# y F 461 .n622 Copy 1 FEB 2- 1900 PUBLICATIONS MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY, SAI^T LOUIS N^o. lY. cUIENDED CHARTER AND BY-LAWS. 18 80. MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY SAINT LOUIS. AMENDED CHARTER AND BY-LAWS. 1880 I'OUXDED A. D. 1866. ST. LOUIS: G. I. JONES & CO., PitiNiKRs. 1 8 S 0. ^'s^^ r^' THE MlSi^OlTRl HISTORICAL SOCIETY WAS CHAK- TERED A. D. 18f)6. r RESIDENTS: • Hon. JAME8 II. Lucas y; ; : ; : 18(56-1868 Nathan Rannev, Esq. 1869-1872 Hon. Albert Todd 1873-1874 John P.. Johnson, IVI.D. 1875-1876 Hon. James G. Bahhv 1877-1878 P. L. FOY, ESQ. . 1878-1880 Edwin IIariuson, Esq. 1880- C H A K T E K or THE MLSSOURI IILSTORICAL SOCIETY. ARTICLE I. TITLE — OBJECTS — MEANS. ^- Title. This corporation shall be called "Missouri Histori- cal Society." It shall be located in the city of St. Louis. It shall contuuie for three hundred years. It may acquire and hold property to the value of one million dollars. 2. Object.. It shall have for its objects to institute historical enquiry ,n all its branches, including archaeology and ethno- graphy, but especially in whatever relates to the State of Mis- soun a.u1 the Valley of the Mississippi; and to receive and CO lect the evidences and illustrations thereof, of every kind and nature, and the same arrange and preserve. _ 3. Means. As means to This end, the Society shall hold meet- ings, as provided by its By-Laws, for the discussion of subiects germane to this charter, and the consideration of any matter relative to its duties and interests; and take measures to pro- cure original papers on such subjects; and, as often as con- venient publish or cause to be published, its transactions, Pioceedmgs, and papers, or works, of historical, arch^ological and ethnographical value that may come under its control. ' It shall establish and maintain, in a safe depository, a perma- nent museum. X^l^ f ''""'' '^^'— P--lence, or .otherwise, in rela- tion with other societies in America, and elsewhere. (3) It sluiU take measures to perpetuate the meiuory of important events in American history, and to signalize recurring anniversa- ries, more esi)ecially such as relate to the Valley of the Missis- sippi. ARTICLE II. THE MUSEUM. 4. What It includes. Under the title, "Museum," shall be included the library, cabinets, archaeological and ethnographic collections, archives, manuscripts, and curiosities; in a word, the entire collection of objects, of whatever kind, belonging to the Society or deposited with it. 5. Limitations. All personal property falling to the Society, whether by gift or otherwise, shall be taken and held subject to the proviso and limitation that any object deemed or found to be worthless, or not within the purview of section 2, and exact duplicates, may be disposed of by exchange or otherwise, if so ordered at any meeting. The Society shall not accept on deposit, or loan, or as a gift, any object whatever, foiy whose loss or injury it may 1)ecome pecuniarily responsible. (i. Eeading-Boom. A reading-room may be established dis- connected witli the museum as such, as in this article defined. ARTICLE III. MEMBEKSIIIP. 7. Classes of Members. The Society shall be composed of associate members, corresponding, and honorary. Any person of good character may be admitted to membership. 8. Associate Members. The associate members shall constitute exclusively the managing body of the Society. "J. Non-resident Associate Members. Any person living outside the Cit.y of St. Louis may be elected to non-resident associate membership. Every associate member, not in arrears for dues, who removes from St. Louis may at his rccjuest be transfei-i'ed to the class of ('IIAHTFJ;. 5 non-resident {issociate.s without furthei- payments. Also, any non-resident of the city who shall further the aims of the society by original researches in matters pertaininii; to its objects or by arch^Bological explorations, and communicated to it, or by important contributions to its museum, in virtue thereof, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, may be elected a non-resident associate member, free from all pecuniary liabilit}^ to the society. Non-resident associate members shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of associate mem))ers at any meeting they attend. 10. Life Associate Members: Any associate member, on tlie payment of snch sum as shall be fixed by the By-Laws, may become an associate for life ; and thereafter, whilst retaining every right already possessed, he shall be exempt from further liability to the Society. Also, any person who has rendered, by a considerable bene- faction, or in other ways, really pecuniarily valuable, or signal, services to the Society, may be voted the honor of life member- ship on the joint recommendation of the Executive Committee and the Committee on Membership; and, in such case, the fact shall be stated in his diploma. 