Class_^^^' iV THE SCARBORO ^ REGISTER rj3 1 9 O 5 / " ^ COMPILED BY MITCHELL AND CAMPBELL Brunswick, Maine: Published by The H. E. Mitchell Co, 1905 Vz /x.- ^ TABLE OF CONTENTS General Description Early Settlement Indian History Incorporation Town Officials Industrial Account Military Matters School Items Church Affairs Public Men Historic Landmarks CENSUS ' Scarboro Register 1905 GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The town of Scarboro, which was the sixth in the state to have a town organization, was, durino- the seven teeth and the early part of the eighteenth centuries, one of the principal business centers of the Province of Maine. This town is situ ated in th e sonth-west corner of Cum - berla nd County , upon the sea-coast, from which it extends into the interior about eight miles. The "Beach" in this town is one of themuch-resorted-to places on thecoast_of Maine and affords excellent opportunities for surf-bathing, as well as other attractions incident to life in the coast towns during the hot summer months. The sea view is fine here being unobstructed by islands. The general surface of Scarboro is flat, though in the north-western part of the town the hills rise to a consider- able elevation. The principal streams of the town are the Dunstan, or New River, the Nonesuch, Libby's River, and 6 HISTORICAL. the Spurwink, which iorms a portion of the southeastern boundary. The town is crossed by both the Eastern and the Western Divisions of the Boston and Maine Railroad, also by the line of electrics from Portland to Biddeford. There are many excellent farms in the town, as well as several summer hotels, and the summer homes of the many who have learned of the excellent advantages the place affords. EARLY SETTLEMENT. Early in the seventeeth century, the coast of Maine became a favorite resort of Enolish fishermen, and it is very probable that the first white settler to make his home in what is now Scarboro, was one of this class of people. It is not likely that they would have passed by such advantage- ous places as Black Point Neck or the neighboring islands. Here, too, they could conveniently meet the Indians, and bargain with them for their furs- There is no doubt but that Stratton's Island was the first settled portion of the town, settled by John Stratton previous to 1631, as the Island had born that name for a few years previous to that date. The first legal proprietor within the town, was Capt. Thomas Cammock, to whom the Council of Plymouth granted fifteen hundred acres between HISTORICAL. 7 Black Point and Spurwink Kivers. Cammock resided at Black Point, (1636) and with him was one of his beloved friends, Henry Joceljn. Cammock died in the West Indies, (1643) and left most of his property to his friend. Of the planters who settled around Cammock at this time the following are known : Stephen Lapthorne, Ambrose Booden, Robert Jordan; These men possessed but little of this world's goods, and thus settled on his land as tenants. The next principal settlement within the limits of Scar- boro, was that of Blue Point, in 1636. The grants of land here were made to Thomas Lewis and Capt. Richard Bony- thon. They received this grant on the agreement that they would transport fifty persons within seven years, and settle them upon it. Among those brought over in fulfillment of this agreement, were Richard Foxwell and Henry Watts. In Foxwell's writings he often speaks of himself living at Blue Point. Watts deeded, a little later, one half of his land to one Ralph Allison, and in his deed to Allison, Watts styles himself "of Black Point, alias Scarborough, in the village we call Cockell." Both of thesemen were prominent in the affairs of the plantation. For af ew years these two were the only settlers at Blue Point. The first to settle near them were: George Peering and Nicholas Edgfcomb, who came in 1639, and were joined the next year by William Smith. Smith, in a deposition affirms that when he came to live at Blue Point in 1640, there were four plantations there ; those of Richard Foxwell, Henry Watts, George Peer- ing, and Nicholas Edgecomb; and that some time after came Hilkiah Bailey, Edward Shaw, and Tristram Alger. 8 HISTORICAL. While those settlers at Black Point may be called successful fisherman, these at Blue Point followed the tilling- of the soil, and were known as prosperous planters. The third principal settlement made in town was at Dunstan about the year 1651, by the brothers Andrew and Arthur Alger. They bought their right to the land of the Indians. Andrew Alger had lived in town on Stratton's Island previous to his settlement in this section of the town. The tract of land which they bought of the Indians comprised more than a thousand acres. To this they gave its present name, after their native town in the County of Somersetshire, England. The word at that time was spelled "Dunster," but later was changed to Dunston then to Duns- tan. Here these men built their homes, and near them lived their married children. Of these settlements in town. Black Point, Blue Point and Dunstan, the one at Black Point increased most rapidly, and soon became a flourishing seaport. The advantagesfor fishing and farming, induced many to choose this locality. In 1671, says Henry Jocelyn, there were fifty dwelling houses in the village, where just 38 years previous, Cammock's house stood alone at Black Point. Few of the descendants of these early inhabitants are now residing in town. The Indian out-breaks exiled many, never to return. We here give names of a few; Henry Jocelyn, Bobert Jordan and Henry Williams settled near what is now known as Scottow's Hill. (Previous to 1660 this was called " Jocelyn's Hill." Mr. Jocelyn afterwards sold this tract of land to one Joshua Scottow, from whom the Hill derives its HISTOKICAL. 9 name.) John Libbey, Christopher Collins, Joseph Phippen, Michael Maddiver, and John Tenney, were early settlers at Black Point. Other early settlers in town were as follows : — Andrew Brown, Samuel Oakman, EliasOakman, Christopher Paige, Giles Roberts, Richard Moore, Wm. Shelden, Nathan Bedford, James Robinson, John Burrage, Wm. Burrage, Gyles Barge, John Alger, John Palmer, John Austin, Geo. Barlow, Robert Nichols, John Jackson, Jacob Rabskine, Jolin Howell, Ralph Allison, John Griffin, John Hickford, Abraham Pollen, Joseph Winnock, George Taylor, Richard and John Mayre, George Garland, George Knight, Christ- opher Riggot, John and James Mills, Wm. Batten, Henry Williams, John Budizert, Anthony Roe, James Mechimore, Henry Booking, George Gregory, Wm. Liscomb, George Bartlett, Thomas Payne, Francis Shullett, Richard Willin, Roger Deering, Thomas Cleverly, Christopher and Thomas Ellkins, Peter Hiukson, Andrew Heffer, Joseph Oliver, John Start, Robert Elliott, John Samson, John Warwick, Roger Vicars, John Cocke, Christopher and John Eickett, John Mc- Kenny, Edward Fairfield, Robert Tydey, James Ogleby, Duncan Chessom, and Francis White. All of these persons were settled in town previous to 1700. In the years that follow, the town became a prosperous plantation, whose prospects were broken only by the Indian Wars. To such an extent was the town pillaged that the settlements were deserted, the settlers seeking places of greater safety. Not until the Peace of 1699 did the people think of returning The precise date of the second settlement of the town is 10 HISTOEICAL. not knowu, but was probably either in the Fall of 1702, or the following Spring. The first settlers were a little band of seven persons who came from Lynn, in a sloop. The}^ anch- ored their little vessel in the bay at Black Point, and used it as a shelter by night until they had put up a suflficient garrison on land. These were John Larrabee, Henry Libby, histhreesons, Charles Pine and one Mr. Blood. For at least ayear these persons were the soul inhabitants living in town, but finally others were induced to join, them. Inl719 the number of inhabitants had so increased that it was deemed advisable to organize a town government. Throughout the latter half of the seventeeth century, Black Point was the centre of influence and prosperity, whileDuns- tan was the country. From 1729 to 17G0 they were nearly equal in all respects. From 1760 to the present time the chief village has been at Dunstan. In 17G1 we have the fol- lowing statistics of the town — "310 taxable polls, 190 houses, 17 mills, 9 slaves, 297 tons of shipping, 199 horses, 418 oxen, 633 cows, 1067 sheep, 257 swine, 6613 bushels of grain, 907 tons of English hay, 426 tons meadow ha}', 1467 tons Salt hay." In 1791 the number of inhabitants in town was 2235 which was 5 less than Portland had at that time. The following are a few settlers who located in town later than the 3'ear 1700: — Jonathan Andrews, John and Nathaniel Babb, Dr. Alvan Bacon, Moses Banks, Joseph Berry, Joseph and Samuel Boothby, Arthur Bragdon, Solo- mon and Gideon Bragdon, Job Burnam, Joseph Calfe, John Coolbroth, Roger Bearing, Henry Dresser, Robert Elliot, Joseph Emerson, James Fly, Daniel Fogg, Benj. Foss, Caleb HISTOEICAL. 11 Graffam, Daniel Hasty, Nicholas Hearne, Samuel HarraoD, Fergus Higgins, Geo, Hight, Hunnerwells, Fosters, Aarou Jewett, John Jones, Martin Jose, Ivory Kilborn, Richard King, Rufus King, Capt. Alexander Kirkwood, Nathan Knight, John Larrabee, Henry Libby, Wm. Thompson, Paul Thompson, James Tyler, Elliott Vaughan, Walter Warren, Joseph Waterhouse, Wm. W^atson, Thomas Westbrook, Dr. Nathaniel Winslow. INDIAN ACCOUNT. Hostilities in the first Indian War began in Massachu- settsin June, 1G75. The emissaries of King Philip weresoon among the different tribes encouraging them in a war ol ex- termination against the encroaching "Pale Faces." Among the first acts of hostility on the Maine frontier was the attack upon Saco, and the killing of Robert Nichols and his wife at their home on the south side of Dunstan. This was in time of wheat harvest, 1675. About the same time the news of the inhuman murder of the Wakely family, on the eastern side of the "Presumpscot," spread through- out the settlements. On October 12th, Andrew Alger, of Dunstan, was killed, and his brother, Arthur, was mortally wounded; the families of the settlers were driven off, their houses and barnes burned and their cattle killed. The entire 12 HISTOEICAL. autumn of 1675 was one of constant terror and bloodshed alon^ theMaine coast where settlements had been planted. A o;arrison was established at Black Point. We learn from Scottow's Journal that, about the last of October, forty Boston soldiers were added to the force. Capt. Joshua Scottowwas in command, and Black Point garrison was the headquarters of "ye Maine Guard." On the last day of October, Capt. John Wincoll, with sixty men, was sent up to Dunstanto save corn and fight the Indians. Two days later 29 of the inhabitants, while threshing grain, were nearly surrounded by seventy or eighty Indians but were released by a force under Sergeant Tippan. For several days the savages remained in the place, burniug or otherwise destro}^- ing whatever property of the settlers they could find. Their final outbreak for that season was made on November 7th, Sunday morning, when they practically completed their work of destruction. In the Spring of 1676 the settlers had hopes of peace. Peace was declared between the settlers and the Indians in Massachusetts, in August, and the Boston soldiers stationed at Black Point were "put to march home by laud." But about the same time news of fresh outbreaks eastward were brought to the settlement August 11th, a messenger from Falmouth came to Black Point begging for assistance. He brought a brief letter from Mr. Burroughs, the minister, which gave an account of 32 killed and carried away by the Indians. The next day Mr. Jocelyn sent the letter to Brian Pendleton at Saco. In October a strong force of the enemy, led by "Mugg," HISTOEICAL. 13 laid siege to Black Point garrison. Jocelyn parleyed with Mugg; the inhabitants retreated in boats, and left Jocelyn and the Garrison in possession of the enemy. So on October 12, 1676 (just one year from the attack on Algers), old Scarboro, that previous to the troubles was a flourishing town, with various settlements, several hundred inhabitants, quite a number of farms, 100 houses, 1000 head of cattle, etc., became entirely abandoned, its houses burned, and its farms laid desolate. During the following winter, Mugg was constrained to make a treaty, and peace was considered certain. The set- tlers returned to Black Point. But peace with these savages was only a treacherous name for war. Early in May a large force of Indians commanded by the same Mugg laid siege to Black Point garrison. Three of the defenders were killed, and one, more unfortunate still, was taken prisoner. May 16th Mugg was shot by Lieut. Tippan, and immediately the enemy "drew off." A little more than a month passed by and Black Point was the scene of a more fearful conflict. A force of ninety men, under Capt. Benjamin Sweet, was drawn into an am- bush, about two miles from the garrison, by an overwhelm- ing number of savages. The struggle that followed was one of the most desperate recorded in the annals of those trying times. We might have known more concerning it but for the fact that Capt. Sweet and two-thirds of his force were numbered among the dead that lay along the line of their retreat. Soon after this event some settlers at Pemaquid concluded a peace with the Easter Indians. This peace was 14 HISTORICAL. ratified at Casco, April 12, 1678. Thus ended the first Indian War. The peace that followed, however, was continually brooded oA^er by apprehensions of war. We find the settlers at Scarboro, in 1681, building a strong fortification be- tween Moor's Brook and the southeastern end of the great pond. In 1683 the General Court ordered the establishment of strong garrisons in all the towns. In 1685 no person was allowed to leave the tow^n without permit from the com- mander of the militia. Confidence, and consequent prosperity, had hard h^ begun to return when the luckless settlers were again alarmed by threatenings of war. The first act of hostility of this war fell upon North Yarmouth, in September, 1689. Several were killed, among them Walter Gendall, previously of Spurwink. A few days afterwards occured Col. Church's fight at Falmouth. In this action Andrew Alger, Jr., of Dunstan, was killed. In May, 1690, 500 French and Indians came against Falmouth, and it was entirely destroyed. Immediately the occupants of the garrisons at Black Point and Blue Point drew off. So Scarboro was again entirely abandoned. The Peace of Rys- wick in 1677 ended the war in Europe, but the news, unread by the savages and unrelished by their allies, brought no peace to Maine until January 1699. Queen Anne's war commenced in 1702, when again the French and English were ready to destroy each other. In June, 1703, the assembled chiefs made most solemn pledges of friendship, but in less than two months 500 French and In- HISTORICAL. 