v.* °*^^n*< * 9 *f\> -7 '^. ° A»\ y«> /•4fc\ <° •»> » 0, P-* ^. # ' V "> <0 V *o, **T?T» A «fc dAfe: V* :mL\ \S :£&&'• W* .*£fe\ < ^ " v ^* '" *° %. ••i»° ^r «5^ ^'^ ^6« ^\> e • ♦ . *S^»* ^ ^ °*??§^* ^ °o^*^V . . . 4 A BUREAU OF MINES u , « INFORMATION CIRCULAR/1989 Ultra-High-Purity Silicon for Infrared Detectors: A Materials Perspective By Clark R. Neuharth UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mission: Asthe Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has respon- sibility for most of our nationally-owned public lands and natural and cultural resources. This includes fostering wise use of our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, pre- serving the environmental and cultural values of our national parks and historical places, and pro- viding for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The Department assesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development is in the best interests of all our people. The Department also promotes the goals of the Take Pride in America campaign by encouraging stewardship and citizen responsibil- ity for the public lands and promoting citizen par- ticipation in their care. The Department also has a major responsibility for American Indian reser- vation communities and for people who live in Island Territories under U.S. Administration. Information Circular 9237 Ultra-High-Purity Silicon for Infrared Detectors: A Materials Perspective By Clark R. Neuharth UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Manuel Lujan, Jr., Secretary BUREAU OF MINES T S Ary, Director ^ Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Neuharth, Clark R. Ultra-high-purity silicon for infrared detectors : a materials perspective / by Clark R. Neuharth. p. cm. - (Bureau of Mines information circular; 9237) Bibliography: p. 12 Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27:9237. 1. Silicon. 2. Infrared detectors-Materials. I. Title. II. Series: Information circular (United States. Bureau of Mines); 9237 TN295.U4 [TN948.S6] 622 s-dc20 [355.2'4] 89-600256 CIP CONTENTS Page Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Semiconductors 2 Properties and grades 2 Semiconductivity 3 Semiconductor devices 4 Resources 5 Recovery technology 5 Silicon metal 6 Silanes 6 Polycrystalline silicon 7 Single-crystal silicon 7 Characterization 7 Supply and demand 9 Research and development 11 Government programs 11 Summary 12 References 12 Appendix-Major domestic and foreign firms involved in semiconductor silicon production 13 ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Face-centered cubic silicon lattice 3 2. Semiconductivity of silicon 4 3. Silicon junction devices 5 4. Photodetector device 5 5. Cross section of silicon metal furnace 6 6. TCS production flowsheet 6 7. Polysilicon reactor 8 8. Single-crystal silicon production methods 8 TABLES 1. Semiconductor demand, by major market 3 2. World silicon metal production 9 3. U.S. silicon metal statistics 10 4. Silicon supply-demand relationships and prices 10 5. World semiconductor silicon suppliers 11 UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT in inch ppt part per trillion kg kilogram st short ton kg/yr kilogram per year yr year ppm part per million ULTRA-HIGH-PURITY SILICON FOR INFRARED DETECTORS: A MATERIALS PERSPECTIVE By Clark R. Neuharth 1 ABSTRACT To assess the supply status of ultra-high-purity silicon for national defense needs, the U.S. Bureau of Mines conducted a general study of the availability of materials and processing technology for silicon used in the manufacture of infrared (IR) detectors from raw materials to the highly advanced device state. The United States possesses all of the raw materials and processing technology for IR detector- grade silicon production, but does not produce at all of the processing stages on a regular basis. Consequently, the United States continues to rely on foreign sources for some of these critical materials. 