Author I.I BookrG!:36-7 Title Imprint LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^mniiiiV^^ PRQGRAMMEl TWENTIETH ANNUAL Encampment '^^\jiii^w-;^ £ Department of Ohio, TH/RD ANNUAL CONVENT/ON WOMAN'S BELIEF CORPS, Auxiliary to G. A.R. Department of Ohio, AT CLEVELAND, OHIO, APRIL 28th, 29th & 30th, less. m FINE CUT TOBACCO. -NOTED FOB- ^-.^-T- ,s •fOB^LlMtTtO^TlME ccHBlBER&Co. OLD vivr. CKKOl.K. A A, C.RASULAIEI) SMOKK Plug Cut Ou> Orh-.,sai. Long Ci t ,1. ^(-nnii'.Ku .K: ( ().. OtLlC. HULL'S RUBBER STORE. Belting, Packim AND Hose. Goodyear s Rubber Goods. CLEVELA N D, Q H I O. J. F. RYDER'S Mvt ©mllmwlmm. 239, 241 & 243 Superior Street, (Entrance 239), CLEVELAND, - OHIO, DEALER IN Art Goods 1 Artists' Materials. ^i^Free Exhibition of Paintings. -^ia FOR SUPERIORITY IN PHOTOGRAPHY ; Ten Silver Medals, State of Ohio. A Bronze Medal, World's Exposition. ■A Gold Medal, National Exhibition of Pho- tographers. THE STILLMAN K;;;;^:fA^^-,:,;v,,;uie^.ty: 1 American Plan. Cl,KVELAM>, ^v^•^l pnco Koi.riNO Sl.Air. ...,.> ■•..,;.,_,.,, r.H,( .h-.iitnH for u«.- or m« 8. 3'i/K SLATE Itooters' V OFFICIAL PROGEAHHE M\\ Annual Bneaiiipmeiil G. A. R., DEPARTMENT OF OHIO Third Annual Conyention WOMAN'S RELIEF eORFg, Auxiliary to G. A. R., Department of Ohio, April 2Sth,29th & 30th, CLEVELAND, O.: William W. Williams, St. Clair Street. .1 0. D. MYER, -33 and 35 Euclid ^veniae. Do not fail to visit our new and elegant store during the present week. Special inducements will be offered in all kinds of DRY GOODS and FANCY GOODS. WASH DRESS GOODS of all descriptions will be sold at unusually low prices. We will offer unusual bargains in DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES. PARASOLS, and all kinds of FANCY DRY GOODS. 0. D. MYER, ,3 a^rxd. 35 iE-CLClid -^Tre. IN EXCHANGE JAN 5 . m5 NATIONAL OFFICERS OF THE G. A. R. ■S^ Commander-in-Chief, Samuel S. Burdett Washington, D. C. \ Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief, \v^ Seldon Connor Augusta, Maine. Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief, John R. Lewis Atlanta, Ga.. Chaplain-in-Chief, Rev. L. H. Stewart Perry, O. Surgeon-General, J. C. Tucker, M. D Oakland, California. STAFF. Adjutant General John Cameron, Washington, D. C. Quartermaster General John Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa. Judge Advocate General Charles H. Grosvenor, Athens, O. Inspector General Argos D. Vanosdol, Madison, Ind. Senior Aid-de-Camp .Harrison Dingman, Washington, D. C. COUNCIL OF ADMINISTRATION. Arkansas Thomas Boles Fort Smith . California Walter H. Holmes San Francisco. Colorado George Ardy Denver. Connecticut W. G. Gallager Meriden. Dakota W. V. Lucas Chamberlain. Delaware G. W. King Wilmington. Florida J. De V. Hazzard Eustis. Gulf Henry Schorten Baton Rouge, La. Illinois R. F. Wilson Chicago. Indiana Charles A. Zollinger Fort Wayne. Iowa L. S. Tyler Keokuk. Kansas B. R. Hogin Belleville. Kentucky William Bowman Tolesborough. Maine Samuel W. Lane Augusta. Massachusetts James F. Meech Lynn. Maryland Thomas F. Mathews Boltomon. Michigan Henry S. Dean Ann Arbor. Minnesota Perry S. Starkweather St. Paul. Montana Ela C. Waters Glendive. Nebraska J. O. West Grand Island. New Hampshire Alfred E. Emery Benacook. New Jersey John F. Lovett Trenton. New Mexico W. N. Smith Albuquerque. New York • Joseph L. Follett ..Brooklyn. Ohio J. W. O'Neall Lebanon. Oregon George C. Sears Portland. Pennsylvania Samuel Horper Pittsburgh. Potomac Chas. H. Ingram Washington, D. H. Rhode Island William D. Mason Providence, Tennessee and Georgia Edward S. Jones Nashville. Texas H. W. Nye Fort Worth. Utah C. A. Wood Salmon City, Idaho. Vermont D, L. Morgan Rutland. Virginia John W. Boynton Hampton. Washington Territory O. B. Johnson Seattle. West Virginia S. F. Shaw Parkersburgh. Wisconsin William S. Stanley, Jr Milwaukee. !£i CLEVELAND, OHIO. A NEW FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, ON THE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS, Corner Superior and Bond Sts., one block from tlie Post Office and Pubic Square. For Safety and Comfort THE HOLLENDEN has no superior. European Plan, Rooms $1, $1.50 and $2 per day. American Plan, $o per day. CHARLES D COLLINS, Manager. STERLING & CO. Announce that tliey have now in stock a large line of Wilton, Mocjuette Bnissel.", Velvet, Tapestry and Ingrain and an extensive assortment of Oriental and Domestic Rugs, The TTpholHtcry Goods and Curtain department embraces all the nov cities of recent imjMirtations, with a wide choice in Opaque, Holland and Decorated WINDOW SH.VDKS, and everythinj? in the Window Hhade line. CuHtomcrs may rely nixm new and \iseful colors in Art Fabrics, and in all goods the besttpiality and the very latest designs. STHRLlNf. c^ CO.. loHrn.Il) .WHNUE. E)ElF'i^R"rMRK[a" OF OHIO. ^gUm ARMY OF THE REPUBL16.4^ DEPARTMENT OFFICERS. Department Commander R. B. Bkown Zanesville. Senior Vice Dep't Commander. . . .D. P. BoswORTH Marietta. Junior Vice Dep't Commander M. J. Sloan Warren. Medical Director T. M. McClaran Wellington. Chaplain J. L. Wyly Greenville. STAFF. Assistant Adjutant General H. L. Anderson Zanesville. Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen'l. . .G. F. AxLiNii Zanesville. Assistant Q. M. Gen'l F. C. DiETZ Zanesville. Inspector Carl N. Bancroft Columbus. Judge Advocate .. Charles Townsend Athens. Chief Mustering Officer H. L. Korte Zanesville. COUNCIL OF ADMINISTRATION. S. H. Hurst Chillicothe. D. C. Putnam Springfield. W. S. Harlan. . . Zanesville. R. H. Cochran Toledo. M. H. Neil Columbus. AIDS-DE-CAMP. J. M. Hunter, Senior . .Cincinnati. J. H. Rees, Acting Assistant Adjutant General Columbus John W. Byron Nat'l Military Home. Henry K kssinger Dayton. J. O. McGowan Youngstown. D. C. Curtis .Galena. J OHN Arten .Ando ver. Henry Boyer Washington C. H. T. C. Davis Galion. G. F. Hill Berlin Heights. Henry Smith Cincinnati. J. M. Slater Colton. J. F. Charlesworth St. Clairsville. Fred. Knagi Toronto. B. F. Ridgeley Jeromeville. W. S. Matthews Vinton. A. J. Rider ... Navarre. James Knapp La Rue. T. N. Sowers Roseville. W. M. Davey Cleveland. C. R. Henry Coshocton. R. D. M. Carter Columbus. J. L. Pierson Paines ville. RICE & BURNETT. POTTERY, GLASS — AND — House Furnishing Goods, 12 and 14 Euclid Avenue, CLEVELAND, OHIO, WILLIAM DOWNIE 34 PUBLIC SQUARE, HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF Wall Paper IN THE CITV, AT LOWEST FmiCES. If j-ou need anythinp in this line it will pay you to call and see what I liave. Remember the number. 34 rUBLIC SQUARE 34 iReadu Made and to Order MENS -^COMMITTEES-^ HAVING CHARGE OF ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE ENTERTAIN- MENT OF THE 20th ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF OHIO, G. A. R. At Cleveland, April 28, 29 and 30, 1886. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. John O. Winship, Chr. .Mem'l Post. G. C. Barnes Memorial Post. W. H. Blackman, Sec'y, Brooklyn Post. S. R. Brainard Brooklyn Post. A. P. Fairbank Steedman Post. S. S. Card Steedman Post. T. J. Young Austin Post. A. T. Brinsmade Austin Post. John Hobbs. .Commodore Perry Post. W. P.Gartman, Commodore Perry Post. Geo. H. Safford. ..Orin J. Crane Post. W. R. Nevins Orin J. Crane Post. J. C. Shields Forest City Post. M. C. Hart Forest City Post. C. H. Flick Volunteer Post. Herman Mayer Volunteer Post. J. F. Herrick Brough Post William T. Quilliams Brough Post. FINANCE COMMITTEE. James Baknett, Chr. . . .Mem'l Post. William Beaser Brooklyn Post. G. W. Williams Steadman Post. T. J. Carran Austin Post. N. J. Wagner, Commodore Perry Post. C. C. Campbell. . ..Grin J. Crane Post. J. C. Shields Forest City Post. Herman Mayer Volunteer Post. J. F. Herrick Brough Post. G.|C.|Barnes Memorial Post. WJF. Goodspeed Memorial Post. C. C. Dewstoe Memorial Post. M. T. Britton Memorial Post. W. C. Cowan Memorial Post. F. H. Flick Memorial Post. Pard B. Smith Forest City Post. A. W. Fenton Memorial Post C. H. Flick Volunteer Post. M. C. Hart Forest City Post. J . Urban Austin Post. ] . C. Anthony Austin Post, J. A. Webber Orin J. Crane Post OUR nsTu^moiisr-^i-. ttv^-a-i^ sonsra-s •Most Popular Book of War Songs Ever Published. Containing all the famous old War Songs, Battle Songs, National Songs, Decoration Songs, etc., in one elegant volume of 165 pages, each song with words, music, and accompaniment for piano or organ, com- plete. All the grand old favorites, such as " Marching Through Geor- gia," " Battle Cry of Freedom." '• Tramp, Tramp, Tramp," "Vacant Chair," and about sixty other famous songs bv such authors as Henry C. Work, Geo. F. Root, etc. Price only 75 cents. By mail 90 cents, or bound in boards, $1.15. We also carry a large and complete stock of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Music Books and Musical merchandise of everj' description. Send for catalogue. Address, S. BRAINARD'S SONS, 52 & 54 Kuclid Ave., Cleveland, O. n^TCL YN 'S Fine Chocolates i Bon Bens. Don't fail to take home a box of their Confections, the finest in the City. Large assortment of Basket Cakes, etc., made fresh every day. Also Ladies Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlors. • 39 & 41 Euclid Avenue. P. L. MILES & Co! Manufacturing Jewelers and Silversmiths, WHOLESALE ANII RETAIL DEALERS IN Diamonds and all kinds of Precious Stones. DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS AND SILVERWARE, SOLID AND PLATED. AND MANUKACTl-RERS OK ALL KINDS OF Gold and Silver Jewelry, Presentation Badges, Racing, Rowing, Bicycling or any other j) after Special Design. FACTOllY AND SALESROOM. NO. O EUCLID AVENUE. ^^'Watchcs, Clocks and Jewelry Carefully Repaired. —10- — II — COMMITTEE ON QUARTERS. J. W. Hanna Memorial Post. John A. Wilber. ...Orin J. Crane Post, D. B. Fish Brooklyn Post. Pard B. Smith Forest City Post, B. W. Jones Steedman Post. Henry K. Noble Volunteer Post, John Boyer Austin Post. E. V. Spring Brough Post, B. Hansem. ..Commodore Perry Post. COMMITTEE ON DECORATIONS. Geo. H. Ludwig Mem'l Post. J. E. Oliver Orin J. Crane Post, F. W. Wirth Brooklyn Post. J. C, Sherman Forest City Post. Charles Griswold Steedman Post. W. H. Steedman Volunteer Post, Frank Hamilton Austin Post. Frederick Horn Brough Post. Timothy Davy, Commodore Perry Post. COMMITTEE ON RECEPTION AND CARRIAGES. C. C. Dewstoe Mem'l Post. H. E. Eastle Brooklyn Post. J. W. Preston Steedman Post. W. H. Storms Austin Post. N.J. Wagner, Commodore Perry Post. J. H. Bradner Orin J. Crane Post. Phillip Anthony Forest City Post, L. R. Davis Volunteer Post, F. G. Parr Brough Post. COMMITTEE ON CAMP FIRE PROGRAMME. J. O. WiNSHiP, Chr. . .Memorial Post. T. J. Young Austin Post, G.C.Barnes Memorial Post. A. P. Fairbank Steedman Post, C. H. Flick .Volunteer Post. COMMITTEE ON BANQUET. M. C. Hart Forest City Post. G. C. Barnes, Chr. . .Memorial Post William Beaser. Brooklyn Post HALL AND MUSIC COMMITTEE. T.M.Heard Memorial Post. W. D. Pudney Orin J. Crane Post. W. M. Woodruff Brooklyn Post. E. E. Gill Forest City Post. J. F. Beelman Steedman Post. Fred Zillmer Volunteer Post. J. E. Myers Austin Post. Geo. E. Tyler Brough Post. W. F. Lloyd. .Commodore Perry Post. BOOTS AND SHOES. Largest General Boot and Shoe Stock in Ohio. 172 & 174 SUPERIOR STREET, (orrosiTE bank), CLEVELAND, - - OHIO. 1 . T. Bowman. H. C. Bowman. BOWMAN BROg., Importers of and Dealers in — AND— China, Platedware & Cutlery. Headquarters for Rochester Lanjps. 