15 dians were laying waste the settlements and attacking gar- rison after garrison from Casco to Wells. 25were killed or car- ried away from Purpooduck ; 22 were killed at Spurwink ; at Winter Harbor 11 were killed, the garrison was captured, and 24 were taken prisoners. Under Beaubasin, a French- man, they besieged the old garrison at Black Point, but a few brave men under Capt. John Larrabee, from whom one word of command was worth a score of men, held the lort. In 1707, Col. Hilton, with a considerable force, landed at Black Point and succeeded in killing 22 Indians without the lossof aman, Aboutthe time of the close of the war(1713), Lieut. Hunniwell and 19 others were ambushed by 200 In- dians, near the great Pond, and only one of their number escaped. The peace which followed brought new life to the settle- ments, and the frontier was extended into the wilderness. Subsequent Indian troubles did not drive off the settlers. They had come to stay. In 1722, Massachusetts declared war against the East- ern Indians. Col. Westbrook, then a resident of Scarboro, was placed in command of the forces. Some skulking bands of Indians committed depredations in the town, and in the old records we find the following : "The dath of Thomas Lereby and his son, Anthony Ler- eby, who w-ere killed by the Ingons April 19, 1723;" also "The death of Sarah Leering, the wife of Mr. Roger Leering, who was killed by the Ingons June the 26th day, annon 1728." The destruction of the French and Indian settlements at 16 HISTORICAL. Norridgewock (in which Scarboro soldiers took an actiAe part) put an end to the French influence, and the Indians and their wars, after the lesser troubles of 1745, gradually fell back westward. INCORPORATION Scarboro, before its incorporation, was known as Strat- ton^s Plantation. In 1641 the Rev. Thomas Jenners, in a letter to Gov. Winthrop, refers to it under that name. Pre- vious to settlement the territory was called Owascoag, and was owned by the Indian Chief Warrawaskee. The following, from an early record, is interesting: "Ordered yt Mr. Ambrose Boaden shall keepe the ferry over Spurwink River to Mr. Robt. Gordan, to ferry passen- gers from thence as occasion serveth. In consideration thereof the said Boaden is to have 2 pence for every person he ferryeth or carrieth over in present pay, and 3d for evei'y such person as he bookes downe Ambrose Boaden willingly attemps of this Ferry on ye Tearmes by the Court ap- poynted." The date of his appointment was 1658; thus we see that the people began early to provide accommodations for the traveler. Records are given of the building of roads and bridges even before the above date. HISTORICAL. 17 The question of inteinperance in the Province moved the General Court, held at Saco, 25 March, 1636, to pass the following ordinance: "It is ordered that any man that doth sell strong liquor or wyne, or shall suffer his neighbor, laborer or servant, to continue drinking in his house except men invited or labor- ers upon the working day for one hower at dinner, or stran- ger, or lodger there, the said offence being seene by one Jus- tice of the Peace within his limits, or constable, or proved by tew witnesses before a Justice of the Peace, such seller of strong liquor or wyne shall forfeit for every such tenne shil- lings." The honesty of this note is not questioned but the effect of the reform is questionable. In 1610 in a court held in Saco, John Wilkinson w^as sworn constable of Black Point. This is the earliest record of the appointment of a town officer for this town. At a court held Oct. 21st, 1615, it was voted that, since the Proprietor of the Province of Maine, Sir Ferdinaudo Gorges, had left the country and no longer gave it his at- tention, Richard Vines, Esq., should serve as Deputy Gov- ernor for one year. It was also voted that if Mr. Vines should leave the Province before the expiration of that time, that Henry Jocelyn of this town should take his place. Mr. Vines left the Province and Mr. Jocelyn served theunexpired term. This town, under the leadership of Henry Jocelyn, was continually opposed to the submission to Massachusetts. Every thing possible was done to break off the impending yoke, but they were finally forced to submit. The compact 18 HISTORICAL. was made when the commissioners from Massachusetts, July 13, 1658, met at the house of Robert Jordan, near the mouth of the Spurwink. The act of submission reads as follows: "Wee, the Inhabitants of Black Pojnt, Blew Poynt, Spurwink and Cascoe Bay, with all the Islands thereunto belougino-, do owne and acknowledg:e ourselves to bee sub- ject to the Government of Massachusetts Bay, in New Eng;- land, as appears by our several subscriptions in reference to those several articles formely granted unto Dover, Kittery and Yorke, which are now granted and confirmed unto us togeather with some additions as appeareth upon record." Twenty-eight persons signed this acknowledgement, of which number fourteen were from this town. The commissioners granted to the town eleven articles as their part of the compact. Among the eleven articles we find the following: "7. That those places which were formerly called Black Point, Blue Point, and Stratton's Island thereto adjacent, shall henceforth be called by the name ol Scarborough," Thus the town received its present name, given by the early settlers as an appropriate mark of affection for their old home town, Scarborough, in England. The other ten arti- cles gave to the people religious and civil rights. In a court held in July, 1664, at Wells, it was ordered, together with other matters, "that every towne should take care that there be a pair of stocks, a cage, and a coucking stool erected between this and the next court," but there seems to have been no need of such instruments ol punish- HISTORICAL. 19 ment in this town, for at the next court, which met the fol- lowing November, the town was fined for not obeying; the order. In 1719 the number of inhabitants had so increased that it was thought expedient to reorganize a town govern- ment. In March, 1720, the Proprietors met for the purpose of restoring the form of town government under which the previous settlers had lived. The Records, which had been carried to Boston for safety during the Indian troubles of 1690, were this year delivered to the town's agent who had been sent to Portsmouth to receive them. On the record of this first meeting are the names of 39 proprietors who were present. Roger Bearing, John Milliken and Job Burnham were chosen the first selectmen; Samuel Libbey, town clerk; and Wm. Libby, constable. As an inducement to draw in new settlers a vote was made at this meeting to give six acres to anv newcomer who would settle in town. TOWN OFFICIALS TOWN CLERKS. Robert McLaughlin, 1850-'51; Grenville McKenney, 1852-'56; Freedom Moultou, 1857; John S. Larrabee, 1858- 59; John F. Bean, 1860-'61; Freedom Milliken, 1862-63; 20 HISTOEICAL. John F. Bean, 1864-65; William Moulton, 1866; John A." Milliken, 1867-86; E. S. Oliver, 1887-1904. TOWN TREASURERS. Elbrido'e G. Libbey, 1850; Solomon Bragdon, 1851; Jonathan Fogg, Jr., 1852-55; William Moses, 1856-58; Freedom Milliken, 1859-61; John F. Bean, 1862; Johnson Libb}'. 1S63-65; William Moulton, 1866; Eichard Leavitt, 1867; Geo. W. Carter, 1868; Cyrus F. Moulton, 1869-70; Stephen L. Waterhouse, 1871; Ebenezer Libby, 1872-74; SethScamman, 1875-76; Cyrus F. Moulton, 1877-90; Wil- liam H. Graffam, 1891-1904. SELECTMEN. 1850— John Hunnewell, L. Blosom, Joseph Meserve. 1851 — J. Hunnewell, Timothy Hodsdon, S, L. Water- house. 1852-'54— Solomon Bragdon, H. A. Tilton, Timothy Hodsdon. 1855— Jordan L. Larrabee, Henry A. Tilton, . 1856— J. L. Larrabee, Richard Leavitt, John Moulton. 1857-'58— Ebenezer Libby, R. Leavitt, Granville Mc- Kenney. 1859-'60— Ebenezer Libby, R. Leavitt, George W. Carter. 1861-'65— James Gunnison, R. Leavitt, Geo. W. Carter. 1866— E. Libby, Freedom Milliken, John F. Bean. 1867-68— Johnson Libby, F. Milliken, Granville Mc- Kenney. HISTOEICAL. 21 1869 — Johnson Libby, R. Leavitt, Granville McKenney. 1870— Johnson Libby, Seth Scamman, G. McKenney. 1871 — Seward B. Gunneson, Seth Scamman, Benj. F. Carter. 1872-'73— Johnson Libby, R. Leavitt, Benj. F. Carter. 1874— Johnson Libby, Seth Scamman, Benj. F. Carter. 1875-'76 — Johnson Libby, R. Leavitt, Wm. F. Remick. 1877-'78— Johnson Libby, Chas. W. Libby, Harvey Collins. 1879 — Johnson Libby, C. W. Libby, Samuel L. Sanborn. 1880— Benj. W. Leavitt, R. Leavitt, Samuel L. Sanborn. 1881— Johnson Libby, R. Leavitt, Granville McKenney. 1882— Geo. M. Oliver, C. W. Libby, James F. Storey. 1883-'85— Henry S.Jones, C. W. Libby, Samuel L. San- born. 1886-'88— Seth Plummer, C. W. Libby, S. L. Sanborn. 1889— C. W. Libby, Geo. B. Thurston, S. L. Sanborn. 1890— S. L. Plummer, G. B. Thurston, John Moultou. 1891— S. L. Plummer, G. B. Thurston, J.F. Storey. 1892— Fred M. Newcomb, G. B. Thurston, J. F. Storey. 1893— F. M. Newcomb, Geo. S. Scamman, Benj. F. Car- ter. 1894— F. M. Newcomb, Alvin F. Moulton, Turner H. Knight. 1895-'96— F. M. Newcomb, G. S. Scamman, T. H. Knight. 1897— S. L. Plummer, G. B. Thurston, T. H. Knight. 1898-F. M. Newcomb, John H. Leavitt, T. H. Knight. 1899— Geo. M. Oliver, J. Frank Storey, H. A. Moulton. 22 HISTORICAL. 1900-'01— Joseph S. Larrabee, O. F. Milliken, T. H. Knio;ht. 1902-'03— S. L. Plummer, H.B.Manchester, J.Augustus Libby. 1904— J. S. Larrabee, H. B. Manchester, J. A. Libby. The census of Scarborough, in 1761, showed 310 taxa- ble polls, 190 houses, 448 oxen, 633 cows, 1067 sheep, 257 swine, 6613 bushels of grain, 907 tons of English hay, 426 tons of meadow hay, 1467 tons of salt hay. The following year the crops were almost wholly cut off by an unusual drought, which was one cause of the removal of a large colouj'^ to Machias, in 1762. This colony became the tound- ers of that town. INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT The chief industries to which the earliest arrivals to this town resorted to obtain their livelihood and perchance lay up a small fortune "for a rainy day," were fishing and farm- ing. We find mention in the records of the settlers at Black Point and at Stratton's Island as fishermen. Those at Blue Point were generally mentioned as farmers. Jocelyn, in his writings, states that the fishermen took annually up- on the coast, many hundred kentals of cod, hake, paddock, pollock, etc, which they split, salted and dried at their HISTOEICAL. 23 stages ; then shipped them to Massachusetts markets. As early as 1640, Capt. Ambrose Boaden lived at Black Point and owned a sailing vessel. Id an action brought be- fore the General Court in 1640, Richard Foxwell of Blue Point, complained of Cammock for preventing him and oth- ers from fishing for bass and lobster in Black Point River. It is probable that extensive trading with the Indians was carried on for many years previous to the breaking out of the Indian wars. But this people did not fail to recognize the wealth con- tained in the extensively abounding forests. The first mill to be constructed, however, was not a saw-mill but a corn- mill. The first necessity was bread, but soon thefirstrudely built log houses were one by one replaced by more stately and roomy framed dwellings. The corn-mill above referred to, we learn from Mr. Jocelyn, was in successful operation at Black Point in 1663. It is probable that this mill was built and operated by Henry Jocelyn. Another was built at Dunstan by the Rev. Benj. Blackman in 1680. We find that Henry Watts owned a mill on Foxwell's Brook, at Blue Point, prior to 1673, for on that date he sold one-half of his grant to Ralph Allison, and also conveyed to him a half interest in his mill. This is thought to have been the second mill in town, and perhaps the first to operate a board saw. Soon after this other mills were built in rapid succession in various parts of the town wherever the privileges on the streams offered convenient and sufficient power. In 1763 there were on record seventeen mills in the town of Scar- boro, lumber was "legal tender," and the minister and 24 mSTOEICAL. school master were often paid in boards and shingles which they must exchange at the markets for commodities better adapted to their needs. SHIP BUILDING. Tlie ship-building record of this town does not date back so early, nor does it present a period of so great activity as does that of most of the coast and lower river towns of Maine. We are informed that the "Delia Chapin" which was launched in October, 1847, was the first vessel constructed here. This bark was built by Major John Waterhouse at Duustan's Landing. It was to be finished for the sea in Portland and to that end was sent out to meet the Portland boat from Boston. The Portland boat did not comeas was expected but a gale came up when the Delia Chapin was well out to sea which parted her anchor and she went ashore. She was damaged but not destroyed, and was later fitted for service. Soon after the above Abraham Perkins and Ira Milliken built two briggs. The second one, the "Angelina" was rigged here in town. John Libby built the schooner "Watchman" which was owned here and sailed from this port. Her life was eventful. The first year she went mack- erel fishing. She was then sent to Mobile under the com- mand of Capt. Geo. Higgins for a load of pine timber. When going out both masts were sprung; these Capt. Hig- gins replaced with two southern pine masts and made a safe return. Seth Libby, son of the owner, who had sailed on her thinking to better his health died on the return voy- HISTOEICAL. 