.# % #' % ^< & >< v' ' V ■ ' -• ' p, r^ v? , -^ '% c A CONCISE HISTORY OF THE Kehukee Baptist Association* From its original rise to the present time. Wherein are shown its first Constitution,* Increase, Numbers, - Principles, Form of Government, Decorum, Revolutions that Association has passed through, Revivats, Minis* ters, Churches, Confession of Faith, Times and Pla- ces when and where Associations have been hoi- den. Queries and their Answers; and al! other useful Articles relative to Church History, IN TWO PARTS. BY ELDER JOSEPH BIGGS, Pastor of the Baptist Church at Skeivarkey, "Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk there- in, and ye shall find rest for your souls." — Jeremiah. PART I. Contains the History of the Kehukee As- sociation, from its first organization until 1803, as compiled by Elders Burkitt and Read, Ministers of the gospel in Northampton and Halifax counties, N. Carolina, (omitting the history of the churches.) PART II. Embraces a continuation of the History of the Association until the present time, (together with a history of the churches now in the Associa- tion,) by Elder Joseph Biggs, under the supervision of a Committee appointed by the Association. FRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY GEORGE HOWARD, Office ofiht Tarborough (N. C) Free Press. 1834, &?3fg/d Introduction, - Page 7. Preface contains — 1. The use of History. 2. Nature of a gospel church and the manner of gathering the same. % Reasons for particular communion, Sec. CHAP. I. Page 27. The state of the Churches at first, before they were united in an Association at all. 2. The revolution those churches passed through before they became an established Association. 3. The form of a church covenant, and the plan on which they were estab- lished. 4. Biographical Sketches of some of those ministers, who died before the establishment of the Association on its present order. CHAP. II. Page 34. I. The revolution the Association passed through be- fore established on the present plan. 2. Her or- ganization at the Falls of Tar River, and the prin- ciples on which she is founded, adopted at Sappo- ny, in Sussex county, Virginia; and afterwards pub- lished by order of the Association held at Whit- field's meeting house, Pitt county, North Carolina, October, 1789. 3. Biographical Sketches of Elder James Bell. 4^Persecution of Elder John Tanner. CHAP. III. Page St. I. Some of the proceedings of the Association, and remarkable events that took place from the year 1778, until 1785. 2. The Decorum or Rules by which the Association is governed, when made and adopted, and the Rules at large. 3. The nature of a Minister's call to the office of the ministry, and the manner of his ordination. 4. Biographical sketches of Elder Jeremiah Dargan, who departed this life the 25th of December, 1786. CHAP. IV. Page 70. I. Proceedings of the Association untir 1789. 2. Pro- ceedings of the Association at Whitfield's meeting house. The junction of the Regular Baptist chur- ches with us, and the names to be buried in obli- vion; and the Association to be hereafter known by IV CONTENTS. the name of the "United Baptist Association." & The constitution of the Association, and form of government. 4. Proceedings until the division took place at Davis's meeting house in 1790. 5. Re- marks on the division. 6. Biographical sketches ©f Elders Samuel Harrel and Henry Abbot. CHAP. V. Page 89. I. Proceedings of the Association until the division took place between the Kehukee and Neuse Asso- ciations, concluded on at the Association holden at Skewarkey, in October, 1793. Proceedings con- tinued until 1796. 2. Biographical sketches of El- der John Page, Jonathan Barnes, and brother Josh- ua Freeman. 3. A few remarks on itinerant prea- ching. 4. The Association fund. CHAP. VI. ' Page 99. I. Proceedings of -the Association until 1802. 2. Bio- graphical sketches of Elder John Meglamre, and brother Elisha Battle, who departed this life in 1799. CHAP. VII. Page 109. I. The happy revival which took place in the chur- ches belonging to the Kehukee Association in 1802 and 1803. 2. Means which the Lord blessed in the revival. 3. Constitution of an Union Meeting. CHAP. VIII. Page 123. I. On the nature of Circular Letters. 2. A Letter "on the maintenance of the ministry," for 1791, by Ei- der Martin Ross. 3. "On the final perseverance of the saints in grace," for 1794, by Elder Lancaster. 4. "On good works," for 1800, by Elder Gilbert. CHAP. IX. Page 140. J. What a true church of Christ is, the manner of receiving members, constitution, discipline, offi- cers, 6cc. 2. Memoirs of Elders Done, Cole, Wal- ker, and Crocker. CHAP. X. Page 151. I. Frost, an Armenian Baptist preacher, stricken with death while preaching his sentiments. 2. Persecu- tion of Elders Barrow, Mintz, Walker, and Baker. 3. Biographical sketches of Col. Nathan Bryan. 4, Conclusion. ^AHLW II. CHAP. T. Page 15p I. Proceedings of the Association at Conoho, in 1803. 2. Sketch of the proceedings in relation to the Mis>- sionary and Other inventions of the day. 3. Pro- ceedings at Parker's meeting house, in 1*804. 4. At Daniel's meeting house, in 1805 — Division of the Association. 5. Proceedings at Skewarkey, in 1806. 6. At Haywood's meeting house, in 1807. CHAP. II. Page 175 I. Proceedings of the Association at Cross Roads, in 1808— Biography of Elder James McCabe. 2. Pro- ceedings at Morattock, in 1809 — Biography of El- der Nathan Gilbert. 3. Proceedings at Kehukee, in 1810. CHAP. IN. Page 186 I. Proceedings of the Association at Mearn's Chapel, in 181 1. 2. At Great Swamp, in 1812— Biography of Col. Nathan Mayo. 5. Proceedings at Wil- liams's meeting house, in 1813. 4. At Morattock, in 1814. CHAP. IV. Page 19tf 1. Proceedings of the Association at Daniel's meet- ing house, in 1815. 2. At Conoho, in 1816 — Biog- raphy of Elder John Bowin. 3. Proceedings at the Falls of Tar River, in 1817. CHAP. V. Page 209 I. Proceedings of the Association at Skewarkey, in 1818. 2. At Deep Creek, in 1819— Biography of Elder Jonathan Cherry. 3. Proceedings at North Creek, in 1820. At Mearn's Chapel, in 1821. CHAP. VI. Page 221 I. Proceedings of the Association at Cross Roads, in_ 1822. 2. At Lawrence's meeting house, in 1823. 3. At Great Swamp, in 1824. 4. At the Falls oi Tar River, in 1825. 5. At Skewarkey, in 1826— Biography of Elder Jeremiah Mastin. CHAP. VII. Page23S f. Proceedings of the Association at Kehukee, in 1827. 2. At North Creek, in 1828— Biography of VI 0ONTENT& Elder Amariah Biggs. 3. Proceedings at Conetoe^ in 1829 — Declaration respecting Missionary and Bible Societies, Theological Seminaries, &c. 4. Proceedings at Morattock, in 1830. CHAP'. VIII. Page 252: I. Proceedings of the Association at Flat Swamp, in- 1831 — Biography of Elder James Ambrose. 2. Proceedings at Conoho, in 1832. S. At the Falls of Tar River, in 1833. A Table of Churches, Page 268 CHAP. IX. Page 27(* History of the Churches, viz: Bear Grass, Blount's Creek, Cowenjock, Conoho, Conetoe, Conccrd, Cross Roads, Cedar Island, Deep Creek, Falls of Tar River, Flat Swamp, Frying Pan, Goose Creek, Great Swamp, Hunting Quarters, Kehukee, Law- rence's meeting house, and Little Alligator. CHAP. X. Page 284 Continuation of the History of the Churches, viz: Mo- rattock, North Creek, North Mattamuskeet, OicT Ford, Picot meeting house, Powell's Point, Pungo, Scuppernong, South Mattamuskeet, Skewarkey,. Smithwick's Creek, Sound Side, Spring Green, Tarborough, Washington, WhjUe Plains, Wil- liams's meeting house. Subscribers' Names, Page 29S The undersigned was appointed by the Ke^. iiukee Association, at its session held at Morat- lock meeting house in 1830, to write a continua- tion of its History from the termination of the one published by Elders Burkitt and Read, and Elders Joshua Lawrence, William Hyman, Green Carrowan, Micajah Ambrose, and William , B. Worrell, were appointed a committee to collect such necessary information as might be within their reach, and the churches were requested to afford all the aid in their power. At the Association held at Flat Swamp meet- ing house, in 1831, the committee appointed to collect information reported some progress, but that much more was necessary to be obtained, and that it was the wish of many that the old Jlistory and the new should be embodied in one volume. Whereupon the Association resolved that the committee with the compiler be request- ed to arrange the materials as they may think jproper, and that Mr. George Howard, of Tarbo- jough, be authorised to publish the same on his own responsibility; and the Editor of the Min- utes was requested 4o forward to the different churches subscription lists. At the Association held at Conoho Log Cha- nel, in 1832, the publication of the History was deferred another year; and it was resolved, that subscription lists be again sent to the churches. At the Association held at the Falls of Ta* River, in 1833, the publication of the History was taken into consideration; and finding upon examination of the subscription lists that a suffi- cient amount had not been subscribed to justify ilie undertaking, a collection was taken up m VUI INTRODUCTION. their body on the same terms as heretofore pro; posed; and the result being favorable, the Asso- ciation resolved, that the work be put to press a£ early as practicable. The Association then dis- charged the former committee, and appointed Elders Joshua Lawrence, William Hyman, and Luke Ward, and brethren Thomas Biggs, Joseph D. Biggs, and Cushion B. Hassell, a committee to examine the manuscript before going to press, which the undersigned was requested to prepare. Il might be thought by some sufficient in this Introduction to close, having informed :he read- er the course that had been pursued by the As- sociation to procure a continuation of its History to be published; but I consider it due to myself and to the Association in conclusion to state, that I am well aware many defects exist in the com- pilation, having to depend considerably on my own personal knowledge and observation of ma- ny facts, and deriving but little information from others; yet I feel assured that however defective it may be, it affords as correct a History as can now be obtained, Submitting, however, the History as it is now arranged to the members composing the churches of the Kehukee Association, and to all the well wishers of Zion, believing that by them it will not be received or perused with captious criti- cism, I pray the Almighty disposer of events so to dispose of it, that it may exert a salutary influ- ence on the present generation; and that posteri- ty, emerged from the thick cloud of contention and strife that has lowered over the Kehukee As- sociation at different times, may hail this record of past events as "a light to their path and a lamp to *heir feet." JOSEPH BIGGS, Bm% $ftuv& or a baptiser* If by it we are to understand a particular society ofpeople,wemay claim the highest original, since we read in the very front of the New Testament, **In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness, Sic." It does not say, in jthose days came John the Churchman, nor John the Presbyterian, nor John the Methodist, noi\ PREFACE. xiii John the Quaker: But John the Baptist. And we know that where a Baptist preacher comes into any place, and baptizes a number of believ- ers, they are immediately called Baptists. But it may be, that he was so called, because he was a Bapfizer; and we may be called Baptists, be- cause we hold with his baptism, in the manner it was by him and the Apostles administered: if so, we think it no disgrace, to be called by that name. It is most certain that the Baptists do administer the ordinance of Baptism agreeable to the word of God, in the practice of John and the Apostles. In the first place, we find from the Scriptures that Baptism is a duty. Mat. iii. 15. "Jesus answering, said, suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil al! righteousness." Mat. xsviii. 19. "Go teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." Acts, x. 47, 48. "Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? and he commanded them to be baptized." Second. We have reason to believe that John the Baptist, and the Apostles, baptized none, only such as, within the judgment of charity, they believed to be possessed of Faith and Repent- ance. This appears from the following scrip- tures. Mat. iii. 5, 6. "Then went out unto hin\ Jerusalem, and all Judea, p4nd all the region round about Jordan, and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins." Verse 7. "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Saddu- 2* *tv PREFACE. cees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers! who hath warned you to flee -from the wrath to come. Bring forth, there- fore, fruits meet for repentance," he. Mark, xvi. 16. "He that betieveth and is baptized shall be saved." Acts, ii. 3. "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of the Lord Jesus." Verse, 41. "They that gladly received the word were baptized," &ic. Acts, viii. 36. "If thou believcst with all thy heart thou mayest." Third. We also have reason to believe, that in the primitive times, baptism was administered by dipping, or plunging the party baptized all under water. This seems to appear from the practice of John, and the Apostles — from the practice of John who baptized our Lord and many others in Jordan; and was baptizing in Enon near Salim, because there was much water there. John, iii. 23. *\lso from the practice of the Apostles. Acts, viii. 38, 39. "And they went down into the water, both Philip and the Eunuch; and he baptized him. And when they were come up out of the water, the spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the Eunuch saw him no more." But perhaps some may say, can we trace the practice of adult baptism, by im- mersion, from us to the Apostles' times? If this was required of the Pedobaptists to trace the practice of baptizing infants, from the present time to the days of the Apostles, we should find the Episcopalians, Presbyterians and Method- ists, at a very great loss. For after they had dragged it through Rome, and bad the sane- ■ PREFACE. xv tion of Popes, Councils, Churches, and some of the ancient Fathers, so far from tracing it to the Apostles da} s, it cannot be carried farther back, by positive proof, than the third century, in which mention is made of it by Tertullian, Ori- gen and Cyprian. And the first of these dis- suades from it, and advises to defer baptism to riper years. Origen, with all his corruptions, mentions it, but his translations are so imperfect, that it h observed by some, that, "Origen is not to be found in Origen." And although it is al- lowed that infant baptism began to be practised in Cyprian's day, yet it was esteemed an upstart notion, since it was not till then determined at what time it should be administered. But it is evident that believers' baptism by immersion, was the primitive practice, and that there have been some, no doubt, ever since the Apostles, in some part of the world, who practised it; as is evident there were in Bohemia, Germany, Piedmont and other places, notwithstanding the general apostacy which took place since the Apostles times throughout the whole world. And as we think we are sufficiently authorized to baptize be- lievers by immersion, so we think that gathering, and organizing particular churches, and their union in an Association way, is agreeable to the standard of truth, the unerring word of God. And for the satisfaction of the reader, we will give a proper definition of the church, and the utility of an Association of churches, which we think is agreeable to the Holy Scriptures. On the Church. — The word church y 'm the New Test- ament, must necessarily mean an assembly, and itf PREFACE. not the house in which they assemble. Mat. xviii. 15, 16, 17. ''Moreover, if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witness- es every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it to the church. ,y It cannot be supposed our Lord meant that we should tell it to the house. Again. Acts, ii. 47. "The Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." 1 Cor. xiv. 23. "If there- fore the church be come together in one place." These places in the sacred writings must un- doubtedly allude to the people, and not to the building. The New Testament writers always apply the word church to a religious assembly* selected and called out of the world by the doc- trine of the gospel, to worship the true God ac- cording to his word. And is emphatically rep- resented in the nineteenth article of the Episco- pal church, which saith, "The visible church of "Christ is a congregation of faithful men, in the "which the pure word of God is preached, and "the sacraments be duly administered, accord- ing to Christ's ordinance, in all those things "that of necessity are requisite to the same." When we consult the sacred writings, we have sufficient reason to believe that the word churchy is intended to signify the church catholic, trium- phant, invisible and particular. The church catholic, means all that have beeiv or ever will be saved. Eph. L 22, 23. "And PREFACE. xvli gave liim to be head over all things to the church which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all " Collos. i. 18, 24. The church triumphant, means all the saints, who are now already in Heaven. Heb. xii. 23. "The gen- eral assembly and church of the first born, which are written in Heaven — and to the spirits of just men made perfect." The church militant, means all the saints on earth. There are about nine passages in scripture which refer to this church. Acts, viii. 3. 1 Cor. x. 32.— xii. 28— xv. 9, Gal. i 13 Phil. ill. 16. i Tim. iii. 15, The invisible church, means all the elect not yet called. "Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd." John x. 16. A particular church, is a little distinct and separate society, called out of the world, and professing faith iri Christ Jesus, have given themselves up to the Lord, and to one another, to be governed and guided by a proper discipline agreeable to the word of God. Of this sort of church frequent mention is made in the word of the Lord. Some of the passages relative there- to, are, "The church in their house." Rom. xvii 5. — 1 Col. xvi. 9. "The church in thine house." Phil. 2. "The church in Jerusalem." Acts, viii. 1. — At Antioch, at Rome, Corinth, Philadelphia, Ephesus, Smyrna, &x. &c. The churches which compose the Kehukee Baptist Association, profess to be of this des- cription; and churches baptized vpon profession ijof their faith in Christ Jesus,' and well organic- xviii PREFACE, ed, we think it is agreeable to those particular- Congregational churches mentioned in the Holy Scriptures An Association, is a combination of churches uniting together in one boay 3 governed by cer- tain rules when met together, and whose business it is to hear from, and enquire into the state of the churches in the union, and give advice, in order to reconcile differences, detect errors and remove difficulties; so as not to lord it over God's heritage, but sit and act only as an advi- sary council. The divine authority of this ancient distort seems manifest in the example of our Lord, and his holy Apostles. Our blessed Lord when en- tering on his divine mission, and laying a plan for the establishment of his kingdom, as soon as he entered on his public ministry, made choice of twelve, with whom he associated, not indeed to assist him by their counsel, but to train them up to assist one another. And we find the Apostles themselves assembled on certain occasions to confer about the affairs of the churches. See Acts, xv. If Paul, Barnabas and others, there- fore were delegated by their brethren of the churches at Antioch, to assemble, or associate with the Apostles and Elders at Jerusalem, how fnuch more will the propriety and necessity of such meetings or assemblies, appear to us who do not enjoy their ohUities, nor possess their pow- ers. And as the scriptures support its divine authority and expediency, so from the experience we have had of its well known benefits, w T e are the more easily persuaded that the churches will PREFACE. &i* -always find it of general utility, in maintaining and supporting — 1. A general union, 2 r i he communion of the churches. 3. The increase of brotherly lave. 4, To gain information of the state of the churches. 5. Remove difficulties. 6. Grant supplies to destitute churches. 7. The extirpation of false doctrines; and 8. The bene- fit arising to the church and neighborhood where *the Association is bolden. 1st. The Association is of general utility iij supporting and maintaining a general union, Now, the more firmly any civil or religious soci- ety is knit together by love, and coalesce in uni~ fyi by so much the better they are secured against their common enemies and dangers, and become still the more prosperous and flourishing, United force, we all know, is more than single; and hence it is, we are so frequently in the sa- cred scriptures exhorted to a general unanimity, Rom. xii. 16.— 1 Cor. i. 10.— Phil. ii. 2« — Psal. cxxxiii. 1. 2d. The general utility of an Association al- so consists in the communion of the churches. It is through this sameness of love, mind and rule, that a chain of communion is, or can be kept up with the churches. Christ's church is a family. Any thing that is lawful and right, that will maintain an union among the children, so they with love and fellowship, can from time to time eat bread together in the spirit of meekness, must be of use. Christ's church is a body. All pro- per means that have a tendency to keep the members in place, should be used for that pur- pose; For the beauty and strength of a bvd/y» x# PREFACE. depend on its not being maimed, or disordered, We therefore think that it is impossible that so endearing a privilege, and particular duty, as the communion of the churches, can be preserved sacred, and inviolable without some such mode of associating together; where we can hear from the different churches, know each others princi- ples, and be acquainted with the proper disci* pline of each church; we therefore think that an Association is useful. 3d VVb not only think that it tends to pre- serve a communion of churehes, but we also be* lieve it has a tendency to increase brotherly love. It is through this medium that an acquaintance is cultivated amongst the brethren, and brotherly love increased and continued. Heb. xiii. 1. 4th. To gain proper information of the state of the churches. It is by the means of an Associa- tion that we obtain this information, and from the accounts given^ be able to ascertain whether they be in prosperous or declining circumstan- ces; and so can propose measures accordingly s so as to mourn with them that mourn, and re- joice with them that do rejoice. 5 th. By means of an Association, brethren un* der difficulties of mind may be relieved, by pre- senting their queries to the Association, and hav- ing them properly discussed; which often tends to the satisfaction of the aggrieved party; and as, in the multitude of counsellors there is safety^ we believe an Association is useful. 6th It is through this mode of assembling together, that information is communicated to ibe r Association of the state of destitute churchei. PREFACE, xxi and on their request, and by the consent of the brethren in the ministry, supplies can be granted. Ministers receive the intelligence, make their ap- pointments, and the destitute churches get fur- nished at proper seasons, and the ordinances ad- ministered to them. 7th. It is useful for the extirpation of hetero- doxy* "Do not err my beloved brethren," was the exhortation of the Apostle to primitive christians; and another Apostle warrantably in- forms us that some should bring in damnable heresies. Now, if this was the case in ancient times, we may reasonably expect it in this cor- rupt age of the world. And where are we so likely to gain the information of these heretical principles amongst the church, if there be any, as at the Association; and where so proper a place to nip them in the bud as at this timef Thus we see the primitive churches, and thai un- der the immediate inspection of the Apostles themselves, were likely to err in this point, had they not had recourse to the assembly of the Apostles and others met at Jerusalem. Witness the great disputation of Paul, with all his expe- rience, his learning, his oratory, and his inspi- ration (for we may suppose he used all his ef- forts) to refute an error then getting birth in the church, and all would not do> it must be carried up to the Association of the Apostles and Elders delegated at Jerusalem* 8th. The good effects which have attended the chuvch and neighborhood where these nume- rous assemblies have attended, bespeak the util- ity of the Association of churches. xxii PREFACE, Thus, dear Reader, we have given sufficient reasons to believe that the mode of gathering churches, by baptizing believers, and their un- ion in an Association way, is purely scriptural and apostolical. v Before we entirely close the subject of gather- ing churches after this mode, it might not be amiss to say something with respect to the par- ticular communion of the Baptist churches. We have been, by some, judged as a singular nar- row hearted set of christians, because we would not commune with other societies. But we ap- prehend ourselves justifiable in so doing, and without this we could not be consistent with our own principles. For we believe that christian Baptism is the first ordinance a believer ought to comply with; and persons cannot become regu- lar church members without first being baptized according to the word of God. This appears from the conduct of the Apostles in the first ga- thering of the churches of Jesus Christ. Acts, ii. 41, 42. "They that gladly received the word were baptized; and the same day there were add- ed unto them about 3000 souls." And they, i. e. those baptized, continued steadfastly in the Apostle's doctrine and fellowship, and in break- ing of bread and in prayers. Also it is said, "By one spirit we are all baptized into one body." 1 Cor. xii. 13. That is, by the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit we are all baptized into one body, i. e. the church. And we can- not find from the holy scriptures, and we think no man can, that since the ascension of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that any were PREFACE. xxiii received members of the visible church before they submitted to the ordinance of baptism. And we also believe, that it is out of the power of any person to prove, that any one was ever admitted to the ordinance of the Lord's supper before he was first baptized. Were any of John's pros- elytes? No. The ordinance of the supper had never then been administered. Were any of the members at the church at Rome, Corinth, Ga- latia, Philippi, Ephesus, &c? We have no reason to believe they were. The Apostle's ex- hortation to the people was, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins." Acts, li. 38. And it is evident from sundry exam- ples, that haptkm was the first ordinance to be complied with, before they were admitted to cih^r crd';r.«;;c^, or tGc!,urcn privileges. What was the first ordinance the 3000 who gladly re- ceived the word were admitted to? It was bap- tism,) the same day. What was the first the Eunuch complied with, after he believed with all his heart? It was baptism. What was the first the Jailor and his house were admitted to, after he believed in God with all his house? Jt was baptism, the same hour of the night. Acts. xvi. 33. What was the first Lydia complied with, after the Lord opened her heart? It was baptism. Acts, xvi. 15. What was the first the Apostle Paul sub- mitted to after Annaniaslaid his hands on him, and said, "Brother Saul receive thy sight?" It was baptism. He does not say, and now why tarriest thou? arise and go preach the gospel; nor does he say, now, why tarriest thou, arise &3uv PREFACE. and come to the Lord's tabled but arise and be baptized. Acts, ix. 18. xxii. 16. We therefore do believe that it is a duty fop every real christian to comply with baptism in the first place, agreeable to the word of God, and then be entitled to the privileges of the church and to the ordinances in general. And except they do comply with their duty in this respect, they are disorderly; and we are commanded to withdraw from every brother that walks disor- derly. 2 Thess. iii. 6. We therefore thinfe we are justifiable, from God's word, to raise a bar of communion against all churches and pet- sons who have not a baptism that is valid, agree* able to the word of the Lord. These are a few of our reasons for particular communion^ which we hope may be duly consid- ered, and weighed in the balance of the sanctua- ry with an even hand. As to the ensuing history we are about to pub- lish, we can assure thee, Reader, that we have endeavored to collect all the materials we could come at; and obtain all the information we could, in order to render the work complete: Not- withstanding all, it may be imperfect in many things, as it is well known that writings of this kind are subject to errors. But we hope to obtain a pardon from the public, when we as- sure them that we have done the best we could. The greatest part of the History, our readers may depend on the reality of those facts recorded, as we were both eye and ear witnesses to them. To conclude, we may add, that this little compendium will present you with the glorioas PREFACE. xx* increase of Christ's kingdom, in callingpoor sin- ners to the happy privileges of the gospel, and the increase of his churches. When our Asso- ciation was first established, there were only ten churches, and now near about ninety, which have become three Associations in thirty years. Blessed be God, we hope the happy day is fast approaching, when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ. May we all pray, "thy kingdom come." We are, dear reader, your soul's well wishers, and affectionate servants in the gospel of our dear Lord Jesus. LEMUEL BURKITTY JESSE READ. Northampton County , Xorth- ) Carolina, October, 1803. > #*- A CONCISE HISTORY OF THE Kehukee Baptist dissociation. CHAP. I. 1. The State of the Churches at first 9 before they were united in an Association at all* 2. The Revolution those Churches passed through be- fore they became an established Association. 