-1844 Illustrates Countersunk Marble Floor Base for Showers and Needle Baths, with Marble Risers 8 inches high on Four Sides. NOTE: If the Bath Room Floor is not absolutely water tight then the base should be provided with Marble Risers at least 6 to 8 inches high, as shown above, this will confine the water within the space and drain off through the Waste Strainer. Without this protection the water will find its way- over the floor and cause possible damage to ceilings. ADD EXTRA TO PRICE OF REGULAR BASE IF FITTED AS DESCRIBED ABOVE, WITH 8-INCH RISERS AS DESCRIBED, $22,00. Above can be furnished with Risers 6 inches high also, at a little less cost, but we recommend the 8-inch height, as included in the list price. Note. — For Monarch Porcelain Receptors for Shower Baths, see pages 528, 528J, 5281, and 529. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 513 WOLFF'S COMBINATION SHOWER, NEEDLE AND BIDET BATH. Nickel Plated, Oval Combination, Needle, Shower, Douche, Bidet and Liver Spray Bath, with 18-inch Mixing Chamber, with Thermom- eter, Valve Column, Cast- Brass Shower and 6-inch Strainer with 3-inch Out- let. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $215.00 Marble Base is not in- cluded in above price. See page 512. Price of Marble or Slate Stalls upon application. When desired Needle Bath can be furnished with the Mixing Cham- ber and Valve Column on the left-hand side instead of right-hand as shown. F-1845. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1845 Is of extra strong construction throughout; all pipe is of the very best quality: all Coup- lings and Fittings are our own make. Air Valves and Drain Valves are provided. The Shower is nnvs V of °e?forations S ' u P n ^ hts are 1 " inch and the Needle Spray Pipes are ^-inch and have double anv iw-^ 9 lamb ^ a £ d . Thermometer enables operator to regulate the temperature of water to o? I f^^ip °l C ° ld ', before ? s J ng> or wh [ le usi ^- The Needle Spray, Shower, Douche, Bidet r.^ P rJ" r USed se P aratel y or together, as desired, as each is governed by its own Valves. Lmon Couplings are provided so any part of the fixtures can be easily and quickly detached Above can be furnished with Marble Stall and Rubber Curtain, inclosing Ve Needl? Bath and bather, leaving the \ alve Column and Mixing Chamber on outside. Price on application DIMENSIONS: Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of Oval, 35 x 40 inches To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply atatt ct as possible ' so an even flow ° f water ma - v be had; ** ^ 514 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S COMBINATION NEEDLE, SHOWER AND BIDET BATH Oval Combination Needle, Shower and Bidet Bath, Nickel Plated, with lS^-inch Mixing Chamber, with Thermometer, 1-inch Supply Pipes with Check Valves to wall, Adjustable Liver Sprays, Cast Brass Shower, Curtain Ring and Rubber Cur- tain and 6-inch Nickel Platrd Brass Waste Strainer with 3- inch Outlet Coupling and 2- inch Italian Marble Base, Coun- tersunk ^-inch deep. PRICE AS DESCRIBED. - $250.00 NOTE: If the floor is not absolutely water tight then the base should be provided with Marble Risers at least 6 inches high; this will confine the water within the space and drain off through the Waste Strainer. Without this protection the water will find its way over the floor and cause possible damage to the ceilings. See F-1844, page 512, for illus- tration of Marble Base so pro- tected. Add extra to above price if Base is fitted as de- scribed, $20.00. F-1846. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1846 The illustration represents a Needle Bath designed to be used without a Marble Stall, it being provided with a Rubber Curtain, which, when drawn together, confines the water within the space of the Curtain Ring and Marble Base. The Mixing Chamber and Thermometer enable operator to regulate the temperature of water to any degree of heat or cold, before using or while using. The Needle Spray, Shower, Bidet or Liver Sprays can be used separately or together, as desired. Union Couplings are provided so any part of the fixtures can be easily and quickly detached. F-1846 is strongly constructed throughout; all pipe used is heavy brass pipe; all Couplings and Fittings are our own make. The Shower is heavy cast brass; the Uprights are 1-inch; middle Spray Pipes are ^-inch Brass Pipe and have double rows of perforations. The Supply Pipes are provided with Check Valves. DIMENSIONS: Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of Oval, 35 inches by 40 inches; Base, 4 feet by 3 feet 9 inches. To insure satisfactory results with the above Neeele Bath, care should be taken that the Supply Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the press- ure should be at least 20 pounds. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 515 WOLFF'S COMBINATION NEEDLE, SHOWER AND BIDET BATH IP O val Combination Needle, Shower and Bidet Bath, Nickel Plated, with 15^-inch Mixing Chamber, with Thermometer, 1-inch Supply Pipes with Check Valve to wall, Adjustable Liver Sprays, Cast Brass Shower, Cur- tain Ring and Rubber Curtain and 42 x 42-inch Monarch Por- celain Receptor with 6-inch Nickel Plated Brass Waste Strainer with 3-inch Outlet Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $297.75 F-1847. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1847 The illustration represents a Needle Bath designed to be used without a Marble Stall, it being provided with a Rubber Curtain, which, when drawn together, confines the water within the space of the Curtain Ring and Receptor. The Mixing Chamber and Thermometer enable operator to regulate the temperature of water to any degree of heat or cold, before using or while using. The Needle Spray, Shower, Bidet or Liver Sprays can be used separately or together, as desired. Union Couplings are provided so any part of the fixtures can be easily and quickly detached. F4847 is strongly constructed throughout; all pipe used is heavy brass pipej all Couplings and Fittings are our own make. The Shower is heavy cast brass; the Uprights are 1-inch; middle Spray Pipes are % -inch Brass Pipe and have double rows of perforations. The Supply Pipes are provided with Check Valves. DIMENSIONS. Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of Oval, 35 inches by 40 inches. To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the press- ure should be at least 20 pounds. 516 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S COMBINATION SHOWER, NEEDLE AND BIDET BATH Oval Combination Needle , Shower and Bidet Bath, Nickel Plated Adjustable Liver Sprays, Cast Brass Shower, Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain. 42 x 42-inch Enameled Iron Roll Rim Receptor with 6-inch Waste Strainer with 3-inch Outlet Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $234.50 If Receptor is Finished Zinc White Outside, add $5.00. Supply Pipes with Check Valves to floor, extra, $8.00. F"1848-(WITH ENAMELED IRON RECEPTOR.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1848 The illustration represents a Needle Bath designed to be used without a Marble Stall, it being provided with a Rubber Curtain and Enameled Iron Receptor, which, when drawn together, confines the water within the space of the Curtain Ring and Receptor. The Needle Spray, Shower, Bidet or Liver Sprays can be used separately or together, as desired. Union Couplings are provided so any part of the fixtures can be easily and quickly detached. All of our Showers are carefully fitted and adjusted before shipment; all fittings are made by us and the Brass Pipe used is of the very best quality. DIMENSIONS. Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of Oval, 35 inches by 40 inches; Base, 4 feet by 3 feet 9 inches. To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the press- ure should be at least 20 pounds. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 517 WOLFF'S COMBINATION NEEDLE, SHOWER AND BIDET BATH, Oval Combination Needle, Shower and Bidet Bath, Nickel Plated Adjustable Liver Sprays, Cast Brass Shower, Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain and 6-inch Nickel Plated Brass Waste Strainer with 3-inch Outlet Coupling and 2-inch Italian Marble Base, Coun- tersunk y 2 -moh deep. PRICE AS DESCRIBED. $225.00 NOTE: If the floor is not absolutely water tight then the base should be provided with Marble Risers at least 6 inches high; this will con- fine the water within the space and drain off through the Waste Strainer. Without this protection the water will find its way over the floor and cause possible damage to ceilings. See F-1844, page 512, for illustration of Marble Base so protected. Add extra to above price if Base is fitted as described, $20.00. F-1849. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1849 The illustration represents a Needle Bath designed to be used without a Marble Stall, it being provided with a Rubber Curtain, which, when drawn together, confines the water within the space of the Curtain Ring and Marble Base. The Needle Spray, Shower, Bidet or Liver Sprays can be used separately or together, as desired. Union Couplings are provided so any part of the fixtures can be easily and quickly detached. All of our Showers are carefully fitted and adjusted before shipment; all fittings are made by us and the Brass Pipe used is of the very best qualily. DIMENSIONS: Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of Oval, 35 inches by 40 inches; Base, 4 feet by 3 feet 9 inches. To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the press- ure should be at least 20 pounds. 518 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S CIRCULAR COMBINATION NEEDLE AND SHOWER BATH F-1850. F-1850. The illustration represents a design of Needle and Shower Bath intended for use in natatoriums, hotels, athletic clubs, etc , or any place where it is not necessary to confine the spray, and where a less expensive apparatus than others shown will answer. As shown, it is provided with a Thermometer and Mixing Chamber, and arranged for hot and cold water, but can also be furnish- ed without the Thermometer and Mixing Chamber, or for cold water only, as maybe desired; see opposite page. Union Couplings are provided, so any part of the fixture can be easily detached when necessary. Circular Combination Needle and Shower Bath. Nickel Plated, for hot and cold water, with 12- inch Mixing Chamber and Thermometer, Cast-Brass Head Shower and 6-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 3-inch Outlet Coupling. FRICE AS DESCRIBED, $150.00. If without Thermometer, deduct $8.00. Marble Base not included in Price. See page 512 for prices. If with two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes with Check Valves, add extra, $10.00. dimensions: Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; diameter of Needle Bath, 3 feet 2 inches. I,. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 519 WOLFF'S CIRCULAR COMBINATION NEEDLE AND SHOWER BATH If the floor is not absolutely water tight, then the base should be provided with Marble Risers at least 6 inches high. This will con- fine the water within the space and drain off through the Waste Strainer. Without this protection the water will find its way over the floor and cause possible damage to ceilings. See F-1844, page 512, for illustration and prices of Marble Base so protected. F-1851. The illustration represents a de- sign of Needle and Shower Bath intended for use in natatoriums, hotels, athletic clubs, etc., or any place where it is not necessary to confine the spray. Union Couplings are furnished, so any part of the fixture can be easily detached when necessary. F-1851. Circular Combination Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated, for hot and cold water, with Cast Brass Head Shower and 6-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 3-inch Outlet Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED ------ $125.00 Circular Combination Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated, for cold water only, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED - - $115.00 For Marble Base, see note above. For two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes to floor with Check Valves and Flanges, add $10.00,, DIMENSIONS: Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of Needle Bath, 3 feet 2inches. To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the press- ure should be at least 20 pounds. 520 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-1852. Nickel Plated Brass Combination Needle and Shower Bath, with Shampoo Sprinkler, 6-inch Waste Strainer, with 3-inch Outlet Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED - - - - - $50.00 The Valves are provided with Check Valves. Prices of Marble or Slate Shower Stalls upon application. To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply- Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the press- ure should be at least 20 pounds. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 521 F-1853. Nickel Plated Brass Combination Needle and Shampoo Bath with 6-inch Waste Strainer with 3-inch Outlet Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED - $40.00 The Valves are provided with Check Valves. Prices of Marble or Slate Shower Stalls upon application. To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the press- ure should be at least 20 pounds. yr. >■) L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S COMBINATION NEEDLE AND SHOWER BATH. F-1854. F-1854. Combination Needle and Shower Bath as shown, for cold and hot water Nickel Plated, with Copper Shower and 6-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 3-inch Outlet Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $85.00 Combination Needle and Shower Bath, for Cold Water only, Nickel Plated, and Nickel Plated Waste Strainer and Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $78.00 Needle Bath for Hot and Cold Water, Nickel Plated (without Shower), with Nickel Plated Waste Strainer and Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $65.00 Needle Bath for Cold Water only, Nickel Plated (without Shower), with Nickel Plated Waste Strainer and Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $58.00 Italian Marble Stall, Back, two Sides and Base, 7 feet by 3 feet 2 inches, by 3 feet 2 inches, extra, $102.00; Slate, $65.00. Italian Marble Stall, Back, two Sides and Base, 6 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 2 inches, by 3 feet 2 inches, extra, $95.00; Slate, $60.00. Nickel Plated Curtain Rod Flanges, Bolts and Rings and Rubber Curtain, extra, $20.00. If with Cast Brass Head Shower, add $5 . 00 . dimensions: Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches; depth, 3 feet 2 inches. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 52:3 WOLFF'S COMBINATION NEEDLE AND SHOWER BATH, F-1855. Combination Needle and Shower Bath, with Valves on side ; Bath can be operated by bather or attendant. F-1855. Combination Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated, for cold and hot water, with Valves and Valve Column on side, Cast-Brass Head Shower, and 6-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 3-inch Outlet Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $1 10.00 If with Copper Shower instead of Cast Brass, deduct $5.00. Italian Marble Stall (%-inch), Back and two Sides, 7 feet by 3 feet 2 inches, 2-inch Base deeply Countersunk and 16-inch wide Front for Valve Column, extra, $115.00; Slate, $75.00. Nickel Plated Curtain Rod, Flanges, Bolts and Rings and Rubber Curtain, extra, $20.00. DIMENSIONS : Total height, 7 feet 6 inches ; width, including Valve Column, 4 feet 4 inches ; depth, 3 feet 2 inches. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 524 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-1856. F-1856 Combination Needle and Shower Bath as shown, for cold and hot water Nickel Plated, with Copper Shower and 6-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 3-inch Outlet Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $77.00 Combination Needle and Shower Bath, for Cold Water only, Nickel Plated, and Nickel Plated Waste Strainer and Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $70.00 Needle Bath for Hot and Cold Water, Nickel Plated (without Shower), with Nickel Plated Waste Strainer and Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $60.00 Needle Bath for Cold Water only, Nickel Plated (without Shower), with Nickel Plated Waste Strainer and Coupling. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $53.00 Italian Marble Stall, Back, two Sides and Base, 7 feet by 3 feet 2 inches, by 3 feet 2 inches, extra, $102.00; Slate, $65.00. Italian Marble Stall, Back, two Sides and Base, 6 feet 6 inches bv 3 feet 2 inches by 3 feet 2 inches, extra, $95.00; Slate, $60.00' Nickel Plated Curtain Rod Flanges, Bolts and Rings and Rubber Curtain, extra, $20.00. If with Cast Brass Head Shower, add $5.00. DIMENSIONS: Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches; depth, 3 feet 2 inches To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the press"- ure should be at least 20 pounds. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 52, WOLFF'S COMBINATION SHOWER AND NEEDLE BATH, F-1857. — (WITH ENAMELED IRON RECEPTOR.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Combination Needle and Shower Bath with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Shower with upper Self- Closing Valve, Nickel Plated Brass Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain and 42x42 inch Enameled Iron Roll Rim Receptor with 6-inch Waste Strainer with 3-inch Coupling and Supply Pipes to Wall with Check Valves. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - $94.50 If with 36 x 36 inch Receptor, deduct $8.00. If Receptor is Finished Zinc White Outside, add $5.00. Supply Pipes with Check Valves to floor, extra, $5.00. All of our Showers are carefully fitted and adjusted before shipment; all fittings are made by us and the Brass Pipe used is of the very best quality. To insure satisfactory results with the above Needle Bath, care should be taken that the Supply Pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the press- ure should be at least 20 pounds. r 526 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-1859~(WITH ENAMELED IRON RECEPTOR.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Nickel Plated Brass (Wolff's Special) Shower with 24 x 30-inch Oval Curtain Ring, Shampoo Attachment, Supply Pipes with Check Valves, Nickel Plated Curtain Holder and Rubber Curtain and Enameled Iron Roll Rim Receptor, painted outside. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH 36 X 36 INCH RECEPTOR, - - $85.50 42X42 " - 93.50 If Receptor is finished Zinc White outside, add $5. 00. The Receptor has 6-inch Strainer with 3-inch Outlet Coupling. Above is furnished with Check Valves on the Supply Pipes to prevent circulation of water should Valves be left open. Our Enameled Iron Receptors are classed with our High Grade Enameled Goods, each Receptor is INSPECTED AND BEARS OUR GUARANTEE LABEL. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. b'Z F-1860— (enameled iron receptor.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Nickel Plated Brass Shower with Curtain Rings, Rubber Curtain, Curtain Holder and Enameled Iron Roll Rim Receptor, painted outside. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, WITH 36X36 INCH RECEPTOR, 42X42 $68.00 76.00 If Receptor is finished Zinc White Outside, add $5.00. The Receptor has 6-inch Strainer with 3-inch Outlet Coupling. Above is furnished with Check Valves on the Supply Pipes to prevent circulation of water should Valves be left open. Our Enameled Iron Receptors are classed with our High Grade Enameled Goods, each Receptor is INSPECTED AND BEARS OUR GUARANTEE LABEL. 528 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. F-1858-— (ROUND SHOWER BATH RECEPTOR.) MONARCH 1 ' PORCELAIN ROLL RIM SHOWER BATH RECEPTOR. PRICE, 36-INCH ROUND RECEPTOR PRICE, 42-INCH ROUND RECEPTOR Class A Class B Class C $55.00 38.50 27.50 $80.00 56.00 40.00 Nickel Plated Brass Strainer, Extra, $6.50. The above Monarch Porcelain Receptor can be furnished with any of our large Shower or Needle Baths. L- WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 528J WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. F-1861-— (SHOWER BATH RECEPTOR.) MONARCH PORCELAIN ROLL RIM SHOWER BATH RECEPTOR TO FINISH AGAINST WALL. PRICE, 36-INCH ROUND RECEPTOR PRICE, 42-INCH ROUND RECEPTOR Class A Class B $65.00 $46.00 90.00 63.50 Class C $32.50 45.00 Nickel Plated Brass Strainer, Extra, $6.50. The above Monarch Porcelain Receptor can be furnished with any of our large Shower or Needle Baths. 528* L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN F-1862.— (SHOWER BATH RECEPTOR FOR CORNER.) MONARCH PORCELAIN ROLL RIM SHOWER BATH RECEPTOR FOR CORNER. Class A Class B Class C $100.00 70.00 50.00 PRICE ,42-INCH RECEPTOR Nickel Plated Brass Strainer, Extra, $6.50. The above Monarch Porcelain Receptor can be furnished with any of our large Shower or Needle Baths. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 529 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. F-1863- — (SQUARE SHOWER BATH RECEPTOR. MONARCH PORCELAIN ROLL RIM SHOWER BATH RECEPTO! PRICE, 36-INCH SQUARE RECEPTOR PRICE, 42-INCH SQUARE RECEPTOR Class A Class B Class C $55.00 38.50 27.50 $80.00 56.00 40.00 Prices are for Porcelain Receptor onty. Nickel Plated Brass Strainer, Extra, $6.5l The above Monarch Porcelain Receptor can be furnished with any of our large Shower or Needle Baths. 529^ L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. WITH OVAL CURTAIN RINGS, SHAMPOO ATTACHMENTS, SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR AND RUBBER CURTAINS. F-1864. F-1864. Nickel Plated Brass Shower, with 24 x 30 inch Oval Curtain Ring, Shampoo Attachment, Supply Pipes to floor, and Nickel Plated Curtain Holder and Rubber Curtain. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $50.00 dimensions: Total height, 8 feet 2 inches; Diameter of Show- er, 9% inches; Distance from wall to center of Shower, 22 inches. F-1865. F-1865. Nickel Plated Brass Perforated Ring Shower, with Oval Curtain Ring 24 x 30 inches, Shampoo Attachment, Supply Pipes to floor, and Nickel Plated Curtain Holder and Rubber Curtain. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $55.00 dimensions: Total height, 8 feet 2 inches; Diameter of Per- forated Ring Shower, 20 inches; Distance from wall to center of Ring, 22 inches. 1% -inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk %-inch deep, 36 x 38 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-inch Outlet Coupling, extra, $22.00. The Hot and Cold Water Supply Pipes are furnished with Check Valves. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 529* NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. F-1867. GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1867 Nickel Plated Shower with Per* forated Ring Shower and Regular Overhead Shower with Upper Self-Closing Valves, 12- inch Mixing Chamber with Thermometer, Sup- ply Pipes to floor, with Check Valves and Nickel Plated Curtain Ring. PRICE AS DESCRIBED ONS. $61.50 F-1866. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE F-1866 Nickel Plated Perforated Ring Shower and Regular Overhead Shower with Upper Self-Closing Valves, Shampoo Attach- ment, Supply Pipes to floor, with Check Valves and Nickel Plated Curtain Ring. Independent Upper Self-Closing Valves enable bathers to use the Showers together or separately as desired. PRICE AS DESCRIBED - $46.50 DIMENSI Total height, 8 feet; Diameter of Ring, 20 inches; Diameter of Shower, 8 l A inches; Distance from wall to center of Ring, 20 inches. lj^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk ^-inch deep, 40 x 42 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $25.00. If with Cast-Brass Head Shower, add $5.00. The Mixing Chamber shown in F-1867 enables bather to mix the hot and cold water before it leaves the showers overhead, the Thermometer indicating its temperature; an almost even temperature of water can be maintained during a bath, but should adjacent valves be opened, which might lessen the hot or cold water supply, the change in temperature of the water will be a gradual one. 530 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. ■ ^^ii^ii^l^ F-1868. F-1869. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1869 Perforated Ring Shower with 12- inch Mixing Chamber, with Thermometer, Air Valve and Supply Pipes with Check Valves and Nickel Plated Curtain Ring. The Ring is per- forated, and when operated bath can be had without wetting head of bather. PRICE AS DESCRIBED - $47.50 F-1868 Nickel Plated Shower with Nickel Plated Curtain Ring and regular Overhead Show- er, with Upper Self-Closing Valve, 12-inch Mixing Chamber with Thermometer and Supply Pipes to floor, with Check Valves. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $53.00 If without Shampoo Attachment, deduct $5.00. DIMENSIONS. Total height, 7 feet 3 inches; Diameter of Ring, 20 inches; Distance from wall to center of Ring, 18 inches. 1^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk ^-inch deep, 36 x 38 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet, Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $22.00. All Pipe is Iron Pipe Size Brass Pipe. If F-1868 or 1869 are furnished with extra large Mixing Chamber, 18 x 6 inches, add $8.00. L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 531 NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWER. WITH ROUND CURTAIN RING, SHAMPOO ATTACHMENT, SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR AND RUBBER CURTAIN. F-1870, WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1870 Nickel Plated Brass Shower, with 25-inch Curtain Ring, Shampoo Attachment, Supply Pipes to floor, with Check Valves and Nickel Plated Curtain Holder and Rubber Curtain. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $43.50 DIMENSIONS. Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of Shower, 9)4 inches; Distance from wall to center of Shower, 20 inches. 1^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk J^-inch deep, 36 x 38 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-inch Outlet Coupling, extra, $22.00. 532 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWER WITH EXTRA LARGE MIXING CHAMBERS. F-1872. F-1873. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAMEAND NUMBER. F-1872 Nickel Plated Perforated Ring F-1873 Nickel Plated Shower with Cast Shower, with 18-inch Mixing Chamber, with Brass Head Shower, 18-inch Mixing Chambei Mixing Pipes, Air Valve, Shampoo and Sup- with Mixing Pipes, Air Valve, Shampoo and plies to floor with Check Valves. Supplies to floor with Check Valves. PRICE AS DESCRIBED - $54.00 PRICE AS DESCRIBED - $56.00 DIMENSIONS. Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of Shower, 8 inches; Diameter of Ring Shower, 20 inches. If without Shampoo, deduct $5.00. If without Supply Pipes, deduct $5.00. 1^-inch Marble Base, Countersunk j^-inch deep, 30 x 26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $13.50. F-1872 and F-1873 Showers are of Special design and construction, made especially for use in natatoriums and public bathrooms. They are made extra heavy throughout; all parts are screwed together, absolutely guarding against damage on account of heavy pressure. The Shower Head is Cast Brass, carefully finished and put together; this avoids head blowing out. The Mixing Chamber is extra large, and has improved Thermometer. The Inlet Pipes are so arranged that water is most thoroughly mixed before leaving Shower Head or Shampoo, the Ther- mometer indicating temperature; an almost even temperature can therefore be maintained during a bath; but should adjacent valves be opened which might lessen the hot or cold water supply, the change in the temperature of the water will be gradual. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 533 NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS F-1874. F-I874. Perforated Ring Shower and regu- lar Overhead Shower with Upper Self-Closing Valves, Shampoo Attachment and Supply Pipes to floor, Nickel Plated. Independent Upper Self-Closing Valves enable bather to use the showers together or separately as desired. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - - - $40.00 F-1875. F-187 5. Nickel Plated Shower with Perfor- ated Ring Shower and regular Overhead Show- er, with Upper Self-Closing Valves, 12-inch Mixing Chamber with Thermometer and Sup- ply Pipes to floor. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $55.00 dimensions: Total height, 8 feet ; Diameter of Ring, 20 inches ; Diameter of Shower, 8^ inches ; Distance from wall to center of Ring, 20 inches. 1^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk ^-inch deep, 30 x 26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $13.50. If with Check Valves on Supply Pipes, add $5.00. If with Cast-Brass Head Shower, add $5.00. The Mixing Chamber shown in F-1875 enables bather to mix the hot and cold water before it leaves the showers overhead, the Thermometer indicating its temperature; an almost even temperature of water can be maintained during a bath, but should adjacent valves be opened, which might lessen the hot or cold water supply, the change in temperature of the water will be a gradual one. Marble Bases when furnished with Showers with Curtain Rings should be somewhat larger than sizes given above. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 534 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-1876. F - 1 8 7 6 . Perforated Ring Shower with Sham- poo Attachment and Supply Pipes to floor, Nickel Plated. The ring is perforated, and when operated a shower bath can be taken without wetting the head of the bather. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $26.00 F-1877. F-187 7. Perforated Ring Shower with 12- inch Mixing Chamber, with Thermometer, Air Valve and Supply Pipes to floor, Nickel Plated. The ring is perforated, and when operated bath can be had without wetting head of bather. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - - - $4-1.00 If without Shampoo Attachment, deduct $5. 00 dimensions: Total height, 7 feet 3 inches; Diameter of Ring, 20 inches; Distance from wall to center of Ring, 18 inches. If with Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain, add $22.00. 13^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk 3^-inch deep, 30 x 26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet, Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $13.50. If with Check Valves on Supply Pipes, add $5.00. All Pipe is Iron Pipe Size Brass Pipe. If F-1877 is furnished with extra large Mixing Chamber, 18 x 6 inches, add $8.00. F-1877 can also be furnished with Valves and Supplies and Shampoo, and extra large Mixing Cham- ber, 18 x 6 inches, as arranged and shown in F-1872, page 532; add to F-1877 for such arrangement, $13.00. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS F-1878. F-187 8. Shower with Douche, with Upper Self-Closing Valves, Shampoo Attachment and Supply Pipes to floor, Nickel Plated. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - - - $36.00 If with Round Curtain Ring, Nickel Plated, add |12.00. Rubber Curtain, extra, $10.00. F-1879. F - 1 8 7 9 . Nickel Plated Shower with Douche , Shampoo, Upper Self -Closing Valves and Mix- ing Chamber with Thermometer and Supply Pipes to floor. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - - - $56.00 If without Shampoo Attachment, deduct $5.00. Can also be furnished without Thermometer. Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain, extra, $22.00 dimensions: Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of Shower, 9% inches, Distance from wall to center of Shower, 20 inches. If with Check Valves on the Supply Pipes, add $5.00. 13^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk %-inch deep, 26 x 26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $12.50. The Mixing Chamber shown in F-1879 enables bather to mix the hot and cold water before it leaves the shower overhead, the Thermometer indicating its temperature; an almost even temperature of water can be maintained during a bath, but should adjacent valves be opened, which might lessen the hot or cold water supply, the change in temperature of the water will be a gradual one. The Douche, regular Overhead Shower or Shampoo, can be used separately or together as desired, valves being provided for each. Marble Bases when furnished with Showers with Curtain Rings should be somewhat larger than sizes given above. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. b'36 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. WITH PERFORATED RING SHOWER AND REGULAR OVERHEAD SHOWER. F-1880. F£-inch deep, 30 x 26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $13.50. The Mixing Chamber enables bather to mix the hot and cold water before it leaves the showers overhead, the Thermometer indicating its temperature; an almost even temperature of water can be maintained during a bath, but should the adjacent valves be opened, which might lessen the hot or cold water supply, the change in the temperature will be a gradual one. The Ring Shower and Regular Overhead Shower may be used separately or together as desired, valves being provided for each. F-1880 and F-1881 can be furnished with extra large Mixing Chamber; price on application. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 53' NICKEL PLATED BRASS HOSPITAL SHOWER AND NEEDLE BATH ffe .-..■"'■""""^■■"■". -^ F-1882. F-1882. Represents Needle and Shower Bath particularly for use in Hospitals and Asylums, it is arranged for hot and cold water and has 12 adjustable sprinkler heads with Ball Joint so the sprays can be directed at any angle. The overhead shower is Cast-Brass and has removable face. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, Nickel Plated Brass $150.00 Marble Base and Waste Strainer extra, price upon application. dimensions: Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of Shower, 8 inches; Diameter of Circular Ring, 35x40 inches; Diameter of Ball Joint Sprinklers, 4 inches. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER :')8 L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S HOSPITAL SHOWER. RAIN BATH DESIGN. F-1883. F-1883. Represents Hospital Showers, Rain Bath design — with Mixing Chambers, with Ther- mometer, Supply Pipes and Shampoo and Marble Stalls, with Brass Legs, Brass Front Pieces and Railing, 6-inch Brass Waste Strainers. Each Shower Head is made of Cast Brass, with removable face; works on adjustable Ball Joint, and has Gielow Self-closing Operating Valve. The illustration shows manner of connecting and setting up when more than one Shower is desired. PRICE, ONE ONLY, Nickel Plated Brass Shower with Brass Mixing Chamber, with Thermom- eter, Supply Pipes to floor, and Shampoo with Offset in Supply Pipe for use in stall as shown $56.00 No marble work or brass trimmings included in above price. Prices upon application. Add for additional Shower Heads, not more than three (see below) with Self-closing Valve aud con- necting Pipe to adjoining Shower, $15.00. When more than three Shower Heads are to be used, a larger Mixing Chamber will be required, this will add to the cost proportionately as the number of Showers is increased. Prices upon applica- tion. 6-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 3-inch Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $5.00. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 539 F-1884— (WITH OAK DOORS.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-1884 Represents Hospital Showers similar to f-1883 with oak doors for each com- partment, Rain Bath design — with Mixing Chambers, with Thermometer, Supply Pipes and Shampoo and Marble Stalls, with Brass Legs, Brass Front Pieces and Railing, 6-inch Brass Waste Strainers. Bach Shower Head is made of Cast Brass, with removable face; works on adjustable Ball Joint, and has Gielow Self-Closing Operating Valve. The illustration shows manner of connecting and setting up when more than one Shower is desired. PRICE, ONE ONLY, Nickel Plated Brass Shower with Brass Mixing Chamber, with Ther- mometer, Supply Pipes to floor, and Shampoo with Offset in Supply Pipe for use in stall as shown $56.00 NO marble work, brass trimmings or oak doors included in above price. Prices upon application. Add for additional Shower Heads, not more than three (see below) with Self-Closing Valve and Connecting Pipe to adjoining Shower, $15.00. When more than three Shower Heads are to be used, a larger Mixing Chamber will be required, this will add to the cost proportionately as the number of Showers is increased. Prices upon applica- tion. 540 l» WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. F-1886. F-1886. Nickel Plated Spray Bath, with Upper Self-Closing Valve and Supply Pipes to floor. Has a 6-inch, finely perforated Sprink- ler, which when valve is opened, throws the water in a fine spray at an angle from the wall so a bath can be taken without wetting the head of the bather. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - $22.50 If with Shampoo, add $5.00. F-J887. F - 1 8 8 7 . Shower with Shampoo Attachment, Air Valve and Supply Pipe to floor, Nickel Plated. Adapted for use in places where it is not necessary to confine the spray, but can be furnished with Curtain Ring and Rubber Cur- tain if desired. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, ... $25.00 dimensions: Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of F-1887 Shower, 93^ inches; Distance from wall to center of Shower, 20 inches. If with Check Valves on Hot and Cold Water Supply Pipes, add $5.00. i^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk ^-inch deep, 26 x 36 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $16.00 (Base for F-1886). WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 541 NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. F-1888. F-1888. Shower with Self-Closing Upper Valve and Supply Pipes to floor, Nickel Plated, and Air Valve. Adapted for use in places where it is not necessary to confine the spray. The Shower will operate only when the Pull is drawn down. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $22.00 F-1889. F-1889. Plain Shower with Supply Pipes to floor, Nickel Plated, and Air Valve. Adapted for use in places where it is not necessary to confine the spray. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, ... $18.50 Can also be furnished with Shampoo or with Curtain Ring. dimensions: Total Height, 7 feet 6 inches,; Diameter of Shower, &% inches; Distance from wall to center of Shower, 20 inches. If with Check Valves on Hot and Cold Water Supplies, add $5.00. 1^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk % i ncn deep, 26 x 26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $12.50. Marble Bases, when furnished with Showers with Curtain Rings, should be somewhat larger than the size given above. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 542 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S CAST-IRON SHOWERS. — 1— 1__1 l^i ■];:! F-1890. F-1890. Shower with Galvanized Iron Mix- ing Chamber, Brass Valves, Galvanized Supply Pipes and Cast - Brass Perforated Overhead Shower. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - - - $25.00 F-1891. F-1891. Shower with Galvanized Iron Mix- ing Chamber, Brass Valves, Galvanized Supply Pipes, and Perforated Brass Ring Shower. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, ... $25.00 If with Supply Pipes to floor, same price. Cast-Brass Cesspool. 6x6 inches (shown above), Polished Brass, $3.50; Nickel Plated, $4.00. For other sizes of Cesspools see elsewhere. Loose Key Valves can be furnished when desired at same price. Above Showers are especially adapted for asylums, prisons, reformatories, etc. , are strongly made and will stand heavy pressure. The Shower Head is Cast-Brass, finished and screwed together so head cannot blow out. The Inlet Pipes are so arranged that water is most thoroughly mixed before leaving Shower Head or Ring Shower; an almost even temperature can therefore be maintained during a bath, but should adjacent valves be opened, which might lessen the hot or cold water supply, the change of the tem- perature of the water will be gradual. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 543 WOLFF'S NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. F-1892— (WITH SELF CLOSING VALVE.) Nickel Plated Brass Ring Shower with Gielow Self Closing Valve with Chain and Pull. Diameter of Shower, 20 in. Nickel Plated Curtain Ring with Wall Flange and Curtain Rings Diarreterof Curtain Ring, 2-ft. 1-in. . |8.50 . $6.50 3SD :Ji!i;k" , ^s.«Mt$am iiiEr, w .:.i;i ,„, f F -1893— (SHOWER WITH SELF CLOSING VALVE.) Shower for cold water, with Supply Pipe to wall and Self-Closing Valve, Nickel Plated, and 4-inch Wall Flange. PRICE AS DESCRIBED - ------ $8.50 Distance from wall to center of Shower, 20 inches; diameter of Shower, 11^ inches. 544 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS, zsf& F-1894. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Nickel Plated Brass Shower for Cold Water, with Supply Pipe to Ceiling, with Gielow Closing Valve and Curtain Ring with Rings. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, ... $16.00 Distance from Ceiling to bottom of Shower, 20 inches; Diameter of Shower, 11^ inches. The Ceiling Flange has squares and is tapped for |^-inch iron pipe. Self- F-1895. Nickel Plated Brass Ring Shower, with Gielow Self-Closing Valve, Nickel Plated Curtain Ring and Rings. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - - $16.00 Diameter of Shower, 1 foot 8 inches; Diameter of Curtain Ring, 2 feet 1 inch. Rubber Curtains can be made to order to any length desired. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 545 WOLFF'S NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. F-1896-(FULLEft VALVES.) F-1897-(COMPRESSION VALVES.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo with FULLER VALVES, Soap Cup and Sprinkler with Rubber Guard. Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo with COM- PRESSION VALVES, Soap Cup and Sprinkler with Rubber Guard. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $13 = 00 PRICE AS DESCRIBED $13.00 546 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE "ECONOMY" PORTABLE SHOWER, F-1898. (IN DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, EFFICIENCY AND DURABILITY THE "ECONOMY" EXCELS.) The "Economy" Portable Shower, as shown above, is our latest design and construction of port- able showers. The manufacture of the several designs made by us in the past is now discontinued and the "Economy" takes the place of all others. The "Economy" Shower is made of the very best quality of brass tubing and cast brass fittings. Each part is fitted, tested and carefully inspected before shipment is made. Each Shower is packed complete in wooden crate, so they can be carried in stock and reshipped easily and safely to any distance. Each crate contains: One Heavily Nickel Plated Brass frame and shower, with Nickel plated cast brass fit- tings, Nickel plated cast brass curtain ring; rubber curtain and curtain hooks; rubber cap; rubber tubing with attachments for bath faucet; cast brass curtain hook with heavy Nickel plated brass chain. PRICE, (COMPLETE; $15.00 L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 547 SHOWER WITH SELF-CLOSING VALVE. SHAMPOO ATTACHMENTS FOR RUBBING SLABS. F-1900 Shower for cold water, with Supply Pipe to ceiling and Self - Closing Valve, Nickel Plated. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - $8.50 Distance from ceiling to bottom of Shower, 20 inch- es; Diameter of Shower, 11^ inches. The Ceiling Flange has squares and is tapped for %-inch iron pipe. F-1901. Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo for Rubbing Slabs, with Hose and Sprinkler. F-1902. Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo for Rubbing Slabs, with Hose and Sprinkler. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $9.00 PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $7.00 WITH RUBBER RING. SHAMPOO SPRINKLERS, WITH HANDLE. PLAIN. F-1903. F-1904. F-1905. Finished per doz. $22.00 Finished per doz. $13 .00 Finished per doz. $ 8.00 Nickel Plated, 24.00 Nickel Plated. 15.00 Nickel Plated, 10.00 548 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CONTROLLING TABLE FOR MEDICAL BATH F-1906.— (WITH ONE MIXING CHAMBER.) Marble Controlling Table with Marble Front and Sides, fitted with one quick acting Mixing Chamber, with Valves and Thermometer so any temperature of water can be obtained, Special Nickel Plated Brass Hose Nozzles with large Rubber Hose and Valves controlling same. As the above are usually made to suit requirements and are therefore made to order, we do not append prices, which will be furnished on application. We will be pleased at any time to submit drawings showing other arrangement of valves than above, and furnish references, as we have made many similar fixtures for Insane Asylums, Medical Baths and Sanitariums. On opposite page we illustrate a similar table with two mixing chambers. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make, made of fine metal carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts together. The Nickel Plating is Extra Heavy. The above fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro-Metal. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 549 CONTROLLING TABLE FOR MEDICAL BATH F-1907. — (WITH TWO MIXING CHAMBERS.) Marble Controlling Table with Marble Front and Sides, fitted with two quick acting Mixing Chambers with Thermometers, one Hose Nozzle for Cold Water only and one for Hot or Tempered Water, the other valves can be used for Needle and Shower Bath, Bath Tub, Seat Bath, or Bidet, or for other purposes as may be desired. Ice Water or Steam Connections for Vapor Bath can also be added to above if desired. As the above are usually made to suit requirements and are therefore made to order, we do not append prices, which will be furnished upon application. We will be pleased at any time to submit drawings showing other arrangement of valves than above, and furnish references, as we have made many similar fixtures for Insane Asylums, Medical Baths and Sanitariums. The Brass Fittings furnished by us are our own make — made of fine metal carefully finished, accurately adjusted and thoroughly tested. Plumbers will have no trouble in fitting the parts together. The Nickel Plating is Kxtra Heavy. The above fittings can be furnished in Bronze or Duro Metal. 550 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S RAIN BATHS. F-1908. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Above illustration shows a set of five Nickel Plated Brass Rain Baths, each Shower has a Ground Key Valve arranged so it can be set at any angle by the attendant by means of a rod — in this way the supply can be regulated as desired and the valve is out of the reach of the Bathers, each Shower is also provided with a Ball Joint; this enables the operator to direct the spray in any direction. The Showers are made of Cast Brass with removable face, so they can be easily taken apart for cleaning away any sediment or other matter which may obstruct the free flow of water through the small openings. We do not append prices, for the reason that these baths are usually made to suit particular loca- tions and are therefore made to order. WE MAKE THEM TO FIT IN MARBLE OR SLATE SHOWER STALLS, OR FOR USE AGAINST WALLS, AS SHOWN. UNDER CEILING, ARRANGED IN ROWS, CONNECTED WITH MIXING CHAMBER AS SHOWN ON PAGE 551. IN BATTERIES OF 6 OR MORE CONTROLLED BY ONE OPERATOR. We will be pleased to furnish Dimensions and details or furnish sketches of F-1908 to suit special requirements. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 551 WOLFF'S GALVANIZED MIXING CHAMBERS. F-1911. Galvanized Iron Mixing Chamber for the mixing of Hot and Cold Water, for use with Range Showers as shown in F-1908, or with F-1883 Hospital Shower, instead of the Brass Chamber shown. We furnish the Galvanized Mixing Chamber with Thermometer and Supports as shown; the valves and piping we do not furnish, this work usually being done by the Plumber to suit require- ments. Mixing Chambers can also be furnished so they can be placed Horizontally, should that be more suitable. When ordering, in order to avoid delay and expense, a sketch should be sent showing exact location of all openings required except the Hot and Cold Inlets, which are provided for, and of what size; and state if to be used vertically as shown above or horizontally. Regular sizes and dimensions are as follows: 24 Gallon 12 in. Diameter x 48 in. long. 4 openings 30 " 12 in. " xOOin. " 4 40 " 14 in. " x60in. " 4 50 " 16 in. " x60in. " 4 Prices upon application. 552 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TINNED COPPER SHOWERS. NO. O. NO. 1 F-1913.~(FOR K-IN. IRON PIPE.) F~1914. Plain Showers, per doz $11.00 Plain Showers, per doz $12.00 NO. 1 NO. 2. F-1915.HFOR K-IN. IRON PIPE.) F~1916. Plain Showers, per doz $15.00 Fancy Showers, per doz $15.00 NO. 3. NO. 4. F-1917.— (with flange and thimble.) F-1918. Fancy Showers, per doz $17 . 50 Tubular Showers, per doz . . $27.00 NO. 5. NO. 6. F-1919, F-1920.— (WITH flange and thimble.) Fancy Tubular Showers, per doz $30.00 Fancy Showers, per doz $32.00 Note. — Special Showers up to 18 inches in diameter made to order. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 553 TILTING AND SPONGE BASINS. COPPER TILTING BASIN, FOR STRAIGHT WALL. F-1921. Diameter, 11 inches ; Depth, 5 inches. Tilting Basin, with Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel Plated Copper Basin and Nickel Plated Brass Stop $6.50 If Basin is of German Silver, add $600. TILTING BASIN FOR CORNER. F-1922. Diameter, 11 inches ; Depth, 5 inches. Tilting Basin, with Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel Plated Copper Basin and Nickel Plated Brass Stop If Basin is of German Silver, add $6.00 FOLDING TILTING BASIN. $6.50 F-1924. Folding Tilting Basin, with Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Wall Support and Catch and Nickel Plated Copper Basin. $8. 00 If with German Silver Basin, add $6.00. SHAMPOO, WITH ENAMELED IRON ROLL EDGE SPONGE BASIN. F-1923, Length of Back, 13 inches ; diameter of Bowl, 12 inches. Price, Shampoo and Basin $10.50 { & Showing F-1924 folded against wall when not in use, projecting into room only the depth of Basin, 5 inches ; when lowered for use the distance from wall to center of Basin is 10 inches. Basin is 12 inches in diameter and 5 inches deep. For prices, see F-1924. 554 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-1926 MONARCH PORCELAIN DRINKING FOUNTAIN. F-192 6 — Includes Monarch Porcelain Drinking Fountain with Back (in one piece), Gielow Self- Closing Faucet, Nickel Plated Brass Drip Cup with Strainer, Nickel Plated Brass Half S Trap. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, CLASS A $21.00 CLASS B 17.50 CLASS C 15.00 DIMENSIONS, Length, 18 inches; Width, 14 inches; Height of Back, 12 inches. £ F-1927. MONARCH PORCELAIN DRINKING FOUNTAIN. F-1927 — Includes Monarch Porcelain Drinking Fountain with Back (in one piece) Nickel Plated Gielow Self -Closing Faucet, Nickel Plated Brass Strainer, and Nickel Plated Brass Half S Trap. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, CLASS A $21.00 CLASS B 16.00 CLASS C 14.50 DIMENSIONS, Length, 18*4 inches; Width 13 inches, Height of Back, 12 inches. Above Fountains can be fitted with other styles of Faucets, or with Spout, or with Trap to floor. See page 561 for Porcelain Drinking Fountains with two and three Cups. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 555 F-1929. WOLFF J S DRINKING FOUNTAINS FOR DEPOTS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ETC. F-1929 Represents Enameled Iron Drinking Fountain with Ornamental Cast Iron Exterior, Solid Cast Bronze Frame, Dolphin with Spout, Push Button and Cup Holder, Marble Back and Wain- scoting. The above is one of many special designs for Drinking Fountains; fitted up as shown it is a beautiful and practical Fixture. PRICES UPON APPLICATION. 556 L- WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-1931. WOLFF'S DRINKING FOUNTAINS FOR DEPOTS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ETC. F-1931 Illustrates 24 x 16 x 3 inches Italian Marble Drinking Fountain, Countersunk 2-in. deep, with two special \y 2 -in. thick Marble Brackets, Solid Bronze Dolphin Head with Spout and Con- cealed Self-Closing Valve, controlled by China Push Button, Bronze Plates for Chain and Push But- ton, Bronze Cup with Chain, Nickel Plated Brass Raised Strainer with Nickel Plated Brass Waste Pipe to Wall and Italian Marble Wainscoting 2 ft. 8)4, -in. x 24 in. xl^-inches. PRICE, COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, - $90.00. Can be furnished of any required size and in other Marble or Onyx. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 557 F-1932. DRINKING FOUNTAIN. F-1932 . Drinking Fountain, with Special Self- Closing Faucet, Nickel Plated Brass Drip Cup, with Shield, Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel ' Plated Supply Pipe to wall, Nickel Plated Brass Trap with Vent to wall, and deeply Countersunk Slab, with Back and Side Pieces. Size. Italian Marble. 20 x 14 x 18-inch Back, Complete $23 . 75 22 x 14 x 18-inch " " 24.25 24 x 16 x 18-inch < l " 26.75 Can be furnished of any other dimensions desired. Pink Tennessee Marble, same price. Slab is 13^-in., Back and Side pieces ^s-in., Marble. DRINKING FOUNTAIN, F-1933. F-1933. Drinking Fountain, with No. 2 Nickel Plated Fuller Faucet, Nickel Plated Brass Drip Cup with Shield, Nickel Plated Brass Brack- ets, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe to wall, Nickel Plated Brass Trap with Vent and Waste to wall and deeply Countersunk Slab with Back. PRICE, COMPLETE, AS DESCRIBED: Size. 12 x 12 x 12-inch Back 14 x 14 x 12-inch " 16 x 12 x 14-inch " 16 x 14 x 14-inch " 18 x 14 x 14-inch t; 18 x 16 x 16-inch k ' Note. — Above can also be furnished with Brack- et Basin or Self- Closing Faucet, and the Slab can be furnished in St. Beaume, Rose Jasper, Numi- dian, Sienne and other Imported Marbles or Onyx, when desired. Prices upon application. Slab is 1% -inch, and Back ^-inch Marble. Italian or Pink Tennessee. ... $18.25 18.50 Old Red Tennessee. $20.75 21.50 19.00 22.00 19.50 22.50 21.00 21.50 24.50 25.00 558 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MARBLE DRINKING FOUNTAIN. F-1934. Drinking Fountain, with No 2 Fuller Faucet, Nickel Plated Drip Cup with Shield, Nickel Plated Brackets, and deeply Countersunk Marble Slab, with Back and Side Pieces. Size 20 x 14 x 18-inch Back. . . . 22 x 14 x 18-inch " .... 24 x 16 x 18-inch " .... Italian Marble. $21.00 21.50 24.00 F-1934. Pink Tennessee Marble, same price. Slab is 1^-inch, Back and Side %-inch, Marble. •3^ ^£\ F-1935, ENAMELED IRON DRINKING FOUNTAIN. F-1935. Made in two sizes. Enameled Iron Drinking Fountain, with 10^- inch High Enameled Back, Enameled Overflow, Nickel Plated Brass Strainer, Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Trap, and Gielow Self-Closing Fountain Faucet. 2 x 16, with 24 x 18, with 11 x 14-in. Basin. 12 x 15-in. Basin. Prices complete, as described $21.75 23.75 Can be furnished with Faucet with Goose Neck, if desired. F-1935 is especially suitable for use in schools, etc , being strong, substantial, clean and sanitary. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 559 ENAMELED IRON ALCOVE DRINKING FOUNTAIN, F-1936. F-t936. Enameled Iron Alcove Drinking Fountain with Roll Edge, Self -Closing Fountain Faucet and Nickel Plated Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $15.00 Can be furnished with Nickel Plated Brass Half "S" or Full "S" Trap, No. O or Standard Trap, dimensions: 12 inches wide; 16 inches high; 5-inch depth required in wall. When water is to run continuously Ornamental Spout is furnished instead of Faucet. 560 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ENAMELED IRON DRINKING FOUNTAIN. FOR SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. F-1937, Enameled Iron Sectional Drinking Fountain. F-1937. Represents Enameled Iron Sectional Drinking Fountain, 12 feet long, with Enameled High Back (Back and Sink have Roll Rim); Twelve Nickel Plated Brass Improved Spouts, Loose Key Stop Cocks and Loose Key Hose Bibb, all connected with Galvanized Supply Pipe behind and above Back, as shown, Brass Beehive Strainer for 2-inch Iron Pipe, and Painted Iron Legs. Enameled Fountain, 6 feet long, with 6 Spouts, with Supply Pipe, Stop and Legs, as described $39.00 51.00 63.00 75.00 87.00 99.00 111.00 123.00 135.00 147.00 8 " 8 10 " 10 12 « 12 14 " 14 16 « 16 18 " 18 20 " 20 22 ' " 22 24 «• 24 Can be furnished any length. Additional Spouts, 75 cents each, extra. Unless otherwise ordered, Waste will be placed near center, but can be furnished to order, with Waste on Right or Left Hand End. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 561 F-1938. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN.) F-1 938— Includes monarch porcelain Drinking Fountain with Two Waste Cups, Two Fau- cets, Three Cup Holders, Nickel Plated Brass Connected Waste and Trap.— Price upon application. F-1939 — (MONARCH PORCELAIN.) F-1939— Includes monarch porcelain Drinking Fountain with Three Waste Cups, Three Faucets, Four Cup Holders, Nickel Plated Brass Connected Waste and Trap. — Price upon application. 562 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON PUBLIC DRINKING FOUNTAIN. F-1940.— (ENAMELED IRON.) F-1940 — Includes Cast Iron Enameled all over Drinking Fountain, with Metal Drinking Cup, Nickel Plated Stop Valve and Waste Pipes with Outlet at side as shown. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, $24.00 Water pressure should be so regulated that water will bubble up in the center of cup, thus persons can drink of the water without touching any of the metal parts, avoiding contamination. Above style of Drinking Fountain is desirable in public places. We ship the Fountain complete as shown. — The Stop Valve is y% inch Iron Pipe size, the Waste Outlet has thread for \% inch Iron Pipe. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 562i WOLFF'S PORCELAIN PUBLIC DRINKING FOUNTAIN. F-3990. PORCELAIN PEDESTAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FOR USE IN SCHOOLS, PUBLIC AND EXHIBITION BUILDINGS, Price upon application. Other styles and designs of Public Drinking Fountains are now in preparation. Illustrations will be sent upon application. 562| L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PORCELAIN FLUSHING RIM BIDET. j^> F-3991. F-3991 — Includes Porcelain Flushing Rim Bidet — Wolff's Nickel Plated Cast Brass Compression Supply Fittings with China Handles for Hot and Cold Water, for the Spray or Douche, and Com- pression Supply Valve with China Handle for the Flushing Rim — Nickel Plated Brass Ideal Waste with China Top and Brass Floor Bolts. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, $65.00 As illustrated with the Ideal Waste it is possible to retain water in the bowl of the Bidet to nearly the height of the Flushing-rim. Bidets are being added to many Bath Room Equipments. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 563 Wolff's "Standard" Water Closets OEVERAL years ago we began placing a Trade Mark on some of the goods we manufacture. This practice found favor with buyers and users, therefore we have thought it well in future to mark all our "Standard" Water Closets, Seats, and Tanks by means of a label or imprint representing our Trade Mark, as shown below. In order to avoid mistakes or delays when ordering or specifying, please mention catalogue name and number. 564 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. F-4102. Cut Glass Pull-Rod and Rod-Guide for "Bent high" Standard tanks. F-4103. China Pull, Rod and Rod- Guide for Standard Tanks (High). F-4109. Cast Brass Tank Bracket, 8x10 Nickel Plated, EACH - S1.0O F-4110. Cast Brass and Tube Standard Tank Bracket, 8x10, Nickel Plated, EACH - $1.50 F-4105. Cut Glass Pull, Rod and F-4106, F-4112, F-4113. Cast Brass Plain China Pull, Rod and Cast Brass Fancy Angle, Angle, Rod-Guide for "Bentlow" Rod-Guide for ' 'Bentlow" Nickel Plated, Nickel Plated, Standard Tanks. Standard Tanks. EACH - - $1.00 EACH - 50C L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 565 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS, F-4118. — (DUROWARE.) PORCELAIN LOW PATTERN WATER CLOSET TANK. Price upon application. Above can be furnished with our 'Standard" Line Water Closets. F-4120. — DUROWARE.) PORCELAIN HIGH PATTERN WATER CLOSET TANKS. Above can be furnished with our "Standard" Line Water Closets. Price upon application. 566 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SPECIAL CAST IRON WATER CLOSET WASTE FITTINGS. F-3688. 4-inch Extra Heavy Waste Fit- ting with Floor Flange Integral. F-3689. 4-inch Extra Heavy Waste Fitting with Floor Flange Integral and Side Vent to calk. The flanges are made so outlet end of water closet bowl will fit into it, and bolt holes are tapped to fit corresponding openings in water closet bowl. The usual length of above fitting is 24 inches, but can be furnished any length, to order. F-3690. 4-inch Extra Heavy Waste Fit- ting with Floor Flange Integral and Side Vent, threaded for iron pipe. T. 4- NOTE.— F-3692 can also be furnished with thread inside. F-3697. 4-inch Extra Heavy Waste Fitting with Floor Flange Integral. F-3692. 4-inch Cast Brass Floor Flange threaded for iron pipe for use in connection with Durham System of piping. 4-inch Special Waste Fitting with thread inside to receive 4-inch Flange f-3692 and with vent opening 15 inches below floor, so vent pipe may be car- ried below floor joist. F-3698. 4-inch. Extra Heavy Waste Fitting with thread inside, to receive 4-inch Brass Flange f-3692. PRICES ON APPLICATION, SEE PAGES 170-172 FOR ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING MANNER IN WHICH ABOVE FITTINGS CAN BE USED IN F. & W. RE-VENT SYSTEM. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 567 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. •a ~*~ »■ WATER CLOSET COMBINATIONS: "Capax," "Lupus," "The Supe- rior," "Vigora," "Parvus," "Firmo," "Decora," " Laguna," and " Solido," are classed with our Standard Line Closets — the earthen ica re being of extra quality and careful selection, the designs are new and of superior outline. The Trap, Flushing Rim, Vent and Flush Connections and the plan of Flush Rim have been in particular improved. All Traps are clean sweep, the Flushing Rims have Roll- Edge, the Flush Connections are so shortened and constructed that breakage cannot occur. The Tanks, Seats and Trimmings are manufactured by us of the highest grade materials and finished in the best manner possible. BENT CORNER TANKS. The front and ends of these are made of one piece of wood, perfectly bent; this avoids joints and square corners and will also show the grain of the woodwork to better advantage. We believe our Bent Corner Tanks make the most elegant and practical Tank casing now in use, and at but a slight difference in cost over the ordinary finish. " DUROWARE." We recommend ' ' Duroware ' ' to those wanting a durable and first-class article. ' ' Duroware ' ' is absolutely non-absorbent and impervious to all moistures and posi- tively will not craze. In the process of manufacture this ware is fired to such an extreme degree of heat that the glaze and bod}' are partially fused, forming a strong, hard, vitrified substance, which, when broken, shows the same semi- fused uniform material through- out — non-porous, non- absorbent, unlike common ware, which, when broken, shows the porus body ware (biscuit) with a layer of glaze on either side and will readilj- absorb. Often the glaze on the common ware crazes, cracks or peels off, which is not possible with our " Duroware," for the glaze of this ware is substantially the same composition as the body, and after firing forms one of its component parts. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number and mention " Duroware." 568 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "CAPAX" EXTRA LARGE WASTE AND TRAP-WAY. F-4-125. — (EXTRA LARGE WATER-WAY.) • F-4125 — Includes "capax jj (Duroware) Double Jet-syphon Closet, No. 16 "Bentlow" Standard Copper Lined oak Tank with bent round corners. Push Button Flush Valve and Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, y% inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak seat with cover with Nickel Plated Brass Hinges, Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE-BENT CORNERS), ----- $41.75 Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull F-4106 can be furnished at same price, same with Cut Glass Pull F-4105, extra $3.00. Note: — F-4125 will be sent with Push Button as shown unless otherwise ordered. If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If Bowl is Gold Traced, add $10.00. If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. Note: — Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. For Porcelain Tanks see page 565. We recommend our bent-corner tanks.— one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only, no veneers. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. The "Capax" is one of our new designs, it has a large deep water seal, and an extra large diameter waterway the entire length of Trap. The outlet opening in bowl is directly in center, where is concentrated the force of the jet and the Flushing Rim, producing a perfect, strong svphonic action and thoroughly flushing every part of the Bowl and Trap. THE FULL SWEEP TRAP OBVIATES THE DANGER OF STOPPAGE. One of the chief features of the "CAPAX" is its noiselessness. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 569 WOLFPS STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "CAPAX" EXTRA LARGE WASTE AND TRAP-WAY. F-4126— (SEAT OPERATING.) BENT CORNER TANK. F-4126 — Includes "capax jj (Duroware) Double Jet-syphon Closet, No. 16 seat operating "Bentlow" Standard Copper Lined oak Tank with bent round corners,, with Nickel Plated Flush Connections, y%-\n. Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with seat operating attachments, Brass Floor Flange, Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED (SEAT OPERATING - BENT CORNERS) - - $45.25 If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If Bowl is Gold Traced, add 5=10.00. If less Supply Pipe and Stop^ Valve, deduct $1.25. Note: — Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. We recommend our bent corner tanks - one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only, no veneers. The "Capax" is one of our new designs, it has a large deep water seal, and an extra large diameter waterway the entire length of Trap. The outlet opening in bowl is directly in center, where is concentrated the force of the jets and the Flushing Rim, producing a perfect, strong syphonic act- ion and thoroughly flushing every part of the Bowl and Trap. THE FULL SWEEP TRAP OBVIATES THE DANGER OF STOPPAGE. One of the chief features of the "capax jj is its noiselessness. The "Capax" is classed with our standard line goods. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER 570 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "CAPAX" EXTRA LARGE WASTE AND TRAP-WAY. F-4129. — (CAPAX-BENT CORNER TANK.) F-4129 — Includes "capax jj (Duroware) Double Jet Syphon Water Closet, No. 16 "Benthigh" Standard Copper lined oak Tank with bent round corners, with Nickel Plated Brass Combina- tion Bracket No. 1 Standard oak Seat with cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE-BENT CORNERS), - - ■' - - $39.25 If with Cut Glass Pull F-4102, add $3.00. Gold Traced Bowl, extra $10.00. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe (Iron Pipe Size) with Stop Valve, extra $2.75. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If with Chain and Celluloid Pull without Chain Guide, deduct $1.50. For other Brass Tank Brackets see page 564. If without straight Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, as shown, deduct $2.25. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. For Porcelain Tanks see page 565. The "capax jj is classed with our standard line goods, has extra large diameter Water- way the entire length of Trap and is noiseless in operation. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 571 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "CAPAX" EXTRA LARGE WASTE AND TRAP-WAY. F-4130.— (CAPAX-SEAT OPERATING.) F-4130 — Includes "capax jj (Duroware) Double Jet Syphon Water Closet, No. 16 "Benthigh" Standard Copper Lined oak Tank, seat operating with bent round corners with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Brackets F-4110, Nickel Plated Brass Seat Operating Rod and Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe with Cast Brass Guides for Rod and Pipe, special oak Seat with Seat Operating Attach- ment and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE SEAT OPERATING) - - - - - $45.75 If with Brass Combination Brackets, deduct $1.50. If with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, deduct $2.25. If without special straight Flush Pipe, deduct $2.00. A Brass Pipe Rod is used to operate the tank valve, insuring quick and positive action, besides being more durable and practical than the old style chain arrangement. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc , Woodwork to order. If Bowl is Gold Traced, add $10.00. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. If with Rounded Corner Tank instead of one piece bent wood, as shown, deduct $1.00. The "capax jj is classed with our standard line goods, has extra large diameter water- way and is noiseless in operation. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 572 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS, THE "LUPUS" SYPHON JET. F-4131 Top view of the "Lupus" Syphon Jet Water Closet, showing shape of Bowl and Brackets for No. 1 Seat. The "Lupus" Syphon Jet Water Closet is classed with our standard line goods, is our own design and made only for us, and in ' ' Duroware ' ' exclusively. Our "Duroware" is absolutely non-absorbent, and impervious to all moistures and posi- tively WILL NOT CRAZE. In the process of manufacture this ware is fired to such an extreme degree of heat that the glaze and body are partially fused, forming a strong, hard, vitrified substance, which, when broken, shows the same semi-fused uniform material throughout — non-porous, non-absorbent unlike common ware, which, when broken, shows the porous body ware (biscuit) with a layer of glaze on either side and will readily absorb. Often the glaze on the common ware crazes, cracks or peels off, which is not possible with our " duroware " for the glaze of this ware is substantially the same composition as the body, and after firing forms one of its component parts. The "Lupus" is pedestal in form and of perfect design and construction ; it operates quickly, noiselessly and effectively, does not waste water, has large water surface and deep trap seal, and is furnished with our Standard Line Tanks and Seats. The seat opening of the "Lupus" Bowl is considerable larger than the ordinary Syphon Jet Closets. The No. 1 Seat is secured direct to Bowl — a strong and psrmanent arrangement. The flush pipe for the Lupus Closet has no Offset or Bend — being a perfectly straight Pipe from Tank to Bowl. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 573 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "LUPUS" SYPHON JET. F-4132. — (BENT-CORNER TANK.) F-4132 — Includes "lupus j1 (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 "Bentlow" Standard Copper Lined oak Tank with bent round corners. Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, y% inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply- Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with Cover with Nickel Plated Brass Hinges, Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE- BENT CORNERS), ----- $41.75 If with Cut Glass Pull (F-4105), extra $3.00. The above can be furnished with Push Button Flush Valve instead of Pull and Rod as shown at the same price. Note: — F-4132 will be sent with Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull as shown, unless other- wise ordered. If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If Bowl is Gold Traced, add $10.00. If with Plain Bowl, deduct $1.00. If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. Note: — Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. For Porcelain Tanks see page 565. We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. The "lupus" Syphon Jet Water Closet is classed with our standard line goods, is our own design and made only for us, and in "Duroware" exclusively. The Woodwork and Finish is our very best. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 574 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "LUPUS" SYPHON JET. F"4135. — (BENT-CORNER TANK.) F-4135 — Includes Embossed "Lupus" (Duro- ware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 "Bent- high" Standard Copper-Lined oak Syphon Tank with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 OAK Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull, and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (Duroware), $39.25 F-4136. F-4136 — Includes Embossed ''Lupus" (Duro- ware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 15 "Rond- hy" Standard Copper- Lined oak Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull, and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (Duroware), $38.25 If Bowl is Decorated Gold Traced, add $10.00. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends: solid wood only; no veneers. If with Cut Glass Pull, add $3.00. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If with Chain (instead of Rod) and Celluloid Pull without Chain Guide, deduct $1.50. For other Brass Tank Brackets see page 564. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe size with Stop Valve, extra $2.75. See page 572 for description of "Lupus" Closet, for Porcelain Tanks page 565. Note: — unless otherwise instructed Tanks will besentas follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when no flush or supply Pipes are ordered we send the Tank with bottom supply Coupling. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 575 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS, THE "LUPUS" SYPHON JET. F-4137.— (BENT-CORNER TANK.) F-4137 — Includes Plain '"Lupus" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 "Benthigh" Standard Copper- Lined oak Syphon Tank, with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull, and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gas- ket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (Duroware), $38.50 F-4138. F-4138 — Includes Plain "Lupus" (Duro- ware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 15 "Rond- hy" Standard Copper-Lined oak Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide. Brass Rod with China Pull, and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (Duroware) $37.50 For other Brass Tank Brackets see page 564. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends: solid wood only; no veneers. If with Cut Glass Pull, add $3 00. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If with Chain (instead of Rod) and Celluloid Pull without Guide, deduct £1.50. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe size with Stop Valve, extra $2.75. See page 572 for description of "Lupus" Closet, for Porcelain Tanks page 565. Note:— unless otherwise instructed Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when no flush OR supply Pipes are ordered we send the Tank with bottom supply Coupling. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 576 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. F-4141— (sectional cut.) Top view of the "superior" Syphon Jet Water Closet, showing shape of Bowl and Brackets for No. 1 Seat. The "superior" Syphon Jet Water Closet is classed with our standard line goods, is our own design and made only for us, and in ' ' Duroware ' ' exclusively. Our "Duroware" is absolutely non-absorbent, and impervious to all moistures and posi- tively WILL NOT CRAZE. In the process of manufacture this ware is fired to such an extreme degree of heat that the glaze and body are partially fused, forming a strong, hard, vitrified substance, which, when broken, shows the same semi-fused uniform material throughout — non-porous, non-absorbent unlike common ware, which, when broken, shows the porous body ware ( biscuit) with a layer of glaze on either side and will readily absorb. Often the glaze on the common ware crazes, cracks or peels off, which is not possible with our " duroware" for the glaze of this ware is substantially the same composition as the body, and after firing forms one of its component parts. The " superior " is pedestal in form and operates quickly, noiselessly and effectively, does not waste water, has large water surface and deep trap seal, and is furnished with our stand- ard line tanks and seats. The opening in the "superior" Closet is different from the ordinary Syphon Jet Closets — see illustration above. The No. 1 Seat is secured direct to Bowl — a strong and permanent arrangement. The flush pipe for the "superior" closet has no offset or bend— being a perfectly straight pipe from tank to bowl. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 577 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. F-4142.— ("SUPERIOR"-DUROWARE.) F-4142 — Includes Embossed rr suPERiOR JJ -(Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 "Bentlow" Standard Copper Lined Oak Tank with bent round corners,, Push Button Flush Valve and Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, Y% inch. Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard Oak Seat with Cover, with Nickel Plated Brass Hinges, Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE-BENT CORNERS), $38.7? Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull (F-4106) can be furnished at the same price; same with Cut Glass Pull (F-4105) extra £3.00. Note: F-4142 will be sent with Push Button as shown unless otherwise ordered. If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If Bowl is Gold Traced, add $10.00. If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. For Porcelain Tanks see page 565. For Panel Design Standard Tank see page 579. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Note: Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. The "superior" Syphon Jet Water Closet is classed with our standard line goods, is our own design and made only for us, and in "Duroware" exclusively. The Woodwork and Finish is our very best. Our "Duroware" is absolutely non-absorbent, and Impervious to all Moistures, and POSITIVELY will not craze. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER 578 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. F-4143.— (SEAT OPERATING.) BENT ROUND CORNERS. F-4143 — Includes Embossed "SUPERIOR" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 seat operating "Bentlow" Standard Copper Lined OAK Tank with bent round corners, with Nickel Plated Flush Connection, ^ inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with seat operating attachments, Brass Floor Flange, Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED (SEAT OPERATING-BENT CORNERS), - - $42.25 If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If Bowl is Gold Traced, add $10.00. If less Supply Pipe and Valve, deduct $1.25. Note:— Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. We recommend our bent round corner tanks:— one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only, no veneers. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. The "superior" Syphon Jet Water Closet is classed with our standard line goods, is our own design and made only for us, and in "Duroware" exclusively. The Woodwork and Finish is our very best. Our "Duroware" is absolutely non-absorbent and Impervious to all Moistures and POSITIVELY WILL NOT CRAZE. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 579 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. F-4144.— (PANEL TANK.) F-4144— Includes Embossed "superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 Panel Standard Copper Lined oak Tank with Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, y% inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with Cover, with Nickel Plated Brass Hiuges, Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (PANEL TANK), -------- $38.75 If with Cut Glass Pull (F-4105), extra $3.00. The above can be furnished with Push Button Flush Valve instead of Pull and Rod as shown at the same price. Note: — F-4144 will be sent with Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull as shown, unless otherwise ordered. If with Marble Top on Tank add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If Bowl is Gold Traced, add $10.00. If with Plain Bowl, deduct $1.00. If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. Note: — Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only, no veneers. The "Superior" Syphon Jet Water Closet is classed with our standard line goods, is our own design and made only for us, and in "Duroware" exclusively. The Woodwork and Finish is our very best. Our "Duroware" is absolutely non-absorbent, and Impervious to all Moistures and POSITIVELY WILL NOT CRAZE. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 580 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS, THE "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. F-4145.— ("PLAIN SUPER I OR"- DUROWARE.). F _ 4145 _lticludes "plain superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 "Bentlow" Standard Copper Lined oak Tank with bent round corners, Push Button Flush Valve and Nickel Plated Brass' Flush Connection, y % inch. Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with Cover, with Nickel Plated Brass Hinges, Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED ("PLAIN SUPERIOR JJ -BENT CORNERS), - $38.00 Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull (F-4106) can be furnished at the same price; same with Cut Glass Pull (F-4105) extra $3.00. Note: F-4145 will be sent with Push Button as shown unless otherwise ordered. If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. For Porcelain Tanks see page 565. For Panel Design Standard Tank see page 579. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Note: Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. We recommend our bent round corner Tanks:— one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. The "superior" Syphon Jet Water Closet is classed with our standard line goods, is our own design and made only for us, and in "Duroware" exclusively. The Woodwork and Finish is our very best. Our "Duroware" is absolutely non-absorbent, and Impervious to all Moistures, and positively will not craze. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 581 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. F-4146— "PLAIN SUPERIOR"-SEAT OPERATING. F-4146— Includes "plain superiors (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 seat operating "Btntlow" Standard Copper Lined oak Tank with bent round corners, with Nickel Plated Flush Connection, y% inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard Oak Seat with seat operating attachments, Brass Floor Flange, Rubber Gasket and Bolts PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED (SEAT OPERATING "PLAIN SUPERIOR"), - $41.50 If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. Note: — Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends: solid wood only, no veneers. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. The "superior" Syphon Jet Water Closet is classed with our Standard Line Goods, is our own design and made only for us, and in "Duroware" exclusively. The Woodwork and Finish is our very best. Our "Duroware" is absolutely non-absorbent and Impervious to all Moistures and POSITIVELY will not craze. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 582 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "SUPERIORS SYPHON JET. F-4149. F-4149 — Includes "Superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 15 (Rondhy) Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Straight Flush Pipe, Chain and Pull, and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE), $31.25 For Superior Closet with Bent Corner Tank see opposite page. If without Straight Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, as shown, deduct $2.25. If with Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod and China Pull, add $1.50. If with Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, add 75 cents. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany or Birch woodwork, to oider. Note: — unless otherwise instructed, Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when NO flush or supply Pipes are ordered, we send the Tanks with bottom supply Coupling. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 583 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. LLEJ imiiflii GW F-4150. — (BENT CORNER TANK.) F-4150 — Includes Plain "Superior" (Duro- ware Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 "Bent- high" Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gas- ket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (Duroware), $34.50 F-4151. F-4151 — Includes Plain "Superior" (Duro- ware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 15 "Rond- hy" Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull, and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (Duroware) $33.50 For other Brass Tank Brackets see page 564. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only, no veneers. If with Cut Glass Pull add $3.00. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If with Chain (instead of Rod) and Celluloid Pull without Guide, deduct $1.50. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe Size, with Stop Valve, extra $2.75. See page 576 for description of "Superior Closets; for Porcelain Tanks page 565. Note: — unless otherwise instructed Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when no flush or supply Pipes are ordered we send the Tank with bottom supply Coupling. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING. PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 584 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. F-4152 — (SEAT OPERATING.) F-4152 — Includes Plain "Superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 "Benthigh" Standard Copper-lined oak Tank, with bent round corners, seat operating with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Brackets (F-4110), Nickel Plated Brass Seat Operating Rod, and Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe with Cast Brass Guides for Rod and Pipe, special oak Seatwith seat operating attach- ment and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE-SEAT OPERATING),, - $41.00 If with Combination Brass Brackets, deduct $1.50. If with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, deduct $2.25. If without special Straight Flush Pipe, deduct $2.00. A Brass Pipe Rod is used to operate the tank valve, insuring quick and positive action, besides being more durable and practical than the old style chain arrangement. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., Woodwork to order. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only, no veneers. If with Rounded Corner Tank instead of one piece bent wood, as shown, deduct $1.00. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 585 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. F-4153. F-4153 — Includes Embossed "Superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 15 (Rondhy) Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Straight Flush Pipe, Chain and Pull, and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE), $32.00 For Superior Closet with Bent Corner Tank see page 586. If without Straight Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, as shown, deduct $2.25. If with Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod and China Pull, add £1.50. If with Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, add 75 cents. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany or Birch woodwork, to oi der. Note: — unless otherwise instructed, Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when no flush or supply Pipes are ordered, we send the Tanks with bottom supply Coupling. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 586 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. 4154. — (BENT CORNER TANK.) F-4154 — Includes Embossed "Superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 "Benthigh" Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (Duroware\ $35.25 F-4155. F-4155 — Includes Embossed "Superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 15 "Rondhy" Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull, and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (Duroware) $34.25 For other Brass Tank Brackets see page 564. If Bowl is decorated in Gold Lines, add $10.00. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only, no veneers. If with Cut Glass Pull, add $3.00. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If with Chain (instead of Rod) and Celluloid Pull without Guide, deduct $1.50. Cherry, Quartered Oak. Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe Size, with Stop Valve, extra $2.75. See page 576 for description of "Superior" Closets; for Porcelain Tanks page 565. Note: — unless otherwise instructed Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we sent the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when no flush or supply Pipes are ordered we send the Tank with bottom supply Coupling. WHEN ordering or specifying, please give catalogue name and number. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 587 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS, THE "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. F-4156.— ("SUPERIOR" WALL OUTLET.) F-4156 — Includes P-Trap "plain superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet with Wall Outlet, No. 16 "Bentlow" Standard Copper Lined oak Tank with bent round corners, Push Button Flush Valve and Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, ji inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve. No. 1 Standard oak Seat with Cover, with Nickel Plated Brass Hinges, Brass "Wall Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED ("PLAIN SUPERIOR"-BENT CORNERS), - $40.00 Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull (F-4106) can be furnished at the same price; same with Cut Glass Pull (F-4105), extra $3.00. Note: — F-4156 will be sent with Push Button as shown unless otherwise ordered. If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. For Porcelain Tanks see page 565. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. For Panel Design Standard Tank see page 579. Note: — Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only.; no veneers. The "Superior" Syphon Jet Water Closet is classed with our standard line goods, is our own design and made only for us, and in "Duroware" exclusively. The Woodwork and Finish is our very best. Our "Duroware" is absolutely non-absorbent and Impervious to all Moistures and pos- itively WILL NOT CRAZE. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 588 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. "P"-TRAP "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. F-4157. — ("P"-TRAP "SUPERIOR.) F-4157 — Includes "P" Trap "Superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 15 "Rondhy" Standard Copper Lined oak Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Straight Flush Pipe, Chain and Pull, and Brass Wall Flange. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE), OUTLET TO WALL, $34.25 If without Straight Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe as shown, deduct $2.25. If with Nickel Plated Brass Chain Guide, add $1.50. If with Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, add 75 cents. For Brass Brackets see page 564. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, or Birch woodwork, to order. If with No. 16 Benthigh Tank with Bent Round Corners, add $1.00. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood, perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. For Cast Iron Enameled Tanks see page 674. Note: — unless otherwise instructed, Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when no flush or supply Pipes are ordered, we send the Tanks with bottom supply Coupling. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 589 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS, "P"-TRAP "SUPERIOR" SYPHON JET. iilli .: I ■ l:-'- : :: ; '' : h:-=" : 'j ;-:!:i : -; ;;:; ;--l ; l:" :-- : I 4 F-4158. — ("P JJ -TRAP "SUPERIOR"- DUROWARE.) THE TANK IS CONCEALED BEHIND PARTITION OR WALL. F-4158 — Includes "P"-Trap "Superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet with, concealed Standard Copper-lined Pine Syphon Tank (High Pattern) with Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection from Bowl to wall or partition, and Rough Brass Flush Pipe (concealed), Nickel Plated Brass Pull and Face Plate with Brass Rod to Tank, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Brass Wall Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE), $34.50 We also make a Push Button instead of Pull, as shown. Should Push Button be desired it can be furnished at the same price. The "Superior" Syphon Jet Water Closet is classed with our standard line goods, is our own design and made only for us, and in "Duroware" exclusively. The Woodwork and Finish is our very best. Our "Duroware" is absolutely non-absorbent, and Impervious to all Moistures and POSITIVELY WILL NOT CRAZE. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER 590 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-4161. — (LARGE LOCAL VENT.) F-4161 — Includes Plain "Superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet with special large LOCAL VENT extended to wall, and Brass Wall FJange, No. 16 "Bentlow" Standard Copper-lined OAK Tank with Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, ^iinch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Hinges, Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE-BENT CORNERS), - - - $47.50 If with Cut Glass Pull (F-4105), add extra #3. 00. Tbe above can be furnished with Push Button Flush Valve instead of Pull and Chain, as shown, at the same price. Note: — F-4161 will be sent with Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull, as shown, unless otherwise ordered. If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct £1.25. Note: — Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. F-4161 "Superior Closet is provided with a special Local Vent of large area and extended to the wall, and is made to supply the demand for this kind of ventilation in many parts of the country. The Brass Wall Flange is provided so proper connection can be made between the Earthenware and Vent Pipes in the wall. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 591 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "SUPERIORS SYPHON JET. F-4162.— (LARGE LOCAL VENT.) F-4162 — Includes Plain "Superior" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet with, special large local vent extended to wall, and Brass Wall Flange, No. 16 "Benthigh" Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE) $45.00 If with Cut Glass Pull (F-4105), add extra #3.00. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. For other Brass Tank Brackets see page 564. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. If with Chain (instead of Rod and Brackets) and Celluloid Pull without Guide, deduct $1.50. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc , Woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe (Iron Pipe Size) with Stop Valve, extra $2.75. Note: — F-4162 "Superior" Closet is provided with a special local vent of large area extended to the wall and is made to supply the demand of this kind of ventilation in many parts of the country. The Brass Wall Flange is provided so proper connection can be made between the Earthenware and Vent Pipes in the wall. Note: — unless otherwise instructed, Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when no flush or supply Pipes are ordered, we send the Tanks with bottom supply Coupling. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 592 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFF'S WATER CLOSETS. THE VOLERO" SYPHON JET. F-4165. F-4165. Includes " Volero " Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 2 Special Copper Lined oak S.yphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, No. 1 OAK Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated STRAIGHT Brass Flush Pipe, Chain and Pull, and Brass Floor Flange. PRICE AS DESCRIBED $29 25 Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. If with Chain Guide, add $1.50. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe Size with Stop Valve, extra, $2.75. Note. — Unless otherwise instructed, Tanks will be sent as follows: When closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when no flush or supply Pipes are ordered we send the Tanks with bottom supply Coupling. NOTE.— ABOVE IS NOT CLASSED WITH OUR "STANDARD LINE." L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 593 ¥ ^ F-4166. — ("VIGORA"-EXTRA HEAVY BOWL, WALL OUTLET.) SEAT INTEGRAL-PUSH BUTTON OPERATION. F-4166 — Includes "Vigora" Extra Heavy Duroware Syphon Jet Water Closet, with porcelain (Duroware) seat Integral, with No. 17 Standard Copper-lined Pine Tank (high pattern), with Rough Brass Flush Pipe (concealed) from Tank to Bowl, and Nickel Plated Cast Brass Push Button and Face Plate with Brass Rod to Tank. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, $46.75 The "Vigora" (F-4166) has Porcelain Seat integral with bowl, and has wall outlet. The Tank is concealed behind partition in wall an( l is operated by a Push Button connected by Brass Rod with Tank, as shown in illustration. This apparatus is particularly well adapted for use in Hospitals, and Insane Asylums, as no work- ing parts are exposed, therefore, patients or inmates cannot tamper with any part of the fixture, which might prevent its operation. The seat being part of the bowl and of Porcelain cannot be removed and is for the uses mentioned above the most sanitary. The "Vigora" Bowl is made after our own design, is extra heavy in construction, has large diameter water way the entire length of Trap. It is fastened to floor with six floor bolts. The Ware is our "Duroware" which is absolutely non-absorbent, impervious to all moistures and positively will not craze. 594 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-4167.— ("VIGORA" WALL OUTLET.) EXTRA HEAVY BOWL-FOR GOVERNMENT WORK, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ETC. F-4167 — includes "Vigora" extra heavy duroware Syphon Jet Water Closet, with wall outlet, No. 17 "Benthigh" Standard Copper-lined Oak Sypon Tank with bent round corners, F-4110 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Brackets, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull and Brass Wall Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED ( fr DUROWARE"-BENT ROUND CORNERS^ $53.50 The "Vigora" Bowl is made after our own design, is extra heavy in construction, has large dia- meter water-way the entire length of trap. It is fastened to floor with six floor bolts. The Ware is our "Duroware," which is absolutely non-absorbent, impervious to all moistures and positively will not craze. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 595 WOLFFS STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. F-4168. ("VIGORA" IRON TANK NON-CONDENSING.") EXTRA HEAVY BOWL FOR GOVERNMENT WORK, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ETC. F-4168. — Includes "Vigora" Extra Heavy Duroware Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 17, Cast Iron Non-Condensing Tank with Nickle Plated Cast Brass Brackets— F-4110, No. 1. oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (NON-CONDENSING TANK), ... - $55.50 FOR GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS: Price as described but with Cast Brass box hinges with Cast Brass re-inforcing ring under Seat, less cover, $60.50. The "Vigora" as illustrated above with Cast Iron Tank is used extensively in Government Plumbing Work in Cities located near the sea coast; the iron tank is coated on the outside with a special preparation which prevents atmospheric condensation. The "Vigora" Bowl is made after our own design, is extra heavy in construction, has large diameter water way the entire length of Trap. It is fastened to floor with six floor bolts. The Ware is our "Duroware," which is absolutely non-absorbent, impervious to all moistures and positively will not craze. For government work and public use in Municipal or State Institutions, we suggest the use of our re-inforced seat, as noted in price above. when ordering or specifying please give catalogue name and number. 