25 age. When on a later voyage, loaded with coal, she was sunk about fifty miles off the coast but her crew of Negroes and Captain landed safely. A lew vessels were also constructed at Black Point, or the Clay Pitts. Here John Libby built the "Oak Hill," and Capt. James Thornton built the "Jim Crow" which he painted to answer to its name, and sold to Boston parties. Major John Waterhouse built a 100-ton vessel on Scot- tow's Hill two miles from the landing place. This vessel, "The Sarah," was hauled this distance and successfully launched. Many fishing vessels and smaller craft have been con- structed here, and this hardy people are yet well skilled in handling the saw and chisel as well as the hook and net up- on which many of them depend, not in vain, for their liveli- hood. MILITARY MATTERS LouiSBouRG, June 7, 1745. One hundred and sixty of the men of Scarborough were enlisted in Col. Waldo's regiment during the campaign for the capture of Louisbourg, the French stronghold in North America. The fort was taken June 17, 1745. It does not appear how many of the men of this town were actually en- 26 HISTOEICAL. g:aged in the capture, exceptinji Samuel Milliken, Roger Hunnewell and Seth Fogg. Milliken was lost on his return trip and Hunnewell had an arm shot off in the engagement. Richard King, afterwards an eminent citizen of Scarbo- rough, was commissary, and Joseph Prout acted as local commissary of the town. The following from this town are a few out of the many who enlisted in the war: Capt. George Berry's Company: Daniel Moody, Joseph Hunnewell, John Libby, Thomas Foss, Robert Munson, Alex Roberts, Lieut. John Libby, Noah Libby, Samuel Lar- rabee, Richard Hunnewell, Jethro Starbird, Richard Carter, Theod. Moses, Richard Munson, James Libby, David Saw- yer, Lieut. Daniel Field, Walter Foss, Timothy Haines, Dan- iel Mudy. Capt. Thomas Perkins' Company: Isaac MacKene, James Libby, Thomas Larrabee, Ephraim Andrews, Samu- el Fickett, Elijah Bragdom, John Myrick. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. A large proportion of the able men, citizens of this town at the time of the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, and during the succeeding years of its progress, enlisted in the service of the American Army. The following is a partial list of the men who bore arms for American independence; we regret that we are unable to make this list a complete register of these men. Col. Reuben Fogg, Lieut. Col. Samuel March, Major. Timothy McDonald, Capt. Benj. Larrabee, Capt. Abraham Tyler, Lieut Edward Milliken, Lieut. Elisha Meserve, Ensign HISTOEICAL. 27 Solomon Meserve, Capt. Jonathan Andrews, Capt. John Skillins, Lieut. Wm. Hasty, Lieut. John March, Ensig-n Jonathan Libby, Ensign William McKenney, Capt. Joseph Pillsbury, Capt. John Rice, Capt. Silas Buibank, Lieut. John A. Milliken, Lieut, Moses Banks, who was also Quarter Mas- ter. Among the privates were: John Waterhouse, Solomon Harford, James Small, James Snow, Lemuel Milliken, David Fogg, John Foss, Geo Vaughn, Joseph Richards, John Guil- ford, Isaac McKenney, Jos. McKenney, John Matthews, Daniel Moses, John Dearborn, Isaac Smith, Lewis Shepherd, Thos, Thurston, Simeon Libby, Allison Libby, Edward Libby, James Libby, Edmund Libby, Thos. Libby, Zebulon Libby, Abner McKenney, Jas. McKenne}^ Zachariah Foss, Eleazar Burbank, Natl, Wescott, Eben Sevej^, Reuben Sevey, Benj.Rice, Lemuel Rice, Pelatiah Fenderson, Moses Harmon, Daniel Small, Andrew Tyler, James Rice, Natl. Waterhouse, Wm. McLaughlin. Among the drafted men for the Conti- nental Army were Edmund Higgins, Gideon Rice, Abner Mill- iken, Isaac Milliken, Joseph Hasty, Gibbins Edgecomb, Joseph Waterhouse, and Robert Libby. A large number of men from this town were also engaged in the disasterous expedition against "Bagaduce" (Castine), in 1779. CIVIL AVAR. Following is a list of the soldiers who enlisted from this town as shown by the Maine Adjutant General's reports. The individual history of each soldier would be of interest but it is beyond the scope of this brief account to give their several deeds of valor on the battlefield, or to tell of their 28 HISTOEICAL. noble self-sacriflce in camp. That we must leave to the town historian. CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS. Hiram Berry, Patrick Best, Bobert A. Brackett, Ash- bury Coolbroth, William Cook, Enos M. Davis, John Ford, Alpheus Fogg, Hiram Gustin, George B, Gustin, Charles R. Gustin, Alexander Gero, John Graff am, Ezra P. Graff am, Alexander Higgins, Leroy Hight, William Haves, JohnHar- kin, Loring Harmon, Albion S. Harford, James L. Hanson, Zebulon Knight, Ellison Libby, Jefferson W. Libby, Scott L. Leavitt, Thomas J. Libby, Joseph P. Lathrop, George C. Lunt, William H. H. Merrill, Melvin I. Milliken, Melvile S. Merrill, Simon M. Moses, Horace W. Moore, Eleazer G. Me- serve, Edwin Moody, Samuel E. Moody, David L. Newcomb, Joseph L. Newcomb, George W. Pillsbury, Eleazer Potter, Noah Pillsbury, Theo. A. Royal, Charles Rounds, George W. Smith, William C. Stevens, Moses B. Tripp, George B.Tripp, Gardner J. Waterhouse, Winfield S. Walker, Alonzo Walker, Bartlett Waterhouse, William H. Whittaker, John Young. FOREIGN ENLISTMENTS. Lorenzo D. Gustin, John Lemord, S. Woodman Milli- ken, Francis Pillsbury, Dennis Walker. HISTORICAL. 29 SCHOOL ITEMS. During the early daj^s the school master stood secoud only to the minister in exercising authority and influence over the humble and hard working people who were laboring so industriously to plant their new^ homes in the wilds of New England. It was not always possible to employ a school master during very many weeks of the year, conse- quently the laws established by the courts were not always conformed to, especially by the coast towns. We find that in 1675 the Court took up the matter of education, and proceeded to call to account such towns as had neglected the laws in regard to furnishing instruction. The selectmen of Scarboro, as well as those of several other towns in Maine, were presented for not heeding the existing laws regarding this subject. Perhaps we may say '* fortu- nately" the Indians were claiming the attention of theentire community at Scarboro at the time, which proved a favor- able excuse for any delinquency in hiring a school master. The first effectual work done by this town in establishing schools was in March, 1729, when a committee of three was appointed to see that a school was "carried on in town this year." Just one year latter a vote was made "That there be a school master hired in town this year who can read and write well" also "that the school be kept the first quarter of a year at Dunstan, the second at Black Point, the third at Dunstan, and the fourth at Black Point." Whether the first vote mentioned casts any reflections upon the inef- ficiency of the school master employed the year before we 30 HISTOEICAL. are unable to say, or who were either of these men employed we have no record. In 1737 it was voted that Mr. Robert Bailey be school master this year in town, that it be kept all the year on Black Point side, and that Mr. Bailey be paid seventy-five pounds in lumber for his services. Mr. Bailey is the earliest teacher in Scarboro of whom we have any record. The early ministers usually taught the children some and were often employed by the town to fill both the pulpit and the desk. Samuel Fogg was paid thirty-two pounds in lumber for teaching school six months, in 1741, when the school was kept in Black Point meeting house. Such was the beginning of the local school system. It was not within the power of this early community to make large appropriations for education or social advancement, yet the instruction offered their children compared favorably with that furnished by surrounding communities during the same periods. And this beginning has proved a good foundation. New and improved methods have been adopted, and as better educated instructors have been fitted they have been put in- to thecommon schools of town so far as the liberal appropri- ations of the town's voters have been able to command their services. The statistics given in the report for 1904 show a total enrollment during the preceeding school year of 380 pupils, including the attendance at the high school. There are twelve schools in operation, while at the Oak Hill school, where a fine new school building is now being built to accom- modate the increased number of scholars, two instructors are employed. HISTORICAL. 31 SCARBORO HIGH SCHOOL, The first hioh school taught in town was held about tweuty-threeyearsago and met in the district school-houses, three months at Dunstan, three months at Beech Ridge, and three mouths at Oak Hill. Master Lord, of Limington, was employed instructor. The high school was for a while lo- cated at Dunstan, and kept in the Good Templar's Hall. This school will occupy rooms in the new building now under construction at Oak Hill. The school is making marked progress and offers to the young men and women of the town educational advantages which may fit them for many of life's duties in this practical age. CHURCH AFFAIRS TOWN MINISTRY— CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY, In accordance with the usual early custom in New Eng- land, ministers were called and settled by the town, and sup- ported by the town tax, until parishes were set off. Thefirst minister at Black Point whose name appears in the records was Rev. John Thorpe who was complained of to the court by Jocelyn and Jordan in 1659 "for preaching unsound doctrine." Nothing further is recorded concerning him, but it is probable he did not remain in the church long after that 32 HISTORICAL. date. Another minister is referred to, but not named, in the record of 1665, where an entry is made of the fining of Chris- topher Collins and Sarah Mills " for not paying the minister his stipend." These persons were Quakers and declined to support the minister on conscientious scruples; but the Massachusetts laws recognized no scruples. Sarah Mills afterwards received twenty- stripes for Quakerism. In 1680 Rev. Benj. Blackman settled in Scarboro. He was induced to become the town minister through the influ- ence of Capt. Scottow who gave him twenty acres of land near the Ferry Rocks. Rev. Mr. Blackman preached one year for the town, and also represented the town in the Court at York, in 1682. He was a Harvard graduate, class of 1663, and married the daughter of Capt. Scottow. In 1683 he removed to Saco, where he became the proprietor of nearly one-fourth of the town. In 1686 the celebrated Geo. Burroughs, of witchcraft memory, was obtained to preach for the town. Rev. Mr. Burroughs had formerly preached at Falmouth, whence he was driven by the Indians in 1675, but returned in 1683. How long he remained in the church at Black Point is not known. He was put to death in Salem, August 19, 1692, for the alleged crime of witchcraft. The first meeting house in the town was built upon a plain, a short distance from Jocelyn's, which stood near the Ferry Rocks. Rev. Hugh Campbell was the first minister of the town under the new organization 1720. He had been preaching- some time when the inhabitants at the first town meeting HISTOEICAL. 33 voted him a "salary of 50 pounds for the ensuing year, be- sides his meat and drink, washing and lodging." He remained but one year after this time. Rev. Hugh Henry was the next settled minister remaining a short time. The church was then without a minister until 1728 when Rev. William Thompson began to preach. At this time a church was formed which was the first regularly organized religious body in town. The following year Rev. Mr. Thompson was ordained and installed pastor, and remained such until his death, in Feb. 1759. He was held in high esteem by his par- ishoners, and served the church faithfully and successfully. It seems that the first meeting house had prior to this been destroyed, probably by the Indians, for Mr. Thompson began to preach in the house of Arthur Bragdon on the plains near the Black Point burying-ground. At the March meeting following his arrival a vote was made to erect a meetinghouse forty by thirty-five feet on the ground, and twenty feet high. This was completed in 1731, and stood on the north-west corner of the Black Point burying lot. Soon after this another church was built on the common at Dunstan, and Mr. Thompson officiated alternately in each of these divisions of the town, until the second society was formed at Dunstan, in 1744, by setting off fifteen males and as many females, from the Black Point Society. After the death of Mr. Thompson, Rev. Mr. Hill supplied the pulpit for three months, and was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Ward who remained but a short time. In 1762, the society consenting to adopt Presbyterian usages, settled Rev. Thomas Pierce, who remained in the 34 HISTOEICAL. service of the parish until his death in 1775. Eev. Mr. Pierce was a Harvard graduate (1759), and was an able and earnest pastor. Rev. Thomas Lancaster was ordained and took charge of the parish in 1775 and continued in the pastorship a. period of fifty-six years. Rev. Thomas Jameson was ordained thecolleagueof Rev. Mr. Lancaster in 1825, and after Mr. Lancaster's death in 1831 Mr. Jameson became full pastor, remaining such until 1840 when he was succeeded at short intervals by Rev. Daniel Sevvell, Rev. Albert W. Fisk, and Rev. William Tobey. Rev. James B. Thornton was ordained pastor of the church June 4, 1851. He was followed by other successful and devoted pastors who have led the church through years of advancement and Christian developement. Rev. Henry A. Merrill is now the resident minister. The meeting house first erected on Oak Hill was built in 1799. This church was subsequently taken down and the present neat and comfortable edifice erected. DUNSTAN, SECOND PAKISH. Dunstan was incorporated as a parish in 1758. Previ- ous to the division of the town into parishes Rev. Richard Elvinshad been settled over the church at Dunstan, and was the minister at the time of the separation. He was ordained in 1744 and continued in the ministry there until 1776, the time of his death. Rev. Benj. Chad wick was ordained pastor in 1776 and remained here about eighteen years. After his retirement the church was without a minister for five years. HISTORICAL. 