1>> Si TKKioK Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. — 12- —13— COMMITTEE ON DANCE PROGRAMME. W.R.NEViNS.Chr.,Orin J. Crane Post. Pard B. Smith Forest City Post. Phil. Beakel. .Commodore Perry Post. A. P. Fairbank Steedman Post. E. E. Wilco.K Brough Post. T. J. Young Austin Post. Herman Mayer Volunteer Post. S. R. Brainard Brooklyn Post. Ed. E. Kelly Memorial Post. COMMITTEE ON LINE OF MARCH. J. C. Shields, Chr. .Forest City Post. L. R. Davis Volunteer Post. S. R. Brainard Brooklyn Post. T. J. Young Austin Post. A. P. Fairbank Steedman Post. COMMITTEE ON BADGES. John Preston Steedman Post. M. C. Hart Forest City Post. J. B. Molyneaux Memorial Post. COMMITTEE ON INVITATIONS. J. O. WiNSHiP, Chr. ..Memorial Post. G. C. Barnes Memorial Post. Geo. H. Safford. ..Orin J. Crane Post. AUDITING COMMITTEE. W. H. Blackman, Chr. Brooklyn Post. H. P. Fairbank Steedman Post, T. J. Young Austin Post. The New Standard Rotary Shuttle SeY/ing Machine Is built upon an entirely new plan that ADMITS OF THE GREATEST SPEED, CAUSES THE LEAST VIBRATION. REQUIRES THE LEAST EFFORT TO OPERATE. AND INSURES DURABILITY. o o o o CO One iluiulred Stitches on tlie "Standard" to sixty-live on the old style shuttle machines, with the same number of revolutions of the treadle. This Means Hoahh Saved, Time Saved, 3Ioney Saved. The most delicate lady can operate the "Standard" without injury to her iiealtii. Henm) for Descriptive Circul.vr to the Standard Sewing Machine Company, (1(1 Kl tl.IO AVKMtK, Vl.KVKLASn. O. —14— ^PROaRAMME= Department Headquarters will be established at the Forest City House Monday, April 26. Meeting of the Council of Administration at Forest City House in Room 44, at 1:30 p. ni. Tuesday, April 27. FIRST DAY-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28. Business Meeting of the Department at Music Hall at 10 a. m. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Except as otherwise ordered by the Encampment, the following order of bus- iness will be observed : 1. Opening of the Encampment. 2. Calling Roll of Officers. 3. Report of Committee on Credentials. 4. Calling Roll of Members. 5. Reports of Officers. 6. Appointment of Committees on Reports of Officers. 7. Reception and Reference of Communications. 8. Reports of Committees. 9. Miscellaneous Busmess. 10. Election and Installation of Officers. Except as otherwise ordered by Encampment, the rules of order of National Encampment, so far as applicable, will be observed. In the evening a " Post Meeting " will be held at Red Cross Rink, Pearl street, presided over by the Department Officers, to which all comrades in possession of the countersigns will be admitted. At this ses.«ion the entire ritual of the Grand Army of the Republic will be exemplified, special attention being given to the muster in service and the secret work of the order. A mass chorus has been organized to lead in rendering the odes and the dear old army songs. Short addresses will be delivered on the work of our great comradship, and generally the duties of officers and members will be considered. It is expected that this " Post Meeting " will tend to the one thought of effective work inside and out- side the Post hall. Um SHOW OP DOGS — AT THE — PEOPLE'S TABERNACLE, April27th,28tli,29tli&30tli,188G, LNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Cleveland Bench Show Association. 25 Cents. ADMISSION 25 Cents. OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TO lO P. M., DAILY. THE FINEST DOCS IN THE WORLD. Tlie following cities will be represented : — New York, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, I'liiladelpliiu, Pittsburgh, ICixnsas City, Cincinnati, Louisville, Orlando (Florida \ St. l^ouis ami Canada, and many others. The 6han?pions. both in the Field and on the Bench. im^ I»(»(J.S ol' AM. 15 hi: ED.-! — LARGE AND SMALL. -m\ A paruili' once a day of the Prize Winners— Evening at 8:30. 25Cis. People s Tabernacle, Ontario St. 25 Cts. - li;— — 17— SECOND DAY-THURSDAY, APRIL 29. Business Meeting of the Department at Music Hall. A Street Parade at 2 p. M. sharp. Captain J. C. Shields, Marshall. G. C. Barnes, Chief of Staff. E. L. Patterson, Adjutant. Aids.— C. C. Campbell, L. R. Davis, William Beaser, W. H. Storms, A. P. Fairbank, G. F. Herrick, John Hobbs, Pard B. Smith, W. E. Forby, Fayette Ball. Procession will form on Lake Street, right resting on Bank Street, and move promptly at 2 P. M. over the following route : Bank to St. Clair, to Water, to Superior, to Euclid, to £rie, to Superior, passing City Hall in review, and disband at intersection of the Square and Ontario Street. The Committee have procured the permission of the Legislature by joint resolution, to have all the old Battle Flags carried by Ohio Regiments, now in possession of the State, in Music Hall during the session of the Encampment. Camp Fire at Music Hall, commencing at 7:30 p. M. CAMP-FIRE PROGRAMME. President of the Meeting— Comrade John O. Winship. Music By Band. 1. Prayer ' By Rev. J. L. Wyly, Dept. Chaplain. 2. Music, "America " By the Audience. (Led by the Grand Army Glee Club of 100 Voices.) 3. Address of Welcome. . . ; By Hon. J. B. Foraker, Governor of Ohio. 4. Address of Welcome... By Hon. Geo. W. Gardner, Mayor of Cleveland. 5. Address of Welcome from Cleveland Comrades By Comrade John O. Winship. 6. Music By Glee Club. 7. Response By Commander-in-Chief S. S. Burdett. 8. Response By Dept. Commander R. B. Brown. 9. Response By Sister Lottie L. Myers, Pres't W. R. C, Dept. of Ohio. ID. Response By Sister Sarah M. E. Battles, Sec'y W. R. C, Dept. of Ohio. 11. Music By Band. 12. Address By Comrade John A. Logan. 13. Music By Glee Club. 14. .Address By Comrade Lew Wallace. 15. Address By Comrade Wm. McKinley, Jr. 16. Music By Glee Club. 17. Address By Comrade (Corporal) James Tanner. 18. Address By Hon. R. A. Alger, Governor of Michigan. 19. Music By Glee Club. 20. Address By Comrade John C. Black, Commissioner of Pensions. 21. Short Addresses By Comrades Called from the Audience. 22. Music By Glee Club. 23. Music By Band. 24. Song, ' ' Good Night " E. M. HESSLER, 68 Pub. Square and 151 Champlain St., OleTT-ela^rLci, OliLio, MANUF.iVCTrREK, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Surgical Instruments and Appli- ances, Deformity Apparatus, Trusses, Supporters, Elastic Hosiery, Crutches, Gal- vanic and Faradic Batteries, Hypo- dermic Syringes, Fever Thermometers, Atomizers, Catheters, Yial Cases and Physi- cians' Goods. Correct and Skillful Mechanical TREATMENT OF HERNIA OR RUPTURE, In the most Difficult and Complicated forms, a Specialty. J. L. Hudson, CLOTHIER, FURNISHER & HATTER 201 TO 211 SUPERIOR ST„ Extends a general invitation, to all visitors, to call and visit iiis mammoth store EXCELSIOR. -18- -19- THIRD DAY-FRIDAY, APRIL 30. Business Meeting of the Department at Music Hall. Banquet and social Dance at Red Cross Rink, at 8 p. m. FLOOR DIRECTOR : Pard B. Smith, Forest City Post. FLOOR MANAGERS. D. H. KiMBEKLY, Memorial Post. W. H. Polhamus, Memorial Post. ]. G. Claflin, Memorial Post. D. B. Fish, Brooklyn Post. F. Worth, Brooklyn Post. L. Merrifield, Austin Post. R. Hawkins, .Austin Post, H. P. Fairbank, Steedman Post. T. ]oNES, Steedman Post. B.^Woodward, Steedman Post. ]. A. Weber, Orin f. Crane Post. C. C. Campbell, Orin J. Crane Post. W. R. Nevins, Orin J. Crane Post. C. H. Flick, Volunteer Post. L. R. DaviS, Volunteer Post. F. Held, Volunteer Post. P. Beakel, Commodore Perry Post. S. Ruggels, Commodore'Perry Post. J. P.\lmer, Commodore Perry Post. W. E. Fokby, Forest City Post. COMMITTEE. W. R. Nevins, Phil Beakel, E. E. Wilcox, Herman Mayer, Ed. E. Kelly, PardIB. Smith, A. P. Fairbank, T. J. Young, S. R. Brainard. DANCE PROGRAMME. 1. Grand Marcli and Quadrille To Military, 2. Quadrille To Grand Army of the Republic. 3. Quadrille Lanciers 4. Schottische On. .the Picket Line. 5. Quadrille By the Left Flank. 6. Waltz Quadrille Dress Parade 7. Quadrille Variety Deploy as Skirmishers. 8. Varsouvienne and Polka Right Wheel. 9. Quadrille Fours Right. 10. Waltz Present Arms. 11. Quadrille Tothe Old Boys. 12. Quadrille Double . Pork and Beans. 13. Schottische Wha"comes There? 14. Quadrille Turn Out the Guards. 15. Quadrille Lanciers 16. Waltz Passing Review. 17. Virginia Reel Rally on the Right. 18. Quadrille Double Guide Left. 19. Schottische Right About. 20. Quadrille Right Turn. 21. Quadrille Waltz Open Ranks. 22. Quadrille Turn Out, Boys. 23. Dan Tucker Roll Call. -24. Waltz— Home. Sweet Home Break Ranks. v^.loWss & Ups- MANVFACTUEERS OF ^ -ALL STYLES- Carriacre, Machine and Track Bolts, Bridge and Roof Bolts with Enlaro^ed Ends, Turn Buckles, &c. Office and Works, west of Scran ton Avenue on Cleveland, Columbus & Indianapolis {{ at Junction of New York, I'ennsylvania & Ohio Railroad. CLEVELAND, OHIO. -20 ROLL OF ENGAMPMBNT. 13 Andrew C r awford, New Philadelphia. Giddings, Jefferson.. Webster, Kingsville. Custer, Conneflut. ... Trescott, Salem. . . . C. E. Austin, Aus'burg Buckley, Akron Post — Name and Location. ). C. McCoy, Col. . Brooks. Bristolville. . Mulheran O'Cain, Eaton. . . Paulus, Ashtabula.. Veteran, National Military Home... George H. Thomas, Cincinnati Ford, Toledo Forsvth, Toledo. , McPherson, Niles, Dyer, Painesville. Lincoln, Pierpont McMeans, Sandusky Neibling, Weston. . . Joe Hooker, Mt.Ver, Bishop, Defiance.... Old Guard, Dayton Bond, Grand Rapids Canton, Canton. Benedict, Pemberville Norris, Fostoria. . Bowers, Geneva. . Tod, Youngstown 751 55 325 lOI 39 20 29 144 36 310 532 105 631 39 83 34 138 54 125 105 190 15 205 25 67 39 290 Post Comman- der. David F. Pugh.. H. H. Pierce., W. C. Dove.. T E. Hoyt.. Henry M. Neil. David Lanning. A. G. Chapman Chas. Bryson . .. A. Schwartz. . . , Jno. H. Grove. . W. J. Camnitz. Morris Osborn . . A. L. Harris. . . Albert Henrv. . . John W. Byron. Geo. W. Bowers O. W. Evans. . . F. M. Canfield.. Harry Guthrie. . Ed. D. Hawley. .A. M. Baldwin'.. Elias Fraunfelter [as. M. Ayers. Wm. R. Moses. J. W. Greencv . . L. Holloway. . . A. B. Glenn R. C. Walker.. L. R. Hawes. . . J. H. Whitker., L. G. Hunt. . . . Geo. W .Deatrick Jno. Hardy. David Knapp. . J as. J. Clark. . . i| R. F. Lewis. . . . il Adam Cramer. . il J. W. Foster. . 3|b. O. Eddy.. . Delegates. Alternates. B. F. Wadsworth E.H.A.Snowwhite W. W. Bassore. C. M. Rittenhouse C. B. Hart C. W. Kinnear. C. L, Andrews. N. B. Ganigues. I. L. Gary George Billow. . E. F. Taggart . . 