'iHkUktikJtfc&c* 1 . ■.■■■■■i-^^ l ^^ a y CM THE KELLOGG r . ■ P IfPi Hi < I \ 'ilHllfflHI n .r\7 f .'. fi'SHB » '^ ^ ^J 3pl^t#: FOR CUTTING LADIES' GARMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Mme. KELLOGG, Inventor and Patentee, BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN. Instruction Book entered according to Act of Congress, in the year [» by Mme. Kellogg, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. Persons infringing or copying in any manner the principles giv. n in this system or its appliances, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. A liberal reward will be paid for any information which will lead to the conviction of persons so infringing. SYSTEm PATENTED DECEmBEP, 21, 1880. DOUBLE ADJUSTABLE TRACING WHEEL, PATENTED JULY 18, 1882. ADJUSTABLE SQUARE, BIAS RULE, and YARD STICK, PATENTED DECEMBER 25, 18S3. Dealer in Dressmaker's and Tailor's Supplies and Paris fashions. ^£96-008047 ^T |ff >'MJL\J: L^^er^^ CZM> i ■-■ iliiliiiliiiiiimniniiii.iiiiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiiliiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiinili minim uniiniiiiii iiiimiliimiiiinii.. m mi HSlTHODUCTOHV. miiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii iiiiiiiniiiiiii iiiiiiiuimiiiiiimiiiiiimimiiiiiiii HE cutting and making of garments for gentle- men, have, for many years, been regulated by exact systems and mathematical laws, while the same work for ladies has almost entirely been done by charts and patterns, based on the idea that the only substantial difference in the bodies of women was in the " size." The radical difference between the two systems will become apparent on a moment's consideration. While the former is scientific, and founded on the adjustment of varying dimensions and measurements in one harmonious whole, the latter is subject to being constantly thrown " out of balance" by the change of a single dimension relatively to any or all of the rest. The inventor of the French Tailor System, after years of practice in dress-cutting by all the old methods, was forced to the conclusion that the " tailor's square " was the true basis of accurate work in the cutting of garments for ladies as well as for gentlemen, and accordingly has perfected a system by combining its use with graded scales, by means of which a perfect fit is assured at the hands of any intelligent dress-maker, and in the most expeditious manner. This system of cutting is as much superior to the "chart" method of dress-cutting as the work of the artistic tailor is to " ready-made " clothing. Indeed, the relation is very much the same, while the ratio of importance is vastly greater, inas- much as the variation in the female form has a much wider range, and the demands of fashion and good taste require a better fit in the garments of ladies than in those of gentlemen. A dress " well made " means something more than good sewing, fine stitching, or elaborate trimming. All these may exist, and a misfit will spoil the whole. In fact, no amount of good work will atone for this one defect. Hence no dress- maker, however perfect her taste and judgment in other re- spects, can give complete satisfaction unless her work is based on a correct system of cutting ; for herein lies the secret of success. In introducing the French Tailor System to the public, the inventor claims that it meets every demand for simplicity, accuracy, economy of time and material, and ease of compre- hension. It is adapted to all irregularities of form, and is unaffected by any change in fashion. It is therefore a means of saving time, labor, and money, — three points which en- title it to the careful consideration of all who would be suc- cessful in business. Those who have used this system are surprised to find in it such a combination of accuracy with simplicity, the idea being very prevalent that absolute ac- curacy requires a very complicated system of details, which is too true of many other systems of cutting ; but in this case, accuracy is secured by conforming to scientific principles, and these, when rightly applied, are exceedingly simple. The correctness of this proposition has been recognized by the United States Patent Commissioner, who has granted this system, and its application of principles, the full protec- tion of the law by Letters Patent, which can be seen at my office, bearing the seal of the United States Patent Office. In introducing this system, I ask no one to lay aside her former method unless satisfied that this is superior, and that change will prove a substantial benefit. I will be pleased to answer all inquiries, and remove all objections that may arise in the minds of any candid investigators with reference to this system. Treatise on garment- Gating. Few who call themselves cutters realize the true mean- ing of the word, especially with reference to the cutting and fitting of ladies' garments. The degree of tightness or loose- ness is no indication of the fit, as a lady may have a dress which is very snug, and another which is very loose, and yet both may be excellent fits. On the other hand, she may have a tight dress which is a misfit in every sense, while the same may be true of a loose dress. The art of dress-cutting and fitting, therefore, does not consist merely in regulating the tightness or looseness of a garment, nor even the relative length of waist, shoulder, or sleeve ; but in so cutting and combining the different parts that when made into a garment it shall conform to the shape of the person who is to wear it, whether loosely or otherwise, without wrinkles or the distortion of its various parts. That this requires talent of no mean order, any observing person must be ready to acknowledge, and any system of principles that will assist in perfecting such an art will be hailed with gladness by those who desire its development and cultivation. MEASUREMENTS. However perfect a system of cutting may be, its use can never produce uniformly successful results unless the cutter is uniform in taking measurements. Two cutters using the same system in the same establishment, will produce varying results if one takes loose measurements and the other draws the tape tightly. In this particular, more than any other branch of dress-making, the exercise of good judgment plays a leading part. The varying dimensions of the human form, the hardness or softness of the tissues, the character of the material to be used, and the purpose for which the garment is to be especially adapted, must all be carefully considered, and should enter into the calculations of the one who is to apply the tape line, before a figure is put down as the basis of the work. Unless this is done, success cannot be expected with any system of cutting, however excellent it may be. In regard to the claims of many of the so-called tailor systems, we will simply remark that any method which does not employ the tailor's square and scales cannot