35 Dec. 10, 1800 Kev. Nathan Tilton was settled, and contin- ued pastor until 1827. In Sept. 1829 Rev. Moses Sawyer was installed, and remained in charge of the parish for eio;hteen months. He was the last minister of the parish. The large church building of this society was built in 1800. After Mr. Sawyer's time no regular services were kept up, and the old edifice after several years was torn down. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.— DUNSTAN CORNER. The first meeting of this denomination held in town was at the house of Samuel Harmon, in January, 1802. Rev. Mr. Taylor preached to a small but interested audience. The following year Timothy Waterhouse petitioned the Gen- eral Court for the incorporation of a Methodist Society, to be collected out of Scarboro, Buxton, and Saco. Their first house of worship was at this time erected in Dunstan. The first stewards were: Richard Waterhouse, James Foss, Isaiah Milliken, Nathaniel Boothby, and Wentworth Dresser, most of whom remained in this office until death. In 1805 Rev. Asa Heath became pastor ol this small flock. He was a man of saintly character and was much beloved by his people. Previous to his appointment the church was served from the Falmouth Circuit. This society was the first in Maine to hear the preaching of Jesse Lee, the well know founder of Methodism in this state. During the history of the church many revivals have added large numbers to its membership, and greatly in- creased its activity. The most notable of these occurred in 1831 under the preaching of Rev. T. Greenhalgh. In 1839 the society built its present house of worship. 36 HISTOEICAL. This has been several times remodeled and repaired making of the well consecrated edifice a comfortable and modern house of worship. The ell to the first parsonage was built in 1831, and was used as pastor's house until 1858 when the main addition was made. This was used for a parsonage for many years. In 1898 the preseut beautiful parsonage was erected. The most remarkable revival in recent years occurred in 1897-98 during the pastorate of Rev. J. W. Lewis. The first Sunday School was organized in 1826. This has, since that time, been an important aid to the church work; it is now in a flourishing condition. The number of Communicants of this church reported at the last conference was 62. The present pastor is Rev. Wm, H. Varney, The list of pastors who have officiated over this society numbers eighty-one. Among those who served during the early years of the past century we find the names of Joseph Farrar, Lewis Bates, Samuel Hillman, Enoch Jaques, J. Spaulding, Wm. Frost, Philip Ayer, J. Ireson, Eli Blake and L. Frost ; these were all here previous to 1814. The list also contains the names of many other well-remembered pioneers of Methodism. FREE BAPTIST CHURCH. The First Free Baptist Church of Scarboro was organ- ized in 1831, with nine members, viz: Wm Cummings, Sally Cummings, James Skillins, James Johnson, Ruth Johnson, Mary Skillin, Mary Ann Cummings, Ann Cummings and HISTOEICAL. 37 Statira Skillin. Rev. Joseph White became the first pastor of this society; Wm. Cummings was chosen deacon and James Johnson, clerk. Soon after the organization of this society, there was a wide-spread revival in this community, which added many new converts to the society, and the church became an influ- ential organization. In 1846 James Johnson was elected deacon, which office he held until his death in 1870. Among its earliest settled pastors were the Rev. Chas. Libby, who is yet held in grateful remembrance; Rev. Daniel Clay, Rev. Charles Cressey, Rev. Lot L. Harmon, and Rev. David Newell. In 1867 another powerful revival added strength to the church; this was under the pastorate of Rev. J. Hayden. Charles Libby was chosen deacon and held the office until his death in 1890. Rev. J. Potter was the next settled pastor. He was succeeded in 1874 (after an intermission) by Rev. Chas. Dudley, oi Bates College. Since that time this church has been ministered toby many pastors and preachers, and has passed through many varying experiences of prosperity and decline, and has never lost its visibility. The following pastors have served this society: Rev. Mr. Curtis, Rev. 0. F. Russell, Rev. A. H. Hanscom, Rev. J. R. Remick, Rev. B. J. Wheeler, Rev, Asa Hutchinson, Rev. J. Pettengill, Rev. D. G. Donnocher, Rev. Herbert Wyman, Rev. C. E. Bean, Rev. Wm. L. Bradeen, Rev. E. Mason, Rev. A, C. Brown, and Rev. E. C. Harmon. In 1898 Messrs. E. G. Johnson, Henry R. Libby and 38 HISTORICAL. John H. Johnson were chosen deacons; and James W. John- son, clerk. The church society now numbers about eighty members, and is now ministered to by Rev. H. A. Merrill. — By courtesy of the church clerk. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. The history of this society is necessarily broken, as has been its record, yet it has passed through periods of great activity and influence and justly deserves a place in this brief history of Scarboro. For the following facts we are in- debted to J. H. Harmon of Buxton. The meeting house was erected as a free, or independent, house in 1840, by many men in the locality, who saw the need of religious organization. On that year Daniel Moul- ton, 4th, of Scarboro, with six others was commissioned to build a ''Proprietor's Meeting house;" This was located on land given by Margaret Moulton, widow, in consideration of the use of one pew during her life. The first pastor was probably Rev. Mr. Hussey, who was followed by Rev. James Sawyer, both serving but short terms. Besides these two no regular pastors were emplo^'ed for many years. A non- sectarian Sunday School was organized in 1856, and was continued for several years, doing a noble work. About the same time the school was organized, Rev. H. J. Bradbury of Westbrook held services quite regularly, continuing several years, or as late as 1861. Between this time and 1869 no regular services were held. In the latter year Rev. L. L. Record held services for two summers. Then came an interval of twenty 3'ears during which time the house was rarely opened. Meanwhile it was rapidly going HISTOEICAL. 39 to decay. In 1876 the citizens of the neighborhood under- took to save the building from ruin. Accordingly money was subscribed, the spire was rebuilt from the bell deck up- ward, the house was re-shingled, the east end re-clapboarded and the building repainted both outside and inside. A bell was placed in the belfry in 1890. The house was again re- painted outside a few years later, and again re-shingled in 1902. Thus the edifice has been repaired and restored. In this work the women of the vicinity have taken a prominent part by raising various sums of money for accomplishing the work. In 1870 a "Ladies' and Gentleman's Uuiversa- list Circle" was formed for this purpose. In 1889 another nou-sectarian Sunday School was or- ganized. The same year a Mr. Hammond, from Tufts Divin- ity School, preached for some time during the summer. Rev. Mr. Webber, of Bar Mills, succeeded him in the fall, and the following summer John Sayles, also a Tufts Divinity stu- dent, filled the pulpit. During the summer of 1891 and 1892, Hervey H. Hoyt, also from Tufts Divinity School, preached here, and it was through his efforts that the "First Universalist Parish of So. Buxton and Scarboro was organ- ized in 1891. From 1889 to 1901 inclusive, the pulpit was occupied during the summer by students from Tufts, except that in 1897 Rev. T. B. Payne of Westbrook preached here. Merrill C. Ward, one of these students organized a Y. P. C. U. Society, and also a Univerisalist Church Society at Bar Mills, which latter united with this society in 1895. Between 1896 and 1901 services were held in both places. Since 1901, no regular services have been held at either 40 HISTOEICAL. place. The society has been weakened by deaths and re- movals, but the old church is yet left to them, and those that still live are living in faith and hope that they may again see the prosperity of Zion in this consecrated spot. The Ladies' Aid Society was never in a more prosperous condition, and to them is given the commission to preserve the old and honored meeting house. There is another religious organization called the "Christian Church." This has been in active operation for many years, but has now become much weakened on ac- count of the death of its members, and their removal. PUBLIC MEN. In mentioning the public or notable men who have lived in Scarboro, or who are the descendants of her early and respected families, it is impossible to note but a few of the more noted men. HENRY JOCELYN. Henry Jocelyn was for over forty years the principal man in the town, and one of the most distinguished inhabi- tants of the province. He was the son of Sir Thomas Joce- lyn, Knight, of Kent, England, whence he came to New Eng- land as chief agent of Mason, at Piscataqua, in 1G38, and HISTOKICAL. 41 the following year removed to Black Point. His commis- sion was renewed under the patent of 1639. He was a mem- ber of the first court at Saco, June 25, 1640, and filled other important positions. Mr. Jocelyn was strongly opposed to the submission of the province to Massachusetts. After the western settle- ments had submitted, in 1653, Mr. Jocelyn and Robert Jor- dan held out against it for five years longer; after being arrested for not obeying the laws of Massachusetts, which these men did not recognize, they finally submitted to her jurisdiction seeing that a settlement of the wearisome con- troversy would be for the best good of the country. Under the 10th article of the agreement, Jocelyn and Henry Watts were appointed commissioners for Scarbor- ough, (which town was so named in the agreement, the name being chosen in memory of the market-town of that name in the North Riding of Yorkshire, England). Mr. Jocelyn was also chosen one of the magistrates in 1658, in September of which year a court was held at Scarboro by the associates of the county. The government of Massachusetts was borne with pretty good grace until the accession of Charles H, to the throne of England, in 1660. In 1662, Jocelyn and Shapleigh (of Kit- tery) refused to take the oath of office as associates under Massachusetts. A commissioner, Capt. Waldron, was sent to see to the enforcement of her authority, but in vain. The following year, Jordan and Champernoon, as well as these same two "rebels" were '"presented" before the General Court, but these proceedings only strengthened them in their 42 HISTOEICAL. opposition. The government, however, modified its policy, so that a temporary or partial reconciliation was effected, and the next year Scarboro made her returns to the General Court, which accepted Mr. Jocelyu as one of the Commis- sioners. His remarkable political career closed in 1676, in which year, or soon after, he moved to Plymouth. THE KING FAMILY. Prior to his settlement in this town, Richard King was a merchant in Watertown, Mass. His first visit here seems to have been in 1744. The next year he was engaged as Com- missary at Annapolis Royal, bat upon his return established himself in this town, where he spent the remainder of his life in agricultural and mercantile pursuits. He became the ownpr of ne'dr]j 3000 acres of valuable land here, and was for many years one of the largest exporters of lumber in the District of Maine. He was also a, man of estimable worth of character, and an able and fait If til public seivant although the cares of his estate, and of his mercantile business requiied almost all his time, he was enabled by good management to serve the public long and well as a Justice, and in many other capaci- ties. In public life he was honored and esteemed, in private life he was loved. He can be no better styled than a Chris- tian gentleman. He .died at his residence near Dunstan Landing, March 27, 1775, at the age of 57 years. Mr. King was a Tory, which fact accounted for his untimely death. He had fought valiently for the sovereignty of England and could not realize the thrilling desire for inde- HISTOEICAL. 43 pendence which filled the hearts of his lellow meD. A party of patriots from Gorham, wishing to humble the loyal sub- ject, mobbed him and forced him to recant his expressions and humbly beg for mercy. For this inhuman treatment, with the aid of a smart Boston lawyer, John Adams, after- wards president of the United States, he succeeded in landing several of the leaders in jail. But his spirit was broken, and he died not many months after.) Mr. King was twice married, and became the father of four sons and five daughters. Rufus King, the eldest son, was born in this town. He attended B\field Academy, entered Harvard College, where he graduated in 1777, then removed to Newburyport for the study of law. His career as a lawyer. Senator in Congress, and Minister of State have become national history. Ex-Governor William King, the third son of Richard King, was born in this town Feb. 9th, 1768. He was a man endowed with exceptional mental abilities, but lacked early educational advantages for their development. He resided at Topsham for several years previous to removing to Bath, where he was a merchant for half a century. At an early period of his career he became a member of the Massachusetts Legislature. He was an ardent advocate of the separation of Maine from Massachusetts, and presided over the convention that met to frame a constitution for the new state. He was elected the first governor of Maine, serv- ing one term. He was then appointed U. S. Commissioner for the adjustment of Spanish claims. Gov. King held other offices of importance under the general and State govern- 44 HISTORICAL. ments, including that of collector of the port of Bath. He died at Bath, June 17, 1852. Cyrus, the fourth son of Richard King, distinguished himself at the Bar, and in the halls of Congress. PLACES OF HISTORIC INTEREST. The citizens of most towns of Maine, when pointing to their buildings which have stood for a century, or when relat- ing the instances of one hundred years ago, are thrilled with pride at the sight of such revered or sacred localities, but in Scarboro these dates belong to modern history. Here the first settlements were made about two and three-quarters centuries ago, while the town, as an organization, is very near its two-and-one-half century mark, having been formed the sixth in the state. All her localities are enshrowded in local history and tra- dition which lend to them an interest and a sacredness which they alone possess. A famous place in the olden times w^as Scottow's Hill. Here was a garrison, here was fought the last battle of the Indian War, and here was the last white man killed who suffered death from the hostile Indians. The first house erected here was Joshua Scottow's for which fact the hill was named. This was also the home of Henry Joce- lyn. HISTORICAL. 