0. L McMillen W.J. O'Neal.. [. B. Foraker. . . T. M. Sechler.. T. E. McLean.. C. N. Averv George L. Utter Orson Sage .... Wm. Corlett.. . . R. H. Cochran. D. R. Austin.. . T. B. Terry .... R. G. Bacon.. . . J. M. Hanser. . John S. Davis. C. T. Morley. . . T. S. Winship . 1 . F. Mack C. Call George Musson. Geo. J . Hickev.. E. M. Wood.'. . B. F. Kerr Robert Cassiday Charles N. Nye G. Bressler J. L. Meyers. . , Geo. L. Mason G. Lemley G. Cunningham Jos. Amos Romeo Gregg . . Dan. McCauley H. B. Du Berry. R. D. McCarter George K. Nash W. Parringer. . . Jonas Foster J. K. Stebbins.. Jno. Plunkett. . Michael Breen. . Thos. Simmons. Israel A. Correll S. J. Coon.' .... E. F. Wiley.. .. E. F. Sturtevant J. D. Hillis H.E. Wadsworth A. P. Baldwin.. B. F. Manderbach B. F. Clark .... J. B. Wilson.... D. W. McCrung T. W. Thomas. P. R. Way J. M. Hubbell.. A. W. McCorriiick Joel Squire. . . . C. L. Young.. . . W. W.Alcorn.. R. G. W. Foster I. P. Grover H. M. Bacon... A. J. Eyster Ale.x. Mackey.. John Austin... . John Swart z.. . . Chas. M. Keyes E. Keyes Geo. Ingnam. . . Robert Carey . . J. M. Weaver. . S. G. Robinson. B. F. Reynolds. H. R. Jones Heman Allen. . . R. Alcott D. W. Dorman. W. P. Jones.. . . Claflen Paving Co., H. M. CLiAFLiEN, President, Office, 121 Superior St., Cleveland, O. PAVING CONTRACTORS, Medina Block Stone Pavement a Specialty. QUARRIES AT ALBION, N. Y. Building Stone, Baving Stone, Cross-Walk, Flagging, Platforms, Sills, Caps and Water Tables, Furnished on board Canal Boats or cars at Akron, or delivered to any part of the Country. -Our Building Stone is Superior in Color and Quality to Connecti- cut or any other Brown Stone. W.S.TYLER WIRE WORKS CO- .MaiiufiulurL-rs of Band and Oflice Railings. Store Fronts, Elevator Guards and Ornamental Brass Work. "TXTII^E CXjOTI-X of E'VEI^-X" 3DESCISIF'X'I03^T. Tki.k.I'IIonk (17.;. T.VI to 700 St. Clair Street, CLKVKLANl). i ). oo -23- ROLL OF ENCAMPMENT.— Continued. Post — Name and Location. R. L. McCook, Carthage. Leander Stem, Tiffin E. Ravvson, Fremont C. B. Gambee, Bellevue. . . M. F. Wooster, Norwalk.. Losure, Wauseon Bell-Harmon, Warren.... Eadie, Cuyahoga Falls.. . . Phil. Kearney, Nelsonville Elliott Wyman, Genoa. . N.L. Norris, Chagrin Falls Kyle, Wapakoneta . . . Serg't McKell, Bainbridge Serg't Holt, Rutland Gen. Lyon, East Liverpool Mitchell, Springfield Wiley, Bowling Green.... Wm. H. Lytic, Cincinnati Walter Wood, Tontogany L. S. Holmes, Deshler.. . . James Price, Westerville.. Wolford, Perry sburg L Donafin, Hicksville Randall, Praifie Depot.. . . Stoker, Findlay Eaton, Clyde Harry Carter, Haskins.. . . Sill, North Baltimore M. McMillen, Wilmington Chas. A. Slack, Galena. . . Geo. B.Torrence, Delaware Smith, Jackson Centre.. . . Neal, Sidney John Bell, Proctorsville. . Oglevie, Columbus Grove. Richard Allen, Elyria . . . . Wm. A. Choate, Napoleon Coleman, Long Bottom.. Sherman, Hudson R. Lanning, Coshocton . . Jacob Baker, Middletown Lemert, Newark Thoburn, Martin's Ferry., .'\rthur Cranston, Milan.. 2 C/30 87 TOO 162 40 103 "3 99 57 61 36 76 73 30 35 94 234 27 512 39 17 75 45 50 15 49 31 40 19 lOI 36 220 37 170 71 26 22 82 65 210 Post Commander. F. A. Myers E. W. Currigan . . Jno. L. Green . .. . L. E. Merry R. K. Rood A. S. Bloomer. . . . S. S. Belton H. Ingalls Chas. A. Cable . . . H. H. Sloan H. B. York Asa Rhodes T. S. Wells Nial Bryne Wm. H. Surles. . . Chas. W. Shewalter G. C. Nearing. . . . John A. Zeigler. . C. C. Gundy . . . , J. W. Boston. . . A. B. Kohr C. Finkbeiner. . , J. T. Bushong. . . J. W. Coy Geo. L. Arnold. . Valentine Ott. . . . Alonzo Keeler. . . W. S. Decker . . . Amos Hoffman. . G. W. Hughes... J. S. Gill Wm. McCoUev. . E. E. Nutt ...'.. Joseph A. Turley. E. A. Bogart Wm. H. Park.... C. E. Reynolds. . , J. R. Havvley . . . , Harry Pettingell. . J. W. Standford. Harry Knight. . . . Finley Stafford.. . . John McCloskey. Wm. Beemis Delegates. H. M. Thullen. J. L. Botsford. C. A. Santmyer John Helm. . . . W. E. Haynes. A. Young W. H. Benn... G. F. Bradv... J. S. Dean.'. . . . J. R. Lachman M. H. Barber. C. K. Lansley. C. Geiger Dr. R. W. Walters L. J. N. English E. C. Rockhold Geo. H. Bean. . S. A. Gettvs F. S. Penfield . . D. W. Stroud.. E. W. Poe Joe Prische Wm. Miller.... Frank Bruner. . . Jacob Ries Jos. Hill John S. Matthews B. M. Butler H. P. Andrus .... L. L. Fmk Wm. J. Henry H. Carman Samuel C. Moore. G. W. Hagans.. . . Thos. R. Campbell Wash Young E. D. Harland.... J. W. Dyer John Chapman. . . C. W. Webster. . . L L. Davis Joseph Haines. . . John Raridan Joseph McCrats. . A. E. Lord B. F. Pontions.. . . Chas. N. Case.... J. M. Compton. . . L. C. Hartley James M. Brown.. Thos. Wickham . . M. R. Smylie John Shaeffer Alternates. Myron Wood L. D. Woodworth W. F. Armstrong. J. F. Zeller J. L. Greene Andrew Housic. . . A. B. Vial J. W. Re.xford.... W. C.Scott E. B. Wakefield.. Henry Patterson.. John F. Welch... L. D. Gregg L. O. Harris Valentine Lear... . Lee Manlove H. P. Naughtan.. B. C. Simms T. M. Gugenheim W. H. Grant W. H. Wood A. .Siegmund Gust Schilling. . . . C. Hafner J. Wintds L. Walker G. A. Repop ]. E. Robinson . . . H. T. Schrock.. . . Fred Schwind George K. Otis. . . B. Odell Philip B. Oliver... H. E. Slocomb. .. . Noah S. Jones Henry Baldwin. . . Seth Osborn S.J. Mann E. T. Nelson J. W. Watkins.. J. M. Carter Hugo Stahl H. W. Ward Isaac Bogart W. E. Cahoon Fred ."Mien Wm. Bell C. P. Henry... H. H. Hatch... L. H. Clouse. . . Marshal Marsh. Albert Zink S. A. Jefferson.. TWMMM Military & Society Department. Grand Army of the Republic Requisites. Hat and Suit triminings. Shoulder Straps, WrtMtlis.lIat Cords, Swords, etc. Badui-s. Flair.':: and Banners made to order. Decorations for Conventions and SOLDIERS REUNIONS. Flags, Banners and Shields with various and appropriate mottos and designs. £|^Senil for Price List.-^^ LEVY & STEARN, 192 & 194 Superior St,, Cleveland, 0" CHANDLER & FISHER, M \NrF\rTfRKRS or Hand-printing^- ivubher Stamps of Every Description, 307 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. 134 & ^256 Seneca Btwmmti SLOSS BLOCK, Always Ready for Business. e^LEVELAND, OHIO. JOHN BOUT ALL. Merchant Tailor, Successor to "W. B. HANCOCK. I re^i|)el•tflll!y vt^V. you to cull und cxaniiiu' my stock of Woolens. All f;urineiitK iire well cut and nicely made. My estahlisliment is one of the arpcHt in the city. My i)rice8 are uniforndy lower than any other house in tin* city. lU I'uhli,- S,,„„ri-, CLEVELAyn, OHIO. -•2i— —25- ROLL OF ENCAMPMENT.— Continued. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 lOI 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 no III 112 "3 114 IIS 116 117 118 Post — Name and Location. A. Y. Austin, Willoughby Lindsay, Gilboa Israel Ludlow, Cincinnati, Station A Ben Butterfield, Lancaster Daniel Miller, Leipsic... Hiram Strong, Dayton. . Hiram Kile, Andover... Hazelett, Zanesville J. St. John, Cardington... ivishler, St. Mary's C. B. Mitchell, S. Toledo Bronson, Jerry City C. F. Chamberlain, East Palestine Reno, Lowellsville S. Ba.xter, Merchanicsburg Columbus Golden, Athens Hamilton, Bradner R. Robbins, Sandusky.... Cook, Belmore Weiser, Dupont Currie, Cedarville Ruel, Delphos Wetzel-Compton, Ham't'n Cantvvell, Kenton Wm. A. Brand, Urbana.. Spangler, Bellaire Scott, Van Wert Carman, Ada Edgar, Dunkirk Paysell, West Liberty. . . . A. N. Goldwood, West Bridgefield. Potter, Green Springs Minerva, Minerva James Belts, Archbold. . . . Stout, Fayette Royer, West Liberty Urie, Bloomdale H. C. Scott. St. Paris Rice-Creglough, Attica.... Ransom Reed, Marysville Hurd, Mt. Gilead... Burkholder, Yellow Spr'gs P. A. Swigart, Lucas Cooper, Marion Strong, Jamestown. . z ? L. 3 3 "^ ■ a. 48 Z 6 £. n n V K (/I 35 72 III 51 79 65 385 4 39 44 55 16 34 24 79 124 22 142 10 22 35 96- 211 2 40 156 31 95 32 59 57 38 33 81 18 33 19 19 51 40 297 3 99 21 45 35 28 2- Post Cominander. Delegates Frank Hardaker. . J. W. Nutter Philip H. Brooks.. Daniel Crumley. . . T. W. Prentiss E. P. Robinson. . . P. D. Bishop W. S. Harlan . . . . R. T. Mills. O. N. Gunn... Jas. Teatsorth. E. H. Smith Wm. Liggett J. E. Davis George Kaler A. B. MfCreary. . J. P. Dry Anthony Hemrick G. B. Light Hiram D. Cline. . . Benj. Dunn G. A. Lambert. . . Amos Wroton .... John T. Mitchell.. Wm. D. Jones.. . . J. W. Lee C. C. Garrett L. W. Hebenthal. J. F. Reams W. H. Cowan. . . A. C. Mathias. . . Morgan S. Shaw. Jas. McClish A. P. Seager F. M. Willey. . . , H. L. Korte. .. . H. Aston S. L. Wiles R. F. Bartiett... L. E. Clark C. H. Milbourn.. R. W. Officer.... Jos. A. Ripple.. . . J. W. Davis J. P. Dana J. F. Huffman. . . W. A. Gipson A. Kitchen Andrew Frayer. . . W. E. Walkins. . . Jas. Fitton. N. W. Smith S. B. Tyson E. B. Cundiff Fred Eberle ...... J. A. Gleason. . . . J. M. Bodge Israel Diefenderfer J. W. Gaskill.... A. C. Ruple J. H. Barr. W. J. Merchant. .jB. Slaymaker. Howard Speakman — ~ • Gustave Dimke. . . L. J. Pike Jerry Lowman . . . S. T. McMorran. Wm. Harmon. . . D. T. Elliott. . . . J. E. McCracken. J. M. Harris. J. H. Mowers O. W. Weeks... Jas. Rayburn. ... D. F. Lentz. L. H. Vosbura A. B. Probert . . . Geo. G. McCrea. D. |. Neikirk. ... W. L. Curry. . . . A. B. Robinson. . Uriah Cahill R. T. McKirbin. T. C. Hirst Jno. Applegate. . W. H. Pegan. Alternates. Thomas Co-x Eli Stainbrook Chas. H. Wentzel A. J. Nichols W. S. Leach. . . . H. A. A.xline H. Urban H. M. Sedgwick. R. J. J. Harkins. S. C. Bennett. . . E. S. Lloyd Theodore Brown.. Bartiett Early A. C. Hinebaugh. Dewitt Shephard.. J. B. Allen E. S. James L. E. Landon Wm. H. Cook... J. A. Harned Jas. Cochran.... L. D. Brown. . . . A. N. Ellis Chas. Collier W. L. McDaniel. Wm. H. Little.. A. J. Burch L. Richerson. . . . V/m. R. Wiles.. O. P. Taylor Eugene E. Shall. G. W. Earhart... D. C. Shaddock. B. F. Mattem. J. F.Linhart J. C. Tomlin Wm. Lavee S. Landon W. H. Robb.... W. H. Loveless. John Bowen R. P. Love L. Tressel G. W. Clark. W.J.BennBtt HATS 6l CAPS, G. A. R. HATS A SPECIALTY. Umbrellas, Straw Goods, &c. 183 SUPERIOR ST. Sole Agents for Youmau's FINE STIFB^ & SILK HATS. TELEPHONE 402 CLEVELAND, OHIO. W. H. H. PEClT, — DEALER IN — RnlDlDer Clotliing For Gentlemen, Ladies and Children. Water-Bottles, Aii* Goods, Belting-, Hose and Packing. I 76 SUPERIOR STREET. -The Oldest Establishment in Northern Ohio, carrj'ing the most Complete nnd I.argest Stock. IMPORTKD OR DOMESTIC, By the Box or less, go to CHANDLER & RUDD, 116 Public Square, Clevelandi,; ©^ Enamel Paint Co., 132 & 1.34 River St., Cleveland, Ohio. .Mark. li^-Send by Postal for Samples, Vc, iir ask your merchant to do so. Feel assured we will give you our piTHonal attention, .I"11N I'lMClO, M.\n.\(;er. -27- ROLL OF ENCAMPMENT.— Continued. 