properly be called a tailor system. A plan of cutting by diagrams and pasteboard patterns is not and cannot be a tailor system, at least until tailors adopt such a method and throw away the square, which they are too wise to undertake in the pres- ent advanced state of their art. The Kellogg French Tailor System combines the use of the tailor's square with the graded scales, and the methods of drafting being the result of long study and experience, are fully protected by U. S. patents, and cannot be infringed upon without violation of law. On the following pages we give some of the points of su- periority which this system presents to the claim of dress- makers, and commend them to your careful attention. Yours truly, Mme. Kellogg. THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM. Directions for Taking JWcas- urement. fEASl kl Ml \ i S here given arc for a well-proportioned form, and used only as a guide for beginners. Bus) measurement, 36 inches. Chest measurement, 13^ inches. Length of waist in back, 16 inches. Under arm, 8 inches. Length of waist in front, 1 3 ' 4 inches. Width of back, 13 inches. Length of shoulder, 5 ' _• inches. Around the waist, 23J/; inches. Skirt measure, 40 inches. ARJVI MEASURE. From neck to shoulder, $}4 inches. From shoulder to elbow, 18^ inches. From elbow to wrist, 25^ inches. Around the arm between elbow and shoulder, iojj inches. Around the elbow when bent, 10 inches. Around wrist, 8 inches. 1. To obtain the bust measurement, place the tape line around the person close under the shoulder blades, and over the largest part of the bust. Take a snug but not tight meas- urement. Great care should be used in taking this measurement. If taken too tight, the whole waist will be too tight, if taken too loose, the garment will be too loose. 2. In taking the chest measurement, have the lady stand perfectly natural, then measure straight across the chest from armpit to arm- pit. 3. To obtain length of front, place tape line at point of neck and down to bottom of waist. 4. To obtain length of waist in the back, place tape line at prominent neck bone and to bottom of waist. (This is a measure that plays a very important part.) 5. Take under arm measurement by placing tape directly under the arm, bringing it straight to bottom of waist. This is one of the most important measures to be taken. If taken too long, it will cause the dress to wrinkle under the arm, and bring top of darts too high. 6. To take measurement for width of back, apply the tape line in the same manner as for the chest. 7. To obtain length of shoulder, place tape line on neck about the same hight as prominent neck bone, carrying a little back from top of shoulder. The length of shoulder can make or mar the beauty of a dress. 8. Take the waist measurement next to corset, around the smallest part of the waist. Take this measurement rather tight. 9. To obtain size of hips, measure around the hips about 7 inches below waist measurement. 10. To obtain length of sleeve, place tape line same as in taking the shoulder measurement. Take length of shoulder, from length of shoulder to elbow, and from elbow to wrist. To take measurement around the arm, close the hand and bend the arm. Take measure around arm between elbow and shoulder. Take this measurement as tight or loose as you wish the sleeve. Apply tape at elbow and wrist in same man- ner. If you wish the sleeve loose at wrist, take the measure over the hand. To take measurement for a Princess Polonaise, or a tight- fitting wrapper, take same measurements as for a basque, and the same rule will apply in taking measures for cloaks, except that the measures should be one or two sizes larger. In taking measures for a tight-fitting walking jacket, take same as for basque, excepting in the waist measure, which should be taken over the dress. In drafting, use one scale larger. If bust measure is 34, use 35 inches. To Take and Apply the Hip Meas- urement. Measure around the hips 7 inches below waist. Meas- ure each piece of the front and back draft, 7 inches below line G. If the pattern is not as large as the hip measure, add part of the surplus on line V, and the remaining part on lines T and W. The measure is necessary only in tight-fitting gar ments, where no plaits are used in the back. THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM. To Draft the Front of a Tight-fitting Basque. SEE DIAGRAM A. N drafting, we select scale by the bust measurement. (In this draft we use scale 36.) The top of scale is where bust measurement is printed. The side, numbering from 1 to 26, is used in laying out the waists and sleeves. The reverse side of scale, where a portion of the alphabet is printed, is used only in the back on line G, in obtaining space for center of back and waist measurement. In beginning to draft, have the corner of square to your left hand. To obtain lines E and F, place square one inch from front and top edges of paper, drawing line F, length of short arm of square, and line E, length of long arm_ of square, dotting on line E length of back of waist, 16 inches. To obtain line G, place corner of square at the 16-inch dot, keeping long arm of square on line E, and draw line G, dotting on line E length of under arm measurement, 8 inches. To obtain line H, place corner of square at the 8-inch dot on line E, keeping long arm of square on line E, and draw line H, dotting on line H half the width of chest measurement, 6^ inches. To obtain line I, place corner of square at the 6^-inch dot on line H, keeping short arm of square on line H, and draw line I. To obtain No. 11 for front of neck, place scale on line E with top of scale at line F, and dot at No. n. Place top of scale at No. n, and dot at No. 1. To obtain No. 8 for side of neck, place scale on line F with top of scale at line E, and dot at No. 8. Place of scale at No. 8, and dot at No. 3. To obtain No. 5, place scale on line I with top of scale at line F, and dot at No. 5. To obtain No. 3, place scale on line I with top of scale at line H, and dot at No. 3. To obtain No. 25, place scale on line H with top of scale at line E, and dot at No. 25. Place scale on line G with top of scale at line E, and dot at No. 25. To obtain line J, place corner of square at No. 25 on line G, and at No. 25 on line H, and draw line J. To ob- tain the curve portion of line K, place inside curve of short arm of square at top of line 1, with inside curve of lung arm of square at No. 3 on line I, and draw curve part of line K. To obtain line I, for neck, reverse square, placing inside of short arm of square at No. 1 1 on line E, with inside of long arm of square at No. 8, and draw line I, from No. 1 to No. 3. To obtain line M for shoulder, place point I) on dart rule at No. 3, with rule side of dart rule at No. 5 on line I, and draw length of shoulder required, 5 inches. (In this draft we are using 5 )', inches. We usually make front of shoulder from J^ to }l inches shorter than the