45 Many of the houses of Scarboro possess histories dating full back into the eighteenth century. Chief among these may be mentioned the old Libby house which has been in undisputed possession of the family for no less than seven generations. This house was erected more than 200 years ago, but is still in good repair. Here the present owner guards with just pride the old gun once owned by Richard Hunuewell,asword worn by Mr. Libby's grandfather, Enoch Libby, at Bunker Hill, and an old door that once belonged to the Scottow Hill garrison. This latter is battered and perforated by a score of holes made by Indian bullets. Here are also many other valued relics. The house of Dr. Robert Southgate is a fine old man- sion of the early days. This brick mansion was built about 1780, and stands as one of the most substantial houses in town. Dr. Southgate, who came here after graduating from Harvard in 1760, lived to be 92 years of age, and was one of the well known and deeply respected gentlemen of his time. Another noted place is the old Dr. Alvin Bacon house, built more than 150 years ago. It was in this house that the Doctor entertained Lafayette in 1827. A great arch was then erected in front of the house and here the noted visitor talked to the people who had gathered to do him honor. Close by this is the Muulton House, another of the time honored structures of ancient Dunstan. For a long term of years this house has served as the village tavern. It has been renovated more or less and may now be termed a mod- 46 HISTORICAL. ern hostlery. The present proprietor, Mr. M. E. Moulton, is a worthy descendant of the old stock. The old Richard King house is perhaps the most historic residence in Scarboro, although it is now one of the least pretentious. This was built in 1745 by Richard King, soon after his arrival in Scarboro. The residence of Wm, H, McLaughlin, familiarly known as ''Farmer McLaughlin," has also been the residence of four generations of his ancestors, and is still the home of his father, Robert McLaughlin at the age of 82, and his ven- erable wife. This house was built in 1790 by another Rob- ert McLaughlin, and here may be seen many interesting and historic relics of "the good old times." This is by no means a complete list of the historic land- marks that are everywhere scattered throughout the town, but this is all our brief account allows us to mention in this connection. GENERAL REFERENCE GOVEENORS OF MAINE. 1820 William King, Bath. 1831 William D. Williamson, Bangor, Acting. 1831 Benj. Ames, Bath, Acting. 1833 Albion K. Parris, Paris. 1837 Enoch Lincoln, Portland, (d.) 1839 Nathan Cutler, Farmington, Acting. 1830 Jona G. Hunton, Eeadfield. 1831 Samuel E. Smith, Wiscasset. 1834 Eobert P. Dunlap, Brunswick. 1838 Edward Kent, Bangor. 1839 John Fairfield, Saco. 1841 Edward Kent, Bangor. 1843 John Fairfield, Saco. 1843 John Fairfield, Saco (elected to U. S. Senate). 1843 Edw. Kavanagh, Newcastle, Acting. 1844 Hugh J. Anderson, Belfast. 1847 John W. Dana, Fryeburg. 1850 John Hubbard, Hallowell. 1853 William G. Crosby, Belfast. 1855 Anson P. Morrill, Eqadfield. 1856 Samuel Wells, Portland. 1857 Hannibal Hamlin, Hampden (elected U. S. Senate). 1857 Joseph H. Williams, Augusta, Acting. 1858 Lot M. Morrill, Augusta. 48 GENERAL EEFERENCE. 1861 Israel Washburn, Jr., Orono. 1863 Abner Cobum, Skowhegan. 1864 Samuel Cony, Augusta. 1867 Joshua L, Chamberlain, Brunswick, 1871 Sidney Perham, Paris. 1874 Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston. 1876 Selden Connor, Augusta. 1879 Alonzo Garcelon, Lewiston. 1880 Daniel P. Davis, Corinth. 1881 Harris M. Plaisted, Bangor. 1883 Frederick Eobie, Gorham. 1887 Joseph E. Bodwell, Hallowell, died December 15, 1887. 1887 S. S. Marble, Waldoboro, Acting. 1889 Edwin C. Burleigh, Bangor. 1893 Henry B. Cleaves, Portland. 1897 Llewellyn Powers, Houlton. 1901 John Fremont Hill, Augusta. 1904 Wm. T. Cobb, Rockland. PEESENT TJ. S. SENATOES FEOM MAINE. William P. Frye, Eep.— Lewiston, 1883-1907 Eugene Hale, Eep.— Ellsworth, 1887-1905 EEPEESENTATIVES TO CONGEESS FEOM MAINE. Amos L. Allen, Eep. — Alfred, Lawyer Chas. E. Littlefield, Eep. — Eockland, Lawyer Edwin C. Burleigh, Eep. — Augusta, Editor Llewellyn Powers, Eep. — Houlton, Lawyer Census* I 905 The population of the town of Scarboro has been arranged in families where that arrangement has been possible. In these families, in addition to the resident living members, the names of the non-resident members are included. It should be borne in mind that this plan does not include the names of all former residents of this town, as the names of the non-residents ap- pear only when one or both of the parents are still liv- ing in the town. After the name of each non-resident will be found the present address, when such address has been given to us. Non-residents are indicattd by the star (*). When a daughter in a family has married, her name taken in marriage appears after her given name, in parenthesis, the name preceded by a small m, thus : (m ). Following the names of the population is the occupation, also the street and number, postoffice address, or rural free de- livery route (see note following). To designate the occupations we have used the more common abbreviations and contractions, as follows : Farmer-far ; carpenter-car ; railroad service-R R ser ; student, a member of an advanced institution of learning- stu ; pupil, a member of a lower grade of schools (including all who have reached the age of five years)-pl ; housework-ho ; laborer-lab; physioian-phy ; clcrgyman-clerg ; merchant-mer ; teacher-tr ; blacksmith-V)lk; clerk-cl ; book-keeper-bk kpr; lawyer-law ; mechanic-mech ; machinist-mach ; engineer-eng ; insurance-ins ; maker-mkr ; worker-wkr ; work-wk ; shoe shop work-8 s wk ; cotton or woolen mill operatives-mill op, t»r mill wk ; electrician-t-lec ; painter-ptr,; carriage work-car wk ; trav- eling salesman or commercial traveler-sales or coml trav. The following is a list of abbreviations used for postoffice addresses. When no address is given, Scarboro is understood ; other ofiices are ablireviated thus : West Scarboro-WESx; Pine Point-PiNE Pt ; Portland-PoRX ; Gorham-GoR ; Westbrook- Westb'k ; North Saco-No S ; South Portland-So P. Those having mail delivered from either of these offices have the num- ber OF THE ROUTE SPECIFIED. This census was taken expressly for this work during January, 1905, by E. M. and A. I. Campbell, of Kent's Hill, Maine, 50 Scarhoro, Maine CENSUS Adams, W. M., far, So P 8 Effie M. (Maxim), ho August, Anna (August), ho Anderson, Choie, car, So P 8 Mary (Swcuson), ho Gertrude, ho Peter, pupil Frank Anderson, L. K., far. West Maren K. (Jensen), ho Jens K. F, Anderson, Jno, fisher, Pine P't Christa, pupil Andreasen, Ole, lab. So P 8 Betty (Christensen), ho Alfred W. Otto P. L. Walter Pt. G. - B Burnham, Elizabeth S. (Teb- betts), ho, Gor 2 John H., general Avork Bond, J. W., blk & far, No S 1 "plliza A. (Holmes), ho Bragdon, Ruth (Richards), Gor 2 John, lab Edward, farmer William H., lab *Katherine (m Pennell), ho, Westbrook *Nellie (m Barter), ho, Port Mary (m Storey), ho r)00thby, Anna, ho Boothby, Miriam, ho, Saco, R FD— Briggs, Walter M., far, West Abigail (Record), ho James C, pupil Marjorie A., pupil Mamie B. Brown, Leonard S., far, West 1 Eva G. (Perley), ho Briel, Peter, farmer, West Caroline ( ) Burnham, John M., car, Gor 2 Mabel (Hussey), ho Bragdon, Edw., farmer, Gor 2 Scarboro, Maine 51 *Clarenoe F,, mason, Old Orchard *Lilla M., waitress, Port William E., general work Herbert L., general work Frank T., pupil Roy M., pupil Bragdon, Sarab J. (Bragdon), So P 7 *Danl L., brakeman, Port Abigail L,, ho John A., R R ser Bragdon, Irene L., ho, So P 7 Bragdon, O. D., fisher,Pine P't Myrtle L. (Harmon), ho Wilmer E. Raymond F. Baker, I. C, spring water bus, Pine P't ICliza A., (Prescott), ho Louisa (m Seavey), ho Frank L., piano tuner Baker, F. L., spring water bug. Pine P't Gertrude A. (Merrill), ho Otho P. Bryant, J. F., eng. Pine P't Nellie (Cochrane), ho Clifton R., student Baker, Jos., tisher, Pine P't Mary E. (Marshall), ho Burnham, Frank, brick mason, Pine P't Fannie (Stewart), ho *Wm,, mach, Lynn, Mass Guy, mason *Grace (m Hall), Saco *Ethel (m Rogers), ho. Old Orchard Fred, mason Barrows, F. G., far, Pine P't Bertha E. (Snow), ho Mildred E., pupil Emily M. Berry, Harris, far. So P 8 Lucy (Bragg), lio *l8aac, farmer, Westb'k Ellen L.(m Cumming8),ho *Sumner, mill oper, Westb'k *Wm., mill oper, Westb'k Harris B., butcher *Ro8Coe, mill oper, Westb'k Minnie F. (m Hill), ho 52 Scarboro, Maine *Martin D., mill oper, Westb'k *Mavilla (m Abbott), ho, Gardiner *Hattie, ho, Augusta Butler, H., farmer, Westb'k 1 Lulu M. (Reed), ho Raymond W., pupil Bearisto, Saml, car, Westb'k 1 Martha (McDugall), ho Mary E. (m Peabody),ho Annie L., ho James A., farmer Alfred E., pupil Bertha E., pupil Raymond A., pupil John H., pupil Mildred P. Bragdon, John, genl wk. West Orrin D., fisher Banks, Lewis, fish dlr, West 1 Abbie E. (West), ho Isabella M., pupil Methyl Bernice Baker, Benj. A,, team, PineP't Elizabeth H. (Milliken),ho Edward S., team Baker, Edw. S.,team, Pine P't Ellen M. (Hunt), ho Ernest T. Bartlett, Ferdinand, car. So P 8 Ruth E. (Libby), ho Baade, Christen, steamboat wkr, So P 8 Line (Jensen), ho Samuel Carl P. Niels Brown, A. B., gardener Bennett, G. P., foreman dairy farm Helen M. (Kimball), ho * Ralph K., student, Hartford, Vt Roger A., student Bragdon, J. F., eng, So P 7 Martha A. (Coombs), ho *VVm. E., laundry wkr, Meriden, Conn Best, Sadie (Bond), So P 7 Dorothy Bragdon, Wm., far, West 1 Georgianna ( ) Scarhoro, Maine 53 Barnham, Susan (Andrews), So P 8 *Jo8,, trunk mkr, Port *Maude (m Moulton), ho, So Port *Abbie (m Springer), Port Annie (McKinney), ho Frank, farmer Briel, Peter, far, So P 8 Josephine (Liljdahl), ho Bennett, Henry W., farmer, West 1 Florence A. (Partridge), ho George E., pupil Lillie A., pupil Florence C. Hazel E. Berry, Hiram, far, Gor 2 Edith M. (Storey), ho Maud R., pupil Sophia M., pupil Wilfred H., pupil Ida S. Anna E. Bannigan, Sarah, So P 8 Beckwith, Asa, far, So P 7 Mary M. (Lewis), ho John J., farmer Blanche M., pupil Lilla B., pupil Mary M., pupil William J., pupil Clarence A. Beckwith, Jno. J., far. So P 7 Alvina B. (Gaucher), ho Florence E. Buck, Grover E., far, So P 7 Annie E. (Bryne), ho Pauline E. Linton A. Brown, George W., iisher Kosie (Lemere), ho Bimsou, Gregory, florist Ellen (Crissey), ho Annie L. Walter G. Bowley, William D., farmer Lura E. (Plummer), ho *Sadie E. (m Tripp), Gor Charlie P., farmer George W., farmer Ernest E., farmer Esther E., pupil Ruth A. 54 Scarhoro, Maine Barker, Chas., retired mason, Pine P't *Lizzie (m Sargent), ho, Port Lillian C, table work Frank TL, fisher Clara J., sewing work John A., fisher Barker, Frank, fisher. Pine P't Ada F. (Foss), ho Baker, Jno., farmer, Pine P't Ethel, milliner Brewster, Jennie, ho Buck, Addison, far. So P 7 Julia L. (Waldrou), lio *Carrie B. (m Walker), ho, Auburn *Earl A., butcher, Freeport Grover E., farmer *Media F. (m Gyer), ho, Melrose, Mass May W. (m Higgins) Ora B., ho Bragdon, Wra., far, Westb'k 1 Butler, Francis, car, Westb'k 1 Horace F., farmer *Geo. W., machinist, Charleston, N C *Annie L. (m Guston), ho, Standish * William F., poultry' bus, Genesee, III *Eugene B., sales, Port *Ro8e, dressmaker. Port c Cummiugs, Henry, butcher So P8 Ellen L, (Berry), ho ^Henrietta, (m Doughty), ho, Stroudwater Edgar E., salesman Elsie, ho Collins, Wm., fisher, Pine P't Elizabeth (Moulton), ho Harvey, fisher Wra., Jr., fisher Perley, student Laura, pupil Collins, Raymond, pupil Collins, Caleb, fisher, Pine P't Mary (Harberger), ho Mabel Cannell, Wm. M., fireman, So P 8 Scarhoro, Maine 55 Erena C. (Staples), ho Carlson, Sylvester, farmer West 1 Hannie C. (Thompson), ho Maria P. (m Wibe), ho *nan8 T., mill oper, Rumford Falls *Mary C. (m Neilson), ho, Cash's Corner Carl H., mill oper Silver, mill oper Carlson, Hans, far, So P 8 Petrina R. (Peterson), ho Caroline P., ho Celia P., ho Annie M. Curkurp, Etta, pupil. West 1 Carter, Geo, W., far. West 1 *Hattie,M. (m Hall), ho, Port Annie J. (m Lane), ho Geo, W., Jr., farmer *M. Nellie (m Gibson), ho. Port Simon B., farmer Carter, Simon B., far, West 1 Georgia B. (Gilfoil), ho Ruth A., pupil Pauline G. Carter, William A., farmer Carter, Daniel, Jr., farmer Carter, Jas. L., far, West 1 Carter, Rufus, car &> far, West 1 Tryphena H. (King), ho Smith W., car *Albert M., barber. Port Herbert D., clerk Carter, E, B., hay & wood dlr, West 1 Evelyn J. (Moses), ho Lawrence W., pupil Helen D. Benjamin E. Carter, Dorcas A, (Snow), West 1 *Frank W., engineer, Pleasantdale Edwin B., hay & wood dlr *Laura A. (m Sullivan), ho, Port *Celia M, (m Dooley), ho. Port Carter, Geo, W., Jr., far. West Annie B, (Boothby), ho 56 Scarboro, Maine Cochran, Elizabeth, (Den- ings), ho, West 1 Cecil C, pupil Chisholm, Jennie P., West Clark, William, sales. West 1 Rowena (Page), ho *Nellie (m Williams), ho, Medford, Mass Alice (m Stuart), ho Clark, Lillian, ho, West Collins, A. S., mason & far, Gor 2 Lucy M. (Downing), ho Etta D., ho Collins, Elisha, farmer Collins, Almira, ho, Gor 2 Carter, Howard M., far, No S 1 May E. (Foye), ho Carl H., pupil Daniel H., pupil Carter, Eliza A. (Holmes), ho. No S 1 Howard M., farmer *Miranda M. (m Foye), ho, No S Champain, Lewis, laborer, Westb'k 1 Lizzie (Lipet), ho John, mill oper Albert, cook Charles, mill oper Henry, mill oper Josephine, pupil Marian, pupil Cannell, J. J., blk. So P 8 Mary J, (Ward), ho William M., fireman Florence A. (m Delmont) Cobb, Abbie (Allen), So P 8 Mabel H. (m Gilman), ho *Wm. A., real estate bus, Los Angeles, Cal Coolbroth, James F,, retired Elmira (Kaler), ho D