11. Honorarii Members. Any person may be elected an honor ary member on the like joint recommendation mentioned in the preceding section. 12. Permanent Members. Any member who shall pay into the Treasury the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, or donate real property of an equal value, shall become a Permanent Mem- ber, and his name shall be retained on the roll of members as long as the Society endures. 13. Corresponding Members. Any non-resident of St. Louis, known to have devoted himself to historical studies, or to such objects as this society is established to promote, may be elected a corresponding member for life. W. Election of Members. Every candidate for associate mem- bership shall be proposed in writing, referred to the Committee on Membership, and, on their report, ])alloted on at the next meeting; but if the candidate be proposed by the Committee '» tHAKTKH, theuisehes, the vote may be taken at the same sittiiiii. If there be three or more candidates for associate membership reported at the same time, the formality of a separate ballot on each may be dispensed with by unanimous consent. Correspondini; members shall be proposed by two members. No one shall become a member otherwise than as provided in this charter. 15. Diplomas. Diplomas of membership may be granted to life, honorary, corresponding, non-resident associate, and per- manent members, but not to associate members. ARTICLE IV. OKFICEKS. I (;. The ()Jfic(^r.s of the Sodctii shall be : A President ; Three Vice-Presidents ; Six Vice-Presidents of Honor: A Recording- Secretary, and an assistant if there be need: A Corresponding Secretary ; A Treasurer: / A Keeper of the Museum : The Chairman of each Standing Committee; each of whom shall hold office until his successor is duly chosen and qualified. The term of office shall begin at the stated meeting next fol- lowing the Annual. The President shall be elected biennially ; the Vice Presidents and the C'orresponding Secretary, annually. The Recording Secretary and his assistant, the Treasurer, and the Vice Presidents of Honor shall be appointed annually by the President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. Such Vice Presidents may be chosen in part or altogether from among non-resident associates and correspond- ing members. Vacancies happening in any elective office shall be filled for the unexpired term, unless for good cause, at the stated meeting next after the vacancv has been announced. CIIAKTEH. < All elections for otticers shall be by i^allot, and at a stated meeting. No person in arrears for dues shall hold office. 17. Offices consolidated. The offices of Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and other ministerial offices may be united in the same person ; also the office of Actuary may be created at a con- venient time, and those offices consolidated in the same; but in such case the Actuary (or whatever the title by which such offi- cer shall be designated) shall be chosen by the officers and the Executive Committee. 18. The President. The President shall be the executive offi- cer and head of the Society, and as such shall take precedence on all occasions. He shall appoint all committees, officers, agents, or employes, where there is no provision to the con- trary. He shall be ex officio a member of every committee. He shall take care that the rules are observed, the resolutions of the meetings carried into effect, and exercise such supervision and control over the Society, its officers and appointees, as the duties of his office may require. He may suspend any officer until the tirst stated meeting thereafter, when the matter with its reasons shall be reported to the Society for its decision. In case of doubt or dispute as to the proper person to perform any act in itself clearly lawful, he shall decide the question ; or, if need be, appoint some one to act until a stated meeting, or a meet- ing specially convened, shall decide what is proper in the premises. In all important matters the President shall consult the Executive Committee. 19. Vice Presidents. The Vice Presidents (in the order of their election) shall be clothed with the authority and perform the duties of the President in his absence ; in the absence of all four, the chairman of the Executive Committee shall be ex officio acting President. 20. Vice Presidents of Honor. Vice Presidents of Honor shall have the privilege, by courtesy, to preside at extra-urban meet- ings, the one residing in or nearest to the town in which the meeting is held taking precedence. 21. The Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall keep an exact record of the proceedings and transactions of 8 ( ilAK IMl: each meeliiiii', occasional as well as stated: and he shall have charge of the book containinii the same, and of the seal. He shall warn all inoetings. 