back. ) Place top of scale at the 5-inch dot, and dot at No. 1. Place point R on dart rule midway on line M and No. 1, and draw sloping curve for shoulder. To finish line K, place B on dart rule at No. 3 on line I, with rounded or convex side at No. 1, and finish draw- ing line K. To obtain line X. place 19 on dart rule at the intersection of lines E and G, with rule side at No. 1, and draw line N. To obtain line for bottom of darts, place tape line at No. 1 on line N, and measure down on line N, length of front, 1 3 T + inches. Place corner of square at the 13^-inch dot and at bight of lines G and J, and draw line O. To obtain the length and top of darts, place scale on line E, with top of scale at line H, dotting on line E at No. 10. Place scale on line J, with top of scale at line H, dot- ting at No. 8 on line J. Place top of scale at No. 10 on line E, with end of scale at No. 8 on line J. dotting at Nos. 7 and 15. Place scale on line O, with top of scale at line E, dotting at Nos. 4, 9, n, and 16. To obtain lines P, Q, R, and S, place point D on dart rule at No. 7, with rule side of dart rule at No. 4 on line O, and draw line P. Reverse dart rule, and place point R at No. 7 and at No. 9, and draw line Q. Draw lines R and S in the same manner. To obtain line T, place 3 inches on dart rule at No. 25 on line H, and at No. 25 on line G, and draw curved line T. To obtain lower part of darts, dot midway on line G from lines R and S, placing cor- ner of square at this dot, keeping short arm of square on line G, and draw line U. Place scale on line U with top of scale at line G, and dot at No. 20. Place top of scale at No. 20 on line U, dotting at No. 3. Place corner of square at No. 16 on line O, and at No. 20 on line U, and draw line W. Place corner of square at No. 11 on line O, and at No. 3, and draw line X. Dot midway on line (1 from lines P and Q, placing corner of square at this dot, with short arm of square on line G, drawing line V. Place scale on line V, with top of scale at line G, dotting at No. 20. Place top of scale at No. 20, and dot at No. 1. Place top of scale at No. 20, and dot at Nos. 2 and 7. Place corner of square at No. 9 on line O and at No. 1, and draw line Y. Place corner of square at No. 4 on line O, and at No. 2, and draw line Z. Place corner of square at the ^J^-inch dot and at No. 7, and draw line N. To obtain hip curve, place top of scale at No. 20 on line U, keeping scale parallel with line G, and dot at No. 20. Place point R on dart rule at No. 25 on line G, with concave side of rule at No. 20, and draw line T. THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM. To Draft the Back of a Tight-fitting Basque. SEE DIAGRAJVI B. LACE square one inch from top and front edge of paper, drawing line F length of short arm of square, and line E length of long arm of square, dotting on line E length of back measurement, 16 inches. Place corner of square at the 16-inch dot, with long arm of square on line E, and draw line G, dotting on line E, length of under arm measurement, 8 inches. Place corner of square at the 8-inch dot, with long arm of square on line E, and draw line H, dotting on line H half the width of back measurement, dy 2 inches. Place corner of square at the 6 l / 2 -inch dot, keep- ing short arm of square on line H, and draw line I. Place scale on line E, with top of scale at line F, and dot at No. 3. Place scale on line F with top of scale at line E, and dot at No. 4. Place top of scale at No. 4, and dot at No. 2. Place scale on line E, with top of scale at line H, and dot at No. 10. Place scale on line I, with top of scale at line H, dotting at Nos. 4, 8, and 11. Place scale on line H, with top of scale at line E, and dot at No. 24. Reverse scale, placing scale on line G, with top of scale at line E, dotting at A, D, and at the waist measurement, 23^ inches. To obtain line J, place corner of square at the 23^2 scale, dot on line G, and at No. 24 on line H, and draw line J, length of under arm measure- ment, 8 inches. Place the inside curve on short arm of square at top of line J, with inside curve of long arm of square at No. 4 on line I, and draw curved part of line K. Place point D on dart rule at No. 3 on line E, with rule side at No. 2, and draw line L. Place point D on dart rule at No. 2, with rule side at No. 11 on line 1, and draw line M, 5'.. inches. Place B on dart rule at No. 4 on line 1, with rounded or convex part at 5^ inches, and finish line K. Place H on dart rule at letter A on line G, with rounding part to No. 10 on line E, and draw line N. Place A on dart rule at No. 8, with rounded part at letter 1) on line G, and draw line (). To obtain line 1', dot midway on line G from lines O and J. Dot midway on line K from lines and J. Place point D on dart rule at this dot on line K, with rule side at this dot on line ('». and draw line P. Line P may be drawn to or from line O, to change width of back. (See Diagram II.) Place 3 inches on dart rule at top of line J, with rule side at the intersection of lines J and G, and draw line Q. Place corner of square at the in- tersection of lines J and G, with short arm of square on line G, and draw line R. Place scale on line R, with top of scale at line G, and dot at No. 20. Place top of scale at No. 20, and dot at No. 4. Place point R on dart rule at intersection of lines J and G, with concave side to No. 4, and draw line Z. Place corner of square at intersection of lines G and P, with short arm of square on line (1, and draw line S. Place scale on line S with top of scale to line G, and dot at No. 20. Place top of scale at No. 20, and dot at No. 4. Place point D on dart at intersection of lines P and G, with rule side at No. 4, and draw line Y. Place top of scale at No. 20 on line S, and dot at No. 4. Place point R on dart rule at intersec- tion of lines P and G, and at No. 4, and draw line X. Place corner of square at intersection of lines O and G, and draw- line T. Place scale on line T, with top of scale at line G, and dot at No. 20. Place top of scale at No. 20 on line T, and dot at No. 4. Place corner of square at intersection of lines O and G and at No. 4, and draw line W. Place corner of square at intersection of lines N and G, with short arm of square on line G, and draw line U. Place scale on line U, with top of scale at line G, and dot at No. 20. Place top of scale at No. 20 on line U, and dot at No. 4. Place corner of square at intersection of lines N and G and at No. 4, and draw line V. Betjuare of Imitations. 