3, The Form of a Church Covenant, and the Plan on which they were established. 4, Biographical Sketches of some of those Minis:? ters, who died before the Establishment of the Association on its present Order. Some of the churches which at first composed the Kehukee Association, were, the church at Tosniot, in Edgecombe county; the church at Kehukee, in Halifax county; the church at the Falls of Tar river, in Edgecombe county; the church on Fishing creek, in Halifax county; the church on Reedy creek, in Warren county; the church at Sandy Run, in Bertie county; and the church in Camden county, North Carolina. The most of these churches, before they were ever united in an Association, were General Baptists, and held with the Armipian tenets. We believe *8 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE they were the descendants of the English General Baptists, because we find from some original pa- pers, that their confession of Faith was subscribed by certain Elders, and Deacons, and Brethren, in behalf of themselves and others, to whom they belonged, both in London, and several counties in England, and was presented to King Charles the second* They preached, and adhered to the Arminian, or Free-will doctrines, and their churches were first established upon this system. They gather- ed churches without requiring an experience of grace previous ,te their baptism: But baptized all who believed in the doctrine of baptism by immersion, and requested baptism of them. The churches of this order were first gathered here by Elders Paul Palmer and Joseph Parker, and were succeeded by a number of ministers whom they had baptized; and some of whom we have no reason to believe were converted when they were baptized, or first began to preach We cannot learn that it was customary with them to hold an Association at all; but met at yearly meetings, where matters of consequence were de- termined. This was the state of these churches until di- vine providence disposed the Philadelphia Bap* tist Association to send Messrs. Vanhokn and Miller, two of the ministers belonging to that Association, who lived in New Jersey, to travel into the southern Colonies, and visit the church- es and preach the gospel. And it appears that it was attended with an happy eflv-ct. When they came into North Carolina, some of the members belonging to these churches seemed to BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 29 be afraid of them, as they were styled by th6 most of people New Lights; but by the greatest part of the churches they were cordially received* Their preaching and conversation seemed to be with power, the hearts of the people seemed to be open, and a very great blessing seemed to at- tend their labors, Through their instrumentality many people were awakened, many of the members of these churches were convinced of their error, and were instructed in the doctrines of the gospel; and some churches were organized anew, and estab* lished upon the principles of the doctrine of grace. These churches thus newly constituted, adopted the Baptist confession of faith published in Lon- don in 1689, containing 32 articles, and upon which the Philadelphia and Charleston associa- tions are founded. And as it is customary for churches thus formed, at their first constitution, to have a church covenant, in which they so- lemnly agree to endeavor to keep up the disci- pline of the church, the following specimen will shew the reader something of the nature of that covenant compact, It is to this effect: FORASMUCH as Almighty God, by his grace, has been pleased to call us (whosejnames are under- neath subscribed) out of darkness into his marvellous light, and all of us have been regularly baptized up- on a profession of our Faith in Christ Jesus, and have given up ourselves to the Lord, and to one another, in a gospel church way, to be governed and guided by a proper discipline agreeable to the word of God:- We do therefore, in the name of our Lord Jesus, and by his assistance, covenant and agree to keep up the discipline of the church we are members of, in the most brotherly affection towards each other, white 30 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE we endeavor punctually to observe the following rules, viz: 1st. In brotherly love to pray for each other, to watch over one another, and if need be, in the most terrier and affectionate manner to reprove one an- other. That is, if we discover any thing amiss in a brother, to go and tell him his fault according to the direction given by our Lord in the 18th of Saint Mat- thew's gospel; and not to be whispering and back- biting. We akso agree, with God's assistance, to pray in our families, attend our church meetings, observe the Lord's day and keep it holy, and not absent our- selves from the communion of the Lord's supper witliout a lawful excuse; to be ready to communicate to the defraying of the church's expences, and for the support of the ministry; not irregularly to depart from the fellowship of the church, nor remove to dis- tant churches without a regular dismission. These things we do covenant and agree to observe and keep sacred, in the name of, and by the assist- ance of, the Holy Trinity. Amen. Signed by the mutual consent of the members whose names are un- derneath subscribed. Thus, by means of those ministers who vi- sited the churches, several were reformed, and the work of reformation progressed, until the gjeater part of what few churches were gathered in North Carolina, both ministers and members, came into the Regular Baptist order. Elder Palmer, we believe, died before the Reforma- tion took place; and Elder Joseph Parker, we cannot learn, was ever convinced of his errors, or receded from them; but continued in his way as before. And we cannot understand he was very successful, because all the ministers of that party" were brought over to embrace the Calvi- nistic scheme, except himself, Elder Winjield and Elder William Parker; and we presume, but a BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Si lew others, either ministers or members, except the members of their churches. The churches thus reformed, although but few in number, entered into an Association compact about the year 1765, and first convened at Ke- hukee, from whence the Association took the name of the "Kehukee Association." Tims being formed in a body, they corresponded with the Charleston Association; and in this situation they continued some years, until the year 1774, when an alteration took place, which our read- ers will be favored with in the next chapter. The principal ministers which belonged to the Association on its first establishment, were, El- ders Jonathan Thomas, John Thomas, John Moore, John Burges, William Burges, Charles Daniel, William W r alker, John Meglamre, James Abington, Thomas Pope, and Henry Abbott. All of whom, except Elders John Meglamre and James Abington, we believe, were baptized by ministers of the Free-will order. |. As some of these ministers died before those remarkable events took place, mentioned In the succeeding chapter, it would be necessary to give a few sketches of their biography in the close of this. Elder JAMES JIBING TOM. Elder James Abington was a resident of Ber- tie county, North Carolina. Before he became religious, he was a man much addicted to sport- ing and gaming, and very vicious in his life and conversation* But it pleased God by his great goodness to convince him of his dreadful §2 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE State by nature, and to reveal his dear Son Je- sus Christ to his soul; and after he was convert- ed, he was baptized, and began to preach ths gospel. He became a member of the church at Sandy Run, and after preaching some time he was ordained pastor of that church, and was in- ^rumental in gathering a considerable number of members. He was a man of a bright genius, a ready mind, a good voice; and was a Boaner- ges in preaching the word. He was remarkably gifted in distinguishing between the Law and the Gospel. The insufficiency of the one to justify a sinner in the sight of God, and the suitableness of the other to recommend us into the favor of God. Be continued but a {ew years in the work of the ministry, how long we are not able to say, but at last being taken very ill, he was taken away from the evil to come. He departed this life February, 1772. His funeral sermon was preached by Elder Jonathan Thomas, from ii. Tim. iv. 7, 8. "I have fought a good fight, I "have finished my course, 1 have kept the faith: "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of "righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous "'judge, shall give me at that day." Elder JONATHAN THOMAS. Jonathan Thomas was the son of John Tho^ mas, of Edgecombe county, North Carolina. He had a brother by the name of John. Both his father and brother were preachers of the Baptist denomination. Jonathan, at first, was received into a church and baptized by a minis* \er of the Fret-will order. But in process 0f BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 33 time embraced the Calvinian plan, and became an eminent preacher of the regular Baptist So- ciety. He was ordained December, 1758. He was a man of talents, very affable in his address, and a great orator. He had the general esteem of the churches, and was revered by all men of character with whom he was acquainted, He was exceeding orthodox in his principles, and had a peculiar faculty in reconciling seeming contradictions in the scriptures; and on intricate passages of scripture, hisjudgment was thought exceeding good. In a word, he appeared as a pious g©od christian, a sensible zealous minister of the gospel, and one who aimed at the peace and harmony of the churches in general: Inso- much, that where discord or division were likely to take place in a church, he was very careful to endeavor to reconcile them again; and he very often proved successful in his attempts. To- wards the latter end of his life, he appeared to be more zealous, and more constantly emploj^ed in travelling and preaching. His last sermon was preached at Sandy Run meeting-house, in Bertie county, from Luke xiv. 23. "Compel "them to come in, that my house may be filled." He said, "his master had sent him to compel "them to come in, and they need not begin to "make excuse, for no excuse could be received, "nor denial taken. 5 ' There was a large assem- bly, and but few in the congregation but what were in floods of tears; and many cried out loud- ly. This was in December, 1774; and from Sandy Run he went home, being under com- plaint of a bad cold, and the last of January or iirst of February following, he died. 4 m HISTORY of the KEHUKEE CHAP. If. S . The Revolution (he Association passed through before established on the present plan. 2. Her Organization at the Falls of Tar River, and the Principles on which she is founded, adopt- ed at Sappony, in Sussex county, Virginia; and afterwards published by order of the Asso- ciation held at WhitfieWs meeting-house, Pitt county, North Carolina, October 1789. 3. Biographical Sketches of Elder James BelL 4. Persecution of Elder John Turner. Some years after the Association was estab- lished on its original plan, in Virginia, and some parts of North Carolina, the Separate Baptists (as they were then called) increased very fast. The Separates first arose in New England, where some pious ministers and members left the Presbyterian, or the Standing Order, on the ac- count of their formality and superfluity, viz. 1. Because they were too extravagant in their ap- parel. 2. Because they did not believe their form of church government to be right. But chiefly because they would admit none to the ministry only men of classical education, and many of their ministers apparently seemed to be unconverted. They were then called Separate JS*ewlight$* Some of these were baptised and moved into the southern provinces, particularly Elders Shubal Sterns and Daniel .Marshall, whose labors were wonderfully blessed in Virgi- nia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Many souls were converted 3 and as the work of BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 35 the Lord progressed, many churches were estab- ed in Virginia and some in North Carolina. Their preachers were exceeding pious and zeal- ous men, and their labors wonderfully blessed: And such a work appeared to be amongst the peo- ple, that "some were amazed and stood in doubt, saj'ing what means this." The distinction be- tween us and them was, that they were called Separates, and the Philadelphia, the Charleston, and the Kehukee Association, were called Regu- lar Baptists. The Kehukee Association desirous of fellow- ship, and a general communion between these two parties, sent Elders Jonathan Thomas and John Meglamre to the Separate Baptist Associa- tion, which was holden in one of the northern counties in Virginia, to endeavor to effect an uni- on. Accordingly their Association delegated Elders Elijah Craig and David Thompson to the Kehukee Association, which was holden at Ke- hukee meeting house, in Halifax county, North Carolina, August, 1772, and rendered their rea- sons why they could not commune with the Reg- ulars. Their reasons were as follows, viz: 1. They complained of the Regulars not being strict enough in receiving experiences, when per- sons made application to their churches for bap- tism, in order to become church members. 2. They refused communion with Regular Baptist churches, be( a»ise they believed that faith in Christ Jesus was essential to qualify a person for baptism, yet many of the Regular churches had members in them who acknowledged they were baptized before they believed, o The Separates found fault with the Regulars for their manner 36 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE of dress, supposing they indulged their members in superfluity of apparel. These, with a few oth- er non-essentials, were the reasons they refused communion with us: But the most weighty rea- son was, "the Regulars holding persons in fel- lowship in their churches, who were baptized hi unbelief;" which was a matter of some conse- quence, and operated strongly on the minds of many belonging to the Kehukee Association. Accordingly in 1774, the church in Bertie, un- der the care of Elder Lemuel BurJcitt, held a con- ference, and declared they would commune with none who confessed they were baptized before they believed in Christ. And the reasons why they did so were, because they believed that from the practice of John the Baptist, from the com- mission given by our Lord to his Apostles, and the conduct of the Apostles in executing that commission, that repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, were required as a pre-requisite to baptism of all they baptized* Jf so, it appears reasonable that even adult per- sons themselves, if baptized in a state of imperii- tency and unbelief are no more the proper sub- jects of the ordinance than infants, as the age of the person does not qualify him for baptism, but his faith in Christ. These things had such weight on the minds ef the members of that church, that they declared in open conference non-fellowship with all churches m& persons who held and maintained the contrary doctrine. And some of the members of that church, who we baptized in unbelief, came forward and petition- ed for baptism, and were baptized upon confes- sion of their faith in Christ. BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 37 The church at Sandy Run had no sooner set up a bar of communion against such churches and members, than they received information that the church in Sussex, in Virginia, under the pastoral care of Elder John Meglamre; the church in Brunswick, under the care ofZachary Thomp- son; the church in the Isle of Wight, under the care of David Barrow, had done the same. AU these churches belonged to the Kehukee Associ- ation. In October, 1775, the Kehukee Regular Bap- tist Association, according to their annual ap- pointment, by their delegates, met at the Falls of Tar River, John Moore's meeting house, and oa Saturday, being assembled in the meeting house, information was received by the other churches belonging to the Association, what the churches in Bertie, Sussex, Brunswick, and the Isle of Wight had done. And a great dissension arose amongst the churches respecting the propriety of their proceedings; and the other party claimed the prerogative of being the Kehukee Associa- tion, and we who had engaged in the reforma- tion, insisted on being ike true genuine Associa- tion, as we believed we had never departed from the original plan on which that Association was first founded. We argued, that it was well known, that we all held faith in Christ essential to qualify a person for baptism, and if so, they who were baptized before they believed, were not baptized agreeable to God's word; and as their baptism is not valid they remain unbaptized members; and not to commune with unbaptized persons was a principle of the Association on which we were at first established. We therefore 4* 38 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE argued that we were the true Association whg had not departed from their original principles. After some desultory conversation, the Associa- tion divided, and those churches which had be- gun the reformation sat and held an Association in the meeting house; and the other party went into the woods, the first day, and held an Associ- ation, and the second day removed to a private house in the neighborhood. This division, our readers may be well assu- red, afforded great grief to many truly pious and godly souls; but that God who works all things by his divine providence, according to the coun- sel of his own will> was pleased to bring order oujt of confusion, and good out of evil, for by these means he was pleased to effect a reformation in the churches, and bring about a glorious revival of religion throughout the churches in general. It was not many years before all the churches were united again, and the names Regular and: Separate buried in oblivion, and we were known to the world by the name of the "United Bap- tists." And blessed be God/the distinction at this time has become obsolete, and the different qames lost throughout the United States,* and we hope throughout the world. *Until about twelve months before the writing of this History, the distinction was kept up in the State of Kentucky. There were a few churches in that State which still retained the name of Separates, and the ministers and members seemed rather inclined to believe in general redemption. These churches chiefly lay in the counties of that State, south of the yiver Kentucky, and were formed into an Association called the Separate Association, and they did not (fdmmune with the other Associations* But by a \s£\ BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 39 One particular reason why those churches were at first dissatisfied with others, and were so for- ward in sitting up a bar of communion against churches and individuals, who held members in fellowship who were baptized in unbelief, was, because several of those churches, that at first be- longed to the Kehukee Association, were gather- ed by the Free will Baptists, and as their custom was to baptize any persons who were willing, whether they had an experience of grace or not, so in consequence of this practice, they had ma* ny members and several ministers in those chur- ches, who were baptized before they were con- verted; and after they were brought to the know- ledge of the truth, and joined the Regulars, open- ly confessed they were baptized before they be- lieved: And some of them said they did it in hope of getting to heaven by it. Some of their ministers confessed they had endeavored to preach, and administer the ordinance of baptism to oth- ers, after they were baptized, before they were converted themselves; and so zealous were they for baptism, (as some of them expected salvation by it) that one of their preachers confessed, if he could get any willing to be baptized, and it was in the night, that he would baptize them by fire light, for fear they should get out of the notion of it before the next morning. We therefore in conscience thought, and that from God's word, that we ought to withdraw from every brother that walked disorderly, and ter from Elder David Barrow to Elder Burkitt, we learn that there is a happy union taken place amongst 111! the Associations, and these names lost. 40 HISTORY of the KEH UKJ E we were under very great impressions to begin a reformation in the churches. The principal churches which stood in opposi- tion to our measures, at the time when the divi- sion took place at the Falls of Tar River, were the church at Tosniot, the church on Fishing creek, formerly under the care of Charles Dan- iel; the church at Kehukee, under the care of William Burges; the church in Warren county, on Reedy creek, formerly under the care o( Wil- liam Walker; and part of the church at the Falls of Tar River — for it appears that church was di- vided — Col. Horn, who was a member of that church, was a chief speaker in the time of the contention, and had a very warm debate with Thomas Daniel, a minister of the other party; and Col. Horn insisted on the propriety of our procedure, and justified our raising a bar of com- munion against them. The chief ministers be- longing to those churches who opposed the refor- mation, were, Elders John Moore, William Sur- ges, John Thomas and Thomas Daniel. The churches on the other side of the question, were, the church at Sandy Run, the church in Sussex, the church in Brunswick, and the church in Isle of Wight,Virginia. Their chief ministers present, were, Elders John Meglamre, David Barrow and Lemuel Burkitt. Very little business of consequence was done at this Association, except their engagements to keep up the order and rules of an Association; and accordingly agreed to meet the next time at Elder James Bell's meeting house, on Sappony creek, in Sussex county, Virginia. On the Saturday before the 2d Sunday in Au* BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 41 gust, 1777, delegates from ten churches (some of which were, what was then called Separates, and others which formerly belonged to the Kehukee Association, and had raised a bar against unbap- lized members, of which mention was made be- fore) met in an annual Association at Elder James Bell's meeting house, on Sappony, in Sus- sex county, Virginia, and by their delegates pre- sented a confession of their faith to the Associa- tion; which was unanimously acceded to. At which time and place the Association to which we now belong, was settled and established on its present order. It was necessary at this time, for the churches to present in their letters to the Association, a confession of their faith; because, 1st. Some of them were churches that claimed the prerogative of being the Kehukee Association, that never had departed from their original principles, therefore in order to convince the other churches, and the world at large, that they still held the same faith and order they were at first established on, it was necessary to present to this Association, and make public, their confession of faith. 2d» As some of those churches which at this time were about to unite in the Association with us, had never before been members, and were what was then called Separates, it was necessary they should present a confession of their faith, that it might be known whether we all agreed in principles or not. The churches, by their delegates, then conve- ned, and the number of members they contained, and their present order, whether Regulars or Se- parates, are as follow, viz: 42 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE JVb. 2. The church in Bertie county, N. Carolina, under the care of Elder Lemuel Burkitt, 21? 2. The church in Sussex, Virginia, under the care of Elder John Meglamre, - 209 3. The church in Brunswick, Virginia, under the care of Elder Zachary Thompson, 3:20 4. The church in the Isle of Wight, under the care of Elder David Barrow, - 142 5. A newly constituted church in Chowan county, North Carolina, 84 6. The church in Granville county, N.Carolina, under the care of Elder Henry Ledbetter, 70 7. The church in Bute, North Carolina, under the care of Elder Joshua Kelly, - 109 8. The church in Sussex, Virginia, under the care of Eider James Bell, - 200 9. The church at Rocky Swamp, North Caro- lina, under the care of Elder Jesse Read, 139 10. The church in Edgecombe county, under the care of Elder John Tanner, - 100 1590 Of which churches, the first six were Regulars, *md the last mentioned four were Separates. An abstract of the principles then agreed to, and the substance of which afterwards was publish- ed in print, by order of the Association at Whitfield's meeting house, Pitt county, North Carolina, 1799, is as follows, viz: 1. We believe in the being of God, as almigh- ty, eternal, unchangeable, of infinite wisdom, power, justice, holiness, goodness, mercy and truth: And that this God has revealed himself in his word, under the characters of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 2. We believe, that Almighty God has made known his tnind and will to the children of men in his word; which word we believe to be of di- BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 43 vine authority, and contains all things necessary to be known for the salvation of men and wo- men. The same is comprehended or contained in the books of the Old and New Testament, as are commonly received. 3. We believe, that God, before the foundation of the world, for a purpose of his own glory, did elect a certain number of men and angels to eter- nal life; and that this election is particular, eter- nal and unconditional on the creature's part. 4. We believe, that when God made man at first, he was perfect, holy, and upright, able to keep the law, but liable to fall, and that he stood as a federal head, or representative of all his na- tural offspring, and that they were to be partakers of the benefits of his obedience, or exposed to the misery which sprang from his disobedience. 5. We believe, that Adam fell from this state of moral rectitude, and that he involved himself and all his natural offspring in a state of death; and for that original transgression, we all are both filthy and guilty in the sight of an holy God. 6. We also believe, that it is utterly out of the power of men, as fallen creatures, to keep the law of God perfectly, repent of their sins truly, or believe in Christ, except they be drawn by the Holy Spirit. 7 '. We believe, that in God's own appointed time and way (by means which he has ordained) the elect shall be called, justified, pardoned and sanctified; and that it is impossible they can ut- terly refuse the call, but shall be made willing, by divine grace, to receive the offers of mercy. 8. W e believe, that justification in the sight of God is only by the imputed righteousness of Je- 44 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE sus Christ, received and applied by faith alone. 9. We believe in like manner, that God's elect shall not only be called, and justified, but that they shall be converted, born again, and changed by the effectual working of God's Holy Spirit. 10. We believe, that sach as are converted, justified and called by his grace, shall persevere in holiness and never fall finally away. 11. We believe it to be a duty incumbent on all God's people, to walk religiously in good works; not in the old covenant way of seeking life and the favor of the Lord by it; but only as a duty from a principle of love. 12* We believe baptism and the Lord's supper are gospel ordinances, both belonging to the con- verted or true believers; and that persons who were sprinkled, or dipped, whilst in unbelief, were not regularly baptized according to God's word, and that such ought to be baptized after they are savingly converted into the faith of Christ. 13. We believe that every church is indepen- dent in matters of discipline; and that associa- tions, councils and conferences of several minis- ters or churches, are not to impose on the chur- ches the keeping, holding or maintaining any principle or practice contrary to the church's judgment. 14. We believe in the resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust, and a general judgment. 15. We believe the punishment of the wicked is everlasting, and the joys of the righteous are eternal* 16. We believe that no minister has a right to the administration of the ordinances, only sucf* BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 45 as are regularly called and come under imposi- tion of hands by the Presbytery. 17. Lastly, we do believe, that for the mutual comfort, union and satisfaction of the several churches of the aforesaid faith and order, that we ought to meet in an Association way; where- in each church ought to represent tlieir case by their delegates, and attend as often as is neces- sary to advise with the several churches in con- ference; and that the decision of matters in such associations, not to be imposed, or in any wise binding on the churches, without their consent, but only to sit and act as an advisary council. These principles were adopted by the Asso- ciation at Elder James BelFs meeting house, on Sappony, Sussex county, Virginia; and after- wards re-examined and recommended by the As- sociation at Potacasy meeting house, in North- ampton county, North Carolina, 1778. At this Association on Sappony, Sussex coun- ty, being the first after the division took place at the Falls of Tar River, the following business was done: — The Association was opened by prayer, Elder John Meglamre chosen Moderator, Elder Lemu- el Burkitt Clerk. Letters from the several churches were read — all agreed in judgment about principles, and an answer given to the fol- lowing queries. Query 1. From the church in Chowan — Sup- pose a man to be a member of the Presbyterian ehurch, and therein ordained a minister of he gospel, and administrator of the ordinan es there- of with approbation of them in their way, aftet- ' 5 46 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE 'Wards submits to believers baptism — is his ordi* nation valid io the Baptists** Answer. J\'o. 2 From the church in the Isle of Wight-—* What shall a church do with a minister who labors io make them believe, that difference in judgment about water baptism, ought to be no bar to com^ munion } Ans. Such a practice is disorderly, and he who propagates the tenet ought to be dealt with as an offender. 