1 Physical scientist, Division of Mineral Commodities, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, DC. INTRODUCTION Silicon is one of the most abundant elements in the earth's crust. On a tonnage basis, it is used primarily as ferrosilicon (an alloy containing iron and silicon) for deox- idation and as an alloying agent in the production of iron and steel. Metallurgical-grade silicon metal is also used on a tonnage basis in aluminum alloys and by the chemical industry as a feed material in the manufacture of silicones and silanes. Subsequently, silanes are used to manufacture high-purity silicon, which is the key material in today's eletronics industry. The actual amount of silicon that is ultimately processed to the point of usefulness in the man- ufacture of semiconductor devices is less than a few per- cent of total U.S. demand for silicon. The path that silicon must follow from a raw material state to the manufacture of certain semiconductor devices, such as infrared (IR) detectors, is quite complex and involves a number of pro- cessing stages. Currently, the United States is one of the world's leaders in semiconductor device manufacture, but does not produce on a regular basis all of the IR detector- grade materials needed by the Department of Defense for the manufacture of devices that guide highly advanced weapons and serve numerous functions as part of satellite surveillance systems. Capabilities to produce these ma- terials do exist in the United States, but owing to limited commercial applications, U.S. companies have been re- luctant to enter respective phases of the market. Conse- quently, the United States has relied almost entirely on foreign sources for some of these ultra-high-purity materials. By presenting a digest of the available sources of silicon materials and processing technology involved in the manu- facture of IR detector-grade silicon, a perspective can be drawn showing the overall importance of these materials and whether or not there is a need for concern from a national defense standpoint. SEMICONDUCTORS Although semiconductors serve thousands of functions, the demand for these devices can be generally grouped into three major categories: discrete semiconductors, integrated circuits (IC's), and optoelectronic devices (table 1). Discrete semiconductors include devices such as diodes, high-power transistors, and thyristors. IC's, the largest category based on total dollar value, include mem- ories, processors, custom and semicustom IC's, linear IC's, and logic devices. Imaging arrays, optically coupled iso- lators, and photodetectors, make up the bulk of optoelec- tronic devices. Optoelectronic devices account for less than one-tenth of one percent of U.S. semiconductor demand, but some of these devices are extremely important in "high-tech" military applications. IR detectors, a type of photodetector capable of converting IR radiation into an electrical signal (I), 2 are an essential part of a number of the military's weapons systems (e.g., "smart" missile guidance and sur- veillance satellites). The silicon starting material needed to produce IR detectors must meet very stringent purity requirements. Since most of these devices have almost no commercial applications, semiconductor silicon producers have been reluctant to enter this phase of the market (2). PROPERTIES AND GRADES Silicon never occurs free in nature, but is combined with oxygen and other elements to form oxides and sili- cates. Silicon dioxide (Si0 2 ), also referred to as silica, quartz, or sometimes quartzite, is one of the most common of these minerals. In its metallic form, silicon is the result of chemically reduced Si0 2 . The silica used to produce silicon metal is typically >99.0% pure (Si0 2 content by weight), with alu- minum, calcium, iron, and phosphorus constituting the bulk of impurity elements. This grade of starting material generally yields a silicon product that is 98% to 99% pure (Si content by weight). The crystal structure of silicon is diamond cubic, where each atom in the lattice shares its four outermost electrons (i.e., valence electrons) with the four nearest neighboring atoms through covalent bonding (fig. 1). This crystal structure, along with a number of other properties, gives silicon its edge as a mainstay among semiconductor materials. 2 Italic numbers in parentheses refer to items in the list of references preceding the appendix. Table 1 .-Semiconductor demand by major market (Millions of current dollars, January 1989) Country Discrete Integrated circuits Opto- electronic Total 1989 1 $3,187 2,142 509 302 250 187 6,577 Japan United States Germany, Federal Republic of United Kingdom France Italy Total Japan United States Germany, Federal Republic of United Kingdom France Italy Total Japan United States Germany, Federal Republic of United Kingdom France Italy Total Projected. Source: Electronics. Generally, the impurities contained in silicon for regular semiconductor device manufacture must be held in the low-ppm range, sometimes referred to as six 9's or 99.9999% pure. For IR-detector -grade material, these $18,003 13,853 1,878 1,385 956 704 $2,585 377 134 120 81 36 $23,775 16,372 2,521 1,807 1,287 927 36,779 3,333 46,689 1988 $2,998 2,113 503 302 242 175 $16,214 12,599 1,783 1,385 870 651 $2,312 361 131 120 75 33 $21 ,524 15,073 2,417 1,807 1,187 859 6,333 33,502 3,032 42,867 1987 $2,815 1,822 480 277 223 154 $12,837 9,252 1,522 1,210 676 434 $1,996 332 124 108 66 31 $17,648 1 1 ,406 2,126 1,595 965 619 5,771 25,931 2,657 34,359 Figure 1 .