0°' lb' ::3*^H^ .>:>^_"> ir»:> .. >. . - ^^>->>i > ^ 5o ~>S> > ^ >:2> > > > ^ > > LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. -^T-t; - (|]^p. 1. . @0jn|ng]^ f 0, Shelf -...D26 \Z15 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. -zZ ~^ ■■~ry-.- ■ ;' 7S> -^ -^ ^^ ^^■j> ^ :> j^ ;> ;~) > ::3s»'~>5 y ^S^ J> ~> :^ ; D >- ■-:3^- _^ J> -> > > Z> ^>:> ^ ^ ::>' "» kjfej ,"1 > » ^ :-< rry-y :?> ^ -»," '-v^:^af' • >2> ?^^ V 1/ / THE HOUSEHOLD BOOK OF POETRY. /' THE HOUSEHOLD BOOK OF POETEY. COLLECTED AND EDITED BY OHAELES A. DAISTA 4 ELEVENTH E D I T I K - R E V I S E D AND ENLARGED. I) \\-. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 & 551 BROADWAY. LONDON": 16 LITTLE BRITAIN. 1875. vi PREFACE. poems is, perhaps, too much to expect ; but it is believed that of those on whicli the unanimous verdict of tlie intelligent has set the seal of indis- putable greatness, none, whether of English, Scotch, Irish, or American origin, will be found wanting. At the same time, careful and prolonged research, especially among the writers of the seventeenth century, and in the current receptacles of fugitive poetry, has developed a consicerable store of treasures hitherto less known to the general public than to scholars and to limited circles. Of these a due use has been made, in the confident belief that they will not be deemed unworthy of a place with their more illustrious companions, in a book which aspires to become the familiar friend and companion of every household. Metv York, August, 1856. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE ELEVENTH EDITION. It is hoped that the revised edition of this collection of poems, which ia herewith issued, may not be thought in any respect less worthy than its predecessors of the remarkable favor which the public has accorded to the work. In its preparation, the poetry produced during these eight years, both in this country and England, has been perused, and the observations of the numerous critics who commented upon the first edition have been diligently consulted. Some pieces may now be missed whicli were formerly to be found in our pages ; but as their places are filled by others which are believed to possess greater merit, while the volume is con- siderably enlarged, it is presumed that these changes will not be disap- proved, especially as the system of arrangement and the general character of the collection remain unaltered. New York, August, 1866. r A^ D E X . POEMS OF NATURE Address to the Nightingale Afar in the Desert Afternoon in February Airs of Spring Almond Blossom Angler Angler's Trysting Tree Angler's Wish Angling, Verses in Praise of . . . . April Arab to the Palm Arcthiisa Autumn Auti'.mn Autumn — A Dirge Autumn Flowers Autumn's Sighing Bee Belft-y Pigeon Birch Tree. Black Cock Blood Horse Blossoms Blow, Blow, thou Winter Wind. Bobolink Bramble Flower Brier Broom Flower Bugle gong Canzonet — Flowers are Fresh. . . Chorus of Flowers Cloud C-onie to these Scones of Peace.. Coral Grove Cornfields Cricket CTicket.... Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo and Nightingale Cvnthia D'atfodils DaffodUs Paisy Daisy Dandelion Death of thu Flowei-s Departure of the Swallow Description of Spring Dirge for the Year. Doubting Heart Drinking Drop of Dew Evening Evening, Ode to , Rvening Star Evening Wind— Spirit that { breathest \ Pase Hicharcl Barrvfield 51 Tlio m an Pr ingle... 75 Lonrifelloio 112 Thomas Carew..., 10 Ed icin A mold. .... 13 John Chalkhill 20 T. T. Stodclart 20 I>(aak Walton 22 Wotton 21 John KeUe 12 Bayard Taylor.... 73 Shelley- 29 Jlood 97 Kealu 96 Sheller/ 96 Mrs. Soidhey 93 T. B. Read 97 Vaughan 70 Willis 67 Loicell 65 Joanna Baillie .... 29 Barry Cornicall .. . 76 Herrich 85 Shakespeare 110 Thomas mil 22 Ebenezer Elliott.... 41 Landor 42 Mary Eowiit 40 Tennyson 100 Camoens 48 Leinh Hunt 44 Shelley 77 Bowles 5S Percival So IFarij J/owitt 92 W. 0. Bennett 107 Cowper 107 John Logan 28 Wordsworth 23 Chaucer 23 Ben Jonson 104 Wordsicorth 35 Herrich 85 Montgomery. 37 Wordsworth. 88 Loicell 42 Bryant 93 William ITowitt. . 107 Lord Surrey 10 Shelley 113 Miss Procter 107 Anacreon 73 Marvell 14 Tennyson 101 Collins 102 Campbell 102 ^"•yant .. 101 Evening in the Alps Montgomery., .. lOf Fancy . Keats 10 Fidelity Wordsworth 91 Flower and Leaf Chaucer .3 Flowers Hood 43 Flowers Lonqfellow 45 Fly Vincent Bourne.... 73 Folding the Flocks ... Beaumont & Fletcher \^0 Fountain Loicell 30 Frinsed Gentian Bryant 92 Garden Marvell 5S Garden Coicley 59 Grasshopper Lovelace 6S Grasshopper Anacreon fiS Grasshopper and Cricket Leigh Hunt 70 Grasshopper and Cricket Keats 69 Grasshopper, Chirping of Walter Harte 69 Green Linnet Wordsworth 28 Greenwood W. L. Boivle« 5S Grongar Hill JohnDyer 99 Gulf-Weed C. O.Fermer.. 84 Hampton Beach Whittier 85 Harvest Moon. H. K. White 105 HollyTree Southey 110 Humble Bee Emerson 70 Hunter of the Prairies Bryant 94 Hunter's Song Barry Cornwall. . . 95 Husbandman John Sterling 93 Hymn in the Tale of Chamouni. Coleridge 114 Hymn to Pan Keats 64 Hjrmn to the Flowers Horace Smith 46 Influence of Natural Objects.. .. Wordsworth 113 Inscription in a Hermitage Thomas Warton. . . 63 Invocation to Rain in Summer.. W. C. Bennett 77 Ivy Green Charles Dickens... 98 Julv JohnClare 57 Lark Hogg 19 Latter Eain Jones Very 97 Lion and Giraife Thomas Pringle .. . 74 Lion's Ride Freiligrath 73 Little Beach-Bird B. ff. Dana ?4 Little Streams 3fary Howitt 81 March Wordsworth 12 May » Percival 15 Meadows Herrick 91 Midges dance aboon the Burn. .. Jiohert Tannahill. . 79 Midnight Wind Mothericell. .: 109 Moan, moan, ye Dying Gales.... Henry Neele 83 Moonrise Ernest Jones 104 Morning Shakespeare IS Morning in London Wordsworth 16 Mother Nightingale Villegas 55 Mountain Daisy Burns 86 My Heart's in the Highlands .. . . Burns .... 95 Nature Jones Very 88 Nature and the Poets Keats 47- Night is nigh Gone Alex. Montgomery. 16 Night Shelley 104 riii INDEX. Night Blanco Wldte Im Nightingale Milton 51. NightiDgfile Drummond 51 Nightinf.alo Coleridge 5;i Niglitingale GilVicente 53 Nightingale Maria Visseher.... 55 Nightingale and the Dove Wordsicortli 53 Nightingale's Departure Charlotte Smith.,, . 56 Nightingale, Ode to Keais 52 Night Song Clandius mO North "Wind... P. M. 3Iulocl: Ill November Hartley Coleridge.. 98 Owl Anonymous 106 Pan Beaumont <& Fletcher 65 Philomtla Mattheto Arnold . . . 53 Primroses, Tith Morning Dew.. JTerrich 85 Question Shelley 83 Eain on the Eoof Anonymous 77 Redbreast Drumm,ond, 113 Retirement Charles Cotton 62 Return of Spring Pierre Ronsard 10 RC've du Midi Bose Terry 64 Rhodora Emerson 86 Robin Redbreast AUingham 90 Rose Waller 43 Sabbath Morning Leyden IT Bea Barry CormBaU ,. . 81 Sea — In Calm Barry Cornwall. . , 84 Seaweed Longfellow 83 PenecaLake Percival. 86 Skylark Shelley IS Small Celandine Wordsworth S4 Snow-Storm Emerson Ill Song for September T. W. Parsons flO Song for the Seasons Barry Cornwall. . . 113 Song — On May Morning Milton 13 Bong— Phoebus Ai'ise Drummond 14 Song to May Lord Thurlow 15 Song — The Lark Hartley Coleridge. 19 Sons— Pack Clouds Away Thomas Ileywood... 20 Song— See, Oh See Lord Bristol 2S Pair* Song of the Brook Tennyson 82 Song of Spring Edward Youl 89 Song — The Greenwood Tree. . . . Shakespeare 58 Song of Wood Nymphs Barry Cormcall. . . 66 Song of the Summer "Winds. . . George Parley. .... 79 Song — The Owl ) t^„^^,^^ i,-,e Second Song-To the Same.... ^ '^"^J'*'^ ^-'^^ Sonnet — ^Autumn Moon Thurlow 105 Sonnet — To a Bird that haimted ) rrrt.. „/ i-.n the Waters of Lake Laaken. . \ Thurlow 112 Spice Tree John Sterling. 72 Spring Anacreon 13 Spring Beaumont & Fletcher 15 Spring Tennyson 11 Storm Song BayardTaylor 82 StormyPetrel Barry Cornwall... 