D 570 .85 .N5 08 Copy 1 >ldiers of Osceola -in— The Great War of 1914-1918 Published by the Town of Osceola, New York The material in this pamphlet is based on the records given in discharge papers, in regimental histories, and upon the reminiscences of the soldiers themselves. The official War Department Records were not obtainable v/hen the pamphlet went to press. Names of places reported by the soldiers which could not be verified on Literary Digest map have been put in quotation marks. SOLDIERS OF OSCEOLA Lewis County, New York in the GREAT WAR OF 1914-1918 by V\ ILLIAM D. BARNES. HISTORIAN Town of Osceola Published by the Town of Osceola July 4. 1920 AOVANCS JO;jllNAL PRtNT TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA By Robert Bridges ^ ^ Q Brothers in blood! Tliey who this wrong ))egan ^ , * To wreck our commonwealth, will rue the day f^% When first they challenged freemen to the fray, [4 5 And with Briton dared the American. J' Now we are pledged to win the Rights of man; Labour and Justice now shall have their way, And in a League of Peace — God grant we may — Transform the earth, not patch up the old plan. THE ROLL Membei'.s of the United States Service Page 1. WILLIAM FESTUS ALOAN 4 2. FRED K. AMMANN .5 3. WALTER FRANK AMMANN 9 4. MERLE E. ANSON 10 5. ELMER EUGENE BARTLETT 10 6. JOHN EVERETT BARTLETT 11 7. WILLIAM THOMAS BRAZIL 11 8. BERT EDGAR COMINS 5 9. ALBERT EDWARD DOWNES 6 10. HAROLD ALFONZA DURGEE 8 11. CLARENCE CLEMENS DURST 7 12. JACOB JEROME 17 13. JOHN EDWARD MASTERSON 7 14. WESLEY SYLVESTER MASTERSON 13 15. MILDRED COWLES PERSONS 9 16. OREN HUTCHINSON PERSONS 13 17. JOSEPH HARRY QUINN, JR 14 18. KENNETH LEROY QUINN 14 19. THOMAS FRANCIS RILEY 18 2 0. GENEVIEVE ROWELL 15 21. HAROLD TANNER ROWELL 16 22. STANLEY WILLIAM ROWELL 12 23. CLAUDE JEFFERSON SHOREY 17 24. WALTER PETER SENIOR 16 Member of the British Service REUBEN JEROME 20 Members of Welfare Organizations 1. WILLIAM DELUGE BARNES 25 2. EIZABETH PERSONS 24 LIBRARY OF CONG«tSS i RECEIVED OCT 5 1922 DOCUMENTS DIV ii;. In the United States Service DIED IN THE SERVICE OF HIS COUNTRY January 11, 1918 William Festus Aloaii Mustered in September 28, 1917 Died January 11, 1918 Born September 14, 1888, in Redfield, Oswego County. New York, the son of Daniel Aloan and Annie (Woodmark) Aloan. Co. C, 20th Engineers. Aloan reported at Rome, New York, and was sent to Camp Dix for his preliminary training. While in camp he became sick with measles, but recovered just before Christmas. On January 4th, 191S, he sailed for France. Again he became ill, developing lobar pneu- monia. After a short illness and a gallant struggle, he died aboard ship on the 11th of January. His body was brought back to America and on February 21st, 1918, he was buried in the Osceola Cemetery. "What can 1 give, O soldier, leal and brave. Long as 1 live To pay the life you gave? What tithe or part Can I return to thee, O stricken heart. That thou shouldst break for me. The wind of Death For you hath slain life's flowers. It witliereth (God grant) All weeds in ours." 4 Fr<- Horn August 4. 1893. in Osreo- l.i. the foil of Cliarlps Ainniann Mill .Mii!;(l:ilciia (I'lliriclii Ani- iiunii. Aiiiiiiann enlisted a» Laiulsman 'u hlnl^■| Male lin.l f'lass at Syr- 1 'iise, Uer-eiulier I.'., llilT. On tlio 2iitli of the same month he was (ailed for a"tive service. He was tent to Pentaiola, I'Morida. After two weeks he received or- tiers to go 10 Norfolk Trainin.u; Station. Oil July Is^t, 19IS. he wa.s transferred to Philadel|)hia to overhaul motors. On August IG lie uent to New York to load aero- idanes aboard the U. S. S. Kana- wah, sailing with the shi|i on the 17ih of that month to Qiieens- iDWn. Ireland. He wap later trans- Icriel to Castlelottii where he wa.s engaged in the manufac- ture of gas for dirigibles and bal- loons. .\t this time his rating wa.s 'hanged to .Machinist .Mate 1st Class. On Decemlier i:Uh. 191S, he .sailed on the Leviathan for .America. (Joiiig to I'elliaiii Hay to await discharge, he was traiusferred lo Charlestowu. South Carolina, on February .'nh, 1919. and again transferred to Cajie .May. New .Jer- Hey. on February "lith. where he reiiaired motors and did aeroi)lane ruiird duty, occasiinally "taking a hop" in a "jdane." He received his dl.-charge on .\ugust 19. 1919. Perl Kilgar (oiiiins .Muttered in .liily ZS. 1917 .Mustered out July L'.'i. 1919 Horn June 11. lS9(i. in ramdeii. Oneida County, Now York, the fon of Uaniel S. Coiniiis and Ciiace iKiiinie) Coniitis. Co. n. 47lli Infantry. Itli nivision. Coniins enlisted at Syracuse. .New York, being mustered in the dnv of his enlistment. His training. Iiegun at the camp in Syracuse. w.i> • I nlintieil in Camp Cireene. .North Carolina, and cotnjdeled at l.i/..\ . ur-Ourc(|. France. Througliout tlie latter half of 1917 and uii lo .\pril. 191M, the training in the .\nierlcan cam|is continued, at which time his regiment embarked for France, l/anding in Hrest in .