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Post — Name and Location. f . M . Bell, Washington C. H Leroy Baker, Danville Lyon, London McMillan , S. Charleston . McCali, Buena Vista Canfield Gibson burg Mlddleport, Middleport., 126 Blessing, Gallipolis i27jLeith, Nevada. 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 ISO 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 Keller, Bucyrus Snyder, Crestline Dick Morris, Gallon McLaughlin, Mansfield. Andrews, Ashland. Given, Wooster. .. Hart, Massillon Robinson, Republic J.A.Garfield, Columbiana Burnside, Leetonia Starr, New Lisbon Geo. Harlan, Alliance. . . . J . K. Rochester, Logan . . Memorial, Cleveland C. G. Harker, Centerburg Tom Talbot, Somerset . . . Swartz, Rawson W. Wirt, Liggett, Ripley. Harker, Shelby Runyan, New London... Rice, North Amherst Evans, Bryan Kinsman, Kinsman Ad. Clark, Liberty Center Joy, Pioneer G.S. Fowler, Berlin Heights John Howard, McComb. . H. Louden, Montpelier . . Groce, Circleville Jobes, Greenville Alexander, Piqua A. H. Coleman, Troy.... S. Brewster, Le Moyne. . . Arnold, Bradford A. L. Brown, t'hillicothe. Ben Terry, Millers. Bailey, Portsmouth 2: 3 3 ■ a b 2- 179 2 47 56 47 29 16 286 3 49 I 44 67 I I 53 76 180 I I 2 107 160 I 2 72 38 36 I I I 30 61 I I 180 2 19 I 220 2 31 27 64 69 54 24 91 82 27 20 29 31 57 97 79 65 132 21 45 204 2 41 185 I 2 ~- Post Commander. Geo. C. Jenkins. . Henry Lockhart . S. P. Trumper. . . , Wm. J. Hudson. Josiah Spencer.. . Lewis Newcomer. Timothy Russell . A. J. Green . . . "ohn Russell.. . Cyre Field W. Stable D. R. Gorman. S. E. Fink..... Cyrus Plank Harry McClairen R. A Pinn.... John B. Ennis. I. Bishop J. R. Stratton. M. L. Davis. . . H. E. Vick... J. W. Strentz. G. C. Barnes. . H. C. Greiner. . . . L. H. -Williams.. David L. Cockley Dan White H. A. Plato John W. Pollock. Allen Jones W. S. Brown.... Emory Sibley Emerson Andrews C. W. Brooks.... M. E. Griswold.. O. H Spencer. . . . A. H. Brandon.. W. W. Peterson . . Solon H. Fidlar.. M. Kopf M. L. Brown. . . . George Perkins. . . G. C. Varnum. . . . John K. Duke.... Delegates. F. J. Lindsay Harry Boyer A. J. Kno.x Dr. W. M. Beach J. G. Warner. . . . W. M. Denniston Wm. Penfield . . . . 0. P. Skinner . . . . |. C. Bishop 1. F. Zeise. Wesley Grubb. . . . Rev.T. y. Sheppard D. S. Robinson. . T. J. Deitrick.... F. T. Dill A. C. Cummins. . . S. M. Coe D. C Curry J. L. Gray R. B. Crawford.. E, F. Beard E. S. Halloway . . R. L Cowden. . . . C. L. Frost J H. Sharer R. O. Kittsmiller.. J. O. Winship... C. C. Dewstoe. . . . J. W. Westall.. C. W. Boyd.... Henry Wentz. . A. E, Sdwald J. A. McClain. . . Albert D. Mathews Marion Weakly. , . Wm. Siddall G. F. Hill Elisha Todd W. S. Boon G. C. Bayer Thomas Lines. . . . J.E. Shellenberger C. F. Grovenor . . . A. V.Smith W. M. Williamson Wm. V. Lawrance John B. Smith.. . . Mark B. Wells.. John L Mercer. Alternates. Harry Rodgers... H. L. Hadley.... John Haun Capt. D. Watson. J. M. Jones James T. Pitts... I. W. Miller Wm. M. Hartinger Newton Barnes. . . Ed. S. Grant R. M. Stewart Wm. McCutchen. Wm. Hoover R. G. Bryan W. W. Smith R. C. McFarland. C. F. Engle J. N. Clark J. R. McKerney.. E. D. Doxsee H. K. Spooner. . , Wm. Halvestradt. U. S. Meltz J . L. Straughn. . . W. W. Cantine... J. H. Wolf W. H. Polhamus.. C. C. Shanklin.... H. C. Walker. Daniel W. Storer. Lorenz Horn T.J. Coslet L. W. Roberts... D. K. Bowker.... W. H. Durbin.... H. B. Fisher L. C. Willoughby. F. M. Ford M. E. Dresbach.. S. M. Guy Wm. Van Horn. . J. A. Landis H. S. Clifford Harvey Medline.. Richard Enderlin. Wm. B. Evans... E. E. Ewing C. P. Dennis To Have Vour IE33reS IE2^a-m.iliecL and fitted by King, the Optician, 185 SUPERIOR STREET. '"FAMOUS SHOES!" FAMOUS BARGAINS! AT THE "Famous Shoe Store," 1 1 4 Public Square, J. T. TAYLOR, Manager. wmTmmmmmm IHAT WHITE'S RED ROBIN AND YELLOW BAND TOLU ARE THE PUREST AND BEST CHEWING CUM In the World. »^ Buy no Other, .^^g Mamifactui-ed only by W. J. WHITE, 24 and 26 South Water Street, CLICVELAND, O. —29— ROLL OF ENCAMPMENT.— Continued. 165 Dick Lambert, Ironton. E.M.Stanton, Steubenville Morrison, Ashville Troutinan, Oak Harbor. . H. G. Blake, Medina.. . Arthur Strong, Creston.... McQuillian, Delta.. Lewis Baker, Lindsey Col. Crawford, Carey .... Joseph Powell, Bettsville. fruesdell, Vienna Maxwell, Kingston R. L. Dunham, Bedford.. Buell, Marietta 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 269 210 211 212 Post — Name and Location. 2: wo _ O crq O John Stabler, Payne Gibson, Greenfield H. McDaniel, Ft. Recovery McCarty, Polk George Douglass, Millbury Warner Brown, W. Salem A. H. Day, Kent Wm. Nelson, Cincinnati.. Sergeant McKenzie, Har- risonville Channell, Utica Kilpatrick, Goshen M.]. Patterson, Winchester W. T. Brown, Bloomville. Collar, Vaughnsville Gribbon, Kalida Lieut. Fellers, Ray's Aug't Willich, Cincinnati. facqueth, Sycamore Hill, New Straitsville H. B Banning, Madionsville R. M. Moore, Cincinnati. Commodore Foote, Cincin- cinnati, Station C Phil. Hendri.x, Colton... Mart. Armstrong, Lima. Drummond, St. Clairsville John Campbell, Harrison. John M. Barrere.Hillsboro Bishop- Williams, Shade. . Hastings. LaGrange Col. Speiple, Shilo Shreve, Shreve J. P. Fyffe, Higginsport. . O. P. Randall, Napoleon W. A. McAllister Carrollton 266 118 29 36 102 38 53 39 43 39 17 39 35 163 42 69 39 23 33 25 86 171 55 60 41 27 33 21 27 29 35 20 26 109 31 59 47 55 7' 37 34 60 21 27 28 1 28 Jno. H. Gholston. B. N. Lindsey Milton Morral. . . . Jacob Hoover.... J. H. Greene C. A. Mellon A. Y. Montgomery Michael Latig W. T. Dickerson.. Wm. Shaw H. M. Boys Jno. T. Mowry. . . W. H. Diseman. . R. T. Moore Post Commander. H.;K. Gant..., C. F. Wilson.., J. S. Rhodes. . , R. G. Cook..., A. J. Marks. . . David Mitchell. I. L. Herriff . . Thos. Morgan . , Elijah F. Vining. . David Sinsabaugh Wm. L. Gordon. . Tom E. DeBruin.. Geo. M. Martin. . . Evan Rees [. M. Allen Wm. Doles Michael Lorenz. . . E. V. Ingerson. . . Z. Brown H. B. Whetsel.... Daniel Hatmaker. H. D. Grigg... J. M. Slater J. W. Crum. . J. F. Charles worth John T. Penny.. . . E. M. DeBruin. . . S. T. Pierce Wm. Wilcox E. W. Ward Daniel Metcalf. . . . G. A. Boehm Levi Hoy Wm. T. Keyes. . . Delegates. Jno. T. Jones. . . E. F. Moore W. H. Enochs.., Jno. Pearce. . . . Jno. Oyer W. W. Ward . . , Aaron Winters. . .. G. W. Thompson Thos. R. Butler.. Geo. A. Maxwell. . F. M. Riley Joseph Deel Wm. Bingham.. . . E. A. Bradley. . . . Wm. Anderson. . . A. P. Kelley.... Isaac Feasel James Brandon. . Chas. W. Myers.. W. B. Higby B B. Stone.. . . M McMillin Levi Reynolds . . . . J. S. Clum Jos. Rinehower. . C. F. Chapman. . . Jno. H. Eldridge. C. P. Rhodenbaugh Jno. Barnes O. Outcalt D. B. Campbell. . . Dr. H. Morris. . . . Tom. C. Downey, I. D. Graesbeck. . Evan Griffith John L. Parsell. . . I. H. McCormick John A. Boley . L L. Walters.. George Sauer. Paul Miller A.T.Gould D. Mathews S. S. Yoder Wm. A. Hunt Geo. W. Bowlby. . E. Carson W. M. Williams.. Chas. A. Wilco.x. . Jas. Guthrie Dr. Eli D. Pocock C. E. Harrison.. F. M. Adam L. M. Barrick. . . Alternates. N. M. Wells.... W. K. Dohahue. Chas. Kramb... M. T. Lutz.. .. R. J. Stewart.. . Chas. Goth. . . . L D. Cox Jewett Palmer. . W. M. Battis.. Jno. H. Ellis., J H. Johnson. . .. G. R. Blackburn. . Jno. Chrysler .... Lewis Schlop Samuel Dobbins.. J. P. Rabenstine.. John Harvey Abner Morris .... H. Bricker G. W. Myers Philip Hundrihaii D. W. Fisher I. W. Ebenman.. Horace Beach .... E. J. McCormiclc Wilbur Brown. . . . Henry Spurrier. . . John A Jones. . . . Andrew Nueller.. Wm. J. Jackman. Rob't McColough H. H. Heman. . . . Alexander Barrett. Will R. Hartpence W. T. Greuber.. . C. Hawk George Smith. . . . J. C. Fenner Thomas Hall John E. White... W. C. Johnson .. G. W. Connell.... 161 RIVER STREET, Cleveland, - Ohio. Flags and ^^^ ^ Banners. All kinds of Tfto^ xaAj^ Cle^rela^rLd. 0-\:LrL Store., 102 SUPERIOR STREET. Proprietors of the Clevclaml Gun Store Club Guns, ^Manufacturers' Agency for the Parker it Itliaca (^unn, Winchester, Marlin, Ballard, lUtningtou, and Stevens Itilles. Winchesier and I'. M. C. Shells. W ads, Primers and Cartridges Importers and dealers in all kinds of Kufrlisli. (Jernian and American Guns and Kifles. Fishing' Tackle an0. 1 NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, CoR. Water & Superior Streets. Telephone No. 530. T. S. PADDOCK & SON, Hatters and Furriers, Soi.K AtiENT.S FOR JG)ur)lap ^COMMITTEES-^ HAVING IN CHARGE THE ARRANGEMENTS FOR HOLDING THE DEPARTMENT CON- VENTION, W. R. C. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. ,, „ ^. . Memorial Corps. Miss Theresa Kelly, Chairman ^ ^^^^^ M>ss Lome M Crane. Secy .Memorial Corps. Mrs, Louise M. Roland ,„ Pnrn.:. .,,„.,, Steedman Corps- Mrs. Adela Fairbank ^ ^ ,,ru-.- Steedman Corps. Mrs. Sarah Wh.ung Austin Corps. Mrs. Mary Storms Austin Corps. Mrs. Maggie Young oVin J. Crane Corps. Mrs. Susan Newton .".Orin J. Crane Corps. Mrs. Frank Munger .Volunteer Corps. Mrs. Charlotte Davis.. •••• ^^j^^,,,, corps. Mrs. Minnie Honneywell Com. Perry Corps. Mrs. Susie Diply Com. Perry Corps. Mrs. Sarah Clague - COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. r^u ■ . . .Memorial Corps, Mrs. Frances Wyman, Chairman ^^.^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Mrs. Esther Crane Austin Corps. Mrs. Emma Meller '.Steedman Corps. Mrs. Mary Heidliner ^^^_ p^^^^ ^^^p^_ Mrs. Sarah Clague Steedman Corps. Mrs. Emma Lee ^^.^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Mrs. Minnie An.gstedt Steedman Corps. Mrs. Annie Tupper Memorial Corps. Mrs. Hattie Roosa Volunteer Corps. Mrs. Louisa Knight Vohmteer Corps. Mrs. Mattie Bundy COMMITTEE ON INVITATIONS. , „, . . . Memorial Corps. Mrs. Louise M. Roland, Chairman ^^^^^^.^^ ^^^^^ Miss Theresa Kelly ^^^^^-^ (--^rpg. Mrs. Mary Storms ^^.^ j ^^^^^ ^.^rp3_ Mrs. Susan Newton Steedman Corps. Mrs. Adela Fairbank A. T. OSBORH i CO. Can furnish you with anything wanted in the line of Mathematical Instruments, Decorative Art Novelties, ALSO PAINTS, OILS, COLORS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, ETC. NOS. 113 & 115 SENE CA ST., CLEYELAND, OHIO. Representing 1 CLEVELAND BRANGH fH. D. Pierce, Vermont Marble Co., | Manager. Sheldon & Sons, I -r» i ♦ -^ Dorset Marble Co., f PpHnllPPT"^ Ripley Sons, Gilson & Woodfin. J I Supt G.G. Leavenworth i 3ivJ:a-r"ble Coi:r:Lp^rL37-, — producers of — Rutland, Sutherland Falls,East Dorset & Mountain Dark Marble, 179 Merwin St., CliEVELAND, O. [Telephone 1059. We invite all Marble Dealers, while in the city, to call and examine our stock of finished monuments, the largest and finest ever exhibited in the West. A full assortment of sawed stock constantl)' on hand. /^illiaepy ^pg^php^, NO. 8 EUCLID AVENUE,. CLEVELAND,©. Ladies can find ail the Latest Shapes and Novelties in Fine French Millinery. Also Latest Imported Hats and Bonnets. BURROWS & BOSWORTH, Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, -andtmk ckleurateii — Richardson & Boynton Co's. Perfect Furnaces. FlUST-CLASS TLL MBlxMi AM) TINNING. 