22. Thr Correspondiutj Secrrt'iri/. Tlie ('orres[>on(linii; Secre- tary shall conduct the correspondence not otherwise provided for. He shall prepare and submit at the Annual Meetinir a yearly report. 2o. T/ii' Trciisiii'rr. The Treasurer shall collect the dues of members, and in no case shall he receive more than ten per cent for such service: also, other moneys when directed by the Ex- ecutive ("onnnittee: he shall deposit all such moneys without delay, with the chosen depository, in the name of the Society, to the credit of the Fund to which they belong-. He shall not draw out any money without the written consent of the F^xecutive Committee. 24. Th('. Keeper of the 3Iut<. There shall l)e tlie following stand- ing conunittees : An Executive Connnittee. A Committee on Publication and Library. A Committee on Membership. A Committee on Archaeology. Also, for the purpose of promoting more effi'ctually the objects of the charter, there may be organized, in the same manner as the committee on archfeology, other standing conunittees, if there be real need, each under an appropriate title indicative of its purpose, to which shall be assigned the especial charge of some particular subject not already provided for. There shall not be a si)ecial ('ommittee on any matter i>ertinent to a standinti committee. 2(!. Executive Committee. In order that the meetiiiiis may be free for the reading of papers, discussions, and the consid- eration of matters set forth in this charter, the executive business of the Society shall be placed under the care and management of an Executive Committee, consisting of three members, and one of the Vice Presidents selected by lot. They shall solicit and receive donations for the Society ; recommend plans for promoting its objects ; digest and prepare business requiring its action: authorize the disbursement and expenditure of unappropriated moneys in the treasury: control the fitting up of the museum, rooms, and building of the society, prescribe the regulations governing them, and exercise super- vision over them. They shall take care that the property of the society is preserved from waste, and properly applied. They shall have supervision over the finances, including the selection of a depository of the funds, which shall be one of the incor- porated banking institutions of the City of St. Louis. They shall have the exclusive charge and management of the Special Funds. No expenditure shall be made, or ordered, unless on their report; but, also, notwithstanding these provisions, the Com- mittee shall not authorize the disbursement of any money contrary to a decision of the Society. They shall have the right to displace the Keeper of the Museum and the Treasurer. 27. Committee on Publication. The Committee on Publication and Library shall consist of three members. They shall superintend the printing and distribution of all publications issued by authority of the Society, whether reprints or original papers ; and nothing shall be published without their approval ; they shall also exercise a general supervision over the library department of the Museum, subject to the provisions of the preceding section. 28. Committee on Membership. The Committee on Mem- oership shall consist of three members. All nominations for membership shall be referred to this committee : their report shall set forth the name and address in full of the proposed 10 CHAHTEl!. member; and, in the case of other tliau an associate member, the circumstances that justify an election. 29. Committee on Archceology. The Connnittee on Archae- ology, the scope of whose functions is indicated by their title, shall consist of three or more members. They shall have special charge, in so far forth as not limited by other provisions of this charter and the By-I.aws, of tlie archaeological cabinets and collections. 30. Hoiv Standing Committees are chosen. Previous to, or at, the stated meeting next after the Annual, the President shall nominate a member of each standing committee ; the person appointed shall choose a second member, and these two shall select the third ; and if the committee consist of a greater number, the three shall select the others ; their names shall be reported to the next stated meeting for record. Every committee shall organize by electing a chairman. ARTICLE VI. j MEiyriN(KS. 31. Stated Meetings. Stated meetings may be held at such times (except during the months of July and August) as shall be fixed by the By-Laws. Occasional meetings may be convened as provided by the By-Laws. 32. Annual Meeting. One of the stated meetings, as provided in the By-Laws, shall be designated the Annual Meeting, at which the election of officers, required by this chai-ter, shall be held, and the yearly reports given in. 33. Quorum. At least five members shall be necessary to con- stitute a (juorum for the transaction of business, except herein otherwise ])rovided ; and ten for the election of officers. AKTICLE VII. 34. Hon:) the Societij is maintained. The support and stal:>ility of the Society shall be maintaiued by the dues of its members. CHAKTER. 