Deering, Martin, bricklayer, Westb'k 1 *Loui8e (m Dunn), ho> Somerville, Mass Daniels, Edward, mach Delmont, T. J., printer. So P 8 Florence A. (Cannell), ho Deland, Frank K., farmer Sophia (Anderson), ho Dingley, H. L., farmer. So P 8 Scarboro, Maine, 57 Doughty, Abbie, (Berry), So P 8 *Jas. J., farmer, Pownal Deering, Theodore, farmer, So P 8 Kate (Skillings), ho Maud (m McKenney), ho James C, farmer Vera G., ho Dyer, E. H., produce bus. So P 8 Josephine (Plummer), ho Howard O. Dyer, C. F., mason & farmer. No S 1 Mary E. (Fernald), ho Detry, Jacob, far, So P 8 Downey, Hattie E. (Morgan), ho. West 1 Annie L., pupil Maggie, pupil Dearborn, Chas. F., team. West 2 Ada (Crocker), ho Arthur L., team Georgia E., ho Maude E., ho Blanche M., pupil Fred W., pupil Deering, Ambrose B., farmer, Gor 2 Lizzie A. (Dunnell) *Mabel F. (m Plough- man), ho, Port Ralph L., farmer Dodge, T. S., eloc eng, Pine P't Helen A. (Morrill), ho Mabel, music tr Arthur S., student Dennett, F. H., far, So P 7 Sarah J. (Bass), ho Fred H., Jr., farmer Marjorie L., student E Emerson, E. L., far, Gor 2 Edith E. (Emery), ho Eva P. Emerson, A. H., far, Gor 2 Bertha E. ( Emery), ho Raymond E. Mertrude Eaton, Fred, far, So P 7 Emmons, Herbert W., farmer Annie E. (Loudon), ho Harold E. 58 jScai'boro, Maine Ernest W. Emmons, Ernest A., farmer Edwards, Geo., farmer, Westb'k 1 Ruth (South), ho Pauline F Fenderson, G. F,, car. Pine P't Mary R. (Bryant), ho Fortune, Jas., far, Pine P't * Adeline (m Smith), ho, Amherst, N S *Jane (m Jolly), ho, Amherst, N S *Mary (m Roberts), ho, Haverhill, Mass *Martha (m Reeves), Port *Cora (m ), ho, Pleasantdale Fenderson, Liberty, farmer. West 1 Fogg, Arthur J., far, Gor 2 Susan A. (Carter), ho Nellie W. (m Pillsbury), ho ^Flossie E. (m Hanscom), ho, Gor Jonathan A., farmer M. Gertrude, ho Asa R., farmer Fenderson, Nath'l H., far, Gor 2 Louisa D. (Harmon), ho *Albion L., Judge Municipal Ct, Farmington *Lucy E. (mHeighe), ho, Buxton *Joseph B., express nagr, Rochester, N H *Addie H., clerk, Port Lottie H., ho Fowler, Henry J., mer. Port Fannie E. (Thompson), ho *Geo. H., book keeper, Berlin, N H David C, U S marine ser Fenley, J. H. W., printer. So P 7 Fogg, Sadie (Libby), ho Chester E, Doris E. Raymond E. Foss, Ira C, hotel bus Mary H. (Larrabee), ho Scarboro, Maine 59 Ira C, Jr. Foss, Ida E., hotel bus Foss, Tryphena, hotel bus Fogg, Ellen (Hatch), ho Charles W., R R ser G Qratz, Geo. W., far, So P 8 Julia A. (Leary), ho *Ella E. (ra Stookford), ho, Greenville Grover C, farm work William H., pupil Gensen, Andrew, farmer, West 1 Ellen M. (Sorensen), ho Carl C. Greenlief, Alton, law student &, motorman, West Gibson, F. W., R R ser, West Graffam, William H., mer. West Delia F. (Powers), ho Idella M., ho Leslie P., bus, stu Graffam, Josiah, far, West Susan J. (Sanborn), ho *Abbie A., mill oper, Biddeford William H., mer Grant, Rebecca (Merrill), No S 1 Oilman, Geo. E., car. So P 8 Lucinda A. (Libby), ho *William A., bk kpr. Port *Frank H., hatter. So Port Lewis E., millman Annie, clerk *Ella (m Shaw), ho, Westb'k *Henry D., M D 633 Congress St, Port Mabel, teacher Googins, Roswell, fisher Margaret T. (Stuart), ho Charlotte E. Green, Sarah (Lovely), ho. Pine P't *Pamelia (m Berry), ho, Old Orchard *Edv7., lab, Kennebunk William, fisher *8arah, (m Kellier), ho, Newburyport Googins, Alonzo L., car Hannah L. (Libby), ho 60 Scarhoro, Maine Eva L., ho Clifford, express bus Isa M., , lio Googins, F. A., night watch, West 1 Jennie L. (Brazier), ho Myrtle, waitress Orville, pupil Willard, pupil Fred, pupil Dorothy, pupil Joseph Googins, Hiram, far, West Eliza R. (Weymouth), ho Frederick, night watch Green, Wm., fisher. Pine P't Nettie (Peters), ho Gilman, Lewis, mill bus. So P 8 Mabel II. (Cobb), ho Eddie C, pupil Elva, pupil Googins, William H,, car *MaudeL. (niLibby), ho, Cumberland Mills Roswell S., fisher * Charlotte, dressmaker. Port *Helen M., bk kpr, Port Cora E, (Sanborn), ho Gunnison, Elizabeth, summer hotel Gunnison, Mary J. (Milliken), ho Hugh F., student Rhoda E., student Green, J. W., far, Westbr'k 1 Ella (Clark), ho Thomas L., farmer Robert C, farmer Lena M., ho Grover C, pupil Harold E., pupil H Harden, Charles, fisher Ida (Meserve), ho Roy, pupil Ellen, pupil Eugene Herrick, Bertram, far, So P 7 Higgins, Ada (Thurston), West Everett E., pupil Ethel F., pupil Stella M., pupil Clinton W., pupil Ralph M., pupil Scarboro, Maine 61 Paul P. Vida I. Haynes, Jas. P., car, Pine P't Joanna (Case), ho *Lemuel L., cattle culler, Sox Center, Colo *Herbert C, farmer, Greenville, N H Heald, F. H. B., far. So P 8 Harriet I. (Hurlburt) Ruth C. Heald, Martha (Coumpston), ho. So P 8 Fi'ank, H. B., farmer *Hill, Darius, far. Cash's Cor Addie M. (Freeman,) ho Hanson, Mrs. C. (Hanson), Gor 2 Walter C, farm wrk Harry L., farm wrk Lillian D., pupil Josephine C, pupil John D., pupil Hunnewell, M. P., far. So P 8 Lillian H. (m Johnson), ho *Annie L. (m Deering), ho, So Port *John A., asst Supt Light Co., Whitman, Mass Higgins, Alexander, far. So P 8 Lydia W. (Hunnewell), ho *Charles A., truckman. Port *Angie B. (mDyer), Port *Fred W., weigher. Port * Frank A., Prop Waldo House, Port * Sidney L., mer, Port Hall, Clarence, far. So P 8 Susan (Andrews), ho Clifford C, student Ethel E., student Harris, Fred P\, bk kpr. So P 8 Harriet W. (Fox), ho *Ford W., elec eng, Pittsburg, Penn Edwin H., general work Alice M., student Newton W., student Donald P., pupil Haskell, Chas. E., barber So P 8. 62 Scarboro, Maine Chestena H. (Anderson), ho Harmon, Eleanor F., ho. So P 8 Harmon, L. L., far, Gor 2 Lucille M. (Cousins), ho Ernest D., pupil Velma J., pupil Laurence L., pupil Hanson, Hans P., far, West 1 Chrigtiana (Mayer), ho Henry, pupil Carl C, pupil Conret Albert Clara Harris, Esther (Libby), ho Hudson, Royal, far, So P 8 Arthur S., student Mary E., student Cora, pupil Nellie, pupil Mildred Harmon, Albert, ice bus Lida M. (Tripp), ho Harmon, A. Estelle (Phanton), ho *Harry A„ plum. Port Hannaford, Alvin, far. So P 7 Henrietta (Kilborn), ho Harmon, John A., farmer Albert J., ice bus John S., farmer Addie S. (Ward), ho Clinton S., farmer Leroy P., farmer Helena F., pupil Jennie M., pupil Ailene A., pupil Harmon, Nelson, farmer Nellie (Libby), ho Lida E,, teacher Frank M., farmer Carl M., pupil Leon L., pupil Elva A., pupil Elner F. Higgins, W. S., con & builder, So P 7 May W. (Buck), ho Walter S., Jr. Higgins, Edw. S., con & builder. So P 7 Pearl E., pupil Harold E., pupil Scarboro, Maine 63 I Ingalls, Chas. L., far, So P 8 Marietta (Dexter), ho Harry, painter Irving, Mabel H,, ho J Johnson, J. C, s s eng, West Lizzie L. (Blaisdell), ho Johnson, Niels, far. So P 7 Inger, (Anderson), ho Niels S., farm work A. Dorothy, student Jones, Edwin, pupil, West 1 Jose, Mrs. Wm. (Meserve), Gor 2 Jenkins, Harry, pupil Jenkins, Mildred, So P 8 Jones, Henry S., far, So P 8 Jane W. (Libby), ho Florence A. (m Roberts), ho Jones, Elizabeth (Robinson), So P 8 J. Howard, farmer Jensen, Margus, far, West 1 Inger M. (Peterson), ho Peter J., farmer Amanda C. K., pupil Harry A., pupil Arthur R., pupil Florence A. Johnson, Chas I., far. West I Jessie N. (McLean), ho Hazel F., pupil Johnson, J, W., retd cont, So P 8 Julia C. (Libby), ho Johnson, Gustave, mgr elec road work. So P 8 Lillian H. (Hunnewell), ho Maud M., student Ralph A,, student Hazel L., pupil Ruth E,, pupil Melville H. K Knapp, Henry J., far. So P 8 Edith M. (Brown), ho Hazel E. Kimball, Benj. G., far. So P 8 Rosina W. (Hatch), ho Kirestsen, Sam'l, far, So P 8 Kristiana (Krestensen), ho Walter, pupil 64 Scarhoro, Maine Helen Esther Kenney, Thos. J., stableman, West Thoraasina (Riley), ho ♦Elizabeth G. (m Nelson), ho, Rumford Falls *Jaines II., mill oper, Rumford Falls *Roge A. (m Lambert), ho, Berlin Mills, N H *Mary A, (m McCarthy), ho, St. Johns, N B Knight, Turner H., far, Gor 2 *Mabel E. (m Skillin), ho, So Port * Ralph H., conductor, Woodfords J. Sherman, farm work Jos. R., clerk, Port Nettie F., student Percy L., pupil Knight, Howard A., cl. West Clara E. (Pillsbury), ho Harriet E. Knight, G. W., mer, tax coll & P M, West Carrie E. (Hanson), ho Knight, Mary E. (Redlon), West *Jo8eph E., far & wheel- wright, Westford, Mass Turner H., farmer *Zebulon, clerg, So Berwick Eliza A. (m Merrill), ho *Frank A., hotel bus & P M, No Berwick Etta E. (m Merrill), ho *Nat'l C.,blk, No Berwick *Wm, J., farmer, Winthrop Ctr Geo. W., mer, tax coll & P M Kaler, John M., summer hotel Elmira L. (Coolbroth) Harry F., hotel bus Addie E., clerk Knight, Ammon, farmer, Westb'k 1 Sarah (Weeks), ho Sadie A., pupil L Leavitt, CuUen, s s wrk Pine P't Lucy E. (Seavey), ho Scarboro, Maine 65 Harris J., car Irving E., farmer Leavitt, H. J., car, Pine P't Ethel M. (Seavey), ho Lucy A. Leavitt, Cyrus, far, Pine P't Leavitt, Almon, fisher, Pine P't Alice A. (Ward), ho Elva G. Libby, Geo. E., far, Pine P't Lary, Ralph W., far. West 1 Bertha (Libby), ho Clarence Leon Lary, Silas A,, far. West 1 Olive P. (Boothby), ho *Alfred P., plumber, Old Orchard Ralph W., farmer Leary, Jas. B., s s wrk, West Azonetta (Gustin), ho Frank L., pupil Sarah M., pupil Clifford, pupil Earle R., pupil Raymond E., pupil Otis W., pupil Millard S. Viola M. Libby, Sarah (Lovely), ho. Pine P't Litchfield, Lewis L., sta agt Libby, Charles O., farmer Mary E, (Libby), ho Arthur A., pupil Harry R., pupil Dwight L., pupil Charles M., pupil Libby, Hannah (Grant), ho *Lizzie, (raSherrick), ho. Dalles, Oregon Mary E. (ra Libby), ho Larrabee, Susie (Brown), ho Libby, Abbie (Berry), So P 8 Florence (m Me8erve),ho Susie F., ho Olive M. (m Skillings), ho Libby, E. H., far. So P 8 Jennie N, (Deering), ho Helen H., pupil Esther E., pupil Irene B., pupil Joshua J, Albert W. 66 ScarhorOy Maine Libby, Edna, tr, So P 8 Libby, J. M., far, Westb'k 1 Mary M. (Dunn), bo Larrabee, Walter F., farmer Daisy E. (Butterfield), ho Larrabee, Frank E., farmer Ellen (Harris), ho Walter F., farmer Mary F. (m Foss), ho Howard C, salesman Libby, Eliza (Carter), ho Thomas C, section fore Libby, Thos. C, section fore Mirinda (Meserve), ho Laura E., nurse William A,, student Raymond T. Libby, Lucy M. (Larrabee), ho, Westb'k 1 John M., farmer *Carrie (m Libby), ho, Elyria, Ohio William M., farmer *Theresa M., stenog, Chicago, 111 Leary, Michael, marble cutter, Westb'k 1 Esabella (South), ho Libby F. J., blk, Westb'k 1 Lizzie M. (South), ho Floyd W. Lowe, Eliza (Braddook), ho, Westb'k 1 Tristram M., farmer Lowe, G. W., far, Westb'k 1 Leary, Eliza J. (Beard), ho. So P 8 *Mary J. (m Libby), ho, So Gor John, can maker Julia (m Gratz), ho James, laborer William T., farmer *Henry C, baker, Port *Etta (m Pride), ho Pride's Cor Leary, Jno., can mkr. So P 8 Lettie A. (Meser, e), ho Lawson, Charlotte (Small), ho, So P 7 Libby, A. B. R., far. So P 8 Ellen M. (Plummer), ho Libby, C. Z., team, So P 8 Abbie J. (Moulton), ho *Laura E. (m Deering), Gor Scarhoro, Maine 67 Horace A., farmer *Florence M., mill oper, Port James E., farmer Emily F., pupil Melbridge G., pupil Evelyn L., pupil Hazel W. Libby, M. M., far, So P 7 Hattie S. (Libby), ho Fred B., farmer Flossie A., ho Mabel, ho Almira E., pupil Libby, Grace G. (Stanford), ho, So P 7 Clinton C, farmer Ethel M., pupil Mildred M., pupil Henry F., pupil Larrabee, Benj., far. So P 7 May (Hunt), ho, Joseph, farmer Susie, ho Larrabee, B. Scott, far, So P 7 Abbie E. (Brown), ho Libby, Sarah O. (Bean), ho Annie L., ho Arthur C, student Libby, Freedom, carriage smith, So P 8 Ruth A. (Johnson), ho Ruth E. (m Bartlett), ho Laidlaw, Thos. H., car, So P 8 Esther A. (Brown), ho Thomas E., car John L., student William S., pupil Eva G., pupil Violet M., pupil Larrabee, Caroline (Beals), ho *Seth L., lawyer, Port Lee, Henry, poultry bus Margaret M. (Harris), ho *Mary (m Sallivan), ho, Boston, Mass *John, cl, Boston, Mass *Sadie (m Woodwork), Port Anna M., student Harry A., student Lucy M., pupil Robert E., pupil Libby, Charles E., farmer Sarah E. (Burbank), ho George C, farmer 68 Scarhoro, Maine *Lena B., teacher Lucien T., pupil Libbey, Gilbert, far, West 1 Matilda (Ilosseau), ho Koineo I^'abula Juliet Rinaldo Leavitt, Lucy E. (Clough), West 1 Libbej', Anna (Robinson), So P 8 Lothrop, Robt L., blk, So P 8 Ida B. (m Nelson), ho *Hattie L. (m Wright), Port ♦Robert B., miner. Chick- en Creek, Alaska *Ja8. A., genl wrk. Cash's Corner, So Port *Clara W. (m Dyer), ho, Cape Elizabeth ♦Isabella M., mill oper, Cash's Corner, So Port Libby, Roscoe G., far. So P 8 Nellie M. (Small), ho Etta M., ho Walter C, genl wrk Harrison J., pupil Mattie H., pupil Lamb, Mary E. (Ferald), No S 1 Edwin B., ptr Lamb, Edwin B., ptr. No S 1 Hattie F. (Abbott), ho Lowe, Wra. E., far, So P 8 Libby, Herbert A., far, So P 8 Annie A. (Marsh), ho Leon S, Larkin, Wm. P., far. So P 8 Mary (Friel) *John H., team. Port *Wm. P. Jr., team. Port *Fred'k, team. Port *Edw. T., team, Port *Susie, seamstress. Port *Celia (m Jenkins), cook, Port Lessard, Thos. T., far. West 1 Emma (Roy), ho Libby, J. Augustus, far, Gor 2 ♦Clifford C, eng, Morrill's Cor ♦Albion D. T., elec eng, Elyria, O Annie A. (Knight), ho Scarboro, Maine 69 Harry B., farm work Frank C, pupil Evans H., pupil Christina G., pupil John A., pupil Libby, Danl. C, far, Gor 2 Larrabee, A. B., far, So P 8 *Alvan F., bk kpr, Detroit, Mich Ralph B., joiner Scott G., medical student Larrabee, Sarah S., ho, So P 8 Larrabee, P. V., R R ol, So P 8 Larson, L. C, hardware wk, So P 8 Annie K, (Neilson), ho Artho C, pupil Harry A., pupil Libby, J. L. far. West 1 Libby, Henry R., car, So P 8 Mary C. (Libby), ho John O., car Carrie E. (m Libby), ho Clifford IL, student Ling, Edw. E., mfgr canned goods, So P 8 Don L., bus with father Libby, Saml. M., far. So P 8 Hannah (Fogg), ho William L., farmer *Cha8. S., 8 s wrk, Boston, Mass Lida E., teacher Loomis, Henry E., far, So P 8 Nettie D. (Mathews), ho Olive May Leland A. Libby, R. M., far, So P 8 Georgia J. (Libby), ho Charles E., ins agt *Kate W. (m Henley), ho, Everett, Mass Libby Chas. E., ins agt, So P 8 Eloise F. (Milliken), ho Richard M. Robert L. Raymond K, Libby, Hubbard E., far, So P 8 Emeline M. (Libby), ho *Annie A, (m Berry), Port *Abbie T. (m Mason), Port *Stephen J,, fish bus. Port *Geo H., salesman, Port Justus L., general work 70 fScarboro, Maine *Eugene M., team, Port John E., ealesman *Mabel G. (m Manches- ter), ho. Port Libby, Chas. F., far, Gor 2 AddieE. (Sanborn), ho Leavitt, Rebecca (Snow), ho, Pine P't