^°-^ and is as much to be taken into consideration,as loss of blood and treasure! However, not that I, want to excite any false 13 / hopes, or apply any selfish adulations to myself! No' friends and fellow citizens, far from it, my object is to expose you avowedly and openly to conviction! and let you know, moreover, that it is not my wish to disappoint nor defeat the most sanguine anticipations of my friends and fellow citizens, and then I am done! ^ And I would moreover, help you to consider that inasmuch as it is a great political question in which we are all interested, that we are not to move and act alone in this matter, but for your sons and your daughters, and for the scrutinizing eyes of future generations, as well as ages and millions of the human race yet unborn* Yes! friends and fellow citizens, I appeal to your jus- tice. Yes, I appeal to your magnanimity. Yes, I ap- peal to your judgment, and your consciences. Yes, and 1 appeal to all the sacred ties of consanguinity, and of blood, human and divine, to awaken to a sense of your duty and danger. Yes, do not these utter volumes, trumpet- tongued for your counteraction, activity, union, belief, perseverance, co-operation, concurrence and support! awake, then! from this long sleep of lethar^v and from this long sleep of death! Still I am not satisfied with the present discharge of nny duty! and I would still warn you and admonish you again and again, to be on the alert, and on your guard' and inasmuch as you have got me to run for you, I want you to make the best use of our time. I was thirty- j )ur years of age on the 7th day of April, A. D. one I tnousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and in one year hence I shall be old enough to be put on nomination for • he office of President of the United States, and if I am be a candidate, it is my wish to be run as early as pos- ^ble. But in the first place, consult public opinion, and •If quire what shall be our course, and order of proceed- mgs on the subject, and if I am nominated, to have this intelligence in such a train of communication that rily election shall go up alike unto Solomon's Temple, with- out the sound of a chisel or the noise of a hammer: and m the twinkling of an eye! / 14 Therefore, friends and fellow citizens, in taking leave of you, and of this subject, and bidding you farewell forever, I have all things to hope for, and all things to trust for a corresponding understanding, of union, ac- tion, belief, benevolence, co operation, support, and concurrence on your part, in forming the great con- junction, and that you will in good faith, believe and co-operate, is all that I can reasonably anticipate, trust or hope for. Having submitted these remarks on this all-import- ant subject to your impartial investigation, I shall com- mit our common cause into the hands of the Lord, from whose all-seeing eye, nothing can be hid, and whose Omnipotence rules and governs the universe! and that my prayers to Almighty God, may be so directed and applied to the guidance and influence of His Holy Spirit, that it may predominate over them, guide and direct them, in all their delibertions is my hearty and sincere prayers; and may the Lord confirm, strengthen, and bless you, in all things appertaining to the magni- tude of this all important question, that our God! our country! the peace! happiness! and tranquility, of a great mass of this commonwealth should be our most jealous aim and aspirations, and that God in his most infinite wisdom, goodness, and mercy would bless us, and would bless us as a nation! andwouldbless our coun- try, and would bless our country's fireside, is my ardent and sincere prayers to the Lord God of Sabaoth!!!! With feelings, friends and fellow citizens, of the highest reverence and veneration of love and esteem, J am, and shall be, and ever remain your much obliged i and public humble servant, THOMAS JEFFERSON CADE. ' Woodbury, N. J. July 28, A. D. -1836. ' 39 I 5'^^o - '^O^ "V s* y>i^'- •% oV • '-^^0^ o 5* /^V/^l'o '^<<^. c'T **/5is^'. t<. A^ *: .^^ : 3^, •° *•> ^^ .*^ .. v->> ^Ao* *^ .-is^;^". %./ /Jife'v %.^* y^i^'^ V 0° .l^i;i'>o .^-^^ -• 0" •♦ "^O V^'\/ "°^*^-'/ **^'-^\/ ' V^ »»*