11 by subscriptions, gifts, and bequests, and any surplus that may be produced by the Endowment Fund, or otherwise. 35. Property vested in the Society as such. No one, in virtue of membership, or otherwise, shall have any individual interest in the property of the Society, or in its profits, earnings, income, or increase ; but the same are declared to be, and shall be, vested in the corporation as such, for the objects and purposes set forth in this charter; and the Society elects to adopt section 981, of Ar- ticle X., Chapter 21, Revised Statutes of Missouri of 1879, "Benevolent, Religious, Scientific, Educational, and Miscellane- ous Associations," by incorporating the same herein as follows : Sect. 981. Any association or society formed for educational purposes as classified in section 974, and as hereinafter limited, located in any city or town, may elect to provide in its articles of agreement, by incorijorating this section in such articles and in othei- respects conforming them thereto, that such corporation shall l)e, in all that relates to its property and all such it may acquire, a quasi trustee for the public, and as such may receive and take by deed or devise in its corporate capacity, any prop- erty, real and personal, in trust for the uses and purposes for which such corporation was formed, and execute any trust so created : Provided, That this section shall apply only, and it is hereby expressly limited, to such association or society as may be formed for the purpose of promoting historical studies or natural science, of establishing a museum, library, or an art gal- lery, such educational and scientific purposes being chiefiy for the advantage of the public where such corporation is located : and, provided furthermore, that no corporation in whose charter is incorporated this section shall be permitted to amend such charter or to take advantage or avail itself of any change in the general law, in such way as to affect this section, and such char- ter shall be taken as a perpetual contract between such corpora- tion and the public. It shall not be lawful for such corporation to create or con- tract any debt, or pecuniary obligation in the nature of a debt: and any attempt to create or contract any such debt or obliga- tion shall be ipso facto void. Nor shall any such corporation 12 CHAKTKI'v. niortga«e, or deed in trust, any of its property, or sell any such property, except by way of exchange for property of equal value, or for reinvestment. If any such corporation dissohe, its property shall be vested in the city or town in which such corporation is located, to be taken and held for the benefit of the people of such city or town, to the same purposes, uses, and trusts as such property was held by such corporation. Membership in such corporation shall be open to the public, under such reasonable rules and regulations as the corporation may prescribe in its by-laws. Every such corporation shall create and maintain an P^ndow- ment Fund, to remain perpetually intact, that means may thereby be provided for the stability and support of the corporation ; and to this end, all moneys voluntarily contributed as life member- ships, and by persons not residents of the locality where such corporation is located, who desire to be registered as members, and one-fourth of tlie current subscriptions from membership shali be set apart, until the moneys derived from these sources, together with such as lawfully come into such Endowment Fund from other sources, sMll amount in the aggregate to at least two hundred thousand dollars. Such Endowment Fund may be invested in bonds of the United States, or of this State, or of the city or county in which the corporation is located, or in loans secured by mortgage on im- proved real estate situated in this State, but shall not be invested in securities or stock of any private trading or manufacturing corporation, or of any railroad company, or on any personal security, and the principal thereof shall not l)e encroached upon or expended by such corporation for any purpose. The Museum, Gallery, and Cabinets of such corporation shall be open to the public of this State, under such reasonable regu- lations as may from time to time be prescribed, and the contents of such Museum, Gallery, or Cabinets, nor any portion thereof, shall not be loaned, or taken out for exhi1)ition or other purpose, on any pretext whatever. Any existing corporation formed for purposes within the pur CIIAKTKl.'