George, s s wrk Cullen S., s s wrk *Jo8. W., foreman can- ning shop. Friendship *Dan'l S., canning bus St Andrews, N B John H., mer Charles F., mer Albion P., 8 s wrk Mary B. (m Turner), ho Sarah E. (m Proctor), ho Libby, Charles W., mer Amanda S. (Waterhouse), ho Lothrop, Jos., fisher. Pine P't Emma J. (Moulton), ho Ambrose G., fisher *Harry A., clam dlr, Port *Jo8ie M., sewing wrk. Port Ada E., ho Melville E., genl wrk Howard M., pupil Libby, T. Alonzo, farmer Margaret (Purchase), ho Harold, student Fred A., pupil Ernest J., pupil Leavitt, Jno., mer, Pin« P't Bessie J. (Merrill), ho Lawrence W., clerk Leon C, clerk A. Hoi-tense, student Leavitt, Sarah (Merrill), ho. Pine P't Melissa (m Seavey), ho Mary F., ho *Au8tin W., car, Westb'k Annie D. (m Merrill), ho Litchfield, Rebecca (Snow), ho, Pine P't Anna L., pupil Ella K., pupil Edwina W., pupil Lothrop, Ellsworth, fisher, Pine P't Maude (Soule), ho William, pupil /Sca7'bo7'o, Maine 71 Libby, Bertha, pupil, Pine P't Leavitt, C. F., mer. Pine P't Lizzie (Woodward), ho Vida E., student Leavitt, G. F., section fore, Pine Pt Hannah E. (Leavitt), ho Fred R., s s wrk Jasper D. C, pupil Longval, Dam Adolphe, piper Melvina (Dupleei), ho Libby, Clara C. (Libby), ho George T., farmer Clara J., poultry & florist Minnie E., poultry & florist Mary L., (m Newcomb), Florence L., ho * Alice A. (m Clark), Naples Fannie M., ho Simon H., farmer Sadie E. (m Fogg), ho Libby, Simon H., farmer Sarah J, (Libby), ho Libby, B. Frank, hotel bus Annie (Pennell), ho Libby, Sarah T., ho Lund, H. C, grain bus Annie M., ho Libby, Asbury, ice dlr. So P 8 Elizabeth E, (Johnson), ho Olive B. (m Lory), ho E. Perley, ice bus Libby, Mary F., summer hotel Libby, Mehitable (Carter) Susie C. (m Miller), ho Charles E., farmer *Ada A. (m Prudden), ho, Morristown, N J Larrabee, Richard, farmer A. Estelle, (Phanton), ho *Darrell A., pupil. Port Libby, Horatio H., genl wrk Lane, N. B., express bus Annie J. (Carter), ho *Harry C, farmer, Thornton, Mass Lyons, Stephen A., laborer Annie (Williams), ho Jas. W., clerk, Boston, Mass Percy H., student 72 Scarhoro, Maine . M Mitchell, Alphonse, express, So P 8 Ida M. (Weeks), ho Mart, Jeremiah, far, So P 7 Morse, Sam'l J., lab, So P 7 Lizzie (Pearson), ho *Lizzie (m Trott), ho, Peaks Island *Wm., salesman, Gilead *Ida, (m Trott), Peaks Is *Sam'l, clerk, Gilead *l8aac, clerk, Gor *Emma (m Willis), Wells Sidney, laborer Meserve, Erma, pupil Meserve, Addie E., pupil, Gor 2 McLaughlin, Robt., farmer, Gor 2 Harriet S. ^ Parker), ho William H., farmer McLaughlin, Wm. H,, farmer, Gor 2 Harriet M. (Field), ho McCartney, J. M., mer. So P 8 Sarah (Fox), ho James J., genl wrk Mitchell, A. B., far, So P 8 Almira (Durgin) Alphonse, expressman Meserve, J. S., far, Gor 2 Elizabeth N. (Sanborn), ho Meserve, Edward H. H., farmer Meserve, Alonzo J., farmer Meserve, Nelson H., farmer Meserve, Mary F., ho, Gor 2 Meserve, Hannah M. (Allen), Gor 2 *Mary E. (m Jose), ho, Buxton *Wm. H., engineer, Boston, Mass *Chas. A., far. So Gor John A. L., far, So Gor Walter E. S., farmer *Annie B. (m Pratt), ho, Westb'k Meserve, W. E. S., far, Gor 2 Emily, K. B. (Fogg), ho Meserve, Addie H. (Perkins), Gor 2 Lettice A. (Leary), \io Nelson C, farmer Scarboro, Maine 70 o Meserve, F. H., genl wrk, Gor 2 Meserve, Nelson C, farmer, Gor 2 Marion (Merrill), ho Gladys Robert Fred Wendall Lettie Marcia Oliver F. Mahew, Alfred, far, Gor 2 Margaret (Euart), ho *John E., mach, Worcester, Mass Agnes J. (m Maddix), ho *Seymour A., team. Port Maddix, Merrill, mill oper, Gor 2 Agnes J. (Mahew), ho Mahew, Chas. R., clerk, Gor 2 Milliken, H. A., far, Gor 2 Maud N. (Banks), ho Milliken, Chas. L., far, Gor 2 Howard A., far Moulton, Fred E., far, Gor 2 Eva G. (Leighton), ho Onsville J., pui»il Merrill, Geo. F., far, No Saco 1 * Carrie E. (m Dyer), ho, Dorchester, Maws Manchester, H. B., far, So P 8 Almira F. (Sawyer), ho *Ada E. (m Whipple), So Port Mitchell, Mary A. (Libby), Gor 2 *Cha8. H., U. S. M. ser, Port Georgia A. (m Sherman) *Wm A., oar, Port Meserve, Sarah E. (Moulton), Gor 2 Albion K, P., farmer Mattie M., ho Ella W., ho Annie D,, teacher Arthur L., clerk Edith M., pupil Harlan R., pupil Moulton, E. J., far, Gor 2 Emma A. (Carter), ho Hattie E. (mGetchell), ho Freedom A,, farmer Fred E., farmer 74 Scarboro, Maine Mary A., ho *Henrictta J. (m Fender- son), ho, Gor Moulton, M. E., Prop Moultoii House, West Marcia V. (Pillsbury), ho Myron K., pupil Milliken, Joshua D., farmer, West 1 Etta A. (Waterhousc), ho Milliken, E. C, far. West 1 Laura G. (Morse), ho Sewall, student Alfred H., student Heijry M., pupil Marion H., pupil Maxwell, Wni., farm work, So P 8 Moulton, R. S., far & mason, West 1 Lawrence E., pupil MoulLon, Francis G., farmer, West 1 Nellie J, (Fenderson), ho Granville J., student Arnold F., student Russell I., pupil Qathaleua Bl, pupil Robley E. Merrill Geo., bkk, W^est 1 Moulton, Alvin F., far, West Annie H. (Hanson), ho Milliken, Lemuel, far, West 1 .Alerrill, Elmer, pupil, So P 8 Morrison, Henry, far, West 1 Morrison, Thos. D., mason, West 1 Susie A. (Burnham), ho Moulton, Granville L., far^ West 1 Miranda M. (Thurston) Emma J. (m Lothrop), ho Francis G., farmer James G., farmer *Wm. M., far, Alfred Kcuben S., far & mason Henry A., farmer Moulton, Henry A., farmer, West 1 Rosie E. (Poland), ho Miranda A., pupil Ralph A., pupil Cora J., pupil Moses, Nathaniel, far, So P 8 Harriet E. (Wing), ho *Annie E. (m Purchase), Scarboro, Maine 75 ho, So Port *Elven» R. (m Allen), Fort John S. H., farmer Moulton, Geo. H., far, Gor '1 Ethelyti W., teaclier Sarah A., ho Moulton, John, far, Gor 2 Eliza A, (Fobs), ho McKenney, Ada E. (Carr), Gor 2 Morton, Ada E. (Carr), Gor 2 Ida M. (m Uosborough), ho Milligan, E, S., lab. Pine P't Milliken, Maffiatt, hotel prop. Pine P't Mary (Bircli), ho *Ora, Los Angeles, Cal * Florence (m Johnson ), ho Concord, N C *Earle, broker, N Y City *Ira, broker, N Y City *Ida, insbus, Des Moines, Iowa *Harold, broker, N Y City *Emm», music teacher Concord, N. C. Merrill, Oliver, Jr., canning bus, Pine P't Mary E. (Knight), ho *Harry L., confectioner, Biddeford Walter L., student Lena M., student Merrill, Aaron, canning bu8, Pine P't Eliza E. (Knight), lio Carrie, ho MoPhee, John, ptr. Pine P't Laura (Guptill), ho *John VV., bk kpr, So Boston, Mass *George A., elec, So Boston, Mass Lester C, student Gordon E. Mesorve, Chas. E., farmer, Westbr'k 1 Florence M. (Libby), ho Alden C, pupil Arvilla F., pupil Melville J., pupil Mertie E. McKenney, Washington, car, 76 Scarhoro, Maine Westb'k 1 Lucy (Green), ho MtKenney, F. E., butcher, So P8 Annie (iiurnham), ho Merrill, Win. H., far. So P 8 .McKenney, ('. B., butcher, AVestb'k 1 Maml (Deering), ho Georgia A. Moulton, James G., far. West 1 Minnie L. (Farr), ho Sarah J., pupil Morris, John, ptr. West 1 .Josephine L. (Gation), lio *Odalie H. (m Jenkins), ho, West Derry, N H *J. Wesley, lal), Sanford ^Leon D., printer, West Derry, N H Laura A., pupil Lena E., pupil Celia M., pupil Moulton, Edwin, far, Gor 2 Moses, Shuah B. (Pillsbury), So P 8 Milliken, M. I., car, West *Cali8ta (m Morse), Saco Oliver M., ptr & oar Edna B. (m Pillsbury ), ho Louise F. (m Libby), ho *Eraelyn (m Dennett), ho, So Port Carl M., ptr Milliken, O. F., car & far, So P 8 ♦Harriot L. (m Small), Port Emma D. (Robinson) Milliken, Chas. P., far, So P 8 Merrill, Lillas M. (Collins), Gor 2 McLellan, Chas., blk Weslb'k 1 Annie (South), ho Hazel, pupil Meserve, Edw., far, Westb'k 1 Mattie, ho Harry, student McKenney, Randolph, far, So P s Sarah (Skillings), ho Cyrus B., butcher Lillie M., ho Raymond W., student McKenney, Mahala, Westb'k 1 Mitchell, Augustus, hotel bus, Scarhoro, MairiP 11 SoP7 Lucretia (Meserve), ho McKenney, Chas. E., far SoP8 Sophronia (Dudley), ho *Fred H., fireman, Pueblo, Col ♦Georgia A. (m McLel- lan), ho, Glenco, Minn Frank E., butcher Albion T., telephone wk Elsie F., student James E., pupil Meserve, Charles, fisher Rose E. (Skillings), lio Eddie C. Edith M. Minnie E. William S. Bertha M. Andrew J. Miller, Frederick, car Susie C. (Libby), ho Dorothy L., teacher Meserve, John, fisher Mary (Dunphy), ho Philip Perley John Moody, Emery W., r r wrk Mildred S. (Sylvester) Meserve, Thurston, fisher Mary (Green), ho Moulton, Emily (Randall), ho. So P 8 *Hattie (m Roberts), Gor *Hardy A., hotel clerk, Boston, Mass *01in C, M. D., Chicago, 111 Moody, Hattie (Bryant), ho *John E., ice bus. So Port *Nellie (m Skillings), ho. So Gardiner Merrill, Seth, fisher Henrietta (Brown), lio Merrill, Henry A., clerg *Molly (m Ross), N. Y. Mary E. (Price), ho Harry G., salesman Milliken, George, hotel bus Nellie M. (Plummer), ho Ruth H., student Moody, Sarah (Bean), ho Emery W., r r wrk Milliken, Sam'l, car, West 1 78 Scarboro, Maine Sarah J. (Tuttle), ho *Howard W., canner, Port Mary C, ho Moulton, L. H., r r wrk, West 1 Edith A. (Richards), ho Merh> F. Moulton, Will., civil eng, Pine P't Mary O. (Jolinson), lio McPhee, Lucy M. ( Merrill j, ho, Pine P't John E., ptr *Ida E. (m McDonald), }io, So Boston, Mass Alice E. (m HanHon), ho Merrill, Geo. II., retired, Pine P't Lavina J., ho ♦Annette A. (m Watnon), ho, Topeka, Kausae (4ertrude A., lio Fred C, motorman Merrill, Fred, motorman, West Letitia (Pillsbury), .lio Leland W., pupil Doris H., pupil Dune IL, pupil Noah B. Milliken, Benj. F., far. West Maria A, ( Pillshury), ho Marcille, Priscilla, pupil, Pine P't Mitchell, J. E., far, So P 7 Edra (Blanchard), ho *Rosio E. (m Wheeler), ho, Gloucester, Mass *Annie B. (ni Greenlaw), ho, So Port *Loui8 M., vegetable dlr, So Port *Arthur B., vegetable dlr, So Port * Willis P., P M, Cumberland Mills Clifford C, farmer Edward F., farmer .Mitchell, Clifford, far. So P 7 llosie A. (Timmons), ho Meserve, Eleazer H., r r wrk Miranda (m Libby), ho *01iveM. (m Skillings), ho, Falmouth Percy E., fisherman Jennie L. (m Skillings) Sea rh o ro , Ma in e 79 Ida F, (m Harding), ho Florence D., ho Ellen C, ho INIerrill, Fred, far. Fine P't Marion (Kol)echaud), ho Ernest E., pupil Helen M., pupil Ruth M., pupil Jennette E. Theresa A. Merrill, Phiueas, mach, Pine P't *Addie M. (m Work), ho, Springfield, Mass Lanetta E. (Foote), ho Merrill, Dan'l H., far, Pine P't Annie D, (Leavitt), ho Murphy, Edward, genl wrk Merrill, Katie (Alley), ho. Pine P't Alice B,, pupil Jennie W., pupil Marcille, Louis, pupil, Pine P't Merrill, Oliver, ret'd. Pine P't Aaron A., fish & canning bus Oliver, fish & canning bus ^Elbridge, mach, Biddeford *Jefterson, farmer, Kennebunk Henrietta, ho *Laura (m Leavitt), ho, Westb'k Minnie (m Meserve), ho Moulton, Lewis, far. West Moulton, M. S., far, West Milliken, Mark, section fore, West Ella. S. (Smith), ho Ruby L., student Meserve, Nellie C, ho Pine P't Milliken, Richard, fisher, Pine P't Merrill, Geo., car, Pine P't Clara E. (Brown), ho William T., pupil Archie L., pupil Olive J., pupil Leonard G., ' pupil N Newcomb, Sam'l, far, So P 8 Hattie (Meserve), ho Alice M., pupil Theresa E., pupil -so Scctrboro, Maine Virgie, pupil Nellie G. Florence Newcomh, J. L., car, Piuc P't Lucy M. (Merrill), ho *J. Frank, elec, Dorchester, Mass Noiirsc, Jennie (Bangs), ho George C. Newcomb, B. M., car. So P 7 Grace G. (Stanford), ho Helen E., pupil Ruth E. Nelson, Wm. L., ptr, So P 8 Ida B. (Lothrop), ho Myrtle G., pupil Frederick J., pupil Neilson, Maurice, far, So P 8 Carrie (Dall), ho Christiana (ra Hanson),ho *Antun, far, Denmark *Chri8tian, truckman, Waterboro Conred, far Neilson, Conred, far, So P 8 Amanda (Gregor), ho Carl M. Nugent, Patrick H., far Nugent, William P., far Nugent, Hannah L., So P 8 Nielson, Rodolph, car. So P 8 Christina (Peterson), ho Mary E., pupil Nielson, Chas., far. So P 8 Myran C. (Neilson), ho Arthur H., pupil Peter C, pupil Alfred C. Clarence E. Nelsen, C. P., charge golf link So P 8 Amalia M. (Larsen), ho Swuen, C. P., pupil Carl M. O., pupil Albert H., pupil Henry E., pupil Robert G. Newcomb, Fred M, p m & mer Mary L. (Libby), ho Edith L., bk kpr J. Harold, cl Betha M., student Elizabeth o Ormsby, Wm. W., far. So P 8 Lydia A. (Harmon), ho Scarboro, Maine, 81 *Wm. H., tr, Weld KatherineE. (mBowley), ho Lulu B., clerk J. Ralph, student Oliver, Sarah (Plummer), ho George, far Elbridge, station agt *Be8sie, dressmaker. Port Lizzie, ho Oliver, George M., gen'l wk Carrie M. (Plummer), ho *Mildred C. (m Sparrow), ho, So Port *Frank L,, mach, Port *Fred M.,mach,Waterville Oliver, Elbridge S., station agt Linda (Gates), ho Marion S., ho P Pillsbury, Guy, oar Nellie (Fogg), ho Perry, Joseph H., far Josephine (Libby), ho *Eva (m Wilcox), ho, Port *Horatio, car. Port *Julia, ho, Port Oakes, far Perry, Martin S., far Proctor, W. H., canning bus, Pine P't Sarah E. (Leavitt), ho Pauline L., pupil Plummer, Harriet (Hurlburt), ho, So P 8 *Alice L., cl, Westbrook Myra B., ho Plummer, Seth, car mkr, SoP 8 Emily J. (Randall), ho Plummer, D. F., crossing tender. So P 8 Mary E. (Newcomb), ho Perry, Eunice A., ho Perry, Olive F., ho Perry, Caroline P. (Carlson), So P 8 Lena L. — Pugsley, Hannah (Cheney), So P 8 * Julia (m Abbott), ho, Cornish * Abigail (m Edgecomb), ho, Tewksbury, Mass Mary E. (m Wight), ho 82 Scarboro, Maine Patneud, Salem, mason & far, West 1 Nellie (Stone), ho *Nellie (m Curkurp), ho, Port *Mary (m St. Don), ho, New Bedford, Mass *Cha8., mill oper, Saco *Frank, mill oper, Saco *Louise (m Owen), Port Samanda, ho Lizzie, mill oper Josephine, ho Wilfred, pupil Margaret, pupil Alice, pupil *Patneud, Chae., mill oper. West 1 Melvina (Aria), ho Wilfred Napoleon Plummer D. O., mason. So P 8 Nellie A. (m Roberts), ho Lizzie S. (m Wright), ho Alice A. (Stone), ho Walter E., far Josephine (m Dyer), ho Plummer, W. E., far, So P 8 Minnie (MoLucus), ho Margaret I. Peterson, J, C, car. So P 7 Elene (Lawson), ho *Meta M., nurse. Port Helena G., (m Walker), ho *Loui8 A., car. Cape Elizabeth Elliott S., R. R. mail ser Pederson, S. S., florist, So P 7 Wife Matilda, ho Selius, florist Plummer, W. S., far West Plummer, E. F., elec R. R. ser. West Elfleda M. (Pillsbury), ho Ernest L., pupil Alice M., pupil Phillips, Watson W., pupil, West Perley, Mary A. (Blan chard), West 1 Eva G. (m Brown), ho Prince, Sophronia (Blanchard), West 1 Pillsbury, H. L., car, West 1 Celia M., (Foss), ho Scarhoro, Maine 83 Elfleda M. (m Plummer), ho Guy H., car Ralph W., blk Susie A., tr Mildred C, stenog Amy F., student Pillsbury, Mrs. Geo. W. (Staples), Gor 2 *Wm. F., far, Gor *Sarah E.