598 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. F~4169. — ("VfGORA" EXTRA HEAVY BOWL.) F-4169 — Includes "Vigora" Extra Heavy duroware Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 17 "Bent- high" Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Handle and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (BENT ROUND CORNER TANK), ----- $49.00 Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends: solid wood only; no veneers. If with Cut Glass Pull, add $3.00. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 60c. If with Chain (instead of Rod) and Celluloid Pull without Guide, deduct $1.50. For other Brass Tank Brackets see page 564. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe size with Stop Valve, extra $2.75. Note: — unless otherwise instructed Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when no flush or supply Pipes are ordered we send the Tank with bottom supply Coupling. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 597 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. F-41T0. — (extra heavy bowl, seat operating.) F -4-1 70 — Includes "Vigora" Extra Heavy duroware Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 17. "Benthigh" Standard Copper-lined oak Tank with bent round corners seat operating with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Brackets (F-4110), Nickel Plated Brass Seat Operating Rod and Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe with Cast Brass Guides for Rod and Pipe, special oak Seat with Seat Operating Attachment and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE SEAT OPERATING), ----- $55.50 If with Cast Brass Box Hinge with Cast Brass re-inforcing Ring underneath seat, add $5.00. FOR GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS: Price as described with ( Cast Iron Non-Condensing Tank and Cast Brass Box Hinge with Cast Brass re-inforcing ring underneath seat), $63.50. If with Nickel Plated Iron Tank Brackets, deduct $2.25 If with Nickel Plated Brass Combination Tank Bracket, deduct $1.50 For Government work near sea coast towns the above closet is usually furnished with our cast- iron non-condensing tank and with heavily re-inforced seat, price of which is given above. The iron tank is coated on the outside with a special preparation, which prevents atmospheric condensation. The "Vigora" Bowl is made after our own design, is extra heavy in construction, has large diameter water way the entire length of Trap. It is fastened to floor with six floor bolts. The Ware is our "Duroware" which is absolutely non-absorbent, impervious to all moistures and positively will not craze. 598 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "PARVUS" SYPHON JET, 13% INCHES HIGH. F-4171.— (THE "PARVUS" 13% INCHES HIGH.) F-4171 — Includes "Parvus" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Water Closet, No. 16 "Benthigh" Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank with bent round corners. Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE), 13% INCHES HIGH, $34.50 Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood, perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. If with Cut Glass Pull, add $3.00. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If with Chain (instead of Rod) and Celluloid Pull without Guide, deduct $1.50. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe Size, with Stop Valve, extra $2.75. The "parvus" Syphon Jet Water Closet is adapted for use in Schools, being only 13)4 inches high, it is classed with our standard line goods, is our own design and made only for us, and in "Duroware" exclusively. The Woodwork and Finish is our very best. Note: — unless otherwise instructed Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when no flush OR supply Pipes are ordered we send the Tank with bottom supply Coupling. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L- WOLFF MANUFACTURIN G COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS THE "PARVUS" SYPHON JET, 13J* INCHES HIGH. 599 $38.00 F-4172.— (THE "PARVUS," 13^ INCHES HIGH.) ronne; 4 l!n£ri^ 1 T deS v < as shown , unless otherwise If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c It less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25 Note:-Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order isv^^t^^l^ BENT R ° UND ?° RNER Tanb: -° NE P,ECE OF WOOD perfectly bent is usea ior tne tront and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. V l1 vJ^ e ilTi ARV ^ SJJ ^ yphon Jet Water Closet is ^opted for use in Schools, being only 135* inches high it is classed with our standard goods, is our own design and made only for us and in Duroware" exclusively. The Woodwork and Finish is our very best 7 ' WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER 600 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "FIRMO" SYPHON WASH-DOWN, 13 INCHES HIGH. F-4173.— (THE "FIRMO/ J 13 INCHES HIGH.) F-417 3— Includes "Firmo" (Duroware) Syphon Wash-Down Closet, with No. 16 "Bentlow" Standard Copper-lined oak Tank, bent round corners with Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull, }i inch Nickel Plated Iron Pipe Size Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Hinges, Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE-BENT CORNERS), $36.00 If with Cut Glass Pull (F-4105), add extra $3.00. Above can be furnished with Push Button Flush Valve instead of Pull and Chain, as shown, at the same price. Note :— F-4173 will be sent with Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull, as shown, unless otherwise ordered. , If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. Note:— Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc. , woodwork to order. Note:— We recommend our bent round corner Tanks:— one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. _ The "Firmo" is made of duroware-extra heavy, a much heavier construction and of greater weight than our Regular Duroware, it will therefore stand harder usage, and being only 13 inches high and of extra heavy construction this closet is desirable for School Work. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 601 THE "FIRMO" 13 INCHES HIGH, F-4-174. — (THE "FIRMO," 13 INCHES HIGH.) SCHOOL CLOSET FOR CHI LDREN--HEAVY CONSTRUCTION. F-4-174 — Includes "Firmo"' Extra Heavy Duroware Syphon Wash-down Water Closet, No. 16 "Benthigh" Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, No. 1 oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide, Brass Rod with China Pull and Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE) $32.50 If with Cut Glass Pull (F-4105), add extra $3.00. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. For other Brass Tank Brackets see page 564. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. If with Chain (instead of Rod and Brackets) and Celluloid Pull without Guide, deduct $1.50. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany. Birch, etc., Woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe (Iron Pipe Size) with Stop Valve, extra $2.75. The "Firmo" is made of duroware-extra heavy, a much heavier construction and of greater weight than our Regular Duroware, it will therefore stand harder usage, and being only 13 inches high and of extra heavy construction this closet is desirable for School Work. NOTE: unless otherwise instructed, Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when NO flush or supply Pipes are ordered we sent the Tanks with bottom supply Coupling. 60J L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "DECORA" LARGE WASTE AND TRAP-WAY. F-4177. F-4178.— (SEAT OPERATING.) THE "DECORA" HAS LARGE WASTE AND TRAP-WAY. TANKS AND SEATS INCLUDED IN ABOVE ARE "STANDARD," OUR BEST MAKE. F-4177. Includes "Decora" (Duroware) Double Jet Syphon Wash-Down Water Closet, No. 15 Standard Copper Lined OAK Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, No. 1 OAK Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Chain and Pull, and Floor Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, DU ROWARE, $29.00 F-4178. Includes "Decora" (Duroware) Double Jet Syphon Wash-Down Water Closet, No. 15 Standard Copper Lined OAK Seat Oper- ating Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Operating Rod, and Flush Pipe with Offset and Guides, No. 1 OAK Seat and Seat Operating Attachment, and Floor Bolts. If without N. P. Brass Flush Pipe, deduct $3.50 If with Chain Guide, add $1.50 If with N. P. Brass Comb. Bracket, add 75c. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, DU ROWARE, $34.75 If without SPECIAL Flush Pipe, deduct $4 00 If with Bent Round Corner Tank, add $1.00 On F-4178 a Brass Pipe Rod is used to operate the Tank Valve, insuring quick and positive action, besides being more durable and practical than the old style chain arrangement. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe Size with Stop Valve, extra, $2.75 NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED., Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe (no Supply) we send the Tanks with TOP SUPPLY Coupling; when NO FLUSH pipe OR supply Pipes are ordered 'we send the Tanks with BOTTOM SUPPLY Coupling. L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 603 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS THE "DECORA" LARGE WASTE AND TRAP-WAY. F-4179.— (LARGE WASTE AND TRAP-WAY.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. TANKS AND SEATS INCLUDED IN ABOVE ARE STANDARD, OUR BEST MAKE. F-4179 Includes "Decora" (Duroware) Double Jet Syphon Wash-Down Water Closet No 15 Standard Copper Lined Pine Tank (concealed) with Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connections and Brass Flush Pipe (concealed) Nickel Plated Brass Pull and Face Plate, No. 1 OAK Seat with Cover Brass Floor Flange, Rubber Gasket and Floor Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE) $28.75 The "Decora- (Duroware) is our own design; it has a large and deep Water Seal, a large waterway the entire length of Trap, therefore is more effective and operates better than the ordinary Wash Down Closet. J THE LARGE FULL SWEEP TRAP OBVIATES THE DANGER OF STOPPAGE. Our duroware is absolutely non-absorbent and Impervious to all Moistures and POSITIVELY WILL NOT CRAZE. As shown, the tank is placed behind partition or wall, out of reach from the room. The tank is operated by a Special Brass Pull Knob, which is connected with a heavy chain to the tank lever. 604 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "LAGUNA" SYPHON JET WASHDOWN. F-4180. — (DUROWARE-STANDARD TANK AND SEAT.) F-4180 — Includes "Laguna" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Wash Down Water Closet, No. 16 "Bent- low" Standard Copper-lined Oak Tank, with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull and Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, Y% inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with Cover, with Nickel Plated Brass Hinges, Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE-BENT CORNERS), $33.50 If with Cut Glass Pull, add $3.00. The above can be furnished with Push Button Flush Valve, instead of Pull and Rod, as shown, at same price. Note: — F-4180 will be sent with Rod Guide and China Pull, as shown, unless otherwise ordered. If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. For Porcelain Tanks see page 565. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc. woodwork to order. Note : — Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. the "laguna" (Duroware) is our own design; it has a large and deep Water Seal, a full water- way the entire length of Trap. It is, therefore, more effective and operates better than the ordinary Washdown Closets. The "Laguna" has a large oblong jet opening at back, which, being supplied with water direct from the Flush Pipe, gives additional force to the syphonic action and accelerates the movement of the water, producing a rapid, effective and noiseless flushing of the Bowl. NOTE.— FOR ROUGHING IN ALLOW 12 INCHES FROM WALL TO CENTER OF OPENING IN FLOOR. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 605 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "LAGUNA" SYPHON WASHDOWN. F-4181. — (DUROWARE-STANDARD TANK AND SEAT.) c F-4J 81— Includes "Laguna" (Duroware) Syphon Wash-Down Water Closet, No. 16 "Panel" Standard Copper-lined Oak Tank, with Nickel Plated Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull and Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, ft inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with Cover, with Nickel Plated Brass Hinges, Brass Floor Flanee with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. 6 PRICE AS DESCRIBED (PANEL TANK) $33.50 _ If with Cut Glass Pull, add $3.00. The above can be furnished with Push Button Flush Valve, instead of Pull and Rod, as shown at same price. Note:— F-4181 will be sent with Rod Guide and China Pull, as shown, unless otherwise ordered If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. For Porcelain Tanks see page 565 Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc. , woodwork to order. Note:— Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will alwavs be sent unless otherwise ordered a? : ~ We / ecomn l end ° ur bent round corner Tanks:— one piece of wood perfectly bent is used tor the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. the "laguna" (Duroware) is our own design; it has a large and deep Water Seal, a full water- way the entire length of Trap. It is, therefore, more effective and operates better than the ordinary Wash Down Closet. The "Laguna" has a large oblong jet opening at back, which, being supplied with water direct from the Flush Pipe, gives additional force to the Svphonic action and accelerates the movement of the water, producing a rapid, effective and noiseless flushing of the Bowl. IN FLOOR. F ° R ROUGHING IN ALL -OW 12 INCHES FROM WALL TO CENTER OF OPENING WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 606 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "LAGUNA" SYPHON JET WASHDOWN, F-4182. — (DUROWARE-SEAT OPERATING.) F-4182 — Includes "Laguna" (Duroware), Syphon Jet Washdown Water Closet, with No. 16 seat operating "Bentlow" Standard Copper Lined oak Tank with bent round corners, with Nickel Plated Flush Connections, Y% inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with seat operating attachments, Brass Floor Flange, Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED (SEAT OPERATING-BENT CORNERS,) - - $37.00 If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. Note:— Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. Note: — We recommend our bent round corner Tanks: — one piece of wood, perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. the "laguna jj (Duroware) is our own design; it has a large and deep Water Seal, a full water- way the entire length of Trap. It is, therefore, more effective and operates better than the ordinary Wash Down Closet. The "Laguna" has a large oblong jet opening at back, which, being supplied with water direct from the Flush Pipe, gives additional force to the Syphonic action and accelerates the movement of the water, producing a rapid, effective and noiseless flushing of the Bowl. Our "Duroware" is absolutely non-absorbent and Impervious to all Moistures and POSITIVELY WILL NOT CRAZE. NOTE: FOR ROUGHING IN ALLOW 12 INCHES FROM WALL TO CENTER OF OPENING IN FLOOR. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 607 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "LAGUNA" SYPHON-JET WASHDOWN. F-4183.— (DUROWA RE-CONCEALED TANK.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. THE TANK IS CONCEALED BEHIND PARTITION OR WALL. F-4183 Includes " Laguna " (Duroware) Syphon Jet Wash-Down Water Closet, Concealed Xo 15 Standard Copper Lined Pine Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connections and Brass F ush Pipe (concealed) Nickel Plated Brass Pull and Face Plate, No. 1 OAK Seat with Cover, Brass Moor Flange, with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE) - $29.75 TANK AND SEAT INCLUDED IN ABOVE ARE "STANDARD;" OUR BEST MAKE. the " laguna » (Duroware) is our own design; it has a large and deep Water Seal, a full water- way the entire length of Trap. It is, therefore, more effective and operates better than the ordinary Wash-Down Closet. The « Laguna " has a large oblong jet opening at back, which, being supplied with water direct from the Flush Pipe, gives additional force to the svphonic action and accelerates the movement of the water, producing a rapid, effective and noiseless flushing of the Bowl. POsmv^L'yTLHoT'cRAZE ^ 7 "^ NON " ABSORBENT and I-P-vious to all Moisture and 608 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "LAGUNA" SYPHON-JET WASHDOWN. F-4184.— (DUROWARE.) F-4185.— (SEAT OPERATING.) TANKS AND SEATS INCLUDED IN ABOVE ARE "STANDARD," OUR BEST MAKE. F-4185. Includes "Laguna" (Duroware) F-4184. Includes "Laguna" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Wash-Down Water Closet, No. 15 Standard Copper Lined o A K Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, No. 1 OAK Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Chain and Pall, and Floor Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, DU ROWARE, $29.00 If without N. P. Brass Flush Pipe, deduct $3.50 If with Chain Guide, add $1.50 If with N. P. Brass Comb. Bracket, add 75c. Syphon Jet Wash-Down Water Closet, No. 15 Standard Copper Lined OAK Seat Operating Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Operating Rod, and Flush Pipe with Offset and Guides, No. 1 OAK Seat and Seat Operating Attachment, and Floor Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, DU ROWARE, $34.75 If without SPECIAL Flush Pipe, deduct $4.00 On F-4185 a Brass Pipe Rod is used to operate the Tank Valve, insuring quick and positive action, besides being more durable and practical than the old style chain arrangement. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe Size with Stop Valve, extra, $2.75. Floor Flange with Gasket, extra, $1.00. NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED, Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe (no Supply) we send the Tanks with TOP SUPPLY Coupling; when NO FLUSH PIPE OR SUPPLY Pipes are ordered we send the Tanks with BOTTOM SUPPLY Coupling. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. 609 S^AtFea, F-4188 —(THE "SOLIDO" EXTRA HEAVY DUROWARE.) F -41 88— includes "Solido" (Extra Heavy Duroware) Svph on Wash -Down Water Closet No. 16 "Bentlow" Standard Copper-lined oak Tank, bent round corners with Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, y % inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with Cover, with Nickel Plated Brass Hinges, Brass Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE-BENT CORNERS), ----- $39.00 If with Cut Glass Pull (F-4105), add extra $3.00. Above can be furnished with Push Botton Flush Valve instead of Pull and Chain, as shown, at Note:— F-4188 will be sent with Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull, as shown, unless otherwise If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. China Floor Bolt Caps, extra 40c. If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. Note:— Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., Woodwork to order. Note:— We recommend our bent round corner Tanks:— one piece of wood perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. The -Solido" is made of duroware, extra heavy, a much heavier construction and of greater weight than our Regular Duroware; it will therefore stand harder usage, adapting it tor use in Kail Road Depots, Barracks, etc. when ordering or specifying please give catalogue name and number. 610 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS. THE "SOLIDO" WASH-DOWN. F-4189.— (EXTRA HEAVY DUROWARE-SEAT OPERATING.) F-4189— Includes "Solido" (Extra Heavy Duroware) Syphon Wash-Down Water Closet with No 16 seat operating "Bentlow" Standard Copper-lined oak Tank with bent round corners, with Nickel Plated Flush Connection, ft inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. 1 Standard oak Seat with seat operating Attachments, Brass Floor Flange, Rubber Gasket and Bolts. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED (SEAT OPERATING-BENT CORNERS), - $42.50 If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. N te: — Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. Note:— We recommend our bent round corner Tanks:— one piece of wood, perfectly bent is used for the front and ends; solid wood only; no veneers. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Our "Duroware' is absolutely non-absorbent and Impervious to all Moistures and POSITIVELY WILL NOT CRAZE. The "Solido" is made of duroware-extra heavy, a much heavier construction and of greater weight than our Regular Duroware, it will therefore stand harder usage, adapting it tor use in Kail Road Depots, Barracks, etc. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 611 WOLFF'S STANDARD WATER CLOSETS, THE "SOLIDO" WASH-DOWN. F-4191.— (SEAT OPERATING.) F-4191. Includes "Solido" Extra Heavy Wash-Down (Duroware) Water Closet, No. 15 Standard Copper Lined OAK Seat Operating Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Operating Rod, and Flush Pipe with Offset and Guides, No. 1 OAK Seat and Seat Operating Attachment and Floor Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, DU ROW A R E, $39.25 If without Flush Pipe, deduct $2.75 On F-4191 a Brass Pipe Rod is used to operate the Tank Valve, insuring quick and positive action, besides being more durable and practical than the old style chain arrangement. If with Bent Round Corner Tank, add $1.00 Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., Woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe size with Stop Valve, extra, $2.75. The "Solido" is made of duroware,, extra heavy, a much heavier construction and of greater weight than our Regular Duroware; it will, therefore, stand harder usage, adapting it for use in Railroad Depots, Barracks, etc. NOTE: unless otherwise instructed, Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when NO flush OR supply Pipes are ordered we send the Tanks with bottom supply Coupling. F-4190.— (EXTRA HEAVY DUROWARE.) F-4190. Includes "Solido" Extra Heavy (Duroware) Wash-Down Water Closet, No. 15 Standard Copper Lined OAK Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, No. 1 OAK Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass AJU STA- BLE Flush Pipe, Chain and Pull, and Brass Floor Flange. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, DUROWARE, $33.50 If without Flush Pipe, deduct $3.50 If with Chain Guide, add $1.50 If with N. P. Brass Comb. Bracket, add 75c. 612 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE "JEDDO" SYPHON JET WASH-DOWN F-4194.— (THE "JEDDO") F-4194-Includes "Jeddo" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Wash-Down Water Closet with No. 10 "Bent- low Copper-lined OAK Tank, with bent round corners with Chain and Ml Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, * inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. oak Seat with Cover with Nickel Plated Brass Brackets and Floor Bolts. $26.50 PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE), -------- If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. Note --Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. If above is furnished with Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull, add $1.50. If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50 Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket, extra $1 00 jeddo seat operating: If with Seat Operating Tank and Seat with Attachment, add $5.00. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. For Roughing in allow 12 inches from the wall to center of opening of floor. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 613 THE "JEDDO" SYPHON JET WASH-DOWN 1 ,»- B— , ±Jj^ .*, ^ ■\ - 8 ; ■ -I 1 1 .-■■ ■■■■■ F-4195.— (DUROWARE.) F-419 5 — Includes "Jeddo" (Duroware) Sy- phon Jet Wash-down Water Closet, No. 10 "Rondhy" Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, No. oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Chain and Pull, and Floor Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (Duroware) $23.25 If with Chain Guide, add $1.50. If with N. F-4196.— (DUROWARE.) F-4196 — Includes "Jeddo" (Duroware) Sy- phon Jet Wash-down Water Closet, No. 10 "Rondhy" Copper-lined oak Seat Operating Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Operating Rod, and Flush Pipe with Offset and Guides, No. oak Seat with Seat Operating attachment, and Floor Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (Duroware), $28.75 P. Brass Combination Bracket, add 75c. On F-4196 a Brass Pipe Rod is used to operate the tank valve, insuring quick and positive action, besides being more durable and Practical than the old style chain arrangement. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc. , woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe size, with Stop Valve, extra $2.75. Floor Flange with Gasket, extra $1.00. Note:— unless otherwise instructed. Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Couplino-; when no flush or supply Pipes are ordered, we send the Tanks with bottom supply Coupling! 614 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE "YAZOO" SYPHON JET WASH-DOWN F-4T99-— (THE "YAZOO J F -41 9 9— Includes "The Yazoo" (Duroware) Syphon Jet Wash-Down Water Closet, with No. 10 "Bentlow" Copper-lined oak Tank with bent round corners, with Chain and Pull, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, }£ inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. oak Seat with Cover, with Nickel Plated Brass Brackets and Floor Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE), $25.75 If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. Note: — Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. If above is furnished with Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull, add $1.50. If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket, extra $1.00. YAZOO, seat operating: If with Seat Operating Tank and Seat with Attachments, add $5.00. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc. , woodwork to order. For Roughing in allow 12 inches from the wall to center of opening in floor. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 615 THE "YAZOO" SYPHON JET WASH-DOWN F-5010. — (DUROWARE.) F-5010 — Includes "Yazoo" (Duroware) Sy- phon Jet Wash-down Water Closet, No. 10 "Rondhy" Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, No. oak Seat with Cover, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Chain and Pull and Floor Bolts. F-5011-— (DUROWARE.) F-5011 — Includes "Yazoo" (Duroware) Sy- phon Jet Wash-down Water Closet, No. 10 "Rondhy" Copper-lined oak Seat Operating Tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Operating Rod and Flush Pipe with Offset and Guides, No. oak Seat with Seat Operating attachment, and Floor Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED* (Duroware), $22.50 PRICE AS DESCRIBED (Duroware), $28.00 If without Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, deduct $3.50. If with Chain Guide, add $1.50. If with Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, add 75c. On F-5011 a Brass Pipe Rod is used to operate the tank valve, insuring quick and positive action, besides being more durable and practical than the old style chain arrangement. Cherry, Quartered Oak. Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order. Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe, Iron Pipe Size, with Stop Valve, extra $2.75. Floor Flange with Gasket, extra $1.00. Note: — unless otherwise instructed, Tanks will be sent as follows: When Closets are ordered with flush pipe only (no Supply) we send the Tanks with top supply Coupling; when no flush OR supply Pipes are ordered we send the Tanks with bottom supply Coupling. 616 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE "PROSPERO" SYPHON WASH-DOWN, F-5012. — (THE "PROSPERO") F-5012 — Includes "The Prospero" (Duroware) Syphon Wash-Down Water Closet, with No. 10 "Bentlow" Copper-lined oak Tank with bent round corners, with Chain and Pull, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Connection, ^g inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe with Stop Valve, No. oak Seat with Cover, with Nickel Plated Brass Brackets and Floor Bolts. PRICE AS DESCRIBED (DUROWARE), $24.75 If less Supply Pipe and Stop Valve, deduct $1.25. Note: — Supply Pipe and Stop Valve will always be sent unless otherwise ordered. If above is furnished with Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide and Rod with China Pull, add $1.50. If with Marble Top on Tank, add $1.50. Floor Flange with Rubber Gasket, extra $1.00. prosperOj seat operating: If with Seat Operating Tank and Seat with Attachments, add $5.00. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc. , woodwork to order. For Roughing in allow 12 inches from the wall to center of opening in floor. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 617 THE "PROSPERO" SYPHON WASHDOWN, F"5013. — (DUROWARE.) F- 5 01 3— Includes f Length of Range. of Seats. Seats. 4 feet inches. 2 24 inches. 6 ' " 3 24 ' 8 ' " 4 24 ' 10 i „ 5 24 < 12 ' " 6 24 ' 14 « Q u 7 24 ' 16 ' " 8 24 ' 18 i (i 9 24 ' 20 ' < ! 10 24 ' 4 1 6 " 2 27 « 6 ' 9 " 3 27 « 9 i << 4 27 « 11 ' 3 " 5 27 « 13 ' 6 " 6 27 ' 15 ' 9 " 7 27 « 18 < << 8 27 * 20 ' 3 " 9 27 ' 5 < « 2 30 < 7 1 6 " 3 30 ' 10 ' " 4 30 ' 12 < 6 " 5 30 ' 15 < « 6 30 ' 17 ' 6 " 7 30 ' 20 . .< 8 30 ' Prices without Seats. Enameled Painted Enameled Painted Rariorp. Range. Range. Range. $ 58.75 $ 50.25 $ 52.75 $ 44.25 71.50 60.25 62.50 51.25 84.75 71.00 72.75 59.00 101.00 84.00 86.00 69.00 114.75 92.25 96.75 74.25 130.25 107.00 109.25 86.00 144.00 117.75 120.00 93.75 160.00 130.25 - 133.00 103.25 175.00 142.25 145.00 112.25 61.25 52.25 55.25 46.25 76.00 64.00 67.(0 55.00 90.50 76.25 78.50 64.25 108.75 8:3.75 93.75 74.75 123.75 101.25 105.75 83.25 141.00 114.75 120.00 93.75 155.75 126.00 131.75 102.00 174.50 141.25 147.50 114.25 64.25 54.25 58.25 48.25 85.25 67.00 76.25 58.00 96.50 79.50 84.50 67.50 116.00 95.00 101.00 80.00 132.25 ]07.50 114.25 89.50 150.50 122.00 129.50 101.00 167.50 134.75 143.50 110.75 IF WITH COVERS ON SEATS ADD FOR EACH COVER $1.00. Unless otherwise ordered Ranges will be sent as shown, viz.: with OUTLET ON LEFT-HAND END and with CONNECTION (F-5148) FOR CAST IRON PIPE; but when desired, Ranges can be furnished with the Outlet on Right-Hand End or with Fitting (F-5149) with Flange for Lead Pipe. When water is shut off, during cold weather, at night or vacation, the Tank should be drained; add for Drain Valve at bottom of Tank, $2.00. If with Galvanized Ring under Seat, add $1.50 for each Seat. Galvanized Cast Iron Frame and Rubber Bumper for same under each Seat, each, extra, $1.25. For depth of water in Range, see page 687. For Local Ventilating Arrangement, see page 691. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 687 WOLFF'S WASHOUT WATER CLOSET RANGE, (SPECIAL DESIGN.) F-5151. Represents Wolff's Special Washout Water Closet Range, with Perforated Wash-Down Pipes on Front and Back, Cast Iron Flush Pipe, Ash Seats with Heavy Brass Hinges, PAINTED CAST IRON PARTITIONS AND BACK, and Copper Lined Pine Automatic Flushing Tank. Made in three sizes only, viz.: 8 feet, 6 feet, and 4 feet. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: length of Range. 4 feet. Length Over All, Including Flush Pipe Fittings. 4 ft. 5 in. Number of Seats. 2 Size of Seats. 24 inches. Number of Partitions. 3 Price Complete as Described. Enameled. Painted. $ 87.00 $ 78.50 6 " 6 ft. 5 in. 3 24 " 4 111.00 1C0. 00 8 " 8 ft. 5 in. 4 24 " 5 135.75 122.00 Height from floor to top of Seat is 15 inches. When desired, legs can be furnished, raising Range 2 inches. Ranges 8 feet and less are SO CONSTRUCTED that a DEPTH OF WATER OF ABOUT 2>2 INCHES IS MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES; the construction is same as F-5150, F-5152, and F-5153; longer Ranges have not quite as much water at Flush Tank End. For Factories, Asylums, etc., where not more than four Closets are required together in one room, this apparatus is well adapted. Having one Outlet only, all surfaces thoroughly flushed, and great depth of water, it will give better satisfac- tion than the ordinary single Closet can for such uses, and when enameled the appearance is the same as earthenware. NOTE. — Unless otherwise ordered, Ranges will be sent as shown, viz.: With outlet on left- hand end and with connection for cast iron pipe; but when desired Ranges can be furnished with the Outlet on Right-Hand End or with Fitting with Flange for Lead Pipe. IF WITH GALVANIZED PARTITIONS OR BACKS, ADD TO ABOVE PRICES FOR GALVANIZING PARTITIONS, EACH, $3.00; AND FOR BACKS, EACH, $3.50. When water is shut off during cold weather at night, or vacation, the Tank should be drained; add for Drain Valve at bottom of Tank, $2.00. If with Galvanized Ring under Seat, add $1.50 for each Seat. Galvanized Cast Iron Frame and Rubber Bumper for same under each Seat, each, extra, $1.25. Drip Cup on Flush Pipe, extra, $2.00. For length over all in ALL RANGES, add 6 inches., for Flush Fittings, to length of Range. For Local Ventilating Arrangement, see page 691. 688 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S WASHOUT WATER CLOSET RANGES. F-5152. F-5152 Represents Wolff's Washout Water Closet Range, with Perforated Wash-Down Pipe on front and back, Cast-Iron Flush Pipe, Ash Seats with heavy Brass Hinges, Painted Cast-iron Parti- tions, and Copper Lined Pine Automatic Flushing Tank with Bronzed Iron Brackets. length of Number of Size of Number of Price complete as described. Range Seats. Seats. Partitions. Enameled. Painted. 