. 13 view of this section (and wliose cliarter is in liannony tlierewitli) shall 1)0 empowered to adopt the same as an amendment to such charter under the provisions of section 975. 30. Separation of funds. The propert.v of the Society shall be divided into a General Fund and Special Funds. The General Fund shall comprise all property whose use or application is not limited, but which may be disposed of from time to time, as deemed advisable. The Special Funds, each to be desi^^'nated by its appropriate title, shall include all property whose use or application, or the income AVJiereof, by the provisions of this charter, or by the terms of its acquisition, or by other cause, is restricted to a special object or purpose. Such funds, so far as they consist of money, or its convertible representative, shall be deposited, or held separately from the General Fund. All initiation fees, and all moneys or property received for permanent membership, unless the same be limited otherAvise by the donor, shall form part of the Endowment Fund. 37. Assw-ance of good faith. The provisions of this article being intended, among other purposes, as an assurance of good faith on the part of the Society to all benefactors, the wilful violation of any such shall entail personal liability upon every person who is a party thereto, or who by liis vote sanctions such violation. ARTICLE VIII. MISCELLANEOUS. 38. Services Voluntary. The Society being a voluntary asso- ciation, no officer or member shall receive pay for his ordinary services as detined in this charter and in the By-LaAvs ; bnt com- pensation may be made to officers, agents, and employes, for extraordinary services, when such services have been previously ordered, and the compensation fixed by the Executive Committee, with the approval of the Society. 39. All bound by the Begulations . Every person admitted to membership, in virtue of such admission and as a condition 14 CHAIM'ER. thereof, shall be boimcl by this charter and the By-Laws made in pursuance thereof, as long as he remains a member. 40. Eespecting proceedings required to take place on a certain day. Elections, appointments, and other proceedings required to take place on a designated day, l)nt which, from any cause, do not take place, shall be in order at the adjourned meeting, if such be held, or at the stated meeting next following, or there- after, until the requirement is fulfilled. ARTICLK IX. AMENDMEN IS. 41 . No alteration shall be made in this charter unless the pro- posed amendment be submitted in writing, signed by at least three members, read and recorded in the proceedings, referred to the Executive Committee, reported back and voted on at a stated meeting thereafter, and adopted by the votes of at least ten associate members, such vote being by ayes and noes, and entered in the proceedings ; but in no event shall sections numbered five, thirty-five, and ^lirty-six be amended so as to impair or diminish their binding force as therein set forth. 42. Parties to this Charter. All persons who have paid their dues to the Missouri Historical Society, as shown by the Treas- urer's books, to the l)eginning of the year 1.S7V), and who have not since resigned, shall be parties to this charter; but none others. BY-LAWS. STATED MEETINGS. 43. Stated meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of every month, unless another regular recurring day be agreed upon. The order of proceedings shall be as follows : — 1. Reading the record of the proceedings at the previous meeting, which, when approved, shall be signed by the presiding officer and attested by the Secretary. 2. Report of the Recording Secretary and of the Correspond- ing Secretary. 3. Report of the Executive Committee. 4. Donations. 5. Written communications, and discussion thereon. 6. Verbal communications, and discussion thereon. 7. Report of Committee on Membership: ballot on candidates reported; proposals for membership. 8. Reports of other committees. 9. New business. 10. Adjournment. But if there be need, a special order may be prescribed for an extraordinary occasion. At the Annual Meeting, the reading of the yearl.y reports, the election of officers, and other things required to be done on that day, shall have precedence over all other business. All propositions, except to adjourn, shall be in writing, and signed; no report not in writing shall be received. The President shall call the meeting to order when the ap- pointed time arrives : if there be no officer present authorized, ex officio, to preside, the meeting shall come to order on a motion naming some associate member in attendance Chairman pro tern. (15) 16 BY-LAWS. Meetings, stated and occasional, may be lield in other places than the City of St. Lonis. HKLATING TO THE PRESIDENT. ii. The President may call occasional meetings at his own motion, and Avhen requested in writing by three members he shall call such meeting ; he shall prescribe tlie order of proceed- ings conformably to the object for which the meeting was con- vened; he shall preside at all meetings, rule points of order, give the casting vote, and, in the absence of the Recording Sec- retary and the Assistant, appoint a Secretary pro tern. KEEATlNCi TO THE KECOKDING SECRETARY. 