3. From brother Thompson's church — What shall a church do with a member, who is suspected to be gutlty of a fault and denies it, and no plain proof can be had, and yet circumstances appear very plainly that he is guilty? Ans. That if the church shall think that the circumstances are good, that they ought to act accordingly, and deal with him. The Association further agreed to hold two Associations yearly, viz: One in the spring, the other in the fall. It was also ordered that Elder Burkitt should procure a book and keep the re- cords of the Associations. The next Association appointed at Elder Burkitt's meeting house, in N«'rrhamptou county, on Potacasy creek, the Saturday before the third Sunday in May, 1778* Extracts from the Minutes of the Association held at Potacasy, May, 1778. Saturday, the 16th of May, the delegates from the several churches being assembled, Elder John M^glamre was chosen Moderator, and El- der h. Burkitt Clerk. The letters from the chual/cs being read, we proceeded to business. A church at Cashie, in Bertie county, N, C« Baptist association. 47 under the pastoral care of Elder Jeremiah Dar- gan, presented a letter by their delegates, desir- ing admission into the x\ssociation; and some dif- ficulties appearing in the way, they were receiv- ed on condition of having a hearing of those diffi- culties afterwards in the Association. A church in Brunswick county, Virginia, un- der the care of Elder Moses Foster, on petition was received. Then adjourned till Monday morning. On Monday, the 18th of May, the Association being convened, those difficulties respecting the church under the care of Elder Dargan were ta- ken into consideration; and the Association resol- ved, that Elder James Bell, Jesse Read and l\ il- Ham Andrews be appointed to attend his meeting, und give advice, and further enquire into the state of the church, and returns be made to our next Association. Query 1. From Elder Burkitt's church — By what rule shall a church approve or disapprove of a minister's gijts^ who thinks he is called to the work of the ministry 6 ! Ans. We give it as our opinion, that if the fol- lowing things attend the ministry of a brother, that the church may approve of his gifts and en- courage him to go on in the work:, 1. If he preach the truth. 2. If his preaching tends to the con- viction and conversion of sinners. 3. If it be in- structive and consolatory to the people of God. And if need be, to call other ministers to the ex- amination of his call to that work. 2 Is the marriage of servants lawful before God) which is not complied with according to the laws of the land"? Ans. Y$s+ 4 A S HISTORY op the KEHUKEE 3. Is it duty to hold a member in fellowship ivho breaks the marriage of servants? Ans. No. Elders James Bell, John Meglamre and Za- chary Thompson were appointed to visit the Re- gular Baptist Association, viz: the churches we were formerly connected with, who had formed themselves into an Association, and in the most friendly manner endeavor to effect a reconcilia- tion between us. Before we conclude this chapter, we think it our duty to give our readers a brief account of the persecution that was against Elder John Tan- ner; and a few biographical sketches of Elder James Bell, who departed this life before the sit- ting of the next Association. Elder JOHJV TAJYJYER. A certain woman by the name of Dawson, itr the town of Windsor, N. C. had reason to hope her soul was converted, saw baptism to be a duty for a believer to comply with, and expressed a great desire to join the church at Cashie, under the care of Elder Dargan. Her husband, who was violently opposed to it, and a great persecu- tor, had threatened, that if any man baptized his wife he would shoot him; accordingly baptism was deferred for some considerable time. At length Elder Tanner was present at Elder Dar- gan's meeting, and Mrs. Dawson applied to the church for baptism, expressing her desire to com- ply with her duty. She related her experience, and was received; and as Elder Dargan was an infirm man, he generally when other ministers were present, would apply to them to administer the ordinance in his stead. He therefore request- BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. [49 ed Elder Tanner to perform the duty of baptism at this time. Whether Elder Tanner was appri- zed of Dawson's threatening or not; or whether he thought it was his duty to obey God rather than man, we are not able to say; but so it was he baptized sister Dawson. And in June follow- ing, which was in the year 1777, Elder Tanner was expected to preach at Sandy Ruii meeting house, and Dawson hearing of the appointment, came up from Windsor to Norfleet's ferry on Ro- anoke, and lay in wait near the banks of the riv- er, and when Elder Tanner (who was in compa- ny with Elder Dargan) ascended the bank from the ferry landing, Dawson, being a few yards from him, shot hirn with a large horseman's pis- tol, and seventeen shot went into his thigh, one of which was a large buckshot, that went through his thigh, and lodged between his breeches and thigh on the other side. Elder Burkitt was pre- sent when the doctor (who was immediately sent for) took part of the shot out of his thigh. In this wounded condition Elder Tanner was carried to the house of Mr. Elisha Williams, in Scotland Neck, where be lay some weeks, and his life was despaired of; but thro' the goodness of God he recovered again. Dawson seemed somewhat af- frightened, fearing he would die, and sent a doc- tor up to attend him. And after Elder Tanner' recovered, he never attempted to seek for any recompense, but submitted to it patiently as persecution for Christ's sake. Elder JAMES BELL. Elder James Bell was born in Sussex county ,- Virginia, of parents who professed the Episcopal 5* 50 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE religion, but there was no great reason to be- lieve they were acquainted with an experience et' grace. He, as his parents before hirn had done, frequently attended the church of England, and complied with the forms of the church. He was a man of bright intellectuals, and at a very early period became popular in the county where he lived. He first received a commission in the military department; he was appointed Captain of a militia company; then a Justice of the Peace; and sometime after became Sheriff of the county. His popularity increasing, he gained the general esteem of every respectable character in Sussex, and the adjacent counties. He was at length SO7 licited to offer himself a candidate for the Gene- ral Assembly, and accordingly did, and was elec-. ted by a large majority, and continued to repre- sent that county for some time. All the time he was anxiously pursuing popularity he had no concern about religion, nor anxiety for the salva- tion of his soul, until his brother Benjamin Bell, who had been for some time removed to the south, came in to see him. His brother Benjamin was converted, and had joined the Baptists in the south state, and when he came into Virginia and saw his brother James Bell, he told him what the Lord bad done for his soul, and what a miserable state he apprehended his brother to be in; inso- much that it took a very powerful effect on his brother, so that he never was truly satisfied until he had reason to hope the Lord had converted his soul. And he was then willing to part with all his worldly honor and preferments for that honor that comes from God only, He was bap- tised in Sussex county, by Elder John JVleglam^ BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 3» re, in the year 1770, and soon after became a zealous preacher of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; and it is well known he always continu- ed a remarkable pious and zealous Christian un- til his death. He became a member, and took the care of the church on Sappony, in Sussex county, Virginia, which was formerly under the care of Elder John Rivers, and continued preach- ing and baptizing until September, 1778, when he died. In his last sickness, he said, he was apprehensive he should not be in his senses when he died. He therefore wished to have his chil- dren called together, that he might talk to them while he had the exercise of his reason. Which was accordingly done, and all his children, who were present, stood around him, and he very af- fectionately exhorted them all before he bid the world adieu! He requested Elder Burkitt (who was then present) to preach his funeral sermon from 1 Tim. i. 15: "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief." It is this, said he, upon which my soul depends for life and salvation. He departed this life, September, 177S, aged about 43 years. CHAP. III. Some of the proceedings of the Association^ and remarkable events that took place from the year 177S until 1785. 2. The Decorum or Bates by which the Association is gover- ned, when made and adopted, and the Rules at large. 3. The nature of a Minister's 52 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE Call lo the office of the Ministry, and the manner of his Ordination. 4. Biographi- cal sketches of Elder Jeremiah Dargan, who departed this life the 25th of December, 1 7S6. In the year 177S, September 28th, the Asso- ciation met at Elder Meglamre's meeting house, in Sussex county, Virginia. Elder Meglamre Moderator, Polder Burkitt Clerk. From the great respect we still had for our sister churches, which were formerly in union with us, it was resolved that Elders John Meglamre, Z.Thomp- son, and Elder Burkitt (instead of E4der Bell deceased, who was appointed by last Associa- tion) were at this Association appointed to visit those churches, and endeavor to effect a reconci- liation with them if possible, and returns be made to our next Association. A query proposed at this Association from, Elder BurkiU's church — Suppose a member is accused of a fault and denies it, and a person who is no t a member, and is not interested in the matter, has made oath before a Justice of the Peace that he is guilty — what shall a church do in that case? Ans. That the church shall judge of the vera- city of the person who swore, and the circum- stances attending it, and act accordingly thereto. At this time the churches began earnestly to desire a revival of religion, and sat apart two days of fasting and prayer, to solicit the throne of grace for a revival. The next Association was appointed at Fish- ing creek, at the new meeting house, on the Sa- turday before the third Sunday in May next. The Association met at the time and place be- fore mentioned, and on account of the present BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 53 distress of our country, but few delegates met, and but little business was done. It was at this time we received information that the British were at Suffolk in Virginia, and had burned the town; and the people were fearful they were on the way to North Carolina, but the Association sat, and we continued a short space of time — The following business was done, viz: A church in Camden county, N, C, by their delegates, presented a letter to the Association desiring admission! On examination they were found to be an orderly church, and they were received. This church Was one of those which was formerly in union with us before the refor- mation took place, and was a very ancient respec- table church. It appears that this church had for some time believed the principles on which the reformation was grounded at first, but they did not so readily accede, to the measures which were fallen on at the Falls of Tar river, because their pastor Elder Henry Jibbott was baptized in unbelief, and had not vseen it his duty to com- ply with baptism since he was converted; but before this Association, which was holden at Fishing Creek, he complied with his duty, and a reformation in that church, in this respect, took place, and they have again united with us. Blessed be God for the union of saints. It was at this time that the church under the care of Elder Dargan. was received. All those difficulties before mentioned, which were for some time a bar to their being admitted, were all removed. By reason of the distress in our country, and the molestation of our enemies, being the time of the war, we were prevented from holding any 54 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE regular Association, of which we have the min- utes, until the Saturday before the 4th Sunday in May, 1782, which was holden at Mr. •Arthur* Cot ten *s, in Hertford County, North Carolina. Saturday, 25th May, 17S2. The Associa- tion being open, Elder Meglamre was chosen Moderator, Elder Burkitt Clerk. A church irr Pitt county, under the care of Elder John Page, presented a letter by their delegates, desiring admission into the Association, and were receiv- ed. Also the church at the Falls of Tar River was received. And also the church in Edge- combe, under the care of Elder Joshua Barnes; and one in the county of Currituck, North Caro- lina, under the care of Elder James Gamewellj were received. Elders Silas Mercer, Abraham Marshall and David Barrow were appointed to preach on the Sunday. The Clerk was requested fo prepare a Deco- rum for the Association, and present it on Mon- day morning. Monday morning, 27th May, 1782, the deco- rum, or rules of the Association, which the Clerk had prepared, was read and approved of. A co- py of which is as follows, viz: 1. The Association shall be opened and closed by prayer. 2. A Moderator and Clerk shall be chosen by the suffrage of the members. 3. Only one person shall speak at once, who shall rise from his seat and address the Moderator when he makes his speech. 4. rhe person thus speaking shall not be interrup- ted m his speech by any, except the Moderator, till he be done speaking. 5. He shall strictly adhere to the subject, and in no wise reflect on the person who spoke before, so as BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 55 to make remarks on his slips, failings or imperfec- tions; but shall fairly state the case and matter as nearly as he can, so as to convey his light or ideas. 6. No person shall abruptly break off, or absent himself from the business of the Association, without liberty obtained from it. 7. No person shall rise and speak more than three times to one subject, without liberty from the Asso- ciation. 8. No member of the Association shall have liber- ty to be whispering or laughing in time of a public speech. 9. No member of this Association shall address another, in any other terms or appellations but the title of Brother. 10. The Moderator shall not interrupt any mem- ber in, nor prohibit him from speaking, till he give his light on the subject, except he break the rules of this decorum. 1L The names of the several members of the As- sociation shall be enrolled by the Clerk, and called over as often as the Association requires. 12. The Moderator shall be the last person who may speak to the subject; and may give his light on it, if he please, before he puts the matter to a vote. 13. Yny member who shall willingly and knowing- ly break any of these rules, shall be reproved by the Association, as they shall see proper. These rules being confirmed and established, we then proceeded to business; wherein there was much disputing about the power of Associ- ations their business and foundation. But at last there was a unanimity among the whole up- on the following plan, v'z: The Association did agree th^t we should answer queries when ap- proved, when presented by a member of the As- sociation and not as coming from the church; and tbr proceedings of the A-sociation to be re- tu medio writing to the respective churches. Here a motion was made for a diyision h\ the 56 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE Association, but the Association did not agree to it. But for conveniency the Association advised that four general Conferences should be holden, at different places, and that the churches conve- nient might represent themselves in those Con- ferences, and their proceedings be transmitted to the annual Association. Accordingly (he four following were appointed, viz: At Elder Me- glamre's meeting house, the Saturday before the second Sunday in August; at Yoppim, the Sat- urday before the fourth Sunday in August; at Camden, the Saturday before the first Sunday in September; at Elder Page's, the Saturday before the second Sunday in September. The next annual Association to ?be at Davis's meetinghouse, on Roanoke, in Halifax county, North Carolina, the Saturday before the last Sunday in May, 1783. According to appointment, the Association met at Davis's meeting house; at which time and place the following business was done. 1. They thought proper to set aside the practice of gene- ral Conferences, and appointed four occasional Associations in their stead; and for each church convenient to represent their case by letters and delegates, and consult the affairs of the churches; and the minutes of these Associations to be transmitted to an annual Association, w r here all the churches which possibly could, should at- tend. 2. The following queries were answered at this Association, viz: Query 1. By Elder Mercer— Is washing feel an ordinance of Christ's church which oughl to be continued in the church? Aii*. We, look upon it a duty to be continued in the church. BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 57 2. By brother Peter Mercer — Has a church of Christ any right to try causes of a civil nature? Ans. We look upon it that the church has a right, from God's word, to try all causes which may arise amongst themselves. 3. The proceedings of the general Conferences appointed by the last annual Association, and which were held last year, were read in this Assa- ciation, and the minutes ordered to be recorded in the Association book. Queries of consequence an- swered at these Conferences were as follows, viz: Query 1. By brother Lancaster, in the Confer- ence at Elder Meglamre's meeting house — Has a church any right to suspend a member from commu- nion, who has been guilty of a crime, and still hold him as a member of the chuvch? Ans. As our Lord in the 18th of St, Matthew's gospel, has given a sufficient rule to deal with of- fending members, we generally think there is no de- gree of church censure to be inflicted on an impe- nitent member, after a public hearing in the church, besides excommunication; which we believe consists in putting him out of communion and membership. 2. Has a church any authority from God's word, io lay it upon their minister to get up in a congrega* tion, and publish the excommunication of a disorder- ly member? Ans. We think 4 hat the offending member being dealt with in a public conference, is sufficient with- out any more publication. 3. By brother Shelly — What way is thought best for a church to act in supporting their minister? Ans. That each member ought to contribute vol- untarily, according to his or her ability; and in no wise by taxation or any other compulsion. 4. What method shall be taken with a member, 6 5S HISTORY 07 the XEHUKEE who shall rent himself off from his own church and join another? Ans. We think it is disorderly for a member to rent himself off from his own church, and disorder- ly for a church to receive him. 5. Is the baptism of a believer, a legal baptism^ if performed by an unauthorised minister? Ans. It is our opinion, that the person who ad- ministered the ordinance was very much out of his duty, and displeasure ought to be shown to such a practice: but as for the person's baptism, as it was done in faith, we esteem it legal. 6. By Elder Abbot, in the Conference at Yop- pim — Is a person who is called to the work of the ministry, in his duty to travel out into different parts of (he ivorld, to preach without a letter from his church, signifying their approbation of his personal conduct, and call to the ministry? Ans. We do not think they are in their duty,. ' 7. By Elder Burkitt, in the Conference at Cam- den — -What shall a church do with a member, who shall absent himself from the communion of the hordes supper? Ans. That it is the duty of the church to enquire into the reason of his thus absenting himself from the communion, and if he does not render a satis- factory reason the church shall deal with him. 8. By brother Forbes-^- What number of mem- bers can be thought sufficient, in an arm, branch or wing of a church, in order for their constitution? Ans. We give it as our opinion, that a number of members who are capable to carry on a proper dis- cipline in a church, are sufficient for a constitution. 9. Has an itinerant minister, who has not the care of a church, a right to baptize on any occasion? Ans. We suppose be has not a right on all gc^ i Baptist association. 49 casions, but only on some. The occasions which we conceive he has a right to baptize on, are as follow, viz: 1. When he visits a church destitute of a pastor, and is called by the church to baptize. 2. When he travels into dark places, destitute of ministerial helps, and persons get converted and desire baptism of him, and they are not capable to make application to any church by reason of their distance from them. After the Association had heard and approved of the proceedure of these general Conferences, they then appointed their next annual Association, which was to be holden at Sandy Run, in Bertie county, N. C. the Saturday before the third Sun- day in Mav, 1784. By a resolve of -this Association there were four occasional associations to be holden in 1783, viz: At Ballard's Bridge in August, at Camden in Sep- tember, at South Quay in October, and at the new meeting house on Fishing Creek the Saturday be- fore the third Sunday in September, and the min- utes to be transmitted to the annual Association. Extracts from the minutes of these occasional Asso- ciations. At the Association at Ballard's Bridge, the Al- lowing queries were answered, viz: Query 1. By Elder Burkitt — Is it agreeable to GofPs word, for Christians to marry unconverted persons? Ans. W r edo not know that God's word does ac- tually forbid such marriages, but we would advise the members of our churches to comply with chris- tian marriages, as nearly as they can judge, for their own comfort and satisfaction. 2. What shall the master of a family do with his 60 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE slaves, who refuse to attend at the time of public* prayers in the family? Ans. We think it is the duty of every master of a family to give his slaves liberty to attend the worship of God in his family; and likewise it is his duty to exhort them to it, and endeavor to con- vince them of their duty; and then leave them to their own choice. 3. By Elder Welsh — Is it thought regular for a church, to restore a Deacon upon repentance, froin suspension to office, as well as to membership? Ans. It is our opinion, that if the church be fully satisfied with his conduct in executing his office before, that they may restore him to office a- gain, as well as to membership. 4. By Elder Burkitt — What way is thought best for a church to put members upon a trial of their gifts, who think they are called to the work of the min- istry? Ans. We judge it necessary that all miuisters should be called of God to preach the gospel, and when any member thinks he has a call to preach, he ought to inform his church of it; and then we would advise the church to deal very tenderly with him, and give him all the encouragement necessa- ry: and we would advise that brother to follow the direction of the church with respect to the manner of beginning to preach. At the occasional Association held on Fishing Creek the same year, a church on Black-Creek, in Wayne county, N. C. petitioned for admission in- to the Association, and was received. And at this Association the following queries were answered. Quere 1. By Elder Meglamre — What shall a church require of a person for satisfaction, who had been excommunicated from another church at a great BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 61 distance, and now being removed convenient to them and desires fellowship with them'? Ans. That such a person ought (if possible)" by a letter of recommendation from the churcb where he lives, apply to the church from which he was excommunicated, and regain fellowship with them, and the« take a letter of dismission from them, and join the church amongst whom he livest 2. What are the essentials oj church communion*? Ans. That a person shall, before being admit- ted to commune, give a satisfactory account of his being savingly converted 10 the Lord Jesus Christ, and publicly declare the same by being regularly baptized by immersion. At the occasional Association at South-Quay very little was done, except a motion for a division in the Association; which was rejected. The annual Association at Sandy* Run, The 15th of May s 1784, the annual Association commenced at Sandy-Run meeting-bouse, Bertie county, North-Carolina. The Association was o- pened by prayer — Elder Meglamre was chosen Moderator, and Elder Burkitt, Clerk. Then pro-- ceeded to business. A church in Pitt county, un- der the care of Elder Abram Baker, on petition was received into the Association. Elders Jesse Read, John Meglamre, Philip Hughes and David Bar- row were appointed to preach on Sunday This Association agreed to correspond with the Salisbury Association, in Maryland, by letter and delegate. Elder Edward Mintz was appoin- ted our delegate. Elder Barkitt was requested to prepare letters to the Salisbury Association, and to the general committee at Dover, in Virginia. An answer to the following queries were* given, viz. 0* 62 HISTORY op the KEHOKBE Query 1. Ts a Pastor or Bishop of a church bound by the word of God, to the congregation he agrees to take the oversight of for life; or is he in this case at liberty to be governed by his inclination, interest, or what he may suppose to be a call from God. Yea or nay? After debating the query some time, and it ap- pearing ambiguous, by f+ie consent of the Associa- tion the query was altered to read thus — Is it thought that a Bishop, or Pastor of a church, stands upon the same footing in the church as any other member, with respect to his having a right to at dismission on his request? Ans. It is our opinion that as a member he is accountable to the church, and as a minister he is accountable to God. 2. Is it agreeable to gospel rule and order, to call a minister to take the pastoral care of a church, without the unanimous consent of the members of said church? Ans. We think they ought to be unanimous. The A ssociation agreed to hold only one occasion- al Association this year, which was appointed at Fishing Creek, Daniel's meeting-house, the Sat- urday before the second Sunday in October. The annual Association was appointed next at Shoul- der's Hill, in Virginia. At the occasional Association on Fishing-Creek, a church in Craven county, N. C. under the care of Elder James Brinson, joined the Association. Also another in said county on Swift Creek, was received. Another in Franklin county, formerly under the care of Elder William Walker, presen- ted a letter, setting forth their desire to be in un- ion with us, and wished to know what were those bars which heretofore subsisted between the ch f up BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 63 cbes. Accordingly information was given. This church was one of the Regular Baptist Association which was formerly in union with us. Extracts from the annual Association holdcn at Shoulder's Hill. Saturday, the 14th of May, 1785, the Associa- tion met at Shoulder's Hill, in Nansemond county, in Virginia, and after it was opened by prayer, El- der Meglamre was chosen Moderator, and Elder Burkitt Clerk. Letters from 21 churches were read. A church at the Northwest river bridge, in Nor- folk county, Virginia, a church at Shoulder's Hill, a church on Scuppernong, in Tyrrel county, N. C. a church at Pungo, Princess-Anne county, Virgin- ia, and a church on Blackwater* Princess-Anne, were all received in this Association. Elders John Leland, Lemuel Burkitt, David Bar- row and Jonathan Barnes, were appointed to preach on Sunday. On motion of Elder Barrow, the engrossed bill, respecting a general assessment, was taken into consideration; and on motion of Elder Leland, a petition of the inhabitants of Charles-City county, Virginia, was read; and the Association advised that this petition, or one similar thereto, should be adopted by the delegates of this Association who reside in Virginia, and be presented to the inhabit- ants of their respective counties, and when they have gotten a sufficient number of subscribers, be presented to the General Assembly of Virginia. Here at this Association, the churches were still sensible of the declining state of religion, accord- ingly*** day of fasting and prayer was appointed, to solicit the throne of grace for a revival. 