'T'HE success which has everywhere attended the introduction of the ^? Kellogg French Tailor System, has induced unprincipled inn- is tators to offer to the public a variety of schemes for cutting ladies' garments, purporting to be tailor systems, and claiming to be sufficient to meet all the demands for first-class work. I deem it a duty not only to protect myself but the public from imposition by stating that any system of cutting by diagrams, either of cardboard, tin, or other metal, without the use of the tailor's square, is not a tailor system, and those who call it such are either ignorant or unprincipled. While we concede the right of everybody to use even a poor system of dress-cutting, if they choose, we do not wisli them to be imposed upon by imitations ; but would caution every lady to insist that any system offered her should do the work expeditiously, and without the necessity of refitting or re-basting, which the Kellogg French Tailor System is warranted to do, as attested by thousands of practical dress-makers who are using it with immense success, having discarded all other methods in its favor. We would also call attention to the importance at personal instruction in learning to use any system of cutting. The necessity of this is so appar- ent as to require no argument. All agents sent out by us are instructed to give close attention to this particular, and our patrons are hereby advised to insist upon receiving full and explicit directions, accompanied with actual working experiments on the different varieties of work. Seale-holdep. .JJaVERY person using the French Tailor System should have a scale- "*£ holder for keeping the scales in place, when you can instantly i select the scale you wish to cut by. This is a means of keeping the scales clean and smooth, and may be made by sewing two pieces of dress lining or muslin together, leaving a separate space for each scale. The scales should first be cut separate by cutting crosswise on the long black lines, the ends cut square. The size of scale-holder should be 15 inches wide at one end, and 6 inches at the other. Persons not caring to make one, can be supplied by us, at 50 cents e THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM, To Draft a Tightrfitting Sleeve by Aetual JVIeasurement. SEE DIAGRAM C. RAW line A length of long arm of square, and line B length of short arm of square. Place scale on line B, with top of scale at line A, dotting at Nos. 8 and 16. To obtain length of sleeve, place 5^ inches on tape line (this being the length of shoulder used in this draft) on line B, midway from Nos. 8 and 16, bringing tape line at line A, dotting at length of elbow measurement 18^ inches, and at length of wrist 25 y 2 inches. Place corner of square at the 18^-inch dot, keeping long arm of square on line A, and draw line C. Place square at the 25^-inch dot, and draw line D. Place scale on line A, with top of scale at line B, and dot at No. 11. Place scale on line C, with top of scale at line A, dotting at No. 4. Place scale on line D, with top of scale at line A, dotting at No. 2. Place point E on dart rule at No. n, with rounded or convex side at No. 8, and draw part of line E from No. 11 to No. 8. Reverse dart rule, placing letter A at No. 11, with convex side at No. 16, and draw line F. Place D on dart rule at No. 4 on line C, with rule side at No. 11, drawing upper part of line G. Reverse dart rule, placing R at No. 4, with concave side at No. 2, finishing line G. Place scale on line F, with top of scale at line A, dotting at No. 15 on line F. To obtain the size around the top of the sleeve, measure the arm scye of waist pattern, adding to the measurement two inches to give fulness for sleeve (in this draft we use 16 inches for sleeve). Measure with tape line from No. 15 on line F to No. 11, and from No. 11 to No. 8 on line E, and from No. 8 the length of line B, dotting on line t top of sleeve measurement, 16 inches. Measure with tape line on line C from line G, dotting on line C one half of elbow measurement, 5 inches. Measure on line D from line G, dotting on line D one half of wrist measurement, 4 inches. Place scale on line C, with top of scale at the 5-inch dot, dot- ting at No. 3. Place top of scale at the 5 -inch dot on line C, dotting at No 3. Place scale on line D, with top of scale at the 4-inch dot, dotting at No. 3 on scale side of the 4-inch dot. Place F on dart rule at No. 3 on line C, with convex side at No. 3 on line D, drawing lower part of line H. To give more fulness over the muscle of the arm, drop F on dart rule i l /z inches below line C. (See Diagram C.) Draw lower part of line I in the same manner. Place B on dart rule at No. 3, with convex side at No. 15, drawing upper part of line H. (In drawing upper part of lines H and I, B on dart rule may be moved above or below line C, to form a true curve.) Place B on dart rule at No. 3, with convex side at the 16-inch dot, and finish upper part of line I. Place scale on line H, with top of scale at line F, dotting at No. 2. Place scale on line I, with top of scale at line B, dotting at No. 6. Place point C on dart rule at No. 6 on line I, with convex side at No. 16 on line B, drawing part of line E. Finish line E with curve on square from Nos. 8 and 16. Place A on dart rule at No. 11, with convex side at No. 2, drawing running line. Measure with tape line from line G to line H, midway from lines C and F, placing the amount, 4^ inches, at line G, meas- uring across to line I, dotting at arm measurement, eleven inches. Dot midway from the 11 -inch dot to line T, placing the amount on the inside of line H. Place B on dart rule at No. 3 and at this dot, and draw part of line K. Place 3 inches on dart rule at No. 2, and at upper part of line K, and finish drawing line K. Draw line J in the same manner. P^ICE LtlST. One System Complete One System Complete, with instructions. . One Double Adjustable Tracing Wheel. . . One Measure Book One Best Sateen Tape Line Folding Square and Bias Rule, combined . Scale-holder $ 5 00 IO 00 75 5° 5° 2 OO 5° PARTS OF SYSTEfll, WHEN PURCHASED SEPARATELY. One Square $2 00 One Set of Scales 1 00 Dart and Sleeve Rule 1 00 Instruction Book 1 00 Any part of the System can be purchased separately. System complete consists of a Tailor's Wooden Square or Adjustable Square and Bias Rule, Ladies' Graded Bust Scales, Children's Graded Bust Scales, Tailor's Wooden Dart and Sleeve Rule, Tailor's Sateen Tape Line, and Illustrated Instruction Book. Systems can be sent to any part of the United States or Canada by ex- press, upon receipt of price. Double Adjustable Tracing Wheels can be sent by mail. TRimmED SUITS. Trimmed Polonaise $1 50 to $2 50 " Basques 1 00 ' ' Overskirts 1 00 ' ' Sacques 1 00 ' ' Wrappers 2 OO Elegant trimmed suits for display for children, misses, and ladies 5 00 12 00 DRESS~mA*r.ER'S SHEARS. Imported expressly for our trade, and warranted superior to any others manufactured. 