4 feet inches. 2 24 inches. 3 $ 75.75 $ 67.25 6 " " 3 24 " 4 94.00 82.75 8 " " 4 24 " 5 113.00 99.25 10 " " 5 24 " 6 135.00 118. CO 12 " " 6 24 " 7 154.25 132.00 14 " " 7 24 " 8 175.50 152.25 16 " " 8 24 " 9 195.00 168.50 18 " " 9 24 " 10 216.50 186.75 20 " " 10 24 " 11 237.25 204.50 4 " 6 " 2 27 " 3 78.50 69.50 6 " 9 " 3 27 " 4 96.00 84.25 9 .< «« 4 27 " 5 119.00 104.50 11 .< 3 << 5 27 " 6 142.50 126.00 13 " 6 " 6 27 " 7 163.50 141.00 15 " 9 " 7 27 " 8 186.00 160.00 18 " " 8 27 " 9 206.50 177.00 20 " 3 " 9 27 " 10 231.25 198.00 IF WITH GALVANIZED PARTITIONS, ADD FOR EACH PARTITION $3.00. Height from floor to top of Seat is 15 inches; when desired, legs can be furnished, raising Range 2 inches. 2 and 3-seat Ranges are furnished with 12-gallon Tanks, 4-seat with 16-gallon, 5 and 6-seat with 20- gallon, 7 and 8 seat with 25-gallon, and 9 and 10-seat Ranges with 30-gallon Tanks. Unless otherwise ordered, Ranges will be sent as shown, viz.: with OUTLET <~n LEFT-HAND END and with CONNECTION (F-5148) FOR CAST IRON PIPE; but when desired, Ranges can be furnished with the Outlet on Right-Hand End, or with Fitting (F-5149) with Flange for Lead Pipe. When water is shut off during very cold weather, or vacation, the Tank should be drained; add lor Drain Valve at bottom of Tank, $2.00. If with Galvanized Ring under Seat, add $1.50 for each Seat. Galvanized Cast Iron Frame and Rubber Bumper for same under each Seat, each, extra, $1.25. Drip Cup on Flush Pipe, extra, $2.00. For depth of water in Range, see page 687. For Local Ventilating Arrangement, see page 691. L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 689 WOLFF'S WASHOUT WATER CLOSET RANGES. F-5153. F-5153. Represents Wolff's Washout Water Closet Range, with Perforated Wash-Down Pipe on front and back, Cast-Iron Flush Pipe, Ash Seats with heavy Brass Hinges, Painted Cast-iron Parti- tions and Backs, and Copper- Lined Pine Automatic Flushing Tank. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES! length of Range. 4 feet inches 6 " " 8 " " 10 " k < 12 " " 14 l( Q u 16 " " 18 " " 20 " " 4 .< g <; 6 " 9 " 9 " " 11 « 3 u 13 t. Q << 15 " 9 " 18 t, « 20 " 3 " Number of Size of Seats. Seats. 2 24 inch 3 24 " 4 24 2 inches. Depth 14 inches. ETC Price . 10 11 12 " 33^ " 33^ " 33^ " 33^ " 33^ " 33^ For Patent Lifting Attachment 14 ..14 ..14 ..14 ..14 ..14 add $5.00. PATENT LIFTING ATTACHMENT. FOR PRIVY SINKS. .$30.00 . 38.00 , 42.00 , 46.00 . 50.00 , 54.00 58.00 F-5171. Our Lifting Attachment is a desirable improvement on a Privy Sink, Handle being always clean, and the Plug can be suspended in its place when Sink is discharging. The Plug cannot get lost or stolen. Our Privy Sinks have a brass valve seat. The Plug has overflow trapped, as may be seen in Sectional View above. Lifting the Plug and a half turn of the handle suspends it. 694 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ENAMELED IRON KITCHEN SINKS. SLATE TOP. F-5180. F-5180. Enameled Iron Kitchen Sink, with slate top and right-hand end Countersunk Drip Board in one piece, Slate Back and Apron on front and ends, two Nickel Plated Brass Offset Legs, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports, 13^-inch Nickel Plated Brass Vented Trap with Waste to floor, and two Nickel Plated Improved Special Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. The Trap and Legs are adjustable. Sink is securely fastened to Slate Frame. The Drain Board and Capping on Sink is one piece. DIMENSIONS and prices: Size of Enameled Iron Sink. Height of Back. Length of Drain Board. Length of Slab. Width of Slab. Price, complete as described. 18 x 30 x 6 inches. 20x30x6 " 20x36x6 " 20x40x6 " 22x42x6 " 16 inches. 16 " 16 " 16 " 16 " 24 inches. 24 " 24 " 24 " 24 " 4 feet 6 inches. 4 " 6 " 5 " " 5 " 4 " 5 " 6 " 22 inches. 24 " 24 " 24 " 26 " $45.75 46.00 49.50 51.75 54.25 If with Nickel Plated Brass Sink Support and Frame, as shown in F-5273, add $4.00. If the Brass Work is Polished Brass in Place of Nickel Plated, deduct $2.00. If with Nickel Plated Standing Overflow, add $3.50. If with Galvanized Iron Legs instead of Brass, deduct $4.00. Special Doherty or Boston Self-Closing Faucets for above can be furnished in place of Fuller when so desired. Sinks ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice; should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. F-5180 can also be furnished with 18, 20 or 24-inch High Back or with Back and End, or with Drain Board on Left-Hand Knd. Slate or Marble Bases for above made to order. Prices upon application. F-5180 can also be furnished in "Duro-Stone" at same price as Slate; when so furnished, "Duro- Stone" Sinks will have to be about 2 inches wider than widths given above. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 695 ENAMELED IRON KITCHEN SINKS. SLATE TOP. '.■'"■"'y^ ™ F-5181. F-5181. Enameled Iron Kitchen Sink, with slate top and right-hand end Countersunk Drip Board in one piece, Slate Back and Apron on Front and Ends, two Galvanized Iron Legs and Frame and two Nickel Plated Improved Special Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. The Drain Board and Capping on Sink is one piece. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Size of BJnameled Iron Sink Height of Back. Length of Drain Board. Length of Slab. Width of Slab. Price, complete as described. 18 x 30 x 6 inches. 16 inches. 24 inches. 4 feet 6 inches. 22 inches. |30.00 20x30x6 " 16 " 24 ---- ■■■<■-■ ■ :■■':::■■■■■■ v:-: ^ , :■ -^ F-5265. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN SINK AND BACK IN ONE PIECE.) F-5265 — Includes "Monarch" Porcelain Kitchen Sink with High Back in one piece, two Solid Porcelain Legs, with Braces to Wall, 1% inch Nickel Plated Cast Brass Trap, with Vent to Wall and two Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. CLASS C 'A" CLASS "B" CLASS "C" Size30x20 inches $51.00 $38.40 $32.40 " 36x24 inches $56.00 $41.90 $34.90 " 42x24 inches $66.00 $48.90 $39.90 If with 2 inch Nickel Plated Brass Trap, add $2.00. If Nickel Plated Brass Legs are wanted instead of Solid Porcelain the price for Class "A" will be the same as above: to Class "B" and Class "C" lists add $2.00. If with Bronzed Iron Adjustable Legs instead of Porcelain, deduct from above list $4.00. For Drain Boards suitable for above sink see next page. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PAR- TICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN, 744 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINKS. F-5266 — (MONARCH PORCELAIN SINK AND BACK IN ONE PIECE.) F-5266 — Includes "Monarch" Porcelain Kitchen Sink with High Back in one piece, two Solid Porcelain Legs with Braces to Wall and 1)4 inch Nickel Plated Cast Brass Trap with Vent to Wall and two Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets, and one oak Hinged Special Made Drain Board Bolted and Strengthened with Nickel Plated Brass Mountings, and Nickel Plated Adjustable Self- Locking Brass Support. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. Size Length of Sink of Drain Class "A" Class "B" Class "C" 30x20 30 inches $66.00 $53.40 $47.40 36x24 30 inches 71.00 56.90 49.90 42x24 30 inches 81.00 63.90 54.90 If with 2 inch Nickel Plated Brass Trap, add $2.00. If Nickel Plated Brass Legs are wanted instead of Solid Porcelain, the price for Class "A" will be the same. To class "B" and Class "C" lists add $2.00. If with Bronzed Iron Adjustable Legs instead of Porcelain, deduct from above list, $4.00. The Drain Board of above Sink is provided with Adjustable Brass Support allowing the Drain Board to be raised out of the way, the support is self-locking and will hold the Drain Board firmly against wall when raised. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 745 WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN PANTRY SINKS. F-5267. F-5267. "Monarch" Porcelain Pantry Sink, with 13^-inch thick Countersunk Italian Marble Top with Drain Board in one piece, j^-inch Marble Back and 8-inch Aprons on front and ends, two No. 19 Nickel Plated heavy Cast Brass Sink Legs, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports and 1%-inoh. Nickel Plated Brass Vented Trap, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer and Overflow Connection, Nickel Plated Brass Sink Support, with Wrought Iron Frame, two No. 2 Nickel Plated Fuller Pantry Faucets and F-1638 Soap Cup. The Sink Support is adjustable and has Wrought Iron Frame with Braces to wall. The Slab is 1^-inch Marble, deeply Countersunk and carefully Grooved. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS Size of Sink. 20x14 inches. 23x16 " 24x17 " 28x17 " 30x20 " Height of Back. 18 inches. 18 " 18 " 18 " 18 " Length of each Drain Board 20 inches. 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 " Length of Slab. 4 feet 8 inches. 5 " " 5 " " 5 " 4 " 5 " 6 " Width of Slab. 1 foot 8 inches 10 3 Prices, complete as described, Italian Marble $ 76.50 83.00 85.75 90.50 100.00 If with Supply Pipes to floor, add $4 . 00. If without Soap Cup, deduct $2 . 75. F-5267 can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF COUNTERSUNK 1K-INCH MARBLE FLOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE! Size of Sink, Size of Floor Slab, 20 x 14 in. 4 ft. 8 in. x 1 ft. 8 in. 23 x 16 in. 5 ft. x 1 ft. 10 in. 24 x 17 in. 5 ft. x 2 ft. 28x17 in. 5 ft. 4 in x2 ft. 30 x 20 in. 5 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft 3 in. Price, Italian Marble, $11.75 $13.75 $15.00 $16.00 $18.50 Safe Waste Grate with raised Strainer and Coupling, extra, $1.25. Above can also be furnished with Right or I^eff-Hand End, the Marble Slab any size to order, or with one Drain Board o^ 1 - 746 I,. WOIyFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S GERMAN SILVER PANTRY SINKS F-5268. F-5268. German Silver Pantry Sink, Recessed, with Nickel Plated Standing Overflow, l^-inch thick Countersunk Marble Top with Drain Boards in one piece, ^-inch Marble Back and 8-inch Aprons on front and ends, two No. 19 Nickel Plated Brass Legs, Apron Supports and 1% inch Nickel Plated Brass Trap with Waste to wall, Nickel Plated Brass Sink Support, two No. 2 Nickel Plated Fuller Pantry Cocks and F-1638 Soap Cup. The Slab is 13^ -inch Marble, deeply Countersunk and carefully Grooved. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS! Prices, Size of Sink, Length of complete as Inside Height of Each Drain Length of Width of described. Italian Measurement. Back Board. Slab. Slab. Marble. 14x20 inches. 18 inches. 18 inches. 4 feet 7 inches. 2 feet inches. $ 94.00 14x24 " 18 " 18 " 5 " " 2 " " 99.25 16x24 " 18 " 20 " 5 " 3 " 2 " 3 " 106.25 16x30 " 18 " 20 " 5 " 9 " 2 " 3 " 114.00 18x30 " 18 " 20 " 5 " 9 " 2 " 5 " 118.25 All measurements are outside except those of the Sink, which are inside exclusive of Recess. F-5268 can also be furnished in Pink Tennesse Marble. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF COUNTERSUNK 1^-INCH MARBLE FOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE! Size of Sink, . Size of Floor Slab 14x20 4 ft 7 in. x 2 ft. 14x24 5 ft. x 2 ft 16x24 5 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. 16x30 5 ft. 9 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. 18x30 5 ft. 9 in. x 2 ft. 5 in. $21.00 Price, Italian Marble, $13.75 $15.00 $17.75 $19.50 Safe Waste Grate with Raised Strainer and Coupling, extra, $1.25. A.bove can also be furnished with Right or Left-Hand End, the Marble Slab any size to order, or with one Drain Board only. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 747 WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN PANTRY SINKS FOR RECESS, F-5269. F-5269. "Monarch" Porcelain Pantry Sink, with 13^-inch thick Countersunk Marble To|i with Drain Boards in one piece, ,%-inch Marble Back and Ends and 8-inch Apron on front, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports, 1% -inch Nickel Plated Brass Vented Trap, Nickel Plated Over- flow Strainer and Overflow Connection, Nickel Plated Brass Sink Support with Wrought Iron Frame, and two Nickel Plated No. 2 Fuller Pantry Faucets and Supply Pipes to floor. The Sink Support is adjustable and has Wrought Iron Frame with Braces to wall. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: Size of Sink. Height of Back and Ends. Length of Each Drain Board Length of Slab. Width of Slab. Prices, complete as de- scribed, Italian Marble. 20 x 14 inches. 18 inches. 20 inches. 1 feet 8 inches. 1 foot 8 inches. $ 68.00 23x16 " 18 " 20 " 5 " " 1 " 10 " 75.00 21x17 " 18 " 20 " 5 " " 2 " " 80.50 28x17 " 18 " 20 " 5 " 1 " 2 " " 86.00 30x20 " 18 " 20 " 5 " 6 " 2 " 3 " 96.50 If without Supply Pipes to the floor, deduct $1.00. F-5269 can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. Above can be furnished for any size recess, with one Drain Board only or with 16 or 18-inch High Backs, to suit requirements. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF COUNTERSUNK 1K-INCH MARBLE FLOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE: 30x20 oft. 6 in. x 2 ft 3 in. |18.50 WHEN ORDERING SPECIAL SIZES BE CAREFUL TO GIVE CORRECT OUTSIDE MEASUREMENTS. Size of Sink, . . . 20x14 23x16 24x17 28 x 17 Size of Floor Slab, . 4 ft. 8 in . x 1 ft. 8 in. 5 ft. x 1 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. x 2 ft. 5 ft. 4 in. x 2 ft. Price, Italian Marble, $11 . 75 $13.75 $15.00 $16.00 748 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINKS. F-5272, F-5272. "Monarch" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, with 1^-inch Italian Marble Top with Right- Hand Drain Board in one piece, ^-inch Marble Back 20 inches high, and 8-inch wide Aprons on Front and Ends, two No. 19 Nickel Plated Brass Legs, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports, Enameled Iron Grease Trap, with Nickel Plated Brass Connections (F-530D, two Nickel Plated Brass Sink Supports with Wrought Iron Frame with Braces to wall, two Nickel Plated (F-446) Fuller Faucets and (F-1638) Soap Cup. The Legs and Sink Supports are adjustable, the Supports have Wrought Iron Frame with Braces to wall. The Slab is of 1^-inch Marble, deeply Countersunk and carefully Grooved. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Prices complete Length of as described Size of Sink. Height of Back. Drain Board. Length of Slab. Width of Slab. Italian Marble. 30x20 inches. 20 inches. 30 inches. 5 feet inches. 2 feet 1 inch. $103.00 36x23 " 20 " 36 " 6 " " 2 " 4 " 121.00 42x22 " 20 " 36 " 6 " 6 " 2 " 3 " 132,25 48x24 " 20 " 36 " 7 " " 2 " 5 " 147.50 If without Soap Cup, deduct $2.75 If with Nickel Plated Standing Overflow, add $3.50. F-5272 can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF COUNTERSUNK 1^-INCH MARBLE FLOOR SL.ABS FOR ABOVE. SizeofSink 30x20 36x23 42x22 48x24 Size of Floor Slab 5 ft. x2 ft. 1 in 6 ft. x 2 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. 7 ft. x 2 ft. 5 in. Price, Italian Marble $15 . 75 $21 . 00 $22 . 00 $25 . 50 Safe Waste Grate with Raised Strainer and Coupling, extra, $1.25. Above can be furnished any size to order, with Drip Board on Left-Hand side, with two Drip Boards or for Recess as shown in F-5269, and any height of Back desired. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 749 WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINKS. F-5273. F-5273.. "Monarch" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, with 1^-inch Italian Marble Top with Right- Hand Drain Board in one piece, ^-inch Marble Back and Right-Hand End 18 inches high, and 8-inch Apron on front and Left-Hand End, one No. 19 Nickel Plated Brass Leg, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports, 2-inch Nickel Plated Brass Vented Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Sink Sup- ports with Wrought Iron Frame with Braces to wall, two Nickel Plated F-446 Fuller Faucets and Soap Cup. The Leg and Sink Supports are adjustable, the Supports have Wrought Iron Frame with Braces to wall. The Slab is of 13^-inch Marble, deeply Countersunk and carefully Grooved. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS! Height of Back Length of Prices, complete as Size of Sink. and End. Drain Board. Length of Slab. Width of Slab. Italian Marble. 30x20 inches. 18 inches. 30 inches. 5 feet inches. 2 feet 1 inch $ 92.50 36x23 18 " 30 " 5 " 6 " 2 " 4 " 106.00 42x22 " 18 " 30 " 6 " " 2 " 3 " 114.00 48x24 " 18 " 30 " 6 " 6 " 2 " 5 " 132.25 If Without Soap Cup, deduct $2.75. If with Nickel Plated Standing Overflow, add $3.50 F-5273 can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES OF COUNTERSUNK l!i-INCH MARBLE FLOOR SLABS FOR ABOVE! Size of Sink, . 30 x 20 36 x 23 42 x 22 48 x 24 Size of Floor Slab, 5 ft. x 2 ft. 1 in. 5 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. x 2 ft. 3 in. 6 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 5 in. Price, Italian Marble, $15 . 75 $19 . 50 $20 . 25 $23 . 75 Safe Waste Grate with Raised Strainer, extra $1.25. Above can be furnished any size to order, with Drip Board on Left-Hand Side, with two Drip Boards, or for Recess as in F-5269, and any height Back and End desired. 750 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON KITCHEN SINKS. F-5274.— (SQUARE SINK.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-5274. Includes Enameled Iron Square Sink Bronzed Outside with 2 Bronzed Iron Sink Brack- ets, and 1^-inch deep Enameled Roll Sink Back. MADE IN THE FOLLOWING SIZES: 16 x 24 20 x 24 20 x 48 16 x 30 20 x 30 22 x 42 18 x 24 20 x 36. , 22 x 48 18 x 30 20 x 40 18 x 36 . .20 x 42 ALL 6 INCHES DEEP. Air Chambers cannot be used on above Sink Back, it being only 1^-inches deep. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 751 IRON SINKS. SECTIONAL VIEW OF OUR WASTE PIPE CONNECTION. — ^— _ZZZZZZZZ!ZIZZZZIZ^ZZIZir~ I F-5275. All our Sinks are provided with this IMPROVED WASTE CONNECTION, as shown in sectional cut above, without additional cost. When the Waste Pipe requires forcing out or repairs are needed, the Strainer can be easily and quickly detached, without disturbing the joint between Waste Pipe and Sink. The Strainer Bolts have Brass Nuts at bottom to avoid setting with rust. The Waste Pipe is connected with the Collar, the Strainer being separately fastened. With most Sinks when the Waste Pipe requires forcing out it is necessary to disconnect the Pipe and draw it and the trap out of the door of the casing below, thus injuring the Pipe and Trap; frequently the bolts have to be cut off, in consequence the Collars are often broken and sometimes the Sink. These troubles are avoided by the use of wolff's sinks with improved waste pipe con- nection. 752 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SQUARE SINKS. F-5276. WHITE PLAIN. GALVANIZED. ENAMELED 12 x 18 inch $1.25 $2.60 $4.75 14x20 inch , 1.50 3.20 6.00 15x27 inch 2.00 4.25 7.25 16x24inch 1.80 4.00 6.50 16 x 28 inch 2.10 4.50 7.50 16 x 30 inch 2.25 4.75 7.75 18x24 inch 2.10 4.30 7.00 18x30 inch 2.50 5.10 8.50 18x32 inch 3.00 6.25 9.50 18x36 inch 3.00 6.50 9.50 20x24 inch 2.40 5 00 7.50 20x30inch 3.00 6.25 9.00 20x36 inch 3.70 7.75 10.50 20x38 inch 3.80 8.00 11.00 20x40inch 4.00 8.50 11.50 20x42 inch 4.25 9.00 12.00 20x48 inch 5.30 11.50 13.25 213^x32^inch 3.35 7.00 10.00 21^x36 inch 3.90 8.10 11.25 22x42 inch 4.25 9.00 12.00 22x48 inch 5.75 12.25 15.00 24x50 inch 7.50 16.00 18.00 22x62 inch 10.75 22.00 26.00 22x76 inch 15.00 32.00 40.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 753 CORNER SINKS, F-5278. 9ize„ No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Side. Front. 17 inches 25 inches 20 " 28 " 22 " 31 " Plain. Galvanized. White Enameled. $1.25 $2.75 $6.00 1.75 3.50 7.00 2.10 4.20 8.00 HALF-ROUND SINKS. F-5279, Size, Back. Width. No. 1 24 inches 14 inches No.2 27 " 15 " No. 3.... 29 " 16 " No. 4 ....313^" 17 " Plain. Galvanized. White Enamels' $1.50 $3.25 $6.00 1.80 3.90 7.00 2.00 4.50 8.00 2.25 4.75 9.00 These Sinks can be made with Patent Overflows when desired. 754 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. PATENT OVERFLOW SINKS. F-5280.— (WITH PLUG STRAINER.) Made same sizes as Square Sinks F-5276. To price of Square Sinks F-5276, add: Plain. Galvanized. $1.20 $1.25 White Enameled. $1.50 F-5281.— (WITH OPEN STRAINER.) Made same sizes as Square Sinks F-5276. To price of Square Sinks F-5276, add: Plain. Galvanized. $1.00 $1.00 White Enameled. $1.00 SINK BOLTS. F-5282, (LONG SINK BOLT. Per ioo in Per Doz. Package. Price, Iron .40 $2.00 Price, Brass 1.00 5.00 Price, N. P. Brass 1.25 6.25 F-5283. (SHORT BRASS BOLT.) Price, per doz. Brass 40 Price, per package of 100 2.00 F-5282. F-5283, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 55 SINK COUPLINGS. SINK BRACKETS. F-5285-CTAPPED FOR IRON PIPE WASTE.) Tapped for 1-in. 1^-in. 1^-in. 2-in. Plain, each, .75 .75 .75 $1.00 Galvanized, ea. .90 .90 .90 1.25 F-5286.— (THREADED FOR IRON PIPE.) Brass for 1^-inch Iron Pipe, each, - $1.50 F-5287. Plain Galv. Enam. No. 1 16x16.... ....$0.50 $1.00 $1.00 No. 2 16x18..., 50 1.00 1.00 No. 3 16x20.... 70 1.25 1.25 See page 393 for other styles of Iron Brackets. SINK LEGS. F-5288— (OPEN SINK STRAINER.) Plain, per doz $1.50 Galvanized, per doz 2.60 SINK COUPLINGS. F-5289. Plain, each $1.50 Galvanized, each 1.50 IRON SINK PLUGS. F-5291.— (WITH RUBBER STOPPER.) Plain, price net, each $0.20 Galvanized, price net, each 25 White Enameled, price net, each 30 F-5290. Plain. Galvanized. Sink Legs, each $0.50 $1.00 756 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ENAMELED IRON SINK BACKS. i F-5293. FOR REGULAR SINKS 12 INCHES HIGH, 1# INCHES DEEP. Size, Length, inches 24 28 30 32 36 40 42 48 Price $2.50 $2.80 $3.00 $3.20 $3.65 $4.35 $4.85 $5.75 J F-5294. FOR ROLL RIM SINKS 12 INCHES HIGH, 2tf INCHES DEEP. Size, Length, inches 24 30 36 40 42 Price .....$3.00 $3.50 $4.25 $5.00 $5.50 ; ::,: ; :,:::,:^y ? !«\ F-5295. FOR ROLL RIM SINKS 15 IN. HIGH. 2& IN. DEEP. Size, Length, inches 24 30 36 42 Price. . . . $4-00 $5.00 $6.00 $7.50 lg incheslong) Ename led $3.50 Size, Length, inches., 48 54 60 66 20 " Price $14.25 $14.25 $15.25 $18.00 22 " Can be furnished for either Right or Left Hand Corner. F-5296. 15 INCH HIGH END FOR CORNER SINKS. 3.75 4.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 757 GREASE INTERCEPTOR. F-5299. Wolff's Grease Trap, for use in Hotels, etc., to be connected to Kitchen and Pantry Sinks. PAINTED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. $15.00 ENAMELED INSIDE PAINTED OUTSIDE. 21 x 18 x 18 inches deep fi 3iy 2 x 2iy 2 x 18% inches deep 22.00 ll.'oo NOTE : We can furnish above with screwed fittings 2, 3 or 4-inch for Wrought Iron Pipe. Unless otherwise ordered Grease Trap will be sent with 4-inch Hub openings as shown. p-5300— (SECTION OF GREASE INTERCEPTOR AS SHOWN IN F-5299 ) Above is furnished with Brass Clamps and Heavy Rubber Disc; this makes it possible to easily and quickly detach the Cover whenever it is necessary to remove the accumulation of Grease ; the Disc and Brass Clamps furnished insure a perfect joint. 758 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ENAMELED IRON GREASE TRAP FOR KITCHEN SINKS. With 2-inch Trap. 12 x 16 x 14 inches Deep. $20.00 22.00 F-5301-(WITH BRASS TRIMMINGS.) With 1^-inch Trap. 8x8x9 inches Deep. With Polished Brass Trimmings $12.00 With Nickel Plated Brass Trimmings 13.50 If Enameled outside also, add $3.00. If with 2-inch Trap on the 8 x 8 size, add $2.50 Measurements given are inside. CAST-BRASS SINK TRAPS. F-5302. Polished Brass, price $16.00 Nickel Plated, " 18.00 dimensions: Height, 10 in.; Diameter, 5 in. Inlet, Outlet and Vent Couplings are 2-inch. F-5303. 2-inch Polished Brass $6.25: Nickel Plated, $6.65 Can be furnished with Waste to wall. WHEN ORDERING, STATE WHAT KIND AND STYLE OF SINK TRAPS ARE TO BE USED WITH, I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 759 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON SLOP SINKS. F-5305. -(ENAMELED IRON.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-5305. Includes Enameled Iron Flushing Rim Slop Sink, 21 x 21 inches, with Enameled Iron Trap Standard and Nickel Plated Brass Vent to wall, Nickel Plated Double Compression Faucet with Supply Pipes to Floor, No. 2 Standard Oak Syphon Tank with Bent Round Corners, Nickel Plated Combination Bracket and Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Flush Pipe. PRICE AS DESCRIBED - - $50.00. l^-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 27 x 27 inches, extra, $7.50. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc., woodwork to order, 760 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-5306.— (ENAMELED IRON HOSPITAL SINK.) F-5306. Includes Enameled Iron Flushing Rim Hospital Sink with special Hot and Cold Water Supply to Jet for Flushing Bed Pans, etc. , with Enameled Iron Trap Standard and Nickel Plated Brass Vent to Wall, Nickel Plated Double Compression Faucet with Supply Pipes to Floor, No. 2 Standard oak Syphon Tank with bent Round Corners, Nickel Plated Combination Bracket and Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Flush Pipe. PRICE AS DESCRIBED - $60.00. 1^-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 27 x 27 inches, extra, $7.50. Above can also be furnished with Foot Pedal Supply to the Flushing Jet Pipe, see page 338. F-5306M. Section of F-5306 showing shape of the Hopper and location of the Jet Pipe for Flush- ing Bed Pans, etc., in Hospitals. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 761 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON SLOP SINKS. F-5307.— (ENAMELED IRON, WALL OUTLET.) F-5307. — Includes Enameled Iron Flushing Rim Slop Sink, 21x21 inches, with Enameled Iron Trap Standard with Wall Outlet, Nickel Plated Brass Vent to wall, Nickel Plated Double Compression Faucet with Supply Pipes to floor, No. 16 "Benthigh" Standard oak Syphon Tank with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Combination Bracket and Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Flush Pipe. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, - $50,00 1% inch Italian Marble Floor Slabs, 27x27 inches, extra $7.50. Cherry, Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Birch, etc,, woodwork to order. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 762 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HOSPITAL SLOP SINKS. F-5308. — (extra heavy porcelain slop sink.) F-5308. — Includes extra heavy Flushing Rim Porcelain Slop Sink with Cleansing Jet and EXTRA HEAVY Porcelain Trap Standard with Brass Floor Flange and Bolts, No. 16 "benthigh" Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide with China Pull, Nickel Plated Brass Bracket and Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe: Nickel Plated Brass Combination Faucet, with Iron Pipe Size Supply Pipes to floor; one Wolff's Pedal Supply with Valves for Hot and Cold Water with Bronzed Top and Duro-metal Pedals and Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe for Cleansing Jet from floor to bowl. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, Class A. $90.00 Class B. 75.50 Class C. 66.00 The above apparatus is like F-5309 especially adapted for use in Hospital Wards and Operating Rooms. The contents of receptacles is emptied into the Slop Hopper proper, which has a large opening into the Trap. The inside surface of the pan or basin can then be thoroughly washed out by placing it over the cleansing jet. The water supply to this jet (hot or cold) is controlled by the pedal valve located in the floor. When necessary that the operator's hands be kept antiseptic the pedal valve arrangement is of decided advantage. when ordering or specifying please give catalogue name and number. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 763 HOSPITAL SLOP SINKS. F-5309, — (EXTRA HEAVY PORCELAIN HOSPITAL SLOP SINK.) F-5309. — Includes extra heavy Flushing Rim Porcelain Slop Sink with Cleansing Jet and extra heavy Porcelain Trap Standard with Brass Floor Flange and Bolts, No. 16 "benthigh j ' Standard Copper-lined oak Syphon Tank with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Brass Rod Guide with China Pull, Nickel Plated Brass Combination Bracket, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe, Nickel Plated Brass Extra Pattern Compression Double Faucet and Nickel Plated Brass Double Faucet for Cleansing Jet with Nickel Plated Brass Iron Pipe Size Supply Pipes to floor. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, Class A. $90.00 Class B. 75.50 Class C. 66.00 The above apparatus is especially adapted for use in Hospital Wards and Operating Rooms. The contents of receptacles is emptied into the Slop Hopper proper, which has a large opening into the Trap. The inside surface of the pan or basin can then be thoroughly washed out by placing it over the cleansing jet. The water supply to this jet (hot or cold) is controlled by a double combi- nation faucet, so attendant can obtain hot, cold or tempered water. The whole interior surface of the slop sink and the Trap can be thoroughly cleansed and flushed by operating the syphon tank. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE 3IVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 764 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. /■s^ i 2SE1 F-5310. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN BRASS FLUSHING RIM.) F-5310. — Includes Monarch Porcelain Slop Sink with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Flushing Rim, Iron Trap Standard Enameled inside and outside with Brass Strainer and Wolff's Brass Vent Con- nection to wall; Nickel Plated Brass Double Flush and Supply Faucet, with Cast Brass Spout Support and Supply Pipes to floor. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. Class A. Class B. Class C. 20x16x12 inches $61.75 $58.75 $56.75 22x18x12 inches 65.75 62.25 59.75 24x20x12 inches 69.75 65.75 62.75 If with polished Brass Trap Standard add $10.75. If Nickel Plated add $11.75. Finishing Sinks Zinc White outside extra $4.00. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 765 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. F-5311-— (MONARCH PORCELAIN.) F-5311.— Includes Monarch Porcelain Flushing Rim Slop Sink with Monarch Porcelain Trap Standard, with Brass Vent to Wall, Nickel Plated Combination Compression Faucet, No. 16 bent high Standard oak Syphon Tank with bent round corners, N. P. Combination Bracket and N. P. Brass Adjustable Flush Pipe, Chain Guide with China Pull. PRICES COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. Class A. $62.00. Class B. $51.00. Class C. $44.50. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. 766 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS, F-5312. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN SLOP SINK-BACK INTEGRAL.) F- 531 2— Includes "Monarch" Porcelain Slop Sink with Monarch Porcelain Back Integral, and Monarch Porcelain Pedestal Trap Standard with Nickel Plated Vent Connect on to wall and Nickel Plated Waste Strainer. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. Class "A" Class "B" Class "C" 20x16 inches #34.50 $24.50 $18.50 22x18 inches 39.00 27.00 20.50 24x20 inches 43.50 31.00 22.75 Note: Faucets are not included in the above prices. F-5312 is one of the latest designs in Monarch Porcelain Slop Sinks, as will be seen by referring to the illustration, the body of the sink and back are made of one piece of Porcelain. This obviates the joint between the back and sink, making it more sanitary and more easily kept clean, than whe e the back is loose. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 767 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. F-5313. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN SLOP SINK.) F-5313 — Includes "Monarch" Porcelain Slop Sink with Monarch Porcelain Back and Monarch Porcelain Pedestal Trap Standard with Nickel Plated Vent Connection to Wall and Nickel Plated Waste Strainer. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. Class "A" Class "B" Class "C" 20x16 inches $30.50 $21.50 $16.50 22x18 " 35.00 24.75 18.50 24x20 <( , 39.50 28.00 20.75 Note: — Faucets are not included in the above prices. F-5313 has square edge on the wall side, front and two ends being Roll Rim, thus enabling the placing of a Porcelain or Marble back on the sink against the wall. We can, however, furnish the above all Roll Rim. This is desirable in cases where the rooms are tiled and it is not necessary to have a back. Price for all roll on application. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 768 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. /UK F-5314.— (MONARCH PORCELAIN.) F-5314.— Includes Monarch Porcelain Roll Rim Slop Sink, Polished Cast Brass Trap Standard with Brass Strainer and Wolff's Brass Vent Connection to wall, Nickel Plated Double extra pattern Compression Faucet, Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to floor. PRICES AS DESCRIBED. Class A. Class B. Class C 20x16x12 inches $44.00 $40.00 $37.00 22x18x12 inches 48.00 42.75 39.00 24x20x12 inches 52.00 45.50 41.00 If Trap Standard is Nickel Plated add $2.00. If with Iron Trap Standard Enameled inside and outside instead of Brass, deduct $10.75. If with Bronzed Iron Trap Standard, enameled inside, deduct $11.75. Finishing Sinks Zinc White outside, extra $4.00. F-5315. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN.) F-5315. — Includes Monarch Porcelain Roll Rim Slop Sink and Iron Trap Standard, Enameled inside and outside Brass Strainer and Wolff's Brass Vent Connection to wall and Nickel Plated Fuller Double Faucet. PRICES AS DESCRIBED. Glass A. Class B. Class C. 20x16x12 inches $28.25 $24.25 $21.25 22x18x12 inches 32.25 27.00 23.25 24x20x12 inches 36.25 29.75 25.25 If with two |^-inch Nickel Plated Fuller Bibbs deduct $1.50. If with Bronzed Iron Trap Standard, deduct $2.00; if Galvanized, deduct $1.00. If with polished Brass Trap Standard, add $10.75. If with Nickel Plated Brass Trap Standard, add $12.75. 