\!ay. 191s. he went with his organization to Lizy-mr-Oiircri. For two moiiihs the regiment reieived the hardest kind of i)reparalion and in the last of July was thrown against the (ierman line in the Battle of Sergy. Wlillc engagecl in this battle, on the :iiHh of July. 19IS, Coni- Ins rei-elved a "gun-.'-hot" wnund in the <-he3t, right side. For three months, he underwent treatment at the ".Mars-sur-Alice" Base Hospital, and near the end of October was enableany at Toul. .\fter the armistice, he was !-eni with the Army of Occupation Into (Jerinany and stationed at ".Nieiler .\denu" on the .\rc River. He Bert Edgar Comins reached there on December 2 9th. # Later on he was stationed at Re- magen. On March 10, 1919, his old wounds again caused him to go to the hospital at Nenalir. Af- ter a iiartia! recovery, lie went to Colilenz, where he hel|ied keep the American "Watch en the Rhine." Again troulded with tlie effects of his wounds, he returned to Ameri- ca as a casual. He went first to CamiJ Merritt, hut was soon trans- ferred to F"ort Ontario, New York. He received his discharge on July :ir,, 1919. Comin.':;' rank was that of a Ist Class Privale. The Ith Division in which Com- ins was placed during his service in the army wa.s cited li,v the Com- mander-in-Chief in General Or- ders 143, "G. H. Q.," for the .1 'hievements of the Americans in liie lind Marne Hattle; it was als'i cited in "G. O. 2HS, G. H. Q.," for the taking of the St. Mihiel Sali- ent, and in "G. O. 232, G. H. Q.." ft r the victor.v won in the Meuse- Argonne Offensive. The 4 7th Regiment was assigned the task of "mopping up" Hois-de-Chatelet; the 1st Battalion, in which Comins was, and the ord Battalion were put under the . commander of the 42nd Division and took part with the Rainbow Division in the offensive against Serg.v. These two liattalions finall.v took Sergy and held it until relieved by the o9th Infantry on .Tuly 31, 191S. Albeit Ktlwaid l)o\vnc> Mustered in December (i. 1917 Mustered out June 17, 1919 Born October 15, 1.S93, in Osce- ola, the son of JoseiVh Si)arrow Downes and Armenia (Clemens) Downes. Co. B, 2 3 Kngineers. Downes enlisted on December <;, 1917, and went to Camp Meade. .Maryland, where he remained one month in training prior to sailing tor France. He landed at Brest on February 7, 191 S, being sent from there to Saint-Xazaire where lie stayed two weeks. His re.gimeiu worked on highway construction at Nevers, building the road from Mens to "Issodum," the ini|iortaut aviation training {'eld. From May 7 to November 11 he was engaged in the Toul Sector. His regiment took part in the Saint Mihiel Drive from September 13-20, and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive from Septeml)er 26-October 16, 1918. For a time the 2?,ti1 Engineers served with ■■!.. R. R. R." at Abainville, south of Toul. Returning to Ameri- ca In June, 1919, he went to Camp Uevens, Ayer, Mass., and received his (llscliarge on June 17, 1919. CliiD-iii'i- Clrinfiis lliirst Mu.slereil in Augu.st i;r,, 1918 Mustored out June li, 1919 Morn Uecemlier 9, 189(;. in Os- I cola, the son of Elmer A. Durst ^incl .Mar.v Louii^e (Clemens) Hurst, Co. !•;. oliPth Inl'anlr.v, Tstli Di- \ ition. Reporting at I.owville. N. Y., on \uKust L'lUh. Durst went to Camp r.ordiin, CeorKia. lie was plai. he was transferred to the V. S. S. Utah. His ship was assigned the task of protecting Cnited States shipping Jcrliii liltlward Masterson and in the line of duty visited (jiiantanamo Hay, Cuba, Fort de I'^rance, Martinique, and other cit- ies on St. Thomas Island, and Cu- ba, iinally returning to New York on Aisri! 14, HUH. The Utah was then ai)])ointecl a radio static n to assist tlie transatlantic aeroplane tliaht undertalcen Ijy the United States Navy. The Utah was sta- tioned COO miles olf Greenland and remained at this post tor 1 S days. Masterson returned to Hamilton Roads, Va., on May 27th. ,'^la.ved tor a Sliort time at Annaii- olis then went back to Hamilton Roads again. He was then i-:ent to the Boston Navy Yard, and later transferred liack to New York, lie was discharged on August 2o, 1919. Masterson left the service with rank of 1st Class Seaman. ■ While on duty in the r.rooklyn \avy Yard, he was in the hospit- ;,l for live weeks with diphtheria. Harold Alfonza Diirjtw^ Muster^ in August 9, 1918 Mustered out Decemlier 2:1, 191S Born January 2t>, 1S97, in Or- well, Oswego County. New York, the son of James Durgee and Al- pharetta t Hilton) Durgee. He enlisted at Syracuse, New York, on May 28, 191S. On Au- gust 9th, he reported at the Iso- lation Camp, Pelham Day, New York. After 3 weelvs in medical quarantine, he was placed in the 1st Regiment of the Training Camp. After .J weeks he was transferred to the E.xtension Camp where the re.giments were await- ing assignments. Later, after the signing of the Armistice, he was returned again to tlie Main Train- in.g Camp trom which he received his discharge on iJecemher 2ord, 191S. Durgee was advanced to Class Seaman. 