2 00 2 50 2 00 5 00 6-inch shears $1 00 I 8-inch shears I 40 j 9-inch shears $2 00 10-inch shears 2 25 Remittances should be made by draft, post-office money-order, postal note, registered letter, or express. Goods will be sent C. O. D. by express, when desired. In ordering, be sure to give the name of the State in which you reside, name of town or post-office, and your own name, Miss or Mrs., in full, and plainly written. Address, MME. KELLOGG, Battle Creek, Mich -J r THE KI'.I.I.OGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM. HaH DIAGRAM Ho. 1. In making all drafts in this book, you are referred to diagrams A, B, and C for all lettered lines, if bothered in drafting. Diagram i is drafted the same as diagram A, except at No. 20 on line V. No. 1 is used to give more spring below waist line. DIAGRAM ]Mo. 2. Draft the same as diagram B, except on line I. No. 7 is used for line O. Higher or lower numbers on the scale may be used on line I to bring line O to or from line M, by carrying line near line M, giving the appearance of a longer waist. DIAGRAM No. 3. To draft a Jersey waist without darts, intended for a slim person only. It is drafted the same as diagram A, except on line O. Dot at Nos. 2 and 18. Place B on dart rule at No. 2, with convex side at line H, drawing lower part of line N. Dot midway from lines N and J on line G, drawing straight line from this dot, dotting No. 20 on this line. Dot No. 20 for hip curve, and No. n for line N. Place F on dart rule at No. 2 on line O, with convex side at No. 11. Finish drawing line N, dot at No. 1 from No. 11, and draw curved line with point D on dart rule. THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM!. I !;:!l'ii;.!:!?IIIlii 1 IJJilillSiKiBIi! N.8. K..3 Nalff DIAGRAM Ho. *. To draft a tight-fitting waist with one dart. Draft the same as diagram A, except on line G. Dot at No. 22, and on line O at Nos. 5 and 12. Dot at No. 9 for top of darts. Higher or lower darts may be had by dotting at higher or lower numbers. At No. 20 on line V dot at No. 1 for a stout person, and at No. 2 for a slim person, the same for the hip, giving as much spring as the person requires by dotting at higher or lower numbers. DIAGRAM Ho. 5. To draft the Worth dart. Draft the same as diagram A, except on line G. Dot at No. 2$, then place No. 16 on scale at No. 23, and dot at No. 25, and on line O dot at Nos. 4, 9, 1 1, and 23. Place corner of square at No. 25 on line G, at No. 25 on line H, and draw line J. length of under arm meas- urement 8 inches. Draw darts in same manner as diagram A. Draw line U, and from No. 20 on line U dot at No. 7 (for a slim person dot at No. 8 or 9 to take out surplus fulness), and at No. 6 for lines W and X. For hip curve dot from No. 7 at No. 23; if more spring is required for hip, dot at Nos. 24 or 25. This dart should never be used for a stout, short-waisted per- son. Diagram 8 should be used for such a form. DIAGRAM Ho- 6. For carrying the lower part of darts nearer the front place scale at No. 20 on line U, dotting at Nos. 2 and 4 for lines W and X ; and from No. 20 on line V dot at No. 2 for line Z. • THE KI-: !.!.< )GG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM. No.1 Ko1 DIAGRAM Ho. 7. For a fleshy person, draft same as Diagram A. except for line H. 1 >< > t at Nos. 2 and 4. and from No. 20 on line U dot at No. 2. For lines Y and Z dot at No. I, and for line N at No. 8 or 9. DIAGRAJVI jvlo. 8. To draft the French dart, draft the same as Diagram A, except on line ('■. 1 lot at No. 20. then place No. 16 on scale at No. 20 on line ( ), dotting at No. 25. ( >n line < ) dot at Nos. 4. i), 1 1 , and -o. From No. 20 on line I' dot at No. 6, and on ine V from No. 20 dot at No. 3, and at Ni for hip curve. D1AGRAJVT Ho. 9. I ms is drafted the same .1 - I liagram \. except for \Y, X. Y. /. and N. Place scale at No. ;o on line I", dotting at Nos. 3, 5. 7. 10, and 14. This diagram is to show where seams are allowed in using the double adjustable tracing wheel. It also shows the ' 4 inch from line N. for button holes. It also gives the narrow front. To obtain this, dot on line at 3, 8, 10, 15, and 25. THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM DIAG^AJVT Ho. 10. This is for a very large person. Draft the same as Diagram B, except that the space between lines O and Q should be divided into three parts, drawing both lines same as line P. with point D on dart rule. DIAG^AJW fJo. 11. n line G No. 24, same as on line H. Diagram jvlo. 24. A loose French back for a child, using on line G No. 24, same as on line H. See Diagram li for lines. Diagram fio. 25. Sack front for a child. Draftei same as Diagram A, without darts Diagram f«lo. 2G. Sack back for a child. Drafted same as Diagram B, except on line ('.. which should be dotted at No. 15 THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAll.oK SYSTEM. 13V 2 in Diagram Jio. 27. \ ( loak sleeve for a child. Draft same as Diagram C, except on line ] ). I Maw lines 1 1 and I to the wrist measurement. . Diagram f4o. 28. Draft the same as Diagram C, except mi line I. Dot at No. 7 in- stead of No. 6. This is to take all fulness or wrinkles out of the back of the sleeve. Diagram f half of the chest measurement, 7 inches. Place corner of square at the 7 inch dot, keeping short arm of square on line D, drawing line E. Place stale on line A with top of scale al line B, dotting at No. 9. Place top of scale ai No. n with scale across line I'., dotting at No. 1. Placi scale on line I! with top of scale at line A, dotting at No. 8. Place top of scale at No. 8 with scale across line D, dotting at No. 1. Place scale on line E with top of scale at line B, dotting al \>>. 4. Place scale on line E with top of scale at line D, dotting .1! No. 4. Place scale at line I) with tup of scale at line A, dotting at No. 25. Place scale on line (' with top of scale at line A, dotting at No. 25. Place corner of square at No. 25 on line (', with long arm of square at No. 25 (in line I i, drawing line I'. Place scale on line A with top of scale at line D, dotting at No. io. Place scale on line F with top of scale at line 1), dotting at No. 8. Place top of scale at No. 10 on line A, with No. 25 (on scale) at No. 8 on ine F, dotting at Nos. 7 and 15. Higher or lower darts may be obtained by dotting at higher or lower numbers on scale. Any style of darts may be made by using different numbers on scale. The spaces front line A to No. 5, from No. 10 to 12, from 17 to 25 MUST NEVER BE CHANGED. Place 19 on dart rule at intersection of lines A and (' with rule side to No. 1 at point of neck, and draw line K. Measure with tape line from No. 1 at top of line K.. down on line K, dotting at length of front measurement. 