-Face-centered cubic silicon crystal lattice. impurity levels must be lowered to a range of 10 to 100 ppt, or eleven 9's. The primary impurities of concern are the atoms of those elements that act as electron donors and acceptors (i.e., dopants) in a silicon lattice, such as boron and phosphorus (see Semiconductivity). As few as 10 or 20 ppt impurity can significantly alter the operation of a device such as an IR detector. Currently, there are only a few characterization methods that can detect impurities at these low levels, which is one of the primary concerns in the production process. SEMICONDUCTIVITY The structure of silicon and how it relates to semicon- ductivity can be represented by a two-dimensional diagram of the crystal lattice. Figure 24 shows a theoretically perfect, sometimes referred to as intrinsically pure, silicon lattice. At room temperatures, valence electrons can break free from the covalent bonds by acquiring energy from the internal heat energy or vibrations of the crystal lattice (fig. 2fl). These electrons hence become negative (n-type) charge carriers, whereas the voids or holes they leave behind become positive (p-type) charge carriers. The energy required to bring about this condition is called the • • • (7). .(T). .0 » > » 0. 0. • • • » > » 0.0.0 B • • • v Si y v Si y v si y * » » » v Si y v As y* *v Si y • • • • « • • • Tsi J. '(sij. •( Si V • • • • 0..0..0 • 9 • • (si \ •( Al V 'fsij • o • » » » Figure 2.-Semiconductivity of silicon. A, No conductivity; 8, intrinsic; C, n- doped; D, p-doped. "gap" energy and varies with different materials. A mate- rial is considered an insulator when the gap energy is too great to be achieved. The conductivity exhibited in this basic example is totally inherent (i.e., not brought about by impurities) and is therefore known as intrinsic semicon- ductivity. Extrinsic semiconductors, sometimes referred to as doped semiconductors, contain intentionally introduced impurities called dopants, which alter the semiconducting characteristics of the material. Figure 2C shows how the introduction of a pentavalent atom (i.e., containing five valence electrons, such as phosphorus or arsenic) into the silicon lattice creates an n-type semiconductive condition similar to that shown in fig. 25. On the other hand, the introduction of a trivalent atom, such as boron or alumi- num, will create a p-type condition (fig. 2D) similar to that of the hole left behind in the example in figure IB (3). Whereas silicon exhibits semiconductive properties, Si0 2 acts as an insulator and forms naturally on a silicon sur- face. This natural oxide-forming property allows con- trolled formation of Si0 2 layers on silicon substrates. These insulating layers serve a number of important func- tions in the processing (e.g., planar technology) and operation of semiconductor devices. Many other semicon- ductor materials do not possess this natural oxide-forming ability, making device manufacture and operation more difficult and sometimes impossible (4). SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Junction devices, such as diodes, are the combination of n-type and p-type semiconducting materials. In a simple pn junction (fig. 3/1), the n-type portion of the semicon- ductive material contains excess electrons, whereas the p-type portion is electron deficient. Between these two distinct regions lies a portion of material that possesses a negligible amount of charge carriers called the depletion layer. The depletion layer is void of charge carriers be- cause the excess electrons from the n-type material have crossed the junction to fill holes in the valence bands of the nearest p-type region. This flow of electrons ceases when the potential difference between the two portions reaches a certain magnitude (i.e., the barrier potential). The potential difference can be increased through the application of an external source of electromotive force Electrons Depletion layer Ho|es Light energy Figure 4.-Photodetector device. n-type p-type n-type p-type Negligible current Electron flow Figure 3.