2ud WiiUci- l''riiiik Ainiiiaiiii Mustered in July 29, litis MiistcrPil out April liO, 1 !»! !i lti;rn liecemlier (i. ISiiG, in Os- c I'olii, tiie son of (•liurles Anunanii :iiiIHt tons cai acily wliich was eni;ased in transport service, • arryins aliout ri.ooo troops each lri|i. On the return voyage from I'rest of his :!rd trip, .\niniann devel- oped influenza. \vhi< h was followed liy pleural pneumonia. In spite of this serious illness, he remained with the ship and after the 'itli trip was released at lloliokeii. New Jersey. He received promotion to Hie rank of Yeoman :lrd Class, with du- ties in the executive olllce. MlldlC4| t'llWlt's, l*|-|-NII||s, .Mustered in Seiitemlier -d. 19 IS .Mustered out April 22. 1919 Horn .\|>ril 22, ISBti, in t'azenovia. .New York, tlie daughter of Reverend Slliu^i Kdward Persons and lOliitalietli (Cowles) Persons. .Vrmy NursiuR Trninins Cor|>s. .Mi.'s Persons entered the .Army Nursing TrainiuK Corps on the 20lh of Seiitemlier. 19 is, reporlinc al Camp Meade. Maryland. She lielonged to a lolloKe unit. She liosan lier work as \ Ulueliird." (as the nurses in training were railed liy the soldiers,) just as Hie inlliienza epidemic wius liroaklni: out in cami>. While cnrinj; for the sick, she loo acquired the inlluenxa and on Novemlier 2iid developed pneumonia. However, in spile of this illness, she remained at work In camp until .\prll '12. iai-a.avlien .she was discharged from the service. 9 Merle KiIiikuiiI Anson Mustered in Feliruary 22, 1918 Mustered out May 10, 1919 Born April 27, 1892, in Centre- ville. X. Y., the son of Spencer J. Anson and Priscilla L. (Donovan) Anson. Supply Co., lery. SOfith Field Artil- Anson lepurted at Lowville, Lewis County, New York, on Washington's Birthday, 1918, and was sent to Camp Devens, Ayer. Mass., for ijreliminary trainin'^. On April ISth, he wa.s sent to Cam|i Uiiton, Yaphank, Long Is- land, New York, and soon there- after was attached to the 30.')tii Field Artillery. Sailing from Ho- oken on April 22nd, he reached Brest on May 4th. His regiment went to Camp Desouge near Bor- deaux for final training. On Ju- ly Oth, the sooth started for the front reaching liacearat on July 111. On August ICth, the regiment moved to the Vesle Sector. At I'ismes the regiment suffered its hrst casualties. From August IS to September Hi the organization was engaged in the Oise-Aisne Offensive. After this date, the men were in the Argonne Drive until after the armistice when they were withdrawn to '•Vespell." Kmliarking from Brest, Anson reached Holio- ken on April 29, 1919, paraded with the 77th Division in New York City, and was discharged from Camp Ujjton on May 10, 1919. lOlniei- Kii^ieiie Biirtlett Mustered in May 25, 1918 Mustered out January 27, 1919 Born August 17, 1888. in Osce- ola, the son of William Bartlett and Mai'tha (Whitford) Bartlett. He reiiorted at Boonville, New York, on May 2.5th, and was sent to Cam]) Dix, New Jersey. He re- mained there six weeks. He was then transferred to Fort Niagara being assigned to the United States Guards, Co. C, 14th Batta- lion. He went from there with his organization to Curtis Bay, Maryland, to guard magazine.^ and ammunition plants. His last transfer was to Camp Meade from which he was discharged. While in camp he had influenza hut escaped without serious re- sults. 10 ■Iiiliii lOvci'i-ll lliirllrll Mustered in May 2.'.. l!ils Muster.-. I out Decemlipr IT. 1 !t 1 S Horn Septenilier 24. ISHd. in iisioola. the sun of William Harl- i.ll aiiil Manila I Wliill'ord I Itarl- l.'ii .\ricr licinit; niiistereii in at i'.iionvilk'. .New Yorl<. lie was sent 111 ('ani|i l)ix. New Jerse.v, for iiaininj;. lit- was a-signeil to ("o. II. lit' ilif llrd liiranlr.v Trainiii;; r.altalion. iie was later liaii.s- iiTred to Co. li or llie ;'.4.'i|li HoKi- iiient. sTtli Division. He hecame later a pari of llie permanent per- siinnel of liis former rnmpan.v, tlie I nil, later lieins transferred siic- I'ssivel.v lo tlie 12tli, and the 72d. .mil rinall.v into the 22nd t'o. cd' llie i;tli Trainiiis Hatlalioii, His ilisiliarKe raiiie iiii Decemlier IT, i:iis. lie had inlliienza and escaped, ^ his lirotlier did. without seri- is results. W illiain 'riioinii.s Itra/.il .Mustered in June 20, HUT Mustered out Septemher l:!, l!M!i Horn AuKUst 2.'>. IS'i:!, in Osre- ola, the son of .Miehael Urazil an ! Margaret iliormand) Itra/.il. Hrazil enlisted at I'tiea in Ihr .Marine t'orps on .liine i:'., HUT On the 20lh of the month, he re- ported for artive servire, joining the .Marines at IMiiladeljihia. I'a. lie remained there in trainiim uii til Septemlier 21. lillT. On thai date, he was sent to the Virsiii Is- lands, West Indies, for iliity witli the lleadi|uarlers Melarhment of the :'.rd .Marine Rei;iment. He was there avsiKiied to speriul duly remaining in that work for 2 1 months. On .lune :!. l!t|!i, he was feni to Charleslown. South ("ar" linn, where he remained for l«' weeks iinlil sent to .