J 75 P29 W5 ;opy 1 PHI BETA KAPPA CATALOGUE OF THE (gamma of (Hanrnttunt 1845-1906 m Phi Beta Kappa CATALOGUE OF THE GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 8454906 COMPILED BY FRANK W. NICOLSCN. SECRETARY. (ESS OF PELTON & KING MIDDLETOWN. CONN. r Gift Autho; GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY ORGANIZED 7 JULY, 1845 OFFICERS PRESIDENTS Elected Retired 1845 Augustus Wii.i.iam Smith, LIv. D., ----- 1846 1846 John Johnston, LIv. D., - - - - - - - 1847 1847 Joseph HoIvDich, D. D., ------- 1848 1848 Augustus W11.1.1 AM Smith, LIv. D., ----- 1849 1849 John Wesi^ey I^indsay, D. D., - - - - - - 1853 1853 John Johnston, LL. D., ------- 1857 1857 Elisha Bourne Nye, M. D., ------ 1859 1859 Daniei. Curry, D.D., LL.D., - i860 i860 John Johnston, LL. D., ------- 1861 1861 George Whiting Burke, M. D., ----- 1863 1863 John Johnston, LIv. D., ------- 1877 1877 Joseph Cummings, D. D., LL. D., ----- 1878 1878 Calvin Sears Harrington, D. D., 1886 1886 James Cooke Van Benschoten, LL. D., . _ - 1902 1902 Wii.i,iAM North Rice, Ph.D., LL. D. 4 PHI BETA KAPPA VICE-PRESIDENTS Elected Retired 1S45 John Johnston, LIv. D., ----._. 1846 1846 Joseph Holdich, D, D., --____. 1847 1847 Harvey Bradburn Lane, M. A., ----- 1849 1850 Silas Wright Robbins, M. A., - - - - - 1853 1853 Seth Parker Hoi^way, Esc., ------ 1856 1856 Jonathan Ebenezer Barnes, M. A., - - - _ 1857 1857 Seth Parker Hoeway, Kso., - - - - - - 1858 1858 George Whiting Burke, M.D., ----- 1859 1859 John Johnston, LIv. D., - - - - - - - i860 i860 Arthur Benjamin Caeef, M. A., ----- 1861 1861 ArCHIBAED CaMPBEEE FoSS, M.A., ----- 1863 1863 George Whiting Burke, M. D., ----- 1865 1865 Eeisha Bourne Nye, M.D., _---_. 1866 1866 Faees Henry Newhaee, D. D., - - - - - 1871 1871 John Monroe Van Veeck, LL. D., ----- 1900 1900 WiEEiAM North Rice, Ph. D., IvL. D., - - - - 1902 1902 Caeeb Thomas Winchester, L. H. D. SECRETARIES Elected Retired 1845 John Johnston, LL. D., ------- 1845 1845 Harvey Bradburn Lane, M, A., - - - - - 1846 1846 Reuben Harrison Loomis, M. A., ----- 1848 1848 John Weseey Lindsay, D. D., - - - - - - 1848 1848 Daniee Steele, D. D., ------- 1850 1850 John Johnston, LL. D., .--_.-- 1851 1851 Harvey Bradburn Lane, M. A., -. - - - - 1851 1852 John Johnston, LL. D., ------- 1853 1853 Albert vSanford Hunt, D. D., ----- 1855 1855 John Monroe Van Vleck, LL. D., ----- 1861 1 861 Calvin Sears Harrington, D. D., - - - - - 1869 1869 William North Rice, Ph.D., LL.D., - - - - 1S75 1875 Wilbur Olin Atwater, Ph. D., LL. D.. - - - - 1877 GAMMA OF COXXECTICUT 5 Elected Retired 1877 W11.LIAM North Rice, Ph. D., LL. D., . - - - 1880 1880 George Lewis Westgate, M. A., ----- 1884 1884 Willis Kimball Stetson, M. A., ----- 1887 1887 Abram WiNEGARDXER Harris, Sc. D., LL.D., - - 1888 1888 Oscar KuHNS, L.H. D., ------- 1894 1894 Frank Walter Xicolson, M. A. TREASURERS Elected Retired 1845 Hamilton Brewer, M. D., ------ 1850 1850 Augustus William Smith, LL.D., ----- 1852 1852 Harvey Bradburn Lane, M. A., ----- 1861 1861 John Johnston, LL. D., - - - - - - - 1863 1863 John Monroe Van Vleck, LL.D., ----- 1S68 1868 Arthur Benjamin Calef, M. A., ----- 1874 1874 David Ward Northrop, M. A., _ . - - - 1906 1906 Clarence Everett Bacon, M. A. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES Elected Retired 1845 Joseph Holdich, D. D., ------- 1847 1847 John Johnston, LL. D., ------- 1848 1848 John Wesley Lindsay, D. D., - - - - - - 1849 1849 Perry Childs Smith, M. A., ------ 1850 1850 Harvey Bradburn Lane, M. A., - - - - - 1852 1852 Augustus William Smith, LL. D., ----- 1853 1853 JoH^' Wesley Lindsay, D. D., - - - - - - 1857 1857 Jonathan Ebenezer Barnes, M.A., . _ . . 1858 1858 John Wesley Lindsay, M. A., - - . . _ i860 i860 George Whiting Burke, M. A., ----- 1861 1861 Arthur Benjamin Calef, M. A., ----- 1S66 1866 James Cooke Van Benschoten, LL. D., - - - 1S67 1867 Arthur Benjamin Calef, M.-\., ----- 1S68 1868 James Cooke Van Benschoten, LL.D., - - - 1869 1S69 Caleb Thomas Winchester, L. H. D., - - - - 1892 6 PHI BETA KAPPA REGISTRARS Elected Retired 1845 SiDERA Chase, M. A., -----.. 1847 1847 John Wesley Lindsay, M. A., - . _ . . 1848 1848 John Johnston, LL. D., -----.. 1849 1849 Daniel Steele, D. D., ---_-._ 1850 1850 John Johnston, LL. D., --.__.. 1853 1853 John Monroe Van Vleck, LL. D., ----- i860 i860 Allen Griswold, Esq., -.----. 1861 1861 Calvin Sears Harrington, D. D., - - - - - 1869 1869 William North Rice, Ph. D., LL. D., - . - . 1875 1875 Wilbur Olin ATWATER, Ph. D., LL. D., - - - - 1877 1877 William North Rice, Ph. D., LL. D., - - - - 1880 1880 George Lewis Westgate, M. A., ----- 1884 1884 Willis Kimball Stetson, M. A., - - - - - 1887 1887 Abram WiNEGARDNER Harris, vSc. D., LL. D., - - 1888 1888 Oscar KuHNS, L.H.D., ------- 1889 GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT MEMBERS 1845, except where otherwise indicated. Of subsequent classes, the names of the men who were elected before graduation are given first, in alphabetical order, then the names of the women of the class so elected, followed by a list, in chronological order, of the members of the class elected after graduation, with dates. Only the names of those who have been initiated into the Society are printed. Honorar}' degrees are from Wesleyan University, unless otherwise stated. 1833 ^Daniel Henrj^ Chase. First graduate of the college, and senior alumnus for 72 years. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1834. Principal and proprietor, Middletown Institute and Preparatory School, 1835-70. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1862-77. Iviv- D., 1856. Died, 15 May, 1905. 1834 ^ David Patten. Principal Weslej^an x\cademy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1834. M. E. minister, Providence Conference, 1841-51. Presiding Elder, 1852-3. Professor of Theology, Methodist General Biblical In- stitute, Concord, N. H., 1854-66. Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Theolog}', Boston Theological Seminary, and in School of Theology, Boston Universit3^, 1867-73. Secretary, Board of Trustees, and Agent of Boston University, 1873-79. Trustee, Weslej-an, 1858-71. D. D., 1855. Died, 26 March, 1879. 1835 - ^Harvey Bradburn lyane. Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosoph}-, Wesleyan, 1839-40; Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engi- neering, 1840-43; of the Greek and I^atin Languages, 1843-48; of Greek Language and Literature, 1848-61. In business in New York, 1861-88. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1871-75. One of the editors of the Auierican Agricidturist. Died, 28 August, 1888. 8 PHI BETA KAPPA ^Annis Merrill. Professor of Ancient Languages, and for part of the time Acting President, McKendree College, Lebanon, 111., 1836-43. Practised law in Boston, Mass., 1844-49; in San Francisco, Cal., 1849- . Died, 2 February, 1905. *Klisha Bourne Nye. M. D., Yale, 1837. Practised medicine in B. Haddam, Conn., 1837-51; in Middletown, Conn., 1851-89. Died, 7 March, 1889. 1836 * Henry Bannister. Teacher and principal in various academies in N. Y. State, 1838-56. Professor of Exegetical Theology, Garrett Biblical In- stitute, Evanston, 111., 1856-83. D. D., 1850. Died, 15 April, 1883. * Davis Wesgatt Clark. Teacher of Mathematics, 1836, and Principal, 1837-43, of Amenia Seminar}^, N. Y. M. F. minister. New York Conference, 1843-52. Editor, Ladies' Repository, 1852-64. Bishop, M. E. Church, 1864-71. D. D., 1850. Died, 23 May, 1871. * Daniel Parish Kidder. M. E. minister, Genesee Conference, 1836. Missionary in Brazil, 1837-39. New Jersey Conference, 1841-43. Correspond- ing Secretary, Sunday School Union, 1844-56. Professor of Practical Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111., 1856-71; same chair in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1871-81. Corresponding Secretary of Board of Education, M. E. Church, 1881-87. D. D., McKendree College, 1851; also Wesleyan, 1855. Died, 29 July, 1891. 1837 -^ Charles Collins. President Emory and Henry College, Va., 1838-52; Dickinson College, Pa., 1852-60. Proprietor and President, State Female College, near Memphis, Tenn., 1860-75. D. D., 1851, Centenary College, La., Masonic College, Mo., and Dickinson College, Pa. Died, 10 July, 1875. * Daniel Curry. Principal, Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., 1837-38. Professor, Georgia Female College, 1839-40. M. E. minister, Georgia Conference, 1841-44; New York Conference, 1844-54. President, Indiana Asbury University, 1854-57; New York East Conference, 1857-64. Editor, Christian Advocate, New York, 1864-76; National Repository , 1876-80. Associate Editor, The Methodist, 1880-S1. lEditov, Methodist Review, 1884-87. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1862-87. D. D., 1852. LL. D., Syracuse, 1878. Died, 17 August, 1887. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT * William Thompson Harlow. Principal of Seminary, South Newmarket, N. H., 1837, Pro- fessor of Philosophy and Mathematics, Emory and Henry College, Va., 1839-42. M. E. minister, Providence Conference, 1842-56. Presiding Elder, 1848-52. Principal, Rock River Conference Seminary, 111., 1856-66. Providence Conference, 1869-78. Presid- ing EUder, 1869-73. Superannuated, 1878. Died, 21 January, 1881. ^ Willard Martin Rice. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1837-40. Principal, Classical Academy, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1840-56. Pastor of Presbyterian churches in Penn- S5dvania, 1856-76. Recording Secretary, Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1858- 1904. Stated Clerk of Presbytery of Philadel- phia, and of Synod of Philadelphia, for many years. D. D., 1866. Died, 6 March, 1904. ^Krastus Wentworth. Teacher of Natural Science, Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, N. Y., 1838-41; Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., 1841- 46. President, McKendree College, 111., 1846-50. Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, Dickinson College, Pa., 1850-54. Missionary to China, 1854-62. M. E. minister, Troy Conference, 1862-72. Editor, Ladies' Repository ^ 1872-76. Super- annuated, 1877. D.D., Allegheny College, i860. Died, 26 May, 1886. ^Ephraim Emerson Wiley. (Elected 1856.) Principal, High School, Augusta, Me., 1837. Professor of Ancient I^anguages, Emory and Henr}'- College, Va., 1838-52; President, 1852-93. D. D., Genesee College, 1852. Died, 13 March, 1893. 1838 * James Lawrence Alvenson. Teacher in and principal of various academies in New York State, 1838-49. Professor of Mathematics, and part of the time Acting President, Genesee College, 1849-64. Yih. D., i860. Died, 12 September, 1864. ^ Hamilton Brewer. M. D., Yale, 1840. Practised medicine in Middletown, Conn., 1844-50. In business in New York, 1851-53. Secretary, Air Line Railroad, residing in Middletown, Conn., 1854. Died, 21 May, 1855. lO PHI BETA KAPPA ^Kdward Cooke. Teacher of Natural Science, Amenia Seminary, N. Y., 1838-40 Principal, Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1840-47. M. E. minister, New England Conference, 1847-53. President, Lawrence Uni versity. Wis., 1853-57. New England Conference, 1861-64 Principal, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1864-74 President, Claflin University, S. C, 1874-84. D. D., McKendree College, 1854; Harvard, 1855. Died, 18 September, 1888. ^Loren I^aertes Knox. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1838-41. M. E. minister. New York Con- ference, 1840; Black River Conference, 1841; Oneida Conference, 1842-51; E. Maine Conference, 1851-57; Rock River Conference, 1857; Wisconsin Conference, 1858-71. Principal, Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, 1841; E. Maine Conference Seminary, 1851. Professor of Ancient Languages and Literature, Lawrence Uni- versity, Wis., 1858-61; of Greek Language and Literature, 1861-64. D. D., Lawrence University, t868. Superannuated, 1871. Died, 18 January, 1901. * Alfred Saxe. Principal, Middletown (Conn.) Preparatory School, 1838-40; Middletown High School, 1841-43. Professor of Normal In- struction, Wesleyan, 1841-43. M. E. minister, Troy Conference, 1843-46. Died, 8 October, 1846. ^ Elihu Spencer. Lawyer. Member of Connecticut Legislature. Presidential Elector for Connecticut, 1856. Died, 11 April, 1858. * Edward Bannister. (Elected 1848.) M. E. minister. Teacher in and principal of various academies. Opened Preparatory Department of University of the Pacific, Cal., 1852. President, University of the Pacific, 1860-67. D. D., Dickinson, 1863. Died, 27 September, 1871. Bostwick Hawley. (Elected 1863.) Saratoga Sprbigs, N.Y. Teacher of Ancient Languages, Oneida Conference Seminary, N. Y., 1838-42. M. E. minister, Oneida Conference, 1839-50; Troy Conference, 1850-75. Supernumerar}^ 1875. Superannu- ated, 1902. D. D., 1863. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1871-84. President, Troy Conference Historical Society, 1887-1900. Senior alum- nus, 1906. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT II 1839 '^William Hinkle}^ Bussell. Teacher in various academies. Died, 9 April, 1897, 'i^Sidera Chase. Teacher and principal, 1839-54. Engaged in manufacturing, 1854-61, 1866-69. U. S. Deputy Collector, 1869-73. On editorial staff of N. Y. Tribune, 1873-87. Died, 21 September, 1897. '^ Clark Titus Hinman. Teacher and principal, 1839-53. Founder and first President of Northwestern University, 1853. D. D., Ohio Wesleyan, 1851. Died, 21 October, 1854. '^Hermann Merrills Johnson. Professor of Ancient Languages, St. Charles College, Mo., 1839; Augusta College, Ky., 1842; Ohio Wesleyan University, 1844-50. Acting President, Ohio Wesleyan, 1844. Professor of English Literature, Dickinson College, Pa., 1850-60; President, 1860-68. D. D., Ohio Wesleyan, 1852. Died, 5 April, 1868. ^George Whiting Burke. (Elected 1856.) M. D., Yale, 1843. Practised medicine in Palmer, Mass., 1843-52; in Middletown, Conn., 1852- . Died, 4 June, 1904. 1840 ^Loranus Crowell. Principal of school in Sandwich, Mass., 1840-44. M. E. min- ister. New England Conference, 1844-89. Presiding Elder, 1854- 62, 1878-82. Delegate to General Conference, 1856. Agent of Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1882-89. ^- I^-> ^877- Died, 8 April, 1889. * Joseph Cummings. Teacher in and Principal of Amenia Seminary, N. Y., 1840-46. M. E. minister. New England Conference, 1846-53. Professor of Theology, Methodist General Biblical Institute, Concord, N. H., 1853. President, Genesee College, Lima, N.'Y., 1854-57. President, Wesleyan University, 1857-75; Professor of Mental Philosophy and Political Economy, 1875-77. Stationed in Maiden and Cambridge, Mass., 1877-81. President, Northwestern Uni- versity, 1881-90. D. D., 1854; Harvard, 1861. LL. D., North- western, 1866. Died, 7 May, 1890. 12 PHI BKTA KAPPA Chester Dorman Hubbard. Ill business — lumber, banking, manufacturing, railroading, 1840-1891. Member Virginia House of Delegates, 1851-52; Rich- mond Convention, Wheeling Convention, 1861; State Senate, W. Va., 1863-64; National Republican Convention, 1864; Thirt3^- ninth and fortieth U. S. Congress, 1865-69; National Republican Convention, 1880, Lay delegate to General Conference, M. K. Church, 1872. President, Board of Trustees, Wheeling (W. Va.) Female College, 1865-90. Died, 23 August, 1891. John Wesle}^ Lindsa}^ Wes^ Newton, Mass. M. E. minister. New York Conference, 1843-1846. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1847; Professor of Latin and Hebrew, 1848-60. Sta- tioned in New York City, 1860-64. President, Genesee College, Lima, N. Y., 1864-68. Professor of Exegetical Theology, Bos- ton Theological Seminary, and in School of Theology, Boston University, 1868-84; Professor Emeritus, 1884. Dean of Faculty, College of Liberal Arts, Boston University, 1873-83. Presiding Elder, 1888-94. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1862-75, 1887- . Delegate to General Conference, 1864, 1868, 1872. D. D., 1863. ^ Edmund Longle}^ Tutor, W^esleyan, 1843. Professor of Mathematics, and after- wards of English Literature and Modern Languages, Emory and Henry College, Va., 1843-79. Teacher in Shelby ville, Ky., 1879-80. Engaged in literary work, '1880-81. Professor, and afterwards Professor Emeritus, Emory and Henry College, 1882. Died, 27 May, 1906. ^Thomas Gilbert Osborne. (Elected 1849.) M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1844-88. Presid- ing Elder, 1864, 1869-72. Delegate to General Conference, 1872. Died, 27 February, 1888. * William Rhodes Bagnall. (Elected 1854.) Tutor, Wesleyan, 1842-46. M. E. minister. New England Con- ference, 1846-1859. Principal, Providence Conference Seminary, E. Greenwich, R. I., 1847. Engaged in manufacturing, 1860-70. Engaged in editorial and other literary labor, 1870-92. Died, 3 August, 1892. 184I '^^ Robert Allyn. Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1841-43. M. E. minister. New England Conference, 1842; Providence Conference, 1843-48. Principal, Wesleyan Academy, 1845-48. Principal, Providence Conference Semiiiar}^ E. Greenwich, R. I., GAMMA OF CONNKCTICUT 1 3 1848-54. Member of Rhode Island Ivegislature, 1852-54. Com- missioner of Public Schools of Rhode Island, and editor of The Rhode Island Schoolmaster, 1854-57. Visitor to U. S. Military Academy, 'West Point, 1854. Professor of Ancient Languages, Ohio University, 1857-59. President, Wesleyan Female College, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1859-63. President, McKendree College, Leb- anon, 111., 1863-74. Principal, vS. Illinois Normal University, Carbondale, 111., 1874-92. Delegate to General Conference, 1872. D.D., 1865. LL. D., McKendree College, 1876. Died, 7 January, 1894. * George I^andon. M. E. minister, New England Conference, 1841-48; Wyoming Conference, Presiding Elder, 1854-58. Member of Pennsylvania Senate, 1859-61. In late years engaged in business and in farm- ing. Died, 16 June, 1904. George Greenwood Reynolds. i6 Cornet Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Admitted to the Bar, 1844. Practised law in Milton, N. Y., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and Brooklyn, N. Y., 1845- • J^7"C i^^w^or^, Connecticut Senate, 1871. Died, 3 November, 1877. Cranswick Jost. Bridgetown^ N. S., Canada, M. E. minister. Conference of Eastern British America, 1862-66. Professor of Hebrew and Acting Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, Mount Allison College, Sackville, N. B., 1867-69. Stationed in various circuits in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, 1870-1900. Supernumerary, 1900. Delegate to General Confer- ence, Methodist Church of Canada, 1878, '80, '82, '86. Secretary, Board of Examiners, Nova Scotia Conference, 1870-. Secretary, Board of Regents, University of Mount AlHson, 1886- . S. T. D. , University of Mount Allison, 1893. * Philip Bessom Shumwa}^ Teacher, Wesle3'-an Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1863. Prac- tised law in Chicago, 111., 1865-69. Engaged in railway construc- tion, 1869-87. Secretary, Chicago and Paducah Railroad, 1873. Died, 16 May, 1887. James Marcus King. (Elected 1871.) 1026 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher, Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, New York, 1862- 68. M. E. minister, Troy Conference, 1866-73; ^ew York Con- ference, 1874-99. Corresponding Secretar}', Board of Church Extension, M. E. Church, 1899- . Delegate to Methodist Ecu- menical Conference, London, Eng. (and one of the Secretaries), 1 88 1, 1 901; Washington, D. C. (and Chief Secretary), 1891. 44 PHI BETA KAPPA Corresponding Secretary, Evangelical Alliance for the United States, 1890- , General Secretary, National League for Protec- tion of American Institutions, 1888-98. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1898- . D. D., 1879. Ivlv. D., Dickinson, 1905. 1863 Charles Albert Barnard. ^5 Parsons Street, Brightmi, Mass. Professor of Ancient Languages, Albion College, Mich., 1863. Admitted to the Bar, 1865. Assistant Clerk of Police Court, Boston, Mass., 1865; of Municipal Court, Boston, 1866-85. Bail Commissioner for Suffolk County, Mass., 1874-85. Special Justice, Municipal Court of Boston, for the District of Brighton, 1890-1902. Judge of same court, 1902- . ^ Oliver Haley Fernald. Teacher, Commercial College, Providence, R. I., 1863-70. M. E. minister., Providence Conference, 1870-84. Principal, East Greenwich Academy, R. I., 1884. East Maine Conference, 1885-1903. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1888-94. D. D., Dakota Univer- sity, 1888. Died, 23 July, 1903. William Pallister Hubbard. 14.21 Chapline Street, Wheeling , W. Va. Practising law in Wheeling, W. Va., 1864- . Served in 3rd West Virginia Cavalry, 1865. Clerk of West Virginia House of Delegates, 1866-70. Delegate to Republican Conventions, Cin- cinnati, 1872; Chicago, 1888. Member, West Virginia House of Delegates, and of committee to revise General Statutes, 1881-82. Chairman of commission to revise the tax system of West Vir- ginia, 1902-03. Truman Hiram Kimpton. 664 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass. Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1863-67. Principal, High School, Jonesville, N. Y., 1867-68; High School, Chicopee, Mass., 1869-73. Professor of Latin, Boston Univer- sity, 1873-83; of Roman and Constitutional law, 1880-83. Iii publishing business, Boston, Mass., 1883-1905. Retired, 1905. ^Joseph Pullman. M. E. minister, New York East Conference, 1863-1902. Dele- gate to General Conference, 1888, '92. D. D., Willamette Uni- versity, 1883. Died, 4 January, 1902. John Clark Rand. 100 Fj^anklin Street, Boston, Mass. In publishing business (Rand, Avery & Co.) Boston, Mass., 1863-90. Vice-President and Resident Director of the Western Agency, Massachusetts Benefit Life Association, and connected GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 45 with Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, 111., 1890-98. With Brad- street's Mercantile Agency, Boston, Mass., 1899- . Member Massachusetts Legislature, 1881-82. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1871- 79, 1881-92. Winfield Scott Smyth. ^y8 Wabash Ave7iue, Chicago, III. Principal, Wyoming Commercial College, Kingston, Pa., 1863 -64. Joined Wyoming Conference, M. E. Church, 1864. Asso- ciate Principal, Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1865-68. Principal, Cazenovia Seminary, N. Y., 1869-78. School Book Agency, Syracuse, N. Y., 1880-84. Manager of Ginn & Co.'s business in Chicago, 111., 1884-93. Vice-President of D. C. Heath & Co., and manager at Chicago, 1893- . Trustee, Wesleyan, 1871-82. Ph.D., Syracuse, 1876. Freeman Pratt Tower. zj Avalo?i Avenue, Jamaica, N. Y. M. E. minister, New York East Conference, 1863-75; Cali- fornia Conference, 1875-76; Oregon Conference, 1876-78. Agent of \Yillamette University, Oregon, 1879-89. Presiding Elder, 1880. President, Montana University, 1889-95. New York East Conference, 1895-1903. Superannuated, 1903. Lecturer in Free Course of Board of Education, New York, N. Y., 1903- . D. D., University of the Pacific, 1887. Alfred Augustus Wright. g Cli?ito7t Street, Cambridge, Mass. M. E. minister, Providence Conference, 1863-73; New England Conference, 1873- . Dean of the Boston Correspondence School, and Professor of New Testament Greek, 1882- . D. D., Ohio Wesleyan, 1885. Wesley Dempster Chase. (Elected 1865.) Utica, N. Y. M. E. minister. Black River Conference, 1863-70; Colorado Conference, 1870-73; Northern New York Conference, 1873- . Charles Schwartz Harrower. (Elected 1875.) 24^ West 104th Street, New York, N. Y. Teacher, Amenia Seminary, N. Y., 1863. M. E. minister, New York Conference, 1864-98. Teacher, Drew Ladies' Seminary, Carmel, N. Y., 1898- . D. D., 1882. 1864 * Jacob Worthen Hall Ames. M. E. minister, New England Conference, 1864-66. Died, 12 June, 1866. George Slocum Bennett. 4 North Main Street, Wilkes- Bar re. Pa. Engaged in banking and real estate business, 1864- . Presi- dent Wyoming National Bank. Vice-President Pennsylvania Bible Society. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1888- . 46 PHI BETA KAPPA Charles Henry Buck. ^og North Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. M. E. minister, New York East Conference, 1864-1902. Dele- gate to General Conference, 1900. Trustee and Treasurer, Wes- leyan, 1902- . D. D., Dickinson, 1897. * Benjamin Whittemore Chase. M. E. minister, New Hampshire Conference, 1864-79; Wil- mington Conference, 1880-82. Died, 12 December, 1882, Charles Washburn Church. ly Ridgewood Street, Waterbury , Conn. Teacher, West Goshen, Conn., 1864. M. E. minister, New York East Conference, 1866-70. Located, 1870. Engaged in farm gardening and surveying, Lakewood, N. J., 1870-77. Edi- tor and Proprietor of The Constitution, Middletown, Conn., 1877 -88. Clerk in Census office, Washington, D. C, 1889-94. En- gaged in canvassing, and insurance business, Waterbury, Conn., 1894- . Jesse layman Hurlbut. 20 Park Street, Bloomfield, N. J. Teacher, Pennington Seminary, New Jersey, 1864. M. E. minister, Newark Conference, 1865-78. Associate Secretary, Normal Department, Sunday-School Union, 1879-82. Super- intendent of Schools, Plainfield, N. J., 1885-92. Principal, Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, 1887-92; General Superintendent of the same, 1892-96. Editor of Sunday School literature, and Corresponding Secretary of the Sunday School Union and Tract Society, 1888. Corresponding Secretary of the Epworth League, 1889-1900. In active ministry, 1901- . D. D., Syracuse, 1886. Charles Amos Merrill. Worcester, Mass. Principal, Brainard Academy, Haddam, Conn., 1864. In Pay- master's Department, United States Army, 1865-66. Private Secretary of Senator Patterson of New Hampshire, 1867-68. LL. B., Columbian University, 1868; Harvard, 1869. Practised law in Boston, Mass., 1870; in Minneapolis, Minn., 1871; in Wor- cester, Mass., 1872- . Albert Harmon Wyatt. Falls Village, Conn. M. E. minister. New York Conference, 1864-72: Wyoming Conference, 1872-74; Erie Conference, 1874-75; New York East Conference, 1875- . * Daniel Gould Harriman. (Elected 1868.) Teacher, Wesleyan Senunary, Kents Hill, Me., 1864-65. Studied law in Portland, Me., 1866-67. Practised law in Port- land, Me., 1867-68; in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1868-74; in New York, N. Y., 1874-93. Judge of Court of vSessions, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1893-96. Died, 31 December, 1896. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 47 Henry Cruise Murphy Ingraham. (Elected 1870.) 16 Court Street, B^voklyn, N. Y. Studied law in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1864-65. Practising law in Brookl3m, N. Y., 1866- . President Brooklyn Bar Association, 1898-1902. Member Board of Education, M. E. Church. Man- ager American Bible Society. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1897- . President of the Board of Trustees, 1903- . lyL. D., 1903. Henry Baker. (Elected 1882.) Middletown, Conji. Teacher, Pennington Seminary, New Jersey, 1864. M. E. minister. New Jersey Conference, 1865-70; Kentucky Conference, 1870-72; Erie Conference, 1872-75; Cincinnati Conference, 1877; Newark Conference, 1879-82; New York East Conference, 1882- 85; New York Conference, 1885-88; Philadelphia Conference, 1888-92; Newark Conference, 1892-97: Wilmington Conference, 1897-1900; Pittsburg Conference, 1900-02; New York East Con- ference, 1902- . D. D., DePauw, 1886. John Joseph Reed. (Elected 1888.) Pougkkeepsie, N. V. Teacher, Pennsylvania Military Academy, Chester, Pa., 1864- 69. M. E. minister, Newark Conference, 1870-81; New York Conference, 1881-84; Cincinnati Conference, 1884-89; New York Conference, 1889- . Chaplain, Grand Lodge of the State of New York, F. and A. M., 1901-02. S. T. D., Ohio Wesleyan, 1887. 1865 Wilbur Olin Atwater. Middletown, Conn. Principal, Colchester Academy, Vt., 1865; High School, Spen- cer, Mass., 1866; High School, Westport, N. Y., 1867. Studied in Sheffield Scientific School, 1868-69. Ph. D., Yale, 1869. Studied in Germany, 1869-71. Professor of Chemistry, East Tennessee University, 1871-73; Maine State College, 1873. In- structor, Wesleyan, 1873-74; Professor of Chemistry, 1874- Director, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1875-77 State Chemist of Connecticut, 1882. Director, Storrs (Conn.) Agricultural Experiment Station, 1888-1902. In 1888 founded and until 1891, Director of the Office of Experiment Stations United States Department of Agriculture. Special Agent in charge of Nutrition Investigations, United States Department of Agriculture, 1894-1903; Chief of Nutrition Investigations, 1903-05. Fellow American Association for Advancement of Science. Member American Chemical Society, American Phy- siological Society, Washington Academy of Science, Societe Chirhique de Paris, Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft. Associate Member Societe d'Hygiene Alimentaire et de I'Alimentation Rationelle de rHomme. Corresponding Member Societe RoN-ale des Sciences Medicales et Naturelles de Bruxelles, and of the 48 PHI BETA KAPPA Russian Imperial Militar}^ Academy of Medicine. Foreign member Swedish Academy of Agriculture. LL/. D., University of Vermont, 1904. George Augustus Graves. New Britain, Conn. Teacher, Jonesville Academy, N. Y., 1865; Drew Female Col- lege, Carmel, N.Y., 1866. Studied in Union Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y., 1867-69. B. D. from the same, 1869. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1869-92. Field Secretary, Connecticut State Prohibition Committee, 1892- . James Mudge. Jamaica Plain, Mass. Teacher, Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1865-67. Studied in Theological School, Boston University, 1867-70. S. T. B., Boston University, 1870. M. E. minister. New England Conference, 1868-73; India Conference, 1873-83; New England Conference, 1883- . Lecturer on Missions, School of Theology, Boston University, 1888- . Secretary, New England Conference, 1889- . Delegate to General Conference, 1900. D. D., 1891. Joseph Orlando Munson. Amityville, N. Y. M. E. minister, New York East Conference, 1866- . * Jacob Neal Perkins. Teacher, Fort Edward Institute, N. Y., 1865; Wesleyan Semi- nary, Gouverneur, N. Y., 1866-70. Studied law, 1870-72. Prac- tised law in Syracuse, N. Y., 1872-84. In business, 1884-89. Died, 17 November, 1889. William Henry Harrison Phillips. Brookings, S. Dak. Studied in Germany, 1865-68. Ph. D., University of Heidel- berg, 1868. Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1868-69; Genesee College, Uima, N. Y., 1869-70; East Greenwich Academy, R. I., 1870-71; Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1871-83; Dakota Agricultural College, 1884-90. Professor of Mathematics, South Dakota Agricultural College, 1890- . Vice- President of the same, 1895- . William North Rice. Middletown , Conn. Studied in Sheffield Scientific School, 1866-67. ^^- D-, Yale, 1867. Professor of Geology and Natural History, Wesleyan, 1868-84; of Geology, 1884- . Secretary of the Faculty, 1869-80, '82-92. Joined New York East Conference, M. E. Church, 1869. Assistant Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1891-92. President, Connecticut Gamma Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, 1902- . Superintendent, State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, 1903- . President, American Society of Nat- uralists, 1 89 1. Vice-President, American Association for the GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 49 Advancement of Science, 1905. Chairman, Board of Examiners, New York East Conference, 1896- . President, Connecticut Council of Education, 1903-05. LL. D., Syracuse, 1886. Sidney Ketcham Smith. Marlboro, Mass. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1865-92. Super- numerary, 1892. Superannuated, 1893. * George Lewis Westgate. Studied in Union Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y., 1865-66. M. E. minister, Providence (now New England Southern) Conference, 1867-74; New York East Conference, 1874-79; New England Conference, 1879-80. Professor of Political and Social Science, Wesleyan, 1880-85. Died, 28 June, 1885. Nicholas Tillinghast Whitaker. Marlboro, Mass. Studied in Methodist General Biblical Institute, Concord, N. H. , 1865-67. Graduated, 1867. Taught in New Hampshire Confer- ence Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1866. M. E. minister. New England Conference, 1867-84; New England Southern Conference, 1884- 87; Maine Conference, 1887-91; New England Conference, 1891- . D. D., New Orleans University, 1888. Ph. D., Boston University, 1905. * Charles Wesley Wilder. Served in Sixth Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-63. M. E. minister. New England Conference, 1865-66. Teacher, Newbury Seminary, Vt., 1866-67; Montpelier Seminary, Vt., 1868-70. Principal, Montpelier Seminary, 1870-72. Vermont Conference, 1872-75; New England Conference, 1875-1901. Died, 24 May, 1901. Richard Hubbard Rust. (Elected 1877.) Xe?iia, Ohio. Teacher, Cincinnati Wesleyan College, Ohio, 1865. Studied in Union Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y., 1866-68. B. D. from the same, 1868. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1868-77; Providence Conference, 1877-80. President, Cincinnati Wesleyan College, 1880-82. Cincinnati Conference, 1882- . Presiding Elder, 1894-1900. D. D., Ohio Wesleyan, 1880. William Valentine Kelley. (Elected 1878.) 7-50 Fifth Avenue, Neiv York, N. Y. Teacher, Perinington Seminary, N. J., 1865-66. M. E. minis- ter, New Jersey Conference, 1867-73; Western New York (now Genesee) Conference, 1873-74; Philadelphia Conference, 1874-78; 50 PHI BETA KAPPA Newark Conference, 1878-81; New York East Conference, 1881- '93. Editor, Methodist Review, 1893- . Member Joint Com- mission for making new catechisms for M. E. Church and M. E. Church, South, 1901. Member of Inter-denominational Commis- sion on Divorce and Re-marriage, 1901. Fraternal Delegate to Methodist Church of Canada, 1906. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1893- . D. D., 1883. L. H. D., Dickinson, 1901. Albert Overton Hammond. (Elected 1880.) Hackettstown.N. J. Served in Sixth New York Cavalry, 1862-63. Taught in Eliza- beth, N. J., 1865. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1867-70. Teacher, Montpelier Seminary, Vt., 1870-72; Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, N. Y., 1872-75 (Vice-Principal, 1873- 75); Pittsburg Female College, Pa., 1875-76. Principal, English and Classical Institute, Bound Brook, N. J., 1876-78. Teacher, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1878- . Elias Benjamin Sanford. (Elected 1900.) 81 Bible House, New York, N. V. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1865-68. Studied in Theological Department, Yale, 1868-69. Pastor Congrega- tional Church, Cornwall, Conn., 1869-72; Northfield, Conn., 1872 -74; Thomaston, Conn., 1876-82; Westbrook, Conn., 1883-95. Corresponding Secretary of The Open and Institutional Church League, New York, N. Y., 1895-1899. One of the founders, and General Secretary of The National Federation of Churches and Christian Workers, New York, N. Y., 1900- . Corresponding Secretary Inter-Church Conference, New York, 1905- . M. A. (Hon.), Yale, 1888. D. D., 1895. 1866 * Reese Barker Gwillim. Served in Twenty - second Connecticut Volunteers, 1862-63. Teacher, High School, Hartford, Conn., 1866-67. Studied law, 1868-69. Practised in Hartford, Conn., 1869-70; Waterbury, Conn., 1870-74; New York, N, Y., 1874-1905. Died, 8 June, 1905. Augustus Frederick Nightingale. ip^y S/teridan Road, Chicago, III. Professor of Ancient Languages, Upper Iowa University, 1866 -68. Acting President, Northwestern Female College, Evanston, 111., 1868-71. Professor of Ancient Languages, Simpson Cente- nary College, Indianola, Iowa, 1871-72. Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, Omaha, Neb., 1872-74. Principal, Lakeview High School, Chicago, 111., 1874-90. Superintendent of Public Schools, GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 5 1 Chicago, 111., 1890-92. Superintendent of High Schools, Chi- cago, 1892-1901. Superintendent of Schools, Cook County, 111., 1902- . Chairman, National Committee on College Entrance Requirements, 1899. President Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, 1902-03. Ph. D., Upper Iowa University, 1892. hh. D., Simpson College, lov^a, 1901. , George Carr Round. Manassas, Va. Served in First Connecticut Heavy Artillery, 1861-64. Lieu- tenant in Signal Corps, United States Army, 1864-65. Studied law, 1866-68. Practising law, and engaged in real estate busi- ness, Manassas, Va., 1868- . Member, Republican State Com- mittee, 1871-72. Postmaster, Manassas, 1871-73. Member of House of Delegates, Virginia, 1873-75. Lay delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1876. Director, Manassas Industrial School for Colored Youth. Vice-President, New England Meth- odist Historical Association. President, United States Veteran Signal Corps Association, 1902. Delegate at Large from Depart- ment of Potomac to San Francisco Encampment, G. A. R., 1903. Vice-President, Society of the Army of the Potomac, Hartford, Conn., 1904. Chief promoter of Manassas Army Manoeuvres, and Honorary Signal Officer on Staff of Major-General Cor bin, 1904. Chairman, Reunion of the Army of the Potomac, Bull Run, 1905. Henry Adonijah Strong. Erie, Pa. Teacher, Newburg Seminary, New York, 1867. Principal, Union School, Franklin, Pa., 1868-70. Studied in Harvard Law School, 1871-72. LL. B., Harvard, 1872, Practised law in Frank- lin, Pa., 1873-79. Principal, Erie Academy, Pa., 1879-81. Prac- tising law in Erie, Pa., 1881- . Alexander Harrison Tuttle. ^8 De Forest Avenue, Simimit, N.J. M. E. minister, Newark Conference, 1869-86; Wyoming Con- ference, 1886-89; Baltimore Conference, 1889-93; Newark Con- ference, 1893- . B. D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1874. D. D., Syracuse University, and Grant Memorial University, 1887. Granville Yager. Rindge, N. H. Teacher, Falley Seminary, Fulton, N. Y., 1866-69; Pennsylva- nia Military College, Chester, Pa., 1869-76. Pastor Congrega- tional Church, Cohasset, Mass., 1878-83; Townsend, Mass., 1883 -86. Professor of Psychology, Ethics and Civics, Middlebury College, Vermont, 1886-88; of Psychology and Ethics in the same, 1888-91. Pastor of Congregational Church, Hudson, 52 PHI BETA KAPPA Mass., 1891-94; Dighton, Mass., 1895-98; Bridgewater, Mass., 1 898-1900; Rindge, N. H., 1901- . Delegate to National Coun- cil of Congregational Churches, 1905- . Stephen Henry Olin. (Elected 1871.) ^2 Nassau Sb^eet, New York, N. Y. Studied in Law School, University of Albany, N. Y., 1866-67. LL. B., from the same, 1867. Practising law in New York, N. Y., 1869- . Trustee, Wesleyan, 1880- . Trustee, Astor Library, 1888-95; New York Public Library, 1895- . Vice-Presi- dent, New York City Bar Association, 1898-99. President, Uni- versity Settlement Society, 1900- , Major and Judge Advocate, Second and First Brigades, National Guard, State of New York, 1882-89. Lieutenant Colonel and Acting Adjutant General, First Brigade, 1889-98. Colonel and Chief of Staff, National Guard, 1898-1903. Member Academy of Political Science. Fellow American Academy of Political and Social Science. LL. D., 1894. * George Gary Bush. (Elected 1878.) Principal, Attica Academy, New York, 1866-67. Superin- tendent of Public Schools, Geneseo, 111., 1868. Teacher, Mont- pelier Seminary, Vermont, 1868-74. Studied in Europe, 1874-78. Ph. D., Syracuse, 1878. Engaged in literary work, 1881-98. Died, 15 October, 1867 David Benson Furber. Westfteld, Mass. Served in Signal Corps, United States Army, with rank of Ser- geant, 1863-65. Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1867-68; High School, Westfield, Mass., 1868-76. Agent for Ginn & Co., Boston, Mass., 1877-78. Paymaster in Crane Brothers' Paper Mills, Westfield, Mass., 1879- . * Frederic Taber Glover. Teacher, East Greenwich Academy, R. I., 1867-69. Studied law in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1869-71. Practised law in Brooklyn, 1871-73. Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence, Eclectic Medical College, New York, N. Y., 1872-73. Died, December, 1899. Emory James Haynes. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M. E. minister. Providence Conference, 1867-72; New York East Conference, 1872-77, Pastor of Washington Avenue Bap- tist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1877-85; Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass., 1885-90; People's M. E. Church, Boston, 1891-94; St. James M. E. Church, New York, N. Y., 1894-97. D. D., Colby, 1889. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 53 * Charles Wesley Millard. M. E. minister, New York Conference, 1867-1905. Presiding Elder, 1899-1905. Delegate to General Conference, 1900, '04. Ph. D., University of the City of New York, 1891, Died, 11 May, 1905. * Charles Randolph North. In business in New York, N. Y., 1868-72. M, E. minister, New York Conference, 1873-89. Corresponding Secretary, New York City Church Extension Society, 1889. Died, 20 April, 1889. Eugene Russell Hendrix. (Elected 1887.) S24-2 Norledge Place, Kansas City, Mo. Studied in Union Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y,, 1867-68. Graduated, 1869. Joined Missouri Conference, M. E. Church, South, 1869. Stationed in Kansas and Missouri, 1869- 75. Associate Editor of Christian Advocate, St. IvOuis, Mo., 1877 -78. President, Central College, Missouri, 1878-85. Bishop of the M. E. Church, South, 1886- . Delegate to Methodist Ecumenical Conference, 1881, 1891; to General Conference, M. E. Church, South, 1882, '86. Fraternal Messenger to British Wesleyan Conference, 1900. Founded Mission in Korea, 1896. D. D., Emory College, 1878; Wesleyan, 1903. LL. D., University of Missouri, and University of North Carolina, 1888; Washing- ton and Lee University, 1892. 1868 * Charles Lewis Bonnell. Studied medicine in New York, N. Y., 1868-70; in Philadel- phia, Pa., 1870-71. M. D., Hahnemann Medical College, 1871. Practised medicine in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1872-1902. Died, 15 January, 1902. Eeslie Bingham Cooke. 2^ Washington Street, Watertown, N. Y. Studied law in Watertown, N. Y., 1868. Civil Engineer, As- sistant Engineer and Chief Engineer, of various railroads, 1869- 74. City Engineer, Watertown, N. Y., 1874. Engineer of R. W. and O. Railroad, N. Y., 1875-82. Insurance Actuary, 1882- . * Freeman Birne3^ Hamblin. Studied in Boston Theological Seminary, Massachusetts, 1868 -69. Died, 8 May, 1869. 54 PHI BETA KAPPA Martin Augustine Knapp. Washingtori, D. C, Studied law in Homer, N, Y., 1868-69. Practising law in Syra- cuse, N. Y., 1870- . City Attorney, Syracuse, 1878-83. Mem- ber of Interstate Commerce Commission, 1891- ; Chairman, 1898- . Trustee, Wesleyan, 1888- . M. A., Syracuse, 1876. LL. D., 1892. David Ward Northrop. Middletown, Conn. Teacher, Fort Edward Institute, N. Y., 1868. Studied in Law School, University of Albany, N. Y., 1869-70. LL. B. from the same, 1870. Practising law in Middletown, Conn., 1871- . Mem- ber of Connecticut Legislature, 1871, '81-82. Judge of Probate for District of Middletown, 1873-80. Secretary, State of Con- necticut, 1883-84. Mayor of Middletown, Conn., 1884-85. Post- master, Middletown, 1886-89. State Auditor of Connecticut, 1891-92, 1897-98. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1880- . Charles Melville Parker. ^76 South Los Robles Avenue^ Pasadena^ Cal. Teacher, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 186S; Wesleyan College, Cincinnati, O., 1869; Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1870-85. Employed in ranching and settling estates, Pasadena, Cal., 1885- . President, Lake Vineyard Land and Water Co., 1890- . * Frank Reynolds. Studied in Law School of Columbia University, 1870. Prac- tised law in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1871-1905. Died, 22 October, 1905. George Hapgood Stone. (Elected i^'ji.) Colorado Springs, Col. Served in United States Army, Signal Corps, 1862-65. Taught in Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., 1869-72. Civil En- gineer in Chicago, 111., 1873-74. Teacher, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1874-81. Professor of Geology, Colorado College, 1881- . Geologist and mining expert, 1888- . Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science. Assistant Geologist, United States Geological Survej^, 1884. * Ensign McChesney. (Elected 1876.) M. E. minister. Providence Conference, 1868-79; Troy Confer- ence, 1879-86; New York Conference, 1886-98. Professor of Aesthetics and the Histor}- of Art, and Dean of the College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University, 1898-1905. Delegate to General Conference, 1876. Ph. D., Boston University, 1881. D. D., 1889. Died, November, 1905. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 55 Robert McLean Cumnock. (Elected 1876.) Evanston, III. Teacher (1868-73), Professor (1873- ), of Rhetoric and Elocu- tion, Northwestern University. Professor of Sacred Rhetoric and Elocution, Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111., and Instructor in Elocution, Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1880-81. Albert Julius Nast. (Elected 1883.) 222 West 4.1/1 Street, Cincinnati, O. Studied Theology, and taught in Wallace College, Berea, O., 1868-69. M. E. minister. Central German Conference, 1869-74; Ohio Conference, 1874-78. Professor of Ancient Languages, Anglo-Saxon and German, Cincinnati Wesleyan College, Ohio, 1878-80. Professor of Latin and German, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1880-83. On the staff of Der Christliche Apologete, Cincinnati, O., 1884-90; Assistant Editor, 1890-92; Editor, 1892 - . D. D., Ohio University, 1892; Wesleyan, 1906. 1869 John Edward Abbott. 8^ Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. Taught, and studied law, in Boston, Mass., 1869-71. Practised law in Boston, 1872-76; New York, N. Y., 1877-79; Boston, 1879- . Member of Massachusetts Legislature, 1893-94. Henry Smith Carhart. Ann Arbor, Mich. Teacher, Claverack College and Hudson River Institute, N. Y., 1869-71. Graduate student, Yale, 1871-72. Instructor (1872-73), Professor of Physics (1873-86), in Northwestern University. Pro- fessor of Physics, University of Michigan, 1886- . Member, International Jury of Award, Paris Exposition, 1881. President, Board of Judges, Department of Electricity, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, Official United States Delegate to Chicago International Electrical Congress, 1893, and to St. Louis Inter- national Electrical Congress, 1904. One of the Vice-Presidents of the latter. Member of the Official Party of the British Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science for South Africa, 1905. Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science. Member American Institution of Electrical Engineers. Foreign member London Institution of Electrical Engineers. Member American Physical Society, American Electrochemical Society. President of the latter, 1904-05. LL. D., 1893. *Alden Fitzroy Chase. Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1869-71; Maine Weslej-an Seminary, Kents Hill, Maine, 1872-83. Princi- pal, High School, Milbury, Mass., 1884; East Maine Conference 56 PHI BETA KAPPA Seminary, Bucksport, Me,, 1884-98. Member of Maine Confer- ence (1872-84), East Maine Conference (1884-98), M. E. Church. Delegate to General Conference, 1892. Ph. D., Colby, 1886. Died, 21 October, 1898. * Tamerlane Pliny Marsh. In Quartermaster's Department, United States Army, 1861-65. Bookkeeper, Chicago, 111., 1869-70. M. E. minister, Rock River Conference, 1870-88. President, Mount Union College, Ohio, 1888-98. D. D., Mount Union, 1888. LL. D., Allegheny, 1893. Died, 22 July, 1903. ^ John Hale Powers. Served in First Vermont Cavalry, 1861-64. In publishing busi- ness, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1869-74. Studied law in Cincinnati, 1874 -77. Died, 26 September, 1877. Henry Alanson Starks. iiy Elm Street, Montclah\ N. J. Studied in Union Theological Seminar}-, New York, N. Y., 1869-71; in School of Theology, Boston University, Mass., 1871- 72. B. D., Boston University, 1872. M. E. minister, Troy Con- ference, 1872-92; New York East Conference, 1892-96. Lecturer on Ethics and Evidences of Christianity (1896-98), on the Bible, and Evidences of Christianity (1898-99), in Wesley an University. Financial Agent, Wesleyan, 1900-01. Supernumerary, 1899, 1902- . Trustee, Wesleyan, 1885-92. D. D., 1890. ^Joseph Dame Weeks. Served with United States Christian Commission, 1863-65. In business in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Burlington, Iowa, 1869-71. Editor of The American Manufacturer, Pittsburg, Pa., 1872-76. Associate Editor of The Iron Age, New York, N. Y., 1876-81. Editor of The Atnerican Manufacturer and Iron World, 1886-96. Special agent for tenth census, 1879-83, for eleventh census, 1889-93. Chairman of Pennsylvania Tax Conference, 1892-93. UL.D., Allegheny, 1888. Died, 26 December, 1896. Caleb Thomas Winchester. Middletoum, Conn. Librarian, Wesle3-an, 1869-73 Professor of Rhetoric and Eng- lish Literature (1873-90), of English Literature (1890- ), in Wes- leyan University. Member, Committee of Revision, Methodist Hymnal, 1904. Vice-President, Connecticut Gamma, Phi Beta Kappa, 1902- . L. H. D., Dickinson, 1891. * Harvey Woodward. Served in 9th New Hampshire Volunteers, 1864. Teacher, Falley Seminary, Fulton, N. Y., 1869-70. M. E. minister. Cen- tral New York Conference, 1870-73; Northern New York Confer- ence, 1873-75; New Hampshire Conference, 1875-86; Florida GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 57 Conference, 1886-88. Pastor of Congregational Churches, in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, 1889-1902. Died, 10 April, 902. George Edward Reed. (Elected 1875.) Carlisle, Pa. Studied in Theological School, Boston University, Mass., 1869- 70. M. E. minister, Providence Conference, 1870-75; New York East Conference, 1875-89. President, Dickinson College, Pa., 1889- . State Librarian of Pennsylvania, 1898-1902. D. D., 1885. LL. D., Lafayette, 1889. 1870 Darius Baker. Newport, R. I. Served in 5th Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-63. Teacher, Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. Y., 1870-72. Tutor, Wes- leyau, 1872-74. Studied law in Middletown, Conn., 1872-74. Practised law in Newport, R. I., 1875-1904. Judge of Probate of the city of Newport, 1877-98. Trial Justice of the Justice Court of Newport, 1879-86. Justice of the District Court of the First Judicial District, 1886-1905. Associate Justi(^e of the Su- preme Court of Rhode Island, 1905- . Trustee, Wesleyan, 1887- . LL. D., 1906. Isaac Newton Clements. Cazenovia, N. Y. Served in 122nd New York Volunteers, 1862-64. Teacher, Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, New York, 1870-73; Cazenovia Seminary, N. Y., 1873-82; Vice- Principal of the same, 1882-84; Principal, 1884-96. Principal Emeritus, 1896- . Member of Central New York Conference, M. E. Church. School Commis- sioner, Second District, Madison County, N. Y., 1903- . *Leon Chester Field. Teacher, Cazenovia Seminary, N. Y., 1870-73. President, Claflin University, S. C, 1873-74. M. E. minister. New Hamp- shire Conference, 1875-82. Supernumerary, 1882. Died, 16 April, 1885. Charles Wesley Gallagher. Washington, D. C. Served in Massachusetts Volunteers, 1864. M. E. minister, New York East Conference, 1870-80; Providence ( now New England Southern) Conference, 1880-89 (Presiding Elder, 1887- 88). President, Lawrence University, Wisconsin, 1889-93. Pres- ident, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Keuts Hill, Me., 1893-97, Associate Principal, Lassell Seminary, Auburndale, Mass., 1897- 58 PHI BETA KAPPA 1901. President, Lucy Webb Hayes National Training School for Missionaries and Deaconesses, Washington, D. C, 1901- . Delegate to General Conference, 1888, '92. D. D., Little Rock University, 1887. Benjamin Gill. State College, Pa. M. E. minister, New England Conference, 1870-72. Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1872-92. Professor of Latin, Pennyslvania State College, 1892- . D. D., 1904. David Henr}' Hanaburgh. Carviel, N. Y. Served in 128th New York Volunteers, 1862-65. Teacher, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Maine, 1870-71. M. E. minister, Maine Conference, 1871-74; New York Conference, 1874-99. President, Drew Seminary for Young Women, Carmel, N. Y., 1899. S. T. D., Syracuse, 1902. Marcus Patten Hatfield. 3346 South Park Ave., Chicago, III. Studied in Chicago Medical College, 1870-72. M. D., North- western University, 1872. House-Surgeon in Mercy Hospital, Chicago, 111., 1872-73. Lecturer in Cincinnati Wesleyan College, 1873; ill Chicago Medical College, 1874. Professor of inorganic Chemistry (1875-76), of inorganic Chemistry and Toxicology (1877-96), Chicago Medical College. Professor of Pediatrics, Chicago Clinical School, 1898- . Ebenezer Hill. South Norwalk, Co7in. Assistant Superintendent (1870), Secretary (1871), Vice-Presi- dent (1873-81), General Manager (18.81- ), of Norwalk, Conn., Iron Works. Vice-President, National Bank of Norwalk, 1880-82; President, 1882- . George Harrison McGrew. ji^ Case Avenue, Clevela7id, Ohio. Acting Cashier, National Bank of Kingwood, W. Va., 1866-67. Studied in Law School, Harvard University, 1871-73. LL. B., Harvard, 1873. Practised law in Kingwood, W. Va., 1873-74. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1874-75. B. D. from the same, 1876. Missionary in India, 1876-85. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1886-89; New York Conference, 1889-92. United with Protestant Episcopal Church, 1892. Assistant in St. Bartholomew's Parish, New York, N. Y., 1892-97. Rector of St. Paul's Parish, Cleveland, Ohio, 1897- . D. D., 1891. Howard Augustus McKenny. Gorham, Me, In United States Hospital Service, 1865. Teacher, Claflin University, South Carolina, 1871-72; in Gorham, Me., 1873-87. Superintendent of Schools, Gorham, Me., 1887- . United States Inspector of Customs, Portland, Me., 1891- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 59 Henr}^ Gleason Newton. 8i8 Chapel Street, New Have?i, Conn. Studied in Yale Law School, 1870-72. LL. B., Yale, 1872. Practising law, New Haven, Conn., 1872- . Member of Connec- ticut House of Representatives, 1885-95. Referee in Bankruptcy, 1898- . Member of State Board of Health, Connecticut, 1896- 1905- * Joseph Kennard Wells. Studied law in Mt. Holly and Trenton, N. J., 1870-73. Journal Clerk, New^ Jersey House of Assembly, 1875-76. Law Clerk, New Jersey Court of Chancery, 1874-81. Died, 28 January, 1885. * George Brown Goode. (Elected 1872.) Studied in Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., 1870-71. Assistant Curator of Museum, Wesleyan, 1870- 71; Curator, 1871-77. Assistant in United States National Mu- seum, 1873-75; Assistant Curator, 1875-77; Curator, 1877-81; Assistant Director, 1881-87; Director, 1887-96. Lecturer on Natural History, Wesleyan, 1879-81. Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1887-96. United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, 1887. LL. D., 1888. Died, 6 September, 1896. I87I Bj^ron Alden Brooks. J14 McDo7iough Street, Brookly^i, N. Y. Principal, Union Free School, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., 1871-72. Assistant Editor of The National Quarterly Review, New York, N. Y., 1873. Engaged in teaching and literary work in New York, 1873- . Inventor. * Robert Waterman Carr Farnsworth. Served in loth Vermont Volunteers, 1862-64. Captain in 32nd Colored Infantry, United States Volunteers, 1864-65. Teacher, Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, N. Y., 1871-72. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1872-73. M. E. minister, Providence (now New England Southern) Conference, 1873-80; Southern California Conference, 1880-88. Dean of the Maclay ■ Theological College, San Fernando, Cal. Delegate to General Conference, 1887. Died, 3 January, 1888. Theodore B. Hancock. Syracuse, N, Y. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1871-73. Practising law in Syracuse, N. Y., 1873- . District Attorney, 1889-92. Attorney- General of New York State, 1893-99. President Onondaga Count}^ Bar Association. LL. D., 1897. 6o PHI BETA KAPPA George Ingraham. Z95 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1871-73. LL. B., Columbia, 1873. Practised law in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1873-86. Vice-President, Phoenix Insurance Co., 1887- . Albert Pearne Palmer. Lowville, N. Y. M. E. minister, Providence (now New England Southern) Con- ference, 1871-92; Northern New York Conference, 1892- . Trustee, Wesley an, 1903- . Edgar Moncena Smith. Areola, III. M. E. minister, Providence (now New England Southern) Con- ference, 1871-72. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1872-74. Stationed in Providence, and Newport, R. I.. 1874-79. Central New York Conference, 1881. President, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1882-93. Principal, Vermont Methodist Seminary, Montpelier, Vt., 1893-98. President, Illinois Wesleyan Univer- sity, 1898-1905. Stationed at Areola, 111., 1906- . D. D., 1887. William Frederick Whitcher. Woodsville, N. H. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1871-72. M. E. minister. Providence (now New England Southern) Con- ference, 1872-81. On editorial staff of The Boston Traveller, 1881-83; Associate Editor, 1883-85; Editor, 1885-90; Literary Editor, and leading editorial writer, 1890-93. Literary Editor and editorial writer of The Boston Advertiser, 1893-98. New England Conference, 1891-96. Retired from ministry, 1896. Editor and proprietor of The Woodsville News, New Hampshire, 1898- . Member New Hampshire Legislature, 1901, '03, '05, Trustee, New Hampshire State Library, 1903- . 1872 * James Madison Beede. Teacher, Drew Ladies' Seminary, Carmel, N. Y., 1872-75. As- sistant Principal, High School, Orange, N. J., 1875-81. Died, 6 January, 1881. John Ayer Cass. 2yi West Rittenhouse Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1872-73. M. E. minister. New England Conference, 1873-83. Supernumerary, 1883-86. Located on account of ill health, 1886. In business, 1886-92, '96-99, 1905 - . Pastor Union Evangelical Church, Swarthmore, Pa,, 1893- 95. Associate Pastor, First Methodist Episcopal Church, Ger- mantown, Pa., 190Q-04. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 6 1 Samuel Greenleaf Gushing. Ottumwa, Iowa. In business, Boston, Mass., 1872-75; Rockport, Ind., 1876; Knoxville, Iowa, 1877-81; Burlington, Iowa, 1881-82; Ottumwa, Iowa, 1883- . Almon Everett Hall. Willianistown , Mass. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1872-73. M. E. minister. Providence (now New England Southern) Con- ference, 1873-77. Superannuated, 1878. In business, North Adams, Mass., 1884-86; Williamstown, Mass., 1886-1901; North Adams, 1901- . Postmaster at Williamstown Station, 1889-96. Member of Massachusetts Legislature, 1897-98. Frank Mason North. i^o Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. In business. New York, N. Y., 1872-73. M. E. minister. New York Conference, 1873-87; New York East Conference, 1887-91. Corresponding Secretary, New York City Church Extension and Missionary Society, 1892- . Corresponding Secretary, National City Evangelization Union, 1893- . Trustee, Wesley an, 1899- . D. D., 1894. Charles Francis Rice. jj Newtonville Avenue, Newton, Mass. Teacher, High School, Springfield, Mass., 1872-73, Employed in the City Library, Springfield, 1874. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1874- 77. M. E. minister. New England Conference, 1877- . Presid- ing Elder, 1905- . D. D., 1893. Arthur Benton Sanford. Mamarojieck, N. Y. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1873- . Assist- ant Editor, Methodist Review, 1890-1901. Secretary, New York East Conference, 1897- . Delegate to Ecumenical Methodist Conference, London, England, 1901; to General Conference, 1904. Manager, American Sabbath L^nion. Member of Tract Board, M. E. Church. Vice-President, Methodist Historical Society, New York. D. D., Syracuse, 1893. Henry Townsend Scudder. ' Mari^iette, Wis. Principal, High School, Huntington, N. Y., 1873. Practised law in Sturgeon Bay, Wis., 1874-84. In Surgeon-General's oflSce, Washington, D. C, 1885-86. Practising law in Marinette, Wis., 1886- . Edwin Alonzo Blake. (Elected 1880.) ^y Rutland Street, Boston, Mass. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1872-1902; Pitts- burg Conference, 1902-03; New England Conference, 1903- . Ph. M., University of the City of New York, 1894. S. T. D., Taylor University, 1894. Ph. D., Taylor University, 1895. 62 PHI BETA KAPPA Edmund Mead Mills. (Elected 1880.) JO J Clinton Street, Pe7in Van, N. Y. M. E. minister, Central New York Conference, 1872- . Pre- siding Elder, 1896-98, 1902-06. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1886- . Secretary of the Board of Trustees, 1900-03. Delegate to General Conference, 1888, '92, '96, 1900, '04. First Assistant Secretary, General Conference, 1900, '04. Corresponding Secretary and Executive Officer, 20th Century Thank Offering Commission, M. E. Church. Delegate to Ecumenical Conference, London, England, 1901. Ph. D., Syracuse, 1878. D. D., 1888. Watson Eyman Phillips. (Elected 1889.) . j8g Orange Street, New Haven, Conn. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1872-73. M. E. minister, Providence (now New England Southern) Con- ference, 1873-81; New York East Conference, 1881-89; Wyoming Conference, 1889-90. Pastor of Church of the Redeemer (Cong.), New Haven, Conn., 1890- . President, Organized Charities, New Haven. President, Florence Crittenton Rescue Mission. Vice-President, Missionary Society of Connecticut. Chairman, Executive Committee, Congregational Home Missionary Society, T904- . D. D., Wesleyan, also Dickinson, 1889. 1873 * Joseph Augustus Adlington. Served in 12th Illinois Cavalry, with rank of lieutenant, 1862- 65. Judge Advocate of Military Commission, Houston, Texas, 1865-66. Studied in Columbia Eaw School, 1873-75. LL. B., Columbia, 1875. Practised law in Rochester, N. Y., 1875-1904. Surrogate of County of Monroe, N. Y., 1883. Died, 3 July, 1904. * George Jay Brown. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1873- 75. Instructor in the same, 1874-75. B. D. from the same, 1876. M. E. minister, Tr®y Conference, 1875-79. Died, i December, 1880. Hinckley Gilbert Thomas Mitchell. j6 Pinckney Street, Boston, Mass. Studied in School of Theolog}^, Boston University, 1873-76. B. D., Boston University, 1876. Studied in Germany, 1876-79. Ph. p., Leipzig University, 1879, M. E. minister, Central New York Conference, 1879-80. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1880-83. Instructor in School of Theology, Boston University, 1883-84; Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis, and Instructor in the Semitic Languages, 1884-1905; Instructor in the Semitic Lan- guages, 1905- . D. D., Mt. Union, 1888; Wesleyan, 1901. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 63 Isaac Henr}^ Packard. Roslitidale, Mass. M. E. minister, New England Conference, 1874- . Wilbur Merton Palmer. The Tribune, New York, N. Y. Principal, Public School, Rich\'ille, N. Y., 1873-74; Graded School, Scarsdale, N. Y., 1875; Graded School, Southington, Conn., 1876-77. On city staff of The New York Tribime, 1878- ; Brooklyn City Editor, 1880-95. Secretary to the Mayor of Brook- lyn, 1895-98. Assistant Telegraph Editor, New York Tribune, 1898-1902; Assistant Sunday and Day Editor, 1902- . * Andral Lamartine Russell. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1873-74. Died, 29 May, 1874, * Joel Osmon Sherburn. M. E. minister, Vermont Conference, 1873-1906. Member of Vermont House of Representatives, 1882. Presiding Elder, 1886 -87, 1898-1905. Secretary, Vermont Bible Society, 1882-1906. Delegate to General Conference, 1892, '96. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1893-1906. Died, 13 May, 1906. * George Washington Shonk. Studied law in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1874-76. Practised law in Wilkes-Barre, 1876-1900. Died, 14 August, 1900. * George Henry Smith. Studied in Law School, Boston University, 1873-75. LI,. B., Boston University, 1875. Practised law in Boston, Mass., 1875-86. Died, 30 January, 1887. Marcus Lorenzo Taft. Tientsi^i, China. In business in New York, N. Y., 1873-75. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1875-77. B. D. from the same, 1877. Studied in Germany, 1877-79. Joined New York East Conference, 1880. Missionary in China, 1880-92. Professor of Historical Theology, Wiley School of Theology, Peking University, China, 1892-1900. Pastor of churches in New York State, 1901-05. Presiding Elder, Tientsin District, North China Conference, 1905- . D. D., 1893. Alfred Charles True. Dept. of Agi'icultiu-e, Washington, D. C. Principal, High School, Essex, N. Y., 1873-75. Teacher, State Normal School, Westfield, Mass., 1875-81. Graduate student. Harvard, 1882-83. Instructor, Wesleyan, 1884-88. Editor in oflSce of Experiment Stations, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, 1888-91; Assistant Director, 1891-93; Director, 1893- . 64 PHI BETA KAPPA Delmar Rial Lowell. (Elected 1886.) ^08 U^iiversity Avc7iue, Syracuse, N. Y, Served in T2ist New York Volunteers, 1864-65, and lost right arm in battle. Studied in Schools of Oratory and Theology, Boston University, 1873-74. M. E. minister, Troy Conference, 1874-81; Vermont Conference, 1881-89. Post Chaplain, U. S. Army, 1890-96. Chaplain in Chief, G. A. R., 1892-93. Chaplain, Connecticut House of Representatives, 1901-03. Major, U. S. Army, 1904. Organized first Christian Endeavor Society in U. S. Army. D. D., Ohio Wesleyan, 1888. 1874 Forrest Kdson Barker. zj Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Studied law in Worcester, Mass., 1874-75; in Law School, Boston University, 1875-76. Practised law in Worcester, Mass., 1876-87; in Boston, Mass., 1887- . Member of Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1883-84. Member of State Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners, 1885- . * Joseph Chester Burke. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1874-75. Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1875-79. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1879-82. Teacher, Lasell Seminary, Auburndale, Mass., 1882-85. Died, 27 June, 1885. Morris Barker Crawford. Middletow7i, Conn. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1874-77. Studied in Germany, 1877-80. Instructor, Wesleyan, 1880-81; Associate Professor of Physics, 1881-84; Professor, 1884- . George Russell Emerson. Watertown, Mass. Engaged in manufacturing. West Somerville, Mass., 1874- . Levi Gilbert. Western Christian Advocate, Ci7icinnati, Ohio. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1874- 75. M. E. minister, Minnesota Conference, 1875-90; Puget Sound Conference, 1890-92; East Ohio Conference, 1892-97; New York East Conference, 1897-1900. Editor, Western Christian Advocate, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1900- . B. D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1902. D. D., Hamline University, 1888; Wesleyan, 1900. LL. D., Moore's Hill College, Ind., 1905. George Henry Hardy. Ashburnham, Mass. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1874- 76, B. D. from the same, 1876. Principal, Spring Valley Acad- emy, Madison, N. J., 1874-75. Teacher, Madison Institute, N. J., 1875-76. M. E. minister, New Hampshire Conference, 1876- . Superintendent of Schools, Grantham, N. H., 1884-85. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 65 Thomas Bond Lindsay. 12 So7nerset Street, Boston, Mass. Studied in Germany, 1874-77. Teacher, Newton High School, Mass., 1877-78. Assistant Professor (1878-82), Professor (1883- ), of Latin and Sanskrit, Boston University. Ph. D., Boston Uni- versity, 1882. William Wallace Martin. 1^0 Fifth Aveyiuc, New York, N. Y. Teacher, Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1874- 76. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1874-77. B. D. from the same, 1877. Studied theology in Germany, 1878-79. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1879-82. Professor in Col- legiate Department, Beirut, Syria, 1883-84. Professor of Hebrew, De Pauw University, 1885; of Semitic Languages, Vanderbilt L"'^ni versify, 1886-92. Western Secretary, American University, 1893-95. Lecturer on Fine Arts, Syracuse University, 1897. Secretary, American University, 1899-1900. Assistant editor of Sunday School periodicals, M. E. Church, 1904- . Archie Emerson Palmer. Park Avenue a7id ^gth Street, New York, N. Y. Reporter for T/ie New York Tribune, 1874-80; Assistant City Editor, 1880-87; editorial writer, 1887-98. Secretary, Board of Education, New York, N. Y., 1898- . Francis Hubert Parker. Hartford, Conn. Studied law, 1874-75. Teacher, Enfield, Conn., 1875. LL. B., Yale, 1876. Practising law in Hartford, Conn., 1876- . Member of Connecticut Legislature, 1878, '80. Prosecuting attorney for the city of Hartford, 1887-91, 1894-95. U. S. Attornc}', District of Connecticut, 1900- . Trustee, Connecticut School for Boys, 1898- . President of the Board, 1899- . Kdwin Pitman Stevens. Mechanicville , N. Y. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1874-77. B. D., Boston University, 1877. M. E. minister, Troy Conference, 1877- . Presiding Elder, 1900- . Delegate to General Con- ference, 1904. D. D., Syracuse, 1904. Edward David Towle. jz Kejit Square, Brooktifie, Mass. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1874-76. M. E. minister, Providence (now New England Southern) Con- ference, 1876-82. Pastor of Unitarian Churches in Massachusetts (1882-87), Tennessee (1889-92), Massachusetts (1893- ). John Henry Pillsbury. (Elected 1876.) Waba7i, Mass. Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1874-75. As- sistant, Wesleyan, 1875-77. Teacher, High School, Springfield, 66 PHI BETA KAPPA Mass., 1877-84. Professor of Biology, Smith College, 1884-92. Staff Lecturer, University Extension Society, 1892-93. M. E. minister. New England Conference, 1894-99. Principal, Waban School for Boys, Mass., 1899- . Charles Wesley Smile}^ (Elected 1879.) 5j^ Fiftee7ith Street^ Oaklmid, Cal. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N, J., 1874-75. Teacher, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1875-76; Drew Seminary, Carmel, N. Y., 1876-77. Special agent of the Tenth U. S. Census, 1879-82. Statistical and Editorial Assistant to U. S. Fish Commissioner, 1879-89. Librarian, U. S. Fish Commission, 1884-89. Expert special agent of the Eleventh U. S. Census, in charge of Fisheries Branch, 1889-91. Editor and publisher of The American Monthly Microscopical Jourfial, 1887-92; The Microscope, 1893-95. Member of Biological, An- thropological and Philosophical Societies of Washington, D. C, 1880-90. President of section, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1889. John Edward Eustis. (Elected 1898.) 80 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Served in 20th New York Cavalry, 1864-65. Civil engineer in New York, N. Y., 1874-77. Studied in Law School, Columbia University, 1875-77. LL. B., Columbia, 1877. Practising law in New York, 1877- . School Commissioner, City of New York, 1897-1900. Commissioner of Parks, Borough of the Bronx, New York City, 1902-03. 1875 Arthur Leonard Andrews, ij North Pearl Street, Albany, N. Y. Studied law in Albany, N. Y., 1875-77. Practising law in Albany, 1875- . Commissioner to prepare charters of cities of the second class, N. Y., 1895. Corporation Counsel, Albany, 1900- . Leonard Lemon Beeman. West Brookfield, Mass. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1875-76. M. E. minister, Vermont Conference, 1876-98; New England Conference, 1898- . Principal, East Greenwich Academ}^ R. I., 1886-87. Supernumerary, 1882-84, 1890-92. Presiding Elder, 1892-98. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1888-93. Robert Edgar Bisbee. Maynard, Mass. Teacher, Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. Y., 1875-77. President, Clark University, Atlanta, Ga., 1877-81. Financial Agent, Freedmen's Aid Society, M. E. Church, 1881. M. E. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 67 minister, Maine Conference, 1882-83; Columbia River Confer- ence, 1883-92; Vermont Conference, 1892-93; New England Con- ference, 1893- . President, Spokane College, 1885-87, and 1891. Franklin Harris Griffin. gy Main Street, Flushing, N. Y. City Editor of The Wheeling Evening Standard, W. Va., 1876. Principal, Ogden Academy, Utah, 1877; Select School in Evans- ton, Wyo., 1877-81; City School, Kingston, N. Y., 1882-90. In business, in Flushing, N. Y,, 1891- . Austin Henrie Herrick. Gj^eenjield , Mass. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1875-78. B. D., Boston University, 1878. M. E. minister. New England Conference, 1879- • William Channing Kellogg. ^5 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Preached at East Main Street M. E. Church, Norwich, Conn., 1875-76. Studied in Law School, Boston University, 1876-78. Principal, High School, Yarmouth, Mass., 1878-81. Teacher, Public School, Yonkers, N. Y., 1881-82. Practising law in Yonkers, N. Y., 1882- . City Judge, 1895-1905. Thomas Raymond Kneil. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Preached in M. E. Church, West Worthington, Mass., 1875-76. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1876-77. Principal, High School, Belchertown, Mass., 1877-78. Teacher, Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., 1878-80. Principal, Union School, Crown Point, N. Y., 1880-84. Proprietor, Ticon- deroga Sentinel, N. Y., 1885-88. Principal, Union School, Crown Point, N. Y., 1888-91; High School, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1891-92. Superintendent of Schools, Saratoga Springs, 1892- . Isaac Chase lyibby. P. O. Box igjs, Spokane, Wash. Graduate student, Wesleyan, 1875-76. Vice-Principal, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1876-78; Principal, 1878-80. Prin- cipal, High School, Great Falls, N. H., 1880-81. Private Tutor, Middletown, Conn., 1881. President, Spokane College, Wash., 1882-1884. Joined Columbia River Conference, M. E. Church, 1883. Withdrew, 1884; local preacher since. Proprietor of English and Classical School, Spokane, 1884-86. Engaged in stock farming, Spokane, 1886-97. Superintendent of Public Schools, Spokane Co., Wash., 1889-91. Teacher, High School, Spokane, Wash., 1897-1902; State Normal School, Cheney, Wash., 1902; High School, Spokane, 1902- . 68 PHI BETA KAPPA Cyrus Coligni Lovejoy. Watennaoi, III. Teacher, Wyoming Conference Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1875- 80. M. E. minister. Rock River Conference, 1881- . President, Jennings Seminary, Aurora, 111., 1887-94. Millard May hew Parker. Pasadena, Cal. Principal of Academy, Glastonbury, Conn., 1875-76; High School, Holliston, Mass., 1877-82. Teacher, Presbyterian Col- lege, Pasadena, Cal., 1884-86. Proprietor and Principal, Pasa- dena Academy, 1886-91. Professor of Latin, Throop Polytechnic Institute, Pasadena, 1892-97. Member (1886-90), President ( 1887 -90), City Council, Pasadena. President, University of Arizona, 1897-1901. In business, 1901- . Benjamin Chandler Pilsbury. Orient, N. Y. Graduate Student, Weslej^an, 1875-76. Teacher, Vermont Con- ference Seminary, Montpelier, Vt., 1876-78. Studied in Yale Theological School, 1878-80. Teacher, Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1881-82. M. K. minister. New York East Conference, 1882- . Supernumerary, 1890-93. ^ Clarence Morgan Skeel. . In business in Ilion, N. Y., 1875-77. M. E. minister. Northern New York Conference, 1878-79. Removed to Colorado for his health; engaged in office of Secretary of State, Denver, 1879- 80. Died, 9 August, 1880. Abram Sutton Underhill. Ossining, N. Y. Teacher, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1875- . Studied law in Sing Sing (now Ossining), N. Y., 1877- 80; in Columbia Law School, 1880-81. Practising law in Ossin- ing and New York, 1881- . Clarence Abiathar Waldo. Lafayette, Ind. Teacher, Drew Female Seminary, Carmel, N. Y., 1875-76; Cen- tenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1876-77, 1881- 82. Tutor and Registrar, Wesleyan, 1877-81. Studied in Ger- many, 1882-83. Professor of Mathematics, Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind., 1883-91; Acting President, 1886-87, 1889-90. Professor of Mathematics, De Pauw, 1891-95. Head Professor of Mathematics, Purdue, 1895- . Ph. D., Syracuse, 1893. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (General Secretary, 1905). Member, Mathematical So- ciety; Indiana Academy (President, 1898). GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 69 1876 Joseph Fithian Andrew. Paterson, N.J. M. E. minister, Newark Conference, 1876- . B. D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1878. Augustus Burr Carrington. 200 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Studied law in Delhi, N. Y., 1876-77. Principal, High School, Cochituate, Mass., 1877-78. Teacher, Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1878-80. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1880-81. LL. B., Columbia, 1881. Practising law in New York, N. Y., 1881- . President, Manhattan Mortgage Co., 1901- . George Silas Coleman. 2 Try 071 Row, New York, N. Y. Studied law in Cooperstown, N. Y., 1876-77. Taught in Al- bany, N. Y., 1877-78. Studied law in New, York, N. Y., and taught, 1878-79. Studied in Columbia Law School, and taught, 1879-80. Practising law in New York, N. Y., 1880- . Assist- ant Counsel to the Corporation of New York City, 1885-92, 1899- . Trustee, Wesleyan, 1897- . Benjamin Coulbourn Conner. 1216 lyth Avenue, Altoona,Pa. Teacher, Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1876-80. M. E. minister, Central Penns3'lvania Conference, 1880- . Presid- ing Elder, 1906- . Delegate to General Conference, 1900. Mem- ber, Board of Managers, Missionary Society, M. E. Church, 1900- . Charles Edward Davis. Westfield, Mass. Teacher, Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1876-77. Prin- cipal, High School, Webster, Mass., 1877-81. M. E. minister, Wyoming Conference, 1877; New England Conference, 1878- . * William Copeland Wallace. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1876-78. LL. B., Columbia, 1878. Assistant United States District Attorney, New York, N. Y., 1879-83. Practised law in New York, 1883-1901. Represen- tative in Congress from Brooklyn, N. Y., 1888-90. Trustee, Wes- leyan, 1894-1901. Died, 4 September, 1901. Edward Arthur Wilkie. ig Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Teacher, Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, Mass., 1876-78. Studied in Law School, Boston University, 1878-81. LL. B., Bos- ton University, 1881. Practising law in Boston, Mass., 1881- . Jennie learned. (Mrs. C. E. Thomas.) Sp7dngfield, Ohio. Teacher, Public School, Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1880; Buffalo, N. Y., 1880-93. Married, 27 July, 1893. yo PHI BETA KAPPA Phebe Almeda Stone. ( Mrs. L. L. Beeman.) West Brookfield, Mass. Married, 29 June, 1876. Hannah Ada Taylor. (Mrs. Ada T. Wells. ) Haverhill, Mass, Secretary, Woman's Home Missionary Society, New Hamp- shire Conference, M. E. Church, 1887-98. Resident worker, University Settlement, Boston, Mass., 1901-05. Married, 28 August, 1876, George H. Wells, who died 23 February, 1885. Angle Villette Warren. (Mrs. C. A. Perkins.) K?ioxville, Tenn. Teacher, Rogers High School, Newport, R. I., 1878-79; Wellesley College, 1879-80. Preceptress, and Teacher of French and History, Lawrence University, Wis., 1880-83. Married, 19 September, 1883. Dean of Women, University of Tennessee, 1897-1900. Regent, Knoxville Chapter, D. A. R., 1899-1900. President, Tennessee Federation of Women's Clubs, 1900-05. Director-General, Federation of Women's Clubs. 1877 Middlesex Alfred Bailey. New York Traiiiing School for Teachers, New York, N. Y. Principal, Public School, Winsted, Conn., 1877-80. Head- master, High School, Keene, N. H., 1880-85. Teacher, State Normal School, Emporia, Kan., 1885-99: New York Training School for Teachers, New York, 1899- . George Henry Clarke. Cochituate, Mass. M. E. minister, New England Conference, 1878- . Treasurer of the Conference, 1902- . Willis Gaylord Clarke. ^fS Moffat Building, Detroit, Mich, Graduate Student, Wesleyan, also Registrar and Assistant Librarian, 1877-78. Studied in Yale Law School, 1878-79. Prac- tising law in Detroit, Mich., 1879- . George Augustus Erving. Yorkville, III. M. E. minister. Rock River Conference, 1877- • * Eugene West Manning. Private tutor in Wilmington, Del., 1877-79. Studied in Europe, 1879-80, '81-83. Teacher, Syracuse, N. Y., 1883-86; Baltimore, Md., 1886-88; Ithaca, N. Y., 1888-90; Greencastle, Ind., 1890^94; Newark, Del., 1895-1904. Died, 26 September, 1904. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 7 1 Crandall J. North. ^7 Bi'evoort Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Served in 9th New York Artillery, 1862-65. M. E. minister, New York East Conference, 1877- . Presiding Elder, 1893- . Delegate to General Conference, 1896. Member of first General Board of Control of Ep worth Ivcague. Albin Charles Russell. Kents Hill, Me. Teacher, Bridgeport, Conn., 1877-78. Principal, Grammar School, Stratford, Conn., 1878-85; High School, Chicopee, Mass., 1885-92. Taught in Lawrence University, Wis., 1892. Principal, High School, Weymouth, Mass., 1892-94; Norwood, Mass., 1894-99. Teacher, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, 1899- . William Seymour Winans, Jr. 7^j East J I st Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1877- 78. M. E. minister, New York Conference, 1880-94; West Vir- ginia Conference, 1894-97; New York East Conference, 1897- . * Elizabeth Johnston Ellis. Teacher, Wellesley College, 1877-78. Died, 4 June, 1878. Clara Rebecca Pitkin. ^o Worcester Street, Boston, Mass. Preceptress of Graded School, Northfield, Vt., 1878-79. Em- ployed in various publishing houses in Vermont and Massa- chusetts, 1879- • Olin Burr Coit. (Elected 1899). Carthage, N. Y. Teacher, Shaw University, Holly Springs, Miss., 1877-78. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1879-81. B. D. from the same, 1881. M. E. minister, Newark Conference, 1881-93; Northern New York Conference, 1893- . Presiding Elder, 1900- . Chaplain, New York State Senate, 1892-93. ■ Trustee, Wesleyan, 1898-1903. D. D., Syracuse, 1895. William Ingraham Haven. (Elected 1899.) Bible House, Astor Place, New York, N. Y. Teacher, Clafiin University, Orangeburgh, S. C, 1877-78. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1878-79; in School of Theology, Boston University, 1880-81. B. D., Boston University, 1881. M. E. minister. New England Confer- ence, 1881-99. Corresponding Secretary, American Bible Society, 1899- • D. D., 1899. 72 PHI BETA KAPPA Charles Henry Ra^-mond. (Elected 1903.) Laivrenceville , N . J . Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1876-89; Lawreiiceville School, N. J., 1889- . 1878 Sheldon Gaylord Kellogg. yi Crocker Bidlding, San Francisco, Cal. Studied law in I^eipzig University, Germany, 1878-80; in De- troit, Mich., 1880-81. Practised law in Detroit, Mich., 1881-83; in San Francisco, Cal., 1883- . Member, Board of Election Commissioners, San Francisco, 1900-03. President of the Board, 1902-03. Trustee, Public Library of San Francisco, 1901- . Alpha Gilruth Kynett. /f.820 Beaumont Avenue, Philadelphia , Pa. Teacher, Rugby Academy, Philadelphia, Pa., 1878-81; Na- tional School of Oratory, Philadelphia, 1879-81. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1882-84. B. D. from the same, 1884. M. E. minister, Philadelphia Conference, 1884- . Delegate to General Conference, 1904. Member, Board of Church Extension, 1896- ; Board of Missions, 1904- . M. A., Ohio Wesleyan, 1886. D. D., Cornell College, 1897. lyorenzo Giles L^aBar. ^11 Jefferson Avenue, Scraiiton, Pa. Principal, High School, Scranton, Pa., 1879-82. In business in Scranton, 1882- . William Day Leonard. 141 Broadway, Neiv York, N. Y. Studied law in New York, N. Y., 1878-80; in Columbia Law School, 1880-81. LL. B., Columbia, 1881. Practising law in New York, 1881- . Burdett Alberto Rich. 18 Fairview Heights, Rochester, N. Y. Assistant Librarian, Wesleyan, (also studied law), 1878-80. Practised law in Cattaraugus, N. Y., 1880-85. Editor of Law Reports and Digests, Rochester, N. Y., 1885- . Member of American Bar Association, and International Law Association. Daniel Leslie Robertson. Glens Falls, N. Y. Engaged in business in Glens Falls, N. Y., 1879- . William Ezra Scofield. Gyxenwich, Conn. Teacher, New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1878-81. Principal, Cummings School, Woburn, Mass., 1881-82. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 73 Teacher, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1882-85. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1885- . William Cyrus Strong. 64. Pond Street, Natick, Mass. Teacher, New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1879-81; Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1881-91; High School, Westfield, Mass., 1891-92. Professor of Natural Science, University of Denver, 1892-95. Professor of Physics, Bates College, 1895-98. General Agent, Boston, Mass., 1898- 1901. Manager, Fisk Teachers' Agency, Boston, 1901- . William Nicholson Taft. West Goshe7i, Co7in. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1879- 82. B. D., from the same, 1882. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1882- . John Pancoast Gordy. (Elected 1879.) ^2 Waverly Place, New York, N. Y. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1878-83. Ph. D., University of Leipzig, 1884. LL. D., Western University of Pennsylvania. Professor of Edu- cation, Ohio University, 1886-96; Ohio State University, 1896- 1900. Professor of the History of Education, New York Uni- versity, 1901- . Henry Leslie Osborn. (Elected 1879.) Hamline University , St: Paul, Mi?in. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1878-80; Assistant in Natural History, 1878-81. Studied in Johns Hopkins University, 1881-84. Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 1884. Prof essor of Zoology, Purdue Uni- versity, 1884-87; of Biology and Geology, Hamline University, 1887- . Clarence Everett Bacon. (Elected 1893.) Middletown, Co?in. Studied law in Middletown, Conn., 1878-82. Clerk of the Pro- bate Court, Middletown, 1881-82. Practising law in Middletown, 1882- . Corporation Counsel, City of Middletown, 1884-96. Member, State Board of Examiners for the Bar, 1890- . Treas- urer, Connecticut Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, 1906- . 1879 Lahman Forrest Bower. Care Allis-Chalviers Co., Milwaukee, Wis. In business, Berwick, Pa., 1879-84. Principal, Dickinson Col- lege Preparatory School, Carlisle, Pa., 1884-87, Engaged in 74 PHI BETA KAPPA manufacturing in Carlisle, Pa., 1887-90; Philadelphia, 1890-91; Carlisle, Pa., 1891-96; Scranton, Pa., 1896-1904; Cincinnati, Ohio, 1904-06; Milwaukee, Wis., 1906- . Seldon Lester Brown. Wellesley Hills, Mass, Principal, High School, Brookfield, Mass., 1879-81; Lancaster, Mass., 1881-86; Wellesley, Mass., 1886- . Alfred Cookman Bruner. Columbia, Pa. In real estate and insurance business, and studying law, Columbia, Pa., 1879-82. Practising law in Columbia, 1883- . Borough solicitor. William Burt. 22 EnglischesViertel Sir., Zurich, Switzerland, Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1879- 81. B. D. from the same, 1881. M. E. minister, New York East Conference, 1881-86; Italy Conference, 1886-1904. Presiding Elder, 1886-87. Superintendent of Italy Mission, 1888-1904. Bishop of M. E. Church, 1904- . Order of Cavalliere dei S. S. Maurizio e Lazaro, from the King of Italy. D. D., 1902. * Edward Prescott Coffin. Studied law in Skowhegan, Me., 1879-80, 1881-82; in School of Law, Boston LTniversity, 1880-81. Practised law in Detroit, Mich., 1882-83; in Skowhegan, Me., 1884-97. Died, 16 Novem- ber, 1897. Lewis Whittier Craig. North Tarry town, N. Y. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1879-80. Teacher, East Green- wich Academy, R. I., 1880; Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1880- 81. Principal, Belleville Academy, N. Y., 1881-82. Teacher, New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1882-85. Principal, High School, Nantucket, Mass., 1885-88; Holbrook, Mass., 1888-90; Merrimac, Mass., 1890-92; Wellsville, N. Y., 1892-1901; North Tarrytown, N. Y., 1901- . Ernest Hitchcock. Pittsford, Vt. Studied law at Yale, 1879-80; in Newark, N. Y., 1880-81. Prac- tised law in Newark, N. Y., 1881-83; in Chicago, 111., 1883-89. Residing in Pittsford, Vt., engaged in agriculture, 1890- . Member, Vermont State Board of Agriculture, 1900- . State Forestry Commissioner, 1905- . Albert Mann. 1216 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C. vStudied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1879- 80. M. E. minister, Philadelphia Conference, 1880-83; Newark GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT ' 75 Conference, 1883-92. Studied at University of Munich, Ger- many, 1892-94. Ph. D. from the same, 1894. Professor of Botau}', Ohio Wesleyan University, 1895-99. Collaborator, Uni- versit}" of Munich, 1900-01. Engaged in research at the Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, D. C, 1905-06. Professor of Botany, George Washington University, 1906- Herbert Hamilton Ward. Wilmington, Del. Studied law and tutored in Wilmington, Del., 1879-82. Prac- tising law in Wilmington, 1882- . Attorney General for Dela- ware, 1900-04. Caroline Laura Rice. (Mrs. M. B. Crawford.) Middletown, Conn. Married, 25 December, 1883. Anna Van Vleck . ( Elected 1 8 8 1 . ) 4iy West 120th Street, New York, N. Y. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1879-80. Teacher, Cedar Glen Seminary, Sing Sing (now Ossining), N. Y., 1880-81; Kingston Academy, N. Y., 1881-82; Boston Latin School for Girls, Mass., 1882-87. Instructor, Wellesley, 1887-91. Studied abroad, 1891- 93. Instructor, Woman's College of Baltimore, 1894-97. First Assistant, High School, New York, 1897- . Nathaniel Walling Clark. (Elected 1901.) jc? Via Firenze, Ro7ne, Italy. Principal, High School, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1879-80. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1880-83. B. D. from the same, 1883. M. E. minister, Philadelphia Confer- ence, 1883-85; Newark Conference, 1885-89; Germany Confer- ence, 1889-93. Professor in Martin Mission Institute, Frankfort- on-the-Main, Germany, 1889-93. Studied in Universities of Bonn and Heidelberg, Germany, 1890-93. President, Theological School, M. E. Church, Rome, Italy, 1893-1901. Traveling Sec- retary, World's Student Christian Federation, 1902-03. Presi- dent, Methodist College, Rome, Italy, 1903-05. Presiding Elder, Italy Conference, 1905- . D. D., New York University, 1899. 1880 William Milton Brundage. yyS Carroll Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher, Troy Conference Academj-, Poultney, Vt., 1880-82. M. E. minister, Troy Conference, 1882-95. Withdrew from M. 76 PHI BETA KAPPA E. Church, 1895. Minister of First Unitarian Church, Albany, N. Y., 1895-1905; Third Unitarian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1905- . Ph.D., Boston Universit}-, 1889. Charles Sumner Chapin. Normal School, Providence, R. I. Studied law in Worcester, Mass., 1880-81. Principal, High School, Brookfield, Mass., and studied law, 1881-82. Taught in High School, Worcester, Mass., and studied law, 1882-83. Prac- tised law in Worcester, 1884-86. Vice-Principal, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1886-87. Teacher, High School, Hartford, Conn., 1887-90. Principal, High School, Fitchburg, Mass., 1890- 96; State Normal School, Westfield, Mass., 1896-igoi; Rhode Island Normal School, Providence, R. I., 1901- . * Arthur Midwinter Freeman. Teacher, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1880-S2. Studied law in New York, N. Y., 1883-85. Died, 3 March, 1888. Wilbur P'isk Gordy. ^7 Vejmon Street, Springfield, Mass. Vice-Principal, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1880-81. Superintendent of Public Schools, Ansouia, Conn., 1881-84. Principal, North School, Hartford, Conn., 1884-1904. Superin- tendent of Public Schools, Springfield, Mass., 1904- . M. A., (Hon.), Wesle^'an, 1902; also Marietta College. Abram Winegardner Harris. Evanston, III. Teacher, Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1880-81. Tutor and Registrar, Wesle3-an, 1881-84. Studied in German}-, 1884-85. Instructor, Wesleyan, 1885-88. Assistant Director, Office of Experiment Stations, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, 1888-91; Director, 1891-93. President, University of Maine, 1893-1901. Director, Jacob Tome Institute, Maryland, 1901-06. President, Northwestern University, 1906- . Trustee, Wesleyan, 1903- . Sc. D., Bow- doin, 1894. LL. D., University of New Brunswick, 1900; Uni- versity of Maine, 1901; Wesleyan, 1904. Myron Reed Sanford. Middlebury, Vt. Teacher, Wyoming Conference Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1880 -86. Professor of Latin, Haverford College, 1886-93; Dean of the Faculty, 1890-93. Studied in Europe, 1893-94. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, Middlebury College, 1894- . Benjamin Francis Simon. 160 Essex Street, Bangor, Me. M. E. minister. New England Southern Conference, 1880-84; East Maine Conference, 1884- . Ph. D., Illinois Wesleyan, 1900. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 77 Charles Dayton Woods. Orono, Me. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1880-83. Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1883-87. Chemist, Storrs Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Connecticut, 1887- ; Vice-Director, 1891-96. Professor of Agriculture, University of Maine, 1896-1903. Direc- tor, Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, 1896- . Expert in food investigations, United States Department of Agriculture, 1896- . Sc. D., University of Maine, 1905. 1881 Thomas Hooper Eckfeldt. Concord, Mass. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, and Vice- Principal, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1881-83. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1883-84. Studied in American School of Classical Studies, Athens, 1884- 85; in University of Munich, Germany, 1885-86; in Harvard Uni- versity, 1886-87. Principal, Friends' Academy, New Bedford, Mass., 1887-1900. Head-master, Concord School, Massachusetts, 1900- . M. A., Harvard, 1897. Merrill Hitchcock. South Shaftesbury, Vt. Graduate Student, and Assistant, Wesleyan, 1881-82. Preached in Wells, Vt., 1882-83. M. E. minister, Vermont Conference, 1883-85; Troy Conference, 1885-1902. Retired, 1902. William Adelbert Jones. 161 Washington Street, Newark, N. J. Professor of Latin, Iowa Wesleyan, 1881-82. Engaged in law business and newspaper work in Des Moines, Iowa, 1883-90; in Syracuse, N. Y., 1893-99. Treasurer and General Counsel of the Whitehead & Hoag Co., New York, N. Y., 1899- . Charles Wesley McCormick. 57^ Far7ni7igton Ave^iue, Hartford, Con7i. M. E. minister, Newark Conference, 1881-83; Northern New York Conference, 1883-93; Newark Conference, 1893-1902; New York East Conference, 1902- . President, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1900-02. Ph. D., New York Uni- versity, 1898. D.D., Syracuse, 1897. William Edward Mead. Middletown, Co?in, Graduate Student, and Assistant Librarian, Wesleyan, 1881-82. Assistant Principal, High School, Ansonia, Conn., 1882-84. As- sistant in Wesleyan University, and Teacher in State Normal School, New Britain, Conn., 1884-85. Principal, High School, Troy, N. Y., 1885-87. Studied in Europe, 1887-90. Ph.D., Uni- versity of Leipzig, 1889. Associate Professor of the English 78 PHI BETA KAPPA Language, Wesleyan, 1890-93; Professor, 1893- . Professor of Middle English, University of Chicago, Summer Quarter, 1903, Secretary, Pedagogical Section, Modern Language Association, 1897-1903. Secretary-Treasurer, American Dialect Society, 1905-06; Secretary, 1906- . Klmer Truesdell Merrill. Trijiity College, Hartford, Co?in. Squire Scholar, Wesleyan, 1881-82. Teacher, State Normal School, Westfield, Mass., 1882-83. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1883-86. Studied in Yale College, 1885-86; in the University of Berlin, Germany, 1886-87. Professor of the Latin Language and Litera- ture, University of Southern California, 1887-88; Wesleyan, 1888 -1905; Trinity College, Connecticut, 1905- . William Rice Newhall, Wilbraham, Mass. Teacher, New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1881-82; East Greenwich Academy, R. I., 1882-86. M. E. min- ister. New England Conference, 1886-92. Principal, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1892-1906. D. D., 1897. Willis Kimball Stetson. Public Library, New Haven, Conn. Teacher, Public School, Ansonia, Conn., 1881. Assistant Libra- rian, and Librarian, Wesleyan, 1882-87. Librarian of Russell Library, Middletown, Conn., 1884-87. Librarian of Free Public Library, New Haven, Conn., 1887- . William Fletcher Van Loon. 2iy East Market Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Studied medicine in University of Pennsylvania. M. D. from the same. Practising medicine in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Clara Van Vleck. Middletown, Conii. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1881-82. Teacher, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1881-83; High School, Hartford, Conn., 1884-88. Frank Bruce Lynch. (Elected 1900.) 22 1 1 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. M. E. minister, Philadelphia Conference, 1881- . Presiding Elder, 1895-98. Trustee, Dickinson College, 1896- . Member of Board of Church Extension, M. E. Church, 1896- . Dele- gate to General Conference, 1900. Secretary, M. E. Hospital, Philadelphia, 1901- . D. D., 1896. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 79 William Wesley McGilton. (Elected 1902.) Middlehtry , Vt . Teacher, Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, N. Y., 1881-91. Studied in University of Leipzig, Germany, 1891-92. Professor of Chemistry, Middlebury College, 1892- . 1882 Charles Morse Allen. Pratt histitute, Brooklyn, N. V. Teacher, Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1882-89. Instruc- tor, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1889-98; Head of Depart- ment of Chemistry, 1898- . William Livesey Burdick. [/7iiv. of Ka7isas, Lawrence, Kan. Teacher, East Greenwich Academy, R. I., 1882-84. Ph. D., Grant University, 1884. Principal, High School, Willimantic, Conn., 1884-88. Studied in Harvard University, 1888-89. Prin- cipal, Fargo College, North Dakota, 1891-92; Preparatory Depart- ment, University of Colorado, 1892-95. Teacher, Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Conn., 1895-97. Studied in Yale Law School, 1897-98. LL. B,, Yale, 1898. Professor of Law, University of Kansas, 1898- . Herbert Parvin Gerald. U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1882-83. Teacher, Lehigh Preparatory School, Bethlehem, Pa., 1883-85. Clerk, U. S. Fish Commission, 1885-88; in War Department, Washington, D. C, 1888. Assistant Examiner in U. S. Patent Office, 1888- . LL. B., Georgetown University, 1890. Karl Pomeroy Harrington. Middletown, Conn. Graduate student, W^esleyan, 1882. Teacher, High School, Westfield, Mass., 1882-85; Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1885-87. Studied in Germany, 1887-89. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1889- 91. Graduate student, Yale, 1890-91. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, University of North Carolina, -1891- 99; University of Maine, 1899-1905; Wesleyan, 1905- . Alumnus Editor, Wesleyan Song-Book, 1901. Musical Editor, Methodist Hymnal, 1905. * George Raymond Prentice. Professor of Greek, Hamline University, Minn., 1882; of Mathematics, 1883. Died, 19 June, 1883. Joseph Richard Taylor. 12 Somerset Street, Boston, Mass. Professor of Greek, Hamline University, Minn., 1882-86. Studied in Germany, Greece, and Italy, 1886-88; in Harvard 8o PHI BETA KAPPA University, 1892-96. M. A., Harvard, 1894. Instructor, North- western University, 1888-91. Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin, Boston University, 1891-96; Professor, 1896-1901; Profes- sor of Greek, 1901- . Henr}' Seely White. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1882-83. Teacher, Hamline University, Minn., 1883; Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1883-84. Tutor and Registrar, Wesleyan, 1884-87. Studied in University of Gottingen, German}", 1887-90. Ph. D., University of Gottingen, 1890. Assistant, Clark University, 1890-92. As- sociate Professor of Mathematics, Northwestern University, 1892-94; Professor, 1894-1905. Professor of Mathematics, Vassar College, 1905- . Carrie Clifton Webster. (Mrs. C. E. O. Nichols.) Aviherst, Mass. Teacher, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1882-85; New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1885-87. Mar- ried, 21 November, 1887. Frank Kirkwood Hallock. (Elected 1894.) Croviwell, Conn, Studied in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1882-85. M. D. from the same, 1885. House Surgeon, New York Hospital, 1886-87. Studied medicine in Europe, 1887-89. Resi- dent Physician, Cromwell Hall, Cromwell, Conn., 1889- . 1883 * George Washington Clement. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1883-85. LL. B., Columbia, 1885. Practised law in Wichita, Kan., 1885-88. Died, 13 August, 1888. William John James. Middletoum, Conn. Studied in Germany, 1883-87. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1887-90; Instructor, 1890-95; Librarian, 1891- . Bradford Oliver Mclntire. Carlisle, Pa. Teacher, Maine Wesle3'an Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1883-90. Professor of English Literature, Dickinson, 1890- . Lay dele- gate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1904. Ph. D., Western Universit}' of Pennsylvania, 1896. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 8 1 John Walter Maj-nard. Patchogue, N. Y. Studied in Drew Theological Seminar)^ Madison, N. J., 1883- 86. B. D. from the same, 1886. M. E. minister, New York Con- ference, 1886- , Albert Long Smith. Suncook, N. H. M. E. minister. New" Hampshire Conference, 1889- . Thomas Coombs Wilson. 1448 Fairview Ave?iue, Wichita, Kan. Studied in Law School, University of Pennsylvania, 1883-86. IvL. B., University of Pennsylvania, 1886. Practising law, Wichita, Kan., 1886- . City Attorney, Wichita, 1889-91. Probate Judge, Sedgwick County, Kan., 1901-04. Judge of ist Judicial District, Kan., 1904- . * Addie Louise Crafts. (Mrs. A. B. Barr.) Married, September 1883, Alfred E. Barr. Died, 9 February, 1893. Jacob Francis Cooper. (Elected 1884.) 1^2 Peace Street, Providence , R. I. M. E. minister, New England Southern Conference, 1884- . Secretary of the Conference, 1903- . 1884 George Alexander Carnahan. 26 Gibbs Street, Rochester, N. V. Studied law in Rochester, N. Y., 1884-86. Practising law in Rochester, 1886- . Special County Judge of Monroe County, 1895-99. Mayor of Rochester, 1900-01. Howard Abbott Clifford. South Paris, Me. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1884-85. Preached in M. E. Church, South Berwick, Me. , 1885-86. Taught in New Orleans, Ua., 1886-88. M. E. minister, Louisiana Con- ference, 1887-89; Maine Conference, 1889- . * Frank Clasen Hoyt. Studied in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., 1884-85. Stenographer, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1885-86; New York, N. Y., 1886-87. In business in New York, 1887-1904. Died, 20 December, 1904. 82 PHI BETA KAPPA * Lorenzo Nickerson Johnson. Principal, Staples Academy, Easton, Conn., 1884-86. Teacher, High School, Evanston, 111., 1886-91. Studied in Harvard Uni- versity, 1891-92. A. M., Harvard, 1892. Instructor, University of Michigan, 1892-96. Died, 27 February, 1897. William Armstrong Richard. ^04. Whitney Avenue, New Haven ^ Conn. M. E. minister, N, Y. East Conference, 1884- . Presiding Elder, 1902- . Chaplain Connecticut House of Representa- tives, 1897; Connecticut Senate, 1899. Herbert Edwin Russell. University Park, Denver, Col. Teacher, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1884-86. Studied in Johns Hopkins University, 1886-87. Teacher, Boys' High School, Reading, Pa., 1887-91. Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Denver, 1891-96; Professor, 1896- . Principal, Preparatory School, University of Denver, 1898- . Fred Elmer Tasker. 220 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Practised as patent lawyer, Washington, D. C, 1884-97; New York, N. Y., 1897- . LIv. B. and LL. M., Columbian Univer- sity, 1886. Franklin Henry Taylor. High School, Hartford, Comi. Studied in American School of Classical Studies, Athens, 1883 -84. Teacher, Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Conn., 1884-85; High School, Middletown, Conn., 1885-86. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1886-91. Teacher, St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., 1891-95; High School, Hartford, Conn., 1895- . Edward Burr Van Vleck. Madison, Wis. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1884-85. Studied in Johns Hopkins University, 1885-87. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1887-90. Studied in University of Gottingen, Germany, 1890-93. Ph. D., University of Gottingen, 1893. Instructor, University of Wisconsin, 1893- 95. Associate Professor of Mathematics, Wesleyan, 1895-98; Professor, 1898-1906. Professor of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, 1906- . Albert Perry Walker. Newtonville, Mass. Taught in Billerica, Mass, 1884-85. Principal, High School, Grafton, Mass., 1886-87. Master, English High School, Boston, Mass., 1887-1905; Boston Normal School, 1905- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 83 David George Dowiie}-. (Elected 1894.) ^jo Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N, Y, M. E. minister, New York East Conference, 1884- . Trustee, Wesley an, 1902- . Secretary to the Board, 1903- . Member, Board of Managers, Missionary Society of M. E. Church. Dele- gate to General Conference, 1904. D. D., 1899. 1885 George Davis Beattys. ^.g Wall Street, New York, Studied in Columbia Law School, 1885-87. LL. B., Columbia, 1887. Practising law in New York, N. Y., 1887- . Assistant Corporation Counsel, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1896. United States Prize Commissioner, 1898. Trustee, Wesle5"an, 1906- . Ernest Perley Clarke. Daily Press, Riverside, Cal. On United States Geological Survey, Maine and New Hamp- shire, 1885. Editor of The Record, Ontario, Cal., 1886-94. Instructor, Chaffey College, Ontario, Cal., 1888-89. Managing Editor, Daily Press, Riverside, Cal., 1894- . Chairman, Board of Managers, Southern California Hospital for the Insane, 1899 - . In Washington as Secretary for Congressman S. C. Smith, and correspondent for syndicate of California papers, 1905-06. * William Scott Foster. Taught School, 1885-86. M. E. minister, New England Southern Conference, 1887-99. Died, 6 August, 1899. Oscar Kuhns. Middletown, Conn. Studied in Germany and France, 1885-87. Librarian, Wes- leyan, 1887-89; Instructor, 1889-90; x\ssociate Professor of Romance Languages, 1890-93; Professor, 1893- . L. H. D., Dickinson, 1904. * Jacob Christian I^ange. Teacher, High School, Scranton, Pa., 1885-87; Principal, 1887 -96. Practised law in Scranton, Pa., 1896-98. Died, 22 August, 1898. William Howard Mitchell. 2^f. Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Principal, High School, Spencer, Mass., 1885. Studied law in Portland, Me., 1885-86; in School of Law, Boston University, 1886-87. LL. B., Boston University, 1887. Practised law in Denver, Col., 1887-88. Treasurer, Colorado Farm-Loan Co., Boston, Mass., 1888-91. Practising law in Boston, 1891- . 84 PHI BETA KAPPA Wilbur Everett Rowell. ^oi Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass. Studied law in Lawrence, Mass., 1885-87; in Harvard Ivaw School, 1887-88. Practising law in Lawrence, Mass., 1888- . Arthur Eugene Sutherland. Rochester, N. Y. Studied law in Rochester, N. Y., 1885-87. Practised law in Rochester, N. Y., 1887-94. Special County Judge of Monroe County, 1893; County Judge, 1895-1905. Justice of the Supreme Court of New York, 1905- . IvL. D., 1906. Frank Bourne Upham. 622 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1885- 88. B. D. from the same, 1888. M. B. minister. New York East Conference, 1888- . D. D., Syracuse, 1903. Robert Henry Williams. Teinple Court, Chattanooga, Tenn. Teacher, New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1885-86. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1886-89. Practising law in Chat- tanooga, Tenn., 1889- . Frederick Shenstone Woods. Massachusetts Institute of Jechiiology, Boston, Mass. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1885-86. Teacher, Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., 1886-90. Studied in University of Gottingen, Germany, 1891-94. Ph. D., University of Gottingen, 1894. Instructor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bos- ton, Mass., 1890-95; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1895- 1903; Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1903-06; Professor, 1906- . Lecturer on Mathematics, Harvard, 1898-99. Editor Annals of Mathematics, 1900- . Catherine Amelia Gardner. Moodus, Conn, Principal, Public School, West Haven, Conn., 1886-87. Teacher, East Haddam, Conn., 1887-88; High School, Hunting- ton, N. Y., 1888- . * Ida Rachel Gridley. Taught school, and studied medicine, Collinsville, Conn., 1885 -86. Studied medicine in Woman's Medical College, New York Infirmary, 1886-87; in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1888-89. M. D. from the same, 1889. Practised medicine in Boston, Mass., 1889-90; in Collinsville, Conn., 1890- 1904. Married, 27 December, 1894, Oliver Case. Granted a divorce in 1903, with privilege of resuming her maiden name. Died, 9 March, 1904. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 85 Bella Beeton Pullman. (Mrs. C. S. Porter.) 6^ Lafayette Street, New Rochelle, N. Y. Teacher, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1885-88; Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1888-92. Married, 28 Septem- ber, 1892. John Littlefield Tilton. (Elected 1887.) hidianola, Iowa, Taught in Niantic, Conn., 1885-86. Graduate Student, and Assistant, Wesleyan, 1886-88. Professor of Natural Sciences, Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa, 1888- . Graduate Student, Harvard, 1894-95. A.M., Harvard, 1895. Fellow, University of Chicago, 1902-03. Fellow, American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. Member, American Society of Natural- ists, National Geographic Society, Iowa Academy of Sciences. Louis Jones Magee. (Elected 1901.) ^5 Broad Street, New York, N Y. Employed by Thomson-Houston Electric Co., Lynn, Mass., 1885-92 (in Hamburg, Germany, 1889-92). Managing Director, Union Elektricitats Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany, 1892- . 1886 Charles Wesley Blakeslee. Lo^zg Branch, N. J. Taught in Nyack, N. Y., 1886. Principal, Public School, Upper Montclair, N. J., 1887-88; Public School, Andover, N. J., 1889; Public School, Rockaway, N. J., 1890-93. Vice-Principal, High School, Long Branch, N, J., 1893- . George Copeland Boswell. Meriden, Conn. Studied at Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1886- 89. B. D. from the same, 1889. M. E. minister, Puget Sound Conference, 1889-90; New York East Conference, 1890- . William Brill. Sunbury, Pa. M. E. minister. Central Pennsylvania Conference, 1886- . Walter Perley Buck. New Londo7i, Conn. M. E. minister. New England Southern Conference, 1887- . Clinton DeWitt Burdick. ly^ Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher, Polytechnic? Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1886-87. Ad- mitted to the New York Bar, 1888. With the Title Guarantee and Trust Company, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1887- . Trustee, Wes- leyan, and Treasurer of the Board, 1907- . 86 PHI BETA KAPPA Wilbur Fisk Dales. 121 2 12th Street, N. W., Washington, D,C. Teacher, W5-oming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1886-89; East Maine Conference Seminary, Bucksport, Maine, 1889-90; Rugby Academy, St. lyouis, Mo., 1890-92. Studied in Johns Hopkins University, 1892-95. Head Teacher of Greek, High Schools, Washington, D. C, 1896- . Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin, Columbian University (evening classes), 1898-1903. Ph.D., Illinois Wesleyan, 1891. William Barker Gwinnell. ^4.^ Mount Prospect Avenue, Newark, N. J. Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins University, 1886-87. En- gaged in manufacturing, Newark, IST. J., 1889- . John Calvin Packard. 14. Searle Avejiue, Brookline, Mass. Vice - Principal, East Greenwich Academy, R. I., 1886-90. Sub-master, High School, Brookline, Mass., 1890- . George Avery Rich. 105 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. Reporter on Advertiser, Boston, Mass., 1886-87. Editorial writer on Journal, Boston, 1887-96; business manager, 1896-98. Member of Boston Stock Exchange, 1898- . Edward Bennett Rosa. National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, Teacher, English and Classical School, Providence, R. I., 1886-88. Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins University, 1888-91; Fellow, 1890-91. Ph. D., 1891. Associate Professor of Physics, Wesleyan, 1891-92; Professor, 1892-1902. Physicist, National Bureau of Standards, 1901- . Professor of Physics, George Washington University, 1905- . Sc. D., 1906. George Phelps Wardell. 62 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N.J. Electrical Engineer in New York City and Newark, N. J., 1886-1902. In poor health, 1902- . Frank Edwin Williams. Elkton, Md, Taught in Chesapeake City, Md., 1886-87. Studied in Princeton Theological Seminary, N. J., 1888-90. Pastor, Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C, 1891; Baltimore, Md., 1892-1903. Engaged in literary work, 1903- . Helena Lovina Day. (Mrs. G. E. Collyer.) 26 Cheriy Street, Waltham, Mass. Married, 19 July, 1886. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 87 LilHe Blanche Mathewson. i^ Lynde Street^ Maiden, Mass, Teacher, Santiago College, Chile, 1887-90; Lyndon Institute, Vermont, 1891-93, 1894-95. Herbert Elmer Drake. (Elected 1888.) 