81 Summer Longings McCarthy 15 Summer Months Motherwell 17 Summer "Woods Mary Howitt 66 Tiger WilliamBlake 73 'Tis the Last Rose of Summer.. Moore 94 Trailing Arbutus Pose Terry 86 Twilight Longfelloxo 82 IJsefiil Plough Anonymous 68 Violets fferrick 84 Violets W.W.Story 43 Voice of the Grass Sarah Poberts 67 "Wandering "Wind Mrs. Hemans 79 "Waterfowl Bryant 56 "Water ! The "Water Motherwell 81 "West "Wind, Ode to . . .. Shelley 80 "Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea. .. A. Cunningham.,.. 82 "When the Hounds of Spring Sicinhrtrne 11 "Wild Honeysuckle Philip Freneau 41 "Willow Song 3rrs. Ilemans 61 "Windy Night T. B. Read 109 "Winter Song ffolty 112 Woods in Winter Longfelloio. IK Yarrow TJnvioited Wordsworth 87 Yarrow Visited Wordstrorth 8^ Yarrow Revisited Wordsworth SO POEMS OF CHILDHOOD. Adopted Child Mrs. ITemans 153 Angel's Whisper S. Lover 122 Annie in the Graveyard Mrs.Gilman 153 Babv May W.C.Bennett 119 Babv'sShoes W.C.Bennett 164 Ballad of the Tempest J. T. Fields 158 Bovhood W.Allston 152 CasaWappy D. M. Moir 169 Child and the Watcher 3frs. Broicning 122 Child Asleep 3fadamed6Sur'villel2S Childhood C.Lamb 155 Child in the Wilderness Coleridge 124 Child Praying R. A. Willmott 160 Chil< ITood Beauty Clear and Fair. y. ..Beaumont & Fletcher Bertha in the Lane Mrs. Browning. . . . Blest as the Immortal Gods Sappho Blissful Day Burns Bonnie Leslie Burns Bridal of Audalla Anonymous Bridal Song Mihnan Brook-side Milnes Burial of Love Bryant Ca' the Towes to the Knowes. . Burns Canzonet T. Watson Castara Eahington Changes p. B. Lytton Cheat of Cupid Anacre'on Chronicle Coicley Come Away, Death Shakespeare Come Into the Garden, Maud Tennyson Coming Through the Rye Anonymous Crabbed Age and Youth Shakespeare Cupid and Campaspe J. Lyly Day-dream Tenmjson Deceitfulness of Love Anonymous Discourse with Cupid Ben jonson Disdain Returned T. Carew Pream Bi/)-on...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.\ Earnest Suit gir x. Wyat Epithalamion Spenser Epithalamium Brainard Eve of St. Agnes Keats Evelyn Hope B. Browning .!.'.'.'.'. F'Scuse M.Arnold Ex-equies T. Stanley Fairlnes .V' ffood Fairest Thing in Mortal Eyes^. Charles of Orleans Farewell to Nancy Burns Fireside J\r Cotton'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Florence Yane p, p, Cooke Flynotyet Moore 280 Fly to the Desert Moore 261 Forsaken Merman M. Arnold 810 Friar of Orders Gray Bishop Percy 213 Girl of Cadiz Byron 259 Go where Glory "Waits Thee.... Moore 264 Groomsman to his Mistress Parsons 277 Health E. C. Pinlmey 273 Hear, ye Ladies Beavmoni & Fletcher 248 Here's a Health Burns 200 Hermit Goldsmith, 216 Highland Mary Burns 316 If I Desire with Pleasant Songs. T. Burbidge 283 If thou wert by my Side, my Love Heher 3:^ In a Year P. Browning 293 Indifference 3r.Arnold 313 Irish Melody P. F. M'Carty. 266 It might have been.... W. C. Williamson. 291 Jeanie Morrison Mothericell 803 Jenny Kissed Me L. LIunt 286 Jock of Hazeldean Sir W. Scott 283 John Anderson Burns 884 Kulnasatz, my Reindeer Anonymous 257 Lady Clare Tennyson 236 Laodamia Wordsworth 819 Lass of Ballochmyle Burns 261 Letters Tennyson 237 Lines to an Indian Air Shelley 257 Lochinvar A^Sir W. Scott 1U Locksley Hall .T Tennyson 295 Lord Level ;.. Anonymous 210 Love Coleridge 229 Love in the Valley G. Meredith 235 Love is a Sickness Daniel 243 Love Not Mrs. N'orton 823 Love Not Me Anonymous 2.53 Love Song G. Barley 274 Love Unrequited Anonymous 286 Lovely Mary Donnelly AUingham 265 Lover to the Glow-worms itarvell 247 Love's Last Messages T.L.Beddoes 322 L6ve's Philosophy Shelley 25S Maid of Athens, ere we Part Byron 253 Maiden's Choice Anonymous 2S0 Maid's Lament Landor 286 Mariana in the South Tennyson 293 Maud Muller Whitiier 805 Milk-maid's Song Marlowe 2.'>4 Milk-maid's Mother's Answer. .. Sir W. Paleigh 2&1 Millers Daughter Tennyson 271 Minstrel's Song Cliattcrton 814 INDEX. Mlsconcepfiims Mrs. Eliz. Wheeler Molly Carew My Dear and Only Love My Held is like to rend, TVillie. My Love My Love lias Talked My Wife's a Winsome Wee Thing Night-Piece Not Ours the Vows Nun Nut-brown Maid Of a' the Airts the Wind can Blaw Oh, Saw ye the Lass Oh, Tell me. Love Oh, that 'twere possible Old Story One way of Love Orpheus to Beasts Pandory's Wooinjr Song Phillida and Corydon .... Philomela's Ode Poet's Bridal-Day Song Poet's Song to his Wife Portrait Eed, EedEose Pohin Hood and AUen-a-dale . . . Eory O'More Rosalie Eose and the Gauntlet , Puth v.. Seaman's Happy Eetum 1 . Serenade Serenade Serr.ina ShalllTell She is a Maid of Artless Grace.. Shepherd's Eesolution Sir Cauline Song— A Weary Lot Song — ^Ask me no more Song — Day in Melting Purple... Song — Gather ye Eose-buds. .... Bong— How Delicious Song — Love me if I Live Song — My Silks and Fine Array. Song— Sing the Old Song Song— The Heath this Night.... Song— To thy Lover Song — Why so Pale Bounet — I know that all Bonnet— If it be True Pnpe R. Broroning 287 JTerrieh 247 Lover 284 Montrose 255 Motherwell. 803 Lowell 271 Tinnyson 830 Burns 831 ITerrick 249 B. Barton 880 L.Ihmt 279 A nonymous 204 Bums 261 B. Ryan 268 Anonymous 272 Tennyson 800 Anonymous 232 R. Browning 287 Lovelace 299 e. Fletcher 248 JT: Breton 248 R. Greene 252 A. Cunningham..., 833 Barry Coi-nwall. . . 834 Anaereon 273 Burns 261 Anonymous 211 Lover 283 W.Allston 274 J. Sterling. 804 Hood 269 Anonymous 21 9 Hood 270 E. C. Pinckney. 270 Xope de Mendoza.. 230 W.Browne 246 Gil Vicente 270 "Wither 280 Anonymous 199 Sir W.Scott 294 Careio 252 Maria Brooks 276 Herrick 824 Campbell 278 Barry Cornwall .. . 266 W.Blake 812 Be Vere 275 Sir W. Scott 259 Crasha^o 251 Sir J. Suckling.... 251 Brummond 241 Michael Angelo 241 Sonnet- Sonnet -Since There's no Help. L>rayton. 286 )nnet— The Doubt which ye ) p^p^^.r soq Misdeem f upenser 823 258 ^°race^^.^!.^!^".*!!!'.°.!^.''!!' \ ^'^^<'^l^r,gelo.^ Sonnet — To Vittoria Colonna. . . Michael Angelo 241 Sonnet— Why art Thou Silent . . Wordsworth 301 Sonnets Shakespeare 2-39 Sonnets Sir P. Sidney 240 Sonnets Irom the Portuguese... Mrs. Browning.... 242 Spanish Lady's Love Anonymous 215 Speak, Love Beaumont <& Fletcher 246 Spinning-wheel Song J. F. Waller 231 Stanzas Byron 286 Stanzas for Music Byron 260 Bummer Days Anonymous 269 Superstition J. Norris 251 Sweet William's Farewell Gay 21 8 Sylvia G. Barley 274 Take, Oh Take those Lips Away Shakespeare and J. Fletcher.. 274 Tlie Bloom hath Fled thy ) Cheek, Marv f The Dule's i' this Bonnet o' Mine JK Waugh 28G Then Rose Terry 810 Thou hast Vowed by thy Faith. A. Cunningham.... 263 To Shelley 258 To Wordstcoi'th 272 To Althea — From Prison Lovelace 250 ToCelia Philostratus 245 ToLucasta Lovelace 249 To Lucasta L^ovelace 250 To Mary in Heaven Burns 317 To Sarah Brake 888 Tomb T. Stanley. . . , Too Late L>. M. Mulock. Triumph of Charis Ben Jonson. . , Truth's Integrity Anomym.ous.. Waly, Waly Anonymous Watch Song Anonymous Motherwell 801 253 819 244 212 802 232 We Parted in Silence Mrs. Crairfoi'd 232 Welcome Thomas Davis..... 267 Welcome, Welcome W. Brorcne 25fi Were I but his own Wife Mary Downing. ... 267 When we Two Parted Byron 291 White Eose Anonymous 244 Widow Machree Lover 285 Winifreda Anonymous 323 Wish Rogers 831 You Meaner Beauties Woiton 247 Young Beichan and Susie Pye. . Anonymous 20S Zara's Ear-rings Anonymous 283 POEMS OF AMBITION American Flag Ballad of Agincourt Bannock-Burn Barbara Frietchie Battle-Field Battle of the Baltic Black Eegiment Boadicea Bonnets of Bonnie Dundee. . . . . Border Ballad Broadswords of Scotland Bull-Fight of Gazul Cameronian's Dream Carmen Bellicosum Casablanca Cavalier's' Song Charge of the Light Brigade at | Balaklava ) Charlie is my Darling Chevy Chase Covenanter's Battle-Chant Destruction of Sennacherib Excelsior. . '. Gallant Grahams Brake 879 M. Drayton 852 Burns 855 Whiitier 881 Bryant 880 Campbell 885 G.Lf.Boker 882 Cowper 846 Sir W. Scott 868 Sir W. Scott 869 J. G.Lockhart.... 