-Silicon junction devices. A, Diode and B, rectifier (adopted from Jackson). (emf). Current flow in the device is dependent on the direction in which the external source is applied (fig. 3fi), making the device function as a current rectifier (5). Similarly, pn junctions are capable of generating emf from electromagnetic waves, such as sunlight or IR radi- ation (fig. 4). When sufficient energy is passed through a transparent film of p-type silicon, excess electrons in the adjacent n-type region acquire the energy and migrate through the depletion layer into the p-type region, causing a current to flow through the external load. This principle forms the basis of operation for photodetectors. Probably the most common example of photodetectors are solar cells, which are used to convert sunlight into electrical energy. RESOURCES The Earth's crust is made up almost entirely of silica and silicates. These minerals constitute the bulk of most common rocks, sands, soils, and clays. Based on present requirements, domestic deposits of quartzite, sandstone, and pegmatitic quartz could sustain the U.S. ferrosilicon and silicon metal industries indefinitely. However, eco- nomic factors such as accessibility to low-cost energy, transportation costs, and a ready market for a product determine resource development. Since metallurgical- grade silicon is the primary raw material for the produc- tion of silanes subsequently used to manufacture semicon- ductor silicon, a shortage of raw materials is highly unlikely. However, pitfalls in the production of semiconductor silicon could occur if the capacity to complete any phase of the silicon production chain was interrupted. RECOVERY TECHNOLOGY There are a number of steps involved in the processing of semiconductor silicon. Some companies involved in the semiconductor industry are fully integrated, while others specialize in just one or two phases of the processing chain. The basic raw material for semiconductor silicon is quartzite (Si0 2 ), which is abundant and for the most part mined and processed domestically. The initial processing step involves the reduction of quartzite to metallurgical- grade silicon (sometimes referred to as chemical-grade silicon in the chemical and electronics industries, or simply as silicon metal). Quartzite used to produce silicon metal is generally >99.0% pure. Following quartzite reduction, the silicon metal is converted to a silicon-based chemical that can be reduced to a purified silicon material in poly- crystalline form. This polycrystalline silicon is then further processed into a form that possesses the desired semicon- ductive properties for device manufacture (i.e., single crystal). SILICON METAL SILANES The principal raw material for silicon metal production is beneficiated Si0 2 in the form of quartzite or certain sandstones. The silica is reduced with carbon in a submerged-arc electric furnace. The overall reaction is as follows: SiQ 2 + 2C Si + 2CO proceeding to the right above 1,164° C. However, in prac- tice, temperatures vary in different furnace locations, and a number of side and/or intermediate reactions also occur. The products of these reactions subsequently migrate to regions of the furnace where they react further or exit the process (fig. 5). The silica starting material (i.e., quartzite) is typically >99.0% pure, with aluminum, calcium, iron, and phosphorus constituting the bulk of impurity elements. Any iron contained in the silica will be reduced and report to the metal. The amounts of aluminum, calcium, and phosphorus present in the metal after reduction range from 40% to 70% of their original content (6). In the United States, silicon metal production of this type ranges from 120,000 to 150,000 st annually. However, demand is normally 30,000 to 40,000 st higher than produc- tion, making the United States a net importer of silicon metal. Charge materials SIO, + 2C r~ 's ♦ ♦ Combustion CO— CO, SI0 — SI0, H^4MNU si -£"« / -\-l 1 L*-2C + SIO Compounds containing hydrogen-silicon bonds are typ- ically classified as silanes or sometimes as silicon hydrides. Silane (SiH 4 ) is the simplest form of these compounds. Other forms are named with the substituents prefixed, such as disilane, H 3 SiSiH 3 ; dichlorosilane, H 2 SiCl 2 ; and trichlorosilane (TCS), HSiCl 3 . TCS and silane are the pre- ferred compounds for the production of polycrystalline silicon. TCS is produced by the reaction of powdered metal- lurgical-grade silicon with anhydrous hydrogen chloride (HC1) in a fluidized bed. The general equation for the reaction is Si + 3HC1 HSiCl 3 + H 2 . However, a number of products other than TCS and H 2 are formed, including silicon tetrachloride (SiCl 4 ), other chlorosilanes, unreacted HC1, and various metal chlorides (A1C1 3 , BC1 3 , PC1 5 , etc.). The liquid TCS is separated from the other products and purified by fractional distillation (fig. 6) (7). Silicon powder HCI Fluidized-bed reactor HCI H, Recovery \ HCI H 2 TCS SiCI. HCI H 2 Separation TCS SiCI 4 Distillation Figure 5.