14 inches. (This added line may van- above or below line C.) Place corner of square at the 14- inch dot with short arm of square at intersection of lines C and F. drawing line Q. Place scale on line Q with top of scale at line A, dotting at Nos. 5, 10, 12 and 17. Place D on dart rule at No. 1, below line B, with rule side at No. 4, drawing line < '. length of shoulder, 5j4 inches. The shoulder on front draft must be one-half inch shorter than the back (in this draft the shoulder measurement is six inches). Place top of scale at the 5^2-inch dot with scale across line D, dotting at No. i. Reverse dart rule, placing R midway on line ('. and at No. 1, drawing line H. Place B on dart rule at No. 4 and at No. 1, draw- ing upper part of line I. Place curve in square at No. 4 with inside of short arm of square at No. 25, drawing under part of line I. Place inside of short arm of square at No. 1 at top of line K with inside of long arm of square at No. 1 at top of line G, drawing line J. Place D on dart rule at No. 7 with rule side at No. 5 on line Q, drawing line M. Reverse dart rule and draw line N from No. 7 to No. 10. Obtain lines and P in the same manner. Place 3 inches on dart rule at intersection of lines D and F with rule side at intersection of lines C and F, drawing line L. Dot on line C midway from Nos. 5 and 10, placing corner of square at this dot, keeping short arm of square on line C, drawing line R. Place scale on line R with top of scale at line C, dotting at No. 20. Dot at No. 1 on each side of line R opposite No. 20. Place top of scale at No. 20 with scale across line A, dotting at No. 9. (For a stout or slim person dot at higher or lower numbers, according to fulness desired.) Place corner of square at intersection of lines Q and A with long arm at No. 9, drawing line X. Place corner of square at No. 5 on line Q with long arm of square at No. 1, drawing line S. Draw lines T, U, Y, and W in the same manner. Place top of scale at No. 20 on line U, keeping scale parallel with line C, dotting at No. 20. Place R on dart rule at intersection of lines C and F with inside of dart rule at No. 20, drawing line V. Shape bottom of basque with dart rule. No.aj 20 THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM *No.4 Line B No. 1 1 No. 24 To Draft the Baek of a Tight-fitting Basque. SEE DIAGRflW 51. vjLACE square one inch from front and top edges of paper, drawing line B, length of short arm of square, and line A, length of waist, 16 inches. Place corner of square at the 1 6-inch dot, keeping long arm of square on line A, drawing line C, length of short arm of square, dotting on line A length of under arm measurement, 8 inches. Place corner of square at the 8-inch dot, keeping long arm of square on line A, drawing line D, dotting on line D half the width of back measurement, 6 inches. Place corner of square at the 6- inch dot, keeping short arm of square on line D, drawing line Place scale on line A with top of scale at line B, dotting at No. 2. Place scale on line B with top of scale at line A, dotting at No. 4. ' Place top of scale at No. 4 with scale across line D, dotting at No. 1. Place scale on line A with top of scale at intersection of lines A and D, dotting at No. 10. Place scale on line E, with top of scale at line D, dotting at Nos. 4, 6, and 11. Place scale on line D with top of scale at line A, dotting at No. 24. Reverse scale, placing scale on line C with top of scale at line A, dotting at A, E, and then at the waist measurement, 235^ inches. Place D on dart rule at No. 2 on line A, with rule side to No. 1, drawing line G. Place D on dart rule at No. 1, with rule side to No. 1 1 on line E, draw- ing line H, length of shoulder, 6 inches. Place B on dart rule at No. 4 on line E, drawing to length of shoulder the upper part of line I. Place corner of square at the 23^-inch dot on line C, and at No. 24 on line D, drawing line F, length of under arm measurement, 8 inches. Place curve on square at No. 4, with inside of short arm of square at top of line F, drawing under part of line I. Place corner of square at A on line C, and to No. 10 on line A, drawing line J. Place A on dart rule at No. 6 and to E on line C, drawing line K. (Any desired curve for back may be obtained by raising or lowering the dart rule on line K.) Dot on line C midway between lines K and F. Dot one third of the distance on line I from lines K and F. Place D on dart rule at this dot, with rule side to dot on line C, drawing line L. (Line L may be drawn to or from line K, as desired.) Place 3 inches on dart rule at top of line F, with rule side at intersection of lines C and F, draw- ing line M. To obtain lower part of basque, dot on line C, midway from lines J and K, placing corner of square at this dot, with short arm on line C, drawing line N. Place scale on line N with top of scale at line C, dotting at No. 20. Measure the distance on line C from lines J and K, placing the amount thus obtained, i)4 inches, on each side of line N, opposite No. 20. Place corner of square at intersections of lines C and J with long arm of square at dot \]/ 2 inches, draw- ing line O ; from line K to the 1 'i-inch dot, drawing line P. Dot midway on line C from lines K and L, placing corner of square at this dot with short arm on line C, drawing line Q. Place scale on line Q with top of scale at line C, dotting at No. 20. Measure the distance on line C from lines K and L, placing the amount, 2 :/s inches, on each side of line Q oppo- site No. 20. Place corner of square at intersection of lines C and K with long arm at the 2 3, 6 -inch dot, drawing line R. Place R on dart rule at the intersection of lines G and L and at the 2^-inch dot, drawing line S. Dot midway on line C from lines L and F, placing corner of square at this dot, with short arm on line C, drawing line T. Place scale on line T with top of scale at line C, dotting at No. 20. Measure the distance on line C from lines L and F, placing the amount, 2j4 inches, on each side of line T, opposite No. 20. (The distance in these measurements will vary according to draft.) Place D on dart rule at intersection of lines C and L and at the 2^-inch dot, drawing line U. Place R on dart rule at inter- section of lines C and F and at the 2^3-inch dot, drawing line V. In cutting out the pattern, cut through lines P and K, U and L, which will destroy lines R and S. Pin a piece of paper on line C from lines K and L, drawing lines R and S, same as before cutting out. 21 THE KiaLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM. No. 8 Une B No. 4 Line B Rule for Drafting Back of a Dolman. SEE DIAGRAM It. ngofl the back of a dolman, proceed in same manner as fi.r back of a basque, except in getting width of back. Place tc.p «>f and dot at numbers 2 ami 9. Rule for Drafting Sleeve of a Dolman. N... 19 No. 6 "NV..6 No. 12 SEE DIAGRAM M"- |\RAW line A length of long arm of square, and line B length of short »H arm of square. Place top of scale at the corner of lines A and I? on *G A, and clot at numbers 12 and 23 Place top of scale at number 23 on line A, and dot at numbers 12 and 23. Place corner of square at number 12 and line A, keeping short arm of square on line A, and draw line C. Place corner of square at number 23, with short arm on line A, and draw line D. Place top of scale at corner of lines A and P>, on line B, and dot at numbers II and 19. Place top of scale at number 19 on line B, and dot at numbers 6 and 9. Place corner of square at number 19, and short arm on line B, and draw line E. Place top of scale at number 11 on line B, and dot at number 2. Place top of scale at num- ber 6 on line B, and dot at number 2. Place top of scale at