271 Anonymous 871 J. JTyslop 862 G. H. Mc3rasier ... 877 irrs. Eem ans 867 Motherwell 853 Tennyson 884 Anonym,ous 866 Anonymous 849 Motherwell 861 Byron 844 Longfellow 892 Anonymous 866 Give a Eonse God Save the King Hame, Hame, Hame Harmodious and Aristogciton... Harp that once through Tara's I Halls S Here's a Health to them that's I awa' ( Here's to the King, Sir Hohenlinden Horatian Ode Horatius How they Brought the Good | News from Ghent to Ais. . . J Incident of the French Camp. . . Indian Death-Song Indian Death-Song It is Great for our Country to Die Ivry Kenmure's On and Awa' Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. Leonidas Lochaber No ISIore Lochiel's Warning R. Bro^cning 856 Anonymous 878 A. Cunningham.,. 870 CalUstratus 845 iroore 872 Burns 867 Anonymous 865 Campbell 883 Marvell 858 Macaulay 887 R. Browning 873 R. Brazening 883 Anne Ewiiter 375 Schiller 875 Percival 845 Macaulay. 855 Burns 869 Mrs. Uemans 376 Croly 346 Allan Ramsay 865 Campbell 86' INDEX. Marco Bozzaris Memory of the Dead Monterey My Ain Countree Naseby O Mother of a Mighty Eace Ode— How Sleep the Brave Ode — "What Constitutes a State. On a Bust of Dante On a Sermon against Glory On Planting Arts and Learn- ) Ing in America ( Our State Peace to the Slumberers Paffe Jlalhcl: 3S9 J. K.Ingram 890 C. F. Hoffman.. .. 881 A. Cunningham... 371 Macaxday 857 Bryant 879 Collins 872 Sir W.Jones 891 T. W. Parsons 892 Akenside 392 Berkeley 376 WkitUer 3S0 Moore 372 Pan Pericles and Aspasia G. Croly 846 Pibroch of Donuil Dhu Bir W. 'ScoU 869 Prince Eugene _ . • Anonymous 3M Sea Fight Anonymous 386 Shan Van Vocht Anonymous 872 Sonnets Milton. 860 Sonnets .- Wordsworth 891 Song 3Ioore 371 Song of Marion's Men Bryant 377. Sons of the Greek Poet Byron 3S8I Star-Spangled Banner F. 8. Key 87S Wae's me for Prince Charlie . ... W. Glen 870 When Banners are Waving Anonymous 861 Te Mariners of England Campbell 884 POEMS OF COMEDY. Battle of Limerick Cologne Devil's Thoughts Diverting History of John Gilpin Dragon of Wantley Elegy on the Death of a Mad | Dog \ Elegy on Mrs. Mary Blaize Essence of Opera Faithless Nelly Gray ._.< Faithless Sally Brown .V." Farewell to Tobacco ..\ Friend of Humanity and I Knife-Grlndcr j Good Ale Groves of Blarney Hag Heir of Linne Hypochcndriacus Irishman Jovial Beggar Lady at Sea ^'. Tliackeray 486 Coleridqe 423 Coleridge 423 Cotcper 416 Anonymous 400 Goldsmith 405 Goldsmith 419 Anonymous 426 Hood 429 Hood 430 C.Lamb 427 ft Canning 425 J.Smi 401 B. A. Milliken 435 Herrick 424 Anonymous 397 C. Lamb...: 427 W. Ma (/inn 435 Anonymous 401 Hood 431 Malbrook Massacre of the Macpherson .... Mr. Molony's Account of the I Ball f Molony's Lament Old and Yoimg Courtier Eail Eape of the Lock (\ Eeceipt for Salad ~Tv St. Anthony's Sermon to the Y Fishes ) St. Patrick of Ireland, my Dear. St. Patrick was a Gentleman... . Sir Sidney Smith Song of One Eleven Tears in I Prison j Take thy Old Cloake about Thee Tam O'fehanter Twenty-eight and Twenty-nine. Vicar Vicar of Bray White Squall Anonymous 403 W. E.Aytoun 420 Thackeray 428 Thackeray 43T Anonymous. 404 G.H. Cla/rk. 439 Pope 406 Sydney Smith 426 Anonymous 440 W.Maginn 434 H.Bennett 433 T.Bibdin 419 „.,j., mo their Heads? f T. H. Bayly 54^ Eaven ii>tPoe 584 EhcEcus 'Loicell 572 Elme of the Ancient Mariner... Coleridge 575 Song — A Lake and a Fairy-boat. Hood 5.'i4 Song— Hear, Sweet Spirit Coleridge 6.52 Song of Fairies Bandolph 686 Song of the Fairy Shakes2yeare 585 Thomas, the Ehymer Anonymous 681 Water Fay H.Heine 553 Water Lady .V' Hood 553 Wee, Wee Maa .'/. Anonymous 582 POEMS OF SENTIMENT AND REFLECTION. Abou Ben Adhem Address to the Mummy at j| Belzoni's Exhibition ) Age of Wisdom Alexander's Feast All Earthly Joy Eetums in Pain Allegro, L' An Old Poet to Sleep Angel in the House Arranmore Arsenal at Springfield Bacchus Balder Barclay of Ury Battle of Blenheim Be Patient Bells .%. Bells of Shandon Bucket Burns Burns, At the Grave of Canadian Boat Song Charade Contented Mind Contemplate all this Work Cotter's Saturday Kiglit C> L.Huni 599 Horace Smith 597 Thackeray 6S8 Bryden 623 William Dunbar. . 593 Milton 661 W.&Landor 720 L. Hint 728 Moore 701 I^ongfellow 605 Emersmi 679 Anonymous 596 Whiiiier 594 Southey 604 Anonymous 704 E.A. Bob 621 F. Mahonv 620 S. Woodworth 606 Whittier 653 Wordsworth C51 Moore 629 Praed. 656 J. Sylvester 665 Tennyson 702 Bums 707 Cowper's Grave Jfi-s. Browning .... 645 Crowded Street Bryant 676 Death of the Virtuous Mrs. Barhauld 731 Death's Final Conquest J. Shirley 713 Dejection — An Ode Coleridge 686 Delight in Disorder Herrick 630 Deserted Village Goldsmith... 614 Each and All Emerson 705 Egj'ptian Serenade O. W. Curtis 629 Elegy written in a Country I /-,„„„, ^01 Church-Yard f ^'"^J '^'^ End of the Piny Thackeray Epitaph on the .admirable Dra- ) ^^-.y matic Poet, W. Shakespeare, f ■''^"^on..... Exh ortation Sh elley. . . . Fisher's Cottage Heine Footsteps of Angels Longfellow 691 660 598 726 Forging of the Anchor S. Ferguson 602 Fountain Wordstcorth Garden of Love W. Blake Good-Bye J Emerson Good Great Man Coleridge Gr.ave of a Poetess Thomas Miller. . , Greenwood Shrift B. & C. Southey. Guy Emerson "... Hallowed Ground Campbell , 675 706 677 G97 655 721 675 710 INDEX. Page Happv Life Woiion 711 nappvValley T. MiUer 700 Harmosan R. C. Trench 595 Heavenly Wisdom J. Lorjan 712 Hebe Loicell 630 Hence all you Vaia Deligbts. . .Beaumont <& Fletaher 6S5 Hermione Barry Cornwall. . . fi32 Hermit Beattie 718 Honest Poverty Burm 702 Human Frailty Cowper 697 Hymn to Intellectual Beauty. . . Shelley 673 H vmn of the Church-Yard J. Betlmne 728 I am a Friar of Orders Gray J. O'Keefe 688 If that were True Frances Brown. . . . 703 Influence of Music Shakespeare 625 Is it Come ? . .• Frances Brown 703 Kins Death Barry Cormcall. . . 722 King Eobcrt of Sicily LonQT'ellow 724 Last Leaf O. W. Holmes 6S9 Life Barry Cormcall. . . 723 Life JT. Kino '<27 Life and Death Anonymous 720 Light of Stars longfelloio 716 Lines on a Skeleton Anonymous 728 Lines on the Mermaid Tavern.. Keats 639 Lords of Thule Anonymous 593 Losses Frances Brown 696 LostChurcb Uhland 706 Lye, The Anonymoris 666 Man G. JJerhert 712 Man's Mortality A Wastell 727 Means to attain Happy Life Lord Surrey. 661 Memory Landor 690 Minstrel Goethe 657 Mother Margery G. S. Burleigh 636 Music W. Strode 625 Mutability Shelley 694 " My Days among the Dead." . .. Southey 723 My Mind to me a" Kingdom is... W. ByrO 669 Night - Eahington 716 No More A. H. Clough 694 Nymph's Song Wither 637 Ode — Bards of Passion Keats 656 Ode-Intimations of Immor- ; j^grdsioorth 713 tality s Ode— To Himself Ben Jonson 640 Ode on a Grecian Urn Keats 660 Ode to Beauty Emerson 671 OdotoDuty Wordsworth 695 Oh the Pleasant Days of Old.. Frances Brown 699 Old Maid Mrs. Welby 685 On .a Lady Singing T. W. Parsons. .... 628 On Anacreon A.ntipater 633 On Chapman's Homer Keats 654 On the Death of Burns W.Boscoe 650 On the Pvcceipt of my Mother's ) /v,„„„„ r^m Picture j i^owper oui One Gray Hair Landor 689 Over the River Nancy A. W. Priest 780 Passions — An Ode Collins 625 Penseroso, 11 Milton 663 Petition to Time Barry Cormcall... 692 Poet's Thought Barry Cornicall... 657 Poor Man's Song Anonymous 679 Problem Emerson 707 Proud Maisie is in the Wood. . . Sir W. Scott 683 Psalm of Life Lonmellow 722 Reply J. Norris 665 l^esolufion and Independence... Wordsworth 658 Robin Hood Keats 698 Beed-Time and Harvest Wkittier 713 Shakespeare J. Sterling CS9 She Walks in Beauty Byron C31 " She was a Phantom of Delight." Wordsworth 634 Shepherd's Hunting Wither 640 Sir Marmaduke Caiman the younger 6SS Sit Down, Sad Sou! Barry Cornwall. . . 723 Slave Singing at Midnight Longfellow 719 Sleep J. Doicland 72u Sleep, The Mrs. Browning.... 