-Cross section of silicon metal furnace. " TCS SiCI 4 Figure 6.-TCS production flowsheet. Silane is produced by a number of methods involving the reaction of metal silicides (e.g., those of aluminum, lithium, and magnesium) with acids or ammonium salts. Another silane process known to be used for commercial production in the United States involves the conversion of silicon metal to TCS, followed by the catalytic redistri- bution and distillation of chlorosilanes (8). POLYCRYSTALLINE SILICON Polycrystalline silicon rods, often referred to as poly- silicon or simply poly, are produced commercially by two methods: (1) chemical vapor deposition from TCS in the presence of hydrogen (i.e., the reverse of the fluidized-bed reaction in TCS production), and (2) thermal decompo- sition of silane. A simplified equation of the reaction of TCS and hydrogen would be HSiCl 3 + H 2 Si + 3HC1. However, the actual process also yields SiC14 as a by- product as well as unreacted TCS and H 2 . The ability to recover and reuse the vent products plays an important economic role in the production cycle (9). A typical de- composition reactor containing a polysilicon filament (i.e., starting rod) is shown in figure 7; thermal decomposition of silane is carried out in a similar reactor. In this process, reaction temperatures are much lower than those needed for the TCS-hydrogen reaction, resulting in increased polysilicon yields, lower impurity levels, and reduced pro- duction costs through decreased power consumption (10). A third method, also involving silane decomposition, is used to produce polysilicon shot in a fluidized-bed reactor. However, this material cannot be converted to single- crystalline form using float-zoning (FZ) techniques. SINGLE-CRYSTAL SILICON Since polysilicon contains structural defects that would affect electrical properties and interfere with semicon- ductor device manufacturing processes, it must be con- verted to a single-crystal form prior to device manufacture. Single-crystal boules (rods) are grown by either the Czochralski (CZ) or the FZ method. These boules are later sliced into wafers (flat discs). In the CZ method (fig. &4), a seed crystal is touched to the surface of a molten silicon charge, and a solidified single crystal grows as the seed is slowly pulled away from the melt. The pulling rate controls the diameter of the boule. Diameters generally range from 3 to 6 in, but significantly larger diameters have been achieved. The CZ method accounts for virtually all of the commercial production of single- crystal silicon in the United States. The FZ method (fig. 8B) starts with a solid polysilicon rod as grown in the decomposition reactor. The rod is made to contact a seed crystal after a small zone at the seed end is melted with an induction coil. The coil is moved slowly along the length of the rod, leaving the material behind the molten zone solidified as an oriented single-crystal form. FZ boules are typically smaller than those prepared by the CZ method, ranging from 1 to 3 in. in diameter. Further puri- fication can be achieved with both methods, since most impurities tend to remain in the molten silicon rather than solidify in the single crystal. However, a major advantage of the FZ process is that the molten silicon zone is held between the two solidified portions of the rod by surface tension and is not in contact with any other material from which it can pick up impurities. CHARACTERIZATION A primary concern in the preparation of ultra-high- purity silicon is accurate analysis of the material for impurity elements. Control of these impurities must be maintained throughout the process. Methods of charac- terization must be constantly improved and new methods developed to keep pace with ever-increasing purity re- quirements. Under current technology, characterization is generally conducted on chlorosilane, silane, and single- crystal silicon. Chlorosilane and silane gases can be mon- itored by gas chromatography at certain stages of production. To test silicon