(m Remick), ho, East Braintree, Mass *Elbridge S.,mill overseer, Pejepscot *Geoi'ge M., paper mkr, Lowell, Washington *Lillian (m Lary), ho, Old Orchard John M., far and blk Pillsbury, J. M., far and blk, Gor 2 Edna B. (Millikin), ho Arthur M. Plummer, John E., teamster Henry S., student Nettie (Detry), ho Abbie J. (m Tripp), ho Plummer, Liberty, butcher, Westbrook 1 William J., butcher Elsie M., ho Philips, Caroline (Deering), So P 8 Philips, Wilbertha, ho Philips, Carroll W., pupil Philips, Edna B., pupil Philips, Wilbur W., pupil, SoP 8 Pillsbury, Madeline, pupil. Pine P't Pillsbury, Noah, mail car. West Harriet (Hanniford), ho John S., ptr Letitia (m Merrill), ho Clara E. (m Knight), ho Pillsbury, Bartlett, meat bus. West Mary A. (Merrill), ho Marcia V. (m Moulten), ho *Lizzie (mMcKenney), ho, Stroudwater Prout, Juden, fisher, Pine P't Peters, Rosie, pupil, Pine P't Pillsbury, I. W., hotel prop. 84 Scarboro, Maine Pine P't Elizabeth A. (Drown), ho Edward B., hotel bus Plummer, Ai, far Hannah E. (Grant), ho Plummer, Ai B., far Peterson, William, grain bus. Esther (Peterson), ho Annie D., pupil Elsworth Pillsbury, Ralph W., blk Susie M.(Waterhouse),ho R Robinson, M. V., tinsmith and plum, So P 8 Helen (Talpy), ho *Frank E., sawyer, Old Orchard *Herbert P., steam fitter, Old Orchard *Lewi8 A., R. R. ser, Lawrence, Mass *William B., tinsmith and plum. Old Orchard Edwin ' J., plumber Louisa, student Remiek, John, pattern mkr and farmer, Gor 2 Florence (Leigh), ho Roberts, Seth, far, So P 8 Florence A. (Jones), ho Rosborough, Alex, far, Gor 2 Mary J. (Scott), ho S. Scott, furniture oper *John K., boss lum, Bridgwater Emma J., ho Robert M., far Alexander W., far Annie M., tr Rosborough, S. Scott, fur oper, Gor 2 Ida M. (Morton), ho Ada M. Raymond M. Roberts, A. 0., far, So P 8 Nellie (Plummer), ho Blanche pupil Rockwood, B. M., R. R. ser. West Harriet S. (Waterhouse), ho B. Elliott Rice, S. H., prop town farm, West 1 Jennie M. (Wood), ho jScarboro, Maine 85 Herbert A., pupil Richardson, Emeline M. (Pillsbury), West 1 *Henry H., clerg, Chatta- nooga, Tenn, Grant Univerg'y Sarah C, ho EdwaTd M;, far ♦Charles L., far, E. Waterboro Richards, Ephraim, section boss. West 1 Mary E. (Atkins), ho *Agne8 (m McPhee), ho. So Boston, Mass Richardson, Edw., motorman. West Martina (Winther), ho Ellis F., pupil Albert C, pupil Ralph C. Roberts, Chas. E., blk. West Helen F. (Thurston), ho *Mary C. (m Fenderson), ho, Chebeague Is Laura J., teacher Reed, Allen G., far, Westb'k 1 Emily (Torrey), ho *Alice M. (m Lane), ho, Rockport Louise (m Butler), ho Robinson, G. E., far, So P 7 Robinson, Susie W., student, So P 7 Robinson, Lizzie, stu, So P 7 Richardson, Loren, far. So P 7 Sarah (Sylvester), ho Mildred S., pupil Fred L. Reed, L. A., well digger, Westbrook 1 Clara (Salsbury), ho Arthur, well digger Florence, pupil Rounds, Walter, ret'd s mkr. West Susan (Rounds), ho Harry, s. s. wrk Rounds, H. E., s. s. wrk, West Lily (Wright), ho Elmer Herman Reeves, Geo., jeweler. Pine P't Richardson, Ellsworth, blk Eva L. (Googins), ho 86 Scarhoro, Maine Marjorie F. Robinson, W. J., far, So P 7 Florence A. (Libby), ho Rasmussen, Peter, ret'd West 1 Inger M. (m Gensen), ho Rugglea, F. W., hotel bus Pine P't Marion (Lawrence), ho Constance, pupil Randall, Noah, ret'd So P 8 Emily (m Plummer), ho *Eunice (m Scamman),ho, Hollis *Simeon S.,far, Limington *Cha8. L., phy, Waldoboro *Je88e A., phy Old Orchard Roes, Sarah (McConnell), ho *Emma (m Foster), bk kpr, Boston, Mass s Snow, Joseph C, far, West 1 Hester (Faby an), ho *Nellie C, (m Chase), ho, So Port Emma F., P O cl * Alberta B. (m Mills), Saco Mabel J., ho Seavey, J. H., mason. Pine P't Hannah C. (Snow), ho Walter, far Snow, G. W., mason. Pine P't Smith, Rebecca, ho, Pine P't Sennau, Selina, ho. Pine P't Seavey, Mary (Plummer), ho Harris R., teamster Daniel P., far *Cornelia (m Batchelder), ho, Hampton, N. J. John C, salesman Robert B., far *Mary A. (m Plummer), ho, Gor Skillings, Fred, far Jennie L. (Meserve), ho Winfield P. Jennie Herbert L. Seavey, Zenas L., hotel bus Emma S, (Irving), ho Maria A., ho Seavey, B. Frank, far Harriet (Berry), ho B. Frank, Jr. Scarboro, 3Iaine 87 Stone, John, letter car. So P 8 Ora E. (Rich), ho Stone, Frank, ho. So P 8 Skillings, Chas., far. So P 8 Abbie C. (Berry), ho Mary A., pupil Milton A., pupil Sherman, Wm., mer, Gor 2 Etta M. (Larrabee), ho Sherman, Harry, ret'd, Gor 2 Smith, Chas., far, So P 8 Smith, Ellen M. (Plummer), So P 8 *Lillian S., ins bus. Port Sherman, Orra, mer, Gor 2 Georgia (Mitchell), ho Mildred R., student Lena M., pupil Joseph B., pupil Sanborn, Arthur, far. So P 7 Alice M. (Mariner), ho Alice M., pupil Irene A., pupil Frederick Sawyer, Jos., far, So P 7 Mary J. (Libby), ho Skillings, Alfred, fisherman Sadie A.(Arrowsmith), ho Olive L., student Alice M., pupil Mildred I., pupil Small, Jas. F., far, So P 7 *Mary C, asst matron woman's home, Port *Ja8., truckman, Port Merinda (Libby), ho *Harry S., bk kp., Port Sylvester, E. M., far. So P 7 Emma (Sanborn), ho *Frank A., far. West Falmouth Sarah (m Richardson), ho Mildred S. (m Moody), ho Jessie M., ho Seavey, Wm. E., far. West Louisa F. (Baker), ho Mildred Z., student Rolland W., student Linwood B., student Grace S., pupil Herman H., pupil Isaac T., pupil E. Milton, pupil Clement P., pupil Beatrice E. Wesley W. 88 Scarhoro, Maine Seavey, J. E., fisher, Pine P't Sarah (Harrison), ho Charles E. Agnes E. Seavey, H. E., canning bus Pine P't Annie M. (Kelley), ho Bertha M., pupil Ruby A., pupil Lawrence, pupil Clara L. Alma F. Snow, Lucy E. (Merrill), ho. Pine P't *Ira W., car, Sacremento, Cal. Laura W., ho Fred H., gen'l wrk Olive M., ' pupil Snow, Wm. E., fisher. Pine P't Stewart, Henry, far. Pine P't Smith, Susan (Rounds), West Ella S. (m Millikin), ho *Hattie (m Towle), Saco Skillings, H. J., livery bus, Pine P't Helen A. (Arrowsmith), ho V. Dorothea, pupil Amy A., pupil Haswell, pupil Staples, Ada F. (Foss), ho. Pine P't Harry, fisherman Staples, Harry, fisher, Pine P't Mattie (WillianQs), ho Shaw, Velorus T., mer Etta A. (Libby), ho Shurtleff, A. C, ret'd, West 1 Margaret A. (Tarbox), ho Sommer, Fred, clerg. West Sue L. (Mather), ho Karl E., pupil Laurance M. Chester O. Smith C. Fred, far. So P 8 Storey, Jas. F., far, Gor. 2 Sylvina G., h o Philip G., far Mary E. (Bragdon), ho Mabel F., pupil Bertha E,, pupil Schwartz, C. J., motorman» West Martha J. (Whidden), ho Scarboro, Maine 89 Schwartz, Caroline R. (Leeman), ho, West *Mary (m Hazelton), ho, Westbrook *Hannah (m Murch), ho, Westbrook Charles J., motorman Snow, D. M., overseer car barn. West Weston H., student Agnes A., student Arthur Stuart, Howard, sales. West Alice (Clark), ho Howard, pupil Seavey, Wm. H., far. West 1 Seavey, Abial J., far, Saco Inez B., pupil Seavey, Chas. T., far, Saco Skillings, F .A., car. West 1 Elizabeth (Demings), ho Scamman, Geo. S., cond.,We8t Addie M. (Moulton), ho Percy M.., at home Harold H., student Burton F., pupil Ruth E., pupil Snow, Reuben, fisher, Pine P't Dacie (Morrill), ho *We8ley, real estate, Port Lottie B,, ho *Earl R., real estate. Port Schoppee, Ephraim, mgr far Emma (Thompson), ho Seavey, Robert B., far Annie (Plummer) Seavey, Harry, teamster Seavey, Melissa (Leavitt), ho. Pine P't *Sarah (m Prince), ho, Fitz Williams, N. H. Willie F., car Elbridge L., far Herbert E., canning bus James E., car Ethel M. (m Leavitt), ho George T., canning wk *Fannie E., sewing wk, *Evelyu, sewing wk. Port Marcia E., ho Seavey, John C, sales Sarah (McConnell), ho Sullivan, Dan'l, far. Pine P't Nellie (Merrill), ho Maude L., pupil 90 Scarhoro, Maine Arthur L., pupil Leona Seavey, Llewellyn, sea, Pine P't Celina (Marcille), ho Staples, M. F., car. Pine P't Sarah A. (Milliken), ho *Edgar W., car, So Port Sparrow, E. W., far. So P 8 Luella (Libby), ho Stevens, Albert, ptr. Pine P't Etta (Foster), ho Skillings, Luther, team. Pine P't Staples, Chas., fisher, Pine P't Harry, fisherman Snow, Josiah, far, Pine P't Sarah (Seavey), ho *Wm. F., plum, Port *Edwin B., plum. Port Helena F., teacher Seavey, Elizabeth E., ho Snow, F. A., fish, Pine P't Nancy R. (Lothrop), ho *Eleanor (m Mewer), ho, Sebago Lake Carrie F., teacher Snow, H. B., mer. Pine P't Alberta M. (Stuart), ho John H., genl wk Hazel S., student Leora S., pupil Snow, Anna A. (Leavitt), ho, Pine P't John A., lawyer Rebecca(m Litchfield), ho Seavey, Jennie L., dress mkr Snow, H. F., brick mason, Pine P't Wilber, mason *Florence, hotel wk. Port Herbert, mason Lillian, P O clerk Mary (Russell), ho Snow, Jno. A,, law. Pine P't Ella K. (Litchfield), ho Kathleen, pupil John A. Annabel Seavey, Daniel P., mason AUura P. (Paine), ho Smith, Frank C, far, So P 7 Effie A. (Hellin), ho Edith v., pupil Floyed R., pupil Scarhoro, Maine 91 Dwight H. Shackford, Bell (Rogers), SoP7 Daisy, ho Sweetser, Geo. W., far. So P 8 Abbie S. (Kimball), ho Skinner, F. J., farm wk, Gor 2 Smith, Eben, far. West 1 Adrianna (Powell), ho *Fred V., elec, Auburn- dale, Mass Virgil N., far Stewart, Geo. S., gen'l wk, SoP 8 Georgena (Mack), ho Philip J. Sorenson, Enfield, far, So P 8 Christiana (Johnson), ho Christina, pupil Florence, pupil Andrew, pupil T Tolan, Chas., pottery wk. So P 8 Catherine (Ryan), ho Thibrault, Geo. I., far wk, Gor 2 Thompson, Wm. H.,prin High School, So P 8 Emma (Clapp), ho William H., Jr., pupil Charles C, pupil Ruth F., pupil Dorothy L., pupil Marjorie E. Thurston, Norman, stu, So P 8 Tolan, Dennis, far, So P 8 Charles, wk on pottery Jennie, nurse Turnbull, R. P., hotel bus, Pine P't Carrie N., ho Turner, S. A., can mkr, Pine P't Mary B. (Leavitt), ho Verba M., ho Cuba E., ho Lloyd A,, gen'l wk Josephine L., pupil Charles C, pupil Carrie R., pupil Rebecca S. Tripp, George H., teamster Abbie J, (Plummer), ho Wesley E. Evelyn L. 92 Scarboro, Maine Tripp, M. B., fish dlr,We8tb'k 1 Addie L. (Gray), ho Herman W. Sylvia M. Ernest G. Tripp, F. E., far, Westb'k 2 Cornelia E. (Gordon), ho Moses B., fish dlr Roscoe G., fish dlr Eliza M. (m Harmon), ho Martha R., student Tracy, Cornelia (Gordon), ho, Westbrook 1 *Frank, shoe oper, Lynn, Mass Tripp, Mammie E., ho. West Talbot, Erastus W.,far, West 1 Emma B. (Morse), ho George B., student Thurston, George B., car, West Sarah A. (Libby), ho Ada F. (m Higgins), bo *Edgar E., coal bus, Port *Leroy C, coal bus, Port Charles W., ptr Trites, Wm., fisher, Pine P't Thuotte, Jos., wool chopper, West Wilimena (Lemeaux), ho Elma, pupil Delia, pupil Amy, pupil Alice Eva Albert Wilfred Temm, John H., far, West 1 Hattie E. (Morgan), ho Clifford H., pupil Adelaide M., pupil Edwin C. Emily I. William S. Thurston, Sarah A., West I Tuttle, L, L., team and far, West 1 Luella B. (Rhodes), ho Thompson, Luella B. (Rhodes), ho. West 1 Edwin L., gen'l wk *Harry L., pupil, Port Thurston, James M., millman Thurston, Sophronia B., ho Thurston, O. C, car and far. West 1 Lydia D. (Taylor), ho Scarboro, Maine 93 Thurston, Roxie A., West 1 Tucker, James H., lab Laura A. (Woodman), ho James E., car Eliza W., waitress *Dermont F., car, Boston, Masi Annie L., ho Everett R., car ♦Edna M., shop wk, Port Elsie v., student Edward L., pupil Georgie E., pupil Carl W., pupil Gertrude E. u Urquhart, Harvey W., meat bus Sadie E. (Barnes), ho Gladys, pupil UUen, Nels, R. R. wk Elsie (Poolsen), ho John H., pupil *AgneB M., pupil, Deering Mina W. Clifford M. Edna E. Uhthoff, Georgianna (Dayley), ho, Westbrook 1 *Frederick, mer, Philippine Is Richard, gov't wk V Varney, Albert, section hand, West Annie G. (Tripp), ho Carroll E. F., pupil Orville L., pupil Zella V. Varney, W. H., clerg. West Emogene (Frederic), ho Pauline, pupil Clifford w Westman, A. J., R. R. ser, SoP 8 Lizzie L. (Bailey), ho Wright, A. E., flagman. So P 7 Lizzie S. (Plummer), ho James A. Williams, Thos., far, So P 7 Bell (Rogers), ho Winnifred, lab Albert, pupil u Scarboro, Maine Eliza, pupil Whitmore,Annie M. (CarUon), So P 8 Laura C. Wight, Geo. H., joiner, So P 8 Mary E. (Puggley), ho Grace J., student Walker, David, ex mer. So P 8 Addle H. (m Wentworth), ho Wentworth, Benj. F., phy, So P 8 Addie H. (Walker), ho Emma F., pupil F. Herbert, pupil Woodry, Sophia (Landary), ho, West 1 Walker, Chas. F., baggage master Henry S., pupil Helena G. (Peterson), ho Williams, William, retired Martha A. (Hindley), ho Mary A. (m Welch), ho Daniel F., lab *Jos., lab, Freeport Annie (m Lyons), ho *WilliamB H., car, Lisbon Falls Thomas F., far *P>ed, far, Brownfield AVoodward, D. M., far. So P 7 *Wm. W., clerk. Port Minnie P., ho Arthur F., pupil Vena, pupil Walker, F. S., station agent Pine P't Alice (Plummer), ho Grace M., pupil Dorothy C, pupil Florence M. Welch, J. P., fisher, Pine P't Mary A. (Williams), ho Willis, Mary A. (Williams), ho, Pine P't *Th08. F., fisher, Wells * Elizabeth (m Bracy), ho, Alfred * Alice M. (m Tibbotts), Alfred Williams, Daniel, fisher. Pine P't Ellen M. (Murphy), ho Mattie A. (m Staples), ho Nellie M., pupil Scarboro, Maine 95 Edna J., pupil Blanche E., pupil Annie M., pupil George E., pupil Woodman,P. E., mer, Pine P't Abbie L. (Webster), ho Woodman, Wra. F., mach, So P 7 Sarah (Cousins), ho ♦May D. (m Merrill), ho Kennebunk *Edith, teacher, Peublo, Col Percy E., grocer Ward, Alice J., (Walton), ho, 7 Port 7 *Win. S., upholsterer, Calais *Edith M. (m Rood), Westbrook Henry D., conductor *Inez R. (m Herbert), Westbrook Wibe, Hens P., far, So P 8 Maria P. (Carlson), ho Carl W., pupil Catherine I., pupil Herman H. Whitney, Eli, far, West 1 Sarah E. (Brown) *Fred E,, janitor. Port Watson, Thos., far. West 1 and family Ward, Onville, trackman. So P 8 Ervett L. (Larabee), ho Waterhouse, F. P., far. West 1 Florence A. (Fogg), ho Herbert S., far Everett S., real estate agt Leslie F., student Waterhouse, Elizabeth A., West 1 Waterhouse, Mary A. (Spear), ho. So P 8 Woods, Barney, far. So P 8 Walker, Mrs. Jae. (McElroy), So P 8 *Clara M., stenog, Saco Williams, Thos. L., cook. West Waterhouse, H. M., sta agt. West Susie M (Scammon), ho Harriets, (m Rockwood), ho Mabel S.(m Pillsbury),ho 96 Scarboro, Maine Waterhouse, Elbridge L., ptr, West Gussie J. (Banks), ho Gladys M., pupil Wentworth, Blanche M. (Berry), ho, West Georgia, pupil Wilcox, Robert, far. West 1 Young, Ervett L. (Larabee), So P8 Almon H., pupil LEJa13 i llll lllllilllllllllllllll lll lllllllllllll^^ mil] tMi''fy?'??r"f(1t?;«n(titi ilil I hi m\ mmf^ mmw^ mw^ Si II ,«^?^, •^ MHTCSiELI. ^ | iimi'miiiutti'imiUimu)nti lilllllllllll