719 Smoking Spiritualized Anonymous 679 Soldier's Dream Campbell 604 Solitary Reaper Woi-dsworth 683 Song— Down lay in a Nook Henry Taylor. 6S5 Song— O Lady, Leave Hood. 632 Song— Oh say not that my Heart C. Wolfe 695 ^Th^^'"^'^' ^''"'''^^ comest^ ^j^^^,^^^ g-. Song— Stiii to be Neat'.' Ben Jonson 630 Song— Sweet are the Thoughts. . P. Greene 665 ^Thta-™° '' '^ Feathered |. ^,,o,iy,„o«s 693 ^''£S^St^iE^.\ ^^'•^ ''' Song of the Forge Anonymous 601 Sonnet— Of Mortal Glory Prummond 727 Sonnet— Sad is our Youth Aubrey de Vere. . . 693 Sonnet-The Nightingale is I r;,,,^;^,^ 655 Mute ( Sonnet-'Tis much immortal ^ rAM?'?aw 680 Beauty J Sonnet — Who Best can Paint... Thurlow 655 Sonnets Prummond 670 Sonnets 3filloH 697 Soul's Defiance Lavinia Stoddard. 698 Stanzas-Mv life is like a) ^ ^ -^.^ gg^ Summer Rose ) Stanzas— Thought is Deeper. ... C. P. Cranch 674 Steamboat.....". O. W. Holmes 600 Strife Tennyson 713 Sunken City MuUer 677 Sweet is the Pleasure J. S. Dicight , 674 Sweet Pastoral N". Breton 671 Tables Turned Wordsworth G75 Temperance; or the Cheap I ^rashaw 67S Physician ) Tha'natopsis Bryant 729 ^Stten"th^ ^'°*'''' ^''.^'!".!'!!} ^^^wy'"""* 'fl^ The Winter being Over Ann Collins 67i) There are Gains for all our Losses P. H. Stoddard.... 698 There be Those B. Barton 705 Those Evening Bells Moore 622 Time's Cure Anonymous 693 To a Highland Girl Wordsworth 632 To a Lady with a Guitar Shelley 627 To Constantia Singing Shelley 623 To Macaulay Landor 656 To Mistress" Margaret Hussey. . . Skelton 631 TomySister Whittier 634 ToPerilla Herrick 689 To the Lady Margaret Daniel 667 Traveller Goldsmith 603 Two Brides P. H. Stoddard... . 684 Two Oceana J.Sterling 693 Uhland W. A. Butler 654 Upon Julia's Recovery Llerrick 683 Vanity of Human Wishes Samuel Johnson... 680 Verses supposed to be witten ) (jo^cpcr 599 by Alex. Selkirk ) ^ Victorious Men of Earth J. Shirley 605 Village Blacksmith Longfelloio COO Virtue G. Herbert 717 Vision, The Burns 647 Waiting by the Gate Bryant 690 AVhite Island Herrick 699 WhoisSylvia? Shakespeare 631 Why thus Longing? Harriet Winsloic... 60'" Woman's Voice . .". E. Arnold 62'J World, The Jones Very 704 IXDEX. POEMS OF RELIGION Fa£re A). Well n.Bonar 702 Battle song of Gnstavus Adolphus j4«c-ni!«'!7 7"^ Bee, The Vmighan iS9 Cnll, The JTerbert 754 Centennial Ode J- Plerpont 774 Charity ; J.Montgomery 7TS Charity and Humility mw-y More 7C9 Chorus Milman 809 Christmas Tennysmi 7C5 Christmas Hrmn A. Dommett 765 Come uuto Me Mrs. Barbauld 759 Complaining Heriert 757 Croator and Crcntnrcs Wattn 805 Darkness is Thinning St. Gregory 737 Dead Christ Mrs. Hoice 7&4 Death '. C. Wesley 78i Dedication of a Church Drummond 771 Delirht in God Only F. Queries 812 Desiring to Love O. Wesley 779 Dirsro Croly 7S4 Divine Ejaculation J. Quarles SIO Divine Love Tersteegen 779 Dvin? Christian to his Soul Pope 7S1 Each'Sorrowfiil Mourner Prudentius 736 Earlv Kisins; and I'rayer Vanghan 737 Easter T Herbert 752 Easter H\-mn T.Blackburn 752 Eider Scripture Keble 740 Emicrauts in Bermudas Marvell 767 Epiphanv Ilebcr 746 '•Eternal beam of Light Divine" C. Wesley 761 Evenins Anonymous 742 Example of Chiist Watt^ 759 Exhortation to Pi-ayer Margaret Mercer., 776 Fastins F. Quartes 76S Feast/The Vanghan 756 Field of the TTorld J- Montgomery .... 774 Flower. The Herbert 757 For a Widower or 'Widow Wither 7?5 For Believers €. Wesley/ 773 For ]S"«w-Tear's Day Doddridge 740 '■Friend of All" C. Wesley 762 Future Peace and Glory of the (_ Cmjcver 791 Church I ' ■' Gcthsemano ■ Jaseph Hart 750 Gethsemane J.Montgomery 751 God HersJiarin S14 God in Katnre Doddridge 740 God is Love Anonymous SOS God's Greatness Breiihavpi 813 ^M'aintl"'^"'""^ Light of J Doddridge 787 Heaven Jeremy Taylor 791 Heavenly Canaan '. . Watts 7?S •' How Gracious and hovr Wise " Doddridge SOS Humility J. Montgomery 770 Hymu— Brother, thou art Gone. Milman Hymn — Drop, drop, slow Tears. Hymn — From my Laps in their | "Defilement ) nrum for Anniversary Mar- I Viage Davs ) Hymn from Psalm CXLYIII. . . Hvmn — How arc thy Servants ) IJlest ) Hvmn of Praise ; Tersteegen 794 H) mn of tho Hebrew Maid Sir W. Scott 767 Uymu— When all Thy Mercies. Addison ., 804 Hymn— WheuGathorina: Clouds jS/;' Ji. Grant 763 Hvmn— When our Heads.., Milman 763 ""iTed ""^^"^ ^'!!!"^.^.T.!^! } ^'^^'^^on 7S3 Qvmn— When the Ansjels JV. Breton 777 I J'ourney through ft Desert.... Anonymous 753 In a clear, starry Nijrht Wither 742 •Is this a Time to Plant and ( -wj-.-uj. „_,, il.l" J- A«W« (0 P. Fletcher 764 St. Joannes Dor mascenus 752 Wither 770 Ogilvie 802 Addison 804 Build ' Jesus. Xjicion 75S " Jesus, Lover of my Soul ".... . C. Wesley 76() '"Jesus, my Strength" O. Wesley 760 "Jesus shall Eeign " Watts 749 Joy and Peace inBelieving Coioper 773 Laborer's Noon-day Hymn Wordstcorth 767 Light Shining out of Darkness. . Coioper 805 Lines on a Celebrated Picture. . . C.Lamb..* 748 Litany Sir JR. Grant 76"2 Litany to the Holy Spirit Herrick 780 Little While Bonar 787 Living by Christ Gerhard 761 Lord, the Good Shepherd J. Montgomery 794 Mary Tennyson 777 " Mark the soft-falling Snow " . . Doddridge 741 Martyrs' Hymn Luther 775 Messiah Pope 747 My God, I love Thee St. Fran. Xavier. . . 753 New Jerusalem Anonymous 783 Ode — The Spacious Firmament. Addison 741 Odor Herbert... 755 Oh Fear not thou to Die Anonymous 780 " Oh vet we trust " Tennyson 776 On^-iPrayei-BooksenttoMrs. J ji_ Orashaw 772 On Another's Sorrow W. Blake SOT On the Morning of Christ's ) inu^„ >•<" Nativity.....". j- '^'"'"' '^^ Passion Sunday Fortvnatus 7.50 Peace Vaughan 791 Philosopher's Devotion Henry More 739 Poet's Hymn for Himself Wither 795 Praise Wither 795 Praise to God , . Mrs. Barbauld .... 793 Pravor, Living and Dying Toplady 7&S Priest, The N.Breton 771 PsalmXIII Davison 796 PsalmSYIII Sternhold 796 PsalmXIX WaUs 797 Psalm XXIII Davison 797 PsalmXXIII Merrick 79S Psalm XXX Davison T9S Ps.ilmXLyi Watts 799 Ps.almXLVI Lvther 799 PsalmLXV Waits 800 Psalm LXVI Sandys 800 PsalmLXXII Watts SOI Psalm XCII Sandys SOI Psalm C Tate and Brady... SOI Psalm CXVII Watts 802 Psalm CXXX P.Fletcher 80^2 Ps.alm CXLYIII Sandys. 803 Eeign of Christ on Earth J. Montgomery. ... 74!* Eeslsnation Chatterton 803 Se.arch after God T. Heyicood 806 Sonnet— In the Desert Anonymous 764 Sonnet— The Prayers I make . . . Michael Angela. ... 794 Sonnets F. Quarles 757 Spirit Land Jones Very 740 Stranger and his Friend J. Montgomery 755 St, Peter's Day Xeble 766 Thev are all gone Vaughan 786 Thou art gone to the Grave Heber 7S;3 "Thou, God, seest Me" J. Montgomery ... . 811 " Thou, God. unsearchable " C. Wesley 813 Time past. Time passing. Time) j, Montgomery .. . . S13 to come j " ' To keep a true Lent Herrick 763 True use of Music C. Wesley 773 Twelfth Dav, or the Epiphany . . Wither 74S Universal Prayer Pope 810 Yaledietion. Bichard Baxter... 7S1 Yeni. Creator St. Ambrose 793 Walkinar •with God Covper 807 Watchmans Keport !. J. Boioriny 759 WeepinffMarv ITeicton 751 What is Pravcr ? J- Montgomery 775 Wilderness Transformed Doddridge 792 Wrestling Jacob C. Wesley 754 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Page 4.DDIS0IT. JOSEPH. Bora m Wutsliire, EBg., May 6, 1672: died in Lor., June 17, 1719. Odo — The Spacious Firmament 741 Hymn — When Eisingfrom the Bed TS3 Hymn — When all thy Mercies SO-1 Hymn— How are thy Servants 804 A.KEXSIDE, MAEK. Born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nov. 9, 1721 ; d. June 53, 1770. On a Sermon against Glory 392 ^DRICH, JAMES. Born in Orange Co., X. Y., July 10, ISIO. ADeath-bed 503 ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM. Born in Ireland; lived at Ballyshannon; published "The Music Master, and Day and Night "Songs." London, 1S55. Eohin Eedbreast 90 Lovely Mary Donnelly 265 The Fairies 560 ALLSTO"N", WASHINGTON. Bom in S. C, Nov. 5, 1779 ; d. at Cambridge, Mass., July 9, 1S43. Boyhood 152 Kosalie 274 ALTENBUEG, MICHAEL. (Geeman.) Born in Thuringia in 15s3 ; died in 1640. Battle-Song of Gustavus Adolphus. (Anony- mous translation.) 