\nnapoli .Maryland, from which post he r. reived his diseharRe. While on sperial duly, he wa - sent to Haiti, I'lilia, and San Do mInKo. He had tropiral fever dur- lUK his stay in the West lndie.s. 11 Stanley William Itowell Mustered in Feliniary 22, lillS Mustered out May Id. Ifil9 Horn June 13, ISHl, in Elsin, Illinois, the son of Klliotl E. RowpII and Susie ( Swigglesun ) liowell. Battery B, lery. JD.'ith Field Artil- Rnwell retorted at Lowville, \. Y.. on February 22, 1918, go- ins to Camp Devens, Mass., where lip remained lor lour weaks. On viiril IS he was transl'erred to ''amp Upton, Yaphank, Long 1e- l;ind, N. Y., and soon alter a^sign- .■I (0 Battery B, of Ihe SOf.th I'ield Artillery. On April 2 2nd, he sailed on the Mongolia, one of the Northern Pacific Line, reach- in,g Brest en May 4th. His regi- ment wa.s Fent to Camp '•Oeyouge" lo ccmplete training. During this (raining period, while Rowell was Inadin.i^ a three-inch gun, a shell . x])lnded blowing the gun to I ieres, killing the gunner and No. I who iiuled the lanyard and wounding Rowell. This wound was on the hcnd and required infirmary treatment. This occurred on June 2lith. On July (!, the regiment moved to the Baccarat Sector reaching the front about July lu, where it received its first bainism of fire. On August l(i, the regiment moved to the Vesle Sector. Just after Rowell's battery had crossed a l)ridge over the Vesle River a German shell demolished the bridge. The regiment suffered its first casualties near P'ismes. A German spy had blocked the road with motor trucks and while (he men waited for the road to be clear- ed, a heavy Boche barra.ge began. Eight of the ten men in Rowell's gun crew were either killed or wounded. From a position north of Fismes, his regiment began a bombardment which lasted fourteen hours and hurled four thousand shells against the enemy. In the Oise-Aisne Offensive his regiment was actively engaged from August IS to September 16, 1918. Huzancy was still in flames from Ger- man torches as Rowell passed through. His regiment shelled Grand Pre. a fought incessantly in tiie Argonne Offensive and was near Sedan when the Armistice brought the order to "cease firing." It was then at Harricourt. Thanksgiving Day was spent in Arc-en-Bar- rois. O February 1, 1919, the regiment went to Malincourt where training was maintained. On April 1."., Rowell started for Brest, spending two weeks in Bordeau.x en route. He reached Hoboken, New Jersey, on April 29. 1919, and went to Camp Mills. After pa- rading in New York City with the 77th Divison, Rowell received his discharge on May lOlh, 1919. Rowell had the distinction of never going to a hospital all hough he was wounded, under fire frequently, and under gas attack. 12 Wl'-lcj S\h< — I<'l \l;l-li-|— oil Mustered in July 2'.',, 1!U7 Mustered out A|irll ::. l!il!i -'D lioiu AuKust Hi. ISfl."., in Utica. Oneida County. N. Y., the son of Jolin .MastPiKon and .Martlia (Wi- ley) .\Ia.menoii. Maslerson enlisted in Utii-i joiniuK ilie 1st Now York National tiuard Rewinient. This reginieni, the Till and KUh. were combined I'l riiiins tile I'lTlh I'. S. National Army, 2Tth Divi.sion. Masler.son ^^^^- |jo;;an irainiiiK in Van Courllandt ^^^V Park. .New York City. After live ^^^H| weelc.'i. he went to Camp Wads- ^^^^K, worth. .Spartanburg. .Suuih Caro- ^^^^V lina. where he a|:ent nine months ^^^^K ill further preparation. Although ^^^^K injury whiili kept ^^^^f '-*' jt'^^m '''"' ''"'^^ months in the hospital, ^^^V J'^'^K^k '"^ °^^"' '" f'anip Stuart. ^^^H JmJ^^^^^ Newport News. Va., for emliarka- ^^^^T „. > ^^^^^^^^^^H '^'^ ''^ '" Noy- ^^m J^^ri^^^^^^^^^H elles. ordered ^V ^M^^^^^^^^^^^^l to the ^■- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 and to • ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M\ tered the lines and henan trench lighting. Maslerson .served in the Supply Coiniiany as a part of the .Motor Traiisporl. As the 27lh was used as a Shock Division. beinK thrown ai the Ilindenburg Line at llellii'iiurt in Seiitember. at Saint Sonplet in October. Maslerson was frIi Harry Qiiinn, Jr. Mustered in July 21, 191S Mustered nut July fi, 1919 grass woven in the enemy. C(3 on June 29th. Returnin Dix and received his dischai I^orn August 2 6, 1S93, in Osce- ola, the son of Joseph Quinn and Ida May (Patterson) Quinn. Co. G, .59th Pioneer Infantry. Quinn re| orted at Lowville, N. Y.. .luly 21st, 1918, and was sent from there to Camp Uix, N. J. He trained there for a month be- ing atlached to Co. G, the .59th Pioneer Infantry, a Delaware regiment, assigned to "Engineer duty with combatant service when required." On August 31st the regiment boarded the Levi- athan in Hoboken, N. J. De- barking at Brest, camp was made in .'shelter tents at "Pontanezen." .'Vfter training at Foulain, the regiment moved to the 1st Ar- my Area with headquarters at Sorcy-sur-Meuse. Co. G, was sta- tioned at Raulecourt, Depart- ment Meuse, and assigned to camouflage work under the com- mand of .Major Pragdon of the 4()th Engineers, Camouflage Sec- tion. It was the task of the men to cover roads, hosiiitals, ammu- nition diimps, gun enplacements with screening made from swamp- chicken wire in order to conceal them from the eye of G. was at Trondes and Dijon, and sailed from Brest to Hoboken, Quinn was again sent to Camp e on July r,, 191 !