45. Tlie Recording Secretary shall keep an exact record of the proceedings, reports not already recorded, and transactions at each sitting, whether stated meeting or occasional, to ])e written up before the next meeting. He shall attest, under seal, all formal instruments issued by the Society. / He shall receive and at once deliver to the Keeper of the Museum all papers read at the meetings, unless their disposal l)e otherwise ordered. All comuHinications (except such as rehite to matters pertain- ing exclusively to one of the standing committees) received by him in the interval from one stated meeting to another, he shall report at the tirst stated meeting thereafter, and at once deliver to the Keeper of the Museum; all communications made by him he shall copy in a book to be kept for that special purpose, and also report as aforesaid. He shall keep an alphabetical roll of all the members, their names and addresses in full, with the dates of their election, and the dates of resignations, removals from the city, expulsions, forfeitures of meml)ership, and deaths that may occur among them. The roll shall be revised by the Annual Meeting. On occasions when a larger (luorum than the ordinary is re- quired to determine the (luestion pending, he shall record the names of at least ten of the members present; when a vote is taken by ayes and noes he shall note the names of those that vote. He shall notify in writinii-, without delay, each person admitted to associate membership, of his election, and those who have made gifts to the Museum, of the proceedings thereon, including a copy of any resolution or vote passed relating thereto. He shall compile and keep a list of all historical, and other similar societies in America and elsewhere. He shall keep posted conspicuonsly in the room where the meetings are held, the names of the officers of the Society and " the Order of Proceedings." KELATIMr K) rilE ( OKHESPOXDING SECRETARY, -tC). The Corresponding Secretary shall transcribe, in a book to be kept for that purpose, all letters written by him, and report such correspondence at each meeting. He shall deliver to the Keeper of the Museum all letters he receives, immediatel}^ after he shall have reported them to the meeting. He shall notify corresponding members, and non-resident associate, of their election, and \'ice-Fresidents of Honor, of their appointment. He shall perform any other duties pertinent to his office reipiired of him !)y the Society. RE LATIN . Every nomination for membership shall be in writing, the name and address of the candidate given in full. Three negative ])allots shall defeat a nominee. C;-}. Each associate^nember shall pay an initiation fee, due on his election, of five dollars, and a yearly due of live dollars, pay- able on the first day of March ; provided that the annual due for any current year shall not be required (in addition to the initia- tion fee) of' those elected to membership after the month of May. The payment of the annual due shall be an absolute con- dition of membership (except in the case provided) . If any one shall fail to pay the initiation fee within three months'after his election, the election shall be null, and such failure shall be reported by the Treasurer to the Secretary for record. No name shall be entered on the list of members l)y the Secre- tary or Treasurer before the initiation fee and the annual due are paid. Any member not in arrears for dues (or by pacing such dues for the current year) may resign by notifying the Treasurer or the Secretary, in writing, of his resignation. CA. Non-resident associate members shall pay ten dollars once for all. 21 (>5. The fee for life membership shall be flxed at dollars. G6. Corresponding- Membership being a grade of honor, and a mark of appreciation on the part of the Society, the committee, as well as the proposers, shall be circumspect that the person nominated possesses the qualifications required by the charter, so that his election may take place only in virtue thereof; and furthermore, that the honor will be accepted. Corresponding- Membership being a free gift, those upon whom it is bestowed are exempt from all payments whatever ; but they are expected to contribute, at convenience, at least one paper relating to some object of the Society, to be read at a stated meeting. (i7. Honorary Members, hereafter elected, shall have all the rights and privileges of Associate Members, except to vote and to hold office ; they shall be exempt from pecuniary liability, but they will be under a constant invitation to serve and promote the interests of the Society in such ways, and by such means, material and intellectual and influential, as their inclination and convenience may enable and persuade. 