775 AMBEOSE, ST. (Latin.) Born at Treves, A. D. 340 ; died at Milan, April 3, 397. Yeni Creator. {I)ryden''s paraphrase.) 798 tXACREON. (Gkeek.) Born at Teos, Greece ; died there 476 B. c. Spring. (Moore's translation.) 1.3 The Grasshopper. {Caicle>/s translation.) 68 On the Grasshopper. {Coicper''s translation.) 69 Drinkins. {Co'wley''s translation.) 78 The Portrait. {Hay''s translation.) 273 Cheat of Cupid. (Iferrick^s translation.) 2S1 iXGELO, MICHAEL. (Italian.) Bern in Tuscany, March 6, 1474; died in Rome, Feb. 17, 1563. Sonnet (Jl K Taylor''s translation.) 241 Sonnet. ( IF. Wordstcortlt: s translatim.) 241 Sonnet {J. E. Taylor's translation.) 263 Sonnet (5. Wordsworth's translation.) 794 4XSTEE, JOHN. Born ill Ireland about 1793 ; is Professor of Civil Law in Trin- ity College, Dublin. The Fairy Chlla 127 MTTIPATEE OF SIDON. (GitEfeK.) Lived in Greece about 100 b. c. On AnacreoD, (2! Jfoore's translation.) 68S A.EXOLD, EDWIN. Son of Dr. .\mold of Rugby j brother of Matthew Arnold. Almond Blossom I.3 Woman's Voice 629 Pagi AENOLD, MATTHEW. Born at Lalebam, Eng., Dec. 24, lS2£j elected Profeaaor of Poetry at Oxford in 1S57. Philomela 58 The Forsaken Merman 810 Excuse 812 Indifference 812 Sohrab and Eustum 400 ATTOUN, WILLIAM E. Born in Fifeshire, Scotland, in 1S13; died Aug. 4, 1805. Massacre of the Macpherson 420 BAILLIE, JOANNA. Born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, in 17G2; died at Hnmpstead, near London, Feb. 23, 1S51. The Black Cock 29 BAEBAULD, ANNA L^TITIA. Born in Leicestershire, Eng., June SO, 1743; died near Lon- don, March 9, 1S25. Death of the Virtuous 781 "Come unto Me." 759 Praise to God 793 BAENAED, LADY ANNE. Born in Scotland, Dec. 8, 1750; died May 8, 1825. Auld Eobin Gray 30C BAENFIELD, EICHAED. Bern in Staffordshire, Eng., in 1574; died about 160G. Address to the Nightingale 51 BAETON, BEENAED. Bom ne.ir London, Jan. 31, 1784; died Feb. 19, 1849. Not ours the Vows 880 There be Those 705 BAXTER. EICHAED. Bom in Shropshire, Eng., Nov., 1615; died Dec. 8, 1691. Valediction 7S1 BAYLY. THOMAS HAYNES. Born in Bath, Eng., in 1797 ; died in 1839. Oh I Where do Fairies hide their Heads ? M2 BEATTIE, JAMES. Born in Kincardineshire, Scot, Oct. 20, 1735 ; died Aug. 18, 1803. The Hermit 713 BEAUMONT a>T) FLETCHEE. Were connected as writers in London from about 1605 to 1615. Francis Beaumont, b. in Leicestershire in 1580 ; d. March 9, 1616 ; John Fletcher, b, in Northamptonshire in 1576 ; d. in Lon. in 1625. Spring 15 To P.-U1 65 Foldinsthe Flocks 100 Hear, Ye Ladies 846 Beauty Clear and Fair 246 Speak, Love. . .' 246 Hence all you Vain Delights 6SI INDEX OF AUTHORS. BEDDOES, THOMAS LOTELL. Horn near Bristol, Eng., in 1S02; died in Germany in 1849. Love's Last Messages 821 Dirsc 512 Bridal Song and Dirge 513 BENKETT, HENET. iJorn in Cork, Ireliind, about 17S5. St. Patrick was a Gentleman 438 BENNETT, TTILLIAM C. Lives in London. Invocation to Eain in Summer 77 ToaCricket 107 Baby May 119 Baby's Shoes 164 BEEKELET, GEOEGE. liorn at kilcrin, Ireland, March 12, 1CS4; died, bishop of CI yne, Jan. 13, 1753. On the Prospect of Planting Arts and Learning in America 376 BETHUNE, JOHN. Uorn in Fil'esbire, Scotland, in 1812; died Sept. 1, 1839. Hymn of the Church-yard 728 BLACKBUEN, THOMAS. Author of " Hymns and Poems for the Sick and Suffering." Easter Hymn 752 BLAKE, WILLIAM. Born iu London, Nov. 2?, 1737 ; died Aug. 12, 1828. The Tiger 78 The Little Black Boy 159 Song 312 The Garden of Love 706 On Another's Sorrow '. 807 BLANCHAED, LA5IAN. Born at Great Yarmouth, England, May 15, 1803; died Feb. B, 1845. Mother's Hope 131 BOKEE, GEOEGE HENET. ilom in Philadelphia in 1823. Black Eegiment 882 BONAE, HORATIUS. Born in Scotland about 1810. Minister of the Free Church in Kelso. A Little While 787 All Well 792 BOUENE, VINCENT. An usher in Westminster School; bom about 1G95; died Dec. 2, 1747. The Fly 72 BOWLES, WILLIAM LISLE. Bom in Northamptonshire, Sept. 24, 1762; died April 7, 1850. The Greenwood 58 Come to these Scenes of Peace 58 On the Funeral of Charles the First 516 BOWEING, JOHN. Bom in Ei-etur, England, Oct. 27, 1792. Watchman's Ecport 759 BEAINARD, JOHN G. C. Bom at New London, Conn., Oct. 21, 179$; died Sept. 26, 1828. Epithalamium 880 BEEITHAUPT, JOACHIM JUSTUS. Bora in Hanover in 1658; died March 16, 1732. God's Greatness. (Jo?i,n Wesley'stranBlation.) 618 BEETON. NICHOLAS. Bom in England in 1555 ; died in 1624. Phillida and Corvdon 243 A Sweet Pastoral 671 Priest 771 Hymn 777 BRISTOL, LOED. (Geokge Digby.) Born in Madrid in 1612 ; died at Chelsea, March 20, 1670. Song 28 BEOOKS, MAEIA. Bom at Medford, Mass., about 1795 ; died In Cuba, Nov. 11, 1S45. Song 270 Page BEOWN, FEANCES. Born in Ireland, June 16, 1818 ; died in 1864. Losses C96 Oh I the Pleasant Days of Old 699 Is it Come ? 703 If that were True 703 BROWNE, WILLI A?,I. Born in Devonshire in 1590 ; died in 1045. Shall Itell? 246 Welcome, Welcome 256 BEOWNING, ELIZABETH BAEEETT. Born in London in 18U9 ; died in Florence, July 29, 1861. The Child and Watcher 122 Sonnets from the Portuguese 242 Bertha in the Lane '. 307 Mother and Poet 522 Cowper's Grave 645 The Sleep 719 BEOWNING, EOBEET. Bom near London in 1812. Pied Piper Of Hamelin 189 Misconceptions 287 One Way of Love 287 In a Year 292 Evel3Ti Hope 814 Give a Eouse 8M How they brought the Good News from Ghent to Ais 878 Incident of the French Camp 888 The Lost Leader 616 BETANT, WILLIAM CULLEN. Born in Cummlngton, Mass., Nov. 3, 1794. ToaWaterfowl 60 The Frinsed Gentian 92 Death of the Flowers 93 The Hunter of the Prairies 94 The Evening Wind 101 Burial of Love 822 Song of Marion's Men ST7 Oh! Mother of a Mighty Eace 879 The B.attle-fleld 8S0 The Hunter's Vision 491 • The Crowded Street 676 Waiting by the Gate 690 Thanatopsis 729 BUCHANAN, EOBEET. Bom in Scotland about 1835. Green Gnome 651 Legend of the Stepmother 5SS BUEBIDGE, THOMAS. Born in England; published "Poems, Longer and Shorter." London, 1S38. Mother's Love 133 If I desire with Pleasant Songs 2S2 BUELEIGH, GEOEGE S. Born at Plainfield, Conn., March 26, 1S2I. Mother Margery ■. 636 BUEN3, EOBERT. Born near Ayr, Scotland, Jan. 23, 1759 ; died July 21, 1796. To a Mountain Daisy 86 My heart's in the Highlands 95 Auld Lang Syne 192 Here's a Health to Ane 260 Ca' the Yowes to the Knowes 260 Farewell to Nancy 260 Of a' the airts the Wind can Blaw 261 Eed, RedEoso 261 Lass of Ballochmyle 261 Address to a Lady 262 Bonnie Leslie 263 Highland Mary 816 To Marvin Heaven 817 M V Wife's a Winsome Wee Thing ; 831 Blissful Day . . 834 John Anderson 834 Bannock-Burn 355 Kenmure's on and Awa' 866 Here's a Health to them that's Awa' 867 Tarn O'Shanter 421 Elegy on Captain Matthew Henderson 507 The Vision 647 Honest Povertv 70! The Cotter's Saturday Night 707 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Fags BUTLER, "WILLIAM ALLEN. Born in Albany, N. Y., in 1S05. UMand 154 BTED, WILLIAM. An English musical composer — lived about ICOO. Song 666 My minde to Me a Kingdom is 669 BTRON, LORD. Born in London, Jan. 52, ITSS; died April 19, 1S34. Stanzas to Augusta 1S3 To Thomas Moore 1S3 Maid of Athens, ere we Part 2.53 Girl of Cadiz 2.59 Stanzas for Music 260 Stanzas — Oh, talk not to me 2S6 The Dream 288 "When we two parted 291 Destruction of Sennacherib 8-W Song of the Greek Poet 3S-8 The Prisoner of Chillon 476 Oh, Snatched away ia Beauty's Bloom 509 She "Walks in Beauty 631 CALLISTRATUS. (Gkeek.) Lived in Greece about 500 b. c, Harmodius and Aristogeiton. {Lord Denman's translation.) 345 CAM0EX3, LTJI3 DE. (Poetugitsse.) Born ia Lisbon about 1524 j died in 1579. Canzonet, {LoixlStfangfot'd''3 translation.). 