64 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE The next Association was appointed at Kehukee, the Saturday before the second Sunday in Octo- ber, 1785. At this Association the most of the churches complained of coldness in religion, a few informed us of a great stir amongst them. A church at South-Quay, in Virginia, a church at Bear-Creek, in Dobbs county, N. C. a church in the upper end ofTyrrel county, on Morattuck, were received into membership in this Association. On motion of Elder Read, Elders John Meg- lamre and Jesse Read, and brothers Charles Cham- pion and Thomas Gardner, were appointed a com- mittee to meet the Regular Baptist brethen in con- ference, to endeavour to effect a reconciliation with them. Elders David Barrow, Lemuel Burkitt, John Meglamre and Jonathan Barns were appointed to preach on Sunday. Query 1. Has a woman any right to speak in the church in matters of discipline^ unless called upon? Ans. We think they have no right unless called upon, or where it respects their own communion. In consequence of a motion made by Elder J. JVrCabe, the Association thought proper to advise the several churches ( in order to remove the gen- eral complaint of coldness in religion) to set apart some time every day, between sun-set and dark, to be engaged in private prayer to the Lord for a re- vival of religion. The next Association is to be holden at the house of brother Joshua Freeman, in Bertie county, May, 1736. We shall conclude this chapter, by shewing the nature of a minister's call to the office of the minis- try, and the manner of, his ordination; and a few BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. tf Sketches of the biography of Elder Dargan, who departed this life the 25ih of December, 1786. A Minister's Call and Ordination. It is by many thought absolutely necessary that the first qualification of a minister of the gospel should be a classical education; and such persons think that a minister cannot be qualified to preach the gospel except he be a man of erudition. But is it not evident, that many who have spent years in the schools to acquire a liberal education, and yet notwithstanding all their acquirements, are ig- norant of the true knowledge of God, and are un* acquainted with the spiritual meaning of his word. "The natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God, neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned." t Cor ii. 14. u And the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God*" chap. iii. 19. Learning is a very good handmaid, but we are far from supposing that it is essentially necessary for a man to be acquainted with the ori- ental languages before he is qualified to preach the gospel. Many may be acquainted with these lan- guages, and yet be, as a poor African told a young gentleman, "I perceive (said he) that there are ma- ny learned fools." Upon the whole, we suppose that it hs necessary every minister of Christ should, in the first place, be truly converted, and regenera- ted by the grace of God, that he have a general acquaintance with the word of God, and that he should be called of God to preach the gospel. : 'No man taketh this honor to himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron." Heb. v. 4. An ev- idence of his call, for his own satisfaction, is, first, if his views in preaching the gospel be not for the sake of lucre, nor for honor nor applause; but, se- 66 HISTORY of the KEMUKEE condly, if he aim at the glory of God and the good of souls. An evidence of his call, to the satisfac* tion of others, is, first, his spiritual understanding in the word of God; second, his ability in explain- ing the meaning of the word; third, the success of his ministry in the conviction and conversion of sinners, and comfort of the saints. It is necessary that a person thus called to the ministry, should preach on trial for some time, and when the church is satisfied with his call and usefulness, he shall then be set apart by fasting and prayer, by the hands of the Presbytery, in manner and form something like the following example: — 1. It is necessary that a fast should be observed. Acts, x'ui. 3. 2. That a Presbytery of two minis- ters, at least, should be present. The day appointed for ordination being come, and the church being assembled, a sermon shall be delivered by one of the ministers, suitable to the occasion. The sermon being over, the solemnity may begin with singing a suitable hymn, and pray- er to Almighty God. Then one of the ministers standing up, ought to address the candidate and church after this manner: "When the church at Je- rusalem, the mother of us all, had chosen men to of- fice, it is recorded that they set them before the A- postles to be ordained, by laying on of hands and prayers; we desire, therefore, that this church will set before us the man whom they have chosen to the ministry " Then let some of the church conduct the can- didate to the ministers^ and one of them may address him in this manner: — "The regard we pay to that sacred charge, lay hands suddenly on no man^ obliges ns to use caution *— Sir, we would be certified of your call to preach." BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 67 The candidate may relate his call, or present ,a copy of his call, and it may be read. "YVe would also see yoar license, which may be to us a testimony of your good morals, and the ap- probation which your ministerial abilities have ob- tained." Let the licejise be read, or let the church testify. Then add, "Hitherto your advances towards the ministry appear to have been regular and fair, but we are obliged to seek for further satisfaction, which you alone are capable of giving: permit me therefore to ask you — Do you, Sir, willingly, and not by con- straint, out of a ready mind, and not for filthy lu- cre, devote yourself to the sacred office?" The candidate shall answer, that the minis- try to him is of free choice^ and that his view is not lucrative. "Do you believe that you are moved hereto by the spirit of God, so that a necessity is laid on you to preach the gospel, and that a wo will be to you if you preach it not?" The candidate shall answer the question in the affirmative. "Do you take the Bible to be the word of God, in such a sense as to hold yourself bound to believe all it declares; to do all it requires of you as a christian; to abstain from all it forbids? Do you consider that book as the only rule of faith and practice in matters of religion; and a sufficient rule, so that there is no occasion for any other judge of controversies; or for creeds, confessions of* faith, traditions, or acts of councils of any denominations, to supply its supposed defects? Do you hold that book as your creed or confession of faith ; and will you make it your directory, whether in preaching, administering ordinances, exercising government 63 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE £nd discipline, or in performing any other branch Qf your function? The candidate shall confess that he owns it as the word of God, and that his resolution is to be directed by it as a christian, and as a minister. After this the candidate shall be desired to kneel, and the ministers lay their hands on him, and pray, each of them. Then the ministers to withdraw their hands, and when the ordained person rises, to Salute him in the following manner: — "We honor you, dear brother, in the presence of all the people, and give you the right hand of fel- lowship as a token of brotherhood and congratula- tion, and wish you success in your office, and an an- swer to those prayers which two or three have hear- tily agreed on earth to put up for you." Then the solemnity is to be concluded by a charge given to the ordained minister, and a certifi- cate of his ordination as follovVs: — State of North Carolina, 1 FT1HIS may certify, that Bertie county. y mL A. B. (a minister of the Baptist society, and a member of the church in the county and State aforesaid, being before proved and re- commended by said church) was set apart by fasting and prayers, on the 5d day of October, 1803, by the im- position of hands of C. D. E. F. and G. H. ministers of the gospel, who were called as a Presbytery for that purpose, whereby the said A. B. is ordained a minister of the gospel, and entitled to the administration of all (he ordinances thereof. Witness our hands the day and date above written. G. D. E. F. G. K. Etier JEREMIAH DARGAJY. Elder Jeremiah Dargan was converted and baptized in the south state, but divine Providence so ordered that he should move in, and become a resident in Bertie county. N. C. The manner and BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 6 toner, 17S7, the Carolina Association met at Dan- iel's meeting house, on Fishing Creek. Elder Meglamre Moderator, Elder Burkitt Clerk. At this Association a church in Martin county, under the care of Elder Martin Ross, was received into the Association. Query I. What measures shall a Deacon take* who sees the necessity of the minister's support, and his conscience binds him to do his duty, in consequence of which he frequently excites the brethren to their duly; yet after all, to his daily grief he finds they neglect their duty? Ans. It is our opinion that it is the members duty voluntarily to contribute to the minister's support, and if the Deacon discovers any member remiss in his duty that he shall cite him to the qJiurch; and if the church finds him negligent in his duty, we give it as our advice, that the church should deal with him for covetousness. The churches were requested, both in Carolina and Virginia, to send in their letters to our next As- sociation, whether they approve of a division of the Association, according to the proceedings at Soutfc Quay in 17S6. On the Saturday before the third Sunday in May, 178S, the Association convened at Elder Me- gkmre's meeting house, in Sussex ; Virginia. EK BAPTIST ASSOCIATION*. 75 der xMeglamre chosen Moderafor, Elder Burkitt Clerk. A church at Seacock, in Sussex county, a church near the Cut Banks, on Nottoway, Dinwiddie county, a church in the same county, on Rowanty, and a church on Great Creek, in Brunswick coun- ty, Virginia, were received into the Association. On motion of Elder Barrow, a committee was , appointed to examine the minds of the delegates from South Quay church, respecting a certain sen- tence in their letter to this Association. On exa- mination of the delegates, the committee reported as follows, viz: That this church had adopted a certain plan for discharging their duty towards travelling preach- ers by a public fund; which plan the church re- commended to the approbation or disapprobation of this Association. The plan was as follows, viz: — "By raising a fund, in the first place, by their own contribution. 2. By public collections from the inhabi- tants, twice in the year at least. Which money so col- lected and deposited in the hands of some person, and subject to the orders of the church, to be appropriated to the aid of any and every travelling preacher, whom they shall judge to be sent of God to preach. And they conceive that such a plan, with them alone (beautiful as it appears) will not answer the desired purpose; therefore have thought it necessary to present it to this Association for their approbation." Upon a further investigation of the matter, the Association determined that the plan proposed, be inserted in the minutes of the Association, and the following answer be prefixed:— The Association after a mature deliberation up- on the matter, do think that according to scripture, there ought to be some provision made in the chur- ches for the ministry; and therefore thought it im- proper to decide on the proposed plan; but do rev 76 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE commend it to the consideration of the different churches for their approbation or disapprobation. On the mature consideration of the division of the Association, it was thought expedient for the- two bodies to be again united in one as formerly: And it was also resolved that there should be two Associations in the year; one in Virginia, the other in Carolina; one in the spring, the other in the fall. And that they should be appointed by the respec* tive brethren in each State, when and where they please; i. e. the brethren belonging to Virginia to appoint the Association in their State, and the bre- thren in Carolina to have the privilege of appoint- ing the Association in that State; and that every church in each State be under an obligation to at- tend each Association, in each State, according to their former compact, before the division took place. The next Association, in Virginia^ is appointed the Saturday before the third Sunday in May, I7S9. The Association, in Carolina, met the Saturday- before the second Sunday in October, 173S, at the Falls of Tar River. -: Elder Meglamre was chosen Moderator, and El- der Burkitt Clerk. A church on Newport River, in Carteret county; and one on New River, in Onslow county, under the care of Elder Robert Nixon, were received. On motion, the Association was requested to give their opinion what they believe the real work of a Deacon is. AnSi That we think that there ought to be such offirers in the church, as Deacons, and that theis work is to serve tables. That is, the table of the Lord; the table of the minister; and the table of the poor. And for to see that the church makes prop- er provision for them. Query 1 . How far can a church that has no gas~ BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 77 ior, or ordained minister, (though they have some other ordained officers) proceed in discipline to re- ceive or turn out members, and be orderly in their proceedings*} Ans. We think that such an organized church* has fall power to receive persons to baptism, and call upon an authorized minister to baptize them; and that such a church has full power to excommu- nicate disorderly members. j2. Suppose a man should be married to a woman who was under twelve years old, he knowing her age when he married her; and should afterwards forsake her, and marry another: Can such a man be justifiable in so doing; or ought that man to be held in the fellowship of a gospel church? Ans. No. Whereas the church at Kehukee are fallen into disorder, and stand in great need of our assistance, to advise them to such suitable measures as they may think proper to effect their union again. It is ordered that Elders Burkitt, Read and White, be a committee to attend said church, and propose suitable measures for that purpose. It was the opinion of this Association, that those bars, which heretofore subsisted between the Bap- tists amongst us, formerly called Regulars and Sep- arates, be taken down; and a general union and communion take place according to the terms pro- posed at brother Joshua Freeman's, in Bertie county, May, 1786; and that the names Regular and Separate be buried in oblivion, and that we should be henceforth known to the world by the name of the United Baptist. The next Association in Carolina, is appointed to be at Whitfield's meeting house, in Pitt county, the second Saturday in October, 1789. May, 1789, the Association , met at the Isle (jf- 78 HISTORY of the KEHUK&E' Wight meeting house, in Virginia. A church on IMeherrin, Southampton county, under the care of Elder Murrell, was received into the Association. Elder Isaac Backus, of New England, and El- ders John Pollard, Thomas Read and Thomas Armistead, being present, were invited to a seat in the Association. Query 1. Is it the duty of a minister to take little' children in his arms ( at the request of their parents or others ) and name them, and pray to the Lord to bless them? Aus. We think it duty for ministers to pray for infants as well as others, but not to take them in their arms and name them at that time. 2. Is it orderly for a minister to withdraw from a church he ts pastor of and refuse to preach, or ad- minister the ordinances amongst them, because they do not pay him? Ans. By the law of Christ ministers are required to watch for souls as they that must give an ac- count, and their hearers are required to communi- cate unto them in all good things. Heb. xiii 7. Gal vi. 6. We believe that no minister can justly refuse to feed the flock he had taken the charge of, without either having their consent therefore, or else referring the case to the judgment of impar- tial brethren. Whereas our sister church at Pungo, Princess Anne county, Virginia, has not associated with us for a considerable time. It is advised that the min- utes of this Association, together with a letter of admonition (which Elder Barrow is requested to prepare) be sent to that church. The next Association in Virginia, to be holden at Reedy Creek, in Brunswick county, the Satur* day before the third Sunday in May, 1790. BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 19 On the 10th of October, 1789, the Association convened at Whitfield's meeting-house, in Pitt county, North Carolina, brother Eiisha Battle was chosen Moderator, and Elder Burkitt Clerk. A church at Lockwood's Folly, in Brunswick county, and a church in Robeson county, North Carolina, under the care of Elder Jacob Tarver, joined the Association. On motion, Elders Burldtt, Barrow, Read, Ross and Moore were appointed a committee to prepare a plan or constitution for the future government of the Association. Elder Burkitt from the committee appointed by a resolution of the last October Association, to pro- pose measures for a reconciliation in the church at Kehukee, reported, that the committee attended ac- cording to appointment, and thought it best to ad- vise that church to relate their experiences to each other, and come under re-examination, in order to regain a general fellowship; which was unanimous- ly agreed to by the church, and accordingly put in practice. The Association concurred with the re- port. Elders Burkitt, Barrow, and Read were appoin- ted to preach on Sunday. A church in Bladen and New Hanover counties, under the care of Elder William Cooper, were re- ceived into union with us. The Junction of the Association. Whereas a division heretofore subsisted between the churches in the Association, called the Kehukee Association, those bars being taken down by the churches themselves, and approved by the Associa- tion; and as it is the desire of the churches and this Association that we again become one body as for- ao HISTORY of the KEHUKEE merly, it was agreed that the following churches should be considered as part of our body, vi^: 1. The church in Warren county, under the care of Elder Lewis Moore. 2. The church in Franklin county, under the care of Elder William Lancaster. 3. The church on Tosniot, under the care of Reubin Hayes. 4. The church in Johnston and Wake counties, under the care of John Moore. 5. The church in Duplin, Wayne and Johnston, under the care of Charles Hines. 6. The church in Sampson, Wake and Cumber- land, under the care of W. Taylor. 7. The church in Sampson county, under the care of Fleet Cooper. Elder Burkitt, from the committee appointed to prepare a Plan or Constitution for the future Gov- ernment of the Association, reported, that they had prepared a plan, which to them was thought the most adviseable; which was read, and debated ar-> tide by article, and amendments being made there- to, the Association resolved to adopt the following Plan or Constitution for the future Government of the Association, viz. The PLAN or CONSTITUTION of the UNI- TED BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, former, ly called the Kehukee Association p ,. TTtROM a long series of experience, we the rreamoie. jp churches of j esus Christ, being regularly baptized upon the profession of our faith in Christ, are convinced of the necessity of a combination of churches, in order to perpetuate an union and communion amongst us, and preserve and maintain a correspondence with each other in our union: We therefore propose to main- tain and keep the orders and rules of an Association, according to the following plan or form of government. BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Si Article I. The Association shall be composed ofmem-* bers chosen by the different churches in our union, and duly sent to, represent them in the Association; who shall be members whom they judge best qualified for that purpose, and producing letters from their respec- tive churches, certifying their appointment, shall be en- titled to a seat. II. In the letters trom the different churches, shall be expressed their number in full fellowship, those bap- tized, received by letter, dismissed, excommunicated, and dead since the last Association. III. The members thus chosen and convened, shall be denominated the United Baptist Association^ former- ly called the Kehukee Association; being composed of sundry churches lying and being in North Carolina and the lower parts of Virginia: Who shall have no power to lord it over God's heritage; nor shall they have any classical power over the churches; nor shall they in- fringe any of the internal rights of any church in the union. IV. The Association, when convened, shall be gov- erned and ruled by a regular and proper decorum. V. The Association shall have a Moderator and Clerk, who shal be chosen by the suffrage of the mem- bers present, VI. New churches may be admitted into this union, who shall petition by letter and delegates, and upon examination (if found orthodox and orderly) shall be received by the Association, and manifested by the Moderator giving the delegates the right hand of fel- low ship, VII. Every church in the union shall be entitled to representation in the Association; but shall have only two members from each church. VIII. Every query presented by any member in the Association, shall be once read; and before it be debated the Moderator shall put it to vote, and if there be a ma- jority for its being debated, it shall be taken into con- sideration, and be deliberated; but if there be a majori- ty against it, it shall be withdrawn. IX. Every motion made and seconded, shall come under the consideration of the Association, except it be withdrawn by the member who made it. X. The Assoc ratio.) shall endeavour to furnish the churches with the minutes of the Associations. The : 6 €2 HISTORY of the KEHTJKEE best method for effecting that purpose, shall be at tifct: discretion of the future Associations. XI. We think it absolutely necessary that we should have an Association Fund for defraying the expences of the same; For the raising and supporting of which, we think it the duty of each church in the union, to con- tribute voluntarily, such sums as they shall think prop- er, and send by the hands of their delegates, to the As- sociation; and those monies thus contributed by the churches, and received by the Association, shall be de- posited in the hands of a Treasurer, by the Association appointed, who shall be accountable to the Association for all monies by him received and paid out, according to the direction of the Association. XII. There shall be an Association book kept, where- in the proceedings of every Association shall be regularly recorded, by a Secretary appointed by the Association, who shall receive a compensation yearly, for his trouble. XIII. The minutes of the Association shall be read (and corrected if need be) and assigned by the Modera- tor andClerk before the Association rises. XIV. Amendments to this plan or form of govern- ment may be made at any time by a majority of the uni- on, when they may deem it necessary. XV. The Association shall have power— 1. To provide for the general union of the churches. 2. To preserve inviolably a chain of communion a- mongst the churches. 5. To give the churches all necessary advice in mat- ters of difficulty. 4. To.enquire into the cause why the churches fail to represent themselves at any time in the Association. 5. To appropriate those monies by the churches con- tributed for an Association Fund, to any purpose they may think proper. 6. To appoint any member or members, by and with his or their consent, to transact any business which they may see necessary. 7. The Association shall have power to withdraw from any church in this union, which shall violate the rules of this Association, or deviate from the orthodox principles of religion. 8. Co admit any of the distant brethren in the minis- try, as assistants, who may be present at the time of their sitting, whom they shall judge necessary. BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. S3 9. The Association shall have power to adjourn them- selves to any future time or place they may think most convenient to the churches; provided it be holden once in the year in the State of Virginia^ and once in the year ifi North Carolina^ and the Association in North Caro- lina, interchangeably one year on the north side of Tar JRiver 9 and the next year on tire south side of Tar Riv- er: And the members living within each district, to fix the time and place for holding the Association within said district. The minutes of the Association had never before this time been printed. It was at this Association ordered that 250copies of the minutes of this Asso- ciation should be printed; and thai the Constitu- tion or Form of Government, and an abstract of our principles, be inserted in the same; which was done accordingly. There were now 51 churches, and 3944 members in the Association. So that through the goodness of God we had increased 4U churches, and 1354 members in twelve years, and we have great reason to be thankful to Almighty God that an happy union had taken place between all the churches of Regulars and Separates. The next Association was holden at Reedy Creek meeting house, in Brunswick county, Virgi- nia, May, 1790. Elder Meglamre Moderator, El- der Burkitt Clerk. At this Association, a church in Portsmouth, and one in Mecklenberg, Virginia, under the care of El- der John King, were received into the Association. At this Association the business of dividing the Association was under consideration, but it was judged not expedient to divide at this time. Elder Burkitt was appointed to write a Circular Letter for the next Association, on the doctrine of sanctification. It was also resolved, that it be recommended to the churches in our connection, to give their unox-^ 84 HISTORY op the XEHUKEE dained preachers, who travel amongst the churches* a suitable recommendation. The next Association was appointed at Davis's meeting house, in Halifax county, North Carolina, on the Saturday before the second Sunday in 06- tober, 1790, October, 1790, the Association met at Davis's meeting house, according to appointment. Elder Barrow preached the introductory sermon from Luke, xii. 15: Take heed and beware of covetous- ness. Brother Elisha Battle Moderator, Elder Burkitt Clerk. Letters from 54 churches were read. A church on Flatty Creek, Pasquotank county; a church near Wiccacon, in Bertie" county; a church on Sawyer's creek, Camden county; a church on Trent, Jones county; a church on Hadnott's Creek, Carteret county, and a church in Dobbs county, North Carolina, were received into membership in this Association. A committee of five, viz: Elders Barrow, Bur- kitt; and Brethren Battle, Lemmon, and Col. Bry- an, were appointed to devise ways and means for the encouragement of itinerant preaching. Who reported, that whereas it does appear to us, from a variety of circumstances, that itinerant preaching is necessary, and we hope would be a blessing, we therefore advise the Association to recommend to the several churches in the union, to signify in their letters to the next Association, whether they ap- prove of the following plan, viz: 1. That the Asso- ciation be divided into certain districts. 2. That a Certain number of ministers be appointed by the Association to travel, attend at, and preach to each church once at least in six months or more often. 3, That such ministers as are nominated shall have no power or superiority over the churches by vir^ BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 85 tue of their delegation or otherwise, more than to advise. 4. We would advise every church when visited to call those ministers to their assistance in eonference, about any matter of difficulty, whether it be in principle or practice. 5. That the Associ- ation do recommend the respective churches of their connection, to consider what the Apostle says concerning this matter, "That they who preach the gospel should live of the gospel;" and accord- ingly advise the churches to consider the expences of those ministers, and use proper means in each church (which they themselves may prescribe) to answer that purpose, and voluntarily contribute to them for the defraying of such expences. Elders Burkrtt,. Ross and Barnes, were appoint- ed to attend the church at Flat Swamp, who were under difficulties respecting the doctrine of Univer- sal Restoration, strenuously propagated amongst them by a certain John Stan-sill, and propose mea- sures for their relief. At this Association, it was again solicited for a division of the Association,, and after along delibe- ration on the subject it was resolved, that the Asso- ciation be divided into two distinct Associations,, and that the State line between Virginia and North Carolina, be the dividing line between the two As- sociations, and that they should constantly visit each other by two delegates and abetter of corres- pondence. Remarks on the Division, The division of the Association was not occasion- ed by any discordant principles, nor any difference of judgment with respect to church government, »or want of love; but purely for conveniency. The Association had become very numerous, and the churches lay at a great distance from each other 8* m HISTORY of the KEHUKEE The Association now consisted of 61 churches,, which contained 5017 members, and many of the cr nrehes being at a great distance from the center ot the Association, it was thought best to divide in- to two bodies. For the convenience of the chur- ches, 1. There were appointed four general Con* ferenees in different parts of the Association, which, were authorised with power to transact business similar to the Association, and their proceedings transmitted to the annual Association: then it was thought best to have only two occasional Associa- tions, and their minutes returned to the annual As- sociation. Some of the churches repeatedly re- questing a division, and as many of the churches Jay in Virginia, the Association agreed to hold two Associations annually; one in Virginia, the other in Carolina; the Association in Virginia in the spring, the Association in Carolina in the fall. This con- tinued until the Association at Davis's meeting house in 1790, when according to a resolution of the last Association the subject of a division was again taken up, and they agreed t# divide, and the State line between Virginia and North Carolina was to be the dividing line between the two Associa- tions. The Association in North Carolina then consisted of 42 churches, and still retained the name of the Kehukee Association. The Association in Virginia first assembled at Portsmouth, and called themselves by the name of the Virginia Portsmouth Association. They consisted of 19 churches at their first meeting. Biographical sketches of Elders Samuel Ha** fell and Henry Abbot. Elder SAMUEL HARBELL. Elder Samuel Harrell was born the 25th Bs- BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. tp cember, 1756, in Hertford county, N, C. He em- braced religion in his youth, and joined the church near Wiccacon, now under the care of Elder Hen- dry. He began to preach in a few years after he became a member, and was much approved of by all who heard him. He was a man of a bright ge- nius, masculine voice, a ready mind, and a good orator. He appeared to be a man of eminent pie- ty, and a zealous preacher of' the gospel, notwith- standing his worldly embarrassments. He was Major of the militia in Hertford county, Clerk of the court of said county, and employed in the mer- cantile line, in the time he exercised his public min- istry; yet we never found he neglected the worship of God in his family, or omitted attending at his own church Conferences, or public worship when convenient. He was elected a member of the Con- vention in 1788, for the deliberation of the Federal Constitution. He continued preaching a few years, but was never ordained. He departed this life in January, 1791, aged 35 years. Elder HENRY ABBOT. Elder Henry Abbot was the son of the Rev. John Abbot, Canon of St. Paul's, London. He left England while young, without the consent or knowledge of his parents, and came over to Ameri- ca. He had a tolerable education and was chiefly employed in keeping school until converted and called to the ministry. He was baptized by a min- ister o( ihe free will order before he was converted, as he afterwards acknowledged. But it pleased God to reveal his dear Son to his soul, the hope of glory, and also to convince him of the doctrines of free and sovereign grace, and he joined the Regu- lar Baptists, and became a preacher of that society."