material, a small sample of polysilicon must be FZ refined. Wafers cut from the FZ material can be analyzed optically or tested for their elec- trical transport properties. The two most common meth- ods of optical analysis are (1) Fourier transform photo- luminescence spectroscopy for donor/acceptor detection and (2) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for mea- surement of carbon and oxygen. Electrical transport mea- surements based upon the Hall effect yield the most sensi- tive data on donors and acceptors (e.g., <1 ppt) and are used to calibrate the photoluminescence technique. Ac- cording to Dr. Patrick M. Hemenger, U.S. Department of the Air Force, these methods possess the necessary detec- tion limits for present ultra-high-purity specifications. cJ^ Vent L Heat shield Quartz bell jar Polycrystalllne silicon U-rod Graphite support Power electrode TCS To recovery Figure 7.-Polysilicon reactor. Growing crystal Fused silica liner n 7 /\ Graphite crucible # Zone heater — Ingot Single-crystal seed Holder B Figure 8. -Single-crystal silicon production method. A, Czochraiski and 8, Float-zoning. SUPPLY AND DEMAND Since the supply of ultra-high-purity silicon for IR de- tectors depends on the various aspects of a multistep pro- cessing chain, the supply of materials involved in each step should be examined if a quantitative materials perspective is to be gained. However, very few official production or production capacity data are available for silanes, poly- silicon, or single crystals. The appendix lists the major domestic merchant firms involved in the different phases of the semiconductor silicon chain, along with some for- eign firms that are involved in the more advanced pro- cessing stages. As discussed previously, raw silica is readily available in most parts of the world, and a number of countries produce silicon metal on a tonnage basis (table 2). The United States produces 120,000 to 160,000 st of silicon metal annually. However, demand is normally 30,000 to 40,000 st higher than production, making the United States a net importer of silicon metal. The United States does export silicon metal, but the amount is typically less than 10% of domestic production (table 3). Both production and imports of silicon metal account for rough- ly one-third of production and imports of silicon materials overall (table 4). Production and production capacity for other phases of the semiconductor silicon processing chain (i.e., silanes, polysilicon, and single-crystal silicon) are adequate in the United States. Annual production capacity for high-purity polysilicon is about 4,000 st, and the major producers have ample capacity to produce the necessary supplies of TCS and silane starting materials. However, concerns do exist at the latter end of the chain, since only one of the re- maining major slice companies (i.e., producers of single- crystal boules and wafers) is U.S.-owned, and the sale of this company to a foreign buyer is currently under consideration. On a global basis, annual production capacity for high- purity polysilicon is about 10,000 to 12,000 st, outpacing demand by 2,000 to 3,000 st. As in the United States, foreign producers generally possess adequate supplies of TCS and silane starting materials. On the single-crystal and wafer end of the spectrum, Japan is clearly the world's leader (table 5). U.S. military demands for ultra-high-purity polysilicon and FZ single-crystal silicon used to make IR detectors are approximately 500 and 200 kg, respectively. Currently, the demand for both materials is met by foreign sources. Foreign suppliers of ultra-high-purity material are listed among the world polysilicon and single-crystal producers in the appendix. Although ultra-high-purity polysilicon can be produced domestically, and FZ equipment does exist, neither material is produced on a regular basis. However, current capabilities are being improved, and more regular supplies of ultra-high-purity polysilicon as well as FZ single crystals are being developed under Government-sponsored programs. Table 2. -World silicon metal production (Thousand short tons) 1987 p Country 1983 1984 1985 1986 -1988' Brazil Canada China France Italy Norway South Africa, Republic of Spain Sweden U.S.S.R United States Yugoslavia Other Total p Preliminary. Estimated. 23 28 24 72 15 85 30 19 22 70 122 29 43 582 30 28 24 78 15 100 38 66 22 70 141 31 43 32 28 30 77 15 112 39 68 22 66 121 36 45 686 691 41 29 45 77 13 110 39 68 22 72 124 35 42 717 44 33 70 77 13 110 37 77 22 72 147 35 40 777 87 33 75 77 13 110 37 77 22 72 164 55 36 858 10 Table 3.