43 CAMPBELL, THOMAS. Bom in Glasgow, July 27, 1777; died at Boulogne, June 15, lS+4. To the Evening Star 102 SonsT 278 Lochiel's Warning 367 Hohenlindcn 3S.3 Te Mariners of England 3S4 •Battle of the Baltic 395 Lord Ullin's Daughter 4S1 The Soldier's Dream 604 Hallowed Ground 700 CANNING, GEORGE. Born in London, April 11, 1770 ; died at Chiswick, Aug. 3, 1827. Friend of Humanity, and the Knife-Grinder. . . 425 Song of one Eleven Tears in Prison 425 CARE"W, THOMAS. Bora in Devonshire, England, in 15S9 ; died ia 1639. The Airs of Spring 10 Disdain Returned ". 250 Song .... 252 CHALKHILL, JOHN. A friend of Izaak Walton ; lived in the 17th century. The Angler 20 OHATTERTON, THOMAS. Bom at Bristol, England, Nov. 20, 1752: killsd himself, Aue. 23, 1770. Minstrel's Song 314 The Ecsigaation SOS CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. Bom in London in 132S ; died Oct. 23, 1400. Flower and the Leaf : 3 The Cuckoo and the Nightingale 2.3 CLARE, JOHN. Bora iu Northamptonshire, England, July 13,1793; died in 1334. July 57 CLARK, GEORGE H. Li pes at Hartford, Conn. The Rail 439 CLAUDIUS, MATTHIAS. (GEKMA^^) Born near Lubeck, Germany, in 1743; died in 1315. Night Song. (C T. Brooks's translation.) 106 CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH. Born in Liverpool, Jan. 1, 1319; died in Florence, Xov. 13, 1351. Qua Gursum Ventus ] S2 No More 094 COLERIDGE, HARTLEY. ^"^ Bora near Bristol, Ent-., Sept. 19, 1796; died Jan. 19, 1849. Song— The Lark 13 November ys COLERIDGE. SAMUEL TAYLOR. Born in Devonshire, Eng., Oct 21, 1772; died July 25, 1834. The Nio;htingale 53 II vmn, before Sunrise 114 The Child in the Wilderness 124 Love 229 Colosne 423 Devil's Thoughts 423 Song — Hear SVeet Spirit 552 Rinic of the Ancient Mariner 575 Kubla Khan 5S4 Dejection : an Ode 6^ The Good Great Man 697 COLLINS, ANN. Lived in England about 3650. Winter being Over 670 COLLINS, WILLIAM. Born at Chichester, England, Dec. 25, 1720; died in 1756. Ode to Evening 102 Ode— How Sleep the Brave 372 Dirge in Cynibeline 512 The Passions 625 COLMAN, GEORGE, "The Younger." Born in London, Oct. 21, 1762; died Oct. 26, 1836. Sir Marmaduke 638 COOKE, PHILIP PENDLETON. Born at llartinsburg, Va., Oct. 26, 1S16; died Jan. 20, 1850. Florence Tane 314 CORBETT, RICHARD. Born in SuiToy, England, in 1582; died in 1635. The Fairies' Farewell 550 CORNWALL. BARRY. (B. W. Pkoctek.) Bom in Wiltshire, England, about 1798. Song of Wood Nvmphs 66 The''Blood Horse". 76 The Sea 81 The Stormv Pcti-el 81 The Sea— In Calm 84 The Hunter's Song , 95 A Song for the Seasons 113 Song— Love mo if I Live 266 Poet's Song to his Wife 3-34 Softly Woo away her Breath 491 The Mother's Last Song 499 Peace! What do Tears Avail ? 503 Bridal Dirge 514 Hermione 632 Poet's Thought 657 Petition to Time 692 King Death 722 Sit down, Sad Soul 723 Life 723 COTTON, CHARLES. Born in Derbvshire, England, in 1630 ; died in 1637. The Retirement 62 COTTON, NATHANIEL. Bora at St. Albans, England, in 1721 ; died in 1738. The Fireside 332 CO"WLEY, ABRAHAM. Born in London in 161S ; died July 2S, 1667. The Garden .•)9 The Chronicl e 273 COWPER, WILLIAM. Born in Hertfordshire, Eng., Nov. 15, 1731 ; died April 23, ISOO. The Cricket 107 Boadicea 346 Diverting History of John Gilpin 410 On the Loss of the Royal George 4S2 Verses, supposed to be written by Alex. Selkirk 599 On the Receipt of my Mother'sPictiire 607 Human Frailty_ 697 Joy and Peace in Believing 773 Future Peace and Glory of the Church 791 Lisht Shining out of Darkness SO? Wall-JDs with God 80! INDEX OF AUTHORS. €KANCn, CHRISTOPHER PEAESE. Horn in Alexandria, D. C, Miircli 8, IS13. Stanzas— Thought is Deeper 6T4 fRASHAW, RICHARD. Bom in Cambridgeshire, Eng., about 1300; died in I60O. SoDg— To thy Lover 251 Temperance, or the Cheap Physician 673 On a Prayer-Book Tt'-^ CRAWFORD, MRS. J. An Irish lady ; wrote for the " London New Monthly." We parted in Silence 292 CROLT, GEORGE. Born in Dublin in 1780; died in 1800. • Leonidas 346 Pericles and Aspasia 846 Dirge The White Island C0:> To keep a true Lent 763 Litany to the Holy Spirit 7f > HEYWOOD, THOI\IAS. Liv«d in England, under Queen Elizabeth and CharUs 1. Song— The Lark 21 Search after God 80(1 t HILL, THOMAS. Born in New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 7, 1318. The Bobolink • 22 HOFFMAN, CHARLES FENNO. Bom in New York in 1806. Sparkling and Bright 184 Monterey 8i^. INDEX OF AUTHORS. HOGG, JAMES. Born in Ettrick, Scotland, Jan. 25, 1772 ; died Nov. 21, 1S35. The Lark 19 The Moon was a "Waning 4S6 Kilmeny 53r HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL. Born at Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 29, 1809. The Steamboat GOO The Last Leaf 689 HOLTT, LUDWIG. (German.) Bom near Hanover, Germany, Dec. 21, 174S ; died Dec. 1, 1776. Winter Song. ((7. T. Brooks's translation.)... 112 GOOD, THOMAS. Born in London in 1798; died May 3, 1845. Flowers 48 Autumn 97 To a Child embracing his Mother 125 To my Daughter 135 - I r.oincmber, I Kemember 156 Fair lues 263 Euth 269 Serenade 270 Ballad — It was not in the Winter 272 Ballad— Sigh on, Sad Heart 257 Faithless Nelly Gray 429 -Faithless Sally Brown 430 Lady at Sea 431 —Dream of Eu£i;ene Aram 487 -Bridse of Sighs 493 -Sons^ of the Shirt 499 The''Death-bed 502 . The Water Lady ; 553 Song— A Lake and a Fairy Boat 554 Song — O Lady, Leave 632 HOWE, JULIA WARD. Born in New York about 1820. The Dead Christ 764 UOWITT, MART. Born in Uttoxeter, England, about 1800. Little Streams 81 Broom Flower. 40 Summer Woods 66 Cornfields 92 Little Children 135 Fairies of the Caldon Low 641 UOWITT, WILLIAM. Born in Derbyshire, England, in 1795. Departure of the Swallow 107 HUGO, VICTOR. (Febkch.) ■ Born in Besan;on, France, Feb. 26, 1802. TheDjinns. {O' Sullivan's translation.) 589 HUNT, LEIGH. Born in Middlesex, Eng., Oct. 19, 1784; died Aug. 28, 1859. Chorus of Flowers 44 Grasshopper and Cricket 70 To J. IL— Four Tears Old 126 To a Child during Sickness 1 27 Jaffar 180 The Nun 279 Jennv Kissed Me 286 Abou'Ben Adhem 599 Angel in the House 728 HUNTER, ANNE. Born in Scotland in 1742 ; died in 1821. Indian Death-song 375 HTSLOP, JAMES. Born in Scotland, July, 1798; died Dec. 4, 1827. Camcronian's Dream 362 INGRAM," JOHN KELLS. Born in Irolimd about 1S20 ; is a Fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin. The Memory of the Dead 390 JOHNSON, SAMUEL. Born in Lichfiwld, Eng., Sept. 18, 1709; died in London, Dec. 18, 1784. Vanity of Human Wishes 680 JONES, ERNEST. ^* A leading Chartist ; lives in England. Moonrise 104 JONES, SIR WILLIAM. Born in London, Sept. 28, 174G ; died April 27, 1794. Ode— What Constitutes a State 891 JONSON, BEN. Born in London, June 11, 1574; died Aug. IS, 1637. To Cynthia 104 Triumph of Charis 244 Discourse with Cupid. .• 245 Epitaph on Elizabeth L. H 515 Song 630 Ode— To Himself 640 KEATS. JOHN. Born in London in 1796 ; died Feb. 24, 1821. Nature and the Poets. 47 . Ode to a Nightingale 52 Hymn to Pan 64 On the Gr.asshopper and Cricket 69 To Autumn 96 Fancy 103 Eve of St. Agnes 220 Fairy Song 535 La Belle Dame sans Merci 535 Lines on the Mermaid Tavern 639 On first looking into Chapman's Hocer 654 Ode — Bards of Passion 656 Ode on a Grecian Urn 660 Robin Hood 093 KEBLE, JOHN. Born in Gloucestershire, Eng., April 25, 179V. died March 29, 1866. April 12 The Elder Scripture 740 St. Peter's Day 768 Is this a Time to Plant and Isaild \ 770 KEMBLE, FRANCES ANNE. Born in London about 1811. Absence 277 KENTON, JOHN. Died in London in 1857. Champagne Ros6 185 KET, FRANCIS SCOTT. Born about 1790; died in Baltimore, Jan. 11, 1843. Star-spangled Banner 878 KING, HENRT. Bishop of Chichester, England ; born in 1591 ; died In liJOs. Life 727 KINGSLET, CHARLES. Born in Devonshire, England, June 12, 1819. Song — 0, Mary, Go and Call the Cattle Home.. . 