68. Any life-long resident of Missouri wiio shall have attained to the seventieth year of his age, or thereabouts, on the recom- mendation of the Committee on Membership, may be elected an Associate Member for life, free from any payments whatever to the Society. RELATING TO THE MUSEUM. (ill. All books, specimens, and other objects in the Museum shall be classified and arranged ; letters, manuscripts, and pamphlets assorted and bound, as circumstances permit. Each object shall be numbered and catalogued, and, if a gift, the name of the giver inscribed conspicuously thereon. Cases, cabinets, and drawers shall be kept locked, and none inspected open unless in the presence of the Keeper of the Museum. 70. No manuscript intrusted to the Society confidentially shall be inspected Avithout the consent of the owner or his representa- tive, but kept in a sealed parcel if necessar}', under safe lock and 22 BY-LAWS. key, until such time as it can be placeil in the jieneral archives or surrendered to the owner. 71. One-fourtli at least of all the current revenue shall be de- voted to the increase and extension of the arcluTeolo,s2;ical and ethnoiiraphic departments of the Museum. In purchasing- objects for the Museum, regard shall be had, primarily, to their relation to the history, archaeology, formation, construction, and illustration of the Valley of the Mississippi. 72. Publications, books,' parcels, and all other objects destined for the Museum shall be addressed, "Missouri Historical So- ciety," and sent and delivered direct to the Keeper of the Museum. MI SC ELL AX EOF 8. 73. Any member may be expelled for cause at a stated meet- ini»- ; an appeal to the Executive Committee may be taken, and on their report the question of expulsion may be reconsidered and voted upon without any debate at the next stated meetins; the decision shall be finalj. 74. All money, books, ^japers, and property, of whatever kind, that shall come into the possession of any one in virtue of otticial position, or membership, shall belong; to the corporation, and shall not be held, or detained, under any pretext whatever, but duly accounted for or delivered, with reasonable diligence, to the person authorized to recei\e the same. 75. Sickness preventing attention to business, absence from the city, or the place where t!iv„ duty should be performed, or not being found after reasonable search made, or inability from any cause, shall constitute absence, within the meaning of the charter and of these By-Laws. 76. The Society may remove any ofllcer or member of a com- mittee at any stated meeting at which there is an election r* quorum present; provided written notice was given at a previous S^ stated meeting that a motion to remove such person would be P offered, and the person, if absent at the time, duly notified through the post-office by the Secretary. 77. No printed matter shall appear on the papers used for any BY-LAWS. 23 writiiis»',s or correspondence, except such as relates to the Society itself; nor shall any one use its imprint for his private purpose. 78. At the recommendation of the Executive Committee, but not otherwise, Honorable Mention may be conferred upon any one who has rendered important service to the Society. 79. When the question is put, all members present shall vote, unless excused. The presidino- officer shall not allow the time of the sitting- to be monopolized by any one member to the exclusion of others. AMENDMENTS. 80. The By-Laws may be amended (such amendment being- conformable to the charter, and not impairing or limiting any provision thereof, or enlarging its scope) in the manner follow- ing : The proposed amendment, signed by three members, shall be offered at a stated meeting, and referred to the Executive Committee, who shall report thereon, unless for good cause, at the next stated meeting. If the committee recommend the proposed amendment, it shall be read and voted on if there be an election quorum present ; the vote shall be taken by division if there be twenty or more members present, by ayes and noes if there be a less number in attendance. If the committee report against the proposition, its consideration shall be post- poned indefinitely. SYNOPSIS OF CHARTER AND BY-LAWS. Absence defiued, 75. Address of publications for Museum, 72. Amendments to Charter, 41; to By-Laws, 80. ANr{i VERS ARIES to be