-U.S. silicon metal statistics (Thousand short tons, gross weight) 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Production Imports . . Exports . . 123,602 28,173 2,767 144,005 25,221 4,420 122,787 51,801 2,120 125,966 40,851 5,378 150,080 36,930 9,247 164,348 62,030 10,304 Table 4. -Silicon supply-demand relationships and prices, including silicon metal and silicon-containing ferroalloys (Thousand short tons of Si) 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 PRODUCTION United States 333 454 400 Rest of world 6 2,511 2,770 2,717 Total 6 2,844 3,224 3,117 COMPONENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF U.S. SUPPLY Components: Primary production 333 454 400 Imports 133 121 154 Industry stocks-Jan. 1 109 86 90 Total 575 661 644 Distribution: Industry stocks-Dec. 31 86 90 102 Exports 9 20 9 Industrial demand 480 551 533 U.S. DEMAND PATTERN Chemicals 62 99 101 Construction 62 77 75 Machinery 101 94 91 Transportation 154 171 165 Other 101 VI0 101 Total 480 551 533 AVERAGE ANNUAL FREE-MARKET PRICES Regular-grade 50% ferrosilicon, actual (cents per pound Si) 36.1 40.7 36.6 Regular-grade 50% ferrosilicon, based on constant 1988 dollars (cents per pound Si) 42.3 46.0 40.2 Regular-grade 75% ferrosilicon, actual (cents per pound Si) 36.0 41.3 35.0 Regular-grade 75% ferrosilicon, based on constant 1988 dollars (cents per pound Si) 42.2 46.7 38.4 Regular-grade silicon metal, actual (cents per pound) 36.0 41.3 35.0 Regular-grade silicon metal, based on constant 1988 dollars (cents per pound) 42.2 46.7 38.4 Estimated. NA Not available. 335 2,686 3,021 628 527 34.8 35.2 373 2,668 3,041 634 560 41.3 41.7 465 NA NA 335 373 463 191 189 212 102 72 57 735 72 57 49 11 17 27 527 560 658 105 118 NA 69 73 NA 90 95 NA 169 179 NA 95 95 NA NA 51.0 37.2 42.7 51.0 32.9 40.3 55.6 35.2 41.7 55.6 32.9 40.3 55.6 55.6 Source: Bureau of Mines. 11 Table 5.-World semiconductor silicon suppliers (Silicon and epitaxial wafer sales in million dollars) Company Shin-Etsu Handotai (Japan) Mitsubishi Metal (Japan) Osaka Titanium Co. (Japan) Wacher (Germany, Federal Republic of) Komatsu Electroonic Metals (Japan) . . . Monsanto (United States) Other Total NA Not available. Source: Dataquest. 1985 1986 1987 1988 $310.0 $408.0 $452.1 128.0 195.0 241.3 160.0 197.6 235.5 205.0 194.6 166.5 116.0 168.5 197.3 137.0 154.0 185.0 210.5 233.8 249.3 1,266.5 1,551.5 1,727.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA $2,172.0 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Probably the most current domestic research aimed at developing a more stable (i.e., production on a regular basis and from a domestic source) supply situation for IR- detector-grade silicon in the United States involves two Government-sponsored programs. One is the Air Force's recently completed "Boron-Free Silicon Detectors Program", and the other is a title III contract under the Defense Production Act (DPA) calling for the develop- ment of a domestic ultra-high-purity silicon source. GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS In 1984, a project involving Hughes Aircraft Co. and Union Carbide Corp. was initiated under Air Force Contract F33615-84-C-5025 to produce starting materials, including silane and polysilicon, to be used in the manu- facture of extrinsic silicon IR detectors. This work, known as the Boron-Free Silicon Detectors Program, was completed in 1988 and concluded that, through Union Carbide's modified silane process, ultra-high-purity silicon could be produced on a regular basis. Also as a result of the program, much improved characterization techniques (i.e., impurity analysis) were developed (10). Under title III of the DPA, President Reagan granted the Defense Department $3 million in 1986 for Government-sponsored development of an ultra- high-purity silicon industry. Title III of DPA gives the Administration the authority to expand capacity or develop technological processes through the use of loans and guar- anteed purchase contracts. Hemlock Semiconductor Corp. in Hemlock, MI, recently completed a title III contract (phase I) under which 150 kg of ultra-high-purity poly- silicon was to be produced. Phase II of this title III program is to be awarded to Hemlock sometime in 1989, pending complete verification that phase I specifications were met. The phase II contract calls for 1,000 kg/yr of Phase I-grade polysilicon for each of the next 3 yr. At the same time, title III contracts will be awarded to convert 100 kg of the phase I material by the FZ method. The other 50 kg produced during phase I was used for ana- lytical purposes. The FZ contracts will be limited to small companies (i.e., less than 500 employees). 