459 The Fishermen 475 LAMB, CHARLES. Born in London, Feb. 18, 1775; died Dec. 27, 1834. The Christening 120 The Gipsy's Malison 125 Childhood 155 Old Familiar Faces 182 Hypochonilriacus 427 Farewell to Tobacco 427 Hester 503 Lines on a Celelwated Picture 743 LAMB, MART. Born in Loudon in 1765 ; died May 20, 1847. Choosing a Name 120 LANDON. LiETITIA ELIZABETH. (Mrs. ISIaclean .) Born at Chelsea, Eng., in 1802; died in Africa, Oct. 16, 1833. The Shepherd Boy 137 Little Red Riding Hood 133 Niiiht at Sea 192 Awakening of Endymion 275 INDEX OF AUTHORS, Page LAJSDOB, WALTER SAVAGE. Born in Warwickshire, Eng., in 1775 ; died in Florence, Sept. 17, 1S64. The Brier 42 Children 130 Maid's Lament 2S6 Iphisenia and Agamemnon 472 To Macanlay . . .' 656 One Gray Hair C89 Memory 690 An Old'Poet to Sleep 720 LEONID AS, OF ALEXAFDRIA. (Gkeek.) Born in the yenr 59; died in 129. On the Picture of an Infant. (Rogers's trans- lation.) 125 LETDEN, JOHN. Bern at Denholm, Scotland, Sept. 8, 1775; died in Batavia, E. L, Au». 21, ISll. Sabbath Morning 17 LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON. Bom in Glasgow in 1792 ; died at Abbotsford, Nov. 25, 1854. Broadswords of Scotland 871 LOGAN, JOHN. Born in Scotland in 1748; cT.Al in Dec, 1783. To the Cnckoo 23 Soncr — Yarrow Stream 454 Heavenly Wisdom 712 LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWOETH. Bom in Portland, Me., Feb. 27, 1807. Flowers 45 Twilight 82 Seaweed 83 Woods in Winter 110 Afternoon in February 112 The Children's Hour 155 The Open Window 163 The Fire of Driftwood 181 Excelsior 392 Wreck of the Hesperus 4S3 Warden of the Cinque Ports 513 The Village Blacksmith 600 The Arsenal at Springfield 605 The Light of Stars 716 The Slave Singing at Midnight 719 Psalm of Life 722 King Robert of Sicily 724 The^'Footsteps of Ang> s 726 LOVELACE, RICHARD. Born in Kent, England, iu 1613; died in 1633. The Grasshopper 68 To Lueasta 249 To Althea, from Prison 250 To Lueasta 250 Orpheus to the Beasts 299 LOVER, SAMUEL. Born in Dublin in 1797 ; died in 18G6. The Ansel's Whisper 122 Rorv O'More 283 Molly Carew 284 Widow Machree 285 LOWELL, JAME3 RUSSELL. Born at Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 22, 1319. The Fountain 30 To the Dandelion 42 The Birch Tree 65 She Came and Went 163 My Love 271 Rhoecus 572 Hebe 630 LOWELL. MARIA WHITE. Bora at Watertown, Maes., July S, 1321 ; died Oct. 27, 1S33. Morning-Glory 1C3 LUTHER, MARTIN. (German.) Born at Eisleben, Saxony, Nov. 10, 1483; died Feb. IS, 1546. Martyrs' Hymn. {W J. Fox's translation.').. 775 A Safe Stronghold. (7! CarlyW a translation.) 799 Page LYLY, JOHN. Born in Kent, England, about 1554 ; died about ICCO Cupid and Campaspe 243 LYTTON, EDWARD ROBERT BULWER. Only son of Lord Lytton, bom in Herts, Eng., Nov. 3, ,1831. Changes 813 Aux Italiens 317 MAC AULA Y, LORD. Bora at Rotbley Temple, England, in 1300; died in London, Dec. 28, 1859. Horatius 337 Ivry 855 Naseby 35T McCarthy, dennis Florence. Born in Cork, Ireland, about 1810. Sammer Longings 15 Irish Melody 266 MACKAY, CHARLES. Born at Perth, Scotland, in 1312. What Might be Done 1.06 McMASTER, GUY HUMPHREY. Born at Bath, Steuben County, in 1829. Carmen Bellicosum 877 •MAGINN, WILLIAM. Born in Cork, Ireland, about 1793 ; died Aug. 20, 1342. St. Patrick, of Ireland, my Dear 434 The Irishman 435 MALLETT, DAVID. Born in Scotland about 1700; died April 21, 1765. A Funeral Hymn 50S MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER. Bora at Canterbury, Eng., Feb. 26, 1564; died June 16, 1593. • Milk-Maid's Song 251 MARVELL, ANDREW. Born at Kingston-upon-ilull, England, Nov. 15, 1620 ; died Aug. 16, 1678. A Drop of Dew 14 The Garden 53 The Lover to the Glow-worms 247 Horatian Ode 353 The Nymph Complaining 496 Emigrants in Bermudas 707 MENDOZA, LOPE DE. (Spanish.) Bom in Corrion de lo3 Condea, Spain, Aug. 19, 1393; died March 26, 1458. Scrrana. (•/. H. Wiffen^s translation.) 230 MERCER, MARGARET. Bf.rn at AunapoIiB, Md., in 1791 ; died at Belmont, Va., Sept. 19, 1847. Exhortation to Prayer 776 MEREDITH, GEORGE. Born in Hampshire, England, about 1823. Love in the Valley 233 MERRICK, JAMES. Born in England in 1720; died in 1769. Psalm XXIII 793 MESSINGEE, ROBERT HINCKLEY. Born in Boston about 1SU7. Give me the Old 134 MLLLEE, THOMAS. Born in Gainsborough, England, Aug. 31, 1809. To George M 132 The Grave of a Poetess 653 The Happy Valley 700 MILLER, WILLIAM. A native of Scotland, now living, Willie Winkie 120 MILLIKEN, RICHARD ALFRED. Born in the county of Cork, Ireland, in 1757 ; died in 1315, Groves of Blarney 485 INDEX or AUTHORS. Page MILMAN. HENEY II ART. Bora in London, Feb. 10, 1791. Brirlal Sonsr 324 Hymn — When o > , Divine Ejaculation StO RALEIGH, SIR WALTER. Born in Budley, Enp;., in 1552; beheaded Oct. 29, I61S. Milkmaid's Mother's Answer 254 RAMSAY. ALLAN. Born in Crawford, Scotland, in 1683 ; died in 1733. Lochaber no More 355 RANDOLPH, THOMAS. Bora in Badby, EngUnd, ia 1505 ; d'.td March 17, 1634. Song of Fairies. {LeigJi JTunVs translation.) 530 BEAD, THOMAS BUCHANAN. Born in Chester county, Penn., March 12 1322. Autumn's Sighing J7 The Windy Night '...'.'.'.*.'.'.'.!.'!.'.'.".' 109 ROBERTS, SARAH. Born in Portsmouth, X. H. ; lives in one of the ■\V*3tcrn btates. The Voice of the Grass 57 ROGERS, SAMUEL. Born near London, July 30 1753- died li London, Dec. 13, """a Wish S31 Tags RONSARD, PIERRE. (Frexch.) Born in Vendomois, France, in 1524; died ia 15S5. Return cf Spring. {Anonymous translation.) 10 ROSCOE, WILLIAM. Bom at Mount Pleasant, near Liverpool, 1753; died June 30, 1S31. On the Death of Bums 65t ROSCOE, WILLIAM STANLEY. Soru in England iu 1732 ; died October, 1843. Dirge 512 RYAN, RICHARD. A native of Scotland ; lived ia the last century. Oh, Saw ye the Lass 263 S ALIS, JOH ANN G AUDENZ VON. (Gekman.) Born in Grisons, Snitzsrland, in 1762. Song of the Silent Land. (Longfelloic^s trans- lation.) 500 SANDYS, GEORGE. Born in Bishopsthorpe, Eng., 1577 ; died in Kent, March, 1643. Psalm LXVI. 600 Psalm XCII 801 Psalm CXLVUI 803 SAPPHO. (Greek.) Born iu Lesbos in the sixth century before Christ. Blest as the Immortal Gods. {A. PMllips's translation.) 257 SCHILLER, FREDERIC. (German.) Born in Marbach, Germany, Nov. 10, 1759 j died May 9, 1805. Indian Death-Song. {Froiliingkam's trans- lation.) 375 SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Born in Edinburgh, Aug. 15, 1771 ; died Sept. 21, 1832, -Jock cf Hazcldean 233 Lochinv.ar 284 Song— The Heath this Nisht 259 Song— A Weary Lot is Thine 294 Bonnets of Bonnie Dundee 803 Border Ballad 869 Pibroch of Donuil Dhu 869 Coronach 509 '• Proud Maisie is in the Wood " 638 Hymn of the Hebrew Maid 767 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Born in Stratford-oa-Avon, England, about April 23, 1564 ; died April 23, 1616. Morning 18 Song — The Greenwood Tree 53 Blow, blow thou Winter Wind lie Sonnets 175 Sonnets 239 Come away, Death 253 Cnabbed Age and Youth 279 Dirge of Imogen 510 Song of the Fairy 535 Ariel's Songs 552 Influence of Music 625 Who is Sylvia? 6* SHAKESPEARE and JOHN FLETCHER. Take, oh take those Lips Away 247 SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. Born in Field Place, England, Aug. 4, 1792 ; died July ?, 1822. To the Skj lark IS Arethusa 29 The Qusstion 83 The Cloud 77 Ode to the West Wind SO Autumn— A Dirge 96 To Nisht 104 Dirge for the Year 113 Lines to an Indian Air 257 Love's Philosophy 2.53 To 258 Lament 521 Lament 521 To a Lady with a Guitar 627 To Constantia Singing 62S An Exhortation 660 Song — Rarely, rarely comest Thou 672 Hymn to Intellectual Beauty , 673 Mutability 694 INDEX OF AUTnORS, SHENSTONE, "WILLIAM. Bom in Hales-Owen, England, ia 1714; died Feb. 11, 1763. The Schoolmistress 144 SniELET, JAMES. Born in London, about 1594; died Oct. 29, 1GG5. Tictorious Men of Earth 60.