number 9 on line B, and dot at number 6. Place top of scale at number 12 on line A, and dot at number 4 on line C. Place top of scale at number 23, and dot at number 1 on line D. Place top of scale at the corner of lines C and E, and dot at number 12. Place top of scale at corner of lines D and E, and dot at number 23. Place top of scale at number 23, and dot at 6 and 12. Place top of scale at number 6 on line D, and dot at number I. Shape sleeve with dart rule. Rule for Drafting a Dolman. SEE DIAGRAM K- r , rife AY off upper part of dolman same as for a basque. Shape neck, |y shoulder, and arm scye same as for a basque. Place top of scale ■^ at the 16-inch dot, at corner of lines A and C, on line C, and dot at numbers 7 and 16. Place top of scale at number 16 on line C, and dot at number 17. Place top of scale at number 17 on line C, and dot at num- bers 12 and 21. Place corner of square at number 1 5, keeping short arm of square on line C, and draw line F. Draw lines G and H in same manner. Place top of scale at number 7 on line C, and dot down num- ber 7. Place top of scale at number 16, and dot at number 13 on line F. Place top of scale at number 17, and dot at number 16 on line G. Place top of scale at number 12 on line C, and dot at number 5. Place top of scale at number 21, and dot at numbers 4, 8, and 19 on line H. Place top of scale at number 19 on line H, and dot at number 13. Draw curves with dart rule. Use double adjustable tracing wheel to transfer the under arm-piece on a separate paper. 22 THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM. Wag 16 "M. To Draft an Extra Front Dart. SEE DIAGRRm 53. Diagram 53 may be drawn same as Diagram 5, except on line D. Dot at Nos. 23 and 25, and on line C. After placing No. 16 at No. 23, dot at No. 20 and 25. When dotting at No. 7 for line T, dot at No. 14 for lines W and X. To Draft a Sleeve uiith One Seam. SEE DIAGRAM 54. Measure and draw upper part and line I, same as Diagram 56. Dot on line D the elbow measurement, 10 inches, and at half of the elbow measurement, 5 inches, dotting at No. 3 from the 5-inch dot. Dot at No. 14 on line C from line D, and at No. 6 from No. 14. Draw line E by placing three inches on square at No. 26, with inside of square at No. 4, on line D. Dot on line E from line I the wrist measurement, 8 inches. Draw line K by placing K on dart rule at No. 3 and at No. 6, drawing line L by placing D on dart rule at No. 6, and at the 8-inch dot. To Draft a Lieg of mutton Sleeve. SEE DIAGRAf/1 55. To draft Diagram 55, draw lines A and B, dotting on line B Nos. 9 and 25. Place top of scale at dot 25, and dot at Nos. 6 and 2^. Draw line C from No. 23, dotting on line C No. 23, and on line A No. 20. To obtain line D, measure the inside of the arm, and apply this measurement from No. 20 on line A, dotting at arm measurement 18 inches. Dot on line D from line A No. 11. Dot on line D from No. n measurement of wrist, 8 inches. Place D on dart rule at No. 23 and at the 8-inch dot on line D, and draw line H. Place R on dart rule at No. 20 and at No. 11, and draw line G. Place E on dart rule at No. 23 and at No. 6, and draw line F. Dot on line F from line B No. 13. Place C on dart rule at Nos. 13 and 25, and draw part of line E. Place E on dart rule at No. 20 and at No. 9, and draw part of line E. The upper part of line E may be drawn higher or lower, accord ing to style. 23 Till-; KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM!. To Draft a Bell Sleeve.— See Diagram No. 56. Draw lini B, Jutting at N'o. n on line A, and Nos. 8 and 16 on line B. Measure for length of arm same as fur Diagram C, drawing ami D, dolling on line 1 >, No. 7. Draw line H same as line G on Diagram C, finishing ihe upper pan ol sleeve same as Diagram C. l'lace scale at the 1 ch dol on line P>, ;.nd dot at No. 13, drawing line E from No. 13. Dot at No. 1 1 on line E and No. 7 on line D, drawing line I same as line 11. Dot at No. 6 from ihe 16-inch dot, and draw line F 0. 11 to No. 6, same as Diagram C. Draw line J midway on line I 1. .1 ni ting at No. 17 "ii line J. and at No. y on each side of No. 17, and draw lines K. ami 1. with inside curve of dart rule. Bottom <>f sleeve may be drawn in any style bj using different Nos. on scale. To Draft the Front of Cape- — See Diagram No. 57. Draw the upper and front part same as Diagram A. On line C dot at No. 14 from line A, placing 1) on dart rule at point of shoulder, and it No. 14 on line C, and draw line I. No. 8 LINE B. No.3 ^siWE^ z 2 As ^ -<>* Z in jr n IZ m To Draft the Back and Sleeve of Cape. — See Diagram No- 58. Draw the back same as Diagram B. Dot on scale al A ami G on line C. To obtain fullness for cape, measure the lady at the bottom of waist over the arms. This measurement being 46, we measure at one 1 alf on line C by measuring the distance from line A lo line I on line C on Diagram No. 57. Placing the amount, 5 inches, at letter A on line C, dot at No. 9 on line I from line II. On line I! from line E dot at Nos. 7 and 14, and at No. 6 from Nos. 7 and 14. Place E on dart rule at No. 6 on line I and at No. 11 on line E, and draw part of line K. Form rounding curve from No. II to Nos. 6 and 6. Place E on dart rule at No. 6 and at No. 23, and draw line K. Measure line K from No. 6, nearest line E to No. 26, dotting at 14 inches, drawing line J from letter G to the 14 inch dot. 00 LINED. To Draft a Collar for a Coat.— See Diagram 59. Draw lines A and B, dotting on line A 9 inches, and at Nos. 15 and Iy; and on line B from line A Nos. 3 and 5, and from Nos. 15 and iy Nos. 6 and 5. Dot from 9-inch dot, No. 4. To draw line C, place D on dart rule at the y inch dot, and at No. 5 on line B. To draw line D, place D on dart rule at No. 6 and No. 3. To draw line E, place D on dart rule at Nos. 6 and 4. To Draft a Standing Collar.— See Diagram 60. Measure on line A the length of collar desired, placing D on dart rule at 2-inch dot, keeping top of dart rale straight on line A, and draw line C length of collar. Draw line B in the same inann r. Cuffs may al lie drawn by this same principle. Diagram 67. m LINE C — - LINE A. No. 15 no. 19 24 THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM. Hints for Basting. N placing the lining on the dress goods, be sure the threads on the lining at bottom of waist run parallel with the threads in the dress goods. Pin the lining firmly. Do not put your poor help at basting. This, above all work, should be the most carefully done. We consider a dress well cut and basted as being half made. Use if possi- ble thin whale bone, having them shaved thin at the top. The modiste should use her greatest skill in making up a defi- cient figure. Much padding is often required, and should be so arranged as to look perfectly natural and not inconvenience the wearer. No dress should go from the hands of a skillful dress-maker without an inside belt firmly secured to the back seams. This will prevent the waist from becoming twisted and working