celebrated, .3. Annual Meeting, 32; order at, 43. Archaeology: an object of the Society, 2; funds devoted to, 71; com- mittee on. See Committees. Charter: how amended, 41; parties to, 42; binding on all, 39. Claims : how audited and paid, 57. Committees, Standing, 25; how chosen, ;>0; by-law governing, .53. on Archceology, 29; duties of, annual report, 61. Executive Committee: powers and duties, 26; by-laws relating to, 54 to 60; Chairman of, President when, 19; a privilege of, 78. on Membership, 28. on Publication, 27. new, may be organized, 25. Committees, Special, prohibited, 25. Correspondence with other Societies, 3. Debts prohibited: none can be contracted, 35. Diplomas of membership: who are entitled to them, 15. Discussions at meetings, 3; on papers, 43. Elections to be by ballot, 16 ; of members null, unless fees and dues are paid, 63. Endowment Fund. See Finances. Ethnography an object of the Society, 2. Events, important: the memory of to be perpetuated, 3. Executive Committee. See Committees. Expulsions. 73. Fees. See Finances. (25) 26 SYNOPSIS OF CllAKTEH AND BY-LAWS. Finances: how the Society is supported, 34; a trustee for the public; all its property contingently vested in the City of St. Louis ; debts and mortgages prohibited, 35. Gener-al and Special Funds, 36; funds, how deposited, 55. Endowment Fund to be created; one-fourth of current receipts placed to its credit, also fees of non-resident associate and life members, 35; also initiation fees and of permanent membership, 36; how deposited, 56; how invested, 35; by-law relating to, 56. Fees, initiation; annual dues, 63; life membership, 65; permanent membership, 12; non-resident associates, 64. Limitation ou purchases, 71. Income: oue-fourth to be applied to Archceology, 71. Bills audited and allowed, .57. Honorable Mention may be conferred, 78. Keeper of the Museum: how chosen, duties of, 24. Limitations on the acceptance of property, 5. Mail Matter: how addressed and delivered, 72. Meetings to be held, 3; how called, 21, 60. Annual meetings, 32; order at, 43. Occasional meetings, 31. Stated, meetings, 31; when held, order of proceedings, 43. Meetings may be held outside St. Louis, 43. Meetings: how opened, 43. Meetings may be called by the President, 44. Meetings: how notifieid, 60. Members present af'^meetings to vote, 79. Members : who are, under amended Charter, 42. Classes of members, 7; associate, 8; non-resident associate, 9; life associate, 10; septuagenarian life associate, 68; corresponding, 7, 13, 14, 66; honorary, 7, 11, 67; permanent, 12. Initiation fee and dues, 63, 64; of non-resident, 64; of life, 65; of permanent, 12. Members: how nominated, 62; how elected, 14. Resignations, 63. Members present required to vote, 79. Members bound by the regulations, 39; may be expelled, 73. Roll of members to be kept by Secretary, 44 ; and by Treasure)-, 48, Membership: open to the public, 35; nominations for, 28, 62. Diplomas: who are entitled to them, 15. Committee on. See Committees. Museum: to be established, 3: what it includes, 4; no object to be taken out, 35; limitations as to objects received, 5; limitations on pur- chases for, 71 ; additions to be reported at each meeting, 58, 61 ; specimens to be catalogued, and donors' names marked on them, SYNOPSIS OF CHARTP]K AND BY-LAWS. 27 69; Archaeological and HJthnographic departmeuts of, 71; confi- dential manuscripts, 70; open to public, 35; keeper of, 21. Objects of the Society, 2. Occasional meetixg.s. See Meetings. Office, term of, begins, 16. Offices consolidated, 17. Officers, 16; uames to be posted, 45; may be removed, 76. Order of proceedings at meetings, i:i. Papers, original, 3. Personal liability, 37. President: term of office begins, 16; duties and powers, 18; to open meetings, 43; duties at meetings, 44. Proceedings, order of, at stated meetings, 43; order to be posted in hall, 45; required to take place on a certain day, 40. Prohibition against using private printed matter on official papers, or the Society's imprint for private purposes, 77. Property to be accounted for, 74. Propositions to be in writing, 43. Publication, Committee on. See Committees. Quorum, 33; duties of Secretary in relation to, 45. Reading-Room, 6. Removal of officers, 76. Reports: monthly, 58, 69; annual, 59, 61. Secretary, Corresponding, how chosen, 16; duties of, 22, 46. Uecording, how chosen, 16; duties of, 21, 45; when absent. President aijpoints one pro tern, 44. Services voluntary; but may be remunerated, 38. Stated meetings. See Meetings. Treasurer: how chosen, 16; duties of, 23, 47 to 52. V'ACANCiES: how filled, 16. Vice-Presidents: how chosen, 16; duties and powers, 19. Vice-Presidents of Honor, 16, 20. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS III nil 014 572 784 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 572 784 4