^ Death's final Conquest 717 SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP. Born in Penshurst, England, Nov. 29, 1554 ; died Oct. 7, 1586. Sonnets 240 SIMMONS, B. Author 01" *• Legends, Lyrics, .^nd other Poems," Edinb'h, 1843. Stanzas to the Memory of Thomas Hood 519 SIM0NIDE9. (Geeek.) Bom in Julis, island of Cos, B. c. 654; died B. c. 469. Danae. {W. Peter'' s translation.) 152 SKELTOM, JOHN. Bom in Cumberland, England, toward the latter part of the 15th century ; died June 21, 1529. To Mrs. Margaret Hnssey 681 SMITH, CHAELOTTE. Born in Sussex, England, in 1749 ; died in 1806. The Nightingale's Departure 5 SMITH. HORACE. Born in London, Dec. 31, 1779 ; died July 12, 1839. Hymn to the Flowers 46 On the Death of George the Third 517 Addi-ess to the Mummy at Belzoni's Exhibition. 597 SMITH, SYDNEY. Born in Essex, England, June 3, 1771 ; died iu London, Feb. 22, 1845. Receipt for Salad 426 SMITS, DIRK. (Dtjtch.) Bom in Rotterdam, June 20, 1702; died April 25, 1752. On the Death of an Infant. (ZT. S. Van DyJc's translation.) 161 EOUTHEY, CAROLINE BOWLES. Born in England, Dec. 6, 1786; died July 20, 1854. Autumn Flowers 98 The Pauper's Death-bed 500 The Last Journey 501 SOUTHEY, ROBERT. Born in Bristol, England, Aug. 12, 1774 ; died March 21, 1843. The Holly Tree 110 The Inehcape Rock 4S'2 Battle of Blenheim 604 "• My Days among the Dead " T23 SOUTHEY, E. and C. Greenwood Shrift 721 SPENCER, ROBERT WILLIAM, Born in England in 1770 ; died 1834., • To 1S3 SPENSER, EDMUND. Bom in London in 1553; died Jan. 16, 1599. Sonnet 823 Epithalamion 824 STANLEY, THOMAS. Born at Cumberlow Green, Eug., in 1625 ; died April 12, 1678. The Tomb 258 The Exequies 254 STEELING, JOHN. Born at Kaines Castle, Scotland, July 20, 1306; died Sept. IS, 1844. Tile SpioeTree 72 The Husbandman 93 To a Child 130 Eo>e and the Gauntlet 804 The Two Oceans .')98 Shakespeare 639 6TERNH0LD, THOMAS. Born in Hampshire, England ; died Aug., 1549. PsalmXYIIL Part First 7»6 STILL, JOHN. ^ Bom in Grantham, England, in 1543; died in 1607. Good Ale 401 STODDARD, LAVINIA. Bom in Guilford, Conn., June 29, 1787; died ij 1820. Sours Defiance.. 4 ( STODDARD, RICHARD HENRY. Born in Hingham, Mass., July, 1825. The Sea 480 The Two Brides 634 There are Gains for all our Losses 693 STODDART, THOMAS T. Author of "Songs and Poems," Edinbuigh, 1839. The Angler's Trysting Tree 20 STCRY, WILLIAM W. Bom in Salem, Mass., Feb. 19, 1S19. The Violet 43 STRODE, WILLIAM. Born in England in 1600; died in 1644. Music 625 r SUCKLING, SIR JOHN. ' Bom in Whitton, England, in 1609 ; died May 7, 1641. Song— Why so Pale 280 SURREY, LORD. Born in England about 1516 ; died Jan. 2' 1547. Description of Spring 10 The Means to Attain Happy Life , 661 SURVILLE. CLOTILDE DE. (Feench.) Bom in Vallon-sur-Ardcche, France, about 1405 ; died in 1495. The Child Asleep. {Longfellow's translatior..) 123 SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. Author of '*Atalanta in Calydon " (London, 1865), and other poems. " When the Hounds of Spring " 11 SYLVESTER, JOSHUA. Bora in England in 1663 ; died in 1618. Contented Mind f-C5 TANNAHILL, ROBERT. Born in Paisley, Scotland, June 3, 1774; died May 17, 1810. The Midges Dance aboon the Burn 79 TATE AND BRADY. Nahum Tate, bora in Dublin in 1652; died Aug. 12, 1715; Brady, bora in Bandon, Ireland, Oct. 28, 1659 ; died May 20, 1726. Psato G 801 TAYLOR, BAYARD. Born in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, Jan, 11, 1825, The Arab to the Palm 73 Storm Song %1 The Phantom ."14 Hylas .Mj9 TAYLOR, HENRY. Born in England, about 1805» Remembrance of the Hon. Edward Ernest Villiers r.Od Song — Down lay in a Nook Obo TAYLOR, JEREMY. Bom in Cambridge, England, in 1613; died Aug, 13, 1667. Of Heaven V.n TENNYSON, ALFRED. Born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1810. Spring 11 Song of the Brook 32 Bugle Song loO' Evening loi Song— The Owl lOi; Second Song, to the same 10 (5 Lullaby.. lig. Widow and Child 172i The Reconciliation 172: From " In Memoriam " ITSJ Dav Dream 227J Lady Clare t-it The Letters 231; ItfDEX OF AUTHORS. Page Come into the Garden, Maud 268 Millers DaiUghter 271 Ask me no More 290 Mariana in the South 293 Lockslcv Hall 295 Oh, that it -irere Possible 300 My Love has Talked 880 Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava 3S4 The May Queen 492 Dirge 510 Break, Break, Break 525 Days that are no More 525 Lady of Shallott 554 Contemplate all this Work 702 The Strife 71S Christmas 7G5 Oh yet we Trust 776 Mary 777 I'EREY, ROSE. Bora in Hartford, Conn., where she now lives. Trailing Arbutus 36 Reve du Midi 64 Then 810 Fishing Song 524 TERSTEEGEN, GERHARD. (Geeman.) Corn iu Westphiilia, in 1697 ; wns a ribbon-we.iver. Divine Love. (J. Wesley's translation^ Hymn of Praise. {J. Wesley's tramlation.) . THACKERAY, -WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. Born in Calcutta in 1811 ; died in London, Dec. 24, 1863. Ballad of Bouillabaisse The Mahogany Tree At the Church Gate "White Squall Battle of Limerick Molony 'i Lamen*. Mr. Molony's Account of the Ball . . .•. Age of Wisdom Eud of the Play 779 794 ISO 194 270 431 436 437 43S 6SS 691 , 1S29. TEUELOW. LORD. Bora June 10, 17S1 j died Ju Song to May 15 Sonnet — The Crimson Moon 105 Sonnet — To a Bird that Haunted Lake Laaken. ]12 Sonnet — Immortal Beauty 680 Sonnet — The Nightingale"is Mute C55 Sonnet — Who Best can Paint 657 TOPLADT, AUGUSTITS MONTAGUE. Born in Farnbam, England, in 1740 ; died Aug. 11, 1773. Prayer, Living and Dying 75S TRENCH, RICHARD CHENEVIX. Bora iu EngUnd, Sept. 9, 1807. Ilarmosan 595 UHLAND, JOHANN LUDWIG. (Gekmax.) Bora iu Tubingen, Germany, April 26, 17S7 ; died there, Nov. 13,1862. The Passage. {Anonymous translation.) ISO The Castle by the Sea. (Longfelloio's trans- lation.) 522 The Lost Church. {Sarah II. Whitman's translation ) 70€ VAUGHAN, HENRY. Bora in Newton, England, in 1621 ; died in 1695. The Eee 70 lliiles and Les.'^ohs 7.37 The Feast 756 They are all Gone 786 Peace 791 VEKY, JONES. Born iu Salem, ^Inss., about 1S12. Nature 83 Tho Latter Rain 97 The World 704 Spirit Land 740 VINCENTE, GIL. (Portugitese.) Bon. in Portugal, about 14S2 ; died about 1537. The Nightingale, (e/! B v' iVi'i fiSJ. " She was a Phantom of Delight b.34 65S 675 675 The Fountain "'^ Ode to Duty •.- •■:••• *'-'° Ode— Intimations of. ImmortaUty Laborer's Noonday Hymn 63 77 106 187 AKONYTSIOUS. The Useful Plough. (18«/t Century, English.) . Eain on theEoof. (IWh Century, American). The Owl. i^-lth Century.) . Little Boy Blue. (19//t Century, English.). . . Children in the Wood. (Itth Century, Eng- 7qoJl\ '■'^^ Lady Ann Both well's Lament, illth Century, ^ ^^ Scotch.) ^■■■;r V, ^en To a Child, {mh Century, English.). .. .... 160 My Playmates, (mh Century, English)... . . 162 When sh.all we Three meet Agam. (lbi!7i. Cen- turv, English.) •,-• A '," ' A" ' '-." " How Stands the Glass Around. (I81A Century, ^^^ Sif Cauline.' ' {Uth Century ySnglishS .•■••••• If^ Nut-Brown Maid. {\Wi Century, English.).. 2'-4 Young Beichan and Susie Pye. {iWi Cmtury, English.) 'rA"V-'i\ f>M\ Lord Level. (16ny- mous translation.) • ■ •;•;•-• Zm Annie Laurie. {ISih Century, Scotch.). -b2 Summer Days. {Wh CenturjA^'t^%^il-Cen- Ohl tell me Love, the dearest Hour, {mh Cen- ^^^ DecSnoss of Love. {Wh Century, Eng- ^^^ Comhi'g 'Ttoough the * Eye." ' " '(l&th 'Ceiuiir^, ^^^ Lo^Tunrequited.' ' (i9i7;C'e«i«ry,'A«}Kca«.) 2S6 wTy, Waly, but Love be Bonny, {loth Cen- ^^^ tury, Scotch.) t;'*;"V; ^-ri Winifreda. {ISth Century, English.) ....... o.d BulT-flght of Gazul. {Spanish, Lockharts ^^^ chr^cS-^a5;^'<^«i«^;-^^^^«^-)--^;; ^^^ Prince Eugene. (18^7. Century, German, John Hughes's <''a^'*^«?^-).----*VV7jr VfeViiwrv "' Whoa Banners are Waving, {riih ceniury, ^^^ Hw'^s toiheEins,' Sirr(isiA'(7en