- 83 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE He acted as an itinerant preacher for a few years* and about the year of 1764 or 1765, he took the care of the church in Camden county, N. C. which was formerly under the care of Elder John Burges, a worthy character. He continued preaching and baptizing here until the revolution took place at the Falls of Tar River, mentioned in page 37. After this, being dissatisfied with his former baptism in unbelief, he was baptized upon a confession of his faith in Christ Jesus, and still continued his pasto- ral functions in that church, and his labours were blest. He was a man of a strong mind, very or- thodox, well acquainted with church discipline, and of a distinguished character. He was much es- teemed by men of character in the county where he resided, and very useful as a statesman. He was chosen several times a member of the State Con- ventions. He was a member of the Provincial Congress when the State Constitution was formed and adopted; and to him we owe our thanks, in a measure, for the security of some of our religious rights. He was also a member of the Convention, for the deliberation of the Federal Constitution, and at the time of his election had a greater number of votes than any man in the county. After he had for many years been useful, it was the will of his Lord and master to call him away to receive the crown of righteousness he had laid up for him. Towards the latter end of his life, he said he did not delight much in reading controversies, but experi- mental divinity met his approbation. He was fre- quently reading, and seemed much delighted in a book, titled " Pious Memorials ," which contained the life and death of many eminent saints. At last, after a violent affliction of a few days, he cheerful- ly resigned his immortal sou! into the bands of a % BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. fc9 dear and ever blessed saviour. He departed this life, May, 1791. He requested a long time before he died, that if Elder Burkitt survived him, that he should preach his funeral sermon; which he did to a crowded and much affected audience, from 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8: I have fought a good fight, I have Jidished my course^ I have kept thefaith,&c. CHAP. V. i. Proceedings of the Association until the Division took place between the Kehukee and JVeuse Associ- ations, concluded on at the Association, hold en at Skewarkey,in October, 1793. Proceedings conti- nued until 1 796. 2. Biographical Sketches of El- ders John Page, Jonathan Barnes, and Brother Joshua Freeman. 3. A few remarks on Itinerant Preaching. 4. The Association Fund. October, 1791, the Association convened at Flat Swamp meeting house, in Pitt county, North Carolina. This was the first Association after the division. Delegates from thirty-seven churches were present. The introductory sermon was preached by El- der Burkitt, from Rev. xii. 3,4. Col. Nathan Mayo was chosen Moderator, and Elder Burkitt Clerk. Elders Barrow and Browne were Messen- gers from the Virginia Portsmouth Association. A church on Moratiuck Creek, in Tyrrel county, a church at Maitamuskeet, a church on Little Con- tentney, and a church on Bear March, in Duplin county, North Carolina, on petition, were received mto the Association,. SO HISTORY of the KEHUKEE As there was a plan proposed by the last Associ- ation for the encouragement of itinerant preaching, and recommended to the churches for their appro- bation or disapprobation; it appeared by the letters to this Association, that there are a great majority of churches against the adoption of the proposed plan. This Association thought proper to certify to the churches that they still thought itinerant preaching useful, therefore advised the churches t& fall on some measures to encourage it. It was also, at this tinre, resolved to recommend it to the churches, to signify in their letters to the next Association, whether they would approve of an alteration of the last section of the last article of the Constitution, or not, the words are, "The Associa- tion shall have power to adjourn themselves to any time or place they may think most convenient to the churches, provided it be interchangeably holden one year on the north side of Tar River,, and the next year on the south side of Tar River." Elder Ross and Elder Baker were appointed our Delegates to the next Virginia Portsmouth Jlssoci- ation* Elder Read was appointed to write a circu- lar letter for our nest, on the doctrine of original sin. The next Association was appointed at Elder Baker's meeting house, on Bear Creek, then Dobbs, but now Lenoir county, the Saturday be- fore the 2d Sunday in October, 1792. October. 1792, the Association convened at Bear Creek. The introductory sermon was prea- ched by Elder Ross. The circular letter prepar- ed by Elder Read was received, aad ordered to be printed. The Association after some time sitting, adjourned to their next annual appointment; which was appointed at Skewarkey meeting house, in BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 91 Martin county, the Saturday before the 2d Sunday in October, 1793. At which time and place the Association met, -and an introductory sermon was delivered by Eider Thomas Etheridge, from John iii. 16. Col. Na- than Bryan was chosen Moderator, and Elder Bur- kin Clerk. Letters from forty-three churches were read in this Association. Elder Murrell was a Delegate from the Portsmouth Association. A letter from Georgia Association was received and read. A church in Franklin county, at the Pop- lar Spring; a church at the Maple Spring, in said county; and a church on Durham's Creek, in Beau- fort county, on petition, were received into this As- sociation. The Association had now increased, and som# .-of the churches were very desirous for another di- vision to take place. The Kehukee Association now consisted of 49 churches, which contained 3440 members, according to the returns made to tljis Association. It was therefore thought neces- sary to divide a second time; accordingly it was re- solved, that Tar-River be the dividing line be- tween the Associations; and the Association between Tar River and Virginia line, still retained the name of the Kehukee Association; and the other, south of Tar River, was called the JVeuse Association. It was also agreed that each Association should annually visit the other with two Delegates, and a letter of correspondence. Our Delegates to the Association south of Ta» River, were Elders Jesse Read and Lewie Moore. Our next Association was appointed at Sandy Run, in Bertie, North Carolina, Elder M'Cabe to preach the introductory sermon, Elder Lancaster 92 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE to write the circular letter, on the saints final perse- verance in grace. On the 27th of September, 1794, the Associa- tion according to her respective appointment, met at Sanely Run. The introductory sermon was de- livered by Elder M'Cabe, according to appoint- ment, from John xv. 14: Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. After prayer by Elder Burkitt, Colonel Mayo was chosen Modera- te^ and Elder Burkitt Clerk. This was the first meeting after the second divis- ion took place, and we were reduced to only 26 churches. Letters from only 22 were received and read in this Association. Brethren Wall, Murrell, and Barnes, ministers fram our sister Associations, being present, were invited to seats with as. JC1- ders Lancaster, Ross and Murrell were appointed to preach on Sunday. A church on Meherrin. formerly under the care of Elder William Parker (a General Baptist) petitioned by letter and Dele- gate for admission into this Association. On ex- amination, it appears there has been a revolution in this church, and believing them now to be of our faith and order, they were received. Our next Association is appointed at Yoppim meeting house, in Chowan county, the Saturday before the fourth Sunday in September, 1795, Elder Read was appointed to preach the introduc- tory sermon, and Elder Burkitt was appointed to write the circular letter, on effectual calling. mk At this Association it was resolved, that the Sat- urday before the fourth Sunday in every month, should be appointed a day for prayer meetings throughout the churches; whereon all the members of the respective churches are requested to meet at their meeting houses, or places of worship, ami BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 9^ there, for each of them, as far as time will admit, to make earnest prayer to God for a revival of reli- gion amongst us. September, 1795, the Association met at Yop^ pirn. The introductory sermon was preached by "Elder Read, from 1 Pet. v. 2, 3: Feed the flock GfGod, whichis among you, taking th& over-sight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind: JVeither as being lords overGod^s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. Col. Nathan Mayo Moderator, Elder Burkitt Clerk. Elder Barrow was messenger from the Vir- ginia Portsmouth Association. A letter of corres- pondence from the Neuse Association was received, but the delegates failed attending. A letter of cor- respondence from the Georgia Association was re- ceived and read. Elders Barrow, Burkitt and Spivey were appoin- ted a committee to devise ways and means to en- courage the brethren in the ministry to visit the churches. Who, after mature deliberation on the subject, reported, that it was their opinion that this Association should appoint four ministers who are ordained, to travel and preach at every meeting house or meeting place in this whole connection, that can be made convenient this year, viz: The first in the nomination (if to him convenient, if not to substitute one of the other three in his stead) to begin at Kehukee on Sunday the 15th of Novem- ber, and to continue till he has gone through all the churches; and that the appointments be sent for* ward from this place. And that day three months, the second in nomination to follow him, beginning at the same place; the first notifying the people of the second coming on, and the second the third, he. The committee also added, that they did not in* 9 94 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE tend by the plan they proposed, to discourage any other brethren in the ministry who are not in the nomination, from travelling and preaching to the churches as much as they think the Lord calls them to. The Association concurred with the report; and by ballot of the Association, Elders Burkitt, Ethe- ridge, John M'Cabe and Spivey were chosen. The next Association to be holden at Parker's meeting house, in Hertford county, September, the fourth Sunday, 1795. Elder Lancaster appointed to preach the introductory sermon. Elder M'Cabe to write the circular letter. Saturday, 24th September, 1796, the Associa- tion met pursuant to the appointment, at Parker's meeting house, on Meherrin. Elder Lancaster preached the introductory sermon from Songs, iv. 12: A garden inclosed, is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed. Elder M'Cabe chosen Moderator, Elder Burkiti Clerk. Letters from 22 churches were received and read. Elders Browne and Morris were Cor- responding Delegates from the Virginia Portsmouth Association* Elders Totewine and Tison were De- legates from the Neuse Association. Elders Mur- rell, Barnes, Wall and M'Clenny, from our sister Associations, being present, were invited to seats with us. A church on Great Swamp, in Pitt county, un- der the pastoral care of Elder Noah Tison, was re- ceived into membership with this Association. This Association did not think proper to continue the mode adopted by the last, for the encourage- ment of itinerant preaching. Query. Is it agreeable tn the word of God to hold a inan infellowshipt that has married a woman who BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 95 has another husband living in the same county; or hold her in communion? Ans. We humbly conceive that such a practice is diametrically opposite to the word of God, and therefore give it as our opinion, that such members ought not to be held in communion.. The next Association appointed at Flatty Cretek a hi Pasquotank county, N. C. on the Thursday be- fore the fourth Sunday in September, 1797. EU der Spivey to preach the introductory sermon, and Elder Gilbert to write the circular letter, on regen* tralion. Biographical Sketches. Brother Joshua Freeman was the son of Will- iam Freeman, of Chowan county, N. C. His par- ents were both strict Episcopalians. He was con- verted under the ministry of Elder Dargan, about the year of 1777, and was received and baptised ?fr member of his church near Wiccacon, now under the care of Elder Hendry. He was one of the Dea- cons of that church. He was so remarkably zeal- ous, and tender under preaching, that he hardly ev- er heard a sermon zealously delivered, but what he would break out in raptures, praising and glorify- ing God. He very frequently attended our Associ- 1 ations, and he was so loving that he gained the ge- neral esteem of all the brethren with whom lie was acquainted, and we felt happy when he was pre- sent, and when he was absent something seemed wanting. He was a man of considerable fortune, and some years past was Captain of a company of militia in Bertie; but had long since resigned that office, for it was evident that he soaght not ihe hon- or that comes from man, but that which comes from God only. Although he had many slaves, his lenity towards them was very remarkable. If 36 HISTORY or the K'EHUKEE any of them transgressed, his general method ta chastise them was to expose their faults before the jrest of his servants and the whole family, when they came in to family worship in the morning 1 : who, when assembled at morning prayer, would talk to them, exhort and rebuke them so sharply for their faults, that made others fear. Elder Bur- Jutt bad often been at his house the time of public prayer, and he was so very much affected for the spiritual welfare of his family, that often he seemed almost convulsed. And this extraordinary zeal was not the impulse of a moment, but his constant practice for seventeen years, and continued to his dying moment, and instead of declining rather in- creased. On Saturday night before he died he went to prayer with his family, and was immedi- ately seized with a paralytic fit (for he had been under that complaint for about twelve months) the operation of which continued till Monday evening, the 10th of November, 1794, when he died. And we hope he is now where his longing soul is satis- fied with beholding his Saviour's face without a glass between* His death was sincerely lamented by all his friends and acquaintance; and every per- son who was acquainted with his merit, on hearing the melancholy news ef his deatl^ can but drop a tear. His funeral sermon was pleached by Elder Burkitt, from Phil. i. 21: For to me to live is Christy and to die is gain* Elder JOHN PAGE. Elder John Page embraced religion under the preaching of Elder Jonathan Thomas, and became a member of a branch of his church at Connetoe. At what time he was called to the ministry we are not abje to say; but exercising his gift for a while; BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 9f" he was at length ordained Pastor of the church at Flat Swamp, which was dismissed from Tosniot, and became a constituted body. He continued preaching for several years, and his labors were blessed. And although his church at times, was greatly distressed on account of a division amongst them, by reason oiAnnenianism and Universalis™, yet Elder Page appeared always steadfast in the Calvinistic doctrines. After finishing the work which his Heavenly Father designed for him to do^ lie departed this life October, 1796. Elder JONATHAN BARNES. Elder Jonathan Barnes was a resident of Cur- rituck county, North Carolina; and was a member of the church at Cowenjock, in said county. He was born blind; and it is-very. certain-- that he never?* saw any thing with his natural eyes. He was con- verted in -his youth,, and was baptized; and began to preach while young. His mother and others were frequently reading to him, and he was remark* able for a retentive memory* There were not ma- ny passages of scripture, but what he would tell the book, chapter and verse where they were, if appli- ed to. And in preaching he would prove his doc- trine, by citing texts of scripture, and telling the place where they were, far exceeding any other minister we ever heard. It was said he could re- peat about two hundred of Watt's hymns, and there were none in the book but he knew some verses of them. He had such a faculty in knowing the voi- ces of people, that if he heard a person of his ac- quaintance talk in conversation with him half an hour, and was not to hear him speak again in five years, he would know him again on hearing him t$]JL He married a .wife, in .Currituck, but we do • 9* 9S HIST0RY of the KEHUKEE not know whether he had any children. He traw elled considerably, but always had a guide when he did so. He was much approved by the people, and many were amazed at his gifts and memory. He moved out to Whitfield's meeting house, on Little Contentney, where he lived awhile, then removed back to Currituck, where he died; which was in the year 1796. Itinerant Preaching. For a great many years, it was thought that itinerant preaching was calculated to prove a blessing to the churches; therefore sundry attempts were made by the Association to bring about the desirable effect. A plan was first laid in the church at South Quay in 1786. A committee was appointed to investigate it, but did not agree on it. The next Association another plan was adopted, but did not prove successful. Some of the church- es and ministers still kept soliciting for ways and means to be devised for its encouragement, until the Association at Davis's meeting house, where a certain plan was devised by three laymen and two preachers, in committee, and approbated by that Association, was sent to the churches, to know whe- ther they would approve or disapprove of said plan. Accordingly a majority oft|ie churches in their let- ters to the next Association, disapproved of it, and all the attempts for the encouragement of itiner- ant preaching proved ineffectual, until the Associ- ation at Yoppim in 1796. Then a new plan wa,s laid and put into execution at the time ap- pointed. But we believe only two of the four ministers who were appointed, travelled through all the churches, viz: Elder Burkitt and Elder M'- Cabe, We still believe*, that if ministers were to BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: 9£ travel and preach more, that it would prove a bles-, sing to the churches. •Association Fund. It became necessary that there should be an Ask sociation fund, to defray the expences thereof; but^ no regular plan was laid for to bring it to pass, un- til the Association at Whitfield's meeting house, in 1789. When the minutes were first printed 3 and the Constitution formed, it was an article in the Constitution, and Elder Burkitt appointed Treasu- rer. The fund was chiefly intended to defray the expences of printing the minutes, and other char- ges arising therefrom, and may lawfully be applied to any other use the Association may deem neces- sary. The mode of contributing is for every church to send what they please, and the sum by them contributed to be inserted in the minutes; and a regular statement of the money contributed from all the churches, and the expences of the Associa- tion, to be printed yearly, so that all may know the state of the fund. CHAP. VI. P. Proceedings of the Association until 1802. 2, Biographical Sketches of Elder John Meglamre, and Brother Elisha Battle, who departed this life in 1799. The Association met at Flatty Creek, Pasquo* tank county, N. C. on Thursday, 21st September, 1797. Elder Spivey preached the introductory sermon, from Psal, tfxxxiii. 1: Behold how good 100 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together* in unity. Elder M'Cabe Moderator, Elder Spivey Clerk. Letters from 19 churches were read. Elder Morris, Corresponding Delegate from the Virginia Portsmouth Association, took his seat, and present- ed to the Association a letter of correspondence and 27 copies of their minutes. Elders William Soary and James M'CIenny, ministering brethren from our sister Portsmouth Association, being present, were invited to seats in this Association. Elder M'Cabe was appointed a Delegate to next Neuse Association: Elder Ross to the Virginia Ports- mouth. The next Association to be at Cashie, in Bertie county, N. C. September, 1798. September 20th, 1798, the Association convened according to appointment, at Cashie, in Bertie county. The introductory sermon by Elder Da- vis Biggs, from 1 Pet. iii. 12: For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous^ and his ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. Prayer by Elder Ross. Col. Mayo was chosen Moderator, Elder Burkitt Clerk. Letters from 23 churches were read. Received letters from the following corresponding Associa^ tions, viz: Virginia Portsmouth, with her minutes; Elder Browne and Jacob Gregg Messengers. Neuse, with their minutes; Joshua Barnes Messen- ger: and Georgia, with minutes. We also received minutes from Philadelphia, New York, Charleston,. Danbury, Middle District, Stonington, Delaware^ Woodstock, Ketockton, Warren, Roanoke, Goshen, Dover, Shaftsbury and Hepzibah Associations. A church in Franklin county (Haywood's meet- ing house) was received into this Association. Query. What shall a church do, when one member brings an accusation against another member, and' BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. lOi -he denies the charge — shall the testimony of the ac- cuser, unsupported by any other evidence , be received by the church or not? Ans, No. At this Association it was resolved to have a& many copies of the minutes printed as would a- mount to £18, and for to sell the minutes to defray the expences. But on experience it was found in- effectual. It was the first time that an attempt of this kind was made, and it has been the last. This Association also thought proper to discontinue the practice of paying the corresponding Delegates from us to our sister Associations. The next Association appointed at the new meet-' ing house on Fishing Creek. Elder Amariah Biggs to preach the introductory sermon, and El- der Spivey to write the circular letter. Saturday, the 5th of October, 1799, the Associ- ation met at Fishing Creek. Brother Amariah Biggs preached the introductory sermon, from Heb. xiii. 1: Let brotherly love continue. Prayer by Brother Davis Biggs. Col. Mayo Moderator, Elder Burkitt Clerk. Letters from 22 churches were read. Elders Jesse Mercer from Georgia, Elder Barnes from the Neuse Association, and El- der Brame from Virginia, were invited to sit with us. A newly constituted church at Quankey, in Halifax county, was received into this Association. Letters of correspondence from Virginia Ports- mouth, Georgia and Hepzibah Associations were received aqd read. As several of the churches in their letters to this Association, complain of their destitute state with respect to ministerial helps, and some others have earnestly requested the ministers to visit them, on motion by Elder Burkitt, it was resolved that El- ders Mercer, Lancaster, Read, Gilbert and Burkitt 102 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE be a committee to devise ways and means for the encouragement of itinerant preaching* The com- mittee sitting, and taking the matter into consider- ation, reported, that — Whereas sundry of the churches in our Association are deprived of minis- terial helps to administer the ordinances to them, and several others have requested the brethren in the ministry to visit them, we, your committee, d^ advise this Association to make out their appoint- ments, and grant supplies to those destitute church- es, and visit them, at least at each of their quarterty meetings; and to visit as often as conveniency wilt admit, all other churches who have so particularly in their letters requested the ministers to visit them. The Association concurred with the report. The church who convene at Parker's meeting house, representing their destitute case with respect to ministerial helps to administer the ordinances t# them, the following brethren in the ministry did a- gree to attend them at their quarterly meetings the ensuing year, viz. Elder Harrell, the Saturday be- fore the first Sunday in November; Elder Burkitt, on the Saturday before the first Sunday in Februa- ry; Elder Lancaster, on the Saturday before the first Sunday in May; and Elder Read, the Satur- day before the first Sunday in August next. Querj'. Should a minister who has been regular- ly ordained as an itinerant preacher, he called upon to take the pastoral care of a particular church; is there any thing necessary to be done, more than the consent df each party? Ans. Nothing more is necessary. Minutes from the following Associations were re- ceived, viz: Shaftsbury r New Hampshire, Leyden, Woodstock, Danbury, Warren, Delaware, Culpep- BAPTIST ASSOCIATION* 103 per, Ketockton, Philadelphia and New York Asso- ciations. The next Association was appointed at the Falls of Tar River, the Saturday before the first Sunday in October, 1800. Elder Gilbert appointed Vtf write the circular letter; Elder Hendry appointed to preach the introductory sermon, and incase of failure Elder Joseph Biggs. Thursday, 2 1st of November, was appointed a day of general thanksgiving to Almighty God f throughout the churches, for this temporal bless- ings on our fields and farms, and that our country seems happily delivered from the fearful apprehen- sions of want and scarcity. The Association next convened at the Falls of Tar River, Nash county, pursuant to appoint- ment, on the Saturday before the first Sunday in October, 1800. Sermon by Joseph Biggs 5 from 1 Kings, vi. 8: The door for iht middle chamber was in the right side of the house: and they went up with winding stairs into the middle chamber, and out of the middle into the third. Col. Mayo Moderator, Elder Bur- kitt Clerk. Letters from 21 churches were read. Elder Lewis Moore from Tennessee being present, was invited to a seat. Letters of correspondence from Virginia Portsmouth and Neuse Associations were read; and their Messengers. Elders Murrell, Barnes and Oliver took their seats. Elders James M'Cabe and Gilbert were appointed Messengers to the Neuse Association; Elders Lancaster and Read to the Virginia Portsmouth. Elders Murrell, x Moore and Burkitt were appointed to preach on Sunday. Query. Is it not wrong for a man who is a mem" her of a church and the head of a family, wholly ic 104 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE neglect family worship on account of the smallness of his gifts in prayer? Ans. It is wrong. Received seven copies of the minutes of the Charleston Association, as a token of their respectv One was read in the Association, Query 2. Ought not Deacons to be regularly or- dained before they use the office of a Deacon in any respect? Ans. Yes. The next Association was appointed at the Great Swamp meeting house, in Pitt county, October, 1801. Elder Martin Ross to preach the introduc- tory sermon, Elder Etheridge to write the circular letter. October the 3d, 1801, the Association met ac* cording to appointment at Great Swamp, Pitt county, North Carolina. Introductory sermon by Elder Ross, from Rev. xvi. 15: Behold, 1 come as a thief Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and theyspe his shame, Col. Mayo Moderator, Elder Burkitt Clerk. Let- ters from 20 churches were read. Elder Brame being present, was invited to a seat. A letter from the Virginia Portsmouth Association was received from their Messengers, Elders Browne and Grigg. A letter of correspondence from the Neuse Associ- . ation was received* Elder Barnes was their dele- gate. Elder Burkitt appointed to write to the Portsmouth, Elder M'Cabe to the Neuse, and El- der Ross to the Georgia Association. The circu- lar letter which Elder Etheridge was appointed to write for this year, was presented to the Associa~ tion in an unfinished imperfect state; it was there- fore resolved that Elder Burkitt write such an one as he may think proper, which shall contain as ac- curate an account of the revivals of religion in the different States as have come within his knowledge^ BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 105 and insert it in these minutes; which said letter shall be deemed the circular letter from this Association to the respective churches. Elders Brown, Burk- itt and Grigg were appointed to preach on Sun- day. The circular letter in the minutes of the Do- ver Assoc iatiOn was read, which informed us of a happy revival among them. Elders James