1222 k 1224 Euclid Ave., CLEVELAND, OHIO. -y{— —55— COMMITTEE ON QUARTERS. Mrs. Elva Hutchins, Chairman Steedman Corps. Mrs. Mary Englis Orin ]. Crane Corps. Mrs. Elizabeth Bauder Memorial Corps Mrs. Maggie Palmer Austin Corps. Mrs. Addy Johnson Orin J. Crane Corps. Mrs. Alma Newton , Orin ]. Crane Corps. Mrs. Minnie Griswold Steedman Corps. Mrs. Ellen Hunt Steedman Corps. Mrs. Sue Shengle Memorial Corps. Mrs. Lena Springsteen Memorial Corps. Mrs. Lara Marsh Austin Corps. Mrs. Mary Winder Austin Corps. Mrs. Lizzie Whitman Volunteer Corps. Mrs. Mary Zeigler Volunteer Corps. COMMITTEE ON BADGES. Mrs. Esther Crane, Chairman Orin J. Crane Corps. Mrs. Lizzie Whitman Volunteer Corps. Mrs. Ellen R. Calkins Memorial Corps. COMMITTEE ON HALL AND MUSIC. Mrs. Mary Claflin, Chairman Memorial Corps. Mrs. Lena Schneeberger Steedman Corps. Mrs. Myria Hogan Orin J. Crane Corps. Mrs. Clara Steriing Austin Corps. COMMITTEE ON DECORATIONS. Mrs Martha G. Hayr, Chairman Memorial Corps. Mrs. Kate Allen Orin J. Crane Corps. Mrs. Jennie Gardiner Steedman Corps. Mrs. Mary Skinner Austin Corps. COMMITTEE ON RECEPTION AND CARRIAGES. Mrs. Ellen R. Calkins, Chairman Memorial Corps.. Mrs. Mary Redinger Austin Corps. Mrs. Mary Preston Steedman Corps. Mrs. Elsie Kimberly Orin J. Crane Corps. Hevise 5 J^estaarai^t. Jjciclies Jjur)cr) err)©, ice vf^i^earr) ||^(2r]?lor'. MANUFACTURER OF B@^MASQUERADE WIGS FOR RENT.^^a GEORGE B. SCHOLEY. — DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF — Hair ^A^ORK, No. 196 Euclid Avenue. CLEVELAND, 0. ^^H. B. HUNT-^-»-- Mauufacturer of Eveiy Description of Tin and Japan Wares, Tea, Coffee and Spiee Cans, White Lead, Varnish, Color and Oil Cans, &e. TERMS, NET CASH. NO EXCHANGE ALLOWED. TELEPHONE NO. 166. Factory, 14, 10, 18 and 20 Hickox Street. 57 Prospect Street, CLEVELAND, O. A. T. ANDERSON, ^^Plain and Decorated Tinware. "Heavy Tin and Sheet Iron Work. Grocers' Tea, Coffee and Spice Cadies Telephone No. 1809. NO.S. 101, 100 AND 108 OHIO STHKKX. —56— ^PROaRAMME= Department Headquarters will be established at the Forest City House. The Finance Committee will meet at the parlor of the hotel on Tuesday, April 27, at 3 p. m. The Board of Directors will also hold their meeting at the same place at 4 p. m. Tuesday evening, April 27. — A reception by the Department Ofificers, to which all members of the Womans' Relief Corps are invited. Wednesday, April 28. — Business meeting at Case Hall. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Except as otherwise ordered by the Convention, the following order of busi- ness will be followed : Opening of the Convention. Calling Roll of Officers. 3. Report of Committee on Credentials. 4. Calling Roll of Members. 5. Reports of Officers. 6. Appointment of Committees on Reports of Officers. Reception and Reference of Communications. Reports of Committees. Miscellaneous Business. Election and Installation of Officers. RULES OF ORDER. Except as otherwise ordered by the Convention, the rules of order of the Na- tional Convention, so far as applicable, will be observed. Thursday, April 29. — Business meeting at Case Hall. Evening — Camp Fire at Music Hall, by invitation of Grand Army of the Republic. Friday, April 30. — Business meeting at Case Hall. Evening — Beanquet and Social Dance at Red Cross Rink, by invitation of Grand Army of the Republic. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE S^^OIHIS I [ — AT THE — LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. THE MOST Central Location ! ^^ ^^ Endless Variety !' SUPERIOR ST.UYl^ tt JjrOS.SUPERIOR ST. BUSINESS COLLEGE 236 Superior St., CLEVELAND, O. This institution offers superior advantages to young men and women for pre- paring for business pursuits. It is a thorough and practical School in the Sci- ence of Accounting. A complete School of Penmanship. A practical School of Short-hand and Stenograph. A thorough School in English branches, and a superior School of Elocution. Day and Evening Sessions. Open to Ladies equally with Gentlemen. Stiidt-nts received at any time. For particulars or information, address SPENt'KIl, i^'EI.TOIV & I.003IIS, 336 Superior St. Will remove to new College, 422 Superior St., Julv 1, 188(i. ^ARGE & GROSS, (Of Late Firm of L. D. Leffingwell), 141 & 143 BANK ST., - CLEVELAND, OHIO- WINDOW GLASS, Polished Plate Glass. P.very Variety of Window Glass. Looking-Glass Plates. Ornamental Glass. Agents for Pittsburgh Plate Glass Go's Polished Plate. TEXj^i^noniTE ea.2. Open to the Public October ist, 1882. HAWLEV HOUSE. House and Furniture Entirely New. Heated by Steam. Electric Bells and all modern Improvements. Rate, 12.00 Per Daj'. CORNER St. CLAIR AND SENECA STREETS. CLEVELAND, OHIO. DAVID R. HAWLEY & CO. - - - - PROPRIETORS. —58— Roster of 6oppg President, Delegates ? Alternates OF THE WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS. c 3 cr n Corps— Name and Location. 2; b re re" p re 5 Corps President. Delegates. Alternates. I Forsythe, Toledo Martha J. Foster. . Kate B. Sherwood. Cora Day Young . . . Clara D. Claypool.. Mary ]. Kelsey. .. . Martha J. Cochran- ..|.... ............. Jennie Losee Emma S. Pease. . . . 2 Robt.L.McCook, Carthage I E. K. McCammon. Helen M. Santmyer Ella M. McCammon 3 Tod.Youngstown, O 3 Mary E. Fishel )ennie Boyd Emma V. McGowan Eliza Stambaugh.. 4 Canton, Canton 2 Mary E. Hurford. . Elizabeth Harter. . . Helem M. Bockins. Josephine Weiler. . . 5 WetzelCompton, Hamilton I 3 Clara S. Rose Martha Richter Mary Myers Lois Binns ., A Stout, Fayette N. M. Garlick Matilda Cole Drusilla Randall... Lucy Vosburgh .... 7 I Anna A. Fowler. . . .•^nna A. Pratt Corrine Ford. ...... 8 Brint & McBride, Richfield I Ellen R. Smith.... Lucy Washburn. . . Sarah ( hulip . . Lyda Bayliss .'Augusta Barnum. . lO Com. Foote, Cincinnati. . . 3 Kate Jackman .... Kate CuUen Eliza f. Brooks Malissie Krummie. . Louisa Terry Lizzie J. Harlan. . . Maryette Babcock.. Julia Goodrich Rachel Day Macie Nott II Hazlett, Zanesville 2 Belle T. Bagley. . . . Celina Dietz E. Lillibridge 12 Delos Northway, Orwell. . 2 Jane E. Covert. . . . W. C. Northway . . 13 Minerva, Minerva 3 Alwilda Shaddock.. Helen Westfall.... Sadie Leutz Ellen Fishel Amy D. Jerome. . . . 14 Wm. Nelson, Cincinnati . . 2 Fannie Myers Emma J. Nicholas. Annie McKinsey . . Annie Hays M. E. Thurston.... Mamie Lindsley. . . Lizzie Snyder Barbara Mombergs. Mary Chard IS JohnM.Bell.Wash'tnC.H. 4 Lizzie Hadley M. V. Logan Lizzie Millikan .... Kate Green 16 Joe Hooker, Mt. Vernon I Helen R. Mclntire. Clara Gordon Mary P. Scott Rachel Ingman.... 17 Kishler, St. Mary's 2 Eliza A. Sawyer Mary Kishler D. McBroom Caroline Mott tR Scott, Van Wert 2 Addie Gleason Sarah Roebuck Almira Hetrick. . . Hattie H. Jeffries. . Louisa Stoddard. . . Katharine Emrich.. Jennie Hatry Harriet Webster . . . 19 Given Wooster 3 Clara Eversole Lottie Reed Emma Wiley ik THE BEST FUEL ON EARTH. Jf J. H. Snow, Esq. (with Equitable Life Assurance Society), says: " I take pleasure in saying, in regard to your Crushed Connells- ville Coke, that I believe it to be the best Base Burner fuel on earth." T. P. Handy, Esq., President of the Merchants' National Bank, says : " I have tried your Crushed Coke in an open grate. I can recom- mend it for its freedom from soot or smoke, intense heat and cheer- ful appearance." James W. Lee, Esq., of Carlton & Lee, General Insurance Agents, sa3's : " I save 25 per cent, using your Crushed Connellsville Coke in raj' range." NOTE. — Crushed Connellsville Coke should not be confounded with any other coke. J. \. N. YATES has the exclusive agency for Cleve- land, Ohio. ^i^All the best grades Hard and Soft Coal, Foundry, Coke and Lehigh Lump, Blossburgh and Molding Sand, at Wholesale and Retail. 0-en.eral Office, 73 "Viad-Tact. Yard, Yard, (Foot of South Water Street. (On Valley Railroad, near Seneca Street. J. V. N. Yates. —60— — 6i- RosTER OF Corps President, Delegates and Alternates. — Continued. c 3 % Corps — Name and Location. '2^ b a ■2 n p n ~3 Corps President. Delegates. Alternates. 20 Losure, Wauseon Phoebe W. Clark.. Mary C. Lager Belle J. Handy.... Matt M. Sherwood Clara White Julia B. Lyon Clara Berry Harriet Sawyer Amenia J. Woods.. A. Longabough . . 2T Leith, Nevada 2 Maggie Keltner. . ?;> Edgar, Dunkirk Jane G. Graham.. . Rebecca Bronson. . Lena L. Hebenthal Laura Fraunfetter.. Ida Haushatter Emogene Bartlett.. Kate Hickman 2^ Buckley, Akron 3 Sarah M. E. Battles Eliza josslyn Louise Meacham.. Sarah Welch Sarah Sheppard.. . . Helen Hunter 24 Phil Kearney, Nelsonville. 1 Sarah Cable 25 Geo. H. Thomas, Cin'nati 2 Lizzie Herron .... Lydia Morrison.. . . 26 McLaughlin, Mansfield. . . 2 Amanda J. Bradford Har't McLaughlin. Mary Hohn Clara Kennedy. . . . Bessie Welch. . . . Alice Clifford Julia Bearrup Eliza Titus .... Frances Mosey. . . . 27 W.C.Furguson, New Holland 2 Zilpha Mallow Josie Thomas Jennie Thomas Corintha Sage 28 Hamlin, Wellington 3 Eva Fisher ?I Ontario, Ontario I Laura J. Arc A.J. Wolff. L. Grove Phebe Mains 32 Mitchell, Springfield 2 Nettie B. Houck. .. Kate Putnam Etta B. Dolson A. Miller Lucy R. Grant Clara Holloway Libby Ames May Moore Edith Wilco.\.. 33 Andrews, Ashland 2 Fannie Damp Mary S. McCarty.. Maria Clemmer Flarilla Northrop. . Lucy A. Heillis Mary C. Wentzel... Julia Hanks .... Abby M. Coggswell Julia E. Burritt. . . . Hattie A. Lane Rebecca Rife Aida Campbell. . . . 34 Trescott, Salem 3 Sarah Edwards. . . . Dora Bartley Frances Baird .... 35 2 Maggie Brooks .... Julia Hurst C. M. Hewitt .. . 36 C. B. Mitchell, S. Toledo. 2 Amanda Blaker Freddie Hull Eva Brown .... 37 Tom Dew, Buchtel 3 Charlotte Duffee. .. Eliza Donley Mary Crothers 38 Middleport, Middleport.. 2 Hattie B. Jones.. . . Lucy J. Graham.... Melissa S. Berry. . . S. Whitney Alice Sholt Amelia H. Shutt. . . 39 Steedman, Cleveland I Adelia H. Fairbank Mrs. Seamore.- .... Mrs. Gardner 40 Daniel Miller, Leipsic. . . . R. M. Moore, Cincinnati.. 2 2 M. F. Koons Mag. Hollencamp,. Mary Timmerman.. A. A. Standlev. . . . M. McClish 41 M. Britenger Luly Miller Orilda Patterson. . . Ellen Rooney M. E. Pastcjuin 42 McKendrieMurlin,Mend'n I Belle H. Murlin.... Cynthia A. Parrott. Sallie Barber 43 Bailey, Portsmouth 3 Minerva E. Ewing. Lida E. Kline T. T. Wells H. C. Johnson T. H. Pursell 44 Memorial, Cleveland 2 Louise M. Roland Stella E. Shanklin.. Theresa Kelley Emily J. Lamb. . . . Sarah C. Bourner. . Ellen R. Calkins. . . Elizabeth Bauder. . 45 3 Mrs. J. J. Huston.. Sarah Armstrong.. Mrs. Haughey Union Barriage & Toy Go. — IMPORTERS OF — WILLOW-WARE AND TOYS. — HEADQUARTERS FOR — Children's Carriages, Boys Wagons, Hammocks, etc. a, A. R. and other Society Flags in Stock and to Order. 