12 SUMMARY Both the raw materials necessary to produce silicon on a tonnage basis and production capacity are abundant in the United States and other parts of the world. Ample production capacity for the silicon-based chemicals needed for semiconductor silicon also exists. However, the indi- vidual stages involved in the processing of raw silica into the ultra-high-purity silicon needed for the manufacture of today's IR detectors can be quite complex, and domestic production in the latter stages is uncertain. The purity requirements of such materials are very stringent at most stages, and the control of impurity elements will become even more crucial in the manufacture of more advanced devices in the future. Currently, preparation of ultra-high- purity silicon for IR detectors can be achieved domestically through the polysilicon stage. However, there is no do- mestic production on a regular basis. Many questions as to the establishment of long-term domestic FZ capabilities also exist, since there is currently no merchant FZ produc- tion in the United States. Characterization of ultra-high- purity silicon is a continuing concern. New and improved characterization techniques must be developed to keep pace with device requirements. Ongoing Government- sponsored programs have closed some of the gaps in the domestic ultra-high-purity silicon processing chain. How- ever, the United States continues to depend on foreign sources for a stable supply of this material for its defense needs. REFERENCES 1. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. V. 17, 3d ed., 1980, p. 560. 2. Business Week. No. 2970, Oct. 27, 1986, p. 46. 3. Van Vlack, L. H. Electron Transport in Solids. Ch. in Elements of Materials Science and Engineering, ed. by M. Cohen. Addison- Wesley, 4th ed., 1980, pp. 149-182. 4. Smith, P. C. Private communication. Data in brochure available from Advanced Technology Div., Westinghouse Electric Corp., Baltimore, MD. 5. Jackson, H. W. Insulators, Semiconductors, and Sources of EMF. Ch. in Introduction to Electric Circuits. Prentice-Hall, 4th ed., 1986, pp. 38-63. 6. Robiette, A. G. E. Manufacture of Silicon Alloys. Ch. in Electric Smelting Processes. Halsted Press, 1973, pp. 102-125. 7. McCormick, J. R Polycrystalline Silicon. Paper in Semiconductor Silicon 1986, ed. by H. R Huff, B. Kolbesen, and T. Abe. Electrochem. Soc., 1986, pp. 46^8. 8. Taylor, P. A. Silane: Manufacture and Applications. Solid State Technol., v. 30, No. 7, 1987, pp. 53-59. 9. Crossman, L. D., and J. A. Baker. Polysilicon Technology. Paper in Semiconductor Silicon 1977, ed. by H. R Huff and E. Sirtl. Electrochem. Soc., 1977. 10. Gittere, W. J. Private communication. Data in brochure available from Market Development and Sales, Union Carbide Corp., Tonowanda, NY. 11. Robertson, G. D., M. H. Young, J. P. Baukus, O. J. Marsh, and R N. Flagella. High Purity Silicon for Detectors. IRIA IR Materials Conf., 1988, Palo Alto, CA. 13 APPENDIX.-MAJOR DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN FIRMS INVOLVED IN SEMICONDUCTOR SILICON PRODUCTION Silicon metal Silanes Domestic Dow Corning Elkem Metals Globe Metallurgical Silicon Metaltech Simetco SKW Dow Corning Ethyl Union Carbide Foreign Numerous companies worldwide produce silicon metal. See table 2 for production by country. Komatsu Shin-Etsu Wacher Polysilicon Ethyl Hemlock Semiconductor (63% owned by Dow Chemical, 37% by Japanese firms) Union Carbide Dyamit-Nobel Komatsu Mitsubishi Metal NKK Rhone Poulenc Shin-Etsu Tokuyama TopsU Wacher Single crystal and wafers. Crysteco Monsanto NBK (owned by Kawasaki of Japan) Siltec (owned by Misubishi Metal of Japan) Kamatsu Mitsubishi Metal Monsanto Osaka Titanium Co. Shin-Etsu Topsil Wacher INT.BU.OF MINES,PGH.,PA 29037 m z - S Sq a > | CD c 2 m C/) l (/) 3=2 a> § w _I 3" 5-m as o =? o ~ s= IS} - "** 00 o o 03 C 5 c/> O "O ft <1> 3 3" 3 ** CD m D c > r~ O "0 "D O DO H C Z m O -< m 3D 182 90 ^*ii&c\ ^.^i>o <*.&&% * 4&ifc o * **&&:% * ^cr «5^ sP-*. — ; '<^ °°*/^ T %°° V*^*y %^ f *V V*^\** % ^ rr»\/v 9 ^ A^*^ ^ ^ ^ ••To' y\ V.^ 1 ^ "* .<& WV 5-* ^ ' °w. *'"' a1 JV W .'«£ %S ■'» W :'M^- %<** :; . **., i&> A'®k\ '*mkS A'^S' **&&*"» A \' ... ^ •^ "^ s°* & ^ ^ •^^ \S V" i »»^L ^/^&.% ^S*trzk°o ^-aSifc*\ c HECKMAN BINDERY INC. ^^ APR 90 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962