M'Cabe and Tison were appointed Delegates to the Neuse Association. Elders Burkitt and Ross to the Portsmouth Association. Minutes from Flat River, Dover, Ketockton, Roanoke, Middle District and Goshen Associations were received. The next Association appointed at Elder Hendry's church near Wiccacon, October, 1802. Elder Moses Bennett appointed to preach the introductory sermon, and in case of failure, Elder Lancaster. Elder Read appointed to write the circular letter. By the letters to this Association there were 138 baptized last year; and it appeared by the success of the word preached at this time, and the general engagement of the ministers, and ihe great desire of the brethren, that a glorious revival was riot far distant; which shortly appeared, and the particu- lars of which our readers will be furnished with in the subsequent chapters. October 2, 1802, the Association met at Elder Hendry's meeting house, in Bertie, North Carolina. The ministers appointed by the last Association to deliver an introductory sermon to this, not being present, a sermon was preached by Elder Davis Biggs, from 2 Cor. v. 10: For we must all ap* pear before the judgment seat of Christ , that every on? may receive the things done in his body, accor- ding to what he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Col. Mayo Moderator, Elder Spivey Clerk* Elder 10 106 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE Jeremiah Ritter from Virginia, being present, was invited to a seat. Letters from 20 churches were read. Letters from Portsmouth and Neuse Associations were received and read; and their Messengers, El- ders Browne, Biggs, Whitfield and Cooper took their seats. Elder Gilbert appointed to write to the Portsmouth, Elder Spivey to the Neuse Associ- ation. It was agreed at this Association to reprint a sermon published by Elder Leland, of Massachu- setts, titled, a "Blow at the Root." Elders Browne, Whitfield and Ross were appointed to preach on Sunday. Elders James Ross and Holloway Mor- ris Messengers to the Neuse, Elders Read and Martin Ross Messengers to the Portsmouth Associ- ation. The next Association to be held at the Log Chapel, in Martin county, on Connoho Creek, on the Friday before the first Sunday in October, 3 803, and continue four days. Elder Wall to preach the introductory sermon, Elder Ross to write the circular letter. As Elder Burkitt was absent from this Association by reason of sickness, it was resolved by the Association that the follow- ing minute should be made in the proceedings of the Association, viz: "Our very respectable and high- ly esteemed Brother Lemuel Burkitt, whose la- bors in the gospel have been much blessed in the churches belonging to this Association, especially in the late revival of religion, has manifested his sincere desire to be with us at this Association, by coming to this place through many difficulties; but sickness soon obliged him to leave us, which has grieved our hearts, and he has been greatly miss- ed But we must submit to the hand of the Lord 9 ' A glorious revival took place the past year according to expectation: and the letter^ BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. i 7 from the churches say that 872 were added to the Churches by baptism since the last; and blessed be God the work was going on. The particulars of the revival we mean to speak of in time and place. % Biographical Sketches. Elder John Mkglamre was born and raised ia one of the northern States, and being somewhat re- ligiously inclined in his youth,' at length moved in- to North Carolina. He joined the Baptist Society about the year 1764 or 1765. After preaching sometime, he was ordained and took the pastoral care of the church at Kehukee. But having some invitations, he travelled into Sussex county, Vir- ginia, where he preached, and his labors were at- tended with a blessing. And through his instru- mentality, and Elder John Rivers, and some others* a church was gathered in that county; and through their solicitations be removed to that place, and gave up his pastoral charge at Kehukee to Elder William Burges. After continuing in Sussex for a few years, a large and very respectable church was gathered, and Elder Megiamre continued to be their pastor as long as he was gapafcrle of preaching. He very frequently attended the Association and almost every Association acted as Moderator for upwards of twenty years; until the division took place at Davis's meeting house, and then he became a member of the Portsmouth Association, and gen- erally served that Association in the same capacity until his death. lie was a very useful member, seemed well acquainted with church discipline; but by reason of the asthmatic complaint, he was pre- vented from preaching some time before he died. He departed this life, December 13th, 1799, a- bout 3 o'clock in the afternoon, aged 69 years, 6 months, 6 rlav?. 108 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE Brother ELISHA BATTLE. Brother Elisha Battle was born in Nanse- mond county, Virginia, on the 9th day of January, 1723—4. In the year of 1748, he moved to Tar River, Edgecombe county, North Carolina. A- hout the year 1764, he joined the Baptist church at the Falls of Tar River, and continued in full fel- lowship until his death. He was chosen a Deacon of the church, and served the church in that office about 28 j r ears, until he resigned by reason of old age. He usually attended Associations, at which he sometimes acted as Moderator; and was very suitable for that office. It is well known that he was a remarkable pious zealous member of society. He also was very useful as a statesman. About the year 1756 he was appointed a Justice of the Peace, and continued in that office until the year 1795, when he resigned on account of his infirmities. He was chosen a member of the General Assembly in the year 1771, and continued to represent the county, and was never left out for about 20 years, until he declined offering himself a candidate by reason of his advanced state in life. He served in that capacity throughout the war, and was in al- most all the State Conventions. He was a mem- ber of the State Convention at the formation of the State Constitution; and was also a member of the Convention for the deliberation of the Federal Constitution, and when the Convention formed it- self into a Committee of the whole House, Brother Battle was appointed Chairman. In 1799 he re- quested his youngest son to come and take posses- sion of the land and plantation whereon he lived (which he had before made him a deed for) that he might give up the care of a family and live with him. About this time he desired his children to BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 109 meet him, that he might have some private dis- course with them, and concluded to have his will written and execute it, although he had for many years kept a written one by him, altering it when he found it necessary. He divided his property amongst his children, only reserving a sum of mo- ney 7 and notes, as security for himself in his decent maintenance. Soon after he was taken more un- well than usual, and weakened till he became so helpless that he could not turn in his bed. In his sickness he seemed to have no desire to recover; he said he was willing to go, but must wak the Lord's time. After being about eight weeks in this help- less condition, without the least apparent doubt of future felicity, he departed this life the 6th of March, 1799, being the 76th year of his age. His funeral sermon was preached by Elders Gilbert and Bur- kitl, from Psal. xxxvii. 37. Elder Gilbert preach- ed from the former part of the text, viz: Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright. And Elder Burkitt preached from the latter part of the same, text , viz.: For the end of that man is peace. CHAP. VM. 1. The happy Revival which took place in the Chur- ches belonging to the Kehukee Association in 1S02 and 1803. 2. Means which the Lord blessed in the Revival. 3. Constitution of an Union Meeting. After a long and tedious night of' spiritual darkness and coldness in religion, blessed be God, the sable curtains are withdrawn, the day has dawn- fa* 110 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE ed, and the sun of righteousness has risen with heal- ing on his wings. The churches appeared to be on a general decline. Many of the old members were removed from the church militant to the church triumphant. Some had moved to the wes- tern countries, and some had gone out from us, "that it might be made manifest that they were not all of us." These things reduced the number of members in the churches greatly. So that in some churches there were hardly members enough to hold conference, and in some other churches the Lord's supper was seldom administered. Iniquity abounded and the love of many waxed cold. The Association nevertheless met annually, and in eve- ry church there were a ftw names still left, who seemed anxiously concerned for a revival. There were but few added by baptism for several years. In 1789, only 15 members were added in all the churches. In 1790, there were 446 baptized. In 1791, 99. In 1792, 192. In 1794, 57. In 1795, only 19. In 1796, only 33. In 1797, 13. In 1798,43. In 1799, 72. In 1800, 129. At the Association in 1801, 138 were returned in the let- ters from the churches to the Association. Thus the work progressed but slowly, but there always appeared some worthy characters in every church sensible of the coldness of religion, and at almost every Association would be devising some ways and means to bring on a revival. As early as the year 1778, a revival was greatly desired, and a fast was proclaimed, to humble ourselves before the Lord and to solicit the throne of grace for a revival. In 1 785, at Shoulder's Hill another fast was proclaimed. The same year, at an Association at Kehukee, it was agreed to set apart some time between sunset and dark every day, for all the churches Xq unite togs- BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. li! ther in prayer, and earnestly pray for a revival. And in 1794, the Association agreed to appoint the Saturday before the fourth Sunday in every month, a day for prayer meetings throughout the churches; whereon all the members of the respec- tive churches were requested to meet at their meet- ing houses or places of worship, and there for each of them as far as time would admit, to make earnest prayer and supplication to Almighty God for a revival of religion. Thus the means were used, and the request was so laudable that there was no doubt but the Lord would grant the desires of the righteous. For the Lord has promised, ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you. The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers. And where the Lord puts it into the hearts of his people so earnestly to desire the in- crease of Christ's kingdom, and the revival of his work amongst his churches, the request is so lau- dable, that Christians need not doubt but the Lord will hear them in his own time and way. So when the set time to favor Zion was come, he heard the prayers of the Kehukee Association. There was a small appearance of the beginning of the work in Camden, and the Flat Swamp and Con- noho church, in 1800 — 32 this year were baptized in Camden, 22 in the Flat Swamp church, and 24 at Connoho. But at the Association at Great Swamp in 1801, Elder Burkitt just returning from Tennessee and Kentucky, brought the news to this Association, and proclaimed it from the stage, that in about eight months six thousand had given a ra- tional account of a work of grace on their souls, and had been baptized in the State of Kentucky, and that a general stir had taken place amongst all ranks \ f .112 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE and societies of people, and that the work was stilt going on. The desirable news seemed to take such an uncommon effect ou the people, that nam* bers were crying out for mercy, and many praising and glorifying God. Such a Kehukee Association we had never before seen. The ministers all seem- ed alive in the work of the Lord, and every Chris- tian present in rapturous desire, was ready to cry, Thy kingdom come. The ministers and delegates carried the sacred flame home to their churches, and the fire began to kindle in the greatest part of the churches, and the work increased. The first appearance that was discovered was, great numbers of people attending the ministry of the word, and the congregations kept increasing. It was observ- ed in some places, that as many people would now meet at a meeting on a common day, as used to meet on a Sunday, and as many would come on Sundays as used to attend at great meetings. And it was also observed that the audience was more solemn and serious than usual. This was the first begin- ning. Thus the work began to revive in many pla- ces within the bounds of the Association. The word preached was attended with such a divine power, that at some meetings two or three hundred would be in floods of tears, and many cr} ing out loudly what shall we do to be saved. Another thing was observed, old Christians were so revived they were all on fire to see their neighbors, their neigh- bors' children and their own families so much en- gaged. Their souls seemed melted down in love,, and their strength renewed like the eagles. Many backsliders who had been runaway for many years, returned weeping home. The ministers seemed all- united in love, and no strife nor contention amongst them, and all appeared engaged to carry on the BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 113 work, and did not seem to care whose labors were the most blessed so the work went on; and none of them seemed desirous to take the glory of it to themselves, which ought carefully to be observed. God is a jealous God, and will not suffer any of his creatures to take the glory of his work to them- selves. We hope that no person will ascribe the glory of the work to any person or persons what- ever, but to the Lord alone; for true religion is a work of God. The work increasing, many were converted, and they began to join the churches. In some churches where they had not received a member by baptism for a year or two, would now frequently receive, at almost every conference meet- ing, several members. Sometimes 12, 14, 18,20 and 24 at several times in one day. Twenty-two and 24 were baptized several times at Flat Swamp-, Cashie, Parker's meeting house. Fishing Creek, Falls of Tar River, he. Some of the churches in the revival received nearly 200 members each. In four churches lying between Roanoke and Meher- rin rivers, in Bertie, Northampton and Hertford counties, were baptized in two years about 600 members: and blessed be God the work seems yet progressing. The work has engaged the attention of all sorts of people — rich and poor, and all ranks. Many very respectable persons in character and of- fice have been called in this revival. There are a few churches within the bounds of the Association that have not as yet experienced a revival, but we hope for them! According to the accounts return- ed to the two last Associations 1500 have been ad- ded to the churches by baptism in the Kehukee Association. It has been objected by some that we ought not to number the Lord's people, and bring for exam* 114 HISTORY op the KEHUREE pie the bad consequence which attended David's numbering the people of Israel. But we think our- selves justifiable in mentioning our numbers, when we are actuated by good principles. David might number them to boast of the number, and to pat confidence in a multitude, not considering the race was not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. But we number them to exult in the riches of God's free grace, in magnifying his mercy in the conver- sion of thousands. We find that the scripture makes mention of the great addition at the day of Pentecost — The same day were added about three thousand souls. Acts, ii. 41, The Lord was pleased to make use of weak and simple means to effect great purposes, that it might be manifest that the work was his and not man's. Singing was attended with a great blessing: Elder Burkitt published two or three different pamphlets, which contained a small collection of spiritual songs, some of which he had brought from the western countries. They were in very great de- mand. As many as about 6000 books were dispo- sed of in two years. We might truly say, the time of singing of birds had come, and the voice of the turtle was heard in our land. At every meeting, before the minister began to preach, the congrega- tion was melodiously entertained with numbers singing delightfully, while all the congregation seemed in lively exercises. Nothing seemed to en- gage the attention of the people more; and the chil- dren and servants at every hoase were singing these melodious songs. From experience, we think, we can assure our readers, that we have reason to hope, that this, with other means, proved a blessing in this revival. Shaking hands while singing, was a means (though simple in itself) for to further the BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 115 work. The ministers used frequently, at the close •of worship, to sing a spiritual song suited to the occasion, and go through the congregation, and shake hands with the people while singing; and sev- eral when relating their experience, at the time of their admission into church fellowchip, declared that ihis "was the first means of their conviction. The act seemed sofriendly, the ministers appeared so loving, that the party with whom the minister shook hands, would often be melted in tears. The hymn "I long to sSe the happy time, When sinners all come flocking home; To taste the riches of his love, And to enjoy the realms above." And especially that .part of it, "Take your companion by the hand; And all your children in the band," «~- many times had a powerful effect. Giving the people an invitation to come up to be prayed for i was also blessed. The ministers usually, at the close of preaching, would tell the congregation, that if there were any persons who felt themselves lost and condemned, under the guilt and burden of their sins, that if they would come near the stage, and kneel down, they would pray for them. Shame at first kept many back, but as the work increased, numbers apparent- ly under strong conviction would come and fall down before the Lord at the feet of the ministers, and crave an interest in their prayers. Sometimes twenty or thirty at a time. And at some Union Meetings, two or three hundred would come, and try to come as near as they could. This very much engaged the ministers; and many confessed that the Lord heard the prayers of his ministers, and they had reason Jo hape their souls were 116 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE relieved from the burden of their sins, through the blood of Christ. It had a powerful effect on the spectators to see their wives, their husbands, chil- dren, neighbors, &c. so solicitous for the salvation of their souls; and was sometimes a means of their conviction. Many ladies of quality, at times were so powerfully wrought on, as to come and kneel down in the dust in their silks to be prayed for. The act of coming to be prayed for in this manner had a good effect on the persons who came, in that they knew the eyes of the congregation were on them, and if they did fall off afterwards it would be a disgrace to them, and cause others to deride them; this therefore was a spur to push them forward. Relating experiences, and the administration of the ordinance of baptism were greatly blessed in this revival. When the churches held conference to receive members (which they always did in a public assembly) the congregation would draw up in such crowds, as they would tread one on anoth- er, anxious to hear the experiences of their neigh- bors and families. And while the candidates were relating their experience, the audience would be in floods of tears, and some almost convulsed, while their children, companions and friends were rela- ting their conversion. And several declared this was the means of their conviction. And when the ordinance of baptism was admin- istered, nothing had a more solemn effect. Some- times fifteen or twenty would be received at one time; and at the time appointed for baptism, great numbers would attend; from 200 to 1000 and more would assemble at such times. And then to see fifteen or twenty persons suitably attired, to go into the water, who usually stood in a row, a small dis- tance from the water, hand in hand, and the min- BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 117 ister joining the rank at the head, would march down into the water regularly, like soldiers of Je- sus, singing as they went, "Come all ye mourning souls who seek rest in Jesus' love, Who set your whole affections on things that are above; Come let us join together and hand in hand go on, Until we come to Canaan, where we no more shall mourn," — would take a solemn effect on the numerous as- sembly. Numbers would be in floods of tears, and so greatly affected could scarcely stand, while they would express their sincere wishes that they were prepared to go in with their children and com- panions. Sometimes they had the pleasure to see the fa- ther and the son, the mother and her daughter, the wife and the husband, go into the water together hand in hand. This proved conviction to many. Thus the Lord carried on his work. Evening Meetings were greatly blessed. Some years past it was customary to hold night meet- ings; but for sometime they were disused. When the revival commenced they began to revive. In some neighborhoods they met once a week on an evening; and numbers would attend. At some- times, and in some places, nearly 200 people would meet, and some people would come ten miles to a night meeting. And when they had the opportu- nity for a minister to attend them, they usually had a sermon preached, and the rest of the time they were together, would be spent in exhortation, sing- ing and prayer. And we are fully satisfied the Lord blessed these meetings. Where they had not the privilege of a minister to attend and preach, the time would be spent in •singing, exhortation, prayer, religious conversation, 11 US HISTORY op the KEHUKEE &c. Sometimes they would tell each other then experiences and examine others whether they had any experience to relate. Thus the work went on. Union Meetings have also been attended with a blessing. An Union Meeting consists of several churches, being convenient to one another, of the same faith and order, who meet at stated times to confer in love, about matters relating to peace, brotherly union, and general fellowship. The time the meeting holds is generally three days. On the first day when they meet one of the ministers de- livers a suitable sermon introductory to business; then all the brethren present from every church, who are in fellowship, sit in conference, and any brother is at liberty to propose such cases of* conscience, as he wants advice on; or any difficult passage of scrip- ture on which he wants light; or any thing else which tends to the harmony of the churches, or to love and peace amongst brethren. And when the conference adjourns, the rest of the time is employ- ed in preaching, praying, singing, &c. There are four Union Meetings within the bounds of the Kehukee Association, viz: On the east side of Chowan .River, which is composed of the church- es at Cowenjock, Camden, Sawyer's Creek, Knobscrook, Flatty Creek, Yoppim and Ballard's Bridge. The Bertie union meeting is composed of the Bertie, Cashie, Wiccacon, Meherrin and Connaritsey churches. Flat Swamp union meet- ing comprehends the Flat Swamp, the Great Swamp, Connoho, Skewarkey and Morattuck -'churches. The Swift Creek union meeting con- tains the churches at the Falls of Tar River, Kehu- kee, Fishing Creek, Rocky Swamp and Quaukey. Th re are a few churches that have not joined in any of these Union Meetings. We do not know BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 119 t^hat is the reason, unless it be on account of the iu- conveniency of their local situation. To give orrr readers a more general idea of the nature of an Union Meeting, we will insert the Con- stitution of one of them, and we presume, that in substance they are all nearly similar. Constitution of the Bertie Union Meeting. Article I. This meeting shall in future consist of the .members who may attend the same, from Bertie, Cash- ie, Wiccacon, Meherrin and Connaritsey churches, and members who may attend the same at their respective^ appointments from all sister churches and Associations. II. This meeting shall be known by the name of the "Bertie Union Meeting." III. Each meeting shall have power to adjourn them- selves to any time or place they may see proper; so that the different churches in the union be equally benefitted by their several appointments. IV. When assembled they shall make choice of a Moderator and Clerk; and the Clerk of said meeting shall enter the minutes of the conference, and transmit them to the next -.meeting. V. A book shall be procured, in which all the minutes of the different conferences shall be inserted from time to time, and a person appointed to record the same.. VI. In time of conference, each member shall be en- titled to the liberty of speech, and shall first arise and address the Moderator. VII. No person snail beadmitted to speak more than- three times to any one subject, without liberty from the conference. VIII. Any motion made and seconded, shall come un- der the consideration of the meeting, unless withdrawn by the person who made it. IX. Every case or query presented in writing shall be twice read, if required; and before debated, shall be re- ceived by a majority of the meeting then present. X. New churches that may hereafter be constituted, or are now constituted, lying and being within the ^bounds of Roanoke and Metierrin Rivers, or convenient thereto, may be admitted into this union. XL At the time of conference a door shall fre-opened 120 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE for the admission of members by the ordinance of bap- tism. XII. The ordinance of the Lord's supper shall be ad- ministered at the time of each union meeting, on one of the days which the conference may appoint. XIII. The meeting shall be opened and closed by p layer. These Union Meetings were attended with a very great blessing. At some of them three or four thousand people would meet, and some times fif- teen or sixteen ministers attend. Great numbers were solemnly affected, and at times, we have rea- son to believe, many got converted. At an Union Meeting at Eider Hendry's meeting house in Ber- tie, June, 1803, a very worthy character, who had been Senator for that county, and having been so- lemnly impressed with a sense of his lost state by nature for sometime before, under preaching on Sunday, received comfort, and hoped that his soul got converted: And when the minister concluded preaching, arose from his seat, and stood on a bench, and told the people, "Thai he had many times been a Candidate at Elections, but he was now a Candi- date for the Kingdom of Heaven " And being over- powered with the love of God fell backwards off the seat, but was upholder) by some of the bystanders* When he was baptized, which was a few weeks af- ter, nearly 1000 people were present; and at the side of the water lie addressed the spectators thus: "I perceive, said he, several of my friends and old com- panions standing rounc 1 ; and I can truly say I love you, but I cannot continue with you, in the ways we have so long been in, and if you will not go with me, I must leave you;" and so bade them farewell, and went into the water. At an Union Meeting at Parker's meeting house, August, 1803, it was supposed there were 4000 BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 121 people. The weather proved very rainy on Sun* day. There was a stage erected in the meeting house yard; and at about half after 11 o'clock, El- der Burkilt ascended the stage to preach, and it was expected from the appearance of the clouds it would rain every moment, and before he was done prea- ching it did so. Yet notwithstanding the nume- rous congregation still kept together; and although every effort was used to shun the rain, by umbrel- las, carriages, blankets, &c. yet we believe 1000 people were exposed to the rain without any shel- ter; and some crying, some eonvulsed to the ground, some begging the ministers to pray for them; and they composedly stood and received the falling shower without ever being dispersed. And it is not only at particular times,- but blessed be God, these meetings are generally blessed. Of that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and his wonderful works to the children of menf We feel ourselves very happy, and thankful at this time for the visitation of the Lord. 0! that he would continue his work until the whole world is brought into subjection to the peaceable reign of Christ, the Prince of Peace; and that the whole earth may be filled vviih his glory. And his know* ledge cover the earth as the waters do the seas. This gracious work in this Association, has been differently manifested in its operations, and the ef- fects it took on the people. Some were deeply af- fected under a sense of their lost state, and their hearts ready to burst within them, whilst reflecting on their past conduct; yet under the ministry of the word made no noise. Others sensible of these things were in floods of tears, and at last constrain- ed to give vent to their passions, and cry out in the presence of the multitude, What must I do to bs saved? Some were taken with a tremo?