>. Kenneth Ijcroy Qiiiiui Mustered in Fejjruary 23, 1918 Mustered out May 10, 1919 Born March 7, 1S95, in Osceola, the son of Joseph Quinn and Ida May (Patterson) Quinn. Battery B, 30r)th Artillery. Quinn re|)orted for duty at Lowville, N. Y., and was sent to Camp Devens, Ayer, Ma^s. He was talien sick with measles while there, going to the hospital. He was sent to Camp Upton and assigned to Battery B, SO.'ith Artillery. He had lioarded the steamer witli his battery at Hoboken, when he developed mumps. He was taken to Saint Francis Hospital, Jer^-ey City, on April 25th. After twenty- three days in the hospital he was transferred to Camp Merritt and assigned to the 194th Casual Co. He sailed with this company on 14 Iiiiio i: kiuding in Southuiuplon, i;iiKlaiiil. After seven days, his loniiiuny crossed the Channel and landed at Lellavre. lie rejoin- ed the :!Oriih ReKlnient at Cam|) liesoiiKe soon after. lie rejoin- with ills conipany until Oct. IH, ulion he contracted Inlliien/.a and was tent hack to the Ha.se Hos- pital at .Mesves. lie was not aide to rejoin his conipuny until after the signing of the Armis- ii(e. Qiiinn's Mattery was en- ^;aufil in the Oise-Aisne Offens- uc from .-\uKMst IS to Seiitem- I'r HI. l!iis, and in the ArKonne ' irfensive from Seplemlier liil to ' 'clolier 1. UU.S. It was also nwiKed in minor operations in lie llaccaral Sector from July ill til August 1. ItllS, and in the N'esle Sector from August 1 6 to \UKiisl IS, lillS. Quinn reach- d America on April 29th. 1919. and was discharged from Camp I'pton on May in, 1919. -, at the .Mesves Hospital Ceiilcv Uase Ti. France, slie remainc 1 in active serviie until .May. 1919 Returning to .America, she receiv ed her discharge in New YorU City, on May 30th, 1919. Walter J'eter Senior Mustered in July 22. 191S Mustered out Julv S;, 1!119 Born 1S9 7, Co. G, nUth Pioneer Infantry. Senior reported at Lowville, N. Y., on July 22, 191 cS, and was sent to Camp Dix. N. J. He received :i montli's preliminary training and was then attached to Co. G, of the ."i9th Pioneer ''Infantry. The regiment sailed on the Leviathan liir Bi-est on August 31. After more training at Foulain, the i-egiment moved to the 1st Ar- my Area, and Co. G was station- ed at Raulecourt. His companv was attached to the 40th Engi- neers and assigned to camouflage work. Beginning Feb. 24, 1919, his company was at Trondes en- gaged in demolition work. On March 2Sth, it moved to Dijon (Haute-Marne) and on June 29th sailed from Brest. From Hobo- ken, Senior was sent to Camp Di.v, N J , and on July Sth received his di-,charge. From Sept. 29th to 0( t 10th. 191S, he had been in the Verdun Sector, and from Oct. !"•> tn Nov, 11, 191,S, had a part in the great Meuse-.4rgonne Offens- ive. Haiold Taniiei- Itowcll Mustered in June 22, 1918 Mustered out .'\pril 27, 1919 Born August l.""!, 1X90, in Os- ceola, the son of Charles Freder- ick Rowell and Phoebette (Tan- ner) Rowell. Rowell enlisted at Spracuse. N. Y., on June 18. He reported for duty at Great Lakes, 111., on the 29th of the same month. He re- mained there in training for four months. On November 1, having passed an examination of the En- gineering School, he was assign- ed to the Naval .Auxiliary Reserve. He was sent to New York and de- tailed to special duty until Janu- ary, 1919, when he was transfer- red to special duty at Holioken, N. J. While in Camp he had in- fluenza twice and was operated on for appendicitis. He was re- leased from active service on Ai)r. 2 7th, 1919, while at work in Ho- boken. 16 ClaiKl)' .IcfVcrsiiii SlKircy .Mustfrod in June :!ii. I!il7 \|ii^;u.ri' I out Si'iH. i;, l!tl!l June 17, 1SS7, in Osceo- foii of Adelliert Mason und Viura ( IBullock i I turn l:i. ihi- rfliorey rfllOfOV. !MUn Co., 7ni Regiment. Init- t'U Slalus Marine Corps. Slioruy LMilisluil in llie .Marine (■nrps ia Koche.sier. .\. Y., on June 17. I!il7. On tlie MiMli of .lune. lie reporleil for service in l^liila- ilolpliia, I'a. .Mier llireo months training, lie' was as-siKnetl to the ssili Co. of the Isl Keginieni. While coifneclecl with this com- I an.v. lie was placed on guard du- i.v In the .\avy Yard. He wa.s iiiinsferred to Ihe J2nd Co. of ihe Isi Uei^iinent and went to Cu- 1.1 with the lOxpeditionary Korre. Nandiiig ai Qiiantananio May, he lereived eight months of intens- ive tr:iining. Iteing transferred Ml the ;iiitli Company of tlie 7tli Ite.