upward from the bottom of the waist. To pre- vent the dress from wrinkling over the point of bust, you should full the lining slightly on line K. Always cut out the darts, and commence at the top of darts in basting. The Worth and French dart is especially adapted for fleshy persons, as it prevents any fulness around the arm scye. French dress-makers use this dart for all figures. It cannot be used for an extended garment except where dra- pery is used, as it gives too much fulness below the waist. To prevent the darts' bulging at top, before placing lining on dress goods, draw the top of darts together in the lining, tak- out about one-fourth of an inch. In cutting a polonaise, which is draped high over the hips, join the side body to the front at about five inches from bottom of waist, and for a pelisse or wrapper, join at 7 inches from bottom of waist. See Diagram F. In drafting for a polonaise, to prevent too much fulness in front, lap one side of the lining at bottom of the dart over the other side all you can, without drawing the upper part of the waist. Use plaits in the back. If you wish plaits to come below the waist line, cut as for a plain basque, placing the plaits where desired. In using the French Tailor System, no scams are al- lowed, as we draft from actual measurement, and all seams must ee allowed except in neck and arm scye. All using this only perfect system of dress-cutting should use in con- nection one of our double adjustable tracing wheels, as you can trace the seams for cutting and basting at the same time, thus giving a uniform width of welts, which in basting is in- valuable. New diagrams will appear as often as fashion demands. In order that all who use the French Tailor System may have all possible advantages given with the system, you should write us at least once each month, so that we may furnish you free with latest diagrams. These should be pasted in your instruction book for reference. 2 5 THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOK SYSTEM Diagram 17. English Walking Jacket. Diagram 18. Diagram 19. Child's Polonaise. 26 THE KELLOGG FRENCH TAILOR SYSTEM. FOLDING SQUARE MD BIAS RULE. PATENTED DECEMBER 25, 1883. In adjusting as a Bias Rule or Square, lift the brace out of the holes on short arm of square, easily, so as not to spring the brace. Never turn the brace unless you wish to adjust as a Square or Bias Rule-. Measure on long arms of square the width of bias strips or cloth you wish to cut. By placing the inside of short arm of square on front edge of goods, you can then mark with pencil or chalk from front edge without moving Square. We manufacture all manner of Dress-maker's and Tailor's rules and measures, such as 6o-inch cloth rules, Tailor's squares, sleeve rules, and tape lines. Persons wishing to become agents and teach the French Tailor Sys- tem, and sell my dress-maker's supplies, will be furnished free with fine show cards, signs, circulars, letter heads and envelopes, fashion plates, and electro-plates for advertising in newspapers. In writing for particulars re- garding the above, be sure to state whether we should address you as Mii or Mrs. Always give your full name, P. O. box, town or city, and State. The Kellogg Double Adjustable Tracing Wheel. This article is indispensible to every dress-maker, for tracing patterns or dress linings. In tracing the seams for basting, you also trace the line for cutting, thus making all welts of the same width, and the basting less troublesome, as by placing any two edges together, the perforations will come together. The wheels are so arranged that any reasonable width may be obtained. It is handsomely and durably made. The wheels are of the best silver steel, and finely tempered. The wheels may be used singly or together. When used singly, patterns of any design may be traced from the original, thus preserving them for future use. In tracing, lay your per or lining on a soft board. NOTICE TO DRESSMAKERS. Certain parties in the business, evidently jealous of the success of the Kellogg French Tailor System of Dress-O iiiv,, arc endeavoring to intimidate dress-makers, and prevent them from making use of the sys- tem by asserting that the same is not secured by Letters Patent, or is an infringement upon some other system. ploui this is to flotify all Parties Interested, That Mme. Kellogg's System is her own invention, not a copy of any other system, and is fully protected by Letters Patent, of the date indi- cated on the same, any and all claims to the contrary notwithstanding. All customers using the Kellogg System are therefore fully protected, and need not be intimidated by the threats of jealous rivals. ~v©ageHts wanted. (^~ Ladies or gentlemen can have employment at home, or a chance to travel and introduce the Kelloci, French Tailor System and Mine. Kellogg's Dress-maker's and Tailor's sup- plies. Exclusive right of territory given to those who desire it. In writing for territory, please inclose a two-cent stamp for reply. Address all orders to, MME. KELLOGG, Battle Creek, Mich. EVEl^Y DRESS-JVIAKER SHOUbD HAVE T H E)«SH: I^elloe|c| Button -Fjole Butter BLADES ARE MADE OF BEST SILVER STEEL. A Sliding Gauge is arranged for location' accurately each button-hole, measuring the distance apart, and giving depth from front edge. Full particulars and description furnished upon application. A FULL LINE OF LAP-BOARDS AND DRESS- MAKERS' SUPPLIES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. >&■ ME^^SXJieE^ BOOKS. MONG the most useful articles connected with the system are the measure books. In their use you can keep a correct account of your work and the measure- ments of your customers, thus saving time and the trouble of again taking their measures. The book contains space for one thousand names and measurements. Send for it. Trice only 50 cents. -$- MME. KELLOGG, GENERAL AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES FOR "Get QouiunGre." emd "Oca draede @ou\um." Finest engravi"gs. Large PUBLISHED MONTHLY. Largest < iirulation of any fashion Journal in the world. Gives latest Parisian novelties. Unequaled for style and llrish. Panoramas of Ladies' and Children's toilets in colors. Grand water-colored plates, all described in English. SEND 4=0 CENTS POH JS-A-3VI3F , IjE COPT. Subscriptions received and promptly forwarded for any of the great French Fashion Journals, " La France Elegante" " La Mode Style," " Le Coquet," " Le Petit Messager des Modes" " Le Caprice," " Le Moniteur de la Mode," etc. Price per year from 83.00 to 820.00. Also for the leading London Monthly Fashion Journals, " Myria's Journal of Dress and Fashion, of Costumes," " Mme. Shield's Journal for I),;*,,- makers," and '-s/iir/d's Magazine of Fashions." Price foi scription, from 50 Cents to 82.00. For full particulars, address with two-cent stamp, ; Weldon's Journal for one Year's Sub MME. KiliOGG. Battle Creek, Michigan, IX LIERftKY OF CONGRESS 012 321 862 2 Hollinger pH 8.5