* 7 like a fii 11* 122 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE of the ague. And others fell to the ground like a person in a swoon, and continued helpless and mo- tionless for some time; and this power was mani- fest at times, on persons at home about their secu- lar concerns in the house, and in the field. Whatever infidels may say in opposition to the work id this Association, stubborn reason is obli- ged to decide in favor of this revival. It is evi- dent it was from God, from the good effects it took on the people, and the tendency it had to moralize them. Persons of the most dissolute lives, as drunkards, swearers, liars, thieves, &c. became so- ber,, punctual, honest, virtuous persons. Surely that religion must be of God that makes people godly from good principles; that makes better hus- bands, better wives, better children, more obedient servants, better masters, better neighbors and bet- ter citizens. This the work has evidently done. Let the politician with all his maxims of policy; the deist with all his deistical reasoning, endeavoring to invalidate the divine authority of the holy scrip- tures; the soldier with all his arms and ammuni- tion, see if any or all of them together, can by all their art, sophistry or power, or even by the force of gunpowder, effect such a reformation in the morals of men. Can they do what the simplicity of the gospel of our dear Lord Jesus has done? Can they make those who hate God and religion with all their hearts, love him and his service? Can they make men at variance and enmity love one another? This the gospel has done in this re- vival. In some neighborhoods, persons at enmity with each other, and when they met would not speak to one another, after receiving the benefits of the gospel's gracious influence, could take each other in their arms with the greatest pleasure, and cause an unbelieving world to say ; Behold how these Christians love. BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. I2S CHAP. VIII. 1 . On the Nature of Circular Letters. 2. A Let- ter "On the Maintenance of the Ministry ," for 1191, by Elder Martin Ross. 3. "On the final perseverance of the Saints in Grace" for 1794, by Elder Lancaster. 4. "On Good Works," for 1SOO, by Elder Gilbert. Ever since the second year after the minutes were first printed, which was in the year 1790, it has been customary for the Association to address the churches by way of circular letters. The cus- tom is, to appoint some minister, the year before, to prepare one against the next Association. At first it was the practice to name a subject; but of iate the minister is at liberty to choose his subject. The letter thus prepared is brought to the Associa- tion, and if approved by them is printed in the minutes. We have thought proper to insert in this Histo- ry, a few of those letters on the most interesting subjects; which will not only give our readers an idea of the nature of these letters; but it is hoped, from the magnitude of the subjects in them discus- sed, will be both pleasing and profitable to the im- partial inquirer. (CIRCULAR LETTER.) The Messengers of the several Baptist churches belonging to the United Baptist Association, formerly called the Kehukee Association, met at the Flat Swamp meeting house, in Pitt county, North Carolina, October, 1791: To the several churches in union with this Asso- ciation, send greeting: Dearly beloved Brethren, 124 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE Our divine Lord and Master, in the course of an indulgent providence, hath favoured us with an- other anniversary interview, by which we obtain knowledge of the circumstances of the churches that compose this convention; and we also received agreeable information concerning the interest and growth of our adorable Redeemer's kingdom m many other places. And it must give peculiar pleasure to every gracious soul to hear, "that he who sitteth between the cherubims has stretched forth his mighty arm, and is making a willing peo- ple in the day of his power." And since Almighly God in carrying on this glorious work, is pleased by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe, it therefore be- comes necessary that there should be a number of preachers or ministers of the gospel. And accord- ing to the direction of our last Association, we pro- ceed, in our circular letter, at this time, to make a few observations on the necessary support or main- tenance of gospel ministers; although we ar? very sorry that there should be the least occasion to write or speak upon that subject. We apprehend that one principal reason why the churches have been so remiss in this duty is because the people have been for a number of years griev- ously oppressed by an ecclesiastical establishment,* in raising money for the support of ministers of a contrary sentiment, many of whom they had reason to fear God never sent to preach, but only preach- ed for hire and divined for money, and regarded \he fleece more than \he flock. To shun this extreme, many zealous preachers, who abhorred their works *We would not be understood to insinuate that those establishments do yet remain, they have been wholly removed and finally abolished in this State, by the late i«ost glorious Revolution* BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 125 of darkness and deceit, being sensible that such men crept into the ministry for the sake of filthy lucre, have thought it lheir duty to bear public tes- timony against them. But not being careful to dis- tinguish between living of the gospel of Christ, and being supported by the laws of men, those zealots have injudiciously condemned the practice of receiving any thing at all as a reward for minis- terial labors, and so have fallen into an error on the other hand. It is therefore necessary that a just mediocrity be .observed between the two ex- tremes. To guard against the error on both hands, it is ne- cessary, dear brethren, we should make the holy scriptures the rule of our faith and practice. That ministers have a divine right to maintenance from the people is evident: 1. From the express declaration of Jesus Christ, Matt. x. 9, 10: "Provide neither gold nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor scrip for your jour- ney; neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves; for the workman is worthy of his meat — and the laborer of his hire." Luke x. 9. 2. This right the Apostles published throughout the world, 1 Cor. ix 14: "Even so hath the Lord ordained, that they which preach the gospel, should live of the gospel." Gal. vi. 6: "Let him that is taught in the word, communicate to him that teacheth in all good things. " 3. This divine right of the minister's mainten- ance is manifested by the law of nature. Deut. xxv. 4. — 1 Tim. v. 18: "Thuu shall not muzzlfc the ox that treadeth out the corn — and the laborer is worthy of his reward." 4. By the law of nations. "Who goeth a war- fare at any time at his own charges?" I Cor. ix. 7. 5. By th? laws of farmers, graziers, vine plan* 126 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE ters, reapers, threshers, &c. 1 Cor. ix. 7: "Who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruit thereof? Or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock?" 1 Cor. ix. 10, 11: "For our sakes no doubt this is written: that he that ploweth should ptow in hope; and he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. If we have sown unto you; spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?" 6. By the Levitical law. 1 Cor. ix. 13: "Do you not know that they which minister about holy things, live of the things of the temple; and Ihey which wail at the altar, are partakers with the al- tar?" Thus have we, dear brethren, clearly proven from express scripture, that the ministers of the gospel are justly entitled to a comfortable mainten- ance from the people. The ministers support should be sufficient and plentiful, because they are enjoined hospitality. The matter of their main- tenance is expressed in terms so general, as to leave the people at liberty to pay them in kind, or value, all good things. The manner of paying, is, cheer- fully, and not grudgingly. — The contributors are all who "are taught in the word." The truth of these things, beloved brethren, we make no doubt you are convinced of, but the neg- lect of them is too glaring to us, yourselves and others. We cannot but feel exceeding sorry on this account. The consequences arising there- from are very pernicious. By this sad neglect the poor ministers of the gospel are necessarily obliged to follow their worldly avocations for the support of themselves and their families, which prevents them from reading the holy scriptures, meditating, preaching constantly, and giving themselves whol- ly to the work— which weakens their hands, dulls BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 127 their ideas, cook their zeal, and of necessity they are not so profitable to the churches, nor to the cause of Christ in general. These things, in a mea- sure, you must be sensible of. Much more might be said upon this subject, but the bounds of a circu- lar letter will not admit of it Thus have we, dear brethren, (pursuant to an ordinance of our last Association) endeavored to consider this important duty, and now permit us affectionately and solemnly to call upon you to con- sider our adorable Master's weighty and powerful expostulations — "Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things I say? Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you. If ye love me keep my commandments. He that saith I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him. My little children, let us ziot love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed, and in truth." — Luke vi. 46. John xiv. 15. xy, 14. 1 John ii. 4. 1 John iii. 18. Finally, brethren, those things which ye have .both learned, and received, and heard and seen, do, and the God of peace shall be with you. Signed by order of the Association, NATHAN MAYO, Moderator, LEMUEL BURKITT, Clerk. (CIRCULAR LETTER.) The Elders and Messengers of the several Baptist Churches belonging to the Kehukee Association, met at Brother BurkitCs meeting house, on San- dy Run, in Bertie county, JV. Carolina, Septem- ber, 1794 — The Churches in union with this As- sociation, send their Christian salutation. BELOVED BRETHREN, Being favored by Divine Providence, we have 123 HISTORY op the KEHUKEE once more had a profitable and pleasing interview at ttie time and place appointed. The business we have transacted, you have in our minutes, which we hope will meet with your concurrence and appro- bation. The subject of our Circular Letter this year, ac- cording to a resolve of our last, is to be "The final perseverance of the saints in grace." And as the subject is inseparably connected with, and a con- comitant of, that God exalting, soul reviving, doc- trine of particular election, and free, unmerited grace in Christ Jesus, we doubt not of its being cordially received by you, and perused both with pleasure and satisfaction. To do ample justice to a subject of this magni- tude, so copious in its nature and interesting in its consequences, would very far exceed the bounds of a Circular Letter. We shall therefore only offer a few reasons, supported by the best authority, in fa- vor of it. And first a strong and undeniable rea- son in support of the doctrine, may be fairly drawn from the covenant made with Noah: the tenor of which was, that God would no more drown the world by water — see Gen. ix. Now we do not, neither can we, without being guilty of the most daring and gross impiety, call in question or dis- pute the veracity of God in this solemn promise; niether can any call in question the final persever- ance of (he saints in grace, without being guilty of offering the most daring insults to the God of truth; for the preservation of the one, and the security of the other, is, in every point of view, marked with the same awful solemnity of an oath. For the truth of which we beg leave to refer you to that memorable passage in Isa. liv. 9, 10: "For this Is as the waters of Noah unto me; for as I have BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. \29 sworn that the waters of Noah no more shall cover the earth, so have I sworn that I would not be wrQth with thee, nor rebuke thee. — For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kind- ness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee." From the premises thus laid down by inspiration itself, the conclusion is very natural and obvious, viz: That the people of God have no more reason to doubt of their security in Christ, and final per- severance in grace, than they have that God contra- ry to his oath, will send a second deluge of water and drown the world. And whoever disputes the one or the other, is so far an infidel, and deserves no better title from men. Another authority perfectly similar to the above Cjtioted passage we find recorded by that great champion of truth, and patron of the saints final perseverance in grace, in Heb. vi. 17, 18: "Wher- ifi God willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath — That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us." Here we find the Apostle speaks ofthe heirs of prom- ise who are believers; 2. ofthe immutabilily of Go(i ? s council, i. e. respecting the promise and ihe, heirs of it, which he says was confirmed by an oath — the reason of which was, that we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before us; which hope, the Apostle saith with great propriety, is an anchor of Hhe soul, neither does he give the least hint f 'f any t danger of this anchor giving wuy, so as not to aft- 12 ilSO HISTORY of the KEHUKEE swer the purpose for which it was intended, but or* the contrary, declares unequivocally, and we may add unconditionally also, that it is both sure and steadfast. Whieh shews most clearly, that Noah was not more safe when shut up in the ark, than be- lievers are whose lives are hid with Christ in God. Again, we are informed by ihe same Apostle, Rom, viii. 28: "That all things work together for good to them that love God" — then consequently nothing can work for their destruction. Again, Jer. xxxii. 40: " And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them to do them good." But it is objected they may turn a- way from him, and so finally perish: To which we reply, that the same covenant provides against that also, for in the same verse God says: "I will put my fear in their hearts that they shall not de- part from me." So if God has said that he will not turn away from his people, and that he will nev- er leave nor forsake them, (Heb. xiii. 5.) and that they shall not depart from him — -then surely that man must have a front of brass, and not the fear of God before his eyes, that can dispute the point with his maker, and say the. union may be dissolved, and believers in Christ may finally perish. As a further confirmation of the doctrine contend- ed for, we offer to your consideration the following scriptures. Psal. .xxxvii. 23,24: "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and he delight- eth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down. : for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand*"— -Jsa. xlii. 1&: "And I will bring the blind by a way that they kne\v not; I will lead them in a path that they have not known: I wilj make darkness light before them, and crocked j$h)gs straight. These things will I do unto thejjj, BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 131 grid not forsake them," — Mic. vi. 8: " Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall I shall arise." — 1 John ii. 19: "They went out from us, but they were not of us: For if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: But they went out that they might be made mani- fest that they were not of us." Again, the blessed Jesus hath said, "af1 that the Father giveth me shall come unto me, and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out;" and fur- ther declares, "that it was the will of the Father that he should lose nothing but that he should raise it up at the last day." That the water be would give bis people (which is the graces of his spirit) should be in therrra well of water springing up unto ever- lasting life. — That he has given them eternal life, and that they shall never perish: And that they shall not come into condemnation, for they are pass- ed from death unto life. And because I lite (sajs he) ye shall live also. For a proof of which, see John vi. 36— 39. iv. 14. x. 28, 29. v. 24. Several authorities as much in point as those al- ready quoted, ofi'er their friendly assistance, but otfr scanty limits admonish us it is time to stop. We shall therefore beg leave to quote only two more scriptures, and with them we close. The first we bring from Rom. viii. 38, 39. There, says that great Apostle to the gentiles, who was well acquain- ted with the mind of his divine Lord and Master; and under the immediate inspiration of the spirit of God — "I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels ? nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come — nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to sep- arate us from the love of God which is in Christ Je- sus our Lord." The popular objection that they 132 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE may separate themselves, is too futile to merit an answer; we shall therefore treat it with silence and deserved contempt, until it shall be made appear by some unheard of arguments, that a believer him- self is a non-entity, or no creature at all, which is impossible to be done. Let the golden chain of God's decrees, and the believer's privileges, bring up the rear — Rom. viii. 29, 30: "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the first born among many breth- ren — Moreover, whom he did predestinate, thejn he also called; and whom he called, them he also justified; and whom hejustified, them he also glori- fied." Here believers is a golden chain indeed, a chain of God's making, and therefore cannot be broken by all the sophistry of men of corrupt minds, who exceedingly err, not knowing the scriptures noF the power of God. For here it may be observed, that those of whom it is said, that they were fore- known, predestinated i called and justified are identi- cally the same people that are to be glorified — this being an undeniable fact, we conclude that the ar- gument drawn from this authority is unanswerable, and therefore must be finally conclusive. Very weighty arguments might also be drawn from the omnipotency, omniscience and immutabil- ity of God, but we have already observed that our limits are exceeded — therefore to conclude, we be- seech you, dear brethren, by the mercies of Gcd, to present your bodies a living sacrifice to him at all times — having had much forgiven, let the consider- ation thereof cause you to love much, and influence you to every good Word and work* Let not this blessed soul reviving doctriue be evilly spoken of through you; but on the contrary, let your exempla- BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 13S ry lives and pious conversation declare to all the world the blessed and happy influence the belief of it has on your daily conduct. Beware of thinking you have already attained, or already perfect;, which would be sure to check your pious endeav- ors to grow in grace, and in the knowldge, not only of the doctrine here laid down, but those doc-* irines inseparably connected with it. Lastly, let the consideration of your secure stand- ing in Christ, bear you up under all the cross-like and afflictive providence jou may have to meet with in your passage through this unfriendly world; be- ing fully persuaded that his promise of ''never leav- ing you," stands firmer than heaven or earth; and that according to the prayer he put up to his fath- er, you shall ere long be with him, not only to see him and behold his glory, but to adore, beyond the stretch of thought, his divine perfections to all eter- nity, where your sorrows of every description shall be completely doaeaw-ay, and every divine promise meet its full accomplishment* Now to Him who is able to keep you from fall- ing, and has promised to^ present you faultless be- fore the throne of his glory,, to the only wise God, be glory and thanksgiving throughout all churches, . awld without end. 5 Aniens Signed by order of the Association, NATHAN MAYO, Moderator, LEMUEL BURK1TT, Clerk,, (CIRCULAR LETTER.) The, Elders and Messengers of the several Baptist Churches belonging to the Kehukee Association, met at the meeting house near the Falls of Tar River, Nash county, North Carolina, October^. 12* 134 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE 1800 — To the Churches in union with this As- sociation, send their Christian salutation* BELOVED BRETHREN, Called of God to the fellowship of his dear Son, and to an inheritance amongst those who are sanc- tified, and beloved by us, we hope we have obtain- ed like precious grace with you. The great satis- faction which you have expressed in, and the wil- lingness with which you have received our former epistles; together with a desire for your good, and the glory of the great Redeemer, are motives which induce us to address vou once more in an epistolary way, which we send this year on the sub- ject of good works, which is highly recommended by our Lord and Saviour, together with his proph- ets and apostles, and ought to be carefully observed by all who profess to be followers of the blessed Je- sus. Witness the following scriptures: Eccl. iii. 17. chap ix. 10 and xii. 14. Isa. xxiii. 17. James, i. 25. Gal. vi. 4. 1 Thes. i. 3. Heb. vi. 10. Ti- tus, i. 16. James, ii, 1 1-21. Jonah, iii. 10. Mat. xxiii. 10. 2 Cor. xi. 15. Rev. xiv. 13 and xx. 12 and 32. Acts, x. 35. Rom. ii. 10, These and many others abundantly testify that we were crea- ted in Christ Jesus unto good works, which the Lord before ordained that we should walk in them. And as the contracted limits of a circular letter will not admit of a full investigation of our subject, we shall in a few particulars show what we understand to be intended by the term good works. And first, it might not be amiss to observe, that before works can be called, or really deemed good works, it is necessary that they be the product of a true and genuine faith in Christ; for as "Faith without works is dead," so works without faith is dead also. Heb, h, 14. The source or fountain then ; whence BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 135 good works flow is not from any expectation of me- rit, but purely from a principle of love to God. By good works, we understand works of various kinds, as, 1. Our duty to God. 2. Our duty to the Church and people of God. 3. Our duty to our neighbors. 4. Our duty to magistrates, or earthly rulers. 5. Our duty to our family, and lastly to ourselves. 1. Our duty to God is, to consider him as the cause of our existence, our great benefactor, and sole author of all cur happiness in time and eternity: to love hiin above any earthly enjoyment: yea with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We should use our utmost endeavor to keep his commandments, and have respect to all his pre* cepts. But as our duty to God is inseparably con- nected with our duty in other particulars, we pass on, 2. To our duty to the church and people of God. As our Lord and Saviour has loved us and given himself for us, that he might deliver us from the curse of the law and the flames of devouring tire, and hath taken us from the wild stock of na- ture, made us all to drink of the same fountain of his everlasting love, and so tempered our spirits as to unite us together, not by tyrannical chains, but by the sweetest bands of love and fellowship; and declared us to be a select body by him chosen, and set apart from the world, it becomes our duty then to walk as people who are not of the world, but cho- sen of God and bound for the heavenly Canaan f having given our hands and hearts to each other, to endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, to strengthen, comfort, uphold, encourage, watch over and to pray with and for one another, to bear one another's burdens, and "so fulfil the royal law of Christ." Our Lord has compared his church to a company of horse in Pharaoh's chariot — hente 136 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE it appears that all have something to do in the church of Christ, that none should be barren nor unfruitful. The Lord has made it our duty often to assemble ourselves together, and we are exhort- ed by an apostle not to forsake it as the manner of some was. We hope you will, therefore, endeavor as oft as possible to attend your church meetings, and places of public worship. We hear of cold- ness among some of you — what else can be expect- ed? when the church members so seldom see each other, they become in a manner strange and useless to one another, while some perhaps seldom, and others scarcely ever, attend conference at all. Dear brethren, pray consider the worthy name by which you are called, and the honor of that cause in which you are enlisted; you are called the light of the world, but how can your light be useful when many even of the people of the world, are more careful to attend on worship, yea even conferences too, than many who profess to be followers of the blessed Jesus. While thus backward or careless in attending your conferences and places of public worship, you wound and grieve your brethren, and weaken the hands of your ministers, who after corn* ing perhaps many miles to endeavor to comfort you, find themselves oft times under the disagreeable necessity of preaching almost to the naked walls, or not at all* The few hearers they may have be*** Ing chiefly those who make no profession of reli- gion, while the members of the church are busily engaged at home, and cannot take time to attend on the worship of God, and many times kept back for* a small excuse even on the Lord's day. TbirdU', our duty to love our neighbor is to him as ourself, to be kind and charitable to all whose needs may require it, be they strangers or BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 137 acquaintances, without respect of*persons; to visit ihe sick, the fatherless and the widow in their afflic- tions, endeavoring to nourish and comfort them as far as in us lies; also to receive strangers, use them kindly, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and to be careful to consider the poor and needy, and grant them relief according to our ability. Beware of covetouSness, remember the kingdom of God is not in meat and drink, but love, p^ace and joy in the Holy Ghost; therefore, glorify God and comfort your fellow creatures with what you pos- sess. Fourthly, we should obey magistrates, and all those who are put in authority to rule over us in our temporal affairs. We should not speak evil, nor reproachfully of them, but acknowledge their au- thority, and honor them as ministers of God, by him appointed for the punishment of evil doers, and the protection of those who wish to do well; we should therefore shew all good fidelity as patrons of good works and a light to the w©rld, that we bring not reproach on the Church of Christ, nor cause to be blamed that holy name by which we are called. Fifthly, our duty to our family, which appears very extensive when we consider ourselves, in re- spect to them, not only as stewards, who have to give an account of our stewardship to God, but as it were, as prophets, priests, and kings. Asa proph- et, we should teach and instruct them; as a priest we should pray with and for them, and should be careful in the order of their government. Each one to whom God has committed the care of souls, or a family which is the same thing, should consider himself as their teacher, to whom all the family look, and from whom they all expect to receive 138 HISTORY o* the KEHUKEE their instruction, as it is well known that children in their tender years are naturally led to think the judgment, council, ways and behavior of their parents to be superior to all others, especially when parents or rulers exercise a proper authority. Ev- ery family should have one, and only one proper head who should take the government thereof, and in all cases endeavor to rule with justice, having a particular regard for all about him, setting forth good examplesj walking in the ways of godlinessr and true piety, praying with and for them oft; yea- w T e are exhorted to "pray without ceasing," and ir? every thing to give thanks. If we neglect public prayer, praise and thanksgiving in our families, do' we not leave them all to walk io the dark, as it were? while we suffer our light to be hidden under the bushel of worldly cares, or under the bed of sloth, while we ourselves walk unworthy the christian name. A family should not be governed by pas- sion, justice should be tempered with judgment and mercy. In vain does the passionate, fractious, tur- bulent and inconsiderate person, after being the cause of a whole day's unhappiness and discontent in his family, at night, call on all or any of them to join him in the worship of God, while every mind is filled with prejudice, every eye with evil, and ev- ery tongue ready to say, physician heal thyself, or, ^tho© hypocrite first cast out the beam out of thine own eye." Therefore every ruler of a family should always remember that example has the most powerful influence, without which all our admoni- tion, will in all probability prove ineffectual. Par- ents should be careful to preserve and cultivate the morals of their children^ they shpuld use their au- thority and not gratify them in their own wicked desireSj such as frolicking, vain company keeping^ BAPTIST ASSOCIATION.. I3£ gaming, idle visits on the Lord's day, he. but should on that day carry them to places of public ♦worship, and after they return, endeavor io im- press upon their minds the things they heard. For after giving too great a loose io the reins of .our children's lusts, we shall find our reproofs to be in vain. Witness the sons of Eli, 1 Sam. li. 23, 24, 25. And Solomon says, "Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soiri -spare for his cry- ing." Prov. xix. 18. If we cannot command the hearts of our children and family to make them pray, and love God, we may teach and admonish them; and should all our endeavors fail, we may lastly have recourse Xo the example of Job. Job, i. 5. And further, with respect to the observation of good works relative to family duty, it becomes every member of a family to practice the particular duties in the respective places, our Divine Lord and Mas?