^iment, he was stationed for three months at Santiago, Cuha. Wliilo serving in Cuba he liad ma- larial fever twice, lie returned to I'liiladelphia and on Kepleinher li, l!il!t, received his discharge. •lai'tili .li'i-oiiii' Mustered In .May ::.">, 1 !• 1 s Mustered out Se| temlier li, I !• 1 '.' florn Kelimaiy 1. I Sill in .\e.v York City, the son of .\'iia)iaiii Jerushewitz, and .\nna ilireeni Jerubhewitz. Jerome reperted for duty ai Camp Hix. N. .1., on the 2.'.tli m .May, litis. He lemaincl there in training until Oct. 22 of that year when he was ^^ent oversea.-^. He went as n casual. .\rrivinu at "Countre." Iran(e. lu v\ as mi- tached to Co. .\l, of the I tilth In- fantry. On Dec. liilth. he "ii- transferred from this or.:;ainz;i Hon to the Postal IC.\|.res- .-^eii- Ice and stationed ai liresi lie was appointed a courier ■arr.\- ing otilcial mail to the army headiiuarters located at Harl.\ llordeaiix. Tours, and varioi,.- oili- er cenlets in Kran;e ami Cer many. .Mustered out from I'aiii > DIx. N. J., Septeiulier t!, lUli". Thomas Fi-ancis Riley Mustered in February 22, 1918 Mustered out May 10, 1919 Uorn March 5, 1889, in Osce- ola, tlie son of Thomas and Katherlne (Maloney) Riley. liattery C, SOOth Artillery. Riley began service at Low- ville, N. Y., going to Camp Dev- ens, then to Camp Upton where he was assigned to Battery C, S05th -Vrtillery. He sailed from Hoboken on the Mongolia on Apr. illind, 1918, arriving at Brest on .May 4th. Finishing its training .it Detonge, the regiment moved to the Baccarat Sector, near Al- sace, on July 10th. Later his battery was engaged in the Vesle Sector. From .August IS to Septemlier 10 Battery C, with tlie rest of the regiment were engaged in the Oise-Aisne Ofl'ensive. From then on until November 11 the regiment was actively engaged in the .\rgonne. He sailed from Brest on April loth, reaching Holioken on April 29th, 1919. He was sent to Camp Mills and paraded with the 7 7th Division in New York City. On May 10th, 1919, he received his discharge papers. IS In the British Service 10 Reuben Jerome Mustered in December 17, 1914 Mustered out May 7, liiiy Horn Arril 11, 1S9S, in New York City, N. Y., tlie son ot Abra- liaiu Jenishewitz and Anna (Green) Jerushewitz. 7th Royal Irisli Fnsilliers; 7th Kings Own Irish Hussars: 13th Hussars; Prince of Wales Own Wiltshire Yeomanry; tith Wilt- sliive Infantry. Jerome enlisted in the British Army in Cardiff, Wales. He had ile-ided to enlist while in New Or- leans, U. S. A., sailing from there about Thanksgiving Day, 1914. He shiiMied on the "Baron Pol- worth," a vessel chartered by the liiilish Government for carrying su]]iilies, and set out for England together with forty other men re- luming for the puriiose of enlist- ment. While passing through the I'.ristol Channel, the "Baron Pol- worth" was chased by a submarine and escajied by zigzagging. Af- ter enlistment at Cardiff, he went to "Ormskirk" in Lancashire Co. for training. After a month, he was sent to Dieppe, France, and as- signed to the 7th Royal Irish Fusilliers. The regiment moved to Ab- beville for further training and then went to Hazeln'ouck where Je- rome had his first trench experience. On April 1st, 19115, he was sent to the Ypres front. His 'regiment was sent to supi)ort Princess Patricia's own Canadian Infantry as the German Army attempted to break through to Calais in the '2nd Battle of Ypres. The troops stay- ed in shell holes, and excavations hastily dug, surrounded hy mud, slush, and water. The Boche began a bombardment which lasted for f'Ve days usin.g every calibre of cannon and sendin,g over clouds of chlorine gas for the lirst time, follow. n', this by a mass troop-attack. Jerome was gassed and sent back to a. aosiiital at LeHavre. He re- mained there for seven weeks and then re,1oined his regiment .lust re- turning after a brief rest to tlie "Dickie-LUisch" Sector near Ypres. He went over the top with his regiment, whicli suffered lieavy cas- ualties and was compelled to return to its original position. On Sep- temlier 15, the Fusilliers went to Loos. It went over the top four times in sr.ccevsion suffering enormous losses. Jerome was now made a ritle grenadier. Once more the regiment was sent liack for rest and also to wait for reidacements. In February, 191(1, the regiment was recruited lo stren.glh, and moved to the Arnieutieres Sector. There Jerome had four months of trench life at Ploeg^teert where a series of night raids were undertaken. While l)ack at Sleenbeciiue for rest, he applied fcr transfer to the cavalry and was assigned to the 7th Kings Own Hussars, a reserve regiment. He was sent to "The Corrag'h." Ireland, a training ground about Dublin. I'''rom there he went to Bangelore, India, of final training. Completing this preparation he join General Townsenri's i'esopolamian Expedition, rail to Bomliay, Ijy boat lo Mohammerah at the head of the Persian Gulf where he .joined the 7th Hussars. Within two weeks he had contracted enteric fever and was ::o-it to Cairo, Egypt, for treatment ■2 30 miles from for four weeks was ordered to He traveled by ami recuperation. He sailed liac k lo 1,( iidon. H^ngland, Imt il was not until Decemlier. 