78 ST. CLAIR STREET, CLEVELAND, O. New England Hotel, A. M. LOWE, PROPRIETOR, Nos. 58 to 64 Water St, CLEVELAND, 0. RATES: |1.50 and |2.00 PER DAY. Centrally located for places of amusement and street cars. Three minutes walk from Union and Central Passenger Depot. JE.. R. HULL. S. E. GRAVES. J. C. McWATTERS. E.R.HULL&CO. HATS, CAPS £ FURNISHING GOODS, 127 & 129 Ontario Street, 584 & 588 Pearl Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. You must acknowledge that the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company with 200 stores and as many delivery wagons, can afford and do sell l)etter TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS & BAKING POWDER, than small dealers. Wc guarantee you a saving of from 25 to 10 per cent. Compare prices and tlic (jualityof goods. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO., Importers a,xi.d. I2.eta,ilers, 172 OntaroSt., G Prospect St., 31 Broadway, 550 Pearl St. (Opi). Carroll. 31 Woodland Ave., 2527 Broadway, CLEVELAND, 0. Telei)hone 1049. 31 —62— -63- Roster of Corps President, Delegates and Alternates. — Continued. c 3 O" fD ■-1 p Corps — Name and ^ Location. S TO s • Corps President. Delegates. Alternates. 47 Musser, Waynesfield [ Annie M. Cook IdaV, Cook Rebecca Bennett . . Lida North 49 5° Millikin, Oxford [ Sarah R. Porter.. . . 3 Ellen P. Mathias.. Lottie M. Craig. . fane M. Emmons. . Nancy Compton . . Arminta Weimer. . Lindsay, Gilboa Margaret Wynkoop SI Ruckle, Monclora 2 Margaret Welch. . . R. S. McCann Amelia Metezger . . Thoressa Moore . . Vinnie Phifer Jennie Hull Mary Todd Lois Keightly Clorinda Wilson. . . Emma Mollenkopp. Neal Mitchell 52 Lyon, London 2 Alice Thomas Kate Peck S3 John Howard, McComb 2 Caroline Hissong . . Libbie Linco.x E. Shaw 54 Robert A. Caldwell, Elmore I Jennie R. Hunt Corra Whitmore. . . Mrs. Doeple Addie O.Smith.... Angie Babson Maggie Netz Mary E. Davis Augusta Gates 55 T.J. Stanley, Lower Salem 1 Clara Hardy Nora Thomas 56 Sandy Valley, Way nesburg 2 Elizabeth E Elson. Maggie Beatty Lide J. Rhinehart . . Lucy M. Canfield. . Elizabeth Stone. . . . 57 Reed, Chardon 3 Lina West Mary E. Whitney. . =.8 Bell Harmon, Warren. . . . I Stella S. Sloan Polly A. Reid Minnie Sutcliff. ... Abbie Wallace S9 Isaac P. Rule, Tiffin I Sallie Van Nest . . . Lillie Rule Anna Linnvilie. ... Lottie Van Nest.... Page, Sylvania I Julia Lathrop I Ada E. McBane. . . Caty Bryan • . . Ada E. McBane.. . Clara T. Hank.... 61 Serg't Mcintosh, Irondale. Melissa C. Dennis.. Melissa C. Saltsman fi-^ Deck Cheatham, Beverly.. Amanda L. Hall. . . Maria Burroughs. . 63 I Theodicy Smiley. . Jane Tucker Sarah A. Grey. ... Caroline Nixon. ... 64 Rees-Mitchell, Camden. . . I Lizzie Folkerth Lavina Cooper. . . . Sue Murphey Jennie Fornshall. . , Maggie Zeller Irene Branderburg. 6S Leander Stem, Tiffin I Eliza D. Harmon . . Jennie Crouse 66 Josh. M. Wells, Columbus 2 Mary E. Bancroft. . Frances E. White. . Julia A. Felton Mattie Lear Carrie Brock 67 68 Henry C. French, Waldo. . L E Gabler .... 2 A. E. Welch Laura Lauck W. H. Wortman . . Myra Finch E. J. Humiston.... Belle R. Harris.... 69 Chas.BemanGates, Harm'r I Abbie M. Putnam.. Ann E. Patton .... Eunice Edleston... 70 I Nellie Fleming . . . . Mary Moore Emma Thier Matilda McMillen.. 71 72 Stoker, Findlay 2 Martha J. Bope Pamelia Jones Sarah Strother Lucilvia C. Wilson. 73 Robbins, Upper Sandusky I Sarah C. Robbins . . Addie Gibson Anna C. Kirby W. N. Van Martyr. 74 I Flora Gibson Jennie Dole Anna Scott Louisa Ryan 75 Austin, Cleveland I Mary Storms Mary Redinger. . . . Sarah J. Clague.... Sarah White 7« iNeal, Sidney I Kate McKee Hettie Roberts Mary Deweese .... m. G'. wum^ ^ s©ii » -DEALERS IN — Wool I Grass Seeds, 125 WATER STREET. 125 • Burt's Euclid Avenue Lawn Grass Seed. 1*"ALSYKE CLOVER SEED. JM Clover Seeds, Timothy, Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top, Orchard Grass, Hungarian and Millet Seeds, etc., etc. fi@°FiELD Peas. ^TPure Bone Dust for Lawns. JAS. GIBBONS & CO., Fulton Market, 21-25 PROSPECT STREET. Meat, Oysters, Poultry, Fish and Game. 5____. ^x •m-T'^-a^.vw^^W^'^ . 221 DF.TROIT STREET. SJH^EtC^E^ t 1555 WILLSON AVENUE. iodel Restaurant, lOl & 103 SENECA STREET, CLEVELAND, - OHIO. J. E. ROOT, Proprietor. -G4— -65- RosTER OF Corps President, Delegates and Alternates. — Continued. Corps — Name and Location. Volunteer, Cleveland.. Hughes, Malta John Bell, Proctorville. 8oi James Price, Westerville. . 84 87 90 93 E.M.Stanton, Steubenville Henry Cope, Wellsville. . . Quiggle, Swanton Dyer, Painesville Wiley, Bowling Green.... C. B. Gambee, Bellevue. . Walter Wood, Tontogany Biddle, Sulphur Springs. . Jos. F.Trotter,Mt. Washington Dan Brown, Duncan's Falls Capper, Conroy Henrv Lincoln, Oberlin. . O. J. Crane, Cleveland. 94 Mart Armstrong, Lima. . . 95iThomas Talbot, Somerset. 96|Norris, Fostoria 97 Granville Thurston, Lebanon. 99 100 lOI 102 Wilson Burrows, W. Jefferson Mcintosh, Ravenna ! Brooks, Bristolville. Snyder, Crestline. Ransom Reed. 103 James Mann, Steuben.. . . 104 Hall, West Farmington. . 105 Ricksecker, Canal Dover.. 106 E. E. Ellsworth, Lucasville 107 A. H. Coleman, Troy. . . . 108 G. W. Shuster, Toronto 109 Miran Judy, Bloomingburgh no B. F. Steiner iiiiMiller Moody, Bellville. . . ii2iMorrison, Ashville ii3iBentley, Mantua Station. . Corps President. Charlotte Davis. Janet M. Pond. Harriet Hall. . . Louisa M. Phelps. Rinnie C. Holliday. Ida B. Cooper. . . Elizabeth Swank. Gertrude Cay. ... Mary E. McCarty., Emma Lanterman., Frances S. Burton.. Laura C. Fry. Dora Behymer. Mary E. Swingle. . . Mary A. Heillerman Cecilia C. Harmon. Susan E. Newton . Angenora R. Thrift Mary Greiner Sarah Schuyler. . . . Sallie M. Patterson I Sarah A. Heath. Kate J. Osborn. Sarah Williams. . Allie Shuler Ellen Prirce. J. H. P. Bliss.... Retta S. Wilcox. Clara Byrkett. . . Lizzie Oldham. . , Hannah Barker. Laura Edwards. Laura Messick . Martha Carlton. Delegates. Lou Arbuckle Ella Hall Clara L. Langdon. Lizzie M. Pierce. Hannah Aten L. A. Stone , Malena W. Wiley. Lavina Welch. . . . Mary E. Herrick. Mira Wells Mary E. Coffey. . . Sallie Martin Mary E. Brown.. . Nancy E. Flager. Sarah L. Sorter.. Susan L. Gilbert. . Annie L. Francis. Augusta P. Harris. Mary E. Starry . . . Mary Y. Rife. Celia Leager Cordelia Zink Kizzie Robinson. . Alternates. Lena Vickers. . Alice C.Whitaker Elizabeth Reynolds Katie Beal Maggie Keller. . . Minerva Thayer.. E. V. Donaldson. F. A. Brown Julia F. Catlett.. Alice Eddy Amy Geyser Sadie Callender. . Mary Foss Clara Clough. . . . Clara Viall I^ew Hammault.. S. A. Davis Jennie Gundy. . . Mattie Cooper. . . Sarah Caris Belle Nicholson. . Sophia Garrett. . . Hannah Bash.. . . Mary M. Christy. Louisa J. Joseph Sarah Austin. . . . Rose A. Cole. . Frank C. Munger .Anna Hinslca.. . . Mary H. Moore.. Martha Ashbrook Jennie M. Hissong Laura M. Holbrook Fannie B. O'Neal. . Edna Olney May Braden Elmma Henson. . . . Flora Mayhew Mary House Elizabeth Gardner.. Rose Raufsnyder.. Amelia J. Robb Emma Cameron. . . Louisa Mitchell .... Mary A. Griffiths. . Sadie Stillwell Hester A. Knagi. . Jane Squires Margaret Riddle . Alice Fowler Sally M. Haskins. BOSTON VARIETY STORE, Desirable Goods, Popular Prices. 210 Superior St., CLEVELAND, 0. F. W. WARDWELL & Co., - Proprietors. don't fail to visit the — at — 251 S-U-perior Street, A. J. COLE & CO. Ladies' Fir Kid Button only - $1.38 Miss School Shoes, Button - 1.50 'a u ii " . 99c Make no Mistake in Buying your Footware. New Store ! New Goods ! Low Prices ! I have removed to No. 212 Superior St., between E. I. Bald- win and Dollar Store. ■Ladies' Aniericau or Kid hand-sewed Button will outwear 2 pairs of ordi- nary Shoes only $8.00. Ladies' Fir Kid Button only - $3.60 Ladies' Con. Kid Button only - $2.70 a »i » " *' - 2.25 « u " " " - 2.03 ». u " '• " - 1.80 Gents' Hand-sewed Button Congress or Bals. only $4.00. M. S. only $2.70 These are Burt's make. N^X ^^^\ lU C (New Store, between E. I. Baldwin and , \Jm O I ii/Wt. -( Dollar Store^ 149 St. Clair Street, Corner Ontario, Ole^elarLcL, _ - - OHio. Katks: $1.50 to |2.00 Pek Day. M. KESSLER, - - PROPRIETOR. — 6G— -67- Roster of Corps President, Delegates and Alternates. — Concluded. 114 "5 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Corps — Name and Location. Armstrong, Haysville .... Dick Lambert, Ironton. . . Dennison, Hanoverton.. . . }. H.Jenkins, Williamsburg C.F. Chamberlin, E. Palestine Harry Scribner, Plain City Ellis, Marseilles Old Guard, Dayton Boon, Edon G. W. Larrimore, Versailles Walker, Arlington Addison Clark, Liberty Center James Smith, Wellston . . Corps President. Sarah S. Beaird.. Annis L. Enochs. Louise Vincent. . Ollie Holmes. . . . Mary L. Morrow Susannah Kolycross Maria Kitchel . . . Maria J. Bickham Ann E. Noble .. . Maria Limdey. . . Catharine E. Riegle Louise H. Brown Mary J. Williams Delegates. Alternates. Clara C. Steele. Nancy Morton . Hat tie Graham. Dudie Hines Lizzie Officer. . . Ellen M. Huff.. A. Studabaker. . S. J. Weaver. .. Nancy A. Root. Ellen M. Bergen Sarah Crabill . . . Esther Karschner Mary E. Bingham ANDERSONVILLE DIARY! Escape and List of the Dead. By John L. Ransom. Price One Dollar. Lithograph Engravings of Andersonville SIZE 14 X 24. THE MOST CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF ANDER- SONVILLE EVER PUBLISHED. PRICE, 2 5 CENTS. j^rWe have a few copies of the above Book and Engraving, which will be closed out at the extra low prices named. C. C. SHANKLIN, 55 EUCLID AVENUE, CLEVELAND, OHIO. MANUFACTURERS OF THE mmm'm mtmml Flat© Mwmm^U mmm^mm^ For Private Dwellings, Boarding Houses, Restaurants, Hotels, Public and Private Institutions, etc. Coffee and Tea Urns, Bake Ovens, Hot Air Furnaces and Laundry Stoves. Telephone 551. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Plate, Window and Picture Glass, SASH, BLINDS, GLAZED WINDOWS, ETC. WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR IMPROVED OUTSIDE BLINDS. Slats will not stick. Staples will not pull out. Tenons will not break. Agents tor llartman's Sliding Inside Blinds. Call and Ske Our Machine for Painting Window Blinds. 