- ler has placed us in, as husbands to love their wives and be not bitter against them. Wives to submit themselves to their owu husbands. Servants to be obedient to their masters, and please them well in all things. Masters to give unto their servants that which is just and equal. Parents not to provoke their children to anger lest they he discouraged; as well as for children toobey their parents. Col. iii. Lastly, we should look to our own souls, strive to walk humbly with God, and study to shew our- selves approved of him in all things, patrons of good works, and endeavor to keep a conscience void of offence, to check and keep under as much as possi- ble all our unruly passions; to watch and pray, and avoid, as far as in us lies, giving any cause where- by the enemies of the Lord may speak evil of as pr blaspheme that worthy name by which we are 140 IftSTORY of the KEHUKEE called. Ready at all times to reprove vice, strid- ing to confirm all our reproofs, counsels or admonU tions by a regular life, pious walk, and godly con- versation. We should be careful to read and study the scriptures, and often to withdraw from the hur- ries of life to secret prayer and meditation; for where these duties are neglected, our case becomes very alarming, we then grow cold, backslide, and in a particular manner may give the enemy of souls great advantage over us. And now may the kind and good-Lord strength- en, uphold, and enable you to watch and pray, fill you with every good word and work, comfort you abundantly, and preserve you blameless until his second appearance to visit his sleeping saints, and to be admired by all who love him, and long for his glorious appearance- Amen. Signed by order. NATHAN MAYO, Moderator. LEMUEL BURKITT, Cleric. CHAP. IX. 1. What a (rue Charch of Christ is 7 the Manner of receiving Members, Constitution, Discipline, Officers, fyc. Memoirs of Elders Done, Cole, Walker Rom. vi. 4. and we all know that it is not customary to bury people with their faces downward. baptist association. 143 oended to seven. Tertullian to three: vbi ires ec- clesia est Exh. de cast, Ch. 7. Our Lord says, where two or three are gathered together in my name, I will be in the midst of them; and we read of churches being in some houses or families, as was the case with Aquilla and Priscilla, Rom. xvi. 5. 1 Cor. xvi. 19, also that of Philemon, verse 2d. The church in thy house. Yet, notwithstanding, we are left at an uncertainty to know how many were in those families; nor can we suppose any par- ticular number is intended by our Lord. We judge that where there are a sufficient number to carry on church discipline, with suitable church officers, it is sufficient to constitute a church. In the next place we will treat of the manner in which a church is constituted, according to the mode usually practised in our Association. The newly constituted churches in this Associa- tion, are such us have been constituted out of the old churches, being branches or arms of the same. Being gathered, baptized and received members of such churches: And when ripe for constitution, usually petition the body for dismission in order thereto; and having obtained a regular dismission, a day of fasting appointed for the purpose, one or more ministers present, the members all should be present and give in a list of their names, and pro* duce their dismission from the body. The minis- ters enquire whether it is their desire to become a church, whether their habitations are near enough to each other, conveniently to attend church con- ferences? Whether they are so well acquainted with each other's life and conversation as to coalesce into one body, and walk together in love and fel- lowship? Whether it is their intention to keep up a regular discipline agreeably to the scriptures, to 144 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE make God's word the rule of their conduct in church government, obeying his ordinances, and in matters of faith, and all other things relative there- to in a church relation, and by these things distin- guish themselves as a true church of Christ? These things being answered in the affirmative, then a covenant is produced, similar to that mentioned, page 29 and being read, consented to, and subscri- bed, the ministers pronounce them a church, in some such words as these, "In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the authority of our office, we pronounce you, [mentioning their namesj a true gospel church; endowed with all necessary power towards becoming a complete organized body, and the due government of yourselves; and therefore stand bound to make proper use of that power, as ye shall answer it to the head of the church. On whose name let us further call." Then they pray to God for a blessing on them, and conclude by singing his praise, and giving each other the right hand of fellowship. The church thus constituted* have full power to choose their officers, receive members, and deal with cffenders. The last case is, when any member transgresses, and sins against God, any member or members who are acquainted with it, ought to go and charge the offending brother with the crime; and if he make confession of his sin and appear penitent, and the offence be of a private nature r the dealing is car- ried no further. See Mat. xviii. But if it be a public transgression, he must be cited to appear be- fore the church; and being charged with the crime, if he confess it, and express satisfactory signs of repentance, he is then restored to fellowship: But if he prove incorrigible, he is put out of the communion of the church, until he be restored by repentance and reformation, BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 145 The principal officers in the church are Minis- ters and Deacons. It has long been the opinion of the Association that there is no more to be con- tinued in the church, or that is sufficient!}' author- ised from the word of God. The churches in the Kehukee Association, at first, had ruling Elders. But it has a great while been the opinion of most of the churches belonging to that Association, that there are no ruling Elders mentioned in the scrip- tures, distinct from Teachers, who are called El- ders. Therefore the practice of having ruling El- ders, distinct from the ministers, is laid aside^ This subject has often been debated in the Associ- ation, and the only reasons which they have assign- ed for not having ruling Elders, when those que- ries have been discussed, are, 1. The word of God no where points out the qualifications of such officers, as is the case with Ministers and Deacons. 2. No example in the New Testament of any be- ing called, nor the time when, and manner how they were ordained to office. & No work pre- scribed in the word of God for them to do. The Minister's work is pointed out, "To leach, re- buke, exhort," &c. The Deacon's work prescrib- ed, viz: "7b serve tables*" But no work poin- ted out for a ruling Elder. The work designed, for an Elder, according to Mr. Hooker and others would be expressly to break one of Christ's com- mands. If thy brother trespass against thee, says our Lord, go and tell him his faults: But they say, we must go and tell the Elders of it, and it is their work to try to settle it. Upon the whole we know not any thing they have to do, distinct from the Minister, Deacon,, and what is every member's- duty to do. As we hold only these two, and as the office* sail and ordination of a minister have been treated 13* 146 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE of before, we shall only give an example of the or- dination of a Deacon. It is necessary there should be two or more Dea- cons in every ehurch. The office of a Deacon is secular, extending to all the secular affairs of the church, Acts, vi. 2. 3, 4. His office authorises him to require, receive and lay out money towards answering the church's worldly necessity. The scriptures when speaking of his office notes it under the t?rms, business, daily ministration, helping, caring for the poor, collecting, distributing and serving tables, viz: the table of the Lord, table of the minister, and the table of the poor. Acts, vi. 5. 1 Cor. xii. 2S. Gal. ii. 10. John, xii. 6. Their qualifications are expressed both negatively and positively by the Apostle Paul — Not double tongued, not greedy of filthy lucre; but grave, holding the mystery of the faith in a pure con- science; approved, blameless, the husband of one wife, ruling his children and house well, men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wis- dom. 1 'rim. iji. chap. Acts, vi 3. Requisite lo their ordination, it is necessary there be, 1. A meeting of the church. 2. Two ministers present at the least. The ministers to enquire into their call and qualification; then lay hands on them and pray; and conclude the solemnity by a charge giv- en, and singing God's praise, in a hymn suitable to the occasion. 1 ne Ki-hukee Association at present contains 31 churches, viz: Bertie, Camden, Cashie, Chowan and Gates, Gowenjock, Connoho, Connetoe, Con- narifsey. Cross Roads in Edgecombe. Falls of Tar Rivfr, Fishing Creek, Flat Swamp, Flatty Creek, Great Swamp, Haywood's Meeting House in Franklin, Kehukee, Knobscrook, Morattuck, Mat- tamuskeet, Maple Spring, Pungo, Quankey, Rocky Swamp, Reedy Creek. Sandy Greek, Sawyer's BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 147 Creek, Scuppernong, Skewarkey, Wiccacon, Me- herrin and Yoppim. These churches originally took their names from some water course near which the meeting house stands, and if there be no water course near, nor other noted place, they usually bear the name of the county where the churches are. And in the minutes of each Association, they are printed as they stand alphabetical!} 7 . The gospel, by the Baptists, was first preached here about 1764. Elders Henry Done, John Bur- ges, Henry Abbot* and William Cole, were some of the first Baptist ministers of our order, who preached about Yoppim. Elder HEjYRY DONE. Elder Done was born, raised, and baptized ia England; came over to America, and lived not far from Eden ton-. He was a man of a very extensive memory, had a good acquaintance with the scrip- tures, and a remarkable gift in prayer, and tolera- ble good in exhortation; but not extraordinary in preaching. He became a member of this church after it was gathered, and continued in it with ap- probation for several years. But by reason of his advanced state in life, he did not preach very fre- quently. He had no wife nor family; and at last finished his course with joy, being nearly 80 years of age. Elder WILLIAM COLE. Elder Cole was from a small boy brought up to the sea, and was miraculously converted on a voy- age to Lisbon. While on the passage the Lord was pleased to shew him what a vile sinner he was, and his dangerous state by nature. In his distress, never having had a religious education, and no re- ligious book on board, except the Bible, he had no where to apply for direction but to the Lord. He >48 HISTORY or the KEHUKEE searched the scriptures, and his distress increas- ed to such an height, he was not able to perform his duty on board the vessel. He used to say, when his soul was overwhelmed in sorrow, and he read how in times of old, some would repent in sackcloth and ashes, he would go down in the ves- sel, and wallow and cover himself in a heap of sand., hoping the Lord would hear him, but he found no relief. But at last it pleased God to reveal his Son in him, the hope of glory; and his soul was in such raptures and joys, he could not contain himself night nor day. Praying, praising God, and ex- horting the sailors, were his chief employ. lie was Mate of the vessel, and in the absence of the Captain, frequently would order the sailors in his presence, and begin to preach to them. The Captain thought him mad, and threatened to have him put in irons. He at this time, for want of bet- ter information, thought he could work ?niracles f and often told the Captain he could drink poison, or walk on the water. But the Lord through his goodness prevented him from making the attempt. He at length was measurably convinced that the power of working miracles was ceased, from an attempt he made to cut off one of his toes with a razor, and had partly done so, but could not hea4 it. As soon as he arrived at Edenton, he began to preach to the inhabitants* The people had their attention very much engaged, from a report which prevailed. It was said a man was to preach, who ''declared he had been dead and was alive again j and that he should never die." Who reported it, we know not, but take it in a spiritual sense it might be true. He travelled to the south and met with some free will Baptists, and was baptized by Elder Winfield. He lived awhile near Yoppim, then moved 10 Princess Anne, thence to Bertie,, and then into Hertford county; and in or about the-* BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 149 year 1785, he left this country, master of a vessel bound to the West Indies, and he nor any of his men ever returned again; we expect he made his grave in the great deep. He was a very pious zealous good christian, and we hope he is now where winds and waves can no more distress. He left a wife and several small children behind, who sometime past removed to Cumberland in Tennes- see* Elder WILLMM WALKER. The time and place of his nativity to us are un- known. He settled in Warren county, between the years 1750 and 55. He at first became a free will Baptist preacher, as was mentioned before. After he embraced the doctrines of grace, and was reg- ularly authorised as a gospel minister, he was very zealously engaged in preaching, and his labors were very much blessed. His labors in the ministry were not confined to Reedy Creek only, but he travelled and preached in a number of places, and was an humble instrument of bringing •many precious souls to the knowledge of the truth. Afier he was established in the truth of the doc- trines of the gospel, he was never known to court the smiles, nor fear the frowns of any man. God's free electing, everlasting, unchangeable love, through Christ to poor sinners was his favorite theme; whilst he pressed the necessity of the new birth, in consequence of our fallen degenerate state by nature. He was loved and esteemed by all ranks uf people. The labors of his life which closed his ministry here on earth, were Saturday and Sunday, October the third and fourth. 1784. On Saturday he attended a funeral at Mr. Hono- rias Powell's, and preached from Deut. xxxii. 29, 0/ that they were were wise, &c. In the first part of his discourse beseemed much engaged, but a sudden weakness affected his mortal frame, and 150 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE he concluded the labors of the day after going through his second head of doctrine. He retired to the house of one of the brethren, dined heartily, but in conversation seemed incoherent, and at times inclined to be wild and startish. He rested but very little that night, and was in a great hurry to get to the meeting house next morning; more so than was ever* known before; and said, he wished to go and do what he had to do. He went to meet- ing and took his text m the 8th chap, of Paul's epistle to the Romans; but could not distinctly read it before he was strkken with the dead palsy, and fell in the pulpit, and was heard to say, "Blessed be God I have fallen in a good cause." He was put into a chair and conveyed to the house where he lodged the night before; his reason left him and returned no more. He was carried to his house in Franklin county, on Wednesday following. It was observed that he scarcely ever slept from the time he received the stroke of the palsy. A physician was consulted who gave him a sleeping dose; it operated, and put him to sleep and he never awoke more in this world, but breathed out his soul into the bosom of his Redeemer, on Wednesday, the 13th of September, 1784, much lamented by all who knew him. Elder M COB CROCKER. Elder Jacob Crockeu attended a meeting at his meeting house, (Haywood's, in Franklin coun- ty,) the first Sunday in November, 1791, and was greatly engaged in exhorting the people, at which time he said to his auditory, that he believed it would be the last time he should ever address them, which eventually proved to be no chimera, for he never attended a meeting after that time. The same evening he said to his beloved wife, "Many lonesome hours you have seen in shy absence, but BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 15* comforted yourself with the hope of my return; but now I am going from whence I shall no more return." Some days after this, his wife asked him if he thought he should die, he answered (with a smile) "I hope I shall; I have no desire to stay here any longer." Sometime after, he desired that she might resign to his death, saying "it would be but a short time before they should meet again." The day before he died^ one of his daughters being by his bedside a weeping, he said to her, u do not weep for me, I hope God has converted your soul, and if so, we shall .soon meet again in a better world." One of the brethren asked him a few hours before his death, how it was with him; he answered, "a few more struggles, and it will be eternally day with my soul." Thus that faithful servant of the Lord bid this world adieu. He was greatly la- mented by his pious acquaintance in general, and his church in particular. CHAP. X, I. Frost, an Arminian Baptist preacher, stricken ivith death while preaching his sentiments. 2. Persecution of Elders Barrow, Mintz, Walker and Baker. 3. Biographical sketches of Col. Nathan Bryan. In the year of 1791, there came from Europe, a certain Mr. Frost, in the habit of a Baptist preach- er, who at first seemed to be approved of; but soon began to deny the faith of the church, and preach the doctrines of free will, supposing man had pow- er to work himself into a state of favor with God. This man caused great uneasiness in the church at Portsmouth, Virginia. The brethren appointed a committee, to wait upon him and try to gain him 152 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE over to embrace the principles of the church; but he remained incorrigible. The church appointed another committee to go and try to silence him, but could not prevail. He said he had a meeting to attend the Wednesday night following; and he should preach. But the Lord interfered in behalf of his distressed church. For when Frost went to preach again, and took his text, which was, He shall thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into his garner; and coming to the words "purge his floor," his tongue failed, he cried, "let us pray," but sunk in his knees, and spoke not another word. He was dead in less than three hours. Thus did God avenge his suffering church in these towns, for this fox was spoiling the tender grapes. Elders BARROW and MINTZ. Some of the first Baptist ministers, who preached in the neighborhood of Shoulder's Hill, Virginia, were Elders Barrow and Mintz. They first began to preach at, and near to Sleepy Hole, on N arise- mond river. As the Lord had a work to do in this place, so the devil and his emissaries began to try to impede the work So it was when Paul and Si- las were at Philippi, and their labors were blessed. The devil stirred up the mob and the magistrates, to persecute and imprison the innocent Apostles, in order to stop the work, Acts, xvi. So it was on Nansemond river, witb Elders Barrow and Mintz; after preaching a few times, and their labors being blessed, (he devil influenced some wicked and un- godly men to persecute them. And at a certain meeting when they were going tapreach, these im- pious men went to the meeting and dragged Elders Barrow and Mintz from the place where they were Standing to preach, down to the water, not far dis- BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 153 tant from the place of worship, in order they said, "as they loved dipping, to give them enough of it." And carried them down into the water and plunged them into it. Elder Barrow said they almost drowned him. They dipped him two or three times, and held him under water nearly one minute at a time, and when they raised him up, would ask him "If he believed?" He at last replied, "I be- lieve you will drown me." They at last desisted and let them go. Afterwards these two innocent sufferers never sought any recompence, but submit- ted to it, as persecution for Christ's sake. Elder JEREMIAH WALKER. It may be observed that the dissenters in Virgin- ia, before the revolution, were persecuted more than they ever were in North Carolina. In the county of Chesterfield several Baptist ministers were imprisoned for preaching in that county; and the people were so desirous to hear preaching that they would attend at the prison, and the ministers would preach to them through the grates of the pri- son. And in order to prevent their hearing, Colo- nel Cary had a brick wall erected 10 or 12 feet high before the prison, and the top thereof fixed with glass bottles set in mortar, to prevent the pep- ple from sitting on the top of the wall to hear the word. But if persecutors did but know it, they take a wrong step to prevent the progress of reli- gion by persecution: For persecution always whets the edge of devotion. Col. Cary and others in Chesterfield argued that the act of toleration, in the statute of William and Mary, did not extend to the colony of Virginia. But Elder Jeremiah Walker, a Baptist minister, was imprisoned for preaching in that county, and he was permitted to plead in his own defence; and after he had pleaded 14 154 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE his own cause, and explained the act of toleration before the court in Chesterfield, they allowed his arguments were conclusive; and so discharged the prisoners. But blessed be God, all scruples now are remov- ed by the glorious revolution, which gives ati un- der its auspicious government, equal and impartial liberty. Elder ELIJAH BAKER. Elder Elijah Baker suffered great perse- cution in his first attempts to spread the gospel in the lower parts of Virginia. He was once seized by a giddy set of ruffians, where he was preaching, who took him by violence, and carried him on board of a vessel, informing tbe captain, he "was a disturber of the peace" and wished him to make him work for his passage over the seas, and leave him in some of the European countries, as an exile. It was on Saturday night he was carried on board; and was put to work, and continued till late at night. Next morning he came before the captain, and begged liberty, as it was the Lord's day, to go to prayer amongst the people on deck. He was gratified; and he exhorted and prayed, and the Captain beard him. He thought Elder Baker a good matr, and was determined not to humor the spiteful mob; but ordered his people to put him on shore, in the mean while his friends, had dispatch* ed a messenger to the Governor, stating facts, in order to prevent Elder Baker's banishment. But when the messenger returned with the Governor's orders to the captain to release Baker; behold it was done. He was often threatened to be mob- bed; and sometimes apples thrown at him while preaching; but out of it all, the Lord delivered hini; and by hir labors a glorious work of God BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 155 was begun, and carried an, on the Eastern shore of Virginia, Colonel NA THAN BR YAN. We shall close this treatise with some biograph- ical sketches of Colonel Nathan Bryan, who was formerly a member of the Kehukee Association, Until the division took place between the Kehukee and Neuse Associations, and then of course, on ac- count of his local situation, he became a member of the Neuse Association. Colonel Nathan Bryan, of Jones county, and state of North Carolina, was a very useful man both in church and state. And although the scriptures have abundantly testified that the^oor receive the gospel, and that God hath chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith; and that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not ma* ny noble, are called, he, (Matt. xi. 5. James- ii* 5. 1 Cor. fc 26.) yet the scripture does not say § not any of such characters, but not many. To an- swer his divine purposes he calls some of all ranks to be witnesses of his grace, and to advance his glo- ry among men. Col. Bryan was a man of reputa- tion. He was possessed of an independent fortune, was a person of considerable talents, and in great esteem amongst men of the first character in this country: yet it pleased the Lord to bring him, to an experience of his grace through faith in Christ Jesus, and that at an early period of his life. He was baptized at 18 ^ears of age, and became a member of the Southwest of Neuse, under the care of Elder M'Daniel, succeeded by Elder Dillahun- ty. Being a promising youth, he was called upon to represent the county in the General Assembly. He served them in that capacity for a number of years, and although he was usually opposed, yet he always obtained his election when he offered as iod HISTORY of the KEHUKEE a candidate. Notwithstanding he was a man of abilities, and worthy to fill posts of honor and profit in the state, yet it is well known to his con- stituents that he sought no lucrative office; but from that patriotic spirit which he was possessed, ihe good of his country was his general aim. His public and private life was so regular, and agreea- ble to a christian character, that he clearly mani- fested to all his acquaintance the sincerity of his heart, in that profession he had made of Christ Je- sus the Lord. His countenance was grave, yet commanding; and he was very affable in his ad- dresses, and inferior to none of his age and learn- ing. He was very careful to contribute to the re- lief of the poor saiuts, and ministers of the gospel* lie was careful to fill his seat at the house of God on conference days, and other days of preaching. In the year 1791, at the house of God, he said, "Brethren, what lies before U9 to-day? I see no- thing but good. We are all at peace and in love with each other. This is joy to me. Brethren, be strong in the Lord. The days may come when we shall desire to see one of - these days, and shall not see it. Brethren, in my childhood in the gos- pel, I often feared and doubted my saving interest in Christ, but in so doing it was no honor to my Lord; but through the goodness of God I have been kept from the base pollutions of the world, and I have no reason to doubt, for I know I shall stand in my lot." He was a man of so much philanthropy that he wished well to all, and strove for peace amongst re- ligious professors of every denomination, and a- mongst all men. From his respectability, and the great desire of the people, he was elected a mem- ber to represent the district of Newbern in the Con- gress of the United States, in the year of 1794, by BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 157 a majority of 1200. In 1796, he was re-elected for the same district. But his promotion to honor did not make him look with contempt on a poor brother; or ever divert his mind from religion and the fear of the Lord; but true piety and holiness were his aim, by which he distinguished himself to be a servant of the meek and lowly Jesus. In the year 1796, from Congress, he wrote to Elder Koonce on Trent, in Jones county, as fol- lows, viz: Philadelphia,) Saturday night, 10 o'clock, Jfiril 9, 1796, Dear Brother Koonce, Altho' at the distance of five hundred miles, my mind is often with yon, thinking of my religious brethren on Trent and sympathising with you. I expect you and the rest of the brethren with you feel weak under the loss of your pastor, but you are set as a watchman in Israel; you are to support the weak, and say unto Zi- on, "thy God reigneth." I expect there are many sons of God in our church. I call it our church, for I must say of it as David did of Goliah's sword, "there is. none like it," with me. And whatever part of the globe I may be in, or whatever station I may be in, my. right hand would much sooner forget her cunning, than X could forget my brethren who are with you, or cease to pray for you, and the prosperity of Jerusalem. Fare- well in the Lord. NATHAN BRYAN. In the year 1797, before he went to Congress the last session, he said to his children, "I have no expectation of surviving this year — for none of my family ever survived fifty years." He went to Congress, where he served the public until the year 1798, and the same year he died in the fif- tieth year of his age — and was buried in the Bap-< list meeting house yard in Philadelphia* His fu- neral sermon was preached by Elder Ustrick, And although this great good man of God is gone to receive his crown of life, yet he speaketh by bia past pious life and undoubted character^ which will 14* 158 HISTORY of the KEHUKEE render his memory dear to thousands, and reflect immortal honors on his name. Finally to conclude. We have great reason to praise the Lord for his goodness and wonderful works to the children of men. About 90 years have rolled round since the first Baptist Associa- tion was established in America, which was in the city of Philadelphia; and now at this time there are between 40 and 50 Associations in the United States. About 1200 churches, and nearly one hundred thousand members. The Baptists in N. Carolina as well as the rest of their brethren in the United States, hold it their duty to obey magistrates, to be subject to the law of the land, to pay their taxes, to pray for all in au- thority. They hold with lawful oaths, and are willing when required to take an oath of God upon them to testify the truth before a court or magis- trate, but reject profane swearing. Their reli- gion allows them to bear arms in defence of their life, liberty and property. This society have man- ifested themselves to be true friends to civil liberty ever since the commencement of the- war; and gen- erally speaking, in their politics, they are strict re- publicans. We shall, by way of conclusion, add a sentence from Gen. Washington's answer to the address of the Baptist committee of Virginia, in the year 1789: "When I recollect with satisfaction, that the reli- gious society of which you are members, have been throughout America, uniformly, and almost unanimous- ly, the firm friends to civil liberty, and the persevering promoters of our glorious revolution, I cannot hesitate to believe that they will be the faithful supporters of a free yet efficient general government. Under this pleasing expectation, I rejoice to assure them, that they may rely on my best wishes and endeavors to a