1916, that he found complete recovery. When well once more he was assigned to the i:ith Hussars stationed ai AldeMhol. Kngland. Two weeks later he was sent to France to join the "Prince of Wales Own Wilt.'^hlre Yeomanry," Joining this caval- ry regiment on January S, 1917 at Hray-sur-Somme as the Somme Campaign drew to an end. During the German Somme retreat, the British Infantry was unalile to keep up with the enemy so that the cavalry were sent aliead to keep in contact with the withdrawing ar- my, .lerome was one of a force of cavalry cautfht in a siir|)ri!--e ma- chine-gun liarrage which resulted in the loss of a few men and most of the horses. When the horse replacements arrived, he was again sent forward on patrol duty passing through Peronne. Hussu, Tenipleux-la- Kosse. Ileudicourt, and Villers-Guislain, a point on the Hindenhur:; lAne. On .\i)ril 12, he was sent to Arras to take part in the Hritish Offensive which, however, a heavy (Jernian liarrage kei>t from ad- vancing. The cavalry then "trekked" to Dunkirk for coast patrol duly. .\fter seven weeks the regiment was dismounted and the men sent to Join the tith Wiltshire Infantry at Kemmel. On the 2nd of .lune, Jerome was made a light-machine-gunner using the Lewis gun. During the night of the lith of June he entered the trenches opposite Messines Ridge, in Helgium. At -1 a. m., June 7th, follow- ing the explosion of mines and the bomhardment of eight thousand pieces of artillery, Jeromes regiment went "over the top." The men advanut a short distance, however, because the gases liberat- ed by the mines were too deadly. Witnessing indiscrlbable carnage, the men were llnalty able to crawl ahead seven kilometers without meeting resistance and making their objective, l-^ive days after the explosion, the troops were relieved being sent back to "Spoilbank" on the Ypres-Comines Canal for an eight day rest. Again Jerome went over the top, this time in the "Hattle of the Ridges," in which "Opeck Wood" was captured. Kight days later after a short rest, the men entered the trenches at Zonnebeke at the foot of Passchen- daele Ridge. At terrific cost they took eight hundred yards. The men came back for rest to Lynde In October, remaining until No- vember ."ith when they were moved to the Cambrai Front. In the Hattle which followed the Hritish troops came within a kilometer of Camlirai but had to retreat due to the failure of reserves. While resting at Avricourt Wood, the Germans broke through at Gonnelie cai'turing thousands of men and six-inch guns. The I9lh Division, of which the lith Wiltshire was a unit, was rushed to ihis loint lo help repell this onslaught. They were able, nol only tn stop the German advance, but to release four thoiuaiid Hritish prisoners which the enemy had Just taken. In February, 1918, the troops came out at Ha|)lincourt. The 19th Division was now being train- ed as a "counter-attacking division." in anticipation of the central German attack on the Cambrai Front. On the unforgetable twenty- lirst of .March, the German lioinbardment began. .\n attact follow- ed which took the lirst and second lines of the Hritii-h at Rlliecourt. The 19th Division counter-attacked, and regained the lost lines, con- solidating the iKjsitions taken and preparing for their defense. At- tack followed attack causing great losses, Imt the Hritish held on. At one o'clock, on March 2Hrd, Jerome's company was resisting a German attack and expecting supports from the rear. Looking back, they saw, not the Hritish supports, but the field gray uniforms of the Germans approaching. Fighting the foe in front of them and behind them, Jerome's battalion was reduced from six hundred men to one hundred and fifteen. Still this little band resisted, throwing back three attacks from the rear and holding off the enemy in front. .\ iKimbardment of "H. E.s," "black shrapnel," machine-guns and ".Mlnnle-Wuerfers" added to the Inferno. And still the men re- sisted. They fought on until their guns became so hot that the shells Jammed, and swarms of Germans overwhelmed the defenseless men. .