28 Whihnarsh Street, Provide7ice, R. /. Teacher, East Greenwich Academy, R. I., 1886-92. Studied in University of Berlin, Germany, 1892-94. Teacher, High School, Providence, R. I., 1894- . Edgar Alfred Emens. (Elected 1891.) Sy7'acuse University , Syracuse, N. V. Principal, Union School, Eaton, N. Y., 1886. Teacher, Canan- daigua Academy, N. Y., 1887-89; Genesee Wesleyan Seminar)^, Ivima, N. Y., 1889-90. Adjunct Professor of Greek, Syracuse University, 1891-92; Professor, 1892- . John Cheeseman Clark. (Elected 1898.) j2 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1887-89. LL. B., Columbia, 1889. Practising law in New York, N. Y., 1889- . Arthur William Byrt. (Elected 190 1.) joy Warren Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1887-1888. LL. B., Colum- bia, 1888. Practised law, 1888-95. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1891-98. Superintendent, Brooklyn Church Society, M. E. Church, 1898- . D. D., 1906. 1887 Jacob Augustus Cole. iig New Street, Newark, N.J. M. E. minister, Newark Conference, 1887- . Financial agent, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1900. Edward Everett Cornwall. I2jg Pacific Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Studied in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1887-90. M. D. from the same, 1890. Resident Physician, Pres- byterian Hospital, New York, 1890-91. Ship Surgeon, Nether- lands-American Line, 1892. Practising medicine in Brooklyn, N. Y.,1893- . 88 PHI BETA KAPPA * Edward Evans Pixley. Died, 22 May, 1893. Ralph Ha3'ward Pomero}^ §11 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Studied medicine in Long Island College Hospital, N. Y., 1887- 89. M. D. from the same, 1889. Interne in Charity Hospital, New York, N. Y., 1889-91. Practising medicine in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1891- . Visiting Obstetrician, Kings County Hospital, Lecturer on Obstetrics, Long Island College Hospital. Attending Obstetrician, M. E. (Seney) Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. Visiting Gynecologist, Williamsburg Hospital. Associate Gynecologist, Brookh^n Hospital. William Trafton Randall. Waterman, CaL President, Chaffey College, CaL, 1887-1901. Dean, University of Southern California, 1901-03. Superintendent, California State Industrial School, lone, CaL, 1903- , Delegate to Gen- eral Conference, M. E. Church, 1896. M. A. (Hon.), 1894. Frank Henry Richmond. 621 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Principal of Academy, White Oaks, N. M., 1887-88. Superin- tendent of Schools, Lincoln County, N. M., 1889. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1890. Law reporter. New York Evening Post, 1891, Admitted to New York Bar, 1892. Secretary to Commission to revise the laws of Porto Rico, 1900. Assistant Attornej^-General of Porto Rico, 1901. Associate Judge, District Court, San Juan District, Porto Rico, 1902-04. Practising law in New York, N. Y., 1904- . Herbert Dwight Rockwell. 26^ Rosedale Place, Akron, Ohio. In business in North Adams, Mass., 1887-1905. Retired, 1905. Joseph Chapin Rockwell. 26§ Rosedale Place, Akron, Ohio. Teacher, High School, Westfield, Mass., 1887-88; Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1888-91. Studied in Germany, 1891-94. Teacher, Preparatory Department, Northwestern Uni- versity, 1894-95. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1895-96, 1898- 1902. M. A., Harvard, 1896. Acting Professor, University of California, 1896-98. Professor of Ancient Classics, Buchtel College, 1902- . Frank Elwood Sanford. La G7^a?ige, III. Teacher, State Normal School, Millersville, Pa., 1887-90. Superintendent of Schools, La Grange, 111., 1890- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 89 James Madison Stevens. Ocean City, N. J. Principal, High School, Niantic, Conn., 1887-89; Public Schools, Saguache, Col., 1889-90, 1891-94. Employed in State Treasurer's Office, and in Post Office, Denver, Col., 1890-91. Superintendent of Schools, Darlington, Wis., 1895-1901; Ocean City, N. J., 1903- . Albert Welcome Thayer. Teacher. Herbert Welch. Delaware, Ohio. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1887-90. B. D. from the same, 1890. M. E. minister. New York Con- ference, 1890-93; New York East Conference, 1893-1905. Presi- dent, Ohio Wesleyan Universit)^ 1905- . Trustee, Wesleyan, 1901-06. D. D., 1902. LIv. D., 1906. Kate Griffing Pike. 133 West 4.1st Street, New York, N. Y. Teacher. Jane Van Vleck. ^335 Pacific Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher, High School, Hartford, Conn., 1888-93; Miss Por- ter's School, Farmington, Conn., 1893-1895; Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1895- . Herbert Edgar Cobb. (Elected 1888.) Lewis Institute, Chicago, III. Teacher, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1887- 90. Instructor, University of Colorado, 1890-92. Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1892-96. Instructor, Lewis Institute, Chicago, 1896- . Edward Summerfield Ninde. (Elected 1904.) Detroit, Mich. Studied in Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111., 1887-89. B. D. from the same, 1889. M. E. minister, Detroit Conference, 1891- . D. D., 1905. 1888 John Law Bridge. Thonipsonville, Conn. Teacher, Bordentown Military Institute, New Jersey, 1888-89. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1889-91. Fellow, Clark University, 1891- 92; University of Chicago, 1892-93. Ph. D., Clark University, 90 PHI BKTA KAPPA 1894. Teacher, Connecticut Literary Institute, Suffield, Conn., 1893-96; High School, Waterbury, Conn., 1896-99. Studied in Harvard Medical School, 1899-1903. M. D., Harvard, 1903. Practising medicine in Thompsonville, Conn., 1903- . William Evans Bruner. ^14. New E7igla7id Biiildhig, Cleveland, Ohio. Studied^ in Medical Department, University of Pennsylvania, 1888-91. M. D., University of Pennsylvania, 1891. Resident Phy- sician, Philadelphia Hospital, Pennsylvania, 1891-93. Clinical Assistant in Opthalmology, Jefferson Medical College, Philadel- phia, Pa., 1893. Clinical Assistant and Demonstrator in Opthal- mology, Medical Department of Western Reserve University, 1893- • Opthalmologist to St. Vincent and Maternity Hospitals. Opthalmologist-in-charge, Lakeside Hospital Dispensary. Ocu- list to the United States Pension Board. Vice-President, Cleve- land Academy of Medicine, 1904. Member of American Medical Association, American Academy of Opthalmology and Oto-Lar- yngology. William Morton Cassidy. Danvers, Mass. Studied , in School of Theology, Boston University, 1888-89. M. E. minister. New Kngland Conference, 1889- . Graduate Student, Harvard, 1893-95. Roland Wilkins Guss. North Adams, Mass. Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1888-91; State Normal School, Greeley, Col., 1892-96; State Normal School, North Adams, Mass., 1897- . Fred Alexander Hillery. Teacher. Arthur Wilson James. Oxford, Ohio. Teacher, High School, Pottsville, Pa., 1888-89. Studied in Germany and France, 1889-93. Ph. D., University of Munich, 1894. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1893-96. Professor of German, Miami University, 1896- . Herbert Lowell Rich. Port Deposit, Md. Instructor, Lasell Seminary, Auburndale, Mass., 1888-98. Studied in summer course. Harvard Medical School, 1897. M. D., Tufts College, 1898. Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins Medical School, 1898-99. Practised medicine, 1899-1902. Professor of Chemistry and Geology, Western Maryland College, 1902-04. Resident Physician, Jacob Tome Institute,^ Port Deposit, Md., 1904- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 9 1 William Barnard Smith. Middletoivn , Conn. Teacher, West Newton, Mass., 1888-89; Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1899-91. Graduate Student, Yale, 1891-92. In poor health, 1892-96. Engaged in philanthropic and missionary work, 1896- . Marcus White. New Britain, Conn. Teacher, Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1888-90; State Normal School, Millersville, Pa., 1890-91. Studied in France and Germany, 1891-92. Teacher, Free Academy, Nor- wich, Conn., 1892-94. Principal, State Normal School, New Britain, Conn., 1894- . Alice May Hotchkiss. 8^ Church Street, Middletown, Con7i. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1888-89. Teacher, East Green- wich Academy, Rhode Island, 1889; Centenary Collegiate Insti- tute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1889-96. Studied in Teachers' Col- lege, New York, 1896-97. Teacher, Ivasell Seminary, Auburn- dale, Mass., 1897-1900; High School, Utica, N. Y., 1900-03. Mary Elizabeth Smith Mendall. (Mrs. C. T. White.) ^ly a Halsey Street, Brooklyn, N. V. Married, 22 November, 1888. Kate Bertha Mitchell. (Mrs. J. E. Jenkins.) Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Married, 3 April, 1895. Aaron lyouis Tread well. (Elected 1891.) Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1888-91. M. S. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1890. Professor of Biology and Geology, Miami University, 1891-1900. Honorary Fellow, Chicago University, 1892-94; Fel- low in residence, 1897-98. Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1899. Professor of Biology, Vassar College, 1900- . Instructor, Marine Laboratory, Woods Holl, Mass., 1898- , Thomas Dudley Wells. (Elected 1895.) The Times, Hartford, Conn. City Editor, Waterbury Reptiblica^i, 1888-90; Editor-in-chief, 1890-1900. Associate Editor, Hartford Post, 1900-04. On staff 92 PHI BETA KAPPA of Hartford Times, 1904- . Director, Connecticut State Prison, 1895- . Member of Legislative Commission to investigate establishment of State Reformatory, 1903-05. Frederic Gibbs Axtell, (Elected 1897.) 68 South Snelling Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Teacher, Friends' Academy, Union Springs, N. Y., 1889-90; Vermont Methodist Seminar}-, Montpelier, Vt., 1890-91; Prepara- tory School, Northwestern University, 1891-92; Chaffey College, Ontario, Cal., 1892-97. Studied at University of Berlin, Germany, 1901-02. Teacher, Central High School, Minneapolis, Minn., 1902-03. Instructor, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn., 1903- . Harry Keiser Munroe. (Elected 1900.) 21 gth Avenue, Newark, N. _/. Principal, High School, Shrewsbury, Mass., 1888-90; High School, Ashland, Mass., 1890-91. Teacher, State Normal School, Millersville, Pa., 1891-93. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1893- 95. M. A. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1894. Assistant Professor of English, Pennsylvania State College, 1895-98. Professor of English, Allegheny College, 1898-1902. Lecturer in English, St. Lawrence University, 1902-03. Teacher, DeWitt Clinton High School, New York, 1903- . 1889 Dudley Chase Abbott. Lisbon, Me. Assistant Librarian, Wesleyan, 1890-91. Teacher, Falls Vil- lage, Conn., 1891-92; Reading, Pa., 1892-94. Graduate Student, Yale, 1894-95, 1896-98. Principal, Gildersleeve High School, Portland, Conn., 1895-96. Teacher, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1898-99. M. E. minister, Maine Conference, 1899- . Edward Everett Abercrombie. West Warre7i, Mass. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1889- 90; in School of Theology, Boston University, 1890-92. S. T. B. from the latter, 1892. M. E. minister. New England Confer- ence, 1892-1903, 1905- . Bursar and Instructor, Walden Uni- versity, Nashville, Tenn., 1903-05. Arthur Newell Burke. S4- Appleton Street, Waltham, Mass. Teacher, High School, Westfield, Mass., 1889-91; Monson Academy, Massachusetts, 1891-99 (Principal, 1893-99); High School, Waltham, Mass., 1899- . Graduate Student, Harvard, 1899-1900. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 93 Henry Havens Chatfield. Southampton, N'. Y. Teacher, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1889-90. Studied law, 1890-92. Practising law in Bridgehamp- ton and Southampton, N. Y,, 1892- . Frederick Morgan Davenport. Clinton, N. V. Teacher, Wyoming Seminary, Pennsylvania, 1889-93. M. E. minister, New York Conference, 1893-1901. Graduate Student, Columbia Universit}-, 1901-04. Ph. D., Columbia, 1905. Pro- . fessor of Law and Political Science, Hamilton College, 1904- . ^ Bernard Marcus Davis. Taught in Chamberlin Institute, Randolph, N. Y., and studied law, 1889-92. Practised law in Buffalo, N. Y., 1892-93. Died, 15 xVpril, 1893. * Willie Irving Ford. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1889-90. Died, 5 April, 1890. Herbert Augustus Hill. j2/ Noble Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. Lawyer. * George Frederick Kettell. Taught in Worcester, Mass., 1889-90. Graduate Student, Har- vard, 1890-91. A. B., Harvard, 1891. Studied in Law School, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., 1891-92. Taught in High School, New Orleans, La., 1892-1900. Died, 28 October, 1904. Samuel Gail Landon. 9^5 University Building, Syracuse, N. Y. Superintendent of Schools, California, Mo., 1889-91. Profes- sor of Latin, Puget Sound University, 1891-92. Superintendent of Schools, Puyallup, Wash., 1892-94. Principal, High School, Harrisburg, Pa., 1894-97; High School, Binghamton, N. Y., 1897 -1900. In insurance business, Syracuse, N. Y., 1900- . Harry Summerfield Noe. First National Bank, Chicago, III. In banking business. Western Kansas, 1890-92; Chicago, 111., 1892- . Arthur W. Partch. Tillotson College, Austin, Texas. Taught in Hiawatha, Kan. , 1889-90. Studied in Garrett Biblical Institute, Bvanston, 111., 1890-91; in Union Theological Semi- nar}^, New York, 1891-93. Graduate Student, Columbia Uni- versity, 1892-93. M. E. minister, Nebraska Conference, 1893-98, 94 PHI BKTA KAPPA 1899-1900. Teacher, Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1898-99; New Orleans University, 1900-03; Montpelier Seminary, Ver- mont, 1903-04. President, Tillotson College, Austin, Texas, 1904- . William Emory Smyser. Delaware, Ohio. Teacher, Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1889-90. Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins University, 1890-91. Instruc- tor, Northwestern University, 1891-92; De Pauw University, 1892-94. Professor of English, DePauw University, 1894-1900; Ohio Wesleyan University, 1900- . M. A, (on examination), Wesle3'an, 1892. Mary Graham. Middletown, Conn. Principal, Oakland Institute, Asheville, N. C, 1889-90. Teacher, State Normal School, Providence, R. I., 1890-91. In- structor, Mt. Holyoke College, 1891-92. Fellow, Yale, 1892-94. Ph. D., Yale, 1895. Henry Ploy. (Elected 1892.) 220 Broadway, New York, N. V. Graduate Student, Cornell University, 1889-92. M.E., Cor- nell University, 1891. M. A. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1892. With Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, Pa., 1892-98. Consulting Engineer, New York, N. Y., 1898- . Member, International Jury of Awards (Electrical Section), St. Louis Exposition, 1904. John Elijah I^oveland. (Elected 1894.) Middletown, Conn. Studied in Harvard Medical School, 1889-93. M. D., Harvard, 1893. Practising medicine in Middletown, Conn., 1893- . Secretary Medical Board, and Member Visiting Staff, Middlesex Hospital, Middletown, Conn. Secretary United States Pension Board, Middletown, Conn. William Bradford Eaton. (Elected 1893.) Millbrook Avenue, Haverford, Pa. Graduate Student, Haverford, 1889-90. A. M., Haverford, 1890. Studied in Germany, 1890-95. M. D., University of Berlin, 1895. Demonstrator in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1900-02. Pathologist, Bryn Mawr Hospital and private labora- tory, 1902- . Rowland Miles. (Elected 1906.) Northport, N. Y. Practising law in Northport, N. Y., 1891- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 95 1890 Stockton Axson. Princeton, N. J. Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins University, and Wesleyan, 1890-92. Instructor, University of Vermont, 1892-93; Acting Professor of English, 1893-94. Staff Lecturer, American Society for the Extension of University Teaching, 1893-96. Assistant Professor, and Professor, of English, Adelphi College, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1896-99. Assistant Professor of English, Princeton Uni- versity, 1899-1904; Professor, 1904- . Francis Asbury Bagnall. Ada?7ts, Mass. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1890-91. Principal, High School, Stafford Springs, Conn., 1891-94; High School, St. Albans, Vt., 1894-1901. Superintendent of Schools, Adams, Mass., 1901- . Member and Secretary, Vermont Board of School Commis- sioners, 1898-1901. Edward Arthur Bawden. ijy East Tabor Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1890-92. M. E. minister, Philadelphia Conference, 1892- , John Andrew Bergstrom. Bloomhigto7i, Ind. Taught in Middletown, Conn., 1890-91. Fellow, Clark Uni- versity, 1891-94. Ph.D., Clark University, 1894. Assistant Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy, Indiana University, 1894-96; Associate Professor, 1896-1902; Professor of Education and Director of the Psychological Laboratory, 1902- . Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Mem- ber, American Psychological Association, Society of College Teachers of Education, Permanent International Committee of Congresses for School Hygiene. Member of Sigma Xi. Presi- dent, American Committee for First International Congress of School Hygiene, 1903-04. Charles Manning Child. University of Chicago, Chicago, III. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1890-92. M. S. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1892. Studied in Germany, 1892-94. Ph. D., University of Leipzig, 1894. Studied in Zoological Station, Naples, Italy, 1894-95, 1902-03. Fellow, University of Chicago, 1895-96; Assistant, 1896-97; Associate, 1897-98; Instructor, 1898-1905; Assistant Professor of Botany, 1905- . Instructor, Marine Biological Laboratory, 1895-96, 1897. Charles Fellows Bggleston. 1218 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa, Studied in Law School, University of Pennsylvania, 1890-93. LL. B., University of Pennsylvania, 1893. Practising law in Philadelphia, 1893- . 96 PHI BETA KAPPA Frederic Samuel Goodrich. Albion, Mich. Studied in Germany and Greece, 1890-91, Tutor, Wesleyan, 1891-92. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, Albion College, Mich., 1892-1904; of the English Bible, 1904- . Joined New York East Conference, M. E. Church, 1892; trans- ferred to Detroit Conference, 1893. M. A., University of Michigan, 1898. James Alonzo Hulse. 22^ Grafton Avenue, Newark, N.J. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1890-91. Teacher, Brooklyn Polytech- nic Institute, 1891-92; Newark Academy, N. J., 1892- . ^ Walter Bverard Morse. Principal, High School, Shrewsbur}^, Mass., 1890-91; High School, Gildersleeve, Conn., 1891-93; High School, Monson, Mass., 1893-96. Died, 3 February, 1896. Wendell Phillips Parker. II Cleveland Avenue, Worcester, Mass. Teacher, East Maine Conference Seminary, Bucksport, Me., 1890-92. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1892-93, 1895. Teacher, Olivet College, Michigan, 1896; High School, Worcester, Mass., 1896- . Lecturer on Study of Birds, Natural History Museum, Worcester, 1899- . Edwin Sloan Tasker. Tilton, N. H. Teacher, Maine Conference Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1890- 91. In business, Manchester, N. H., 1891-92. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1892-95. M. E. minister, New Hampshire Conference, 1895- . lycwis Gardner Westgate. Delaware, Ohio. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1890-92. Assistant, Harvard, 1891-92. Graduate Student, Yale, 1892-93. Assistant, Wes- leyan, 1892-93. Teacher, High School, Evanston, 111 , 1 893-1 900. Professor of Geology, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1900- . Ph.D., Harvard, 1896. Martha Josephine Beach. (Mrs. L. G. Westgate.) Delawa7T, Ohio. Teacher, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1890-93. Married, 5 September, 1893. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 97 Clara Maria Coggshall. (Mrs. W. W. Thompson.) ^60 Madison Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher, High School, Warren, INIass., 1890-93. Married, 13 September, 1893. Lillie Belle Conn. (Mrs. O. Kuhns.) Middletown, Conn. Graduate Student, Wesle^-an, 1890-91. Married, 6 xlpril, 1892. Hester Lawrence Raj-mond. (Mrs. E. B. VanVleck.) Madison, Wis. Married, 3 July, 1903. * William AVellington Alexander. (Elected 1892.) Teacher, East GreeuAvich Academy, R. I., 1890-93. Studied in Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., 1893-95. M. E. minister, New York Conference, 1893-97. Died, 5 March, 1897. Frank Burnett Dains. (Elected 1892.) Washburn College, Topeka, Kan. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1890-91. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1891-93; Uuiversit}' of Kansas, 1893-94. Fellow, University of Chicago, 1894-95. Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1898. Assis- tant Professor of Chemistry-, Northwestern University Medical School, 1895-1901. Studied in Germany, 1901-02. Professor of Chemistry, Washburn College, Kansas, 1902- . Edgar Smith Fernald. (Elected 1896.) 21 Cedar Street, Spri7igjield , Mass. On editorial staff of The Daily Union, Springfield, Mass., 1890 -95; New York Evening Post, 1895-96; Springfield (Mass.) Republican, 1896-1903. Founder and Manager, Newspaper Men's Exchange, Springfield, Mass., 1898- . Wilson Wallace Thompson. (Elected 1902.) 2yy Broadivay , New York, N. Y. On the staff of The New York Tribune, and student in Colum- bia University Uaw School, 1890-91. Studied in New York Law School, 1891-92. LL. B., Universit}- of the State of New York, 1892. Practising law in New York, 1893- . Frederick Watson Hannan. (Elected 1905.) 1 11^ Bnshwick Avenne, Brooklyn, N. Y. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1890- 93. B. D. from the same, 1893. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1893- . 98 PHI BKTA KAPPA I89I George Hamilton Bickford. Hardwick, Vi. Instructor, Haverford, 1891-92. Representative of Ginn & Co., Publishers, Boston, Mass., 1892-95. In business, Benning- ton, Vt., 1895-98; Hardwick, Vt., 1898- . Albert Blmer Hancock. Haverford , Pa. Graduate Student, Wesle3^an, 1891-92. Studied in Germany, 1892-93; in France and Spain, 1893-94. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1894-97. Ph. D., Harvard, 1897. Instructor, Williams, 1897-98. Associate Professor of English, Haverford, 1898- . John Bvan Jenkins. y2 Coal Exchange, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. City Editor, Daily Herald, Middletown, Conn., 1891-92. Studied law in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1892-94. Practising law in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1894- . lyinnaeus Edford Ba Fetra. S8 West 58th Street, New York, N. Y. Studied medicine in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1891-94. M. D. from the same, 1894. Interne, New York Hospital, 1894-96; Sloane Maternity Hospital, 1896; Nursery and Child's Hospital, 1897. Ivccturer, New York Polyclinic, 1897- 1900; New York University School of Pedagogy, 1899-1904. In- structor, Medical Department, Columbia University, 1902- . Practising medicine in New York, N. Y. Member, American Pediatric Society. Fellow, American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science; New York Academy of Medicine. Editor of Archives of Pediatrics. Frank Bowers Littell. U. S. Naval Observatory , Washington, D. C. Computer in U. S. Naval Observatory, 1891-96. Teacher, High School, Scranton, Pa., 1896-97. Computer, U. S. Naval Observa- tory, 1897-98; Assistant Astronomer, 1898-1901. Professor of Mathematics, U. S. Navy, 1901- . M. A., Columbian (now George Washington) University, 1894. Ernest Boren Meritt. 82 Second Avenne, Gloversville , N'. Y. Vice-Principal, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1891-97. Principal, Lewis High School, Southington, Conn., 1897-1902. M. A., Yale, 1903. University Scholar, Yale, 1903-04. Teacher, High School, New Haven, Conn., 1905. Principal, High School, Gloversville, N. Y., 1905- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 99 John George Mitchell. State Capitol, Hartford, Conn, Lawyer. Charles Harrison Page, Jr. Scituate, R. I. Law^-er. * Charles Wilfred Savage. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1891-93. M. S. (on exam.), Wesle3'an, 1893. Employed in Agricultural Experiment Station, Middle- town, Conn., 1893-94. Teacher, High School, Ouincy, Mass., 1894-95; Carleton College, Minn., 1895-96. Died, 24 March, 1898. Arthur Willis Sraith. 285 Whipple Street, Fall River, Mass. Taught in Tiverton and Chepachet, R. I., 1891-92. In business in Fall River, Mass., 1892- . Clinton Chandler Stevens. Millinocket, Me. Studied law in Readfield, Me., 1893-95. Practised law in Winthrop, Me., 1895-1901; Millinocket, Me., 1901- . Superin- tendent of Schools, Millinocket, Me., 1904. Isabel Graves. 24. Reynolds Terrace, Orajige, N. J. Instructor, Cornell College, Iowa, 1891-93. Teacher, High School, Binghamton, N. Y., 1894-96. Graduate Student, Western Reserve University, 1896-97. A. M. from the same, 1897. Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, 1897-99. Ph. D. from the same, 1899. Instructor, Mount Holyoke College, 1899- 1900. Teacher, High School, East Orange, N. J., 1900- . George Lincoln Plimpton. (Elected 1899.) Tilton, N. H. Teacher, New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1891-96; Principal, 1896- . Lay delegate to General Confer- ence, M. E. Church, 1904. M. A. (Hon.), 1898. Eugene Allen Noble. (Elected 1903.) Hackettstown , N.J. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1891-97. Super- intendent, M. E. Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1897-1902. President, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1902- . 1892 Wilbur Langdon Anderson. Black Hall, Conri. Graduate Student, Yale, 1892-93. > Teacher, Lyme and Black Hall, Conn., 1893-94. LOFU lOO PHI BETA KAPPA Arthur Pe3^ton Br3^ant. j^y Dearborn Street, Chicago, III. Taught in Providence, R. I., 1892-93. Instructor, Swarthniore, 1893-94. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1894-95. M. S., 1895. Employed in Experiment Station, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, Middletown, Conn., 1895-1902. Chemist, Storrs (Conn.) Agricultural Experiment Station, 1901-02. Chief Chemist, Glucose Sugar Refining Company and National Starch Company, Chicago, 111., 1902-06. Analj^tical and Consulting Chemist, The Bryant-Mills Laboratories, 1906- . Samuel James Allen Conner. 7408 Parnell Avenue, Chicago, III. Teacher, Napa College, Cal., 1892-1903; Calumet High School, Chicago, 111., 1903- . George Willets Davison. 26 Court Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Law3^er. Charles Myron Drew. §11 New Yo7'k Life Insurance Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Studied law in Universit}^ of Minnesota, 1892-94. EL. B. from the same, 1894. Practising law in Minneapolis, Minn., 1894- . George Mahon Bggleston. Bristol, Conn, In business in Bristol, Conn., 1892- . Lincoln Robinson Gibbs. Alliance, Ohio. Graduate Student, Weslej^an, 1892-93. M. A. (on exam.), 1893; Harvard, 1897. Instructor, Lehigh, 1894-95; Boston Uni- versit}^, 1895-96. Professor of English, Mount Union College, Ohio, 1899-1901; Central State Normal School, Oklahoma, 1901- 03; Wells College, 1903-04; Mount Union College, 1904- . Pedro Gillot. Kingston, Pa. Teacher. Theodore Sommers Henderson. 750 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Studied at Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1892- 95. B. D. from the same, 1895. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1896- . Corresponding Secretar}', New York East Conference Commission on Evangelistic Work, 1904. General Field Superintendent of General Conference Commission on Evangelism, 1906. William Henry Kidd. 22//. Oak Place, New Haven, Conn. M. E. minister, New York East Conference, 1892- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT Id William Francis Little. y2g South Street, Elizabeth, N. J Teacher, Belts Academy, King's School, and Miss Ivow's School, Stamford, Conn,, 1892-97. Private Tutor, 1897-1900. Studied at Universitj- of Heidelberg, German}-, 1900-01 . Graduate Student, Teacher's College, New York, 1901-02. Co-Principal, West Side School for Boys, New York, 1902-05. Principal, Battin High School, Elizabeth, N. J., 1905- . Arthur Birdsey Miller. ^o^ Chestmtt Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Taught in Philadelphia, Pa., 1892-94. In business in Phila- delphia, 1894-95; in Waterbury, Conn., 1895-1903. Head book- keeper. The Trust Company of North America, Philadelphia, 1903- . Charles Allison Miller. 2sg^ Seventh Ave7iue, New York, N. Y. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1892-93. M. S. (on exam.), 1893. Teacher, University School, Providence, R. I., 1893-1900; State Normal School, Providence, 1900-03; Morris High School, New York, N. Y., 1903- . * Jay William Pierce. Drowned in the Connecticut River, near Middletown, 24 July, 1892. John Stephenson Pullman. 10 Sanford Building, Bridgeport, Conn. Teacher, Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1892-93. In business, Philadelphia, Pa., 1893. Graduate Student, Yale, 1894. Studied in Yale Law- School, 1894-96. LL. B., Yale, 1896. Practising law in Bridgeport, Conn., 1896- . Prosecuting Attorne}- of Bridgeport, 1903- . Edward Loranus Rice. Delaware, Ohio. Studied in German}-, 1892-95. Ph. D., Universit}^ of Munich, 1895. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1896. Professor of Zoology, Alle- gheu}- College, Pa., 1896-98; Ohio Weslej-an University, 1898- , Member, American Society of Naturalists, American Society of Zoologists. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science. President, Ohio Academy of Science, 1905- . Egbert James Tamblyn. 801 Prudential Building , Ahwark, N. J. Studied in New York Law School, 1892-94. LL. B. from the same, 1894. Practising law in Newark, N. J., 1895- . Alfred Ernest Taylor. 226 West 5 8th Street, New York, N. Y. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1892-93. M. A. (on exam.), 1893. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1893-94; Cornell, 1894-96. M. A., Harvard, 1894; Ph. D., Cornell, 1896. Assistant, Cornell, 1896-1900. Chemist in U. S. Laboratory, New York, 1900- . I02 PHI BETA KAPPA Olin Freeman Tower. 11500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Graduate Student, Wesle3^an, 1892-93. M. A. (on exam.), 1893. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1893-94, '96-98. Studied in University of Leipzig, Germany, 1894-95. Ph. D., University of Leipzig, 1895. Assistant Chemist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1895-98. Instructor, Adelbert College, 1898-1901; Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1901- . Lena Maud Adams. (Mrs. J. P. Rand.) Worcester, Mass. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, and Teacher in High School, Middletown, Conn., 1892-93. M. A. (on exam.), 1893. Teacher, Monson Academy, Mass., 1896-1900; High School, Woodside, N. Y., 1901-03; High School, Far Rockaway, N. Y., 1903-04. Married, 3 September, 1904. Duncan Starr Johnson. (Elected 1893.) Johns Hopkins University , Baltimore, Md. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1892-93; Johns Hopkins, 1893-97. Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 1897. Associate, Johns Hopkins, 1898- 1901; Associate Professor of Botany, 1901- . In charge of Cryptogamic Botany, Biological Laboratory of Brooklyn Insti- tute, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. Member, Botanical Society of America, Society of Plant Morphologists and Physiologists. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science. George Seymour Godard. (Elected 1906.) State Libra7y, Hartford, Conn. Graduate Student, Northwestern University, 1892-94. B. D., Yale, 1895. Graduate Student, Yale, 1896. Assistant in (Conn.) State Library, 1898-1900; Librarian, 1900- . Editor, Connecti- cut State Records, 1901- . President of National Association of State Libraries, 1904-05. 1893 Winfred Chandler Akers. New Britaiji, Conn. Teacher, High School, Quincy, Mass., 1893-94; Manual Train- ing School, Providence, R. I., 1894-96; English High School, Somerville, Mass., 1896-99. Principal, High School, Hoi yoke, Mass., 1899-1903; High School, New Britain, Conn., 1903- . George Hubbard Blakeslee. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins, 1893-94; Harvard, 1898- 1901. Studied in Germany and England, 1901-03 (Parker Fellow of Harvard University, 1901-02). A. M., Harvard, 1899; Ph. D., 1903. Instructor, Clark University, 1903-04; Assistant Professor of History, 1904- ; Instructor in Graduate Depart- ment, 1905- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT IO3 Frederic Cutts. 2oog Murphy Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1893-94. Graduate Student, Cornell Uni- versity, 1894-97. With General Electric Co. (student, 1897-98; construction foreman, 1899; engineer, Atlanta, Ga., 1900-04). Civil engineer. New York, N. Y., 1905- . Charles Gourlay Goodrich. Marietta, Ohio. Graduate Student and Assistant Librarian, Wesleyan, 1893-4. Acting Professor of Modern Languages, Albion College, Michi- gan, 1894-95. Studied at University of Bonn, Germany, 1895-96. Teacher, Harry Hillman Academy, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1896-1901. Professor of Modern Languages, Marietta College, Ohio, 1901- . M. S. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1904. Wesley Elwell Lake. 3320 Mickle Street, Camden, N. J. Teacher, Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1893-95. M. E. minister. New Jersey Conference, 1902- . Daniel Acker Lehman. Goshen, Ind. Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1893-95. Teacher, University of the Pacific, 1896-97; Baldwin University, Ohio, 1897-1901. Graduate Student and Assistant, Western Reserve University, 1901-02. M. A. from the same, 1902. Teacher, State Normal School, Mankato, Minn., 1902-03; State Normal School, Kirksville, Mo., 1903-05. Instructor, University of Wisconsin, 1905-06. Lewis Johnson Norton. U. S. Naval Pay Office, Newport, R. I. Teacher, Clark University, Atlanta, Ga., 1893-94. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1894-95. A. B., Harvard, 1895. Teacher, Connecticut Literary Institute, Suffield, 1896-1903. In manu- facturing business, Pittsfield, Mass., 1903-04. In government employ as bookeeper-clerk, 1904- . Frederick Curry Ostrander. ^020 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Assistant to Secretary of the Facult}^, Wesleyan, and Graduate Student, 1893-94. Studied in Europe, 1895-97. Teacher, Latin School, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1897-1900. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1900-02. Fellow, Columbia, 1902-03. International Fellow for Study in France, 1903-04. Lecturer, Columbia, 1904-05. Instructor, College for Women, Western Reserve University, 1905- . Ashley Horace Thorndike. Columbia University , New York, N. Y. Principal, Smith Academy, Hatfield, Mass., 1893-95. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1895-98. A. M., Harvard, 1896; Ph. D., 1898. Instructor, Boston University, 1895-98. Instructor and Associate I04 PHI BETA KAPPA Professor of English, Western Reserve University, 1898-1902, Professor of English lyiterature. Northwestern University, 1902- 06. Professor of English, Columbia University, 1906- . Sarah I^angton Abbott. (Mrs. E. L. Rice.) Delaware, Ohio. Teacher, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1895-97; High School, Chelsea, Mass., 1898-99. Married, 20 March, 1901. Vida Frank Moore. Elmira College, Elvtira, N. Y. Instructor, Mt. Holyoke College, 1893-96. M. S. (on exam.), Wesle3^an, 1897. Fellow, Cornell University, 1898-99. Ph. D., Cornell, 1900. Professor of Philosophy, Elmira College, 1901- . George Rowland Munroe. (Elected 1896.) ij6 Ro Seville Avenue, Newark, N. J. Studied at New York Law School, 1892-94. LU. B. from the same, 1894. M. S. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1903. Practising law in Newark, N. J., and New York, N. Y., 1894- . 1894 Abraham Howry Espenshade. State College, Pennsylvania. Teacher, Mercersburg Academy, Pennsylvania, 1894-95; Chauncey Hall School, Boston, Mass., 1895-96. University Fel- low, Columbia, 1896-97. M. A., Columbia, 1897. Teacher, Barnard School, New York, 1897-98. Assistant Professor of English and Rhetoric, State College, Pennsylvania, 1898- . William Wright Fisher. loyS Degraw Street, Brvoklyn, N. Y. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1894-95; New York University, 1897-1900. M. A., New York University, 1898; Ph. D., 1900. Teacher, Collegiate School, New York, N. Y., 1895-1906; Boys' High School, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1906- . Arthur Mathews Gates. 161^ John Street, Baltimore, Md. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1894-95. M. A. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1895. Teacher, Montpelier Seminary, Vermont, 1895-97; Wesle3'an Academ}-, Wilbraham, Mass., 1897-98; Wil- mington Conference Seminary, Dover, Del., 1898-1901; Genesee Wesleyan Seminar}-, Lima, N. Y., 1901-04; Bulkeley School, New London, Conn., 1904-05. Graduate Student, Johns Hop- kins, 1905- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT IO5 Roscoe Allan Grant. De Witt Clinton High School, New York, N. Y. Studied in University of Berlin, German}^, 1894-95. M. A. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1903. Head of Greek Department, Fisk University, 1901-04. Teacher, DeWitt Clinton High School, New York, 1904- . Charles Hubbard Judd. ^i8 Willow Sti^eet, New Haven, Conn. Studied in University of Leipzig, German)^ 1894-96. Ph. D., Universit}^ of Leipzig, 1896. Instructor, Wesleyan, 1896-98. Pro- fessor of Experimental Psychology, New York University, 1898- 1901; of Pedagogy and Psychology, University of Cincinnati, 1901-02. Instructor, Yale, 1902-04; Assistant Professor of Psy- chology, 1904-07; Professor, 1907- . Director of the Summer School, 1906- . Lecturer in Summer School, Columbia, 1904. William I^eonard Snow. ^577 Beacon Street, Brookline, Mass. Teacher, Leicester Academy, Massachusetts, 1894-95; Kast Greenwich Academy, Rhode Island, 1895-97. Graduate Stu- dent, Harvard, 1897-1900. A. B., Harvard, 1898; A. M., 1900. Teacher, Boston University, 1898-1900; High School, Brookline, Mass., 1900- . Henry Archelaus Tirrell. Norwich, Conn. Teacher, Pennington vSeminary, New Jersey, 1894-96; Norwich Free Academy, Connecticut, 1896-99. Studied in Universitj^ of Chicago, 1899-1900. Teacher, Norwich Free Academy, 1900-03; Acting Principal, 1903-04; Principal, 1904- . Henry Reed Van Deusen. Municipal Buildi7ig, Scranto7i, Pa. Teacher, Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1894-98. LL. B., University of Pennsylvania, 1899. Practising law in Scranton, Pa., 1899- . Assistant City Solicitor, Scrantou, 1903- • Alice Cora Fuller. 2^ Brigham Park, Fitchburg, Mass. Teacher, High School, Fitchburg, Mass., 1894-95; Cushing Academ}^, Ashburnham, Mass., 1895-96. Principal, Evansville Girls' School, Indiana, 1896-99. Teacher, Crocker School, Fitchburg, Mass., 1903- . Florence Alberta Graves. 14,02 ^ I st Street, N. W., Washington, D. C, Teacher, High School, New Britain, Conn., 1894-95; High School, Pueblo, Col., 1895-99. Computer, Naval Observatory, I06 PHI BETA JKAPPA Washington, D. C, 1904; Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wis., 1904-06; Astrophysical Observatory, Smithsonian Insti- tution, Washington, D. C, 1906- . Susie Jane Mantle. (Mrs. W. F. Sheldon.) Simsbury, Conii. Taught in Middleboro, Mass., 1894-95; Portland, Me., 1895-99. Married, 19 July, 1S99. Lizzie ChapinRice. (Mrs. John C. Barnes.) Middletown, Con7i. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1894-95, Married, i January, 1895. * Frederic Lawrence Knowles. (Elected 1895.) Assistant to Secretary of the Faculty, Wesleyan, and Graduate Student, 1894-95. Studied at Harvard, 1895-96. A. B., Harvard, 1896. Teacher, New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1896-97. On staff of Atlantic Monthly, 1898. Literary Adviser, L. C. Page & Co., Boston, Mass., 1899-1900; Dana, Estes & Co., 1901-05. Died, 20 September, 1905. William Merrill Esten. (Elected 1896.) Storrs, Conn. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1894-1906. M. S. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1896. Instructor, Connecticut Agricultural College, 1906- . Fredric Worthen P'rost. (Elected 1896.) 60 Wall Street, New York, N. V. Teacher, Shady Side Academy, Pittsburg, Pa. , 1894-96. Studied in Law School, Columbia ^University, 1896-97; New York Law School, 1897-98. LL. B., New York Law School, 1898. Practis- ing law in New York, 1898- . 1895 James Lincoln Bahret. 220 C. Street, Washington, D. C. Studied in Union Theological Seminary, and in Columbia Uni- versity, New York, 1895-97. Private tutor. New York, 1897-98; Wilmington, Del., 1898-1900; New York, 1901-05. Editorial Assistant, Census Bureau, Washington, D. C, 1905- . Wilmer Evans Coffman. Darien, Wis. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1895- 98. Pastor of various M. B. churches in Pennsylvania and Wis- consin, 1898- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT IO7 James Pendleton Erskine. 5^ East J4th Street, New York, N'. Y. Teacher, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1895-96; Newark xlcadeniy, New Jersey, 1896-99. Studied at College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1899-1903. M. D. from the same, 1903. Interne, New York Hospital, 1903-05. Practising in New York, 1905- . Norman Everett Gilbert. Hanover, N. H. Graduate Student, Wesle3'an, 1895-96. M. A. (on exam.), Wesley an, 1896. Teacher, Cayuga Lake Military Academy, Au- rora, N. Y., 1896-97; Genesee Wesleyan Seminar}-, Lima, N. Y., 1897-98. Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins, 1898-1901 (L'ni- versity Scholar, 1899-1900; Fellow, 1900-01^ Ph. D., Johns Hop- kins, 1901. Professor of Physics, Hobart, 1901-03. Assistant Professor of Ph^'sics, Dartmouth, 1903- . Member, U. S. Naval Observatory Eclipse Expeditions to North Carolina, 1900; to Sumatra, 1901; to Algeria, 1905. Assistant, Astrophysical Ob- servatory, Smithsonian Institution, 1902. Andrew Gillies. 120 West ydt/i Street, New York, N. Y. M. E. minister, Yermont Conference, 1895-99; Troy Confer- ence, 1 899- 1 903; New York Conference, 1903- . Henr}' Ingraham Harriman. zp Perkins Avenue, Hyde Park, Mass. Studied in New York Law School, 1895-98. LL. B. from the same, 1898. In manufacturing business, 1902- . * Samuel Bowman Opd3^ke. Graduate Student, \Vesleyan, 1895-96. Died, 17 July, 1903. Edward Lee Thorndike. §3^ West 12 jd Street, New York, N. Y. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1895-97; Columbia, 1897-98. A. M., Harvard, 1897. Ph. D., Columbia, 1898. Professor of Educational Psychology, Teachers' College, Columbia, 1898- . Merle Bowman Waltz. joj Reaper Block, Chicago, III. Fellow, L'niversity of Chicago, 1895-96. Teacher, High School, Quincy, 111., 1896-98; High School, Chicago, 111., 1898- 1901. Practising law in Chicago, 1901- . William Seaver Woods. 44. East 2jd Street, New York, N. Y. Assistant Secretary, Citizen's League, Middletown, Conn., 1895-96. New England editor, Springfield Repiiblica?! , Mass., 1896-97. Department editor. Literary Digest, New York, 1897- 1905; Editor, 1905- . I08 PHI BETA KAPPA Lula Giralda Adams. 50 Kenwood Street, Brookline, Mass. Teacher, High School, Brookline, Mass., 1895- . Mary Eva Cramer. 2 West 120th Stj^eet, New York, N. Y. Teacher, High School, Gildersleeve, Conn., 1895-99; Portland, Conn., 1 899-1902. Graduate Student, Columbia, 1902-03. M. A., Columbia, 1903. Teacher, High School, Passaic, N. J., 1903-06; New York, N. Y., 1906- . Maud Eloise Wells. (Mrs. E. Weeks.) 4y Pleasant Street, Marlboro, Mass. Teacher, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1895-97; High School, Marlboro, Mass., 1897-98. Married, 14 September, 1898. Charles Otis Judkins. (Elected 1905.) Glejis Falls,- N. Y. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1895-96. M. E. minister, Vermont Conference, 1896-1902; Troy Confer- ence, 1902- . 1896 John Abraham Anderson. 14. Edgemont Road, Upper Montclair, N. J. Engaged in photogravure business, New York, N. Y., 1896- . Cornelius Roach Berrien. yf.0 Northview Avefiue, Upper Montclair, N. J. Engaged in newspaper work in New York City, 1896- . Albert Francis Blakeslee. 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mass. Charles Samuel Eeavenworth. Care Brown, Shipley & Co., 12 j Pall Mall, London, Eng. Graduate Student, Yale, 1896-99. B. A., 1897; M. A., 1899. Professor of History, Imperial Nanyang College, Shanghai, China, 1899-1900, 1901-05. Studied at Cambridge University, England, 1900-01. Secretary, American Association of China, 1903-05. American Vice-Consul, Nagasaki, Japan, 1905-06. ^^ Louis Arthur Norris. Enlisted, April, 1898, in ist Connecticut Volunteers, for war with Spain. Died, 11 October, 1898, of typhoid fever, contracted in service. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT lOQ Albert Eugene Osborne, j West igth Street, N'ew York, N. V. In business. James Pullman. ijj Reid Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Studied in Yale Medical School, 1896-99. M. D., Yale, 1899. On staff of General Hospital, Paterson, N. J., 1S99-1900. Prac- tising medicine in Brookhai, N. Y., 1901- . Edmund David Searls. Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I. Assistant and Graduate Student, Weslej^an, 1896-98. M. A. (on exam.), 1898. Teacher, Weslej-an Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1898-1904; Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I., I90_i.- . George Leavitt Tirrell. The Eagle, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught school, 1896-98. Engaged in newspaper work in New York, 1898- . Edith Rochelle Graves. (Mrs. H. I. Harriman.) ig Perkins Avenue, Hyde Park, Mass. Married, Juh^ 1898. Marj^ Annie McKa^^ (Mrs. R. E. Eaubach.) 5318 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, La. Teacher, High School, Camden, Me., 1896-97. Private tutor, 1897-98. Teacher, Bast Maine Conference Seminar}-, Bucksport, Me., 1898-1901 (Preceptress, 1899-1901). Matron and Preceptress, New Orleans University, 1903- . Married, 25 August, 1906. Euc3^ Osborne Searle. Meriden, N. H. Teacher, Argentina, South America, 1896-97; Home School, Everett, Mass., 1897-98, 1900-01; Public School, Brookline, Mass., 1898-99; Private School, Waban, Mass., 1899-1900; Waban School, Mass., 1901-03; Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H., 1903- (Preceptress, 1904- ). Margaret Xeff Williams. (Mrs. H. E. Belden.) 7 Whitiiey Street, Hartford, Conn. Married, 6 October, 1898. Vernon Benjamin Swett. (Elected 1899.) 343 Old South Building, Boston^ Mass. With Fisk Teacher's Agency, Boston, Mass., 1896-97. In in- surance business in Boston, 1897- . no PHI BETA KAPPA 1897 William Gill Giffin. lyy Lmvrence Street, New Haven, Conn. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1897- 1900. B. D. from the same, 1900. M. B. minister. New York East Conference, 1900- . John Gowdy. Anglo- Chinese College, Foo Chow, China. Teacher, Tilton Seminary, N. H., 1897-99. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1899-1902. B. D., 1902. Teacher, Anglo-Chinese College, Foo Chow, China, 1902-04; President, 1904- . Ferris Greenslet. 4. Paj-k Street, Boston, Mass. Graduate Student, Columbia (Scholar, 1898-99; Fellow, 1899- 1900). Ph. D., Columbia, 1900. Associate Kditor of The Atlantic Monthly, 1902- . Staff contributor to The Nation. Irville Charles I^e Compte. Box yd 4., Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. Teacher, Barnard School, New York, 1897-1900. Professor of English Language and Literature, Ursinus College, 1900-03. Studied in Germany and France, 1903-05. Ph. D., University of Strassburg, Germany, 1905. Instructor, Yale, 1905- . Francis Reid North. High School, Portland, Me. Teacher, Newark Academy, N. J., 1898-1906. Principal, High School, Portland, Me., 1906- . A. M., Columbia, 1902. Frederick William Roe. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Teacher, High School, Duluth, Minn., 1897-98; Mount Hermon School, Mass., 1898-1900; Allegheny Preparator}^ School, Pa., 1900-03. Graduate Student, Columbia, 1903-05 (English Scholar, 1903-04). A. M., Columbia, 1904. Instructor, University of Wis- consin, 1905- . Alvenza Ingham Smith. Middletown, Conn. Assistant to Secretary of the Faculty, Wesleyan, 1897-98. Teacher, King's School, Stamford, Conn., 1898-1900. Private tutor, Middletown, Conn., 1900-02, In employment of I. E. Palmer, Middletown, 1902- . Evan I^enn Tamblyn. 141 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Studied in New York Law School, 1897-99. LL. B. from the same, 1899. Practising law in New York, 1900- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 1 1 I Leon Kurtz Willman. Hill School, Pottstozvn, Pa. Studied at Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1897- 98. M. E. minister, Vermont Conference, 1898-1904. Teacher, Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., 1904- . Mary Abbie Adams. (Mrs. G. H. Trafton.) yo Union Avenue, Passaic, N. J, Married, 11 August, 1898. Eva Viola Austin. (Mrs. CO. Judkins.) Glens Falls, N. Y, Married, 30 March, 1898. Carrie Tappan Brown. (Mrs. C. O. Purinton.) West Hartford, Conn. Assistant Principal, High School, Litchfield, Conn., 1897-1900. Teacher, High School, Torrington, Conn., 1900-01. Assistant Principal, High School, Bristol, Conn., 1901-03. Married, i October, 1903. Cornelia Augusta Meeks. (Mrs. A. W. Twiggar.) 100 South Highla7id Avenue, Ossining, N. Y. Married, 18 September, 1901. Mary Lawton West gate. g^y East State Stj^eet', Ithaca, N. Y. Teacher, High School, Quincy, Mass., 1899-1904. Graduate Student, Cornell University, 1905- . Elizabeth Williams. (Mrs. O. F. Tower.) iiSoo Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Married, 21 June, 1899. 1898 Ailing Prudden Beardsley. Derby, C07171. Studied at Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, 1898- 1902. Assistant, 1900-02. Ph. D., Yale, 1902. Chemist, New Haven Gas Light Co., 1902- . Alfred Tredwell Davison, yd William Street, Neiv York, N'. Y. Studied in New York Law School, 1898-1900. LL. B. from the same, 1900. Practising law in New York, 1900- . 1 12 PHI BETA KAPPA Warren Lanning Hoagland, Jr. 3 13 1 WasJmigton Aveiiue, St. Louis, Mo. Graduate Student, Columbia, 1 898-1 900 (University Scholar, 1898-99; University Fellow, 1899-1900). Assistant Librarian, Public Library, St. Louis, Mo., 1905. In business in St. Louis, 1905- . George Bush Mac Comber. Wateriown, N. Y, Studied in New York Law School, 1898-1900. LL. B. from the same, 1900. Practising law in Watertown, N. Y., 1900- . George lyeroy Noyes. Claflin Univej^sity , Orangeburg , S. C. Vice-Principal, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1898-1901. Vice-President, and Professor of Pedagogy, Claflin University, 1901- . Patrick Francis O'Neill. 24. Coal Exchange, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Lawyer. George Wilbur Osmun. Southampton, N. V, Teacher, High School, Danbury, Conn., 1898-1900 (Assistant Principal, 1899-1900). Studied at Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1900-02 (Easton Scholar, 1901-02). B. D. from the same, 1902. Fellow of Drew at United Free College, Glas- gow, Scotland, 1903-04. M. B. minister. New York Kast Con- ference, 1904- . * Arthur Wellington Price. Died, 9 January, 1904. Benjamin Ernest Sibley. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. Teacher, East Greenwich Academy, R. I., 1898-99; Free Acad- emy, Norwich, Conn., 1899-1901. Studied in Harvard Medical School, 1901-05. M. D., Harvard, 1905. Surgical House Officer, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, 1905- . Gilbert Haven Trafton. 70 Union Avenue, Passaic, N.J. Teacher, Beaver College, Pennsylvania, 1898-99; East Green- wich Academy, R. I., 1899-1900; State Normal School, Randolph Center, Vt., 1900-03; High School, Passaic, N. J., 1903- . M.S. (on exam.), Wesle^^an, 1901. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT II3 Archer Everett Young. Purdue University , Lafayette, hid. Teacher, Sliadyside Academy, Pittsburg, Pa., 1 898-1 901. Studied at Princeton, 1901-03. Ph. D., Princeton, 1903. In- structor, Purdue, 1903- . Arthur Evelyn Young. 30^ East End Avenue^ Pittsburgh Pa. Practising law in Pittsburg, 1902- . Margaret Wilber Gaines. (Mrs. G. L. Noyes.) Orangeburg, S. C. Married, 5 September, 1899. Hattie Bernice Hall. (Mrs. A. E. Eegg.) S8^ Prairie Avenue, Providence, R. I. Married, 31 October, 1899. Roberta Mason. (Mrs. F. J. Bohlmann.) Cambridge, N. Y. Married, 16 August, 1898. Elizabeth Thompson. (Mrs. John Gowdy.) Eoo Chow, China. Teacher, Anglo-Chinese College, Foo Chow, China, 1902- . Married, i July, 1902. 1899 Burdette Ross Buckingham. 1 6 6th Street and Boston Road, New York, N. Y. Studied in Albany Normal College, New York, 1899-1901. Pd. B. from the same, 1901. M. A. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1900. Principal, High School, Northport, N. Y., 1901-04. Teacher, Morris High School, New York, 1904- . Frederick Lincoln Flinchbaugh. 36^ North Main Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1899-1900; Union Theological Seminary, 1900-01; Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass., 1901-02. B. D. from the latter, 1902. Assistant minister, St. Stephen's Church, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1902-04. Rector, St. John's Church, Salem, N. J., 1904-06; Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1906- . 114 PHI BKTA KAPPA Arthur Frederick Goodrich. Players' Club, New York, N. Y. University Scholar, Columbia, 1899-1900. On the staff of The World's Work, 1900; Managing Editor, 1901-03. Associate Editor, Outing, 1903. Foreign correspondent of Outing and The America7i Illustrated Magazine, 1904-05. Perry Childs Hill. Care of Michigan Central Railroad, Kalamazoo, Mich, In operating department of Michigan Central Railroad, 1899- . Edwin Walter Kemmerer. Cornell University , Ithaca, N. Y. Fellow, Cornell University, 1899-1901. Assistant to Expert on Trusts and Industrial Combinations, United States Industrial Commission, 1900-01. Instructor, Purdue University, 1901-03. Ph. D., Cornell, 1903. Financial Adviser to United States Philip- pine Commission, 1903. Chief of Division of Currency, Philip- pine Islands, 1903-06. Special Commissioner of Philippine Government to the Straits Settlements and to Egypt, 1906. Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Cornell, 1906- . William Henry lycslie. Middletown, Conn. Teacher, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1899- 1901; Academy of Northwestern University, 1901-03; Tilton Seminary, New Hampshire, 1904. Agent and expert, office of Experiment Stations, Middletown, Conn., 1904- . Ernest Martin Quittmeyer. Z75 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N, Y. Teacher, High School, Bridgeport, Conn., 1899-1901. M. A., Yale, 1901. Studied in Yale Law School, 1901-03. LIv. B., Yale, 1903. Practised law in Bridgeport, Conn., 1903-04; in New York, N. Y., 1904- . Ph. D,, Yale, 1904. Charles Harlow Raymond. Lawrenceville , N.J. Teacher, Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., 1899-1900; Lawrence- ville School, New Jersey, 1900-03, 1904- . Graduate Student, Harvard, 1903-04. A. M., Harvard, 1904. Warren French Sheldon. Simsbury, Conn. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1900- . Chaplain Connecticut House of Representatives, 1905. Edward Mitchell Spencer. Roswell, N. M. Teacher. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT II5 Adella Webster Bates. 7^ Greenleaf Street, Quincy, Mass. Teacher, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1899-1900; Wood- ward Institute for Girls, Quincy, Mass., 1900- . Charlotte Benson Frost. Swan Lake Avenue, Belfast, Me. Teacher, Belfast, Me., 1900-01; Grafton County, N. H., 1901- 02. Assistant Principal, Emerson High School, Sanford, Me., 1902-05. Isabella Sinclair Hill. Bellefonte, Pa. Teacher, Allegheny County Academy, Cumberland, Md., 1899- 1901; Bellefonte Academy, Pa., 1901- . Jessie Miller. (Mrs. E. W. Thompson.) 1 21 2 14th Street, N. IV., Washmgton, D. C. Married, 28 September, 1899. Mae Deering Smith. Areola, III. Taught in Illinois Wesleyan University, 1900-05. Mary Emma Williams. 24 West 6ist Street, New Yoi^k, N. V. Teacher, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1 899-1 900; High School, New Britain, Conn., 1900-03; High School, Yonkers, N. Y., 1903- . 1900 Harvey Lee Bagenstose. J'J'Pp Bergen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher, State Normal School, Millersville, Pa., 1900-02. B. S. from the same, 1901. Professor of the English Language and Literature, Albright College, 1902-06. Teacher, Commercial High School, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1906- . Harry Torsey Baker. Beloit, Wis. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1900-03; Tutor, 1903-04. Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Southern Cali- fornia, 1904-05. Instructor, Harvard^ 1905-06; Beloit College, 1906- . John Rockefeller Bowman. Z05 Wendell Avenue, Schenectady , N. Y. In employ of General Electric Company, Schenectad}', N. Y., 1900- . Il6 PHI BETA KAPPA Arthur Wesle}^ Browne. g^y East State Street, Ithaca, N. Y. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1900-01. M. S. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1901. Graduate Student, Cornell University, 1901-02. Ph. D., Cornell, 1903. Member of Sigma Xi. Instructor, Cor- nell, 1903- . Horace Durar Byrnes. i^i Broadway, New York, N. Y. Studied at New York Law School, 1900-02. LL. B. from the same, 1902. Practising law in New York, 1902- . Walter Fenno Dearborn. 62^ Mendota Court, Madison, Wis. Vice-Principal, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1901-03. M. A. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1903. Fellow, Teachers' College, Columbia, 1903-05. Ph. D., Columbia, 1905. Instructor, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, 1905- . Leroy Albert Rowland. Theresie7istrasse 6/}. III., Munich, Germany. Teacher, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, Pa., 1900-03. Gradu- ate Student, Harvard, 1903-05. A. M., Harvard, 1904. Instructor, Wesleyan, 1905-06. Parker Fellow, Harvard, studying abroad, 1906- . Henry Andrews Ingrahatn. 16 Court Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Studied in New York Uaw School, 1900-1902. LL. B. from the same, 1902. Practising law in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1902- . Robert Cecil McMahon. Mount Pleasant Academy, Ossining, N. Y. Graduate Student, Columbia University, 1900-02. Teacher, Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1902-03. Student (1903- 05), Fellow (1904-05), American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece. Teacher, Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mount Pleasant Academy, Ossining, N. Y., 1905- . Clarence Hathorne Staples. /f.8 Washingto7i Street, Maiden, Mass. Studied in Harvard Medical School, 1900-04. M. D., Harvard, 1904. Assistant, Tufts College Medical School, 1905- . Prac- tising medicine in Maiden, Mass., 1905- . Winthrop Tirrell. yj William Street, Norwich, Con?i. Teacher, Monson Academ}^, Massachusetts, 1900-02; Norwich Free Academv, Connecticut, 1902- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 1 1 7 Thomas Travis. 1^9 Glen Ridge Ave7iue, Montclair, N. J. Studied in Princeton Theological Seminary, and Princeton University, 1900-01; in Union Theological Seminary, and Co- lumbia University, 1901-04. B. D., Union Theological Seminary, 1903. M. A., Columbia, 1904. Pastor, Congregational Church, Montclair, N. J., 1904- . Frank Everett Wing. • Allegheny^ Pa. Teacher, High School, Stamford, Conn., 1900-1902; High School, Milton, Mass., 1902-03. Employed by New York Asso- ciation for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 1903-05. Teacher, Allegheny Preparatory School, Pennsylvania, 1905- . John Edwin Wing. 184. La Salle Street^ Chicago, III. Teacher, Taft School, Watertown, Conn., 1900-02. Studied in Harvard Law School, 1902-05. LL. B., Harvard, 1905. Practis- ing law in Chicago, 111., 1905- . Alice Brigham. - New Britain, Conn. Teacher, Norwalk, Conn., 1900-1903; High School, Middle- town, Conn., 1904; High School, New Britain, Conn., 1904- . Grace Leona Foote. Guilford, Co7ui. Teacher, High School, Guilford, Conn., 1901-03, 1905- ; High School, Freehold, N. J., 1904-05. Payson Jackson Treat. (Elected 1906.) Stanford U^iiversity, Cal. Teacher, Barnard School, New York, 1901-02. Graduate Student, Columbia, 1902-03; Stanford, 1903-06. M. A., Columbia, 1903. Instructor, Stanford, 1906- . I9OI Burton Howard Camp. 12 Kirkland Place, Cambridge , Mass. Teacher, Oak Grove Seminar)^, Vassalboro, Me., 1901-02. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1902-03. Instructor, Massachusetts Institute of Technologj-, BQSton, Mass., 1903-04; Wesle3^an, 1904-05. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1905- . Alfred Samuel Clayton. , Tuxedo Park, N. Y. Studied in Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1902-04. M. E. minister, New York Conference, 1905- . 1 1 8 PHI BKTA KAPPA Albert Lloyd Cooper. Deansboro, N, Y. With the International Correspondence School, Scranton, Pa., 1901-04. Teacher, School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, Pa., 1904-05. In business, Deansboro, N, Y., 1905- . Lee P'oster Hartman. Harper & Bros., Franklin Square, New York, N. Y. On the staff of the New York Journal, 1901-02. Manager Tabard Inn Library, New York, 1902-03. Engaged in the pub- lishing business, with the Grafton Press, New York (1903-04), with Harper & Brothers, New York (1904- ). Walter Nickerson Hill. Corbett, Wyo. Engaged in mining, 1901-02, '05-06. Student, School of Mines, University of California, 1903-05. In U. S. Reclamation Service, 1906- . Lester Edward Lynde. Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Teacher, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1901- . Richard Granville Povey. 22 j Union Street, Schenectady, N. Y. Graduate Student and Assistant, Wesleyan, 1901-2. Assistant Examiner, United States Patent Office, Washington, D. C, 1902-06. UU. B., George Washington University, 1905. Ad- mitted to the Bar, 1905. Graduate Student, Law Department, George Washington University, 1905-06, With the General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1906- , Walter J. Randolph. Box 4.32, White Plains, N. Y. Superintendent of Schools, Portland, Conn., 1901-03. Studied in New York Law School, 1903-04. Law student and newspaper reporter, 1904-05. Practising law in White Plains, N. Y., 1905- . William Chauncey Rice. ly Divinity Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Graduate Student, Yale, 1901-02 (A. B., Yale, 1902); Harvard, 1902- (Ozias Goodwin Fellow, 1904-05). Assistant, Harvard, 1904- . P'rank Bertram Wade. Shortridge High School, Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher, Lewis Institute, Chicago, 111., 1901-03; Shortridge High School, Indianapolis, Ind., 1903- , GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT II9 Annie Strong Brown. Great Barrington, Mass. Teacher, Shelton, Conn., 1901-2; South Hadley Falls, Mass., 1904-05; Great Barrington, Mass., 1906- . Christabel May Coe. (Mrs. G. P. Merrett.) Middlefield , Conn, Married, 9 June, 1904. Marie Rosalie von Kssen Hubert. New Britain, Conn. Teacher, High School, Portland, Conn., 1901-02; High School, Ocean Grove, N. J., 1902-05; High School, New Britain, Conn., 1905- . M. A. (on exam.), Wesley an, 1902. May Tomlinson Palmer. Waltham, Mass. Teacher, High School, Southington, Conn., 1901-03; High School, Bristol, Conn., 1903-04; High School, Waltham, Mass., 1904- . Edith Isadora Risley. 2 go Sigourney Street, Hartfoj^d, Conn. Teacher, State Normal School, New Britain, Conn., 1901-03; High School, Hartford, Conn., 1903- . Fredrika Van Benschoten. High School, Haverhill, Mass. Teacher, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1901-02; High vSchool, Bloomfield, N. J., 1902-04; High School, Haverhill, Mass., 1904- . Julia Myra Wilcox. New Britain, Conn. Teacher, Grammar School, New Britain, Conn., 1901-02; High School, New Britain, 1902-03; State Normal School, New Britain, 1903- . 1902 William Harry demons. 4.8 Wellington Square, Oxford, Eng. Graduate Student and Assistant Librarian, Wesleyan, 1902-03. Scribner University Fellow, Princeton, 1903-04. Instructor, Princeton, 1904-06. Jacobus Fellow, Princeton, studying abroad, 1906- . M. A. (on exam.), Wesleyan and Princeton, 1905. Samuel Fuller Crowell. ly New burg Street, Roslindale, Boston, Mass. In employ of the Library Bureau, Boston, Mass., 1902- . I20 PHI BKTA KAPPA Franklin Stiles Durston. National Bureau of Staiidards, Washmgton, D. C. Assistant Physicist, U. S. National Bureau of Standards, Wash- ington, D. C, 1902- . George Washington Harper, Jr. ^77 Broadway^ New York, N. Y. Studied in New York Law School, 1902-04. LL. B. from the same, 1904. Practising law in New York, 1905- . Olin Fisk Herrick. ^ Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. Associate Manager, Fisk Teachers' Agency, Boston, Mass., 1902- . Alexander James Inglis. Horace Mann School, New Yoj^k, N. Y. Teacher, Kiskiminetas Springs School, Saltsburg, Pa., 1902-03; Horace Mann School, New York, 1903- . Graduate Student, ' Columbia, 1903- . James Wiswell Mudge. ^ Warren Square , Jamaica Plain, Mass, Teacher, Jacob Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Md., 1902-03; Kenyon Military Academy, Gambler, Ohio, 1904. Student at Harvard Law School, 1904- . Carl Samuel Neumann. 18 g South Main Street, New Britain, Conn. Taught school, 1902-03. In manufacturing business. New Britain, Conn., 1903- . Clarence Albert Pierce. Cornell University , Ithaca, N. Y. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1902-04. Graduate Student, Cornell, 1904- . Assistant, Cornell, 1904-05; Instructor, 1905- . Arthur Newman Tasker. Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C, Student of medicine, George Washington University, 1902-06. M. D., 1906. Assistant in Medical Department, George Wash- ington University, 1903-06. Contract Surgeon, U. S. Army, 1906- . Everett Lynn Thorndike. University School, Cleveland, Ohio, University Scholar, Columbia, 1902-04^ University Fellow, 1904-05. A. M., Columbia, 1903; Ph. D., 1905. Chief Clerk, Columbia, 1905-06. Teacher, University School, Cleveland, Ohio, 1906- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 121 Alice lyockwood Adams. . Wether sfield, Comi. Studied in Morse Business College, Hartford, Conn., 1902-03. Stenographer, Hartford, Conn., 1903- . Kldora Josephine Birch. East Hartford^ Co7i?i. Teacher, High School, New Britain, Conn., 1902-04; High School, Hartford, Conn., 1904- . Dora Wilhelmina Davis. Normal College, New York, N. Y. Head of English Department, Clark University, South Atlanta, Ga., 1902-03. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1903-04 (also teacher in Portland, Conn.). Vice-Principal, High School, Litchfield, Conn., 1904-05. Teacher, High School, Torrington, Conn., 1905-06; Normal College, New York, N. Y. Susie Augustine deAngehs. 75 Gunn Square, Springfield, Mass, Teacher, Canton, Ohio, 1902-1903; High School, West Spring- field, Mass., 1903- . Ahce Winifred Enghsh. Box 1^6, Reading, Mass. Teacher, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1902-04; High School, Reading, Mass., 1904- . Margaret Griswold. (Mrs. ly. E. DeEaney.) Sayre, Pa. Assistant Principal, High School, Westerly, R. I., 1902-03; High School, West Hartford, Conn., 1903-05. Married, 19 July, 1905- Fannie Myerson. Sotdhington , Co7in. Teacher, High School, Amity ville, N. Y., 1903-04; High School, Torrington, Conn., 1905-06; Southington, Conn., 1906- . Elizabeth Parkhurst Peck. Derby, Conn. Teacher, High School, Derby, Conn., 1902- . George D. Ryder. (Elected 1903.) Cobleskill, N. Y. In manufacturing business (Harder Manufacturing Company), Cobbleskill, N. Y., 1902- . 122 PHI BETA KAPPA 1903 Irving Monroe Anderson. 66 West 2d Street, Mount Vernon, N. Y. In real estate and insurance business, Mount Vernon, N, Y., 1903- . Ziba Piatt Bennett. no South Franklin Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. In business in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1903- . Thomas Percival Beyer. Hatnline University , St. Paul, Minn. Professor of English Literature and History, Tarkio College, Mo., 1904-06. Secretary of the Faculty, 1905-06. Professor of the English Language, Hamline University, 1906- . Clarence Frederic Hale. Middletown, Conn. Teacher, Peddie Institute, Hightstown, N. J., 1903-05. Assis- tant, Wesleyan, 1905- . George Wilber Hart well. J12 Livingston Hall, Columbia University , New York, N. Y. Instructor, Michigan Agricultural College, 1903-05. Fellow, Columbia, 1905- . Perry Sherman Howe. Charlton, Mass. Principal, Grammar School, Oxford, Mass., 1903-04; High School, Sheffield, Mass., 1904-05; High School, Charlton, Mass., 1905- . John William Langdale. Meyersdale, Pa. M. E. minister, Pittsburgh Conference, 1903- . George Hampton McGaw. Portland, Conn. Principal, High School, Portland, Conn., 1903- . Herbert Bronson Shonk. 60 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Student in Harvard Law School, 1903-06. LL. B., Harvard, 1906. Practising law in New York, N. Y., 1906- . Robinson Spencer. Roswell, N. M. Teacher, Waban School, Mass., 1903-04, Employed in City National Bank, Evanston, 111,, 1904-05. GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT I 23 George Franklin Strong. Grand Forks, N. Dak. Assistant in the library, Wesleyan, 1903-04. Librarian, State University of North Dakota, 1904- . John Christie Ware. Allendale, Pa. Graduate Student, Columbia, 1903-04. Teacher, High School, Paterson, N. J., 1904-05; High School, Stamford, Conn., 1905-06. George Marvin Warner. jj Ce7iten?iial Avenue, Deadwood, S. Dak. Teacher, High School, Litchfield, Minn., 1903-04; San Antonio Academy, Texas, 1904-05; High School, Deadwood, S. Dak., 1905- . Marj^ Elizabeth Bagg. Somerville, N. J. Teacher, High School, Cambridge, N. Y., 1903-05; High School, Somerville, N. J., 1905- . Charlotte Graham Geer. Bethel, Conii. Teacher, High School, Woodbury, Conn., 1903-05; High School, Bethel, Conn., 1905- . Ethel Ra}^ Sawyer. ^57 Steube7i Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Student in Pratt Institute Library School, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1905- . 1904 Harry lycslie Agard. Phillips Academy, A7idover, Mass. Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1904-05; Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1905- . John Bentley, Jr. Box 6og, Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. Student in Yale Forestry School, 1904- . Charles Guy Brown. j State Street, Worcester, Mass. Graduate Student, Dartmouth, 1904-05. M. A., Dartmouth, 1905. Teacher, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Mass., 1905- , Roland Jay Bunten. St. Paul's School, Garden City, N. Y. Teacher, St. Paul's School, Garden City, N. Y., 1904- . 124 I'HI BETA KAPPA Frank Nugent Freeman. Box 86y, Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. Teacher, Cloyne School, Newport, R. I., 1904-05, Scholar in Philosophy, Yale, 1905-06; Assistant in Philosophy, Yale, 1906- . Asa Russell Gifford. Box 1004, Yale Station, N'ew Have?!, Conn. General Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Middletown, Conn., 1904-06. ^ Scholar in Philosoph}-, Yale, 1906- . Robert .Wallace Gillispie. yi Bjvadway, New York, N. Y. In manufacturing business, Steelton, Pa., 1904-05; New York, N. Y., 1905- . Kenneth Mackarness Goode. Collier's Weekly, New York, N. Y, Assistant Editor, Smithsonian Institution, 1904-06. On the staff of Collier's Weekly, New^ York, N. Y., 1906- . Clifford Watson Hall. Hackettstown, N.J, Teacher, Waban School, Mass., 1904-05; Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J,, 1905- . Samuel Foss Holmes. Military Academy, Peekskill, N. Y, Graduate Student, and Assistant, Wesleyan, 1904-06. Teacher, Peekskill Military Academy, N. Y., 1906- . Olin Ingraham.. 444 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Graduate Student, Columbia, 1904- . M. A., Columbia, 1905- Edwin Chester Jones. Aiiglo- Chinese College, Foo Chow, China, Teacher, Anglo-Chinese College, Foo Chow, China, 1904- . Dean of Preparator}- Department, 1906- . Paul Nixon. Balliol College, Oxford, Eng. Rhodes Scholar from Connecticut, 1904- . George Rocker. Governme7it Chemical Laboratory, Indian Head, Md, Employed in Government Chemical Laboratory, Indian Head, Md., 1904- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 1 25 Mary Elizabeth Smith. Liidlow, Mass. Teacher, High School, Sheffield, Mass., 1904-06; Ludlow, Mass., 1906- . Marguerite Morgan Van Benschoten. 4j8 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher, High School, Haverhill, Mass., 1904-06. Assistant Librarian, Brooklyn (N. Y.) Public Library, 1906- . 1905 Frank Chester Becker. Livingston Hall, Columbia University , New York, N. Y. Graduate Student, Wesleyan, 1905-06. University Scholar, Columbia, 1906- . Daniel Roy Freeman. yoo Park Aveime, New York, N Y. Student in Union Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y., 1905- . Stewart Freeman Hancock. Syracuse U^iiversity Law School, Syracuse, N. Y. Student of law, Syracuse University, and New York Law School, 1905- . Henry Alfred Holmes. Highland Military Academy, Worcester, Mass. Squire Scholar, Wesleyan, 1905-06. Teacher, Highland Mili- tary Academy, Worcester, Mass., 1906- . George Bradford Neumann. Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Student of theology, Hartford Theological Seminary, 1905- . George Greenwood Reynolds, 2d. Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass. Student of law. Harvard Law School, 1905- . Robert Henr^^ Rippere. Drew Theological Semi7iary, Madison, N. f. Student of theology. Drew Theological Seminary, 1905- . 126 PHI BETA KAPPA Charles Augustus Russell. 7^ Madison Ave7iue, New York, N. Y. With Law Reporting Company, New York, N. Y., 1905-06. In Editorial Department of The Literaiy Digest, and studying law, 1906- . Ruth Dean. Unionville, Con7i. Teacher, High School, Unionville, Conn,, 1905- . Sarah Agnes Scudder. Souihington, Conn. Teacher, High School, Southington, Conn., 1905- . Clara Frances Sykes. Manual Training School, New Lo7idon, Conn. Teacher, High School, Unionville, Conn., 1905-07; Manual Training School, New London, Conn., 1907- . 1906 Harold DeForest Arnold. Middletown, Conn. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1906- . Charles Woodard Atwater. TTarvard Law School, Cambridge , Mass. Student of law, 1906- . Jesse Vancleft Cooper. Port Deposit, Md. Teacher, Jacob Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Md., 1906- . Clarence Eugene Hancock. 14.1 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Student of law, 1906- . William Gordon Murphy, Jr. J4 Nassau Street, Nezv York, N. Y. Student of law, 1906- . Newton Manley Perrins. National Bureau of Sta?idards, Washi7igto7i, D. C. In government employ, 1906- . Frank Egleston Robbins. Middletown, Conn. Squire Scholar, Wesleyan, 1906- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT I 27 Guy Wright Rogers. Ki7igsto7i, Pa. Teacher, Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1906- . George Wiley Sherburn. Evanston, III. Tutor, Northwestern University, 1906- . Charles Mabbett Travis. Columbia Law School, New York, N. Y. Student of law, 1906- , P'rederick Warren Wright. Portland, Comi. Teacher, High School, Portland, Conn., 1906- . Alice Gertrude Cooke. Westport, Conn. Teacher, High School, Westport, Conn., 1906- . Margaret Elizabeth Donahoe. ^50 Washington Street, Middletown, Conn. Teacher, High School, Middletown, Conn., 1906- . Faye Mildred Keene. Bridgewater, Mass. Teacher, High School, Bridgewater, Mass., 1906- . Klla Pardee Warner. Highwood, New Haven, Conn. Teacher, High School, New Haven, Conn., 1906- . Florence Winter. Southington, Conn. Teacher, High School, Southington, Conn., 1906- . 128 PHI BETA KAPPA MEMBERS OTHER THAN GRADUATES OF WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. Charles Spaiilding Aldrich. (Elected 1896.) Troy, N. Y. B. A,, Brown, 1894. Director of the gymnasium, Wesleyan, 1894-96. M. A. (on exam.), Wesleyan, 1896. Practising law in Troy, N. Y., 1898- . Andrew Campbell Armstrong. (Elected 1889.) Middletown, Conn, B. A., Princeton, 1881; M. A., Princeton, 1884; Isl. K.,adeundem, Wesleyan, 1894; Ph. D. (honorary), Princeton, 1896. Fellow, Princeton, 1881-82. Studied in Princeton Theological Seminary, 1882-85; in University of Berlin, Germany, 1885-86. Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical Histor}-, Princeton Theological Sem- inary, 1886-87. Instructor, Princeton, and Associate Editor of New Princeton Review, 1887-88. Professor of Philosophy, Wes- le3'an, 1888- . Member, American Psychological Association^ American Philosophical Association. Chairman, Section of Met- aphysics, International Congress of Arts and Science, St. Louis, 1904. Cooperating Editor, /'^jj/^y^c/c^zV^/ ^^z/z>zty, 1904- . Walter Bradford Barrows. (Elected 1883.) Agricultural College, Michigan. B. S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1876. Instructor, Colegio Nacional, Argentine Republic, 1879-81. Teacher, State Normal School, Westfield, Mass., 1881-82. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1882-84; Curator of the Museum, 1884-86. Assistant, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, 1886-94. Professor of Zoology and Physiology, Agricultural College, Michigan, 1894- . Entomol- ogist, Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, 1897-98. Fel- low, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Francis Gano Benedict. (Elected 1897.) Boston, Mass. A. B., Harvard, 1893, A. M., 1894; Ph. D., University of Hei- delberg, Germany, 1895. Instructor, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, 1892-94. Studied in German}-, 1894-95. Instructor, Wesleyan, 1896-1901; Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1901-05; Professor, 1905-07. Director of Nutrition Laboratory (Boston, Mass.) of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1907- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT I 29 George Davis Chase. (Elected 1902.) Orono, Me. A. B., Harvard, 1889; A. M., 1895; Ph. D., 1897. Studied in University of Leipzig, Germany, 1897-99. Teacher, Bristol Acad- emy, Taunton, Mass., 1889-94; in Ivawrenceville School, New Jersey, 1898-99. Assistant Professor of Comparative Philology, Cornell University, 1899- 1901. Instructor, Wesleyan, 1901-02; Associate Professor of Latin, 1902-05. Professor of Latin, Uni- versit)^ of Maine, 1905- . Thomas Hazen Clark. (Elected 1887.) j^ Lancaster Street, Worcester, Mass. B. S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1880. Assistant Super- intendent, Pennsylvania Lead Co., 1880-84. Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins, 1884-85. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1886-89. Fellow and Assistant, Clark L^niversity, 1889-93. Ph.D., Clark, 1892. Instructor, Tufts, 1894-95. Teacher, Clinton Liberal Institute, 1896-98; New Hampshire State Normal School, 1898-1903. Act- ing Professor of Chemistry, Williams, 1904-05. Herbert William Conn. (Elected 1885.) Middletown, Con?i. B. A., Boston University, 1881; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1884; M. A., ad eimdem, Wesleyan, 1894. Instructor, Wesleyan, 1884- 86; Associate Professor of Biology, 1886-88; Professor, 1888- . Director of Cold Spring Harbor Summer Biological Laboratory, 1889-97. Lecturer, Trinity College (Connecticut), 1888-89; Storrs Agricultural College, Connecticut, 1901-06. Bacteriologist, Con- necticut State Board of Health, 1905- . * Morris DeCamp Crawford. (Elected 1858.) M. B. minister. New York Conference, 1840-96. Presiding Elder, 1863-67, '73-79, '84-87. Delegate to General Conference, 1856, '60, '64, '72, '76, 84. Corresponding Secretary, New York City Church Extension and Missionary Society, 1887-92; Presi- dent of the same, 1892-96. Trustee, Wesleyan, 1871-96. M. A. (Hon.), 1853; D. D., 1867. Died, November, 1896. * Robert Crook. (Elected 1879.) Studied in Trinity College, Dublin. LL. D.,from the same. Methodist minister in Ireland, 1852-56. Headmaster, Con- nexional School (afterwards Wesley College) Dublin, 1856-67; Methodist College, Belfast, 1867-71; President of the same, 1871 -73. M. E. minister. New York East Conference, 1874-1901. Superannuated, 1901. Died, 22 April, 1902. 130 PHI BETA KAPPA Alfred Pearce Dennis. (Elected 1895.) Northampton, Mass. B. A., Princeton, 1891; M. A., 1893; Ph.D., 1894. Fellow, Princeton, 1891-92. Instructor, Princeton, 1892-94. Associate Professor of Historj^, Wesleyan, 1894-96. Associate Professor of History, Smith College, 1898-1904; Professor, 1904- . Ra3miond Dodge. (Elected 1901.) Middletown, Conn. B. A., Williams, 1893. Ph. D., University of Halle, Germany, 1896. Assistant Librarian and Graduate Student, Williams, 1893-94. Studied at University of Halle, 1894-96. Assistant in Psychological Institute, University of Halle, 1896-97. Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, Ursinus College, 1897-98. In- structor, Wesleyan, 1898-99; Associate Professor of Philosophy, . 1 899-1 902; Professor of Psychology, 1902- . William Snyder Eichelberger. (Elected 1891.) U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. B. A., Johns Hopkins, 1886; Ph. D., 1891. Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins, 1886-89 (Fellow, 1887-88). Assistant in Nautical Almanac Office, Washington, D. C, 1889-90, '96-98. Tutor, Wes- leyan, 1890-94; Instructor, 1894-96. Computer, U. S. Naval Observatory, 1898-1900. Professor of Mathematics, U. S. Navy, stationed at the Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C, 1900- . Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Member, Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America, Die Astronomische Gesellschaft, Washington Academy of Sciences, National Geographic Society, Philosophical Society of Washington. Member of U. S. Naval Observatory Eclipse Ex- pedition to North Carolina, 1900; in charge of Fort de Kock Station, similar expedition to Sumatra, 1901, and of Daroca Station, expedition to Spain and Africa, 1905. Max Farrand. (Elected 1897.) Stanford University, Calif orjiia. B. A., Princeton, 1892; M. A., 1893; Ph.D., 1896. Fellow, Princeton, 1892-94. Studied in Germany, 1894-96. Instructor, W^esle5^an, 1896-98; Associate Professor of History, 1898-1900; Professor, 1900-01. Professor of History, Leland Stanford, Jr., University, 1901- . Acting Professor of History, Cornell Uni- versity, 1905-06. Robert Herndon Fife, Jr. (Elected 1904.) Middletown, Conn. B. A., M. A., University of Virginia, 1895; Ph. D., University of Leipzig, 1901. Teacher, St. Alban's School, Radford, Va., 1895-98. Studied in Germany, 1898-1901. Instructor, Western Reserve, 1901-03. Associate Professor of German, Wesleyan, 1903-05; Professor, 1905- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 131 Jasper Warren Frele}^ (Elected 1883.) Aurora, N. Y. B.S., Dartmouth, 1878; M.S., 1880. Teacher, Wilmington Conference Seminary, Dover, Del., 1878-80; Dickinson Semi- nary, Williamsport, Pa., 1880-88. Professor of Physics, Wells College, Aurora, N. Y., 1888- ; Acting President, 1900-04. Timothy Prescott Frost. (Elected 1893.) 16^2 Hi7iina7i Avenue, Evanston, III. Student at W^esleyan, 1872-75. M. E. minister, Vermont Con- ference, 1876-89; New York East Conference, 1889-93; Baltimore Conference, 1893-98; Newark Conference, 1898-1903; Rock River Conference, 1903- . M.A., (Hon.), 1890; D.D., 1895. William Lambert Gooding. (Elected 1882.) Carlisle, Pa. B. A., Dickinson, 1874; M. A., 1875; Ph.D., 1887. Teacher, Wilmington Conference Academy, Delaware, 1874-76, 1877-78. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1876-77. Studied in Germany, 1878 -81. Instructor, Weslej-an, 1881-82. Principal, Wilmington Conference Academy, 1882-98. Professor of Philosophy and Education, Dickinson, 1898- . William Arthur Heidel. (Elected 1906.) Middletow7i, C07171. B. A., Central Wesleyan College, Mo., 1888; M. A., 1891. Studied in Germany, 1888-90. Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1894-96 (Senior Fellow in Greek, 1894-95). Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1895. Acting Professor of Latin, Illinois W^esleyan, 1890-91; Professor of Greek, 1891-94. Instructor, University of Chicago, 1895-96. Professor of Latin, Iowa Col- lege, 1896-1905. Professor of Greek, Wesleyan, 1905- . * Ralph Guernsey Hibbard. (Elected 1886.) M. A. (Hon.), W^esleyan, 1866. Teacher of Elocution, Wes- leyan, 1860-76; Instructor, 1876-1904. Director of Elocution, State Normal School, New Britain, Conn., 1861-1904. Died, 26 January, 1904. * Joseph Holdich. (Elected 1845.) Came to this country from England, 1818. M. E. minister, Philadelphia Conference, 1822-34. M. A., Princeton, 1828. As- sistant Professor of Moral Science and Belles Lettres, Wesleyan, 1835-36; Professor, 1836-49. Corresponding Secretary, American Bible Society, 1849-78. Superannuated, New York Conference, 1878. Delegate to General Conference, 1840, '48, '52, '60. D. D., LaGrange College, Alabama, 1843. Died, 10 April, 1893. 132 PHI BETA KAPPA * William E. Hulbert. (Charter member.) Died, October, 1845. * John Johnston. (Charter member.) A. B., Bowdoin, 1832; A. M., 1835. Teacher, Oneida (now Cen- tral New York) Conference Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y., 1832-35; Principal, 1835. Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Lecturer in Natural Science, Wesleyan, 1835-37; Professor of Natural Science, 1837-73; Professor Emeritus, 1873-79. LL. D., McKen- dree College, 1850. Died, 2 December, 1879. Frank Walter Nicolson. (Elected 1892.) Middletow7i, Conn, B. A., Mount Allison College (Canada), 1883. A. B., Harvard, 1887; A. M., Harvard, 1888. M. A., ad eundein, Weslej^an, 1894. Instructor, Harvard, 1888-91. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1891-94; In- structor, 1894-95; Associate Professor of Latin, 1895- . Secre- tary of the Faculty, Wesleyan, 1895- . ^ George Prentice. (Elected 1884.) M. A. (Hon.), Wesleyan, 1865; D. D., Northwestern, 1875. Studied at Biblical Institute, Concord, N. H., 1856-57. M. B. minister, 1857-64. Studied in Europe, 1867-68. Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, Wesleyan, 1871-73; of Modern Languages, 1873-93. Member Committee of Revision, Methodist H3'mnal, 1876. Died, 10 October, 1893. Jacob Embury Price. (Elected 1884.) J 10 West ()yth Street, New York, N. Y. A. B., Dickinson, 1876; A.M., 1879. Ph.D., Syracuse, 1888. D. D., Dickinson, 1892. Vice-President, Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1876-78. M. E. minister, New Jersey Conference, 1876-83; Newark Conference, 1883-86; Wyoming Conference, 1886-89; New York Conference, 1889- . Delegate to General Confer- ence, 1900. Dean, Ocean Grove Summer School of Theology, 1893-1900. Director of Charities, St. Luke's Guild, for bringing Oppenheimer Treatment for Alcoholism within reach of the poor, 1903- . Bradford Paul Raymond. (Elected 1889.) Middletown, Conn. B. A., Lawrence University, 1870; M. A., ad eundem, Wes- leyan, 1894; Ph. D., Boston University, 1881; D. D., North- western, 1884, Yale, 1901; LL. D., Lawrence, 1889. President, Lawrence University, 1883-89; Wesleyan, 1889- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 1 33 * Miner Raymond. (Elected 1856.) Teacher, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1834-41. M. E. minister, New England Conference, 1841-48. President, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, 1848-64. . Professor of System- atic Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111., 1864-97. Died, 1897. * William Rice. (Elected 1857.) M.A. (Hon.), 1853; D. D., 1876. Methodist minister. New England Conference, 1841-57. Librarian, City Library, Spring- field, Mass., 1861-97. Delegate to General Conference, 1856, '76. Member of Commission on Revision of Hymnal, and Chairman of Publication Committee, 1876. Member Massachusetts State Board of Education, 1863-81. Trustee, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1858-97 (Secretary of the Board, 1860-82; President, 1882-97). Trustee, Wesleyan, 1875-97. Died, 17 August, 1897. * Henry Bascom Ridgawa3\ (Elected 1862.) B. A., Dickinson, 1849. M. E. minister, Baltimore Conference, 1851-56; East Baltimore Conference, 1856-57; Maine Conference, 1857-59; New York Conference, 1859-76; Cincinnati Conference, 1876-82. Professor of Practical Theology, Garrett Biblical In- stitute, Evanston, 111., 1882-84; President of the same, 1884-95. Delegate to General Conference, 1892. Died, 30 March, 1895. Allan Winter Rowe. (Elected 1904.) Bosto7i University School of Medicine , Boston, Mass. B. S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1901; M. S., Wesleyan, 1904. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1902-04. Studied in Germany, 1904-06. Lecturer in Chemistry, School of Medicine, Boston University, 1906- . William James Shaw. (Elected 1895.) JO Maitla7id Street, Toronto, Can. B. A., Toronto University, 1892; M. A., 1893. Fellow, Toronto University, 1892-93. Graduate Student, Princeton, 1893-94. Assistant, Wesleyan, 1894-96. * Augustus William Smith. (Charter member.) A. B., Hamilton, 1825. Teacher, Oneida (now Central New York) Conference Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y., 1825-27; Princi- pal, 1827-31. Professor of Mathematics, Wesleyan, 1831-57. President, Wesleyan, 1852-57. Professor of Natural Philosophy, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, 1859-66. LL. D., Centenary College, La., 1847; Hamilton, 1850. Died, 22 March, 1866. 134 PHI BKTA KAPPA Francis Henry Smith. (Elected 1849.) Charlottesville, Va. Student in Wesleyan, 1847-49. A. M., University of Virginia, 1851. Assistant Instructor, University of Virginia, 1851-53; Pro- fessor of Natural Philosophy, 1853-1907; Professor Emeritus, 1907- . LIv. D., Hampden Sidney, Emory and Henry, Randolph- Macon. Elias Hershey Sneath. (Elected 1886.) New Haveii, Conn, B. A., Lebanon Valley College, Pa., 1881. B. D., Yale, 1884; Ph. D., 1890. LL. D., Lebanon Valley. Instructor, Wesleyan, 1885-88. Teacher, Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn., 1889-91. Instructor, Yale, 1891-93; Assistant Professor, 1893-98; Professor of the Theory and Practice of Education, 1898-1904. Director of the Summer School, Yale, 1904-07. Andrew Stephenson. (Elected 189 1.) Greencastle, Ind. B. A., DePauw, 1882; M. A., 1884. Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 1890. Principal, Public Schools, Sparland, 111., 1882-84. Pro- fessor of Latin and Greek, Upper Iowa University, 1884-88. Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins, 1888-90. Associate Professor of History, Wesleyan, 1890-94. Professor of History, DePauw, 1894- . Charles Wardell Stiles. (Elected 1897.) Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. Student, Wesleyan, 1885-86. Studied in Europe, 1886-91. Zoologist, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1891-1902. Professor of Medical Zoology, George- town University, 1892- . Zoologist, U. S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, 1902- . Honorary Custodian of Helmintholog}^ U. S. National Museum, 1893- . Secretary, Advisory Committee, Smithsonian Table, Naples Zoological Station, 1894. Lecturer, Army Medical School, 1902- . Agri- cultural and Scientific Attache, U. S. Embassy, Berlin, 1898-99. Secretary, International Commission on Zoological Nomencla- ture, 1898- . U. S. Delegate, International Zoological Congress, Leyden, 1895; Cambridge, 1898; Berlin, 1901; Berne, 1904. M. S. (Honorary), 1896; Sc. D., 1906. Fellow% American Association for the Advancement of Science. Member, Societe Zoologique, Academie de Medicine de France. Corresponding Member, Societe de Biologic de France. Ralph Clewell Super. (Elected 1905.) Middletown, Cofin, B. A., Ohio University, 1896; M. A., 1897. Studied in Germany, 1896-98; in France and Spain, 1898-1901. Instructor, Cincinnati University, 1901-02. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1902-05; Instructor, 1905- . GAMMA OF CONNECTICUT 1 35 * George L^ansing Taylor. (Elected 1872.) Studied at Ohio Wesleyan, Wesleyan, and Columbia. B. A., Columbia, 1861. L. H. D., Columbia, 1887. Assistant Editor of The Christian Advocate, 1861-62. M. E. minister, New York East Conference, 1862-1903. Died, 26 July, 1903. * Daniel Dennison Whedon. (Elected 1845.) B. A., Hamilton, 1828; M. A., 1831. Teacher, Oneida Confer- ence (afterwards Cazenovia) Seminary, N. Y. Tutor, Hamilton College. Professor of Ancient Languages, Wesleyan, 1833-42. M. E. minister, Troy Conference, 1843-45. Professor of Rhetoric, Logic, and History, L^niversity of Michigan, 1845-52. Principal of School, Ravenswood, N. J., 1852-54. Stationed in New York City, and Jamaica, N. Y., 1854-56. Editor of The Methodist Quarterly Review, 1856-85. Died, 8 June, 1885, Alexander Martin Wilcox. (Elected 1881.) Lawrence, Kan. B. A., Yale, 1877; Ph. D., 1880. Tutor, Wesleyan, 1880-83. Studied in American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece, 1883-84. Fellow by courtesy, Johns Hopkins, 1884-85. Profes- sor of Greek, University of Kansas, 1885- , Woodrow Wilson. (Elected 1889.) Pri7iceton, N. J. A. B., Princeton, 1879. Studied law in University of Virginia, 1879-80. Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins, 1883-85. Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 1886. Professor of History and Political Econ- omy, Bryn Mawr, 1885-88; of History and Political Economy, Wesleyan, 1888-90; of Jurisprudence and Politics, Princeton, 1890-1902. President of Princeton University, 1902- . LL. D., Wake Forest College, N. C, 1887; Tulane University, La., 1898; Johns Hopkins, 1901; Rutgers, 1902; University of Penn- sylvania, 1903. Litt. D., Yale, 1901. 136 INDKX. INDEX. Abbott, Dudley C, - JohnK., Sarah L., Abercrombie, Edward K. Adams, Alice L., LenaM., Ivula G., - Mary A., Adlington, Joseph A., Agard, Harry L., Aiken, Andrew P., - Akers, Winfred C, - Aldrich, Charles S., - Alexander, William W., Allen, Charles M., - Allison, David, Allyn, Robert, - Alverson, James L., Ames, Jacob W. H., Anderson, Irving M., John A., - Wilbur Iv., - Andrew, Joseph F., - Andrews, Arthur Iv., Edward G., Armstrong, Andrew C, Arnold, Harold D., - Atwater, Charles W., Wilbur O., - Austin, Eva v., Axson, Stockton, Axtell, Frederic G., Bacon, Clarence E., Bagenstose, Harvey Iv., Bagg, Mary E., Bagnall, Francis A., William R., - Bahret, James E., Page - 92 - 55 - 104 - 92 - 121 - 102 - 108 - Ill - 62 - 123 - 43 - 102 - 128 - 97 - 79 - 37 - 12 - 9 - 45 - 122 - 108 - 99 - 69 - 66 - 18 - 128 - 126 - 126 4, 6, 47 - Ill - 95 - 92 5, 73 - 115 - 123 - 95 - 12 - 106 Bailey, Middlesex A., - - 70 Baker, Darius, - - 57 Harry T., - 115 Henry, - - 47 Baldwin, Charles C, - 31 William R., - - 43 Bannister, Edward, - - 10 Henry, - - 8 Barker, Forrest E., - - - 64 Barnard, Charles A., - 44 Barnes, Mrs. John C, - 106 Jonathan E., 4, 5, 20 Barr, Mrs. A. E., - 81 Barrows, Walter B.', - 128 Bates, Adella W., - - 115 Bawden, Edward A., - 95 Beach, John W., - 16 Martha J., - - 96 Samuel F., - 17 Beardsley, Ailing P., - Ill Beattys, George D., - - 83 Becker, Frank C, - - 125 Beede, James M., - 60 Beeman, Leonard L., - 66 Mrs. Eeonard E., - 70 Belden, Mrs. H. E., - - 109 Benedict, Francis G., - 128 Bennett, George S., - 45 Ziba P., - - 122 Bentley, John, Jr., - - 123 Bergstrom, John A., - 95 Berrien, Cornelius R., - 108 Beyer, Thomas P., - - 122 Bickford, George H., - - 98 Birch, Eldora J., - 121 Bisbee, Robert E., - - 66 Bissell, Thomas J., - - 32 Blaisdell, Henry R., - 39 Blake, Edwin A., - 61 IND EX. 137 Page Page Blakeslee, Albert F., - 108 Calef, Arthur B., - 4, 5, 26 Charles W., - - 85 Camp, Burton H., - - 117 George H., - - 102 Carhart, Henry S., - - 55 Bohlmanii, Mrs. F, J., - 113 Carnahan, George A., - 81 Bomiell, Charles Iv., - 53 Carrington, Augustus B., - 69 Bos well, George C, - 85 Carroll, James M., - - 26 Bowen, William C, - - 29 Cass, John A., - - 60 Bower, Lahman F., - - 73 Cassidy, William M., - 90 Bowman, John R., - - 115 Chadbourne, George S., - - 35 Breckinridge, John S., - - 41 Chapin, Charles S., - - 76 Brewer, Hamilton, - -5,9 Chase, Alden F., - 55 Bridge, John L., - 89 Benjamin W., - 46 Brigham, Alice, - 117 Daniel H., - 7 Brill, William, - - 85 George D., - 129 Brooks, Byron A., - - 59 IrahE., - - 25 Jabez, - - 23 Sidera, - _ . 6,11 Brown, Annie S., - - 119 Wesley D., - - 45 Carrier., - Ill Chatfield, Henry H., - 93 Charles G., - - 123 Chester, Simeon F., - 26 Charles S., - - 21 Child, Charles M., - - 95 George J., - 62 Church, Charles W., - 46 Seldon L. , - 74 Clark, Davis W., - 8 Browne, Arthur W., - 116 Edgar F., John C, - Brundage, William M., - Bruner, Alfred C, - - 75 - 74 - 90 - 41 - 87 William F., - Nathaniel W., - 75 Bryant, Arthur P., - - 100 Thomas H., - - 129 Buck, Charles H., - - 46 William R., - - 27 Walter?., - - 85 William W., - - 20 Buckingham, Burdette R., - 113 Clarke, Ernest P., - - 83 Bucknam, Robert P., - 37 George H., - - 70 Budington, Henry A., - 34 Willis G., - 70 Bunten, Roland J., - - 123 Clayton, Alfred S., - - 117 Burdick, Clinton DeW., - - 85 Clement, George W., - 80 William L., - - 79 Clements, Isaac N., - - 57 Burke, Arthur N., - - 92 demons, W. Harry, - 119 George W., - 3, 4, 5, II Clifford, Howard A., - 81 Joseph C, - 64 Cobb, Herbert B., - - 89 Burnham, Benjamin F., - - 28 Cobleigh, Nelson E., - 14 Burr, Edson W., - - 39 Coddington, Wellesley P., - 39 Jonathan K., - - 16 Coe, Christabel M., - - 119 Burt, William, - - 74 Coffin, Edward P., - - 74 Burton, Nathaniel J., - 24 Coffman,Wilmer E., - 106 Bush, George G., - - 52 Coggshall, Clara M., - 97 Bussell, William H., - II Coit, Olin B., - - 71 Byrnes, Horace D., - - 116 Colburn, John, - 19 Byrt, Arthur W., - - 87 Cole, Edwin H., - 25 Jacob A., - 87 Calder, James, - - 23 Coleman, George S., - 69 Collin, Henry A., - Collins, Charles, Colly er, Mrs. G. L., Conn, Herbert W., - LillieB., Conner, Benjamin C, Samuel J. A., Cooke, Alice G., Edward, - Leslie B., Cooper, Albert L., - Jacob F., Jesse v., - Copeland, David, Cornwall, Edward E., Crafts, Addie L., Craig, Lewis W., Cramer, Mary E., - Crawford, Morris B., Mrs. Morris B., Morris DeC, - Crook, Robert, Crowell, Loranus, - Robert F., Samuel F., - Cummings, Joseph, - Cumnock, Robert McL., Curry, Daniel, - Cushing, Samuel G., Cutts, Frederic, Dains, Frank B., Dales, Wilbur F., - Dall}', Jonathan H., Davenport, Frederick M. Davis, Bernard M., - Charles E., - Dora \V. , Stephen B., - Davison, Alfred T., - George W., Day, Helena L., Dean, Charles R., - Ruth, De Angelis, Susie A., Dearborn, Walter F., DeLaney, Mrs. L. E., Dennis, Alfred P., - INDEX. Page Page - 35 Dodge, Raymond, - - 130 - 8 Donahoe, Margaret E., - - 127 - 86 Douglass, Roswell S., - 42 - 129 Dow, Lorenzo, - - - - 22 - 97 Downe}^ David G., - - 83 - 69 Drake, Herbert E., - - 87 - 100 Drew, Charles M., - - 100 - 127 Durston, Franklin S., - 120 - . 10 Dusinberre, George B., - - 27 - 53 - 118 Eaton, William B., - - 94 - 81 Eckfeldt, Thomas H., - - 77 - 126 Edson, Edward, - 40 - 33 Eggleston, Charles F., - - 95 - 87 George M., - - 100 - 81 Eichelberger, William S., - 130 - 74 Ela, David H., - 35 - 108 Ellis, Elizabeth J., - - 71 - 64 Joseph W., - - 36 ■ 75 Emens, Edgar A., - - 87 - 129 Emerson, George R., - 64 - 129 English, Alice W., - - 121 - II Ercanbrack, Thomas R., - 36 - 34 Erskine, James P., - - 107 - 119 Erving, George A., - - 70 3, II Espenshade, Abraham H., - 104 - 55 Esten, William M., - - 106 3,8 - 61 - 103 Eustis, John E., - 66 Farnsworth, Robert W. C, - 59 Farrand, Max, - - 130 - 97 Faville, Gran, - - 15 - 86 Fernald, Edgar S., - - 97 - 37 Oliver H., - 44 - 93 Field, Leon C, - 57 - 93 Fife, Robert H., Jr., - 130 - 69 Fisher, William W., - 104 - 121 Fisk, Herbert F., - - 40 - 39 FHnchbaugh, Frederick L., - 113 - Ill Floy, Henry, - - 94 - 100 Foote, Grace L., - 117 - 86 Ford, Willie I., - 93 - 21 Foss, Archibald C, 4, 27 - 126 Cyrus D., - 30 - 121 William J., - - 33 - 116 Foster, William S., - - 83 - 121 Fountain, James T., - 22 - 130 Freeman, Arthur M., - 76 Freeman, Daniel R., Frank N., Joseph B., Freley, Jasper W., ■ Frost, Charlotte B., ■ Fredric W., Timothy P., • Fuller, Alice C, Henry J., Spencer R., ■ Furber, David B., - Gage, Denison, Gaines, Margaret W., Gale, Sylvanus G., - Gallagher, Charles W. Gardner, Catherine A,, Gary, Delos, Gates, Arthur M., - Geer, Charlotte G., - Gerald, Herbert P., Gibbs, Lincoln R., - Giffin, William G., - Gifford, Asa R., Gilbert, Levi, - Norman B., - Gill, Benjamin, Gillies, Andrew, Gillispie, Robert W., Gillot, Pedro, - Ginn, Wesley C, Glover, Frederic T., Godard, George S., - Goode, G. Brown, - Kenneth M., - Gooding, William L., Goodrich, Arthur F., Charles G., - Frederic S., - Gordy, John P., Wilbur F., - Gowdy, John, - Mrs. John, Graham, Mar};-, Grant, Roscoe A., - Graves, Albert S., - Edith R., INDEX. 139 AGE Page 125 Graves, Florence A., - 105 124 George A., - - 48 20 Isabel, - - 99 131 Greenslet, Ferris, - - no 115 Gridley, Ida R., - - 84 106 Griffin, Franklin H., - - 67 131 Griswold, Allen, - 6,38 105 Margaret, - 121 35 Gulick, Charles W., - 30 38 Guss, Roland W., - - 90 52 Gwillim, Reese B., - - 50 Gwinnell, William B., - 86 31 113 Hale, Clarence F., - - 122 40 Hall, Almon E., - 61 57 Clifford W., - - 124 84 Ezra, - 43 25 Hattie B., - 113 104 Hallock, Frank K., - 80 123 Hamblin, Freeman B., - 53 79 Hammond, Albert 0., - 50 100 Hanaburgh, David H., - - 58 no Hancock, Albert E., - - 98 124 Clarence E., - - 126 64 Stewart F., - - 125 107 Theodore E., - - 59 58 Hannahs, Franklin, - 28 107 Hannan, Frederick W., - 97 124 Hardy, George H., - - - 64 100 Harlow, William T., - 9 38 Harper, George W., Jr. - 120 52 Harriman, Daniel G., - - 46 102 Henry I., - 107 59 Mrs. Henry I., - 109 124 Harrington, Calvin S., - 3, 4, 6, 27 131 Karl P., - - 79 114 Harris, Abram W,, - - 5, 6, 76 103 Harrison, John J., - - 33 96 Ralph C, - 28 73 narrower, Charles S., - 45 76 Hartman, Lee F., - 118 no Hartwell, George W., - 122 113 Hatfield, Marcus P., - - 58 94 Haven, Erastus 0., - - 14 105 Gilbert, - - 17 18 William L, - - 71 109 Hawley, Bostwick, - - 10 I40 INDEX. Page Page Hayiies, Emory J., - - 52 James, Arthur W., - - 90 Heidel, William A., - 131 William J., - - - 80 Henderson, Theodore S., - 100 Jenkins, John E., - - 98 Hendrix, Eugene R., - 53 Mrs. John E., - 91 Herrick, Austin H., - 67 Johnson, Duncan S., - 102 Olin F., - - . - - 120 Edward, - - 34 Hibbard, Ralph G., - 131 Hermann M., - II Hill, Ebenezer, - 58 Lorenzo N., - - 82 Herbert A., - - 93 Johnston, Algernon K., - - 35 Isabellas., - - 115 John, - - 3, 4, 5, 6, 132 Perry C, - 114 Wilbur F., - - 42 Walter N., - - 118 Jones, Edwin C, - 124 William T., - - 30 George G., - - 22 Hillery, Fred A., - - 90 Hiram A., - 29 Hinman, Clark T., - - II Lewis F., - 17 Hitchcock, Ernest, - - 74 William A., - - 77 Merrill, - - 77 Jost, Cranswick, - 43 Hoagland, Warren L., Jr., - 112 Judd, Charles H., - - - 105 Holdich, Joseph, - 3, 4, 5, 131 Orange, - - 20 Hollis, William H., - 31 Judkins, Charles 0., - 108 Holmes, Henry A., - - 125 Mrs. Charles 0., - - Ill Samuel F., - - 124 George J., - - - 40 Holway, Emory F,, - 30 Seth P., - 4» 25 Hotchkiss, Alice M., - 91 - 122 Keene, Faye M., - 127 Howe, Perry S., Kelley, William v., - 49 Howland, Leroy A., - 116 Kellogg, Amherst W., - 36 Hoyt, Frank C, - 81 Romulus 0., - - 22 Hubbard, Chester D., - 12 Sheldon G., - - 72 William P., - - 44 William C, - - 67 Hubert, Marie von E., - - 119 Kemmerer, Edwin W., - - 114 Huffaker, Christopher C, - 28 Kettell, George F., - - 93 Hulbert, William E., - 132 Keyes, Edwin R., - - 20 Hulse, James A., - 96 Kidd, William H,, - - 100 Hunt, Alberts., y 4, 25 Kidder, Daniel P., '- - 8 Andrew, - - - - 22 Kimpton, Truman H., - 44 Hurlbut, Jesse Iv., - - 46 King, George E., - - 38 Hyde, Ammi B., - 17 James M., - 43 Joseph E., - 19 Stephen J., - - 38 Inglis, Alexander J., - 120 Kinney, Melvin D., - - 40 Ingraham, George, - - 60 Knapp, Martin A., - - 54 Henry A., - 116 Kneil, Thomas R., - - 67 Henry C. M., - 47 Knowles, Daniel C, - 36 Olin, - 124 Frederick L., - 106 Richard, - 14 Joseph H., - 30 William M., - - 17 Knox, Loren L., - 10 INDEX. 141 Page Page Kuhns, Oscar, - - - 5, 6, 83 McMahon, Robert C, - 116 Mrs. Oscar, - - 97 Magee, Louis J., - 85 Kynett, Alpha G., - - 72 Mallalieu, Willard F., - - 35 LaBar, Lorenzo G., - - 72 Mann, Albert, - - 74 La Fetra, Linnaeus E., - - 98 Manning, Eugene W., - 70 Lake, Wesley E., - - 103 Mansfield, John H., - 32 Landon, George, - 13 Mantle, Susie J., - 106 Samuel G., - - 93 Marcy, Oliver, - - - - 18 Lane, Harvey B., 4, 5, 7 Marsh, James E., - - 18 Joseph J,, - 16 Tamerlane P., - 56 Langdale, John W., Lange, Jacob C, Larned, Jennie, - 122 - 83 - 69 Martin, William W., Mason, Roberta, Russell Z., - - 65 - 113 - 15 Latimer, James E., - - 21 Mathewson, Lillie B., - 87 Laubach, Mrs. R. E., - 109 Maynard, John W., - - 81 Mead, William E., - -- Lawrence, William, - 24 ' ' Leavenworth, Charles S., - 108 Meeks, Cornelia A., - Ill LeCompte, Ir^'ille C, - no Mellen, George F., - - 22 Legg, Mrs. A. E., - - 113 Mendall, Mary E. S., - - 91 Lehman, Daniel A., - 103 Meritt, Ernest L., - - 98 Leonard, William D., - 72 Merrett, Mrs. G. P., - 119 Leslie, WilHam H., - - - 114 Merrill, Annis, - 8 Libb}^ Isaac C, - 67 Charles A., - - 46 Lindsay, JohnW., - 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 Elmer T., - 78 Thomas B., - 65 Miles, Rowland, - 94 Littell, Frank B., - - 98 Millard, Charles W., - 53 Little, William F., - - lOI Miller, Arthur B., - - lOI Longle}', Edmund, - - 12 Charles A., - - lOI Loomis, George, - 14 Jessie, - - 115 Reuben H., - 4, 17 Mills, Edmund M., - - 62 Wilbur F., - - 26 Mitchell, Hinckley G. T., - 62 Lovejoy, Cyrus C, - - 68 JohnG.,- - 99 Loveland, John E., - Lowell, Delmar R.. - - 94 - 64 Kate B., - William H., - - 91 - 83 Lummis, Henry, - 31 Moore, Vida F., - 104 Lynch, Frank B., - - 78 Morse, Joseph L., - 38 Lynde, Lester E., - - 118 Walter E., - 96 Mudge, James, - 48 McChesney, Ensign, - 54 James W., - 120 MacComber, George B., - - 112 Munroe, George R., - 104 McCormick, Charles W., - 77 Harry K., - - 92 McGaw, George H., - 122 Munson, Joseph 0., - 48 McGilton, William W., - - 79 Murphy, William G., Jr., - 126 McGrew, George H., - 58 Myerson, Fannie, - 121 Mclntire, Bradford 0., - - 80 McKay, Mary A., - - 109 Nast, Albert J., - 55 McKenny, Howard A., - - 58 Neumann, Carl S., - - 120 McKeown, Andrew, - 26 George B., - 125 142 INDEX. Newhall, Fales H., - William R., - Newton, Henry G., - Nichols, Mrs. C. E. O., - Nicolson, Frank W., Nightingale, Augustus F. Ninde, Edward S., - William X., - Nixon, Paul, Noble, Eugene A., - Noe, Harry S., Norris, Louis A., North, Charles R., - Crandall J., - Frank M., Francis R., - Northrop, D. Ward, Norton, Lewis J., - Noyes, George L., - Mrs. George L., Henry S., Nye, Elisha B., Olin, Stephen H., - O'Neill, Patrick F.,- Opdyke, Samuel B., Sylvester H., - Osborn, Henry L., - Osborne, Albert E., Thomas G., Wilbur F., - Osgood, Lewis W., - Osmun, George W., Ostrander, Frederick C, Otheman, Edward B., Page 4, i8 - 78 - 59 - 80 5, 132 - 50 - 89 - 32 - 124 - 99 - 93 - 108 - 53 - 71 - 61 - no 5, 54 - 103 - 112 - 113 - 21 3,4,8 - 52 - 112 - 107 - 28 - 73 - 109 - 12 - 42 - 40 - 112 - 103 - 31 Packard, Isaac H., - - - 63 John C, - - 86 Page, Charles H., Jr., - 99 Palmer, Albert P., - - 60 Archie E., - - 65 MayT., - - 119 Wilbur M., - - - 63 Parker, Charles M., - 54 Francis H., - - 65 Millard M., - - 68 Wendell P., - - - 96 Parmenter, Horace W. Parsons, Solomon, - Partch, Arthur W. , - Patten, David, - Pa5me, Charles H., - Hubbard B., - Peck, EHzabeth P., - Elliott J., Pegg, John, Peirce, Bradford K., Pennoyer, Elias R., Perkins, Mrs. C. A., Jacob N., Perrins, Newton M., Phillips, Watson L., William H. H., Pierce, Clarence A., JayW., - - Pike, Kate G., Pillsbury, John H., - Pilsbury, Benjamin, Benjamin C, Pitkin, Clara R., Pixley, Edward E., - Plimpton, George L., Pomeroy, Charles R., Daniel, - James M., Julius R., Ralph H., Porter, Mrs. C. S., - Povey, Richard G., - Powers, John H., Pratt, George W., - Prentice, George, George R., Prescott, William C, Price, Arthur W., - Jacob E., Pullman, Bella B., - James,- - John S., - Joseph, - Purinton, Mrs. C. O., Quereau, George W., Quimby, Silas E., - Quittme3'er, Ernest M. Page - 38 - 36 - 93 - 7 - 33 - 42 - 121 - 26 - 23 - 13 - 32 - 70 - 48 - 126 - 62 - 48 - 120 - lOI - 89 - 65 - 20 - 68 - 71 - 88 - 99 - 28 - 33 - 34 - 22 - 88 - 85 - 118 - 56 - 23 - 132 - 79 - 15 - 112 - 132 - 85 - 109 - lOI - 44 - Ill - 23 - 39 - 114 INDEX. 143 Page Page Rand, John C, - 44 Russell, Albin C, - - 71 Mrs. J. P., - - 102 Andral E., - - 63 Randall, William T., - 88 Charles A., - - 126 Randolph, Walter J., - 118 Herbert E., - - 82 Raymond, Bradford P., - - 132 Rust, Richard H., - - 49 Charles Harlow, - 114 Ryder, George D., - - 121 Charles Henry, - 72 Sanford, Arthur B., - - - 61 Hester Iv., - 97 EliasB.,- - 50 Miner, . - - - 133 Frank E., - 88 Reed, George E., - - 57 Myron R., - - 76 John J., - - 47 Savage, Charles W., - 99 Reynolds, Frank, - - 54 Isaac A., - 13 George G., - - 13 Sawyer, Ethel R., - - 123 George G., 2d, - 125 Saxe, Alfred, - - 10 William A., - - 36 Scofield, WilHam E., - 72 Rice, Caroline L., - - 75 Scudder, Henry T., - 61 Charles F., - - 61 Sarah A., - 126 Edward L., - - lOI Searle, Lucy 0., - 109 Mrs. Edward Iv., - - 104 Searls, Edmund D., - 109 Lizzie C, - 106 Shaw, William J., - - 133 WillardM., - - 9 Sheldon, Warren F., - 114 William, - 133 Mrs. Warren F., - 106 William C, - - 118 William N., - 3, 4, 5, 6, 48 Shepard, Hiram P., - 37 Rich, Burdett A., - - 72 Sherburn, George W., - 127 George A., - 86 JoelO., - - - 63 Herbert L., - - 90 Shonk, George W., - - - 63 Richard, William A., - 82 Herbert B., - - 122 Richmond, Frank H., - 88 Shumway, Philip B., - 43 Ridgaway, Henry B., - 133 Sibley, Benjamin E., - 112 Rippere, Robert H., - 125 Silber, William B., - - 24 Risley, Edith L., - - 119 Simmons, Ichabod, - - 41 Rittenhouse, Aaron, - 42 Simon, Benjamin F., - - 76 Robbins, Frank E., - - 126 Skeel, Clarence M., - 68 Silas W., 4, 19 Skilton, Charles C, - 32 Roberts, George L., - 39 Smiley, Charles W., - 66 JohnL. S., - - 42 Smith, Albert L., -- - 81 Robertson, Daniel L., - 72 Alvenza I., - no Robinson, Francis A., - 23 Arthur W., - - 99 Rocker, George, - 124 Augustus W., - 3, 5, 133 Rockwell, Herbert D., - - 88 Edgar M., - 60 Joseph C, - 88 Francis H., - 134 Roe, Frederick W., - no George C, - - 33 Rogers, Charles S., - - 37 George H., - - - 63 GuyW.,- - 127 Mae D., - - 115 Rosa, Edward B., - - 86 Mary E., - 125 Round, George C, - - 51 Perry C, 5, 19 Rowe, Allan W., - 133 Sidney K., - - 49 Rowell, Wilbur E., - - 84 William B., - - 91 *TT Page /-C/-^. Page Smyser, William E., - 94 Tenney, Jasper, - 26 Smyth, Winfield S., - 45 Thayer, Albert W., - - 89 Sneath, E. Hershey, - 134 Ivorenzo R., - - 13 Snow, William L., - - 105 Thomas, Mrs. C: E., - - 69 Spalding, William L., - 41 Thompson, Elizabeth, - 113 Spencer, Edward M., - 114 Mrs. E. W., - - 115 Elihu, - - 10 Wilson W., - - 97 Robinson, - 122 Mrs. Wilson W., - - 97 Staples3 Clarence H., - 116 Thorndike, Ashley H., - - 103 Starks, Henry A,, - - - 56 Edward L., - - 107 Steele, Daniel, - - 4, 6, 21 Everett Iv., - - 120 George McK., - 24 Tirrell, George L., - - 109 Stephenson, Andrew, - 134 Henry A., - 105 Stetson, Willis K., - - 5,6,78 Winthrop, - 116 Stevens, Clinton C, - 99 Tilton, John E., - 85 Edwin P., - - 65 Tower, Freeman P., - 45 George, - - 30 Olin F., - - 102 James M., , - - 89 Mrs. Olin F., - - Ill Stiles, Charles W., - - 134 Towle, Edward D., - - 65 Stone, George H., - - 54 Trafton, Gilbert H., - 112 Phebe A., - 70 Mrs. Gilbert H., - - Ill Stowers, Charles N., - 41 Travis, Charles M., - - 127 Strong, George F., - - 123 Thomas, - - - - 117 Henry A., - 51 Tread well, Aaron E., - 9^ James, - 15 Treat, Payson J., - - 117 William C, - - 73 True, Alfred C, - 63 Studley, William S., - 25 Tunison, William, - - 18 Sturdevant, Byron D., - 41 Tuttle, Alexander H., - 51 Stutson, Nelson, - 37 Twiggar, Mrs. A. W., - Ill Super, Ralph C, - - 134 Twombly, John H.,- - 14 Sutherland, Arthur E., - - 84 Swett, Vernon B., - - 109 Underhill, Abram S., - 68 Sykes, Clara F., - 126 Underwood, Thomas P., - - 15 Upham, Frank B., - - 84 Taft, Marcus L., - - 63 Samuel F., - - 34 William N. , - - 73 Tamblyn, Egbert J., - lOI Van Benschoten, Fredrika, - 119 Evan Iv., - no James Cooke, -3, 5 Tasker, Arthur N., - - 120 Marguerite M., - 125 Edwin S., - - - 96 Van Deusen, Henry R., - - 105 FredE., - 82 Van Loon, William F., - - 78 Taylor, Alfred E., - - lOI Van Vleck, Anna, - - 75 Franklin H., - - 82 Clara, - - 78 George Iv., - 135 Edward B., - - 82 Hannah A., - - 70 Mrs. Edward B., - - 97 Joseph R., - 79 Jane, - 89 Riley T., - 31 John M., - 4, 5, 6, 24 INDEX. 145 Page Page Wade, Frank B., - ii8 Whiting, John H., - - 32 Waldo, Clarence A., - 68 Whitney, George H., - 37 Walker, Albert P., - - 82 Wilcox, Alexander M., - 135 Wallace, William C, - - 69 J. Myra, - - 119 Walton, Gorham R., - 27 Wilder, Charles W., - 49 Waltz, Merle B., - 107 Wiley, Ephraim E., - 9 Ward, Herbert H., - - 75 Wilkie, Edward A., - - 69 Warden, George P., - 86 Williams, Elizabeth, - Ill William H., - - 41 Frank E., - 86 Ware, John C, - 123 Margaret N., - - 109 Warner, Blla P., - - 127 M. Emma, - 115 George M., - 123 Richards., - - 42 Warren, Angle V., - - 70 Robert H., - - - 84 Henry W., - - 29 Willman, Eeon K., - - Ill William F., - - 29 Wilson, Thomas C, - 81 Webster, Carrie C, - - 80 Woodrow, - 135 Weeks, Mrs. E., - 108 Winans, William S., Jr., - 71 Joseph D., - - 56 Winchell, Alexander, - 19 Welch, Herbert, - - - 89 Winchester, Caleb T., - 4, 5, 56 Wells, Mrs. Ada T., - 70 Wing, Frank E., - - 117 Joseph K., - - 59 John E., - 117 MaudE., - 108 Winter, Florence, - - 127 Thomas D., - - 91 Wood, Samuel W., - - 32 Wendell, George W., - 27 Woods, Charles D., - - 77 Wentworth, Erastus, - 9 Frederick, - 39 Westgate, George L., - 5, 6, 49 Frederick S., - - - 84 Ivewis G., - - 96 William S., - - 107 Mrs. lycwis G., - - 96 Woodward, Harvey, ■ - 56 Mary L., - Ill Wright, Alfred A., - - 45 Whedon, Daniel A., - 16 Dexter R., - - 16 Daniel D., - 135 Frederick W., - 127 Whitaker, George, - - 42 Moses E., - 29 Nicholas T., - - 49 Wyatt, Albert H., - - - 46 Whitcher, William F., - 60 White, Aaron, - - 27 Yager, Granville, - 51 Mrs. C. T., - - 91 Young, Archer E., - - 113 Henry S., - 80 Arthur E., - 113 Marcus, - - 91 John, - 41 Moses C, - 16 iiai 14 i^-V LIBRARY OF CONGRESS HI 020 150" 'ggs 'i