1^-inch Italian Marble Floor Slabs, $1.50 per foot extra. Measurements are outside except depth, which is inside. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 769 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. F-5316. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN.) F-531T. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN.) F-5316. — "Monarch Porcelain Roll Rim Slop Sink, with Brass Waste Plug with Strainer, Galvanized Iron Legs and Frame and Nickel Plated Fuller Double Faucet. PRICE AS DESCRIBED. Class A. Class B. Class C. 20x16x12 inches $23.00 $19.00 $16.00 22x18x12 inches 27.00 21.75 18.00 24x20x12 inches 31.00 24.50 20.00 If with two ^-inch Nickel Plated Fuller Bibbs, deduct $1.50. If with Painted Iron Legs and Frame, deduct $0.50. If with polished Brass Legs, add $14.00. If with Nickel Plated Brass Legs, add $17.00 F-5317. — "Mona ch Porcelain Slop Sink, with Brass Waste Plug with Strainer, and Gal- vanized Iron Legs and Frame. PRICE AS DESCRIBED. Class A. Class B. Class C. 20x16x12 inches $14.00 $11.00 $9.00 22x18x12 inches 16.00 12.50 10.00 24x20x12 inches 18.00 14.00 11.00 If without Legs deduct 4.00. If with Rabbeted Ash Rims, add as follows: For 20 inch Sinks $3.50 " 22 " " 4.00 " 24 " " 4.50 If with ^-inch Italian Marble Backs, add $1.00 per foot. 770 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. F"5318. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN.) F-5318. — "Monarch Porcelain Slop Sink, with Nickel Plated Brass Strainer and Coupling, Nickel Plated Cast Brass Flushing Rim, Galvan- ized Iron Legs and Frame, Nickel Plated Double Compression Faucet with Supply Pipes to Floor, No. 16 bent high Standard oak Syphon Tank, with bent round corners, Nickel Plated Iron Brackets and Nickel Plated Brass Adjust- able Flush Pipe PRICE AS DESCRIBED. Class A. Class B. Class C. 20x16x12 inches $61.75 $58.75 $56.75 22x18x12 inches 65.75 62.25 59.75 24x20xl2iuches 69.75 65.75 62.75 If with polished Brass Legs, add $14.00; Nickel Plated $17.00. Finishing Sinks Zinc White outside, extra $4.00. F-5319. — (MONARCH PORCELAIN.) F-5319.— ' 'Monarch Porcelain Slop Sink, with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Flushing Rim, Iron Trap Standard, Enameled Inside and Out- side, with Brass Strainer and Wolff's Brass Vent Connection to wall, Nickel Plated Fuller Double Faucet, No. 16 Bent High Standard Oak Syphon Tank wiih bent round corners, Nickel Plated Iron Brackets and Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Flush Pipe. PRICE AS DESCRIBED. Class A. Class B. Class C. 20 x 16 x 12 inches $62.00 $59.00 $57.00 22 x 18 x 12 inches 66.00 62 50 60.00 24x20x12 inches 70.00 66.00 63.00 If with Polished Brass Trap Standard, add $10.75; if Nickel Plated, add $11.75. If with two ^-inch Nickel Plated Fuller Bibbs, deduct $2.00. Finishing Sink Zinc White outside, extra $4.00. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. 71 F-5320. F-5320. Includes Porcelain Flushing Rim Slop Sink, 21x21 inches, with Porcelain Trap Stand- ard and Nickel Plated Brass Vent to wall, Nickel Plated Double Compression Faucet with Supply- Pipes to Floor, No. 2 Standard Oak Syphon Tank with Bent Round Corners, Nickel Plated Combina- tion Bracket and Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Flush Pipe. PRICE AS DESCRIBED, $52.50 13^-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 27x27 inches, extra, $7.50. If with Mahogany Tank, add $2.00. When desired, the Tank can be furnished in Cherry, Ash or Walnut, the price being the same as for Oak woodwork. 772 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S PORCELAIN SLOP SINK, F-5321. Includes Porcelain Flushing Rim Slop Sink, 21x21 inches, with Porcelain Trap Standard and Nickel Plated Brass Vent to wall; Nickel Plated Double Compression Flush and Supply Faucet and Supply Pipes to floor. PRICE as described: Sink, 21x21 inches $46.75 134 -inch Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slab, 27x27 inches, extra, #7.50. F-5321, ENAMELED IRON SLOP SINK. F-5322. Enameled Iron Slop Sink and Bronzed Iron Trap Standard, with Brass Strainer and Wolff's Nickel Plated Brass Vent Connection to wall, Nickel Plated Brass Flushing Rim, Nickel Plated Double Compression Flush and Supply Faucet, and Supply Pipes to floor. PRICES as described: 16x20x12 inches $45.00 18x22x12 20x24x12 48.00 51.00 If with Polished Brass Fixtures, deduct $2.00. If Slop Sink and Trap are Enameled outside, add for 16x20 inch Sink, $5.00; 18x22 inch, $5.50; 20x24 inch, $6.00. If with Polished Brass Trap Standard, add $13.00; If Nickel Plated, $15.00. Finishing Sinks less Trap Standard, Zinc White outside, extra, $4.00; with Trap Standard, $5.00. 13^ -inch Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs, per foot, extra, $1.50. F-5322 will be sent with Trap with Vent in rear, as shown, unless otherwise ordered. F-5322 is the most improved construction of Enam- eled Iron Slop Sink with Brass Flushing Rim. The Cast Brass Flushing Rim as made by us overcomes all diffi- culties; a perfect and evenly distributed Flush is obtained; the Brass Roll Edge of the Rim entirely covers the Iron Flange; an attachment so Flush Pipe can be adjusted (horizontally) is a part of the Rim, and the Trap has a Brass Vent Coupling and Tailpiece, enabling plumber to' easily connect or disconnect. F-5322 — (with brass flushing rim.) L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 773 WOLFF'S FLUSHING RIM SLOP SINKS, F-5323. F-5323. Enameled Slop Sink with Im- proved Polished Brass Flushing Rim with Trap Standard, with Wolff's Brass Vent Connection, Nickel Plated Fuller Combination Faucet, Polished Brass Flush Pipe, and No. 1 Standard oak Syphon Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets. PRICES as described: 16x20x12 inches $ 42.75 18x22x12 " 45.75 20x24x12 " 47.75 If Flushing Rim is Nickel Plated, add $1.50. If Slop Sink and Trap are Enameled Outside, add for 16x20 inch Sink, $5.00; 18x22 inch Sink, $5.50; 20x24 inch Sink, $6.25. F-5324. F-5324. Enameled Slop Sink with Im- proved Polished Brass Flushing Rim, with Trap Standard with Wolff's Brass Vent Connection, Polished Brass Fuller Combination Faucet, Pol- ished Brass Flush Pipe into wall, and No. 1 Standard Copper Lined oak Syphon Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets. prices as described: 16x20x12 inches $ 40.25 18x22x12 " 43.25 20x24x12 " 45.25 If with Nickel Plated Brass Parts, add $2.00. F-5323 is the most improved construction of Flushing Rim Slop Sink. The Brass Flushing Rim, as made by us, overcomes all difficulties; a perfect and evenly distributed Flush is obtained; the Brass Roll Edge of the Rim entirely covers the Iron Flange; an attachment so that Flush Pipe can be adjusted (horizontally), is a part of the Rim and the Trap has a Brass Vent Coupling and Tail- piece, enabling plumber to easily connect or disconnect. F-5323 will be sent with Trap with Vent in rear, as shown, unless otherwise ordered. 774 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S SLOP SINKS. F-5326. Enameled Iron Slop Sink and Trap Standard with Brass Strainer and Nickel Plated Brass Vent Connec- tion to wall, Nickel Plated Cast Brass Rim, Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets and Wall Plate in one piece, Air Cham- bers and Supply Pipes to floor. PRICES AS described: 16x20x12 inches . 18x22x12 " 20x24x12 " ...$28.50 ... 31.00 ... 33.50 If without Faucets or Supply Pipes, deduct $8.50. If without Supply Pipes, deduct $4.00. If with Polished Brass Fittings, deduct $2.00. F-5326-(WITH CAST BRASS RIM.) F-5327. Knameled Iron Roll Rim Slop Sink and Trap Standard with Strainer and Nickel Plated Brass Vent Connection to wall, and Nickel Plated Fuller Double Faucet. f9° ^G) PRICES as described: 16x20x12 inches . . . 18x22x12 " 20x24x12 " $21.50 . 23.50 25.50 If with two Fuller Bibbs, F-446, deduct $1.50. If with Nickel Plated Faucet and Supply Pipes, as shown in F- 5314, add $5.00. F-5327— (WITH ENAMELED ROLL RIM.) F-5326 and F-5327 can be furnished Enameled outside; see F-5329. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 775 WOLFF'S ROLL RIM SLOP SINK. With Trap Standard, with Cleanout and Improved Brass Vent Connection, Back with Air Chambers, and two Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets. PRICES AS DESCRIBED. Galvanized. Enameled. 16 x 16 x 12 inch |19.00 $21.00 16 x 20 x 12 " 21.00 23.00 18 x 22 x 12 " 23.00 25.00 20 x 24 x 12 " 25.00 27.00 20 x 30 x 12 " 28.00 31.00 20 x 36 x 12 " 32.00 [f without Faucets, deduct $2.00. 36.00 If Slop Sink and Trap are Enameled outside, add for 16 x 16 and 16 x 20 inch Sink, $5.00; 18 x 22 inch Sink, $5.50; 20 x 24 inch Sink, $6.00; 20 x 30 inch Sink, $6.50; 20 x 36 inch Sink, $7.00. F-5328. WOLFF'S ROLL RIM SLOP SINK. Roll Rim Slop Sink, with Trap Standard, with Cleanout and Improved Brass Vent Connection, Italian Marble Back 16 inches high, and two Nickel Plated Boston Self- Closing Faucets. PRICES AS DESCRIBED. Galvanized. Enameled 16 x 16 x 12 inch $19.50 $21.00 16 x 20 x 12 " 21.50 23.00 18 x 22 x 12 " 23.50 25.00 20 x 24 x 12 < < 25.50 27.00 20 x 30 x 12 " 28.50 31.00 20 x 36 x 12 " 32.50 36.00 If Slop Sink and Trap are Enameled Outside, add for 16 x 16 and 16x20 inch Sink, $5.00; 18x22 inch Sink, $5.50; 20 x 24 inch Sink, $6.00; 20x30 inch Sink, $6.50; 20 x 36 inch Sink, $7.00. If without Faucets, deduct $4.00. F-5329. 776 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ROLL RIM SLOP SINKS. /^O F-5330. F-5330. — Slop Sink with Trap Standard, with Cleanout and Improved Brass Vent Connection. PRICES AS DESCRIBED. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. 16x20x12 inch $9.50 $12.00 $13.00 18x22x12 " 10.50 13.50 14.50 20x24x12 '< 11.50 15.00 16.00 Above can also be furnished with Half "S" Trap Standard. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 777 WOLFF'S ROLL RIM SLOP SINKS, F-5331— (WITH BACK AND END.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. With Trap Standard, with Cleanout and Improved Brass Vent Connection, Left-Hand End and Back, with Air Chambers and two Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets. PRICES AS DESCRIBED. 16 x 16 x 12 inch 16 x 20 x 12 18 x 22 x 12 20 x 24 x 12 20 x 30 x 12 20 x 36 x 12 Ivanized. Enameled. 521.00 123.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 27.00 27.00 29.00 30.00 33.00 34.00 38.00 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If Slop Sink and Trap are Enameled outside, add for 16 x 16 and 16 x 20 inch Sink, f 5.00; 18 x 22 inch Sink, $5.50; 20 x 24 inch Sink, $6.00; 20 x 30 inch Sink, $6.50; 20 x 36 inch Sink, $7.00. 778 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SLOP SINKS. F-5332 i— (END OUTLET.) White Size. Outlet. Plain. Galvanized. Enameled 16 x 16 x 10 inches deep . . 2 inches $2.70 $5.25 $7.50 20 x 14 x 12 < ( ( .2 ' 3.50 6.50 8.50 20 x 16 x 12 " . .2 4.00 8.25 10.00 24 x 20 x 12 < < < << < O ' 5.00 4.25 9.50 8.00 15.00 19.00 24.00 36.00 31.50 45.00 36.00 11.50 23 x 15 x 15 2 ' 2 ' 2 < 2 ' 2 ' 2 ' 3 ' 2 ' 11.00 30 x 20 x 12 8.00 16.00 36 x 20 x 12 10.00 20.00 48 x 20 x 12 13.50 27.00 48 x 20 x 17 20.00 38.00 60 x 20 x 12 18.00 39.00 72 x 22 x 12 24.00 52.50 42 x 24 x 12 20.00 38.00 50 x 24 x 12 < < « 2 ' 24.00 40.00 44.00 SLOP SINKS. WITH OUTLET IN CENTER. Size. Depth. Outle 16x16 10 inch 2inc 20x22 12 " 4 " 24x20 12 " 4 " 30x20 12 " 4 " 36x20 12 " 2 " 36x20 12 " 4 " F-5333. 2 inch $3.25 For Patent Overflow on any size Slop Sink with End Outlet, add $1.00 to list flow and Plug Strainer, add $1.25. 5 lain. Galvanized. Enameled 53.25 $ 6.00 $8.25 5.00 10.00 12.00 5.50 11.00 13.50 8.00 14.00 17.00 .0.00 19.00 20.00 .0.00 19.00 20.00 .00 to list. For Patent Over- L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 779 BAYLEY SLOP HOPPER. BAYLEY SLOP HOPPER. F-5335-(square.) F- 5336 -(round.) Each. |3.50 Each. $3.50 HARRIS SLOP SINK. F-5337-(WITH BELL TRAP.) Size 12 x 12 inches. Painted, each $2.00 Enameled, each 4.75 Galvanized, each 3 . 25 x 14 inches. 16 x 16 inches. $2.25 $2.50 5.25 6.50 3.75 4.25 780 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. HOSPITAL SLOP SINKS, WITH HOPPERS ATTACHED. Plain. 24x20x12 $4.25 30x20x12 7.75 36x21x12 9.25 5338. Galvanized. $10.00 14.00 17.00 Gray Enameled. $10.00 14.00 17.00 White Enameled $11.50 15.00 18.25 F-5339-(for lead pipe connection.) Plain. Galvanized. Gray Enameled. 24 x 20 x 12, with Trap and Vent, $6.75 $13 . 00 $13 . 00 30 x 20 x 12, 36 x 21 x 12, If without Vent, deduct $1 . 00 10.25 17.00 17.00 11.75 20.00 20.00 Can also be furnished with Trap and Vent for Iron Pipe Connection White Enameled. $14.50 18.00 21.25 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 781 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON COMBINED SINK AND WASH TUB. F-5340. F-5340. Represents Enameled Iron Roll Edge Combined Kitchen Sink and Wash Tub, with Patent Overflow and 15-inch high Enameled Iron Back, Waste Plug with Rubber Stopper, two Fuller Faucets for Tub and two Fuller Faucets for Sink and Air Chambers. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: With 1 Wash Tub, With 2 WashTubs.. Complete. Complete. 20 x 30 Enameled Sink $48.75 $79.50 20x36 " " 50.25 81.00 If without Patent Overflow, deduct for each Overflow, $2.00. Above prices are for Sink with Back and Faucets, Wash Tub with Back, Overflow, Plugs and Faucets, complete. Ash Drip Boards to cover Wash Tubs, extra, for 1 Tub, $2.00; for 2 Tubs, $3.00. F-5340 can also be furnished with Sink on right-hand end of Wash Tray instead of on left-hand end, as shown. When ordering, be particular to specify how wanted; unless otherwise ordered F-5340 will be sent as shown. 782 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON COMBINED SINK AND WASH TUB. F-5341. F-5341. Represents Enameled Iron Roll Edge Combined Kitchen Sink and Wash Tub, with Patent Overflow and 15-inch high Enameled Iron Back and Left-Hand End, Waste Plug with Rubber Stopper, two Fuller Faucets for Tub and two Fuller Faucets for Sink and Air Chambers. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: With 1 Wash Tub, With 2 Wash Tubs, Complete. Complete. 20 x 30 Enameled Sink |51.25 $82. CO 20x36 " " 52.75 83.50 If without Patent Overflow, deduct for each Overflow, $2.00. Above prices are for Sink with Back and Faucets, Wash Tub with Back, Overflow, Plugs and Faucets, complete. Ash Drip Boards to cover Wash Tubs, extra, for 1 Tub, $2.00; for 2 Tubs, $3.00. F-5341 can also be furnished with Right-Hand End or with the Sink on right-hand end of Wash Tray instead of on left-hand end, as shown. When ordering, be particular to specify how wanted; unless otherwise ordered, F-5341 will be sent as shown. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 783 WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" COMBINATION KITCHEN SINK AND WASH TUB. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. F-5346.— (SHOWING HARDWOOD DRAIN BOARD.) F-5346. Wash Tub is 24 inches long, 24 inches wide, and 16 inches deep; Back is 12 inches high. Has two Painted Iron Legs, Galvanized Soap Cup, F-5403 Brass Waste Plug, and F-5404 Sink Strainer, DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: length. Size of Sink. Price. 4 feet 24 x 24 inches $20.00 4 feet 6 inches 30 x 24 " 24.50 Ash or Oak Drain Board for Tub, extra, $2.00. If with Galvanized Iron Legs, add $1.40. If with F-5401 Waste Plug and F-5402 Strainer, add 80 cents. If with Brass Capping on Front, Ends, and Partition, add $7.50. Complete as shown (F-5346), with two Galvanized Iron Legs, Galvanized Soap Cup, Oak Drain Board over Tub, F-5401 Waste Plug, F-5402 Sink Strainer, two F-466 Nickel Plated ^-inch Faucets, and two F-442 Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. length. Size of Sink. Price. 4 feet 24 x 24 inches $28.80 4 feet 6 inches 30 x 24 " 33.30 If without Oak Drain Board, deduct $2.00. Other sizes made to order. 784 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" COMBINATION KITCHEN SINK AND LAUNDRY TUB. F-5347. Add $2.00 to prices of F-5346 for end as shown. Note: F-5347 and F-5346 can be made other sizes to order; can be furnished with Sink on left- hand side of Tub or with left-hand end, as may be desired. ABOVE TUBS CAN BE FURNISHED OF SLATE AT SAME PRICE AS DURO-STONE. "Duro-stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from veins, grit or quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. Duro-stone being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of " Duro-stone." TUBS MADE OF "DURO-STONE" WILL BE SENT ON ALL ORDERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY '85 WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" LAUNDRY TUBS, FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. F-5348.— (ONE-PART "DURO-STONE" WASH TUB.) F-5348. Tub complete as shown, with two Painted Iron Legs, Ash Cover, and F-5401 l^-inch Waste Plug. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: WIDTH, 24 INCHES; DEPTH, 16 INCHES. Tub with two Tub complete Tub only. Painted Iron Legs, as described above. Size of Tub, 2-4 inches $9.75 $11.15 $13.90 •■ » " 30 " 11.25 12.65 15.40 " " " 36 " 12.75 14.15 16.90 If with F-5403 Waste Plug, deduct 40 cents. Soap Cup, extra, 50 cents. Add for Polished Brass Capping, front and two ends, for 24-inch Tub, $4.50; 30-inch Tub, $5.00: 36- inch Tub, $5.50. F-5348 will be sent with Cock Holes, unless otherwise ordered. 786 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" LAUNDRY TUBS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. F-5349.— (TWO-PART "DURO-STONE" LAUNDRY TUB.) F-5349. Tub with two Painted Legs and two F-5403 Waste Plugs. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: WIDTH, 24 INCHES ; DEPTH, 16 INCHES. Tub only. Size of Tub, 4 feet $13.90 "4 feet 6 inches 18.40 Tub with Two Painted Iron Jyegs. |15.30 19.80 Tub with two Painted Iron L,egs and two F-5403 Waste Plugs. $16.00 20.50 Soap Cup, extra, 50 cents. If with F-5401 13^-inch Brass Plugs with Couplings, add 80 cents. F-5349 will be sent with Cock Holes and Painted Iron Legs, unless otherwise ordered. " Duro-stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from veins, grit or quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. ' ' Duro-Stone ' ' being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumb- ing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low prices on our products made of " Duro-Stone." TUBS MADE OF "DURO-STONE" WILL BE SENT ON ALL ORDERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 787 WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" LAUNDRY TUBS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. F-5350.— (TWO-PART "DURO-STONE" WASH TUB.) F-5350. Complete as shown, with two Painted Legs, High Back, Soap Cup, F-5401 Waste Plugs with Couplings and four F-466 Nickel Plated >6-inch Faucets. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: 24 INCHES WIDE; 16 INCHES DEEP; BACK, 12 INCHES HIGH. Tub only with Soap Cup and two Painted Iron L,egs. $19.40 23.90 Tub complete as described above. $25.50 30.00 Size o£ Tub, 4 feet " " 4 "6 inches If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. If with Galvanized Legs, add $1.40. For other Wash Tub Fittings, see page 806. "DURO-STONE" WASH TUBS WITH SHELF AND RETURN ENDS. Shelf and Return Ends, as shown in F-5357, page 793, for 4-foot or 4-foot 6-inch Tubs, extra, $2.50. ABOVE TUBS CAN BE FURNISHED OF SLATE AT SAME PRICE AS DURO-STONE." "duro-stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from veins, grit or quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumb- ing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of "Duro-Stone." TUBS MADE OF "DURO-STONE" WILL BE SENT ON ALL ORDERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 788 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" LAUNDRY TUBS, FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. F"5351.— (TWO-PART "DURO-STONE" WASH TUB.) F-5351. Has two Painted Iron Legs, Ash Covers, Soap Cup and two 1^-inch F-5401 Waste Plugs. Plugs. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: WIDTH, 24 INCHES; DEPTH, 16 INCHES. 4 feet, as described . • • • $20 . 30 4 feet 6 inches, as described 25 . 80 If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. If with F-5403 Waste Plugs, deduct 80 cents. If Legs are Galvanized, add $1.40. See page 806 for Wash Tub Fittings. Add for Polished Brass Capping on Front, Ends and Partition, for 4-foot Tub, $7.50; for 4-foot 6-inch Tub, $8.00. F-5351 will be sent with Cock Holes and fitted complete as shown, unless otherwise ordered. "Duro-stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from veins, grit or quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. ' ' Duro-Stone ' ' being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumb- ing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of " Duro-Stone." TUBS MADE OF DURO-STONE" WILL BE SENT ON ALL ORDERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 789 WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" LAUNDRY TUBS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. F-5352.— (TWO-PART "DURO-STONE" WASH TUB.) F-5352. Brass Bound on Front, Ends and Partition, with 12-inch High Back, two Galvanized Iron Legs, Brass Soap Cup, four F-466 >6-inch Brass Faucets and two 1^-inch F-5401 Waste Plugs. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: 24 INCHES WIDE; 16 INCHES DEEP; BACK, 12 INCHES HIGH. 4 feet, complete as shown and described $34.30 4 feet 6 inches, complete as shown and described 39 . 30 If with Galvanized Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. If with F-5403 Waste Plugs, deduct 80 cents. If Legs are Painted Iron, deduct $1.40. See page 806 for other Wash Tub Fittings. F-5352 will be sent as shown and described, unless otherwise ordered. ABOVE TUBS CAN BE FURNISHED OF SLATE AT SAME PRICE AS " DURO-STONE." " Duro-stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from veins, grit or quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. " Duro-Stone " being non absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumb- ing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of " Duro-Stone." TUBS made OF "DURO-STONE" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. 790 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" LAUNDRY TUBS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. j^-_ a -?§*, F-5354.— (THREE-PART "DURO-STONE" WASH TUB.) DIMENSIONS OF TUBS: WIDTH, 24 INCHES; DEPTH, 16 INCHES. TUB ONLY, WITH SOAP CUP. Price, Tub only, 6 feet $28.00 6 feet 6 inches 33.00 7 feet ,. 36.00 WITH SOAP CUPS AND THREE PAINTED IRON LEGS. Price, 6 feet $30.10 " 6 feet 6 inches . . 35.10 " 7 feet 38.10 WITH SOAPCUPS. THREE PAINTED IRON LEGS ANDTHREE F-5401 1^-INCH WASTE PLUGS. Price, 6 feet . . . $32 . 35 6 feet 6 inches 37.35 " 7 feet • • • 40 - 35 If with F-5403 Plugs, deduct $1.20. Galvanized Iron Legs, each, extra, 70 cents. Deduct, for each Soap Cup, 50 cents. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 791 WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" LAUNDRY TUBS, FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. F-5355.— (THREE-PART "DURO-STONE" WASH TUB.) With 12-inch High Back and Brass Capping on Front, Ends and Partitions. DIMENSIONS OF TUBS'. WIDTH, 24 INCHES; DEPTH, 16 INCHES; HEIGHT OP BACK, 12 INCHES. With Brass Soap Cups and three Galvanized Iron Legs. Price, 6 feet $49. 70 6 feet 6 inches 55.20 " 7 feet 58. 7G If with Galvanized Iron Soap Cups, deduct $1.00. If with Painted Iron Legs, deduct $2.10. Complete as shown, with Brass Soap Cups, three Galvanized Iron Legs, three F-5401. 13^-inch Waste Plugs and six F-466 %-inch Brass Faucets. Price, 6 feet. $57.95 6 feet 6 inches . . . 63.45 7 f ee t ..„,..»,..,.,. • 66 . 95 If with Painted Iron Legs, deduct $2 10. If with Galvanized Iron Soap Cups, deduct $1.00. Longer Tubs made to order. 792 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" LAUNDRY TUBS, FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. F-5356.— (THREE-PART "DURO-STONE" WASH TUB.) DIMENSIONS OF TUBS: WIDTH, 24 INCHES! DEPTH, 16 INCHES; HEIGHT OF BACK, 12 INCHES. WITH SOAP CUPS. Price, Tub only, 6 feet $34.00 6 feet 6 inches 39.00 7 feet 42.00 WITH SOAP CUPS AND THREE PAINTED IRON LEGS. Price, 6 feet " $36.10 6 feet 6 inches 41.10 " 7 feet 44.10 WITH SOAP CUPS, PAINTED LEGS AND THREE F-5401 WASTE PLUGS. Price, 6 feet $38.35 6 feet 6 inches 43.35 " 7 feet 46.35 If with F-5403 Waste Plugs with Couplings, deduct $1.20. COMPLETE AS SHOWN, WITH PAINTED LEGS, THREE F-5401 WASTE PLUGS WITH COUPLINGS AND SIX F-466 %-INCH NICKEL PLATED FAUCETS. Price, 6 feet • ■ • $45.25 6 feet 6 inches 50.25 " 7 feet 53.25 Deduct, for each Soap Cup, 50 cents. Longer Tubs made to order. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 793 WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" LAUNDRY TUBS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. F-5357.— (THREE-PART "DU RO-STON E" WASH TUB.) F-5357. Complete as shown, with three Painted Iron Legs, Galvanized Soap Cups, three F-5401 Waste Plugs with Couplings, and six F-466 ^-inch Nickel Plated Faucets; 12-inch High Back, Shelf and Return Ends. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES: 24 INCHES WIDE: 16 INCHES DEEP. Size of Tub, 6 feet 6 inches. With three Painted Iron Legs Tub complete as and Galvanized Soap Cups. described above. $44.60 $54.50 49.60 59.50 52.60 62.50 If with Brass Capping on Front, Ends and Partitions, add for 6-foot Tub, $10.50; 6-foot 6-inch Tub, $11.00, and for 7-foot Tub, $11.50. If with Galvanized Legs, add $2.10. ABOVE TUBS CAN BE FURNISHED OF SLATE AT SAME PRICE AS "DURO-STONE." "Duro-stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from veins, grit or quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumb- ing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of "Duro-Stone." TUBS MADE OF "DURO-STONE* ' WILL BE SENT ON ALL ORDERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. p «94 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S WHITE ENAMELED IRON WASH TUBS. F-5359. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-5359. White Enameled Iron Wash Tubs with Soap Cups, Plug and Chain and Rubber Stopper. PRICES: SET OF 2 TUBS, WITH LEGS ONLY (No Overflows - - ' $22.00 " " 3 " " " " " - 33.00 No Fittings included, see below. Patent Overflow, extra, for each Tub, $2.00 Ash Tops, extra, for each Tub, $1.50. Covers, extra, for each Tub, $2.00 EXTRA WIDE TUBS.— F-5359 can also be furnished 30 inches wide; add to each Tub, $2.50 Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, with Plugs, for Two-Part Tubs, extra, $5.00; for Three-Part Tubs, extra, $7.50 Tubs with Faucet Holes will be sent unless otherwise ordered. WHEN SPECIFYING OR ORDERING WASH TUBS WITH "WOLFF'S BRASSWORK. BE CAREFUL TO GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER OF FAUCETS, ETC., WANTED IN ADDITION TO THE NAME AND NUMBER OF WASH TUBS. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 795 WOLFF'S ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON WASH TUBS. F-5361-(WITH WRINGER ATTACHMENT.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-5361. Enameled Iron Roll Rim Wash Tubs, Painted Outside, with Patent Overflows and Painted Iron Standards, 15-inch High Enameled Iron Back with Soap Cups, Nickel Plated Waste Plugs, with Rubber Stoppers, Chains and Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets and one Hardwood Wringer Attachment. Price TUBS ONLY WITHOUT Patent Over- Price WITHOUT Patent flows with Soap Cups, Back, Overflow — otherwise Chains, Stoppers, and as Described. Plugs. PRICE PER SET OF 3 TUBS re it ct rr « rr Price Complete as De- scribed with Patent Overflow. $71.40 47.10 $65.40 43.10 $58.50 38.50 On sets of two Tubs one Wringer Attachment is included and on sets of three Tubs two attachments are included. Extra Faucets, $1.15 each, Patent Overflows are included in the first two prices at $2.00 for each Tub. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, for 2-part Tubs, extra, $5.00; for 3-part Tubs, $7.50. Ash Covers for each Tub, extra, $2.00 Additional Wringer Attachments, extra, $1.50. Galvanized Air Chambers, extra, per pair, $1.50. TUBS WITH BACK AND FAUCET HOLES WILL BE SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED. F 5361 can also be furnished with Right or L,ef t-Hand End when desired ; add to above prices for each end, $3.00. 796 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ROLL RIM WHITE ENAMELED IRON WASH TUBS. /c^> F-5363. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-5363. Enameled Iron Roll Rim Wash Tubs, Painted Outside, with Painted Iron Standards, patent overflows, Soap Cups, Nickel Plated Waste Plugs with Rubber Stoppers and Chains, and four F-466 Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets. Price TUBS ONLY WITHOUT Patent Over- Price Complete as De- Price WITHOUT Patent flows, with Soap Cups, N. P. : Chains, Stoppers and Waste Plugs. $45.00 30.00 scribed with Patent Overflows — othe Overflows. as Describee PRICE per Set of 3 TUBS... $57.90 $51.90 " " 2 TUBS. . . 38.60 34.00 DIMENSIONS. Length over all, set of 2 Trays, 55 inches; set of 3 Trays, 82 inches; Height from floor to top of rim, 31 % inches. Extra Faucets, $1.15 each. Patent Overflows are included in the first two prices at $2.00 for each Tub. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, for 2-part Tubs, extra, $5.00; for 3-part Tubs, extra, $7.50. Ash Covers, extra, $2.00 for each Tub; Wringer Attachment, extra, $1.50. TUBS WITHOUT FAUCET HOLES WILL BE SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 797 WOLFF'S ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON WASH TUBS, F-5364 — (WITH 15-INCH HIGH BACK.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-5364. Enameled Iron Roll Rim Wash Tubs, Painted Outside, with Patent Overflows and Painted Iron Standards, 15-inch High Enameled Iron Back with Soap Cups, Nickel Plated Waste Plugs, with Rubber Stoppers and Chains and Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets. Price TUBS ONLY WITHOUT Patent Over- Price WITHOUT Patent flows with Soap Cups, Back, PRICE per Set of 3 TUBS " 2 TUBS. Price Complete as De- scribed with Patent Overflow. $68.40 45.60 Overflow — otherwise as Described. $62.40 41.60 Chains, Stoppers, and Plugs. $55.50 37.00 Dimensions are same as F-5363 Extra Faucets, $1.15 each; Patent Overflows are included in the first two prices at $2.00 for each Tub. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, for 2-part Tubs, extra, $5.00; for 3-part Tubs, $7.50. Ash Covers, $2.00 for each Tub, extra; Wringer Attachment, extra, $1.50. Galvanized Air Chambers, extra, per pair, $1.50. TUBS WITH BACK AND FAUCET HOLES WILL BE SENT UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED. F-5364 can also be furnished with Right or Left-Hand End when desired; add to above prices for each end, $3.00. 798 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN WASH TUBS, F-5379-— (MONARCH PORCELAIN WITH BACK INTEGRAL.) MONARCH PORCELAIN WASH TUBS WITH MONARCH PORCELAIN LEGS. FAUCETS AND PLUGS NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE. Class "A" Class "B" Class "C 26 inch Price set of 2 Tubs with Porcelain Legs $82.00 $56.00 $44.00 26 inch /l " "3 " l< " " 123.00 84.00 66.00 29 inch " " "2 " " " " 90.00 62.00 48.00 29inch " " "3 " " " " 135.00 93.00 72.00 \% inch Waste Plugs, extra, Brass, each, $1.00; Nickel Plated, $1.13. With Rubber Stopper, brass, $1.25. Nickel Plated. $1.40. For prices of Continuous Waste, see page 802. WRINGER ATTACHMENT FOR "MONARCH" PORCELAIN TUBS. F-5380-— top view.) F-5380.— (bottom VIEW.) Price Wringer Attachment, Brass Band, each $5.00. Eich Attachment is furnished with long bolts for fastening to Tub. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 799 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN WASH TUBS. F-5382. — (monarch porcelain all roll rim.) MONARCH PORCELAIN WASH TUBS ALL ROLL RIM WITH BRONZED IRON LEGS. FAUCETS OR PLUGS NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE. Class "A" Class "B" Class "C" 24 inch Price set of 2 Tubs with Bronzed iron legs $44.00 $32.00 $25.00 24inch " " ".3 " " " " " 66.00 48.00 37.50 29 inch " " " 2 " " " " " 48.00 35.00 27.00 29 inch " " " 3 " " " "■ " 72.00 52.50 40.50 36 inch " " " 2 " " " " " 76.00 57.50 41.00 36 inch " " " 3 " " " " " 114.00 86.25 61.50 Price of Polished Brass or Nickel Plated Special Pipes as shown above will be furnished on application. Wringer as shown 11x2 inches, $9.00. 12x2 inches, $10.00. For price of Wringer attachment, see page 798. V/ 2 inch Waste Plugs extra, brass, each $1.00. Nickel Plated, $1.15. Same with Rubber Stopper, brass, $1.25. Nickel Plated, $1.40. If with Enameled Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Legs, add per pair, (1 tub) $3.00. If Nickel Plated Brass Legs, add per pair (1 tub) $5.00. Class "A" Class "B" Class "C" If with Monarch Porcelain Legs, add per pair, il tub) $6.00 $3.25 $3.25 For price of Brass Continuous Waste with Plugs, see page 802. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 800 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN WASH TUBS. F-5383. — (BATTERY OF FOUR TUBS.) Monarch Porcelain Wash Tubs arranged in battery of four (4) tubs with cast iron painted Frame with vertical Supply Pipe Support and two Wringer Attachments. FAUCETS OR BRASS SUPPLY PIPE OR PLUGS NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE. Class A. Class B. Class C. 29 inch Price Four Tubs with Iron Frame and Wringer Supports $122 .00 $ 98 . 00 $ 80.00 36 inch Price Four Tubs with Iron Frame and Wringer Supports 180 . 00 143 . 00 110 . 00 \y 2 inch Waste Plugs extra Brass $1.00; Nickel Plated $1.15. With Rubber Stopper Brass $1.25; Nickel Plated $1.40. Wringer 11x2 inches $9.00; 12x2 inches $10.00. Above can be arranged in batteries of 6, 8 or more Tubs. Price upon application. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. I* WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 801 WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN WASH TUBS, F-5386. — (monarch porcelain with high backs.) MONARCH PORCELAIN WASH TUBS WITH MONARCH PORCELAIN HIGH BACK WITH BRONZED IRON LEGS. FAUCETS OR PLUGS NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE, 24 inch Price set of 2 Tubs with bronzed iron legs 24 inch 29 inch 29 inch 36 inch 36 inch " 2 " 3 ;< 2 ' 3 Class "A" Class "B" Class "C egs $56.00 $41.00 $31.00 " 84.00 61.50 44.50 46.50 " 61.00 33.50 " 91.50 66.75 68.50 50.25 " 92.00 49.00 " 138.00 103.00 73.50 Wringer as shown, 11x2 inches, $9.00. 12x2 inches, $10.00. For price of Wringer attachment, see page 798. l l / 2 inch Waste Plugs extra; brass, each $1.00. Nickel Plated, $1.15. Same with Rubber Stopper,, brass, $1.25. Nickel Plated, $1.40. If with Enameled Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Legs, add per pair, (1 tub) $3.00. Plated Brass Legs, add per pair, (1 tub) $5.00. If with Monarch Porcelain legs, add per pair, (1 tub) Class "A' . $6.00. Class "B" $3.25 If Nickel Class "C" $3.25 For price of Brass Continuous Waste with Plugs, see page 802. HEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. 802 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN WASH TUBS, F-5387. — (FLAT RIM "MONARCH" PORCELAIN.) Size. Class "A" Class "B" Class "C 24 inch— Price each tub with 2 bronzed iron legs $17.00 $12.50 $10.00 27 inch— " " " " " " " " 18.00 13.50 10 50 29 inch— " " " " " " " " 19.00 14.50 11.00 1% inch Waste Plugs extra; brass, each, $1.00; Nickel Plated $1.15. Same with Rubber Stopper; brass, $1.25; Nickel Plated, $1.40, If with Ash Rim add for each tub $1.50. If with Ash Rim and Cover for same add for each tub $3.00. If with Enameled Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Legs, add per pair (1 tub) $3.00. Plated Brass Legs, add per pair (1 tub) $5.00. If with Nickel If with Monarch Porcelain Legs, add per pair (1 tub) Class "A" $6.00. If with " " '• " " " (1 tub) Class "B" 3.25. If with " " " " " " (1 tub) Class "C" 3.25. BRASS CONTINUOUS WASTE WITH PLUGS. F-5391-— CONTINUOUS WASTE FOR WASH TUBS.) Rough Brass Nickel Plated N. P. Polished Brass. Brass Continuous Waste with Plugs for 2 Tubs $5.00 $7.50 Brass " •< << " " 3 " 7.50 11.25 \V 2 inch Cast Brass Trap with vent to wall 3.25 4.00 2 inch " « " " " " " 6.00 7.00 WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S MONARCH PORCELAIN. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 803 WOLFF'S COLUMBIAN ROLL RIM WASH TUBS. F-5392. (COLUMBIAN WITH BACK INTEGRAL.) "COLUMBIAN" WASH TUBS WITH COLUMBIAN LEGS. FAUCETS AND PLUGS NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE. 26 inch Price set of 2 Tubs with Columbian Legs $50.00 26 inch " " " 3 <( V " " 75.00 29 inch ' 2 " " " «■ ...54.00 29 inch " " " 3 " " (( " 81.00 \y 2 inch Waste Plugs, extra, Brass, each, $1.00 ; Nickel Plated, $1.15. With Rubber Stopper, Brass, $1.25. Nickel Plated, $1.40. For prices of Continuous Waste, see page 802. For Price of Wringe • attachment see page 798. If with Enameled Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Legs, add per pair, (1 tub) 50c. If Nickel Plated Brass Legs, add per pair (1 tub) $2.50. Columbian ware is light buff in color ; it is made and fired in the same manner as Monarch Porcelain — it is glazed all over (inside and outside). Columbian Wash Tubs are the same in outline and sizes as our Porcelain. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S COLU MBIAN WARE. 804 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S COLUMBIAN ROLL RIM WASH TUBS, F-5393. — (COLUMBIAN WITH HIGH BACKS.) "COLUMBIAN" WASH TUBS WITH COLUMBIAN HIGH BACK WITH BRONZED IRON LEGS. FAUCETS OR PLUGS NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE. 29 inch Price set of 2 Tubs with brozed iron legs $39.00 29 inch " " "3 " " " " " 58.50 36inch " " "2 " " " " " 58.00 36inch " " "3 " " " " " ...87.00 Wringer as shown, 11x2 inches, $9.00. 12x2 inches, $10.00. For price of Wringer attachment see page 798. 1% inch Waste Plugs extra ; Brass, each $1.00. Nickel Plated, $1.15. Same with Rubber Stopper, Brass, $1.25. Nickel Plated, $1.40. If with Enameled Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Legs, add per pair (1 tub) $3.00. If Nickel Plated Brass Legs, add per pair (1 tub) $5.00. For price of Brass Continuous Waste with Plugs, see page 802. Columbian ware is light buff in color ; it is made and fired in the same manner as Monarch Porcelain— it is glazed all over— (inside and outside). Columbian Wash Tubs are the same in outline and sizes as our Porcelain. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S "COLUMBIAN" WARE. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 805 WOLFF'S COLUMBIAN ROLL RIM WASH TUBS. F-5394. — (COLUMBIAN ALL ROLL RIM.) "COLUMBIAN" WASH TUBS ALL ROLL RIM BRONZED IRON LEGS. FAUCETS OR PLUGS NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE. 29 inch Price set of 2 Tubs with Bronzed Iron Legs $31.00 29 " " " "3 " " " " " 46.50 36 " " ' "2 " " " " " 48.00 36 " " " "3 " " " " " 72.00 Price of polished Brass or Nickel Plated Special Pipes as shown above will be furnished on application. Wringer as shown, 11x2 inches, $9.00. 12x2 inches, $10.00. For price of Wringer attachment, see page 798. l l / 2 inch Waste Plugs extra; brass, each $1.00. Nickel Plated, $1.15. Same with Rubber Stopper, brass, $1.25. Nickel Plated, $1.40. If with Enameled Iron Legs instead of Bronzed Legs, add per pair, (1 tub) $3.00. If Nickel Plated Brass Legs, add per pair, (1 tub) $5.00. For price of Brass Continuous Waste with Plugs, see page 802. Columbian Ware is light buff in color; it is made and fired in the same manner as Monarch Porcelain — it is glazed all over (inside and outside). Columbian Wash Tubs are the same in outline and sizes as our Porcelain. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER AND BE PARTICULAR TO MENTION WOLFF'S COLUMBIAN WARE. 806 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WASH TUB AND SINK FITTINGS. PLUG FOR WASH TUB. SINK STRAINER. PLUG FOR WASH TUB. F-5403, 1% -inch, Brass, each $0.35 SINK STRAINER. F-5401. Plug with Coupling, Locknut F-5402. and Tailpiece. Sink Strainer with Coupling and Tailpiece. 1^-inch, Brass, each $0.75 Brass> each |() ^ F-5404. 1% " Nickel Plated, each .85 Nickel Plated, each 85 Brass, with Bolts, each. . .$0.35 ASH COVERS FOR WASH TUBS. F-5405. Ash Cover, 24-inch ... $2 . 00 Ash Cover, 72-inch ... $4 . 50 48 54 3.00 .. 4.00 84 .. 6.50 SOAP CUP. F-5406. Galvanized, each $0.50 Brass, eacJi . . *. 1 . 00 WASH TUB LEG. WASH TUB LEG. F-5407. p. 5408 Galvanized, for Corner, each $1.50 Painted Iron, each " Center, " 2.00 $0.70 Galvanized Iron, each 1.40 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 806 # WOLFF'S PORCELAIN, MARBLE, GLASS AND SLATE URINAL STALLS. From pages 807 to 858 we show a complete line of Urinals made up in Monarch Porcelain, Marble, Slate, Glass and Enameled Iron suitable to all classes of buildings. A complete line of Brass Trimmings is also shown. Most of the fixtures are shown complete, with Tanks, Trimmings, etc., and it is the manner in which nearly all of our orders are shipped. All Marble, Slate, Glass or Porcelain Parts and Metal Supply and Waste Fittings are fitted and adjusted to each Urinal before shipment, thus avoiding loss of time and trouble when setting in place. OUR COMPLETE URINALS WILL GIVE BETTER SATISFACTION AND DO NOT COST ANY MORE THAN THOSE WHERE THE MARBLE AND FITTINGS ARE MADE BY DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS. MONARCH PORCELAIN URINALS. We have under way many styles of Monarch Porcelain Urinals. Lack of time prevents illustrating them in this catalogue. A circular showing this line of material, however, is now being prepared and will be ready for distribution in a short time. The illustration below is one of the many designs we have under way. We will be pleased to furnish descriptions and prices upon application . m^_ ^ F-5410. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S WATER CLOSET AND URINAL STALLS, F-5412, The above illustration shows a group of Plumbing Fixtures; a suggestion for an arrangement of fixtures in a toilet room in Hotels, Office Buildings, etc. ; the fixtures shown consist of Wolff's Marble Water Closet Stalls, fitted with our own make brass trimmings and doors, Superior Syphon Jet Water Closets with Brass Flush Pipes and bent high Tanks, having bent round corners and Marble Urinal Stalls with Syphon Jet Urinals and Monarch Porcelain Lavatories. We manufacture, set up, adjust and fit in our factory before shipment all of the fixtures mentioned above, mark and pack the different parts, so that when shipment reaches destination the Plumbers can set them up without any difficulty. We do not give measurements or prices on account of the variations in sizes required, but will be pleased to furnish quotations or sketches at any time. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 807 WOLFF'S MARBLE WATER CLOSET STALLS. F-5414. F-5414. — Illustrates Marble Water Closet Stalls as we make them. The Brass Work (our own make) is carefully fitted and adjusted to the marble and then the entire fixture is set up in our factory, and the doors, flush pipes, etc., are then also fitted. On account of the great care we take in fitting all the parts, Wolff's Stalls can be set up by the Plumber with little difficulty and loss of time. We do not give measurements or prices on account of the variations in sizes required, but will be pleased to furnish quotations or sketches at any time. 808 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. U^ F-5425— (WITH SYPHON JET URINALS. F-5425 Includes 4-Stall Marble Urinal, with ^-inch Italian Marble Ends and Partitions Polished on both sides, J^-inch Italian Marble Back Polished on one side, 7-inch Italian Marble Capping for space for Connection, and2-in. Marble Countersunk Base, fitted with Nickel Plated Brass Clamps and Bolts, three Nickel Plated Brass Ornamental Legs, five Nickel Plated Brass Ornamental Rail Posts, with Nickel Plated Brass Top Railing with wall flanges, four "Duroware' ; Syphon Jet Urinals F- 5475 with Copper Lined oak patent automatic Syphon Flushing Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated Short Flush Pipe with Coupling on End, four Nickel Plated F-5536 extra large Inlet Connections, four Nickel Plated Brass F-5535 Outlet Connections, and Nickel Plated Brass Urinal Bolts. DIMENSIONS : Height, 5 feet, 5^ feet or 6 feet; Width, center to center of Partitions, 2 feet; Depth of Partitions, 1 foot 10 inches; Standards supporting Partitions, 12 inches high; Base, 2 feet wide; Top Railing on 5-foot Stalls is 6 feet 6 inches from floor; on 5^-foot Stalls, 6 feet 6 inches, and on 6-foot Stalls, 7 feet from floor. PRICES COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED : Height, 5 ft. Height, 5 y 2 ft. Height, 6 it. 3-Stall Italian Marble Urinal fitted with one 6-gal. Automatic Tank. $233. 75 $242.00 1250.00 4 « i << « " 8-" " " 289.75 300.50 310.50 5 " ( a « « 10-" " " 360.75 373.25 385.75 6 " i << " two 6-" " " 439.25 454.00 468.50 7 " . ( » « 8-" li •• 505.00 521.75 538.50 8 " l K << << 8-" " " 566.75 586.00 604.75 9 " i n « .< 8 _«« " " 628.75 650.00 670.75 10 " ' .. « 10 _« " " 693.00 714.50 739.25 2 « ' " ' " one 4-" " " 168.00 174.00 180.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 809 F-5426,— (SYPHON URINAL WITH PULL TANK.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. Illustration represents one Stall Marble Urinal with ^-inch Italian Marble Back and End and Partition with Brass Leg and Duroware Syphon Jet Urinal arranged with pull syphon tank. The above can be furnished in any number of Stalls required. When a single Urinal and Stall is sufficient and Automatic Flushing Tank not necessary, the above arrangement is well adapted, as the Urinal can only be flushed by drawing down the Pull which starts the Syphon and thoroughly Flushes Urinal. For prices see page 808, price is same as those given on that page. 810 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-5428. — (SYPHON TANK AND SYPHON JET, EARTHENWARE URINAL WITH FLOOR OUTLET.) F-5428. — Includes a single Marble Urinal with J& inch Italian marble back, polished on one side, 2 End pieces, polished on two sides, 2 inch Marble Countersunk base, fitted with F-5475 Syphon Jet "Duro-ware" Urinal, 2 gallon oak Syphon tank, with round corners, Nickel Plated Iron brackets, Nickel Plated Brass flush pipe from tank to Urinal, with inlet Connection, Nickel Plated brass waste pipe to Marble base with Nickel Plated floor flange, Nickel Plated brass chain with porcelain pull, Nickel Plated brass chain guide, Nickel Plated brass clamps and bolts. DIMENSIONS. Height, 5, 5>£, or 6 feet, width center to center of End pieces, 2 feet, depth of End pieces 20 inches. Base projects 2 inches. PRICES COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. Height 5 feet - by* - " 6 Italian Marble. .... $82.25 ... 86.00 . . . 89.75 Slate. 168.00 70.50 73.00 Note: — In the construction of our Slate urinal stalls, we use \% inch stock, with the exception of the Base, which is of 2 inch slate. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 811 F-5429. (SYPHON JET, WALL OUTLET.) F-5429. — Includes a single marble Urinal with /^inch Italian marble Capping and back, polished on one side, 2 End pieces, polished on two sides, 2 inch Marble Countersunk base, fitted with Syphon let Urinal with concealed inlet and outlet connections, 2 gallon oak Syphon tank, with round corners, Nickel Plated Iron brackets, Nickel Plated Brass flush pipe to below Marble Capping, Nickel Plated Chain with Porcelain pull and Nickel Plated brass Chain guide. Nickel Plated brass clamps and bolts. DIMENSIONS. Height, 5, 5>£ or 6 feet, width Center to Center of End pieces, 2 feet, depth of End pieces, 2 feet 2 inches over all, including 6 inch piping space between marble back and wall. Base projects 2 inches. PRICES COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED, Italian Marble Slate. Height 5 feet . . $92.75 $75.50 " 5^" 97.00 78.25 " 6 " 101.25 81.00 Note: — In the construction of our Slate urinal Stalls, we use 1% inch stock, with the exception of the base which is of 2 inch slate. 812 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-5430. — (regular flat back lipped urinal, wall outlet,) F-5430. — Includes a single Marble Urinal with % inch Italian Marble Capping and back, polished on one side, 2 End pieces polished on 2 sides, 2 inch Marble Countersunk base, fitted with No. 2 flat back lipped Bedfordshire Urinal with Concealed inlet and outlet Connections, 1 gallon oak Syphon tank, with round corners, Nickel Plated Iron brackets, Nickel Plated Brass flush pipe to below Marble Capping, Nickel Plated Chain with porcelain pull, Nickel Plated brass Chain guide. Nickel Plated brass clamps and bolts. DIMENSIONS: Height, 5, 5)4, or 6 feet, width, center to center of End pieces 2 feet, depth of End pieces 2 feet, 2 inches over all, including 6 inch piping space between Marble back and wall. Base projects 2 inches. PRICES COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. Italian Marble. Slate. Height 5 feet .... , $82.75 $65.50 5 l / 2 " 87.00 G8.25 " b " 91.25 71.25 Note: — In the Construction of our Slate urinal stalls, we use \% inch stock, with the exception of the base, which is 2 inch slate. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 813 GLASS URINAL STALLS. F-5432— (GLASS, PARTITIONS, BACKS AND BASE.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-5432 Represents a 3-Stall Hammered Glass Urinal, the Back, Ends and Partitions are of ^-inch Hammered Glass, Base of 1-inch Hammered Glass, with Polished Brass Clamps and Bolts, Polished Brass Perforated Wash-down Pipe with Loose Key Stop, and Cast-Iron Galvanized Gutter with Straight Outlet Connection. The bottom parts of the Ends and Partitions are made so that the Glass Base can be pitched toward the Gutter. Glass being non-absorbent, and therefore sanitary adapts its use for Urinal Stalls. PRICES UPON APPLICATION. We can furnish Glass Urinal Stalls fitted up with Earthenware Urinals, or in any other manner desired. 814 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MARBLE URINAL STALLS. F-5433. F-5433. Includes Three-Stall Marble Urinal with ,%-incli Italian Marble Partitions, Polished on both sides, ,%-inch Italian Marble Back, polished on one side, and 2-inch Countersunk Marble Base: fitted with three Polished Brass Inlet Connections (F-5536) three No. 2 (F-5487) Lipped Urinals and three Polished Brass ( F- 5533) Urinal Traps. Partitions are supported on Brass Clamps and Brass Standards and are Brass-Bound on front and top with Heavy Brass Pipe and have Ornamental Top Railing as shown, Bent Corner Oak 2-gallon Automatic Flushing Tank with Brass Combination Bracket and Brass Flush Pipe. ALL BRASSWORK IS POLISHED BRASS. dimensions: Height from floor to top of Partition, 5 feet, 5% f eet or 6 feet; width from center to center of Parti- tions, 2 feet; depth of Partitions, 1 foot 10 inches; Standards supporting Partitions, 12 inches high; Base 2 feet wide; Top Railing on 5-foot Stalls is 6 feet 6 inches from floor; on b%-ioot Stalls, 6 feet 6 inches, and on 6-foot Stalls, 7 feet from floor. PRICES COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED: Height, 5 ft. 3-Stall Italian Marble Urinal $195.75 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 fitted with 3-gal. Automatic Tank, 250.00 3 " " " 303.00 4 " " " 356.50 4 " " " 409.75 6 " " " 465 75 6 " " " 519.00 8 " " " 573.00 2 " " " 142.50 Height, 5% ft. $ 205.00 261.75 317.50 373.50 429 25 488 00 544.00 600.50 149.25 Height, 6 ft. $ 214.50 274.00 332.25 390.75 449.25 509 50 568.00 628.00 156.25 If Brassworkis furnished Nickel Plated, add for each Stall $2.50. F-5433 can be furnished special sizes to order; also with space behind back for connecting Pipes, as shown in F-5437. When one end of Stall finishes against wall the end Partition and Brass is continued to floor, All parts are carefully fitted, adjusted and marked in our factory before shipment. Oak Tank will be sent unless otherwise ordered. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 815 MARBLE URINAL STALLS. F-5435. F-5435. Includes Three-Stall Marble Urinal with ^-inch Italian Marble Partitions, Polished on both sides, J^-inch Italian Marble Back, polished on one side, and 2-inch Countersunk Marble Base; fitted with three Polished Brass Inlet Connections (F-5536) three No. 2 (F-5487) Lipped Urinals and three Polished Brass (F-5533) Urinal Traps. Partitions are supported on Brass Clamps and Brass Standards and have Ornamental Top Railing as shown, Bent Corner Oak 2-gallon Automatic Flushing Tank with Brass Combination Bracket and Brass Flush Pipe. ALL BRASSWORK IS POLISHED BRASS. DIMENSIONS : Height from floor to top of Partition, 5 feet, 5^ feet or 6 feet; width from center to center of Parti- tions, 2 feet; depth of Partitions, 1 foot 10 inches; Standards supporting Partitions, 12 inches high; Base, 2 feet wide; Top Railing on 5-foot Stalls is 6 feet 6 inches from floor; on 5>£-foot Stalls, 6 feet 6 inches, and on 6-foot Stalls, 7 feet from floor. PRICES COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED: Height, 5 ft. 3-Stall Italian Marble Urinal $179.75 4 " " " " fitted with 3-gal. Automatic Tank, 230.00 7 8 9 10 9 279.00 328.50 377.75 429.75 479.00 529.00 130.50 Height, 5 y 2 ft. $189.00 241.75 293.50 345.50 397.25 452.00 504.00 556.50 137.25 Height, 6 ft. $198.50 254.00 308.25 362 75 417.25 473.50 528.00 584.00 144.25 If Brasswork is furnished Nickel Plated, add for each Stall $1.50. F-5435 can be furnished special sizes to order; also with space behind back for connecting shown in F- 5437 When one end of Stall finishes against wall the end Partition and Brass is continued to All parts are carefully fitted, adjusted and marked in our factory before shipment. Oak Tank will be sent unless otherwise ordered. Pipes, as floor. 816 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MARBLE URINAL STALLS F-5436, F-5436. Includes Two-Stall Italian Marble Urinal, with ^-inch Italian Marble Ends and Parti- tions, Polished on both sides, %-inch Italian Marble Back, Polished one side, and 2-inch Countersunk Base fitted with Nickel Plated Brass Urinal Clamps, Nickel Plated Brass Inlet Connections, two No. 2 Lipped Urinals (F-5487), two Nickel Plated (F-5533) Brass Urinal Traps, Nickel Plated Brass Leg for inside Partition, and 1-gallon Oak Automatic Flushing Tank with Nickel Plated Combination Bracket and Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe to Urinals. DIMENSIONS. Height, 5 or 5% feet; width from center to center of Partitions, 2 feet; depth of Knds and Partitions,. 20 inches; Base projects 2 inches; Leg is 12 inches, PRICES COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. MARBLE SLATE Height, 5 ft. Height, by 2 ft. Height, 5 ft. Height, 5V 2 ft 2-Stall Urinal, with 1- gallon Automatic Tank . . . $101.00 $106.00 $ 87.00 $ 91.00 3 <( " 2 a a a 142.00 149.00 122.75 128.00 4. << << a O 1 • . . . . ... 183.75 192.75 158.75 166.25 5 " :i 3 c< . ... 224.00 235.00 193.75 203.00 6 k ' " 4 << << " . . . ... 266.00 279.50 230.75 242.00 7 " a 4 " ... 309.00 324.00 267.75 280.50 8 " " 6 « << << __ . ... 348.75 365.00 302.00 311.50 9 " " 6 " 8 a a (i 389.00 407.50 461.00 337.00 383.00 348.25 LO " u (( a 440.75 396.00 If with Polished Brass Fittings, deduct for each Stall $1.00. If with Pine Tank, deduct $1.00. If with Bronzed Iron Bracket, deduct $1.25. Oak Tank will be furnished unless otherwise ordered. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 817 MARBLE URINAL STALLS. F-5437. F-54-37. Includes Two-Stall Marble Urinal, with ^g-inch Italian Marble Ends and Partitions, Polished on both sides; %-inch Italian Marble Back, Polished one side; 7-inch Capping for space for Connections and 2-inch Countersunk Base fitted with Nickel Plated Brass Urinal Clamps, two Nickel Plated Improved Inlet Connections (F- 5536 two No. 2 Lipped Urinals (F-5487 , two Nickel Plated(F-5533)Brass Urinal Traps and 1-gallon Oak Automatic Flushing Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, and Nickel Plated Flush Pipe 2 feet long with Double Coupling. DIMENSIONS. Height, 5 or 5^ feet; width from center to center of Partitions, 2 feet; depth of Partitions, 20 inches; depth of Ends, 2 feet 2 inches; Base projects 2 inches; 6-inch space allowed back of Stall for connections. PRICES COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. MARBLE Height 5 ft. Height 2-Stall Urinal, with 1-gallon Automatic Tank $107.70 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 148.50 190.00 231.75 272.00 309.50 352.00 392.00 435.25 5% ft- $113.50 156.25 200.00 242.75 285.75 325.25 370.00 412.00 457.00 SLATE Height, 5 ft. Height, 5^ ft. $ 90.30 124.50 160.00 195.00 229.00 260.00 296.50 330.00 366.50 $ 94.75 130.50 167.50 204.25 239.50 272.25 310.25 340.50 383.50 If with Polished Brass Fittings, deduct for each Stall 75 cents. If with Cast-Brass Combination Bracket, add 75 cents. If space behind back is not required, Capping is deducted and Ends are furnished 20 inches instead of 26 inches. Oak Tanks will be furnished unless otherwise ordered. Special sizes of F-5437 can be furnished on short notice. 818 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MARBLE URINAL STALLS. F-5438. F-5438. Includes Two-Stall Marble Urinal, with ^-inch Italian Marble Ends and Partition, polished on both sides, J^-inch Italian Marble Back, polished one side, 7-inch Capping for space for connections and 2-inch Countersunk Base, fitted with Nickel Plated Brass Urinal Clamps, two Nickel Plated (F-5509) Self -Closing Urinal Cocks, two No. 2 Lipped Urinals (F- 5487), and two Nickel Plated ( F- 5533 j Urinal Traps. DIMENSIONS. Height, 5 or d% feet; width from center to center of Partitions, 2 feet; depth of Partitions, 20 inches; depth of Ends, 2 feet 2 inches; Base projects 2 inches; 6-inch space allowed at back for connections; Capping 7 inches wide. PRICES. HEIGHT, 5 FT. HEIGHT, 5% FT. Two-Stall Marble Urinal, complete as described $98 . 50 $104 . 25 For each additional Stall (continuous), add 40.75 42.75 If one Stall only is required, deduct r 40 . 75 42 . 75 If with Polished Brass Fittings instead of Nickel Plated, deduct for each Stall 75 cents. If space behind back is not required, Capping is deducted and Ends are furnished 20 inches instead of 2 feet 2 inches. SLATE URINAL STALLS. Same dimensions, and fitted in same manner as described above. PRICES. HEIGHT, 5 FEET. HEIGHT, 5% FT. Two-Stall Slate Urinal, complete as described $81.00 $85.50 For each additional Stall ( continuous ) , add 34 . 00 35 . 75 If one Stall only is required, deduct 34.00 35.75 All parts are carefully fitted and adjusted in our factory before shipment. F-5438 can be furnished am?- special size to order on short notice. L- WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 819 F"5439« — (REGULAR FLAT BACK LIPPED EARTHENWARE URINAL.) F-5439. — Includes a single Marble Urinal with % inch Capping and back, polished on one side, 2 End pieces polished on 2 sides, fitted with a No. 2 flat back lipped Urinal F-5487, Nickel Plated brass, F-5536 inlet Connection, Nickel Plated brass, F-5533trap, one gallon oak Syphon tank, with round corners, Nickel Plated brass flush pipe to below Marble Capping, Nickel Plated brass Chain, with porcelain pull, Nickel Plated brass Chain guide, Nickel Plated brass clamps and bolts. DIMENSIONS: Height, 5, 5)4 or 6 feet, width Center to Center of End pieces, 2 feet, depth of End -pieces, including 6 inch piping space between Marble back and wall, 2 feet, 2 inches over all. Base projects 2 inches. PRICES COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. Italian Marble. Slate Height, 5 feet. ..,'... $81.25 $64.00 5^ " 85.50 66.75 6 " 89.75 69.50 Note: — In the Construction of our Slate urinal Stalls, we use 1% inch Stock, with the exception of the base, which is of 2 inch slate. 820 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. F-5440. — (REGULAR FLAT BACK LIPPED EARTHENWARE URINAL, WITH BRASS TRAP.) F-5440. — Includes a single Marble Urinal with % inch Italian Marble Capping and back, polished on one side, 2 End pieces, polished on 2 sides, 2 inch Marble Countersunk base, fitted with a No. 2 flat back lipped Earthenware Urinal, F-5487, Nickel Plated brass trap, F-5533, one gallon oak round cornered Syphon tank, with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated brass flush pipe from tank to urinal, with inlet Connection, Nickel Plated brass chain with porcelain pull, Nickel Plated brass Chain guide, Nickel Plated brass clamps and bolts. DIMENSIONS: Height, 5, 5>£ or 6 feet, width Center to Center of End pieces, 2 feet, depth of End pieces, 20 inches. Base projects 2 inches. PRICES COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. Italian Marble. Slate. Height 5 feet , $72.75 $56.75 b}i " , 76.50 59.25 6 " 80.00 61.75 Note: — In the Construction of our Slate urinal Stalls, we use 1% inch Stock, with the exception of the base, which is of 2 inch slate. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 821 MARBLE AND SLATE URINAL STALLS, F-5442 — (SINGLE STALL.) F-5442 Represents a long Single Urinal Stall (without Center Partitions), fitted with Galvanized Cast Iron Gutter with Outlet Connection, Polished Brass Perforated Wash-Down Pipe with Loose Key Stop and Polished Brass Clamps and Bolts. Can be made of any length, height and depth to suit requirements. The Back and Ends are of 1^-inch Slate or of ^-inch Marble; the Base is 2 inches thick, deeply Countersunk. If made of Slate, the back is made in sections, with rabbitted joints, securely and neatly bolted together. PRICE UPON APPLICATION. p-5444— (CORNER STALL.) F-5444 Illustrates Marble or Slate Urinal Stall for Corner, with Marble or Slate Backs and Base. Above can be fitted up in any manner desirable, of any size and with Fix- tures shown in succeeding pages. PRICE UPON APPLICATION. 822 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S SLATE URINAL STALLS. F-5448. F-5448 Includes Three-Stall Slate Urinal, with 1 34-inch Slate Partitions and Rabbeted Back, 2-inch Countersunk Base, Polished Brass Clamps and Bolts, Polished Brass Perforated Wash-Down Pipe with Loose Key Stop, and Cast Iron Galvanized Gutter with straight Outlet Connection. DIMENSIONS. Height, 5 or 5% feet; width from center to center of Partitions, 2 feet ; depth, 20 inches. PRICES HEIGHT, 5 FT. HEIGHT, 5% FT. Three-Stall Slate Urinal, complete as described $88.00 $93.00 For each additional Stall (continuous), add 27 .00 28.75 If only two Stalls are required, deduct for one Stall (from Three-Stall list ) 27.00 28.75 One single Stall, as above described 37 .00 39.25 F-5448 can be furnished any special size to order on short notice. ITALIAN MARBLE URINAL. Three-Stall Italian Marble Urinal, with ^-inch Partitions polished on both sides, %-inch Rab- beted Back polished on inside, and 2-inch Countersunk Base, fitted in same manner as described above, 24-inch centers and 20 inches deep. PRICES HEIGHT, 5 FT. HEIGHT, 5% FT. Three-Stall Urinal $114.50 $122.00 For each additional Stall (continuous), add 33.00 35 .00 If only two Stalls are required, deduct for one Stall (from Three-Stall list) 33.00 35.00 One single Stall, as above described 48.00 52.00 F-5448 will be sent with Outlet and Supply on left-hand end, as shown, unless otherwise ordered. Can also be furnished with Outlet in center or on right-hand end, or with Bent Outlet. All parts are carefully fitted and adjusted in our factory before shipment. Note. — When ordering, be particular to give location of Outlet and Supply — whether right or left hand end, or with Outlet in center. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 823 WOLFF'S DOUBLE SLATE URINAL STALLS FOR SCHOOLS, F-5449. F-54-49. Above illustration represents Wolff's double Urinal Stall for Schools, with Slate Par- titions, Rabbeted Back and Countersunk Base, fitted with Galvanized Cast Iron Gutter, Galvanized Iron Top Clamps and Brass Base Clamps with Bolts, Perforated Brass Wash-Down Pipes and Copper Lined Automatic Syphon Tank. dimensions: Height of Stalls is 4 feet 6 inches; width from center to center of Partitions 20 inches; depth 20 inches; Base is 26 inches wide and Countersunk as shown. PRICES Double Slate Urinal Stall, 2 Stalls on each side , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 Total Number of Stalls. 4 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 30 Capacity of Flushing Tank. Gallons. 5 8 10 10 12 12 15 15 18 24 Price complete as described above. | 98.00 143.00 188.00 232.00 278.00 322.00 368.00 412.00 459.00 503.00 550.00 688.00 The Brass " Y " Connection on Wash-Down Pipe and Connection on Tank are for Iron Pipe. The Iron Pipe Hangers on Tank shown in illustration are not furnished. Above can be furnished with Outlet in center when desired. Unless otherwise ordered Outlet as shown will be sent. The Tank can be adjusted to flush at desired intervals. 824 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S SLATE URINAL STALLS FOR SCHOOLS. F-5450. F-5450. Above illustration represents Wolff's Single Urinal Stalls for Schools, with Slate Par- titions, Rabbeted Back and Countersunk Base, fitted with Galvanized Cast- Iron Gutter, Galvanized Iron Top Clamps and Brass Base Clamps with Bolts, Perforated Brass Wash-Down Pipe and Copper Lined Pine Automatic Syphon Tank with Bronzed Iron Brackets. dimensions: Height of Stalls is 4 feet 6 inches; width from center to center of Partitions, 20 inches; depth, 20 inches; Base is 26 inches wide, and Countersunk as shown. prices: 2-Stall Urinal, as described above, with 2 gallon Automatic Tank $ 52.25 3 " " " " " 3 " " " 74.25 4 " " " " " 3 " " " 96.25 5 " " " " " 5 " " " . 120.00 6 " " " " "5 " " " 142.00 7 " " " " " 5 " " " 164.00 8 " " " " " 8 " " " 190.00 9 " " " " "8 " " " - 212.00 10 (i " " " "8 " " " 234.00 12 " " " " "10 " '■ " 278.00 15 " " " " "12 " " " 346.00 20 " " " " "15 " " " 459.00 Above can be furnished with outlet on left-hand end, in center or with Bent Outlet. Unless otherwise ordered, F-5450 will be sent as illustrated. Above Stalls can be arranged for direct supply when desired. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 825 WOLFF'S SLATE "VENTILATED" URINAL STALLS. F-5452, F-5452. — Above illustration represents Wolff's Slate ventilated Urinal Stalls. The Slate Backs are suspended over open space of the Iron Gutter on Galvanized Iron Clamps, which are bolted to the Gutter, forming an air space below bottom of back and about 2 inches between Slate Back and wall (see sectional cut on this page for illustration.) The air space back of the Stall should be connected to a Vent Flue in the wall. F-5452 includes 1% inch Slate Back, End pieces, Partitions and Capping, \% inch Slate Counter- sunk Base, Galvanized Cast Iron Gutter with Straight Outlet Connection and Brass Strainer, Polished Brass Perforated Wash-down Pipe with loose Key Stop, Polished Brass Clamps and Bolts, Galvanized Iron Clamps for support of Slate Backs at bottom parts. DIMENSIONS: Height 5 or hy 2 feet, width to center of partitions 2 feet, depth from wall to front edges of End Pieces and partitions (including 2 inch air space) 22 inches. PRICE: Height 5 feet. Height 5^ feet. Three Stall Slate Urinals, complete as described $104.25 $111.00 For each additional Stall (continuous) add 31.00 31.75 If only two Stalls are required, deduct for one Stall (from Three Stall List) 31.00 31.75 One Single Stall as above described 42 . 25 47 . 