\ German olllcer held a smoking .Mauser revolver to Jerome's head and shouted In broken Kngllsh, "Get out: pick up the wound- ed; and go to the rear." For a night and a day, Jerome and his 21 fellow prisoners carried the wounded to the rear and gathered the dead. Just sixty men were left alive of the original six hundred in the Ijattalion. These sixty prisoners started for the rear. .More of them were killed by the long range British bomliardment as the,^ passed along. For four days they marched on without food save a little hardtack until they reached "Balenciennes" where they had soup. They with others were huddled into small box cars, fifty to a car. and carried to the prifon camp at Munster, Westphalia. After five weeks, they were moved to "Hagen-amlirock" to work in a stone qrarry. Within a week Jerome made an attempt to escape. He made a successful get-away from the prison, traveled to the Holland border only to fall into the hands cf a Trst-line sentry. He was re- turned to the quarry prison, subjected to severe punishment, and sent to the notorious Punishment War Camp at Gelsenkirchen, near Es- sen. Jerome was put to work in the coal mine. His treatment re- duced his weight from one hundred thirty-eight pounds to ninety- two. On July 2nd, he again tried to escape. He walked the entire distance to the Holland border having crossed the Rhine at night in a "borrowed boat." He passed safely the flrst-line sentry, but was detected and captured by the second line guard. He was returned to Gelsenkirchen and underwent the severest kind of punishment. He was placed in solitary confinement, fed on liread and water, giv- ^n bodily punishment, and threatened with death it he attemiUed another escai)e. He at once began planning for escape. By great sagacity he was enabled to get a map and a tiny compass. On Oc- tober 2nd he saw his chance for freedom. While his guard was passing through the steam frcm a coke oven, Jerome leaped down in- to a dumpcar below, raced to where shoes and the precious map and compass were hidden, and escaped from the prison gate l)y withdraw- ing the sentry to a pile of scrapped irrn wheelliarrows into which Jerome had thrown a piece of iron. This time his attempt was suc- cessful. He covered the three hundred miles to Denmark in ten days, having had nothing to eat Init a head of cabbage during that time. He crossed the border hiding in a hole under a load of stone-jars whicTi were on an open, tarpaulin-covered freight car. His condi- tion was so bad when he reached this neutral country, that he spent fourteen days in a hospital at Bossup before regaining his normal strength. Going to Copenhagen, he was met by the British Consul who accorded him every honor for his daring exploits in the British service. He left Copenhagen soon after November 11, 1918, going to Christiania, Norway, where he remained five days. He waited at Bergen for a s'hip crossing to England. Three weeks later, he cross- ed the North Sea to Aberdeen, Scotland, traveled to London, and reported to the War Ofllce. Again he received great honor from the British authorities. He was granted three months leave of absence and given a free railway warrant. He traveled through Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, everywhere enjoying the unstinted hospitali- ty of the government. On April 1st, 1919, he sailed for America landing in New York City, the city of his birth. On May 7th, 1919, came his discharge from the British Army when tie had already re- turned home to his family in Osceola- Jerome was gassed on April 5th, 1915, and on September 23rd, 1917. He was also wounded on January 4th, 1918. 22 In the Welfare Organizations Elizabeth Persons Entered the service November 1, 191 J Left tlie service December 22, 1919 Born Ncvemlier 4. 1S92, at Cazenovia, N. Y., tiie daugliter of reverend Silas Edward Persons and Elizal)eth (Cowles) Persons. Young Men's Christian Association, Wells College Unit. Miss Persons sailed from New York early in November being sent to France. She was stationed at Lamalou-Ies-Bains until May 1, 1919. After that date she was transferred to Issodun. At Bour- ges she was the only Y. M. C. A. worker in a camp of eight hun- dred men, members of the Postal E-xpress Service. Being trans- ferred from the work with the "Running Hounds," (as the men in the Postal Express Service were called,) she accepted a post in the "Y" Hut at the Bastille in Paris. Although located in the most danger- ous quarter of Paris, Miss Persons conducted work there until sail- ing for America. ed' Miss Persons has the fine distinction of having been twice for efficient and effective service rendered to the Army. 'cit- 24 Willltun IR-Iucf IbiriieM Entered the service November 1, 1917 Left the service .lime 1, 191 !i Horn April 28. 1885, In Brooitlyn. iN. Y.. the son ot William Deliiie Itarnes and Maliel (llardInK) Harnes. Young Men's Christian Association. Ftarnes liepnn work In the Y. M. C. .-\. at Camp Devens, .\yer. .Mass.. on November 1. 1917. lie was Religious Work Secretary of Hut 29 for three months, serving the men of the Headquarter- Trains. Later he was assigned to the department of Religious Work at the .\dminlstration Building where he was Assistant Director of Religlouii Work. Kor four months he was Camp Director of Re- ligious Work, leaving the War Work activities of the Y. M. C. A. on .lune 1. 1919. 25 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 845 593 6 #1