130, 132 & 134 CHAMPLAIN STREET. WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS OF CLEYELAKD. J. B. STEEDMAN CORPS. NO. 39. Instituted April 24, 1884 ; Present membership, 41. OFFICERS. A. H. Fairbank President. Lena Schneeberger Conductor. M. M. Heidinger . ..Sr. Vice-President. M. A. Griswold Guard. Mary Preston Jr. Vice-President. Nettie Clark Assistant Conductor. M. E. Swartwood Secretary. Jennie Gardiner Cor. Secretary. Emma L. Lee Treasurer. Anna Tupper Organist. Ira Swartwood Chaplain. MEMORIAL CORPS, NO. 44. Instituted May 27, 1884; Present membership, 84. OFFICERS. Louise M. Roland President. Frances A. Wyman Chaplain. Ellen R. Calkins. .. .Sr. Vice-President. Lena Springsteen. Conductor. Martha G. Hayr. . . .Jr. Vice-President. Levina Ferrell Guard. Mary A. Richmond Secretary. Etta Pope Assistant Conductor. Hattie M. Beals Treasurer. Emma M. Duscher Asst. Guard. AUSTIN CORPS, NO. 75. Instituted April ist, 1885 : Present membership 26. OFFICERS. Mary W. Storms President. Margaret T. Young Treasurer. Mary Redinger. ...Sen. Vice-President. Kate Sumner Chaplain. Clara Sterling Jtin. Vice-President. Adaline Flick Conductor. Emma Mellen Secretary. Christena Ludwig Guard. VOLUNTEER CORPS, NO. 77. Instituted February 27, 1886. Present membership, 47. OFFICERS. Charlotte Davis , President. Mary M. Goodsell Chaplain. Lena Vickers Sr. Vice-President. Sarah Silliman Conductor. Lizzie M.Whitman, Jr. Vice-President. Jennie M. Varner Guard. Minnie L. Honeywell .Secretary. Margaret Moore Ass't Conductor. Ch\oe H. Ackerman Treasurer. Libbie Williams Assistant Guard. The Ohio Baking Go. 633 SUPERIOR STREET. ASK FOR AND HOME-MADE AND HOME-MADE Pronounced by all the Best in the City. TO BE HAD OF YOUR GROCER. COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED. Telepiione 2 ISO. The Best Electric Belt in the World Sent to any Address for 30 days Trial. This is the only Belt that combines electrical and medical treatment. It will give immediate relief, and will effect positive cures in all Chronic, Nervous and Blood Diseases. We guarantee immediate relief for the following ailments: Rheumatism and Neuralgia, all Liver and Kidney disorders, Cliest and Lung Troubles, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debil- ity and Sunial Irritations, impotency in men, painful menstruation, all aches ana pains. Belt guaranteed by The Voltaic Electric Manufacturing Co., Room No. 7, 44 Euclid Avenue, AGENTS WANTKU. SKM) I OK (IKCULARS —70— —71— ORIN J. CRANE CORPS, NO. 93. Instituted August 24, 1885: Present membership 60. OFFICERS. Susan Norton President. Rich EHza Chaplain. Frank Munger Sen. Vice-President. Louise Dennison Conductor. Lottie Green Jun. Vice-Presdient. Florence Teasdale Guard. Susan Gilbert Secretary. Bertha Paige. . . .Assistant Conductor. Elsie Kimberly Treasurer. Emma Chalkly Assistant Guard. COMMODORE PERRY CORPS, NO. 128. Instituted April 6, 1886; Present membership, 35. OFFICERS. Susie Diply President. Martha Wagner Chaplain. Harriet Garfield Sr. Vice-President. Mary E. Heaps Conductor. Lizzie Lloyd Jr. Vice-President. Christina Plumley Guard. Sarah J. Clague Secretary. Ida Cook Assistant Conductor. Carrie Gartman Treasurer. Annette Flick Assistant Guard. OBJECTS OF THE WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS. To specially aid and assist the Grand Army of the Republic and to perpetuate the memory of their heroic dead. To assist such Union Veterans as need our help and protection, and to extend needful aid to the widows and orphans of those who have fallen. To find them homes and employment and assure them of sympathy and friends. To cherish and emulate the deeds of our army nurses, and of all loyal women who rendered loving service to their country in her hour of peril. To inculcate lessons of patriotism and love of country among our children and in the communities in which we live ; to maintain true allegiance to the United States of America ; to discountenance whatever tends to weaken loyalty, and encourage the spread of universal liberty and equal rights to all men. FORMATION OF CORPS. A Corps may be formed by authority of a Department President or of the National President, (when no department organization exists), on the applica- tion of not less than ten persons eligible to membership in the Woman's Relief Corps ; and no corps shall be recognized by members of the Woman's Relief Corps unless acting under a legal and unforfeited charter. m. LEW. wmffl. S01.®1E)M ?) — WILL GIVE A — POPULAR LECTURE — AT — Music Hall, Wednesday Evening, Apr. 28. TICKETS, 50 AND 75 CENTS. For Sale at Van Epps & Go's., 259 Superior Street. Fletcher's Duplex Electric Belt is the only Electric Belt recognized by the Profession and Trade generally. It is a True Curative. -^.o-i^i-jEi'xaxaiiBiB cS3 oo. Manufacturing Electricians, SOLE OWNERS AM) MAKERS OF THE r: Duplex Electric Belt ^ AND SUSPENSORIES, Ss^For the Zidneys,Pain,Nervous & Weak. Vv ^^^ Superior St., Opp. Post Office, CLEVELAyO, OHIO. Fletcher's I>uplex Electric Belt is a powerful double battery appliauce. Its strengthening and pain-killing influence i.s exi)erienced the in.staut it is ap- plied. Not necessary to wear this powerful belt all day; short ap|)licati()n8 ef- fect a cure. It is the only Electric Belt recognized by Druggists generally, and should not be confounded with other Electric Belts. M^rite for free circulars. J. D. CONNOLLY MANAGERS E. B. PATTERSON, Ohio Belting fc Supply Go. » South Water Street, - CLKVlilLAND, O. Selling Agents for CLEVELAND RUBBER CO. Sole Agents .TOSIAH GATES & SONS' LEATHER BELT. All kinds of Manufacturers' Supplies.! Sole Agents for the GANDY BELT. -72- —73— NATIONAL OFFICERS SONS OF VETERANS. Walter S. Payne Fostoria, Ohio General Commander-in-Chief. A. E. Case Chicago, 111 Lieutenant-General. F. W. Kohler Utica, N. Y Major-General. T. G. Carlisle Fostoria, Ohio Adjutant-General. O. T. Shutt Fostoria, Ohio Quartermaster-General. W. D. Thomas Pittsburg, Pa Chief of Staff. C. S. Crysler Independence, Mo Judge Advocate General. Geo. W. Penniman Minneapolis, Minn Chief Mustering Officer. G. B. Abbot Chicago, 111 Inspector-General. OHIO DIVISION SONS OF VETERANS. Geo. A. Ensign Defiance, Ohio Colonel. Henry Frazee Cleveland, Ohio Lieutenant-Colonel. W. D. A. O'Brien Springfield, Ohio Major. N. N. Badger Xenia, Ohio Chaplain. J. A. Calhoun East Liverpool, Ohio.. . . Mustering Officer. C. A. Atkinson Jackson, Ohio Inspector. D. Q. Morrow Hillsboro, Ohio Judge Advocate. H. L. Deatrick. ..... .Defiance, Ohio Adjutant. O. F. Ensign Defiance, Ohio Quartermaster. CLEVELAND SONS OF VETERANS. Wheeler Camp, No. 31 — Room 19 City Hall. Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month. Henry Frazee Captain. D. H. Clark Orderly Sergeant. T. E. Bonsall ist Lieutenant. P. W. Ditto. .Quartermaster Sergeant. W. J. Peters 2d Lieutenant. Creighton Camp, No. 71 — 315 Detroit Street. Meets every Tuesday Evening. Otto C. Springer Captain. J. G. Nevins Orderly Sergeant. Jas. T. Nevins ist Lieutenant. Chas. Snow. ..Quartermaster Sergeant. Jas. R. Crane 2d Lieutenant. Wright Camp, No. 76 — Corner Pelton and Starkweather Avenues. Meets second and fourth Fridays of each month. H. C. Varnes Captain. J. W. Varnes Orderly Sergeant. W. G. Silliman ist Lieutenant. John Beyer. .Quartermaster Sergeant. R. S. Smith 2d Lieutenant. FORMATION. Section i. A Camp may be formed by the authority of a Division Com- mander, acting by direction of the Grand Division Commander, or by the Com- mander-in-Chief, or Grand Division Commander (where no Division organization exists), on application, made in due form, of not less than ten persons eligible to membership in the Sons of Veterans; and no Camp shall be recognized by the Sons of Veterans unless acting under a legal and unforfeited charter. RANDALL & SABIN, 8 I MICHIGAN ST., CLEVELAND, - - - OHIO. MANUFACTURERS OF Gloves and Whips. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. <3-o to tliie BETHEL! THE BEST LIGHTED, LARGEST AND BEST Ventilated Dining Hall in the city, Cor. SUPERIOR & SPRING STS., near Viaduct, Cleveland, 0., where you can get the best 25 cent meal in the city, either Breakfast, Dinner or Supper. The profits of this Society go to relieve the poor. You can get full value for your money and at the same time contribute to a worthy object. Dinner from 11:30 to 2 o'clock. W. E. Pence, Supt. Forest City Ice Company, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Strictly Pure Ice. Supply obtained at Put-in-Bay, Rocky River, Twin & Geauga Lakes. Office, 213 and 223 Superior Street. Depot 137 to 153 River Street, and Cedar and C P. Crossing. Geo, Worthington & Co, HARDWARE MERCHANTS Keep constantly on hand a great variety of Seasonable Hardware, Lawn Mowers, Gardening Tools, Rubber Hose and Hose Reels, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, etc., etc. 59 and 61 St. Clair Street, - Cleveland, Ohio. —74— YETERAHS' RIGHTS UHIOH. "The object of this Union is, under the auspices of the G. A. R., to secure to those who served under the Government of the United States during the late war, the rights and privileges guaranteed to them by Sections 1754 and 1755 of the Revised Statutes of the United States," as also § 3, Chapter 287, Laws of 1876. "Sec. 1754. — Persons honorably discharged from the Military or Naval Ser- vice by reason of disability resulting from wounds or sickness incurred in the line of duty, SHALL be preferred for appointments to civil offices, provided they are found to possess the business capacity necessary for the proper .discharge of the duties of such offices." Sec. 3. Chapter 287, Laws of 1876, is in part, as follows : ' 'Provided, that in making any reduction of force in any of the Executive Departments, the head of such Department SHALL retain those persons who may be equally qualified who have been honorably discharged from the Military or Naval Service of the United States, and the widows and orphans of deceased Soldiers and Sailors. PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. Each Post in a county or city to elect one member of an Executive Committee which Committee, when elected, are to constitute the Executive Committee of the Veterans' Rights Union of said county or city with full power. No member of the Executive Committee shall hold or, under any circum- stances accept, during the term for which they are elected, any position of profit or trust under the National Government. Comrade : How expressive the word, to ears attentive. How important in results if made the key note of our efforts, each for the other, united as m the years gone by in comradeship, for principle and the Veterans' rights. The discrimination m appointments to and removals from office and employ- ment under the Government as against the Veteran, has become notorious. "Political necessity" has been assigned as the cause for removals, and "Political service" has been made the criterion by which men were judged in their appli- cations for employment. The "Empty Sleeve," the sacrifice of limb and health in the army, the ability to successfully perform the duties of the position for which they were applicants, were not considered ; an honorable discharge from the Military or Naval Service by reason of disability resulting from wounds or sickness incurred in the line of duty was powerless to save when removal threat ened, and of no avail when "necessity, which knows no law," made such m applicants for place in the service of the Government, excepting only when th were of some consequence as political factors ; who could believe when the w closed, that the Veterans would be neglected or forgotten ; and toldwithi twenty years, that the "Soldier business was played out."