75 The Gutter can be made with outlet on the inside of Stalls if so desired. WHEN ORDERING PLEASE STATE IF OUTLET OF GUTTER IS ON THE RIGHT OR LEFT HAND SIDE, FACING THE FIXTURE. 826 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S SLATE "VENTILATED" URINAL STALLS F-5453. — Above illustration represents Wolff's Slate ventilated Urinal Stalls (for Schools and other Public Buildings) with 1 inch Slate Back, End Pieces and Partitions, 2 inch Slate Base, Counter Sunk, grooved and pitched, 1% inch Slate Tank at top behind back, supported on heavy Cast Iron Brackets with Expansion Bolts, extra large Enameled Cast Iron Gutter with Cleanout Extension with Slate Cover, Finished Brass Standing Overflow and Strainer, Finished Brass Combination Braces and Pipe Holders at top of Partitions, 1% inch Galvanized Iron Horizontal Supply Pipe with 2 finished Brass Cocks to each stall, 1% inch finished Brass Supply Valve and Copper Vent Flue. DIMENSIONS. Height 5 feet, width 2 feet 3 inches, Center to Center, depth of ends 1 foot 8)4 inches, Partitions 1 foot \% inches, width of Base 1 foot 3^ inches, Distance from front of Base to Wall is 2 feet 4# inches. The following details of construction insure a most thorough Sanitary Urinal. The Slate Back placed on an incline of y% inch toward front at bottom, confining the water entirely to its surface, is supported over the open space of gutter on brass clamps securely bolted. An air space is thus formed below bottom of back leading to an air space of 5j^ inches between back and wall. In this space a Copper Vent Flue is placed which should be connected to an Air Flue in the wall. The Slate Tank at top behind Slate Back is supplied with water through open cocks above, overflows through numerous grooves at the top of back, cleansing all parts thoroughly. The Iron Gutter contains at all times a continual changing body of water 2 inches deep. Prices upon application. NOTE: WHEN ORDERING PLEASE BE PARTICULAR TO STATE LOCATION OF OUTLET OF THE GUTTER. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 827 WOLFF'S WASHOUT SYPHON URINAL. F-5456. — (ENAMELED IRON SYPHON URINAL.) Enameled Iron o Painted Washout Syphon Urinal with Painted Iron Legs, Copper-Lined Pine Automatic Flushing Tank, Flush Pipe and Upper and Lower Traps. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED. Painted Urinal. Enameled Urinal. Urinal 4 feet long with 3 Partitions $60.00 $85.00 6 " " 4 ' ... 75.00 110 00 8 " "5 " , 90.00 135.00 " 10 " " 6 " 105.00 160.00 " 12 " " 7 " 120.00 185.00 " 14 •« " 8 " 135.00 210.00 " 16 " " 9 " 150.00 235.00 " 18 " "10 " 165.00 260.00 " 20 " "11 " .'. 180.00 285.00 Partitions 18x48 inches. Height from floor to top of Urinal at front, 24 inches. We can furnish Legs 2 inches shorter than above if desired. If Partitions are Galvanized instead of Painted, add for each partition $4.00. For Painted Urinals we furnish Galvanized Iron Flush Pipe and for Enameled Urinals we furnish Brass Flush Pipe. note: — Air Pipe Connection with Tank and Upper Trap must be made as shown in illustration by dotted lines; (wc do not furnish this pipe) and particular care should be taken that the Lower Trap, which we furnish, is in all cases put in place, otherwise syphonic action cannot take place. 828 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ENAMELED IRON URINALS. F-5460.— (ENAMELED IRON.) Enameled Iron or Painted Washout Urinal with Painted Iron Legs, Copper-Lined Pine Auto- matic Flushing Tank, Flush Pipe and Trap Standard, and Galvanized Iron Flush Pipe from tank to urinal. PRICE COMPLETE AS DESCRIBED: Painted Urinal. Enameled Urinal. Urinal 4 feet long with 3 Partitions $ 60.00 $ 85.00 6 " 4 8 " 5 << 10 " 6 << 12 " 7 " 14 " 8 " IG " 9 "18 " 10 "20 " 11 75.00 110.00 90.00 135.00 105.00 160.00 120.00 185.00 135.00 210.00 150.00 235.00 165.00 260.00 180.00 285.00 Partitions 18 x 48 inches. Height from floor to top of Urinal at front, 24 inches. We can furnish Legs 2 inches shorter than above if desired. If Partitions are Galvanized, instead of Painted, add for each Partition, $4.00. For Painted Urinals we furnish Galvanized Iron Flush Pipe and for Enameled Urinals we furnish Brass Flush Pipe. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 829 ENAMELED IRON URINAL STALLS. F-5461. — (DOUBLE URINAL STALL.) WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-5461. — Represents Enameled Iron Double Washout Urinal with Automatic Flushing Tanks, Painted Iron Backs and Partitions and Special Outlet Connection, and Galvanized Iron Flush Pipe from tank to urinal. Double Number of Number of Urinal. Partitions. Backs. 4 feet long 6 2 6 " " 8. 3 8 " " 10 4 10 " " 12 5 12 " " 14 6 14 '■ " 16 7 Price Painted Urinal. Price Enameled Urinal $124.00 $159.00 155.00 210.00 186.00 261.00 217.00 312.00 243.00 363.00 279.00 414.00 Backs are 24x48 inches and Partitions 18x48 inches. Height from floor to top of Urinal at front, 24 inches. We can furnish Legs 2 inches shorter than above if desired. If Partitions and Backs are Galvanized, instead of Painted, add for each Partition $4.00, and for each Back, $4.50. We furnish with above a Special Outlet Connection which has 3 inch Couplings to attach to Urinals and a 4-inch Single Outlet for both Urinals. 830 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S SECTIONAL URINAL. WITH COPPER LINED AUTOMATIC FLUSHING TANK. F-5462. F-5462. Enameled or Painted Iron Urinal with 10-inch High Back, Polished Brass Capping on front, Trap Standard, Brass or Galvanized Flushing Pipe, Copper Lined Automatic Flushing Tank with Bronzed Iron Brackets and Brass or Galvanized Flush Pipe from Tank to Urinal. Urinal, 5 ft. long, with Trap, Back and 3-gallon Tank 8 " " " " 4 " a 10 " " " " 5 " " 12 " " " " 6 " " 14 " " " " 8 " a 16 « « << « g << u lg u << « a 10 u Enameled with Galvanized Flush Pipes. $ 58.00 87.00 103.00 119.00 135.00 151.00 167.00 Enameled Painted with Brass ^lush Pipes. with Galvanized Flush Pipes. $ 71.00 | 39.00 103.00 57.00 121.00 65.00 139.00 73.00 157.00 81.00 175.00 89.00 193.00 97.00 If without Trap, deduct $4.25. If with Oak, Ash or Cherry Tank, add $3.00. When Urinal is furnished Enameled, the inside of Trap is also Enameled. As shown, the Outlet is on the right-hand end, but can be furnished with Outlet at left-hand end when desired. Unless otherwise ordered, urinal with right-hand outlet (as shown) will be sent. In schools, factories, railroad depots, government institutions, barracks, etc., where practical, re- liable and durable sanitary fixtures are desired, F-5462 will be found to meet every requirement. The flushing intervals can be regulated to suit requirements. All parts of the Urinal are thoroughly flushed; the front edge has Brass Capping entirely covering the Flushing Pipe. The Trap is provided with a Clean-Out, has Brass Vent Connection with Coupling and Flange. The Tank is our "Stand- ard " make, of improved construction and lined with heavy tinned and planished copper. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 831 WOLFF'S WASHOUT URINAL. F-5463. F-5463. Enameled or Painted Iron Washout Urinal, with Painted Iron Legs, Copper-Lined Pine Automatic Flushing Tank with Brackets, Galvanized Flush Pipe and Trap Standard. Urinal. 5 feet long, 8 10 12 PRICES - Painted. with 3-gallon Tank $50.00 « 4 «« « 65.00 . i. 5 << « ..'" 75.00 << » << a 85.00 Enameled. $ 75.00 110.00 130. Ou 150.00 Galvanized Iron Flush Pipe is sent with Painted Urinals and Brass Flush with Enameled Urinals. As shown, the Outlet is on the right-hand end, but can be furnished with Outlet at left-hand end when desired.' Unless otherwise ordered, urinal with right-hand outlet (as shown) will be sent. In schools, factories, railroad depots, government institutions, barracks, etc. , where practical, reli- able and durable sanitary fixtures are desired, F-5463 will be found to meet every requirement. The flushing intervals can be regulated to suit requirements. All parts of the Urinal are thoroughly flushed; the front edge has Brass Capping entirely covering the Flushing Pipe. The Trap is provided with a Clean-Out, has Brass Vent Connection with Coupling and Flange. The Tank is our " Stand- ard" make, of improved construction and lined with heavy tinned and planished copper. 832 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CAST IRON PUBLIC URINALS. WITH ROLL EDGE AND BRASS STRAINER. F-5464.— (WITH PULL TANK.) F-5464. — Includes Cast Iron Roll Edge Urinal with Brass Beehive Strainer, Coupling and Tail' piece Perforated Flush Pipe and oak Syphon tank, with Flush Pipe to Urinal. PRICES: Painted with Galvanized Flush Pipe. inches long $13 . 25 14.00 15.25 16.50 18.50 21.75 25.75 Galvanized Enameled with Galvanized with Brass Flush Pipe. Flush Pipe. $16.25 $21.00 17.25 22.50 19.00 25.00 21.25 28.50 24.00 31.00 32.25 40.00 38.25 47.25 Urinals over 5 feet in length are made in two or more pieces, and well bolted together. NOTE:— URINALS 48 INCHES LONG AND LESS HAVE THE WASTE OUTLET IN CENTER. When ordering sizes longer than 48 inches state if wanted with outlet on left or right hand end. Unless otherwise instructed Urinals will always be sent with outlet on right hand end. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 833 CAST IRON PUBLIC URINALS. WITH .ROLL EDGE AND BRASS STRAINER. F-5465. F-5465. — Cast Iron, Roll Edge Urinal with Brass Beehive Strainer, Coupling and Tailpiece, and Perforated Flush Pipe with Loose Key Stop. PRICES: Painted with Galvanized Flush Pipe. 24 inches long $ 7 . 25 30 36 42 48 60 72 7 8 9 10 12 feet Add for Brackets Price, each 8.00 9.25 10.50 12.50 15.75 19.75 22.65 26.00 29.25 32.50 39.25 Painted. SO. 50 Galvanized with Galvanized Flush Pipe. $10.25 11.25 13.00 15.25 18.00 26.25 32.25 37.00 42.50 47.00 52.50 63.50 Galvanized. $0.75 Enameled with Brass Flush Pipe. $15.00 16.50 19.00 22.50 25.00 34.00 41.25 47.25 54.50 61.25 68.25 81.75 Fnameled* 0.75 urinals over 5 feet in length are made in two or more pieces, the joint being securely bolted together. NOTE:— URINALS 48 INCHES LONG AND LESS HAVE THE WASTE OUTLET IN CENTER. When ordering sizes longer than 48 inches state if wanted with outlet on left or right hand end. Unless otherwise instructed Urinals will always be sent with outlet on right hand end. 834 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CAST IRON PUBLIC URINALS. WITH ROLL EDGE AND BRASS STRAINER. ''"iiii'i:!inl|r\ 'i!;;ii||]ll!i'lill"!ll!l F-5470. Cast Iron Roll Edge Urinal, with Brass Beehive Strainer, Coupling and Tailpiece. PRICES: 24 inches long 30 " < < 36 " << 42 " «< 48 " " 60 " tl 72 " " 7 feet " 8 " " 9 " " 10 " " 12 " " Add for Brackets Price, each Painted. Galvanized. Knameled $ 5.00 $ 8.00 $ 12.00 5.50 8.75 13.00 6.25* 10.00 15.00 7.25 12.00 18.00 8.50 14.00 20.00 11.00 21.50 28.00 14.00 26.50 34.00 16.00 31.00 39.00 18.50 35.50 45.00 20.75 40.00 50.50 23.00 44.50 56.25 27.75 53.50 67.50 Painted. Galvanized. Enameled $0.50 $0.75 $0.75 urinals over 5 feet in length are made in two or more pieces, the joints being securely bolted together. NOTE:— URINALS 48 INCHES LONG AND LESS HAVE THE WASTE OUTLET IN CENTER. When ordering sizes longer than 48 inches state if wanted with outlet on left or right hand end. Unless otherwise instructed Urinals will always be sent with outlet on right hand end. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 835 F-5475. WHEN ORDERING OR SPECIFYING, PLEASE GIVE CATALOGUE NAME AND NUMBER. F-5475. Duroware Syphon Jet Urinal with Inlet and Outlet Spuds, this Urinal is made after our own designs and is in every way a perfect Fixture, it contains at all times a large body of water in- suring perfect cleanliness and absence of odor. Elsewhere Urinal is shown in Marble Stalls with Automatic Flushing Tank, on page 808 it is shown with Pull Syphon Tank, a very desirable arrangement especially where only one Urinal is in use. PRICE URINAL ONLY AS SHOWN $15.00. Our duroware is absolutely non-absorbent and Impervious to all Moisture and POSITIVELY WILL NOT CRAZE. 836 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS. F- 5486. -(FLAT back.) F-5487.-(flat back lipped.? No. 1. 15 x 18 inches, each $8.00 No . 1. 15 x 18 inches, each $10.00 No.2. 12 xl5 « " 6.00 No . 2 . 12x15 " " 8.00 No. 3. 11^ xl4 " " 5.00 Prices are regular Earthenware List Prices. F-5488. -(corner.) No. 1. No. 2. 12 x 12 inches, each 11 xll " " ....$8.00 6.00 No. 3. lO^xlOX " <( 5.00 F-5489. -(CORNER LIPPED.) No. 1. 12 x 12 inches, each No. 2. 11x11 " " $10.00 . 8.00 Prices are regular Earthenware List Prices. HOOD LIPPED URINALS. FLAT BACK WITH HOOD AND VENT. No. 1. 15 x 18 inches, each. No.2. 13x15 " Also made for corner in two sizes. Prices same as for Flat Back. Grinding Urinals 15c. net, extra. ,312.00 . 10.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 837 BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS WITH BRASS SPUDS. FLAT BACK LIPPED. CORNER LIPPED. F"5490-(WITH BRASS SPUD.) F"5491-(WITH BRASS SPUD.) No. 1. 15 x 18 inches, each $10.00 No. 1. 12 x 12 inches, each $10.00 No. 2. 12x15 " " 8.00 No. 2. 11x11 " " 8.00 ENAMELED IRON URINALS. FLAT BACK LIPPED. CORNER LIPPED. F-5492 -(ENAMELED IRON) F"5493-(ENAMELED IRON.) No. 1. 15 x 18 inches, each $11.00 No. 1. 12 x 12 inches, each $11.00 No. 2. 12x15 " " 9.00 No. 2. 11x11 " " 9.00 838 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CAST IRON HALF CIRCLE URINALS. F-5495. No. 1 Length of Back, 12 inches, No. 2. " " 15 " Plain. .$1.00 . 1.30 Painted. $1.15 1.50 Galvanized. $2.00 2.50 Enameled, $2.50 3.00 CORNER URINALS. OPENING FOR LEAD PIPE. F-5496. F-5497. Painted. Enameled No 1. 7 inches on side $0.90 $1.75 No. 2. 9 " 1.15 2.25 No. 3. 12 " 1.45 2.75 Painted. Enameled. No. 1. 7 inches on side, $1.00 $2.00 No. 2. 9 " " 1.25 2.50 No. 3. 12 " " 1.50 8.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 839 AUTOMATIC FLUSHING TANK FOR URINALS. F-5499. Copper Lined, Oil Finished Pine, Automatic Syphon Flushing Tank with Bronzed Iron Brackets. PRICES. Jo. 1. Cap£ " 1. icity, 1 gallon, Single Coup 1 " Double " 2. " 2. ' 2 gallons, Single " ' 2 " Double " 3. " 3. 3 " Single 3 " Double " 3. " 4. 3 " Triple 1 4 " Double " 4. " 5. 1 4 " Triple ' 5 " Double " " 5. " 8. " 8. " 10. 1 5 " Triple 8 " Single 8 " Triple 10 " Triple Pine Oak 5 5.25 $ 6.25 5.75 6.75 6.25 7.25 6.75 7.75 7.25 8.25 7.75 8.75 8.25 9.25 8.75 10.75 9.25 11.25 9.75 11.75 10.25 12.25 11.25 14.25 12.75 15.75 14.00 17.00 Add for Bent Round Corner Tanks to prices of Oak Tanks, $1.00 extra up to No. 5; over No. 5 to No. 10, $2.00 extra. FOR NICKEL PLATED IRON BRACKETS. Add to prices of Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 $0.75 5and8 1.00 " 10 1.25 FOR NICKEL PLATED BRASS BRACKETS. Add to prices of Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 $1.75 5 and 8 , 2.25 " 10 3.50 840 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COMPRESSION URINAL COCKS. UNION AND ADJUSTABLE FLANGES. F-5501-(WITH FLANGE AND THIMBLE.) F"5502-(WITH FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING.) Polished Brass, per doz $40.00 Polished Brass, per doz $46.00 Nickel Plated, " 46.00 Nickel Plated, " 52.00 If with Wolff's Adjustable Connection as shown in F-5512,add, per doz., $5-00. F-5503-(for lead pipe.) Polished Brass, per doz $19.00 Nickel Plated, " 22.00 If with Stuffing Box on above Cocks, add, per doz., $3.00. F-5504-(for iron pipe.) Polished Brass, per doz $19.00 Nickel Plated, " 22.00 With Shoulder for Iron Pipe, same price. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 841 COMPRESSION URINAL COCKS. LOOSE KEY, UNION AND ADJUSTABLE FLANGE. LOOSE KEY. F-5505-(FOR LEAD PIPE.) F-5506-(WITH NUT AND BENT COUPLING.) Polished Brass, per doz $25 . 00 Polished Brass, per doz . . . . K9 nn Nickel Plated, » 28.00 Nickel Plated, " "."i.'.'.'.'.V.V.V.'.V.".".'." .58.00 Finished per doz F-5507 -(extra pattern, flange and thimble.) » Nickel piated, per dozlll V.; ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;•.;;;;;; ^.00 n • 4y . uo 8-i: L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING URINAL COCKS. UNION AND ADJUSTABLE FLANGES, F-5508 —(WITH FLANGE AND THIMBLE.) Polished Brass, per doz $60. 00 Nickel Plated, " 66.00 F-5509-(WITH FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING.) Polished Brass, per doz $66.00 Nickel Plated, lt 72.00 For Adjustable Correction, as shown inF-5512 add $5.00 per doz. F-5510. Polished Brass, per doz »... $38.00 Nickel Plated, " 44.00 For Iron Pipe End, same price. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 843 DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING URINAL COCKS. F-5511 Polished Brass, per doz. Nickel Plated, ' ' $66.00 72.00 F-5512— (WITH WOLFF'S ADJUSTABLE CONNECTION.) Polished Brass, per doz $71 .00 Nickel Plated, " 77 .00 F-5513 —(plain, for lead pipe.) For Iron Pipe Ends, same price Wolff's Improved Adjustable Urinal Faucet does not require open space back of Stall, all Joints can be made from the front; it obviates the necessity of remov- ing backs to disconnect Couplings, and when used in connection with our Im- proved Adjustable Urinal Traps (F-5532 or(F-5533) or Adjustable Outlet Connec- tions (F-5534 or F-5535), a Urinal can be easily replaced in a short space of time, as the construction of the adjustable arrangement is such that adjustment both vertical and horizontal is possible. Polished Brass, per doz $38.00 Nickel Plated, " 44 . 00 844 U WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER URINAL COCKS. F-5523. Finished, per doz., ,^-in $30.00 Nickel Plated, per doz., % in 34.00 For Iron Pipe Ends, same price. BRASS BELL TRAP. URINAL SHIELDS. F-5524.— (FOR URINAL STALL BASE.) F-5525. F-5526, Fin. Flange and Strainer, ea.$2.75 Polished Brass, each. . .$1.00 Polished Brass, each. . .$1.00 N. P. " " " ".3.00 Nickel Plated, " ...1.25 Nickel Plated, < l ...1.25 URINAL SHIELDS. F-5527. F-5528. Polished Brass, each $1.65 Polished Brass, each, Nickel Plated, ' k 1.85 Nickel Plated, " . $1.65 1.85 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 845 WOLFF'S BRASS URINAL TRAPS. F-5530.-(WITH ADJUSTABLE FLANGE AND STRAIGHT COUPLING.) Polished Brass, each , $2.85 Nickel Plated, " 3.00 F-5531.— (WITH adjustable flange, nut and bent coupling.) Polished Brass, each $3.10 Nickel Plated, " 3.25 See page 852 for Urinal Traps with Adjustable Connection. 846 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE URINAL TRAPS. F-5532.— (WITH BENT COUPLING.) Polished Brass, each. Nickel Plated, " . l^-in. l^f-in. $3.10 ' $4.50 3.25 4.75 F-5533.-(WITH "T JJ FOR VENT.) 1% -in. l^-in. Polished Brass, each $3 35 $4.75 Nickel Plated, " 3.50 5.00 F-5532 and F-5533 Urinal Traps can be adjusted and all joints made tight from the front of Urinal Stall Back; open space back of marble is not required. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 847 WOLFF'S IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE URINAL OUTLET CONNECTIONS. F-5534.— (with bent coupling.) Finished, each Nickel Plated, each $2.85 3.00 F-5535.— (with "t" for vent.) Finished, each $3.10 Nickel Plated, each . . 3.25 F-5534 and F-5535 Urinal Outlet Connections can be adjusted and all Joints made tight from the front of Urinal Stall Back ; open space back of marble is not required. 848 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE URINAL INLET CONNECTION F-5536. F-5537. Finished, each $2.36 Nickel Plated, each 2.50 If for Syphon Urinals, add $1.00 Sectional View of Wolff's Improved Adjust- able Urinal Inlet Connection. Wolff's Improved Adjustable Inlet Connection, sectional view of which is shown in F-5537 does not require open space back of Stall ; all Joints can be made from the front ; it obviates the necessity of removing backs to disconnect couplings and when used in connection with our Improved Adjustable Urinal Traps (F-5532 or F-5533) or adjustable Outlet Connections (F-5534 or F-5535), a Urinal can be easily replaced in a short space of time, as the construction of the adjustable arrangement is such that adjustment both vertical and horizontal is possible. L, WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 849 URINAL INLET CONNECTIONS. F-5538.-(for lead pipe.) F-5539.— (with coupling for iron pipe.) Finished, each $0.75 Finished, each $0.75 Nickel Plated, each 1.00 Nickel Plated, each 1.00 URINAL INLET CONNECTIONS FOR BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS. F-5540.— (with flange, nut and bent coupling.) Finished, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, as shown, each $1 . 75 Nickel Plated, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, as shown, each 2-00 If with Thimble instead of Nut and Bent Coupling, deduct. 50 F- 5541. -(with union flange, nut and bent coupling.) Finished, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, each $2.10 Nickel Plated, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, each 2.35 If with Thimble instead of Nut and Bent Coupling, deduct 50 850 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE URINAL OUTLET CONNECTIONS. F-5542.-(WITH CLEAN-OUT AND ADJUSTABLE FLANGE.) Finished, each $2.60 Nickel Plated, each . mmm 2.75 BRASS CLAMPS. WIRE BASKET FOR URINALS. F-5544. Wire Basket for Earthenware Urinals each, $3.50 F-5543.— (FOR BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS.) Polished Nickel Brass. Plated. For No. 1 Urinals, each $0.70 $0.85 " " 2 " " 55 .70 " "3 " " 45 .60 When ordering, be particular to state the exact style and the number or size Urinal, Basket is intended for. L,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 851 TOP STANDARDS FOR URINAL AND CLOSET STALLS. F-5546.— corner. F-5547.— end. F-5548.— center. F-5549.— PARTITION. Brass, Each $3.00 N. P. Brass, Each 3.50 Brass, Each. .$3.00 N.P. Brass, ea. 3.50 Brass, Each $3.00 N. P. Brass, Each 3.50 Brass, Each $3.50 N. P. Brass, Each. . 4.00 BRASS LEGS FOR URINAL AND CLOSET STALLS. F-5550.— CORNER. jiiiiiirr,: 1 .!, 1 , "<■& ■■ ■ : . '■"■ ■ M m F-5551.— end. F-5552.— center. F-5553.— partition. Brass, Each $3.00 Brass, Each. .$3.00 Brass, Each $3.00 Brass, Each $3.50 N. P. Brass, Each 3.50 N.P. Brass, ea. 3.50 N. P. Brass, Each 3.50 N. P. Brass, Each.. 4.00 852 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TOP STANDARDS FOR URINAL AND CLOSET STALLS. F-5554.— corner. F-5555.— partition. F-5556.— end. F-5557.— CENTER. Brass, Each $3.50 Brass, Each. .$4.00 Brass, Each $3.50 Brass, Each $3.50 N. P. Brass, Each 4.00 N.P. Brass, ea. 4.50 N. P. Brass, Each 4.00 N. P. Brass, Each.. 4.00 BRASS LEGS FOR URINAL AND CLOSET STALLS. F-5558.— corner. F-5559.— partition. F-5560.— END. F-5561.— CENTER. Brass, Each $3.50 N. P. Brass, Each 4.00 Brass, Each.. $4. 00 N.P. Brass, ea. 4.50 Brass, Each $3.50 N. P. Brass, Each 4.00 Brass, Each $3.50 N. P. Brass, Each. . 4.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 853 URINAL STALL C .AMPS. F-5562. Brass, Each N. P. Brass, Each. .$1.25 1.50 F-5563. Brass, Each $1.50 N. P. Brass, Each 1.75 -^gr^Hlll F-5564. Brass, Each $1.25 N. P. Brass, Each 1.50 CLOSET WASHERS. Ilk -^S ANGLE CLAMPS, CLOSET CLAMP. F-5565. F-5566. F-5567. F-5568. (OVAL) (ROUND) (ANGLE CLAMP? {ANGLE CLAMP) F-5569. (CLOSET CLAMP) N. P. Per 100 $1.85 Brass, ea 50 Brass, ea 75 Brass, per doz $1.20 N. P. Brass.ea. .60 N. P. Brass, ea.. .90 N. P. Brass, per doz. . 1.80 URINAL AND CLOSET STALL BOLTS AND CLOSET SCREWS. F-5570. F-5571. F-5572. F-5573. F-5574. F-5575. PRICES UPON APPLICATION. 854 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. EXPANSION BOLTS, IRON AND BRASS, F-5586. NO. 18 Made in Iron. Ml F-5587. NO. 26 Made in Brass. F-5588. NO. 12 With N. P. Brass Head PRICES UPON APPLICATION. EXPANSION BOLTS, IRON OR BRASS, F-5589. NO. 10 Iron or Brass with Finished Head. F-5590. NO. 2^ Made in Brass or Iron. F-5591. NO. 16 With No P. or Brass Head. PRICES UPON APPLICATION. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 855 BRONZE METAL TRIMMINGS FOR LAVATORY DOORS. SPRING HINGES AND BLANKS. BE PARTICULAR TO STATE THICKNESS OF MARBLE AND WOOD WHEN ORDERING. F-5594. $13.00 Per Pair. F-5596. $5.00 Per Pair F-5594 and F-5596 per set |9.00. F-5597. Made single or reverse action, Per Pair. $6. 25 Four in. flanges only. These Hinges are either Single or Double action. Plain Bronze or Nickel Plated. Can be Made Reverse Action. (Door remaining open on inside of Stall, when Closet is un-occupied.) To hold Door partly open when Closet is un-occupied, yet door can be entirely closed from the inside, also double action (Door swinging either in or out. ) For illustration see F-5609. NOTICE: For Doors over l}i inches thick and Marble over l l / 2 inches thick write for quotations. F-5595. For Brass Tube 2^ in. outside diameter. For Marble and Doors 1% in. thick. F-5595— Double pair $25.25 F-5595— Blanks Double Pair 10.00 F-5598. F-5598— Double Pair. .. .524.25 F-5598— Blanks Double Pair 9.00 656 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY BRONZE METAL TRIMMINGS FOR LAVATORY DOORS, STRIKES AND BOLTS. F-5599. Double Action for Rim Bolts. Price each, $1.80. F-5600. Single Action for Rim Bolts on Doors opening in. Price each, $2.25 F-5601. Single Action for Mortise Bolts on Doors opening in or out. Price each, $2.23. F-5602. Single Action for Rim Bolts, Doors opening out. Price each, $2.75. F-5603. Single Action for throw latch F-5607 Doors opening out. Price each, $2.25. F-5604. Single Action for throw latch F-5607 Doors opening in. Price each, $2.25. F-5605. For Wood, in Combination with latch F-5607. Price, $1.00 INDICATOR. RIM BOLT. F-5606. Price each set, $3 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 857 BRONZE METAL TRIMMINGS FOR LAVATORY DOORS. F-5607. Throw Latch. Price each, $2.00 F-5608. Mortise Bolt. Price each, $4.50. FOR LAVATORY DOORS. 12 3 1. Reverse Action. 2. Indicating Hinge (holding door slightly open when unoccupied.) 3. Double or Single Action, depending on Strike used. F-5609. Notice: — When ordering Hinges and Bolts for Lavatory Doors, be careful to specify according to plate number, F-5609. 858 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WILKS WATER HEATERS. F-5611 F-5612, F-5613. SMALL SIZES-NOT SELF-FEEDERS. SIZES, CAPACITY AND PRICES. Size of Boiler. Heating Capacity, Gallons per hour. Price. Size Openings, Inches. Weight. 10x18 12x24 12x30 14x30 14x36 40 65 75 100 125 $21.00 25.00 26.50 30.00 32.00 l l 1M 1M 75 120 130 180 190 SELF-FEEDERS WITH MAGAZINES— HARD OR SOFT COAL. SIZES, CAPACITY AND PRICES. Size of Boiler, Inches. Heating Capacity Price, Size Approximate Extreme Approximate Gallons with Coal of Openings, Heating Power, Height Heater, Weight, Per Hour. Magazine. Inches. 4-in. Pipe, Feet. Inches. Pounds. 16x30 140 $ 57.50 1H 250 57 340 16 x 36 150 60.00 VA 300 63 380 20x30 200 72.00 2 425 60 445 20x36 250 75.00 2 450 66 500 20x42 275 80.00 2 500 72 530 24x36 325 105.00 2 700 68 700 24x42 350 110.00 2 900 74 740 30x42 600 130.00 3 1200 78 1230 30x48 700 135.00 3 1250 84 1280 36x42 900 185.00 3 1450 80 1950 36x48 1000 195.00 3 1550 86 2000 42x42 1200 215.00 3 2000 90 2600 42x48 1300 225.00 3 2400 96 2700 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 859 STEEL STORAGE TANKS. UPRIGHT OR HORIZONTAL. Capacity Gallons length Feet Diameter Inches. Approximate Weight Price Plain 66 4 20 200 $ 36 00 85 5 20 220 38 00 100 4 24 250 42 00 120 5 24 280 44 00 148 4 30 400 48 00 180 5 30 445 54 00 220 6 30 510 58 00 265 5 36 550 65 00 300 8 30 580 70 00 320 6 36 700 80 00 425 8 36 850 95 00 480 9 36 950 100 00 575 8 42 1200 110 00 650 9 42 1350 120 00 750 10 42 1500 130 00 875 12 42 1750 140 00 1010 14 42 2000 165 00 COILS BUILT IN TANKS. (PRICES ARE FOR COILS ONLY.) Size Coil. Price Plain Coil Price Galvanized Coil. 4 pipes 1. in. $ 8 00 | 9 00 For 66 Gallon Storage Tank. 4 pipes 1 in. 8 00 9 00 ' 85 " 4 pipes 1 in. 8 00 9 00 ' < 100 " 4 pipes \% in. 11 00 13 00 ' < 120 " 4 pipes \% in. 11 00 13 00 ' " 148 " 4 pipes \% in. 11 00 13 00 ' t 180 a 4 pipes 1% in. 11 00 13 00 ' < 220 " 4 pipes 1^ in. 11 00 13 00 ' ' 265 " 4 pipes \% in. 12 00 14 00 ' ' 300 " 4 pipes \% in. 12 00 14 00 ' < 320 " 4 pipes \y 2 in. 14 00 17 00 ' ' 365 " 4 pipes \ l / 2 in. 16 00 19 00 ' i 4 25 " 4 pipes l l / 2 in. 16 00 20 00 < ' 480 " 4 pipes \y 2 in. 15 00 18 00 ' ' 575 " 4 pipes \y 2 'vn.. 17 00 21 00 ' < 650 " 4 pipes \y 2 in. 20 00 24 00 ' « 750 " 4 pipes \y 2 in. 22 00 27 00 ' ' 875 " 4 pipes \y 2 in. 24 00 31 00 ' ' 1010 " GALVANIZING EXTRA. Manholes in Head, extra. Manholes in Shell extra. Handholes, extra. In ordering, state whether vertical or horizontal tanks are wanted, and if special tappings are required, give sizes and locations. All openings tapped for 2-inch pipe and reinforced. 860 L- WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TABASCO WATER HEATER, Hot Water Supply For Flats, Laundries, Residences, Hotels, Con= servatories, Greenhouses, Bath Houses, Baptisteries. F-5616. ALL STEEL SELF-FEED. PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS. SELF-FEEDERS (MAGAZINE. Heating Size of Total Sizes, Price Price Heater Capacity. Gallons per Hour Heater, inches Height Inches Flows and Returns Weight Magazine Feed Surface Burner 17... 130 17x30 48 2-1K 430 $ 78.00 $ 64.00 18 ... 150 17x36 54 2-1 ^ 450 82.00 68.00 21.... 200 21x30 57 2-2 530 93.00 77.00 22... 250 21x36 57 2-2 560 100.00 84.00 23.... 300 21x42 63 2-2 590 107.00 90.00 24... 350 21x48 69 2-2 630 113.00 95.00 25.... 300 25 x 36 57 2-2 730 143.00 120. CO 26.... 350 25x42 63 2-2 780 150.00 126.00 27.... 400 25x48 69 2-2 830 158.00 133 00 30... 500 30x42 67 2-3 1120 171.00 140.00 31... 600 30x48 73 2-3 1220 180.00 150.00 32.... 700 30 x 54 79 2-3 1300 188.00 »__ 160.00 Magazine Feed Heaters are always shipped unless Surface Burners are specified in order, TABASCO JUNIOR WATER HEATERS SURFACE BURNERS ONLY PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS. No. Size of Heater. Inches Gallons Per Hour Size. Flows and Returns Weight Price of Heater 1 2 3 4 5 6 10x16 10x18 12 x24 12 x HO 15 x 30 15 x36 30 40 65 80 100 120 120 125 180 200 250 270 $38.00 40.00 48.00 50.00 56.00 60.00 5617, All Junior Heaters, except Nos 1 and 2, have Front Fire Doors. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 861 IDEAL JUNIOR WATER BOILERS. F-5619. F-5620, TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITIES. ♦"8 V % V o p- V
  • > p Pi • .? bo .3 »-. *■> k -a *& ^ a cd ^ 8 « p Pi to cd No. 1 Douglas. $ 24.50 36!50 46.00 34.50 39.50 51.50 56.50 29.50 25.00 21.50 32.00 20.00 '35lc 45. C $ . 21.50 .... . 31.50 . 40.00 31.50 . 36.50 . 46.50 51.50 . 26.50 $ 2.50 2.50 4.0C 4.0C 5.00 18.50 8.50 7.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 l 00 $ 5.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 12.00 16.00 16.00 14.00 14.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 12.00 $ $ 4.50 No. 2 Douglas. No. 3 Douglas. No. 4 Acme.. 40.00 52.00 4.00 4.50 2.50 5.50 5.50 4.00 4.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 No. 5 Acme. . 2.50 No. 8 Acme.. 3 50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3 50 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 No. 8C Acme No. 9 Acme.. 14.00 iiloo 2.50 2.50 2.50 4.50 5.00 No. 9D Acme No. 12 Acme.. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4 50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 4.00 No 14 Acme. . 4.00 No 15 Acme.. 4.00 No 17 Acme.. . 30.00 2.50 4.00 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 863 CRESCENT INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS. The No. 1 and No. 2 are about the same plan, the No. 1 is the smaller, of less heating capacity and has not the water gauge as has the No. 2. No. 2 Heater $35.00 Including Duplex Safety Valves and Unions. Height 36 inches. Diameter 12 inches. Net Weight 50 pounds. Shipping Weight 85 pounds. No. 1 Heater $30.00 Height 32 inches. Diameter 10)4 inches. Net Weight 38 pounds. Shipping Weight 70 pounds. F-5625. NICKEL PLATED SHELF AND BRACKET. No. 2 Shelf and Bracket F-5626. Included in price of every Heater. No. 2 Shelf, 12 inches diameter No. 6 Shelf, 12 inches diameter No. 8 Shelf, for No. 1 Heater, 10 )4 in. diameter For No. 2 Shelf with No. 6 Heater add 50c net. Our No. 8 Shelves fit No. 1 and No. 8 Heater. No 6 Shelf and Bracket. F-5627, WATER HEATER. Our No. 6 and No. 8 Heaters are alike except the No. 8 is smaller and of less Heating Capacity PRICE, NICKEL PLATED. No. .$25.00 6 Heater Height 30 inches. Diameter 12 inches. Net Weight 45 pounds. Shipping Weight 75 pounds. No. 8 Heater 520.00 Height 30 inches. Diameter \0Yz inches. Net Weight 35 pounds. Shipping Weight 60 pounds. FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS, N. P. P P 4 in. V 2 in g in 4 in V z in % in. Supply Pipes $4.50 )i in. Drip Pipe 1 . 00 Brass Pipe $ 50 per ft. 3)4 in. Brass Elbows 30 each. 3)4 in. Angle Valve 90 " 3)/ z in. Globe Valve 90 " 3>£ in. Goose Neck 75 " 3% in. NICKEL PLATED VENTILATING FITTINGS. Vent Pipe per ft. $0.50 Vent Collars each, 30 Vent Elbows ... each, 75 Extension Thimble, 4 to 8 in 90 Vent Hood, Gal. Iron 1.25 MAR 23 1904 864 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE EUREKA WATER LIFT. F-5631. The Eureka Water Lift is an Hydraulic Engine which is operated by the city water pressure and is used to pump soft or rain water from a cistern directly into the house pipes or to a tank for use for domestic purposes. No. List Price 9 $60.00 10 60.00 10^ 60.00 11 70.00 12 100.00 13 100.00 LIST PRICE. Size of Cylinders, In. Size Over All Weight Power Suction Stroke Length Height I,bs. No. 2y 2 \v A 5% 25 • 13 25 9 zy zy 2 5 25 13 25 10 2K 3y 8 6 28 17 40 10^ 3K 3^ 6 28 17 50 11 33/ 8 3s/ s 6 29 18 55 12 3/g 2/ 8 6 29 18 50 13 SIZES OF PIPES TO USE. No. 9. CITY WATER l / 2 WASTE tf SUCTION y A DISCHARGE Y A K 10. No. 10^ No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. y* % % 1 1 H u 1 1 1 Va 1 1 1 1 Va 1 1 1 1 ALL EUREKA LIFTS ARE AUTOMATIC AND REQUIRE NO ATTENTION AFTER BEING INSTALLED. ■ VI ■ I mkt ■ li iillfll li B iiiiiiiiiii ililiH^ UH IHII11 m\ 1 11 III Hi