? This was not th fault of the people, who have ever held these men in grateful remembrance because of the benefits they enjoy as a result of the sacrifice made by the Veteran _ but it was the result of forgetting that "Eternal Vigilance is the price of liberty," through which, those who controlled in political life,assumed to own and dispense as their personal property and perquisites public office and employment, that which the law intended and declared should go to those who, in the dark days of the war, stood between the Country and her dishonor. Everywhere throughout the Union, the Statute (Sec. 1754) was entirely ig- nored, or through non-enforcement became virtually a dead letter. It was under these conditions and the necessity which existed that something should be done, that the Veterans' Rights Union was called into existence, through a Convention of Delegates from the Posts of the Grand Army in this State, and that to-day it is thoroughly organized in Pennsylvania and New York. K a _) > < H Q < > Hull, Boesger & Co. — MANUFACTURERS OF- CjVlOK^ 215 AND 217 BANK STREET, CLEYELAIID,KIIO._ K.P.MCKEAN. ^ HUGH BUCKLEY, JR. Richards, McKean k Co,, Dining & Ice Cream Parlors, 31 PUBLIC SQUARE, coS'i&c, CLEVELAND, 0. Dealers in Choice Wines and Cigars. , , , ^ . Delicacies of the Season furnished to Order. Baunscheidtism i Exanthematic Method^ Cure. An account of the wonderful cures which have been brought about by this trea?n ent as also the necessary instructions for self-treatment for all diseaseris contained in my book of instruction, or Manual, lath ^"^IcSr-'llhSira^twIcirculars sent to any ad*iress Postage free For an Instrument, the Resuscitator, with Gilded Needles, and a bot- tle of Oleiriu da Book of Instruction, 15lh edition, with appendix concerning the Eve and Ear. their diseases and treatment by the Exan- TiiEMATic Method OF Cure, postage free, - - - -^^-^ Price of a single bottle of Oleum, postage tree, - ^-'^ y-yyyT T TTT'Rr'lvT SpecuiU'riictitioncr of the Kxanlliematic Metliod JOHN LINDEN, of cure, LKTTKK-UKAWEK W, CLEVELAND, OHIO. ■^ .f^i ... i.'.:.i nio r>,.^^.,,«,.f at Tiaworo nf rinnTitflrfflita and False Prophets, onicc,:!'.ii Superior St. Kesidcnce, 948 Prospect St. Beware of Counterfeits and — • — ' • — 76— —77— Our object is plainly stated and our declaration of principles are : First. " We ask a fair construction, consideration and enforcement of sec- tion 1754, Revised Statutes of the United States; and Sec. 3, chapter 287, laws of 1876 (in so far as it applies,) by all who have the power of appointment or removal under the Government, from the Executive of the Nation down to the lowest subordinate in authority ; whenever and wherever an applicant, employe or appointed officer comes within the provisions of either of these laws. Second. An amendment of the Statute Law, so that the preference therein contained shall extend to, and cover, all those who were honorably discharged from the Military or Naval Service of the United Stales during the late war. Third. The establishment of Labor Bureaus in all the large Cities of the land to the end that we can ask, at the hands of the people for the old soldier, such' employment so they may have to give and he be fitted for, thereby carry- ing out the recommendatory character of Sec. 1755." We will not dilate on the work which has been done, nor mention those who have labored in this wortliy cause. Its results speak louder than words, in the respect that is now paid to this class of claimants, which was not the case between the years 1865 and 1882. ■ ■ r 1 1. But the work is not complete : To you. Comrades, belongs a rightful share in impressing upon our membership a spirit of true Fraternity, which inculcates Charity, and then the recompense of our Loyalty will come. To help the wor- thy needy, and destitute wards of our Grand Army, is a sacred duty ; " to stand by our Comrade" he being right, " though the whole world assail him" is one of the tenets of our faith. Let us demonstrate by our work that we are worthy the name of Comrade. While we hold in sacred remembrance the memory of those who gave their lives on the altar of our Country and discharge our full duty by those who sur- vive them, let us push forward solidly and unitedly, the electric touch of the elbow still felt, to protect and defend, against all who oppose, the rights and privileges which the law and a grateful people intended should be given to those who defended the Flag. , , r, ,■ u . u While we have not, from the beginning, been bound by State lines but have determined that we can say with Hamlet 'TU fight them on this theme, until my eyelids can no longer wag," even if we fight alone until we gain the victory, yet we realize that in Union only there is Strength, and while so much can be accomplished by the few, what must result when an advance is made along the whole line, and together? j , ,. • .u . Who among us, having worn the Union blue, and be:ng bound by ties that were welded in the fire of battle," will hesitate in rendering assistance in protect- ing the rights of a Comrade? We therefore earnestly urge upon all Department Officers, delegates to the National Encampment, Post Commanders, and the Comrades of our Order everywhere to extend our lines so that New York and Pennsylvania, with a mem- bership of 75,000, will not stand alone in fighting this battle, when we can muster over 300,000 men in defense of the principles for which we contend. VETERANS' RIGHTS UNION IN CLEVELAND. In December 1885, through the action of all the G. A. R. Posts in Cuyahoga county, an organization of Veterans' Rights Union was perfected for Cuyahoga county! It consists of an Executive Committee, consisting of one member elected on each Post in the county, OFFICERS. John. O. Winship Chairman Executive, Room 10, Blackstone Block. William Treat Secretary, Brooklyn, O. M. C. Hart Treasurer, 236 Superior street. Every Man, Boy or Child who wishes to dress well should not fail TO CALL AT GARSON'S, FINE Clothiers & Furnishers, 204 SUPERIOR ST., Confirmation Suits for Boys at CLEVELAND, O. .00, $6.00, $8.00 and $10.00. GARSON'S G. A. R. SUITS A SPECIALTY. The Parsons Buggy Go., ^^^^^ BUGGIES. 77 and "li) Meiwin St., CXEVKLiAND, O Send for Catalogue. Clough Stone Co. L. Haldeman & Son. Atlantic Stone Co. Clough, Haldeman and Atlantic Stone Co., Quarrymeu and Mauufacturert! of Buff and Blue Building Stone, SAWED AND SPLIT FLAGGING. 127 SUPERIOR St.. CLEVELAND, O. YOUR ATTENTION! NORTHERN OHIO PLATING WORKS. Gold, Silver, Nickel, IJronzc and JJrass Electro-Plating. German and FrcMicli Bronzing, Gilding bv Fire and Gxydizing also. General nianufacturing and rellniHliing of all kinds of Metal Fancy Goods. Fancy Gold and sjUht Plating a Specialty. Watches, Chains, IJadges, Uniform Trimmings and Jewelry of every Description, in Konian, Tuscan, or any other color of (Jold. Talth'ware heavily rcplated. Having liad lil'tccn years' experience in the full line of the business, I am able to turn out lirst-class work, that cannot be equalled this side of New York (Jity. Can refer you to any of the leading Jewelers of this city for whom we do "work. G, H. Hengst, Proprietor. ORIGIN OF THE G, A, R, INTERESTING ACCOUNT OF THE GROWTH OF THE GREAT ORGANIZATION. At the close of the war in 1865, when the soldiers had returned to their homes, the question of the organization of some Order that would keep up that frater- nal feehng that existed between all soldiers, officers and privates alike, during the war, was discussed at Springfield, Illinois. Maj. B. F. Stevenson, formerly Surgeon of the 4th 111., was the most active and enthusiastic advocate of the scheme. He is entitled, I think, to all the credit as the originator of the Grand Army of the Republic. The ritual and the secret work of the Order was planned and written by him, with the aid and assistance of Capt. Robert M. Woods, now of Joliet, 111., Comrade Phelps, now of Chicago, and Col. John M. Snyder of Copperas Creek, Illinois. The first Post was organized at Springfield, 111., and then the Order extended to Bloomington, Chicago, Decatur, Peoria, Canton, and other cities in the State. The originators never intended that the Order should be exclusive, but that it should embrace every soldier who had served in the army of the Rebellion, and had an honorable discharge ; and this is to-day the only soldier organiza- tion that admits the rank and file alike — the corps organizations being made up ■entirely of officers. Maj. Stephenson was chosen the first Commander, and the work of organiz- ing Posts in the State of Illinois progressed rapidly and soon spread to other States — Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania — and the^ first National Encampment of the Order was held in 1867, at Indianapolis, Ind., when Gen. John A. Logan of Illinois, was chosen Commander-in-Chief. The object of the first organization was misconstrued in the West — it having been charged that it was simply a political organization — and many old soldiers withdrew from its ranks for that reason, and the Order progressed much more rapidly in the East than in the West. At a National Encampment held in Philadelphia, the secret work was revised and divested of any and all objectionable features that existed from the first organization, and since that time the Order has progressed, until to-day you can find in almost every village and hamlet a Post of the Grand Army of the Re- public. The organization cannot last always, but in the last few years the Order has authorized the organization of the Woman's Relief Corps and the Sons of Veterans, and if these organizations are fostered, encouraged and cared for, they will still live to perpetuate the memory of the boys who took part in the preservation of the Union. — John M. S>?yder in the National Tribime. — I BUY THE CELEBRATED | — Golden Star Stove and Range ! Made in every Variety. Cleveland and Chicago. HDGAN & HARRIS UNDERTAKERS, No. 127 Bank Street, CLEVELAND, 0. Office and Stable, lOO St. Clair Street. CARRIAGES, COUPES, WAGONETTES, BUG- GIES, EXPRESS. Open Day and Night. TELEPHONE 692. —80— Che Ghamberiin eartridge eompany, 76 Superior St., CLEVELAND, OHIO, — MANCFACTUKERS OF- Fixed Ammunition for Breech-Loadinp; Shot Guns. 'CaU and see this wonderful machine loading Cartridges. Established 18-'):;. iNCOKPORATED 1.SS2. THE STURTEYANT LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO, MANlFAC'TntEKS AND DEALERS IN I_ KINDS OF LUMBER ]Maiii Office, Lumber Yards aud Works : CORNER CENTRAL WAY AND STONES LEVEE. Branch Office, Cor. Michigan & Seneca Sts. •lice Lists, Monlrting Books, Ready Reckoners, *»^ ', "iv other information in our line, furnished free on application. BUV VOUR COAL -) OF THE (- Rhodes fe Beidler Goal Co. Il< VOU WANT THE. WORTH FOR YOUR MONEY. THEY MINE THE COAL THEY SELL E^ Bi:L3r of tlie rrod.\:Lcer. ^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I mil 012 111 340 5